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BTC 216 – Computer Programming

List five (5) things you have done this morning.

➢ Sweeped the Floor

➢ Washed the Plates
➢ Washed Dirty Clothes
➢ Take a Bath
➢ Fed the Dogs and Cats

What were the conditions you consider when you made these things?

o Dusty Floor
o Pile up of Dirty Dishes
o A Bulk of Dirty and smelly Clothes
o Smelly Odor Body
o Dog's and Cat's Meal time and they are Hungry

How these conditions affect the choices you made this morning?

o These conditions affect my choices this morning because they are my

motivation to do and finished the work to have an organize, clean and
positive environment to study or work on.

What lessons you learned from these choices?

o The Lesson I learned from my choices is that doing those things is the
best way to come up a good work and outcomes throughout the day.

Cite at least (2) importance of determining the conditions when making decision?

o The importance of determining the conditions when making decision is

to have an idea on what would be the exact thing to do and to determine its
benefits towards myself.

What could be the relevance of decision making computer programming?

o The relevance of decision making in Computer Programming, it

determines the result of a specific decision depending on the condition.


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