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2020 - 2021
Semester 1


Before we precede our lesson, first of all we have to know the names of our classmates.
Activity 1: Fill in the form below!
1. Full name : …………….[ nama lengkap ]
2. Nick name: …………….[ nama panggilan ]
3. Place and Date of Birth : ………….[tempat dan tanggal lahir]
4. Address: ………….. [ alamat ] Home Address : ……… E- mail address: ……….
5. Last education [ Graduated from ]: ………….. [ tamatan dari …… ]
6. Religion : ………. [ agama ]
7. Nationality : ………. [ kewarga negaraan ]
8. Hobby : ……… [ hobi ]
9. Ambition: ………… [ cita – cita ] Activity 2: Answer the following questions!
1. What is your name?
2. What is your nick name? or How do the people call you?
3. Where were you born? When were you born?
4. Where do you live?
What is your e- mail address?
5. Where did you graduate from?
6. What is your religion?
7. What is your nationality?
8. What is your hobby?
9. What is your ambition? Or What do you want to be?

Activity 3: This is the example of telling yourself. You have to follow this example, and
tell about yourself.[ ceritakan diri anda sesuai contoh berikut ]
“ My name is Maimunah. The people call me Mumun. I was born in Cisauk- Tangsel.
I was born on 2nd May 2001. I live in Cisauk. Tangsel. My e mail address is
mumun I graduated from SMK [Vocational High School] 1. Serpong
Nurse department. My religion is Islam or I am a Moslem. I am Indonesian. My hobby is
cooking. My ambition is I want to be a Head of Hospital.”

semester 1


There are two kinds of number. They are Cardinal number and Ordinal number.

Activity 1: Cardinal number [ one – two- three- four- five – six – seven – eight – nine – ten,
etc ]

Ciri belasan [teen] example fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,

nineteen, kecuali 11 [eleven], 12 [ twelve], 13 [thirteen].
Ciri puluhan [ty] example fourty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, kecuali
20 [ twenty ], 30 [ thirty ].
Ciri ratusan [hundred ] one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, five hundred,
Ciri ribuan [ thousand] ; one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, etc
Ciri jutaan [million]; one million, two million, three million, four million, etc Activity
2: Read the following numbers!
1]305 2]. 816 3].79 4]. 237 5]. 2 155 6]. 3 872 7]. 3 515 990 Activity
3: Do the simple arithmetic below! plus [+], minus [-], times [x], divided by [: ], is [=]
Example: How much is 24 : 4?
Answer: Twenty four divided by four is six.
Now you; How much is 134 – 27?. How much is 21 x 11?. How much is 12 + 11?
How much is 200 : 25? How much is 25 x 25? How much is 145 + 174?

Ordinal Number: First [ pertama ], second [ kedua ], third [ketiga ], fourth [keempat],
Fifth [ kelima ], sixth [keenam], seventh [ ketuju ], etc

Penulisan angka diambil dua huruf terakhir example; 1st , 2nd, 3rd, untuk angka 4
sampai 20 berakhir dengan “th” example; 4 th, 5th, 6th ----- 20th, dan ke 21 kembali
pakai 21st, 22nd.
23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, ------ 30th, dan ke 31 kembali pakai 31st, 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th, etc.
Penggunaan Ordinal Number:
1. Untuk membaca tanggal ; example 1st October, 11th May, 15th March, 3rd April, etc
2. Untuk membaca seri ; Wednesday is the 3rd day. I am the 2nd child. I am in the 1st
semester now.
Activity 1: Do the these exercises.
1. I was born on ……… 3. R.A. Kartini was born on ………
2. I am the ……… child in my family. 4. Tuesday is the ……. day of the week.

Semester 1

Vocabulary [pembendaraan kata]
Activity 1: Translate [terjemahkan] kata-kata berikut into English!
Parts of Human Body [bagian bagian tubuh]
Kepala dan Leher = Head and neck
1. Rambut = ……. 8. Bibir = …… 2.
Dahi = ……. 9. Pelipis = …….. 3.
Telinga = …….. 10. Jakun = ……..
4. Hidung = …… 11. Kumis = ……..
5. Mulut = …….. 12. Jambang = …….
6. Pipi = ……. 13. Lesung pipi = ……..
7. Dagu =………… 14. Tahi lalat = ………

Badan = body
1. Bahu = …… 6. Pinggang =…….. 2. Dada
= ……. 7. Pinggul = ………
3. Payu dara = ……. 8. Pusar = ……..
4. Perut = ……. 9. Putting = …….
5. Perut bawah = …… 10. Punggung = …….

Tangan = hands
1. lengan atas = …… 7. Ibu jari = …..
2. lengan bawah = …… 8. Telunjuk = …..
3. siku = …… 9. Jari tengah = ……
4. pergelangan tangan = …….. 10. Jari manis = ……..
5. sendi – sendi = ……. 11. Kelingking = …….
6. telapak tangan = ….. 12. Kuku = ………
Kaki = leg
1. Paha = ……. 4. Betis = …… 7. Jari kaki = ……
2. Lutut = …… 5. Pergelangan kaki = ….. 8. Bagian kaki untuk nendang= ….
3. Betis = ….. 6. Telapak kaki = …….. 9. Tumit = ……..

Semester 1

Activity 2: Translate into Bahasa Indonesia.

Bagian dalam tubuh.
1. Brain = ……..
2. Heart = ……..
3. Lung = …….
4. Liver = …….
5. Kidney = ……
6. Intestines = ……
7. Vein = …… 8. Artery = …….
9. Muscle = ……

Peralatan Rumah sakit

1. Stretcher = ……. 11. Chart = …..
2. Wheelchair = …… 12. Bandage = ……
3. Walker = ……… 13.eye patch = …… 4. Sling = …….
14. Adhesive tape = …….
5. Crutch = ……. 15. Cast = …….
6. Cane = ……. Akibat kecelakaan
7. I.V [intravenous] = …… 16. Fracture = …….
8. E.K.G / Electrocardiograph = ….. 17. Scratch = …….
9. Oxygen = …… 18. Stitch = …….
10. Mask = …….. 19. Cut = ……
20. broken = ………

Semester 1

Activity 1: Read the text
If there is an Accident
If there is an accident, call the emergency number in your city. If you don’t
know the number , dial “O” for Operator. The operator will help you. Don’t
move the patient. If the patient is bleeding, use pressure on the wound until
help arrives. Keep him / her warm and calm. Wait with him / her until the
ambulance comes.
If you study First Aid, you will know what to do in any emergency. The Red
Gives classes in First Aid. It is a good idea to be prepared for an emergency.
People say “ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”
Activity 2: Tell if the statements are True or False [ Benar / Salah ]
1. It is a good idea to be ready for emergency. [ ….]
2. Move the patient to the more comfortable position [ …. ]
3. Apply ice cube to the wound [ …. ]
4. If there is an accident call the emergency number in your city [ ….]
5. The Red Cross opens classes for First Aid [ …. ]
6. A pound of prevention is worth an ounce for cure [ ….]


A = the man who got an accident. B = the man who helps C = Operator D= Paramedics
Activity 3: Read the Dialog A:
Help. I can not get up.
B: I will call an ambulance.
Operator I am calling about an accident
C: Where are you?
B: I am on Sudirman street in front of Ratu Plaza,
C: We will send an ambulance now.
B: She was hit by a car.
D: Give me your name, address and phone
number. A: Diana, Pamulang Village, 0812 778 120
D: The doctor will see you now.
Activity 4: Answer the following questions
1. What is the dialog about? 3. Where did it happen?
2. Who gets an accident? 4. Does she get a serious hurt?
Semester 1


There are two ways to make instructions. The first one is to give command, order [Perintah]
and the second one is to make prohibitions [ Larangan ]
A] Command or Order: You ask someone to do something.
1. Start with Verbs: Go out!, Come here!, Take me home!, Sit down!
2. Start with Be: Be careful!, Be patient!, Be on time!, Be a good boy!, Be honest!, etc

B. Prohibitions [ use “Don’t” ] You ask someone not to do something.

1. Start with Verbs: Don’t stand there!, Don’t let him go!, Don’t walk on the grass!, etc
2. Start with Be: Don’t be crazy!, Don’t be stupid!, Don’t be rude!, Don’t be silent!, etc

Activity 1: Please make Command or Order [5 sentences] and 5 sentences for Prohibition

Here are some topics where we can apply instructions and prohibitions
1. How to take money in the ATM
2. How to take Blood pressure of the patient.
3. How to fix I.V [intravenous] to the patient.
4. How to make bed.
5. How to cook spinach soup.
6. How to make a cup of coffee with milk.

Let’s take one example, the topic “How to make a cup of coffee with milk”
Process: 1. Prepare a cup, sugar, coffee, milk and hot water.
2. Put a spoon of coffee and two spoons of sugar into the cup.
3. Pour hot water into the cup and stir it.
4. Add some milk and stir it again.
5. The coffee is ready to serve.
6. Don’t serve the coffee cold.

Activity 2: Please work in pairs! Choose one of the topics above to be discussed with
your partner. Other alternatives you can make your own topic.

Activity 3: Please present your topic in front of the class.

Semester 1


Activity 1: Read the text

If you are sick

When you don’t feel well, call a doctor. Tell him what is wrong. Tell him how you
feel. The doctor will diagnose the problems. He will give you a prescription [ resep]
for medicine. Take the prescription to the drug store [ Parmasi]. If you have any
questions, ask the doctor.
If you don’t feel better in a day or two, call the doctor again. If you feel very sick
And can’t find a doctor; go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

Activity 2: Answer the following questions!

1. What should you do when you don’t feel well?
2. What should you tell the doctor?
3. What will the doctor do?
4. Where do you get a prescription?
5. Where do you take a prescription?
6. What do you do if you can’t find a doctor?

Activity 3: These are general questions, please give your ideas!

1. Do you think a check- up is a good idea? Why?
2. Who pays medical expenses in your country?
3. Do prefer a male or female doctor? Why?
4. Do you prefer an old or young doctor? Why?
5. Do you do what the doctor tells you?
6. Do you have medical insurance?

Activity 4: Please retell in your own words what the reading text is about!
[Tolong diceritrakan kembali dg kalimat sendiri at least 5 sentences ]
Semester 1

We are going to talk about cause and effect [ sebab dan akibat ]
1] I am hungry because I didn’t eat my breakfast. Or because I missed my
2] I drink coffee because I feel sleepy. Or because I want to study until midnight.
[ jawaban boleh bermacam- macam alasan]

Activity 1: Complete the following sentences with reasons.

1. I come late to the class because ………….
2. I get flue because ……..
3. I don’t like durian because ………
4. Many tourists like to stay in Bali because ……..
5. I want to speak English well because ………….
6. My mother is proud of me because ……….
7. I like to study in STIKes W D H because …………
8. My friend, Lolita is sad because ……….
9. I like Tukul Show because ………..,
10. Yogya is popular because …………

Activity 2: Make 7 sentences containing of reasoning.

NB: [ Kalimat harus lengkap; Subject + Predicate + ……..]

Kisi – Kisi UTS

After the seventh meeting, we are going to review all the lessons above.
[ Setelah pertemuan ketuju, kita akan melihat kembali semua pelajaran diatas]
Semester 1

Semester 2


“What do you say?” in this context means you must be able to response certain stimulus in
a certain situation.
Look at the example:
1. You meet your old friend, Rita. what do you say?
Answer: Hi…Rita , long time no see, How are you?
2. You come late to the class. What do you say?
Answer: I am sorry I come late because I got a flat tire.[ban bocor]
3. You borrow a pen from Dini. What do you say?
Answer: Excuse me Dini, Can I borrow your pen?

Activity 1: Please answer the statement below ending with “What do you say?”
[ look at the examples above = lihat contoh diatas ]
1. You ask Febby to have lunch together with you.
2. You offer Novi a cup of tea.
3. You forget to have an appointment with Ruly at the Mall at 5 p.m
4. You visit Raka in hospital, he is sick.
5. You call Dea to accompany you to see Didi Kempot concert.
6. Someone is knocking at your door, she wants to meet your mother.
7. Your friends are having lunch in the Mall and you pass by.
8. You see a car accident exactly in front of you.
9. Maman asks you to hang out on weekend, but you reject it.
10. You ask Nila to help you to pack your package.
11. You tap [menepuk] the wrong person. You thought she was Riana.
12. You apologize for stepping on someone’s toes.
13. Your friend Fredly gets a promotion as a Branch Manager in Meraoke, Papua.
14. Your friend, Jimmy is hospitalized. You ask his room to the Hospital Receptionist.
15. You give a short speech to your friends who come to your Birthday party.

Activity 2: Please make 5 statement and complete with the answer.

[ buat 5 kalimat sendiri lengkap dengan jawabannya]

Semester 2


Activity 1: Read the text

Process of external respiration (breathing) consists of two stages, namely inspiration,
inhaling (breathing in) air in order to extract the oxygen from the air, and expiration,
exhaling (breathing out) in order to expel carbon dioxide.
Oxygen is required by the body to release energy at cell level so that the individual can
participate in activities. The release of such energy through metabolism produces carbon
dioxide as a waste product that must be expelled from the body.
The presence of carbon dioxide in the blood plays a key role in maintaining respiratory
function and in maintaining homeostasis by regularly the pH of blood (acid – base balance)
A pH value between 7.35 and 7.45 is essential for normal body function.
1. Respiration / breathing = pernafasan
2. Inspiration / inhaling = menarik nafas
3. Expiration /exhaling = mengeluarkan nafas
4. To extract = menyaring
5. In order to = agar supaya
6. To expel = mengeluarkan
7. Key role = peranan penting
8. Maintain = merawat / menjaga
9. Homeostasis =
10. Regularly = dengan teratur
11. Essential = penting
Activity 2: Answer these Questions:
1. Mention two stages of breathing!
2. What is inhaling?
3. What is exhaling?
4. What is the function of oxygen?
5. What is carbon dioxide?
Activity 3: Make a summary in Bahasa Indonesia, 5 sentences about the text.
[ Buat 5 kalimat inti dalam Bahasa Indonesia bacaan diatas]
Semester 2


[Dokter ahli dan Keahliannya]
Activity 1: Terjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia Dokter ahli berikut!
1. Fertility Specialist = …….. 5. Occupational Therapist = …..
2. Pediatrician = ……. 6. Opthalmologist = ………. 3. Oncologist
= ……. 7. Neurologist = ………
4. Gynecologist = ……. 8. Podiatrist = ……….

Activity 2: Match the Specialist and the Specialty! Example: 1. F

1 Fertility specialist A. Specialist for babies and children
2 Pediatrician B. Specializes in eye diseases
3 Oncologist C. Specilizes in in work place
4 Gynecologist D. Brain specialist
5 Occupational Therapist E. Foot specialist
6 Ophthalmologist F. Help people who have difficulty getting pregnant
7 Neurologist G. Tumor specialist, including cancer
8 Podiatrist H. Specialist in woman’s need

Activity 3: To which specialist do you go?

1. You have got married for 10 years but you don’t have a child yet.
2. You play football and you get sprained leg.
3. You get plumb on your hand.
4. You can not see clearly when you read.
5. You get serious hurt on your fingers as a factory worker.
6. One doctor judges that you have tumor on your brain.
7. Your menstruation is irregular.
8. Your father gets stroke for month already.

Semester 2


Activity 1: Terjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia Medical supplies yang ada di kolom Medical
Supplies berikut.
A. Test tube = …… E. Privacy screen = ……..
B. Oxygen mask = ….. F. Thermometer = ……..
C. Stethoscope = …….. G. Intravenous = ……..
D. Antiseptic = ……… H. Microscope = ………

Activity 2: Match the Medical supplies with the cases!

Example: Cases: You want to cut bandage.
Medical supplies: Bandage scissors

No Cases Medical Supplies

1 I want to see small things look bigger. A. Test tube
2 It is used to as a container of blood sample and keeps it in B. Oxygen mask
a storage area.
3 It is fitted over nose and mouth to help breathing. C. Stethoscope
4 Doctor wants to examine the patient separates D. Antiseptic
from other patients.
5 Liquid used to clean the surface of the skin E. Privacy screen
6 Doctor wants to check the patient’s temperature. F. Thermometer
7 Doctor wants to listen to the patient’s heart and lungs. G. Intravenous
8 The pouch that contains liquids to be pumped into the H. Microscope
patient’s body.

Semester 2

Activity 1: Read the text
Mood swings after the birth of a baby are not uncommon. While the baby blues are the least
severe form of postpartum depression, it is important not to ignore the changes that are
happening in your baby. Many women feel confused about struggling with sadness after
joyous event of adding a new baby to the family. But talking about these emotions, changes,
and challenges is one of the best ways to cope with the baby blues.

How often do the women experience the baby blues?

Approximately 70 -80% of all new mothers experience some negative feelings or mood swings
after the birth of their children.
When do the baby blues occur?
Often the symptoms of baby blues will hit forcefully within four to five days after the birth of
the baby, although depending on how the birth of the baby went, they can be noticeable
What are the symptoms of baby blues?
1. Weepiness or crying for no apparent reason.
2. Impatience
3. Irritability
4. Restlessness
5. Anxiety
6. Insomnia [even when the baby is sleeping]
7. Sadness
8. Mood changes
9. Poor concentration
What causes the baby blues?
The exact cause of the baby blues is unknown at this time. It is thought to be related to the
hormone changes that occur during pregnancy and again after a baby is born. These
hormonal changes may produce chemical changes in the brain that result in depression. Also
the amount of adjustment that comes after the birth of a baby, along with sleep
disturbance, disruption of routine, and emotions from the childbirth experience itself can all
contribute to how a new mom feels.
Activity 2: Make a summary [ringkasan] in Bahasa Indonesia the points only [5 ]

Semester 2

Actvity 1: Read the text

Stunting is the impaired [lemah/ kurang] growth and development that children experience
from poor nutrition, repeated infection and inadequate [tidak cukup] psychosocial stimulation.
Children are defined [dianggap]as stunted[cebol] if their height for age is more than two
standard deviation below the WHO Child Growth Standard medium.
Stunting is early life – particularly in the first 1000 days from conception [kehamilan] until
the age of two – impaired growth has adverse [tidak cocok] functional consequences
[akibat] on the child.
Some of those consequences include poor cognition [daya pikir] and educational performance,
low adult wages, lost [kehilangan] productivity and when accompanied by [diikuti dengan]
excessive weight gain later in childhood, an increased risk of nutrition – related chronic
disease in adult life.
Stunted growth refers to the failure to reach one’s full potential growth. But it is not just
about height.

What are the causes?

The most direct causes are inadequate [tidak seimbang] nutrition, and recurrent
[kambuh]infection of chronic diseases which cause poor nutrient intake [masukan], absorption
[serapan] or utilization[manfaat]. Then there is a lack [kurang] of care and stimulation for

Stunting is largely irreversible [tidak dapat diubah]: a child can not recover [memulihkan]
height in the same way that they can regain [mendapatkan kembali] weight. Stunted
children fall sick more often, miss opportunities to learn, perform less well in school and
grow up to be economically disadvantaged and more likely to suffer from chronic diseases.

How to overcome [mengatasi]: There are many sectors acting jointly can reduce stunting in
Like community programs; clean water, diversified foods, poverty [kemiskinan] education
support for families in need, education on how to feed [memberi makan] young children and
protect them from infection, and accessible [terjangkau] health services.

Activity 2: Make a summary [ringkasan] in Bahasa Indonesia [ 5 kalimat ]

Semester 2

GIVING ADVICE AND SUGGESTIONS [Memberi Nasehat dan Saran] [ 15 ]

There are some ways to give advice and suggestions, and commonly the expressions used are;
Activity 1: Read and comprehend these expressions [ Pahami ekspresi ini terlebih dahulu ]
1. You should ………. [ Kamu sebaiknya …………]
2. Why don’t you ……… [ Mengapa kamu ………. Saja ]
3. If I were you I would ………. [ Kalau saya jadi kamu saya akan ……. ]
4. I advise you to ……… [ Saya nasehati kamu untuk ………. ]
5. I suggest you to ………. [ Saya sarankan kamu untuk ……..]

You can choose any of them to give an advice or suggestions [ Pilih yang mana saja
boleh ]
1. I am sleepy. Why don’t you drink coffee. Or I suggest you to sleep.
2. I am overweight. I advise you to follow diet program. Or
You should have exercise like jogging, swimming, etc.

Activity 2: Now give advice or suggestion to the cases below!

1. My mother is seriously sick.
2. I don’t have cash money.
3. I want to gain my weight [ ingin nambah berat badan ] 4. I get stomachache [ sakit
perut ]
5. I can’t sleep all night long.
6. My boyfriend / girlfriend dumps [mutusin]me.
7. My campus is far away from my house.
8. The Air Conditioner in my room is broken [ rusak ]
9. My teacher speaks very fast.
10. My driving license [ S.I.M] is overdue [ kedalu warsa ]

Activity 3: Now you make your own cases and complete with the advice or suggestion
5 sentences. [ Buat kasus sendiri dan beri nasehat atau saran – 5 kalimat]

Semester 2

Review all materials from meeting 1 to meeting 14.

[ Mereview semua pelajaran dari pertemuan 1 – 14 ]


[Semester I dan II - 2020 – 2021]

Perte Topik Kompetensi Kegiatan Metode Refrensi

1 Introduction Mahasiswa *Mengisi I D Form Ceramah
dapat *Tanya jawab Diskusi Dosen
menyebutkan *Menceritrakan I D Presentasi
identitas diri mereka.
2 Numbers Mahasiswa *Mempelajari angka
dapat Cardinal [1,2,3,4,etc] Ceramah
nenyebutkan *Mempelajari angka Diskusi Dosen
angka dari Ordinal [ 1st , 2nd , 3rd Presentasi
satu sampai etc]
jutaan dalam
*Membedakan angka
B. Inggris
dengan angka
Ordinal *Latihan
3 Vocabulary Menambah *Bagian-bagian tubuh *S O S
Pembendahar dalam maupun luar. Ceramah [Speaking Of
aan kata kata *Penyakit Diskusi Survival. By
*Peralatan Rumah Presntasi Daniel. B.
Sakit Freeman]
Facts &
Function. By
4 Reading: Menambah *Memahami isi
If there is an wawasan Bacaan Ceramah SOS
accident and melalui Bacaan *Menjawab Diskusi By: Daniel B.
Dialog dan Pertanyaan Presentasi Freeman
Dialog *Menceritrakan isi
Bacaan dg lisan
5 Instructions Dapat *Membuat kalimat
membuat Perintah Ceramah Mastering
Perintah dan *Membuat kalimat Diskusi American
Larangan Larangan Presentasi English By:
*Menerapkan kalimat Grant Taylor
Perintah dalam topik
6 Reading: Memahami isi *Memahami isi
If you sick. bacaan Bacaan Ceramah SOS
*Menjawab Diskusi By: Daniel B.
Pertanyaan Presentasi Freeman

*Meringkas isi bacaan

7 Reasonings Mahasiswa *Membuat kalimat

dapat yang mengandung Ceramah Dosen
membuat alas sebab akibat. Diskusi
an dalam B. Presentasi
8 -
UTS - - -

9 What do you Mahasiswa *Membaca contoh –

say? dapat contoh kalimat. Ceramah Dosen
membuat *Mengerjakan latihan Diskusi
kalimat respon * Membuat kalimat Presentasi
pada stimulus dengan kasus
dari konteks tertentu.
tertentu. *Tanya jawab
10 Reading: Mahasiswa *Membaca teks
Breathing dapat *Menjawab Internet
System menambah pertanyaan. Ceramah
wawasan dan *Menceritrakan Diskusi
dapat ilmu kembali isi bacaan Presentasi
tertentu dari baik dg lisan maupun
bacaan. tertulis
11 Specialist and Mahasiswa *Membaca list istilah
Speciality menghafal dokter specialist. *
istilah istilah Membuat kasus Ceramah SOS
dokter spesialis tentang penyakit Diskusi By: Daniel B.
dan dan ke dokter mana Presentasi Freeman
kesepesialisan perginya.
12 Medical Mahasiswa *Membaca list nama-
Supplies mengerti nama nama alat. Internet
nama *Menjawab Ceramah
peralatan pertanyaan Diskusi
rumah sakit penggunaan alat- Presentasi
dalam B. alat itu
13 Reading: Mahasiswa *Membaca teks
Baby Blues dapat dan memahami isi Ceramah Internet
pengayaan ilmu bacaan. Diskusi
dari bacaan. *Meringkas isi bacaan Presentasi
dalam B. Indonesia

14 Reading: Mahasiswa *Membaca isi teks Ceramah Internet

Stunting dapat *Menjawab Diskusi
penambahan pertanyaan dari Presentasi
ilmu dari isi bacaan.
bacaan *Meringkas isi bacaan
dalam Bhs.
15 Giving Advice Mahasiswa *Mempelajari
and dapat ekspresi yang Dosen
Suggestion membuat saran digunakan dalam Ceramah
dan nasehat pemberian saran Diskusi
dalam dan nasehat. Presentasi
16 UAS - - - -


PERIOD / SEMESTER : 2020 -2021 / I

Ns VERI S. Kep, M.Kep


A.Tujuan Materi
Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan adalah suatu pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dimana mahasiswa
keperawatan belajar untukmengembangkan bagaimana berkomunikasi menggunakan
Bahasa Inggris dalam konteks keperawatan. Mahasiswa akan belajar kosa kata dan
terminology yang berhubungan dengan keperawatan dan realisasi dalam komunikasi.
Mahasiswa juga akan mempelajari keterampilan interpersonal dan transaksional dalam
berkomunikasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

Tujuan pembelajaran adalah pada akhir pembelajaran mahasiswa mampu berkomunikasi
dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan bermacam macam tujuan baik secara tertulis maupun

Pada akhir pembelajaran mahasiswa mampu melakukan, melaporkan dan mencatat
prosedur keperawatan sederhana dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

Kompetensi khusus
1. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan terminology yang berhubungan dengan
2. dan menggunakannya dalam berkomunikasi.
3. Mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan komunikasi interpersonal dan terapi dalam
konteks keperawatan.
4. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan tujuan dari berbagai macam prosedur
keperawatan dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.
5. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan uraian termasuk efek samping dari bermacam
macam prosedur keperawatan dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. 6.
Mahasiswa dapat embuat proposal pendidikan / promosi kesehatan.

D. Referensi [Suggested Readings]

1. Prawira Ingerani Sujana 1991. Understanding Speaking Nursing English
Language Manual for Health Care Personnel.
2. David Austin and Tim Cosfield, 1997. English for Nurses, England Longman
3. Rahmat Hidayat and Sinta Silaswati , 2002. Active English for Nurses .
Penerbit buku Kedokteran ECG.
4. Bradley Robin A. English for Nursing and Health Care. Milano: The MC Graw –
Mahasiswa diperbolehkan mengembangkan referensi mereka dari artikel Ilmiah dalam
jurnal yang belum diakreditasi, referensi juga dapat dipergunakan dalam bentuk hard atau
soft copy dari Internet.

E. Assessment / Evaluation
Secara individu
1. Membaca dan memahami topic yang telah diajarkan
2. Mengembangkan topick yang telah dibahas.
3. Praktek berbicara dan menulis dalam konteks keperawatan menggunakan Bahasa
4. Membuat proposal untuk pendidikan / promosi kesehatan.
5. Aktif dalam teamworkdalam membuat proposal untuk Role Play dalam prosedur

Grup / Kelompok
1. Membuat proposal untuk Role Play
2. Melakukan Role Play dalam prosedur keperawatan

F. Kriteria Penilaian
Penilaian akan diambil dari semua kriteria yaitu Pengetahuan, Ketrampilan, tugas dan
sikap. Ujian tertulis akan dilakukan dua kali yaitu Ujian Tengah Semester dan Ujian Akhir
Semester. Persyaratan ujian adalah minimal kehadiran 80 %
Role Play Paper : 10%
Role Play Presentasi : 10%
Papers : 10%
UTS : 30 %
UAS : 40%
A 79 - 100 4
B 68 – 78 3
C 60 – 67 2
D 41 – 55 1 E 0 – 40 0


Drs. I Made Wijana (20065)

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