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 Why did you choose the topic? What interests you about it?

Learning in the RLE setting usually involves student nurses being precepted by a Clinical
Instructor. But a different method is currently being utilized in the West Visayas State
University- College of Nursing: peer mentoring. This method involves an initial instruction of
Clinical Instructors to specific RLE Groups on specific areas, and the initial RLE Groups provide
the peer-mentoring to the upcoming RLE on that same area, and so on. There is a total of 10
areas for the return demonstration on the Division of Nursing Fundamentals Second Semester,
and 10 RLE groups are specifically assigned into each area for the initial instruction. 

This system utilizes the student force to promote learning and can also facilitate alternate
roles as tutor and tutee. As a supportive learning model, it also enhances the teaching
capabilities of the Student Nurses and serves as a rerun on the area. For the mentee, confidence
can be more likely to be exhibited when the cooperative learning is utilized, wherein as
compared to a more intimidating setting with clinical instructors- therefore enabling the mentees
to clear-up any clarifications or questions regarding the topic more comfortably. This also
promote a cooperative relationship, which can be of functional value for future similar set-ups.

The proponents would like to study this teaching approach to further document the employed
strategies and initialize a development of the method, how the benefits affect the quality of the
performances of student nurses, and what are the barriers of this method.

 What are the major questions/issues for this topic?

o While numerous researches have been focused about Peer-mentoring and its
efficiency as a method of learning in foreign countries, limited Philippine-based
local studies have focused on Peer-mentoring learning as a method for Nursing
o No current methods can measure the effectivity of the Peer-mentoring on Student
Nurses’ Performance
o Due to the Clinical Activities performed in the 2nd year and time gap since
Fundamental of Nursing RLE, perceived performance may be biased towards
more efficiency.
o How do Student Nurses see the method? Was it effective for them?

 Who are the information providers on this topic?

The 3rd year student nurses of West Visayas State University would be the information providers
in the study. 

 Will the answer to the research question help advance knowledge?

Yes, the research question would help advance knowledge by paving the way to the discovery of
the perceived benefits and barriers of peer mentoring among student nurses. This could further
analyze if the benefits outweigh the barriers or vice versa. The barriers could serve as a basis for
improvement wherein certain actions can be applied to counter them and could also serve as a
recommendation for further studies.
As local studies on peer-mentoring in nursing education are currently limited, the proposed study
will also provide a substantial preliminary evaluation of the methodology and effectiveness in
local settings.
At the end of the research, the results would show how peer mentoring would affect a student’s
learning and how they perceive it. This could also help to know the effectiveness of peer
mentoring to the learning experience of the student nurse. The recommendations could help in
the emergence of further several studies. 

 Can answers to the research questions help in improving practices/

The proposed study entitled “Perceived Benefits and Barriers of Peer Mentoring in Fundamental
Skills Development Among Student Nurses'' could help the incoming student nurses develop
extrapersonal skills among their peers. This could help them improve their relationship with their
fellow student nurses and their teaching skills which would be useful in the coming years. This
would not just benefit the student but also the clinical instructors- they could develop a new
approach of teaching skill that would be effective for every student.
As Fundamentals of Nursing builds the groundwork for a student nurse in skills-development,
evaluating the effectiveness of this method promotes the progress that would enable the student
nurse to adopt the basics efficiently to prepare for more complex practices in the later years as a
student nurse or as a practitioner in the field. This study would also assess the modern-approach
to nursing education, as currently applied in the local setting.
The desired outcome for this research is to have an understanding of benefits and possible
barriers of peer mentoring. By this, it could help the institution to further improve the practices
and approach on improving the skills of every student nurse.

Counsellor. Counselor.

Role modelling.
Role modeling.

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