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Form 35R


Directions for questions 1-25. You will hear questions on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

1) The east door should be used only in case of an emergency.

When should we use the east door?

a. when there is no danger

b. when the building is on fire
c. when there is a high ranking visitor
d. when the weather is cold

2) Ed wanted cash for his car.

What did he want?

a. battery
b. money
c. oil
d. polish

3) Did you intend to do that?

a. Yes, it was an accident.

b. Yes, I found out about it later.
c. Yes, it was a surprise.
d. Yes, I planned it.

4) The passenger told the driver to cut down on his speed.

What should the driver do?

a. He should increase his speed.

b. He should continue at the same speed.
c. He should decrease his speed.
d. He should stop.
5) When Helen missed the 10:40 bus, did it make her sad?

c. Yes, it made her un happy.

6) Are the women sitting down? /

d. Yes. They are in their chairs.

7) Paul spent a great deal of time in the country.

How much time did he spend there?

a. a few
b. none
c. a little
d. a lot

8) Clayton got a letter from his family last week.

Should he answer it?

a. Yes, he ought to.

b. Yes, he can.
c. Yes, he might.
d. Yes, he did.

9) Did you observe your friend yesterday?

a. Were you involved?

b. Did you wash him?
c. Did you assist him?
d. Did you watch him?

10) He was given an order to report to the office.

What was he given?

a. an argument
b. a command
c. a farm
d. a report

11) If Captain Murphy wants to know if the design is new, what does she want to
know about?

a. the color
b. the engine
c. the uniform
d. the plan
12) This food should be cooked with moderate heat.

a. The heat should be very hot.

b. The heat should be medium.
c. The heat should be very low.
d. The heat should be turned off.

13) The man was working under the car.

Where was he?

a. beside it
b. inside of it
c. beneath it
d. on top of it

14) What does a rod look like?

a. a stick
b. a ball
c. a hole
d. a box

15) When is afternoon?

a. between midnight and six A.M.

b. between six A.M. and noon
c. between noon and six P.M.
d. between six P.M. and midnight

16) Can you judge how wide the room is?

a. Can you measure the width?

b. Can you count the width?
c. Can you see the width?
d. Can you estimate the width?

17) The tubing was hidden in back of the ice box.

Where was the tubing hidden?

a. on top of the ice box

b. in front of the ice box
c. behind the ice box
d. to the left of the ice box
18) Joe goes to bed at midnight almost every night, but last night he went to bed
at eight o'clock. What time does he usually go to bed?

a. at midnight
b. at 8 o’clock
c. at 12 noon
d. every night

19) Bob is an excellent football player and wants to take part in other sports.
What does he want to do?

a. instruct in sports
b. watch football
c. participate in sports
d. present a football

20) I told Henry to call me back.

What should he do?

a. return my visit
b. return my phone call
c. defend himself
d. make me come back

21) The instructor said, "I can hardly hear you."

What did he mean?

a. You are speaking too loudly.

b. You are not speaking.
c. You should speak more politely.
d. You are not speaking loudly enough.

22) Doris found my hat yesterday.

Whose hat is it?

a. yesterday
b. Doris'
c. hat
d. mine

23) Claude had trouble in class today.

What happened?

a. He had some difficulties.

b. He had several lessons.
c. He had an easy day.
d. He had a new teacher.

24) Mary said, "Be careful that wire is not insulated."

What did she mean?

a. The wire is not good.

b. The wire is not protected.
c. The wire is not carrying electricity.
d. The wire is not visible.

25) The students described a typical high school day in their country.
What kind of day did the students describe?

a. an unusual one
b. the first one
c. an ordinary one
d. the last one

Directions for questions 26-50. You will now hear statements on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

26) Mrs. Anderson provided all the food for the party.

a. She ate the food.

b. She protected the food.
c. She threw away the food.
d. She furnished the food.

27) The commander inspected the troops before the parade.

a. He gave them a briefing.

b. He organized their vehicles.
c. He looked at their uniforms.
d. He watched them march.

28) John needs another blanket.

a. He is angry.
b. He is cold.
c. He is hungry.
d. He is blind.
29) The electric power failed last night.

a. It came on.
b. It grew stronger.
c. It went off.
d. It grew weaker.

30) A burning cigarette could be a danger to a forest.

a. It might be a health hazard.

b. It could frighten the animals.
c. It probably smells bad.
d. It can set fire to the forest.

31) If it doesn’t clear up we won't be able to go.

a. The weather is bad.

b. The work is too hard.
c. The road is rough.
d. The picture is all right.

32) Major Murray removed to the book.

a. He took it away.
b. He bought it.
c. He took off its cover.
d. He read it.

33) The solution was obvious everyone knew the answer.

a. The solution was unknown.

b. The solution was apparent.
c. The solution was dangerous.
d. The solution was essential.

34) The field must be leveled.

a. It must be flat.
b. It must be long.
c. It must be square.
d. It must be large.

35) We encountered the enemy yesterday.

a. We confused the enemy.
b. We met the enemy.
c. We defeated the enemy.
d. We avoided the enemy.

36) General Boswell’s car will lead the parade.

a. It will be protected from the crowd.

b. It will be the first car in the parade.
c. It will be the tenth car.
d. It will wait for the parade to pass.

37) The safe job didn't belong to him.

a. It didn't fit.
b. He didn't own it.
c. It was too heavy.
d. He didn't like it.

38) I didn’t notice the plane's arrival.

a. I didn't see the passengers.

b. I didn't like the noise it made.
c. I didn’t see the plane come in.
d. I didn't know the arrival time.

39) We will leave in the morning.

a. We will eat then.

b. We will rest then.
c. We will go then.
d. We will call then.

40) The laws on driving safety are becoming stricter.

a. They're becoming longer.

b. They're becoming more interesting.
c. They're becoming more rigid.
d. They're becoming important.

41 ) The soldiers rescued the trapped officer.

a. They saved him.

b. They surrounded him.
c. They located him.
d. They buried him.
42) The room needed many things.

a. It required many things.

b. It contained many things.
c. It regulated many things.
d. It excluded many things.

43) They kept their people in mind.

a. They neglected their people.

b. They liked their people.
c. They forgot their people.
d. They remembered their people.

44) Ben said, "Let me cut in for a moment if you don't mind."

a. He wants to leave.
b. He wants to interrupt.
c. He wants to continue listening.
d. He wants to rest for a moment.

45) You can use this substance if you want, but don’t forget it is highly

a. It is good for insulation.

b. It burns easily.
c. It is easy to loose.
d. It is very expensive.

46) Corporal Hill has great respect for his officers.

a. He dislikes them very much.

b. He makes them angry.
c. He has great trouble working with them.
d. He has a high regard for them.

47) The driver is relaxed behind the wheel.

a. He is at ease.
b. He is frightened.
c. He is tense.
d. He is careful.

48) Susan made a mistake.

a. She hit the target.

b. She made a perfect score.
c. She made an error.
d. She was correct.

49) Her car received minor damage.

a. The damage wasn’t necessary.

b. There was only a little damage.
c. No damage was detected.
d. There was major damage.

50) Henry had sufficient time to study.

a. He had enough time.

b. He had no time.
c. He had extra time.
d. He had limited time.

Directions for questions 51-60. You will now hear dialogs on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

51) A: Can you send a taxi to building 100?

B: Right away, ma'am.
C: What did the man mean?

a. He could not send a taxi.

b. He will send one immediately.
c. He did not understand the address.
d. He didn’t know when to send it.

52) A: You can't reach those pieces with your fingers.

How are you going to get them out?
B: I'll have to use a magnet.
C: What is the man trying to get out?

a. pieces of wood
b. pieces of paper
c. pieces of metal
d. pieces of glass

53) A: The club had a meeting last night.

B: I know I was present.
C: What did the man say?

a. He was the speaker.

b. He attended the meeting.
c. He enjoyed the meeting.
d. He received a present at the meeting.
54) A: Charles is having trouble answering this question.
B: He doesn't even understand it.
C: What does the woman mean?

a. Charles hasn’t heard it correctly.

b. Charles has been standing in the wrong place.
c. Charles means everything he says.
d. Charles doesn't know what it means.

55) A: Your car needs gas, oil, and water.

B: Just put in gas, please.
C: What did the woman tell the man to do?

a. put gas in, but nothing else

b. put gas in first
c. put in oil and water, but no gas
d. tell her what was needed

56) A: How will Bill be traveling?

B: Well, he will use a plane and a jeep, but primarily he will go by boat.
C: How long will Bill travel by boat?

a. not at all
b. some of the time
c. very little of the time
d. most of the time

57) A: Who is going to speak to us at the meeting this afternoon?

B: The principal speaker will be Colonel Evans.
C: What answer did the man give?

a. Colonel Evans will be the main speaker.

b. Colonel Evans will introduce the speaker.
c. Colonel Evans will not give a speech.
d. Colonel Evans will ignore the speaker.

58) A: Where's your house Steve?

B: It’s close to the river.
C: Where is his house?

a. across the river

b. down the river
c. far from the river
d. near the river

59) A: How many rooms do you need ma'am?

B: A single large room will do, thank you.
C: How many rooms did the woman ask for?

a. a few
b. one
c. none
d. two

60) A: What should I do now?

B: Proceed with the work.
C: What did the woman tell the man to do?

a. continue to work
b. do the work over again
c. stop working
d. do the work better



Directions for questions 61-100. Choose the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and
mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET.

61) In order for a person to be physically fit, self-discipline must be _______.

a. emphasizing
b. emphasize
c. to emphasize
d. emphasized

62) Let me get the check _______ the waitress.

a. and
b. by
c. from
d. with

63) These experiments will be conducted in the laboratory _______ there

are more facilities.

a. where
b. so that
c. what
d. however
64) On a bus, the passengers sit _______ each other.

a. next
b. beside
c. from
d. across

65) Blood is _______ through miles of veins and arteries by the heart.

a. to pump
b. pumping
c. pumped
d. by pump

66) We tried to ignore the _______ dog.

a. bark
b. barking
c. barked
d. to bark

67) Most Americans _______ five days a week.

a. work
b. works
c. worked
d. working

68) There _______ only one way to solve these problems.

a. be
b. are
c. is
d. am

69) Larry skipped the fourth question.

a. wrote
b. omitted
c. answered
d. asked

70) Horace _______ a coffee table for his mother.

a. is making
b. is made
c. has making
d. to make

71) If he _______ to fall into the lake, he would get wet.

a. was
b. is
c. were
d. are

72) A federal law becomes effective as soon as the President signs it.

a. locked
b. delayed
c. operative
d. remunerative

73) The ice around the ship was _______ solid.

a. freeze
b. freezing
c. froze
d. frozen

74) Use the calendar and figure out the best time for our vacation.

a. examine
b. determine
c. pick
d. assemble

75) Mr. Davis is looking for a permanent job.

a. lasting
b. temporary
c. well paid
d. exciting

76) Alice is deaf. She is unable to _______.

a. see
b. understand
c. hear
d. taste

77) Some people judge the quality of food by _______ it.

a. smell
b. smelled
c. to smell
d. smelling

78) Dogs react to kindness by showing affection.

a. resolve
b. resort
c. respond
d. restrain

79) Maybe she will come to see us.

a. Perhaps
b. Surely
c. Soon
d. Tomorrow

80) Virginia and I will remain in Canada all summer.

a. go
b. leave
c. fly
d. stay

81) The grocer said it was necessary _______ the price of coffee.

a. to increase
b. increase
c. increasing
d. increased

82) His mother maintains that Jack is innocent.

a. pretends
b. denies
c. insists
d. thinks

83) Which house plan will you select?

a. develop
b. suggest
c. reject
d. choose
84) Shine your shoes.

a. polish
b. tie
c. remove
d. fix

85) The woman held open the door and asked the man _______ the packages
into the house.

a. carry
b. to carry
c. carries
d. carried

86) Barbara is climbing the mountain.

a. coming down
b. talking about
c. looking at
d. going up

87) Sue is _______ girl here.

a. somewhat pretty
b. far prettier
c. the prettiest
d. a most pretty

88) The sun radiates heat and light.

a. gives off
b. absorbs
c. stores up
d. contains

89) Have you ever his home?

a. saw
b. seen
c. did see
d. seeing

90) Our guest speaker said, "In addition, I'd like to thank you."

a. before I begin
b. after
c. also
d. tomorrow

91) We suddenly _______ that it was time to return.

a. were realize
b. realized
c. were being realized
d. were realized

92) The men will cooperate with the police.

a. help
b. ignore
c. neglect
d. confuse

93) Sam went to bed early _______ he could leave the next day.

a. in order to
b. in spite of
c. because that
d. so that

94) The courthouse is located in the middle of the town square.

a. in the corner
b. on the side
c. in the center
d. at the back

95) If I had enough money I _______ a camera.

a. can have bought

b. would buy
c. will buy
d. had bought

96) The instructor was informed of the violation by the students.

a. The students told the instructor.

b. The instructor told the violation.
c. The violation was told by the instructor.
d. The instructor told the students.

97) A wound in the lungs makes it difficult to _______.

a. feel
b. see
c. hear
d. breathe

98) Select the correct sentence:

a. Fighting off they were a superior force.

b. They were a superior force fighting off.
c. A superior force fighting off they were.
d. They were fighting off a superior force.

99) Select the correct sentence:

a. Doug drove his car to the park.

b. Doug to the park drove his car.
c. To the park his car drove Doug.
d. His car to the park Doug drove.

100) He keeps busy from morning sick call until it's time to hit the sack.
Then he's most likely to be wakened to stop a midnight headache or
to give medicine to a man with an upset stomach. According to this
paragraph _______.

a. he’s probably a gunnery sergeant

b. he's probably in communications
c. he's probably a combat casualty
d. he's probably a medical corpsman


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