Resume Webinar LPJK Nasional (MRT Jakarta, MRT Operation To Be The World Class Operator)

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Nama : Valentina Ayuwandy

NIM : 051001600116

Tugas : Resume Webinar LPJK Nasional

Teknologi Konstruksi

MRT Jakarta : MRT Operation To Be The World Class Operator

Pembicara : Muhammad Effendi

 Why MRT Jakarta Is Undenuable Needed?

- 32 % Capital share the usage of public transportation in Jabodetabek
- 4 hours/day time spent by Jabodetabek residents for Commutin
- 43% of emissions come from the transportation sector, estimated at 25,000 tones /
- IDR 100 Trillion in 1 year estimated Financial losses due to congestion
 3 Mandates of PT MRT JAKARTA – According to Regional Regulation No 3 Year 2008
1. INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT - Station, Depot, Railway, & Rail of MRT
2. TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (TOD) - Business/property at stations
and the surrounding area
3. OPERATION & MAINTAINANCE - Station, Depot, Railway, & Rail of MRT
 MRTJ’s Journey
 MRT Jakarta As Sustainable Transportation
 MRT Jakarta As new Culture Among Jakarta People
 World Wide Collaboration
 Collaboration With World Class Institution Pra-Operation
 Discovering Mutual Benefit Through Collaboration During Operation
 Expanding Network Through Various Event
- India (20-22 November 2019)
- South Korea (11-15 Juni 2019)
- Online Seminar Event (25 Juni 2020)
 Security System & technology in MRT Jakarta
- Security Command Center to monitor and control security issues in MRT Jakarta
- Intercomm on the train (left) and Emergency Pushed Bottom in station (right) to
prevent safety & security issues of passenger.
- WTMD in every station to assure the security standard complied
 QR Code & MRT Jakarta Apps
 Integrated Public Services
 Total & Average Daily Passenger in 2020
Total Passenger 01 January – 25 August 2020 8.084.162 Passengers with Daily Average
33.967 Passengers/day
 Protocol ‘BANGKIT’
- Personal Hygiene
- Facility Hygiene
- Body Temperature Check
- Mandatory Wearing Facemask
- Limitation passengers on the train
 Implementing Innovation During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Thermal Scanner
- Contactless Lift
- Isolation Room
- Stepping Sign
 Achievement MRT in 2019
- Risk maturity 100% (3.55 of 2.9)
- Good Corpotate Governance 100% (87.33 of 87)
- Customer Satisfaction 100% (82.78 of 75)
- World Class Operator
- Expanding Operation & Maintenance + Project Management Business In Indonesia
- Becoming Shadow Operation In Indonesia

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