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Sistem Respiratori

Denise Koh
• The respiratory and cardiovascular system
combine to provide an effective delivery system
that carries O2 and removes CO2 from tissues. –
through 4 processes:
– Pulmonary ventilation (breathing): movement of air
into and out of the lungs
– Pulmonary diffusion: the exchange of O2 and CO2
between the lungs and the blood
– Transport of O2 and CO2 via the blood
– Capillary diffusion: the exchange of O2 and CO2
between the capillary blood and the metabolically
active tissues
Pulmonary Ventilation
• Pulmonary ventilation = breathing =
pernafasan = proses dimana udara mengalir ke
dalam dan keluar daripada badan kita.
Pulmonary Ventilation …
• Air can be brought into the body through
breathing via nose and/or mouth.
• Nasal breathing is advantages because the air
swirls through the bony irregular sinus
surfaces (turbinates/conchae):
– Warms the air
– Humidifies the air
– Filters out particles – minimizing irritation and
threat of respiratory infections.
Pulmonary Ventilation …
• The lungs are not directly attached to the ribs.
• They are suspended by the pleural sacs.
• Pleural Sacs:
– Double wall: parietal pleura which lines the
thoracic wall, and visceral / pulmonary pleura
which lines the outer aspects of the lung.
• There is a thin film of fluid between them to
reduce friction
• Inspiration is an active process involving the
diaphragm and the external intercostal
• The ribs and sternum are moved by external
intercostal muscle.
– The ribs swing up and out
– The sternum swings up and forward
– The diaphragm contracts, flattening down towards
the abdomen
Process of Inspiration
How did the pressure change?
• Boyle’s Gas Law/ Hukum Boyle menyatakan
bahawa “bagi jumlah gas adalah tetap pada
suhu yang tetap, P dan V berkadar songsang.”

• Maka, apabila isipadu paru-paru dinaikkan, V

dalam paru-paru menurun, dan udara luar
badan masuk ke paru-paru.
What happens during exercise?
• During forced or labored breathing (exercise),
inspiration is further assisted by the action of
other muscle (scalene, sternocleidomastoid,
and the pectorals in the chest). These muscle
help raise the ribs even more then during
regular breathing.
• Intra-alveolar pressure/intra-pulmonary
pressure can decrease to 80-100 mmHg.
(normal breathing only decrease 2-3 mmHg).
• At rest, expiration is usually a passive process
involving the relaxation of the inspiration
muscles and elastic recoil of the lung tissue.

• Because of the elastic recoil of the lung tissue,

the intra-alveolar pressure increases to more
than the atmospheric pressure (763 mmHg).
What happens during exercise?
• During forced or labored breathing (exercise),
expiration is further assisted by the latissimus
dorsi and quadratus lumborum muscles.
• Contracting abdominal muscles increase the
intra-abdominal pressure, accelerating the
diaphagm back to its domed position.
• There muscles also pulls the rib cage down
and inward.
What happens during exercise?
• The changes in intra-abdonimal and intra-
thoracic pressure that happens during forced
breathing also help return venous blood back
to the heart.

• The changes in pressure is transferred to the

pulmonary veins and the superior and inferior
vena cava. – milking action. – known as
respiratory pump.
Pulmonary Volumes
• The volume of air in the lung can be measured
with a spirometer (called spirometry).
• A spirometer measures the volume of air
inspired and expired and therefore the
changes in lung volume.
Pulmonary Volumes
• Spirometry is used clinically to measure lung
volumes, capacities, and flow rates as an aid in
diagnosing such respiratory disease as asthma.
• Tidal Volume: the amount of air entering and
leaving the lung with each breath.
• Vital Capacity: the greatest amount of air that can
be expired after a maximal inspiration.
• Residual Volume: cannot be measured with
• Total Lung Capacity: vital capacity + residual
Lung volumes measured by spirometry
Pulmonary Diffusion
• Pulmonary Diffusion = gas exchanges in the
– Replenishes blood’s O2 supply
– Removed CO2 from returning systemic venous
• Air is brought into the lung during pulmonary
ventilation – enabling pulmonary diffusion.
• O2 diffused into blood from the alveoli and
CO2 diffused into the alveoli from blood
Pulmonary Diffusion
• Blood from the body returns through the vena
cava to right ventricle then to the pulmonary
artery then to the lungs then the pulmonary
• Pulmonary capillaries form a dense network
around the alveolar sacs.
• These vessels are so small it forces the red
blood cells to pass through in single file – each
cell is exposed to the surrounding lung tissue.
Blood Flow to Lungs at Rest
• At rest the lungs receive approx. 4 – 6 L/min of
blood flow (depending on body size).
Respiratory Membrane
• Gas exchange between the air in the alveoli
and the blood in the pulmonary capillaries
occurs across the capillary membrane:
– The alveoli wall
– The capillary wall
– Their basement membrane
• The respiratory membrane is very small,
measuring only 0.5 – 4.0 μm
• Gasses are very close with the blood in the
Gas Exchange in the Alveoli
• Differences in the partial pressure of the
gasses in the alveoli and the gases in the
blood create a pressure gradient across the
respiratory membrane.
• This forms the bases of gas exchange during
pulmonary diffusion.
O2 Exchange
• The PO2 of air outside the body at standard
atmospheric pressure of 159mmHg.
• When it comes into the body, it is moistened
and cleaned, the Pa becomes 105mmHg.
• Blood without O2 enters the pulmonary
capillaries with Pa about 40mmHg.
• The pressure gradient for O2 is about
Partial pressure of O2 & CO2
Transport of O2 and CO2
• O2 is transported by blood either combined
with hemoglobin (>98%) or dissolved in the
blood plasma (<2%).
• Only 3ml O2 are dissolved in each liter of
• CO2 is transported in the blood via:
– As bicarbonate ions
– Dissolved in plasma
– Bound to hemoglobin (carbaminohemoglobin)
Gas exchange at the Muscle
• O2 is transported in the muscle to the
mitochondria by a molecule called myoglobin.
• Myoglobin is similar in structure to
hemoglobin, but much greater affinity for O2
than hemoglobin.
• CO2 exits the cells by simple diffusion in
response to the partial pressure gradient
between tissue and the capillary blood.
The End…

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