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1. Describe a time when you missed an appointment.

        You should say:

where it happened
what it was about
why you missed it
        and explain how you felt after missing the appointment.

Part 3
What do you think are some acceptable reasons for delaying an appointment? 
How do people usually arrange a meeting with someone else (or, others)?
Where do people meet?
In what sorts of places do people see each other (= meet) without pre-arranging a meeting?
What sorts of things do you think people need to (or, should) plan for in their lives?
Do you think it's important to have a daily plan?
Do you think there are things that people can't plan for?
How important do you think it is to have a good balance between work and non-work time (a
"work-life" balance) in one's life?
2. Describe a meal (or dinner) that you especially enjoyed. *
               You should say:
 where it was (and when)
 what you ate
 who you were with
   and explain why you enjoyed it so much.

Part 3
What do you think are the differences between eating normal meals at home and going out to
eat a special meal?
Do you have any idea why, when world leaders gather for special meeting they also have a
special meal (a banquet) together?
Can you explain why food is such an important part of observing special occasions?
Why do you think different countries have different national dishes (or, different national
Do you think it's important for people today to continue practicing the traditional food (or,

culinary) customs from their culture?
3. Describe a foreign country or culture you would like to know more about. *
               You should say:
 what country or culture
 where it is
 how you know about it
 and explain why you would like to know more about it.

Part 3
What do you think is the best way to learn about a foreign (country or) culture?
What do you think are some of the main problems people face when they work in a foreign
Some people say that reading a book about another country or culture is the best way to learn
about it. Do you agree?
4. Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes (or, clothing)
               You should say:
 when it was
 what you wore
 what they looked like
 and explain why you wore your best clothes.
Part 3
Do you think people really need to dress formally in the workplace?
Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes?  See Note 1
Do you think traditional clothes will disappear in the future?
Do you think people change the style of clothes they wear as they get older?

5. Describe an educational trip you went on in your school days.
        You should say
                        where you went
                        who you went with
                        what you saw (or did) there *      
         and explain what you learned on that trip.

I want to talk about a trip when …

Because I …, so I think …is educational.
Before the trip, I thought….
However, on that trip I saw/heard/experienced something that changed me.
So after that, I think…
So this is why I want to share this experience with you.
Part 3
Do schools in China ever organize educational trips for students, for example, a visit to a
Do you think school excursions (educational trips) are important (or, useful)? 
Do you think children really do (or can) learn something from an educational trip? (How?)
What are some suitable places for school students to go for an educational visit? 
In general, what attributes are necessary for an ideal school excursion?
Do you think there is any difference between the places boys would prefer to visit and the
places where girls would prefer to visit?
What do you think are the benefits (advantages) of taking children to visit places where they
can learn something? 
What role do you think the teacher should play on these school excursions? 
(Similar to above) Do you think the teacher is more important than the things the students can
see on a school excursion?
In general, do you think children learn better (or, learn more) inside the classroom or outside
the classroom? 
What are some examples of places where parents could take their children for an 'educational
6. Describe a talk or speech that you attended.
               You should say:

 where it was
 who spoke
 what the topic was
 and explain what you thought of the talk or speech. *

Part 3
Do you think it's a good idea for universities to sometimes exchange lecturers with other
universities, for example, to give a short series of lectures?
What about foreign professors or lecturers - do you think it's useful for visiting foreign experts
and professors to give a series of lectures in China?
Schools (high schools and primary schools)
Do you think it's a good idea for school students to listen to speeches and talks in school given
by visiting speakers? 
What benefits could school children get from having visitors come to their school to give a
What are some examples of a speech or talk that you think would be suitable to give to school
What different categories of (kinds of) people do you think are most suitable as visiting
speakers in schools? (E.g., policemen, doctors, famous people, people who have overcome
great challenges, ... Include why these are suitable.) 
What qualities (attributes) should these visiting speakers have? 
What topics are most suitable for these speakers to talk about? (Note: Distinguish between
primary school students and high school students)

7. Describe a polluted place you have seen. *

               You should say:
 where it was
 how it was polluted

 how it was polluted 
 and explain how you felt about it. *
Part 3
Do you ever discuss the topic of the environment with your friends?  
What are the different kinds of environmental problems that exist right now? 
What do you think is the most serious environmental problem in China? (Why?) 
What are the causes of these problems?
Do you think environmental problems are worse than they used to be? (Why?)
Whose fault is it that we have these environment problems? 
Do you think those who cause pollution are criminals? (Why?/Why not?) In general, what do
you think is the best way to deal with these environmental problems? 
If you were a government official, how would you try to solve these environmental problems?
Do you think it is the government's responsibility to solve environmental problems or is it the
responsibility of each individual? 
What are some things that individuals can do to help solve environmental problems? 
Do you think pollution will be less severe in the future (than it is now), or do you think it will
get worse?
8. Describe something special you brought home from a holiday. *
You should say:
        what it was
        when and where you went on this holiday
        what you did with it after you brought it home
and explain why you thought it was special.
Part 3
What sorts of things do tourists often buy to help them remember a a holiday they have had?
Do you think it's good that locals sell things to tourists at tourist locations?
Taking Photos on a Vacation
Why do you think people like to take photos when they go on vacation (= go on a holiday)?
What do you think are the pros and cons of taking an expensive (o, a high-quality, or a
professional) camera with you on a vacation?
9. Describe a friend who you think is a good leader.

                You should say:
who this friend is
how you know this person (or, how [& when] you first met this person)
how other people behave towards him/her
and explain why you think he/she is a good leader.
he/she should have good vision into the future
time management skills/budget and prioritize

Part 3
Can you suggest (= make a guess) why men are usually the leaders in society? *
Do you think this might change in the future?
Do you think men are better leaders than women? *
Who is usually the head of the family in your culture?
Do you think men are (really) better decision-makers in a family situation?
Do you think a leader should discuss things with the people they are leading (e.g., the
members of a team) before making important decisions?
10. Describe a sport that you have watched others play and would like to try (or play)
yourself. *
               You should say:
 what sport it is
 where you have seen it being played
 who was playing it
 and explain why you would like to try it.
Part 3
Do you think education is important for children?
Compare the (similarities and) differences between how children learn and how adults learn.
Compare the different attitudes of children and adults towards learning (or, towards
How do you think a teacher for children (e.g., primary school children) should teach
differently to a teacher of adults?
Why is it especially important for school teachers to make lessons for children interesting and

appealing to them?
Which do you think is better, to encourage a child to study (academic subjects) or to
encourage a child to pursue his or her hobby? 
What skills and knowledge do you think schools should teach children and what should
parents teach?
Do you think it is good for (high school) students to specialize in one particular area, such as
science or is it better for students to have a more general education?
If a child spends most of his or her time studying or doing homework, how can he or she gain
social experience and develop social skills? 
Do you think students in China have enough time to live a balanced life, for example, doing
things such as getting exercise or spending time with their friends? 
Do you think that everybody needs to study in their youth in order to have a good life when
they are adults?
11. Describe a person (you know) who (you think) has an important job.
You should say:
        who this person is
        how you know this person *
        where he or she (they) works
        what work he or she does
and explain why (you think) his or her work is important.
Part 3
Is it easy for (young) people to find a job in your country?  
Are there companies or organizations (including government agencies) that help people find a
How do you think schools could help students be able to find a job in the future?
Is that the same in all parts of your country?
Do you think a person should take the first job that's available or continue to look for a job
that they will like better?
Do you think the question of money is important when looking for a job?
Are there any types of work that your country can't find enough qualified people to do?
What occupation are considered to be the best jobs in your country?
What occupation are not considered to be good jobs?
In general what makes a job (or type of work) desirable?

Do you think money (the salary/ the wage) is the only thing that people consider when they
choose a job?
In general, what are employers looking for in their employees (or, when employers advertise
for new employees)? 
In general, what are employers looking for when hiring new employees? 
Why do business people, on average, make more money than other people?
Do you think that's reasonable (fair)?
12. Describe an occasion when you wanted to (or, tried to) impress others (or another person).
               You should say:
 who you wanted to impress *
 what you did *
 how you hoped to impress them *
 and explain why you wanted to impress them. *

Part 3
13. An Occasion When You Received Some Advice  
Describe a situation when you received some useful advice.
                You should say:
what the situation was
who gave you the advice
what the advice was
and explain how this advice was useful to you.


Part 3
Do you often get advice from older people?
Do you like giving advice to others?
Why (do you think) many people don't follow good advice?
What kinds of (= what are some examples of) advice that parents in your country give to their

Do parents give any advice about making friends?  See Note 1
Whose advice do you think is most helpful (or, useful), advice from parents, or advice from
What are some examples of people who give advice as (part of) their work?
How do these experts give advice to others?
14. Describe a bicycle tour that you would like to take.
               You should say:
 where you would go
 who you would like to go with
 what you would like to (see and) do on the tour
 and explain why you would like to take (go on) this tour.
Part 3
Can you explain why people drive different models of cars (or car models)?
What are some differences between these different models of cars?
Why do you think some families have more than one car (or, several cars)?
Do you think every family needs to have several cars?
What would you say are the advantages of driving a car?
Are there any differences between men and women when driving a car?

15. Describe a band or singer who you like.

               You should say:
                              what style of songs they sing / music they play *
                              when you listen to them
                              where you listen to them
                and explain why you like this band or singer.
Part 3
What other music or bands do you like?
Why do you think people listen to music?
Would you like to sing or play a musical instrument yourself?
16. Describe a small business you would like to start.

               You should say:
 what it is
 how much money you would need
 how many people you would need
 and explain why you would like to start a small business.

Part 3
What are some examples of small businesses in your hometown?  
Do many of these small businesses go bankrupt (= fail) in the first year?
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having one’s own business?  
What are some personal qualities that people need to start (or run) their own businesses?  
Do you think getting an MBA or doing a course in management is necessary before opening a
small business?
Which do you think is more important when running a small business, a university (or similar)
qualification, or practical experience?  
What challenges do people face when starting a small business?
Is it profitable to start (or, operate) a small business in your country?
Is it easy to start a small business in your country?
What is required to open a business in your country?
Does government support small business in your country?    
Would you say that small businesses are good for the economic development of a place (e.g.,
village, town, city, province, country)?
What do you think are the differences between selling a product and selling a service?
17. Describe something you would like to stop eating. *
               You should say:
 what it is
 when and where you eat it *
 where you buy it
 how much of it you eat * or how often you eat it*
 and explain why you would like to stop eating it. *
Part 3

Rewarding system


Describe an exhibition that you visited.
            You should say:
                          when you saw this exhibition
                          where it was held
                          what was on display
            and explain your impression of the exhibition.
Part 3
18. Describe a time when you got lost.
               You should say:
where it was
 who was with you
 how you felt
and explain how you eventually found your way.

Part 3
What are some of the reasons why people get lost (lose their way)? 
What's the problem with becoming lost?
Why do you think some people are better than others at finding their way when they are
travelling in a new environment (such as a new city)?
Who do you think generally has a better sense of direction (in an unfamiliar place), males or
How do you (or people in general) maintain their sense of direction when they are moving
through a new environment?  See Note 2
What would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city, without a map?
19. Describe a time when you took a risk but were successful.

               You should say:
 what risk
 what you did *
 why you took this risk *
 and explain how you were successful.
Part 3
Do you think extreme sports are risky (= dangerous)?
Would you like to try an extreme sport?
What do your parents think about the risks you take?
Do you think men and women have the same attitudes about risk-taking? 
Do you think old and young people have the same attitudes about risk-taking?
Do you think it's good when leaders take risks?
20. Describe a noisy place you went to.
               You should say:
 where it was
 why you went there
 the source of the noise
 and explain your reaction to the noise.
Part 3
Can you explain why some people like to be in noisy places?
Are young and old people different when they are in noisy situations?
Why do some people not have a good feeling in quiet places?
Which do you think is more dangerous - air pollution or noise pollution?
What are the sources of noise in large cities?
Can you name any jobs that involve making noise?
Would you say noise is harmful to people's (or, a person's) health?
What do you think are the harmful effects of noise?
Do you think noise in the work place is good or bad?
21. Describe a useful app or computer program for a smart phone, computer or tablet that you
have used (or, use). *
               You should say:

what the app is
how long you have used it (or, been using it) Or: how often you use it
what you use it for
and explain why you think it is useful.
Part 3
What would you say is the most popular app in your country?
Are there any differences between the apps that young people use and those that older people
In your country, what kinds of app do people mainly use while they’re travelling, such as on
the subway while going to work?
What do you think of people who don’t use apps?
The Pros and Cons of Mobile Phone Technology
Do you think the use of mobile phone technology has any negative effects on people's
Do people send passwords or bank details to others by using social media apps (like WeChat)?
Is there a risk?
How would you compare getting news and other information from newspapers, instead of
from a mobile phone?
Do you think teenagers spend too much time on their mobile phones?
Do you think parents should prohibit their children from playing games on their phones?
22. Describe a large company that you are interested in.
    You should say:
                what it is
                what business it does
                how you know about it
    and explain why you are interested in it.              .
Part 3
Apart from the company you just spoke about, are there any other big companies you’ve heard
What advantages does a large company usually have, compared to a small company?
What difficulties do you think a small company might have when it is growing in size?
Can you explain why large companies usually pay their employees higher salaries than small

23. A Film That Made You Think 
Describe a film that made you think a lot.
               You should say:
 What it was
 When you saw it
 What it was about
 and explain why it made you think a lot
Part 3
What kinds of films are popular in your country?
What do you think makes a good film?
The Movie Industry
Would you say a country's film industry is important for that country? 
Why are special effects used in some movies?
24. Describe an enjoyable time when you spent time with a lot of people
               You should say:
 what occasion it was
 who you were with
 what you did
 and explain why it was an enjoyable time
Part 3
What are some examples of group events that people go to?
Do you think people today gather together (in rather big groups) more often than before?
25. Describe a city you have visited and would like to go back to again.
               You should say:
 what city it was
 where it was
 what you did there
 and explain why you would like to go back there.
Part 3
What are the differences between cities and the countryside?
Some people say large cities are suitable for old people as places to live. What do you think?

Do you think it's possible for all the population of a country move to cities?
Would you say people in the countryside are friendlier than people in the city?
26. Describe a place (other than your home) where you sometimes go to relax.
        You should say:
where it is
what you do there
how often you go there
        and explain why it is a relaxing place
Part 3
Relaxing in Your Country
In your country, what do student do to relax? 
Do you think people nowadays have more ways to relax than in the past?
Would you say looking at natural scenery is more relaxing than engaging in indoor activities?
Is there any natural scenery near your home that makes you relaxed?
Why do you think natural scenery is relaxing to people?
Relaxing at the Workplace
Do employers in your country ever organize activities to help their employees relax? 
27. Describe a time when you were surprised to meet someone you know, such as a friend.
    You should say:
            where it was
            what you were doing at the time (or, why you went there)
            who you met
and explain why you were surprised

cuisine delicacy

Part 3
What are some other places where a person is likely to meet a friend by chance?
Setting a Time & Place to Meet
Why is it best for people to contact each other in advance when they want to meet with a

friend (or friends)?
Can you think of any situations when it is inconvenient for a person to visit a friend
unannounced (= without giving notice that they are coming)?
Can you explain why people sometimes show up late for appointments (or, pre-arranged
How do you prefer to contact friends, by a phone call or by sending a text message?
In what kind of situation do you think a person can be forgiven for being late for a meeting?
28. Describe a time when you made a mistake and you learnt from it.
        You should say:
                  where it was
                  what you were doing
                  what mistake you made        
         and explain what you learned from making this mistake.
Part 3
Mistakes in Childhood
What kinds of mistakes do children make at school?
What are the common mistakes that children make in their schoolwork?
Do you think these mistakes will disappear as they grow older, or will they continue
throughout life, as habits?
What should parents do in response to these problems?
Mistakes in the Workplace
What should employers do when employees made mistakes?
Do you think employees should be penalized for their mistakes at work?
Do you think people who use technical devices (e.g., calculators) make mistakes less often
than those who do things by hand?
Do you think people will be making fewer mistakes in the future?
29. Describe an elderly person who you find interesting to be with.
            You should say:
                    who this person is
                    how you know them (= him/her )
                   what this person did when he/she was young
            and explain why you find it interesting to be with the person.

Part 3
What kinds of things do you think old people can learn from teenagers?
What can children learn from their grandparents?
Do you think elderly people are happy being with their families?
What are the benefits of children spending time with their grandparents?
Would you say it’s hard for old people to communicate with young people?
How do you think the young and the elderly can get along with each other?
Why do you think young people who have jobs to do still need to communicate with (or,
spend time with) the elderly people in their family?
30. Describe a person you are happy to know.
            You should say:
                        who this person is
                        how long have known this person
                        what you usually do with this person
            and explain why you are happy to know this person.
Part 3
Happiness in General
What do you think are some of the differences between adults’ happiness and children’s
Happiness in the Workplace
Would you prefer to do a job with a low salary but one that brings you lots of happiness, or a
boring job but with a high salary?
Can you suggest how a boss could make his or her employees happy (as happy as possible) at
31. Describe an occasion when you wasted your time.  
You should say:
what you did
how much time you spent doing it
why you did it
and explain why you think it was a waste of time.


Part 3
Saving & Wasting Time
What are some typical examples of how people in your country waste time?
How do you think people can save time?
Do you think pondering on something (= thinking deeply about something) is a waste of time?
Question Banks
1. Do you like cakes?

2. Have you ever baked a cake?

3. How often do you eat cakes?

4. Are cakes popular in your country?

Pens/Pencils (NEW BOOKLET)

1. Do you like to use pens or pencils?

2. When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil?

3. How would you feel if someone gave you pen as a gift?

4. Are pens or pencils more common in schools in your country?


1. Do you go places on foot a lot?

2. Did you walk more when you were younger?

3. Why do some people prefer walking to driving a car?

4. Do people in your country walk a lot?


1. Do you like reading books?

2. What kind of books do you like most?

3. What sort of books did you read as a child?

4. Is it important to read?

Countryside (NEW BOOKLET)

1. Do you like going to the countryside?

2. What do you like to do there?

3. Have you ever lived in the countryside?

4. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?


1. Do you think you are a good friend?

2. Do you still have some friends from your childhood?

3. Has the types of friends you make changed a lot?

4. What makes a good friend?


1. Do you like to wear jeans?

2. How often do you wear jeans?

3. Did you used to wear jeans when you were younger?

4. What did you like about jeans?

Wildlife (NEW BOOKLET)

1. Have you ever seen a wild animal?

2. What is your favourite wild animal?

3. How do you feel when you see animals at the zoo?

4. What is the importance of animals to children?

Haircuts (NEW BOOKLET)

1. Do you often change your hair style?

2. Do you enjoy going to the barbershop?

3. What kind of haircuts did you get as a kid?

4. Do people in your country get a lot of haircuts?

Public Holidays (NEW BOOKLET)

1. What public holidays do you celebrate in your country?

2. Which public holiday do you like the most?

3. What do you do during that holiday?

4. Do you think there should be more public holidays in your country?

1. Do you communicate via emails?

2. Do you prefer getting texts or emails?

3. Have you ever received an email that made you happy?

4. Is email popular in your country?


1. When you were a child, where did you like to play?

2. Did you prefer playing indoors or outdoors?

3. What kinds of games did you play?

4. Do kids benefit more from playing outside?

Speaking Part 2 – Describe a…

 friend who is a good leader (New Booklet)

 time you felt surprised to meet someone (New Booklet)

 person on the news you would like to meet (New Booklet)

 road trip you went on (New Booklet)

 time you enjoyed yourself in a group (New Booklet)

 skill you want to learn that is difficult (New Booklet)

 time you could not use your phone (New Booklet)

 old person you know and respect (New Booklet)

 time you felt bored when you were with other people (New Booklet)

 city you want to go back to visit (New Booklet)

 time someone apologised to you (New Booklet)

 program or app that is useful for you (New Booklet)

 important journey that was delayed (New Booklet)

 time you helped a relative (New Booklet)

 exciting event you attended (New Booklet)

 item you bought and had difficulty using the first time (New Booklet)


 skill you learned recently at work (New Booklet)

shave off a second or two

 dinner you attended (New Booklet)

 movie you would like to discuss with your friends (New Booklet)

 time you felt bored (New Booklet)

 time the weather changed your plans (New Booklet)

 place your would like to live in the future (New Booklet)

 skill that you were taught (New Booklet)

 recent purchase (New Booklet)

 place you often go to read or write (New Booklet)

 time you managed to achieve a goal (New Booklet)

 time you celebrated an achievement (New Booklet)

 public building that you would like to visit (New Booklet)

 skill that you recently learned (New Booklet)

 change you would like to see made in your local area (New Booklet)

 person in the news you want to meet in person (New Booklet)

 childhood toy (New Booklet)




Originality (avatar)



 small but successful company that you know (New Booklet)

 goal that you set for yourself (New Booklet)

 job you would not like to do (New Booklet)

 product made in your hometown (New Booklet)

 person who motivated you to achieve a goal (New Booklet)

 performance that you have been to (New Booklet)

 time when you wore a uniform (New Booklet)

 happiest day in your life (New Booklet)

 beautiful sky that you observed (New Booklet)

 time you received advice regarding a profession or field of study (New Booklet)

 event you recently attended (New Booklet)

 time that you took a long time to think of a gift idea (New Booklet)

 important conversation that you had (New Booklet)

 time you apologised to someone (New Booklet)

 situation where you didn’t tell a friend the truth (New Booklet)

 picture or photograph that you have hanging up in your home (New Booklet)

 time you offered to help a friend (New Booklet)

 colorful place that you visited (New Booklet)

 famous product from your region of your country (New Booklet)

 time when you used the internet to solve a problem (New Booklet)

 movie that you would recommend to your friends (New Booklet)

 time when you met someone again after a long time not seeing them (New Booklet)

 person you know who travels a lot by plane (New Booklet)

 something that technology has helped you to achieve (New Booklet)

 trip with your friends that you enjoyed a lot 

 famous person from another country you would like to meet 

 quiz or game show 

 language other than English that you would like to learn

 item you brought to your family or friends after a trip 

 time the internet helped you in your work or study 

 person that you have not met face to face but have talked to on the phone 

 someone you know hid the truth from you 

 person from work or a friend who helped you in your life or career 

 important event in your country 

 time you invited a friend to eat a meal with you 

 water sport that you want to try 

 favourite band or singer 

 garden or park in your town or city 

 something that is good for your health 

 time you gave advice to someone else 

 Statue in your town 

 prize that you would like to win 

 gift you presented to a friend on a special occasion 

 market in your city 

 time when your vehicle broke down 

 time that you received a telemarketing phone call in public 

 time when you had to change your plans 

 time you received false information 

 time when you found something that you lost 

 lecture that you attended

 building that you like

 comedy that made you laugh


 person who you would like to meet

 recent development in your city

 website that you use frequently

 teacher that you liked

 subject you did not enjoy

 poisonous plant you know

 interesting place in your country

 activity that you do when you are alone

 family business that you know

 person you wanted to be like when you were growing up

 subject you did not like at school but are interested in now

 classmate influenced you deeply

 time you had to ask someone for advice regarding a decision

 problem that you had with a piece of equipment

 talkative person you know

 person who can speak another language well

 time that you heard a person you didn’t know on their phone


 sport that you played in your childhood

 something your borrowed from a friend or family member

 special date in your country’s history

 job that your grandparents did

 place where you would like to travel

 advertisment you watched and will not forget

 game you enjoyed playing when you were younger

 something you bought but never use

 book you recently read

 intelligent person that you know

 person who helps other people

 good law in your country

 time you wanted to do something but didn’t have the time

 time when you didn’t tell the complete truth

 handsome or beautiful person you have met

 person you know who is doing something to help the environment

 place where you can study indoors or outdoors

 family event that you attended

 searched for something on the internet

 person that you encouraged to accomplish something

 piece of clothing that you really like

 typical food that is eaten at special events in your country

 time when you received bad service 

when my soup was served with the waiter’s thumb in the bowl

 ideal house to live in

 thing that helps you get started working or studying.meditation

 time when you got up very early in the morning

 practical skill that you learned

 book that you read recently

 city that you think is beautiful

 time when you intended to do something but did not have enough time

 outdoor sport that you would like to try

 interesting old person you know

 time when you felt proud of a friend

Speaking Part 3

1. Do people in your country often eat together?

Well, no really I think. I mean people tend to be busy all the time so even though they want

to have dinner together they might not have the time to do so. For example, even though I

work in my hometown, I often have to meet clients for dinners so maybe just once or twice

dinner together with my own families. Although I do understand that this is an important

family bonding moment and I hope to dine together with my folks/families, unfortunately,

now I just can’t afford the time. /it’s still a luxury for me for the moment.

2. Why are family meals less common today?

Well, I think there are several reasons. To start with, there is always the subjective reason, I

mean young people are less aware of the importance of families so they might prefer to stay

with their friends or peer instead of their parents. On the other hand, mass media is

promoting the idea of independence, which is bleaching away family bonding opportunities

like family meals.

3. Is this a positive or negative development?

It can tear up generation gap.

4. Are there any holidays in your country centered around food?

5. Are international foods a threat to the traditional culture of your


Well, I don't think so. The reason is that despite the fact that an increasing number of people

are fond of international foods because of the infinite diversity, traditional foods and

cultures made us who we are. For example, Spring festival, traditional meals,

Smartphones (NEW BOOKLET)

1. When should parents allow their children to have a phone?

Well, I think it varies depending on different parents you are asking. I mean, for example, if

you ask parents who have 100% trust in their children, they will probably tell you mobiles

phones are important learning tools, so the earlier the better. However, if their children

cannot control themselves, the parents may think ‘never’ is the best answer.

2. Are there any places in your country where phones are not allowed?

3. How can phones be disruptive sometimes?

I think there are two major reasons. To start with, mobiles phones need your constant

attention which can be disruptive to yourself. On the other hand, when we talk on the phone

in public and it’s too loud, it is disruptive to others.

4. Do people in your country often switch off their phones?

5. Are people often impolite with their phone use?

Code of conduct

Dressing code

Helping ( NEW BOOKLET )

1. Should developed countries help developing countries?

2. What kind of help is best to provide?

3. Can help be harmful in some cases?

When you help people too much, it will become harmful.overreliance


4. How should parents help their children?

5. Are there any advantages to not helping someone?

Setting Goals (NEW BOOKLET )

1. How important is it for people to set goals?

I think it is as important as giving a taxi driver a destination

2. Do people set different goals at different stages of life?

3. Are personal goals more important than professional goals?

4. What sort of goals do young people today set?

5. Are people becoming more pessimistic about their life goals?

Stars/Space (NEW BOOKLET )

1. Do people in your country often look at the stars?

2. Why is it important to explore space?

3. How can learning about space impact the daily lives of people?



4. Will we find life on other planets?

5. When will humans live on other planets?

Weather (NEW BOOKLET )
1. What kind of effect does the weather have on farmers?

2. Are there many weather related problems in your country?

3. Does weather have a large impact on people’s moods?

4. What can be done to deal with bad weather?

5. How is climate change impacting the weather?

Public Speaking (NEW BOOKLET )

1. Why is public speaking important?

2. What qualities make someone a good public speaker?

3. What kind of people are usually asked to do public speaking?

4. Has the way that people speak in public changed much?

5. Why are people so scared of public speaking?

Celebrations (NEW BOOKLET )

1. What kind of celebrations are common in your country?

2. How much do people typically spend on their wedding?

3. Are there big differences between the way that young and old people

celebrate their birthdays?

4. Do all people in your country take part in the same celebrations?

5. What is the importance of national holiday?

Borrowing (NEW BOOKLET )

1. What kind of celebrations are common in your country?

2. Is patriotism a kind of celebration?

3. Why do people care so much about national sports teams?

4. Do all people in your country take part in the same celebrations?

5. How has the ways people celebrate changed?

Environment (NEW BOOKLET )

1. Why do people throw rubbish the streets?

2. How can people be encouraged to not litter?

3. What are the results of littering?

4. What steps has your government taken to make people pick up after


5. Do the efforts of a single person have an impact on the world as a


Friendship (NEW BOOKLET )
1. How do young people usually find friends in your country?

2. What makes a good friend?

3. How long does it take to develop a close friendship?

4. How important is listening to friendship?

5. Is it more important to find new friends or stay in touch with old


Careers (NEW BOOKLET )

1. What are the most common professions among young people today?

2. What influences young people in their choice of career?

3. Should young people follow their role models?

4. Should the age of retirement be raised?

5. How can people still contribute to society after retiring?


1. In which situations is it ok to lie to friends?

2. Why do some people feel comfortable telling strangers the truth but

not friends?

3. Do politicians have to lie?

4. How should politicians who have been caught lying be punished?

5. Is lying common in your country?


1. Should kids be taught art from a young age?

2. Is it important for all people to get the opportunity to make art?

3. Should art be sold or kept in museums for the public to see?

4. Why is art sold for such large sums of money?

5. What is the attitude to art in your country?

Airports (NEW BOOKLET )

1. Is it a difficult job to work at an airport?

2. Why do airports tend to get larger in size?

3. What makes travelling by air such a popular form of transport?

4. What are the advantages of travelling by plane?

5. What are the disadvantages of plane travel?

Happy Occasions (NEW BOOKLET )

1. How do people in your country celebrate happy occasions?

2. What occasions usually make people happy?

3. How important is the money spent on the occasion for making people


4. Is it a good idea to spend a lot of money on a birthday party?

5. Is happiness today the same as it was in the past?

The Film Industry (NEW BOOKLET )

1. Do you think actors should make as much money as they do?

2. What makes a good actor?

3. How can a film benefit the country where it is made?

4. Should countries invest more in their film industry?

5. Do people usually like the same genres in your country?

1. What makes someone a good leader?

2. Are there differences between male and female leaders?

3. What makes for a bad leader?

4. Is it important for leaders to be decisive?

5. Have leadership qualities changed much over time?

Speaking and Listening

1. What is the difference between a good speaker and listener?




2. How can someone be a good listener?

3. Is it more important to be good at listening or speaking?

4. Why are some people not good listeners?

5. How important is listening to political leaders?

School Subjects
1. What courses or subjects do you think will be added into high schools?

2. What courses or subjects will be helpful in future work?

3. Is it more effective to read online than in a book?

4. What do students do after school in your country? 

5. Do you think students should choose subjects they like?

The Internet
1. How often do most people use the internet?

2. Are there drawbacks to its overuse?

3. What kind of information can people find online?

4. How has this changed the way that people get their information?

5. How will the internet change society in the future?

1. Can learning a language help you understand more about a culture?

2. Why is it so difficult to learn a new language?

3. How will language learning change in the future?

4. Should governments invest more in second language learning in


5. What are the benefits of learning another language for your country?

Study Focus
1. Why do some people study badly?

2. Is it a good idea to have a firm plan when studying?

3. Why are many girls better at concentrating?

4. Is it better to study online or in a classroom?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a group?

Making Plans
1. How do people usually make plans?

2. Should you get advice when making plans?

3. Who is the best advisor for big plans?

4. What plans do governments have to make?

5. How important is the public in helping governments to make plans?

Phones in Public
1. Why do people talk on their phones on public transport?

2. Is it common in your country?

3. Is silence valued in your city?

4. Why do some people have trouble staying silent?

5. Is there too much noise from technology today?

1. What can we learn from making new friends?

2. How important is it to have a social life?

3. Why is having good friends important?

4. What role do friends play in your life as you get older?

5. Do most people share both good and bad experiences with their


1. How can children be motivated to achieve their goals?

Instructional motivation

Inspirational motivation

2. Who is more responsible – parents or teachers?

3. Is it always necessary to set goals to motivate children?

4. What motivates adults?

5. Why are some people seemingly much more motivated than others?

1. Do people in your country usually have gardens in their homes?

2. Which age group visits gardens the most?

3. Is it good for people to take care of a garden?

4. Why do people grown their own plants at home sometimes?

5. Is it common for people in your country to grow fruits and vegetables

at home?

Outdoor Sports
1. What are the benefits of doing an outdoor sport?

2. Why do some people enjoy doing dangerous sports?

3. Why were dangerous sports created at all?

4. Is it better to do outdoor sports in groups?

5. Do both old and young people enjoy outdoor sport?

Public Transportation
1. Do old or young people use public transportation more?

2. What are the drawbacks of private vehicles?

3. How could public transportation be improved?

4. Should city planners consider public transport when designing cities?

5. What can the government do to improve public transport outside of

urban areas?

Looking up to People
1. Do you think kids today grow up differently than in the past?

2. Are famous people good examples for children?

3. What can children learn from bad examples?

4. Should companies use celebrities to advertise their products?

5. Do people really trust celebrity endorsed products?


1. How helpful is competition for children?

2. Is it good to have a competitive attitude?

3. How are the attitudes of professionals and amateurs different?

4. How are children awarded competition prizes in your country?

5. What are the adverse effects of competition on children?

1. Who is most responsible for enforcing the law?

2. Which international laws are you familiar with?

3. Why do you think law is important?

4. Should laws be more universal?

5. What is the relationship between law and justice?

1. How can people improve their physical health?

2. What about their mental health?

3. In what ways can teachers encourage students to do sports?

4. What is the role of doctors in raising health awareness?

5. Can social media also play a role?

Individuals and the Environment

1. What are the main environmental problems we face today?

2. What can individuals do to protect the environment?

3. How much do politicians in your country care about the environment?

4. Should nations work together to protect the environment?

5. What are the roadblocks to this?

Old People
1. What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home? 

2. Is there anything that older people should learn from the younger


3. What can the younger generation learn from the older generation? 

4. What qualities does a person need to take care of older people? 

5. Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work? 

Arts and Crafts
1. Why do people undervalue art?

2. Are artistic skills innate?

3. Should cities have more art in public spaces?

4. Why do people admire art and artists so much?

5. What is the difference between good and bad art?

Truth in Crime
1. Why do witnesses of crimes sometimes disagree in their accounts?

Bribery; bribe; threat

2. How can modern technology help solve crimes?

3. Will teaching children to be honest reduce crime in the future?

4. Should there be more severe penalties for crimes like libel?

Verbal abuse

Cyber bullying

5. How will the detection of lies change in the future?

Talkative Children
1. Do think being talkative is a good quality for children?

2. Is it good for children to talk a lot in every situation?

3. Why do children talk so much?

4. What makes children talk less as the get older sometimes?

5. What can teachers do to encourage children to talk more?

1. Do people with high IQs tend to be selfish?

2. Can computers improve your intelligence?

3. What is the difference between intelligence and knowledge?

4. How much can intelligence change during a lifetime and how much of it is fixed?

5. Has technology made people less intelligent?

Difficult Jobs
1. Why do some people see their jobs as very difficult?

2. Should jobs with high degrees of difficulty earn more money?

3. What determines the jobs that people choose?

4. Do companies do enough to train employees for difficult jobs?

5. What incentives can governments offer for those taking on difficult


1. When a person is successful, are they also happy?

2. What is success?

3. Do relationships affect success?

4. Which is more important for success: opportunity or hard work?

5. What defines success for people in your country?

1. Is it important for children in school to get along with their classmates?

2. What are the advantages of getting along well with others in school?

3. Should children be allowed to sit where they want in class?

4. How has technology changed the way that students interact with each other?

5. How important is it for children to learn about sharing?

Urban Planning
1. How important is urban planning for a city?

2. What are the possible drawbacks of not having a good plan?

3. How do cities in your country differ?

4. What effect do businesses have on urban planning?

5. How can people make their voices heard when it comes to urban planning?


1. How did people find out information in the past?

2. How has that changed now?

3. Do people today rely too much on online information?

4. Can a personal diary be a reliable source of information?

5. How do historians verify the information they come across?

1. Do people in your country shop at malls or street markets?

2. Is online shopping common?

3. Is it better to shop alone or with friends?

4. Why is online shopping becoming more popular?

5. Is shopping a waste of time?


1. Is the behaviour of teenagers today better than when you were a teenager?

2. When should teenagers start to take on more responsibilities?

3. What kinds of responsibilities?

4. How have attitudes towards teenagers changed in recent years?

5. What can parents do if teenagers are unwilling to take on more responsibility?

1. What is the importance of laughing?

It’s as important as sleeping, help you relax, let go pressure and bring people closer to each


2. What is the difference between the laughing of children and adults?

Difference no.1 is why they laugh. Kids laugh when they are happy, adults sometimes laugh

because they have to

Difference No.2 is how much they laugh, kids laugh a lot, adults laugh less.

3. Why do children laugh more easily than adults?

4. How does it impact students if their teacher is funny?

5. Is it possible to enjoy comedy from foreign countries?

1. Do most people in your country work for small or large businesses?

2. What kind of businesses need the most help?

3. Should the government help businesses or leave them alone?

4. How important is regulation of large businesses?

5. What rights do large companies have?

They have the right to maintain regular business operation. That is protected by laws

They have the right to compete fair and square.

They have the right to their own business secrete, intellectual properties, patent

1. What sort of important decisions do teenagers face today?

2. What are the difficult decisions that national leaders face?

3. How can they make these decisions?

4. Who should be considered when taking an important decision?

5. Is it better to take your time or make a quick decision?

1. What internet sites do people in your country use for entertainment?

2. Why is more and more news now published on social media websites?

3. What can we do to stop the spread of unreliable news?

4. How have websites changed in the last decade?

5. Should there be tighter regulation on websites?

Online Information
1. Is online information reliable?

2. Do you think there is too much information online?

3. How can people consume online news responsibly?

4. Is the information provided on television useful?

5. What’s the difference between news in newspapers and online news?

Time Management
1. How can people manage their time better now compared to the past?

2. What are the differences in what people do with their time now?

Difference No.1 is the variety of things that people can do. In the past, people used to have a

narrower scope of varieties to choose from. Now they have more choices.

Difference No. 2 is time management. People used to care less about time management, but

now people budget and prioritize their time more carefully.

3. How has technology helped people to save time?

Quick fix, tools and gadget to help use manage time, alarm clock, calendar

Silver bullet, time management skills/behavior science have developed, so we can better

understand how we waste time so we can avoid doing so again.

4. What are the qualities of a person with good time management?

5. Will people have more free time in the future?

1. Which sports are popular in your country?

2. How can amateurs be attracted to participate in sports?

3. What are the benefits of doing sport?

4. How does loyalty help a sport become popular?

5. What makes a sport popular?

1. Where do most people in your country go for holidays?

2. Why do some people prefer to spend their holidays at home?

3. Do you think young people benefit from having a gap-year before university?

4. How does tourism for holidays affect your country?

5. What benefits does it have?

Losing Things
1. Why do people lose things?

2. Which things do people usually lose?

3. What should parents do when children bring home something they found?

4. How can people better remember things?

5. How important is memory?

1. Do people in your country read a lot?

2. Will reading still be a popular hobby in the future?

3. Do children read a lot these days?

4. Is developing a love of reading the responsibility of parents?

5. How can governments encourage people to read more?

1. What is beauty for you? 

2. Do you think the media influences our idea of beauty? 

3. Do you think advertisements portrayal of beauty is correct? 

4. How has people’s idea of beauty changed over the last few decades?

5. Do you think beauty only relates to a person’s appearance? 

1. Why are designer brand clothes popular?

Subjectively, people like their design, trendy

Objectively, people are brain washed by media and tend to follow the crowd, follow the


2. Why are these brands so expensive?

Subjectively, creativity and innovation is put into it. unique/superior design and quality

Objectively, they are symbol of social status.

3. How has fashion changed in your country?

4. Is it important for designers to stay up to date with the latest fashions?

5. Is fashion more important than adapting your clothes to the weather?

1. Why do things break?

2. Is it worth repairing something instead of buying a new one?

3. Should we teach kids to repair things?

4. Does the government have a responsibility to fix certain things?

5. How well do people in your country take care of public facilities?

International Events/Parties
1. What sort of international events does your country host?

2. Do you think these types of events divide people?

3. Why are these events celebrated?

4. What activities are common for these celebrations?

5. Are there many events that are celebrated across national borders?

Social Websites
1. Do you often use social websites?

2. Why do you use social websites?

3. Do people spend too much time on social websites?

4. Would you like to spend more time on these websites?

Borrowing and Lending

1. Have you ever borrowed a book from someone else?

2. Do you like to lend to others?

3. Would you ever lend a friend money?

4. Would you lend someone your phone to make a phone call?

Places to Play
1. Where did you play when you were a child?

2. Did you often play at a friend’s home?

3. Did you prefer playing inside or outside when you were younger?

4. Do you think it’s important for children to play outside?

Money and Gifts

1. Is money a good gift?

2. What is the difference between buying with cash and a credit card?

3. What are the advantages of buying with cash?

4. Should people include receipts when they give gifts?

5. Is it common to return gifts in your country?

Bad Service
1. Why some people do not complain about bad service?

Subjectively, they may be tolerant or they do not know that they can complain or how to file

a complaint.

Objectively, they may think complaint will not work.

2. What should people do if they receive bad service?

3. How can companies deal with bad service?

4. Can bad service ever be a positive experience?

5. What organizations are famous for bad service in your country?

If you ask people from different age groups you will have different answers.

Kids may say some amusement park or even their schools.

Adults may complain about their own employers or public transportation.

The elderly may complain about social welfare organization or even the government

Public Facilities
1. Are there many public facilities in your country?

2. What are the benefits of parks?

3. Should parks be free of charge?

4. How can parks better serve the poor?

5. How important is it to have parks in urban areas?

1. Which types of parties are popular in your country?

2. Is it true that everybody likes parties?

3. Do you prefer receiving emails or birthday cards on your birthday? 

4. How does alcohol affect the atmosphere of a party? 

5. Is music important to a party?

Quiet Places
1. Why do old people prefer quiet places?

Subjectively, solitary lifestyle.

Objectively, it brings serenity, tranquility, peace, comfortable.

2. What are the main causes of noise in cities?

3. Why are suburbs quieter?

Subjectively, people who choose to live they prefer quieter lifestyle

Objectively, less traffic and industry,

4. Why might some people not enjoy quiet places?

5. Will cities be nosier in the future?

1. How important is communication in the workplace?

2. How does that differ from communication at home?

3. What different types of communication are there?

4. How have mobile phones changed the way we communicate?

5. What is the future of communication?

1. Why is the country quieter than the city?

2. Why do many people prefer to live in the countryside?

3. Where are the quietest places in cities?

4. What will the countryside look like in your country in the future?

5. Are there any drawbacks to investing in public transport in the countryside?



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