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1. Do you think high school students should take economic classes or not?

- Policy
3W: what-who-ways
Answer: Yes, I think it’s a good idea.
Reason: the reason is that, obviously, a solid foundation in such subjects can help
students broaden their choices of jobs or further education.
Example: For example, those who have studied economics in high school may be
more financially responsible and more capable of financial management, I think?
Likewise, those who have performed remarkably at such subjects can have access to
a wide range of business or commerce majors in universities. In contrast, without
such knowledge, students may have a difficult time understanding how economy
runs in real life, neither could they apply economic principles at work or study.
Comment: So this is why I think it is a sound idea to teach high students lessons in
such area.

2. Your school does not allow parents to check their kid’s grades without their
permission. Do you think this is a good idea or not? Explain why.- policy
Answers: I don't think this is a good idea.
Reason: The reason is that without knowing kids’ grade, parents cannot help children
with their study at home.
Example: For example, if my child did badly in a test at school, then I can know how
to help him or her through analyzing the grade and the test paper, so together we
can make up the progress at home. In contrast, if I could only get access to the grade
with my child’s permission, then perhaps they would not want to tell me if they’ve
failed a test because of nervousness or simply face problem, then I could never know
how to help them until it’s too late.
Concession & Rebuttal: although some people may think by doing so, they are
protecting the free will and privacy of children, so they won’t feel pressured because
of poor/unsatisfactory academic performance, it is taking away the opportunity for
parents to help their children at the same time.
Comment: So this is why I think it’s an unpromising idea.
3. People in the past like to play board games or card games, but people nowadays
prefer to play video games or computer games. Which do you prefer? – value
Answer: I’d prefer video games.
Reason: The reason is that there are always new video games launched so I can have
access to a wide variety of games and never get bored.
Example: For example, I have a Play Station 4 and a xbox one and dozens of games at
home, so when I want some shooting games or role-play games, I can go to that
virtual world right away. In contrast, there are just limited variety of board games or
card games available, so I easily get bored. In addition, you always need two or more
people to play board games or card games. However, with video games, I can play all
day long all by myself.
Comment: I’m a solitary person so I think video game is much more my cup of tea.
4. Some people think historical sites should be open to the general public, but some
people think historical cites should only be open to experts and researchers.
Which do you think is better?
Answer: I’d prefer the latter viewpoint.
Reason: The reason is that this can secure more scientific/archeological discoveries
through studying these sites.
Example: If these sites are opened to the public without thorough study,
visitors/tourists may easily damage or even destroy important artifact onsite, or
removing important traces of historical discovery at least. In contrast, experts and
researchers won’t do that because they know the importance of such sites and they
have the expertise to avoid damaging anything there.
Concession & Rebuttal: although some people may argue that the public have equal
rights to visit these sites, they can do so after all research is done and with proper
Comment: Until then, I strongly believe that only the professional should be allowed
5. Some university students choose to take difficult classes even if they know they
might not get a good grade in the class. Other students prefer to take easier
classes in which they know they can get a good grade. Which do you prefer? –
Answer: I’d prefer an easy grade.
Reason: The reason is that I think for the limited time and commitment that I put
into the subjects, I surely want the best in return. If you look at this from an
investment perspective, it would quite obvious.
Example: for example, if I’ve put all my energy and time into a subject, however,
I’d got a low grade that contribute little to my degree or career future, then this is
not a poor invest with low return. In contrast, if I know that I’m going to get a
good grade for sure if I can commit to it, then it is a more secured form of
investment with guaranteed return. In addition, I can spare some time on others
things on campus, such as social life or internship.
Comment: so from investment perspective, I’d definitely go for the second

6. Do you prefer to get a job through which you can get a lot of money, or a job
through which you can get personal satisfaction? -value
Answer: I’d definitely go for personal satisfaction.
Reason: The reason is that only if I can get such a sense of satisfaction can I have the
motivation is excel at this job.
Example: For example, if I got this job that can’t satisfy me but it has good pay. I
might have felt good in the beginning, however, when I’ve worked there for a while
and money has become a secondary objective for my work, I’d soon quit that job to
look for something that can bring me a sense of achievement. In contrast, if my job
can bring me a lot of happiness, even if the pay is not that good, I don’t think that’s
going to be a problem. You can either make more money while you’ve got more
experienced or you have had the happiness you want from working there, so there is
no need for a lot of money.
Comment: So this is why I think a satisfactory job is more attractive to me than a
well-paid job.

7. Some people play games for enjoyment. Other people play games for winning.
Which do you prefer? -value
Answer: I play for enjoyment.
Reason: the reason is that I see games as ways to have fun and relax. So why bother
becoming so competitive?
For example: when I play basketball with my friends, it’s all about stretching myself
and having a good time with my friends. So we shoot and miss and make fun of each
other. Or we score and clap our hands for one another. It’s pressure free. In contrast,
if I play to win, that means I have to beat my friends on the court. This could make
the game too intense and we might have hurt ourselves, physically or even
Concession & rebuttal: although some may think being competitive is important to
improve oneself, in my case, I don’t want to improve myself in any game, I just want
to have more fun.
Comment: so this is why I don’t like to play to win.

8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertisements have too
much influence on our purchasing behavior.-factual(cause/effect)
Answer: yes I think so.
Reason: The reason is that advertisement is everywhere and it creates a false sense
of feeling that/illusion you have to by some products otherwise you are outdated or
just simply marginalized.
Example: for example, constantly advertisers are telling us that you need the latest
models of smart phones, and the consumers likewise easily follow and purchase new
models when they are launched. As a matter of fact, consumers can use their older
models for a much longer time and there is simply no need for such a replacement.
Concession & rebuttal: although some people may argue that they are rational
enough to make their own purchasing decision without being influenced, they can
really escape advertisement since it’s everywhere. Consciously or not, we are under
the influence.
Comment: so this is why I think advertisement leads to impulsive purchasing among

9. Do you prefer to find a job after graduating or go to a graduate school to further

study? -value
Answer: I want to find a job first.
Reason: The reason is that I want to start making some money so I can afford
graduate school.
Example: graduate school is expensive and to be more specific, ….tuition fee. I went
to university on student loan, I’m hoping to pay that back and save up enough for
postgraduate study. In addition, through work, I think I can better understand what
to study at graduate school instead of choosing blindly.
Concession & rebuttal: although some people may argue that it is difficult to go back
to school once you’ve started to work, and it’s better to continue your study while
you can, I have to be more realistic with my budget.
Comment: so this is why…

9. Do you prefer to carefully choose a gift that your friend likes or choose whatever
you like? –value
Answer: I’ll go for the first option.
Reason: the reason is that since it’s a gift for my friend, it should better be something
he or she likes.
Example: For example, I my friend likes reading, I’ll for sure give him one of his
favorite books or books he or she loves to read, then he or she would feel happy for
sure. In contrast, if I like books but my friend likes video games, if I gave him or her a
book as a gift, I can see why he or she would be thrilled. In addition, it my friend likes
the gift they are going to use it or keep it, rather than throwing it into some corners.
Comment: I think we all hope they like our gifts when we are picking for them.
11. Do you prefer to stay in one place for a long time, or to live in different places?
12. Do you prefer to watch movies in the cinema or at home?
13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Money and power are
the symbol of success.
14. Do you prefer reading current events or past events?
15. Some students enjoy decorating their surroundings; other choose to keep their
surroundings simple and free of any decorations. Which do you prefer and why?
16. Do you agree or disagree with this statement that we should help our friends
only when they ask for help?
17. Some people like participating in performance like theatrical or musical show.
Others prefer being audience watching those plays. Which one do you prefer?
18. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should force
their kids to continue learning to play the musical instrument when the kids want to
give up.
19. Some people prefer to prevent their kids from knowing the difficulties in life;
other people prefer to let their kids have life experience at an early age. Which do
you prefer? Why?
20. Some students prefer to answer essay questions which they must write an essay
to the question. Other students prefer to answer objective questions. Which do you

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