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The Garbage Treatment Plant in CEPZ and Contribution Of

Youngone In This Plant


1. This is an era of globalization. And our planet is getting warmer everyday because of
industrialization and modern living standard. The EPZ is important for Bangladesh's
economic growth, but has brought with it a range of problems one of which is increasing
pollution. So, people are now concerning not only the financial gain but also the loss on
environmental issue. Bangladesh government has also trying to reduce the pollution by
industrial discharges like other developed and developing countries. It is a legal requirement
in Bangladesh for all red category factories (textile dying and tanning) to establish Effluent
Treatment Plants (ETP). However, there are very few ETP’s in the CEPZ area, and most of
them are “window dressing” as they are either not operated or not operated as they should
be due to lack of technical expertise. Establishing an ETP can be expensive with Tk. 10-35
million (US$ 1,40,000-5,00,000), and up to 20-30,000 sq ft (1,840-2,760 m²) of land being
required. The operation of the treatment plant also involves recurring expenditure of about
Tk 75 - 130 per m³ of waste water. Small and medium scale industries cannot afford to
install and operate ETP.

2. The South Asian region as a whole is experiencing rapid urban growth.

Increasing population, urbanization, industrialization and changing consumption patterns
are resulting in the generation of increasing amounts of solid waste and diversification of
the type of the solid waste generated. Solid waste is the most visible environmental
problem among many in urban areas. Increased solid waste generation creates more
environmental problems in this region, as many cities are not able to manage it due to
institutional, regulatory, financial, technical, and public participation shortcomings.

3. The environmental degradation caused by inadequate disposal of waste can be

expressed by the contamination of surface and ground water through leachate, soil
contamination through direct waste contact or leachate, air pollution by burning of wastes,
spreading of diseases by different vectors like birds, insects and rodents, or uncontrolled
release of methane by anaerobic decomposition of waste. The sustainability of the landfilling
system has become a global challenge due to increased environmental concerns.
Growing public opposition together with unavailability of land is one of the reasons why
obtaining sites for new landfill is becoming increasingly difficult. Locating a landfill far away
from the urban area can be adventitious from public opposition. Site is far away from the
source of waste generation increases transfer costs and additional investments for the
infrastructure of roads, hence intensifying the financial problems of the responsible

4. So the development on effluent treatment became stuck on their process. The

factories can’t run their ETP because of lack of expertise, lack of investment and lack of
space. From this concept a set of environment specialist, management expert, investors and
BEPZA tried to find out, how this problem could be solved? And they find out that, only a
Central Effluent Treatment Plant in every individual industrial area could be the most cost
effective way to solve this problem.

5. Local governments of both the developed and developing countries are
concerned with the environmental consequences of waste disposal. Until recently in the
developing countries like Bangladesh the collection and disposal of solid waste was taken as
one sided responsibility on the part of the municipal authorities burdened with financial &
management problems. But nowadays a participatory planning approach in a process
through consultation, collaboration & co-ordination among the stakeholders has become a
reliable option.


To discuss in details about the garbage treatment plant with an emphasis to CEPZ
in particular.


We will discuss the issue under following heads for our better understanding and easy
assimilation :

• Laws and Regulations related to Waste management

• Major gaps and barriers for efficient solid waste management
• Community based Waste Management
• Requirement inside CEPZ
• Central Effluent Treatment Plant in CEPZ
• Implementation Plan for the Chittagong Special Economic Zone
• Various Aspect Of the Project
• Role & Participation Of Youngone
• Conclusion

Laws and Regulations related to Waste management

The Municipal ordinance 1983 (amended in 1999) and the Bangladesh

Environmental Conservation Act 1995 are the legal foundations on solid waste
management. These foundations, however, do not cover the solid waste operations
comprehensively. The new legislation needs

• To develop formal policy for collection & disposal of all categories of waste.
• To categorize all wastes in terms of their danger to environment.
• To enable correct procedure in SWM , it’s enforcement & to ensure legal action against
the polluters.

Major gaps and barriers for efficient solid waste management

Institutional: All activities of DCC are carried out under the appropriate Ordinance.
Near about 3000 temporary cleaners have been appointed on daily basis. They do not have
job security. They work on the “no work - no pay basis”. This situation causes problems in
the efficiency of solid waste management. The Ordinance does not provide enough legal
action against violators. As a result city dwellers do not dispose of waste in designated
places, and even do not carry out the timely disposal of waste in nearby bins. This area
must be strengthened. For this purpose the relevant sections or provisions of Ordinances
should be amended.

Political: No amendment in the Ordinance is possible without passing it through the
National Parliament. The process of submitting this to the Parliament is lengthy and difficult.
It involves a large number of ministries and departments. However, it is not impossible. If
problems in the Ordinance can be put forward with sufficient logical arguments, the
government would help solve them as quickly as possible.

Practical: Dhaka is already a large city and is expanding rapidly. There should be a
consistent forward plan to manage solid waste for the future. There is no scientific and
technological method for the disposal of solid waste. As a result, large pieces of land are
used and causing pressure, as well as having a negative impact on the environment.

Financial: DCC has very much shortfall in SWM logistics & finance. So it needs
financial & logistic support from Govt. of Bangladesh (GOB) and as well as from donor
countries & agencies.

Community based Waste Management

1. It is clear that due to limited resources and organizational capacity, it is difficult for
DCC to ensure efficient and appropriate delivery of solid waste collection and disposal
services to the entire city population. Therefore, DCC is encouraging community based
organizations and local NGOs to organize and carryout community waste management
programs (mainly house to house collection and disposal at roadside bins).

2. Moreover, as the capacity of landfill area is coming to a saturation point in the near
future, the separation of solid waste at source will divert a major portion of organic waste
for composting and some materials for recycling, thereby relieving the pressure on the
landfill. In the meantime, DCC can concentrate on formulating policies for overall solid
waste management, which requires substantial funding and legislation.

Requirement inside CEPZ

In CEPZ there are 160 factories running their operation and more 16 factories coming so
soon. Through their production process every day they have to discharge at least 30 tons of
Solid waste and 15000 m³ of liquid effluent. The quantities of effluent depend on
production. And everyday the factories are trying to increase their production.
The job waste management is not only expensive but also hazardous for the individual
factories. So they are taking the easiest way ‘Ignoring’. They just dumping their effluent
anywhere they can. The process is very unhygienic and it is bringing very significant
damage for the environment.

But now they could not pass away just like this. From BEPZA, Government, Environmental
Development and even their most concern buyers are providing tremendous pressure for
effluent treatment. By facing these pressures, pressure to reduce operating cost and most
of all the risk on their basic material of production (like workers) through them in a
suffocating situation. In this situation they requested BEPZA to find out a better solution.

However, as corporations mature and become more socially and environmentally
responsible, their approach to pollution the goes through four changes:

1. Ignoring the problem. This always leads to maximum damage to the environment. This
damage is not limited only to the local scale or neighborhood; it can occur at the regional,
and in some cases, even the global scales.

2. Dispersal. This exists where polluters are convinced that ‘the solution to pollution is
dilution’. This creates a smokescreen by diluting or dispersing pollution, so that its effects
are less harmful or apparent.

3. Trying to treat pollution through the so-called ‘end-of-pipe’ approach.

4. The prevention of pollution and waste generation at the source itself.

And at last BEPZA find out only a central effluent management system which could reduce
the production cost and increase effectiveness to the international standard level. And they
decide last two approach could be the best way to facilities this industrial zone. Every
factories of CEPZ had welcome BEPZA’s offer.

Central Effluent Treatment Plant in CEPZ

The CEPZ established in 1981. Since then one by one different factories had started their
production. Day by day it creates enormous demand of foreign investors. Now CEPZ is
100% occupied by the both foreign and local investors. Because of increasing market
demand, the factories are trying to reach their maximum production capacity. They need
more space to increase their production unit. But BEPZA could not provide any more plots.

It is a legal requirement in Bangladesh for all red category factories including textile,
dyeing, tanning etc. to establish Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP). And if the existing
factories couldn’t able to develop their treatment plant, the government will insist them to
close their production. The situation is become unbearable for investors. Instead of
expansion production unit they have to reduce it. Because, they have to spend their
valuable space to develop effluent treatment plant.

So they demanded to develop a central effluent treatment plant inside CEPZ which was also
designed in BEPZA master plan. That could reduce their space requirement, investment
requirement as well as their working hour. In that situation, BEPZA decided to develop a
Central Effluent Treatment Plant by third parties. And they called for an open tender to
establishment and maintenance of a Central Effluent Treatment Plant for 30 years. After
a long process the CWTP had the legal opportunity to establish the CETP in CEPZ.

1. Capability of the Project The project has multiple features on the basis of
waste management system. When the project will go in full run, it will gain the following
The project is capable to treat 15000 m³ of liquid effluent per day. And without any
interval it could provide the service 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a
year. Only in case of rain water the project have to discharge without treatment. And it
could be increased up to 45000 m³ per day. We just need to increase space.

The project could capable to collect and safely discharge of 15 tons of kitchen waste
per day. In CEPZ there are 160 factories are running their production. Most of them are
producing huge amount of kitchen waste. Now they are dumping these without any safety
procedure. Due to lack of awareness they are dumping these beside their production unit. It
is very harmful for the workers health.

The project could capable to supply at least 75% of its processed water. In CEPZ
Chittagong WASA couldn’t supply sufficient water as per the factories requirement. Due to
this reason they have to pull out enormous amount of underground water. Which contain
salt and iron and that will raise their production costs. It is also dangerous for the
The project will capable to process 15 tons of used packing material. And according to
our initial assessment, we can assure at least 20% from them. And rest of them disposes
according to Bangladesh govt. rules.

2. Actual Project Recommendations The study confirmed that industrial

development of Chittagong is of prime importance and significance to improve the social
and economic position of Bangladesh and that the proposed Chittagong Special Economic
Zone Project would be a strategic stimulator and starter for full-fledged industrialization for
the country. It recommended that Bangladesh, as a latecomer to the fiercely competitive
industrial environment, should make strenuous efforts with creative and innovative concepts
and approaches to lessen the gap. Specific recommendations are divided into two parts:
industrial development plan of the Chittagong District and implementation plan of the
Chitagong Special Economic Zone project.

Industrial Development Plan of the Chittagong District

The Government of Bangladesh should designate a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in the
Chittagong Dictrict and a Special Zone Development Committee to have policymaking
function. As the implementing body, the Government should establish the Chittagong
Development Company (CDC) to manage land in the zone, develop and operate
infrastructure, and promote investment both domestic and from overseas. In addition, the
government should support existing industries in the Chittagong District by taking
actions that promote strengthening of logistics, financial function, human resource
development, research and development activities, and technical transfer.

Implementation Plan for the Chittagong Special Economic Zone

The following industries are appropriate to be located in CEPZ:

Textile and light industries (garments, caps, leather, footwear, sports and athletic goods, toys,
stationery products, etc.) Electronics and electric (electronics and electric components, and
electric supplies)
Insulated wires and cables for machinery and equipment Steel processing distribution center
(shearing and slitting) Ship and boat building and repairing Structural metal products Other
machinery industries including repair and maintenance services Food processing (agro-
processing, fish processing) Wood processing estate (wooden furniture and wood products)
using wood imported from Myanmar.

Incentives are to be adopted for CEPZ include: tax rate relief, capital allowance for
commercial development, double rent allowance against trading income, corporate tax
exemption, and employment subsidy and training incentives.
Development of the CEPZ should be carried out under comprehensive partnership between
the public sector and private sector. Since CEPZ should have the potential to completely
transform the physical, economic and social environment of the Chittagong District, CDC
should promote development and involvement of support industries outside


Technical Aspect

Conventional, well and widely practiced technology. Physical, Chemical and Biological
processed and treatment will be used in the plant.

Almost 70% investment has to use for civil construction. So the project could have the
lifetime more than 50 years. So the depreciation of the project will be very less.
Only some mechanical accessories, transport and some basic chemicals have to import from
abroad. So it could save our foreign currencies.
It is not possible to find such an experienced technical person in our country. But we have
very well trained and potential technical people under our arrangement.
In our facility, the basic raw material is effluent or waste. Here we have unlimited source of
it. The chemicals are also available in our country as a basic industrial raw material. For this
kind of chemicals, we don’t have to worry about quality control.
The size of supply chain is very small so that it is pretty easy to supply chain management.
Finally we can justify the projects aspect as a feasible, cost effective, long term, effective
with maximum accuracy and dependable because of available and cheap material and its

Financial Aspect

Another interesting feature of this project is its financial aspect. According to the BEPZA
tender, they call for the ETP at a minimum 15000m³ per day. They prefix the service charge
at BDT 38.76/m³ with us. BEPZA will get 40% from this rate. So we can have BDT

Feasibility of the project:

There are two kind of waste inside BEPZA. Every day from the 144 industries of CEPZ
produce at least 15000m³ of liquid waste and 200 tons of solid waste. We had calculated
our up coming revenue on the minimum estimation. Because for next 30 years; we don’t
have to face any competition to have these business.
Inside CEPZ as a export oriented service providing industry the project could enjoy all the
benefits of export industry. Such as duty free import of raw material, tax holiday, non-
traditional export incentives etc.

Target Market:
Chittagong- Chittagong Export Processing Zone
South Halishahar, Chittagong

Name of
SL Country Products t Employment Sanction Date
Young An Hat (BD)
1 S. KOREA Caps 6558 1738 02/11/1987
U-jin Led Co. (BD)
2 S. KOREA & Electrical 1816 87 01/11/1989
Kang Book Company
3 S. KOREA Garments 3812 820 06/06/1990
(BD) Ltd.
Knitting &
Chittagong HONGKON 69
4 other 1911 07/01/1990
Knitwear’s (Pvt.) Ltd. G, CHINA 19
Textile pdt.
Hemple Rhee ,
5 Manufacturing Co. S. KOREA 2122 1393 22/01/1990
Knitting &
Dream Bangal
6 JAPAN other 1690 682 17/06/1990
Garments Ltd.
Textile pdt.
7 Siam s Superior Ltd. Garments 11769 4426 08/12/1983
Regency Garments
8 U.S.A. Garments 18027 2750 13/03/1984
9 JAPAm Reel & Golf 42706 1187 07/10/1989
(Bangladesh) Ltd.
Luna Lite Co. (BD)
10 JAPAN & Electrical 8529 228 29/08/1988
Univogue Garments HONGKON
11 Garments 8956 6380 09/04/1984
Co. Ltd. G,CHI
Youngone (CEPZ)
12 S. KOREA Garments 18672 4752 28/02/1987
Modern Towels (BD)
13 U.S.A. Terry towel 2445 979 19/09/1985
HKD International
14 S. KOREA Tent 30692 839 16/08/1990
(BD) Ltd.
Sanko Optical Co.
15 JAPAN & Electrical 24680 834 09/10/1990
(BD) Ltd.
Kuroki Chain
16 Bangladesh Company JAPAN 3815 57 30/03/1985
17 Al-Salam Fabrics Ltd. PAKISTAN Terry towel 1746 946 21/01/1986
Institutional Textile
18 PAKISTAN Terry towel 2107 225 23/03/1986
Mills Ltd.
19 Meiji Industries Pvt. JAPAN Metal 4788 427 04/04/1991

Name of
SL Country Products t Employment Sanction Date
Ltd. Products
20 Hovency Knitters Ltd. Garments 1201 238 17/09/1991
Pacific Zipper (BD) Plastic
21 S. KOREA 4967 468 11/12/1990
Ltd. goods
Cosmo (Bangladesh)
22 JAPAN & Electrical 13753 323 07/01/1992
Knitting &
23 Kimtex Ltd. S. KOREA other 686 324 21/04/1991
Textile pdt.
Bangladesh Hats & HONGKON
24 Caps 6909 590 27/04/1992
Bags Mfg. Ltd. G,CHINA

Youngone Padding
25 S. KOREA Garments 9577 147 28/06/1992
(CEPZ) ltd.
Youngone Garments
26 S. KOREA Accessorie 56613 248 23/03/1994
Accessories Ind. Ltd
27 Chihong Knit Ltd. DENMARK Garments 1030 311 09/08/1993
Qualitex Industries
28 U.S.A. Terry towel 77815 1981 30/09/1993
(BD) Ltd.
BMS Company
29 JAPAN Ropes 4201 283 28/11/1993
Young International
30 S. KOREA Textile 16857 395 07/10/1993
(BD) Ltd.
Ace Bicycles Metal
31 MALAYSIA 2941 172 11/01/1994
(Bangladesh) Ltd. Products
Alita (Bangladesh) Metal
32 MALAYSIA 3971 177 10/01/1994
Limited Products
Knitting &
Chunji Industrial Co.
33 S. KOREA other 7907 459 18/07/1994
Textile pdt.
Nissin Elect. Co.
34 JAPAN & Electrical 927 112 16/07/1994
CBC Optronics (BD)
35 JAPAN & Electrical 13987 372 02/11/1994
Co. Ltd.
36 HKD (Hi-Tech) Ltd. S. KOREA Tent 18111 1725 17/01/1996
37 Sportswear (CEPZ) S. KOREA Garments 110619 4978 15/03/1995
38 Merimo Limited S. KOREA Garments 7533 2437 17/08/1994
Intercontinental UNTD Metal
39 2444 64 03/06/1996
Technology Ltd. KINGDOM Products
40 Lim s (BD) Limited S. KOREA Caps 2947 819 07/05/1995
Kenpark Bangladesh UNTD
41 Garments 9503 5241 17/05/1995
(Pvt.) Ltd. KINGDOM
Footwear &
Youngone Sports
42 S. KOREA Leather 15179 4724 04/02/1996
Shoes Industries Ltd.
43 S. KOREA Garments 11711 8303 14/07/1996
Sportswear Ind. Ltd.
44 Crown Mills (BD) Ltd. U.S.A. Terry towel 8803 1688 24/09/1996
45 Denim Plus (BD) Ltd. Textile 2834 2915 24/11/1996
Promising Industries Plastic
46 INDIA 1171 132 30/01/1997
Ltd. goods
47 Youngone Shoes S. KOREA Footwear & 7434 2604 11/12/1996
Accessories Ind. Ltd. Leather

Name of
SL Country Products t Employment Sanction Date
Knitting &
Bangladesh Spinners HONGKON
48 other 14327 3908 19/02/1997
& Knitters (Pvt) Ltd G,CHINA
Textile pdt.
Op-Seed Co. (BD)
49 JAPAN & Electrical 10124 2928 10/06/1997
HHH Accessories
50 S. KOREA Accessorie 1471 1385 08/06/1997
Industry Ltd.
Sanko Corporation Electronics 07/10/1997
51 JAPAN 1982 2355
Ltd. & Electrical
Tsim s Company Miscellane
52 CHINA 914 485 11/02/1998
(Bangladesh) Ltd. ous
Titas Sportswear
53 S. KOREA Garments 9197 7315 30/03/1998
Industries Ltd.
Lalmai Sportswear
54 S. KOREA Garments 9983 6910 30/03/1998
Industries Ltd.
Footwear &
55 UFM (BD) Limited S. KOREA Leather 926 476 08/06/1998
56 Van Green (BD) Ltd MALAYSIA 501 263 17/02/1999
GH Haewae Company Miscellane
57 S. KOREA 4320 2673 23/08/1999
Ltd. ous
Sungho Garments
58 S. KOREA Accessorie 604 432 27/09/1999
Accessories Ltd.
59 Northpole (BD) Ltd. S. KOREA 10196 264 26/01/2000
HKD International
60 S. KOREA Tent 6961 6439 06/12/1999
(CEPZ) Ltd.
S.J. Industrial (BD)
61 S. KOREA Accessorie 597 329 02/05/2000
Knitting &
Super Fine Spinners UNTD
62 other 2334 1928 24/05/2000
& Knitters(Pvt) Ltd. KINGDOM
Textile pdt.
63 BMS Rope Co. Ltd. JAPAN Ropes 1933 2219 13/12/2000
Hana Plastic (Bd) Plastic
64 S. KOREA 812 137 29/04/2001
Ltd. goods
65 Neo Box Bd. Ltd. S. KOREA 692 165 29/10/2001
Shinhan Emulsion Miscellane
66 S. KOREA 3275 57 29/10/2001
Co.(Bd) Ltd. ous
Poong Han Plastic Plastic
67 S. KOREA 661 46 29/10/2001
Bd. Ltd. goods
LCB International
68 S. KOREA Textile 1238 192 30/04/2002
(Bd) Ltd.
Green Hill Enterprise
69 JAPAN & Electrical 1710 41 19/12/2002
Footwear &
Patenga Footwear TAIWAN,CH
70 Leather 1286 859 26/01/2003
(Pvt.) Ltd. INA
Surma Garments
71 Washing &Finishing S. KOREA Garments 168 87 10/04/2003
Premier Towels (BD)
72 CANADA Terry towel 18615 1067 19/07/2003
73 Merim Co. Ltd. S. KOREA Garments 4277 1250 30/05/2004

Name of
SL Country Products t Employment Sanction Date
Worldye Dress Pants
74 U.S.A. Accessorie 2282 1298 21/09/2004
75 Vextronic (BD) Ltd. MALAYSIA & Electrical 246 86 28/09/2004
76 Modartis Limited IRELAND 238 68 08/03/2005
77 Daikei Industry JAPAN 499 79 21/03/2005
78 Ocean Enterprise JAPAN 114 192 20/08/2005
& Electrical
79 Campex (BD) Limited U.S.A. Tent 1257 288 11/09/2005
Precision Optics (BD) Miscellane
80 JAPAN 1526 61 21/09/2005
Ltd. ous
DB Auto Industries Metal
81 CANADA 642 38 01/01/2006
Ltd. Products
Knitting &
Delite Knitting Co. HONGKON
82 other 474 -121- 01/02/1984
Textile pdt.
Sonar Cotton Mills
83 U.S.A. Terry towel 1968 467 25/10/1984
(BD) Ltd.
Global Fabrics (Pvt.)
84 PAKISTAN Terry towel 409 299 22/11/1984
85 Tex Fab (BD) Ltd. PAKISTAN Terry towel 344 157 02/12/1990
Tariq-Azim Textile
86 U.S.A. Textile 3459 633 18/10/1987
Mills Ltd.
87 Plast Bangla Ltd. THAILAND 1283 -108- 08/06/1989
Grey Fab.
88 Bangladesh (Pvt.) Terry towel 619 390 19/02/1987
Atlantic Standard
89 JAPAN Garments 436 487 20/12/1990
Times Co.
Al-Hamedi Textile
90 U.S.A. Terry towel 1596 1171 15/06/1986
Mills Ltd.
JMS Garments
91 CHINA Garments 4395 3447 22/03/1994
92 K & T Logistics Ltd. MALAYSIA Oriented 1827 250 26/04/1997
Guangdong Dhaka
93 CHINA Garments 1100 183 07/06/1995
Knitting Co. Ltd.
MNC Apparels
94 U.S.A. Garments 6351 2880 29/03/1995
Toy Woods
95 (Bangladesh) Co. Garments 5663 1650 05/10/1995
96 Fabtex Ltd. U.S.A. Textile 2434 182 19/10/1997
97 R & C Co. Ltd. S. KOREA Tent 3047 184 05/03/1998
Euro Mode Fashion
98 S. KOREA Garments 1920 1956 30/05/2002
99 Familytex (BD) Ltd. PAKISTAN Textile 1928 1886 20/10/2003
JB-Q & Q Equipment Metal
100 JAPAN 471 88 27/10/2003
International Ltd. Products
101 Thianis Apparels Ltd. FRANCE Garments 856 1270 28/02/2006
Footwear &
Impact Shoe Ind. BANGLADE
102 Leather 1286 659 22/02/1990
Ltd. SH
Peninsula Garments BANGLADE
103 Garments 5163 3693 17/09/1984
Ltd. SH

Name of
SL Country Products t Employment Sanction Date
Bangladesh Towel BANGLADE
104 Terry towel 1842 298 11/02/1985
Ind. Ltd. SH
Footwear &
105 Excelsior Shoes Ltd. Leather 19106 989 01/10/1988
Globe Textile Mills BANGLADE
106 Terry towel 722 423 10/02/1987
Ltd. SH
107 Padma Industry Ltd. 704 84 19/08/1990
SH Products
Mithun Knitting & BANGLADE
108 Textile 6799 874 25/08/1991
Dyeing (CEPZ) Ltd. SH
M. S. Shoe Industries BANGLADE
109 Footwear 1106 482 31/12/1992
(Pvt.) Ltd. SH
Intex Apparel (BD) BANGLADE
110 Garments 468 370 08/09/1994
Ltd. SH
111 Pacific Jeans Ltd. Garments 13090 12322 26/09/1993
Portland Textile BANGLADE
112 Textile 3332 824 28/09/1994
Limited SH
113 Seatex Limited Textile 3294 1559 27/09/1994
Bengal Towel BANGLADE
114 Terry towel 484 97 29/04/1995
Industries Ltd. SH
R. M. Interlinings BANGLADE
115 Accessorie 2285 183 14/05/1996
Ltd. SH
Towellers Bangladesh BANGLADE
116 Terry towel 272 76 14/10/1996
Ltd. SH
117 Jeans 2000 Ltd. Garments 8396 2118 15/04/1997
Chittagong Fashion BANGLADE
118 Garments 1481 1272 11/06/1997
Specialized Textiles SH
119 Padma Wears Ltd. Garments 826 783 22/10/1997
12 QNS Container BANGLADE
Oriented 1694 92 01/02/1998
0 Services Limited SH
Multi Safh Bag BANGLADE Miscellane
121 1638 1257 16/02/1998
Limited. SH ous
Pacific Accessories BANGLADE
122 Accessorie 2178 232 05/03/1998
Limited. SH
Footwear &
123 Papella Ltd. Leather 1875 467 19/02/1998
124 G.F. Textiles Limited Terry towel 1031 234 16/06/1998
Knitting &
Millennium Spin. & BANGLADE
125 other 5611 37 30/09/1998
Knitwear Factory Ltd. SH
Textile pvt.
Padma Accessories BANGLADE
126 Accessorie 104 48 29/02/2000
Ltd. SH
127 Farkantex Ltd. Garments 1307 674 29/01/2001
Maxima Engineering BANGLADE
128 & Electrical 434 38 02/09/2001
Ltd. SH
Meghna Accessories BANGLADE
129 Accessorie 146 103 30/05/2002
Limited SH

Name of
SL Country Products t Employment Sanction Date
Shehan Specialized BANGLADE
130 Textile 1248 272 10/04/2003
Textile Mills SH
Texas Support BANGLADE
131 Accessorie 2005 83 24/06/2003
Services(CEPZ) Ltd. SH
132 Accessorie 2953 558 22/07/2003
Ltd. SH
133 Textile 718 337 22/03/2004
Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. SH
Knitting &
134 Sea Blue Textile Ltd. other 2593 272 15/06/2004
Textile pvt.
Section Seven BANGLADE
135 Garments 7205 1869 21/09/2004
Limited SH
TOTAL 882460 170699

Economic Aspect

CEPZ has his own aspect on our national economy. Last year they export more than billion
US dollars. And more than 1, 70, 000 people work over here. But now this business is in a
great challenge. Due to the environmental issue, buyers are not ready to import from any
industry that doesn’t contain any effluent treatment facility. So that BEPZA decided to
develop a CETP.

BEPZA Took it consideration that they could increase their market demand to the foreign
investors by developing a central ETP. In a competitive international market every EPZ is
trying to develop competitive advantage for their investors. This CETP will move them one
step ahead on this road.

The project could endorse more than 3.5 million USD to our GDP. Every year it will increase
along with the production. It also contain more new job. The project will also increase our
non-traditional export.

Environmental Aspect

The growth of small and medium-scale industrial activities has had a positive impact on
economic development in our countries. But it has brought with it a range of problems,
including pollution of water resources and our costal environment. This is true in
Bangladesh, where the number of small industrial units is estimated to be about 50,000.
Not all are polluting, but it is clear that many ecosystems are now under threat, and the
livelihoods of millions of people are being affected.

The increasing urbanization and industrialization of Bangladesh have negative implications

for our water resources. The pollution from industrial and urban effluents in costal area and
rivers has reached alarming levels. The long-term effects of this contamination by organic
and inorganic substances, many of them toxic, are severe. The marine and aquatic
ecosystems are affected, and the future public health implications of chemicals entering the
food chain are incalculable.

The major causes of degradation of inland water quality are related to land-based activities
combined with inadequate regulatory measures and a lack of concern from stakeholders.

The underlying forces driving this are poverty, lack of institutional strength, and lack of
awareness and education. Pollutants that enter the marine and coastal environment
originate on land in the form municipal, industrial and agricultural wastes.
CEPZ HAS located along with the Bay of Bengal, which provide transportation for incoming
raw materials and outgoing finished products by Chittagong Port. Unfortunately, as a
consequence, the industries directly discharge their effluents to the sea without any
consideration of the environment.

The most problematic industries for the water sector are textiles, dying, washing, and
industrial chemical production. A complex mixture of hazardous chemicals, both organic and
inorganic, is discharged into the water bodies from all these industries, usually without

The textile industry uses vegetable fibers such as cotton, animal fibers such as wool and
silk, and a wide range of synthetic materials such as nylon, polyester, and acrylics. The
production of natural fibers is approximately equal to the amount of production of synthetic
materials (of which polyester accounts for about half). The stages of textile production are
fiber production; fiber processing and spinning; yarn preparation; fabric production;
bleaching, dyeing and printing; and finishing. Each stages produces waste that requires
proper management.

This cycle of textile production involves what are termed ‘wet processes’, which emit volatile
organic compounds (VOCs). VOC concentrations vary from 10 milligrams of carbon per cubic
meter (mg/m3) to 350 mg/m3. Process wastewater is a major contributor to industrial
pollution. Wool processing, for example, creates 544 m3 per tone of wastewater,
contaminated with bacteria, chemicals, dyes, and bleaches. The wastewater is typically
alkaline and contains solids, oil, and potentially toxic organics, such as phenols from dyeing,
and halogenated organics from bleaching. Dye wastewaters are frequently highly colored
and may contain heavy metals such as copper and chromium. Wool processing may release
bacteria and other pathogens. Pesticides are also sometimes used for the preservation of
natural fibers, and these are transferred to wastewaters during washing and scouring

The basic reason to develop the project is the betterment of environment. Since the BEPZA
established, its industries producing wastes and now everyday 15000cm of liquid wastages
are discharging in the main drain which are directly falling into the Bay of Bengal and
polluting our coastal and marine environment. The effluent contains Acid, Heavy Metal,
Dissolved Solid, Color and different harmful chemicals. It destroys the eco system of
our costal area.

The most significant environmental impact of pH involves synergistic effects. Synergy
involves the combination of two or more substances that produce effects greater than their
sum. This process is important in surface waters. Runoff from agricultural, domestic, and
industrial areas may contain iron, aluminum, ammonia, mercury or other elements. The pH
of the water will determine the toxic effects, if any, of these substances. For example, 4
mg/l of iron would not present a toxic effect at a pH of 4.8. However, as little as 0.9 mg/l of
iron at a pH of 5.5 can cause fish to die.

In Bangladesh costal area the industrial plant has a detrimental impact on local livelihoods.
People rely on the rivers to supply their fish (for consumption and retail) and, in many
areas, water for cleaning. Where pollution has affected the pH of the water, fish stocks are
harmed and children playing and washing in the water are at risk to harmful side effects.
Saltwater fish prefer an alkaline pH of 8.0 or above. Water (H 2O) is composed of hydrogen
and oxygen molecules. Neutral water is given a pH value of 7.0 (on a scale of 1 to 14), and
contains equal amounts of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-). Dissolved
chemicals and minerals change the balance of those ions from a neutral state. Increase the
amount of hydrogen ions (H+), and the water becomes more acid (low pH). Increase the
amount of hydroxide ions (OH-), and the water becomes more alkaline (high pH). The
further these values rise or fall, the more acid or alkaline the water becomes.

The use of pesticides and other chemicals that are banned in developed countries is
discouraged and, in general, is not accepted. However, in countries such as Bangladesh,
sufficient regulation often does not exist and mill owners keen to maximize their profits may
do so at the expense of local environment and health. Despite the large number of rules and
regulations to protect water from industrial effluents, there are few enforcement
programmes and a lack of institutional capability to take action. There is also a lack of skills
and expertise for taking appropriate action during project design and implementation, to
ensure that environmental concerns are properly addressed.

Like that, everyday the factories discharge 200 tons of solid waste. And most of it disposed
without any proper arrangement. Some of it dumped besides their factory yard, some
throws to the central drainage system and some throws to the BEPZA’s vacant area. Total a
massacre. It is going to destroy our costal environmental stability.

According to the report by marine fisheries, the life cycle of marine fisheries of the southern
costal area of Kornofuly estuary has destroyed by the effluent discharges by CEPZ.

Public Health Aspect

In CEPZ there are 1,70,000 people are working and almost 10,00,000 people are living
behind this zone. Due to these hazardous wastes they are facing and falling in different
physical casualties and diseases. A hygienic working environment is basic need for the
working people because their physical labor is one of the main attracting matters for the
foreign investors. Establishing CETP, BEPZA could ensure that and could get more benefit
from their investors. The wastes of the CEPZ also creating problem of the coastal area as
well as country people because the discharges polluting coastal waster, fisheries and coastal
and marine living being. CWTP will ensure the healthy environment within CETP and CEPZ.

Building and infrastructure

 We have to build two cumulative and one individual below ground water reservoir
with the capacity of 30,000 m³.
 We have to build an open shed with the capacity of 3000 m².
 We have to build a two stored office building with the area of 500 m².
 We have to build a sludge collection, handling and drying zone with the area of 1000
 We have to build a workshop with the capacity of transport and mechanical
 We have to build a warehouse with the area of 1000 m².


BEPZA would arrange all the utility services the project required. Such as; power, water,
gas, telephone, internet and other logistic support. We have our own source of recycled
water but we need 1000 KWH electricity, 200m³ gas, telephone and high speed internet

Product Development Process

1/ Liquid Effluent:

Water WASA / BEPZA / Factory

Sludge Brick Field / Land Fill

Role & Participation of Youngone

1. To achieve sustainability in waste management, it is important to look at the roles,

interests and power structures prevalent in waste management. Experience in several
countries has shown that cooperation and coordination between the different stakeholder
groups like city council, provincial government, service users, NGOS, CBOS, the private
sector (formal and informal), and donor agencies, will ultimately lead to increase
sustainability of the waste management system, such as changes in behavior and sharing of
financial responsibilities. On the other hand, ignoring certain activities or groups will result in
decreased sustainability of the system, for example in the form
Private sector has played an important role in municipal solid waste management of the
countries mentioned in the paper. Specially, in the capital city of Nepal private sector is
participating more in door-to-door collection, street sweeping and waste transfer. Due to
the involvement of the private sector, collecting garbage is found to be more efficient and in
addition to this burden on Kathmandu Municipal Corporation (KMC) is reduced both in
financial and in terms of human resources. Approximately 50% of the people surveyed
replied that services provided by the private sector were more effective. Therefore, KMC is
gearing towards the involvement of the private sector in all aspects of solid waste

2. Youngone being the leading industry in the EPZ and being the chairman of the
Investor Committee are contributing following on the issue :

A. Bargaining the EPZ authority on the early establishment of the plant.

B. Providing technical help by bringing experts on the issue.
C. Getting the consultation of various experts and providing the same to the
proper authority.
D. Financial assistance for the project.
E. Overseeing and monitoring for quick establishment of the project

Moreover the Youngone authority is ready to help in any way if the authority seeks for any
assistance on the issue.


The management of Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) in South Asian cities still have many
problems. The current regulation system is not perfect and the existing management
system and the collection facilities do not fit the present requirements. Municipal solid
wastes are still collected without separation at the source, treatment facilities are
limited and the collected wastes are mostly dumped haphazardly in open areas.
Government, NGOs, CBOs and private sectors are working hard in this field but still much
needs to be done. The main management strategies to remedy this should include
amendment of current laws and regulations, improve current management systems and
introduce classified collections. The effective implementation of these strategies will help to
solve the environmental pollution problems to a large extent. It is also important to
observe that there are possibilities for research implementation and collaboration among
developing countries having similar climatic and solid waste characteristics.


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