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Individual Education Plan for : XXXX

Updated: Next review date:Term 3

Ed Id: XXXX Important Information
Risk Management, Behaviour Support Plan, Medical Action Plant, Key teaching
Date of birth: XXXX

-In the case of extreme physical outburst: evacuate students and call RTC staff/senior
staff for support. Keep students out of area until senior staff determine the area is safe to
Year: Preparatory re-enter.
-Ensure you have his attention before speaking: use his name and try to gain some eye
-Remain calm, use slow body movements, do not touch, use a soft tone of voice and
lower to his level for communication.
Recent assessments and/or involvement with other agencies
School: Smithton Primary School Psychology, Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, CAMHS …

Teacher(s) Miss Hannah Kilpatrick

School XXXX - Principal XXXX (AP)
Support Staff XXX (Aide) XXXX (Aide)
Personnel Carer- XXXX
Key School Name: Hannah Kilpatrick
Person Contact details:

Strengths and Interests Key Outcomes:

1. Social management: work collaboratively
XXXX is interested in lego, outdoor playing, Transformers and sensory activities. 2. Self management: express emotions appropriately
3. Self management: Develop self discipline and set goals

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Preferred home/school contact

signature phone, email…

Department of Education
XXXX (CSS) Click here to enter text.

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Current Support Needs Adjustments
Instructional, Environmental and Curriculum
Communication (preferred method) expressive/receptive
Triggered by loud, aggressive, yelling or ‘angry’ talking. Maintain quiet and calm communication.

Maintain calm tone, gentle body movements and lower to his level to talk.
Personal (food, toileting, medication, safety)
When heightened, will kick, flip, rip, throw, bash, knock etc anything in reach. This Maintain calm environment to reduce these reactions.
may include classroom furniture, toys or people.

Physical (fine/gross motor, specialised equipment, environmental adjustments,

Does not like to grip pencils for writing, colouring or brushes for painting. Use of a pencil grip and larger pencils.

Reacts to physical touch, movements that may look like physical interaction or Maintain ‘hands off’ policy in classroom and around the school.
movements that may lead to violence. (eg/ students reaching out to hold hands, If need to be close or touch, verbally initiate or ask first.
students touching his body in games, high fives etc)

Unsettled by changes in environment, routines or people. Introduce changes slowly. Keep interruptions, visitors, staff walking through to a
minimum. Verbalise changes to the day, pre warn and continue to remind.

Social and Emotional (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, social

Prefers to be alone or with one adult. Will move himself if children sit at his table or Allowing him space to move and access to adult support.
around him.

Depending on his presentation his name can be a trigger, hearing it specifically. Avoid verbalising his name on these days.

‘No’ can also be a trigger. Use phrases like ‘not yet’ ‘after we finish…’ etc
‘No’ only used in non negotiable situations.

Sensory (noise, lighting texture …)

Verbalises a sensitivity to noise occasionally. The option to wear headphones when he wishes.
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Current Support Needs Adjustments
Instructional, Environmental and Curriculum
Transition (recess/lunch, class/class, between activities, arrival/departure,
year, school)
Resistant to leave career/family dropping him at school. Drop off/ change over with aide made at 8:50, for minimal congestion and crowds,
outside the side door near front office. Farewell made at the door to minimise
Becomes overwhelmed by large groups of people. Dislikes packing up or finishing a emotions, time and heightened behaviour.
preferred activity.
8:30-9:00, if unsupervised becomes heightened, excited, hands-on play, rough and Use of a timer. Verbal time reminders. Visual schedule. ‘this then that’ schedule.
loud. (changes depending on the day and his presentation).
Continual adult supervision whilst on campus. Aide to meet him at 8:50, second
aide to cover staff break and on-call staff available for additional support if required.
Recess play time and the end of recess (students running to line up, music, bell) Aide to maintain contact with XXXX until guardian collection.
trigger violent and heightened behaviour. Recess is supervised with an adult, he is brought in earlier to avoid the bell/line
Alternate recess times to avoid large crowds or children when heightened.
Time warnings before packing up/ coming inside.
Taking a peer outside to play and model appropriate behaviour, including coming
inside when asked.
Unable to settle and be safe around small or large groups of students.
XXXX is starting the day in the Tier 3 ‘Green Room’ with an adult. If this
progresses well one or two peers will join for an activity. If this goes well he will
visit the classroom for 10 minutes for a small group activity.
After recess he will return to the Green Room and complete the cycle again.
(attached page 8)
Subject Based Adjustments not included in Key Outcomes
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Method of Assessment and Reporting:

IEP SMART goals.

ICT Software/hardware and /or Mobility equipment currently provided (include information regarding location)
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Access to the Curriculum
This section provides access points to the curriculum (skills/interests, general capabilities or individual goals)
Key Outcome 1: ACARA learning continuum of personal and social capabilities: Social management: work collaboratively
What we currently see SMART Goals Strategies and Adjustments
(Link to Australian Curriculum) Specific to particular subject
XXXX currently avoids all contact with peers, walking By the end of term 3 week 4, XXXX will share one Provide small calm working groups.
away from children, refusal to be in the classroom, a experience per day of cooperation in play or peer Engaging 1:1 games of interest to him.
desire not to be at school and running away from the activity. Daily opportunities to play 1:1 with a chosen peer.
classroom. Reduced daily school hours 8:50-12:30pm to avoid the
afternoons, known times for heightened behaviour.
Reduced enrolment, Mon-Wed, to support his
supportive transition to school.
‘Making Space for Learning 2017’ document to
continually trial new ideas.
Daily schedule.
Individual task board.
Daily program attached, page 8.
Evidence of Learning/Notes and Observations
Observation, work samples, IEP goals, photos…
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Method of assessment and reporting

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Date and Comments

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Access to the Curriculum
This section provides access points to the curriculum (skills/interests, general capabilities or individual goals)
Key Outcome 2: ACARA learning continuum of personal and social capabilities: Self management: express emotions appropriately
What we currently see SMART Goals Strategies and Adjustments
(Link to Australian Curriculum) Specific to particular subject
XXXX becomes overwhelmed with emotion at least By the end of term 3, week 4 XXXX will be supported Explicit teaching of emotions.
three times in the day. This results in crying, violence, by adults to calm down and ‘recover’ from an Explicit emotion ‘coaching’ 1:1 with aide or teacher.
destroying things in anger and self shaming talk. emotional meltdown once a week. He will show this by Emotion posters, cards to identify with and books.
This is currently resulting in suspension or being sent being able to calm down within the school day/before 1:1 discussion around emotions.
home early most days. collection time. Continual modelling of appropriate emotions and
Reduced enrolment hours to increase successful
emotional regulation.
Calm and thoughtful adult behaviour during the
Supportive discussions after heightened episodes.
Support to calm down and discuss emotions.
Adult support from drop off to pick up.
On-call staff available for support.
Reduced enrolment hours to allow full time aiding.
Daily program attached, page 8.
Evidence of Learning/Notes and Observations
Observation, work samples, IEP goals, photos…
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Method of assessment and reporting

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Date and Comments

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Access to the Curriculum

This section provides access points to the curriculum (skills/interests, general capabilities or individual goals)
Key Outcome 3: ACARA learning continuum of personal and social capabilities: Self management: Develop self discipline and set goals
What we currently see SMART Goals Strategies and Adjustments
(Link to Australian Curriculum) Specific to particular subject
XXXX currently resists and refuses all learning tasks By the end of term three week 4, XXXX will make a Outdoor/physical breaks after tasks are completed.
or activities outlined by an adult. choice to participate in one adult chosen activity once a Tasks to have fine motor supports where required.
He refuses to be in the classroom or around groups of day. ‘This then that’ task board.
students. Daily schedule.
Provide the choice of two activities, so he feels in
Reduced enrolment hours to allow full time adult
support and a supportive transition to school.
Calm and quiet and non-threatening communication.
Predictable routines and known tasks.
Maintain a calm and quiet environment.
Keep group work as small as possible.
Tasks to be 5 minutes in duration.
Adult support available at all times a minimum of one
adult and sometimes two.
Daily program attached, page 8.
Evidence of Learning/Notes and Observations
Observation, work samples, IEP goals, photos…
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Method of assessment and reporting

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Date and Comments
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Signature of Contributors:

Name Role Viewed (date) Signature

Hannah Kilpatrick Teacher

XXXX Principal

XXXX Assistant Principal

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