Case 1

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1. What approach in quality has Uratex brand used to excel? Explain briefly.
Not less than 200 words.

Uratex is a known brand in the home of many Filipinos. Uratex mattresses made with
quality and the latest Sleep Science innovations that guarantee a comfortable and good
night sleep for everyone. They take pride in making sure that each mattress or foam
they manufacture delivers superior comfort and support to improve the quality of sleep
of their consumers. Their products also go through certification by CertiPUR, it is a foam
certification program to ensure their foam is produced without harmful chemicals that
pose a threat to our health and our environment. Uratex is not only focused on what
they have to offer now, but also, on what other improvements they can do to make
things better in the future. We, in the family we use Uratex foam for a long year now and
I can truly say that Uratex brand is indeed a very good quality because the foam we use
is truly durable and comfortable and I can say that it will really last for years. No wonder
why Readers digest give recognition to the company for being the most trusted brand
here in our country.

2. How would you qualify Uratex brand using the three quality types of
design, quality of conformance and quality of performance? Discuss
further in not less than 500 words.

Uratex is a leading brand of bed mattress in the Philippines, committed to delivering

high quality foam products for the best sleep possible. For the type of design, they have
the best of class foam quality. They ensure to meet the satisfaction of their consumers
and I think they exceed in that satisfaction by providing the best quality that every
consumer want. Uratex company is committed to meet all compliance standards for
their world-class foam. They specially design to all industries and institutions in need of
every foam solutions made for different purposes. From the finest foam raw materials,
to premium quality mattresses, they have a complete array of business solutions as
holistic one stop shop.
For the quality of conformance, as a consumer and user of uratex foam, they really
provide reliable and very comfortable mattress. Uratex knows that our choice of
mattress affects the quality of our sleep so they provide or make different kinds of
mattresses that gives comfort of good, comfortable and undisturbed sleep and not just
that, it is also impressive that every foam mattress of uratex has specific benefits and its
shows that the importance of a good mattress is to having a good night’s sleep and to
our general well-being.

For the quality of performance, they give relaxing and very durable foam mattress to
everyone. The uratex performance is very far from ordinary mattresses. Uratex is more
than just mattresses. They make sure that consumers are assured of a top-quality

3. Can Uratex brand make use of reengineering to further improve its

mattresses? Defend your side in not more than 500 words.

For my point of view Yes. The Uratex brand can further improve their mattresses
through reengineering. As I mentioned above that Uratex is not only focused on what
they have to offer now, but also on what other improvements they can do to make
things better in the future. Uratex is a leading brand of bed mattress in the Philippines
and as the Most Trusted Brand, they will make sure to continue to provide the best and
high-quality mattresses to satisfy their customers. I assume that they will continue to
research and seek information to upgrade their products and they will continue to use
the latest innovations to create products that provide a superior sleep experience to

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