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- Pendekatan kuantitatif
- Korelasi: pearson dan spearman
(analisis data), compare: Uji T
- Survei dan kuesioner (kuasi
Note: pengertian kebiasaan, pengertian
kebiasaan yg berhubungan dengan gigi
1. Approach (pendekatan)
2. Method (survei/kuesioner)
3. Collecting data
4. Data analysis
Result tuh hasil collecting data
(numeric) dengan survei menggunakan
kuesioner, ex: sering, selalu, tidak
pernah, dll.
Discussion menjelaskan hasil penelitian
dari result(dari theory yg ada dan
penelitian sblmnya), penjelasan hasil
Harus fokus di pertanyaan penelitian
nya atau masalah penelitian dan alasan.
INTRODUCTION behaviors of the family members/parents,
who contribute to their children’s healthy
Autistic disorder (AD) is an organic lifestyle habits. Therefore this study was
disorder affecting the cerebellum and aimed to determine the oral health related
limbic system of the brain, resulting in behavior of the parents; and oral health
behavioral and cognitive aberrations. It is status of their autistic children.
characterized by impaired interpersonal
and communication skills, limited MATERIALS AND METHODS
attention span, hyperactivity interests,
repetitive bodily movements and a This two-phased study was
stereotype behavioral pattern, that is conducted at Tasikmalaya, West Java,
established in the early childhood. Its Indonesia. Total of 40 children and their
incidence ranges from 0.2-1.5% across the parents were included for this project.
globe, with a higher predilection in males Twenty children with AD were selected
(four times), but in its most oppressive randomly from two institutions. Besides
form in females. the diagnosed of autism, all children were
medically healthy and were not on any
In 2009, Ministry of Health in Jakarta, therapeutic drugs. Similarly, the number,
Indonesia reported the prevalence of age and gender matched counterparts were
autism as one in every 150 children and chosen from one private elementary
the numbers of children diagnosed with school. All the children were aged between
this neurodevelopmental disorder are 8- 10 years. In the first phase of the study,
perpetually increasing. Yet, there exists a parents of all the children participants were
limited knowledge and awareness among informed about the study purpose and
parents concerning the health, habits and procedures; and all the parents were
management of their children with autism provided with 12-itemed questionnaire to
including their oral health. Autistic elicit the oral hygiene practice and
individuals’ exhibit severe abnormality of behavioral habits in their children. In the
reciprocal social relatedness and second phase, informed consent was
communicative incompetence prevents obtained from the parents to conduct oral
them to interact, understand and follow the examination on minor children using
instructions. Their sensory and auditory dental diagnostic instruments (single use
hyperactivity to odors, lights and sounds in disposable plain mouth mirror, blunt
the dental clinic stimulate them for an probe, tweezers), light source (flash light)
unpredicted and exaggerated response on and personal protective attire (disposable
the dental chair, making them surgical gown, masker, gloves) under
uncooperative in the dental setting. cotton roll isolation, to record deft and/
DMFT index for primary and permanent
Heterogeneous proclamation has been dentition respectively.
reported in the literature concerning oral
health status and dental needs of autistic The questionnaire for the parents
children and young adults. Where studies targeted on the following concern; oral
in the 80slate 90s have found the hygiene practice (frequency, timing, and
prevalence of caries and periodontal parental assistance of tooth brushing
disease to be of no difference compare activity), behavior (preference and
with non-autistic individuals, contradicted frequency of sweetened food, pocket
to some studies in recent years that have money to buy food from venders at school,
evidenced comparatively lower prevalence frequency of those foods). While, the
of caries in children with ASD. It is well dental examinations was performed in the
established that health related practices are classroom by a single examiner in a
derived from the norms, goals, values and conventional method using FDI tooth
numbering system; scoring decayed, favourism towards sweet food and 52.17%
extracted missing and filled tooth index of them consumed sweetened food three or
(deft) for primary teeth; and Decayed, more times a day. On the contrary, though
Missing, and Filled tooth index (DMFT)
60.86% of normal children carved for
for permanent teeth was done using WHO
caries criteria. sweetened food, their snacking frequency
was only once a day in 47.82% and two
RESULTS times in a day among 34.78%. The parents
Among the children participants in of normal children were questioned
this study, 15 were males and 5 were regarding pocket money given to the
females in both autistic and control children to buy food from venders. This
groups. In each group, seven children was to identify the possibility of unhealthy
ranged from 6-9 years and thirt teen food consumption, which in turn could
children ranged from 10-11 years. All the increase caries index. Ninety precent of the
parent samples involved in this study normal children were given pocket money
responded completely for the survey and 34.78% bought food from the venders
questionnaire and their reports are illustrated
during school hours, for 2-3 times in a
in Table 1.
week. However, autistic children were
It was fortunate to know that most of very selective in their food preference and
the parents for autistic children (82.60%) were forbidden to buy meals from the
and normal children (60.86%) knew about venders without parents’ knowledge.
fluoridated toothpaste. Table 1 also
identified that majority of normal children As an oral health status reflected by
the caries index showed in Table 2. Three
(82.61%) have self awareness to brush
autistic children were completely free from
their teeth. In contrast most of parent for carious attack (0). The caries experience
autistic children claimed that their children recorded using deft/DMFT index
were assisted for the routine oral hygiene illustrates that autistic children had lesser
practice. caries incidence than normal children. In
autistic individuals deft was 28 and DMFT
*table* were 36; in contrast to 85 deft and 52
DMFT in normal healthy children.
It was claimed by the parents of
autistic children that 65.22% of them Mann-Whitney test performed to
brushed twice a day and 34.78% brushed determine the significance between the
three times a day. While greater deft index in autistic and normal children
percentage (82.61%) of the control group showed no statistical difference except for
brushed two times per day. More than 1/3 the index “e” (extracted primary teeth),
(34.78%) of the study population in each which shows the difference as very
of the group practiced their routine habit of significant (P = 0.002 with 95%
brushing during bathing time in the confidence level). Similarly, the DMFT
morning and prior to sleeping in the night. index between autistic children and normal
However majority (39.13%) of the autistic children showed statistical significant
children brushed before bathing hours. difference (p= 0.039 with 95% confidence
level) (Table 3.).
According to the parents, 82.60% of
the autistic children showed their
Chi-square test was performed to patients. A systematic assessment of varied
correlate the parent’s reply of the parental factors that could influence the
questionnaire and caries index in the overall oral health of the children is very
samples. The DMFT Index in autistic much of a necessity to undertake the
children and parental practice of oral schemes and, therefore to provide a
hygiene with regard to the timings of comprehensive dental health in all the
brushing (31.83 > 21.03); and parental children uniformly.
attitude towards managing toothache
(23.14 > 12.59) for their autistic children The change in food habits and current
were significant correlated. Whereas for trend in food consumption pattern
deft index in the control group and the demonstrates its inclination towards
parental attitude with regard to their frequent and refined carbohydrates. This
reasoning for not consulting the dentist has reported higher incidence of dental
(26.91 > 26.29) for their child’s toothache caries in the literature and the autistic
problem (cost, fear of dentist and children are not exempted from this. It is
unreasonable cause) was significant (Table demonstrated in the literature that higher
4). priority caries risk group for all between
11-14 years. Year 12 being the average age
Contingency Coefficient would be the is the important in conducting the survey
most appropriate measure of association as it is the age at which the child leaves the
between the two variables. The calculated schools, from where the reliable source of
value for this statistics suggests association samples can be obtained from and also this
of timing of tooth brushing with DMFT in is the highest priority risk group.
autistic children (0.762), displaying strong
correlation. Likewise, strongest correlation It was well established in this study
in normal children was the reason for not that the parents of both groups were
sending their children to the dentist when knowledgeable with the beneficial effect
their child’s experienced toothache with of fluorides in the toothpastes. Though
deft (0.734). majority of the normal children were
aware of tooth brushing and its benefit,
DISCUSSION there were not affirmative about the
correct method of brushing which could
Psychosocial, neurobiological and have increased the caries index.
emotional disorder of autism presents with Considering the fact that the autistic
pathognomonic behavioral pattern and children have problems with fine motor
preference in the victim patients. They control and were assisted by their parents
exert extreme and distinct sensitivity to for the routine oral hygiene practice, a
varying environmental factor and are thorough and correct procedure has to be
dependents for their routine activities. known by the parents.
Perhaps, they are not devoid of dental
disease and through a good oral care an It is concluded in the literature that
optimum oral health can be achieved. significant predictors of children’s
However, this greatly depends on the favorable habits were parents’ favorable
knowledge and attitude of the parents, attitudes towards controlling their
guardians or the caretakers of these children’s tooth brushing and sugar
snacking habit. Autistic children being health. This corroborates the requirement
highly sensitive to taste and food of specially training dental professionals
consistency, early introduction to good for treating these children and their
food and oral hygiene habits may play a parents.
role in “oral perception” of the child with
communicative disorder. It was observed Diverse reasons were attributed in this
in this study that the frequency of brushing study by the parents for avoiding dental
was more in autistic children than the treatment and the reasons being the fear of
normal children with a majority of them dentist, cost issue, ignoring the complaint
practicing their brushing during bathing and not considering the problem as real
and prior to sleeping. This was in serious; and therefore managing toothache
similarity with the normal children. by parents themselves was apathetic.
However in three-fourth (73.91%) of the Though major percentage of parents of
autistic children, brushing was assisted by autistic children found it was unnecessary
the parents, while all the children in the to seek professional help for their child’s
control group brushed themselves, without dental problem, none worried about the
any parental guidance, assistance or cost. But more than 25% of the parents of
supervision. This may affect the overall normal children considered cost as one of
oral hygiene of the child to a considerable the major issue to avoid dentist. This was
extent, as the manual dexterity of the followed by the fear of dentist in children
children is still immature in the earlier preventing them from professional care,
years of development and improves over thus projecting care from an expertised
time gradually, therefore affecting the oral specialist, who can formulate structured
hygiene index of the study sample. timings and space for better patient
This study was also an effort to
understand the beliefs and attitudes of Regarding the behavior of samples to
parents towards dentists and dental health. their food habits, in this study autistic
Based on the children’s oral health status, group preferred sweeter food and
it was evident that the behavior of parents increased frequency of consumption in
was comparably different in both the comparison with their control group; They
groups. Though all the samples in the also postulating lower deft/ DMFT index,
control group had experienced toothache, which was independent of the parents
greater proportion of their parents attitude and knowledge, while only
(47.82%) self-medicated their children. ‘extracted’ primary teeth index showed
This was in contrast to the autistic children significance difference in both the study
group, where half (56.52%) of them sample. This indicates that the severity of
seeked the professional help and the the dental disease that needed extraction,
quantity of parents doing self medication implying the severity of the disease.
were comparably less (39.13%), while However, there difference in the DMFT
Only 4.34% ignored the child’s complain index between the groups reflected
about toothache. This reflects the care and statistically significant difference, which in
concern of the parents of autistic children, concordance recent studies.
despite their limited knowledge about oral
The study culminates the caries
experience in autistic children as less in
comparison with their normal counterparts
and was independent of the parents’
behavior, knowledge, practice and attitude.
Yet, there are needs moulding and
modulation in parental attributes that can
be achieved by schemed professional
training by the general dentist or by the
specialists and/ or experts in the fields of
managing challenging children. It
concluded that there is need of greater
awareness to be spread among the
population in Indonesia about the existing
professional help for the special children
and educate the parents to maintain their
oral health for betterment. A greater effort
has to be implemented for community
dental services with optimum and timely
parental education and follow up.

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