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Table of Contents

Chapter 127
Chapter 142
Chapter 203
Chapter 204
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 215
Chapter 217 Autumn Rain's Family
Chapter 219
Chapter 223 Henry's Insights
Chapter 224 He is nothing
Chapter 225
Chapter 227 Sneaky
Chapter 228
Chapter 230
Chapter 232
Chapter 239: Really Evil
Chapter 240
Chapter 243
Chapter 246: Sleep Together Tonight
Chapter 247 Valuing Henry
Chapter 248 Various tests
Chapter 249
Chapter 250 Yang Yuan
Chapter 352
Chapter 359
Chapter 360 Liao Sheng
Chapter 366
Chapter 369
Chapter 371
Chapter 375: The Cheng Family Again
Chapter 379
Chapter 380
Chapter 381
Chapter 382
Chapter 384
Chapter 386
Chapter 387
Chapter 389
Chapter 390 Internal Strife
Chapter 391
Chapter 394 He Dong Arrives
Chapter 396
Chapter 399
Chapter 400
Chapter 552
Chapter 553: Get Out
Chapter 554: Feng Ran Is Coming
Chapter 555
Chapter 557 Down
Chapter 558 Name of Emperor Wu
Chapter 559
Chapter 561
Chapter 562
Chapter 564
Chapter 566
Chapter 567 Scattered Spirit Formation
Chapter 569 Night Attack
Chapter 572
Chapter 573 Benefits to Bright Island
Chapter 575: Fire Crystal Stream
Chapter 576 Evil God Fragment
Chapter 577
Chapter 578
Chapter 579 Irritability
Chapter 580
Chapter 581: Ambition in the Heart
Chapter 582
Chapter 583
Chapter 584 Wei Qinghao's Purpose
Chapter 586
Chapter 589
Chapter 591
Chapter 593 Beloved Baby Syndrome
Chapter 594 Psychological Counseling
Chapter 596 Nine Palaces Bagua City
Chapter 597 A Gift
Chapter 598
Chapter 600 Clan Plan
Chapter 851: Respecting the Big Buddha
Chapter 852: Different Entrustment
Chapter 853: The Powerful Core
Chapter 854
Chapter 856
Chapter 857 You Apologize To Us
Chapter 858
Chapter 861
Chapter 863: Mysterious Cave
Chapter 864: Dragon Mural
Chapter 865: Mysterious Broken Sword
Chapter 867
Chapter 868
Chapter 871
Chapter 872
Chapter 873
Chapter 875
Chapter 876: Action
Chapter 877
Chapter 879
Chapter 882: He Has No Opportunity
Chapter 884
Chapter 885
Chapter 887: My Boss Is Him
Chapter 888
Chapter 890
Chapter 891
Chapter 893 Meeting
Chapter 894: Buy With Money
Chapter 895
Chapter 896
Chapter 897
Chapter 898
Chapter 899
Chapter 1
Luxury Village is the best residential area in Yinzhou, and the house price is also the most
expensive in Yinzhou.
A two-storey villa with three hundred square meters is located in the best location in Sai
Shangshui Township.
Twenty-five-year-old Henry crawled on the ground, took a white cloth in his hand, wringed
it out from the bucket beside him, and carefully cleaned the expensive floor underneath.
In the courtyard of the villa, the stopped Porsche, Ferrari, were all greyed out.
These look luxurious, but none belong to Henry. He just went to the Lin family and
"married" to Yinzhou No. 1 giant, Sylvia, the president of the Lin Group.
As the husband of Sylvia, he had done all the work of his servants since he entered Lin's
house this month. He had never been in Sylvia's bed. The reason was simple.
Sylvia looked down on him.
In this villa, the only one belonging to Henry might be the very old bicycle in the courtyard.
Henry wore a white vest and beach pants, humming an unknown little song in his mouth,
and a happy expression on his face.
"Huh, there are still two rooms, and today's task will be completed."
A global limited-edition Aston Martin stopped in front of the villa. This car, in the entire
Yinzhou city, has people who can afford it, but no one is eligible to buy it, even the Lin
A young man in the car wearing a Versace limited edition dress, who can buy this kind of
clothes, has a pivotal position in the country.
The young man took off the sunglasses on his face, revealed a handsome face, pushed the
door and walked into the villa compound, and at a glance saw Henry lying on the ground,
wiping his ass and rubbing the ground, through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.
The handsome young man covered his forehead, "My God, Boss, you are also someone who
is known as the name of Satan at the helm of all countries in the world.
Would you like to become a cleaner? Oh no, I should say yes, housewives!"
The young man pushed the door, walked into the villa, and lit himself a Cohiba Cuban cigar.
The rich scent fluttered when the cigar was lit.
Henry, who crawled on the ground, didn't even look at him. He continued to wipe the floor,
and said in his mouth: "You know a fart, this is love! Put your damn smoke to Lao Tzu, you
know, my wife doesn't I like to smell smoke. "
"Yo, is this what we said in the mouth of our big squirt gun?" The handsome young man
pouted, or honestly put out the smoke, "That, boss, do you want to drink two glasses at
night, today the royal family of Rui Guo The chick called me again and wanted to meet you
in life and death. You have to agree that she would take her private plane and land in
Yinzhou as soon as possible. "
"Fuck! Lao Tzu is a man with a wife. What is the royal family of Ruiguo, let her roll away for
Lao Tzu." Henry waved his hands impatiently. ? "
"Alas." The handsome young man sighed. "It's a ruthless man, okay, I will tell the chick,
boss, are you really going to give up everything? This month you disappeared, the entire
underground world is going fast crazy."
"The shit's abandoning everything!" Henry stood up from the ground and slapped it on the
back of the handsome young man. "Lao Tzu now has the world!"
Henry said while pointing his finger at the TV wall in the living room. There was a wedding
photo of him and a woman standing together. The woman in the photo, with light makeup
on her face, smiled slightly, like an angel.
"Al right, all say that women in love do not have IQ, and I think men are like that, so I will go
first." The handsome young man shook his head helplessly, exited the villa door, and faced
the limited edition Aston Martin When he walked away, when he opened the car door, the
handsome young man suddenly said, "By the boss, you put Master Sherbah's most precious
things and these rubbish together. It is estimated that Sherbah will be very distressed when
he sees it."
The handsome young man rushed to the gray car in the courtyard.
"The value of shit, isn't the bicycle used to ride, you want to give you away!" Henry waved
"Forget it." The handsome young man shook his head. "I don't want to ride on the street
with this auction price of 1.3 bil ion US dollars. Go away, boss."
Aston Martin sounded a motor roar and disappeared in front of the villa door.
Henry walked into the yard, looked at the worn bicycle, and said to himself, "1.3 bil ion?
It's not as expensive as my wife's hair."
After talking, Henry kicked the bicycle down. The mobile phone in his pocket rang while the
bicycle fell to the ground. Henry took out this thousand-worth Warwick mobile phone and
saw it. There was a text message on it. Yes.
"Dear Lord Satan, the Saudi royal family begged us to send ten guards to protect the safety
of the royal family. The price is three oil fields. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United
States ..."
Henry just glanced at it, and even without reading the content, he deleted the text message,
looked at the floor inside the villa, and said to himself: "Real y, there are stil two rooms that
have not been wiped."
Henry put the phone in his trouser pocket and lay down on the ground, pursing his
buttocks and carefully rubbing the floor.
After Henry cleaned al the sanitation of the villa, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.
A Mercedes drove into the villa courtyard.
Henryyi heard the engine sound and immediately ran to the villa door.
The flaming Mercedes-Benz GT is as beautiful as a cheetah, which makes people unable to
remove their eyes, but it is eclipsed in front of the woman who got off the car.
Even the enthusiastic car lover will not pay attention to the Mercedes-Benz at this time.
GT, but focus on this woman.
A simple white shirt and black skirt, because this woman became no longer ordinary,
slender legs with black silk as perfect as a gift from God, slender and straight.
Thousands of black silks draped behind her head, and every step of the woman would
make this black hair float.
Her fair skin is softer than a baby, and her perfect facial features are impeccable.
This is a perfect woman with temperament, appearance and wealth.
If you have to talk about the lack of beauty, it is probably the cold expression of the woman.
After the woman got out of the car, she didn't look at Henry, who was standing in front of
the door of the villa, and walked into the door.
"Old ... Mr. Lin, you are back." Henry looked at the woman in front of him with a flattering
face, and the title he first prepared to export was taken back because of the woman's eyes.
Sylvia, general manager of Lin's Group, Henry's legal wife who received the certificate a
month ago.
When Sylvia saw Henry, there was a sudden disgust in her heart. She hated it the most.
There were two kinds of people, one kind of lip-smooth tongue, and another kind of
delicious lazy. Coincidentally, Henry accounted for both of them.
In the eyes of Sylvia, Henry is a day-to-day idle person who does not seek self-
improvement. He wants to live a better life than others by relying on his own way. Block
Lin family single pass, to Sylvia's father's generation, gave birth to a daughter, in order not
to break the Lin family incense, can only find someone into trouble, Sylvia can not
understand why his father chose such a person, she countless times Protesting to his father
was useless.
Henry joined the Lin family one month ago. Over the past month, Sylvia thought of
countless ways to dare Henry to go. For this, Sylvia specifically dismissed his nanny and
gave Henryqian all his family work. He never socialized with Henry. Henry must not be able
to bear it for a long time, but I did not expect this person to enjoy it.
"Mr. Lin, I'm tired after a busy day. The tea has been made for you." Henry's face was
greeted with a grin, and he handed Sylvia a cup of hot tea.

Chapter 2
Sylvia looked at the smile on Henry ’s face, and there was a burst of nausea in her heart. She
felt sorry for Henry many times. She brushed the toilet and cleaned the floor with a rag.
Smoking, too much too much, however, Henry did not resist these at al , said no smoking,
no one, several times, Sylvia also deliberately came home from work early, just want to
catch Henry something wrong, and then push him out However, Sylvia was disappointed
every time.
She looked at the flattery on Henry's face, and an idea sprang up in her heart.
Okay, do n’t you bear everything, do n’t you accept it, I will let you suffer!
Thinking of this, Sylvia leaned back on the sofa, and said to Henry with no emotion in his
voice: "Tired, go wash my feet and wash my feet."
"Good!" Henry ran to the bathroom without hesitation for a second.
Soon, a pot of foot washing water with a moderate temperature was brought to Sylvia by
"Mr. Lin, your footwash." Henry crouched in front of Sylvia's slender legs and put down the
Sylvia kicked off the high heels, lifted the pair of exquisite jade feet to Henry's eyes, and
said in a condescending tone: "You wash me."
"I'l wash it for you?" Henry stared at the pair of jade feet in front of him for two seconds.
Sylvia saw Henry's expression, his exquisite little mouth slightly tilted, and sneered,
"Why, unwilling? Leave me unwilling!"
"Yes, of course!" Henry nodded vigorously, with a smile on his face, and there was a trace of
excitement in his heart. It seems that his efforts this month were not in vain.
This is the first time he has physical contact with his wife, or she offered !
The expression of Henry's expression changed from a daze to a smile on his face.
Sylvia saw it clearly. In Sylvia's eyes, he could see this person thoroughly. For money,
everything can be done!
Men, if they are not afraid of being poor, they are afraid of lacking strength!
In Sylvia's view, Henry is the kind of man who has no bones. Such a man should be
humiliated! She deliberately raised the exquisite jade feet as if instructing a servant,
"wash it."
Henry looked at the pair of jade feet with black stockings on the feet, silky and supple,
pulling gently with his hand, the black ribbon creases, sliding down the straight long legs,
split leg stockings have nothing to hinder Henry was pulled to the knee.
The black stockings carried a faint fragrance, and after they were al faded away, the
delicate jade feet appeared in front of Henry's eyes, and their muscles were tender, as if
they would be soaked in pure milk every day. , Like a piece of white gemstone, even the
most demanding person, can not pick out a little flaw.
Sylvia leaned on the sofa, she could clearly feel a pair of rough big hands rubbing on her
feet, bringing a burst of numbness and comfort. Sylvia looked at Henry who was pressing
her feet in front of her, and the disgust in her eyes was even worse. She never thought of it,
a man who is so humble for money to be so disgusting!
Sylvia was just about to kick Henry away and let him roll away. The ringtone of the phone
interrupted what she was going to do next.
The phone call came from Secretary Li of the company. Sylvia answered the phone. I didn't
know what Secretary Li said on the phone. Sylvia frowned tightly.
"Tel him not to be delusional! My Lin is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch!"
Sylvia finished speaking, tossing the phone aside, leaning on the sofa, Yu fingers gently
rubbed his temples, feeling a little upset, and even forgot to kick Henry.
At this time, a burst of warmth spread from Sylvia's feet, along this perfect straight long leg,
upwards. This comfortable warmth made Sylvia's irritable heart and emotions feel calm,
and the tightly frowned Liu Mei also relieved some.
Henry put the pair of jade feet in the warm water basin, rubbing it carefully and carefully.
He looked up and looked up at Sylvia's brows, the woman's appearance, and the phone she
just picked up. A sleeping beast awakened in Henry's heart.
Who provokes her! Who dares!
This was the first time Henry had seen Sylvia. From the time Henry was five years old, he
knew the woman in front of him.
At the age of five, Henry and his mother almost froze to the streets of winter. Sylvia stepped
down from her father's car and handed Henry a cotton coat and a hundred pieces of cash.
The cotton coat let Henry and his mother cross After the winter, a hundred dollars made
Henry buy a fever-reducing medicine for his mother.
When Henry was seven years old, because of eating spoiled food in the trash, which caused
food poisoning, Lin's charity funded and rescued six homeless children including Henry.
When Henry was ten years old, he went to a public welfare school founded by the Lin
family. His mother found a job as a cleaner in the school.
Until Henry was 14 years old, her mother was found to have a malignant tumor. In order
not to drag Henry, her mother left a suicide note and jumped from the seventh floor.
In his suicide note, his mother told Henry that he could not set up a tomb for himself, but he
must repay the favor of the Lin family. Without the Lin family, Henry died on the street at
the age of five, not to mention school.
The Lin family saved Henry ’s life twice. Henry had already vowed in his heart that in his
life, he must repay the Lin family ’s kindness, and when he was five years old, the girl who
gave her a cotton-padded coat seemed to bring light. Angel, lived in Henry's heart.
In Henry's memory, there was only this woman's sweet smile, and she never frowned like
Henry rubbed Sylvia's feet. He knew every acupuncture point on the human body and
relieved Sylvia's lack of strength. His control of strength, even a professional masseuse,
could not be compared.
Unconsciously, Sylvia's entire body slackened and leaned lazily on the large sofa. She was
indeed too tired, and her sleep was accompanied by the comfort on her feet.
Sylvia was half lying on the soft sofa. Her posture made the white shirt in front of her pile
up slightly in front of her. Between the buttons and buttons of the shirt, Henry's eyes
opened slightly because of her posture. You can see Sylvia's flat belly through these smal
mouths, and then look up, it is the black personal clothing.
Sylvia didn't realize anything at all. The comfort from her feet and the mental distress
caused her to sleep in the past and let out a soft breath. A black hair was scattered on the
backrest of the sofa like a sleeping beauty in a fairy tale .
Henry massaged Sylvia careful y. Ordinary people kept a posture and squatted for more
than 15 minutes, and their legs would become numb, unbearable. Henry squatted for more
than half an hour, and then gently dried Sylvia ’s pair of jade feet , Slowly placed on the sofa,
and found a towel to be covered by Sylvia.

Chapter 3
Looking at the time, it was now seven o'clock in the afternoon, Henry crept out of the villa,
carefully closed the door, stepped on a double toe, and rode the old bicycle out of the villa
Henry took out his mobile phone while cycling, and made a phone call.
"Boss, isn't it your housewife, why did you remember to cal me?" A male voice rang from
the end of the phone. It was the young man who came to the villa this afternoon to find
"Let me check if someone provokes my wife today!" Henry's voice was filled with
indiscriminate anger.
"Okay boss, don't hang up the phone, I will let you check it now ..."
Henry could hear the handsome young man's voice from the phone, as well as the crackling
sound of the keyboard.
In less than thirty seconds, the handsome young man said again, "Boss, it was found that
the Lin Group and the Zhou Group jointly developed a piece of land. As a result, after the
Lin Group made part of the investment, Zhou suddenly terminated the cooperation
unilaterally. The general manager of the Zhou Group asked her sister-in-law to go to the
Zhou ’s building alone tonight so that she might be able to consider the continuation of the
cooperation. "
The green muscles on Henry's hands burst into an instant, and there was an undisguised
anger in the words, "Beat my wife's idea? He wants to die! Within ten seconds, send me the
place and photo of the surname Zhou, that's it!"
As soon as Henry's phone hung up, the positioning information was sent. The general
manager of Zhou Group is now in Zhou Building.
Zhou's Mansion, located in the south of Yinzhou City, has 11 floors. In the president's office
on the top floor, 30-year-old general manager Danny is wearing a shirt, sitting on the large
boss chair, drinking the fine Longjing, he sees Looking at the computer screen in front of
him, Sylvia is showing pictures on it.
Looking at the beautiful and impeccable woman in the photo, Danny's eyes flashed a smile,
and said to himself: "Play with me? I'd like to see how big you Sylvia is, to keep you That
restraint, or the billions of dollars you invested in, is stil floating! "
Danny deliberately overcast Sylvia on the land, and explained clearly to Sylvia that if he
wanted to continue the development of the land, he came to Danny with me and slept
Danny pinned Longjing and looked at the time. He thought that in another three hours at
most, the perfect woman would appear in front of herself, letting herself play with it.
Oh, by the way, I heard that she is still married, but it seems that she has found a waste to
be her husband. When she finishes playing with her, she will talk to her waste husband to
see the kind of waste wood and dare not put it on herself. A fart!
Just as Danny was immersed in his wonderful fantasy, the door of his office was kicked
open from the outside.
The sound scared Danny and Danny saw a young man in a white vest and beach pants
appeared in front of him.
Without thinking, Danny shouted, "Who are you, get out!"
"People who want you to die!" Henry rushed up one step. When Danny hadn't responded
yet, Henry's hand had grabbed Danny's short hair, slammed against the solid wood desk in
front of him, and issued "bang The banging sound.
Danny did n’t even have a chance to react, and felt a sharp tear in his forehead. This pain
caused him to faint, and a warmth ran down his forehead, staining his eyes, which was his
blood. .
Henry took Danny's short hair and flicked to the side. Danny, who weighed more than 180
pounds, was so easily thrown aside by Henry from the boss chair.
Danny reached out his hand and touched his forehead. The blood on his hand made him
crazy. From his birth till now, no one has dared to treat himself like this!
Danny stared at Henry with a vicious look, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, do you want to
"Oh!" Henry chuckled lightly. He raised his fist, aimed at the solid wood desk in front of
him, and punched him hard.
Danny's eyelids jumped sharply, and he clearly saw that the solid wood desk with a
thickness of ten centimeters was punched by the person in front of him!
This powerful punch made Danny swallow hard. What would be the consequence of such a
punch hitting himself? Thinking of this, Danny was a little afraid, "Who are you! I asked
myself never provoke you!"
Henry extended two fingers to Danny, "Who I am is not important, now I have two options
for you. First, put away your disgusting means of dealing with the Lin Group.
Second, I will kill you now. ! "
Danny, who was originally ful of fear about the power shown by Henry, felt terrified in his
heart after hearing this, and it suddenly disappeared. Oh, it turned out to be the person Lin
Danny's expression freely sorted out the scattered shirt neckline, climbed from the ground,
pulled a tissue to wipe the blood on his forehead, and said to Henry: "I want to say no? Do
you want to kill me, then come, I Look at the money the Lin gave you, it's not worth your
life, you think you killed me, can you be safe? "
Danny didn't care about Henry's threat.
Henry also showed an expression of sudden enlightenment because of Danny ’s words,
"Oh, yes, you really reminded me to kil someone, so let me change your terms, or end your
tricks against Lin, or I ruined your so-called Zhou Group. You have one minute to choose. If
you do n’t choose within one minute, I will assume that you choose the second one, and the
timing starts. "
"Huh!" Danny couldn't help but sneer and looked at Henry wearing white vest beach pants,
"Boy, are you living in a dream? Destroy me Zhou, you? You think this world is relying on
fists Talking? If you can cal again, I will call you, and you will not see the sun of tomorrow! "
"Hush!" Henry made a forbidden gesture to Danny. He was dialing the phone and said to
the phone, "Wel ... fifty seconds later, if I don't contact you, I will destroy the Zhou Group. ,
There are many ways, you choose. "
"Grass! Pretend!" Danny kicked his boss's chair heavily. Although he thought that the young
man's performance was like a clown, the other party's appearance and tone that did not
take Zhou's eyes into consideration , Still makes him very dissatisfied.
"Boy, although I do n’t know who you are, I also give you two choices. First, quickly give me
three heads and get out of my office. Second, I will kil you now, and definitely not You can
choose your own life. "Danny stared at Henry with his fierce eyes," I will give you thirty
seconds! "
"Thirty." A countdown sounded, from Henry.

Chapter 4
There are 30 seconds left for Henry to consider for Danny, and 30 seconds for Dannyan to
consider for Henry.
"Twenty seconds, boy, I'm going to see, when can you pretend to be with me!" Danny lit
himself a cigarette, and Meimei took a sip, raised his left wrist, and looked at his hand
Omega, "There are ten seconds left."
Henryyou walked to the hospitality sofa in the office and sat down, quietly watching where
Danny counted down.
"Five seconds." Danny sneered on his face.
Henry tilted Erlang's legs and put his hands behind his head, lying lazy on the sofa.
Danny looked at his watch, "It's time, boy, you chose to die, don't blame me for not giving
you a chance!"
Dannygang was about to pick up the mobile phone on his desktop and called the bodyguard
to teach this ignorant boy. The phone rang in advance. Danny looked at the phone number
and his face changed.
The cal er showed Mr. Zhao, the largest partner of Zhou's Group. It can be said that if Zhou's
line is missing from Mr. Zhao, the revenue will shrink by two-thirds!
Danny weighed the pros and cons and decided to answer Mr. Zhao's call first. After all,
dealing with a brave and lawless boy was far less important than Mr. Zhao's business.
Danny just picked up the phone, and hadn't had time to say hello. I heard Mr. Zhao's angry
voice on the phone, "The surname is Zhou's! You provoke someone, but don't implicate me.
Our cooperation is terminated. That's it! Dudu Du ...... "
Danny listened to the busy tone on the phone and was a little dazed for a while, what
happened? Zhou and Zhao have been working together for six years, and it has always been
mutually beneficial. Why is there such a sudden outburst today, and Mr. Zhao said that he
has caused a big deal, and implicated him?
Before Danny had given time to think about it, the landline on the desk sounded crazy
again. Danny had a bad hunch in his heart and picked up the landline.
"Mr. Zhou, it's not good! The company's official website was attacked by a lot of hackers,
and now it is completely paralyzed. All the prices of goods sold online have become one
piece. Thousands of orders have been placed in a few seconds. Our losses have reached at
least 100 million! "
Before Danny could answer, the door of the office was pushed open by the secretary. I saw
a panic report from the female secretary: "Mr. Zhou, there are three cooperative
enterprises that are about to negotiate successfully and suddenly refuse to contact us.
Say no need to work with a company that is about to go bankrupt! "
"Dingling bell!" The old-fashioned telephone ringing ringing in Danny's ear, this phone,
only a few people can come in, every time you use this phone, all are important things.
Danny looked ugly and answered the phone.
"Mr. Zhou, something bad happened. The company's stock was strongly suppressed by the
mysterious consortium. The other party has strong funds and would rather lose money. It
also lowered our stock price by eleven points. This is to deliberately engage
us. According to preliminary estimates, now The loss reached 2.7 billion, and it is
increasing every second! "
"What!" The phone calls and the secretary's report made Danny completely panicked.
Danny ’s cell phone rang again, which was called by Danny ’s father. Danny ’s father yelled
on the phone: “Tu Zizi, what did you fucking do, al of Lao Tzu ’s old brothers cal ed and
advised him to run quickly Lu, say you are getting someone you should n’t be! "
"I ..." Danny opened his mouth, his eyes suddenly swept to Henry sitting on the sofa.
Looking at the young man wearing white vest and beach pants, Danny suddenly realized
"It's you! It's you who did it! It's you!" Danny pointed to Henry, his fingers were shaking,
the playful smile on the other person's face made him feel fear.
"How can I say it's me?" Henry smiled slightly, "I gave you two paths, but this is your own
In the office, the ringing of the phone ringing wildly made Danny feel extraordinarily harsh.
He asked crazy, "What the hell are you doing! Ah!"
"Don't I let you make a choice?" Henry reached out his right thumb and pulled out his ear.
The ringing of the phone and the news brought by the managers of various departments
made Danny about to col apse. He completely understood that the person in front of him
was simply not something he could compete with. He said that ruining Zhou's did not
joke with himself! If you do n’t take it easy, Zhou will really be gone! Being able to do these
things in a short period of time, his energy far exceeds his imagination!
Danny looked at the man half lying on the sofa. At this moment in his eyes, this young man,
like a demon from hell, could easily destroy himself!
The uninterrupted ringtone of the phone broke Danny's heart. He staggered to Henry in
front of his feet, kneeling on the ground with a puff, "I agree! I agree with everything,
please, raise your noble hand" Right!
Henry snapped his fingers, "It's good to be so early, it's better."
In Danny's eyes, Henry took out his mobile phone, made a phone call, and said enough on
the phone.
More than ten seconds later, Danny answered the phone again and got the report that the
hacker who attacked the company ’s official website had left on his own, and the
mysterious consortium that suppressed the company ’s stock no longer started. In a short
period of time, the company suffered a total loss of nearly 800 million. Not counting those
partners who have terminated their cooperation with Zhou, if al are counted, the loss of
Zhou this time will exceed 2 billion!
Danny's back was already wet with cold sweat. He looked at the man in front of him with
horror. This is a word that can destroy the big man of Zhou. What is his identity? How many
such people can be found in the whole country? Lin's group actual y found such a person to
"Mr. Zhou, you have disgusted Lin, and you ca n’t do that anymore. Tomorrow morning, I
have to know the news that you went to Lin ’s to admit your mistakes. The necessary
compensation ca n’t be less. If you do n’t admit it to Mr. Lin at noon, I believe that the result
is something you do n’t want to see. "
Henry got up and patted his pants, looking at Danny's eyes as if he were looking at a ants.
Danny nodded in a panic and panic, "Yes, sure! Certainly!"
"Yes, you can correct it if you know what you are doing wrong." Henry reached out and
patted Danny's face.
Such an insulting movement made Danny not dare to be a little dissatisfied, but tried to
squeeze out a smiley face.
Solved this matter, Henry left Zhou's Building, rode a bicycle, hummed a little song and
returned to the villa. Seeing that Sylvia was still asleep on the sofa, looking at the woman's
quiet appearance, Henry's eyes appeared a little spoiled and went forward , Holding the
woman in her arms in a princess hug, and slowly walked upstairs to the bedroom.
One night passed, the next day, Sylvia was awakened by the dazzling sunlight. She stretched
her waist and felt the first time she slept so sweetly.
Looking at the clock hanging on the wall, the hour hand pointed at ten, which made Sylvia

Chapter 5
Sylvia hurriedly got up and rushed out of the bedroom door, just to see Henry lying on the
floor wiping the floor.
When Sylvia saw Henry, Henry also just turned his head to see Sylvia and smiled slightly at
Sylvia, "General Lin, you are awake."
Sylvia frowned, "It's ten o'clock, why don't you wake me up!"
Henry laughed, "Mr. Lin, you said you wouldn't let me enter your bedroom."
Sylvia's expression was dumbfounded, and he did say such things. Suddenly, Sylvia thought
of something, and a pretty face suddenly became cold. "I remember, I fel asleep on the sofa
yesterday? This morning? Why would you wake up in the bedroom?
The expression of laughter on Henry's face was condensed, and he scratched his head with
his hands, and said with a smile: "Haha, I think President Lin was uncomfortable sleeping
on the sofa yesterday, so I took you to the bedroom. There is absolutely nothing
outrageous! The character surnamed Zhang is exceptionally strong! "
"Hug?" Sylvia grabbed the word, and the person in front of him hugged himself! Sylvia
checked her clothes subconsciously, and she was relieved when she found that her
personal clothes were not passive.
Henry Zhangg was afraid that Sylvia would continue to cross-examine this topic, and
quickly started the topic, "Mr. Lin, isn't there something else in your company? I have
prepared the facial cleanser and toothpaste for you."
Sylvia also knew that it was n’t when Henry said this, that the company ’s business was the
most important. With his slender legs, Sylvia rushed to wash, then opened the door and ran
Henry looked at Sylvia's back, and there was a spoiled smile on his face.
Sylvia drove the red Mercedes-Benz GT out and was anxious. This morning, she was busy to
deal with the piece of land she worked with Zhou, but she fell asleep to more than ten
o'clock. It was a mistake!
In the lobby on the first floor of the Lin Group, Danny was wearing a formal attire with
gauze wrapped around his head. He was waiting anxiously here. After watching the time, it
was already ten thirty, and half an hour was noon, but Mr. Lin also returned not coming.
Danny can clearly remember what the ruthless man said yesterday. If he didn't apologize
before noon, he would be dead!
Danny ’s father, Zhou Ping, also stood here, with a serious expression. Yesterday, he
listened to his son and said it completely. When he learned that the other party was just a
phone call, he almost ruined the entire Zhou family, making Zhou Ping tremble, and also I
learned a lot about my son, so that he must not provoke Lin's dissatisfaction again!
At this moment, a red Mercedes-Benz GT stopped at the gate of the Lin Group with a roar.
At the moment when he saw this Mercedes-Benz, Danny's face was fil ed with joy, and he
quickly greeted him. Zhou Ping also quickly fol owed, and a smile squeezed out on the
serious old face.
Sylvia, who was wearing a professional suit, got into the car and saw Danny who was
walking with a smile on his face. The gauze wrapped on the other party's head also puzzled
"Mr. Lin, waiting for you for a long time, you final y come." Danny tried to be polite.
When he spoke, he bowed slightly and put himself in a weak position.
Sylvia was stunned by Danny ’s sudden attitude. Yesterday she also learned from the phone
that the person in front of her was leaving her alone to go to the Zhou ’s Mansion. Sylvia
was strange and strange, and he spoke unkindly and scornfully smiled.
"Oh, President Zhou, I am afraid that you were disappointed yesterday. If you really think
that my Lin's is a soft persimmon, just do whatever you want. No matter how disgusting,
Sylvia will follow!"
"Mr. Lin, someone from Zhou did n’t know Taishan before. Yesterday, that person has
educated me hard. You have a lot of adults. Forgive me this time. This is the ownership of
the land. All the people have been transferred to your Lin ’s name, including the two
residential areas you fancy last time. I am now also arranging people to go through the
formalities and they will be delivered to you in a few hours. If you are satisfied, please tell
the big man, I have done everything he confessed. "
Danny, you alone, not only apologized to Sylvia, but also donated the piece of land that the
two sides cooperated with, and also included two residential areas as compensation, just
wanting to show Henry his sincerity.
Zhou Ping also said good things to Sylvia, tel ing Sylvia what Zhou Lin's two friends are, and
his own son, who was not content, did these things. I hope Sylvia will not blame!
Sylvia looked at the certificate of the land handed over by Danny. Everyone wrote his name
on it, and also stamped the stamps of the relevant departments. It was impossible to falsify.
What happened in front of him gave Sylvia a strong sense of unreality. It happened in front
of her, she couldn't believe it.
Sylvia grabbed the key point in Danny's words. He said, someone yesterday educated him
hard and helped himself? Who is that person?
"Mr. Lin, do you think you are satisfied?" Danny asked cautiously, he didn't think he was
too humble at all. The energy of yesterday, he had completely seen it, and there was only
fear in his heart. He understood that his proud capital was nothing in front of him!
"Okay, I know. There is no need to give me your land and residential area. I just hope that in
the next cooperation, you will not do anything disgusting." Sylvia did not accept Danny's
Compensation, because she didn't know who helped herself, it was not appropriate to
accept this gift.
As soon as Danny heard that Sylvia did not plan to ask for his own compensation, that face
suddenly suffered. "Mr. Lin, please accept it. The one who said yesterday, if the
compensation is not in place, I will be miserable. You Just pity me, take it! "
Danny's attitude made Sylvia real y overwhelmed.
Poor pity him? Take away his billions worth of land for free? If Danny's words are to be
heard by others, he will definitely think that Danny is crazy.
Sylvia saw Danny's solicitous look and knew that he couldn't refuse it. Forget it, accept it
first, and wait to know who helped him, and it was not too late to return the gift.
Figured this out, Sylvia told Danny that he would let the secretary take charge of these
things, and she hurried upstairs after finishing talking.
Sylvia sat in his office and looked at the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. Through this
window, he could overlook the CBD of Yinzhou.
Thinking of what happened just now, Sylvia stil couldn't believe it, so he had such a
headache, and it was solved in such a dream? Who is helping me? Sylvia thought about it,
but couldn't find any clues. Fortunately, Sylvia was not a hypocritical person. Some things
were temporarily unthinkable, so I didn't think about it. But the biggest thought in her
heart made her feel soothed. Just then, the door of the office was knocked.
"Please come in." Sylvia said to the office door.
Coming outside the door is a woman with wheat-colored skin. She is wearing a loose red
and blue sportswear. She looks about the same age as Sylvia. She is about 23
years old and is 1.6 meters tall with short hair. The woman stood there like a cheetah who
was able to exert force at any time.
"Mr. Lin, please introduce yourself. My name is Anna. Your father asked me to protect you."
As soon as Anna's voice fell, Sylvia's phone rang, her father called.

Chapter 6
Yinzhou Ivy Welfare Institute.
Simple children are playing on the green lawn. On the lawn, Jenny is wearing a white long
dress, sitting here, with a long hair draped behind her head. The dark color is in sharp
contrast with her white dress. She wore a crown made by children for her, and a long white
dress was scattered on the lawn, like an elf in the forest.
"Sister Jenny, I want sugar too!" A sloppy boy ran up to Jenny and grinned at her.
"Xiao Hu, you can't eat sugar anymore." Jenny stretched out his jade arm and rubbed Xiao
Hu's head, his eyes full of spoils.
An old woman with gray hair bowed to her body and walked with a smile on her side,
"Xiaorou, you are too used to these children."
A sweet smile appeared on Jenny's face, as beautiful as a bloom of blooming flowers. "I
urged the dean, I saw the children happy, and I was happy. By the way, the one named
Henry, is he here?"
"Just came." Dean Cui pointed aside. In an artificial y constructed wooden pavilion, Henry
sat quietly, looking at the front.
Dean Cui looked at Henry, sighed, and a trace of intolerance flashed in his kind eyes,
"Hey, this child, he can't get out of his heart. His mother committed suicide by jumping off
the building in order not to drag him down He has been blaming himself for this matter. "
Jenny's eyes looked at Dean Cui's fingers. She stared at Henry's profile. From this man, she
could always feel a sad breath. In his deep eyes, it seemed to be hiding a lot. Like the story,
Jenny couldn't help but want to explore, but every time she wanted to try to talk to this
person, she would always feel the other party's indifferent atmosphere that was thousands
of miles away.
Jenny has a solid family background, exquisite facial features, and outstanding
temperament. It is the goddess in the minds of many people. In addition, she is a kind and
unrequited subsidy to the Ivy League Welfare Institute, which makes her pursuers
A month ago, Jenny met Henry. When she saw Henry sitting secretly in the wooden
pavilion, she only felt that the man was holding garlic and playing a deep role.
But now, Jenny doesn't think so. She listened to the dean telling the story of the man, and
she understood why he would sit in the pavilion, which he and his mother once built
"Henry is a good boy. He just gave me 20,000 yuan. No matter how I refused, he insisted on
giving it to me. This child's life is not good, but he still wants to do something for the
orphanage." Dean Cui sighed and shook his head. "In those days, the orphanage had to be
funded by a good person like you, so I would not watch my mother pass away without
Jenny ’s eyes were fixed on Henry. He dressed in such a way to spread the goods, but
donated 20,000 yuan to the welfare institution ...
"Brother Henry, let's play together!" A three-year-old girl ran to Henry, said with a milky
voice, using her little hands to pull Henry's trouser legs.
"Okay, what Yin Yin wants to play." Henry picked up the little girl, threw her up and caught
her, with a smile on her face.
Henry's heartfelt smile will only appear in two places, first, in front of Sylvia, and second, in
the welfare home.
"Yin Yin wants to play high." The little girl giggled, her eyes narrowed into a thin slit, like a
crescent moon.
Jenny, sitting on the lawn, could n’t help but smile when she saw Henry ’s heartfelt smile.
She could see that this man real y liked these children, unlike his own suitors, in order to
please himself, he deliberately revealed a The deputy likes the child's appearance.
Henry played with the little girl for a while, the phone in his pocket rang, Henry glanced at
that handsome young man from yesterday, he put Yin Yin on the ground, let Yin Yin play by
himself, then walked aside and answered the phone ,"what happened?"
The handsome young man's voice on the phone was slightly dignified, "Boss, get the news,
there is a killer ready to start his hands on sister-in-law today."
"Killer!" Henry said these two words with a bite.
At this moment, through the phone, the handsome young man could feel a trace of chil .
Although he did not know why the boss cared so much about the female president of
Yinzhou, he knew that those kil ers were dead!
After a few seconds of silence on the phone, Henry said again, "Okay, I know, you don't have
to send someone out, I will solve these things, that's it."
Henry hung up the phone, looked up slightly, looked at the sky in the distance, and
muttered: "Some people, don't you live well?"
At first, Henry originally wanted to pursue Sylvia in a fair and honest manner. After all, with
his status, no matter from what aspect, the combination of him and Sylvia can only be
regarded as Sylvia's high climb.
But Henry got the news inadvertently. Someone wanted Sylvia's life. The other party's
identity was very hidden. Henry couldn't find it out for a while.
Henry knows that this is not because the other party's level is too high, on the contrary, it is
because their level is too low to allow them to check. After all, they are in contact with the
world's top-level figures.
Henry had no choice but to secretly protect Sylvia. He slowly investigated who wanted to
be detrimental to Sylvia. This became a house-in-law. Even though Henry knew that Sylvia
looked down on him, he still enjoyed such a day, as long as he could see this every day. The
angel in her life is satisfied, she brings light to her world, letting herself believe in the most
desperate time that this world is not as ruthless as she has seen.
After learning that a killer was dispatched, Henry greeted Dean Cui, wearing his beach
pants and white vest, stepping on a pair of flip flops, and walked towards the Lin's Building.
Jenny saw that Henry was going, and walked in front of Henry, and said to Henry
generously, "Do you want me to send you a ride?"
Jenny wanted to get in touch with this man up close. His love for children and his love for
his family al fascinated Jenny. Jenny wanted to get to know him in depth and know him
"No need." Henry waved his hand and refused to say a word to Jenny, even his eyes did not
stay on Jenny for a second.
Jenny looked at the back of Henry's departure, and his indifferent appearance showed
Jenny's beautiful eyes a moment of loss.
Located in the CBD center of Yinzhou City, Lin ’s Building is the most conspicuous building
in the entire CBD. The 22-story tal building symbolizes Lin ’s huge wealth.
At the top of the Lin family, in the president's office, Sylvia hung up his father's phone and
learned his situation from his father's mouth.
Sylvia is not clear about why someone wants his own life. To say who offends, Sylvia can
only say that there are too many people who offend him in the business field. If you think
about it carefully, everyone They may al want their own lives. After all, commercial battles,
although they don’t see blood, but also make the losers fall into disrepair. Many people
have become rich and have nothing at night, and finally chose to go to the rooftop and jump

Chapter 7
Anna sat on the leather sofa in the office and drank the fine black tea made by Secretary Li
Na for her. This kind of tea can reduce the accumulation of belly fat and is very popular
with women.
At the same time, Anna's personal data was also prepared by Li Na and placed in front of
Anna, twenty-three years old and eighteen years old, won the provincial women's fighting
championship, and then served in military service, joined the women's special combat
team. In five years, he has performed 17 missions and won two first-class merits. Five
times for second class and one time for third class, proficient in Sanda, free fighting,
fighting terrorism and maintaining stability. After five years of service, he chose to retire
and set up a women ’s bodyguard company. Within a month, he has a strong name in the
industry. Responsible for personal protection that some male bodyguards cannot do.
After seeing these materials, Sylvia stil admired Anna, just as men would envy the same
eight male abdominal muscles. Sylvia, a strong woman, also envied Anna's personal skills.
Sylvia combined Anna's information, looked at Anna, and said, "My dad told me that you
will live with me from today, but let me say in advance, there is another person in my
family, he may let you Disgusted. "
Anna did not answer Sylvia's words.
Sylvia smiled and looked at Hao's wrist watch, it was almost twelve.
"Go to dinner first, and I will also introduce you to our company to facilitate your future
work." Sylvia got up from the boss's chair and sorted out the slightly wrinkled black skirt,
with slender and straight legs impeccable .
Anna put down the teacup in his hand and said to Sylvia: "Mr. Lin, I think I should deal with
the bugs in your office before eating."
"Eavesdropper?" Sylvia frowned together because of Anna's words. She never knew that
there was a wiretapper in her office!
"Looking at President Lin's expression, I should not know the existence of the bug."
Anna got up and saw her groping around a few corners of the office, then from the bottom
of the flower pot, the corner of the wall, and the innermost of the bookshelf And come up
with three small bugs.
Seeing this, Sylvia's face was particularly ugly. I didn't know how long these three bugs had
been in my office and how many things I had. I was heard. Who did this?
When Sylvia was furious about the existence of the bug, he also knew clearly about Anna's
ability, and was worthy of being a professional bodyguard.
Henry came to the downstairs of Lin's Building and looked at the time, just after lunch.
As a commercial center, CBD natural y has a variety of snack bars. Henry looked around
and found a coffee shop that could see the floor-to-ceiling windows of Sylvia's office. Go in
and choose to sit at the window. Here you can observe with the best sight To Lin's Mansion,
once there is any trouble, Henry can rush into the Lin's Mansion in the first time. Of course,
before the kil er appears, Henry will not take the initiative to reveal any feet.
Most white-collar workers who work in the CBD, the coffee shop is full of petty bourgeois
sentiment, soothing light music is introduced into the ear as soon as Henry enters the door,
and there are some green vegetation in the shop on the flower stand.
Henry glanced. There weren't too many people in the coffee shop. A girl who looked
seventeen or eighty years old was facing the mobile phone screen and said something to
There is also a male salesman in a shirt who is trying to promote his products with
customers sitting opposite him.
Henry asked for some cakes and a cup of the cheapest cappuccino. He was eating slowly,
looking at the window. After about half an hour, Henry locked six goals.
There are six people, who have been wandering outside the Lin ’s Building, al male, in their
thirties, two of them are driving an old pickup, and the remaining four are all focused on
the Lin ’s Building , And glance at the highest level if there is nothing.
These six people are hard to notice in the crowded CBD, but they cannot escape Henry's
Henry got up and planned to subdue the six men first, and then asked careful y. As a result,
Sylvia walked out of the Lin Mansion. Next to Sylvia, he followed a woman with wheat skin,
Women's completely different skin tones create a sharp contrast.
Just a glance, Henry can see that the woman beside Sylvia is a trainer. Her eyes are always
paying attention to her surroundings. Her walking steps are just right at every step. Her
body , Always maintain a state of being able to exert force at any time.
Henry thought about it, gave up the idea of subduing the six people first, walked out of the
coffee shop, and walked towards Sylvia.
Sylvia took Anna to have a brief lunch at the company. Because it was found that there was
a bug in the office, Sylvia could not sit still. He wanted to take Anna home to see if his family
had been installed. thing.
As soon as Sylvia went out, he saw a disgusting figure approaching himself, and he clearly
warned him not to come to himself!
"Mr. Lin." Henry walked to Sylvia and hung a smiling face, which was so disgusting in
Sylvia's eyes.
"What are you doing here?" Sylvia looked at Henry who didn't trim.
Henry is 1.8 meters tall and does not appear to be thin. In terms of appearance, he can also
be called handsome, but Sylvia is not pleased because she knows that no matter how good
this man is, he ca n’t change his soft rice. In fact, looking at his white vest, beach pants, and
flip-flops, people will see the word sloppy at first glance.
Henry Sylvia smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, can I ask you to borrow 500 yuan and pay you back
next month."
This is the most appropriate excuse that Henry can find out. He can never tell Sylvia that
someone will kill you. Let me protect you.
When Sylvia heard this, the disgust in her eyes became stronger, and she was too lazy to
tell Henry so much. She directly took out 500 yuan and threw it to Henry. It ’s al my family
’s money, do n’t show up at the door of the company in the future! "
After talking, Sylvia didn't care about Henry, and took Anna to the parking lot.
When he was in front of the car, Sylvia found that Henry was still behind him, with a nasty
smile on his face.
"What are you doing with me?"
"Mr. Lin, where are you going?" Henry asked, and he was also looking at Anna secretly.
"Go home!" Sylvia didn't bother to say that you care about me or something, because she
knew that once she said that, this deadly shameless man would surely get to the bottom
and be annoying.
"That's right, take me to chant." Henry rubbed his hands, "If I go back in a taxi, the fare is
too expensive."
"Can't sit down." Sylvia refused without thinking, and pointed to her Mercedes-Benz GT,
with only two seats.

Chapter 8
"Let's ride in my car." Anna said suddenly at this moment, and pressed the car key in his
hand. A Volkswagen Jetta made two beeps. Anna saw Sylvia's dissatisfied gaze at himself
and smiled at Sylvia , "Mr. Lin, is this the person you mentioned to me before?"
"Yes." Sylvia nodded.
At this time, Henry was already sitting in the back row of Anna's public with a hippie smile.
"Let's go, President Lin, go and see your house first." Anna beckoned to Sylvia.
Sylvia had no choice but to get in Anna's car. After sitting in the co-pilot, she leaned her seat
forward deliberately, and only stopped when she could not move. She wanted to keep
herself as far away from Henry as possible .
Henry didn't seem to realize how much Sylvia hated himself. He sat there and laughed, and
kept talking to Anna, saying that he had never seen Anna like this, and asked if Anna was a
new employee.
Although Anna knew that Sylvia hated Henry, she herself could not substitute this emotion,
because when she was hired, she not only wanted to protect Sylvia, but also received the
task of protecting Sylvia ’s husband by the way. Frankly speaking, the man in the car, Is also
his own employer.
The vehicle drove on the street like this, and gradually reached Sai Shangshui Village.
Henry watched and laughed at the hippy smile all the way, in fact, his attention has always
been outside the car, clearly seeing that the two pickups he had previously noticed always
followed the car.
The public drove into the community, and Anna was under the direction of Sylvia, heading
towards the villa area.
When he was almost home, Henry saw that the road in front of him was blocked.
There were two pickup trucks parked horizontally on the motor vehicle lanes of the
community, and they were stuck in the middle of the road.
Anna blew his horn twice, and the two cars in front of him seemed to move. Sylvia had to
reverse Anna and direct the other way. But just as Anna was going to reverse, two more
pickup trucks drove from behind. Come here, and then stop here, completely blocking the
At this moment, Anna realized that something was wrong and told Sylvia to stay in the car
and get off.
Anna just opened the door. On the two pickups that had just opened behind, he walked
down a total of six males. With a grin on the corner of his mouth, he walked towards Anna,
and they all held daggers in their hands.
At the same time, on the two pickup trucks that blocked the front road, five people also
walked down, all male, completely surrounding the public.
"Little girl, get acquainted quickly, grandpa just wants the woman's life in the car." A male
headed by a man with a dagger in his hand, said Zhao Jiangjing.
"It's up to you?" Anna scanned these eleven people in a circle, with contempt in his eyes.
"Chick, the ignorant end, but it's terrible. Since you don't listen to it, Grandpa doesn't care
about killing one more. Before you die, Grandpa will let you know what is pain!"
The first male strode toward Anna , Raised the dagger in his hand, and pierced Anna's face
In this scene, Sylvia sitting in the co-pilot saw clearly through the windshield. When the
other party raised his dagger and stabbed fiercely, Sylvia screamed, covering his eyes
subconsciously, and a heart puffed up. It's a great jump.
When had she seen such a scene, even if it was a man, she would be afraid when she saw
someone committing a murder with a knife.
The sound of "Bang!" Opened Sylvia's closed eyes. She saw that the man who had just
stabbed Anna with a dagger had fallen on the cover of the car. Surrounded by men with
daggers, each knife stabbed at Anna's vital point. Anna escaped dangerously and gave back.
Sylvia tremblingly took out his mobile phone and prepared to cal the police, but found that
the mobile phone that was not charged last night was turned off at this critical moment.
Sylvia threw this phone aside bitterly, when she remembered that there was still one in the
back seat. Personally, he shouted: "Henry, quick! Quick alarm! Call the community
Sylvia shouted and found that Henry did not answer himself. He turned around and found
that Henry was no longer in the back seat. Sylvia looked away and found Henry's figure. He
didn't know when, he had sneaked out of the car and moved towards his home. The villa
ran away without staying for a moment, as if frightened.
Henry's cowardly appearance made Sylvia hate, so he found a husband like this!
Henry ran into the courtyard of the villa, and he could see that the eleven men were not
Anna's opponents at al . With Anna, he could deal with it, and he had other things to do.
Pushing open the door of the villa, Henry looked at the empty living room and said loudly,
"What's the point of sneaking?"
"Oh, it's not sneaky, I just don't want to be confused with the group of fish outside. I can
find me and prove that you have some skil s." On the stairs leading from the living room to
the second floor, a man in a suit walked down The male, who looked less than thirty, had a
faint smile on his face.
The moment Henry saw the other party, his face changed suddenly, ful of anger. He wiped
the ground before he went out and was trampled by someone ... dirty! Now!
"Huh, I real y enjoyed the angry expression on my face. Did you know that I kil ed those
people and left me with only two expressions each time, terrified, and angry." Elegantly, he
took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it in his mouth. After taking a hard sip, he
narrowed his eyes and looked at Henry through the spitting smoke.
"Give me the smoke! My wife won't al ow smoking."
"Yeah, it's really a man who cares about the family. You are dead now. You shouldn't care
about these." The man in the suit doesn't seem to be in a hurry. This is also his habit. Before
killing, you should enjoy the reaction before the target dies, only However, this time the
other party's reaction was something he had never encountered.
"I told you to extinguish the smoke!" Henry emphasized again, and walked towards the
man in the suit.
"Shall I say no?" The man in the suit smirked and sucked in deliberately.
"Then die!" Henry's voice, without any emotion, his eyes, like a fierce beast, staring at the
suit man.
In Henry's eyes, the man in the suit felt a trace of fear. This fear made him feel distracted.
"Boy, you are dead!" The man in the suit threw the lit cigarette in his hand at Henry. He
didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore. With one hand into a claw, he grabbed
Henry's neck and wanted to pinch Henry's throat.
"It's too slow." Henry's emotionless voice rang in the ear of the man in the suit.
The man in the suit was shocked. When he wanted to change his way, he felt a pain in his
arm. This pain made him instantly sweat out, and his arm stretched out was turned off!
Before the man in the suit reacted to what had happened, there were three other pains that
were as good as the broken arm at the same time. Almost instantly, his other arm and his
legs were all broken. Off.

Chapter 9
The man in a suit with his legs cut off, "Pun Tong" knelt on the ground, his hands drooping
weakly, the faint smile on his face disappeared long ago, and turned into a panic. On his
forehead, he kept sweating. Emerged.
Henry noticed a shallow tattoo on the back neck of the man in the suit.
Henry frowned, "Dark night kil er? Who sent you."
When the man in the suit heard Henry say the word "night", he swallowed hard, and few
people could say the name of the organization so lightly.
"You even knew the dark night!" The man in the suit widened his eyes.
"Is it mysterious?" Henry asked, "Speak, who sent you, I can leave you a whole body."
"Ha, haha!" The man in a suit took a breath and laughed twice. "Since you know the dark
night, you should know that our dark night, even if it is dead, never reveals the identity of
the employer."
Henry tilted his head for two seconds, and then said, "Yes, the rules are still to be observed.
Look at the tattoo on your back neck. It should be a member of the Thirteen Nights of the
Night. I heard that the Thirteen Nights of the Night are in the same position. I will give you
one now. Either choose either to violate the rules of your organization and tell me who the
employer is, or I will kill al your remaining twelve siblings. "
"Crazy!" The man in the suit knelt on the ground. "I admit, you are strong. I am not your
opponent at all, but you real y think you can do it with Thirteen Sons throughout the night?
How many people in this world dare to say such ? "
"It's not much, but I'm one of them." Henry said flatly.
"Where are you confident? You can beat me?" The suit man sneered.
"With this." Henry took out a dark gold ring from his pockets of beach pants, and raised his
eyebrows gently. "Enough?"
At the moment of seeing the ring, the pupil of the suit man's pupils contracted sharply, and
his voice was shaking.
"Holy ... holy ring! It's you! It's you! It's you!"
The body of the man in the suit was trembling unconsciously, even if he just mentioned
death, he did not show such embarrassment.
"How about it, do you believe it now?" Henry put the ring back in his trouser pocket and
looked at the suit man.
"Unexpectedly, I was fortunate enough to deal with the legendary Satan, ha ha ha! Well, I
can tel you who the employer is, but you have to guarantee that you will not do it to my
brothers and sisters."
"You are not qualified to tell me the conditions!" Henry's voice was ful of chills, "Three
seconds, tel my employer, and then die."
The man in a suit smirked, "Employer's surname is Su, Yanjing."
After talking, the man in the suit crushed the poison hidden behind his teeth. His eyes rol
ed, and the whole person fell forward and fell in front of Henry.
"Surnamed Su? Yanjing people?" Henry didn't even look at the dead man in the suit,
murmured, and then sent a text message to go out.
Henry dragged the corpse, walked out the door to the north of the living room, came to the
backyard, waved his hand to the air, a shadow came, carried the body, said nothing, and
disappeared again.
Henry returned to the living room and confirmed that there was no trace of fighting in the
room. Then he walked to the main entrance south of the living room. It happened that
Sylvia and Anna also came in from the main entrance.
Sylvia's pretty face was covered with chills. Henry's cowardly appearance just now was
"Hey, Mr. Lin, the tea has been made for you. Enjoy it quickly." Henry brought a cup of
brewed tea to Sylvia.
Sylvia glanced coldly at Henry. She didn't say anything, and didn't pick up the cup of tea
that he handed over. She had nothing to say to Henry. Today, let her decide, and
immediately Call your father and let this person get out!
Anna's eyes on Henry also contained some contempt. A man, when his wife is in danger,
run away first?
Henry saw that Sylvia was in a bad mood, and returned to his bedroom with a trembling
smile. He called the handsome young man and told the handsome young man to let him
check the entire Yanjing surname Su!
When Henry dealt with these things, Anna also checked the villa, making Sylvia a little bit
better. Nothing like bugs was instal ed in the villa.
In fact, these things were dealt with by Henry a month ago.
Sylvia sitting in the living room, the more she thought about Henry's appearance, the more
irritable she was. She just prepared to cal her father and told Henry's cowardly
performance that the phone rang. The father called.
"Sylvia, you are coming to Di Shengte with Henry now, and the newly opened French
restaurant. The child Sam is back from the field. Your uncle Zheng and aunt Zheng both
invite you."
Sylvia listened to his father on the phone and swallowed the words that would make Henry
get out. If Sylvia had one hundred dissatisfaction with Henry, she was one thousand
dissatisfied with that Sam!
The Zheng family and the Lin family are friends of the world. Sylvia's outstanding
appearance has been pursued by Sam since childhood. But Sylvia has no interest in Sam at
all. This is a second-generation ancestor spoiled by his family. Sam had a relationship with
his tutor at the age of fifteen. That was a college student. Sam enlarged his stomach and
kicked them away. The private life in the future is even more chaotic. Chaos.
In this regard, Sam's parents didn't care at all. Every time he saw Sylvia, he also said that
the two would become relatives.
When Sylvia heard Sam and his parents, they knew what they wanted to do.
Between Sam and Henry, Sylvia was obviously able to accept Henry more. Although this
person was weak and scrapped a little, at least what he did did not make people feel
In the past year, the Dishengte French restaurant can be said to be the most famous
restaurant in Yinzhou. With the original taste, people can feel the characteristics of the
French style deeply. This restaurant ranges from decoration style to service staff. They are
full of French style.
Sylvia randomly chose a supercar in the villa compound and came here with Henry.
When I got off the car, Henry hadn't had time to speak. I felt a slender jade arm lifted his
arm. When I saw Sylvia, he stood beside him gently. I couldn't see the indifferent look at
home. I only looked at Sylvia. The movement and expression at this time real y make people
think that she is a little woman snuggling in her husband's arms.
Henry reached out his hand subconsciously and hugged Sylvia's waist. When he touched it,
he felt the slenderness and softness.
Sylvia's body shook slightly, the smile on his face was extremely unnatural, "Take your
hand away."
"Oh." Henry touched his nose and took off his big arm around Sylvia's waist very
Sylvia gave Henry a glance, although there was a gentle smile on his face, but there was stil
a chil in the words, "Wait in and don't talk much, you and I try to show the kindness, I ask
you what you want when ordering. You just let me decide, do you understand? "
Henry nodded and raised a hand, "Guarantee the completion of the task explained by
President Lin!"

Chapter 10
Sylvia embraced Henry's arm and walked toward the restaurant door. Her appearance and
beautiful figure attracted many people's attention. It was Henry's beach pants and white
vest that made people scoff. When he came to such a high-end restaurant, he wore it like
this? Don't you think you're losing points?
Henry didn't care how outsiders thought of him. After much experience, many things had
been ignored. Pushing open the heavy door of the restaurant, a huge space with luxurious
style opened in front of him. The gorgeous crystal chandelier on the ceiling casts a faint
light. It makes the whole restaurant look elegant and quiet.
The soft saxophone is overflowing throughout the restaurant, like an invisible smoke
spreading, slowly occupying the soul, making it hard to feel tension and anger, Alice exudes
fragrance, neither thick nor demon, just If you change people's complicated moods
arbitrarily, the courteous waiters, the quiet guests, humming from time to time, the
environment is quiet and beautiful.
Looking at the decoration style in the restaurant, Henry could not help but nodded.
Although he did not show the original French style, it was somewhat artistic. It can be seen
that the restaurant operator is attentive.
The entrance of the two attracted a lot of eyes. Obviously, the beautiful women are pleasing
everywhere. The eyes of the people around them directly ignored Henry and put them all
on Sylvia. In this case, Sylvia was already accustomed to it. generous.
Henry glanced around and quickly set a goal. At the most conspicuous dining table in the
entire restaurant, there were three men and a woman sitting there. Unlike the rest of the
restaurant, the eyes of the three men and a woman were gathering. On yourself.
One of the men and women is quite old and looks almost fifty. A man ’s face reveals the
vicissitudes of his face. This is the trace left over from the years. Obviously, the man ’s first
half of his life was not very smooth. Look at the woman again, A lady in her forties, with a
pearl necklace hanging around her neck, which is well maintained and has a charm of mil s.
Henry saw that beside the middle-aged men and women, a young man in his twenties was
stil sitting. The young man was wearing a Luomeng flower-collared shirt and was looking
at himself with a sinister smile.
Henry knew that this young man should be Sam. The middle-aged men and women just
now were Sam's parents, Zheng Kai and Fiona.
Sylvia's father Nelson Lin Henry knew, Nelson Lin is a kind-looking middle-aged man.
"Dad." Sylvia, with Henry's arm, came to the table.
When Sylvia finished calling his father, Henry also called out politely.
"Come, sit!" Nelson Lin greeted, "Henry, let me introduce you, this is your Uncle Zheng and
Aunt Wang, this is Sam, you are about the same age, you should get closer and closer in the
"Forget it, Uncle Lin, you can get rid of it when you get close. They al say that they are close
to Zhu Zhechi. I don't want to become such a dumpling." Nelson Lin's voice just fell, and
Sam, whose face was ruthless, made a noise.
Sam ’s parents heard his son say this, instead of having a little reprimand, he stil had a look
of encouragement on his face.
"Sylvia, I heard that you are married, this is your marriage partner?" Sam's face was
disdainful, "It seems that your vision is not good."
"Sylvia, your child is real y too, how to say how to marry and get married?" Fiona also said,
"You talk about you, you still find such a steamed bun, even one of my little Chu's fingers is
not as good, hurry up Forget the divorce! "
Sam and Fiona's unabashed openings did not care about Henry's feelings.
"Who am I marrying? It seems that there are not a few outsiders pointing here?" Sylvia said
with a disgruntled expression.
"Outsiders? Sylvia, how can you think we are outsiders? To say outsiders, there is only one
outsider present, right." Sam pointed to Henry, which was very meaningful.
Nelson Lin sat aside and chuckled with a smile: "We will not be involved in the junior
business; we will order food first."
"Yes, order food." Sam's father Zheng Kai also said.
Sam smiled confidently, and snapped his fingers to cal the waiter.
Because of keeping the original French style, the waiters in this French restaurant are al
Frenchs. Here, the communication between customers and waiters is in Yingwen, and the
menu is only available. There are two types of annotations: Yingwen and French.
Sam leaned back on the seat behind him and took the menu delivered by the waitress.
He glanced at Henry frivolously, and then started to order with the combination of Yingwen
and French.
For French, most people ’s awareness is stil very low. After al , it is not as wide as Yingwen.
Sam ’s method of pronunciation combined with French in Yingwen seems to be very high-
end for people who do n’t understand, but in Henry. In the eyes, is this obviously funny?
This is like a foreigner who has arrived in China and does not understand the Chinese
language very much. He uses both hands and feet to express a thing. From time to time, he
says a lame word that feels like Xia, but this foreigner stil feels very clear and confident.
Looks like.
Regarding Sam's method of expression, the waitress in the restaurant has obviously seen it
al the time. He has been facing with a smile, and he can tell from the crappy French of the
other party what kind of food the other party wants to order.
During the ordering process, Sam looked at Henry from time to time, and his expression
was arrogant. The same is true for Sam's mother, Fiona, as if to say, look at how good my
son is, and then look at the same thing that he wears!
Sam finished the order and handed the menu to Henry, "Okay, just order whatever you
want. You don't need to pay for this meal."
Henry glanced at the menu in Sam's hands, and thought of Sylvia's explanation to himself,
he shook his head and said, "Let Sylvia order me something."
"Why? Don't know the French? Don't lick your face to come to such a high-end place
without culture." Sam laughed disdainfully and handed the menu to Sylvia.
Sylvia took the menu, a jade hand kept looking at the menu, and her eyebrows were slightly
wrinkled. Although this French restaurant had been open for more than a year, she was the
first time to come. I can't understand it at all. Although there are comments in Yingwen,
some special ingredients must be pronounced in French.
With such a menu, Lin invited Han to be a bit worried for a while, not knowing what to
Sam, who was sitting opposite Sylvia, said at this time, "Sylvia, you are usually busy with
work, and this restaurant hasn't been here yet. Let me choose for you."
With that said, Sam reached for the menu in Sylvia's hands.
Sam wants to real y take the menu and order for Sylvia, it can be said to humiliate Henry,
your wife's dishes, to ask other men to help?
But when Sam's hand reached halfway, he saw that the menu in Sylvia's hand was taken
over by another person. He saw that Xiao Yesan had turned over the menu. Why did he rely
on it? This is the place where high-end people come. It's a glory for him, a pariah, to come
in. Is he looking at the menu here? What is the qualification of a person who enters the Lin

Chapter 11
Sylvia also looked at Henry with a small face in surprise, but the surprise on this face
flashed away and turned into a tender, soft voice: "Do you want me to order?"
"Wel ." Henry nodded, holding the menu in one hand and turning the single page gently in
one hand, and he didn't speak.
Sam looked at Henry's appearance, but he was so angry that he said, "Don't pretend to be
ignorant and don't waste everyone's time."
"Sam, you should pay attention to it. Let's see what happened to the menu?" Although
Sylvia didn't know what Henry was doing, at least for now, she and Henry were on the front
line, and she couldn't let Henry be humiliated by others.
"Sylvia, this is the restaurant of the country of French. Can he understand the language of
French?" Sam scorned.
Before Sam's voice fel , Henry's voice sounded. While pointing at the menu, he said to the
waitress of Fa Guo in standard Chinese language: "This, this, and this."
Although the waiter could not understand what Henry said, Henry's movements made him
understand, nodded, and turned to prepare the meal.
Sam thought that Henry could say something. As a result, when he saw Henry's action, he
immediately laughed, "Inferior people are inferior people, don't you know that the national
dish of Fona is very ceremonial? Use your fingers?" Make a mess, wait for me to see how
you eat! Do n’t order a soup like a monkey, and do n’t know how to bite! "
Henry cut his eyes and rol ed his eyes. "Who said I will not order, I just ordered fatty liver."
"Fat liver? He said fat liver? Ha ha ha!" Henry's words made Sam seem to hear a big joke,
patting the table with his hand, and al the tears of laughter came out, "I said that the turtles
have never eaten French. Do n’t pretend to eat, it ’s cal ed foie gras, okay? ”
"Sam, what we call what we call it, what does it have to do with you?" Sylvia said at this
time, although she also knew that Henry's name for foie gras was wrong, but in any case, he
only solved it for himself. Such.
Sam glanced at his mouth, "Sylvia and Sylvia, even if you hire a husband, should you
decently? You see, what is this thing?"
Fiona's face was proud, "Some people always think that watching a little on TV and reading
a book, he is also a top-class person, but I do not know that deflated is deflated!"
Nelson Lin said roundly, "You young people, whatever you want to call it. Those internet
terms they talked about, they were drunk and fell down, we do not understand it either,
haha, do n’t worry about it, do n’t worry too much. Care. "
"Uncle Lin, this is not an online language, but a person's cultural heritage, someone who
doesn't even know the foie gras, I really don't understand, what face does he have to come
into this French restaurant to let those Frenchs serve? Ying Sheng heard, maybe how to
laugh at us! "Sam embraced his chest with both hands, looking at Henry with a disgusted
expression on his face.
Henry sat there indifferently, waiting for the waiter to serve.
After a while, several exquisite foie gras were served by the waiter and placed in front of
Sam's family, but Henry and Sylvia had nothing in front of them.
"Yo, our foie gras are all coming up, what about some people's fat? Why haven't they come
up yet?" Sam picked up a knife and fork and cut off a small piece of foie gras with graceful
movements. The deputy enjoyment looks like, "Fago country foie gras, world-famous, fat
but not greasy. It is real y a beautiful enjoyment. This Fava restaurant is still authentic,
almost exactly the same as what I ate in Fava."
Sylvia looked at Sam's appearance, his face was very unsightly, he planned to call the waiter
on the spot, and he ordered it a little more, but before he could speak, Henry saw it.
"It's okay, I'll order it for you."
"What did you order." Sylvia asked Henry in a low voice, with anxiety in his voice, "You
don't even know the foie gras, just blind!"
Although Sylvia's tone was anxious, there was no blame on her face, because she knew that
even if she went to do it herself, it was estimated that there was no trick.
When Sylvia was extremely anxious and was about to cal the waiter, three beautiful dishes
were placed in front of her. Among them were a foie gras, a baguette, and a zuoxing.
"Fruit? Baguette? I said, you are such a shame on us!" Sam put down his knife and fork and
stared angrily at Henry, "Do you know if this is in Fa Guo, you This kind of person who does
not respect the sense of food ritual has been pushed out of the restaurant for a long time!
Even if you do n’t understand French meals, do n’t you have any common sense? Fruits are
only ordered after meals! "
"Oh, is it?" Sam's words just fel , and Henry's voice sounded on the table, with a slight laugh
in his voice, and the laughter was full of irony, "Someone just told the waiter to ask for foie
gras In fact, in the French word Foiegras, there is no meaning of goose, but many people
will default to foie gras, but in fact 95% of the French country uses duck liver, because the
consumption of duck meat is already It is larger than goose. As an appetizer, it is
recommended to mix with apricot abricot, and then eat fatty liver on a French stick, so that
you will not feel greasy. a lot of."
After Henry finished speaking, Sylvia was puzzled in his eyes. Won't he make it blindly?
"It's a laugh to die, the French sticks with foie gras, have never heard of it, and you have to
understand your common sense before you mess with it, okay?" Sam's face is
contemptuous, "you inferior people don't understand these, I Understandable, but do not
pretend to understand, OK? "
Hearing Sam's words, Henry chuckled and grinned at their neighbour’s table.
At their next table, just sitting at a table of French people, people used the method Henry
just said, with French clubs and Zuo Xing to enjoy fatty liver, such a scene, like a loud slap,
hit in Sam's face.
"As one of the three major culinary kingdoms in the world, the French country is good at
eating and good at eating. Of course, the romantic beauty of the French dinner is not only
reflected in the fine food ingredients, but also comes from the sense of ceremony brought
by the French meal etiquette. The sense of ritual is not the after-meal fruit that some
people say, but more attention to the matching of ingredients. Wel Sylvia, the meal has
come up and can be enjoyed. "
While talking, Henry cut the French stick, put a fruit on it, and handed it to Sylvia.
At this moment, Sylvia's big, dynamic eyes were full of strange looks, he really understood!
Sam and Fiona sat aside, how ugly and ugly their faces were. Just now, Sam said something
in his mouth. Some people do n’t understand and do n’t pretend, but now the facts tel him,
who is pretending to be pretending! At this moment, they seemed to be stuck with a needle
under their butt, and they couldn't sit for a second.

Chapter 12
"Hey, some people are right." Henry sighed, "I don't understand it, but I don't understand it,
I pretend to force it, it's meaningless."
Henry's words made Sam's mother and son look hot, and they both wanted to find a ground
"Let's go!" Fiona patted the table, got up and pulled his son away.
Sylvia was surprised and satisfied with Henry's performance. Some ceremonial etiquettes
are very partial, and few people understand it. In terms of dining, the French people have
more rules and exquisiteness. And there are too few people talking about their money.
Satisfied, Sylvia could see that every movement of Henry was deliberately infuriating the
mother and son of Sam, and suddenly found that this person did not seem to be so
Nelson Lin and Sam's father didn't stay long, and greeted each other, and the meal went
On the way home, Sylvia's attitude towards Henry eased a bit. She sat in the main driver of
the vehicle and glanced at Henry in the co-pilot with Yu Guang. "How do you understand
French? This small language should not be How many people understand?
And the etiquette of French dishes should not be a popular thing. There are not many
people willing to learn. "
Henry smiled, "I used to be a waiter in a restaurant in the country, I would say a few words.
I just said that the surname Zheng was unhappy, and I said so deliberately."
After listening, Sylvia nodded and said nothing. Henry understood the French and
surprised her. This explanation was understandable.
When the two returned to the villa, Henry saw that Anna was installing some alarm
systems. He now knew that Anna was Sylvia's bodyguard.
Sylvia sat on the sofa, her slender jade hand on her forehead, and thinking of what had just
happened in the restaurant, the woman's delicate mouth could not help but show a hint of
"Mr. Lin, your footwash."
Henry's voice rang in Sylvia's ear. He took a pot of warm foot-washing water. When he
massaged Sylvia yesterday, Henry discovered that Sylvia had many hidden diseases, which
were usual y too Caused by overwork, Henry was able to heal Lin Yinhan's hidden diseases
through acupressure.
Lin invited Han to look at the man in front of her and frowned. Yesterday, she specifically
wanted to humiliate Henry, so Henry washed her feet, but today she did n’t want to do that.
Before he opened, he felt his little feet were caught by a pair of rough hands.
Henry gently touched the pair of jade feet in his hand. Every time they looked, it seemed to
be works of art. The petal jade feet were crystal clear.
Henry gently rubbed the point on Sylvia's foot.
Sylvia only felt a kind of strange current coming from the soles of his feet. Looking at
Henry's pair of unreliable hands, Sylvia frowned and raised his eyebrows, unpleasantly
saying, "What is it?"
"It's not a fool, this is a massage, Mr. Lin." Henry shook his head and emphasized the tone
deliberately, "You have a stubborn il ness, which leads to insufficient sleep and easy to get
angry. There will be abdominal pain in those days every month. Massage can al eviate
these. "
Henry said in his mouth, his hands kept moving, stil rubbing and pressing on the pair of
jade feet.
Sylvia wanted to say something, she opened her mouth and was speechless, because she
found out that Henry was right, she did not sleep enough, easily got angry, and had
dysmenorrhea, Sylvia thought of yesterday, herself last night Sleeping very sweetly, is it
because this person massaged himself?
But in the end, Sylvia couldn't help but say, Henry is nominal y his legal husband anyway,
and massage is not something to show off.
Sylvia's tone was slightly unhappy: "Where did you learn all this from?"
Henry sighed softly, "I wasn't a family bitter when I was a kid, did I do anything?"
Sylvia's pretty face changed slightly, and she didn't speak again.
With Henry's massage, that kind of sleepiness gradually came up, Sylvia shook her head,
she didn't want to be taken to the bedroom by this man again tonight.
"Okay, let's pour the water." Sylvia retracted his jade feet, put on slippers, and walked
upstairs to the bedroom.
These days are just the physiological period. Every night Sylvia will soak himself a cup of
brown sugar water to suppress the pain in the lower abdomen.
Sylvia soaked the brown sugar in water, blowing her mouth at the mouth of the ceramic
cup. She was just about to drink it, but the movement suddenly froze. She didn't notice it
before, but it seems that her belly is not hurt! Since yesterday, no pain has been felt!
"Is it true that his massage really works?" Sylvia looked puzzledly outside the bedroom.
Henryzheng was doing the last mopping work before going to bed.
Back in the room, Zhou Ran saw a missed cal on his phone, which was called by a
handsome young man. Henry returned to the phone.
"Boss, the chef of the Royal Kingdom of Fawo asked me to contact you and said that he had
learned all the cooking techniques you taught him before. I don't know if I have the honor
to worship you as a teacher."
"Besides, I have been busy recently." Henry replied hastily and hung up the phone.
One night passed, and the next morning, Henry got up and prepared to clean the room as
usual. As a result, Sylvia did not go out as hurriedly as before, but made a cup of tea for
himself and sat down on the sofa With.
"Mr. Lin, don't you go to the company today?" Henry took the rag and careful y wiped the
whole marble coffee table in front of Sylvia.
Sylvia put down the teacup, glanced at Henry, who was wearing a white vest, and said,
"Don't work anymore. I have a friend who wants to come. You go out today."
"What friend?" Henry smirked.
Sylvia raised Liu Mei's eyebrows, "Is it related to you? Just do your own business well. I
don't want to see you before afternoon."
"Oh." Henry responded with frustration, folded the rag in his hand, put it where he should
put it, and then walked out of the villa door.
Stretching towards the early morning sun, Henry stared at the place as if talking to himself,
and walked away.
Henry took some toys and came to the Ivy Welfare Institute. When the children saw Henry,
they al came around in a swarm of bees and shouted that Brother Henry wanted toys to
play with.
Henry looked at these children with a spoiled look. When he was young, how much he
hoped that some toys could be played.
"Chief, do you know what he does?" Jenny in a white dress sat on a pony. Today, she put her
hair up and lost the clutter of yesterday, but it was three more. Distinguish between pure
and clean, face up to the sky, do not apply powder Dai, but the features are exquisite and
At the moment when he saw Henry, Jenny's body tightened for no reason.

Chapter 13
The gray-haired Dean Cui saw Henry and smiled on his face. "This kid, I would often cal me
a few years ago. He told me on the phone that he had been a waiter, a masseuse, and
Repairing home appliances, anyway, this child has suffered a lot in the past few years. "
"Is that true?" Jenny looked at Henry who was standing there, surrounded by many
children, and watched him pick up a child from time to time. open.
A roar of motors broke this warm scene. Three Mercedes-Benz G63s with consecutive
license plates were parked at the door of the orphanage. There were three people in each
car. There were men and women, men in suits and shoes, and women. Wealthy, aged
between 30 and 40.
When these people got off the bus, they began to look at the welfare home. One of the
women who looked like a secretary took out a drawing and pointed it on it.
When the little girl Yin Yin held in her arms by Henry saw these people, her smal mouth
pouted, "Bad guys! These bad guys are here again!"
"Bad guy?" Henry wondered, he looked at the little girl in his arms, "Yin Yin, you tel your
brother, why are they broken?"
"They're going to tear down Yin Yin's home!" Yin Yin raised her pink fists, her fleshy face
was full of anger.
"Tear down the house?" Henry immediately became somber as he heard this. He put Yin
Yin in his arms, let Yin Yin play with other children first, and then walked towards the dean.
Yinyin ’s home, and the children ’s home, is the Ivy Welfare Home!
Here is also the home of Henry. Long ago, he and his mother wandered to this point. It was
only after the dean's admission that he was able to grow up.
When Henry walked in front of Dean Cui, he saw that Dean Cui was also sad, and the
woman in the white dress was full of apology.
"President, what's the matter?" Henry asked, with a mouthful of noises at the door.
Dean Cui was ready to speak, but was interrupted by Jenny's voice.
"I'm going to talk to them!" Jenny in a white dress stood up. She had a net height of 1.68
meters, wearing white flat shoes, and her forehead was flush with Henry's earlobe.
Dean Cui watched Jenny walk towards the door of the welfare home, sighed, and his eyes
were full of fatigue, beckoning Henry, "Henry, you sit first."
Henry sat down in front of Dean Cui.
The gray-haired Dean Cui looked at the sky, "Henry, forget the time, are you also twenty-
three years old this year?"
"Twenty-four." Henry looked at Dean Cui's cheeky face, and he couldn't bear it. This kind-
hearted woman was much older than she original y remembered.
Dean Cui reached out and rubbed Henry's head, "Good boy, you've been sending money to
the orphanage for the past few years. I remember tel ing you on the phone a few years ago
that there was a good person who subsidized the orphanage for free.
What? "
"Wel ." Henry nodded. When he heard this, he was very grateful to the good-hearted man,
but the dean never told him who the good-hearted man was.
"Ms. Qin has been subsidizing the orphanage free of charge since five years ago, but in the
future, I am afraid that Ms. Qin is also helpless." The dean said. Quickly, al of these
surrounding areas have also been bought by those people, and we will develop holiday
resorts here. "
Speaking of this, the dean pointed to the people at the door of the orphanage, and then
continued: "Miss Qin has negotiated with them many times, but there was no result.
Once the development of the resort is completed, the official will order the demolition of
the orphanage. The official There are documents for them to build new welfare homes, but
do you know where they choose their location? Chemical emission site! There are harmful
substances discharged all the time. My body is old and I have to enter the soil within two
years, just pity these children Men. "
The dean looked at the children playing on the grass, and he shed tears in his old eyes, and
his voice was a little choked. "These unscrupulous businessmen, they don't even care about
these poor children. Their eyes are only money! How can they? Let the children live around
the chemical emission field! "
"I went to talk to them." Henry got up.
"Henry! It's useless." The Dean shook his head.
"President, I haven't talked about it. How do you know it's useless?" Henry smiled slightly
at the president. The smile was filled with strong self-confidence.
When Henry walked to the door of the orphanage, the quarrel had already reached his ears.
"Miss Qin, you have a bubble in your head, but we don't have it. We don't make a lot of
money to earn it? What does the life and death of these orphans have to do with us?
Blame it on their natural lives! Maybe they live around chemical plants, In the past ten
years or so, there will be a batch of mutants in the movie, ha ha ha! "This is a humorous
male voice.
Jenny was shivered by the words of the other party, "You! You are simply utterly
conscience! This plot was approved for development as early as two years ago, but
everyone took care of this welfare home, only you! You are like this, you will Retribution!
"Hahaha, there is money to make, I am happy to go to hell, Miss Qin, you don't make money,
it won't affect us to make money. In a few days, the official documents will come down, and
this welfare institution should also be demolished."
"I don't know if the orphanage will be dismantled in a few days, but I know that you won't
leave in ten seconds, don't blame me for beating you!" Henry's chilly voice sounded, and he
had an adult wrist in his hand. The steel pipe came over, and the muscles on his arm gave a
powerful deterrent.
"Now count down, ten!"
As soon as the cross fell, Henry waved the steel pipe in his hand heavily, causing a burst of
wind breaking sound.
Those who were driving in Mercedes Benz could not help but step back when they saw
Looking at the shapely muscles on Henry's arm, and then looking at his fat belly, a man in a
suit snorted, "Mang! Let you be arrogant, get out here sooner or later! Let's go!"
Under the hello of the man in the suit, a group of people quickly got on the car, and the
Mercedes-Benz G again launched a motor roar and left here.
The three Mercedes-Benz cars just drove away, and the children's cheers rang in the
welfare home.
Henry threw away the steel pipe in his hand and looked at Jenny with messy hair. "Miss
Qin, are you okay?"
"Ah?" Jenny was taken aback by the scene when Henry suddenly talked to himself, his voice
and posture slightly flustered, "No, it's fine."
"That's good, tel me, what's the situation?" Henry sat down in front of the welfare home.
Jenny took a deep breath, this was the first time she stood so close to this man, looking at
the other person's deep eyes, like a vast sea of stars, intoxicating.

Chapter 14
Jenny organized the language and briefly told Henry about the resort development and the
demolition of the welfare home, and the other party ’s company was much stronger than
Jenny ’s company, second only to Zhou, the second largest group in Yinzhou City.
Jenny couldn't keep it if he wanted to move this welfare home.
Jennygang just finished, looking at Henry squatting there, what his hand was drawing on
the ground, Jenny's sight was blocked by Henry's back, when Jenny looked around, the
small mouth suddenly opened up.
She saw that, just in the effort to speak for herself, Henry painted al the topographic maps
around the orphanage on the concrete floor in front of him. The large and smal streets,
including bus routes, also extended to the urban area!
A person, even if he has lived in a place for more than ten years, he may not be able to draw
the topography of the street, and he cannot even remember the topography of his own
Jenny marveled in his heart, how did he do it!
Henry just finished painting at this time, throwing the stones in his hand casually, as if
doing a very ordinary thing, "Miss Qin, you said, your company is doing trade, right?"
"Yes." Jenny nodded gently.
Henry got up and looked at Jenny. The distance between him and Jenny was only 20
cm. At this moment, both of them could feel each other's breathing.
Jenny was careful that the liver was bouncing sharply at this time, and a little red could not
help but appear on the small face.
Henry grinned and stretched out two fingers. "There are two ways to solve the problem in
front of you. One is to soften these people and prevent them from tearing down the welfare
home. The other is to see if you have this ambition. Now. "
"What?" Jenny asked subconsciously.
"Before the official dismantling of the orphanage's documents is approved, the companies
that devour these people! That is, within three days, do this!"
"What!" Jenny opened his eyes wide.
"The specific plan, I will tell you again, look at this topographic map." Henry pointed to
what he had just painted on the ground and said to Jenny, "Ninety-nine percent of house
prices in Yinzhou now In the rapid rise, those people chose this resort as the address of the
resort, but it is based on the official decision-making direction at the end of this year. If
there is no accident, the official will strongly support the development of the new urban
area at the end of this year. "
"Why?" Jenny asked with doubts on his face. The official development direction has always
been extremely concealed, even if the insiders can't be 100% sure before the document is
"Look." Henry's hand pointed at three places on the topographic map. "The geographic
location of Yinzhou City is northwest to the mountains and northeast to the industrial park.
Three of them were built this year. The two directions are not officially I will develop the
index book in the southwest direction. Lin took it in February this year. All I have is now,
this southeast direction is the development site. "
When Jenny heard it, he immediately realized, "What do you mean, let me fight for this
development zone with them?"
"No!" Henry waved his hand, "I want you to blow up the mountain!"
Henry's words made Jenny's subconscious exclaimed, "Explode the mountain!"
"Yes! In October last year, the official of Yinzhou City expressed the intention of developing
trade and transportation in front of the media. The southeast side was designated as the
key development target as the main traffic route. However, if a road can be opened in the
northwest direction, the official The focus will definitely be on the northwest, as for this
southeast direction, it will be temporarily abandoned, then the price of these pieces of land
will fal to a trough. "Henry analyzed Jenny little by little.
"Why are you so sure?" Jenny is full of doubts about the man in front of him. When the
other person speaks, the strong confidence between the eyebrows and the affirmation in
the words seem to be 100% sure. Jenny is in business. On the field, I have never seen
anyone so ful of self-confidence in Meiyu, even the president of Lin Group, Sylvia did not!
"I'm not sure, it's a policy." Henry rubbed the topographic map he drew on the ground with
his sole, took out his mobile phone, and brought up some news. Jenny glanced at it. These,
on Henry's mobile phone, have been in the past few years News, and not yet in Yinzhou, but
in the provinces of Huaxia, but above, there is an important message.
This information made Jenny's eyes wide.
In the past ten years, the most important thing in Yinzhou was trade. The official GDP of
13.24% came from trade. According to Beijing, Yanjing, Duhai, Jiangsu Province, and Shanxi
Province, each According to the news of the conference, the development
direction of Yinzhou City is the same, and it has been mentioned more than once to open
the trade channel in the northwest direction. Once you can get the right to open the
mountain, you will definitely get strong support from the official! Isn't it easy to face a
company whose land has fal en in price and want to devour it?
Jenny looked at the man wearing beach pants and white vest in front of her. Her heart
could not be described by shock. The man in front of him was definitely a business genius!
Do not! Genius is not enough to describe, this is a wizard! Ghost! His thoughts and his vision
are ten times longer than his own! These unprovoked news from other provinces is a huge
treasure trove!
After the shock, Jenny greeted the dean for the first time, and said to Henry, then quickly
drove away from the welfare institution and went to the company.
Henry told Dean Cui that she didn't have to worry about the orphanage, and then picked up
Xiao Yinyin and happily played with the children.
Around six o'clock in the afternoon, Henry returned to Sai Shangshui Township. As soon as
he arrived outside the villa, Henry smelled the smell of rice in the villa.
Henry's mind is full of doubts. When will President Lin cook?
In the villa.
Sylvia, wearing a light blue home uniform, stood at the door of the kitchen with a look of
anticipation, and kept mumbling, "Is it alright, alright, I can't wait!"
In the kitchen, a woman about 25 to 6 years old, one meter tall, with short hair, and a
woman with heroic features is wearing a blue apron and turning her skil et skillful y, "It ’s
al right, I said Sylvia, you Is n’t it the iceberg female president, how can you eat a good
sample? "
"Dead girl, you know you're making fun of me!" Sylvia rol ed his eyes at the woman in the
kitchen. "What the iceberg female president is not talking to those boring people. I'm
waiting for you Michelin Samsung chef at this time of year Cook for me. "
"Think about it, do you still count every year?" The short-haired woman flipped the wok
again. "Okay, you're going to sit down on the table and you can eat right away. Look at you,
and your saliva is flowing!"
Sylvia smiled happily and walked over to the dining table. As soon as she sat on the dining
table, she heard the door of the living room and Henry walked in from outside.

Chapter 15
Sylvia, who was originally happy, disappeared without a trace when he saw Henry.
Oops, forgot to tell him not to come back tonight! Oops, what should I do! In this way, I said
to this girl, wouldn't it be soon dismantled!
Sylvia looked a little ugly, got up from the dining table, and walked towards Henry.
Henry saw Sylvia's complexion and asked with concern: "Mr. Lin, are you uncomfortable?"
"No!" Sylvia whispered to Henry in a solemn tone, and then the two jades were naturally
mixed with Henry's arms. "Also, don't call me Mr. Lin, I told Girl, you are an artist, and I met
at a painting exhibition, remember? "
Henry could not help but listen.
"What are you laughing at?" Sylvia's smal hand twisted the soft meat inside Henry's arm,
and his beautiful big eyes showed a strong warning meaning, "Don't laugh! Don't show me
stuffing, otherwise you will die!"
"Ok, ok!" Henry quickly said goodbye, gestured, "Sylvia, you can rest assured, I will never
reveal it!"
Sylvia listened to Henry's words, and his face looked good. At the same time, there was a
touch of tenderness on his face, trying not to let his girlfriends see it.
Henry looked at Sylvia's lovely appearance and couldn't help but sigh. As long as she is a
woman, she has vanity. Who doesn't want her husband to be a prince charming, Mr.
Lin is no exception.
Just after saying this, the short-haired woman in the kitchen came out carrying a plate of
exquisite pastries.
"Ah! This is Henry." The woman put the cake on the dining table and walked towards
Henry, who also showed a hippie smile a second ago, changed his appearance at this
moment, his back was straight, and he took the initiative to extend his hand. "Hello, I am
Henry, IMHO, you are the most beautiful I have seen except my wife. Woman. "
Henry's words were full of western gentleman etiquette. He only glanced at this short-
haired woman and concluded that the other party was definitely a returnee.
Sure enough, the short-haired woman was amused by Henry's words, reaching out and
holding Henry lightly, "Mr. Zhang, you are real y interesting, my name is Milan, Sylvia's
"I often hear Han mentioning you." Henry just grabbed the second joint of Milan's four
"Mr. Zhang, Sylvia said that you are engaged in art and proficient in the culture of various
countries. Sure enough, your Western etiquette is more standard than those nobles I have
seen." Milan praised sincerely, "Sit down and eat Will be ready soon. "
After Milan had finished speaking, he turned and brought a burst of fragrance, and walked
towards the kitchen.
Henry and Sylvia sat on the dining table and looked at the doubts in the woman's eyes.
Henry took the initiative to explain, "I used to do training in this area when I was a waiter
at the restaurant.
All the delicacies were presented to the table by Milan. Henry saw more than 20 kinds of
oysters alone.
"Oh men, I haven't enjoyed it for a long time." Henry sighed in his heart.
Sylvia was sitting next to Henry, and it was cute when he secretly swallowed while Henry
was not paying attention.
In addition to oysters, the dishes served in Milan, as well as beef and whole duck, are
beautifully shaped and make people look appetite.
"Mr. Zhang, listening to Sylvia said, you know the catering culture of Fuguo very well."
Milan placed the whole duck on the table and sat opposite Henry and Sylvia.
Sylvia looked at the food at this table. Compared with what Milan did, the di Santa Fe
restaurant was too low, and the catering culture was also more high-end. Henry was only a
waiter. How could he come into contact with it? He opened the door to Henry and said that
Henry was only slightly involved, but Henry's voice sounded first.
"The French oyster door is better than the rich variety. The oysters in front of you should
be the fresh products brought by Miss Milano. After cooking, you can feel the charm of the
front, middle and back, the aftertaste is endless, the stamina is fierce, but But it ’s not
suitable as the first dish. Presumably, when Miss Milan brought the plate of Oyster, I was in
the entrance exam. "
Henry smiled faintly, and looked at the plate of beef. "Beef tartare, the common method is
to mix it with salt, pepper and sauce, and occasionally add some eggs to mix evenly,
but look at the method of Miss Milan I added three to four quail eggs. The quail eggs here
should be prepared for the taste of the oyster door. As for this oil-sealed duck, I think it
should be eaten by Sylvia, otherwise With the combination, there should be no oil-sealed
duck. "
As soon as Henry's words fell, Milan's applause sounded.
"Mr. Zhang, I have to admit that your understanding of Fugu food is really as profound as
Sylvia said."
"Miss Milano praised me, I just dabbled slightly." Henry smiled slightly, he behaved like a
Sylvia looked at the man next to him, and every movement was ful of etiquette, every
sentence was impeccable, making her wonder, is this the boneless man he knows? If he
wears a suit and appears in a high-end place, it is estimated that everyone will think that he
is a noble from the West!
Sylvia's idea had just emerged. She felt that her little hand under the table was surrounded
by a warmth. She glanced at Henry, who was frowning at Sylvia for a while.
That seemed to be saying, how, I The performance is okay.
Sylvia snorted softly, pulled his small hand from Henry's hand, and grabbed the oil-sealed
duck on the table.
Henry sandwiched a piece of beef with a little mustard juice and put it in his mouth. After
three seconds, he began to chew.
Sitting in Milan opposite Henry, exactly like Henry's movements, this is the most standard
way of eating, and also the one that can maintain the taste. Before Henry made such a
movement, Milan specifical y paid attention to Henry.
In the dining room, Sylvia was looking for some topics between women in Milan and was
having a good time. Milan asked Henry in a chilling way: "Mr. Zhang, heard Sylvia said that
you two met at a painting exhibition?"
Sylvia jumped with a careful liver puff. She didn't expect that Milan would even ask these
questions. Henry happened to be a waiter at the Fuguo restaurant. He knows more about
French meals and Western etiquette. What can he know about painting exhibitions!
"Milan, are you checking our Henry Hukou?" Sylvia muttered.
"Yeah, it's just checking the account. I always have to know, what method did your family
Henry deceive our iceberg female president." Milan eyes were full of curiosity, looking at
Sylvia stretched out his greasy little hand, pul ed Henry's arm, and looked at Henry with an
invisible angle from Milan. He said in his mouth: "Henry, ignore her."
"I said Miss President, wouldn't you deceive me to play?" Milan put on an expression that I
can't deceive.
"Of course not!" Sylvia a little hurried face, "we, we are ..."

Chapter 16
"We met at Master Filger's painting exhibition." Henry took a piece of scal op, took the
whole piece of scallop meat down, put it in the plate in front of Sylvia, and continued,
"Master Filger was at the time Anshi opened a painting exhibition. Both Sylvia and I were
attracted by Master Ferger ’s early morning breakfast and offered different opinions. I still
remember that Sylvia said at the time that she yearned for the quiet feeling in the painting.
The soft lines would make Her mind is peaceful, and I envy the emotions expressed in the
eyes of the male and female characters in the painting. We both met from that time. Of
course, the green shade of green next to breakfast in the morning is also a very good work.
A weirdness flashed in Milan's eyes, and said, "It turned out to be the Firge exhibition in
Anshi. At the beginning, I also wanted to go, but I didn't have the opportunity to listen to
you. I envy you and Sylvia.
Henry smiled softly, "Three months later, Master Filger will also hold an exhibition.
When the time comes, we can go together."
"Okay." Milan also smiled and nodded. "Ah! My baked goods are ready!"
Milan ran to the kitchen in a panic.
"How do you know?" Sylvia's soft voice, with doubt, rang in Henry's ear.
"What?" Henry took a scallop for himself.
"How do you know Master Filger's painting exhibition and how do you know that morning
breakfast?" Sylvia is very strange. The reason why she told Milan that she and
Henry met at the painting exhibition is because she also likes painting, but that Anshi
Filger's painting exhibition, she has not been able to succeed, it has always been
As soon as Henry asked Sylvia to ask this, he pointed to the mobile phone in his pocket.
"I just checked, I'm not afraid of revealing stuffing!"
"Good job!" Sylvia gave Henry a thumbs up.
"Hey, thank you Mr. Lin for your praise."
In the kitchen, Milan sneaked a glance at the restaurant, confirmed that Sylvia and Henry
were both sitting at the table, took out their mobile phones, quickly entered a number to
dial out, and the call was quickly connected.
Milan, holding the phone in one hand and covering her mouth in the other, whispered,
"Li Ke, do you remember the wanted photo we saw on the streets of Fagu three years ago?"
"Remember." There was a crisp female voice over the phone, accompanied by the sound of
a spatula colliding with a wok. At this time, Fa Guo was just preparing for lunch. "Why, why
are you suddenly asking this? ? "
"I saw him! I don't know what happened. He has already returned home, and he married
my girlfriend as an artist!" Milan's face was anxious.
"Oh my god!" There was a cry of exclamation on the other side of the phone. "You even met
him! Has he not been arrested by the French royal family? You know, he dare to deceive
even the royal princess at that time! Why don't you hurry to call the police He, tear down
his identity in front of your girlfriend! "
"I do n’t know what way he came back, nor why he was n’t arrested. I only know that my
girlfriend is now completely deceived by him! I ca n’t cal the police, I do n’t have any
evidence, and I ca n’t take it down directly. He, now my stupid girlfriends have been
completely deceived by him. Once I directly say that he is a wanted criminal of Fuguo, not
only will my girlfriends not believe, but also to alert this scammer, there will be no way to
reveal his true face at that time. "" Milan's tone was angry and anxious, and at this point,
she secretly glanced at the restaurant.
Sylvia also happened to notice that Milan looked to himself with a happy expression on his
pretty face, and tore off a piece of duck meat to pass to Henry.
Seeing this scene, Milanese trembles with anger, and feels cruel. He urges on the phone:
"This is a sentimental liar. I have to find a way to uncover his true face! You help me take a
leave for the teacher, just say me Not going back during this time. "
"Not coming back? God, Milan, do you know what you are talking about? The teacher told
me last night that he passed the test of the adult. If there is a chance, he can take us to meet
the adult. If we can Learning a little bit of cooking fur from that adult ’s hand will al ow us
to inherit his position and become the master chef of the Royal Kingdom!
”The woman ’s voice on the phone was ful of incredible.
"Besides the chef ’s story, I ca n’t, so my girlfriend was cheated like this, okay, I ’l hang up!"
Milan hung up the phone, picked up the baked snail just prepared, and walked towards the
restaurant. There was a smile on his face, and he could not see anything at al , "Mr. Zhang,
Sylvia, try the baked snail, you will love it."
Sylvia enjoys the food made in Milan, but she is more afraid that Milan will ask any tricky
questions and quickly eat the food on the table instead of enjoying it slowly as before.
"Sylvia, are you okay at night?" Milan looked strangely at Sylvia's abnormal appearance.
"No." Sylvia shook his head. "Aren't I worried about you? You haven't returned home from
Fa Guo. There is only one flight to Hangzhou at night."
Milan, holding a snail shel in his hand, stared at Sylvia and said: "Sylvia, I won't leave, I
want to stay with you for two more days."
"Ah? Stay two more days?" Sylvia showed a little gaffe because of the unexpected news, his
mouth wide open.
"Yes." Milan nodded vigorously, then narrowed his eyes and showed a crescent moon.
"Why, don't you welcome me?"
Two seconds after the stunned god, Sylvia reacted, "Huan ... welcome."
"Haha, I knew you couldn't bear me, so let me think, which room should I live in?" Milan
looked up and scanned the location on the second floor.
Sylvia showed a bitter smile on his face and glanced at Henry.
Henry Sylvia blinked his eyes, gestured an ok gesture, and made a reassuring mouth.
Sylvia looked at Henry and felt helpless in his heart, rest assured? How can I be assured
that sooner or later I'll expose it! If that's the case, I'm too embarrassing!
After dinner, Henry washes the dishes in the kitchen as usual. Milan gave a thumbs up and
praised a good man, and then began to pack up his luggage.
Sylvia sat on the sofa, looked at Henry in the kitchen, and then looked at the girlfriends who
were running around the house. He reached over his forehead and gave a helpless sigh.
After Henry washes the dishes, he saw Sylvia sitting on the sofa, drinking tea, and watching
the financial news of the city today. This news is read by Sylvia every day.
"Add some hot water." Henry came with a kettle and added water to Sylvia's teacup. He
glanced at the TV and found that there was just news about Jenny on the TV. On the news,
he also proposed Jenny's Hengyuan trade. The application for the bombing and approval of
the news. In the news, the official said that it would strongly support and regard Hengyuan
Trade as the benchmarking enterprise in Yinzhou in the new year.

Chapter 17
Seeing this news, a smile appeared naturally on Henry's face, and the woman's movements
were quite fast. As a result, the development of the area of the welfare home can no longer
receive official support, and the welfare home will not be officially If forced to demolish, the
children can continue to live without saying that the land bought by those profiteers will
also drop in price.
Sylvia leaned on the sofa, his slender legs stretched, his eyes looked at the news, and he
said to himself, "This Hengyuan is so powerful that it can be thought of to blow up the
mountains, with the help of Huaxia ’s high-level pressure on Yinzhou officials. Policy
support! With the woman surnamed Qin, I absolutely can't think of this. Behind her, there
is at least a professional team of ten people to make suggestions for her. Even the news
reports of other provinces a few years ago have noticed, amazing! Great! "
Sylvia ’s words were heard in Henry ’s ears, which made Henry a little embarrassed.
“Actual y, I do n’t think it ’s too difficult. I usual y pay more attention to these things in the
news. In this respect, the explosion of the mountain is not what everyone wants. At that
time, the trade was smooth, and the transportation was too convenient. Even the high-
speed rail was accessible. "
"What do you know?" Sylvia glanced at Henry. "You can only see the benefits after the
bombing, but you can't see the subtleties of this decision. Some time ago, Hongzhu Trading
just won two plots in the southeast. To develop a resort, now Hengyuan explodes the
mountain, and the development of the southeast of the city will be temporarily put down
by the government. Hengyuan will not only get the strong support of the government in
policy, but also be able to take the first place in Yinzhou. The location of the trading
company, including the Northwest Trade Channel, will also be exclusive to Hengyuan. At
that time, Hongzhu ’s channels will all be won by Hengyuan.
The two pieces of land taken by Hongzhu will fal in price, and the stock will fall. , It will
make the stock price go crazy! "
Sylvia finished speaking, looking at Henryxing to nothing, she was silent in her heart and
could not help the wall. She had just said so much to Henry, the purpose was to let Henry
touch something in this respect, but now it seems, He had no idea at all.
Waving his hand at Henry, Sylvia's pretty face was a little displeased: "Forget it, forget
about yourself, don't stop me from watching TV."
"Good." Henry nodded, and the results reported in the news, he had all thought of it when
he told Jenny this morning.
Milan finished packing things, wearing a pink short-sleeved shirt and sat next to Lin
Yaohan, watching TV with her, talking about some cosmetics, bags and the like.
Henry, who was wearing a white vest, came over with a basin of warm water and placed it
in front of Sylvia, and he also squatted down, "Sylvia, it's time to wash his feet."
"Footwashing? Sylvia, Henry still gives you footwashing?" Milan's eyes widened as if they
saw something incredible. In this society, it is too rare for men to wash their feet for
women, and look like Henry. , Seems to be so common every day.
Sylvia frowned his willow, "I won't wash it today."
"No." Henry shook his head firmly. "It must be washed. The hidden diseases on your body
need to be massaged a few times to completely relieve."
Upon hearing the hidden il ness, Sylvia's pretty face turned red, and her expression was a
little unnatural. She thought she had no dysmenorrhea in the past few days and looked at
the man in front of her.
This guy must know this!
Just when Sylvia was slightly stunned, Henry had taken the initiative to grab Sylvia's little
feet and put it in the basin. After soaking it lightly, he slowly rubbed it.
The feeling of comfort came from Sylvia's feet, Sylvia unconsciously relaxed, lying on the
sofa, but just leaned back, she felt a little awkward.
Two days ago, she and Henry were alone at home, and now there is an extra person sitting
around, making her uncomfortable.
Looking at Henry doing his best to massage himself, Sylvia's heart fluttered for a while,
shouldn't this be a shameful thing? Why did he take the initiative when someone was at
home, is he really doing it for me?
Immediately after this idea came out, Sylvia shook his head.
Do not! impossible! He is just for money, we have no intersection before, how could he be
just for my good!
Milan looked at Henry and snorted in his heart, this man real y would please the woman, no
wonder the princess who could have cheated the royal family of Fuguo, and now he can
cheat Sylvia, it is estimated that few women can refuse Is he like this? Dressed as an artist,
he is extremely gentle!
Henryban squatted in front of Sylvia, holding the pair of exquisite jade feet, with clear eyes
and no distractions in his heart, carefully rubbing the points on Sylvia's feet.
Sylvia enjoys the comfort from her feet while feeling the eyes of her girlfriends, making her
extremely unnatural.
"Okay, don't wash it." Sylvia couldn't bear this feeling. He pul ed out his little feet from
Henry's hand, and his pretty face was stil red.
Henry nodded, anyway, the button should also be pressed, then picked up the basin and
poured water.
As soon as Henry left, Milan gathered around Sylvia, "Sylvia, will Henry still massage in
your house?"
"Yeah." Sylvia nodded. "I tell you, my Henry massage technique is great. I was a little
uncomfortable before. He massaged a few times and everything was all right."
"Real y?" Milan showed a very interested look. "Sylvia, my shoulders have been
uncomfortable recently. Do you want Henry to press me?"
"Press it for you?" Sylvia looked at the disbelieving look of Milan, and his heart was
horizontal, thinking that Henry had worked in the massage shop, there should be no
problem, nodded, "Yes."
"Very good, Sylvia, you are my good girlfriend!" Milan jumped, but thought in his heart, the
surname Zhang, let you pretend, and also massage the feet to relieve the hidden diseases of
the body! Blow it!
Regarding the relief of hidden diseases by foot massage, Milan has heard of it, but it is not a
simple massage, but a silver needle to stimulate acupuncture points. It is a very traditional
and deep acupuncture therapy, and it runs through the body from the foot vein Quan
Huaxia did not say how few people could do it. How could this surnamed Zhang be? He also
lied to Sylvia, the simple girl, to see if I wouldn't take you through!
Milan think about it, how to disassemble this Henry, tel Sylvia his despicable face!
Henry poured his foot wash and walked to the living room, just preparing to sit down, and
asked Lin to cut an apple.
"Hello ... husband, did you help Milan press the shoulder too?" When Lin invited Han to
issue the first old word, his expression was extremely unnatural, but fortunately Milan
didn't notice it.
"Help her press?" Henry frowned.

Chapter 18
Henry is known as the living king in the global medical community. There is an old saying
in China. The king cal ed you to die in three shifts, and who dares to keep you in five shifts.
But in the world's top medical field, this sentence has been changed. Satan leaves people to
Wuchang. How dare you call him Yanchang?
He is the King of Kings living in this world.
In the past, many top global wealthy merchants, royal princes, and national leaders all
hoped that Henry would take action, but Henry's face has never been sold, let alone the
most laborious and orthodox massage techniques to treat hidden diseases.
When Milan saw Henry's frown, he was very happy. Sure enough, this person didn't
understand any massage therapy at all.
"Sylvia, it doesn't matter if your home is Henry, I think about using massage to get rid of
hidden diseases, it is a bit incredible in itself." Milan looked discouraged.
Sylvia's heart was cold, this girl wouldn't see what happened! Oops, that's real y the case,
then I'm so shameful! No, no!
"Her husband, just press the button for Milan, the same way you pressed it for me."
Sylvia kept blinking at Henry.
"Okay." Henry could not refuse Sylvia's request, or, in his heart, he would not refuse the
woman's request, even if it was too much, he could accept it.
Henry walked to Milan and looked at the short-haired woman with facial features, "Miss
Milano, why are you uncomfortable?"
"Shoulder." Milan reached out to Henry and pointed to the back of his neck.
Henry nodded and walked behind Milan, squeezing his hands toward Milan's shoulder.
Henry had a feeling when his hand touched Milan's shoulder.
After the tenderness, it is a kind of ful elasticity. Although the skin is not as round and shiny
as Sylvia, it has a different kind of beauty.
Henry's two thumbs slowly rubbed against Milan's back.
Milan's shoulders and necks have always been sore because of work. She often goes to the
spa and is familiar with various massage techniques.
Now she feels that Henry's hands are rubbing against her shoulders and necks. It is just like
the ordinary masseurs. It is almost the same as relieving fatigue. What cures hidden
diseases is simply nonsense.
Milan organized the language in his heart, and when he was about to speak, he felt a
warmth coming from his shoulders and necks. trace.
Before, because of professional relations, Milan felt like a mountain was pressed on his
shoulder and neck every day. At this moment, it was as if someone moved the mountain
away from their neck and neck. The feeling was uncomfortable. .
If Milan had come to her mouth because of this feeling, she swallowed it alive. He could
actual y stimulate the acupoints by massage to achieve the effect of alleviating the hidden
diseases of the body! If this method is put into Chinese medicine, it is quite advanced!
Sylvia was relieved when he looked at the comfortable expression on Milan's face.
It seems that Henry still has some skills, although there is no countertop for massage.
When Sylvia gave birth to this idea, he didn't know that the massage she was thinking of
was placed in Chinese medicine and was the top physiotherapy!
Milan's mood at the moment can be described as mixed, and what makes her happy is that
the hidden diseases in her body have indeed been relieved. The whole person, from back to
shoulder and neck, is much more comfortable. I am afraid it is not an easy task to dismantle
A pair of eyes in Milan dribbled, and a brilliant method appeared in her mind.
She couldn't help thinking, a liar, he may have learned about certain fields specifically, but
for these things, they can't be too proficient. Only the top physiotherapy treatment of
hidden diseases through massage Enough for him to spend time to study, he had been in
the country of Fa, and he was able to deceive the royal princess. It is not surprising that he
understands Western etiquette and national food, but what about painting, does he really
understand painting? Or that he has the strength to paint? I only need to find a top expert
in painting and painting to come and get his true face!
Thinking of this, Milan smiled again.
"Sylvia, the massage technique of your home Henry is real y great! By the way, you haven't
told me how you two met. Is it because of a painting?"
"Bapo, you!" Sylvia gave Milan a white glance, but he thought about how to tel Milan this
girl how he met Henry, but now Henry is here, those words are real y ashamed to say.
"Talk about it." Milan looked curious about the baby.
"Let him tel you that I'm going to bed." Sylvia threw the pot directly to Henry, wearing
slippers, "Moo" upstairs, hum, let's make this Xuanhua's rhetoric, let's make it tomorrow
Just ask him.
Milan looked at Sylvia's back, said boring, and then stretched out a lazy waist. She was
wearing a tight shirt, and the peak in front of her looked extraordinarily magnificent.
Perfectly presented.
Standing behind Milan, Henry squeezed his shoulders for Milan. His eyes just passed
through the neckline and he saw the magnificent waves ahead.
Milano stretched out his slender jade hand, fanned his neck, and said in his mouth, "It's
As soon as the words were over, Milan put his hand on his neckline and gently tapped the
first button underneath the neckline with little effort. The button col apsed by her proud
posture, revealing a white piece .
The corner of Milan's mouth slightly raised, thinking that the color embryo, standing
behind, gave her aunt a good look.
Milan finished this, as if nothing happened, touched the cell phone next to it, opened the
front camera in secret, and wanted to take a picture of Henry staring at herself, but she
found that Henry didn't even look at herself, Do not! He didn't pay attention to himself at
al . He was wearing headphones and listening to music with his eyes closed!
A nameless fire caught Milan's heart, bastard! The old lady is not at all attractive to your
color embryo!
"No more, no more!" Milan twisted his shoulders twice, said angrily, and walked upstairs in
Henry took off his headphones, wondering where this woman was so angry, she glanced at
it twice, and Henry ignored it. She sat on the sofa and poured herself a cup of tea, listening
to what Yeve had just created and sent to him Piano music, murmured:
"There are still problems when dropping D to C, and there are some unnecessary dazzling
skills, adding a lot of decorative sounds, so that although it can give people a shocking effect
in the early stage of the music, But it will make the back of the song look too plain, hey. "

Chapter 19
At this moment, the TV news just turned to the music channel, playing the latest news.
"According to reports, the world ’s top pianist Yeff, after successfully adapting 'Lasan', once
again immersed himself in the creation of a new song. Yeff reported in an interview that
this time the new song will be personally performed by his teacher Supervision and
guidance, and, his teacher is the mysterious character who once guided him to adapt the
'Lasan', let us look forward to the latest work of Yeff. "
The lights in the living room went out. Henry stepped on the slippers and walked towards
the bedroom on the second floor. Anna pushed open the door of the villa and started her
protection work at night.
Early the next morning, Henry got up and wiped the floor as usual.
Sylvia yawned out of the bedroom and walked steadily towards the bathroom, preparing to
Before Sylvia walked into the bathroom, the landline of the house rang madly. Henry ran
over to pick up the phone. This was an internal contact number, but Sylvia's father could cal
"Hello, dad." Henry called to the phone.
"Henry, tell Sylvia to get up and fol ow me to see her grandpa!" Nelson Lin's voice was very
anxious on the phone.
In Yinzhou City, Lin's Group is a legendary enterprise.
In the 1980s, the founder of the Lin Group, Robert Lin, led the local enterprises in Yinzhou
to develop together, and also established the Yinzhou Chamber of Commerce.
During this period, under the leadership of Robert Lin, the Yinzhou Chamber of Commerce
invested in stocks and real estate. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Yinzhou
Chamber of Commerce was forced to dissolve, but the major enterprises developed vividly.
Although there was no Yinzhou Chamber of Commerce, Robert Lin was the only president
in everyone ’s mind.
Although Robert Lin was famous in his career, but in his life, it was not satisfactory. Just
when Robert Lin was the most beautiful, his wife left in an accident and left Robert Lin with
one son and three daughters.
The Lin family owns a compound in Yinzhou. This compound has a status in Yinzhou. It is
equivalent to a compound in Beijing. Anyone who has power in Yinzhou is proud to enter
the compound.
The compound is located on the outskirts of Yinzhou, covering an area of 21,000
square meters, surrounded by greenery, rockery and water, and a flat cement channel at
the gate extends inward.
At this time, a Volkswagen Jetta was driving on this concrete passageway, which was
particularly dazzling.
Anna parked his car in the parking lot in the courtyard. Here, all the cars parked were
millions of luxury cars.
The rear seat door opened and a jade foot in black high heels was stretched out, paired
with a seven-point black suit pants. Sylvia was paired with a white shirt and lined with a
smal black suit jacket. She walked down from the car, she His long hair rose from the
top of his head, and the delicate and impeccable facial features were fil ed with anxiety.
Sylvia stepped out of the car and strode towards the house in front of the parking lot.
There is no figure of Henry in the car behind Lin Yaohan.
Sylvia walked out of the parking lot, looked at the one-story building in front of him,
pushed open the door, and walked in.
Inside, the furniture is made of peach wood, antique and antique, there is a faint fragrance
in the air. There is no modern furniture in the house. It can be seen that the owner of the
house likes this ancient style very much.
At this moment in the house, there are many people in formal attire, men and women, old
and young.
Sylvia looked at a few people in the house and opened his mouth slightly, "Dad, Aunt,
Second Aunt, Aunt, you are here."
Inside the house, not only Nelson Lin's generation, but also Sylvia's generation, there were
many people.
Just looking at Sylvia's generation, she is the only one with the surname Lin.
"How is Grandpa?" Sylvia looked at his father with a worried expression on his face.
Nelson Lin sighed and pointed to the inside of the house. "Inside, let's go inside and see."
Sylvia nodded, just as he was about to lift his feet, he saw a middle-aged woman in her
forties or forties rushing out of the back room, her face covered with panic, "No, Mr. Lin is
The whole room, at this moment, showed a dul face.
Yinzhou City Suburb Park, somehow became a place for the elderly to play Tai Chi, every
day from 6 am to 11:30 noon, in the shade of the park, on the square, beside the stone pier,
you can see it everywhere The figure of the elderly.
Henry walked in the park wearing his beach pants. Every week, two days, he would come to
the park to watch the old man play Tai Chi. In that kind of supreme and supple movement,
Henry seemed to make his manic heart, To restore some calm, only blame the excessive
bloody winds of the past life.
"Young people, like Tai Chi?" An old and kind voice sounded behind Henry.
Henry glanced, talking about an old man in a wheelchair, wearing a wine-red Tang suit, his
hair was already gray, but his face was pretty good, with some ruddy.
"I don't like Tai Chi." Henry shook his head. "But it doesn't prevent me from like to watch,
just like some people know that the medicine is bitter and they still take medicine."
After Henry finished speaking, he looked at the old man's legs with his eyes.
The old man showed a thoughtful look, and after a few seconds of silence, he laughed twice,
"Hahaha, young man, you have something to say."
Henry blinked at the old man. "Maybe."
"Oh, how did you see it?" The old man patted his legs with his hands.
"Face." Henry pointed at the old man's eyebrows. "Hua Xia medicine, inherited for
thousands of years, can pull the line of the horn, and also the face of the line. In our China, it
is said that the whole body can be used in medicine.
Henry looked at the old man's whole body and continued, "You are stretched, ruddy and
shiny, full of blood and blood, stable in meridians, rare in hair but supple, which proves that
your body is not weak, you come in a wheelchair, your arms are strong, The meridian is
intact, the waist is upright, and how can the legs not go down? If you have a fracture or
paralysis, you ca n’t have a strong blood or sit straight. "
"Great!" A smile appeared on the old man's face, clapping his hands and applauding Henry,
"Little brother, are you studying medicine?"
Henry shook his head, "No."
"I don't think so." The old man smiled on his face and asked Henry, "Do you mind pushing
me away?"
"Mind." Henry replied without thinking, "I still have things, but I have something to tell
"Little brother, please speak." The old man listened to each other.
"Although your limbs are intact, but the days are not long, the heart hurts, which can not be
treated by drugs, the chest pain every night, the deeper the day, you have to find someone
to cure it as soon as possible." Henry patted the old man's shoulder.
The old man's eyes showed a fine mans, "Little brother is awesome. An old friend of mine
also said the same thing to me. It's just that my old friend, who had gone to Hexi
three years ago, said to me, if anyone can tell My stubborn il ness has the ability to save me.
"Your old friend is quite powerful, can say this kind of thing, let me think about it."
Henry's eyes showed a thoughtful look, "I died three years ago, is it cal ed Song Dan?"

Chapter 20
When the old man heard the name, his whole body was shaking with excitement, "Little
brother, you know my old friend!"
"It's impossible to know. He has studied under my staff for three days."
"I know who you are!" The old man stared at Henry with his eyes, "Although my old friend
didn't elaborate on it to me, he once said that in the world of medical science, he was
studied by a doctor cal ed the Living King. God, and take pride in it! Unexpectedly, I was
fortunate enough to see the legendary living king today! "
"It's not a luck to meet you for the first time." Henry's expression was self-conscious, but
his words were ful of strong self-confidence and pride. "If you can see me for the second
time, you're lucky."
"I understand!" The old man nodded. "The living king governs people, does not recognize
money, objects, and fate. If you can meet again, will you help me?"
"Possibly, hahaha." Henry patted the old man's shoulder again, leaving the old man with a
back view. "You and I met this time, it's also a good chance, but if we can meet again next
time, then we will say something else."
Henry's voice became smaller and smaller in the ears of the old man. The old man stared at
Henry's back until Henry disappeared completely. He was sighing. He did not doubt
Henry's words. His old friend had told him that the world could use it al . The naked eye can
see the stubbornness in his body, and there are only a few people.
"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, living King, so young!" The old man sighed, thinking about
the young man just now, and then thinking about the younger generations of his family,
only Sylvia had a daughter and could get on the table, the rest, I only know how to eat,
drink, and play, and remember my property.
"Grandpa! You real y are here!" A crisp female voice sounded behind the old man.
"Dad, why are you here!" Nelson Lin walked behind the old man with a blame.
"Come out and look at the scenery." The old man looked back, looking at the rushed son
and granddaughter, with relief on his face, "Sylvia, when is your husband named Henry
brought to grandpa?"
"Have a chance." Sylvia smacked the broken hair in front of the net and dealt with it.
Bring Henry to see Grandpa? At the very least, I have to wait for Henry to be a little bit
good, even if I have some skills and a little ambition, but now he is just a mess of mud and
can't help the wall.
Sylvia took Robert Lin back to the Lin Family Courtyard and saw that Robert Lin, Sylvia
’s aunts had already been cousins and cousins, and their faces were covered with
seriousness and sternness. Robert Lin was a little unhappy when traveling a luxury car, and
immediately let them become ordinary people from the rich stage.
"Grandpa, where are you going, but we are in a hurry!" Sylvia's cousin, when he saw Robert
Lin, flew up immediately. This is the son of Sylvia's aunt, and also the grandson of Lin's
generation. Richard.
Seeing Richard ca n’t wait to step forward, Sylvia ’s other cousin did n’t want to go down,
“Grandpa, call your grandson where you ’re going next time, and the grandson will
accompany you. It ’s also convenient for you. . "
"Grandson?" Sylvia's aunt heard this, puzzled, and looked at her nephew puzzled.
"Dad, Chuan'er has just changed his surname, and he will no longer surname Song, and
your surname is Lin, he is your grandson!" Sylvia's second aunt looked excited at Robert
Lin Road.
"Fol owing my surname?" Robert Lin gave an unexpected sound, then a sigh of relief
appeared on his face, touching Chaning's head that had just been renamed.
Chaning's eyes showed a successful smile, while Richard glanced at Chaning secretly, his
face a little ugly.
Richard ’s mother exposed her sarcasm unabashedly, and said yin and yang strangely:
"Some people real y think that they are useless al day long."
Faced with the elder sister's sarcasm, Chaning's mother said nothing, but she was proud of
her face, proving that she had the upper hand this time.
Sylvia looked at his two cousins, and his heart was filled with chills. This is the Lin family!
Giants in the eyes of outsiders! In fact, it is a group of people fighting openly and secretly,
only knowing about the family who are competing for family property!
After Sylvia took over the Lin Group, her two cousins hung up a casual job in the company.
They spent a lot of time in the company, and often complained about the company ’s female
employees. The two people would act on them in the company. It wasn't Nelson Lin that
stopped Sylvia, who had long wanted to expel the two.
Now seeing the attitudes of Richard and Chaning, Sylvia only felt sick in his heart.
It's Sylvia's daughter, her cousin Daisy, who has been standing there all the time, not as
eager to behave as the two cousins.
"Okay, let's sit down. Let's call you today. There is something to say." Robert Lin waved to
the juniors in the house.
Hearing Robert Lin saying something was announced, the expressions of the people in the
house became a lot nervous, especially Richard and Chaning. They both knew that today,
Robert Lin is likely to announce his estate allocation.
After Henry left the park, he ran around the orphanage again, looked at the children, and
told Dean Cui not to worry about the orphanage and went straight home.
Just outside the courtyard of the villa, and before entering the courtyard, Henry could hear
the quarrel coming from inside the house. The sound was very loud, and some of them
were strange to Henry.
Anna stood in the garden. After seeing Henry, Anna smiled helplessly at Henry.
"What's going on?" Henry pushed the door open and asked.
Anna replied: "Mr. Lin's family."
"Family affairs?" Henry looked at the house with a puzzled face. Through the huge floor-to-
ceiling windows, Henry saw that in addition to Sylvia and Nelson Lin, there were three
middle-aged women and two men and a woman of the same age.
Henry pushed open the door of the house and walked in. At the moment he opened the
door, the eyes of several people in the house focused on him.
Henry could see that in the eyes of the two men who looked the same as himself, they were
full of disdain. As soon as they entered the door, they glanced from head to toe with their
eyes, and the three middle-aged women had Full of sarcasm.
"I said, when it comes to family matters, why did an outsider come in? Do you understand
the rules?" Aunt Sylvia said dissatisfiedly.
"Sister, Henry is also our family. How can we be an outsider." Nelson Lin smiled and took
his elder sister's words, while walking towards Henry, patting Henry's shoulder and saying,
"Come, Henry, let me introduce you , This is Sylvia ’s aunt, this is the second aunt, this is the
younger aunt, Richard and Chaning are your cousins, this is cousin Daisy. "
Nelson Lin introduced the people in the house to Henry, and Henry also called them one by
one, but after Daisy gave Henry an echo of her brother-in-law, the rest of the people
ignored Henry.

Chapter 21
Henry didn't care about it either, walked to Sylvia and sat down.
The fierce quarrel was originally due to the sudden arrival of Henry, which caused a
strange tranquility in the living room.
Sylvia sat on the sofa and took a cup of hot tea, drinking slowly.
A few others, you look at me, I look at you, about a minute later, Aunt Sylvia took the lead.
"Some people real y think of themselves as the master of this family? I don't understand
what my identity is. Seeing us here, don't you know how to pour tea?"
"That's right." Richard, the son of Aunt Sylvia, also said, "You can't see yourself with respect
to things that are inferior and humble? It seems that some people's tutors are not very
"What are you stil doing, I don't know how to make tea?" Sylvia's second aunt said with a
look of contempt at Henrydao.
"Why?" Sylvia slowly put down the tea cup, his voice unpleasant, "Henry is my husband, the
owner of this family, you are guests, why do you point fingers at him?"
Henry sat on the sofa, as if he had not heard the irony of Sylvia's relatives, his face was
Seeing Henry sitting there unmoved, Sylvia's relatives were very upset, and anger erupted
in the eyes of both cousins.
Brother Richard in the lobby directly roared and said: "This is when talking about family
matters, go away!"
Richard had no room to speak. He was in a bad mood today. He was waved by his cousin. In
the distribution of the heritage, he lost a lot of things. He was holding back his stomach and
had nowhere to send it. The son-in-law came home. Come!
"A pariah who didn't know the blessings of several years of cultivation before climbing up
the big tree of our Lin family!" Aunt Sylvia also got angry and sent it to Henry.
Henry frowned slightly, and then a slight smile hung on the corner of his mouth. If the
people in front of him were not relatives of Sylvia, he promised that these people were
already dead. Now, anyway, he can bear it for Sylvia ’s sake. It is related to Sylvia, he can
give in.
"Oh, Lin family? Are you treating yourself as Lin family at this time?" Sylvia showed a
mocking smile. "Richard, Chaning, you two are hanging up in the company. What do you
think I don't know every day? Take public money My own, there are tens of millions of
embezzled funds alone? Do you know how much damage is caused to the company?
Now I say that I am the Lin family? Why did n’t I see you doing something for the Lin
family! "
Sylvia stretched his fingers to his two cousins, counting the evil of them.
"Shut up!" Aunt Sylvia made a sharp voice, interrupting Sylvia's words, and shouted:
"Since the Lin family, then I will talk to you and go to your dead mother to ask, Do you have
the blood of the Lin family! Ah! "
Aunt Sylvia ’s words made Sylvia ’s face suddenly freeze and became dull, “What are you
talking about?”
"Oh, what am I saying?" Aunt Sylvia sneered. "Then ask your cowardly dad, what did your
mother do when he stole the man!"
"Sister!" Nelson Lin, who had not spoken, final y said, "Enough! This matter has nothing to
do with the children!"
"Dad, what the hel is going on?" Sylvia looked at Nelson Lin.
The rest of the people looked at Sylvia with a lively expression.
Nelson Lin looked at his daughter in silence, his eyes ful of guilt.
With a smile on his face, Richard said, "He kept saying that he was the Lin family. He kept
saying that he paid for the Lin family. As everyone knows, he is a wild seed. There is no
blood of the Lin family on his body. It is still here ..."
Before Richard's words were finished, he was interrupted by a crisp voice, and a red
shoeprint was printed on Richard's profile.
This crisp sound made everyone focus on Richard from Sylvia's father and daughter.
Henry walked slowly to Richard, looked down at his right hand, rubbed his thumb in the
palm of his hand, and said softly: "Apology, otherwise I promise, you can't get out of this
door today."
At this moment, Henryzheng was standing on the floor with his left foot bare, and the flip-
flop on his foot fell alone at Richard's feet, telling everyone where the shoe prints on
Richard's face came from.
Richard stretched his hand to cover his side face, he could clearly feel the hot pain from his
side face, looked at Henry in disbelief in his eyes, and his voice was a little trembling,
"Beating me! You pariah, you Dare to hit me! "
"Slap! Slap!"
In response to Richard, there were two crisp applause.
"Apologize, next time, switch to a slap, and so on, until you are kil ed." Henry's tone is very
light, as if to say an insignificant thing, but in his tone, it makes people Feeling a certain
kind of firmness, what he said will definitely be done.
Henry's actions made everyone in the house, including Sylvia, stunned. No one thought that
Henry would suddenly start, even if he blamed him just now, saying that he is a bitch, let
him pour tea, he was accompanied by a smile , Who can think of turning his face suddenly.
Chaning had just wanted to say something. Henry's sudden outbreak swallowed him back
when he was about to reach his mouth. He stood aside with an expression of watching the
drama on his face, lest the world would not be chaotic.
Cousin Daisy looked at Henry more.
Richard ’s mother was about to split her eyes and flew towards Henry. She was pushed
away by Henry and fel aside. Before she got up, she screamed, “Nelson Lin, this is the good
son-in-law you are looking for! ! Why do n’t you give me an account today, I ’m not going to
tell you! ”
"What do you want to explain?" Nelson Lin didn't speak, Sylvia took the lead, she stared at
her aunt, "It's your son, who speaks first, is it impossible for us to stand here and be
humiliated by him?"
Richard's mother got up from the ground, trembling with anger, "Alarm! We want to call
the police!" She reached out to Henry, her chest kept rising and falling, panting.
In the face of the threat of his aunt, Sylvia didn't care to smile, "If you want to call the police,
please let me say it first. This is my house. It's my Sylvia's name on it. You are here with me,
even if you please No matter how many lawyers, the lawsuit won't win me. If you want to
call the police, you can dial now. "
"You ... you ..." Aunt Sylvia shivered and said for a long time, you couldn't say the following,
and final y pointed to Nelson Lin, "Nelson Lin, look at your good daughter! In her eyes, is
there any My elder! "
"Okay, let's take over this matter!" Nelson Lin snorted displeasurely.

Chapter 22
"Good! Good! Nelson Lin, you're good, unite two outsiders to bully your sister, shall we wait
and see!" Richard's mother dragged Richard, "let's go!"
Richard followed his mother, looked at Henry with a vicious look, and prepared to walk
"Let you go?" Henry grabbed Richard's col ar with his backhand.
"You don't have to measure in!" Richard turned and pointed at Henry, just opening.
Just listen to "Slap! Slap! Slap!" Three crisp sounds.
As Henry said, he slaps three times on Richard's face, and the speed is so fast that Richard
has no chance of even reacting. The last slap turned Richard to the ground, and there was
blood at the corner of his mouth.
"Apologize." Henry is still those two words.
Henry walked to Richard who was lying on the ground and was climbing up. At this
moment, Richard only felt that the surrounding air became colder. In hot weather, he got
goose bumps.
"I!" Richard got up and just wanted to put some cruel words, but he saw Henryyang's arm
and the muscles on his arm, and immediately swallowed the cruel words into his belly,
"Yes, sorry, I don't It's time to say that to you. "
Richard still cares about his face, what courage, what arrogance, under the slap of Henry,
was completely destroyed!
"Pap! Pap! Pap! Pap!" Four crisp voices rang in a row, and Richard, who had just climbed
up, was tipped to the ground again, and the two blood-fil ed back molars were spit out by
him, enough to prove Henry There are multiple slaps.
Henry still frustrated his palm with his thumb, and said softly: "It's not an apology for me,
but an apology for my wife."
Richard lay on the ground, begging Sylvia for mercy, "Yes, I'm sorry!"
"Don't be cheap, say another word that is not polite to my wife, I will kil you, really."
Henry gave Richard a deep look.
At this moment, Richard felt like he was being stared at by a fierce beast. In just a moment,
cold sweat wet his back. He was really scared.
"Wel , you continue to talk." Henry clapped his hands and sat down on the sofa again.
"However, I can insult me, dare to say my wife, I will kill him, that's it."
After finishing speaking, Henry poured the tea for Sylvia, carefully handed it to Sylvia, Han
Han gently said: "Be careful, drink slowly."
Sylvia looked at the teacup Henry handed over in front of her eyes. Her eyes gradual y
moved up and saw Henry's face. The rough pores proved that the man in front of him had
not done any good maintenance. The wind and frost left marks on his face. .
It took more than ten seconds for Sylvia to take over the teacup and whispered to
Henrydao: "Thank you."
This is the first time she said thank you to Henry, and it came from her heart.
A smile hung on Henry's face, "You said that I am the owner of this family, then protect you,
shouldn't I do it?"
Nelson Lin, who stood aside, glanced at Henry with approval, and then said: "Sylvia, you
and Henry have a good rest, there are some things, I will explain to you another day!"
After Nelson Lin finished, no matter who else, he turned and walked outside.
"Let's go too." Sylvia's aunt left with her daughter.
Daisy secretly gave Henry a thumbs up, held his mother's arm, and walked outside.
"Go!" Aunt Sylvia pulled her son, fearing that Henry would do something extraordinary, and
walked away quickly.
"You wait, sooner or later, one day, I will ask you to look good!" Richard's mother took her
son out of the door, digging fiercely at Henry and Sylvia. That look, he wished to devour the
two lives.
Henry rolled his eyes and didn't care about Richard's mother's threat. He showed a smile to
the woman next to him. "Lin, let's get rid of it. Your body is yours. If you drink some water, I
wipe the ground first."
"Today ..." Sylvia looked at Henry, a small expression on his face.
"Mr. Lin, just tell me anything."
"Don't wipe the floor, accompany me to a place." Sylvia sighed, as if she had made a
decision, in her sigh, there was a little helplessness and a little letting go.
Henry was stunned by Sylvia's strange expression, and immediately nodded, "Okay."
There will always be no shortage of thunderstorms in summer. The sun shines brightly in
the first second and the heavy rain in the second.
Henry accompanied Sylvia in a black formal dress in the Qingshan Mausoleum.
After the heavy rain fell, Henry held up a black umbrel a for Sylvia and watched the big
bead of water smashing in front of his eyes. There was fog on both sides of the road, and
the dense steles were looming in the fog.
"Mr. Lin, you came here early, and I changed my clothes." Henry smiled bitterly and looked
at his pink beach pants, which was out of tune with all of this. He seemed to be a stranger in
this world.
"It's okay." Sylvia shook his head carelessly. "You're a marginal person, there's no need to
change it deliberately."
Sylvia holding a bunch of lilies, standing in front of a tombstone, inlaid with a slightly
yellowed white background photo, the owner of the photo, looks more than thirty years
old, and Sylvia seven points similar, very temperament, during his lifetime There must be
countless suitors.
"Mom, I'm here to see you." Sylvia bowed gently at the tombstone and placed the flower in
his hand in front of the monument. His beautiful big eyes were full of miss.
This is the first time Henry has heard about Sylvia's mother after coming to Lin's house.
Henry also bowed, "Mom, we have come to see you."
Henry's mother made Sylvia blame, but said nothing.
"Henry, you know, since I graduated from college and took over the Lins, my relationship
with my aunts is like an enemy." Sylvia sat in front of the monument and leaned helplessly
on the tombstone, as if here Her harbor is the same.
Henry crouched beside her, holding an umbrella for her and quietly being a listener.
Sylvia didn't care about the water stains on the ground, and let his pants get wet with
water. "Lin's is a leading enterprise in Yinzhou City. It seems to be the scenery, but it is in
crisis. It is not only those outside who are watching, even the Lin family think about it.
To seize the Lin, from the day I took over the Lin, I became the public enemy of the Lin
family. "
Sylvia said at this time, his eyes were tired.
"I know that many people cal me the iceberg female president privately, but who likes to be
shameless every day, I'm just afraid, I laugh more, no one is afraid of me, no one serves me,
so much Staring at me with my eyes, as long as I do something wrong, I will be pushed
down into the abyss, trembling, walking on thin ice, you know, grandpa today showed us
his will, he stil has up to three At the time of the month, those people ca n’t wait any longer.
They are trying to take advantage of Grandpa and try to kick me from the position of
President! "

Chapter 23
"Actually, if you are really tired, you can choose to let go." Henry felt the fatigue from the
woman's words, but also distressed.
"Let's go? How can it be that simple." Sylvia laughed at himself, "If everyone is thinking
about the Lin family, this position of the president, don't just sit, but those who have ideas,
only fancy the company's money. Lin will not care about the life and death of Lin.
Lin has fallen into their hands. There is only one way to die. Now in the entire Yinzhou
business community, almost everyone wants me to go from this position. In this way, they
have a chance, you know? Lin, it ’s almost over. Grandpa ’s will has been announced that
after three months, Lin will be completely divided. "
Henry was silent and did not say anything. This was the first time Sylvia had spoken to him,
but it made Henry feel so heavy.
"Hoo!" Sylvia said with a sigh of relief, "Forget it, I will tel you so much, you won't
understand it, but I really feel a lot easier, Henry, I have to tel you again, thank you."
Sylvia looked at Henry sincerely, and Henry also looked at Sylvia.
Simu handover.
"Mr. Lin, you can rest assured that I will spend time with you no matter what."
"hope so."
The downpour suddenly stopped, and the bright sunshine appeared so abruptly. The
summer thunder showers will give people a feeling of time interleaving, as if the haze just
now, just talking about who's mood.
Sylvia drove Henry back home with his car. As soon as he entered the house, he saw Milan,
who had gone out in the morning, and ran happily.
"What's so happy?" Sylvia smiled on his face.
"Concert, Sylvia, I dragged my friend and got three tickets. It was Pagef's global tour.
Isn't this stop in Silver State! I finally got three tickets!" Milan said. At the same time, he
pulled out three tickets and shook them in front of Sylvia.
"God! How did you get it? I remember that the ticket was sold out a few months ago!"
Sylvia also showed a happy expression on her face. She likes painting and music very much.
During college, she often Wil go to some art exhibitions, concerts.
"Hey, secret!" Milan made a face to Sylvia, "how, are you interested to watch it together, you
are not saying, your family Henry is also very research on music? He should also be very
interested, right? . "
"He?" Lin invited Han to look at Henry subconsciously. He already started to blame himself.
He blamed himself. He blamed himself. He told Milan that he wanted to find an artist with
the same interest in the future, otherwise Never marrying to death, this made up a lie for
Milan, and also said that his husband was all proficient in painting, music and other fields.
"Go, I really want to see it." Henry nodded, thinking in his head, what kind of Pakif seems to
be a disciple of Yev?
Sylvia looked at Henry quite unexpectedly, and just saw Henry squeezing his eyebrows at
himself, and secretly made an OK gesture to himself, which made Lin invite Han to show
gratitude again. She knew that Henry agreed to this request. I don't know how much work I
have to do to check the information.
The time for the concert is tomorrow. Lin invited Han to Milan to the Lin Group, and Henry
also left the villa and went to the orphanage.
Henry stepped on his flip-flops, got on the bus, and went to the welfare home. He liked to
sit on the bus to admire the city, a city where he once lived with his mother.
From the villa to the orphanage, we have to pass through most of Yinzhou City. In the
middle of the city, we must also get a bus. Henry hands in his pockets, standing in front of
the bus station, waiting for the next bus.
Suddenly, a big hand patted his left shoulder from behind Henry.
Henry turned his head and looked at it. A bald man with a tattoo and a white vest was
standing behind him. In the process of turning his head, he was surrounded by five brawny
men with tattoos. The people waiting at the bus station all looked at this with fear, standing
far away.
"Something?" Henry looked at the strong man behind him, frowning slightly.
"Boy, provoke someone who shouldn't provoke, let's go with a few brothers." The bald
strong man squeezed Henry's shoulder hard, and while he was talking, he came up with
two other strong men, standing aside Henry Go.
Everyone around saw this scene and didn't dare to say anything.
There were grinning faces on the faces of several strong men, and Henry's eyes were
puzzled. Who sent these people? That Sam? Or Richard?
There is a row of old bungalows next to the bus station, all of which are written with
demolition characters, which seem to be tattered, but the value is extremely expensive.
There was no one living here long ago. There was a small alleyway behind the bungalow.
No one would show up at all, nor was there any monitoring. The pile was full of garbage.
Before reaching the alleyway, Henry smel ed the stench from inside.
Several strong men brought Henry here and pushed him hard.
"Boy, in the future, there will be bright spots in the eyes. There are many people in this
world, but you can't afford it, give me a fight!" The bald strong man waved his hands, and
several strong men hit Fang Zhangxuan's face with their fists. Looking at the appearance of
the muscle bulge, there is no point in keeping hands at all. It is clearly intended to kill
Henry looked at several strong men and couldn't help but smile. He vomited softly in his
mouth, as if talking to himself, "Everything is useless."
Henry's voice just fell, and a black shadow appeared in the alley. These strong men waving
fists towards Henry didn't even see what the black shadow was, they felt black in front of
them, and then there was a burst of tears in their hands. Then, immediately after his head
sank, he fainted.
A total of six strong men, al in less than ten seconds, were all planted underground, and
from the beginning to the end, Henry stood at the same place without moving.
"Go check, who sent me." Henry made a noise again, raised his foot and walked out of the
The shadow seemed to have never appeared, quietly.
When Henry walked out of the lane, he saw two police cars appearing in front of him with a
The co-pilot door of a police car opened, and a policewoman with short hair, dressed in a
police uniform, and a belt with a gun came down from the car. She pointed to Henry, her
face covered with frost, and she issued a crisp cry: "Give him to me Grab it and take it all
away! "
Seeing the policeman in front of him, Henry showed a helpless expression. It seemed that
he couldn't go to the welfare home today. He bowed his hands down behind him, and then
he cooperated so that the police handcuffed himself. Police car.
"Take away al the underworld members, too!" The policewoman pointed to the six strong
men lying down on the ground. "All are locked up and questioned!"

Chapter 24
Yinzhou Police Department.
Henry was leaning on an interrogation chair, and the dazzling incandescent lamp hit
Henry's face, so that he could only narrow his eyes and looked at the surrounding scene.
There was an interrogation table in front of him, surrounded by cold dark walls, Without a
little bit of anger, ordinary people staying here will make their hearts extremely frightened.
"Crunch ~"
The iron door of the interrogation room was pushed open from the outside, and the
footsteps of "hoop" sounded.
Henry narrowed his eyes and saw that the person was the policewoman who had just met
in the alleyway. Henry had not observed the other party before, but now he had no time to
look at it. The woman's facial features were upright. After good training, the woman is one
and a half meters tal . It may be because of training that her figure is exceptionally good.
The police uniform in summer is worn on her body to perfectly show her exquisite S-
shaped figure. When walking on the road with a sense of beauty.
The woman's figure is very standard, the warp should be warped, the flat should be flat,
this should be the perfect body shaped by perennial fitness.
Henry's eyes noticed the policewoman's left chest, with the words of the criminal
investigation team written on it, and the name of the other party underneath. Helen Han
was gentle.
"Fuck, the name is not true!" Henry pouted, he observed Han Han's gentle right hand, with
some calluses on the tiger's mouth and index finger, apparently caused by frequent guns.
Such a woman can't hang on the word gentle. Above.
Sure enough, Han Han gently walked in front of Henry, and kicked hard on Henry's calf.
"Look, which society are you from? Who is your boss? Intentional fighting, which caused
the fracture of six people's arms. Cranial hemorrhage is enough to sentence you for several
years, if frankly, you can stil fight for commutation. "
Helen took a bench and sat across from Henry with disgust in his eyes.
"I said beautiful women, you are a policeman, you can tel evidence in everything, I didn't hit
anyone, don't slander me." Henry explained, with a strong grievance on his face.
"Oh! Slander?" The policewoman raised her eyebrows. "Could you want to tel me, you just
stood there, the rest of you broke your hand yourself, and then your head was bleeding?"
"Yes!" Henry nodded forcefully, "That's it, I real y just stood there."
"Bullshit!" Han Han gently slapped on the interrogation table, "I will give you one last
chance, and give me a good explanation, otherwise I promise that you will never feel better
before you go to prison!"
Huaxia Capital, Ministry of Security.
The Ministry of Security oversees all police departments in Huaxia. Those who can get a job
in the Ministry of Security will go outside and be more beautiful than the Mayor.
At this moment, in the office of the Minister of Security, a landline was ringing wildly, and
the secretary answered the phone in a panic. She remembered that the minister said that
this landline, only a few people in the world can call in. Those people, Both have extremely
high status in the world.
The secretary answered the phone, even if you didn't come to remember to say it, just
heard a female voice on the phone.
"Tel you Minister, that the Yinzhou police station, let him handle the matter within fifteen
After that, the phone hung up directly.
The secretary did not dare to hesitate, even she ordered the other person to say who did
not know. She immediately contacted the minister. The security minister was
communicating with several foreign diplomatic missions. After receiving the secretary ’s
cal , she did not even consider diplomatic work Got on.
"Quick, give me a direct phone call from the Yinzhou City Hall, immediately!"
Interrogation Office, Yinzhou Police Station.
Helen looked at Henry in front of him and realized that this was a complete rogue. When he
entered the interrogation room, he looked like a hippie with a smiling face. He definitely
came in more than once.
"I warn you, you'd better get acquainted with me!" Helen's "slap" beat the table, got up and
grabbed Henry's col ar, a pair of bright eyes fil ed with anger.
"Beauty, I'm quite acquainted, okay, those people weren't me, I'm just the victim, I said, I
just stood at the bus station and waited for the bus, and they were taken to the alley And
then they lay in front of me, and then you appeared. "Henry's face was sincere.
"Yes, you don't say yes! I think you'll say nothing next!" Helen squeezed Henry's collar hard,
squeezed his fist with the other hand, raised his head high, and then smashed it hard
against Henrymian's door.
Henry's smiling face suddenly disappeared, and his eyes suddenly became fierce.
Helen had been staring at the man in front of her. The sudden change of the other person's
expression made her stunned. The fierce eyes made her panic.
"Wang Ba Dan, dare to scare me!" Helen yelled softly, his fist power continued.
Henry's clasped hands clenched tightly, with muscles bulging at the forearm and the
forearm. He can break the handcuffs before the opponent hits himself, and then subdued
him. How can Satan, the king of the underground, be beaten casual y? ?
At the moment when Henry was about to break his handcuffs, the iron door of the
interrogation room kicked open.
A middle-aged man with a big belly and a police uniform and a Chinese character face
rushed into the interrogation room and yelled, "Han gentle, what are you doing, put your
hand down!"
Helen's fist stopped less than five centimeters away from Henry's profile, and Henry even
felt the woman's punch.
"Director." Helen turned and looked at the middle-aged man, lowering his head.
"You are just fooling around!" The Secretary yelled, "Who allows you to enforce the law
violently, go and write me a report! This person has no problem, let it go!"
The director is harsh on the surface, but trembling in his heart. It's really dangerous. If you
come here a little later, this black gauze hat will not be guaranteed! The head of the city hal
just called himself and told him clearly that if the man just caught was a little injured, he
could retire early.
"Release?" Upon hearing this, Helen's head lifted up, and his bright eyes stared at the boss.
"Director, he was deliberately fighting and committing murder!"
"Nonsense! Where's the weapon fighting? What evidence do you have? Catch people for no
reason, Helen, you are really capable! Now let me be released immediately!" The director
Yizheng ordered.
"Don't let go!" Helen's tone was firm, "Even without evidence, I have the right to detain him
for twenty-four hours!"
The secretary's face was irritated, "Wel , Han gentle, really have you! I will let you let go of
you today!"
"Do not let go."
"Go, undo the handcuffs!" The Commissioner waved the two police officers behind him and
motioned to let them go.
"I think who dares!" Helen went to Henry's body. "I am the deputy captain of the city's
criminal investigation team. Now I exercise my power. Whoever let him go is illegal, and
whoever violates the law, I will arrest him!"

Chapter 25
The two police officers who were about to release people stood at the spot like an electric
shock. They looked at the bureau chief and Helen. They did not dare to say anything, but
they knew very well that these two It is the leader in the game, and the other is in the
background, which is no worse than the leader.
"OK! Helen, today I will go to your master and say." The director pointed to Helen and
"Randomly." Helen flicked his head and walked directly out of the interrogation room.
Helen's voice rang out outside the interrogation room.
The two police officers looked at the chief and waited for his next instruction.
"Al right, let's go out!" The secretary waved his hand in displeasure.
The two police officers ran out as amnesty.
After the interrogation room was empty, the director closed the door and walked in front of
Henry with a smile on his face, "Sir, this ... you also saw it, Helen's girl pressed me against
you, you know, we are Law enforcement personnel cannot know the law and break the law.
You can rest assured. I promise you will never be treated unfairly here. "
"Just do it, unlock the handcuffs for me, I just don't leave." Henry said indifferently.
"Thank you, Mr. Thank you for your understanding." The police chief's face was grateful,
and she quickly released her handcuffs.
Helen ran angrily out of the police station, drove into the police car, and went straight to
the scene of the incident. She did n’t know why the director wanted to protect the rogue.
She now had only one idea in her heart, found the evidence as much as possible, and then
took the rogue as law Treat sin!
The six strong men who have been beaten are still in a coma, unable to take notes at al .
Helen had to work on the location to find evidence.
The laneway at the incident was the closest to a bus stop. Many bus stops now have
surveillance presence, which greatly restrained the thieves from committing crimes.
With the gentle authority of Han, he easily cal ed up the monitoring video of the bus stop.
Helen saw Henry's figure on the monitor, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,
"Huh, the monitor saw you, I want to know how you can deny it!"
According to Helen, Henry must gather people at the bus station and then fight with others,
but when he saw six strong men appearing in the monitoring and took the initiative to take
Henry, Helen felt something was wrong.
This should be ... not this bastard taking the initiative to fight with the weapon!
In monitoring, Helen can clearly see the grin on the faces of the six strong men.
Apparently they are the one who deliberately made trouble.
"It's impossible, I misunderstood him?" Helen Rou's beautiful face instantly flashed a blush
of red color, and a careful liver puffed up and jumped. If you really misunderstood him,
then today, it's really a shame. what.
wrong! Even if he was taken away, how to explain the six people's broken arm and bleeding
inside the skull? He must have done this, and he must interrogate clearly!
Thinking of this, Helen drove directly back to the police station and rushed into the
interrogation room, only to find that the interrogation room where Henry was originally
detained was empty, and only an incandescent lamp shone on the empty interrogation
Seeing this scene, the anger in Helen's heart came up at once, growled and said:
"Humans! Who let them go!"
"Team ... Captain." A police officer replied tremblingly, Helen, "The person didn't leave, that
is, it was outside."
The policeman pointed to the criminal investigation team's office, and he dared not look at
Helen with his eyes.
"Huh?" Helen looked at the direction of the criminal investigation office, and then strode
over. As soon as he opened the office door, Helen saw a scene that made her angry.
That rogue, even now sitting in the criminal investigation office, was still at his desk, tilting
his legs comfortably, eating jel y!
"Slap!" Helen slapped it on the table, causing the books on the table to tremble. "You!
You! You stand up for me! Whoever let him out, close the interrogation room for me!"
"Vice ... Vice team, the director asked Mr. Zhang to take notes." A police officer of the
criminal investigation team whispered.
"Transcript? The transcript was made like this? Who al owed him to eat here!" Helen's
chest kept rising and falling.
"I let him eat." A middle-aged man in police uniform came in from outside the office.
At the sight of middle-aged men, the police officers of the criminal investigation team al
stood upright, "Captain."
"Wel ." The middle-aged man nodded. "Gentleness, you don't have any evidence to sue Mr.
Zhang now. In my opinion, just let go."
Helen glanced at Henry and found that the rogue was sitting there carelessly and continued
to eat jel y, as if the things here had no effect on him at al .
"Don't let it go! I said very clearly, whoever wants to let him go without permission, don't
blame me for turning my face!" Helen felt that he could not stay here for a second, and
when he saw the rogue, he couldn't help but want to beat him, "Twenty-four hours, I will
find no evidence after twenty-four hours, you just let go!"
After finishing, Helen threw the door and rushed out of the office.
The policemen in the office looked at each other bitterly.
Yinzhou Saishang Water Township.
Sylvia and Milan went home together and found that there was no Henry in the house.
Sylvia was a little strange. She and Henry had been married for a year. .
Milan glanced around the villa, "Sylvia, what about your husband? Today, when you have
classmates, you have such an excellent husband. How come you have to pull it out for a
show, give him a cal ."
"Forget it, it is estimated that he is still busy with his work. Let's go first." Sylvia was
relieved. After learning about the classmates' meeting today, she had been worried. If
WanHenry went today, what should I do if it was exposed, after al He is not a real artist.
Those things in his mouth are currently checked online. When he came to a classmate's
party, he was not given the opportunity to check now.
"Ah?" Milan lost some expression on her face. She was all ready today. She asked Henry a
few questions at the classmate's party and took out his hypocritical appearance. If it didn't
go, her plan would be defeated.
"Oh, change your clothes and go!" Sylvia hurriedly pul ed Milan and urged.
"By Sylvia, today's surnamed Song is also here. You said he will not pursue you, giggling."
Milan laughed like silver bells.
Xinkai Hotel, Yinzhou, is located in the center of Yinzhou, a seven-storey building, each
floor is decorated with style, magnificent and magnificent, in a huge parking lot, 70% of
them are parked with more than half a million people. car.
A fiery red Mercedes-Benz GT stopped here, the moment the door opened, attracted the
attention of countless people.

Chapter 26
The two women who came down from the car had two very different styles, but they were
all so attractive. The woman who came down the main driver had long hair fluttering, black
and smooth, and no powder, but nothing. Can be picky.
Sylvia wore a sky-blue long dress with a platinum bracelet on his wrist. Two diamonds
shone brightly, and the white neck was shimmering with a silver awn, reflecting the white
Her appearance seemed destined to become the protagonist, attracting attention.
"Sylvia, you're here!" A shouting voice sounded, and I saw a young man with a height of 1.8
meters and a handsome look, wearing an Armani suit, strode towards Sylvia. In his eyes, he
was ful of admiration.
"Ben, long time no see." Sylvia smiled slightly at the young man.
"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still so beautiful." Ben took the initiative
to reach out to Sylvia, and the hotness in his eyes could be seen by anyone.
"I said Ben, when you see Sylvia, you ignore others? Can't you see me standing here?"
Milan wearing a black dress said in a disgruntled tone. Her temperament is different from
that of Sylvia. Ethereal, but more heroic, when people meet, they will have a good
impression because of her temperament.
As for Sylvia, it will give people a feeling that they can only look at it from a distance and
not play with it.
"Haha! Of course not. I was just astonished by the temperament of the two beautiful
women." Ben laughed aloud. "Come on, everyone is almost here, just wait for the two and
go in."
Ben greeted the two girls into the hotel.
Yinzhou Police Department.
Henry lay on a large office chair, enjoying the iced watermelon prepared by the Secretary
for him. Helen sat aside, holding his chest with both hands, staring at Henry with anger.
Now Helen has been certain that this surnamed Zhang, who is a 100% young master, who
is rich and arrogant, must let him suffer.
Soon, when it was time to get off work, the police officers of the Criminal Investigation
Division left one after another.
"Han team, don't you go?" A police officer looked at Han Genou.
"Don't go!" Helen's tone was ful of discomfort. He stared at Henry with a pair of eyes.
He was thinking of ways to make this person suffer. After watching the surveillance video,
Helen already understood that Henry was He was forcibly taken by a few underworld
elements at the bus stop. He walked according to the normal procedure. He only needs to
make a note to leave.
However, Henry's appearance angered Helen, especial y when he said that he was standing
still, and several strong men fel in front of him in a gossip, making Helen very, very
Helen saw fewer and fewer people in the criminal investigation department. Until she and
Henry were left, she looked at the surveil ance camera in the upper left corner of the office,
then silently turned off the camera power, pinched her fist, and walked towards Henry. .
Henry had just finished eating an ice-cold watermelon, sitting on a wide office chair, wiping
his mouth with satisfaction, and saw this beautiful police flower walking towards himself.
"Beauty, you ..." Henry was about to open his mouth and saw a pink fist rapidly magnifying
in his pupil.
Henry's head tilted slightly and easily escaped a punch from Helen. He stretched his feet
and gently stirred in front of Helen's legs. Helen only felt a moment of unstable center of
gravity, and the whole person planted forward.
This planting just happened to make Helen's entire upper body fall on Henry's body.
At this moment, Henry could clearly smell the fragrance of Helen's hair. The softness in
front of him was particularly obvious. If he didn't know it, he thought Helen snuggled his
head against Henry's chest in the birdie.
The office chair under Henry slowly rotated due to the force. This rotation caused Helen,
who had no stress point, to slide again. The small head that was lying on Henry's chest was
moved toward Henry's abdomen.
"Korean team, no good!"
"Boom!" With a bang, the originally closed criminal investigation door was violently pushed
open by a police officer.
The police officer who was original y anxious immediately became dull because of the
scene in front of him. He saw that the Korean team, known as the female tyrannosaurus of
the police force, was lying on the side of a man ...
The next second, the policeman immediately exited the office and closed the door.
About ten seconds later, the office door was pul ed away by Helen from the inside, and he
saw Helen walked out angrily, leaving a good word for him, and quickly left.
The policeman who had previously rushed into the office nodded again and again. After
Helen walked away, he carefully pushed open the office door and gave Henry, who was
sitting on the office chair, a thumbs up.
"Dude, great!"
Ordinary people spend a night in an unfamiliar place, and it feels extremely long, but this is
nothing to Henry. After a night, Henry is doing a transcript and doing routine business.
In the water town, Milan stood anxiously in front of the villa.
"Sylvia, why hasn't your husband returned yet? The concert will begin immediately!"
Sylvia wore a black dress and set his hair behind his head, shook his head at Milan,
"The phone can't be reached, he should still be busy, he will put his phone aside every time
he works."
Although Sylvia said so, in fact, she did not have a call record with Henry on her mobile
phone. At this moment, she was fortunate in her heart. It seems that this Henry is quite
smart, knowing that some things can not be found, just the concert is on this day It doesn't
show up, it's a good job!
"But ... but the ticket is al set!" Milan hurriedly circulated in the yard. She prepared several
professional questions last night, preparing to tear down the emotional liar at today's
concert! But if this doesn't come, isn't everything in vain!
"Okay, let's go first. I sent him a text message. He will come by himself when he's busy.
Let's go." Sylvia grabbed Mulan's little hand and dragged Milan into the car half-drag.
Pajif, a world-renowned pianist, as soon as the news that he was going to do a world tour
came out, the whole music industry was crazy about it. The itinerary of Yinzhou was set
three months ago, and the day of the itinerary, Tickets for the concert were sold out, which
shows how much the charm of Pakif.
Yinzhou Music Hall, when Sylvia and Milan arrived here, the hall was crowded with crowds,
and security was trying to maintain law and order.
"Huh? Sylvia?" A slightly surprised male voice sounded behind Lin Yaohan.
Sylvia looked back, Liu Mei frowned slightly, "Ben?"
Standing behind Sylvia was Ben, who showed a strong love for Sylvia at a classmate
meeting yesterday.
"Haha, what a coincidence." Ben laughed a few times, "Sylvia you also come to the concert?"

Chapter 27
"Just cal me my full name." Sylvia's attitude towards Ben was a bit cold, only because
yesterday, Ben kept drumming Sylvia to drink, and also proposed some ambiguous wine
games. The banquet also participated so much that no one could think of a way to refuse.
Last night, Sylvia also clearly told Ben that she was married, but Ben still did not retreat in
the slightest. After three trips, he confessed to Sylvia in front of many old classmates,
making Sylvia extremely embarrassed.
"Sylvia, I'm an old classmate, and I'm so engaged in seeing what I do abroad." Ben ignored
Sylvia's words and walked directly to Sylvia, reaching for Sylvia's haunted wrist.
Sylvia stepped back and escaped Ben's catch.
"Ben, take your own weight, Milan, let's go!" Sylvia's pupils stared at Ben with anger, and
pulled Milan to the music hall.
Ben looked at Sylvia ’s beautiful back. His eyes were full of aggression. He slightly sorted
out the burgundy suit on his upper body. A playful smile hung on his face. "Bitch, I think
you can still be proud when , One day you beg me! "
Yinzhou Police Department.
Henry swaggered out of the gate of the police station in Helen's gaze to kill, took out his
mobile phone and looked at the time, ten o'clock in the morning.
Suddenly, Henry "chicked" in his heart.
"It's over! I'm going to the concert today! It's miserable!" Henry's calm and calm look
suddenly became panic, even if he could walk in the rain of gunfire, it seemed like he was in
trouble at the moment. same.
Henry made a phone call, letting people check the time of the next concert. When he
learned that the concert ended at 1:30 noon, he was relieved.
"It looks like it's too late, but I have to think of a remedy." Henry looked at the direction of
the city and slowly exhaled.
At 12 noon, the streets around the Yinzhou Music Museum stand every 50 meters, with two
uniformed traffic policemen. The parking lot of the Music Museum is full of luxury cars.
Look at the license plates. Some of them come from other provinces. For Pajif ’s concerts,
many people have to come at all costs.
A global limited edition Aston Martin stopped in front of the music hal , a handsome young
man, wearing a casual clothes, leaning on the car door, chatting with the two young girls in
front of him, and the two girls smirked from time to time , Flirting at the handsome youth.
Henry in a suit appeared sweating in front of the music hall. After seeing the handsome
young man, he waved at him.
The young man who was smiling at the hippie faces of the two girls a second ago, and the
next second when he saw Henry, he immediately became serious and ignored the two girls.
He quickly ran to Henry, "Boss, you can come . "
"How about Pakif?" Henry asked directly.
Henry ’s words will be surprised when they are heard by others. Whoever mentions the
three words of Pajif will not be respectful, and the word master will be added to the back.
Henry ’s tone can be heard like a The teacher is asking where the students are.
"I've been waiting inside for a long time. Originally, he was going to play thirteen pieces in
this concert. After knowing that you are coming, I ran to the door. I only played four pieces
now. , Are you going to perform on stage? "The handsome youth wondered.
"Wel ." Henry nodded.
The Yinzhou Music Museum has a total of 3,778 seats. At this time, it was already full of
people. Although Master Pajib played only four songs in two hours, it stil made people feel
Sylvia and Milan were seated in the third row, and the dim light on the stage was fil ed with
a hint of daylight, which was fascinating.
Elegant music sounded.
Milan's face was intoxicated, "Sylvia, do you remember that when we were at university,
we two were lying on the lawn and talking about our future wishes?"
"Of course I remember." Sylvia nodded gently, with a look of recol ection in his eyes. "At
that time, you and I love music. I said, I look forward to the day when my favorite person
can be at the concert. I specialize in playing a piece of music. "
Sylvia said that at this moment, there was a trace of loss in his eyes.
Think about the wish of the year, and think about yourself now, it is already out of reach.
Milan smiled, "We were quite naive."
"Yeah, it's quite naive." Sylvia's pretty face showed a self-deprecating smile. "But the wish is
indeed very good. Now, we don't have time and time to fantasize about it.
Sometimes come to listen to the master's performance. For us, it is already very rare. "
The two women were talking in a whisper. Suddenly, a spotlight came down from directly
above the stage and shone directly on Sylvia. In the dim audience, only Sylvia was bathed in
this white light. At this moment, Sylvia, It seems to be the protagonist of the audience.
The loud sound of the host also sounded in the surround sound of the music hall.
"Gentlemen and ladies, today, we received a special request for a gentleman to confess to
his beloved woman at today ’s concert, and Master Padjif ’s disciple, Master Yelazi , A song
will be presented! "
As soon as the host's voice fel , a beautiful piano accompaniment sounded in the music hall.
And everyone's eyes are also focused on Sylvia.
The music is elegant, like flowing water, flowing slowly, a sound of violin sounds, and the
sound is lingering, as if at this moment, it brings people into the mood of a smal bridge
flowing water.
There was a village in the world, and there was no dispute with the world. There was a
clear spring flowing in front of the village. At dusk and sunset, the smoke rose up.
The piano key Dingdong fell like a raindrop, hitting the stream, making people feel kind and
The spotlights on the stage moved slowly, and steady footsteps sounded. At this moment,
everyone in the music hal looked at the spotlights and saw that Tao Tao, who was
handsome and dressed in a suit, held a bouquet of flowers. With a soft smile on his face, ful
of affection in his eyes, he walked toward Sylvia under the spotlight.
In the music hall, many young women have envious expressions on their faces. Ben is like a
prince charming. Under the attention of many people, in the soft sound of music, they
express their love to his beloved. They I also wish that my boyfriend could be so romantic.
Sylvia was just wondering what was going on. As soon as he saw Ben, he immediately
understood that disgust appeared in his eyes, pul ed Milan next to him, and got up directly
from his seat.
"let's go!"

Chapter 28
"Sylvia, do you know?" Ben's voice rang clearly throughout the music hall. He had already
brought the headset, so that everyone could hear his low magnetic voice, "You and I know
each other now, Five years, from the first time I saw you, you lived in my heart, never left,
you are as holy as an angel, bring me light, I counted countless times I spent time with you,
I I know, what I did today is very rude, but I ca n’t control myself. I am eager to express my
love for you. Today, under everyone ’s testimony, I want to tel everyone that I love you! ”
As soon as Ben's voice fell, there was a crisp female voice that could not wait to sound.
"Marry him!"
This female voice, like a fuse, instantly ignited the atmosphere of the entire music hall.
"Marry him!"
"Marry him!"
Listening to the rising and falling voices in the music hal , Ben's eyes showed a strong smile,
and the woman who first shouted "marry him" also sneered, shrunk into the crowd, and no
longer spoke.
Sylvia stared around with an ugly face. She really didn't expect Ben to do such a thing.
The sound of the crowd in the crowd made her particularly uncomfortable.
Ben looked at the woman in front of him who was so perfect that she could not pick up any
flaws. Today, he special y prepared the confession. He invited Master Padjif ’s
disciples to play for himself, and asked countless entrustments to help himself to marry He
has three words. Today, he must make his perfect confession and occupy the headlines of
Yinzhou tomorrow. He can even think of how to write in the news tomorrow.
President Lin is married and has an ambiguous relationship with a man at the concert.
The man held a grand confession for the president of the Lin Group.
As soon as this news came out, Ben was sure that Lin would be affected by such lace news,
and he could take the opportunity to get what he wanted.
Just when Ben's winning ticket was in hand, Sylvia was furious, and when he was about to
leave, a sound of Jin Ge iron horse suddenly sounded, loud and high, it was Guzheng! The
soft piano sound was completely depressed, and the spotlight that hit Ben was completely
dimmed at this moment.
"What's going on!" Sudden changes made Ben's heart shocked. He designed a confession
that there was no Guzheng at al , and listening to the Guzheng's provocative voice
completely crushed the beautiful mood that he had just created!
The sound of Guzheng and the sudden darkness shocked Ben, but it made Sylvia relieved.
If the soft piano sound just brought everyone into a peaceful village, now the high-pitched
zither sound brings people to the battlefield, as if there are thousands of horses running in
the front, shouting to kil !
This full Chinese style filled the music hall.
Just when the sound of the guzheng was so high that it reached a certain height, it stopped
"This is gone?"
Suddenly stopped the sound of the zither, so that the people in the music hall are stil
unsatisfied, they were attracted by the sound of the zither, which suddenly broke off,
making them particularly uncomfortable.
At this very moment, the piano sounded again, and Ming and Zheng were not a kind of
musical instrument, but the tones were perfectly combined. The piano sound was full,
round and full of strong love.
"This is ... the echo of love?" Sylvia listened to the sound of the later piano, and there were
surprises in her eyes, as well as recollections. She used to like this tune particularly, and
also like this record.
In the music hall, behind the huge performance stage, Master Pakif wearing a tuxedo is full
of excitement, his body is shaking.
"God! The god of music! Only in this world can he perfectly combine Huaxia Guzheng and
piano music!"
The dim spotlight was turned on again. At this moment, the light hit the stage. There was a
white piano, and the beautiful sound of the piano sounded from here.
Sitting in front of that piano, he was wearing a black suit with a firm face, features like a
knife and axe, deep eyes, like a vast sea of stars. He was sitting in front of the white piano,
his fingers beating on the keys quickly.
The appearance of this person attracted the attention of everyone in the music hall. As for
Ben, who had just announced the grand confession, he had been chosen to be forgotten and
left aside, like a clown in the dark.
"My God, Sylvia!" Milan saw the man in front of the piano subconsciously covering his
mouth with his hand, and his eyes were ful of surprise, "It's Henry! It's him!"
"How ... maybe ..." Sylvia looked dul at the man sitting in front of the piano. At this moment,
Henry, wearing a neat suit, played a love echo at this concert.
Henry bowed his head in a hoarse voice, with a trace of rejoicing: "In the backcountry, in
the dark life of imprisonment, my years passed away quietly, without divinity, no
inspiration, no tears, no life, Without love, the soul has now awakened, and then you have
reappeared in front of me, like a phantom phantom, like a pure and beautiful elf. "
The sound of the piano was gentle, telling Henry's mood at this moment, the elegant
melody, people were intoxicated, the music began to become cheerful, he spoke again.
"My heart jumped in ecstasy, because of you, everything was awakened again, with divinity,
inspiration, life, hope, love, wife, thank you for your presence and bringing me to the
Elegant piano sounds haunt everyone's heart.
Another spotlight was on, shining on Sylvia, not as dazzling as it was just now, but orange
halo, which made people feel soft and warm.
Throughout the music hal , a white spotlight shone on Henry, another shone on Sylvia, and
the rest of it was dark.
The same expression of love, but two completely different levels, compared with Henry,
Ben's previous actions seem to be a childish game, or just set off the green leaves of red
Ten security guards in suits walked into the crowd and dragged away Ben, who was
standing in front of Sylvia. The flowers held by Ben were scattered all over the floor.
Henry got up from the piano. At the same time, the sound of the piano fell and the whole
music hall fell into silence again. There was only a spotlight that moved with Henry's
Henry stepped on the flowers scattered in Ben's hands, and slowly walked to Sylvia one
meter in front of him, standing here, in the exchange of eyes, Henry smiled a little,
"Wife, thank you for showing up, now I can hug you?"
Sylvia looked at the man in front of him, and his wish was fulfil ed by him. In this mood,
Sylvia nodded subconsciously, and then she felt a warmth surrounding herself.

Chapter 29
Henry hugged Sylvia hard and whispered in her ear, "Mr. Lin, what's wrong with me this
time? I've been practicing since last night. Today, I've spent a lot of work on my wife's
house. I came to power. "
"Humph!" Sylvia reacted and pushed away Henry, just to see Henry kept blinking at himself
nonchalantly, said: "Come on, sit down and listen to the concert, the tickets are al bought
for you, You never come. "
"Hey." Henry smirked, relieved in his heart, it seems, this time he was shocked.
Milan watched Henry's performance on the side, and came up with a rush of anger, this
person real y can act! But his attainment in music is really deep. It seems that ordinary
problems can't stump him, and he has to find some partial doors to dismantle him!
Ben was sitting not far from Sylvia. His face became pig liver color, how ugly and ugly.
Today, he specially prepared this bureau, but he did not expect it to be destroyed by others.
It's Sylvia's husband, right? If it were n’t for him, tomorrow ’s headline news in Yinzhou will
definitely be about the private life relationship of President Lin! Lin's stock will also be hit,
but because of him! Everything is in vain!
"Yoyo, just looking at you, I thought you were a prince charming. It turns out that there are
husbands in your family. Your third party is real y involved. It's real y overwhelming.
Look at the way her husband shows love, and then look at your disgust The confession of
people is real y enough! "A girl sitting in the back seat of Ben looked disdainful.
Ben glared at the girl, but he was speechless. Today's self is completely left behind.
After waiting for Henry, Master Pakif final y put his heart on the performance, and in order
to better express himself in front of Henry, Pakif can be said to have done everything he
could, and wanted to give himself this god of music Make a good impression.
The beautiful melody, fancy dazzling skills, and everyone listening to it is very enjoyable.
In the reluctance of everyone, the concert of Master Pakif came to an end. Sylvia and Milan
were stil immersed in the elegant piano music before and could not extricate themselves.
"Hey, Sylvia, I real y want to have a vinyl record autographed by Master Pakif." Milan's eyes
are nostalgic on the stage where the lights have been dimmed, and his eyes are full of
"Forget it." Sylvia gently shook his head, his eyes moved with intention, but he was more
disappointed. "But I have never heard of anyone who can have a record signed by Master
Just as the two women looked at the back of the stage, Henry smiled and pulled out two
black discs from the inner pocket of the suit jacket, "Send it to you, I just met Master Pajif in
the background, he I sent two copies, signed by him. "
"Real y ... really?" Sylvia burst into a strong surprise. She had hoped for such a record many
years ago.
"Of course, do you want it?" Henry shook the record in his hand.
"Yes, of course." Sylvia couldn't wait to take the record from Henry's hand, put it in his
hand, and slowly stroked, looking at the English signature on it, his eyes were full of joy,
subconsciously said, "Henry, this is even me I bought it. How much do you say? "
"This is for you, talk about what money is not, accept it." Henry waved carelessly.
Sylvia also realized the problem in his words at once, and expressed an apologetic look at
Milan did n’t have so many thoughts. He took the record happily. The look of the record
looked like his own lover, and he hummed: "Henry, it's not bad. How did you get it? Ask
Master Pajif if he wants it, will he give it to you? "
The speaker is unintentional, the listener is interested, Milan's words make Sylvia's heart
suddenly rejoicing!
Yeah, how did he get it? Master Pajif wo n’t give his autographed records so easily. It ’s a lot
of trouble for him to get these two records. Also, he just performed. Although he did n’t say
it, how many people did he ask for when he could give him time at Master Pajif ’s concert
and let him play a song? Just that song, the tone was full and full, did he practice all night
for himself?
Thinking of this, Sylvia's apology in his heart was even worse. He was only trying to express
himself quickly, but made him think so much.
Sylvia looked at the man in front of her, and she saw that Henryzheng blinked at him
constantly. At such a moment, Sylvia suddenly had a feeling that this man seemed ...
not bad?
At the same time, the music hal played behind the stage.
In the tuxedo, Pajif was staring at the handsome young man with a tentative tone, and
asked cautiously: "Sir, can I still see the adult again? If my teacher knows, he will be happy
for me of."
"What do you think?" The handsome young man rolled his eyes. "Today, the boss can
accept your two records, enough for you to be proud all your life. Go back and give your
teacher a good news."
"Yes! Yes!" Pakif nodded again and again with a little excitement in his tone. He understood
that in this world, many people wanted to give the adult a gift, but few people have this
honor to let that adult Accept, today I am really lucky to have earned it for eight lifetimes!
At the end of the concert, Henry and the three of them walked out of the music hall.
Maybe it was because Sylvia felt a little owed to Henry, or because of the relationship
between the two records. Henry was very happy and nodded again and again, for fear that
Lin invited Han to repent.
Just after the three people drove away, the somber Ben was standing at the door of the
music hall, his eyes staring at the vehicle in front of him.
After seeing Henry leave with his own eyes, Ben walked to the parking lot and drove away.
The small town of Swan Lake in Yinzhou, which is the same residential area as Sai
Shangshui Township, can buy a house here, and there must be a few mil ion net worth.
Ben's car drove into the community and stopped in front of a villa. Ben looked at the villa
outside the window and stayed in the car for five minutes before opening the door and
getting off the door.
A young and beautiful female nanny opened the door. After seeing Ben, the female nanny
lowered her head and whispered: "Song Shao, Wang Shao let you go upstairs."
"Thank you." Ben nodded and walked towards the second floor of the villa after entering
the living room.

Chapter 30
Ben was still walking on the stairs, and heard a voice from the second floor.
"How is it going?"
Ben subconsciously stunned the first second when he heard the voice, and then replied:
"Something happened."
With the word waste, a glass was smashed at the foot of Ben, and then, Richard in pajamas
stood at the stairs, and his face was full of resentment, and his eyes were full of anger,
"Waste stuff, can't you do such a small thing?"
"Wang Shao, listen to my explanation." Ben's face was anxious. "This can't really blame me.
Originally everything went smoothly. If you want to blame, you can only blame Sylvia for
her husband."
"That Henry?" Richard's eyes were full of resentment, "What can that waste do?"
"Wang Shao, I heard at the classmate's meeting yesterday that Sylvia and her husband are
engaged in art. Today everything is developing according to my plan. That is, her husband
suddenly appeared and disrupted al plans.
"Fart!" Richard stepped forward, kicking at Tao Tao with a big foot.
Faced with Richard's foot, Ben wanted to hide but didn't dare to hide. He was kicked in his
chest and rolled down the stairs, only to feel that his internal organs were about to be
"Artist? Are you a pit in your brain? That's a waste wood! A dog that goes into our Lin
family! A inferior commodity! What a shit artist!" Richard was trembling al over, what
happened yesterday was already a success After lingering his nightmare, he now wants to
tear Henry apart!
"Song surname, I will give you the last week. I do n’t care what method you use. I want to
stigmatize the reputation of the surname Lin. Then, if you think about it, the gambling debt
of Aocheng, I want to rely on you. For myself, it is impossible to pay off in this life!
Get out! "Richard waved his hand, did not look at Ben, and disappeared at the stairs.
Ben trembled tremblingly, and respectfully said the statement and left the villa.
After Henry and Sylvia had lunch together, Sylvia took Milan to the Lin Group.
As soon as the two women left, Henry took out his mobile phone and called out.
"Did you find it? Who sent it?"
"Check it out." There was a female voice on the other end of the phone. "Is it a local
community organization, do you want us to kill it directly?"
"No." Henry's tone was very weak. "Your every move will attract the attention of the whole
world. Send me the information and I will do it myself."
"Okay." There is no nonsense on the end of the phone, and the efficiency of doing things is
extremely high. When speaking good words, Henry's mobile phone will have a text message
to remind the sound.
After hearing this reminder tone, Henry hung up the phone directly. The information he
received on his mobile phone was exactly the information of the five strong men who
wanted to get to know him yesterday, including the name of the society and the number of
Henry glanced at it, and then locked his target in a bar called Ye Ye.
The time now is three o'clock in the afternoon. When the bar is not open for business, the
door of the night bar is hidden, and there is nothing in it.
Henry walked to the bar door, raised his right hand, and pushed hard on the door.
The door of the bar slowly opened, and a strong smel of tobacco came, Henry frowned,
glancing around the bar.
The bar hall is about 700 square meters. There is a stage on the stage and countless decks.
Under the decks, there are countless bottles of wine and snorting alcohol volatilizing into
the air.
Henry stepped into the hal , before he could get out of the next step, there was a sound in
the dim bar hall.
"Starting yesterday, there was news on the road that someone was checking us, who I am, it
was you."
This is a male voice with a sneer in his voice.
Henry also smiled on his face, "Why, shouldn't I check it out?"
Henry is not surprised that the other party knows that they are investigating them.
Henry's people always act without taboos when investigating a community organization.
Naturally, it is impossible to sneak in, even if they are known by the people in these
organizations. Because of this kind of society, Henry and his people are not at all in their
hearts, just like an elephant, with an attitude towards ants.
"Oh, check us, who gave you the courage, originally wanted to clean up you tonight, since
you sent it to you, this gift, I will accept it!" The male voice in the bar suddenly became
Immediately afterwards, the bar hall lit up suddenly, and the original y dim hal was as
bright as day. More than ten young men with steel choppers appeared in the hal , all
looking at Henry with a bad look.
At the same time, behind Henry, outside the door of the bar, there were more than a dozen
young people, al sneering at the corners of their mouths. They looked at Henry's eyes as if
the hunters were looking at their prey, and their eyes were full of excitement. .
Looking at the more than 20 people who suddenly appeared, Henry's face was still ful of
calm, "It seems that only the first to beat you up, and then ask questions, start!"
In Henry's mouth, as soon as the word "hand" fell, a shadow fell quickly from the roof of the
bar. When the shadow was about to start, a siren sounded.
Henry black shadow glanced away, and the black shadow disappeared in a few flashes, as if
it had never appeared before.
A police car with a siren sound stopped in front of the night bar, and all the youths with
steel choppers in hand saw the police car and dispersed.
The main driver of the police car opened, and Helen, an outstanding policeman, stepped
down from the car. Helen's eyes swept the bar door, and he was disgusted.
"The surnamed Zhang, you are so brave, the news spread all over the road, everyone
guessed that there was a fighting, you dare to come alone?" Helen's mouth hung a
contemptuous smile, passing by Henry , Strode into the bar and said loudly, "Who is the
person in charge, get out of me!"
"I, I, it's me, the Han team." The young man who had just returned with a vicious look and a
machete in hand now put on a humble sneer and bent over and bowed his head before
running to Helen.
Helen didn't even look at this person, he asked directly, "Explain, why did you start with
this surname Zhang, who asked you to do it?"
"This ..." A look of embarrassment appeared on the youth's face, "Korean team, you know,
the rules in this way can't be broken."
"Rules? There are rules in your so-cal ed bullshit? I will give you ten seconds. If you don't
say it, you will all go to the police station to squat!"
"Korean team ..." The young man's face was pitiful.
"Five seconds!" Helen glanced at the phone.

Chapter 31
"Hey." The young man sighed, then turned around and yelled at the people in the bar,
"Have you heard the Korean team's words? Now everyone, consciously went to the police
station to squat, without the Korean team, everyone No go, go! "
When the youth's voice fell, a group of people poured out from the bar. When everyone saw
Helen, they bowed their heads and honestly said that the Korean team was good, and then
ran out of the bar door, there were drivers, taxis, all The police station went.
Helen, who was angry at this scene, raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes. Just as he was
about to speak again, the young man laughed, "Han team, then I will go to the police station
After that, the youth ran away.
Faced with this scene, Helen gasped, his chest fluttering one after another, and the thin
police uniform in summer could not cover up the peaks.
Henry stood at the door of the bar, looking at this scene, his mouth wide open, his heart
amused. He really did not expect that this little policewoman had such a great deterrent
force in front of these community members.
"What are you laughing!" Helen's icy voice sounded in front of Henry, "Do you know what
trouble you are causing? A person comes to someone's club to fight, and he doesn't know
how to die! From now on, every day You must report it to me, you know! "
"Why?" A trace of doubt hung on Henry's face, "Beauty, I don't seem to be a criminal?"
"You are involved in the community fight, either do what I say, report to me honestly every
day, or go to the police station to drink tea with me again?" Helen said as he took out the
twinkling cold mans from his waist Handcuffs.
"Ok! Ok!" Henry immediately gestured at the woman's posture, "beauty, call me, I will
report to you every day, all right?"
After Helen said the phone to Henry, he warned: "Remember, don't play tricks!"
"Must, I am a good citizen who abides by the law!" Henry said righteously.
Linzhou Group, Yinzhou City.
Sylvia sat on his desk and looked at the documents brought by the secretary.
Secretary Li Na stood at Sylvia's desk and reported to Sylvia, "Mr. Lin, there are a lot of
rumors out there now, and they say something that is not good for Lin. Many companies
have clearly stated that they want to terminate cooperation with us. "
"Oh." Sylvia chuckled, "Not good for Lin? I think it is bad for me."
"This ..." Li Na opened her mouth, but was speechless.
Sylvia reached out his right hand and rapped constantly on the table, "Let me guess, the
words can be heard outside, probably my grandfather is about to die, and the Lins will have
to pass on to others. ? "
Li Na lowered her head and said nothing.
"Some people can't bear it for a while." Sylvia threw the documents in front of him into the
trash can and leaned the whole person on the office chair. "Go tell those who stop
cooperating. From now on, no matter how Lin's development No matter what they do, they
will no longer accept their cooperation. Similarly, I also tell everyone that I want to clear
the relationship with me, as soon as possible! "
"Yes." Li Na nodded and exited the office.
In the office of the large President Lin, only Sylvia was left, the woman ’s delicate face, and a
self-deprecating smile, "Wil the so-cal ed family use this insidious method?"
Standing at the door of the Ivy Welfare Home, Henry sent Helen a positioning message, and
then walked into the door of the Welfare Home.
"Brother Henry, you are here."
Henrycai just entered the door, and two little boys ran to Henry, hugged his thigh, and a
happy smile appeared on his smal face.
"Missing me?" Henry smiled sincerely on his face and hugged the two children together.
"You're here, the children are just talking about you in the mouth." Jenny walked in front of
Henry with a smile on his face. The latter's appearance in formal dress made Jenny's eyes
bright, "Wel , you wear The dress looks pretty handsome. "
"Real y?" Henry tilted his head and thought for a while, "How do I feel, I look handsome in
everything I wear?"
"Pomp!" Jenny gently covered her mouth, her eyes narrowed like crescents. "You can't see
it before. You are quite narcissistic."
"How's it going? After reading the news, should the development here be stopped?"
Henry asked.
"Thanks to your blessing, the bombing of the mountain has received strong support from
the government, and the demolition of the welfare institution has been postponed by the
government indefinitely." Jenny's beautiful face appeared with gratitude,
"Seriously, if not you, I am Don't know what to do. "
"I am equally grateful to you. Without these kind-hearted people, these children would not
be able to live so happy." Henry looked away, and he saw that almost all of the children in
these orphanages had toys in their hands. A happy smile filled his face.
"I just tried my best." Jenny looked at Henry with a hint of intoxication in his eyes.
"This sentence is simple, how many people can do it?" Henry asked back, put the two
children in his arms on the ground, "I'l go to see the dean first."
"Huh." Jenny nodded to Henry after hugging the heads of the two children.
Six pm.
Henry and Jenny came out of the welfare home together, and the two stood in front of
Jenny's BMW fifth series.
"Please have a meal, but don't refuse me." Jenny smiled slightly at Henry, "you should know
that the benefits of this bombing not only protect the welfare home, but our company has
also experienced unimaginable development. prospect."
"Where do you choose or I choose?" Henryla drove the door.
"I choose it, after al , the lady has priority." Jenny showed joy on his face and sat in the car.
The BMW 5 Series with the body reflected in the beach gold drove on the street and drove
into an ordinary community.
Henry sat in the car and watched the scenery beside the community road flash by from his
side. He looked slightly strange to Qin Judao: "You are, are you going to cook at home?"
"Wel ." Jenny nodded slightly, and a blush appeared on Qiao's face. "Here he went to the
teacher's house. He said he wanted to see you."
"See me?" Henry touched his nose, slightly puzzled.
Jenny saw that Henry did not express any objection. He was relieved and explained to
Henry: "My teacher and I met four years ago. He was a professor of economics. At that time,
our company was facing bankruptcy. He took me a hand, and the teacher didn't take care of
himself. He only hoped that I could stay in charity. This time, after I applied for the official
bombing, the teacher always wanted to see you. "
"It turns out this way." Henry nodded.
The vehicle stops in front of an old residential building, and just by looking at the
appearance of this residential building, it can be concluded that it has a long sense of time.

Chapter 32
There is no elevator in the building. The two walked upstairs. During going upstairs, Jenny
was still telling Henry about her teacher ’s deeds. In many domestic magazines, there are
academic remarks issued by teachers.
The two stopped on the sixth floor of the residential building.
Jenny knocked at the old-style blue security door in front of him.
"Come, who?" There was a young male voice in the door.
"Brother, it's me." Jenny replied with a smile on his face, but his eyes were embarrassed to
see Henry. This feeling was like bringing his own half to see his parents.
Henry apparently heard that after Jenny's voice, the people in the room obviously
accelerated. When the anti-theft door was opened, Henry saw a handsome young man
looking at Jenny with a happy expression, his eyes filled. With excitement and admiration,
when the young man saw himself, the excitement in his eyes disappeared immediately, and
even his face became much worse.
"Xiao Rou, is this ...?" The young man asked Jenny the identity of Henry for the first time, his
eyes full of hostility.
"It's my friend, Henry." Jenny introduced with a slightly red face. "Henry, this is my brother
and teacher's son, Kong Shu."
"Hello." Henry took the initiative to reach out to Kong Shu.
"Oh." Kong Shu rolled his eyes, didn't even look at the hand Henry stretched out, turned
around without interest, and walked into the door. "Come on, come in."
Henry looked at the young man in silence, didn't he seem to provoke him?
Jenny smiled apologetical y at Henry, then took Henry's wrist and walked into the house.
Henry saw that the room was not big, it was more than 60 square meters, and the furniture
was very old. There was no one in the room except Kong Shu.
"Brother, what about the teacher?" Jenny looked around the room, wondering.
"He went out to buy vegetables and waited for his return." Kong Shu gave Jenny a cup of
tea. As for Henry, he was directly ignored by Kong Shu.
Jenny quietly handed the cup of tea in front of himself to Henry.
"By the right, Xiaorou, do you remember the real estate we saw last time? I have recently
studied a lot of materials, and I can almost conclude that the real estate will definitely be
developed again, and the surrounding shops are good buying options."
Kong Shu took a tablet and sat next to Jenny, his fingers lining on the computer, "There is
also the stock 08752X, which is also worth buying. The recent momentum has gone well
and will usher in a Bul Bull Market. "
"Let's see." Jenny took the tablet and glanced at the screen, his eyes sometimes rejoicing,
and sometimes he was puzzled.
After looking at it for a while, Jenny set his eyes on Henry, "Henry, what do you think, this
bad-tailed property has not been started for a year, and there have been a lot of news about
redevelopment, and this stock."
Henry glanced at the tablet, and the door was filled with dense news, as well as various
materials and guesses, all written by Kong.
Henry just glanced at it and shook his head, "No, I have seen this rotten building twice.
It should be true to redevelop, but even if the development is completed, there will be no
development prospects in the surrounding shops. You buy it. At least, it will take three to
five years before it appreciates. During this time, the money you buy from the store will be
more than this if you put it in the bank to eat interest. As for this stock, it is completely
noisy. Just invest your money. If you go in for more than two days, you will al be locked up.
"Don't understand, don't talk nonsense!" Kong Shu sneered discomfitedly, "The developer
of the real estate is famous al over the country, and there is that stock. I have seen this
many times when I was studying investment management Case, 80% of the possible
appreciation. "
Henry smiled, "If the investment in this world can be done according to the theories and
cases in the book, everyone is a multimillionaire."
"What do you mean?" Kong Shu stared at Henry.
"I mean, the person who published the book, did you see him investing and getting rich?"
Henry smiled contemptuously. "Theory is just theory, real practice, and theory are two
completely different concepts. You first complete one. Successful investment, you will find
that the theoretical knowledge you have learned is completely bullshit, the rise of stocks is
pinched in the hands of capitalists. "
"Joke!" Kong Shu slammed the table. "What can the capitalist do? The investment itself is a
gamble. The capitalist is just lucky in this game."
"Sure enough, you haven't made an investment." Henry smiled, "Otherwise you wouldn't
say such a naive thing, why don't we bet a game?"
"Gamble, bet, whatever!" Kong Shu stared at Henry, his eyes ful of anger, he now feels that
the man in front of him, throwing his years of academic knowledge on the ground,
trampled and insulted.
"Just bet on the stock you said, it will fal within 15 minutes, how?" Henry raised an
Henry didn't care about supporting his hand, "just whatever you want."
"Good!" Kong Shu emphasized, "If I win, I want you to never see Xiaorou again in your life!"
"Brother, you!" Jenny's pupil shrank, and he was about to speak, but was stopped by Henry.
"Yes, but what if you lose?"
"Leave it to you!"
"Ok!" Henry punched the book with a gesture, then took out the phone and dialed it out.
The phone was connected in an instant, and Henry put a special power amplifier, so that
Qin Rong Kong Shu could hear the voice on the phone.
"Boss, what's the matter?"
"Help me buy stocks, the code is 08752X, just buy three mil ion."
"Okay." The person on the other end of the phone answered. Then, all three people could
hear the sound of typing on the keyboard from the power amplifier of the mobile phone.
After about ten seconds, the person on the other side of the phone said again,
"Boss, You are not mistaken, this stock is totally a trap. I promise, we ca n’t buy three
million at al . When the maximum is one million, this stock will go down and then al our
money will be trapped. "
Hearing this voice on the phone, Kong Shu sneered, "Pretend, continue to pretend."
Henry smiled slightly and said to the phone, "Just buy it."
"it is good."
The phone hung up and Henry leaned back on the sofa.
"Is this done?" Kong Shu's eyes were ful of chuckles. "Do you know how much this stock is
worth, three mil ion? For this stock, it's just a matter of nine cents!"
"How do you determine the value of the stock? Learned from the book?" Henry raised an
eyebrow. "In the book, it will only teach you knowledge, not insidious people, nor too much
in the economic field. Fraud, everything that can be used in books, is well known and used
more. You have to know that experience is far more important than theory in investing. "

Chapter 33
"Leave me less garlic!" Kong Shu opened the stock software on the tablet. "I want to see,
why do you pretend to be here, the stock I said ..."
At this moment, Kong Shu's voice stopped suddenly.
At the moment, on the tablet in front of him, the stock number 08752X changed from the
previous scarlet color to dazzling green. This is a symbol of a daily limit. That is to say, al
the money invested in this stock will be It was firmly inside and could not be taken out.
"This ..." Kong Shu took a deep breath, unbelievable in his eyes, "Impossible!
"Nothing is impossible." Henry chuckled lightly, his phone rang at this time, picked up the
phone, ordered the amplifier, and the voice on the phone rang.
"Boss, this stock is worse than I thought. I thought I could buy one mil ion, but the 700,000
counterparties couldn't help it, and I just stuck it. This kind of guts, I guess those who just
came out of school. The rookie, the means of cheating are so low. "
Kong Shu's body sat there, and there was a slight tremor. The sound on the phone was like
a thorn, plunging into his heart. The theoretical knowledge he was proud of, in the eyes of
others, was a rookie. Not worth mentioning?
"Wel , this is the case, you arrange someone to chase the money back, grab the people
behind, how to deal with it yourself." Henry hung up the phone, and did not let Kong Shu do
anything, It's as if there was no bet.
The atmosphere in the room suddenly fell into a strange silence. Kong Shu sat on the side,
his face embarrassed.
Jenny looked at the left and right, not knowing what to say.
At this moment, the door was opened from the outside.
"The teacher is back!" Jenny violently got up from the sofa and looked at the door.
Outside the gate, a middle-aged male who appeared to be in his fifties was carrying a bag of
vegetables into the house. The male figure was upright, and the whole person was fil ed
with an indescribable temperament.
Jenny happily stepped forward and took the dish in the hands of a middle-aged man.
"Teacher, you are back. This is the person I told you. Henry, Henry. This is my old ..."
"Hello, see you again." Henry chuckled at the other party.
"It's you ... it's you ..." The middle-aged male looked at Henry with a dull face and muttered.
Jenny looked at the two and looked puzzled. "Teacher, do you know Henry?"
"I don't know." The middle-aged man shook his head. "I don't know his name is Henry. I
only know his other name."
"Another name?" Jenny looked at Henry subconsciously and listened to the teacher's voice
ringing in his ear.
"The God of Wal Street was born when the international financial stock market crashed.
He used 1.3 mil ion magnesium to complete 18 stock transactions in just two months.
Two months later, he raised He made a position for the first fund for short CDO with 150
million Mg gold. He designed a complex fund operation model. While shorting dangerous
CDO, he bought cheap CDS. When everyone thought he would lose money When the blood
was lost, he successful y reversed the situation and let his earnings rise by 50%! It was then
that he became a legend on Wal Street and established his own macro hedge fund. The
number one position in the world is unshakable. At that time, he was only 19 years old. I
had the privilege of seeing him. He told me that the reason why I saw me was because I was
in charity and did not ask for reward I do n’t know his real name until now, Henry. "
"Wal Street ... the god ..." Jenny looked at Henry, her eyes full of shock, she did not doubt the
teacher's words, because the teacher, there was no need to deceive her.
"Yeah." The middle-aged man snorted. "He is a legend on Wal Street, except that when he
was most dazzling, he disappeared into the sight of everyone. He donated all his net worth
to him for free. The Red Cross is used to help children in poor mountain areas. "
The middle-aged man ’s eyes are on Henry, and his eyes are full of comfort. This is when he
uses an older predecessor to look at the juniors ’eyes. He is very happy that in China, in his
own country, Henry is in charity. , Who do not seek return.
"Al donations ..." Jenny has now been completely speechless. She has always believed that
she is already very enthusiastic about charity, but now she found out that compared to
Henry, what she has done can only be said It's just a matter of nine cents.
"Xiao Rou, I didn't expect that you and Henry could meet together. If I guessed right, did
you both know each other in the orphanage?" The middle-aged man looked at Jenny with a
"Huh." Jenny placed his hands in front of his lower abdomen and nodded.
"Okay, do n’t stand still. Today I bought some stuffing. Let ’s make dumplings. Henry. I
’m out of the financial world now. I ’m older than you. Xiaorou is like my daughter. The
family, I will call your name directly, if you do n’t dislike, just cal me Uncle Kong. ”The
middle-aged man raised the dish in his hand and smiled.
"Okay, Uncle Kong." Henry smiled slightly, "I'll roll my skin quickly, you guys pack."
"OK!" The middle-aged man responded heartily, "Xiaorou, come and help."
"Oh." Jenny lowered his head and blushed, followed behind the teacher, and waited into the
kitchen. Jenny reached out his hand and pulled the teacher's sleeve. "Teacher, what are you
talking about, what family?" . "
"Haha, isn't it a matter of time?"
Henry finished eating at teacher Jenny's house, and then returned home, it was already 8
o'clock in the evening, and the sky was burning red.
As soon as he entered the house, Henry saw Sylvia sitting on the sofa with a sad face, and
there was no Milan in the living room.
"Mr. Lin, what's wrong?" Henry walked over and asked with a concerned expression.
"You don't understand the company's business." Sylvia covered his forehead with his hand.
"Mood will affect people's body. Try to relax as much as possible. I'll pour some footwash
on you. You look tired these days." Henry comforted and ran to the bathroom
with warm water, then squatted in Sylvia In front of you, pick up the pair of jade feet and
put them in the water.
In the past few days, Sylvia was somewhat used to Henry pressing his feet for himself, and
had to admit that Henry's massage technique was indeed very good. After every massage,
he would feel relaxed and sleep well.
There was evening news on the TV, Sylvia's cel phone rang, and the cal er was Secretary Li.
Sylvia glanced at the phone first, then Henry again, and then answered the phone,
"Secretary Li, how is the communication with her?"

Chapter 34
"No." Secretary Li's voice rang on the phone, "She said that it was her personal friend, not
an expert invited by the industry. Unless the person agreed, she would not give us contact
information without authorization, but she said, Can help us ask what that person means. "
"I'l pour the water." Henry wiped Sylvia's pair of jade feet dry, and walked away with the
water basin.
Sylvia ’s slender legs curled up on the sofa, and Liu Mei ’s wrinkles were tighter, “Jenny,
although I have n’t had much contact with her, but she ’s stil outstanding in the industry,
since she said help We asked, there should be no problem, I real y want to know, who is it
in order to help her come up with such a way to explode the mountain, let a third-rate
enterprise, leapfrog to become the largest potential stock in Yinzhou! "
When Henry came to the water, Sylvia had hung up the phone.
"Mr. Lin, is there anything I can help? Actually, I understand some business matters, maybe
I can help you make suggestions." Henry said to Sylvia while pouring tea.
"No." Sylvia shook his head. "Some busy, you can't help."
"Okay." Henry replied helplessly, "Then I will go to bed first, and you will have a rest early."
One night passed, and the next morning, Henryzheng leaned on the butt and wiped the
floor skillfully, and saw Sylvia rushing out of the room, washing up at will, and then drove
"What's so anxious?" Henry wondered, heard the ringing of the mobile phone in his pocket,
took out the mobile phone and looked at it, it was WeChat sent by Jenny to himself.
"Henry, are you awake?" Jenny brought a questioning expression.
"Wel , what's wrong?" Henry replied while wiping the floor.
"There is a business friend who has some difficulties with her company. I want me to help
you and ask you if she wants to give her a clear direction. She will also pay you a lot of
money." Jenny said straightforwardly Things to say.
"Not willing." Henry refused without thinking.
An ordinary residential building, Jenny wearing a white bathrobe, is sitting in front of the
floor-to-ceiling windows, enjoying the morning sun, the sun is shining on her, like a holy
angel, Jenny looks at the phone when she sees When Henry didn't want to think about it,
when he sent three words of unwillingness, he felt a little ecstatic in his heart. It felt like
Henry only did one thing for her.
This kind of thought made Jenny's pretty face show a touch of red color, which failed to
fade for a long time.
Lin's group, the fiery Mercedes-Benz GT opened directly in front of the company's door,
Sylvia opened the door, and went toward the company.
Secretary Li Na had been here long ago, her face covered with anxiety, "Mr. Lin, you are
"Are there any news?" Sylvia passed anxiously past Li Na, walked into the elevator, and
pressed the number on the top floor.
Li Na quickly fol owed, shaking her head and said: "There is news over General Qin's side,
she said that the person does not want to help us."
"Huh!" Sylvia said with a sigh of relief, "Come on, let's talk about President Fang, what does
he mean?"
"According to reliable information, now with us, at least seven companies want to reach
cooperation with Fang, and the proposed solutions have been approved by Fang, and so far
Fang has not completely decided which one to cooperate with." Li Nafan Hold the file in
The elevator went up to the seventh floor, Sylvia directly lit the icon on the eighth floor, the
elevator stopped running in the next second, the door was opened with a "ding"
"Mr. Lin, what about you?" Li Na looked at Sylvia with a puzzled expression.
"Where is Fang always, I'll go find him." Sylvia walked out of the elevator and pressed the
elevator next to him, his eyes firmly said.
Yinzhou has received strong support from the government in the past two years, and its
economic development has also been rapidly improved. Every year, various exhibitions
have continued.
Today, there are countless luxury cars parked at the Yinzhou International Convention and
Exhibition Center. Nearly a thousand security personnel are distributed here.
Everyone has a grim expression, because they know that everything they protect today is of
great value. Some of the famous paintings circulated to this day are stored in museums on
Ark, the largest investor in Ning province, has been known from the beginning to now.
He has only one thing to do. Investment, rumors have an official shadow behind him.
Any enterprise that can reach cooperation with him will earn If the pool is full, who wants
to cooperate with the Ark, the status in the business district is also rising.
It is no exaggeration to say that in Yinzhou, there are only two people who can control the
business circle. One is Robert Lin. At the time, he led the Yinzhou entrepreneurs to play a
leading brother in the world.
The Ark is fifty years old and one meter seven in height. The whole person looks very
spiritual. He loves painting exhibitions alone. The reason why so many luxury cars can be
parked outside the Convention and Exhibition Center today is because of the Ark.
Milan is wearing red and white sportswear standing at the entrance of the convention
center and looking out. Sylvia's figure gradually enlarges in Milan's pupils.
"I said Sylvia, you came here wearing this professional attire, and personal y can see your
purpose, pretend to be more or less, and then do what you want. Today, the ark is full of
people." Milan watch With his girlfriend, there was a trace of helplessness in his eyes.
"It doesn't matter." Sylvia shook his head carelessly and put his hair in the back of his head
with his hands. "This is what I do, cooperation is cooperation, and the plan is before him."
Sylvia took the invitation letter from Milan and went directly into the exhibition center.
Milan looked at Sylvia's back, stomped his feet anxiously, thought about it for two seconds,
and with a ruthless heart, cal ed Henry, "Henry, come to the exhibition center!"
This Yinzhou painting exhibition brings together the famous paintings of all generations of
Huaxia, as well as some new painters and famous Chinese painters of Huaxia. The scene is
"This is a good one, ask how much money, and then frame it." Fang Zhou was wearing a
dark blue casual dress, carefully looked at each painting carefully, appreciative and
regretful expressions appeared from time to time.
Ark's female secretary followed him without saying a word, carefully recording every word
Ark said.
"Hey, this picture ..." Fang Zhou paused in front of an ancient painting and carefully read,
"This picture, I remember I saw it once three years ago."
"It's true." Fang Zhou's secretary said for the first time since entering the museum. "This
picture of Dongmei had appeared in the Duhai Exhibition Hal three years ago. It was
photographed by us at a price of 4.7 million."
"Strange, what's the matter with this picture?" Ark looked at the picture careful y. The
paper used Xuan paper. Due to time, the paper has become yellowish and the ink color has
faded a lot. Ark's experience stil shows that this painting is authentic.
"Go get in touch with the organizer." Secretary Fang Chong waved his hand.
The secretary nodded.

Chapter 35
Soon, a middle-aged man in a suit trot over. Obviously, this middle-aged man knew the Ark.
"Hello, Fang, I am the person in charge of this exhibition, Zhang Qiang." Zhang Qiang took
the initiative to reach out to Ark.
"Hello, I want to ask whether this picture is authentic or high imitation?" Ark pointed to the
winter plum in front of it. There was only one cold plum on the painting, which fell alone on
the drawing paper, giving people a kind of loneliness Arrogant mood.
"Authentic." Zhang Qiang gave an answer without thinking. "This Dongmei is a masterpiece
of Master Yan in the Tang Dynasty. It has been handed down to the present. We only got the
official identification result before showing it. If you are interested, there will be a charity
auction for this painting later. "
"Authentic?" Ark's brow furrowed tightly.
Just then, a clear voice rang behind the ark.
"Fang Zong."
Ark followed this voice, "Mr. Lin, what a coincidence, do you come to the exhibition?"
As Ark spoke, he deliberately glanced at Sylvia's professional suit.
"Come to Fang to talk about cooperation." Sylvia stood in front of the Ark and said directly.
Ark chuckled a little and said, "Lin, it is reasonable to say that I don't talk about work at this
time, but it's an exception to me when your grandpa is kind to me. To tell you the truth,
what you Lin gave The cooperation plan is not the best among all people. You should
understand that I am a businessman. I look at benefits, not feelings, unless you can come up
with a better cooperation plan. Otherwise, I think we can cooperate and win. Times. "
Sylvia Liu frowned, "Mr. Fang, in our Lin's case, I believe you also know that this plan,
although it will not bring you the greatest profit in the short term, but in the long run ..."
"Stop." Ark gestured a gesture, "Mr. Lin, you know, I do venture capital, and all of them are
short-term investments. I never look at long-term interests."
"Mr. Fang, I ..." Sylvia had to say something. He felt someone behind him pulled him back
and looked back. It was his girlfriend Milan, and beside Milan, Henry ran over sometime.
"Mr. Fang, we will talk later." Sylvia hurriedly greeted Ark, and then walked to Henry,
whispered, "How come you come?"
"I called him. I said Sylvia. You know that Ark likes traditional Chinese painting. Your
husband specializes in this area. Why don't you do what you want?" Milan blamed.
"I!" Sylvia stopped talking. She looked at Henry and Milan again. I don't know how to
explain it. I can't tell Milan the girl.
"Okay, I think, let Henry go to negotiate with the Ark first, he needs to be able to talk to the
Ark, and you will know it with emotion and move with reason." Milan persuaded.
Sylvia subconsciously looked at Henry, but saw that Henry had already walked towards the
ark. Sylvia sighed. Henry knew whether to understand painting, she was clear, what use
could he come?
Henry walked to the side of the ark and narrowed his eyes, looking at the painting in front
of him, "Dong Mei of Yan in the Tang Dynasty? The ink color is a little pale."
"Do you understand painting?" Fang Zhou looked at Henry's voice unexpectedly and
glanced at it quite unexpectedly. At this exhibition, many famous paintings did not indicate
the source. Those who can see the source of the painting at a glance are people who
understand painting.
"Of course I understand, haha!" A loud laugh started, but not from Henry, but another
Ben took a big step and said loudly as he walked: "Mr. Fang, this Mr. Henryzhang, is Mr.
Lin's husband. He is also an artist and specializes in Chinese painting. I think, you two
should know There are many common languages. "
After Tao Tao finished speaking, there was a faint smile in his eyes, artist? It real y can be
blown. If Wang Shao did n’t tell me, I really do n’t know that this is a son-in-law for money!
"Oh?" Fang Zhou looked at Henry with interest, and there was appreciation in his eyes,
because there are fewer and fewer people who are still passionate about Chinese painting.
"Mr. Zhang, are you doing Chinese painting?"
"Slightly understand." Henry's mouth hung a smile and nodded.
"In this case, Mr. Zhang, can you tel whether this painting is the real trace of Master Yan?"
Fang Zhou pointed to the Dongmei in front of him and asked.
Henry's eyes glanced at the painting in front of him, and then said, "Mr. Fang, what answer
do you want? Would you like to hear it true or false? Hahaha!"
Henry laughed and turned away, leaving such an ambiguous answer.
Sylvia looked at Henry's performance and shook his head helplessly, and he didn't blame
Henry. The Chinese painting itself is broad and profound. Unlike Western etiquette, it only
requires a simple training to understand one or two. This depends on the perennial
Experience accumulation and abundant knowledge.
Milan was shocked, what happened? Does he not understand? It shouldn't be!
During this time, Milan has been thinking about how to dismantle the emotional scammer
Henry, but today, she hopes that this scammer can understand a little more, and talks with
Fang Zong, because Milan knows how big the crisis Sylvia's company is facing, There are
internal worries and external problems.
Ark frowned, looking at the back of Henry's departure, and didn't speak.
"President Fang, it seems that this Mr. Henry is also well-known, how to say, Sylvia is too
commercial, and some things are normal to make up. It is normal, for example, she told me
that her husband is engaged in Chinese painting. "Ben came to the front of the ark," Fang,
please introduce yourself. You are so entrusted to let Song Fang see the true face of some
people, and don't be fooled by the descendants of benefactors. "
In the lounge of the exhibition, Henry was holding a glass of iced coke sitting at a smal
round table.
Milan and Sylvia sat opposite him.
"Henry, don't you do Chinese painting? Do you understand? Is that the real one just now?"
Milan looked at Henry and was still in a mood to drink Coke.
Sylvia, on the other hand, seemed very calm, because she knew very clearly that Henry did
not understand Chinese painting. If her plan was not seen by Ark, then this col aboration
was impossible.
"Ah ~ hiccup ~"
After a big mouthful of ice-cold Coke, Henry began to say: "The picture, how to say, is
authentic, but not authentic."
"What do you mean?" Milan was confused.
"You can't understand what I said." Henry took another coke and took a sip. When he saw
Milan, he was anxious again. He said quickly, "Oh, wait, there's a charity auction, right? Let's
take a look together." "
Regarding charity auctions, Henry has participated in many times before, and has long been
familiar with it.

Chapter 36
At two o'clock noon, the exhibition center specially prepared an exhibition hall. As the
auction site, many people were present.
Henry knows that people who are generally present at such charity auctions are more
lively than ordinary auctions. If a charity auction is held, local entrepreneurs will receive
invitations. Many people cannot refuse such invitations, otherwise The next day the news
headlines will be about you.
The hal has a total of 500 seats. At this time, it is already full. The Ark, Sylvia, and some
well-known entrepreneurs in Ning province are sitting in the first row.
After Ark saw Henry again, he didn't have the kind of appreciation he just saw, but glanced
very blandly, and then looked away.
Ben was sitting not far from the Ark, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, looking at
Sylvia. He was sure that today he would be able to stink Sylvia ’s reputation. Not to mention
anything else, her husband was enough to be a breakthrough, an apprentice.
Wel -known artists, this must be known by the media, it is estimated that Sylvia's
reputation will plummet!
The Chinese Painting Charity Auction started under the auspices of an elderly auctioneer.
At the beginning, the paintings that appeared were only worth a few thousand. These
paintings were the most chased, and there were many people who snapped shots, because
many people who were present did not come to buy paintings at all, they just made a
gimmick, and later, when interviewed, This can also be a resource for
discussion. As for the quality of the painting, they don't care, what they want is that they
can spend the least amount of money today to buy the name of a philanthropist.
These thousands of pieces of paintings are all from some newcomer painters.
Gradually, the works of well-known domestic masters have appeared, and the value is al in
the tens of thousands. Now, most of them can be bought by people who really like painting.
During this period, Ark shot several times and won his favorite works.
Soon, the auction will be the highlight.
The voice of the auctioneer spread through the exhibition hal through the microphone.
"Everyone knows that in China, there are three well-known painting masters in the Tang
Dynasty. Below, we will come up with a famous work by Master Yan, Dong Mei, for auction
After verification by relevant authorities, this painting is authentic. 80% of the auction
proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross. The starting price of this painting is 100,000.
Please bid.
Ark sat on the seat, looking at the pair of Dongmei displayed on the stage, his face slightly
Now, he eagerly wants to know whether this picture of Dongmei is authentic. If it is true,
the one he bought three years ago is fake. But three years ago, the same picture was
approved by a certificate, and it is impossible to succeed. There are two other pictures of
Dongmei in the world.
Ark is entangled, whether he will shoot, as a collector of Chinese painting, Ark does not al
ow fakes in his own home, nor allow this kind of unique authenticity to be lost from his
In the process of Ark's hesitation, the price of this winter plum has been shouted to
Henry sat on the action, tilting Erlang's legs and holding his hands behind his head,
"Milan, you just said that Sylvia is going to cooperate with that surnamed Fang. If the
cooperation can be reached, how much profit will the company have?"
"It's not a profit, it's a prospect. Regarding Lin's future, if I can really cooperate with Fang, I
can get as much money as possible," Sylvia said firmly.
"Oh, I see." Henry thoughtful y nodded.
At this moment, the price of Dongmei has risen to 3.3 million, and the auctioneer has
already shouted 3.3 mil ion for the second time.
Sitting in the ark that had not been silent for a while, I couldn't help it at this moment.
Whether it was true or false, he couldn't see the painting being taken away in front of his
eyes. Even if it was fake, he had to determine it himself!
Ark picked up the auction card in his hand, and just as he was about to speak, he heard a
lazy voice ringing beside him, "Five million."
The ark immediately looked at the master of the voice.
Milan's eyes widened and he looked at Henry, "You are crazy! Five million! The painting
can be sold for four million and it is already amazing!"
Sylvia frowned, and did not make a noise. Sylvia was wondering when she did n’t know
when to start. She suddenly felt that Henry seemed as unbearable as she thought.
Every time at a critical time, he could make some surprises. This time, Sylvia had an
intuition in his mind, that is, Henry was not in Hulai, he had his own ideas.
The auctioneer on the stage saw someone shouting 5 million, and his eyes lit up.
Although he did not know the bidder, he knew the brand representing Lin who was holding
in the other hand.
The price of five million has calmed down al those who are stil asking, just like Milan said,
this painting has a maximum of four million.
The auctioneer knocked on the hammer three times in a row and shouted the word
“deal” in the mouth. Finally, Henry photographed the painting with 5 mil ion yuan.
Milan's eyes are ful of puzzles. He real y doesn't understand why Henry did it. Does he want
to buy this painting and give it to the Ark? Looking at the appearance of the Ark, it seems
that he cares a lot about this picture, but will the Ark accept it? How many billions of
business for a painting of mil ions?
Not only Milan, even Sylvia also guessed that Henry was going to do this. The two girls
looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time. Sylvia showed a trace of
disappointment in her eyes. She did n’t care about the five mil ion yuan, and she could n’t
cooperate with Ark. Well prepared psychologically, she is disappointed now, it is Henry's
behavior, in Sylvia's heart, how hope Henry can do some unexpected things, even if the
sword goes slanted, even if you can't achieve the effect you want, Lin Please Han is also
happy, this can prove to some extent, this man in his family is not so useless.
But now he is too inferior!
Sylvia lowered his head and shook his head helplessly. Just when she was disappointed in
her heart, she suddenly heard Milan exclaimed in her ear.
"Sylvia, look at it, Henry, what is he doing!"
Lin invited Han to look up and saw that Henry had left his seat and walked to the stage, and
he had already taken the five million photographed Dongmei in his hand.
Immediately afterwards, Henry did something that made the audience uproar.
The famous painting worth five mil ion yuan was caught by Henry with both hands, and
then torn apart!
Although this sound is not loud, it is in everyone's mind. The Chinese painting that I just
bought with five million yuan is just like that. It was torn!
"Oh my god!"
"What is he doing?"
"Is the brain sick!"
"It's not so dazzling!"
A noisy and exclamation sounded immediately from the audience.
Faced with these voices, Henry's face did not change. He looked at the ark sitting in the first
row and said loudly: "Mr. Fang, I was just embarrassed to see your look. I was ful of interest
in this painting, but I didn't shoot at al times Guess, is there still such a picture in your
home? You have a tangled expression and clenched your fists at all times, because you are
not sure, which one is the real one in your home, or is this one the real one? "
Chapter 37
Ark looked at the young man on the stage, and the moment the other party tore off the scrol
, he felt that he was like a drowning man. He was suddenly pul ed to the shore and felt
everything suddenly became better.
At this moment, Ark suddenly understood the intention of the other party. He stood up and
looked at the stage, "You spend five mil ion dollars to buy a copy, the purpose is to make me
feel comfortable, so that you can cooperate with you?"
Henry stretched out a finger. "There are two points in total. You are right. I tore this
picture. I really want to make you feel better. How hard is it for a col ector who is caught in
a dilemma of authenticity, I know very well that I want to use this method in exchange for
an opportunity for our cooperation. "
Ark smiled on his face, "You said there are two points, the first point is right, what about
the second point?"
Henry looked at the corner of the ark with a hook in his mouth and stared like a torch.
"Who told you that this painting is fake?"
"What! You!" A fright appeared on Ark's face.
Henry stepped down and stood in front of the ark. "The painting in my hand is the real one,
and the one in your house is also the real one."
"Hahaha, it's such a big joke!" Ben, who was sitting not far from the Ark, laughed loudly.
"As you mean, Master Yan in the Tang Dynasty drew a total of two winter plums. ? "
Henry glared at Ben, "Don't take your ignorance, hold it high and make people laugh."
Ben was stunned by Henry's words, and then his face was full of anger. He, a son-in-law of
the Lin family, dare to say me?
"I'm ignorant? Wel , I want to hear from you. How can I be ignorant? If you say that both
paintings are authentic, then you're not ignorant?"
"Xuan paper." Henryyang raised the scroll and shredded paper in his hand. "Everyone who
knows Chinese painting knows that Xuan paper is divided into three types: raw Xuan,
cooked Xuan, and half-cooked Xuan. If the Xuan Qin water is slowly separated, a piece of
rice paper can be divided into two. The master of painting in the Tang Dynasty, Master Yan,
said that the painting he made, even if it divides a piece of paper into two, its writing power
The paintings can also be clearly printed on the second layer of rice paper, so both of them
are authentic, Fang, if I am right, the winter plum in your house has a yellowing color on the
paper, but the ink color It ’s a bit more dignified than this one, right? ”
The ark thought for two seconds and nodded. "Indeed, the plum in my house is much
darker than this one."
"That's because, the one in your house is a single layer, and this one is a mezzanine."
"Pretend!" Ben sneered. "There are so many famous paintings in the world. This is the first
time I have heard this statement!"
"So you are ignorant." Henry gave Ben a disdainful glance, how could he not see that this
man was a crap stick.
"Fart! I see, this is just an excuse for yourself! Mr. Fang, don't believe him!"
Ark's face was puzzled, he didn't know whether he should believe this Henry.
"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, you real y are here, I hope I'm not late!" A slightly older voice suddenly
Looking down the voice, the owner of the voice is an old man with gray hair.
"Master Sun?" Fang Zhou was surprised when he saw the old man. "Master Sun, aren't you
in the capital, how come you came to Yinzhou?"
"Hey, it's al because of a painting. Do you remember that winter plum? I have identified a
painting three years ago and bought it by you. Some time ago, I evaluated it again. At that
time, I thought, It ’s Mr. Fang. You ’re going to sell the painting, but think about it careful y.
The one you bought was a little different, so I rushed to it. I do n’t know if I can meet the
buyer and explain to him. ”
"Explain what?" Ark asked.
"Explain that there are two paintings of Dongmei in the world. The paintings of Dongmei
are in paper, which can be divided into two by Qinshui. The ancient Master Yan used his
paper back. When Xuan paper was divided into two, this world There are two pictures of
winter plum, one with dark color and one with light color, but they are all authentic! "What
Master Sun said was exactly the same as what Henry said just now.
"This!" Ark opened his mouth wide and looked at Henry.
"The world is stil a picture of Dongmei, which is unique in Fang Zong." Henry loosened his
clenched fist.
The pieces of Zhang Dongmei slowly fell to the ground from Henry's hands. As these pieces
of paper fell, the smile on the face of the Ark became more and more obvious.
As for Ben, how ugly his face was, how ugly he felt, he felt that he became a clown again,
and became a green leaf against the red flowers.
"Hahaha, Mr. Zhang, I have to say that your approach real y makes me feel a lot happier. For
a businessman like me who only looks at short-term earnings, I can see the benefits
without looking," Fang Zhou applauded. Patted Henry's shoulder, then looked at Sylvia,
"Mr. Lin, your husband has let me see the short-term profits of this cooperation. Then let's
talk about long-term profits.
Sylvia's beautiful pupil showed a fine mans, "Thank you, Mr. Fang."
"Thank me for what I can only say, your husband and wife, they are really amazing,
amazing, hahaha!" Ark gave his thumbs up.
Sylvia felt rejoicing in his heart. This rejoicing was partly because of the preliminary
cooperation with the Ark, and even more so because Henry really solved this matter!
After coming to the exhibition, Milan left because there was something else, only Henry and
Sylvia on the way home.
Sylvia drove, Henry sat on the co-pilot.
"How do you know these things about Chinese painting?" Sylvia glanced at Henry with his
eyes slanted and continued driving.
"I ..." Henryyang raised his phone and was about to speak.
"Don't tell me you checked, there are not so many things on the Internet for you to check,
and you can conclude that the picture is the real one by relying on the
information on the Internet, and dare to take the picture with 5 million and then tear it up?
Sylvia raised his eyebrows.
"Hey." Henryqian laughed, "Mr. Lin, you found it. It was indeed not my investigation. It was
when I came before that I accidentally heard that Master Sun raised a mouth and said that
there are two pictures of Dongmei in the world. , I will write it down. "
"It turns out that way." Sylvia nodded and gave Henry a glance of approval. "It looks like
your observation and memory are pretty good."
"Thank you Mr. Lin for complimenting." Henry nodded. In his heart, a man, no matter how
good he is, he just wants to get his woman's approval.
The vehicle drove to Sai Shangshui Township. This was the first time Sylvia sent Henry
home special y. After Henry got off the bus, Sylvia rushed towards the company and began
to draw up a cooperation plan with Ark.

Chapter 38
With a smile on his face, Henry watched Sylvia drive away until the rear lights disappeared
in Henry's sight, and the smile on Henry's face disappeared.
Standing in front of the villa courtyard, Henry questioned the void: "Who found Ben?"
From the day of the concert, Henry saw that Ben was not right. With his experience and
experience, what Ben did in front of him was like a childish child.
"It's the cousin of the mistress, Lin Wei." Such a low voice sounded in the void. If someone
deliberately observes, it will be found that the source of this voice cannot be locked.
"It turned out to be him." Henry's mouth twitched a smile, "Don't worry about it, just a
bunch of clowns jumping beams, my wife is ful y able to cope, you continue to observe, after
the night fails, it is estimated that other organizations will send people to Yinzhou city."
"Understood." The deep voice fell as soon as it sounded, as if it had never appeared.
Henry looked at the time and walked towards the outside of the community. The accounts
he and the community hadn't counted yet.
Anyone familiar with Henry knows that he is not a person who likes to provoke trouble, but
he is definitely a person who must report flaws. Anyone who provokes Henry must be able
to fear Henry or pay a painful price. appear.
Who would have thought that a Lin's son-in-law, his eyes and ears, can cover the whole
Henry first sent Helen an orientation, told the jealous police flower, said he was staying at
home, and then went to the night bar.
In the night bar, it is now three o'clock in the afternoon, and it is not yet open for business,
but the bar lobby is overcrowded.
Aoba Society, in Yinzhou City, can be said to be the largest underground society with
thousands of members.
The whole night bar was smoky. On the deck in the center of the bar hal , there were three
middle-aged men. These three men were the three leading leaders of Aoba Club.
The leader of the Aoba Society, who gave the nickname Leigong, this nickname is related to
his resolute style of doing things.
The second leopard head is also the double leaf red stick of the Aoba Club. It can be said
that one-third of the power of the Aoba Club was hit by the leopard head with double fists.
The oldest viper, the most ruthless, his ruthlessness, even when people on the road
mentioned him on a normal chat, they would have a chil .
At this time, Lei Zhengzheng frowned, smoking a cigarette without saying a word, the
ashtray in front of him was already full of cigarette butts.
"Brother, there is nothing to worry about. If the kid dares to come again, I will abolish him!"
The leopard's head stretched out his strong arm and patted his chest.
"Second brother, it's not as simple as you think." The viper leaned on the sofa, he had a
dirty braid, "My elder brother and I received the news, these two days inquired about our
Aoba, it is not a simple thing, which There is the shadow of Black Thunder. "
"Black Thunder?" Leopard's face changed, "You mean, the leading underground society in
Ning province?"
"Good." Leigong nodded his head and extinguished the cigarette in his hand. "This time, we
moved the Lin family. As the Lin family, it is not impossible to move Black Thunder.
You must be ready to fight hard. "
The leopard took a deep breath, and then slapped it on the glass table in front of him.
The slap went down and let the table crack from his palm. "Here, come, isn't it a black
thunder, This Yinzhou city is our green leaf site, but it is not a place where their black
thunder can spread wild. "
As soon as Leopard's head fel , he heard a loud bang, and the locked door of the night bar
was kicked away from the outside.
At this moment, almost al eyes were looking towards the bar gate. There were at least 150
members of Aoba members in the bar lobby.
At the door of the bar, Henry, dressed in a white vest, beach pants, and flip-flops, put his
hands in his pockets, with a random dogtail grass plucked by the road, and looked at
everyone in the bar frivolously, "Yo, So many people, what about meetings? "
"Brother, it's him." Venomous snake stared at Henry and lowered his voice to Leigong's ear.
"The commission we received this time was to solve this kid, and the person from Black
Thunder should have been found by this kid too."
Lei Gong narrowed his eyes and looked behind Henry. When he discovered that Henry was
only coming by himself, he let out a cold hum, "Boy, I don't know who gave you the courage
to let you come alone!"
While Lei Gong spoke, al the more than one hundred green leaf clubs in the hal stared at
Henry with a bad look.
"Who gives me courage?" Henry spit out the dog's tail grass in his mouth. "Of course I am
"Crazy!" Leigong screamed angrily. This feeling of being despised made him extremely
uncomfortable. "Since you sent it yourself, it saves us to go find you again and abolish him!"
As soon as the word "he" in Leigong's mouth fel , he saw that the leopard head rushed
towards the door. Although it was middle-aged, the leopard head's skil was still strong.
The members of the society saw the leopard head and they al stood aside like a play, and no
one shot. In their eyes, it seems that Henry has seen his limbs abolished.
"Boy, I admire your courage, as I was when I was young, but courage is one thing, ability is
another. Today, let me come and give you a class!" Leopard shouted loudly. , Stretched his
hands into claws, grabbed Henry's shoulders.
Henry put his hands in his trouser pockets and stood quietly here, without moving.
When the hand of the leopard's head was less than half a meter away from him, Henry's
mouth widened and he took a step forward.
The next second, the head of the leopard, which was stil menacing, flew out like a
cannonball, hitting several members of the society, and lying down with the people
Looking at it again, the leopard's head had just grabbed Henry's hand, and at this time he
was pulling weakly, and his face was full of panic.
"How ... how is it possible!" Leopard looked at Henry in disbelief. He had been in the society
for more than 20 years. He had fought countless fights and had seen too many fierce
opponents, but he had never felt powerless like now. Just now, he didn't even see how the
young man shot, and he was hit hard.
"You're right." Henry took two steps forward, stepped into the night bar door, and closed
the door with his hands behind his back, while saying, "Courage is one thing, ability is
another. I admire you dare. The courage to shoot me, but your ability, I really dare not
compliment. "
"Take him!" Leigong yelled. Now he is angry and startled. He knows his brother very well. It
is an absolute master, but it is not a combination of the young man in front of him.

Chapter 39
A group of members of the society picked up the guy around them, either the bench or the
wine bottle, and rushed towards Henry.
Henry stood there, watching these rushing members of the society, twisting his neck, and
said to himself: "Well, I haven't done it for a long time, I feel a little unaccustomed."
As he was saying, Henry kicked a member of the society that rushed to him first, and this
member of the society flew out and hit several of his associates.
For a time, the sound of "poo poo" sounded in the bar lobby, which was caused by a fist
hitting the meat.
Both Leigong and Viper's eyes widened at this moment, because they saw that more than a
hundred people under their control could not hurt this young man, but instead they were
overwhelmed by this young man.
Henry's fist is very hard. Almost a punch can make a person fall to the ground and can't get
More than one hundred and fifty people, just over five minutes, al crawled on the ground,
groaning painfully, and looked around. The whole bar hall can stil stand, except for the
three bosses Henry and Aoba, No one else.
At this moment, Lei Gong and others looked at Henry's eyes as if they had seen ghosts.
They had been mixed for decades, and they saw such characters for the first time. Each
person played more than 150 people. Not many people believe it?
Henry waved his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and took a long breath. "It's
been a long time since I've exercised, and it's only when such a person sweats."
As Henry said, he walked towards Leigong. He stepped on the members of the society, and
the people he stepped on did not dare to say anything. Looking at Henry ’s eyes, they were
ful of fear. They had never imagined this. In the world, there will be such a horrible
Henry looked at Leigong, with a smile on his face, "Give you a chance, tell me, who will let
you deal with me, said I can guarantee that I will let you live."
Lei Gong's forehead was covered with sweat. In the face of such a person, Rao was the helm
of his society, and he did not know what to do. His proud manpower and force were not
worth mentioning in front of the other party.
The current Leigong even finds himself funny. He has to deal with such a character.
More than 150 people are now lying on the ground and can't get up.
"I said." The poisonous snake glanced at its eyes, clenched its teeth, staring at Henry.
In the heart of the poisonous snake, he had thought of no less than ten ways. How could this
young man face the moment of death in a moment, but the poisonous snake found that he
had no courage, or It is impossible to say that in the face of absolute strength, those so-cal
ed means are just a joke.
"Don't say it!" Leigong shouted. "We Aoba can stand in Yinzhou for decades, and we are
talking about rules and credibility!"
"Do you know, when I worked before, there was a rule." Henry Xianting walked slowly to
Leigong. "When you encounter the most difficult bones, you must kill them first, and then
see who else is so. Courage, lead! "
Henry suddenly threw a punch, which was almost unclear in Leigong's eyes.
"No movement!"
The locked bar door was kicked again, and a crisp drink sounded in front of the bar door.
Henry didn't even need to look at it to know who was coming. At this moment, Henry didn't
even return his head, directly from Leigong Passing by, he recognized his position in less
than a second, disappeared into the bar lobby at a rapid rate, and walked away from the
back door.
Helen, kicking the bar door and holding a pistol, only saw a figure disappear in front of his
eyes, and he didn't even see the outline clearly.
Helen's beautiful eyes scanned the bar hall coldly. When she saw the person lying on the
floor, her face burst into anger, "Large scale of fighting! Aoba, are you real y lawless!"
Helen took out the intercom and greeted people on the spot, rushing to the night bar.
These members of the society who had a headache when they saw the police, today when
they saw Helen, they all showed a smile and were very kind!
Henry left the night bar from the back door and stretched his hand to scratch his head.
"This tigress can appear at critical times."
Henrycai had just left Han Yerou's WeChat message just after he left the night bar.
"where are you?"
"Police officer at home."
"Come to the police station now, immediately!"
Henry showed a helpless face and walked slowly towards the police station.
By the time Henry arrived at the police station, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.
"How did you ask?" Helen asked the police officer on duty while holding a cup of hot tea.
"No." The policeman shook his head. "They refused to say anything. I suspect they are
related to Hei Lei. They have more than one hundred green leaves. Only Hei Lei dared to go
to the night and fight with them. Aoba News also has the shadow of Black Thunder. "
Helen snorted coldly, "When the surname Zhang comes, you will know!"
Helen's voice just fell, and he heard Henry's voice ringing behind him.
"Police officer, what's the matter?" Henry was wearing his white vest and beach pants,
standing behind Helen.
The police officer who had just made a transcript immediately gave Henry a thumbs up
when he saw Henry. He was the one who broke into the Criminal Investigation Office that
day and saw that scene.
This police officer admires Henry, the ruthless character who can win the police force
"Come with me!" Helen glared at Henry before walking to the criminal investigation office.
Henry glanced at his mouth and shook his head to keep up.
Henry walked into the criminal investigation office and saw Helen's "bang", closing the
office door.
The policeman outside the office heard the sound of the door and showed an ambiguous
"Sergeant, what are you calling me to do?" Henry sat down on the sofa, and lifted Erlang's
"The surnamed Zhang, you don't play tricks on me!" Helen slapped on the coffee table in
front of Henry and snarled. "Isn't the person from Hei Lei looking for you."
"What black thunder?" Henry showed doubts.
"Leave me less garlic! I checked you. You are the son-in-law of the Lin family. I would like to
ask the Black Thunder to act as the Lin family. Shouldn't you have any problems?
You really don't die. The law and order of society is because of you It's difficult to maintain
this kind of scum! "Helen stared at Henry with both eyes.
"I said police officer, don't you just slander me, I don't even know what black thunder!"
Henry said seriously, he real y didn't know what black thunder was.
"Oh!" Helen sneered. "You can blame Aoba, don't you know the underground leading
society in Ning province."
"I don't know." Henry shook his head for sure, wondering, no wonder he hadn't heard any
black thunder, thought it was an international new killer organization, and turned out to be
an underground society.

Chapter 40
Henry's appearance, in Helen's eyes, was obviously that the dead pig was not afraid of
boiling water. She looked at the man in front of him as a hanger, so she didn't get angry.
"The surname is Zhang, I warn you, it is best not to let me catch the handle, otherwise, the
Lin family can't protect you, get out!" Helen pul ed the office door open, her flushed face
flushed and her chest undulated The appearance of the police officer admired Henry again.
Niu Ren, real y Niu Ren.
Henry laughed and took a big step towards the police station.
Henry returned home and hadn't entered the house yet. He smelled a scent of vegetables.
Henry could guess that this must be Milan's craft.
"The dishes are creative and have ideas, that is, Huohou has not mastered enough skil s,
almost experience." Henry murmured to himself while opening the door.
The moment he entered the door, Henry's mouth was smiling, because he saw the woman
in the room. Every time he saw Sylvia, Henry would be happy from the heart.
Every time he met, it was like a young boy's first love and heartbeat. Speeding up, his love
for Sylvia has been carved into the bones from memory over time.
"Come back? Wash your hands and prepare to eat." Sylvia glanced at Henry and greeted
Henry didn't know whether it was because Milan was at home. He could feel that Sylvia's
attitude towards himself was not as bad as before. At the very least, the disgust in her eyes
when she saw herself had disappeared.
"Good." Henry said happily and ran to the bathroom to wash.
What Milan made this time was not an French dinner, but a common home cooking, but this
home cooking became extraordinary in her hands.
Milan saw Henry, and there was a tangle in his eyes. Before that, Milan was thinking about
how to disassemble Henry to expose the true face of this emotional liar. However, after
today ’s affairs, she suddenly discovered that the existence of this person seems to have
helped a lot. Busy, without him today, Lin ’s crisis is not just about losing money.
Milan is thinking, if this man is really good for Sylvia, why should he tear him down?
Now in Milan, my heart is really contradictory.
Today's dinner, three home-cooked dishes, the atmosphere of the meal seems very
harmonious. At the dinner table, Sylvia and Henry didn't talk much. Seeing the expressions
of the two, it seems that they both enjoyed such a time.
Sylvia took a bite of rice and suddenly looked up and asked, "By the way, Henry, are you
doing anything tomorrow?"
Henry shook his head, "No, what's wrong."
"Tomorrow accompany me to visit an elder, the family will go." Sylvia said, when she spoke,
she kept staring at Henry as if expecting something.
"Wel , good." Henry nodded without hesitation.
Sylvia's face showed a satisfied smile.
After dinner, the evening news was broadcast on TV. Sylvia would pay attention to these
almost every night, and Henry would wash Sylvia's feet at this time and do some foot
Milan was sitting on the sofa, watching Henry carefully massage Sylvia there, couldn't help
thinking of the scene that night he wanted to seduce this man, thinking of this, Milan's face
was a little blushed, and the whole person became Tension and embarrassment made him
feel uncomfortable after sitting here for a while.
"I ... I'm going to bed first." Milan covered her red face and hurried upstairs.
"This Girl, what's wrong?" Sylvia asked strangely.
"I don't know." Henry crouched there, shook his head, and massaged Sylvia carefully.
Overnight quietly passed away.
Early the next morning, Henry got up and found that Sylvia was surprisingly up. After
reading the time, it was only six o'clock, which was a ful hour away from Sylvia's usual
wake-up time.
"Mr. Lin, get up so early?" Henry asked quite unexpectedly.
"The elder I visited today is very important, so I got up early to clean up." Sylvia sat on the
sofa. Today she chose a beige dress and painted light makeup. She was already beautiful,
like a radiant beauty, a beautiful face, Impeccable.
"Then I should change my clothes." Henry thought for a moment. The elder Sylvia valued so
much, he could not wear it so casual y, and returned to the house and put on his suit.
When Henry changed his clothes, he thought about it again and took a bag of tea that had
been stuffed into his suitcase. He also remembered what this box of tea was given to him by
the patriarch of the family. In ancient times, it was supplied to the royal family, and it is
now directly acquired by the government. It is used in diplomacy and can be drunk
normally. Those are people with faces and faces al over the world.
Henry, who was wearing a formal dress, appeared in front of Sylvia. Henry, who didn't
usually decorate on weekdays, once put on a formal dress, it seemed that he changed his
personal clothes. Precision measurement.
When Sylvia saw Henry in a formal suit appearing in front of him, he was slightly stunned.
At this moment, it seemed that he had returned to the concert that day. He was sitting in
front of the white piano under the bath light and playing the echo of love.
"Mr. Lin, do you think I am wearing this?" Henry turned a circle in front of Sylvia and
Sylvia has to admit that this person really has an unspeakable charm after he dresses well,
especially his eyes, which look like a vast galaxy, except that this man's teeth grin and
destroy all the artistic conceptions. Too.
"Anything is the same, let's go." Sylvia said angrily.
The two went out early because the elder was not in Yinzhou, but in Luohe.
Luohe is 80 kilometers away from Yinzhou, and the speed limit of the whole road is 70.
It will be more than an hour. Henry saw that Lin asked Han to leave so early, and he knew
the importance of the elder to Sylvia.
Luohe Chengzhuang, in Luohe, it can be said that no one knows, no one knows, an ordinary
manor, because one person has become a place where Ning province's officials and nobles
are rushing.
Cheng Box has three disciples, one sitting in the leading position in Ning province today,
one is the largest commercial giant in Ning province, and one is in charge of the Ning
province military.
It can be said that Cheng Ke covers only three areas of military, commercial, and political
Today, Cheng Box ’s 70th birthday, almost al the powerful and powerful people in Ning
province, are not invited to come. If they can progress the park today, it is also a kind of talk
for them.
On the way between Henry and Sylvia to Luohe, Henry saw many luxury cars passing by on
both sides, heading towards the same destination.

Chapter 41
On a BMW X5 driving from Yinzhou to Luohe, Lin Wei was sitting in the driver's seat. In the
co-pilot, a young man of similar age to Lin Wei.
"Cheng Shao, this time, I'll trouble you." Lin Wei handed a paper bag in kraft paper to the
youth while driving.
The young man took the file bag, opened it, looked at it, and lit a cigarette for himself.
"Lin's 5% share, Lin Shao, is this your handwriting this time?"
"Cheng Shao, this is just a deposit. If this time it is really going to be done, there will be
another half. Someone in Lin will take it with his hands." Lin Wei was relieved when Cheng
Shao accepted the kraft paper bag.
"Relax, I like to do business with greedy people like you." Paul Cheng's eyes are full of
greed. As Harry's grandson, Paul Cheng has a strong network of contacts, but in terms of
money, he is still less wealthy There are many second generations, because Cheng Fang
once set rules, Cheng family, no business or political in the third generation.
Harry’s rules have made many Cheng’s family members fail to understand. He clearly has a
lot of network resources, why not go to business and politics. They are sure that the use of
Cheng frame ’s network will definitely al ow him to be successful in politics and business.
Divided into water.
However, only the discerning person knows that Cheng Fang set this rule because he was
afraid that his three disciples had already taken over the military, political, and commercial
circles of Ning Province. If his family would dare to do business again, then wait for Cheng
’s It is a ruinous ending.
In front of the Cheng Family Manor, a young man in casual clothes stood here quietly.
In a place where everyone had to wear formal attire to visit, a casual suit was enough to
show the identity of this young man. He was the son of Cheng frame's disciple, One week in
Ning, his father, Ning Province, holds the military power of Ning province and has a high
"Mr. Ning, who are you waiting for?" A woman with good looks walked to Ning al around
and asked softly, speaking quietly.
"Sylvia." Ning spit out three words a week. In his words, he revealed strong self-confidence.
His eyes did not look at the woman beside him.
When the woman heard Sylvia's name, her eyes suddenly dimmed. Although she
maintained a good family background and looked good, she was still incomparable to
Sylvia. On the family history, Sylvia was Robert Lin's granddaughter. There is self-
Ning laid his hands on his back for a week, motionless, and looked into the distance.
A fiery red Mercedes-Benz GT came from a distance, and gradually entered Ning's sight for
a week. After seeing this Mercedes-Benz for a week, Ning's mouth woke up with a smile.
The vehicle stopped, the door opened, and someone was on the car. Walked down. The
woman painted light makeup, and her facial features were delicate to impeccable. The
scenery of the world laid a picture scrol for her, and the beige dress was integrated with
the picture scroll, making people obsessed.
The woman's long black hair coiled up behind her head, with a silver-white hairpin, like a
star-shaped hairpin, dotted in this picture.
Ning Zhou had a fascination in his eyes. As he was about to step forward to meet, he found
that the woman he was waiting for, and a strange man, came down from the same car, and
she was also holding the man's arm.
Ning's complexion changed sharply for a week, and after a few seconds he calmed down
again, striding towards Sylvia.
"Sylvia, you are finally here. I'll be waiting for you for a long time here." Ning urged Sylvia a
week, and then looked at Henry, and looked carefully. "This is?"
"My husband." Sylvia held Henry's arm and smiled.
Ning Zhou groaned in his heart. At this moment, he felt as if something important was
taken away. Ning Zhou looked at Henry. The latter's excellent temperament and his decent
suit al left Ning Zhou a week. Law contempt.
When I was thinking about Henry's major and younger for a week, a dissonant voice
"Husband and son-in-law, that's two different things. Mr. Ning, this one is our son-in-law of
the Lin family." Richard and Paul Cheng walked from the side.
"Brother Ning, it's been a long time." Paul Cheng greeted Ning for a week.
"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time. I must drink two more glasses today." Ning
responded politely to Xia Guang during the week, so he couldn't wait to ask Lin Wei,
"Brother Wang, you said this is the door of your Lin family son in law?"
"Natural y, a poor ghost climbed the big tree of our Lin family." Richard sneered with his
arms around his chest.
Today, in this Cheng Family manor, he was not afraid of Henry, and even Richard was a bit
expecting Henry to start his own hands, because he knew very well that once the deflated
three could n’t help but live with Cheng Jia, then he would be over.
Henry glanced lightly at Richard, and did not speak. In his eyes, Richard was like a clown. If
he wanted to, he just nodded, and Richard would die without burial.
As for whether or not to do anything in the Cheng family, Henry didn't even consider it.
In this world, no one can control him, and no one dares to control him.
Richard saw Henry said nothing, and thought Henry was afraid, he laughed twice, "If you
are surnamed Zhang, if you know you, you will get away. This is the Cheng family's party,
but it's not like you are deflated The place!"
"You can't say that." Another voice rang, Chaning in a formal suit pacing, "Since Henry came
to our Lin family, that is our Lin family. Where is our Lin family, let him go Reason? "
Chaning spoke, facing Henry everywhere, but there were strange things everywhere.
Sylvia looked at Chaning in surprise, wondering what medicine he sold in the gourd.
Richard turned unhappy, "I said Chaning, do you have a problem with your brain, help an
outsider speak?"
"Oh, Henry is my brother-in-law, how can he be an outsider?" Chaning asked back.
When Richard was about to speak, Paul Cheng was interrupted.
"Okay, this is your Lin family's business, I'm not interested in listening more. You have to
say, just close the door and say slowly, this is my Cheng family's banquet, not where your
Lin family talks!" Guang Leng snorted.
Paul Chengyi opened his mouth, neither Richard nor Chaning.
"Brother Ning, I haven't seen you for a long time. Going into the house to tell the old?"
Paul Cheng gestured to Ning for a week.
Ning nodded a week, looked at Henry deeply, and stepped away.
Ning Ning and Paul Cheng both left. Richard seemed to have lost his confidence. He dared
not yell at Henry and walked away quickly.
Chaning made a good smile to Henry and left.
From the beginning to the end, Henry said nothing, even if he was just the point of
controversy, as if he had nothing to do with himself. He came here only because of Sylvia.
Without Sylvia's relationship, these people even qualified to speak to him.

Chapter 42
The old man Harry's birthday, this can be said to be a major event in Ning province.
Henry noticed that the Lin family and the Cheng family seem to have a good relationship.
He saw that the three aunts of Sylvia were having an intimate conversation with the
women of the Cheng family. With.
When Sylvia's aunt saw Henry, she couldn't wait to strip him away.
Around Sylvia, from time to time someone will come to take the initiative to talk, mostly
talking about some business matters.
Henry stood aside, like a stake, and did not talk to others.
Gradually, as the time approached noon, Henry discovered that there were fewer and fewer
people in this Cheng Family manor, he understood that those who were not qualified, came
to send the gift, remembered a name and left, and real y qualified to go The table will stay
As for the owner of the Cheng family, the old man Harry never appeared.
With fewer and fewer people, the factions are more and more obvious, and the relationship
is good. They al stand together in groups of three or five. For example, Richard, together
with Paul Cheng, Chaning also has his circle of friends. There is Sylvia. There is no one
besides those who come to discuss some business cooperation.
Henry looked at the woman next to her. She seemed so lonely, but she was a good way to
protect herself.
The sun moved slowly along the west, and the weather gradual y became hotter. When the
time reached 11:30, the people in this manor were already very poor.
"The old man is here!"
I do n’t know who shouted first, and everyone in the manor looked at the main house in the
center of the manor.
An old man in a Chinese costume, gray hair, and a handsome figure, walked slowly into the
main house.
"Everyone, the old man is here, let's go to the banquet." A middle-aged woman of the Cheng
family said aloud.
The people who were stil talking were al rushing towards the main house. Although they
didn't run, they walked quickly. They wanted to be the first to appear in front of Master
Cheng, leaving a good impression on Master Cheng.
"Let's go in too?" Henry looked at Sylvia and asked.
"Wait for the individual." Sylvia stood on the spot, seeming not to worry at al .
Seeing that all the people in the manor entered the main house, a pink electric car slowly
drove from the door of the manor. Compared with the luxury cars in the courtyard, this
electric car seemed out of place.
The moment Henry saw the driver of this electric car, there was a kind of intimacy, nothing
else, just because the other party was dressed exactly like himself, white vest, beach pants,
flip flops.
The Sao Fan electric car stopped slowly. The young man riding the bike carefully parked
the car. Then he waved and greeted Sylvia.
"Hello! Is this your man?" The young man spoke straight, not as politely as the rest of the
people showed.
Sylvia nodded, "My husband."
"Fat trough, are you al married?" The young man showed a look of surprise, and then gave
thumbs up to Henry, "Buddy, Niu, you got the president of Bingshan! Do you know who
chased her? Almost there is a strengthening company? "
Henry smiled for a while. The young man gave him a good feeling. What did he say? He
looked at the young man deliberately. The other party's hair was very long and messy.
The front curtain covered his eyebrows without modification. But if you look closely, you
will find that this is a very handsome man, with fair skin and delicate facial features, even
those popular small fresh meat can't compare with him in face value.
"Let's go, you're here, and we should go in." Sylvia turned around and walked towards the
main house, his long skirt fluttering, "Peter Cheng, you are the grandson of the Cheng
family. No wonder, you will be bullied. "
"Cut!" The young man glanced at his mouth disdainfully. "They love what, it's none of my
business. I'm here today, I just want to get back what should belong to me, Sylvia, you really
don't regret standing with me a team?"
Sylvia didn't speak, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and walked into the main
house. The yellow back was like a fairy.
The main house has been arranged into a banquet hal . Looking at it, one hundred square
meters, four tables, sitting on the main seat of the banquet table in the easternmost place, is
Mr. Cheng Frame Cheng.
Sitting on either side of Cheng Box are his three proud disciples, and the people on the
other tables are either rich or expensive. Being able to attend Cheng Box's birthday feast is
a symbol of identity.
Henry glanced around and discovered quite unexpectedly that the Lin family alone sat on a
table alone.
Nelson Lin, as well as Sylvia ’s three aunts, their children, were seated at the table.
"Sylvia, Henry, come sit!" Nelson Lin waved loudly at the sight of Henry and they did not
appear to be cautious at al . They were the guests on the rest of the table. No one dared to
speak like Nelson Lin. The relationship with the Cheng family.
Regarding this program frame, five minutes after Henry entered the Cheng Family Manor,
Henry's mobile phone received all the messages from Cheng frame, and also understood
the purpose of Sylvia's visit this time, or the purpose of the Lin family.
The Cheng family and the Lin family are also considered to be world friends. Although
Robert Lin cannot be compared with Harry in terms of status, in terms of connections, it is
not that much worse than Harry.
In the Cheng family, there is a rule that does not allow the Cheng family to touch politics or
business, but every five years, Cheng will select the best juniors in his family, learn under
his disciples, and do business, politics, and military, as they choose. .
This is the best opportunity for the descendants of the Cheng family. It is also the only
opportunity. Once it can be selected by the Cheng box, it represents its future in the future.
Harry ’s method of selecting people is also very interesting, that is, watching gifts. Harry
once said that in this world, some things are not precious, only because the right people
like them, they become baby. Harry once explicitly stated that, At his birthday feast,
whoever can present the most precious birthday present can be chosen by him. No matter
whether you borrow or buy it, as long as it is brought by legal means, he will not ask the
This rule has been around for many years. Every time, Cheng Box just looked at these
precious birthday rituals, and he would not accept them. His words are, "You can prove it
by your social means and relationships. . "
Today's birthday banquet is another five years, and the juniors of the Cheng family are al
Henry looked at the table with Lin's family freely, ignoring the hostile eyes of Aunt Sylvia
and Second Aunt, picked up chopsticks, and put a pot sticker for Sylvia.
When Henry spoke, his voice was very soft and his eyes were gentle.

Chapter 43
Sylvia heard Henry's concern, and subconsciously nodded.
"Fuck, Xiu'en loves death!" Peter Cheng sat next to Henry and stretched his hand to
embrace Henry's shoulder. "Dude, let's have two drinks? Tell me more about how you
handle Sylvia What do you usual y do with family education? Let me tel you, do n’t look at
what your wife is. The iceberg female president, a man, you have to have a status at home,
you should fight or fight! "
Henry looked at Sylvia with a strange look. It happened that Sylvia also looked at Henry
when he heard this. When Henry saw the coldness in Sylvia's eyes, he laughed.
Sylvia gave Henry a fierce glance, that seemed to be saying, you try one!
"Hey!" Peter Cheng sighed and patted Henry's shoulder, "Brother, it seems that your family
status is not good."
After Peter Cheng finished, he poured himself a glass of wine for himself, and drank it with
his head up. Before the glass could be put down, he heard a strange yin-yang sound beside
"Oh, it's our eldest grandson of the Cheng family. Why didn't we go home and don't know to
visit our elders first?"
Henry sat next to Peter Cheng and glanced with Yu Guang. He was talking about a middle-
aged woman wearing pearlescent jewels with heavy makeup on her face and a dazzling
pearl necklace around her neck.
Peter Cheng turned his head and narrowed his eyes to look at the middle-aged woman,
"Second Aunt, how do you know that I didn't visit the elders when I came back?"
"Peter Cheng, what do you mean!" The middle-aged woman's face suddenly became
difficult to see. She heard something in Peter Cheng's words, that means, she is not his
"It doesn't mean anything." Peter Cheng shook his head. "Eat, eat."
The middle-aged woman snorted and turned away.
In the dining room, the people seated in this main house frequently walked to Master
Cheng and toasted. Everyone prepared a unique congratulation.
At the table where Henry was, the people of the Lin family did not toast with the big crowd,
but ate on their own. Only Nelson Lin, representing Robert Lin, walked toward Master
Cheng with a wine glass.
Nelson Lin just got up and left, and Richard, who had been silent, began to speak,
"Some people, friends don't know to be cautious, don't make our Lin family tired."
When Richard spoke, his eyes were always on Henry, Sylvia, and Peter Cheng, glancing
back and forth, the meaning was obvious.
"That's not the case. Everyone has a different personality and a different circle of friends.
Some people don't need to be in this yin and yang. You say yes, brother-in-law." Chaning
smiled at Henry. In this smile, he was somewhat kind the taste of.
As soon as Chaning came out, everyone on the table looked at him with a puzzled face, not
understanding why Chaning suddenly made such a big attitude change to Henry.
Richard snorted, "What's the matter! What a!
"Hehe." Chaning sat smiling and did not say anything.
Richard was sitting on the table, feeling a little unhappy, but his face was smug, because he
knew that from today on, everyone on this table must look forward to his own horse,
including what Sylvia, after today, he wanted to The first thing to do is to drive her out of
Lin's house, and Chaning, dare to fight against me, and you have nothing to eat!
"Xiaowei, what's going on?" Richard's mother whispered to her son.
Richard made a ok gesture and replied in a low voice: "It's all arranged. This time, Cheng
Shao and I specifical y found a forty-year-old wild ginseng."
"Good!" Richard's mother nodded vigorously. She was very clear about what a forty-year-
old wild ginseng represented, not only expensive, but also priceless and non-marketable.
General y, this kind of nutrients is used Special offer.
The banquet proceeded, and the toasted people sat back in their seats. They knew that the
highlight of the birthday party was about to begin.
Master Cheng's 70th birthday, his hair is already gray, no one knows how many years old,
the person selected today is likely to be the future pil ar of the Cheng family, at the helm!
The Cheng family has three grandchildren.
The grandson Peter Cheng, the second grandson Paul Cheng and the third grandson Simon
Among the three, Paul Cheng and Simon Cheng are the most favored by everyone. As for
Peter Cheng, nobody cares.
Everyone knows that Cheng ’s parents and grandchildren are not thinking about it at all.
After everyone had finished toasting, Paul Cheng was the first to stand up under the
encouragement of his mother.
"Grandpa, I wish you old and strong, refreshed, and wish you seventy years of life,
grandson special y found a mountain ginseng." Paul Cheng held a delicate sandalwood box,
the wooden box exudes a faint fragrance.
When Paul Cheng opened his mouth, everyone's eyes focused on him throughout the main
Richard sat there and put down his chopsticks, looking towards this side.
Cheng Fang, who was wearing a Tang suit, did not speak for the first time. He first glanced
at Peter Cheng, who was sitting at the table of the Lin family, before turning his eyes to Paul
Seeing this scene, Paul Cheng was stealing happiness in his heart. You, Peter Cheng, as the
eldest grandson, did not have the first birthday birth day. Now it is my turn to see where
your face is!
Paul Cheng put the wooden box in his hand in front of Cheng Box. Cheng Box's expression
was expressionless, and he stretched out the old wrinkled skin and opened the wooden
At the moment when the wooden box was opened, there was a sound of cold air sucking in
the room.
"Thirty-five years of mountain ginseng! At least thirty-five years!" A merchant who knew
the goods could not help shouting.
"Boss Wang, you are specializing in this area. Is there anything to say?" One wondered if he
did not understand mountain ginseng.
Boss Wang nodded and explained to everyone: "There are many types of ginseng, and the
rarest one is this wild ginseng. Unlike the artificially cultivated ginseng, the wild ginseng
has a very high survival rate. Low, endangered, and this kind of ginseng can only be found
in the virgin forest. It is general y rare to get more than fifteen years.
Twenty years are rare, thirty years, no market, thirty-five years I ca n’t believe it’s not
money that can be bought! "
When boss Wang looked at this mountain ginseng, he was obsessed with it.
Everyone heard Boss Wang say this, and suddenly learned the preciousness of this
mountain ginseng. If so, the 35-year-old wild ginseng could not be bought with money. I do
n’t know how many people there are. Stare at it! There are so many rich people in China,
and none of them are not afraid of death. Who does n’t want to make more of these
"Okay." Master Cheng nodded and said only one word.
This word made Paul Cheng ecstatic, and his mother's eyes also showed a festive look, and
then stared at Peter Cheng fiercely. She was the one who just spoke and ridiculed Peter
At this time, Richard couldn't help but grinned, and had heard it earlier. The old man Harry,
who was not serious, could say a good word, which means he was extremely satisfied.

Chapter 44
Now, in Richard ’s mind, he is already thinking about how to punish Chaning, who is
disrespectful to himself, and Sylvia. When he returns this time, with his relationship with
Paul Cheng, Lin must be in his pocket. As for the surname Zhang, he will definitely kill him!
Paul Cheng gave away the gift box and retreated with a smile.
"Grandpa, your grandson wishes you prosperity in the sun and the moon, Changchun in
Songhe, happiness in the East China Sea, and Nanshan in Shoubi!" Simon Cheng stood up.
He is the youngest son of Cheng's family. The childishness of the face.
Simon Cheng did not come up with any particularly expensive gifts, but sent out a string of
sandalwood bracelets.
"Grandpa, grandson studying in Duhai, and met Mr. Hou Qi Lao by chance, and worship him
as a teacher. This is Mr. Hou Qi Lao personal y polished and asked me to bring you."
"Mr. Hou Qi!"
"It turned out to be Mr. Hou as a teacher!"
The people in the house heard the name and were upset.
Hou Qi is a well-known antique expert in China. He is an honorary professor in seven well-
known universities in China. His disciples are countless.
For those who play antiques, which one is not a rich man, and who does not want to invite
Master Hou Qi to become a student of Hou Qi, what is the concept? Even if it is an ordinary
person without power and power, he will fly directly to the branch to become a phoenix!
Paul Cheng, who was still smiling, dug Simon Cheng with a hazy look.
The onlookers couldn't help but secretly give thumbs to Simon Cheng. He was young,
looking at the immature, but the means were superb. Is it such a simple matter to visit
Master Qi as a teacher?
"Good." Master Cheng nodded, took the bracelet and put it on his wrist, "I haven't seen Mr.
Hou Qi for many years. You can contact us and see if you have time. Get together. "
"Okay, Grandpa." Simon Cheng nodded and stepped aside.
The three descendants of the Cheng family, two of them presented their gifts, one took out
the wild ginseng that was not available to the rich, and the other raised the name of Hou Qi,
and sent the sandalwood bracelet that Hou Qi personally polished. The things sent by these
two people represent a certain social status. They can do this at a young age. Although they
are the Cheng family, they are still inseparable from their own abilities.
At this time, many people were wondering who Harry would choose. Most people still
guessed Paul Cheng. Even at this moment, some people cast a smile to Paul Cheng.
"Yo! Both grandchildren and grandchildren wish the grandfather a long life. How about our
grandson, Cheng, who didn't see him at his table?" Paul Cheng's mother's yin and yang
sound sounded, and she pretended to glance around the main house.
"Hehe." Peter Cheng's laughter sounded, and he stood up and said loudly, "Meet an old
friend, sit down and chat, see you guys show off there, you won't blend in, grandpa, happy
birthday, to you, I'l do it first. "
After talking, Peter Cheng picked up the wine glass, lifted his head to get rid of it, and sat
down neatly. No one else picked up the chopsticks and sandwiched the food on the table.
Sylvia smiled bitterly, what kind of person Peter Cheng was, she knew too well, she got up,
lifted a small wooden box, and walked towards the table of Master Cheng.
Sitting at the side table, Ning Zhou looked at Sylvia fiercely, without concealing the love in
his eyes.
"Senior Cheng, good health, long life, a small gift, no respect." Sylvia placed the small
wooden box in front of Senior Cheng.
Grandpa Cheng laughed loudly, this is the first time he smiled like this at the banquet today,
"How is your grandpa in his recent health?"
"Thanks for the blessing of the old man, my grandfather has been in good spirits recently,
and he still misses you a lot. If he is not physically embarrassed and unable to travel far, he
will definitely come to celebrate your birthday for you personally today." .
"This old boy, you tell him, before I die, he can't die." Mr. Cheng took the wooden box very
cherished. He looked at the Lin's table and praised, "Your Lin family, there are a few of you ,
It's not bad. "
Sylvia smiled and walked back to the Lin's table. When she came back, she saw Henry and
Peter Cheng talking back and forth.
There was a frustration in Sylvia's eyes. After this month of getting along, Sylvia thoroughly
understood Henry's uncharacteristic personality. He and Peter Cheng really could talk
about it.
"Brother, I like your character, come and drink one." Henry picked up the glass and said
"Drink, don't lie on the table." Peter Cheng took the wine glass and Henry clinking his
glasses, and swallowed it.
"By brother, you just said, go home and get your own things back? I heard that your
grandfather will choose one of you to come out and carry the beam today!" Henry raised
his eyebrows and whispered. Sylvia can't hear it.
Lin invited Han to sit beside him, and could only hear the two whispering there.
"Good." Peter Cheng put down the glass. "You are Sylvia's husband. Presumably she told
you that my father was pushed out of the house by his grandfather. He hasn't been able to
go home so far. What I want to do today is to let my father come back. ! "
"What do you want to do?" Henry wondered, and he could also see that this Cheng family is
exactly what Mr. Cheng said. Everyone must look at Mr. Cheng's face and act.
When Mr. Cheng personally pushed out the house, why not Can you come back easily?
"Do you want to hear it?" Peter Cheng poured himself a glass of wine again, and a strange
smile was drawn from the corner of his mouth.
"Kill Paul Cheng and Simon Cheng." Peter Cheng said with a smile on the corner of his
mouth while eating food.
Henry stunned for a while and then laughed again. Peter Cheng was real y a kind of person
with himself. His thoughts might seem crazy to others, looking for death, but to Henry, this
It is the easiest and most trouble-free method.
Grandpa Cheng did not al ow the Cheng family to go into business, politics, or the army.
This shows that he cares a lot about his family. He is afraid that there will be a little
crossing the border. Eventually, the entire Cheng family will be wiped out.
The three descendants of the Cheng family are now grown-ups. If two of them die, the
Cheng family will pass a single pass. Even if Grandpa Cheng knows that it is Peter
Chengqian, with the degree of importance that Grandpa Cheng attaches to his family, he
will not punish him too harshly At that time, Peter Cheng wanted to do whatever he
wanted, not only to achieve his goal, to eliminate his competitors, but also to stand up in
the Cheng family, and his future position could not be shaken.
Henry thought for a while and then asked: "Peter Cheng, if you want to become the helm of
the Cheng family, what benefit can my wife get?"
Peter Cheng shook his head and said: "I don't need to be the helm of the Cheng family.
As long as they are dead, Sylvia will naturally benefit. Richard contacted Paul Cheng in
private and sent Paul Chenglin's 5% share, that is Wang All the assets in Wei ’s hands, what
he conspired to know, everyone knows. "
"It turns out this way." Henry nodded. He really didn't care about these problems. A Lin
group, put it in the eyes of ordinary people, it was a behemoth, but in Henry's eyes, it was
Regardless of whether Henry, the asset of the Lin Group, can take a fancy, he absolutely
does not allow anyone to bully his wife.

Chapter 45
"Brother, don't kill, I can help you get this quota." Henry patted Peter Cheng's shoulder
with his backhand.
"You?" Peter Cheng looked at Henry.
Unlike the rest of the Cheng family, Peter Cheng did not live under the elder Fuze all the
time. He followed his father, traveled south and north, and worked hard. He could easily
say that he killed his two brothers, which proved his Insights and experiences.
Peter Cheng found that he could not see the man in front of him. He was as hip-faced as he
was, but Peter Cheng promised that he was more ruthless than himself. When he just said
that he would kill two brothers, everyone, even if it was Those killing drug lords will also
show accidents, and then they will praise or say something else.
But this man said nothing!
There are only two possibilities. Either he is kidding himself, or he is accustomed to such
Peter Cheng looked at Henry, and Henry was also looking at Peter Cheng. At this moment,
Peter Cheng was surprised to find that he felt fear in his heart.
Who is he?
Peter Cheng asked himself in his heart, just a few seconds, he had a feeling that he could not
"How about brothers, I will help you take this place, the helm of the Cheng family in the
future." Henry said again.
It was not until Henry spoke that Peter Cheng felt that he was suppressing himself, making
his breath difficult to breathe, which made him relieved.
"Why help me?" Peter Cheng puzzled.
"For my wife." Henry bluntly stated his purpose. "After you take over the Cheng family, you
must make it clear that you are standing on the same line with my wife. If someone
threatening my wife appears, I want you to kiss. Do your best to eradicate. "
Peter Cheng bowed his head and said nothing, meditating.
"Think about it. If you come according to your own method, it is nothing more than
gambling. If you win, you will win and lose. You should know better than me in the end,
how?" Henry picked up the bottle and made the trip. Qing poured the wine, and then picked
up another glass of wine, waiting for Peter Cheng to answer.
Peter Cheng was silent for ten seconds. Ten seconds later, he looked up, picked up the wine
glass on the table, and col ided with the wine glass in Henry's hand.
The wine glass made a clear sound.
"Happy cooperation." Peter Cheng smiled at Henry.
"Of course." Henry looked up and drank the wine.
Richard's mother sat on the table with her arms around her chest, her face full of
"I said Sylvia, you are also representing the Lin family anyway, so just give something to
Grandpa Cheng?"
Richard also sneered, "That is, it really humiliated our Lin family members. I think you,
President Lin, don't be fooled. You can't be on a table!"
A crunch was the sound of the glass falling to the ground and smashing.
Henrykong set out to look at Richard. Richard, who was still a bit aggressive, was too
scared to speak.
Chaning on the side saw this scene and chuckled secretly.
Henry stood up and glanced at Richard displeasedly, "Who said that the items we sent were
poor, widen your dog's eyes and watch them!"
In the main house, the table where Mr. Cheng was sitting was whispering, and the three
disciples of Mr. Cheng also expressed their opinions. Regarding the interpersonal
relationship that Paul Cheng and Simon Cheng just showed, see which of them is more
suitable. In charge of the Cheng family in the future.
As for Peter Cheng, they were directly ignored by the three.
"I think Paul Cheng ’s kid is good. Teacher, this wild ginseng. I have heard a little bit about
it. Forty years ago, there are so many people who want to start, but it was taken by Paul
Cheng. To say how many contacts it requires is the mental effort it consumes, which is also
huge. We cannot just look at our ability and forget the word of filial piety. "
It was Xiao Sheng, the leading official in Ning province, who was speaking.
"I think Simon Cheng is a child," Ning Province, the military leader of Ning Province, said.
"The entire China, there are very few who can be accepted as disciples by Mr.
Hou Qilao. It's hard to reach at all. Simon Cheng's child is talented and willing to work hard,
which is very good. "
"What about you? What do you think?" Master Cheng didn't say anything, but asked himself
another disciple, Du Hua, a Ning province business giant.
Du Hua is a middle-aged man who looks very stable. He looks average. He smiles bitterly,
"Teacher, the choice of these two children will only be military or political. It is impossible
to come to me."
Du Hua is telling the truth, businessmen Zaifu, in front of power, is also a blank piece of
"It's good to express your opinion." Mrs. Cheng took up the teacup and took two breaths,
taking a sip.
"I think Paul Cheng should be better, this child has the intention and understands
moderation." Du Hua said.
Master Cheng nodded and took a deep breath.
"Teacher, did you decide?" Ning Province asked.
"Huh." Master Cheng answered.
Although they whispered and did not speak very loudly, but anyone here did not know
what they were talking about. Now, looking at Master Cheng, it is obvious that they have
to express their position, which makes everyone nervous, just talking. Many of them have
already made a team.
Paul Cheng and Simon Cheng were sitting at a table, and both of them were sweating with
their tense palms at this time. Grandpa Cheng's next decision would affect their lives.
Under the gaze of many people, Master Cheng's eyes gradually moved to Simon Cheng. At
this moment, Simon Cheng's heartbeat was accelerating, and his eyes showed joy.
But Grandpa Cheng sighed, but it caused Simon Cheng to fly out of a heart and fel .
Grandpa Cheng's gaze finally turned to Paul Cheng.
"It's done! It's done!" On the table of the Lin family, Richard groaned a little hoarsely. In this
roar, there was a kind of relief that was about to break through the bondage.
Richard's mother's face also showed a proud look, and said unkindly: "Sylvia, our previous
account, it is well calculated today."
It was Chaning, an indifferent look.
Peter Cheng looked at the table on the east side with a puzzled face. Henryzheng walked
slowly. He wanted to know if there was any way for this person to be selected today.
Paul Cheng is ful of excitement because he knows that starting today, his fate will be
completely changed. In this province of Ning province, his name will be remembered by al
upper-level people!
"Xiao Guang." Harry said, his voice was old, with a kind of majesty.
"Grandpa." Paul Cheng quickly got up and lowered his head.
"Sit down." Cheng Fang made a gesture of depression. After Paul Cheng sat down, he
continued, "Xiao Guang, I discussed with your three uncles. At our Cheng family, you are
more talented. One, your younger brother is stil young and still in school, not suitable for
going out and about, but you should be the time to start a family. "
Harry said at this time, basically everyone understands the result of this selection, Paul
Cheng, will become the helm of the Cheng family for decades to come!

Chapter 46
At this time, Paul Cheng's heart beat fiercely, Paul Cheng's mother, already trembling with
excitement, from today, her status in the Cheng family will also be under one person and
above ten thousand people.
Simon Cheng's eyes were bleak and his eyes were blank.
As a partner of Paul Cheng, Richard is also ecstatic now. With the help of Paul Cheng, the
plan behind him will be very easy to implement, Lin Group, but nothing in the bag!
Grandpa Cheng eased his breath and continued: "Xiao Guang, I think, you will be out of
school during this time ..."
As soon as Mr. Cheng talked about the key points, he was interrupted by an accident. A
slap-sized transparent plastic bag was thrown across the table on the table in front of Mr.
This scene shocked everyone present. Who was so bold and dared to throw things in front
of Master Cheng.
Father Cheng's three disciples looked at the thrower.
"Hurry up, give you a birthday gift." Henry slurped at the plastic bag.
At this moment, almost everyone in the main house looked at Henry with his eyes wide
open. His eyes were unbelievable. Who is this person is too bold!
"I said Sylvia, this surnamed Zhang, you don't care, just look at what he does!"
Richard's mother patted the table and reprimanded. Although her words were
reprimanded, she was delighted in her eyes, surnamed Zhang Yeah, you ’re really stupid!
"Junior, you are too ignorant?" Ning Province looked at Henry with a disgruntled face.
"Are you from the Lin family?"
"Sylvia is my wife, Peter Cheng is my brother, this bag of tea was prepared by my wife and
Peter Cheng for you, accept it." Henry pointed to the tea on the table, and in his tone of
speech, there was a kind of Command feeling.
"Joke, what do you think you are, my grandfather said to accept it?" Paul Chengbu walked
over and grabbed the transparent plastic bag on the table.
Ning sat on the side of the week, watching here like a movie, a glimmer of haze flashed in
his eyes, and a sneer hung from the corner of his mouth.
"If you don't know the number of gifts, if it's not for your relationship with the Lin family,
today you have a good feeling, take your things and roll!" Paul Cheng grabbed the
transparent plastic bag in his hand and prepared to smash Henry's face go with.
"Slow down!" Mr. Cheng, who had been talking quietly, suddenly exclaimed at this moment.
His eyes appeared muddy, staring at the transparent bag.
To be precise, Mr. Cheng is staring at the tea in the bag.
That bag of tea is not much, but it is distinct and the same size.
Each tea leaf is a long one centimeter long and half a centimeter long strip. On this tea leaf,
there are countless lines, like the meridians of the human body, which are messy but attract
people's attention.
Master Cheng careful y looked at the bag of tea, and suddenly, his eyes widened, and his
voice didn't consciously increase several pitches.
"This is ... Jingua Gong tea root!"
The words of Grandpa Cheng made the three disciples beside him scream together with
unbelievable eyes.
Gourd tea root!
Gourd tea! What is golden gourd tea, in the eyes of ordinary people, may only think that
this tea is expensive, after al , it once broke the sky high price of one hundred and thirty-
five thousand yuan in the news, that was more than ten years ago.
Long ago, this tea was specially supplied to the court. Later, as a second-class cultural relic
of China, it was kept in the Forbidden City and was sent back to Nan province in 2007. At
that time, the amount of insurance for this tea reached one. Ten thousand nine hundred
and ninety-nine thousand, showing its precious.
This tea is compressed and looks like a pumpkin. At the center of this tea, it is called tea
The root of Jingua Gong tea is not available now if it is rich, even if it costs 100 million yuan
and one gram, it is impossible!
Because this tea is not sold at all.
Cheng Box heard friends say earlier that every time a country has a major diplomacy, it will
take out a little bit of gourd tea roots and match them with gourd tea to entertain foreign
What can be entertained by this tea is not the foreign minister of any country, or even the
country leader!
And now, in the palm-sized bag of an adult, al of them are golden gourd tea roots!
"This ... where are you from?" Cheng Fang shook his hands and took the bag of Jingua Gong
tea roots from Paul Cheng's hands. He knew too much what this meant.
Henry didn't answer, but just stared at Harry. With such a look, Cheng Sheng was so
terrified that he suddenly realized that he asked a lot more, since the other party can take
out the Jingua Gong tea root, where did this tea come from? , Is he qualified to ask.
Cheng Box trembling his hands and just wanted to return the tea bag to Henry, listened to
Henry's voice.
"Take the gift, don't refuse it, don't you Cheng family have any test?"
"Yes, test, test." Harry nodded again and again.
The head of the Cheng family, a person who only covers the sky in Ning province, is now
trembling in his heart. If those present here know Harry ’s thoughts, he will be shocked.
Although the people present did not know what Master Cheng was thinking, he could see
that Master Cheng cared very much about what the young man had brought out, and that
should be something precious.
They looked at Henry, and then at the Lin's table. Some people guessed that this young man
should be a gift from Peter Cheng. Peter Cheng seemed to be out of bounds, but how could
he really give up this huge Cheng family industry?
Henry left Master Cheng a smile and turned to leave.
Mr. Cheng was shocked. The young man who took out the roots of Jingua Gong tea was
Sylvia ’s husband and Lin family. When did he climb such a big tree!
The Cheng family and the Lin family are friends, and the old man always believed that his
own strength and status must exceed that of the Lin family, but now, he does n’t think so
because of the existence of this young man, he knows that Home, in front of the current Lin
family, fart is not counted.
What is the identity of a person who can take out such a package of gourd tea roots?
Father Cheng didn't even dare to guess!
"That Xiaoguang, you sit down first." Master Cheng waved to Paul Cheng, beckoning him
not to stand.
There was a sigh in Paul Cheng's heart, and there was a bad hunch, "Grandpa, you ..."
"Sit down first." Master Cheng said again, and then he no longer looked at Paul Cheng, but
looked at the Lin's table and put it on Peter Cheng's body. "Qing'er, you rarely come back
once, why can't you just sit down?" Are you still angry with Grandpa? "
"The grandson doesn't dare." Peter Cheng drank a glass of wine and drank it without
showing any respect.
"Hey." Master Cheng sighed, "At that time, I had a lot of misunderstandings between you
and your father. His child, stubborn temper, did not say that he was away from home, but
also bitter you mother and daughter, so many years have passed Put the old bones into the
soil too, even if there is any misunderstanding, it should be solved, you can help grandpa
bring a sentence, let your stubborn dad, go home quickly, he is the eldest son after al , this
Cheng family , You have to give it to him ... "

Chapter 47
Grandpa Cheng's sighing sound set off an uproar throughout the main house.
what's the situation! How could Mr. Cheng suddenly say such a word! Is it because of what
the youth just sent? What did Peter Cheng let him send?
At this moment, Paul Cheng's whole person stood there dull, as if struck by a thunder,
Richard's eyes widened and he stared angrily at Sylvia, "Sylvia! What did you do with your
Sylvia looked at Peter Cheng with doubtful eyes, and Peter Cheng smiled bitterly, "Don't
look at me, I don't know what your husband sent you."
At that time, the Cheng family abandoned the child, and it was caused by storms in the city.
Almost everyone here heard about it. It can be said that Peter Cheng ’s father wanted to
return to the Cheng family. Fortunately, it is only possible to become the future head of the
Cheng family.
But today, Grandpa Cheng even offered to let Peter Cheng's father go home and take charge
of the future Cheng family! For everyone, this is tantamount to the explosion of Chun Lei,
which is too shocking.
Everything is because of the young man who sent the bag.
The people at the scene thought that it was Peter Cheng who brought Henry, but the Lin
family members knew that it was Henry himself.
When everyone was stunned and shocked by this matter, Henry had returned to this table
at the Lin's house. He smiled and looked at Richard's mother, "How about, we just said that
we sent garbage, now this gift, Do you think the weight is enough? "
"What have you done, ah!" Richard's eyes burst into anger. Just now, Master Cheng was
clearly preparing to announce the choice of Cheng's future helm. Richard, he was winning,
and he thought of himself sitting in the president A scene from the office.
But now, everything is broken!
Chaning sat aside, without a word, with a smug smile on his face.
Lin Wanhan's cousin Daisy gave a glorious look to Henry with curious eyes.
Sylvia stopped talking and stopped thinking.
Henry patted Peter Cheng's shoulder, that means, don't forget our agreement.
"Thanks." Peter Cheng responded to Henry with a very low voice, then got up and walked
towards the table where Master Cheng sat.
The following things developed naturally. At the birthday banquet, Master Cheng clearly
stated his attitude. In the future, Peter Cheng ’s father will take charge of the Cheng family!
And he will let Peter Cheng choose one of the three realms of military, commercial and
political affairs to study, and he will strongly support it!
After announcing these, Master Cheng deliberately glanced at Henry deliberately. When he
saw a satisfactory look in Henry's eyes, he put down a heart and lifted his heart. At the
same time, his heart was also glad. 'S original intention, but to be able to connect with such
a character, the Cheng family will definitely get better and better in the future!
That package of golden gourd tea roots was col ected by Master Cheng Ruobao as a
treasure. He will never drink this tea. Even if he is entertaining an important guest, he will
not take it out. How precious, Master Cheng is really too clear. This tea is simply not eligible
for him. If it is placed in ancient times, this tea can be regarded as a death-free gold medal.
It can be taken out no matter who it is. Sell a few faces, just because it is so representative!
Paul Cheng, like frosted eggplant, lingered on the side without saying a word.
Richard's face was even more ugly. He took out all the assets in his hands. Lin's 5% of the
shares took the line of Paul Cheng. Now, he can't get anything.
After Grandpa Cheng announced that he would welcome Peter Cheng's father home with
his family, the protagonist of this banquet became Peter Cheng.
Richard's mother and son greeted Master Cheng and left quickly. They had to think about
what to do next.
"Brother-in-law, awesome, amazing! When I saw Richard's advice, I felt very happy, haha!"
Chaning happily gave Henry his thumbs up.
Henry ignored Chaning, because he always felt that Chaning was a bit wrong. When he first
saw him, his attitude was not like this.
"Okay, let's go too. I just have something to ask you." Sylvia shook his hair and greeted Mr.
Cheng. She found that when Mr. Cheng was talking to himself, it seemed that there was less
The majesty of an elder.
Sylvia conjectures, this is probably because the old man is about to abdicate, and people are
beginning to become peaceful.
A fiery Mercedes-Benz GT drove away from Cheng Family Manor.
"Henry, I found that every time I drove, I had to ask you a question and explain it myself."
Sylvia leisurely leaned on the seat, with soft music in the car.
"Oh, that's a pack of tea. I don't know what it is. Anyway, it's quite expensive." Henry said, "I
met a few tea pickers before. They were trapped on the mountainside. I saved them. , They
gave me those teas as a gift. I remember that the tea was quite expensive.
Did n’t you say that I came to see the elders this time? I did n’t bring anything to think
about, so I brought this tea. ”
"Don't lie to me?" Sylvia raised Liu Mei's eyebrows. She didn't believe what Henry said.
The tea sent by others could make Master Cheng change his mind. This is not just
"Absolutely not, I swear!" Henry raised his right hand, extended four fingers, and looked
At a red light port, Sylvia stopped the car, she turned her head, looked at Henry, Henry's
eyes were clear, and Sylvia looked at each other, did not dodge.
When the four eyes meet, time passes, Henry looks at the perfect face in front of him.
At this moment, he feels that nothing matters. As long as he can stay with this woman, it is
God's greatest gift to himself.
The red light turns green and a whistle urges.
Sylvia smiled, withdrawn his gaze, looked directly in front of the vehicle, stepped on the
accelerator, and vomited lightly in his mouth, "You are in luck, the tea should be precious,
and I will pay you back some money."
"No!" Henry waved his hand, "Mr. Lin, what else do we share with each other."
Sylvia's expression was slightly condensed, and she had not felt the warmth of affection for
a long time. At this moment, there was a warm flow in her heart.
Grandpa Cheng ’s longevity has caused the fate of many people to start to change.
Those who stood in the wrong team now regret that they are too late and can only be busy
In the Cheng Family Courtyard, Peter Cheng pushed his electric car with Sao Fan, came to
the gate of the courtyard, looked at the wide road in front of him, and muttered,
"Sylvia, you real y found an amazing husband. "
Henry and Sylvia returned to Yinzhou. Sylvia hurried to the company because the company
still had business.
Henry stretched his waist and went back home to start his housemaid's work, washing and
mopping the floor.

Chapter 48
A single-family villa in Swan Lake Township, Yinzhou.
"Waste! What a terrible waste!" Richard madly smashed the furniture in front of him.
The scarlet eyes drew the beautiful babysitter with her head down and dared not say
The handsome face of Tao Tao was lying on the ground with purple faces, and he was
covered with ragged furniture. He had resentment in his eyes, but he did not dare to
express a trace of dissatisfaction.
"Laozi gives you so much money, you just do it for Laozi?" Richard stepped on Ben's hand
and grinded left and right. "You can't even get a door dog, why should I let Laozi pay you
back?" Pen account? "
Ben's fingers were bruised at the moment of stepping on his fingers, and he clenched his
teeth in pain, not daring to say anything.
"Bah!" Richard spit on Ben's face, "Give you the last chance, no matter what method you
use, even if you kill the slut, you have to give me the matter, and then you will not be
successful. Consider yourself! Get out! "
Richard had just lifted his foot, and Ben even rushed to the door of the room with a crawl,
and rushed out as if pul ing the door open.
Richard snorted, and hooked his finger at the little nanny who was standing at the root of
the wall. The little nanny looked at Richard with a frightened face, and slowly lowered his
shirt, with white blood on his shoulders and neck.
Henry was at home, wiped the floor, and looked at the clean floor with a satisfied smile on
his face.
Looking at the time, Henry was about to fiddle with the flowers and plants in the yard at
5:30 in the afternoon. The phone in his pocket suddenly rang. At first glance, the electric
man was Sylvia.
Henry felt a sweetness in his heart. He had kept Sylvia's phone for a while, but this was the
first time Sylvia took the initiative to cal him.
"Hey, Mr. Lin."
"You go to Yinzhou University, Xiaowan wants to move to the dormitory, things seem to be
quite a lot, cal you to take the hand, I will wait and send her phone to you, that's it."
Sylvia finished the matter in a single phone cal , Before Henry answered, he hung up the
Henry just heard clearly on the phone. Sylvia's landline ringing kept ringing, and he felt
very busy.
After the phone prompts, Sylvia has sent Daisy's phone call to Henry.
Henry stretched his waist and walked towards Yinzhou University wearing his beach pants
and white vest.
Yinzhou University is located in the urban area of Yinzhou City, with a total of three
campuses, interspersed with a snack street. This snack street is the most crowded place in
Yinzhou on weekends. The entire street has been over the Chinese on the tongue.
Henry came to the West Campus of Yinzhou University and made a cal to Daisy. After
receiving the cal from Xu Xuan, Daisy looked extremely happy and told Henry to stand at
the door of the West Campus. She came to him.
Henry waited for about five minutes in front of the school gate and saw a group of Yingying
Yanyan walking towards herself, led by Daisy.
Before, Henry hadn't paid much attention to Daisy, but this time he carefully looked at the
girl carefully.
Daisy dyed her beige hair, her hair curled slightly, and left her shoulder and neck pear
flowers. She wore a white T-shirt with a cat's face on her upper body. Her figure was not
too hot. Split jeans, with a pair of white canvas shoes, looks very youthful.
Daisy's facial features are exquisite. Although she is not as charming as Sylvia, she can
definitely be regarded as a beauty. She always smiles at the corner of her mouth.
"Brother-in-law, you are coming!" Daisy ran to Henry and greeted Henry.
"Hee hee, Xiao Wan, this is your brother-in-law, good brother-in-law, my name is Amy
Zhang." A short-haired beauty who was beside Daisy greeted Henry.
"Brother-in-law, we have seen the photos of Sister Xiaowan. That's a big beauty. If you can
soak her, it must be a love saint!" Another long-legged beauty said to Henry.
"Brother-in-law, these two girls are my roommates." Daisy introduced Henry, "This is Amy
Zhang, this is Lam Sun, tel you, Lam Sun is a model."
Daisy's eyes are crescent moon, cute and tight.
Henry smiled, "Your sister asked me to move things, are there too many things?"
"Not many, just move the four of us twice." Daisy led Henry, a man and three women
walked towards the campus.
Henry looked at both sides of the road. Those college students who seemed carefree made
Henry quite envious. The kind of thril of playing a night with his brother. Henry has never
experienced that he has been fighting for al these years. Spend time in life and death.
Downstairs in the girls' dormitory, there is a dazzling black BMW X5. This luxury car is
placed on the university campus, but it can cause onlookers.
Seeing the car, Daisy frowned tightly.
"Why are they here?"
After Daisygang finished talking, he saw three young men coming down from the car, with
long eyebrows and long hair on his eyes, and a light eyeliner drawn on his eyes.
After seeing Daisy, this young man thought he was handsome and slapped his hair, "
Xiaowan, you are here. I heard that you are going to move to the dormitory. I will help you.
"You?" Daisy looked at the young man disdainfully, and then looked at the two young
friends. The three men with thin arms and thin legs formed a strong contrast with Henry
standing beside them.
Henry wore a white vest and exercised all year round, so that he didn't need to do any
movement at all, just to go to that station, the muscles on his body were particularly
"Okay, don't talk nonsense, Wade Zhang, if you come to help, come up and move things
quickly." Amy Zhang greeted and walked into the dormitory building first.
Wade Zhang nodded, strode into the dormitory building, and said to his two friends while
walking and saying, "Both sell more, get more."
"Relax, our grandfathers have great strength." A friend of Wade Zhang said, patting his
Daisy ’s dormitory has been packed, and all the clothes are packed in boxes, leaving a
suitcase in the room.
After the three of Wade Zhang came in, the domineering person pul ed two suitcases and
was ready to go out. When he walked up the stairs, he found that the suitcase was really
heavy, and it took a lot of effort to carry one.
Wade Zhang had to put down a suitcase first, then lifted it one by one, and stepped
downstairs one step at a time. When he reached the first floor, he was already sweating.
Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Wade Zhang gang was about to go upstairs to lift
another suitcase, and heard Amy Zhang's voice ringing in his ears.
"No need to go, look at others, then look at you." Amy Zhang made a nuisance.
Wade Zhang turned around and saw Henry carrying a box in one hand, striding vigorously,
effortlessly, and then looking at himself, holding a box took a long time, tired and sweating.
Such a scene made Wade Zhang's face unable to hang a bit, thinking of what the old men
said he had just said, and now his face is burning hot.

Chapter 49
"Wade Zhang, quickly wipe your eyeliner, mother, look at the brother-in-law, that's the
guys." Lam Sun, the long-legged beauty walked with a step, looked at Wade Zhang with
Wade Zhang snorted disapprovedly, without opening his mouth. He looked at Henry's
vigorous back, wondering how he could find the place back, how powerful? The clothes you
see through are the lives of the poor!
With Henry's help, the salute that would have taken three women to spend half a day's
work was completed in one trip.
Daisy packed the room slightly and said to Henry: "Brother, I told my sister, please have
dinner, you give me a face."
"Haha, good." Henry laughed and nodded.
He can see that this Daisy, compared with Sylvia's two cousins, has a good heart and
everything. As Sylvia's cousin, Daisy's family background doesn't need to be considered,
there are stil thousands of them, but look at her wearing The ordinary clothes of one
hundred or two hundred pieces don't show off high-profile wealth. With Daisy's family,
BMW and Mercedes-Benz just bought it. What did she really want to show off?
Amy Zhang and Lam Sun have a good relationship with Daisy. Daisy is called Henry's
brother-in-law, and these two beauties also fol ow Daisy.
"Brother-in-law, you are such a good figure. It's a pity not to be a model. Those male models
in our company are not as good as half of you! How did you practice?" Lam Sun looked at
the tendon exposed on Henry's arm. Pretty face reddened.
"Where am I?" Henry looked at his two arms, and to be honest, he didn't deliberately train
his muscles. This shapely muscle was forced to be trained. If you change people, you will
live and die every day. After spending moderately, he will also have such a muscle,
pursuing the strength of the whole body, instead of just being as beautiful as the model. The
kind of muscle with hormones will look a little disgusting, and Henry's body will be Make
people obsessed.
"Okay, my brother-in-law has a wife. Don't be foolish, you girl. Let's go to dinner!" Amy
Zhang, the short-haired beauty, took a handful of Lam Sun and walked towards the school
Amy Zhang had a CRV parked on the street opposite the school district. She did n’t drive to
the school. In Amy Zhang ’s words, she didn’t like the eye-catching feeling. This car was a
transportation tool bought by her parents, not Used to show off.
Henry sighed, it was really a group of people, Amy Zhang's woman's character was exactly
the same as Daisy zhen's, but Daisy hid a little deeper than Amy Zhang, and did not reveal
his family, even his own fairy Sister, Daisy did not tel her roommate the specific identity.
Daisy's third daughter had booked a restaurant, but on the way to it, Lam Sun received a
phone call and asked several people to change their destination.
"Lam Sun, are you saying that your manager will pick several models to accompany those
bosses to eat at intervals?" Amy Zhang, who was driving, was dissatisfied.
"Wel ." Lam Sunbei bit his lip lightly and nodded. "Several girls didn't go before, they were
fired the next day, and they were not paid a month's salary, but why did they go? , We all
know it well. "
"This is bullying!" Amy Zhang slapped the steering wheel, and the car beneath him
whistled, "Go, I'm going to see today, what the boss is, so arrogant!"
"Otherwise let's not go, big deal, I'm not going to do it anymore, these people have a
gangster background, before a girl accused them of dissatisfaction, and finally the house
was burnt." A bit of worry appeared, and she could see that she was stil very afraid of her
"Don't do it? Why don't you do it? How much work did you spend on entering this model
company? They didn't have the money for two shows and didn't give you a knot? Let me
see what they can do today!" Amy Zhangqi Stepped on the accelerator and CRV
galloped on the road, showing that this woman is also a hot character.
Daisy and Henry sat in the back seat. Daisy smiled at Henry and whispered: "Brother-in-
law, Lam Sun's family is not good. Her annual tuition is earned on her own, so this job is
very important for her. Importantly, their company has been owing them wages, and now
threatens them with this kind of thing. "
Henry nodded, "Go check it out, all friends, just help."
"Wel ." Daisy narrowed her eyes. When she saw Henry nodded, she felt that this time things
were the same.
Xianweilou is a relatively famous seafood restaurant in Yinzhou. In a city close to the
northwest of Yinzhou, the price of seafood is extraordinarily expensive. You can get a big
bag in Xianweilou and have a table full of seafood. People in that pocket are not bad money.
A Honda CRV was parked in the parking lot of Xianwei Building. Henry walked down the
car with his three daughters and strode into Xianwei Building.
The decoration of the Xianwei Building gives a glorious sense of luxury at first glance.
When you enter the door, you can see a rockery standing in the lobby of the hotel.
There is water under the mountain, and some rare fish are swimming in the water. If
someone orders food, these ingredients are slaughtered on the spot. The more such a high
force, the more expensive it is here.
Lam Sun ’s manager has already sent the position of the box to Lam Sun. Box 888 on the
third floor, just look at the box number, you can see the status of the person eating inside.
Amy Zhang was furious and walked ahead at the forefront. As soon as he reached the third
floor, he could hear the woman's smirk and the man's rude laugh in the box.
Amy Zhang heard the laughter in the box, and the fire in her heart was even stronger.
She could even think of what would happen if Lam Sun came here alone today. The group of
people inside forced him to drink, and then take away? If you do not come, you will be
expelled, and the wages you have owed in the past will not be obtained. This is totally
Amy Zhang made a move, ready to push the box door open, but was stopped by Lam Sun.
Lam Sun looked at Amy Zhang timidly and shook his head: "If you don't count, listen to the
voice inside, there are quite a lot of people. I went in to accompany them for two drinks and
walk away."
"Don't be stupid, these scumbags can threaten you like this, how could you let you go? I
must help you to be fair today." Amy Zhang pushed Lam Sun away despite Lam Sun's
As a good girlfriend for Lam Sun, Amy Zhang knows exactly what kind of person Lam Sun
is. With Lam Sun ’s delicate face and tall body, there are too many people chasing her in the
school, and there are many rich and second generations. The big money outside the school
has never seen how close Lam Sun is to whom. She has always made money and supported
Because of this, Amy Zhang absolutely does not al ow Lam Sun to suffer such bullying.
Amy Zhang stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the box in front of him, and
everything in the box made his eyes burst into anger.

Chapter 50
Amy Zhang saw that in the box, there were several beautiful, hot-looking women who were
surrounded by a middle-aged fat man with a big bel y, and one of them was sitting on the
middle-aged fat man's lap. Drinking a glass of wine.
"Yo, a few more beauties, come in and have a drink." The middle-aged fat man saw Amy
Zhang at first sight, his eyes lit up, and he stretched out his fat hand to Amy Zhang.
Lam Sun standing at the door was also taken aback by the scene in front of her. She really
didn't expect that these people were playing so crazy. She saw that the beauty sitting on the
middle-aged fat man was entering the company with herself at that time.
"Lam Sun, come on!" A man with a big back in his thirties who saw Lam Sun suddenly
showed a surprised look on his face. Tonight, the girls he cal ed had the most body and
appearance Okay, it belongs to Lam Sun. He is waiting for Lam Sun to accompany the drink
"That manager, I ... I ..." Lam Sun stood at the door and dared not enter the door.
"What are you? Boss Wang has asked you several times. You are late and you have to
punish yourself for three cups!" The manager gave Lam Sun a look.
Boss Wang was the middle-aged fat man. At this time, his eyes were squinting at Lam Sun.
He looked at her from head to toe, extended her tongue, and licked her lips disgustingly.
"What punishment, drink, you drink it yourself, we came today to ask Lam Sun's previous
salary!" Amy Zhang picked up a wine glass and smashed it on the ground with a crackle.
The sound of the cracked wine glass caused a strange silence in the whole box.
"Who's your special thing? Come here to make trouble?" The manager with his big back
stood up from his seat with a puff, and looked at Amy Zhang proudly, "Little girl, you are in
trouble. Place it! "
Boss Wang waved his hand at the door of the box, "Well, young and ignorant, when no one
has the urge to sit down and have two drinks with me, this matter will pass away, how?"
An arrogant manager smiled and nodded at Boss Wang, then looked at Amy Zhang,
"Have you heard Boss Wang's words, come over and have a drink with Boss Wang, and
make a mistake, I shouldn't take it wrong occur."
"Shall I say no?" Amy Zhang stared at the manager.
"No?" The manager smiled. "Since you don't know each other, no one will leave today!"
The manager picked up a glass and threw it under Amy Zhang's feet. The glass was
smashed in front of Amy Zhang's body. The broken glass ball was gradually kicked by Amy
Zhang. At the same time, a large group of strong men appeared in the corridor of the hotel
There are as many as seven or eight people at the entrance of the box.
Seeing this scene, Henry shook his head, shook his shoulders and walked into the box,
looking around to see if there was any guy in his hand.
Seeing Henry's movements, Daisy reached out and pulled Henry's sleeves, shook her head
at Henry, she just looked at Henry's appearance, she knew what Henry wanted to do, for
Henry dare not to dare to do anything in this box Daisy didn't doubt at al that this boss
Wang and the manager of this model company, in the eyes of others, might be successful
people, but in front of the Lin, weak as ants, Henry even Richard said at the time Just fight,
how dare you beat these people.
"Brother-in-law, don't do it yourself, Amy Zhang can solve it." Daisy whispered to Henry.
Henry gave Amy Zhang a slightly surprised look, and then he was relieved. The woman
dared to come over and look for something. Now she is so fearless in the face of so many
strong men. Who can believe that she has no cards?
Thinking of this, Henry gave up the preparations to directly hit these people, and simply
stood beside Amy Zhang to avoid any harm to her.
The movement of Henry, in the eyes of this group of strong men, appeared weak, and he
was a big man on the scene, still hiding behind the woman.
"I said little sister, this is not the helper you invited?" The manager looked at Henry and
Amy Zhang snorted coldly, "Who is my helper, you will know in a moment!"
"Wait?" The manager smiled, and then his voice suddenly became harsher, "I'l make you al
kneel down now, start!"
At the order of the manager, those who surrounded the door of the box suddenly rushed in.
A strong man, headed with a smirk in his mouth, reached out and grabbed Amy Zhang.
The rest of the people, Zhao Wan and Lam Sun, didn't have good intentions.
There was a cold flash in Henry's eyes, his waist twisted lightly, and a fist in one hand, he
could exert force at any time.
At this moment, a roar sounded from outside the box.
"Why don't you dare to move them!"
Before the drink fel , I saw a group of young men with sticks rushing in from outside the
box, and gave a rough glance to no fewer than twenty people.
The appearance of this group of young people made the strong man called by the manager
stop his movements and dared not move.
Immediately afterwards, Wade Zhang with his eyeliner walked in from outside the box, and
beside Wade Zhang, he followed his two brothers, as well as two female college students
wearing colorful dresses and heavy makeup.
Wade Zhang gang walked into the box, and the group of young people with sticks bowed
their heads together and shouted into Brother Cheng.
Wade Zhang nodded with satisfaction, proudly and handsomely lit a cigarette and put his
eyes on the manager, "I heard at school that some scum forced the students of our school to
do it. Lao Tzu today It's just that I caught you, so courageous, even Xiaolan's idea dares to
fight? "
"Who are you?" The manager frowned and looked at Wade Zhang. He specializes in public
relations. Although Wade Zhang looked very immature, the name tag he wore on his body
made the manager dare not take it lightly.
"Laozi is from Aobasha. Have you heard of it?"
"Aoba Club!" When the manager heard the name, there was a look of surprise on their
faces. They themselves brought some community colors. For the leader of the underground
community in Yinzhou, they were natural y afraid of three points.
"It seems that you have heard it. Since you have heard it, you should know that our boss
Leigong once spoke. You scumbags, you are not allowed to hit your mind to Yinzhou
University. Are you the one who is deaf? Do you want me to give me Brother Leopard said
aloud? "Wade Zhang took a wooden stick from a young man and looked at the manager
"This ..." The manager looked at the people brought by Wade Zhang, and then at boss Wang.
At this moment, he thought about the pros and cons, and then lowered his head,
"Sorry, it's our crossing Now. "
"Not yet fast?" Wade Zhang raised his eyebrows.
The manager gestured to the girls in the box one after another, daring not to stay at all for a
moment, and ran out of the box the same way.
The strong men cal ed by the managers also retreated out in distress.
The girls in the box, look at me, I look at you. In the end, one of them took the lead to go out,
and the others followed. The young man was so terrified that he shook his legs and belly,
bent over without saying a word, and dared not even look at Wade Zhang to run out of the
Chapter 51
In an instant, the people in the box have gone halfway, only Henry and the people they just
Wade Zhang waved his hand and motioned that al the twenty or so young people he had
brought went away. After the group of people shouted together, they left the box.
Wade Zhang took a chair in the box and sat down, "I said Amy Zhang, you are a little too
impulsive, if my elder brother recently asked me to check these scumbags threatening
female college students, see what you do today "
Now things have passed, Amy Zhang also feels that she is a bit impulsive today.
Although she is not afraid of the boss Wang and the model company, but in the situation
just now, if Wade Zhang arrived in time, a few of them would have to suffer a big loss today.
"Also!" After Wade Zhangshu dropped Amy Zhang's sentence, he waited for Amy Zhang's
voice and turned his attention to Henry. "I just saw that this buddy is not so powerful. Still
hiding behind the woman? "
" That's right. "The youth who came with Wade Zhang took over Wade Zhang's words,"
Some people, that's unappealing. "
" Wade Zhang, you helped me only once, no need It’s sour, my brother-in-law, he does n’t
like to kil , killing him personal y, he will be afraid of this situation. ”Amy Zhang spoke for
Henry, and at the same time expressed an apologetic look at Henry, originally said to have
dinner together However, the result brought Henry into this matter, which made Amy
Zhang very embarrassed.
Amy Zhang's words now, if they are heard by people familiar with Henry, they will laugh
out loud. If there are any people in this world that can scare Henry, it is definitely not a
matter between one or two countries.
"Al right, everyone blames me." Lam Sun stood there, his head down, "Amy Zhang is also to
help me get angry, and this matter has nothing to do with the brother-in-law, he can come
with us, already helped Busy, Wade Zhang, thank you very much today. "
"Hi!" Wade Zhang exhaled, waved his hand, and said indifferently, "It's all classmates, thank
you, Lam Sun, if you have anything in the future, just tel us, don't hide it. It's not been a year
or two since we met. "
" Well. "Lam Sun nodded and gave Wade Zhang a grateful look.
"Yeah, that's good!" Amy Zhang stepped forward and patted Wade Zhang's shoulder.
"You are still a man now. If you can wipe off the eyeliner of your mother-in-law, I think we
might as well Will consider you. "
Wade Zhang looked at Daisy in surprise, Daisy hugged his chest with both hands and
turned his head directly.
Several people chatted in the box for a while. Wade Zhang saw that Lam Sun was still a little
shocked, so he suggested to have some fun and relax.
"Looking for fun? What fun?" Amy Zhang became interested when he heard the fun.
Wade Zhang stretched his finger over the top of his head. "The top floor of Xianwei Building
has opened a casino. If you are interested, you can go up and play with two of them. You do
not have to play too much. Get five or six hundred chips. "Oh, that's all right."
Amy Zhang heard, and couldn't wait to pull up Lam Sun's arm and walked upstairs.
"Go, play two!"
Wade Zhang smiled and took his two brothers, as well as two female college students with
strong makeup, and also walked upstairs.
Daisy stood in the box, looked at the classmates who went out, and looked at Henry beside
him, embarrassed: "Brother-in-law, if I say to them, shall we go to dinner first?"
Henry smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, go and play together."
In every city, there are almost so many unknown gambling gears, hidden in some
unexpected places, just like this umami restaurant, if it were not for Wade Zhang to tel
everyone, I'm afraid no one would guess that there is such a big gaming room on this top
Just like those performed in Hong Kong City movies, the casino is divided into several areas,
with a total area of nearly 2,000 square meters. Each area has a different gameplay, and the
amount ranges from one hundred yuan to tens of thousands. The spicy bunny girl shuttled
through the gaming room, and the tens of mil ions of bosses sat at the gambling table,
drinking wine and smoking cigars, and throwing money at the same time.
Around the hall, there are buffet meals and soft leather sofas for guests to rest.
The most basic condition for a gambling table is to exchange chips.
Wade Zhang lightly exchanged 10,000 chips for the car, and distributed it to his two
brothers and their women. Al four of them took the chips from Wade Zhang with a happy
face, and ran to the table to try their luck.
"Amy Zhang, let's go." Lam Sun looked at the luxurious appearance of the casino, and there
was a trace of uneasiness in her heart. She was a child of the poor family, and some could
not accept such a scene.
"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you play two." Amy Zhang patted Lam Sun's back of the hand,
reassuring her that she had exchanged a thousand chips and took Lam Sun to play the
simplest bet.
Henry stood in the lobby of the gambling stal , looking at al of his surroundings, his
thoughts could not help but erratic. A few years ago, he was gambling billions in the
Olympic City, and he also confronted the world gambler in Las Vegas. In a smal casino, no
one cares about it, it is nothing more than ordinary.
"Brother-in-law, do you want to play two?" Daisy asked beside Henry.
"No need." Henry waved his hand. "Gambling this thing, ten bets and nine cheats. It's
meaningless. Besides, I don't lack money. Why did I risk playing tricks?"
"Yeah." Daisy Nodded thoughtful y, not to mention this gambling, and sold the entire
Xianwei Building, which was not as good as one-tenth of her sister's worth.
Amy Zhang took Lam Sun to play the bet size. At first, Lam Sun could not let go, but after
playing a few, Lam Sun found that these were not as untouchable as he thought.
The gamblers next to him, each Playing with red eyes, no one noticed such jerky.
On the other side, Wade Zhang's two younger brothers and their women have won a lot of
money, and they are not happy one by one.
"Go, Amy Zhang, what is the meaning of these two hundred bets, let's go play a little bigger
and win two KTVs at night!" One person came over and greeted Amy Zhang.
Amy Zhang now has good luck. He took Lam Sun and walked to the senior court, where he
bet, starting at least 500.
Henry and Daisy did not change a chip, so they followed Amy Zhang and watched them
With a cigar in his hand and a glass of red wine in his hand, Wade Zhang walked over from
the side. He deliberately made himself feel comfortable, as if he often went in and out of
such high-end places.
"Why don't you play two brothers?" Wade Zhang raised his eyebrows and asked Henry, he
felt that his chance to get back the game was coming.
"No more playing." Henry waved his hand.
Chapter 52
"Can't you afford to play?" A younger brother Wade Zhang stood at the gambling table and
turned his head to say, "Look at his clothes. One hundred dollars, five hundred dollars for
one bet, but not anyone who wants to play can play. "
" Yes. "This younger brother's girlfriend snuggled up against him," A big man, no money,
and courage Little, I do n’t know what can make a woman to rely on. ”
“ Being brutal with just one body is a hard work. ”Another younger brother, Wade Zhang,
said,“ I said Daisy, why did your sister find such a husband, Let ’s tell our brother to
introduce a rich family to your sister. It ’s better than that. I do n’t know how many times
better than that. ”
“ You do n’t lie here, my brother-in-law just does n’t like this kind of occasion! ”Daisy
glanced at Zhang. Become two younger brothers.
"Oh, everyone has their own ambitions." Wade Zhang chuckled softly. "Xiao Wan, it's boring
to stand there. I just bought you ten thousand chips, otherwise you will play two?"
"No. Daisy refused with a wave of his hand.
"I said Daisy, why are you so polite?" Wade Zhang said, "What does our brother look like to
you? You should understand that you want to be like your sister and find a waste to be your
husband in the future." Ah? "
" Who are you talking about! Pay attention! "Daisy looked at Wade Zhang's brother with a
warning face.
Henry stood there, listening to these students ridicule and sarcasm about himself, he just
found it interesting, he also experienced this era before, he understands their ideas very
well, there is nothing bad, just simply want to belittle others and find a face for himself. If it
is real y that kind of social celebrity, or some commercial giant deliberately defame Henry,
then Henry will not be easy to forget.
Although Henry is no more than a few years older than these college students, he does not
know how many times he or she has matured their mentality.
Shaking his head, Henry walked aside, looking at the gambling games on the remaining
"Daisy, your brother-in-law, is a little too useless?" Wade Zhang's younger brother said
"Would you like to try another sentence?" Daisy stared at the younger brother Wade Zhang.
She knew that her brother-in-law did not want to worry about these people.
Although Henry is the son-in-law of the Lin family, he has been seen by Daisy for several
times. Daisy knows that this man is not a waste in other populations, he just does n’t like to
care about others, but once angered He, the consequences are very serious. Last time in Sai
Shangshui Township, Richard was a good example.
Brother Wade Zhang saw Daisy really angry, glanced at his mouth, and dared not speak
again, after all, this is his later sister-in-law, he was just about to go back and press his
chips out, and gambled two more, he heard a sound beside him There was a sharp scream.
"Chees! Who are you hitting!"
Wade Zhang's brother turned his head and looked at his girlfriend when he scolded him
face-to-face with a middle-aged woman, but the grotesque just came from his girlfriend,
Weng Ni. .
"I said little girl, you and I walked with my head down, and I accidentally met, your mouth
is a bit too dirty, right?" The middle-aged woman was wearing a purple dress and a
platinum necklace around her neck. It looks quite temperamental, and his face is also
"Just say you, how about the cheap goods, and apologize to me as soon as possible!"
Weng Ni reached out to the middle-aged woman, arrogant.
The quarrel here also attracted Wade Zhang's attention. Amy Zhang and Lam Sun, who
were playing happily, also put away their chips and came to the place where the quarrel
occurred. Wade Zhang frowned and asked, "What's going on?"
"Brother Cheng, this slut doesn't walk long eyes and hits me and doesn't apologize."
Weng Ni looked upset.
"Pop." Sounded a crisp sound, middle-aged women fierce slap a slap in the face Weng Ni,
printed red five fingerprints, eyebrows middle-aged women, "mouth cheap?"
"Ah!" Ong-ni With a harsh scream, he looked at the middle-aged woman with a distorted
face, "You hit me? You slut dare to hit me, I fight with you!" As she said, Weng Ni threw
herself at the middle-aged woman go with.
"Fine." Wade Zhang grabbed Weng Ni and motioned her to stand aside, and Wade Zhang
went up to negotiate with a middle-aged woman, "I'm afraid it's not good to hit people
directly like this?"
"Yo, little brother, To blame, you can only blame your friend ’s unclean mouth. ”The middle-
aged woman covered her mouth with a smirk, and her slightly curly long hair shivered
gently. Although she was about forty years old, she was a milfs Save, can also be regarded
as a stunner.
"Then you can't do it. Today, we must give us an explanation." Wade Zhang guarded his
people behind him, and Weng Ni was crying into his boyfriend's arms at the moment,
looking at his girlfriend's sobbing look. , Anger will not hit a spot.
"Brother Cheng, you must make this bitch pay today!"
"Yes!" Wade Zhang's other younger brother Yang Feng and his girlfriend Fu Qian also
nodded vigorously.
Middle-aged women glanced contemptuously at the college students, "Little brother, little
sister, don't blame your sister for not reminding you, you can still go now, wait, but there is
no chance."
"Joke, we will become Brother is a member of Aoba, what else can you do about us?
"Quan Qiang hugged his crying girlfriend and directly raised the name of Aoba.
"Aoba?" The middle-aged woman froze for a moment when she heard the name. The next
second, she laughed again, and the smiling flowers twitched, and the peaks rose up. "Aoba?
When will Aoba find these children?" Smashed the scene? Hmm? "
The um word in the mouth of middle-aged women fell around Wade Zhang, and they
gathered around dozens of strong men in black suits, all staring at Wade Zhang with a bad
Weng Ni, who had just been arrogant, looked at the battle and his legs were soft. If she was
not snuggled with Quanqiang, she might just sit on the ground.
"Ao Yesha sent you to trouble, or let you die?" The middle-aged woman reached out her
right hand and looked at her slender fingers, "Little brothers, my sister has just given you a
chance, now You guys knelt down and gave my sister a knock, and my sister let you go.
How about? "
Wade Zhang and several of them were completely surrounded by dozens of strong men in
black. In this battle, everyone It can be seen that this matter can't be done today.
The four people who were just arrogant next to Wade Zhang were al fearful at the moment,
and there was stil a little madness.
Amy Zhang, Daisy, and Lam Sun's three daughters stood together, also looking anxiously,
thinking about how to deal with the matter in front of them.
Wade Zhang frowned fiercely, "Are you real y going to be against our green leaves?"
"You green leaves?" The middle-aged woman smiled disdainfully, "Little brother, if you
really can represent green leaves, then this green leaf, It wo n’t exist for so long.
Besides, do you think that Aoba will come to trouble me for your group of little ass? I will
give you a minute to think about time, either kneel or break your limbs, Think for yourself.
Chapter 53
Yang Feng and Quan Qiang heard their limbs cut off, and their legs were soft, which made
them feel unable to stand.
Quan Qiang's voice shuddered a little and said, "You ... don't go too far, know who my
brother is! He is the son of the president of the Chengda Group. If you move him, you must
have no good fruit to eat!"
"Chengda Group? That third-rate enterprise?" The middle-aged woman smiled
indifferently, "Little brother, today is your father standing here, without knocking a few
heads, don't want to go, one minute later, this is you The chosen yo, abolish them! "
Middle-aged women waved their hands, the dozens of suit fighters walked towards Wade
Zhang and others, squeezed their fists, and the joints made a noise, which stopped in the
ears of Quanqiang. , As if the sound of a broken bone.
At the entrance of the casino toilet, Henry carried his pants. As soon as he walked out, he
saw a large crowd of over forty men wearing suits in the hall.
"Huh." Henry found Zhang Zhang to sit on the sofa. "Was there anyone else in the casino?"
He had just sat down and heard Daisy screaming from the crowd.
Henry changed his face and searched around for a while. Sure enough, he didn't see Daisy's
figure. He didn't hesitate any longer, and strode toward the place where the group of strong
men were.
This group of people gathered around together, and Henry couldn't squeeze in for a while,
listening to Daisy's screams in the crowd from time to time, Henry was anxious in his heart,
and gave a roar.
"Do you want to stop Lao Tzu!"
This roar came from Henry's mouth, but it made people feel like thunder exploded in his
ears, and the prickly eardrums hurt.
This bustling crowd, because of Henry's roar, actually stopped subconsciously, just
because, in this roar, it was too imposing, just like the oppression of the superiors to the
lower ones, people had to go obey.
Seeing this, Henry was relieved and started working with both hands, pushing away the
strong man squeezed in front of him and rushing into the crowd.
Henry saw that Wade Zhang's two younger brothers were already lying on the ground.
Footprints were all stamped on their clothes. The face was also purple and black. Wade
Zhang's left eye was black, and he thought he was hit by a heavy punch.
Wade Zhang ’s two younger brothers ’girlfriends have worn out clothes, and the clothes
around their necks and necks have been torn apart. Daisy ’s three people squatted together
in a group, and the clothes on the body are wrinkled. Fortunately, the three girls protected
the key parts It's tight, it's not cheap.
The girl's sobbing sounded, and Henry was so angry.
The three Daisy seemed to feel that the people around them had dispersed. They slowly
looked up, with tears on their faces. When they saw Henry, Daisy seemed to find a way to
rely on him, crying and fluttering into Henry's arms. cry.
Henry saw that Daisy's hair was all scattered and his neat white shirt was crumpled.
Amy Zhang and Lam Sun's two girls have the same folds.
"Yo, another messy thing?" The middle-aged woman saw Henry and smiled gently.
"Okay, I'm here." Henry patted Daisy's back gently as she didn't hear the middle-aged
woman, calming her emotions.
Probably because of the emergence of Henry, Daisy had to rely on her sobbing.
"Xiao Wan, tel me, who touched you just now?" Henry's voice was very soft, and he was
afraid to be surprised like Daisy.
Daisy slowly lifted his head buried in Henryhuai's face, with tears on his face, and tears on
his long eyelashes.
"Brother-in-law ... I ... I don't know, I ... are afraid ..." Daisy's voice was very soft and stil
trembling. She was just terrified. She was hard to imagine. If it was not Henry who dared to
come, now What it will look like. "It's okay, it's okay." Henry gently stroked Daisy's soft
hair. "Brother-in-law helps you find it out."
Henry, who was standing beside him, waved his hand. Not terrified, but she is much
stronger than Daisy and Lam Sun.
"Help me take care of her." Henry grabbed Daisy's shoulders, handed her to Amy Zhang's
arms, then turned around, glanced around, and said, "Who just started?"
Henry's voice was not loud The tone is very heavy, as if to question.
"Little brother, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet?" The middle-aged
woman stretched lazily. "It should not be the time for you to question us now."
"Who moves the hand?" Henry didn't look at the middle-aged woman At a glance, his eyes
were locked on the man in the suit closest to Daisy.
In Henry's eyes, with fierceness, with a kind of kil ing, and with a contempt for life, how
many warlords and crocodiles, under Henry's eyes, would be terrified, kneeling and
begging for mercy This strong man in black couldn't look directly at Henry's eyes.
The strong man in the suit stepped back two steps subconsciously, and then reacted.
This scene that was frightened by people's eyes made him feel particularly embarrassed
and shouted at Henry. "Ah!"
Before the Zhuang man in the suit finished speaking, he uttered a painful scream, which
was so sad that it hurt the eardrum.
The arms of the strong man in the suit were broken by Henry Zhangg. Two sharp bone
spurs were stabbed from the skin of the forearm. Blood was sprayed on the strong man in
the suit. , Dare not to see, timid Lam Sun even screamed.
As soon as Henry's hand was released, the strong man in a suit with his arm broken fell to
the ground, sucking cold air in pain, and rolling al over the floor.
The indifferent middle-aged woman who always showed everything could not help but
take two steps back.
Henry broke one's arm, just like doing a trivial thing, looking at another strong man in a
suit. "Who else moves his hand? You?" Another strong man in
a suit saw Henry himself It seems that scared hastily lowered his head. The scene just
started scared them. When have they seen such a scene and broke their arms?
"Have you started?" Henry asked softly.
The strong man in the suit with his head down shook his head vigorously.
"I don't believe it." Henry smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and reached out to grab
the other's arm, breaking it hard.
"Ah!" There was another scream.
Henrysong walked towards the next person.
Lam Sun on the side didn't hold back, and with a vomit, he fell to the ground to vomit.
Wade Zhang ’s two younger brothers, as well as the two younger brothers ’girlfriends, do
n’t dare to look at Henry now, but they remember clearly how they just mocked Henry, who
is this man, this is clearly a devil! He even said that such a person is useless?
If he is al useless, what is he?
The middle-aged woman standing aside now feels that the man in front of him, like a
mountain, keeps releasing pressure to herself. If he is al owed to go on like this, she will be
crushed and she can't stand it. Atmosphere, yell, "Enough!"
Chapter 54
Another scream, Henry ignored the middle-aged woman, broke the arm of one person
again, in front of him, these strong men in suits were considered How can you hide?
Shot against him? Who dares? These people have been scared by Henry!
"Boy, you're crazy! But do you know where you are in trouble?" The middle-aged woman
was ups and downs by Henry's agitated chest, but her eyes were contradictory and she
dared not look at him. The next goal is on yourself.
Henry, who was about to walk to the next person, suddenly turned around and gave a
white tooth to the middle-aged woman.
The middle-aged woman was taken aback by Henry's movements, and she stepped back
again and again.
Wade Zhang ’s two younger brothers were lying next to each other, and watching Henry
alone caused such a great deterrent, not only scared the middle-aged women to retreat, but
also made the group of strong men in suits dare not move, and thought of their previous
Words and deeds, saying what people are cowards and waste, now I hope to find a ground
seam to get in.
Henry looked at the middle-aged woman with a smile, and asked, "Whose site?"
"Zhou Family!" The
middle-aged woman said, when she uttered these two words, she had strong confidence in
her eyes.
As we al know, the leading company in Yinzhou is Lin. Its founder Robert Lin has an
unshakable position in the Yinzhou business community, and the second only after Lin is
the Zhou family! Someone even said in private that if the Lin family were not subject to
Robert Lin Fuze, they would have been replaced by the Zhou family.
Zhou's group, a tiger that lay dormant in Yinzhou City, although it didn't show up very
much, but no one dared to provoke it!
"Zhou's family ..." Wade Zhang on the side heard these two words, his body trembling
slightly. Although he had a good family background, he was also equipped with a BMW
at the university, but compared with the Zhou family, this point is like An ant in front of an
elephant is not worth mentioning.
Suddenly Wade Zhang thought what the middle-aged woman said just now, even if her
father was here today, she would have to kowtow to go out. She didn't talk big!
In Yinzhou, who dares to provoke the Zhou family? Even those of the Lin family, it is
estimated that they will do some scenes when they see the Zhou family, and they will not
directly provoke them! Today, you are making trouble at Zhou's site? No wonder the other
party does not care about their own company at all, no wonder the other party does not
care about Aoba, this is the Zhou family! One of the two rare mountains in Yinzhou!
Wade Zhang was terrified. He was afraid that because of this incident, the Zhou family
would be angry with his father. Such a behemoth of the Zhou family only needs to move his
finger, and his company will be uprooted, and there will never be a day when he will turn
"Zhou Family, huh, huh." Henry chuckled lightly. He really had a destiny with this surnamed
"Boy, are you afraid?" After lifting Zhou's house, the middle-aged woman seemed to be
quite confident, staring at Henry, "If today, you honestly admit me a mistake, because you
are so bloody , I let you take your friends away, otherwise, Zhou's place, it's not you who
smashed it! "
Amy Zhang stood beside Henry, stretched out Henry's sleeve, whispered:" Brother, The
Zhou family is very powerful in Yinzhou and ca n’t be bothered. ”“ It
’s okay. ”Henry and Amy Zhang smiled.“ Yinzhou, there ’s nothing that I ca n’t do. ”
There is nothing that I ca n’t do, so Amy Zhang will export Swallowed into the bel y.
Henry raised his feet and paced towards the middle-aged woman. As he walked, he could
see that there was a little more confusion in the middle-aged woman's confident eyes.
Henry stopped when he was three meters away from a middle-aged woman, "Tell me, what
will be the consequences if I admit that I am not wrong today?"
"The consequences? The consequences are that all of you will suffer The Zhou family's
anger! "As
soon as the middle-aged woman's voice fel , both Wade Zhang and Amy Zhang shivered
unconsciously. They could see what the status of the Zhou family was in their hearts, but,
Second only to Lin's family!
"Sister Hua, Zhou Shao is here."
A young man in a waiter walked to the middle-aged woman and said respectfully.
"Master is here?" There was a hint of joy on the face of the middle-aged woman, "Wel ,
please, Master, come over!"
And Wade Zhang and others, after hearing the news of Master Zhou's coming, that face was
ashamed, especial y It was Wade Zhang, who kept talking in his mouth, and it was over.
What kind of person is Zhou's young master? Wade Zhang once met under the introduction
of a friend. Only that side made him remember deeply. That is definitely a ruthless
character. Wade Zhang remembers that there was a family background similar to his own.
The second generation of the rich, annoyed Master Zhou's family by accidental y saying the
wrong thing, and his legs were broken on the spot. The father of the second generation of
the rich declared bankruptcy the next day and disappeared into people's sight.
In Wade Zhang's eyes, the Zhou family's young master Danny was absolutely cruel and
grumpy. Today he was having trouble in his place and was hit by him again. What would
happen? Wade Zhang now only hopes that this matter does not involve his family,
otherwise his family's Chengda Group should also declare bankruptcy.
"He's right, who would make trouble ah?" A frivolous insolent voice sounded in the crowd
outside, "Is not want to live? Zhou to our site to make trouble? Court death it's really him."
This man swears and made no secret of sound .
Wade Zhang lowered his head and made his body tremble with fright. Wade Zhang ’s two
younger brothers were even worse. Seeing that their elder brother did n’t dare to say
anything, they even closed their mouths tightly.
The crowd spread out, Danny was wearing a color shirt, holding an enchanting beauty in
one hand, and walked towards this side.
Sister Hua squeezed out the crowd, walked over, nodded to Danny with a respectful face,
"Master, you are here, these people are making trouble in the field, they say they are the
people of Aoba Society, and one is the president of Chengda Group. Son. "
" Aoba? What shit Aoba? Who gave their guts trouble at my Zhou's site? "Danny looked
disdainful," What is there to form a big group, which bird hair, look for People go and see, if
this company wants to open it, don't let it go! "
Danny's words made Wade Zhang's last hope in his heart shattered. This time, he not only
suffered a loss, but also exhausted his home, Aoba, also In the face of the Zhou family, what
does the group with its own family count?
Sister Hua said again, "Young Master, and someone else, a few of our people were
"Who? Who moved me? Eat the bear heart leopard gal ? Give him to Shenhe today!"
Danny looked sad.
Now, Henry and others are surrounded by dozens of strong men in suits, and Danny cannot
see them.
Danny went into Shenhe's sentence, and scared Wade Zhang's two younger brothers'
crotch was a little wet. The two women Weng Ni and Fu Qian couldn't stop crying, and al
the makeup on her face was crying.
Chapter 55
Amy Zhang and Lam Sun, also with fear on their faces, but Daisy, at this time calmed a lot.
In the face of these thugs in the Zhou family, Daisy was afraid because she was likely to lose
money in these thugs, but when she saw Danny, Daisy was sure that Danny did not dare to
move her and would give herself a face and let her friends go.
"Shen He? Who do you want to sink?" Henry's voice sounded in the crowd.
Wade Zhang's two young brothers glanced at Henry, and after reading a sentence in their
hearts that they didn't know life or death, they quickly lowered their heads.
Danny outside the crowd heard this sound, and felt a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember
where he had heard it. He responded directly and said aloud: "Laozi just let you sink the
river? Do you give up to Laozi, let Laozi look Which bird hair is clamoring here! "
Danny waved his hands impatiently and stood in front of him, blocking the crowd from his
sight and making way for him.
The crowd dispersed and Henry stood there. His eyes could see Danny without hindrance.
Danny also saw Henry at this moment.
"Are you sure to let me sink?" Henry grinned and looked at Master Zhou in front of him.
Danny ’s arrogant face suddenly converged when he saw Henry. He lost a smiley face and
stuttered a little, "Original ... It ’s you ..."
Danny now wants to give himself one Slap, it's no wonder that I just heard this sound so
familiar, but it was this great god, so what's so special about me?
"Kneel!" Henry suddenly slammed.
Standing there, Danny didn't hesitate at all. He burst into a knee and fell to the ground.
The occurrence of this scene caused everyone present to have their eyes widened.
Everyone's eyes were filled with incredible expressions, including Daisy.
Although Daisy knew that Henry would n’t be afraid of Danny, Henry slammed and let
Danny kneel without hesitation. This ...
Hua Jie opened her mouth wide, and her plump body appeared a little stiff, "Master, you are
this ""
"Shut up!" Danny directly reprimanded, "Kneel down! Apologize!"
As the young master of Zhou's family, Danny couldn't have a bad face, but he knew very
well that his so-cal ed face, the man in front of him In front of them, nothing is the case, the
other party can destroy all their arrogant capital with just one phone call!
Sister Hua looked at Danny as if she was not kidding. At this moment, even if Sister Hua was
so puzzled and unwilling, she had to be honest and obedient, slowly kneeling, facing Henry,
"Yes ... … Sorry. ”
Such a scene made Wade Zhang, who had just been so desperate, do not know what to say.
He now has only one idea in his mind, that is, the brother-in-law Daisy, who is who, in a
word, scared the Zhou family The master knelt in front of so many people!
The two girls Amy Zhang and Lam Sun glowed with splendor in their eyes and stared at
Henry's back for a while.
"Don't apologize to me, tell them." Henry took two steps back to the right, exposing the
figure of Daisy's three women to Danny's sight.
The Zhou family regarded the Lin family as the biggest competitor. The membership of the
Lin family was naturally investigated by Danny, so he recognized Daisy standing there at a
"Xu ... Miss Xu."
"It seems you know." Henry smiled, "Your person, just bullied her, how should this account
be calculated?"
"What!" Danny's pupils expanded instantly With a startled look on his face, he looked at
Sister Hua with an angry look, "What are your hands?"
"Master, I ..." Sister Hua just started to explain.
"Slap!" Danny slapped Hua sister's face with a slap, "Waste! Let you manage a casino, you
don't even know a few big men in Yinzhou, this girl Xu, but the sister of Lin Lin Do you dare
to fight even the Lin family? "
Dannyqi's body shivered. Before that, he had cheated Sylvia, but commercial things, even if
they were disgusting means, they were not counted out of bounds, but now, hitting people,
that It's another character!
Sylvia's sister!
What Danny said, like a thunder, exploded in the crowd, whether it was Hua Jie, Wade
Zhang, etc., I felt that my mind could not think now, and it was blank. What happened
before me, the news I heard, They shocked them too.
The young master of the Zhou family, when he saw Henry, was knelt down at first sight,
and the ordinary girl in their eyes turned out to be the younger sister of Sylvia, the city's
commercial giant!
Wade Zhang now thinks that he usually drives a BMW X5 to show off in front of Daisy, and
he feels the redness of his face, which is almost ashamed!
and many more!
Wade Zhang suddenly thought of another key issue!
Daisy is Sylvia's younger sister. The man in front of him is Daisy's brother-in-law. It is
impossible that he is ... Sylvia's husband! I just said that Sylvia's husband is a waste!
Why do you own!
Wade Zhang felt as if he were a clown who jumped on the beam and had been leaping in
front of the other party, and the other party looked at him like a joke.
Wade Zhang glanced at him, his two younger brothers, now also had the same look as
themselves, and they felt ashamed and thrown into their bones.
"How to solve the problem, you figure it out for yourself, I hope you can give me a
satisfactory solution, and then you should know it yourself." Henry smiled at Danny.
Seeing this smile, Danny shuddered for no reason and nodded sincerely. "Understood, I
Henry stepped forward and patted Danny's face with his hand.
"Sure, sure!" Danny smiled compensatingly.
"Xiao Wan, bring your friends, let's go." Henry waved to Daisy.
"Wel ." Daisy nodded vigorously, took Amy Zhang and Lam Sun's arms, and followed Henry
towards the crowd.
Wade Zhang and several people also quickly got up and trot to fol ow Henry's footsteps.
Just after this happened, few people had no interest in playing, and even the chips in their
hands were not exchanged for cash, and they left the casino.
Until Henry left, Sister Hua was still there, her trembling legs, showing the fear in her heart.
"Wel , you Daisy, obviously a rich second generation, still hiding tuck, how many meals
have pitted me, please invite you for dinner today!" Amy Zhang went out and went upstairs
to Daisy's neck, threatening with a vicious face Road.
Daisy smiled helplessly, "Okay, I invite you, what do you want to eat?"
"That must be expensive, and you want to kil big households today!" Amy Zhang didn't
hesitate at al and directly mentioned several well-known hotels. Let Lam Sun choose.
Lam Sun's face was a bit cautious, "You ... you choose, I'l do it."
"Dep! All are good sisters, you must choose today!" Amy Zhang grabbed Lam Sun's arm,
"It's not good not to choose."
"I ..." Lam Sun opened his mouth, but said nothing for a long time.
"You are all friends. The friendship is nothing to do with your identity. Choose it quickly.
Everyone is hungry." Henry and Lam Sun smiled slightly and waved to Wade Zhang.
"There are a few of you, what are you doing? 'S meals are not active, everyone is starving,
come over and think about what to eat! "
" Brother-in-law, we ... "Wade Zhang's face came to Henry strangely, and the way of
speaking became more restrictive.
"Okay." Henry knew what they were thinking, and it didn't matter if they bowed their
hands, "Both old men, how about ink like a girl, choose a place to eat!"
"Wel , well, brother-in-law, thank you "" Wade Zhang nodded and said sincerely.
Chapter 56
In dinner, saying that Daisy is to be slaughtered, and the last few people stil chose a food
stall with a per capita consumption of 30, and had a good meal. It didn't make the
relationship rusty because of any problems.
After the meal, Henry told Daisy directly to go home.
There were so many things happening. When Henry arrived at home, it was already half
past nine. Henry stood outside the villa and looked at the darkness inside. There was no
light on. It was a bit strange. Does Lin always sleep so early?
Henry opened the door and glanced into the room. He saw that everything in the room was
the same as when he left, and Sylvia never came back.
Henry took out his mobile phone and made a cal to Sylvia, but no one answered it.
Henry thought about it and cal ed Milan again. Milan said she was not with Sylvia.
"Then do you know where my wife is?"
"It seems that there is a party. In the afternoon, Ben called and said that when the old
classmates gather again, he should also cal Sylvia." Milan was on the phone. Recalled.
"Wel , I see." Henry nodded, hung up the phone, and walked out of the door.
Henry also arranged manpower protection around Lin ZHan, but he couldn't do everything,
so sometimes Henry couldn't know where Sylvia had gone. People who say it bluntly, go
out one casual y. That is the role of having a head and a face in the whole world. They ca n’t
show up easily. Instead, it is Henry himself. Very little.
People who have seen Henry and know Henry ’s true identity, except for his most trusted
friend, have only his enemies, and the latter has few people who can live in the world.
It took Henry three minutes to find Ben's license plate number through his own intelligence
network. Within ten minutes, according to Ben's license plate number, it was locked where
Ben's car was currently parked.
Henry didn't directly ask people to search by Sylvia's license plate number. He was afraid
that those who secretly wanted to be unfavorable to Sylvia would find something and
frighten the snake.
Ben's car was parked in a private clubhouse. When Henry came here, he also saw Sylvia's
red Mercedes-Benz GT and determined that Sylvia was here.
After finding Sylvia, and confirming that Sylvia was fine, Henry was not in a hurry. He
simply stood in the parking lot and waited for Sylvia to get together.
There are many such private clubs in Yinzhou City. To put it bluntly, it was converted into a
villa. There are banquet hal s, karaoke, and board games rooms in the clubhouse.
At around 10:30, there was a loud noise in front of the clubhouse. Henry stood in the
parking lot and looked around. He saw seven or eight men, women and women walking out
of the clubhouse talking and laughing. Some wine.
"Handsome, is there fire?" A
charming voice rang behind Henry.
Henry turned his head and saw a beautiful woman with a sexy figure and hot red hair
standing behind her.
"Sorry, no." Henry shook his head.
This woman's upper body is hot, her waist is slender, and she is now wearing a navel
costume and a mini skirt. The two slender white legs are exposed in the air. Henry's eyes
did not stay on the woman for more than a second. His attention was all placed in front of
the clubhouse, waiting for the woman to appear. "Giggle." The hot girl smiled,
"Handsome, are you waiting for friends here?"
"Wel , wait for my wife." Henry nodded, not looking at it,
"Is still a good man, There are n’t many men like you right now. ”The hot beauty stretched
out Yubi and touched Henry ’s shoulder.“ Handsome guy, is n’t it boring? ”
“ Not boring. ”Henry ’s shoulder Twist and shake off the woman's arm.
"Humph." The hot girl yelled, "It's a man with a sense of style."
After that, the hot girl walked away in a big step. While she turned around, she showed a
successful smile and secretly posed in the dark. An OK gesture, where there is a camera in
one hand, is picking a photo. From the photo, although Henry's face is not visible, anyone
familiar with Henry can recognize it at a glance.
The photo shows people at a special angle, the body of the hot beauty is tightly attached to
Henry's body.
The photographer smiled and took out the phone, dialed a number, "Song Shao, get it done,
he really appeared, and the photo is now sent to you."
"No hurry." Ben walked to the clubhouse door while holding the phone Looking at Henry
standing in the parking lot, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "In the past few
days, take more pictures, as long as the scale is enough, the benefits will be yours!"
"Understand, hey."
Henry stared at the door of the club until the angel-like woman appeared and he walked
As soon as Sylvia walked to the door of the clubhouse, he saw Henry's figure. Henry slowly
walked to Sylvia.
Sylvia frowned slightly, "Why are you here?"
"I'm a little worried to see you didn't go home so late, and come to pick you up." Henry
showed a knowing smile.
"Pick me ..." Sylvia's expression was startled, her frowned eyebrows slowly stretched, and
Henry made a smal movement. A simple sentence made her feel a warm current flowing in
her heart, "Okay, let's go, the car is in front , I drank some wine and you opened it. "
" Well. "Henry nodded, took the car key from Sylvia, and the two walked side by side
toward the parking lot.
"Sylvia, who is this, haven't you seen it?" Behind the two, a slightly suspicious female voice
"My husband." Sylvia turned back and replied loudly, with a smile in his eyes.
Henry grinned and walked lightly, opened the door of the co-pilot for Sylvia and greeted
her, and behind the two Mercedes-Benz GTs, an obscure Volkswagen Jetta slowly followed.
Sylvia drank some wine tonight. Her pretty face was reddish. The moonlight above her
head reflected on her delicate face, adding a bit of playfulness to her, like an elf under the
She snuggled on the co-pilot, her body tilted, and her eyes just saw Henry's profile.
Henry has short, capable hair. His facial features are distinct, his face is elegant, and there
are traces of wind and frost left on his cheeks.
Previously, as long as Sylvia thought of this man as his husband, he would grow disgust
from the bottom of his heart, but I do n’t know when it started. This feeling gradually faded
away. She was surprised to find that she seemed to accept that this man appeared
occasionally by her side. , Just like tonight, that sentence will take you home.
Sylvia ca n’t remember how long he has n’t heard such a thing. It seems that since he grew
up, after his mother left, no one has said to himself again. He is the only one in so many
Chapter 57
The moonlight tonight is a little bright. Under the moonlight, the fiery Mercedes-Benz GT
drove gently on the road and went home, as if foreshadowed, a fiery Heart, is moving
towards the harbor, and final y stopped there.
Inside the car, there is gentle music.
"This night's wind blows, it's tickling, my sweetheart ..." The night passed quietly.
As early as the next morning, Henry poured tea for Sylvia, cleaned it, and then went out.
Henry sat in the wooden pavilion of the Ivy League Welfare House and muttered to himself,
"Mom, I found her. I once swore to you that as long as I live for a day, I will never allow
anyone to hurt her, you know Wel , I think I am really happy. If you are still there, you will
be happy for me. She has a cold personality because of family reasons, but she has a good
heart. It's very pleasant. "
A breeze blew, with the summer heat.
Henry's old mobile phone ringing was harsh.
"Boss, the Silver State Police recently monitored the Aoba Society almost in all directions. It
was a little difficult to kil their boss without anyone knowing, but there was a chance
today." A handsome young man rang on the phone the sound of.
"Say it directly." Henry reached out and took his ear.
"I heard. Today, Aoba Society is holding a banquet in the Baxian Building. It seems that the
two local associations are negotiating. Then the boss of the Aoba Society will also go. This
should be an opportunity."
"OK, I know." Henryhang After disconnecting the phone, I inquired about the location of
Baxian Building on my mobile phone, and after setting up a walking navigation, walked
towards it.
Henrycai had just left the welfare home, and the cel phone rang again. Henry glanced at the
caller on the cell phone, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.
"Hey, beautiful police officer, what's your job?"
"Where are you?" Helen's soft and rapid voice rang on the phone.
Henry rolled his eyes, "Isn't it sent to you, orphanage."
"Give you half an hour to come to the police station to see me!" Helen ordered on the
"I said police officer, I don't seem to be a criminal?"
"Less nonsense! The weapon you participated in last time hasn't been closed yet. If you
don't want to spend the night in the bureau, just listen honestly for half an hour, Now it ’s
time to count! Duo ... Duo ... "
Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Henry could n’t help crying and crying. I did n’t
know what to say when I met such a policewoman.
Now Henry can't reveal his identity. If the policewoman insists on engaging in herself, that
can real y cause a lot of trouble for herself.
Henry thought about it, turned off the navigation of Baxianlou, drove a car, and went to the
police station.
In front of the Yinzhou police station, a police officer saw Henry with a look of admiration
on his face, "Dude, here?"
This police officer looks like greeting someone who came home.
"Wel ." Henry nodded.
"The Han team is in the office. You go directly. The Han team is the only one in the office."
The police officer gave Henry a look that all men can understand.
Helen was sitting in the criminal investigation office, looking at the documents in her hand.
The summer shirt was worn on her. It was not like a police uniform, but like a role-playing,
giving people an unspeakable temptation.
Helen frowned.
The door of the office was knocked and Henry walked in.
Helen, who was sitting behind his desk, squinted at Henry and said lightly: "Come in and
close the door." "Oh."
"Bang", the police officers of the criminal investigation office closed and the police officers
sitting in the lobby outside the office al smiled at each other. The smiles had a common
In the office, Helen threw the document in his hand on the table, facing Henrydao: "Look at
it yourself."
Henry took the document suspiciously and glanced at it, but just this one gave him a heart.
The police arrested three batches of fugitives in a period of nearly half a month, a total of
16 people. According to the confession provided by these 16 people, they came to Yinzhou
for one thing.
Kil Sylvia!
"Your Lin family is a tycoon, ordinary people can't get in touch at all, we can't control the
grievances and grievances between your tycoons, but now this involves the underground
community, we have to control it, I hope you can say everything you know, Why did these
people want to kill your wife, and why did those people last time deal with you? " Helen
stood up, staring at Henry with his eyes like a torch.
"I don't know." Henry shook his head.
"Henry!" Helen suddenly shouted, and his hands clapped heavily on the table in front of
him, so powerful that the whole table was shaking, and Helen was also fluctuating in front
of him, "I am not joking with you now, you Do you know who these 16 fugitives are? Each of
them is a police wanted criminal! Each of them has at least one life on his back! "
" I understand, but I really don't know who wants it Kill my wife. "Henry frowned, and he
has been investigating this matter.
Helen stared at Henry for two seconds, suddenly smiled, and sat on the office chair, holding
his chest with both hands, "If you don't say that, then I can only invite Mr. Lin, please come
to this office!"
"You dare!" Henry stepped forward, his eyes flashing fiercely.
At this moment, Helen felt like he was being stared at by a beast. Henry's eyes were
extremely scary. Helen obviously felt that his heart was beating violently.
She endured the thril ing feeling in her heart and said: "I have nothing to dare! Henry, I
warn you, we are now helping you, and you, not only do not cooperate with law
enforcement, but also threaten law enforcement officers, just This, I have the right to put
you in prison! "
Henry smiled indifferently," just whatever you want to do with me, but don't scare my wife,
otherwise I promise you will regret it, real y! "
Helen's heart burst into anger and raised an eyebrow. "Are you threatening me?"
The atmosphere between the two was a little bit of a cross.
At this moment, the door of the criminal investigation office was opened, and a police
officer hurriedly rushed to the door.
"Korean team, it's not good, it's life!"
"Human life?" Han stood up gently from the seat. "What's the situation!" The police officer
reported quickly: "The news from the West District Police, a building The house was on
fire, and both of them were burned to death. Now that area is blocked. "
" Take me over! "Helen walked hurriedly outside the criminal investigation office. When he
walked to the door, he suddenly turned back. Come with me! "
" Why? "Henry glanced at his mouth.
"Just because you are under investigation! Let's go!" The west district of Yinzhou City is a
new urban area. It has received official support in the past two years. It has vigorously
developed and built many large shopping malls and residential areas, but the development
time is still short, and the population is compared with the old urban area It is much rarer.
Chapter 58
Henry and Helen arrived at a construction site in a police car on the way, the police
reported the situation to Helen.
"The location of the incident was in the work shed area. The deceased were two
construction workers. At that time, witnesses saw the two inside the house. The fire
developed too fast. When the fire brigade came, the people could not save the life." The
police car stopped. under.
At the construction site, a long isolation belt has been pulled up. At that time, the foreman
who witnessed the fire and more than a dozen workers were under investigation by the
police and confessed one by one.
Henry saw that in front of him, there was a burnt black work shed, and the ashes left by the
flame were scattered beside the work shed. Not far away, two white cloth sheets were tiled
to cover the dead body.
"Go and see." Helen gently pulled away the isolation belt and walked in.
Henry was standing outside the isolation belt, looking over here, turning over there,
because it was the person brought by Helen, and no one was in charge of him.
Next to the scorched work shed, a young policeman stood. When he saw Helen coming, the
policeman's face showed a happy look.
"Gentleness, you are here."
"You seem to be very happy when such a big case occurs?" Helen gave the young man a
disgruntled look.
The young man's face changed a lot, and he condensed a lot, explaining: "Isn't I happy
because I saw you?"
"Tel me, what's the matter?" Helen ignored the young man's favor, and his eyes were black.
Glanced over the work shed.
"According to the investigation and the information provided by the workers, it can
basically be determined that this fire was caused by an accident, and it is sufficient to
directly notify the family members to recognize the person." The youth said with a light
"Accident? From what point did you see that this was an accident?" Helen showed a
dissatisfied look. "These sheds are all made of iron. The facilities in the house are poor.
The three iron double beds, even if someone is lighting in the house It will make the house
ignite in a short time. Do you think this is an accident? "
" This ... "The young man opened his mouth and didn't speak. Although he came early, he
didn't bother to investigate the case.
"Jiao Hua, you are a policeman, just like that? Where are the confessions, show me!"
Helen reprimanded the youth and strode out of the isolation band.
Helen walked out of the isolation zone with an air of emotion, took the confession just
recorded from the police officer, and slowly looked at it.
Henry paced back and forth, looking at the charred work shed, and then the workers who
recorded the confession, muttered in his mouth: "It's really a low-level murder."
Helen stood there, looking at what the police had just recorded. Confession.
"Now this is the time to start work. Why did the two stay in the shed?" Helen asked a
worker with doubts.
The worker told Helen that both of them had recently suffered heatstroke, and most of
them would rest in the work shed. The cause of the fire might be caused by the two
smoking in the bed. The worker said one thing, the two died. Once, because I was smoking
in bed and accidentally lit the fire, I lit the bedding and found it in time, so there was no
major problem.
"Get the foreman." Helen handed the confession record in his hand to a police officer and
The foreman on this site is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is not tal , less than one
meter seven, and he is a little fat.
"Police, you are looking for me.""I ask you, where were you when the fire broke out today?"
Helen looked at the foreman.
At this time, Henry also walked to Helen, looked at the foreman with interest, and locked
his eyes on the foreman's left hand.
"Police officer, I originally went to Party A today. I didn't hear that something happened, so
I hurried over." The foreman was holding a round stomach, and his face was also
uncomfortable. "These two, last time Almost gave the work shed, and this time it happened
again, you talk about how this work is still open! "
" Who is this person? "Jiao Hua, the young policeman came over from the side and shoved a
handful of Henry "Go, go, who let you in without seeing the police handle the case? Go on
the side."
"I brought it." Helen's soft voice sounded.
"Gentleness, did you bring it?" Jiao Hua looked at Helen quite unexpectedly, and then he
seemed to think of something. He looked at Henry with hostile eyes. "Gentleness, you know,
this case is not relevant. People can't just come in casually. "
" I think so too, then I'll go first! "Henry waved Helen gently, and he was going to go outside
the construction site.
"Stop, whoever let you go, stay here!" Helen grabbed Henryhou's collar and dragged Henry
to himself with a strong pul . This violent appearance is worthy of the title of Police Force
Female Tyrannosaurus. .
Henry wiped the sweat on his forehead and said helplessly: "Police, I still have something
to do, when can I go."
"The case is clear, you go with me, I have something to ask you!" Helen said .
Jiao Hua stood aside and said: "Gentleness, this is the case. It is almost certain that the
deceased because of heat stroke, in the process of smoking in bed, may have accidental y
ignited the bed because of fal ing asleep, causing a fire and causing death.
The workers all said that the deceased had a previous record in this respect, and at the time
the work was being started, it was normal for no one to find it in time. Let me say, even the
individual is to blame! The case can be closed. "
" Poof! "
Henry, who stood aside, couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.
"What are you laughing at?" Jiao Hua stared at Henry with dissatisfaction.
"Nothing, nothing." Henrylian waved his hands, "I just thought of an interesting thing."
Helen stared at Henry for two seconds, "Are you surnamed Zhang, did you find anything?"
"No Ah. "Henry shook his head hard, his head was like a rattle.
"Say it!" The more Helen looked at Henry, the more he felt that this man's expression was
not right. The smile, mixed with it, was mocking! Who is he taunting?
Henry pondered for two seconds, "I found something, but I said, you have to let me go. I
really have something to do today."
Helen grabbed Henry's collar and raised his fist, "You dare to follow me Talk about the
conditions? "
Henry smiled," Police officer, this is not my business. If you don't agree, I can't force you. "
" You! "Helen glared at Henry, with her instinct, she could I felt that the fire in the work
shed this time was definitely not as simple as the accident, but the things in front of her
really made her have no clue.
Helen saw that Henry's dead pig was not afraid of boiling water and hated her teeth. It was
not the first time she had dealt with this man. Every time he could be mad at death!
Chapter 59
"Okay, you say! As long as it is useful, I will let you go! But you dare to play me, you know
the consequences!" Helen loosened Henry's collar, raised his fists, and said viciously.
"Gentle, he is not a policeman, he can tell you something, don't let this person mislead you."
Jiao Hua said aside.
"Oh." Henry chuckle loudly, glanced Hua Jiao, "I do not the police, but you are the police,
what is the use? So obvious murder in front of you, you are identified as an accident?"
Coke Huayi Listen, unhappy on the spot, shouted at Henry: "You fart! Why do you think it is
murder! I warn you kid, don't talk nonsense! If you say it is murder, take the evidence!"
"The evidence is here Gee. "Henry pointed to the foreman.
The foreman's face changed, "This little brother, don't talk nonsense! What do you want me
to do?"
"You said that you just prepared to go to Party A and haven't been to the construction site,
right?" Henry asked.
"Wel ." The foreman nodded. "These workers saw it, they called me, and I rushed over."
Henry glanced at the foreman's left hand. "Are you married?"
Listening to Henry asked, the foreman subconsciously He put his right hand on the back of
his left hand. Immediately afterwards, his face changed undetectably, "This is my personal
problem, has nothing to do with the case?"
"Perhaps, come with me." Gently beckoned, and then pulled apart the barrier and walked
towards the charred work shed.
Helen didn't say anything, and with a trace of doubt in his eyes, he followed Henry's
Jiao Hua snorted and followed.
Henry went around the work shed and looked around. His eyes were suddenly locked at
the corner of the work shed. In the black work shed, there was a little flash of white.
"Sergeant Han, I think you should have someone pick it up and look at it." Henry pointed to
the flashing white place.
Helen didn't call anyone, but put on rubber gloves and took out the shiny white thing. It
was a men's platinum ring!
The moment he saw this platinum ring, Helen knew that the clue came out!
These workers are working on the construction site, it is absolutely impossible to bring a
platinum ring, and it is impossible to put the ring casual y in the work shed. This must be
someone who has fallen.
Henry smiled slightly and looked at the foreman again. "Can you extend your left hand?"
"Why?" The foreman looked at Henry vigilantly, and did not do what he said.
"Tel you to stretch and stretch, to cooperate with work!" Helen shouted loudly!
The foreman's eyeballs kept spinning around his eyes.
"Hurry up!" Helen shouted again.
"Why!" The foreman put his left hand behind his back. "You investigate what you do, what
do I do, why do I listen to you."
"Oh!" Helen stepped forward, his hands stretched forward, and he grabbed the foreman.
go with.
Where can a fat foreman escape the gentleness of Helen, but he is restrained by Helen in an
"What are you doing! Violent law enforcement, I want to sue you!" The foreman roared
"Wait for you to have a chance, let's talk about it." Henry stepped forward and grabbed the
foreman's left hand. On the ring finger of the foreman's left hand, there was a mark on the
ring finger of the foreman.
Helen took a look, and immediately realized what he was doing, took the platinum ring out,
and put it on the ring finger of the foreman! The mold of the entire ring exactly matches the
mark on the ring finger of the foreman. From this point, it can be shown that this ring has
an 80% chance of being a foreman! "It turns out to be you! Your ring is here, what else can
you deny!" Helen's soft eyes widened, and the hand that restrained the foreman increased
his strength, and the painful foreman grinned!
"It's me! My ring was lost a few days ago!" The foreman blushed.
Henry no longer went to see the foreman. Regarding whether the foreman lied, Helen had
his own way to distinguish. He began to authenticate the next clue. Trapped in a work shed
for help, right? "
" Yes! "Helennou nodded and commanded a police officer," Call that man! "
Soon, a man in a white shirt and red helmet The middle-aged man was cal ed by the police.
Henry glanced at the man and said, "Tel me about the situation at that time."
The man nodded and recalled: "I remember it was ten o'clock in the morning, and soon
after the construction started, I heard someone shouting fire. When I ran over and saw that
the work shed had been completely burned, both of them were trapped in the house, and
the screams were clearly heard. It was too late to wait for the fire to be extinguished. "
" Oh. "Henry nodded, and then He gently waved at Han, "This is also an accomplice, catch
"Just fooling! Simply fooling!" Jiao Hua next to the face shouted angrily, "If you catch, just
grab, you say that the accomplice is the accomplice? What happened in the end?
There is no evidence. Arbitrary arrests! Just seeing the dead burned to death, you become
an accomplice? "
" Who said I have no evidence? "Henry asked," I ask you, you have seen the burned person
What? "
" Joke! "Jiao Hua smiled disdainfully." The two dead are still lying there. You asked me to
see someone who has not been burned to death? "
" You haven't seen it! " The master of the voice is Helen.
"Gentleness, you ..." Jiao Hua opened his mouth wide.
Helen loosened his foreman, turned his head to look at the burnt black shed, and said,
"Henry said well, not only have you never seen someone burned to death by fire, I have
never seen it, in this world, die There are many people in the fire, but there are few people
who are actual y burnt to death. Except for the ancient capital sentence, which put people
on the fire rack and roasted, they are not really burned to death by fire! "
" There are stil people with bright eyes. Ah. "Henry smiled and stopped talking. He had
given enough hints. If Helen couldn't find a clue like this, then her deputy captain of
criminal investigation was real y Baidang.
Fortunately, Helen did not disappoint Henry.
Helen continued to say: "In the event of a fire, the greatest danger faced by people in
danger is not the high-temperature flame, but the poisonous smoke burning in the flame.
The fire will burn the surface of the person and then make people Lethal, this process may
take about half an hour, and poisonous smoke can suffocate, brain shock, and death in just a
few minutes! "
Helen finished, walking quickly to the dead covered by white cloth, At the same time, wave
and order, "Catch people!"
Chapter 60
, the face of the worker wearing a red T-shirt and wearing a red hard hat changed.
When he was about to run, he was held down by two police officers standing next to him.
He looked at the foreman with a frightened expression, and at this time the foreman kept
bowing his head without saying a word.
Helen lifted the white cloth, and the bodies of the two dead people were burnt and
scorched, and they looked distorted.
Jiao Hua was standing aside, not dare to see it.
Helen ’s good qualities were revealed at this time. She reached out and held her jaw with
her hands unchanged. The mouth of the deceased naturally opened. There was not too
much black smoke in the mouth of the deceased, which means that the deceased Did not
die in a fire at all! Before the fire ignited, they were already dead! So there is no poisonous
smoke inhaled, otherwise, the mouth is filled with black toxic substances!
The man's confession just now said that he heard the deceased cry for help and he was
At this moment, Helen caught the key to solving the case!
"Police officer, fulfill your promise, let me go first." Henry smiled with a smile on his face
and waved at Helen. He didn't wait for Helen to speak this time, he ran away and Helen
wanted to say something. , There is no chance.
Looking at Henry's back, Helen's eyes stayed for a few seconds, and then he ordered aloud:
"Take everyone back, take a good trial!"
Henry came out of the construction site and looked at the time, noon.
He remembered that the time when the Aoba Society held a banquet in the Baxian Building
was in the afternoon. After a casual lunch, Henry walked towards the Baxian Building.
The signboard of the Baxianlou is as old as the old-school movie of the 1990s. The
decoration inside the building has been renovated many times. This signboard looks at the
old restaurant, but there are no holes in it.
In the hall, a one-to-one-size Guan Gong statue was placed. A bronze furnace was placed in
front of the Guan Gong statue. A thick layer of incense ash was placed in it, and dozens of
incense sticks were inserted in the incense burner, emitting blue smoke .
Since a long time ago, the Baxian Building has become a place for community negotiation.
In Yinzhou, a slightly larger scene will be held in the Baxian Building. There is an unwritten
rule in the Yinzhou underground community. That is, in Baxianlou, you must not do it.
Whoever wants to do it in Baxianlou, then the entire Taoist people will not convince you.
The people in the community are confused with a meaning. No one has broken this rule.
Because of the existence of the Baxian Tower, many large-scale weapons were avoided.
Henry's intelligence team also provided him with all these things.
When Henry came to Baxianlou, there were almost no guests here. There were only six
women in cheongsam standing at the door. The decoration style of Baxianlou was also
filled with an ancient flavor and the tables in the hal were all The Eight Immortals Table, on
the vermilion wall directly opposite the hall, reads a couplet.
The eternal moon and the moon, the thousand years of loyalty, spring and autumn.
Among the couplets, a five-clawed golden dragon was engraved on it, which was
Henry entered the door, the female welcoming guests bowed to Henry uniformly, the
cheongsam split to the root of the thigh, which was particularly attractive.
"Hello, sir, I need to order something."
Henry's eyes didn't stay on the six welcoming female guests for more than a second, and
went straight to the store, sat on a single table, asked for the menu, and clicked Pot tea,
some pastries, and then looked at the environment in this shop.
The Baxian Building has two floors and a total area of 420 square meters, which is not
comparable to those of big hotels. Henry's eyes carefully looked at the ground.
Through the degree of wear and tear on the ground, he could distinguish where the general
club members would sit when they came over.
Today, Henry has only one purpose, which is to completely solve the problem of Aoba.
At the same time, he also needs to know who actual y hired someone to do it himself. In
Henry's heart, there are so few guesses.
Because of the fight at the last night's bar, the police have recently guarded Aoba's key
members particularly closely, and Henry can only choose to secretly start in such a place.
After roughly observing it, Henry had a plan in his mind, and three or two swallowed the
pastry just in his stomach.
"Waiter, checkout, yes, where is the bathroom."
"Sir, on the second floor." The waiter helped Henry point out the direction.
"Thanks." Henry paid and walked towards the second floor.
The decoration on the second floor is not as atmospheric as the first floor. They are all smal
private rooms. Henry sees that there are teapots in the private rooms. These private rooms
should be dedicated to playing cards and drinking tea.
Looking around for a week, it took only three seconds for Henry to find a suitable place.
All he has to do is wait here! Those waiting for Aoba!
Henry ’s intelligence team told him that every time the club negotiated in Baxianlou,
Baxianlou would suspend business. When it was time to come in from the outside and
quietly kill the mission target, it was obviously impossible to hide inside. simple way.
An afternoon of lurking was nothing to Henry. At first, in order to kill a conglomerate, he
had been lurking in the thick snow at a temperature of minus thirty degrees and lying on
his body for 33 days. Hours, and final y kill the mission target, this is a terrible record,
Henry completed at the age of twenty.
Time passed quietly.
The door of the first floor of Baxian Building.
A beautiful door was greeted with doubts, "Huh, what about the gentleman who came in
before? Did you see him go out?"
"No attention." The other door shook his head.
"Okay, don't think about it, the people of Aoba will come over immediately, pay attention to
it!" A beautiful woman who looks like a foreman reprimanded.
The second floor of Baxian Building.
Henry tuned his phone to mute long ago and glanced at the time, at half past five.
"Coming soon." Henry put the phone away, his mind was gentle, his heart was beating at an
even speed, and there was no trace of anxiety or tension.
Suddenly, a crisp female voice sounded on the corridor. When Henry heard the voice, he
screamed badly, walked out of the box hidden in the afternoon, glanced at the direction of
the dressing room, and dril ed over.
"Hello? I said, I have something tonight! Right! The case has been found out! Let everyone
be ready to listen to me at any time!" Helen, who is wearing a police uniform, hangs up the
phone anxiously. Lou looked at it and walked towards a box, then concealed the door and
hid it crept.
Standing in the locker room, Henry saw Helen walking through the door and entered the
box opposite, crying and laughing, how could there be this woman anywhere!
Henry stood embarrassed in the dressing room, and now neither is walking nor walking.
He is sure that he will definitely be seen by this woman as soon as he leaves the locker
room, and then the woman will not only let herself report her position every day So simple.
Chapter 61
Henry sighed, it seems that tonight, this action cannot be carried out.
Henry took a seat on the stool in the dressing room, took out his mobile phone, and
prepared to pass the time. Waiting for the time when the society had finished the
negotiation, the woman with the surname Han left, go again.
As soon as the phone was taken out, the screen turned on automatical y.
Henry looked at it, and it was Han Weinou who sent himself a WeChat message and asked
where he was.
"Where? Isn't it right across from you!" Henry's fingers were connected on the screen, and
a place was set for Shuishui to Helen. He turned on the mobile phone and played it.
At about six o'clock, the quiet Baxianlou became noisy, and obviously many people came.
Henry continued to play with his mobile phone, not caring about anything.
"Go! Go upstairs and see! It's all right to let out!" A shout of sound rang downstairs, and
immediately followed by a sound of "hoop", apparently more than one person came
The footsteps of ascending the stairs were ringing, and Henry heard the opposite door of
the box door being "creaked", and the rapid footsteps approached the dressing room.
Henry stretched his hand to cover his head. "What's the matter?"
Henry glanced at the closet with a person on his left hand, pulled open the closet door, and
drilled straight in.
One second after Henry got into the closet, the door of the dressing room was pushed away
by Helen. The woman's face glanced anxiously, locked her eyes on the closet, and rushed
Henry hid in the closet, watching the closet pulled open.
Helen, who was still in a hurry the previous second, stayed here when the wardrobe was
The two faced each other, and no one spoke.
Henry can clearly see that in Helen's eyes, anger is rising!
The sound of footsteps outside the door broke the silence between the two.
"Keep off!" Helen reached out and pushed Henry a hand, squeezing into the closet.
"Hi, what a coincidence." Henry Helen gently waved his hand, with an unnatural smile on
his face.
"Shut up!" Helen made a forbidden gesture to Henry and closed the door.
In addition to being a little taller, this wardrobe has a very smal internal space.
Originally Henry was hiding inside and squeezed the space. Now Helen gets in and the two
people's bodies are squeezed together.
Helen's proud upper body squeezed on Henry's chest, the thin summer uniform could not
hide the deformed towering.
The distance between the two at this time can clearly feel each other's breathing and sense
the other's body temperature.
Helen subconsciously wanted to push Henry away. His arms just stretched out, and he
didn't exert any force. He heard that the locker room door was opened. This scared Helen
dare not move. Her outstretched hands were just right. Embracing Henry's tiger waist, this
action should be seen by everyone, just like Helen was throwing his arms around him.
Several completely different footsteps were heard in the ears of Henry and Helen, and they
could be distinguished by this hearing. More than one person entered the dressing room.
"Is the inspection finished? No one, let's go!"
Outside the locker room, somebody shouted, and then heard the footsteps of the locker
room sounded again, and gradually went away.
Henry and Helen were relieved almost at the same time. Helen was just about to push open
the closet door, ending this awkward action. The feeling of being squeezed in front of her
made her feel very uncomfortable, but she did n’t wait for her hand to put it on the closet
door. Hear a sound.
"You, you, you, and you, the four of you are looking at this, you can't see anything wrong
today, have you heard?"
"Relax, boss!"
Helen, who was about to push open the wardrobe door, saw a tattooed youth in the club
standing at the door of the dressing room, the door of the dressing room was wide open. To
go out, even the blind can perceive it.
Helen had no choice but to stay in the closet, but her posture with Henry was too
The noise downstairs was getting louder and louder, and when I heard a bang, the door of
Baxian Building was closed, which also proved that the negotiations between the two
societies began completely.
In the past of one minute and one second, a person who maintains a posture for a long time
will make her body stiff, Helen is no exception. She slowly twisted her lower limbs,
preparing to stretch her sore arms, but feeling herself There was a constant sense of
oppression in the past, Helen lowered her head slightly, she saw with her own eyes that
because of her small movements, she was squeezed and deformed on Henry ’s body
because of the small movements, and because of this movement , Let the neckline of this
summer uniform on your body wide open, infinite style.
Henry's body is directly facing Helen. Now, he is inconvenient to twist his head. Except for
closing his eyes, he has no way to refuse this style to his eyes.
"Isn't that enough?" Helen whispered violently.
Henry glanced at his mouth, "It's not blaming me, I didn't move at all."
"You!" Helen looked at the man in front of her, and he didn't get angry, just returned his
position, but now Just appeared in front of myself!
"I said, Officer, you're so decent. What are you doing here at Baxianlou?" Henry is real y
speechless now. He has never seen such a clever thing. He found this Aoba Club three times
in trouble and encountered all three Helen.
"How can our police not look at the negotiations between the two major organizations?"
Helen stared at Henry, very dissatisfied with Henry's approach.
"I said Officer Han, the club negotiation, do you have to take care of this kind of thing?
You hate the club members so much?" Henry asked. He saw from the first day that he saw
Helen, this woman was absolutely jealous, and treated those Those who fight and fight,
gather together to make trouble, are disgusted from the bottom of their hearts, otherwise
they will not be so directed at themselves.
"Hate! Of course I hate!" Helen bit her silver teeth. "As long as my Helen is still a policeman
for a day, I will not let these associations leave it alone. This should be a society with a
harmonious legal system, not their underworld society Society! "
Henry stared at Helen's eyes. He saw that in this woman's eyes, there was a hateful look,
very rich.
"That ... I think ah, you are a little too extreme. In this world, it would be wrong if you don't
have these club members." Henry tried to enlighten Helen, but he was stared back by
"Less nonsense, what are you doing here?"
"Me, I'm here ..."
Henry was ready to take out the excuse he wanted, and he heard a woman screaming and
yelling at her downstairs .
"Hack them!" Then, there was a loud ding noise.
Helen, who was questioning Henry, changed his face. He could n’t even ask why Henry was
here. He kicked the closet door and made a leap.
Chapter 62
At the moment Helen surpassed, the member of the society standing in front of the locker
room saw her.
"Han ..." The member of the society had just spoken, and before he shouted, Helen was
knocked down by a sweep of the court.
Henry closed his eyes hard; this woman is really violent!
"Police officer Han, you ... you ... why are you here ..." The rest of the members of the society
guarding on the second floor looked a bit unnatural after seeing Helen.
Henry, who was hiding in the closet, looked a little strange. These members were also a
little too afraid of Han gentleness. Last time at the night bar, Helen said a word, all these
people obediently went to the police station to make a statement.
"What are you doing here!" Helen asked, frowning frowningly.
"We ... we ..." The member of the society lost a small face and was interrupted by the roar
coming downstairs before he even spoke.
"Brothers, come on! These grandchildren are playing with yin!" After hearing several
members of the society, he could not answer Helen's question. He picked up the bench
nearby and rushed downstairs.
Helen reached out and touched the matching gun hanging around his waist, also rushed
downstairs, and in the blink of an eye, only Henry was left on the second floor.
Henry walked out of the closet without any hassle, stretched hard, and slowly walked
toward the corridor.
Standing at the entrance of the escalator on the second floor, Henry could clearly see what
was happening downstairs.
On the first floor, there were at least a hundred people, armed with sticks, benches, and
machetes, engaged in chaotic fighting.
Henry saw that the three heads of Aoba who he saw at the night bar that day were also
among the crowds.
"Gee, Dao Dao sees blood." Henry went to the fence on the second floor and looked down
like a play.
This kind of flesh-and-blood scene, if ordinary people, can't bear to look at it, but in Henry's
eyes, it seems too pediatric. When he first contacted the killer industry, the first thing he
learned was how to kill people. As for Chopping people, their instructors disdain to teach.
Those guys who just rushed down from the second floor raised their hands and joined the
Helen looked at the situation in front of her with a frown on her face, and an armed fight
took place in Baxianlou, which clearly exceeded her estimate.
"Boss, look!" Aoba She pointed the leopard head at the place where Helen was.
Aoba's boss Leigong's face changed, "Why is she here?"
"Boss, what should I do?" Leopard's face became anxious.
In front of me, the scene of a hundred people's melee was not able to stop casual y.
Suddenly, a gunshot made all the people in the fight stop their movements.
Helen stood at the staircase, holding a handful of May Fourths, and pointed the gun at the
ceiling. The gunshot came from her.
It was at this time that the members of the society noticed that in the Baxian Building, I do
not know when there was a policeman.
Helen's face was as cold as frost, and he scanned the hal . "Lei Gong, surnamed Tai, are you
both doing too much? You can fight in Baxian Lou today, and tomorrow you still want to go
to the police station Ah! "
Those members of the community who had just fought so hard to fight now are actually
afraid to go to see Han Genou.
"Yo, is a Korean police officer ah!" A bearded middle-aged man laugh, "Oops, I did not
expect this Korean police officers are real y rude, rude."
"Surname Tai, you Don't give me this nonsense, you big circle, recently you have moved a
little too frequently! "Helen looked at the other party with a warning in his eyes.
middle-aged bearded middle-aged man is Tai Xing.
The Great Circle Society is the Yinzhou underworld society second only to the Aoba Society.
It has thousands of members and is also the key target of the Yinzhou police.
Tai Xing burst out laughing, "Haha, Officer Han, this is what you misunderstood me. Tai
Xing has always been a good citizen who abides by the law. Today, I am also forced to help."
"It's really interesting, you Tai Boss was forced to help? "Helen sneered." Who dares to
force you, Tai, boss. "
" Of course he is! "Tai Xing reached out and pointed to Lei Gong, who was standing on the
other side, and Tai Xing's face showed a touch at this moment. The wronged look,
"Sergeant Han, do you know that he thunders, he will not leave us a way of life at all!
What are we? A gang! His Aoba club, as the underground leader of Yinzhou, does not even
lead us to develop It still restricts us, does not allow us to be poisoned, does not let us bet
on gambling, you talk about, is there any Wang Fa, huh? "
Helen Rou looked at Leigong unexpectedly, she didn't expect that Aoba Society still
managed these thing.
Helen asked Tai Xing, "Poison and gambling are il egal, you can't touch it yourself,
otherwise what do you want?"
"How do I want to?" The look of grievance on Tai Xing's face suddenly changed and
changed There was a smirk, "Sergeant Han, what do you think I can do? I had to kill them,
ha ha ha!"
"Lawlessness!" Helen yelled angrily, "Your surname Tai, you just can't take it Our law
enforcement officers
put it in our eyes! " " Don't put our green leaves in your eyes. "Leigong, who has not been
silent, took a sullen face and said," You surnamed Tai, you think it depends on your big
circle. How about treating me with green leaves, we spit each other and drowned you too! "
" Is it? "Tai Xing raised an eyebrow." Lei Gong, Lei Gong, don't you forget, how did your wife
die? " ""
Leigong's face changed suddenly as soon as he said this.
"Tai Xing, what do you want to say?"
When Leigong questioned, his body trembled slightly, and he guessed something.
"I can't kill everyone in your Aoba Society, can I stil kill your closest relative, Leigong?
Huh? Hahahaha!" Tai Xing laughed wildly.
"It's you!" Leigong gritted his teeth. "It was you who killed my wife!"
"I killed you!" The leopard head roared and rushed towards Tai Xing. You can see that the
leopard head looked like it was waving its arms. Very stiff. Last time Henry unloaded his
arms, so that he is not slowing down now.
"Kill me, it's you?" Tai Xing glanced at the leopard in disdain.
Immediately afterwards, there was a clattering sound. It was the rol er shutter door locked
in Baxianlou, which was pulled away from the outside.
Outside the Baxian Building, there were black people standing, al dressed in uniform black
costumes, and a swarm of bees poured into the Baxian Building, at least fifty people.
At the moment of seeing these people, Leigong frowned, "Hei Lei!"
Hei Lei! The power of the underground faucet in Ning province is unknown how many
times larger than Aoba!
While these Black Thunder members appeared, Helen subconsciously looked upstairs.
She probably guessed why Henry was here. These Black Thunder people are also related to
Chapter 63
"How is it, Leopard Head, do you still want to kill me?" Tai Xing smiled, holding his chest
with both hands, winning the ticket.
Leigong's face was completely gloomy. He knew that he might be planted today. His long-
term dominance in Yinzhou made him lack of vigilance. He didn't expect Tai Xing to start in
Baxianlou, and even more, Tai Xing found it. Hei Lei's help.
"Tai Xing, do you think that if you kill me, you can replace Aoba?" Leigong squeezed his fists
with both hands, gesturing to his men. "Aoba, not only me!"
"It's boring to kil you." Tai Xing chuckled and waved, "Go, please ask Officer Han."
Several younger brothers nodded and walked gently toward Han.
"Stop, don't move!" Helen screamed sharply and pointed at Tai Xing. "Are you surnamed
Tai, are you a little too bold?"
"Bold? I don't think so." Tai Xing asked him to help him. The raised right hand suddenly
changed a gesture.
"Be careful!" Leigong exclaimed.
Helen only felt a strong wind hitting behind him, and he was shocked. Just about to react,
he felt a violent blow on his right wrist, grabbing the pistol in his hand, and released it.
Helen's first reaction was to grab a gun, but was stopped by a whip leg. Helen could only
retreat again and again, avoiding this whip leg.
With a click, the dark pistol fell to the ground.
Helen only saw the people who shot against him. The other person was thin and flexible,
but when he came to him, Helen didn't notice.
"Officer Han, how about the skill of Hei Lei's double-flowered red stick?" Tai Xing smiled.
He took two steps forward and stooped to pick up Han's pistol that fel gently on the
Leigong pushed away the younger brother in front of him, strode to Tai Xing in front of him,
"The surname Tai, what are you doing, come at me!"
"Leigong, if you talk about you, your boss is not too small. What are you doing with me?"
Tai Xing's educational tone, "You said, I killed you, and I can't replace Aoba, so why?" , I
thought of a good way, it is better to use your daughter's life in exchange for you to
automatically dissolve Aoba? "
Tai Xing took the gun and pointed it at Helen's head.
The muzzle of the black hole has a cold killing atmosphere, and people who have not faced
the muzzle cannot feel that feeling.
A person, when he is pointed at a gun, even if he knows that there is no bullet in the gun, he
will feel some fear, not to mention, when he knows that there is a bul et in the gun.
Henryyi was on the handrail of the second floor, watching the scene downstairs.
"No wonder this female Tyrannosaurus hates the society members so much that she turned
out to be the daughter of the triad boss. Listening to the conversation just now, her mother
died in the hands of the triad."
At this time, Henry also understood why those young children Respectfully respected
Helen, this female Tyrannosaurus is not only a policeman, but also a mafia princess!
Henry covered his forehead, the relationship between the family is also chaotic enough, the
old man is the underworld brother, the daughter is the deputy captain of the police
criminal investigation, the daughter has always wanted to arrest her father, eradicate her
father's power.
Henry did not move, and continued to lie here.
Lei Gong stared at Tai Xing, the murderous intention in his eyes could not be concealed,
"Tai Xing, I said, what do you want, come at me!"
"With such a good hostage in my hand, why should I be at you?" Go? "Tai Xing asked back,"
Lei Gong, are you the boss? Do you think you are stupid! " "Tai Xing, you don't say
righteousness!" Leopard squeezed his fist.
"Shit morals, yuck!" Tai Xing shattered his saliva on the ground. "My Tai Xing will say
morals, and I won't kill him Lei Gong's wife. How about Lei Gong, your wife died in my
hands. Today, your daughter I also have to die in my hands, the feeling of kil ing your family
is so cool! Hahahaha! "
On Tai Xing's face, it was full of enjoyment.
"Tai Xing, your brain is sick!" Helen's voice sounded, and she laughed at herself, "Do you
think you used me to threaten Leigong? When he knew his wife was in danger, he still
didn't want to give up green. Ye, today's green leaves have dominated Yinzhou for
more than ten years. Do you think he can give up green leaves for me? You too
underestimate his thunderbolt's ruthlessness! "
" Is it? I don't believe it. "Tai Xing shook Shaking his head, rubbing his fingers back and
forth on the trigger of the pistol, "I want to try, Leigong, I counted to three, you think about
whether to dissolve Aoba, or I kil ed your daughter."
"One!" Tai Xing's finger on the trigger Stopped, not shaking.
Leigong was silent and did not speak.
Helen's eyes didn't make waves.
"Two!" Tai Xing's fingers gradually bent. "Gee, Leigong, your daughter said well, you are
really inhuman."
Leigong is still silent.
Helen's long eyelashes flicked lightly, closing his eyes and corners of his mouth, drawing a
self-deprecating smile.
"I agree! Dissolve Aoba!" Leigong's clenched fists loosened. "But you have to promise me
that today, my daughter must be let go!"
"That's right." , Put down the pistol, and at the same time pul ed out a white cloth from the
pocket, carefully wiped the fingerprint on the pistol, and final y threw the pistol back on the
ground, "Sergeant Han, my Tai Xing did not do anything il egal, pistol or something, I I
haven't seen it before. "
Lei Gong was relieved to see Tai Xing throw away the pistol.
Helen opened his eyes and regained some luster in his eyes.
"Tai Xing, your goal has been achieved, what other tricks, come out!" Leopard stared at Tai
Xing with hate in his eyes.
"No, no, no," Tai Xing waved again and again. "My purpose is far from being achieved.
You said that Aoba would dissolve and dissolve? How should I believe you? Your Leigong's
method has long been famous on the Tao, How dare you guarantee that Leigong left the
door of Baxianlou with his front foot, and will the back foot burn us al with a fire. "
" Then do you want my life? "Leigong asked in a low voice.
"God, destiny!" Tai Xing's face was horrified. "Lei Gong, don't talk nonsense, police officer
Han can be here! How can you say such things in front of law enforcement officers? My Tai
Xing is good Citizen! But ... "
Tai Xing's voice changed, and all the horror on her face disappeared." The law stipulates
that you can't intentionally injure or kil , but there is no regulation that you can't harm
yourself. Good policeman, I do n’t want to be stared at by your good daughter every day in
the future, so you cut your limbs and let your daughter take you, leave Yinzhou, find a
country, and have a good year. "
Chapter 64
Leopard head roared , "Tai Xing, don't go too far!"
"Shut up your stinky mouth!" Tai Xing took a fold Pedal, hit the leopard head, "Here, do you
have the right to talk!"
Tai Xing threw a folding pedal hard, Tai Xing sorted out the clothes on his body, and
breathed a sigh of relief. It's nonsense with you, how to choose, you can do it yourself, or
you can cut off your limbs yourself, or I kil ed your daughter, you think! "
" Yes . "Lei Gong nodded, simply nodded and agreed.
Leigong knew very well that Tai Xing would say it and he could do it.
"Yes!" Tai Xing's face showed a look of approval, "This is what a father should look like,
well, start your performance, but don't be too bloody, I don't see the bloody scene!"
Tai Xing's words just fell, and a younger brother standing beside him threw the dagger to
Leigong's feet.
Lei Gong stared at the dagger for five seconds, squatted down and picked it up.
"Brother!" Leopard's head flashed unbearably.
"Tai Xing, I hope you do what you say, don't deal with my daughter!" Lei Gong clenched his
dagger in his hands and gritted his teeth.
"Of course, I'm Tai Xing, but a good citizen who abides by the law."
"Youngest." Leigong turned his head to look at the poisonous snake that had never spoken.
In the year, the brothers followed me, there were too many enemies. "The viper nodded,
stil silent.
Anyone familiar with the poisonous snake knows that now, his anger has risen to the
extreme, but the current scene has been firmly controlled by the big circle society.
The members of the big circle society present, and the people of Black Thunder, can
completely crush these people.
Leigong smiled a little, then looked at Helen deeply, raised his dagger in his hand, and then
pierced his knee bone.
The members of Aoba, who couldn't bear to look at it, closed their eyes.
"Enough!" A loud scream came.
Lei Gong's dagger, about to pierce his knee bone, stopped.
As you can see, Helen ’s eyes have turned red. She looked at Tai Xing and her voice was a
little choked up. "Are you surnamed Tai, do you have to kill them all?"
Tai Xing's face was filled with the winner's smile. Looking at what you said, the road was
chosen by Leigong himself. I did n’t force him. ”
Helen looked at Leigong for a few seconds, then suddenly turned his head and looked in the
direction of the second floor, shouting:“ The name is Zhang ’s, The person you found is
about to drive us to death. Are you stil planning to watch the drama on it? "
Helen's mouth moved, terrifying Tai Xing.
"Is there anyone? Go find it!"
"Don't look for it, I will come out myself." Henry's voice sounded, and the figure gradual y
appeared on the stairs.
"It's him?" When Lei Gong and others saw Henry, their faces changed.
The scene that Henry beat them one hundred and fifty on that day, they still have a fresh
Helen looked at Henry and took a deep breath. "It's Zhang's name. Even if I beg this time, let
the people you find go."
"Who am I looking for?" Henry was confused.
"You didn't find these black thunders?" Helen was startled. She felt like she was doing
something wrong.
"Fuck, of course not me, how could I find these members of the society." Henry waved his
hand. "This ..." Helen opened his mouth softly, not knowing what to say.
She has always believed that the people of Hei Lei were found by Henry. Last night, more
than 150 people were injured in the Aoba Club. The specific situation of the Aoba Club was
also reluctant to disclose. The police got news again. Hei Lei once asked Aoba about the
news, but Helen Rou reasonably thought it was Hei Lei.
At that time, the person in conflict with Aoba was Henry. As the son-in-law of Henrylin's
family, Helen did not doubt that Henry had such energy.
But now it seems that this is not the case.
Henry has nothing to do with this conflict. Let's not talk about why he was here. Helen
already understood that his own voice involved Henry.
Thinking of this, Helen didn't know what to do. She couldn't help herself. She could only
give Henry an apologetic look, and then said to Tai Xing: "He is from the Lin family, follow
this matter It doesn't matter, let him go. "
Tai Xing's mouth twitched." I'm going to say no? "
Leopard looked at Henry and took a deep breath." Brother, don't you want to know who let
us deal with you? Today? " You take my eldest brother away, and I put the man's hands up!
" Youngest, don't! "Leigong just started to speak, and was held by the leopard's head.
The leopard's head looked at Henry with an unbearable look in his eyes," How, Little
brother. "
" He? Take you away? "Helen looked at Henry suspiciously.
Henry tilted his head for a moment, then shook his head.
Seeing Henry shake his head, Leopard head sighed like an appointment.
Tai Xing suddenly smirked, "The Lin family? I heard that Sylvia, the president of the Lin
Group, is a beautiful woman, why don't you come out and let the brothers play for a while,
let go of you, how are you kid?"
Henry had no glorious eyes. At the moment when Tai Xing was talking, a flash of cold light
flashed. He twisted his neck and rushed to the younger brother of Aobashe
standing at the door of Baxianlou: "Come on, please close the door Let these people run.
younger brother of the Aobashe standing at the door of Baxianlou dare to hesitate and
quickly followed Henry's words and pul ed the shutter door up. At the night bar that day, he
was also present and saw the horror of this man with his own eyes.
Seeing the door close, Henry grinned, revealing a row of white teeth.
"Warm reminder, and other scenes may make you a little uncomfortable, just be patient."
Henry raised his foot and walked towards Tai Xing.
"Hehe." Tai Xing snorted, "Boy, I feel like you are threatening me?"
"Not threatening you." Henry shook his head, "The threat is too low-level, your mouth is so
cheap, so I decided to keep you from talking forever. "
" Joke! "Tai Xing's eyes were fiercely aimed at Henry," I want to see, how do you make me
never speak! "
" That's it. "Henry is at a distance When Tai Xing was still five meters away, he suddenly
accelerated. His explosive power made no one on the scene react. When they saw Henry
again, Henry was already standing in front of Tai Xing. He held Tai Xing's jaw in one hand.
Tai Xing opened his mouth unconsciously.
There was a smile of excitement in Henry's eyes. He pinched Tai Xing's jaw with one hand,
and the other hand was quickly inserted into Tai Xing's mouth, grabbing Tai Xing's tongue,
and pulled hard.
Chapter 65
A large piece of blood is sprayed out, Henry steps back slightly, and there is no blood on his
Such a scene made some people with insufficient bearing capacity get sick on the spot, and
Tai Xing's pair of eyeballs were completely raised, which was particularly scary.
After Henrysong's hand, Tai Xing was like a puppet with a broken thread, and he col apsed
to the ground.
Helen Rou Qiang endured the disgust in her heart and looked at Henry in disbelief. She had
always felt that Henry was an unscrupulous rogue. She even threatened him often by force,
but in the scene now, Helen Rou is a fool I also knew that I had never real y understood this
man before.
Henry acted decisively without any hesitation. During the chatting, he directly asked Tai
Xing's life. This kind of spicy, even these frequently-committed community members, were
scared to dare to act violently. Lei Shuanghua red stick, the same is true.
"No one can run away." Henry narrowed his eyes and gave a smile to the people in the big
circle and those in the black thunder.
One person was stared at by Henry, and could not bear the pressure of this fear. He
screamed like a vent and raised his machete to rush towards Henry.
In the face of this person, Henry kicked at his chest. The man was kicked out without
hindrance, and when he flew out, the machete in his hand was taken by Henry.
Henry waved his hand violently, threw the machete that he had just snatched out, and
poked it into the man ’s chest.
Another life!
This set of actions is almost fierce!
"Devil! Devil!" Someone in the large circle of people murmured like this, looking at Henry's
eyes, ful of fear.
"Death!" Hei Lei's double-flowered red stick roared, and came from behind Henry.
Henry didn't even look back, his right hand grabbed lightning behind him, he didn't even
look at his opponent, he pinched the opponent's throat accurately. In the eyes of outsiders,
it was as if Henry's opponent took Henry the initiative I have the same throat.
There was horror in the eyes of the double-flowered red stick. He had not just faced this
man directly, he could only feel the murderousness and contempt for life of the other party,
but now with his hands, he saw the gap between himself and the other party, that is One
underground, one heaven.
Henry squeezed each other ’s fingers and squeezed the throat of the black thunder ’s
strongest beater, then threw it to the ground like a litter, and he himself continued to walk
towards the crowd of the big circle .
Henry was so scared that so many community members were present.
Today, the negotiations between the two gangs, the tricks of the big gangs, and the surprise
attack of Hei Lei, all because of Henry's existence, have become his own show.
"Run! Run! He is the devil! It is the devil!" Among the crowd, whoever yelled first, this
sound is like the gate of the reservoir.
The brother of the club nearest to the gate of the Eight Immortals Tower, frantically pushed
away the person in front of him, and opened the rolling door.
Aoba's younger brother wanted to stop it, but he couldn't stop these already crazy people,
and the rol ing shutter door was opened with a whimper.
The time is now 7:30 in the afternoon, and the light from outside shines in, letting the
younger brothers of the big circle see hope.
Henry stood in the hal , looked at the opened roller shutter door, and smiled: "I said, no one
can run away, do it!"
At the moment when Henry's handwriting fel , the youngest brothers who rushed out of the
Eight Immortals Tower first lay together. Go down. outside the Eight Immortals Building,
ten figures with devil masks appeared from all around. Each of them held a sharp blade in
their hands, flashing a cold awn.
The mask has fangs, and it's extremely grim.
They waved sharp blades in their hands, as if cutting grass, harvesting members of the
society who had fled.
The scene that happened outside looked to everyone. The ten people who walked from al
around were like the messengers of hel . They took away lives and seemed to be doing a
very ordinary job.
"Who the hell are you?" Helen turned to look at Henry, she couldn't bear to look at it
"A stingy person." Henry stretched his waist, "Who said my wife, I will destroy him."
"You are contempt for the law!"
"The law?" Henry chuckled, "For her, I can be The whole world is an enemy. "
The scene outside the Baxianlou, like the Shurachang in this world, if it is not in a remote
location, it must have caused riots and panic.
The three heads of Lei Gong's Aoba Society looked out of the door. The ten people who
appeared suddenly were the gods of death from hel .
Leigong and others now found that they were real y ridiculous. At the beginning, they had
to deal with such a person. His strength and power were simply not understandable by
himself and others.
Those big circle clubs and Hei Lei were completely broken. They just ran out of the Eight
Immortals Tower and rushed back together. None of them stil hung their so-called faces, all
kneeling on the ground and kowtowing, Shouting loudly.
Outside the door, ten masked deaths stood at the door of Baxianlou and did not step into
Henry looked at the members of the society kneeling on the ground and waved at the door.
These despising gods of life, Qi Qi bowed to Henry without saying a word, silently
disappeared at the door of Baxianlou.
Such a scene made Lei Gong and other people even more horrified. They were still
speculating that these ten people might have been invited by Henry, but now it seems that
this is not the case.
The intercom on Helen's waist made a sound at this time.
"The Korean team, the Korean team, received a report, and there was a large-scale weapon
fight near Baxianlou."
"The Korean team, the Korean team ..."
This voice was repeated three times in the intercom, and the other party's tone began to
"Han team, please reply, please reply!"
Helen held the walkie-talkie in her hand. Her eyes wandered back and forth between Henry
and her father, her eyes flashing perseverance and perseverance.
"Han Team ..."
"Community fighting, bring people here." The
siren sounded in everyone's ears within thirty seconds. Four vehicles drove to the door of
Baxianlou. When they saw Baxianlou, then The blood in one place, these more than 30
corpses, these policemen were also shocked with faces, this is definitely enough to make a
huge case across the country.
"Give up, let go!" Ten policemen with explosion-proof shields pushed the members of the
society at the door of Baxianlou and rushed in.
"Korean team, what is the situation?" A police officer asked.
Helen was silent for a long while, and said: "Hei Lei and the big circle clash, resulting in
large-scale armed fighting, the main suspects all died in the armed fighting, take these
people back, let's file ..."
"What about them?" He pointed his finger in the direction of Aoba.
Helen vomited lightly, "look on."
Chapter 66
A long warning line, pulled in front of the door of Zuixianlou, the police ordered that no one
should be close to this place, so large-scale fighting, more than 30 people died It will
definitely arouse high attention from the DPRK.
All the people in the Aoba Society dispersed, and some important members were taken
away to make confessions.
Yinzhou Police Department.
Dozens of members of the society were brought back to prepare for interrogation, but the
police chief suddenly called and informed everyone that this case, there will be a special
person to handle it, no one is allowed to interrogate it without permission.
Jingcheng Security Bureau, a helicopter took off and headed towards Yinzhou.
Henry fol owed the Leopard Head to the Night Bar. Leopard Head fulfil ed his promise and
told Henry who wanted to deal with him.
The night bar lobby was empty and there was only one person sitting on a deck with
cramped hands between his legs.
"It's him?" Henry was quite surprised when he saw the other party.
"Hey, sister, brother-in-law ..." Chaning looked at Henry with a smile on his face, and then
looked at the leopard's head. "Dad ..."
Henry knew why Chaning changed his attitude so quickly.
Aoba Leopard's second head leopard head is Chaning's father! It seems that Chaning also
knew through his father what he did last night at the Yeshi Bar.
"Kneel!" The leopard snorted.
Chaning knelt in front of Henry with a "pop", "Brother-in-law, I ... I had no eyes before, just
wanted to teach you something, it didn't mean anything else."
"OK, let's get up." Henry indifferently waved Waving his hand, he sat down on the deck.
"It's all a family. It's a bit misunderstood to be normal. Just make it clear."
"Thank you ... Thank you brother-in-law." Chaning was delighted and nodded quickly.
With some doubts and surprises on the face of the leopard, with his understanding of
Henry's two methods, he real y doesn't think that this person is a generous character.
Henry smiled slightly. If the Lin family is in charge of Sylvia now, he will definitely abolish
Chaning without hesitation. But now, the Lin family is in a deserted sand. Sylvia wants to
get control of the Lin family. That ’s why Henry does n’t care about Chaning.
Chaning can provide a lot of help to Sylvia in matters of the Lin family.
There is an artificial river in Yinzhou City. In the evening, many people will walk along the
river and enjoy the cool summer breeze.
Leigong and Han Genou walked side by side along the river at a slow pace.
"I real y didn't expect that you would spread that panic for me today." Leigong lit a cigarette
for himself and sighed.
"I did not expect that you would be willing to give up your society for me, nor did you
expect Tai Xing to bet and poison."
Lei Gong took a deep breath and slowly spit out, "We father and daughter , how many
years, not properly spoken to? " "
five years seven months thirteen days. "Han gentle not thinking, just to name a precise
figure," from the day my mother died. " "
yes ah. "Lei Gong sighed," you know, why did you stop you when you applied to the police
academy? "
" You are a thief, I am a soldier. "Han gentle soft eyebrow, with a touch of hatred.
Under the world, the closest person is also the person he hates the most. Such emotions can
easily drive people crazy.
Leigong took a step, smiled bitterly, put his hand into his pocket, took out the wallet, and in
the mezzanine, took out an old photo that had been yellowed. "I haven't told you before,
this is your mother's photo. I met your mother during the interview in the same unit." On
photo is a heroic policewoman.
The moment Helen saw this photo, his pupils enlarged, "My mother is ... a policeman?"
"Yes." Leigong nodded. "At that time, your mother was a senior student who graduated
from the police school, and I went. Applying for the police, in the end, your mother
successful y became a police officer, but I did not do it. "
" Why? "Helen was puzzled.
"The interviewer at the time asked me, what should I do if I met a club member."
"How did you answer?"
" If you beat them, they would run when they saw me, and they would be scared if they saw
me. They all listen to me! "Leigong handed this yellowed picture to Helen." The interviewer
told me that I am not suitable to be a police officer, but more suitable to be the boss of the
club, the daughter, you and I are of the same kind. People, you should take my place! "
Henry came out of the night bar and saw Helen standing outside the bar.
Now Helen has fallen off a police uniform, wearing a tight-fitting black T-shirt, a pair of blue
denim shorts, and a pair of red AJ sneakers. Her short hair is matched with her dress, full of
vitality, and then In addition, her beautiful face attracted many people's attention.
"Drink with me." Helen leaned on a prone motorcycle and hooked his finger at Henry.
"Where do you want to drink?"
"Less nonsense, just come with me." The
black squad racing on the road, as if doing some catharsis.
Helen parked the motorcycle in front of a nightclub called Lan Nuo. This nightclub is
located in the most prosperous area of Yinzhou. It can be said that the number of people is
ful every night. There are often bosses throwing money in it and opening tens of thousands
of bottles. The wine, of course, is indispensable to these flamboyant men and women.
The nightclub was filled with deafening music. Helen twisted his waist with the music and
came to the bar to ask for a bottle of wine.
Helen didn't talk to Henry. He picked up the wine glass and drank it with his head up. In a
blink of an eye, he already had three cups of diarrhea.
"Henry, what will happen today, will you laugh at me?" Helen replayed the wine glass on
the bar and fil ed himself again.
"What are you joking about?" Henry was puzzled.
"I'm a policeman, my father is a thief, hehe." Helen looked up again and drank a glass of
"Oh." Henry responded with a smooth expression and shook his head. "No laugh."
"You know, I have been very contradictory for so many years, and I can't catch him."
The wine drank too fiercely. It ’s easy to get on the top, Helen continued to drink a few cups,
sitting there and shaking left and right. Suddenly, Helen leaned into Henry ’s arms and she
smiled at Henry. No contradiction, you know, my dad has given me the position of
President Aoba. He told me that there are many ways to promote good and eliminate evil.
Aoba prohibits Yinzhou ’s The bar sells medicines, bans on gambling, and the police can't
do what they do! "
Henry nodded, poured himself a glass of wine, and looked at Helen in his arms, and said:"
What you said makes sense I understand, but what do you mean by lying in my arms? "
Chapter 67
"Indulgence, haha." Helen squeezed into Henry's arms again, her head lying on Henry's
chest, a flat belly away from Henry's hand At ten centimeters, as long as Henry was willing,
she could hug her slender waist at any time.
The music in the nightclub sounded and the lights flickered.
"Now that my Helen has fal en, you say, the first thing I should indulge, should I find a
man?" Helen twisted his waist, Yu Bi wrapped around Henry's neck, and looked at him in
blurred eyes. .
"I have a wife." Henry picked up the glass and took a sip of his own self. "You are looking for
a man, and you should not be looking for me. There are many men in the world."
"I don't like other people." Han He exhaled gently, his eyes closed slightly, and he kissed
Henry's face.
Henry turned his head to avoid Han's tender red lips, and at the same time pushed Helen
away from his arms. "Han Officer, you have drunk too much."
Helen's eyes flashed a bit of loss, and she shook her head. "How much do you love your
Henry replied without thinking, "She is everything to me."
"For money?"
"Do you think I am short of money?" Henry smirked.
Helen snorted, "No matter how old you are, even if you love your wife again, you have to
accompany your old lady to have a drink today! Waiter, two bottles of wine!" The nightclub
lights flickered, and neither Henry nor Helen paid attention In a hidden corner, someone is
holding a camera and taking pictures of them constantly.
The music is loud, the belly of a glass of wine.
The eyes of the people on the wine court are becoming increasingly blurred.
... the
next morning, the sun shone.
Henry's eyes opened vaguely, feeling that his arm was a bit numb. He turned his head and
looked at it. The delicate face resting on his arm made him dazed.
Last night, it seemed like I was drinking fake wine!
Henry slowly pulled away the quilt covering him, looked down, and sighed in his heart.
It seems that this matter can't run away.
Henry closed his eyes, and his mind was in chaos. How could he sleep for this female
Time passed slowly, and Henry felt a whizz in his ear. He squinted and found that Helen
was widening his eyes and looking at himself.
"That ..." Henry compensated with a smile on his face, and just when he was ready to speak,
he listened to Helen softly.
"Don't be crooked, the old lady will be responsible for you, get up and get dressed, and the
old lady will go to work." Helen rol ed his eyes.
"Oh." Henry stretched his hand and scratched his head, his eyes unconsciously looked
towards the bed, where the spring was infinite.
"Look what to look at, then look at your eyeballs, and turn around, the old lady is going to
get dressed! Dare to provoke the old lady, and the old lady will stab your wife to this
matter! Fight with her for size!" Helen said fiercely. .
Henry looked bitter and turned his head honestly.
Helen looked at the obedient look of the man next to him, a soft look flashed in his eyes, and
at the same time, he felt a trace of loss.
After Helen got dressed, Henry had the opportunity to look at the whole house. He was not
in a hotel, but at Helen's house.
This is a 90-square-meter house with two rooms and one hall. One bedroom is covered
with the honorary certificate of Helen. Henry glanced at it, al obtained by Helen when he
was at the police school.
"Don't read it." Helen appeared from behind Henry, and tore off the wall of honor
certificates that he had posted all over.
"The gang boss doesn't need these." Helen crumpled the certificates into a group, throwing
them away, "Okay, I'll go to work first, you just have to eat breakfast."
Helen waved to Henry, opened the door and walked out. Although she had been patient,
Henry could stil see that the woman's walking posture was not right today.
Henry was shocked.
Wipe, this woman will not be the first time!
Henry hurried towards the bedroom, opened the bed cover, and the red spots on the bed
sheets were particularly conspicuous.
Seeing this scene, Henry sighed, but this real y made him have a headache.
When Henry came out of Helen's house, it was ten o'clock in the morning, and when he
returned to Sai Shangshui Township, it was almost noon.
The moment Henry saw his house, he felt a sense of trepidation, as if the child had done
something to be afraid of being discovered by an adult.
Open the door and a woman is sitting on the sofa.
"Yo, don't you stay at night?" Milan, wearing a sky blue pajamas, stretched out, looked at
Henry, and then turned his eyes to the TV.
"Haha, I played a little late yesterday." Henryqian laughed twice. He came back along the
way and gradually remembered what happened last night.
Yesterday, at Lan Nuo Bar, he and Helen drank a total of seven bottles of wine. Rao is his
amount of wine, all of them were fil ed up. In the face of such superb beauties as Helen, any
man would not feel a little bit. No, Henry is a normal man. After Helen's teasing, the two
had some super-friendship stories.
"Oh." Milan chuckled and did not answer. Milan was clear about who Henry was. A
thorough emotional liar. At first, he even cheated even the princess of the royal family.
Henry also had a guilty conscience today. Seeing the expression of Milan, he didn't find it
boring, and got into his own room.
Lin's Group, President's Office.
Secretary Li Na took a stack of information and put it on Sylvia's desk. "Mr. Lin, our
cooperation plan, Mr. Fang has agreed, and today we can sign the contract, just ..."
"Say." Sylvia kept knocking with both hands. Hitting the computer keyboard.
"It was the last time. Many companies refused to cooperate with us. There was news
outside that the group's top management will exchange blood in the near future. The
company's earnings have dropped by four percentage points this month. The board of
directors has made several calls. , I want you to have an explanation. "
" No explanation. "Sylvia continued to hit the keyboard," It is the same sentence as before, I
want to cooperate with me Sylvia, I welcome, if I don't want to cooperate, I don't ask them. ,
As for the company's high-level exchange of blood, it has nothing to do with them! "
" Well, I know Mr. Lin. "Li Na nodded." Mr. Lin, I'm busy now. "
Li Na bowed and left the office .
After Li Na left, Sylvia kept tapping the fingers on the keyboard to stop, and her eyes also
showed a difficult look. Although she behaved calmly in front of Li Na, she was very aware
of the crisis now.
The situation is now obvious. Someone is engaging in himself. The chairman of Lin's is not
covering the sky with one hand. He may be kicked at any time in this position.
Chapter 68
Earlier in the year, Robert Lin gave four juniors a total of 5% of the shares, and Sylvia
served as the chairman of Lin.
At the time, when Sylvia was the chairman, more than half of the board of directors
disagreed, thinking that Sylvia was just a little girl who was not so good and could not bring
benefits to Lin.
Robert Lin made an agreement with the board of directors to give Lin Huihan three
months. If Sylvia could not adapt to the position of chairman within three months, the
board of directors would jointly vote to re-elect the chairman.
Sylvia has his own unique insights and methods of doing business. In the second month of
her tenure as chairman, the company ’s benefits have stabilized, and in the third month,
there has been a significant improvement. The members of the board of directors have also
By default, the identity of chairman Sylvia.
After al , who is the chairman does not affect the members of the board of directors.
What they value is whether the stocks in their hands will appreciate and whether this
year's dividend will be more than last year.
And al this has begun to change a few days ago.
A few days ago, the Lin family juniors gathered in the Lin family compound. Mr. Lin
announced his estate allocation. He did not favor too many people. He evenly distributed
his Lin shares to each junior. Lin ’s director The long position is stil Sylvia.
After al , the benefits of the company in these years, Robert Lin sees it in his eyes. It is
definitely the best choice to hand Lin to Sylvia.
However, this kind of distribution caused some people to be unwilling, and some rumors
began to spread, which caused a great impact on Lin. The termination of several companies
’cooperation made Lin ’s profit greatly reduced this month. If Henry did not help Sylvia
When it comes to Ark ’s right to cooperate, Lin ’s earnings will drop by several percentage
points this month. If that ’s the case, Lin ’s board of directors will have the power to
impeach the chairmanship.
At that time, even Robert Lin couldn't keep Sylvia from sitting in this position.
Yinzhou Lin Family Courtyard.
One after another luxury cars drove into the compound, and Richard had been waiting here
in the compound parking lot.
The luxury cars were parked in front of him. The driver came down from the cab and
opened the rear door. Every one of them walked down. They were dressed in formal attire.
If there were Lin employees here, they would definitely recognize it. These people who got
off the luxury cars are al members of Lin's board of directors.
Richard looked at the people in front of him, with a smile on his face, and said: "Uncles, for
the future of Lin's, there will be everyone working today to explain it to the old man."
"Wang Shao is kind, this book Just for our own benefit, go and talk to the old man. "A
middle-aged man said, and the others nodded.
A group of people, led by Richard, walked towards the main house of the Lin Family
Yinzhou, Sai Shangshui Township.
Henry took the rag and wiped the floor, but he always felt panicky in his heart.
Milan's gaze glanced at Henry from time to time. She opened her mouth a few times and
didn't say anything. When she looked at Henry again, she finally couldn't help but say: "I
said Henry, how much do you master Chinese medicine physical therapy."
Henry After thinking for a while, he said: "You should master everything."
"What about acupuncture at points?" Milan didn't think Henry was bragging. After the last
massage, she also saw Henry's technique.
"That's al done." Henryli should answer, "Acupoint acupuncture is the most basic of
Chinese medicine physiotherapy?" "That's weird." Milan made a suspicious voice.
"What's strange?" Henry asked.
"It stands to reason that you understand these traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy,
Sylvia should not need to go to the doctor everywhere."
"Doctor?" Henry's face became nervous, "What's wrong with my wife?"
"Not your wife, Sylvia Grandpa, don't you know? "Milan looked at Henry unexpectedly.
"I don't know." Henry shook his head suspiciously. "What's wrong?"
"Hey." Milan sighed. "Grand Han's grandfather was seriously ill early in the year, and he
couldn't cure it. Sylvia I have been looking for doctors everywhere for years. In fact, I think
you should go and see. If you can cure Sylvia ’s grandfather, Sylvia will not be so tired now.
" What's the matter? "Henry put away the rag , Got up from the ground.
Regarding the Lin family and Lin's group, Henry didn't ask much, and he could see that
Richard had been fighting openly and secretly here, and he didn't understand the specific
circumstances. As for Sylvia's grandfather, Henry didn't even listen to Sylvia Ever.
Milan picked up the remote control and turned off the TV, and the room became much
"Henry, you should know that when the Lin family arrived at Sylvia's father's generation, it
was a single biography, and Sylvia was a daughter again, and Lin Lin's assets were stared at
by intentional people."
"Wel ." Henry nodded, this He can see it.
"Now, Mr. Lin is seriously ill, and his will has also announced that he will share his property
evenly with Sylvia. The president of Lin is still served by Sylvia, but now, Sylvia may be
taken away from him at any time. The position of the president is kicked. "When it comes to
this, Milan's eyes are full of loss.
"Because of an agreement." Milan took a sip of water, organized the language, and
continued: "When Sylvia served as president, Mr. Lin made an agreement with the board of
directors. If Sylvia was in office, Lin's loss reached ten. More than one point, she will be
dismissed from her position as president. The board of directors will vote to jointly elect a
new president. Now, someone deliberately harms Sylvia. Many companies that previously
had a cooperative relationship with Sylvia have unilateral y terminated their cooperation.
Lin ’s loss has already reached four percentage points. If there is no accident, in a few days,
the loss will reach more than ten percentage points.
At that time, President Lin ’s should be replaced.
" What does this have to do with the grandpa who cured Sylvia? "Henry asked.
"I'm afraid you stil don't know the position of the old man in the Yinzhou business
community? Now those people dare to covet Lin, they all think that the old man has not
many days. Once the old man is il , who dares to have a little disrespect for Lin? Sylvia is
facing The difficulty was solved. "
" Yes, you tell me the address, I will go now. "Henry put the rag on the spot without any
hesitation. He would do anything unconditional y for Sylvia.
"Lin Family Courtyard, you know the taxi driver, just go in and report your identity."
"Okay." Henry nodded, wearing his white vest beach pants, out of the door, and went
straight to the Lin Family Courtyard.
Milan looked at Henry with no trace of hesitation, and took a long breath, "Sylvia, you met
this person, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."
Chapter 69
Lin Family Courtyard, in the main house.
Mr. Lin, dressed in a red Tang suit, sat in a wheelchair and listened quietly to the report of
the person in front of him.
"Grandpa, you have to manage it. If this photo is not cut by me first, it will really fall into the
hands of the media, then Lin's stock will shrink greatly!"
Richard took an angry face. A batch of photos was put in front of Robert Lin. On the photo,
it was someone who secretly took Henry's photos. Outside the private club, after taking a
special angle, people felt from the photos that Henry and the women's actions were very
However, these photos did not capture Henry's face, only his back.
"Grandpa, this is the uncle's son-in-law who he recruited. He doesn't do anything every day.
He takes the money of the Lin family in vain and spends time outside. These photos are
going to be published in the media. Where does our Lin family face go?"
A shareholder Open the mouth, "Chairman, this time thanks to Wang Shao, otherwise, Lin's
stock will be greatly impacted. Now Lin is on the cusp of the storm, there are so many
companies watching, what a scandal is really going to happen, that is not small.
Question. "
In Lin's, the chairman is still Robert Lin, Sylvia is only the president, and there is an
essential difference.
A middle-aged man with gold wire glasses and a lawyer-like appearance took out a
document, "The chairman, if not Wang Shao cut these photos, the current president of Lin
will cause the company to lose more than ten percentage points for personal reasons.
According to the original agreement, the members of the board of directors should re-elect
the president. "
" Yes, chairman, there are many companies that previously cooperated, and now they have
unilaterally terminated the cooperation with you. You have not paid attention to the
company during this time. This month's earnings have shrunk by a few percentage points.
It is estimated that this percentage point will continue to expand next month.
Now Mrs. Lin ’s husband is again doing something like this, and let it go. Lin ’s status as a
leading enterprise in Yinzhou will sooner or later. To be replaced by Zhou! "
Robert Lin looked at these photos with a somber face, and the things on the photos made
him tremble with anger.
Before, Robert Lin did n’t know much about her granddaughter ’s husband, but the result I
heard today was just such a news!
Flowers, young people, mischief! Just don't take Lin's eyes into consideration!
"Go, call Sylvia, and the husband she was looking for. I have to meet, too. I have to know
what role he is in order to ignore our Lin family so much!" Robert Lin slapped it with a slap.
On the wheelchair, the majestic look made the board members dare not look straight.
Richard saw Robert Lin rising in anger, stealing music in his heart, surnamed Zhang, now
you have suffered! Are you arrogant? I let you try one more arrogance?
A group of people stood in the main house, feeling the anger radiating from Robert Lin's
Although Robert Lin has been out of business for several years, his majesty is still there.
After al , it was Robert Lin who took the lead in the days of the Yinzhou business.
As long as he is still alive, he is the undisputed brother of the Yinzhou business.
At this moment, Robert Lin's housekeeper entered the main house.
"Master, there is a young man outside who wants to see you."
"Young man?" Robert Lin suspiciously.
"Wel , he said he was the husband of Miss Sylvia."
"Wel ?" Robert Lin suddenly raised his anger at Yumei, "He came to see me? Well, let him
come! Richard, you, go to the side room first "Okay." Richard nodded again and again, he
was not happy, Henry, Henry, you are really looking for your own way!
Although Richard didn't know what Henry came to find Robert Lin, he knew that no matter
what, he was miserable today.
Lin's Group.
Sylvia was sitting in the office, looking at the documents Li Na brought one by one, and the
lossy data made her particularly headache.
The landline in the office suddenly sounded, and a trace of suspense flashed on Sylvia's
face. This landline can only be accessed by Lin's old house.
Could it be that Grandpa had an accident?
Sylvia panicked in his heart, unable to care for the work at hand, and quickly answered the
"Miss, the old man said to let you come to the old house."
"Okay." Sylvia didn't hesitate and immediately got up and walked out of the company.
As soon as he came downstairs, Sylvia saw Milan standing here.
"Sylvia, I'm just going upstairs to find you." Milan was wearing a sky blue sportswear, his
face filled with joy.
"What's wrong with Milan?" Sylvia asked.
"Calling you to see the old man in the old house, ha ha." Milan laughed, "But what a good
thing today!"
"What a good thing?" Sylvia is strange, can it be said that the old house just cal ed this?
Milan grabbed Sylvia's wrist and said, "Come on, you drive, said on the road."
Sylvia was suspiciously pulled by Milan into the car.
The fiery Mercedes-Benz GT is driving on the streets of Yinzhou.
"Milan, don't pretend to be mysterious, just say, what the hell is going on?"
"Your grandfather's illness is cured!" Milan raised his head proudly. "How about this is
good news, tell you, doctor I can still find it! "
"Real y!" Sylvia's beautiful face showed a happy look, and his heartbeat began to accelerate
at this time, "Milan, you really helped our family! Where did you find the doctor?"
"From your home Yeah. "Milan pointed his finger at Sylvia.
"My house?"
"Yeah, Sylvia, Henry gave you a massage last time, using a kind of traditional Chinese
medicine physiotherapy. This method can also treat the hidden diseases of the old man.
Hey, he has never been aware of the old man's situation. I I told him today, and he went to
the compound. "
" What! "Sylvia's voice suddenly increased by eight octaves, and the fast-moving Mercedes-
Benz GT also made a piercing friction sound. Otherwise, it is likely to cause traffic accidents.
This sudden situation surprised Milan and she grabbed the armrest on the upper right side
of her head. "Sylvia, why are you so excited?"
Lin Sylvia turned his head and looked at Milan with wide eyes, "You said, Henry Going to
treat Grandpa? "
" Yeah. "Milan nodded.
"This!" Sylvia Dunsheng was anxious. She knew in her heart that Henryhui was not a
physical therapy of traditional Chinese medicine at all, but just an ordinary acupressure.
How could he go to treat his grandfather, the phone call from the old house, would not Is
Henry in trouble!
"Sylvia, what's wrong with this?" Milan looked at Lin Sylvia strangely.
"I ... I don't know how to explain it to you. Let's go to the old house first!" Sylvia stepped on
the accelerator and the vehicle made a roar and hurried towards the Lin Family Courtyard.
Chapter 70
Henry looked at the compound with mountains and water in front of him, probably
understand what kind of status Grandpa Sylvia is in Yinzhou.
Being able to own such a compound in Yinzhou is not something you can do if you are rich.
If you show so much publicity, you must have its status.
Henry fol owed behind the housekeeper and walked on the avenue, on both sides of the
road, with green willows and flowers blooming.
Outside the main house of the compound, Henry saw a familiar face.
With a sneer, Richard looked at Henry and said, "This surnamed Zhang, this Lin Family
Courtyard, is also a place where you can come casually?"
Henry squeezed his fist. . "
Richard, looking surprised a moment, after Lengheng heard," continued arrogant, I'd like to
see you come out from behind the main house, but also arrogant where to go! "
why Henry Richard, strange to say so, difficult If he didn't see the old man Lin, he would be
swept out of the house and failed. He ignored Richard, fol owed the housekeeper, and
walked towards the main house.
In the main house, Robert Lin was sitting in a wheelchair with his back to the door. He was
holding a cup of tea in his hand and was blowing lightly into the bowl.
"Master, people are here." The butler's voice rang at the door.
"Let's come in." Robert Lin said without looking back.
At the door of the main house, the housekeeper gave Henry a gesture of invitation.
Henry nodded and walked into the house. "Grandpa, I'm Henry, Sylvia's husband."
Henry spoke very politely.
"Humph! Henry?" Robert Lin tone of displeasure, still did not turn his back to Henry,
"you married into my forest home, actually today was to visit, eyes Is not no I Robert Lin
this person?"
"Afraid." Henry again and again Shaking his head, this is because Robert Lin is the
grandfather of Sylvia, otherwise Henry can't show such an attitude.
"Don't dare? What else do you dare?" Robert Lin's voice was ironic, "Can you have our Lin
family half in your eyes?"
Henry frowned, he looked at Robert Lin's back and said: "I don't understand you Means,
"Come on, my old guy doesn't have much time, and he doesn't have time to play dumb
puzzles with you, let's see for yourself!" "Robert Lin raised his hand, and for a moment,
countless photos spread like a celestial girl, and Zhang Zhang fell at the foot of Henry.
With Henry's eyesight, he could see the image on the photo without picking up the photo.
Above, the two women close to him, one is the red curly-haired beauty that I met in the
private club that day, and the other is the scene
where I sat with Helen at the nightclub last night. The moment I saw these photos, Henry
knew someone was engaging in himself.
Henry's brow furrowed tighter, " Where did this picture come from? "
Robert Lin did not answer Henry's question," Junior, my Lin family is in Yinzhou City.
Although it is not a famous family, but it is not bullying. As the son-in-law of the Lin family,
you are outside to squander the flowers. "
Robert Lin's words fell, and the tea cup in his hand fell heavily on the ground. With a
crackle, the tea cup shattered
, and the tea in the cup was spilled on the ground, steaming with steam.
Richard, not far from the main house, heard this tea cup The cracked voice could not
conceal the smile on his face, and he was proud: The surname is Zhang, I see how you end,
fight me, you are too tender!
Inside the house.
Robert Lin put his hands on the wheelchair, slightly The wheelchair was turned around
with force, and he finally saw this son-in-law of the Lin family who had never met him, but
made him angry. also made Robert Lin feel a little dazed.
Since the last parting of the suburban parks, Robert Lin has kept Henry's appearance in his
mind. It is a peerless figure with the title of living king in the global medical community,
and the few people who can save their lives in this world.
Robert Lin once heard from his old friends that the living king saves people, not looking at
the money, but only the destiny. He has been looking forward to meeting the living king
again. After all, if he can live, no one wants to die.
But Robert Lin was disappointed. During this time, he went to the suburban park every day,
but he had never seen the legendary character again.
Gradually, Robert Lin began to be disappointed. He thought to himself, if the fate of the
living king is so good, the title of living king will not be so valuable, nor will there be so
many people. The king is on the side.
But Robert Lin did not expect that he once again saw the legendary living king, and the
other party still saw himself as his grandson-in-law?
The world-renowned living king is his grandson-in-law! Still go to your own home!
Robert Lin has a strong sense of unreality.
This ...
Robert Lin looked at Henry, opened his mouth, and was speechless.
When Robert Lin saw Henry's daze, Henry also felt a little dazed after seeing Robert Lin.
Wasn't he the same person he saw in the suburban park that day? He also said that he was
happy with an old man. He didn't expect to be Sylvia's grandpa. Isn't it his grandfather!
This ...
one old and one young looked at each other, no one spoke first, and the atmosphere was a
bit awkward.
"That ..." Robert Lin coughed twice, "Henry, you are Sylvia's husband, I won't see you
outside, sit first, sit first."
Robert Lin compared a gesture of invitation.
Henry smiled, didn't dare to disrespect, and sat down on the stool beside him, and said to
Robert Lin: "Grandpa, I didn't expect that we are so destined."
It was really the first time that the lively King Yan voluntarily uttered the word fate. It was
estimated that he would vomit blood if he wanted to be rescued by more than a billion
people who wanted Henry to save his life.
"Haha." Robert Lin smiled boldly, "I really didn't expect that the live King Yan was my
grandson-in-law, Robert Lin."
"Grandpa, you just call me Henry. The living King is nothing but outsiders. "Yeah."
Henry's face was a little embarrassed. Between words, he brought him closer to Robert Lin.
Robert Lin nodded, "Okay, then I will rely on the old and sel the old, and cal you Henry."
"Yes, it
should be." Henrylian nodded.
"That little Zhang, you ..." Robert Lin glanced at the picture of the floor, and his face was
awkward. "You tel me, is the person in this picture you?"
"Yes." Henry nodded without hesitation. "But the picture was taken at a special angle, the
real thing is not what you saw."
Listening to Henry said, Robert Lin was relieved in his heart. He didn't think Henry was
lying to himself, because he knew that living King Yan did not This is necessary, why did he
deceive himself? For money? Joke, the living king will be short of money, will he fall in love
with the Lin family's assets? For his granddaughter? That's even more impossible. Although
Robert Lin knew that his granddaughter had the appearance of
falling into the country, but there were more beauties in the world. As a living king, what
kind of beauties would you want?
Chapter 71
while Robert Lin breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt a little chill in his heart. Since Henry
said that the photos shown are only taken from a special angle, that is to say , His grandson,
deliberately deceived himself, what is his purpose, Robert Lin just thought a little, and then
he saw clearly!
"Hey." Robert Lin sighed, "Henry, I am old, and my brain has become dul . Sometimes I do
something stupid and make you laugh."
"Where did Grandpa say?" Henry waved , Said indifferently.
Robert Lin smiled, "Henry, are you here today for this matter?"
"No." Henry shook his head, "I came here for your il ness."
"My il ness!" Robert Lin Heart, "Pun Tong Pun Tong" quickly jumped up.
Just now, although he knew that the legendary living king was his grandson-in-law, Robert
Lin did not have the confidence in the other party's willingness to help himself, but now he
heard Henry say this, which made him unable to not be excited.
"Yes." Henry stood up from his seat. "Grandpa, I'm in a hurry to come this time. Do you
have a silver needle?"
" Yes , right in the house." Robert Lin nodded. After many years of il ness, the family asked
me not When the young doctor came, there was also a set of silver needles, etc., which were
placed in the house.
Robert Lin finished, pushing the wheelchair and heading towards the house.
"Grandpa, as we are here, you don't need to take a wheelchair. Get up and walk around.
Anyway, after today, you can also announce to everyone that you are healed."
Henry smiled with a pout.
Robert Lin was pushing the wheelchair, and after a few seconds of pause, he stood up
careful y from the wheelchair. For so many years, he has been pretending to be, or even
fitted, and has forgotten that he can walk.
At that time, Robert Lin found out that his heart was damaged. Soon afterwards, he wanted
to give Lin the hands of his juniors. After fearing that he would announce that there were
not many days, the Lins became so coveted that he thought of a way to announce himself
The legs are paralyzed, so that Lin can be handed over, and his own reputation is also able
to calm down the party.
Year after year, seeing Lin getting better and better under the leadership of Sylvia, Robert
Lin was also relieved. At the same time, the injury to his heart began to intensify in recent
years. Robert Lin clearly felt that he had little time, The estate al ocation was announced.
In Robert Lin's eyes, there is no distinction between men and women, no grandchildren
and family grandchildren, he evenly divided all assets, but he did not expect that his
descendants, for the sake of a Lin, even managed to find ways, if today, the Lin family His
son-in-law is not Henry, but a different person. Robert Lin can think of what he will do,
remove the position of President Sylvia, and hand over to the board of directors to re-elect
the election. In the end, Lin will be destroyed in his own hands.
Thinking of these, Robert Lin couldn't help but glance at Henry. The destiny of living king
really exists. He can not only save himself, but also save the entire Lin clan!
A fiery Mercedes-Benz GT drove into the Lin's compound. Sylvia walked hurriedly from the
parking lot to the main house.
Standing in front of the main house, Richard, who was so happy, saw Sylvia with a smile on
his face, "Yo, is n’t this Mr. Lin of our Lin Group?"
Sylvia glanced at Richard and him After seeing the board members, Sylvia didn't say a
Those board members slightly escaped Sylvia's gaze. Sylvia looked at Hao's wrist watch,
"Richard, as far as the company's work arrangements are concerned, shouldn't you be
"Cut!" Richard glanced disdainful y. Mouth, "I said, President Lin, you have time to ask me
here, it is better to go in and see what your good husband, what have you done!"
What did Henry do?
Sylvia's heart tightened, and he didn't bother to think about Richard, and quickly walked
towards the door of the main house.
"Oh, Mr. Lin!" Richard yelled behind Sylvia, "If you can't sit down, please give up, Hahaha!"
Sylvia walked to the door of the main house , Knock on the door.
"Master, Miss Sylvia is here." The butler stood in front of the door and informed him.
Sylvia stood nervously at the door. She was real y worried now that Henry did something
In the main house, no one answered for a long time.
Sylvia mentioned his throat in one heart.
"Master?" The housekeeper knocked on the door again.
"Let Sylvia come in." Robert Lin's weak voice came from the room.
Sylvia secretly made a noise, and pushed the door and went in.
Outside the house, Richard was extremely happy with a smile.
"Wang Shao, this time, it seems to have had results." A member of the board of directors
said with a smirk.
"Yes, Uncle Zhao, you can rest assured that when I take the position of president, the
benefits are indispensable to you. This big Lin, let us divide it!" Wang Dadai laughed.
"Listen to Wang Shao's arrangement." Uncle Zhao's eyes were bright.
Richard sneered and said to himself: "Sylvia, fight me, it's up to you and your husband?
It's still far away!"
"Wang Shao, when will the shareholders' meeting be arranged?" The lawyer's middle-aged
man asked Richard.
Richard thought about it and replied: "Just today, today, impeach the post of chairman of
Sylvia and sell off all the stocks in your hands. We will use this Lin's to make the last sum.
This sum is enough for us Everyone will not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of
his life! "
Richard's eyes flashed fiercely. He didn't care about Lin's future, he didn't care about Lin's
existence, he didn't care about the life and death of Lin's employees, he didn't care much, he
From the beginning, he didn't think about keeping Lin, all he had to do was earn his own
Richard ’s plan is very simple. After the impeachment of Sylvia, he will successfully take the
position of President of the Lins in the voting election of the members of the board of
directors. At this time, he will make several decisions, and he can win this. Many board
members and other business bosses cooperated with him on the bargaining chips and
signed unequal treaties with them.
If Lin develops a real estate, all proceeds will be given to the other party. In this way, all the
basics of Lin ’s will be hol owed out, and then these benefits will be shared with the other
party. After signing these contracts, Richard and the members of the board of directors will
Selling al the stocks in his hands, then Lin's bankruptcy and bank loans have nothing to do
with him.
Lin ’s current market value is around 2 billion. Richard can use Lin ’s high market value to
earn a lot of personal benefits for himself. After he finishes these, he pats his ass and walks
away, holding a lot of money and enjoying the rest of his life .
The lawyer's middle-aged man nodded, began to call, and informed the board members one
by one in preparation for today's general meeting.
Chapter 72
Sylvia pushed open the door and walked into the main house. There was no one in the hall
of the main house. There was only one wheelchair left, which was left alone.
"Grandpa?" Sylvia tentatively shouted.
"Come in." Robert Lin's weak voice sounded in the room.
Sylvia raised a bad hunch in his heart and accelerated his pace towards the inner house.
When Sylvia walked to the door of the inner house, he could clearly see that Robert Lin was
lying on the bed, not moving, and his tone of speech was weak.
Henry was also sitting by the bed.
"Sylvia, you are here, come here." Robert Lin's voice was very low.
Sylvia had no mood to blame Henryhu for coming, and walked towards the bed with
"Grandpa, I have said that, let you not speak!" Henry said beside the bed.
"I can't help it." Robert Lin smiled slightly.
"Don't laugh!" Henry reminded again.
"Henry, what do you roar, how do you treat grandpa ..." Sylvia couldn't help speaking, but
halfway, she stopped, she saw that Robert Lin was lying on the bed, wearing a mask?
"I have said that when you apply the mask, you laugh too hard and your face moves too
much. This mask is useless. Why don't you listen to it!" Henry looked like he couldn't make
The scene before him made Sylvia a little overwhelmed.
"Grandpa, you are ..."
Robert Lin pointed his finger to his face. "Ah, this, Henry said that my skin is not good, so I
apply the mask every day."
Henry glanced at the phone, "Okay Now, fifteen minutes later, you can pick it up. "
"Oh, don't say, this face is cold and cold, and it's really comfortable." Robert Lin took off the
mask, twisted, got off the bed, and ran to the bathroom next to his face.
Sylvia looked at Henry strangely. "You come here and teach my grandfather to apply the
"Yes." Henry nodded. "Well, you have to enjoy it when you are old. Who said that only
women can apply the mask ."
"I said you were too boring ... no!" Sylvia suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked
towards the bathroom, with unbelievable eyes. At the same time, her body was also
trembling slightly, "My grandfather he ... can go "
Yeah." Henry nodded. "Grandpa, he is clogged with meridian legs, not really paralyzed.
His legs have always been conscious, but he can't stand up. Just clear the meridians a little,
and he can stand.
Rising up. "In Henry's words, there are true and false. Robert Lin's biggest symptom is still
a damaged heart, but Robert Lin please Henry, don't say this.
"You, did you real y cure your grandfather?" Sylvia looked at the man in front of him and
was shocked.
How many doctors did she seek for her grandfather's il ness, but no one had this ability, but
never thought that her husband, who did housework for a month at home, was cured?
Yuck, what a husband!
Sylvia's pretty face was slightly red.
"In fact, it's not difficult, Grandpa's body is stil tough, right, why are you here?"
"I'm not ..." Sylvia said half of it stopped, she was originally worried about what mess Henry
made, now take a look , This is a mess, it's a big grace.
Robert Lin quickly finished washing and returned to the inner room. He looked at the man
and the woman in the inner room, and his eyes were full of satisfaction. This was really the
appearance of Lang Cai, his granddaughter, he even found the living king back to be his
grandson-in-law, great , Really amazing!
"Grandpa, are you really okay?" Sylvia saw Robert Lin coming out, and could not wait to
run to Robert Lin, looking up and down.
"It's okay, thanks to Henry, look at me. Now you can jump and jump. It's not a problem to
live another ten years, haha." Robert Lin laughed on his chest.
Looking at the grandeur's spirit, Sylvia's face was filled with a happy smile, and the
grandson and grandson chatted happily.
After chatting for a while, Robert Lin put on a straight face, "Sylvia, I have something to do, I
need to tel you now, you listen careful y."
"I went out to breathe." Henry opened his mouth, waiting for Robert Lin to speak, self-care
Walked out of the main house.
Richard and others have been at the door of the main house, looking forward to it.
When they saw Henry's face with bad looks coming out of the main house, these people al
showed a satisfied look. It seems that Grandpa Lin has already punished him.
"Yeah, isn't this our uncle Lin's, why? His face is so unsightly?" Richard sneered, sneering.
Henry did not say anything, and walked in front of Richard with his head down.
Richard was even more proud when he saw Henry.
Milan has been waiting in the parking lot. When she saw Henry, she rushed up immediately
and asked how Henry was treated.
"Healed, I still have to leave beforehand." Henry greeted Milan and walked out of the Lin's
Milanese said with a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he was also happy for his friend.
About half an hour after Henry left, the main house door opened again. Sylvia walked out of
the house with a cold face. Her face was so ugly. It was thought that Robert Lin had told her
everything that had happened before.
Although Sylvia knew that Richard coveted Lin, he did not expect that he would use such a
despicable trick to deliberately plant and frame Henry, causing Lin to produce negative
news, suppress stock prices, and use the original agreement to impeach his position as
As soon as Sylvia went out, she saw the smiles on Richard's face and other people's faces,
which made her feel sick, but just glanced at it. Sylvia turned her head and walked to the
parking lot without greeting.
Richard saw that both Henry and Sylvia had left, and hurried to the main house.
"Grandpa, members of the board of directors proposed to hold a shareholders meeting
today. Do you have any comments here?"
"Let's go, we Lin's can't have so many The scum should also be cleared. "Robert Lin sat in a
wheelchair and slowly appeared outside the main house.
Robert Lin's words made Richard even happier. What he did not know was who the scum
in Robert Lin's mouth meant.
Sylvia came to the parking lot and drove Milan away from Lin's compound.
Along the way, Sylvia said nothing.
"Buck, hold back! Laugh when you are happy!" Milan glanced at the co-pilot.
Sylvia didn't hold back, and he burst out laughing.
"Milan, how do you know Henry can save my grandpa?" Sylvia asked his doubts.
"I still want to ask you, don't you know that your husband will massage? Why don't you let
your husband come over to treat your grandfather?" Milan asked back.
Sylvia replied a little embarrassedly: "How can I know that he has this ability, I still think he
can only massage normally."
"Oh my God." Milano covered his forehead, "you are real y full of business only with your
Chapter 73
The car is on the road.
Milan poses in a lazy position, leaning comfortably on the front passenger seat.
"Sylvia, I don't even know how to say you anymore. Your husband has such a strong
medical skil , so you always use it as a regular massage!"
Sylvia's beautiful eyes have a look of grievance. You know, how specific is it? "
" Physiotherapy of traditional Chinese medicine, in the field of traditional Chinese
medicine, is the top treatment method, especial y Henryguang can achieve the effect of
greatly stimulating acupuncture points with massage. Every day in front of an ordinary
massage, let him squeeze your feet, and those old Chinese doctors know that they are mad!
Sylvia blushed with a meditation in his heart, dead Henry, blame you! Let me get out of
While the center blamed Henry, Sylvia was stil wondering how he did this. No, he must ask
him if he real y wants Milan to be so powerful, he can be a doctor in any hospital.
Sylvia was driving, and he received a cal from Secretary Li Na. Li Na told Sylvia that the
company's directors col ectively proposed to convene a board of directors.
When Sylvia came to the Lin conference hall, the conference hal was already full of people.
Sylvia's two cousins, Richard and Chaning, were in the foremost position. The major
shareholders of the Lin family were also present. The chief lawyer of the Lin family of
lawyers took a paper and stood in the conference hal .
Sylvia looked at the battle in front of her and chuckled. "All here? Let's get started."
She walked to the position of the president, opened the seat, and sat down.
The directors looked back and forth, and one of them spoke first.
"According to statistics, Lin's profit this month is ..."
There is a large industrial park not far from the Yinzhou City Ring Expressway. In the past
two years, the business has been sluggish. Many factories have closed down. Only some
waste machines have been abandoned in the factories, and some waste pickers are
welcome from time to time , Almost al that can be taken away.
In a dilapidated factory, a scream was heard from time to time.
Ben was naked and tied his legs with a chain, hanging in the air.
A handsome young man with sunglasses laid back leisurely on a wooden rocking chair,
looking at Ben with a bruised face and scattered hair. He made a phone cal and went out,
"Boss, what is wrong with this product, I want you he hanged alive? "
Henry in the mal , while trying a suit, picked up the phone side," we provoke the
relationship between husband and wife, by the way, taking pictures of people caught it?
had arranged to catch up, you can immediately bring come. " "
OK, hang with it. "Henry hang up the phone, that tone as if to say, where to drink, like
For Henry, he is not afraid of causing trouble, nor will he take the initiative to provoke
others, but anyone who dares to do something that harms Sylvia will have to face his
thundering means.
Henry kept trying suits in front of the counters in the mall. His sturdy body matched his
handsome appearance. The sales ladies she saw were al blushing.
Yes , this one." Henry looked at the dress on his body and smiled with satisfaction.
Although the size was not as good as the one he wore when he went to the Cheng family, it
was not as delicate as the detail, but Henry thought, it is impossible to wear clothes tailored
by the world's top designers to go to Lin's class.
Yes, Henry is going to work for Lin. This is the result of Henry discussing with Robert Lin.
As long as Henry thinks, not only can he see Sylvia at home every day, but even Sylvia when
he is at work, he is a little bit happy. Lin Group, conference room.
"According to the contract, if Ms. Sylvia, during her tenure as the president, caused the
company's losses to reach more than 10%, the board of directors has the power to impeach
the position of Ms. Sylvia's president. According to statistics, Lin's loss has reached five
percentage points, and because of Sylvia For personal reasons, the loss of the group will
continue to increase. The board of directors decided to hold a meeting today to discuss the
position of President Lin. "
" According to the contract, if more than half of the shareholders agree to appoint or
dismiss Ms. Sylvia, Ms. Sylvia will automatically resign as the president. Now voting begins.
Attorney Hu, the chief of the Lin's lawyers group, read the contract document in his hand.
Richard sat on the seat and did not hide the smile on his face.
"I agree to remove the post of President Sylvia." A member of the board sitting next to
Richard first stated, "Ms. Sylvia's tenure as president has caused the company to make
significant losses. The company's losses will directly affect the interests of employees and
cannot Procrastination. "
" I agree. "
" I agree. "
" Agree. "
Lin's board of directors has a total of 13 members. In a blink of an eye, four people agreed
to remove the post of President Sylvia. If Richard is added, then Reached five people.
Sylvia kept a smile on her face and did not show any angry expression. She turned her
attention to the remaining few sensible people.
A few sensible people looked back and forth, and Chong Sylvia showed an apologetic smile.
Suddenly, with Richard, seven board members agreed to remove the president of Sylvia.
The remaining few, although they have not expressed their position, are no longer
important. No matter what decision they make, the position of President Sylvia will not be
Lawyer Hu nodded and said: "According to the contract, more than half of the board
members agreed to remove the position of Ms. Sylvia as president. The contract will take
effect immediately. Below, the board of directors will vote for the new president.
More than half of the votes will be selected immediately."
Richard Organized the neckline of the shirt, cleared his throat, and stood up, "Lin's surname
Lin, now you can go down from that position."
Sylvia smiled slightly, got up, and gave the seat with the name plate of the president
Richard, "Please."
Richard snorted, walked to the position of the president, and sat down.
At the moment when Richard was seated, the senators who had just agreed to remove the
president of Sylvia al voted to elect Richard to take the position of president of Lin.
At the same time, the company's lawyer Hu also announced that Richard will serve as Lin's
Sylvia did not stay, took a big step, walked out of the meeting room, leaving only a back.
At four o'clock in the afternoon, Richard sat in the huge president's office and looked down
at the crowd below through huge floor-to-ceiling windows.
It has been two hours since he became president.
In two hours, Richard completed almost half of his plan and signed unequal contracts with
several companies.
For example, in the contract with Tingzhu Engineering Co., Ltd., Lin will bear al the land
purchase and construction costs for a piece of real estate development, and the sale right
will be ful y handed over to Tingzhu Engineering Co., Ltd. Next, through this method, hol ow
out the Lin's.
And Richard, he can get 30% of Tingzhu's net profit of this project.
Chapter 74
Richard is standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, holding a glass of red wine
in his hand, his face full of enjoyment.
"Sylvia, do you know? How long have I wanted to sit in this position? Starting today, al your
things will be lost. This Lin's will slowly become cash and fal into my Richard's pocket,
Hahahaha! "
Richard turned around and glanced at the contract on his desk. Once these things were up
and running, the entire Lin's would collapse completely!
Richard enjoys everything now and thinks about the future life in his mind.
At about 5:30 in the afternoon, Secretary Li Jing knocked on the door of the president's
office and walked in.
"What's going on!" Richard frowned, looking at Li Jing who appeared in front of the door.
"No rules at all, who is used to stink you!"
"Mr. Wang, these contracts were sent by the finance, There are a lot of things wrong with it.
"Li Jing took a stack of copies of the contract. The content above was exactly the same as
those placed on Richard's desk." These contracts are all completely money-giving
behaviors. In this way, the company will lose money Bil ion upwards, once fulfil ed, you will
face a bankruptcy crisis. "
" Should you care about this? "Richard tilted his legs and lay half on the boss's chair."
You are just a secretary. The company does not lose money. I I do n’t know if this is the
president? It ’s up to you, you ’re fired, get out! ”
Richard waved impatiently at Li Jing.
Li Jing took a deep breath, did not speak, and left the president's office.
Richard sneered at the office door, lit a cigarette for himself, and took a beautiful breath.
He hadn't smoked twice, and the office door was pushed open again.
Richard frowned, looking at Li Jing who was standing in front of the office door. "Why, don't
you understand me? Didn't you hear me?"
Li Jing face with a chil , "Wang, I have not officially been dismissed, so in the performance of
their jobs, to inform you that the chairman of the board of directors to convene an
emergency, you need to participate."
Li Jing finished, do not wait for Richard After answering, turn around and leave.
Richard faced doubts, emergency board meeting? Chairman? He sorted out his clothes and
walked towards the conference hal .
When Richard arrived here, the board members were all there.
Just now, on the main seat of the conference hall, the nameplate of the president was
placed. Now, the nameplate of the president is only placed on the side seat. In front of the
main seat, the three words of chairman are placed.
"Wang Shao, what's going on, how is the chairman coming?"
As soon as Richard came, someone asked in a low voice.
"I don't know." Richard shook his head and sat down in the position of president.
In the conference hall, a group of directors were whispering in their ears.
"The chairman hasn't been in the company for many years. Why did he come suddenly
"It's because the president has replaced
people ." "Eh, al these people are here, why haven't you seen Lin ... the shadow of Sylvia?"
One The directors searched around with their eyes.
"If you were just lifted from the position of the president, would you still attend the board
meeting?" A director rolled his eyes. "I see, she has a faceless face." The crowd was bustling
and kept talking.
With a bang, the meeting room door was opened from the outside.
This sound attracted the attention of almost everyone in the meeting room.
Sylvia, dressed in a decent black uniform, walked in from outside the room.
"Is she real y here?"
"I'm so sorry, if I were, I would have gone home and cried."
Several members of the board of directors standing on the united front with Richard said
without a word. One of them even pulled the chair left by the empty space beside him, so
Sylvia would have no place to sit, and this board member wanted to embarrass Sylvia.
Richard leaned on the seat and watched Sylvia in a playful way, waiting for her to be ugly.
Reality, let them down.
Sylvia didn't even look at the opened chair and walked towards the position of the
Richard saw Lin asking Han to come towards him, and made a chuckle, "Have you
surnamed Lin, have you forgotten, now this position is not yours?"
Sylvia paused in front of Richard, "Who told you, I'm going to take the position of the
president? "
The moment Sylvia's words fell, she was in the surprised eyes of everyone in the meeting
room, pulled away the chair on the chairman's seat, and sat down!
At this moment, Richard jumped like a cat stepped on his tail and shouted: "Sylvia, what are
you doing! Is this where you are sitting!"
"Hehe." Sylvia chuckled and reached out. A document was thrown on the desktop,
"Richard, it is not a coincidence, this position is mine." In the meeting room, almost
everyone can see Sylvia took out a few large characters on the document.
Equity transfer agreement!
The scarlet six characters impressed them deeply.
At the same time, the door of the conference room was pushed open again, and Robert Lin,
dressed in formal attire, walked in from outside the meeting room at the pace of
"Chairman!" When a board of directors saw Robert Lin, he stood straight and said hello.
"Chairman, you ... stood up ..." Someone shook hands with an incredible voice.
"Grandpa, you!" Richard stared at Robert Lin with wide eyes. At this moment, he couldn't
help feeling a little flustered.
Robert Lin stood at the door of the meeting room, glanced at the meeting room for a week,
and gave a hearty laugh, "You, I am no longer the chairman, and al the shares under my
name have been transferred to my granddaughter Sylvia. From today, she Will assume the
position of Chairman of the Lin
Family ! " Everyone will turn their attention from Robert Lin to Sylvia. This woman, who
has just stepped down as president, everyone thinks that she will change from a proud
phoenix. Become a ravening crow, but did not expect that this phoenix was reborn and
more powerful!
"No ... impossible ..." Richard murmured, "Grandpa, don't you mean, your estate should be
average ..."
"Shut up!" Robert Lin shouted loudly.
Robert Lin's loud applause caused the board members in the conference room to shrink
their necks subconsciously, showing Robert Lin's high prestige.
"Everyone!" Sylvia's crisp voice sounded in the conference room, "I think, let's have a
meeting first. This time we will inform everyone to convene an emergency board
meeting. There are two things in total. The first thing is to announce the replacement of the
chairman. from now on, I Han Lin, chairman Ren Linshi will not be subject to rebuttal, the
second thing, which is to pull out of the company, a scourge! "
Sylvia in front of a whole sentence are gentle tone, When speaking of the last word of
scourge, the tone suddenly increased, and his eyes also turned to Richard.
Chapter 75
Richard felt panicky when he was stared at by Sylvia.
Sylvia spoke, and a clear voice sounded: "Richard, the former employee of the company ’s
logistics department, pretended to be a member of the board of directors, participated in
major decisions of the board of directors, and changed the final decision of the board of
directors. This matter. "
" Sylvia, you fart! "Richard yelled before Sylvia finished his speech," I am a member of the
board of directors, what is impersonation? "
" You are a member of the board of directors? " With a suspicious look on her face, she
looked at Lawyer Hu and asked, "Professor Hu, please talk about the prerequisites for
becoming a member of the board of directors."
Lawyer Hu laughed and said: "The prerequisite for becoming a board member is Have at
least one percent of Lin ’s shares. ”
Sylvia nodded and looked at Richard.“ Have you heard? One percent of the shares, may I
ask Mr. Richard, in your name, there can be Lin ’s hundred. shares of one of the points? or
that, which of directors authorized the Board to attend you replace him? "
Richard tightly bite, did not speak, because he knew, Sylvia Good, indeed their own, no
shares of Lin.
Robert Lin originally gave them four juniors, each with 5% of Lin ’s shares, but last time,
Richard gave away al the shares in his hand to please Cheng frame. Now, he is really not Lin
’s. shareholder!
But this matter, how does Sylvia know!
Sylvia saw that Richard did not speak, smiled slightly, and continued: "Richard, an
employee of the company, pretended to be a member of the board of directors, and when
impeaching my position as president, the board vote did not exceed half, so I, Sylvia, was
still a director of Lin Chief, company employee Richard, who pretended to be Chairman Lin,
signed unequal treaties with several companies, intentionally caused financial losses to the
company, and will be punished after a thorough investigation by the Criminal Investigation
Economics Branch. This is the emergency board of directors.
The second thing. "
As soon as Sylvia's voice fell, more than a dozen uniformed policemen swarmed from
outside the conference room and directly pressed Richard on his seat, unable to move.
"Release! Release me!" Richard frantically freed the arms of the two police officers.
"Sylvia, you are really cruel, but I did not impersonate President Lin. The agreement
stipulated that when the number of votes reached In Qi Ping, the members of the board of
directors can elect the acting president. "
" Richard, didn't you listen to what I said? I said that in the post of impeaching me President
Sylvia, no more than half of the people voted. What acting president! "Sylvia's tone
suddenly became cold. She glanced around her eyes and said," Just now, except for those
who have voted, support me to continue as the president of Sylvia. Get started! "
Sylvia's words fel . The board members who had just come and expressed their attitudes al
raised their right hands without hesitation. The current situation, even a fool can see
Robert Lin transferred al the shares in his hands to Sylvia, and now he has appeared
specifically to build momentum for Sylvia. How could they not know how to choose?
There are a total of five board members, al raising their hands, plus Sylvia, there are six.
When Richard saw this scene, there was a hint of joy on his face, "Sylvia, the same six
"Real y?" Sylvia raised an eyebrow."I also agree to Ms. Sylvia, continue to serve as the
president of Lin!" A male voice sounded from outside the conference room.
The moment Richard heard the voice, his complexion changed. He stared at the door of the
conference room, staring at his partner, Paul Cheng, holding a document about equity, and
walked in.
"I Paul Cheng, who owns 5% of Lin's shares. As a member of the board of directors, I agree
to Ms. Sylvia, continue to serve as chairman of
Lin's chairman!" Sylvia's mouth drawn a sexy arc. "When Richard saw Paul Cheng
appearing, he noticed something was wrong. Now, his face was ashamed. He stared at
Sylvia with his eyes." Lin's surname Lin, you are yin and me! Okay, right? "
" Yes. "Sylvia did not deny," From the moment I knew you went to Grandpa to frame Henry,
these are all for you, like, my cousin? "
" You! You! You! "Richard yelled at Sylvia and roared loudly," You are a bargain, you must
not die! Sylvia, one day sooner or later, I want you to die! "
" Take it away! " With an order, Richard was escorted out.
In the process of being escorted, Richard still yelled and cried crying.
At the moment, the people in the meeting room looked a little different from Sylvia's eyes.
Before that, they only saw the business ability of this woman. They always regarded Sylvia
as a bully girl.
But now, no one dares to think so. His cousin also said that he will deal with it. Such a
person is not easy to provoke.
Robert Lin, who stood in front of the conference room, sighed and said nothing. He did n’t
think Sylvia had done too much, because Richard ’s approach had touched the bottom line.
In any case, Richard is always the grandson of Robert Lin. Looking at his grandson like this,
and watching the family who should have been harmonious like an enemy, how can Robert
Lin be happy, the palm of his hand is meat!
Sylvia looked at Grandpa's lonely figure and showed an apologetic expression.
Robert Lin shook her head slightly at her.
Henry probably guessed something about what was happening in the Lin Group, but he did
n’t care about it. He believed that with Sylvia ’s ability, a Richard would n’t be able to turn
over the wind and waves. He was carrying a new one. Clothes, walking happily outside the
mal , I already thought that I can see Sylvia in the company every day.
Whenever I think of Sylvia and Henry's heart, it's like returning to the age of sixteen or
seven. When I think of the person I love, my heart beats faster, and when I think of meeting
her, my mouth will unconsciously smile.
Just as Henry was about to leave the mall, he suddenly heard the mall radio ringing.
"Notify, inform, which customer is the doctor, please hurry to Ximen, and there is an
injured patient who needs help!"
"Notify, inform, which customer is the doctor, please hurry to Ximen, where A sick person
needs help! "
The broadcast sounded continuously and could be heard, and the tone of the broadcaster
was anxious.
Henry looked at it, isn't the place he is standing in the West District now? Looking towards
the west gate, there was a large crowd around.
Chapter 76
In the surroundings of the crowd, an old man with gray hair is lying on the ground,
"I'm a doctor, let me give up, let me give up." An equally old man squeezed into the crowd.
When the crowd watched, he quickly gave way.
This old man, who calls himself a doctor, seems to be in his 70s, but his body stil looks very
tough. He walks all the way, and he has been exercising for many years.
The old man squatted on the ground, grabbed the old man's wrist, extended two fingers on
the other person's pulse, and after a few seconds of observation, he reached back and
opened the old man's eyelids.
After looking at the old man's pupils, the old man looked a little ugly, and he waved at the
"Don't worry about trouble here, everyone. If the air is not circulating, it will affect the
patient. Let the trouble pass!" The
crowd of people gradually spread out, forming a larger circle and watching around.
Wearing a tunic suit, the old man saw him put his hand in his pocket, took out a roll of
cotton cloth, spread the cotton cloth on the ground, and the cotton cloth was inserted into
it, and it was a shiny silver needle.
The old man skillful y picked up a silver needle, and with little hesitation, he inserted it into
the old man's Shenting cave.
This action made the onlookers exclaim.
Many people know acupuncture treatment, but they have never seen it with their own eyes.
Anyone who sees a doctor for the first time inserts a silver needle of more than ten
centimeters into a person's head will frown unconsciously.
The old man inserted a silver needle, and the movement did not stop. He continued to take
out the silver needle and inserted them into the old man's Touwei, Zhengying, and Baihui
A series of four silver needles were al stuck in the old man's body, but the old man stil
didn't respond at al .
The old man's brows are more severe. He has been practicing medicine for decades and has
seen many symptoms of fainting, but no one has ever seen it like this.
At this moment, a voice rang from the crowd and reached the old man's ear.
"You take the acupoint Shenting, Touwei, Zhengying, Baihui, you just want to stimulate his
brain nerves and make him wake up from fainting, but now this person is obviously in a
state of false death, even if you use a needle to stimulate, he There will be no reaction at al .
old man looked back and saw a young man in a white vest and pink beach pants, carrying a
bag, standing next to him and talking.
"How do you know that he is in a state of suspended animation?" The old man wondered,
and did not say anything that he didn't understand, don't talk nonsense. If he
didn't understand, he couldn't even say the four acupuncture points he had just pierced
into the silver needle.
"It can be clearly seen that you only checked his pulse and pupils, but forgot to say that
Chinese medicine has triggered the whole body. His pupils are condensed and ischemic.
This is the basic feature of coma. Limited, think this is the reason for his coma, but you did
not carefully observe his fingers, also pale, blood flow is not smooth, in this case, the brain
may be more hypoxic, causing the nerves to fall into a state of false death. "
Old After hearing Henry's words, his face was obviously unsightly.
He was not educated in this tone by a junior, but the other party ’s statement, which means
that this injured person lying on the ground is in a very bad situation!
"Call 120, you must take it to the hospital for treatment!" The old man took out his mobile
phone and dialed.
Henry shook his head. "It's too late. The ambulance rushed here. At least 20 minutes are
needed. These 20 minutes are enough to kill him. Ten may die of cerebral hemorrhage
before the ambulance comes. ""So what! Do you want to watch him die!"
The old man looked anxiously.
"Who said he was going to watch him die?" Henry asked back. He walked to the old man
and pulled out two silver needles from the other person's needle bag. The one-handed
lightning fell, and the old man saw a cold shoulder on his own. Flashing in front of my eyes,
I found that the young man in front of me had inserted the silver needle into the patient's
Quick and accurate!
This is the first thought that came out of the old man's mind. He couldn't help but look at
Henry's eyes a lot. At this age, he has such a needle-down technique, and the degree of
recognition of acupuncture points has reached a very high level!
Henry said while doing the action: "In this state of false death, you can take the four points
of Hegu, Renzhong, Baihui and Shaoshang during coma. Try to let the air circulate as much
as possible. Insert, strengthen stimulation, and leave no needle. Then acupuncture Baihui,
Shaoshang, twist slightly, keep the needle after getting gas, and intermittently transport the
needle, so that the patient can wake up. "
Henry took two more needles and pierced towards the patient "But in the current situation,
four points of Baihui, Neiguan, Shenguan, and Zu'erli are to be taken. The upper points are
al treated with the method of twisting and replenishing the needle, so that the patient stays
lying flat, and can keep the Dantian and breathe naturally. After entering the acupuncture
point, according to the patient's heartbeat frequency, the needle is selectively dropped, so it
is good. "
Henry's voice just fell, and he heard a long cry from the unconscious old hair.
"Wake up!" There was a rejoicing sound from the crowd, and they saw that the patient
opened his eyes.
Henry got up and smiled, "You do Chinese medicine, acupuncture is good, but thinking too
inflexible and difficult to National Cheng Kung University, acupuncture, people are finding
out, but also by the people to change."
After leaving such a sentence, Henry turned away and did not stay in the slightest.
The old man looked at Henry ’s back and murmured what Henry had just said,
"Acupuncture was developed by humans, and it must be changed by humans ..."
"Teacher, teacher."
At this time, one man, one woman and two A young man quickly ran into the crowd.
"Furry, yelling, what is the system?" The old man gave the two young men a dissatisfied
glance and reprimanded.
A man and a woman lowered their heads, "Teacher, the chairman of the Ningxia Medical
Association just cal ed me again and wanted to ask me if you have time."
"Don't I refuse a few times?" Nai Dao.
As a top Chinese medicine scientist in China, I do n’t know how many institutes I want to
invite him to participate in a forum lecture, but he never promised anyone, nor gave
anyone a good look.
"Yes, but the other party said that this time there are a lot of rookies in the medical world,
and they all want to see you."
"Rookie?" The old man suddenly thought of the young man just now.
"Yes, it should be him." The old man nodded, looking forward to his heart. After meeting
the young man just now, just listening to the young man's words, the old man felt a little
open and cheerful. That was in the way of medicine. My bottleneck for more than a decade
seems to have suddenly loosened!
Henry walked out of the mall and shook his head. "Hey, there are fewer and fewer young
people who love Chinese medicine, and the older generation's thinking is deep-rooted. It
seems that it is time to make a reform ..."
Chapter 77
Henry Zhang carrying two big bags back home, seeing Sylvia is sitting on the sofa.
"Is everything done?" Henry asked casually.
"Wel ." Sylvia nodded.
During the conversation, neither of them found that the relationship between them has
become more harmonious. Like before, Sylvia was too lazy to look at Henry, let alone
answer his question.
"Come here, I have something to ask you." Sylvia beckoned to Henry.
"What's the matter?" Henry walked over and saw Sylvia was wearing a home pajamas,
leaning lazily on the sofa, his hair spread casual y, exuding an unspeakable charm.
"Why don't you keep telling me?" Sylvia's beautiful eyes showed a blame.
"Tel you what?" Henry looked puzzled.
"About what you will do with physical therapy in Chinese medicine."
"This." Henry showed a look of surprise. "You didn't ask about this, and I always used this
method when I gave you a massage."
"You ... … "Sylvia was a little slurred. She thought that she real y did not ask Henry in this
respect. Henry told himself before that he had done a little, and he naturally thought of that
kind of massage parlor. Chinese medicine thinks in this regard.
"Wel , let me tell you my question today. What else do you have?" Sylvia asked.
When asked about Henry, Sylvia had some expectations on her face. She found that the man
in front of him would always do something unexpected, talk about it in the opinion of the
French meal, and at the concert of Master Pajifu. Playing a song, and now I will be treated
by Chinese medicine, it seems not so useless.
"Me, I think about it." Henry made a reflection, he had quite a lot of things, he had to shove.
Sylvia suddenly saw Milan emerge from Henry's back, and even gave Henry a glance.
He was afraid that Henry would say nothing and would help.
However, Henry did not notice that Sylvia gave himself a wink and tilted his head: "Art,
music, painting, food, ancient martial arts, investigation and blasting, language, finance, and
other major fields, I am very proficient."
Sylvia let out a sigh of relief and felt in his heart that this mystery was quite clever.
"Fine you, don't blow it." Sylvia rolled his eyes at Henry, and Yu Arm flicked his hair, which
was really charming.
Henry stretched his hand and scratched his head, hehe smiled, carrying his little bag, and
went back to the room.
One night without words, the next morning, Henry got up early to clean up the house.
When Sylvia went out, Henry also put on his newly bought suit yesterday, and happily went
to the Lin Group.
Robert Lin greeted the HR manager yesterday. The HR manager attached great importance
to Henry for this relationship user who could make a phone call from the Yinzhou business
community, and even let Henry choose his own position.
Robert Lin not only has a superb position in the Yinzhou business community, it is also the
owner of the Lins Group. The manager of the personnel department naturally has as much
power as possible to make Henry as comfortable as possible. Your life is likely to undergo
major changes.
Regarding the issue of position, Henry considered for a long time last night, and final y
chose a post of deputy captain of the building security.
Being a security guard in the hall, you can definitely see Sylvia and the deputy captain every
day, so that he hardly needs to do trivial things or travel as often as the captain.
After al , the purpose of Henrylai is very simple. The
manager of the personnel department did not expect that Henry would actual y choose
such a position. After al , there are too many positions that are better than the deputy
security team leader, but Henry ’s choice, he did not say much, on the spot. Sealed the
official seal, told Henry, when you can come to work.
Henry looked excitedly to get the security equipment, electric baton and uniform.
Everything is done, it is already ten thirty in the morning.
Henry stood excitedly in the lobby of the Lin Mansion, gazing back and forth at the passing
people, and heard a burst of swearing from the front entrance.
"Open your dog's eyes and see who I am! There is no place in this Lin's building where I
can't go. You watchdogs get out of me! Dead security, this will be the whole life!"
"Huh?" Henry raised his eyebrows.
Dead security? Watchdog?
Looking at the place where Henrychao's voice came, I saw that seven or eight security
guards were blocking the door of the building. Those words were spoken from the mouth
of a gorgeously dressed woman.
Several of the security guards were all showing their faces, you look at me, I look at you, I
do not know what to do.
"Madam, we always have rules. If you want to see her, you must make an appointment."
Said a security guard who looked like a captain.
"Appointment? I need to make an appointment when I see her? You watchdogs get away!"
The middle-aged woman shouted and pushed away the security guard in front of her.
Henry frowned. Wasn't this Richard's mother, ran into trouble?
Yesterday, what happened to the Lin family has been reported to Henry. Richard has been
criminally detained for business fraud and financial issues. The Lins lawyers even brought
Richard to the court and waited for the court to open the court. If there was no accident,
Richard It will be sentenced to at least 10 or 8 years, which is equal to this life, and it is
almost abolished.
"Go away! I don't want to talk nonsense with you guys!" Richard's mother scolded again
and rushed towards the company hall.
"Madam, you can't go in." A security guard reached out and stopped Richard's mother.
"Someone, who let you touch me!" Richard's mother waved a hand and slaps heavily on the
security guard's face.
The security guard who was beaten looked ugly, but he dared not say anything. The
identity of the middle-aged woman in front of them, they knew a little bit, and they were
the aunt of the president.
"It's really brave you, a few dogs, all dressed in human skin, dare to stop me? What do you
think you are? Huh?" Richard's mother's eyes were full of anger, "I tell you now, I want to
go in, Who dares to stop me and try, which dog leg touches me, you guys eat good fruit and
eat and eat ... "
Richard's mother was scolding, her body was trembling, and her eyes could not help
starting to roll up, the whole The person's saliva was as if she had epilepsy. After ten
seconds, her eyes closed and her head was planted on the ground.
After Richard's mother fel down, Henry stood behind her.
Henry took the electric baton he had just received and pressed it from time to time. The
head of the baton made a crackling current.
Henry glanced at his mouth, and said with regret: "No, this current is too small, even a
woman can get ten seconds, and you have to change it a little harder."
Chapter 78
security guards stared at Henry with wide eyes.
"Dude, you are ..."
"Oh, I'm a new security guard." Henry took out his work permit and wrote the position of
deputy captain. "The next time I meet this kind of person, don't talk nonsense, directly
corona. It's over. "
" This ... "A security guard looked at Henry, and then Richard's mother who collapsed on the
ground and Bai Mo vomited out," Brother, you may, something happened. "
" Brother, we How can you be afraid of things when you are a security guard? If we are al
afraid, who should give the safety of this building? "Henry Zhang patted the security
guard's shoulder and said in an educational tone.
"But buddy, this man you called is Mr. Lin's aunt!"
"Aunt?" Henry raised an eyebrow, "Dare to come here to make trouble, no matter what
your identity, you will be waiting with electric batons! The security room was handcuffed
and let the police handle it. "
Henry put the electric baton on the belt, his hands behind his back, and walked aside to
The few security guards you left look at me and I look at you.
"Come on, the new deputy captain said, chant."
"But this is Lin ..."
"Whoever she is, what's the matter, and it's not our turn. Someone put it on. "
Several security guards set up Richard's mother and carried it to the security room."
Sylvia sat in the office on the top floor, looked down at the documents on the table, and
handled the official affairs. After taking over as chairman, the things she did every day were
more burdensome than before.
Secretary Li Na knocked on the office door.
"Go in." Sylvia said without looking up.
Li Na opened the door and came in, "Mr. Lin, I have something to report to you."
"What's the matter?" Sylvia looked up and squeezed the broken hair on her forehead.
When she saw that Li Na had no documents in her hand, she guessed that it should be a
personal problem.
"Just now, Ms. Lin Hui came to you and was stopped by the security guards downstairs.
Ms. Lin Hui and the security guard broke out, and the new deputy security captain was
Li Na admired that in her heart while reporting The deputy team leader of security, Lin Hui,
is Mr. Lin ’s relative.
Sylvia Liu frowned and put down the file in his hand. "Go to the security room and let the
new security guard come by the way."
Henrymei strolled in the hal .
A little girl at the front desk secretly looked at Henry, not to mention Henry was wearing a
security uniform, but his perfect figure, let this uniform be worn on him, just like the model
show, plus Henry's handsome appearance, It is easy to attract the attention of the little girls
who have just left campus.
"Beauty, although I know I'm handsome, don't you secretly look at me with this obsessive
look." Henry went to the front desk and looked up and down at the front desk beauty.
It is definitely a graduate who has just come out of school, and may not even have
graduated, but just came for an internship. Al over him is filled with a pure and pleasant
Henry stared at the front desk beauty with embarrassment, lowered her head, and
ponytailed behind her head jumped flexibly twice.
Henry's eyes swept from the other party's badge, "Amity, the name is so nice, what is your
boyfriend's nickname for you?"
"I ... I ... I don't have a boyfriend yet." Amity's face was ashamed , Speaking a little stuttering.
"Impossible!" Henry looked shocked. "A girl as beautiful as you, with such a nice name, how
could there be no boyfriend?" Amity's head is even lower, and I hope to be buried in my
Another girl at the front desk standing next to Amity covered her mouth and chuckled
softly, "I said handsome, don't tease us for Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, this girl is easy to be shy,
it's better to chat with you on Wechat in private, and stay together at night Have a meal or
something. "
" Haha. "Henry laughed loudly," Just a joke, a joke, wechat will not be added, I'm married,
you don't know, my mother-in-law, love me love death, I also know that the great charm, I
fear that derailed, had to check my phone every day, so I want to add into a beautiful girl,
my wife told me not have to desperately! "
autumn one," Puchi "laugh When he came out, his little hand covered his mouth, and he
looked cute.
Henry was lying at the front desk. He was about to brag about his status at home to the two
little beauties, and he heard someone cal ing himself.
"Team Zhang, please come to the security room." This is a security trotting over.
"Yes." Henry nodded and said to the two front-end beauties that they would go to the
security room after the next chat.
"Team Zhang, what's that." The security guard who came to Henry pul ed Henry's sleeve.
"What's wrong?" Henry wondered.
"That ... Mr. Lin is also here. The one you are electro-conscious, is Mr. Lin's relative and
aunt. Be careful when you talk." The security guard had a worried look on his face.
"It's okay." Henry waved carelessly.
At the door of the security room, many people were surrounded, al wearing security
Seeing Henry coming, these people focused their eyes on Henry and whispered.
"It's him?"
"Yes, the vice captain who came here today."
"It's so young, at first glance it's a stunned youth, and even Lin's relatives dare to fight.
You said that these big people, even if there is no personal relationship, no one like us can
"Who said no, It was impulsive for a while, and as a result, it was estimated that the job I
had just found would have to be ruined. "
" Vice captain, it's a pity that there are six thousand salary in January and five insurance
and one gold. "
" That's not the case. At that time, several of us were humiliated by the woman, and the
deputy captain also helped us. "A security guard who had just stopped Lin Hui in front of
the company said.
"Yo, the deputy captain is called up so quickly, are you doglegs? You see, even if Mr.
Lin doesn't punish him today, there will be him looking good when the Sun team returns
from a business trip!" Another security guard glanced dismissively. .
They whispered here, and they could hear clearly with Henry's ears. Henry ignored it and
went into the security room.
In the security room, Sylvia looked at the unconscious woman in front of her eyes, the
expression on her face was a little unnatural.
Sylvia also heard about what happened just now. This woman bites a watchdog and a
servant. Anyone who listens is angry, but anyway, this is also his aunt, who was fainted by
someone in his company. , This is real y a bit unreasonable.
Sylvia sighed and waited for the security guard of the electrician to come. What should I
To be wrong, my aunt was wrong today. The security guard was only performing his duties,
and he did nothing wrong. On the contrary, if he was someone who was electro-conscious
today, he should be praised.
Chapter 79
Sylvia is standing in the security room, and there is something I don't know what to do.
People in the Lin family were coronad by a security guard in their own company. This
matter must be handled properly for whatever reason, otherwise it will definitely become a
laughing stock for others.
Manager Chen of the Personnel Department was standing next to Sylvia. Today he was
recruited by the security guard, so Sylvia called him over as soon as possible.
Sylvia glanced at Manager Chen and asked, "Where do you recruit people from?"
"That ... The man was specially introduced by Mr. Lin to cal ." Manager Chen laughed aloud,
and now he is in his heart, not to mention how flustered. Too.
In any case, this person was recruited by himself, and the position was also chosen by
himself. Now that this has happened, if I real y want to pursue it, I cannot run away from
this responsibility.
"Introduced by my grandpa?" Sylvia frowned.
Since Robert Lin was unable to go to the ground, he has not been in charge of the
company's affairs for too long, too long. Now he has introduced a person to come in.
Who will it be?
When guessing the identity of the other party, Sylvia also raised a sense of disgust in her
heart. She was most troubled by this relationship.
At this moment, Henry walked in. As soon as he saw Sylvia's figure, Henry's mouth widened
"Mr. Lin, people are here." Li Na reported.
"Let's talk, what was the situation at that time." Sylvia looked at the unconscious aunt
without looking back.
"That's it, she insulted us at the time, and ..."
Henry uttered, Sylvia heard his voice almost the first time, turned his head and stared at
Henry, "You?"
"Hey." Henry stretched his hand and scratched his head. "Lin, Mr. Lin, isn't this how I went
to work on the first day? If something happens, it will be resolved directly."
When Sylvia saw Henry, she immediately understood that she stretched her hand to cover
her forehead, her face was helpless.
Just now, Sylvia was still guessing that in this humane society, even if his aunt made a
mistake, no one should be on the baton, but Henry is definitely not in this rank.
At home, the scene of Henry's Richard looking for teeth all over the place vaguely appeared
before Sylvia.
Manager Chen saw Sylvia and Henry know each other, he was relieved in his heart, so that
he could not be held accountable.
"Secretary Li, you tell everyone, don't be around here, just leave." Sylvia waved his hand.
Li Na nodded.
The people surrounded by the security room were al dispersed by Li Na's drive, and
Manager Chen, the personnel, also returned to his job.
After al the people were gone, Sylvia looked at Henry again and asked, "How come you
thought of finding my grandpa and let him arrange you to the company?"
"Because I want to see you every day." Henry took a sip White teeth, outspoken.
Sylvia's face was startled, and a smile appeared on his face, "You're poor, just forget it,
come and come, but you don't have to be a security captain anymore, you can't learn any
skills in the end, I told Manager Chen You should go to the business department first.
Recently, I happened to be free. I will bring you more contact with this kind of things. "
" Good! "Henry replied cheerfully.
Sylvia didn't tell Henry that she turned around and walked outside the security room.
When she stepped out of the security room, she paused, opened her mouth, and finally left
without a word.
Henry didn't know that his words made Lin invite Han a quiet heart, and a little beating
occurred. After Sylvia left, Henry happily went to the personnel department to change his
position. As for how to deal with Lin Hui, he was not interested.
Today is Henry ’s first day of work and his first real work in more than 20 years. On this
day, Henry all showed extreme excitement, but just before leaving work, he regretted to
find that this day, I didn't see Sylvia very much.
Henry ran to the front desk and asked about it. Amity told Henry that Sylvia was busy from
morning to night almost every day, and they didn't have many chances to see it.
Hearing this, Henry was somewhat lost.
At work, Henry changed his clothes and just got out of the company door when he saw a
Volkswagen Jetta parked in front of him. He was driving Anna and Sylvia ’s bodyguards,
while Sylvia was sitting in the back row of the vehicle with a paper in his hand. The paper
looked careful y.
"Get in the car, let's go together." Anna rolled down the window and beckoned to Henry.
Henry glanced at Sylvia sitting in the back row. Sylvia did not express his position and still
looked at the documents in his hands.
This scene made Henry happy. It seems that his wife and his relationship have become
more and more relaxed, otherwise she can't let Anna pul herself by default, otherwise she
will not finish driving the Mercedes-Benz GT.
Henry shamelessly opened the rear seat door, and waited for Sylvia's objection to sit in ass.
Sylvia glanced at Henry, frowned, and said nothing.
The vehicle drove towards Sai Shangshui Village.
Yinzhou has experienced rapid development in recent years, building a lot of high-rise
buildings and widening roads, but in many places, you can stil see the shadows of previous
backwards, such as some al ey lanes.
From the Lin Group to Sai Shangshui Township, there is an alleyway between them. It is not
the alley of the bungalows on both sides, but a two-lane back and forth lane on both sides,
both sides are old-fashioned residential areas.
Anna drove gently on the road. Suddenly, a van traversed quickly from ten meters in front,
and did not slow down at al . Fortunately, Anna was good at driving, there was no panic, he
quickly hit the steering wheel in a critical moment, or else It real y hit.
"Grass, will you drive!" The van screamed loudly.
Subconsciously, Anna turned to look at the van.
At this moment, an old man with a gigantic figure appeared in front of the car, struggling
with his legs upside down, and deliberately bumped into the car.
Anna, who just turned his head over, did not see the old man at al .
"Be careful!" Henry shouted.
The nerve-sensitive Anna didn't even see it. He stepped on the brake with one foot, but it
was still too late. He heard a "bang" and the old man fell under the front of the car.
The driving car also stopped abruptly, and the inertia caused the people on the car to
stagger forward unconsciously.
Anna looked at this end with a trace of panic.
"It touches porcelain?" Sylvia frowned. She just saw the scene when the old man
deliberately hit the front of the car.
"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I just didn't see it." Anna apologized.
"It's okay, this kind of thing, even if you see it, you can't hide it." Sylvia shook his head.
"I'l get off and see, you should report to the traffic police first." So
, Sylvia was about to pull the door.
"Don't care." Henry stopped Sylvia's action, "Anna, you back up first, don't care about him."
Chapter 80
"How can it be ignored!" Sylvia pushed Henry's hand away, "Even if it touches the
porcelain, we should also look at the reason!
" Can't go. "Henry reached out his hand and pressed the door of the car." This old man is
not right. "
" What's wrong? Henry, when he encounters something, how to solve it, not how to escape!
You take your hand away. "
" Don't take it. "Henry shook his head.
"I let you take it away!" Sylvia pushed Henry hard, but couldn't move at al .
Henry glanced around the vehicle, and someone had already seen what was happening
here, and came around, "Anna, hurry, drive away."
"Mr. Zhang, this ... this can't go." Anna shook his head, " I also think that we should go down
and look at it. Anyway, we hit people. "
When three people in the car couldn't argue because they couldn't walk, there was a sound
of beating outside the car.
A young man in his twenties is reaching out and patting the window glass with an angry
face, scolding in his mouth, "Hey, hello, hit the person, didn't you see it? Get off!"
"That's who this person is, and the person who hit him is not ready to be sent to the
hospital. It's a pretty girl. Why is it a viper." A middle-aged woman standing next to the
theater also made a sound.
The seal of this Jetta is not particularly good. The voice of the outsider can clearly pass into
Sylvia's ears, which makes Lin ZHan's face particularly ugly.
"Sylvia, ignore them, Anna, drive away first. The matter here will be dealt with when the
police come." Henry pressed the door lock.
"Henry, you give me a break!" Sylvia shoved Henry and unlocked the door of the car.
Just as he was about to reach out and open the door, the door was pul ed away from the
The young man who knocked on the glass, staring at Sylvia with a bad face, scolded:
"What's special, I'm still sitting in the car? I knocked people out of sight? Get off!"
"Sorry." Sylvia expressed an apologetic look at the young man. "We ..." As soon as she was
ready to speak, she saw the young man pull out a dagger from behind and stab him hard on
his head.
The dagger magnified in Sylvia ’s pupils, and the sharp flashes of cold awns, at this critical
moment, Sylvia felt a great force coming from behind him, and then the whole person could
not resist falling backwards, a strong The arm also appeared in front of his own eyes at this
time, facing the sharp dagger.
The arms and the dagger handed over, bringing a hot blood, sprayed on Sylvia's face, with a
hot temperature.
Sylvia subconsciously screamed.
"Fuck off!" Henry hugged Sylvia and kicked the youth outside the door with one foot. At the
same time, he pulled the door with his bleeding arm and pressed the door lock heavily.
As a professional bodyguard, Anna discovered something was wrong the first time. He
picked up the swing stick placed in the armrest box, opened the door and rushed down.
The old man, who had just fallen into the front of the car and had just taken shape,
suddenly jumped up, also holding a dagger and stabbing towards Anna.
The scene that happened made Sylvia's eyes widen.
"Henry ... you ... how are you." Lin invited Han grabbed Henry's arm and looked at the
wound that was ten centimeters long on it. His panic eyes were full of concern.
Henry grinned and waved his hand indifferently, "It's okay, you sit in the car, don't move,
I'll help."
Henry opened the door and rushed straight down towards the young man just now.
Henli young face staring Henry, holding the dagger stabbed towards Henry, screaming:
"! Death" Henry's eyes flashed with disdain. At the moment when the young man
approached him, Henry backhanded his uniform and pressed it onto the trunk of the
vehicle. At the same time, Henry also lowered his head. People are clumsy together.
Only the two knew what was going on.
The young man with a dagger was horrified. He felt like he was stuck by a giant pliers and
could not move.
"Say, who let you come!" Henry squeezed the young man's neck hard, making it difficult for
the young man to breathe.
"Dream!" The young man gritted his teeth and squeezed out these two words.
There was a trace of fierceness in Henry's eyes. There was no nonsense. He directly
pinched the young man's neck and dared to hurt Sylvia. The young man's ending was
already doomed.
Anna deserved to be a professional bodyguard. When Henry solved this young man, she
also solved several other killers.
A total of four kil ers with daggers were all put down by Anna in one minute. After finishing
these, Anna ran to the back seat to check Sylvia's injury.
Sylvia was terrified, but fortunately he was not injured.
"Leave me alone, go and see Henry."
"I'm fine." Henry do not care about the worship of worship hand, "Anna, Han Qing you first
take back." I would wait for the police ,
"No, go away together "Sylvia shook his head firmly, disagreeing to let Henry stay here
alone. She looked at Henry's right arm again, the ten centimeter-long wound, which was
Sylvia's eyes are full of self-blame. If he hadn't insisted on getting off the car, such a thing
would not happen at al , and Henry would not suffer such injuries in order to protect
"Let's go quickly, someone must stay, otherwise the police will not be able to explain."
Henry persuaded.
"Then we will stay here together." Sylvia looked firm.
Henry saw that Sylvia had no choice but to agree, "Wel , let's stay in the car, and be safe."
three of them got into the car, and Sylvia locked the door careful y.
Anna sat in the main driver with a sorry look, "Mr. Lin, Mr. Zhang, blame me on this matter,
if not ..."
"Wel , don't say this kind of words." Sylvia stopped Anna's words, "These people came to
me, even if they didn't meet today, they will one day appear."
Soon, the sirens sounded in the ears of three people, five police cars drove into the lane,
and the police officers who got off the car Block al this area.
Henry felt a headache when he looked at the leader.
"The Korean team, the victims are in the car." A police officer reported to Helen.
"Let them come out and make notes." The
door of Jetta opened, and the figures of Henry appeared in Han Gen's sight.
Helen's eyes dodged slightly when he saw Sylvia.
Henry saw Helen, and the expression on his face was a little unnatural. Anyway, he slept
with others. For the first time, if someone said nothing happened, Henry would definitely
be unable to do it. of.
It is said that the woman's sixth sense is accurate. Sylvia felt the strange atmosphere
between Henry and the policewoman who led the team for the first time.
"You two know each other?" Sylvia asked curiously.
"Acknowledge ... know." Henry seemed nervous when asked this question by his wife.
"Okay, don't be close, come and make notes." Han gently waved his hand impatiently.
Chapter 81
Henry and three people were taken by different policemen to take notes, and those kil ers
were all handled by the police.
It was none other than Han Xuan who was writing to Henry.
"The Korean team, a total of five murderers, four were cut off their hands and feet, and one
was dead. They were pinched off their necks. There was no surveillance video at the scene.
People are fugitives. "A police officer came to report.
"Okay, I see." Helen nodded, and she didn't need to think about it. She knew that the one
who had her neck broken was definitely Henry.
Helen is a family practicer. She knows very well that how much strength is needed to pinch
off a person's neck, and most people simply cannot do it.
Helen hastily made some notes, and his eyes locked on Henry's right arm.
"How hurt?"
"Hey, one was careless." Henry sighed, "turning the boat in the gutter."
"Real y?" Helen's lips sneered with a mocking smile, "If you turn the gutter, you will not
This kind of ditch is turned over to protect your wife from trouble? "
" Hey. "Henry laughed, not knowing how to explain it.
"Fine." Helen's face was displeased and put away the notebook. "You take your wife back
first. What's the matter? The police will call you at any time. Also, if you encounter this kind
of thing next time, can you kil ? Try not to kil , as things get worse and are not good for
anyone. "
" Understood. "Henrylian nodded.
"Okay, close the team!" Helen waved his hand, twisting his sexy waist, and returned to the
police car.
The silver-grey Jetta drove slowly on the way home.
"Henry, how do I think that the policewoman looks a little weird at you?" Sylvia looked at
Henry suspiciously.
"Are you? You feel wrong, ha ha ha." Henry yelled ha ha.
Lin Henry Han looked puzzled for a few seconds, immediately shook head, did not choose
to continue this topic, "Do you want to go to the hospital, wounds so deep, it may need
"Nothing." Henry thanks to a hand worship "I have a first-aid kit at home. I'll just wrap it up
myself. The stitches are too much trouble."
Sylvia saw Henry insisted, so he didn't speak. Such a big person knows the wounds on
The assassination incident soon spread to Nelson Lin's ear. Nelson Lin immediately cal ed
to inquire about Sylvia's safety.
After arriving home, Sylvia changed his pajamas and came to the living room. He saw
Henryzheng sitting there alone, wrapping his arms with gauze. The beginning of the gauze
could only be bitten with his mouth.
"I'l come." Sylvia sat next to Henry, took the gauze actively, and bandaged Henry.
Sylvia's movement is very slow, and it can be seen that she is doing this kind of thing for the
first time, and the bandaging technique is very clumsy.
Henry can smell the fragrance in the woman's hair, watching the person in front of him
wrap the wound for himself, and feel the woman's slender softness. At this moment, there
is nothing in Henry's eyes.
The blood gradual y penetrated the gauze, and the gauze was dyed with a circle of scarlet.
Sylvia clumsily wrapped a circle of gauze, and Liu Mei frowned, "Strange, why can't this
blood stop ... Yeah!"
Sylvia suddenly exclaimed, she suddenly found that her left hand had been squeezing
Henry's arm wound It was also because of this action that Henry's arm wound kept
bleeding blood and penetrated the gauze.
Sylvia looked up and glanced at Henry secretly. She thought that Henry would show some
painful or dissatisfied expression. As a result, she saw that this man was looking at himself
with a smile on his face, only clear in his eyes. , Without any dissatisfaction.
Such a scene made Sylvia's heart, which had just been loosened for a long time, just start to
loosen, and began to jump.
For me, he did not hesitate to block the knife.
He once said that he could do anything to him, but he was a little disrespectful to me.
He was like a crazy lion.
He will take me home late at night.
He will special y prepare that piano for me.
He will meet any unreasonable demands of me, wipe the floor with a rag, and wash my feet.
He ...
"Does it hurt?" Lin invited Han to gently stroke Henry's arm.
"No pain." Henry shook his head and answered softly.
Lin Yanhan unconsciously appeared a bit of red on his face, and then carefully bandaged
the wound for Henry.
Henry is also enjoying such time.
"Okay, you have a good rest in the past two days, don't run around, the company will not go
first." Sylvia took gauze and tied a bow on Henry's arm, "Come back to the house and rest,
Today, thanks to you. "
" Thanks to me? "Henry looked strange.
Sylvia's eyes were fil ed with gratitude, "If it weren't for you, the knife would be cut on me."
"Halo, you said this." Henryyi covered his forehead. "Anyway, we both got the marriage
certificate You are my wife, and I protect you. Is n’t that a matter of truth and justice, do you
stil tel me thank you for this matter? "
" Nature and justice? "The words in Henry's words made Lin please stunned for a moment.
In this mal , she was accustomed to cheating, and in the Lin family, she also experienced
Naturally, who has the power to make such a request?
Naturally, who will make such a contribution to whom?
Lin invited Han to look at the sincere smile on Henry's face. At this moment, she suddenly
felt that she seemed to have a good impression on this man.
One night passed quietly.
Early the next morning, Lin invited Han to get up and found that Henryzhen was crawling
on the ground, and he wiped the floor careful y, and all his toiletries were also prepared
and placed neatly in the bathroom.
Looking at the white gauze in Henry's hand, Lin invited Han felt like a wicked man.
Lin invited Han shouted Henry's back on the ground, and said: "Don't do this anymore.
I'll just ask an aunt to come back and do it."
"Ah, you wake up." Henry turned around and asked Sylvia With a smile, "Do n’t ask your
aunt, I get up early every day, anyway, it ’s okay to do it, it ’s better to clean and clean."
"Are n’t you tired?"
"Hey, what's so tiring about cleaning your home." After sweating on his forehead, he
crawled over and wiped the floor.
Sylvia stood there and remained silent for a long time before entering the bathroom.
In the past, when she was washing, she natural y picked up the toiletries that Henry
prepared for her, but today, she feels that al her movements are so awkward.
"Hoo ~!"
Sylvia took a sigh of relief and washed her face. She decided to start tomorrow and also get
up an hour early to accompany Henry to do some housework.
When Sylvia went out, he found that Henry had been seated in the car and was waving to
himself, "Mr. Lin, go away, we are punching at 8:30, you can be late, I can't."
Chapter 82
"Aren't you giving you a good rest, why are you still going to the company?" Sylvia opened
the rear seat door and took the initiative to sit next to Henry.
"It's boring to stay at home. It's better to go to the company. It's nice to see you
occasionally." Henry smiled and patted the main driver's seat. "Anna, let's go."
Anna's mouth grinned through The interior rearview mirror glanced at Henry, "Mr.
Zhang, are you so kind? Is it really okay?" When he
arrived at the company, Henry first went to the business department to report that he did
not follow Sylvia's relationship, but like an intern employee, On the first day of work, I held
a company manual and corporate culture and watched it from beginning to end.
Lin ’s business consists of several major sections. Henry ’s section is mainly for negotiation
and cooperation with foreign companies. This section was recently established by Lin ’s.
Sylvia arranged Henry here. Basically began to learn and understand. Second, it was also
the reason why Henry knew a little bit of French.
Recently, Lin has reached an initial cooperation with an enterprise from Far East. If this
channel can be opened, Lin will complete a leap forward from a local enterprise to a
multinational enterprise.
The treatment of Lin ’s employees is enviable throughout Yinzhou City. Let ’s not mention
the monthly and on-time salary and the five-insurance and one-grant subsidy, far
exceeding the 20% salary of the rest of the company. Even the working environment is not
comparable to many companies.
Each salesperson will be equipped with a separate computer and desk.
Henry ’s location was assigned to a corner of the office. On the first day of work, he spent
the morning recite the company ’s rules and regulations and corporate culture.
Henry did n’t look at the rules and regulations at all. Be interested.
Lin has a dedicated staff restaurant, responsible for staff lunch.
After lunch, Secretary Li Na found Henry and told HenrySylvia to wait for him in the
parking lot.
When Henry arrived at the parking lot, Lin Lin was found sitting in Anna's car.
"Mr. Lin, are you looking for me?"
" Get in the car and take you to a place." Sylvia beckoned to Henry.
Henry was very skilled in the back row, and as soon as he got into the car, Sylvia handed
Henry a paper document.
"Look, this is an item that we will wait to discuss. Will you understand more when you read
and learn?"
"Wel , understand." Henry nodded, picked up the file , and glanced at the two, probably
understood. What is the waiting item.
Yinzhou has ushered in vigorous development in recent years, and the government has also
issued various welfare policies. The most eye-catching one is the medical industry.
However, there has been no news about this project. Major companies will bid to select a
company to cooperate with to complete the medical project.
In this medical project, four hospitals will be established in three districts and two counties
in the city.
How big is the profit of the medical industry, even if there is a number of people who do not
do business, it is definitely a piece of fat, and everyone wants to eat a bite.
It's just that this bidding is not to read the project book as before, but to be decided by the
Medical Association of our province.
Those who can make a name in the Ning Provincial Medical Association are prestigious
medical predecessors, and they are very prestigious.
Today, the Ning Provincial Medical Association will hold an exchange meeting. At this
exchange meeting, not only will these medical seniors participate, but also many rookies in
the medical field, there will also be rumors released, and the famous Chinese medicine
expert Yan Lilao attend. This medical exchange is not only an opportunity for doctors to
communicate with each other, but also an opportunity for the medical society to decide
which company will cooperate with the official.
Almost capable entrepreneurs in Yinzhou will attend this exchange meeting and bring their
professional team to play a game. Everyone is ready to fight.
What are the benefits of this project?
It is no exaggeration to say that one million people can reach hundreds of millions in just
one year!
The medical exchange meeting was held in a traditional Chinese medicine museum with a
sense of time. When Henry arrived here, he found that Lin invited Han not only brought
himself, but also a team of business elites. must.
What Lin brought is a ten-member business elite group. They did their homework,
analyzed al the advantages and disadvantages of which one, and even made a detailed and
accurate analysis of how many gifts were given to which one. guess.
At this moment, there are already many people in the Chinese Medicine Museum.
The entire Chinese medicine hal is filled with a white briefing style, and plaques such as
hanging pots, medical holy hands, etc. are hung on the walls.
When Sylvia walked into the Chinese Medicine Hall, he immediately attracted many hostile
As the leading enterprise in Yinzhou City, Sylvia is the public enemy of everyone at this
For this situation, Sylvia seems to be commonplace, not caring at all, looking at ease.
"Wait to see how they negotiate, you write down." Sylvia said to Henry beside him.
Henry nodded and said nothing.
The entire Chinese medicine museum has made a new layout for this medical association
and enterprise bidding.
A hal is divided into three circles, inside and outside, al separated by a table, just like a class
holding a party at school.
The middle circle is about ten squares. It is used for academic exchanges. On the second
circle, there are many seats. On the table in front of the seats is a nameplate with the names
of the major physicians and where the other party is now. Served in a hospital.
The third circle, with the most seats, says XX Company, which is a seat special y prepared
for entrepreneurs.
This medical society is divided into three stages, the first stage, academic exchange, the
second stage, academic demonstration, and the third stage, which is to allow entrepreneurs
time to bid.
"Ye, isn't this Mr. Lin? Why, even this time, even Mr. Lin came to participate in this project.
It seems that we, small companies, have no chance!" A yin and yang strange voice sounded
behind Lin Yaohan.
Henry turned his head and looked at a middle-aged man wearing a valuable suit.
"Mr. Huang, what you said is wrong. In this bidding, your Dawning Medical Device should
be the one with the biggest win?" Lin invited Han to splash water on the other party
Under such circumstances, it is very likely that many smal businesses will jointly suppress
large enterprises. The touted here is not to give others face, but to lead others to enemies.
As soon as President Huang came, he said that small enterprises were not Sylvia's
opponents. It can be said that Sylvia was directly targeted.
And Sylvia made a decision for himself and pushed President Huang out.
Chapter 83
Henry remembers that I have just read it in that document. This dawn medical device has
always been a brother of the medical industry in Yinzhou Province, almost which one The
medical equipment came from him. It can be said that he has made a lot of money. This
time the new medical project comes out. He is the most crisis-prone and the most
competitive one.
After al , in terms of medical treatment, Sugon Medical is professional, which cannot be
compared to Lin's.
Mr. Huang laughed, "Mr. Lin, you are too proud of me. Compared with Lin, what can I do
with Mr. Huang."
Such a language offensive is almost in every enterprise. Will be generated.
Henry found the position belonging to the Lin family, sat down, and quietly watched these
entrepreneurs fighting openly.
As time slowly passed, there were more and more people in the entire Chinese medicine
hall. On the second round seat, many doctors had already taken their seats, and the voice of
entrepreneurs talking to each other was getting smal er and smaller.
Looking at the second lap, almost every doctor who was seated was fol owed by a young
man with a look of excitement on his face. With their seniority, they were able to
participate in such an exchange meeting. For them, that is rare. The opportunity, whether it
is to learn something at this exchange meeting, or to take it out as a negotiation resource in
the future, can make them proud. For the quota of this exchange meeting, each of them has
also made a lot of efforts.
A middle-aged physician wearing a white coat and a Chinese character face walked in from
the entrance of the Chinese Medicine Museum. While the physician appeared, the
communication in the tube was much quieter.
"It's Chairman Ma, Chairman of Ning Provincial Medical Association!"
President Ma's appearance has focused most of his attention on the medical tube. At the
same time, those entrepreneurs have also spoken and said hello to President Ma.
For this project, the official handed over to the Medical Association to decide who the
decision-maker of the Medical Association is.
Chairman Ma nodded to these entrepreneurs and sat on the second round of the main seat.
As soon as President Ma arrived, this exchange meeting should start completely.
"President Ma, let's start now?" A physician asked.
"Not in a hurry." President Ma shook his head, "Mr. Yan Lilao has not arrived yet."
Upon hearing the word Yan Li, the doctors present unconsciously showed an admiring
expression, which is definitely a letting people hear After the name is awesome.
"Mr. Yan Lao really will come?" A doctor was a little unbelieving.
Based on Yan Li's status in the Chinese medical community, Yan Li was invited to
participate in almost every local medical exchange meeting, but Yan Li did not appear once.
Most of these exchange meetings were under the banner of Mr. Yan Lao.
The word "possible" has always been a veritable vernacular, but there are stil many people
who have participated in exchange meetings countless times for this extremely unlikely
This time, the Ning Provincial Medical Exchange Association, everyone just thought that the
name of Mr. Yan Li was a gimmick, but now listening to the meaning of President Ma, will
Mr. Yan really come? God!
After guessing that Mr. Yan Li would real y come, these original y casual doctors slightly
adjusted their sitting posture, sitting straight, as if they were waiting for the teacher to
enter the classroom.
The opening time agreed for the meeting was two o'clock, and now five minutes past two
o'clock, these doctors did not show an impatient look on their faces, but instead looked
nervous and expectant. "Crack" .
The door of the Chinese Medicine Museum made a soft sound, which made all the doctors
present looked at the direction of the door with expectation.
Three completely different footsteps sounded. An old man dressed in a black tunic came
over with a man, a woman and two young men.
This old man is the master of today's Chinese medicine, Master Yan Liyan.
"Real y Mr. Yan!"
"Mr. Yan is here!"
These doctors' faces showed an excited expression, and the apprentices standing beside
them could not hide the excitement on their faces.
After Yan Li appeared, he swept his eyes for the first time and swept across the faces of
every medical rookie. As a result, he was very disappointed. The young man was not here
that day.
As for the places where entrepreneurs sit, Yan Li directly ignored.
"Mr. Yan Lao, you are here, it really made us flourish!" President Ma quickly stood up and
strode forward to meet Yan Li.
The rest of the physicians also stood up.
Yan Li nodded, "Chairman Ma, you're welcome, and everyone, please sit down. Today is to
discuss academics, there are not so many polite things."
"Yes, yes." President Ma nodded again and again. , Invited Yan Li to the Lord to sit, and he
sat on the side.
Henry sat around and watched Yan Li's arrival, feeling a little chill in his heart.
Henry has seen the medical level of Yan Li. The needle is very accurate. The cognition of
acupuncture points is also very accurate. In general, this is an old Chinese medicine with
super solid basic skil s. His method of getting acupuncture is completely of the textbook
level, without any mistakes, but lacks spirituality, and encounters some incurable diseases
and is difficult to deal with.
Such people have become so-called masters now. It seems that the Chinese medicine of
Huaxia has already begun to decline.
When Henry studied medicine, he once promised that he should carry forward Huaxia
Chinese Medicine, carry out new reforms in this line, and carry out innovation while not
forgetting the original.
When Master Yan Li arrived, the exchange meeting officially started. First, the major
doctors took out some difficult conditions and put forward their own opinions, and then
everyone discussed together. Such brainstorming is very helpful for their own
improvement. .
What these doctors said, the entrepreneurs present did not understand it, but they all
wrote it down careful y.
"Henry, you have to write down what they said. These things may be useful when bidding
later." Sylvia looked at Henry who was sitting beside him, reminding him of some panic.
"Relax, these things are useless, some minor symptoms, remember what these do."
Henry waved his hand, said indifferently.
In the opinion of Henry, the incurable diseases raised by these doctors are just some minor
troubles, and the treatment methods discussed by these doctors are also mentioned in
some books, and there is no innovation.
Henry has always maintained an objective attitude towards what is said in the books.
The reality is not a textbook, what is taught in the book can be used, but it can not be used
dead. Learning these is nothing more than letting everyone make an inference.
Seeing Henry look like this, Sylvia shook his head regretfully. It seemed that the man's
thoughts were still not on it. She glanced at Henry for a few moments and did not speak
Chapter 84
The communication is in full swing, and the discussions among the physicians are also very
Suddenly, Yan Li opened his mouth. As soon as he spoke, the entire Chinese medicine hall
was quiet, and everyone listened quietly.
"I have a case here, you can discuss it."
"Mr. Yan Lao please." President Ma made a gesture of please.
Yan Li glanced around and said, "There is a patient, a rare age, sudden coma, condensed
pupils, ischemia, whitish fingers, slow pulse beating, taking needles, Tingwei, Zhengying,
Parkway IV Acupuncture point has no effect on nerve stimulation, and it is difficult to wake
up with the spin needle method. What method do you have to rescue the patient in a short
time? "
Yan Li said that it was the patient he encountered in the mall yesterday.
After listening to Yan Li, many doctors frowned, thinking.
Sudden coma, stimulating the four points, this is a very common treatment method, pupil
condensation, ischemia, is also a characteristic of coma, the pulse is gentle, which proves
that the brain goes out of temporary shock state, if they, they will also choose to Shenting ,
Touwei, Zhengying, Baihui four points to stimulate, but Mr. Yan Lao said that it is difficult to
wake up by rotating the needle method.
Many physicians are thinking that in the rare age, that is, in the seventies, the body's
physiological institutions have long been degraded.
"You can try a western medicine method to give oxygen to the patient." A physician said.
"It's good, give the patient oxygen first, check the brain nerves, and cooperate with drug
treatment." "Not
appropriate." Yan Li shook his head. "The patient is too old, and we are discussing how to
rescue the patient in a short time. At that time there was no time to be sent to the hospital?
" This ... "The doctor who just spoke showed a dilemma. He couldn't think of any way.
In the past of one minute and one second, some people proposed a way, but they were al
overthrown by Yan Li.
A group of doctors thought hard and couldn't think of a way to rescue patients on the spot.
At the tenth minute, Yan Li spoke again.
"Okay, the discussion ends here."
Upon hearing this, the doctors who were meditating and thinking had expressions of regret
on their faces, because they knew that Yan Li said that the reason for the termination of the
discussion was because the patient could not support it.
If just now, such a patient really appeared in front of them, they could only watch with their
eyes open, helpless. As a doctor, this is the most powerless thing for them.
A doctor ’s expression of resistance appeared on his face, and he spoke after a few seconds
of silence. “Mr. Yan Lao, IMHO, if the situation just happened, the patient should have no
chance of surviving, and even the rotating needle cannot be stimulated.
Nerve, it is likely that the patient's nerves have been necrotic. "
This doctor just finished, and another doctor took the words," Yes, this kind of brain nerve
necrosis is, in medical terms, already a kind of death. "
Yan Li looked around and said, "Do you all think so?" The other doctors nodded when they
Seeing this scene, Yan Li did not blame, but sighed deeply, "It seems that he said well, we
are all too pedantic ..."
"Mr. Yan, you mean ... someone can cure Okay? "President Ma heard some Ni Duan, with
unbelief on his face. He just simulated countless ways in his head, but they were
overthrown by himself.
"Good." Yan Li nodded. "The case I just told you was the one I encountered yesterday.
At that time, I stimulated the patient's divine court, Toutwei, Zhengying, and Parkway, but
there was no way. , As a result, was rescued by a young man, just now, you just ignored a
problem, which I also ignored yesterday, the patient's finger, blood loss, whitish! " "All of us
subconsciously think that it is normal for patients to lose blood and white when they are
comatose, so they will ignore this, but because of this, we have lost the breakthrough the
young man told me that the patient is not simply a coma, he was unconscious before we put
aside the possibility of fingers white, pale fingers into because it leads to coma, this is the
case, there is another possibility up! '
" It's fake death! "Yan Li's words just fel , and a doctor couldn't help but shouted," The
patient is too old, because the blood and blood are not smooth, causing the brain to lack
oxygen, causing the nerve to fall into a fake death state, which leads to coma!
" Not bad. "Yan Li nodded." If so, there will be new ideas in front of me. Just yesterday, the
young man showed me his acupuncture skil s. When facing such patients, he First
acupuncture Hegu and Renzhong points, twisting and lifting, strengthening stimulation
without leaving needles, then acupuncture Baihui, Shaoxing, mild twisting, keeping needles
after getting gas, intermittently transporting needles, so that patients are awake, Saved a
life. "
Yan Li finished, the eyes with a hint of admiration.
The physicians present open their mouths wide.
"Mr. Yan, this ... is too risky. The Baihui point is the nerve ending of the brain. He first went
to the Hegu people and then injected Baihui. There is a great possibility that the patient will
die suddenly and a little carelessly. It will become a vegetative. "
" Yesterday, I had this idea too. "Yan Li gave a self-deprecating smile." Why would he say
that I'm too pedantic, I don't know how to work around. He said that he first took Hegu and
Renzhong points to strengthen the stimulation of the nerves, and then chose Baihui to do
further strengthening, but kept the needle a little, and this method of stimulating the nerve
endings made the patient sober. This is definitely ... "Yan The tone of the tone is a little bit,
These two words, like a time bomb, exploded among the doctors.
Traditional Chinese medicine, that's what the ancestors left behind. Everyone has been
thinking about how to restore, what kind of illness they encountered, look at the classics,
and see how the ancestors treated, but no one has ever thought about innovation!
The innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, the difficulties here, can only be
understood by those who understand Chinese medicine, beyond the ancients and beyond
Sylvia sat on the outermost layer, looked at those doctors in shock, and asked Henry,
"You also know Chinese medicine, can you understand what they say?"
"Yes." Henry nodded, "This is al Some relatively obvious things. "
Henry's words just fell, and there was a burst of light laughter beside him.
"Oh, it's really a big talk, something superficial? Worthy of being Lin's, dare to say
Henry glanced at this, the person who made a light laughter was Huang who had just had a
language fight with Sylvia total.
Henry rolled his eyes and said, "Oh? Does Huang have any other insights?"
"No insights, it is recommended to have one." President Huang embraced his chest with
both hands
Chapter 85
After listening to the suggestion, Henry put on a smile and said, "Listen to your ears."
"I suggest that you Lin, get out early, because wait, you may There will be ugliness.
"President Huang sneered.
Sylvia sat next to Henry and listened clearly to President Huang's words. When she was
about to refute, she heard Henry's voice.
"Oh, this is the suggestion. I thought it was nutritious. It turned out that it was just a dog
barking. I also have a suggestion to tell you not to beep with me, otherwise I will fight you
everywhere. Teeth. "Henry finished, deliberately rol ed up his sleeves to reveal the muscles
on his arm.
Really, President Huang didn't dare to speak anymore, but just looked at Henry's eyes a lot
more ruthlessly.
Sylvia, who was sitting next to Henry, covered his mouth and chuckled. Although Henry's
remarks were very crude, he had to say that it made people really happy.
Henry stretched out his finger and rubbed Sylvia's arm. "Laugh when you're happy, don't
hold back." "You, you, don't make trouble." Sylvia said Henry reproachful y, but the action
looked, but there was no blame the meaning of.
During the exchange, the medical exchange meeting gradually came to an end. During the
exchange, they also specifically asked for the wishes of two patients and took them
to the site for treatment. Yan Li even showed his first-hand acupuncture technology, and
even Chairman Ma could not heal the patients. In Yan Li's hands, gradual y improved.
This made many doctors understand why Mr. Yan Lao is called the holy hand of Chinese
medicine. The technique of acupuncture and the control of acupuncture points is indeed
not comparable to his own. At the same time, the young man who said to Mr.
Yan Lao in their hearts, People who are more interested in admiring Mr. Yan, how amazing
is this!
After the exchange meeting of doctors, it was time for entrepreneurs to bid.
This time, President Ma special y arranged for entrepreneurs to bid at the exchange
meeting, which also had his intention.
First of al , at the exchange meeting, the opinions of these doctors on medicine will be put
forward, that is, life will always be on the first line, and secondly, it is an open and fair vote.
Gossip about his president Ma.
For this kind of enterprise bidding, Yan Li did not have much interest. At the moment, it
was not easy to go. He found an excuse to go to the bathroom and went outside to the
Chinese Medicine Museum.
In the medical hall, President Ma first gave a speech, and then let major companies talk
about their views on this project.
As soon as President Ma's voice fell, President Huang was the first to stand up. As the
largest medical device company in the city, President Huang is the most familiar in this
respect, and they are very familiar with President Ma.
"Everyone, our Shuguang medical equipment has always paid attention to the contribution
to the medical industry, and many of the hospitals we have worked with
know that our Shuguang medical equipment has always been based on the word of
integrity. Sel ing, and also the most experienced in this area, better than others. "
" This is wrong, Mr. Huang, everyone knows that you Shuguang Medical is doing medical
equipment, opening hospitals and selling equipment is completely Two different things. "A
business owner stood up." My doctors, our Fengyuan Group has vast resources, and we
have also conducted various investigations. We have collected a huge information database,
and we have col ected blood col ection and sample col ections. I did the work. This time the
official hospital project is a project that benefits the people. Naturally, the sooner it is
completed, the better, and the people can enjoy it earlier. " At a time , major companies
began to speak, and almost everyone was talking about their strengths, suppressing the
rest of the company.
The doctors are also thinking carefully. This is the first time they have experienced such a
thing, and it is very solemn.
It must be said that the official practice is also wonderful.
Social medicine has always been a controversial topic. This time, let the Ningxia Medical
Association decide the development of the project, which can exclude a large part of the
dispute. At the same time, doctors who reach consensus are also likely to Participating in
this project, the hospital project will then be able to easily recruit major doctors, and
official decision makers will take a big step in their political performance.
Sylvia sat there and saw that the time was almost up and nodded to her team.
A business elite from Lin took a deep breath and stood up, "Everyone, our Lin Group, spans
a large number of fields, there are several welfare primary schools under our name, and we
have sponsored dozens of orphans for col ege free of charge. Welfare hospital, free
assistance, we have always been paying attention to integrity, and now ...
" Let's forget it, it's real y ridiculous for you to return integrity to Lin! "President Huang
spoke directly to interrupt the business elite , "If you Lin is an honest enterprise, then the
fraud group can be said to be an honest enterprise! Who does not know, Sylvia is cold-
hearted and deliberately framed his cousin.
Go to jail? " " Yes! "Another business owner stood up. This business owner is the one who
previously unilaterally dismissed the relationship with Lin." How interesting is the interest
of Lin, we entrepreneurs know best. even if the project is not carried out, should not let Lin
get otherwise, this silver City, people can seek care, it is too little. " "
Yes, we are today So, I did n’t want to get the right to develop this project, I just wanted to
reveal the true face of Lin! ”The head of Deming Commercial Company stood up.“
We have several companies that jointly resisted Lin ’s participation in this project. We are
willing to invest in this project so that everyone can eat low-cost medicines, cheap
medicines, not those expensive medicines! "
"Yes, that's our purpose! We don't make money, only to boycott the black-hearted
enterprises in Yinzhou!" The head of Huiliang Co., Ltd. said.
"The medical industry, people's livelihood top priority, we do not want to Silver City, the
situation appears black heart hospital today, boycott Lin!"
"Yes, boycott Lin!"
One has a person in charge of the enterprise stood up, these Everyone is a person who
originally cooperated with Richard and unilaterally terminated cooperation with Lin.
Today, Richard has completely col apsed, and Sylvia is in charge of the Lin power.
These people can no longer sit stil . If Lin is al owed to continue to develop, there will be no
place for them to live sooner or later. Scene.
Of course, there must be a master messenger behind this.
Henry glanced, the people of the Zhou family came, but there was no voice. Henry also
expected that the people of the Zhou family did not dare. Then the main messenger this
time, the most likely, was that dawn medical treatment.
Chapter 86
So many companies jointly suppress Lin, it must have made sufficient preparations.
It can be found that Sylvia's face is very ugly now.
The Lin's business elite was also preparing to speak and was stopped by a doctor.
"Entrepreneurs, give us some time, we have to discuss." The people in charge of those
companies saw the doctor's attitude, nodded with satisfaction, and sat down again.
Lin's business elite quickly communicated with his team to find a solution.
About three minutes later, the doctors' whispering ended, and everyone looked at them.
"Everyone, we have discussed the results. The medical industry, unlike others, is not for
profit. The purpose of healing and saving people is the top priority."
President Huang stood up and said: "Dr. Wang, our dawn medical equipment I have won
several medical equipment supply channels. It can be said that there is no cheaper medical
device that can be shipped to Yinzhou. Even Lin ’s needs to cooperate with us, but I will not
cooperate with Lin ’s for life "
" Lin's ability to achieve this level now depends on the means. The richer the company, the
harder it earns. Lin gets high-priced medical equipment. Where will it be cheaper in terms
of medical treatment? And we Differently, our low cost has created our low medical price.
At this point, it completely surpasses Lin's. At the same time, I have
reached cooperation with several pharmaceutical companies. All hospital medicines are
definitely supplied by manufacturers. , not so much the difference extraction, than the
market price, cheap fifty percent! " "
Yes. "that's the name of Wang, MD, nodded his head," yellow boss, you can if it is real y so,
that Is the benefit of society, ah. " "
Of course, says it will do! "Huang boss's face, satisfied smile.
Sylvia sat there and looked at the statistics table brought by her team for her. The doctor
Wang who was speaking now received 30,000 yuan of red envelopes from Shuguang
Medical. Many names were recorded on it, and there was a digital amount behind it.
"Mr. Lin, we may have really planted this time ..." The sales elite was sad.
They were jointly targeted by all parties this time, and even with al strength, it was difficult
to exhibit them.
Sylvia shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, this time, it's also expected, you have
worked hard this time, go back today, take a good rest, don't blame you."
"Hey." That sales elite With a sigh, eyes are ful of self-blame.
After discussion by a group of physicians, the results came out quickly.
President Ma stood up and said aloud: "Then next, we announced that al the development
of this project will be handed over to Dawning Medical Devices, and our Ningxi Medical
Association will play a supervisory role in it. Everyone can get cheap medicine. "
" Okay! "I don't know who shouted, and there was a round of applause.
President Huang smiled with a smile on his face, looked at Sylvia proudly, and made a move
to wipe Sylvia's neck.
It's a laugh !" Suddenly, there was a loud shout, which sounded in the crowd, and the loud
sound made the applause of the ful hal stop.
Sylvia looked at the man next to him, unable to understand what he was going to do.
Henry stood up and looked at the entrepreneurs who were present. “Applause? What kind
of faces do you guys have? Applause of cheap medicine from your mouth, why are you so
"And you!" Henry turned his gaze to the doctors sitting in the middle again, "You are
doctors! What are the doctors doing? Healing the sick, saving people! And what is in your
mind? You are not letting It ’s not for the patient to take the medicine for the patient to
check! What you need is not a cheap medicine, but a better medical method! To ensure that
there are fewer and fewer patients in this world, not to ensure that this world Medicines
are getting cheaper and cheaper! "Henry kicked the chair in front of him and strode
towards the inner circle.
"There is a pharmacy in the ancient times. I hope that people in the world will not be sick.
Why don't you put medicine and dust on it, and now you are discussing how to make
medicine cheaper. Are you really a doctor?"
Henry's face, The sarcasm smile was particularly obvious.
"Boy, who are you, how can you speak here!" A doctor broke out on the spot, "Fuck me ..."
"Don't." President Ma reached out to stop the doctor from continuing to speak, and he
sighed. Looking at Henry, he said: "Little brother, what you mean, I understand very well,
the doctors are kindhearted, why don't we hope that there will be no more diseases in the
world, but you said, where is the better medical method? "
Henry raised his arm and suddenly pointed at Sylvia," Lin will have it. "
" Hahahaha! Hahahaha! "President Huang's exaggerated laugh sounded," I thought, what
role is this, so much meaning Ling Ran ’s words, in the end, Lin ’s still not reconciled. ”
“ Mr. Lin, he ’s ... ”Lin ’s sales elite looked at Sylvia puzzledly, they did n’t have any advanced
medical methods, even if they were blowing now This bul , as a bargaining chip, will stil be
exposed in the future, when the time comes, he will smile generously and his face will be
more ugly.
"It's okay, let him come." Sylvia waved his hand and looked at Henry with a suspicious
expression on his face.
President Ma patted the shoulder Henry, "? Little brother, words can not talk nonsense, you
know, we have so many doctors sitting here, what kind of medical treatment, be considered
advanced medical treatment,"
Henry replied: "It Healing the people you can't heal, this is advanced medical treatment.
" Joke! "Doctor Wang surnamed shouted," Heal the people we can't heal, boy, today, Mr. Yan
Lilao is here, Do you have to think that the medical methods you have mastered by Lin are
not as good as Mr. Yan Lilao? "
Dr. Wang took out a big hat and buckled it on Henry's head. The name of Mr. Yan Lilao was
enough for those who spoke better medical methods to retreat.
It is a pity that Henry disappointed the doctor Wang. After the doctor Wang buckled up Mr.
Yan Lilao's hat, Henry still nodded.
"Yes, my Lin's medical methods are ahead of the rest of the world!"
"Great talk! Real y great talk!" A doctor patted the table on the spot, "I hope you Lin don't
mess around!"
"Yes, Leading the world? Do you know what it means to lead the world? Do you know
doctors? "
" You said you can surpass Mr. Yan Lilao, real y an unobstructed kid! "
One doctor after another clapped the table. , Face ful of anger.
Yan Li ’s reputation is really too loud in the medical world. Now, a young man who is not
well-known has just come out, saying that he has mastered a medical method that is not as
good as Mr. Yan Li ’s. .
"Beyond my Master? Do you know what you are talking about?"
"It makes people feel ridiculous!"
Yan Li, a male and a female apprentice, also spoke at this time.
Chapter 87
At the moment of "If the chapter is wrong, click here to report", almost everyone is
targeting Henry.
"I said Sylvia, Lin, you can really use any method. Just find someone and say such big
words?" Mr. Wang said with a sneer on his face.
Several business elites of the Lin Group were worried about seeing it there. They thought
that although this project was obtained by Sugon Medical Equipment, they can still talk
about some other edging projects at their level, but now This person is so engaged in, they
have great skills, and it is impossible for people in the Medical Association to meet them
All the doctors looked at Henry angrily.
"Boy, this is not a place where you can't say anything. Now, you have to apologize to us and
make rants and apologies for your words!"
"I'm making rants?" Henry asked, "Do you think that some people's medical skills exceed
you , Is it a rant? "
" Joke, we are not so stingy, but you young man is too arrogant. "Doctor Wang screamed.
"Yes, there are a few people across the country who say they can surpass their teachers.
What kind of thing are you?" Yan Li's male apprentice said.
"Come on! What kind of teasing did Lin find!"
"Get out!" The
leaders of the companies made such a voice.
Seeing such a scene, Henry smiled dismissively and shook his head. "No wonder the
Chinese medicine
doctors will be so disappointed. You people are arrogant and arrogant. No one in the eyes is
almost hopeless!" Turn around and walk away.
"Boy, do you want to go away like this? Today, all of us in the Medical Association must be
fair!" Dr. Wang reached out and stopped in front of Henry.
Henry raised his eyebrows, "Why, when you are a doctor, you still have to restrict my
personal freedom?"
"I ask you to apologize!" Dr. Wang stopped in front of Henry and threw a sound.
"Apologize? It is not al owed to say that someone has better medical skills than you? It's
ridiculous." Henry pushed away Dr. Wang.
"You have to apologize to my master." Yan Li's male apprentice also stopped in front of
Henry look strange and asked: "? Why do you master mediocre medicine, do not
understand the work, I tel the truth, Lin master of medical technology far beyond him, why
give him an apology?"
"You fart" Yan Li apprentice! With a loud curse, he asked, "Did you dare to say that my
master's medicine is mediocre?"
"What? I'm not right?" Henry asked.
In the circle, a group of doctors and Henry quarreled fiercely. Sylvia stood in the outer
circle, revealing a thoughtful look.
Just when major companies worked together to suppress Lin, the ending was already
doomed. This time the official project cooperation was missed with Lin.
Shuguang Medical is right. They have all the medical equipment purchase channels in
Yinzhou. They want to lower the cost of their construction. It is impossible. Lin was excited
at that time to say that it was definitely cheaper than Suguang. Since then it has definitely
lost money.
But Henry's remarks made things turn around. He was different from the previous price
wars, but he yelled at everyone, and when he opened the hospital, he only thought about
the price and said why he would put medicine and dust on the shelf. Bringing medical
technology to the commanding heights of this project, this gave Lin ’s breathing time.
From this point, if the negotiations were conducted from a professional perspective, the
condition proposed by the Medical Association may be that within a limited time People
who can come up with advanced medical technology will be selected. In this way, Lin will
have a great possibility to obtain the right to cooperate with the official this time.
Henry ’s ideas are absolutely no problem.
At this point, Sylvia himself wants to give him a thumbs up, but Henry still lacks experience
and is impulsive to do things. He is too full to say Lin directly.
Shi has better medical technology, not to mention that the doctors here are not good
enough, and he also brought in Mr. Yan Lao, so that this cooperation negotiation has once
again reached an impasse.
In any case, Sylvia is stil happy. Henry has proved his different ideas from ordinary people.
From this point of view, it is stil very nurturing.
For Henry, Sylvia ’s feelings have changed several times. She is a normal woman, but
because of her own experience, she buried her heart deeply. She is not a stone without
feelings. Although Henry is poor and has no culture, she is Sylvia was very clear about what
she did, saying that she had not been touched, and she did not believe it.
Now Sylvia can't accept the fact that Henry is her husband, but it's not as repulsive as at
first, she has gradually adapted to this man.
The major physicians on the court, as well as the two apprentices of Yan Li, were very
angry because the young man in front of them was so arrogant.
Despise Mr. Yan Lao, that is to look down on the entire Chinese medical community, why
should he? How confident is he to say such a thing!
"Okay, don't quarrel." President Ma, who hadn't said much, suddenly stretched out his hand
to stop everyone's angry voice. He also looked at Henry uncomfortably and said,
"Little brother, I miss you Young ignorance and ignorance are not guilty. Today, our
Medical Association will not pursue you. Now, please leave your Lins, our Medical
Association, you are not welcome. "
President Ma's voice fell, There was a loud noise when the person in charge of the
enterprise sat, "Hahaha, get out! Lin really can make it out by any means. It is intentionally
disgusting to find such a little boy who does not know the heights and heights. Coming? "
" Yes! Come on as soon as possible, you are not welcome here! "
" Chairman Ma, you have seen it too. This is Lin's, with a bright appearance and a sinister
heart than anyone else! "
Satirical sounds sounded one after another.
Lin's elite team's face is particularly ugly. They specialize in business. They are very clear
about the nature of defamation of competitors in terms of cooperation. It is definitely an act
of shame for everyone in the industry.
"Hehe." Henry chuckled lightly, shook his head, and walked towards the door of the Chinese
Medicine Museum. "Arrogance ushered in destruction. You are like this. No wonder Chinese
medicine will be lonely!"
Sylvia also got up and looked at the Chinese Medicine Museum Go out.
"Mr. Lin, please trouble you next time, find someone with a brain, I thought you Lin played
a good move, and final y found out that it was a brain damage, ha ha ha ha!" The smile on
President Huang's face could not be concealed live.
The sound of sarcasm sounded again and again. Some companies that had not cooperated
with Lin's before also felt at this moment that Lin was simply naive. It seems that Sylvia is
also illusory. If there is no elder Fuze, how can she be here The business community is
calling for action?
Chapter 88
Yan Li stood in front of the Chinese medicine hall and smoked a cigarette, still thinking
about what Henry told him yesterday, he really really wants to see That young man ’s
remarks and insights have a trans-episodic effect on current Chinese medicine, and his
first-hand medical skills, if it can be taken out for everyone to learn from, for the entire
medical community, that It ’s a big happy event.
But Yan Li also knew in his heart that it was not easy to talk about this huge world.
Yan Li sighed and walked into the Chinese medicine hall. As soon as he entered the door, he
heard the noisy inside the medical hall. A group of people kept shouting and saying things
like brain damage.
"What's going on?" Yan Li confided to himself and looked forward, but he just saw Henry
coming out of the crowd.
This time, Yan Li was excited, he quickly ran a few steps.
"Little Master! Little Master!"
Yan Li even shouted, rushing to Henry.
"Master, it's too coincidental, I didn't expect to meet you here."
Yan Li looked excited, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to stretch a lot because of seeing
"It's not a coincidence, what's the matter?" Henry asked impatiently. Today, seeing these
Chinese medicine people have such a character, his heart has been cold for most, he can't
accept people who are stronger than himself, and the room for development has already It
is destined that although these people cannot represent all the Chinese medicine, they can
also represent a large part of the people.
Yan Ligang wanted to speak, telling Henry, hoping that Henry could hold a seminar to tell
Chinese medicine practitioners all over the country about his philosophy, but he was
interrupted before the result.
"Master, do you know this kid?" Yan Li's male apprentice came over.
"No politeness!" Yan Li scolded on the spot, "Who do you say is a kid?"
"Mr. Yan, do you know this man?" The doctor with the surname Wang also came over with
doubts in his eyes.
Sylvia, who was about to leave the museum, saw this scene and stopped a short distance
away, showing a thoughtful look on his face.
"This ..." Yan Li laughed lightly, "I don't know how to talk, you stil remember the case I just
told you? Yesterday in the mall, this little master in front of me, treated patients in time,
this medical technique It ’s just me, and I sigh! ”
Yan Li did n’t notice the shocked expression on the other people ’s faces.
Sylvia was not far away, she heard clearly what Yan Li said, her sexy mouth corner
unconsciously evoked a smile, this was not because Yan Li ’s words made this project a
turning point, but simply because Henry, Because Henry exceeded her expectations again.
"Mr. Yan Lao, the young man you just said is him?" President Ma couldn't believe it.
"Yeah." Yan Li nodded and sighed. "Yesterday, if it wasn't for this little master, Yan Mou
would watch a life pass by in front of me. This little master's medicine, medical philosophy,
is here. Everyone has to learn. "
Yan Li's words made all the doctors present wide their eyes.
"Excuse me." Henry waved his hand. "I can't teach you arrogant people."
Henry opened his mouth. He just ignored the doctors and walked outside.
"Little Master stays!" Yan Li hurriedly stopped Henry. The way he stopped Henry was
different from Dr. Wang's vicious attitude, but he was very sincere. "Why does Master Xiao
say this?" Yan Li took a bite of a little master, because he really recognized Henry's medical
skills, academic approach, the master first, even if Yan Li was more than 50 years old than
Henry, he did not dare to be a senior Self-proclaimed.
After Yan Li asked, he found that Henry did not care about himself. He also noticed that
both of his apprentices had some ugly faces, and the other doctors were embarrassed.
"Say, did you just offend the little master!" Yan Li asked everyone on the spot, glancing at
"Mr. Yan, this is the case. Just now this little master, he ..." Chairman Ma smiled
embarrassedly at Yan Li and stated the things just now.
"Nonsense! It's just nonsense!" Yan Li slammed the wooden table in front of him with a
slap, "No wonder the master will say you are arrogant, you are no one in your eyes, not
arrogance, but what!
" Teacher, this does n’t blame us. ”Yan Li ’s female apprentice showed an aggrieved look.“
Who knows, he is the young man in your mouth who cured the disease yesterday, and he
also said that your medical skills are average Of course, we are of course angry.
" Why are you angry? "Yan Li glared at his apprentice," You are real y a frog at the bottom
of the well, sit on the well and watch the sky, I do not know the truth of a mountain and a
mountain. Yan Li's medical skills are brilliant, and many people are present. Is it possible
that you have to go back one by one to fail? "
Yan Li is furious here, not only are these doctors' faces unsightly, but also those responsible
for the enterprise.
They just listened to the academic exchange just now. Although some professional terms
are not understood, Yan Li ’s admiration for the young man in his case can be heard by
everyone. No one thought that he had just cursed. The person with a brain disability and
neuropathy is the one in Yan Li's mouth!
No one thought of such a big reversal. Among them, Dr. Wang was the one with the most
unnatural complexion. Just now, he was the most fierce and he apologized to Henry.
Dr. Wang said: "Mr. Yan, IMHO, it's not that I don't believe you. It's just that this person is
too young. Yesterday, someone suddenly got sick in the mall, and you happen to be there.
You can't treat the patient's condition But he was cured by this young man.
Today, he represented Lin to participate in this tender meeting. This is real y a coincidence.
Dr. Wang didn't finish his words, but the meaning was that individuals could hear it, he was
saying, Everything that happened yesterday may have been performed, and everything is
for Lin ’s cooperation with the official project for this time.
"Yes, Master." Yan Li's male apprentice also said, "You keep telling us that traditional
Chinese medicine values experience the most. He is so young, even if everything happened
by chance yesterday, will it happen? Will the symptoms be healed? A patient can't explain
what the problem is. The depth of the medical technique needs to be proven many times. "
Apprentice Yan Li's voice just fell, he heard Henry Leng humming in front of him There was
a row of silver needles on the desktop, Henry picked up a few silver needles with his hand,
pinched his index finger and thumb firmly, and then squeezed towards the desktop.
The silver needle is ten centimeters long, and half of Henry's hands sank into the table.
This scene looks uncommon in the eyes of those responsible for the enterprise, but in the
eyes of those doctors, it is completely different.
Chapter 89
President Ma didn't hold back at first. He exclaimed and stared at the few silver needles
that had not entered the desktop.
The same is true of the rest of the physicians.
"This is, three points into the wood!"
In the field of Chinese medicine, the meaning of three points into the wood is no less than
the field of painting.
The so-cal ed three-point entry into the wood means that the doctor can pierce the needle
into the wood with the two fingers holding the needle. It can do this. It is definitely a
famous doctor. In the field of medicine, it has super high achievements!
Henry made seven consecutive shots in seven seconds, al of them plunged into the table.
This is definitely an eye-opener for the doctors present!
"Do you still need to prove it?" Henry smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and three
points into the wood can be said to be a simple entry technique.
"Incredible! It's incredible!" President Ma shook his head and muttered in his mouth,
"How old are you, even if you started studying medicine in your mother's womb, and you
can do this, it's incredible!"
Yan Li's two apprentices were even more stunned. After seeing their eyes, they have
practiced innumerable three points countless times, and they are very clear about the
difficulty. Even as Yan Li ’s apprentice, they only wish they could do this before the age
of forty, but the person in front of them now, But in my twenties! The gap between them is
really too obvious!
What Henry is showing now is the presence of these physicians, everyone is pursuing.
Dr. Wang shook his head, "No! Impossible! At such an age, how to make a three-point
"No! Not a three-point score!" Chairman Ma suddenly frowned.
This sentence also made the rest of the doctors look at President Ma.
The two apprentices of Yan Li even let out a sigh of relief and felt that the pressure was
much lower.
Dr. Wang laughed loudly, "Hahaha! Fake! I guess it's fake. At his age, how could he make a
three-pointer, boy, even if you are a liar, you should also open your eyes and run into the
Chinese medicine hal ."
"Yes, it's real y not a three-pointer into the wood!" Yan Li also said. He took a deep breath
and shouted: "It's a trembling needle, a trembling needle!" A trembling needle!
Yan Li's roar sounded in everyone's ears. When the doctor heard the word trembling
needle, the first reaction was unbelief!
Shivering needles are recorded in classical Chinese medicine. In the contemporary era, it
can be said that no one can do it.
In traditional Chinese medicine, when acupuncture is used to treat patients, needles must
be kept running to stimulate acupuncture points. Generally, if a patient needs multiple
acupuncture points stimulation, one doctor is too busy and multiple doctors are needed to
assist. Simultaneously treat one point.
The role of the tremor needle is that when the pointer stimulates the acupuncture point, it
can leave the doctor's hand and tremble autonomously to achieve the effect of stimulating
the acupuncture point. If a doctor masters the tremor needle, that person can be used by
multiple people. In this case, the effect is huge.
However, this trembling needle requires a special technique. Although it is recorded in the
classics, no one will use it. It can be said that it is in name. Some people even doubt that the
trembling needle recorded by the ancestors is true or false.
Today, they saw it with their own eyes.
The seven silver needles that Henryzha entered into the wooden table were trembling with
extremely fast frequency and extremely smal amplitude. If you don't look carefully, you
won't see it at al .
"It chatter needle! Oh my God! The original ancestors of the record is really, real y
trembling needle!"
"Incredible! Incredible!"
"I actual y saw the trembling needle! Flutter needle ah!"
One has a voice exclaimed one after another .
Yan Li's two apprentices were completely stunned, shaking needles! Shaking needle!Dr.
Wang listened to the exclamation from his ears, and felt his face burned badly. Just
now, he was the most fierce. He was also the most powerful when Chairman Ma said that
he was not a third I laughed first, and everyone could see the proud look, but now, it is like
a big hand waving on his face, with a crackling sound, he ca n’t even watch it I dare not look
at the seven silver needles on the table.
Henry snorted and looked at Yan Li's apprentice, "So, can you prove that?"
Yan Li's apprentice glanced at Henry, and he had no choice but to nod.
"In the future, don't think there is no one in the eyes. TCM together is far from what you
understand. The strange people in this world are not what you can know." Henry left this
sentence and stepped away.
At this moment, no one dared to have any other ideas, all looked at Henry with an awkward
Yan Li opened his mouth several times and wanted to speak, but he didn't say anything.
Before, he thought that Henry's medical skills were brilliant, his opinions were unique, and
he dared to innovate. With this hand trembling needle, this whole world of Chinese
medicine can break the head and want to worship him as a teacher. This achievement of
himself is nothing in front of this young man.
It's a bit harder to say, even if you want to worship someone else as a teacher, can someone
else say it!
"Mr. Lin, let's go." Henry paced to Sylvia and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't do much help today."
"You did a great job." Sylvia shook his head. "I didn't expect it. Your medical skil s can
marvel at these famous doctors. "
" Is the famous doctor? "Henry turned his head and looked at these doctors in major
hospitals. The doctor who needed to see the doctor several days in advance shook his head
and said," A group of Those who only learn fur, and their vision is too short to be big. "
When Henry spoke, he didn't deliberately cover up his voice. His words reached the ears of
these doctors. No one refuted them, and al lowered their heads in shame, because they
knew that what Henry said was the truth. Short, otherwise why would he listen to the
young man saying that he is not as good as he is, and collectively resentful?
Henry and Sylvia walked together outside the medical hall.
Suddenly shouted, and suddenly sounded.
The master of this applause is not a doctor, but the President Huang of Dawning Medical
President Huang sorted out his suit and stood up.
"President Huang, what's your job?" Henry stopped and glanced back at President Huang.
"Is it too expensive? I just want to say that some people are too hypocritical!" President
Huang sneered and said loudly, "Just now, some people said straightforwardly, in the
ancient pharmacy, there was hope that people in the world would be free from illness. ,
Why do n’t you put the medicine and dust on the shelf, but now, you have mastered the
clever medical skills, but you cherish the broom? Why do n’t you contribute to the society?
Could it be that someone is just talking big
words ? The look despised by some physicians.
Shivering needle, this traditional Chinese medicine technique, can definitely be regarded as
priceless treasure.
"President Huang, what you said is a bit too much. If you say so, can your Dawning Medical
sel all your property and donate it to the society free of charge?" President Ma asked aloud.
Chapter 90
President Huang is suddenly speechless and silent for a few seconds before saying again:
"Chairman Ma, you misunderstood. Huang is now talking about some people.
Hypocrisy, and big talk, he just satirized all of us, saying that he only mentions money, not
to save people, but now he refuses to pay for himself. What is the reason? "
" You are a mess ... "Chairman Ma just wanted When he spoke, he was interrupted by
Henry's voice.
"Who said that I would treasure myself? Who said I would not contribute this TCM
technology to society?" Henry asked.
Henry's remarks made al the doctors in the hall focus on him. At the same time, these
doctors, their heartbeats accelerated, could it be impossible, he really wanted to transmit
the tremor needle method? This ... is amazing! If you say it, it will definitely make a national
Henry smiled slightly and said to Sylvia: "Mr. Lin, I will make a decision for you without
permission. Don't blame me."
Henry said, before Sylvia spoke, he announced aloud, "Our Lin's original purpose is to
invest Several hospitals, and organized training institutions for Chinese medicine, teach
Chinese medicine treatment, personally taught by me, in the next period of time, Lin's
group will look for partners in the provinces of the country, after the local medical will
inform you, If I can pass the review by the local medical association, I will definitely teach it
to everyone, and teach everyone what I have learned, just like that. "
Henry then said, and turned away.
Sylvia froze for a while, and then smiled. She immediately understood Henry's meaning,
accompanied Henry, and walked out of the medical tube.
The doctors in the medical tube heard Henry's remarks and saw Henry was going.
Go to another province to find a medical association to cooperate and develop a training
institution, and then to be reviewed by the medical association of other province. Can you
learn it at the end? Such a good opportunity, the people of Ningxia Medical Association will
give up, they will not forgive themselves in this life!
"Stay step, Mr. Lin, stay step!" President Ma stepped over and ran over.
Sylvia stopped, turned his head, and blinked, "Chairman Ma, what's the matter?"
Chairman Ma smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I want to talk to you about this hospital project
cooperation. "
" Haven't you all decided to cooperate with Suguang Medical? "Sylvia deliberately glanced
at the place where President Huang is.
"Mr. Lin, the cooperation has not been completely finalized. We are more willing to reach
cooperation with Lin!" Such a big temptation was before us. President Ma didn't even have
time to say anything, and directly expressed his heart.
President Huang just felt a bit bad when he saw President Ma catching up. Now, listening to
President Ma say this, that heart completely sank.
"It seems that some people, stealing chickens will not eclipse Mi." Zhou representative's
voice sounded behind President Huang.
Before the visit, the representative Zhou received special advice from the boss. Tens of
millions of people should not have conflicts with Lin. They should try their best to make a
good relationship with Lin. Now there is this opportunity to fall into the water.
Representative Zhou Natural y will not let go.
After satirizing President Huang, Zhou cast a smile on behalf of Sylvia.
Sylvia nodded and said nothing.
President Huang certainly knows what the representative of the Zhou family said is that
stealing chickens is not an eclipse. What was meant by the rice? It was just now that
everyone had to leave, but they had their own mouths and said so much. This cooperation
is completely immersed!
At this moment, President Huang can't wait to give himself two big mouths, why do he have
to talk a lot? I wanted to see other people's jokes, but now, let everyone read their own
jokes. He glanced around indistinctly, and found that many people in charge of the
company were watching themselves stealing music. President Huang knew that after today
It ’s time for me to become a laughing stock in this Yinzhou industry. , the doctors of the
Ningxia Medical Association looked at Henry nervously. What Henry said next was
particularly important to them.
The same is true of President Ma. Although he gave Lin Yaohan the cooperation between
the two sides, in the end, he had to see Henry's meaning.
Today's bidding, because of the performance of Henry's first-hand medical skil s, has
completely reversed the role.
Originally, it was the major companies that explained their ideas to the Medical Association
and asked for cooperation, but now, the Medical Association is requesting cooperation with
Henry embraced his chest with both hands and rol ed his eyes. "Don't look at me, we, Mr.
Lin said."
"Then wish us a happy cooperation." Sylvia took the initiative to reach President Ma.
It can be seen that almost all the doctors present on the face have a happy expression on
their faces.
As for President Huang, that face is as ugly as mourning.
For the next cooperation, Henry does not need to be in charge at al . Lin's professional team
and the Medical Association will complete the subsequent negotiations.
Yan Li walked over and said to Henry: "Wel , Master, your training institution, I don't know
if I can let these two perseveres, also ..."
"This matter doesn't belong to me, Mr. Yan, you can I have to ask this President Ma. "
Henry inadvertently sold two faces and said that he gave it to President Ma. That means
agreeing that Yan Li's two apprentices also entered the training institution. At the same
time It also made President Ma happy, and it will be more convenient in the future
None of the companies that arrived today thought that Lin would rely on one person at the
end and definitely make a comeback.
For a time, many people came up to congratulate Sylvia.
"Mr. Lin." President Huang lost his smile and walked up.
"President Huang?" Sylvia also smiled at President Huang.
President Huang's expression was awkward, "Look, Mr. Lin, look, I have been doing this
medical device for many years. Looking around, there are not many medical companies in
Yinzhou. We have always been at fair prices and small profits. The principle of overselling,
do we have the opportunity to cooperate this time? "
To be honest, President Huang really doesn't want to lick his face to talk about cooperation,
but there is no way to say it. He is doing medical equipment. Next The four hospitals to be
built in Yinzhou are definitely the top priority. For their dawn medical equipment, this may
be a big list that can only be encountered once in a lifetime. So simple, it is very likely that
their Sugon medical device was replaced by another company.
Therefore, President Huang had to pul down this face.
"Hey." Sylvia sighed, "President Huang, it's not me that Sylvia doesn't want to cooperate
with you, but President Huang just said that he will never cooperate with our Lin."
President Huang changed his face, "Lin In general, everyone is in the same city. You do n’t
see your head down. You do n’t have to do anything. ”
“ Oh, President Huang, you ’re real y interesting. If you do n’t cooperate, you can do it, then I
’m Lin, thoroughly Change to a charity, Henry, let's go. "Sylvia chuckled and walked out of
the hall.
Henry also grinned and followed Sylvia.
President Huang stood there, looking at Sylvia's back, his eyes showing a fierce look.
Chapter 91
Out of the Chinese Medicine Museum, the afternoon of the hot sun makes people feel hot.
"Mr. Lin, where do we go now, go directly to the company or ..."
Henry said, but found that no one took care of himself at all. He turned around and found
out that Sylvia was standing behind him and stopped.
"Mr. Lin, why didn't you go?" Henry asked strangely.
Sylvia has a pair of beautiful eyes up and down, looking at Henry carefully.
"What's the matter?" Henry strode to Sylvia in a big stride, reaching out and shaking back
and forth in front of her eyes.
Sylvia took a deep breath and small hand smacked the broken hair in front of her forehead,
and asked, "Who the hell are you?"
Henry frowned, "What am I?"
"Just now, although I don't understand What have you shown to those doctors, but I can see
that with your medical skills, you do not have to come to our Lin family to be a sonin-law at
home. You have better development. What is your purpose? "
" Halo, you That's what this is about. "Henry patted his head and smiled.
"You told me before that your family is not good, so you have done everything, don't tell
me, you just have to learn it and you will have your current medical achievements!"
Sylvia's beautiful eyes were ful of vigilance.
Henry raised his hand and explained: "I am capable of medical skills, but I don't have a
medical qualification certificate, or, in my life, I can't get a medical qualification certificate.
Earlier, I worshipped an old Chinese medicine teacher. He taught me three years and died.
President Lin, do you know that there is a profession in this world called doctors? "
" Medical doctors? "Sylvia had doubts on her face, she had never heard of such a thing.
A profession.
"Yu Youlang, who walked the world barefoot, seeing all the diseases in the world, is cal ed
the travel doctor. This occupation has been handed down to the present." Henry looked up
at the blazing sun in the sky with a sigh of emotion. The Medical Association admits that
some medical treatments of visiting doctors, in the eyes of many people, are an
adventurous move. "
" Adventure? "
" Um. "Henry nodded and extended four fingers to Sylvia. Like yesterday, if the person I met
was Yan Li, changing any doctor may prevent me from treating the patient. My approach is
very risky. If I am not careful, I will directly kil the patient's life. " Sylvia's face Confused,
"Then do you still do?"
"I have confidence." Henry smiled, "But my confidence, only I know, if I go to the medical
qualification certificate, it will be eliminated at the theoretical stage. Overall For me, what
you see as medicine is something that many people can't get on the countertop. "
Sylvia opened her mouth slightly. What Henry told her today is indeed an area she has
never been in contact with.
After a few seconds of silence, Sylvia spoke again, "Henry, the training institution you just
said ..."
"My good President Lin, you are quite smart. What's wrong with today?" Henry smiled
bitterly, "I These methods are used, and the training institution is a guise. You must quickly
cover up the hospital during this period, and at most one year, they can all learn these
methods after one year. "
Henry said, Sylvia also reacted. Today's self seems to be not enough, and it is completely
different from the usual savvy self.
"Come on, let's go quickly." Henry stepped forward and grabbed Sylvia's jade arm.
"Stay here for a while, those people come out and ask me what to order, but it's exposed."
Sylvia just let Henry pull, walked to the parking lot, and got on Anna's car.
In the car, Sylvia smiled in the corner of his mouth, holding the mobile phone, opening the
calculator, and jade fingers kept pressing on the screen.
"Mr. Lin, what is it?" Henry gathered his head.
"Count your commissions, do you want to know, how many commissions do you have when
talking about such a list?" Sylvia looked at Henry with a smile.
Henry smiled, and then waved his hand, "Al of my own businesses, whatever the
commission, just give it to eighty-eight mil ion."
"To die, you are not greedy, but also eighty-eight million!" Sylvia extended Chu Yuzhi
pointed hard at Henry ’s forehead, “But seriously, this is your first day as a salesman, and
you have talked about such a large list, which has broken the record, so, later in this period
of time You just take charge of the training organization first. You just need to contact
Secretary Li directly. "
" Okay, absolutely no problem. "Henry compared the OK gesture.
Back to the Lin Group, Sylvia was busy working for the first time. She won this hospital
project, various planning books and so on, and she was busy for a while.
Henry was about to go to the business department, and the phone rang. At first glance,
Henry talked, and the phone was from Helen.
For this police force female Tyrannosaurus, Henry really is full of owes.
"Hello, Han ..." Henry just answered the phone and was interrupted by a roar.
"The last name is Zhang! Come to the night bar, the old lady will be hacked to death soon!"
Henry changed his face and said that after waiting for me, he hung up the phone and rushed
towards the night bar.
For a long time before, the night bar was the focus of attention of the Yinzhou police.
Once something happened, the police could always arrive as soon as possible.
In the past two days, al police personnel monitoring the night bar have been removed.
The door of the night bar was locked, and behind the locked door, there was a house full of
The bar lobby is full of people, and it can be seen that these people are obviously divided
into two groups, occupying half of the hal respectively, forming a confrontation.
Second, the head of the leopard leaned on a sofa with a card seat, his arms were slumped
weakly on both sides of the body, his face was ful of pain, and his forehead was constantly
The right hand of the three-headed poisonous snake was covered with gauze, and the blood
oozed out of the gauze, and dripped on the ground. On the table in front of the poisonous
snake, a dazzling eye with bloody tail fingers was extraordinarily dazzling.
Helen wore a black tights and looked at the person sitting opposite with a sullen face.
"Little girl, you green leaves can eat so many of us. I'm afraid it won't work with these
wastes." A flat-headed man in his thirties, holding a dagger in his hand, trimmed his
Standing beside this man, the young man, dressed in black, playing with a butterfly knife in
his hand, glanced at Helen with a pair of eyes, showing a smirk from time to time.
The flat-headed man lit a cigarette for himself and took a deep breath. "Overnight, the big
circle club disappeared. I have more than fifty brothers in Black Thunder. Al of you, you
girl, have some means, but I don't know. What method can save yourself? "
Chapter 92
Helen looks at the man in front of him, this man who is known as the second head of Black
Thunder, is strong and terrible. Within the stroke, he subdued the leopard's head, scrapped
the arms of the leopard's head, and cut off a tail finger of the viper.
The flat-headed man looked at the bar at night and made some controversy from time to
time, as if he were the owner of the bar.
"This Aoba club is really getting bigger and bigger, dare to dare to deal with our black
thunder?" The flat-headed man has a smile on his face, "Little girl, I really don't understand,
you dare today
Where is the courage to sit across from me like this? " Helen sat there without saying a
word. The current situation is completely control ed by the other party.
All along, Helen has been working against the community. She clearly knows that Hei Lei is
the underground leader of the entire Ning province, but she did not expect that the gap
between Aoba and Hei Lei is so huge.
Although the head of the leopard is old, his skill is stil on the top of the green leaves, but he
has not had three strokes under the opponent's hand, and his arms were discarded.
Throughout the night bar, the atmosphere seemed extremely depressed.
At this moment, the door of the night bar was buckled, and a crisp female voice came from
outside the door.
"Anyone? Is the bar open?"
A member of the Black Thunder who stood in front of the bar stood up and cast his gaze on
the flat-headed man.
The flat-headed man waved his hand, and the club brother nodded and opened the bar
door. "The bar is closed."
"Fuck, get up, some people pretend to die!" A slightly impatient male voice sounded from
outside the bar , Hei Lei, who was stuck in the bar entrance, was pushed away from the
A beam of sunlight came in from outside the door.
Two figures of a man and a woman walked into the bar. The man looked handsome,
wearing a Versace shirt and a pair of sunglasses, like a star fresh meat.
The woman has long hair and is wearing a long white dress. The facial features are
beautiful and impeccable. A faint smile hangs on her face, which attracts people's attention.
"Two, it's closed here, don't you understand?" Another younger brother, Lei Lei stood up
and shouted.
The man and the woman didn't seem to hear Hei Lei's brother. The man took off his glasses
and looked at the night bar.
"Uh, it's so sul en, may I ask, who is Ms. Helen?" This handsome young man was the one
who went to Henry before.
"I am." Helen stood up.
"Sister-in-law, let me introduce myself. My name is Wade White. My elder brother asked
me to take a look. This one is a spike." The handsome young man said softly to Han.
"Thorn Peak has seen her sister-in-law." The beautiful woman in a white long dress
lowered her head gently toward Han, her eyes and tone full of respect.
Helen looked at them dubiously. "The eldest brother you said is ... Henry?"
"Yes." Wade White nodded. "The eldest brother said that there are things that are not long-
eyed to find the sister-in-law. Let me take a look. . "
Wade White himself a cigarette, pushed around in front of Black Thunder members,"
Come, let’s make trouble. "
flat head man looked at the woman, the eyes reveal contempt," small Girl, is this the helper
you found? "
" You have no help . "The young man standing next to the flat-headed man scorned his lips,
and the butterfly knife in his hand turned quickly.
Brother Black Thunder standing in the aisle of the bar did not make way for Wade White.
Wade White frowned, "How many brothers, what do you mean? No one has gone this
way?""let." The flat-headed man shouted and waved his hand.
When the younger brothers of Black Thunder heard it, they gave way.
"Thank you." Wade White chuckled at the Black Thunder brothers and walked towards the
place where Han was gentle.
The thorn peak fol owed Wade White, and the black thunder brothers touched the thorn
peak with their hands and feet unreliably, and the face smiled insignificantly, and the thorn
peak did not speak, let these people's hands touch themselves.
Seeing this scene, the smile on the flat-headed man's face became stronger.
"Little girl, wouldn't you find two people to come and relieve our brothers? Hahaha! A
blood, how do you like this girl? Let the brothers come up and play for you?"
"I like this more "The eyes of the young man playing the butterfly knife were fixed on
Helen, and his eyes were full of aggression.
Wade White walked through the crowd and walked in front of Helen. There were countless
black handprints on Thorn Peak's white dress.
On the side of Aoba, there was a man who was still around 40 years old. He did n’t speak
from beginning to end, but just kept smoking cigarettes. At this moment, he stood up and
said, "Han , I feel like you are joking with me. "
" Fourth, what are you doing! "The head of the leopard's head locked on the man.
This man is the fourth head of the Aoba Society, and the nickname on the road is the fourth.
"What are you doing?" The fourth elder asked, "I want to ask what this surnamed Han is
doing, this big green leaf, Leigong said to let go, let it go, let such a big game in the hands of
a girl, he ever asked those of us old brother mean? I ranks the fourth, psyche satisfied!
Today, the brothers are al stuck here, the two men got is surnamed Han helper? "
Fourth of reaching a mean and Wade White Thorn Peak, "Are you sure, this is not Han's
intentional play with us?"
"Fourth son, what are you so special about farting Laozi here!" The viper yelled.
"Oh, whatever you say, anyway, I don't plan to serve anymore. It's better to ruin such a
large community in the hands of a little girl!" The fourth son waved his hand, his face didn't
"What do you say!" The viper broke up directly, grabbing the collar of the fourth son,
"You say it again!"
"Look, are you still anxious?" The fourth son laughed dismissively, "I'm not afraid to tell
you, black The man of Lei was found by Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was dissatisfied with this girl
sitting in this position. The third one, let alone I do n’t miss the brotherhood. Today, you
want to honestly admit the mistake to Brother Dao. Everyone has a chance to live. In the
future, I will grow bigger, and you and your second son will still be your heads, how?
" Am I going to you? "The viper threw a punch and smashed it on the old face. On this fist,
his right hand, which was already bleeding more, was more seriously injured.
Fourth eldest was beaten back two steps, a severely broken saliva bloody, "OK, the
youngest, I gave you the opportunity, this is your choose their own way, do not blame me
ruthless brother!"
"I did not you Such a brother! "The viper raised his fist again and rushed towards the
eldest, but was kicked by Ah Xue.
The eldest did not look at the poisonous snake. He walked to the flat-headed man and
bowed his head: "Brother Dao, Aoba's business, I know everything, these people don't need
to stay."
Chapter 93
"Not bad." The flat-headed man patted the fourth son's face with satisfaction.
The fourth elder gave a flattering ridicule.
Now, Helen's complexion is very unsightly.
One thing is because of the backwaters of the fourth son, and the other is because of the
appearance of the two.
In fact, do n’t look at Helen ’s fierce shouting. In fact, she is a woman who is very insecure.
Since her mother died from gang gang murder many years ago, the so-called sense of
security has become farther and farther from her.
She applied to the police academy, and her envy and acts of violence were all just
manifestations of her lack of security.
In the relationship with Henry, Helen actual y did not understand what the relationship
was like.
She did not deny that her behavior was impulsive that night. Afterwards, she regretted it
too, but her character made her fail to show it. She blamed herself, and she did it even
when she knew that Henry had a wife. She tried hard not to disturb Henry and not to
contact him. If nothing happened today, she would not know when she would take the
initiative to call Henry.
Helen is a very contradictory woman, just like she has been catching her father. When she
really catches the day, Helen is not sure whether she can take it, but she still does it.
Just now, after calling Henry, Helen regretted it. The bigger reason for her cal was that the
psychology of the little woman was at work. She wanted to know if Henry would protect
her when she was in danger. Yourself.
When Helen saw Wade White and Thorn Peak, her heart was disappointed. She understood
that she was not so important in Henry's heart. What he loved was his wife.
Between him and him, it was just a misunderstanding. Otherwise, how could Henry find
such two people to perfunctory himself.
Helen was disappointed in her heart. She smiled with a self-deprecating smile on her face.
She was not so important at all.
"Little girl, don't say I won't give you a chance, today you will take the initiative to play with
my little brother, I will save you a life, how?" The voice of the flat-headed man joking
A blood eyes looked at Helen's whole body, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.
"Choose a death method." Wade White mouth made a dull voice.
"Huh?" The flat-headed man raised his eyebrows and looked at Wade White. "Boy, are you
talking to me?"
"Yes." Wade White nodded. "You choose a way of death, and I will do it for you."
"I didn't listen Qing. "The flat-headed youth looked at Wade White with a ghostly look."
You say it again? "
Wade White looked back and looked at the thorn peak standing behind him with doubt,"
I am speaking Mandarin? "
" Yes. " Thorn Peak nodded.
"Isn't the voice quiet?"
"Not small."
"That's when he heard it, he didn't want to choose it himself. In that case, you can help him
choose one." Wade White made a gesture of asking.
"Understood." There was no wave on the face of Tseng Feng, and he took a step forward.
Then, a flash of Hanmang flashed across it, and ten fingers flew together.
The hands of the flat-headed man were bright red.
This sudden scene left everyone unresponsive.
The flat-headed man screamed like a pig, "Hands ... my hands ... my hands!"
He stretched his palms with horror in his eyes, and there was no finger on his extended
"Tut tut." Wade White shook his head, "So you chose to let him bleed to death, hey, a
woman, is terrible." Wade White and regret glanced flat head man, "You talk about you,
good to talk to you, you do not listen to non, a dead life and more simply, have to suffer this
Mingjiao blood The young man's face changed drastical y, holding the butterfly knife in his
hand and spurting toward the spike peak.
Thorn Peak's arm waved and smashed into Axue's arm bend. Axue Ben's butterfly knife
stabbed at Thorn Peak. At this moment, he changed his angle and pierced his throat.
Blood's throat, Ah blood, which was just a lifetime away, died in one shot.
This happened in only a moment, until A blood fell to the ground, Helen and other talents
reacted, and then looked at Wade White's eyes, they were completely different.
Wade White smiled gently and apologetically to Han, "Sister-in-law, the elder brother sent
us here, what should these people do, you can say, but the elder brother gave us an
explanation before you came. ""
Wade White scratched his back in embarrassment, and at the same time, the spike peak
also moved.
She was wearing a white long dress, like a ghost, traveling through the crowd. She passed
by and brought a piece of blood. She danced like a crowd. The blood formed flowers and
danced for her.
This time, Black Thunder brought more than 30 people. These people just rushed to reach
out to Thorn Peak. Now they see the Thorn Peak as if they saw ghosts, and they are scared
and unable to hide. .
Two minutes!
In just two minutes, the ground of the night bar was stained with blood.
The white dress on Thorn Peak's body was not contaminated with a little blood, only her
slender ten fingers, there was blood dripping.
If you look carefully, she smeared her red nails under her fingernails, shining with cold
awns, hiding the blades one by one.
The head of the leopard swallowed drunk fiercely. Since he met Henry, he hasn't seen such
a scene once, but he still can't keep his inner peace. Just these two young people, looking
like humans and animals are harmless Between chatting and laughing, so many people
were kil ed, their faces didn't change a bit, and it's obvious that such things have long been
used to.
The flat-headed man looked at Wade White and Thorn Peak in horror and stepped back
and forth.
The fourth elder was sitting there in horror, his pants soggy.
Helen stared dullly at the tragic image of this place, her heart was shaking, Henry, who is it!
Last time at Baxianlou, Helen felt that Henry was prepared, but this time, he called himself,
but about fifteen minutes later, Henry sent the two to come to see their looks, absolutely
"Thorn Peak, let someone deal with it." Wade White waved his hand.
Thorn Peak nodded and blew a loud whistle.
The whistle fell, and from the night out of the bar, there were more than ten people, each
dressed in black and masked. After entering the bar, they didn't say a word. These people
did not make a sound, as if there were any rules in the midst of oppressing them.
"Sister-in-law, things are done, we have to go first. Staying here will cause you unnecessary
trouble." Wade Whitechong Han gently greeted.
"Sister-in-law, Thorn Peak retires." Thorn Peak bent gently and respectfully to Han,
followed behind Wade White, and left the night bar.
Chapter 94
The night bar , the society that leaves Aoba leaves, all staring at each other with big eyes.
The flat-headed man rol ed in pain, screaming nonstop, blood on his hands.
Aoba's fourth son shook his head, shivering in shock.
Helen just wanted to speak, and the phone rang. Helen looked at the electrician, frowned,
thinking again and again, and answered the phone.
"Master ..."
"I'm rushing to the team now, there is something important, let go of all the work at hand!"
On the phone, a middle-aged man's voice sounded, his tone anxious.
Helen put away the phone, glanced around, said something to the viper, and left you.
Yinzhou Police Department.
In a small meeting room, several people gathered. At a glance, these people are al around
forty years old. The stars on their shoulders symbolize their positions. The smal est are
above the department level.
When Helen came over, he saw that the director was also in the conference room, but the
director was not sitting in the main position, but in the side position.
"Gentleness, sit down!" A middle-aged man waved at Helen. This middle-aged man had a
national face. Only the man in the entire conference room was wearing casual
clothes, and he had a scar on his face. Stroke from the corner of your right eye to the chin.
"Master." Helen nodded at the middle-aged man and sat down honestly beside the middle-
aged man.
Master Helen, Jammy, chief of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Provincial
Department, has cracked many major cases and made countless achievements. Even the
chief of the Yinzhou Police Department will be polite to him.
"Master, what's going on here?" Helen asked suspiciously.
"The red-headed document handed down above will come to the edge of someone with a
sharp edge, and send us some news. This meeting is very confidential. Wait until you listen,
don't talk." Jammy's expression looked solemn.
"Blade?" Helen's eyes widened, and his mouth opened.
During the training at the police school, Helen heard about the name of the Blade. This is a
mysterious force in the China Security System. It is said that every year, the national police
force will select the elite of the elite to participate in the selection of the Blade. It is these
elites who have chosen one out of ten thousand in the selection of sharp blades, the
probability of passing is less than one percent.
The sharp blade deals with some special emergencies. Ordinary cases will not let the sharp
blade shoot.
For a long time, Helen has only heard of the name of this unit, and she knows nothing about
the others. How can she not be surprised that the people who have heard of the Blade are
"Okay, don't ask again if you don't need it. You must sign this first." Jammy took a file and
put it in front of Helen.
Helen glanced at it, which turned out to be a confidentiality agreement.
"Wait for what you hear, you are not al owed to disclose it to anyone. After signing this
confidentiality agreement, you can continue to stay here, and no one is exception."
Jammy gave Helen a pen.
After Helen took over the pen, with little hesitation, he wrote his name on the
confidentiality agreement.
There are not many people in this small conference room. Almost everyone is holding
important positions.
About ten minutes later, the door of the conference room was pushed open. A man and a
woman, and two young men in casual clothes came in. The two were walking in a brisk
manner, exuding a faint power.
The head of the Yinzhou Police Department got up first to welcome.
"Okay." The young man in casual clothes reached out and made a stop motion. "I won't say
anything more. I can still sit here. I must have signed a confidentiality agreement.
My name is Nat, I belong to the three-point team of Sharp Edge and serve as the captain.
This is my partner, Tian Rui. " "Hello everyone." Tian Ruichong greeted the people present.
She took out a suitcase, quickly opened it, and took out a tablet computer and a small
Nat's eyes looked like a torch, and he scanned the whole conference room for a week.
Under his eyes, no one dared to look at him, including Jammy.
Helen only feels that this Nat is like a beast that can explode at any time. His eyes are sharp
as a sharp blade.
"Everyone, I received an order from my superior, and I am here to convey some news to
you, please see." Nat made a gesture of invitation.
Tian Rui controls the projector and prints an effect on the wall.
There was nothing else in the influence except for a black card with a mask printed on it,
which looked like a grimace, with two sharp teeth exposed, spooky, and extremely scary.
Nat said: "It stands to reason that in your identity, you can't access this information, but
things suddenly, what I said next, everyone should pay special attention to this card, in the
next period, you may I will see that once found, I will report immediately. My partner and I
will stay here in the near future. "
" What is this? "Jammy questioned.
"Hellbringer." Nat put his finger on the grimace mask. "There is a group of people who
claim to be the hellbringer and harvest the evil soul in the name of the ruler. Who is the
head of this organization? The world is investigating, No country can be found. These
people are powerful and extremely cruel. We have been paying attention to their
whereabouts. Recently, we received news that the hel messenger appeared in Yinzhou, so
during this time, everyone Be sure to increase your vigilance! "
While everyone listened attentively to Nat's explanation, Helen's expression was stunned.
She remembered very clearly that those people who appeared outside the Baxian Building
on that day were wearing such masks!
"The person mentioned below is our next key search object. Once found, don't move your
hands privately and report immediately!" Nat flushed Tian Rui's eyes.
Tian Rui nodded his head and manipulated his finger on the tablet a few times. The
influence on the wall changed to a woman.
To be precise, it was replaced by the back of a woman, who is one meter seven tal , with
long hair, wearing a military green camouflage suit. From the photos, it can be seen that the
woman ’s skin is very good. Between his fingers, Han Mang reflected.
"This man is a small leader among the messengers of hel . He has cruel means and powerful
force. He has recently appeared in Yinzhou City. Once again, I will declare that when you
meet her, you absolutely must not arbitrarily. You must report it as soon as possible. Do
you understand? "Nat spoke concisely and quickly, with solemn eyes.
"Captain Nat, I have a doubt." A section chief raised his hand.
"Please tell me ."
"If you really meet this person, there will be a slight difference in the reporting process,
which may cause this person to escape."
"If she escapes, let her escape, and absolutely cannot do it!" Nat still said that.
"Why?" Jammy said.
Nat glanced around and said, "Because, I do n’t want Bai Tian casualties."
Chapter 95
Jammy face unhappy, "Nat, I do not understand what you mean, our police force who,
though not as sharp knife, but definitely It ’s the elite, you seem to have passed Bai Tian
’s casualties a little bit. ”
“ Sorry, I have always been outspoken. ”Nat smiled at Jammy and then waved to Tian Rui.
Tian Rui transforms the image put on the wall.
This time, it was no longer a figure or icon anymore, but a picture of a broken scene.
The picture was burning with smoke, a deep hole in the ground, a fire was burning, and the
ground was full of broken limbs and broken arms. The heavy weapons were scattered al
over the place, and there were even two tanks that were bombed.
Nat explained, "This is a private armed base in the Golden Triangle. There are about 400
mercenaries with live ammunition in the base, all of which are kil ing and blinking
characters. There are two armed tanks waiting to be launched at the base. Within hours,
the person who swept through this private armed base was the one you just saw.
Now, do you still have to question what I said about Bai Tian ’s casualties? "
Everyone in the entire conference room opened his mouth wide. , Looking at the scene on
the wall.
"This ..." Jammy moved his mouth, and final y did not say anything.
What Nat said has exceeded his cognition. This is not a role that ordinary police officers can
handle. Indeed, in the face of such terrorist roles, ordinary elites are not opponents of
others at al . This is a professional war criminal. !
At the moment, Helen, her brain has been completely down. She heard Nat's words clearly.
She has been playing black and eliminating evil for so many years, and has seen many
ruthless people licking blood on the tip of the knife. It’s Pediatrics!
Moreover, although Helen only saw the back of the woman, she was 100% sure that the
woman was the spike! Henry's men who came to the night bar today to solve problems for
At the meeting, Nat also explained a lot of matters to the people present, but Helen didn't
listen to it. Her mind only thought of a question, who is Henry in the end!
After the meeting was over, Helen walked out of the conference room with some
muddiness and walked out of the police station.
This meeting has been going on for a long time. The sun has gone west and the sky is
burning red.
Helen walked out of the gate of the police station and saw a long shadow extending to her
feet. She looked along the shadow and saw the shadow's owner, Henry!
"Come out? Let's have a dinner together?" Henry put his hands in his hands and smiled
softly at Han.
When Helen saw Henry, what Nat said just now appeared in his mind, a person, an hour
and a half, destroying an armed base, that person, or Henry's men!
Helen uncomfortably walked in front of Henry, silenced for two seconds, and said: "I have a
question to ask you."
"Why, there is an emergency meeting, is someone sending you a message about Thorn
Peak?" With a smile, there is a feeling of unpredictable prophecy.
Helen subconsciously asked, "How do you know?"
"Tsing Feng has performed many tasks, and it is considered to be more exposed . If you do
it today, you will definitely be found. The sharp edged people will never sit by and watch.
Captain? "The expression on Henry's face was smooth, and everything was under control.
"Do you know that Thorn Peak's hands-on will be discovered?" Helen didn't answer
Henry's question, but asked.
"It will definitely be discovered. You haven't been in contact with this aspect. I don't
understand the international influence of Thorn Peaks. She has always been the target of
the key search of the sharp blade." Henry trusted his hand and rightly said.
Helen stared at Henry with wide eyes, "Then you still let her ..."
"I can't watch you fall into crisis." Henryya took the initiative to reach out and took Helen's
arm, "Anyway, You are all my women. From now on, no one can bul y you. "
" Let's come! "Helen shook Henry's palm hard," The old lady told you today that you have a
wife, and the old lady is too lazy to blend Your family affairs, too, that night, the old lady
had drunk too much, and we should have done nothing, and you should say that the old
lady is your woman. If you have the ability, you will first get the divorce certificate with the
surname Lin, and then you will not talk Say these words! "
" Uh ... "The expression on Henry's face was a little awkward, and I didn't know how to
answer the words.
When it comes to fighting, killing, and blasting, Henry ’s heartbeat is steady, and his eyes do
n’t blink more, but he real y has no experience in the relationship between men and
women. Everyone who meets the women before is just a play.
But now, Henry's attitude towards feelings has long changed.
"Okay, don't be stunned, isn't it to invite the old lady to eat? Where to eat?" Helen looked
"I ordered a small hot pot, and it's not bad to read online reviews."
"Then go, go get a taxi." Helen shoved Henry.
"Oh." Henry nodded, turned and ran to the roadside to take a taxi.
Looking at Henry's back, Helen Rou's impatience disappeared gradual y. Between her
brows, a happy smile appeared on her face. She can't deny that when Henry said that you
are my woman, she was heartbeat .
During the meal, Helen didn't ask any questions about Henry's identity, everything seemed
When Henry returned home, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening. He found that Sylvia
hadn't come back, drove a car, and went straight to the Lin Group. The whole building was
dark, and people had already left work.
Confounded, Henry called Sylvia and showed that the other party had shut down.
"What's the situation?" Lin invited Han to stand under the building for a while, and just
when he was about to call Milan, he heard a faint sound coming from the building. This
sound was extremely small, so Henry, if you want to change someone, listen Less than.
"Someone upstairs?" Henry glanced around and glanced around.
The main entrance of the building was locked, but Henry could n’t help but find a dead end.
Henry sprinted and sprinted on the floor. The whole person jumped up, grabbed the
window edge of the second floor, and put his arm on the second floor. He had reached the
window on the second floor. His action, like a cloud of water, could not be done even by the
actor who made the movie Hang Wai.
Henry pushed gently with his hand, and the window opened.
"Sure enough." Henry smiled at the corner of his mouth. This summer, few people would
close the window.
He easily jumped into the building from the window and entered the building. Henry could
hear the obvious sound from the building. According to his previous experience, Henry did
not choose to take the elevator, but went up the stairs through the stairs.
Chapter 96
The top floor of Lin's Building. Sylvia looked at the darkness in front of her eyes, the vase
that had just been broken was enough to show her inner panic.
At nine o'clock in the evening, the sky was completely dark, and the whole building was
Sylvia can't remember how long she hasn't worked overtime so late. Although she is very
fanatical at work, she is not very interested in overtime. The reason is very simple, afraid of
Sylvia didn't know when she had this problem. The darkness would make her feel scared.
Even when she was sleeping, she would turn on the bedside lamp.
Today is really an exception. The projects of the four hospitals are also the top priority for
Lin. When Sylvia is busy, she forgets the time. Until the office lights are all turned off, she
realized that it's getting dark.
The sudden darkness made Sylvia panic. She pressed the switch a few times. The original
bright chandelier did not respond at all. Sylvia remembered this. Secretary Li told him
today that at nine o'clock in the evening, the entire CBD would check the circuit , All the
electric switches will be cut off.
The whole building was empty, Sylvia took a step out, the high heels made a "tapping"
sound on the ground, the sound spread out, returned from the end of the corridor, passed
into Sylvia's ears, let her heart beat faster.
The black corridor in front of me seemed to have no end, leading to the abyss.
Sylvia throbbed with a heartbeat, and her cell phone was completely dead and shut down
completely, unable to give her a light.
Sylvia held the wall with his hand and walked slowly forward. The elevator was completely
shut down and he could not ride. He could only take the escalator.
Opening the fire door at the stairway, a damp smel came across, and a huge echo sounded
in Sylvia's ear, which scared her into the throat.
Even if it is a big man, walking alone in an empty building will be afraid, not to mention a
person, especially a woman who is afraid of darkness.
Sylvia looked at the dark stairs in front of him, his legs seemed to be fil ed with lead, and he
dared not go down. In the darkness, it seemed that something terrible would appear at any
Sylvia took several deep breaths in succession, plucked up his courage, and walked towards
the stairs.
Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind Sylvia.
Sylvia made a scream and looked back suddenly. It turned out that the fire door she had
just loosened closed. Sylvia felt that her heart was about to jump out of her throat.
It was dark all around, and Sylvia's body was trembling unconsciously. The humid air
environment and the high heels under his feet made Sylvia insecure.
Sylvia held the stairs with his hands, and walked slowly down one step at a time. A cool
breeze came from behind Sylvia, scaring Sylvia shivering. If you can see clearly, you will
find Lin Xiaohan whitewashed. She is I ’m really scared. I do n’t dare to look back. I
can only let that cool wind blow my back. She feels that in the darkness, she is about to col
apse. Every time the high-heeled shoes come into contact with the ground, she will issue “
The sound of "ta" echoed continuously in the corridor.
The broom placed at the root of the wall seemed to be a weird villain, waving his hands at
Sylvia ’s eyes were moistened unconsciously, and a heart was always raised in his throat.
Sylvia never felt that he was helpless like now.
Suddenly, a ray of light appeared in front of Sylvia's eyes, and the black shadow extended
from the light and submerged into the darkness again.
Sylvia screamed again, turned his head and ran upstairs.
"Mr. Lin?" Henry's magnetic voice sounded. his voice was like a bright lamp with yellow
halo in the solitary sea. It was like a ball of warmth that surrounded Sylvia.
"Zhang ... Henry?" Sylvia's footsteps stopped and his voice was filled with strong surprise.
"It's me." Henry turned on his mobile phone flashlight and walked up the corridor, his
figure gradually clearing in Lin Yaohan's sight.
At the moment when he saw Henry, Sylvia had an urge to cry in his arms.
Sylvia stretched out his hand in a panic, wiped the tears from his face, and his nose asked a
little: "You ... why are you here?"
Henry smiled. "You didn't come home so late, I'll come Look, is this building blackout? "
" Well, blackout overhaul. "Sylvia nodded, the corners of her mouth spontaneously spread
out, and the moment Henry appeared, al the fears in her heart disappeared.
"Come on, I said how dark this building is. I walked in front of you to illuminate you."
Henry shook his mobile phone, the light was shining in the corridor, he turned his back to
Sylvia and went downstairs.
Sylvia looked at the light in front of his eyes, and suddenly a hint of sweetness rose in his
The door lock of the Lin's Building can be opened from the inside, and Sylvia naturally
ignored the question of how Henry came in.
Anna's car was parked in the parking lot. When Anna saw Sylvia and Henry coming out
together, there was no accident or something. He said hello as usual.
Sylvia sat in the car with a small red face. What had just happened was her secret.
A person has a good affection for the opposite sex, always inadvertently, small things again
and again, moved again and again, condensed into emotion.
Overnight quietly passed.
Early the next morning, Sylvia got up early for an hour. This was something she decided to
do well yesterday morning. She experienced so much with Henry. Now that she let Henry
do those chores again, she will feel awkward in her heart.
Sylvia wore a sky-blue loose robe and turned around in the house. She didn't see Henry's
figure, and her pretty face floated with doubt.
Outside, there was a haha.
Sylvia frowned slightly, and went out to find Henryzheng waving his fist against a tree in
the yard. Now, he is wearing a pair of shorts, bare upper body, and his skin is glowing with
a bronze luster, Henry every time Fist punches will swell the back muscles.
This was the first time Sylvia saw Henry. When she got up every day, she only saw Henry
crawling on the ground to wipe the ground. She didn't know that he still had the habit of
Henry's scars on his back attracted Sylvia's sight. She stood at the door and looked at the
man standing in the courtyard quietly.
After a set of punches, Henrychang exhaled and turned around to see Sylvia standing at the
door. A surprise appeared on his face. "Mr. Lin, are you awake?"
"Wel ." Sylvia nodded and stretched out his jade. Pointing, pointing to Henry's back,
"What are you?"
"This." Henry smiled, wearing a vest. "They are all ignorant before and like to fight with
people. Haha, I will give you Prepare toiletries. "
Then, Henry walked towards the house.
"No, I'll prepare for myself later." Sylvia unconsciously reached out Henry's arm and could
feel the temperature on the man's arm. "And ... do housework in the future, do it together."
"Huh?" Henry looked Sylvia's blushing cheeks startled, then nodded, "OK."
Chapter 97
This is Sylvia's first time doing housework, she just swept the ground, she can feel, Henry
lying on the ground every day, wipe the entire floor How hard it takes to be clean.
After a full hour, most of the housework was done by Henry, and Sylvia only helped a little,
and was exhausted.
This time, Sylvia was even more guilty about Henry. She really felt that she was a little too
much before. Henry just came in and made him do so many things. What did he do wrong?
On the way to the company, Sylvia didn't say a word. She looked at the man sitting beside
her, her face full of sunshine and a smile.
Sylvia thought.
Why not try a movie with him?
Yuck Yuck! How can I have this idea, even if I watch a movie, he has to propose, what a girl
like me offered to propose!
"Mr. Lin, it's here."
Anna parked the car downstairs. Although it was said to be a bodyguard, Anna was not
inseparable from Sylvia. In most cases, she was acting as a driver. The bodyguard is the
least noticeable.
Although Henry and Sylvia set off together, they arrived at the company with two very
different goals.
A president's office on the top floor, every sentence is about the decision-making company.
The other is to go to the business department and sit in the corner belonging to him,
looking at the corporate culture on the desktop.
Around ten thirty in the morning.
"Wel , is your name Henry?" A middle-aged woman walked to Henry's desk and asked with
uncertainty on her face.
"Wel ." Henry nodded. "What's wrong, sister?"
"Where did you go yesterday?" The middle-aged woman asked.
"Oh, go out and run a business." Henry said honestly.
"Run business?" The middle-aged woman showed a suspicious look on her face, thinking in
her mind, how could a salesman who just came to internship have business run for him?
"Yes." Henry nodded.
The middle-aged woman thought for a moment and thought that Henry was lying, showing
a disdainful expression on the spot, she did not tear through Henry, and said,
"Come on, the manager asked you to go to her office once you came
." Henry put down his corporate culture and walked towards the business manager's office.
Just halfway away, Henry's cell phone rang, which was cal ed by Sylvia.
"What are you doing?" Sylvia asked directly on the phone.
Go to work, in the business department." Sylvia said anxiously: "Why do you go to the
business department? Today I have an appointment with the President of the Medical
Association. President Ma has been waiting for you for a long time. "
" Ah? I don't know? "Henry looked stunned," Where should I meet? "
" As for the Chinese Medicine Museum, weren't you present when we talked about
cooperation yesterday? "
" Uh ... "Henry's face
His expression was a little embarrassing, "I didn't pay attention." While talking about
cooperation yesterday, Henry stood next to it and listened, but his mind was al on Sylvia.
He didn't hear anything about the cooperation.
"Hey." Sylvia sighed helplessly, and didn't blame Henry, "You go now, I'l say to President
Ma, you don't have to rely on you now and don't take President Ma in your eyes. "
" Well, I know. "Henry hung up the phone and natural y passed by in front of the manager's
office, left the business department, and went straight to the Chinese Medicine Museum. In
office of the manager of the business department , wearing a gray professional suit, Luo
Ling, who looks pretty, sat in front of the office for a long time, but did not see the new
"Sister Hong!" Luo Ling called out.
Soon, the middle-aged woman who just cal ed Henry ran into the office.
"President Nah, you find me?"
"What Henry people who called it?"
"Ah? He did not come?" Rainbow sister cheeky surprise, "I gave him notice to the ah."
Luo Ling cheeky impatience, she I haven't seen such a bold new employee. On the first day
of work, he had to work for half a day. He asked people to find him, but he didn't listen.
"Go and call again!"
"Okay." Sister Hong nodded and left the office.
After a few minutes, Sister Hong knocked on the door and entered the office.
"What about people?" Luo Ling asked.
"I can't find ..."
"What?" Luo Lingqi's face changed color.
As a party, Henry natural y didn't know that he had angered the department manager, and
he was walking towards the Chinese Medicine Hall.
In the Chinese Medicine Museum, five doctors headed by President Ma are engaged in
intense negotiations with the elite team that Lin arrived yesterday.
President Ma said that one-fifth of the doctors in their medical association can be listed in
the new hospital of Lin's, and they have a fixed time every month to sit in the department. I
hope that Lin can let the Chinese medicine training be held twice a week.
Lin's elite team said that this TCM training is held once a week, and hopes that there will be
more than ten experienced doctors in the medical school, who will come to the department
of Lin's hospital every week.
The two sides have been discussing for more than half an hour because of these two issues.
They have been arguing endlessly. The Medical Association will not give in at al , and the
elite team of Lin's is also striving for the maximum.
Seeing this stalemate in cooperation negotiations, several Lin elite business elites did some
private discussions, and final y decided to take a step back and increase the training twice a
week. The number of sitting physicians can be reduced to eight.
Just when Lin's people were about to release their bottom line, Henry came.
"Yo, it's quite lively."
Henry put his hands in his pockets and walked into the Traditional Chinese Medicine
Museum. He was outside the museum and heard the intense discussion from inside.
Several Lin business elites saw Henry and al smiled well at Henry.
"Brother Zhang, you are here." The team leader bowed his head and greeted Henry.
Just yesterday, they learned that this brother, Zhang, talked about such a big project. It
didn't take a penny to mention Chengdu. Al was given to them, which made them extremely
grateful to Henry.
"Wel ." Henry nodded and made a gesture to them. "Anything casual, what are you talking
about, I listen?"
Henry pulled Zhang's stool and sat at this negotiation table.
President Ma and other five doctors saw Henry and all showed good smiles.
"This ..." Lin's team leader pondered, and said, "Brother Zhang, we mean that in the future,
we will hold a medical training every week and hope that the medical society will select ten
experienced doctors every week in our institute. There are two sittings in the built hospital.
" Is this a bit wrong? "Henry frowned." As far as I know, medical resources are scarce.
Some experienced doctors just registered the number a few days ago. It ’s ful , you have to
cal them in our company ’s hospital, and you have to sit twice a week, which is a bit
unrealistic. ”
Chapter 98
"Yes, yes, the teacher said good." President Ma nodded again and again, "Now medical
resources are real y scarce, let alone twice a week, that It ’s a little difficult once a week. "
" This ... "Lin's leader groaned without a word. He didn't expect that when this brother
came, he would speak for the other party. He was actually a little unhappy in his heart.
Yes, because he knows that this brother Zhang can talk about the list of the hospital, not
because of his high level of negotiation, but because he understands medical skil s, and to
talk about negotiation, he or he is the most professional.
Isn't this a bad thing when this brother comes!
This elite team, several people looked back and forth, all with a bitter smile on their faces.
"Brother Zhang, what do you mean ..." This team leader is not easy to refute Henry's face
and asked Henry's opinion.
"I'm thinking ..." Henry leaned on the chair, stretched out three fingers, and kept tapping on
the table, "President Ma just made sense, let alone sitting twice a week, even once, The time
is a little tight, and everyone will be ugly by then. "
" Yes. "President Ma nodded again and again.
"I mean, why should people from the Medical Association come to sit in the department?"
Henry asked back. "It's better to do this. After the hospital is set up, half of the people in
Ningxia Medical Association are al To come to work in our Lin's hospital,
at the same time, the training time of the training institution is once a month. The specific
time is set by me. People from other provinces' medical associations must agree to come to
work in our Lin's hospital if they want to participate in training. "
This ..." After
Henry finished speaking, both President Ma and others, or the elite team of Lin, al opened
their mouths.
Compared with the conditions mentioned by Henry now, they have just been arguing about
things for a long time, not even a gift project.
President Ma smiled, "Master, look at this, are we ..."
"No negotiation." Henry waited for President Ma to finish his speech and interrupted
directly. "I still say that. Do you agree with the Ningxia Medical Association? We Lin will
find partners in other provinces."
Henry 'S expression is very firm, with no jokes at al .
President Ma and others looked back and forth with a bitter smile on their faces. Can they
give up cooperation? No! In the face of the superb medical skills such as trembling needles,
if you want to give up, it will be regrettable if you really enter the soil.
"Hey." President Ma sighed, "Master, you really make us embarrassed, your proposal, I will
meet today to discuss with you."
"Anyway." Henry said indifferently, "My this condition is, you come to the meeting what the
outcome, it does not matter to me, then again, I do not agree with the conditions, we will
look for other medical Lin will work, it is so. "
Henry finished, directly got up and left, not to The opportunity for President Ma and others
to speak again.
There was a few minutes of silence in the medical tube.
In the end, Team Leader Lin broke the silence, "Chairman Ma, what do you mean ..."
"How many more meanings?" President Ma rolled his eyes. "According to Master, sign the
See President Ma The position of the elite team of Lin's people, although they did not speak
on the surface, but in their hearts, they admired Henry more than a little bit.
Great brother Zhang!
To get things done here, Henry returned to the company and it was already lunch time.
It happened to be a meal in the cafeteria. When he went to work in the afternoon, Henry re-
entered the door of the business department. As
soon as page (2/2) entered the door, Henry remembered, as if the business manager was
stil looking for himself in the morning.
He walked to the door of the manager's office and knocked on the door. Nobody responded
for a long time.
"Henry, where did you go in the morning?" Sister Hong appeared in front of Henry with a
blame, and asked.
"Go to run business." Henryli answered of course.
Sister Hong's face was completely black, and she was completely disappointed with Henry.
A new employee who came to work yesterday did not run around during working hours,
and she kept tel ing lies. This kind of person was real y not saved.
"The manager is out. You can go back to your place and read the rules." Sister Hong waved
her hand impatiently.
Henry wondered how this woman suddenly had such a big opinion on himself, but he was
too lazy to bother about the company's corporate culture. He looked almost the same
yesterday. He looked at it again this morning and thoroughly read it from beginning to end.
When Henry went to work this afternoon, he was not busy. He simply turned on the
computer and watched some Chinese medicine teaching videos on the Internet. He didn't
learn other people's technology, but he learned how to teach students.
Before, Henry had brought some students, but those are world-renowned famous doctors,
and he has a good foundation. When Henry teaches, they can understand anything.
But the person who is going to teach now, to Henry, is a group of beginners, natural y
unable to teach as casually as before.
Henry also thought about it before watching the video. He should not be doing personal
affairs at work. After all, this is also for work.
Sister Hong saw that Henry did not read the code, but instead watched the computer video
with relish, and took a small video on the spot with her mobile phone, and sent it to Luo
Ling with a sentence.
"Mr. Luo, this new employee is back, but I let him read the code and he didn't watch it. I
watched the video here all afternoon. This kind of person can't stay."
After finishing all this, Sister Hong added another phone A person sent a message.
"Son, you shouldn't have much problem entering Lin's matter. Be prepared for these two
days. Have a good look at the interview questions I told you last time."
Sister Hong said with a sneer on her face.
At about 4:30 in the afternoon, Henryguan turned off the webpage and watched the
teaching video for the afternoon. It was really boring. After tidying up the things on the
desktop, he was ready to leave work.
A woman in her twenties with a hot body clapped her hands and said aloud, "Come on, let
everyone put the work at hand!" The
business people al set their eyes on this woman.
"Mr. Luo just cal ed to explain, today everyone is working overtime, and now they are al
cleaning up. Everyone in the department goes to Xinkai Hotel. There is a big client to
accompany, Xiaosun, you are responsible for ordering the meal. The client has six people, al
French people, you look at our statistics the number today is a big project, everyone had to
go, including the new, you cal ed Henry, right, lacks drinking problem, right? " "
uh ...... no "" Henry shook his head.
"Okay, let's prepare. Today, we have to complete this list. Everyone in the department, at
least a thousand yuan per person, puts it in his heart." After the
woman finished, the department fell into a burst of cheers, and everyone began to col ect
Looking at the things on the table, then a group of three or five went downstairs, and no
one greeted Henry actively.
"Huh, brother, how come you are in the business department?" A clear voice sounded
behind Henry.
Chapter 99
Henry turned his head and found a familiar figure standing behind him.
"Huh? You, aren't you at the front desk?"
Standing behind Henry, it was the front desk beauty Henry knew as the deputy security
captain that day.
Amity's face looked very immature, wearing a professional suit, and she looked
extraordinarily cute. The two big eyes with water and spirits seemed to speak. She was just
one meter six or five tall and just reached Henry's chest.
Seeing Henry ask herself, Amity smiled and explained, "Me, I was arranged by the school for
an internship, and came to the business department yesterday afternoon."
Amity smiled, and she didn't tell Henry that she did Not being transferred to the business
department normally, but being squeezed out.
For a girl, between the company's front desk and the salesperson, obviously the position of
the company's front desk is better, with a fixed salary, easy work, and more suitable for
"Okay." Henry didn't think much. He didn't know much about the greasiness of the
company's positions. In his view now, everything is quite easy.
Henry and Amity, as two newcomers in the department, happened to go together.
When he left the company, Amity saw that these colleagues were driving away in groups of
three or five, and there was a trace of loss in his eyes. This feeling of not being integrated
into the group was uncomfortable.
Henry did not feel this way. He greeted Amity, cal ed a car, and went to Xinkai Hotel.
Xinkai Hotel is very famous in Yinzhou City. Generally speaking, only high-end banquets
will be selected in this place.
Amity apparently came to this hotel for the first time, and his movements when entering
the door were extremely unnatural.
Henry dragged it like 25,800,000 yuan, as soon as he entered the hotel door, he took a piece
of pastry that the hotel provided for free and put it in his mouth to eat.
As soon as Sister Hong came out of the elevator, she saw Henry eating cakes.
"What are you doing? Why did you arrive for so long? Go and move the wine!"
"Oh, you walked too fast, we didn't keep up." Henry's mouth was full of stuff, and he
"Okay, don't talk nonsense, go to work." Sister Hong waved to Henry impatiently, "That,
Amity, come, I have something to explain to you."
"Oh." Amity is weak Nodded, he put out his tongue to Henry, and cleverly followed beside
On the other side, some people greeted Henry to move the wine, and arranged the box.
This newly established business department has a total of 16 people, of which only Henry is
a man, the rest are women, and most of them have good looks and figure. A few middle-
aged women are also experienced seniors.
In this business department, everyone is very motivated. Everyone knows that Lin will not
treat his employees badly. If this business department can do it, their treatment will
For this banquet, I booked an extra-large box with a square of 100 square meters alone.
An oversized crystal lamp was hung from the top of the box, exuding a magnificent glory.
Under the crystal chandelier, a huge round table 25 people can sit, the glass plate on the
round table is slowly turning, the table is full of exquisite cold dishes, people are full of
appetite at a glance. On the table, Chinese cigarettes have also been disassembled, waiting
for guests to enjoy.
Nine beautiful sales girls, all with exquisite makeup, sat on the table separately.
Henry saw that Amity also drew an eyeliner. The little girl had a pair of big eyes. The
eyeliner was even more lovely. Looking around, the whole box was the most eye-catching.
Amity found Henryzheng looking at himself, lowering his head a little embarrassedly, his
face red and shy.
"How are you all prepared?" A female voice sounded from outside the box.
I saw a beautiful woman wearing a purple dress, stepped on a pair of silver-white high-
heeled shoes, and came in from the door of the box.
"Manager Luo, you are all ready." Sister Hong replied.
"Yes." Luo Ling nodded and lifted her long hair that fel in front of him. "Mr. Ross, they will
be up to ten minutes away. You can check it again. If there are any inconveniences, change
it immediately. ? Who are you? "
Luo Ling's eyes turned to Henry at the door.
"Manager Luo, he is Henry." Sister Hong replied eagerly.
"Henry?" Luo Ling frowned as soon as he heard the name, and said ironically, "I'm so
honored to see your deity today."
Henry also frowned, not understanding why this business manager I have such a big
Luo Ling just started to say something, and then heard an anxious voice.
"Manager, Mr. Ross, they are here!"
Luo Ling didn't even bother to take Henry, turned around, a smile appeared on his face, and
ran outside the box to greet him.
The people in the box also got up and looked at the door of the box.
Six old Maozis in their suits, in their thirties, appeared at the door of the box with Luo
Ling's company. When these people appeared, some women's eyes in the box were a little
shiny. The six old Maozis appearing can definitely be called handsome guys.
Everyone has a height of 1.8 meters, with distinguished features and handsome
"Everyone welcomes Mr. Rose and his team."
Luo Ling took the lead and applauded.
For a time, applause rang out.
"Okay." Luo Ling pressed her hands down and her applause stopped. She introduced Mr.
Roth and his team to the people in the box. She also introduced the people in the box with a
word of French.
Rose has a bearded beard and looks very tasteful. He said hello to the people in the box in a
grungy Chinese language.
Luo Ling's public relations ability is very strong. She guided Rose and others to sit down. In
a few words, Rose and others laughed. The sales girls sitting at the table took the initiative
to pour wine for the Ross team. The entire reception, Unfold in a pleasant environment.
In the business department, only Luo Ling can speak French, and the rest can't understand
it. Fortunately, the Chinese language level of Ross and others is not bad.
Although the accent is lame, it is not difficult to express the basic meaning.
Henry sat on the table and probably understood that this Rose is the president of the Asia-
Pacific region of Evafa, which mainly deals with import and export trade.
Henry recalled that he hadn't heard of this Ekfa company before. It was probably a
company that had only come out in the past two years.
After three rounds of drinking, the hands and feet of these Frenchmen gradual y became
casual, and they touched the sales girls who were sitting around from time to time. These
girls were obviously also very experienced, and they evaded these Frenchmen quietly.
During the banquet, everyone found a chat partner, and Luo Ling and Ross communicated
in familiar language.
Chapter 100
Henry sat on the side, without saying a word, when everyone raised the glass, he also
accompanied with two sips, more time, then listening The communication between Luo
Ling and Ross, the two spoke very quickly. People who are familiar with the French
language usually need to work hard to understand what the two say, but for Henry, there is
no problem at all.
Henry listened, frowning gradually, because the communication between Luo Ling and
Ross did not make the two companies produce better cooperation, but how to get more
money from Lin's hands!
Henry took out his mobile phone and secretly took photos of Ross and Luo Ling, and sent
them to Wade White to ask Wade White to check the identity of the two.
Only about fifteen minutes later, detailed information about Rose and Luo Ling was fed
back to Henry's mobile phone.
Henry sneered and looked at the information on the phone.
This so-called Far East Ikefa Company is actual y just a shell company. This is what the
identity of the president of the Asia Pacific region of Ross is also compiled by Hu, and Luo
Ling is covering it.
And Ross, but Luo Ling's instructor when studying in Fauo, there is still a lot of ambiguous
relationship between the two. When Luo Ling was in Fauo, he broke up with her boyfriend
because of this.
Luo Ling and Rose had a very good conversation, and from time to time they made
appearances, let everyone toast together, I wish you a happy cooperation.
"Come on, I would like to salute you beautiful women." Rose took the initiative to raise his
glass and said in crappy Chinese, "Just wish us a happy cooperation!"
"Good!" Luo Ling took the lead to applaud and immediately applauded.
Everyone picked up the glass.
In the eyes of Ross and Luo Ling, the meaning of success was revealed.
Although Henry knew that these two men were tired, he didn't take them down
immediately. If the Lin's belonged to Henry, then don't think, these two people can't see
tomorrow's sun, but now, Henry can't handle it with his own method this matter.
As the newly established business department of Lin's, a stable development is needed.
If Henry'er didn't say anything, he would ruin the matter directly, and Sylvia would also
have a headache there, and it would hurt the hearts of these salesmen. After al , these
salesmen I do n’t know if it ’s so greasy, they put al their thoughts on discussing
Henry lost his smile and picked up the glass.
With a glass of wine and a cup of wine, the atmosphere became more and more active.
The hands and feet of these old Maozis became more daring, and they even hugged the
sales girls directly next to them. As a result, these girls have already had experience and
changed into newcomers to the workplace. It has long been occupied and somehow cheap.
"Come on, I'l open a few bottles of wine for everyone. I'm going to drink happily and have
Luo Ling got up and took the initiative to pick up two bottles of wine and stood aside.
When Luo Ling opened the wine, he put his hand in front of the bottle for a long time.
This action made Henry's eyes chill.
Although Luo Ling's actions have been very careful, Henry stil sees clearly, she poured a
packet of medicine into the wine bottle!
French country guy sitting next autumn Luo Ling took the initiative in the hands of the
bottle of wine, a cup to the autumn, "beauty, we drink a separate, later, may also meet
Saying, this guy French States Picked up the glass of wine mixed with medicine and handed
it to Amity. At the same time, he put a hand on Amity's shoulder.
Amity's face was red, and after taking the wine glass, he twisted his shoulder unnatural y,
but failed to twist the opponent's hand on his shoulder.Such a scene made Amity, who was
a newcomer in the workplace, extremely nervous and stuttered. "I ... I drank it first."
"Don't, beauty." The wine glass blocking Amity, "You have a drinking method in China. I
have never seen it. I have never seen it. It is better to teach me how to drink it."
"No, no." Amity waved his hands repeatedly, but he was waving In the process, Amity was
grabbed by the other party, Amity squeezed hard, and the result was not drawn at al .
The handsome guy from Fauo Guo sniffed Amity's hair for a long time, revealing an
expression of enjoyment, "beauty, has anyone said that you are charming?"
Amity's cute little face was full of helplessness, she Looking at Luo Ling for help, Luo Ling
continued to chat with Rose as if he hadn't seen it.
The handsome guy of Fuguo pulled Amity's little hand hard, and the hand that was
originally placed on Amity's shoulder also turned towards Amity.
Seeing that Amity was about to be planted in the arms of this handsome young man, a
muscular arm suddenly stretched out and embraced Amity with his backhand, pul ing
Amity out of this handsome man.
"Dude, what's the point of drinking with a woman, let's drink."
Henry patted Amity's shoulder and motioned to let her go.
Amity didn't understand Henry's meaning, cast a grateful glance at Henry, and got up to
give way to Henry.
Henry sat down to the place where Amity was originally sitting, and looked at the
handsome young man beside him with a smile on his face.
There was a trace of dissatisfaction on the face of this handsome guy, but he said nothing.
"Henry, do you understand the rules? Sit back for me!" Luo Ling, who had been talking to
Ross, yelled.
"Manager, I'll accompany the guests to drink and drink. Come here. I'll be the best at
handing over a glass of wine or something." Henry took the initiative to pick up the glass,
but he only took it without the medicine. Leave it to the other party.
"No, no, I'm kidding." The handsome guy of Fauo Guo waved his face in disgust. "I can't
drink any more. Your Chinese wine is too strong."
"Al right." Henry exposed A pity in his face, "Brother, when do you want to drink and cal
Henry put down his glass and returned to his seat.
With Henry's interruption, the behavior of these French people gradual y converged a lot.
The sales girls also smiled to Henry with a good smile. What happened just now, they all
have a mind in their hearts.
Henry sat there and continued to eat the dishes on the table. Some people who didn't drink
or drink al made an excuse to relax outside the box.
Just when Henry was thinking about how to deal with this Luo Ling, the scream from
outside the box made Henry's face change drastically.
"Help! Please ... please don't do this!"
Henry heard clearly; the owner of this scream was Amity.
Not only Henry, but everyone in the box, his face changed at this time.
Without hesitation, Henry got up on the spot and opened the box door.
Just in the corridor outside the box, the handsome guy of Fa Guo who had just forced Amity
to drink was pressing Amity on the wall of the corridor. Amity's hands were grabbed by the
other party and he resisted the other party's lightness.
Seeing that the mouth of this handsome guy from Fa Guo was about to touch Amity's face,
Henry picked up a chair with his hand, strode over, lifted the chair, and waved it vigorously.
Chapter 101
Henry although he did not use his best efforts, but it was not light, the chair was heavily hit
on the head of the handsome boy, and he was shot on the spot. Henry didn't give up the
attack without seeing the other party falling down, and took a few more shots before
throwing the chair angrily, turning his head to look at Amity, "Did you eat anything?"
"No ... no. Amity scared the whole person to curl up.
"That's good." Henry clapped his hands and kicked fiercely at the handsome guy lying on
the floor.
This kick directly kicked into the other person's stomach, making this handsome French
guy look like a cooked dried shrimp, curled up there, his face was pale, he wanted to cal ,
but he couldn't make a sound. Body pain.
"Henry! What are you doing!" Luo Ling rushed to the door of the box and looked at a scene
in the corridor, screaming.
Henry gave Luo Ling a cold look and ignored it. He helped Amity up and took her to the
other side of the corridor.
"Henry, you stop me!" Luo Ling growled at Henry's back.
Henry didn't even hear his footsteps. He walked down the stairs with Amity and
disappeared into the corridor.
Looking at such an arrogant Henry, Luo Ling trembling with anger, "Okay! Good one Henry!
Let's walk and see!"
Henry pulled Amity out of the hotel. Looking closely, this girl was crying with tears on her
face. Such a thing is really difficult for her, a person who comes to practice before
"Okay, okay, don't cry, otherwise you will be seen, I thought I would bul y you, and I was
going to be photographed, and was seen by my mother-in-law, her vinegar jar had to be
overturned." Henry from the pocket Take out a small packet of tissues and hand it to Amity.
Amity's cry, "wow", was even worse.
Henry sighed. He didn't know how to comfort him. It was the most difficult thing for a
woman to cry.
"Okay, don't cry, wipe your tears, look at your snot, and it's almost running into your
mouth, saying it's good to be a fairy, and it turns out to be Shi Shilang." Amity, who was
crying, heard this , did not hold back, "pop" and chuckled over it, out of paper towel wiped
his tears, raised his head, and with a large reddish seeing Henry, "you just do beetles."
Henry Pieliaopiezui, "I Do n’t eat booger, just wipe it. "
" Well. "Amity wiped her nose, but found nothing, she reacted at once, stretched out her
pink fist hammer on Henry," You're so annoying, deliberately lie to me How can I have a
snot? "
" It's al right? "Henry smiled on his face," Then what do you plan to do now, let Di Biao vent,
or go home to sleep and turn this over? "
" I ... I won't "Buddy ..." Amity said weakly, "Brother Zhang, thanks to you today, I'l go home
and sleep."
"What's wrong, you call me brother, I can still watch Are you being bullied? Okay, do n’t say
thank you, I ’l take you home, you have a good rest, eh? ”Henry raised an eyebrow.
"Wel ." Amity nodded. "My house is not far from here. Brother Zhang, you will walk with
me." On a
summer day, at seven in the afternoon, the sky was still bright. Henry walked with Amity
on the roadside The trail was lined with green grass and fragrant fragrance.
Amity opened his mouth several times, but hesitated.
"Little girl, if you want to say anything, you can't do business with your character."
Henry's mouth curled, and Amity's smal movements could not escape his eyes.
"Brother Zhang, tell me about sister-in-law, I always hear you say that sister-in-law loves
you and loves jealousy. What kind of person is she?" Amity's big bright eyes carried
"She?" Henry narrowed his eyes. "She's my fol ower, wherever she goes, she listens to me,
at home, I say one, she dare not say two, wash me every day before going to bed Foot
massage. When I got up in the morning, she prepared my toiletries and cleaned the house.
By the way, the floor had to be wiped clean with a rag on the floor. "
" Cut, I don't believe it. "Amity narrowed her eyes. The crescent is very cute.
"What? Do you doubt your brother's status at home?" Henry looked unhappy, "I still doubt
the charm of my brother."
"Neither." Amity shook his head, "I don't believe you will let the sister-in-law do so much,
You are not such a person. "
Henry changed his face, as if he was hypnotizing himself:" Fuck, I am! "
" You don't pretend! "Amity looked at Henry," When you just mentioned sister-in-law, you
The eyes are ful of love, and the man who can show such eyes must be very spoiled for his
woman, especially the kind. "
" Cut! "Henry whispered, no longer refuted, he was thinking, if Sylvia is really special Listen
to yourself, will you let her wash her feet every day to clean? Are you willing?
the answer is negative.
If you can, Henry is willing to fight against Sylvia for everything that is not good in this
world. In front of her, only flowers bloom.
Henry came home at nine o'clock in the evening. As soon as he entered the door, he saw
Sylvia and Milan sitting on the sofa, watching TV drama with relish.
"Our uncle Zhang has returned, and hasn't seen me for a few days. Let me see." Milan joke
at the sight of Henry.
"Are you still alive?" Henry deliberately looked at Milan unexpectedly.
Milan's expression pulled, "How much do you mean?"
"No point." Henry shook his head.
Sylvia sat aside, looking at the two's mouth, and smiled unconsciously.
On weekdays, when Milan was at home, Henry slept late because he could not let Milan
discover that he and Sylvia slept in separate beds.
Today is no exception, until twelve o'clock, Milan turned off the TV reluctantly, yawned and
went to bed, and Sylvia had already returned to the bedroom, and now he has fallen asleep.
Henry sighed, just preparing to return to the house, but saw a black shadow flashing out of
the window. This black shadow was extremely fast and passed away in a flash.
Henry opened the door quietly, and walked out without attracting Anna's attention. In the
backyard of the villa, Henry stood in the dark, cicadas heard from his ears.
"What's the matter?"
"Master, Huaxia Blade has completely control ed Yinzhou City. All communication
equipment is being monitored. Some sensitive information cannot be transmitted at al , so I
can only contact the adults in this way." The voice came from the darkness.
"Wel ." Henry nodded, and his people knew, "Say it."
"The thorn peak has been exposed. Upon receiving the news, there are already three teams
of Sharp Blade heading to Yinzhou City secretly. We ... "
" Oh. "Henry chuckled lightly," Tel Thorn Peak not to leave Yinzhou, stay here, let her
deliberately reveal some whereabouts, some people, don't beat, beat, it's not even family
Everyone came to fight our ideas. It seems that during this time, the major forces have been
unable to sit still. "
Chapter 102
In the morning, on the way to work, Sylvia told Henry that instead of going to the company
in the morning, he went directly to the Chinese Medicine Hall to deal with teaching matters.
There were many things that he had to arrange in person.
For Sylvia's order, Henry naturally executed it unconditional y.
I went to the Chinese medicine hall for a busy morning and told President Ma and others
that they needed to buy the equipment. There was not much that needed Henry to use his
brain. It was quite a lot to get him to make a final decision.
Henry returned to the company and was just found to have lunch, but was found by
Secretary Li.
"Mr. Lin asked you to go to her office."
Henry came to the top of the Lin's building and knocked on the door of the president's
"Go in." Sylvia's voice rang from the office.
Henry pushed open the office door, and the moment the door opened, Henry felt wrong.
"Mr. Lin, are you looking for me?" Henry asked.
Sylvia held a report in his hand and glanced at Henry. In her eyes, it was an inexplicable
anger. "I heard that you did a big thing yesterday?"
"A big thing?" Henry expressed doubts.
"Everything is emotional, beating customers, watching web videos during work? Are you
doing it?" Sylvia slammed the report in his hand toward the desk.
Regarding work, Sylvia has always maintained a highly serious attitude.
Henry frowned, and immediately understood what was going on, then Luo Ling,
presumably came to the wicked to complain.
"Mr. Lin, what happened yesterday, I think I need to explain it to you."
"That's not necessary. Your thoughts, I can understand. I talked to the little girl named
Amity in the morning. Yesterday, the other party's approach was indeed a little bit
overwhelming. When I was changed, I would be angry, but if I beat someone Something
went wrong ? Do you know how much your impulse has caused to the company? You are
very familiar with the little girl? " " I ... "Henry was preparing to speak, but felt something
was wrong, and now Sylvia was angry, as if he was with himself It does n’t matter much, it
’s more because he helped Amity get ahead?
Henry stared at Sylvia's pretty face and wanted to see what Ni Duan was.
Sylvia was stared at by Henry so much, and her face was a little unnatural. She snapped the
desktop. "Henry, I want to ask you something!"
"Mr. Lin, are you jealous?" Henry asked with a strange face.
"Je jealous? Are you crazy? What jealousy do I eat?" Sylvia showed a funny look, "I'll ask
you now, do you know how much damage the company has caused!"
"I don't know." Henry shook his head. , "I don't think it caused a loss to the company."
Sylvia stared wide-eyed, "Don't think it caused a loss to the company? Henry, I really don't
understand how you say this. The cooperation with Aikefa is a group The first step of the
transformation is also a leap step. It was ruined by you like this. You even said, do n’t you
think it will cause damage to the company? "
" Isn't it just a company of Far East, I can only find another one, like We shouldn't cooperate
with such people who are indiscriminate. "Henry said indifferently.
Fa Guo Company, he knows a lot, whether it is from a multinational group background or a
royal background, it can be easily found.
"Oh." Sylvia sneered, "Henry, you are not talking to me here, you have won the hospital
project for the company, which has brought great profits to the company, but one by one,
you don't want I think that you have talked into a big order, and you can ignore the rest of
the items! "
"I don't have it, you give me time, I will find another partner."
"OK, how much time do you need?" Sylvia leaned back on his chair, "January? Half a year?
Or? One year? "
Henry stretched out three fingers." Three days, after three days, I will find a new company
to cooperate with. "
" Yes, I will give you three days. After three days, you'd better fulfil what you say,
Otherwise, you must give me a reasonable explanation! "Sylvia nodded, then waved to
Henry," Go out! Go back to your department, as for how to explain to your manager, that is
your own problem! "
" OK "" Henry Sylvia gestured, opened the office door, and retreated.
The door of the office had not been closed yet and was pushed open by Henry.
"Yes, President Lin."
"What's the matter?" Sylvia showed impatient appearance.
There was a pair of chuckles on Henry's face, "I just couldn't get used to those people
yesterday, and Amity's girl was nothing. Don't be jealous, hey."
Sylvia took a deep breath and strongly suppressed his anger. How about other people, it
has nothing to do with me. I think the most important thing for you now is to find your
partner. After three days, you have to give me an explanation not only for your team, but
also for your team. People's efforts cannot be lost because of you alone! "
" Relax, rest assured. "Henry smiled and closed the office door.
Sylvia sat in the office and looked at the closed door. In fact, she was not very angry about
Henry ’s beating yesterday. Even after listening to Amity ’s explanation, she felt happy for a
while and wanted to applaud Henry But why do you get so angry? Because this project may
be yellow? That's not enough.
Is it really because you are jealous?
Sylvia shook his head vigorously, tossing his mind away.
Do not! impossible! How could I eat this person's vinegar?
Henry returned to the business department and found that everyone's eyes were weird and
complicated, with blame and sympathy.
What Henry did yesterday was indeed beyond everyone's expectations, beating the
customer, which was amazing.
Of course, some people expressed their understanding of Henry's approach, and even felt
angry. After al , they also encountered that kind of rude customer and knew that feeling.
But some people are full of blame for Henry.
In a corner of the office, Sister Hong took three sales girls and thought about it.
"Bah, what kind of stuff is it? After two days of work, I poke out such a big basket! We have
been destroyed by him for so long!"
"That is, there is another one called Amity, that consciousness did not accompany
customers to eat, about how ambiguous, and it will not block out the skin, so to see her,
shouting for help and doing yesterday's disgusting. " "
hey, innocent people who let it, it will be instal ed , You pretend to be one too. "
" I'm yuck! Looking at the pure, maybe there is a lot of sorrow in your back, you look at
that, it's pitiful, usually it's estimated to act in the mirror. "
" Yeah , ha Haha. ”
Amity was sitting beside her, and there was no one beside her. Although the sisters of Hong
Hong lowered their voices, their words were still heard in Amity's ears. The girl's eyes were
red and she didn't want to cry. come out.
Chapter 103
Sister Hong, who was thinking about it, saw Henry.
"Yo, isn't this our hero?" Sister Hong made a yin and yang sound, "Why, yesterday's hero,
came to pack things today and get out of here?"
"Who said no." A young girl talking to Sister Hong rol ed her eyes. "In this year, some
people always think of themselves as too important."
Henry glanced at a few of them and did not speak.
The manager's office door opened.
Luo Ling came out and glanced at Henry, "Your surname is Zhang, you have such a big
heart. You stabbed that big basket yesterday, and you came to work at this point? Wel ,
what do you want to do with this matter."
Henry didn't lift his eyelids, walked to his own seat and sat down, "I have already told
President Lin, I will deal with this matter."
"You deal?" Luo Ling showed a funny look. "With you as a newcomer, what are you going to
do with it? Now follow me immediately to apologize to Mr. Rose!"
"Why?" Henry looked at Luo Ling with a puzzled expression, "I should have done a good job
yesterday? Are they allowed to bul y others casual y?"
"Huh." Luo Ling sneered. "Do you think you're doing right? We have so many people,
working so hard for so long, and seeing that the cooperation is about to be
reached, because of your impulse, al of it is upset. It is to make everyone's efforts in vain! "
"Relax, no." Henry tidied up on the table, "I will find a new partner company, and the
project can be negotiated as usual. Everyone will not work in vain."
"Found a new partner company? Henry, are you afraid of being a fool and tel ing a dream?"
Luo Ling embraced her chest with both hands.
Sister Hong took the words, "Newborn calves, not afraid of tigers!"
"That is, some people really think it is so simple to find a partner, and they are not afraid of
flashing their tongues when they talk big!"
The sarcasm sounded again and again, al from the sister Hong.
Luo Ling said, "Henry, this is the solution you said to President Lin. Wil you find another
partner company?"
Sister Hong showed a funny expression, "So how long do you think our business
department will wait for you, one year? Or five years? All of us, like somebody, do whatever
you want, this salary is paid, But they have to support the family. "
"In three days, within three days, I will find another company to cooperate with." Henry got
up from his seat after packing up.
"It's a laugh to die! For three days, what do you think you are? Don't talk big words at Far
East Multinational Corporation! Listen to Manager Luo, and apologize to Mr. Rose!
We don't want to play these games with you. A sexy young woman leaned against the root
of the wall, looked at her fingers, and looked down on her face.
As soon as Henry's words came out, those who had some sympathy for Henry's face also
changed, and they found cooperation with multinational groups within three days.
Isn't that the big talk?
Luo Ling's eyes rol ed, and then he said, "Okay, three days, surnamed Zhang, don't say that I
don't give you the opportunity of Luo Ling, Mr. Ross, I will work around for another three
days. If you ca n’t find a new partner, just obediently admit to Mr. Rose, when the people
ask you to do something, do n’t refuse! ”
"Randomly." Henry replied indifferently. He walked to Amity and knocked on Amity's table.
"Come on, go out with me to run the business."
"Oh." Amity nodded obediently, and honestly followed behind Henry.
In the office, Hong Jie and others looked at the back of Henry's departure, with a look of
"Manager Luo, this surname Zhang is a bit too arrogant!"
"That is, without looking at what I'm doing, I've seen such an arrogant new employee for
the first time after working for so many years!"
Luo Ling shook her head and did not speak, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.
Henry's footsteps were fast, and Amity could trot all the way to keep up with Henry's
"Brother Zhang, I'm sorry, I blame me for hurting you." Amity's face was full of apologies.
"What hurt me?" Henry looked strange.
"Oh." Amity stomped anxiously. "Brother Zhang, that's the Far East Multinational Group.
Within three days, how can you find another partner, in fact, I thought about it yesterday.
Okay, it ’s normal for girls to go out and run business. It ’s normal for them to be taken
advantage of, and I think I ’m too hypocritical. ”
"What are you talking about?" Henry stretched out his finger and slammed into Amity's
clean head.
"Oh!" Pained Amity covered his head with his hands.
"Little girl, girls run business, and they have to know how to protect themselves. You must
know that the cooperation between companies is a win-win relationship. It ’s not that our
salesperson begged them. For the kind of irregular people, You just exercise your power,
what's the matter, you Lin will always protect you, you will never let yourself suffer,
understand? "
Amityliu bent her eyebrows and rubbed her head, seeing the serious expression on Henry's
face, she nodded, "Got it, Brother Zhang."
"Okay, today you follow me, I will teach you how to run a business." Henry put his hands in
his trouser pockets and strode, "Go."
"Where?" Amity asked Henry in keeping with Henry's pace.
"Cross gate."
Yinzhou is the capital of the entire Ning province. There is a comprehensive business
building next to the Lin ’s Building. There are countless companies, large and smal , in the
business building. The background is also strange. Some companies looking at the gate
store may just be A listed internet company, and some humble shops, are doing hundreds
of mil ions of business.
The place where Henry brought Amity was a small company located on the corner of the
seventh floor of the business building. It was said that it was a company. It was not half as
big as a fast food restaurant downstairs. Less than thirty square meters, this kind of small
store is general y rented to open an online studio.
Amity looked puzzled at Henry pushing the glass door of the office in front of him, and a
strong smel of tobacco rushed across the face. The bad air caused by not opening the
window was particularly unpleasant.
"Fuck, what's the smell." Henry stretched his hand in front of his nose and looked at the
Entering the door, there is a five-square-meter, similar to the front desk-like table, a smal
door next to the table, leading into the room, where the tables and chairs are arbitrarily
arranged, just like old furniture recycling.
"Is anyone there?" Henry asked, loudly, standing at the front desk without walking inside.
After waiting for more than ten seconds, a chubby figure appeared in the sight of Henry and
Amity. This is a man in his thirties, with a horizontal development, and his height is up to
1.65 meters. Amity wearing high heels is better than this fat man. Be tal er.
Chapter 104
Who?" The fat man asked impatiently, a pair of small squints locked on Amity, looking up
and down all the time, how cumbersome and cumbersome it would look.
Amity's heart was fluffed by the fat man's eyes, and his steps unconsciously backed away.
"Girl, let's go out first, I will talk to this fat man." Henry turned around and said to Amity.
"Good." Amity nodded like a relief, pushed open the door and ran out.
The fat man looked at Henry uncomfortably, "Boy, we are not recruiting, but if the girl just
came, I can stil consider it."
"Less nonsense, contact Ou Ren, and let him take his team to Yinzhou within three days to
discuss a project with Lin." Henry flicked out a black card with a ghost face mask on it
Yasensen, just watching, makes people feel cold.
When the fat man saw the card, the fat body shivered subconsciously, and the discomfort
on his face suddenly turned into respect, "Adult, you are ..."
"You don't need to know, Yinzhou has monitored al sensitive information recently. I don't
want to expose it. I won't contact Ou Ren directly. After three days, I will come to him here."
Went out.
The fat man stooped down and waited until Henry left his mouth completely before he
dared to raise his body. He picked up the card with both hands and his arms were shaking.
In almost every city in the world, there will be an office, and the office has only one person
in charge. Their task is to receive. When someone finds it with this card in hand, they must
meet al the requirements of the other party with the highest etiquette. It includes
assassinations, firearms ...
Amity was waiting for Henry outside the office. Henry also came out less than a minute
after seeing himself out.
"Let's go, talk, the partner has been found." Henry patted Amity's head and took her to the
"Don't talk?" Amity's face was full of doubts. When he came to such a place, he found a
partner? Far East Multinational Group?
As soon as Henry and Amity entered the elevator, a figure came up from the stairs. This is a
mustache man. The mustache man walked to the door of the office where Henry had just
visited and looked inside.
"Look, what? What?" The fat man in the office pushed open the glass door and glared at the
mustache man.
The mustache man smiled, "I just want to ask, do you recruit people?"
"No move, get out!" The fat man waved uncomfortably.
The mustache man smirked, nodded, and turned to leave. At the same time, he took out his
mobile phone and dialed a number to go out. "Manager Luo, figured it out, the kid should
have found a leather bag company and wanted to be mixed with fish."
Henry and Amity came out of the business building.
Henry was about to tell Amity to let the girl go home to adjust for two days. When he came
back to work after two days, he heard a voice in front of him.
"Isn't this autumn rain? Why, run business? Hey, how hard it is in the sun, how pitiful."
Henry looked down the voice, and the person speaking was a young and beautiful woman.
This woman was a little taller than Amity. Her net height was almost one and seven meters.
Her figure was hot. The standard model figure had long hair. .
"Your friend?" Henry asked Amity.
Amity smiled bitterly, "Brother Zhang, this is my classmate and the front desk of our
"Oh." Henry nodded, in the spirit of his own company, to treat his employees friendly, he
greeted the other party, "Hello beautiful, I am also Lin's, and I will meet frequently in the
Cut." The beautiful woman gave Henry a disdainful look and spit out lightly, "Dead clerk."
After the woman finished, she walked in cat steps, twisted her slender waist, and walked to
the side.
"Brother Zhang, I'm sorry." Amity pulled Henry's sleeves and spit out a smal tongue at
Henry. "She's just like this ..."
Henry looked at this woman just now, who was on the side seat of a BMW. He shook his
head and did not go to his heart. After so many years of traveling, he had seen many people
who were snobbish than this woman. See you all a lot.
Henry original y went back to the company for lunch. As a result, it was almost two o'clock
in the afternoon after looking at his watch for a long time.
Asked for Amity, the girl didn't eat anything at noon. The two simply found a restaurant
and had a meal. Henry told Amity and asked her not to go to the company these two days.
Before the new list was discussed, Amity would also suffer. Bullying is better than using
business as an excuse to rest at home for two days.
After being separated from Amity, Henry was not idle. He walked a few places and
arranged some things. Until 6 pm, Henry was al busy.
Yinzhou Airport.
Milan was wearing a long dress, wearing a pair of sunglasses, standing at the boarding gate,
the breeze blowing, blowing the long skirt fluttering, dancing hair, attracted a lot of eyes.
A beautiful figure appeared at the exit.
"Li Ke." Milan took off his sunglasses, a smile appeared on Qiao's face, and looked at the
person who came, it was she and her colleague in Fa Guo.
Li Ke is wearing a beige fashion, which is different from the common design style of China.
It is a "T" shape tunic with a pair of cropped pants. The material is soft and shows
temperament. This woman has a pair of sapphire blue eyes , Slender eyebrows, high nose
bridge, and pointed jaw make her look like a noble Persian cat.
Her slightly raised eyebrows were uninhibited, her long and dense eyelashes curled up in a
perfect curvature, and a faint shadow fell, and the tender pink lips were extremely thin,
slightly purped, like a delicate flower. A kiss Fang Ze.
The appearance of Li Ke also attracted the attention of many people. This is a standard
mixed-race beauty. Her long yellow hair is smooth and splattered behind her shoulders like
a waterfall. Can't help trying to touch this suppleness.
Two beautiful women with different styles stand together as if to become the most
beautiful scenery in front of this terminal.
Milan embraced Li Ke, "how come suddenly?"
"The teacher is studying recently, and I took a long vacation by the way." Li Ke touched his
long hair. "And I haven't returned to my country for many years. I just came back and
turned around. By the way, the emotional liar you said. ,Stil there?"
"He?" When he mentioned Henry, Milan's face was a little unnatural. At first, Milan wanted
to disassemble Henry. After seeing Henry doing so many things for Sylvia, Milan was
shaken. What? If he is really good for Sylvia wholeheartedly, how about before?
"What's the matter?" Li Ke asked, noticing Milan's expression was a little wrong.
"It's nothing." Milan shook his head and took Ricco's hand. "Come on, I'l take you to see
Sylvia first. I think you must have a lot of common topics."
Chapter 105
After a busy day, Henry returned to the house and smelled the rich smell of rice in the
"Milan is cooking again?"
Henry didn't even go to Sylvia this time to think about cooking.
Sure enough, upon entering the house, Sylvia was sitting at the dining table, looking at the
kitchen with expectation.
Sitting on the dining table with Sylvia, there was also a strange beautiful woman, Milan's
figure flashed in the kitchen from time to time.
"Sylvia, it's time for a friend." Henry greeted naturally. Every time Milan was in, he would
cal him Sylvia.
Sylvia excitedly introduced to Henry: "This is Li Ke, Milan's friend in the French country,
you don't know yet, Milan and Li Ke, but for the royal family of French cooking food, you
have a royal blessing , Li Ke, this is Henry. "
"Hello." Li Ke took the initiative to reach out to Henry.
"Hello." Henry stretched out his hand to hold each other's fingertips, but was thinking
about what Sylvia said.
The Royal Family of the Far East?
There was a person in Henry's mind at that time. The current chef of the royal family of
Fuguo has been begging himself to teach him some cooking skil s. One year he also told
himself that he found two good seedlings of China and his col ective chefs. There are only
two Chinese people. Is Milan and Li Ke the apprentice that person?
Henry's eyes glanced at Li Ke strangely, and then looked at Milan who was busy in the
Is it possible that your wife's girlfriend will become her own grandson?
Henry ’s glance did n’t escape Li Ke ’s eyes. When he met for the first time, he looked at him
like this. It ’s personally uncomfortable, but Li Ke did n’t say anything. She knew Henry ’s
essence, an emotional liar. Li Ke also intends to cooperate with Milan and tear down this
Today, Milan did not cook any French cuisine, but made some home-cooked food, the
fragrance came out, and Sylvia could not bear it long ago.
Henry now also sees that his wife, who is a snack food, is not shown at al . Once she
encounters delicious food, the essence of eating is immediately exposed.
During the meal, the three women were talking to each other, and the topics they talked
about were mostly cosmetics, clothing brands or something. Henry couldn't get in the way.
After eating quickly, they found a reason to go out.
Just before returning home, Helen cal ed Henry and said that the old convention of Hei Lei
tonight brought people to negotiate.
Hei Lei, as the leader of the underworld in Ning province, is not based in Yinzhou City, the
capital of Ning Province. Mu Xiu understands the fact that the forest wind is bound to
destroy Hei Lei.
Therefore, although Yinzhou City is a piece of fat, Hei Lei did not dare to take it alone.
He could even let an Aoba Society grow up in Yinzhou City.
But it is impossible to say that Hei Lei can completely give up Yinzhou.
In front of the tal Guan Gong portrait, Xiangtai was already full.
Helen was wearing a tight leather jacket, a graceful and graceful figure, sitting on the
largest Eight Immortals table. Black Lei San's headed snake was wrapped in gauze,
standing behind Helen.
In Baxianlou, there are not many members of the community, but there are only ten people,
but these ten people are the masters of the major organizations in the underground society
in Ning province.
Hei Lei's boss is a middle-aged man in his fifties. He has an ordinary face that can no longer
be ordinary. He wears a very ordinary sportswear. If anyone sees him on the road, no one
will know. I thought that he was the leader of underground gangsters in Ning province.
Heihong worked hard on the road at the age of twenty. Many people have heard of his
Beside Heihong, there was a young man with a young face. The atmosphere in Baxianlou
seemed very silent, but the young man stood there, holding his mobile phone, playing the
game carefully, and the background music of the game was hovering In the Eight Immortals
Heihong looked at Helen and spoke, his voice looked a little hoarse, "It's really a boy out of
the heroes. Before I came today, I never expected that Aoba's current master is a little girl
who ate a big circle, After so many people killed me, I could n’t even find the corpse.
The strange thing is that when Hei Hong said these things, he didn't have any anger on his
face, and even had approval in his eyes.
"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you kil the big circle or kill me, at your age, I'm more
ruthless than you. I can see my shadow from you, but you can You shouldn't leave a mouth
alive, Ah blood is someone you can't move. "
The young man playing a mobile game suddenly looked up and showed a strange smile to
Han Genou, "A blood is my brother."
Helen felt a little heart palpitations when he saw the youth's white teeth.
Seeing that Helen did n’t say anything, Heihong smiled, “Little girl, you ’re stil young, you do
n’t understand many things. In this world, there are too many things you ca n’t imagine,
there are too many things you ca n’t Provoking people. "
Regarding Heihong's words, Helen felt deeply, as the age grew, the world refreshed her
cognition again and again.
When she was the first to fight evil, she felt that the kind of person who dare to take a knife
desperately was a scoundrel. Later, the kind who took a knife desperately was just a horse,
and there were more terrible things, such as murder.
All along, Helen was gradually contacting these until she met Henry. She saw Henry's kil ing
in Baxianlou, saw Thorn Peak dancing in the night bar, and in the mouth of the third blade
leader Nat Heard so many things I didn't dare to think before.
Indeed, as Hei Hong said, this world is far from his own imagination.
"On the road, there are rules on the road." Heihong lifted the teacup in front of him and
gently blows on his mouth. "You kil me, eat big circles, all are things on the road, you have
the ability, you do it , I have nothing to say, but you are kil ing Axue, it ’s another matter.
This is to say a little girl, I ’m not embarrassing you, whoever moved the hand at that time,
whoever you want to stand up. "
"He will come right away." Helenluo said softly.
Although Helen did n’t know what Heihong was referring to, what was unimaginable, Helen
was confident that those were not enough to threaten Henry.
What kind of organization is Sharp Blade? Helen, as a person in the system, can't be more
clear. The people there are directly under the command of the highest commander.
Everyone is the elite of the elite! Even they, all of Henry's men, must be cautious and
cautious, then what about Henry?
Helen didn't think twice about Henry's identity, because she knew that she couldn't
imagine so much. Her own knowledge was too limited.
Chapter 106
Black Thunder is a powerful force, but it is always a gangster organization. Compared with
the armed groups in the Golden Triangle, fart is not. Just one person on the peak will kil an
armed group, and every black thunder will threaten Henry.
For Henry, Helen has absolute confidence.
Heihong saw that Helen did not show any emotion on his face, and shook his head. "We
have an old saying that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. I think it is more
appropriate to describe you at this time."
"Oh? How do you say?" Helen raised the broken hair of his ears with his hand and asked
with interest.
"Huaxia has ancient martial arts, four-pole gate, have you heard of it?" Heihong tasted tea
"No." Helen shook his head gently.
Heihong slowly blows at the teacup for a while before continuing: "Huaxia has always been
a world-renowned power, but with the passage of time, Huaxia martial arts have gradual y
declined. Everyone thinks that Huaxia martial arts is just There are some ways to
strengthen one's body and cultivate one's self-cultivation, but everyone knows that the
ancient martial arts are terrible! "
Heihong put the tea cup on the table, his eyes wide.
"The four-pole gate is the best among them. The four-pole gatekeeper used his own
strength to fight thirty-seven people and defeated the opponent!"
"Heaven!" A community head opened his mouth subconsciously.
What is the concept of fighting alone for thirty-seven people? China, is there really an
ancient martial art?
Everyone present showed shocked eyes.
Heihong looked at the expressions of the people around him with satisfaction, and
continued: "It is well known that a few years ago, a group of people crossed Jianglong and
crossed Ning province, and each one was famous."
"I know this!" As soon as Heihong's words fel , one person took over the words. "At the
beginning, those people set off a huge wave in Ning province. The people were fierce and
powerful, and they were just their brothers. In this way, he held countless places, and at
that time, many brothers of the community paid respect to them. I heard that some of them
were retired by special forces, and their skills are quite powerful. "
"I also heard about it."
"You just heard that, I real y saw those people, all of them are kil ers who didn't blink, and
there was a gambling game that didn't open their eyes and angered them. These brothers
were kil ed in the gambling game. The next day, the gambling stall was closed.
It has n’t been opened until now. It is said that dozens of people have died! It caused a lot of
storms in the city at that time, but later, I did n’t hear much about these people. ”
"Good." Heihong nodded. "The reason why you can't hear those people's news is because
these people didn't open their eyes to provoke the four-pole master, and they were all
abolished within seven strokes. Off. "
As soon as Heihong's voice fell, there was an uproar on the table!
At that time, the few people who passed Jianglong can be said to be ups and downs on the
road. No one knows, no one knows, powerful, cruel. At that time, everyone thought that in
the future, this underground society in Ning Province will be dominated by these people.
Unconsciously, everyone lost the news of these people. At that time, many people were still
speculating. What is the reason, but no one has known it.
Until today, they didn't know the answer. So the brutal people were total y abolished in
seven strokes. What role are these four-pole masters!
Huaxia Guwu, really so powerful?
"Boss Hei, what do you say so much, and what does it have to do with that blood?"
Helen leaned on the seat and asked indifferently. Heihong said this, others were surprised,
she was not surprised, and did it with Ting Feng Compared with those of the four
gatekeepers, the things the four-pole masters do are like pediatrics Blood, is the biological
son of the master of Siji, you kil ed, the son of Siji, the son! "
Heihong language is not surprisingly endless.
As soon as these words came out, everyone in the house's eyes focused on Helen. In his
eyes, someone with gloating and mercy, and with pity, caused such a powerful character,
Aoba, it is estimated that it will not be many days.
"What does that Black Boss mean? Let's dissolve Aoba in this way? Or ..." Helen's face
remained unchanged.
"Who killed the blood, who you handed over, you don't need to mix your green leaves. I
dare to keep your green leaves alive. In the future, this Yinzhou will return to your green
"What if I don't pay?" Helen asked again.
"Girl! I miss you young and don't want you to make mistakes. If you don't pay, Aoba will be
replaced at any time!" Hei Hong, who has always been with Yan Yue, has a sharp eyesight
and a harsh tone.
Helen smiled, "Black boss, in fact does not hide from you, even if I have paid, the four-pole
gate in your mouth, you can't take him."
The poisonous snake stood behind Helen. When he heard this, he nodded deeply. He was
the one who had seen Henry and Thorn Peak hands-on. The kil ing was decisive.
Heihong patted the table, and the tea in the cup gradually came out. "Little girl, you are a
little arrogant. The power of the quadrupole gate is not what you can imagine!"
"Black boss, the power of the quadrupole gate, I can't imagine it, but waiting for the person
you see, his power is also not what you can imagine." Helen's mouth twitched a smile and
raised his mobile phone, " He is here. "
As soon as Helen's words fell, the gate of Baxianlou was pushed away from the outside.
Henry put his hands in his pockets and stood in front of the door of Baxian Building to
glance around. He glanced at the head of each society, and finally looked at Han Genou.
"It's this person?" Heihong asked Han Genou with doubts.
"Yes, it's him." Helen nodded and made a hand gesture, "The person who killed Ah Xue was
also sent by him. You can talk to him."
Heihong didn't speak, and waved the young man who had been playing mobile phone
behind him.
The young man showed an impatient look. His finger tapped on the phone a few times.
When the phone made a pentakill sound, the young man put the phone in his pocket and
walked towards Henry.
Every time a young man takes a step, he twists his joints and makes a noise.
"Hey, don't twist it." Henry looked at the young man's twisting his head and couldn't help
When the young man was less than five meters away from Henry, he suddenly had trouble.
He stepped forward and waved his hands toward Henry's chest.
At the moment when the youth threw a fist, Henry glanced at Helen, and Helen shook his
head slightly at Henry, meaning there was no need to kill.
Henry knew it, gave up no less than ten possibilities to directly kill the other party, he
escaped sideways.
The young man sneered and looked back at Henry's body, and Henry took the seat from the
side to resist the opponent's whip.
The young man ’s calf collided with the wooden chair. In a flash, the wooden chair split
apart, showing how heavy the young man ’s leg
Chapter 107
Hei Hong was surprised to see that Henry could escape the youth's two moves.
"Little girl, this person of yours is a bit powerful. No wonder you will be so arrogant, but
still remember what I said, the bottom of your heart is placed in front of the Siji Gate, it is
"Black boss, let's take a look before talking." Helen looked at Henry and the young man's
movement with interest.
As a criminal police officer, Helen herself also does some fighting and fighting, but she finds
that what she has learned is completely different from what the young man showed, and
even can be said to be two extremes.
Regardless of whether it is fighting or capturing, Helenxue learns to use the enemy's joints
and weaknesses in his body to give uniforms, but now, the young man is showing absolute
Helen made a hypothesis in his heart. If he could match up with the young man, how long
would he be able to sustain it? Five seconds? Ten seconds? Or was it knocked down by the
opponent in an instant?
Gu Wu! This term, Helen heard for the first time, was ful of curiosity and yearning.
Henry and the young man have repeatedly made moves. To be precise, the young man is
making moves, and Henry is evading.
The youth even failed to meet Henry's clothing corner with a few tricks. His face was a little
ugly, and his speed suddenly increased a bit.
"Oh, little girl, come and see what Guwu is, your arrogant heart, from this time, it will be put
away, no matter how powerful you are, if an ancient Wuwu master wants your life, it is
very easy. "Hei Hong poured himself a cup of tea again, put it in his hand, and looked at the
Henrylian dodged continuously, and was a little irritable in his heart. Original y he wanted
to tease this kid, but it was a little anxious to see this kid, and Henry was also not thinking. ,
Cut on the neck of the youth.
Henry said that this was quick and accurate. The young man who danced in the first second
was a black one and planted his head on the ground.
The tea cup in Heihong's hand had just reached his mouth, and he hadn't had time to drink
it, because the scene before him was completely stunned.
The rest of the clubs are also a bit dazed, what is the situation?
Just now, Heihong also gave Guwu a mouthful, and one by one let Helen take away his
arrogance. As a result, the people called by Helen only gave him a hand, and gave the
ancient Wuwu master of Heihong to KO?
"Relax, don't kil ."
Henry looked at this group of people with a dazed look and explained.
Helen raised the corner of his mouth, a smile appeared on his face. Sure enough, this man
did not let himself down. What four gates, what ancient masters, in front of him, could not
withstand a blow!
After a few seconds, Heihong Lengshen reacted, stood up, and took away the contempt in
his eyes, "Your Excellency is also from the ancient martial arts world? I don't know what to
"Gu Wu?" Henry frowned, then shook his head. "Without a master, who are you? Isn't this a
club negotiation? What does it have to do with Gu Wu?"
"Your misunderstanding." Heihong smiled at Henry. "If it's an inter-community thing, I
don't have to come here at al . This time, it's just for the murder of the parents and sons of
the four-pole master."
"Sijimen? What is it?" Henry asked strangely.
Heihong's face suddenly became ugly, "Your Excellency is too much!"
"What is not excessive, since it is not a community negotiation, then let the owner of the
quadrupole gate come over by himself, what is foolish, and the strength is not good, and he
will send weak chickens one by one to find out, and I have no time to accompany you It's a
waste. "Henry looked impatient
Heihong looked at Henry, and then looked at the young man lying in a comatose state, and
squeezed his fists. "Okay! Since you look down on the Siji Gate, dare you take the challenge
of the Siji Gate? From Gu Wu challenge!"
"Call me when it's time, if we're fine, let's go first." Henry stepped forward, took Helen's
arm, and led her towards the outside of Baxianlou. During the process, he didn't look at
Heihong Glance.
Helen smiled at Heihong, "Hei boss, then there will be time, goodbye."
Heihong stood in front of the Eight Immortals table, staring at Henry's background with an
ugly face. He had never expected that Aoba would find an ancient master to help! No
wonder, Aoba has such a tremendous confidence, but that young man is too mad, and does
not take the quadrupole gate in his eyes, he must pay the price!
The street outside Baxianlou was dark, and the dim street lights were dim, making it
difficult to provide any lighting effects.
"Henry, what is the ancient martial art?" Helen walked beside Henry, his face ful of
Henry thought for a while and explained: "It's also a kind of martial art, but the lethality is
stronger, and most of the ancient martial arts are lost."
"Then what would you like?" Helen looked at Henry.
"One kind," Henry replied without thinking. "Ancient martial art is an extension of martial
arts. If you study carefully, you will not be able to study one set in your life. One person is
enough to learn one."
Helen's soft and beautiful eyes flashed a strong emotion, "Can you teach me?"
"OK, you can teach if you want to learn." Henry nodded indifferently, reminding, "But
ancient martial arts are very tired to practice, you have to be prepared."
"I'm not afraid of tiredness." Helen's eyes shook firmly, and just now, she saw the power of
Gu Wu, which made her have an urge to learn.
"When do you want to learn?"
"Just tonight, I want you, teach me all night!" Helen twisted his waist and jade arms
wrapped around Henry's neck, exhaling like blue.
Ge Guanlou Pavilion's voice was soft, and the swing courtyard fel into the night.
The night passed quietly, and the morning sunlight was dazzling.
Henry opened his eyes, looked at the empty space beside him, and sighed, this woman is
really strong.
Helen's home was the same as when Henry came last time, except that al the certificates in
the study room were torn off.
On the dining table, Helen prepared breakfast for Henry. Seeing this scene, Henry felt a
sweetness in his heart. He was sitting on the table and savoring the breakfast carefully.
The phone ringing was harsh.
Henry glanced at the cal er, and he answered the phone unnaturally. "Hello, President Lin?"
"Where are you?" Sylvia asked on the phone.
"Being ..." Henry hesitated and did not think about how to answer. Sylvia's voice sounded
anxiously again, "You come to Di Shengte, this time, for you, it is an opportunity!"
"Di Shengte?" Henry said to himself strangely, isn't that a French restaurant?
After finishing his meal, Henry left Han Rou's home and went to Di Shengte French
This big morning was not the time when Di Shengte was open. When Henry arrived, he saw
several luxury cars parked in front of the restaurant.
"This is?" Henry walked into the restaurant strangely.
Chapter 108
Henry, this! "As soon as he entered the door, Henry heard Sylvia's voice.
"Mr. Lin, what's wrong with this?" Henry asked curiously.
Sylvia's small face was fil ed with an excited expression, "The game! The people from Fa
Guo have chal enged Milan and Li Ke, and now it's a culinary test!"
"Fa Guo is better than cooking?" Henry's face was full of doubts. "Mr. Lin, didn't you just say
that it was an opportunity for me, and wouldn't you just watch them cook?"
"Of course not." Sylvia waved his hand. "You don't believe it. The people who came this
time are from the royal family of Fa Guo! You can try to find cooperation opportunities
from these people."
Upon hearing the word Royal, Henry understood what happened.
Milan and Li Ke, cooking for the royal family in the country of Fa, their masters are
currently studying, and they also took a long vacation. At this time, naturally someone
wants to take their place, including replacing them. Master ’s position.
Sylvia explained the cause of the matter to Henry, and it was not much different from
Henry's guess. This time, the seven crown princes of the Royal Family of Far East came to
China specifically to serve as a referee for this competition.
Is the royal family dedicated to refereeing?
Henry has no doubt about this. Henry has personally experienced the extent to which some
members of the royal family can be bored, let alone being a referee, even after watching a
whole round of ants moving.
Fargo is a country that attaches great importance to gourmet food. It is no exaggeration to
say that gourmet food, in the hearts of Fargo people, accounts for one third of it and is
indispensable in life.
Henry looked at Sylvia's excited look and was a little speechless. "Mr. Lin, how did I find
Milan chal enged? Do you seem excited?"
After being said by Henry, Sylvia also realized some of his gaffes, and the pretty face turned
slightly red, "Is there?"
"Yes." Henry nodded and said seriously, "Are you not worried about Milan losing at al ?"
"Can't you lose?" Sylvia opened his eyes wide, "Milan and Li Ke's teachers, but the chef of
the royal family of Fuguo."
"It's not always possible." Henry shook his head. "Since the other party can follow from
China to China, they must have made sufficient preparations, including air transport of
fresh ingredients. You must know that ingredients are particularly important for cooking
Milanese, the odds are small. "
Sylvia had a somewhat excited look. After Henry's words fell, she completely disappeared.
Just now she didn't really think about it.
The chefs and waiters in the Dishengte restaurant stood sideways with excitement at this
time. When they learned that they were the princes of the country and the royal chefs, the
excitement was overwhelming.
Henry glanced around, and final y focused on the body of a handsome French guy. The
other party wore LouisVuitton's shirt, with a curly yellow hair, and the sky blue eyes
looked like the ocean.
Henry spent some time in the royal family of Fa Guo, but he has never seen the seven
princes. Similarly, the seven princes have never seen Henry himself, otherwise now, he will
absolutely not be able to sit and will be on Henryxing for the first time. Great gift.
"Henry, don't keep staring at others. Although Prince Charlie Bonat doesn't mind these, it is
always impolite." Sylvia saw Henry looking at the Seventh Prince all the time and couldn't
help but remind him
In this restaurant, there is no obvious appearance, but in fact, the surroundings have been
tightly control ed. Although the prince ’s trip is absolutely strict, there are no less security
measures. If Sylvia does not have Milanese This relationship cannot stand here.
Prince Charlie also felt Henry's gaze and smiled at Henry.
Although he had never seen this Prince Charles, Xuan had heard a lot of the deeds.
This 20-year-old young man is simply an unrestrained love. He likes to travel around the
world on weekdays. Countless romantic debts.
Henry was standing next to Sylvia, and there was a burst of fragrance from the chef in the
"Sylvia, you come!" Milan suddenly appeared at the back door of the kitchen, waving at
Qing Lin Sylvia.
Sylvia was very surprised and didn't understand what Milan asked him to do at this time.
"Are you there, Henry? Great, come quickly."
Sylvia and Henry glanced at each other, and walked towards the back kitchen.
An Eva bodyguard wearing a black suit stopped the two and glanced at the place where
Prince Charles was.
Prince Charlie waved to the bodyguard.
After the order of Prince Charlie, the bodyguard was released.
Henry saw that the whole back kitchen was divided into two big plates, separated from the
middle, and anyone who was cooking could not see what his opponent was doing.
Li Ke was lying on the chopping board, and he was fiddling with a plate of pastries.
"Sylvia, you have to help me this time." Milan took Sylvia's arm and whispered, her pretty
face fil ed with anxiety.
"What's wrong?" Sylvia looked at his friend like this, and also pinched sweat for Milan.
"The problem with the ingredients." Henry opened his mouth. He walked into the kitchen
and looked at the ingredients on the chopping board. "Unlike Chinese cuisine, French
cuisine pays more attention to the taste of the ingredients themselves. The quality of the
ingredients is decided. To understand the key to the taste, don't think about it, the other
party must have made sufficient preparations, and the ingredients were sent by air, which
is very unfair to Milan. "
"Yes." Milan glanced at Henry and nodded again and again, "Although the ingredients here
are still fresh, but they are too different from Tef's, this time he saw the opportunity to
borrow a teacher to study new dishes, I flew to China specifically to come to us. If we
lose this time, no matter what the reason is, the status of the teacher in the country will be
threatened, and Li Ke and I are likely to be demoted. "
"It's so shameless!" Sylvia looked angry, "Milan, in fact, you can talk to Prince Charlie, this is
not fair at al ."
"It's useless." Henry shook his head and explained to Sylvia, "That's how the Fa nationality
treats food. Since the other party is not far away to challenge Milan, it means that Milan's
position is above them. This alone is enough for Milan to accept the challenge of the other
party, which is like a certain Bushido spirit, even if it knows that it is invincible, it must be
drawn. "
"This ..." Sylvia opened his mouth, "Milan, what can I do for you."
"Can you arrange people to go to the seafood market to help me buy some fresh ingredients
back, and the kind of chicken that I live in, I also need one." Milan quickly thought about the
ingredients he needed
Chapter 109
As soon as the Milanese words fell, Sylvia didn't have time to answer, so he heard Henry's
"It ’s useless. There are only a few seafood markets in Yinzhou City. The one bought at this
restaurant is the freshest. Now people buy it, and it ’s not necessarily better than it is now.
The quality of the meat does not have any advantage in the French cooking method. Do you
have any prescribed dishes this time? "Henry asked.
"No." Milan shook his head and answered, "But Prince Charlie's favorite dishes are only a
The atmosphere of this kitchen is a little silent.
Li Ke fiddled with the pastry on the chopping board, and didn't know what to do next. If
they cook as usual, they will lose the ingredients now.
After losing this competition, for them, it is not only ashamed, it is about their own future, it
is also about the teacher, but now they have really been forced to a dead end, and their
opponents are not rookies. Master chef who is proficient in cooking.
Henry looked at the dishes on the chopping board and pondered.
"In this way, you first tel me what you want to do."
"Tel you?" Li Ke gave Henry a strange look, and didn't understand the use of telling this
Milan knows that Henry also knows a bit about the national dish of French. Now that the
dead horse is simply a living horse doctor, let's see if Henry can make any suggestions.
"The first dish, I want to cook sea bream."
"Sea bream?" Henry thought for a while, then pul ed up his sleeves and directly caught a
fish out of the seafood tank beside him.
This movement of Henry surprised Milan, she couldn't help but ask: "Henry, what are you
"Of course it's cooking, can you still watch you lose?" Henry threw the fish in his hand hard
on the chopping board, and at the same time picked up a scale knife and quickly removed
the scales. "There are no fresh snapper now. But you can also use seabass instead. Milan,
you will prepare some dill for me, grind the star anise in a mortar, add an appropriate
amount of salt and pepper and mix together Lemonade, then season with a little spoon of
salt and chili water, be sure to mix well! "
Henryyu was fast and at the same time very fast. During the course of speaking, he had
completely removed the perch scales and broke his stomach.
Milan and Li Ke stood aside, also a little dazed because of what Henry did.
"Henry, you let us do these ..." Milan's face was puzzled.
"Wait for you to explain, do it quickly." Henry has already started cleaning the internal
organs of the bass. He is very skil ed, even the most difficult to wash the cheeks, just clean it
with a dig.
Milan looked at Henry for a few seconds, then turned around, and according to what Henry
said, went to find the anise and other auxiliary materials.
"Li Ke, do what Henry said."
After Henry cleaned the giblets of the sea bass, he found some turmeric powder and poured
it into the rice pan. It simmered to some rice.
"Milan, you two remember what I said, what I say, what you do. In the current situation,
you ca n’t exceed each other in terms of ingredients. We can only find another way. You will
evenly grind the dill and star anise on the perch. You can't let it go anywhere in the body,
then sprinkle some olive oil and pepper on the perch, put it in the oven, bake for about 23
minutes, note that this time is not limited, take out when the two sides are golden, and the
tail is reddish , Add fennel and alcohol, and wait for the fish to burn. "
"Li Ke, I just asked you to mix the sauce. I want to warm it up in the water. After the fish is
extinguished, pour it evenly. The rice is steamed very well, and the sauce is also added. The
fish is even more fired. The smell is fresh and the smel of fennel will be more intense. In
terms of aroma, it is far more than the sea bream! The flavor of this dish can be fully
brought out by adding turmeric rice to add flavor.
Henry finished speaking in one breath, ignoring whether Milan and Li Ke understood,
asked again.
"What is the second course?"
"Sea crayfish."
"Sea crayfish?" Henry stood in front of the chopping board for two seconds, and then took
out a fresh lobster from the water tank. Although it was fresh, it was not as compact and ful
as the meat brought by Milan's opponents.
"Take some tarragon and celery stalks, shallots, grind black pepper, cognac, scrape off the
celery thick fiber, take 40 grams and cut into small pieces, and then cut into 5 mm thick and
6 cm long thin strips. Shallots shall be finely chopped. "
Henry started to urinate for the lobster, cut it, and kept commanding in his mouth.
"Take seventy grams of butter, melt in a small fire in a pot, steam away the water, and leave
sixty grams of pure butter, fast."
"Oh." Milan just put the bass in the oven, and hurried over to listen to Henry's instructions,
and began to melt the butter.
"Li Ke, you take forty grams of butter, fry the celery sticks, and then simmer in water. To
ensure the crispness of the celery, Milan, has the butter melted?"
Henry had already cut the lobster, peeled off the shel , and put fresh shrimps in front of
Henry's movements are very fast, and Milan and Li Ke are both a little busy. If Henry is not
always reminding, they will be in a mess.
"Okay, let it go!" Milan answered.
Hearing Milan ’s voice, Henry did n’t even check it. He put the chopped shrimp heads in a
butter pot, garnished with red onion, and began to fry. When the shrimp heads became red,
they poured brandy to make the pot burn Open flame.
"This is ..." Milan looked at Henry's approach, but was shocked in her heart. At first, her
master once told her that some cooking masters can use limited ingredients to maximize
the deliciousness of food. Now Henry does Isn't that true?
Stir-fry the shrimp heads with net butter to remove moisture, and add onion and brandy to
make the flames burn and remove the smell of shrimp heads to the greatest extent.
Subsequently, Henry added Milanese surprise cream into the pot, thick cream, tarragon,
salt and pepper, such an approach, Milan simply did not dare, the more condiments, the
more The ingredients will make the taste of the food more elusive, just like salt will make it
bitter, and sugar will become greasy. Now that he puts it this way, won't it make the
seasoning skewer?
Henry saw the doubts in Milan's eyes, and while frying the spatula in his hand, he explained
to Milan: "With thick cream, you can cook the sauce. The sauce is concentrated with shrimp
heads, spice vegetables, brandy, tarragon, The compound's delicious flavor is excellent no
matter whether it is dipped in shrimp or celery. Similarly, such a stir-fry method can allow
the shrimp to shrink to the greatest extent and improve the taste. However, pay attention
to it. At the beginning, when the shrimp is fried, it is necessary to closely control the heat, to
avoid burning the butter, affect the appearance, destroy the flavor, and French cuisine, but
pay attention to the value of the face. "
As soon as Henry's voice fell, his arm was hard, and another dish was out of the pan.
"Come, what is the next dish?"
Chapter 110
In the kitchen, one command after another was spoken from Henry's mouth. At first, Milan
and Li Ke were doing it in a suspicious manner, but now, their bodies are already
subconsciously following Henry's commands. Too.
As a chef, both Milan and Li Ke have a very deep understanding of food. Some problems
Henry said, they can understand the mystery of them just by thinking a little, they ca n’t
help but give thumbs up to Henry Come.
Sylvia stood aside, opened her mouth, looked at Henry in surprise, she never knew that
Henry would cook, let alone know that Henry's cooking skil s are so high, even Milan and Li
Ke, like a student, Fol ow his request.
Sylvia, a snack food, felt like he had missed something at this time. Such a chef was by his
side and he didn't let him cook!
Henry certainly does not know what Sylvia thinks now.
"Milan, what is the seventh course?"
"No, there are only six dishes." Milan picked up the white wipes and wiped the sweat from
her forehead. She never felt that cooking was such a tiring thing. Today, she seems to have
returned to her teacher When studying, I was in a hurry and was under the pressure.
Do not! Henry puts more pressure on himself than the teacher did!
Milan has cooperated with his teacher more than once in cooking. From the beginning of
the apprenticeship, to the later, he can work with the teacher to develop new dishes and
analyze the taste in the dishes.
But today, she found that she had become an ignorant apprentice. Under Henry's orders,
she couldn't even insert a sentence because she didn't know what kind of suggestions she
should make.
Tired is tired, but as a result, both Milan and Li Ke feel happy.
The two of them looked at the six dishes that are now on the table. Before cooking, neither
of them thought that these ordinary ingredients, through special techniques and the
blending of various ingredients, can produce such a delicious, that taste. It is better than
cooking in the royal family with the best ingredients!
"Henry, how did you do it!" Milan is still a little unbelievable that al of this is true.
"Use your brain." Henry Zhang pointed his finger to his head. "Gourmet food has never
been a fixed method. In a chef's mind, he must clearly know what each seasoning tastes and
what multiple seasonings will look like. Such a miracle, you must have the courage to
innovate, well, let's serve. "
Henry left Milan and Li Ke with a smile and turned out of the kitchen.
"Milan, Henryhe ..." Sylvia pointed to the back door of the kitchen, and then looked at the six
dishes on the table.
"Sylvia, your family, Henry, is real y amazing! After the matter ends today, you must have a
good look at him. His understanding of cooking is far above me!" Milan is now very excited,
today, after This incident made her go to a higher level in her understanding of food!
In the restaurant, you can already hear that the kitchen stove has become quiet, and a piece
of food is about to be served on the table. There is a look of anticipation on Prince Charlie ’s
face. Hope, waiting to admire the craftsmanship of these top French cooking masters!
Milan's opponent Teve is a middle-aged man in his thirties. He does not have a beard like a
majority of the Chinese, and his cheeks are white and his movements are gentleman.
He placed the six dishes he had cooked in front of Prince Charles, and the food Toff cooked,
whether it was on the overflow of the aroma or on the plate, was impeccable.
Even if it is not a meal now, even if I only see this exquisite dish, and smell the aroma, it will
make people drool.
Prince Charlie tasted the food prepared by Tef one by one, nodded with satisfaction on his
face, and nodded, saying in fluent Chinese language: "Yes, it tastes great, rice, are you
"Of course." Milan nodded, walked into the back kitchen, and Li Ke presented a dish
What they brought up in Milan was exactly the same as Tef's.
Seeing this, Tiff's face showed a contemptuous smile.
The chefs at Di Sainte's restaurant had a disappointed expression on their faces. Before
they prepared the food, they knew that these two beautiful royal chefs would cook with
the ingredients in their own stores. Originally they thought that these two A chef will use
some ingenious methods to win this competition. As a chef, they also understand the
importance of ingredients, but now, they do not report any hope.
The same dish, the one with the stronger ingredients, will definitely win.
Prince Charlie also showed a disappointed look, "Mi, are you going to give up this
competition? As a candidate chef, you shouldn't give up like this."
"His Royal Highness, I think you can taste it first." Milan made a gesture of invitation.
Prince Charlie shook his head. The answer was already in his mind, but he still had to taste
it politely. He cut off a small piece of fish.
"Huh? Isn't it snapper?" Prince Charlie frowned. "Rice, are you even confused with the
"Your Highness, you taste it first." Milan made a gesture of invitation again.
Prince Charlie frowned, put a smal piece of fish into the mouth, and slowly chewed. As the
number of chewing increased, Prince Charlie's originally frowned eyebrows gradual y
stretched out, and at the same time, he chewed The speed is also increasing, and surprises
pop out of the sky blue eyes.
The rich and fresh scent is accompanied by fennel, which is mixed with fish meat. Every
bite, it will burst out in the mouth and hover in the mouth. It is real y a beautiful enjoyment.
At first, Prince Charles thought that this was a common sea bream, but Now, he doesn't
think so.
Swallowing the food in his mouth, Prince Charlie could not wait to look at the next food.
"Crayfish? The larger lobster is used. This lobster will lack some in meat quality, and it will
be more troublesome to clean, which will affect the meat quality and taste.
Prince Charlie forks a small piece of lobster meat, put it in the mouth, closes his teeth, bites
off the shrimp, and at the moment the shrimp is bitten, Prince Charles feels an amazing
elasticity. It seems that his closed teeth want to Bounced off by this shrimp.
The juice filled with compound fragrance bursts between the mouth and teeth, like an
explosion, fil ing the entire mouth, at that moment, as if breathing with fragrance!
On Prince Charlie's face, there was ful of enjoyment.
Chapter 111
Fa Guo is a country that pays great attention to the etiquette of gastronomy. Prince Charles
has received comprehensive training in etiquette since he was a child, but now he seems to
have forgotten the etiquette rooted in his brain. His attention is completely in front of
these. The food is attracted.
Prince Charlie took a knife and fork in his hand, put one after another delicacies in his
mouth, and tasted them carefully. Until he tasted the last one, Prince Charles realized his
"Sorry, please forgive me, these things are so delicious!" Prince Charles unabashedly
praised, "I promise, this is the most delicious thing I have eaten, rice, you can use ordinary
ingredients to make Out of such delicious, your cooking level has exceeded your teacher! "
Prince Charlie's words made Tef's eyes wide, and he looked incredible.
Prince Charlie smiled at Tef, "Tef, you can taste it. I believe you will agree with me after you
taste these delicious things."
Tef put a piece of perch in doubt, put it in the mouth, and slowly chewed. When the
deliciousness of the perch bloomed in his mouth, Tef's expression became extraordinarily
wonderful, joyful, lost, and admired.
He was delighted that in this perch, he seemed to see new inspiration. What he lost was
that he lost this contest. He had to admire the Chinese woman in front of her, her
understanding of food, and her cooking skil s. , Far beyond yourself!
"Your Highness Charlie, you have won the prize." Milan smiled, "Actual y, I am also lucky."
"M, I think you can take over the position of your teacher this time, and he will also be
happy for your achievement." Prince Charlie said sincerely.
For this statement, Milan is not convinced. The dishes on this table are not always from
their own hands, but because of this matter, Milan has also seen another road, a path that
allows you to go further on the way of food. .
Milan's gaze looked at Henry who was standing on the side. The man stood there as if it was
a calm water, without waves, but if you look carefully, you will find that this man is like an
ocean, unpredictable , And want to explore.
At the end of the competition, it was natural y impossible for everyone to stay in Di Saint,
Prince Charles said that he would not return to the country immediately. This time, he must
also see the ancient country that has been passed down for thousands of years.
Of course, Sylvia would not let this opportunity pass, and offered to choose a guide for
Prince Charles. Al trips of Prince Charles will be arranged by Lin Group.
Prince Charlie readily accepted Sylvia's proposal and accepted Sylvia's business card.
Henry and Sylvia, Milan and Li Ke's three daughters came out of the Di Shengte restaurant.
As soon as he left the restaurant, Henry ushered in a question about his cooking skills.
For this, Henry had thought about how to explain it, and said the truth: "There was a
teacher who used to teach me some cooking techniques, but I happened to use it this time."
In Henry's explanation, none of the three women believed that Henry could do anything
about it. He was tel ing the truth, but he didn't tell the three women who the teacher was.
"Henry, thank you very much today. If it's not you, we really don't know what to do this
time." Milan grateful.
Li Ke also nodded. Her pretty face still had some embarrassing feelings. Originally, she
proposed to Milan a lot of ways last night to see how to dismantle the liar. As a result,
Henry ’s affection was present today, which made her feel It's awkward, and I feel like the
kind of wicked person who will revenge.
"Al friends, what are you grateful for?" Henry waved indifferently.
Several people walked on the road, Sylvia pul ed Henry's sleeve, and whispered to Henry,
"Come on."
"What's wrong?" Henry walked sideways with Sylvia in a puzzled look.
Sylvia handed a business card to Henry. "This is the contact information of Manager Sun of
the Marketing Department. In the past few days, Manager Sun will arrange the itinerary of
Prince Charles. Do you understand?"
Sylvia has an identity reason, and he didn't make the words clear, but the meaning in the
words is very obvious. This is to create an opportunity for Henry to be able to approach
Prince Charles, so that he can use this to connect with the French enterprises.
The three-day appointment was said in Henry's mouth. Sylvia was already very considerate
of him.
Henry smiled, took the business card, and hey smiled, "Thank you Mr. Lin!"
"Small hippie smiles." Sylvia glanced at Henry angrily, "I hope you take things seriously at
work, understand?
"Relax!" Henry Sylvia compared OK gesture.
When Sylvia saw Henry like this, he was more relieved in his heart. Anyway, this person
became more and more motivated.
Walking to the parking lot, several people parted ways, Henry original y wanted to follow
Sylvia back to the company, and final y got a call from President Ma.
"Master, regarding the Lin's medical training institution, our Ningxia Medical Association
has notified the whole country in the past few days, but most people stil maintain a
skeptical attitude. After all, you know the tremor needle. For us, it is really incredible, so
everyone also hopes that you can give an open lecture to the master. "President Ma was
careful when speaking, afraid that Henry was not satisfied.
Henry thought for a while and then replied: "Yes, the lecture is okay, you can set the
number of places, I only have one request, and no video is allowed."
Listening to Henry said, President Ma's tone was filled with joy, "No problem, Master, then
what will it be tomorrow, the location is selected at Yinzhou University, Master, what
equipment do you need, just tell me . "
"I'm going to the Chinese medicine hal , are you there?"
"I'l be here soon!"
Henry spent the whole morning tel ing Chairman Ma what to prepare for public lectures,
including medical cases and specimens.
In the afternoon, Henry was fine. I thought I hadn't been to the orphanage for a long time. I
simply bought something and went to the orphanage to see the children.
Ivy Welfare Home.
Jenny was wearing a loose red and white sportswear, sitting on the grass, with long hair
tied into a ponytail, looking youthful. His slender legs extended on the lawn, forming a
perfect golden ratio with his upper body. 'S eyes looked far away, stunned.
Since the last meal at the teacher's house, she has never seen Henry, and every time she
comes to the orphanage, she never sees Henry.
Jenny had tried to call Henry countless times, but he didn't know what excuse he should
use to tell him to directly invite him to dinner? I used this excuse the last time I went to the
teacher ’s house. Would n’t it be too shabby to use it again?
Chapter 112
For Henry, Jenny is also very entangled. She is not sure whether she is curious about this
man or has such a little liking, as if she wants to see him al the time.
Jenny took out his mobile phone and opened the screen. Yuzhi pressed on Henry ’s phone
number, but the dial-out button was delayed.
At this moment, crisp cheers rang in Jenny's ears.
"Brother Henry, brother Henry is here."
"Brother Henry, I want to hug."
"Wow, is this for me? Thank you, brother Henry."
There was a cheerful voice in the children's mouth.
Jennyqiao's face rose with joy, and she suddenly turned her head to see Henryzheng
holding a child, throwing it hard, with a happy smile on the child's face.
"Miss Qin, you are here too." Henry waved Jenny and greeted him.
Jenny jumped up and down in one heart, the girl's restraint only made her nod at Henry,
"Wel , I haven't seen you in a long time."
"Haha, I've been busy recently. I'l go to see the dean first." Henry put the little guy in his
arms on the ground and ran to the house to chat with Dean Cui.
In Henry's eyes, Dean Cui is his parent. He acts unscrupulously. When there are countless
killings, he will also take the time to call Dean Cui and report a safety.
If it is said that Sylvia was the angel Henry encountered when he was the most helpless,
then the welfare home, which is his haven, occupies a vital position in Henry's heart.
Henry and Dean Cui chatted casually. He looked at Dean Cui's white hair. His eyes were full
of helplessness. Dean Cui had worked hard for the children for a lifetime, and now has no
children under his knees, and no wife, she will herself All of his life was dedicated to the
welfare home.
"President, you can actually find someone to take over your class, and you can also enjoy
your old age." Henry persuaded heartily.
This is not the first time Henry made such a proposal. Every time, Dean Cui smiled and told
Henry that she was already enjoying her old age. The welfare home is her home.
Watching these children grow up is her happiest. Things, she can safely accept any
upcoming things, that is, some of them can not let go of these children.
For such a kind old man, what Henry can say, he is also fortunate that he met a good person
like Dean Cui when he was a kid.
After Henry and Dean Cui finished talking, as soon as they walked to the courtyard of the
Welfare Home, they heard a loud noise from the children and the angry controversy of
"What's going on?" Henry frowned, and he saw that the children were in the courtyard,
turning over a box of beautiful y packed fruits. From the box, these fruits are all high-end
goods, but the box is packed Most of the fruits are rotten or wilted, some boxes are opened,
and the bottom is filled with thick water.
At the door of the welfare home, a red cross was printed on the body of a van.
The rotten fruits were removed from this car.
"Hey, here again." Dean Cui Chan walked up to Henry, his wrinkled face was helpless,
"These people are branches of the Red Association, our welfare home has been helping In
the list, but now, hey, you also saw this box of fruit. The packaging looks good. In fact, the
contents inside can't be eaten at all. Every time they come, they take a picture and leave, I
am not there. , The banana that the child ate had long hair, but fortunately it was sent to the
hospital in time, otherwise, hey. "
Speaking of this, Dean Cui couldn't bear to continue to speak, and his eyes could not help
but flushed. Looking at these lively and cute children, Dean Cui really felt wronged for
"Why does that make sense!" Henry squeezed his fist. "President, this matter must be told
to them. As far as I know, the monthly amount of relief for the welfare home should be
1,000 yuan? They only come once a month. ? "
"Good boy, you are still young, some things don't understand." Dean Cui patted Henry's
shoulder, "Monthly money is 1,000, but it can be good for children, if it is 300, it's good."
Now, this world, hey. "
"It's too much!" Henry strode toward the truck.
I met Jenny who was walking back. Jenny had just quarreled with the truck driver. Don't
think about it, because of these fruits.
When Jenny saw Henry's gloomy face, she knew what Henry planned to do. She took
Henry's arm and shook her head at Henry. "Forget it, he is only responsible for delivery.
What is inside, It has nothing to do with him. "
Henry frowned, watching the truck drive away, and asked, "Do you know which unit they
belong to?"
"It is said to be a branch office of the Red Association, but the specifics have to be inquired.
I will ask people to check." Jenny took out his mobile phone and called out.
Henryqiang endured the anger in his heart. Today, he would never have done so. Even if
this truck comes to deliver fruit and give children less points, he can bear it, but send a pile
of bad fruit, he Can't stand it! This doesn't care about the children's health at al .
Where is this rescue club? What do they say they are doing charity?
"Children, don't eat these fruits anymore. Sister, etc. will send you some fruits over again,
OK?" Jenny watched the children careful y select the fruits that could be eaten there, and
felt a bit sad. .
Children of the same age, at their age, enjoy the care of their parents and are the heart of
the whole family. But what about them? The fruits can only eat these rotten and bad ones.
At the bottom of the fruit box, the accumulated thick water exudes a thick stench, but the
children are not affected at al . Obviously, they have long been used to it.
"Xiao Rou, you are a good boy, but don't spend any more money on it. Can you take care of
these children for a while, can you take care of them for a lifetime? How many welfare
homes are there in the country, can you manage them again?" Red, the sight in front of her
made her very uncomfortable.
But what is uncomfortable, this is the fact, what children can do is to adapt.
"I ..." Jenny opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer Dean Cui. She understood
that Dean Cui was right. She could help for a while, but not for a lifetime.
With so many welfare homes in the country, how much could she help.
"Director Cui is right, you can't help these children for a lifetime, so al we can do is solve the
problem from the root." Henry Jennyyang raised his mobile phone, "Go, I have found this
branch office, you drive."
Jenny nodded, and the two said goodbye to Dean Cui and left the welfare home.
Chapter 113
Henry and Jenny, standing in front of the residential area of Swan Lake Town, looked at the
magnificent facade and the gorgeous facilities in the community, they could all feel the
expensive housing prices.
"Henry, the Li Jiang you said, live here?" Jenny's eyes widened with unbelief in his eyes.
Li Jiang is the person in charge of the branch office of the rescue association.
Jenny once learned about the housing prices in this community. The price of one square
meter is 9,000. As far as Yinzhou is concerned, it is the place with the highest housing
Jenny has a company of her own, and the income is fairly stable, but in this way, she still
has pressure to buy a house in Swan Lake Town.
What is the monthly salary of a person in charge of a rescue association? Five thousand?
Seven thousand? He would buy a house here? Jenny understands that the cat is so tired.
Henry shook his head and answered Jenny's question, "Li Jiang can't live here. This house
was bought by him for his third year, a suite of 280 square meters with courtyard."
Although Henry is calm in tone, when he speaks, he always feels chill.
Jenny took a cold breath, opened his mouth wide, and got 280 flat, or bought it for Xiaosan?
Henry took Jenny into the community. He purposely ran to a building where Li Jiang bought
the villa for Xiaosan.
Summer is hot, it is noon, and the sun is hot.
A burst of laughter sounded in Henry's ears.
Henry and Jenny stood outside the courtyard of a villa and looked at the air-filled
swimming pool filled with fresh water in the courtyard of the villa. A man and a woman
were lying in the pool and enjoying iced juice. The man was in his forties. The woman looks
like twenty-three to four, her figure is hot, and the sound of laughter just came from her
Henry glanced at the photo on the phone screen, and then at the man in the swimming pool,
and he was sure, this is the head of the Rescue Branch Office Association. The young
woman lying beside him was the third person he was looking for, Zhao Qian. .
After confirming it, Henry put away his phone, pushed open the door of the compound, and
walked in.
The iron gate of the courtyard creaked, attracting the attention of the two people in the
"What's the matter with the security guard? The insurance seller said he came in?" Li Jiang,
with sunglasses, was dissatisfied in his tone.
Henry wore his suit when he was running a business. No wonder Li Jiang would treat him
as sel ing insurance.
Henry pouted, "Li Jiang, right? The person in charge of the Hong Kong Branch Office?"
Li Jiang's face changed as soon as he heard this, "I'm sorry, you got it wrong. I don't
understand what the Hong Kong Branch Office is. I don't understand. This is my private
place. I don't welcome you now. Please go out."
"Hehe." Henry smiled contemptuously. "Everyone is an adult, and don't try to make me
Henry paced to the swimming pool and looked back and forth, "Huh, yes, good quality of
life. Look at this beautiful woman with long legs and thin waist."
Zhao Qian, Li Jiang ’s youngest third, looked at Henry with an uncomfortable expression,
"Dead Poor Ghost, what do you look at, the old lady's legs are you looking at?"
After talking, Zhao Qian held Li Jiang's arm, Jiao Didi said: "Her husband, who is this man,
hate to die, let him go out."
"Don't worry, ask a question. I will natural y go out when I have an answer." Henry put his
hands in his pockets. "Li Jiang, Ivy League Welfare Institute, there should be a thousand
yuan subsidy every month, money?"
Li Jiang looked at the confident smile in Henry's mouth, and picked up the sunglasses on his
face, "Boy, I won't play a dumb puzzle with you anymore. Who sent you, how much did you
pay? Which reporter are you from? ? "
"I'm not a newspaper, but I just want to ask, what about the money subsidized to Ivy
"What money do a group of orphans spend." Zhao Qian snorted dissatisfiedly, holding her
chest in both hands. "Their father and mother don't want them. This kind of person can just
starve and die. Just pay them subsidies? It's interesting!"
"Real y?" Henryba smiled and walked around the pool, standing behind Zhao Qian.
"What do you want to do? Who made you so close to me, get away!" Zhao Qian turned
around and looked at Henry with disgust.
Henry's face was smiling. Suddenly, all the smiles on his face disappeared. He suddenly
reached out, grabbed Zhao Qian's hair, and pul ed hard.
Zhao Qian screamed, and half of her body was pulled out of the swimming pool by Henry.
Henry reached out another hand, pointed at Zhao Qian's face, and slapped several times in
a row.
The crackling sound of "papa" came to my ears. Henry slaps Zhao Qian more than ten times
before finally giving up. Zhao Qian's beautiful face was completely red and swollen at the
moment. Her mouth was bleeding from Henryda's face. The sunglasses on it had not known
where to go, tears in his eyes.
While Henrysong's hand was screaming, Zhao Qian wowed and turned towards Henry.
For this kind of woman, Henry had nothing to bear, went directly on a big foot, kicked Zhao
Qian out of the swimming pool for several meters.
Zhao Qian fel to the ground, covered with mud.
"Okay, now I'm far enough away from you." Henry clapped his hands.
Zhao Qian shivered and pointed at Henry, looking at Henry with a vicious face, "I want you
to die! I want you to die!"
Henry didn't pay any attention to this kind of threat from Zhao Qian. His eyes turned to Li
Jiang again. "Answer my question, what about the subsidy?"
Li Jiang looked at Henry with a somber face, "Boy, although I don't know who you are or
who let you come, I advise you that there are some things you can't control."
The little finger of Henry's right hand pulled out his ear and glanced at the two-story villa
behind Li Jiang, "What if I want to control it?"
"Then you have to think about the consequences!" Li Jiang suddenly picked up the phone
from the side and sent a voice message out, "Someone is making trouble, come here."
After sending the message, Li Jiang stared at Henry, "Boy, I advise you to leave now. I have
nothing to do with what happened today. Everyone has come out to live together.
Do n’t make trouble."
"Sorry, I didn't want to break the dead net with you." Henry found Zhang Xiaomaza from
the courtyard and sat directly. "But I real y want to know what you mean by broken dead
Jenny stood outside the courtyard of the villa and watched all this Henry did. Jenny did not
have any sympathy for Zhao Qian who was beaten by Henry.
About five minutes later, Jenny heard a motor roar, and she walked into the courtyard and
pointed to Henry outside the villa courtyard.
A series of three or two Land Rover Range Rover stopped at the door of the villa compound.
From each car, al five big men came down. Each person had tattoos on his arms, and it was
not good to look at it.
Chapter 114
As soon as Zhao Qian saw these five great men, it was like finding a savior.
"Brother Tiger, kill him! Kil him!"
Known as Brother Tiger, he was a bald and strong man. He was also the leader of these
people. He glanced at Zhao Qian ’s swollen face and walked directly to Henry sitting there.
The eye-opening trouble is here? "
When Henry saw these big men, a disappointed expression appeared on his face, "Li Jiang,
what do you mean to tell me that you are looking for these people to scare me?"
Henry felt funny.
Not to mention that these people together are not Henry's opponents. Even today, Henry is
just an ordinary person sitting here, and he is not afraid, because he knows that Li Jiang
does not dare to let these people do it himself.
This position of Li Jiang is very much concerned by the society. If he makes a big noise
today, don't think of sitting in this position anymore.
Li Jiang is a greedy person. How can a greedy person have the courage to die? What's more,
for the sake of a mistress, to do things like a dead net?
The disappointed smile on Henry's face, and the careless tone, made Brother Hu very
unhappy. He squeezed his fist, "Boy, do you think I dare not beat you?"
"Yes." Henry nodded to Brother Hu without hesitation, "I'm sitting here today, you dare to
move me, I count you as a man."
"Are you he ..." Brother Tiger was so excited by Henry that he would shoot at Henry's face
with his fist.
"Stop it!" Li Jiang shouted quickly to stop Brother Hu, Henry guessed well, he didn't dare to
hit people, he didn't dare to make this happen.
Tiger's fist stopped in front of Henry's face, he gave Henry a hateful glance.
Henry blinked provocatively at Brother Hu, "it real y is not a man."
"You ..." Brother Tiger just started to scold back, but Li Jiang stopped him.
Li Jiang came out of the swimming pool and came to Henry, "Boy, you know my identity, I
’m not afraid to tell you, you came for the welfare fund of the orphanage, even if I gave them
the money today, you Come to me next month? Do you think you did these things today,
and they can enjoy the relief money? Look at these people, think about it yourself. "
Brother Hu laughed aloud, "Lao Tzu thought he was coming to the door for what kind of
ruthless role. In the end, it was for the group of old, weak and sick, boy, you now give him a
few bells, otherwise I will go to welfare every day. The courtyard turned around to scare
the children, but Lao Tzu's favorite thing. "
After Brother Hu finished, his brothers also laughed.
"You said, how old can the old lady resist me?" Brother Tiger raised his fist.
"I guess a punch."
"No, I guess two punches. If you don't believe it, just go for a punch!"
Jenny listened to these words, his face flushed red, trembling, "You are not human!"
Brother Hu pointed his finger at Jenny's face, "Little sister, you're quiet to Lao Tzu, there's
no room for you to talk here! Anxious for Lao Tzu, when you go out of this door, Lao Tzu
will force you to believe it or not!"
"Hahahaha, get better. Brother, after you finish playing, leave soup for the brothers."
Behind Tiger, there was a whimper of laughter.
Jennyqi's silver teeth clenched, but he didn't know how to fight back, and tears came out.
"Come on, let me avenge you." Henry felt Jenny's mood change, grabbed Jenny's little hand,
and smiled at her.
With Henry's comfort, Jenny's mood eased a lot.
Seeing that both Henry and Jenny were silent, Li Jiang continued: "Boy, this world is a
world of rich people, not a world of you young people. If you see dissatisfaction, you will
come out and donate. The rich did n’t make it, what did you say you came out of? Leave this
and I will take care of everything, otherwise, you have to think careful y about whether you
came here today to help the welfare institution or harm the welfare The yard is here. Are
the fresh fruits enough for their medical expenses? "
Henry's face is not good-looking, he really did not expect that these people have already
reached such a level of madness, any word, threatening the safety of the children in the
Henry can let people deal with these social scum, and the cruel way makes them regret
coming to this world, but Henry did not do so.
Dealing with one Li Jiang, and the second Li Jiang, helped the Ivy Welfare Institute and the
second Ivy Welfare Institute, so Henry wanted to fundamentally solve this problem.
Henry's ugly face made Zhao Qian proud, "What's wrong, forced, isn't it just arrogant?
Why didn't you speak? Dumb? I tell you, today you will give my aunt a few knocks ,
Grandma, etc. took the people and went to demolish the orphanage. "
Henry ignored Zhao Qian's clamor, he looked at the time on his phone.
"Almost, it's time to come."
As soon as Henry's voice fell, he heard a sudden rush of noise rang at the door of the villa
A Honda Accord was parked in front of the villa door, the door opened, and a middle-aged
man in a suit walked down from the car.
At the same time, two police cars whispering slowly stopped in front of the villa.
When Li Jiang looked at the middle-aged man who came down from the Accord, his face
changed, he wrapped a bath towel, and hurried to the entrance of the compound to greet
"Supervisor Zheng, what brings you here."
Supervisor Zheng glanced at Li Jiang's dress. There was only one swimming trunk under
the bathrobe and frowned. "Li Jiang, you really opened my eyes. I bought such a big villa.
miss you."
In the association, the status of supervision is equivalent to that of the ancient ministers.
Li Jiang laughed, "Supervisor Zheng, you see what you said, this house is not mine, it is a
friend of mine."
"Is it?" Superintendent Zheng snorted, took out a document, and directly slammed it on Li
Li Jiang took the file and just glanced at it, his face pale.
On this document, all of his bank accounts, including overseas banks, how many deposits
there were, and his house under Li Jiang's name, were not left.
"Supervisor, this ..." Li Jiang was a little dazed. These things, he believed to be very covert,
never thought they would be discovered.
"What else do you have to explain?" Superintendent Zheng stared at Li Jiang. "If not, then go
to the police station to have a cup of tea. Our association is hurt by people like you!"
"Supervisor Zheng, this is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding, these things have
nothing to do with me, absolutely someone has framed me!" Li Jiang repeatedly explained.
"Frame you? Mr. Zhang will frame you?" Supervisor Zheng showed a funny look.
Chapter 115
"Mr. Zhang?" Li Jiang repeated these three words suspiciously. He asked himself, he has
been acting cautiously, and has not offended any talents. Where is this gentleman, who is
this big man.
"He said Mr. Zhang, it should be me." Henry stood up from Xiao Mazha. "This information
was also given by me. Li Jiang, what do you think, is it complete? For eleven years, the
amount of corruption , A total of 16 million, this money is enough for you to sit through the
prison. "
"You fart! I am not corrupt!" Li Jiang shouted and quickly explained, "Supervisor Zheng, you
have to believe me, this is not true."
"It's impossible. My husband will never be corrupt. It's definitely the one who deliberately
framed my husband!" Zhao Qian also spoke aside.
"Husband?" Supervisor Zheng gave Li Jiang a strange look. "Li Jiang, as far as I know, is your
wife not her?"
"We ..." Li Jiang laughed a little, not knowing how to explain it. He turned his head and
glared at Zhao Qian fiercely, scolding a fool in his heart.
Zhao Qian also realized that she had said the wrong thing, but everything went to this
point, and she simply opened her heart and said: "Lao Li is indeed not my husband, but I
love him, this is something between us, I am now It is said that someone deliberately
framed Li! "
"Frame Li Jiang?" Superintendent Zheng smiled. "You mean, Mr. Zhang deliberately frame
Li Jiang? What is the motivation?"
"Of course jealous! People like him, jealous of us having money, jealous of us ..."
"Joke!" Supervisor Zheng shouted and interrupted Zhao Qian's words, "Mr. Zhang has been
passionate about the charity industry for so many years, and the amount of donations has
reached hundreds of millions of magnesium dollars. Wil he be jealous of you? Will he
deliberately frame Li Jiang? The evidence is now conclusive , Li Jiang, if you have anything,
leave it to the court and talk to the judge! "
Supervisor Zheng's words, like a thunder on the ground, suddenly exploded, leaving Li
Jiang and Zhao Qian unable to recover.
Donate hundreds of mil ions of magnesium? Just the young man in front of me, wearing
ordinary clothes, donating hundreds of millions of magnesium?
Zhao Qian opened her mouth wide and was speechless.
On the police car outside the courtyard of the villa, two police officers in police uniforms
came down. Without saying anything, they took out handcuffs and tortured Li Jiang.
Li Jiang's face was pale. He was engaged in this business. He understood what concept is to
donate hundreds of millions of magnesium dollars. That is a sentence that can affect the
people around the association. This time, he was completely planted.
It's ridiculous that I just told others that this is a world of rich people, and I told them what
they did. The people who donated money didn't say anything. Where did you get the
qualifications of this angry youth?
In the end, he is a clown!
Li Jiang looked at the handcuffs reflecting the sunlight on his wrists, the hot weather, and
the body was cold all over. For the rest of his life, he just disappeared ...
Zhao Qian watched Li Jiang being taken away, but he couldn't say a word. He was a poor
man and he donated hundreds of mil ions of magnesium for free!
When the two police officers escorted Li Jiang to the police car, Henry suddenly said,
pointing at Brother Hu and others, saying: "The two police officers, these people, take it
with you. Just now they threatened me and wanted to smash Ivy League. Welfare home, I
think you also need to take it back to investigate, and this woman, she knows that Li Jiang ’s
money has been corrupted, and stil enjoys the peace of mind. It should also be considered
as an accomplice, and the sentence should be sentenced together, right? "
The two police officers looked at each other, nodded, and took out the intercom and cal ed.
Several police officers came down from the police car, guarding the entrance of the villa
compound, not letting Hu Ge and others leave, and Zhao Qian's hands were handcuffed.
Zhao Qian was so scared that she came out on the spot and kept crying and begging Henry
for mercy, but Henryli didn't pay attention. His eyes were placed on Supervisor Zheng.
"I need an explanation."
"Mr. Zhang, this time we are not well-managed. The senior management is already holding
an emergency meeting because of this matter, and we will give you a
satisfactory answer in the shortest time." Superintendent Zheng lost his smile and was
afraid of getting angry. Henry.
"Not to give me a satisfactory answer, but to someone who needs help, a satisfactory
answer. During this time, I will arrange for people to visit all the orphanages in the country,
if they let me encounter any corruption again. , I want to end, your association is unwilling
to see, the agreement signed at the time was that all the money I donated will be invested
in public welfare, otherwise, ten times compensation, you think about it Start, oh, by the
way, remind you, I donated not only hundreds of millions, but billions. "
"Understand, understand!" Supervisor Zheng nodded again and again, his back was already
wet with sweat.
Henry glared coldly at Superintendent Zheng. What he did today not only punished Li Jiang,
but also sounded a warning bell for the association to let the association take the initiative
to rule out the worms of Li Jiang.
Jenny heard his teacher mentioned the matter of Henry ’s gratis donation, but he did not
expect such a large amount, bil ions of magnesium! At the same time, she did not expect
Henry to have such great influence in the association.
After leaving the small town of Swan Lake, Jenny couldn't help but be curious, "Henry, why
are you in a charitable cause? Some people are for name, some are for profit, some are for
peace of mind, and some people believe in Buddha. ? You are not famous, not profitable,
and I do n’t think you are a Buddha. "
"Me?" Henry smiled. "I just lived too hard when I was a kid. I hope there will be fewer
people like me. If the conditions were better, my mother would not leave me so early."
"You ..." Jenny looked at the man beside him. Although he spoke lightly, the story behind
this should be desperate.
"Okay, let's go, buy some fruit for the children, and promise to do something for them,
otherwise the children will be disappointed." Henryba smiled.
Jenny looked at Henry's smile. At the moment, he was like a big boy next door.
Running the orphanage to play with the children, Henry left the orphanage at six o'clock in
the afternoon and refused Jenny's request to send himself back, walking alone on the road.
In an alleyway, a black shadow appeared behind Henry.
"Adult." Black Shadow kneeled directly on one knee, "You are looking for me."
"The people who went in today are al slaughtered, and one doesn't need to stay."
Henry said flatly. "Also, who wants to kill my wife, did you hear?"
"Al the people with surnamed Su in Yanjing are checking one by one, and there will be
answers soon."
"As soon as possible, as soon as there is a result, immediately tell me, sharp edge people,
what happened during this time?"
"They monitored the city's communications, and it has exposed the spikes deliberately.
The sharp edge gathered a total of three teams of people, and they have successively
reached Yinzhou and entered our eyes."
"Okay, back off." Henry waved his hand.
The shadow behind him flashed away.
Chapter 116
Another day passed. The next morning, Henry, as usual, cleaned up the house hygiene.
Today, instead of going to the company with Sylvia, he went to Yinzhou University after
saying hel o.
Ning Provincial Medical Association, many people are emeritus professors in Yinzhou
University, some even part-time teachers, want to use a multi-function hal to give lectures
is stil very easy.
Today, Yinzhou University has gathered many people, all of whom are senior medical
professionals from various provinces. They are older and have gray hair. These people
come to Yinzhou University today and they all listen to lectures.
The words "trembling needle" set off a huge wave in the Chinese medicine community in
Originally, Yinzhou University just prepared a small multi-functional hal for the medical
association. As a result, after seeing the arrival of so many famous doctors in China, it
immediately changed into the largest multi-functional hall in the school. Lecture.
With so many doctors in Qihui, students from the Department of Medicine of Yinzhou
University will certainly not miss this opportunity. They hold cases one by one and ask for
The campus is ful of youthful figures.
"Daisy, many professors will come here today, we can't miss this opportunity." Amy Zhang,
wearing a white T-shirt, holding a notebook in his hand, his face ful of excitement.
Daisy's dress is still so vibrant today, "Relax, I have written down al the problems that I
can't overcome during this time. Today I will understand all of them. What about Lam
"She will wait."
At the moment, no mathematics students were gathered at the entrance of the
multifunction hall on the 1st of Yinzhou University, and they were discussing medical
problems. Sometimes some famous doctors would mention them and give them a lot of
Daisy and a group of people gathered together to discuss a rare case.
There is a patient who is born with a stubborn il ness, unable to raise his hands above his
head, his arms are weak, and it is difficult to train. The meridians are unobstructed, and qi
and blood are active.
This case can be said to be a rather difficult condition in the exercises of Chinese medicine.
"Everyone, my friend, named Liu Ran, has studied under Dr. Zhao in Jiangsu Province for
four years. I can ask him about this il ness."
"Hello everyone." Liu Ran is a young man about twenty-four years old, wearing a doctor's
white coat, and greeted everyone. His eyes linger on Daisy.
When people heard that Dr. Zhao from Jiangsu Province, many people cast their envious
eyes on Liu Ran.
Dr. Zhao, that is a well-known famous doctor in the country. He can learn under his hands,
and his future achievements are limitless.
"Brother Liu Ran, do you have a solution to this illness?" One asked.
Liu Ran nodded and said, "There is no foolproof method, I don't have it, but for this case, I
have also discussed it countless times with the teacher, and it is considered a result."
Everyone heard Liu Ran saying so, his face was filled with joy.
Although Liu Ran didn't fil up the words, everyone understood that, and discussed it with
Dr. Zhao, and there was a result. Isn't that a solution?
Liu Ran stood there, watching everyone cast his eager gaze towards himself, not to mention
more satisfaction. His gaze wandered around Daisy, Amy Zhang, and the newly arrived Lam
Sun for a long time.
"This condition, I named it Muscle Function Syndrome. For this condition, we can stimulate
the acupuncture points greatly according to the location of the patient's disease. This
symptom, although it seems that the patient's meridians are connected, but the actual This
is not the case ... "
Liu Ran stood there, talking about each other, and the eyes of the people around him made
him more and more excited.
Some studious people have already started to take pens and jot down these things quickly.
During the rise of Liu Ran's speech, a voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Liu Ran.
"A lot of nonsense! With medicine, every step of the way is trembling, like walking on thin
ice, every action and every thought of you is responsible for the life and safety of the
patient. Now here, nonsense!"
The tone of the voice was so severe that everyone suddenly looked at the person who
"Brother-in-law?" Daisy's eyes widened. She did not expect that Henry would have just
Amy Zhang and Lam Sun also looked at Henry curiously.
Liu Ran's voice was talking while he was talking, and his face was slightly unnatural,
because he knew clearly that this so-cal ed muscle syndrome, he didn't discuss with the
teacher what treatment method, what muscle he just said on The deep level of stimulation
is entirely for performance and vanity. Nonsense. Now that he is so scorned, he can't hold
his face.
Liu Ran glanced at Henry and asked, "Who are you? The result I discussed with the teacher,
is it nonsense here with you?"
"That's who is this person?" A student looked at Henry.
"Do you understand doctors, what Liu Ran said, but it was the result of Dr. Zhao from
Jiangsu Province. Do you mean that Dr. Zhao is also talking nonsense."
"Yes!" One rol ed his eyes and looked at Daisy. "Daisy, did you just say that this man is your
brother-in-law? What did you do? Also a doctor?"
Daisy shook her head, "It's not a doctor, but my brother-in-law said it must be well-
"Oh!" Liu Ran snorted, "Based on? What basis, a person who does not understand medicine,
come and tel me the basis?"
"I'm talking about attitude!" Henry said again, "The study of medicine itself is to save
people, not to make you talk about it. You must know that as a doctor, you must be
responsible for every sentence you own. Do you know the methods you just mentioned, if
they are real y used on patients, what are the consequences! "
Henry drunk, he was full of momentum, enough that when he was talking, the students
around him had to listen and didn't dare to intervene.
Henry glanced at these students for a week, and finally locked on Liu Ran. "If you do this,
the patient is likely to cause congestion of both arms due to excessive stimulation of the
acupuncture points. The consequences are serious, and the arms may be permanently
unconscious! You even There is no such common sense, and I am asked to base it! "
After Henry finished speaking, he pointed to the students again. "And you, you do n’t have
any discerning ability. You can remember what others say, and you ca n’t distinguish
between right and wrong? Think about it in your brain. A meridian is intact and well
connected. People, what are the consequences of forcibly stimulating acupuncture points, is
this basic thing not written in your textbook? "
Henry's words fell, and none of these students dared to refute, standing in amazement.
Chapter 117
"Daisy, brother-in-law, he is so handsome!" Amy Zhang put his hands on his chest and
looked at Henry's figure, his eyes flashing.
"It's very handsome." Lam Sun also nodded, Henry's appearance of scorning everyone, it
real y has an unspeakable charm.
Liu Ran was originally said by Henry, and his face was a little unrestrained, and now he
heard the two beautiful women who looked at him that the man was handsome.
"It's really a laugh!" Liu Ran laughed. "Who are you? A student in the medical department?
A doctor?"
Henry shook his head, "No."
"Oh!" Liu Ran sneered. "So what qualifications do you have to slap me here? What do you
think you are? I tel you, the patient is sick, the doctor is the one who treats it! It's your turn
to beep! "
"Who, I thought it was a famous doctor. When I came to question Dr. Zhao's apprentice, it
would be nothing in the end. Could you go further, please?"
The students who had just been dropped by Henry were also upset and spoke one after
Henry glanced at these people, shivering in his heart, and shook his head helplessly.
Look through the textbook to see what the consequences of excessive stimulation of
acupuncture points are in the basic knowledge! "
Liu Ran had a stubborn neck. "Textbook? What's wrong with the textbook? Wouldn't you
have turned a two-page Chinese medicine textbook and ran here to teach me? Do you know
why we are not so far from Yinzhou University? I ’m not afraid to tell you that there is a
psychiatrist today, who is going to give a lecture here. Al professor-level doctors came to
this lecture, and my master, I have long known the psychiatrist, who said, medicine, You
need to be bold, you need to innovate, you need to break through!
What kind of person do you know! "
As soon as Liu Ran's voice fell, there was an applause and applause immediately beside
"Okay! A good one needs to be bold, need innovation, need a breakthrough. Did you hear?
Master Liu Ran is old knowledge with the doctor. Do you question Liu Ran, don't you
question Dr. Zhao, question the doctor?"
"Come on, don't be ashamed here, disturbing us to study."
"Get out!"
A series of voices sounded from these students.
Daisy's third daughter looked anxiously, "Don't talk about it, my brother-in-law he ..."
"It's okay." Henry reached out his hand and stopped Daisy's words. "Let them say, some
people don't make sense. Daisy, the older you are, the more people and things you see, the
more you will understand. The old saying. "
"Which sentence?"
"The forest is big, there are al kinds of birds." Henry chuckled, did not stay here with these
students, and walked aside.
The three daughters of Daisy did not stay here, and quickly fol owed Henry.
Liu Ran watched Daisy's three daughters leave because of Henry, and then looked at
Henry's eyes full of resentment.
"Brother-in-law, how did you come to our school today?" Daisy did not struggle with the
case just now, and asked Henry curiously.
"Hey." Henry sighed heavily, sitting on a smal stone bench under a big tree, his face full of
grievances, "It's not your sister's black-hearted businessman, squeezing labor, come here
today, not for her Do you work! "
Lam Sun and Amy Zhang listened and secretly smiled, Amy Zhang said: "Brother, you are
really in a blessing, but you do n’t know the blessing, Daisy ’s sister, that is the president of
Lin, Sylvia, who is known as the iceberg beauty, others There is no chance to be bul ied. "
"That's right." Lam Sun also said, "If you don't believe it, try it. You have to divorce Daisy's
sister. There are a lot of suitors in that family."
"Hey." Henry said silly, "I just complained, yes, a few of you just discussed medical
knowledge there, are you medical students?"
"Yeah." Daisy nodded. "Yinzhou University Medical University is already under
construction, and it is expected to be completed by the end of the year. It will be branch
campus at that time, brother-in-law.
"Small things." Henry waved his hand. "Daisy, you come out to study medicine, you can
work directly in your sister's hospital, it's not bad."
"Hey, let's talk about it at this time, I didn't consider so much." Daisy responded and
hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law, I won't tell you first, the lecture over there will start
immediately, we have to go quickly Well, I heard that it was a doctor who gave a lecture.
"OK, go quickly." Henry waved his hand and watched the three women's trotting disappear
in their sight.
At the same time, Henry's mobile phone rang, which was called by President Ma. He told
Henry that everyone had arrived and asked carefully where Xuan Ren was.
"I'l be there soon." Henry responded, hung up the phone, narrowed his eyes, and looked at
the location of the multi-function hal No. 1.
Originally, in this lecture today, Henry just wanted to elaborate his medical philosophy and
show the tremor needle, but through the things just now, he thought he had to do a few
more things today.
When Daisy's three girls ran to the multi-function hal , they were startled by the crowd in
front of them. Not to mention the seats were full, even the aisle was full of people.
Those teachers and professors who concentrated on preparing lessons in the weekdays,
this Like a student, Shi also got his pen and book and sat there waiting for the record.
"Daisy, here!"
In one seat, Wade Zhang waved hard at Daisy, and beside him, sat his two younger
When the two younger brothers saw Daisy, they both smiled pleasingly, and got up quickly,
leaving the seat underneath to Daisy and the three others.
"Yeah, it's not bad, there is also a gentleman's demeanor." Amy Zhang patted Wade Zhang's
shoulder. "After you wiped your eyeliner, there are more men and more exercise in the
future. Now. "
"Amy Zhang, can you tel me a joke, my brother-in-law's muscles, which I can practice if I
want to practice." Wade Zhang bowed his hands. After the last thing, he is now like Amy
Zhang and they shouted Henry called his brother-in-law, and in his heart, that admired
Henry quite.
"Fortunately you are a little self-knowledge." Amy Zhang nodded.
Daisy just sat here and heard a sarcastic voice behind him.
"Yo, isn't that the one? Why, what about your brother-in-law? Running away in vain?"
Daisy looked back, and the person speaking was Liu Ran's friend, and Liu Ran, sitting next
to this person, with a disdainful smile on his lips, looked at Daisy.
"Pay attention to the way you speak. Who do you say ran away in vain?" Amy Zhang's
disgruntled warning sounded.
Chapter 118
"Just say your brother-in-law! Wasn't that a big talker? Just cal ed him to confront him!"
Liu Ran's friend embraced his chest with both hands, and he looked like a successful
person. thing."
Wade Zhang, who was sitting there, stood up at once, regardless of the presence of so many
people at the scene, and yelled directly at Liu Ran's friends: "What are you talking about?
Who are you talking about!"
Wade Zhang made a lot of noise and attracted the attention of many people. Those medical
experts who came from other provinces frowned, and one of the older doctors stood up
and strode towards this. Side, said loudly: "What's the matter?"
"Master." Liu Ran hurriedly stood up. The doctor who came to ask questions was Dr.
Zhao Kuangzhao, who was famous in Jiangsu Province.
Zhao Kuang nodded, "There are so many seniors present, you juniors are here, noisy, noisy,
what kind of system!"
"Master, this doesn't blame me." Liu Ran hurriedly explained, "Just now, I was discussing
some academic things with you. As a result, I came to a person who was neither a doctor
nor a medical department. I started to talk about what I was talking about. Neither, began
to scold me. "
"Yes, yes." The man next to Liu Ran quickly got up and said, "Dr. Zhao, the man not only
said that Liu Ran was brother, but also said that Dr. Zhao was yours."
"Say me?" Dr. Zhao frowned, and his face was a little ugly.
Liu Ran laughed. In fact, just now, Henry did not say how Dr. Zhao was, but Liu Ran brought
Dr. Zhao in while bragging himself, and Henry reprimanded Liu Ran for the socal ed
method of researching with Dr. Zhao. Hearing and thinking that Dr. Zhao is also being
"Mr. Zhao, the person who said you, and the previous couple of people, we just said a few
words of dissatisfaction, and they stood up and yelled." The people around Liu Ran pointed
to Daisy.
Dr. Zhao gave Daisy and others a dissatisfied glance. As an honorary doctor in Suzhou, he
was reprimanded openly by some younger generation, which was a shame.
"Little girl, where are your friends, can you let him come out and confront me? In the end,
where did Zhao Kuang offend him, let him face me so many people and count me Zhao
"Sorry." Daisy shook her head. "Dr. Zhao, my brother-in-law is not here."
"Of course he is not here!" Liu Ran said, "He is neither a doctor nor a medical student.
How can He De stay here? He likes him can speak up."
"Yes." The man next to Liu Ran nodded. "You few, because such a person, yelling in front of
so many seniors, I am afraid that he is also a raccoon dog. I think you should leave here, this
time. The lecture was not original y intended for these students. "
Several people in Daisy's face were pale for a while. They didn't expect that Dr. Zhao would
come out to show Liu Ran, and seeing what Dr. Zhao meant, I didn't plan to give up easily.
"Why? Didn't you let me go if you didn't go?" The man beside Liu Ran, holding his chest
with both hands, was also a doctor's apprentice.
In their hearts, they came with their teacher, that was invited, and the students of Yinzhou
University were a bunch of earth buns. This time they were so convinced that they were
fortunate enough to come to the last class. Don't say anything, dare to yell?
Daisy and others look at me and I look at you.
"Either apologize or go out." Liu Ran's friend spoke again.
"Don't you, I don't listen anymore, shame!" Wade Zhang yelled, he was not good-tempered.
"Oh, it really is not a good bird."
Dr. Zhao stood there and said nothing, just looking at Daisy and others.
Once Wade Zhang's sleeves were thrown, he would walk outside the multi-functional hall.
Daisy's daughters, who were also disgruntled, stood up and walked outside the
multifunctional hall.
Henry's voice sounded at this moment.
"Confrontation? Okay, who wants to confront?"
Wearing a suit, Henry walked in from outside the multi-functional hall with light steps.
"The teacher is him." Liu Ran sneered when he saw Henry.
"Oh?" Zhao Kuang glanced at Henry, and said with a disgruntled face, "Young man, is you
just outside, sick of someone Zhao Zhao's medicine?"
Looking at Dr. Zhao's complexion, Liu Ran's face was filled with joy, boy, let you be
arrogant, I see how arrogant you are now.
"Dr. Zhao, you misunderstood. My brother-in-law didn't just say you." Daisy quickly
"Wel ." Henry also nodded. "You misunderstood."
Looking at Henry's attitude, Liu Ran laughed a few people. Wasn't it just arrogant now?
They just wanted to speak out and beat the water dog in words, but Henry's next words
made them unable to say a word.
"I don't even know who you are, why do you want to scale you? I'm busy? Or are you
famous?" Henry looked at Dr. Zhao strangely.
Dr. Zhao was a little dumbfounded by Henry's words, and he froze for a few seconds before
reacting, trembling and pointing at Henry, "Young man, you are arrogant!"
"Crazy is not arrogant, it has nothing to do with you. Let's talk about the confrontation
now." Henry smiled indifferently, said to Daisy and others, after sitting down, he walked
toward the podium of the multi-function hall.
"This kid is lawless!" Liu Ran saw Henry didn't take his master in his eyes, and he was
furious. "Who let him in, let him get out! This is not where he stays."
"Relax, give you an answer immediately." Henry turned his head, smiled at Liu Ran, and
then snapped his fingers, shouting, "Chairman Ma, please choose a symptom case of muscle
weakness and put it on the screen. "
The voice of Henry surprised Liu Ran a few people, what is this person doing, how can he
directly command President Ma?
Daisy did not have so many ideas. Several people knew that this lecture had something to
do with the Lin Group. The lecturers were al found by the Lin Group. Henry, the husband of
the Lin Group, issued a message. The command should be normal.
As soon as Henry's words fell, a picture of the symptoms of muscle arm weakness appeared
on the big screen.
Henry strode up to the podium, unbuttoned his suit, tossed his jacket, and stood in front of
the microphone in a shirt.
The entire multifunctional hal has also become silent at this moment. Everyone looked at
Henry. Some people guessed what he was going to do, and some people guessed again,
what was he doing?
"Hey, hello!" Henry tried the sound twice into the microphone, and then spoke, his voice,
through the microphone, passed to the speaker, clearly let everyone hear.
Chapter 119
"Everyone, I haven't been so irritable yet, but some things just happened that made me
very unhappy. According to the original itinerary, I was invited by President Ma to tell you
about new medical concepts and presentations. Needling and other acupuncture
techniques, but now, I have other things to do first, for example, check with the doctor. "
Henry pointed to the place where Zhao Kuang was standing. As soon as his voice fell, the
whole hall was in an uproar.
Daisy and others opened their mouths and looked at the podium in surprise. Today, news
about the lecture of the Divine Doctor spread throughout the campus, everyone knows it,
but Daisy few people never thought that the Divine Doctor is Henry!
Zhao Kuang and Liu Ran, their expressions are a bit dazed, what do you mean, this man is
the magician who will lecture today? This……
With a tremble in Liu Ran's heart, he didn't expect that the person in front of him turned
out to be the magician? How can this be?
As for questioning what Henry said, they didn't do it at all. Now President Ma of Ning
Provincial Medical Association and Mr. Yan Lilao are all there. Who can pretend to be a
"Wel , everyone be quiet." Henry raised his hands and pressed down in the void.
The original noisy multi-function hal became quiet again.
"One thing after another, since the doctor wants to confront each other, then I will confront
each other. Please look at the screen." Henry made a gesture of asking everyone to look at
the case picture, "such as In the picture, the patient on the picture is born with a weak arm,
unable to raise his head above him, and is difficult to exercise.
What do you think is the reason for this? "
"It may be that the meridian of the arm is damaged."
"Qi and blood are not smooth."
"It may also be related to bones."
As soon as Henry's words came out, the major physicians opened their mouths, just like
students in the classroom rushing to answer teachers' questions.
Henry nodded, "Add three more conditions, the bones are healthy, the blood is smooth, and
the meridians are connected. So, think about it again."
After Henry added these three conditions, these physicians fell into a brief silence.
"It's not easy to judge, you have to touch your bones."
"Yes, or filming."
Henry smiled, "You guys, do you think there is a problem with the shoulders and neck?
Is it affecting the arm?"
After Henry finished speaking, many old doctors felt the same.
"It's very possible! Our Chinese medicine has the idea of moving the whole body in one
stroke. If there is a problem with the shoulder and neck, it will indeed affect the forearm.
This disease cannot find the root cause at the forearm."
"Yes, starting from many aspects is indeed a method."
A group of doctors came up with many possibilities and began to discuss.
Sitting on the seat, Liu Ran, this time, his face has become very ugly.
"Okay, let me give you another way." Henry stopped everyone's discussion and said, "If you
don't start from the shoulder and neck, but stimulate the shoulder and neck points as much
as possible, how do you feel?"
"Improve acupoints as much as possible?" An old Chinese medicine doctor was puzzled and
thought for a few seconds, then said, "I think it is not appropriate. If the patient's arm is
unhealthy, the blood and blood flow is smooth, and the meridians are active, then
stimulation may cause Excessive congestion of the forearm, the consequences of which are
likely to make the patient's arms permanently unconscious. "
"Yes, this method is definitely not working."
"It's completely Hulai."
"Like a person who doesn't understand medicine, talking about things."
One doctor after another spoke to deny Henry.
On the seat, Liu Ran's face was pale and ugly to die, and Liu Ran's friend was gone.
Henry grinned a little, looked at the place where Zhao Kuang was, and said, "This doctor
doesn't seem to need us to confront anymore. What your apprentice said is that the method
developed with you is so many people present. , Have been rejected. "
"What? The method of stimulating acupuncture points just came from Zhao Kuang?" A
physician said on the spot.
Zhao Kuang can definitely be said to be a famous doctor. How could it be possible to come
up with such a brain-damaged method. With a little common sense, I would never come up
with such a method.
"Less that nonsense!" Zhao Kuang yelled, "When did I propose this method."
"Dr. Zhao, just now your apprentice told us that this is the method that you and he worked
out together. My brother-in-law said that this method was wrong and was teased by your
apprentice, including just now, when you asked my brother-in-law to come out and
confront. Daisy sat next to Dr. Zhao and said to Dr. Zhao.
Dr. Zhao immediately understood what was happening, and glared furiously at Liu Ran,
"Liu Ran, what did you say! This kind of harmful method, you tell everyone in public, and I
said it? What are you? Hearty? "
Liu Ran was so shocked that he shivered, "This, I ..." He hurriedly lowered his head, not
daring to look at Zhao Kuang's eyes. He couldn't say that he had nothing to worry about,
just wanted to pretend to be in front of the beauty , The result was disassembled?
Zhao Kuang breathed heavily.
"Okay, I think the confrontation is here, so there is no need to go on. No matter how much,
it is just a joke." Henry waved his hand, and the case diagram behind him was closed.
Henry picked up the microphone, "You guys, why did you come today, I know very well,
you also know very well, regarding the so-called medical concept, you have been in this
industry for so many years, you already have your own opinions, if I say it, everyone
estimates I also think I ’m farting, so I wo n’t talk about boring things and scenes. What I
want to say today is only two points. The first point is innovation. I will tell you later about
how to innovate. The second point, It ’s the brain! "
Henry pointed his finger at his head and continued: "Chairman Ma, may I ask, can you have
confidence in my medical skills?"
"Of course there are." President Ma, sitting in the first row, did not hesitate to speak, a
person can tremble the needle, can explain his wealth from the side, just like a person owns
a Lamborghini, is he There is only one Lamborghini for al the net worth?
Lamborghini is not his net worth, just his embodiment.
The same is true of Henry. The trembling needle is not all of his medical skil s, only the
embodiment of his medical skil s.
"Okay." Henry nodded and asked again, "President Ma, I'm going to teach you medicine
now. Would you like to learn? How much do you believe in what I taught you?"
"Of course I am willing to learn. I believe in everything you teach me, Master."
"Ful faith? Haha." Henry smiled, "Chairman Ma, then I want to tell you, I cut off your head
with an axe and can save you alive, can you believe it?"
As soon as Henry finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter in the hall.
"This ..." President Ma's face was a little embarrassed. "Master, although I believe in your
medical skills, I can't believe this kind of unrealistic things."
"Good, unrealistic things, don't write." Henry raised his head and looked at the last rows of
seats in the multi-functional hal . "You are students, but you must have the ability to
distinguish right from wrong. If it is wrong, we must have the courage to raise questions,
and do n’t blindly follow suit. "
Henry ’s words, in the ears of those who just had no brain support Liu Ran, made them feel
particularly ashamed, and at the same time blamed Liu Ran on this matter. If you were not
acting there, we could do this kind of thing. It!
Chapter 120
In the lecture, although there were countless seniors in the medical field, none of them
dared to put on the shelf. Mr. Yan Li and Mr. Yan were sitting there listening careful y, who
dared to put on the shelf.
Henry expounded many new innovative ideas. Hearing that some doctors were confused,
some were full of excitement, as if they had discovered a new continent.
Soon, the lecture came to the most anticipated link.
Shaking needle demo! In the case of three points into the wood, use the tremor needle!
At that time, many doctors heard this news, and the first reaction was unbelief. This lecture
was also a process of verification.
A camera was accurately locked on Henry's right hand, and the movements on Henry's
hand were printed on the big screen.
Everyone looked at it careful y, concentrated, and afraid of missing something.
On the right-hand side of Henry, is a solid wood table with a cotton bag on the tabletop, and
silver needles of various sizes are inserted in the cotton bag.
"Everyone, the technique of trembling needles lies in the cooperation between the fingers
and the wrist. I will explain this to you later."
Henry said through the microphone, and his voice fell. His right hand, under the capture of
the camera, quickly took out a steel needle, only to see his wrist shake, half of the steel
needle plunged into the desktop.
"Shake your wrist!" An old gray-haired doctor exclaimed, his eyes staring at the screen.
"It's actually a shake of the wrist. The lost needle method has appeared again."
"Mr. Guo, what's the point of shaking the wrist and the needle?" A physician asked
"Natural y." The old doctor nodded. "It's not as difficult to shake the needle under the wrist.
It's just that many people don't notice this. By shaking the wrist, you can get the fastest
speed and the biggest. Force, let the silver needle stimulate the acupuncture points, under
certain special circumstances, just shaking the wrist under the needle can save a life. "
On the screen, Henry ’s hands were as fast as phantoms, and even the camera was unclear. I
saw that the silver needles in the cotton bag were reduced one by one, and there were
more and more silver needles stuck on the desktop. Like tofu, there is no way to stop the
penetration of the silver needle.
A series of thirteen needles are all tied on the table. If you look closely, the arrangement of
these needles seems to be some kind of connection, but it is difficult to associate.
A famous doctor held his breath and looked at the silver needle stuck on the table.
Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, he shivered uncontrollably and
shouted: "Acupoint! He is on the table, simulating human acupuncture points, this ...
… Incredible! Unbelievable! This is how familiar with the acupuncture points of the human
body can be simulated on the desktop! "
The doctor who was still wondering what connection these silver needles arranged had
just heard this, and all of them suddenly realized.
"It really is an acupuncture point!"
"Take one point as the heart, and the rest of the needles are all stuck on the acupuncture
"It's more than that!" Another elderly doctor stood up and looked at the stage with
excitement. "Master, you tell me, did you take the thirteen stitches!"
"Thirteen stitches!"
"The so-called, acupuncture method that can kill the king!"
The major physicians couldn't help but speak, and everyone turned their attention to the
stage for verification.
Henry nodded, "Not bad."
"Gosh, it's real y thirteen stitches!"
"Teacher, what's so great about killing thirteen needles? Isn't it just putting thirteen silver
needles on the acupuncture points? Already? "A young doctor asked the teacher beside
"Of course not." The old doctor shook his head. "Thirteen needles are different. The needles
are different. The needles hide the mystery. The simplest point is that each silver needle
can reach the lock when it penetrates into the body Qi effect! "
"Lock your breath! Every root!" The young doctor opened his mouth wide. He studied
Chinese medicine and heard the statement about lock breath. If a person can lock his
breath with a silver needle, it means that his level of acupuncture has reached
extraordinary. The point is that, with the thirteen stitches, every stitch can achieve the air
lock effect, or is it the most basic? This ... incredible!
"Look! Shaking, trembling! Sure enough, it's a trembling needle!" Someone shouted.
Everyone's eyes are focused on the big screen. In the screen, the thirteen silver needles
stuck on the desktop are shaking at an extremely fine and fast frequency.
At this moment, there was no exclamation, no yelling, and some just held their breath.
Everyone looked at the screen with all their attention. They didn't dare to breathe strongly.
Their eyes seemed to be admiring a piece of art.
Even though Yan Li and others had seen the trembling needle before, at this time, his eyes
were still unable to pul himself out and were attracted by the trembling needle, revealing a
fascinating look.
For a long time, the gray-haired old doctor first came back and couldn't help saying:
"The needle is shaken with a wrist-shaking technique to achieve the strength of three
points into the wood, and the human acupuncture point is simulated on the empty desktop,
which is even more useful. Life thirteen stitches, and add trembling stitches to it! This is ...
demon! "
No one refutes the old doctor's words. In just one shot, so many things can be done. It is not
evil, but what is it? Genius is not enough!
"Chinese medicine saves! Chinese medicine saves!" Someone shouted, with tears in his
eyes, everything Henry showed was not so simple to surprise him, but moved, such a
superb technique, people can't even be born with jealousy, For Chinese medicine, this is a
supreme honor and a milestone!
"Master, who is your teacher? Which one is everyone?" Someone asked.
"I'm sorry, I can't tell you." Henry smiled. "You, this lecture is here. The training institute
run by Lin will official y start the first class one week later. The chief has already told
everyone here. During this time, everyone who wants to sign up as soon as possible. "
As soon as Henry's voice fell, someone could not wait to speak.
"Sign up! I want to sign up!"
"I have to sign up too!"
"Chairman Ma, I will now send you the information of al the people in our hospital, you
must give us this quota!"
Henry looked at this scene and smiled satisfactorily. It seemed that the teaching he had
prepared had good results.
Just as many doctors scrambled for registration, Henry said again, "Yes, President Ma, some
people, our training institutions do not accept, such as nonsense people, regardless of right
and wrong, and ... blindly fol ow By."
Henry's words just fell, Zhao Kuang and Liu Ran and other people's faces changed
drastically. Isn't that what they said about themselves!
Chapter 121
Henry's words made people in the multi-functional hall look at Zhao Kuang. Some people
familiar with Zhao Kuang felt sorry for them.
Such a good opportunity, Zhao Kuang wasted nothing.
Zhao Kuang's face changed several times, and his voice was a low voice. "This little master,
I and you just misunderstood. Are you a little too maddening to do this?"
"That's right, I offended you, why should I implicate my Master." Liu Ran also said, quickly
remedy, he does not care about whether he can learn something in Henry, what he cares
about now is that Master will because of this Things are angered by myself. If that's the
case, the future of my life will be gone.
"Xiaojiazi? I don't think so." Henry laughed and pointed his finger behind him. "Please look
at the screen, this is the video I just recorded on my mobile phone."
The big screen behind Henry is the scene of Liu Ran's clamor outside the multifunctional
"I tell you, the patient is sick, it is our doctor who treats the disease! I will treat it as I want,
and it is not your turn to beep!"
Liu Ran's eyes were arrogant and his words harsh.
In this way, the doctors sitting in the hal at this moment have their eyes widened, and the
sentence I treat as I want it makes people wonder if they have heard it wrong.
"Scum! It's scum!"
"Zhao Kuang, you have been practicing medicine for decades, and you are commendable in
the industry. Why teach such an apprentice? The patient puts our lives in our hands and we
are responsible for them. Is it something that a doctor said? Is it a person speaking! "
"This kind of person is not worthy of practicing medicine!"
Throughout the hal , there were repeated accusations, and some old doctors were even
more excited.
"Dr. Zhao, this matter is not to whom Henry is directed. Before everyone practises
medicine, they will always keep in mind the five words of the parents' heart of the doctor.
We have an old saying in China, the child does not teach, the father passes, the teaching is
not strict, the teacher is lazy , Your apprentice can say this and has a direct relationship
with you. Now, please go out. "
Henry took the microphone in his hand and made a please gesture.
Zhao Kuang looked gloomy and looked at Liu Ran with trembling.
"Master, I ..." Liu Ran looked pale.
"Animal!" Zhao Kuang waved his arm heavily and slapped Liu Ran's face hard with a slap.
This sound was clear and loud. "I Zhao Kuang, there is no apprentice like you.
Starting today, you and I will cut off the relationship between mentor and apprentice!"
Zhao Kuang slapped his face and ignored Liu Ran. He turned around and bowed to the place
where Henry stood on the stage. "Master, you are very good. I am a traitor, I can
say this, It really has a direct relationship with me. I think I am a good doctor, but not a
good teacher. Today, I have been taught! "
After Zhao Kuang finished speaking, he turned around and walked outside the
multifunctional hall.
Liu Ran face panic, shouted the teacher, followed quickly.
The person who has been around Liu Ran, who has always been aggressive, does not dare
to say anything now. He fol ows behind Liu Ran and walks out of the multifunctional hall.
As for the students who have just mocked Henry with Liu Ran, they also have no face to
stay here. , Out of the multi-function hall.
Outside the multi-function hal , Liu Ran stood here in a daze. He knew that today ’s things
would save him the rest of his life. There is no possibility of practicing medicine.
Today, so many medical seniors are here. Although China is big, there is no place. , And can
accept himself.
"Pretend to pretend to be broken, even if you talk nonsense, and even harm us all." A
student came out and looked at Liu Ran with a sad face.
"That's what you claim to know about the Divine Healer, you don't even know people
standing in front of you, what stuff!"
"I bother!"
A series of sarcasm sounded in Liu Ran's ear, and Liu Ran's heart sank to the bottom of the
valley. His entire person was also penetrated into the abyss. In the medical path, there was
never a day to turn over.
In the multi-functional hal , Henry's lecture continued. After he exhibited so many awesome
acupuncture techniques, everyone treated him more respectfully.
One way to learn is that the master is the first. At this moment, age is not so important, and
academics are the first priority.
Several people in Daisy sat on their seats and looked at Henry on the stage, excited.
"Daisy, brother-in-law, he is really too handsome. If he is not married, I must chase him."
Amy Zhang's two smal hands were tightly held together and said excitedly.
Lam Sun blinked his long eyelashes, "I want to chase."
"You dead girl!" Amy Zhang stretched out his hand and pinched the soft flesh around Lam
Sun's waist. "You want to be my rival."
"That's right, hahaha."
Henry original y set the time of the lecture for one morning. As a result, the doctors who
arrived were so enthusiastic. After the lecture was over, they asked Henry one by one and
asked questions about Henry. Henry was finally idle.
In this way, those doctors still have some intentions, and said that the next time the
training institution teaches, they must consult Henry.
Henry wiped the sweat from his forehead, he didn't feel like a teacher at al , just like a little
girl who was bul ied.
Henrycai had just been idle for a few minutes, and was entangled by Daisy and Wade
"Good brother-in-law!" Henry stood upright when he saw Henry, just as the recruits met
the instructor.
"Holy doctor, give us a chance to let us behave?" Amy Zhang said jokingly.
"Humph." Henry embraced his chest with both hands, and looked at Amy Zhang up and
down, his tone lightly. "How do you want to behave, chick? The requirements of this doctor
are very high."
"Is it?" Amy Zhang twisted his waist, stretched his arm, and wrapped it around Henry's
neck like a snake, "How is Ren Jun picking? Huh?"
Amy Zhang exhaled like a blue, with a fragrance, this youth is also enchanted with a sense
of charm, especially stimulating.
Henry smiled awkwardly, "Uh ... let's do something else, such as running and running
together, playing table tennis or something."
"Cut." Amy Zhang flicked his lips, pushed away Henry, and turned to look at Wade Zhang
and others with a smug face. "See? I said, my brother-in-law is a wife."
Henry, who was still a little counseled, immediately jumped up. "Who said my wife is in
strict control, and my status at home, but you can't imagine it!"
"Come on, brother-in-law!" Daisy covered her mouth and chuckled, "If you are not a wife,
you dare to sing with us at night?"
"Go, go for nothing!" Henry patted his chest.
At eight o'clock in the evening, it was getting dark, Henry belched, and wandered with
Daisy in the wine street near the university.
Chapter 122
Henry is the first time in the wine street of the University City to hold a drinking attitude.
Street vendors and fragrant snacks make Henry feel very interesting.
Several people in Daisy chose a KTV with great experience, opened a private room, asked
for a beer set, and sat inside to start singing.
Wade Zhang's two younger brothers gave Henry a cigarette and poured Henry's wine,
making Henry a bit embarrassed.
At about 9:30 in the evening, the sky was completely dark. Henry and others were also
playing on the head, and the box door was suddenly kicked open.
It was a young man with short hair and a short hair that kicked open the door of the box.
He also looked like a student. Behind this young man, there were a few younger brothers.
Seeing this person, Wade Zhang, who was stil singing, frowned, and put down the
microphone, "Guo Qiang, what do you mean?"
The inch-sized young man cal ed Guo Qiang stretched his arms, put his hands on his back,
looked around the box casually, and said: "It's not interesting, I just want to see, how, when
I got to Jiujie Street, I don't know Would you like to ask me first? "
Wade Zhang ’s younger brother stood up at once, and shouted at Guo Qiang: “What are you,
let ’s say hel o to you!”
Another younger brother Yang Feng also sneered. "They are all from the Aoba Society.
Do you think you are qualified to let us be brothers and say hel o to you?"
"Do you want to die!" Guo Qiang's younger brother also scolded.
"It's okay, let them talk bravely." Guo Qiang waved his little brother carelessly and
continued, "Wade Zhang, I think you still don't call yourself Aoba, just your brother's waste.
Now say it, still Not shameful enough, the head of the leopard? Haha, it's already a waste! Is
someone's hands discarded, what other face is known as Aoba's head, and now the head
should be replaced by our Dragon Brother! "
"What did you say!" Wade Zhang immediately violently rushed towards Guo Qiang when he
heard this.
Guo Qiang didn't move. Two people came out directly behind him and pressed Wade Zhang
against the wall, making Wade Zhangdong unable to move. The two were not students at
first glance, and the chopper in the waist was shocking.
Guo Qiang did n’t even look at Wade Zhang. His eyes looked at the three women in the box.
"Wade Zhang, you said you arrived at the wine street, did n’t come to say hello to me first,
how to solve this matter? Let ’s just let these few Beauty, chat with our brothers? "
Wade Zhang was pressed against the wall by two people, gritting his teeth and squeezing
out a sentence: "Guo Qiang, you don't have to measure in!"
"Depends on how to measure? What if I want to measure?" Guo Qiang smiled a bit, and
didn't even look at Wade Zhang and others in his eyes.
Guo Qiang said, and came to the private room.
"If you go one step further, I'l break your leg." Henry, who had been sitting there silently,
picked up a cold beer and sipped it.
Quan Qiang and Yang Feng, who were afraid of the two machetes in the opponent's waist,
let Henry speak and immediately put down a big cut.
Yes, my brother-in-law is here, what am I afraid of!
The existence of Henry seemed to make them insert a Dinghaishen needle in their hearts at
They still remembered what Henry did in the gambling that day. In the face of dozens of
professional thugs, Henry calmed down and no one dared to resist. Compared with those
professional thugs, Guo Qiang was a fart!
Guo Qiang stood subconsciously and looked at Henry, "What are you thinking of?"
Wade Zhang, who was being held, smiled, "Guo Qiang, my brother-in-law is here today.
I don't want to cause trouble, and I advise you not to cause trouble."
"Is it? Then I'm going to cause trouble?" Guo Qiang gave Henry a provocative look,
deliberately pretending to be slow, moving his right leg and taking a step forward.
On Guo Qiang's face, there was a contemptuous smile, which seemed to be saying to Henry,
you try me.
Sitting on the seat, Henry watched Guo Qiang's feet slowly lift up, and then fell. At the
moment Guo Qiang's foot touched the ground, Henry pulled the wine bottle on his
backhand, facing Guo Qiang's head, and threw it heavily .
The beer bottle shattered in Guo Qiang's forehead, and Guo Qiang also subconsciously
covered his forehead and stepped back several times.
"Are you he ... ah!"
Guo Qiang had just spoken harshly, and he felt a sharp pain in his leg, which made him
unable to say anything else, but screamed.
Henry put the broken wine bottle firmly on Guo Qiang's calf, and the blood flowed to the
spot on the spot. This direct bloody scene made the two people who held Wade Zhang
could not help but take a breath.
They are active in the winery near the university city, with a machete hanging on their
waists, which scares the col ege students, real y let them do something, it is absolutely not
Henry listened to Guo Qiang's screams and sneered. "Without strength, don't learn from
others to pretend to be forced, get out!"
Guo Qiang sat on the ground, looking at his calf with bleeding, his eyes were red, and his
body was shaking.
The two held Wade Zhang and looked at each other, forcibly letting himself settle down,
and then said to Henry: "Dude, which way, our green leaf people, you didn't fight if you
"Huh." Henry chuckled and returned to the sofa to sit down and poured himself a glass of
beer. "I counted three times. Whoever of you dare to stand in this private room, I will give
Henry lifted the glass, without lifting his eyelids, "One."
When Henry said who was scrapped, these people brought by Guo Qiang felt a panic.
They had just seen how this ruthless person started in front of their eyes. They did not
hesitate at al .
"Two." Henry put the glass to his mouth and drank it.
"Okay! You are kind, I want to see, how did you get out of this street today!" Holding the
two Wade Zhang's hands loosened, Guo Qiang, who was sitting on the ground and holding
his legs in tears, came out of the box.
The box became quiet again.
Wade Zhangdasong took a breath and smiled bitterly at Henry, "Brother-in-law, I will show
you the joke this time."
Henry frowned, and said strangely: "Are you in conflict within the Aoba Society?"
Wade Zhang nodded and said, "Brother-in-law, you don't know, our Aoba Society has
always been the largest underground society in Yinzhou. It can be said that it is an
underground society. The boss Lei Gong forbids us to do all things that violate the law and
discipline, In addition to the necessary fights, members of the Aoba Society will not be al
owed to bet against gambling and white goods, and the black hands of those on the road
will not be allowed to reach the university city. It can be said that the Aoba Society is an
underground umbrella. Aoba has changed one after another, and the boss Leigong
abdicated, giving the president to the young lady, which caused many people to be
dissatisfied in private, so ... "
"So it is divided into two factions?" Henry rolled his eyes, this is the movie plot!
Chapter 123
Wade Zhang also felt that there was some dog blood in the plot, and smiled embarrassedly
at Henry, "It's such a brother-in-law, there were people inside Aoba who didn't accept the
young lady, and there were several things in Aoba, my elder brother Leopard head
Originally Aoba ’s second-handed, he was seriously injured in several fights. Now his hands
are completely discarded. The person who pretends to be my brother ’s position jumps out
at once. "
Henry thoughtfully nodded his head. He and the leopard head worked together. They had a
rough understanding of the strength of the leopard head. To deal with ordinary people, the
leopard head is a master. Very general, and Henry also knew a few times that Aoba had
been fighting recently, and the face of the people who faced it was obviously not the
opponent. After several hands-on, the head of the leopard was not badly injured. Relatives,
you have to call the uncle Leopard.
Henry must have been too lazy to control this kind of underworld thing, but now, he and
Helen have also happened so much.
Henry asked Wade Zhang again, "Who is the dragon brother he just said?"
Wade Zhang replied: "Brother Long is here in the university town. He is very capable of
playing. It is said that he was retired from the provincial Sanda runner. Over the years, my
elder brother Leopard has been sitting in the second position. Now that my elder brother is
injured, he immediately anxiously went up, but he did n’t dare to show too obvious, just let
his people bully us in the university city. "
Henry heard it a little funny. This kind of dignified thing that Wade Zhang said was, in
Henry's view, just like the kid playing.
It's not that Henry hasn't encountered this kind of power-stealing incident, but what he
encountered is to bury a bomb to kil the mouth. Please kil the killer. Like this Dragon
Brother's approach, the style of painting is really a bit different.
"Al right." This is the case. Henry has no mood to care. Helen should have no problem
handling this so-cal ed Dragon Brother.
Because of Guo Qiang's affairs, the three girls in the box sang a few songs, and they were
not interested anymore, and a few people were ready to leave.
As a result, as soon as he left the bar, he saw a crowd of black pressure around the bar.
It was led by the two young men with swords who had just held Wade Zhang, and Guo
Qiang was helped to stand beside him.
At the sight of this situation, Wade Zhang immediately turned black.
"Guo Qiang, do you want to do this?"
"Wade Zhang, it's not your business now! I'm going to settle accounts with him!" Guo Qiang
pointed to Henry, "boy, are you just crazy? Now continue to be crazy and show me?"
Henry watched the black crowd gathered outside the bar, and the number was at least 30.
Faced with these people, Henry looked indifferent.
"Brother-in-law, let's call the police." Daisy's three women stood behind Henry with some
fear. In this situation, boys looked scared, not to mention their girls.
"It's okay." Henry patted Daisy's shoulder, comforting. He took a step forward, looked at the
thirty people in front of him, and said, "Who wants to start, stand up!"
As soon as Henry's words fell, there were more than thirty people around the bar. Look at
me. I look at you. No one took the first step.
This scene, Henry had expected that these people, looking at the crowd, but to put it
bluntly, are all here to join in the lively, those who really want to help Guo Qiang's revenge,
seeing himself at first glance.
Seeing that the person he cal ed was unmoved, Guo Qiang couldn't hold his face and made a
wink at the younger brother beside him.
The little brother saw that there were so many people present on his side, and he had a
deep breath in his heart. He took a deep breath and stepped out. "I'm going to move you
today, why not?"
As soon as the younger brother had finished speaking, Henry grabbed the col ar and
slapped his backhand with two slaps. The sound was crisp and loud, and he was
immediately stunned on the spot.
"Go!" Henry kicked the younger brother back to the crowd and continued to speak.
"Who else wants to start?"
None of the more than thirty people dared to speak out, including the two young men with
machetes on their waists.
Such a scene can be said to make people look a bit want to laugh, and more than thirty
people are menacing, but the result is that one person is scared to speak.
Just when the atmosphere was awkward, a frivolous voice sounded outside the crowd.
"Who is it? Trouble in our green leaf site?"
Hearing this voice, Guo Qiang and others al looked upset, while Wade Zhang was even
The crowd spread out a road, a short man with a height of one meter six, with his hands on
his back, walked towards Henry from this road, and the rest of the people respectful y
called Brother Shenghu.
"Who is this?" Henry asked strangely. Every time there was a big event in Aoba, Henry
could not see that there were so many people in Aoba.
Wade Zhang whispered: "Brother Tiger is the left arm and right arm of Dragon Brother.
With him here, Dragon Brother is naturally not far away. If Dragon Brother is to be here,
today's things will be difficult to handle."
Wade Zhang's face was ugly. Obviously, he was still very afraid of the so-cal ed Dragon
Brother Hu, who was only one meter six in height, walked in front of Henry, lit a cigarette
for himself, and looked up at Henry, "Boy, are you crazy? Do you know whose territory this
Wade Zhang said voluntarily, "Brother Tiger, this thing should not blame us, it is Guo
Qiang ..."
"Shut up!" Tiger Brother shouted and glared Wade Zhang. "Did you speak? Unruly things!"
"I'm sorry ..." Wade Zhang lowered his head, looking very restrained, "Just brother Hu ..."
"Have you shut up, haven't you heard?" Tiger Brother threw the cigarette in his hand hard
on Wade Zhang, and Martian splashed Wade Zhang, and Wade Zhangdong didn't dare to
Tiger Brother turned his eyes back to Henry, "Just as you asked, who else is going to do it?
You, the people in Aoba, can you fight?"
"Brother Hu, this matter has nothing to do with my brother-in-law, it's just me and Guo
Qiang's private ..."
"Do I let you shut up!" Brother Tiger raised his foot and kicked directly at Wade Zhang.
A hint of coldness flashed in Henry's eyes, his fists clenched in his hands, and he was just
about to start his hands.
"Ahu! Let's go, something is wrong!" Outside the crowd, a rather impatient voice sounded.
At the same time, the people around Henry bowed together and shouted Dragon Brother.
Henry also happened to see this so-called Dragon Brother, a sturdy man. His calf exposed in
the air was full of explosive power. At first glance, he knew that he was a trainer.
Originally, the unhappy Tiger Brother, after hearing three words of trouble, said to Henry
viciously that you were lucky, and made a gesture of wiping Henry.
Henry's cell phone also rang at this time, and Helen's anxious voice rang on the phone.
"Henry, Hei Lei came with the Siji Gate!"
Chapter 124
Changhong Private Club is located on the outskirts of Yinzhou City. In the eyes of most
Yinzhou citizens, there is only one impression of this club, which is expensive!
The huge floor area, the magnificent vermilion gate, and the people who have no money in
the net are just glanced at it.
In the parking lot in front of the gate of the Changhong private club, there were no cars
under 800,000, but there is an exception today.
A RAV4 parked in the parking lot, compared with luxury cars such as Mercedes-Benz Land
Rover full of parking lots, this RAV4 looks a bit dazzling.
The door opened and Henry took Wade Zhang and Daisy's three daughters out of the car.
The Changhong club is not a kind of gorgeous decoration, but a place similar to a private
winery. At this time, the sky has long been dark. The vermilion gate of this club is like a big
mouth of a blood basin dormant in the night.
In front of the gate of the clubhouse, there is a row of young brothers wearing black suits.
Wade Zhang saw with his own eyes that Brother Long and the brother Tiger had just
entered the clubhouse.
Wade Zhang swallowed. "Brother-in-law, are you going to take us in? I heard that this club
was wrapped up by Aoba tonight, saying there is something serious to be solved."
"Go, take you in and see." Henry patted Wade Zhang's shoulder and strode toward the door
of the clubhouse.
As soon as Helen made a phone call, Henry immediately arrived. He had only one reason to
bring Wade Zhang, and so on to help Wade Zhang get angry.
Wade Zhang pulled Henry's sleeves and said careful y: "Brother-in-law, we may not be able
to get in."
"Aren't you a green leaf person?" Henry gave Wade Zhang a curious look.
Wade Zhang nodded, "Brother-in-law, I am a good person from Aoba, but this level is not
up to standard."
"It's okay." Henry waved his hands indifferently. "Wait for you to pretend to be like a little."
After speaking, Henry did not wait for Wade Zhang to speak again, and walked directly to
the gate. At this time, Wade Zhang was too late to persuade him. He could only follow
Henry. As he approached the Zhu Hong Gate, Wade Zhang was frightened and afraid of
being beaten. What you see, you should know that the rules of the Aoba Society are very
strict. The association has important matters. If you are not invited, you will come in
private and the punishment is not light.
Seeing that he was getting closer to the gate, Wade Zhang became more and more nervous,
and his head lowered consciously.
"Stop, what are you doing!" A young man in a suit drank aloud and scared Wade Zhang
Wade Zhang looked up and saw the people around him really looking at himself.
"I ..." Wade Zhang opened his mouth and listened to Henry's voice before he could speak.
"We are brother Leopard!"
"Brother Leopard? Why haven't I seen you." A little brother wondered, through the dark
night, to recognize Henry's face. When he clearly saw Henry's face, his body could not help
but shivered and frightened. His legs were soft. He was the one who participated in the
battle between the night bar and the Eight Immortals Tower. He was very impressed by the
man in front of him.
"Why? Never seen?" Henry's mouth twitched a smile.
The talking brother quickly lowered his head, "I've seen it, I've seen it, please come in."
Henry snorted, turned his head and waved at the three women Daisy, then strode into the
Seeing Wade Zhang, he was relieved and quickly followed Henry.
Entering the vermilion gate, stepping on a dirt road, the shade in front of him formed the
appearance of spreading his teeth and claws, as if a group of demons were going to devour
and live in the future.
"Brother-in-law, looking at some people." Qin Lan hugged Amy Zhang's arm and shrank his
whole body.
"Brother-in-law, what are we doing here?" Daisy asked somewhat puzzled.
"Of course it's revenge!" Henry replied without thinking, "These people were just so
arrogant, would they let them pretend to run?"
Cross this tree-lined dirt road, and then go forward, you can see that the lights are bright,
and the small second floor of each villa is built in the manor, and each villa is lit.
Around the villa are wooden gazebos, barbecue gril s, and even rockery, artificial creeks,
clear streams, fish swimming, and many unique things to show the expensive price of this
At the entrance of an underground wine cellar, four members of the Aoba Society wearing
suits stood, and Henry's five people were questioned as soon as they appeared.
"We are the brothers of Leopard." Henry still said that, after he was finished, he was taken
into the underground wine cel ar.
The entrance of the wine cellar is very narrow, and only two people are walking side by
side. The earth-built steps have a sense of age. When Henry walked up the first step, he
could smell a strong wine aroma and walk in The road becomes wider and wider until it
appears in a hall where bottled grape wine is stored. Next to each bottle, the wine's vintage
and brewing process are written.
The floor of the hall is covered with bright white tiles, and a huge crystal chandelier hangs
above the head. The lights are down, and it shines on the expensive solid wood wine
This is the first time Daisy's three daughters have come to this winery, looking at these
wines curiously.
"Several people, do you have a reserved wine?" A young and handsome male waiter,
wearing a black and white vest, walked out of a corner of the hall and asked respectful y.
Henry smiled slightly and shook his head, "No."
"Please follow me." The waiter made a gesture of asking, and then turned his head to lead
the way ahead.
If you do not enter this underground wine cel ar, if you are on the ground, people will never
think that this underground wine cellar is actually a cave. It comes in through a narrow
entrance, and the space inside is unexpectedly large.
The five people of Henry followed the waiter, went through several wine cel ar halls, and
finally stopped in front of a wine storage cabinet.
The waiter put his hand on the fifth row of the fifth bottle of red wine on the wine cabinet
and twisted it gently. The wine cabinet made a "creak" sound and slowly moved away from
the shocked eyes of Daisy's three girls, including Wade Zhang.
"Several, please." The waiter bent over and made a gesture.
As the wine cabinet slowly moved away, the scene behind the wine cabinet also caught the
eyes of several people, except Henry, the other four people all opened their mouths.
What appeared in front of them was an underground boxing field! The area of the whole
boxing field is at least as big as two football fields. In it, there are not only the common ring
of boxing, but also an iron cage! On the iron cage, there are still dried blood stains, and the
color is black. I do n’t know how many people left the blood on it.
For everything here, Daisy and others never thought of it.
Henry looked at it all with ease. The things here were just sent to him by Helen, but even if
Helen didn't say, Henry wouldn't be surprised. He knew that almost every city has this An
unknown place.
Chapter 125
At this time, a lot of people are gathering in the underground boxing field. At a glance, it can
be almost distinguished that the people gathered here are probably divided into several
People of the same faction are wearing the same clothes. Everyone faces the direction of
the iron cage and forms a large circle. In the most central position, there are a few people
sitting, which are the masters of these factions.
"I said, are there any rules for the leopard head, the community is so important, these cats
and dogs can also come in?" A voice rang in front of the five Henry.
It was the Hu Ge and others who first came to Henry.
Brother Hu embraced his chest with both hands and stared at Henry. "Is this where you can
come? Is this where you should come? There is no rule in doing things, so get out!"
Long Brother, who was walking in front of Brother Hu, glanced at Henry, frowned, and
didn't speak. His eyes were like looking at annoying flies.
Hu Ge's voice just fel , and another voice sounded.
"I said, our brother Leopard's business, it's not your turn to take care of it? When will you
sit in the second position, and then come to the point!" A young man with long hair came
Seeing the young man, Wade Zhang hurriedly bowed his head, "Brother Qiu."
"A Qiu, I have taught my juniors, how come, this is not enough?" Brother Hu lit a cigarette
and looked arrogantly at the long-haired young man. "You guys are bigger, it seems a bit
unruly. Today's thing , Should they come from such cats and dogs? "
"Brother Leopard wants to come, let whoever comes, you are not qualified to speak, do
your own thing, Ahu!" Qiu brother went back without fear, and then waved to Wade Zhang,
" Acheng, bring your people over. "
"Oh, good." Wade Zhang nodded quickly and walked towards Qiu Brother.
Henry and others followed Wade Zhang. To outsiders, Henry was like Wade Zhang's
Brother Hu made a gesture of wiping his neck to Qiu Brother, and swayed towards the iron
After Brother Hu left, Qiu Brother frowned, "Acheng, why are you here? Who made you
"I ..." Wade Zhang opened his mouth and didn't know how to explain it. This Qiu brother is
the left arm and right arm of Leopard Brother. He knew who Leopard let and who wouldn't
let him come.
Brother Qiu looked at Wade Zhang's speechless words and sighed, "Forget it, I know what
you think, but I just want to do more for the community, but this time, it's not you and I can
Intervene. "
"Brother Qiu, what's wrong with this? I feel as if the bosses of many associations in Yinzhou
have arrived." Wade Zhang looked at the position in front of the iron cage, and there were
many familiar figures.
"It's not just the boss of the Yinzhou club, this time the club boss of the whole Ning
province is here." Qiu Ge made a mouthful towards Tielong, "This time, it can be said that it
is the biggest one of the underground clubs in Ning province Wel , since our Missy came to
power, many opponents have been eradicated. This time, it was against Hei Lei. "
"Hei Lei!" Wade Zhang's eyes widened. The name of the leader of the underground society
in Ning province, he heard more than once, "Brother Qiu, this time, don't we have no
chance of winning."
"That's not necessarily." Brother Qiu nodded. "Hei Lei is powerful, but don't underestimate
Missy's means, listen to Brother Leopard, there is a super master next to Missy, but this
time Thunder is aggressive. Here, instead of fighting with us, we are playing the ring. If the
master next to Missy is strong enough, we still have a good chance this time. "
"Super master!" Wade Zhang looked fiercely at the iron cage. The man had an unspeakable
impulse for the word master.
Around the iron cage, there were more than a dozen clubs in charge, among them the
largest two chairs, Han Yeou, who was the leader of Aoba, and Heihong, who was the leader
of Hei Lei.
Heihong fingered Jasper on his right hand, "Little girl, how do you want to play this time?"
Helen wore a beige windbreaker and leaned on the chair slantingly. The posture was like
that of the ancient mountain king. She looked at Heihong and said, "Black boss, this time,
you are here. Yes, instead of asking me how I want to play, it ’s better to see the boss, how
do you want to play. "
"Hehe." Heihong laughed softly, his voice arrogantly, "Okay, you a little girl said that, I,
Heihong, wouldn't be hypocritical, my rules are very simple, I have five people You Aoba
Society are free, as long as you can defeat my five people one by one, all things, I will not
blame the past, how?
As soon as Heihong's voice fell, there was an uproar at the scene.
"There are only five out of Black Thunder, Aoba is random!"
"This ... is too confident!"
"Hei Boss can say this, it must have his confidence. This underground ring has existed for so
many years, and I have never heard of Hei Lei failing!"
"Did Aoba take it?"
"Take it, face Black Thunder's hole card, don't pick it, then you can't mix it on the road!"
At this moment, everyone looked at Helen.
Helen smiled, "Black boss, you deliberately made me a junior."
Heihong smiled and said nothing.
Helen twisted his slender waist and stood up from the seat, glancing at the Aoba member
behind him, and said loudly: "Everyone, I just heard the words of the black boss, I think you
also heard this time. Out of five people, let's Aoba, who wants to be the first one? "
"I'm coming!" As soon as Helen's words fell, a strong man stood up.
"It's Xitang's fierce brother! At the beginning, it was not a problem to play in four gyms in a
row, one for four or five." Someone said the identity of a strong man.
The strong man wore a white vest, his muscles burst, and he looked full of power.
The place to be beaten is chosen in the iron cage. Once in the cage, there is no distinction
between victory and defeat, and no one can leave. No one can interfere with the beaten two.
Without saying anything, Meng Ge went straight into the iron cage.
Helen made a welcoming gesture to Heihong, "Black boss, what about you?"
Behind Heihong, he walked out of a young girl. It looked like he was in his early twenties,
wearing ordinary sportswear and wearing a ponytail.
The girl didn't say anything and walked into the iron cage. Her appearance made a strange
sound around her. No one expected that Hei Lei was the first young girl to play.
It was such a young girl. .
"Brother Qiu, did you say that Black Thunder deliberately let us use it? Meng Brother hit
this girl without using a hand?" Wade Zhang looked at the two in the iron cage with a
strange look. Big bad wolf and little white rabbit.
Qiu brother nodded in agreement, just to make a speech, he heard such a voice in his ear.
"Your fierce brother lost."
Chapter 126
"Boy, do you have any eyesight? How could A Meng lose?"
Wade Zhang also said, "Brother-in-law, Mengge should not lose. Look at that female figure,
how could it be Mengge's opponent."
Henry shook his head and smiled, "The size does not mean strength. Your fierce brother,
looking at the burly and powerful, the actual underside is not stable, the girl looks at the
young and weak, walking with a dark energy, if I do n’t have If you guess wrong, this girl,
etc., can take up to three moves to put down her opponent. "
Brother Qiu pouted, apparently sneering at Henry's words.
Wade Zhang smiled embarrassedly. He was not good at refuting Henry, but it was really
hard to believe, wouldn't Mengge's strong physique be a little girl's opponent?
The three women Daisy did not have so much suspicion. In their hearts, it was almost what
Henry said and what they believed.
The iron cage ring, the moment the iron fence is closed, represents the beginning. Only
when one side falls to the ground will the iron cage fence open.
The space in the cage is not large, and it is full, but it is 30 square meters. The two people in
the cage are inevitable.
Meng brother looked at the thin girl in front of him, and there was a sneer on his face, "I
really don't understand, Hei Lei told you to fight, did you ask you to die?"
The girl stood there calmly without saying a word.
Seeing that the other party didn't take care of himself at all, Meng brother was a little
dissatisfied and snorted and walked towards the girl.
Helen sat in a chair and looked at the girl in the cage, Liu Mei frowned slightly. She did n’t
think that Heihong deliberately put water on herself. After knowing something about Gu
Wu from Henry, Helen completely understood what it meant. You can't look like a person.
Maybe you look at a thin person, and you can burst out of your unimaginable power.
Helen did n’t think that Mengge could win, or that she did n’t think that she could win the
people sent by Heihong except Henry.
Meng brother walked in front of the girl and sneered, "Little girl, don't blame me, if you
want to blame, just blame the person who sent you to the stage!"
As soon as Meng's voice fell, he punched the girl with a punch.
The people outside the iron cage closed their eyes when they saw the fierce punch of
Mengge. They seemed to have seen the scene of the young girl being knocked to the ground.
But the fact is beyond their expectations.
I saw that when the punch of Mengge was about to hit the girl, the girl stretched out her
right hand like a lightning and took the fist from Mengge. The strong punch of Mengge was
actually pinched by the girl.
"This!" Brother Meng's face changed, and he subconsciously pulled his fist back, but he
found that his fist seemed to be stuck by a giant pliers and could not move.
At this moment, Meng brother finally realized something was wrong.
"You!" Meng brother shouted, just started.
The girl lifted her right foot and pul ed out a whip leg, which was heavily drawn on
Mengge's thigh.
This time, it made Mengge feel as if someone was waving a steel tube and smashing it on
his leg. The severe pain hit him, and his leg became paralyzed in an instant.
At the same time, the girl's wrist pressed hard, squeezing the fist of Mengge, a clockwise
rotation, the power of this rotation was transferred from the arm of Mengge to the body.
Brother fell to the ground and made a "poo" sound, bringing up the dust on the ground.
This set of movements went through clouds and water until Meng Brother fell to the
ground, and some people didn't react. What happened.
The girl, stil standing there calmly, had no waves in her eyes and didn't even look at Meng
"Two strokes." Henry's mouth widened, and he spoke gently.
The expressions of Wade Zhang and Qiu Brother are all fixed, and I don't know what to say.
Heihong's face is also plain, as if such an ending, he had expected it.
In Helen's eyes, there was excitement, because she was sure that this girl, who also
practiced Gu Wu, as a person who slowly began to contact Gu Wu, Gu Wu's strength
fascinated Helen.
The iron cage opened, and several members of Aoba rushed into the cage, lifting Mengge
Helen sat in a chair, turned his back to the members of Aoba, and spoke again, "Who is
"I'm coming!" Another person stood up. He had just watched Mengge lose like this, and he
was a little disdainful to Mengge in his heart. He had played with Mengge before, knowing
that Mengge's weakness lies in the market, and exercise al year round It is to make
Mengge's upper body explosive, but his body is a bit uncoordinated, and the underside is
unstable, and then he will be knocked down by two strokes.
The iron cage closed again.
Henry looked at the two in the cage and shook his head. "This time it's still within three
"Don't ..." Qiu Brother spoke on the spot, but the last energy word was not yet spoken.
The result was already in the iron cage. This young girl once again used only two moves to
release a green leaf warrior. inverted.
Now, even the most nerve-wracking people in the field can see that this girl is not as simple
as it looks.
"Next, who?" Helen spoke again.
Aoba walked out one person after another, with more than a dozen people, but none of
them was the girl's opponent in the cage until no one dared to start again.
Hei Lei said that only five people were sent, and as a result, the first person picked all the
green leaves.
Henry stood at the back, and every time Aoba sent someone, he would make an analysis. At
first, Qiu Brother asked him if he was nonsense, but later, every time Aoba came out, Chou
would ask Henry first. Is it possible? win.
Heihong looked at Aoba's good hands one after another and said with a smile: "Little girl,
are you the one who used me to train you?"
Helen smiled. "Black boss, the rules are up to you. I can send as many people as I want."
"Of course." Heihong nodded. "But the little girl, training the soldiers, you have to stop it.
If you continue to practice, this person's heart will disperse."
Heihong said as he glanced at the Aoba Society behind Helen. These members of the society
now have a sense of disbelief in their expressions. There are more than ten good players in
the society, who chal enged a young girl one after another, but there was no one. After
three moves, it was a great blow to them.
"Black boss, this won't bother you." Helen stretched his hand over his head and waved
behind him. "Along, don't you always want to sit in the second position, give you this
opportunity today, you can lose two?" People, these two heads are for you! "
"Brother Dragon!" Tiger Brother looked at the man in front of him with surprise.
A long white bandage was tied to Long Ge ’s fist. Now, he is removing the bandage a little
bit. This kind of bandage is to avoid excessive force when punching, causing damage to his
muscles. When a When the boxer took off the strap, it meant that he would not leave his
way behind.
Chapter 127
Although Longge ’s status in Aoba Club is not very high, his popularity is second only to
Aoba ’s several heads. The title of a provincial Sanda runner made him particularly famous
in Aoba Club. The feeling of planting green leaves and double flowers.
Now, Brother Long is going to let the members of the Aoba Society cheer.
The defeat of more than a dozen good players in a row made them too stubborn and
desperately needed a person to find the place.
Seeing that Brother Long had such a high popularity, Brother Hu's face showed joy.
"Brother-in-law, how much chance do you think he has?" Wade Zhang asked, looking at
Dragon Brother who was walking into the iron cage.
"It's not easy to say." Henry shook his head. "This person has some foundation, he and that
girl, it depends on who has more fighting experience."
Brother Long walked into the cage, and the iron cage was shut down. He didn't have any
unnecessary nonsense, he just started.
Outside the cage, Tiger brought his hair out to cheer.
The battle situation in the cage is exactly what Henry guessed. Dragon Brother is different
from the previous dozens of people. He has dealings with the girl and even seems to have
the upper hand.
"Little girl, I don't think you have such masters in Aoba. It's really rare." Heihong looked at
Dragon Brother and said enviously.
Long Brother's fists waving a pair of fists in the wind, with the sound of breaking the wind,
Tiger Brother looked at his heart with excitement. Today's battle, Long Brother will be
famous, and this green leaf will definitely have a place for him!
"Hey, I lost again." Henry stood there and shook his head.
"How could it be?" Brother Qiu frowned, somewhat puzzled. Although he and Private
Brother Long did not agree in private, in this case, he stil hoped that he would win.
"The early shot was too fast and I didn't know how to hold my breath. In this stalemate, I
will soon be exhausted." Henry shook his head. This dragon brother has a strong
momentum, but the fighting experience is too scarce .
As if verifying Henry ’s words, less than a minute after Henry ’s words, the dragon in the
cage made frequent mistakes and was punched on the body by the other party. His steps
retreated, and when he was about to fight back, the other party strongly bullied him. On the
fight, he hurriedly resisted and was finally punched in the abdomen.
Long Ge was bowed like a shrimp by the punch, and his face was flushed, and this
competition will have a result.
Hei Lei needs five people to challenge the entire Aoba community, but only one person will
challenge al the Aoba masters!
Brother Hu's excited expression narrowed, and hurried towards the iron cage. When the
iron fence was opened, he quickly entered the cage and helped Dragon Brother out.
In Brother Long's eyes, there was a strong unwillingness.
Helen's voice sounded again, "Who else?"
This time, everyone looked at me, I looked at you, no one stood up again.
Now who wants to stand up and say that, he definitely has extraordinary confidence in
himself, and he thinks that he is stronger than Longge, which will stand up.
But looking at the entire Aoba Society, who dares to say that he is stronger than Brother
Henry twisted his shoulders, he knew that he couldn't look down anymore, don't look at
Helen's female tyrannosaurus sitting there now, it is estimated that she was already in a
hurry to smoke, if you don't shoot, God knows this woman What tyrannosaurus can do.
"Is there anyone?" Helen asked again.
"I'm coming!" Henry shouted loudly, and stood up in the surprised eyes of Henry, Qiu
Brother, and Daisy.
When Helen heard Henry's voice, there was a feeling of peace of mind. She looked back and
saw the familiar figure. Just when she was ready to speak, she heard a dissonant voice rang,
still from Aoba. Within the company.
"Go back! There are no rules!" Brother Hu glared at Henry with a somber face and yelled
Long Brother has just defeated, and whoever stands up now thinks that he is better than
Long Brother. Unlike others, Long Brother ’s reputation in Aoba is supported by his skil s,
including his status, and also with him. The Ningxia Sanda runners have a direct
relationship. Those who think that they are better than Longge do n’t mean that he also
wants to suppress Longge in the position of Aoba.
In the eyes of Brother Hu, Henry and they are al younger brothers of the leopard head.
Now the younger brother of the leopard head has to stand up and press his big brother.
Henry looked at Tiger Brother strangely and didn't speak.
Helen Rou was just ready to say hel o to Brother Tiger and put it in his belly, looking at this
Brother Hu saw Henry standing there, unmoved, and continued to scold: "Why, do I need to
tel you a second time? Is this where you are staying?"
Henry was silent for two seconds, and raised an eyebrow. "I'm not going. Are you going?
Since you are so arrogant, it is better to go up and fight."
After Henry finished speaking, he easily found a chair and sat down.
"Me!" As soon as Tiger began to speak, he was interrupted by Helen's voice.
"Okay, then you go up and fight." Helen ordered directly. Although Helen didn't know what
happened between Henry and his men, she was definitely on Henry's side.
"Miss, this is me ..." Brother Tiger laughed, and went up on his own? What a joke, even
Dragon Brother is not an opponent, isn't he going to die?
"Look at your size, you shouldn't be inferior in strength. Go ahead." Helen poked into the
iron cage.
Brother Tiger waved his hands again and again, "Miss, you misunderstood. I just joked with
this little brother. If he wants to fight, let him fight well."
"Sorry, I don't want to fight anymore." Henry shook his head. "How dare you fight if you are
such a big man?"
Helen looked at Brother Hu disgruntledly, "Not yet? Waiting for me to invite you up?"
"Miss, this ... this is ..." Brother Tiger showed a bitter look on his face, not knowing what to
say. He is now wondering why he blamed a younger brother would cause such a big
response from Miss. ?
"How many times do you want me to say?" Helen's complexion has changed.
"No, Missy, this ... I'm not afraid of being ashamed." Brother Hu looked embarrassed.
"Nothing shameful." Helen smiled, "Go on."
Helen's attitude is now clearly stated, and it will not work.
Beside the shouting tenderness, the backbone of the Aoba Club looked at Brother Tiger like
a fool. For Henry, they had participated in the large and small events of Aoba as the
backbone. A person in charge of Xiao Xiaotangkou, dare to blame such a ruthless person so
Brother Tiger looked sad, and looked away for help, but no one ignored it.
"Come on, wasn't it awesome when I just clamored, why did you counsel me?"
Chapter 128
Brother Hu stood there, his face was uglier than crying, and Da Dang and San Dang were
both open, he had no other choice.
Tiger Brother stared at Henry with resentment. If it were not for this person, how could he
be forced to the present level? Okay, wouldn't he just go to the ring, and wait for Lao Tzu to
come down from the ring?
Finally, Henry glared fiercely. Brother Tiger raised his foot and walked into the iron cage.
Compared with the more than a dozen good players before, Brother Tiger was even more
embarrassed. He was kicked on the side of the body and instantly broke two ribs. Can't
afford to fal .
Seeing this scene, Wade Zhang didn't mention how relieved he was. The person who had
just been arrogant and arrogant now lay there and was seriously injured.
The iron cage door opened, and Brother Hu's younger brother rushed in to lift his older
brother out.
Henry smiled with satisfaction and got up and walked towards the iron cage.
Seeing Henry, Hei Hong's always plain face also became important, because he knew that
this was also an ancient martial artist, and his strength was definitely not weak.
"Why did the brother-in-law really go in!" Daisy looked at Henryzhen and walked towards
the iron cage, looking anxious. Just now, she thought Henry said that she was going up, but
it was to humiliate the dragon brother. What Henry has to do is not just humiliation.
"I don't know." Amy Zhang shook his head. "But looking at the brother-in-law's expression,
he is very confident."
"Brother-in-law is definitely better than the woman." Long-legged beauty Lam Sun said
without hesitation.
Amy Zhang gave Lam Sun a look, "Ni Zi, when did you become the sister of the brother-in-
Lam Sun grinned and did not speak.
Brother Hu was lifted out of the cage by his younger brother, and his two ribs were broken.
His facial expression was distorted by pain. However, after Hu got out of the cage, the first
thing was not to go to the hospital, but to find Wade Zhang and they settle their accounts.
Brother Long also looked somber, and walked towards the place where Henry stood.
Brother Tiger was his brother. This time he was shamed, how could he bear it.
The two brothers of Longhu took their younger brother and walked towards Wade Zhang
with great force.
"Go, take a few of them, frame me out!" Brother Tiger waved his face in pain, his eyes full of
After listening to the brothers of several tiger brothers, they immediately went to Wade
Zhang and several of them.
"Ahu, what do you want to do?" Qiu Brother looked a little uncomfortable in front of Wade
"It's okay for you, go away!" Brother Long covered his abdomen and stood up, swearing.
"Brother Dragon." Qiu Brother was afraid of seeing Long Brother's voice, and whispered,
"You are not in compliance."
"Rules? When will I Along teach a younger brother to comply with the rules?" Brother Long
asked impatiently, "Come, take them out with me, and the kid, when he will come out of the
cage , Pul me up the mountain! "
Upon hearing the word on the mountain, Brother Qiu and Wade Zhangdu changed their
faces drastically.
But they have heard that Long Ge's favorite treatment of Qiu Family is to pull Qiu Family to
the mountain. None of the people who were dragged by him to the mountain have ever
come down.
A group of people around Long Brother surrounded Wade Zhang with poor looks, and
Daisy's three daughters natural y became their targets. These people's eyes looked at
Daisy's three daughters. What's in their eyes could not be more clear.
"Brother Long, I'm going to call Brother Leopard!" Brother Qiu took out his phone in a
panic. Now things are beyond his control.
"Who did you let you cal !" Long's man stepped forward and grabbed Qiu's cel phone, and
then threw it to the ground, "He's surnamed Qiu, he's nothing to do with you here. !
Brother Qiu looked at the people in front of him, and his legs were a little trembling. He
knew that today, this matter is no longer good. Brother Long wants to deal with a
younger brother. Even if he cuts first, then Brother Leopard has no choice. , Also have to be
"If you don't get away, just pul up on the mountain!" Brother Long said impatiently.
Brother Qiu almost fell down, and he looked at Wade Zhang with an apologetic look, "A
Cheng, don't blame your brother, I'l go find Brother Leopard!"
"Hurry up with you!" The man standing in front of Qiu Ge pushed him away and stared at
Wade Zhang, "Boy, are you going to take the initiative with us, or will we break your leg
first, and frame you Go out? "
Wade Zhang looked at the battle and swallowed hard. "Brother Long, this time, I did not do
well, but it has nothing to do with my classmates. Can you not embarrass them?"
Brother Hu was relieved from the pain of the initial fracture of his ribs. With the help of his
younger brother, he came to the three women Daisy and licked his lips. "These girls are
good, I want them all."
"Brother Hu! Doesn't this have anything to do with them!" Wade Zhang, who has always
been very respectful, suddenly shouted, "Is this he's my own business, don't even bother
my classmates!"
"Is it for you!" The person in front of Wade Zhang kicked on Wade Zhang's stomach,
"My boss wants to move whoever he wants, what do you count, let me go!"
Daisy's three girls looked back and forth and looked at the iron cage again. Henry was still
standing in the cage at the moment, not even noticing what was happening here.
Amy Zhang's eyes were a little flustered, but still calm, "Brother Long, I advise you not to be
impulsive, you have to know who she is!"
Henry said that she was Daisy.
Daisy took a deep breath and stood up.
"Oh? Who is she?" Long Brother gave Daisy a playful glance.
Daisy settled down, just preparing to say that he was the Lin family, he heard a voice.
"Aron, your movements have been quite big recently!"
Upon hearing this voice, Brother Tiger and all the younger brothers changed their faces.
Brother Long turned and looked at the speaker, "Brother Snake."
Gauze was stil wrapped around the palm of the viper, and with a smile on the corner of his
mouth, he came over.
Seeing the poisonous snake, the brothers of Dragon, including Brother Tiger, all nodded
and said hel o.
"Along, what is this for?" The poisonous snake glanced at the younger brothers and asked
"Brother Snake, just teach a few men who do not understand the rules." Brother Long
"Don't understand the rules?" There was a doubt on the snake's face. The doubt on the face
completely disappeared and became fierce in the next second. At the same time, a slap was
drawn on Dragon Brother's face. This slap, Dragon Brother could hide, but Dare not hide.
A crisp slap sounded, and Brother Long's profile also had a five-finger print.
"Brother Snake, are you ..." Brother Tiger stood aside and couldn't help speaking.
"Shut up!" The viper shouted loudly and shouted, "I don't understand the rules? I think it's
your Along who has lived so well recently. It's you who don't understand the rules!"
"Brother Snake, I don't understand what you mean." Long Brother frowned.
Chapter 129
"Don't understand what I mean?" The poisonous snake chuckled. "Aron, you know, who is
standing in the iron cage now?"
The viper's words made everyone look at the iron cage.
The poisonous snake lit a cigarette and glanced at Hu Ge and others.
"Aron, your people are real y getting more and more courageous. Everyone dares to
provoke you, you dare to scold! When the older brother Leigong was still in power, you
have to be polite to that person. You are better and live better than you. Leigong is still
arrogant? "
Hearing this, Brother Long had a bad hunch in his heart, "Brother Snake, he is ..."
"Along, your time in the club is not short, there are some things that you should have heard
of more or less. At that time, we were in the dark, and more than fifty brothers were solved
by this one person, Baxianlou, we It was this one who was ambushed by the big circle
society. This person wiped out the big circle society. When Hei Lei 2 came to seek revenge,
his men did everything. Today, he and Hei Lei are fighting. Dare to follow, I have to say,
your courage is really big! To be honest, I admire you very much. "
Every time the viper said a word, Long Ge's face was ugly. When the voice fell, Long Ge was
already speechless.
The eyes of Brother Hu and others were a bit dul .
As members of Aoba, they have heard of some major events that occurred some time ago,
and they all know that Aoba has such a mysterious master, but none of them thought that
the mysterious master, a young man, was also regarded as himself. Little brother with a
leopard head.
Compared to Brother Hu, their faces are ugly, and Wade Zhang is trembling with
The super master whose reputation spread throughout Aoba, turned out to be the brother-
in-law! God! This is incredible!
"Aron, your people are real y good. You should stay here honestly. What should you do?
Wait to see the mood. Remind you, your attitude is better. Otherwise, Missy I ca n’t
guarantee you! ”The poisonous snake said, and he gave a thumbs up to Brother Tiger.
The irony in this thumb was very strong.
Tiger Brother and others, all with their heads down, did not dare to say a word, and they
had just been arrogant, and now they were terrified and extremely panicked.
Brother Long took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "Who is the one who caused the
"One ... one ... a younger brother, from Yinzhou University, named Guo Qiang." Brother Hu's
voice trembled.
"Let him roll over for Lao Tzu!"
Wade Zhang laughed and looked at Brother Long, "Brother Dragon, do we still pull us up
the mountain?"
Brother Long squeezed a smile that was even uglier than crying, "Little brother, what
happened just now was misunderstood. Don't worry about it."
Daisy sneered, "Misunderstanding? You wait, I won't let my brother-in-law let you go!"
Brother Long opened his mouth and was speechless. In the face of absolute strength,
everything is useless. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for not opening
your eyes.
The poisonous snake brought Daisy and them to the forefront. The people sitting here are
extremely important for the identity of the community. Originally, Wade Zhang was sitting
here and still seemed cautious. He was very cautious in his own attitude, handed himself
cigarettes, and ignited himself. Then he realized how high his brother-in-law's status in
Aoba was. He just came along with his brother-in-law. Treatment, it seems that the brother-
in-law is very respected.
What Wade Zhang didn't know was that Henry was not respected by the Aoba Society.
It was scary. That was true. Every time Henry started, the bloody scene had already
penetrated the hearts of these high-level leaders.
Helen, who was sitting on Aoba's throne, turned his head and looked at Henry. Her eyes
stayed on Daisy for a few seconds. She, who has the status of a criminal police officer,
naturally knew the identity of Daisy, the family of Lin, but just watched After a few glances,
he looked at the iron cage again.
In the iron cage, Henry stood in front of the girl with no movement.
The girl looked at Henry and didn't move.
Henry didn't want to move. It wasn't worth letting him move first to a little girl.
And that girl is afraid to move. The opponent she met before, just seeing the pace of the
other party before you start, you can know the reality, but Henry, she ca n’t see through, in
her eyes, her opponent looks There were flaws al over her body, but she had an intuition
that if she dared to move, she would definitely get a thunder blow.
Time passed by one minute and one second, Henry stood there relaxed, but the girl's back
was already wet with sweat.
Behind Heihong, there are four people sitting, a middle-aged man, with three young people.
Looking at the cage, the middle-aged man sighed, "Your sisters and sisters have lost."
"Lost?" The three youngsters were a little puzzled. "Master, this is not played yet. Why did
Shimei lose?"
"Momentum." The middle-aged man spit out these two words, "You didn't play, you didn't
face your opponent directly, so you can't feel that momentum. His momentum is not
something your teacher can compete with, including the three of you, any. One standing in
front of him will be overwhelmed by this momentum, and next time, you go together. "
When the three young people heard Master say this, they did not refute them. They al
nodded solemnly. They knew that their Master would not talk nonsense.
In the cage, the girl ’s forehead was already covered with sweat, and large drops of sweat
slipped off her cheeks. She felt that she was not facing a person, but a mountain.
The towering, tall, covered the sun, let I couldn't breathe. At the beginning, I didn't dare to
move, but now, I can't move at all. Even my limbs feel a little weak.
Henry looked at the girl like this and sighed. He knew that if she went on like this, the girl
would most likely col apse. Henry stepped forward, and he was stil five meters away from
the girl. It felt like he was here in a flash. In front of the girl, she raised her fist and waved
towards the girl with a burst of wind.
Facing Henry's fist, the girl didn't even hide, and the whole person stayed there without
any movement.
There was a burst of bang, next to the girl's ear. Henry's punch did not hit the girl, but hit
the girl's ear.
When Henry's fist stopped, the girl's legs softened, and the whole person collapsed, falling
to the ground, breathing heavily, breathing out sweats al over her body, and her eyes were
full of fear.
"Girl, your strength needs to be improved." Henry smiled and stretched out his hand to the
The girl fixed her eyes on Henry for a few seconds, took the initiative to grab Henry's hand,
and let Henry pull himself up.
"Thank you." The girl said softly to Henry, this was the first time she spoke after playing.
The middle-aged man sitting behind Heihong saw this scene and shook his head,
"Heihong, let go of the cage, we lost."
At the same time, the three young men beside the middle-aged man stood up.
Chapter 130
Except for only a few people, nothing happened in the cage. This feeling is like a fake match.
Henry throws a punch out of thin air, and the opponent falls down, if not everyone present
knows It's estimated that the character of Hei Lei, who is the head of the family, has
screamed loudly.
The iron cage fence opens.
The girl came out of the cage and came to the middle-aged man behind Heihong, "I'm sorry
Master, I lost."
"It's okay. The opponent is too strong. It's already very good that you can persist under his
momentum for so long. Go back this time and practice martial arts. Don't be lazy."
"Yes, Master." The girl nodded and sat beside the middle-aged man.
Henry looked out of the cage, and he felt pretty good about the girl. In the fight with the rest
of Aoba, the girl had a very good start and no heavy hand. Otherwise, Henry must be in a
thundering trend just now. Its destroyed.
Behind Heihong, three young people came out one after another, all with short hair,
wearing red and white sports clothes of the same style, walking towards the iron cage.
"three people?"
"what happened?"
"Can three people go together?"
Seeing that Black Thunder sent three people directly, there were suspicious voices
Helen frowned his willow, "Black boss, you seem to be a bit unruly in this way?"
"Not in compliance, is there any?" Heihong smiled a little, "Little girl, I just said, our Hei Lei
sent five people, your people, as long as they can beat us five people one by one, I did Say, I
ca n’t send more than one person at a time, and I did n’t say that the five people I sent were
playing one by one. ”
When Heihong spoke, he did not deliberately lower his voice so that many people could
hear it.
Listening to Heihong's words, many people present scolded shamelessly in their hearts.
Even Han Genou was a little speechless to Heihong, "Boss Hei, are you interesting playing
this word game with a little girl of mine?"
"No way." Heihong shook his head. "The opponent is too strong. If I want to win, I can only
use some strategies. Little girl, you can also send more people at once. If you want, you can
fil this iron cage. Row."
Helen glanced at his mouth. The iron cage was 30 square meters in total. How many people
could be packed. She looked at Henry. When she saw Henry's OK gesture, she felt relieved.
Helen nodded and said to Heihong: "Wel , Hei Bo, you are an elder, as you say, I have no
luck with Helen. If we can beat him, we will lose. "
The three young men walked into the cage, and they al looked at Henry, wondering where
this man is real y good.
The iron cage fence made a sound of gold and iron symphony and closed it completely.
The three youths lined up and faced Henry.
Outside, the middle-aged man asked the girl next to him, "How did you feel just now."
"He's very powerful." The girl said, "When I saw him, I wanted to be preemptive, but I felt
like I couldn't get started. It seemed that hitting him at any point was unsuccessful.
Over time, he put pressure on me It's getting bigger and bigger, it seems like a mountain,
Master, that feeling is even more uncomfortable than when I was against you.
"Huh?" The middle-aged man looked at the cage in confusion, guessing, "Is he practicing
Among the ancient martial arts, there are two types of physical training and physical
training. General y speaking, physical training is stronger than physical training.
However, it is difficult for people who practice physical training to have a deal. If you can
practice it, it will be very rare.
In China, there are some well-known qigong masters, all of whom are quite old. If it is said
that the cornices are a bit exaggerated, but they can definitely be as light as a bird and
control the Qi in the body.
In the early years, someone had interviewed a qigong master. In the year of the flower
armor, he sucked a porcelain bowl with the breath of his abdomen. The three strong men
could not remove this porcelain bowl from the qigong master's abdomen.
After speculating that Henry is likely to be practicing Qi, the middle-aged man's eyes have
become more dignified. A young Qigong master must have a master guide behind him.
In the cage, the three young people faced Henry, looking for a place where they could do
something. The ancient martial arts body focused on killing with one blow. Before starting,
find out the weak points of the other party and strike. This method is particularly effective.
At the moment, the three are looking for Henry's weakness.
Henry put his hands in his pockets and stood there at will.
"It can break through from the lower plate. This person stands at random, in this stance.
At least two moves are needed to drive the waist. I attacked the plate. You two control his
lower back, and one person pretends from the front to fight for one. Hit uniform. "
"It's difficult. I think it's the most effective to take a pinch on both sides. He put his hands in
his pockets and attacked on both sides of his body."
Two people proposed a method, and the third person made a final decision!
"Don't think about it, get started! Take the game!"
As soon as the words came out, the three of them set off in three different directions, facing
Henry's front face, undercarriage, back waist, and attacked at the same time.
The people outside the field had a condensed look.
"It's all dead ends. There are no suspense in this kind of three hits."
"Indeed, and these three young men are extremely fast. If I face any one of them, they will
lose in an instant. It is difficult for one person to face three people." Said a big brother with
a martial arts ability.
"There are still many masters of Black Thunder. Aoba always occupies only one city in
Yinzhou, while Black Thunder is the master of the province."
"This is the essence."
After the three youths in the cage set off, it can be said that none of them can stil be
optimistic about Henry.
Wade Zhang's hands clenched fist tightly, "Come on, brother-in-law!"
Faced with the offensive of the three, Henry pulled his hand out of his trouser pocket. At
this time, the attack of the three had reached his front.
One person hit Henry's waist with his knee, and Henry took a half step towards him, which
was a distance of forty centimeters, but let the knee that hit his waist hit the back of his
knees. Wel , escaped in peril.
However, in Henry's heart, it was very clear that the other party's knee hit seemed
dangerous to him, but it did not pose any threat. If he could not hit it, he could not, even if it
was only a millimeter away.
Just after avoiding a knee hit, Henry ushered in another punch on the face door. Henry shot
like a lightning and slapped the arm of the swinger with his palm to shoot the opponent's
punch. To Henry's calf, this time, Henry did not dodge, but let the other party kick in his
The man who pulled out the whip leg changed his face suddenly. He felt that he now
seemed to be kicking not on the person, but on a steel plate. He was clearly the active
attacker, but he felt the legs hot. Hurt.
Chapter 131
The so-cal ed absolute overwhelming strength not only crushes the opponent in terms of
skills and fighting consciousness, but also includes their own qualities.
Just like Henry, even if he was hit by three people, even in this small space, he could not
effectively dodge, even if he was kicked in the leg, for Henry, it was also harmless, but it
was the person who kicked Henry. At this moment, legs and feet pain.
Of course, this is also the reason why Henry released the water. If Henry's current idea is to
kill these three people, then the three people in front of him are totally impossible to meet
Kil ing and defeating people are completely two concepts in the method of battle.
Once Henry encountered a super master when he first came into contact with the dark
world underground. At that time, someone asked Henry that he had a certain degree of
confidence in defeating this master. Henry's answer was that there is no possibility of
defeating the other party, but kil ing the other party has seven points. Grasp.
This is the difference between murder and defeat.
All along, Henry has mastered kil ing skills.
At this time, in the ring, Henry relied on absolute strength to crush!
After resisting the attack of the three people, Henry also started his counterattack.
Compared with these three people, Henry's counterattack was not very skillful, and it felt
like only two words, direct!
With a punch, it was violent and irresistible, directly hitting the abdomen of the man in
front of him.
The young man who was just punched by Henry, who had just punched Henry, only felt a
bitter bite in his stomach, and the whole body curled up naturally with little effort.
Henry turned back a whip leg and pumped it on the man who had just hit him in the knee,
flipping it over directly. The last one, covering his calf, looked at Henry with complicated
eyes. Their three brothers started at the same time. A little threat, but instead let the two of
the other party fight in the blink of an eye lose their ability to fight, and now their calves are
still not working hard.
After Henry knocked down the two of them with lightning, he did not continue to shoot.
He looked at the third person and asked, "Are you still fighting?"
"When ..." The third person just started to speak.
"Open the door! We lost!" The middle-aged man behind Heihong stood up and said aloud.
The young man in front of Henry showed a discouraged expression. Indeed, they had lost,
and they lost thoroughly.
Heihong got up and turned around, looking at the middle-aged man behind him, "Buping is
in charge, this time I will work for you."
"Mr. Heihong, this is what happened to us in the ancient martial arts. I would like you to be
a messenger in the middle. It's my job to get you back." The middle-aged man said, wearing
a black tunic suit and flat shoes , A bit of a master's style.
Bu Ping bypassed Heihong and walked towards the iron cage.
The gate opened, and the three young men walked out with each other's arms.
"Master ..."
"Go back and rest, the opponent is very strong, don't blame you." Bu Ping patted the
shoulders of the three people one by one, walked into the iron cage, and then actively
closed the gate. The fight between him and Henry will be the decision The winning game.
Outsiders, at this moment, I have completely seen how strong Henry is. In the face of the
attack of the three young people without dead ends, calmly dealt with, lightning back, the
set of actions seems to have been practiced as many times as relaxed and natural. Like a
The iron cage gate was closed, and Henry and Bu Ping stood facing each other.
Bu Ping put his hands behind his back, looked at Henry, and said: "Young man, you are so
old, you have such strength, where is the teacher?"
Henry grinned, "Teach me without a teacher."
"A good self-taught teacher. It stands to reason that you are also a genius. As a senior, I also
appreciate you, but your people, who kil ed my biological son, just beat in the battle, you
have a decent start. It's not the right person to kill. "Bu Ping stood there, his speech calm,
but he was questioning.
"Hehe." Henry chuckled lightly, "I learned a little bit about the last thing. Your son, who
started fiercely, didn't blame me. The person who would blame me would kill him. If he can
be like your apprentices today, start. There is no room for death. "
Bu Ping didn't say anything. He knew what Henry said. His son's mentality was indeed a bit
wrong, but in any case, it was his own son. If he was killed like this, how could he just sit
back and watch.
Bu Ping no longer makes a noise, Henry no longer makes a noise, both of them looked at
each other so quietly.
Bu Ping just guessed that Henry is not practicing physical fitness, but practicing Qi. He must
now feel how strong this young man is!
Time passed slowly, and Bu Ping's breathing became heavier and heavier. He kept looking
at the opponent in front of him. At the beginning, he couldn't feel any momentum on Henry,
but now, he can clearly feel it, that Man obviously didn't do anything, but he stood in front
of himself, gradually changing from a sheep to a lion! Like a fierce beast, he will pounce like
himself at any time.
Henry made a slight movement of raising his hand, but this small movement made him feel
chest tight.
Bu Ping's pupils contracted violently because he discovered that a particularly terrible
thing was no wonder that just now, his apprentice would be overwhelmed by this man's
momentum. At that time, Bu Ping was still wondering, a young man, Why is there such a
terrible momentum, but now he is sure that this young man has not momentum, but ...
The momentum can be expressed in many ways. The sharp eyes, the tall physique, and the
majesty cultivated for a long time, this momentum will make the weak unconsciously bow.
But there is only one form of murderous murderous! There is no definite number as to how
many people will be killed.
Bu Ping looked at his opponent in front of him, how old was he? Why is there such a strong
murderous force, so strong, let yourself feel depressed!
Bu Ping breathed heavily and his back was sweating, and now he felt exactly the same as
the girl before. In front of Henry, who had substantial murderous feelings, he felt that his
legs and feet were weak, and his heart could not afford any confrontation. This feeling, let
Bu Ping. Frightened, who the hell is this? How could he give himself such a strong pressure,
and this pressure is stil increasing with time!
People who watched outside the court couldn't see what kind of game the two were
Bu Ping felt that, at the moment, even his own breathing was difficult. The feeling of
tightness in the chest became more and more obvious.
Just when Bu Ping was about to hold up, the change happened!
A harsh ring of mobile phone ringing sounded from the iron cage.
"Hey? Ah? I'm outside, and Daisy, really, oh." Henry answered the phone and said quickly,
then waved outside the iron cage, "Daisy, come, your sister let you Answer the phone! "
Chapter 132
Henry's call was a bit dazed.
What's the situation, this style has become too fast?
Daisy stood up from the seat with a strange expression, walked to the iron cage, and
answered the phone between the rails of the iron cage.
"Hello sister, um, I am with my brother-in-law, okay, I said to my brother-in-law, that's it."
Daisy responded several times over the phone and handed back the phone to Henry.
"What's the matter?" Henry asked.
"My sister said, let you get home within half an hour."
"Half an hour?" Henry changed his face. "How long has it been since I drove back here?"
"Uh ..." Daisy thought for a moment and answered, "It will take about twenty minutes."
Upon hearing this, Henry breathed a sigh of relief, "OK, that's too late, wait for me to finish
this game, you wait for me."
After Henry finished speaking, he turned and looked at Bu Ping.
Bu Ping took a breath when Henry answered the phone, and realized Henry's
murderousness. He never wanted to experience the second time. His idea was to shoot
directly. Since he can't fight this young man in momentum, then Beat him in other ways!
Stepping back with his left foot, Buping made a lunge, his hands spread flatly in front of his
abdomen, and took a long breath.
"Young man, I admit you ..."
"Sorry, my wife urged me to go home, I have to end soon." Henry interrupted Bu Ping,
squeezed his fist, and then stepped forward and rushed towards Bu Ping.
Henry's movement surprised Bu Ping's heart, and he could not help exclaiming, "It's so
The exclamation just fell, and Henry had reached Buping's body, punching him.
Bu Ping's unconscious body twisted and escaped the fist in a dangerous way. Henry's fist
continued to cast off, slamming on the iron cage behind Bu Ping. Henry punched with a
Bu Ping looked at the curved steel bars behind him and swallowed. If this punch hits
himself, one can imagine the end.
With a punch, Henry didn't stop, and turned around and pulled out a whip leg.
Buping grasped the steel bar above the iron cage with both hands and avoided Henry ’s
whip leg. The whip leg was beaten on the steel bar. This time, not only was it so simple to
bend the steel bar, but it was continuous kicking of four steel bars before stopping. .
Just now, whether Henry defeated the girl or Bu Ping's three apprentices, they al seemed
too fast. Ordinary people can only see the result, but they can't see the details.
But now, they see Henry's punch. After the power, almost everyone subconsciously
shivered, thinking at the same time, what would happen if this punch hit oneself? It may be
killed directly?
Henry grinned his mouth and sang his teeth, and rushed towards Buping again.
"Stop, stop!" Bu Ping saw Henry's sprint, and quickly pointed his left index finger to the
palm of his right hand. "No more, no more, I admit defeat!"
With so many people watching the scene, Bu Ping was also the master of the Siji Gate, and
he was extremely reluctant to admit defeat.
But what to do reluctantly, Henry had just made those two hits, he could hide, al by luck,
next time, Bu Ping did not know if he was so lucky, under Henry's offensive, he did not dare
to fight back.
"Confessed? Okay, then I'll go." Henry heard this and immediately closed his hand,
hurriedly pulling the iron cage fence away, and went out to greet Daisy while walking,
"Quickly, go to drive, Show me how long it will be! "
"Brother-in-law, there are twenty-nine minutes, don't worry."
"I'm in a hurry? Am I in a hurry? My family status, may I be in a hurry?" Henry said loudly,
but he didn't slow down when he walked away. He was still in a hurry, and the trotting out
of the boxing court.
The community gangsters sitting around all have their eyes wide open. What a hel , such a
powerful and terrible master, is actual y a ... wife strict?
Helen looked at Henry's hurried appearance, and there was a trace of loneliness in his eyes,
but it also passed away in a flash, "Black boss, this time, we are lucky."
"Oh, the hero comes out of the boy, the hero comes out of the boy." Heihong raised his
Wade Zhang and others followed Henry and got up quickly and walked out of the
underground boxing court.
Brother Hu and others watched Henry walk in a hurry and came out of the boxing field.
He was relieved in his heart. It seems that this time, it should have been exposed this way.
Such a master, I will definitely not look back to find myself in trouble again. .
Their idea was just born, and they saw Henry, who had left the boxing ring, and returned
with Wade Zhang.
"By the way, I forgot to say one thing, what's the name of Dragon Brother and Tiger
Brother, my little brother will come to you later to discuss an argument, don't let me
down!" After that, Henry turned around and ran away.
Long Ge and others nodded again and again, paying a smiley face, "Sure, sure."
Their smile is much uglier than crying.
On the way back, Henry drove and slammed on the accelerator all the way. The people in
the car looked at Henry's anxious appearance and covered his mouth to steal music.
Where else is there a master who just kil ed the Quartet.
"By Daisy, did you just tell your sister what are we doing?" Henry asked.
Daisy shook her head, "No."
"That's good." Henry breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't tell your sister that I'm looking for
someone to fight. You just say, let's read in the school library."
The car arrived at Sai Shangshui Township, three minutes before Lin Xuanhan gave Henry.
Henry didn't even have time to greet him, he rushed out of the car and ran towards his
When it was only a minute and half an hour later, Henry pushed the door open, and at
home, Sylvia was alone, sitting in a sofa and watching TV with his hair scattered.
"Mr. Lin, I'm back." Henry compensated with a smiley face.
"Why did you go today?" Sylvia asked Henry without looking at Henry.
"I went to Yinzhou University to give a lecture."
"I know this. What about the lecture?"
"I had dinner with Daisy and they played for a while, and then ..." Henry said this, his face
Sylvia's voice suddenly became severe: "I didn't ask you this!"
"That's it?" Henry looked puzzled.
Sylvia stood up, sorted out his sky blue pajamas, turned around, and stared at Henry, "I
gave you the manager Sun of the marketing department, you never contacted manager Sun,
right? The three-day deadline, And on the last day of tomorrow, how are you preparing? "
"This." Henry rubbed his hands and laughed twice. He actual y never thought of contacting
marketing manager Sun. "Mr. Lin, my partner has already been found, and he will be able to
arrive the day after tomorrow."
"Looking for it? The Far East Multinational Group?" Sylvia's bright eyes were full of doubts.
Chapter 133
Facing Sylvia's doubts, Henry nodded without hesitation, "Well, I've already found it."
Sylvia's face was a little unhappy, "Henry, I didn't joke with you about this matter, and I
hope you take it seriously."
"Relax, I'm absolutely not kidding. The partner has real y been found. Don't you know the
day after tomorrow."
Sylvia still has some unbelief. Where is a multinational group of Far East countries so easy
to find and can reach cooperation within three days?
But Henry said so, she can only believe first, "Hope, it's okay, I'll go to bed first, and you
have to rest early."
Sylvia stepped on the pink slippers and walked upstairs.
Over the night, the moon shifted to the stars and the white belly turned up.
As usual, Henry went to the company with Sylvia after tidying up the hygiene at home.
Henry has n’t been to the business department for two days. When he came, he saw Amity
holding a mop, careful y mopping the floor, and the smooth forehead was covered with
sweat. Sister Hong and others were sitting On the side, eating breakfast, discussing the
nails I just made, and throwing the garbage bags for breakfast casually under my feet,
greeting Amity to clean up.
Sister Hong, they are obviously bul ying.
Henry walked over, grabbed the mop in Amity's hand, and frowned, "Aren't you telling you
to rest for two days?"
Amity was rejected and bullied in the company, Henry was not surprised. Last time, many
people in the department put the responsibility on Amity, thinking that Amity affected
everyone ’s interests. If Amity did n’t do some performance, this kind of exclusion Will
continue forever.
Amity was surprised when she saw Henry, "Brother Zhang, I am just ..."
"That's what." Henry threw the mop to the side and took Amity's small arm, "Go, run
business with me."
Amity let Henry pull out of the department office.
Henry glanced, and Amity's palms rubbed out two blisters. He asked, "Did you come to
work these two days?"
Amity smiled and replied: "I'm fine at home, so I came to the company. It's easy to clean
and clean every day."
"Relaxed?" Henry pouted, looking at the blisters on Amity's hand, which was worn out in
two days. Could it be relaxed?
Amity saw that Henry's eyes had been fixed on his hand and subconsciously closed his
Henry saw Amity like this and sighed, "Little girl, love work is one thing, but you also have
to be flexible, knowing that you ca n’t do anything at the company, and you are
bullied, why not stay at home and wait for tomorrow to sign What about the contract?
You ’re a bit of a fishhead. "
Henry reached out his finger and poked Amity's head hard.
Amity spit out his little tongue, and said nothing.
Henry took Amity and walked out of the company while saying, "Go home today and take a
good rest. For the company's cooperation projects, you can look at it more. The partner I
am looking for will be available tomorrow. It ’s up to you to negotiate. "
"Wel ." Amity nodded.
When the two passed the front desk, Henry saw the person. It was the girl at the front desk
that he and Amity saw under the business building that day.
The girl at the front desk also saw Amity and Henry.
"Yo, this hot day, you still have to go to run the business. Your clerk is real y exhausting.
You can't make a few dollars in January. There is nothing to do." The girl at the front desk
sneered when she saw Amity.
Amity looked at the girl at the front desk and said nothing.
Henry did not speak, and walked across the front desk with Amity, out of the company's
door, and heard a mocking sound again behind him.
"Girl, do you have a grudge against that woman?" Henry asked curiously after leaving the
Amityqiao ’s face was a little reddish. “It ’s not a hatred. Her name is Zhong Qi. She was in
the bedroom with me. I liked a boy in our school before, but the boy was chasing me, and
the relationship between us ...”
Amity talked about this, and was embarrassed to go on.
"Okay." Henry nodded silently. Is this something that is too small to be small, so these little
girls can hate someone because of this thing.
Henry narrowed his eyes and looked at the top of his head. This summer's sun would not
be hot in the morning, and the tanned people were dry.
"Little girl, please go home quickly and get ready."
"Wel , Brother Zhang, then I'l go first." Amity waved to Henry and walked towards the bus
After Amity left, Henry turned to look at the company's door, and then strode to the
opposite place of the company.
In a coffee shop not far from Lin's, Henry asked for the cheapest Nestle and looked at the
A handsome young man sat across from Henry and asked for the most expensive Blue
Mountain in the cup shop.
"Wade White, I said your kid would enjoy it. I drink the cheapest, do you drink the most
expensive?" Henry lifted the Nestle coffee in front of him and looked at the person in front
of him.
Wade White smiled and arranged Armani, "Boss, this money is earned, isn't it spent, you
pursue your true love, I pursue my material."
"Let me be poor, let's ask him to come out What's the matter? "
"Three things, boss." When Wade White said that the business was going on, his laughter's
face became more serious. "The first thing, the sharp-edged person has taken control of the
entire Yinzhou city, ready to start with the thorn peak at any time.
The strength, the three teams of Sharp Blade could not pose any threat to her, but the
people of the island country Liusha Society also appeared in Yinzhou. When the spiked
assassination of the boss of the Liusha Society, the Liusha Society had never let go of the
spike. This time, they came here with a lot of masters. "
" The Liusha Club? "Henry sneered." This organization that lives like a mouse, dare to chase
people across the world? Let them come, go to When I was confused with the sharp blade,
some people worry about it, and there are two things left? "
" The second thing, about the fire crystal design, now the world is rumored that the last fire
crystal design is in your boss. On my body, countless forces are putting pressure on us, and
I hope that you will hand over the design of Huo Jing. "Wade White said that his face was a
bit ugly.
"Pressure?" Henry raised his eyebrows. "Do they think that the last battle, I completely
became a waste person?"
"Yes." Wade White did not hide anything, "Now there are many rumors, most people think
that the boss you are the last World war, injuries can never be restored, otherwise, they
borrow dozens of courage, they do not dare to put pressure on us. " " it's okay, it put up in
advance, said third piece of it. "
" The third one, about the person who wants to kill sister-in-law, found it! "
Chapter 134
At this moment, Henry's eyes were full of kil ing intent.
Seeing Henry's gaze, Wade White prayed for those who provoke Henry.
"The Su family of Yanjing, the specific person, we have already heard, do you want to do it
"No." Henry shook his head, "I had an agreement with Huaxia earlier, my people It ’s less
than a last resort, and it ’s not going to make a big noise in China. Going to the Su family to
kill people, it ’s not a small fight. I ’l take care of this. You can send me the person ’s
information. ”
“ Okay, boss, then I Let's go first. "Wade White looked at the Patek Philippe diamond watch
on his wrist. Before waiting for the fine Blue Mountain to soak up, he got up and left the
Henry looked at the message sent by Wade White on his phone. After a few seconds, he
deleted the message. The identity and appearance of the other party had been kept in his
mind. At the same time, the other party was labeled as a dead person.
As soon as he came out of the coffee shop, Henry received a message from Sylvia with a
positioning message on it.
"Come here, I'll be waiting for you here, they will arrive in Milan immediately!"
Henry opened the positioning and arrived at the fastest speed.
The place where Sylvia locates Henry is a single apartment. When Henry came, he saw
Sylvia, who was standing downstairs with a worried face.
Sylvia saw Henry, stepped on black high-heeled shoes, trot over, and handed a key to
"This is ..." Henry looked at the key with a puzzled expression.
"Room 02 on the 13th floor, you go up first, look like a little, fast." Sylvia didn't have time to
explain to Henry. After a while, Henry entered the corridor and walked silently towards the
13th floor.
Sylvia, after Henry went upstairs, drove away.
Henry took the elevator to the 13th floor, found the door of Room 02, and opened it.
It is a single apartment, but it is definitely a luxury type. The house presented in front of
Henry has at least 130 square meters, an oversized living room, an oversized single
bedroom, an oversized bathroom, luxurious decoration, and beautiful wallpaper on the
wall The furniture is al high-end goods, and the wooden floor is clean and spotless.
There is also a study in the house. Henry looked at the study and knew what the single
apartment was for.
That piece of drawing paper and paint was used to arrange for Henry's fake identity.
Looking at the house, I thought Sylvia had prepared it on the first day. Some paints were
specially opened and used half. There are already half a picture, which has created the il
usion that people often paint here.
Henry just looked at the whole house, and before he had observed it carefully, he heard the
doorbell ringing.
Henryying said, walked to the living room, thought about it, took off his blazer, and only
wore a shirt, and then opened the door, and saw Milan, Li Ke, and Sylvia, three women
standing In front of the door, in addition to the three girls, there was a strange man whom
Henry had never seen, with a mustache, a dirty braid, and an artist's style. The melancholic
appearance could be called a girl kil er.
As soon as the door opened in Milan, a look of surprise appeared, "Henry, you are really
here, Sylvia is just not sure yet, saying that you have recently helped her company and have
less time to paint."
"Haha." Henryqin smiled After two beeps, he looked at Sylvia unconsciously.
Sylvia's pretty face was slightly red, and her face was a little unnatural. "Husband, there is
an old friend here, who also specializes in painting. I want to see your studio."
"Hello, I'm Fang Luo. I used to go to college with Sylvia." The man with a mustache and
dirty braids extended his hand to Henry.
Henry shook hands with each other and also introduced himself.
"Mr. Henry, listen to Sylvia and they said that you are also engaged in painting. This is my
business card."
Henry took Fang Luo's business card and glanced at it. It said Huaxia Calligraphy and
Painting Association, senior member, Yanjing Modern Painting Exhibition Madam
President, these two titles symbolize Fang's achievements in painting.
"Henry, Fang Luo is also engaged in painting. I think ah, you two should be able to talk,
otherwise don't paint first, it's almost noon, go out and eat something?" Milan suggested.
Fang Luo was found by Milan before. At that time, Milan only wanted to disassemble Henry
and contacted Fang Luo. In terms of painting, Fang Luo is an expert, and some professional
knowledge can only be understood by experts, but at that time, Fang Luo's mobile phone
has been turned off, Milan can't contact, he sent an email to Fang Luo, invited Fang Luo to
Yinzhou, saying that Sylvia's husband is also engaged in painting.
Milan knows that Fang Luo has always liked Sylvia, but he hasn't confided. When he said
this, Fang Luo will definitely come over and challenge Henry. Henry will naturally show his
After so many days in the past, Milan ’s impression of Henry has changed a lot. As for the
news of Fang Luo, she forgot about it. As a result, she received a call from Fang Luo this
morning and Fang Luo informed Milan that she had arrived It's Yinzhou, which surprised
Milan and quickly contacted Sylvia, saying that Fang Luo wanted to talk to Henry about
After Sylvia received the call from Milan, what happened just now, the reason why Henry
first came to this studio that was prepared earlier, Sylvia's intention is to call Henry out of
the studio, so as not to finish the meal, then Proposing to come to the studio will cause
unnecessary trouble at that time and is more likely to expose the stuff.
Seeing Milan offered to go to dinner, Sylvia naturally agreed, "OK, then we will go to eat
first, Fang Luo, you are a guest, and take you to taste our characteristics."
"Sylvia, don't hurry to eat first, you know, I can't walk as soon as I see the picture. This time
I have this opportunity, so I have to communicate with your husband." Fang Luo smiled and
raised his leg Walking into the door, "Mr. Zhang, don't mind if I come in."
"Of course not, please." Henry made a gesture of invitation.
Fang Luo first came in and looked around.
When Sylvia saw the third daughter, she could only go to the advanced room.
"Wow, Henry, the environment of your studio is luxurious enough." Li Ke looked at the
whole room, the height of the thirteenth floor, coupled with the huge floor-to-ceiling
windows of the living room, you can have a sweeping view of the outside scenery The lush
vegetation park is a natural beauty.
"Haha, okay." Henryqian laughed twice. He didn't have time to enjoy the scenery outside
the room.
Sylvia walked into the door and pulled Henry's sleeves in a covert way, and said to Henry in
a low voice: "You wait to avoid the communication with Fang Luo in painting as much as
possible. Chaoyang and Linyin, which imitate Master Filger, are oil paintings, do n’t wait for
you to wait. "
Chapter 135
Henry looked at Sylvia as a solemn look, and felt a little funny. This woman, when dealing
with millions of business, is not so nervous now.
"Okay, I remember it al ." Henry gestured OK.
"Also, there are many types of oil paint brushes, flat-headed, hazel-shaped, and fan-shaped.
These are al used for what you do. You can check them online. These are the most basic
things. There are two oil paintings in the room. There is a difference in background color,
wait for you to use a pen to apply the paint casually, and it will be fine to move slowly. Do
you understand? Try to fool it over and then let us go to dinner, this matter is over. "
" Relax, rest assured. "Henryyi He raised his arms and put them on Sylvia's shoulders.
"When did you see me going out of the way?"
"Wel ?" Sylvia thought, as if he had told Henry about it, he really hadn't had any trouble.
Sylvia was just about to speak, and wanted to say more, he saw Fang Luo coming out of the
"Mr. Zhang, the morning sun in your room can be said to have completely restored the
original works of Master Filger. Do you also like the works of Master Firge?"
"Yes." Henry nodded, "Sylvia and I I knew it at Master Firge's painting exhibition. Master
Firge's work brought me such a wonderful relationship. "
" Mr. Zhang, you are real y a romantic person. "Fang Luo's eyes were on Henry He
wandered back and forth with Sylvia, with a complex look in his eyes. "I don't know what
Mr. Zhang is studying recently. I saw Mr. Zhang prepared a lot of rice paper. Are he
planning to study Chinese painting?"
"Wel , there is a little thought in this regard. Henry nodded. "However, the Chinese painting
is too deep, and it will be difficult to achieve achievements in a while. This time Mr. Fang is
coming, I hope I can mention a few words."
"Haha, Mr. Zhang has won the prize. Look at Mr. Zhang. Deputy Chaoyang, the painting skil
s are not below me. Where can I mention something? If Mr. Zhang has time, we can go to
the gallery tea together. "
As soon as Fang Luo said the words tea in the gallery, Sylvia and Milan's faces changed at
the same time. Sylvia even gave Henry a glance, meaning Henry didn't agree.
"Of course, you can do it at any time." Henry smiled and replied.
"Choose the day as collision, and now is the point of lunch, tea gal eries human should be a
lot, we go now."
Several people one after another out of the apartment, got into their respective cars, the
Mercedes she drove Sylvia GT, carrying Henry, was driving on the road.
"How do you promise him to drink gallery tea?" Sylvia, who was driving, looked very ugly.
"Don't you say, go to dinner as soon as possible? When he asked, I agreed." Henryli replied.
"You! Hey!" Sylvia glanced at Henry, sighed heavily, and shook his head. "This is not to
blame you. Gal ery tea is a slang in the industry, not just to eat."
"What do you mean?" Henry asked curiously, he really hadn't heard Gallery Tea.
"The so-called gal ery tea refers to a tea restaurant dedicated to discussing paintings.
Each provincial capital has such a place. There is a rule for gallery tea. Every meal, a picture
will be taken out for the presence of People who discuss, draw styles, identify authenticity,
and dare to drink gallery tea are al quite accomplished in painting. Fang Luo called you to
drink gal ery tea, just to compare with you in this respect. "
"It turns out this way." Henry nodded thoughtfully. He has been in contact with
internationally renowned painting masters all the time. Said gallery tea.
There is a wooden bridge on the Aiyi River in Yinzhou City. The bridge surface is dark red
and full of sense of time. Walking along the bridge and crossing the Aiyi River, there is a
wooden house, which is small, antique, and stands in Ai. In the middle of the river, above
the wooden house, there is the smoke of cooking smoke. This is the gallery tea in Yinzhou.
This tea restaurant is very famous in Yinzhou City. It only makes vegetarian dishes and
tastes great. Many rich people want to come here to enjoy a meal, but not everyone will
receive it here. The most basic, you need You can only dine here if you have the status of a
member of the painting association, because this is the place to drink tea from the gallery,
eating food and drinking is smal , and talking about painting is big.
After Fang Luoliang revealed his identity as a senior member of the Yanjing Painting
Association, he was naturally accepted.
Don't look at Sylvia as the richest man in Yinzhou, but this is the first time for this tea
restaurant to be full of fresh curiosity.
The restaurant is built on the water, and the entire restaurant is made of wood. Standing
alone, you will feel a mood of dust. It seems that you have returned to that ancient era.
The area of the restaurant is not large. The entire dining hall is only 100 square meters.
There are sixteen tables in total. Each table is clean and clean. A table can seat up to six
The wall panels around the restaurant are full of Chinese paintings for people to enjoy.
Henry and his five people sat on a wooden table in a corner and ordered pots of tea and
ordered some vegetarian dishes. They were not too eager for delicious food. After all, there
are three international chefs sitting on this table. If you really want to eat delicious, no one
is as good as their own.
At this time, there were two people sitting in the restaurant, both of whom asked for a pot
of tea, holding a drawing board, and writing on the drawing board in their hands.
Soon, a few plates of exquisite vegetarian dishes were placed in front of Henry's five people,
and they smel ed. The five people ate dishes while chatting. No one asked questions about
painting. Instead, they talked about some interesting things at school.
Han sighed with relief, but every time she could talk less, the chance of revealing the filling
was one point less. On the way she came, she had been urging Henry to check the
knowledge about Chinese painting on the Internet, but how much could she check?
In the process of chatting with several people, there are more and more people in the
Without contacting an industry, I do n’t know the mystery of an industry. Just like Henry, he
did n’t think of this before he came to this restaurant. There were so many people
coming to the restaurant to discuss paintings. Al 16 tables in the restaurant were full and
there were people Coming, because he lost his place, he left.
Sylvia ’s three girls, although sitting in the corner, have become the most beautiful scenery
in the restaurant. They even have a painter, who has waved an animation pen and is doing
a photo for the three girls.
"Several people looking at the face-to-face, will you come for the first time?" A middle-aged
man with some fat body couldn't help but come up with a conversation. "Wan Yichang, who
runs a small painting in Yinzhou."
Obese middle-aged He handed a business card to Henry's desk. To be precise, it was
handed to Sylvia's three daughters.
"Boss Wan, if you were just a smal painting, wouldn't I even be a painting? There are more
than 800 square meters of painting in this city, and there is only one in Yinzhou."
Sitting with Wan Yichang The man on the table said loudly.
Chapter 136
Sylvia glanced at the business card on the table.
Wanhe City Painting Fang.
Sylvia was a little impressed. It seemed to be the largest painting in Yinzhou City. She paid
attention to it twice, but Lin had no business in this area, so she had nothing to do with it.
Wan Yichang heard the words from his desk and waved his hand. "Boss Wu, what are your
words? No matter how big your painting is, it is better than a work worth cherishing.
Several beauties are here today. Is it Jianhua? "
Wan Yichang narrowed his eyes and kept glancing at the three girls Lin Linhan. These three
beautiful women with different styles made him have a feeling of looking at flowers.
"We just had a light meal and chatted with friends." Henry said, interrupting Wan Yichang's
"This is not a place to eat light meals." Wan Yichang smiled. "I don't know how many
people, who is eligible to sit here?" When
Wan Yichang asked a few, in fact, he asked Henry and Fang. Just fall.
No one can see the people sitting in this tea restaurant now. The mind of Wan Yichang lies
in those three beauties.
Fang Luo threw out a business card and asked, "Why, is it qualified?"
"Senior member of China Painting Association, chairman of Yanjing Modern Painting
Exhibition?" Wan Yichang picked up this business card and looked at the title above,
revealing A disdainful smile, "Drinking gal ery tea, talking and laughing, I think it is a big
"A senior member of the painting association, and a so-called modern painting exhibition
chairman, fart is not counted." One and Wan Yi Chang's middle-aged man sitting at a table
Henry raised his eyebrows. He knew that today's meal could not be eaten well.
Fang Luo's face is a bit ugly, so openly ironic, no one would be happy to change. He looked
at the middle-aged man who just spoke, "I don't know who you are?"
"Bucai." Middle-aged man reach for a cup of tea, laughed, "an honorary member of the
Association of Chinese painting, Chinese painting, vice president of the Association of
Suzhou and Hangzhou, in white."
Middle-aged man spoken title, let the eyes of a side down Condensate.
Honorary members of the Art Association and senior members are two completely
different concepts.
Senior members need to submit their own application for membership, and then when the
painting skil s reach a certain level, they can apply to become senior members.
As for honorary members, they did not submit their applications for membership, but were
invited by the association to become honorary members.
Between the two, the difference is quite different.
The title of another vice president of the Suhang Painting Association has even more gold
As we al know, Jiangnan Suhang is the most poetic place in China. The ancient style of
Suhang is also the most prosperous place of Chinese painting culture in China. It can be said
that becoming a vice president of the Chinese Painting Association in Suhang is quite
"Yu Bai?" Henry was slightly puzzled and looked up. On the wall of this restaurant, there
were several landscape paintings, all signed Yu Bai.
Yu Bai saw Fang Luo's expression change, which made him nod in satisfaction. In this
restaurant, whenever he proposed his identity, it would surprise people. Yu Bai enjoyed
this feeling very much.
"Young people, if you drink gallery tea, you have to have the rules of drinking gal ery tea.
This seat is limited. How many people in the industry drove every day and returned
because of their lack of position. You sit here and talk to parents for short, I am afraid not
Right. "Yu Bai stood up.
"It makes sense that drinking tea in a gal ery is a place to talk about painting, talk about
painting, enjoy painting, chat about idle talk, but it is not suitable here." The 800-square-
meter person said.
Fang Luo's face is a bit ugly. Al literati have pride, and he is no exception. At this moment,
he is provoked by many people and stil in his own professional field.
Fang Luo put down the chopsticks in his hand and stood up and said, "Everyone, what do
you want to talk about, talk about, appreciate, appraise, or compare?"
Fang Luo 's voice was not loud, but it attracted the entire restaurant. Everyone's attention.
As soon as these words come out, everyone knows that there is a competition!
"Hehe." Yu Bai lightly laughed, "Young man, you are just a senior member of the painting
association, dare to speak out, say these words?"
Fang Luo countered: "Xueyi is not in age, what dare not dare ? " "
good! "in a white pound the table, also stood up," If you want to compare, then we than, I
read you young, you are not on the bully painters, immediately twelve, in accordance with
the rules of the tea gal ery , The boss will come up with a col ection, is it better than we are
better than Bi Jian painting? "
" Randomly. "Fang Luoying came down.
Henry sat there and looked at Yu Bai, feeling that this product was somewhat shameful.
In the field of appreciating painting, experience is more important than talent. Yu Bai, who
was more than ten years old, has a unique advantage in appreciating painting, but it is
different from painting. This is based on personal talent and perception. There are many
talented young people The painter surpasses that of the older painters.
Henry looked at the traditional Chinese paintings on the walls of this restaurant. His
painting skills are ordinary people's view, and they are extraordinary, but in Henry's view,
it's the same thing. In each painting, there are many flaws and many breakpoints.
There is no spirit in it, and there is no mood.
Yu Bai said that looking at Fang Luo is younger than painting. Obviously, he has little
confidence in his painting skil s. As a result, his so-cal ed identity as an honorary member of
the painting association has to be scrutinized. Although there is no possibility of fraud, the
amount of gold needs to be considered. .
At 12 o'clock noon, the restaurant owner took out an ink painting, the quality of the paper
was Xuan paper, the color was yellow, three or two shrimp in the painting, the beard was
extended, the color was dark, and the layers were clear, just a simple ink painting, But it
gives people a feeling of being alive.
The restaurant owner hung this picture on the wall for people to appreciate.
The diners who are dining have also set their sights on the painting.
"This is ..."
"When I saw the shrimp, I remembered a master who loved painting shrimp."
"This picture is good, with some artistic conception."
"I don't know which hand it came from."
Diners looked at this picture Ink shrimps spoke one after another.
"It's ink shrimp, the work of modern master Qi." Fang Luo glanced at his eyes and
confirmed, "Master Qi loves painting shrimp. You look at this painting. The brush is strong
and moist, the colors are rich and bright, the shape is simple and vivid, and the mood is
simple and honest The prawns made, although there is no color, the sky is full of fun. "
" Oh. "Fang Luo just finished, he heard Yu Bai's voice ringing," This ink shrimp is one of
Master Qi's masterpieces, you only need a few seconds to recognize it Then, I ask you, is
this work true or false? "
Fang Luo watched it for a few more seconds, then said," Fake. "
" Joke! "Yu Bai shouted," The true and false are unrecognizable, and there is a face Compare
with me! "
Chapter 137
full of confidence in Bai's speech, but in fact, he can't distinguish the true and false of this
ink shrimp. The reason for such a confident speech is just ten thousand. Yichang told him
that this ink shrimp is real, but it is the treasure of the restaurant owner.
"Real y? How do you prove it?" Fang Luo didn't believe it. He had seen the real story of the
ink shrimp in the South Provincial Museum before.
"I natural y have a way." In white hands back in behind, "just a junior, you and I so than
nothing, why do not we get some luck How?"
Side down and asked:. "What luck,"
"It's not with you Relationship. "Yu Baichong Fangluo shook his head, and then looked at
the three women Sylvia," Three beautiful women, if your friends lose, the three beautiful
women appreciate the face, it is better to have a light meal together? "The white voice just
fell At that time, Milan directly promised to come down, "Okay, how about you lose?"
"I lost? How could I lose?" Yu Bai was confident.
Milan chuckled, "Since there is a lottery, then both sides have to take it out. You have to
lose, what should you do?"
"We have to lose , what do you want, just say." Wan Yichang stood at Yu Baishen Before,
"Several beautiful women want BMW or Mercedes-Benz. For me, it's not a problem. As long
as I can give it to Wanmou, a few will mention it casually."
"Okay." Milan raised his neck, "Boss Wan This is what you said, if we win, we have to give
you what we want. "
" Of course. "Wan Yichang said arrogantly, during the act, he deliberately revealed the piece
worth 20,000 yuan on his wrist. Watch.
"Okay, since the color head is down, boy, you can listen." Yu Bai smiled. "Master Qi is good
at painting shrimp and loves painting shrimp. As we al know, this ink shrimp uses Xuan
paper. The color is yellowish, and you should pay attention to it. Master Qi has a habit when
painting. This habit is not learned by many people who copied the works of Master Qi. That
is the positive view of things. Look at this painting. Only the shrimps are displayed on the
front without leaving a pen. In the case of copying, even the most experienced painter will
not be able to do this. No one in modern times has a stroke like Master Qi. "
Yu Bai finished Seeing that Fang Luo didn't say anything, he continued: "Master Qi's
painting has two extremes, extreme work and minimalism. These two extremes are
perfectly blended by Master Qi and dedicated to each painting. When painting shrimp,
Master Qi can display the bril iance of shrimp with only a few strokes. Each stroke and ink
depth are just right. You can observe carefully. There is no rough description in this
painting. One stroke without any broken strokes, ask the contemporary painter who This
force, Yu Qi master general, so painting shrimp, even copy, can not do so, otherwise,
Chinese painting industry, has long been out of the second Qi master! "
In white, then heard the crowd inside the restaurant is Leng Leng Suddenly, for a while,
someone came back and applauded, "Great! Sure enough, it was Master Yu Bai, really great,
with so many details. If Master Yu said it, it would be difficult for us to find it in our life."
" Yeah, the original Jian Hua is true and false, and there are so many sayings, I saw it for the
first time. "
" Great , real y great! "
Milan listened to the praise of the people around him, his face changed," You said it is true
It ’s true, I said today that this painting is fake, do you have any evidence? ”
Wan Yichang smiled and shouted to the restaurant owner, "Boss Li, dare to ask you if this
picture is true or false?"
"Master Yu really has extraordinary eyesight, this is my The painting is authentic. "The
restaurant owner took out a certificate. The certificate clearly stated that this ink shrimp is
a work of the Qing Dynasty! The certificate has a steel stamp on it and can't be faked.
Once the certificate was taken out, the pride on Yu Bai and Wan Yichang's faces became
more obvious.
Milan's complexion is very ugly.
Fang Luo looked at the picture on the wall and muttered in his mouth: "Something wrong,
something wrong, there must be something wrong!"
Fang Luo had seen the real trace in earlier years. Although he was on the pen, the painting
in front of him was exactly the same as the real trace, But Fang Luo always felt that there
was a problem, but he couldn't tell.
"The three beauties, since this is over, please ask the three beauties to fulfill their gamble."
Wan Yichang's eyes looked at Sylvia's three daughters with a narrow eye, he was sure as
long as the three women could fol ow It is not a big problem to win them by eating for
yourself and using their own financial resources.
"What's the meal?" Milan flicked his head, apparently wanting to pay off.
Seeing Milan like this, Wan Yichang's face was black. "Beauty, don't you want to be
"Of course not." Henry, who hadn't said much, stood up, "We lost, three of them It's time to
honor your promise and eat with you. "
" Henry! "Milan stomped and pulled Henry's clothes." How can you let Sylvia accompany
someone to eat? "
Sylvia's face was also a bit wrong. Before, she would definitely think that Henry was
cowardly and afraid of things, so she would let herself accompany others to eat, but after
more than half a month of understanding, Sylvia a little did not believe that Henry would do
such a thing, but why should he say such a thing? Could it be that Sylvia thought of a
possibility to make her eyes shine.
Henry raised his head, looked at the painting on the wall, and then looked at Yu Bai,
"Vice President Yu, actual y, I real y admire you."
"Oh?" Yu Baiying said.
Henry mouth a blanket, "I admire you, Kam painting it with just the naked eye, you can see
whether the broken pen."
In white hands behind the back, proudly said: "What is difficult to see whether? Broken
pen, but the basic skills. "
Yu Bai said this, so that the restaurant was in a state of uproar.
"Did you see that this is the gap? If we want to distinguish the broken pen, we need to
observe carefully and even use a magnifying glass to see the adhesion of the ink color, but
for the master, it is only basic skills."
"Otherwise why the master is An honorary member of the Art Association, and we are just
basic members of Huaxia in Ning Province. "
" We still have a long way to go. "The
praise from the surroundings made Yu Baige very useful.
Henry chuckled and looked at the restaurant owner. He remembered what Wan Yichang
just cal ed each other. "Boss Li, you can have paper and ink here? Can you give me some."
" Yes , wait." Boss Li Nodded, they always provide paper and ink for free.
Sylvia asked Henry to ask for paper and ink, and he asked, "What are you doing?"
" Take it through him." Henryli said as he should. "I heard for the first time that someone
can see if the ink color is there. Broken pen. "
" How do you want to wear it? "Sylvia's face was puzzled.
"Wait for you to know." Henry said mysteriously.
Chapter 138
soon, boss Li will hand a piece of rice paper, a grinded ink, and a fine wolf to Henry.
"Boss Li, please take away the dishes from our table." Henry took the rice paper and shook
it in front of him. When Boss Li arranged for him to clean up the table he was sitting on,
Henry tiled the rice paper on the table. Going up, then turning his back to white, waving the
wolf in his hand.
Henry suddenly remembered something and turned to Sylvia and said, "Wife, help me look
at it, don't let the master see me write."
Sylvia was suddenly cal ed by Henry's wife Red, the cheek nodded slightly shyly,
After the explanation, Henry turned around and continued to stroke.
With Henry's confession, Sylvia's three daughters stood in a row behind Henry, staring at
Yu Bai to prevent Yu Bai from seeing what Henry was doing. At the same time, they could
not see what Henry was doing.
Only Fang Luo could see Henry's movements. He widened his eyes and opened his mouth
Five minutes later, Henry released the brush in his hand and exhaled for a long time,
"Huh, well, my wife, that Master Bai did not see it."
"No." Sylvia shook his head and turned around, curious Asked, "What are you doing?"
"This." Henry raised the rice paper on the table, and at the same time, the things on the rice
paper were displayed in front of everyone.
At the moment when he saw Xuan paper, almost everyone, like Fang Luo, glared wide and
his mouth didn't open consciously, including Sylvia's three daughters.
On the rice paper picked up by Henry, there are several shrimps. These shrimps are exactly
the same as Boss Lee ’s paintings. Each dotted line and each pen remain the same.
"How can this be!"
Boss Li walked in front of Henry in disbelief, looked at the painting in Henry's hands, and
asked cautiously, "Sir, can you show me?"
"Of course." Henry handed the painting to Li casual y. In the hands of the boss, the ink is
still dry, and there is a smell.
Boss Li put this picture of Henry painting together with his ink shrimp. After careful
observation, he found that the shrimps painted by Henry, in size, dotted line length, and
even the ink color of the shrimp festival, It is exactly the same as its own, even if it is
printed on the original painting and faced with a copy, it cannot be done so meticulously.
"Henry, you ..." Sylvia's beautiful eyes twinkled with incredible expressions.
Henry smiled, "This is my method, Master Yu, can you tell me, where did I break this
"You!" Yu Bai stared at Henry without knowing. What, he real y did not expect that
someone could copy this ink shrimp like this, how did he do it?
Just now, what Yu Bai said about his broken strokes and style of painting was all made by
himself. He also had such fears because he knew that the painting was authentic, but now, if
he is asked to give details, he simply cannot Do it.
"Why? Can't tel ?" Henry looked at Yu Bai's speechless look and sneered. "You are an
honorary member of the Painting Association, and the vice president of the Suhang
Painting Association. What you should do is to maintain the painting association.
Reputation, passing correct values, not by your identity, nonsense, nonsense! Jianhua, there
has never been a person like you, just look at it, and tell the truth, I will tell you clearly now,
Li The boss's ink shrimp is not the real story of Master Qi. "
Henry's voice fell, and there was a lot of noise around him.
"How is it possible!"
"Impossible! Boss Li just took out the certificate, is it true that the certificate is fake?"
"It doesn't make sense, the certificate is something, who dares to fake it, look at it, but it is
stamped "
Boss Li's face changed," This gentleman, I admire your paintings, but you speak, but you
must be responsible. My certificate of this painting clearly understands how white is here,
how could it be fake. "
" Boy, you are too much to say, this is too much! "Wan Yichang sneered.
Don't say that these people who are not related to Henry, they are Milan, and they don't
understand it. Boss Li has already obtained the certificate. Why does Henry still say that
this painting is fake.
Henry chuckled, "Boss Li, pay attention to what I said. I didn't say that your painting is fake,
and I don't doubt your certificate. I just said that your ink shrimp is not the real story of
Master Qi. "
Henry's words just fell, and Wan Yichang scolded," Joke! I have been doing this for more
than ten years, and it is impossible. In the Qing Dynasty, there were two other masters of
shrimp painting, and they al painted this ink shrimp. . "
Henry looked pale Wan Yoshimasa one, whispered:" you are ignorant, it does not matter,
but you should not shout so loud show off your ignorance, Qing dynasty, only one master
painting shrimp, but in the Qing Dynasty, but There are many ink shrimp! "
" Sir, what do you mean? "Boss Li frowned.
"Everyone, have you ever heard of it, Colo Edition?" Henry glanced at everyone present.
"Colo version? Isn't that what the printed version means?" Said one.
"Not bad." Henry nodded. "The copying of cal igraphy and painting works mainly uses
artificial copying, photocopying, woodblock watermarking, colo printing, offset printing
and digital printing. The earliest colo printing appeared in In the late Qing Dynasty and
early Republican period, this ink shrimp was the Colo edition produced at that time, so I
said that Boss Li's certificate was correct. This painting was indeed a product of the Qing
Dynasty, but it was not the true story of Master Qi. "
How can you prove it?" Yu Bai asked in a low voice.
Henry Zhang pointed his finger to his head. "Common sense, if you care a little bit about
painting, you know that the real story of Master Qi's ink shrimp has always been stored in
the Museum of the South Province. Moreover, the real story of ink shrimp is on the
bottom of the paper The color is not yellowish, but blueish, and only the Kel ogg version is
yellowish. If you want to verify, you can gently touch the place where the shrimp shell is
painted with heavy colors. Everyone is doing it. It should be known that where the ink color
is heavy, after the ink is dry, you can feel the rough texture with your hands, but the Colo
version will not. Also, although Master Qi has a minimalist style, every stroke is very hard
The color of the ink of the Colo version does not penetrate through the back of the paper,
which is unreasonable in itself. "
When Mr. Henry mentioned the color of ink, he subconsciously reached out and touched his
ink shrimp. Sure enough, the dark color of the ink did not A little rough feeling, but it looks
very smooth.
"Boss Li, what he said, is it true?" Wan Yichang asked Boss Li with a ugly face.
"Wait a minute, let me make a phone call to verify." Boss Li took out his mobile phone and
walked to the kitchen.
People in the lobby, you look at me, I look at you, there is some doubt between the
eyebrows, now, they do not know, who is true, who is false.
Chapter 139
Sylvia small face looked at Henry excitedly
. She now has many questions to ask Henry, but because Milan and others are there, she
can't speak.
"Sylvia, your home Henry, it's really awesome, do you understand this kind of thing?"
Li Ke, a mixed-race beauty, could not help but sigh: "Can you cook? You can also art.
Listen to Milan, he still cleans at home, it's good What about men. "
" Mr. Zhang, you admire your views on Chinese painting, I admire it! "Fang Luo couldn't
help but give his thumbs up, he just thought, what is wrong with this painting, after Henryyi
reminded, he remembered That ’s it, it ’s the drawing paper, the real drawing paper, with a
pale cyan color. This kind of detail, few people can notice, but Henry knows it.
Soon, boss Li took the phone and came out of the kitchen. Everyone was waiting for boss Li
to announce the result.
"Everyone, I am real y ashamed. This ink shrimp of mine is indeed not the true story of
Master Qi, but, as this gentleman said, it is the copy of the Qing Dynasty."
Henry's expression was dull, and he had foreseen this result.
Milan shouted with excitement, "Henry, you are awesome! That surnamed Wan, it's time
for you to fulfill your bet!"
Yu Bai sat gloomyly aside and didn't speak. After today's events, his reputation must be
Will be affected.
As for Wan Yichang, his face was also ugly. He really didn't expect that Mr. Li's certificate
actually said that it was the Colo version!
"Which is surnamed Wan, why don't you say anything? Do you want to be ridiculous?"
Milan said again.
"How come." Wan Yichang forced a smile, "Girl, what do you want, despite the opening."
"What do you want ?" Milan reached out his hand, leaned on his chin, tilted his head, and
Sylvia suddenly said, "Boss Wan, your painting is more than 800 square meters, and the
location is also good. In this way, you need your painting."
"What!" Wan Yichang's eyes widened, "Girl, you are a little lion's mouth open."
"How come the lion's mouth opened." Milan embraced his chest with both hands. "
" But you are too much. "Wan Yichang's face was gloomy. The painting was al he could
show off his wealth. How could he just send it out so easily.
"Relax, Boss Wan, I won't let you give it away for free. What is your market price? I'll just
take it in. This is my business card." Sylvia took out an exquisite business card from the
handbag and put it in On the table in front of Wan Yichang.
Wan Yichang glanced at the business card, but just this one made his pupils shrink.
On the name card, the title of the chairman of the Lins Group scared him to take a breath.
Wan Yichang had long heard that the helm of the Lin Group is a beautiful iceberg, but he
never thought that the beautiful woman in front of him was the chairman of the Lin Group,
When I think of showing off my wealth in front of Sylvia, Wan Yichang is as uncomfortable
as eating rat shit. This is more than just playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong. Compared
with Lin's group, his painting is even a smal thumb Not up!
"Boss Wan, my people will contact you within three days to talk to you about the
acquisition, and so many industry seniors are on the scene. I hope that you can do it, don't
be fooled, let's go." Sylvia took the bag first. Go outside the restaurant.
"When it comes to doing it, don't be fooled, otherwise, I will find someone to go to your
paintings every day to promote the character of your boss Wan." Milan patted Wan Yichang
on the shoulder, squinting and smiling.
Henry and several people left the restaurant one after another.
Wan Yichang and Yu Bai looked at the table in front of them, and nobody spoke.
In this gallery tea, although Henry did not communicate with Fang Luo positively about
painting, the result is self-evident, and Fang Luo knows himself that the gap between him
and Henry is very large.
"Sure enough, it is Sylvia. How could the man she loves be so bad?" Fang Luo said, sitting in
the back row of their car in Milan.
On the red Mercedes-Benz GT, Sylvia didn't start anxiously after getting on the car.
"Mr. Lin, why don't you go? They al ran away in Milan." Henry said strangely on the first
"Why lie to me?" Sylvia turned around and looked at Henry.
"What lie to you?" Henry wondered.
"Don't tell me what you just showed, you also check it online, and the ink shrimp you drew.
Your painting skills are at least at the level of Chinese painting!" Sylvia stared at Henry's
Eyes, waiting for his answer.
Upon hearing this, Henry covered his forehead. "Lin, I didn't lie to you. I always know how
to draw. Did I say I don't understand?"
"You!" Sylvia opened his mouth and thought of Henry It seems that from the beginning to
the end, he thinks that Henry does not understand painting. He himself, indeed, has not said
that he does not understand painting.
Henry smiled, "Lin, I still have a little research on Chinese painting. So you told Milan that I
am a painter. Actually, that's right, hey."
Sylvia was dumb, and a little embarrassment appeared on her pretty face. The expression,
for a long time, has always been her preemptive. She really did not expect that Henry really
knew Chinese painting, but he did n’t do anything about it.
"Since you know Chinese painting, why are you ..." Sylvia said halfway, suddenly stopped.
"What's the matter?" Henry was curious.
"It's okay." Sylvia shook his head, recalling his previous view of Henry, and laughed at
himself sneerly. When did he become this kind of character that judges people by
The throttle fired and the vehicle drove.
After learning that Henry himself would be a Chinese painter, Sylvia's heart showed some
joy. She found that this man is actual y quite good, he has superb medical skills, and the
level of Chinese painting is not low. The amazing cooking skills, if he did not come to the Lin
family in a cumbersome way, if he met him on another occasion, maybe he would have a
strong interest in him.
Thinking of this, Sylvia's pretty blush is even more powerful.
"Mr. Lin, what do you think, smirking al the time." Henry leaned back on the co-pilot and
looked at the woman with deep affection in her eyes.
Sylvia was somewhat aware of his gaffe, and set his mind: "Henry, you honestly told me,
what else would you do?"
"I said it last time."
"Braught!" Sylvia pouted his mouth. Last time, he said that he is proficient in art, music,
painting, food, ancient martial arts, investigation and blasting, various languages, finance,
and other major fields. For Henry, Sylvia did n’t believe it. How could a person master so
many things? .
Back 10,000 steps, if Henry was really proficient in these things, how could he come to his
Lin family and be a son-in-law?
Chapter 140
Yinzhou Second People's Hospital, in a separate ward, a handsome guy with a big beard is
lying on the hospital bed.
Luo Ling and Rose were sitting next to the bed, looking at the phone, and said to Rose in
French: "Sylvia didn't expel him from that cheap product, and gave him a three-day
deadline. Wait, today is the last day. Waiting for tomorrow, you will pretend to cooperate
with us according to the plan, wait for us to sign the contract, get the money, and then
slowly find the boy to settle the bill. "
" Then will he really find a partner? "Ross asked.
"In three days, he's looking for anything! Even if he was given three months, he couldn't
find it! What's more, I already knew what he wanted to do. This kid's idea is exactly the
same as ours. I have a shell company, and I plan to glove the white wolf in the clear sky.
Rest assured, I will take it through with him. With Sylvia's temper, I will never let this kid
go and take him to court. Before the meal, we interrupted his two legs, and abolished his
second half of his life! "
Ross smiled, putting his hands on
Luo Ling's smooth thighs." Ro, I really love you more and more. " A glance at Ross,
"This is in the hospital."
" What about the hospital, we can do it anywhere." Ross forced Luo Ling into his arms.
Luo Ling chuckled and threw a brow at Rose.
Neither of the two people who were flirting was paying attention. A humble nurse stood
outside the ward and secretly pointed the phone at them through the glass window.
Another morning came.
Henry and Amity agreed to meet under a business building.
When Henry saw Amity, this Girl was standing there with a nervous expression on her face,
murmuring something in her mouth.
"What do you think?" Henry appeared from behind Amity and flicked her brain.
"Yeah!" Henry brain bomb jump this action, scared autumn hop until after see Henry, cute
little tongue spit spit, "Zhang brother, my regular practice, then surgery yet."
"Practice zayang Alright? "
" There should be no problem, just Brother Zhang. "Amity showed a bitter face.
"What's the matter?"
"I ... I don't know how to speak English." This question, Amity only thought of it last night.
After practicing for a day, he suddenly realized that he couldn't communicate with the
Chinese at all.
"It's okay." Henry waved carelessly. "Just let the other person speak Chinese."
It's in the office on the corner of the business building.
A fat man with a greasy face was sitting on the table. In front of him, there were five cages
of smal dumplings. The fat man ate one bite and ate a mouthful of oil.
Opposite the fat man, sat an old French man with white beard and white hair, wearing a
gray-brown trench coat.
"Mr. Ou Ren, won't you come two?" The fat man grabbed a smal dumpling and looked at the
old man of Fuguo in front of him. "This Chinese steamed bun is more delicious than the big
meals of your Fuguo.
" No need, "the old man named Ou Ren replied in fluent Chinese language," Your Excellency,
who came to me this time, and when will he arrive. "
" Mr. Ou Ren, you know, those of us, Just fol ow the orders, yes, the card is for you.
"The fat man rubbed his greasy hands on his body, and then careful y took out a card from
his pocket with a ghost mask printed on it. There is no crease in the card, it is neat and tidy.
When seeing the card, Ou Ren took off his big brim hat, stretched out his hands, took the
card from the fat man's hand, and then carefully collected it.
The more powerful a person is, the more he knows how small he is.
Ou Ren, as the helm of the largest consortium of Far East, knows very well what this black
card represents in this world!
The owner of each card is Raksha walking in this world. They control the life and death of
everyone. Everyone who has this card will be frightening.
Henry brought Amity to the office.
"Girl, please wait outside." Henry confessed to Amity and pushed the door into the office.
The glass door of the office made a slight noise, attracting the eyes of the two people in the
Fatty and Ou Ren looked at the office door almost at the same time.
When he saw Henry, the fat man showed a respectful face, and Ou Ren, on the first time,
kneeled down on one knee and presented his highest etiquette, he would cal out Henry's
Henry first spoke before Ou Ren said: "Stop, Ou Ren, my Huaxia name is Henry."
How could Ou Ren not understand Henry's meaning, knowing that Henry did not want to
expose his identity, nodded, "Dear Henry Sir, I did n’t expect that it was you who cal ed me
to China. ”
Henry waved his hand and said,“ Okay, let ’s put away the etiquette. Also, you can call me
my name and Zhang, I ’ll cal you this time, I hope you will sign a contract with the Lin's
Group in Yinzhou. "
" No problem. "Ou Ren didn't even ask what the contract was, so he agreed.
Henry was not surprised about Ou Ren ’s attitude. “For the specific signing of the contract,
you can talk to the girl outside the door and observe her character. If you can, sign with
Amity was waiting at the door of the office. She is really curious now. It is impossible to find
the partner that Brother Zhang was looking for. It was just from this small office.
This does not feel like a multinational group.
When Amity was full of doubts, Henry and Ou Ren walked out of the office side by side.
Seeing Ou Ren, Amity greeted Ou Ren immediately.
"Wel , little girl, this is Mr. Ou Ren, specific cooperation, you will cooperate on the project,
talk to him."
"Okay." Amity's eyes are a little flustered, this is her as a salesperson, the first When I
talked to customers, I was very nervous. "Mr. Ou Ren, please come with me. Our company is
not far away. I believe that our colleagues are very welcome."
Amity's performance made Henry nod in satisfaction. It seems that this little girl has made
a lot of preparations, and has specifically studied some French etiquette, otherwise it will
not greet Ou Ren in this way.
Amity and Ou Ren chatted al the way. On the way, they introduced Ou Ren to the customs of
Yinzhou City and did not directly discuss business.
Henry unconsciously gave Amity a thumbs up. For a senior who is still internship, Amity's
performance is already very good. This shows that Amity's girl's ability is still good.
When entering the company door, Amity's front desk student Zhong Qi gave Amity a
disdainful look, and then set her eyes on Ou Ren, and said: "The idlers can't enter the
company, come to register."
Chapter 141
autumn looked at the clock Qi, open, explains:. "This is the French to the country, Mr.
Eugene to the company to discuss cooperation."
"Oh, French States Coming? "Zhong Qi chuckled," Everyone has to register! Don't enter
without registering! "
Henry has been fol owing Amity. When he saw Zhong Qi's practice, his face turned black. It
is obvious that Amity is deliberately embarrassed. If it is a customer with a bad temper who
comes to the company to receive this treatment, I am afraid to turn around and go away.
Amity, a customer who has come to talk about it, will fly away.
"Quick, register!" Zhong Qi took out a brochure and flicked to the front desk.
Amity ran anxiously to the front desk and said: "Zhong Qi, the company said that the
salesman brought the customer to the company without registration." After finishing
Amity's words, he looked carefully at Ou Ren, fearing what Ou Ren had Unhappy.
Zhong Qi embraced her chest with her hands and rolled her eyes. "You said that the
customer is the customer? Where do you see that he is the customer?"
"Little girl, I just register." Ou Ren walked to the front desk.
If it was somewhere else, where Ou Ren went, someone dared to ask him to register, and he
would definitely turn his head away, but today Henry found him, he did n’t have
a shelf, even if Henry told Ou Ren, you have to send money Before sending the money, you
have to kneel and knelt three heads, and Ou Ren will do the same.
Ou Ren ’s family in Fa Guo only survived because of Henry. For Henry, Ou Ren was not only
in awe, but also even more grateful, otherwise it was impossible for him to kneel on one
knee at the first sight of Henry, This kind of treatment cannot be enjoyed even by the
chairman of the world's most powerful country.
Amity apologized to Ou Ren, "Mr. Ou Ren, really embarrassed."
"It's okay." Ou Ren waved his hand with a smile, said to Zhong Qi, "Girl, can you give me a
"You did not bring your own pen it?" Qi Zhong eyes stared Eugene, "and talk about
business, not even a pen with? You are not to do business in the end? Not a liar, right?"
Upon hearing this, Eugene After looking at Henry, Henry stood there and smiled without
saying a word.
Eugene can charge a huge consortium, has a set of Man of ability, some unhappy moment of
Qi Zhong said:. "Girl, this should not be your hospitality approach ' '
how bad mood to rol ah, we Lin? There is no shortage of you for a customer. It ’s really
interesting. You ’re still waiting for a customer. What kind of customer are you? ”Zhong Qi's
face is unhappy
. Take a pen from his pocket and hand it to Ou Ren.
Ou Ren ignored Zhong Qi. After taking the pen, he wrote his name on the registration book.
After registration, Amity was just about to take Ou Ren to the guest room, and then heard
Zhong Qi's voice.
"Wait! What did you sign for?" Zhong Qi picked up the register and pointed at the string of
French on it.
Ou Ren took a deep breath and tolerated the anger in his heart and said to Zhong Qi:
"Girl, I am a French of my own, this is my name."
"Oh, you come to China, won't you write Chinese characters? Come over and rewrite
"Zhong Qi will register hard at the front desk." If you don't write, wait until you learn! "
Zhong Qi's approach is obviously to make Amity a client.
At this moment, Luo Ling took Rose and walked in from the company door.
"Ye, what is this for?" Luo Ling saw the atmosphere here as soon as she entered the
company's door.
Zhong Qi gave Luo Ling a good smile, "Manager Luo, people in your department, do not
register when you bring people in."
"Oh." Luo Ling snorted and looked at Amity. Ou Ren next to him, "Huh, it's really powerful,
and the pen is not smal ."
In Luo Ling's heart, he thought that Ou Ren was the liar that Henry had specially found.
Luo Ling glanced at Ou Ren, and then looked at Zhong Qi. "Small bell, some people, but
there is something wrong, you have to ask to register."
" Sure ." Zhong Qi nodded again and again.
"Cough, some people, it is impure." Luo Ling smiled and led Rose towards the elevator.
"Wait!" Henry suddenly said, pointing at Rose, and said to Zhong Qi, "Why don't you
register this person?"
Zhong Qi gave Henry a disgusted look and said, "I said you are a dead salesman.
Club? What else did the person brought by Manager Luo Ling register? "
Henry was pleased by Zhong Qi's words," meaning that the person brought by the manager
does not need to be registered? Just in case something that harms the company, Who will
be responsible for this responsibility? Are you supposed to be ? " Zhong Qi cut out," I'l be
my bet. "
" Okay. "Henry smiled and nodded.
"Don't talk nonsense, write the Chinese word registration." Zhong Qi scolded Ou Ren again.
"Come on." Henry said softly.
With Henry's words, Ou Ren didn't say much this time. He went over and wrote his name
on the registration book in Chinese characters.
"That's al right!" Amity, who is weak in character, is now somewhat angry.
Zhong Qi picked up the register and looked at it in a pretended gesture for a few seconds,
then looked at Ou Ren up and down with suspicious eyes. After a full minute, Zhong Qi said,
"Temporarily, I will check this person Identity, let me explain first, if there is something
wrong with the identity, I immediately let the security guard coax people, now go! "
Zhong Qi speaks without any politeness. With this attitude, she can change people casually
today, even if she is a good-tempered customer, she will not suffer.
"Mr. Ou Ren, I'm very sorry, please come with me." Amity gave Ou Ren an apologetic smile.
Ou Ren shook his head carelessly, followed Amity, and got on the elevator.
When Amity led Ou Ren through the business department, many people saw it.
Sister Hong frowned, "Is there real y a man from China?"
"Go check it out."
Some people who were sorry for Amity all trot into the hospitality room, their eyes looking
awkwardly. Ou Ren, who was sitting in the reception room, had to say that, although he was
older, Ou Ren looked very imposing. When he looked at it, he felt that he was not an
ordinary person.
"This man is really shit luck, and he can real y find a partner."
"What partner, just find someone from China, and then say that there is no discussion, and
take the time to chant." A young woman's face With some jealousy.
"A newcomer, what did she use to find a partner? It's really interesting."
Those who had been standing on Luo Ling's side, all spoke in sarcasm, and none of them
thought Amity could talk about Shan.
Luo Ling looked at the three people in the guest room Henry, made a chuckle, and said
nothing. She waited. When Henry was about to sign the contract, she went to President Lin
and told Mr. Lin that this surnamed Zhang , Want to cheat the company's money!
Chapter 142
in the waiting room, Amity brewed a cup of hot tea for both Ou Ren and Henry. Henry sat
aside and looked at Amity and Ou Ren from the perspective of a bystander During the
exchange, Amity prepared many and many materials and explained the company ’s project
for Ou Ren. It can be seen that Amity ’s negotiation method is very naive and the handling
of certain issues is not detailed enough, including some Ou Ren. Amity couldn't answer the
questions raised, so she seemed anxious.
Of course, some questions that Amity couldn't answer, and she didn't blame her, can only
say that she was too short to join the job, and she still couldn't get in touch with them, but
she knew everything Amity could know and understand. .
Henry smiled, and Amity's efforts were already in his eyes, which proved that he helped
Amity at that time, not a gang.
As for Amity, Henry didn't know what kind of person this girl was. He just couldn't get used
to the method of Ross and others before he helped. At the end, Henry didn't want to help
the person himself. He didn't work hard and wait for anything. With others working first, it
seems that my choice is right.
Henry carried the tea cup and walked out of the waiting room.
"This is Zhang's, this is the customer you are looking for? Which group?" Luo Ling asked
Henry when she saw Henry coming out.
Henry thought about it and replied: "Fajia Jialong Group."
"Jialong?" Luo Ling thought for a long time, he had studied in Faguo for so long, and had
never heard of the name of this group.
In fact, there are not many people who have heard of Jialong, even if it is the business
community of the Far East. This is a consortium hidden in the dark. Seeing the immediate
children of the Jialong Consortium will not show any arrogance. Luo Ling has not heard of
it, which is normal.
"The surname is Zhang, what kind of Jialong Group did you find this? I have never heard of
it. What it does, you know it clearly, and do n’t say I do n’t give you a chance.
Now Mr. Ross is here Acknowledge the mistake and apologize. After Mr. Rose forgives you,
this matter has been exposed. How?
Hong opening sister, "is what hardcore ah, got a Lao Maozi is multinational ah? That
business building next to multinational corporations do not know how many yet."
"Real y interesting, originally had been able to talk about cooperation on You two have
been delayed, make a mistake to Mr. Rose, and treat everyone well! "
Those who stood on Luo Ling's side spoke one after another.
"The customers I found in three days are
hard to tell whether they are true or false!" "I don't want to go forward, but don't even
bother us!"
These words spread into Henry's ears. Henry just smiled slightly and did not answer.
In the waiting room.
After listening to Amity's elaboration, Ou Ren nodded with satisfaction, "Little girl, since
that's the case, go ahead and get the contract. I've signed it."
"Signed ... Signed ... signed?" Amity's water spirits His eyes glared round, "Really ...
"What 's wrong with this." Ou Ren looked at Amity, a girl about the size of his
granddaughter, "I'm here to talk about cooperation with you Well, since this project is good
for both parties, what are my reasons for refusing? "
Amity was so full of heart and soul, she really didn't expect that even if it was so easy, she
signed the contract. Before that, she didn't even think about signing a contract.
"Too ... so good, Mr. Ou Ren, wait a minute, I ... I will cal Brother Zhang to sign the contract."
Amity's excited speech was a bit unfavorable.
Ou Ren was puzzled, "You are the one who talks to me about cooperation. Why should you
ask Zhang Lai to sign the contract? Who should you sign the contract, who should the bonus
be given to? Little girl, do you know if it is in my Company, how much bonus can you get
when you sign such a contract? "
" How much ... how much? "Amity's eyes widened, and she really didn't know how much
this contract commission was.
"At least these." Ou Ren extended three fingers.
"Three ... thousand!" Amity opened his mouth wide, and a commission was equivalent to his
salary for half a month when he was on stage. This is too high.
"Three thousand? Little girl, you are too smal to look at this project, guess it boldly."
" Could n't it be thirty thousand?" Amity had an incredible, thirty thousand yuan
commission in his eyes! I am on the stage and only earn these in half a year!
"Hey." Ou Ren sighed, "Little girl, I'll make you bold, is that all your courage? It's not 3,000,
not 30,000, but 300,000. If you are in my company, you are talking about this project , Light
bonus, I will send you the equivalent of 300,000 Huaxia coins. "
" Thirty ... ten thousand? "Amity's eyes were a bit dull when she heard this number. Her
family was ordinary, her parents worked hard al her life, and she also made deposits.
Less than this number.
300,000 yuan, enough to buy half a house in Yinzhou, 300,000 yuan, enough for one person
to do nothing, good fun for a few years, 300,000 yuan, enough to buy a BMW, 300,000 yuan,
for autumn rain It is a huge amount of property that I have never thought of.
Now I heard that Ou Ren said that this project alone will have a bonus of 300,000! Amity
seemed to be dreaming.
"Little girl, how about this contract, did you sign Zhang Lai for signing?"
Amity swallowed hard and stammered: "I ... I ..."
Hearing Amity ’s answer, Ou Ren felt a little disappointed. Of course, he also understood
that 300,000 may not count for him, but for ordinary people, this is a property that can
change the life standard of life. 300,000 yuan, can change a big house, change a good car.
"I ... I have to ask Brother Zhang to invite me for a meal, 300,000, which is too much!
Mr. Ou Ren, wait a moment, I will call Brother Zhang!" Amity said, just Run outside the
hospitality and call Henry.
Ou Ren, who was disappointed in her heart, looked at Amity with interest after hearing
Amity, "Little girl, can you tel me, why do you have to ask Zhang Lai to sign this contract, if
you want, The huge bonus will be yours. "
" No, Mr. Ou Ren. "Amity waved his hand and said sincerely on his smal face:" Brother
Zhang is the manager who offended me. You are also found by Brother Zhang. " Yes, I just
helped Brother Zhang to do some insignificant things. These bonuses were originally
belonged to Zhang. "
Amity's words surprised Ou Ren. As the helm of Jialong Consortium, Ou Ren has seen many
Qian has also seen many disputes over money. Amity's performance has never been seen
by him. This behavior alone made Ou Ren give thumbs up for Amity.
"Mr. Ou Ren, please wait a moment, I will call Brother Zhang."
Chapter 143
"No more." Ou Ren uttered and stopped Amity, "Zhang Jiao treated me, this contract, you
sign it, if you do n’t If you are willing to sign, I will refuse this cooperation. "
" Ah? "
" Little girl, your company, how to distribute the bonus between you and Zhang, it has
nothing to do with me, you can go to your president later, now, go Take the contract. "
The sudden conclusion of the cooperation, the huge bonus, are enough for Amity, a
fledgling little girl, to digest for a long time.
When Amity left the waiting room and was about to get the contract, Xiao Pan was still a
little panicked.
Amity's expression, the people in the business department al looked in his eyes, and when
Amity came out of the waiting room, he spoke one after another.
"Why, didn't you talk?"
"Is it obvious at first glance that I haven't talked?"
"I don't know how many pounds I have, I've got a customer to talk about, so what can I talk
Hong Jie and others, They al showed contempt.
"No." Amity waved his hand. "It's already negotiated. The customer agreed to sign the
"Signed?" Sister Hong's eyes widened, an unbelievable look. How big is this cooperation
project, Hong As an old employee, Sister is very clear that if you can really let the customer
sign the contract, then Guangti has achieved 50,000! In terms of performance, this year's
sales are steady, and by the end of the year it will be another bonus.
"Yeah." Amity nodded, the confusion on his face gradually disappeared, and turned into a
face of joy, "I'm going to get the contract now."
"I said Amity, what contract did you talk to the customer, I told You, the amount on this
contract cannot be lowered arbitrarily. Our bottom line is Class C! "Said another person,
with fiery eyes in his eyes, looking from time to time in the waiting room.
In fact, the company ’s bottom line on this cooperation plan is E-level, but she said that she
just wanted to create a difficult situation for Amity, so that she could have a chance to plug
in, and when the time came, she would get a performance score. Yes, for 50,000 yuan, if you
take it up yourself, talk about it, and fol ow the company's rules, you can divide it into half!
There are many people who have the same thoughts as this person.
"That is, Amity, what the hell are you talking about, do you need me to come in and ask
"If the amount is reduced privately, not only the commission will not be paid, but the
company will have to bear the losses yourself."
In their eyes, Amity is a newcomer, and the list in the hands of the newcomer is a piece of
fat. These people were original y standing on the side of Luo Ling, and they did not deal
with Amity. When the incident happened, there was no ridicule in the mouth. These two
days There is no less bul ying Amity, natural y will not talk about face with Amity.
Amity was puzzled when he heard what the seniors in these business departments said,
"C grade or something." "Sister Hong, what is a C grade, I don't know, isn't that the indicator
posted in the office."
" The index of the office! "Sister Hong called out subconsciously. The sound was so loud
that it scared everyone around him. Even the people working in the office could hear Sister
Hong's cal .
The rest of the people heard this, their heartbeats accelerated, and their faces flushed.
The indicator posted in the office was the best goal set by Mr. Lin at that time. At that time,
Mr. Lin was free to say, who would be able to negotiate the contract according to that
indicator. The commission alone would be as high as 500,000!
Half a million! This is a huge amount! Enough figures.
A young woman's eyes rolled, and suddenly she said, "Yes, Sister Hong, I remember that
our company has regulations, the newcomers are not allowed to talk about contracts."
this young woman kept her eyes on Sister Hong.
Sister Hong could n’t understand what she meant, and immediately responded loudly:
“Yes, it seems that there is this rule, the newcomers are not allowed to talk about
customers, and there are no conditions for signing orders. That autumn rain, you did
well this time, we will Manager Luo has responded well. Do n’t sign this contract. Wait for
us to sign it for you. ”
“ Yeah, you do n’t want to sign the company if you want to sign it. There is not much
commission anyway, but your Everyone sees their abilities. There will certainly be no
problem as a team leader or something in the future. "
One person after another said, coveting the huge commission of 500,000.
"It's okay, let her sign!" A clear voice came from the front of the office. Luo Ling stood in
front of the office of the business department. "I give her this opportunity. Now let's sign
the order."
"Manager Luo, this ..." Hong Sister looked at Luo Ling puzzled, half a mil ion! Just let it in
vain for a newcomer. If the newcomer is allowed to negotiate, Luo Ling will not only have
no advantage, but his status will be threatened.
"It's okay, let Amity sign it, go to the finances and ask the secretary to print the contract for
you." Luo Ling paced and walked to Amity, patted Amity's shoulder, and then strode
toward the elevator. In the elevator, press The number of floors on the top floor was
Sister Hong and others, you look at me, I look at you, and you do n’t understand why
Manager Luo should give up this opportunity, even if Manager Luo does n’t care, they care
too, even if each person only gets a piece of soup, it ’s enough to wake up laughing. .
The top floor of Lin's Building.
Milan and Li Ke, as manager Sun of the business department, as a guide, took Prince Charles
to visit the Lin Group, Sylvia accompanied him.
Today, Sylvia's idea is to reach certain cooperation with Prince Charles. If it can be
successful, it is definitely a great event for Lin.
Just when Sylvia Zhengzai careful y introduced Prince Charlie to the local customs, the
office door was knocked and Secretary Li Qian opened the door and walked in.
"Mr. Lin, the manager of the business department, Luo Lingluo, said that there are
important things to report to you."
Sylvia thought, the business department, is not the department where Henry stays now,
today is the three-day deadline agreed with Henry, This Luo manager's search for himself
should be related to Henry.
Sylvia pondered for two seconds and then said, "Let her come in."
Luo Ling, wearing a gray professional uniform, walked into the office. "Lin is good." After
that, Luo Ling glanced at the other people sitting in the office .
"Mr. Luo, just talk about anything."
"Mr. Lin, Henry of our department, is waiting in the guest room and committing a fraud.
He found a man from China, disguised as a customer, and signed a false contract with the
" What! "
Luo Ling's voice fell. In the office, all the people except the manager Sun in the marketing
department stood up together.
Milan and Li Ke knew Henry's identity. As Sylvia's husband, how could Henry unite
outsiders to defraud company property.
Prince Charles, however, was angry when he heard the Fa nationality.
Sylvia frowned, "Manager Luo, you have to be responsible if you say this!"
"Mr. Lin is assured, what I said, the sentence is true, if Mr. Lin does not believe, you can go
to the guest room to see now." Luo Ling With a confident smile on her face, she couldn't
real y think of a person who was found in a leather bag company, not a scam, but what else.
Chapter 144
Lin Group, Business Department.
Sister Hong and others stood outside the hospitality room and looked enviously at the
autumn rain signing through the glass window of the hospitality room.
Half a million commissions! This is the money they can only earn in a few years. How many
people have not saved so much money in their entire lives, so they are earned by a little girl
who has only come to practice, saying that it is fake to be jealous.
But what about jealousy, can only watch people sign a contract there.
Henry held a cup of tea, sat at his desk with peace of mind, wearing headphones, watching
the teaching video of traditional Chinese medicine, and learning some teaching methods.
At this moment, Sylvia appeared in front of the office of the business department, and she
saw Henry sitting there watching the video at a glance. Because she was facing the office
door, Sylvia did not see what Henry was looking at. With great enthusiasm, Sylvia walked to
Henry's desk and reached out to knock on the table.
"Huh?" Henry noticed Sylvia just now. He took off his headphones and asked strangely,
"Mr. Lin, what are you?"
Sylvia took a deep breath and said, "Henry, you come out."
" Oh, okay. "Henry nodded, paused the video, and stood behind Sylvia in doubt.
When he left the office, Henrycai noticed that Milan, Li Ke, and the Prince Charlie were al
standing outside the office.
Luo Ling, wearing a gray uniform, was looking at himself with a sneer.
"Mr. Lin, what's wrong with this?" Henry asked this situation strangely.
Sylvia looked at Luo Ling and said, "Manager Luo, you repeat what you just said, and repeat
it again."
"Okay." Luo Ling smiled confidently, then clapped twice hard, and will be standing The
people in front of the guest room attracted their attention.
Sister Hong and others saw President Lin coming, and they al came towards the waiting
room from the door.
"Dear everyone, please listen to me." Luo Ling's voice was very loud. "Now in our company,
there is such a pest!"
When talking about the word pest, Luo Ling deliberately set his eyes on Henry,
"Someone Well, deliberately undermining the company ’s cooperation, self-directing and
acting out a good show, finding some unknown people, and jointly defrauding the company
’s property. ”
“ Defrauding the company ’s property? Manager Luo, who is this person? ”Sister Hong
heard. Immediately showed a look fil ed with righteous indignation.
The rest of the people also opened their mouths and showed their loyalty to the company
in front of Sylvia.
Henry was happy, huh, is this man talking about himself?
"That man, far away from the horizon, near his eyes!" Luo Ling reached out and pointed
directly at Henry's face.
"You mean ... me?" Henry looked at Luo Ling with a strange expression. "What about your
"Evidence?" Luo Ling laughed dismissively and shouted, "The evidence is naturally in the
waiting room. Now Mr. Lin is here, Henry, I ask you, the partner you found within three
days, and only asked a new person to negotiate, signed the A-level contract. What is this
person's identity!
" "A-level contract?" Sylvia frowned. At first, this A-level contract was drafted by herself
and placed in the business department, and a commission of 500,000 was made.
Even so, Sylvia knew that no one could sign this A-level contract.
Now, listening to Luo Ling said that the customer Henry found, only let a newcomer
negotiate, signed this A-level contract, Sylvia also felt something was wrong, but to say
Henry and outsiders, together swindling the property of the Lin Group, Sylvia It is
absolutely unbelievable.
Henry grinned, "Mr. Luo, could you think that the customer I found, signed a big order, and
became a liar?"
"Is it a liar, your heart is clearer than me Lots! "Luo Ling hugged her chest with both
hands." In the end, what is the identity of the people inside, I think, only a little
investigation is needed to make it clear! It will be clear at that time whether you are
cheating. "
Hong Jie and others, just now I still envy Amity in my heart. Now when I hear Luo Ling
’s words, I feel a sigh of relief. I even have some hope in my heart. Luo Ling said it is true.
There is no such commission of 500,000. Henry and Amity, Only a liar was found, so that
their hearts could be balanced.
"Investigating his identity?" Henry glanced at Prince Charlie who was standing with them
in Milan, and then nodded. "Okay, how do you want to investigate."
"From here!" Luo Ling came from her uniform pocket, Take out two photos. In the photo,
the photos of Henry and Ou Ren who came out of the office where the house number is
simple and located on the corner. On the photo, the front faces of Henry and Ou Ren cannot
be seen, but according to the back view, It can still be seen that the owner of the photo is
These two photos are screenshots of the high-definition surveillance of the business
building that Luo Ling specially found.
Luo Ling took the picture in his hands and raised it, said loudly: "Look, this is the French
partner that Henry found. From a leather bag company, the person I found signed hundreds
of mil ions of dol ars with Lin. Contract. "
" Leather bag company? "
" It seems really, isn't this the commercial building next to it, there are only small
companies in it, and there are very few assets with more than 10 million assets. "
" Yes, just look at this house number I wrote the three words of the office, obviously it is not
a big company. "
" Who can find someone who can sign a big contract from here? "
Hong Jie and others said one by one, and they had already determined that Henry Second, it
must be the leather bag company that was found to scam.
Sylvia's complexion changed, and asked, "Henry, are you the one you found from here?"
"Yeah." Henry nodded. "Is there any problem?"
"Lin, I think, now you can investigate this the so-called French multinational customers
true identity. "Luo Ling exposed sneer," is not a front company in the end, is not fraud, just
need to ask a few key questions, you can be crystal clear. "
Luo Ling Carter, hospitality room The door was opened from the inside. Amity took the
newly signed contract and came out with a look of excitement. As soon as he looked up, he
saw that the company's president was standing here, Amity quickly put away the smile on
his face, With his head down, he asked weakly, "Lin is always good."
"Wel ." Sylvia nodded. "Is the contract signed?"
"I signed it." Amity's weak character made her answer quietly.
"I have a look."
Sylvia reached out and took the contract from Amity. His eyes glanced carefully at the
contract. Every number and every clause was clearly seen. After reading the contract,
Sylvia I did not find any problems with this contract.
Finally, Sylvia locked his eyes on the company's signature of the partner and opened his
mouth gently, "Fa Jialong Group?"
"Jialong Group!" Prince Charles standing behind Sylvia exclaimed.
Chapter 145
Prince Charlie's sudden exclamation shocked everyone.
Prince Charlie looked at Sylvia, "Lin, did you just say, Fa Guojialong Group?"
"Yes." Sylvia nodded, and there were so many people present, she did not directly say the
identity of Prince Charles, "Lord Charlie, you listen Said the Jialong Group. "
" Of course. "Prince Charles nodded." In our country, there are not many people who know
the Jialong Group. I happen to be one of them. The business of the Jialong Group has done
all over the world. Lin, how would you know Jialong Group? "
" Your Excellency Charlie, our partner is Jialong Group. "Henry explained with a smile.
"Impossible!" Prince Charlie showed a disbelieving attitude on the spot, "Jialong Group has
always cooperated with foreign countries. There have been fixed groups in China.
In China, there are only a few that can cooperate with Jialong Group. Regulations, sorry Lin,
please forgive me for speaking straightforwardly, I'm just elaborating on a fact. "
Milan looked at Henry and asked something weird:" Henry, are you looking for someone
from Jialong Group? "
Milan has always been When working in the royal family of Fuguo, I also heard about the
name of Jialong Group.
"Yeah." Henry nodded. "Is this weird?"
"Weird! Too weird!" Milan nodded. "As far as I know, Jialong Group is not in the Yinzhou
office. How did you contact Jialong Group? "?"
"Called over." Henry said truthfully.
Luo Ling said: "Mr. Lin, I think we can confirm the identity of the other party, so that al
doubts can be solved."
Sylvia nodded and walked toward the reception room. She didn't believe Henry, but
wanted to give everyone An explanation, so things must be clarified.
The two girls, Prince Charles and Milan, also followed Sylvia into the waiting room.
Sylvia saw that in the hospitality room, an old French man with gray hair and beard was
sitting. The other party was wearing a gray-brown trench coat. At first sight, it gave people
a very imposing feeling.
Ou Ren sat on the sofa casual y, tasting the tea in the cup, and the few people who came in
did not arouse his interest.
"Hello sir, I am Sylvia, the person in charge of the Lin Group." Sylvia walked to Ou Ren and
offered his hand.
Ou Ren smiled, got up and gently held Sylvia's hand, "Hello, Lin, your company's tea, great."
After greeting Sylvia, Ou Ren looked behind Sylvia, locked in Charlie The prince.
Prince Charlie looked at Ou Ren and always felt like he had seen it, but he couldn't
remember it.
"Little Charlie, I haven't seen it in years, I have grown so big." Ou Ren smiled.
This casual sentence by Ou Ren surprised Sylvia and Milan and others at the same time.
Since the other party can call Prince Charlie's name, he must know Prince Charlie's identity.
In this case, he can also call the little Charlie, who is he.
Prince Charlie's eyes were tightly locked on Ou Ren. After a while, he showed an incredible
look. "Ou ... Uncle Ou Ren?"
Ou Ren deliberately showed a sad expression. "Little Charlie, you were often It ’s been so
long since I recognized me now. It seems that I am real y old. ”
“ Uncle Ou Ren, really you! ”Prince Charles shouted excitedly,“ You ... Why is it here? "
"Oh, Zhang said that there is business to do, so let me talk, but no, just talked about a
business, and I haven't had time to open champagne." Ou Ren reached out his hand, as if
touching his own. Like a child, rubbed on Prince Charlie's blond hair. "Little Charlie, you stil
like to run around so much. I met your father before I came to China. He hopes you can stay
at home more."
Sylvia listened The conversation between Prince Charlie and Ou Ren, watching the
movements of the two, was completely stunned.
Prince Charlie, he used to play with him as a kid? Prince Charles, what do you cal him?
Before he came to China, he also met Prince Charlie's father. Did the two chat like a friend?
Who is the father of Prince Charles, it is self-evident, what is the identity of this old man!
"Hi, Ou Ren, it seems you know each other." Henry walked into the waiting room and
greeted him.
"Oh, Zhang, I didn't expect that Charlie was a guest here with you."
"Accurately, it was here with my wife, Ou Ren. Tell me, this is my wife, Sylvia, Sylvia, this is
Ou Ren, the helm of the Fajia Jialong Group, will also be our partner in the future.
"Henry introduced the two.
There are no other people in the company in the waiting room.
Eugene heard Han Lin Xuan Zhang is the wife when the eyes become respectful flew up, "a
beautiful lady, I venture, you real y beautiful angel I've ever seen." "Lin, Eugene uncle, is
Jialong Group The person in charge, Jialong Group, is the largest consortium in our country.
"Prince Charlie once again introduced Sylvia's identity to Sylvia.
Although Prince Charlie introduced Ou Ren, there were no gorgeous adjectives, nor how
many astronomical properties there were, but the biggest French country was enough to
let Lin please Han know how heavy this old man is. status!
How could such a person be found by Henry and jointly defraud the company's property?
Luo Ling and others stood outside the waiting room and waited for the result.
Soon, Sylvia came out of the waiting room, they were watching Sylvia, waiting for an
Sylvia glanced at everyone and said, "Manager Luo, this matter is a misunderstanding.
Mr. Ou Ren is indeed the partner Henry found."
"How is it possible!" Luo Ling's first reaction was unbelief. A newcomer who just arrived at
the company found the multinational company of Far East in just three days, and Luo Ling
knew that Henry's partner was found in a small office located on the corner of the business
"Luo Ling, as the manager of the business department, this matter is purely for the
company's sake and commendable. Since Henry's three-day agreement has also been fulfil
ed, I hope that your direct contradictions will be completely exposed In future work, it is
only necessary to help each other. "
" This ... "Luo Ling opened her mouth, she did not expect it, really did not expect! Things
will develop like this! Since the surname Zhang found a partner, what should I do with my
But at this point, Luo Ling had no other choice. She regretted it now. If she did n’t want to
find the trouble of the surname Zhang three days ago, but had to finalize the contract first,
there was no such accident. Now, Luo Ling also has Can only compromise.
Chapter 146
"Lin, since the matter of this time is solved perfectly, I have nothing to say. The
achievement of the cooperation is considered to be for the entire department. I also hope
that in my future work, as a manager, I can get along well with a capable salesman like
Henry. After al , the ability of new employees to have such a capability is also a huge asset
for our company. "
Luo Ling said that until now, she can only say good things, but in the discourse, she stil kept
a little bit of attention, and specifically pointed out that Henry was a salesman and herself
was a manager.
During the three days, Henry found a partner of Far East, and discussed the cooperation
that the business department has not negotiated for a long time. His ability is obvious to
everyone. Luo Ling said that he also wanted to ensure that his position would not be
threatened. Henryxin employee.
Sylvia nodded with satisfaction after listening.
Sister Hong and others saw that this time Henry turned out not to be a scam, and was
somewhat disappointed in their hearts. Just now, how much they hoped that the fact of this
scam was established, half a mil ion, I ca n’t get it, and do n’t want anyone else to get it!
Just when everyone thought this matter had passed completely, Henry's voice sounded.
"Get along harmoniously? Sorry, I don't agree!"
"Henry, what do you mean?" Luo Ling opened her face, with a look of grievance on her face,
"If you think, I have handled things a little bit a few days ago I can apologize to you, but
work, not between you and me, but everyone ’s business, I do n’t want to have an impact on
everyone because of the misunderstanding between us. ”
Luo Ling said this Reasonable, she brought everyone into the room, plus her grievance,
suddenly made everyone feel that Henry was too much.
Isn't it just a contradiction with the manager? Isn't it just a big deal, but it's always a
newcomer, which doesn't take the boss's eyes into consideration. Such a person, no matter
how high his ability, is not to be seen.
Sylvia frowned his willow, "Henry, just expose this."
"No." Henry shook his head, "I can't expose it."
"Henry, don't go too far!" Sister Hong shouted and spoke for Luo Ling, "Manager Luo is
dedicated to everyone and the company. Well, now that you have a little grades, do n’t take
Manager Luo into your eyes. Are you a new employee who is too unpretentious! "
" I'm too much? "Henry asked," I'm doing too much, there are you Excessive? To bul y the
small, pretend to be posture, rely on your own qualifications, be a good man in the
company, right or wrong! And Luo Ling, how can I not see that she is good for everyone,
good for the company? "
Henry said while taking out his mobile phone and playing a video.
On the video, it was the scene when Luo Ling was feasting on Rose at the Xinkai Hotel that
day. The protagonists in the video were Luo Ling and Ross, and they communicated in
fluent French.
The moment she saw this video, Luo Ling's face changed. She was very clear that she was
talking to Rose in the video.
Soon, this video was finished, and Henry put another video. This time, the video was in a
hospital ward. Luo Ling was lying in Ross' arms, talking and talking, the two Then she
started to linger. In the scene behind, Sylvia and several girls were embarrassed to look
down. Some young girls did not consciously turn their heads over, only listening to the
sound from the mobile phone, making them blushing.
On the first video, many people were present at the time, and they did not understand
French, so it felt okay, but the second video, the relationship between Luo Ling and Ross,
was surprising.
"Henry! You are too much!" Sister Hong rushed up and tried to grab Henry's mobile phone,
but failed.
Henry smiled, "Why am I going too far?"
"You just have some personal grievances with Manager Luo, just doing such a humble job,
even if Manager Luo and Mr. Rose have some personal feelings, that is something between
them, You secretly photographed your privacy and released it in public! Your character is
so bad that it is extremely bad! "
Henry shook his head, disregarding Hongjie, and said loudly:" Fayu is a small language, and
not many people understand it. , But it happens that too many people present today can
speak French. I think they can translate Luo Ling ’s words in the video, and they will not be
said to be my side. ”
Sylvia looked at Milan and asked : "What's said in the video."
Milan's complexion is not good-looking, "Sylvia, the first video probably means that Luo
Ling wants to sign a fake contract with the one cal ed Ross to defraud the company a lot
The property, then moved to the country of French, and the second ... "
Milan looked at Sylvia, a little embarrassed.
"Say." Sylvia's face went dark. She was able to give Luo Ling the department responsible for
the outside world, that is, to trust Luo Ling, but she really did not expect that this person
who trusts herself is trying to deceive the company. the property of.
"The second one is, she said, after cheating the money, you have to cheat you ... to Ross's
bed ..."
Milan finished, the scene was silent, no one thought, Luo Ling was secretly, It was such a
thought! Only Sylvia's heavy breathing came clearly.
Just now, Luo Ling also kept saying that she was thinking about the company
wholeheartedly and thinking about everyone. Just ten minutes ago, she also identified that
Henry wanted to unite outsiders and swindle company property. Understand that it is her
Luo Ling who real y wants to swindle company property!
Those who used to stand on Luo Ling ’s side now have a particularly ugly face, especial y
Hong Jie. She just helped Luo Ling to be uneasy, but now she found that the worst one was
Luo Ling!
Luo Ling's face was white, without any blood.
Henry put his hands in his hands, walked to the department contact desk, picked up a
walkie-talkie, tuned the channel, shouted with the walkie-talkie: "Security, security, now a
team of people came to the seventh room of the business department, and the police .
Henry finished in one minute call security, Lin security will be the fastest speed to business,
when the security came, Luo Ling did not regain consciousness, face grew gray standing
there, a at every turn.
"Brother Zhang." Some of the security guards knew Henry.
"Go there, there is an French guy, pul it out and take it away, waiting for the police to
come." Henry waved his hand in Luo Ling's office.
Rose was still sitting in Luo Ling's office tasting tea, expecting a better life to come, he saw a
team of menacing security guards rushed in, and without a word he took it away.
Rose shouted vigorously, but it was useless. No one ignored him.
Chapter 147
in front of the business department, there are a lot of people, silent, no one dares to speak,
now anyone can see it, Sylvia's peerless face, cold as if it is about to end Frost in general.
Atmosphere of silence lasted a ful few minutes, Han Lin first sentence before he said,
"to inform the police, prosecuted, the court on the court, we Lin, a not condone any
Sylvia finished later, There is no unnecessary nonsense, she walks away and she is such a
person. At work, she is not hypocritical, not pretentious, she did not ask Luo Ling why, did
not ask Luo Ling Lin is good enough for her, Luo Ling wrong It ’s wrong. If you believe in
the wrong person, you believe in the wrong person. Anyone who dares to plot Lin will have
to pay a price, and will not give any preferential treatment because of personal
Sylvia is telling everyone that Lin is not easy to bully, nor is she Sylvia.
Luo Ling did not say anything from beginning to end, and stood there like a soul.
Some people feel that Luo Ling at the moment is a little pitiful and can't bear to look at it.
But Henry didn't sympathize with this woman at all. If she didn't want to plot Lin's
property, how could this happen? She thought about such a result when she wanted to
achieve her purpose and harm others. She was preparing for herself at the banquet.
When a col eague dispenses medicine, do you think about others?
There is an old saying in China, poor people must have hateful things!
Henrymo silently fol owed Sylvia and went to the top floor of the company.
Sylvia didn't speak again until he entered the president's office. "What's wrong, do you
want to comfort me?"
"What are you doing to comfort you?" Henry turned to close the office door. "This time, you
should be happy. The company signed. It ’s a good thing to pull out a pest in the company
and kil the chickens and monkeys in such a big order.
Sylvia smiled softly. “In the end, you are stil comforting me, but the way you comfort people
is really quite special."
"Is there? Haha." Henry scratched his head and laughed twice.
"Sit down." Sylvia gestured to Henry.
Henry is also polite, leaning on the sofa and sitting comfortably.
Sylvia took the kettle and made a cup of tea for Henry. This was her first time to make tea
for Henry. This action made Henry feel flattered.
"I can't make it, I can't make it!" Henrylian stopped Sylvia's actions.
"What's wrong, are you satire me?" Sylvia rol ed his eyes. "A person who can call the helm
of the largest group of Far East countries to Yinzhou to sign a contract can't afford me a cup
of tea?"
Henry smiled bitterly. For a moment, he hadn't thought of letting Lin invite Han to know Ou
Ren's identity, but this happened today, and Prince Charlie was here again, trying to hide it.
After Sylvia poured the tea, he put the teapot on the coffee table and sat on the sofa
opposite Henry. Jade's hand touched his forehead. "Old rules, let's talk." I'm very grateful to
me. He said he listened to everything. By the way, many people in his family were also
saved by me. "
Sylvia Liu Mei slightly raised," It's that simple? "
Henry nodded and said," In fact, at that time This is not easy. "
Lin Lin asked that Henry said that he saved Ou Ren and the family of Ou Ren by relying on
first-hand medical skills. After al , Henry ’s medical skil s are well understood by Sylvia, she
does n’t What I know is that Henry said in his mouth that he saved the Ou Ren family, not
relying on a doctor.
"Come on." Sylvia sighed and pressed his temples gently with his fingers, a trace of
tiredness appeared in his eyes. "You always do something unexpected and unpredictable.
This time, if it's not you, I really do Eat a big loss. "
Henry looked at the woman's tired appearance, showing distress in his eyes. He got up and
walked behind Sylvia, gently opened Sylvia's small hand on the temple, and let him gently
rub for her.
"Why, have you been too tired lately?"
Henry's technique is sometimes gentle and sometimes powerful. This unique massage
technique makes Sylvia feel comfortable for a while. She leans on the sofa, closes her eyes
and takes a long breath. "Yeah, it's a little too tiring."
"Actually, you can take a break. I listened to people in the company and said that you have
hardly rested for so many years, and you also work overtime on holidays, so go on and drag
your body sooner or later. Col apse. "Henryyu was gentle.
"Then what do you think I should do?"
Henry made a suggestion: "You can go out and go, have a look around, watch movies, go
shopping, eat at night markets or something, there is no need to think about work, spirit
and body al the time It ’s easy to overwhelm people with double pressure. "
" Go out and go around? "Sylvia drew a corner of his mouth, and his eyes opened, facing
Henry, the four eyes," So then, tomorrow I will take your day off , You accompany me to go
around and watch the movie or something. "
Sylvia's words made Henry ecstatic, afraid that Lin invited Han would regret it, and quickly
agreed," No problem, why do you say tomorrow? , I'll accompany you. "
" That's the deal. "Sylvia closed his eyes and continued to enjoy Henry's massage.
The company has always been a place where gossip and gossip spread quickly.
The business department manager Luo Ling and outsiders wanted to defraud the
company's property. It only took half an hour to spread the whole company. Even when
Luo Ling and Ross were taken away by the police, some people took pictures and
forwarded them everywhere.
For a time, many people in the company were talking about this.
Henry brought the HR manager to the front desk.
"That Zhong Qi, right, because of your negligence, causing unrelated people to enter the
company, you are jointly and severally liable. After discussion, you will be expel ed.
Similarly, your fault will be written in your internship report. Please clean up now. Let's go.
Zhong Qi was stil playing with her cell phone happily at the front desk. He heard such a
voice ringing in his ear, and when he looked up, the manager of the personnel department
stood in front of himself.
Zhong Qi just started to speak and heard Henry's voice ringing.
"As a front desk, you deliberately make trouble for customers, because of personal
relationships, failure to fully register, resulting in criminals mixing into the company, do
not pursue your criminal responsibility, is the company miss you young, little girl, in the
future, do not take a look People. "When
Luo Ling was arrested, Zhong Qi, as the front desk, was natural y clear, but she didn't
expect that this matter would really affect herself and cause her to be expelled!
Lin's group is a place where many people want to enter after sharpening their heads. To
pay an internship in Lin's group, they have paid too much and have sacrificed too much.
Going to the front desk, work is easy, the treatment is good, and food and clothing are
worry-free, but in just a few days, I will be fired? I really want to go. Where can I find such a
good job?
Zhong Qi pursed her lips and said to the manager coquettishly: "Manager, people are also
inexperienced, that is Manager Luo after all, I ..."
"There is no reason to pack up now and leave immediately!" The personnel manager has no
unnecessary nonsense How big is the matter this time, he knows very well that
the company wants to kill chickens and monkeys, and all those who have a joint
relationship can't stay!
Chapter 148
on the main entrance of the Lin Group A banner with black text on a red background hung
horizontally at the main entrance of the group.
The banner reads, warmly celebrating Lin's and Fargo Jialong Group reaching a leaping
All Lin's employees have put down their work and gathered at the front of the group.
The company's size of hundreds of people shows the strength of the Lin's group.
Henry and Amity each hung a big red flower on their chest, standing under the banner.
"I said Mr. Lin, do you want to be so soily, and still hang big red flowers?" Henry looked at
his dress, a little speechless.
"What soil is soil, this is tradition, hang well!" Sylvia rolled his eyes and looked at Henry's
dress with big red flowers, his face did not consciously show a smile.
Manager Sun from the marketing department ran over, "Mr. Lin, it's al ready. You should
A microphone was placed in front of the Lin Group's door.
Sylvia nodded, walked to the microphone, cleared his throat, and said: "Everyone, there are
two things to be announced this time. The first thing, our company, starting today, will be
with Jialong Group has reached a strategic partnership. In the next long period of time, I
hope that everyone can learn some French more or less. If you want to study further in this
area, you can report to the department manager, and the company will
invest. Training for you, it is expected that in a year, the company will set up the evacuation
division, I hope you will work hard in this regard. "
Sylvia finished this first thing, many people showed a look on their faces, this It is definitely
a good opportunity for promotion. The opportunity is completely provided by the
company. Whether you can grasp it depends on whether you work hard. The company pays
for training. This kind of treatment is not available to most companies.
"Okay, let ’s think about this first thing. The second thing is everyone ’s most concerned
about the treatment. Before that, before the establishment of the Seventh Business
Department, I drafted a contract and promised, As long as the people in the business
department can get the customer with this contract, the company will give a commission of
500,000. I guess many people think that I am joking, but today I want to tell you that I am
not kidding, behind me The two of them are new employees of our company. This is Henry.
The induction time is less than a week. This little girl, Amity, is stil in her senior year. She
came to our company for an internship. Through my own efforts, I negotiated a contract
that I promised at the time. A half-mil ion-dollar bonus, a lot of points, was given to them
two on average
"Hundreds of thousands!"
"God, two newcomers, half a mil ion commissions!"
"This is more than I have earned in a few years!"
"Slot, the money is really made? I thought it was trouble Play! "
" Isn't it! Five hundred thousand, let's talk about it. The people of other companies will
never believe it. I have stayed at that company before. The boss promised 10,000 yuan
for the year-end sales championship. hair, asking him to send half a mil ion, is estimated to
have him beaten to death! "
a voice sounded road, noisy one.
A minute later, Sylvia said again, "Okay, guys, what I want to say is that work experience is
a very important part, but personal effort is equal y important. Working in Lin ’s is not
lacking in miracles. Fifty million yuan, for us, is a fantasy, but I believe that as long as you
work hard and sign more orders, it is definitely not a fantasy. In the Lin family, I Sylvia
promised, I will do it! In the next period of time, Lin ’s strategy project will be rearranged,
and Lin ’s will also prepare a 3 mil ion bonus, which will be issued at the end of this year.
The best in the Ning Provincial Group! "
There was a burst of cheers among the crowd .
"Mr. Lin is domineering!"
"Mr. Lin is mighty!"
Henry listened to these cheers, and a smile appeared on his face. He looked at the woman
standing in front of the microphone. His heart fil ed with pride. This is his wife, capable ,
Has the ability! In just a few words, everyone's enthusiasm is aroused, and the employee's
work attitude can determine the development prospects of a company!
Zhong Qi, who had just been expelled, packed up her belongings, walked out of the
company ’s side door silently, looked at the chest with big red flowers, stood in front of the
company ’s door, and accepted the autumn rain of reward. Al of them are in my ears, half a
million, even if the average score of two people is 250,000! Why give her 250,000?
Zhong Qi stared at the door of the company, with a strong hatred in her eyes. If it was not
this autumn rain or the dead salesman, how could this matter be related to himself today!
Zhong Qi took a deep breath, doing self-consolation in her heart, 250,000, even if Amity
was 250,000, she had a better family than her, and she had a rich boyfriend who left Lin
’s family. Looking for a job and giving her 250,000, she stil hasn't been moisturizing herself!
Thinking of this, Zhong Qi felt a lot more comfortable in her heart. Just about to lift her foot
away, Sylvia's voice came out through the sound again, making Zhong Qi hear clearly.
"One more thing, our partner, Mr. Ou Ren, attaches great importance to the excellent
quality of Amity. This time, Mr. Ou Ren specially gifted Amity, a President of Maserati worth
1.94 mil ion, a person's quality It is more important than anything. Although Amity is a
newcomer, I hope everyone can learn more from Amity. "
Sylvia's voice echoed in Zhong Qi's ear.
1.94 million, President Maserati! It is the boyfriend of the local tyrant that she is proud of
that can't afford such a luxury car!
That kind of strong jealousy haunted Zhong Qi's heart and could not disperse!
After the award ceremony in front of the company is over, everyone in the company is
excited. Today, let them thoroughly understand the benefits of Lin. As long as they work
hard to get rich in January, it is not impossible!
Long after the ceremony, Amity didn't come back.
I went out this morning because she was about to talk to the client. That nervous heart was
stil throbbing. She was afraid that she would make some mistakes in talking about the
client. Gift, come from the sky! The prize of 250,000 and mil ions of luxury cars al hit her,
giving her a strong sense of unreality.
"Brother Zhang, am I dreaming?" Amity looked dull.
"No." Henry shook his head. "This is what you deserve."
Facing an unknown customer, Amity, as a newcomer, did his best to negotiate. In the face of
the huge temptation of 500,000, Amity could still Proposed to let Henry sign the bill, how
many people can do her like this?
Chapter 149
Xuan and Amity returned to the business department, the colleague's eyes had changed
since they saw them, and they were originally aimed at Amity's Hong Jie and others I can't
come up with any veteran staff, and I dare not talk about letting Amity clean the whole
Luo Ling has an accident, and now the position of the manager of the business department
is vacated, and who should be the manager next, according to the regulations of the
business department, that is, it depends on the performance.
Amity talked about such a big order today, it is very likely to become the next manager,
they are too late to stumble.
Henry didn't do too much care about these people like Hong Hong. After al , they didn't
make any mistakes, but they had problems with their practices.
In the happy mood of Henry, the day's work soon ended. When he was off work, Amity
proposed to invite Henry to dinner, but Henry refused. Sylvia also came to the business
department before leaving work to tell everyone that they will be repaired tomorrow Come
one day, the next day, and choose a new manager.
After work, Sylvia called on Henry to have dinner with Ou Ren. There were a few people on
the table including Prince Charles, Milan, and Li Ke. The few people who ate a meal were
extremely excited. He could n’t hold his mouth together, and communicated with the helm
of a large consortium like Ou Ren, which also made Lin Yaohan profitable. Ou Ren was even
more excited. He looked at Henry, who could sit at a table with such characters for dinner,
For him, it was a great honor.
At the end of a meal, everyone drank a lot of wine, and everyone was particularly excited.
After returning home, because of drinking, there is no other program, everyone take a
break early.
Over the night, the next morning, Henry got up early. Today, he specially shaved a beard
and chose a good casual outfit to wear on his body, excitedly waiting for Sylvia to get up.
Thinking of today's date with Sylvia, Henry was particularly excited.
Henry even used his mobile phone to check where there is a nice place nearby, and was
ready to take Sylvia to relax, a person who has been under the double pressure of body and
spirit for a long time, is too easy to collapse, and enjoy the scenery of nature An excellent
decompression method.
At ten in the morning, under the expectation of Henry, Sylvia, wearing a light yellow dress,
stood in front of Henry, even though the woman in front of him would be seen every day,
but Henry was still amazed by Sylvia.
The wide beige ribbon is raised at the white shoulders and necks, and the long black
flowing hair is laid down like a star fairy. The milky white jade bracelet at the hawk wrist
and the warm sheep fat white jade exude a silent glory , And complement each other with a
simple dress, and each other shines, the platinum necklace on the jade neck is almost
faintly shining.
The woman was wearing a pair of white cloth shoes, and her white and long legs were
displayed in front of Henry's eyes, and could not pick out any flaws perfectly.
Sylvia looked at Henry's brother-in-law, and felt a little funny. At the same time, Henry's
straight-eyed eyes looked blushing, "What do you see, haven't you seen it yet?
" Ba Ya smiled, not to mention more satisfaction in her heart. Such a perfect woman is her
wife. Although she has not had a chance to kiss Fang Ze, but the momentum continues to
develop. Is n’t that a matter of time? Sylvia ’s attitude changed, Henry It is the most intuitive
"Mr. Lin, where are we going today?" Henry rubbed his palm.
"Wel ." Sylvia extended his jade finger, pointing to the lower handle, tilting his head and
thinking for a while, "Go to the museum to see it in the morning, go shopping in the
afternoon, I booked a place at the Xinkai Hotel for dinner, by the way Watch a movie. "
"Ah?" Henry opened his eyes wide, "Mr. Lin, this is your arrangement."
"Yes, is there any problem?" Sylvia asked strangely.
"No, no." Henrylian waved his hands, "The effect of relaxation and decompression is not
achieved, so you listen to me."
Sylvia nodded, "then you arrange it."
Actual y, for your own arrangement Sylvia also felt a little bored, but she real y could n’t
think of anything else. After so many years, she was so focused on her work that she did n’t
have any chance to play, even if she had n’t been to a few times around Yinzhou City, she
usually pastime, Just go shopping, watch a movie or something.
The two went to the courtyard, Sylvia was about to drive her Mercedes-Benz GT.
"Do not drive, what is the meaning of driving, such a good weather, take my car!" Henry
waved his hand.
"Your car?" Sylvia looked at Henry suspiciously. She can't remember when Henry got a car.
"This is not." Henry withdrew the old two or eight bicycle that was put in the courtyard and
dusted it, and a dust rose from the seat.
Ten minutes later, Henry glared at his polished old-fashioned bicycle on the street.
Sylvia sat on the back seat sideways, and a breeze blew her skirt.
"Henry, please ride slowly!" Sylvia embraced Henry's waist with both hands, and there was
a smile on her face. She could not remember how long she had not been on a bicycle. Such a
scene only exists in hours of memory.
"Relax, my car skills are good, hold steady, I want to accelerate!"
Henry pedaled hard, without worrying about this old antique auction price of 1.3 billion
On the way, Sylvia's brilliant face almost has a 100% turn-around rate. Many people see
such a beautiful woman and are willing to sit on a bicycle with a happy smile.
A young man was driving a BMW Z4. While waiting for the traffic lights, he happened to see
a bicycle parked in the non-motorized lane next to him. The woman in the back seat
attracted all his attention in an instant. His discerning face moved him, and the appearance
of no powder was pure and pretty.
Looking at the woman sitting in the back seat of the bicycle, and then looking at the red face
on the net of his co-pilot, the young man felt disgusted on the spot.
The return rate of pedestrians on the road naturally didn't escape Henry's eyes. The kind of
jealous and resentful eyes made Henry not to mention how proud he was.
Henry rode his bicycle and led Sylvia to the suburbs of Yinzhou.
"Henry, where are you going to take me?" Sylvia Qiao's face was filled with happiness.
She hadn't relaxed like this today for a long time. She was sitting on a bicycle, just holding
the man in front of her Don't think about it, just enjoy the breeze.
"Go to Haihu to play. I watched the Internet yesterday and said that a new bungee was
opened. Would you like to try it?"
"Ah, bungee?" Sylvia's little face appeared a little fear.
"Why don't you dare?" Henry glanced back at Sylvia, intentionally stimulating.
Sylvia raised his chest, and it was ful of hills, "What's not to dare!"
Chapter 150
Haihu Lake, is a famous 5A-level scenic spot in Ning province. It is a "Silu Road Station" that
integrates the spirit of Jiangnan Water Village and the majesty of the desert in the north.
Although the name is Haihu, what you see here is not the sky blue sea as you know it, but a
sea of sand!
The sand sea is located in the middle of a lake, with a total area of 800,000 square
kilometers, of which the lake area reaches 300,000 square kilometers, and the rest is al
Among them, sand plastic is the most famous. Every year, there are experts from al over the
world who hold sand plastic competitions in Haihu. Various entertainment projects related
to sand are innumerable.
Haihu is about 70 kilometers away from Yinzhou City. It will take an hour's drive. If you
ride a bicycle, amateur riders will have to ride for an hour and a half. For ordinary people, it
will take at least three hours.
Anyway, Henry and Sylvia came out to play today. The scenery along the way is also a kind
of enjoyment. This is the first time Sylvia took a bicycle out of such a door.
Everything is full of freshness.
For Henry, physical strength is naturally not something he should consider, let alone riding
a bicycle for a distance of 70 kilometers, even carrying Sylvia on such a long road can also
be achieved.
On the way, the two talked and laughed without feeling bored.
Unconsciously, two hours later, the noonday sun hit the top of the head, and the sun was
Henry rides on the national road, and the greenery on both sides of the road will provide a
shadow from time to time, ushering in a rare cool.
"Mr. Lin, thirsty, I'll buy you a bottle of water." In front of a roadside stal , Henry stopped
his bicycle and bought two bottles of iced coke.
"How to drink Coke?" Sylvia asked strangely.
"It's enjoyable." Henry unscrewed the bottle cap and took the first gulp. "Uh ... hiccup ~"
hiccup hit, and Henry showed a satisfied expression.
"I'd better drink a bottle of water." Sylvia put the cola in the smal booth and changed the
bottle of mineral water.
Gen. Henry unscrewed the cap for Sylvia, Sylvia took a sip.
Henryneng can see that Sylvia's lips are already very dry, proving that she is very thirsty
now, but drinking water is still a bite, not anxious and impatient, which has something to
do with Sylvia's habit of growing up.
"Okay, let's go on, there are still 20 kilometers. I'll ride fast. Let's ask Haihu before we can
hurry. Can we play for an afternoon."
Henry continued to pedal his bicycle. Sylvia nodded and took the back seat. .
Under the sun, Henry stretched out his arm, ready to wipe the sweat on his face, the arm
just lifted up, and saw a jade arm stretched out behind him, and that slender little hand
took a paper towel on the side of Henry's face Wipe gently.
This action made Henry jump in joy.
"Tired, don't stop and rest." Sylvia moves slowly, and also looks awkward, this is the first
time she wipes sweat for others.
Henryya shook his head and shook his head, "Not tired, where is this."
Henry took Sylvia's tissue in his backhand. "Mr. Lin, you can sit and I will do it by myself.
Let me take you out on a bicycle You have to enjoy the emperor ’s treatment in a bicycle. ”
Sylvia smiled and said,“ You ’re poor, how can you treat the emperor on a bicycle?
” Then, there are several treatments. The worst kind is that the two of them are riding
alternately. Then, when they are going uphil , they are pushing and riding one by one.
The treatment is higher. When you are going uphill, you sit and I Push, we are the highest
treatment, riding the whole journey, the breeze blowing, is more comfortable than driving
a sports car. "
Sylvia was amused by Henry ’s words, and also recalled by Henry. When she was very
young, her mother took her on a bike and met uphill, she pushed herself Sitting in the car, it
was a long time ago, and Sylvia had forgotten for a long time.
Henry pushed the pedal hard, and the bicycle ran fast.
Sylvia drank the mineral water in his hand, but a pair of beautiful eyes glanced at the bottle
of cola in the basket from time to time, and the dexterous little tongue licked his lips lovely.
Read quite a while, as if Sylvia did the same decision, "Henry, can you give me your cola
drink about it?"
"Can ah." Henry without thinking, picked Coke handed Sylvia hands.
Sylvia looked at the bottle of black carbonated drink in her hand. She always wanted to try
a lot of things, such as crazy singing, like other girls, coquettish and cute, playing social
software, buying a lot of herself She likes snacks, but the education of her family when she
was a child made her never do anything too radical. She did n’t go to KTV to sing aloud. She
did n’t buy a whole bunch of snacks. With a calm and steady look, in the company, she
drinks a cup of hot tea every day and sees someone holding a bottle of iced drink. She
sometimes wants to take a sip, but she is afraid that she will do so and establish the majesty
in front of the employees. The image will disappear, she seems to have a lot, but she has not
even experienced something that is available to ordinary people.
Just like Coke, when she was a child, she was not allowed to touch these carbonated drinks
at home. When she grew up, the pressure on her, and her identity, let her put an end to
these seemingly children's drinks. In his early years, he learned to taste tea and drink tea.
Unscrew the bottle cap, Sylvia Qiao Qiao's face appeared a bit of joy, like a child who did
something wrong, secretly, quickly drink a small sip of Coke, and then slap his mouth,
experience the breath of Coke.
"Mr. Lin, Coke is not your sip. You have to take a big sip. If you don't burp, then this Coke is
"Hiccup? That's ugly, I don't want it." Sylvia shook her head and refused. Although she said
that, she moved with a touch of beauty in her beautiful eyes.
"It's so ugly, you try it, it's really cool."
"Try it?" Sylvia looked at the bottle of Coke in his hand, raised his jade neck, and took a sip.
The carbonic acid in the Coke reached the stomach. It turned into carbon dioxide, rushed
out of Sylvia's mouth, and made Sylvia just like Henry just now, unconsciously burped.
"Uh ... hiccup ~"
As soon as this voice came out, Sylvia's pretty face suddenly turned blushed. She hadn't
done such a thing before people.
"Haha, how is it, very enjoyable!" Henry laughed.
Sylvia tilted his head and thought for a while, then a smile appeared on his face, "It is very
enjoyable." Sylvia said that the addiction is not this Coke, but what she just did, it seems
that she has cast off al restraints and is particularly relaxed.
Chapter 151: Release
long ago, when Robert Lin started his business a little bit better, the Lin family had strict
family education. Before Robert Lin had many friends in the army, he asked his family, It is
also necessary to develop the army's habit of prohibiting orders. The entire Lin family is
just what Robert Lin said. Robert Lin said not to do anything. None of the Lin's juniors
dared to violate it.
So since childhood, Sylvia has lived in a well-regulated family. At home, she must obey the
rules no matter what she does. Until now, she has had such a habit.
This habit is so common that I can't feel anything. It just seems that there is a kind of
irrepressible pressure on me all the time.
Just today, just after that coke, it seemed that the shackles of the rules had been broken,
and Lin invited the whole person to become relaxed. This feeling, she never realized that
even if she was alone at home, she would also be unconscious. To follow those rules,
especially when you are with friends.
But only Henry can give Sylvia the feeling of not having to do it deliberately and doing
whatever he wants. No specific things happen. Sylvia has such an intuitive feeling.
The bicycle was driving on the road, Henry hummed a minor.
"Henry, what are you humming?" Lin invited Han to pull Henry's shirt and asked curiously.
"Aren't you ever heard of childhood?" Henry deliberately coughed twice, "Next, I invited a
famous singer, Mr. Henry to play for you, childhood."
"Poor, you, also a famous singer." Lin please Han rolled his eyes, with an expectant
expression on his face.
Henry sorted out his emotions and said softly, "On the banyan tree by the pond, I heard the
voice called summer."
This old song from 1984, Lang Lang's catchy tone, in Henry's In the mouth, it appears that
Henry did not sing so affectionately, nor show how profound singing skills, so plain.
Sylvia sat in the back seat sideways, two snow-white long legs unconsciously swayed up
and down with the tone in Henry's mouth, and she, along with Henry, hummed this
childhood tone.
"No one knows why, the sun always goes down to the side of the mountain. No one can tell
me if there is a fairy in the mountain ..."
Clear tone, haunting the two, Sylvia's voice was crisp, like a yellowbird Again, it was
particularly nice, and the woman's face was filled with a relaxed smile.
When it was noon, Henry and Sylvia arrived at the Haihu Scenic Area.
In the sand sea in summer, there are always many tourists. The parking lot of the Haihu
Scenic Area is already full of cars. Looking at it, Henry is real y unique.
Sylvia held an empty Coke bottle in her hand, and was a little embarrassed to see Henry.
Singing along the way, she unknowingly drank al the bottles of Coke.
Sylvia's lovely appearance made Henry unable to stretch out his hand and scratched her
little nose. This intimate movement even made Henry himself a little surprised.
When did his relationship with President Lin become so harmonious.
Sylvia didn't seem to realize how intimate Henry's movements were, or, in her heart, she
and Henry made such movements and didn't feel excessive.
In Haihu, you have to buy a ticket first, and then take a boat to Shahai in the center of the
lake. During the whole journey, Sylvia looked east and west, as if he had never seen the
"Mr. Lin, you have never been to Haihu?" Henry raised an eyebrow.
"Why, haven't you been here?" Sylvia said with a small mouth, and the little woman looked
nothing more cute.
Henryyi covered his head. The surrounding tourist attractions have never been here.
His wife is real y a workaholic.
"Okay, I'l take you to have fun today, but I'm worried ..." Henry stopped talking.
"What are you worried about?"
Henry deliberately glanced up and down at Sylvia, stimulating:
"I'm worried that some items are too exciting, you don't dare to play." Sylvia's mouth
narrowed, "I dare not play? Henry, who do you look down on? How can I not dare to play,
as long as you dare to play today, I dare! "
" Haha. "Henry laughed," This is what you said, don't be scared to urinate pants. "
" Talk about my urine pants , You fight! "Sylvia squeezed the powder fist and hammered at
As soon as Henryya sighed, he ran away.
"The surname Zhang, you don't have the ability to run! I have to hit your urine pants
Sylvia's beautiful figure shuttled through the crowd like a landscape, attracting the
attention of other tourists.
At the sound of "Woo", the steam turbine was moving.
Henry and Sylvia both climbed on the railing of the steamer, watching the gate of the scenic
spot getting farther and farther away, and the lake was churning with waves.
Sylvia looked into the distance, and the sea of sand in the distance made her look forward
In the sand sea, there are many exciting projects, such as sand-skiing, desert surfing, etc.
How fun desert surfing is. From the annual hero meeting, people all over the country who
love off-road will rush to the northwest desert. You can see that when you sit In the car,
when you feel the vertical downward feeling, you will unconsciously scream.
A trip to Shahai made Sylvia scream. When Henry drove a car from a sand bag, Lin
Xuanhan's screams almost punctured Henry's eardrum.
"Mr. Lin, how is it!" Henry drove, rushing towards a sand bag again.
"Exciting! Very enjoyable!" Lin invited Han shouted out loud.
Yes, Sylvia feels that today is real y too enjoyable. This kind of stimulating feeling seems to
take away al the pressures of myself, so that I can think about nothing at that moment.
Before al kinds of sand sculptures, Henry took countless photos for Sylvia. He took Sylvia
on a camel, felt the stability of the desert boat, and rode a horse, gal oping in the sand.
These were things that Sylvia had not experienced before The woman's face flushed and
she was very excited.
On the 80-meter T-shaped bungee tower, Sylvia felt that his calves were a little trembling,
and looked at the people under him, as smal as an ant.
The bungee tower is built on the lake, and if you jump down, you will face the rushing lake
"What's wrong, President Lin, are you scared?" Henryba stood in front of Sylvia with his
white teeth. The height of 80 meters did not affect him at all.
"When ... Of course not afraid." Sylvia's teeth were trembling.
"It's fine if you're not afraid, let's go." Henry took the initiative to take Sylvia's small hand,
walked towards the platform, and handed the ticket he had just bought to the staff.
Sylvia looked at the lake under him again and closed his eyes. "Henry, or you should jump
"Beauty, you bought two tickets, jump together, hug your boyfriend." Staff Looked at the
ticket and said.

Chapter 152
The staff subconsciously asked Lin to ask Henry to look around.
Although, the two received the marriage certificate and took wedding photos as early as
more than a month ago, the relationship has been lukewarm, and now it is suddenly said
that Henry is his boyfriend, and Lin pleases a heart puff I jumped, and even the tension to
bungee jumped down.
"That's coming soon, I said that you are a big man ink, your girlfriend dare to jump, you
hide behind, come hug tightly." The staff waved to Henrylian urged.
To the staff, Henry certainly would not reject the proposal with a jump, and happily ran
Sylvia looked at Henry in front of him, and looked slightly restrained. "That ... aren't we
buying a double ticket? Can't we jump one by one?"
"Yeah, the couple ticket for two, come and stand, wear the equipment, don't move "The
staff spoke while wearing equipment for Lin Yaohan and Henry."
At the 80-meter diving platform, the hot wind hit his face. Henry and Sylvia stood face to
face on the edge of the diving platform, under which was the turbulent lake.
"Mr. Lin, are you ready to jump?" Henry reached out his hands and put them on Sylvia's
Sylvia looked down at his feet, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, nodded, and put his
hands slowly on Henry's waist.
"Then let's go." Henry put his hands on the arms, and embraced the woman in front of her,
bent his legs and kicked, and jumped out.
Before bungee jumping, some people might think of the feeling of jumping down like a bird
flying in the sky.
But in reality, only the moment you jump down will find out that this is not the case at all.
Sylvia felt that his feet were empty at the same time, and his brain was blank. He did n’t
think about anything and did n’t think about anything. It seemed that everything was far
away from himself, al his troubles, all his perseverance, he jumped down. For a moment, it
seemed unimportant.
Sylvia's two small hands unconsciously hugged Henry's waist, and when the body was
completely weightless, Sylvia could feel that behind him, there were two powerful big
hands, always supporting himself, giving himself Provides a strong sense of security.
Eyelashes flickered, Sylvia opened his eyes, and at the moment he opened his eyes, he saw
Henryzheng looking at himself affectionately. At this moment, his eyes straightened into
Sylvia's heart.
The wind was roaring in my ears, and the strong wind was coming.
As the bouncing rope stretched away, the two who were about to fall into the lake went up
again. The lake was farther and farther away in Sylvia ’s field of vision. Sylvia ’s heart once
again mentioned his throat and his eyes subconscious Closed his head fiercely and buried
his head in Henry's chest.
"Don't be afraid, it's me."
Henry's voice passed into Sylvia's ears. There was no such low-magnetism, but listening to
Sylvia's ears seemed like the most pleasing natural sound. When you were most afraid,
someone was in your ears. Saying this can melt Han Xin.
Sylvia wanted to speak, but found that he could not speak at all, and could only enjoy the
gentleness from Henry silently.
The bouncing rope stretched, retracted, stretched, retracted, and between several landings,
Sylvia's fearful heart also slowly calmed down. She suddenly felt that bungee jumping was
actually not that scary. Now, she opened bright and flexible With both eyes, looking at the
surrounding scenery, at this moment, she had only one feeling.
Today, one day, after doing so many years before, I wanted to do the things that I didn't do,
and the invisible pressure that I had been carrying on my body. At this moment, the smoke
The yellow sand extends and is handed over to the sky.
Henry and Sylvia lay flat on the sand, looking at the distant sky, blue sky, and white clouds.
Sylvia turned slightly and stared at Henry's profile: "Henry, thank you, I am really happy
Henry slowly exhaled without a word. In his heart, he also said thank you to Sylvia.
Thank you for giving me a new life.
After an afternoon of play, the two were also happy, and at five o'clock in the afternoon,
they left the sea of sand and returned to the ticket office.
In the summer weather, there is always a joke with people, the first second is stil bright and
sunny, and the next second is overcast.
Henry and Sylvia were just about to leave the ticketing hal . The downpour rained down
from the sky and fel to the ground, splashing water. Because of the rain, the original hot
days made people feel a little cool.
"Drink some milk tea." Henry put a cup of freshly brewed milk tea in front of Sylvia.
"Thank you." Sylvia took the milk tea, and the warm air flowed through his hands,
spreading all over his body, uncomfortable.
Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass in the ticket office, Sylvia looked at the rain
outside the window and reached out to brush the broken hair in front of her forehead.
Standing behind the woman, Henry looked at her like this, and did not speak. He wanted to
protect this woman for life.
Summer rains come and go fast, only half an hour later, the sun is halfway out, and the air is
fil ed with a fragrant smell of earth.
Henry pedaled his bicycle, carrying Sylvia, and headed to Yinzhou in this fragrance filled
with mud.
On the way, seeing a flower growing on the side of the road, Henry stopped, picked this
flower and gave it to Sylvia.
Sylvia, like a little girl, inserted this flower in her hairline. At this moment, it seemed that
the flower was more beautiful.
When he returned to Yinzhou, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening. Instead of choosing
Sylvia's dinner at Xinkai Hotel, Henry brought Sylvia to a street food stal .
"Actually, there is no need to go to any big hotel, try these food stalls, the taste is very
good." Henry took Sylvia on a corner table.
Where there is Sylvia, people's attention will always be attracted. No matter the man or the
woman, the sight will be glanced at Sylvia.
A young man took his girlfriend to sit on the table and happened to see Sylvia. With this
glance, the young man could not look back.
Today on the street, he saw this woman, sitting on the bicycle of the poor boy directly
opposite him. At that time, he felt very unpleasant in his heart. Having seen such a dusty
woman, then look at his face-lifting girlfriend, Feeling disgusted, he regretted why he didn't
go up and ask for a phone call today. How could a woman who could be chased by a poor
boy riding a bicycle fail to get himself.
Now, when I saw this woman again, the young man regained his heart. He didn't go up
immediately to ask for a phone cal , but sat down beside him, carefully planning, not only to
cal the phone, but also to satirize the poor boy. Fancai.

Chapter 153: Not Enough

Henry asked for some home-cooked side dishes, and asked for two spicy crayfish.
"Mr. Lin, don't you seem to have eaten crayfish?"
Henry looked at Sylvia's awkward peeling posture and laughed.
"No, I've never eaten it, it's delicious." Sylvia's eyes braved surprises and kept peeling
shrimp after shrimp.
"Do you want two more servings?" Henry asked tentatively. Sylvia had eaten a lot today.
Who thought Sylvia didn't even think about it, and nodded again and again, "Yes, I'll have a
more servings !" Henry watched Sylvia so happy, he was also happy, and ordered two more
The young man sitting on the side looked at them like this, listening to Sylvia's words, his
face was disdainful to Henry.
Even crayfish is the first time to bring a girlfriend to eat. How can such a person have the
courage to find such a beautiful woman? And listening to the beauty, this is the first time
she has eaten something like crayfish. It seems that her family is also very ordinary, so she
will like this kind of poor boy, and so on as long as she puts out her BMW Z4 sports car,
That scores!
"Her husband, I'm full, let's go home." The youth's red-faced girlfriend wiped her mouth.
She seemed to realize that her boyfriend was now focusing on others.
"You go back first, I have something to do today." The youth waved impatiently. "Give you
two thousand dollars, you go shopping with your girlfriends." The original unhappy net red
face, heard this Immediately, he beamed his brows, collected two thousand pieces of youth,
and left happily.
The young man sat there with a sneer on his face, and a plan had been formed in his heart.
Sylvia ate two more portions of crayfish, and then wiped his mouth with satisfaction.
"Do you still eat?" Henry looked at Sylvia's snack goods, and felt a little funny. Every time
he encountered something delicious, Sylvia was cute like a little girl, without the
appearance of a president.
"Don't eat, don't eat." Sylvia waved his hands again and again, "I have eaten enough today,
let's come again next time."
"Okay, when do you want to eat it for me, I will bring you." After paying the bil , he pushed
his bicycle at the door of the hotel, and Sylvia sat on the back seat in a familiar way.
In the restaurant, some people who had just noticed Sylvia saw Henry carrying such a
beautiful girl on her bicycle. She felt sorry for Sylvia, so she followed such a nonchalant
The young man who had been staring at Henry, sneered, walked out of the hotel and got on
his BMW Z4.
Henry rode his bike, carrying Sylvia, slowly riding on the non-motorized lane, enjoying the
soft evening breeze.
When passing a junction, a strong light suddenly hit the two people. I saw a BMW Z4. I ran
through the red light and rushed towards the two people. When I was about to meet the
two people, I started to slow down and brake. The disc caused a harsh sound of friction.
At a critical moment, Henry leaped hard, left the bicycle, turned back and hugged Sylvia,
avoiding the sprinting BMW Z4.
BMW's head col ided with the bicycle. Although the impact was not strong, it still hit the
bicycle three meters away. Henry and Sylvia had to sit in the car just now, and they would
definitely be injured.
What happened suddenly scared Sylvia a big jump, until the bicycle was knocked out, she
has not yet relieved.
Henry appeased Sylvia, walked angrily to the direction of the BMW cab, and scolded:
"How to drive! Didn't you see the red light!"
"Oh, what anxiety, what anxiety." BMW door Open, and the young man walked off the car
slowly. "It didn't hit anyone again. It's over to pay you a little money. Let's say, how much is
enough, is 3,000 yuan enough?" When the
young man spoke, Take three thousand pieces of cash directly from the bag and randomly
throw it on the front of his car. Before waiting for Henry to speak, the young man took
another three thousand pieces. "If you think it is not enough, give you six thousand. Ok?"
Henry took a deep breath , "This is not a question of money. I only need your attitude now,
to apologize to us!"
"Apology? I said boy, what do you want? I didn't bump into you, didn't I just want more
money? OK, It ’s okay to give you 10,000! ”The young man took out a pile of hundred-dollar
bills and threw it on the front cover.
After the young man dumped the money, he looked at Sylvia and wanted to see how the
woman reacted. It turned out that the beauty did n’t even look at herself, which made the
youth feel frustrated.
"Why? Ten thousand is not enough? Then add five thousand to you!" The young man
gritted his teeth and threw a wad of money again.
Henry shook his head, "I said, it's not a matter of money. I don't need you to pay me
compensation. I only ask you to apologize to you!"
"Oh." The youth gave Henry a proud look and said loudly, "Can Why should I apologize for
the problem solved with money? "
Henry looked at the proud look of the young man and asked again," Are you rich? "
" Boy, you are joking, you kind of person, ask me if I have Money? "The youth seemed to
hear something particularly funny." You asked me if I had money. You are a poor kid riding
a bicycle and asked me if I have money? "
Henry remained silent for a few seconds, then nodded," OK , I gave you a chance.
Since you do n’t want to apologize and want to lose money, let ’s lose it. "
" Why, fifteen thousand is not enough? "The youth snorted.
Henry shook his head and gently spit out the words, "Not enough."
The traffic accident at the intersection attracted many people to come and watch the bustle.
"Boy, I think your bicycle is only two hundred yuan. Will you accept it at 15,000?" An old
man said anxiously to Henry.
"Yeah, I think this guy who drives is not bad. Ordinary people may pay you 15,000.
Take it away." "Take the money and go away."
Come and see the lively people, see the BMW on the front. When I was cashing in, there was
stil some envy in my eyes. When the bicycle was hit, I took 15,000. Is it like picking up
"Not enough money." Henry shook his head.
"Not enough? Oh!" The youth smiled disdainfully, "Yes, then you say, how much do you
want, twenty thousand? One hundred thousand? Or I will pay you my car?"
"Not enough." Henry still shook his head.
"Boy, you rogue with me?" Youth Shuangshoubaoxiong, "how the poor do nothing to boil,
and I want to earn a fortune this?" "Young
man, you can not know enough ah!"
"That is, go fast "" The
onlookers persuaded.
The young man shook his body and walked in front of Sylvia and said, "Beauty, you said
that your boyfriend's bike is only two hundred dol ars. I gave him fifteen thousand dollars.
He is so greedy. It is better to persuade him. One Men, if you want to make money, just
work harder and do n’t engage in evil ways. ”
Chapter 154: Sky Price Policy
The young man was complacent. He found that this poor boy was even worse than he
thought. Originally he just wanted to scare him, smash some money out, let This beautiful
woman sees her own financial resources, and then satirizes that this kid has no money, and
now this poor kid has actively ridiculed himself. Isn't this more despising!
Someone called the police for what happened here, and the traffic police arrived as soon as
Faced with six points and two hundred fines for the driver's license detained by the traffic
police, the youth simply did not care.
What he wants to do now is to show as much as possible, and after the matter is handled,
take the beautiful woman's phone.
In the face of such accidents, the traffic police will generally ask the parties how to deal
with them. Those who have not caused casualties are negotiating how to compensate
"Police officer, I just bumped this kid's bike and lost him fifteen thousand. He still didn't
think it was enough. Is this a deliberate misrepresentation of money." The young man
clasped his chest with his hands and leaned on the door, obviously he was the wrong party ,
Now looks the same as standing.
"Ten thousand and fifty?" The traffic policeman glanced at the bicycle that was lying on the
side and said to Henry, "Sir, fifteen thousand yuan, has far exceeded your loss.
Follow the normal procedure, and the other party only needs to compensate at the price. "
" Then let him compensate at the price. "Henry waved his hand." Your traffic police
department, should there be a special accident damage officer? Call him. "
" Hahaha! Just your bike, but also Fixed loss? "The young man laughed loudly," I'll give you
fifteen thousand, enough to buy you dozens of cars! "
" That is, lad, what are you looking for fixed loss, go with the money. " Opening.
The traffic policeman also said, "Sir, I think this matter can be large or smal . If the damage
is found, the amount of compensation can be far less than 15,000."
"We don't want money, we just want him to apologize!" Sylvia, who had never spoken, said,
15,000. In her eyes, she didn't count for anything. She was also treated by this youthful
man, and was almost running through a red light. It hits people and looks rational.
"Beauty, if you want to apologize, please give me your contact information. I apologize to
you every day, OK?" The young man looked at Sylvia with a smile.
Sylvia turned his head away without looking at the young man.
"Police officer, as a party, I now need to find someone to lose. You cal someone."
Henry walked aside, picked up his bicycle and glanced at it. Two beams on the car were
completely bent.
"Boy, what kind of damage-seeking person are you looking for? You have nothing to do
with your car. Hurry up and take the money to ride." An old man next to him looked
anxious for Henry. In the eyes of the old man, Henry was a dead brain and could not
understand the workaround .
The traffic policeman nodded his head and said in earnest: "Sir, I want to remind you that
after the loss-inspector arrives, the loss of this accident will be compensated in full
according to the loss-estimator's estimate. Money is not within the scope of compensation.
" I understand, cal it. "
Seeing Henry insisted so much, the traffic police no longer said much, and cal ed a loss cal
The youth sneered.
Soon, the official loss adjuster arrived at the scene, and after only a few glances, the loss
determiner gave a conclusion to Henrydao: "Sir, your car, the market depreciation price is
only three hundred dollars, I just watched For a moment, it was basical y not damaged, that
is, two beams were bent, and the amount of compensation was about one hundred. "
Hearing the loss, the young man laughed again," Boy, one hundred! Hahaha, one If you do
n’t want it, you need one hundred pieces! "
Looking at the lively people next to page (2/2) , they all show a regretful look. Fifteen
thousand, don't want it, want one hundred? Isn't this a brain problem?
After listening to the traffic police, he rushed to Henrydao: "Sir, the fixed loss price has
come out. Now for accident compensation, we must strictly follow the fixed loss price."
"This price is not right." Henry shook his head.
"No? Boy, how much do you want? I'll give you a mil ion, do you think it's enough!" The
young man looked upset.
Even the traffic policeman frowned. He now thinks that Henry is probably playing rogue.
Henry looked deep young one, turned to assess the damage members said:. "I suggest that
you now use mobile phones, the China Insurance at the official website, check what price
policy ranked seventh, and then re-set loss"
given The loss of the staff showed doubts. He knew that on the official website of China
Insurance, there are a total of ten sky-high price policies, and the sum of the ten items of
insurance is at least one billion! Everything is precious in the world.
Henry saw that the loss-control er did not take out his mobile phone, and reminded again:
"Trouble checking." The
loss-reporter took out his phone strangely, opened the official website, and clicked into the
sky-high insurance policy. When he saw the seventh-ranked policy At that time, the
expression immediately became wonderful.
Ranked seventh in the sky-high insurance policy, it is an old-fashioned bicycle. It looks
exactly like the current accident car!
The loss forecaster opened the insurance policy and carefully looked at it again, then raised
his head and looked at Henry. These few actions made the loss forecaster open his mouth.
The bike is hand-polished by the world's top master art master Sherpa. The entire body is
made of a rare metal cal ed "rhodium". The price of this metal is three times that of
platinum. One gram is worth thousands. Yuan, the spacecraft will also use this metal.
At that time, this bicycle was produced and the auction price reached 1.8 bil ion magnesium
gold, which is a well-deserved luxury product. The amount of insurance in China Insurance
alone is tens of millions of Huaxia coins!
The loss forecaster had some difficulty moving his eyes away from the phone and locked it
on the bike in front of him, with some unbelievable openings, "Sir, you mean, this car ..."
"This is my ID card, You should have the information and photos of me insured at that time.
Call now to verify. "Henry didn't say much. This expensive thing was done at the time and
there are many procedures that can be directly checked.
The loss-impairing officer did not hesitate, quickly rang up the phone, began to upload
various materials, took a picture of the bicycle in front of the accident in all directions, and
transmitted it to the headquarters, waiting for a reply.
The insurance company also attached great importance to this sky-high insurance policy. In
less than ten minutes, the headquarters sent feedback to the loss-estimator.
The identity card information provided by Henry was completely consistent with the
insurance information at the time. The photo was determined to be the same person.
The car in front of you is a warranty product. The car is entirely made of rhodium metal.
It is from the hands of Master Sherpa and has an auction price of 1.8 billion magnesium
gold. The damaged fixed price this time For, 78 million magnesium gold!
Seeing the feedback from the headquarters on the mobile phone, the loss-making officers
were a little bit dumbfounded.
Such a pricey thing is in front of myself! 1.8 bil ion magnesium gold is such a bicycle!
Just ride out and go out? The life of the rich is really luxurious!
Chapter 155: Sky Price Compensation
, the injured person swallowed saliva and called the traffic police handling the accident
Two minutes later, the traffic policeman also looked at the bike in front of him with a
stunning gaze, 1.8 bil ion magnesium gold, God!
BMW youth stood, a look of impatience, "how ah police officer, well not ah, I have millions
of business to talk about it."
"Wel , the damage results have come out. "The traffic police nodded.
"How much is that, just say, this little thing, delaying me for a long time."
"If you buy insurance for this car, you can deduct from the three liability insurance amount,
if you don't buy insurance, you need a total of Compensate this Mr. Henry for the loss of 78
million magnesium. "The traffic police said, when he said this, the traffic police themselves
didn't believe it was true. Every bicycle in the area just crashed two beams. It will cost 78
million magnesium, and this ordinary person can't afford to lose their homes!
"What?" The young man stared at the traffic policeman, "78 mil ion magnesium, are you
kidding me?"
"No kidding, I will now official y inform you that this time the compensation amount is 78
million magnesium, If you have any objections, you can file a complaint with the local
court. Now, I need your cooperation to hand over your driving license, driving license, and
fol ow me. "The
traffic police went directly to the BMW Z4's cab. Remove the car key.
"Go to you!" When the young man saw the traffic policeman's action, he shouted on the
spot, "Dead policeman, do you guys play teasing me? I hit a bicycle, do you let him pay tens
of mil ions of magnesium? "The
traffic policeman's face was black and he said sharply," Don't make trouble unreasonably.
All our compensations are based on evidence. Now please come back to the police station
with us for investigation! "
"Sir, this is the warranty for the bicycle you hit." The loss-controller stood in front of the
youth with a mobile phone. "If you don't believe it, you can check it online. I just confirmed
with the company that what you hit is exactly Al the documents and certificates of this 1.8
billion magnesium al oy bicycle will be in front of you tomorrow morning. Now, please go
to the police station to make a note. "The youth stared at this on the mobile phone of the
fixed loss officer. Bicycle picture, murmured in the mouth, shaking his head, "Impossible,
this is absolutely impossible, how is it possible!"
"Nothing is impossible." Henry glanced at the young man, "I gave you the opportunity, you
don't know it yourself Cherish. "
" Let's go. "The traffic police squeezed the young man's shoulder and took him to the police
The young man's proud and proud face disappeared completely at this time. If this policy is
true, then this time, it is more than a simple answer to a major disaster!
If the compensation is only a few thousand dollars, the traffic police are too lazy to take this
young man to the police station to take notes, but now this amount is really scary!
Not to mention that the traffic police were scared, even Sylvia was also shocked.
1.8 bil ion magnesium gold, the money is enough to buy a few Lin Group!
Without waiting for Sylvia to ask this time, Henry took the initiative to say: "Ou Ren sent
me, didn't he save him before, he had to give me something, I just picked a bicycle, and I
never thought it was so valuable at the time. Mr. Lin, what's the matter with you? "
Henry noticed that Sylvia's face was very ugly now, and she also subconsciously left a
distance between her and herself.
"Henry, you honestly tel me, who are you?" Sylvia's pretty face is cold and cold. If you look
closely, her eyes are covered with a layer of mist.
Sylvia's attitude makes Henry anxious, "Mr. Lin, haven't I explained it to you before?"
"Explanation? Henry, even if what you said is true, the value of your car alone is enough to
cover a few of my Lin group. Why do you come to my Lin family as a door-to-door Son-in-
law, what is your purpose? "Sylvia only felt a mess in her mind. She thought today that she
seemed to have found a harbor where she could be free, but suddenly discovered that this
was al an illusion, and Henry was not his own imagination. Like that.
1.8 bil ion magnesium bike! In this world, how many people can come up with such
valuable things?
"My purpose?" Henry took a step forward, trying to get closer to Sylvia.
"Say!" Sylvia suddenly shouted.
"It's you." Henry blurted out.
After you export, both Henry and Sylvia are there.
For a while, neither of them spoke.
The lights on the roadside changed back and forth, illuminating the two of them, and Henry
smiled self-deprecatingly, "I came to the Lin family from the very beginning just because of
you. You may not believe it. We have seen it before, although the number of meetings is
very few. Very few, but by all means, your shadow has been carved into my heart, making
me unable to extricate myself. It happened that Lin's recruiting son-in-law came, and I
came. "
Sylvia's expressions changed continuously, and there was no noise.
Henry asked, "To be honest, I haven't known how to get close to you all the time. I feel like
you and me are two people from completely different worlds. You do things rigorously and
well. I This person, since he was young, has no father and mother, and is unscrupulous. It
stands to reason that two people of this character will not attract each other, even if you
look like a fairy, but the closer you are, the more I will be. Unable to extricate myself, I ... "
" Stop! "Sylvia suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted Henry's words," Henry, I have
to say, you will not have a love affair with this, you should stil be a little bit of Xiao Erlang,
this affectionate look makes me a little bit I ’m not used to it. "
Henry's expression was overjoyed," Mr. Lin, don't you blame me? "
"What do you blame?" Sylvia rol ed his eyes. "I never asked you about it. Let's go home."
"Okay, okay!" Henryxin nodded again and again, bending the bicycle The beam broke back,
and Henry didn't care, and patted the back seat. "Come on, get in the car."
Sylvia Waner smiled, reaching for the corner of his eyes, stepping forward, and sitting on
the back seat.
Henry pedaled his bicycle and drove slowly towards his home.
At the beginning of the Huadeng, Yinzhou City, which was ushering in development, has
also become prosperous. On the road without traffic, Henry and Sylvia seem to be a unique
Henry, who was originally talkative, didn't say anything along the way. The reason is very
simple. He feels a little embarrassed. Just like Sylvia said, he doesn't say love at al , and
never says anything.
Henry was thinking, just like that, should it be a confession? But it's too flat! Henry thought
about what he had just done in his head, and he all wished he could find a hole in the
Let people know that because of the emotional problems between men and women, Satan
has such a dilemma in his heart, and he will definitely be scared of his teeth.
The road is very noisy, there are chats of passers-by, the whistle of the car.
Amidst this noisy, a crisp voice passed into Henry's ear from the back seat.
"You want to chase me, but you have to work hard, there are more people chasing me!"

Chapter 156: Little Girl President

is prosperous and quiet at night.
Henry's heart jumped and jumped. This feeling did not appear for many years.
That kind of shy, shy like first love, Henry did not speak, his face unconsciously filled with a
happy smile.
That sentence you want to chase me, more effort.
Is this a great leap forward in the relationship between myself and President Lin?
Back in the courtyard of the villa, when Henry stopped his bicycle, Sylvia had already come
down from the back seat and walked into the door, leaving Henry with a back view.
"Good night."
Sylvia's voice was very soft, with a kind of caper that only a little girl had.
Silent all night, Henry got up when his bel y was white and fisted as usual.
On the second floor of the villa, Sylvia opened the curtains and looked at the man standing
in the courtyard through the window, unconsciously showing a smile.
At 8:30 in the morning, the two arrived at the company together, and today they will re-
select managers for the seven business departments.
Henry didn't worry about choosing a manager. Anyway, he didn't have much interest in the
position of manager. The company couldn't choose him if he wanted to.
The fact is the same. The manager of the seven departments of the business finally chose a
senior employee.
Although Henry and Amity talked about the next big order, but their work experience is
still shallow, the manager's position is difficult to hand over to them, and the company's old
employees will not be convinced.
I chose an old employee to be the manager, and everyone was quite satisfied with the
Now Henry and Amity will not be targeted in the company, and Hong Jie and others have
not put forward any old employees.
Overall, everything is on track.
The work is very easy for Henry. After reaching a cooperation with Fajia Jialong Group,
Henry's next job is to complete the docking with Jialong Group. This kind of thing is placed
on others. That is to be well prepared, but For Henry, he only needs to say one thing, and
Ou Ren will arrange for people to handle these things properly.
In the morning, Henry turned over his mobile phone to see where to go to Sylvia tonight's
offer. It must be meaningless to watch a movie. He had to find something new.
At noon, the lunch of Lin's employees was always good. The dishes of four dishes and one
soup made the employees of the rest of the company particularly envious.
Henry chunked Duo Shuo to empty the dinner plate in front of him, looked up and found
that Sylvia did not come to dinner today, and Secretary Li Qian laid the meals for her on the
Henry wiped his mouth and walked over and asked strangely: "Secretary Li, President Lin
did not come to dinner?"
"Hey." Li Na sighed, "Lin is busy, she often doesn't eat like this, stomach They al got out of
trouble. "
" Often don't eat? "Henry frowned. He didn't come to the company for a long time. The
number of meals in the canteen was very few. Before, I saw Lin invited Han to come to the
canteen for lunch Things, now listening to Li Qian say this, he is a little unhappy, how can
he do without eating!
Henry thought for a while, ran to the fruit stal downstairs in the company, bought some
strawberries, mangoes, and after thinking about it, bought a bottle of Coke, carried it
upstairs, came to the door of the president's office, and knocked on the door.
"Go in." Sylvia's voice spread through the door.
Henry slowly opened the door and saw Sylvia lying on his desk, constantly writing and
"I heard that you are too busy to eat lunch, so I bought you some fruit." Henry put his hand
on the desk, "how much you eat, you have washed it."
Sylvia raised his head and looked at Henry, who suddenly appeared, and then looked at the
fruits that Henry laid down. Liu Mei frowned, "This is the company, take these things out."
" Take out What are you going to do, the company does n’t allow you to eat fruit and drink
coke anymore? Eat some fruit today, starting tomorrow, you have to eat well every day.
”Henry took out a strawberry and put it in front of Sylvia. Appetite makes people appetite.
"Henry, why don't you understand it, I don't eat it, you take it out." Sylvia forced himself not
to look at the fruits on the table, what strawberries, and mangoes, in her view, they were all
Little girls love to eat, they eat in the company, they are seen by others, how will they
discuss themselves? Not rigorous, childish?
"I will not take it when I take it. I will leave it here. I have something to do in the afternoon.
I'm busy first." Henry Sylvia waved his hand, walked out of the office, and closed the door.
Standing at the door of the office, Henry did not leave directly, but waited for five minutes.
Five minutes later, Henry cautiously opened a thin slit in the office door and secretly looked
He saw that Sylvia was sitting on his large boss chair, with his legs stretched straight,
swaying up and down, the woman picked up a strawberry, and put it in the mouth, not yet
directly eaten, but slowly Sucking, enjoying the fragrance of strawberries, drinking a cola
from time to time, and hiccuping out like yesterday, this feeling is like a fairy in nine days,
falling into the world.
Henry is the one who pulled the fairy into the world.
Sylvia turned the boss chair beneath her, and suddenly her eyes saw the office door.
At this moment, Henry affirmed that Sylvia had found himself 100%.
The woman's small mouth opened unconsciously, her large, flexible eyes were surprised,
and the half strawberry she held in her hand forgot to eat, so she looked at the door
"Hiccup ~"
The gas in the coke made Sylvia couldn't help hiccuping out. She hurriedly covered her
mouth with her small hand, and her face suddenly became ashamed.
This lovely look made Henry couldn't help it anymore, he laughed out loud.
"Zhang! Xuan!" Lin invited Han shouted, with anger from shyness in her beautiful eyes.
In this case, Henry will not take the initiative to touch the mold, and will run away with a
Lin invited Han Xiaolan to look at the black shadow outside the door gap flashing away.
After a few seconds, the anger on her face faded away, and half of the strawberry in her
hand was put into the mouth. The next ones were al received in the locker under the desk
and typed two words on the computer. Lin invited the big eyes to go round and round, then
secretly took out a strawberry like a little girl doing bad things It ’s so quick to put it in the
imports. I ’m afraid that if someone looks like this, if I do n’t know anyone in Sylvia, I would
never have thought that she would be an iceberg female president.
Henryqing was idle all morning, and he was not so busy in the afternoon. The department
arranged a lot of tasks and gave them to each person's head. Henry's task was to connect
with Hengyuan Trading Company and contact the specific department manager. Also told
"Hengyuan Trading? Is it Jenny's company?"

Chapter 157
Hengyuan Trading is itself a third-rate enterprise in Yinzhou, but after the last bombing, it
became the top trading group in Yinzhou, although now The mountain road has not been
successfully opened, but enterprises that want to reach cooperation with Hengyuan Trade,
such as the crucian carp.
Because of the bold idea of bombing the mountain, Hengyuan became the leader of
Yinzhou's trade industry, which is sooner or later.
The person Henry wanted to contact was a department manager of Hengyuan. Lin had
contacted this department manager before and it was about today.
The location of Hengyuan Trading Company is not as glorious as Lin's, and it is not located
in the CBD of Yinzhou. The three-story business building has few employees and everyone
is very busy.
In the office of the manager of the expansion department, Zhong Qi complained to her
sister with a bitter face, saying that she had suffered unfair treatment in the Lin Group and
was insulted by two villains, causing her to lose her job.
As he was saying, a call from the front desk of Hengyuan came to the office, saying that a
salesman named Henry from the Lin Group had arrived.
Upon hearing the name, Zhong Qi jumped like a cat stepped on the tail.
"Sister, this is the person who kil ed him. I was expel ed from Lin! You must help me to
teach him!"
"Relax." Li Mei, the manager of the development department of Hengyuan, nodded, she is
the cousin of Zhong Qi He has always had a good relationship with Zhong Qi, "How do you
want me to teach him?"
"It's better to let him be fired too!" Zhong Qi said fiercely.
"Expulsion? I think about it." Li Mei groaned for a moment, then said, "OK, then this hatred,
I will report it for you."
"Sister, I know you are the best, I bought two new ones yesterday. A bag, I think it is quite
suitable for you, I forgot to bring it today, and I will bring it to you tomorrow. "
Li Meiyi had a look on his face." We don't say this, we can take the bag anytime, I Let's teach
this kid first. "
Li Meiyi sorted out her clothes and walked out of the office.
Henry sat in the parlor on the first floor of Hengyuan and waited. Soon, he saw a woman in
her thirties who had a good face and sat in front of herself.
"Hello, I am Henry, the salesman of Lin's." Henry took the initiative to introduce himself.
Li Mei looked at Henry up and down, because of her sister's relationship, the moment she
saw Henry, she felt a sense of disgust in her heart.
"Is the cooperation project book brought?" Li Meiyi leaned on the sofa in the parlor, took
out her mobile phone, and said absently while playing.
"Brought." Henry to come up with project proposals, on the table before him, "This time we
Lim, is intended ......"
"Line of the line." Lee, a US impatient wave of his hand, "I only I asked if you brought it or
not, and you were n’t allowed to say anything else. How did you make it happen to Lin, cal
ing you to join me alone? Let ’s put the project book here, let ’s go. ”
Li Meiyi said nothing when he spoke. He glanced at Henry, playing with his mobile phone al
the time.
The attitude of Li Meiyi, Henry natural y looks in the eyes. He is so unclear about why
Hengyuan people have such great arrogance and why they have such great opinions about
themselves. When he is ready to speak, he listens for a while A sharp whistle sounded,
Henry changed his face, and got up and walked out of the parlor.
Henry's action also made Li Mei stunned. She didn't expect that this person really left.
Row! Are you grumpy? Play with me right? I let you play!
Li Mei dialed a number and went out, "Hey, Mr. Qin, Lin's people are here, it's a newcomer, I
don't even understand the project book. Unhappy, he flicked his face and left. President Qin,
I think we need to communicate with Lin's senior management. "
Henry didn't know that Li Mei made such a cal after he left, but even if he knew him Don't
Following the whistle, Henry came to the back of Hengyuan Trading Company. There were
several warehouses here. The whistle sounded from the warehouse.
When Henry came here, a few black shadows made it easy to show up in the shadow of the
warehouse. They al wore fangs and masks with ghost faces, and they looked gloomy.
"Speak, what is worth your whistling?" Henry looked at several people and asked.
All along, Henry and his people have many ways of contact. This sharp whistle indicates
that there is an urgent matter to report.
"Boss, I let them blow the whistle." Wade White, dressed in black casual clothes, came out
from the side. "Boss, the quicksands have arrived. This time the thorn peak was
deliberately exposed. At ten o'clock tonight, People with sharp blades and quicksands will
go to the suburban factory to catch the spikes. Everything is acting according to our plan,
just ... "
" Just what? "Henry asked, it would not be good for Wade White to find his own. The matter
resolved, but Henry really couldn't figure it out, how could those who sharpened the blade
and quicksand could embarrass Wade White.
"It's just that her sister-in-law will also follow the blade at night. When the time comes, she
may be in danger."
Henry's brow furrowed at once. He real y didn't expect this, and Helen would act with the
blade's people!
Although Helen was a bit of a fight and a catch, but in the battle of the same level at night,
she did not use it at al .
"Boss, do you want us to show up at night to solve the quicksand and sharp edge?"
"No." Henry shook his head. "I will deal with the matter at night. You must not do it. Let
Thorn Peak not show up tonight. They are al gone."
"Understood." Wade White nodded and retreated with several people. Into the shadows.
After thinking for a while, Henry decided to contact Helen first to stop her from
participating in the event tonight.
After Henry's concealment, many forces began to disturb. This time, Henry intends to use
the edge of the blade to show Ting Feng to show the force, so as to strike the alarm bell for
the forces of all parties in the world, who wants to show the peak and put the island
country on the sand Powerful people were attracted too. Although this was beyond Henry's
expectations, it was also easy to deal with. By then, it only took a little bit of warfare, and
quicksand would be able to fight with the blade, but he did not expect that Helen would
participate Come in, it's going to fight, Helen is going to suffer a big loss!
This level of fighting is not as simple as punching me, kicking you, and hurting yourself in
the end. This is really a terrible battle!
Henryyi made several phone calls to Helen, and they al prompted to shut down. There was
no way. Henry could only run to the police station in person and asked. Helen was still in a
meeting, and Henry simply waited at the door of the police station.
In the police conference hall, Nat, the captain of the No.3 Squadron, looked dignified.
"Everyone, today's task, everyone must be strictly confidential and no leakage is al owed!"

Chapter 158
Yinzhou Police Department conference room, Nat, the leader of the third team of the Blade,
and his partner Tian Rui are talking about the matters needing attention tonight.
"Everyone should pay great attention to this. The enemies this time are not ordinary
people. You are al the elite of the Yinzhou Police Force. In the future, you are likely to be in
contact with the enemies in this area. Under the circumstances, cooperate with the arrest,
the real arrest operation will be completed by us. From now on, everyone ’s mobile phones
will be turned off. Before the end of the operation, no external contact is al owed, and the
time will be set. At 8:00, start on time. "At the police station, Henry stretched out a lazy
waist. He had been here for a few hours, and it was almost eight o'clock, but Helen didn't
come out yet.
Henry knows some methods for sharp blades to train newcomers. During the task, if they
encounter some good seedlings, the sharp blade will let these good seedlings cooperate
with the action.
Now, it is clear that Helen has also been sharply edged, so he will be involved in this task.
As a deputy captain of the Criminal Police Detachment, Helen cannot yet refuse.
However, the blade did not find the shadow of the quicksand forces at al . If the people who
learned that the quicksand also participated, the blade would definitely not bring some
new people to learn to observe.
At 8:05 in the evening, Henry final y waited for the meeting to adjourn. He saw Helen in
uniform coming out of the gate of the police station. There were more than ten people
who came out with Helen. Everyone has a fierce temperament, and their eyes are as sharp
as an eagle falcon, and it is not a good character at a glance.
When Henry saw Helen Rou, Helen Rou also saw Henry, which made her feel happy.
She was still thinking about how to inform Henry about the sharp blade to deal with the
spike, and the result is now seen.
"How can you come?" Helen looked at Henry and asked.
"Gentleness, who is he?" A young man in a police uniform walked to Helen and looked at
Henry with a bad face.
People at the Yinzhou Police Department have seen Henry before. He asked himself if he
hadn't seen this young man. Seeing the position where the other person can stand up at any
time, Henry guessed that this should be a sharp edged person.
"My name is Henry, a gentle boyfriend, come and pick her up from work." Henry walked up
and smiled.
"Boyfriend?" The young man looked at Henry up and down and glanced at his mouth.
"Gentle, why did you find such a weak person as a boyfriend?"
Henry shaved his beard yesterday for dating, and now goes to work every day They al wore
shirts and suits, and looked less like the previous vicissitudes, giving a feeling of
"Gentle, deal with it." Nat walking in front of Helen said back.
Helen first nodded, and then smiled at Henry, "You go back first, I have something to do
today." When
Helen spoke, he blinked at Henry a few times.
"What's the matter with you? Isn't it good to have dinner together tonight? You are real y
true. The meeting is open now, and you are gone. You have dinner." Henry couldn't help but
said, grabbing Helen's wrist when he came up.
"Brother! I said something happened, didn't you understand?" The young man in uniform
uniformly snapped Henry's hand away.
"Who are you?" Henry also unhappy looking at the young man, his eyes sweeping the youth
to his chest, where hanging alarm and the name of the youth, "Tan Yuping? Me and my
girlfriend talk, none of your business!"
"Boy, I advise you to pay attention to my words." Tan Yuping warned.
"Hehe." Henry chuckled lightly. "If I don't pay attention? Can you still beat me as a
"Boy, you!" Tan Yuping raised his fist directly and wanted to teach Henry a lesson.
"Okay!" Nat shouted sharply, "Yuping, let me put your fist down, like what!"
"Yes, Captain." Tan Yuping saw Nat talking, but helplessly put his fist down, staring fiercely.
Henry glanced.
Nat walked to Henry and patted Henry's shoulder and said: "This little brother, our police
force has a fraternity party tonight, otherwise you and Gentle will have another dinner
tomorrow, how?"
"No!" Henry shook his head decisively, "Today, I have made an appointment with
Tenderness. You guys are in the police force. If no one else goes, just ask our family to go
tenderly. When I look at this kid, it is not a good thing. "
Henry said, it is necessary to pull Han gently and leave."
"Little brother." Jinxin a hand, stopped Henry, his face showing a trace of displeasure,
"Friendship Force today, so many people are, so you have some of it too disappointed."
I said you sweep I'm happy! "Henry glanced at his mouth." After work, can we force our
family to go to join you in a friendship? This is a private time! "
Tian Rui looked at Henry and pulled the sleeves of La Jinxin , Smal voice: "Otherwise, let her
be gentle ..."
"No." Nat waved his hand, and likewise whispered, "This time, everyone must participate
and can't make a difference."
"Now now What should I do, depending on the gentleness of this boyfriend's attitude, you
can't always be strong? "Tian Rui rolled his eyes.
Nat thought for a while and said to Henry: "Little brother, this way, it is better for you to
join us in the friendship, so that it will not delay your gentle date and our arrangements,
"Captain, how can this be done!" Tan Yuping said directly, "This kid ..."
"It's okay, I have a heart in mind." Nat reached out to interrupt Tan Yuping and looked at
Henry, "Brother, what do you think of my arrangement? "
Henry thought for a while and nodded," It's okay. "
Helen looked at Henry strangely and took him to take action to grab his men? This is a bit
too dramatic!
Helen wondered why Henry suddenly appeared and why he had to take himself away, but
now he can't ask.
Henry and Helen took a Honda Accord, and the young man named Tan Yuping sat on the
co-pilot. His eyes glanced back and forth from the back seat, revealing a chil .
The vehicle slowly drove towards the suburbs.
Henry sat in the car, looking left and right, looking curious, "Are you going to the suburban
"Boy, I advise you to get off the car now, so you don't have to pee your pants." Tan Yuping
sitting in the co-pilot Disdain said.
"Cut." Henrynu said, "What friendship can scare my urine pants?"
There were a total of seven vehicles heading to the suburban convoy. Tian Rui asked Nat,
"Bring an insignificant person Is it real y okay to go? "
" Relax, we dispatched three teams this time , and it's okay to get a spike, let the kid watch
next to him, and it doesn't matter whether he knows it or not. "

Chapter 159: Stay away from her

A total of seven Honda Accords, drove to the suburbs.
Everyone got out of the car and concealed it.
"I said, your place of friendship is too poor, right?" Henry glanced at his mouth and looked
at the waste factory in front of him. "If you want me to say what else to gather, everyone is
gone, I will ask you tomorrow How about going to the Xinkai Hotel and setting a big table? "
" Little brother, our police fel owship may be a little different from your imagined
fellowship, not drinking and singing, so well, you may feel shabby, but The win is spacious
enough. "Nat chuckled, waved his hand, and began to give instructions.
Before they came, they had already laid out their operational plans at the meeting,
including the topographic map of this abandoned factory, and they had already figured it
out for a long time. Now they do n’t need to say anything at all, and they are all in order.
The time is now 8:40. Follow the normal process. After an hour, the summit will come here
to carry out an unexpected transaction. Then it will clash with the blade, show the force,
and beat the major forces.
But now, the process has become abnormal.
Henry asked Nat curiously, "If you don't drink and sing, what kind of friendship are you
doing? What is your friendship with police?"
"Of course it is better than fists." Nat raised his fist, "Little brother, etc." Either way, you can
just stay and watch. "
" Big Kung Fu? "Henry's eyes lit up." I'll be Kung Fu too, can you let me play? "
" Let you play? Kid, do you want to die ? " Do n’t you? ”Tan Yuping sneered.“ Do n’t be so
confident that you can work hard, and it ’s shameful to say it. ”
“ I really can work hard. ”Henry raised his fists, but his suit and leather look was real y
difficult I believe he will work on it.
"Okay, don't talk to Laozi here!" Tan Yuping suddenly shouted and stared at Henry, "Do you
think Laozi has a good temper? Or Laozi dare not hit you? I warn you, dare to talk
nonsense, do not blame Laozi You are welcome, and you will be farther away from
gentleness in the future. You will not be worthy of her like you! "
Tan Yuping lighted a cigarette to himself and slowly spit it out to Henry's face.
With scorn in Tan Yuping's eyes, when he looked at Henry, it was as if he were looking at a
"Yuping, come here." A person shouted and cal ed Tan Yuping away.
Henry smiled slightly, shook his head, and loosened his fist.
The arrogant Tan Yuping didn't know that he just walked one second late, and his limbs
would definitely be abolished.
After everyone started to get busy, Helen finally had the opportunity to speak with Henry
Helen pulled Henry to a corner, and whispered the doubt in his heart, "Why are you here?"
" Come to save you, you guys, you want to get started on Thorn Peak?" Henry glanced at the
factory ambush People, with disdain in their eyes.
"Do you know?" Helen's eyes widened, and the news of the hands on Thorn Peak, even she
only knew it at the meeting today, how did Henry know.
"I guess I can guess. The blade came with so many people. Isn't it the purpose of Spikes
Peak? I let Spikes Peak show some whereabouts. The people of Sharp Blade don't blame it
today. Why did you participate in this matter?" Henrybu Asked the solution.
"No way, my master applied for my name. He still wants me to participate in the
assessment of the Blade this year." Helen sighed. She is now one of the gang bosses, and the
other is the vice captain of the criminal investigation. No more contradictions.
"Who is that Tan Yuping?" Henry glanced at the factory.
"The sharp-edged man, Yinzhou, who arrived the day before yesterday, has been haunting
me for the past two days, and he can't shake it off." Helen hugged his hands in front of his
chest and snorted at Henry, "What are you doing? What does it matter to you? Real y treat
you as my boyfriend? "
" Isn't that your boyfriend? "
Helen turned his head," Is it? You have a wife, and you still want a girlfriend? " "
This ..." Henryqian laughed twice, "We slowly said after the matter between us, anyway,
this Tan Yuping, you are not allowed to contact him anymore."
Helen pushed on Henry's chest. Is n’t it too wide? Who am I in contact with? It ’s my own
business. If you really want to control me, go to divorce. As long as your surname is Zhang
’s divorce, what do you say? The
old lady took off the police uniform and would do the laundry and cook at home every day!
" Henry laughed a little and didn't speak.
The atmosphere was a little silent for a while, and after a few minutes, Helen took the lead.
"What did you just mean to save me, would it be impossible, the spike peak will be kil ing
today?" Helenru frowned, and the last time the people kil ed by the spike peak in the night
bar were not good things, almost Everyone carried their lives on their backs, and they
usually did a lot of cheap things. In that case, the thorn peak killed the killer, and Helen
didn't feel much.
But today is different. Today came a group of law enforcers. If Ting Feng set off against
these law enforcers, Helen was totally unacceptable.
"The thorn peak will not appear today." Henry glanced at the factory and took Helen's arm
toward a hidden corner. "There will be another group of forces, and the blade will
definitely fight with that group of forces. Get up, you stay here, it's easy to get injured. "
" Another group of forces? "Helen wondered.
"Wel ." Henry nodded. "Last time I saw the Siji Gate, you should know some information
about Gu Wu. After you pass the blade test, you will also be in contact with some dark
underground forces. Contact, you contact early, and there is no harm. "
" Dark underground forces? Are al people who practice ancient martial arts like the
Sijimen? "Helen's eyes burst into deep interest.
Henry thought for a moment and shook his head. "No, it's just that there will be some
ancient Wumen factions to send talents to underground forces. Some people are very
"You tell me." Helen's eyes glowed Looking at Henry, she seemed to have discovered a new
"Actually, this kind of underground forces exist by default in many countries. They may be
by your side, but you do n’t know it, such as Hei Lei, there are several people who practice
ancient martial arts by that Hei Hong In the first place, Black Thunder is barely a kind of
underground power. When Black Thunder becomes bigger in al aspects, he can be among
the underground powers, but it is only the lowest level. "
" Black Thunder is only the lowest level . " What? That ’s the leader of the Ning Provincial
Association! "
" I mean, the Black Thunder should be bigger in every aspect to be among the lowest.
Now Black Thunder can only barely be regarded as an underground force. "
" That senior What about it? "Helen asked eagerly.
"Wel ... Sharp Edge is advanced."

Chapter 160: Quicksand

Sharp edge advanced? Henry's words made Helen unable to get back.
The Blade is an official organization, how can it be regarded as a dark underground force?
Henry of Han gentle face, a smile, "I know what you're thinking, dark underground forces,
not simply refers to the evil forces, but hidden in the dark, not knowing the forces of
ordinary people."
Han tender if the Thinking nodded and asked Henry, "What about you? Should you also
"Me?" Henry stretched his finger to himself, and just as he was about to speak, he heard a
deep cry of exclamation.
"Al ready, here!"
This low-pitched exclamation interrupted Henry's words. He quickly took Helen to hide in
a corner. The whole factory was very silent at this moment.
A dense burst of footsteps sounded outside the factory. After listening careful y, there were
absolutely no fewer than twenty people.
Where Nat and Tian Rui were hiding, they could see the factory entrance directly. When
they saw the first person walking outside, Nat's face changed.
"The people of quicksand ..."
Tian Rui's extremely subtle voice rang in Nat's ear. "How come the people of quicksand
Nat shook his head with a trace of dignity on his face. There were only a dozen people on
their side There are also a few newcomers, and over 20 people are here on the quicksand.
What conflict is really going to happen, Nat and others will have no problem, but the
newcomers of the police force will suffer.
As the captain of the third blade team of the Blade, Nat is familiar with the major
underground forces in the world. For the people of quicksand, he is very clear that these
people are not good men and women.
After the people of the quicksand arrived, there was no communication with each other.
They al looked around at the factory and then chose their own location to hide. The goal of
these people was also the spike of "coming soon".
The factory is not large, and there are not many places where people can hide. Whether
they are sharp blades or quicksands, they have rich hidden experience. Even the choice of
hiding places is very consistent.
Looking at the actions of these people quicksand, Tian Rui face hint of anxiety, "how to do?"
"Can not wait!" Jinxin looking decisive, "can not let those new people hurt, out!"
Jinxin which the word of a fall, field Rui Ben rushed out first. She usual y looks gentle and
gentle, but at this time she looks like a vigorous cheetah. It appears extremely fast and
emerges from the darkness.
The people in Quicksand had obviously not realized that there were other people in this
factory. When Tian Rui appeared, those who searched for hidden places all around stopped
and moved their eyes to Tian Rui.
At the same time, the rest of the sharp blades also appeared from the dark. The people on
both sides were distributed in all corners of the factory, and a confrontation situation
formed at once.
The time is now at 9:30 in the evening, and the night sky emits a faint light. Whether it is a
sharp-edged person or a quick-sanded person, his face is dignified.
This sudden addition of force was unexpected for everyone.
"People in quicksand, you have entered my Chinese territory so arbitrarily, shouldn't it
conform to the rules?" Nat drew a certificate from the chest pocket.
The leader of the quicksand is a short man. Each of them wears a mask, can't see clearly,
and his eyes are as vicious as a snake.
After seeing Nat's certificate, the leader of the quicksand sneered. "Rules? The rules of the
underground world, some people come to make it, it is not your turn to sharpen your
blades! When will your sharpened blades start to cooperate with the killer like thorn peak.
"Speak carefully!" Nat shouted loudly, "The reputation of the sharp blade, no one is al owed
to slander."
"Let's talk nonsense, the thorn peak killed our leader and made us shameless, I need to
hang her head high on our flag, to wash away the insults of the world on our quicksand, you
sharp blade, do n’t ask for it! ”The little man stepped back slightly and placed one hand on
his waist to make a The posture to draw the knife.
Hidden in the dark, Henry explained to Helen: "The quicksand is an underground
organization of the island country. The martial arts they use are also similar to things like
knife drawing. This kind of knife drawing posture is that they are ready to fight. "
Helen listened seriously to what Henry said. If she real y got into a sharp edge in the future,
she would inevitably come into contact with it."
Helen had another doubt, and asked Henry, "So what do they use for fighting, there is no
sword or something on their body."
"Unless some specialized underground forces fight, in general, the weapons they carry are
portable. For example, folding knives can be hidden in the cuffs, soft swords can be hidden
in the waist, and all kinds of things, you will know it later. "
" Did the quick sand hit the blade? "
" Can't beat it. "Henry shook his head. "But can you kil you and see the three people
standing at the back of quicksand? Their earlobes are larger than ordinary people.
Quicksand has a special method of training hearing. This is a sign of their training.
These three have been listening. With the movements in the factory, and how many people
are hidden in the factory, they all know clearly. "
Helen opened his mouth wide, these things, it real y exceeded her cognition.
Seeing that the leader of the quicksands poses as a sword pul er, Nat snorted, "Why, you
quicksands, are you planning to use our sharp edge in China?"
"I said, our purpose is to spike, with you The sharp blade has nothing to do with it. If you
have to intervene in this matter, our diligence in the sand will not be trampled by everyone!
Tan Yuping took a step forward and disdainfully said: "Joke! Your head of the quicksand
was beheaded by a woman, I can't figure it out, what kind of dignity can you talk about on
your quicksand?"
Henry was in Helen's ear at the moment Tan Yuping's words fel Sighed.
"It's over."
"What's wrong?" Helen looked at Henry's sigh, and his heart was unconscious.
"People in the island country value the so-called dignity and the spirit of the Bushido most.
This Tan Yuping's words are enough to make them crazy. Original y, your captain was only
testing the quicksand. Now this one must fight."
Nat is also in Tan Yuping. When I said that, my heart shouted badly. He was not afraid of
quicksand, but how many new recruits in the police force?
Sure enough, the leader of the quicksand was irritated by Tan Yuping.
"Ba Ga, die!" I
saw a cold flash of light, and the man at the head of the quicksand waved with one hand. A
folding knife was taken out by him. The blade was forty centimeters. It was not short or
long, and was flexible.
At the same time, the rest of Quicksand also took out their weapons.
Nat's face dignified and he drank aloud. "Quick sand, you can think clearly. You real y want
to work with us in Huaxia!"
"Insult the quick sand reputation, die!" The look of the man who led the quick sand was as
vicious as a snake Tan Yuping.
Chapter 161
In the eyes of the man at the head of quicksand, Tan Yuping subconsciously stepped back a
few steps, just now, he felt like he was stared at by an endless poison general.
In fact, when someone insults the reputation of quicksand, the people of quicksand are
indeed endless!
Fighting is also on the verge.
"Do it!" Nat shouted, waving his fists, and greeted the leading man in quicksand.
Their fight is not as gorgeous as the martial arts master in the TV series, but it is almost the
same as the martial arts scene in the movie, and it is even more bloody. Whether it is a
sharp edge or a quicksand, they are experienced veterans. Be kind.
Standing at the end of the quicksand team, the three people with big earlobes looked at the
three directions respectively and looked for each. They were looking at new people hiding
in the dark.
The newcomers followed by the police, except Helen, who had seen such scenes were al
terrified. When they saw the quicksands, they had no intention of rebel ing. Want to escape.
Nat escaped the leader of the quicksand with a knife and shouted, "Tian Rui, to protect the
"Good!" Tian Rui nodded, without hesitation, kicked the person in front of him, and ran to
the rear.
This time the police team fol owed the knife, and Helen, including three people, were hiding
in three places, two of them have been chased and fled, only Helen, still in place, without
disturbance .
The man with big ear lobes in Quicksand, with his eyes exposed in the air, with a daunting
gaze, reached out and grabbed in the corner where Helen was, and one second after he
reached out, that daunting gaze instantly disappeared into a panic, He tried hard to pull his
hand out, but he couldn't do it at all. Then, he saw a hand knife cut heavily on his neck,
closing his eyes and planting it forward.
Helen looked at him stunnedly. Just now, she barely saw how Henry shot, so she restricted
the opponent's hand and made the opponent unable to move at al .
Strength crushing, complete strength crushing, this scene in front of him makes Helen have
the urge to cheer, this is his own man, no matter how strong the enemy, in front of him, will
always be so vulnerable .
No one noticed everything that happened here.
"Go, I'l take you out first." Henry took Helen's arm and didn't want to blend in here.
Helen nodded her head. She wasn't brain-dead. Knowing that such a fight was not her own,
she fol owed Henry and touched the outside of the factory.
The factory was very dark and the fighting was fierce. Some people fought fiercely.
They did n’t even notice Henry and Helen. People with quick sand saw them and walked
towards them. Henry solved it with one hand .
Seeing the factory entrance, Henry smiled. He didn't want to blend in this matter between
the sharp blade and the quicksand. This time he just didn't want Helen to be hurt.
Before Henry had time to open the closed factory door, the door was kicked from the
outside. Outside the factory, more than 20 quicksands appeared and poured into the
In itself, the blade has no advantage in terms of number. Now that there are so many people
in the quicksand, the blade can be said to be completely down.
"Stop, don't fight!" Nat yelled, his uniform has been cut open countless small mouths, blood
spread from these smal mouths, just now, he just gave Tian Rui time to face The four
masters of quicksand are completely at a disadvantage.
under the shout of Nat, both sides stopped in tacit understanding. Everyone knows that it is
impossible for them to fight again.
Needless to say, when there are far fewer people than the other party, it is impossible to
protect three newcomers.
And quicksand, although they can win this time, but no one can be sure that people who
can wipe out the blade, as long as they escape, these people, do not think of China.
"Quicksand, did you really decide not to die with us?" Nat clutched his left arm, where he
was injured the most and was severely slashed.
"The people in quicksand have never been cowards. If you insult our dignity, you will bear
our anger!" The man at the head of quicksand kept staring at Tan Yuping.
Now Tan Yuping has seen the situation in front of him, he dare not say a word, fel silent,
and his face was blushing and embarrassing.
Henry pulled Helen to stand behind the Blades.
Tan Yuping, who was staring at the quicksand leader, seemed to find a vent point. He
looked at Henry, "Cowardly as a rat, he knew to run!"
Henry opened his mouth and went back. "Run? Why don't you run and continue to fight!" "
Boy, don't you chal enge my bottom line!" Tan Yuping stared at Henry fiercely, just now, he
was beaten with fists, his face, body, and suffered a lot of fists, a anger was burning in his
heart, It can break out at any moment, he can't beat the sharp edged person, but now this
outsider, he still doesn't care.
Tan Yuping's arrogant look amused Henryyi, "I said, you just screamed at someone, how
come, you can vent your anger on me if you can't fight?"
"Boy, you are provoking me!" Tan Yuping One step towards Henry.
"Enough!" Nat shouted, "Tan Yuping, you pay attention to me!"
Tan Yuping's face showed a trace of struggle, and finally stopped in front of him, without
hands, but the threat of his face was full of threat.
Nat looked towards the leader of the quicksand and said, "Today, our goals are all spikes,
but such a thing has happened. I think that spikes have already been aware of it. It is not as
good as this matter. How did we expose this? You quicksand left , I will never count on your
intrusion into China! "
Liusha's leader sneered." That's a good word. You sharply trampled on the dignity of
Liusha. You must have a result today! "
" What result do you want? "
" Simple, He is dead! "The leader of the quicksand stretched out the clasp knife, pointed at
Tan Yuping.
Tan Yuping's face changed drastically and his face was white. The current situation is very
clear. If Quicksand real y wants to kill himself, no one can keep himself.
Nat frowned, "Quick sand, you just want me to sharpen the blade, what is our sharp blade,
the soft persimmon that anyone bullies?"
"Insult me quicksand, endlessly!" The quicksand leader retreated again, The clasp knife
grabs the waist and may exert force at any time.
Between the two sides, the atmosphere suddenly became dignified.
At this moment, a discordant voice broke the dignified atmosphere.
Henry's mobile phone ringing sounded one after another, and messages were sent one after
another, especially harsh in this dignified atmosphere.

Chapter 162
The silent factory, Henry's mobile phone sounded one after another, letting everyone's eyes
unconsciously focused on him.
Henry smiled and took out his phone with some embarrassment. At first glance, the
message was sent by Sylvia. The general message was to ask him when he would go home,
and to arrange something like this for him.
Henry didn't even think about it. He replied with the news that he would return
immediately, and then took Helen's wrist and walked outside the factory.
"Brother, you chat first, I have something to do with my girlfriend."
Henry Nat waved his hand.
"Want to go?" A folding knife suddenly appeared in front of Henry, blocking Henry's road.
No one looked at Henrylian's knife, and a whip leg was drawn directly. No one responded
to this leg when he was present. When they saw what was happening, the person who had
just got out of the knife and blocked the road Was pumped four or five meters away, curled
up on the ground in pain.
This changed, so Nat who just wanted to open his mouth closed, the layman watching the
lively, the expert looking at the doorway, Jinxin is a master, so he can see what Henry's
whip leg represents, an absolute master!
"Eight Ga!" The Liusha leader scolded loudly, brandished a knife in his hand, and thrust it at
As the leader of this operation, the strength of the Liusha leader is absolutely not weak.
No one dares to say that he can beat him except Nat and Tian Rui, but just such a role, just
rushed to Henry Before he could wait for the move, he was kicked by Henry.
This kick is clean and neat, and it is directly kicked in the chest of the quicksand leader,
easily as adults beat children.
Such a scene left Nat and others dumbfounded.
what's the situation?
After Henry kicked over the leader of the quicksand, he didn't take a closer look, and pulled
Helen to continue walking towards the factory gate.
Originally, he didn't intend to mix this thing, quietly watching the sharp blade and the
quicksand resolve slowly, but as a result something suddenly happened, Henry was too
lazy to wait.
The people in the quicksand saw that the two of them were defeated by each other so
easily, and there was a look of horror in their eyes, but in turn, they were replaced by
fierceness. Over here.
Henry sighed and kicked the person who was rushing towards him again. In the face of
these quicksands, Henry didn't even put it in his eyes. In Henry's eyes, these quicksand
members belonging to the underground forces, and the general There is no difference
between the gangsters, because others can't touch his clothes corner, and he punches one.
More than forty quicksand members, who went forward and succeeded, rushed towards
Henry like a moth, and there was only one in the end, that is, they could not afford to fal to
the ground. In just a few minutes, no one of the quicksand members could stand up.
From beginning to end, Henry took Helen's wrist and never let go.
The sharp-eyed person in the field, his eyes staring round, looked at Henry with an
incredible pair of expressions on his face.
Especially Tan Yuping, who had threatened by force since he saw Henry, only to find now
that he had been leaping like a beam-jumping clown, and then looked at Han Gentle ’s face,
without any slight accidents, apparently knew Her boyfriend was so good that she had been
making jokes for a long time, and she was not taken into consideration by anyone!
Tan Yuping who wants to understand these, the blushing one can't wait to find a ground
After a while, Nat recovered from the shock in front of him, and saw Henry's expression
was completely different from before. "Little brother, this ... this is what you said before?"
Nat remembered that he said friendship. When it was time to test his fist, Henry said he
would work hard.
"Yeah." Henryli nodded, of course, "I haven't practiced for a long time, and it's a bit rusty.
Ha ha, you have finished the competition. Can you go? I still have something to go back."
Nat swallowed. Nodded, "Can!"
For Henry, who is the teacher, and what schools are these, Nat did not ask. First of al , there
are rules in the underground forces. These things are taboo and cannot be casually asked.
Second, Henry's strength is too great. Strong, Nat could not ask.
Nat specially arranged a car and took Henry and Helen back to the city. He stayed here to
deal with the affairs of the members of the quicksand.
Before leaving the factory, Henry glanced at Tan Yuping deliberately and said: "Dude, your
bottom line looks a little low. I don't know when I can touch your bottom line?"
Tan Yuping smirked and didn't say anything, now he How dare you talk to Henry again.
More than forty quicksand members, each of whom is a master who does not lose to his
own, al of them were knocked down by one person. This record, the entire blade, I am
afraid that only a few squadron leaders can do it?
After returning to the city, Henry ran home as soon as possible. Seeing Sylvia leaning on the
sofa alone, her hair was scattered and her figure was graceful.
Upon seeing Henry, Sylvia's pretty face reddened for no reason, as if he thought of the noon
Henry looked at the pretty face of the woman and real y wanted to hold it in his palm and
kiss him fiercely.
"You have been late late, is there something wrong at night?" Sylvia casual y found a topic
to ease the embarrassment in his heart.
Henry nodded, "It's a little thing, yes, you said something has to be arranged for me?"
Sylvia's eyes suddenly became a little dodge. In fact, she didn't have anything to arrange for
Henry. The excuse to let Henry hurry home, Sylvia himself could n’t explain why he
suddenly sent so much news to Henry, and found an excuse. After the news was sent, she
regretted it, and at the same time, she was always upset .
"What's wrong, Mr. Lin, where is it uncomfortable?" Henry asked Sylvia's unnatural look
and asked with concern.
"No ... no." Sylvia settled his head and sorted out his scattered hair. "Tomorrow evening, I
had a few friends. Everyone went out to sit together. They all went together as a family. no
problem, right? " "
of course, no problem! "Henry happy face of promise," What do I need to prepare it? " "
do not, that is my few friends, in some ways like the comparisons that you more time to
Hold back. "
" Good. "Henry nodded.
"Okay, that's okay. I'll go to rest first. You should go to bed earlier." Sylvia adjusted his lazy
posture, put his slender legs on the ground, and waved to Henry, "Good night. "
Good, good night." Henry also waved at Sylvia.

Chapter 163
Quiet at night, the wind blows the branches of the green trees in the courtyard, making a
rustling noise.
Sylvia lying on the bed, she found that her somewhat disturbed heart, after Henry returned
home, completely calmed down, this feeling Sylvia forgot when she was born, she also
This night, Sylvia slept very comfortably.
Early in the morning, Sylvia felt a scent of scent, and the seductive scent prevented her
from closing her eyes.
The woman's eyes are blurred, and the little nose will sniff first, trying to figure out where
the fragrance came from.
Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Sylvia opened the door of the room. It was rare to find that Henry
did not punch, nor clean the house, but was doing something in the kitchen.
The smell came from the kitchen.
Henry wore a pair of sky blue jeans, a white shirt unbuttoned the top two buttons, shapely
pectoral muscles, arms sleeves rolled up, head down, and careful y placed a plate of
exquisite pastries.
A braised fish and a braised pork rib are being stewed in the pan, which is the source of the
fragrance Sylvia smel s.
Smel ing the fragrance from the pot, coupled with the exquisite pastry in Henry's hands,
under the double stimulation, Sylvia's smal stomach just got out of bed had already uttered
the sound of "Gurong".
"Up? This is for you to prepare breakfast." Henry will share exquisite pastries reach
"mango soufflé, taste is moderate, entrance, tepid, the most suitable as an appetizer as soon
as possible."
An exquisite style of Shu Fulei stood in front of Sylvia, looking at the soft appearance, as if
touched gently, the jam in the pastry would spew out.
As soon as he saw the delicious food, Sylvia's snack goods were exposed unconsciously, and
he didn't even brush his teeth. He first dug a piece of pastry careful y with a fork and put it
in the entrance. The entrance gives a warm taste. Without chewing, it will naturally open in
the mouth. For a time, the aroma of mango and the milk in the pastry fill the entire mouth,
giving people an aftertaste.
Sylvia couldn't wait to dig a small piece of Shu Fulei into his mouth, close his eyes, and
slowly enjoy the deliciousness burst out in his mouth.
"Come on, there is also a ham sandwich, which will taste better with it." Henry brought a
smal sandwich with a smile and a glass of milk on the table in front of Sylvia, turned around
and went to the kitchen to go busy .
Sylvia was eating breakfast and looking at the back of the man in the restaurant. He actual y
had a feeling of happiness. There is such a husband who can cook, learn academically, and
work hard. Is it the dream of every woman?
After finishing the breakfast prepared by Henry, Sylvia stil had some intentions. She licked
her lips lovelyly and walked to the kitchen door. Her big eyes stared at the two pots where
she was cooking fish and ribs, and asked, "Henry, these two What is ah? " "
give someone else to do two dishes. "Henry Hey smile," for a long time did not cook, do not
know how much craft moving backwards, you go wash finished it. "
Henry spoke, he would he The braised fish and pork ribs came out of the pan, and for a
time, the aroma swayed throughout the kitchen.
Sylvia listened to Henry's words, and was disappointed in his smart eyes. Who did he do for
With a complex and unspeakable emotion, Sylvia went to the bathroom and started
washing. Sylvia, who had never liked a person and had never started a relationship
between men and women, did not know that her performance was called jealousy.
After Sylvia finished washing, Henry was already holding two lunch boxes and stood at the
door of the house.
Sylvia took some interest in the car, took Henry, and headed for the company.
This morning, Henry was fine. After playing a card, he went directly to the traffic police
team. The compensation for the crash the day before yesterday. The traffic police
department contacted Henry yesterday.
After Henry arrived at the traffic police team to explain his intentions, the traffic police on
duty quickly invited Henry to the captain's office. When the captain learned that this was
the owner of the high-priced bicycle in front of him, he did not dare to neglect. He quickly
called the relevant personnel and also notified the person Summoned the young man the
night before.
The leader of the brigade went out personally, and the work efficiency was not high.
Henry soon saw the young man and the young man's father that day.
On the way, the young father repeatedly warned the youth that they must lower their
posture and do what others let them do. This time the huge compensation is simply not
affordable by their family. When this time passes, he will later It doesn't matter what you
want, but what if you want to retaliate.
After seeing Henry, the young father didn't say anything, he gave his son a few words of
mouth, came up and said good things to Henry, the compensation for the price of the day,
they would not be able to pay even if they went bankrupt!
The youth did not have the domineering posture that day, kept their heads down, and did
not dare to look at Henry.
"I said that day and apologized, nothing happened, and I don't need your compensation, but
your son's attitude, obviously want to use money to solve this matter, I can only satisfy
him?" Henry to the young father Said.
The young father's posture was very low, "I'm really sorry, my little brother, my son is
usually spoiled by me. See if this is the case. If you say something, you have to fight or scold.
I absolutely don't care. These eight Tens of millions of magnesium and gold, we really can't
take it out! "
" Look, isn't it alright if it's already this way? "Henry walked to the youth," In this case, you
apologize to me, I won't let you All compensation. "
"Yes, I'm sorry!" The young man bowed slightly, without any reluctance on his face, but
with hatred in his eyes, but he didn't dare to show it at all. He was really terrified. More
than 80 million magnesium, just compensation It ’s enough for my family to go bankrupt.
It ’s enough for my own good life to go away. Just fol ow your father ’s advice, and admit it
first, and wait until it ’s all dealt with. I want you to look good. You must have a life flower!
"Okay, it won't be too much to apologize early. You talk about you, hey!" Henry sighed
heavily. "Anyway, I apologize, and you don't have to pay for the money."
"Thank you, thank you Little brother! "The young father came up to hold Henry's hand
Henry Chong young father and said: "Thank me what I just said do not lose it al , did not say
do not pay, yes, your home is what kind of business, somewhat it or else your son can not
be so arrogant??."
"Real y not Concealing the little brother, we did something to make sense of the sea.
The total assets of my family were less than 10 million. I was usually too busy in business
and didn't manage my son too much, so I caused such a big trouble to the little brother. I'm
also wrong!
" Indeed, you are also wrong. "Henry thought for a while," Since this is the case, I will notify
the lawyer to check your assets, which is 1.5 times of al your assets. If no compensation is
given, I will sue you. ""
Henry's face, with a strong smile.

Chapter 164: Little Surprise

The compensation amount is 1.5 times of all his net worth?
The young man and his young father listened to Henry's words, and he only came back for a
long time. Isn't it still to say that he has to push himself to a dead end! And this dead end is
even more ruthless!
Compensation for 80 mil ion magnesium is not possible for young people in this life, even if
the court enforces it, at most it is to sell all the property of his family and make it
impossible for him to turn over in his life.
Henry now asks the other party to compensate 1.5 times the total assets of the family.
Generally, this kind of business family will not have too much even if it has invisible
property. When they take out their invisible property and sell all their net worth, they may
see Hope to pay off the amount, so I will borrow money, etc.
Generally, this kind of heavy property loss can be changed from civil to criminal. At that
time, in order not to eat prison, the youth will drain everything in his family. This is the
price he pays for what he does for himself!
Henry did not say much to the father and son. After fixing the compensation amount, a
lawyer will handle the matter.
As soon as he came out of the traffic police team, Henry received a call from Helen, saying
that Nat wanted to invite Henry to dinner. Thanks to his help yesterday, Henry knew what
Nat meant when he heard it. For this invitation, Henry directly refused.
Soon, it was noon.
Sylvia, who had been working for one morning, left the office. This morning, after eating
Henry ’s specially prepared appetizer, she had a feeling of never ending. The scent
reminded her from time to time of work, licking like a greedy cat Lap the lips, add the ribs
and braised fish Henry made today, and that fragrance has stimulated Sylvia since the
At lunch time, Sylvia came to the restaurant for the rare first time, but when she saw the
ordinary home cooking in the restaurant, she felt like she had no appetite again.
She is not hungry, but wants to eat the delicious food made by Henry.
Shaking his head regrettably, Sylvia walked out of the restaurant and stepped on the
elevator. The cherry mouth could not help but pursed.
Dead Henry! Stinky Henry! Good food for others! Do n’t you know what to do for me!
Sylvia even imagined in her mind that Henry handed the braised fish and braised pork ribs
to others, and she felt aggrieved in her heart.
Have you made a mistake! I am your wife, OK? Even if you want to make good food, it
should be the first one for me!
Sylvia pouted and opened the office door. As soon as the door opened, a scent came to his
Sylvia also opened her eyes at this time. She saw that on her desk, the braised fish Zhang
Henry burned in the morning, and the braised pork ribs, were breathing steaming heat. In
addition to the two dishes that I thought about al morning, there was a plate of spinach, a
white rice, and a cup of hot water. They were all placed there, waiting to be tasted.
Sylvia ran in surprise and saw that there was a note on the table.
"Mr. Lin, Coke can't be drunk every day, and fruit can't be eaten for lunch every day.
Meal still needs to be eaten." Behind the note, a smiley expression was also drawn.
Sylvia laughed out loudly, and al the grievances that had just risen in his heart disappeared.
While scolding Henry in his heart, he took up the chopsticks happily.
Before he sat down, he put a piece of ribs in his mouth. The ribs don't need to be chewed by
Sylvia at al , the meat will fall off from the bones, it is very delicious, a bite, the juice burst, it
is a beautiful enjoyment.
Sylvia is like a greedy little girl. When you are in a hurry, you start to grab it. Then you lick
your fingers one by one, cute, three dishes, a bowl of rice. Sylvia is in Unconsciously eat a
After eating, Sylvia lay half above her boss, patted her belly contentedly, and belched.
Just after the full hiccup, Sylvia stretched out his hand to cover his mouth like a frightened
bunny, a pair of big eyes looked around dizzily, and then he smirked. At this moment, she
did not look like the iceberg female president. It's just an ordinary, happy, little woman.
The new manager of the Seventh Department of Business is named Chen.
Yesterday, Manager Chen let Henry go in contact with Hengyuan business people. As a
result, Henry was targeted by Li Meiyi and didn't talk about anything.
Regarding how Li Meiyi treated Henry, Manager Chen was naturally unclear. When she
learned that Henry did not talk to Hengyuan, she arranged for Henry to go to Hengyuan
Business again.
Manager Chen called Li Meiyi ahead of time and made an appointment with Li Meiyi, saying
that Henry, a salesperson in his department, would visit Hengyuan Business and Li Meiyi
agreed on the phone.
After Henry arrived at Hengyuan Business and explained his intention, the front desk of
Hengyuan Business gave Henry the answer.
Li Meiyi said that she had something to deal with, and asked Henry to wait.
Henry waited for this afternoon, and when it was almost time to get off work, Li Mei
appeared before Shi Shiran and sat in front of Henry, posing impatiently, "Henry, right,
your plan, I saw it yesterday, there are many imperfections, you have to change it for me. "
Li Mei said, and threw the plan book that Henry took yesterday to Henry.
When Henry brought the plan, it was packed in a sealed kraft paper bag. Now, the seal of
the kraft paper bag has not moved at all. That is to say, Li Mei did n’t even look at the plan
at all. Say this.
Henry remained silent for two seconds, nodded, and picked up the plan. "Okay, I will
change it."
"Then wait for you to correct it, and come to me if there is no problem." Li Mei stood up and
stretched out This lazy waist, did not look at Henry again, leaving Henry with a back view,
and gradually walked away.
Henry opened the plan and glanced at it. The above is a cooperative project between Lin
and Hengyuan. In general, this plan is very good. It is involved in al aspects and the
distribution of profits is very reasonable, not to mention Li Mei. Even if she didn't look at it,
she couldn't find anything imperfect.
Henry thought for a while and then added a few strokes to the plan. Then he went outside
Hengyuan Business and found a print shop to reprint his perfect plan and put it in a bag
and handed it to Heng. The front desk of Yuan Company told them that it was Lin's plan and
gave it to Li Meiyi.
After doing this, Henry left Hengyuan.
By the time Henry came home, Sylvia had already arrived.
Sylvia faded into a professional suit, put on a black dress, glamorous.
"Mr. Lin, you dress so beautifully. What should I wear to suit you?" Henry stared at the
woman in front of her, and couldn't even look away.

Chapter 165: Outdoor Club

Tonight, Sylvia is going to take Henry to a private party.
Sylvia said frankly that this gathering is a group of some second-generation rich people in
Ning province, which will be held almost every two months to promote the feelings
between the parties. One after another became the person in charge of the enterprise.
The venue chosen for the party is a large outdoor club located between Yinzhou City and
Luohe City.
The owner of this large club is also one of the members of this gathering. His large outdoor
club is a combination of racing, climbing, parkour and many other things.
The people who come here to party are not bad money, so they are richer than others and
show off their wealth. They are not popular in the circle. Every time, every party, everyone
will engage in other activities. In the past year The gathering of the second generation of
rich people, except for a few people who still exchange feelings, the rest of them have
become a kind of talent-like competition in it.
During the party, any climbing competition, racing competition, will have a come out.
In order to match this charming black rose beside him, Henry deliberately put on a suit that
was specially tailored to him before. Every level of fineness is calculated in millimeters, and
every detail is designed. Walk according to Henry's figure and wear it on Henry.
When Henry put on this suit, Lin invited Han to have a feeling of brightening her eyes. In
total, she had seen this man wear this dress three times. The first time was at the
concert that day. He played the echo of love for himself. The scene of that day also appeared
from time to time in Sylvia ’s mind. The second time, when he went to the Cheng family,
Henry brought out a packet of tea, which made Master Cheng ’s attitude so big. Change,
now this is the third time.
Lin invited Han to think about it carefully. The man next to him always showed his
extraordinary side. When he first saw him, he thought he was a person who had no ability,
for money, and had a soft meal. Contact, this man is like a mystery, making myself want to
completely solve this mystery.
A red Mercedes-Benz GT was driving on Yinzhou's national road leading to Luohe.
There is no shortage of mountains in the northwest. Sylvia ’s private club this time was
built at the foot of a mountain. The side of the mountain was cut like a knife, showing a 90-
degree angle. It was transformed into a rock climbing site. The side of the mountain A large
open area has also been specially transformed into a racing track. Although it is not as
exaggerated as the F1 international circuit in Duhai, the total distance of 21
kilometers of the track is also outstanding in the entire Ning province.
This private club is rarely open to the outside world, so there is no problem of being
remote or not. This is not a place for profit.
In addition to track and mountain climbing, there are also dedicated parkour fields, golf
courses, live-action CS, and other well-known outdoor sports.
Sylvia drove and took Henry into this private outdoor club.
The clubhouse not only has so many outdoor activity venues, but also a lounge that
integrates food and leisure. In general, what can be enjoyed outside, can be enjoyed here,
but not outside, here You can also enjoy it.
Henry saw that there was no one mil ion cars in the huge parking lot of the clubhouse.
Sylvia's red Mercedes-Benz GT was not conspicuous here.
When the car was stable, Henry first stepped out of the car and trot to the main driver.
The very gentleman opened the door for Sylvia.
Henry's movement made Lin invite Han to cover his mouth and smile.
"Relax, Mr. Lin, I will definitely perform well tonight, and I will not embarrass you!" Henry
said, patting his chest.
"Just be yourself." Sylvia smiled at Henry and took Henry's arm.
This smile was as beautiful as the epiphyllum blooming. This arm-pulling movement made
Henry jump in a heart. This is the first time this woman has taken the initiative to get closer
to herself!
The man and the woman walked together, the man was tal and handsome, and his long-
term physical training allowed him to prop up the suit perfectly, with his waist straight and
his head raised.
The women are beautiful, the skirts are fluttering, and their hair is uplifted, with nobleness,
they walk beside men, and each other shines like golden boys and girls.
The sky, the fiery red of the clouds at dusk, the sunset, the elders pul ing the two figures.
Where there is Sylvia, it is the focus.
This is the gathering of the second generation of rich people in Ning province, all of whom
are not bad money, but Sylvia ’s status is still unshakable. He controls the largest
leading enterprise in Yinzhou at a young age. On a par with Sylvia, on the appearance, the
title of Sylvia, the first beauty in the business world, is not just being boasted.
In the past, when Sylvia arrived, he was al alone, but today, the man beside her has become
the object of speculation by many people.
Sylvia led Henryjin into the club lounge.
Said to be a lounge, in fact it is no different from some big hotels, otherwise it can't include
fitness, leisure and food as one.
The magnificent hal , the whole marble cut ground, and the beautiful crystal chandelier al
show the luxury here.
Henry slightly estimated that it would take at least 300 million to build such a club!
As a leading enterprise in Yinzhou, Lin ’s total assets evaluated a few years ago were more
than one bil ion yuan. After these years of development, plus some time ago, he won several
hospital projects in Yinzhou, and he and Jiaguo Group. Reaching cooperation, Lin's total
assets are now nearly 10 billion.
This number sounds a lot, but the funds at hand are also very limited. If Lin is given 300
million to build such a private club, it is also a matter of choice for Lin. Yes, this private club
is not yet open to the public, so it can be seen that the identity of the owner of this club is
also unusual.
As soon as Henry and Sylvia entered the hal , they heard someone greet Sylvia.
"Sylvia, you are here, we are all waiting for you here, eh, this is?"
A beautiful woman with curly hair and a red hot dress came over, and looked at Henry with
curious eyes.
There was a man next to the beautiful woman who looked at Henry with curious eyes.
He stil saw Sylvia and a man for the first time at the party.
Lin invited Han to introduce the two people in front of Henry.
The beautiful woman in a red hot dress is named Jiang Yan. The handsome man beside her
is her husband named Ding Yun.

Chapter 166
Jiang Yan's company is very well-known in Luohe, with total assets of more than one
Henry discovered that when Ding Yun treated Jiang Yan, that kind of obedience was exactly
the same as himself. Could it be that he was also a son-in-law?
Henry took a closer look and found that this was indeed the case. Jiang Yan said one, Ding
Yun did not dare to say two, Jiang Yan flicked her eyebrows, and Ding Yun flinched her neck
in fright.
This was Henry ’s first visit to this club. At such a party, Sylvia began to introduce Henry to
various rules and the like. Jiang Yan and Ding Yun were also very surprised at the sudden
marriage of Sylvia, and they were also one after another. Guess Henry's identity.
As the first beauty in the business world, the president of the Lin Group, Sylvia never
lacked a suitor, but never saw who Sylvia had a good impression of.
Sylvia took Henry to visit this lounge, and was also doing some small chats with Jiang Yan,
talking more about the topics between women. Although the two women spoke very
quietly, they could still hear Henry ’s ears. The two were talking about something.
Henry froze for a long time on those topics. He real y did not expect that Sylvia also had
such a gossip. For example, after seeing whose husband got married, did his attitude
change? Relationship and disharmony.
These heard Henry's chin almost fell to the ground.
Sylvia listened to what Jiang Yan said, there was a woman, her family was good, she found a
husband, her family conditions were good, and the original strong union, everyone was
very optimistic, but when they got married, the contradiction came out, everyone at home
Instead of cleaning, you can only ask the babysitter. Every day, the man almost does n’t go
home. There is nothing to do at home, and he does n’t make the decision. It makes the
woman very tired to live.
Sylvia heard this, and thought of himself, the health of the family, Henry alone got it al , one
phone call, he would get home as quickly as possible, there is nothing, he never intervenes
in his decision, but will secretly make the first Second-hand preparation in case of
unexpected needs.
In contrast, he is simply a sense of well-being.
Henry obviously didn't know what Sylvia was thinking. He was stil surprised by the
woman's gossip.
For now, Henry feels pretty good at this party. Ding Yun is also a very talkative person, and
he didn't deliberately flatter who was flattering, and had a good chat with Henry.
In the evening, Henry and Sylvia didn't eat, and just happened to be sitting at a buffet table,
grabbing some snacks and chatting while eating.
"Sylvia, here you come!" A surprised male voice sounded.
At the moment when the sound sounded, Ding Yun and Jiang Yan's eyes subconsciously
placed themselves on Henry. This time, Henry probably guessed what happened.
He looked around and saw a man in casual shorts and a short-sleeved shirt looking at
Sylvia with excitement. The man was of good build, his arms were sturdy and he was
clearly a trainer.
The clothes on men are all valuable brand names, and they are also very handsome.
When Henry looked at this man, this man was also looking at Henry, and in this man's eyes,
full of hostility, just because now, Henry is sitting next to Sylvia.
Jiang Yan open whispered, "this one is easy to sea, has been the pursuit of Han Qing, the
family also has bil ions of assets, has been easy to sea are considered most likely to catch
the Sylvia people."
"Yi Hai?" Henry glanced at the other party.
Yi Hai has strode toward Henry and said aloud: "Brother, it's a real face, I haven't seen you
"Oh." Henry chuckled, "The first time I came to this party with my wife "
" Your wife? "Yi Hai's double pupils condensed.
"Introduce yourself, I am Sylvia's husband, Henry." Although Henry's tone of speech was
polite, his movements were not polite at al . During the speech, the old god was sitting
there and didn't mean to get up at all. When I introduced myself, I was talking while eating,
obviously I didn't take Yi Hai into my eyes.
"Sylvia's husband!" Yi Hai bit out these five words, squeezed his fists, and the ossicles made
a noise. In his heart, there was an unspeakable grumpy rise, and he insisted and asked, "I
don't know what the brother is doing I have n’t heard of it before. "
" What did you do? A house-in-law of the Lin family! "A man in casual clothes appeared.
Henry glanced at it. Wasn't that the son of the military leader in Ning Province, Ning?
"Home-in-law?" Yi Hai frowned, looking at Henry with disdain in his eyes.
When Ding Yun heard Ning's words for a week, he felt a sense of knowing the old times in
his hometown, and cast an understanding look to Henry.
Jiang Yan was very surprised. In the chat just now, she found that Henry's movements were
very self-cultivation, and his conversation was extraordinary. She also guessed which
young master it was, but she didn't expect to be a son-in-law.
Ning strode a week, and also stood at the table of Henry, who said bluntly: "Sylvia, in fact,
there is a problem. I wanted to ask you last time at Master Cheng's house. You Sylvia, why
do you need a son-in-law How can this kind of waste be worthy of you Sylvia? "
" Ning a week! You are too much! "Sylvia, who has always been noble and quiet in front of
people, clapped the table uncharacteristically and yelled loudly.
Sylvia's action, let alone Ning for a week, even Henry was startled. What's the matter, Mr.
Lin was so angry.
In fact, even Sylvia didn't think that he would have such a big reaction after listening to the
satire of Henry. The action just now was completely subconscious.
"I'm too much? I'm just telling the truth." Ning Zhou put his hands behind his back, staring
at Henry. "Boy, if you have the ability, don't hide behind a woman, why don't we come and
Sylvia was about to speak, and felt his little hand was surrounded by a warmth.
Henry grabbed Sylvia's little hand and said softly to her: "He is right. I really can't hide
behind you. As your husband, driving out these garbage is what I should do."
Henry's words made some onlookers uproar.
A son-in-law who said that others are garbage? Who does he say? Yi Hai is still a week!
Regardless of Yi Hai or Ning Ning, they are al famous in this circle. Yi Hai does not say that
his family's billions of assets are also at the forefront in Ning Province. Ning Ning?
The only son of the entire military in Ning province, no one dared to mess with it!
Henry turned his head and glanced between Ning Zhou and Yi Hai. "Say, how do you want
to play?"

Chapter 167: Rock Climbing Without Safety Rope Is obviously beyond the expectation of
most people. Even Sylvia did not expect that Henry would take Ning's challenge in this way.
This feeling of someone standing up for himself made Sylvia feel so sweet, but also worried.
"Oh, boy, there is a kind." Ning gave Henry a thumbs up a week. "I would rather not bully
you for a week. No matter whether you play with money or power, you don't even have the
qualification to lift shoes. You are born by yourself. Doomed to his destiny, since we are
here today, why don't we just play with outdoor things? The world of men can't survive on
a small white face! "
Ning Zhou finished his words, and a trace of Ding Yun's face appeared Embarrassed.
Sylvia pulled Henry's sleeve slightly and shook his head at Henry.
Ning Zhou, as the son of the military leader of Ning province, had been subject to
militarization management for a long time. It was heard that his father had been sent to the
special operations brigade exclusively for a whole year of training.
And Yi Hai, although he has not received the training like the week of Ning, as a member of
this private club, he also has no small achievements in these outdoor sports.
What about Henry?
Henry, dressed in a suit, couldn't see anything except that he could see his formal figure.
Moreover, wearing a suit to participate in this outdoor party is obviously not a master
playing outdoor.
Henry squeezed Sylvia's little hand hard, "It's okay."
Henry turned his head, Chong Ning nodded a week, "You want to play outdoors, I will
accompany you."
"Okay!" Ning shouted all week, "But kid, some You have to be clear about things. You and
Sylvia are not people of the world at al . This is not the place you should come from.
" Less nonsense. "Henry waved impatiently," What do you want to play, you say . "
Ning looked at Henry's arrogant appearance for a week, and when he was about to speak,
he was interrupted by Yi Hai's voice. "Climbing without a safety rope!"
" Climbing without a safety rope!" "This is too much fun!"
Yi As soon as the sound of the sea fell, there was a cry of exclamation around.
Understand literally, you know the danger of this project.
Rock climbing has always been a high-risk sport. Even if you are wearing a safety rope and
lying on a cliff, your legs will be soft.
The climbing wall of this club is based on the side wall of a large mountain. Only a smal
amount of processing is done. When climbing to 30 meters, it will be no different from a
normal mountain, and the climb is vertical. The plane!
Without a safety rope, it means that if you are not careful, you will be crushed!
Yi Hai grinned at the corner of his mouth, "Boy, how about it, dare to take it!"
"Yi Hai is about to kil that kid!"
"That is, if there is no safety rope for climbing, if this kid wants to find death, then to pick. "
to me, he certainly would not take. " "
when the door-law for the money it is not, such people are spineless and dignity, how could
life not for the money. "
a large crowd gathered and issued a A voice together.
Sylvia opened his mouth and made a clear voice, "Yi Hai, don't you come here, we ..."
Sylvia was interrupted by Henry just halfway through the words.
"I'l pick it up! Let's follow the rules!"
" Take it? Does he really dare to pick it up?"
"So many people are here, don't you feel like coming to Taiwan?"
"Oh, what is there to stop coming to Taiwan, a son-in-law with a door, and a face to talk
about What? "
"Okay! Boy, you have courage!" Yi Hai sneered. "But there are some things, but it doesn't
depend on courage."
Sylvia's husband wants to compare Yi Hai with no-hailing rock climbing Spread al over the
This matter, whether it is the name of Sylvia ’s husband, or the competition with Yi Hai, or
the gimmick of climbing without a safety rope, is very attractive. When the three keywords
are connected, it immediately attracts everyone. interest.
Many people who don't know what the situation is, think that Sylvia's husband is also a
master of climbing. Otherwise, how could he climb a rock without a safety rope compared
with Yi Hai? Is this what a person who plays outdoors should have?
Immediately afterwards, Sylvia ’s husband was the son-in-law of the house, and because he
could not hold his face, he had to accept the challenge of Yi Hai. It was spread all over the
It was getting dark now, and a searchlight was lit, and the scene was like daylight.
There are some specially chiseled stepping points on the mountain surface that is 90
degrees vertical. The mountain wall can't be seen at a glance. It is nearly two hundred
meters high. The owner of this club once held a climbing competition. The person who
climbs within an hour will receive a huge bonus, but in the end, only a few people get the
bonus, which shows how difficult it is to climb this cliff.
Looking at the stomping points above and without safety ropes, it would be frightening to
think about just thinking about it. This carelessness may end up in a panic!
Yi Hai is standing on the climbing point, wearing protective gear and preparing his usual
climbing tools. The skil ful appearance is very experienced at first glance.
Looking at Henry again, wearing a suit of leather shoes, standing in front of the climbing
point, he didn't wear any protective gear, nor prepared any tools, just looked at the cliff so
dumbly, I don't know what to think.
Judging from the preparation work of the two, the judge was sentenced.
"The rules are simple, the time is uncertain, whoever climbs high, who wins!"
Climbing without a safety rope is not only a test of the climber's skills, but also a test of
courage. Some people who have climbed thousands of kilometers of peaks can't even climb
ten meters without carrying a safety rope. Don't dare to move.
Henry nodded. He didn't care about the rules or something, because he knew that he
couldn't lose. A cliff less than two hundred meters high, for him, what's the difference with
flat land?
Recall that many years ago, with a group of good brothers, I would climb a few thousand
meters of cliffs with nothing to do. I would like to ask who is a grandson. In the end,
everyone will sit on the top of the mountain and drink, waiting for sunrise.
"Think about that kind of day now. It's really like a dream. A cliff of 200 meters can be
considered as an addiction." Henry sighed.
In the process of Henry lamenting, Yi Hai has already started his climbing.
Yi Hai's movements are very skil ful. In the first ten meters, he didn't use any tools at al .
He grasped the stepping point accurately with both hands, and his arms were vigorously
leaping upwards. Only then began to use tools, with the stepping point, the speed gradual y
"Yi Hai is really powerful!"
"This action, skilled can't be more skil ed!"

Chapter 168: Ghost Gate

compared to Yi Hai who has climbed to more than 20 meters high, Henry is stil standing at
the climbing point.
Henry's performance made the onlookers speak out one after another.
"This is not dare climb it?"
"Apparently afraid of."
"For a door-law the money, he should give something to climb? Who gave him the
A road sarcastic voice into the ears of Henry Among them, those who have a good
relationship with Yi Hai.
Ning stood aside for a week and sneered at Henry.
Sylvia suspended a heart after seeing Henry give up, and final y put it down. She didn't
want to see Henry rushing up desperately.
In front of him, Yi Hai had climbed to a height of 35 meters. There was no deliberately
carved stepping point. If he wanted to climb up, courage and strength were indispensable.
Yi Hai looked at him, and the tiny figure like a finger made a big laugh.
"Boy, don't be brave if you don't dare to play! This is a man's game, not a little white face
like you can participate in!"
Henry whispered and said to himself, "I can't think of myself as a little white face one day,
It's real y ... "
Henry looked at him, there was a stepping point directly above the climbing point. He
spotted the stepping point, and stepped back slightly, then sprinted forward.
His sprinting movement was seen in the eyes of some people, and he chuckled
"What does this kid want to do? Sprint climbing?"
"Let's watch more movies!"
The laughter in the crowd was loud, but it stopped quickly.
Henry sprinted to the front of the mountain, leaping upwards with force, and at the same
time reached out a hand to grasp the stepping point above, a little force of the arm, the
whole person rose like an arrow from the string, and he stepped on the foot he just caught
Stepping on the point, the arm grabs the other stepping point and exerts force again.
From the outsider's point of view, this kind of action has the feeling that the knight in the
TV is flying on the eaves, even if hanging Weiya to perform is not as comfortable as he is.
In this set of movements, the person who was just making fun of Henry closed his mouth.
The suit on Henry's body did not restrain him at all, but gave people a different kind of
beauty, temperament and strength. At that moment, many women had such a feeling in
their hearts, this is what a man should be like. , Can be polite, but unbreakable!
Henry made a few leaps and climbed to a height of 30 meters. The total time was less than
fifteen seconds!
After looking at Yi Hai, who was five meters above him, Henry smiled slightly, his arm
pressed hard again, grabbed a convex rock, and the whole body was elevated, with only a
few movements, he was easy for Yi Hai to be flush.
Henry looked at Yi Hai and questioned: "Let you be here for a while before you get here?"
Yi Hai was hot on his face, ignoring Henry, snorted coldly, took out his tools, and began to
Compared with the movement of Yihai's tools one by one, Henry's movements are much
more dexterous and convenient. It only takes a few seconds to surpass Yihai, and a few
seconds later, because of the dim environment, Yihai can only see Henry's vague back.
The people who just mocked Henry just now shut up.
Ding Yun is excited, and keeps thumbs up at the top, brother, you are really a model of the
son-in-law world!
Yi Hai climbed up for a few minutes and couldn't keep up with Henry, which made Yi Hai
anxious. He looked under him, and he was already at a height of forty meters at this
moment, and the person under him was not yet smal .
Yi Hai took a deep breath, as if he had made a certain decision. He took the tool in his hand
to the waist, learned Henry's appearance, and went rock climbing freehand in order to
speed up.
"What is Yi Hai doing?"
"Freehand rock climbing?"
"He has no experience in this field at all!"
A member of this outdoor club took a solemn and solemn voice: "We have tried freehand
rock climbing before, three The ten-meter-high mountain is very steep, and there are few
places to start. Unless there is much more power than ordinary people, it ca n’t be climbed
at all. Yi Hai tried it, and he ca n’t do it. ”
Yi Hai exhaled with a big breath. Staring at a convex rock half a meter above, counted down
in my heart. When counting to one, Yi Hai jumped suddenly and pulled out the convex rock
with both hands.
When Yi Hai jumped, there was an exclamation below, and the people who watched also
carried a heart. When Yi Zhu lived on the convex rock, the heart lifted by those people was
put down.
Yi Hai's movements are not as light as Henry's. Every time, people will feel nervous. On the
contrary, when Henry is climbing, everyone seems to be watching a performance, and he is
not worried about Henry.
Everyone just thought that Henry was a must lose, but now, no one thinks so.
Just as Yi Hai was trying to climb up, Henry was almost approaching the top of the
There is a rose, placed in the cracks.
This is an eternal flower that was placed in the cracks, and only those who climbed here
can get it.
Henry picked this rose and started his trip down the mountain. Compared with going up
the mountain, his speed was much slower, but he was still quick.
Yi Hai jumped three times in a row and successfully grasped the convex rock. Although he
was shocked and safe, his speed was faster than climbing with tools, but his physical
exertion was undoubtedly huge.
Yi Hai panted heavily and swallowed saliva from time to time. Now, he is dancing on the tip
of the knife. One mistake is to crush the bones.
Yi Hai saw a convex rock above his head again, his eyes narrowed and he was fighting!
He leaped hard, reached out and grabbed the convex rock successfully!
Yi Hai was very happy, but in the next second, a feeling of weightlessness came, and the
convex rock that Yi Hai grabbed broke, and Yi Hai fel down.
This change made some women scream.
At this moment, there is only one idea in Yi Hai's mind, it's over!
Yi Hai experienced this feeling of broken rock and free fall more than once, but he was tied
with a safety rope a few times before, but this time, no!
The last line that tied his life was taken down by himself.
Yi Hai closed his eyes and waited for death. He never expected that the last loser would be
At a critical moment, a powerful arm grabbed Yi Hai's ankle, causing Yi Hai's falling
momentum to suddenly take off.
Yi Hai opened his eyes and saw that the man in the suit was holding himself hard.
"Brother, can't you think of jumping?" Henry chuckled lightly and raised his arm so that Yi
Hai could grab a bump and control his balance.
Yi Hai looked at Henry with complicated eyes. He knew that he had just stepped into the
ghost gate with half his feet, but was pulled out by the life in front of him.
In this scene, the people watching the hil side cheered.
The corner of Sylvia's mouth unconsciously showed a smile.
This is his own man!

Chapter 169: Racing

Henry made some ups and downs, came down from the mountain, and returned to the
climbing point.
At this moment, everyone looked at Henry's eyes, and there was no despise just now.
Some people who have a good relationship with Yi Hai are more grateful in their eyes.
Everyone understands that if Henry suddenly shot, Yi Hai would just Finished.
Henry patted the dust on his body, took a brisk pace, walked in front of Sylvia, and inserted
the rose he had just taken on top of Sylvia's head.
"The earth is dead." Sylvia Jiao snorted, rolled his eyes, but let Henry insert this rose in his
"This is the eternal flower!" Someone recognized the rose. "It was placed on a cliff close to
the top of the mountain! You took it off, and after a while, you climbed to the top of the
"Up to the top of the mountain?"
" Impossible? "
" It's just a little more time, he climbed the top of the mountain with his bare hands? "
Some people who play rock climbing, with an incredible look, in the dark environment, are
freehand and don't wear any safety equipment. , Still on the top of the mountain in such a
short time? incredible!
But they no longer believed that the eternal flower would not deceive people.
At this time, Yi Hai had landed safely. His expression was very complicated. There was no
previous madness. Some people came up to comfort Yi Hai and were pushed away by Yi
Hai. He strode to Henry.
"I lost, you are strong, your power is beyond imagination, and thank you for saving me just
Henry smiled, did not speak, and took the right hand to Yi Hai.
Yi Hai froze for two seconds, also extended his right hand and grinned.
Ning saw this scene a week, and his face was particularly ugly. He really did not expect that
this kid eating soft rice had such a skill. He frowned, and he was thinking about what
method should be used to deal with Henry. Henry would first Chaoning walked past a
"Young Master Ning, you are talking about playing, why should you play?"
"Are you actively provoking me?" Ning raised an eyebrow for a week, with an unspeakable
anger in his tone.
"Is my performance not obvious enough yet?" Henry asked, "Ning's surname, let's say, what
to play!"
" Yes , since you want to play, I will play with you." Ning Zhou's mouth showed a wry smile ,
"Racing, do you want to play?"
"Randomly." Henry's face didn't matter.
In this club, there is a 21-kilometre track, most of which are sharp bends. On this track, the
best record creator took ten and seven seconds. It is said that a professional racing driver
recorded He admitted that if it weren't for F1's specially modified car, no one would be able
to run on this track within 10 minutes.
With the experience of just climbing, this time the car competition, everyone's comments
are no longer one-sided. Of course, there are still more people who tend to win in the week
because of personal understanding or flattery. They are much better than a Lin's son-in-
First of al , Ning's family for a week gave him more opportunities to contact luxury cars,
which is incomparable to a son-in-law.
Secondly, Ning's one-week car skil s are also commendable in the entire Ning province
circle. What about a son-in-law? If he has a little car skills, he will not be a son-in-law.
Third, the vehicle is also the key to winning the car.
Ning has been in this club for a week. There are three carefully maintained cars with
excellent performance.
three conditions add up, and there are very few people who think that Henry can win.
The track has a dedicated auditorium, and each mileage point also has a dedicated person
to report on the situation.
In the preparation stage, Yi Hai took the initiative to show his favor to Henry, "Brother,
Ning's one-week car has been specially modified. The speed of one hundred kilometers
is increased by 1.8 seconds, the chassis is pressed down, and the body line meets the
standards of this track, even professional racing. Hand, if you do n’t prepare a good car, you
wo n’t be able to win him. My car can borrow you. ”
Henry said with a smile:“ Thank you, but no, I ’ll just drive my wife ’s car. ”
“ Drive my car? ” Sylvia had a feeling of not coming back. It was n’t that she did n’t want to
lend the car to Henry. It was just that Mercedes-Benz GT.
As soon as a silver-white GTR came out, there was a burst of cheers and screams.
Ning sat in the cab for a week and looked at Henry indifferently.
Henry took the key of Mercedes-Benz GT from Sylvia and ran to the parking lot. Soon, a
fiery red Mercedes-Benz GT entered the park. This car is worth 1.97 million and has a 4.0T
twin-turbo beast. Shi appeared weak in front of the God of War GTR.
The modified GTR, not only in terms of engine power, but also the stability of the body,
including the brakes, completely crushed this Mercedes-Benz GT.
When Henry drove the Mercedes-Benz GT and Ning's GTR for a week at the same starting
line, no one was optimistic about Henry again. Some people were stil thinking.
Maybe the Lin's son-in-law may have some skil s, but now, even if he has some skil s , Ning
has been completely crushed on the hardware in a week.
The gap between sports cars and racing cars is as huge as a rift.
"Sylvia, if you go on like this, your husband will lose!" Jiang Yan said anxiously in Sylvia's
ear. "Your husband is here for the first time. Even if he can race, he has never been in
contact with this track. He will feel very unfamiliar, and Ning is different in a week. He has
ran hundreds of times on this track. Every corner, when to take the direction, he can fall
back, not to mention the gap between vehicles. a. " "
Yes. "Easy opening of the sea," Henry brother skil is there, but such a test, the light has the
personal strength is useless, but also a powerful hardware, even today, the country's top
drivers to drive this car Mercedes-Benz GT, but I can't run for a week. "
" It's okay. "Sylvia shook her head slightly. She looked at the starting line of the race and
spoke lightly." I have confidence in him. "
A sentence of confidence made Jiang Yan and Yi Hai want When I exported, I swallowed it
all back.
When Sylvia talked about the three words of confidence, she was also ful of a belief in
victory. How trusting in that man can this kind of emotion come from?
If asked Sylvia, Sylvia could not answer this question, she only knew that this man has
never let himself down, never never, even in any trivial matter, he will be perfect.
Henry sat in the car and looked at the track in front of him. He had never real y been in
contact with the car. Even his driver's license was given by others before, but he still
remembered that he had won countless cars for the first time. Missiles, from the sea of
blood out of the encirclement.

Chapter 170
two sports cars parked at the starting line of the track almost roared at the same time, the
tires were spinning on the ground, the fumes were thick, and the heat was increased to
maximize Grip.
A young girl in hot clothes, holding an LED display with a countdown of three, stood in the
middle of the front of the two cars.
The numbers on the LED display began to jump and became four, and every change made
the surrounding people watch a little more nervous.
Ning glanced sideways with a contemptuous look, and then fixed his eyes on the front.
When the number on the LED sign changed from one to zero, the two cars popped out at
almost the same time. After two seconds in parallel, the GTR began to distance itself from
the Mercedes-Benz GT, and the performance gap between the two cars was clearly shown
on a straight line. .
The GTR completely crushes the Mercedes-Benz GT.
"Mr. Ning won, without looking at it, without mentioning the technology, the hardware
facilities are completely crushed."
"Real y."
Soon, Henry was pul ed by Ning for a week on a straight line and would enter a distance of
fifty meters Fifty seconds are extremely deadly in this race-to-second race on the 21-
kilometre track itself. Moreover, this is just the beginning. The continuous curves behind
will open a greater gap. After a special y modified car, the cornering performance will be
When ushering in the first corner, Ning took a very beautiful drift for a week. Even if a
professional racer came to watch the race, he could not pick out any flaws, and he did not
dare to say that he did better than Ning. Ning is very familiar with this track for a week.
Looking at Henry again, drifting techniques are not used when cornering, just like driving
in the usual way, driving in one direction to al ow the car to drive normally into the curve.
One is the beautiful drifting cornering technique, and the other is driving the corners
plainly and unremarkably!
"Hey, I thought that the Lin's son-in-law would give us a surprise. In the end, this is his
courage to accept Mr. Ning's racing?"
"A simple drift can't be done, what car can I race."
Sylvia Jiang Yan also sighed, "Sylvia, it seems that your husband is going to lose this time,
but it's normal. Your husband doesn't touch these aspects. Ning often races a week."
Ding Yun stood beside his wife. Looking at the red Mercedes-Benz GT on the field, there
was no sound, but in his eyes, there was a strange glory.
Also easy to stare at the sea floor that the Mercedes GT, producing a low voice, "No, you see,
her husband Han Qing cornering speed is not slow rather than a week, on the contrary,
even faster that point!"
Found the problem Not only Yi Hai, but also the rest of the world.
"Originally, the gap between the two cars was at least 50 meters, but now it has been
shortened to 45 meters, and the distance between the two cars will be reduced a lot by
every corner."
"How is this possible? He does n’t have any drift skills at all, how could he catch up with Mr.
Ning! "A young man standing not far from Sylvia surprised.
"It's a very simple truth." Ding Yun, who has not said a word, sorted his neckline and
lowered his voice. "The so-called drift is nothing more than a large-scale dazzling
technique. Why does the vehicle drift? To put it bluntly? It ’s just that the rear wheel of the
vehicle is out of control, which causes drifting movements. Even the car is out of control,
and where can the speed go? Ning used drifting for a week. His car was modified and was
original y in the lateral direction when turning. The acceleration can reach 1.2 G, but now
only 0.5 G is exerted. Henry is different. He completely exerted the lateral acceleration of
this Mercedes-Benz GT to reach the limit, nearly one G! "
Ding Yun's remarks attracted the attention of many people. Many people knew that Ding
Yun was the son-in-law of the door, but no one thought that he knew the car so much.
No, he is also a master?
Ding Yun's eyes were deep, staring at the track.
Slap " Jiang Yan slapped on the back of Ding Yun's head. "Speak well, pretend to be deep."
Ding Yun smiled and nodded again and again, "Good wife."
This sudden change in style made the standing next to him It's hard to accept, but what
Ding Yun said, they can understand clearly, it is impossible, that kind of plain turn is really
faster than drift?
At this point, the two cars on the track have reached consecutive bends. There are nine
bends. After these bends, there will be four loops. The center of the loop is the end point,
but general y speaking, that Nine consecutive turns is where the victory or defeat is
decided. If you can't take the lead here, there are almost no hopes in the next four loops.
Ning drove into continuous bends a week and made difficult drifting corners. Every corner
of him floated beautiful y, just like an artistic performance, but he was getting closer and
closer to Henry. Even for this continuous bend, Henry Did not make any drifting action.
At this time, on the highest floor of the lounge of this clubhouse, a middle-aged man stood
in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the two cars on the track,
"Great, can drive an ordinary Mercedes-Benz GT like this It ’s really amazing! I do n’t think
you have such a master here. ”
“ Master, what do you say? ”A young man stood behind a middle-aged man with doubts.
This young man is the owner of this club, Lou Yihao.
Lou family, few people heard in Ning province, but if put in the whole northwest, it is a very
powerful family.
Lou Yihao is a person who loves outdoor sports. In almost every province in the northwest,
he has built such a private club, not for profit, but for making friends.
The middle-aged man in front of Lou Yihao is the master of Lou Yihao racing. He has won
many first prizes in the country and is highly skilled.
Lou Yihao followed his master. He has seen many car races, formula races, ral ying, etc., but
he has never seen his master praise such a person, using these four words.
A middle-aged man pointed his finger at the track, "I remember I told you that every car
has a limit for each car. This limit is the most difficult to master. Exceeding this limit will
make the vehicle out of control. If you do n’t reach this limit, it proves that you still have a
long way to go in racing. ”
Lou Yihao nodded, he remembered his master's words, and now he is also in the direction
of controlling the limit of the vehicle. You work hard, but you only know how hard it is to
control this limit.
The middle-aged man continued to say, "A person who wants to master the precision-
adjusted racing limit is even more difficult, not to mention mass-produced civilian cars.
There is no civilian car that can make the data like a racing car. It ’s fine, and its data is not
exactly as written on the parameter table. ”
Chapter 171
although the middle-aged man has only a few words, but as a racing driver Lou Yihao, still
understand the terrible.
A specially modified car has al the finest parameters, such as engine power, maximum
horsepower, streamline wind resistance, tire grip, etc., and these cars will be adjusted to an
optimum In this way, it is difficult for racers to grasp the limit of this car.
What about civilian cars? First of all, there is a slight gap between the parameters of the
factory. The daily wear of the car, hardware wear and tire wear on the body will affect the
performance of the vehicle, but in this way, you can master the body limit. I have to say that
this is very terrible!
The middle-aged man shook his head, walked away from the floor-to-ceiling window, and
said, "No need to watch, the result has already come out. GTR will definitely lose.
His dazzling skills haven't reached the end yet, and his tires will burst first. "
During the conversation between Lou Yihao and the middle-aged man, the two cars on the
track have drove through nine straight curves. The Mercedes-Benz GT, which had been
thrown away by GTR in a straight line 50 meters away, is now closely following.
GTR behind the butt.
Henry stepped on the throttle and glanced at the GTR tires. He said to himself, "The tires
are badly worn, the grip is greatly reduced, and the acceleration is straight. I am afraid I
can't get rid of me."
Henry leaned on the seat. , With one hand at the window, holding his head in one hand,
holding the steering wheel in the other, he looks like a racing car, just like walking on the
mountain path slowly, enjoying the breeze.
Ning saw Henry catch up with him a week, stepping on the accelerator, and wanted to
throw off Henry in the last four loops. For these two extremely high-performance cars, this
kind of smal -turning loop is nothing like a straight line. The difference, Cunning found a
week that he could n’t get rid of this Mercedes-Benz GT. The speedometer has soared to
two hundred, but the speed ca n’t be felt.
When the wheels are rotating at high speed, it will give people a sense of stillness, but
Henry sees clearly. Ning Zhou's wheels are slipping.
Severe tire wear and tear caused the grip of these four specially widened tires to drop
sharply, as if a person couldn't run fast no matter how hard they tried on the ice.
Henry raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, a direction, the head was offset, the throttle
was in the end, the red Mercedes-Benz GT speeded up again, and the head gradual y
exceeded the tail of the GTR, approaching the door of the GTR, according to the situation,
for a few more seconds at most, Henry can finish overtaking.
Ning watched the Mercedes-Benz GT go hand in hand with him for a week. He slammed his
head and slammed into the direction. The silver-white GTR hit the Mercedes-Benz GT
under high-speed driving.
Ning thought a week is very simple, he just wants to scare Henry, when faced with this
situation, the average person will subconsciously step on the brakes and drive the
direction. Once Henry has done so, at the current speed, the Mercedes he drives The GT is
bound to get out of control, which can easily lead to a rol over or crash.
I have to say that Ning Zhou's thoughts are very malicious. He already wanted Henry's life.
It is a pity that Ning chose the wrong target for a week.
Henry, the person who has done the most in the past two decades is nothing but desperate.
Seeing that Ning drove towards him in a week, Henry did not hide at al , but instead turned
in the direction, and also drove towards Ning in a week.
Such an action by Henry was something Ning could not have thought of in a week.
When the speed is so fast, the two cars may col ide at any time. At this very moment, Ning
would not be able to think about it for a week. He subconsciously stepped on the brakes
and hit the direction. This caused the vehicle to lose control. , Not Henry, became Ning Zhou
heard that the silver-white GTR made a harsh rubbing sound on the ground. The head of
the car hit the side fence without any warning. The speed was extremely fast. When it hit
the guardrail, the vehicle continuously rolled over. It turned over 360 degrees before
In the car, Ning only felt at this moment for a week. His internal organs were almost thrown
and shifted. The saliva saliva could not stop being thrown out. The airbag in the car was
ejected fiercely and hit Ning Zhou ’s face. His head was dazed, until the rescuer ran off the
court and opened the door. Ning didn't recover for a week.
If it was n’t for the car he drove, the A-pillar and bumper were reinforced, and it ’s not as
simple as a week of minor injuries.
"Mr. Ning, are you okay!"
"Mr. Ning, how are you feeling?"
"It's okay." Ning shook his head for a week, and crawled out of the car in embarrassment,
spit, and looked at the track in front The eyes were filled with deep hatred, "surnamed
Zhang's, one day sooner or later, I will make you look good!"
Henry drove the car to the end, and even lamented to mock Ning a week, as if no one else,
continue I went to chat with Jiang Yan and his wife.
People watching this game can see the results of this game on the big screen. When they
see Ning ’s embarrassment in a week and Henryruo walked out from the finish line, that
difference makes people feel Especially obvious.
In the past gatherings, Ning was definitely the protagonist of the party, but this time, the
party didn't start long before, he had such a big mochi. On this track, he was one of the few
people who experienced a rollover!
That sense of humiliation and frustration flooded Ning's heart for a week, making him
unable to continue to stay here again, leaving the venue early.
In the two competitions, it can be said that Henry was in the limelight, and no one dared to
underestimate the house-son-in-law of the Lin family.
At this party, some people also tried racing, parkour, rock climbing, etc. But with Henry's
two exciting competitions, the rest of the competition is less important.
Henry has always been with Sylvia, waiting quietly for her to talk to her friends, and the
party didn't disperse until 11pm.
On the way home, Sylvia didn't ask Henry again as before, how could there be so many
things, she began to learn to accept the extraordinary side of this man quietly.
After a Volkswagen Jetta always fol owed Sylvia's car, Anna's bodyguard has been
performing her duties without adding any inconvenience to Sylvia's life.
The moon turns to the stars and the new day begins.
Sylvia got up again in a scent. She lightly tapped her toes and opened the door. She sneaked
into the kitchen door and saw Henry was busy in the kitchen.
Sylvia sniffed the little nose cutely, "What is delicious today."
Henry looked back at the woman and smiled slightly, "Are you asking about breakfast or
"Ask al ."
"Breakfast is a simple egg burrito ." For lunch, I prepared sweet and sour pork tenderloin,
stir-fried beef, and a piece of oily wheat dishes, al of which you like to eat. "
Looking at Henry's busy appearance in front of the stove, Sylvia smiled happily:" I have you
really Good. "

Chapter 172
The sentence is so nice to have you, so that both of them fal into a slight stunned spirit.
Sylvia's cheeky face turned red. She didn't know what to say just now, she blurted out,
reached for her face, didn't go to see Henry, and trot away.
On the way to work, because of the relationship between the previous sentence, the
atmosphere between the two was a little awkward. There were few words on the road, and
Sylvia didn't even look at Henry.
Downstairs in the company, Henry handed over the lunch box to Sylvia.
"Remember to warm up before eating. I'm going out to run the business today. I can't make
dinner for you at noon."
Sylvia gently nodded blushingly and said hmm, holding the lunch box and hurried upstairs.
Manager Chen of the Seventh Business Department called Henry early in the morning and
asked him how he was in contact with Hengyuan Business. He urged Henry to finalize
Hengyuan Business quickly.
When Henry came to Hengyuan Business and told the front desk to meet Li Meiyi, Li Meiyi
was still a word, and so on.
Ever since Hengyuan Trading acquired the right to explode the mountain, it has become a
yummy snack for the Yinzhou business community. As the person in charge of
Hengyuan, Jenny is also very busy during this time. But what makes Jenny most anxious is
the cooperation with Lin.
As a leading enterprise in Yinzhou, Lin has a pivotal position in the Yinzhou business
community. Cooperation with Lin is very important for Hengyuan, but a few days have
passed since the agreed time at the time, Jenny She stil didn't see Lin's people, which made
her a little anxious.
Jenny thought for a while and called Lin Yaohan over. During the cal , Sylvia clearly told
Jenny that Lin's people were already in contact with Hengyuan.
This puzzled Jenny, and she specifically cal ed Li Meiyi. Li Meiyi told Jenny that the people
sent by Lin were very arrogant and ignored themselves. They left the plan on the first day
and left. Yesterday, I asked Lin's people to change the plan, but it has not appeared yet.
Jenny heard Li Meiyi's words and felt a little angry. She thought that Lin's people were
After thinking about Zuo Siyou, Jenny decided that he would go to Lin's business
department himself and ask the so-called Lin's salesman, what is the situation! Although
Hengyuan is not as good as Lin, it is not so bullying.
Jenny was wearing a black professional suit, and her long hair was kept behind her head.
Her temperament was not as cold as Sylvia's, it was a little more refined. A slim
professional skirt made Jenny The slender and straight legs were exposed in the air, the tall
S-shaped figure attracted people's attention, and a slight light makeup was painted on the
face, which added beauty while retaining its elegance.
Jenny came to the company lobby, just about to walk out of the company's door, but his
eyes were locked in the reception room on the side.
There was a man sitting. He was dressed in a decent suit and his profile was as handsome
as a knife and axe. When he saw this man, Jenny jumped with a heart.
Jenny didn't think that he could see Henry here. Was he here to find himself?
As soon as this idea came out, Jennyqiao's pretty face could not help but be covered with a
touch of blush.
The girl at the front desk on the side saw the boss suddenly showing such a little woman-
like look, and was very surprised. In their eyes, the boss has always been the image of a
strong woman.
Jenny sorted out her makeup in a panic and walked towards the reception room.
door of the meeting room made a soft sound. Henry raised his head and saw Jenny who had
just entered.
"Hello!" Henry took the initiative to wave with Jenny and greeted him.
"I didn't expect to see you here." Jenny smiled, and at this moment she was extremely
happy, trying to put on a plain look. "Why don't you call me when I come?"
Henry smiled a little: "Busy work, I didn't want to disturb you, it seems that your company
has a lot of things lately."
Jenny wondered: "Work at work?"
"Wel ." Henry nodded, "I represent Lin Here comes Shi
, let ’ s talk about a business. ” “ Lin Shi ? ”Jenny was puzzled. Henry ’s identity, she heard
some from her teacher. At that time, the legendary Wall Street person who donated bil ions
of dollars to the association , How is it related to Lin?
"I'm running a business in Lin's, this time I came to your company manager Li to discuss a
cooperation." Henry explained.
Jenny opened his mouth, "You are that salesman?"
Henry was slightly curious, "You seem to have heard of me?"
"Uh ..." Jenny was embarrassed, she had planned to go to Lin's business The staff had to
settle the accounts, but I didn't expect it to be Henry, but Jenny turned to think that Henry
shouldn't be such an arrogant person, right.
Jenny sat on the sofa opposite Henry, organized the language, and said: "I heard Manager Li
said that you are talking about something unpleasant in cooperation."
"It's not unpleasant." Henry drank, "but Manager Li seems to be very busy. I came to wait
for her the day before yesterday. She met me and left me with the plan. Then she left to
wait for the afternoon. She asked me to revise the plan and the plan. It has been delivered
to the front desk. Manager Li seems to be busy today. "
" Busy? "Jenny Liu frowned. She gave Li Meiyi the task, the most important thing was to
cooperate with Lin, she was busy again What is more important than these?
Jenny waved at the front desk through the floor-to-ceiling glass in the reception room.
"Mr Qin, are you looking for me?" The beauty at the front desk walked into the reception
room and said respectful y.
"Pour a cup of tea for this Mr. Zhang. Also, did Mr. Zhang leave a plan at the front desk
yesterday?" Jenny asked.
The beauty at the front desk nodded. "Yes, General Qin, I have cal ed to notify Manager Li to
get the plan."
"Did she take it?"
"Not yet." The beauty at the front desk shook her head.
"Okay, I know. Let's pour tea." Jenny waved his hand.
After the beauty at the front desk left, Jenny cal ed Li Meiyi in front of Henry again.
"General Qin." Li Meiyi's voice rang on the phone.
Jenny glanced at Henry and asked on the phone, "Manager Li, have you contacted the Lin's
salesman again?"
Jenny just finished asking, and Li Mei's angry voice came from the phone. Speaking of
which, it is not my Li Meiyi hypocritical, I have talked to customers many times, big and
smal , but I have never seen a salesman like Lin, I called him, he No, I will send a message to
him. I can go to get the plan in person, and he will not return to me. If this is clear, I do n’t
want to cooperate well! President Qin, I think you need to negotiate with the person in
charge of Lin. What is called Henry, it is too much! "

Chapter 173: Are You Married?

Li Meiyi's is very excited. If Jenny didn't meet Henry today, she would have to change her
name. She might have believed it.
"OK, Manager Li, I will contact Lin's about this. Where are you now?"
"Run business outside, Mr. Qin."
"Then you are busy first." Jenny finished and hung up the phone.
Five seconds after Jenny hung up the phone, Henry ’s mobile phone ringing suddenly came
to mind, but he hung up with a single ringing. The caller ’s number was Li Meiyi ’s number,
which made Henry ’s mobile phone more Li. Missy's missed call.
After a few more seconds, a text message was received on Henry ’s mobile phone, which
was also sent by Li Meiyi. The content inside was: We Hengyuan cooperate with you in
good faith. If your company is busy, you ca n’t free up staff, please tell me the location , I
went to get the plan.
Jenny was sitting opposite Henry, and he could clearly see the text message sent by Li
Meiyi. Such a scene made Jenny frown tightly.
Before Jenny thought about how to handle this matter, she received a message from Li
Meiyi on her mobile phone. It was a screenshot of the mobile phone. The content on the
screenshot was exactly the same as the text message from Li Meiyi to Henryfa. The time has
been changed, it is now ten o'clock in the morning, and Li Meiyi's screenshot of Jennyfa
shows that the time is nine o'clock in the morning.
Henry smiled and said: "It seems that this manager Li has any prejudice to me."
"Sorry." Jenny gave Henry an apologetic look, "I will deal with this matter."
Jenny got up and went to the company reception desk to get the plan. After returning to the
reception room, he looked at it careful y. The contents of the plan and the handling of some
details made Jenny sigh. I thought it was al marked, and the content of the cooperation
between the two parties was concise and clear at a glance. In general, this is a plan without
any flaws. From the distribution of benefits to the performance of duties, it is an absolute
win-win situation. , Including the difficulties that may be encountered during the
cooperation process, and the solutions are clearly marked, almost no company will refuse
such a plan.
"Henry, did you write this plan?" Jenny immediately thought of the man in front of him.
Henry waved his hand, "Not al , I added a little bit of detail. After al , I think that the plan
can't look forward to the good side, and prepare for possible crises early. This is for you
and us. responsible. "
Qin soft eyes of a condensate, is really the case, although Henry said only details, but this is
precisely the plan, most people admire, that is, those details, the details of blows, that is a
little high Of the plan.
This cooperation will allow Hengyuan and Lin to be tied together. For Hengyuan, it is a
super good development platform. For Lin, it can also be used as the largest expansion
channel in the future.
But with such a plan, such an important cooperation, Li Mei didn't even glance at it.
Thinking of this, Jenny felt a surge of anger rising from the bottom of his heart.
This Li Meiyi, does not take his boss in his eyes, and lies come casual y. As a manager, he
does not focus on the company's development!
Jenny breathed heavily, "Henry, I'm real y sorry. For your future business, just talk to me
"Yes." Henry nodded. "Yes, do you want to know if your company's manager Li is Where? "
"You know?" Jenny opened his eyes wide.
"Here." Henry opened a location on his mobile phone, and the coordinates above were set
in a life spa. "The manager Li, lying at this life spa at 9:30 in the morning, Would you like to
take a look together? "
" Okay. "Jenny didn't hesitate." I'll pick up the car. "
Jenny's car is stil the BMW five series that shines on the beach.
Jenny drove, Henry sat in the co-driver, and the two were chatting.
Jenny asked Henry curiously, "Why would you run Lin as a salesman."
Henry said with his hands on his head and said indifferently, "My wife let me go."
BMW on the road The fifth series suddenly slammed in the direction, almost hitting the
curb beside it.
"Be careful!" In a panic, Henry hurriedly helped Jenny to steer the direction, and then
stabilized the body. Henry saw Jenny's face unnaturally pale. Let me take a look at you.
" It's okay, it's okay. "Jenny forced a smile and took a deep breath, calming down,"
That ... you got married? When did it happen? "
" Um ... " Henry thought for a while, "Twenty-four days a month."
Jenny recalled careful y. Wasn't it the day when he first saw this man in an orphanage?
The day he married, he met him , Is this God deliberately teasing himself?
Jenny suddenly became speechless, and the heart that had been rejoicing was now silent.
It took a long time before Jenny asked again, "Your wife is also working in the Lin family?
What do you do."
"Sylvia, you should have cooperation in the future."
"Sylvia!" Jenny opened his mouth wide.
"What's wrong?" Henry asked.
"It's okay." Jenny shook his head, but his heart was sighing. Sylvia turned out to be her.
That's right. Looking at the entire Yinzhou city, who could be worthy of this man besides
her pride.
The vehicle drove to a beauty spa and stopped.
In the senior member room of this beauty spa, Li Meiyi is lying here happily, with her
mobile phone set aside, enjoying facial treatment.
Her sister Zhong Qi was lying next to her, and was also enjoying, "Sister, what will you say
about that surnamed Zhang?"
"How? It must have been expelled, what else?" Li Mei asked one after the other, " You just
have to wait. At most one day, the kid is absolutely finished. "
When Henry was mentioned, Zhong Qi's eyes showed anger.
"Sister, thank you so much this time. By the way, I got someone to help you get the bag
yesterday. You received it."
"Received. Look at what you said, both of us. In between, don't mention thank you. "Li Mei
was proud of each other.
Just as Li Meiyi and Zhong Qi were discussing how to humiliate Henry next, there was a
voice outside the door.
"Madam! This is the VIP room, you can't go in, ma'am, ma'am!
" With a bang, Li Meiyi and Zhong Qi's VIP room door was pushed open.
Jenny stood at the door and looked at Li Meiyi who was lying there enjoying the care.
"Manager Li, this is the customer you are talking about? If I read correctly, is it still working

Chapter 174 Jenny's Heart

Li Meiyi saw Jenny's moment, the old god's expression suddenly became panicked,
"Qin, I ..."
"Needless to say Now, regarding Lin ’s cooperation, I have knocked on the board, and to
Manager Li, I will tell you one thing, the salesman you said, Henry, I have already met.
When you text him, I will sit next to him What you have done has caused losses to the
company. I will sue you in the name of deliberately damaging the company's finances. You
will wait for the court summons. "Jenny only felt a surge of anger.
Li Meiyi's face turned pale, "Mr Qin, listen to my explanation."
"There is nothing to explain, I will ask a lawyer to contact you!" Jenny turned around and
turned his head out of the house.
Li Meiyi sat on the massage bed dull and looked at the door. She never thought about it.
Jenny would find it suddenly, even less, Jenny would contact the kid named Henry, and it
happened because of this. Great anger.
While Li Mei was stunned, she saw Henry appearing at the door.
Henry glanced at Zhong Qi, who also stayed in the room, and smiled: "Manager Li, I forgot
to tel you that I and your General Manager Qin have always been friends. You deliberately
made things difficult for me during this time. Why, I probably also Understood, to be
honest, your method is very low-level, and I do n’t want to embarrass you, who made me
happen to meet your General Manager Qin, you are so full of acting, I ’m keeping a text
message as a memorial, oh yes, this is the bell Qi, I made a big mistake in the Lin family. The
company did n’t hold her accountable, but just expelled
her. It ’s already a matter of benevolence. You helped her get to this point. It ’s really ...
Gee. ”
Henry shook his head, carrying He left with regret.
As soon as Li Mei looked at the empty door, he froze for a long time before turning back and
shouting at Zhong Qi: "Zhong Qi! What did you do at that time!"
"I ... I deliberately troubled him A moment ... "Zhong Qi's face was a little frightened.
"Intentional trouble ..." Li Mei murmured, Zhong Qi also deliberately troubled him, and he
also deliberately troubled him. Now they and Zhong Qi are both expel ed, and they will be
charged to court Because it makes the man difficult.
If someone now tel s Li Meiyi that Henry is just an ordinary salesperson, Li Meiyi certainly
doesn't believe it. This time, he kicked the iron plate!
"Zhong Qi, you have completely mistreated me this time! I will make this clear to the family.
I'm going to have a hard time, don't think about it too!" Li Mei stared at Zhong Qi fiercely. At
a glance, get up and leave.
Zhong Qi was paled by Li Meiyi's words, and if this cousin was really upset because of
herself, then she would be miserable at home.
Jenny rushed out of the spa, took a deep breath, and tried to suppress the anger in her
heart. She understood that her anger was real y too big, but she couldn't control it, not only
because of Li Meiyi's problem but also because of herself.
Jenny had to admit that after hearing the news that Henry had been married, she was
always in a bad mood. She was so bad that she did n’t want to control anything. Just forget
all your worries!
Jenny was not reconciled. Henry's figure was already in her heart when he was in the
orphanage. Although there were not many contact times, everything Henry did made Jenny
feel a perfect fit. This is really a common joy in spirit.
Someone once said that in this world, 99% of people in this world are lonely and old, even
if you have a lover, you have children, you are still lonely, because you are very It is difficult
to find a person who fits the interests, hobbies, and spiritual levels completely.
No one can real y understand you, and you are always alone.
Jenny agrees with this sentence. After seeing Henry, Jenny feels that he is no longer alone.
He seems to have found the only one percent, and found a person who can completely
match herself. She controls Can't help the joy in her heart, can't control herself to think of
Henry, she imagines that one day, she and Henry become more and more intimate. Today, it
is completely destroyed.
Li Meiyi's mistakes became Jenny's catharsis. This is Jenny's misfortune and Li Meiyi's
As a party, Henry knew nothing about the woman's inner activities.
In other words, the women that Henry cares about are really too few. Women of the same
age, in his heart, only Sylvia, now barely one more Han gentle, Jenny in Henry's eyes, has
always been a Ordinary friend, he also likes this kind woman, but it is just that kind of love,
not love. Henryfen is very clear about this.
Standing behind Jenny, Henry looked at the other person's breathing, "How come there is
such a big fire? A dereliction of staff should not be enough."
"It's okay." Jenny turned his back to Henry and shook his head, she reached out Wipe away
the tears that have just flowed out of my eyes, and turn around, "I just thought of
something, and I'm in a bad mood. I have decided on the cooperation project. You can tell
your wife."
"Wel , OK. "Henry nodded.
"Okay, now that I've finished processing, I'll go back to the company." Jenny looked up and
tried not to let his tears flow down. "Do you want me to send you?"
"No." Henry waved his hand, "I myself Just go back. If you have anything, please cal us. "
"Wel , okay." Jenny responded and turned her head quickly. She was afraid that Henry
would see herself appearing guilty.
Henrymu sent Jenny to leave, cal ed the manager Zhao of the department, and said that the
cooperation had been finalized. He talked directly with the boss of Hengyuan. After the
manager Zhao of the department said a good word, he did not arrange work for Henry.
Obviously, Henry can do his own thing.
Now in the business department, Henry and Amity have completely different treatments.
After talking about that big customer, they can be said to be the most relaxed people in the
business department. Except for a few things, the department manager will not manage
them. .
Fortunately, Amity, as a newcomer, was n’t proud to talk about such a big list. Instead, he
went to find some customers every day to learn professional knowledge, and also reported
the company ’s French training. Less busy with the company.
In the past few days, Henry also watched a lot of teaching videos. He was thinking about
when to give President Ma a time to conduct a training and look at the number of
Just thinking of this, President Ma called Henry, "Master, will you be a Western doctor?"

Chapter 175 Surgery

President Ma, do you know how to be a Western doctor? I also asked Henry for a moment.
Henry replied: "It will be a little bit, what's wrong?"
President Ma heard it, and his tone suddenly became delighted. He knew Henry, a little bit,
that is mastery, "Great, Master, you can come down The First People's Hospital, there is
something that needs your help. "
" Has a patient? "Henry frowned.
President Ma replied: "Well."
"Okay, I'l be here soon." Henry didn't even think about it. He drove towards the People's
Hospital in a car.
The words of the doctor's kindness are not just words. Henry has the ability to save people,
but he does not save everyone. In Henry's heart, he has his own set of rules.
At the highest level of the dark world underground, there is a saying that live king saves
people, not looking at money, only looking at fate.
This fate has always been Henry's own words.
Some people don't hesitate to spend a lot of money, and they can't get this fate. Some
people, the living king will actively send the fate to them.
When Henry felt at the city hospital, President Ma was waiting anxiously in front of the
hospital. Upon seeing Henry get off the taxi, President Ma directly greeted him.
"Master, you're here. You real y have to rely on you this time."
"What is the identity of the patient? What's the condition?" Henry asked no matter how
quickly he walked into the hospital.
President Ma followed Henry and reported the same as an assistant: "The patient is a
female, aged 24, an overseas Chinese from Fa Guo. There is a malignant tumor in the left
chest, which is connected to the heart and can be silver. The state ’s medical level is limited.
The patient ’s condition is very dangerous. The tumor makes the patient ’s heartbeat slow.
It is now impossible to fly to a better-equipped hospital. Time is not al owed, and the tumor
must be removed immediately. "
"Let me see the X-ray picture." Henry reached out and President Ma handed an X-ray
picture into Henry's hands.
Henry took a look and said, "It resembles the performance of mitral valve disease,
congestion of the two lung fields, the heart boundary is slightly to moderately increased,
the left atrium and the right ventricle are enlarged, and the barium meal of the esophagus
can see mild to moderate pressure of the esophagus. It ’s a heart tumor. ”
Henry ’s remarks convinced Chairman Ma that he could find these problems just by
glancing at the X-ray image. He asked himself that he could n’t do it at al .
Henry returned the X-ray image to President Ma and walked into the elevator. "I need to
see the CT image before I can decide whether to have an operation."
"Okay, I will make people ready." President Ma nodded again and again and pressed The
number of floors on the eighth floor.
The elevator made a "ding" and stopped at the eighth floor.
"Master, you go to the meeting room first. There are several clinicians. They know the
patient's situation best. I'l go get the picture." President Ma gave Henry the direction of the
meeting room, and then walked to the opposite place. go with.
Henry nodded. Al the pictures can only serve as an observation. The clinician's suggestion
is the most pertinent if you want to know the most accurate situation of the patient.
Henry came to the door of the meeting room and knocked on the door of the meeting room.
When he heard the call, Henry pushed the door and walked in.
In the conference room, three female doctors, al looking forty or fifty years old, are sitting
at the top of the conference table, and several young doctors are standing aside, constantly
recording something.
The emergence of Henry made the people in the meeting room a little stunned. Some
people were wondering what this strange young man was doing.
"President Ma asked me to discuss the operation, what is the situation now?" Henry asked
"Sorry, you ..." A young doctor was about to speak and was interrupted by an older female
This female doctor, who is also a member of the Medical Association, has seen Henry, and
she is very excited when she sees Henry's appearance, "Little Master, I didn't expect it to be
Seeing this experienced chief physician showed such excitement Emotions, the young
doctors were very curious, and they al looked at Henry and made some guesses.
Henry nodded, "The patient's situation, describe it to me." The female doctor took a deep
breath and said: "The current situation, the patient is the most, to complete the operation
within three hours, the malignant tumor of the heart, causing the patient Fever, severe
anemia, indirect fainting, slow heartbeat, congestive left heart failure, bloody pericardial
effusion, pericardial tamponade, the situation is very critical. "
Henry frowned, and asked," What is the
tumor ? " " Tumor Attached to the heart and connected to several blood vessels. In the case
of the patient, a little carelessness, even if it deviates less than half a centimeter, may cause
major bleeding, causing the patient to be in danger of life. The entire hospital, no one dared
to perform such an operation "As I said, President Ma took in all the previously made films.
Henry took the film, glanced at it, and said directly to President Ma: "Preparing for the
surgery, I will come to the main knife and find three people to help me. It must be
experienced. This procedure must be quick and open. During the process, it is very likely
that the patient's heartbeat will suddenly stop. "
" Understood. "President Ma is not only the president of the Medical Association, but also
the president of this hospital. An experienced chief surgeon came to fight Henry.
Three chief surgeons hit a young man? This situation happened for the first time in the
First People's Hospital.
The young doctors were very curious to see what President Ma said to the young man in
front of him, who he real y was.
The patient is now lying in the intensive care unit. When Henry decided to operate, the
patient was sent to the operating room as soon as possible.
Henry also knew the procedure before the operation. He was ready for disinfection,
protective clothing, etc. He took three doctors into the operating room. Because of the
difficulty of this operation, President Ma did not stop people from observing and studying. .
Henry into the operating room, the surgical tool while finishing the bow, while the patient
open road: "Take a deep breath, try to relax, now how are you feeling?"
While female voice sounded pained, "Henry Zhang ......?"
Is collating Henry of the surgical tool looked up, and the man on the operating table
surprised him.
"Milan! You ..." Henryneng can see that the charming face of Milan has begun to distort
because of the pain. This girl who is usually optimistic and generous is shaking at this time,
and her body is always in a tight state. .
"Henry, I ... I hurt ..." Milan clenched her white teeth, and dense sweat appeared on her
forehead. Her hair was wet with sweat and stuck together.
Henry took out a wipe and helped Milan wipe off the sweat on his forehead. He tried to
comfort him: "It ’s okay, it ’s okay. This is a minor operation. After anesthesia, you can sleep
peacefully. After you get up, nothing will happen. Do you know? "

Chapter 176
"I ... I ... I'm afraid ..." Milan's eyes couldn't help reddening, tears swirling in her bright eyes.
Before, the doctor told Milan about the difficulty of the operation. At that time, Milan was
scared and didn't know who to talk to. Now when she sees Henry, her tears can't stop, she
can't stop crying.
"No fear, no pain, you know, you sleep in peace." Henry put one hand on Milan's cheek to
comfort her, and the other hand greeted the doctor who came with him.
The doctor agreed to prepare anesthetics and began to inject Milan.
Efficient medical anesthetics can make patients fall into a drowsy state in a very short time.
After the injection of anesthesia, Milan's body shaking gradual y calmed down, and her tight
muscles also began to relax. She felt her eyelids were heavy. After seeing Henry gently
pulling away her sick dress, she couldn't restrain her. Tired, passed out.
"Scalpel, hemostatic cotton!"
"Fast speed!"
"Tel me the data!"
Henry's voice sounded quickly and steadily. His speed was fast, but every step was stable.
"No, next to the heart, the instrument can't see clearly!" A female doctor made an anxious
When doing some intrathoracic surgery, the most feared thing is that the instrument
cannot be seen clearly, so the surgeon will have a hard time knowing what is happening
inside the patient's body.
"No instrument." Henry took off his gloves and his hands were disinfected without any
bacteria. "Hemostatic cotton, a lot, give me a knife and observe the patient's breathing."
"Excessive blood loss! Weak breathing!" The doctor looked at the instrument The uploaded
data frowned tightly.
In this operation, there are a total of two difficulties to ask Kuff.
First, the resection of the tumor, the tumor is connected to the heart, and at the same time
is close to several large tubes, a little carelessness during the resection process will cause
massive bleeding in the patient.
Second, the blood loss during thoracotomy, the patient's hematopoietic function decreases,
once the thoracotomy time is too long, the patient will be in danger of life.
All in all, this is an extremely difficult operation that requires a combination of speed and
precision. Few people dare to say that they are sure to succeed in this operation.
With the aid of the instrument, the chief surgeon can clearly see the patient's body and
perform tumor removal, but if the instrument cannot see the patient's body, he can only
rely on the doctor's hands.
Through the doctor's sense of touch, it is difficult to feel the location of the large tubes close
to the heart and perform tumor removal. Just assisting Henry, the three experienced female
doctors are shocked, even if they are less than half a centimeter.
Deviations can cause serious consequences.
Time passed by one minute and one second, Henry breathed symmetrically. He closed his
eyes, and the movement in his hand was steady and rapid.
Outside the operating room, President Ma and other doctors are waiting anxiously.
After one hour and seven minutes, the red light on the operating room turned green.
The door of the operating room opened, and President Ma and others immediately
gathered around.
An experienced female doctor came out first.
"How is it?" President Ma asked anxiously, with worry in his eyes.
"Miracle! It is simply a miracle! It is amazing. I believe that if this operation can be recorded
today, it will definitely be included in the history of medicine! His technique is more
standard than the most sophisticated machine, and there is no slight deviation!
Success! "
The last four words caused cheers to sound in front of the operating room door.
Henry walked out of the operating room, wiped his sweat, and smiled, "Chairman Ma,
fortunately, it is not a shame."
"Master! Admire! I really admire it!" President Ma gave his thumbs up excitedly, as An
experienced doctor, the difficulty of this operation, you do n’t have to do it. Just listen to
it and you will know how difficult it is. In the process of actual operation, unexpected
accidents will occur, but just like this, Henry can The operation was completed in an hour,
which is beyond the reach of President Ma!
When Milan woke up, she found that she was lying on a neat hospital bed, and a sense of
weakness struck. Milan couldn't use any energy. She could only twist her head slightly and
saw Henryzheng sitting by the bed , Looking at himself with a smile.
"Wake up? Are you thirsty?" Henry picked up a glass of warm water.
Milan shook his head pale and shook his mouth slightly. "Am I alright?"
"Okay, the tumor was successfully removed. Would you like to see it? It looks pretty cute,"
Henry joked.
"Forget it." Milan tried to squeeze out a smile. "What time is it now?"
"At four o'clock in the afternoon." Henry patted his ass and stood up from the chair beside
the bed . "Well , just wake up, you I ’m stil very weak. I ’l take more rest. I ’ll take Sylvia to
see you later. You talk about you and have such a big deal. You do n’t tell us that I have n’t
seen you in the past few days. I thought you were missing. ”
"Don't!" Milan face panicked, "Don't tell Sylvia, I'm afraid she's worried."
"It's okay, it's out of danger, you are losing too much blood now, and some are weak. It
’s very small, you will recover quickly, I ’ll give you a second medicine, and I can get out of
bed after two days of rest. You will sleep again. ”Henry put the cup of warm water on the
bedside of Milan, A straw was inserted into the cup. "Try to drink some water and close
your eyes for a while."
"Wel ." Milan nodded.
Henry confessed two cautions before leaving the ward.
After Henry left, Milan slowly pul ed open her medical suit. When she saw the foot-long
wound on the left side of her chest, she looked slightly unnatural.
Although there is no distinction between men and women between doctors and patients,
Milan always knows Henry, which inevitably feels a bit embarrassing.
After Henry left the ward, he first found President Ma, asked him for some medicines,
borrowed a casserole, and cooked it. After the work was done, it was already half past five
in the afternoon.
Taking advantage of Sylvia's absence from work, Henry went to the market to buy some
supplements, and then brought a chicken and a large package of vegetables to the door of
the Lin Group.
On the rest sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the Lin Group, a handsome young man in a
suit and short hair drew Henry ’s attention.
What attracted Henry was not the appearance of this young man, but the temperament of
the other party.
With just one glance, Henry can tel , this man is definitely a master, and belongs to the elite
Henry observed that from the person's sitting posture and the small movements made in
no time, it can be seen that at least it has the same strength as the team leader Nat of Sharp
Such a person, what are you doing here?
Chapter 177: Southern Sky
, he saw Sylvia coming out of the elevator. Whenever a woman appeared, she was so
dazzling. When she saw Sylvia, Henry smiled unconsciously.
At the same time, the young man sitting on the rest sofa also stood up, sorted out the suit
buttons in front of him, and then strode towards Sylvia.
"Sylvia, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still so beautiful." The youth was very
loud, with a kind of magnetism, making people feel comfortable.
"Nantian, why are you here?" Sylvia showed an unexpected expression.
"It's holiday. Just back today, I want to see you." Nantian's words made no secret of his
Behind Nantian, there was a young man who was about the same age as Nantian and he
was in his twenties. He said aloud, "Miss Lin, since you went to the team, our Nan team is
here every day. Missing you, I have seen it secretly several times. The Nan team smirked at
your photos. If you want me to say, you can quickly confirm the relationship with the Nan
team. I don't want to eat. "
" Xiao Chen, what are you talking about? "Nan Tian blamed the young man behind him.
The young man called Xiao Chen quickly covered his mouth with a smile in his eyes.
Southern Han Lin who in turn look into, "Han Qing, nothing else to do at night to eat dinner
with a bar, said she last heard Milan come home, we did not get together for a long time
"Sorry, no time tonight "A sudden voice interrupted Nan Tian's words, and Henry came
over with a gloomy face." We have something tonight. "
" Are you? "Nan Tian asked Henry with doubts.
"Introduce yourself, Henry, I am Sylvia's husband." Henry walked to Lin Sylvia and
specifically stated, "The kind of certificate."
Nan Tian's handsome face froze slightly, and looked at Sylvia with an incredible look,
"Sylvia, are you married?"
Sylvia nodded a little embarrassedly, "It's over, but no one noticed."
"Miss Lin, How are you married? "Xiao Chen was angry, and he looked at Henry with anger
in his eyes." How can this person compare with our South Team? "
Now, Nan Tian is wearing a decent suit, tal and looks Jun Lang, the piece of Rolex on his
hand represents his worthless net worth, standing there like a catwalk cat, glowing.
Look at Henry again. The suit was bought casually. I just finished the operation. I was
sweating and my hair was sticking together. It looked a little sloppy. The coriander and the
whole chicken in my hand looked like a house wife general.
There is a huge difference in the image of the two.
Listening to Xiao Chen's words, Henry Lima was unhappy. He held his head up, "Your boy
talk to me, or don't blame me for beating you!"
"Beating me?" Xiao Chen smiled disdainful y and squeezed. Fist, "Okay, you come and try to
see who beats who!"
"Xiao Chen, OK!" Nan Tian looked back at Xiao Chen with a disgruntled face, and then shook
Henry, "Mr. Zhang, Nice to meet you. I ’m Nantian. I grew up with Sylvia since childhood,
and it ’s like a sweetheart. ”
“ Oh. ”Henry rolled his eyes and ignored Nantian ’s hand.“ Sorry, Nannan, I ’m This is
carrying a dish. "
"Henry!" Sylvia blamed Henry with a blame, then smiled apologetically to Nantian,
"Sorry, Henry is just like this, he is a little bit out of bounds, don't be surprised
." Nan Tian took back his hand carelessly, "Mr. Zhang is of a real temperament, and he
happened to be today. It's better to be my host. Let's have dinner together."
Sylvia smiled and said: "I'll be the host, you come back the first day , It ’s time to catch the
wind for you. "
" Don't have time to eat today. "Henry said again.
Xiao Chen, who was standing behind Nan Tian, couldn't help but say again, "I said Zhang's
name, don't give me a shame. My Nan team called you because of Lin's face.
"If you
have no time to say, you have no time to offer your wife to go, get out!" Henry waved
"You!" Xiao Chen's face was angry, just about to speak, interrupted by Nan Tian.
Nan Tian smiled, "Mr. Zhang, being a man can't be too stingy. Me and Sylvia's friends for so
many years haven't seen each other for so long, just to have a meal. Wouldn't you be
worried about Sylvia? "
Nan team, this kid is not at ease with Miss Lin, but has no confidence in himself. Look at him
like that, he wears cheap clothes, his hair is as messy as a chicken coop, sloppy and sloppy,
what stuff, yuck!" Xiao Chen looked disdainful.
"Nantian, we really have something today, it is better to make another appointment."
Sylvia suddenly said.
"Yes, then change the day." Nantian saw Lin invited Han said so, it is not good to stick to it,
"I am in Yinzhou at this time, contact anytime."
"Okay." Sylvia nodded.
"Then let's go first, and see Sylvia someday." Nantian waved to Sylvia, sorted out his
clothes, and strode towards the Lin's gate.
Xiao Chen glared at Henry, made a gesture to wipe Henry's neck, fol owed Nantian, and ran
out quickly.
Chen Nan and other days and leave the mouth, Sylvia look to Henry, frowning, "You are not
overdone, I South days, just friends only, eat a meal together, no big deal, right?"
"Yes really did not Time, you will soon go home with me to cook the soup, and then go to
see Milan. "Henry also strode toward the Lin's gate and came to the parking lot.
Sylvia chased into the parking lot and opened the door while wondering: "Look at Milan?"
"Wel ." Henry nodded. "Milan had a heart operation and was lying in the hospital, making
soup for her to make up blood. "
Heart surgery!" Sylvia heard, her face changed suddenly, "What heart surgery, why Milan
didn't tel me!"
"Heart tumor, she was afraid that you were worried, she didn't say, if the surgery is
difficult, President Ma Call me, I don't even know about it. "Henry explained.
Sylvia sat in the car and asked with a worried expression: "So what's going on now?"
"It's okay, I did the surgery for her, all the tumor was removed, she is now weak, and after a
few days the wound heals, just I can go to the ground. "After listening to Henry, Sylvia gave
a sigh of relief. He never blamed Henry again. Compared to going to Milan to see blue,
eating with Nantian was not important.
Driving on the road, at a traffic light, Sylvia stopped the car and turned to look at Henry,
"That ... Me and Nantian, it's nothing."

Chapter 178: My Home?

"Huh?" Henry wondered, he really did not expect that Sylvia would say such a sentence.
He looked at Sylvia, "Why
did you tell me this?" "Just don't want you to misunderstand." The lights in front of the road
changed, Sylvia looked ahead, and said while driving, "Nantian's house, I know my
grandfather. When I was in the army before, I happened to be in business there. I visited
him once, and the people in their army liked to joke with me. In fact, he and I were just
ordinary friends. "
Henry nodded and said nothing. .
When Sylvia saw Henry like this, he thought Henry was sulking and didn't say anything.
In fact, Henry is jealous.
Back home, Sylvia changed into clean sportswear and put on some clothes again. After
Henry cooked the soup, he rushed to the hospital with Henry.
In the ward, when Sylvia saw Milan's pale face lying on the hospital bed, his tears came out.
"What are you crying for?" Milan looked at Sylvia's pear flower with rain, a little crying and
Sylvia was full of blame: "You are a dead girl, don't tell me such a big thing, if Henry told me,
are you going to keep hiding from me?"
Milan smiled slightly, "Henry knows not This matter, I secretly disappeared, how could you
have the opportunity to train me here, in the end, if it was not Henry today, I might have
really finished, just now the doctor told me that my operation is very difficult, the whole
hospital is not People are sure to do it. Sylvia, you are together with Henry, and you really
picked up the treasure. "
Listening to Milan, Sylvia blushed and looked at Henry around him subconsciously.
Henryzheng was sitting there. Tsai careful y cut an apple.
Henry made a three-person meal at night, and he and Sylvia had a meal with Milan in the
hospital. Milan was full of praise for Henry's cooking.
"Henry, when I am ill, do you teach me how to cook?" Milan looked at the bottom of the
chicken soup in the insulated lunch box. He was still not satisfied.
"Okay, what is your friend, what is Li Ke's name, and where did people go?"
"I'm afraid she knew about it, and fooled her to go on a tour. The Girl came back to know
after two days, and it must be scolded. I can't. "Milan shook his head.
"It's okay to scold you!" Sylvia extended his jade finger and clicked hard on Milan's head.
"You should inform us early on this matter, and wait for you, I must clean up you!"
"Cut!" Milan rol ed his eyes. "Wait for me, it's not always necessary for us to clean up."
Sylvia chatted with Milan in the ward for a long time. After the two had finished talking, it
was already dark outside.
"Okay, Sylvia, please go back with Henry, don't stay here at night." Milan looked at the time
and waved Sylvia away.
"How do you do that?" Sylvia shook his head. "I have to stay to take care of you at night."
"Let's go and let her stay alone." Henry said, "Milan is a little weak now, both hands and feet
can move, The most important thing is to take a good rest. We are here and stil affect her. I
will give her dinner tomorrow. You do n’t have to worry about it. ”
Sylvia saw Henry said so, he could only give up the idea of staying here with Milan
overnight. She is professional in this respect. She packed things up. "That line, Milan, I will
come to see you tomorrow. You have a good rest. If you have anything
, please call us as soon as possible."
"Well." Milan nodded and waved to Henry and Sylvia. "Let's go."
After the two of them left, Milan's face was a little complicated. This time when she met
Henry, she always felt a little weird. Yes, the wound next to my left chest is always
reminding myself.
After leaving the hospital, I saw that Milan was in good shape. Sylvia's breath final y
relaxed. "Henry, thank you very much. Milan is my best friend. If you weren't you, I really
don't know ...
" thank me to do? "Henry Han Lin break it," so every time you always see things, anyway, I
am also your lawful husband licensing, you should always put the word thank linked to the
mouth. "
legitimate husband?
When Sylvia heard these four words, the whole person was stunned for a moment, turning
his head to look at the man beside him.
Yes, he is my legal husband. In terms of relationship, it should be the two most intimate
people in the world. Why would he be so polite, because he never regarded him as his
Walking to the car, Sylvia just took out the car key, thought for two seconds, and put the
key back in his bag.
"Henry, don't drive, let's walk around."
"Yes." Henry nodded indifferently.
It's ten o'clock in the evening, and the sky is very dark. Fortunately, the road conditions in
Yinzhou are not bad. The summer is green, and the green willows are walking on the road. I
feel very refreshing.
Sylvia put his little hand behind his back and kicked the smal stone in front of his eyes.
"Henry, where is your home? Ye never heard you mention your family?" Sylvia pretended
to ask unconsciously. In the process of asking this question, it means that she started to
want to take the initiative to understand this Man now.
"My family?" Henry smiled. "My dad and my mom divorced early. He doesn't exist in my
memory. My mom left when I was fourteen, so you didn't hear me mention it. "
"Ah!" Sylvia opened his mouth with a big mouth, and his eyes were full of apology. "I'm
sorry, I didn't mean it ..."
"It's okay." Henry waved his hands indifferently. "It's been a long time since I passed.
Let go, my family lived there before. "
Henry Zhang pointed his finger far away." That old city, but it hasn't been repaired long
ago. After my mother died, I ran outside. "
Sylvia was a little silent. Although Henry said it easily, Sylvia could feel the hardship.
A person, fourteen years old, has no parents, no mothers, no one to care for, and is alone. It
is easy to say, how many people can do it?
Henry looked up at the sky, where the moon was bent over the sky, and he took a deep
breath. "God is fair. Whatever you take, you will be given what I have. I lived in an unfixed
place since I was a kid. , But I have seen more magic in this world, and I have some special
occasions. In general, I do n’t have much regret. The most regrettable thing is that my mom
did n’t see me marry my wife. Look. "
Henryya sighed.
Sylvia's pretty face was even more red because of Henry's words.
The two were walking on the road. Sylvia took the initiative to talk about other topics.
She had never had such a chat with Henry, and suddenly found that Henry and herself had
many common topics.

Chapter 179
Huaxia has a sentence, since the ancient Jiangnan out of talent.
Although Sylvia is not from Jiangnan, the university she studied in Jiangnan at that time
liked some piano, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy. Otherwise, she would not tell Milan
at that time that she would grow up and find someone with the same interest.
Today, Sylvia chatted casual y with Henry and found that Henry showed a very
understanding of what he liked.
He can say it by himself.
He is even better at talking about himself.
He said the tragic world of Hugo, he could speak the sentences inside skillful y.
Talking about chess and the endgame in a book, it is difficult to crack. Henry can give a
solution to his endgame in the first time.
All these have made Sylvia surprised and surprised. It is very difficult to have a partner full
of common topics.
Along the way, the two chatted happily.
When going home from the hospital and walking, the nearest road is through the
Zhongqing Park. Many people will come to this park a few years ago, but with the
development in recent years, a new playground has been built in the south of the city, many
people I like to run to Chengnan Playground. This Zhongqing Park is naturally
lonely, and it has gradual y become a place where old ladies and old ladies play Tai Chi in
the morning and aunts dance square dances at night.
Lonely is lonely, but the scenery of Zhongqing Park is still remarkable.
Even if it is dark, you can see the bright flowers and plants in the flower garden.
Henry and Sylvia walked here. Suddenly, a cry for help rang from the lotus pond in
Zhongqing Park, which was particularly obvious at night.
Henry and Sylvia heard clearly that it was a woman who called for help.
"What's going on?" Henry looked towards the lotus pond, where there were two black
shadows, and the voice came from there.
"Help! Help!" The woman's voice was helpless.
"Go and see." Henry took Sylvia's arm and ran over there, approaching nearby.
Through the moonlight, he could see that a man was pressing a woman on the ground, and
the man's hand was squeezed. The woman's throat makes the woman unable to make a
The woman's face turned red and she reached for Henry and asked for help.
The man who was tortured also saw Henry and Sylvia. He sneered, "Boy, I advise you not to
do much business, otherwise I will play with this woman beside you!"
Henry glanced, and now the perpetrator did not succeed The woman's shirt under him was
stil intact, but there were a few bruises on his face that should have been beaten by this
"I advise you to get out quickly." Henry said coldly.
"Boy, it's him you threatening me?" Release the man grabbed the woman's hand, touched to
the lower back, then pul ed out a shining dagger. "You threatened him again I do a try?"
"Get out "
" Are you there! "The man waved his dagger and stabbed at Henry.
Facing this man, Henry didn't even lift his eyelids, twisted his body slightly, and avoided the
opponent's dagger, kicked at the same time, kicked on the man's chest, kicked the man on
the ground.
The man bowed his body like a cooked shrimp, his face was painful.
Just when Henry wanted to go up to make up a foot, so that this scum can not take care of
himself for the rest of his life, a strong light il uminated and shone on Henry's face.
"What did you do! What did you do! Crouch down!"
A loud scream sounded.
Henry saw that a unit patrol car was approaching, and the strong light was shining from the
patrol car.
The first saw the patrol car, Henry did not speak, that were the first to climb the man lying
on the ground up, "help ah! Ah Help! Murder! Murder!"
A man shouted at the patrol car Several people came down in an instant, holding batons
and explosion-proof shields, and approached Henry.
Henry smiled, "You guys, you seem to have made a mistake. This man first violently
attacked the lady, and then I saw my courage."
"Is it?" A person with an explosion-proof shield asked the name just now Woman cal ing for
"No, no!" The beaten woman shook her head again and again, pointing at Henry, "It's him!
Me and my old impartial walk here, he came over to beat my husband! Grab him, grab him!"
Beaten woman Henry's face suddenly changed, and he combined with the speed at which
this patrol car appeared, and instantly understood that he had been calculated.
Sylvia's face also became very ugly. She never imagined that the woman Henry had just
helped slapped Henry.
Several people holding explosion-proof shields immediately encircled Henry, "What else
can I say, go!"
Henry looked at these people, squeezed his fists, released his hands, and nodded,
"Okay , I ’m going with you, but it ’s okay with my wife. ”The man with the explosion-proof
shield asked the beaten woman,“ Is this woman doing it?
beaten woman shook her head.“ No, this man is beating al the way. My husband and I.
The man with the anti-explosion shield glanced at Sylvia." Nobody waits, leave quickly!
Who wants to stop the official business and bring it back together! "
" You deliberately slander, Henry did not even ... "
" Sylvia "Henry shouted loudly and interrupted Sylvia. He shook his head at Sylvia." It's
useless to explain to them. Go to a lawyer. "When
Henry spoke, he always gave Lin Yuanhan a look.
Sylvia was not a dul person, and immediately understood Henry's meaning. He looked at
the man and the woman, and the people who got off the patrol car, and took a deep breath.
Henry nodded and comforted: "Well, don't worry, they can't treat me."
"Less nonsense, let's go!" A group of people with explosion-proof shields pushed and
pushed Henry to the patrol car.
Watching the patrol car leave, Sylvia made a phone call out immediately, "Lawyer Hu,
where are you!" In
a private club in Yinzhou.
Ning shook the red wine in the glass for a week and looked at the news he had just received
on his mobile phone.
"Are you surnamed Zhang? Are you crazy? I saw my hand, what kind of madness do you
hold!" Ning tilted his neck around the whole week and drank the red wine in the glass, and
returned a message, "Lock the person No one is al owed to see them! By the way, find al the
lawyers for me. "
Sylvia, after contacting Hu, immediately brought him to the city police station to explain his
The police on duty at the municipal bureau felt some headaches after hearing that the
troops had taken the people away.
"Madam, the affairs of this army are not under the control of our police."
"Police officer, as far as I know, the army should not have the right to arrest people. It must
be handed over to local authorities. I hope you will contact the army. I need to See my
client. "Lawyer Hu took out his lawyer's certificate.

Chapter 180
Lawyer Hu's voice has just dropped, and he has not waited for the policeman on duty to
reply, and another person walked into the police station.
"Meet people? No one can see!"
Sylvia turned to Lawyer Hu and saw a middle-aged man dressed as the same lawyer walk
in. "My client is stil lying in the hospital, and the test results have come out. Level II
disability. "
" Oh, Wang Cheng, it's a pity that you are a lawyer. "Lawyer Hu looked at the middle-aged
man who had just appeared.
This Wang Cheng, also well-known in the Yinzhou lawyers, specializes in lawsuits for the
"Hu's name, I am not talking nonsense with you." Wang Cheng took a seat on the seat.
"I think it is better for us to talk about compensation first."
"Compensation? My husband is slandered!" Sylvia reached out and patted the table with
anger on his face.
Wang Cheng smiled, "Slander? Madam, what about the evidence?"
"The evidence is here!" Sylvia took out his mobile phone and played a video. This video was
just recorded with her heart. In the lotus pond of Zhongqing Park, only Sylvia did not
record the picture of the man beating the woman. In her mobile phone video, only the man
came to Henry with a dagger and was kicked by Henry.
To see this video, Wang face does not change color heart does not jump, "Lady, this is what
you said evidence could explain what? Explain your husband parties that kick in my body
how heavy it?"
Sylvia teeth Dao: "My husband is a legitimate defense!"
"A legitimate defense? What a legitimate defense?" Wang Cheng looked puzzled.
"Madam, you can see clearly. In the video, my client did not cause any damage to your
husband. Your husband is beating my client, how can this be a legitimate defense? This is
intentionally hurting
someone! "" You! "Sylvia pointed at Wang Cheng, speechless.
"Mr. Lin." Lawyer Hu persuaded. He realized the thorny nature of the problem and said,
"This matter can't be dealt with tonight. You can give me time. Let's consider for a long time
and calm down.
" I do n’t have time! ”Sylvia yelled, sweeping her usual steady appearance.“ My husband is
now taken away by slanders, how can you calm me down! I will ask, do you have the right
to be a politician!
” What's wrong? What's wrong? What's the matter yelling? "Helen, who was turning over
the file in the criminal investigation office, heard the voice from the duty room and came
over and asked.
When he saw Sylvia, Helen froze for a moment, his expression a little unnatural.
Police on duty saw Han gentle as seen as a savior, "Korean team, which is something you
handle it, the woman said she was slandered her husband who was also forces people to
Arrested Now!
Helen was shocked. Sylvia's husband was not Henry. How could he be captured by the
Helen frowned, "Ms. Lin, please come to my office and tell me what happened."
Sylvia did not accidental y recognize Helen. When he was attacked in the car last time,
Helen handled it. , I also made notes.
In Helen's office, Sylvia told Helen what happened just now.
"Ms. Lin, your old ... husband Henry, has anyone offended you recently?" Helen asked while
recording what Sylvia just said.
Sylvia thought about it and shook his head, "should not be, he is usually a grinning man, so
easy to get along, no temper, should not offend anyone."
Helen defamation in your heart, your husband Get along well? Lost temper? You never saw
him start a fire!
After sorting out the transcript, Helen said: "Ms. Lin, I will try to contact you to see if there
is a way. Now I can be sure that someone deliberately engages your husband again,
otherwise the troops will never try to catch people."
Helen He took out his mobile phone and made a few calls to get out, but the results were
not very satisfactory. Some people immediately wanted to understand the pettyness as
soon as they heard the troops catching people.
"I just want to see people now, do you push three and four? Ah?" Helen snarled at the
"Master, I'll explain to you today, I must see you!"
Sylvia stood aside and looked at Helen's anxious roar, which surprised her.
In the end, with the help of his master, Helen final y found a channel and could arrange for
them in the military area. But if he could see someone, what would happen to him? It also
depends on the military area.
After getting this answer, Helen took Sylvia to the Ning Provincial Military Region for the
first time.
At the same time, Sylvia asked Lawyer Hu to prepare the materials. This time, she must not
forget it.
At the same time, a unit patrol car drove into the military compound.
Henry sat in the patrol car, waiting quietly, he probably already thought, who is dealing
with himself.
Ning wore casual clothes for a week and stood in the courtyard. When he saw the patrol car
coming, the sneer on his face grew deeper and deeper.
"Mr. Ning, people brought it, how to deal with it." A middle-aged man also dressed in casual
clothes stood beside Ning Zhou and asked.
"Shut it up first and give him a bit of trouble." Ning ordered a week, glanced at the parked
patrol car, and then strode away.
It was dark at night, Henry was taken from the patrol car, his hands and feet were not tied,
and he was free to move.
Henry glanced at the whole compound of the military area, except for a few sentries at the
door and the patrol car.
With Henry's ability, if he wants to go, he can go away at any time, no one can stop him, but
Henry does not intend to do so.
If you really want to leave today, no matter what the cause of this matter is, you will
definitely not be able to stay in China anymore. This is not in line with his original
intention. He is waiting. Up to 24 hours, someone will definitely handle it. this matter.
Henryren shut him into a place similar to the confinement room, where there were walls al
around, there was no light, and the black finger was invisible. When the door of the
confinement room was closed, there was a little sound in the whole room None, extremely
depressed. Ordinary people stayed here for up to two hours and faced col apse.
At 11:30 in the evening, a red Mercedes-Benz GT drove to the gate of the military
compound and was stopped by the sentry.
Sylvia and Helen walked off the car. Helen made a phone cal and stood quietly in front of
the courtyard.
About ten minutes later, a middle-aged man in military uniform appeared in front of the
two women. This man was the one who had just stood next to Ning Zhou.

Chapter 181: That's Killing Mosquitoes

Seeing this middle-aged man, Helen spoke directly, " Captain Li, I am Helen of the city
criminal investigation team." "Captain Han, let's talk "
Li Kechang sent a wave to the sentry, and let Helen and Sylvia walk into the compound.
Chief Li took the two girls to his office, made a cup of tea for them, and then asked,
"Captain Han, your master just called me. Did you come because of the man who was
arrested today?
" Not bad. ”Helen said bluntly,“ As far as I know, he was arrested by you for intentional
injury? This matter should belong to our police. I came to try to take people away. ”
Li Kechang's face Yi Hei, "Captain Han, I'm afraid this won't work. During this time, it was
the time when we vigorously cracked down on evil, and I didn't mention people.
What you said is not counted. You must ask for documents in the hall. You guys. "
" What's the evil? "Sylvia patted the table." My husband was wronged! "
" Your husband? Is this lady? "Chief Li looked at Sylvia and asked strangely.
"This is the President of the Lin Group, the current spokesperson of the Yinzhou Lin family,
Ms. Sylvia." Helen deliberately stated Sylvia's identity, just want to put pressure on Chief Li.
To put it in the ordinary, Sylvia's identity, indeed will make Section Chief Li feel stressed.
But today is different. Section Chief Li does exactly what Ning wants for a week. Al things
are handled by Ning for a week, and he is not afraid at al .
"Ms. Lin, right, is your husband wronged? It must be evidenced. Our people saw with your
own eyes that your husband will be injured by the victim, and the hospital's identification
result has come out, which is a second-level disability. This matter You have to investigate
slowly. Before the survey results come out, your husband must stay with us. "
Helen took a deep breath and took out his phone to play a video.
"Chief Li, look carefully. This man attacked my husband with a knife first, and my husband
Li Chang looked at the video and then shook his head: "Ms. Lin, look at the video. The victim
did not cause any damage to your husband. Instead, your husband injured the other party. "
Sylvia's face flushed red." Did he use a knife to stab my husband, can't my husband resist? "
Li Kechang shook his head. Shaking his head, "Ms. Lin, you should understand me. The
other party did not cause any harm to your husband. How can you prove that he stabbed
your husband? This summer, there are so many mosquitoes next to the lotus pond. , I think
the victim was killing a mosquito and was kicked by your husband in the process of
attacking the mosquito. "
" You! "Sylvia looked at Li Kechang and couldn't speak out angrily. She saw it for the first
time. Shameless person! Now Sylvia also understands that these people are all a group!
Helen pulled Larin Sylvia's arm and signaled Sylvia not to be so excited. Then he
approached Chief Li and said, "Lead Chief, then we want to see Henry, should we?"
"No." Shook his head.
"Why?" Helenran was puzzled. "As far as normal procedures are concerned, we have the
right to see him."
Section Chief Li replied: "There is no such rule in our place. Captain Han, if you want to take
people away, Then take the document from the Provincial Department. If you just want to
see someone, please go back. Today, if you can come in, it will already give you the face of
Master. "
Helen frowned, "Lead Chief, are you sure you want to do this? You have done things in an
unconformable manner, have you considered the consequences?"
"Consequences?" Li Kechang laughed and asked back , "Captain Han, are you threatening
me? I'm going to take a rest, so please two!"
Li Kechang walked to the office door and pulled the door open.
Chief Li's attitude made both women angry. The two women looked at each other without
saying much and left Chief Li's office.
After leaving the military compound, Helen sat in the car with a helpless face.
"Ms. Lin, I am gentle and gentle, and with limited ability, I can help you get here. It is
already obvious that someone is planning al this behind
my back." "I know." Sylvia's eyes were flushed and his eyes flashed With a firm look, "I will
not let him do anything, definitely!" In the
confinement room of the military area.
It was dark all around, there was no sound, only the sound of my breathing was clear, the
ground was cold, and there were water stains everywhere. There was no place to sit and I
could only stand there.
Each movement of the footsteps will make the water stains on the ground make a soft
sound, which seems to bring people into the infinite darkness.
At this moment, Henry was stepping on the brisk pace, making the water beneath his feet,
and he himself was humming the brisk music. This kind of environment couldn't affect him
at al .
Time gradual y passed.
At 8 o'clock in the morning, China Capital.
The Minister of Security had just finished the meeting and came to his office.
As soon as he entered the office door, the Minister of Security was at the door.
"Close the door." A sexy middle-aged woman dressed in a sexy dress is sitting on an office
chair belonging to the Minister of Security.
The Minister of Security's nerves were tense in an instant. He was very clear about how
high the security level of his office was. He could sit in his office so quietly, enough to
imagine how terrible this middle-aged beautiful woman was in front of him. , Staring at
each other, Shen Chen said: "Who are you, you should know the consequences of doing so,
you are inviting destruction for you and the organization behind you!"
"Is it? Destroy us?" With a laugh, he hurled out a black card, and on the card was the
grimacing mask with fangs.
When seeing this card clearly, the Minister of Security's complexion suddenly changed,
"We have an agreement between us, you are doing this, you are preparing to unilaterally
tear up the agreement? You need to be clear, what you will bear is from the world The
anger of al countries! "The
beautiful woman stretched out her slender legs, outlined the flesh-colored stockings, and
placed it on the desk of the Minister of Security." The anger of the world, we can bear it, but
the problem is that you can bear it Our anger? Also, it is not us, but you who unilaterally
tear up the agreement! "
" What do you mean! "The security minister frowned.
"Our people were arrested, slandered, framed, etc. for no reason by the Ning Provincial
Military Region. I will not say anything like that. Within four hours, I will see a satisfactory
result, otherwise the war will not blame us." Mei The woman took a lady's cigarette from
her pocket, lit it in her mouth, took a deep breath, and slowly spit it out.
"Ning province!" The security minister's eyes narrowed, and for nearly a month, Ning
province has had three incidents, and all of them were directly found by the other party!

Chapter 182: Torture From Ning Week

At 9:30 in the morning, in addition to the office of the Minister of Security, there are many
important officials in the office, there is one person sitting, leaving a piece with fangs Card
with mask.
At ten o'clock in the morning, several helicopters took off in Beijing and headed to the same
destination, Ning province.
On each helicopter, there are powerful figures sitting in their hearts. These people are very
upset at this moment. Although the people who have just come to their offices have not
stated clearly that the Ning Province Military Region deliberately slandered and framed,
But it is certainly not a simple role to bring such direct door-to-door access.
Ten o'clock in the morning.
Ning yawned for a week, pushed away the tender model beside him who was still asleep,
got up from the bed, looked at the bright sky, put on his clothes, and strode toward the
military area.
Stuffed with water.
Sylvia's eyes were red and her eyes were deep. She sat on the sofa all night. At eight o'clock
in the morning, she started cal ing. During these two hours, she contacted al the energizers
around her. Some people who were original y ful of confidence told Sylvia after talking to
the Ning Provincial Military Region that they had no choice.
Now, Sylvia has searched almost al the available relations, but the result is very
unsatisfactory, no one can provide help.
Someone said something to Sylvia, "Mr. Lin, this time, the person you are looking for has
offended the big guys. In Ning province, no one can help!"
Sylvia's hair is scattered and nothing. The image, the clothes on her body are crumpled
because of sitting all night, her face is haggard, her eyes are yellow, staring at the phone,
glancing over the contacts in her phone again and again.
Finally, Sylvia fixed his gaze on a telephone number, and the owner's remark of the
telephone number was Nantian.
Sylvia exhaled slowly, dialed the phone out, and the phone was connected in just a few
"Hello, Sylvia."
"Nantian, can you help me?" Sylvia's voice, no longer the confidence before, now she is like
a little woman, especially helpless.
"What's wrong?" Nan Tian asked on the phone.
"My husband, he has an accident ..."
Ning took someone to the Ning Provincial Military Region a week and stood in front of a
confinement room. Ning Zhou's face was covered with sneers.
Section Chief Li was waiting in front of the door. After seeing Ning for a week, he bowed his
head and shouted Mr. Ning.
Ning looked at the confinement room for a week and asked, "Always locked in?"
"Yes." Chief Li nodded. "It has been twelve hours. There has been no movement in this
room. This person is probably crazy."
This confinement room is not used to punish people, but training. Some elites will be
imprisoned during psychological training. This training, the elite with the best
psychological quality, has recorded three hours and zero so far. In eight minutes, as for
those who have been here, the cold, humid, claustrophobic environment without any light
will easily drive people crazy and make them collapse!
Twelve hours, even the elite of the elite, can't bear it.
Ning waved a week to signal Chief Li to open the door.
Section Chief Li nodded. When the door of the confinement room opened, a touch of
sunlight shone in, and they could see a vague figure standing in the confinement room,
Ning saw it all week, and the smile on his face was even worse. He wanted to torture Henry,
make him suffer, make him regret, let him die even become a kind of extravagance, a Lin's
doorstep son-in-law, what are you going to do with me crazy, What capital do you have?
What are you counting? In Ning province, no one dared to disobey me for a week, never!
directed at the door of the confinement room, Ning made a wink for a week, and Section
Chief Li immediately went in and pulled Henry out.
Henry's face was very calm. When the sun hit his face, he didn't even blink his eyes.
Seeing Henry like this, Ning was even happier for a week. He was sure that this person was
completely numb.
But tormenting Henry in this way alone, Ning did not feel relieved for a week. He had other
means. Ning did not pursue torture a person physically for a week. What he wanted was to
destroy a person psychologically and spiritual y. .
Ning said cruelly for a week: "Take me to the interrogation room, I want him tonight, like a
dog, kneeling obediently in front of me!"
"Understood." Li Kechang nodded and dragged Henry's col ar Pul ing Henrychao's
interrogation room away, Henry did not resist at al .
Ning thought that Henry had been sluggish for a week, but he didn't know that Henry had
no feeling now. He had stayed in a more terrifying environment than this interrogation
room. He had been alone with loneliness for a whole month, and his psychology was not
A world-renowned psychologist gave Henry psychological guidance, and finally concluded
that nothing in the world can destroy this man's limit of bearing, and there is only one
weakness in his psychological defense.
The interrogation room is a room with glass on all four sides. This glass can refract light.
There are a total of eight glare lights on the roof. The color temperature of this glare light is
close to 6000K. When it is turned to the maximum, one strong light A light lamp can light a
When the eight are open, and then refracted through the glass, the temperature of this
room can reach an extremely high level in an instant, and its brightness is more terrible
than looking at the sun in the desert in summer. Even if you close your eyes, you will feel
Sore to the eyes.
Under the eight bright lights, there is an interrogation chair. When people are tied up on
the interrogation chair, it is useless to struggle. The interrogation chair is at the spotlight of
the eight strong lights. There is no difference in baking.
Perhaps the biggest difference is that the oven can quickly make people die in the heat, and
here, it is slowly torturing a person.
This kind of interrogation room is for that kind of spy and the extremely vicious ones, even
ordinary recidivists will not adopt this method.
Henry was tied to this interrogation chair by Li Kechang and was tied to the hands and feet,
unable to break free.
Ning stood outside the interrogation for a week, looking through the glass window, looking
at the situation inside, his mouth gently opened, and said: "Turn on the light."
A strong light suddenly illuminated above Henry's head, even if the brightness After a glass,
Ning Ning consciously closed her eyes for a week. Through the refraction of several glasses,
the entire interrogation room was a day, making people feel uncomfortable just looking at
Originally, Ning thought for a week that Henry, who was tied to the interrogation chair,
would yell as soon as the light was turned on. However, Ning Zhou discovered that Henry
was still very stiff, just closed his eyes and sat there.
The occurrence of this scene made Ning uncomfortable for a week and shouted: "Open
another one!"

Chapter 183: Crazy Ning Week

The two bright lights are on, even if standing outside, Ning can't look directly at it for a
Henry was still sitting in the interrogation chair, closing his eyes and acting calmly.
"Three lights!"
"Four lights!"
"Five lights!"
A total of five lights were turned on in a row. The strong light made Ning, who was across
the glass, unable to see the situation inside for a week.
After experiencing the darkness of the previous twelve hours, suddenly faced with these,
individuals will scream, and their spirits are directly crushed, but Henry is still silent,
saying nothing.
This situation made Ning feel particularly unhappy for a week.
He not only wanted to see how miserable Henry was, he also had to hear Henry's screams
and beg for mercy, that would be the most pleasant voice in the world.
That night, the scene of his own car overturning and the scene of his sad departure from
the eyes of many people made Ning Zhou feel crazy at any time!
Ning gritted his teeth fiercely throughout the week, "Open another one!"
Li Kechang's expression narrowed, reminding: "Ning Xiao, open it again, it will probably kil
"Open!" Ning looked crazy al week, he must be today Hear the screams of Henry.
The sixth light is on. The intense light makes one wonder if one walks inside and faces
these lights directly, will one get blinded.
However, the result still did not satisfy Ning for a week. He still did not hear Henry's
screams and pains.
This kind of feeling, as if accumulating a punch on a mass of cotton, made Ning particularly
uncomfortable for a week.
"Ful on! Ful on! I want him to die!" Ning yelled wildly this week. This time he didn't wait for
any action from Chief Li. He stepped forward and turned on all eight lights.
When the eight lights are al on, the people standing outside can no longer see the inside.
From a distance, here is a white light, like the sun falling on the ground, can't look directly,
and emit Thick heat!
Ning gasped for a week, his face full of madness.
"The last name is Zhang, you're done! It's done! Hahaha!"
Ning laughed outside for a week.
Henry, who was sitting in the interrogation room, was lying on the interrogation chair,
The distance from Beijing to Yinzhou City is nearly 1,200 kilometers. It takes about two
At 11:30 in the noon, the phone of Ning Province ’s office in the Ning Provincial Military
Command was about to explode. Everyone from the capital, everyone ’s identity, could
make Ning Province dressed like a recruit, Meet at the gate of the military area.
A total of eight big figures came this time, which made Ning Province feel panicked.
At twelve noon, Ning Province stood in the middle of the military compound and looked at
the eight helicopters hovering above his head. Before the helicopter landed, he had
respected the military salute and waited.
Interrogation outdoor.
Ning stood outside the bright interrogation for a week, talking to herself.
"The surname Zhang, what do you think you are, can you fight me with Ning Province? I
was born high above, and you? Be born poor and be a son-in-law! I have countless ways to
let you die, I want to see you Lie in front of me like a dog, begging for mercy! "
" Relax, when you are crazy, I will take good care of your wife, I will touch every piece of
her skin, I will let you watch, how can I get her! "
Do you know, from smal to big, no one dared to let me be ugly in public, you are the first
one, I admire your courage! I want you to understand, what is the gap that cannot be
crossed, I want you to know, you The gap between me and me is heaven and earth!
Ning laughed all week.
Since last time at Cheng Family Manor, Henry dismissed Ning Zhou for a week, and he has
planted the seeds of hatred in Ning Zhou ’s heart. At a private party, Ning Zhou wanted to
retaliate against Henry at the time. All these things made Ning unacceptable for a week.
Now, he is venting his dissatisfaction!
The proud life experience made Ning Zhou's heart swell extremely from a pee, and some
people have a little disrespect for him, which will make Ning Zhou feel angry.
After a week behind Ning, eight middle-aged men wearing black tunic suits and red labels
on the neckline came over. Ning Province followed them, and the atmosphere did not dare
to show up.
Eight middle-aged men came out, all with guards. When they saw the il uminated
interrogation room and Ning, who was standing in front of the interrogation room for a
week, the Chinese security minister waved directly. His two guards came forward on the
spot and will Ning held down for a week.
Ning watched it once a week. Two men in military uniforms pressed themselves down and
shouted on the spot: "What are you doing! Open your dog's eyes and see who is Lao Tzu!
Ning Province Military Region is us Home, do you dare to move me? Let go!
Minister of Security heard Ning Zhou's scolding and frowned, looking at Ning Province who
was behind him." Commander Ning, this makes the son's leader really not small.
Ah, Ning Provincial Military Region, when will it be your home? "
" Ning a week, you shut up for Lao Tzu! "Ning Province yelled at his son, then looked at the
Minister of Security with a smirk. He
whispered casual y, and the leaders should not take it seriously. "The security minister
snorted and looked at the interrogation room." What are you doing? A serious offense?
Ning Province glanced at the interrogation room with a glare, and it was also confused
Water, he set his eyes on Li Kechang aside.
Chief Li shivered and nodded quickly. "Yes, when I patrol ed yesterday, I saw a murderer
who deliberately wounded and brought it back."
"Oh, intentional y wounding the perpetrators, does not take such a big fuss, right?"
Another led to the opening of the capital, "What felon, so that you get such a big
psychological offensive, quickly turned off the light!"
Lee As soon as the chief heard it, he dare to hesitate and quickly turned off the light.
As the section chief, he can naturally recognize who the eight people who are coming are.
Every one of them has a decisive position throughout China. How dare he not listen to what
these people say.
The dazzling lights in the interrogation room went out. At the moment when the lights
went out, everyone felt that the colors outside were dimmed a lot.
In the interrogation room, a person sat on the interrogation chair with his eyes closed.
At the moment when he saw the man in the chair, the security minister's face changed.
When he came, he kept guessing which big figure in that organization was slandered and
framed by the Ning Provincial Military Region. Now that he sees Henry, it makes the
Minister of Security feel unreal.
As the supreme leader in charge of the entire China Military and Police Department, the
Minister of Security also knows the underground world, has also participated in some
meetings of the underground world, and has met some big names.
Henry, he had met once.
This is stomping, and the whole underground world will have the role of three
Chapter 184
Such a role was slandered and framed by the Ning Provincial Military Region!
At the moment, the Minister of Security is worried. If it is said that this time the
organization is not here to inform itself, but to directly solve the problem in the most
violent way, what will happen now?
The security minister did not dare to think about the consequences.
Ning Zhou, who was held by the guards, looked at the Minister of Security and others.
Although he was the son of the leader of the Ning Provincial Military Region, he did not
know or have any impression of these people. He never paid attention to these things.
"Who the hell are you! What did you do!" The
Security Minister asked again: "I want to ask you what you have done! What did the person
in the room make, is it worth your penalties?"
"It has nothing to do with you ... … "
Slap ! " Ning Province just slapped his mouth a week later, and was slapped into the face by
Ning Province.
Ning Province shouted, "Enough! Shut up!" Ning Province covered his face for a week and
looked at Ning Province, he felt a little weird.
"Dad, you ..."
"Apology!" Ning Province slapped again and pul ed Ning all week.
The Minister of Security waved his hand, "Okay, no need to apologize. Commander Ning,
what to do with your son, how to be investigated, it's all a matter of back. Now, open the
door quickly."
"Yes! "Ning Province nodded again and again and ordered Section Chief Li to open the
As the door opened, the Minister of Security walked to the door and looked at the person
The Minister of Security himself is not afraid of Henry, but he knows Henry's identity very
well. If the other party initiates a fire, the consequences will be too wide.
When the door opened, a burst of cries came, leaving the security minister stunned. He
stood at the door and looked at the people inside.
"Sir, sir!" A guard walked into the house and gently shook Henry's body.
"Huh?" Henry looked at the guard sleepily,
"What's the matter, Yuba is off?" "This ..." The guard listened to Henry's words, a little
As the guard of the security minister, he is naturally the elite of the elite. He has also
received such psychological training. When the eight lights are turned on, this room is
simply not for people.
But what about this one? Not only fell asleep, but also regarded the eight glare lights that
were enough to kil people as Yuba!
Henry opened his eyes vigorously, swept away that drowsiness, and glanced at the Minister
of Security, and said, "Oh, it's you, why are you here?"
Henry's words made the Minister of Security defamatory. Your people are al around our
office, will we do it again?
I thought so, but the Minister of Safety would never say that. He smiled at Henry, "It seems
that you have not been too bad."
Henry yawned and put his hands on the interrogation chair. The shackles that bound his
hands were easily broken by him.
Henry stretched hard, "I am a person, if you are not adaptable, and you can't live now, what
do you think?"
For Henry to get rid of his shackles so easily, the Secretary of Security was not surprised.
He knows the underground world well, and he knows to what extent the powerful people
inside have reached. This is not a problem for the person in front of him. .
But Ning Zhou and Chief Li did not behave so calmly.
From the morning, Ning thought that Henry had completely collapsed, but now it seems
that the other party has nothing at al , and even shows an indifferent look. The appearance
of getting rid of the shackles seems to have never put himself in In the eyes!
This point was completely unacceptable to Ning for a week!
Henry shook his head, stood up, and walked outside the door of the interrogation room.
"That Ning Gongzi, I just heard what you just said. You are right. Our identity, one in the sky
and one in the underground, is that the one in the sky is me and the one in the ground is
Henry He smiled slightly and continued: "I look at you, you must be curious who these are
behind you, the one who just talked to me, his surname is Guo, the minister of the China
Security Department, if you often watch the news He should be very familiar with him. As
for the remaining seven, they are all people of the same level. Now you understand? "
" What! This ... impossible! "Ning's eyes widened for a week and couldn't believe it.
I just dealt with a Lin family's son-in-law, and so many great people have come out. How is
it possible? What is his identity that will make these big men come over a thousand miles
Henry ignored Ning ’s shock for a week. He looked at the Minister of Security. “Well, if there
’s nothing wrong, I ’l go first. You should go back early. I believe you are also busy.”
Henry finished. , Waiting for the security minister to make any response, waved his hand,
and strode out.
The Minister of Security looked at Henry's back and suddenly said: "Wait!"
"Huh?" Henry stopped and he looked back without doubt.
"Ning province has had too much trouble recently. You better keep your people quiet. I
know your situation. After the last incident, I believe that you now should want a dul one,
right? "The Minister of Security said this, with a threat in his words.
Henry narrowed his neck and replied: "Perhaps, I don't want to cause trouble, but some
people like to bully others. You also saw that this time, you can't blame me. I also want to
tell you, I Don't take the initiative to cause trouble, but if there is such a scum of bullying, I
don't mind letting my people do it, don't doubt what I said. "
While Henry was speaking, the Minister of Security only felt an invisible pressure spread al
over his body, making him particularly uncomfortable. When the pressure dissipated, the
person in front of him had already disappeared.
The Minister of Security exhaled and rushed to the guard, saying: "Catch everyone!
Commander Ning, from now on, please give up the work at hand and cooperate with us to
Ning Province looked at the Security Minister in front of him, With a long sigh, he nodded
and said nothing.
Henry knew that. I saw him at the birthday banquet of Mr. Cheng last time, but he never
imagined that this young man had such a great energy, listening to the conversation he just
had with the Minister of Security, as if he had n’t put This leader is in the eyes.
Ning Province took the initiative to take off his epaulettes and handed them to the guards
on the side, representing his attitude.
Ning's arrogant look in the past week was ashamed at the moment, including Section Chief
Li. He could already think of his consequences, and the dismissal of the military was the
best result.
Henry took a brisk pace and left the military compound. He wanted to call Sylvia to report
safety, but found that his mobile phone had no power and had no choice but to rush home.
Chapter 185: Powerless Two Women
Yinzhou Third People's Hospital, a man and a woman are lying on the bed, the woman's
face is bluish, but with a smile, although the man's action is difficult, but he The heart is
Last night I performed a show in Zhongqing Park, and I got one million, enough for me to
live smartly for more than ten years!
Both of them are now thinking about how to spend the money. They don't even think about
what will happen to the person who is defiled by themselves.
While the two were still imagining a better future, several people in casual clothes rushed
into the ward. Without saying anything, they pressed the two together.
"Who are you? What are you doing!" The man who was being held snarled loudly.
"Less nonsense, fol ow us!" A leading casual man shouted.
The man's face on the hospital bed changed, and he immediately thought of something,
pushing his predecessor hard, "Go to you." The man in his casual clothes was pushed away
by him, he jumped out of bed, and ran out of the ward. .
The woman with a bruised face also ran away.
Seeing the two fleeing, these people dressed in casual clothes didn't chase them, but
showed a sneer.
In an unmanned hallway of the hospital, a sweet-looking little nurse slowly put a needle on
the syringe, took off the work card on the chest, and then pul ed out a long fang from
behind Wearing a grimace mask on her face, she glanced at a man and a woman who ran
out from the end of the corridor, striding at the charming pace, pinching the syringe, and
walked towards them.
Hell ambassadors, walking in every city in this world, they will be summoned at any time to
complete their tasks. There are not many hel ambassadors, but everyone you see may be a
hel ambassador.
The little nurse approached the man and the woman, raised the syringe in his hand, and
pierced the great artery of the man in front of him.
A few seconds later, a man and a woman were lying in the hal way, their faces filled with
pain, and they pulled out al the time, and the corners of their mouths overflowed with
After doing al this, the little nurse took off the mask on his face, re-hanged his badge, and
walked into the ward next to him as if he was nothing wrong.
At the Yinzhou Police Station, Helen stood in the director ’s office with red eyes. She also
did not sleep all night. She had been waiting in this office for hours.
At noon, Shi Shiran arrived.
"Gentleness, what the hel is going on in my hall this afternoon!" The director wiped the
forehead with sweat.
"I want a document and go to the army to pick up people!" Helen stared at the director and
said firmly.
Take people?" The secretary looked puzzled. "Who did you mention?" "You've seen the
scoundrel who caught you last time, the person you let me let go."
"He?" The director's face changed. The director has always been taboo, he only knows that
Henry's identity is very high, and the provincial leaders must be treated with care.
"I want a file, is there any!" Helen Rou asked again without any nonsense.
"Gentleness, don't worry, at least you have to tell me what happened?" The secretary wiped
his sweat.
Helen explained the matter in a short two sentences, and the director realized the
seriousness of the matter. Normally, the army has absolutely no right to arrest people.
But now, the troops directly crossed the police department and arrested. It was such a big
man that they were arrested. They were really to blame.
Thinking of this , the director did not dare to hesitate, and took Helen to the military area.
The police lights on the road and the traffic lights were not read.
When he arrived at the military area, the scene before him made the director and Helen
both a little stunned.
The two of them saw that the big men who could only be seen in the news were standing on
the playground in the compound. The Ning Chang Military Commander, Ning Province, had
removed his insignia and stood aside, his face full of loneliness.
"This ..." The
director and Helen glanced at each other, and they didn't have time to think much. They ran
forward and saluted the eight leaders.
"Police Chief? Is there anything wrong?" Minister Guo of the Ministry of Security frowned.
He was in a bad mood now. Just when he investigated the Ning Provincial Military Region,
he found too many things that made him sick.
"This ..." The Director was hesitant to see the Minister of Security.
"I came to find my friend. The troops crossed the police force and arrested people directly.
It was not in line with the rules!" Helen couldn't control so much. On the night when she
learned that Henry had an accident, she felt she was going crazy.
Countless times, Henry stood in front of himself to solve one difficulty after another, but
now, Henry has an accident, but he can't help even a little, even can't even meet him!
"Your friends?" Minister of Security frowned, "What is the name of your friend?"
"Henry!" Hearing this, the security minister scared cry, "baby girl, Henry is your friend?"
"Yes . "Han Gentle nodded.
The Minister of Security reviewed Helen from head to toe. "What is your relationship with
"Ordinary friend." Helen said.
The Minister of Safety chuckled, "You look anxious, unlike ordinary friends."
"We ..." Helen stopped talking.
The Minister of Security chuckled, "Okay, I probably understand that Henry is already fine.
You don't have to worry about him. Go back."
" Are you okay?" Helen stared.
Upon hearing this, the secretary next to him shivered involuntarily. After he had been in
office for so many years, he was so exquisite in his mind. Just looking at the attitude of the
Minister of Security, he probably knew that these big men might have come from Henry.
God, what kind of role is this? The fact that he was arrested directly shocked Huaxia's top
characters to come forward in person.
Helen didn't think the director thought so much. After learning that Henry was okay, she
hung her heart for a night and let it go completely.
Yinzhou First People's Hospital.
Sylvia sat by the hospital bed, took out the chicken broth he had just bought, and gave
Milan a bowl.
Milan looked at Sylvia's sloppy hair and haggard look and cared: "Sylvia, did something
"It's okay." Sylvia shook his head gently and tried to make a smile. Something. "
Milan took a sip of the chicken soup in the bowl and asked," It's about Henry? Are you
arguing with him? "
" No. "Sylvia shook his head and his face was lonely.
Sylvia has always been a strong woman. It seems that she can't beat her and can't knock
her down with anything, but this time Sylvia felt powerless.
From the morning til now, she exhausted all her contacts, but in the end, she could only
listen to her destiny.

Chapter 186
Since Henry had an accident yesterday, Sylvia feels as if the sky is falling.
She had never thought of Henry occupying such an important position in her heart.
Sylvia wiped a tear from his eyes.
"Sylvia, what the hel happened!" Milan was anxious to see Sylvia's appearance.
"It's nothing." Sylvia was lying on the bed and gently hugged Milan. "Milan, I just felt so
"Sylvia, no matter what happened, don't think so." Milan lightly patted Sylvia. 'S back,
"You are the president of Lin, what can you do to get you?"
At this time, Sylvia's mobile phone rang.
Sylvia panicked and quickly took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. It was a message
from Nantian.
"Sylvia, things should be fine." After
seeing this news, Sylvia raised a hint of joy in her heart, and she returned to Nantian: Thank
you, please have dinner when you have time.
Milan pul ed out a tissue and handed it to Sylvia. "Give it, wipe your tears."
Sylvia took the tissue and wiped it on his face.
Milan stared at Sylvia for a few seconds, but his eyes were suddenly focused behind Sylvia,
with a bit of dissatisfaction in his mouth: "Huh? Henry? You are just here, are you arguing
with Sylvia, I tel you, do n’t bully us Sylvia! Otherwise, I want you to look good! "
Sylvia listened to Milan and smiled bitterly." Don't make me happy. "
" Make you happy? What makes you happy? "Milan is a little strange.
"Where is Henry ..."
Sylvia just started to hear the familiar voice behind him.
"Sylvia, make you worry." This voice comes from Henry.
Listening to this familiar voice, Sylvia shivered unconsciously, and she slowly turned
around. When she saw the man standing behind her, she could no longer suppress the
emotions in her heart and got up and flung directly into Henryhuai.
It broke into the savory arms, let Henry slightly surprised a moment, immediately grabbed
backhand Sylvia slim waist, gently ask Han Lin ear:. "Makes you worry about the"
crystal tears from the eyes of Han Lin not only When she lived, she cried in her voice:
"You ... did you suffer?"
"No." Henry said lightly. "They knew they had misunderstood good people, so they let me
go. Nothing happened, and I had a big meal there. "
Henryneng could feel that the clothes on his chest had been wetted by Sylvia's tears.
He didn't expect that Sylvia would have such a big reaction, which made Henry Very
Reaching out, Henry gently hooked Sylvia's jaw, let her raise her head, and wiped the tears
off her face.
"You look at you, cry like a cat, ugly dead."
"You are ugly!" Sylvia raised a powder fist, hammered on Henry's chest.
"Yes, I'm ugly, I'm ugly, but I married such a beautiful daughter-in-law." Henry looked at
Sylvia's peerless face with a smile.
The woman's pear flower with rain looks very cute.
Sylvia also happened to see Henry's fiery eyes, and the pretty face turned red with a snap,
shell teeth bit his lip lightly and lowered his head.
"Al right, this greasy sour smel can make people sick!" Milan deliberately slammed his hand
in front of his nose. "Are you two coming to see me, or dog abuse? Bul ying? Is it interesting
to be single? Sylvia, believe it or not, I will bring my fresh meat harem group in France and
kill your home Henry! "
"Unbelief." Sylvia squinted, and his bright eyes became curved crescents. "My family is
Henry, which is the best."
Milan listened to this and looked at Henry subconsciously. Do not admit, Sylvia is right,
Henry is really excellent. How many people in this world are good at these fields?
Henry ’s safe return, let Sylvia finally put a heart down, did not have a good rest last night,
today Sylvia did not go to the company, chat with Milan for a while, when Milan fell asleep,
she and Henryye left.
The two of them didn't drive last night, and the car just stopped at the door of the hospital.
Henry looked at the woman's tired appearance and took the initiative to play the role of
Sylvia was sitting in the co-pilot, and Henry's appearance made her feel unprecedented at
ease. Last night, Henry didn't return overnight, making her feel that the home was
Sylvia's aversion to Henry disappeared as early as time passed and turned into an
attachment. Now Henry is the master of the family.
The woman looked sideways and looked at the man who was driving. She thought it was so
Sylvia thought about what happened last night, and thought about Han Gentle's attitude.
He asked Henry curiously, "Yes, do you know the police officer named Helen, the deputy
captain of the city's criminal investigation team?"
Sylvia heard this. Speaking of Helen's name, Henry was a little embarrassed, scratching his
head with his hand, "That ... how suddenly asked this?"
Sylvia explained: "After you had an accident yesterday, I went to the police station.
Officer Han knew this and behaved It ’s more anxious than I am. ”
Henry felt warm in his heart. He had n’t realized it for a long time, and nodded.“ Yes, I have
had a lot of misunderstandings with this Korean police officer before. Later, the
misunderstanding was lifted and it was a friend. "
" Just a friend? "Sylvia looked at Henry suspiciously, whispering," How do I feel, she has a
little meaning to you? "
Henry almost didn't hold the steering wheel, laughed twice, didn't reply, and concentrated
on driving.
After arriving home, Sylvia was lying on the sofa. Her work schedule was very regular.
Suddenly she stayed up all night, making her look particularly haggard. The appearance of
the woman made Henry feel distressed. He stood behind Sylvia and put his hands on Sylvia
’s On the temple, gently knead for her.
The comfort from his head made Sylvia gradually close his eyes, his slender legs stretched
slowly, and the whole person became relaxed. In only five minutes, Sylvia gave a
symmetrical breathing sound.
Henry stopped the movement in his hand, slowly hugged the woman in her arms, and
walked towards the bedroom upstairs.
Sylvia's bedroom was full of a woman's unique fragrance. Henry placed Sylvia on the bed,
carefully removed her shoes and socks for her, put a towel on the woman's bel y, and
quietly looked at the sleeping beauty in front of her. After a while, Henrycai crept out of the
bedroom door.
After returning to his room, Henry recharged the phone and received countless messages
from Helen the first time it was turned on.
The surnamed Zhang, did not tell the old lady when she came out, did she not take the old
lady seriously?

Chapter 187
looking at the information on the phone, Henry unconsciously smiled. Although the female
Tyrannosaurus tone, but the concern, it can not be concealed.
Henry called Helen in the past, and just after the phone rang, he was connected by Helen.
"The last name is Zhang! Did you finally know that you called the old lady? The old lady was
at home and gave you twenty minutes to come home immediately to find the old lady.
Shiquan shook it out! "
Henry listened to the roar on the phone and hadn't had time to speak before Helen had
hung up the phone.
Henry smiled bitterly, changed his clothes, and hurried towards where Han gently lived.
The place where Helen lived is not far from Sai Shangshui Township, and Henry came to
Helen's house by car.
After knocking on the door, the door was opened from inside after a few seconds.
At the moment when the door opened, Henry saw a shadow of Qian Ying and threw himself
into his arms. He just started to speak, and his lips were blocked by a fragrance.
Helen pulled Henry into the door with a hard pull. She pushed Henry open and gasped,
"The surname is Zhang, you make the old lady worry about one night, you must
compensate the old lady!"
Henry only saw this, Helen Wearing a black bathrobe, short hair was wet behind her head,
and the crystal water droplets remained on the woman's long eyelashes. The delicate facial
features were flawless. At this moment, Henry could only think of four words Water
Helen put his hands on his waist and gently unraveled the bath belt tied around his waist.
The black bathrobe slipped natural y and spread on the ground.
Helen pulled Henry's col ar, "Today, the old lady wouldn't let you get out of bed!" In this
scene, Henry hugged Helen's thin waist and exercised regularly, giving Han Gen's skin an
amazing elasticity.
"Are you beautiful?" Helen looked at Henry with blurred eyes, and spit Youlan lightly in her
"Beautiful." Henry nodded unconsciously.
"Then what are you waiting for?" Helen exhaled gently in Henry's ear. The next second, she
felt a huge force lifted herself and walked to the bedroom.
Helen wrapped around Henry's neck, and there was a tear in his eyes. "I don't want to be in
bed, I want to leave your shadow in every corner of this room."
At four o'clock in the afternoon, Henry dimly awake from his sleep.
Turned over and looked, there was no more gentle shadow of Han around.
Henry shouted, and no one in the room answered him.
Wearing shorts and getting up from the bed, there is no gentle shadow of Han in the room.
On the coffee table in the living room, there is a dinner plate with a fried egg on it, which
has been cooled.
There is a piece of paper next to the plate. The handwriting on the paper is beautiful: I want
to cook a meal for you, but the old lady admits, no! The old lady would only practice martial
arts, and left. She took part in the assessment of the blade. The keys and everything are on
the shoe cabinet. There are a few pots at home. Take care of the old lady. If the old lady
comes back and finds that the flower is dead, believe me, you will not be too good. go with.
Leave ?" The words on the note made Henry feel empty.
He turned his gaze to the balcony, where there were a few flower pots, and the shoots had
just stretched out of the soil.
Henry recognized these branches and shoots, and when they grew up, they were the blue
Henry picked up the key, went out the door, and went straight to the police station.
When he arrived at the police station, Henry asked Helen where he was going.
The answer is that Helen went to training under the arrangement of the bureau, and the car
had already departed half an hour ago.
Henry called Helen's phone and displayed the shutdown.
Several Mitsubishi SUVs were driving at high speeds and headed in the opposite direction
of Yinzhou.
"Captain Han, once you leave this time, you won't be able to come back in a year or two. In
the team, it is forbidden to use mobile phones at will. You must hold on to your boyfriend
and don't let it run away." The third team The captain of Nat, sitting in the cab, said with a
"It's okay, he will wait for me." Helen smiled slightly. She turned her head and looked
behind her. This city, where she had lived for more than two decades, was farther and
farther away from herself.
Henry stood lonely in front of the Yinzhou police station and looked quietly into the
When Henry came home, Sylvia was still asleep. Henry did not call Sylvia on purpose.
He prepared a sumptuous dinner. After the meal was completed, he walked into the
bedroom to wake Sylvia.
The scent from downstairs attracted Sylvia's attention at once. She sniffed her cute little
nose and sat by the bed, smiling and asked: "What are you doing delicious."
"You love to eat Braised eggplant, spicy chicken, and stewed lamb, get up quickly. "
" Well. "Sylvia nodded. This time, she didn't ask Henry why he was lying in the bedroom,
nor did he say anything to Henry. If you enter my bedroom again.
When Sylvia packed his hair and walked downstairs, he saw that Henry had put the
tableware and chopsticks, sitting on the table and waiting for himself.
Henry Sylvia waved his hand: "Mr. Lin, come and eat, otherwise it will be cold."
Sylvia walked to the table, picked up chopsticks, and pondered for two seconds. Just cal me
Sylvia. "The
woman's pretty face was a little unnatural, and she said this sentence on her own initiative,
which made her feel embarrassed. This was the first time she took the initiative to close a
Henry was also stunned, and then nodded happily, "Okay, Sylvia."
This gracious address made Lin invite Han a sweet smile, and in a delicate atmosphere, the
two enjoyed the dinner.
For dinner in Milan, Henry had already prepared it in an incubator. After dinner, the two
went to the hospital together.
Days pass by day by day.
On the fifth day of surgery in Milan, the wound on her chest was almost healed.
Sylvia was busy with the company, Henry drove Sylvia's Mercedes-Benz GT to the hospital,
and visited Milan alone.
"How about the wound? Can you leave the hospital?" Henry sat by Milan's hospital bed,
cutting an apple.
"That ..." Milan looked at Henry uncomfortably, "the attending doctor said, you have to see
the wound, and if there is no problem, you can be discharged."
"Oh, okay, let me see." Henry ordered Nodded, put the apple down, and said naturally,
"You lie down."
"This ..." There was a hint of blush on Milan's face. "What are you looking
at?" .
Milan is sitting on the hospital bed, the movements are a bit tweaked, it is because the
position of his wound is real y awkward. If you do n’t know Henry, it is better to say that
you have a heart and let the doctor check it. Meet Henry!
Henry saw Milan's tweaked look, and suddenly realized, he laughed, "What do you want,
just show me the wound, and don't look elsewhere."
Chapter 188: The Killer Appears Again
"How much do I want?" Milan listened to Henry's words and wished to punch Henry on
Is this what I think about?
"Do you feel anything else about your wound now?" Henry looked at Milan and asked.
Milan shook his head and said, "No, except itching."
"You stretch your left hand and try to see if it hurts." Henry gestured to Milan.
Milan learned from Henry's posture and felt it, "It hurts but it doesn't hurt."
Henry nodded, "That's almost fine, I used the soluble thread to sew it for you, I can leave
the hospital without removing the needle , I'l go through the procedures for you, you tidy
up your things. "
" Uh ... "Milan looked at Henry in amazement," Is it finished? "
" Otherwise? "Henry asked strangely," Do you think What do I want to see? "
" I ... "Milan opened his mouth and his face changed," Okay, please go and go through the
formalities! "
" Haha! "Henry laughed twice, and he hadn't seen Milan eat out What she looks like, teasing
her is quite interesting.
Milan did not bring anything when he was hospitalized. Most of these were taken by Sylvia
and Henrylu one after another. Henry drove and took Milan home.
Sitting in the car, Milan looked at the scenery on both sides of the road and sighed,
"Hey, there really is nothing wrong with it. The things I want to see most when I am in
hospital are those things that I usual y disdain."
Henryhaha Laughing loudly, "
Okay , you just drank soup in the past few days, and you are also greedy, what do you want
to eat?" "That must be greedy, braised pork, spare ribs, spicy fish, nothing less!"
Milanese face Prideful look, can't wait to drink two more glasses.
"Fine." Henry waved his hand, "Go to buy vegetables, and we will have a big meal when
Sylvia comes back."
Back home, Henry accidentally saw Anna standing in the yard, which made him a little
strange, usually Anna would protect Sylvia personal y.
Anna saw Henry coming back and said, "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Lin asked me to come back and said
I will give you a handle."
Take the handle?
Henry looked at the things in the car and shook his head. Ever since Ning had been shaded
by Ning for the last time, Sylvia was more and more concerned about himself, that is,
packing up the things brought back from the hospital, all deliberately Let Anna come back.
Just as Henry was about to speak to Anna, a cold awn suddenly appeared.
Henry's face changed, and he threw Milan next to him, pressing it under his body, the full
feeling was particularly obvious, but Henry was too late to pay attention to this, he sipped:
Anna in Henry The moment he knocked Milan down, he hid behind the car, where a bright
dagger was being inserted where the three had stood.
Anna observed and turned around, and said with a deep voice: "On the left." She was like a
cheetah, she bowed her body and could exert her strength at any time.
As Anna was about to leap out, Henry's voice reached her ears, "You protect Milan."
Immediately afterwards, Anna saw Henry climbing from the ground and rushing out at a
rapid rate, Looking at Henry's movements, Anna's eyes narrowed. On weekdays, she had
seen Henry standing in the yard and punching at the big tree, but Anna thought Henry was
in normal fitness.
But now, Jing Jing doesn't think so.
Just looking at it, Anna is sure that Henry's speed is simply unmatched by himself, too fast!
A cold mountain struck again, Henry turned sideways, his right hand extended two fingers,
and the next second, that cold mountain was pinched in his hand, also a dangling dagger,
with a carving on the handle of the dagger Flowers.
"People who stabbed Mei?" Henry frowned, his castration continued.
Seeing that Henry was so relaxed, the person hiding in the dark grabbed the dagger he
threw, and forced him at a very fast speed. When he was shocked, he had to retreat.
"Where do you want to go?" Henry's voice rang behind the other party. At the same time,
Henry also saw the attacker.
This is an ordinary-looking woman, wearing jeans, a white shirt, and a ponytail, of a type
that you can never find in the crowd.
But Henry understands that it is precisely this most obscure person that is most suitable as
a kil er.
The horsetail woman saw Henry, without any nonsense, took out a dagger in each hand,
and stabbed at Henry.
Facing the opponent's offensive, Henry simply waved his arm twice, and then knocked out
all the daggers in the opponent's hand.
The horsetail woman was shocked, and she only knew how to deal with it. She understood
that the man in front of her was not something she could deal with.
Henry looked at the horsetail woman and groaned, "The people in the dark have failed.
Do you have confidence in the people who stabbed Mei?" The woman in the horse was
shocked by Henry's words, "Who are you!"
"You don't need to know." Henry shot like a lightning bolt and cut a woman's neck with a
The horsetail woman's eyes were black and planted straight towards the ground.
At this time, Anna ran over with Milan, who was stil a little panicked, "Mr. Zhang, she ..."
"Tie it up first." Henry frowned, "Where is Sylvia?"
"General Lin!" Anna's face After a sudden change, he turned and ran to his Volkswagen
Henry got on the bus one step ahead of Anna. "You stay here to protect Milan. I'll go find
someone." After
leaving such a sentence, Henry drove a Mercedes-Benz GT, made a roar, and hurried out of
the yard.
In the car, Henry stepped on the accelerator and drove fast on the road. He took out his
mobile phone, found Sylvia's phone, dialed it, but no one answered it. This made Henry sink
to the bottom.
Thorn Mei, also an organization belonging to the underground world, is good at
Henry kept dialing Sylvia's phone, the speed of the vehicle didn't drop at all, and the
Mercedes-Benz GT turned into a red beast, running on the road.
On the road, there were constant sounds of drinking and scolding.
With a beautiful drift, the Mercedes-Benz GT stopped in front of the Lin Group. After getting
off the car, Henry drove up to the top floor at the fastest speed.
During the period, Henry observed that the Lin Mansion was peaceful and there was no
But the more calm, the more anxious Henry felt.
Henry didn't even have time to sit on the elevator. From the stairs all the way up, he ran to
the president's office on the top floor. He pushed open the office door, but found that there
was no one in the office. On Lin's desk, there was a whole stack of them.
Processed documents.
This scene made Henry extremely anxious.
Henry ran out of the office and found the secretary Li Na. "
Where is Mr. Lin ?" "Mr. Lin? Just in the office. She just asked me to take the documents in."
Henry shouted badly in his heart, and rushed downstairs to rush downstairs .
Li Na looked at Henry with a confused look.

Chapter 189
rushed downstairs, Henry's eyes were searching around, he was not looking aimlessly, but
was looking for a route, since he had not seen To Sylvia, it proves that she should be okay
now. The person who stabbed Mei did not kil her, but arrested her. In that case, there will
be a safe retreat route.
In front of these large and small buildings, cafes, and simple restaurants, at the moment in
Henry's eyes, they are all irregular graphics. The entire CBD business center is al in Henry's
About thirty seconds later, Henry locked in one direction and walked towards it.
Henry's footsteps were quick and his eyes were accurate. He careful y observed every
direction careful y, and no blind spot was missed.
When passing by a Jane restaurant, Henry suddenly froze. Through the floor-to-ceiling
glass of Jane restaurant, he saw Sylvia sitting in the restaurant. A faint smile appeared on
the woman's face. Opposite Sylvia, sitting Nantian dressed in casual clothes.
Nan Tian is very temperamental, sitting there, letting people look at it, just like a wealthy
young man, he and Sylvia sat face to face, attracting a lot of attention in the Jane restaurant.
The moment Henry saw Sylvia, he let go of his heart completely, and the things he worried
about did not happen.
Henry eased the expression on his face and walked to the door of Jane's restaurant.
When he was about to enter, he was stopped.
Nantian's follower Xiao Chen stood at the door of Jane's restaurant and looked at Henry
with a bad face. "What are you doing? Stop!"
Henry frowned and looked at Xiao Chen. "I'm looking for my wife, and I'm in your turn?"
"You Wife? "Xiao Chen sneered," You are surnamed Zhang, you really can put gold on your
face, just like you, what kind of face says that Miss Lin is your wife, and now Miss Lin is
eating with our captain, I do n’t want unrelated people to appear. ”
Henry glanced at Xiao Chen and was n’t in a mood to fight against him.“ Give up, I do n’t
want to say it again. ”
"Don't let it!" Xiao Chen straightened his chest, "I said what is wrong with your waste,
where is your face?"
Xiao Chen remembered that the girl Lin also cal ed her captain the other day and said This
kid has an accident, let his captain help to deal with it, okay, his captain has found someone
to deal with it, this kid is fine, come to Fan Heng?
Henry took a deep breath, holding back the anger in his heart, "I ask you, let it go!"
"Oh, you are threatening me again?" Xiao Chen looked at Henry disdainfully, "Why, I don't
Let you stil hit me? "
Inside the Jane restaurant.
Sylvia turned his back to the door, took a cup of coffee, and gently took a sip, "Nantian,
anyway, thank you for the last thing, if not you, I real y don't know what to do
." Nan Tian waved his hand indifferently. He could see the door of Jane ’s restaurant in the
direction he was sitting. Henry appeared at the door of Jane ’s restaurant and was
stopped by Xiao Chen. He saw it clearly. The genius said, "Hey, Sylvia, isn't that your
Sylvia turned his head and saw Henry standing in front of the Jane restaurant.
Chen Nan Tien front door Heleyisheng: "Chen, do it Kuaiqing Mr. Zhang come in?!"
Chen Leng Heng soon as reluctant to face Henry said:. "Waste stuff, go in it,"
Henry look Without looking at Xiao Chen, he strode into the Jane restaurant and came to
the table where Sylvia sat.
Sylvia asked strangely, "Henry, why are you here, you are not going to pick up rice ..."
"Why don't you answer the phone!" Henry stared at Sylvia seriously.
"Answer the phone?" Sylvia suspiciously, and took out his mobile phone from his small
handbag. At first glance, there were more than a dozen missed calls from Henry and a few
from Milan.
"I didn't hear the tone when I was working," Sylvia explained, and immediately asked,
"What's wrong?"
" Nothing ." Henry took a deep breath.
Sylvia saw that Henry's face was wrong and asked, "Are you blaming me for not answering
the phone?
"OK." Sylvia nodded, got up from the seat, and greeted Nantian, "Nantian, then I'll go home
first, we have time to meet again."
"Okay." Nantian smiled. Chong Sylvia nodded and watched Henry and Sylvia leave.
Henry and Sylvia had just left the door of the Jane ’s restaurant, and Xiao Chen walked over
with an unhappy face. "South Team, this Henry is also a bit too arrogant. Last time, if you
helped me, he is still squatting inside, really I do n’t know what he can be proud of. If
something happens, I have to rely on Miss Lin. How can such waste be worthy of Miss Lin. ”
Nantian shook his head and sighed,“ Hey, who knows, feelings? This thing is not good.
" South team, I feel that this kid played so well at the usual time, and confused the girl Lin.
Do you remember what the girl Lin said last time, because this boy went in? Seeing the
courageous and brave, without that ability, deliberately succeeding the hero, should just
want to show up in front of the girl Lin, I do n’t think we can think of a way to compare him,
let the girl Lin see the gap clearly, do n’t be with this waste again! "Xiao Chen squeezed his
fist. If it wasn't for Nan Tian's opening, he couldn't help but go up and beat Henry.
Nan Tian listened to Xiao Chen's words and moved a little. "What way? Find someone to
pretend to be a robber. Do you want me to be brave once?"
"Surely not." Xiao Chen shook his head. "This method is too low-level. South team, we can
borrow the girl's mansion in the name of the exercise and take out whatever you have
learned. One, can crush that surnamed Zhang, and let the girl see the gap clearly.
Nan Tian pondered and nodded," OK! Just fol ow what you said. "
Henry took Sylvia out of the Jane's restaurant and drove into the car , Heading home al the
On the way, Henry did not say a word, Sylvia also did not say anything, and the atmosphere
seemed very depressed.
When approaching home, Sylvia took the lead and she looked at Henry who was driving
and asked, "Did you blame me for not answering the phone! Do you not believe me? Do you
think what will happen if I eat with Nantian!" "No.
" Henry shook his head. "I didn't think so."
"Is it?" Sylvia laughed mockingly. "You called me a dozen times in such a short time. I just
talked to an ordinary My friend just had a meal, did you have such a big reaction? "
" I ... "Henry opened his mouth and did not say anything. He had to admit that when he saw
Sylvia and Nantian sitting together, he was Somewhat uncomfortable, but he was not angry
about it.
In front of this woman, Henry seems to have forgotten his identity as a king who stomping
his feet would make the underground world shake, and only felt that he was an ordinary

Chapter 190 Thorn Rose

See Henry has nothing to say, Sylvia did not continue to speak, Henry's distrust made Sylvia
really angry.
Along the way, neither of them talked much.
Back home, Henry stopped the car and saw Milan and Anna rushing out of the house.
"Henry, Sylvia! Is Sylvia contacted?" Milan asked anxiously.
"What's wrong?" Lin asked Han to open the passenger door with doubt.
Seeing Sylvia, Milan and Anna breathed out in a sigh of relief.
Milan patted his chest, "Sylvia, you're fine if you're fine, just fine, this is really annoying
"What's the matter?" Sylvia was confused.
"Don't Henry tell you?" Milan glanced at Henry and said immediately, "Just after someone
attacked us, Henry hurriedly went to find you after subduing the man. You did n’t answer
the phone, and you thought something happened to you! ”
Milan ’s words made Lin please Han a chuckle,“ You keep calling me because of this? ”
“ Otherwise? I know you President Lin is so busy, who dares to cal you all the time, you
’re fine. ”Milan took Lin ’s hand,“ Come into the house, Anna said Ken Ken and the attackers
are hiding in the dark, Stay safe in the room. "
Lin invited Han Qiao's face, suddenly full of shame. She looked at Henry, but Henry had
already walked into the house and dragged out the bound ponytail woman. Henry's
previous knife The strength is so great that the other party is not sober until now.
Henry opened the Mercedes-Benz car door, threw the horsetail woman into the auxiliary
seat, and then got on the main driver himself, and said to Anna that he paid attention to the
observation and drove away from the courtyard.
Milan looked at the taillights of the Mercedes-Benz GT from afar, and looked strangely at
Sylvia, "Sylvia, are you arguing with Henry, I feel something is wrong between you two?"
"No ... no." Sylvia It was a bit embarrassing.
Just now, she was angry because Henry did n’t trust herself, but now she knows that
because of this kind of thing, Henry made so many calls to herself. Every missed cal , Sylvia
can feel that kind Anxious and concerned, but myself, even with Henry angry because of
this matter.
At this moment, Sylvia felt that he was too much!
Henry drove directly to the suburbs. At the same time, Henry sent a message to Wade
White to go out.
In an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city, where the sharp blade and quicksand
were fighting last time, the horsetail woman sat on a bench and woke up slowly.
The first time she woke up was to observe the surrounding environment. The fiery red
clouds in the sky outside proved that the factory had appeared very empty in the evening,
and she saw no figure around her.
There was a suspicious expression on the horsetail woman's face. She moved her lower
extremities gently and found nothing like an organ.
After observing these, the horsetail woman slowly stood up from the bench, looked at the
direction of the factory exit, and walked over.
"Where are you going?" The horsetail woman just stepped out of the factory door with one
foot, and heard a voice from the side. She looked in the direction of the voice, and the voice
was a young man. The stunned man, but a man who looks very sunny, even has a slightly
young face, like a little fresh meat on TV.
The horsetail woman stared at the coming young man and made a precautionary gesture,
"Who are you?"
Wade White chuckled without opening.
There was another female voice on the other side of the horsetail woman.
"It's really interesting, you came to Yinzhou to kill, but asked who we are?" Thorn Peak
wore a white dress, and Shi Shiran came, "Why, want to leave? Look closely." The horsetail
woman stared nervously The sudden spikes and Wade White then looked out.
On the open space outside the factory, a group of men and women were sitting together.
There were more than a dozen people. They were setting up a campfire and roasting a
The horsetail woman touched her body subconsciously. When she touched the bulge in her
pocket, she put down a lot of hanging hearts and looked at Wade White and the spikes. The
horsetail woman tried to calm herself as much as possible. I am the person of Tie Mei.
Which force are you from? You should know our rules! "
" Rules? "Wade White smiled after hearing this." Sorry, I only know how to make rules, I
don't know what to do. " How to obey the rules is worse than telling me what are the rules!
Wade White sipped his eyes when he smiled, and looked very sunny, but gave the horsetail
woman a feeling like fal ing into an ice cel ar.
At this moment, the sunset sky suddenly darkened, and countless rose petals fell from the
sky. Those who grilled on the open space outside the factory, when they saw these falling
petals, al put their hands down.
The horsetail woman suddenly laughed, and she knew that her own man was coming.
Unlike other organizations, the people of Tingmei will not easily give up any partner.
When the attacker is captured, as long as he is not dead, Tiemei will do everything possible
to rescue.
And the rose in the sky represents the advent of the thorn rose.
Wade White looked up at the sky, and the scene of the rose petals was real y beautiful.
"Cut! There is no place to spend money!" Wade White glanced at his mouth.
After the sky rose, a series of more than ten figures appeared, al of them female, headed by
a black evening dress, with hair uplifted, as delicate as the queen of the party.
But the people present knew that this exquisite woman was definitely a thorny black rose
that could easily kill people.
"Rosa appearance appearance, still so amazing ah." White pool out of the factory, which
looked at more than a dozen of shadow just appeared, "This should be the Rosa underboss,
black roses, right?"
Dress woman forward Taking a step, he covered his mouth and smiled softly, "You are
really interesting, it seems that we are waiting for our thorns."
Wade White shrugged his shoulders, which was equal to the default.
The black rose waved at the ponytail woman, "Come on." The ponytail woman walked
toward the black rose al her life, and Wade White and others did not stop her.
After the ponytail woman walked to the black rose, the black rose spoke again,
"Everyone, we prick the rose, and we are not unreasonable people, let's talk, what did the
person who put us this time want?"
" I really want something. "Wade White rubbed his hands and walked to the side of the
barbecue stove, took a skewer and ate while eating." The rules of the underground world,
everyone knows well, I will stab you now. There are two choices for Mei, the first one, tell
me who your employer is. "
Black Rose smiled, and it was particularly beautiful." Hello, since you know the rules, you
should understand that we will never leak the employer ’s information and directly say The
second choice. "
" Actual y I don't recommend you choose the second one. "Wade White finished the
skewers in his hand, throwing the braziers at hand, grinning," The second one, all of you
who come today, stay Here. "
Chapter 191: Little Emotions
Although Wade White smiled on his face, but what he said brought a chil .
Black Rose looked at Wade White and others. She glanced. Now there are more than a
dozen people on both sides. There are a few more people on her side than the opposite
side. The fight has an absolute advantage in the number of people, and more importantly,
Ning Province , Is the site of Tingmei!
The underground world is not a mess. In every province, there is an organization to control
the order of the underground world.
Ning province is the place where thorn rose!
Black Rose looked at Wade White and others. She admitted that these people dared to be
here and waited for them to find out, they definitely had a hole card, but Ting Mei was not
bullied by anyone, even if you were over Jianglong, you might not fight I've got a snake like
"Your Excellency, your words are a bit too rampant." Black Rose stared at Wade White,
ready to shoot at any time.
"Is it crazy, do not you consider this." Wade White hands pockets, "Now you must consider
is how to choose, to remind you, but I'm not kidding."
Black rose slightly came up two steps, "Since you insist If you want to stay with us, then do
n’t blame us for quitting the truth! ”The
word “ morality ” fel in the mouth of the black rose, and the thorn beauty member standing
behind her spread out in the first time, everyone Holding a dagger.
Wade White shook his head, and there was a trace of regret on his face. "Seriously, you
made the most wrong choice in your life. Brothers and sisters, wait for it to bake and solve
it in advance."
Wade White waved his hand and originally sat The men and women in front of the
barbecue grill also stood up.
They looked at the person who stabbed Mei, and at the same time, made the same
movements. Everyone put their hands behind their backs, and then slowly took out a
grimace mask with fangs on their faces.
At the same time, a black card slowly fel in front of the black rose.
At this moment, the confident appearance of Black Rose became panic, her eyes widened,
because the flowers in front of them were eclipsed. The four words
"Hellwalker ..."
Hellwalker, when heard by ordinary people, may be used as a joke, as a TV show title, but in
the eyes of people in the underground world, these four words represent death, yes
Despair is to control everything in this world!
Black Rose stared at the black card under her feet and slowly raised her head with
unbelievable eyes, "You ... you ..."
"I said, you made the most wrong choice in life It's a pity. "Wade White also wore a grimace
mask. His soft voice was now a little hoarse.
At this moment, Black Rose had only one idea in mind, who was the mission target, and
who was that woman! why! Why would hellwalker serve her!
Looking at the people in front of her, Black Rose couldn't even give birth to her rebellious
thoughts. She now has only one idea, that is, to tell her sister, tens of millions, don't do
anything with that woman again.
But Black Rose knew in his heart that this news of himself may never be transmitted.
Wade White took out a butterfly knife from his cuff, and he vomited lightly in his mouth,
"Kill!" For a
moment, dozens of figures went towards the person who thorned Mei.
Bright red blooms, but this time it is no longer a rose petal.
The underground world is a world with no legal system and no reason. In this world, the
strong is the most respected and the winner is the king. No one will be soft-hearted.
The name Hellwalker is not self-proclaimed by Wade White and others, but came from the
population who feared them in the killings.
When all the dust has settled, the sky ful of roses seems to have never appeared.
Wade White took off his mask, looked at the blood on the ground, and shook his head.
"Dragons have counterscales, and they are angry when they touch them. Sister-in-law is the
most important counterscale of the elder brother. Whoever dares to offend must pay the
price of blood! "When
Henry sent the people to the factory and returned home, Milan had already prepared the
dishes, and the Chinese cuisine of this French chef was quite good.
Sylvia sat on the table with a bowl of rice in front of her, and she didn't move.
It wasn't until the moment when Henry entered the house that Sylvia picked up the
chopsticks and took a bite of rice.
"Henry, come and have dinner." Milan sat on the table and greeted Henry.
Henry nodded and sat on the table without saying a word.
He is now considering a very important issue. The people in the night have failed, and the
people in Tie Mei have come to assassinate Sylvia again.
In the underground forces, the dark night is completely above the thorn rose, it is
impossible, in addition to the surnamed Yan Jing of Su Jing, there are people who want
Sylvia's life?
If this problem can't be solved, Henry will feel like he is in the throat, and he can't sleep
Sylvia looked at Henry, who was sitting opposite him, without saying a word. Now Henry's
face was very ugly. She was stil angry with Henry.
"I'm full, you eat." Sylvia put the chopsticks away and got up and walked upstairs.
Milan looked at Sylvia and strangely said: "What happened to Sylvia? Did you eat so little?"
"I don't know." Henry was also confused, "Maybe I ate a bit in the afternoon and
Nantian ." Sylvia kicked his slippers , Walked into the bedroom, closed the door angrily, sat
down by the bed, picked up the soft pillow, and the small pink fist hammered on the pillow,
"Dead Henry! You want to be angry! You must ask me to bow your head to admit it! Kill
you! Kill you! "
Henry, who was eating in the living room, sneezed violently, rubbed his nose, and
continued to think about the kil er, not knowing that the woman upstairs was losing her
Sylvia, an uncompromising daughter of heaven, has many pursuers, but she still had a good
impression of men of the same age for the first time. After the army, she knew Henry ’s
status in her heart. It is missing, but she does not know how to maintain this relationship,
just like the first love of men and women, everyone has that kind of arrogance in their
hearts, and no one will bow their heads to each other first.
At the end of dinner, Henry greeted Milan after packing up the tableware and went out.
Night bar.
There was no deafening music in the bar. Since Helen took charge of Aoba, al the noisy
electric sounds have been replaced with soft and light music.
Henry sat on the deck with half a glass of wine in front of him.
Sitting opposite Henry, Wade White waved his hand to the waiter. "Man, come with two
pieces of ice, thank you."
Henry put his hands behind his head and lay half on the sofa. "Ice pieces will destroy the
taste. You put it What are you doing? "
" Pretend. "Wade White smiled." Boss, you really don't have fun. Generally, young girls
think that it is the most correct way to drink ice and drink wine. Drinking it will make
people look down. "
Henry turned his head and looked. Sure enough, the two little girls at the next table were
throwing their disdainful eyes at themselves.

Chapter 192
Henry shook his head, looked at the white pool, "Well, do not talk nonsense, you know what
I'm looking for you."
Are next door and toast Wade White, who was at the table's beauty, became more dignified
when she heard Henry say this.
"Boss, shouldn't you have the answer in your heart?" Wade White shook the wine glass in
his hand and drank out the wine in the glass. "As for the design of Huojing, if no one is
helping behind, who dares? Blatantly said that the last design was on your boss. "
Henry sighed," Then who do you think is? "
" I'm not easy to say. "Wade White shook his head.
"Is it hard to say, or is it unwilling to think?" Henry asked.
"This ..." Wade White opened his mouth and stopped talking.
Henry chuckled and picked up the glass. "Several of us crawled out of the pile of dead
people. After so many years of traveling south and north, we have never experienced
anything. The most unacceptable thing is betrayal."
Henry put the glass in front of him. Looking through the wine in the glass, everything in
front of me became psychedelic.
"Actually, I have made it very clear. From now on, I do n’t want to participate in these
battles any more. It is the life I want to live with my wife indifferently, but some people
just do n’t want to see me alive. You said, this Is the person behind the scene Alex or Ilza? "
Henry proposed two names, making Wade White's face suddenly change.
These two names were said by Henry painlessly, but everyone can make a big splash in the
underground world.
Alex, Ilza, is known as the leader of hel . From this name, we can see how powerful these
two are.
"Tonight is late, I have to go home at night, tomorrow." Henry looked up and dried out the
wine in the glass. "Tomorrow you will walk with me to the thorn rose. No matter who is
behind the scene, you can move me, I want to move me. Wife, there is a price to pay!
Since he wants to test me, let him take a good look at what my anger is like! "
Yinzhou, Ning Province, is already surging under the surface calm.
In the early morning of the fol owing day, Henry waited for Sylvia to get up and told Sylvia
not to go to the company today, so he left home early and stuffed it outside the water
village. A global limited edition Aston Martin just waited at dawn. he.
Sylvia behaved indifferently and nodded to Henry. After Henry left, she pouted, "Stink
Henry, do you want to be so stingy!"
There is no breakfast prepared by Henry on the table today. Let Lin please Han Not used to
it, those breakfast stal s are totally incomparable with Henry's craftsmanship.
After Lin invited Han to Lin, he saw Nan Tian standing in front of the company.
"Sylvia, you are finally here." Nan Tian just watched Sylvia's car stop and strode over.
"What's wrong?" Sylvia asked strangely.
"That's it. There is something that needs your help." Nantian showed a hint of
embarrassment. "The team suddenly undertook a mission to have a rescue drill to rescue
the hostages. I want to borrow your company's building as a drill. Location, look ... "
Sylvia didn't expect this, thought about it, and then nodded," Yes, you can tel me a time, I
will arrange it. "
" Sylvia, thank you so much. "Nantian's face With an excited look, "Is this afternoon
possible? The exercise only takes two hours."
"may." Sylvia promised down, "it is set at four o'clock to six o'clock in the afternoon, I set
the time and so on down, we need human company do for you what?"
"Do not , No. "Nantian waved his hands again and again," You can borrow your mansion, it's
already helped me a lot, how dare you bother you again. "
" What is trouble, the last time you helped me was so busy, it was real y trouble you Sylvia
waved his hand indifferently. "Then you will contact me in advance."
Nan Tian said to Sylvia, and left with joy.
After leaving Lin's Building, Nantian called Xiao Chen for the first time, "Xiao Chen, arrange
things, just as we discussed yesterday."
"Relax Nan team, absolutely no problem, I promise that after today, Miss Lin will never see
that waste again! "Xiao Chen said confidently on the phone.
At this time, Henry had left Yinzhou City and went to the original city.
In Ning Province, the original city can be said to be a fairly backward city. Although it is a
municipal unit, its facilities are far from comparable to Yinzhou.
It is built on a mountain, and urbanization is not so powerful. You can see the shadow of the
Loess Plateau wherever you go.
"Unexpectedly, Tingmei was here." Wade White parked his car in front of a rare building in
the original city and looked at the building in front of him. This is one of the tallest
buildings in the original city. "Compared with the other underground forces The existence
of Tingmei is relatively bold. "
Henry stepped down from the car and walked directly into the building.
This building has a total of eleven floors, similar to the existence of a business building,
each floor of the building has thousands of square meters of surface foundation, there are
several companies.
Henry pressed the elevator and led Wade White towards the elevator.
On the top floor, only one company exists.
Wade White hummed an unknown little song, pressed the floor of the top floor, and
watched the elevator doors close slowly.
At the moment when the elevator doors closed immediately, a figure appeared in front of
the elevator doors quickly, letting the elevator doors closed immediately open.
Immediately afterwards, Henry and Wade White saw that more than ten strong men in
suits, holding a large bouquet of roses, poured into the elevator. Henry looked at it, and
there were at least thousands of roses.
When these strong men rushed into the elevator, they ignored the feelings of others in the
elevator and squeezed Henry and Wade White to the corner at once, leaving no gap at all.
Immediately afterwards, a handsome young man, wearing a burgundy suit, walked into the
elevator and sorted his tie.
"Master!" These big men in suits holding roses shouted as soon as they saw the youth.
"Wel ." The youth nodded in satisfaction. "Go."
A big man pressed the floor of the eleventh floor, the elevator door closed again, and
walked upward.
Wade White shook uncomfortably, and said, "I'm saying a few brothers, the space is so big
in front of you, can't you squeeze us?"
Wade White's words immediately greeted the eyes of a group of suit big men, quite
Because of badness, some people squeezed into Wade White deliberately.
Wade White rol ed his eyes, a little speechless.
Fortunately, the eleventh floor was not high. In only twenty seconds, the elevator stopped,
and all the big men rushed out of the elevator.
"Let's go." Henry greeted Wade White and walked out of the elevator.
Chapter 193: White Rose
Xuan and Wade White , as soon as they got out of the elevator, they saw a company's house
Xuanjian entertainment.
Wade White smiled, "Who would have thought, Rosa this is all a woman's kil ers would
engage in such an entertainment company gimmick?"
They see that in front of the company, just those suits brawny, in the hands of roses A heart
shape was put on, and the handsome young man wearing a burgundy suit was standing in
the middle of the heart.
The company's glass door opened, and a woman wearing a light blue long dress came out of
the door. The woman's long dress dragged the floor. The dress that appeared only at the
party was worn on her at this moment. It doesn't look abrupt, her hair is uplifted, her
temperament is noble, her facial features are beautiful, she is an out-and-out beauty, her
graceful movements, and a glance at her eyes all touch people's hearts.
Seeing the woman in the blue dress, the young man's face became particularly excited.
"Blue Heart, the nine hundred and ninety-nine roses you want, I'm ready. I will do
everything you say! You ..."
"Hehe." The blue skirt woman covered her lips and chuckled. "Young Master Xu, I'm joking
with you. Are you really prepared with so many roses?" The
young man smiled, "Blue Heart, even if it's your joke, as long as you want, I will Try our best
to satisfy. We have known each other for such a long time, do n’t you stil understand my
intentions? "When the
young man was speaking, his face was unabashedly showing affection.
Henry and Wade White stood at the elevator and looked at the scene in front of them.
Wade White laughed and said: "This kid real y has the guts to show love to the white rose,
and it is estimated that he will not even know how to die."
Among the thorn roses, there are two heads, two headed black roses, big headed, white
These two roses are both beautiful and prickly.
The young man stood in the peach heart of rose petals and confessed affectionately to the
white rose.
Wade White shook his head. "I final y know why Thornrose likes to sip roses when he
comes out. Co-authors are all gifts from others."
Wade White said as he walked towards the company's door.
The young man was still talking affectionately, and he heard an impatient voice coming
from behind him, "Man, let me let it go first."
Wade White patted the young man on the shoulder, fol owed by a heart made of young
people from roses Pul ed out in the middle.
The young man was deeply confessed, so suddenly interrupted, he looked at Wade White
with an unhappy face, "Boy, who are you!"
Wade Whiteli ignored the young man, looked at the woman in front of him, and asked,
"You are called Lan Xin ? "
White Rose nodded.
"The name is good." Wade White smiled. He took out a card and lit up the white rose.
With just a glance, White Rose's face changed, and no one in the underground world would
not know the fang-faced ghost mask.
"My brother and I want to find you a place where no one has a good chat." Wade White
smiled at White Rose.
"Okay." White Rose didn't hesitate, nodded and responded, never looking at the young man
named Xu again.
Wade White glanced at the white rose's long skirt, and glanced at his mouth. "You are too
long and look a little obnoxious. In summer, the girls should wear short skirts."
Hearing this Then, White Rose grabbed his skirt on the spot and yanked hard.
listen to "Tear".
The pale blue mopping skirt was torn by white roses, and turned into a short skirt with
white thighs. The original luxurious temperament became enchanting at this moment.
"OK." Wade White nodded in satisfaction, waved at White Rose, "Go."
White Rose obediently followed Wade White and walked towards the elevator.
The young man wearing a burgundy suit stared blankly at the scene in front of him. He was
slightly impressed with Wade White and Henry. When he first entered the elevator, his
bodyguard squeezed these two people around the corner, but he did n’t. I thought that the
goddess I had been pursuing for so long even listened to the words of the two so
obediently. The other party just had a skirt that was too long, so I let my goddess tear off
the dress and left the two men alone!
The occurrence of this scene made him feel crazy, and the frustration burst.
This thing that can make the youth in the wine-red suit depressed for a long time is just an
episode for Wade White. He let the white rose tear off the skirt, which is completely
uncomfortable. The bodyguard of this young man is just too horizontal.
In the elevator, White Rose looked at the two young men in front of him without saying a
Henry reached out his hand and pressed al the buttons from the tenth to the first floor.
Every time the elevator reached the first floor, the door was opened, and then closed
slowly, then went to the next floor.
"One question, before the elevator to the first floor, you can not even sell me a satisfactory
answer, Rosa have no need to exist." Henry buckle clasp fingers, "Who told you to go to the
Silver City?"
Asked the At the time of this problem, Henry clearly saw that White Rose's body had a
slight shake.
Such a simple act of White Rose made Henry feel a lot of heart.
If she only received ordinary commissions, White Rose would definitely not have such a big
response. From the slight shaking of her body, it can be seen that the commissions she
received were definitely from a role she could not provoke.
Wade White didn't make any sound when Henry asked questions.
Henry also did not speak. He looked at the floor buttons in the elevator, watching the
numbers dim one by one, proving that the elevator was descending one by one.
When the number on the fourth floor dimmed, White Rose's body shook more and more.
Some people, just by name, have enough deterrent power for others.
Hellwalker has such a deterrent.
Their appearance does not need to do anything at al , it will make people feel fear.
The underground world has a strict level of division, thorn rose, only belongs to the lowest
level of underground forces, and hel walker, this is walking at the top level.
The elevator went down one more level, and the buttons belonging to the third floor went
Henry glanced at the white rose. "There is the last layer, you think about it." The white rose
is still silent.
With the passage of time, one second after another, the button on the first floor of the
elevator was extinguished with the sound of the ding, and the elevator doors opened
Looking at the lobby on the first floor in front of me, the beautiful pupils of White Rose
began to enlarge.
"Upstairs." Henry said flatly, his wrist shook gently, and the camera in the elevator turned
into a snowflake.
Wade White nodded and saw him take a fang-toothed ghost mask from his waist and put it
on his face.
White Rose's body shook more and more.

Chapter 194: Mysterious Client

The elevator was re-pressed the number on the eleventh floor, this time there was no
further stop, but went directly to the top floor.
Henry mouth smiled.
Many years ago, Henry went to a family alone because of one incident and warned the helm
of that family.
Henry is not that aggressive personality. On the contrary, he has always been very polite, so
the helm of that family did not take Henry's words to heart. The end result was that the
family was completely subverted.
Someone once said such a sentence in the underground world, never think that the more
polite people are better to bully, on the contrary, the more storms, the more peaceful the
Henry looked harmless to humans and animals. In fact, he started a fire. No one dared to
bear the whole underground world.
The name of Satan is not just talking.
The elevator goes up one by one, and Wade White took out a butterfly knife and put it in his
hand to play.
When the elevator reached the tenth floor, Henry took out a dark gold ring and put it on his
White Rose's gaze shifted to this dark golden ring, his legs softened, and he almost knelt
"Yes ... holy ... holy ring ... you ... you are ..." White Rose stared at Henry with wide eyes,
couldn't believe it.
"Don't doubt what I said." Henry glanced at the white rose.
The elevator door opened, and Xu Qingnian took his ten or more bodyguards to stand at the
elevator door and waited. When he saw the man with a ghost mask in the elevator, Xu
Qingnian and others were startled. Zhang mask is too expressive.
"Blue Heart, you ..." The young man opened his mouth and wanted to talk to White Rose,
but he didn't know what to say. The goddess in his heart, even listening to others'
words, made him fall into the ice cellar.
White Rose ignored the youth, walked out of the elevator, and then knelt on the ground
under the shocked eyes of the youth.
This scene made the youth feel like a sword.
He has been proud of his family for a long time, but the scenes he saw today are all cut out
in his arrogant heart.
Henry and Wade White walked out of the elevator without looking at the white rose
kneeling on the ground, and walked past her.
When Henrymai's legs, white roses hugged Henry's calf with a look of pleading in her
beautiful eyes.
"Considered?" Henry touched the ring on his right index finger. "If you think about it, please
tell me?"
"Considered." White Rose nodded, her voice mixed with a strong sense of fear .
"Come on, get up." Henry waved his hand and took off the ring.
At the same time, Wade White also removed the mask on his face.
Seeing this scene, the heart of the white rose trembling with fear was stabilized. At this
moment, she gasped for a while, just a few minutes in front, she seemed to have exhausted
all her energy and was wet with sweat. , Feeling weak limbs.
White Rose slowly got up, moved her white and slender legs, pushed open the company
door, and invited Henry in.
Henry entered the door and glanced around. This is no different from an ordinary
company. No one will think that this is a killer organization.
Xuanjian Entertainment is also somewhat famous in the original city. One is that this
company is really big. Many entertainment venues in the original city are linked to this
company. Second, this company does not have any male employees and is al beautiful.
But who can imagine that these attractive beauties are al thorny roses?
Watching Henry and Wade White walk into the company, the beauty at the company's front
desk was about to speak, and the voice of White Rose sounded.
"Close the door and notify everyone to come back." The
beauty at the front desk suddenly changed her face when she heard this. The so-called
closing of the door means that she said things that others did not know.
Henry and Wade White, led by White Rose, came to her office.
White Rose's office is very large, and there is an oversized bookcase. I saw that White Rose
took off a book on the bookcase. The whole bookcase made a "rumbling" sound, and then a
slit was split from the middle, and each side was separated. A secret door.
Opening the secret door, White Rose invited Henry and Wade White to walk in.
Inside the secret door is a small meeting room. On the conference table, there are some
pictures of the assassination target. One of them is Sylvia!
As the "rumbling" sounded again, the dark door closed, and White Rose knelt on one knee
for the first time.
Have you seen the respected Satan!" Henry picked up the photo of Sylvia at the conference
table and put it in his pocket. "Tell me, who will give you the task."
White Rose got up and took a deep breath, as if doing After a certain decision, she walked to
the corner of the meeting room, where a safe was placed. After opening the safe door, the
white rose took a card like a treasure, "I did not look at the person who commissioned the
task. To his appearance, he came with a mask. This card is his reward.
Henry and Wade White looked at the card in the hands of White Rose, with the ghost face
mask printed on it.
There was a chill in Henry's eyes.
Wade White also frowned.
Hellwalkers, come to entrust this task, and the things in it need to be deliberated.
"Your mission has failed." Henry took the card from White Rose.
White Rose lowered his head, not daring to say a word.
"Do you know that Dark Night also took the same task?" Henry shredded the card he had
just got and asked.
"Yes." White Rose nodded. "Master, this time, al the organizations in the whole Northwest
have taken over ..."
Henry's eyes narrowed, "The whole Northwest!"
"Yes." White Rose replied, "This time Because of the particularity of the client, all
organizations took over the task, and the client promised that anyone who could complete
this task would be able to go to the island. "
" Oh, it's a big deal ! "Henry laughed.
White Rose lowered her head and dared not say anything redundant.
Henry pondered for a few seconds and asked: "Is there a way to see him?"
White Rose knew who Henry said he was referring to and replied: "He gave us seven days.
If he didn't complete the task after seven days, Contact us again. "
Henry reached out and knocked on the table in front of him." After seven days, I will come
again. Don't tell anyone
what happened to me today. " " Understood. "White Rose nodded.
The secret door of the meeting room opened, and Henry and Wade White went out.
Wade White followed Henry without a word.
Wade White didn't say anything until he left the whole building and got into the car.
"Boss, who do you think he will be?"
"It's hard to say, he left seven days, nothing more than trying to get us hooked. After seven
days, everything It ’s clear, let ’s delete the monitoring of this building, we have to act really.
”Henry opened the window and looked at the scenery outside the car.
On the top floor of the building, after Henry left, White Rose took out his mobile phone,
"Sir, he's here."

Chapter 195: The Exercise Begins

The limited-edition Aston Martin leaves the original city and drives on the highway to
Henry lay on the co-pilot and refused the cigarette that Wade White handed over.
"Boss, you really don't smoke any one?"
"My wife doesn't let you smoke, you don't smoke anymore." Henry looked at his eyes, a
little thought in his eyes, "You said, who can promise to let an organization's people go to
the island? "
Wade White turned his head and looked at Henry, and said," You are the only one in the
world . " In a sea area that is not part of the world, there is a quite prosperous island. Some
financial predators once said that The wealth can freely subvert any economic power in the
world. That island does not belong to any party. The military facilities on the island are
ahead of the rest of the world.
On that island, not only the world's top scientific research talents, but also the world's most
valuable energy.
Fire Crystal!
This is a mineral from the deep sea, the source of which is unknown, but its function has
made the world eye-catching.
A one-cubic-meter fire crystal can provide energy that will enter a nuclear power plant!
On that island, there are dozens of fire crystals. With these dozens of fire crystals, even if
the island is isolated from the world for 100 years, it can be self-sufficient.
This island is cal ed Guangming Island.
The reason for this name is because there is such a saying circulating at the top of the
Even if the whole world falls into darkness, as long as the island exists, there will be light.
On the contrary, if the island falls into darkness, then the whole world will fall into
On Bright Island, the most powerful group of people in the world live, and each of them can
deter the existence of one side.
The biggest dream of all dark underground forces is to board the island of light, and the
moment they went to the island, they proved their status.
The owner of Guangming Island is the one with the Holy Ring.
Seeing Henry say nothing, Wade White said, "Boss, it is estimated that the man drew a pie
for those smal forces."
"It does not matter if it is a pie." Henry shook his head and sighed, " Fear, someone is not a
cake. He real y thinks he can talk and count. "
Wade White is not an elm head. He understood Henry's words at once, he took a breath,"
Boss, you mean ... … "
" Someone wants to replace me, it's a good thing, but I'm afraid, he is overconfident,
Guangming Island, has never been as safe as imagined. Over the years, I divided the Huo
Jing design drawings into countless copies and sent them to countries around the world. I
do n’t want people to hit it again. Even at that time, I did n’t want to salvage Huojing. This is
the explosive barrel that ignited the whole world! ”
Wade White was silent.
A person, the greater his ability, the greater his responsibility. He understands that since
the boss got the Fire Crystal, the meaning of Guangming Island has changed.
Before, it was a paradise without any powerful military equipment.
However, when Fire Crystal appeared, countless fortifications were built in just three
Henry closed his eyes and fell into contemplation.
At four in the afternoon, Yinzhou.
Armored vehicles are waiting on the streets of Yinzhou.
Ten minutes ago, Sylvia and Nantian made a phone call and learned about Nantian's
In general, it is a maneuver to save people from a fire. Nantian will apply a fuel to the glass
on the top floor of Lin ’s Building, which will burn at a very fast rate , engaging in such an
exercise in an urban area generally has several functions.
First, strengthen people's attention to fire safety. When the iconic Lin's Building is on fire, it
will serve as a warning to other companies.
Second, to strengthen the position of the special forces in the hearts of the people. A
successful exercise will arouse the people's confidence.
Third, deter Xiao Xiao.
Of course, this exercise, that the people who participated in the exercise and Sylvia knew,
the rest of them did not know.
Nantian was wearing a special combat uniform, standing heavily armed on the outskirts of
the city. Behind Nantian, a mighty armed helicopter was parked.
"Nan team, you are so handsome now!" Xiao Chen helped Nan Tian sort out his clothes. "If
Ms. Lin sees your heroic posture, she will definitely forget that waste!"
" Okay , Without further ado, this time things have to be done beautifully. "Nantian sorted
out his equipment.
"Come on, South Team, I ’ve already dealt with it. When the dril starts, the elevator of the
Lin ’s Building will stop running, and the door of the highest level fire escape will be locked
by me. Then you only need to go through the window Rush into Miss Lin ’s office and save
Miss Lin. The feeling of fal ing from the sky will definitely make Miss Lin fall in love with
you. ”Xiao Chen looked confident.
Nan Tian listened to Xiao Chen's words, and began to imagine the scenes of waiting, and his
eyes were ful of intentions.
It's four in the afternoon.
Sylvia looked at Hao's wristwatch and called Li Na.
Li Na also knew about this exercise. Sylvia also planned to use this opportunity to raise the
company ’s focus on fire, so she did not announce that the troops would come to the
At 4:15 in the afternoon, Lin ’s employees were still lying on the table, some working at the
desk, some took out the snacks bought at noon, drinking afternoon tea, waiting for the
forty-five minutes after work, and some people turned on the computer , Watching the
video, brushing the webpage, suddenly, a scream came from the corridor, the empty
corridor, so that the scream was clearly transmitted to every floor of the Lin's Building.
A fire light ignited from the top floor of the Lin's, a building with a height of 18 floors, and
suddenly a fire broke out on the top floor!
"It's on fire!" I don't know who shouted first. The whole building was full of such sounds at
this time.
Secretary Li Na received the notice long ago and issued a notice on each floor to let the
department manager organize employees to evacuate the building.
At the same time, all elevators in the Lin's building stopped running. These elevators were
no longer used a few minutes ago to avoid being trapped in the elevator.
Sylvia sat in the office, looked at the fire blazing outside the window, picked up his cell
phone, and walked out of the office.
The sudden fire of the Lin ’s Building made people walking on the road suddenly startle.
For a time, the Lin ’s Building was ful of people, pointing at the top, the 18-storey building
for everyone to see Not reaching the specific location of the fire, only a burst of smoke
rising and glowing fire.
On the outskirts of the city, Xiao Chen looked at the message sent from his mobile phone,
"South Team, start."
In a small supermarket downstairs in the Lin's Building, the owner of the supermarket is an
old man in his seventies who is lying on a recliner. , Listen to the radio.
"According to the Meteorological Observatory, a strong southeast wind is sweeping
northwest of China ..."
Chapter 196: Accident
The fire suddenly ignited, making the entire Lin's building full of exclamations.
Fortunately, however, Lin usually conducts some fire dril s. Under the direction of the
department manager, everyone ran out of the building in an orderly manner.
Sylvia walked out of the office and went to the staircase. She was about to push the fire
door open, but found that the door handle was very hard. She frowned and vigorously
broke the door handle. As a result, her lines remained unchanged.
Sylvia took out his mobile phone and planned to notify the people in the building who
checked the fire fighting equipment, but he thought about it and said it after the exercise
ended. This exercise also found something wrong.
Back in his office, Sylvia sat in a chair, watching the fire that had burned to the floor-to-
ceiling windows in his office, wondering how Nantian was going to save them.
Armored vehicles drove downstairs to the Lin family and began to isolate the crowd. For
this exercise, the emergence of armored vehicles was completely unnecessary, and Nantian
was mobilized to build momentum.
On the outskirts of the city, the armed helicopter took off. Xiao Chen and Nan Tian sat on
the helicopter and looked into the distance.
From the appearance, the fire caused by this exercise is still very bluffing. Standing under
the Lin's building, you can see that the sky is burning red because of the fire.
The onlookers were all anxious, thinking about how such a fire could be extinguished.
"Look, there are people on it!" A young man holding a telescope exclaimed from the crowd.
He clearly saw from the telescope that there was a beautiful shadow standing in front of the
floor-to-ceiling windows.
"Someone is trapped on it!"
"Save someone!" Cried out from the crowd.
At this moment, an armed helicopter flew from a distance, volleying directly above the Lin's
"Look, look at that!"
Someone pointed at the gunship in the sky and shouted.
People saw a ful y armed figure jump off the helicopter, and a safety rope was tied to him,
so he hung in the air and slammed into the flaming window.
"Lying trough,
awesome!" "Handsome!"
"Lingkong rescues fire!"
Nan Tian adjusted his equipment and looked at his eyes. Through the firelight, he could see
the pleasant people trapped in the office.
Nantian quickly removed a small dry powder fire extinguisher from behind.
This kind of fire extinguisher is specially used to restrain the flammable material they
applied on the glass window, and it can easily extinguish the fire.
Nan Tianchong Sylvia showed a confident smile, and made a gesture to the helicopter pilot
above, let the helicopter dangle himself and approached slowly in front of the glass
Nan Tian had already figured out the next move. He only needed to extinguish a part of the
fire, then rushed into the office from the window, then hugged Sylvia, slid down to the
ground, and in the air, he could have a affectionate confession to tell this Woman, how
much she loves her.
Now in Nantian, the floor-to-ceiling windows of Lin's top floor are less than three meters
away. A little further, he can extinguish the fire of the windows.
At this moment, a strong southeast wind blew, and at this height of tens of meters, it was
extremely strong.
Nantian suspended in the air because the strong wind could no longer stabilize his body,
even the helicopters stabilized in the air were swayed by the strong wind.
The fire burning in the top floor of Lin's, because of the strong wind, began to spread
quickly, and in an instant, covered the whole floor-to-ceiling window.
In front of Sylvia, there was a lot of red, and he could not even see the scene outside.
Sylvia could feel the hot temperature through the thick glass.
The first
looked pleasing to the eye spread of fire, south face changed, and red headset shouted:
"! Chen, what"
"Captain, there are shareholders south wind, the fire is spreading, the helicopter can not
Get close! "
" What! "Nan Tian's expression instantly condensed. He saw that the flame was following a
window and approaching quickly. Because of the summer, that window did not close.
This is not only a fire, but also a material that is extremely easy to burn in the flame.
"Sylvia! Close the window, close the window quickly!" Nan Tian shouted in the air, but
Sylvia, who was in the office, could not hear him.
Under the guidance of the southeast wind, the flame flew into the window, mixed with the
flammable material, and burned in the window.
Sylvia noticed something was wrong when the flame came in. She quickly took out the fire
extinguisher from the fire hydrant outside the office, and when she returned to the office,
the flame was burning towards the curtain.
In the sky, the wind screamed, and even the trees on the ground were blown to shake their
heads. The wind in the sky was even more terrible.
The window was originally opened with a smal mouth. Under the influence of the strong
wind, it made a "boom" sound and was completely blown away. A burst of heat screamed
along the open window. The fire opened the big mouth of the blood basin and rushed into
Sylvia's In the office.
Sylvia took out the fire extinguisher and was just about to put out the fire. He was forced to
retreat by the heat. The fire spread to her feet at the same time, and at the same time lit the
curtains. The air in the office became hot and the smoke began to rise.
Such a violent fire can never be extinguished by the fire extinguisher. Sylvia Qiao Qiao
appeared a panic on the face, halted immediately, withdrew from the office, and ran
towards the fire exit.
This unexpected scene was seen in Nantian's eyes.
"Xiao Chen! Quickly, find a way to extinguish the fire!" Nan Tian shouted, and he could see
that the flame had already ignited inside the building, and there was a burst of black smoke
in Sylvia's office.
Xiao Chen was sitting on the helicopter, looking at the fire in front of him, and also seemed
a little panicked, "South ... South team ... the wind is too strong, the fire ... the fire is out of
"Uncontrol ed!" Nantian looked at one Ning shouted in the headset, "No matter, let me get
close to the glass, hurry!"
"Hurry!" On the helicopter, Xiao Chenchong urged.
The pilot controlled the helicopter and slowly approached the building in front.
The wind was strong and Nantian was swinging in the air beyond his control. He took out
the fire extinguisher and sprayed the dry powder on the flame, but it was in vain.
The current fire is not something a fire extinguisher can handle.
The fire was raging in the gust of wind and slammed into the helicopter in the sky.
The helicopter pulled up at a critical moment, escaped the flames, and fel towards the
"South Team, you can't extinguish the fire above, you must go inside the building!"
"Quick! Notify people to enter the building!" Nan Tian roared, looking anxiously at the
building in front of the fire.
"Boom!" There was a bang, a piece of glass could not withstand the high temperature, and it
exploded completely. The glass fragments smashed down from the sky, causing the people
on the lower floor to scream.
Li Na stood downstairs in the company and looked up, anxiously. What is going on, is this
still a drill?
Chapter 197 Crisis
The helicopter landed, Nantian immediately unloaded the safety rope on his body, fully
armed, and rushed into the building.
The elevator had stopped five minutes before the exercise began, and they could only rush
up through the stairs of the fire escape.
The fire spread quickly under the influence of the strong wind. When Nantian and others
rushed to the 16th floor, they found that the fire had spread into the corridor of the 17th
In this scene, Nan Tian and others who watched were anxious, and no one thought that an
exercise would have evolved like this.
There was a fire on the 17th floor, what about the 18th floor? What about the eighteenth
Nan Tian raised his head and looked there. The fire was bright and Sylvia was still trapped
The flames reached the fire exit. Nantian took people and rushed to the 17th floor with a
fire. Between the 17th and 18th floors, a completely locked fire door completely blocked
their way.
Through the safety gate, Nantian saw the thick black smoke opposite.
"Bang Boom Boom!"
Several consecutive explosions, one glass after another, could not withstand the high
temperature and burst open.
The flame seemed to find a vent, and madly surged into the building, and the fire seemed to
be out of control.
The fire truck received the alarm call and drove downstairs to the Lin's building. But the
height of the fire was not touched by the fire truck.
In the eighteenth floor.
The thick black smoke made Sylvia unable to open her eyes. She tried to lower her body,
ran to the bathroom, took off her shirt, covered her mouth and nose after soaking in water,
and the dense sweat beads appeared on the woman's fair skin. Coughed, wearing only a
piece of personal clothing, hiding in the bathroom, which has a vent, which can make her
breathe a little.
Sylvia's eyes were anxious, and the phone fel to the ground during the just escape, and it
was too late to pick it up.
At this moment, the eighteenth floor was completely covered by the fire, and the door of
the fire escape could not be opened at al .
Sylvia now feels that his head is faint and his limbs are weak and he may fall down at any
"Broken door!
Broken door!" Nantian stood in front of the fire door and roared loudly, but how could the
strength of this fire door be easily broken.
Lin has always attached great importance to fire protection work. The fire doors are
inspected twice a week. If Xiao Chen deliberately moved his hands and feet and wanted to
give Nantian a chance to perform, this fire door would not be locked at all.
A burst of heat came from behind Nan Tian, and he looked back. The flame had reached
behind them and was spreading towards them. The thick smoke made them unable to see
what was happening in front of them.
"Nan team, you can't go on like this, this door can't be opened at al , you have to think of
other ways!"
"Method! What way!" Nan Tian's face hidden under the fire mask has been twisted.
Sleepy inside! In this form, every time she stays for a second, she will be more dangerous!
A strong explosion sounded. Nan Tian and others standing in the safe passage felt a shock
at their feet. I don't know what was detonated in the building, and a wave of air came
straight to the safe passage.
"South team! We must evacuate first, there are explosives in the building, fast!"
Xiao Chen took Nan Tian's arm and forcibly pul ed him down to the 17th floor.
Now, the seventeenth floor has been completely burned, and the fire is burning to the
sixteenth floor.
From the outside, the upper part of the entire Lin's building is already red and may col apse
at any time.
Sylvia was hiding in the bathroom, covered with sweat, and her fair skin became dirty
because of the thick smoke in the air. Her eyes were blurred, and she insisted on keeping
her eyes closed. In this case, once you close your eyes, you will probably never wake up
A limited-edition Aston Martin travels on the streets of Silver State.
"Boss, you have changed a bit too much now, will you find a sister-in-law to report when
you come back?" Wade White holds an expensive cigar, "Do you stil have a bit of kingship?"
"Which man is shit king ?" In front of his wife, he must be more elegant. "Henry glanced at
his mouth.
"Boss, look at it, it's on fire!" Wade White reached out his hand.
Before the two of them arrived at the CBD business center, they saw a fire blazing high.
"That seems to be the sister-in-law's company!"
"It's Lin's Building!" Henry's face changed, "Quick, accelerate!"
Aston Martin screamed, and came to the CBD business center in less than a minute.
Henry didn't have time to say anything. Before the car was stable, he opened the door and
rushed out. He ran al the way downstairs to Lin's. When he saw those colleagues standing
outside, he was relieved.
After searching around the crowd, Henry saw Li Na's figure and walked over to ask:
"How did it catch fire, President Lin?"
"General Lin ... President Lin ..." Li Na's face was ful of anxiety, "General Lin Still upstairs! "
" What! "
Henry's face changed suddenly. He looked up. With his eyesight, he could clearly see that
the top three floors of the Lin's Building had been covered by fire, and the smoke was thick.
Henry didn't think about it, plunged into the Lin's building.
"Henry! I can't go in!" Li Na shouted.
Regarding Li Na's call, Henry did not hear it. After he rushed into the building, he didn't
even consider taking the elevator, rushed into the fire exit, and ran up.
At the corner of the eighth floor, Henry met Nan Tian and others who had just come down
from the upper floor.
Henry glanced at them, the movement did not stop at all.
"Henry, can't go up!" Nan Tian stretched out Henry's hand, but was thrown away by Henry.
"South team, he is going to die, let him go!" Xiao Chen glared at Henry, and the moment he
saw Henry, he blamed Henry on the head today.
If it wasn't for the waste to marry Lin, how could he come up with such a solution, and now
that such a big mistake has occurred, the punishment can never run away, everything is
because of this waste!
Henry rushed al the way to the 16th floor. The thick smoke in front of him completely
obscured his sight. The third floor of the top floor of the Lin's Building had been completely
At the handover of the 17th and 18th floors, the fire door blocked Henry's way. The door
handle was burnt red. Henry grabbed it with one hand and felt a burning pain coming from
his palm. Releasing the door handle, but pressing down hard, didn't help.
The whole fire door has been burnt and deformed because of the fire, and it cannot be
opened at all.
Henry breathed his breath, kicked hard on the gate, and the fire door shuddered, still
unable to open.
Several feet kicked up in succession, and you can see that countless footprints have
appeared on the fire door, but they are stil strong in front and cannot be opened.

Chapter 198: Rescue

Henry is anxious, the strength of this fire door has been specially strengthened. The
thickness of the steel plate has reached at least five centimetres, even with a sniper rifle.
Penetration, the door lock is deformed, and it is very firmly stuck together.
If Henry was given time, he was confident that he could open the door, but now, there is not
so much time for him.
Henry glanced at the side, almost without hesitation, he rushed out of the fire exit and
rushed towards the 17th floor where the fire was burning.
Outside the Lin ’s building, the firefighters were anxiously thinking of a way. They brought
one after another fire hose and began to lengthen it, trying to drag it to the top floor.
Someone also rushed into the building and began to increase the water pressure, using the
fire pipes in the building to extinguish the fire.
But now, fire fighting is secondary, and the most important thing is that someone is still
trapped on the top floor, but there is no way to rescue!
"What to do! What to do!" Nantian took off the fire shield and stood downstairs, watching
the fire burning on the top floor and shouting.
"Nan team, don't worry, don't worry!" Xiao Chen pulled Nan Tian's arm, "The fire is too big,
completely out of control, and the fire door cannot be opened. For such a long time, Miss
Lin may not be able to get out, There is no need to take risks anymore! "
" Can't you come out? How could you not come out! "Nan Tian shouted, but there was no
hope on his face. He understood Xiao Chen's words, even if Sylvia was still alive, she could
When will it last, the fire will not be extinguished in a short time, how long can she last for a
minute? Or two minutes?
Nan Tian's face was ashes, and the fireproof hood in his hand fel to the ground and rol ed
down aside. At this moment, he felt so powerless.
"Look! Who is that! God, what is he doing!" Among the crowd watching, the young man
holding a telescope suddenly exclaimed.
"Someone! Someone is climbing upstairs! He is crazy, don't die!"
"My God, is he dying!"
It was seen that on the outside of the building between the 17th and 18th floors, there was
a figure climbing upwards in the blaze.
Such a high position, as long as there is a carelessness, it will definitely end up with a
crushed bone!
The strong wind roared, and black smoke swept around Henry's body, obscuring his sight,
and at the same time had a great impact on his actions.
Henry narrowed his eyes and tried to see in front of him as much as possible. He forced the
pain caused by the flames, breathed and climbed up little by little.
On the outside of this building, there is little room for him to borrow. Every movement of
him is desperately, and if he is not careful, he will fal into a land of nowhere.
The people standing downstairs pinched sweat for Henry.
"Look! He went up! The eighteenth floor! He is on the eighteenth floor!"
The young man holding the telescope made a cry of surprise. Every movement of Henry
would make him frightened.
Henry pinpointed an already exploded gap and dril ed into it.
Where he is, it is Sylvia's office, which has completely turned into flames at the moment.
"Sylvia! Where are you!" Henry roared, inhaling a lot of smoke, and coughed repeatedly.
But no one answered him.
He resisted the hot pain on his body. He could feel that the hair on his body had been
scorched, and there was a smel .
Henry looked around, and when it was determined that Sylvia was not in the office, he ran
out quickly and shouted in the fire-burning corridor.
Sylvia hid in the bathroom, and now she had no energy on her body, her shirt soaked in
water became dry, and she felt that she could no longer breathe.
"Is this ... Are you dying ..."
Sylvia's beautiful eyes are full of nostalgia, she is not willing to go away like this, only to
find someone she can rely on, bullied him For such a long time, I have never hugged him
well. Yesterday, I have not apologized to him. I stil want to eat the breakfast he made. I also
want to drink Leke with him.
Sylvia felt that the things in front of him began to blur, his eyelids were getting heavier and
he was about to close, and could not hold on anymore.
The hand holding the clothes slowly loosened, the shirt in his hand fel to the ground, Sylvia
was flushed, even if hiding in the bathroom, she was also burned by high temperature, the
original beautiful face, now in embarrassment.
In front of Lin Yaohan, Henry appeared vaguely.
Sylvia weak hands up, and waved out of thin air, mouth gently murmured: "You go away,
I'm so ugly ...... ...... ...... you ...... you do not look,"
"Qing Sylvia Han"!!
Henry Shouting in the corridor, he had searched the whole floor, but he didn't see Sylvia's
figure. The anxiety in his heart made Henry feel like he was going crazy.
Suddenly, a black cell phone attracted Henry's attention. He could see at a glance that this
was Sylvia's cel phone.
Henry looked down the road in front of him, and he saw the bathroom door.
Without thinking about it, Henry kicked the door in front of him, and Mars flew around and
landed on his body, burning his skin out of red spots.
At the moment of rushing into the bathroom, Henry saw a woman lying on the ground, her
hair tip was already scorched, her body was flushed, and only one piece of personal
clothing was on her body.
Henry took off his jacket for the first time, soaked it in the faucet, wrapped it in Sylvia, and
picked up the shirt that Sylvia dropped on the side. After soaking in the water, he
covered Lin Yanhan's nose and mouth, and he picked up Sylvia, regardless of the flames
around, rushed out.
The flame wrapped Henry's whole body and burned him without dead ends. Henry hugged
the woman in his arms and did not let her suffer a little injury.
"Sylvia, Sylvia!"
Henry kept calling, he couldn't let Lin invited Han to sleep like this.
Coming to the window on the eighteenth floor, Henry glanced under his eyes, and the dense
crowd was just as small as the ants.
Thick black smoke drifted in front of eyes.
Just at the window, Henry stood for five seconds, and then jumped down.
The onlookers downstairs saw Henry's movement and took a breath of air. Some timid
women screamed harshly, covering their eyes and daring not to watch.
Henry hugged Sylvia with one hand and reached forward with one hand. When he fell to
the 17th floor, he suddenly waved his hand and grabbed the window edge.
A downward force came. At this moment, Henry felt that his arm was about to be torn!
Jumping from one floor to another floor, this scene that you will often see in the movie.
Looking at the world, not many people can make it.
Fortunately, Henry's arm strength was amazing. He managed to grab the edge of the
window, jumped forward, jumped into the window, and protected the woman in his arms
from the fire, rushed out of the fire escape.

Chapter 199
al the way to the 14th floor, here is finally no longer densely smoked, Henry took a breath,
took Sylvia to the window, and pinched the woman hard People in the hole.
Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds.
Time passed slowly, but the woman in her arms did not move a little.
Henry was a man who was hit by bullets and didn't cry pain, and tears came out of his eyes
at the moment.
Inhaling a large amount of poisonous smoke is different from ordinary diseases. If Sylvia is
in a coma for too long, even if he is a living king, he will be unable to return to heaven!
If Sylvia died in this way in the face of Henry, he would never forgive himself!
"Sylvia! You wake up! Sylvia!"
Henry pinched Sylvia's people, opened her small mouth, took a deep breath, and made
artificial respiration for her.
The woman's original y rosy lips had become chapped and there was no blood.
Now Sylvia, I just feel so tired, really tired. I have no strength, no power, no power to speak,
even the strength to open my eyes, but she can hear, there is a voice, non-stop Calling
myself, this voice is the person I miss when I am desperate.
She tried hard to open her eyes and wanted to tell this person that she could hear it.
Henry looked at the woman in front of her without any movement, and her tears shed
When she was most desperate, she appeared like an angel and appeared to herself, giving
herself hope that she would live in that cold winter, and she was the one who had tortured
herself when she was tortured by illness. Sick, survive.
From many years ago, Henry told himself that he did not live for himself, but for this
But now, I am standing on top of the world, overlooking the world, I am called the Living
King, I can save people's lives, I am called Satan, and I am analogous to the gods in this
world, but I can only look at you with nothing to do. .
"Wake up!" Henry roared, took a deep breath, and once again crossed into Sylvia's mouth.
This breath, like a magical power, crossed Sylvia's body from the mouth. The woman slowly
opened her eyes and saw the man lying in front of her, whose face was wet by tears.
"You ... kiss me?" The woman made a small voice, a little panic on her small face.
This subtle voice passed into Henry's ears, like a natural sound, he looked at the woman in
front of him in surprise, and then, he put the woman in his arms.
"You're okay, great, great!" Henry had an incoherent feeling, "You scared me, scared me!"
Sylvia looked at Henry and buried his head in his arms "Fool."
Henry, holding Sylvia, slowly walked down the stairs from the fire exit. At this moment, the
firefighters also picked up the lengthened fire hose and rushed into the building to start
fighting the fire.
When Henry walked out of the building holding Sylvia, there was a cheer outside the
Secretary Li Na's eyes were fil ed with joy and tears of excitement flowed out.
Just now Henry climbed up from the 17th floor alone, holding Sylvia to jump down,
everyone looked at it.
Nan Tian looked at Henry who held Sylvia in his arms and couldn't say a word.
Xiao Chen stared at Henry bitterly, "Damn it, this waste was even in the limelight!" The
ambulance arrived here long ago. The doctor rushed to Henry with several nurses and put
Sylvia flat On the stretcher, put her oxygen mask on. On the present situation, Sylvia may be
unconscious again at any time.
Henryhun's body was smudged with smoke, and he took a towel and wiped his face
Wade White came here early, when he saw Henry appeared, he handed Henry a dress.
Henry put on his clothes, walked to Li Na and asked, "What happened, why did the building
suddenly catch fire?"
Li Na replied, "It's an exercise."
"Exercise?" Upon hearing these two words, Henry instantly thought of a possibility.
"Wel ." Li Na nodded. "Mr. Lin's friend, Nantian's, borrowed the mansion exercise."
"Nantian!" Henry's eyes instantly condensed, and at the same time a hint of coldness
flashed. He looked to the side, and Nantian was fully armed Stood there.
Henry violent surge in my heart, in spite of his elite standing where many heavily armed,
strode past, "south, it's him you! To rol over!"
Henry loud sound as a bel mix, Chuanjin Nantian ears.
For a time, Nantian and the people around him looked at Henry.
"The last name is Zhang, what do you cal ! I tell you, speak to me with respect!" Xiao Chen
pointed to Henry and warned.
Henry ignored Xiao Chen, squeezed his fists, and strode toward Nantian.
exercise! What kind of troop exercises will perform high-altitude fire fighting in the dense
trouble zone! If you just came back a few minutes later, if you encounter two red lights on
your way back, what is the consequence now!
"Nan Tian! Lao Tzu let you rol over! Did you hear it!" Henry Nan Tian roared.
"The surname is Zhang, did you not hear me? Let me speak with respect!" Xiao Chen
walked up to Henry. He is already in a very unhappy mood. This time, this will definitely be
checked. When the time comes, his punishment will be indispensable, and it will be
annoying enough. Does this surnamed Zhang come over and spread the wild? If it wasn't
for him to marry Lin, it would have happened.
Xiao Chen was full of irritability and had no place to vent. Now that he sees Henry, he wants
to use him as a punching bag.
"Surnamed Zhang, stand stil ! Don't move!" Xiao Chen reached out and stopped Henry.
"Go away!" Henry pushed annoyed away from Xiao Chen.
"Dare to do it? It's you!" Xiao Chen stretched out his hand when he saw Henry first, and was
very happy in his heart. He hit back against Henry's face with a punch in his backhand.
Xiao Chen believes that he can definitely knock the waste in front of him with this punch,
but he is wrong.
Facing Xiao Chen's punch, Henry held it with his backhand, and then twisted hard. The
exaggerated force directly twisted Xiao Chen's arm in a circle, and the painful Xiao Chen
couldn't help but cal out.
"Go away!" Henry pushed Xiao Chen aside and walked toward the south sky.
Xiao Chen, who was subdued by Henry, only felt a burning pain on his face.
"The surname is Zhang! Are you dare to attack the police! The sky is over!" Xiao Chen took
out the pistol from his waist and stepped forward, putting the muzzle on the back of
Henry's head.
Suddenly Henry's footsteps suddenly stopped, he didn't even return his head, he knew
what was on his back.
At this moment, Henry's tone changed completely!
There are contradictions, and pulling the gun is completely two concepts.
"I advise you to put the gun away!" Henry's tone was very cold, like the cold wind of the
twelfth lunar month.

Chapter 200: Let me kill you?

Wade White looked left and right, and finally set his eyes on the ambulance aside and
hurried over.
"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law! Please persuade my boss!" Wade White knocked on the door
outside the ambulance.
The door opened.
Sylvia, who was lying in the ambulance, looked at the handsome young man in front of him
doubtfully, "Are you?"
"Sister-in-law, my name is Wade White, go and persuade the boss, now only you can
persuade him!" Wade White With an anxious expression on his face, his finger aside.
Sylvia looked in the direction of Wade White's fingers and was also taken aback.
Although she only saw Henry pointing a gun at Xiao Chen and could not see anything else, it
was also amazing enough.
Sylvia didn't say anything. After taking off the oxygen tube in front of his nose, he got a little
difficult to get off. With the help of Wade White, he ran towards Henry's place.
"Boss, boss, sister-in-law is here!" Wade White shouted at Henry across the distance.
Henry turned his head and glanced at the moment when he saw Sylvia, the frost on his face
turned into a spring breeze.
"Why not take a good rest in the car?" Henry Sylvia smiled, his eyes ful of love.
"I ... I'm a little uncomfortable, can you stay with me?" Sylvia looked at the people who were
pointing their guns at Henry and said worriedly.
"Okay." Henry nodded and threw the pistol he was holding down at random. "But wait for
me, I have something to say to Nantian."
Henry didn't look at Xiao Chen again and turned to Nantian walked past where he was.
In the moment Henry turned around, Xiao Chen gasped for a few breaths. Just now, he felt
as if there was a big mountain to be pressed against himself, suffocating himself.
Xiao Chen looked at Henry's back. Now, he doesn't have the kind of contempt in his eyes,
but is mixed with fear. Who is he?
Henry walked to Nantian.
Nan Tian is not as arrogant as Xiao Chen. His eyes are full of apologies, "Henry, I ..."
"Boom!" A
muffled voice came.
Henry punched Nan Tian's abdomen fiercely. This punch made Nan Tian's whole person
look like a cooked shrimp, bent, and his face also turned red.
Henry looked at Nantian's eyes ful of indifference, his voice clearly rang in Nantian's ear,
"This time looking at Sylvia's face, I won't kil you, from now on, I don't want to see you
again You do n’t deserve to see her, remember what I said, I ’m not kidding you. "
" Sorry ... I'm sorry ... "Nan Tian spit out hard while covering her abdomen.
"You're sorry, it's not me." Henry gave Ran Nan a glance, then turned around and strode
towards Sylvia.
Nan Tian looked at Henry's back, his eyes full of complexity.
"Nan team, he is too ..." Xiao Chen ran to Nan Tian's face, his face ugly, and he had just
spoken halfway, and he heard a few soft voices.
Xiao Chen looked around and was shocked to find that the armored vehicles behind him
were all punctured, and those infrared sights locked on everyone's heads also disappeared
at the moment.
This proves that those infrared sights just now are not a joke.
Nan Tian smiled bitterly, "I'm so, I'm too self-righteous, how can Sylvia like a man, how can
it be an ordinary person?"
Is upright in the summer, and there is a fire burning above the head, but Xiao Chen heard
Henry's voice, but there was no reason to shudder!
Xiao Chen put a gun on the back of Henry's head, which could bring him courage, "Are you
surnamed Zhang, are you threatening me?"
"I will give you a chance to count to three, don't take it, don't blame me." Henry's tone was
dull, and his whole body was relaxed. People familiar with Henry knew that the more
plainly he behaved in this way, the closer he was to the edge of anger. Once his anger
burned, no one dared to face it directly.
Henry gently lifted his eyelids without looking back: "One ..."
"Three!" Before Chen Xuan finished speaking, Xiao Chen spit out his teeth, "Why, surnamed
Zhang, I don't even accept the gun. , How can you treat Lao Tzu! "
" Oh. "Henry smiled faintly," You will know right away! "
Henry suddenly turned around at the moment the word" L "fel , and Xiao Chen, who was
standing behind Henry, only felt his wrist. Pain, and then, the pistol that was originally in
his hand has already arrived in the hand of the surname Zhang!
Xiao Chen's first reaction is, impossible!
too fast! Even the elite in the team can't easily take the gun from his hand, how did he do it!
Henry seized the gun, loaded it, and put the muzzle on Xiao Chen's head. This set of actions
was done in one go.
When Xiao Chen ful y reacted, he faced the black hole's muzzle, exuding an ice cold.
Henry's finger was placed on the trigger. He only had to pull slightly less than half a
centimeter to kil Xiao Chen.
The moment Henry captured the gun, those who were armed with Xiao Chen, at the first
time, aimed the gun at Henry.
With more than ten muzzles, you can hit the target into a sieve in the first time.
"What are you doing, put the gun down! Hold your head in your hands and squat!" A loud
scream sounded, warning Henry.
Xiao Chen licked his lips and smiled at Henry, "Why, surnamed Zhang, can't see it, you still
have this skill, and then? You kil ed me?"
Xiao Chen's eyes were full of disdain.
Henry's eyes were dull, aiming at his dozens of guns, he didn't care about them at all.
"Put the gun down! Did you hear it! Put down the gun and squat with your head on your
side!" A loud sigh from the side sounded again.
"The surname Zhang, shoot! Do you dare! Shoot and kill me! I beg you!" Xiao Chen teased,
apparently not paying attention to Henry.
Henry smiled slightly, "Okay."
When Henry said the word okay, Xiao Chen's disdainful eyes instantly solidified.
He saw that a red dot appeared at the moment of the comrades-in-arms who were all
around and pointed their guns at Henry.
Xiao Chen spent so many years in the army, and it was too clear what those red dots
At the same time, those who pointed their guns at Henry also found red dots on the other
person's forehead, and their expressions became serious.
Henry looked at Xiao Chen with a smile on his lips, "You said, let me kill you?"
At this moment, Henry's smiling expression was so terrible to Xiao Chen.
Xiao Chen swallowed hard.
"You said, did you let me kill you?" Henry asked again.
Xiao Chen opened his mouth and was speechless.
Wade White stood aside, seeing this scene, anxious in his heart, he didn't think Henry was
joking at al . Wade White was sure that as long as the person opposite the boss dared to
talk harder, the next second, there would be at least a dozen more dead bodies.
Chapter 201
about Lin's top floor fire, the city's news was on the day, and there are some news on major
websites, but in the role of some manpower Next, this fire did not have anything to do with
the military exercises.
Robert Lin personal y came forward to settle this matter, and the exercise unit promised to
give Lin all compensation.
In this fire, Lin ’s loss was severe, and the building was not recoverable in a day or two.
On the night of the fire, countless construction units came to the Lin family, one of them
promised to rebuild the top three floors in half a month.
Sylvia also simply took 15-day leave of all Lin employees.
If you do n’t work for fifteen days, it ’s natural for Lin ’s loss to be not smal , but it ’s
compensated by someone, so it ’s not so painful.
At ten o'clock in the evening, Sylvia was lying on the hospital bed of the Municipal People's
Hospital. She was now in no danger. She was in a lot of shock and needed a good rest. The
skin burns were not particularly serious, and she could recover as usual after a few days.
As Henry, he easily borrowed some medicine from the hospital's pharmacy and prepared it
for Sylvia.
This ointment made by Henry has the effect of removing heat and skin care.
At 11 o'clock in the evening, Henry pretended to finish the ointment and came to the ward.
"Wake up?"
Henry saw that Sylvia was lying on the hospital bed, holding a mobile phone to watch for a
while, Milan sat beside him, accompanied Sylvia.
"I said Sylvia, I was just discharged from the hospital, and you lived in again. Hey, Henry,
what is this in your hand?"
Sylvia, who was looking at the mobile phone, heard the name of Milan called Henry and
quickly pressed the screen machine When the screen of the mobile phone is extinguished,
you can see that what the mobile phone played before was the scene where Henry was
climbing from the 17th floor to the 18th floor in the Lin's Building. It hurts to watch.
"A kind of ointment, which protects the skin, you can apply it to Sylvia without rubbing, and
let the ointment seep into the skin. The burn on Sylvia's body should be fine tomorrow."
Henry handed the ointment to Milan, and then Sitting at the bed, he looked at Sylvia with
concern. "How do you feel, is it still uncomfortable?"
Sylvia shook his head and stared straight at Henry with big eyes.
"Why did you cry?" Henry saw Sylvia like this, a little panicked.
"No." Sylvia wiped the tears in his eyes with his hand and smiled at Henry.
Just now, she saw a scene of Henry climbing up a tall building from her mobile phone in
Milan. The scene desperate for herself made Sylvia feel moved and sad. She never
thought that someone could do it for herself. At this point, having such a man is probably
the happiest thing in his life.
Sylvia tried to control herself so that no tears would come out. She looked at the man
sitting by the bed. The man did not deliberately dress up. He wore very ordinary clothes, no
brand name, no those. Stylish watches, useless expensive sports cars, he looked so
"Husband, it's just a period of rest this time, shall we go on a tour?" Sylvia's bright eyes
looked forward to Henrydao.
Husband ... husband?
Henry was suddenly there, she, she called my husband? Take the initiative to call my
Henry wondered if he had hallucinations?
"What ... do you say?"
"Husband, do you want to go? The building has been built for half a month. I haven't hung
out for a long time. Will you go with me?" Sylvia blushed with a small face. Very shy.
"Okay, okay." Henry nodded somewhat demented, filled with ecstasy in his heart, "Wife,
you say it, you can go wherever you want!"
"Husband, you want to take me Where to play? "Sylvia rarely showed a little woman
The husband, Henry, was very sweet in his heart, and the corners of his mouth were almost
reaching the ears.
"Wife, wherever you want to go, I will accompany you." Henry grabbed Sylvia's little hand
and held it in his palm.
Sitting on the side of Milan, there was a chill in his face, "I said you are disgusting or not? I
have goose bumps."
"You have been alone for too long, hurry and marry yourself!" Sylvia Cover your mouth and
steal music, and then look at Henry, eyes ful of happiness.
From this moment on, she let go of everything in her heart, accepted it completely, and fell
in love with the man in front of her. She was a normal woman, not a hard-hearted woman.
During this time, she looked at everything Henry did. She also enjoyed the feeling of being
with Henry.
Milan looked at the sweet appearance of Sylvia and Henry together, and I do n’t know why,
but her heart was a little bit of a taste, but she was indeed happy for Sylvia. When Henry
climbed the building, she was not a party and could also feel The strong love in it is really
for one person, regardless of his life!
"Her husband, I want to go to many places. When I am discharged from the hospital, we will
deal with the matter. Let's go around."
"Okay." Henry touched Sylvia's head. "When you are discharged, Everything is up to you, I
will go out first and let Milan apply the medicine to you. "
" Cut, I won't apply it. You two are so greasy, wipe it off yourself. "Milan put the medicine
jar in the side and put his arms around his chest "What
's wrong , Henry, you have to apply medicine to your wife and you have to let me do it for
you?" "Uh ..." Henry thought, as if something was wrong, after all, in Milan's eyes, he always
thought he was a pair The beloved couple didn't even know that the two were separated
even when they slept.
Sylvia also thought of this, and a blush appeared on his face. The red face was like a ripe
apple, and a pair of beautiful eyes did not dare to see Henry.
"I still have something to do. I have to use this medicine now. You can help me, Sister Mi?"
Henry thought out an excuse.
"Okay, for the sake of this big sister, I will help you." Milan nodded with satisfaction. In
front of Henry, he did not shy away from Sylvia's upper body. Just in front of Henry, there is
only one piece of personal clothing, but it adds a mysterious beauty.
Henryqian coughed, subconsciously lingering on that beauty for a few seconds, and then
looked away, "That, I will go out first."
Then, Henry fled the hospital room.
Some people say that a man always looks like a child in front of the person he loves.
And Henry, he loves Sylvia too much, even if both of them have marriage certificates, even
if they have opened their hearts to each other now, Henry's feelings for Sylvia are as full of
shyness as the first love.
This kind of love, even if Sylvia is not forgiving, even if the whole world is hostile to Sylvia,
Henry will treat her like this.
Chapter 202
Henry left the hospital and thought about it. It was inappropriate to go anywhere this
evening. He simply sat downstairs in the hospital for more than an hour before returning to
the ward.
By the time he went back, Milan had finished cleaning Sylvia.
"Okay, please accompany Sylvia, I will go back first, and tomorrow I will bring breakfast to
both of you." Milan saw Henry coming back, greeted him, and left the ward.
In the ward, only Henry and Sylvia were left.
Henry sat down by the bed and poured a glass of water on Lin Yun. "How does it feel to
apply the medicine to your body?"
"Bingbing is cold, a little itchy." Sylvia twisted his lower limbs.
"The itch is right. It proves that the cells are recovering. After sleeping, you will be fine
tomorrow." Henry touched Sylvia's head and stretched out two fingers to press Lin
Linhan's temple, so that he could relax Sylvia's spirit To make her go to sleep faster and
With Henry's massage, Sylvia slowly fell asleep.
Looking at the pleasant man who evenly breathed in front of him, Henry smiled slightly and
lay down on the bed next to him.
The next day, Henry got up in Milan's voice.
"Henry, how are you still sleeping? Get up and eat?"
"Huh?" Henry rubbed his eyes and took out his phone to check the time. It turned out to be
half past nine.
At this time, Henry, who gets up at 5 o'clock every morning, is a bit incredible. He also
understands that he has been too tired these two days.
When Milan came, he also brought a new mobile phone to Sylvia. Once Sylvia took the
phone, he could not wait to read it.
"I said Sylvia, what are you worried about?"
"A project." Sylvia Liu Liu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, apparently encountered some
Henry stretched his waist, just got up from the bed, and listened to the ringing of the
mobile phone. At first glance, the electric man was Amity's girl.
"What's wrong, girl, miss me?" Henry answered the phone and said directly.
"Brother Zhang, are you okay? I ran the business outside yesterday. I only heard that the
company had an accident yesterday. It was too late and I dared not call you."
"It's okay, you little girl cares about me so much in the morning, is it a plot against you and
my brother Zhang?" Henry deliberately teased.
Amity smirked on the phone: "Haha, Brother Zhang, aren't you afraid that your wife will
pick you up?"
Henry glanced subconsciously at Sylvia, then walked out of the ward and said to the phone:
"Just kidding, you don't know your brother Zhang's status at home, what's the matter with
the little girl, is there anything you want him to help?"
"Wel , there is something that you want me to analyze?"
"Analyze what? Looking for a boyfriend?"
"No, Brother Zhang, can you tell me how many cars the company borrows?" Amity asked
hesitantly on the phone.
"Borrow a car? Why do you borrow a car?" Henry wondered.
Amity explained: "I have a friend who opened a KTV and is going to open it today. I want to
borrow a few cars to support the scene. After all, there are so many good cars parked and it
attracts attention. Is n’t she aware that I work at Lin , Just want to ask me, can I borrow a
few cars from Lin? "
"I'm afraid this won't work." Henry shook his head. "The company's cars are all public, and
private use is general y impossible."
"Okay." Amity's tone was somewhat lost, "Then I will tel my friend."
"But girl, the company doesn't lend you a car, I can lend you a car." Henry smiled, "How
many cars do you want?"
"Brother Zhang, you?" Amity expressed doubtful tone on the phone.
"Why don't you believe Brother Zhang? I tell you, Brother Zhang is a local tyrant, let's say,
how many cars are enough?"
"Three or four cars will do. It's useful at four in the afternoon."
"OK, then contact in the afternoon." Henry patted his chest and promised.
"Thank Brother Zhang, please invite you to dinner at night." Amity gave a sweet laugh.
Through the phone, Henry can think of the sweet appearance of this little girl.
Henry accompanied Sylvia at the hospital al morning. After lunch, Henry left the hospital
and contacted Amity.
Amity gave Henry a place. When Henry arrived, he found that Amity was in front of a KTV
door that was about to open.
Amity, wearing a long dress and light makeup, is standing by the road and waiting.
"Girl, what are you looking at?" Henry walked behind Amity and flicked his head back.
"Yeah!" Amity covered his head, "Brother Zhang, when did you come, I'm still watching you
Henry looked at Amity up and down. This girl was already sweet and gave a pure and
pleasant feeling. Now she put on a plain white dress and wore a pair of white flat shoes, just
as beautiful as the pure flower fairy , The faint makeup on the face adds a bit of color.
"Little girl, tell me honestly, is it because you have a sweetheart today, so you are so
beautifully dressed?" Henry looked at Amity with a smile.
Amity Qiao blushed, "Why, brother Zhang, you know to laugh at me."
When Henry looked at Amity's blushing appearance, he immediately confirmed his
conjecture, "Honestly explain, otherwise I will deliberately say that you are looking for a
company in front of your friend!"
"Don't." Amity little face panicked, "I ... I ... that's not my sweetheart ... just ..."
"Cut." Henry glanced at his mouth. "Just like you, aren't you sweethearts? Say, where did
you go?"
"Oh!" Amity stomped his feet cutely. "That's a classmate. When he went to school, he scored
very well. I also have a good impression of him. It's not what you think! He will come
Looking at Amity's anxious appearance, Henry laughed a few times. This girl is real y
simple. Now in this society, let alone col ege graduates, it is very common to engage in
junior high school.
Henry looked back and looked at the KTV that was about to open. The scale was not too big.
There were three floors in total. Each floor had a surface area of about 400
square meters. The decoration inside the door was pretty good.
Next to KTV, a white Maserati president was parked, which was the one Ou Ren gave Amity.
"Girl, isn't your car very good? The supporting scene is definitely enough." Henry rolled his
eyes. This car is almost two million. Looking at this KTV, the investment is only two million.
"Hush." Amity quickly gave Henrybi a forbidden gesture. "Brother Zhang, you must not say
that the car is mine. I secretly parked here last night."
"Why?" Henry gave Amity a surprise look.
"This ..." Amity was a little embarrassed. "A student who just graduated, where can I drive
such a good car? Let my classmates see that they will definitely think more about it."
Chapter 203
Henry listened to Amity's explanation and smiled dumbly.
But it ’s right to think about it. In this society, a girl who has just graduated and drove
millions of cars does make people think of other bad things. Besides, today, Qiyu ’s friend
KTV opened, her friend It should be the protagonist of today. As a result, Amity drove a car
that will enter 2 million. Isn't that all the limelight?
Henry and Amity stood here for a while, and saw a group of men, women, and women
coming over. They were al very young. When a young girl headed by Amity, they said hello.
"Xiaoyu, came here so early, this one?" The young girl walking in the front looked at Henry.
"This is Brother Zhang, my col eague." Amity introduced to these young men and women.
"Brother Zhang, this is Fu Lele. This KTV was opened by her."
"Hello beauty." Henry greeted Fu Lele, and observed at the same time, this Fu Lele, the
clothes on her body are all famous brands, but it can be seen that there are two cal uses in
her palm, and they The place of the cocoon is a hidden place like the tiger's mouth, which is
often worked out.
From this point, Henry can analyze that the family background before this Fu Le Le should
not be very good. Recently, he was transported, wearing a famous brand, and opened a
Fu Lele glanced at Henry. Henry's ordinary clothes made Fu Lele not very interested.
Only the scene replied hello, and looked at Amity, "Xiao Yu, the car you helped me find, I
found it ?"
"That Lele, our company's car can't be borrowed, but Zhang said he will help us find the
car." Amity said to Fu Lele apologetically.
"Oh." Fu Lele was a little disappointed when Amity said that. For Amity, Henry could help
find a car. Fu Lele had no interest at al . What kind of car can he find for such a person in
ordinary clothes ? Those hundreds of thousands of broken cars are not shameful enough to
come over.
"I said Amity, such a big thing as Lele KTV opened, how can you be so careless."
"That is to say." The men and women who fol owed behind Fu Lele also made a voice at this
time, "Everyone thought you could find a car, and the chain fell off when the time came."
Listening to these words, Amity bowed his head and said nothing.
At this moment, a young man with a plain look and ordinary clothes trot over, "Lele, Lele,
am I late?"
Seeing this young man, Amity's face suddenly became cramped. This small change naturally
did not escape Henry's eyes. Henry guessed that this should be Amity's sweetheart.
"Wu Jun, you're the slowest to come. If you stil pursue Lele, what can you catch up with?" A
girl standing behind Fu Lele embraced her chest with both hands.
Wu Jun stretched his hand awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, Lele, I
just asked for leave."
Fu Lele's eyes gave Wu Jun a disgusted look, "Okay, look at your sloppy look, what clothes
you wear, go buy a new one."
While talking, Fu Lele threw a thousand dollars to Wu Jun.
"Okay, okay, I'l go here." Wu Jun took the money with joy and trot to buy clothes.
Seeing the autumn rain in this scene, his face was white.
"Okay, the opening ceremony is set at five o'clock, it's still early, let's go in and play." Fu
Lele glanced at Wu Jun disdainfully, and then waved to greet everyone to sing in her KTV.
A group of people chose the largest box, and Fu Lele asked the waiter to take the drink
Amity took a bottle of beverage and sat on the sidelines drinking it.
"Why, depressed?" An ordinary-looking girl sat beside Amity.
"No." Amity shook his head.
"Come on, everyone like you, can see that there is a problem because of Wu Jun?" The girl
Amity was silent and did not speak.
The girl patted Amity's shoulder, "Xiao Yu, I know, you have always had a good opinion of
Wu Jun, but now, everyone just graduated, looking for an internship everywhere, which is
as simple as in school, before Lele I have always liked Wu Jun, but Wu Jun looked at Lele ’s
poor family and refused Lele several times. As a result, some time ago, the house in Lele ’s
home was demolished and he lost a lot of money. As soon as Wu Jun knew this news, he
immediately pursued Lele Now, as long as Lele gives him money, you will see that he wants
to be more obedient and obedient. "
The girl's words were heard in Amity's ears, which made her feel a bit worried. She really
didn't expect Wu Jun to be such a person.
"Xiaoyu, you said, some time ago, did Wu Jun often send you news?" The girl asked.
Amity nodded silently.
"At that time, he just saw you found a good job and wanted you to help him into Lin, and
then suddenly contacted you. You don't know. He asked all the girls in the class."
The girl was talking, and Wu Jun opened the door of the private room. He was wearing a
new suit and came in.
Fu Lele glanced at Wu Jun and nodded with satisfaction, "OK, not bad, by the way, weren't
you versatile before, would you like to sing us a song?"
"Okay, Lele, you can say whatever you want." Wu Jun nodded again and again, with no
meaning to refuse.
Amity looked at Wu Jun's picture, showing distress in his eyes.
I stil remember how sunny the big boy was at school. He likes to hold a guitar and sing on
the stone bench under the big tree. At that time, many girls will be around him, and some
people will draw sketches for him. At that time, he was holding a basketball, galloping on
the court, heroic.
But now, I can no longer see the sunshine boy.
Henry sat next to Amity and gently said, "The life of the school is just the life of a person.
When you are out of the campus, you can see this diverse world. After al , the people in the
school will also have beautiful fantasy. When they face reality, they will find that those
illusions are not as good as a full meal. "
Amity bit his lip, nodded, and looked at Wu Jun who was standing there singing, his eyes
A group of people were having fun in the box, but few people took care of Amity and Henry.
In themselves, they also felt that Amity went to Lin's internship, and she was quite good.
She found that she couldn't even borrow the company's car. Is this just an ordinary staff
member? I have been working for so long, and I still wear ordinary clothes.
Even Fu Lele, after learning that Amity didn't borrow the car, didn't care much about Amity.
Playing until more than four o'clock, all the people reluctantly left the box and walked
outside the KTV.
As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw five Audi A6s parked neatly in front of the KTV
door, which made Fu Lele's eyes shine.
"Brother Zhang, did you find this?" Amity asked quietly.
"No." Henry shook his head. He gave Wade White the task of finding a car. With the
character of the kid, he certainly would not find such a car.
Chapter 204
Fu Lele ran forward happily, and saw a young man of ordinary appearance but wearing a
famous brand standing in front of the five Audi A6s.
"Brother Boss, are you here?" Fu Lele ran to the young man in surprise, took the other's
arm actively, and rocked back and forth like a little girl.
The young man known as Bao Shan looked at Fu Lele and chuckled, "Knowing that you are
opening today, I called out a few cars to support you."
The five Audi A6s al have to be said to give people a very gorgeous feeling.
"Thank you Bao Shan." Fu Lele smiled on her face, and then looked behind him, and pointed
out, "If you see it, if it is a true friend, don't need me to say, it will naturally help
me, but some people Ah, it ’s hypocritical, it ’s nice to say when I promised, and I fell off the
chain when it ’s critical. I do n’t know if it was intentional. "
As soon as Fu Lele's words came out, a group of people looked at Amity unconsciously.
Amity brushed a small face white, but Henry frowned, but said nothing.
"Lele, who is this handsome guy, and why don't you introduce it to us?" A girl with a good
appearance walked to Fu Lele and looked at Bao Xuan, who sent Qiu Bo secretly with her
eyes. It's definitely a rich second generation, otherwise five Audis can be easily found?
"Bao Shan's family is engaged in engineering and has tens of millions of assets." Fu Lele
said enviously. After the demolition of her old house, she lost a total of more than 3
million, of which nearly two mil ion were paid by her. Close to death, take out KTV, no
money to buy another car.
"Wow! Tens of mil ions!" After hearing the girls, they stared at each other one after another,
rushing to say hel o to Bao Shan.
When they leave the campus, they thoroughly understand how important money is.
What a bullshit ideal is not as good as money. If you can get close to this big money, you
really don't have to struggle for a lifetime.
Bao Xuan stood there, enjoying the admiration from everyone.
"Brother Bao Xuan, do you have tens of thousands of dollars for this watch?"
"This is also very beautiful. I still saw tens of thousands of watches for the first time!"
"Look, Brother Shan's clothes are all famous brands. No one is under two thousand dollars.
The shoes are the latest version of AJ, which is more than three thousand!"
Bao Shan was a little fluttering under everyone's praise. He waved to Lele and waved,
"Lele, which car do you like? Tell me, I will give you one."
Bao Shan's words drew out a cry of exclamation.
"Wow! Brother Bao Shan, you are too trenchant!"
"It's almost inhuman!"
"Lele, what are you waiting for, when you meet this kind of woman, you're about to marry!"
Fu Lele smiled slightly and pointed to the side, "Bao Shan, is that OK?"
Looking in the direction of Fu Lele's fingers, everyone's eyes were locked on a white
Maserati president.
Compared with this Maserati, those Audi A6s are overshadowed.
A little embarrassment appeared in Bao Xuan's eyes, and then said: "Don't, this kid stopped
the car without telling me!"
"Brother Boss, do you know who this car is? This is the president of Maserati, close to two
million! The average person can't drive it." A girl was excited.
"Of course I know." A pride appeared on Bao Shan's face. "This is my buddy. I told him that
Lele opened today and asked him to stop the car."
"Brother Boss, you too have a face!"
"That's it!"
"This is what a man should be!"
Another burst of praise sounded, and Bao flashed a look of enjoyment, which was
particularly useful.
"Brother Boss, you really bother." Fu Lele said to Bao Shan, the gentle appearance when he
spoke, which no one had seen before.
Bao Shan carelessly waved his hand and looked at Fu Lele affectionately: "Lele, as long as
you can make you happy and do anything, I will."
His affectionate confession immediately attracted the girls' exclamation.
"Lele, what are you waiting for, when you meet such a good man, get married soon!"
"That is, being a sweetheart for Brother Bao Shan, but a blessing that has only been
cultivated in a few lifetimes."
As everyone said, Fu Lele's expression was a bit tweaked, and she looked at Bao Shan quite
"Lele, I ..." Wu Jun suddenly said aloud, and he stood in the crowd, so emboldened.
"What's wrong with you?" Fu Lele glanced at Wu Jun, disdainful y.
Bao Xuan also looked at Wu Jun. When he saw Wu Jun's clothes that were only a thousand
pieces in total, his face was disdainful: "Lele, who is this?"
"A poor ghost chasing me." Fu Lele waved carelessly without paying any attention to Wu
"Oh, poor ghost?" Bao Shan sneered, staring at Wu Jun, "Boy, where do you have the
courage to chase Lele, rely on your cheap clothes?"
"I!" Wu Jun opened his mouth, speechless.
Fu Lele walked two steps forward, looking at Wu Jun proudly, "How much do you like me
like Wu?"
"Specially like it! Lele, for you, I am willing to do everything!"
"Okay." Fu Lele nodded and smiled slightly, "Then you kneel down for me, beg me, I might
consider you, otherwise, you real y have no chance."
Wu Jun's complexion changed and looked at Fu Lele with some embarrassment.
Bao Xuan stood aside and looked at Wu Jun like a joke. "Boy, this is your luck. Lele has
invested two mil ion in this KTV. You can't earn this KTV in your life."
"Kneel or not to see you slightly." Fu Lele embraced her chest with both hands.
Wu Jun's face changed continuously, and his eyes kept glancing at the KTV. For about ten
seconds, Wu Jun took a deep breath and leaned forward, and he would kneel down on the
"Don't!" A cry of exclamation sounded, Amity strode out of the crowd, took Wu Jun's arm,
and looked at Fu Lele with angry expression on his smal face. "Le Le! Are you doing this too
The appearance of Amity made Bao Bao's eyes shine. Amity's lovely and pure appearance
was not comparable to Fu Lele. He licked his lips and looked at Amity careful y.
Fu Lele looked at Amity's angry look, and chuckled, "Oh, how did I forget, you Amity and
Wu Jun, likened to a natural pair in school, why do you feel sorry for your little love?"
Before Amity spoke, he saw Wu Jun shaking his head again and again.
"No no no no, Lele, don't get me wrong, I'm not familiar with her!" Wu Jun said, throwing
Amity's hand away from him and grabbing his arm. "I warn you, stay away from me. You do
n’t matter! "
This action of Wu Jun made Amity's face pale.
Chapter 205
"Giggle." Fu Lele chuckled, "Some people take themselves seriously."
Amity opened his eyes wide and looked at Wu Jun incredulously, "You ... how did you
become like this, this is not Wu Jun I know!
Before today, Amity stil held some beautiful fantasy, she still remembers the big boy in the
sun, but now? Has everything changed?
When a woman is willing to dress up for another man, it represents that man's position in
the woman's heart.
Wu Jun frowned, looking at Amity in disgust, "I said, you seem to be familiar with me, do I
know who you are?"
With such disgusting eyes, Amity's heart looked like a knife.
"Hahaha!" Bao Xuan burst out laughing, "Little sister, you are not as realistic as your friend.
Now, it is an era of money, no money, no shit!"
Fu Lele also sneered, "Autumn rain, you wouldn't be so naive? Do you think this is a school?
Do you think there are four lunches for five yuan? Now a bowl of noodles will cost sixteen
yuan! Realize the reality Money is the most important thing in the world.
Seeing it, Wu Jun, how proud it is at school, now? As long as I give him money, let him do
anything! "
Fu Lele took out a stack of banknotes from the bag, which was thousands of fast, she threw
in front of Wu Jun, "Come on, kneel down and say you love me, these are yours."
"Lele, I love you." Wu Jun bent his knees and knelt again.
"Can't kneel!" Amity shouted again, holding Wu Jun's arm again, tears streaming down his
Wu Jun's kneeling not only lost his dignity, but also broke Amity's illusion of the society.
"Go away!" Wu Jun pushed Amity away. That force made Amity back again and again.
If it wasn't for Henry, Amity would fal directly.
Wu Jun knelt in front of Fu Lele, ful of flattery in his eyes.
"Haha!" Fu Lele laughed a few times, "It's such an obedient dog, all right, al these are for
Fu Lele spilled all those thousands of dol ars in the air and scattered them all over the
ground. Wu Jun knelt on the ground and quickly picked up each one.
Henry looked at Fu Lele and shook his head slightly. This woman was already distorted in
her heart.
Amity saw Wu Jun kneeling on the ground, picking up money one by one, and letting her
tears flow out.
"Little sister, what are you crying about, look at this waste, what is it worth crying for?"
Bao Xuan looked at Amity, the appearance of pear blossoms with rain, so Bao Xuan could
not wait to hug this beauty in his arms, he stepped forward A few steps, walked to Amity,
"Come, let me take a good look at you."
Saying that, Bao Shan reached out and touched Amity's face.
"Don't touch me!" Amity slapped Bao Baoshen's extended hand and yelled.
Amity was scolded in front of so many people, and Bao Shan's face couldn't be hung.
"Amity, how can you talk to Brother Bao Shan!" Fu Lele shouted sharply. She glanced at
Amity. "Look at your poor looks, what is your arrogance? Let you find a few cars to come to
you. If you do n’t arrive, I ’l bring a poor boy and say that he ’s looking for a car for you. I
think he ’s here to eat and drink! Just like him, it ’s almost the same to find two bicycles! ”
"That's Amity, this is no longer at school, you put away your arrogance, although you look
good, but rich people lack beauty? Who do you think you are." A relationship with Fu Lele
The girl said, she had long been unhappy with Amity. At school, she was robbed of the
Amity looked at the people in front of her. She really did not expect that everyone changed
and became so realistic!
Henry sighed, not everyone in this world is so realistic, to blame, can only blame Amity bad
luck, a university classmate, originally from a poor family, just happened to demolition,
flying into the branches to change the Phoenix, forcing her around People become reality.
"Autumn rain, come here now and apologize to Brother Bao Shan. Nothing is wrong.
Brother Bao Shan is going to be happy. I will take you to eat better and buy you some good
clothes. It is better than wearing such a bargain. More than that. "Fu Lele is very proud.
When she speaks, she has a superior feeling in it.
Henry patted Amity's shoulder, "Fine girl, let's go, it's not interesting to stay here."
"Go? Who can go!" Bao Xuan stood in front of Henry, "This lady just touched my hand,
either apologize to me, or let me touch it back, otherwise you dare to try one!
"I ... when did I touch you, you are shameless!" Amity stared at Bao Shan, angrily speaking.
"Why not? You just touched my hand deliberately. Everyone saw it. Now I should touch it
back." Bao Xuan rubbed his hands and grabbed him in front of a miserable face towards
"Slap!" A crisp sound rang out on Bao Xian's face. With this crisp sound, a red fingerprint
appeared on his face.
Henry shook his hand and looked at Bao Shan. "How about, I touched you too. If it doesn't
feel good enough, I'll touch you again?"
"You!" Bao Xuan covered her face with one hand and pointed to Henry with one hand,
"Dare you dare to beat me! Believe me or not, I will find someone to kil you!"
"Don't believe it." Henry smiled slightly and shook his head. "How are you going to kill me?
Use money? Or touch?"
"Lao Tzu, cal me and kil you with money. Believe it or not!" Bao Shan took out his phone
and called.
Henry shook his head, "Can you kill me with money, I don't know, but I know that if you
want to stand here, you will have to be killed immediately."
As soon as Henry's voice fell, he took out his phone and sent out a voice message.
"Come down."
Ten seconds after Henry ’s voice message was sent, a series of eighteen helicopters
appeared with a strong airflow sound in the sight of everyone. At the same time as the
eighteen helicopters appeared, the pedestrians walking on the road , And the traffic on the
road, slowly slowed down, it is because these 18 helicopters are so dazzling!
Under each helicopter, there is a flamboyant, costly top-level supercar. At this time, a long
line is lined up in the air, and slowly approaching this side.
"Bugatti Veyron! One car will cost more than 30 million! There are actually two Bugatti
Veyron, which are directly transported by helicopter. What kind of local tyrant is this? It is
too rich!"
"McLaren P1!"
"Aston Martin 77! The world's top luxury cars limited to 77, priced at 47 million! This is the
first time I saw a real car!"
"Kö nigseg NO1, the price of this car is 100 mil ion! God, these helicopters are flying with the
sky ful of money!"
On the road, there were bursts of exclamation, and many people who knew the car
recognized the price of these luxury cars.
Chapter 206
"Rolls-Royce Phantom!"
"Bentley Mulsanne, limited edition! The price is tens of millions!"
Looking at the luxury cars in the sky, Bao Shan and others swallowed saliva together!
This way of transporting so many luxury cars by air, not only is it rich, but it is simply not
to take the money seriously. Any car can be worth all the assets of Baoshangjia!
"Look! Landed!"
"Fal here!"
"I depend on it, it is the local tyrant of our city!"
"Who is so rich!"
Those helicopters, suspended above Henry's head, landed slowly.
Every luxury car that sells for more than 10 mil ion yuan and cannot be bought with money
slowly fal s on the ground and stops there, just like a luxury car show.
These cars made Bao Shan and Fu Lele's eyes straight.
What is rich, this is really rich! If I can afford one of them in my life, it is the ancestral grave
that smokes!
Among them, the most expensive Koenigse car door opened, and a handsome, handsome
young man came out of the car and instantly attracted everyone ’s attention.
All looked at the handsome young man.
Bao Xuan, who was just now arrogant, now has a feeling of self-esteem. He looks more like
this. The young man who got off the car completely crushed himself. Compared to his
family, the other party ’s Koenigsegg is ten times his own total assets Too.
Bao Xuan rubbed his hands. At this moment, he forgot what he had just slapped. He just
thought about how to step forward and say hello to the young man in front of him. If he is
lucky, he can be a fol ower. The soup flowing out of the other person's fingers is enough for
a lifetime.
Fu Lele and the girls around her tried to squeeze out their most beautiful smiles, hoping to
attract the attention of this young, handsome, and rich local tyrant.
coming! coming! He came to his side!
Fu Lele and other women are excited, they are thinking, wait for the first sentence, how to
say hello.
Just when they were immersed in this fantasy, they watched this young and rich local
tyrant walking in front of Amity and the earth bun.
"Isn't it good to park the car?" Henry frowned and said to Wade White that the eighteen
cars blocked the road at the KTV door.
Bao Xuan and others immediately frowned when they heard Henry say this.
Fu Lele even said, scolding: "I said, this KTV entrance is my place. I haven't spoken yet.
How can you speak?"
After scorning Henry, Fu Lele rushed to Wade White and showed a good smile, "Sir, this
KTV was opened by me. You just stop it. I don't know this person. You don't need to ignore
"I don't know?" Wade White noodles asked Henry with doubts, "Boss, did you ask me to
find a few cars to come and say that someone opened a KTV and supported the facade, did
you go wrong?"
Boss? Looking for a car? Support the facade?
For Wade White, let Fu Lele and Bao Shan wait for a while.
This young and handsome local tyrant, shouting the earthy bun in front of him, calling the
boss? Did these cars get the dumplings?
impossible! Absolutely impossible! It must be wrong!
"It's right, but it's not used anymore. Everyone says they don't know it, so it's all gone."
Henry waved his hand.
"OK." Hearing this, Wade White didn't say anything, and took out a walkie-talkie. "Take the
car away, hurry up, don't leave it here, these broken copper and iron guys look upset and
As soon as Wade White had finished speaking, these luxury cars that had just landed were
all hung up again, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in just a few seconds, as if
they never appeared.
Just now in KTV, the girl who talked to Amity swallowed hard and stood behind Amity and
asked, "Xiaoyu, did this come from your friend?"
"Wel ." Amity nodded. "The company car can't be borrowed. Brother Zhang personally
borrowed it for me, but now it seems that it's not available."
Fu Lele and Bao Shan and others, watching this young man listen to Tubaozi so much, feel a
little unreal.
Henry turned his head and looked at Amity, "Little girl, this can't stay any longer. Let's go,
isn't it to invite me to dinner?"
"Good." Amity nodded.
Today, the actions of Fu Lele and others have completely broken her heart, and Wu Jun's
performance even made her completely stubborn about this man who had a good
Taking out a car key from his small satchel, Amity walked towards President Maserati
parked aside.
As soon as President Maserati made a soft sound, the door was opened by Amity, and the
little girl sat in the main driver.
In the shocked eyes of Fu Lele and others, Maserati made a roar and drove to Henry to stop.
Amity shook the window. "Brother Zhang, let's go."
Henry turned his head and smiled at Bao Bao, "Man, it seems that you can't kil me with
money, and this car doesn't seem to be your brother."
After Henry finished speaking, no matter what reaction Bao Xun and others reacted, he
pulled the door open and sat in.
President Maserati made a roar again and walked away.
The roar of the engine sounded in everyone's ears, like a mockery.
Bao Shan's face was bluish and red, which was particularly ugly. Just now, he boasted that
this two mil ion luxury car was his friend's, and he stopped only after giving himself a face.
Fu Lele watched Maserati a little slack, driving away for a long time, when she looked at the
five Audi A6s parked at the KTV door, it felt like a pile of garbage, just experienced 18
luxury cars Shock, this Audi A6, that's al about it.
The original grand opening ceremony was so bland that even Fu Lele, the master, was
completely unhappy.
Just what I said in my mouth, this world is a world of money, but in the end, people drive
millions of luxury cars, and they can find cars that support the scene, which add up to
hundreds of mil ions of dol ars. They are all global limited editions. come!
Put your own assets in front of others, not even farts!
It didn't take long for Amity to drive away, and her phone rang madly.
Amity glanced at the caller, put the phone away, and left it alone.
Henry glanced at the phone and called Wu Jun.
Several consecutive calls, Amity did not answer at al , and then she received news from Wu
Jun again.
"Xiaoyu, don't you want to eat that puff? I will take you there, OK?"
"Xiaoyu, why didn't you ignore me, we said yes, we must work together and struggle
"Xiaoyu, where are you? I'll go find you, OK?"
This piece of news flicked directly on the phone screen, Amity wouldn't even be able to
read it.
At a traffic light, Amity stopped his car and completely deleted Wu Jun's contact
"Brother Zhang, am I stupid?"
Henry smiled slightly, "Who just entered the society is silly."
Chapter 207
Today, for Amity, the impact is too great. The attitude of her friends made Amity really
unexpected, including Wu Jun. She never saw that Wu Jun was such a person.
"Al right, put me down at the intersection in front." Henry stretched his finger.
Amity was surprised: "Brother Zhang, don't you go for dinner?"
"It won't be today." Henry waved his hand. "I have an appointment with a friend. Let's
change the day. I invite you."
Amity pouted, "It's okay to change the day, but you can't ask me, but I said I asked you,
don't forget, I had a commission of 250,000 last time, and now I'm a little rich woman."
"Okay, then please invite me, and don't hurt me by that time." Henry said with a laugh, at an
intersection, let Amity stop, he opened the door and went down.
After talking to Amity about driving and paying attention to safety, Henry Yao walked
towards the hospital. He didn't have any friends tonight, just to see Amity's sad appearance.
The little girl must think for herself.
When Henry returned to the hospital, he saw Sylvia sitting on the bed and enjoying Milan's
Henry can see that Sylvia's appearance is obviously much better, and the blush on his skin
has also faded a lot. At most one night, the wound on the skin has completely recovered.
"Henry, where did you go this afternoon, Sylvia nags you with me, I said you two have been
married for so long anyway, do you want to be like a love." Milan saw Henry, began
The feeling of a single dog eating dog food madly is very uncomfortable.
Henry chuckled, poured a cup of hot water to Lin Pleasehan, "wife, how are you feeling
When Henry himself said the words of his wife, they all felt sweet.
Lin invited Han nodded. "It's much better. It's not itchy anymore. I used to feel tingling on
my skin from time to time. I don't feel much now. It's no different than usual except for the
reddish color."
"That's good." Henry nodded. "I'l wait for another pill and wait for a night's sleep after
applying it. I will be discharged tomorrow."
"Real y." Upon leaving the hospital, Sylvia showed a surprised expression on his face.
"Yes, husband, was that person yesterday your friend? Why didn't you mention it to me?"
As soon as Sylvia finished asking this question, she was a little bit disgusted. She reacted.
Before herself, she didn't even say a few words to Henry, how could he have the
opportunity to introduce himself to his friends?
"You say Wade White? That kid is not doing business for a day, why would you mention
him?" Henryman said indifferently.
"No." Sylvia chewed on his cheeks and was extremely cute. "Your friend, I definitely need to
know. So husband, wait for me to be discharged tomorrow. Will I ask your friends for a
meal? I haven't met them yet." I have seen it. "
Henry said with a smile: "Okay, you are going to invite them to dinner, this gang is
definitely very happy."
Sylvia's eyes narrowed into a crescent-shaped crook, "That's fine, I will be the host
tomorrow, but you are not al owed to grab it with me."
Henry chatted with Sylvia for a while, then went to boil the medicine, and by the way,
President Ma had to go through the discharge procedure, and he could leave the hospital
After boiling the medicine, Henry made an excuse to let Milan help Sylvia to apply the
Walking outside the ward, Henry cal ed Wade White and said that Sylvia would like to
invite everyone to dinner tomorrow.
"Lying trough! Sister-in-law invited us to dinner!" Wade White shouted on the phone.
Henry took the phone far away for the first time, and Wade White's voice was too harsh.
"I said why did your kid shout so loudly?" Henry said nothing.
"Of course I am excited! Boss! Sister-in-law invites us to dinner! No, I have to notify this.
Believe me, those people's reactions can only be greater than me!" Wade White said with
confidence on the phone.
Sitting in the presidential suite of Xinkai Hotel, Wade White shakes the glass of red wine
and initiates a multi-person online call.
When he said lightly that his sister-in-law had dinner tomorrow, almost everyone who
talked to him made the same voice as he had before.
That night.
A young man with red hair and a luxurious dress is located in an ancient palace in Europe.
He stands in front of a mirror made entirely of highly crystals. Hundreds of servants stand
behind him. Several European high society Top designers stand aside.
"Sir, this is the 73rd piece of clothing you have tried, are you stil not satisfied?" An elderly
man asked cautiously.
If there are European nobles standing here, they will be surprised to open their mouths.
This old man who cal s red-haired young adults is a marquis!
"Unsatisfied! Quite dissatisfied!" The red-haired young man dragged his clothes off
impatiently and shouted in fluent Chinese language. "Tomorrow my sister-in-law invites us
to dinner, you just let me dress so badly! , Immediately, to design a style that I am satisfied
with! "
On the vast open sea in the basin, a warship with a grimace flag was drifting aimlessly.
A sturdy white man stood on the deck, and his servants took him expensive pieces of
The white strong man carefully selected for more than two hours before choosing a
satisfactory dress and nodding. "Yes, this one."
"Master Poseidon, are you so carefully prepared, are you going to see the head of a
country?" The deputy of the white strong man asked cautiously.
"Heads of State?" The white strong man asked back, "Which head of state can make me
value this?"
"That's ..." The deputy looked puzzled.
The white strong man stood in front of the mast and looked into the distance.
"Tomorrow, my sister-in-law invites us to dinner!"
Behind the battleship of white strong men, densely packed, followed by countless
battleships, each of which was equipped with artil ery, and the fighters on the deck could
take off at any time.
On the border of India, there is such a snowy mountain, and there are rumors of mysterious
Under the snow mountain, there is a palace, which is worshipped by people who live
That night, in the snowy mountains, a young and beautiful western woman walked out.
She covered her black hair to the waist and wore a black-purple long skirt. In the snow-
capped snowy mountains, under the bright moonlight, like the goddess of art, Artha Mies is
holy in the world.
"Adult, tomorrow is the worship day of the believers. Do you want to leave?" An equally
beautiful woman followed her.
"Of course, the kid from Wade White said that his sister-in-law invited everyone to dinner
At this time, Sylvia, who was still lying in the ward of Yinzhou Hospital, didn't know that
her decision to treat guests to dinner made the big men who were stomping their feet in
the underground world feel shocked.
Chapter 208
The night passed by quietly. The next morning, Henry got up from the ward and checked
Lin for Han. The burns on her skin were basically healed. The poisonous gas inhaled from
the body was filtered out in the past two days.
"Wel , it's beautiful." Henry looked at himself, Sylvia, who had put on a loose sportswear,
praised sincerely.
"What's so beautiful, I haven't taken a bath for a few days, come home quickly, I have to
take a bath, my body stinks." Sylvia sniffed the cute little nose, said with disgust.
Henry laughed twice, he didn't think there was any strange smell on the woman's body, but
instead had a fresh body fragrance.
On the way home, Henry drove, Sylvia sat in the co-pilot, constantly flipping the phone.
"Wife, what do you want to see?" Henry asked curiously.
"Look for a hotel." Sylvia slender finger on the screen of the phone, "Her husband, you said
to ask your friend what to eat."
"Just eat whatever you want." Henry said indifferently. He and his brothers and sisters,
when difficult, eat a piece of bread, and the bark is not chewed, when brilliant, Shanzhen
seafood, top caviar are eaten greasy, I don't care much about what to eat.
Sylvia shook his head, "That's not okay, this is the first time to have dinner with your
friends, I have to do my best as a landlord."
Sylvia finally chose the Xinkai Hotel and set the largest box.
At the same time, Yinzhou Airport.
Wade White stood in front of the terminal and waited quietly. He didn't have time to watch
the flight. He knew that these goods would not come on civil flights.
A series of private planes landed at Yinzhou Airport. One of them had the emblem of the
royal family of Yingguo, and the other few, although there was no logo, but the model of the
plane was expensive.
The door of the private jet bearing the logo of the royal family of Yingguo opened, and a
young man with red hair and a handsome appearance came down. He was wearing a dark
red robe with a unique logo of the royal family of Yingguo printed on the collar flower.
After getting off the plane, the red-haired young man took a deep breath and said with
emotion: "The air is fresher than the other places where the boss is."
"Come on, you bul shit!" A white strong man strode over, his head bright and shiny, "I want
to say, this is where there is a boss, the world is full of colors!"
"Fuck!" The red-haired young man raised his middle finger. "Poseidon, do you still have to
make a face? You are not as bad as me!"
"Okay, the boss is not here. Who are you two talking to?" Not far away, a Western beauty
with long hair covering her waist came slowly. She wore a dark purple dress when the
breeze blew, Blowing the skirt, she looks like a beauty in the painting, attracting people's
The appearance of the woman has brought the attention of many people around. This
woman is so beautiful. The broken hair is hidden in front of her forehead, like a dusky
twilight, covering the sunset.
The tall body, rounded hips, and every part of the body are flawless.
"Yeah, Luna, it's been a long time since I saw you dressed so grand." The red-haired youth
gave the woman a surprised look.
"Giggle." The woman covered her mouth and chuckled. "You are not the same. Take out this
robe. I thought you would inherit your position."
"I tell you, my dress was newly designed last night. It is not the old style before. Did you
change the cuff into a triangle!" The red-haired youth raised his arm.
"Okay, don't show your weird clothes." Poseidon looked disdainful, "Who else hasn't
"Yesterday the idiot was notified, and they expected to be there soon." Luna stood there,
beautiful eyes looking at the sky in the distance.
Soon, several private jets appeared in the air.
Before the plane landed, I saw a white figure floating down from the sky. A white damask
was dancing in the air, which could be seen faintly. This is a beautiful figure.
She seemed like a holy goddess.
Luna shouted at the sky, "It's still old, can't change it!"
The figure in the sky has attracted the attention of many people.
"Someone is flying?"
"Fly a fart, you have a little common sense!"
"Then explain to me, why is she floating in the sky, do you see a parachute?"
"Explain Mao's explanation, people who understand will naturally understand!"
Two people about to board the plane saw the figure in the sky and fel into discussion.
Poseidon tweeted, "Look, people play this high-tech game. The flight suit is as noisy as a
long skirt. It's really beautiful!"
Luna slaps on Poseidon's bald head. "You mean, am I worse than her?"
Poseidon quickly put on a ridiculous smile, "Al looks good, all looks good!"
With a touch of white damask falling, the figure in the sky also slowly landed. She was
white and one-and-seven meters tall. She stepped on white short boots, a white long dress,
and her arms were meandering, and the moon god standing there, In stark contrast, she is
equally beautiful, with bright eyes and cherry sips, and is a standard Chinese beauty.
"In the future, your technology will become more and more developed. When will you
install two flying machines on my boat?" Poseidon looked at the coming beauty with a
"What do you dream about? This is technology, not magic in your fantasy!" The future rol
ed her eyes and focused on Luna. "Wow, old lady, have you put on your dress?"
"Who said the old witch!" Luna stared into the future with anger.
"Let's say you are all in their forties, aren't they old ladies?" The future made a face to the
Moon God, and the holy appearance just disappeared without a trace, becoming a playful
The two women of perfect figure and face are quarreling, which is also a kind of enjoyment
for people watching.
Poseidon and the red-haired youth did not persuade themselves, and stood aside with a
smile, it was strange that the two people touched one another, and did not fight.
"Yoyo, are you arguing again?" A middle-aged Western-looking middle-aged man strode
over. "Where is this arguing, the old lady was scolded a few minutes ago?"
Middle-aged men seem to be very experienced.
"About three minutes." Poseidon answered after thinking for a while, and then looked at
the middle-aged man. "Yes, Ferrez, your old man said last time that I invested 30 bil ion in
my fleet. When will it arrive? Don't deny it. what!"
"Fuck!" Ferris gestured his middle finger. "Thirty billion yuan is too lazy to deny you. The
cheque has already been written. You won't get it yourself."
Poseidon glanced at his mouth, "I have to get it myself, no sincerity!"
"Okay, everyone is here, let's go, I guess that idiot has been waiting." The red-haired young
man said, "Today's sister-in-law, please have dinner, and it's a little more converging!"
Chapter 209
In the water town, in the villa.
"Husband, what do you think of this one, will the color be too light?" Sylvia stood in front of
the ful -length mirror and wriggled his waist.
Henry said with a light smile on his face: "It's not faint, it's a beautiful wife, people look
pretty in everything they wear, you just have to be casual."
"No!" Sylvia pouted, "This is the first time I know your friend formally, how can I just do it,
just this one."
Sylvia chose for a long time and chose a beige dress with a beige lady's sun hat. A black
streamer was tied above the brim, which was full of temperament.
Today Sylvia has a little light makeup.
Women's light makeup represents respect for others.
An extended version of Rolls-Royce travels on the streets of Yinzhou.
"Idiot, can you, take out all your good wines?" The red-haired young man sat in the car,
shaking the red wine glass in his hand, and tasted a sip of mellow taste all over his face.
"Red hair monster, you talk to Lao Tzu, or believe it or not, I pull out your bird hair!"
Wade White has a black face, and for his name, to be honest, his opinions are very big, if not
the old man at home Unwilling to change, he changed his name a few years ago.
"Hey." The red-haired young man smiled. "You pul ed my hair, you have to give me a new
nickname, I can still cal you an idiot."
"It's!" Wade White was very depressed. He looked at the crowd and suddenly thought of
something. "Yes, the boss told me. This time is just a simple meal. Don't give gifts to any of
you. The sister-in-law doesn't know the boss. Identity is a bit normal. "
"Understood." Ferris compared OK gestures.
The future asked curiously, "Idiot, what kind of person is Dasao?"
"What kind of person?" Wade White thought over and replied, "A very plain woman, the
boss now wants this kind of plain life."
Everyone nodded thoughtful y.
If someone else is in the car, hearing these people say that Yin Sylvia, the business queen of
Yinzhou, is a bland woman, and she will be shocked. But for the people in this car, Sylvia's
identity is real y bland.
As for the place to eat, Henry had already sent it to Wade White in advance. When two
kilometers away from Xinkai Hotel, Wade White and others walked off the car and walked
towards Xinkai Hotel.
These people were walking on the road. Except that Wade White and Ferris were wearing
normal clothes, the dark red cloak with red hair was white in the future. The moon god had
long hair and waist. The western dress looks quite weird and attracts a lot of attention.
Fortunately, there are two beautiful women in this pedestrian, looking at the pleasing,
passers-by only when these are playing cosplay.
Inside the Xinkai Hotel.
Sylvia sat in the box with box number five and nine, looking at the menu.
"Husband, what do your friends like to eat?"
"Anything, they don't pick it." Henry smiled.
Sylvia carefully looked at the menu carefully, and ordering food was also a knowledge.
At this time, a dissatisfied female voice sounded outside the box.
"Who, sit nine and five? Don't know who I am?"
As soon as the sound came, the box door was pushed open from the outside.
Sylvialiu frowned slightly, and looked at the door of the box, a very familiar figure in his
The person outside the box also saw Sylvia, a woman in her twenties, wearing a gorgeous
dress with a pearl necklace and a short hair on her head that was curled and curled up. She
looked very beautiful, but with Sylvia Compared, it is still two grades worse.
"Yo, who do I think was sitting in the box of the 95th Supreme Supreme? It turned out to be
Mr. Lin. We heard that there was a fire that day and you almost died?" The woman looked
at Sylvia with a sad face.
Sylvia smiled slightly, "Sister Zhu was disappointed, and she survived by chance. Why,
Sister Zhu wants this private room? I can let you."
Henry just glanced at it and saw that there was something wrong between the two women.
The woman waved her hand uncomfortably, "No, the box you ordered by President Lin,
how can I Zhu Ziyu He De dare to sit? Oh, I heard that President Lin is married, is this your
Zhu Ziyu looked at Henry with his eyes, "Huh, do you wear ordinary clothes? Listening to
Sam said, it is because he entered the Lin family. It seems that his status is not very high.
How handsome, do you want to consider divorce from the surname Lin? Home, my sister is
also choosing her wishful husband recently, and the treatment will definitely be better than
yours at Lin's. "
Henry scratched his head and looked at Zhu Ziyu a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, but I
took the liberty to ask, which bird hair is your sister?"
"Huh?" Zhu Ziyu was stunned by Henry, then his face changed, "Sylvia, your family, don't
you know how to manage it?"
"Sorry Sister Zhu." Sylvia smiled at Zhu Ziyu. "My family has always been my husband."
Upon hearing this, Zhu Ziyu looked very uncomfortable, "Yes, you can, sometimes you
regret it!"
Zhu Ziyu left a ruthless word, flicked his arm and left.
When Zhu Ziyu left, Sylvia wondered, "It's strange, why did you meet her here?"
"Who is this?" Henry asked curiously. He had never heard Sylvia mention any surnamed
Zhu. Last time he went to the outdoor club, he never saw it.
Sylvia replied: "Sam's cousin."
"Oh!" Henry nodded suddenly, that Sam, he still has an impression, before in Di Shengte
restaurant, always wanted to embarrass himself.
Sitting in the box for a while, Henry received a message from Wade White on his phone.
"Wife, they're here. I'll go downstairs to pick it up."
"I will go with you." Sylvia said that he would get up.
"It's okay, I'll just go by myself." Henry held Sylvia's shoulder, "That wife, there is
something, you have to tell you in advance."
"What's the matter?" Sylvia wondered.
"Cough." Henryqian coughed twice, "That, my friends, people are more enthusiastic, and if
they have a big reaction, don't be surprised."
When Sylvia hadn't remembered what it meant, Henry had walked out of the box and
headed downstairs.
Henry came to the hotel lobby and saw his brothers and sisters in strange clothes at a
"Wow, you guys are so compel ing."
Henry said across the distance.
Hearing this voice, Luna and others all showed excitement and said at the same time:
"Come on, the two beauties hug them first." Henry stepped forward, and embraced the
moon god and the future.
Chapter 210
"Boss, aren't you afraid that your sister-in-law is jealous?" The future smiled Yan, although
he said so, he took the initiative to hug Henry.
Moon God also gave Henry a heavy hug. This kind of hug, like the brothers, did not mix the
remaining feelings.
"Relax, your sister-in-law is not so stingy yet." Henry waved his hand.
"Boss, everyone has to hug it!" The white strong man Poseidon looked at Henry with a
sheepish expression, "Beng Biao Biao Biao!"
Wade White retched: "I do, I want to vomit!"
Who would have thought that this coquettish white man was on the high seas, and used one
person to deter the fierce men of the various fleets?
And these people are regarded as people playing cosplay. Anyone in this world has a very
high status. To say that the most common identity among these people should be Ferris.
Many people have never heard of the Ferris family. Even some giants do not know the
existence of this family, but at the top level of the world, Ferris ’s name is unknown to
everyone. , The so-cal ed richest family in the world, heard that the one-year net income of
the Ferrace family can keep up with the total GDP of the stick country for one year!
However, in this group of people, Ferreth, as the only heir of their family, seems ordinary,
because he only has money, and spends money! It took a lot of effort for Ferreth's old man
to let Ferris join Bright Island. After several life and death, Ferris and Wade White and
others became brothers of life and death.
After embracing each other, Henry and everyone walked upstairs.
"Boss, you don't know, after these guys heard the news that the sister-in-law invited to
dinner yesterday, I was so excited that I didn't sleep al night." Wade White said behind
"Don't say that your kid fel asleep." Redhead glanced at his mouth.
These people, they are sympathetic and have great respect for Henry. Do n’t look at the
surface and Henry heh heh haha, in fact, Henry as long as a word, a command, they will not
hesitate to implement, this respect is from the heart .
In the process of going upstairs, several people happened to be seen by Zhu Ziyu.
Upon seeing this group of cosplay-looking people, Zhu Ziyu immediately showed contempt
on her face. In her view, this is a group of unscrupulous business, no futile goods, and then
listen to it, it is the friend of the son-in-law of the Lin family, surnamed Lin please When
they came to the hotel to have a meal, they couldn't sleep excitedly?
Good news!
Standing next to Zhu Ziyu, standing this tall, handsome-looking man with a man's suit and
leather shoes, standing there and letting people look at it, he felt extraordinary.
Zhu Ziyu hugged the man ’s arms in his arms, "Husband, I was just bullied, you have to
avenge me!"
"Bully you?" Jun Yi's face changed, "Who!"
"It's their lead." Zhu Ziyu reached out and pointed to Henry who was walking with Wade
White and others.
The handsome man sneered, "It's just a group of clowns, rest assured, her husband will
help you teach them!"
"Muma, her husband is awesome!" Zhu Ziyu kissed the handsome man's face, then stared at
Henry, a Lin's house-in-law, who dared to disrespect himself! Why is he!
In the five-and-nine boxes of the Xinkai Hotel, Sylvia sat nervously in his seat, thinking
about waiting to see Henry's friend, what to say in the first sentence.
While Sylvia was stil thinking, the door of the box opened, and several figures appeared in
front of the door, which really surprised Sylvia.
Wade White Sylvia had seen it. Looking at the others, Sylvia didn't expect that Henry's
friends were al foreigners.
As soon as Wade White and others entered the house, they stood in a row, unanimously.
This scene is the same as that of the triad sister-in-law.
Henry wiped the sweat on his forehead, "Okay, my wife, I will introduce it to you. This kid
you have seen before is called Wade White."
"Bai ... Chi ..." Sylvia was surprised because of Wade White's name, which really made
people think about it.
Wade White smiled awkwardly and nodded and said hel o, "Sister-in-law."
Henry pointed to Poseidon again, "This is Ter, Magnesium, this guy is a sailor, like everyone
to call him Poseidon."
"Sister-in-law is good." Poseidon smiled at Sylvia.
"This is Jiang'er." Henry introduced the future to Sylvia. "This girl is only 20 years old and
likes to study some technology. Everyone cal s her the future, and it is also a kind of
expectation for her."
"Sister-in-law is good." In the future, Chong Sylvia made a joke, just like the ancient woman.
Sylvia covered his mouth and chuckled, "Sister Jianger, you are real y interesting."
"This is Ferris, a rich man."
"Sister-in-law," Ferris shouted.
Fei Lei's big sister-in-law, some of Lin Weihan didn't respond, after all, Wade White,
Jiang'er, or Tell, looks about the same age as Henry, but Fei Lei, obviously bigger than
Henry In a round, this also called his sister-in-law, some mess.
Wade White seemed to see Lin Yaohan's thoughts and explained: "Sister-in-law, we are
different from others, and the size has already been arranged, so Fister cal s you sister-in-
law, that should be."
Lin invited Han to look at Henry with doubtful eyes.
Henry scratched his head. "My wife, this is the case. I will explain to you later. This is Locke.
Because of his hair, everyone likes to call him red hair." Henry introduced Lin Red to the
young red-haired youth.
"Sister-in-law." Redhead sipped his teeth.
Finally, Henry introduced Luna to Sylvia, "Wife, you have to have a good relationship with
her, Lilith, this year is 42 years old."
"Sister-in-law." Luna said to Sylvia with a smile.
"Forty-two!" Sylvia opened his mouth wide and looked at the moon god in front of him in
disbelief. If Henry didn't say it, she would only think it was a little girl twenty-one or two
years old!
There is no woman who does not love beauty. After learning the true age of Luna, Sylvia
wanted to know the other party's maintenance secret for the first time.
"Okay wife, wait for you to have a good chat with Lilith, everyone, this is my wife, the kind
that receives the certificate, Sylvia." Henry said when he received the certificate, the kind of
happiness on his face, that kind of sweetness, everyone It's all in the eyes.
Sylvia bowed slightly to everyone, "Hello everyone, it's my problem to invite you to dinner
for the first time with Henry for so long."
"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? Obviously they didn't come to take the initiative
to visit you, so everyone must punish themselves for three cups!" Wade White waved his
"Yes, yes, three penalties, three penalties." Poseidon nodded again and again.
Chapter 211
At this point, Sylvia final y understood that Henry had just said that his friend was a little
too warm and polite, what made her feel a little embarrassed, and hurriedly greeted
everyone to the table.
"Come, come sit down, waitress, serve."
Sylvia greeted good wine and good food.
As a business woman, Sylvia's sociality is very strong, Wade White and others are very
distinguished, and they are not shy. Although it is the first time to meet, it is also very easy
to chat together. Those topics, chat Sylvia giggled nonstop.
During the period, Sylvia also asked curiously where the clothes for the future and Luna
were bought from. She felt very good-looking and wanted to own a set.
Luna and Future said that they can give Sylvia a set.
Henry sat aside and heard it strangely. The one in the future is okay to say. It is said that in
the future, he received national support and took a lot of high-end materials to invent the
invention. The guess should be this one in the future, let alone the cost, it is some materials,
which are extremely rare and cannot be bought with money.
And the one on the moon god was handed down from the ancient moon temple saints.
To put it bluntly, it is a cultural relic, and there are only two pieces in the entire moon
It may be that the Chinese people do not understand the definition of the Moon Temple, but
on the Indian border, no one does not know the Moon Temple, but the Great Religion with
mil ions of believers has a terrible influence.
I was very happy to eat a meal. Sylvia called everyone's name before, and I felt a little bit
mouthful, and gradually became familiar with it.
What Sylvia didn't know was that the names she called out, whether it was Tell, Lilith, or
Locke, were the names of Western demons, and each one was very representative.
The topic of women together is nothing more than cosmetics and luxury goods.
And men are together, that is to fight wine and bragging.
Five unlicensed vans were parked downstairs at the Xinkai Hotel, and the doors were
opened. In each car, seven people came down, a total of 35 people, al wearing black tunic
suits, standing downstairs at the Xinkai Hotel.
A middle-aged man with a flat head and a leading cane in his hand stood at the forefront,
staring at the door of Xinkai Hotel.
"This is the first one. The intelligence said that the woman ordered five or nine boxes." A
middle-aged man said with a flat head.
The flat-headed middle-aged nodded his head and said gently, "Tell everyone that
distracted entry, first failed to take over the task at night, and then Tiemei damaged more
than a dozen people in Yinzhou. There is definitely a master next to the woman.
To kill all the elites, only to succeed, not to fail, the opportunity to go to the island is too
rare. "
The people around Pingtou Middle-aged nodded, and then issued an order. The thirty-five
people who had stood in front of Xinkai Hotel al dispersed.
The flat-headed young man pestered his cane, took out a white handkerchief and placed it
in front of his mouth. After coughing twice, he walked into the door of the Xinkai Hotel. In
his pocket, he placed a photo of Sylvia.
Hidden! This is the second-largest killer organization among underground forces in the
entire northwest region.
The number of hidden kills is not many, but each one is an elite, and its first one has a super
high record of a hundred people!
At the moment when the first to enter the Xinkai Hotel was hidden, the red-haired face that
was still talking and laughing in the box changed, but in a flash, his face returned to normal.
The redhead smiled and said to Henry: "Boss, I heard that you have a Erguotou in China
and you are full of wine. I want to try it."
Henry and Red Hair, etc., are brothers of life and death. It is not an exaggeration to say that
one of them took off his pants, and the other knew what fart the other party was about to
put. Realized something was wrong.
"Redhead, I'l buy it for you. Erguotou, I know which one is the most powerful. Let's go,
Poseidon, go with me." Wade White stood up and greeted Poseidon to come out of the box
Poseidon nodded.
As soon as the two people got up, they saw Sylvia standing up, "I'm going, you are guests,
how can you get you to buy it."
"Yeah, just sit down and my wife and I will go." Henry and Wade White made a gesture.
Wade White and others nodded and sat down again.
Henry and Sylvia walked out of the box side by side. There is no such kind of Erguotou in
the hotel, so they have to go to the supermarket outside the hotel to buy it.
Under the leadership of Henry, the person who concealed the murder did not find the
figure of Sylvia at al . In the aspect of concealing whereabouts, Henry could throw away the
people who concealed the murder more than a dozen streets.
When Henry and Sylvia left, Wade White spoke, "Red hair, what happened?"
"I feel something is wrong." Redhead shook his head.
Everyone on the scene knows that redheads are far more mentally sensitive than ordinary
people. They are a bit similar to the unknown prophet. Although they are not as
exaggerated as written in the book and performed in the movie, they are still very accurate.
Subconsciously, everyone looks at the future.
In the future, take out a small cube with a side length of two centimeters and flip it back
and forth a few times. The smal cube is folded into a slim tablet like a folding phone. At this
moment, everything on the Xinkai Hotel can be seen on the screen.
In the future, there is a habit that every time you go to a place, you will hack into the
monitoring device in one place. What is displayed on the tablet now is taken by the camera
in the Xinkai Hotel.
Everyone looked at the tablet, and at a glance they saw the first person who was walking
towards the door of the box with a cane.
At this moment, the people who had been assassinated did not yet know that their
whereabouts had been completely mastered. They dispersed into the Xinkai Hotel and then
gathered in front of the door of the five and nine boxes.
"The first, intelligence shows, there are a few unrelated people waiting with the target, do
you want to do it?"
Hiddenly killing the first one, looking at the box door in front of him, holding the leading
cane in both hands, his expression said indifferently: "All kill!"
Hiddenly killing everyone, they nodded their heads, with cold intent on their faces, they
walked to the box door and pushed the box door open.
The box door opens.
The few people sitting in the box all smiled and looked at the door.
The hidden killers rushed into the box as soon as possible. They were all experienced kil
ers and elites. Since they decided to put everyone including their joint targets to death,
there would be no hesitation.
Rushing into the box, the assassins did not make any extra noise. In their eyes, only the
target, their bloodthirsty licking lips, the person in the box, in their eyes, will soon become
a corpse?
"Who's going?" Wade White shook the red wine in the glass. The killer had rushed into the
box, and he wasn't too slow.
Chapter 212
Xinkai Hotel is downstairs.
Henry and Sylvia walked out of the hotel door side by side.
"Husband, why do you have so many foreign friends?" Sylvia asked curiously.
Henry scratched his head, "The people who used to live without a fixed place would run
around the world and they would know each other."
"Humph!" Sylvia's mouth fell, and she fel in love. She never saw the appearance of the
iceberg queen before, but instead looked like a little girl who was not mature yet. Have you
ever moved? "
Henry was staggering and stretched his hand to shave Sylvia's tall nose, "wife, what do you
Sylvia twisted his head and didn't go to see Henry. He said to himself, oh my, what's wrong
with me, why do you think about it?
Henrywan smiled. The woman was jealous and really cute. The two of them walked into a
supermarket and bought Erguotou that red hair had just proposed.
Xinkai Hotel.
The thirty-five killers from the hidden kill al lay on the ground. They looked at their limbs
intact, but they couldn't move.
The first to hide was also lying there, and his leading cane was thrown aside.
"You! What kind of people are you!" Hiddenly, the first man looked at the six people in
"Ask us who we are?" Redhead sneered coldly. "Have you been secretly doing things, have
you always been so blind?"
Red hair took a red tail ring from his pocket and put it on the table.
At the moment of seeing the tail ring, the first pupil of the hidden kil er contracted violently.
"Wang ... Wang Jie ..."
Under the Holy Ring of the Bright Island, there are ten king rings. The owner of the ring is
hailed as a demon and a god by people in the underground world. The horrible strength of
the person can be hailed as a demon and a god, and its terror can be seen!
Hidden killing the first one looked at the red hair, recalling the description of the master of
the red king ring, he swallowed hard and saliva, "You are ... Cataclysm red hair!"
"Yeah, it seems that my fame is not too small." Red Hair smiled slightly, and then his eyes
narrowed, looking at the first kill, "Look, who let you come, who are your goals?"
Hiddenly kill the first one to slowly climb up from the ground, take a deep breath, "Sorry, I
can't say."
Red Hair had long expected that this would be his answer, and continued: "I will give you
three chances, I will count three, either tel me the answer, or kill me, and remember, I
never joke."
After the red hair finished, pour red wine into his empty glass, "One."
Hiddenly kill the first face changes again and again.
In the underground world, when an organization is delisted, it is not only meant to kil all
the people in the organization, including their descendants, but those seedlings that have
not grown up, including all those who are related to the hidden killing, will be implicated.
It can be said that once it is removed, it means that the underground world will never hear
news about the hidden killing again, even if these two words are not mentioned, this is
more important than the killing of the leader of an organization. He was even more
terrified, and he inherited the organization for countless years. He was destroyed in his
own hands. Even if he went to Jiuquan, his ancestors would not forgive himself.
The redhead picked up the red wine glass and shook it gently, "Two."
"Adult Cataclysm, you don't have the right to remove the name from the secret.
Guangming Island has rules to remove a second-rate organization. You must have more
than five kings to vote together!"
The sound of red hair's timing stopped abruptly, and he looked around his body.
Poseidon, take out a sky blue tail ring and put it on the table.
Luna, took out a dark purple tail ring and put it on her little finger.
In the future, take out the white tail ring, which was made into a necklace by her and hung
on the white and soft jade neck.
Ferris, took out a black card, a golden tail ring, he was inlaid into this card with infinite
Wade White, take out the black tail ring.
A series of five tail rings of different colors appeared in front of the first kill, which made his
face completely change, as ugly as gold paper.
He looked at the six people sitting on the table in front of himself, feeling like he was
This is ... the owner of the six King Rings of Bright Island! It was the owner of the six king
rings who brought the man to kill himself!
The horror of these six people, although the first one of them has never been seen in
person, but he heard it and still knows some. The six kings can casually subvert a small
country. If they want, the six kings can even set off a world war. They It is not only the
horror of its own strength, the power behind it is even greater!
How can I not think of stealing the first seat, this time only thought it was an ordinary
mission target, but it provoked the six kings!
Sitting with the six kings, eating together, talking and laughing, what's your goal this time!
No wonder!
No wonder the night will fail!
No wonder Tingmei will leave more than ten people here, and there are six kings. In this
world, in addition to the one with the Holy Ring, who dares to say that he can complete this
This is a mortal task!
Hiddenly killing the first, I don't know how to describe my mood at this time.
"How about, would you like me to count the last number?" Red Hair asked again.
Hiddenly killing the first one slowly shook his head, "Sir, I am willing to say."
"It is Lord Chessia, who entrusted us to assassinate a woman named Sylvia ..."
Chessia came out three words, and the six people sitting on the table looked at each other
and fel silent.
Charm Chesia, the owner of the colorful king ring of the Bright Island ...
When Henry returned with two bottles of Erguotou, the box had returned to normal, and
the person who had concealed the kil ing seemed to have never appeared. Sylvia would
never have thought that it happened during the time when she went downstairs to buy
wine. So many things.
A few people in Wade White did not show anything else, still drinking and eating meat.
These people, if they say that they are sensitive, there is a little wind and grass, they can
perceive that if they say that the nerves are big, there is a murder in the first second, and
nothing happens after the second. Just do what you want to do. Well, knowing that they will
be desperately an hour later, they can also carefully prepare a meal, and then go to
desperately after eating.
During the banquet, everyone stil talked and laughed.
"You don't know. Boss, he quit smoking now! He said his sister-in-law wouldn't smoke!"
Wade White squinted.
"I depend, don't you? The big gun with two packs of cigarettes a day before the boss can
quit smoking?"
Luna shook her head, "Hey, terrible man, he can quit smoking, there is nothing else he can
Everyone looked at the sweet and happy look on Henry's face and couldn't help but think of
a word.
Men conquer the world, women conquer men.
Chapter 213
After leaving the Xinkai Hotel, the assassinated people began their frightened escape.
An unlicensed van was parked in a smal alleyway, and the first person with a leading cane
was concealed, just about to get on the bus, and then heard a grunting sound behind him.
"Where to go?"
This sound, as if coming from under the Nine Nether, made him feel a bitter cold.
The first person in the assassination slowly turned around. When he saw the figure with a
grimace mask and a sharp blade in his hand, his face was ashamed.
The other party came up with a knife, waved the blade in his hand, and slashed towards the
head of the first kill.
The sharp edge of the sharp blade gradually enlarged in the pupils of the first kil er. At such
a moment, the first kil er remembered the words he had heard before.
Hellwalker, everywhere!
Zhu Ziyu took her husband to the box outside the Xinkai Hotel and listened to the chatter
and laughter from the box. Zhu Ziyu was unhappy.
"Her husband, they are sitting here. Lin's surname Lin invites them to dinner. He just
helped the kid to humiliate me. You want to avenge me!"
"Lin's?" Zhu Ziyu's husband showed disdain, "It's just a smal business in a remote area, can
it be turned out of nowhere? Go and meet them!"
Zhu Ziyu's husband pushed open the box door.
The moment he entered the door, the person inside the door subconsciously focused his
eyes on him.
When Sylvia saw Zhu Ziyu standing at the door, her face changed suddenly, and she stood
up, "Sister Zhu, what's the matter?"
Today is the first time Sylvia invites Henry's friend to dinner. She doesn't want to make
something unpleasant.
"It's okay, just come and go." Zhu Ziyu said with pride in his face. "Oh, let me introduce you.
This is my husband, Fu Ting, the chairman of Anshi Puying Business Co., Ltd." "
Fu Ting looked arrogant. After glancing around in the box, he lingered on Luna, Miku, and
Although Zhu Ziyu is also a beauty, she is much worse than the three women with different
styles in the box.
After Zhu Ziyu finished speaking, he spoke to Fu Ting again, "Her husband, this is Sylvia, the
president of the Lin Group."
"Lin Group, I know." Fu Ting nodded, "I remember one or two years ago, Lin people came to
me to discuss cooperation, but I rejected it. After al , it was just a smal company. Just send a
representative. Come, too sincere? "
Fu Ting's sentence covered several meanings. First of all, he did not take Lin's eyes into
consideration, mocking Lin's being a small company, and at the same time highlighting his
own status.
Sylvia's face changed, and he said, "Sister Zhu, if you and your lover come to have a drink, I
welcome, if there is something else, sorry, I have important friends here today, we can
change the day again talk."
"Change the sky? What is the meaning of changing the sky? Look at this group of people.
They are wearing the same kind of brain disabilities, are they non-mainstream?"
Zhu Ziyu looked at the red hair and smiled.
Sylvia slapped it on the table with a slap. This action shocked several people in Wade
"Zhu Ziyu, you are too much!" Sylvia waited angrily for Zhu Ziyu.
Wade White shrank his head, and Ferretti whispered next to him: "Don't say, the sister-in-
law is stil a bit powerful."
"That's necessary." Ferris replied in a low voice. "After the sister-in-law comes to the
island, as soon as this power is taken out, what generals, heads or something, must not be
Zhu Ziyu looked at Sylvia indifferently, "Why? I was wrong? Sylvia, your current taste is
really more and more disgusting. To be honest, if others say I know you, I feel ashamed. The
non-mainstream sits at a table and feels awkward thinking about it. "
Zhu Ziyu deliberately shivered when he spoke.
"Zhu Ziyu, it's better to speak with respect!" Sylvia bit her silver teeth, her eyes full of
"If not?" Fu Ting chuckled. "You, a Lin group, heard that you have taken a few big orders
recently, what about it? If you are ful of money, you will have 10 billion in assets.
With such a small business , Can it be overturned? "
Fu Ting's face was disdainful. He found that after taunting Sylvia, the other two beautiful
women in the box looked at themselves, which made him very satisfied. He even thought
that if he could tonight How cool should these two beauties bring to bed?
The self-satisfied Fu Ting did not know that the future and Luna at the moment looked at
him just like he looked at the brain.
Give assets to the boss's woman? I real y admire your courage and ask Ferreth if he dares to
do this!
Sylvia's pretty face is a bit gloomy, and his face is very unsightly, "Mr. Fu, although my Lin's
is small, I am not bul ied!"
"Bully? I bullied you? I'm just elaborating on a fact!" Fu Ting hugged his chest with both
hands, he glanced at the people in the box again, "Hey, it's really hard to imagine, on a day
without money, What kind of thing? If I had rough tea and rice every day, I would rather die
than such a day, hahaha. "
With a burst of laughter, Fu Ting left the box.
Zhu Ziyu smiled slightly at Sylvia, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Lin, my husband is like this. He speaks
quickly, but what he said is also true, right? Your smal business like Lin is real y not my
husband. In my eyes, there are these non-mainstream kil ing Matt, look at this one by one, it
is really disgusting. "
Zhu Ziyu chuckled, fol owed her husband, and left the box.
Sylvia stood in the box and his heartbeat accelerated. Today, this is the first time he has
seen Henry's friend. This happened! While angry, she also apologized.
"Wife, don't be angry, sit down." Henry looked at Sylvia's trembling body and comforted
them. For Zhu Ziyu and Fu Ting, they didn't even go to their hearts, they just thought that
these were two. Joker, is this a joke?
Sylvia took a deep breath and smiled apologetically at Wade White and others, "I'm so
sorry, I ..."
"Sister-in-law! Don't say such a thing, you apologize to us, that is to hit our faces, come and
come, have a drink first, it's okay to drink a cup." Wade White raised his glass.
In the fol owing dinner, although everyone tried to adjust the atmosphere as much as
possible, what happened just now really made Sylvia unhappy. After al , she was the owner,
and she also attached great importance to today's dinner. It was difficult to let go of such a
Lin invited Han to see this intriguing look.
The redhead gave Ferres a gesture, Ferris nodded, walked out of the box and made a phone
cal .
Chapter 214
At the end of the dinner, Henry also proposed that everyone should be dispersed and
gather again.
Sylvia once again apologized.
After leaving the hotel, Lin invited Han to walk beside Henry, his head lowered, and his
beautiful face was ashamed. "Her husband, I'm really sorry for today's business."
"What are you talking about?" Henry glanced at the woman next to him and took the hand
of Sylvia.
This motion of pul ing the handle made Sylvia tremble, and she looked up at the man next
to him, who was looking at herself with a smile on her face.
"Husband, don't you real y blame me?" Sylvia asked cautiously.
Henry looked at Sylvia strangely. "I blame you? Why should I blame you? Everyone eats
well, chats well, and they are very happy. I have to thank you for them too. You do n’t know.
How envious I found such a good wife. "
Henry's straight words of praise made Lin invite Han Qiao blush. She quickly turned her
head over, lifted her calf, and took a step forward slowly, "Her husband, Wade White said,
you don't dare to quit smoking for me. Believe it. "
"Hehe." Henry laughed, "I don't believe anything. For you, let's not quit smoking, I am
willing to do anything."
Sylvia, who was slowly moving forward, stepped around, she turned around and stood face
to face with Henry, the woman ’s small hand that was caught by Henry, holding Henry ’s big
hand, her tiptoe lightly on her face Then, the dragonfly kissed like water, then released
Henry's hand, turned around and strode forward.
This kiss made Henry's feet react for a few seconds. He touched his profile and left a
woman's lip fragrance.
Seeing the woman had gone away, Henry fil ed with joy, quickly fol owed.
On the other side, Zhu Ziyu and her husband Fu Ting walked out of the hotel after a long
When eating, Fu Tingman thought of Henry's two beautiful women in their box, each of
which was perfect.
Although Fu Ting has played a lot of tender models before, this kind of superb quality has
never been encountered before, which makes him feel itchy.
Zhu Ziyu passed the third tour, and her face was flushed. She hugged Fu Ting's arm, her
eyes were silky and charming, and she said: "Her husband, let's go find a place to rest.
People can't wait."
Fu Ting looked at Zhu Ziyu's appearance of being picked by Ren Jun, and swallowed saliva.
Although the woman couldn't compare with the two bests in appearance and figure, she
was extremely powerful in that respect.
Fu Ting hugged Zhu Ziyu and didn't look for it. He returned directly to Xinkai Hotel and
wanted to open a big room.
"Ah! Isn't this boss Fu!" A beautiful woman dressed in white came across and looked at Fu
Ting unexpectedly.
When Fu Ting saw the woman, a heart thumped up. Wasn't this the best you just saw in the
box? Looking at her like this, she was waiting for her?
Fu Ting smiled with satisfaction. This move was really unsuccessful, and he exposed his
family property casually. These women took the initiative to come to the door and looked
at the tal and beautiful figure in the future, the perfect facial features, Fu Ting swallowed
"Why are you looking for me, beauty?" Fu Ting asked with a pretense gesture.
"No, no." The future waved hands again and again, "It's just an encounter."
Fu Ting sneered in his heart. With this method, he had seen too much. What kind of
accidents did he say, he had to pretend to go to the wrong door at night, right?
Fu Ting deliberately ignored the future, went to the hotel reception desk, took out his bank
card, "Come to the presidential suite."
When he finished talking about the presidential suite, Fu Ting looked at the future and
found that the woman was looking at herself. He was more convinced that this beautiful
woman tonight has to take the initiative to climb his bed, and he can still play cosplay , Not
The hotel reception received the card from Fu Ting, and operated it twice. Then he
apologized and returned the bank card to Fu Ting, saying, "Sorry, your card is frozen."
"Freeze?" Fu Ting frowned, and took out a card again. "Swipe this."
"Sorry, this one is also frozen."
"How is it possible!" Fu Ting is strange. These two cards have huge overdraft quotas and
are tied to the company. How can they be frozen?
He took out his savings card, "So swipe this."
The first two cards used company money, but now this one uses his own.
The girl at the front desk of the hotel took the bank card with a smile and opened it again a
minute later, "Sorry, this card has insufficient balance."
"Insufficient balance!" Fu Ting's voice immediately increased by an octave. He glanced
subconsciously and found that the beautiful woman in white was looking at herself with a
smile, which made him a little unable to hang on his face, and asked the hotel receptionist
aloud. "How is it possible, how could my card have insufficient balance!"
A professional smile appeared at the front desk of the hotel, "Sir, I will answer your
"Impossible!" Fu Ting waved his hand, "Brush again! Absolutely impossible."
The hotel front desk brushed several times, and all showed insufficient balance.
Zhu Ziyu, arms around Fu Ting, Jiao Didi said: "Her husband, how is it, people can't wait ~"
"Brush again!" Fu Ting said to the hotel reception again.
"Oh, no need to try it!" The future standing next to him smiled, "Boss Fu, al your credit
cards are frozen, and you have no money in your card."
"What do you mean!" Fu Ting frowned.
"Nothing else, just Ferrace bought your company, now this company is mine, and I sold al
the company's stock five minutes ago, and the money was donated to the mountain, you
The credit card of the binding company is naturally frozen, as for the money in your card.
"The big eyes in the future will turn around diligently." Before Ferrace bought your
company, you took a stock suppression. Your money , All lost! "
"Loss of light? Are you teasing me?" Fu Ting stared at the future, apparently disbelieving
what she said.
"Relax, she didn't tease you." Ferris walked out from the side. "An Ying's Puying Business
Co., Ltd., with a market value of 13.67 billion yuan and a stock value of 9.3
billion yuan, I smashed one out One hundred sixty bil ion yuan, all of your company's stocks
hit the lowest price, as you were a shareholder, the money in your card is naturally gone,
yes, sixteen billion billion, in my eyes, fart Not counted, but in your case, Puying Business
Company seems to be yours. "
Ferris said as he took out a pocket watch from his pocket.
Looking at the watch in Ferrace's hand, Fu Ting's first reaction was, fake!
After people have a certain amount of money, they will have other hobbies. Fu Ting's hobby
is to like watches. The watch he took out of Ferris, he just knew, was still unaffordable.
Chapter 215
Ferris seemed to see Fu Ting ’s thoughts, “Relax, this is true, there are photos of buyers on
the official website, you can go now to see, this Patek Philippe
HenryGravesSupercomplication, the ordinary model is priced at two thousand four
hundred Millions of magnesium gold, including perpetual calendar, Westminster bell
chime, sunrise and sunset times, and celestial charts, including the night sky that the
twentieth century magnesium banker Graves can look up at in his New York home, and I
This is a limited edition customized for me. The price is 170 mil ion magnesium. I will not
tell you about the functions inside. You will not use it for people of your class. Now this
watch. "
Ferris said halfway, the pocket of the pocket watch was loosened, and this 170-million-
magnesium pocket watch naturally fel on the ground, and then was pressed hard by
Ferreth's foot.
"Now this watch, I don't want it, don't doubt it, my action is to show off your wealth in front
of you, 170 mil ion magnesium in my eyes, it is no different from a penny."
At this moment, Fu Ting's cell phone rang, his father called, and Fu Ting answered the
phone. The other party's first sentence made Fu Ting's face ugly.
"Son, something went wrong at home, and you said that you caused a big deal. The
company ’s stocks were all suppressed. Al the foreign stocks were completely acquired by
others, and then donated. The company went bankrupt. In the past five minutes, my phone
was completely hit by the bank Explosion, just took the time to inform you, find a place to
hide, this debt, we have not cleared in our lives. "
Fu Ting's face was dull, the phone fel natural y on the ground, and the screen shattered.
If, just after Ferrace, Fu Ting still doubts, then this phone cal , Fu Ting has no way to
disbelieve, his home, real y bankrupt, just because of these people in front of them, all
dressed up, exceptional people.
"Husband, what's wrong?" Some drunken Zhu Ziyu hadn't reacted to what happened.
"Hurry up and open the room. Husband."
"Go away!" Fu Ting pushed Zhu Ziyu away. At this moment, his anger was all vented to Zhu
Ziyu. If this woman were not looking for something for herself, how could this happen
today! is her! She has harmed herself al her life! is her!
Zhu Ziyu's slightly drunk nerve woke up because of Fu Ting's movements, "Her husband,
what's wrong?"
"What's wrong?" Fu Ting gasped, "Slut, I will kill you!"
Fu Ting shouted badly and slammed into the face of Zhu Ziyu.
The confused Zhu Ziyu didn't understand what was happening, so he saw his husband's
mad look, "What's the matter, husband!"
"What's the matter? You still have a face and ask me what's wrong!" Fu Ting kicked Zhu
Ziyu's abdomen with a big foot and kicked Zhu Ziyu to the ground at once. The big one?
"Big person?" Zhu Ziyu also looked dumbfounded.
"This Mrs. Zhu, your husband's company was just acquired by me, and now he is bankrupt."
Ferris stood aside and looked at Zhu Ziyu as a joke.
"Acquisition? Husband, how can you listen to these stupid words? Look at them like this,
how ..."
"Less nonsense!" Fu Ting stepped over and slapped Zhu Ziyu's face, swallowing Zhu Ziyu's
stomach without saying a word, "My dad just called me. Our family is bankrupt!
Bankrupt! "
Fu Ting shouted at Zhu Ziyu.
"If it weren't you bitch, how could I have encountered such a thing? Bitch! Bitch!" Fu Ting
kept waving his palm and pulled it toward Zhu Ziyu's face.
After a few slaps, Fu Ting finally let out the anger in his heart, and his remorse rushed into
his heart, thinking about what his father had just said on the phone, and letting him hide
quickly, he was terrified.
From a small one to a cross-street rat, Fu Ting could not accept this contrast.
Looking at Ferrex and the future, Fu Ting bent his knees and knelt down on the spot.
"Several lords, please forgive me, I am also bewitched by this woman!"
"Huh." Ferris shook his head. "I remember someone just said that if he eats rough tea every
day, he would rather die. I real y don't know if he can do it. I want to see."
"No! Uncle, I'm wrong! I'm wrong!" Fu Ting's voice was crying. The feeling of falling from
heaven to hell almost caused him to collapse, "Forgive me once, please, please Forgive me
once! "
"Oh." Ferris sneered. "Come and lick my sole."
Fu Ting looked stunned for a while, then crawled towards Ferris, kneeling like a decision.
"Go away!" When Fu Ting climbed up to Ferres, he was kicked by Ferres. "Just like you, do
you want to lick my soles?"
"Not worthy, not worthy!" Fu Ting shook his head again and again and waved his palms to
his face, "I'm sorry, sorry."
"Oh." Ferris sneered and turned to walk outside the hotel.
The future smiled and walked out of the hotel.
Fu Ting, who was kneeling there, saw with his own eyes that Ferris and the future got on a
longer version of Rolls-Royce, the license plate number with the five consecutive Beijing
brand names, which made his face ful of fear.
In the car, the redhead leaned on the seat and looked at Fu Ting who was kneeling in the
hotel lobby through the window. "Just let him go so easily?"
"That's it, the boss is now incognito, just a little punishment." Wade White said.
They said a little punishment, there was no feeling of pretense, if this Fu Ting is a person of
the underground world, he dares to insult the owner of the King Ring of Guangming Island,
he dares to insult Sylvia, now he has become a body.
The longer version of Rolls-Royce gradual y went away.
Henry and Sylvia also wandered back home.
I drank a lot of wine at night, and Sylvia was also a little drunk, and a blush appeared all the
time on Qiao's face, cute and tight.
"Husband, then that's al right, when tomorrow I'm busy with the things on hand, let's go
around." Sylvia stood in front of the bedroom and smiled at Henryyan.
"Good." Henry nodded and watched Sylvia walk into the bedroom.
"That wife." Henry looked at Sylvia's back and rubbed his hands.
"It's getting colder and colder these days. I sleep alone, and I wake up at night."
Henryba was holding his teeth. There was an indoor thermometer beside him. The
temperature of 31 degrees Celsius displayed on it was definitely a person. Sleeping naked
feels hot temperature.
Sylvia pretty blushed and closed the bedroom door with a "snap" sound. The woman's
voice came out of the door: "It's beautiful, you haven't officially chased me!"
216 Smashing Money!
For this word, Henry's consciousness only has the concept of chasing the enemy, chasing
the woman. Seriously, Henry has no experience.
Back in his room, Henry took out his mobile phone and cal ed Wade White. The first thing
was to ask how Wade White handled things. Fu Ting dare insulted Sylvia so much. Henry
wanted to let him go, that al Ghost.
"Come on, boss, the goods are now crying and running, holding their heads in remorse."
Wade White replied.
"OK." Henry nodded. "Oh, I'll ask you something."
"What's the matter, boss?"
"How to chase girls?"
"Chasing ... girl?" Wade White's voice revealed a strangeness.
Through the phone, Henry can think of what expression Wade White is now.
"Less nonsense, hurry up."
"Boss, don't you really never chase the girl?"
Henry asked back: "Nonsense, I want to ask you after I chase?"
Wade White thought, as if this was the case, his boss, wherever he went, was chased back.
What kind of princess of the royal family of the former country, and that of the Swedish
royal family, the chick who is known as the fallen elf of the world, and all kinds of Beauty,
the princess of the big family, they are all chasing the boss, the woman who can make the
boss pursue, I have never seen it.
Henry listened to Wade White's silence on the phone for a long time, and anxiously said:
"What do you guys think, hurry up!"
Wade White held back for a long time and spit out two words: "Smash money!"
Henry gave Wade White a thumbs up across the phone, and then pressed the hangup key.
He could see that this kid would do nothing.
However, the word smashing money reminded Henry. Henry really realized that he didn't
seem to have given Sylvia any gifts yet.
Thinking of this, Henry called out.
The next morning, because she didn't have to go to work, Sylvia didn't get up very early.
She didn't go out until ten o'clock, and told Henry to do something busy. After he was busy,
he contacted Henry and asked Henry to prepare and set off today.
How to play, the two of them on the way home last night to discuss, completely self-driving
tour, wherever the car is driving, where the scenery is good, just stop.
After Sylvia went out, Henry was like a housewife, ready to go to the supermarket and buy
some must-have items on the road. For what to buy, Henry was too clear to go to the
largest market in Yinzhou .
Henry turned for half an hour, and suddenly found that at the entrance of the market, there
was a commotion.
Henry walked past curiously, and before he saw what happened, he heard a burst of curse.
"I tell you, if you don't pay the money today, you don't want to go! Run! Let you run!"
"Is it when we do charity, our money, if you say no, you will not pay it?"
This loud scolding caused people around to speak out.
"Hey, this little girl looking pretty, why can't you owe money?"
"That's right, people nowadays, they really know people, but they don't know what they
know. Have you heard? This little girl owes people 100,000!"
"One hundred thousand! How do you owe it? Wouldn't it be usury?"
"That must be true, otherwise how can I owe so much? Being forced to repay the money?
Now people, too much money, can not make so much money, and spend a lot.
Henrychao walked over, glanced casual y, but his face changed.
He saw that there was a little girl standing in the crowd, forced by four strong men in the
corner, and that little girl was Amity!
One hundred thousand dol ars? Pay back? what happened?
Based on Henry's understanding of Amity, she should probably not be able to borrow a
loan shark. Besides, 100,000 yuan, Amity will not be able to afford it yet. How many days
did this Lin's 250,000 bonus go?
"Come on, let it go!" Henry squeezed into the crowd and walked directly to the strong men.
"What's going on?"
The four strong men looked at Henry, "Boy, if you are fine, go aside!"
"Don't ask you!" Henry glanced at the other person impatiently, turning to look at Amity,
"Girl, what's going on?"
"Zhang ... Brother Zhang?" Amity apparently didn't expect to meet Henry here. She lowered
her head and was a little afraid to see Henry.
"What's going on?" Henry frowned. "You really owe them money?"
Amity nodded gently and replied softly: "Wel ."
"Boy, it's all right for you. I'll delay I to ask for money. Believe it or not!"
"Beauty, you can relax for two days. See how good you look. How can you play with your
brother?" One person looked at Amity, his eyes were ful of indecent taste.
"Boy, get out!" One person grabbed Henry's shoulder and wanted to push Henry away.
Henry grabbed the opponent's arm with his backhand and twisted it slightly, causing the
opponent to yell and scream.
"Pain! Pain! Tap, tap!"
Henry snorted and shoved away from each other. "If you want money, you'll want it. If you
dare not clean your mouth, tear your cheap mouth! Hundreds of thousands of dollars,
right? Give an account, I'll transfer now!
When Henry wanted to pay back the money, several strong men looked at each other quite
"Yo, the hero saves the beauty? Okay, this account, okay." A strong man cal ed up a bank
card photo from his mobile phone, and at the same time took out an owed note.
Take the IOU. "
Henry looked at the man in the strong man's hand and asked Amity, "Girl, this is not the
"Wel ." Amity nodded like a mosquito.
After Amity's determination, Henry didn't say anything. One hundred thousand yuan was
transferred directly. At the same time, he took the debt from the strong man and tore it on
the spot.
No matter whether Amity owed 100,000 yuan for any reason or not, Henry can help Amity
once because of her performance when she signed the contract before.
After confirming the money collection, the strong man nodded with satisfaction, "OK, yes,
remember, two days later, there are 100,000 yuan, boy, I hope you can help her back! For a
woman, two Hundred thousand, hey, I do n’t know if it ’s worth it! "
The strong man finished, took the man, and turned away.
Henry frowned fiercely, "Girl, what the hell is going on."
He turned to look at Amity, and found that the girl's eyes were red, and she didn't speak.
Tears flowed out of her eyes.
Henry ripped open the tissues he just bought and helped Amity wipe his tears. "Okay, don't
cry. What is it to brother, why do you owe so much money?"
Amity reached out to wipe his tears, sobbing, "Zhang ... Brother Zhang ... Thank you ...
this money ... I ... I will definitely pay you back."
"Besides repaying money, why did you owe money? Didn't the company give you a bonus
of 250,000?"
Amity opened her mouth and spit out two words: "My dad."
Chapter 217 Autumn Rain's Family
In a cafe not far from the comprehensive market, Henry and Amity each asked for the
cheapest cup of coffee and sat on a smal round table.
Henry frowned as he listened to Amity.
Amity is a single-parent family. Her father was gambling-savvy, and her mother left with
her several years ago. Over the years, Amity ’s father exported his family ’s house without
saying, and even owed hundreds of thousands of foreign debts.
After Amity got 250,000 yuan in bonuses at the time, the first thing was to help his father
repay the gambling debts, but 250,000 yuan was not enough for the money owed by
Amity's father.
Amity ’s father was debt-ridden, and he used his daughter to work as a guarantee for Lin ’s
work. He borrowed more than 100,000 yuan. If the debtor had money from Amity
’s father, he set the goal on Amity This is what Henry saw today.
Amity told Henry that she had been hiding from these people for a long time.
"Brother Zhang, there is actually one thing. I always wanted to ask you, but I don't know if I
should say it." Amity took the coffee cup and took a smal sip, his tone seemed very timid.
"You said."
"That's the car, I want to sell it ... but it was given to me by Mr. Ou Ren. I don't know if I
should sel it." Amity's eyes were uncertain.
Hearing this, Henry sighed, "Girl, I really don't know what to say about you. Since Ou Ren
has already given it to you, it belongs to you completely. If you want to sell or give away, it
is your freedom. . "
Henry shook his head, a little helpless, Amity, this girl, some hearts were too simple and
kind. Now in this society, I want to change individuals, take nearly two mil ion cars, tail tail
up early, I wish the world knew she had A luxury car.
"That's right." Amity put the coffee cup down. "Brother Zhang, then I plan to sell the car.
I'm just a smal employee. It's really inappropriate to drive a two mil ion car. After the car is
sold, I can. Give my dad back the money and open a small shop for him, and the days will
settle down, but I do n’t know where to sell it, can you help me? "
"OK." Henry nodded without hesitation.
He didn't tell Amity what I would give you back or something. Everyone has a lifestyle for
everyone. Henry didn't want to help Amity with charity. He didn't think Amity would
accept his charity.
After receiving affirmative answer from Henry, Amity was very happy. After making this
decision, al the difficulties in front of Amity were solved.
Henry didn't quite understand how to sell second-hand cars. He called Wade White.
Wade White was very interested in luxury cars. He would engage in some things in his
spare time. When Henry said After the model, Wade White said that he could buy the car at
a price 20% lower than the market price.
For second-hand luxury cars, a 20% lower price is fair.
After al , most people who can afford this luxury car do n’t care about one or two hundred
thousand. They want face, and they would rather spend one or two hundred thousand
more to buy a first-hand one instead of choosing cheap second-hand ones. .
When she learned that she could still sell 1.5 mil ion in this car, Amity was very happy.
For her, it was flying.
Amity took Henry and walked towards where he lived.
It was not until Henry realized that the place where Amity lived was originally so
dilapidated, exactly the same as the shantytown where he lived when he was a child.
It was a completely isolated slab. The walls of the building had fallen off. The floors had a
total of six floors. The entrance to the corridor was very narrow. All the garbage was piled
up in front of the entrance of the corridor.
Henry observed that everyone who lives here has a tired look on his face, and his
expression is in a hurry. He runs around for a living, seeing no hope on his face, and lacking
in anger.
This made Henry sigh. He understood this feeling very well. He used to be like this too.
He did n’t want to make money every day to play, not to buy new clothes, but only to think
about how to eat a ful meal. rice.
There are four units in Banlou. Amity's family lives on the fourth floor of three units.
The corridor is very narrow, the ground is covered with dust, and no one cleans it at all.
The door of Amity's house is also the kind of old blue security door with gauze, which can
be reached by breaking the gauze and opening the door.
After Amity opened the door, Henry was invited into the house.
Henry glanced, Amity's house was very smal , more than forty square meters, two rooms
and one hal , the furniture was very shabby, but tidy.
"Brother Zhang, things are a bit old, don't mind." Amity said embarrassedly.
Henry waved his hand. In such a house, he had n’t seen it for many years. When he was a
child, he and his mother lived in such a house. But at that time, he and his mother had only
a small bedroom, which was connected The toilet depends on the face of other tenants.
Amity's car keys were not carried with her, but were kept at home. Her car was hardly
driven. As far as Amity's conditions are concerned, refueling can't afford it.
Amity ran into his bedroom and found it for more than ten minutes without finding the car
"Strange?" She frowned slightly, looked around in the room, and suddenly exclaimed,
"What's wrong?" Henry wondered.
"Brother Zhang, you wait for me." Amity shouted, and didn't have time to explain to Henry,
and ran downstairs.
Henry fol owed Amity and followed Amity to an open-air parking lot 300 meters away from
the slab.
As soon as Amity came to this parking lot, his face was white, and his mouth murmured,
"It's over ... the car ... was taken by my dad."
Henry cried again as Amity did, and came forward to comfort: "Don't worry, what
happened, tel me."
"Brother Zhang, my dad must have taken the car to gamble. He always wanted that car
before. I didn't give him the car. If he took it away, everything would be over!" Amity was
very panicked, just now The hope of seeing life is shattered again.
"Okay, don't worry." Henry grabbed Amity's shoulders. "Do you know where your dad
usually plays?"
Amity nodded, "Wel , I know."
"Okay, let's go first, and we should have time."
Henry waved his hand and stopped the taxi. When Amity got on the bus and said the words
Zuixianlou, Henry almost understood.
The place on the top floor of the Zuixian Building was opened by the Zhou family. This kind
of casino, Henry sees too much. The dealers in it are all masters. If you want to win money
in this place, it's a fool.
When the taxi drove to Zuixianlou, Henry and Amity saw the Maserati parked in front of
Zuixianlou at a glance.
Chapter 218: Not Selling!
Although Amity knew that her father was playing in this place, she was here for the first
time, and everything was strange and timid.
Henry, with Amity, came to the top of Xianwei Building with a light car, and the luxurious
gaming tables, gamblers of all shapes and colors, and the noise of the house made Amity a
little scared. Feel the peace of mind.
"Look, which one is your dad?"
Amity's eyes glanced around al gaming tables, then shook his head, "I didn't see it."
"Not seen?" Henry was strange. He and Amity had just seen the car downstairs.
"Here!" Amity suddenly exclaimed, reaching for a finger.
Henry looked in the direction of Amity's fingers and saw a middle-aged man with a
vicissitudes of face, sitting on a sofa, talking with a young man.
"Mongo, don't we al say yes, you get 200,000 for this car, why is it 50,000 now?" Qiu Hua
said flatly to the youth in front of him.
The young man glanced at his mouth, lit a cigarette for himself, and swallowed the fog,
"Old thing, this car, you have not given me any formalities other than just a single car.
Why should I get 200,000? I tell you, fifty thousand is a benevolent price. If you want to sel
it, forget it. See who loves to collect it. "
"Mongo, don't do it." Qiuhua rubbed his hands. "Can't you see it and add some more?
One hundred thousand will do too. I'l pay you a bonus when I get back."
"Go to you!" Meng Ge flicked the cigarette butt in his hand directly to Qiuhua. "I said 50,000
is 50,000. Why are you so old crap?"
When he was hit by a cigarette butt, Qiuhua was not angry, still with a smile on his face,
"Meng brother, don't be angry, just these fifty thousand ... indeed a little bit."
"Less too little? Don't sel it if you are too little!" Meng Ge decided on you.
"Okay, then don't sel it. This elder brother, don't send it slowly." Henry walked over with
Henry's voice immediately attracted the attention of the two people who were negotiating.
Qiuhua's expression changed when she saw autumn rain, and her face was full of
embarrassment: "Little rain, why are you here?"
"Dad!" Amity's little face was full of anger, "If I come, do you really sell my car!"
"Isn't it sold yet?" Qiuhua rubbed his hands. "I'm negotiating with Mengge."
"Don't talk, dad, we won't sel it." Amity stepped forward, pul ing his father's arm and going
"How can't you sel it!" Qiuhua shook off Amity's arm, "Xiaoyu! Can you understand
something! Why do you keep this car? When Dad sells the car, I'm back today Ben, I will
never play again. I promise you to find a job and go to work, okay? "
After Qiuhua finished speaking, he laughed at Mengge again, "Mengge, little girl is not
sensible, don't mind."
"Yo!" Meng Ge's eyes kept hitting Amity twice, and there was a strong possessiveness in his
eyes. "Old things, is this your daughter? Why, there is such a beautiful daughter still
hiding?" , Let your daughter come and talk with me, and I will add 50,000 to you. "
Upon hearing this, Qiuhua, who had been ridiculous, waved his hands again and again,
"I can't help Mengge.
"No, we won't sel it!" Amity pul ed Qiuhua's arm hard and whispered in Qiuhua's ear,
"Dad, Brother Zhang has already found a good buyer for me and can sell 1.5 million! "
"What!" This figure made Qiuhua's eyes wide, with unbelievable eyes!
1500000! You heard it right! Mengge said that this car can give you up to 200,000 at most,
which is still a friendly price! Can it sell 1.5 mil ion now? This gap is too big!
Although Qiuhua is addicted to gambling and does n’t understand cars, but he ’s not stupid,
he reacted to it at once, he waved to Mengge, "Mengge, I ’m so sorry, this car is my daughter
’s If you do n’t let me sell, I really ca n’t sell it. "
After Qiuhua finished speaking, pul ing Amity would walk out of the casino.
When Mengge saw Qiuhua said he would n’t sell it, he was not happy on the spot. To be
honest, he even found the next house. Today, he col ected the car and paid a lot of money.
This cooked duck can still make it fly. ?
"Don't sell? You say not to sel ? Don't sel ? Laozi brings all the money, old things, do you
guys play with Laozi!" Meng Ge shouted.
Qiuhua shrank his head subconsciously, squeezing out a good smile, "Meng brother, aren't
you buying and selling this thing? Isn't it OK if I don't sell it?"
"No!" Meng brother slap on the table.
With this movement of Mengge, more than ten social youths came around, all staring at
Qiuhua's father and daughter with a bad look.
Qiuhua looked at the battle and scared the whole person together, but only promised:
"Mongo ... Mongo ... This ... this car is not mine, it is ... my daughter."
"Then let your daughter stay, I will talk to her!" Meng brother stared at Amity, "beauty,
come, brother talk to you?"
Henry walked in front of Amity, blocking Mengge's sight. He said to Mengge: "Brother, you
are doing this, is it a bit unruly?"
"Are you he something?" Meng Ge looked at Henry uncomfortably. "Here, Laozi is his rule!
It's nothing to do with you here, just leave Laozi aside!"
"Oh." Henry chuckled and shook his head. Are the people now so arrogant? He found that
the more knowledgeable people, the more mad, even those big brothers who are in the city
of Aocheng Casino , Dare not say that I am the rule.
Qiu Hua pulled Henry's shirt and whispered, "Little brother, you can't provoke them, they
are killing people, but they are dead!"
Amity looked at the people around her and was particularly afraid. When did she see such a
battle? The old employees in the company did not dare to bully her, let alone these people.
"Brother Zhang, shall we report to the police?"
"Call the police? Who dares he?" Mengge pulled out a stick around his waist. "Are you going
out to inquire, this is Zhou's place, you cal the police?"
Henry smiled, "Why? Can the Zhou family ignore the law?"
Meng brother scolded wildly: "Grass, our Zhou family is the law!"
"Can you represent the Zhou family?" Henry asked.
"Joke, Mengge is here in town. You ask him if he can represent the Zhou family? Boy, what
are you?" Said a younger brother of Mengge.
Henry glanced at this group of young people in the society and nodded his head in
satisfaction. "Okay, just represent it. Today, if Danny doesn't give me an explanation, there
will be no need for their Zhou family."
Chapter 219
As soon as Henry's words fell, he kicked towards Mengge in front of him.
Before Henry's feet, Meng Ge flew out without kicking.
None of these social youths around Henry thought Henry said he would do it until the
brother fel to the ground and screamed, they did not react.
"Grass, do you dare to give him a hand and kill him!" The group of youths shouted and
rushed towards Henry.
"Don't leave him alone!" Suddenly, a whisper of shouting suddenly sounded.
As soon as the group of young people in the community heard this voice, they stood there
obediently as if the mouse had seen the cat.
A voluptuous, glamorous woman of thirty years of age walked over in a catwalk.
Seeing this woman, this group of young people in the society all lowered their heads and
called Sister Huahua respectfully.
Meng Ge also quickly got up from the ground and stood aside with his head down.
Sister Hua stayed in the monitoring room before, and when she saw Henry from the
monitoring, she hurried to the lobby and was ready to say hel o to this big man to see if she
could help. Last time, Huai remember Clearly, this is the top character that can make the
master kneel down in one sentence.
As soon as she arrived in the hall, Hua Xian saw Henry's hands-on scene, which made her
screaming badly. It is estimated that there is something that is not long-eyed, which
provokes this big man.
"What's going on?" Sister Hua asked Mongo.
"Sister Hua, is this kid his ..."
Meng Ge didn't finish talking, but was slapped by Hua Jie's face, her voice was crisp!
The movement of Sister Hua made Mengge and these social youths stunned. They couldn't
understand why Sister Hua wanted to beat her.
"Mr. Zhang, sorry, I don't know ..."
"Okay, call Danny." Henry waved impatiently.
Every place has its rules.
This casino in Zhou's is too unruly.
Although this is only a smal place, it is not worth mentioning in Henry's eyes, but it is no
exaggeration to say that in this black force, Henry is like an ancient emperor. Since he saw
it, it is necessary to control it.
Sister Hua sees Henry too lazy to talk to herself, does not dare to say much, and quickly cal
s Danny.
"Master, that Mr. Zhang is here and says he wants to see you." Hua Jie said on the phone.
Meng Ge and the others on the side, with their eyes widened, realized that they had kicked
the iron plate this time, and the person in front of him knew him!
Five minutes after Sister Hua made the phone call, Danny appeared sweaty in front of
Henry. It can be seen that he rushed over very hurriedly, for fear that Henry would wait a
Because Danny is very clear, this is just a phone cal that can ruin the entire Zhou's top role.
Seeing Danny's first glance, Henry said, "Kneel!"
Kneeling down to the ears, Danny did not dare to hesitate. He knelt on the ground in front
of so many people.
Mengge and others, at the moment, there are mountains and rivers in their hearts. They
originally thought that the young man in front of him just knew each other, but now it
seems that this is not the case!
In a word, you can let the young man kneel in front of so many people, even if the old man
does not have this ability?
"Mr. Zhang, I don't know where I offended you?" Danny asked with a cautious look.
"You people from the Zhou family, are you going to buy and sell in my place? Are you
planning to keep my sister here?" Henry asked.
"The people of the Zhou family?" Danny was full of doubts. This time, the people of the
Zhou family were the only ones.
Danny looked at Sister Hua, and Sister Hua pointed slightly towards Mengge and others.
Danny reacted at once, and it was these few unsightly goods that offended Mr. Zhang.
Danny is now too late to punish Meng Ge and others, waving hands and explaining to
Henry, "Mr. Zhang, you misunderstood, these are not the people of our Zhou family at al ,
just a few dogs!"
"Danny, please don't tease me." Henry shook his head and said gently, "Just now they
clearly told me that they can represent the Zhou family, they are the rules here, they are the
laws here, even if the police come Anyway, can't you think about your Zhou family? I want
to try it and see if your Zhou family is really as powerful as they say. "
Upon hearing this, Danny was so scared that his face was pale, and he didn't care about
anything like his face. He repeatedly confessed to Henry and said, "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm
sorry! It's my discipline, I am sorry!
"Fine." Henry waved his hand. "In your Zhou's place, I came here twice, and I saw this kind
of person twice. How do you manage Zhou Zhou? I probably know clearly.
Remember, don't let The third time I met, you and me Danny, there should be no good
friendship! "
"Sure! Certainly!" Danny knocked his head on the ground, booming.
Amity and his father Qiu Hua stood behind Henry, and they both looked at Henry
inexplicably. Although they did not understand the Zhou family, they also knew that
someone who could open such a big casino must have power. Such a person, seeing Henry,
just like seeing Grandpa, is afraid that Henry is a little dissatisfied.
"Let's go girl." Henry patted Amity's shoulder and took Amity to the outside of the casino.
It wasn't until Henry left the casino that Danny dared to get up from the ground. He set his
eyes on Mengge and others.
At this moment, Mengge and others were pale, and the bodies in their hearts were
trembling involuntarily.
Danny took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "Take a few of them, all your hamstrings
and hamstrings, and arrange for someone to take care of them every day. I want these
people to die better than life!"
When Danny talked about taking care of the two words, his tone increased.
When Meng Ge and others heard it, his legs softened on the spot, he knelt down, and he
kowtowed for mercy.
"A few of you, are real y amazing. When will the cats and dogs dare to represent my Zhou
family? Is my Zhou family so cheap! It's al abolished!" Danny waved his hand, ful of anger.
Henry took Amity's father and daughter out of the casino, he didn't even care about Mengge
and others. He knew that these people were finished, so crazy, no one in sight, bullying men
and women, no matter what the end, it was all blamed, if I am not here today, just like them.
Amity can never leave the casino intact. This kind of scum, one more waste, one less in the
After Henry got the car, he made a call to Wade White. After a few minutes, Amity received
a text message from the bank on Amity's mobile phone. The huge sum of 1.5
million made Amity burst into tears. With this money, her life will be back on track.
Chapter 220
Brother Zhang, this time, I real y don't know how to thank you. Amity looked at Henry
grateful y.
"Okay girl, don't thank me anymore. It's all you deserve. If Ou Ren didn't give you this car at
that time, I won't be able to change it to you for the 1.5 million, right?" Henry rubbed
Amity's head, "Okay, let's take my uncle to return the money."
"Huh." Amity nodded vigorously.
"That's right." Henry suddenly halted Amity's father and daughter, "My uncle Qiu, I'm not
as old as you, but I have a little more experience in some areas. I am gambling this thing. I
bet ten times and lose nine now. Since everything is back to the original point, if you can
touch it, don't touch it. Amity also grew up. In a few days, you will reach the age of marriage
and marriage. You should worry about her too. "
"I understand, understand." Qiuhua nodded again and again. "After paying the money this
time, I won't bet."
"it is good."
Henry nodded. After Amity's father and daughter walked away, he looked at their backs
and shook his head. If Amity's father could really quit gambling, that would be great,
terrifying, and he couldn't quit.
Henry dealt with this matter, and after looking at the time, it was already noon.
After thinking for a while, Henry cal ed Sylvia, "Wife, how are you doing?"
"That husband ..." Sylvia's voice on the phone was full of apologies. "Can we put a little bit of
our plan? I have something to do with it, and I can't finish it in a while."
"Yes, it's up to you." Henry didn't mean to blame Sylvia at all. He didn't care where he went,
as long as he could be with Sylvia, the scenery was beautiful.
"Her husband, thank you." Sylvia said sweetly on the phone.
Listening to the sweet voice on the phone, Henry almost burst into a heart.
In a village on the outskirts of the city, in the village secretary's office.
Lin invited Han to look at the man in front of him, and said indifferently: "So, do you want
to tear the contract unilaterally?"
"It's not a unilateral tear." A middle-aged man laughed heheily, "Mr. Lin, we are farmers,
and we don't understand a lot of things. Before digging a mountain spring in the mountain,
we don't know how valuable it is now. Companies are rushing to build holiday resorts here,
compared to the price, your Lin's is a bit low. "
This middle-aged man was talking while pulling out a box of soft-packed Chinese from his
pocket. The meaning was obvious. Someone had already said that if you Lin did n’t show it,
it would be fine.
"You are shameless!" Sylvia's secretary Li Na said indignantly, "What do you don't know the
value of Qingquan? At that time, we already told you clearly, now we Lin's funding, the road
outside your village thoroughly After repairing, you plan to cross the river to demolish the
bridge? If we don't repair the road, where will the company work with you!
"Secretary Li, this is why you are unreasonable." The middle-aged man sneered. "The road
outside our village, but you Lin built it yourself, we didn't ask you to repair it."
"Okay, so be it." Sylvia closed the file in hand, "Secretary Zhao, I wish you and other
companies a happy cooperation."
Sylvia got up and turned away.
"Mr. Lin, walk slowly and don't send it." Secretary Zhao didn't even move his buttocks.
After Sylvia and Li Na left, Secretary Zhao took the phone and dialed a number to go out,
"Hey, Zheng Shao, it's me, she came, I refused, yes, yes, look, Zheng Shao, you said last time
That fund ... Hey, so good, so good. "
Secretary Zhao was on the phone, and his face was the same as Daisy Wrinkle.
Sylvia took Li Na out of the village secretary's office and got in the car, but Li Na couldn't
get angry.
"Mr. Lin, this Zhao Zhigang is just disgusting us. At first we said it was good. We funded the
road construction and then engaged in holiday villages in the village. He did so in the face of
shame! If other companies take this project By the way, our loss is at least one billion, and
that mountain spring was also detected by us! "
Sylvia was sitting in the rear seat, and Jade's hand gently touched his forehead.
"Contact Hengyuan's General Qin. This time, I really need her help."
"Mr. Lin, do you want to ..."
"Wel , there should be a way for the person behind President Qin. Now, look at that person
who wants to help us."
"Mr. Lin, there will be a business party tomorrow. Mr. Qin should be there by the time.
You can tel her about it at the party." Li Na looked at the schedule.
"Okay, then tomorrow I will talk to her directly."
Henry drove the Maserati home and told Wade White to come over to pick up the car.
He ran to the house and cleaned the house thoroughly.
Henry received Jenny's cal just after cleaning the house and before taking a rest.
"Da Zhang, what are you doing?" Jenny's soft voice came through the phone.
"What a busy man, I'm going to die al day."
"Is it? I don't even know to call me when I'm idle. I saw Zhang Da Busan's heart was not my
friend. Hey, don't forget, your business must still connect with me. If I don't agree, you Wife
can't clean you up yet? "Jenny quipped, but when he spoke, Jenny felt a sour heart.
Henryqian laughed twice, "What's wrong with Qin Damei, this suddenly called me, wouldn't
you just invite me to dinner?"
"Would you please have a meal? Okay, are you here?" Jenny deliberately asked back.
"Uh ..." Henry was a little embarrassed, "That ... change the day, I don't have much time
"There is a big beautiful woman like Mr. Lin, how can you busy Da Zhang take time to
accompany me as a little woman?" In Jenny's words, there was an unspeakable bitterness.
"How can you be so beautiful," Henry said quickly.
"Hey." Jenny sighed on the phone, "Hypocritical man, just tel some lies, yes, there will be a
business party tomorrow, can you attend, because there are several old Seniors want to see
you, it is estimated that your wife will also participate. "
"Okay." Henry heard Sylvia to participate and agreed directly, "Then see you at the party
"it is good."
Hang up the phone, Henry is ready for dinner, waiting for Sylvia to return.
It was almost seven o'clock in the evening before Sylvia entered the house. Upon seeing
Sylvia, Henry saw the tiredness on the woman's face.
"Going to talk about business again?" Henry waited for Sylvia to lean on the sofa, poured a
cup of tea for her, and then sat beside her. "You should take a good rest for a while."
"There have been a lot of things lately, my husband. I have another party tomorrow.
When we are busy, shall we go on a tour?"
221 Unexpected Person
Henry and Sylvia both quietly leaned on the sofa with a cup of hot tea in front of them,
slowly rising into a white mist.
Sylvia felt that he was so full at this moment, leaning on this shoulder, as if all the problems
that plagued him were blocked, letting him feel at ease.
This is a feeling of having a harbor, everything is so quiet, at this time, Sylvia was thinking,
if time can stay, so that he doesn't need to think about anything, just snuggling beside this
man, that would be great.
The door of the villa opens.
"I said, why do I feel a greasy greasy meat from the braised pork outside, it turns out that
someone is showing affection!" Milan's dissatisfied voice came from the door of the villa.
"Why did you suddenly come back today?" Sylvia turned and looked at Milan and asked.
"Why, don't you want me to come back? Is it a good thing to disturb you both, would you
like me to go out for ten minutes? Henry, should ten minutes be enough?" Milan raised an
eyebrow and looked at Henry.
Henry was a little speechless. This woman said that she would drive without any
Although Sylvia has never had any intimate relationship with any man, it does not mean
that she does not understand anything. The Milan car is upright and does not cover up at
all, making Sylvia blush.
"Yoyo, how blushed is that face? Little girl?" Milan glanced at his mouth.
"Come on, let's eat, wait for it to be cold." Henry greeted and invited the two women to the
Regarding Henry's craftsmanship, let alone Sylvia, this snack, Milan, has some desire to
"By wife, do you have a business meeting tomorrow? Can you take me?" Henry sandwiched
a piece of ribs into Sylvia's bowl and asked.
"Why, you are also interested?" Milan curious, this kind of business party is extremely
boring, many people are not easy to refuse, just walked past the past.
"Alright." Henry nodded.
"OK, then you go with me. Just a few friends haven't seen you, and I have to introduce them
to them." Sylvia nodded.
After dinner, Henry packed up the tableware and Wade White called.
"Boss, the white rose of Thorn Rose contacted me."
Henry forgot about it. It has been five days since the person who stabbed Mei last time with
Sylvia. He walked up to the second floor and asked, "How do you say?"
"The other party notified White Roses that they will arrive in Anshi the day after tomorrow
morning and they will leave tomorrow night."
Henry nodded, "Yes, you tel White Rose, let her wait for me in the original city tomorrow
night, I will go find her."
Wade White asked: "Boss, will you go alone?"
"Yeah, why don't you worry about me?" Henry asked.
"That's not true." Wade White shook his head over the phone. In this world, he didn't worry
about anyone, and he didn't worry about Henry.
"What's wrong?" Henry frowned, making Wade White difficult to speak, not a small
"It's about the people behind the scenes. We asked out yesterday. That person's identity is
a little special." Wade White looked a bit scrupulous when he spoke.
"Special?" Henry thought for a while, and it was estimated that there were only a few
people who could make Wade White say these two words.
Wade White listened to Henry's silence on the phone and spoke again: "Boss, I can actual y
go for you."
The meaning of Wade White is obvious. Henry doesn't care about this matter, let him
handle it at his sole discretion.
Henry took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, "It's okay, you say it."
"Cecilia ..."
Hearing these three words, Henry fel into silence directly, and he never thought that it was
In Guangming Island, there are a total of ten king rings. According to the different colors of
the king ring, it means that each person has different capabilities and different positions.
Like Poseidon, his dark blue ring represents the ocean.
Like Wade White, his king's ring represents kil ing.
Like the red-haired Locke, his kingly ring represents blood.
On Bright Island, there are nine monochromatic king rings in different colors and a
multicolored king ring.
The colorful king ring represents the steward of the bright island. On the bright island, in
addition to the owner of the holy ring, the owner of the colorful king ring has absolute say.
Decision made by the author.
The owner of the colorful king ring was jointly recommended by everyone. Only the one
that everyone trusts the most and contributes the most to Guangming Island can control
the colorful king ring.
Chessia is the owner of the colorful king ring.
Henry had a kind of incredible feeling when he learned that it was Cecilia who sent the kil
er to attack Sylvia.
"Boss, are you okay?" Wade White's voice came from the phone.
"It's okay." Henry recovered and shook his head. "This time, I will go in person. After I
leave, you can help me look at this."
"it is good."
This night, Henry was lying in bed, tossing and turning, and could not sleep.
In the early morning of the next day, Sylvia left home early and was busy with company
affairs. Henry sat in the yard and looked at the old tree he used to practice boxing. He
recalled the days before.
"Cecilia, Cecilia, when I see you, what should I say?" Henry shook his head and sighed
At the peak of the underground world, everyone knows that behind Satan of Bright Island,
she will always fol ow a woman. She never speaks and silently executes every command of
Satan. She can fall into purgatory for the man in front of her Like a witch, he can be holy as
an angel for the man in front of him.
What Master Satan is pointing to must be the direction of her sword.
Chessia, in the Western Code, the name of the enchanted witch is given to her. She is really
like a witch. She is noble, arrogant, uninhibited, she has her own way of life, and has a clear
personality. An obedient child, she would be bathed in blood for the first second, and the
next second because of the appearance of the man, Chaoyang Earth.
Henry lay on the lawn in the yard and looked up to the sky, as if he saw the woman's
smiling face again, with tears in her eyes, and shouted to wait for herself to return home.
In the morning, Henry passed by quietly.
At noon, Henry received a cal from Sylvia, waiting for the red GT to arrive at the door of the
For the evening party, Sylvia didn't do much dressing, she told Henry that it wasn't
necessary, this is to provide a platform for everyone to chat with each other.
"Yes, my wife, I'm going out tonight, and I'll probably be back tomorrow." Henry said in the
"Pay attention to safety on the road." Sylvia did not ask Henry what he was going to do.
222 Silver State Double Talent
Sylvia is a very personal woman. She will hide her true thoughts in her heart. She will not
say what she likes, and she will not take the initiative to say what she cares about.
Just like now, in fact, Sylvia wants to know what Henry is going to do, but she doesn't ask.
Henry didn't know how to explain Lin's itinerary to An's itinerary.
Sylvia drove and brought Henry to the meeting place.
Henry remembers this place. The last time Sylvia and their col ege classmates met at this
club. When they were waiting outside for Sylvia, they were borrowed by a woman.
Henry saw that many luxury cars were parked in front of this club.
After Sylvia parked his car, he looked at the luxury car parked in front of the clubhouse
with doubt.
The clubhouse is divided into two floors. This party is a western buffet style. On the second
floor of the clubhouse, there is a dance floor. Sofas and coffee tables are arranged around
the dance floor for guests to exchange and rest.
At the moment, many young entrepreneurs in the club are surrounded by two middle-aged
These two middle-aged people would be very excited if they saw Sylvia.
In the years when Yinzhou first developed, there were several legends in the Yinzhou
business district.
Lin Zhennan's grandfather, known as the eldest brother of the Yinzhou business district, is
In addition to Grandpa Lin, there were two people at the time, who were also known as
Yinzhou Shuangcai. Even Grandpa Lin mentioned these two people, and there was constant
With the passage of time, Yinzhou Shuangcai entered middle age and slowly faded out of
the mal , but their reputation is stil there.
One of them, at the time when everyone was confused, boldly invested in a rotten building.
No one was optimistic about him at the time. Even Robert Lin thought that he invested in
the rotten building, but it was money.
As a result, a year and a half after his investment, the government suddenly wanted to
rebuild a school, which was built next to the Lanwei Tower, and the Lanwei Tower
appreciated by more than 400 million yuan in one click!
What was the concept of 400 million yuan more than 20 years ago?
This man's name is Kang Ming.
There is another person named Wu Shijie. He joined the ranks of stock speculators just 23
years ago when the modern stock market in China mainland was just formed. At that time,
people were completely in the stage of groping for stocks, and so was Wu Shijie.
But, by his own groping, he made more than two bil ion yuan in stocks!
At the time, this was cal ed a myth. Even Mr. Lin couldn't help but give thumbs up to Kang
One person's vision determines the success or failure of one person. These two people had
that kind of vision at the beginning. Putting it into today is the object that everyone wants
to consult.
But people in the Yinzhou business district know that Kang Ming and Wu Shijie have
already closed their hands, which is why the old man Lin said.
Mr. Lin said that the future world is for young people, and the younger generation cannot
rely solely on the elder Fuze. Otherwise, who will take care of the younger generation a
hundred years later?
Mr. Lin ’s status in the Yinzhou business district is undoubtedly. His sentence also changed
the status quo of the Yinzhou business district. It can be found that many of the big
companies ’helms and talkers are young. Seniors, older, rarely appear.
Today, the sudden appearance of Kang Ming and Wu Shijie made these younger
generations scramble to ask for advice. It was also because of the news that they would
attend that only so many people came to this party.
Some people took out the questions that had troubled them for a long time and asked for
advice. After getting answers from Kang Ming and Wu Shijie, they all gave them a sense of
openness and bright eyes.
"Uncle Kang, Uncle Wu, my father often has two people in front of me. Seeing today, I really
have the feeling of listening to the words of the king and reading a book for ten years."
"Yes, I feel awe-inspiring, and my eyes are much brighter."
Kang Ming and Wu Shijie both smiled happily, listening to the praises of the people around
them, and did not mind.
The two of them came here today, not to give lectures, but to meet a person, a person who
put forward opinions on bombing for Hengyuan.
When the news that Hengyuan was about to explode a mountain came out, even the two of
them felt a little weird. After thinking about the cause and effect, they sincerely admired the
person who proposed the exploding mountain and wanted to meet this person.
To this end, the two of them specifically contacted Jenny, and it is about today.
This private club not only has a dance floor, but also has some small rooms for guests to
talk about private matters.
After a few words with the crowd, they went to a small room beside them to rest.
Henry and Sylvia just entered the clubhouse and heard a hello.
"Sylvia! Yeah, Henry is also here?"
Henry glanced down the voice, and a curvaceous short-haired beauty came over. This
beauty Henry had seen at the outdoor private club last time.
"Jiang Yan." Sylvia gave Jiang Yan a slight smile.
"Oh, I just wanted to call you, walk around, chat." Jiang Yan walked over, grabbed Sylvia's
arm, then smiled at Henrytian sweetly, "Zhang Dashuai, don't mind if I take your wife Talk
about some women ’s private topics? "
"Do not mind." Henry waved his hand.
Sylvia original y wanted to take Henry to turn around and introduce him to everyone. As a
result, Jiang Yan was so enthusiastic, he was not easy to refuse, and smiled apologetically at
Henry, "Husband, then you can turn around and eat something first , Let's talk. "
"You talk first, don't worry about me." Henry smiled and walked towards the second floor.
Just on the second floor, Henry saw Jenny wearing a white dress and a crystal hairpin,
beside Jenny, surrounded a lot of young and handsome people.
"It seems that Qin Damei is very popular." Henry stepped up and greeted Jenny.
When Jenny saw Henry, he subconsciously distanced himself from the young people
around him, although she kept a very polite distance with them.
"Henry, you are here. Those two seniors have been waiting for you. I will introduce you."
"OK." Henry nodded, followed Jenny, and walked into a small room.
The white tunic dress perfectly showed Jenny's enchanting figure. The slim waist seemed
to be held in one hand, and the slender legs seemed to be works of art.
Jenny opened the door of the smal room and walked in first.
Henry saw that two middle-aged people were sitting in the house, it was Kang Ming and Wu
Shijie. For these two people who are well-known in the Yinzhou business community,
Henry was not impressed.
"Mr Qin, is this?" Kang Ming and Wu Shijie saw Jenny bring people in, and they had some
speculation in their hearts.
Chapter 223 Henry's Insights
Qin Sophie smiled, description: "The two predecessors, this is Henry, you have been
wanting to meet people, Henry, which is Cummins seniors and seniors Wu Shijie, he Two,
more than 20 years ago, they could be called Yinzhou Shuangcai . " Kang Ming and Wu
Shijie looked at Henry. Before, Jenny did not introduce Henry to them careful y. I never
thought that this person was so young.
"Uncle Kang, Uncle Wu, how are you." Henry smiled politely.
"Awesome, it's really a hero who came out as a boy. He has this kind of vision at a young
age. His future achievements are limitless! Hengyuan's explosion of the mountain is
definitely a stroke of magic!" Kang Ming exclaimed.
Wu Shijie also nodded, "Indeed, a person's age determines his horizons, and visions
determine his achievements. I have been in the stock market. I have seen a talented
teenager, twenty-three years old, and I have earned more than three billion yuan in stocks.
This mystery Little brother, it's no worse than that genius! "
Jenny listened to the words of the two, and felt a little proud in his heart. He heard Yinzhou
Shuangcai praise Henry and was happier than himself. At the same time, Jenny wanted to
say to Wu Shijie The genius you are referring to is not as good as Henry. Henry was cal ed
the God of Wall Street a few years ago!
"The two uncles have praised me." Henry smiled slightly. "I just like to see some
miscellaneous things."
"This is not a mistake. Brother Henry, my two of them, are real y loving and eager, There
are a few questions to test you, what do you think? "Kang Ming said.
After he finished speaking, he looked at Wu Shijie and Wu Shijie nodded, proving that he
also had meaning in this respect.
Henry made a gesture of asking, "Please say two uncles."
Kang Ming said , "Then I will not be nonsense, I am investing. Today I took a few cases of
my own research and wanted to see what you have. View. "
Kangming took out a tablet computer, called up a PTT on it, and placed it in front of Henry.
Henry glanced, and Kang Ming listed a total of four investment projects.
Wu Shijie looked at PTT, exclaimed: "Old Kang, You're not kind ah, these four cases,
because it is completely a gamble, I am afraid the Silver State, no one would dare to say
which projects will be able to make money, right?"
Cummins Oh With a smile, "Is it difficult to make it chal enging? Do you say you want to
come up with a few cases, which is worthy of Zhang Xiaoxiong?"
In the process of Kang Ming and Wu Shijie speaking, Henry has put this PPT After reading al
the things, he smiled, "Only one of the four projects will make money, and the remaining
three are all loss-making."
"Must make money?" Kang Ming frowned at the answer to Henry, "Little Brother, if you
must make money, can't you just say it, no matter how sure you invest, no one would dare
to say that you must make money. "
" Little brother, why do you say such a thing? "Wu Shijie asked Road.
Henry stretched out two fingers, "Policy."
After speaking, Henry swiped the tablet in front of him, and brought up the first page of the
PPT. "The two seniors should understand that we, Huaxia, are a policy-oriented country.
Where the official goes, you can make money. Now, after the Hengyuan bombing, the
official will definitely put a lot of energy on trade. This is the most direct way to improve
GPD, and this first picture of electronic Investment, do n’t think about it, unless you have a
lot of money and smash the money, otherwise, you can change to an ordinary investor for
up to six months, and you must definitely fal down. ”
Henry wrote another PPT, "This experimental elementary school, in fact, at first glance, I
think it is feasible. After al , it is surrounded by residential areas. Once invested, it not only
brings up a large number of house prices, but also has Natural customer sources will also
receive strong official support, but I suddenly thought of a problem, that is, the
pharmaceutical factory, not far from the site to be developed, owns a pharmaceutical
factory, every day from 3 to 5 pm , There will be a strong smel of medicine in the air,
believe me, as far as people ’s attitudes towards life are concerned, there is no parent who
wants their children to grow up in this environment, and may even move to another place
to live, causing serious housing prices Down, after al , when this elementary school is built,
this residential area will become the school district house of this elementary school, and
there is a high possibility of stealing chickens without losing rice. "
"There is this." Henry draws to the next picture, "Playground? Don't worry about this, two,
don't look at the irregular life of young people now, but in addition to staying up late
to play mobile phones, in other health aspects, they compare Older people do better, and
the existence of playgrounds is not as real as the picnics in the suburbs. "
Listening to Henry's analysis, the three people in the house nodded thoughtfully. They
didn't consider the problem that the elementary school just affected the price drop.
The housing price of a city represents the living standard and prosperity of the city.
From the perspective of a businessman, the higher the housing price, the better.
"What about this last one? You must make money?" Kang Ming asked with some eagerness.
He found that under this young man's analysis, he even felt a sense of optimism.
The last plan that Kang Ming came up with was a proposal for the aquarium. It took great
courage to put forward such a plan in the northwestern part of the Great Dust and Sand
Prevention, but Henry even regarded this as a must-make project. I can't figure it out.
Henry didn't directly answer Kang Ming's question, but asked: "Two, you rarely go out
"Real y." Kang Ming smiled bitterly. "At this age, I'm too lazy to run out."
"This is the case. I had nothing to do with it a while ago. I read a variety report and there is
a data survey about the number of people on holidays and where the tourists want to go.
For the northwest region, I go every year. The number of people in the aquarium is one-
fifth of the playground. Although it seems that the playground is more dominant, two
people think about how many playgrounds are there in the northwest region and how
many are in the aquarium? What is the ratio? ? "
Kang Ming thought for a while and answered: "The ratio of playground to aquarium is
probably ten to one."
"Accurately, it ’s 13: 2 to 1. This shows that the aquarium is more popular, and as an
element of beautifying the city, it will definitely receive official support, and it is unique in
the region, the concept of monopoly, I It ’s clear to think of both. "
As soon as Henry's words fell, he heard Kang Ming's applause.
"Great! The data of a variety show can be used by you. It's really great. To be honest, if you
don't tel me, I really haven't found out that the aquarium is so popular."
Chapter 224 He is nothing
These people here have deep insights into business investment. Henry doesn't need to say
much at all, they can think of the key points behind.
Originally, Kang Ming also looked at Henry from the perspective of a senior, but now he
found that his eyes are simply not as long-term as this young man, and his insights on
investment far exceed his own!
Wu Shijie also took out some stocks on the market and let Henry analyze it. As a result, he
found that Henry's analysis data was more accurate than himself. The most exaggerated
thing was that Henry even said the real-time data of a stock in the next minute This made
Wu Shijie's eyes wide open, and he couldn't believe it. If such a person went to speculate, al
the people in the world would lose, he wouldn't lose!
Kang Ming and Wu Shijie were completely aware of Henry's ability, and they were full of
Wu Shijie couldn't help but sigh: "It's real y the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the
front wave, the front wave is dying on the beach!"
"Two, I am just younger, if you are still young, I am definitely not as good as you." Henry
replied with a smile.
"Good! Not arrogant! Great, really amazing! To be honest, if I'm not old, I real y want to do
some business with you and witness the birth of a miracle!" Kang Ming's eyes flashed with
an excitement. color.
What Henry showed seemed to ignite his long-lost passion.
Henry smiled and chatted with Wu Shijie and Kang Ming a few times, and then said
"Two uncles, I have to go with my wife. We have a chance to have a few drinks."
"Okay! You must have a few drinks." Kangming said boldly.
"Little brother, your wife is also a person in the circle? With your help, I guess it will be
sooner or later to replace Lin." Wu Shijie boldly sighed, Lin's in their generation's eyes, that
is not The mountains beyond him, he can replace Lin's sooner or later to express his
admiration for Henry, enough to prove that they were really shocked by Henry.
Henry smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to replace Lin."
"Why?" Wu Shijie was puzzled. He truly recognized and admired Henry's ability.
"Because his wife is the current chairman of Lin's, Sylvia." Jenny's voice sounded quietly,
and when she said this, her heart was sour.
This answer actual y made Kang Ming and Wu Shijie dumb.
Henry left the small room and circled around the dance floor on the second floor to see
Sylvia's figure.
"Her husband, here!" Sylvia shouted loudly when he saw Henry and waved at Henry.
Henry saw that Sylvia was stil standing with many handsome men and beautiful women,
but these people stood there, but Sylvia was the most dazzling. The dusty temperament
made Lin invite Han to stand there.
Henry's arrival has focused many people's attention on him. Everyone wants to know what
kind of husband this Yinzhou business queen, the president of Bingshan, known as the first
beauty of Yinzhou, has found.
Many people felt disappointed when they saw Henry's first glance.
On Henry, they can't feel any kind of strong momentum. Except that face is a little more
handsome, they can't see anything. Even the taste is very ordinary. If they are not sure with
their own eyes, no one will know. Think of this man who looks ordinary and uncommon,
and associate with the Silver State Business Queen.
"Her husband, come, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Sun of Kunyao Management
Consulting Co., Ltd., this is Mr. Li planned by Xianghui, this is Mr. Le from Jiawei Foreign
Trade, this is ..."
Sylvia embraced Henry's arm and introduced Henry to the people around him.
Henry also smiled and nodded.
"Sylvia, don't worry about introducing us, let me introduce your husband, I really want to
know which young master can capture our Sylvia's heart." A beautiful woman looked at
Henry curiously, guessing his identity .
Not only this beautiful woman, but also the people around Sylvia are making guesses.
In their view, the man Sylvia is looking for must be a strong al iance. Perhaps the
appearance does not seem to give people any feeling, but what is the son of a big
Sylvia smiled, her eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and she was so cute. When she
thought of Henry, her heart was full of happiness.
"This is my husband, his name is ..."
Sylvia was about to speak, but was interrupted by a voice.
"His name is Henry, a dumpling, and the son-in-law of the Lin family does not have any
background, so don't guess."
As soon as this voice sounded, it attracted everyone's attention.
The crowd looked at the speaker.
I saw Sam with a sneer, and walked around slowly, "What's wrong, Mr. Lin, intending to
bring your home-made bun into the upper class? Say the simplest thing, for this kind of
person, you give him a Ten million, let him invest, will he? "
Sam ’s words made Lin invite Han ’s face change, “Sam, what kind of person is my husband?
It ’s not your turn to comment!”
"What? Mr. Lin, even the freedom of speech is not given, is it your pain?" Sam glanced at
Sylvia, then put his eyes on Henry, looked up and down Henry, "Why, deflated, Do n’t
pretend to be with me today? Do n’t you piss and take photos of your own virtue, is this
where you should come! ”
What Sam said made those who were just speculating about Henry's identity uproar.
How could they never imagine that Sylvia's husband turned out to be a son-in-law?
What do the four words "home-in-law" mean? That is useless, eat soft rice, little white face!
After thinking about this, everyone looked at Henry's eyes again, and everything changed.
"Vagrant, you're talking, didn't you really pretend that day?" Sam sneered at Henry.
Henry shook his head, with a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, "Why should I
care about a waste?"
"Waste? You said I was waste?" Sam was so called by Henry, not angry but smiled, "If I were
waste, what are you? What would you do? Wil you eat soft rice? Hiding behind a woman? ,
Don't rely on your woman, when you can afford the car I put outside, you cal me waste, I
won't say anything! "
After Sam finished speaking, he pointed his finger at the window next to it. From here, he
could just see the parking lot downstairs.
An eye-catching yellow Lamborghini bat stopped there. This supercar with a price of 7.3
million, even in this club, is also a luxury car.
Sam's voice is backward, and many people nodded subconsciously, deeply convinced that a
man has become a son-in-law, what can he do.
At this moment, two unexpected figures appeared.
Chapter 225
As soon as Kang Ming and Wu Shijie left the smal room, they were immediately surrounded
by the crowd, asking questions from the two, and even more people threw out olive
branches, promising a salary of tens of millions a year, hoping that the two could be named
companies, what You do n’t have to do it, so you can see how high Kang Ming and Wu Shijie
are in the business circle.
For these olive branches, Kang Ming and Wu Shijie didn't even care. They looked around,
and when they saw Henry, the two of them lit up and strode forward.
"Little brother, you are here, we stil have a question to ask you!" Kang Ming said to
Xuanlang across the distance.
Kang Ming's words made the people around him wide-eyed. Who is Uncle Kang talking to,
called the little brother, and said something to ask?
Everyone looked around and found that all the people standing around were acquaintances
and no stranger faces.
Sam, who was humiliating Henry. After seeing Kang Ming and Wu Shijie, their eyes showed
an excited look, and they arranged their collars. They walked towards Kang Ming and said
politely: "Uncle Kang, Uncle Wu , I ’m Sam, Zheng ’s Group. "
Sam said hello, Kang Ming and Wu Shijie were not good to ignore.
Kang Ming nodded, "Oh, Zheng Group, I have an impression. It is said that it has done well
in recent years."
After being praised by Kang Ming, Sam seemed very excited. "Uncle Kang, my dad always
told me about you and said that there is a chance, and I want to talk to you and Wu Shu."
"Yes, have a chance." Kang Ming said perfunctoryly, and then walked to Henry without
waiting for Sam's voice, "Brother Henry, just in the hurry you left, I stil have time to ask
Wu Shijie received: "Yes, this thing has troubled me and Lao Kang for several years, and I
still ask the little brother to give me some advice."
The performance of these two people, their attitude towards Henry's speech, made the
people present unresponsive.
What is the situation? These two capable persons who were once known as Yinzhou
Shuangcai asked a Lin family's son-in-law to ask questions, and even said that he would not
hesitate to enlighten me!
Not to mention others, even Sylvia didn't understand what was going on.
For Kang Ming and Wu Shijie, she also admires herself. Once the company encountered
difficulties, she also consulted with these two uncles, but when did Henry know these two
uncles, and look at this, Henry also did What's wrong is the same.
"Uncle Kang, Uncle Wu, have you made a mistake, ask him for advice?" Sam stood aside and
couldn't help asking.
"Of course, I'm asking about investment." Kang Ming replied, "Just now, this little brother
Zhang told us his insights on investment, which real y made me feel ashamed. I have seen
Brother Zhang I just knew that Yinzhou Shuangcai was put on me. How thick-skinned I am,
can I withstand this title for decades! "
Kang Ming shook his head and smiled at himself.
"Investment? Uncle Kang, you said this person, understand investment?" Sam couldn't
believe it.
"It's more than understanding, it's simply proficient. In front of Brother Zhang, my skills are
worth nothing!" Kang Ming said unabashedly.
"Yes, Brother Zhang's opinion just opened my eyes!"
Listening to the emotions of Kang Ming and Wu Shijie, Sylvia was also puzzled. She looked
at Henry with a puzzled look in her eyes.
Henry saw the meaning in the woman's eyes and scratched her head: "When you were
chatting with your friends, I talked to the two uncles about investment."
"Do you still understand investing?" Sylvia seemed to have just met Henry, with a pair of
beautiful eyes, examining Henry from beginning to end.
"I don't understand!" A crisp voice sounded, and I saw Jenny pacing, "Mr. Lin, didn't you
listen to Uncle Kang just now? Henry is an expert in investment. I have one thing I was
curious about. Last time, you have been I want to introduce you to the person behind me,
your own husband, why did you let me introduce you to it, and Henry, I forgot to ask you, I
have encountered difficulties before, and I want to find you. Help, refuse if you do n’t want
to, what kind of play are you husband and wife? "
Jenny's words made some people who hadn't been relieved yet fal into a surprise again.
Henry's face was a little weird. He remembered that once Jenny texted himself that a
personal company was in trouble and wanted to find his own help. At that time, he refused
directly and co-authored that person, his wife!
Similarly, Sylvia's expression was a bit unnatural. She looked at Henry and asked, "Is that
you who gave Hengyuan's opinion on the explosion of the mountain?"
Henry scratched his head and nodded dryly.
Sylvia rolled his eyes with a depressed face, and he always wanted to find the person
behind Jenny to help himself, and he would always be by his side with him.
Suddenly, Sylvia remembered that when he was watching news about Hengyuan's bombing
at home, Henry seemed to have said that this method was just so-so. At the time, he was
told by himself that he didn't understand anything and let him go. When he encountered
difficulties, Henry also proposed to help himself, and in the end was ruthlessly rejected by
himself, saying that he did not understand and should not cause confusion.
Thinking of this, Sylvia pretty blushed, what are you doing!
Jenny made a remark to make those who had just impressed Henry change from a major to
a waste.
The fact that Hengyuan exploded the mountain was a topic that everyone in the Yinzhou
business circle talked about. Everyone was talking about how important and delicate the
decision of Hengyuan was. Many people even came up with this Case, tell your employees
at the meeting.
For the person who gave Hengyuan ’s opinion about the explosion of the mountain, it was
almost myth in the circle of Yinzhou. Many people wanted to know who was
standing behind Jenny and took her away The enterprise has pushed the position of the top
entrepreneur in Yinzhou.
It turned out now that the mysterious man turned out to be the husband of the President of
the Lin Group! It is a person whom Sam calls Tubaozi!
This Sam is also a little too funny!
One person couldn't help but open the mouth to Sam, "Young Master Zheng, you just said
that Henry is a bun. I want to know what you do, young Master Zheng."
"I remember that Zheng Shao just said that Henry didn't understand investment."
"Don't understand investment? Henry doesn't understand investment, then what are we?
Our fathers have been working hard for so many years, and they have received it from us.
In the end, the profits they get are not as good as those proposed by others An opinion. "
"That's right, Sam, you are too funny! I also said to let Henry earn a Lamborghini, I will ask
you, how many Lamborghini are worth of his plan to blow up the mountain?"
226 Sylvia's Problem
A sneer of laughter kept Sam's face from hanging.
He really didn't think that Henry, the earth bun, turned out to be the man who gave
Hengyuan's opinion about the explosion!
Thinking of what he just said, Sam's face was blue and red, which was particularly ugly.
He snorted at Henry and turned away from the person standing behind him, "Go away,
don't be my way!"
In a ridiculous gaze, Sam left distractedly, and Henry became the protagonist of this
"Mr. Zhang, I am your fan. I heard the news of Hengyuan's bombing at that time. I admire
those who put forward this plan, but they admire the five-body investment!"
"Mr. Zhang, I ’m from Jinlin Yogurt. I want to ask you to be our special consultant, one class
for 100,000 yuan!"
"Mr. Zhang ..."
For a time, many people surrounded Henry, and even Kang Ming and Wu Shijie both looked
Wu Shijie shook his head and smiled, looked at Sylvia, and said: "Mr. Lin, you and Brother
Zhang are really a natural match. They are all dragons and phoenixes."
Sylvia politely smiled at Wu Shijie, and then looked at Henry, surrounded by the crowd,
with a proud expression in his eyes. This is his own man!
The party continued with beautiful dance music, accompanied by beautiful dance poses on
the dance floor.
Henry and Sylvia sat on the sofa beside them, shaking the red wine in the glass.
"Husband, what is your relationship with President Qin?" Sylvia asked with a big wink,
"Just an ordinary friend."
"Is it?" Sylvia Qiao Qiao's face questioned, "It's just an ordinary friend. How can you help
General Qin put forward his opinion on bombing the mountain? Usually at home, I don't see
you paying more attention to this aspect."
Henry smiled and replied: "I have some humble opinion."
"Okay, now Lin has a problem. I want to hear your humble opinion." Sylvia smiled and said
to Henry, "Half a year ago, Lin decided to develop a resort villa in Yinzhou, Zhacun Vil age
has detected a mountain spring, excavated it, and prepared to build it as a resort villa.
Moreover, Lin ’s completely renovated the road in front of Erzha Vil age, but now, the
leaders of Erzha Village do not recognize us Lin ’s. The group chose to cooperate with other
companies instead. The legal approach is invalid. Do you have any good solutions? "
Sylvia finished, looking at Henry with these expectations in his eyes.
"Erzha Village?" Henry narrowed his eyes and thought about it for a moment, then he knew
which Erzha Village Sylvia said. "For this resort, what is the Lin's budget and how long will
it take to get back to it?"
Sylvia replied: "The budget is 460 million. Because of the natural clear spring, it is possible
to return the capital within two years, but according to my inquiry, some companies have
already reached 700 million to build roads in the village of Erzha Vil age. On the premise,
700 million is a number that I absolutely cannot accept. "
After listening to it, Henry shook his head, "Forty-six hundred million, even if the road is
not built, you will lose money. As far as I know, Erzha Village has a lot of wetlands in
succession. The natural clear spring you mentioned will definitely not have a lot of
reserves. It can only be used as a gimmick. It is absolutely impossible to pay back 460
million in two years. "
Sylvia frowned his willow, "How are you so sure?"
"Experience." Henry replied, "I have seen a lot about the clear springs in the mountains, and
the land area of Erzha Village is not large. If you are a resort villa, you must win with
quality. There is the wind sand mouth. , Is a large expenditure. "
Listening to Henry mentioned the four words of facility maintenance, Sylvia's face changed.
To be honest, she real y didn't take this into account. In recent years, Yinzhou has done very
well in the prevention of wind and sand, and I can see it in earlier years.
In the case of sand and dust storms, the area of greenery has increased exponentially in
recent years, and wind and sand can no longer be seen. This problem was naturally ignored
by Sylvia.
Henry continued: "The equipment maintenance fee is only the first point, and the second
point is the per capita consumption level. If the comprehensive equipment maintenance fee
is used, the resort villa fee cannot be reasonable. According to the consumption level of the
Yinzhou people, vacation The mountain village, even eating and living, the basic
consumption of up to 300 yuan per person per night, these costs are just worth the loss of
equipment. "
"Third." Henry stretched his hands on the desktop. "Labor fee, this fee, your wife should
know better than me. Therefore, it is very difficult for you to make a vacation villa, and you
must have some other industries, such as local products, Increase the trade volume of
resort villas and develop it into a tourist destination. "
"Impossible." Sylvia frowned and shook his head. "You also said that the land area of Erzha
Village is very small, and it is on the outskirts of the city. I can't run accommodation
projects around the resort."
"Yes." Henry nodded. "So, this is a money-losing project."
Henry's analysis of three points caused Sylvia to fall into a silence. The three problems
Henry said were absolutely obvious. They were not even considered by Sylvia. The labor
cost was calculated, but the sand caused the equipment. The loss is not within the scope of
her plan. If you want to pay for it in two years, it is absolutely a fool's dream.
However, according to the current economic situation, hundreds of mil ions of dollars have
been spent for two years. If you have not achieved basic profits, it is to lose money.
It took a long time for Sylvia to say: "So, I still don't want to touch this project."
Henry drank the red wine in his beaker and grinned: "It's not real y, there is a way to solve
the above problem."
"What method?" Sylvia could not wait to ask, she was not anxious to make money, but
wanted to hear Henry's opinion.
"Recent traffic jams in Yinzhou City have been serious recently. I think that if there is a new
high-speed highway around the city, everyone's enthusiasm must be very high."
Henry shook his glass and smiled.
"High speed around the city?" Sylvia suspiciously, the next second, she seemed to think of
something, could not help but exclaimed, "Yes, high speed!"
Erzha Village is located on the outskirts of the city. If you build a high-speed highway and
pass through Erzha Village, it will drive a large economic chain!
"Her husband, you are real y a genius! It's just ..." After the surprise, Sylvia was a bit lonely
again. "The village of Erzha is special. Those places are al villagers. If they don't want to sell,
or if the lion opens his mouth, this high speed, It ’s also hard to fix. "
Henry got up from the sofa, walked behind Sylvia, and kneaded his shoulders for Sylvia.
"Wife, wife, you are quite smart. Why did you get confused this time?"
"What's wrong?" Sylvia bulged his cheeks, with a hint of coquettishness in his tone.
"How is the economic situation of Erzha Village?"
Chapter 227 Sneaky
The economic situation of Erzha Village? "Henry's question was a surprise to Sylvia, she
really didn't pay much attention to this aspect."
Henry looked at Sylvia's cute look and smiled, "I have passed Erzha Vil age several times
and found that most of them go out to work, not in Yinzhou, but go to other places, children
and parents, not seen all the year round. In fact, if you can create a service area on the
highway and recruit local workers, what do you think of the people in Erzha Village? "
Sylvia's eyes flashed, "Absolutely scramble for registration!"
"That's right." Henry snapped his fingers. "With this condition, are you still afraid that those
villagers will have a big mouth with your lion? And, if they can be recruited as employees,
there is no need to solve their accommodation problems in Erzha Village. , Their home is
there, and reduce the expenditure. After you finish these, Lin will be able to solve the
problem of employment difficulties and become a silver state star enterprise, plus you
build a high-speed, this news is one Go out, when you build halfway at high speed and have
no money, can the government sit by and ignore it? "
Although Henryhua didn't fully understand, who is Sylvia? Queen of Business! How can I
not understand the deeper meaning in Henry's words!
In this society, what is the most important thing to do business? Liquidity! A lot of liquidity!
Where does liquidity come from? bank!
Henry's remarks completely awoke Sylvia.
If you can really build a high-speed highway, build a service area, and solve employment
problems for the villagers of Erzha Village, Lin ’s word of mouth will inevitably have a
qualitative leap in Erzha Vil age. Then, the leaders of Erzha Village would like to ask Lin ’s If
you want to benefit, you have to ask Lin ’s for it, he dare not accept it!
When the official focus is put on here, those who are smal and have great ambitions must
be quiet.
"Husband, you are so great!" Sylvia hugged Henry's neck excitedly and kissed him hard on
Henry's side face.
Sylvia realized that she was a little sick, and she blushed and lowered her head. She only
felt that her face was burning, and she was afraid to go to Henry.
After a few seconds, Sylvia slowly looked up and found that Henryzheng looked at herself
with a smile on her face, which made her even more embarrassed, and quickly looked
away, pretending to look around.
Henry's phone rang suddenly.
The cal came from Wade White. Wade White said on the phone: "Boss, White Rose
contacted me. They are going to leave at 9 o'clock tonight. Will I take you to the original city
"OK." Henry nodded, told Wade White where he was, and hung up his phone.
Sylvia also naturally heard what Henry said to Wade White. Even though she was a little
shy, she also endured the shyness in her heart and asked, "Are you going?"
"Wel ." Henry replied, "Wait a minute, you should be able to return the day after
At the moment Henry nodded, Sylvia felt a strong disappointment. She really wanted to tell
Henry if she could bring her with her, but she didn't say it in the end.
"be careful."
"Relax." Henry said to Sylvia, and then walked outside the clubhouse. When walking to the
first floor, Henry found that two sneaky silhouettes were shrinking to the side. He glanced
curiously. The sneaky figure turned out to be Sam. There was a strange man beside Sam.
Henry had no impression.
The two of them were sneaking in there, unaware of Henry's approach.
"That bitch, it's the good thing that she broke me, a third-rate enterprise, flying to the top,
and thinking that she can real y become a phoenix?" Sam looked viciously face-to-face, "I
don't care what you do , Five minutes later, I want to see the slut on my bed! "
"Relax, Zheng Shao." The youth beside Sam nodded and walked towards the clubhouse.
Henry hid aside, listening to the conversation between the two, and a chill appeared in his
eyes. Although Sam did not specifical y mention the name, Henry could also guess who he
was talking about.
After talking to the young man, Sam sneered with a sneer, walked out of the clubhouse, and
walked to the independent building beside him.
The clubhouse itself was converted into a villa. The villa next door was not converted into a
Sam walked into the villa door and slammed it shut.
Henry took out his mobile phone, tuned into camera mode, kept up with Sam, a few leaps,
turned over the second floor and hid.
In the villa, Sam's figure was clearly printed on the phone camera.
About five minutes later, Henry heard the door of the villa ring again.
"How is it done?" Sam's voice sounded.
"Finish Zheng Shao." The young man just now walked into the villa with a charming body.
It was Jenny who was resisted by the youth!
At the moment, Jenny, with his eyes closed, was obviously calculated!
Seeing the comatose Jenny, Sam's mouth twitched a nasty smile, and a burst of
possessiveness emerged in his eyes, "Well, throw her to bed!"
As Sam spoke, he put on a balaclava.
After carrying Jenny into the bedroom on the second floor, the young man left happily.
"Wait!" When the young man was about to go out, Sam stopped him, "This is for you, be
From the second floor of the villa, Sam threw a hundred-dol ar bil .
The young man happily caught the money, "Understand, understand!"
While talking, the young man opened the door of the villa and walked out.
Sam, wearing a balaclava, looked at Jenny, who was lying in bed, unconscious, licked his
lips, stripped off his jacket three times, five times apart, and scolded his mouth:
"Bitch, today I deliberately said those It ’s embarrassing for me, wait until I finish playing
with you, and then throw you on the street, let you enjoy it, this feeling of being noticed!
Sam crawled onto the bed and reached for Jenny.
Just when he met Jenny immediately, he found a huge fist in front of him, and the next
second, a sudden pain came from his eyes, making Sam retreat again and again.
Sam was suddenly hit with such a punch, and looked up in a panic, and saw Henryzheng
standing beside the bed, sneering at himself.
"It's you!" Sam gritted his teeth and looked at Henry. Now Henry is already the group he
hates the most!
"Do you know me?" Henry asked deliberately, pretending not to recognize Sam, and
wanted to see what stupidity this product can still play.
"Oh, don't you know if I know you, go to you!"
Sam waved his fist and punched Henry with one punch. As a result, Henry kicked a dog to
eat shit.
Sam ’s thin body, where he lived with Henry twice, his painful teeth grin, seeing that this is
impossible today.
"You wait for Lao Tzu!" Leaving this ruthless words, Sam ran out in embarrassment.
Chapter 228
After Sam left, Henry shook Jenny's body and found that Jenny was still asleep.
"Drug?" Henry frowned, took out two silver needles from his sleeves, tied them on Jenny's
wrist, and twisted slowly.
After more than a minute, Henry heard a soft whisper from Jenny's mouth.
"Hmm ~!"
Hearing this voice, Henry was relieved. It seems that Sam did not take any fierce medicine,
but just an ordinary drug.
Henry took off the silver needle and gave Jenny the lower pulse. The pulse was steady, and
he would wake up in five minutes.
Henry took out his mobile phone and watched the time. Wade White just called. "Boss, I'm
here. What about you?"
"Come." Henry responded, put away his phone, and walked down the floor.
He had just come down from the second floor of the villa, and saw that the door of the villa
was pushed open by the wind and fire. A woman of ordinary appearance rushed in
anxiously. Henry recognized this woman as Jenny's secretary. Come with Jenny today.
Secretary Jenny was surprised when he saw Henry, "Mr. Zhang?"
In the clubhouse, Secretary Jenny found that Jenny was not there, and the phone could not
be reached, so he looked everywhere.
"It's a coincidence that you came here. You Qin is upstairs. You are a little uncomfortable.
You can take care of her." Henry pointed out to Secretary Jenny, not much nonsense, and
left the villa door.
In front of the door, an Aston Martin had stopped there, waiting for Henry.
Secretary Jenny walked up to the second floor. When she saw Jenny sweaty and the skirt
was wrinkled, she had a bad hunch in her heart.
"If I remember correctly, are you Jenny's secretary?" A slightly playful voice came from
behind Jenny's secretary.
Secretary Jenny turned around and saw Sam coming over, "Zheng Shao, you are ..."
Secretary Jenny looked at Sam with a puzzled look, and the bruise was particularly
prominent in Sam's left eye.
"Don't ask if you shouldn't." Sam stared at Secretary Jenny.
Secretary Jenny hurriedly lowered his head, knowing that this kind of big and small is not
something that such a smal person can offend.
Sam nodded his head with satisfaction at Secretary Jenny's performance. His eyes stayed on
the unconscious Jenny for a few seconds. Then he asked, "Yes, Mr. Qin, how much is your
salary for a month?"
"Five thousand." Secretary Jenny whispered.
"Five thousand? What's enough? In recent two years, housing prices in Yinzhou have risen
dramatical y. Five thousand a month, you have to work for seven or eight years to make up
for the down payment?" Sam's mouth grinned. Look at Secretary Jenny.
Secretary Jenny didn't understand what Sam meant, and didn't answer.
Sam continued: "If there is a chance to get rich before you, will you give up?"
At the moment when Sam said this, Secretary Jenny's expression appeared on his face,
"Zheng Shao, I don't understand what you mean."
"You don't need to understand." Sam touched the soft hair of Jenny's secretary, and at the
same time took out a check. "This is half a mil ion. With your current salary, you can't save
so much money after ten years of struggle. Now I ’l give it to you all, you just have to be
obedient and help me do one thing. "
Sam threw the check in his hand onto the bed and stopped talking.
Looking at the check, Secretary Jenny saw a struggling 500,000 in her eyes. It was an
irresistible temptation for the working class like her.
Secretary Jenny took a deep breath, trembling his arms, and slowly picked up the check
that was thrown on the bed.
Looking at Secretary Jenny's action, Sam's lips sneered, "Smart man, you made the most
important decision in life, now you only need to help me do a very simple thing, and
tomorrow morning, you can With this check, I went to the Zheng Group to exchange cash. "
"Zheng Shao, what do you want me to do?" Secretary Jenny collected the cheque in his
"It's very simple. After I leave, you just have to run out of this villa and yell that someone is
going to violate President Qin. As for that person, you just met."
"You mean ..." Secretary Jenny's eyes widened, "Mr. Henry!"
"You are a smart person, and I shouldn't have to say more." Sam patted Secretary Jenny's
shoulder and walked out slowly.
Two minutes after Sam left, Secretary Jenny walked slowly downstairs. She stood in front
of the door of the villa, calmed down, took a deep breath, and screamed in shock:
"Come on! Come on! problem occurs!"
At this moment, Henry had taken the car, left the clubhouse, and was on his way to the
original city.
"Boss, what do you say when you see Chessia?" Wade White glanced at Henry from time to
time while driving.
"I don't know." Henry shook his head. "Ask whatever you want, if you ask me now, I can't
answer it."
Henry looked in front of him and felt upset. He took out his phone and pressed it a few
times, but he didn't respond at all.
"Fuck, the electricity of a large-screen phone is real y not durable." Henry put the phone in
his pocket and closed his eyes to sleep.
Thinking about how to face Chessia Henry, I don't know at all, because in myself, because of
myself, it has become a mess.
Countless people gathered in that villa. They all heard Secretary Jenny's scream, and after
learning what happened, they all felt unbelievable.
Sylvia's husband tried to violate Jenny and was broken by Secretary Jenny!
"Look, the monitoring is tuned out!" Someone picked up the phone and played a monitoring
video. The monitoring video showed that a young man, carrying Jenny in a coma, entered
the villa when Secretary Jenny entered Ten seconds after the villa, you can clearly see that
Henry came out of the villa, and the clothes that Henry wore were exactly the same as those
worn by the man who carried Jenny into the villa!
On the second floor of the villa, Jenny huddled her legs at the corner of the bed. Now, she
stil has a head in her head. She only remembers that she drank a glass of wine by the dance
floor, and then felt dizzy. When she woke up, she I found myself lying on the bed,
surrounded by people.
Sylvia stood outside the villa, his face green, and kept calling Henry's mobile phone, but
Henry's end had always been turned off.
"Hey, it seems that Mr. Lin's charm is not as great as expected, or that someone who is used
to eating at home just likes to steal!" Sam walked from the side with a smile, he glanced at
him. Sylvia did not specifically say anything, just like talking to himself.
Hearing Sam's words, Sylvia squeezed his fist subconsciously, walked to no one's place, and
made another call.
"I don't care what method you use. I need all these evidences that are not good for Henry in
the clubhouse! It doesn't matter how much money you spend!"
Chapter 229 Guo Fei
Original city, high-speed entrance.
A white Land Rover is parked here. The owner of the car is sitting on a frosty woman.
She wears a pair of loose white trousers with a slim satin short sleeve on her body.
While showing her hot body, it also brings her like Queen-like temperament.
The woman has been waiting here for an hour, but her face is not impatient.
"I said Blue Heart, what role is it worth keeping Lao Tzu waiting so long?" A sturdy man
slapped the Land Rover's door and asked impatiently.
"It's just a friend, Guo Fei, I didn't say that you should be here too." White Rose glanced
lightly at the strong man, and then looked away.
Guo Fei glanced at his mouth without making a sound.
Another half an hour later, just as Guo Fei was about to erupt, a figure appeared at the high-
speed entrance and walked slowly towards this side.
At the moment of seeing this figure, there was a touch of awe in White Rose's eyes, and Guo
Fei was unhappy with his face. He didn't expect that White Rose was here, waiting for a
"Al right, let's go." Henry stood next to Land Rover and said to White Rose.
White Rose nodded, ready to start the vehicle.
Henry walked to the front door of the co-pilot, and just opened the door with a thin slit, and
was held by a big hand.
Guo Fei is two meters tal , one taller than Henry, and his sturdy figure is as wide as the top
two Henry.
"Boy, what is this place you are sitting in, go behind!" Guo Fei shoved Henry and pushed
Henry to the position of the back door. He opened the co-pilot door and sat up.
Guo Fei's action scared the white rose, who was this? The king of the underground world,
the owner of the Holy Ring, and what about her and Guo Fei? But they are the heads of two
third-rate organizations. In front of the holy ring owners, neither of them, even the ants.
"Guo Fei! What are you doing!" White Rose yelled, fearing that Guo Fei would hurt himself.
"It's okay, let's go." Henry opened the back seat door and sat up, his voice said calmly.
Seeing Henry didn't care about this matter, White Rose was relieved. She guessed that this
person should not want to reveal his identity.
"Guo Fei, I warn you, be kind to my friends ... friends!" White Rose hesitated again and again
before saying the word friend.
"Polite?" Guo Fei grinned. "I Guo Fei, I never know what politeness means."
Guo Fei turned his head and looked at Henry, "Boy, where did you come from?"
Henry looked up at Guo Fei without a word. Now, he is very upset and still thinking about
Chessia, not paying attention to anything else.
Seeing that Henry didn't take care of himself, Guo Fei suddenly became unhappy, and began
to scold: "Grass! Boy, I'll ask you!"
"Fine!" White Rose shouted, "Be quiet, go down without driving!"
"Yo!" Guo Fei looked away from Henry and put it on the white rose. "Why, you Xiao Qing
Lang? Protected like this? What should I do? The more you love him like this, the more I
want to tear him away Into pieces! "
The corner of White Rose's mouth evoked a disdainful smile.
Who will tear him to pieces?
Land Rover drove towards the high speed and headed in the direction of An's city.
Anshi is more than 500 kilometers away from the original city. Although there are not
many white roses blooming, it arrived in five hours. When they arrived in Anshi, it was
already midnight.
White Rose only received a notice to go to Anshi. He didn't know what to do next, so he had
to find a place to rest first.
Driving the car to a luxury hotel, White Rose got off and checked in for Henry first.
Henry fol owed behind White Rose and didn't worry about these things at al .
"Madam, there is only one luxurious suite you want." The receptionist smiled apologetically
at the white rose.
"One? Then give this gentleman." White Rose pointed to Henry.
"Okay." The reception desk nodded and handed the room card to Henry.
Before Henry received the room card, the room card at the reception desk was taken away
by someone. "Give him? It's better to let a dog live for him."
Guo Fei took the room card, "This room, I want it, Lan Xin, if you want to live, I will wait for
you at night."
After Guo Fei finished talking, without looking at Henry, he walked towards the elevator
with his room card.
"This ..." White Rose looked at Henry with a little embarrassment on his face, "Wil I go ..."
"No need." Henry knew what she wanted to say, and waved her hand in refusal. "Just stay
for a while, please give me a room card if you're in trouble."
After taking the room card, Henry stood silently in front of the elevator and waited. Guo Fei
just got on the elevator and did not wait for them. He reached the top floor of the hotel. Guo
Fei walked out of the elevator, thought for a while, and turned Pressed all the floors from
the top floor to the first floor, and then left with satisfaction.
Opening the door of the luxury suite, Guo Fei's first thing was to make a phone call and go
As soon as the phone was broadcast, a voice rang on the phone, "Brother, have you arrived
in Anshi?"
"Here, you have something to arrange for me. Lan Xin's chick brought a little white face
together. Tomorrow, I have a chance to teach that little white face. Lan Xin is protecting me.
"Relax, elder brother, give it to me, what's that little white face?"
"A waste, it is estimated to be a normal level, don't kil it."
After finishing the call, Guo Fei was lying on the bed beautifully.
In a room just below Guo Fei's luxurious suite, Henry stood quietly in front of the window,
watching the night.
As an international metropolis, the lights flash at night in Anshi.
In this dazzling light, Henry seemed to see a beautiful face.
"Cecilia, what the hel are you doing? How should I face you when I see you?"
One night passed quietly, and the next morning, Henry sat in the lobby of the hotel, eating
"Sit down, occupying such a large position, not afraid of choking?" A big hand shoved Henry
unnecessarily, Guo Fei was sitting next to Henry, there were so many empty seats in
Mingming Hall, he deliberately squeezed Henry Around the corner.
Henrymo didn't say anything. He was not in the mood to care about this kind of fish at al . It
was like a person who was having a very troublesome thing and would not care about a dog
barking at himself.
Seeing Henry said nothing, Guo Fei shook his head with no interest, "What a terrible waste,
Holding breakfast, Guo Fei sat on another table.
Henry looked up and looked at the clock in the hotel lobby. It was already 9 o'clock in the
morning. No matter what time White Rose would receive a notification, it meant that the
time he saw Cecilia was getting closer.
Chapter 230
At ten o'clock in the morning, White Rose contacted Henry and said that she had received
notice from the other party that al major organizations in the northwest of China went to
the deserted beach.
The place of the barren beach is very famous in the northwest region.
Just like its name, the desert beach wall is a large desert Gobi, a desolate, the entire desert
beach wall, nearly 340 kilometers long, there are many explorers, like to prepare dry food,
walking through the desert beach wall, may do Very few people arrived.
Before entering the barren beach, some people even thought it was fun. It was nothing
more than having more sand, drying it, and carrying enough water. It was like a desert
campfire party at night.
But when you get here, you will find that the endless desert can't tel the direction. The hot
sun makes everyone red. If you don't wear clothes and put on sunscreen, you can expose
people to the sun in two hours .
White Rose drove Henry into the deserted beach. On the way, Guo Fei said a lot of rude
words, and Henry ignored them.
After entering the deserted beach, the deserted beach, which was originally a rare person,
appeared today. Many people appeared on the road. Occasional y, people also greeted
people with white roses. These are people in the underground world.
The appointed place is in front of a mountain wall. For the landform here, White Rose
seems to be very experienced.
In front of a cliff in the desert, there is a huge deep pit, the pit is round, at least five meters
deep, and the radius reaches 20 meters.
White Rose told Henry that this deep pit has been there for a long time. Even if the yellow
sand flows, this deep pit always exists and has not been filled.
At this moment, there are many figures around the deep pit, waiting for the emergence of
people behind the scenes. These underground forces are al unruly generations. Now they
are cal ed here without aim. The wait, but there is no resentment, because they know that
the person who commissioned the task was from Guangming Island!
To the people on Guangming Island, even if they are only the most insignificant people on
the island, they dare not show a little arrogance.
On the side of the pit, Guo Fei and more than a dozen young people greeted
"Brother Guo, what about the kid you said?" A young man with red hair asked Guo Fei.
"That's fine." Guo Fei reached out and pointed.
The ten or so young people looked down where Guo Fei pointed and saw Henry standing
beside the white rose.
"Brother Guo, that kid looks so bad, how about the taste of white roses?"
"How could our brother Guo look at mighty!"
"Go, teach them to go!"
A group of people hooked their shoulders and walked towards the place where Henry
When watching a group of people coming together with Guo Fei, White Rose had a bad
hunch. After glancing at Henry, she quickly walked towards Guo Fei and them.
"Guo Fei, what are you doing?"
"Why don't you, sister-in-law!" The red-haired young man laughed a little, "Just just that
kid, provoked our brother a few eyes, we plan to educate him!"
"Who is your sister-in-law, and screaming whether you believe me to tear your mouth off?"
White Rose stared at the red-haired young man, and then warned, "There is a big man
today, don't cause trouble!"
The phrase "white rose" is actually suggesting Guo Fei. The big three characters were bitten
by the white rose.
But Guo Fei didn't understand the meaning of White Rose at all, only when White Rose said
the big man was the one from the island.
Guo Fei laughed, "Is the big man just the big one? Our underground world is a winner by
itself. Speaking with fists, it means that big people will also break this rule. I, my brothers,
are not bullying!"
"That is, dare to provoke us with my eyes, I would like to see what he has skills." The red-
haired youth squeezed his fists, greeted the brothers behind him, and walked towards
These people all smiled and turned to Henry, thinking about how to teach this kid.
"Guo Fei, I advise you to let your people calm down!" White Rose warned Guo Fei.
"Blue heart, you also said, this is my brother, not my men, how can I order them? Do you
want to do it with them?" Guo Fei stood in front of the white rose, blocking the road of the
white rose If White Rose does anything, he can stop it in the first place.
Seeing that the red-haired young man brought people closer and closer to Henryyue, two
off-road vehicles suddenly drove past the eyes of the red-haired young man and others,
bringing up a burst of dust.
"Grass, who doesn't have such long eyes!"
The red-haired youth and others screamed and looked at the two off-road vehicles.
They saw that the two cars stopped and the doors opened. On each car, three people
walked down.
A total of six people, four men and two women, dressed in ordinary, are the simplest
Red-haired youths and others frowned. They had never seen these six people before, and
they were all strange faces.
Henry was a little surprised when he saw these six people. These six people, who walked in
the front, were white pool. Behind the white pool, they followed red hair, Poseidon, Luna,
future, and fee. Reth.
"Boss!" Wade White and others got off the bus and greeted Henry.
"Why are you here?" Henry looked at Wade White and others and frowned.
"Boss, if it weren't for strict torture, this idiot wouldn't tell us." Red Hair looked at Henry,
"our brothers for so many years, this time it happened on their own, our family, of course,
have to come and see. "
"That's the boss, or do you think I'm willing to come to such a place?" Poseidon looked at
the surrounding deserted beach with disgust. He hated this dry environment very much.
Although the moon gods didn't speak, the firmness on their faces told Henry, don't think of
driving us away, we won't go.
Henry looked at them like this and shook his head helplessly, "Hey, you guys ... OK, then
stay and see together."
The white rose standing aside, listening to the call of red hair and others to Henry, felt a
sense of fear and fear, and cal ed the brother of the Holy Ring to his brother, if they thought
so, their identity would come out.
That is, the owner of Wang Jie!
Looking at such a battle, White Rose felt shocked. One holy ring owner and six king ring
owners, even if you go to any corner of the world, such a battle will make people feel
Don't look at these seven people, standing here, it seems lonely, but the huge power behind
them is unimaginable!
The red-haired youth and others fanned the dust in front of him, put their hands in their
pockets, and stared at Wade White with discomfort, "Hey, boy, will you drive? Hurry up and
apologize to Lao Tzu!"
"Are you going to apologize?" Wade White looked at the red-haired young man and others,
and a strange smile was drawn from the corner of his mouth.
231 Golden Key
The wheel marks just pressed by the two off-road vehicles have now become the dividing
line between the two people.
"Red hair, did you see that, the kid's hair color is the same as yours." Ferris leaned into the
red hair's ear and whispered, this was obviously a matter of choice.
"It's okay." A red hair grinned from the corner of his mouth. "Wait until I screw his head
down and bury it in the soil, you won't see it."
"That's right." Ferris nodded, expressing a very good understanding of such things.
The red-haired youth looked at Henry's dul look, and there was no reason to anger in his
heart. "Lao Tzu asked you to apologize, didn't you hear?"
"I asked you too. Are you sure we want to apologize?" Wade White said again. "What kind
of apology do you want? Sorry?"
"Humph!" The red-haired young man sneered and looked back and forth at the future and
Luna. Although the two women covered themselves tightly, they could still see the
exquisite figure and peerless appearance.
The red-haired young man reached out and pointed to both the future and Luna. "Let them
both come over and apologize to Lao Tzu! Otherwise, I don't mind teaching you the rules of
this barren beach."
Wade White dragged his hand and rushed to the Moon God and the future: "Come on,
people turn over your two brands, you two go."
"Okay." Moon God smiled, taking a lotus step, walking towards the group of red-haired
young people, her toes had stepped on the dividing line.
Looking at the back of Luna, redhead shook his head and rushed to Ferris: "Hey, it seems
that I have no chance to screw down that guy's head. These people, who is not good to find,
must find these two. A woman, haven't they heard of it, the most poisonous woman's heart?
Ferris nodded thoughtfully.
In the underground world, everyone respects Lord Satan, not only because of the powerful
strength of Lord Satan, but also because of the fearful bloody means of Lord Satan.
Among the ten kings of Guangming Island, there are two people whose methods can be
compared with those of Lord Satan. In addition to the Wade White that is called the
disaster, it is the Snow Mountain Moon God! This woman, like an angel when holy, horrifies
all the demons of hell!
The moon god walked slowly towards the red-haired young people and others. Her shaking
fingertips concealed a sharp blade. Those who died under her hands could hardly have a
whole body.
Just when Luna walked right in front of the red-haired youth and others, the younger
brother behind the red-haired youth pulled the sleeve of the red-haired youth.
"Brother, look at that!"
The younger reached for the other end of the pit with a finger.
The red-haired young man looked around and saw a figure hidden in a black cloak. The
appearance of this figure made the red-haired young man look respectful.
This black cloak is made entirely of sackcloth. The entire cloak is pure black with no
In the underground world, not everyone can wear this black cloak. All people wearing black
cloaks have a unified name.
Hell servant!
Like a hell walker, no one knows what a hell servant looks like. The black cloak covers them
The appearance of Hellwalker represents the harvest of life.
The existence of hell servants is the spokesperson of Bright Island, and their words
represent the words of Bright Island.
The red-haired youths and others who were stil very powerful, when they saw the
appearance of the servants of hel , al expressed their promises, and they no longer dared to
be domineering, fearing to cause dissatisfaction.
"Come back first." Henry also said at this time.
Luna, who had walked in front of the red-haired youth, heard this, without hesitation,
turned and walked back.
They and Henry were called brothers and brothers, but they executed 100% of Henry's
The red-haired youth and others did not know it, just now, the death was almost a bit, and
took away his life.
The appearance of the servant of Hel made everyone focus on the past. This place was still a
bit noisy at this moment.
Hell servant slowly raised his sleeves, took out a golden key, and then threw it into the
deep hole in front of him, making a hoarse voice, making people indistinguishable from
men and women, "the master said, this time the task It ’s a little bit difficult, who can get the
key, who the task belongs to, and after the task is completed, use the key to go to the island.
After the hell servant finished speaking, there was no more nonsense, and he slowly turned
around and walked slowly towards the opposite place of the pit.
The golden key, shining brightly in the sun, landed at the very center of the deep pit.
More than a hundred people standing by the deep pit, silently fel silent, you look at me, I
look at you and look at each other.
Then after more than ten seconds, as if it was settled, they rushed towards the pit, and the
target pointed directly at the key.
Ascending to Bright Island is a dream for anyone present.
So, the war is on the verge!
There are no rules in the underground world, or there is only one rule, that is, the winner is
the king, whose fist is big, and who speaks.
Like a gyro ring, everyone went crazy to the center of the pit to defeat the people in front of
The red-haired young people and others did not act rashly. They looked at the people in the
deep pit and swallowed saliva. They just treated Henry although they behaved arrogantly. .
In the pit, there are two second-rate organizations, and they are only third-rate
organizations. The gap between the second-rate organizations and the third-rate
organizations is particularly obvious.
White Rose is also unmoved. Although she is the leader of Thorn Mei, she is not bad in
strength and can compete with the people in the pit, but now she has a completely different
mindset from the rest of her. She is very clear what kind of people are present.
In the end, this key battle is probably just a farce.
"Speak, what did the man tell you." Henry's voice suddenly sounded behind the white rose.
When White Rose turned her head, she didn't find out when Henry came behind her, which
made White Rose have to be shocked in her heart. The holy ring owner was terrible, and it
was not something he could speculate. Unfavorable, he is already dead.
White Rose swallowed her saliva, embarrassed: "Adult, I ..."
"Speak, I don't blame you, she already knew I was here, right?" Henry looked at the key in
the deep pit.
White Rose nodded, "Master, she al knows."
Henry asked: "Speak, how can I see her?"
"The old man said that when he got the key, he would see her ..."
"Obtained the key ..." Henry kept staring at the deep hole, thinking deeply, Chessia, what
the hell do you want to do?
Chapter 232
While Henry was thinking about the problem, Guo Fei chuckled aloud: "Boy, you stared at
that key, could you still have any ideas?"
Guo Fei looked at Henry contemptuously. This kid real y didn't have any sense of self-
knowledge. This key, even he himself might not be able to get it, is he still trying to get it?
Henry, who ignored Guo Fei all the time, turned his head and smiled at Guo Fei, "Why, can't
I stil watch it?"
"It seems okay, but I am afraid that some people will not be able to control themselves and
want to go to the island!" Guo Fei said deliberately, causing red-haired youths and others to
sneer for a while.
"On the island? With these wastes?"
"Only they stil go to the island? No one wants to go floating on the island!"
"Don't look at what you are!"
After a series of taunts sounded, Henry was as if he hadn't heard it. His eyes looked again
into the pit. At this moment, he was dead.
There are two masters. In this competition, Shengsheng was severed.
Everyone who is fighting for the key knows that first, the strongest will be defeated
together, and then everyone will compete fairly. Therefore, in the deep pit, the powerful
people, instead of taking advantage, become the target.
Henry raised his eyes and looked into the distance, murmured: "Cecilia, you deliberately
provoke a fight, what are you going to do? Haven't you always been most peaceful?"
Wade White came to Henry and asked, "Boss, how are we going to get the key?"
Henry shook his head, "Wait a moment."
"Good." Wade White stood behind Henry, waiting for Henry's order at any time.
The struggle in the pit has become more and more fierce. The passing of life and the
eruption of blood have made the people in the pit red eyes.
The blood is stained with red and yellow sand, and the dead people are not cared for at al .
They are buried by the yellow sand and stay here forever, even the corpse cannot be found.
In just such a short period of time, several lives disappeared. Fighting in such an
environment would consume everyone's physical strength to a great extent.
Some people who were standing on the pit's exterior couldn't help but rush into the pit and
join the battle.
As time passed, there were fewer and fewer people in the pit. The deep pit was
accompanied by quicksand, like a natural tomb, burying the loser.
Originally, there were hundreds of people gathered here. Look at this moment, together
with the red-haired young people, here, but more than thirty people, the rest of them, stay
here forever.
This is the law of the underground world. No matter whether it is Henry, Wade White or
others, they have no sympathy for anyone, because they know that if they want to be
strong, they must go through these. Over the years, they have seen too many enemies
falling on themselves. At his feet, I have also seen brothers who live and die, and will always
fall in front of me.
Henry sighed, "Ready to start."
"Good!" Wade White, who had been waiting for the order, nodded.
"You leave first." Henry said white rose.
White Rose nodded anxiously, ready to go without saying anything nonsense.
Hellwalker has rules, there are no living people, you can see the true face of Hel walker!
White Rose didn't dare to hesitate. She stepped on her Land Rover in two or two steps and
started the car as soon as possible. When passing by Guo Fei and others, White Rose
couldn't bear it. Although she didn't feel very cold for Guo Fei But the two are always
friends, and she doesn't want to see anything happen to Guo Fei.
"Let's go Guo Fei, it has nothing to do with us here, there is no need to visit this muddy
water." White Rose sat in the car and said to Guo Fei.
"Go, why should I go?" Guo Fei asked, pointing at Henry and others, "I still want to see, how
did these wastes get the keys."
"Yeah, a few wastes, I think a lot!"
"Go to the island? That island, can anything go to it?"
Seeing Guo Fei so stubborn, White Rose was anxious and persuaded: "Come on, don't watch
"No, I just want to see it! I am the person who likes to look at these wastes most
shamefully!" Guo Fei embraced his chest with both hands, and he had a good expression.
The red-haired young man and his younger brother were all here, waiting to watch the
show. One of them even ran into the car and took a bag of melon seeds.
Standing next to the deep pit, Henry said lightly: "Trust me, you will regret watching."
Guo Fei obviously dismissed Henry's words and raised an eyebrow, saying: "Sorry? I don't
have these two words in Laozi's dictionary!"
Henry said nothing more. He glared at the white rose. The white rose never dared to make
any more stops, boomed the throttle, and quickly left here.
"Go grab the keys." Henry said again.
"Good." Six people from Wade White came to the deep pit together.
Guo Fei and others looked at Henry intently, holding a joke heart, but when they saw that
Wade White slowly took out a grimace mask from their waist, Guo Fei and they originally
had The expression of laughter, unity, became panic.
"Earth ... Hellwalker ..." The lips of the red-haired young man were trembling.
The arrogance of Guo Fei's face became pale at the moment, and he finally understood that
Henry said he would regret what he meant.
Hellwalkers never let living people see their true colors, and they have already seen it just
Thinking of this, Guo Fei's legs were soft and he almost knelt on the ground!
When Wade White and others put on their masks, each of them slowly took out a ring from
his pocket and put it on his little finger.
Originally, Guo Fei just now, after knowing the identity of Wade White and others, could
still stand, but when he saw the ring brought out by Wade White and others, he couldn't
stand it at all.
"Wang ... quit!"
Guo Fei's eyes widened and his face was shocked.
Red-haired youths and others, at the same time, were speechless. Their heart was beating
wildly, and that kind of fear filled their hearts in a flash.
The person who has just mocked himself, and the person who treats himself arrogantly,
belongs to Bright Island, the owner of Wang Jie!
When they thought that their shock was over, Henry took out the dark golden ring from his
pocket and refreshed their cognition again!
The dark golden ring, worn by Henry on the index finger, exudes a strange brilliance.
This kind of brilliance makes people look at it, but they can't extricate themselves as if they
can invade their hearts.
"Holy ring! Holy ring!"
Guo Fei looked at the ring on Henry's finger, his body shivered involuntarily, and a stream
of heat was left from his trouser legs. Even knowing Henry's identity, he already scared him
to incontinence.
I have always been provoking the owner of the Holy Ring!
Echoing what I did last night to today, Guo Fei ca n’t wait to take out his regretful
No wonder! No wonder White Rose behaved so unusually to him! The owner of the Holy
Ring, the man standing on top of this world!
233 Charm Chessia
Henry also put on a grimace mask. He turned around and gave Guo Fei a glance.
Only this glance gives Guo Fei a feeling of suffocation!
This is a fear from the soul!
In the eyes of people in the underground world, the owner of the Holy Ring is God!
Because they are also in the underground world, they are more aware of how horrible the
owner of the Holy Ring is!
Six people in Wade White, without a word, walked towards the pit.
The people in those pits had their red eyes killed at the moment, and they didn't care about
anything. When they noticed that someone was walking into the deep pit, they didn't think
about it, they waved their fists, or took out their weapons and hit them at Wade White. go
Faced with the attacks of these people, Wade White and others did not look at them.
One person's fist was about to approach Wade White's face, but he stopped abruptly.
The person who punched the fist had already kil ed his red eyes. It was only after the fist
waved out that he saw the ghost mask on Wade White ’s face. The existence of this mask
made this life stop his fist.
"Hell ... Hellwalker."
The boxer quickly closed his fists, bowed humblely, and looked at Wade White in awe.
Wade White ignored this man and continued to walk towards the center of Shenkeng.
In the other few directions, red hair and others also encountered similar things to Wade
The appearance of Wade White and others caused al the people in the pit to stop and dared
not move.
The majesty of Hel walker, no one dares to touch it!
In this way, Wade White and others, without any hindrance, came to the center of the deep
pit and got the golden key.
Henry stood on the edge of the deep pit. When Wade White got the key, Henry looked
across the deep pit. On the other side of the deep pit, somehow a figure of Miao Man
appeared. She was wearing a black dress and had a figure The bulge, even if the most
discerning person came here, could not find a flaw in her figure.
She also wore a grimace mask, long silver hair, and wore it casual y.
"Leave it all." Wade White said in a low voice.
Those who stood in the deep pit and did not dare to act rashly, heard this, like the amnesty,
all ran out of the deep pit at the fastest speed, dared not stop for a moment, and ran in the
Seeing those who drove away, Guo Fei and others were envious, but now they dare not go.
Henry slowly took off his mask.
The person standing opposite Henry also took off the mask. What kind of face is that? If
someone said that the brightest star in the sky was her eyes, the meniscus in the sky, and
her eyebrows turned into the world. The softest lines appear because of her, and the most
beautiful scenery in the world can be overshadowed by her.
In this way, for those who saw her, it would not be exaggerated at all.
Those who have seen her face can't describe her face with an accurate word, because any
word of praise is not enough to describe her, and it will become a derogatory word on her.
"Cecilia." Henry opened his mouth with a trace of hoarseness in his voice.
"Brother Henry, do you miss me?" Chessia's voice sounded, with a kind of magnetism, full
of unspeakable charm.
Henry nodded, "Think."
Chessia rushed into the deep pit and ran to Henry with joy. She crossed Wade White and
others and rushed into the deep pit again. The whole person fell into Henry's arms.
Henry looked at the delicate body in his arms and reached out to stroke her hair.
"Brother Henry, I miss you so much." Cecia just hugged Henry's tiger waist, with a deep
thought in her voice.
Wade White and others stood in the deep pit and looked at Cecilia ’s performance.
They were not surprised at al . How Cecilia attached to Henry, they al knew very well, but
they real y could not understand why Cecilia wanted Deal with Henry.
Several people slowly came up from the pit.
Chessia also loosened Henry's waist and smiled, "Brother Wade White, Brother Neptune,
Brother Redhead, Uncle Ferris, Sister Luna, Sister Jianger, you are also coming."
"Can you come if such a big thing happened." Wade White took off his mask. "Cesia, those
who killed the sister-in-law, were you really sent?"
Upon hearing the words of the sister-in-law, the smile on Chessia's face disappeared
instantly, and at the same time, her deep blue sea-like pupils showed a strong murderous
intention, "I sent it!"
"Why?" Henry puzzled, "You should know, her relationship with me ..."
"It is precisely because I know that I want to kil her!" Chessiya had hatred in her eyes.
"She took away my most important person. Her presence will lead to the destruction of
Guangming Island. Brother Henry, do you know In the past few months when you
disappeared, how did the outsiders talk about us! More and more people began to
challenge our dignity on Guangming Island! "
Henry didn't speak, looking at Chessia quietly.
Cecilia continued: "There are rumors outside, Huo Jing's drawings are on you, Brother
Henry. Do you know how many people went to Guangming Island and asked me to borrow
the drawings? Who dared to do this a few months ago? Do it! Now they do n’t take
Guangming Island into their eyes! "
Henry sighed helplessly, and touched Chessia's supple long hair, and said, "Chessia, these
are just some fake names, you don't care!"
"It's not a fake name!" Cecilia yelled suddenly, her appearance shocked Wade White and
"This is our life!" Chessia took out the five-colored tail ring and grabbed it in her hands.
"The majesty of our Bright Island was accumulated in the bloody sea of the corpse
mountain, and it was the presence of Brother Henry, Outside deterrence! But now!
Everyone outside thinks that Brother Henry is dead! The people on Guangming Island hold
their breath and wait for the day when Brother Henry returns! But he! "
Chessia pointed her finger to Henry, "His selfishness, he is for a woman! Abandoning all of
us, willing to be a little-known character, I ask you, do you have any Satan's appearance!"
"Cecilia! What are you doing, put your hands down!" Wade White scolded, and Cecilia's
behavior was clearly out of bounds.
Henry waved his hand carelessly, "It's okay, let her say that today is our own family talking,
there are not so many rules."
"Oh!" Chessia sneered, just sweet, and disappeared, "I will ask you, do you want to come
back! Do you really want to be with that woman, do you forget us The goal?"
"I will not forget, you have to give me time." Henry said, "I will go back, but not now!"
"So to say, you want us to keep waiting? Have you told you in the future that during the
months you disappeared, Guangming Island has been locked out by the outside world a few
times, and how many nuclear bombs may fall at any time? On our heads! Is there!
"Ceciya's tone became very excited, and she shouted the last few words.
234 The disappearance of the colorful king ring
"The nuclear bomb locks on Bright Island!"
Che Qian's words surprised Henry suddenly, and he really didn't know about it.
Henry put his eyes on the future, but in the future, he dare not look directly at Henry.
Obviously, she knew this, but did not tell Henry.
"Boss, don't blame Jiang'er, it's because we didn't let it go." Wade White was stuck in front
of the future, and she accepted Henry's inquiry for her.
Henry took a deep breath and asked, "When did it happen?"
"Then ... the third day after that war." Future voice replied softly.
"For the sake of a woman, abandoning the entire Guangming Island, this shouldn't be what
Satan did!" Cecilia's gaze suddenly became tender, and she embraced Henry's arm and said
softly, "Brother Henry , Will you come back? "
Henry looked at Chesia's angel-like face and slowly shook her head. "Give me another
Cecilia suddenly released Henry's arm, "Give you another time? Maybe tomorrow, the day
after tomorrow, those nuclear bombs will fal on our heads, how much time do you want!"
Henry is silent.
Chessia looked at Henrymo's silent appearance and chuckled twice. "The bloodthirsty
wolves turned into weak lambs. Guangming Island is no longer the former Guangming
Island, and Henry I know is no longer. Lord Satan I remembered! "
Chessia waved her hand violently. In her palm, a silver-white pistol appeared. The direction
in which the pistol was pointed was Guo Fei and others.
Chessia pulled the trigger lightly and only heard a "bang". The red-haired young man who
had been clamoring before had a small red spot on his eyebrows, and the red-haired young
man himself fell straight on the yellow sand. .
"Hellwalker has rules. Anyone who has seen Hel walker's true face has no living people, but
what about now?" Cecia pointed the gun at the next person and pulled the trigger again.
"Now you are no longer bloody. Kind people ca n’t survive in the underground
world, Henry, I will ask you one last time, I wo n’t come back, you want a woman, there are
so many women in the world to choose from, you want to play, people from al over the
island accompany you Play, as long as you are willing to come back! "
Henry shook his head slowly, and his gesture of shaking his head made Chessie laugh at
herself, "Sure enough, everything I said, in your eyes, is far less important than that
woman? Since Guangmingdao is not already The island of Guangming that I am familiar
with, Henry is not the Henry I am familiar with, this ring! "
Speaking of which, Cecilia spread her palms, the multicolored ring, shining brightly in the
sun, "Do not forget this ring!"
Cecilia waved her hand hard.
"Don't!" At the same time Cecilia threw the ring, Wade White and others exclaimed. Red
hair reached out to intercept Cecilia's movements, but it was too late.
The tail ring that radiated with multicolored light fel into the sky of yellow sand and
"From now on, there will be no more colorful king rings on Guangming Island, and there
will be no Chessia in the world!" The woman looked at Henry deeply, took off the ghost
mask hanging on her waist, and threw it on the ground , And she turned around without
looking back, and walked in the opposite direction of Henry.
"Cecilia!" The future shouted and followed.
Poseidon looked at Henry, then at Chessia, and strode towards Chessia.
"Boss! Did you just let Cecilia go!" Wade White looked at Henry, who was standing
untouched, and said anxiously.
Henry replied blandly: "This is her choice, let's go, it's time to go back."
After Henry said this, he walked to the car from Wade White where they drove, pul ed the
door, and sat up.
"What's this is her choice, boss! Do you real y want to watch Chesya go!" Wade White
pulled the door open.
"Get in the car first." Henry said.
Wade White stood in front of the car door, hesitated for more than ten seconds, and hit the
body with a punch, before he got into the car.
Henry sat on the co-pilot, watching the back of Chessia leaving, and the woman became
smaller and smaller in his sight.
"Boss, what the hell do you think!" Wade White is very puzzled, with a little interrogative
feeling in his tone.
"There are some things that I can't tell you." Henry shook his head. "After I figured out al
this, I will talk about it."
Henry's words made Wade White stunned, "Boss, do you mean ..."
"The last war was not as simple as you thought." Henrychang sighed, "Come on, go back to
Seeing Henry say this, Wade White didn't ask any more, and after saying hel o to the
redheads, they drove Henry out of the desert beach.
This incident caused red hair and other people to be upset. He glanced at Guo Fei and
others who were stil on the yellow sand. A grin hung on the corner of his mouth. He put on
a ghost mask again and walked towards Guo Fei.
Guo Fei shuddered with his lips and looked at the red hair that was getting closer and
closer to him. His heart was ashamed. He knew that he was finished.
After driving away from the deserted beach, Wade White did not stop in Anshi, but set foot
on the road back to Ning province directly.
Henry sat in the car without saying a word, he recal ed what happened a few months ago.
A few months ago, there was a huge battle that never occurred in the entire underground
world. People familiar with this battle called it the Battle of Dusk.
There are two superpowers in the entire underground world.
The first one is the Bright Island that everyone fears.
The second one is cal ed Wang Hui.
Guangming Island represents the last ray of light in this world. It also means that when
Guangming Island fal s into darkness, then the whole world will fal into darkness with it,
showing how lofty the status of Guangming Island is.
As for the Wang Hui, dare to use the word Wang to name it, you can also see that the Wang
Hui is powerful.
Bright Island, with the so-called strongest man in the world, Satan, under the leadership of
Satan, led ten siblings, each of these ten people, the power behind each is monstrous, and
their personal abilities are powerful. Kiss like brothers and sisters.
The existence of the Wang Hui has been well known since the 1960s. No one knows how
powerful the power behind the Wang Hui is, and no one knows who the president of the
Wang Hui is, only knows, in this world , Wang Hui is the only underground force that can
fight the courts of Guangming Island.
A few months ago, because of the fire crystal, Wang Hui and Guangming Island went to war.
This battle is vast, yet hidden.
The great thing is that there are dozens of mercenary organizations fighting in various
parts of the world. The hidden reason is that no one knows which side belongs to the royal
society and which side belongs to the Bright Island.
The war between the two major organizations directly affected the situation in the entire
world. For the underground world, the rules have been violated.
Therefore, Guangming Island and Wang Hui had a most high-end life and death battle.
235 Conversation Between Two Women
The so-called life-and-death battle is the most high-end people of the two sides.
The owner of the island of Gwangmyeong went to the European King's Association alone
and had a life-and-death battle with the King's President.
After the end of the war, neither the president of the royal society nor the island owner of
Guangming Island had any news. Even after the war, the upper class had never heard of
these two people. Everyone knows the result of World War I.
Guessing about that war is also available in any version, but no one version can be
confirmed, even Wade White and others, until now, it is unclear what happened at that
time. For that war, Henry said nothing. mention.
Henry looked at his wrist and moved a little.
Wade White was driving and did not pay attention to Henry's movements. If he saw it, he
would definitely find that Henry felt a little unnatural when he was moving his wrist.
Now the time is 12 o'clock noon, Henry has calculated, he will be able to return to Yinzhou
at about 5 or 6 in the afternoon.
"Time is running out, some things need to be dealt with urgently." Henry sighed deeply.
At this time, Yinzhou Hengyuan Business.
Jenny in a professional suit sat in his office and looked at the woman in front of him,
frowning: "Mr. Lin, what do you mean?"
Sylvia's long hair was draped behind his head, wearing an off-white suit, which extended all
the way from his neck to his knees, giving him a feeling of resoluteness.
On Jenny's desk, there are three documents.
Sylvia looked at Jenny with a plain voice: "The three documents in front of you are the three
largest trade contracts that Lin has gotten. Each one can bring hundreds of millions of
dollars in profit, allowing A developing company has raised a large amount of
funds in a short period of time. I have already negotiated with the partner. If President Qin
is willing, the name of Hengyuan Trade can be added to this contract at any time. "
Jenny glanced at the three documents and then asked: "Mr. Lin, I don't think I, Hengyuan, or
Jenny, are there anything worth making Mr. Lin so attractive?"
"It's not co-opting, it's negotiating. President Qin should not have suffered any substantial
harm last night. As long as President Qin can forget this, these contracts belong to President
Qin." Sylvia moved lightly, Walking to Jenny's desk, "General Qin, you are a businessman.
You should understand that in the eyes of a businessman, you always only value the
Jenny smiled slightly, "I thought that Lin always liked our Hengyuan business, but in the
end, it was Jenny who felt good about himself. President Lin, if you are here today to
discuss cooperation, I welcome Jenny , But if you want me to make Jenny think of what
happened last night, I ’m sorry, I ca n’t do it, I will definitely trace it to the end! "
Although Jenny did not show anything in her tone, in her eyes, the word firm was
Sylvia's face changed, "General Qin, are you really ready, and our Lin's, is the fish dead net
"Oh!" Jenny chuckled. "Lin, you too exalted my surname Qin, how can I, and I have the
ability to break Lin's fish dead net, I just defend my own rights."
Sylvia's complexion changed, "Wel , since President Qin has made a decision, I will not say
anything more to Sylvia. These three documents will be deposited with President Qin first.
If President Qin has other ideas, you can Contact me anytime. "
Sylvia finished, before waiting for Jenny to say anything, turned and walked outside
Jenny's office.
Sylvia stepped out of the office before he was stopped by Jenny.
"Mr. Lin stayed!"
Jenny's voice made Sylvia show a happy face, and while turning around, the happy face on
her face was completely converged by her.
"General Qin, have you considered it?" Sylvia asked.
Jenny stood up from behind her desk, picked up three documents on the table, and walked
towards Sylvia, "General Qin, I think about it, I don't plan to consider your proposal. In fact,
I also have one today Personal questions, I want to ask Mr. Lin. "
Jenny photographed the three documents in Sylvia's arms.
Sylvia subconsciously took over the document and looked at Jenny puzzled.
"Mr. Lin, do you know that I real y envy you? You have a family that scorns others. You
were born with a golden key. You enjoy things that many people dare not even think about.
Really, do you like Henry? "
Sylvia didn't expect that Jenny's personal question was actually this. She replied:
"Henry is my husband. I natural y don't have to worry about Qin's feelings for him."
"Is it?" Jenny smiled, "Lin, I think, you don't like Henry. If he is my man, I will let him be
watched by people al the time. I will let everyone know his. Excellent, not as good as
yesterday, so good, he will be treated as a straw bag to make fun of, I do n’t know how you
and Henry know each other, nor do you know what you two are like in daily life, I I
only know that I am a woman, no matter how I am at home, in front of outsiders, my man
should always have the dignity he deserves. "
Sylvia looked at Jenny with a playful smile on his lips, "Qin, you seem to be very interested
in my husband?"
Jenny nodded and answered bluntly: "I like him, but I know he is married."
Hearing this, Sylvia felt a little unpleasant in her heart, and she said: "General Qin, since you
know he is married, you should take away your interest in him."
"What kind of feelings do I have for him? I have a lot in my heart and I won't cross the
border. I just hope that since you enjoy the happiness that others are pursuing, President
Lin should learn to grasp. The man who pursues you, but some people are special. If you
real y love someone, you should give him trust. If Henry is my husband, such a thing
happened. Today, I will not be like Mr. Lin. , Standing in front of the victim, thinking about
how to make the victim shut up, but will find ways to find out, who is it, frame my man! "
Jenny's words shocked Lin Yaohan for no reason. In Jenny's words, she realized a very
important issue, that is what Jenny said, trust!
It seems that since yesterday's incident, I have been thinking about how to solve this
matter. I have never thought about the scandal to deal with this matter. This matter was
not done by Henry at all!
When Sylvia walked out of the door of Hengyuan's business, her beautiful face was full of
236 Banner
Sylvia drove slowly towards the house.
Along the way, Sylvia was thinking about what Jenny said just now.
The dignity and trust of men are al impacting Sylvia's soul.
Before this happened, Sylvia never realized this problem.
Before that, Sylvia felt that she liked Henry and could fulfill the responsibility of a socal ed
wife, but now she found that she was not worthy of being a wife at all, as Jenny said, she
even did trust in Henry. No!
A deep self-blame fil ed Sylvia's heart.
When passing by the CBD, Sylvia saw that on the streets of the CBD business center,
banners were being pulled one after another.
Indistinctly, Sylvia saw his name on these banners.
The Mercedes-Benz GT made a harsh rubbing sound and stopped on the street in front of
the CBD business district. Sylvia drove the car into the business district and saw a lot of
people under the banner, pointing at the banner. Pointing.
The Lin's building, which is currently rebuilding the top two floors, is also surrounded by
Looking at the words on the banner, Sylvia shivered in anger.
Lin's group is ful of evildoers. President Sylvia shields her husband Henry and rapes her!
Such a banner completely fills the entire CBD business district.
In Yinzhou, who did n’t know the Lin Group, and now such a scandal broke out, it naturally
attracted a lot of people who eat melons. Those reporters would not let this opportunity go,
squeezed around the Lins Building one by one. There are various reports, and some of the
media have compiled stories one after another for the sake of bloggers.
"Zheng Shao, what do you think of this?"
In a simple restaurant, Sam looked at the banners hanging across the board with
satisfaction. "This time you did a good job, and your benefits will not be less."
In Sam ’s heart, he had already imagined how to attack Henry, and he dared to make
himself so ashamed at the party. He also punched himself and broke his own good deeds. If
he did n’t teach him, would n’t he be a Master Zheng? When?
Downstairs, when Lin invited Han to see these banners, her phone started ringing frantical
y, and she answered a phone cal . After speaking for more than ten seconds, she found that
there were three or four missed cal s on her mobile phone. Just didn't get in.
"Mr. Lin, it's not good, something happened!" Secretary Li Na's anxious voice rang on the
In addition to Li Na, the company's shareholders also almost knocked out Sylvia's phone.
Lin is a large enterprise. As the leader of the Yinzhou business district, Lin ’s every move is
noticed. This time, such a thing happened, which is a great loss to Lin ’s reputation. At the
same time, it also has a serious impact on Lin's stock. Within just half
an hour of hanging this banner, under the artificial effect, this news has occupied the
headlines of Yinzhou City, many people are talking about this matter.
The continuous ringing of the phone made Sylvia upset. She simply drove into flight mode,
got out of the car, and walked to the nearest banner.
Walking to the banner, Lin invited Han to stretch out his hand and tore off the banner.
"Who are you!" A young casual worker, who was hanging a banner, looked at Lin Yanhan
with a disgruntled face. "Why, I thought it was a beautiful woman who was arrogant?
Believe it or not, Laozi beat you!"
"You hung this banner?" Lin invited Han to look at the young man in front of him and asked.
"Yeah, it's Lao Tzu hanging, what's your dissatisfaction?" The youth looked arrogant.
"Do you know that if you do this and intentionally infringe on the reputation of others, I can
sue you!"
"Sue me? Wel , you go to sue! Lao Tzu wants to see, how do you want to sue Lao Tzu."
The young man looked careless.
As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a click.
Sylvia took out his mobile phone and photographed the youth with the banner.
This action of taking pictures made the youth blow up on the spot. He originally showed a
little care about him. He screamed on the spot and said: "Chees! Do you shoot what he did,
delete it for Laozi!"
Sylvia ignored the young man, took the mobile phone, walked to another banner, and
photographed the person who set up the banner with the banner.
Sylvia finished taking this picture, and felt a thrust from her shoulder. She didn't react and
was pushed from behind, and her mobile phone was robbed.
Sylvia looked back and saw that the young man had just snatched his mobile phone.
"What are you doing, give me back my mobile phone!" Sylvia grabbed it and planned to get
his mobile phone back.
The young man easily escaped the captured Sylvia, a sly smile appeared on his face, and his
finger kept sliding Sylvia ’s mobile phone screen, "Huh, a lot of photos, real y beautiful, hey,
I like it, oops, this dress is good , OL uniform, I also like this long skirt. If you press it on the
bed, it must be very beautiful. Wel , this is good, good. "
The young man made a comment while flipping through Sylvia's mobile phone album.
"Quickly return my phone!" Sylvia snorted angrily, and the vulgar words of the youth made
her particularly angry.
Some of the onlookers around heard Sylvia's applause, and Qi Qi looked to this side.
The beauty effect is always better than that of men. When it became clear that this young
man had robbed Sylvia's cell phone, some onlookers spoke one after another.
Blame the youth and let him return the phone to Sylvia.
"Okay, return you." The young man's mouth twitched and smashed Sylvia's mobile phone
hard on the ground, and the screen shattered directly.
"Oh!" The youth deliberately expressed a surprised expression, "I'm sorry, my hand
The actions of the youth can be seen personally by the individual.
Sylvia gave birth to a sullen feeling from her heart. She encountered no such thing as a
rogue. She could n’t think of a good way now. A mobile phone was n’t expensive in Lin
’s eyes. .
Sylvia picked up his phone from the ground and turned to want to leave, but it was too late.
What happened just now brought a lot of people here, many of whom were journalists.
Some people recognized Sylvia at a glance and immediately surrounded Sylvia with water.
"Mr. Lin, I am a reporter from Kaman TV Station. I would like to ask, this time your husband
had such a scandal. As a wife, are you really willing to continue to cover up?"
"Mr. Lin, I'm from Heiguo TV Station. The outside world has been rumored that you haven't
been married. Are you always married in secret?"
"Lin, I am ..."
A large group of people completely surrounded Sylvia. All kinds of questions were
extraordinarily tricky. None of them was a good answer.
237 Sam's View
Sylvia wanted to push the reporter away, but he couldn't do it at all.
Fortunately, at this time, Anna squeezed in from the side.
"Mr. Lin, are you okay!" Anna frowned as he looked at the broken phone in Sylvia's hand.
"It's okay, leave here first." Sylvia said.
As a bodyguard, Anna did not fol ow Sylvia at all times. The task she received was that
someone wanted to kill Sylvia, and she was to prevent this from happening.
Therefore, when she came to the CBD, Anna ’s professional ethics told her that although
this banner is now full of banners, it has nothing to do with her task. What she has to do is
to observe the surrounding situation first. So, just now, she did not appear beside Sylvia for
the first time.
In fact, as a bodyguard for this special task, Anna's reaction speed has been extremely
rapid, but Anna felt very sorry for what happened just now.
Protected by Anna, although Sylvia was still surrounded by those reporters, he no longer
looked like the duckweed just now, but walked slowly outside the business circle.
In that simple restaurant.
"Zheng Shao, look at that, something seems wrong." A man standing beside Sam pointed
Sam to the place surrounded by many reporters.
Sam narrowed his eyes, and when he saw Sylvia's figure, a smile appeared on Sam's face,
"When the Lord is here, the good show should start."
Sam picked up a tissue, wiped his mouth, got up, left the Jane's restaurant, and walked
slowly towards where Sylvia was.
Sylvia was surrounded by reporters. After a while, he couldn't go out at all, because there
were too many people around here. Some people who eat melons want to see what his wife
who is a wicked person looks like this time.
"According to a reporter from this station, Sylvia, the general manager of Lin ’s Group,
refused to answer all questions. This matter could not be given any reasonable explanation.
According to people familiar with the matter, from the last night until now, Sylvia ’s
husband ’s phone has been shut down , And did not show up, suspected of absconding from
sin. "
"Audience friends, we are in Yinzhou CBD ..."
Reporters started live reports one by one. The background behind them was Sylvia's
appearance of being silent.
"Mr. Lin! Please answer!"
"Mr. Lin, why are you silent? Is there no explanation?"
"Mr. Lin, do you think money can go beyond the law? Or, do you Lin plan to cover the sky
with only one hand?"
"Mr. Lin!"
The reporters' voices were chaotic and chaotic, but they passed into Sylvia's ears harshly.
"Okay, don't talk about it!" Suddenly, a loud shout sounded.
Many reporters who were surrounded by Sylvia saw the speaker and immediately
surrounded them.
The Zheng Group, although not as large as the Lin Group, is considered a well-known
enterprise in Yinzhou.
Moreover, as the sole heir of the Zheng Group, Sam has just returned to Yinzhou. This kind
of flowery lace news is also talked about by people.
"Mr. Zheng, do you have anything to say about this at this time?"
"Grandpa Zheng, it is said that your family and Lin are the best friends. What happened last
night, I would like to ask whether Grandpa Zheng is present."
"Mr. Zheng, do you know Henry, what kind of person is he?"
"Young Master Zheng ..."
Facing reporters' questions one after another, Sam did not choose to keep silent like Sylvia,
but said: "Everyone, your questions, I answer one by one."
To answer the first question first, my appearance does have something to say. Do n’t worry
about Mr. Lin. To be precise, Mr. Lin is also a victim of this matter. After all, her husband is a
personal scum and nothing to do with her Relationship, I know very well what happened
last night. "
"The second question is that we, Zheng and Lin, are indeed the best friends. Ms. Sylvia and I
are the best friends. As this happened, as a friend, I also felt heartache for Lin, after all, like
Henry. Everyone's scumbags!
"The third question, what kind of person is Henry? He, a Lin's door-to-door son-in-law,
everyone knows people, they should know what a door-to-door son-in-law is, a person who
can be a door-to-door son-in-law for money, you think , What is his character?
What is his character? "
"Also, regarding the authenticity of the matter, I can tel you that these banners are written
without any fraudulent elements. Last night, it was the victim ’s secretary. I saw with my
own eyes that Henry was going to rape the victim. If the victim ’s secretary appeared in
time The consequences will be unbearable. With Henry's human character, he will
definitely do something else. "
Sam broke the news one after another, which attracted a lot of reporters' attention.
"Mr. Zheng, what do you think of this kind of person?"
Sam showed a righteous expression, "The person who rapes and insults a woman, even if it
is a thousand knives, is executed cheaply, and if you put it in ancient times, such a person
should be dipped in a pig cage! "
Sam's remarks drew applause.
Sam also said: "A man should have his own responsibility. People like Henry who do not
have any responsibility and who only think about the evil way are not worthy to stay in this
Listening to Sam, even those reporters nodded in agreement.
Sylvia stood there, listening to what Sam said, she would not rush over, grabbed the
microphone, and told everyone that Henry was not such a person, but now her words are
not persuasive.
"Grandpa Zheng, I don't agree with what you said. If Henry is just a son-in-law at home, and
his character is so bad, why would President Lin maintain him that way?"
"I like this question very much." Sam smiled. The reporter, who arranged it for him, said
Sam. "Lin Zong maintains it, not Henry himself. You should know that Lin Group is The
leading group in Yinzhou, if something goes wrong with the Lin Group, it will affect not only
the interests of a few people, but also the employees of the Lin family, but Henry, who takes
this seriously, is determined Lin always wants to defend him, so he is so brazen! "
"It turns out like this!" The reporter who just asked the question nodded pretendingly.
"So, this Henry is really shameless, holding so many people to serve him as a shield.
This kind of person is absolutely Can't appease! "
"Yes! Can't appease!"
"This matter, Henry must give an explanation!"
"Mr. Zheng, what's your opinion on this matter?"
"My opinion is very simple, just one point." Sam stretched out a finger, "severe
238 Henry Appears
Sam's words drew applause.
Also a wealthy man, son of Zheng family, is the sole heir of Zheng Group in the future.
And that Henry is just the son-in-law of the Lin family. The identity of the two is quite
different, but look at this ideological realization. Son Zheng, I do not know how many times
stronger than the son-in-law of the door!
For a time, Henry became a target, informed and uninformed, al discussing about Henry.
Sam ’s own image, with Henry ’s notoriety, suddenly became tal er. At first, many people
did not have much impression of the Zheng Group, but because of the appearance of Sam,
the Zheng Group also suddenly entered the crowd. In sight.
Some people special y arranged by Sam put forward such a theory among the people who
eat melons.
The business district in Yinzhou should not let the Lin family alone. Look at Henry, which is
the scourge caused by the Lin family being too strong. It should be balanced.
Everyone should support and support other companies!
I have to say that Sam played very well in this move.
Now, public opinion has been completely one-sided. Regardless of the exact evidence,
almost everyone believes that Henry is the wicked person. The move of Sam not only
pushed Henry to desperation, but also made a deep-rooted support for the Zheng Group ad!
Sylvia now wants to go, but he is not reconciled. Now that so many reporters are here, if he
has left, then this time, he can't really tell the truth. Who knows what those reporters will
say again.
An Aston Martin, at this time, got off the highway and completely entered Yinzhou.
As soon as he entered the city, Wade White received a call, and the people in the phone
explained to Wade White what happened in just a few words.
"Boss, something went wrong." Wade White cal ed up a news page and handed the phone
to Henry.
On this page, the report is awesome about the banner of the CBD. Various headlines are
printed in bright red color, and they are printed in Henry's eyes. Under those headlines,
there is a unified background of Sylvia surrounded by many reporters. photo.
Henry frowned, "Go, go to CBD."
Aston Martin, who was still driving slowly, made a violent roar, turned into a beast, and ran
on the street.
Soon, Wade White and Henry came to the CBD, and there were more and more people
gathered here. This is the time to get off work. Those who work in the business center saw
this ful banner after work and all joined melon eating. Army.
Sam spoke aloud, expressing his dissatisfaction with Henry ’s behavior of insulting her.
He said that in this matter, no matter what the victim thought or whether the victim would
be prosecuted, his Zheng group would say loudly. Justice, for the citizens of Yinzhou, to
seek justice!
Such a statement natural y attracted a lot of applause.
"Is Henry's phone connected?" Sylvia stood not far away, frowning Liu Mei, and asked
"Mr. Lin, Mr. Zhang's phone always shows shutdown." Anna kept dialing Henry's number.
"Mr. Lin, let's leave this first. Now the situation is too confusing. It is difficult to guarantee
your own safety."
"Can't go." Sylvia shook his head. "Now we only have to leave, Sam may say something else.
Those reporters are now staring at me staring attentively, as long as I show a little meaning
to go, various Such reports will be flying everywhere, and now you have to find evidence.
Please help me contact Li Na and let her get in touch with Secretary Qin. The authenticity of
this matter must be reconfirmed! "
No need to confirm, I know this. "Suddenly, a voice rang behind Sylvia.
At the moment of hearing this voice, Sylvia's body shook, and she turned around and saw
Henry standing behind her.
"Sorry, it's hard for you." Henry grabbed Sylvia's small hand.
Seeing the emergence of Henry, Sylvia's heart seemed to have found a way to rely on,
"How did the phone turn off."
"There is no electricity, no charger." Henry scratched his head, "I will deal with this matter."
Henry's soft eyes moved away from Sylvia, and he shouted at the place where the reporters
gathered, "I'm Henry. If you have any questions, come and ask me!"
As soon as the name Henry came out, there was a sudden glance. At the moment Henry's
words fell, countless flashes hit Henry's body. Those reporters were like green beasts who
saw meat for seven days. Came towards Henrywei.
All kinds of questions were also raised by these reporters without hesitation.
"Mr. Henry, what do you have to explain about this matter?"
"Mr. Henry, may you not be able to get in touch these days, are you evading this matter?"
"Mr. Henry, is this the first time you have done such a nasty thing? Have you considered the
victim's idea?"
"Mr. Henry ..."
One problem after another is all in the pit and setting up. Only this tricky problem can
attract more attention.
Facing these reporters, Henry kept a smile on his face.
"Mr. Henry, have you ever considered what kind of consequences you would bring to her?
Do you think that you are still an individual for your own selfish desires, regardless of her?"
"Human? Of course he's not human anymore. People who can do this kind of thing are not
as good as beasts!" Sam laughed and walked slowly towards Henry. When I show up, I feel
that what you are doing now should not be an interview, but the police, let the law punish
such people! "
"Yes, the police!" Hearing Sam's words, someone called the police on the spot.
Henry, who had never said anything, only smiled slightly after hearing Sam's voice, and
said, "Master Zheng, I don't agree with you."
"Don't agree?" Sam sneered. "It's hard to succeed. Do you think that rape and humiliation of
women should be promoted?"
"Of course not." Henry shook his head. "It's definitely not enough to be beasts, it is
definitely not enough. I think this kind of person should be spurned and died on the spot,
do you think?"
"Hahaha!" Sam laughed twice, "It's really interesting, Henry, do you want to get rid of
yourself now? Do you real y think that the Lin Group can treat the law like nothing, and
want to do something? Just do what? "
Henry glanced around the reporters around him, "No, it's just that I also spurn this
approach very much. Dear reporter friends, I have other versions of this matter. Do you
want to listen?
Upon hearing Henry's other version, these reporters were as excited as if they had hit
chicken blood.
Chapter 239: Really Evil
Sam could n’t be more aware of what happened last night. Of course he knew who the
protagonist was.
Now I heard that Henry has another version to say, Sam is the first to speak out.
"What version do you want to say? It wasn't you who did this? Mean Qin's secretary, who
deliberately slander you? Means that the surveillance videos we saw at that time were all
"Impossible, this thing was done by Henry! You come to see this video, which is the first-
hand resource I got!" A reporter special y arranged by Sam took out his mobile phone and
played a video.
Although the video on his phone is a little blurry, everyone can stil see that a person
wearing the same color clothes as Henry now carries a woman into a villa. After a few
minutes, Henry walks out of the villa and is very monitored His face was clearly
"Look at everyone, after Henry left, the victim's secretary shouted for help. What other
version of this matter can there be?"
As soon as this video came out, it caused an uproar. It can be said that Henry's evil deeds
have already been hammered. Could it be said that he can't resist this? Everyone is in the
media, and at a glance, this video shows no trace of editing!
"Henry, what else can you say!" Sam looked at Henry and asked.
Henry asked, "I'll let you speak, and I have nothing to say, but I have a video here, and I
want to show it to everyone."
Henry beckoned to the side, Wade White took a charging treasure and a data cable and ran
over, which Henry just asked him to buy.
"Come on, let it go, let it all go!" Wade White squeezed into the crowd, handing the power
bank and data cable to Henry.
Soon, Henry's mobile phone was turned on again. As soon as the mobile phone was turned
on, countless text messages flooded in, all of which indicated missed calls.
Henry didn't watch it. After deleting al these messages, he cal ed up a video.
This video is much clearer than the surveil ance video taken by the reporter just now.
The picture of the video is in a villa.
The protagonist in the video is Sam.
Sam stood not far from Henry and saw the video content in Henry's mobile phone at a
glance, which made him look suddenly changed. He simply had no time to consider how
Henry would stay in the villa at that time and still shoot the video .
"The surname Zhang, you disappeared one day, it would not just find someone to shoot
video!" Sam yelled, trying to divert the attention of those reporters.
But what kind of person is a reporter, a milk is a mother, now with new things, they will
naturally not be attracted to others, their eyes and cameras are al aimed at Henry's mobile
phone screen.
When the video is played, it can be clearly seen that Sam is standing in the villa. After a
while, a young man appears carrying a figure of Miao Man. This young man is the one who
is on the surveillance video.
Then, after listening to Sam and throwing her on the bed, she put on a hood, took off her
jacket, and crawled towards the bed.
The video came to this place and stopped abruptly.
Although Henry dealt with Sam later, he didn't shoot it, but in this situation, everyone
knows what happened.
This time things are not what the public opinion said!
At the same time, Wade White whispered in Henry's ear, "Boss, people brought."
"Let's come." Henry turned off his phone and looked to the side.
Jenny's secretary, led by two uniformed policemen, came here.
Although Henry concealed his identity, it did not mean that his relationship could not be
used. After learning about the matter in the first few minutes, Henry asked Wade White to
investigate the matter.
In a short period of time, Wade White found out that Jenny's secretary went to Zheng's to
collect 500,000 cash this morning.
In front of so many reporters, Wade White natural y announced the incident and
immediately caught the reporter's attention.
Under the repeated bombardment of the reporter, Secretary Jenny couldn't bear to say that
the check was given to him by Sam, and they al said it.
"Grandpa Zheng, why do you give each other half a mil ion for free?"
"Mr. Zheng, what do you want to say about the video provided by Mr. Henry?"
"This video does not have any editing elements, Zheng Gongzi, how do you want to
Question after question was asked one after another.
Sam never thought that Henry would have a video from last night! Moreover, the matter
that he gave Secretary Jenny 500,000 was found out so quickly.
In fact, this matter does not blame Sam for not doing enough. After al , he used the check
transaction to check things with the Zheng Group. Sam disagrees and no one is wrong.
But Sam was wrong. He caused Henry. What Henry wanted to find out, could not disagree
with him!
The public opinion that was originally one-sided was completely changed after Henry took
out this video.
The personnel set up by Sam just collapsed in a short time!
Just now, Sam also said to the camera, what kind of beasts are inferior, utterly ignorant of
the law, severely punished, and so on, but now, the kind of person he says is his own!
"Zheng Shao, let's go first!" The people around Sam took Sam a hand.
Now things are clearly beyond control. If Sam stays here, it is difficult to predict what will
"Let's go!" Sam's face turned black, and he knew that today it was impossible to continue
according to his own arrangements.
Sam wanted to leave, but now, it is not that he can leave. Those reporters have sealed the
area, and outside the CBD, the whistle of the police car has already sounded.
When the police arrived, they dispersed the onlookers as soon as possible and sealed off
the place.
"Mr. Lin!" Lin Na's secretary Li Na ran breathlessly, "Mr. Lin, shareholders can't get through
your phone, now ..."
"It's all right." Sylvia shook his head at Li Na. "The matter has been resolved."
Li Na saw that the two policemen had come to Sam.
Originally, Sam cal ed someone to call the police to arrest Henry. At this moment, the
arrested person became Sam.
As for Henry, he was also an acquaintance at the police station. When the police saw him,
he said politely to Henry, and asked Henry to go back to assist in the investigation.
The people who pul ed the banner were all asked to return to the bureau by the police on
the grounds that they had gathered to make trouble.
The banners full of CBD disappeared within a short period of time.
Henry looked at the efficiency of these police officers and didn't need to know that Wade
White was using it. As Wade White's identity, he could say a few words casually, and it
would be intimidating Yinzhou's first diaper pants.
Chapter 240
What the police said about assisting the investigation was nothing more than walking
through the scene. Henry entered the police station and came out in less than three
minutes. On the other hand, Sam was completely locked up.
"Close me? Do you know who I am! I am the future heir of the Zheng Group! You close me?
Believe it or not, I will go out in two days and let you all be laid off!"
In the interrogation room, Sam growled.
The police in charge of the interrogation shook his head, and this led Captain Han to go out
for training. If she was there, this Sam might have been beaten up with a bruised nose.
Sylvia stood at the door of the police station, waiting for Henry. When Henry appeared, she
greeted him as soon as possible.
"In the past two days, you are estimated to be embarrassed?" Henry looked at Sylvia, his
eyes were full of distress.
Sylvia shook his head, silently, what Jenny said to her before, still echoing in her mind, the
word trust, like a sharp blade, cut on Sylvia's heart.
Now that things are basically clear, Henry has nothing to do with this matter.
But why, yesterday, what I thought for the first time was not to believe Henry, but to
smooth the matter? Do you real y like Jenny said, not like him, but like this feeling of
Sylvia himself was a little vague about his feelings.
"What's wrong?" Henry looked at Sylvia without speaking, worried.
"It's okay." Sylvia forced a smile, "Let's go home."
"Wel ." Henry nodded and got into Sylvia's car.
In the car, Sylvia didn't say a word, even the sound of music was kept as low as possible.
"Wife, how do you feel you are in a bad mood?" Henry looked sideways and looked at
Sylvia, how could it not feel right.
Sylvia couldn't help but ask, "Are you familiar with that Jenny ...?"
Henry replied: "Not too familiar, ordinary friends."
"How do I feel, Jenny seems to like you a little bit?" Sylvia thought of what Jenny said to
himself in the afternoon, and Jenny confessed that he likes Henry. Sylvia felt uncomfortable.
"Like me? Wife, don't make trouble, I told her I was married long ago." Henry asked her
hand, staring at Sylvia's beautiful profile.
Under the hot eyes of Henry, Sylvia felt a little unnatural. "What do you think?"
"Wife, aren't you jealous?" Henry raised an eyebrow and looked at Sylvia strangely.
"Je jealous? Do I need it?" Sylvia Jiao hummed, his cheeks red.
Henry nodded.
After being so amused by Henry, Sylvia felt a lot in her heart, and her voice was faint:
"Her husband, there are seven days left before the building is completed. Let's go travel
Sylvia wanted to spend more time with Henry. She wanted to know more about the man
around her.
If we say that before, Sylvia passively liked Henry, like Henry taking care of himself, like
Henry's talents from time to time, like Henry's concern for himself, like his appearance of
fighting for himself.
Now, Sylvia wants to take the initiative to like this man. Active likes and passive likes.
For a person, it is a deeper change in emotion.
"OK." Henry nodded. "Where do you want to go? Do you have a plan?"
"Tonight we will do the strategy together."
When Henry and Sylvia came home, they saw Milan sitting on the sofa.
Upon seeing Henry return, Milan immediately spoke out.
"Henry, it's not too much noise today, which girl makes you beastly, is my family Sylvia
unable to satisfy you?" Milan smiled, apparently joking with Henry and Sylvia, "Sylvia, no I
said to you, women, you usually have to take the initiative and do more emotional things
with your husband so that you can grasp the heart of men! "
Sylvia was blushed by Milan's explicit language. He grabbed a pil ow and threw it at Milan,
shyly saying, "You are going to die!"
"Cut!" Milan glanced at her mouth. "Henry, your wife can't do it. It's so shy to get married
for so long. If I were you, I would give her some excitement and courage!"
Henry wiped the sweat on his forehead, Milan, really can say anything!
After a little washing, Henry and Sylvia both leaned on the sofa, holding a tablet, and kept
"I said, what are you two discussing?" Milan put his head together.
"We are discussing where to travel." Sylvia pointed to the travel guides on the tablet.
"Milan, you used to run everywhere, give a suggestion."
"Tourism? Go to Hangcheng! Master Firge has a painting exhibition in Hangcheng the day
after tomorrow. I still want to go. If you two decide to travel, what else do you have to
consider? You must go to Hangcheng! I know it there!" Milan I His face patted his chest
excitedly, causing a tremor because of the loose pajamas.
Henry turned his head awkwardly.
"Master Filger's painting exhibition?" Sylvia was interested when he heard it.
Last time Henry told Milan that she met Sylvia at Master Firge ’s painting exhibition, and
Sylvia was thinking at that time, if she could really go to Master Ferger ’s painting
exhibition, how good it would be. It has been several years, but there has been no chance.
This time I finally had a chance to relax and caught up with Master Filger's painting
exhibition, which really made Lin please Han.
Sylvia looked at Henry and asked Henry what he meant, "Husband, what do you think?"
"Then go, we met at Filger's painting exhibition. It's good to revisit this time." Henry Sylvia
blinked his eyes.
Sylvia blushed even more when he thought about what he had done for Milan in order to
save face.
Regarding tourism, this is the final decision. The three of them plan to take a flight
tomorrow. Naturally, the money or the like is not within the scope of the three.
Henry asked Lin to ask Han to take a rest first, and said that he still had an accident and left
After leaving home, I looked at the time and it was more than nine o'clock. It was summer,
and the genius had not been long before it was dark.
Thinking about it, Henry called Jenny and asked her about her situation.
"Your cell phone is off. It's really just in time." Jenny said on the phone. "You saved me that
"We are green forest heroes, seeing the road unevenly, drawing a knife to help." Henry
patted his chest. "General drug addiction has some sequelae. Drink as much water and
sweat as possible during this time, otherwise you will feel no energy recently."
"You called to tel me this?" Jenny said quietly.
"Yeah, stay out in the future, keep an eye out," Henry reminded.
Jenny sighed, "Watch how tired you are. If I were like Sylvia, it would be nice if you were
with you ..."
241 Beast is always a beast
At ten in the evening, at night in Yinzhou, during this time, the bar is the place with the
most people.
The construction of the city is limited, and people's usual ways of entertainment are also
restricted. The pastime method that most people choose is to sit in a bar with friends and
have a drink.
In a small bar, three young people were sitting on a small table, a few glasses of wine, and
the voices of the three young people gradual y grew louder.
"Xiaofeng, I heard that you did something terrible today and smashed the cell phone of
President Lin?" One of the youths looked at the person sitting opposite him with envy.
"What's the matter, I didn't know that she was the president of Lin, but you don't say that,
this girl is real, after I grabbed her mobile phone, you don't know the photos in the album,
Gee, Meide Very, the old man I watched real y wanted to press the girl on the bed. If he
could make a round of it, he would be willing to live ten years less, ha ha ha!
"The young man named Xiao Feng smiled wryly.
"Hey, when you said you pushed that girl, you didn't touch it twice. This kind of woman is
definitely very well maintained. You can think of it just by looking at it. The skin is
absolutely tender."
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh felt
"That's absolutely enjoyable!"
The three young men sat together and gave a trivial laughter.
The three of them didn't find it. While they were stil thinking, more and more people were
drinking around their table. Even the bar attendants disappeared, and the bar door slowly
"You really don't know, when I smashed that lady's cell phone, that lady's eyes could not kil
me, you said I would press that lady on the bed and let her look at me, what would her eyes
look like What? "Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes, already thinking of something dirty in his
"You have no chance." A voice suddenly sounded beside him.
Listening to this voice, the three of them couldn't help but shudder. This voice, as if it had
been heard under the Nine Serenities, made people feel a horror in this hot summer.
When the three of them looked sideways, they saw a young man who was about the same
age as him, standing beside him.
"Boy, who the hell are you?" Xiaofeng's alcohol came up, the kind of fear shook his head,
and he disappeared.
"Which hand smashed the phone?" Henry's eyes looked at Xiaofeng, his eyes as if he were
looking at a dead person.
"Yo, it's the helper that the lady found, yeah, so many people are watching around, do you
stil want to beat someone?" Xiao Feng yelled and turned his head to look at the people
around, but this one glance, he only Found that the surrounding situation has completely
There is no bottle of wine on the tables of these people around. Obviously, these people are
not drinking.
The music in the bar stopped sometime, and the waiters all disappeared. The atmosphere
of the whole bar, I don't know when, has become very depressed.
Three Xiaofeng, then realized that something was wrong.
"Say, which hand smashed the phone?" Henry said again.
This time, Xiaofeng dared not speak anymore. He didn't even have the courage to look at
Henry's eyes and closed his mouth.
"You two said." Henry glanced at the two young men who were drinking with Xiaofeng.
"Brother, it's none of my business! I honestly go to work during the day, I don't know
anything." The young people who had just said some nasty words waved again and again,
their faces full of fear.
To put it bluntly, they are just ordinary people. They just thought about something in their
heads, and they still feel very cool, but they are really afraid of behemoths like Lin, they
said they are not afraid, that is impossible!
Another young man quickly confessed his mistake, "Brother, I ... I don't know about this, I
just listen to what people say, this ... this has nothing to do with me!"
"I ask what you two do, what do you answer." Henry's voice was very plain, and he was not
as swearing as others, but the deterrent he brought was not affordable for ordinary people.
Some people show how good and kind they are, but his nature will not change. If someone
says he has changed, it can only be said that he has learned to control his temper.
The king of the underground world, the majesty of Lord Satan, how many dare to challenge!
Henry showed a good talk, that was in front of the people he knew, and in front of the
people he was close to, the enemies of Lord Satan, only two words to him.
This is also the origin of Satan's name!
The two young men looked at each other, and they saw the fear in each other's eyes.
"Last time I asked, which hand smashed the phone, whoever said it first, left." Henry's voice
rang again, leaving the air full of chil s.
"Yes ... yes ... is the left hand." A young man beside Xiaofeng shuddered.
Henry didn't say anything. A person standing next to Henry directly grabbed Xiao Feng's
arm and twisted hard.
Xiaofeng's arm was rotated a full circle by an irresistible force. It can be seen that
Xiaofeng's entire arm was twisted into a twist, and Xiaofeng's entire face was twisted into a
piece, sending painful misery Cries.
This scene scared the faces of Xiaofeng's two friends.
The person next to Henry let go of Xiao Feng's hand, and Xiao Feng stepped back and forth,
fell on the sofa, his face pale, his head burst with sweat, and his mouth kept breathing cold
air, but he didn't dare to have a little disrespect .
"Brother! We are real y innocent, it has nothing to do with us!" The two people next to
Xiaofeng are crying now, and they can see that these people are definitely not joking, just
Just a moment ago, I directly twisted Xiaofeng's arm, so I won't talk about the pain, and I
think it would be a waste in the rest of my life!
"It's okay?" Henry's mouth twitched a smile. "Just the two of you were chatting a lot."
A bitter look appeared on their faces.
One of them quickly gave a slap on his face, "Brother, I'm sorry, it's my mouth, it's my
mouth, let me go!"
"Leave you alone?"
Henry heard Sylvia being bul ied by others today. As long as he thought about Sylvia's
smashing of his mobile phone before, he felt depressed when he was helpless.
And these people are still making fun of this matter, loudly talking about some obscene
things, put it on any man, can't bear it.
Even a cowardly man will not al ow his woman to be bullied by others, let alone men who
are capable.
This time, without Henry opening, Henry walked out from behind him, grabbed the col ars
of Xiao Feng's three people, and dragged them towards the back al ey of the bar.
The phone that you smashed with the hand, which hand was discarded, and guilty of using
your mouth, then let them never speak.
Henry has never been a benevolent person.
242 Fiona
After Helen left, the power of the Aoba Society was given to the leopard head.
Leopard's first year of age was older, and his elder brother Leigong had abdicated.
When Helen handed over the power to him, the leopard's head was natural y announced. In
the future, the size of Aoba will be decided by Henry.
Regarding Henry, the senior executives of the Aoba Society are no longer familiar with it.
Few people will object, and no one dares to object.
In this way, although Aobasha seems to be an unowned state, its cohesion and loyalty are
higher than ever before.
In the face of Lei Gong or Helen, some people may stil have extra ideas, but anyone who has
seen Henry's means, no one dares to have any other ideas. Henry's deterrent power is
deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
The person who came out to work with Henry this time was the person from the Aoba
Society, a man named Xiao Li, who specifically contacted Henry.
After finishing the matter, everyone came out of the bar.
Xiao Li is a man in his twenties and looks very young. He stood respectfully in front of
Henry, "Brother Zhang, if there is nothing wrong, I will take the people away first."
"Wel ." Henry nodded.
With Henry's permission, Xiao Li took the people and left here.
In the back alley of the bar, there were three young people lying, all mouths ful of blood and
When they wake up, they will ful y understand the problem. The arrogance without
strength is to bring disaster for themselves.
Whether it is the underground world or not, a principle is always rampant, that is, the
winner is king.
At the same time, in a villa in the water town.
The interior of the villa is luxuriously decorated. A man and a woman are sitting on the
sofa. The man is about fifty years old. He is simple in dress and has traces of wind and frost
on his face. The appearance of a woman in her forties is very well maintained. Do some
yoga, the body does not look bloated, precious cosmetics smeared on the face, with a pearl
necklace on the neck.
This man and a woman are Sam's parents, Zheng Kai and Fiona.
The two of them have heard of what happened today.
"My mother is so defeated, I said long ago, you can't spoil him so much! Now it's better to
see what he does! It's il egal to try to insult her! This is a blame!" But more still helpless, he
lit a cigarette, the smoke floated, and on the coffee table in front of him, a cigarette butt full
of ashtrays was already stuffed.
Zheng Kai can't really understand what his son is like.
Fiona was sitting next to him, his face was very ugly, and his hands were hugging his chest,
"That's my son, what happened to me? I said his surname is Zheng, aren't you well-
connected? Why, this time it doesn't work anymore ? I tell you that your son has been in it
for a few hours, and you quickly find a way to get him out! "
"It's difficult." Zheng Kai shook his head and frowned. "He is the one who caused the Lin
family this time, and he also made the matter so big. This time, the matter is not easy to
"I don't care what Lin's or Mori's family is." Fiona grabbed the teacup in front of him and
threw it to the ground, breaking it. , Both of us are done! "
After leaving this sentence, Fiona rushed upstairs.
Zheng Kai looked at Fiona's back, took a heavy breath, slowly spit out, and sighed.
Overnight quietly passed.
"I said Sylvia, are you okay, don't bring any luggage!" Milan stood at the door of the villa
and shouted into the room. "At twelve o'clock, we are going to the airport at ten o'clock,
which is eight o'clock. Half way! "
"Come here, I said you are a girl, what's the hurry?" Sylvia wore a sky-blue long dress,
appeared in the sky, long hair draped behind him, giving people an intellectual beauty
while carrying A touch of cuteness.
Henry carried a backpack and was already standing outside the courtyard of the villa,
waiting for the car.
"Henry, where is the car?"
The two women walked out of the yard and asked.
"It should be close to the door of the community, let's go out and wait." Henry responded
and walked towards the door of the community.
The three of them talked and laughed all the way. Milan said that she planned the trip, first
take Henry and Sylvia to visit, and then go.
While chatting, an unexpected person by Sylvia appeared in front of the three people.
Wearing the rich Fiona, blocked the way of the three people.
As soon as he saw Sylvia, Fiona yelled and said, "Are you surnamed Lin, you're still not a
person! Have a conscience! We and your dad have known each other for so many years,
how did you do it?"
When Sylvia saw Fiona, she understood why Fiona came. She did not give Fiona a good
"Aunt Wang, what's going on, I believe you should understand that this thing has been
Sam's one thing from beginning to end. If he wants to frame my husband, he should have
thought of such a result."
"Your husband?" Fiona smiled contemptuously, "Sylvia, what your husband called, really
used to it!"
After Fiona finished speaking, he looked at Henry again, "Boy, you are just a son-in-law of
the Lin family. Do you think that the Lin family will really turn over because of you and our
Zheng family? If you know, just go to the police station when nothing happened.
Dismiss the case and let my son go, otherwise, you will feel good! "
"Home-in-law?" Milan heard Fiona's words, and he was shocked, and looked at Sylvia and
Henry with a puzzled face.
Sylvia changed his face, whispered to Milan, etc., and explained it to you, then he said to
Fiona: "Fiona, I think you are an elder and give you a face. This thing is Sam wrong, he You
should be punished. If you have anything, just talk to the police. Do n’t threaten us, Lin, nor
bul y! Let ’s go! ”
Sylvia grabbed the hands of Henry and Milan, bypassed Fiona, and strode forward.
Fiona screamed at Sylvia's back and shouted, "Sylvia! I tell you this, our Zheng family and
your Lin family will never end so easily. Let's just wait and see!"
In the face of Fiona's threat, Sylvia ignored it. Until he left, Sylvia let Henry and Milan loose
their hands.
Milan looked at Sylvia's ugly face, and did not ask the doubts in his heart again, but he was
thinking about the problem himself.
The car appointed by the three people had already stopped at the entrance of the
community. Henry took the initiative to sit on the co-pilot, leaving the two positions in the
back row to Sylvia and Milan.
The vehicle slowly moved towards the airport.
Fiona stood at the door of the community, looked at the license plate number, made a
phone cal and went out, "Help me check the silver A65992 license plate to see where to go,
and check the whereabouts of this slut Sylvia!"
Chapter 243
Between the three, the originally harmonious and cheerful atmosphere became a little
depressed because of the appearance of Fiona.
Sitting in the online car, Sylvia said nothing.
Milan and Henry saw Lin please Han, did not speak.
At the airport, Henry took the initiative to handle all the formalities. Sylvia and Milan sat in
the lounge next to the waiting room. First-class treatment was much better than Economy
Class, including in the terminal.
The three are not bad money, and they are not hypocritical enough to spend money.
In the lounge, only when Sylvia and Milan were two people, Sylvia finally took the initiative
to say, "Milan, will you laugh at me?"
"What?" Milan was stunned by Sylvia's question and immediately responded. "Sylvia, I
thought what you would say, but I asked this, and I said you haven't said anything, you
won't just think about this Things. "
Sylvia nodded and shook his head again.
Milan covered his mouth and smiled, "Sylvia, is Henry real y your son-in-law?"
"Hmm." Sylvia shook his head slightly.
"You can be lucky, find a son-in-law at your door, and find the treasure, this one, how much
is a month?" Milan looked at Henry, who was going through the procedures outside,
through the glass window of the lounge and reached out.
Sylvia extended two fingers, "Twenty thousand."
"It's so cheap?" Milan heard it, his eyes widened, and he didn't believe it. "This product
knows Chinese medicine and can also play the piano. It also has a good attainment in
painting. The skil of cooking is amazing even when my teacher meets , At the critical time, I
can save you, 20,000 a month? Give me ten, 300,000 a month, the old lady will change the
placard every day! "
Milan waved very generously.
Sylvia lovelyly spit out his little tongue, "I didn't know he knew so much at that time."
Milan covered his forehead. "Either I said, Sylvia, your life is really good, but then, with
your personality, this door-in-law, certainly not what you asked for?"
"No." Sylvia shook his head. Sylvia was a little funny when he thought of his appearance
against Henry. Those memories are stil in my heart. It is quite interesting to think of it now.
"I was strongly opposed at that time."
"Strongly opposed at the time? Now a husband called happy, you Girl, are you acting in
front of me, or do you real y like Henry?" A pair of beautiful eyes in Milan looked at Sylvia
up and down as if she wanted to control her See through.
Sylvia's face turned red unnatural y, "Who likes him, anyway, now you can see it, you want
you to take it away."
"Don't like it?" Milan's weird look, "I said Sylvia, you girl, wouldn't you have been with
Milan raised his eyebrows at Sylvia, which could not be more clear.
"You dead girl, what do you say!" Sylvia stretched out his pink fist and hammered on Milan.
Two such beautiful women sat and snarled together, forming a beautiful landscape that
attracted people around.
Soon, Henry completed the check-in formalities and came over, and the three joined the
After sitting down, Milan leaned over to Henry and whispered in Henry's ear: "Henry, you
can't do this, how long has it been, and haven't settled Sylvia? I really don't know if
you should be a gentleman or a beast Not as good as that, would n’t you have a problem in
that respect? "
Henry looked startled and found that Milan was looking at himself with a very weird look.
He glanced at his mouth, "I will do it, shall you try it?"
"Go thick!" Milan shook Henry's eyes wide, put the seat down, and lay there to sleep.
When Milan lay down, only Sylvia was sitting next to Henry, probably because of the
relationship between being dismantled in front of Milan, and there was a little
embarrassment between the two.
"Wife, don't worry too much about some things, life is like this, and many things are not as
planned by yourself." Henry comforted.
Sylvia nodded and said nothing. The woman had her own thoughts in her heart.
From Yinzhou to Hangzhou City, it takes only three hours without transfer.
At 3:05 in the afternoon, the plane landed at Hangshi Airport. Even before coming, Henry
had thought that Hangshi was much hotter than Yinzhou. When he arrived, he found that it
was not described in many words.
The fever of Yinzhou belongs to that kind of dry heat.
However, the fever in Hangzhou belongs to that kind of sultry heat. Henry became sweaty
just after getting off the plane.
Yesterday, the three discussed. After arriving in Hangzhou, they lived directly in Milan.
When he left the airport, Milan saw a red Ferrari parked outside the terminal. When he saw
the license plate, Milan frowned, "Why is he?"
"Who?" Sylvia asked curiously.
"Remember the one I told you before, cal ed Yang Haifeng." Milan raised a mouthful.
Sylvia thought for a while and replied: "I'm a little impressed, is that the one you are
particularly annoyed with?"
"Yeah." Milan sighed. "At that time, in order to avoid Yang Haifeng's harassment, I
specifically asked my mother to introduce me to an object. Who knows that the day my
blind date came, the object that my mother introduced did not come, and let me dry That
afternoon, I was seen by Yang Haifeng. At that time, I had the heart to die. Only then did I
apply to transfer to Fa Guo. Who knows where Yang Haifeng went to my contact
information. I sent a dozen messages a day. It's annoying to death. This will let him see me
coming back. I won't have to spend much time these days. He is like a fly! "
Milan was stil talking, just heard a hello voice with a surprise in his voice.
"Milan? Are you back? God, I'm not mistaken!"
Henry looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a young man in his twenties, about 1.57
meters tall, wearing short-sleeved shorts, with short hair, wearing sunglasses on his face,
and was excited Came towards this side.
"Hey, it really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived." Milan sighed helplessly, "Let's clear
Han Han, ignore him."
With that said, Milan took Sylvia's arm and walked outside the airport.
Before two steps, Yang Haifeng was blocked in front of the three people.
"Milan, what do you see me going, don't you miss me? For such a long time, I can dream of
you every night, dreaming of you and my lingering appearance, you lie in my arms and tel
me Do you love me, do you know that every midnight and at this time, I will wake up
laughing. "
Yang Haifeng looked at Milan affectionately.
This time, Henry and Sylvia, understand why Milan hates this man, such a disgusting look,
personal y can not accept it.
Episode 244
"Enough!" Milan snorted. "Yang Haifeng, I have nothing to do with you. You are less
disgusting me here!"
"Milan, I'm ful of you in your head. It's sad for you to say that, will you be someone else?"
Yang Haifeng put his eyes on Henry, took off his sunglasses, and said with a rather bad
face , "Boy, I don't care who you are. I'm far away from our home Milan.
Don't play Milan!"
"Absolutely no problem!" Henry didn't even think about it, directly compared with an OK
gesture, and stepped back four or five meters away in three or two steps.
Henry's movement made Sylvia not hold back, and he burst out laughing.
Milan turned his head to look at Lin Yanhan and made a mouthful of Sylvia.
Sylvia can clearly read, Milan is talking about the word without justice.
Sylvia dragged her hand helplessly, revealing a look she could do nothing about.
Milan's heart stretched across two steps, grabbed Henry's arm, and said loudly: "Well, you
are a dead man, I usually talk about how to love me, this is the time to counsel, how, just
like you Want to get a marriage certificate with me? "
Milan's words came out, Henry and Sylvia were there on the spot.
After he finished speaking, Milan looked up at Sylvia, showing a smug smile.
Sylvia looked at his girlfriend without a word, and said nothing. Forget it, just pul Henry as
a shield. Yang Haifeng was indeed disgusted.
Yang Haifeng on the side immediately locked his eyes on Henry, "Boy, you pretend to be
like me! Give you three times, and disappear in front of me, otherwise don't blame me for
being angry, even your mother is playing together ,One!"
A clear voice rang, and Henry slapped Yang Haifeng's face with a slap.
"You say one more thing?" Henry looked at Yang Haifeng and behaved calmly, but this was
precisely the prelude to his anger.
Yang Haifeng covered his face and looked at Henry in disbelief, "Boy, do you know who I
am, dare you to beat me, there are dogs that my mother has no father."
Henry slapped again and pulled Yang Haifeng's face. With just two slaps, Yang Haifeng's
face was swollen on both sides.
"Continue." Henry smiled and looked at Yang Haifeng.
This sudden change, even Milan did not expect, how could this be the case? The identity of
Yang Haifeng, Milan is clear. Although this guy is not good for disgusting people, but the
power is there, Henry so beat him, it must be an accident.
Sylvia knew very clearly why Henry suddenly started. When chatting with Henry before,
Sylvia knew about Henry's family.
Now in this Haifeng Yang, Henry's parents hang on every word. Who can bear it?
Sylvia thinks from another angle, if this Yang Haifeng, dare to say that his mother, he will
not help but smoke him.
The loved ones who have passed away are the pain that stays in the hearts of people
Yang Haifeng, who was slapped with two slaps, felt a burning pain on his face, even his back
molars, because the two slaps began to shake.
Henry grinned and smiled: "Go ahead, why don't you say it?"
Henryyang raised his palm, and that slap could be waving at any time.
Milan stood aside and glanced, seeing that several security guards at the airport had
approached this side. She looked anxious and said to Yang Haifeng: "Yang Haifeng, if you
are upset, you will be arrested by the police. Do n’t talk about it! "
"Alarm? I bah!" Yang Haifeng spit out blood foam, he pointed to Henry, "Boy, in Hangzhou,
Laozi has no less than one hundred ways to kil you. Is the police cheaper
for you? If you dare to stay in Hangzhou for a day, Lao Tzu will make you worse than life! "
Yang Haifeng had just finished speaking. The security guard of the airport came over and
asked Yang Haifeng: "Sir, is there anything I need to help?"
"No, get away!" Yang Haifeng shoved away several security guards with a frantic face and
strode out.
Seeing Yang Haifeng's attitude, these security guards wouldn't find it boring. They wouldn't
leave it here when nothing happened.
Milan saw a sigh of relief when she saw this. She still knew the character of Yang Haifeng
very well. She just said that deliberately, but she did n’t want to involve the matter with the
police. Not just bullying.
"Henry, I'm sorry, I just wanted to make a joke, but I didn't expect things to develop like
this." Milan apologized to Henry.
"It's okay." Henry waved his hand.
Henry ’s heart is extremely sensitive. When two people are involved, he will be unable to
control his temper. One is Sylvia, who brings him a new life, and the other is his mother.
These are also the two most important in Henry ’s life. Women.
The three of them left the airport, took a taxi, and went to the city.
For a long time, Henry has not heard Sylvia mention what Milan's family is doing, and Milan
has kept silent about his family.
But when Henry saw the place where Milan lived, he probably understood a lot.
The place where Milan lives is a real wealthy area. Although it is an ordinary smal high-rise
with an area of about 130 square meters, you must know that the house price here, the
average price, is 193,300 square meters!
If you want to get this price to Yinzhou City, it is estimated that you will be scared to lay a
large group of people. Yinzhou City has developed rapidly in the past two years, and the
house price has doubled. The most expensive one is only 12,000. Luohe City, the best
location, the house is less than three thousand square meters.
Large cities can only be experienced by people who come here.
Milan's parents knew in advance that Milan was coming back and prepared a good table at
Although Milan tried his best to prevent it, Henry and Sylvia still offered some gifts before
going upstairs.
"Dad, Mom, I'm back." Milan opened the door, and as soon as he entered, he saw the second
old man.
Milan's parents looked at their daughter with a smile, but when they saw Henry standing
behind Milan, the expression of Milan's parents solidified completely.
Similarly, Henry, who was originally smiling, was also stunned.
At this time, Henry had an idea in mind.
what's the situation? Isn't Milan surnamed Mi? How is her dad Xiaoshan!
Yes, Henry knows Milan's parents, and Milan's parents also know Henry.
The weirdness between Milan ’s parents and Henry naturally did n’t escape Sylvia ’s and
Milan ’s eyes, and they looked at the three with great puzzlement.
"Henry, do you know my parents?"
Henry said with a smile, "That ... Uncle Xiao, Aunt Xiao, I haven't seen you for a long time ..."
245 The Story of the Year
Milan's father Xiao Shan looked at Henry without saying a word, but he could see that Xiao
Shan's breath gradually became more rapid.
Milan's mother, however, had red eyes and whimpered silently.
"Mom and dad, you are ..." Milan looked at the situation in front of him, his head full of mist.
"Mir, he is your son Aunt Song!" Milan's mother did not hold back, and tears and voice
appeared together.
"Aunt Song!" Milan was shocked to hear this title.
Similarly, Sylvia's expression also became very exciting.
Sylvia and Milan are best friends and have heard many things about Milan.
Many years ago, Milan's family was not very wealthy, or even a little poor. At that time,
Milan suffered from sepsis. This disease, also known as venomemia, caused the patient to
have pustules and pain to shock Tumors will continue to metastasize and infect,
which will affect the heart, bone marrow, and brain of the patient. People with this disease
can be said to have been saved without a suitable bone marrow transplant.
Milan had long told Sylvia that she was a child picked up by her parents. At the time of the
sepsis, Milan ’s parents had no way at all. Even if they wanted to change the bone marrow,
they could n’t afford the money. Every day they saw Milan in pain. However, their hearts
were like a knife.
Fortunately, at that time, Xiao Shan found a person who voluntarily donated bone marrow.
That person was Henry's mother, Song Xiang.
This is a very ordinary woman, her name is very ordinary, people are also very ordinary,
not very well-dressed, and can even be called tattered.
Xiao Shan and his wife took Milan to Yinzhou and changed their bone marrow.
At that time, Milan was only eight years old and Henry was ten years old.
Perhaps at that time, Henry's mother had already thought of retreating. Her request was to
hope that the Xiaoshan couples would, in the future, take care of their son if they could.
When the bone marrow transplant operation was completed, Milan's sepsis was
completely healed, and the Xiao Shan and his wife gathered some money to repay Song
Xiang, but could not find Song Xiangren.
When Henry was 14 years old, he met Xiao Shan and told Xiao Shan that his mother was
gone. At that time, Henry lived in Xiao Shan's house for a while. At that time, Milan was only
twelve years old, and Xiao Xiao's family was not in Hangzhou.
Henry is the child of a life-saving benefactor. Xiao Shan and his wife treat Henry like a
biological son.
At that time, Milan also told Henry that if he grew up, he would marry him.
Xiao Shan and his wife also thought about it, so they raised Henry together, and when the
two children were older, it was a good thing to arrange for them to start a family.
It's a pity that things didn't develop in the direction that Xiao Shan and his wife thought.
Henry stayed in Xiao Shan for three months and left a letter to leave quietly. This walk was
a decade.
In ten years, it can change too much, and the couple Xiaoshan have already given birth to
white hair.
The little girl who was behind Henry's butt and shouted to marry him had grown up, even if
there was no news in the past decade, the little girl had forgotten Henry's name.
And Henry, in this decade, has also become a king of the underground world by a person
who is helpless and helpless.
This time, it was the first time Henry had met with Xiao Shan and his wife after he left ten
years ago.
Even in the past ten years, Xiao Shan and his wife recognized Henry at a glance. As for the
two, except for more white hair and more wrinkles, there was little change.
Milan ’s mother walked slowly in front of Henry, reaching for Henry ’s cheek. Her eyes were
very red, and her tears ran down, her voice choked: "Child, you left without saying a word.
It's been ten years! "
"I ..." Henry opened his mouth, speechless.
The poor life in the early years made Henry more mature than his peers.
Fourteen-year-old Henry, in order not to drag the Xiaoshan couple, left silently.
Unexpectedly, ten years later, the life of the Xiaoshan couple was also on the right track,
living in a tens of millions of houses, watching these two elders live Not bad, Henry is also
happy for them.
"Okay, okay." Xiao Shan is a man, not as distracted as his wife. "Today my daughter has
returned, and she has brought Xiaoxuan back. This is a good thing. Look, the girl Sylvia also
came. I have n’t seen it in two years. It ’s getting more and more beautiful. I
’m going to sit on the table to eat. Today, it ’s really a good time. Everyone has no shortage
of them. Drink two more glasses! ”
Xiao Shan turned around and took a bottle of wine.
The mother of Milan wiped the tears on her face and said to Xiao Shan: "You, just look at
the opportunity to drink!"
"Why don't you let me drink with Henry?" Xiao Shan took out a bottle of beautiful y
packaged wine.
Henry recognized Xiao Shan's wine at a glance. "Mao Wu met. There are a limited number
of 2,017 sets in the world. Uncle Xiao, you can't drink any of this wine. Today I'm blessed. "
Upon hearing this, Xiao Shan gave thumbs up to Henry, "Henry, okay, I can see my baby at a
Milan ’s mother saw Henry not showing up at all, and there was a smile of relief on her face,
"Henry, your uncle Xiao, this wine has always been reluctant to drink. Today you are here,
you two let go and come, go to the table , Sylvia, sit down. "
Milan's mother greeted Sylvia again and again.
Sylvia's eyes glanced back and forth between Henry and Milan, his eyes full of complex
I remember when I was in college, Sylvia and Milan liked to lie on the lawn of the school,
dreaming about what kind of husband they would look for in the future.
Sylvia said that he wanted to find a master of qin chess and books, and he had the same
hobbies as himself. Now, Sylvia has found it. Although the start of the understanding is not
perfect, now, Sylvia is very happy that he and Henry know each other.
At that time, Sylvia also asked Milan to talk about what she was looking for after she had
talked about the ideal in her heart.
Milan said that she didn't have so many thoughts. She just wanted to find a figure that had
been blurred in her memory, but the chance was like a haystack. I am afraid there is no
hope in this life.
Milan was joking with Sylvia at that time, if he couldn't find the person he was looking for,
he would spend his whole life alone. When he was lonely, he asked Sylvia's husband to get
rid of it. Since Sylvia found such a good husband, then he would be fat.
If you do n’t want to be a stranger, you can count on yourself.
Sylvia replied that if you are willing to relieve my husband's worries, I am natural y okay.
This is just a joke.
Today, Sylvia has found the person he wants to find, and Milan has also found it, but the
person they are looking for is so coincidental.
Chapter 246: Sleep Together Tonight
During the dinner, Milan rarely talked. Her eyes kept glancing between Henry and Sylvia,
wondering what she was thinking.
Liquor frequently fell, and Xiao and his wife enjoyed it.
After three trips.
"That's right." Milan's mother looked at her daughter. "Mir, I haven't asked, how did you
and Xiaoxuan know each other? Isn't that a coincidence?"
"He ..." Milan looked at Henry. For Henry's impression, she was only twelve years old when
she was only twelve months old. Milan couldn't believe it at this moment. This man was the
same person.
"Auntie." Sylvia smiled slightly, "Henry is my husband."
As soon as Sylvia's words came out, the actions of Xiao Shan's couple toasting stopped
almost at the same time.
Henry smiled, "Uncle Xiao, I'm married."
"Marry ..." Xiao Shan murmured, then smiled relaxedly, "Okay, it's good to marry, but you
kid, such a big thing, don't know to take the initiative to contact you Xiaoshu, I have never
changed for so many years. Once you have passed your mobile phone number, you can
meet your kid again one day. "
Henry smiled embarrassedly, "It didn't take long for anyone to notice this."
Xiao Shan shook his head, "Then I don't care, I don't know if I know this, since you know it,
you have to punish yourself!"
"OK." Henry raised his glass and drank the wine out of the glass with pride.
After Xiao Shan fil ed the wine for Henry, "Come on, let's touch one together, Henry, Sylvia, I
know, it's a good girl, you can't live up to others."
"Sure, sure." Henrylian nodded.
The couple of Xiao Shan raised their glasses and greeted Milan and Sylvia also raised the
wine glasses in front of them. The five wine glasses collided and made a clear sound.
During the clinking, Milan and Sylvia looked at each other. At this moment, Milan was afraid
to look at Sylvia's gaze, and a slight dodge occurred.
Xiaoshan was usual y taken care of by his wife, and he could not drink any wine. Today, he
found the opportunity to drink freely. Five people drank three bottles.
At the end of the meal, everyone was drunk.
Henry and Xiao Shan were sitting on the sofa. Xiao Shan asked Henry's experiences over
the years. Henry briefly told Xiao Shan about what happened in these years. He said that he
was traveling around. Settlement did not mention the rest.
It can be seen that even though Xiao Shan is a mature man in his fifties, his eyes are also
At that time, a 14-year-old child, who was helpless and helpless, left so quietly for ten years.
Sylvia and Milan's two women are sitting on another sofa, and their eyes are on Henry.
Because of drinking, these two beauties with completely different styles are all blushing
and have different tastes.
"Milan, if you have anything, just say chant." Sylvia looked at his girlfriend's eloquent
appearance and spoke first.
"I ..." Milan opened her mouth and, with alcohol's encouragement, her voice came out,
"Sylvia, you said before, you can divide your husband a little, can you stil count?"
Milan is facing Sylvia's gaze, this time without dodge.
Sylvia was silent for a few seconds, and smiled, "Of course it counts, this guy is paid to do
things. In the future, you will pay 10,000 each month, and you will be divided into half."
Hearing this, Milan "poofed" with a laugh: "Dead girl, tease you, look at you nervous, my
mother is in the country, there are hundreds of fresh meat groups in the harem, and you
can't overturn the brand!"
cut! Sylvia made a nuisance, "I'm so nervous." "
"Aren't you nervous?" Milan Chong Sylvia blinked his eyes wide, "Then you talk about how
to sleep tonight, my family has only three rooms."
"How to sleep ..." Sylvia hadn't realized the problem before. When Milan asked, she
immediately felt something was wrong.
Although he and Henry have been married for such a long time, they have never slept
together. Could they sleep with him tonight?
Sylvia's red face burned instantly.
"Dead girl, you are going to change from a girl to a woman tonight." Milan reached out and
pinched Sylvia's face, and walked lightly to his room.
The night view of Hangzhou City is particularly attractive. Originally, Henry and three
thought about going out at night, but things changed. After drinking a lot of wine at this
dinner, they are all very tired now. collected.
The guest bedroom has been packed up. Sylvia stood in front of the guest bedroom door for
a long time before he walked in. The little woman thought about it, even if she wanted to
sleep together, she could not let her climb into the bed after a girl.
Sitting on the bed, Sylvia only took off his shoes and socks, and a heart was like a deer
bumping. She took out her phone and slid the screen aimlessly, but her beautiful eyes
glanced at the door of the guest bedroom from time to time.
Henry and Xiao Shan had been chatting for a long time. At ten o'clock in the evening, the
two people had finished talking and had their own breaks.
The lamp in the living room went out. Henry stood in front of the guest bedroom door and
gently pushed the door open. The lamp in the guest bedroom was extinguished. In the dim
light, Henry saw a wonderful body lying on the bed.
Henry took a deep breath and sat at the bed, gently speaking: "Wife, are you asleep?"
In response to Henry, there was a silence, and Sylvia even breathing.
Henry slowly climbed into the bed, gently lifted the quilt, and lay down beside Sylvia.
The bed of the guest room was only one and a half meters. Two adults lay on it, and the
body inevitably came into contact.
At such a close distance, Henry could clearly smell the fragrance on her hair.
At the moment when Henry lay down, Lin invited Han to breathe slowly and became fast.
She didn't fall asleep, but she didn't know how to face this kind of thing. After al , this was
her first time lying with a man. On a bed, for her, this was the closest time she was close to
a man.
Henry lay on his side, his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and the woman's perfect
silhouette was printed in his eyes. Henry's eyes were ful of tenderness.
He reached out slowly and covered the towel on the woman's body. This simple movement
made the woman's body shock and felt inexplicably nervous.
Henry's arm stretched out slowly and passed under the woman's neck, gently moving the
woman into her arms.
Sylvia can clearly feel all the movements of Henry. Now, she has a deep contradiction in her
In Sylvia's heart, he is strongly engaged in ideological struggle.
Will he kiss me anymore? How to do? How to do? Should I refuse him? If I refused, would
he be angry? After all, we are already a husband and wife, but if we refused him, would it be
too fast, I was not ready yet.
Chapter 247 Valuing Henry
Sylvia's heart beat fiercely, and she could hear her heartbeat clearly in the silent darkness.
Henry's arm bent slightly.
This simple movement made Sylvia's entire body tense.
How to do? Is he going to hug me? But he has not officially chased me yet!
Sylvia was thinking wildly, and a rumble came into her ears.
This cal made Sylvia's thoughts abruptly stop.
She turned her head slightly and saw that the man beside her had closed her eyes and fell
Henry's state made Sylvia relieved, and at the same time he was a little unwilling in his
beautiful eyes.
Henry, Henry! Isn't it useless for me to be so attractive? You just fell asleep?
Lin invited Han to turn around angrily, facing Henry face-to-face, bulging her smal mouth,
her calf exerted slightly, as if venting her anger, kicking on Henry's ankle.
Lin kicked the kick out, Sylvia couldn't help it, "poo" laughed aloud, she carefully looked at
the face of the man in front of her, this is the first time she looked so careful y.
Sylvia slowly reached out his hand and put it on Henry's face, gently touching the rough
skin, so Sylvia could think of what kind of suffering this man had suffered before.
Lin invited Han Xiaoming's blushing red face, shrunk his head gently, and drilled into
Henry's arms autonomously, closing her eyes, and lying in Henry's arms, she felt an
unprecedented relief.
When sleepiness struck, Sylvia leaned against Henry's chest like this, with a tantalizing arc
at the corner of his mouth, and slept.
After Lin Yaohan fell asleep, Henry slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the woman in his
arms, extended his other hand, and put his arm around the woman's thin waist.
The next day, the morning sun shone.
Lin invited Han opened his eyes confusedly, and found that the people around him had
disappeared. This empty feeling made Sylvia feel a loss in his heart.
Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Lin invited Han to get up from the bed, just out of the bedroom,
and saw Milan sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at himself with a smile.
When Milan saw Sylvia coming out of the bedroom, he laughed and said, "Yo, dead girl, it's
quite early, not right, you haven't changed in walking, won't you be a saint again last
"What are you talking about!" Sylvia gave Milan a white look, "What about uncle and aunt?"
"The company has been very busy lately. The two of them went out early in the morning
and didn't eat breakfast."
"Oh." Sylvia nodded, asked no more, and kept his eyes on the room.
"What are you looking for? Looking for a man?" Milan got up and dangled in front of Sylvia,
and looked up and down Sylvia. "Eh, this is mysterious, Liu Xiahui, such a big beauty,
hugged and slept all night. Did n’t do anything? I did n’t say that I looked down on him! ”
"Hey! It's not good to say bad things back!" The door of the Milan house was opened from
the outside, and Henry walked in from the door.
"Fuck, how do you have the key to my house?" Milan shot Henry to the middle finger.
"Hey." Henry narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Last night, Uncle Xiao recognized me as a son,
and the key naturally gave me a hand."
Henryyang raised his hand and hung it on his hand, which was the key to Milan's house.
"Okay, you, even if I enter my house, it is also my boss." Milan rolled his eyes and urged,
"Hurry to let your wife clean up, the art exhibition and so on, and you can't even find the
parking place! "
When Sylvia saw Henry, she thought about what happened last night. She even got into the
man's arms, and she felt burnt. Without saying a word, she got into the bathroom and
started washing.
The painting exhibition of Master Figuere starts at ten o'clock in the morning at the
Hangzhou Art Center.
As a world-famous painting master, Master Firge is good at several styles of painting.
The meaning of the expressions in the painting is also worth pondering. For those who like
to paint, Master Fegel's exhibition is definitely a kind of enjoyment.
This exhibition attracted too many people. The three Henry arrived one hour before the
exhibition began, and they were able to find a parking space, still far from the art center.
As soon as he walked to the door of the exhibition, the three of Henry saw a disgusting
Yang Haifeng stood in front of the painting exhibition, beside him, and fol owed a middle-
aged man.
While the three Henry saw Yang Haifeng, Yang Haifeng also saw three of them.
"Oh, boy, I admire your courage. I thought you had left Hangzhou City overnight!" Yang
Haifeng said politely when he saw Henry.
Henry also chuckled, "I also admire your courage, you have no face pain, dare to talk to me
like this?"
Henryyang raised his palm. This action caused Yang Haifeng to take two steps back
subconsciously, fol owed by a chest, "Boy, I do n’t want to have such a fearless argument
with you. Look at your dress, if you do n’t understand If you paint, do n’t pretend to be here.

Henry did not speak, this kind of sarcasm, he listened a little too much during this time.
Yang Haifeng looked at Henry who didn't put himself in his eyes and sneered, "Let's go and
There was still an hour before the exhibition began. There was a long line at the door of the
art center. Milan counted it. If you want to enter by one ticket, the long line in front of the
light must also be lined up for an hour. After all, this It is a touring painting exhibition by
Master Filger. Every painting in it is worth a lot of gold, and security is of course in place.
It ’s boring to wait here, Milan eyes rol ed around, and finally put on Henry to watch. She
snapped her fingers and pulled Sylvia ’s arm, “Go, Sylvia, take you to an interesting The
After Milan finished talking, before Sylvia answered, he took Lin and asked Han to walk to
the other side.
Sylvia followed Milan with a lot of confusion, not knowing what Milan was going to do.
It doesn't matter if Henry, Sylvia goes, he will finish where he goes.
Sylvia saw the four characters of the talent market about fifteen minutes away from the art
The signboard of this talent market is printed on an administrative building.
Sylvia was a little puzzled, "Milan, what are you doing here, do you want to hire workers?"
"No, I will give you an estimate of the price of your 20,000 husbands in January to see how
much you have earned!" Milan squinted and pulled Sylvia to the talent market.
Henry fol owed the two women, a little speechless, give him an estimate? What price is this
Sylvia also heard this for the first time and was a bit curious.
Chapter 248 Various tests
Entering the talent market, Sylvia discovered that the layout of this administrative building
is like a commercial plaza, with unobstructed views from the first floor to the top floor.
There are also many people in the talent market, but it doesn't seem cluttered.
There is an aisle dedicated to recruiting people, and job-seekers are standing aside,
showing their best mental state, and beside them, there is a brand standing, each brand
looks the same, Covered with the same chapter, the sign reads the basic information of the
job seeker and the price.
Here, there is no such noise, and job seekers are not in a hurry to promote themselves.
The sign next to them is the best introduction to them.
This is the first time Sylvia has seen this talent market, and he is very curious.
Milan explained to Sylvia that this talent market is actually similar to an intermediary
center, but they have their own assessment method. Those who come to apply for a job will
pass the assessment of the intermediary center. According to their personal abilities, Get a
comprehensive annual salary price.
After hearing Milan say this, Sylvia probably understood how Milan wanted to value Henry.
This talent market is very well-known in Hangzhou, and they only do high-end. It can be
seen that the minimum salary for starting a job search is 200,000 yuan per year, and
everyone has a professional field of expertise. Some people, even more Is proficient in
several specialties.
When the boss recruits people from here, he will pay a certain intermediary fee to the
talent center, while job seekers, when appraising their skill level, will also pay a certain fee
to the talent center, and pay a certain deposit. Refundable after one year.
The appraisal result of the talent center is very authoritative. When the boss finds that the
person he recruited from the talent center can not reach the level of the talent center
appraisal, the talent center will double the agency fee and the applicant ’s deposit will be
Being detained, on the whole, it is very difficult to get bored in this talent center.
Under the leadership of Milan, Sylvia made a round. Many of the people with an annual
salary of 230,000 to 300,000 were talented by Sylvia. However, Sylvia ’s current thinking is
not in recruiting people. She also wants to hurry Henry made a price evaluation, which was
about Henry, which made Sylvia feel very interesting.
For this price evaluation, Henry himself refused, but could not bear the soft and hard
bubbles of the two women, Henry finally had to choose to compromise.
The talent center has seven floors.
At the first level, job seekers have an annual salary between 200,000 and 500,000.
The second layer is between 500,000 and 800,000.
The third floor, 800,000 to 1.5 million.
The fourth floor, 1.5 mil ion to 3 million.
The fifth floor, three to five mil ion.
Sixth floor, five to eight mil ion.
The seventh floor, eight mil ion upwards.
Many people who can apply for a job on the fourth floor are worth more than the average
boss. This kind of talent is that they pick the boss, not the boss.
For vocational skil s assessment, it can be done directly in this appraisal center.
Milan is still familiar with this place.
She took Sylvia and Henry to the assessment hall on the first floor and looked at the
assessment offices in front of her.
"Sylvia, you said let Henry first, which aspect is better?"
At this moment, in front of Henry and Sylvia, there are many categories, such as finance,
investment, design, construction, security ...
Almost all fields are covered.
Normal people have their own domains.
But Henry is different. As far as Milan and Sylvia are known, Henry is proficient in several
Sylvia glanced, "Then start with the first one, let him try one by one."
Milan patted Henry on the shoulder and glanced at Henry, "Go, Pikachu!"
Henry looked at Sylvia's exciting look and sighed helplessly. After paying the cost of the
test, he walked towards the first appraisal room with security.
Milan and Sylvia bought a cup of milk tea alone in the hall, so they could comfortably wait
for Henry on the massage chair.
When Henry came to the security appraisal room, he found that there were many people in
it, and there were special people responsible for arranging. When Henry entered the
security room, the first thing was to hit a punch on a strength testing machine. After three
points of effort, the test results obtained were arranged by someone and taken to another
room for a private test.
Then, Henry came to the room about financial testing. After just a few words, Henry was
arranged by a special person to go to a smal room for a separate test.
Investment, music, painting, engineering, medical, IT, language ... there are countless
Henry ’s test results, each time let a special person in charge to test him separately, many
people who test before Henry are stil waiting in line for the next test, Henry has completed
a project under the arrangement of a special person For all tests, go to the next one.
A person who is also looking for a job, watching Henry keep going in and out of one room
after another, and each time he stays for a short time, he can't help but sneer. For this kind
of person, he sees more, this kind of person simply does not Knowing your own position
and learning a bit of fur in school, I feel that I can do everything. I only found myself in the
end and couldn't do anything at all!
For an hour, Henry also ran ten professional test halls, and looked at the remaining majors.
Henry didn't go after thinking about it. He real y wanted to run again. I don't know how
Henry found the staff, and the staff left Henry's phone number, let Henry go around
casually, and will contact him after the identification result comes out.
Henry nodded and said that he understood.
In the lounge, I found Sylvia and two girls who were lying on the massage chairs and
"Why? After the appraisal? Is the result coming out?" Sylvia asked Henry when she saw it.
She was also eager to know that her 20,000-month-old husband, under the appraisal of the
professional center, should have an annual salary. How many.
Sylvia has an estimated price in his mind, at least in the fourth tier, with an annual salary of
1.5 million to 3 million.
As for going higher, Sylvia didn't think about it. Now the entire Lin Group, the highest-paid
employee, has an annual salary of 800,000.
Henry shook his head, "The results have to wait, people said they would contact me later."
"An, people always have a comprehensive assessment. Let's go, Sylvia. Take you to meet an
excellent man. By the way, Henry feels a little bit crisis." Milan sat up from the massage
chair and pulled Sylvia Hand, walk towards the escalator.
Chapter 249
Milan took Sylvia and walked directly to the top floor.
It can be seen that the more people go up, the fewer people seek jobs. After all, the elite
with an annual salary of several mil ion is not everywhere. These are al top talents in a
On the sixth floor, Sylvia found that the people who stood on the sixth floor for job hunting,
whether male or female, were young, full of vigor, and their facial features and physique
were excellent.
In the field of boss recruitment, there are also some unspoken rules, such as not recruiting
fast marriages, not recruiting newly married, because these two, no matter which, there
will be a long vacation, such as marriage leave, maternity leave, these will be counted by
the boss Within the cost, these people will have some disadvantages compared to the same
level of job seekers.
People who seek jobs on the sixth floor will never let the boss have these concerns.
They will make it clear that they will not have marriage leave or maternity leave within a
few years of their tenure.
Sylvia glanced at the sixth floor. The entire sixth floor, there were only a few more than
twenty people, which made the whole sixth floor look very empty, but there were many
people walking in the aisle. Some people just come here to admire and look at the elites
with an annual salary of millions.
"These started with double master degrees, proficient in various fields, and excellent in
body reports." Sylvia stood in front of a young woman and asked several questions to the
other party. The other party al answered the questions smoothly. Some answers let Lin
invite Han All were amazed.
For such talents, Lin invited Han as an enterprise boss, to say that he is unimpressed, that is
false, but Lin's scale is stil too small. It is still a waste to put these talents in Lin.
"Let's go to Sylvia and go to the seventh floor." Milan greeted him and pulled Sylvia to the
seventh floor.
Henry fol owed behind the two women and looked casually.
Before going to the seventh floor, Sylvia had thought that there might be fewer people
seeking jobs on the seventh floor, but she found that this number was even less than she
Throughout the seventh floor, there were only three people looking for jobs, and they were
all young men. These three men must have a face. Everyone ’s facial features are very
handsome. They need to have a figure. Just like their talents, at a glance, a security
professional has not only won several 80-kg Sanda champions in Hangzhou, but also is
proficient in the three languages. The special forces retired. I took a few items, and at the
same time, I also studied the financial aspects.
On the sign in front of this person, a note was written specifical y, that is, this person's
achievements in the financial field alone are worth an annual salary of 1.8 mil ion.
There is no shortage of rich people in Hangzhou. Gu is such an excellent man as a personal
bodyguard. For many women, they are very happy.
Sylvia ’s eyes glanced again at the next person. From the facial features, this person was a
mixed race. His handsome face would make those girls crazy. His short hair appeared
capable and masculine, with a height of 1.85 meters. , Is definitely the most ideal type for
"Oh, my God, ma'am, you are so beautiful."
Sylvia looked at it and didn't speak first, saying hel o to the initiative.
On this person's information board, he signed Wang Lun, aged 27.
Sylvia smiled slightly, "You have won the prize."
"Madam, if you are here to recruit people, I will be happy to serve you." Wang Lun bent
slightly, his right hand slid naturally along his side, and made a Western etiquette.
Sylvia glanced at Wang Lun's annual salary assessment, which is 11 mil ion. This price is
now the highest in the talent center. Of course, Wang Lun's talent is also worthy of his high
annual salary.
He holds a Ph.D. in finance and graduated from Oxford University in Yingguo. He has piano
level nine. He has made a total of seven financial investments and made a total profit of
1.12 billion yuan.
The whole introduction card about Wang Lun was written densely.
Sylvia smiled politely at Wang Lun, "Mr. Wang, our small company, can't keep you this big
"Beautiful lady, for your service, I can charge you no fees. There are also several companies
under the banner of Youren. Maybe I can reach a cooperation with you, and you and I
should have a wonderful story. "Wang Lun showed a confident smile, and his eyes were
always on Sylvia."
For a talent like Wang Lun, he is no longer an ordinary job seeker, but a successful person.
Sylvia's face became a little unpleasant, and she embraced Henry's arm. "Sorry, Mr.
Wang, I'm married. This is my husband. The wonderful story you tell will not happen to us."
"Oh?" Wang Lun accidental y glanced at Henry. If Sylvia didn't say it, he couldn't really see
it. This man who looks a little brighter than his face turned out to be the beautiful woman's
husband. , You and your husband are really unsuitable. "
"Not as good as it is, it's not your turn to speak." Henry glanced at Wang Lun and said.
As a man, Henry must not be able to bear being so provocatively provoked.
Wang Lun chuckled, "Sir, I do n’t know what kind of self-confidence you have, can be with
this lady, or that your achievements can be contemptuous."
When Wang Lun spoke, he pointed his finger at the identity card in front of him.
Each message recorded above highlights Wang Lun's difference.
Faced with this, Henry shook his head without speaking.
Perhaps in the eyes of others, Wang Lun's achievements are amazing.
But for Henry, it was written on the top line, and he made more than a billion yuan through
finance, which he completed several years ago.
Compared with Henry, known as the god of Wall Street, Wang Lun's achievements are
really too insignificant.
Henry stood in front of Wang Lun and reviewed Wang Lun from beginning to end, "I don't
know what the company under your name does, nor how big your company is, but now
You, since you stand here, you should maintain the respect that a job seeker deserves. If
you can't even do this, you are not worthy to stand here. This is where you show your
talent, but it does not make you proud People's place, if I am the boss, you are such a thing,
I will be on the first day, because you left your foot first to enter the company's door, let
you get out! "
Henry's remarks were extremely sharp and his voice was not concealed, so that many
people could hear clearly.
Many people looked at their eyes at once, wondering what happened.
On the seventh floor of the Talent Center, there have been few quarrels.
Chapter 250 Yang Yuan
Henry was right. In Wang Lun's heart, he was indeed proud. Even when he came here, he
was not looking for a job at al , but simply showing off. His own company has a market
value of several bil ions.
Every time when he meets someone who recruits people, Wang Lun will be impatient and
will take the other party back, and finally lift out his own company, so that the other party
has nothing to say.
Wang Lun enjoys this feeling very much. Every time he sees the shocked eyes of others, it
will make him feel comfortable from the inside out.
But now, Wang Lun has been so reprimanded by him, making him very uncomfortable,
especial y under the spectator of so many people, since he was successful since childhood,
he didn't feel so embarrassed.
Wang Lun looked at Henry who was directly opposite him. "If you say that, do you think
you are stronger than me?"
"No." Henry shook his head. "I never thought I would be better than others. Everyone is
good at different fields. I just want to say, you are standing here, you are a job seeker, don't
give me Put on a stinky shelf, this is what I said to you from the perspective of a visitor, and
on the other hand, I told you as her husband. "
Henry said that at this time, he put his arms around Sylvia's fragrant shoulders, put the
woman in his arms, and continued: "I hate the way you say hello to my wife, if you dare to
talk to my wife like this again, believe me , I will tear your mouth! "
As soon as his mouth fel , Henry slammed his other hand suddenly, hitting hard on the
introduction card in front of Wang Lun, which was five centimeters thick and made of solid
wood. The introduction card was made by Henry. Right.
This action scared Wang Lun trembling unconsciously.
On the other side, the gold bodyguard who was also looking for a job on the seventh floor,
his pupils shrunk. Looking at Henry's vision, it has become completely different.
The same is the practice of the family, he is very clear, can such a one-handed force, will
introduce the person through the card, the power of that punch, how terrible, at least now
he can not do it.
"Oh, when can any cat or dog lose his temper on the seventh floor?" A voice came from the
side, expressing his dissatisfaction with Henry.
Sylvia and Milan turned around and saw a young woman with heavy makeup, who was
slowly approaching here.
With a proud look on the woman's face, she looked at Henry with disdain and then rushed
to Wang Lun: "How is it, handsome guy, have you thought about it? I will give you 15 mil
ion a year. ? "
The appearance of this young woman made a sound of discussion aside.
"Isn't this the princess of Yongfeng Industry."
"That's right."
"I have long heard that she has a crush on Wang Lun, and it seems to be true."
"The comprehensive annual salary given by the center is only 11 million. She paid 15
million. This is the drunkard's intention not to drink!"
Voice after voice sounded.
When Milan saw this woman, her face changed, and she whispered to Henry and Sylvia:
"This woman is Yang Yuan, Yang Haifeng's sister."
Yang Yuan walked in front of Wang Lun, "How do you think about it?"
"Sorry, ma'am." Wang Lun smiled a bit. He dared to show a proud attitude towards others,
but he didn't dare to Yang Yuan. Yongfeng Industry, as one of the best enterprises in
Hangzhou, is not comparable to him. of.
Yang Yuan snorted, "Proud! Men who are capable are all proud. I like your proud look, but
some people have proud capital, but some people should not have it?"
At the end of Yang Yuan ’s talk, Henry turned his attention back on, “You just said that if you
are the boss, you will expel Wang Lun as soon as possible, so I would like to ask, which
company ’s boss are you, let me Listen? Take a look at our Yongfeng Industry, is there any
chance, fortunate to cooperate with you? "
When Yang Yuan spoke, she deliberately bitten the words of Yongfeng Industry very
seriously, because she knew how influential her own enterprise was.
Henry smiled, "You also said, I am talking about if, now I have no business under my name."
Before the battle at dusk, when Henry went to the European royal meeting, he transferred
al the enterprises under his name. He, who was originally rich and enemies, can now be
said to have nothing.
"If? That ’s a metaphor, I also said, if you stand here, I believe that you will not have the
courage to even look up at Wang Lun, you count Wang Lun, what capital do you have?
It is in finance, Stronger than Wang Lun? Or is it higher than Wang Lun in terms of
education? Or is your personal achievement far beyond Wang Lun? "Yang Yuan's words are
very sharp and are several grades stronger than her brother Yang Haifeng's.
Originally because of Henry's momentum, some of the seized Wang Lun seemed to have
more courage at the moment. He lifted his chest and faced Henry, "Yes, he speaks big words
and is reasonable, who will not, if you can come up with more than My place, I have nothing
to say. "
"I'm afraid it's difficult." At this moment, another voice sounded and spoke. It was Henry
who was watching Henry going in and out of different professional halls during the
evaluation test. He said, "I just saw When I came to this gentleman, I took an evaluation
report and ran through almost every professional hall, and each stayed in it for no more
than five minutes. "
When he heard this, Yang Yuan couldn't hold back and laughed.
Including Wang Lun, he also sneered.
Yang Yuan raised her hand and extended an orchid finger to Henry's pretense gesture,
"What role did I think I was, it turned out to be a job search, and each of them stayed for no
more than five minutes, and was bombarded when he entered Is that right?
Handsome Wang, tell him, how long did it take when you evaluated? "
Wang Lun smiled confidently and replied: "Every item is within two hours."
Wang Lun's words caused an uproar from the crowd.
"Two hours! I went in and tried it out, and it came out in ten minutes."
"Yeah, only by passing a round of assessments can you stay in it. It can be said that the
longer you stay, the more proficient you are and the more questions you answer. Two
hours is definitely a genius!"
"What is that less than five minutes?"
"Are you still asking? Stupid!"
A burst of laughter sounded.
Wang Lun looked at Henry disdainful y, "I thought it was a role. It turned out to be an
estimate. In five minutes, you won't even answer a question, just come out?"
"A person who has no ability and has a short temper, this life is destined to have no
achievements. I can now give you a chance to turn over and apologize to handsome Wang. I
can send my kindness and give you an annual salary of 100,000. How?" Yang Yuan said to
Henry on purpose.
just now, when Henry rebuked Wang Lun, many people are stil thinking, what is the
identity of this person, after all, who dare to lose his temper on the seventh floor, It is too
When they knew that Henry was just a general job seeker without any identity and could
not stay in the professional appraisal room for even five minutes, everyone felt that Henry
was in favor of the crowd.
After al , this world is a world where you can see what you are capable of. People who do
n’t have the ability to say anything will never be heard.
"Big words are not ashamed, not suspected!"
Many onlookers blamed Henry quietly.
Yang Yuan circled around Henryrao and said: "Since it is for evaluation, it is better to invite
you, take out your comprehensive evaluation, let us open your eyes and see what
qualifications you have, let you out here Hao Yan? "
" My husband's evaluation report has not come out yet. "Sylvia said, she naturally couldn't
watch Henry being bullied here," And, we just come to have some fun, make an evaluation,
these things, does not prove a person's ability. " "
I can not prove that, or did not face out ah? "Yang Yuan cynical and asked," so much the
assessment center, do the authors, will bury your talents? "
Just then , Henry's cell phone rang, it was a strange number from Hangzhou.
Henry answered the phone.
"Mr. Henry, your assessment report has come out. Where are you now? I'l send it to you."
"It's on the seventh floor. Come on."
Henry hung up the phone and said to Sylvia, the result came out.
"Since it's out, don't stay here. Looking at some people, I feel upset." Milan looked at Yang
Yuan in disgust. Milan had no good impression of the Yang family.
Yang Yuan shouted: "Yo! The result is out, let's take a look at it together! Let's see what the
confident capital is, and let us see, this center today, can you refresh the evaluation of the
lowest price!"
Yang Yuan's words caused a burst of laughter.
Wang Lun said: "Miss Yang, some people may not have the courage to take it out."
"It's not that I have no courage. This is my own thing. Whether I want to show it to others is
my right." Henry said so. However, no matter who listened to his words, there was a feeling
of escape.
At this moment, a staff member of the center came up on the escalator and yelled,
"Which one is Mr. Henry, your report came out."
Yang Yuan heard this and walked over to the staff for the first time. : "Come, report it to
When the staff hadn't responded yet, Yang Yuan took the report result in his hand and
glanced up at his eyes, and he showed a disdainful look, "Yeah, one higher than I expected A
little bit, what about an annual salary of 100,000? In this way, you have been working for a
hundred years, work till death, do n’t eat or drink, the top king is a handsome guy for a
year? It ’s really good, I ’m sorry, I looked down on you before, I give You apologize, I am
ashamed of what I just said, so I take back what I just said to give you an annual salary of
100,000 yuan, and I will give you ... "Yang Yuan groaned for a while, and extended a finger,"
One hundred and one hundred! "
Yang Yuan's words caused another burst of laughter.
Wang Lun stepped forward and said loudly: "Boy, I still just said that, you must have
something stronger than me, even at any point, I can say nothing, but it seems that some
people are really Not useful, so let me lower the standard, you have to catch up with one-
tenth of me, I have recognized it, how? " "Don't make one-tenth, it's a fraction, it's ten times
more than this kid!" Yang Yuan laughed.
The laughter of Yang Yuan does not seem exaggerated to the people around him. A person
whose estimated price is 100,000 a year has just blamed a person with an annual salary of
11 mil ion. Where does he come from, where does he come from?
confidence? What a shame!
Henry is puzzled, his own evaluation price is one hundred thousand? Is this impossible?
In addition to Henry's unbelief, Sylvia and Milan did not believe either. They had seen some
of Henry's skills, and no one could have an annual salary of only one hundred thousand.
Similarly, the bodyguard who was looking for a job on the seventh floor was also a little
unbelievable. The hand that Henry had just pierced through the introduction card was
enough for an annual salary of more than one million. This one hundred thousand is a bit
too exaggerated!
"I said Yang's, you are wrong!" Milan couldn't help saying.
"Is it wrong? I will be wrong? I touch bil ions of orders every day. Will I be wrong?" Yang
Yuan sneered.
The staff member who sent the result of the report wiped the sweat from his head. He
knew Yang Yuan and said: "Ms. Yang, you are indeed ... you are wrong, it is not one hundred
thousand, but one hundred million ... "
100 mil ion?
The words of the staff made the scene fal into a brief silence.
Yang Yuan's arrogant face solidified, and Wang Lun's face was unbelievable.
All along, Wang Lun is very confident in himself, because he knows more, has more
contacts, and has achievements, so he knows how good he is, he ca n’t even think about it,
and there are several people who can compare the price with himself high.
But now, what does the staff member say? One hundred mil ion? Ten times beyond
yourself? How can this be!
"Are you kidding me?" Yang Yuan questioned.
"Don't dare." The staff shook his head again and again. "Ms. Yang, the price is indeed 100
mil ion. You can take a good look."
Yang Yuan ’s eyes subconsciously looked at the assessment report in his hand. The annual
salary on the assessment report was written with a series of zeros, a little spaced in
between. Yang Yuan saw this report and did n’t think about it at all, natural y.
I think 100,000, after all, someone just said that this person went in for evaluation and
came out in less than five minutes. How high the salary can be, but now I hear it is 100
Such a result obviously made Yang Yuan somewhat unacceptable. She threw the report
down on the ground. "I said that your center is now more and more irresponsible. You say
that 100 million is 100 mil ion. What is his skill?"
The staff member was a little embarrassed, "Ms. Yang, I am only sending a report, but 100
mil ion, but this is the salary that Mr. Henry evaluated in one field. Today, Mr. Henry has a
total of 10 fields evaluated, the highest one The estimated salary of the item is 160 mil ion,
and the lowest item is 67 mil ion. "
" What! "
The words of the staff made Yang Yuan subconsciously exclaimed.
Among the ten items evaluated, the lowest item has an estimated price of 67 mil ion, and
the highest item is 160 million. What is the highest price ever evaluated by this center?
Thirteen mil ion!
staff , let the onlookers feel a kind of unreal.
Even Sylvia and Henry both opened their mouths and looked at Henry in surprise.
Although both of them have seen Henry's ability, they didn't think too much. They think
Henry can have an estimated price between 1.5 million and 3 mil ion, but did not expect it
to be such a number?
"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Yang Yuan shook his head, his face ful of unbelief.
"He just clearly went to each professional room for only a few minutes. How could he
estimate such a high price? Is it a false quote in your center! "
Listening to Yang Yuan's words, the staff member was a little unhappy, he said:" Ms.
Yang, our center's assessment is very authoritative, and there have never been false quotes.
" So how do you explain him every time? " Is it only five minutes for the room to go in?
"Wang Lun stood up and asked," I remember that when I evaluated it, I answered more
than a dozen questions in total, and it took almost two hours. "The staff explained:" Mr.
Wang Lun, It ’s time for you to evaluate, the examiner is asking you questions, you are
thinking and answering, and Mr. Henry, he is asking the examiner! "
Wang Lun glanced at his mouth," Ask the examiner? Why have I never heard of your
center? there is such a rule. " "
because this rule is because of the emergence of Mr. Henry, was re-established, each of the
assessment, Mr. Henry, only five minutes to burst our center Question bank, when the
examiner can not ask any questions, it is naturally Mr. Henry, ask the examiner, if Mr. Wang
Lun you can also explode the question bank of our center within five minutes, you can also
ask the examiner like Mr. Henry "The staff replied. His answer made Wang Lun's face
appear dul for a while.
As a person who had been evaluated at the beginning, Wang Lun knew very well how vast
the amount of knowledge covered by this central question bank. When he first answered,
he racked his brains and spent almost two hours before answering more than ten
questions. But now I heard that even someone exploded the question bank within five
minutes? If someone who has nothing to do with the center now says this, Wang Lun will
definitely think that the other party is joking.
"How is this possible! One person, proficient in ten fields, and stil in every major, took five
minutes to explode your question bank, don't you think, what's the problem?" I do
n’t accept the fact, “As a recruiter, I now doubt this Henry ’s gold content very much. I ask
for verification!”
“Of course.” The staff nodded, “Ms. Yang Yuan, how do you want to verify?”
“I Just glanced at this, Henry, isn't it the security item that evaluates the highest price, then
this item will be verified, I need to see his actual combat ability! "Yang Yuan sneered.
She deliberately picked such an item with a strong purpose.
The staff nodded and urged Henrydao: "Mr. Henry, according to the rules of the center,
after you conduct the assessment, the recruiter will request to reconfirm the assessment
results. This confirmation method will be carried out in actual combat. You can refuse, but
If you refuse, the results of this evaluation will be invalid. "
The rules of the evaluation center are very user-friendly, and they pay attention to a real
gold and are not afraid of fire.
Yang Yuan raised an eyebrow, looked at Henry, and said, "Why, surnamed Zhang, dare to
confirm again? The question bank can be memorized, but if you use your fists, no one will
accompany you to act!" Henry asked for help, "as you please." After receiving Henry's
promise, Yang Yuan showed a successful look. "Okay, so let me see if you have an
assessment. It ’s so powerful! ”
The people who original y looked at the lively are also very curious. After all, this center is
the first time such a price has burst out. Everyone wants to see a person who has an
estimated price of 160 mil ion. What kind of ability!
In the appraisal center, there is a set of facilities dedicated to the actual combat of security
Yang Yuan made a phone cal , and I didn't know what was said on the phone, only to see
that the smile on her face was growing.
Under the leadership of the staff, a crowd came to the sixth floor.
The higher the floor, the fewer people are recruited, and the more vacancies there are.
Generally, people who recruit bodyguards will look at the actual combat capabilities of the
bodyguard. When Henry came to the actual combat room, they found that there were many
people gathered here.
The actual combat room is very large, and there are several platforms divided into it.
Those who conduct actual combat will decide the victory or defeat on the platform.
In each ring, there will be a ring leader, and the value of the ring leader will be placed on
the ring. Those who engage in actual combat will choose the ring leader individually.
It's just that these champions are the most valuable, but only 5 mil ion, which is natural y
incomparable with Henry.
The staff who led Henry and others came to arrange a challenge for Henry.
Yang Yuan stopped the staff's arrangement. "We will arrange it for the actual combatants ."
The staff replied a little embarrassedly: "Ms. Yang, does this seem to be in violation of the
Yang Yuan laughed: "The rules? Your center , Have arranged actual combat for people with
an annual salary of 160 million? Which of these people on stage can prove it? I will arrange
it, if you disagree, I do n’t agree with the actual combat result! "
" This "" The staff looked at Henry with some embarrassment.
Henry nodded, "I'll do whatever I want." After
getting Henry's answer, the staff had some ideas in their hearts, and they specially
arranged a ring for Henry and other actual combat.
"Milan, are you back?" A surprised voice rang aside.
As you can see, a woman of about thirty years of age is not pretty, but she has a very good
temperament. She walked over slowly. Beside this woman, she followed a bodyguard with
short hair and capable movements.
When she saw this temperament woman, Milan also had a surprise on her face, "Sister
"You girl, you don't know to say a word to your sister when you come back." Sister Hong
showed a blame on her face, "What are you doing here today, find Bodyguard? "
" No. "Milan shook his head and pointed to Henry," accompany a friend to do a test. "
" Test? What's the price? "Hongjie clearly knew the rules here and asked directly.
"Yo, isn't this Aunt Hong? Why, your friend?" Yang Yuan walked leisurely from the side.
"Why, do you want to mix it up?"
"Who am I, the princess of Yongfeng Industry? Ah? "Sister Hong glanced at Yang Yuan."
This is your Yang's place? Can't you still let me come? "
" Oh. "Yang Yuan chuckled." Where is Aunt Hong, how can I control it? " , I ’m just going to
test to see if some people ’s evaluation price is not like what the center evaluated. "
see Yang Yuan looking at Henry, and sister Hong also looks at Henry.
This is a woman with a very high EQ. Just by the atmosphere, it can be seen that Yang Yuan
and Milan's friends do not deal with it.
Henry had no unnecessary nonsense and went directly to the unmanned ring.
The ring belongs to a square, five meters in length and width, enough for people in the ring
to show their fists.
"Hopeful y I'm not late. Don't let some people run away. I can't see the show." Yang Haifeng,
who had just been slapped by Henry yesterday, appeared in the test room.
When he saw Milan also at this time, his expression was slight. A little stunned.
Just now, he received a cal from his sister and asked him to bring two good hands over to
teach a boy who did n’t know how to do it. For this kind of thing, Yang Haifeng did n’t think
about it, so he brought someone. He did n’t expect that Milan also At this.
"Brother, that's the one above." Yang Yuan walked to Yang Haifeng and reached for a finger
on the ring.
When Yang Haifeng saw Henry standing on the ring, an ecstatic expression appeared in his
What happened yesterday made Yang Haifeng want to tear Henry, but he couldn't find a
suitable way, but now, it real y is nowhere to be found!
Henry on the stage made Yang Haifeng's teeth tickle.
"Little girl, how do you want to play?" Yang Haifeng grinned, thinking to himself, how to
clean up this kid.
"It's simple, brother, don't you have three top bodyguards, let them go up to fight with this
surname Zhang!" Yang Yuan's eyes swept the three bodyguards standing behind Yang
Haifeng. With a sense of killing.
The three bodyguards did not follow Yang Haifeng, but Yang Haifeng had just borrowed
from his father.
Hangzhou, as a newly-increased first-tier city in China, has an economic level that can be
looked at all over the world.
And Yongfeng Industrial, as one of the best enterprises in Hangzhou, the bodyguard of its
person in charge, don't think about it, it is also the elite of the elite. These bodyguards can
be invited not only with money.
After al , in this world, there are too many rich people, but there are a lot fewer capable
Rich people never feel that there are too many capable people around them.
Rainbow sister stood, listening to Yuan Yang and Yang Haifeng dialogue hearts surprised,
whispered to Milan, "Sister, what are you friends, it is what capacity, Yang Haifeng worth
getting out of three people." "The
Rainbow sister, three Is it a great person? ”Milan was a little curious and asked back.
She was not very clear about the door inside. After all, she had been staying in Fa Guo.
Sister Hong beckoned her female bodyguard, "Wu Xin, you come to explain to Milan."
Sister Hong's female bodyguard nodded and said to Milan: "These three are the bodyguards
of the chairman of Yongfeng Industry. Everyone, in our bodyguard world, can be said to be
well-known. The three of them are retired mercenaries who have performed many
missions abroad, including fighting, Sanda, and capture, including firearms, blasting, etc.
The field is very good. It is reported that the cost of the bodyguards of the three of them
alone is 50 mil ion yuan a year. In the past three months, as far as I know, there are no
fewer than seven groups of people who want to start with Yongfeng Industry. , The result is
completely in the hands of these three people! Their strength is absolutely tough! "
Milan listened to Wu Xin's introduction to the people behind Yang Haifeng, feeling a panic.
For foreign mercenaries, she had little concept. However, Wu Xin said that in just three
months, there were seven batches of people who wanted to start a fight with Yongfeng
Industry, al of them were in the hands of these three people. Yongfeng Industrial's family,
everyone is very clear, who dare to deal with Yongfeng, which is not a person who has no
skill? These people, even without breaking through the waves, disappeared silently, enough
to see the horror of these three!
"It's over, it's really going to fight, I'm afraid Henry is going to suffer!" Milan looked at the
stage anxiously, but she knew Yang Haifeng's character that must be reported. This time,
when he caught the opportunity, Yang Haifeng could easily let go. Ghost!
Sylvia stood next to Milan. She also listened to the words of Sister Hong and Wu Xin, and
felt a little panic. "It's better to forget it. Today is just for fun. There's no need to make it like
Sister Hong groaned and asked. To his bodyguard, "Wu Xin, are you confident in meeting
the three of them?"
Wu Xin frowned and shook his head: "No, although my application price at the time created
a record for this appraisal center, they three Individuals, if you come to evaluate, the price
of everyone will not be lower than me. If I try my best, I should be able to hold back one. "
Sister Hong heard this and asked Milan," Sister, you Friends, what is your strength. "
" I don't know. "Milan shook her head, she had never seen Henry fight.
Sister Hong looked at Sylvia again.
Sylvia also shook her head. She had seen Henry move a few times, but it was a lesson for
ordinary people. She seemed to have a good skil , but she really had no comparison with
professional bodyguards. Sylvia didn't have a mind, let alone these three top bodyguards.
"I don't know?" Sister Hong was a little surprised, suspiciously, "Then why is your friend
going to beat?"
Milan explained: "We are here to play, and we are going to do a price evaluation for Henry.
She questioned Henry's price evaluation and came here. "
" Question? The question should also be your friend to challenge the lord, how do you have
a relationship with the Yang family? "Sister Hong didn't understand.
Milan smiled bitterly, "Those lords are not high enough, and the most valuable lords are
only five mil ion yuan, far from Henry's estimated price."
Sister Hong was a little surprised. She looked at Henry's figure and standing , I think this is
an evaluation result worth less than one million, but I did n’t expect that even five million
was enough, and it was far from being used by Milan to describe it. This made her ask
curiously: "You friend, evaluate What's the price? "
Milan reached out a finger," 160 mil ion. "
" What? "Rao is a calm temperament woman like Hong sister. After hearing this price, she
couldn't help but open her mouth." You That is, 160 million yuan? "
Wu Xin behind Sister Hong also had a ghost expression. At the time, she received an
estimated price of only 13 million yuan! This is the highest record of this appraisal center!
And now this person? It's more than ten times higher than your own price!
Milan smiled helplessly, "Sister Hong, real y, at this price, I don't even believe it, but this is
what the evaluation center said."
Sister Hong looked at Wu Xin, "What do you think?"
" When I was doing the assessment, the center made a comprehensive assessment of my
own strength, reaction speed, physical coordination, and past experience. I think that this
person may have a side that is far beyond ordinary people, such as natural strength, or he
The past experience, bragging. "Wu Xin explained.
in Wu Xin's view, Henry Tiansheng strange power is very unlikely, after al , this kind of
thing, only heard on what news, real life Never seen such a person. She thinks that the most
likely thing is that Henry brags about her past experience. After al , for a bodyguard, the
highest score given by the evaluation center is based on past experience.
Wu Xin called the staff member and said: "Show me the assessment report of the man on
the stage, not the simplified version." The
so-called simplified version is the final assessment result that the staff took before, and One
is to record Henry's previous introduction to his past experience.
The staff took out their mobile phones and entered the company's system. They quickly cal
ed up the past experience that Henry had just left behind.
Wu Xin looked at the records, frowning tightly.
"Why, what did you find?" Sister Hong asked.
"Sister Hong, I can be sure that this one called Henry is bragging about his past experience."
Wu Xin took a deep breath. "Although his various ability evaluation results are good, his
strength and nerve reaction speed are far beyond ordinary people, but This brace can allow
him to get an estimated price of more than 3 million to less than 5
million. The rest depends on his past experience. It is written in his past experience that he
is 14 to 16 years old At that time, I participated in the Miangou Mercenary War. I know that
war, let alone a 14-year-old, even if I go now, I dare not guarantee that I will survive.
People! ”
Wu Xin pointed to the staff ’s mobile phone, and Sister Chong Hong continued:“ Sister Hong,
look at this, 16 to 17 years old, participated in three Vietnamese rescue operations. This
operation was completely fatal. There are a total of one hundred people who die, and fewer
than twenty survived. None of those who survived happened to be a coincidence. "
"There is this. At the age of 20, I participated in the Suge Devil Training Camp for three
months. To be honest, Sister Hong, I also signed up for this devil training camp. But I
was not selected. Almost all the mercenaries in the world I want to participate, but the final
selection is less than one hundred people. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of
thousands of miles. Although this training is only three months, but it can be persisted, very
few. "
Wu Xin shook his head. She couldn't believe al these experiences.
What Wu Xin didn't know was that Henry did participate in the devil training camp, but he
wasn't a student but the chief instructor of the devil training.
"Sister Hong, there are many introductions later, I won't explain it to you one by one.
Anyway, I am sure that this Henry is not what he said at all." Wu Xin looked at Henry
standing on the ring and shook his head.
She was also disdainful from the bottom of her heart for bragging about her past
Sister Hong looked at the stands and did not say anything. Originally, she wanted to help
Milan and find some rules and loopholes, so that Wu Xin also went to the ring, but now Wu
Xin said so, she did not have this idea.
A person who brags about her past experience in order to get a higher evaluation price
makes Hong Hong look down.
Yang Haifeng stood at the ring, his eyes flashing insanely, and rushed to the three
bodyguards behind him: "Three of you, whoever can remove his arm, I will give 10
million! One leg is also 10 million!"
Three sturdy bodyguards, each with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, is not a problem
for them at all. three of them walked slowly into the ring.
The original five-by-five ring, because these three strong bodyguards appeared on the
stage, seemed a lot crowded.
Some people who are testing in the rest of the ring have also turned their curiosity to their
eyes. They want to know what is going on here and how they are three-to-one.
"Wait! You see, are those three people Yongfeng Industrial?" A sharp-eyed person
recognized the identity of three bodyguards. "Yongfeng Industrial's personal bodyguards
came on stage, three dozens? What is that young man? People? "
" I depend, it seems to be true, where is this ruthless person? "
" Fuck ruthless, just a pretender, I don't know how he boasted about his past experience,
and let the assessment center report it. The annual salary of 160 mil ion yuan came out, and
the princess of Renfeng Industrial couldn't stand it anymore, so he wanted to teach this kid.
"A person with a little understanding of the situation said in the crowd.
"160 million? Isn't it possible?"
"Absolutely impossible! Haven't you heard? This person is bragging about his past
experience. Everyone knows that the bodyguard business is very important. I dare to blow
it, It ’s okay to comment on 200 mil ion a year, but I have to trust others. I want to see how
this kind of person should step down now. One person is estimated to be kil ed for the
bodyguards of the three Yongfeng Industrial CEOs? ”
“ Is n’t it funny, and some people brag about their past experiences? ”Another person said,“
What do you think of this kind of person, even if someone hires you and finds that you do
n’t have the real skil s, even the liquidated damages, you have to pay for it! "
Speaking, it's a pretense!"
There was a bustling voice from the crowd. No one thought that Henry on the stage had
real skills. After al , the price of 160 mil ion was too scary. How strong is it to evaluate such
a price.
Yang Haifeng's three bodyguards took the stage and al looked at Henry with a sneer.
At this moment Henry, in their eyes, was a prey.
As soon as the three of them boarded the stage, they were surrounded by a half and
surrounded Henry.
Wu Xin looked at the stage and shook his head slightly. "Sister Hong, you can see that Henry
has almost no combat experience. You see him. He stood on a corner deliberately on the
stage. We were taboo like this in the battle. Position, only people who are not confident in
themselves will choose such a position, and in a one-to-many battle, once standing on the
corner, it proves that he has not retreated, let alone whether he is one-on-one. The
opponents of these bodyguards, even if his personal strength surpasses the other, this kind
of situation under siege will also put him in a dangerous situation. "
Wu Xin finished Henry's position and analyzed:" Except for his bad position , You see his
movements, his arms are naturally hanging on both sides of the body, it is difficult to react
in the first time, if it is me, since I have stood on the corner, I will try to let myself face three
people at the same time, so that I can The first time I saw their movements and guessed
what they would do next, and this Henry was like a lamb to be slaughtered. "
Wu Xin decided in his words that Henry had already lost, his so-called one 160 mil ion
assessments, but A joke.
Sylvia stood under the ring and looked at Henry on the stage with a worried face, "Her
husband, shal we not fight?"
"No, don't you? If you say no, you won't?"
Sylvia's voice just fell, Henry hadn't answered yet, and Yang Yuan's voice passed.
"We can't fight, what does it have to do with you!" Sylvia turned his head to look at Yang
Yuan and took her back.
"Hehe." Yang Yuan sneered twice, "You have to fight in the ring, this is the rule!"
"It's okay, wife." Henry on the stage comforted, "Since they want to try, then try Okay. "
Henry has never been a good talker. The tenderness he showed was only in front of his
friends and faced those who weren't even friends. Henry wouldn't give them a good face.
Blind tolerance is never Henry's character.
Yang Haifeng, who was standing under the stage, made a wink at the three bodyguards,
meaning that they should not delay any more. This surnamed Zhang really regrets and does
n’t want to fight anymore. What?
The three bodyguards moved in unison, and at the moment they left, a killing air spread
towards Henry. This is the momentum that can only be formed by licking blood at the tip of
the knife all the year round. This kind of momentum makes people dare not move.
But Henry wouldn't. He didn't move even in the face of the three bodyguards rushing
towards him, and he still stood there calmly.
The five-meter ring, for the master, can almost rush to the opponent in an instant, making
an effective offensive.
Wu Xin watched the movements of Yong Feng ’s three bodyguards and Henry ’s response,
shaking his head. “He lost the game. In this case, it ’s best to start with the strongest. He
stood there. , Destined to fail, he ... what! "
Wu Xin's eyes widened and he looked at the stage in disbelief before he finished speaking.
Just now, she saw with her own eyes that the three Yongfeng ’s bodyguards attacked Henry
from three different angles. In this case, Wu Xin could only stand up to one person ’s
offensive in the face of remnants. The fists and feet of the next two can only choose hard
But now!
She didn't even see how Henry did it!
The three bodyguards who had originally rushed to Henry rushed back a few steps in a
flash, and the sneer on everyone's face turned into consternation.
"Eight poles ..." Wu Xin muttered.
"Eight pole? What is that?" Sister Hong listened to Wu Xin's murmur and wondered.
"There is Tai Chi in peace in the world, Ba Ji in Wuwu, and Wu Chi in the world. Ba Ji Quan
is a kind of fist that only hurts people in actual combat. In the whole fist, the emphasis is on
one inch of strength. Just now, these three men came out to Henry.
Henry made three punches almost instantaneously, and the strength of each punch pushed
the opponent back easily! This kind of punching method is exerted on the heel,
the waist, and the fingertips, so the explosive force is extremely great. Very rich in martial
arts characteristics. "
" Is it strong? "Sister Hong still does not understand.
"Strong!" Wu Xin nodded without thinking. "Eight-handed boxing, people who pursue
toughness and practice this kind of boxing skills, are al extremely harsh on themselves.
I can't think of Henry's ability to do this kind of boxing skills. In the face, all the three
bodyguards of Yongfeng were injuriously injured. "On the stage, the three bodyguards of
Yongfeng glanced back and forth, and there was a trace of solemnity in their eyes. Out of
the strength of the other party.
Just now, the three of them could already see that the young man in front of him was not as
good as he expected. The other person ’s body was as hard as steel., Henry, still standing in
the corner, has no waves.
One of the three bodyguards made a gesture, and the remaining two nodded, attacking
Henry from three different directions.
When the three of them rushed to Henry's body, they saw Henry stepping out and hit his
shoulders hard. The next second, the three bodyguards flew out together and fell to the
This scene made those who watched the battle could not help but take a breath.
The layman watching the lively, the layman watching the doorway, the people who do not
understand, just like watching a movie, knowing who is the dominant one this time is over.
For those who can understand it, the idea is not so simple.
Just now Henry, it seems that he just hit it with his shoulder, but in fact, there are too many
things in it. The first is his speed. In the face of three masters, he can also control himself.
The second is his strength. It was able to knock the three strong men out of the air, and
finally the skil . It seemed that it was just a collision. His knee and elbow joint caused
damage to people at that moment.
After seeing this scene, Yang Haifeng, who was ful of confidence in the ring, was not calm.
He cursed on the stage: "Grass! Beat him, I ’l feed you what to eat, today he will die, you
Don't he stop staying with Yong Feng forever! "The three bodyguards got up from the
ground, their faces dignified.
They understand that this time they are right, they are a master, in terms of personal
strength, far surpass their own master!
Sylvia's expression under the stage was quite excited. She didn't expect that Henry was so
powerful. Although she just watched the excitement, she could see who had the advantage
now, it was enough!
Milan stood aside, silent.
Others looked at Henry's power, and she was thinking, this person, in the past few years,
what did he experience before he grew up to look like this.
A person's strength is closely related to his efforts. Henry was 14 years old and left home
for just ten years. What happened to him and how much suffering did he eat?
The three bodyguards on the stage stabilized and were ready to shoot again.
But this time, Henry didn't give them the opportunity to start first. Henry stepped on the
front, clenched his waist, aimed at the person in front of him, and punched out.
In the face of Henry ’s fist, the bodyguard had no chance to react. Henry punched him in the
abdomen, and a severe pain struck his abdomen, making the bodyguard bow down
subconsciously, a face because The pain in his abdomen became pig liver, which caused
him to cramp.
For others, these three bodyguards are masters of masters.
But for Henry, these three people are no different from ordinary people. They are also
solved with one punch, and they are also unable to cause any harm to themselves. If you
have to find a different one, you are playing these bodyguards yourself. The fist on the body
should be slightly heavier.
Seeing that his companion was resolved with a punch, the remaining two bodyguards could
not bear it anymore. They gave a big shout and attacked Henry again.
Henry's double fists came out together with a burst of sound, and the two bodyguards flew
out in response, falling off the ring.
Three Yongfeng top bodyguards, al defeated in just a few seconds!
such a scene, so that the entire test hall, silent.
Those who can stay in the test room have more or less knowledge about this industry.
In Hangcheng, the three bodyguards of Yongfeng Industry are the leaders in the industry.
Their personal experiences have always been viewed. Their strength is also the goal
pursued by many people.
But now, these three people are easily defeated by an unknown youth!
It can be said that they completely refreshed their cognition!
As one of the best enterprises in Hangzhou, how strong is the bodyguard of Yongfeng
Industrial CEO?
Everyone has guessed that even if they are placed all over the world, such people are quite
powerful, but now? They understand that their vision is too narrow!
Wu Xin and Sister Hong looked at the stage and were speechless.
Just now, Wu Xin believed that Henry had lost, and he would lose very ugly, but he did not
expect that he would use this overwhelming advantage to solve the other side! Is it true
that the things he wrote in his personal experience are true?
If it is true, who is he?
Participated in the war of mercenary mercenaries, rescue operations of the Vietnamese
army, and the Suger devil training camp! Such a person is a killer walking in the world. If he
wants, he can become a humanoid weapon at any time!
Henry easily defeated the three bodyguards, and there was no complacent expression on
his face. If they were changed to a few years ago, these people would not even have the
qualification to meet him, let alone go with him.
The former Wang Lun was silent even on the side. When everyone focused on the ring, he
walked away.
Yang Haifeng and Yang Yuan brothers and sisters were extremely embarrassed. Yang
Haifeng was unwilling. He original y thought that if this kid would pay the price today, the
other party would be completely unscathed. This feeling made Yang Haifeng feel
As for Yang Yuan, her face was ugly to the extreme. In the final analysis, it was all picked up
by yourself today, but now it is like this. I have lost al of it. It ’s all destined to be teased
privately, which is unacceptable to someone who loves face very much.
Henry came down from the ring, took a white towel, wiped his hands, and rushed to Yang
Yuan: "Ms. Yang, since you don't let me go down the ring, you can only finish your people,
and then go, if you If you want to verify, I ’m welcome at any time! "
Yang Yuan's face was so blue, Henry's words, like a thorn, stuck in her heart, she was just
herself. In the end, he lost so badly on this side, and that kind of scene can be said to be
completely abused. Such a result made Yang Yuan not come to Taiwan very much.
Watching the people around him pointing at him, Yang Yuan, who loves face, feels that he
can't stay for a second.
"Give up! Give up!" Yang Yuan pushed away the people around her and rushed out of the
test room angrily.
Yang Haifeng also had a sullen face, and after speaking to the three bodyguards without
going back to Yongfeng, he strode away.
When this happened, Sylvia and several people did not continue to feel in the talent market.
They left here and went to the art center. Counting the time, the long queue at the door of
the art center should have entered almost. When Henry left the talent
center, more than a dozen young men in suits and shoes, male and female, walked up to the
seventh floor.
One of them took an introduction card in his hand, walked to Wang Lun, took down the
introduction card written by Wang Lun with 11 mil ion annual salary, and replaced it with
another one.
This time, the introduction card has no dense characters, and only a few brief introductions
Name: Lun
annual salary assessment: zero
this introduction, let Lun instantly fried hair, and issued on the spot is not happy voice,
"What right do you have such an assessment at this price, is simply unreasonable?!"
"Sorry, Mr. Wang Lun, "said a young man who walked at the forefront," This is the most
reasonable price. A person with a wrong character, no matter how talented, will become
worthless. For those with bad character, this price is the price given by our center. If you
are dissatisfied, you can not stand here. "
Wang Lun glanced at the person in front of him, and then sneered," Joke, you treat me
Willing to stand here? With an annual salary of 11 mil ion, Wang Lun is stil not in my eyes! "
Wang Lun pushed down the introduction card in front of him and left with disdain.
While Wang Lun was stil on the elevator between the seventh and sixth floors, his phone
"Mr. Wang, our company, bankruptcy ..."
Secretary Wang Lun called.
"Bankruptcy!" Wang Lun opened his mouth because of the other party's words, "How could
it go bankrupt!"
"The other party is completely suppressed by the funds of the big consortium, and the
other party is completely lifeless. It is said that you seem to offend people ... "The secretary
said cautiously on the phone.
"Offended person?" Wang Lun looked up subconsciously, and he saw the young man in the
suit and the leader, looking at himself with a sneering look.
Such eyes seemed to be the most violent mocking in the world, ringing in Wang Lun's ear.
Wang Lun looked as ugly and pale as white paper.
Outside the talent market, the three of Henry walked towards the Art Center with a lot of
"Sylvia, Henry has estimated an annual salary of one billion yuan! You took 20,000 a month
to recruit. This may be the easiest time you can earn in your life!" Milan looked up and
down Henry I can't believe Henry's evaluation price.
Sylvia also felt a little weird. Although she gradually discovered Henry's excellent side, she
didn't expect this side to be so amazing.
"Henry, wouldn't you real y explode the question bank of others' center?" Milan still
questioned a little.
This center is well-known in Hangzhou. It can be seen how big the knowledge of the
question bank is. Even if the school tyrants of well-known universities are coming, they
dare not say that the question bank is exploding. Professional question bank.
Henry scratched his head, "I just read these questions before, and I can't answer them if I
ask another question."
For Henry's answer, Milan only used Ha ha to express his inner thoughts.
When the three of them walked to the art center, they found that the long line at the door
was gone. After security, the three of them threw themselves into the sea of art.
Sylvia has long wanted to participate in this exhibition, but has never had a chance. This
time is her wish.
stands in the art center, Milan and Sylvia look at the oil paintings on the wall, these
paintings are not only in painting skills, the use of color and light The technique of
expressing peaks and peaks in the expression of shadows has a deeper meaning.
"Henry, don't you know how to paint, do you think this painting expresses?" Milan pointed
to a painting on the wall. It was a man and a woman sitting on a swing, and the woman was
snuggling in the man's arms.
Henry glanced at the picture, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.
Regarding the painting that Milan refers to, it can be said that he looked at Firge at the time.
Although the painting is extremely expressive, but to express, Henry does not think that
what is expressed is because this painting is At that time, Wade White found a
foreign actress and flirted with others on the swing. As a result, Filger saw it and drew it,
but only blurred the face of the hostess.
Express what? This was just a performance that Firgue had shown in the white pool.
Of course, how did this painting come out? Henry certainly can't tell Milan the truth, let's
not say whether Milan believes it or not, it is also bad for Filger's own reputation.
In Henry's position, there are some unspoken rules. For example, some star giant
crocodiles, no matter how humble they are in front of them, they will not speak out.
Henry pondered for a while, "The meaning expressed in this painting ... well, it is probably
the envy and admiration of a kind of life."
Henry thought for a while, and could only explain it this way.
Henry's words just fell, and a voice rang next to him, "Joke! The picture shows a dim love. It
can be seen that the woman in the picture is nestled in the man's arms, although the man
does not hug Lived a woman, but he grabbed the hands of the swing, strong and powerful,
giving a feeling of peace of mind, which shows that the man loves the woman, while he
guards the woman, he is also trying to create a happy life for her. "
Henry glanced at the speaker. He had just met before. This morning, before the art center
opened, a middle-aged man standing beside Yang Haifeng. At this time, Yang Haifeng also
stood here.
The middle-aged man continued to say: "The man in the picture, sitting on a wooden swing,
shows that his family is not very good, he dare not embrace the woman, it shows that he
has a low self-esteem, and thinks that he has not given a good life to his lover. , And the
woman shows a kind of perseverance, this swing is already shaky, she is stil
willing to sit with this man and bear together! This is an enviable love, not so-cal ed envy
and admiration! The
middle-aged man finished and looked at Henry with dissatisfaction. "Painting is for
savoring and viewing. The meaning expressed in it is not so obvious in the eyes of some
people. I really do n’t understand. What kind of person are you qualified to participate in
Master Firge's painting exhibition? "The middle-aged man spoke mercilessly, obviously
after Yang Haifeng's instruction.
Henry only smiled at this kind of argument. It is estimated that even Feirg didn't even think
that he would have so many emotions when he casually painted a picture.
At the time of painting, Wade White's goods were indeed holding the swing. He just felt that
the swing was more fun than the woman in her arms, and the woman in her arms was not
inseparable. At first, she only knew Wade White's identity. For those who cherish their
arms, Wade White sees too much, and he doesn't care about them at al .
Are you still in love ?
When Henry thought about it, he felt speechless. What kind of love does Wade White have?
That was clearly a prodigal son, and never seen a girl who could keep his heart.
Middle-aged man of sharp words, let Yang Haifeng very satisfied, he nodded his head,
rushed Henry said: "Boy, is not that kind of person, do not come to this equipment, you do
not understand the draw, then, do not talk nonsense, OK?"
Henry He smiled, "How do you know I was talking nonsense?"
"Haha." Yang Haifeng smiled, "Do you think that Master Ferge would envy the men and
women on this swing? This is just a kind of expression of emotion Only way! "
" Just do it. "Henry shook his head, too lazy to explain to Yang Haifeng.
"I think people like you real y don't deserve to be here. Nonsense, it's simply disgusting."
The middle-aged man beside Yang Haifeng said.
"I think that you stay here, you are disgusting!" Milan directly said, "A picture, we want to
see as much as we want, understand as much as we want, whatever you do?"
"You are insulting Art! "The middle-aged man said loudly, scolding.
Henry's mouth twitched a smile, "Pretending to be a gesture, is it insulting art? In this
painting, you don't express so much meaning, you can talk nonsense yourself?"
"Joke! The painting is based on experience, this How can you understand someone like
you? "The middle-aged man sneered.
Just then, there was a disturbance in the crowd.
Every time, at the exhibition of Master Firge's paintings, Firge himself will show up to
explain some of his understanding of the painting to everyone.
The appearance of Master Firge has caused many people to watch.
This is a middle-aged man who is almost fifty years old, with a big beard and a long
argument behind his head, not to mention a man in his fifties, just put it in a young man,
Firge's image, It can also be said to be a trend.
Many people are like Master Ferge asking the artistic conception of each painting.
"Master Filger, can you tell me, what is the mood expressed in this painting?" The middle-
aged man standing next to Yang Haifeng leaned over and asked carefully.
What the middle-aged man said was the one he had just argued with Henry.
"This picture?" Filger looked at him. He hadn't noticed Henry at first. "This picture tells the
truth, there is really no mood."
"No mood?" Filger's words, in the ears of others, I can't believe it.
For his own painting, Filger still remembers the circumstances under which he originally
The more successful people are, the more they can see their own insignificance. Filger still
remembers that when he saw the group of characters, his inner envy and yearning, his
achievements, were completely worthless in front of those people.
Seeing this picture, Filger remembered the group of people at that time and sighed, "If you
have to talk about artistic conception, you can only say, my envy and admiration for this
kind of life ..."
Filger said, and What Henry said just now is exactly the same!
Such an explanation made Yang Haifeng and the middle-aged man beside him Qiqilen there.
Sylvia and Milan looked at Henry with a surprised face, and even they did not expect that
Henry was right.
"Husband, how did you see it, is it too powerful?" Sylvia hugged Henry's arm, looking very
"Hey, I was right next to when Firgue painted this picture." Henry laughed and said
"Cut!" Sylvia rol ed his eyes before he believed what Henry said.
Henry didn't go up to say hel o to Filger. He was afraid that Filger would make any
excessive moves, exposing his identity. Sylvia and Milan's two girls took a few photos of
Firge. I went to another place to enjoy the painting.
Today, the transferable Sylvia and Milan's two women were particularly excited, especial y
Sylvia. She had thought about this exhibition for many years, but now she finally got her
After the painting was exhibited, Milan took Henry and Sylvia again and made a good round
trip in Hangzhou. The famous West Lake is a must visit, as well as the Linyin Temple and
the Grand Canal. Turning down this day, I just felt that time not enough.
The three people who played for a day also felt extremely tired.
Milan called Xiao Shan and asked his parents to eat together.
"Mir, you and Xiaoxuan and Sylvia, come to the 19th floor, there are many old friends here,
introduce my dry son to them to know." Xiao Shan said excitedly on the phone, obviously,
and Henry again The reunion made him happy from the bottom of his heart.
The so-cal ed 19th floor is the name of a club in Hangzhou.
This is a very high-end private club. It covers an area of 2,300 square meters in the city
center of Hangzhou. It is a combination of KTV, leisure, swimming pool and so on.
The clubhouse is not a kind of high-rise building, but only two floors high, the decoration is
quite luxurious, and the cost of the entire clubhouse is in the hundreds of mil ions.
This private club only entertains a group of customers every day, and the rental price of
one day has reached six figures.
People who can enter or leave this club are al people with heads and faces in Hangzhou.
The entire decoration style used in the clubhouse gives a strong sense of ritual. The gate of
the clubhouse is gilded with gold rims, which is extremely high. A stone dragon is carved in
front of the gate to bring it to life.
On both sides of the gate of the clubhouse, there are no less than one mil ion luxury cars
Enter the gate of the clubhouse, first enter a courtyard, there are mountains and water in
the yard, and there are koi in the pool.
There are ladies and ladies, dressed in luxury, who are chatting in other courtyards.
Upon hearing the news of Henryhui's coming, Xiao Shan waited in front of the clubhouse
ten minutes ago. When he saw Henry appearing in the other courtyard, Xiao Shan couldn't
wait to come over.
For Henry, Xiao Shan ’s impression has always been very good. Because of family reasons,
Henry has been suffering with his mother since he was very young. When he saw Xiao Shan,
he was also very polite. The scenery can even be said to be poor.
When Henry left Xiaoshan's house at the age of 14, Xiaoshan always blamed himself for this
matter. He had promised his benefactor in his early years, but did not do it. Now when he
sees Henry, his first thing is to want to be good Compensate Henry.
"Come on, Xiaoxuan, introduce some uncles to you!" Xiao Shan stepped forward, embraced
Henry's shoulder enthusiastical y, and took Henry into the clubhouse.
Milan looked at his father this way, Lin Chong Han wry smile, "Sylvia, after my father and
mother if I do not, you may have to take me ah!" Sylvia covered his mouth and smiled. She
knew Henry's relationship with the Milan family. She was not surprised by Xiao Shan's
Henry fol owed Xiao Shan into the club.
There are not many people in the clubhouse, but everyone can be said to have a
distinguished identity. Their net worth is billions and tens of billions. It can be said that an
ordinary person can know one of them, which is considered to be his most extensive
"Everyone, please tell me, this is my son, Henry, come, Henry, introduce you to these elders,
this is Fang Zong of Yongtai Real Estate."
"Uncle Fang." Henryhong nodded.
"Young man, he looks handsome, very spirited, old Xiao, with such a dry son, I don't know
to introduce it to everyone to know early!" Fang Zong of Yongtai Real Estate did not take
any high profile.
This is a billion-dollar boss who can speak so well and undoubtedly has given Xiao Shan a
lot of face. At the same time, he can also see the position of Xiao Shan in this circle and the
importance of Henry in his heart.
If it is just a junior, Xiao Shan will not bring him to this club and introduce many business
owners one by one.
Xiao Shan introduced Henry one by one. Henry said hello one by one. Those bosses were
very kind to Xiao Shan.
Hangzhou City, Yongfeng career.
Yongfeng Group, covering many areas in Hangzhou, from real estate to AI, Yongfeng has
Recently, many major events have occurred within Yongfeng Industry.
In the past three months, Yongfeng Industry has been attacked by countless cyber hackers,
including its chairman Yang Xiong, who was also attacked in real life.
Fortunately, Yang Xiong asked people to find a relationship and found three strong
bodyguards. Only to ensure that he is safe and sound.
The dangers of the upper class are not understood by many ordinary people. The socal ed
assassinations and kidnappings have all happened in real life, but they have not been
exposed because of their influence.
The reason why Yongfeng Industry has been so targeted in these three months is that there
is only one reason. Yongfeng Industry developed an extraordinary project three months
ago. Although this project has only preliminary Progress, but the influence is super!
That is, use water as fuel to drive the engine!
As soon as this technology was proposed, it attracted the attention of al parties.
Yang Xiong also knew that his invention would damage the interests of many people, so he
chose a collaborator, Xiao Group in Hangzhou.
Xiao Group, although it is not as influential as Yongfeng Industrial, and is a new company in
recent years, has little influence, but it covers no less fields than Yongfeng Industrial.
If water can be used as fuel, the impact of Yang Xiong is very clear. In 1980, an inventor of
the magnesium country, Stanley Meyer, invented a car using water as a fuel, driving from
Los Angeles to New York, the total distance About 3,000 kilometers, only 83 litres of water
was used.
At that time, an unknown person had contributed 1 bil ion to Stanley Meyer to stop this
research, and was rejected by Stanley Meyer. In 1996, when Stanley Meyer was going to
show his first water fuel cel car Before, the bizarre death, the cause of death is stil
A week after Stanley Meyer's death, his research results, and the water fuel cell car,
disappeared in a fire.
is because of the emergence of this technology, Yongfeng Industry has faced an
unprecedented crisis.
If it can be carried over, Yongfeng Industry will leap forward and stand on the top of the
world, but if it can't resist, Yongfeng Industry will surely usher in destruction.
For such a long time, Yang Xiong frightened every day. Only the three powerful bodyguards
can give him some confidence.
This technology has affected the interests of too many people. Once a patent is actually
registered and put into use, it is not as simple as affecting the business community, but will
affect the situation of the entire world!
Today, when it was time to leave work, Yang Xiong didn't leave because he didn't dare.
Without the three bodyguards to follow him, he dared not go anywhere. His three
bodyguards were taken out by his son, and he hasn't returned.
Yang Xiong made several calls to the bodyguard, but none of them got through.
Just when Yang Xiong was going to ask where his son was, his phone was cal ed in.
This is an unsigned phone number, but Yang Xiong changed his face.
Yang Xiong answered the phone and said politely, "Hello, Mr. Wang." What Yang Xiong can
call you by your name shows the identity of the other party.
"Yang Xiong, don't you think, I will help you find a few people, especially relaxed?" Mr.
Wang's voice on the phone seemed a little angry.
"Mr. Wang, I don't understand what you mean." Yang Xiong said cautiously. Now, he
doesn't dare to offend this Mr. Wang, only because his three ace bodyguards are because
Mr. Wang helped him find it. If you are not happy, then you will be miserable.
Now, it is the moment of life and death for Yongfeng Industry. After passing this hurdle, it
stands on the top of the world. Once it falls, there is no chance of even coming back!
"I don't understand what I mean?" Mr. Wang chuckled softly on the phone, and the laughter
was ful of dissatisfaction. "You Yang Xiong, who has provoke someone who
should not provoke, let me get rid of the person you are looking for? Since so, You Yang
Xiong thinks who can help you, just ask who you are! That's it! "
Mr. Wang said, and he planned to hang up.
"Mr. Wang, listen to me!" Yang Xiong hurriedly said, "Mr. Wang, I real y don't understand
what you mean."
"Okay, you still don't understand it, then I tell you, today you let those three Do you know
what kind of big men they face? Do n’t talk about the bodyguards I found for you.
Even if the bodyguard of a head of state comes over, do n’t try to please them in front of
that person! I do n’t I know the identity of the person, but the strength of the other party is
at least world-class! You're good, provoke the person, and throw al your anger on me! Yang
Xiong, you are already well-known in the industry, so you can take care of yourself Let's
beep ... beep ... "
The busy tone on the phone made Yang Xiong unable to recover for a long time.
Provoked big man, beat? Yang Xiong doesn't know anything about these things. What he
thinks now is what Mr. Wang said, world-class strength!
Because I have been exposed to too many dark things recently, Yang Xiong has also dragged
a lot of relationships and asked about this, especially the bodyguard community.
In this industry, many professional bodyguards have been graded.
For example, the general bodyguard, the kind who has won the city Sanda champion, is the
municipal level, the provincial champion is the provincial level, on top of this, there is a
national level, the so-called national level, is able to perform missions across the
country, this There are quite high requirements for the bodyguard's own quality.The
bodyguard Yang Xiong asked for this time is the national level!
This level of classification sounds old-fashioned, but it is clear at a glance.
Above the national level, there is also a world-class bodyguard of this level, which can not
be hired with money. This kind of master is cal ed horror. At that time, Yang Xiong saw a
ruthless person with world-class strength. Man, hitting a cement wall with a punch, this
kind of power, it is not an exaggeration to say that a cow is killed by a punch.
Moreover, this role is not only powerful, but their skil s are exceptional. Everyone also has a
very deep understanding of firearms, etc. These people are used to protect important roles
such as the head of state.
At that time, someone told Yang Xiong that you can provoke some rich people and people
with power, but you must not provoke such people, because those with money and power
want to deal with you, you stil have a way to go, but This kind of world-class ruthless
character, once you provoke him, he real y wants your life, unless you can find someone at
the same level to protect you, otherwise, you are over.
Can Yang Xiong find a world-class person to protect himself? The answer is no, unless, he
really researched the project, otherwise, he didn't have the qualifications and connections.
Just three national masters have already made Yang Xiong very happy.
"How could I get this kind of person? How could it be?" Yang Xiong sat in his office chair,
thinking about it. During this time, he didn't offend any major role.
While Yang Xiong was still thinking, his office door was pushed open from the outside.
I saw Yang Haifeng walked in angrily and said directly to Yang Xiong: "Dad, you have to find
someone for me, I want revenge, I have never been so angry, you quickly find some
powerful bodyguards for me!"
When he saw his son, Yang Xiong immediately reacted. The fight that Mr. Wang said on the
phone was definitely not related to his son.
"Dad, what are you stunned, please find someone for me, I can't swallow it for a minute!"
Yang Haifeng sat down on Yang Xiong's desk.
Looking at his son's gesture, a anger burst into Yang Xiong's heart instantly, and he
shouted: "Get me off! What posture! No big or small!"
Yang Haifeng was terrified by Yang Xiong's sudden drunken voice, The subconscious
jumped off the table and stood straight.
But soon, Yang Haifeng's figure collapsed. "Dad, I'm being bul ied like this today. You do
n't care about me?" Yang Xiong ignored his son's words and asked directly: "I will let you
take it out What about the three bodyguards? "
Yang Haifeng shook his arm." What are these three wastes about? What are they doing? I
let them get out! Holding more than 50 mil ion people in our house a year is better than
feeding them dogs. " "
" Get out of here? "Yang Xiong listened to his son's words and was a little out of breath.
No wonder Mr. Wang was so angry. The three national bodyguards, but they asked Mr.
Wang to help him. Came, and was driven away by his son?
"Dad, what are you doing with an angry expression? Those rubbish, roll early and be good,
you can't beat three or one in a ring, what's the use of them?" Yang Haifeng glanced at his
mouth, disdainful y.
Yang Haifeng on
, Yang Xiong widened his eyes.
"You take them to the Health Warning, is also a three strikes have not played?"
"Yes ah!" Yang Haifeng nodded vigorously, "Dad, this is what you talk about waste ah,
they ......"
Yang Xiong able to get a slap in the face Yang Haifeng's face said angrily: "Shut up for me!"
Yang Haifeng didn't expect his father would suddenly hit him, he covered his side, "Dad!
What are you doing! I'm being bul ied, you don't care about me Forget it, still hit me? "
" What do you know! "Yang Xiong frowned.
The three national bodyguards, in the ring, have not beaten anyone else with three hits,
what does that mean? The person that his son provokes, it is absolutely world-class!
Yang Xiong pondered a long while, asked:. "You and the man, how the outbreak of the
Yang Haifeng neck stem: "He took my woman!"
"Woman" Yang Xiong looked at his son, a turn iron into steel appearance? "A woman makes
you cause such a big trouble!"
"Trouble? Dad, I don't understand what you are talking about!" Yang Haifeng asked
Yang Xiong looked at his son like this and sighed helplessly. What his son looked like, he
couldn't understand it anymore. It's useless to blame him now, only to ask the world-class
masters of others, no Think more about yourself!
"Okay, let's go first." Yang Xiong packed his things and walked out of the office. The three
national bodyguards were pushed away. They wanted to get them back again. It was
impossible. Mr. Wang was angry. Looks like, don't want to ask him for help anymore, it
seems that you can only find more ordinary bodyguards. Anyway, let's carry this period of
time first, and wait for a new step in technology, and all problems will be solved.
Yang Xiong took Yang Haifeng to the underground parking lot, and felt a cool breeze
coming from behind his neck.
In the past three months, Yang Xiong has been attacked a lot. When he felt this, he
exclaimed in his heart that it was not good. He was just about to be careful with Yang
Haifeng. As a result, he had n’t spoken yet. Yang Xiong's neck, that sharp, has punctured
Yang Xiong's skin.
In the past, before this, Yang Xiong's three bodyguards could detect in advance and solve
the enemy, but today, no one is destined to save him.
Yang Xiong mentioned his throat in one heart, fearing to anger the other party, and
cautiously said: "Everyone, if we have anything, we can discuss it."
Yang Xiong just spoke, and heard a roar from the side, "Go away, draft I, I dared to touch, I
know who is it? " "
peak child, shut up! "snapped Yang Xiong heard, followed by and said," Gentlemen, what do
you say to me, do not hurt my son. " "
Yang, You are really a good father. "Yang Xiong heard a playful voice behind him," but the
son's mouth is really a bit stinky, I can bear it, and my brother can't stand it, so, first cut off
a tail "Let the younger son stop for a while."
"Don't!" Yang Xiong said anxiously, he didn't doubt the words of these people. During this
time, he saw much more, and Yang Xiong also understood that these people who moved
themselves were a group of desperation, It doesn't take human life at all, let alone cut a
Unfortunately, Yang Xiong's words did not play any role at all.
Yang Xiong, who was pressed against his neck by a sharp blade, did not dare to move
around casually. He heard clearly, beside him, there was a scream. "Finger! My finger !!!"
This scream is from Yang Haifeng.
A bloody tail finger was thrown on the ground in front of Yang Xiong.
Behind Yang Xiong, the voice sounded again, "Listen, this sound is more pleasant."
Yang Xiongqiang endured the anger in his heart and said, "You guys, I know why you came
" Just know it, Mr. Yang, there are some things. I real y want to thank Ling Gongzi. I have
stared at you for more than two months. Your three bodyguards are inseparable from each
other. If it was n’t for Ling Gong to help us, today, we really have no courage Let ’s talk,
where is the technology, I ’l give you ten seconds, and after ten seconds, I ’l take your son ’s
hand and give it to you, one ... "
" In the safe upstairs. "Yang Xiong didn't insist on it, he said, "You follow me upstairs, and I
will take you to take it."
"That would not work, so, before getting the things, order your son, I will take care of you
first, and wait for the things to be handed, I will return the order to you, right , and we are a
group of working poor, can not have extra money to make the son of eating and drinking. "
Do not touch me! you ...... Where are you taking me? dad! save me ah dad! "
At the moment, Yang Xiong was Holding the knife against his neck, he didn't dare to turn
his head, he could only listen When his son's panic sounded, as soon as the engine rang,
Yang Haifeng's voice completely disappeared.
"Let's go, President Yang." The sharp blade that reached Yang Haifeng's neck was put away.
Yang Xiong dared to turn around. Standing behind Yang Xiong was a young man with
ordinary looks and ordinary short hair. He was of the type that could not be found at a
glance when thrown into the crowd.
"Mr. Yang, please lead the way." The youth grinned.
Yang Xiong nodded, "I have something to explain, I can only give you half of the
"Half?" When the young man heard this, his face suddenly showed dissatisfaction, "Mr.
Yang, you want me to give the order to your son Was it only half when it was returned to
you? "
"No." Yang Xiong shook his head again and again, "The information is only half of me, and
the other half is in the hands of Xiao Xiao, the Xiao Group." The young man groaned: "Xiao's
Group? Xiaoshan?" The
young man muttered Xiao Shan's name, while taking out the phone, editing text messages.
The text message was edited halfway, and the young man opened his mouth, "Where is Xiao
"We are about to discuss cooperation at the 19th floor meeting today, and he should be
there." The
youth sent the short message after typing the word " 19th floor" Went out.
Clubhouse on the 19th floor.
Xiao Shan brought Henry, and it can be said that al the people with heads and faces in the
institute were introduced. Now, everyone knows Henry.
"Haha, Xiaoxuan, look at you like this, and you're tired and choking. Okay, it's not difficult
for you. Go play with Mier and Sylvia. You young people have something to say." Xiao Shan
patted Henry's shoulder Haha laughed.
"Okay, then I'll go find them first."
Henry saw Sylvia and Milan's two girls in the club's other courtyard. They were holding a
piece of pastry and sitting beside the fish pond in the other courtyard. While breaking a
piece to feed the fish, it's laid back.
Several young and handsome young people came up to greet them, introduce their own
businesses, handed their own business cards, and asked Sylvia and Milan's contact
Henry Zhang looked at the two girls and the men around them, but shook their heads
helplessly, looking for a beautiful wife, they had to accept their wife's charm Thing.
For this kind of thing, Henry gradual y got used to it.
"Wife, you are here, I have found you for a long time." Henry stepped forward and greeted
The word "wife", so that the young handsome people surrounded by Sylvia and Milan, put
their eyes on Henry.
Although they don't know who Henry's wife is, these two beauties, no matter which one,
aren't this ordinary looking kid worthy of it?
"End of the chat?" Sylvia looked at Henry with a smile on her face, and her smile made
people around her unconsciously show the same expression as pig.
These young and handsome people have not seen beautiful women, but they can see those
beautiful women, and none of them can compare with Sylvia.
"It's exhausting after talking," Henry sat down next to the fish pond.
"It's not too tired. It's really tiring to wait for the next big party!" Milan said to Henry very
Henry was a little speechless. It seems that Milan also experienced this kind of thing, but
the two of them vomited and did not blame Xiao Shan. You know, they are tired of saying
hel o, Xiao Shan is more tired to introduce, everything is still good for them .
Henry sat here, casually chatting with Sylvia and Milan.
The young handsome people who had greeted them al were left aside.
These young and handsome people have a very solid family background. Everyone is a
wealthy second-generation standard. Wherever they go, they are all crowded. Now this
feeling of not being in the eyes of the people makes They are particularly uncomfortable.
One of the young men with Qi Mei and long hair handed a business card to Henry,
"Dude, let me know. My name is Shanzhuang, Haozi Real Estate."
"Oh." Henry took the business card without
looking at it, and put it in his pocket, "I'm Henry." "Henry?" Shanzhuang looked at Henry's
movements, dissatisfied, "Dude, do you look down on me? "No.
" Henry shook his head. He didn't look down on this Shanzhuang, but he understood what
this Shanzhuang greeted himself. The purpose of the other party was obviously not to
know himself, but more because Sylvia and Milan For this kind of person, Henry can't give
him any good looks.
Moreover, for Henry's personal identity, Shanzhuang really doesn't even count as a fart in
front of him.
Henry is of course welcome if he is here to make friends. If he is here to show off with
himself, this kind of person is not worthy to show off in front of Henry.
"Her husband, it's so boring to sit here, let's go inside and eat something." Sylvia said at this
time, and she was annoyed by these people too.
"Okay, listen to you." Henry nodded, first got up, put a hand on Sylvia, and then walked into
the clubhouse.
Milan followed behind the two, venting their dissatisfaction, "I said you two, is there any
human nature, just throw me there? Henry, your wife is a woman, I am not? I don't know to
help me For a moment? Just enter your house like this? Believe it or not, I'll wear smal
shoes for you? "
" Uh ... help next time. "
Milan rolled his eyes and said nothing.
Shanzhuang stood outside, looking at Henry's back, and said bitterly: "Tell me what this is,
and that long-haired woman, I want all of her information!" The clubhouse meeting uses
the form of a buffet dance, and there are some private KTVs upstairs for guests to use at
The three of Henry sat on a small table, took some meals, and chatted while eating.
Before taking a few bites, Shanzhuang with Qi Mei and long hair came over again,
"Henry, turned out to be the son of President Xiao. So, did you enter this circle today? I have
to say that as a group The boss ’s son, your behavior is really arrogant. ”
“ I do n’t think so. ”Henry shook his head and continued to eat what was on the plate in
front of him,“ Mr. Shan, what are you doing? "
Nothing." Shanzhuang shook his head. "I just took a fancy to your wife. I want to come over
and talk to your wife. Why, do you have an opinion?"
Shanzhuang raised his eyebrows deliberately and provoked Henry. .
Henryzheng took chopsticks with a dish, looked up at Shanzhuang, and smiled slightly,
"What are you thinking of?"
"Are you there!" Shanzhuang waved his hand and waved al the dishes in front of Henry to
the ground. There was a crackling sound.
At the same time, behind Shanzhuang, several young people stood up and all looked at
Henry with a lousy look. These young people, al of whom are rich second generation, are
now obviously with Shanzhuang.
Without mentioning the identity of Henry, the son of Xiao Shanqian, he found such a
beautiful woman as his wife, which attracted them to be jealous. Just because of the identity
of Shanzhuang, let them stand on the side of Shanzhuang.
Since ancient times, people have not fought against officials, no matter how powerful the
businessman is, they are not opponents of politics.
Shanzhuang, the son of the city's bureau chief, Haozi Real Estate, this multi-billion-dollar
industry is just a toy of Shanzhuang.
Being a police chief in a first-tier city like Hangzhou City, the background is not ordinary
hard, a little deep digging, you can find a lot of fearful forces from behind Shanzhuang.
Shanzhuang looked at Henry and scolded: "Do you ask Lao Tzu what it is? Lao Tzu still
wants to ask what you are! Lao Tzu talks to you well, don't you listen, right, today I will let
you kneel!"
The noise caused here attracted the attention of the elders at once.
Upon seeing Shanzhuang, Xiao Shan said that Henry's face changed suddenly, and he
quickly walked over, "Shan Gongzi, what's wrong with this, how come it's so hot?"
Although the Xiao Group is big, it is The newly-launched enterprises in recent years can be
said to have no foundation, and they cannot be compared with the official children like
Face Xiaoshan, a single village is also rude, "Xiao total, this is your godson, I asked him to do
what it is? If you do not teach people, then I'll help you teach?"
Single village his intervention, let The elders Xiaoshan introduced to Henry before were
also startled, and looked at Henry with an indescribable taste.
One of them even whispered: "This Henry, thought that Xiaoshan was the godfather, would
he dare to be lawless?"
"No way, this kind of inflated person, seeing more, annoying the single family, see him how
Do. "
" Henry, what's going on? "Xiao Shan frowned slightly, feeling that things were a bit difficult
to deal with. After all, the single family couldn't even afford themselves, let alone Henry.
"It's okay." Henry shook his head. "Talk to this Shan Gongzi."
"Shall I chat with you?" Shan Zhuang picked up an empty plate and directly hit Henry on
original soft music in the clubhouse, because of what happened here stopped.
"Enough!" Sylvia slammed the table. Although she didn't know the identity behind this
Shanzhuang, she could guess some from Xiaoshan's attitude. "Dan Gongzi, right, it's up to
you today Again and again, we are in trouble. Although we are smal people, we are not bul
ying ourselves. Today, we will discuss a fair, husband, let ’s go! "
Sylvia took Henry's hand and prepared to go to the club Go outside.
"Go?" Shanzhuang sneered and stopped Sylvia. "Am I letting you go? I tell you, Lao Tzu is
going to sleep with you today. Let me see who can he go!"
"Shan Gongzi, Shan Gongzi, "Come down." Fang Zong of Yongtai Real Estate came over.
"Today is a good day. Everyone drinks two glasses. Let down, come, and I respect
everyone." As a result
, Fang Zong picked up the glass and poured himself ful . A glass, LANXESS said:
"Come on, everyone, toast, I'l do it first!"
Everyone can also see that Fang always came to the round, and al raised his glasses.
"Don't you drink, get out!" Shanzhuang shot away the glass in Fang's hand and spil ed the
wine all over Fang.
In this regard, Fang always ridiculed, not much to say.
Xiao Shan exited at this time: "Shan Gongzi, what is wrong with my son, I apologize to you,
and don't be too hard for him."
"You apologize to me?" Shanzhuang glanced at Xiao Shan, pointing Milan, "what can you
apologize to me? this is your daughter right, now you let her clothes off, just give me this
hop pole dancing, I accept your apology, how?"
Xiaoshan face look It went dark, "Dan Gongzi, you said that, is it a bit excessive?"
"Excess? Do you dare to say that I am excessive? Lao Tzu, let you see what is excessive!"
Dan Zhuang Chong Sylvia pointed , "Catch her for me!"
Several young men standing behind Shanzhuang all reached out and grabbed Sylvia.
At the same time, Shanzhuang also reached out and grabbed to Sylvia.
The rest of the people watching this scene are daring to speak out, and Shanzhuang's father
is the leader of the city council. Who dares to mess with it!
Seeing that a young man had almost caught his hand on Sylvia, a burst of explosion
suddenly sounded.
The strong airflow swept from the door of the clubhouse, and the people standing in the
clubhouse were unstable because of this strong airflow.
Henry protected Sylvia and Milan's two girls in the first time. After strong flow, a burst of
smoke and dust appeared.
The gate of the original luxurious clubhouse became dilapidated.
The fine decoration in the clubhouse, and the dazzling delicacies are scattered al over the
ground because of the air current.
"Explosion! Explosion!"
"Alarm! Hurry!"
A scream sounded in the clubhouse.
Shanzhuang couldn't care about Henry's trouble at this time anymore. This sudden
explosion was unexpected to everyone.
Henry's eyes stared at the door of the clubhouse. In the smoke, a total of eight figures
appeared slowly. These eight figures were all wearing hoods and could not see clearly.
Everyone held a controlled knife in his hand. .
The entrepreneurs in the clubhouse were all shrunk to the corner at this moment, and
looked at the eight gangsters with balaclavas dizzyingly.
The eyes of the eight gangsters were searched throughout the clubhouse. Final y, they fixed
their eyes on Xiao Shan. The first
person made a low, hoarse voice, "Xiao's Group, Xiaoshan ... it's him." The gangster's words
let everyone understand why these people came today.
Henry patted Sylvia's back, indicating that she shouldn't worry. Henrygang was ready to
get up and solve these gangsters. He heard a slight "drop ... drop ..." sound outside the wall
behind him.
The sound of this sound made Henry's face change drastical y.
As a person who grew up in gunfire, Henry knew very well what this dripping sound
Time bomb!
This time bomb is separated from them by a wall. Once it explodes, the consequences will
be disastrous! Sylvia and Milan, including Xiao Shan, will be affected by this bomb.
Once they are affected, there will be only one in the end!
In the current situation, Henry can no longer deal with these eight gangsters, because he
does not know when the bomb behind him will explode, and in the next second, the flame
of explosion will appear.
Looking up, Henry found that there was an exit on the wall behind him. It was too late to
hesitate. Henry got up quickly and jumped hard. The whole person was like a spirit ape and
turned out of the window.
Before, when Henry had just arrived at this club, he found that there were several masters
in this club, at least at the same level as Yang Haifeng who found the three men. This kind of
master is here. Can't deal with it, Henry can't handle it now, and handling bombs is the
most important thing.
Henry's practice of jumping through the window, in the eyes of others, is to run away alone.
As soon as he turned out of the window, Henry saw that there were two figures fighting
together. One of them, with a mask on his face, was obviously with the gangsters inside.
The other figure gives a healthy beauty, it is a woman!
Henry only glanced at it, he didn't go to many tubes, his eyes locked on the time bomb that
had been installed on the wall.
Didi's voice became more and more rapid, and the time displayed on the timer was less
than fifteen seconds.
Henry squatted down and looked at the time bomb on the root of the wall. The lines were
so dense that even an experienced bomb dismantling expert would not dare to touch it at
random. This is a very confusing bomb. Unfortunately, he met Henry.
When he was first brought into this line, Henry went through a lot of inhumane training.
In that kind of training, human life will not be taken seriously at all. In all actual combat
training, two people take a gun, only the opponent dies. Training is just over.
The same is true of bomb dismantling. When Henry was 16 years old, he was proficient in
al kinds of bombs. He forced himself to remember the principle of each bomb, because their
training method was to dismantle the bombs without any measures. If you are a little
careless, you will end up with a crushed body.
It only took five seconds for Henry to find the thread and unplug it.
At the moment Henry pulled the line of fire, the timer on the bomb stopped abruptly.
Henry sighed with relief and looked again at the two people who were wrestling together.
The sturdy female is obviously not an opponent in black with a hood. He is already at a
disadvantage. He is beaten down by the hooded gangsters and sees no match.
Jing Ruoqian is a proud daughter of heaven, she has a superior background, her father is
the secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, looks beautiful, and has a good
figure, it can be said that it is a perfect Woman.
Such a woman, many people will think of it as a boudoir.
But Jing Ruoxi was just the opposite. She had a sense of justice since she was a child and
liked something violent. When other women chased the bubble show, she liked Jingwumen.
When others watched TV shows on TV, she liked When she was young, she was watching
the show of Ultimate Fighting.
Jing Ruoxi's father wanted his daughter to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting from
an early age, but Jing Ruoxi was only interested in things like taekwondo and fighting.
Growing up, Jing Ruoqian, regardless of her father's opposition, plunged into the criminal
police team in Hangzhou.
Jing Ruoqian's father could not persuade her daughter, and she could only go as she
wished. However, in the city council, Jing Ruoqian's father also said hello.
Although working in the Criminal Police Team, Jing Ruoxi has never handled a major case.
The director of the Municipal Bureau did not dare to let this little princess get injured.
This feeling made Jing Ruoxi very suffocated. She worked as a police officer to solve the
case and arrest the thief.
Since the case could not be solved by the Criminal Police Team, Jing Ruoqian decided to
find a way to solve the case. Based on her relationship, she inquired about a group of
gangsters who would deal with Xiaoshan of the Xiao Group in the near future. Research
From the day when the news was found, Jing Ruoxi has been secretly fol owing Xiao Shan,
waiting for the gangster to appear.
Today, Jing Ruoxi finally waited. When she saw that the gangster was installing a time
bomb, she shot directly.
But Jing Ruoxi found that she was a little too high to see herself. Originally, she thought that
a group of ordinary gangsters had no problem dealing with them at al , but now they found
out that what they know is too little, especial y in actual combat In terms of experience, it is
not the opponent of the other party at all, but after a few strokes, he was completely
Seeing the gangster kicking at him, Jing Ruoxi quickly reached out to resist, but she didn't
expect the other party to just sway. The real move was in his hand. Jing Ruoxi was too late
to respond and was cut into the neck with a knife. I felt that my head was sinking and I
couldn't use any force.
"It's over!"
This was the last thought in Jing Ruoqian's heart. The pain in her neck made her even more
responsive. In the face of the attack from the gangsters, she could only retreat.
Being kicked by the gangster again, Jing Ruoqian turned around to hide, and the physical
exertion was too much, which made her unstable footsteps and fell backwards, which real y
fell down. stand up.
Just then, a strong arm supported Jing Ruoqian's body that was about to fal .
Before Jing Ruoqian had time to see who it was, she heard a magnetic voice, "What is the
meaning of playing with a woman, let's fight."
While speaking, the master of the voice held Jing Ruoxi firmly. it is good.
Jing Ruoqian had the opportunity to look at the person who came here. This is a young man
in ordinary clothes. He looks like a handsome, but his eyes, like the vast galaxy, let people
look at it, and they can't help being drunk. among them.
"Your movements are very fast, and your strength is not worse than him, even without him,
he uses murderous tricks, and you use arresting tricks." Henry looked at Jing Ruoxi and
said, "such people, you want to beat him, it's easy, you only need to do more than his
ruthless on the line, like this!" As
soon as the wording fell, Henry's figure moved, and he went straight to the gangster.
Without any extra tricks, he punched directly at the gangster's face.
Henry's fist is fast and powerful, with a strong sonic boom. In the face of this punch, the
gangster can only dodge, but can Henry's combat experience be comparable to this
gangster, waiting for this gangster, It was Henry's knee and elbow.
These two places are the places where the human body can bring the strongest impact.
Almost at the same time, Henry's elbows and knees slammed into the gangster's body.
The gangster, who was still fierce, flew out.
In Jing Ruoxi's view, this set of actions is undoubtedly rapid and direct.
The speed demonstrated by Henry just now is not much different from that of Jing Ruoqian,
but the result is very different. This is the difference in combat experience!
Jing Ruoqian's beautiful big eyes showed a touch of light, and Henry's movement opened a
new door for her.
"Look, if you are tougher than him, he is not your opponent." Henry clapped his hands.
"Teached." Jing Ruoqian nodded to Henry, pulled out the handcuffs from the slim waist, and
strode toward the gangster.
The gangster was hit by Henry's elbow and knee, lying on the ground, all spasms al over his
body, but at the moment when Jing Ruoqian approached, the appearance of the gangster's
spasm suddenly disappeared.
"Be careful!" Henry shouted, but it was too late.
If it was Henry himself, it would certainly be able to react, but Jing Ruoxi apparently did not
think so much, and he saw the gangster leap up, and a pistol appeared from his hand,
straight up against Jing Ruoxi's head.
The cold pistol exudes a killing intention and can take away human life at any time.
Jing Ruoqian didn't even think that someone in China can still hold a gun!
"He's it!" The gangster yelled loudly, pressing the pistol against Jing Ruoxi's forehead hard,
and Jing Ruoxi subconsciously stepped back two steps.
The gangster looked at Henry and scolded: "Boy, aren't you very good at fighting?
Come on, see if my gun is fast or your fist is fast!"
Henry looked at the gangster and did not show any confusion Emotion, "You came with a
mission. You shot today. Do you think you can get away?"
"Are you less crap." The robber grabbed Jing Ruoqian's shoulder and blocked it in front of
him, then Pointing the gun aside, "Go and drive the car to Lao Tzu, hurry!" The gangster's
words had not finished yet, and the muzzle reached Jing Ruoxi's head again.
"No problem, you want to go. It's the right choice. After all, if there is more money, there is
no way to spend it, right?" Henry made a psychological hint to the gangster while walking
over and stopped the car at the clubhouse. The reception car in the other courtyard was
started. In this reception car, the keys are usually on the car.
Soon, this reception car was driven to the gangster by Henry.
The gangster shouted at Jing Ruoxi: "Come on, open the car door and get in the car!
Don't he make Lao Tzu angry, Lao Tzu is anxious, everyone don't live!"
Jing Ruo Qian took a deep breath, holding back her panic. Open the car door.
In the car, the gangster gasped, "Go! Lao Tzu let you drive, you can drive! Don't play tricks!"
"No problem, I will send you out of the city." Henry smiled at the gangster deliberately and
stepped on The throttle drove the car out of the club smoothly.
clubhouse , the explosion smoke.
The eight gangsters gradual y pushed towards Xiao Shan.
Looking at Xiao Shan in the corner, some people showed regretful expressions and shook
their heads, while others made fun of him in the bottom of their hearts. Then they
solemnly introduced themselves to being a son. They just did not hesitate to offend
Shanzhuang for this son. In danger, this son runs the fastest.
Looking at the eight gangsters, Xiao Shan got up slowly, and he took a deep breath. "I know
why you came here. Is the capitalist's ambition so heavy? Want to ruin everything?"
"Oh, President Xiao Now that you know it, take it out obediently, I think, you do n’t want
your daughter to suffer any harm, do you? "The gangster, headed, looked at Milan.
Xiao Shan shook his head, "Sorry, I can't give it to you."
"Since President Xiao toasted and didn't eat, then he could only give you a fine, and get
started!" go with.
Facing these eight desperates, no one dared to move in the entire banquet hal .
"Dad, be careful!" Milan stood up and stood in front of Xiao Shan.
"It's okay." Xiao Shan smiled slightly and patted Milan on the shoulder.
When the eight gangsters were still four or five meters away from Xiaoshan, a figure rushed
over from the side and drove the gangster who rushed to the front into the air.
At the same time, in front of the clubhouse's bombed-out gate, several figures emerged,
cracking their fists and looking at the gangsters with poor looks.
One of the young leaders took the lead and said indifferently: "Since it's here, don't want to
leave !" Yang Xiong knows the importance of technology, how could Xiao Shan not know?
Beside Xiao Shan, there has always been protection.
Outside the clubhouse, under the guidance of the gangster, Henry drove all the way
towards the outskirts of the city.
"What's the parking! Who asked him to stop!" The gangster saw Henry's speed getting
slower and shouted loudly.
"Brother, this is not your car, but you don't have to wait for the traffic lights!" Henry rolled
his eyes and stopped the car at the intersection. "Should you obey the traffic rules?"
"Rush over! Lao Tzu let you rush over!" He pressed hard against Jing Ruoqian's head.
Every time the car stayed in the city for a second, his heart was a little more flustered.
Once he was caught, his life was over.
Who is willing to go to jail for a life that can be lived in a smart way outside?
"Punch, rush!" Henry suddenly turned back and reprimanded. This action, let alone Jing
Ruoqian was a little ignorant, even the gangsters were stunned.
"I said you came to tie a person, do you have a mind, so many cars, you let me rush?
There is a car accident, the traffic police are not coming? I say you have a sick brain! Sit in
peace, I will take you out of the city After Henry sneered, he looked back forward.
There was a strange silence in the vehicle.
Obviously, the gangster threatened Henry, but now, he has become a gangster for Henry
It took a full minute before the red light in front of me turned green.
"Let's go ..." the gangster said.
In the voice of the gangster, Jing Ruoqian even heard a sense of grievance.
"Nonsense, I'm not blind!" Henry returned with a word, and drove towards the suburbs.
The car drove slowly on the street, did not attract the attention of others, and gradually left
the city and came to the suburbs.
"Look, if you go forward, you will be on the national highway. When you run, you will have
a little bit in your heart. The reception car must be positioned. Don't be addicted."
Henry stopped the car on a wide avenue, opened the door, and got off directly.
Henry walked to the back row and knocked on the rear car glass. "I said, you are here too.
Should I put the people away? It's such a beautiful girl. It's a pity to kill you. Be a daughter-
in-law. "
Henry deliberately said these deliberate words just to let the gangsters relax their vigilance
and prevent the other party from making excessive actions.
Henry saw too many such scenes and knew how to deal with them.
The gangster glanced at Henry without saying a word, and said to Jing Ruoqian: "Open the
door! Get off!"
Maybe it's because he has arrived in the suburbs, or it may be that Henry's psychological
hint has worked. Excited.
Jing Ruoqian got a gun against the back of the head, slowly opened the door, and walked
slowly down.
The gangster fol owed Jing Ruoxi and didn't dare to relax at al until Henry observed that the
gangster's tight muscles relaxed a lot, which proved that his psychological defense line also
began to decline.
"Wel , you go to drive it in front of a couple of choices Take your pick." Henry walked two
steps when Akane pulled King's arm, "I took the people, we better not meet again."
Criminals Point Nodding his head, he took two steps back, and the gun left Jing Ruoqian's
head. The black hole was scary from the bottom of his heart. He touched the door handle of
the main driver.
With a soft click, the car door was opened by the gangster.
The gangster slowly sat down in the car, his eyes never leaving Jing Ruoqian and Henry.
As soon as the gangster sat in the car and turned around, Jing Ruoqian's eyes revealed a
fine mane, and he stepped forward to the gangster, who was stil outside the car and
grabbed with a pistol.
Jing Ruoqian's action, even Henry did not expect, scolded the idiot in his heart, Henry
stepped forward and grabbed Jing Ruoqian.
"Grass! Bitch, I will know!" The gangster roared, and the hand holding the gun did not
hesitate, pulling the trigger!
At this instant, Jing Ruoqian only felt a blank in his brain. The tongue of fire from the gun
was the sickle of death.
At a critical moment, Henry grabbed Jing Ruoqian's hand and yanked her sideways, while
also doing a sideways rotation.
The bul et hit a Mars on the ground.
The gangster shot again, Henry yanked the rear seat door open. As a resistance, Henry
suddenly got up and jumped, kicked at the same time, kicked heavily before the gangster
had time to shoot the next bullet. On the wrist of the gangster.
A "click" sounded.
It can be clearly seen that the gangster's wrist was irregularly bent, and the pistol
responded instead.
The gangster sitting in the car made a heartbreaking scream, just now, his wrist was
completely kicked by Henry.
Henry grabbed the gangster's head, pulled it out of the car, and threw it on the ground.
This set of actions is completed, Henry was relieved to see to the side have been scared silly
if King Qian, some impatience said: "! Idiot, people come to copy the"
King Sin If this response came, some Mu Na nodded, "Oh, good, good!"
view if Akane took out handcuffs, just walked in front of the criminals themselves, it react,
Meimou look to Henry, "You idiot who cal ed it?"
Henry by At the car door, he glanced at his mouth. "Who else can I call? Does this mean
there are others?"
"You!" Jing Ruoqian's cheek gang banged, but didn't speak anymore. He took out the
handcuffs and tortured the gangster Live, while taking off the other party's hood, is a very
ordinary middle-aged man Henry, almost forty years old.
Henry tweeted, and said to Jing Ruoqian: "This is also the old age. If someone is ten years
younger, you would have been killed as a fool."
Jing Ruoxi didn't treat Henry this time. Regarding what the title showed, she knew very
well that if it were not for this man today, she would be really miserable.
A drop of bright red suddenly printed in Jing Ruoqian's eyes, her eyes suddenly tightened,
and she stepped forward with a concerned look at Henrydao: "Are you injured?"
"Aren't you talking nonsense!" Henry rol ed his eyes, " You do n’t get hurt when the bullet
hits you! "
" Mid shot! "Jing Ruoqian's pupil suddenly enlarged, just preparing to make a sound, and
Henry slapped it on the forehead.
"What's the shot? It's just scratched the skin." Henry pul ed up his sleeves, and there was a
red wound on his arm with a burnt smel , just when Jing Ruoxi was just pulled away.
Although it was just a small wound, Jing Ruoqian's heart was also tight. This is what he had
just saved himself. If he deviated a little, what would be the consequences, and at that
critical moment, who could Know where the bullet hit?
Thinking of this, a strong gratitude filled Jing Ruoqian's heart.
Henry glanced at the phone and wondered what happened to Sylvia. There was a message
from Sylvia on the phone that they had arrived at the police station and were making notes,
and the gangsters were all subdued.
Henry put away his cel phone and said to Jing Ruoqian: "Fool, take me a ride if you wait
back to the police station."
Jing Ruoqian was surprised: "How do you know I'm going to the police station?"
"Speaking of you stupid, I real y didn't cry in vain!" Henry slapped his head, "Your
handcuffs are taken out, I guess you caught Do you want to play tricks? "
If Milan is here, she can certainly hear what Henry said in the mouth, but Jing Ruoxi didn't
hear the deeper meaning of the words. She was a little embarrassed and acted on her own. ,
Is really a bit stupid.
She has notified the team and asked the team to bring someone over.
Although Jing Ruoqian was only a criminal policeman, her relationship with her son was
not ordinary. The captain of the police team heard Jing Ruoxi wrestled with the gangsters,
and the other party had a gun. They almost scared away, and quickly put down All the work
at hand brings people here.
While waiting for the police to come, Jing Ruoxi looked at Henry very curiously, "Are you a
professional bodyguard? Or a mercenary? Where did your skil come from?"
"I have a friend who lived for more than 130 years Now, I still smoke and drink every day,
and live smartly, do you know why? "Henry asked back.
"Why?" Jing Ruoxi asked subconsciously. She had never heard of a person who is 130
years old and still smokes and drinks every day. Is this man's skil related to these?
"Because he never talks too much about business." Henry glanced at his mouth, took out his
phone, and opened a funny software to look at it. Jing Ruoqian's stunned, immediately
raised a small fist, waved to Henry, much business? He said that I was too busy? Real y!
Jing Ruo Qian's anger is not good, and do not know what to say, this person is too rascal!
This should be placed on others, dare to talk to Jing Ruoqian like this, Jing Ruoqian had
already greeted with fists.
But it was Henry. Just now, Henry not only saved Jing Ruoqian's life, but also helped her to
catch the gangsters, and Henry's skill showed Jing Ruoxi very curious. What anger came,
even a strong curiosity about Henry.
Soon, more than a dozen police cars came to the scene with siren sounds.
As soon as the police car stopped, several people rushed down from each car. Among them
was the first middle-aged man. He walked in front of Jing Ruoxi with a pale face and asked
with concern if she was injured.
"I'm okay, but it's him. In order to save me, I was bruised by bul ets. If you don't have him
today, you might not see me." Jing Ruoqian pointed to Henry.
Listening to Jing Ruoxi's words, all the police officers who came came to look at Henry with
a grateful expression.
Leading the middle-aged man, he quickly walked to Henry ’s body and held Henry ’s right
hand with both hands. Which unit's, our city bureau immediately made a pennant for you. "
When this middle-aged asked Henry which unit, Jing Ruoqian was listening with her ears
on the side, wanting to know.
"I'm here to travel. I'l be away in two days. My wife is still in the city.
Please take me there." "Good, no problem." The middle-aged nodded quickly. "You take the
first car, take the first car." "
stand aside if Qian Jing, Henry heard when a wife, and my heart has shares slightly
uncomfortable feeling, but not much reaction.
There was a police car opening the road, the speed was so fast, and soon Henry arrived at
the police station.
Today, such a terrorist attack occurred on the 19th floor club, which also caused a lot of
repercussions in the city bureau. You must know that the club is a well-known
entrepreneur in this city. There are really three long and two short ones. Down is not a
trivial matter.
When Henry arrived at the city bureau, he saw those entrepreneurs standing here.
"Mr. Xiao, it's not me who has a long mouth. Your fucking son is unreliable. When you drop
it, you run away. This kind of person belongs to the type of white-eyed wolf."
"That's Mr. Xiao. You have to look carefully, don't let some embarrassed people cheat you. "
Several executives said to Xiao Shan.
"Don't talk nonsense, my husband is not that kind of person!" Sylvia stood next to Xiao
Shan and started to hug. According to her understanding of Henry, Henry is not the kind of
person who runs when he sees danger.
"Oh, is that the kind of person, who is accurate, beauty, you said your husband left you and
ran, it's so uncomfortable, how about fol owing me?" Shanzhuang came from the side, he
Carrying a cup of coffee, he didn't seem to be cautious at al . This city bureau was his place.
"I said, what are you? Tell me my wife again, don't blame me for tearing your mouth!"
Henry walked from the side, standing between Sylvia and Shanzhuang, staring at
Shanzhuang with a bad look.
For others, Shanzhuang's identity is noble and can't be provoked, but for Henry himself,
there is no one in Henry who dare not move !
The arrival of Henry has cast a sneering look on the people around him.
"Yo, this coward is here now?"
"Who just ran so fast, just like a monkey?"
"The mouth is stil pretty stiff!" The
younger generations who made good contact with Shanzhuang, all cried out.
Some older people are also pointing at Henry, pointing at something, I do n’t know what to
say, it is estimated to be similar, after all, Henry fled the window and fled, everyone looked
at it.
Shanzhuang smiled disdainfully, "I said, what courage do you have to say this in front of me,
and just now, according to the timing of your escape, I have reason to suspect that you are a
gang with those gangsters, come to a few people, put him Copy me! "
Shanzhuang shouted.
The police officers who were still in the office subconsciously stopped their movements.
Shanzhuang shouted again, "Give me this man, don't let him run!" The police officers looked
back and forth for a few times, then walked towards Henry.
Shanzhuang gave a sneer, and shouted Xuandao without any taboo: "Boy, don't look at
where this is, don't inquire about what Lao Tzu is doing! I'm going to see, what do you tear
my mouth!"
"Younger generation, You're in trouble, it's too high-profile, it's really bad. "A manager who
had a good relationship with Xiao Shan whispered to Henry, shook his head regretful y.
A police officer took out the handcuffs and was about to copy Henry's hands on the spot.
"What are you doing! Why should I catch my husband!" Sylvia shouted, blocking Henry's
body, "You as law enforcement officers, do you have any other magic laws!"
"Wang Fa? Chick, I tell you, I am this Wang Fa!" Shan Zhuang said unkindly, "I want your
husband to be safe, as long as you climb up to my bed tonight, I guarantee that he is al right,
how? "
Shanzhuang licked his lips and stared at Sylvia, his eyes full of desire.
Sylvia's face was dul ed by Shanzhuang's words, "You are shameless!"
"Oh." Shanzhuang smiled frivolously, "If you want to, then let your husband suffer, tell you,
I have countless kinds Way, play him! Handcuff me! "
The policeman with handcuffs put the handcuffs on Henry's wrist on the spot.
"Dan Gongzi, this is probably not reasonable. My son, apparently, has nothing to do with
those gangsters. Even if he wants to arrest someone, he must have some evidence?" Xiao
Shan, who has not spoken for a long time, is no longer at this time.
"I said Mr. Xiao, are you insane, just like that, you still protect him?" Dan Zhuang sneered,
"Forget how he left you before? To be honest, I raise A dog is more important than him to
protect the master! "
Xiao Shan shook his head and said:" Single son, what kind of person is my son, let's not
mention it for the time being, he didn't break the law, you have no right to arrest him! "
Xiao Shan real y didn't understand Henry's character. He only knew that at that time, this
was a very lovable child. He was sensible, polite and did not like to cause trouble to others.
But after ten years, people will change. Now Xiao Shan is no longer sure whether Henry
was so kind and sensible, but he is absolutely impossible to watch Henry happen. If Henry
has something wrong, he cannot forgive himself.
Shanzhuang smiled, "Mr. Xiao, you said that I don't have the right to arrest him, who has the
right, don't forget, I am also a policeman, I will arrest him now, who dares to stop me?"
Shan Zhuang rushed to the side and commanded, "Give me a look at this officer's card and
give me a handcuff!"
A police officer trotting over and took out a police officer The certificate, the owner of this
certificate, is real y Shanzhuang.
At the same time, the policeman in handcuffs handed the handcuffs to Shanzhuang.
Shanzhuang held the handcuffs and chuckled, directly handcuffed to Henry's wrist.
In response, Henry did not hide.
Sylvia and Milan, as well as Xiao Shan, al of them were worried.
"Shan Gongzi, I have to file a complaint about this matter!"
"If you can prove him innocent, you can take him away at any time." Shanzhuang said
indifferently, "Just now, give him Shut it up and take good care of it! "
For taking care of the word, Shanzhuang bites very hard.
The people present are all like the mirrors. They really want Shanzhuang to take the people
away and wait for them to be taken out. At that time, I might not know what kind of person
this person was tortured to. That Shanzhuang was not a good man or a good girl.
But now, is there any way?
In the final analysis, this is a society where people eat people. The status of everyone is
there. Who dares to provoke Shanzhuang?
Xiao Shan's face was particularly ugly, and he was also blaming himself. If Henry was not
called by himself today, how could there be so many things?
But at this moment, Xiao Shan couldn't think of any good way. Today's loss is a must!
A crowd of voices rang out from the crowd.
"Captain is good."
"The captain is here." The
police officers al got up and said hello because of the arrival of a person.
A middle-aged man in his forties appeared, Henry had just seen him, and even the police
station was sent by others.
The captain of the criminal investigation team of the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau was
Qiangyan has been working in this business for more than 20 years, and he can be regarded
as an old senior. He also has a high voice in the municipal bureau and has a strong ability to
solve crimes.
"What happened to this case today? Has anyone been injured?" Qiang Yan glanced and saw
Shanzhuang, but he didn't go up to say hello just like others, and just asked about the case.
"No one was injured. The eight gangsters all held knives and seized one piece of earthy
explosive. The property loss was still being estimated."
"Yes, I have important matters to deal with. I will report to me if I have anything else."
Shanzhuang looked at Qiang. Yan opened his mouth. Although there was no sound, he could
tell what he was talking about by mouth.
Shanzhuang means old things.
Obviously, Shanzhuang was also very dissatisfied with this extension that did not give
himself a face, but he dared to be mad at others, and he would not be able to take the lead
in the past half an hour.
After al , in normal life, the extension is to discuss with the old man of Shanzhuang, and the
relationship is not bad.
Qiangyan was originally prepared to lift his foot and was stopped.
Xiao Shan hurried towards the extension. "Strong Captain, I think this matter, your police
force is doing something unreasonable!"
Those corporate executives looked at Xiao Shan's behavior and felt unworthy for Xiao Shan.
For a white-eyed wolf, this Xiao Shan Are you real y ready to go all out?
Xiaoyan was stunned by Xiao Shan, "Mr. Xiao, what do you mean?"
"Your police force, can you just grab someone without evidence ?" Xiao Shan pointed his
Qiangyan looked over and saw Henry who had been handcuffed.
Henry was handcuffed
, so that Yan Yan suddenly panicked, what is the situation?
Forced to put down the matter at hand, walked towards Henry, and asked the police
officers, "Who handcuffed? Unlock me!"
All the police officers looked at me, I looked at you, and there was no noise.
"I caught it." Shanzhuang's voice sounded from the side. "What's wrong, strong team, as a
member of the police force, is it still okay to catch an individual?"
Qiang Yan frowned, "Catching people? Why?" "
" Doubt! "Shanzhuang's mouth twitched." I suspect he has a problem, is that okay? "
After looking at Shanzhuang for a few seconds, if other police officers did this, he would
have scolded him, but It was Shanzhuang, the only son of the director!
After a while, Yan Yan said, "Dan Zhuang, if there is no big conflict, let it go."
"Why?" Shan Zhuang raised an eyebrow.
Looking at Shanzhuang like this, the frown is even stronger.
The second ancestor of Shanzhuang is very clear. Once things are related to him, it will be
difficult to solve.
After thinking for a long time, he walked to Shanzhuang and whispered: "People let it go,
it's good for everyone. Once it's troubled, it's not easy to solve."
"Oh!" Shanzhuang disdain The laughter, "It's up to him if it's not easy to solve?"
For Henry, Shanzhuang is very disdainful. In his opinion, this is a kid who wants to eat soft
rice, otherwise how can he recognize the godfather? What is he like? It's still a big trouble.
Who can he make trouble with, just his godfather?
Qiangyan listened to Shanzhuang's words and continued to persuade: "Danzhuang, stop it,
this thing will pass."
"Impossible!" Shanzhuang waved his hand, "Strong team, this should not be your
responsibility. ? "
Shanzhuang's tough attitude made Qiangyan sigh, "Okay, since you have decided, I have
nothing to say."
Qiangyan shook his head and walked aside.
Xiao Shan saw that the extension was gone, and the last hope in his heart was shattered.
Who else can help!
Sylvia and Milan are also in a hurry. This is Hangzhou. Sylvia can't make use of any power,
including Milan. In the face of all this, they have no other choice but to appoint and find
Henry as soon as possible.
He walked to a place where no one was there, took out his mobile phone, dialed a number
and went out, "Hey, Ruoxi, I ’m your strong uncle, oh, it ’s okay, just ask, you and the young
man today What's the relationship, hey, he didn't know what conflict with the guy in
Shanzhuang, he was handcuffed by Shanzhuang. "
" Handcuffed! "Jing Ruoxi's voice sounded excitedly from the phone," Where! "
" Just In this hall, you are al taking notes here, let's take a look. "
" Come here ! "
Jing Ruoqian's attitude made him understand that Jing Ruoqian's attitude was forced to
hang up.
Although Shanzhuang has a hard background, it is much worse than a real lady like Jing
In the police hall, Shanzhuang shoved Henry and shouted: "Take away! Take me away."
Two police officers escorted Henry, preparing to take Henry towards the interrogation
Henry kept silent, and in his heart, he was already prepared. Once Sylvia left, this
Shanzhuang, God couldn't save him if he came.
An interrogation room cannot shut Henry.
Tianda's identity cannot save Shanzhuang!
If Sylvia turned over in front of Sylvia now, something was wrong, Sylvia would definitely
be implicated. Although Sylvia wouldn't have anything under his own protection, the
person who was going to kill Sylvia would also be alert. Yan Jing's surname is Su, which has
absolutely nothing to do with Chessia.
Henrycai had just been escorted away for a few meters, and he heard a sweet drink ringing.
"Who dares to catch someone! Let me be released!"
This squeak drank, attracting everyone's attention.
Looking at it, this is a woman with a height of one meter and seven meters. Her body is very
well-maintained. Her long hair is tied up behind her head. Her bright eyes are as bright as
stars, her nose is tall, her lips are red and white, and she looks pretty The woman's body
has an indescribable temperament, saying that it is beautiful, she just gives people a feeling
of heroic martial arts, to say heroic martial arts, there is a kind of girlish temperament in
At the police station, everyone knew that Jing Ruoqian, a celebrity, when they saw that she
was talking, those police officers did not dare to say anything. This time, it was a matter
between the two big men.
Shanzhuang, who has been arrogant and arrogant, also changed his face when he saw Jing
Ruoxi. Although he had a high status, he was still quite a bit worse than Jing Ruoxi.
To say that in the police station, the most fearless person in Shanzhuang is Jing Ruoqian.
Henry was also a little surprised by Jing Ruoxi ’s arrival. Although he had guessed the
attitude of the police officers before, he had already guessed that the chick ’s status was not
low, but now it seems that this is not low. Talking with confidence, the identity needs to be
Jing Ruoxi came to Henry in a big step, looked at the handcuffs in Henry's hands, and
shouted: "Whoever catches, untie me!"
Jing Ruoxi's beautiful eyes glanced all over the week, those who were seen by Jing Ruoxi
Police officers, al subconsciously set their sights on Shanzhuang.
"Who do you want to catch? Who gives you the right?" Jing Ruoqian asked directly, leaving
no face to Shanzhuang.
"I ..." Shanzhuang took a deep breath and straightened his chest. "Today was attacked at the
club on the 19th floor. This man fled the first time when the gangster arrived. I have reason
to suspect that he and the gangster were together. , Inside and outside, we must arrest and
investigate! "As
you can see, Shan Zhuang's attitude has obviously changed.
Qiangyan asked why Shanzhuang caught people, but Shanzhuang didn't explain, but now,
Shanzhuang has to find a suitable reason.
"Do you suspect that he is connected with the gangster?" Jing Ruoxi chuckled lightly.
"You saw him running away from the gangster?"
Jing Ruoxi couldn't help but want to laugh when he heard what Shanzhuang said.
Today, he was fighting with the gangsters, and was threatened by the gangsters with a gun.
Henry was not afraid of the other party's pistol.
And Jing Ruoxi also noticed that the bomb that the gangster was outside the clubhouse was
demolished by Henry. If he fled at that time, who can still stand here, all of them must be
wiped out under that bomb!
Faced with Jing Ruoqian's question, Shanzhuang's neck was stiff, "Of course I saw it, I was
on the spot!"
"Good! Very good!" Jing Ruoxi nodded again and again, "A good one is on the spot,
Shanzhuang If I remember well, you are also in the police force? As a people ’s police, when
the people are threatened with life, you tel me what you did today! "
" I ... "Shanzhuang was Jingruo Qian asked silently.
The policemen around all secretly gave thumbs to Jing Ruoxi. Only the eldest lady dared to
speak to the elder brother.
Although Jing Ruoxi and Shanzhuang are both the second generation of officials, in the
hearts of these police officers, everyone is biased towards Jing Ruoxi.
Don't look at Jing Ruoqian's identity far beyond Shanzhuang, but she is always amiable to
others, and she doesn't put on a shelf at al . In contrast, Shanzhuang, who dares to make
him uncomfortable, will not be used the next day, I heard before that a young girl who had
just graduated from a police school was spotted by Shanzhuang. The little girl did not agree
to open a room with Shanzhuang at night, but was expelled from the unit the next day, and
she was given a punishment.
All in all, Shanzhuang himself is very unpopular in the police station.
"I ask you what you did today!" Jing Ruoxi stared at Shanzhuang with a pair of beautiful
"What I do has nothing to do with this case. I am talking about him now!" Shanzhuang
gasped and pointed to Henry. "He and the gangsters."
"Oh." Jing Ruoxi sneered. Say, "What's the reason?"
"When the gangster arrived, he found the first place to escape. Obviously, he was already
prepared!" Dan Zhuang snatched this excuse, and at the same time he gave his good luck to
the second generation ancestors. Frequently attracted attention.
"Yeah, this kid can run fast!"
"Yes, I suspect he has practiced countless times."
One person after another spoke out, helping Shanzhuang to speak.
Jing Ruoqian swept her eyes for a week and nodded, "No wonder, no wonder there are
often some bad comments about the police force on the Internet. It is the appearance of
your black sheep that led to the police force becoming like this! Shanzhuang, I Tell you
clearly and tel you! "
Jing Ruoqian refers to those present who are taking notes, and finally put his finger on
Henry," If there is no him, you do n’t have any one person today, you can still stand here
when the gangster attacked ten. When I was in the clubhouse on the ninth floor, I was in
the other courtyard. A gangster wanted to detonate the time bomb installed on the wall of
the clubhouse. When the bomb detonated in less than ten seconds, he took it down! "
The ten seconds that Jing Ruoxi said was justified. After arresting the gangster, she
specially asked people to get evidence. When someone reported that the time for the
detonation of this time bomb was less than ten seconds, Jing Ruoxi Feeling scared after a
At this moment, Jing Ruoxi's words caused a great uproar in the crowd.
The word "time bomb" brings a powerful impact and fills everyone's heart.
How terrible a time bomb is. Although these people have not seen it in reality, they have
seen it in the movie.
Actual y, he just walked through the ghost gate and didn't know anything.
Moreover, did the dry son Xiao Shan tear down the bomb?
"Impossible! How could a coward like him dismantle the bomb!" Dan Zhuang issued a
disbelief on the spot.
Including the entrepreneurs present, I didn't believe it. They real y couldn't see it. Henry,
an ordinary person, has the ability to dismantle bombs.
"Coward?" Jing Ruoxi chuckled. "Dan Zhuang, the coward you mentioned, not long ago,
rescued me from a gunman and arrested him, and he was almost shot by a bullet , you said
he was a coward, that How about you? you are a police officer, at the time of the attack
criminals, hiding among the crowd, no act? "
King if Qian's remarks, again causing quite an uproar.
This Henry, subdued the gangster? Saved the daughter of the municipal party secretary? ,
everyone understands it, no wonder this Miss King Jing protects Henry so much, and this
Xuan is not the escape that everyone thinks, but to do more important things, If he had n’t
dismantled the bomb, he would n’t need the eight gangsters to do it.
Knowing the cause and effect of the matter, Xiao Shan also showed a sul en expression on
his face. Sure enough, Henry was still the original Henry. It was not the key time to leave
others and run away alone.
Her husband was clarified, and Sylvia also felt a lot relieved in her heart. Just now those
people shouted that Henry was a white-eyed wolf and the like, which made her feel
particularly stubborn. She knew Henry's character very well and was definitely a
sentimental and just man.
Where did Shanzhuang think that Henry had done so many things just now, and even saved
the life of the big lady in front of him, if he wanted to move him, it would be impossible to
come today.
After a few seconds of silence, Shanzhuang's sul en expression changed and smiled at
Henry, "Oh, it turned out to be a misunderstanding, then that's all right, brother, don't
blame me, who made me a policeman Well, I am strictly keeping my post! "
Shan Zhuang opened the handcuffs on Henry's wrist while smiling.
Jing Ruoxi snorted coldly, "Danzhuang, don't play any tricks on me!"
"How can it be." Shanzhuang smiled, but was present, and no one believed that Shanzhuang
could just ignore it. Everyone knows the must-have character.
With the appearance of Jing Ruoqian, the matter here was quickly resolved, and everyone's
misunderstanding of Henry was also lifted, thanking them one by one.
"Lao Xiao, your son knows well, I real y envy you."
"I want to have such a good son, my boy, I would like to pinch to death!"
Those who dissuaded Xiao Shan from severing his relationship with Henry before , Again
speaking the opposite.
For this kind of scene, Xiao Shan has obviously seen more, and he coped with the past with
a smile.
Faced with these big names, the police station did not spend much time writing notes.
When everyone went out from the city bureau, it was not completely dark on this day.
"Hey, this is troublesome, and the food is not delicious. Henry, let's go, Godfather invites
you to dinner." Xiao Shan patted Henry's shoulder.
Sylvia Henry walking around, looking at his face concerned Henry, "You fought against the?
Other side has a gun? There are no injuries, or we go to the hospital to see it?"
So-called concern for the chaos.
After hearing that Henry was fighting with the gangsters, Sylvia felt a panic and did not
think about other issues at all. Henry helped the police to catch the thief. If he was injured,
the police would send him to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.
"I said Sylvia, you don't care about him anymore, do you think he looks like a dragon and a
tiger, like he is injured?" Milan rolled his eyes. "You should ask him, what's the relationship
with the woman, do people like it? He, don't be stupid when one's own man is robbed that
day. "
Sylvia was blushed by Milan's pretty face and stared straight at Henry without saying
Henry scratched his head. "My wife, I just saw her fight with the gangster when I opened
the bomb, so I helped, and I didn't even know what her name was."
Sylvia nodded suspiciously, "This is almost the same. "
Henry smiled bitterly. I didn't realize that Sylvia really would be jealous.".
Henry and others found an ordinary food stal and asked for some spicy food.
Xiao Shan asked for another two bottles of cold beer and took a few sips with Henry.
The dishes are served slowly.
Milan asked a question that had been puzzled all afternoon. "Dad, why are those people
looking for you today, and what else are they talking about?"
"This is what happened." Xiao Shan smiled. "Actual y nothing, just Yongfeng and I Mr.
Yang made some projects, but no, it caused others to covet. "
" What project? "Milan asked inexplicably, this business also made the killer.
Xiao Shan looked around and whispered, "A project that can turn water into energy."
After Xiao Shan said the project, Milan and Sylvia made surprises at about the same time.
"Turn water into energy? Uncle Xiao, your project, can it real y be done?" Sylvia couldn't
believe it. It's going to be done, but it's for the benefit of all mankind.
Xiao Shan drank a glass of beer. "It's a little bit, the specific steps haven't come out yet, and
there are some things left that are difficult to study."
Milan frowned. The more surprising this project is, the more dangerous Xiaoshan is now.
"Dad, it's too dangerous. Don't do it. Money is obviously more important than life."
Xiao Shan shook his head carelessly. "It's okay, don't you see it? Someone around me is
protecting it."
Henry On the side, listening to some silence, for a while, he said: "Goddaddy, who proposed
this project for you first? About when?"
"Yong Feng's Chairman Yang Xiong, three months ago. "
Henry hand, irregular fingers tapping on the table.
Three months ago? It's not the day when I first went to the Wang Hui.
This technology appeared before March, is it a coincidence?
This can't help but Henry associates something else. The presence of fire crystals can affect
the pattern of the world, enough to see the importance of energy.
Turning water into energy, Guangming Island also used fire crystals to study some things,
which is not a small result.
The thing Xiao Shan said was stuck in Henry's heart, and he couldn't wait to figure out
whether this research project of Yong Feng came from, whether it was developed by
himself, or someone else behind it.
Henry thought, red Xiaoshan said:. "Godfather, so be it, this time, I have to stay to protect
you, just I have a friend who is engaged in research in this area, I asked her to come help
you look."
"Do not So troublesome. "Xiao Shan waved his hand.
"Dad! You let Henry protect you. With his protection, I'm relieved." Milan said.
Xiao Shan looked at his daughter with a smile on his face, "Mir, can't see it, are you so
confident in Henry?"
"That's for sure, you don't know, he ran a talent center for identification today, and he only
security The Talent Center gives an annual salary of 160 mil ion. I do n’t care who he is at
ease? "Milan rolled his eyes.
"160 million?" Xiao Shan was taken aback by this number. He also knew that talent center,
and he reached a very authoritative conclusion. Within the Xiao Group, there are many
talents who recruited from it, but can also return Never heard of the high price of 160 mil
ion annual salary.
Xiao Shan re-examined Henry again and nodded, "Henry, for so many years, it real y hurts
Xiao Shan started from scratch, he knows very well, how much hardship a person has to
pay for growing up, Henry can get this The evaluation price is definitely not everything
after a sleep. "Nothing, godfather, Sylvia and I will bother you a lot during this time."
"You see your child, what do you say, you live with me, I am one One hundred welcomes,
haha, come and go one more. "Xiao Shan raised his glass.
Only two drinks of this wine, and before taking a few sips of the meal, Xiao Shan's phone
suddenly rang.
Xiaoshan picked up the phone and didn't know what the person on the other side said,
making Xiaoshan's face very ugly.
"Dad, what's wrong?" When Xiao Shan hung up the phone, Milan asked with concern.
"Yong Feng's President Yang has disappeared ..." Xiao Shan looked very solemn.
"Disappear? You mean ..." Milanese half-talked and understood what Xiao Shan meant.
Today, in order to get the technology, the group of people even used bombs and guns.
It is not impossible for them to tie individuals.
Xiao Shan frowned, making several calls to go out.
It can be seen that as Xiaoshan made a phone call, his face became more and more ugly.
"Daddy, what's wrong with this?" Henry asked.
Xiao Shan shook his head and said, "You don't know, because this research is very
important, President Yang and I have always attached great importance to avoid capturing
the research data. President Yang and I took half, and still The paper form avoids theft to
the greatest extent, but now, the other half of the research is completely gone. Without half
of the research results of President Yang, this project will be difficult to continue. "
Xiao Shanzheng said. Then, his phone rang again. At the moment when he saw the cal er,
Xiao Shan's pupil shrank suddenly. The caller's note was Yang Xiong.
Xiao Shan thought for a few seconds and answered the phone. Before he could speak, he
listened to the anxious voice from the phone.
"Mr. Xiao, I will give you an address. You have sent al the research materials in your hand.
Yang Xiong begs you!"
Xiao Shan pondered for a few seconds, "Okay, Mr. Yang, you said."
"Third Avenue, there is an advocacy bar, you can put the information at that door. This
study, we can't carry on!" , Full of helplessness.
Xiao Shan hung up the phone.
Henry heard a few words from Yang Xiong just now, and understood that this meal would
not last any longer.
"Wife, you and Milan will go home first. I will go with the godfather." Henry stood up and
Sylvia nodded, and understood that he and Milan would only add trouble to the past,
"Then you pay attention to safety, no matter what happens, safety is the most important
"Relax." Henry nodded, then rushed to Xiaoshan Road , "Goddaddy, where is the
"Just at home."
Several people happened to be on the way, and first Milan and Sylvia were safely sent to
their residence.
Xiao Shan took a kraft paper bag out of his bedroom, and after saying hel o, he went out
with Henry.
I took a car and went straight to the Third Avenue Advocacy Bar.
"Goddaddy, this information is incomplete?" Henry said when he got on the bus. "I was just
afraid that Milan were worried. What was the secret code between you and Yang Xiong?"
Xiao Shan smiled bitterly. "I saw you, me and President Yang once said that if one party had
an accident, the other party would have to exchange the information, but this information ...
Xiao Shan said halfway, and Henry took the words.
"The information is half true and half false."
"Yes." Xiao Shan nodded and gave Henry a glance, "Henry, you have grown so much for so
many years."
Henry Smiled, "Godfather, let's just talk about the data. In fact, I'm a little curious. How do
people who want data know whether you have a backup?"
"That makes no sense, but it's actual y very simple." Xiao Shan mocked A smile, "This
technology can be known by people, and it is kept in paper form, which means that we have
a problem internal y. Among the people who arrested Yang Xiong, there are definitely our
own people. This information is really not true, only our own people know.
" So your research speed is so slow, in fact, it is also to wait for this person to appear, right?
"Henry said the key point.
"Yes!" Xiao Shan snapped his fingers. "When researching, President Yang and I used half of
the fake information. This time, it will affect the progress behind us, but it will also al ow us
to start our fight. After today, it will be a moment where every second counts! "
" Must count every second? "Henry was a little puzzled." Goddaddy, you mean those people
also want to ... "
" Yes! "Xiao Shan didn't even wait for Henry to finish talking. What Henry wanted to say,
"Henry, how active your thinking is, I was real y surprised. There are very few young
people who can be like you. As you think, they want to register this patent once and for al !
When they register this patent, they are no longer afraid of others' research. "
Henry said nothing.
How many hands are behind the registration of this hydration energy patent!
It is absolutely impossible for a single force to do this, nor dare, if it is done by a force, it
will be erased instantly by people. Obviously, this is a silent tacit understanding, get the
materials, research, invention, registration And then ruin the technology, then everything
returns to normal.
Hydration as energy has affected too many industrial chains.
Water can directly generate electricity to generate energy. In this way, nuclear power
plants will be shut down, and thermal power plants will be shut down immediately.
Generally, manufacturers use their own water to generate electricity. Wil sweep the world,
to be precise, this may usher in a new round of revolution!
An event that affects so many interests, too many people do not want to see its emergence.
Just as Henry thought about these issues, the taxi had reached Third Avenue.
Advocate bar is not a large bar, this bar is located in a corner, the house number lights are
very dim.
The location is very bad. Several shops around the bar have closed down. At night, the dim
light of the bar lights up and there is a feeling of being alone.
Accompanied by Henry, Xiao Shan took the information and walked to the bar door. As
soon as he arrived here, the bar door was opened from inside.
The interior of the whole Youyou bar was dark, and the person who opened the door was a
man with a face mask, obviously he didn't want to reveal his identity.
"What's the matter?" The other party made a hoarse voice.
Xiao Shan raised the kraft paper bag in
his hand and said : "I have to see President Yang first." The man in the mask waved behind
him and waved his hand. In the dark, Yang Xiong was pushed out of the bar. , But can also
feel Yang Xiong's embarrassment, a general manager of Hangzhou's top group, was treated
like this.
"Lao Xiao." Yang Xiong yelled, his face ful of guilt, this time, if there was something wrong
with him, it would not happen.Xiao Shan nodded and threw the kraft paper bag in his hand.
The other party took the paper bag, glanced back and forth over Henry and Xiao Shan, and
walked into the bar without a word.
Yang Xiong was escorted and stood in front of the bar.
About a few minutes later, the word "Release" sounded in the bar.
The man holding Yang Xiong shoved with his hand, and Yang Xiong stumbled out of the bar.
Those inside did not mean to kill Yang Xiong at al . For them, Yang Xiong lived or not, it had
nothing to do with them. They only valued this technology.
Kil ing Yang Xiong is nothing more than trouble.
Without saying a word, Xiao Shan and Yang Xiong left the place quickly and took a taxi.
It wasn't until the car that Yang Xiong said: "Old Xiao, we can be sure, our guess is correct,
there are ghosts, how much do you have left this time?"
"A little." Xiao Shan smiled bitterly, "combined with you There should be no problem with
those left. "
At the beginning, Xiao Shan and Yang Xiong each left a little bit of core technology, and this
core technology has never been taken out, because of the existence of this core technology,
the two talents are in After the other party gets the research materials, he can stil fight
against the other party's capital. At the same time, the core technology is also divided to
limit both Xiaoshan and Yang Xiong. Once someone has a problem, the other party must do
their best to save it.
Both of them, as the helmsmen of the big group, had thought of things and ideas that others
"Lao Xiao, I have two things to tell you." Yang Xiong took a deep breath.
"You said."
"The first thing, my son is still in their hands. Before my son comes back, we can't just carry
out research!" Yang Xiong said two things, putting this one in the first place, explaining
himself The degree of importance.
Xiao Shan frowned, but also expressed his understanding that if Milan is taken away to
intimidate himself, he will definitely focus on Milan's safety.
"Yes." Xiao Shan nodded. "But you are sure, and you can know when Haifeng will come
Yang Xiong pondered. "They won't kil people. The purpose now is nothing more than to
intimidate us. They don't know about the existence of core technology. Love, my son will be
able to return the day after tomorrow, so, while waiting for this matter, we can carry on the
second thing first. "
" You said. "
" Find someone! "Yang Xiong looked solemnly," According to As far as I know, the other
party has a very top team that will take over this project. We want to research before them
and register patents. We must find some top talents in the field of research, Lao Xiao.
Business is business. What should we remember? Do you still remember? "
" Reassure. "Xiao Shan nodded." The share of the shares after the event is completed is
equal to the research progress. "
Xiao Shan and Yang Xiong had both After the agreement, the joint development of this
project and the subsequent profit distribution depend on who has contributed a lot in
The taxi was not far away, and Xiao Shan and Yang Xiong parted ways.
After calling the car again, Xiao Shan and Henry returned home together. On the way, Xiao
Shan kept making calls.
"Sorry President Xiao, I just encountered a problem during this time and it's hard to help
"Mr. Xiao, it's unfortunate that I'm abroad and I can't go back in a while."
"Mr. Xiao , sorry "A
few cal s went out, and the answer I got was completely beyond Xiao Shan's expectations.
Xiao Shan and Yang Xiong,
, set this rule a long time ago. Regarding the distribution of benefits, both of them agree
with this distribution method. Similarly, the two also I have contacted some of the top
talents in various fields early.
As a result, when Xiao Shan contacted again this time, all the people who had spoken before
had all made various excuses and could not appear.
This development of things, for Xiao Shan, is tantamount to a serious drink.
The taxi slowly moved towards Xiao Shan's residence.
At a traffic light, the taxi stopped.
At the moment of parking, the driver sitting on the main driver opened the door and rushed
down the first time.
The driver made Xiao Shan and Henry realize that something was wrong on the spot.
"Get off!"
Henry and Xiao Shan shouted almost at the same time, opened the doors on both sides, and
rushed out.
Just after rushing out of the car, I saw a white Land Rover heavy on the rear of the taxi,
making a "bang" sound.
The two had just rushed off the car, Henry did not say that Xiao Shan would definitely be hit
The door of the white Land Rover opened, and a group of five people got off the car, all
wearing balaclavas.
The five people lined up and looked at Xiao Shan, ignoring Henryli on the side.
"Mr. Xiao, what's the matter?" One said.
"What?" Xiao Shan frowned.
"They are all smart people. Should President Xiao play some tricks that we know about?"
The person who spoke said waved his hand, and the other four people, in the shape of a half
surrounded, sealed Xiaoshan around, "Mr. Xiao, Your technology threatens too many
people, so it ’s better to take it out early. "
"It's not a coincidence." Xiao Shan shook his head. "Those technologies were taken away by
another wave of people a few minutes ago. You are late, and the technology has stopped
The man just listened to himself when he was ready to speak The phone in his pocket rang,
he picked it up, and after a few seconds of silence, he said to his people, "Go!"
Several people quickly rushed onto the Land Rover and drove away in the night.
In the car, the man who had just spoken took off the hood. It was the man who tied Yang
Xiong in the underground garage of Yongfeng Industry today. He picked up the phone and
dialed it out directly.
"Yang Xiong, what trick are you playing with me? Don't forget, your son is stil in our
" Don't be excited, the information is with me, you let my son, I will give you the
"Warning you, don't Play tricks! "
White Land Rover drove away from the city.
On the other side, a black Mercedes-Benz car stopped by the road.
Yang Xiong opened the door and sat in the back row.
"What's the matter?" Yang Xiong asked as soon as he got on the bus.
"It has been copied." Sitting in the co-pilot, Yang Xiong handed him a brown paper bag,
which Xiao Shan took from the house before.
Yang Xiong took the paper bag, opened it, looked at it with a sneer, and asked, "How much
has the Xiao Group invested so far?"
"So far, there have been 1.3 bil ion, and they have overcome at least two in research.
The problem has provided us with a great help. Just after passing the information, our
people are already beginning to study. As long as Xiao ’s research on the remaining core
technology tomorrow, we are sure to register the patent in the first time. "
Yang Xiong, nodded with satisfaction," there has contacted it? " "
has been contacted, and now no one is willing to help Shaw's work, Xiaoshan can only go to
one or two people to help him study, drop in the bucket. " "Very good, let go of the news of
my son's abduction, make an appointment with the reporter, and develop a meeting
tomorrow, as for other things tonight, needless to say." Yang Xiong commanded.
"Understood." After
Henry and Xiao Shan returned home, Sylvia, Milan, and Milan's mother were al sitting on
the sofa with a worried look, and when they saw the two go home, they were relieved.
Before they even connected the phone Don't dare to fight one.
"Dad, don't worry!"
Henry and Xiao Shan entered the door, Milan asked with concern.
"It's okay, look at you like this, it's just to make a deal." Xiao Shan patted Milan's head,
"OK, go to sleep, Henry, you come, I have something to tell you."
Xiao Shan took off his coat Go to the study.
"Wife, you also go to bed first. I will talk to the godfather." Henry grabbed Sylvia's little
hand and patted it on the back of the woman's hand.
Sylvia pretty blushed, gently "um", and lowered his head to the guest bedroom.
Henry and Xiao Shan entered the study. There was a long mahogany table in the study, and
many famous books were placed on the shelves behind the table.
Xiao Shan poured a cup of tea to Henry, "Henry, although I do n’t know what happened to
you in these ten years, I can see that your mentality and stability are far more than those of
your peers, just tonight. What do you think about it? "
Henry shook his head." It's not easy to say now, godfather, when is your core technology
exchanged with Yongfeng. "
" Mr. Gang Yang sent me a text message saying it was early in the morning. " Xiao Shan took
out his mobile phone and glanced at the text message sent by Yang Xiong to Henry, "This
core technology was developed by our own. I do n’t hide from you. I had already invited
several top scientific researchers to cooperate with me. For this project, when I just cal ed,
only two people could participate as planned, and the other one couldn't come ... "
Xiao Shan frowned.
"Daddy, do you think that Yongfeng might want to use you as a shield?"
"Isn't that the question I just asked you." Xiao Shan sighed. "This time, it's not just our game
with others, it's also In the game between Yang Xiong and me, when Yang Xiong asked me
to raise money, I took this into consideration. If Yong Feng really wanted to use me as a
shield, this time I might have a big follower in the Xiao family. "
Henry I thought about it and said, "Goddaddy, so, tomorrow, I will go to Yongfeng Industry
with you and give you an idea." After
listening to Henry, Xiao Shan nodded comfortably, "Henry, you are really long Big, if you did
n’t leave, we would have been a family, or the kind of kissing. ”
Xiao Shan patted Henry ’s shoulder.“ Okay, it ’s not too early. You have to rest first. "
Daddy, you also have to rest early." Henry nodded and got up and walked out of the study.
Henry and Xiao Shan did not talk too much. When he came to the guest bedroom, Sylvia still
leaned on the bedside and played with his mobile phone.
"Wife, why haven't you slept yet?" Henry sat by the bed and looked at the woman on the
Sylvia's face suddenly turned red. Although the two of them shared the same bed last night,
they were completely different from the current situation.
"I'm going to bed now!" Sylvia put the phone towards the pil ow and dril ed into the bed,
covering his head.
Sylvia lying on the bed
, a mess in his mind.
At this time yesterday, she could still pretend to be asleep, pretending she didn't know
anything, but now.
Sylvia's careful liver "bump" jumped around, quietly waiting for the moment when the man
lifted the quilt.
One second, two seconds ...
one minute, two minutes ...
five minutes passed, and there was stil no movement outside the quilt.
Like a little white rabbit, Sylvia quietly lifted the corner of the quilt, and a pair of beautiful
eyes secretly looked out of the quilt, only to find Henryzheng standing in front of the floor-
to-ceiling window and quietly looking out the window.
As if aware of Sylvia's eyes, Henry turned to Sylvia smiled, "my wife, you go to bed earlier,
I'm out of a trip." "Ah?"
Sylvia scared cry, "Where are you going?"
"Out out understand that thing. "Henry bedside, caring help Sylvia tidied the four corners of
the quilt," godfather trouble, I can not sit idly by right. "
Henry Lin Chong Han revealing a loving Smile, "You have a good rest. We still have a lot of
places to go tomorrow."
"You come back early." Sylvia put his head all out of the bed, "I ... I wait for you ..."
Henry Chong shaved. Xia Sylvia's little nose opened the guest bedroom door and went out.
Henry got out of the residential building, walked out of the corridor, and waved his hand
into the darkness.
Three figures in a row appeared quickly in front of Henry. The three of them said nothing,
all kneeling in front of Henry.
"Check out the people in the Youyou bar today, and tell me before the morning."
Henry finished, waving his hand, these three figures left quietly, as if they had never
Henry looked at the dark sky and walked up.
Just outside the residential area where Xiaoshan lives, there is a large office building.
This office building belongs to the category of rented out. There are many companies on
each floor, which are leased and used as offices.
At this time late at night, the entire office building fell into darkness, with only one corner
and dim yellow lights.
The door of the office building was locked and guarded by security guards. In front of
Henry, al this seemed like nothing. He came inside the office building and found the office
with the lights on.
The three characters "office" are written on the door of that office.
Henry pushed the door and went in.
The whole office looked strange, gloomy, and yellow lights gave a strange feeling in this
dark and silent atmosphere.
Two wind chimes hung on the door of the office, and when the door was pushed open,
there was a soft sound.
The lights flickered and flickered.
"Who is it so late?" There was an old voice in the office.
This gloomy and weird environment did not affect Henry at all. He took out a black card
and threw it on the ground in front of him. "Tell me about the project of Yongfeng recently."
dim light hit On the black card, the mask with fangs seemed to jump out of the card at any
A thin figure appeared, he bent over, stretched out his boneless hands, picked up the
underground card, wiped it carefully with his hand, and sighed, "Sure enough, I will find it,
please sit down."
One Zhang Xian slid in front of Henry.
When Henry sat down, the old voice sounded again.
"Three months ago, Lord Satan of Bright Island traveled to Europe and decided to live and
die with Wang Hui. The outcome of that battle is still unknown. Lord Satan disappeared out
of thin air. No one has heard of him. There are rumors that Lord Satan death, it was said,
Satan adults seriously injured, to after that, the status of the sunny island in the whole
underground world, present a declining trend, rumors about the fire crystal, fly in the sky
are. " "It was also three months ago that Yang Xiong, chairman of Hangcheng Yongfeng
Industry, proposed a research project of using hydration as an energy source. The fire
crystal is related. Since March, countless forces have appeared in Hangzhou. Under the
pressure of the hellwalker, 90% of the forces dare not act rashly, and the remaining 10%.
"Three months have passed, this is the first time people from Guangming Island have come
here. According to the information we have, the hydration energy technology proposed by
Yongfeng Industry has nothing to do with Huojing. The col ected information is all here,
please see it. "A
whole pile of information was placed in front of Henry.
If Xiao Shan is here and sees these materials, he will be extremely shocked. In this thick
stack of materials, not only do they have more cherished research results, technical cores,
and even every record of their research Clear and clear!
Henry picked up the information and slowly looked at it.
It took two full hours for Henry to read through these materials, but he never missed each
Many people know the strength of Lord Satan, but they do not know why Lord Satan is
Henry's efforts are ten mil ion times that of many people. To be others, few people will
patiently read these materials, but Henry can, and he is not the first to do such a thing.
For more than two hours, the figure did not move a little, and even the sound of breathing
was much lower.
When Henry finished reading all the materials, he got up and commanded: "Give me a top
team in the field of scientific research, and I will come back at noon tomorrow."
"Understood." The old voice replied.
Henry walked towards the office door, opened the door, and the wind chime sounded
Henry stepped in and looked back at the old figure and asked, "How old are you this year?"
"Three in eighty."
"Take your heir tomorrow." Henry took out a coin and flicked it with his fingers.
The coin draws a beautiful arc and falls in front of the figure.
At the moment when he saw the coin, the figure of Shizuo shuddered unconsciously.
"After finishing tomorrow's things, you should go to the island. Guangming Island will not
disappoint anyone who pays. The things you want are on the island." Henry finished and
walked out of the door without waiting for the other party to answer.
When Henry left his mouth, the figure stood on one knee, "Thank you, Master Walker."
After leaving the office, Henry also responded to the information he had just seen. He
thought about it, took out his mobile phone, and made a phone cal to go out. .
"Jiang Er, what are you doing?"
"Wow, boss, you even called me!" There was a playful voice coming from the phone.
Henry smile, "I never said you made a phone call to the same."
"Cut." Future glanced at the mouth, "do research chanting, boss, you are there anything I
can do it?" "Tomorrow
in Hangzhou City "" Henry directly stated his purpose.
"Hey, I know that this boss is okay, I will not contact me this poor worm, I will arrive
At 3:40 in the middle of the night
, Henryjing stands downstairs in Xiaoshan's house.
Listening to the report from my own person, I probably knew it in my heart.
According to the survey, the people who appeared in the advocacy bar today are the people
inside Yongfeng Industry, which is completely a good show directed by Yang Xiong.
About what to do tomorrow, Henry probably already has a spectrum in mind.
Early the next morning.
Sylvia woke up from his sleep, rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked at his side, and placed a soft
pillow flatly beside it, proving that the man had never returned yesterday night.
With a yawn, Sylvia got up from the bed and walked to the living room. Milan was ready for
Sylvia glanced around the room and asked, "What about Uncle Xiao?"
"If you want to ask your husband, why don't you turn so big?" Milan poured himself a glass
of milk. "Your husband and my dad I went out early in the morning and went to deal with
some company affairs. "
" Oh. "Sylvia nodded. After knowing that he couldn't see Henry, he behaved a bit
"Sylvia, do you know what you look like now?" Milan took a sip of milk and looked at Sylvia.
Sylvia subconsciously asked: "What?"
Milan said blankly: "Like a nympho!"
Sylvia was slightly stunned by Milan, immediately angry, "Wel , you are a dead girl, dare to
tease me!"
Said Sylvia So he waved a pink fist and shot at Milan.
The two women made a mess, and the spring light burst out, but this beautiful scenery, no
one had the honor to appreciate.
A maroon jaguar drove on the road in Hangzhou City and stopped in front of the Yongfeng
Industrial Building.
The door opened and Henry and Xiao Shan stepped down from the car.
The front desk of Yongfeng Industry apparently knew Xiao Shan.
"Mr. Xiao is good, President Yang is already waiting for you upstairs." The beautiful lady at
the front desk bowed, respectful y.
"Huh." Xiao Shan nodded, took Henry, pressed the elevator, and went straight to the top
Just when the elevator door was about to close, a figure appeared and the elevator door
was reopened. This is a male, in his thirties, with a height of about 1.75 meters.
"Mr. Xiao, you won't say a word in advance when you come. I'm still waiting for you.
This is to let Mr. Yang know, and blame me." The man said quickly as soon as he entered
the elevator.
Xiao Shan smiled. "You are Mr. Yang's most powerful left arm and right arm. How could he
be willing to say you?"
"Mr. Xiao is overrated, is this?" The man put his eyes on Henry.
"My son, Henry, Henry, this is Secretary Zhao."
"Mr. Zhang, real y young and promising, hello." Secretary Zhao extended his hand to Henry.
"Hello." Henry also reached out.
When the two hands clasped, Henry's movement took a slight pause, his gaze stayed on
Secretary Zhao's hand.
Immediately withdraw his gaze.
Secretary Zhao didn't even notice Henry's strangeness. The elevator went up to the top
floor. Under Secretary Zhao's leadership, Henry and Xiao Shan came to Yang Xiong's office.
Yang Xiong's office is large and the decoration is extraordinarily luxurious. The huge
bookcase is full of dense books.
Xiaoshan and Henrygang into the office, Yang Xiong stood up from his chair boss, "Xiao
always came, quickly fast, sit down, Xiao Zhao, fast tea."
"Yes." Zhao nodded secretary , Out of the office.
Xiao Shan waved his hand, "Mr. Yang, don't be so polite, let's go straight to the topic."
"Yes." Yang Xiong nodded, "Zhong Xiaoxin is happy, I just like to do business with Changxin,
President Xiao, my people are ready to start at any time, and now wait for my son to be
released." As
soon as Yang Xiong's words fell, the door of the office was pushed open, and Secretary
Zhao, who had just gone out, ran in panic.
"Mr. Yang, something happened!"
Yang Xiong frowned, scolding: "What's the matter, frizzy?"
"Haifeng came back, but Haifeng was fol owed by a lot of media, knowing that Haifeng was
tied up, now al "Well,
I went downstairs to the company!" "What!" Yang Xiong's voice suddenly increased octave,
"Haifeng is back? How is he?"
Secretary Zhao looked a little ugly, "not very good, it seems to have suffered a lot."
Yang Xiong pondered for a while, and then said: "In this way, you first arrange for Haifeng
to take a rest and find someone to send those reporters away."
"Understood." Secretary Zhao nodded and ran out of the office quickly.
When Secretary Zhao left, Yang Xiong immediately said to Xiao Shan: "Mr. Xiao, since my
son has come back, let's start now. Just this afternoon, I will arrange for al of my
people to be in place. When you get your skil s Let's meet in the laboratory. I'll go and see
the kid in my family! I'm out of company first. "
" The child is important. "Xiao Shan nodded.
Yang Xiong rushed out of the office without further words.
When Yang Xiong reached the elevator, Secretary Zhao was still waiting here. After the
elevator door opened, the two stepped into the elevator at the same time.
At the moment when the elevator doors closed again, Yang Xiong and Secretary Zhao
showed a sneer at the same time.
Yang Xiong asked: "Are all the reporters arranged?"
Secretary Zhao nodded and said, "No problem, President Yang, everything has been
arranged, and the manuscripts are ready for them. Once this happened, all the trouble
outside. They will all look to Xiao, and it has nothing to do with us. "
" Not bad. "Yang Xiong showed a satisfied look, and asked again," How's it going to contact
you there? "
"The information has already been sent, and they have started to study. If they can get the
core technology of Xiao Shan, up to five days, they will be able to make new progress."
"Good!" Yang Xiong's eyes are exquisite, his mouth He murmured, "Xiaoshan, Xiaoshan,
don't blame me Yang Xiong's heart. In this society, if you want to live well, you have to
throw others on the cutting board. Rising too fast, you Xiao's immortal, my Yang Xiong's
heart is uneasy! "
At this moment, Henry and Xiao Shan are taking another elevator and preparing to go
"Godfather, that Secretary Zhao is the person who asked you for information last night."
After entering the elevator, Henry whispered to Xiao Shan.
Xiao Shan was startled, "How do you know?"
"I observed yesterday that the person who asked you for information had a deep ring on
his right thumb. Generally speaking, men rarely wear the ring on On the right finger, when I
shook hands with Secretary Zhao, I wore a tail ring on the little finger of his right hand, the
width was exactly the same as the ring seal I saw yesterday. About seventy-five meters, the
shoe size is forty-two yards. "
Henry pointed out several points in a row.
Xiao Shan thought about it and shook his head. "That's not right. The man's hair last night
was much longer than Secretary Zhao."
"His collar has broken hair. Obviously he moved his hair in the morning. Who would be
free? , What about getting a haircut in the morning? "
Henry's analysis
makes Xiao Shan's face condensed.
A few seconds later, Xiao Shan extended his thumbs to Henry, "Henry, Henry, you really
surprised me. If it is what you said, then last night, it was real y a good show directed by
Yang Xiong. ! "
Xiao Shan remained silent for a few seconds.
In these few seconds, Henry did not express any opinion, but let Xiao Shan think about it
When the elevator reached the first floor, the elevator doors had not yet opened, and
Xiaoshan could hear a loud noise.
When the elevator doors opened, a group of reporters could be seen, which was crowded
into the hall of Yongfeng Industry.
Looking at these reporters, Xiao Shan shook his head and said, "Yang Xiong really made a
good move. At that time, he led me into the urn and proposed to divide the information into
two points. I won the research results that I invested more than one billion yuan, and
secretly rebel ed against me. These reporters should be taken by him actively. As soon as
the media is exposed, Prince Yongfeng ’s grandfather was kidnapped overnight. Those
people natural y thought that the materials in Yang Xiong's hands had been handed over,
and they would focus their attention completely on me. At this time, Yang Xiong could do
his research with peace of mind, and all the things would be carried by me. Sure enough, it
is based on Hangzhou's top owl, powerful, he has been counting me from the beginning! "
" God , what are you going to do now? "Henry asked.
Xiao Shan's eyes were a bit lonely, "It's difficult, unless I can find the top talent in the field
of scientific research and compete with Yang Xiong in the shortest time, otherwise in the
end, my Xiao's bamboo basket will be empty and will be reduced to this. The laughter of
Hangzhou City is more than a billion yuan. Let ’s buy a lesson. I am also wrong about this.
The smooth winds and the smooth waters of these years have made me a little too careless.
Xiao Shan sighed.
After coming out of the building of Yongfeng Industry, Xiao Shan kept calling on the phone
and asked people to find some top talents in the field of scientific research.
However, this research on hydration energy can be achieved by just finding someone. .
At twelve noon, only two people arrived in Hangzhou on time.
Henry and Xiao Shan met with these two researchers in a cafe.
Both of them are in their fifties. When Xiaoshan heard that there were only two of them,
both of them said they could do nothing.
"Mr. Xiao, this study is different from the past. If it is just the two of us, let alone
breakthroughs, it is difficult to complete some operations."
"Indeed, if you want to make progress, at least A team of more than ten people assists us
both. "
Xiao Shan's face was helpless.
Henry, who hadn't talked much, said at this time, "Godfather, if you can trust me, I can help
you find a scientific research team."
Henry's words made Xiao Shan, who was already a little bit stubborn, immediately hope.
"Henry, can you find someone?"
"Wel ." Henry nodded.
A research institute interrupted Henry's words, "Young people, the team we want is at least
top-of-the-line, and there must be about ten people. How many people can you find?"
Henry thought for a while. Three fingers stretched out, "Probably thirty."
"Thirty?" The researcher looked puzzled and immediately looked at the people around
them. Both of them shook their heads, "Young man, you may not have contact After this
line, there are very few elite teams of 30 people. Normal y, ten to fifteen people are already
too many. You have to say thirty people. This kind of team cannot meet our requirements.
"""Yes, this study is a matter of seconds. You find some people who are not influential, but it
is just adding trouble, and it can hardly help."
Two researchers said to Henry The team of thirty people all said that they were a little
Xiao Shan originally raised a heart of hope and extinguished again.
Henry took a sip of coffee and said, "Wel , godfather, you first take these two to the
laboratory and tel me the location. I will show them the location first. Busy, I just let them
go. Dead horse is a living horse doctor. It is better than sitting. "
" This is fine too. "Xiao Shan nodded and rushed to the two researchers," Two, then let's
start Go to the laboratory, the people over there are estimated to have arrived. "The two
researchers sighed, and they real y didn't hope to report to the team of 30 people Henry
After coming out of the cafe, Henry went directly to the office.
At this time, a research team of thirty people was already waiting in the office.
An old man with a gigantic figure stood beside them.
Beside the old man, there was a young man full of excitement.
The young man is holding a mobile phone and talking on the phone non-stop: "Dad, I told
you all, I found a job, don't let me go back and inherit your company, will it work, I will tell
you I ’m going to work now, you said I ’m going to inherit your company, except for a few
plots, a few websites, a few buildings, a few residential areas, more than 100
billion, what else do I have? Anyway, I do n’t want that company to whom you love to go, I
just turned right today! "
If the young man ’ s words are heard in the ears of others, he will definitely be kidding.
But in fact, this young man is not kidding at al . If Xiao Shan and others are here, he will be
recognized. This young man is the only son of Yuyuan Venture Capital CEO of Hangzhou's
leading enterprise, Shangfa.
A company with a market value of hundreds of billions does not inherit, saying that it has
just found a job and has just turned right. If someone wants to hear it, it will definitely think
that it is crazy.
But none of the people present thought so, being able to take charge of an office is much
more beneficial than inheriting hundreds of billions of assets. Once they come into contact
with this office, the level has risen greatly. One level.
The fact that these top scientific researchers can be found means that they are in contact
with the underground world, and understand that the underground world, compared with
the giant beasts like Guangming Island, the 100 billion group is just ants.
Shang Fa hung up the phone with excitement on his face and said to the old man beside
him: "Teacher, can I real y take office today?" The old man nodded and made an old voice,
"Wait for the adult after I left, the future here, you are responsible, you say the rules I give,
you must be strictly adhered to, I'l teach you the skil , you have to engage in active practice,
never be lazy. " " Do not worry Teacher! "Shang Fa patted his chest.
As he said, a gust of wind rang.
At this moment, all the people in the room stood up and looked at the door of the office.
Henry walked in from the gate
, glanced around, and finally put his eyes on the old monk.
"This is your successor?"
"Yes, Master Walker." The old man bowed and nodded.
"Very young." Henry smiled. "Now you can go."
"Thank you sir!" The old man showed a smile on his face, holding in his hands the black
card that Henry dropped yesterday, handing it back to Henry, and then shaking Stay out of
the office.
At this moment, the owner of the office will be completely replaced.
Shangfa stood there, standing straight, looking at Henry with a excited face. He knew that
he would serve these people in his future life.
At an accidental opportunity, Shangfa saw the old man's shot. From that day on, his outlook
on life was completely changed, and he also knew how small the things he faced before
"Let's go." Henry said the top 30 scientific researchers and then walked out of the office.
The nationalities of these researchers are different, but they all understand the Chinese
language spoken by Henry, and al quietly fol ow behind him.
Shang Fa looked respectfully at Henry and others leaving.
Xiao Shan had sent Henry the location of the laboratory. Henry told these researchers
about this location and hurried over.
The Hangzhou Science and Technology Research Office is located in the prosperous area of
Hangzhou, where Yang Xiong said.
At this moment, under the leadership of Yang Xiong, a team of twenty people is ready,
standing at the door of the laboratory, waiting for Xiaoshan to arrive.
When I saw that Xiao Shan only brought two people over, the smile on Yang Xiong's face
was a bit overwhelming, but on the scene, Yang Xiong still tried to frown himself.
Right? In this case, it will hurry. "
In the face of Yang Xiong, Xiao Shan just smiled. Now, between the two, everyone knows
what is going on, but he has n’t torn his face, "Mr. Yang, I wo n’t make progress on this, I ’m
afraid you are too slow. At that time, I did n’t get any share,
and Xiao Xiao felt sorry for him. " " Haha! "Yang Xiong laughed twice." Xiao Xiaozhen will
really laugh, my elite team of twenty people should not be worse than these two people.
Right? "
Yang Xiong looked at the two researchers behind Xiao Shan.
Behind Yang Xiong, one of the 20 research teams said, "Mr. Yang, it seems that this time is
not easy to handle."
"What's wrong?" Yang Xiong asked.
"Mr. Xiao found these two wastes that we removed from the team. It seems that in this
study, Mr. Xiao can't do anything at al on this side. It depends on us." Said.
"Look at you, what is this saying!" Yang Xiong reprimanded, and then said, "The greater the
ability, the greater the responsibility, and President Xiao can't do much to help here, then
we will play to play the excess heat and do more. Some, come on, everyone is moving, Mr.
Xiao, my achievement is here, yours, and take it out. "
" No hurry. "Xiao Shan shook his head and smiled slightly," I have no one here yet.
When my people arrive, everyone will have time to start again. "
" Your people? "Yang Xiong frowned. He didn't think there was anyone else in Xiaoshan.
Those scientific researchers who Xiaoshan contacted before He has all been bought
through by him. It is a blessing to be able to come. Yang Xiong was asking, and he saw
Henry's figure appear.
"Godfather." Henry rushed far Xiaoshan shouted, "The team has been on the road, and
immediately went to, but they did not eat lunch thirty, you are ready to arrange for
someone to look at it."
"OK." Xiaoshan Nodded and called on the spot and ordered to continue.
On Yang Xiong's side, as soon as I heard it was a team of 30 people, I suddenly laughed out
loud, "Mr. Xiao, a team of 30 people, what top team is that?" The researchers behind Yang
Xiong laughed when they heard this. Too.
In the industry, there is almost an unwritten rule. General y speaking, the number of top
teams is control ed within 10 people. Ten to fifteen people are the most. No matter how
many, they are not the top teams.
Now the 20 people behind Yang Xiong are temporarily combined by the two teams. For the
multi-person team, they look down on them.
The two scientific researchers in Xiaoshan are also embarrassed. After going out, they are
embarrassed to say that they have worked with a team of thirty people. That is simply to
lower their worth.
Yang Xiong tried to calm his smile and asked, "When will the 30-member team you said
come, Xian nephew? Don't delay the progress."
"They ..." Henry turned around and glanced, reaching out One finger, "Isn't it, are you
Yang Xiong and everyone looked at Henry's fingers. Their eyes were filled with a high
posture, with a look of inspection.
The two scientific researchers behind Xiao Shan also looked around.
A team of thirty people can be said to be vast. Among them, there are yellow people, white
people, black people, men and women, old and young, and it seems to be an uneven team.
But when the 20-member scientific research team behind Yang Xiong saw these 30
people, al the arrogance in his eyes disappeared, and instead, he was replaced with a look
of excitement and a disbelief.
"Professor Mingjiayi? Am I right? The one who is at the forefront is Professor Mingjiayi?
The person who is hailed as a milestone in China's scientific research!"
"You are not mistaken, not only Professor Mingjiayi, but also Bart Cameron, Johnny De
Quincy, Adolf Hotham, I have seen their speeches in the magazine before! "
" Teacher? Is he here too? "Another scientific researcher quickly hurriedly walked Going
forward, Henry shouted to one of the 30-member team, "Teacher! Teacher!"
The person called the teacher looked at the person in doubt, "Sorry, may I ask you ..."
" Teacher, do n’t you know me, I heard your lecture two years ago! "
" Sorry, no impression. "The person called the teacher shook his head regretfully.
Even so, the former researcher is not angry because he knows how big he is from the other
party. In front of others, he is the top talent in the field of scientific research, but in front of
the teacher, he is a pupil!
The two scientific researchers behind Xiao Shan were completely dull.
These thirty people are al top figures in the world. Two of them are the chief engineers of
the world's No. 1 science and technology country and the Magnesium Research
Institute! There is also Professor Ming Jiayi, who are al world-renowned characters.
Today, he was fortunate enough to cooperate with these characters? They are al idols!
is just now, the two researchers called by Xiao Shan also thought about how to let the team
of 30 people called by Henry cooperate with themselves, hoping that they would not be too
Stupid, but now their attitude has changed dramatically.
What does it mean for others to cooperate with themselves, just pull out one of the thirty
people in this team, and let yourself be able to fight, it is a rare learning opportunity for
Although Yang Xiong didn't know the 30-person team that Henry had found, he could
probably guess something based on the reactions of those behind him.
"Mr. Yang, the situation is not good." Secretary Zhao took out his cel phone and placed it in
front of Yang Xiong's eyes. On Secretary Zhao's cel phone, the information about these
people appeared in front of him.
Yang Xiong looked at the titles of honorary chief, national chief scientific research engineer,
and the cover of international scientific research magazines, the honor of various awards,
and his face was extremely ugly.
The arrival of the team of thirty people can be described as someone happy and worried.
Where did Xiao Shan think that the team called by Henry turned out to be top figures.
"Professor Ming, how are you?" Xiao Shan hurried up and shook hands with the leading
Ming Jiayi.
"This is my godfather, Xiao Shan." Henry introduced it.
Ming home instrument Hearing this, simply take no little gestures, his hands holding the
hand of Xiaoshan, "Hel o Xiao total, we hope that this cooperation."
"Certainly must." Xiaoshan nodded.
Really speaking in terms of status, this research professor who was hailed as a milestone in
China is much higher than Xiao Shan's identity.
Yang Xiong sneered. "Mr. Xiao, it's a good method. When did you meet so many big people,
and don't say the referral to my surname Yang?"
Facing Yang Xiong, Xiao Shan just smiled and didn't answer anything.
Yang Xiong turned gloomy and asked in a low voice: "What should you do, are you
Yang Xiong's research leader took a deep breath and nodded. "Mr. Yang, we are already
working on this project. It ’s been a long time, even if they are, they do n’t say that we can
catch up with our progress in a day or two. As long as we speed up, it ’s not necessarily
worse than them. After all, only a few of them specialize in energy, and our two Ten of them
are all specializing in energy, and the three stooges are also good at it.
Is n’t
that right ? In other projects, we think we are inferior to them, but in this project, we are
not necessarily bad. "
That's it!"
The words of the scientific researchers appeased Yang Xiong's heart.
Yang Xiong nodded, "It's best, then trouble everyone."
Yang Xiong said to Xiao Shan again: "Mr. Xiao, your people are here too, and we started to
Xiao Shan just prepared Nodding, he was interrupted by Henry's words.
"No hurry, I still have a friend who hasn't come." Henry turned to Xiao Shan. "Daddy, you
are working on energy projects this time. There are not many people working on energy in
this team. Let them do it. "
Take them to do it?
In the words of Henry, in the ears of Xiao Shan and those two researchers, he even
suspected that he had heard it wrong, and he found someone to take these scientists who
are known as top scientists in the world.
"I said young people, who are you looking for?" The two researchers who Xiao Shan found
couldn't help but ask.
Henry replied: "As far as my sister is concerned, she likes to do these things, and she will be
here soon." , "your sister?" The man looked up and down glances Henry,
"Young man, this study, no joke, just how much your sister."
"Ah ......" Henry thought, "should be ten Nine years old. "
" Nineteen years old! "The scientific researcher heard, the boss stared," Young man, don't
joke with me, a 19-year-old girl, know what. "
Yang Xiong's side People who heard Henry could not help but smile.
If this kid really finds a little girl to come over and stir up, it is simply to help himself!
They just came up with this idea, they listened to a silver bel sound.
"Boss, I'm coming! What kind of research!" In the future, wearing a white hanfu, holding a
gauze fan, taking a cheerful pace, this beautiful shadow gives people a beautiful feeling.
Those of Yang Xiong saw the future, and they showed disdain in their eyes, just such a girl,
stil engaged in scientific research? Let this little girl blend in. That kid really made a good
game, and it's lousy!
The two researchers that Xiao Shan found had a bad complexion. If the professor-level
person of Jiayi took it on his own, then he would say that he had a good face, but he said
that he would fight for such a girl. Died by a joke?
They thought so, but the moment when Ming Jiayi and others saw the future, they were not
"Teacher, why are you here?" Ming Jiayi strode forward and asked in surprise.
Ming Jiayi's address to the future gave Yang Xiong a sense of consternation.
You heard it right! Professor Ming Jiayi called this little girl, the teacher?
"Xiaoming, are you here?" The future looked at Mingyi's family and asked casually.
This Xiaoming word called the rest of the messy for a while!
Whoever sees Professor Ming Jiayi is not polite and respectful. Now what is this Xiao Ming
When he was called this way in the future, he didn't see Ming Jiayi angry, "Teacher, this one
called us."
Ming Jiayi pointed to Henry.
"Oh, the boss yelled that you are here, no wonder if you want to call me, what research will
you do on the waste wood you." Future glanced at his mouth.
Known as the waste wood in the future, Ming Jiayi just laughed at him, because he was very
clear that in front of this young girl, he was indeed like a waste wood. This girl ’s research
philosophy has led the world for at least 50 years. ! Any one of her research results will
make the whole world crazy, but the results of the research that will make the world crazy
are just some things that people can tinker with.
Over Yang Xiong's side, a researcher looked at the future, his face showing thought.
Suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly and shouted: "She! She can't help being the one who
is known as fifty years later!"
"Fifty years later!"
This title, while giving people a sense of nonsensicality, made al the researchers present
have their eyes widened.
In the scientific research community, there has always been a legend who was called fifty
years later, just because a world-renowned top scientist once said that he would give
himself another fifty years to let the world develop for fifty more years. In 2014, the latest
technology that everyone researched at that time was nothing more than what others left
to play!
In today's increasingly changing times, it is enough to make people praise in such words,
which is enough to show how much gold content this title 50 years later!
"It is her! It must be her!" Another scientific researcher nodded confidently, "What can
make Professor Ming Jiayi call the teacher, in addition to her, will Who is it? "
The scientific research team who had dared to fight against Ming Jiayi and others originally,
after knowing the identity of the future, did not have one, but could also raise confidence.
"Mr. Yang, I'm afraid we won't be able to help you this time." The leading researcher said to
Yang Xiong, "Unexpectedly, they were able to find this one. I'm sure that there is this one,
the most Later this evening, they will break through the last technical mouth. "
Yang Xiong's face is gloomy. He recently engaged in energy research projects, and he has
also inquired a lot about the scientific research community. He also has some impressions
about this title fifty years later.
At that time, someone told Yang Xiong that if he could find the genius who claimed to be
fifty years later to help himself, he would not need so much trouble at all, and it would be
easy to solve.
At that time, Yang Xiong also laughed at himself and said that if he had that ability, what
new projects would he engage in.
As a result, I real y don't have that ability, but Xiao Shan does!
The original Yang Xiong was extremely satisfied with his arrangement this time, but now a
series of things are happening, which is beyond his expectations.
In Yang Xiong's opinion, Xiao was nothing more than making a wedding dress for himself.
Now, it has become his own.
Henry smiled at Yang Xiong, "Mr. Yang, I think your research can start now."
Yang Xiong snorted coldly and said disgruntledly: "Then let's start, but to explain one thing,
we have one aspect that will soon Conquered, you can participate, but the core technology
cannot be shared for the time being. "
Yang Xiong said it with a cheeky face. As far as the strength of the various teams is
concerned, Xiao's side completely crushed Yongfeng Industry. Yang Xiong said that Xiao is
involved. At the end, it is not necessarily who is assisting who, but no matter how much
effort is given, Xiao ’s participation will keep him from taking the lead.
Without participating? For a while, Yang Xiong was reluctant to come up with the core
technology. He also controlled the information kept by Xiao before, and dragging it down
was very bad for Xiao.
Yang Xiong's hand is a complete rogue tactic.
Xiao Shan frowned, "Mr. Yang, I'm afraid it doesn't comply with the rules."
"Mr. Xiao, I'm obviously acting according to the rules."
"Cut, what the core technology of shit, what can you study on these waste woods?" At the
core, isn't it hydration energy? Such a simple thing is very complicated. "The future glanced
at his mouth and interrupted the conversation between Xiao Shan and Yang Xiong." Okay,
take me to the lab soon. After the trouble, I still have a date at night. "In the
future, Yang Xiong will have a powerful feeling that his final capital, as the core technology
of the treasure, is just a garbage in front of others!
As the so-called force will be reduced to ten sessions, in the face of absolute power, any
trick is like a joke.
With the emergence of the future, these researchers have no reason to eat lunch, and al
have their brains into the laboratory.
Xiao Shan's heart was completely put down.
"Henry, it's really thanks to you this time!" Xiao Shan patted Henry's shoulder, sighing, this
child has grown to the point where he can't see through.
Originally Xiao Shan was also preparing to line Henry, but now it seems that this is not
necessary at al ."Goddaddy, you would say this too much. I real y want to thank me. We
secretly hid the dry mother's bottle of wine at night and had a good meal."
" OK! "Xiao Shan made a dead-faced expression," Tonight, I will steal! "
Solved the matter here, Henry didn't need to stay here for a while, and after looking at the
time, it was just at noon and I thought Accompany Sylvia in the afternoon and go around
As soon as the phone was about to be cal ed, Sylvia's call came first.
"Her husband, you are helping Uncle Xiao in Hangzhou first. My company has something to
do and I have to go back first." Sylvia's voice on the phone, with deep apology.
"Where are you now?" Henry asked.
"Already on the plane, the plane will take off immediately. I dare not tel you that you should
stay at Hangzhou City first. I'l be busy and I will come to you."
Henry listened to Sylvia's words, there was a kind of don't know The feeling of how to
answer, the woman was afraid to affect herself here, and didn't say until the plane was
about to take off.
"Then ..." Henry opened his mouth, never knowing what to say.
"Okay, husband, you are busy first, the plane is about to take off, don't say, take care of
yourself, beep ......"
There was a busy tone on the phone.
Henry knew that Sylvia didn't want to let himself have more plans for the rest, so he ended
the conversation so hastily.
With the slow contact, Sylvia saw a different side of Henry, and Henry also saw a different
side of Sylvia. This cold-faced female president is actually the kind of person who does not
want to trouble others.
As soon as Sylvia left, Henry was fine this afternoon. He had a casual lunch and waited in
front of the laboratory.
About five o'clock in the afternoon, Henry saw the future bouncing out of the laboratory.
"Done studying?" Henry stepped forward and asked.
"Wow, boss, you always stay here ah?" Henry future accident of watching, "You did not
accompany sister-in-law?"
Henry wry smile, "you sister-in-law back to the Silver State."
"Hee hee, boss, I was the first Once I saw you so disappointed for a woman, no, I have to
take a picture. "In the future, I will lightly press on the col ar of my hanfu," Now, okay, I
have to leave your lost look. Good laugh! "
Henry patted the future forehead lightly," You girl knows what, when you meet someone
you like, don't blame me for laughing at you! "
The beautiful face of the future, wow It was red.
In this way, Henry was interested. He raised his eyebrows and looked to the future.
"Girl, won't you be caught by me, sweetheart?"
"Oh!" The future waved, "What? Sweetheart, it's just a better relationship. "
" OK, you. "Henry can't see the future thoughts," When will it be brought out and let me
help you to check it? "
" He asked me to dinner tonight, want No boss, will you go with me? "The future asked
blushingly, tentatively.
"Tonight ..." Henry looked embarrassed, he told Xiao Shan at noon to drink well at night.
While Henry was embarrassed, Xiaoshan's phone came.
As soon as the phone was picked up, Xiao Shan's excited voice rang, "Henry! The godfather
may not be able to drink with you tonight. This time you real y helped me a lot, and I will
live in the laboratory tonight.
at six o'clock
on the
, in the future, she will take off her hanfu, and put on a pair of jeans and shirt that looks
smal and fresh, although a little bit of fairy spirit, but More playful, soft long hair draped, liu
eyebrows bent, white and soft skin, this pure and lovely appearance, attracted frequent
Henry stretched his waist and sighed, "Hey, I real y don't know which young master took
our Jianger's heart, I am a little envious." The
future blinked his eyes wide, revealing a rare shyness.
The place where the other party is about to eat in the future is at the Golden Lion Hotel.
This is definitely a five-star hotel. The whole hotel is divided into a catering department, an
entertainment department and a leisure department.
In the Golden Lion Hotel, two young men are sitting here in a small private room.
The two young men, all dressed in extraordinary styles, are worth thousands of shirts, and
the wrist watches are tens of thousands. In front of everyone, there is a car key, a Mercedes,
and a BMW.
"Bai Lao, I heard that your kid made a nice girl." The man with the BMW car key looked at
his friend with envy.
"Haha." Bei Lao laughed loudly, "That chick is beautiful, I'm going to get her tonight, Gee,
I'm a little excited when I think about what's going to happen tonight, Huang Cheng, you
can Don't envy me too much! "
Huang Cheng glanced at his mouth." Envy a fart. Over the years, I haven't played with any
girl. Don't get caught in it. Don't forget, your wife will return to China next month. , When
your wife finds out, it is estimated that your good life will come to an end! "
" That can't get in! "Beifu waved his hand," That chick just took care of my money. It won't
work at that time, give her a 10,000 or 20,000, let her get out of it. "
Huang Cheng knocked on the table." It's enough to distinguish between the primary and the
secondary, yes, old rules, eat meat yourself, the brothers drink soup, and take pictures
when doing things. "
"That's necessary! Well, let's not talk about it for a while, people will come over in a while,
and it's not good to be heard." Bei Xiao lowered his voice.
Outside the Golden Lion Hotel.
Henry looked at the luxurious decoration of the hotel, "Jiang, which son are you looking
"Not a son." The future face is always in a state of shame, "He is an ordinary person, quite
Kind, helped me once. "
" It's so good. "Henry nodded." Finding objects, finding what you like, what identity is not
important. "The
two went into the hotel and told the waiter the private room number.
Bei Xia and Huang Cheng were still talking about some obscene topics, and they saw the
door of the private room being pushed open. At this moment, the two ended the topic in
their mouths and their eyes were set on the door of the private room.
Huang Cheng has long heard that Bei Xie has engaged in a superb chick, but he has never
seen it. At this time, when the future appears in front of Huang Cheng ’s eyes, Huang Cheng
’s eyes never leave his future body. In my heart, I was full of envy.
Although Huang Cheng had long been thinking about what a super chick looks like, it is still
beyond his expectation when he sees it now. Various clubs are tender, Huang Cheng has
long been bored, this pure and pleasant girl, It has always been his pursuit.
Sky blue jeans, a pair of white sneakers, a white shirt, this is the future of today's dress, she
said to Henry, do not want to let Bei Lao have too many heart gaps, so wearing a
simple."Jiang'er, you're here, sit down." Bei Xie quickly got up and opened the seat for
Jiang'er, "Introduce you, this is my buddy, Huang Cheng, Huang Cheng, this It's Jiang'er. "
" Hello. "Huang Chengyan smiled in the future.
This smile made Huang Cheng feel like a spring breeze, and the whole person was dull.
"You ... hello."
Henry fol owed him in the future and glanced at Bei Lao. He first saw the Bei Lao placed on
the table. The Mercedes-Benz key, and then looked at the dress of Bei Lao, and thought that
this person would have to walk down 20,000, so that in the future it can be said that this is
an ordinary family.
"Jiang Er, is this your friend?" Bei Xie asked.
"This is my brother, Henry." The future introduced.
"Oh." Bei Xie nodded, looked at Henry, looked at Henry's hundreds of pieces of clothing,
shook his head, and already had an estimate in his mind, this should be to eat and drink.
When she was flattened, Pei looked at this kind of person without hesitating, but today
Jianger still said hel o in front of Jiang Er.
When the future arrived, Bei Lao shouted to the waiter and asked to bring the menu.
When ordering.
Bei Lao asked: "Jiang Er, what do you want to eat?"
"You just look at it." The future smiled slightly.
Bei Lao nodded, and did not ask Henry, he nodded himself, "Waiter, what is the most
expensive thing for you? First open two good bars for me, this, this, this, give me one. .
parts "
Huang Cheng sat, opening:" scoop shell, abalone it less points, usually eat greasy ". "
okay. "do not care waved ladle shell.
Henry looked at the two of them and was already disappointed with Bei Lao.
From Henryjin's private room to the present, I feel that Peifu is doing one thing to show off
his wealth, and this man has no too strong love in looking at the future, but more of a
Henry shook his head, he knew the future, this girl is a genius in research, but in terms of
feelings, to put it bluntly, this shel bait should be the first man in love in the future, how do
you know the two, Henry is not clear. He only knows now that this sister is blinded by
It ’s not that Henry ’s vision is high. He looks at Bei Lao as an elder brother. The other party
is definitely not worthy of the future.
Soon, al the dishes ordered by Pei were served on the table one by one, al of which were
some rare seafood, and the cheapest dish was a few hundred pieces.
"Come on, Jiang'er, eat more of this, you definitely can't eat it, and the brother, you eat
more, you're welcome." Bei Lao greeted.
At this point, Henry was also hungry, and naturally he would not be polite.
Looking at Henry's polite appearance, Bei Xiao's face showed a disdain, and the poor were
the poor.
During the dinner, Henry almost didn't say much, both listening to the conversation
between Bei Xuan and Huang Cheng.
The two chatted, almost all about the topic of money. For example, who asked Beibei to
borrow hundreds of thousands of dollars yesterday. For example, Beibei's game has more
than a hundred thousand pieces of equipment. Almost every sentence hangs money on his
"Dude, where are you now?" Bei Xia chatted with Huang Cheng, and the topic was brought
to Henry.
Henry smiled, "In Yinzhou, it is now a sale. If you have a chance, you can cooperate."
"Yinzhou?" Bei Xia and Huang Cheng showed their thoughts. After thinking for a long time, I
thought that Yinzhou was where.
That is just a small city in the northwest, and it is simply not comparable to Hangzhou.
Bei Xia shook his head, "I'm afraid the cooperation opportunities are difficult, after all, we
are doing some big business."
Henry did not say anything.
Bei Xia also chatted with the future casually, during which time he exposed the gold watch
on his wrist and said some luxury life he thought.
Henrysuan understands why the future does not have any opinions on Bei Xuan's dazzling
wealth, and what he said about Bei Xun, put it on the future, is really a basic life.
In the future, she is not very old, and her experience is not as rich as that of other king ring
owners in Guangming Island. She does not have a sound understanding of many things. For
the future, these hundreds of mil ions are the same as playing around.
In addition, the friends I know in the future, such as redheads and Ferris, do n’t take money
as money, and in the future, there is naturally no concept of these.
Therefore, in the eyes of the future, Pui Lao's showing off of wealth is not showing off at al .
It's just that Bei Xuan didn't know these things. In his view, the clothes that Henry and Fu
Wei wore represented the word poverty.
Bei Lao's appearance can be described as handsome, with a creamy feel, like the popular
male star that many little girls like now.
Halfway through the meal, Beifu raised his glass and suggested that everyone touch it
"One thousand and fifty-one bottles of this wine, brother, you can't drink it normal y. You
have to drink it well today." Huang Chenghong said to Henry.
The four talents had just stood up and were about to clink glasses, and heard a loud sound
from the box door.
With a bang, the box door was kicked open from outside.
This movement scared Bei Lao and Huang Cheng.
When I looked closely, I saw two men in suits standing at the door, and a woman wearing a
beautiful dress with heavy makeup was standing between the two men. The woman looked
about 35 years old with an emerald ring on her finger , A gold bracelet on each wrist, the
appearance can only be said to be ordinary, what would it be like to remove makeup, this is
hard to say.
Bei Lao, who was originally proud of her face, panicked when she saw the woman.
"Tony's name, there was a time not seen you this courage is real y getting fat ah!" A woman
glancing around in the box, "how, his aging mother took the money out of the bubble MA?"
Tony quickly scoop With a chuckle, the woman said to her: "Wife, when did you come back?
I real y want to die of me!"
Bei Xie said, and stepped forward to prepare a hug for the woman. Was drawn into the face
by the woman slap, the sound was crisp.
Bei Lao did not look angry at all, and stil showed a pleased smile, "Wife, you
misunderstood, I have nothing to do with these people."
"Wife?" In the future, listening to Bei Lao's title to the woman, her eyes widened.
Instantly stared at the boss, his eyes flushed, "Are you married?"
"Why, he didn't tel you?" The woman smiled contemptuously at the future, "Sister, I really
don't understand, this man, what do you like him? I am not capable of it, I want to be
ostentatious, you have to look at his money, I tell you clearly, his money is given by the old
lady! " The
future did not care about this woman, and her eyes have always been on Bei scoop,
"Why?" Bei scoop did not answer the future, but the woman took the future words, " I can't
see it, he is just playing with you! "
" Impossible! "Shaking his head hard in the future," Baifu, you tel me, is she true? "
" This ... " Looking at the future, compared to the future, the woman beside her does not
have any advantage in appearance. If possible, Bei Xun real y wants to say that he has
nothing to do with this old and ugly woman, but he dare ? He didn't dare. All his things
were given by this woman. Without this woman, let alone driving a Mercedes-Benz and
wearing a gold watch, he had problems even living in Hangzhou.
The future took a deep breath, "You give me an answer, I don't blame you, if you are willing
to divorce her, I will have nothing happened!"
Henry looked at the future like this, shook his head helplessly, after al This is still a 19-year-
old girl, some wayward, do not understand feelings, will be stunned by some messy things.
"Haha, interesting." The woman chuckled and looked at Bei Lao. "Surnamed Bei, don't say I
don't give you a chance. If you want to divorce me, you can do it anytime, but I can make it
clear. From now on Do n’t think about taking another penny from the old lady ! ” Bei Lai
had a somewhat defiant look. After hearing the words from the woman, he immediately fell
down. He turned his head and said to the woman,“ Wife, how can I I'm divorced from you. I
love you the most in my life. This little girl has a stupid head. I don't know what I'm
thinking about one day! "
" Bai Lao! "Shouted in the future, crystal tears flowing down his cheeks It came down,
"You didn't tell me that at the time. You gave me this ring. You said that you like me and you
want to be with me!" In the
future, I took a silver-white ring from my trouser pocket.
Seeing the ring, his wife glanced at her mouth, "Wow, Mr. Bei, did you give me the ring
before you gave it to someone else?"
"Misunderstanding, my wife, al misunderstandings." Bei Lao laughed again and again, then
walked to the future in two steps, snatched the ring that the future held in his hand, threw
it on the ground, and crushed it with his feet. At the same time said, "surnamed Jiang, you
thought you were what? I will and you play it, you take it seriously? this poor forced on you,
I also want to find? dream on you!"
coming to watch their The man in front of him could n’t believe it. The shells she knew
were n’t like that. Shells were kind. When meeting those who need help, he would be kind
and kind. He was very kind and kind to himself. Make yourself happy!
"Why?" The future wiped tears and asked puzzled.
"I have said it because you are poor! Are you poor! Do you understand? Don't you just want
Lao Tzu's money! What big tail wolf to pretend to be with Lao Tzu!" Continue to perform,
directly tearing off his hypocritical veil.
) in the
future looking at the ring that has been completely stepped on by the shel s, and tears can't
stop flowing.
Henry looked at the future. He wanted to comfort a few words and told the future that such
a scum was not worth her emotionally, but Henry also knew that no matter how comforting
he was, it was useless.
There are hardly any women who have never encountered one or two scumbags when they
are not sensible. Some things will only be understood after they have experienced it slowly.
"Okay." Beaver's wife said impatiently. "Put up your pitiful look. I don't know what my
husband and you played. This is 20,000 yuan. It's for you. Do n’t harass my husband again
in the future, you understand? ”
Wife Bei Bei waved her hand. A strong man in a suit next to her took out two hundred-
dollar bills and placed them on the table in front of the future.
Mrs. Beaver continued: "Don't you just want money, now the money is for you, satisfied?"
In the
future, he grabbed 20,000 pieces on the table, and smashed him in the face of his wife,
"Who wants you?" Money! "
Two hundred hundred-dol ar bil s were scattered all over the sky.
"Huh, it's really sturdy. I hope someone will lie down on the ground and pick up the money
like a dog after I'm gone." The wife Bei Bei scoffed and turned to walk outside the box.
Pei scooped up to catch up quickly, without looking at the future.
Huang Cheng shook his head and looked at the future. "Beauty, I'll tell you the truth.
You really want money. I'll give you 100,000 yuan. How about sleeping with me for a
Huang Cheng's eyes With a strong possessive desire, the future will be looked at from head
to toe.
Henry squeezed his fist and looked at Huang Cheng with a bad look. "Boy, before I break
your legs, you immediately get out of my
way !" Huang Cheng looked at Henry's arm muscles and glanced at his mouth. "What stuff,
when bitch wants to set up a torii?"
Bei Lao followed his wife out of the Golden Lion Hotel.
As soon as I reached the door of the hotel, I found a loud noise in front of the hotel.
"I depend, who is this, with such a big handwriting, to send the McLaren P1?"
"It's more than just sending a McLaren, seeing that real estate certificate? Three hundred
and ten square meters, one square meter of 110,000 "
" There is also that watch, eight mil ion pieces. "
" Which one is the girl chasing the girl, is that girl a bit too happy? "
" What girl, look closely, that obviously watches men's watches, OK! is the woman gave the
man! " "
FML, so rocks! " "
envy, too envy, ah, this is what several lifetimes do not have to struggle. " "
envy hammer Ah, if an ugly, pig-like woman gave you these things, would you be willing? "
" Yes , why not! "A
burst of noise passed into Bei Xie's ears, and Bei Xie looked at the dazzling ones in front of
him. Expensive gifts are also envious in my heart.
It's really better than others. I'm so angry. I found a rich woman and gave myself tens of
thousands of dollars in one month. I also let myself be exhausted. Then look at others. It
would be nice to be able to meet such a gold owner.
Bei Lao was thinking about it, and saw a middle-aged man standing next to the McLaren,
wearing a black suit and white gloves, approaching him.
The middle-aged man took a photo in his hand and asked respectfully, Mr. Pei, "Is it Mr.
"It's me, are you?" Pei was confused by the other party. "That's right." The middle-aged
man nodded. "Mr. Bei, these things are al gifts for you." The
middle-aged man made a gesture of asking for ladle, The hand is facing the McLaren P1,
and at the same time, the real estate certificate worth 30 mil ion yuan is spread out, and the
watch worth 8 mil ion yuan is also placed on the real estate certificate.
The middle-aged man's words and behaviors made Bei Bei stunned. "These ... send me?"
Bei Bei looked at his wife subconsciously.
The woman with heavy makeup was also puzzled.
The people watching at the door of the hotel looked at Pei Lao with envy at the moment.
This kid is really lucky.
Bei Lao swallowed his saliva and asked a little unbelievably: "This ... is really for me?
Are you doing any variety show?"
"Of course not." The middle-aged man smiled politely, "These All to Mr. Bei, there is no
joke! "
" This! "In Bei Bei's heart, there was a burst of ecstasy. Although he didn't know who sent
these things, it didn't matter, as long as they were really his , Even if you let yourself sleep
with the sow, you are willing.
Pei scooped out his hands and was about to receive the car key and real estate certificate
from a middle-aged man. A voice rang at the door of the hotel.
"These don't have to be given to him!"
Seeing Peifu grabbed the real estate certificate and the car keys, the middle-aged man
snapped his hands and took everything back. The 50 million worth of things were all in
his hands. , And was taken back by others. The strong sense of difference made Bei Lai feel
Bei Lao turned around and saw that the future and Henry came out of the hotel door.
"Sister. Sister!" When the middle-aged man in a suit saw the future, he immediately bowed
respectfully and said hel o.
"Take these things away, you don't have to give him anymore." The future looked cold.
"But younger sister ..." There was a trace of embarrassment on the middle-aged man's face.
"According to your opinion, this car already has Mr. Bei's name written on it." "Write his
name?" A glance at Beifu in the future In the eyes of the future, full of disgust, I saw that the
future took a chair from the hotel, strode to the McLaren P1, and slammed the chair in his
hand against the body.
A "slap" sounded, and al the onlookers closed their eyes subconsciously.
Tens of mil ions of cars, just smashed?
The future looked at the car with cold eyes, "Smash!"
Hearing this, the middle-aged man did not hesitate, turned around and picked up the chair
that had just been thrown out in the future, and smashed it hard on the car body.
Onlookers saw with their own eyes that this luxury car, worth tens of mil ions of dollars,
was smashed and pitted.
After the smashing, the middle-aged man ran aside and drove a limited edition lengthened
Rol s-Royce, which was firmly against the body of this McLaren P1.
This way, the entire car was completely scrapped.
At this scene, the look of Pei was blue.
He really did not expect that there would be such financial resources in the future.
Now Beibei can't wait to hammer herself to death, so the best woman gives up and chooses
the yellow-faced woman around her?
The onlookers couldn't help but say, "You can lie down, this buddy, such a pretty girl is not
willing to chase after her, she has the bones!"
"Who said no, if I were, don't say this girl is so rich Even if there is no money, I will take
care of him as a treasure! "
These words are deeply ridiculed when they are heard in the ears of Pei.
was just now, and Bei Xun also mocked the future as a poor ghost, because he loves his own
money. Just now, Bei Xun for his own luxury life, Thoroughly trample the dignity of the
future under the feet.
But now?
The development of the incident made Bei Bei completely unpredictable.
What kind of person did he reject?
Pei scooped at the plain, futuristic future standing there, and looked at the yellow-faced
woman wearing gold and silver beside her. With a ruthless heart in her heart, she took a
deep breath and walked to the future, with her legs bent and kneeling directly under!
"Jiang'er, I'm wrong! Forgive me. I love you. I'm going to divorce the girl tomorrow, don't
you leave me, okay?"
Beaver scowled in his eyes.
The onlookers immediately understood.
The co-author is a little white face, cheating the feelings of other girls, and then looking at
the wife he said, looks ugly, but looking at the money, it is estimated that this little white
face is also for money and other people, deceived the girl, the result Wel , the girls are the
real local tyrants!
Suddenly, a group of people cast their sarcasm on Bei Bei. They just said that this product
has guts and a fart guts, yuck!
"I don't want to see you any more, get away!" The future looked at Beibei in disgust, and
lifted his feet to prepare to go. As a result, Beibei hugged his calf.
"Jiang'er, I really love you, please, don't leave me, OK!"
Henry's middle-aged man in a suit waved his hand.
The middle-aged man suddenly understood Henry's meaning, and stepped forward,
grabbed the col ar of Bei Lao and pulled him away.
"Why don't you look at it yourself," Henry said annoyingly. He didn't have any good feelings
for this kind of scum.
If there were no accidents today, he would have been cheated in the future.
The middle-aged man nodded intently.
"Let's go." Henry wrapped his arms around the future and walked in the other direction.
Bei Lao's crying cries continuously from the hotel door, begging not to leave himself in the
The middle-aged man no longer ignored Beibei, put away things, drove away, and shouted
to clean the scene.
The onlookers saw that the Lord was gone, and slowly dispersed.
In the end, only Mr. Bei scooped to kneel at the door of the hotel. He shouted that his throat
was dumb, and his intestines had already repented. He completely understood that he
missed the most important opportunity in his life.
"I'm crying?" Betty's wife walked to Beyblad's body and looked down at Beyblad.
"Old ... wife ..." Bei Bao looked up and looked at the woman with heavy makeup in front of
him, trying to squeeze out a smile.
Bei Lao's wife chuckled and stretched a leg in front of Bei Lao. "Come and lick my toes, I will
forgive you."
Bei Lao froze for a moment, then lifted the woman's feet with a good look, just ready to take
off When the woman's shoes were dropped, she was kicked on the face by the woman,
"Why don't you want to divorce your bones? Well, the old lady succeeds you.
From today, you dare to move the old lady for a penny and step into the old lady's house ,
The old lady abolishes you! "
Wife of Beibei turned around and walked in the other direction, leaving Beibei alone and
staying here.
The continuous blows made Bei Xie completely collapsed. Today, I not only missed a once-
in-a-lifetime opportunity, but even the good days in the future are gone!
Bei Xuan stared at the distance, that was the direction Henry and the future left.
"Bitch! Bitch! If it weren't for you, how could I be so miserable! Bitch!" Beaver scolded
bitterly in his mouth.he stood up, patted the dust knees, ferocious stare eye position in
front of the hotel, it was standing a few doors welcome, "see you see you ah!"
A few doors welcome scared Quickly withdrawn his gaze.
Bei Lao walked forward in three steps. As a result, he didn't walk a few steps. An unlicensed
Buick commercial vehicle stopped in front of him. The two of them got off the car. Go up,
then quickly disappeared on the street.
Henry walks with the future. In the eyes of others, the future is a genius, but in Henry's
heart, he is a little sister.
"Boss, am I embarrassing today." The future eyes are still red.
"What a shame? I think you look handsome when you smash the car." Henry smiled.
"Okay, boss, I know how stupid I am. I'm not going to make fun of you in the future. I have
deleted the photos I took today." The future puts his hands behind his back and his head is
low. It ’s been a long time since I met ... ”
“ Okay. ”Henry rubbed his head in the future.“ People meet each other, there must be a
process of knowing each other. There are some things, do n’t be preconceived,
feelings, whatever you experience How much, you will be stunned. Today, you are a long
lesson. Fortunately, you have n’t eaten a big loss. It ’s okay to talk to Wade White
’s goods. He has a deep understanding of the word scum. In the future, Henry said with a
chuckle, "Boss, I won't go, or it's fun to be with you. After the big deal, let the red-haired
brother find me a royal duke."
"It's okay to find you, you also have to It ’s okay to see it. ”Henry laughed.“ Wel , you did n’t
eat anything tonight. What do you want to eat? I ’ll accompany you to do something.

Henryzheng said, and the phone rang.
At first glance, Henry answered the phone and said directly: "I just told the future that you
are good, did you call?"
"Boss, if you two can say that I am good, even if I have lived in vain for so many years!"
Wade White's voice rang on the phone. "Sister-in-law has arrived in Yinzhou, and she has
arrived safely. We have arranged people nearby."
"Yes." Henry nodded. "In a few days, Sylvia's safety will be handed over to you.
Remember, you can't be exposed until the critical moment. After a while, I will go to
Yanjing in person. , Grab those people in the
back ground ! " The man in the back ground never pulls out, Henry's heart is uneasy, when
people are always negligent, the knives hidden in the dark will poke at an unimaginable
angle at any time. come out.
Henry hung up the phone, patted the shoulder of the future, and walked towards the city
Ten o'clock at night.
The Hangcheng Science and Technology Research Office has fal en into a cry of excitement,
and all the top scientific researchers headed by Ming Jiayi are looking at the achievements
in front of them inconceivably.
They poured three liters of water into an engine. After a few seconds, the engine slowly
started to run. Not to mention, this technology can be spread al over the world in the
shortest time just by using this technology in a car.
In another laboratory, Yang Xiong gloomed at the door. He grabbed the phone and dialed a
"Hey, they have researched it out."
"Tel me the location."
"Hangcheng Science and Technology Research Office, I will turn all the police force on, and
the rest will be yours." Yang Xiong's eyes were ful of fierceness.
at eleven o'clock at night, Hangcheng Technology Research Office.
People in the entire research room are stil in a state of excitement.
This hydration energy project is definitely a milestone progress. Now as long as it is dawn,
you can apply for a patent with this technology.
"Mr. Xiao, I really congratulate you." Yang Xiong came to Xiaoshan's laboratory and said.
On Yang Xiong's face, neither joy nor sorrow could be seen.
"It's still thanks to President Yang for your blessing. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able
to study it so quickly, would it?" Xiao Shan smiled.
Before Yang Xiong used such a rogue method, Xiao Shan would not naturally give him too
much good looks.
Yang Xiong couldn't hear the meaning of Xiao Shan's words, he meant, wasn't he the one
who rebelled against him? He smiled at Xiao Shan, Yang Xiong shook his head and left the
At the time of Yang Xiong's departure, Secretary Zhao had taken al security forces in front
of the Hangcheng Science and Technology Research Office, including al monitoring and
control of the Hangcheng Science and Technology Research Office.
In the dark night sky, a killing intention permeated.
Yang Xiong and his men left quietly.
Ten figures walked into the Hangcheng Science and Technology Research Laboratory
through the dark night.
The movements of these ten figures are very rapid and extraordinary, and in everyone's
hands, there is a handful of cold flashes.
Ten people ran to the gate, but stopped in a flash.
Right in front of the gate of the research room, a young man was sitting, who was the one
who took the lead to protect Xiaoshan when he was attacked on the 19th floor.
The young man slowly got up and leaned against the gate, with a scrap of grass in his
Looking at the ten people in front of him, the young man spit out the grass scraps in his
mouth and gently said, "Hellwalker?"
At this time, the ten figures standing in front of the youth, each wearing a grimace mask.
"Since I know, and dare to stop here, I admire your courage." One spoke in a hoarse voice.
Youth face disdain smile, "There is an old saying, cal ed the tiger was not at home, monkey
king, you have this so-called hell Walker, in my opinion, but it is a group of monkeys!"
"Provocative sunny island majesty's dead! "The first person waved a sharp blade and
quickly drove towards the youth.
The young man leaned against the door, and when the other party rushed in front of him,
his eyes suddenly showed a touch of fine awns, and he saw him rubbing his waist with one
hand, then a symphony of gold and iron sounded, and a soft sword was pulled out by the
young man. .
In the dark night, Han Mang flashed, and the person who first rushed to the young man
stood in front of the young man, without moving. There was a fierce wound on his neck.
The other nine people glanced back and forth and shouted together: "Kill!"
Nine people rushed towards the youth at the same time.
Faced with these nine people, the young man did not panic at all. He waved the soft sword
in his hand as if he were doing an artistic performance, but the performance was bloody.
Thirty seconds later, ten bodies have been laid down beside the youth.
On the youth, there was no blood.
Retracting the soft sword to his waist, the young man looked at the corpse of Chen Chen
and muttered: "Hellwalker, but so!"
"Oh!" A light laughter sounded in the darkness.
Immediately afterwards, a series of seven figures appeared quietly around the youth.
The appearance of these seven figures changed the youth's face slightly, and he didn't even
notice when these people came. The
seven figures are al wearing grimace masks. Among them, the head of the man looked at
the ten corpses on the ground, and then stepped forward, took out a short dagger, and gave
birth to a person's head I cut it off, put it in my hands, and then looked at the young man,
"Fake hel walker, that's really it, but if it's true?"
Another man stepped forward to face the young man, "I'm curious, you just said What does
it mean that the tiger is not at home, and the monkey is cal ed the king? "
Seven figures, completely surrounded by the youth, exuded a chill on their bodies.
The young man's face was a little serious, he could feel it, and now the oppression that
these seven people bring to himself is not at al comparable to the ten people just now.
"A group of wild people, I can't wait to be born, and really made your reputation?" The
young man embraced his chest with both hands and looked around himself.
"You are very lucky, the task we received today is not to kil you!" The man with the
portable head glanced at the young man and slowly turned around. "Although I am
ashamed of these counterfeit goods, I agree with what they said. , Provoking the majesty of
Guangming Island, die! "As
soon as the word of death came out, the youth had no choice but to take two steps back,
with a look of horror in his eyes.
The next second, al seven figures disappeared into the night.
After the seven figures left, the young man realized that his back was already wet with
sweat. He stood there for a long time, and there was a hint of resentment in his eyes. !
Bright Island? Just a joke! "
Twelve at night.
Xiao Shan and a group of scientific researchers are also eagerly conducting new technology
tests in the laboratory, knowing nothing about what happened outside.
Yang Xiong clenched his mobile phone tightly, he had made countless cal s to go out, but no
one answered.
On the street in the city center, Henryhe came out from a snack bar.
Henry's mobile phone made a soft ring, and a text message came.
"Impersonate? Mysterious force?" Henry looked at the eight words sent from the phone,
thought about it, and returned two words. "Handle."
Putting down the phone, Henry showed his thoughts. Who would be posing? Hellwalker,
Henry thinks that the most likely person is Cecilia. In this world, there are too few people
who dare to provoke Guangming Island openly.
In order to avoid any accidents, Henry returned to the Hangcheng Science and Technology
Laboratory. In front of the door of the laboratory, Henry saw the young man.
Henry, the young man, had the impression that he was a master at the 19th floor club.
The eyes of the two were opposite. At this moment, Henry saw a kind of arrogance from the
eyes of the youth. That kind of arrogance originated from the soul. This kind of person,
from all aspects, would consider himself superior and capable. People with such arrogance
have an inseparable relationship with his background.
In the information received by Henry, the mysterious force refers to this young man.
Henry did not reveal much, returned to the research room, and took a look at Xiao Shan's
research results.
As for this hydration energy technology, I also talked to Henry in the future. This
technology has nothing to do with Huojing, so Henry does not have to worry.
This kind of hydration energy technology is not a particularly novel thing for the future.
The future of perennial contact with Huojing is already immune to this kind of thing. .
But for ordinary researchers, this is a milestone research achievement, enough to excite
them to sleep al night.
Early the next morning, Henry walked out of the Hangcheng Science and Technology
Research Laboratory with a yawn. This night, he fell asleep, but Xiao Shan and others
really had the feeling of not wanting to blink, and they al had dark circles and looked
excited. Very good.
If it is not to register a patent today, it is estimated that they are still reluctant to get a
At nine in the morning, Xiao Shan and Yang Xiong stepped out of the laboratory door
almost simultaneously.
"Mr. Xiao, this is real y congratulations to you. I hope that Mr. Xiao will eat meat and give
someone Yang some soup." Yang Xiong reached out to Xiao Shan.
Xiaoshan laughed loudly, "Yang, you can be is Zhesha me, I Xiaomou people Hedeheneng,
you Yang means that I can not keep up kissing Xiaoshan, ah."
Yang Xiong, the meaning of words, I wanted to share more shares in this patent, but Xiao
Shan did not leave Yang Xiong a chance.
"Then I wish President Xiao that I will be able to carry forward this patent in the future."
Yang Xiong patted Xiao Shan on the shoulder, looked at Xiao Shan very meaningfully, and
then turned his head away.
Secretary Zhao has been driving a car waiting for Yang Xiong at the entrance of the
research center.
Yang Xiong sat uncomfortably in the back seat and asked directly: "How is it, did people get
in touch!"
"Contacted." Secretary Zhao handed a new mobile phone to Yang Xiong.
Yang Xiong answered the phone and found out that the phone was on. He had just prepared
to ask the other party what to do, and then he heard a rebuke from the phone,
"Your surname Yang, do you play me? I brought it to you The prototype of technology, now
you give me this result? I watched your Yongfeng press conference, your son was arrested,
the technology leaked, right? This matter, if you do not give me an explanation, you
consider the consequences yourself "
The person on the phone didn't even wait for Yang Xiong to reply, so he hung up the phone.
Yang Xiong listened to the busy tone on the phone, how ugly his face was.
At that time, he deliberately brought in reporters and said that Yang Haifeng had been
abducted. The purpose was to put other people's attention on Xiao, so that he could study
with peace of mind.
However, the plan has not kept up with the changes. The people Henry found for Xiaoshan
completely disrupted Yang Xiong's plans. Yang Xiong invited the reporters and the press
conferences held by him.
Over Xiaoshan, Henry didn't understand a series of things, such as registering patents.
Anyway, the matter here was over, he was ready to return to Yinzhou.
Henry and Xiao Shan were standing at the gate of the research institute. They were just
about to tell Xiao Shan what they were going to go back. A yellow Porsche 718 stopped in
front of Henry.
The window shook open, sitting in the main driver, it was Milan.
"Last name Zhang, get in the car!" Milan shouted to Henry.
"What's the matter?" Henry asked curiously.
"Less nonsense, let me tell you in the car." Milan shook his head.
Henry was speechless and pulled the car door to sit up.
The Porsche 718 caused a roar and quickly drove away.
Henry leaned on the co-pilot. "Why are you going, I plan to go back to Yinzhou."
"Tomorrow, my dad handed me a task. I am too bored to go by myself. I cal you on Milan."
Henry nodded where he was sitting. "You have a handbag in front of your feet.
You can choose the clothes you choose." Henry opened the handbag and looked awesome.
"Why am I wearing this? Wil there be any parties?" Henry speculated.
"Nonsense! Besides the party, what else would be so boring?" Milan rolled his eyes.
"Yang Haifeng is estimated to be there. You help me smooth him out."
Henry was silent for a while, and he was acting as a shield.
The time of the party was noon, and the venue was in a large private club. Milan told Henry
that this party was al of younger generation. The purpose of her participation in this party
was to get in touch with Yu Yuan, the heir of Yuyuan Ventures. Now that such a big project
has been researched by Xiao, it is inevitable that some large investment talents will have to
be found. Otherwise, it will be difficult for Xiao ’s assets to apply this technology in a short
period of time.
The Longshan Club of Hangzhou City covers an area of tens of thousands of square meters.
There are mountains and water in the clubhouse, and the environment is extremely
Shang Fa was bored in this club. Today, he actually didn't want to come at all, but he
couldn't carry his phone bombing, so he came here.
Now Shangfa, he is only thinking about staying in the office, he has no interest in inheriting
these things, what he wants to do most is to enhance his strength, and then like a teacher,
he can take over all kinds of things. Mission.
In the past, Shang Fa felt that he had everything. As long as he had money, he could have
what he wanted, but after contacting his teacher, Shang Fa realized that those bosses with
tens of billions of dollars are in the kind of teachers. In the eyes of man, there is no
difference from ordinary people. If he wants, he can prevent anyone from seeing the sun of
tomorrow. Money is always a thing outside the body, and only his own strength is
accompanied by himself.
This party belongs to the younger generation. As the only heir of Hangzhou ’s leading
enterprise Yuyuan Venture Capital, Shangfa can be said to be the highest-ranking person in
this party. However, no one who wants to come to this party wants to fol ow Shangfa Please
Some people know that Shangfa likes some martial arts fighting things recently, and he has
special y recruited some martial arts masters and Shangfa, and formed a special fighting
Originally, these martial arts Sanda masters were stil thinking of making two moves, but
after the real fight, they only discovered that this Yuyuan venture capital prince, the
strength is simply not comparable.
Playing with these people, Shang Fa also feels bored. Is n’t it at the same level? Now, what
he wants is not to beat others and gain a sense of honor, but to want to become stronger,
only to be stronger than himself. Only people can make themselves grow.
A Porsche 718 parked in front of the Longshan Clubhouse, this more than 700,000
sports car, at the moment compared with other luxury cars in the clubhouse parking lot,
looks even uncommon, and can even be said to be a bit cheap.
Henry, dressed in a black suit, came down from the co-pilot.
The main driver's door opened. Milan was wearing a sky-blue long dress and shoulder-
length short hair. She brought a strange temperament to her. With a trace of British spirit
in it, such a woman made people look at first glance, There is something that wants to
conquer ...
Stepping on a pair of off-white high-heeled shoes, Milan as a whole looks tall and beautiful.
The long skirt covering the body makes Milan's S-shaped figure perfectly displayed.
Henry and Milan walked into the club, attracted a lot of attention.
Due to the fact that Milan is always abroad, few people know about this princess of Xiao.
The emergence of Milan has attracted many people to come and take the initiative to send
business cards. After all, beauty is more popular no matter where it is.
Henry didn't like the coping scene of this kind of party. When he found an opportunity, he
took the opportunity to slip away and left Milan to chat with others.
"Oh, isn't this a hero?" A light laughter sounded in Henry's ear.
Henry turned his head and saw that Shanzhuang was walking towards himself.
"Why, hero, in what capacity are you here? I remember this gathering, it seems that no one
invited you?" Shanzhuang walked to Henry.
Last time, Shanzhuang was forced by Jing Ruoqian's pressure, and didn't embarrass Henry.
This time I saw again that Shanzhuang would not miss a chance to humiliate Henry.
"Shan Gongzi knows this man?" Another voice sounded.
Seeing that Yang Haifeng came over, there was a circle of gauze tied to Yang Haifeng's right
This time, Yang Haifeng received arrangements from Yang Xiong and came to this party
specially to embarrass Xiao.
When Xiao registered a patent, he was bound to find an investor. What Yongfeng Industries
wanted to do now was to disrupt it.
Yongfeng Industry still has a lot of heritage in Hangzhou City. This is an enterprise that has
taken root in Hangzhou City for decades. In terms of interpersonal network, it is not
comparable to Xiao.
"Why? Brother Yang also knew him?" Shanzhuang asked.
"Know, of course." Yang Haifeng looked at Henry with a pair of eyes, "I wish I could cramp
my bones!"
Yang Haifeng raised his right hand. If it was not this person, how could he open the three
bodyguards? If the three bodyguards were there, how could he suffer the crime.
Yang Haifeng now imposes all faults on Henry.
Listening to Yang Haifeng's words, Shanzhuang laughed aloud, "Brother Yang, the two of us
really think the same thing, and I want to cramp the kid too!"
Both Shanzhuang and Yang Haifeng, in front of Henry, were almost Do not shy away from
saying this.
For these two people, when Sylvia was in the past, Henry chose to be forbearing, fearing
that some things would be implicated in Sylvia, but now, Sylvia has returned to Yinzhou. If
Henry can endure again, then he is not him.
Henry walked to Yang Haifeng, grabbed Yang Haifeng's gauze-wrapped hand, "Gee, Young
Master Yang, you mean, you cut your finger?"
Yang Haifeng snorted coldly, just preparing to pull his hand back, he felt a strong force
Coming from his hand, the squeeze squeezed the wound on his palm.
Henry smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Master Yang, does this feel good?" As you can see,
Yang Haifeng's face has become twisted. Henry keeps pressing the wound on Yang
Haifeng's hand. Because of Henry's action, the wound ruptured again and blood poured out,
dyeing the gauze on Yang Haifeng's hands red.
Yang Haifeng gritted his teeth and sucked in the air. "Loose ... Let go! You let go of Lao Tzu!"
"Oh." Henry chuckled and released Yang Haifeng's hand.
In the moment of Henrysong's hand, Yang Haifeng stepped back and forth a few steps,
looking at his right hand with a painful face, bursts of pain, and uploaded from the palm of
his hand.
This movement of Henry, even Shanzhuang did not expect it. Henry continued to grin,
"Young Master Yang, if you want to endure hardship, just continue. I don't mind letting you
enjoy more."
Yang Haifeng's face was ruthless, but he didn't dare to say anything, just in his In my heart,
I wish I could stab Henry thousands of swords!
"You are here?" A slightly surprised female voice sounded behind Henry.
Henry turned his head and saw a tal , long-haired beauty walking towards herself. It was
Jing Ruoqian.
After Jing Ruoxi came, she fixed her eyes directly on Shanzhuang and warned: "The
surname is Shan, don't let me see you doing something shameful, understand?"
Shanzhuang smiled, "I just came to a party This shouldn't be a shameful thing? "
" I hope so. "Jing Ruoqian nodded with warning to Chong Shanzhuang, and then said to
Henrydao," Would you like to have a drink next to him. "
Henry Nodded, "Alright."
This meeting, prepared a lot of cold wine, Jing Ruoxi took two glasses of red wine from the
waiter, handed Henry a glass, "I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Jing Ruoqian. "
" Henry. "Henry took the wine glass and gently touched the glass with Jing Ruoqian, making
a" ding "sound.
The two tasted wine in a glass almost at the same time.
Jing Ruoxi's beautiful eyes looked at Henry and asked, "Where did you learn your skil s?"
Henry smiled, "Self-study."
"Unbelief." Jing Ruoxi shook her head, "You don't even want to say it. Yes, but I want to try
it myself. "
" How do you want to try it? "Henry asked curiously.
"It's very simple." Jing Ruoxi put the glass in her hand aside. "There is a special ring in this
club. Let's fight."
Henry carefully observed the woman in front of her. As far as temperament is concerned,
this woman is more of a book temperament. If you don't know this woman, Henry really
can't see it. This is a violent person.
Henry shook his head, "I don't like to do it with women."
"But I want to do it with you!" Jing Ruoqian's voice fell, kicking him against Henry.
Facing Jing Ruoqian's sudden foot, Henry just reached out to block the side, and easily
intercepted this foot. His hand just happened to block Jing Ruoxi's leg bend.
The long legs are white and flexible.
Jing Ruoqian continued to move, and then punched a punch to Henry's face door. She was
also sent by Henry, reaching for Jing Ruoqian's arm, reaching Jing Ruoqian's fist without
any power Come.
Jing Ruoqian wanted to do it again, but Henry held the powder fist in advance. This time, he
didn't even have the chance to throw a fist.
From the beginning to the end, Henry held the glass of red wine in his hand, and did not
spill it at al , and Henry himself was standing there without moving.
Henry chuckled, "Beauty, let's stop chanting, and then hit it, I will take advantage of you."
Henry spoke, he also gently tapped the pink fist held in his hand with his finger.
Jing Ruoqian's face turned red and she pulled her hand out of Henry's hand. "You are
"Please, beauties, speak conscience, you are the one who will deal with me first." Henry Jing
Ruoqian Raised the wine glass and strode to the other side.
Jing Ruoqian stared at Henry's back, his eyes glowed with splendor.
"This is a master." A middle-aged man walked behind Jing Ruoxi and sighed.
"Teacher." Jing Ruo Qian turned around and called out to the middle-aged man.
The middle-aged man waved his hand. "Just now you started, I see it in the eyes. To be
honest, the speed and strength he showed are exactly the same as when you shot him.
This shows the man's muscles. The degree of control has reached a peak, followed by his
fighting consciousness. All the three moves you just made were learned by him
when you made the move, hitting your weakest place. If it is a life-and-death battle, you The
moment you kicked the first kick, you were defeated. "
Jing Ruoqian opened her mouth a bit and couldn't believe it. Although she knew that she
was not as good as Henryqiang, she just thought that it was Henry's. The speed is faster
than myself, and the power is greater than myself, but as the teacher said, Henry used the
same power and speed as himself.
"Girl, I can teach you, I have taught you, this person is real y powerful, even if I fight with
him, it is not necessarily his opponent." The middle-aged man patted Jing Ruoxi on the
shoulder, "How, Would you like to consider taking this guy down? "
" Master, what are you talking about, I'm just curious about his skill! "Jing Ruoxi blushed.
"Haha." The middle-aged man laughed twice. "Girl, it's better to be like this person, it's not
easy." The
middle-aged man stared at Henry's back, revealing a thoughtful look.
Henry turned around in the clubhouse and saw Milan being surrounded by three young
It can be seen that Milan has a trace of impatience on his face.
When he saw Henry, Milan was like seeing a savior. He said that my boyfriend was here,
then strode to Henry, and embraced Henry's arm generously.
The three young people who original y chatted with Milan all cast their hatred on Henry.
Henry shook his head helplessly and asked Milan, "How is the matter going, can you go?"
"Not ideal." Milan shook his head and sighed. "The people of Yongfeng Industry inserted a
few words in the middle. I can't even see the heir of Yuyuan Ventures now.
His assistant has rejected me. "Is
n't it possible?" Henry was a little strange. "As long as Yuyuan Ventures is a little bit brainy,
it shouldn't be rejected."
"But the heir of Yuyuan Ventures has no brains!" Milan was quite helpless. "That guy is still
in the business, he is not in the business at all, only knows to fight with others, and he does
not care about investing in these things."
Henry and Milan are still talking, listening to a few young people next to them Make an
irritable voice.
"It's a fight, it's a fight again!"
"Go, let's go and check it out!"
"Shang Gongzi is very powerful, so many people who practiced Sanda are not his
Henry heard this voice, too A little interest came, "Go, let's go and see."
In a separate hall of the clubhouse, a ring was special y prepared.
Shang Fazheng stood bored on the ring, looking at the opponent in front of him. These
people who are known as Sanda champions are far from Shang Fa's opponents.
The continuous victory made Shang Fa not a little proud, and even a little more awe in his
heart to treat the organization in awe.
In the past, Shangfa only knew about eating, drinking, playing, and racing girls. His body
was already exhausted. Not to mention these Sanda masters, but for some slightly stronger
ordinary people, Shangfa is not an opponent. , just a year and a half after Shangfa knew his
master, he grew up like this, and Shangfa knew that he did n’t have a third of Master yet.
There is still a long way to go, so that you can crush these Sanda champions yourself, what
about Master? On top of that, the master pedestrians who have to be taken seriously by
Master, how powerful they are!
Another person who is known as the provincial Sanda champion was defeated by Shangfa's
Shang Fa shook his head boringly.
"It's boring, boring, don't fight, go away." Shang Fa said, ready to go down the ring.
"I'l fight with you!" A young man of face-to-face jumped onto the ring and looked at Shang
This young man appeared at the gate of the institute last night and beheaded 10 people
who faked Hel walker.
"You?" Shangfa glanced at the other party. "Interesting, what are you studying?" The young
man looked at Shangfa disdainfully, "You don't deserve to know."
One sentence you don't deserve is annoying Shangfa. Fist, "When I hit you on the ground, I
will let you know, I deserve it!"
Henry and Milan came to this other hall, a lot of people have stood in the other hall, all
come to see the fight Thunder.
When Milan saw the young man in the ring, he frowned and said to himself: "How is he on
"Do you know him?" Henry asked curiously.
Milan nodded. "He's been to my house a few times, and the one he beat with him is
Henry looked at the ring at first glance and recognized the person on the ring, one was the
young man last night. , Represents a mysterious force, and the other is the new heir of the
Hangzhou office.
The confrontation between these two people made Henry quite interested.
On the other side, Jing Ruoxi and her master also looked at the ring.
There was no unnecessary nonsense in the beating of the two on the ring, and they directly
fought together.
The confrontation between these two people is like a martial arts movie. When they see the
tricks, they are very pleasing to the eyes. The young people in the audience are very
Henry's eyes looked back and forth between the two. After a few strokes, he shook his
head, "This is still a hair, it's simply a fool! Good moves are used by him like this, and he
Said this as Henry. Words, just like a company CEO is scolding his employees, but listening
to others' ears, this is not the case.
"I said who are you, and you are what Shang Gongzi said?" A beautiful woman in enchanted
eyes glared at Henry.
"Dude, you are courageous, even Duke Shang still dares to say."
"Oh, this brother surnamed Zhang has always liked to talk big."
"This friend, I hope you speak more carefully." Shang Fa's assistant also came over.
Most of the people who came to this party today wanted to please Shangfa. Henry's critical
words can be said to stir up thousands of waves, and suddenly many people looked to
Henry and expressed their dissatisfaction in front of Assistant Shangfa. , Express yourself.
"Why, he has a problem playing, do I say he has something to do with you?" Henry asked.
"Of course it does, you have to apologize to Shang Gongzi!" The enchanting beauty was very
still in the position of this group of people, it can be said that it is quite noble, almost
everyone is thinking about how to please him, some women, more It is to do everything
possible, wanting Shang Gongzi to look at himself more.
"Yes, apologize!"
"Apologize to Mr. Shang!"
"Apologize!" Sounds
of echoes sounded one after another, all condemning Henry.
Faced with these outcry, Henry chuckled, "we must recognize wrong, beaten to stand at
attention, this still send their own waste, why should I give him an apology?"
"You bet Shang Gongzai? Security in which it put to him I shove it out! "A person waved his
arm directly, yelling at the security guard.
"Who has the power to push people?" Jing Ruoxi on the side heard the movement here and
came over.
Although Jing Ruoqian is not from the business district, there are so few people in
Hangzhou, this place is big or smal , and there are only a few well-known people. Who
doesn't know Jing Ruoqian, the only daughter of the secretary? Suddenly those who were
just clamoring closed their mouths.
Shangfa they want to please, this elder lady, can't offend.
Jing Ruoqian stood beside Henry, embraced her chest with both hands, looked at the ring,
and said to Henry: "How do you think these two people on the stage?"
Henry shook his head. "Both have a common defect, that is The fighting consciousness is
too weak. When they make a move, they move too much. When they encounter some
combat experience, up to three moves, they can kill their lives, especial y the one who is
still making it. It is almost impossible to use firewood. He used it in this way! "What
Shangfa learned and used all the things Henry studied with the other kings of Guangming
Island. It can be said that Henry was the founder of this set of kung fu.
Regarding the martial arts he created, Henry knew how powerful this set of martial arts
was. Although he still found out that he had n’t practiced them yet, he should n’t be so
weak. Seeing that he was in a disadvantage in the ring.
Henry's evaluation of the two people on the stage made Jing Ruoxi dumb.
In Jing Ruoqian's view, as far as these two people on the stage are concerned, they are
already a rare master at the same age, but they did not expect to be worthless in this
person's mouth, and even used waste wood Two words to describe.
A person really unhappy Henry, then glanced at the mouth, a small channel: "Who does not
boast ah, quite a feat on their own play ah!"
"Oh, you do not look down upon this Mr. Zhang, he is not only a A person who ca n’t speak.
”A voice sounded, it sounded like he was embarrassing for Henry, but the rest of the words
made everyone laugh.“ Everyone looked at me and just got seriously injured.
I just chatted with this Mr. Zhang , Accidentally said that Mr. Zhang does n’t like to listen to
it. If not, Mr. Zhang would rush at me, or say, Mr. Zhang still has real skills. "
The person who said this was Yang Haifeng, his hand Every word of the gauze shape can be
said to be mocking Henry.
When the people around heard it, he immediately laughed, "It seems that this Mr. Zhang is
still selectively targeted."
"Who said no, seeing Yang Gongzi's hand injured, he started to Yang Gongzi and asked me
to say He is going to find a primary school to collect protection fees, is n’t it better? Who
dares to provoke him? "
" The king with a strong mouth is real y a king with a strong mouth! "on the ring.
Shang Fa's confrontation with the young man had reached the most critical time. Under the
punch of the young man, Shang Fa only had time to dodge.
"It's really a waste wood. What a so-called master is just a bunch of garbage!" The youth
Shang Fa gritted his teeth and made no noise. The strength of the other party exceeded his
imagination and also inspired his fighting spirit.
Shangfa is a person who is not willing to admit defeat easily, otherwise he will not leave the
good young master to do it alone, and enter the line alone.
Waving his fist, Shang Fa Mou's strength, three consecutive punches at the opponent, the
result was flashed by the young and easy.
When the two men play against each other, once the other side gains an advantage, the next
battle may change from stalemate to ruin.
This is the situation now. Originally, the two had fought back and forth, but now, it is the
young people who are fighting exactly as they are stil fighting.
After evading the three punches from Shang Fa, the young man twisted and pulled out a
whip leg. This force action was very rapid, flowing through the clouds, driving his strength
with his waist, and kicking heavily on the outside of Shang Fa's thigh.
Shang Fa was kicked back and forth several times with this leg, and he only felt that his
whole leg was numb and could not help.
The youth did not spare others, and attacked again. The attack was stil defeated.
Finally, he was punched in the middle of the abdomen, and the bow and waist were lying on
the ground, his face reddened.
This result made those onlookers exclaim.
"Shang Gongzi!"
"How are you, Shang Gongzi!" "Who are you
, you are not allowed to hit our Shang Shangzi?" A woman screamed.
The young man stepped forward and stepped on the back of Shang Fa ’s hand and broke his
saliva. "Bah, garbage! Do you know that your move is like an uncivilized monkey, rude and
"You fart!" Shangfa uttered a low roar, "You are a monkey, I'm just careless!"
"Oh, if this is not a ring, you can carelessly talk to me here?" Youth I looked at it with
disdain, but I was proud on the face of the youth. "I have said for a long time, the long
forbearance makes you savages think you are amazing. In fact, in our eyes, you are A bunch
of rubbish! "
" You have the ability to let me get up, let's fight again! "Shang Fa wanted to draw his hand
from the young man's feet, but the young man stepped on him too deadly, he couldn't do it
at al .
"Re-fight? Why?" As if to see the mentally retarded youth still looked the same hair, "Do
you think I had told you that every family? In"
"Let Shang Gongzai re-fight!"
"Is!" "I
see you It's just good luck, otherwise why wouldn't you dare to do it again? "The audience
heard a voice that helped Shang Shang speak.
Shang Fa glared at the young man, "Dare you dare to do it again, if it was not my intention,
it would be impossible for you to fol ow ..."
Before the speech was finished, Shang was interrupted by a loud roar from the audience.
"Enough! Enough for his lack of shame it? Competing death, this would win in ages, true to
the time of life and death fight, your opponent can give you another chance?"
This is the sound of shout, do not let the whole hal Fall into a silence.
Everyone looked at the person who spoke, wondering who was so short-sighted, and dared
to face Shangfa in front of so many people.
Similarly, the two people on the ring are also subconsciously looking at the speaker.
Henry dialed the crowd in front of him and walked towards the ring.
At the moment of seeing Henry, Shang Fa's pupils suddenly enlarged, he clearly
remembered Henry, this is ... adult walker!
In Shangfa's eyes, deep respect appeared, but others did not notice it.
The young man looked at Henry disdainful y and said, "Why, another waste?"
"Hehe." Henry chuckled, "Waste is not waste, do you want to try it?"
Henry stood in front of the ring He also looked at the youth provocatively.
Just now, Henry thought about it again and again and made a decision. He planned to try
this young man himself, and by the way, he also found out the so-cal ed mysterious forces.
What the young man said last night was also conveyed to Henry's ears by Henry's people
Whether it's disdain for the hellwalker or describing Guangming Island as a joke, it can
show some of the young man's confidence from the side. Henry thought a lot.
Jing Ruoqian saw Henry's intention to shoot, and suddenly came to interest, widening her
eyes, looking at the stage.
"The surname Zhang, who do you reprimand! Hurry up and apologize to Shang Gongzi!"
"Special, don't you know what you are! Pay attention to your tone of voice
to Shang Gongzi!" The person who showed the good spirits recovered the first time and
spoke loudly when the scene was quiet, trying to make Shangfa remember himself.
Yang Haifeng sneered, and said in his heart, the name is Zhang, you are real y arrogant, this
is good, do not need to deal with you again, someone will teach you to be a man!
What is the end of Shangfa in Hangzhou? Everyone knows the result without even thinking
about it, and it will definitely not be mixed up in Hangzhou.
Yang Haifeng was very happy in his heart. In this way, Xiao still wanted to find Yuyuan
Venture Partners? Go for a fart!
Shanzhuang was also satisfied with looking at the ring side. Henry's approach really made
him feel very comfortable. This kind of behavior of finding his own death can't be stopped
by others!
Henry's approach made Milan frown. Although she was also very dissatisfied with this
Shangfa, she didn't care about the company's affairs and only gave it to her assistant, but
she was unhappy.
Some people who are upset about Henry are stealing music in their hearts. Such a blatant
offense is stil happening, and see how he handles it. In the future, this Hangzhou city will
not be able to stay!
Those who showed good to Shang, all scrambled to Henry to express themselves in front of
Shang Fa, who was originally surprised by Henry's appearance, listened to the sounds of
scolding around him, and his face became more and more difficult to look.
This is a great walker, that is, a teacher who has to be respectful and respectful when his
teacher sees him. He reprimanded himself and taught himself. That is his blessing, but now
it is better, but he has been reprimanded by others?
What Shang Shang was thinking was not at al what the adult walker blamed. What annoyed
him was that these people yelled at the pedestrian walkman!
"Enough!" Shangfa screamed loudly. He made a noise, and no one dared to make another
sound in the whole other room.
Everyone guessed that Shang Gongzi was angry. That surnamed Zhang should be unlucky!
Shanzhuang and Yang Haifeng both looked at the lively look, waiting to see how
embarrassing Henry looked.
Shangfa got up from the ground, glanced around for a week, and final y locked on Henry's
Those who were present, with Henry's eyes in their eyes, were ridiculous and even thought
about what to say after falling into the well.
Some people guess that Shang Fa should let this surnamed Zhang get out directly.
Others were thinking that Shangfa would educate the surnamed Zhang so that he could
understand that it is the truth that blames them.
However, Shang Fa ’s attitude was beyond everyone ’s expectations. He looked at Henry
without a angry expression on his face. Instead, he showed a kind of admiration and
respect. “Sir, what you learned is that I ’m too Frustrated. "
Just now, Henry reprimanded Shang Fa in front of so many people, causing everyone to fall
into silence.
At this moment, Shangfa's attitude towards Henry once again made everyone fall into
Who is Shangfa? Prince Yuyuan Venture Capital! Even his Lao Tzu, the richest man in
Hangzhou, would not necessarily allow him to speak so politely, but the one with the
surname Zhang in front of him could!
If you tell everyone that Shangfa doesn't know Henry, no one will believe it.
A person who can make Yuyuan venture capital prince so respectful, what is his identity?
Those who have just ridiculed Henry's facial expressions at this time are particularly
wonderful. They have offended another person with a higher status in order to please a big
What kind of character does Shangfa want to call you?
Some people dare not even think about it.
Yang Haifeng and Shanzhuang are the representatives of this. In this, they have the deepest
contradiction with Henry. As a result, they now find that they have always underestimated
the surname Zhang!
Yang Haifeng and Shanzhuang had some confusion in their hearts.
In Milan's beautiful eyes, she raised a strange look, she re-examined Henry.
"Okay, you come down." Henry beckoned.
Shang Fa nodded again and again and came down from the ring. If he looked closely at
Shang Fa, he would find that he was ful of admiration and longing in Henry's eyes.
Stepping onto the ring, Henry looked at the young man, and the young man looked at
Henry observed that there was a jade pendant hanging on the neck of the young man with a
morning word written on it. The shape of the jade pendant was a tiger's head, and the
carving was lifelike.
Arrogant young face of heavy, he stared at Henry, "Boy, I have always see you unhappy, you
come to die today, I'll give you."
"Coincidence." Henry smiled, "I think You've been upset too. "
Shang Fa stood under the ring and looked at the ring with excitement, but this is the
master's shot. How can I see this opportunity on weekdays!
Henry looked at the audience and said to Chong Shang: "Look more, learn more, there are
some things, I only do it once, how much I can learn, it depends on your own creation."
Shang Fa nodded again and again.
"Boy, you are crazy!" The young man stared at Henry. "But what I want to tell you is that
your arrogant capital is not worth mentioning before me."
"Is it?" Henry raised his eyebrow "I also want to say that your arrogant capital is not worth
mentioning in front of me!"
"Death!" The youth's complexion suddenly changed and rushed towards Henry.
Henry looks at the youth in front of him. At the moment when the opponent is exerting
force, Henry is observing, observing the opponent's force exertion method, observing the
opponent's boxing routine, but the youth All around, Henry gave a strange feeling.
Henry didn't dare to say that he had a lot of knowledge, but for most of today's boxing
techniques, Henry himself has some impressions, but in the youth's starting style, Henry
did not see any shadow of boxing techniques.
When the young man rushed to Henry, Henrycai raised his hand to fight back.
As far as Henry and young individuals are concerned, Henry can crush the opponent with
ful firepower, but instead of doing so, he constantly resists and cracks under the
opponent's offensive and wants to discover something from it.
In the eyes of people who don't know how to do it, Henry was almost in the same face, and
was beaten by the other party, but in the eyes of people who knew him, Henry's approach
was tantamount to being very shocking.
Shang Fa opened his eyes wide and looked at the stage. He had just finished his moves with
the youth. He knew how strong the youth's set of repressive moves was. He could only
meet his opponent with his fists and feet. Tricks.
"Great, Master Walker deserves to be Master Walker!" Shang Fa was excited, not even
blinking his eyes, fearing that he would miss a critical moment.
Jing Ruoqian frowned Liu Liu, strangely said: "No, Henry's strength is definitely not so
simple, how could he be suppressed."
"Girl, so you stil have too little experience, where is he suppressed? This young man named
Henry is doing tricks! And you see, he is even learning his opponent ’s way of
exerting force. Give him a little more time, he is estimated to be able to learn the opponent
’s boxing skil s, which is really terrifying People! "Teacher Jing Ruoqian looked at Henry's
eyes with a trace of fear.
"Removal!" Jing Ruoqian's beautiful eyes are a bit unbelievable, and those who can do it on
the spot, in addition to having strong confidence in themselves, must also have
corresponding strong strength, otherwise it is fundamental Don't mention the tricks, can
you resist the other's offensive?
Some insiders can see what Henry is doing. How can a young man who is an opponent of
Henry not feel it? Henry's approach makes him feel like he has been humiliated like never
"Boy, you are dead!" The young man suddenly punched Henrymian's door.
Henry made a move, holding the opponent's fist, but felt something was wrong at this
Normally, when a person punches, the boxing style will bring a kind of unprecedented
strength, whether it can resist or not, all in an instant, but now, Henry does not feel this
way, in the seemingly tough boxing style of young people, bring With a supple force, like a
water snake, winding and lingering.
Under this force, the young man's fist opened Henry's palm, crossed Henry's hands, and hit
Henry's shoulder.
With a successful move, the young man's face showed a smug smile, "Boy, I just played with
"This is ..." Henry savored the power that the young man just carried in the punch, and
there was some in his eyes Horrified.
"You kind of uncivilized monkeys naturally don't understand, what is the real ancient
martial arts!" The young man's eyes burst into fineness, and he attacked Henry again.
the power of.
Henry felt that there was something flashing in his mind, but he couldn't catch it. He simply
let go of the defensive momentum, with his strong quality, he resisted every move of the
youth and felt it in the most intuitive way. , the youth punched Henry with a punch, and all
the onlookers shook their heads. It seems that this big man named Zhang, as far as he can
say, is of average strength.
The young man became more and more excited, making a long roar, his body leaped, and
kicked Henry's head with one foot.
At this moment, the light flashed in Henry's brain, he caught something, and the doubt in
his eyes became clear. In the face of the kick kicked by the youth, he strode forward, using
his shoulder as the impact point. Before hitting a foot, he hit the youth's body first.
Where did the voluptuous youth endure such vigorous force, they were thrown out of the
air, and fell on the ring.
The young man got up and rushed towards Henry, and then he heard the ring, and there
was a loud drink.
The sound of the cry made the young students stop their bodies.
When Henrychao looked down the stage, he saw an ordinary middle-aged man standing in
front of the other hall. While Henry looked at each other, the middle-aged man looked at
Henry again.
After a few seconds, the middle-aged man put his eyes on the young man on the stage and
said: "Xiao Chen, you have crossed the line."
"The third uncle, I ..." The young man just wanted to say something, the middle-aged man
looked at him stop.
"Get off the stage and go!" The middle-aged man said concisely, and after speaking, his
hands were on his back and turned to leave.
The young man known as Xiao Chen gave Henry an uncomfortable look, then jumped off
the ring and headed towards the gate of the other hall.
From the outsider's point of view, this competition can only be said to be a draw.
Shangfa and Master Jing Ruoxi, both expert, understand that this time, Henry has the upper
Outside the hal .
Xiao Chen was beside the middle-aged man, his eyes were puzzled, "Uncle, why don't you
let me teach him well!"
"Teach him? It's up to you?" The middle-aged man glanced at Xiao Chen next to him, "If you
fight again, your kung fu will be learned by others! And don't forget, what are our rules,
these days? , You are too arrogant. "
" I ... "Xiao Chen opened his mouth, without saying a word, just clenched his fists tightly, his
eyes ful of hate.
Xiao Chen's departure also brought the competition of this party to an end.
Shangfa followed Henry, respectfully and respectfully, and the rest of the people watched
for a while and were afraid that such a big man who made Shang Gongzi treat him carefully,
where did he have the courage to yell at others?
Henry was sitting on a single sofa, but Shang Fa was standing in front of him, not daring to
"By the way, is Yuyuan Ventures your company?" Henry asked.
"Yes." Shang Fa nodded again and again, "What did Mr. have instructed, despite that."
"Xiao's has an investment project, you just take it."
"No problem!" Shang Fa didn't even ask anything, and nodded quickly. Promised down, and
at the same time shouted his assistant, tel ing the assistant how much money Xiao wanted,
he voted.
Milan was sitting next to Henry, and her beautiful eyes were glowing again and again.
She can see it now. Henry's identity is definitely not as simple as Sylvia had always thought.
His girlfriend, really picked up the treasure.
Yang Haifeng and Shanzhuang shrank in a corner, looking at Henry with a sullen face.
They wanted to do something very much, but had no courage.
most people's fears come from unknown.
Now Yang Haifeng and Shanzhuang only know that Henry has forces that cannot be
underestimated, but they do not understand the specific things, which makes them now
deeply afraid of Henry and dare not provoke them.
Yang Haifeng and Shanzhuang don't dare to provoke Henry now. This does not mean that
Henry will just forget about them.
Regarding what Shanzhuang did, Henry would not let Lin Xuanhan say anything about
Shanzhuang. His personal information about Shanzhuang has long been investigated, and
some black materials that can drive Shanzhuang ’s father off, They are al ready.
The day Henry left Hangzhou was when the Shan family fel .
As for Yongfeng Industry.
Henry asked Shang Fa directly, "Do you have a cooperative relationship with Yongfeng
"There are some." Shang Fa replied while recal ing.
"It's all broken." Henry's sentence determined the future of Yongfeng Industry.
At this moment, Yongfeng Industrial Building.
Yang Xiong stood in his office, looking at the person in front of him with some fear in his
"Yang Xiong, did you know why the organization brought you up?" A sexy figure of
Miaoman sat on Yang Xiong's boss chair. His slender legs outlined black stockings and laid
on the desk in front of him, which was particularly attractive.
Faced with this bloody scene, Yang Xiong's eyes did not dare to look at it, "This time, it was
an accident."
"Accident?" It was a face of angels full of holiness. Yang Xiong could n’t see the woman
’s expression under the mask, but he could hear the chill in the tone of the other party.
The three people protect you personal y. It was your good son who drove them away, did
n’t you? Did you know that the research materials you sent out would easily remind us of
us? "
"This ..." Yang Xiong's forehead was cold and sweating, "It's the dog who doesn't
understand, only ..."
"I don't understand!" The woman's voice suddenly rose high, "Your son does not
understand, you let him learn to be a director, otherwise I will Mind, do something
yourself! "
Yang Xiong's face col apsed immediately, ful of fear," I'm sorry, sorry, please give me
another chance, I will never let you down. "
" The opportunity is not not for you. "The woman put down the slender He trimmed his
black silk dress and stood up. "So, your son's fingers are also broken for organizational
matters. Organizations always reward for merit and punish for errors. This afternoon, I will
let someone pick up your son and take care of his hand. You just need to be honest and
complete your task! "The
woman walked out of Yang Xiong's office with a sexy pace.
After the woman left, Yang Xiong dared to raise his head, a flash of struggling flashed in his
eyes, but with his fate.
Again, the more you know, the more you understand your insignificance.
It seems to ordinary people that Yang Xiong is a successful person, but Yang Xiong himself
understands that, compared with certain existences, he is too small, and if they are willing,
they can cultivate another Yongfeng Industry at any time.
The woman left the Yongfeng Building and took off her mask to reveal a beautiful face,
black hair fluttering, and a lace dress with her slender legs that outlined black silk, which
attracted frequent pedestrians.
The woman took out her mobile phone and dialed a number to go out. "Everything was
planned, Xiao completed the project, but there was a little accident in the middle. Some
outside forces were helping Xiao. Of course, these are irrelevant. Yes, the more fierce the
Xiao ’s spokespersons are, the more uneasy those people will be. Slowly, these pretentious
and proud people will come to the surface! ”at four in the afternoon.
A yellow Porsche 718 drove out of the private club.
Just out of the door of the clubhouse, Milan, who was driving, dared to tear open the sky
blue dress on his body, and the black corset was tightly attached to Milan.
Milan exhaled a long breath. "It's stil so comfortable!" The black corset with lace lace
perfectly shows Milan's figure, with a beautiful S-shaped curve and white and soft skin.
Henry was sitting next to Milan. Even if he deliberately avoided it, he couldn't avoid this
fragrant scene.
"It's easy to see if you want to see it. You haven't seen it before, let alone close your eyes
and sew me a wound." Milan glanced at his mouth.
As soon as Milan said this, Henry's mind appeared subconsciously in the scene that Milan
At the time, from a doctor's perspective, Henry didn't think too much, but it was a bit
embarrassing to mention it later.
Henry looked at the street in front of him and said: "I booked a ticket back to Yinzhou, so I
won't tell the godfather, you tell him for me."
Milan grasped the steering wheel, the subconsciousness increased its intensity, and the
look was as calm as possible Asked: "Are you leaving today? No longer ask my dad to drink
two glasses?"
Henry smiled slightly and shook his head: "No, the godfather is also busy recently, and
Sylvia has gone back, and I should go back earlier, and said Training acupuncture
techniques for those doctors, it's time to hurry up at this time. "
" Okay. "There was some concealable loss in Milan's eyes, she nodded," Go back, I'm going
back to the country in two days, Li Ke Na Girl went back first, hey, man, so much trouble
every day. "
" This is cal ed life, you park in front, I'll just go to the airport. "
" I'll send you. " Milan increased the throttle and drove towards the airport.
In the parking lot of the airport, Milan put the long dress back in the car, and the hair was a
little scattered, with a wild feeling.
When the two came down from the car, they just passed by a pair of young men, watching
Henry and Milan with a strange look.
Milan's unfinished long dress and scattered hair made the young man give Henry a thumbs
An old driver like Milan, where he didn't understand what the other person was thinking,
his mouth shattered softly and his face was a little blushing.
Henry smiled awkwardly, but he didn't know him, he couldn't catch up and say, he just
didn't really have that.
In order to avoid similar misunderstandings, Milan sorted out his clothes and hair and
walked towards the terminal with Henrylian.
Standing at the gate of the terminal, the breeze blew, blowing Milan's long skirt.
"Okay, once I leave this time, I don't know when I will see you next time. Don't forget the
old lady!" Milan stood in front of Henry and sorted the col ar for Henry, and immediately
felt that he was doing this It seemed that he was too intimate and quickly withdrew his
Henry Qing smiled a little, "Relax, my person has a good memory, and I will never forget
what I said."
"Is it?" Milan eyes with some grudges, and with a somewhat unwilling look at Henry,
"Ten years ago, you promised me something Can it be done? "
" Uh ... "Henry's face was awkward, he touched his nose and didn't speak.
Ten years ago, Milan said that when he grew up, he would marry him. At that time, neither
of them was sensible, and Henry was also a joke, and he agreed.
Henry looked at this awkward appearance, Milan Puchi smile, "Wel , do not tease you, go,
anyway, the encounter, nor did not contact like a decade ago, come, hold a?"
Milan With open arms, the woman laughed at the corner of her mouth, and the breeze blew
her hair, with a bit bleak in her smile.
People who have been searching for ten years are in front of them, but they can never
belong to themselves.
Henry hugged Milan's shoulders, and the unique fragrance of the woman's body plunged
into Henry's nose.
"Okay, let's go, I have time to go to Fa Guo to play with you." Henry patted Milan's back and
released his hands.
Milan hands wandering around Henry's waist, just when he was about to pluck up his
courage, he felt the warm embrace in front of him.
A strong sense of loss struck my heart, Milan twitched his broken hair,
"Yes , I'm afraid you won't go, go away, don't send you in." "Wel ." Henry nodded and
walked into the terminal. in.
Looking at Henry's back, Milan as a whole is frozen here, until Henry's figure disappeared
completely, Milan did not turn around.
"Sylvia, I'm sorry ..." A line of tears was drawn down Milan's face. The moment Henry
turned around, her eyes were already red.
When I first saw Henry, Milan regarded Henry as a sentimental liar. All I wanted was to
dismantle Henry. Slowly, Henry's goodness to Sylvia was seen by Milan. Milan began to
recognize Henry and bless himself. 'S friend.
Later, Henry rescued Milan, removed the heart tumor, and disregarded Sylvia's life. This
kind of desperate man, no woman would turn a blind eye to it. I don't know when, Milan
began to envy Sylvia and find a man who can be trusted for life.
This trip to Hangzhou made Henry's position in Milan's heart change again. Milan didn't
expect that Henry was the man he had been looking for for ten years. The one in memory
couldn't even remember what he looked like. People, from that moment on, her heart was
One party is someone who has been looking for for ten years. The other party is his best
Looking at the terminal of the airport, Milan murmured: "Maybe I should stay in Faguay,
this girl has such a huge harem group!"
A passenger plane took off from the airport in Hangzhou City and went straight to Yinzhou.
When Henry returned to Yinzhou, it was already dark, and he was ready to make a phone
cal to Sylvia. As a result, the phone didn't have any power. Henry shook his head helplessly.
Walking to a dark place, Henry waved his hand in the darkness.
Three figures appeared quietly.
"Which of you have thirteen dollars in cash, I'll take an airport bus!" Henry said calmly.
Three people in the dark, the expression is quite wonderful.
"We ... cobbled together ..."
After China entered the mobile Internet era, few young people went out and brought cash.
After buying a bus ticket, Henry went to the city with the bus.
It has been half a month since Lin ’s blaze. The top two buildings of Lin ’s building have
been completed. Tomorrow, Lin ’s should return to normal operation.
Sylvia, who
is the president, has been dealing with a question about the Zheng Group for the past two
Some time ago, Sam, the next successor of Zheng Group, was detained administratively for
al egedly attempting rape and intentionally framing others.
Jenny did not show mercy, and in a paper complaint, Sam was brought to court, with three
days left before the court.
During this time, Zheng Chong's mother Fiona was frantically using energy to get his son
out of it. As a result, Fiona discovered that all the power he could use was sapped during
this time. In this case, those who had previously reap the benefits all shook their heads like
The leader of the Yinzhou Police Department, after knowing that this matter has something
to do with Henry, he paid great attention to it. He knew nothing about Henry's personal
identity. Last time, so many central figures came to the bank because of other
people's affairs. State, Ning Province's identity is completely lost, how could he dare to play
with fire again, under his pressure, no one dared to intervene in this matter.
Fiona has traveled a lot of relationships, and there is no way to do it. She, anxious, began to
play with the means of dying together.
In the past few days, Zheng's group launched various economic shocks to Lin's, and at the
same time it also carried Hengyuan commerce.
Fortunately, the Lins said that in the context, the Zheng Group could not be shaken in a
short while, and under the deadly attack of the Zheng Group, Lin ’s loss of several hundred
million could be accepted.
However, Hengyuan's business is different. Although Jenny's prospects are considerable,
the background is far inferior to the behemoth such as Zheng. Under the attack of Zheng,
Hengyuan already has a shaky feeling.
It was too late and Sylvia and Jenny were sitting in their respective offices.
In front of Jenny, many company shareholders stood to discourage her.
"President Qin, we are not as good as Lin, and we are no match for Zheng. Last time, you did
not suffer any substantial damage. Withdraw your complaint. If you go on like this,
Hengyuan will be destroyed."
"Yes ah Qin total, after big deal, and we slowly find Zheng revenge, the company is now
developing a critical moment withstand these things ah."
"Qin total, this thing even if the bar!"
Shareholders Almost all of his stances discourage Jenny.
"Do you think this should be the case?" Jenny looked at the people in front of him. "You
think that after this incident, Zheng's things will not happen? What is this person like Sam,
Dare you say you have n’t investigated? "
Several shareholders looked back and forth, and two of them showed a bit of fierceness in
their eyes.
"Yes, President Qin, you have to decide, and we are not easy to say anything. I only hope
that President Qin will not regret today's choice in the future!"
At the same time, Lin Group.
"Mr. Lin, four hundred million yuan, so it's gone. We are businessmen. These rumors are
within our tolerance. Now, what you are doing is not going to get along with the money!"
"Yes, Mr. Lin will take the company I ’ll leave it to you, but it ’s not what you want. Even if
you do n’t consider us shareholders, you should also consider the future of the company
and so many employees! ”
shareholders of Lin's and Hengyuan , at this time, began to exert pressure on their
respective CEOs.
In the dark, outside Lin and Hengyuan Group, there was a team of people hiding in the
Henry took the airport bus to the city.
Hengyuan's recent development is very good. It has won several transportation lines in
Yinzhou, such as the airport bus. The current end point is on the street in front of Hengyuan
Henry had just spent a lot of money just now, so he gathered 13 yuan to come out and
barely took an airport bus. It was obviously unrealistic to want to take a taxi back home,
and simply went back.
Going home from the drop-off point, the nearest line is through Hengyuan Business.
Henry glanced subconsciously at Hengyuan Building, and several black shadows flashed in
the window, making Henry's face change.
Henry's eyes looked upward again. On the top floor, the office light belonging to Jenny was
stil on, but Hengyuan's door was locked.
Jenny sat in the office, and the shareholders had just left.
To be honest, Jenny can understand the attitude of shareholders. After all, businessmen
think from the perspective of interests. Understandably, Jenny stil feels a bit chilly.
After packing up, Jenny just got up and left, kicking the door of the office.
Five sturdy men appeared outside Jenny's office. These people all covered their faces.
When they saw Jenny, they al showed a nasty look in their eyes.
"Huh, it's really a beauty. I don't want to give me money for this job. I'm willing." The
leading man made a playful voice and looked at Jenny with his eyes.
Black stockings, slender legs, OL uniforms, with Jenny's beautiful face, perfect body, is
tantamount to a huge temptation.
Jenny's face appeared a little flustered at the moment these people appeared. She tried to
calm herself down and shouted: "Who are you, please go out immediately!"
"Go out?" The leader laughed jokingly, "Of course Going out, but not going out now, hey,
real y a stunner, a few brothers, who will go first? "
" Boss, you can come first, let's share a cup. "The other four men also issued obscene and
frivolous Laughter, looking at Jenny's eyes, was ful of possessiveness.
"Okay, then I'm the eldest brother, so I'm welcome to you." The leading man laughed loudly.
In the conversation between these people, it was like eating a delicious cake.
The leading man walked slowly towards Jenny, "Chick, you said I was torn your clothes
Jenny stepped back slowly, reaching for the phone on the table, and was rushed by the
other party in advance Come up and take away the phone on the table.
"Beauty? Want to call the police? Don't worry, wait for your brother to finish playing with
you, take a picture, and sometimes there is a chance for you to call the police!"
A frivolous laughter sounded.
There was anxiety on Jenny's face that couldn't be concealed. Who sent these people?
Jenny moved her head a little, and she could understand that she really didn't expect that
Zheng's was so crazy that this was a blatant crime. what!
The leading man approached Jenny, Jenny slowly backed away, and back to the root of the
wall in an instant.
The leading man was not in a hurry. He looked at Jenny like a cat and a mouse, "Chick, you
run fast, I will catch you slowly, hehe hehe." The man reached out and grabbed Jenny, Jenny
twisted panicly , Escaped the man's hand, but was dragged down by the other party's
uniform jacket, leaving only a white shirt on his body. Jenny breathed heavily , and the
sheer ups and downs in front of him caused the leading man's eyes to burst into flames.
"Chick, run quickly, fast." The man put the coat he had just grabbed and smel ed it in front
of his nose, revealing a look of enjoyment.
The entire office is so big. Jenny has no other place to hide. She can only shrink into a
corner. Her terrified body is shaking. Looking at the five people in front of her, Jenny ’s eyes
are not only afraid, but also There is hatred.
"Hey, chick, my brother is here. Rest assured, my brother will be very gentle." The leading
man grinned at Jenny with a naughty laugh.
Jenny stared at the other person, and when the man came, she kicked hard under the man,
but was noticed by the other party in advance and blocked.
"Huh, the chick is still hot." The man grabbed Jenny's leg and pushed hard.
Jenny was not standing steadily and fell to the ground. She was a female actress, how could
it be the opponent of the other party.
"Brother, let's adjust this sister." The leading man smiled wryly.
A man standing at the door took a bottle of spray from his pocket and sprayed it in the
office. The spray was filled with a fragrant fragrance, which made people take a sip and felt
his head dizzy.
Several men sucked the spray in the air greedily, and the desire in their eyes grew stronger
and stronger.
The leading man was even more excited to tear off the mask on his face and licked his lips.
"Chick, I promise, wait for you to be more active than us!"
The medicine in the air made Jenny feel dizzy, double The legs were a little weak, and she
slumped around the corner, her eyes gradually appearing confused.
Jenny held her breath and her body's reaction let her know the role of these agents in the
air. She tried to keep herself awake with little effect.
Several men were holding their palms in their palms, fantasizing about some beautiful
things to happen.
"Chick, come on." The leading man walked towards Jenny.
Jenny was so weak that he had no resistance.
The lead man swept away the items on Jenny's desk, preparing to drag Jenny onto the desk.
A sound of "ding jing rumbling" rang in Henry's ears.
When Henry rushed to Jenny's office, he saw that the leading man was pul ing Jenny's arm
and dragging Jenny toward the table.
Jenny's consciousness is a little unclear now, his steps are vain, and his pretty face is red.
Henry, who saw this scene, didn't have any words at all. He walked behind the two men
who were guarding the door of the office.
The two only felt a violent force from their necks and black eyes, and they planted it.
The sound of the two falling down attracted the attention of the other three. The three
turned around and saw Henry.
"Little ..." Just after the leader said a word, Henry punched him in the face. The punch's
leader felt his bones were almost broken.
For these people, Henry didn't have any nonsense at al . After a few punches, he lifted their
col ars and dropped them from the window on the third floor.
With a series of "pop" sounds, it means that the five have successful y landed.
After doing al this, Henrycai noticed Jenny.
Jenny is now lying on his large desk, and his blushing face is obviously strongly influenced
by the pharmacy.
"Jenny, how are you." Henry reached out to touch Jenny's forehead.
"Get away!" Jenny, who was confused, didn't even see who the coming person was, and
used all his energy to push towards Henry.
Jenny didn't push this on Henry, but instead made himself unstable, and rolled towards the
edge of the desk, and it was about to fall. Henry quickly reached out and hugged Jenny.
The incense is soft, with a sweet fragrance.
Henry frowned. Although he didn't see the scene of those people spraying the potion just
now, he knew that Jenny had been drugged.
"Zhang ... Henry?" Jenny, who was confused, looked at the face of the person before him, a
little unbelievable.
"It's me, how are you feeling." Henry asked anxiously.
"I ... am I dreaming?" Jenny shook his head hard. She just felt desperate, and Henry
appeared like the dawn of dawn in the darkness.
Jenny lowered his guard, and the whole person hanged on Henry in a squirm, squeezing.
Henry had no time to think of anything else now, letting Jenny hang on him, he reached out
and grabbed Jenny's arm, and gave Jenny the pulse.
"Pulse disorder."
Touch Jenny's forehead again.
"Forehead is hot."
A breath of fresh fragrance blows to Henry's earlobe, with a burst of numbness.
"I want to ... require me ... help me ... please ..." Jenny twisted his waist and asked with a look
in his eyes.
Henry took Jenny to his desk and walked to the side, then took a glass of water and poured
it on Jenny's face.
Qingshui wet Jenny's clothes and wet her shirt. Once the white shirt was soaked in water, it
became wonderful.
Such a beautiful scenery, it is impossible for a man to turn a blind eye.
Henry tried to remove his gaze, just ready to pick up the water again, but was caught by
Jenny's slender legs wrapped around Henry's waist like a water snake, his eyes were like
spring water, and dense sweat beads appeared on his forehead.
Henry took a deep breath and wiped away the sweat beads from Jenny's forehead, slowly
unbuttoning Jenny's clothes.
The moonlight was like water, sprinkled on the window of the office, and a figure was
shivered under the moonlight.
When the moonlight moved away, Jenny's gasping voice remained in the office.
Jenny sat down on his boss's chair weakly, sorting out the pleated black bag hip skirt, with
shyness in her beautiful eyes, and with a bitter grudge.
"Go wash your hands!"
Jennymei looked at Henry's fingers and quickly turned to the side, blushing as if she could
drip water.
"You drink more water, the medicine has not completely dispersed." Henry walked out of
the office and went to the bathroom.
The sound of a whistling water sounded, and Henry vigorously cleansed his face. What
happened just now was not only a torment for Jenny, but also a torment for him.
Just in the case of Jenny, Henry has no ability to prevent the effect of the drug from
continuing to spread. The body's own immune system will not reject the drug that
promotes blood flow. What he can do is to help Jenny dredge.
In front of Henry, such a peculiar thing, Henry used only one hand at the end, and his
concentration was also a considerable test.
Henry wanted to do something impulsively more than once, but reason stil stopped him.
Now, he is not the same kind of homelessness as before. With today and tomorrow, he
owns a home and a wife he loves. Just a gentle gentleman, Henry does n’t know what to do,
if today Do something more impulsively, it's definitely one head and two big.
Henry came out of the bathroom, Jenny had already sorted out his makeup and stood
waiting for him in the office.
Goodbye Jenny at first glance, Henry felt a little embarrassed, but Jenny took the initiative
to smile at Henry and said: "Are you afraid of your wife?"
"What?" Henry was a jumpy topic by Jenny Asked for a moment.
"I said, are you afraid of your wife?" Jenny repeated the question.
"Just kidding, how could I be afraid of my wife!" Henry raised his chest.
"Then you just feel that I have no charm?" Jenny stared at Henry's eyes.
After being so generously looked at by Jenny, Henry himself felt a bit shy, "You are very
Jenny's eyes were fil ed with murmurs that could not be concealed, "Actual y, women are
really a very contradictory creature You just respected me, but in my opinion, it made me
wonder if my charm was not enough. "
Henry didn't know what Jenny was referring to, embarrassed smile, and quickly changed
the topic," You know Who sent those people? "
" Of course. "Jenny nodded," Zheng's! "
" Zheng's ... "
Late at night, Sylvia left the Lin's building, and Anna followed Sylvia.
At the moment of leaving the building, Anna's face changed.
"Mr. Lin, be careful!"
Anna's words just fell, and a sharp blade stabbed at Sylvia.
Sylvia did not evade, and a wound was cut on the jade arm.
Anna dragged Sylvia behind him and made a defensive posture.
The five figures appeared from the darkness, and they all covered their faces, holding sharp
blades in their hands, and forced them towards Sylvia.
"Slay them both!"
The coming man sipped a little, waved the dagger in his hand, and stabbed Sylvia.
Anna's qualities showed up at this time. While protecting Sylvia, she was also at ease with
the other's five-person struggle and did not fall.
Three minutes later, the five people seemed to realize that today's action failed, did not stay
much, and retreated together.
"Mr. Lin, how are you." As soon as the five left, Anna looked anxiously at Sylvia.
"It's okay." Sylvia waved his hand. "Go back first."
Anna nodded, dared not relax, drove into the car, and took Sylvia home.
A BMW also drove towards the water town.
Jenny sat on the main driver, glancing at Henry from time to time, "Are you really not afraid
of your wife?"
Henry's face was helpless, "You have asked me several times this night, I am real y not
"Then why don't you Dare to move me? "
Henry slapped his head," Aren't I getting married? "
Jennyyu is not shockingly endless:" How about I do the third for you? "After hearing this,
Henry Zhangg was choked on his mouth Arrived, coughing again and again.
"I'l tel you the truth." Jenny's face looked serious. "I'l treat you as a smal third, and won't let
your wife know that it won't affect your family."
"Okay, don't joke, here, Stop. "Henry didn't go to see Jenny, and reached up with a finger in
The moving BMW stopped slowly, Henry opened the door, just preparing to get off, Jenny's
voice sounded again.
"Either I will be your primary three, and it will not affect your family. If you disagree, I will
chase you in the face of your wife. When that time your family is jealous, do n’t blame me
for not reminding you."
Jenny smiled brightly.
Henry walks into the community
Now he understands the truth, women real y want to play rogues, really nothing man.
Regarding what Jenny said just now, it was put by a man to a woman, and he really couldn't
tell the momentum.
Looking at this community, although it was only a few days left, let alone Henry really
missed it in his heart. This feeling is something that Henry has never had before.
Living here is total y different.
Henry approached and saw that the villa's lights were stil on.
Thinking of the woman's appearance on the sofa, Henry opened his mouth unconsciously,
and picked an unknown wildflower from the courtyard and walked into the door.
The sudden noise of the door shocked the woman at home.
Anna hugged the medical box and looked nervously at the door. After all, the attack just
happened, and her heart was stil being raised.
When Henry was seen entering the door, Anna's heart lifted down, "Mr. Zhang, you are
"Wel ." Henry nodded and looked strangely at the medical box in Anna's hand. "What's
wrong, is this hurt?"
"Not me." Anna shook his head, with a blame on his face, "It's President Lin ..."
"Sylvia!" Henry was shocked.
Just now, Sylvia came down from the second floor. When she saw Henry, the woman's eyes
could not hide the joy, "Husband, are you back?"
"Are you injured?" Henry frowned and walked to Sylvia At a glance, I saw the wound on
Sylvia's forearm.
The 10-centimetre-long knife wound appeared shocking on the woman's white and tender
"Who did it!" Henry turned his head to look at Anna.
At the moment when Henry turned around, Anna seemed to see a sleeping beast waking up
"Mr. Zhang, still checking."
"Check?" Henry's eyes showed dissatisfaction.
Under Henry's gaze, Anna hurriedly lowered his head, a little afraid to face Henry's gaze.
"Why is there such a fire?" Sylvia grabbed Henry's big hand. "It's not a blame for Anna.
If it weren't for her tonight, how can I stand at home now, well Anna, you go out first. As
soon as Sylvia's voice fel , Anna quickly put down the medical box and went outside to
inspect the villa.
"Okay, don't blame Anna anymore. Nobody can react to that today." Sylvia took Henry's
hand up and put his other hand in Henry's palm.
Squeezing this weak, boneless hand, Henrychang breathed a sigh of relief, "You are injured,
I'll rub your medicine first."
"Wel ." Sylvia nodded.
Henry picked up the medical box and sat on the sofa with Sylvia, careful y giving Sylvia
"Hangshi's thing solved?" Iodine smeared on the arm with stinging pain.
"It's solved. You may be able to see the news in two days."
"That's it." Sylvia pursed her red lips. "What about Milan?"
"Milan? She told me today that she would return to the country of French." Let us have time
to play with her. "Henry was completely unaware of the strange appearance on Sylvia's
Sylvia nodded, "What do you think of Milan?"
"How is it?" Henry who gave Sylvia the medicine, asked without raising his head.
"That's how she is." The woman's face was curious.
"She, she is a female gangster." Henry glanced at her mouth. The woman drove the car,
which was much fiercer than herself. Sylvia's big-eyed eyes kept turning, "Have you really
been with her for a lifetime?"
When Sylvia asked this, Henrycai reacted suddenly, and he smiled a little embarrassedly. a
laugh, "that which is what private life ah, a child not sensible, it is casual, this matter can
not take it seriously."
Henry, then just drop, Sylvia would then said:. "she can take it seriously,"
Henry rise And found Sylvia looking at himself.
"Wife, what's wrong with you?" Henry reached out and shook his hands before Lin Yanhan.
"You know, Milan told me a long time ago that she was always looking for the person in the
past. I real y didn't expect that person to be you. She used to be a joke, she always took it
seriously. "Is
n't it serious? Maybe it was because my mother saved her life. She thought it was more
"That's why she was serious. I understand that when I was saved by someone, I would How
dependent that person is. "Sylvia shuddered softly." You know, since I know you are the
person Milan is looking for, I have been blaming myself, I admit, you just entered my house
At the time, I ca n’t look at you, or even hate you, it ’s your efforts, your kindness to me,
changed my view of you, I really feel like a selfish person, I ’m passively accepting For your
goodness, passively accepting what others are looking for and wanting to own, I still think
it deserves it. "
" Wife, what the hell is wrong with you? "Henry grabbed Sylvia's hand and asked
worriedly .
"It's okay." Sylvia drew his smal hand from Henry's palm and wiped his eyes. "I ... I just feel
worthless for you. I don't know why you are so good to me, or why you come to our house
to be one. Your son-in-law, because of your excel ence, there is no need to look like this at al
. I was thinking, I really deserve to be worthy of you. "
Sylvia's appearance made Henry feel panic. He grabbed Sylvia's jade shoulder," Wife What
did someone tell you? "
"No, I was thinking about myself, I ..."
"Don't think about it ." Henry reached out his hand and wiped the tears off Sylvia's cheek.
"You are the best, understand, everything is inferior to you."
Henry He hugged Sylvia and embraced him in his arms, but was pushed away by Sylvia by
"I ... I'm going to bed, you just came back, and have a rest early." Sylvia pushed Henry away,
stroking his slender legs, and ran upstairs.
Back to his bedroom, Sylvia covered himself under the covers, and Jenny's words had been
hovering in her ears that day.
Including Milan's words that night, did you say that you want to divide your husband a
little, do you stil count?
All along, Sylvia did not think that she would be hurt for a man, but now, her heart is
entangled, her acquaintance with Henry, has not always been through the correct way,
Sylvia feels that he is like a stolen person The thief of the beloved thing, now people have
come to the door to let him return the baby.
The night is stil .
Anna stood at the gate of the yard, recalling Henry's gaze, but stil made her feel afraid
Anna is considered to have traveled south and north for several years. The 18-year-old
provincial women's fighting champion and special brigade have served for five years and
have performed 17 missions. Rong Li personal y has two first-class exercises, five second-
class exercises and one third-class exercise.
These honors make Anna's personal resume exceptionally beautiful and also represent her
In the most glorious five years, Anna has seen countless masters and too many ruthless
people, but there has never been one. He can be scared by just one look like today.
You know, Henry's eyes are only subconsciously revealed, not deliberately.
Although Anna has seen that Henry is a hidden master, Anna doesn't know how strong
Henry is.
"You have something to worry about?"
Henry's voice sounded from behind Anna.
Anna's head jumped sharply, turned around, and shook his head, "No."
"This is not the state that a bodyguard should be." Henry looked at Anna again, "If I am your
enemy, you have already Dead, this kind of carelessness shouldn't appear when you are
performing a task. "
Anna heard this with a slight shame. She understood that Henry was right.
"Time is not late, you go to rest, a person you do this work bodyguard, and inevitably there
will be distractions when later in the evening, you do not time it toured."
"But I ......" Jiang Quietly speaking, interrupted by Henry's voice.
"It's nothing. Nothing will happen at night. By the way, I think you have a bit of an
underframe. Are you practicing horsemanship?" Henry asked.
"Yes." Anna nodded, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Few people know this
boxing technique, but I didn't expect Mr. Zhang to say it."
Henry smiled. The five thousand years of history in China has a lot of boxing skills.
Some unknown boxings are indeed forgotten.
"Cars and sloppy punches are very important. You can practice your legs and increase your
stability. If your left leg is injured, you need to practice more. Otherwise, it may become
your shortcoming after many years. Ah. "Henry sighed, but did not know that his words had
already turned upside down in Anna's heart.
Regarding the injury to his left leg, Anna said nothing, and it has been covered up very well
al the time. Now it is seen by others!
A martial arts practitioner who is seen as having a dark wound is equivalent to exposing his
hole card.
Henry seemed to see Anna's concerns and chuckled. "Relax, I just have some research on
medicine, and I won't talk nonsense."
"Thank you Mr. Zhang." Anna, like the ancient Jianghu people, hugged Henry Fist clenched,
"Then I will go to rest first."
"Wel ." Henry nodded and watched Anna enter the house.
After Anna left, Henry spoke gently into the darkness. "Did you find out who moved the
hand?" A
figure fel in front of Henry and knelt on one knee. "I found out that it was the Zheng family."
" The Zheng family ... "Henry's mouth twitched a smile," It's not a smal appetite, I want to
eat two at a time! "
Tonight, Jenny was arranged by the Zheng family, Lin Linhan, or the Zheng family.
People, Henry thought that it was necessary for him to go to the Zheng family.
Taking advantage of the night, Henry walked out of the house.
All information about Fiona has been sent to Henry's mobile phone, from his birth date to
his hobbies, including Fiona's record of opening a house. Henry was not in a hurry.
He walked slowly and walked. No one could see Henry's figure along the way.
The so-cal ed masters are not just terrifying at the means of confronting the enemy, but
also the usual details. Just like Henry, in daily life, he has noticed the probe on the street.
When doing something, the subconscious will Avoiding these probes, this has become a
habit in Henry's life.
Sam's family lives in the Swan Lake Town, which is also a wealthy area. There are almost
no slabs and smal high-rises in the community, al of which are garden houses.
At this time late at night, Fiona didn't fall asleep. She was holding her mobile phone and
listening to the report from her people. Her face was extremely ugly.
A total of two groups of people were sent, one group failed, and the other group, now even
unable to contact, the two goals, have already arrived home safely, such a result, obviously
makes Congfeng extremely dissatisfied!
Opposite Fiona, an old man was sitting. The old man was shaped like a bone. It suddenly
looked like a corpse, which was particularly scary.
"Mrs. Zheng, it seems that your people are not so powerful." The old man laughed, his voice
hoarse, making it uncomfortable to listen to.
Wang Cong Feng put down the phone, went to the bedroom, and soon, carrying a whole
bunch of money out, put on the coffee table in front of the old man, "it is a labor Han shot."
The bundles of money, the less there are two hundred thousand.
The old man smiled and raised the money, "Mrs. Zheng, you can rest assured, this time I
will take the action
, and I will definitely get it." "Mr. Han, I have a question." Fiona was puzzled.
"Ms. Zheng said please."
"Do you want to how those two bitch, I do not kill them, so that they have to be afraid, and
so they withdraw, and then to the fate of these two bitch! ' "
Ms. Zheng has Haven't heard of it, Miao Jiang Gu poison? "The old man grinned sul enly.
"Gu poison?" Fiona is covered with fog. This thing, she has only heard of it in books and
movies. In real life, it is still bluffing.
"Good." The old man's face showed an arrogant look, and at the same time, he stretched out
his hand, and in his palm, two blood-red maggots appeared, and the maggots wriggled in
the old man's palm.
Fiona's first reaction to seeing this maggot was nausea.
The two maggots each had the size of a little finger, covered with black spots, and puffed up
one after another.
At the same time, the old man took out a slap-sized tambourine. His hands patted gently on
the drum, and the two maggots began to secrete some black liquid.
"The guts are bred in a special way. As long as they get into the mouths of these two cheap
goods, they will be attached to their stomach walls. Even if they are surgically operated, it is
difficult to remove them. The fluid secreted from their bodies can cause huge pain. This
method, Mrs. Zheng is still satisfied? "
Fiona nodded," very satisfied! I will find someone tomorrow, and find a way to put these
two guts into the mouths of those sluts! "
Henry is lying on Fiona The window outside the house and the dialogue between the two
inside the house clearly spread into Henry's ears.
Henry is wondering, what method should Fiona use to insult?
, Henry still knows a bit about the worms. When I went to the southern province to perform
a task, I had seen so many strange people.
This old man's Gu, although it sounds fierce, is much worse than some Henry has seen
A few years ago, Henry had seen a kind of Gu, which can be regarded as a virus carrier.
Once spread, it can poison tens of thousands of people. At that time, some drug dealers
wanted to rely on this Gu. Get rich.
Of course, the specific power of Gu is beyond Henry's consideration. What he wants to
know is what Fiona intends to do.
Fiona said so confidently that he could be guilty, and certainly had her hole cards, maybe it
was to instruct Sylvia and Jenny around them.
Henry was hiding outside the window, watching Fiona's next move.
Wang Cong Feng cal ed and "You come to see me tomorrow, I give you something, you noon
meal about that slut Sophie Qin, specifically how to do, I'll tell you tomorrow."
Wang Cong Feng hang up the phone, and dialed I went out with a number and said,
"Make an appointment with Mr. Lin, and say that we, the husband and wife, will invite the
whole family to eat the day after tomorrow, and pay for the last misunderstanding."
listening to Fiona's two phone calls, Henry was also a little bit sad in his heart. It seems that
there are people arranged by Fiona around Jenny, and Fiona is temporarily unable to start
by Sylvia.
Henry left quietly. Now that he knows Fiona's plan, everything will be easier to handle.
First pull out the man next to Jenny and talk about it.
When Henry returned home, he found that Sylvia's bedroom lights had been turned off, and
there was no sound in the room. The woman wanted to come to sleep.
The next morning, Henry got up early, he was ready for breakfast, waiting for Sylvia.
Henry carefully calculated that he hadn't made breakfast for half a month and waited for
Sylvia to get up to work. I really miss this feeling.
Sylvia, as usual, gets up, rinses, and sits at the dining table.
Henry found that the woman's interest today seems not very high, and the mood seems
very bad.
"Wife, what's wrong with you, what's the matter?" Henry asked with concern.
"It's okay." Sylvia faced Henry's eyes, some dodge, now she, some do not know how to face
Henry, she is entangled in the relationship between herself and Henry.
Last night's thoughts affected Sylvia at all times.
After eating, Henry and Sylvia went to the company together.
After taking a half-month break, Lin ’s employees came to work on the first day, and they all
looked energetic. This holiday was cooler than the New Year.
Henry found that the people in this company looked a little different from their own eyes.
Some of them didn't look at their company executives before, but now they have some
respect in their eyes.
"Brother Zhang!" A playful and energetic voice sounded.
Henry doesn't need to look at al , he knows who is calling himself.
Amity wore a lady's suit, with a hint of maturity in her cuteness.
Henry habitually rubbed Amity's little head. "How, I haven't seen you in a few days, but I
don't think so."
Amity smiled sweetly, and then made a blame-like appearance deliberately. Deep, I knew
that Mr. Lin turned out to be the sister-in-law! "
" Ah? "Henry was a little puzzled." You know? "
" Brother Zhang, everyone in the company now knows. Last time you climbed to the top
floor, don't Fate saved Mr. Xia, and all the people in the company watched the video, and
some people specifically asked. Who does n’t know Mr. Lin is your wife, Brother Zhang, you
secretly told me. "Amity joined Henry's ear "You told me before that your status at home is
particularly high. Is it true? I feel a little unbelievable. Mr. Lin, a strong woman, really
listens to you at home?" "Of course!" Henry slapped his chest. "Don't look at her bullishness
in the company. Once you get home, it's as good as a cat.
Whatever your brother Zhang says, she listens every night I have to give you Brother Zhang
to wash my feet. If I get upset, I will punish her for not going to bed al night and go to the
wall to punish the station! "When
Henry spoke, the confidence and arrogance were just like the real thing.
"Brother Zhang." Amity whispered, interrupting Henry's words.
"What's the matter?" Henry was still immersed in his fantasy and was unable to extricate
himself. Amity
reached out and
gestured slightly to the side. "Look." Henry looked in the direction of Amity's fingers, his
face collapsed instantly, and he saw Sylvia standing aside, his arms around his chest, what
he had just said, al It was heard by the woman.
Henry ’s arrogance and self-confidence all disappeared at this moment, and he laughed at
Lin Qingqing, "Hey, wife, when did you come?"
"Just happened to find you, you went to the hospital, it's been almost a month. You have
told President Ma that the training they have said is not yet complete, let's talk to yourself
and set the time. "Sylvia opened his face expressionlessly, not happy.
Henrylian nodded, "Well, I'll go here, that Amity girl, brother left first."
Henry greeted and fled the Lin's building.
Amity looked at Henry's awkward figure and spit out his little tongue cutely.
At the First People's Hospital of Yinzhou, President Ma and others were sitting around the
bed, his face full of bitterness.
Today, a special patient came to the hospital. This patient is said to have been poisoned by
medicinal herbs. At the moment, the patient's il ness was purple, lying on a hospital bed,
and his breath was weak.
President Ma and other doctors started to examine this patient from early morning, but
there was no way.
"Can you still save? I tell you, if my husband has three shorts and two shorts, your hospital
will wait to close the door. The name is not true. What is the purpose of opening this
hospital?" good looking.
In the face of this middle-aged woman, President Ma and others dared to speak out.
Last night, President Ma was yelled from the bed by the health bureau and rushed to the
If this woman is real y uncomfortable, President Ma's hospital will not open smoothly in the
Henrysan stepped to the hospital and called President Ma.
Chairman Ma, who was original y looking bitter, immediately showed a look of excitement
after receiving a cal from Henry. Yeah, how did he forget this magic doctor!
Regarding Henry, President Ma is quite confident. This is a magic doctor that makes Mr.
Yan Lilao think he is not as good. That hand acupuncture can be described as Hua Tuo's
President Ma went downstairs personal y to meet Henry.
"Little master, little master, you came here in a timely manner." When President Xuan saw
Henry, he held Henry's hand excitedly.
"Is there a patient?" Henry saw it at a glance.
"Yes." President Ma nodded in disguise. "It is said that it was accidentally poisoned when
picking medicine. Our hospital has been inspected for seven hours now, but there is no
solution at all. Master, you can only rely on you "
Henry didn't anxiously agree, but asked:" What is the patient's origin? "
" This ... "President Ma shook his head," I don't know. "
" Let's see it first. " Henry gave President Ma an ambiguous answer.
President Ma quickly led the way and led Henry to the ward.
Still at the door of the ward, Henry heard the sound of drinking and scolding from the ward.
"You have these quack, what face living in this world? What is the identity of my husband
know what? If my husband would have happened, I want you all get out, you practice
medicine revoked certificate!" "Group
of waste! Waste! "
Listening to this scolding, Henry frowned. He was doing medical treatment to save people.
He was looking at the mood itself. Only those who made contributions to the society, or
those who looked at Henry's eyes, would help. But now this person is obviously not within
the scope of Henry's help.
"Don't you know what's the beginning?" Henry asked. People who dare to be so arrogant
will tell their cards the first time.
"I real y don't know." President Ma laughed bitterly, "It's just that the health bureau chief
cal ed me specifically at midnight last night and asked me to take special care."
"Al right, let's see first." Henry nodded and pushed the door Walk into the ward.
In the ward, there were many doctors around. The tumor resection surgery that Henry did
to Milan last time made him famous in the hospital. Those helpless doctors saw Henry
coming, more or less revealed one. The expression with a heavy burden, there is this
magician, there should be no problem.
Henry glanced at the patient lying on the bed.
A middle-aged man with a strong build should exercise al year round. At this moment, this
middle-aged man is covered with a deep purple color, his eyes are covered with blood, his
breath is weak, and his body spasms from time to time, obviously suffering from great pain.
"How is this poisoned?" Henry asked.
The middle-aged woman glanced at Henry and did not speak.
President Ma replied, "Pil s."
Henry asked again: "What kind of medicines to pick and where to pick them?"
"Is this related to you? What are you doing?" The middle-aged woman glared at Henry.
Doctors and accountants al pay attention to a seniority. Such a young face like Henry will
naturally not be valued.
Henry glanced at the middle-aged woman and said nothing, "Chairman Ma, take the silver
needle for me."
Chairman Ma quickly set off and quickly took a silver needle to Henry.
Henry pulled out a silver needle, glanced at it, put a little force on his wrist, pierced the tip
of the needle into the sole of a middle-aged man, twisted it twice, and then took it out.
As soon as the needle came out, some black blood appeared on the sole of the middle-aged
Henry frowned a little, and asked again: "I need to know the specific situation, where and
what medicine to take?" The
middle-aged woman frowned and said in a warning tone: "You see a doctor see a doctor,
you should know something do not ask! "
Henry took a deep breath," I need to know the specific circumstances, can address the
problem. "
middle-aged women ignore Henry, but look to the horses president, asked:" I Are there any
rules in your hospital? It's enough to treat the disease. Can some people like you know
something? " "This ..." President Ma's face showed a little embarrassment. The doctor
treated the doctor, paying attention to a question, and asking was a very important part,
but now the other party is not willing to say anything about poisoning.
Some people do not know how to start.
"If I don't want to say this, I can't cure this disease." Henry put the silver needle down,
"Chairman Ma, forgive me for nothing."
"This ..." President Ma couldn't see it, Henry didn't do his best. , He exhorted to the middle-
aged woman: "Madam, please tell your husband how to poison the little master.
The little master is a magician."
"He? Magician?" The middle-aged woman looked at Henry disdainful y. At a glance, no
matter from which direction, she couldn't see Henry's appearance as a kind of magician.
"If you don't cure, you won't cure. If you don't pretend to be like me here, this kind of
person will be upset when I see it!
" Henry smiled indifferently, "Chairman Ma, I am here today to tel you about the training.
You can see this week, you choose a time to notify."
Henry finished, turned his head away.
Before Henry stepped out, the nurse's door was pushed open by a nurse.
The nurse's face was full of panic, "The dean, another patient, the situation is exactly the
same as last night!"
When the nurse finished this sentence, President Ma and the middle-aged woman's faces
changed at the same time.
"Doctor, doctor, please, save my dad!" A cry cried out outside the ward.
Immediately afterwards, I saw a very beautiful little girl who looked 17 or 8 years old and
ran into the ward. The pear flower with rain looked distressing.
"Yo, the old ghost in your family hasn't died yet? It's a great fortune!" The middle-aged
woman in the ward laughed.
"It's you!" When the little beauty saw the middle-aged woman, she had a hatred in her eyes,
"It's that you hurt my dad, we kindly help you, but you will revenge!"
Henry saw that outside the ward, a middle-aged man was sitting in a wheelchair, also
covered in purple, with bloodshot eyes and weak breath, exactly the same as the patient's
symptoms on the bed.
Henry observed that this middle-aged man in a wheelchair has a thick layer of cal uses at
the mouth of the tiger. This is by no means a farmer. His knuckles are also much thicker
than ordinary people.
Henry stepped forward, grabbed the wheelchair man's wrist, and gently sensed at his
pulse. "Your pulse accelerated, not only poisoned, but also injured?" The wheelchair man
nodded weakly.
"The two of them, they hurt my dad!" The beauty stared at the woman in the ward with
hatred in her eyes.
"Tel me the specifics, aren't you the poison in the medicine?" Henry looked again, and there
were many small wounds on the neck of the wheelchair man.
"Of course it's not a medicine!" The beauty shook her head hard. "My dad is an antique col
ector. Some time ago, there was a newly unearthed artifact in the desert. My dad went to
take a photo. When the car broke down, my dad kindly took them for a ride.
Who would have thought they had planned the artifact that my dad had taken. My dad
fought with them, but it turned out to be like this after my dad was injured. , They poison
my dad! "
"Little bitch! Don't spit on people, I also said that your damn dad poisoned my husband!"
The middle-aged woman was demolished. Like a cat stepped on its tail, it bursts at once.
The little beauty noticed the middle-aged man lying on the bed.
"Retribution! This is the retribution of you two! You wicked people will be condemned
sooner or later!"
Henry went to the hospital bed after listening to the little beauty, opened the middle-aged
man's clothes, and found this middle-aged man There are also wounds in his lower
"What are you doing!" The middle-aged woman screamed and pushed away Henry . "Who
made you touch my husband! Go away." Henry ignored the middle-aged woman, but his
face was a lot ugly, and his brows were very frowned Tight, "corpse poison ..."
President Ma heard Henry's words, and he was shocked, "Corse poison? Master, there is
corpse poison in this world?"
"Of course there are." Henry nodded. Poison is not a single toxin, but a mutant virus formed
by the mutation of molecules in the human body. According to the different DNA
composition of the corpse, the cadaver poison will be divided into strong and weak.
There is no fixed treatment method. Long, you prepare some instruments for me. I want to
analyze this virus. The poison on them should have been uploaded from that cultural relic. "
Henry finished and asked the little beauty," What about that cultural relic? Give me Take a
look. "
" Here , in the car, I'l get it. "The little beauty hurried out of the ward, and soon, she took a
slap-sized smal tripod.
Henry took the smal tripod and found that it was covered with green moss.
Henry carefully withdrew one of the small pieces and put some blood on the wheelchair
man with a silver needle, careful y collecting it.
President Ma made a phone call and the hospital dedicated a laboratory to Henryteng.
In Henryan's evolution laboratory, fiddling with sophisticated instruments.
Soon, Henry came to a conclusion that the poison in the wheelchair man was 80%
similar to the moss scraped from the tripod!
Understand these, Henry will send the data to the future, let the future give a solution.
Henry is not an old-fashioned person, he is a learned Chinese medicine, but when there is a
more convenient method, he will not blindly use traditional Chinese medicine.
Soon, a set of data will be returned to Henry in the future. This kind of data kind of thing
can't be easier for the future.
Henry looked at the data returned in the future and was relieved. It seems that this kind of
corpse poison is not particularly powerful.
Henry prepared some medicines according to the answers given in the future.
At this time, the middle-aged woman husband and wife, as well as the little beautiful girl's
father and daughter, were in the same ward.
When President Ma learned that both of them were corpse poisons, he isolated the ward.
Henry took the boiled herbs and came to the ward and said to the little beauty: "Wait, I will
bleed on your dad. Wherever I have a needle, you apply these ointments and your dad is
injured Apply ointment wherever you can. Remember, you have to apply it evenly, you
know. "
" Well. "The little girl nodded vigorously." Doctor, can my dad be cured? "
" Yes, it's not a serious il ness. "Henry Show a confident smile.
Under the infection of Henry's smile, the little beauty also became more cheerful, took the
medicine jar in Henry's hands, and smeared on his father's wound as Henry just said.
Henry, holding a silver needle, helped the little beauty's father to bleed.
Henry's blood for the first time was pure black. With the application of the ointment, the
black in the blood became less and less. Henry did not bleed a lot every time, so there were
only a few drops. In the end, The blood has completely changed to red, and the purple on
the father of the little beauty has faded, but his weakness makes his face pale, but it is much
better than the previous blue and purple, and the breath is much smoother.
"Okay, remember, the moss on the small tripod must be removed earlier, and the tripod
should also be disinfected. God knows how many bacteria are stored in this underground
thing." Henry warned and gave the little beauty Explained some precautions.
"Thank you doctor." The little girl looked at Xuan Dao gratefully.
"Xie will be waived, and wait for the registration fee and medical expenses to be paid
normally." Henry smiled slightly and got up to leave.
President Ma has always been standing in the ward. After seeing Henry successfully heal
the little beauty ’s father, the anger that has been raised in his heart also puts a sigh of
relief. Governance. "The
middle-aged woman nodded and ordered Henry to cry:" What is it, don't come to treat my
husband yet! "
" Cure the disease? "Henry looked at the middle-aged woman in doubt," You were not Say, I
can't cure? "The
middle-aged woman sneered.
"Since someone says I can't cure, why should I go to cure." Henry stretched his lazy waist,
"Chairman Ma, remember what I told you, this week, you notified everyone, Then give me
time. "
Henry finished and walked outside the ward.
"President Ma, this is what your hospital is doing? Believe it or not, I can't let you open this
hospital?" The middle-aged woman looked at President Ma with an unhappy face.
President Ma smiled bitterly, "Madam, this little doctor does not belong to our hospital. If
he says not to save, then he really will not be saved. For your husband's sake, you should
apologize to little doctor. . "
"Let me apologize to him?" The middle-aged woman seemed to hear Tianda's joke. "Do you
know what I am? Let me apologize to him? Can he afford it?"
See middle-aged women like this, Ma Hui Chang could only shook his head helplessly, and
said nothing more. Now he blamed him again. President Ma can also get away, and he found
the doctor. It was this woman who was very proud and angered the doctor.
The health bureau can't say anything about himself.
The little girl asked Chairman Ma for Henry's contact information. In the case of Henry's
disagreement, Chairman Ma didn't dare to give Henry's contact information casually, which
made the little girl look very regretful and wanted to wait for her father to leave the
hospital Thank you very much for this benefactor.
After Henry left, he watched the time and cal ed Jenny.
"Are you free at noon,
let's eat together." "The sun came out to the west. Mr. Zhang took the initiative to ask me to
eat?" Jenny's smirk came over the phone. "Why, was it the proposal I gave you last night?" ,
You figured it out? "
Henry felt a little sweat on his forehead. This woman, once chatted, was really more
unrestrained than a man.
"Then noon, let's eat together, I will go to your company to wait for you." Henry hurriedly
hung up the phone, and dared not continue to chat with Jenny, for fear that this woman
would say anything amazing again.
Last night, Fiona told people to give Jenny a nap at noon today.
at 10:30 in the morning.
Hangzhou Municipal Bureau.
Shanzhuang put on the police uniform, took the police rank, sat leisurely at a desk, put his
feet on the table, and enjoyed the coffee his boss brewed for him.
Although there are several cases in front of Shanzhuang, his mind is not on it at all, but he is
thinking about where to find the girl and where to play.
Such a life, Shanzhuang lives almost every day, he is in a good mood, he will come to the
City Council to "visit" some time, he is in a bad mood, no one can see, the salary should be
paid every month, the bonus should be received, one Quite a lot.
A middle-aged man walked into the city bureau. He was dressed in casual clothes and had a
strange face.
"Who is that, sit still, or the police? Put your legs down!" The middle-aged man yelled at
Single village raised an eyebrow, look unhappy to see the middle-aged man, "special What
you Who are you, you know that this is what he what? You say I?"
Single Ma Wan village just to see him Father's face appeared anxiously in the city bureau.
After seeing the middle-aged man, Shanzhuang's father smiled immediately, "Director
Zhou, why don't you say anything when you come."
The name of Shanzhuang's father to the middle-aged man made the eyes of the police
station wide. , Shanzhuang also quickly put his feet away from the table.
Director Zhou sneered, "I will not come again. Your son, Secretary Shan, has taken off my
hat. Secretary Shan, I came here to inform you in person that you have been dismissed. The
Anti-Corruption Bureau I have started investigating all your accounts, including the
property of your immediate family members. In the near future, you cannot leave
Hangzhou, including your wife and children, but also have to stay in Hangzhou.
Who dares to leave without permission and escapes in fear of crime! "
Director Zhou's words made Shanzhuang's father look pale. He could sit in the position of
director of the city bureau. It is clear to the world, this is plain, it is an offense!
Shanzhuang's father glared at his son, and Shanzhuang was ashamed.
Henry, who was in Yinzhou, glanced at the text message of a single family on his mobile
phone, without a smile, and deleted the message.
Shanzhuang angered him at that time, and publicly humiliated Sylvia with his words.
How did Henry go away? The single family's disappointment is only the first step. Later,
there are other punishments waiting for Shanzhuang.
At eleven o'clock, Henry came to Hengyuan Business and sat in the reception room waiting
for Jenny.
After half an hour, Jenny went downstairs and saw Henry sitting in the reception room.
He was slightly surprised and asked when Henry came to the front desk. The front desk
told Jenny that Henry had been sitting here for more than half an hour. .
Jenny walked into the reception room and said with apology on her face: "Henry, I just
wanted to call you. I may not be able to eat with you at noon today. A friend who hasn't
seen me for a long time suddenly asked me to eat "
" Boyfriend? "Henry asked with a smile on his face.
"No, female friend." Jenny replied, with some explanation in the words, for fear that Henry
would misunderstand.
"It's okay, you bring me on, I invite." Henry guessed that Jenny, a friend who hadn't seen for
a long time, might have been arranged by Fiona.
Jenny covered his mouth and smiled, "I'm okay, I'm afraid you're busy."
Jenny's friends have already booked a place to eat. It is in a good Chinese restaurant.
This Chinese restaurant is very petty. The rooms are not large, and the decoration is very
unique, in line with the simple aesthetics of modern young people. Henry and Jenny joined
together into the box and found that two people were sitting in the box, a woman, who
should be the old friend Jenny said, the other person also looks good, that
is, that face After several surgeries, the chin and nose are unnatural, and they are very
avant-garde, and belong to the category of net red.
There is also a young man who wears ordinary clothes, but the 300,000-worth watch worn
on his wrist proves that his identity is unusual. When Henry entered the box, the young
man kept looking at Henry. .
"Kang Hui, I haven't seen you for a long time." Jenny greeted the woman, and then looked at
the man with a trace of surprise. "Isn't this Wu Han, Kang Hui, when did you talk to Wu
Da?" Young Master contacted. "
" We are real y busy Qin Damei. "Kang Hui laughed," I said yesterday in our university
group that I want to come to you, and Wu Dashao immediately contacted me, It seems that
for so many years, Wu Dashao has been thinking of you, this is an obsessed man. "
Jenny smiled for a while without answering Kang Hui," Come, let me introduce you, this is
Henry, my friend Henry, this is Kang Hui and Wu Han, my col ege classmates, I haven't seen
them for a long time. "
" Hello. "Henry smiled and said hello.
"Friend? What friend? Boyfriend?" Kang Hui looked at Henry with a gossip look. When he
saw Henry's dress without any highlights, Kang Hui was more disappointed.
Jennyqiao blushed slightly, "What are you talking about, just ordinary friends."
"Okay, sit down and order first." Kang Hui didn't continue to ask, and called the waiter
The four asked for five dishes and a few bottles of wine, which was considered petty
At dinner, Jenny, Kang Hui, and Wu Han, the three of them al talked about some things in
college. Henry sat next to them and listened to the chat of the three people al the time.
"Jenny, you said you are in such a good condition, why don't you hurry to find one? I think
Wu Dashao is real y good, the family is so good, but the people are so simple, unassuming,
not pretentious, how good men. "Kang Hui always gave Wu Han a glance when he spoke.
In this regard, Wu Han just smiled slightly, did not say much.
"Hey." Kang Hui sighed, "Young Master Wu, you talk about you, you have been graduated
for so long, when can your shy character change, just like you, how can you catch a girl, if I
have you family, as early as the expansion did not know what kind, gentle man chase Qin so
much, you do not Knut force, how to recover? "
Kang Hui's face turn iron into steel, Henry again look into the body," this man, What are you
doing? Jenny's partner? "
" No. "Henry shook his head and replied:" I'm selling in a company. "
" Oh. "Kang Hui looked disappointed when he heard this. Although she didn't say anything,
she could see that she didn't want to deal with Henry much.
"Jenny, what do you think of our young Master Wu, he is so shy, or would you give him a
chance to follow him everywhere?" Kang Hui asked tentatively.
"Let's forget it." Jenny smiled slightly, "I don't have any idea in this regard."
Kang Hui and Wu Han are sitting in a row, she secretly pulled Wu Han's sleeves, and gave
Wu Han a wink, which means Wu Han showed .
A trace of cowardice appeared on Wu Han's face, unmoved.
Henry sat aside, secretly observing the movements of Wu Han and Kang Hui, and wanted to
see who was wrong between them, but now it seems that both of them are fine.
Originally, Henry thought it was Kang Hui. As a result, everything Kang Hui showed did not
seem to be harmful. As for Wu Han, cowardly, less talked, and listening to Kang Hui, Wu
Han was not short of money. Lord, there is no need to do anything for Fiona.
"Young Master Wu, you have to think about it, the person chasing Jenny, but the sea is gone,
you have to work harder, when the day Jenny is married, there will be you crying, if I, come
out, please A beautiful woman has to eat something, at least? "
Wu Han took a deep breath, as if she had made a certain decision, picked up a pot sticker,
and put it on Jenny's plate." Jenny, eat some staple food. " "
Kang Hui nodded with satisfaction when he saw Wu Han's inspiring movement.
And Henry, at this moment, his face changed suddenly, he was sure, it was Wu Han!
Let Henry be sure that it was not Wu Han who gave Jenny a pot sticker, but when Wu Han
reached out and put the pot sticker in Jenny Pan, Henry clearly saw a very prominent
bruise on Wu Han's wrist, And this bruise cannot be formed in a day or two.
A young man, why is there such a bruise on the wrist, let people think about this, while
thinking about the true and false identity of Wu Han.
"Thank you." Jenny smiled slightly at Wu Han, picked up the pot sticker, and was ready to
put it in his mouth.
"This is stuffed with leeks and eggs, don't you like to eat leeks, give it to me." Henry reached
out and grabbed the pot stickers from Jenny's chopsticks when Jenny was about to put the
pot stickers in his mouth.
This movement of Henry made all three people in the box change their faces.
Jenny's face was full of doubts. She never had the habit of not eating chives, and Henry's
current behavior is also completely different from his usual personality. With Jenny's
cleverness, I can guess at a glance what may be inside. thing.
Wu Han's face was a little more nervous.
Kang Hui was more dissatisfied, "I said Henry, what do you mean, this is what Wu Dashao
pinned to Jenny, but not to you."
"Jenny doesn't like to eat this stuff, I put leeks Pick it out for her. "Henry said, ready to pick
the pot stickers.
Wu Han, who had been silent and timid, suddenly stood up, "I'm going to the toilet."
Then, Wu Han was ready to walk outside the box.
"Go to the toilet? Wait a minute!" Henry kicked the box door, leaving Wu Han nowhere to
"Henry, what are you doing?" Jenny pulled Henry's sleeve, she was a little scared by
Henry's abnormal attitude.
Kang Hui patted the table, "No, I said, what's your surname Zhang, what attitude do you
Henry ignored Kang Hui, but looked at Wu Han and said, "Sit down!"
Wu Han reconsciously Sitting on the chair, there was a trace of fear on his face.
"Young Master Wu, what is your company's name?" Henry asked a random question.
"This ..." Wu Han opened his mouth and could not answer for a while.
Kang Hui was dissatisfied, she looked at Henry and said: "Does the name of Zhang Han, the
name of Wu Han's business have anything to do with you?" "I didn't ask you!"
Henry gave Kang Hui a sharp look.
Under Henry's eyes, Kang Hui subconsciously closed his mouth.
"Answer me, what is the name of your business!" Henry looked at Wu Han again.
"I ... I ..." Wu Han opened his mouth and then a stalk in the neck, "What does this have to do
with you!"
Henry smiled slightly, "Well, I asked you individual y, this watch on your hand, is What
brand? "
This question made Wu Han calm down a little." The Patek Philippe 6104G-001 series,
priced at 293,800, is there anything wrong? "
Henry snorted," Please take a good look , Is this really Patek Philippe? This is obviously
Vacheron Constantin 000P-8200, Young Master Wu, can you even tel what your watch is? Is
this watch yours? "
" Joke, not mine or you Nothing! I just remembered that I was wearing a Patek Philippe
when I went out, but I wore it wrong. This Vacheron Constantin is my favorite piece!
"Wu Han spoke while covering the watch with his sleeve.
"Young Master Wu, take a good look. This one is Patek Philippe 6104G-001. There is
nothing wrong with your lines." Henry smiled again.
Wu Han's face changed abruptly, he knew that he was being tricked.
"What do you mean by Zhang's name, what does Wu Dashao wear, does it have anything to
do with you?" Kang Hui spoke again, and said to Wu Han, "Wu Dashao, you don't need to
ignore him!"
Jennymei's eyes Zhong is also full of doubts, but she didn't say anything. She knew that
Henry must have done this for Henry's reasons.
Henry Kang Hui shook his head, "Of course it doesn't matter what watch he wears, but the
potsticker he caught comes from me!"
Henry used the chopsticks when the word "了" fell in Henry's mouth. Suddenly separate
the pot sticker on the plate.
A red maggot appeared suddenly in the eyes of several people.
At the moment when the maggots appeared, Qin Rongkang and Kang Hui subconsciously
screamed, and Wu Han's face became particularly ugly.
"Young Master Wu, how much benefit has the Zheng family given you to let you do this kind
of thing you can sit under?" Henryyi inserted the chopsticks in the body of the maggot, and
after a few mad creeps, the maggot limped completely Go down.
"This ... this ... what the hel is going on!" Kang Hui, who had just spoken for Wu Han,
shivered a little at this time.
The maggot's appearance is too bluffing, and the woman itself is afraid of this kind of thing,
even if the man sees it, he will tremble subconsciously.
Jenny settled down and looked at Wu Han without a word. He asked Henry, "Henry, what is
"A kind of Gu, someone wants to come down to your mouth and let you withdraw the
complaint." Henry replied, in his voice At the moment of falling, Henry shot suddenly and
grabbed Wu Han's neck.
Where Wu Han could escape Henry's movements, Henry grabbed his neck, his face flushed
"Tel me, you are Jenny's classmates, how did the Zheng family find you, and your identity as
a teenager has been instal ed since college?"
Henry asked the question before releasing Wu. Cold neck.
Wu Han gasped for greed.
"Wu Han, what the hell is going on!" Kang Hui asked anxiously. She looked at Wu Han again
this time, ful of strangeness.
Wu Han felt the eyes of the other three in the box, took a deep breath, and finally locked her
eyes on Henry, saying, "I warned this morning Fiona, all the people she sent failed, and
there is absolutely master protection around Jenny. She must not believe it.
It seems that the master is you. "
Henry smiled uncomfortably.
Wu Han nodded, "My identity is neither true nor false. I am indeed a rich second
generation, but only an illegitimate child. My father is a shareholder of Hengyuan. He and
Fiona have cooperation. My life is pretty good, but the first two years, after my mother left,
my good days are coming to an end. My father ’s wife will often let me off. ”
Wu Han said, lifting his sleeves .
This time, Henry saw clearly that Wu Han's arm was full of scars.
Wu Han laughed at himself, "Fiona told me that as long as I complete this task, she will give
me a sum of money, so that I will never have to rely on my father's money, and the slut who
often abuses me, she also Will help me solve it! But it seems that there is no chance. The
five people who worked last night have no news. I am afraid they ca n’t even find the body?
" You are a smart person. "Henry Wu Han ordered Nod, "I will give you a chance. Now you
can say your father's name, and then tell Fiona that your task has been completed.
I will give you one mil ion and let you live a life."
When Henry finished speaking, Wu Han's eyes were ful of strong intentions, but he did not
show it, but asked: "Why do I believe you."
"You have no choice, or I will kil you, take your mobile phone, and give Fiona Back to the
news, who your father is, I can find out, you know, I have this ability. "Henry gave Wu Han a
deep look.
Under Henry's eyes, Wu Han gave birth to a wave of fear for no reason, and all his hair
stood up. He nodded, "Okay, I agree."
"You made the most correct choice." Henry snapped his fingers, "Give me a col ection
account, and then send a message to Fiona."
Wu Han took out his phone, and in front of Henry, sent a task to Fiona. The completed
message also said his father's name. Wu Han did not follow his father's surname, but
followed the birth mother's surname.
"Qiao Kun?" Jenny listened to Wu Han's name, and he already had some scores in his heart.
Last night, Qiao Kun was the most ruthless person to persuade her to withdraw her
Kang Hui's mind was blanked by what happened in front of her. She felt that this was a bit
beyond her cognitive scope. Those bridges seen in TV series and movies actually happened
in front of her own eyes I thought the young man was an illegitimate child, and some of the
salesmen who looked down on him, took out a million, and could decide the life or death of
Kang Hui gasped and tried to calm down his agitated heart.
Henry wrapped the dead gworm in paper and cleaned it with fire. Then the four of them
walked out of the hotel as if nothing happened and said goodbye to each other.
After Kang Hui and Wu Han left, Henry sent a text message to go out.
"Looking at the movements of the two of them, there is nothing strange, kill!"
Henry got in Jenny's car.
"Henry, did you take the initiative to ask me for lunch today, did you already know this?"
Jenny leaned on the main driver and did not start the car, but careful y looked at Henry's
face. "Wel ." Henry nodded. "Some people are hiding around you, always a hidden danger. I
took this opportunity to find it out."
"You saved me again." She put out a lipstick and applied it on her red lips. She who applied
lipstick added a little more enchanting charm. "What should I do? I like you more and more.
Let me be your little three?"
Henry smiled bitterly. For a moment, "Don't make trouble."
"I didn't make trouble." Jenny looked at Henry with a straight face. Suddenly, the woman
leaned forward without warning, and her red lips were printed on Henry's mouth.
A fragrance that belongs to women is passed into Henry's nose. Henry was stunned by
Jenny's movement.
Two seconds later, the woman was sitting upright again, a bright red appeared on Qiao's
face, "Whether you want it or not, it's your business, I will definitely chase you."
"That, I still have things, I must go first!" Henry yanked the car door and fled out of the car.
Looking at Henry, Jenny laughed softly and started the car, driving away.
Standing on the side of the road, Henry looked at BMW, which was disappearing on the
road, and sighed. The most difficult thing in this world is beauty.
After lunch, Henry slowly swayed back to Lin, and sat in the sales office. Looking around, he
was the most idle in the whole office.
The newly-appointed manager Chen saw Henryxian's panic. Not only did he not show
Henry any face, but he also asked politely whether Henry felt sultry.
Henry is Sylvia's husband. Now the entire Lin Group, no one is unaware. The attitude
towards Henry is more respectful than that of Sylvia.
Henry's attitude towards the manager was somewhat helpless and said: "Manager Chen, in
fact, you can give me some tasks. I am idle every day. I am idle."
"Ah? Task? Oh, then ... then ... so, our company is going to cooperate with a hotel, you and
Amity girl, how about trying the dishes, by the way, look at the lobby environment. "
Mr. Chen racked his brains and thought of such a task. Although Henry said that he wanted
a task, he could be the identity of his president's husband. Who dare to use him!"
Henry shook his head, knowing that he would stay here, and others were uncomfortable.
He simply shouted autumn rain and really went out to try the food.
"Brother Zhang, are you feeling depressed?" Amity asked when he left the company.
Henry glanced at his mouth. "Did I show it?"
Amity nodded. "It's al written on my face. Actual y, I know Brother Zhang, you have
nothing, but they don't know. Who dares to use you, your family? "
Henry sighed. It seems that this salesperson's identity is no longer suitable for him. He has
to recommend himself to Sylvia to go to another position.
"By Brother Zhang, I have something. I want you to analyze it for me."
"What's the matter?"
Amity replied: "Did I not sell the car last time, and helped my dad pay the debt, Now a smal
shop is opened at home, and my second uncle asked my dad where the money came from.
My dad told the truth. Now I still have a smal one million in my hand. My second uncle
called me to say I do n’t know anything about cooperation, can you help me take a look? "
Chapter 301
"OK, no problem." Henry agreed without thinking, he is still very good at investing in this
area, a million yuan investment, In Henry's view, it is a very simple matter, and the pros
and cons analysis is also very easy.
Listening to Henry's answer, Amity narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Brother Zhang, then
thank you, my second uncle and they will be here today. Maybe they will say this at dinner.
Then you will go with me."
Henry gave Amity Compared to an OK gesture.
Henryzheng and Amity walked towards the hotel, and they received a call from Chairman
As soon as the phone was picked up, I heard President Ma's anxious voice ringing on the
phone, "Master, please come to the hospital, and you're in trouble."
"Trouble?" Henry heard this, and it felt like this morning The middle-aged woman has a
relationship, "Yes, I will go there now."
"It's really a hard work for you, Master."
Henry hung up the phone and said to Amity after dinner, and hurried to the hospital.
When he arrived at the hospital, the father and daughter who had been treated by Henry in
the morning had already left. The other party left a business card for President Ma to pass
to Henry, and at the same time let President Ma tell him that if Henry had any need for help,
both You can contact them.
Such people who play antiques are generally very honest, and they don't dare to touch
them without hundreds of millions.
However, Henry took the business card and didn't even pay attention to the name.
When Henry had to find someone to help, it was estimated that something big was going to
happen globally.
Henry, led by President Ma, came to the ward in the morning.
As soon as the door of the ward was pushed open, the battle in this room shocked Henry.
The whole ward was filled with black paint, all of them were men dressed in suits, and one
more person, dressed in casual clothes, exuded an official power, and kept scolding the
doctors in the ward.
The doctors al lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything.
When the door of the ward was opened by Henry, everyone in the room, at this moment, all
focused on Henry.
President Ma made an introduction as soon as possible, "Come on, Master, let me introduce
you. This is our Fan Director of Yinzhou Health Bureau. Fan Bureau, this is Zhang Xiaoshen
doctor. Mr. Yan Li thought that he was not as good as the leader of the younger generation.
" Oh. "Henry nodded indifferently.
Fan Ju looked at Henry from head to toe with a kind of scrutiny, and then said: "I heard that
you can save people?"
Fan Ju's eyes and attitude made Henry very uncomfortable. He asked back: "With you Does
it matter? "
Fan Ju snorted coldly:" Boy, do you know who you are talking to? Believe it or not, revoke
your medical qualification! "
" Yes. "Henry nodded. Official, but I'm sorry, I didn't have that thing as a medical
qualification certificate. "
" You challenge me? "Fan Ju narrowed his eyes and felt a sense of non-self-confidence.
Those doctors standing next to them had some Dare not to visit him.
"Okay, talk to the little doctor, pay attention to the tone." At this time, a voice rang beside
the bed.
The black men standing in front of the hospital bed were separated from the left and the
right, so that Henry could see the person talking. This is a man in his fifties, wearing a black
tunic, and a man wearing a piece on his left thumb Jasper raised his fingers, ruddy.
As soon as the middle-aged man opened his mouth, Fan Ju immediately closed his mouth
and shouted respectful y, "Mr. Zhao."
Mr. Zhao originally sat by the hospital bed. At this moment, he got up and walked towards
Henry, "Little Doctor, although I Zhao Someone does n’t understand medicine, but I also
know the truth of the parents ’heart of the doctor. Now that the patient is lying in front of
you, you can heal, why not cure?”
"Oh." Henry chuckled, "Some people said that I can't cure."
Mr. Zhao smiled slightly, "It turns out that the little doctor is arrogant, then this way, I let
the morning disrespect the little doctor That man, how do you apologize to Xiao Shenyi?
Mr. Zhao finished, turning his head to look at the middle-aged woman.
Middle-aged women face some embarrassment, "Brother, why would I give him an apology
ah, this world have the capability of people more to go."
"There are people who are resistant to many, but you think, third brother, he also How long
can it last? "Mr. Zhao fingered on the thumb of his left hand." Apologize. "
" I ... "The middle-aged woman had a struggling face.
"Quick, apologize." Mr. Zhao spoke again.
"Second brother, I ..." The middle-aged woman just didn't want to say those words in the
morning. Now it's a shame to apologize to a junior in front of so many people!
"Apologize!" Mr. Zhao, who has always been calm, suddenly snorted suddenly, and his voice
suddenly increased.
This sound scared the middle-aged woman to tremble and dared not say anything. She
walked in front of Henry and whispered, "I'm sorry."
" What's the matter ?" Henry pul ed out his ear with his right thumb, "Too much ears , I did
n’t hear it. ”
Mr. Zhao stood aside, his voice calmed down again,“ A little louder. ”
“ Sorry! ”The middle-aged woman shouted these three words aloud, her face embarrassed.
"Apologize to whom? I'm sorry?" Henry asked playfully.
The middle-aged woman frowned, "Don't go too far!"
"Oh." Henry nodded and turned away.
Mr. Zhao said again: "Be sincere."
The middle-aged woman glanced subconsciously in a circle and took a deep breath.
"Little doctor, I'm sorry. It was my sudden abruptness in the morning. I shouldn't have
spoken that way."
"Oh, that's not bad." Henry nodded in satisfaction.
After the middle-aged woman finished speaking, she immediately got into the crowd.
This kind of apology made her feel very embarrassed.
Mr. Zhao took a few steps forward, "Little Divine Doctor, you should be satisfied now, can
you give me a helping hand and save my three younger brothers."
"It's still a little difficult." Henry frowned slightly, "Mr. Zhao, right, you You know, I do n’t
have a medical certificate. Now, Fan Fan is here. I ’m practicing in front of him. I ’m afraid it
does n’t meet the rules. ”
Mr. Zhao looked at Fan Fan.
Fan Ju quickly waved his hand, "There is nothing wrong with the rules, you can just save
people boldly
." "Yes." Henry walked to the bed and looked at the middle-aged man lying on the bed.
Wear an oxygen mask on your face to maintain.
Henry sighed, shook his head, and walked aside.
The action of Henry caused Mr. Zhao to sink into the heart and quickly asked, "Little Doctor,
how is my third brother now?"
As for the patient's condition, the hospital has given a report that the toxin spread in the
body and may not work at any time. , So Mr. Zhao and other talents are so anxious.
Henry grinned. "He's okay. As long as he detoxifies, he can wake up." When Henry said this,
Mr. Zhao's face showed a trace of rejoicing. "Then ask the little god doctor to save people."
"Save someone?" Who said I was going to see him? "Henry looked puzzled.
Henry makes Mr. Zhao's face completely darkened.
The middle-aged woman who had just apologized to Henry scolded on the spot: "Boy, are
you kidding me?"
Henry smiled at the middle-aged woman and asked, "Is it not obvious enough?"
"You! "Middle-aged women reached out to Henry, and those big suit men also came up to
Henrywei at this time.
Looking at these murderous brawny men, Henry's face was relaxed and freehand.
Mr. Zhao's face changed one after another, and then he waved his hand, beckoning al the
big men to retreat.
"This little doctor, it seems that I still underestimate the misunderstanding between you
and my brother and sister. I real y do n’t hide it. Zhao is a businessman. I believe that under
this world, there will be no eternal enemies. Both sides are enemies. It's just that the
benefits haven't reached unity yet. In this way, how can we pay the corresponding rewards
when you help my third brother? "
Mr. Zhao extended a finger.
"As long as you can save my third brother, I will give you one mil ion."
Mr. Zhao's words fell, and the middle-aged woman was the first to show reluctance to
come. "Second brother, look at this boy's poor and sour clothes. Adding less than a
thousand dol ars, he is worth one mil ion, and giving him 10,000 will count him as cheap! "
Henry shook his head," Mr. Zhao, right, what you said, I real y agree, no Forever enemies, as
long as the interests are unified, anyone can become friends. "
Mr. Zhao nodded with satisfaction." It seems that the little doctor is a wise man. Zhao, I like
to deal with wise men the most. "
Middle-aged women Standing next to her, her face was as ugly as constipation. One million.
Why give this kid a million. In terms of her mood, the money was torn and burned, and she
didn't want to give it to Henry.
"Little God Doctor, you tel me your account, I will transfer the money to you now, how?"
Mr. Zhao waved his hand, and a big man took a mobile phone.
"Not in a hurry." Henry stretched out his hand to stop Mr. Zhao's movements. "I think the
life of your third brother should be more than one million, and the price of my one shot is
not more than one million. This price is not enough. "
" Boy, why don't you overdo it too much! "The middle-aged woman scolded again," One
million is enough for you to live a lifetime like this, what are you unhappy about! "
" Say less "Mr. Zhao glared at the middle-aged woman with a dissatisfied look, and then
smiled at Henry," Little Divine Doctor, look at you, how much do you think is appropriate. "
Henry held his chin and pondered, said:" I think , In the battle you are fighting now, the life
of your third brother must be worth at least 10 mil ion, but I am not asking for a price, even
if you are five mil ion. "
Mr. Zhao smiled. Nodded, "It's reasonable, that little magician, how much is your second
Henry extended a finger.
"Ten mil ion?" Mr. Zhao froze for a moment, then smiled, "With the skil of the little
magician, it is worth the price, it is ten mil ion."
"No, ten million is more than that." Henry shook his head.
"One hundred mil ion?" Mr. Zhao frowned.
Even though Mr. Zhao just reprimanded, middle-aged women couldn't help it, "100
million! Just like your poor, do you understand the concept of 100 million! How dare you
Henry hung a smile on his face , Gently open: "Billion."
Bil ion!
The figures spoken by Henry made middle-aged women stunned for a while, and they
didn't know how to refute for a while.
"Ha ha ha ha!" Mr. Zhao laughed a few times, "Bil ion, little magic doctor, you are real y
kidding, do you know, what is the concept of one billion?"
Mr. Zhao asked this question, Not waiting for Henry to answer, his face suddenly became
somber, his eyes like an eagle falcon, staring closely at Henry, "One billion, enough to buy
your family's life!"
"Wow!" Henry showed a terrified look, " What do you mean, do you want to kill someone?
This is a society ruled by law! There is an official next to you, so you threaten me like that? "
" Little brother, I admire someone who has skil , so I call it You little doctor, if you do not
have this hand medicine, you are in my Zhao's eyes, but it is just a ants. "Mr. Zhao threw the
mobile phone he just got," This world is not a world of angry youth. " nor
reason in the world, is the money in the world, it is a world power, ten, one hundred
million? you know, people like you, in the eyes of people have ten million, what count? "
Mr. Zhao look Henry's eyes are full of a kind of life Contempt.
Henry asked curiously: "What is it?"
"Nothing! I will give you a chance at last, ten mil ion, you save my third brother, I haven't
happened anything! If not, then you think about it yourself Give you three seconds to think
about it, three! "
" No need to think about it. "Henry directly interrupted Mr. Zhao's words," For me, the most
fearful thing about doing things is the consequences. That President Ma, I'm leaving. "
Chairman Henry Chongma waved his hand, and then did not look at Mr. Zhao and others,
and walked out of the ward."
Mr. Zhao apparently did not expect Henry to make such a choice.
The first time Henry left, Fan Ju was anxious to express himself. President Chongma asked:
"President Ma, what is the identity of the person you have found?"
President Ma smiled dryly, "Fan Ju , This little doctor, is the husband of President Lin of Lin
Group ... "
President Ma heard about the last Lin ’s fire. He also understood the relationship between
Henry and Sylvia. President Ma was not surprised. He even had such a feeling. Lin's
President Lin can only deserve such a good man.
Fan Ju and Mr. Zhao and others, when they heard President Ma's words, were all stunned.
The prestige of Lin, who is in Yinzhou, has never heard of him. The status of Mr. Lin is
unparal eled. Now the Lin group has the full power to the girl who surnamed Lin. what.
The middle-aged woman opened her mouth and held back for a long time without knowing
what to say.
The husband of a ten-bil ion-dol ar group's boss was described by her as a poor boy, and
she said that 10,000 people would be burned with high fragrance.
Fan Ju's face was a little pale. Just to please this Mr. Zhao, he didn't talk much, but in the
end, he offended the husband of Mr. Lin? This ...
how much influence Lin has had, Fan Ju is very clear. The other party is a little bit aimed at
the following himself, and this director will not be comfortable.
As for Mr. Zhao, it is frowned, "Lin ... Interesting, it seems that there is another layer of
conflict between us."
Henry leaves the hospital within 15 minutes, the information about Mr. Zhao and others
has been sent to his mobile phone.
The Zhao Group, an enterprise that has emerged from Yinzhou in the past month, covers
more than ten regions with sufficient capital and conflicts with Lin's on several projects.
"Zhao's, it's interesting." Henry's mouth widened, "I'll have fun with you again after I
settled the matter of Yanjing. Now, let you jump for two days."
Henry has decided to wait for Fiona to deal with this time. Then, I went to Yanjing and
completely pul ed out the man behind him to solve the hidden danger. I no longer need to
hide my identity and do anything, it is also more convenient.
When Henry returned to the company, it was almost time to get off work. He still
remembered to help Amity at night to see the investment. He greeted Sylvia and said that
he would not go back to dinner at night.
After work, Henry and Amity left the company together. The two did not take a taxi, so they
walked towards the place.
Amity said that the place to eat has been booked, just at Xinkai Hotel, her second uncle's
family and her dad are already in the hotel.
When Henry and Amity arrived at the Xinkai Hotel parking lot, they heard a female voice.
"Yo, Amity, here I am, and I'm going to call you!"
Henry and Amity looked down at the voice, and they saw a young woman who looked like
Amity. The three-million-dol ar Mercedes G walked down, carrying a Chanel handbag.
Compared with Amity, this woman is a little more charming and a little less simple.
At the same time, the main driver of the Mercedes-Benz Big G walked down a young man,
who looked like a young man, and slammed the door closed, and asked actively,
"Qiu Shuang, is this your cousin?"
"Yes, my dear." Took the man's arm, "Amity, this is your future brother-in-law, Sun Liang."
"Hello." Amity smiled slightly at Sun Liang.
"Hello, I often hear Qiu Shuang mention you and say that she is a beauty. At first sight, Qiu
Shuang real y didn't lie to me." Sun Liang took the initiative to reach Amity as a gentleman,
and then looked at Henry, "This brother is.
" This is Brother Henry Zhang. "Amity introduced.
After several people greeted each other, they walked towards the hotel together.
In a small private room, Amity's father, Amity's husband and wife, and Amity's three
husband and wife are already sitting at the table and chatting.
The door of the private room opened, and the sisters Amity and Qiu Shuang entered the
"Xiaoyu, I haven't seen you for so many years, and I've grown so beautiful." Uncle Amity
"Yeah, not only beautiful, but also capable, I do not know who will have this blessing in the
future, find our family Amity." Amity Sangu said the same.
Amity hadn't yelled anyone yet, so he was said to have a big red face, but he was not
At this time, several people in the box also noticed Henry who came with Amity.
"This gentleman is ..." Uncle Amity looked at Henry with a puzzled expression.
Amity ’s father was very impressed with Henry. If it were n’t for Henry, he was completely
pitted, and even the casino could n’t get out.
"This is Henry." Before Amity spoke, his father introduced Amity's second uncle and three
aunts . "Last time, thanks to Henry's help." Henry called Aunt Uncle Sheng, it was a few
elders. Say hello.
"OK, then sit down, come and order."
Henry was sitting at the table, listening to Amity's family talking about some homely things
there. He found that he had done all these things tonight.
"The business has not been very prosperous in the past two years. The previous annual
profit is still more than 200 mil ion. Now it can be 100 million. Thank you." Amity sighed
while drinking wine. On the shoulder, "It's still thanks to Xiaosun's family who gave them
some help, or they couldn't even keep this one hundred mil ion yuan."
Sun Liang smiled, "Uncle Qiu, you said that and you're out of sight."
Amity Sangu took the food Dao: "Brother, didn't you say that the coal mine business has
picked up in the past two years? What was the benefit of the coal mine you collected over
300 mil ion last time?"
" Okay , as far as current sales are concerned, one year back to the original It will be
profitable next year. "Uncle Amity replied.
A little rejoicing appeared on Amity's face, "Wel , second brother, I said that I had added 30
million yuan in funds. Don't refuse it."
"How can I do this." Uncle Amity waved his hand. , You can just chase it. "
" Haha, brother, I respect you a glass. "Amity Sangu raised her glass.
"Dad!" Qiu Shuang sat aside, smirking. "You let Sun Liang also chase some funds in. If you
don't chase too much, how about 30 mil ion?"
"Xiao Shuang." Sun Liang pulled La Qiushuang's Sleeve, "The sentiment is the sentiment,
the business belongs to the business, how can I take advantage of your family?"
Uncle Amity laughed, "Xiao Sun, all from his family, don't say two things, let You chase 30
million in. "
Sun Liang looked at him with joy, and quickly raised his glass." Then thank you uncle.
father and daughter listened to the family's conversation, and felt bitter in their hearts.
Everyone in the family has developed like this. If you look at yourself, if you hadn't had any
luck a while ago and you have a car, you don't even know how to pay the debt.
Amity ’s father was anxiously listening to him, and he could n’t help but ask, “Second, you
said there was a smal business taking care of us this time.”
“Oh, right.” Uncle Amity took a bite, “ There is a small business, but one million yuan of
funds is definitely a bit lacking, at least it is about 1.2 million. "
" Ah? "Amity's father's face dimmed when he heard," One One hundred and two hundred
thousand ... this ... this can't be brought out. "
" I said uncle, you really can't do business. "Qiu Shuang said," Now when I do business,
whoever takes al the cash out, al use the bank Make money for yourself. Did n’t you say
Amity had a small one mil ion yuan last time? You take your shop to the bank to mortgage
it. You can borrow 200,000 yuan out of it. Look at those big entrepreneurs, who did n’t
have a debt of tens of billions. "
" Good. "Amity Sangu nodded." Brother, you are a bit pedantic. You look at me. millions of
cars, banks owed more than two mil ion result? earn more! " "
this ... "Autumn father's face pained look, he was afraid of the poor, also owe less afraid, and
now a credit, I found myself feeling off the mark.
Amity took over his father's words, "Second Uncle, what kind of business are you talking
"Yes, there are several projects that you can choose for yourself. Three-dimensional
parking lot, breeding, education, medical treatment, you can choose. "As
soon as the voice of Uncle Amity fell, he heard a rebuttal of business.
everyone will look at the person who made the rebuttal, it is Henry who has been sitting
there and has not talked much.
Qiu Shuang frowned, "Amity, are you your friend?"
"Cousin, Brother Zhang is relatively good at investing. I asked him to analyze it for me."
Amity explained and looked at Henry, waiting for Henry Below.
Henry said: "As far as the current situation in Yinzhou is concerned, the three-dimensional
parking lot is obviously impractical, and the cost is high. One million yuan is only enough to
get the land in the early stage, and then the land is mortgaged for evaluation. The interest
from the bank loan can be reached. 4.9, when the parking lot is built, the interest is not
known. If it is farmed, it is not suitable in Yinzhou. Now the most attractive thing in Yinzhou
is the wild purple mushroom, which can be sold for 500
pounds. expensive, but no one planting method, too risky, education and health care this
one, Lin has been contracted, unless you do that two or three million investment in a small
dining table training. "
Henry will just say these autumn-di Investment, one by one analysis.
"Amity, what does your friend do? Which investment company?" Qiu Shuang asked.
Henry replied: “I am Amity ’s colleague, and I ’m selling together in Lin ’s.”
“Sales?” Qiu Shuang saw a contempt in his eyes. “When did the sales person understand the
investment? As for the analysis you just made, I still I thought you were a boss with a net
worth of tens of mil ions. "
" Hehe. "Henry chuckled lightly," Slightly understand. "
" Do you understand or do we understand? "Amity looked at Henry with dissatisfaction."
We Hundreds of mil ions of investment can be made, and one million of small investment
can't understand it? "
" Yes . "Aunt Amity also said," These investments my husband said were carefully selected
by him for Amity. Yes, it ’s inevitable, do you think my husband ca n’t even understand this,
and deliberately let Amity lose money? "
"Brother, your eyes are a little too short. It's hard to make money with your thinking."
Sun Liang also said.
Henry's remarks attracted dissatisfaction from the whole table.
"Second Uncle, Brother Zhang is also kind, he is for my good." Amity quickly opened his
mouth to help Henry.
"For your own sake? That's how you broke your money for your own sake?" Qiu Shuang
said, "Amity, you just came out of school, and you don't understand the sinister heart. Some
people, on the surface, look like dogs. In fact, the intention is sinister, do n’t just trust
others, and you will be cheated of money and cheat! ”
Uncle Amity rushed to Henrydao:“ Young man, this is our family party, Amity is not
sensible, takes you one We do n’t blame her, but we talk about some housework. You do n’t
have to intervene casually. ”
Amity ’s father saw that Uncle Amity was a little angry and quickly spoke,“ The second son,
Henry did help us a lot He is still young, so do n’t worry about something. "
" Oh, young is young. At home, some people are used to it, but when they walk into the
society, no one is used to him. The truth, you have to think about it. "Uncle Amity warned
badly, took out a Chinese dip in his mouth, and lit himself.
Amity's father was playing in the round field, and he signaled Amity to stop talking, and
said to Amity's uncle: "The second son, I actually think that the parking lot you said is really
good. Although I don't drive, I can see it. Now, this parking place is very tight. If you make a
parking lot, you will definitely make money. "
Uncle Amity took a deep breath and said, "This is obvious. If it is not my family, I won't tell
you. Now I have a piece of land in my hand. In the city center, if you want, I will let you take
it for 1.2 million. It ’s also my family. I ’ll help you. For this piece of land, the normal
evaluation price is between 2 mil ion and 3.5 million. You go The bank can loan out the
money casually. Although the base is not large, only one thousand square meters, it is more
than enough
to build a three-dimensional parking lot. " " One thousand square meters . "Amity Ergu
continued to say," Brother, this Obviously the welfare given to you by the second brother. If
you build a three-dimensional parking lot, it will be the first three floors. One parking space
is about eight to nine squares, one thousand squares, and one floor is one hundred. Three
parking spaces, three floors, three hundred parking spaces. Now parking fees in the city
center are five yuan an hour, plus two dol ars per hour upwards.
According to the minimum income per day, one parking space is fifty-one, and three
hundred parking spaces are considered one fifteen thousand three! "
autumn Ergu finished, took out the phone, looked at his father dedicated to autumn Piece of
land next location, it really is in the downtown area, where cars are ful every day, no place
to stop!
In Amity's father's eyes, there was a strong move.
If you can earn 15,000 a day, you will be able to pay off your loan in that year. You will pay
back in the first half of the second year, and earn purely in the second half of the year.
"This is a good thing, a good thing, second son, you are really my lucky star! This land is a
million, not expensive, not expensive!" Amity's father looked very excited.
"Hehe." Uncle Amity laughed softly. "You want to take it. You can take this 1.2 million. I will
help you with the loan process."
Qiushuang also said: "Yes uncle, What do you mean by opening a smal shop now, you are
stil busy every day, you need to have that parking lot, stroll around in the parking lot every
day, the net income is more than 10,000 a day, you do n’t know how many people want to
start with my dad Take that piece of land, my dad doesn't sel it at all. "
" Brother, I think this business is good and suitable for you. "Amity's third uncle said.
"It's right, it's right!" Amity's father nodded again and again, "But the second son, I'll give
you the bottom line. Our family now only adds up to 900,000, or you can forget the small
shop roof."
"It doesn't matter." Uncle Amity waved his hand. "The land, I got 1.2 million at that time,
will now give it to you at a fair price. I won't make you money. The family is not so fine.
Xiaodian, even if you are 300,000 yuan. "
" OK, OK! "Amity's father seemed very excited.
"Big brother and 2nd brother said that this one is up, and you just want to say something,
drink a glass of wine, sign the contract, the land belongs to you today, build it early, and
make money early in business and operation." Amitysan Aunt continued.
Amity glanced at Henry sitting next to him.
Henry took the food slowly, "Is it anxious to sign a contract or something?"
Henry finished and looked at Amity's father, "Uncle, one million, not a small number, don't
be blinded by some rhetoric!"
"What do you mean!" Uncle Amity slapped on the table and glared at Henry.
"I said what are you doing?" Amity Sangu is also very dissatisfied, "What do we have to say
when talking with our family? Blind? You told me clearly today! "
Qiu Shuang's face dimmed," Uncle, if you don't want this land, there are a lot of people
want, my dad is for the sake of a family. Leave this good thing to you! This place is not what
we begged you to buy! "Qiu
Yu's father looked at Henry with some embarrassment." That little Zhang, this is our own
business. , Okay? "
Henry ignored them and said:" A parking space really only needs 8 to 9 square meters, but
this is just a simple parking space, counting the ramps, traffic lanes, load-bearing, lifting
Down, a three-dimensional parking lot, the average area of each parking space is between
35 and 50 square meters. If you want to have one hundred parking spaces on the first floor,
you need at least 35,000 to 5,000 square meters of land area, and, every year The
maintenance fee is a huge amount These things can be considered ah. "
Henry, let autumn father suddenly surprised," one parking space thirty-five square? The
eleven square, is it only thirty parking spaces, several narrow profit a year Double! "
" Note, I'm just talking about basic expenses. "Henry reminded.
"Amity, what exactly does your friend mean? It is impossible for him to be a salesperson
and know how much better than us!" Qiu Shuang stood up directly, apparently reaching the
edge of anger.
"Brother, you haven't done business, so I don't understand some things. I don't blame you,
but I don't know how to pretend to understand. It's meaningless." Sun Liang said,
"There are several parking lots in my house. The surface of the face can be stolen during the
construction. Of course, how to steal the specific method, I will tell you, you do n’t
understand. "
" It's really unclear about your status, we are not welcome at the party at our house, Let's
go! "Amity Sangu said, screaming.
"Yes, you are not welcome, please leave!" Qiu Shuang also shouted.
Autumn autumn di blame looked at, "rain ah, not me, you, you usual y make friends, you
had better be careful and do not have to pay any friends, you look at you, this knowledge is
al what stuff?"
Face Henry was unimpressed by Amity ’s family, and still sat there, “I just said that it ’s just
the allocation of the parking lot ’s foundation, and it ’s based on the fact that one million
won the land, if If I remember correctly, the piece of land should belong to the Zhou Group,
how could it be this Mr. Qiu? "
Henry looked at Uncle Amity with questions.
"Zhou's land?" Amity's father was also shocked. This Zhou group, he was very clear.
Last time, he almost didn't go out in Zhou's field, or thanks to Henry in order to be safe and
The look of Uncle Amity changed slightly, "I am just cooperating with Zhou."
"Oh." Henry nodded, took out his phone, sent a message out, and then asked, "I don't know
Mr. Qiu and Zhou. Which aspect of cooperation? "
" Did you understand! "Qiu Shuang asked dissatisfiedly," You are a salesperson who
manages a lot, is this what you should ask! "
" Okay, then I ask individual "Henry looked at Sun Liang," Just that Mercedes-Benz G, more
than three million, is yours? "
Of course it is mine." There was a burst of pride on Sun Liang's face.
Henry's expression was puzzled. "No, I just saw the words of Yingze Car Rental on the car's
foot pad."
Henry's words made Sun Liang's face change suddenly, and he didn't know how to
answer. .
Qiu Shuang had a stalk in his neck. "How about the car rental company, then the Yingze car
rental company was opened by our Sun Liang's house!"
"Yes." Sun Liangmeng nodded. "It was from my home.
" Amity, do you know who owned the Yingze car rental company? I remember you also
participated in the design of the advertisement before. "
Amity nodded, and hesitantly said," Yes ... it belongs to our company, Yingze Rent-ACar is a
company of Lin. "
" This Mr. Sun, you said that Yingze Rent-A-Car is owned by your house. Are you also
related to our CEO? "Henry asked.
"Nonsense!" Before Sun Liang replied, Qiu Shuang began to drink. "Our family Sun Liang is
the younger brother of President Lin. You are just an ordinary salesperson.
How can you know so much!"
"Uh. "Henry touched his nose and looked at Amity with some embarrassment."
Amity also had an indescribable taste in his eyes.
"Why? You can't speak? Go and ask you, Mr. Lin, do you know Sun Liang!" Qiu Shuang
embraced his chest with both hands, and he looked arrogant.
Henry nodded, "Wel , I'l ask."
Then, Henry took out the phone and dialed Sylvia's phone, "Hey, wife, do you know a man
named Sun Liang, say you are Brother Qian, oh, I know. "
Henry said a few words, then hung up the phone, and Chong Qioshuang made a regretful
expression." Sorry, we, Mr. Lin, don't know Sun Liang. "
"Joke!" Qiu Shuang sneered. "You just made a phone call, you just cal ed Mr. Lin? The wife
you called on the phone, it is impossible, Mr. Lin's, is your wife, the salesperson?"
"Boy , I think you are deliberately provoking our family's relationship! "Amity Sangu also
said coldly.
At this moment, the box door was knocked, and outside the box door, there was a
respectful voice, "Mr. Zhang, can I come in?"
"Go in." Henryying said.
The door of the box was pushed away from the outside, and Zhou Zhou of the Zhou Group
was seen, standing at the door of the box with a respectful face.
Amity's father recognized at a glance, standing at the door, this is the master of the Zhou
Danny looked at Henry with a respectful face. He just received the news that the gentleman
was looking for himself, and he came as soon as possible.
Henry red autumn di efforts Nuzui, Danny said:. "Look, this is your Zhou said the group's
partners, to sell you a piece of land in the city center, you determine what"
Danny looked puzzled face at autumn Uncle, then shook his head at Henry, "Mr. Zhang, I do
n’t know him. Our Zhou's land in the city center has never planned to buy it. I
wanted to build a private house there. If Mr. Zhang you want , I will give it to you
immediately. "
" No, I'm just looking for you to make sure, you go. "Henry waved his hand.
Danny nodded, Henry found him for this matter, he was not dissatisfied at al , turned and
Henry said "Just now, it is the helm of the Zhou group, all the land of the Zhou, he knows, it
seems, Mr. Qiu, he I don't know you. "
Henry looked indifferent.
Uncle Amity questioned, "You said it was the helm of the Zhou Group. I have worked with
the Zhou Group for such a long time. I do n’t know!"
Henry shook his head. "Do you believe it or not, I only You need to convince the person who
believes the letter. "
After saying this, Henry glanced at Amity's father.
At this moment, Amity's father's eyes were full of complexity. Of course he knew that the
young man just now was the helm of Zhou's.
"Okay." Henry snapped his fingers. "Let's talk about the next question. You, Sun Liang, and
the relationship with the Lin Group. What is the truth? You know it best. Of course, in order
to let you die, don't Here, let the girl Amity tell you, what is the relationship between me
and Sylvia, the president of the Lin Group. "
" Brother Zhang ... "Amity looked at his cousin," Brother Zhang is President Lin. Her
husband, the whole company knows this matter. "
" What! "
Qiu Shuang, and Sun Liang's eyes, when Amity's voice fell, stared at the boss.
"You don't need to be shocked, redundant explanations, no need, pay attention to my hands
now." Henry took out his mobile phone and pressed three buttons, "I have entered the
alarm call, now you can choose to stay This, let the police handle a fraud case, or leave
immediately, I will give you three seconds to choose, if you do not choose, I will help you
choose the second one. "
Henry looked at Amity's relatives, gently Opening: "One!"
When Henry counted one, Sun Liang said nothing. The first one rushed out of the box, and
Qiushuang ran out of the box with a look.
"Two." Henry said again.
Amity and Sangu looked at each other, lowered their heads, and walked out of the box
without saying a word.
Amity's husband and wife looked at it, and they dare to stay here and hurried out.
In an instant, the entire box was left with Amity's father and daughter, and Henry.
Looking at the empty box at this moment, Amity's father's face was ful of dullness.
And Amity is also red-eyed.
Now the two of them do not understand what happened. Such a thing is very unacceptable
to Amity's father.
Those who just sat there were al his brothers. With blood relationship, he came out of a
mother womb and grew up playing with mud from an early age!
"Uncle, I know you are uncomfortable, but I still have to say something, don't be blinded by
the so-cal ed affection. Sometimes, you think that you are the closest person, actual y it is
not like that." Henry shook his head. With a sigh, "You and Amity will be alone for a while.
You have something to do."
Henry finished and patted Amity's shoulder. "Girl, please persuade your father."
Henry got up and left the box , Close the box door for the two of them. At the moment when
Henryguan opened the door, there was a cry of an adult man in the box.
Henry sighed, walked to the hotel reception, and settled the accounts for Amity's father and
daughter, and left here.
When I wandered home, it was more than eight o'clock at night.
As usual, Sylvia sat on the sofa and watched TV. When Henry entered the door, she could
see the woman's back.
I'm back, how did you suddenly call me to ask that question?" Sylvia sat on the sofa with his
long and tender legs crossed in front of him.
Henry told Sylvia what happened just now in the hotel.
In this regard, Sylvia could only sigh. Amity's family met such relatives. Why did she not be
wrong? At first, Richard wanted to destroy Lin's for his own selfish desires.
"This girl has performed well in the company recently, willing to work hard, learn, and
diligent. Do you want me to promote her to something?" Sylvia asked.
Henry shook his head. "No, she is too young. She was directly promoted to her. The gossip
is one, which is not conducive to her growth. Let it be harder and grind."
Sylvia nodded , "Just say what you said."
Neither of the two people in the dialogue noticed that Sylvia had already subconsciously
asked Henry to make a decision on some things.
Henry poured himself a cup of tea, refil ed Sylvia's teacup, sat on the sofa, and watched the
TV series with Sylvia.
Sylvia used Yu Guang to keep looking at Henry around him, and then made some tentative
openings: "Her husband, you said to Amity today, I listen to you at home, do you want this
kind of life?"
"Uh." Henry Suddenly, he was embarrassed on the way back. He was still worried about
Sylvia asking this question. Hey, he just blamed himself for being too smug when he was
bragging in the morning, and did not observe the surrounding environment careful y.
"Husband, do you want it?" Sylvia asked again.
"No, I don't want to do anything at all." Henrylian waved his hand, "I like what you are, let
me do everything, let me spoil you, get used to you, that's al right, you don't want anything
All listen to me! "
Sylvia was blushed by Henry's pretty face, white Henry glanced," beautiful you, yes,
tomorrow noon, go to grandpa's house to eat. "
Regarding Fiona's guts tomorrow, Henry had already prepared and nodded, "OK."
There was no words al night. Henry got up in the morning the next morning, thinking about
making a breakfast and waiting for the refrigerator to be empty. The scene made Henry
silently walk out of the house and walk towards the vegetable market.
At ten in the morning, Sylvia didn't need to go to the company today. He slept deliberately
and woke up to find that Henry was not at home and she didn't care much.
Just after going to the bathroom to wash, Sylvia's phone rang. Secretary Li called.
Sylvia picked up the phone and hadn't had time to speak. Secretary Li's anxious voice rang
on the phone. "Mr. Lin, it's not good. Mr. Zhang hit the prince!"
"Prince!" Sylvia was shocked. Prince! "
Henry was too brave to fight the prince, a member of his royal family. What happened?
Secretary Li was silent for five seconds on the phone before reopening: "Mr. Lin, the prince
is a star. In China, he is the most popular and a well-deserved traffic superstar!
Now Mr. Zhang is already at the police station, the other party wants Our company is
accused. The lawyers are at the police station. There is already a lot of congee. Come and
see. "
Sylvia couldn't care about washing now. He chewed a piece of gum casually and wore
ordinary casual clothes. Rushed to the police station.
Yinzhou Police Station,is now overcrowded.
Various media and reporters have blocked the door of the police station. Fans of the prince
are also holding signs and blocking the door of the police station. Dozens of police officers
have pulled the cordon at the door of the police station to maintain order!
"Severe punishment! Must be severely punished!"
"Dare to hit our prince, why should he!"
"Our prince is so handsome, whoever is responsible for the break!"
A group of female fans screamed excitedly.
In the police station, more than a dozen lawyers were condemning what happened this
Director Wei of the Yinzhou Police Department is sweating anxiously. This incident is not a
trivial matter. The person who hit the person has a background so big that he dare not
think about it. The hottest traffic superstars have received a lot of attention in every move.
If they are not handled well, their career will be over.
At a corner of the police station, two young people dressed in women's clothing were
sitting. The two young people stayed here silently, silently.
Henry was sitting in the interrogation room. Instead of being handcuffed, he stil had a good
cup of tea in front of him. The police kept him in the interrogation room. He just wanted to
avoid the reporters and crazy fans.
A middle-aged woman wearing black-framed glasses, with a face full of anger, yelled at
Director Wei: "I real y overestimate the security environment in your Silver State. There
are people fighting and making troubles casually. Have you ever paid attention to the safety
of citizens! I want to complain to you! I want all of our prince ’s fans to complain to you! "
" Ms. Wu, you need to get rid of it first. I believe that there must be something in this
matter. The reason. "Director Wei tried his best to comfort that the person in front of him
was the prince's economic man and had a great influence.
"Dissipate? How do you let me dissipate? Do you know that what happened today will
affect our prince's future career!" Prince's agent's eyes were red.
When Sylvia arrived at the police station, he was taken aback by the scene in front of him.
In front of the whole police station, there was a crowd of black people, at least 500
people, al shouting for the prince, saying that he should punish the perpetrators.
Secretary Li was waiting for Sylvia outside. When he saw Sylvia's car, Secretary Li quickly
walked up.
"Mr. Lin, you are here, this is a big problem." Secretary Li was worried.
"What's going on?" Sylvia asked, frowning as soon as he got out of the car.
Secretary Li shook his head. "I don't know the specific situation. I went to the market to buy
vegetables in the morning. On the way home, I saw Mr. Zhang beat people. At that time, the
other party had many bodyguards and agents, saying they wanted to sue
Zhang. Sir, I am in a hurry, and said that we will take care of this matter. We will save Mr.
Zhang first, but I do n’t know how to deal with it later. "
" You did a good job. "Sylvia glanced at Li Na with approval. She tried to calm herself down
and asked, "Who is this prince? How red is it?"
"Special red!" Li Na didn't think at all and nodded vigorously. "Every major video site has a
star In the rankings, the prince is ranked first. There are various fan support groups. This
matter happened. In just half an hour, the largest social software on the Internet was
almost exploded by the prince ’s fan group! If it is not handled well, just the public opinion
is enough to destroy our Lin! "
Sylvia didn't analyze it careful y, but he realized the importance of things with a little
"How about Henryren?" Sylvia asked.
"Has been captured by the police." Li Na pointed to the door of the police station.
"Go, first ask Henry what happened!" Sylvia walked across the stride toward the police
At the door of the police station, the cordon was pul ed up and no one was allowed to enter.
When Sylvia and Li Na walked in, they were naturally stopped.
"Madam, you can't go in."
"I am the wife of the client." Sylvia explained his identity to the police.
When Sylvia's words fel , there was a sound of scolding behind him, and a girl who looked
like she was fifteen or six yelled: "Bitch, your husband beat our prince, bitch!"
"Dare to show up, kil her, and avenge our prince!"
"Fight her!"
A group of crazy star chasers came to Sylvia, waving their arms non-stop, if not stopped by
the police, depending on the status of these fans, No doubt what crazy things they can do.
Sylvia frowned even tighter. She saw that these fans, almost al of them young little girls,
had fallen into a state of enthusiasm for the prince.
A slender arm crossed the police line of defense, and hit Sylvia's face.
"Mr. Lin, be careful!" At the critical moment, Li Na pushed Sylvia, but was slapped by that
A clear voice sounded, and Li Na's face had a red five-finger print.
It was a girl about sixteen years old who was beating people with hatred in her eyes, and
she wished to tear Sylvia apart, scolding her mouth: "Bitch, I will kil you to avenge our
Such a scene made Sylvia stunned completely.
"Mr. Lin, go in first, you can't stay here." Li Na quickly grabbed Sylvia's arm and rushed
towards the police station.
"Wait." Sylvia shook Li Na's hand and took a deep breath, ignoring the shouting in front of
her. She looked at the beating girl and rushed to the police officer in front of her,
"Police officer, please catch this man. When she got up, she just beat my friend. "The slap
just now, the policeman also saw clearly, without speaking, immediately grabbed the girl
who hit the beating.
Sylvia watched the girl caught in the police station with his own eyes before moving
towards the gate of the police station.
A mess in the office.
Upon seeing Sylvia, Director Wei immediately recognized the Lin's president and hurried
"Mr. Lin, you're here. This time it's your employees who have a problem. Our police are also
trying to adjust. You don't have to worry about it first." Director Wei comforted.
"What about Henry? I want to see him." Sylvia's beautiful eyes were a little angry.
"This ..." Director Wei's face was embarrassed. "I'm afraid it's a bit unruly. Now only
immediate family members and lawyers can see Mr. Zhang."
"He is my husband!"
Director Wei quickly shut his mouth and personally heard it. Take Sylvia to the
interrogation room.
Sylvia original y thought that Henry would be leaned in the interrogation room, which
made her worried all the way to come, but when she saw Henry sitting there and still
drinking a cup of tea, the anger in her heart could no longer be suppressed, Li Na had just
suffered The slap scene is still vivid.
"Henry! What have you done! Do you know what is going on outside now!
Henry drink some tea, he said slowly:. "Wife, you're here, do not worry."
"I can not wait no hurry in the end it is!! What's the matter, why do you have to hit
someone! Can't you be more mature! "Sylvia's face was full of anger and a trace of
"I'm very mature, otherwise, I will definitely kill him on the spot!" Henry suddenly gave
birth to a hostility, this hostility, so that Director Wei stood aside in a panic.
Even Sylvia, who was in a state of anger, was stunned. She had never seen Henry show this.
The way he looked when he just spoke, he made himself feel ... afraid?
Li Na pulled La Sylvia's sleeves and persuaded: "Mr. Lin, don't worry, Mr. Zhang is not the
kind of impulsive person. It must have been something the other party did too much to
make Mr. Zhang so angry. You first Listen to Mr. Zhang. "
Sylvia took a deep breath and nodded," Wel , Henry, tell me why, why do you want to hit
someone, always give me a reason! "
Henry looked calm," The reason is very simple. The man ca n’t control his mouth, and his
fans ca n’t control his mouth either. I just hit people and did n’t kil them. It ’s already kind
to them! ”
Director Wei was aside It was extremely embarrassing to stay, and he was a police chief
anyway. This big man kept saying in front of himself what he was going to kil , and what
could he say.
Sylvia was smirked by Henry's explanation, "You mean, they just started cursing people,
and you started?"
"Yes." Henry nodded.
"Childish!" Sylvia shouted, "You are already an adult, because this little thing, you start!"
Henry shook his head, "wife, you don't understand."
"I have nothing to understand, you say Listen to me! "Sylvia stared at Henry closely and
wanted an explanation.
Henry looked at Sylvia and sighed, "Well, you come with me."
Henry got up and walked out of the interrogation room first.
Director Wei was a mess. This big man real y didn't worry about this matter. The
interrogation room came out.
Sylvia followed Henry, wondering how Henry would explain.
Henry walked to the police hall, and his appearance suddenly caught the attention of the
Prince's agent.
"Police! What do you policemen eat, who let him come out! There are two things that are
not male or female, they are also accomplices!" The prince's agent shouted, sitting with his
fingers at the corner, wearing Two young women.
Henry, who was calm in his face, suddenly became full of anger when he heard the words of
the agent of the prince. He strode toward the agent of the prince.
The evil spirit in Henry's eyes, the momentum he carried with him, seemed to have caused
the temperature of the surrounding air to drop a lot. That beast-like gaze made people feel
terrified at first glance.
The Prince's agent looked at Henry towards himself, and suddenly panicked, "You ...
what do you want to do, my police ..."
"Do you warn!" Henry squeezed his fist, regardless of where this is, rushed Go to the
Prince's agent and punch him in the stomach.
After the punch, the Prince's agent seemed to be frozen, and she could see that her face was
twisting, her body bowed subconsciously, and a face turned red at this instant.
"Henry, what are you doing!" Sylvia rushed up quickly, holding Henry, "This is at the police
station! Police station!"
"Mr. Zhang, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive." Director Wei Also rushed up, blocked
between Henry and Prince's agent.
The Prince ’s agent was cramped by Henry ’s punch, and even the pain was hard to speak.
After half a minute, she gritted her teeth and squeezed out a sentence, “I ’m going to sue
him, I ’l let him sit in my life "
Sylvia is very anxious in his heart. This is the nature of hitting people in front of the police
at the police station. What kind of nature is it? Even with Lin's influence, it is impossible to
just let it go. Moreover, Henry hit it, or A popular star's agent, including the other's lawyer,
was also present and took this scene into his eyes.
"Are you having enough trouble! Ah! Not making enough trouble!" Sylvia looked at Henry's
face and screamed.
Henry shook his head, "My wife, you don't understand."
"I don't understand, then you can let me understand!" Sylvia's anxious tears came out. If the
other party real y wants to investigate, Henry will have a long time. Time, spend in the big
Henry took a deep breath, nodded, pointed at the Prince's agent, and said to Director Wei:
"Director Wei is right, you now, watch her, if her mouth is a bit cheaper, I can't guarantee
that I will Do something that you dare not imagine. "
When the word" thing "fell, Henry suddenly punched the desk next to him. The solid wood
desk col apsed under Henry's fist.
The prince's agent, who was original y about to speak harshly, swallowed back to his
stomach when he was about to reach his mouth.
Director Wei's back is also cold sweat. This big man has such a powerful fighting force and
a scary background. He really wants to do something, and he really can't help it. By then,
the bad luck is himself.
Sylvia was also taken aback by Henry's action. She real y couldn't figure out what kind of
language it was to make Henry so angry.
"Wife, come with me, and I will introduce two old friends to you." Henry, who was stil
angry for a second, was gentle in his eyes when he cal ed out his wife.
Sylvia nodded subconsciously.
Henry took Sylvia to the corner of the police station. In front of the two young men wearing
women's clothing, these two young men looked very ordinary.
"Wife, let me tel you, this is Yu Haoyu, this is Yu Haoyuan, they are cousins."
"Brother Zhang, sister-in-law." The two young men sitting in the corner looked at Henry
with gratefulness, Say hel o to Chongsylvia.
"Hello." Sylvia nodded to the two of them, then looked at Henry with doubt.
Henry Yu Haoyu and Yu Haoyuan said, "Come on, take off your coat."
Listening to Henry's words, Sylvia was even more puzzled in his eyes, not understanding
what Henry was going to do.
Yu Haoyu and Yu Haoyuan glanced at each other and slowly took off their upper body
women's clothing.
When they took off their shirts, Sylvia's beautiful eyes gradually enlarged, including the
policemen in the police station, as well as Director Wei, all looking at the two in shock.
On Haoyu and Yu Haoyuan's bodies, there were dense scars, some scars, like centipedes,
intertwined on the two.
Director Wei slowly walked to the front of the Yu family brothers, careful y watching the
scars on the two of them, he slowly reached out his hand, just like touching the treasure,
The index finger is placed on Yu Haoyu's right chest.
"This is ... the gunshot wound left?"
Yu Haoyu flashed a lonely glance, nodded.
Director Wei looked at the two and fel into silence. An ordinary person, how could there be
so many scars on his body, let alone a gunshot wound!
"It's a bruise al over, it's a bad guy at a glance!" The prince's agent glanced at his mouth.
Henry turned his head and glared at the prince's agent, sneeringly: "Illegal social elements?
Yu Haoyu, Yu Haoyuan, you two told everyone aloud, where did you two get hurt!"
"Yes ... yes ... "" Yu Haoyu whispered, "Yes ..."
Henry shouted loudly: "Aloud! This is something you should be proud of! Tell everyone out
loud, where's it!"
Yu Haoyu's legs subconsciously close together, He lifted his chest and shouted: "It was left
after the war! The chest injury was left four years ago when he was fighting with a team of
mercenaries in the peacekeeping team and was left when he was hit by the
Steyr-Manlysha AUG automatic rifle. The shoulder injury was caused by a grenade
fragment hit. The abdominal injury was cut away by the Cobra saber. The arm injury was
hit by a grenade burst fragment during a rescue operation! "
Henry nodded, looking towards Yu Haoyuan, "It's your turn, say! How did you get the injury
on your body!"
"It's also from the war!"
old were you at that time!" "Nineteen!"
Yu Haoyuan replied, Let the police officers in the police station take a breath.
Nineteen! At the age of nineteen, he participated in such a brutal battle! Looking at myself,
what were you doing when you were nineteen?
Henry said loudly: "I will ask you two again, why should I put on a women's dress today!"
"Sacrifice Brother!" Yu Haoyu and Yu Haoyuan gave such an answer almost simultaneously.
Henry nodded, turned his head, and said to the police officers: "Four years ago, when I was
20 years old, I met their three brothers abroad. At that time, they knew that to save Chinese
citizens, they only had less than three. A squad of ten rushed into the nest of a drug lord
and killed and kil ed hundreds of mercenaries with live ammunition, and I happened to be
the one who was rescued. "
Henry did not say a word . Among those hostages.
Henry's words, I heard that these police officers were a little preoccupied, less than thirty
people, fighting with hundreds of mercenaries with live ammunition. This is not a child's
play, it is real y desperate!
At this moment, these police officers looked at Yu Haoyu and Yu Haoyuan with full
Henry paused and continued: "After the rescue operation, the number of survivors of the
peacekeeping team was only 13 people. That night, we cheered the wine. They were
originally three brothers, and there was a big brother named Yu Hao. Because we are both
from Yinzhou, we have too many common topics and talked a lot. The three brothers
agreed that if anyone died in battle, the other two would wear women's clothes on the
anniversary of each other's death day. In front of the mall, a dance is performed every year.
If two people die, one person will go to dance. If three people die, they will dance again in
the next life. Today, the two of them put on women's clothing and went to the largest mall
in Yinzhou. In front of the door, fulfill their promises. "
Yu Haoyu and Yu Haoyuan brothers, their eyes have turned red.
Henry smiled a bit , "In the morning, I saw them, what was the prince, and I saw them, the
prince's fans, and the two of them also saw them. Say, everyone here also knows what
happened, sissy, not male or female, shemales, spit out words from these people to attack
the people ’s heroes? I stil say that, I did n’t kill that one on the spot. What is the prince, as
long as he is already Laozi Renzhiyi! "In the last sentence, Henry almost shouted.
"Although Lao Tzu is not a good person, he definitely can't stand it anymore. A drama!
A line of his eyeliner! Wipe the powder! A drama with a bodyguard! Insult the national
Henry Zhang pointed at Yu Haoyu Brothers Both of them, his arms were shaking, "The
three brothers, who joined the army at the age of eighteen and stood at the frontline at the
age of nineteen, desperately! I'l ask you, people who insult them, should they fight!
Should they! "
Henry is roaring. When his roar falls, the whole police station is silent.
After a long silence, a voice rang out next to Henry, "It should be."
It was Sylvia, now Sylvia, there was no more anger at Henry in her heart. What she had was
just anger in her heart. Even, she wanted to be Henry Clap your hands!
At the same time, Sylvia's heart was also ful of deficiencies. He had just angered Henry
Zhangg so much and was so angry.
Henry took a deep breath and calmed his mood, LANXESS said: "Now, I want to get out of
the police station, if you want to catch me, just catch! If you want to sue me, go and sue, but
I'l put it here, Who dares to have any disrespect for the two of them, I will never let him go
easily, do you know! "
Henry's eyes firmly locked on the Prince's agent.
Under the eyes of Henry, the agent of the prince said nothing and dared not to say anything.
After Henry glanced around, he took Sylvia's smal hand and strode toward the police
Those police officers, look at me, I look at you, let Henry walk out of the police station, no
one has any action, can they catch Henry? The answer is yes, in any case, Henry hit people,
they have the power to catch, but do they want to catch? No one wants to. No one wants to
catch it. If possible, they want to take off this uniform, put on casual clothes, and beat the
Director Wei eased his emotions and walked to the prince ’s agent and said, "Ms. Wu,
according to Article 246 of our country, your actions have already constituted a crime of
insult. Arrest, and then transfer to the court for trial. You can keep silent, but every
sentence you say will become a testimony. "
Director Wei's voice fell, took out a handcuff, and put it on the wrist of the Prince's agent.
Immediately afterwards, Director Wei turned around and looked at the two Yu family
brothers. LANXESS said: "Everyone, stand upright!"
All the police officers stood together with their feet together at this moment.
Director Wei raised his breath and shouted, "Salute!"
At the same moment, everyone, all the two brothers, saluted at the same time.
Standing there, the Yu family brothers dressed in women's clothes, their eyes flushed, they
also gathered their legs together, lifted their chests and looked up, and returned a military
Henry and Sylvia leave the police station.
Upon seeing Henry appear, the fans of the princes in front of the police station rushed into
this place frantical y again, with unpleasant words in their mouths.
Sylvia willow frowned tightly.
Li Na ran out of the crowd for the first time and drove her car.
Henry and Sylvia sat in the car and left here.
In the car, Sylvia looked at Henry apologetically, "Husband, won't you be angry with me?"
" I'm angry with you? How angry are you?" Henry asked suspiciously.
Seeing Henry say this, Sylvia let go of a lifted heart. She was afraid that Henry was
dissatisfied with her performance. After knowing the cause and effect of the matter, Sylvia
could also feel the same. Popular.
Sylvia just started to answer Henry, the phone rang, his father Nelson Lin called.
"Sylvia, where are you and Henry? The elders are here, and you two are not here."
Lin Sylvia said on the phone and immediately arrived, tel ing Li Na to go to Xinkai Hotel.
Yinzhou is not big, there are only a few famous hotels, and these are the places for
In a intensive care unit of the People ’s Hospital of Yinzhou, a young man in his early
twenties appears to be lying on the bed. He draws his eyeliner and wears powder on his
face. If he wants to have long hair, it is definitely more than a woman. good looking.
Ten bodyguards were standing in the ward. Outside the ward, a group of young girls of al
ages were worried, afraid of what happened to their idol.
The young man lying in the ward is the artist Henry played today, becoming a popular
A pretty-looking woman is sitting by the bed, she is the prince's assistant.
The prince touched the bruise on his face, grinned his teeth for a while, and greeted his
assistant with angrily asked: "How is the matter handled, I have grown so big, I haven't
been so angry!"
Assistant Wang replied : "Sister Wu has already dealt with this matter, and we have also
made developments. Now many people are condemning the beaters, and they will
definitely solve it in the shortest time. During this time, you don't want to show up. We Ask
for as much compensation as possible. By the way, in this name, stir up the heat again. "
" Okay. "The prince nodded with satisfaction, walked down from the bed, and walked to the
window of the ward. He could see the hospital downstairs through the window. The scene
at the gate, at this moment, a large group of people are surrounding the entrance of the
hospital, holding in his hand, it is written that the prince wants to be strong, prince we will
always love you such a sign.
There was a smile on the corner of the prince's lips, "Thanks to so many brains to help me
build momentum, so let's write a dynamic in my own name, write, life is not easy, we al
have to be strong, by the way, take a photo and take me The wound on the face was a little
obvious, or healed in two days. "
" Okay. "
Assistant Wang took out his phone, took a picture as the prince said, and sent a message on
the social forum. The news was short. Within a minute, there were nearly a thousand
"Oh my god, it hurts our prince like this!"
"Do you know how hard our prince works? He did it because he was jealous of our prince."
"Our prince wins glory for the country, and his records have been sent abroad. People's
heroes, hurt our people's heroes, at least sentenced to death! "
One after another incredible comment appeared on social forums.
The popularity of the prince himself has also grown rapidly, and soon made headlines on
major websites.
Just as Assistant Prince still thought about how to market this, the door of the ward was
kicked open.
The ten bodyguards in the room all locked their eyes on the door of the ward in an instant.
Seeing that, rushing into the ward is a team of fully equipped policemen, led by Director
Wei personal y.
"Insulting our people's heroes, al arrested with the crime of insulting!"
Director Wei ordered that the police did not hesitate and seized the prince and his
assistant, as well as ten bodyguards.
"Take it away!" Director Wei waved his hand, and looked at the prince very uncomfortably.
As a law enforcer, Director Wei knew that there are many things that ordinary people
cannot know about the security of this society. The cruelty of war is also unimaginable to
many people.
There has never been a good time, but someone has to move forward with weight.
However, those who silently pay are insulted by people. This kind of thing, all Chinese
citizens will be angry! Not to mention Director Wei, who is an enforcer.
The two policemen buckled the prince, and the prince broke free, but his thin arms and thin
legs, how could he be the opponent of the police, was completely useless.
The prince shouted: "Do you know who I am, dare to catch me!"
"Of course I know, it is you who is caught, take away!" Director Wei snorted and walked out
of the ward first.
The fans surrounded by the wards looked excited when they saw the prince being tortured
by the police.
"Why catch our prince!"
"Our prince is a national hero, you are not qualified to catch him!" In the face of such a
voice, Director Wei deafened and took the prince to the police car and took him back to the
police station.
In the police station, the girl who had slapped Li Na before was taking notes.
The girl ’s parents were also summoned to the police station. When she knew that her
daughter had beaten someone at the door of the police station, the girl ’s parents were pale
and scared.
The police told the girls ’parents that their daughters had violated the social security
regulations and deliberately made troubles, and if they were held accountable, they would
be detained.
Upon hearing this, the parents of the girls all panicked, and they begged their children
while pleading with the police.
"Let you chase the stars less, chase the stars less! What's the use of those celebrities!
You are stil beating people! Can you beat someone, can the star you like help you! Ah!"
The tears of the girls' parents came out, who can watch Not being impressed by the
detention of his child, let alone a 16-year-old girl!
At the door of the police station, there was also a riot.
The prince with a handsome face and eyeliners was put in by the police.
"It's a prince! A prince!" The beating girl looked excitedly at the door of the police station,
even ignoring that she was still writing notes, and ran towards the prince with excitement
in her eyes, "Prince, great, I I finally saw a real person, and I am too lucky, I beat someone
for you, they will detain me, can you rescue me? "
Director Wei changed his face, and asked the prince severely," You still suspected of
abetting trouble! "
prince frowned and shook his head, disgusted with eyes that looked at the girls," I do not
know her, or how she beat, and I had nothing to do. "
a little relations Nothing. I took this girl for a moment and looked at the back of the prince
being taken away. The girl's heart began to regret. Is this my favorite idol? This is my love
about the police taking the prince away, and soon it was fried on the social forum.
Fans of countless princes started the official account of @ prince and some netizens who
did not know the truth also began to pay attention to this matter. Soon, this matter was
very hot.
There are even a large number of prince fans, not only using their own social accounts, but
also creating countless trumpets themselves to exert pressure on the official Yinzhou from
the Internet.
Question the Yinzhou police, why not arrest the beating person, but the prince instead.
In this case, Director Wei's phone call was almost smashed by his superior, and he was
asked how he handled it.
Faced with multiple questions, Director Wei replied that he would give everyone a
reasonable explanation.
When this matter reached its top, the official of the Yinzhou Police Department finally
spoke on the social forum. They only sent two photos. One of these two photos is a prince's
dress and his mouth is grinning. Taking a selfie with a fist, the remaining one is a picture of
Yu Haoyu and Yu Haoyuan brothers standing in front of the mal in women's clothing.
As soon as this photo was sent out, the following was full of comments.
"I said that your Yinzhou police is sick of the brain, who are these crooked melons! Put
them with our prince, do they deserve it!"
"Our prince is sexy and beautiful, these two are long It's disgusting to wear women's
clothes like this. "
" I really want to see our princes wear women's clothes. It must be beautiful. I don't know
when this kind of welfare will happen. "
" The prince is so handsome. Those two are disgusting! "
Shemale, dead perverted, disgusting, disgusting! Or our prince is handsome!"
"Your prince is handsome, are you an egg, a big old man, every day gurgling, Mr. Bruce Lee
used his strength to prove that we are not East Asian sick men, It was ruined by this kind of
dumb-selling goods. "A netizen couldn't stand it anymore and spoke out.
As soon as this comment was sent, hundreds of likes were accumulated. Of course, some
people responded to him later.
"Who is Bruce Lee, I don't know, our prince is the best!"
"Our prince will be kung fu!"
At the time when a scolding battle is about to start on the Internet, the Yinzhou police sent
out two more photos.
The first one is still the prince, but the upper body is undressed, the lean upper body, the
ribs can be seen clearly, and the skin is very white and tender.
"Wow! The skin of our prince is also very good, so envious, I really want to know how the
prince cares."
Another picture is from the brother of Yu's family. Fair-skinned, they are dark and rough,
with bruises al over their bodies.
"These two ugliness are disgusting. The pits on them, together with the picture of our
prince, is an insult to our prince!"
"That is, it's too ugly."
"It's hurt everywhere, it's ugly to die."
One Piles of ridiculous comments, so that netizens can no longer see.
"You know a hammer. The injury on the man is the most attractive place."
After another five minutes, the Yinzhou police issued another news. This time, the news
was not a picture but a line of text.
Analysis! About the prince's maintenance tips: sk-iisk2 fairy water with skii skin care
essence, plus facial essence set to hydrate and repair a set, can make the skin fair and shiny!
Analysis! About the secret of the other two injuries: serving at the age of 18, joining the
peacekeeping team at the age of 19, and performing missions in the most dangerous places
in the world. Just when the prince uses the fairy water to maintain, they pick up the knife
and fight with the gangsters. When the prince uses skin care essence, they rush to the front
line. Just when the prince replenishes with facial essence, they soak their body with sweat,
defend their dignity with blood, and protect the country with life!
The news was sent out, and the original attention-grabbing development, within a minute,
without any comment, fel into a strange calm.
A minute later, under the news of the Yinzhou police, words like Qi Qi's admiration and
salute appeared.
"It's ridiculous, how can there be war now! Don't you blow it up?" A prince fan commented.
"It is true that there is no war, who is fighting, who is cheating!"
"You don't know, it doesn't mean not!"
"Yes, you live in China and live in the most stable country in the world. Of course you won't
feel it."
"Yes, I have lived abroad, and the public security is not as good at home, and I have seen
some wars started. The peacekeepers are al heroes!"
"I want to know, what happened? The prince was beaten, arrested, What is the connection
with these two heroes? "Someone asked.
After a few more minutes, the Yinzhou police issued a new post, this time a long story,
about why the family brother would appear at the entrance of the mal wearing a women's
dress, telling the prince that these two men are not male or female, and made fun Narrated
from beginning to end.
The netizens were furious when they saw that the Yu brothers did this in honor of the
brother they sacrificed, but the prince joked that he was neither male nor female.
The Yinzhou police did not announce the name of Henry, but only made a mouthful,
"The enthusiastic citizen Mr. Zhang could not tolerate such a public insult to the hero by the
artist prince. People, guilty of insults, will be handed over to the court for trial. About Mr.
Zhang, it is considered to be justice, spread positive energy, and will not be punished. "
As soon as this development came out, there was a sound of applause.
"This Mr. Zhang has done a good job, and I support him!"
"Yes, this is to protect the reputation of our people's heroes. If this is to be punished, we
absolutely cannot stand it!"
"Mr. Zhang is kind!"
Those fans of the prince, who knew that the prince was going to be transferred to the court,
showed an unacceptable attitude.
"Why, the mouth is long on ourselves, what do we want to say, can anyone else control it?
Why should we catch our prince!"
Several dynamic silver state polices issued consecutively, and the silence was restored
again. This matter has been completely resolved. By the way, after such a big trouble, even
if the prince has even greater influence, how can he surpass those silently dedicated heroes,
only a few people who are brainless to chase stars, most people are still very reasonable.
Henry, who was sitting in the car and headed to the Xinkai Hotel, didn't know that he had
been praised online for flowers. He didn't care much about this.
It was Li Na. While waiting for the traffic lights, she took a look at her mobile phone.
When she saw the applause on the Internet, Li Na excitedly said to Sylvia : "Mr. Lin, look at
the social forum. Mr. Zhang is already famous. ! "
Li Na handed her mobile phone to Sylvia .
Sylvia looked at the comments displayed on the screen. Those who applauded and those
who praised Henry couldn't help but a smile appeared on her face. Her husband was so
praised by others. Sultan.
outside Xinkai Hotel ’s largest box, the hotel manager stands at the door and acts as a
waiter. The teapot in the pantry is always fil ed with water, just because Inside this box is
the most influential person in the entire Yinzhou business district, Mr. Lin.
The hotel manager understands that even the boss of his own family would be polite to see
the old man Lin.
"Senior man, my son doesn't understand the rules. I respect you and treat my
unsatisfactory son and compensate you." Fiona stood at the dinner table and raised the
wine glass in his hand.
At the dinner table, there were not only Lin Lin and Nelson Lin, but also some other older
entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs were specially invited by Fiona. Although
everyone has withdrawn from the business circle, their influence is still there. It is difficult
to see the status of the Zheng family in the Yinzhou business district.
At that time, Grandpa Zheng and Grandpa Lin were the best friends, but Grandpa Lin is still
alive, and the older generation of the Zheng family are no longer there.
Mr. Lin raised his glass and chuckled: "Young people, it is inevitable that the two of us are
also old friends. If anything, just open it."
"Haha, Lao Lin, you are this year old It ’s bigger, people are more atmospheric. ”An older
man said.
"I think when we were young, in the business field, who didn't trip the other party, this
Yinzhou is so big, we are old, we are not sitting at a table and drinking."
"Yes, in the end, They are al friends, misunderstanding this thing, if you can let it go, let it
go. From Feng, Lao Lin is not a stingy person, you go back and let your son come out, back
up the gift, go to the Lin family to apologize, and the matter will pass "
Some older people are speaking, and the meaning in the words is also very obvious.
When Fiona invited them to come, he also gave the specific situation. These people
obviously helped Fiona by speaking. of.
Master Lin took a sip of the wine in the glass and said to Nelson Lin: "Jianyu, wait for the
girl from Sylvia to come and say to her, Sam ’s child, how can we be regarded as grown up,
just Some minor misunderstandings, young people ’s struggles, it ’s okay . ” Nelson Lin
nodded, “ Got it, Dad. ”As
he said, the box door opened, and Sylvia took Henry ’s arm into the box.
"The girl Sylvia is really getting longer and more beautiful. No wonder Cong Feng's son is
crazy for her. If I were to be a few decades younger, I might do something confusing."
A gray-haired woman The old man laughed.
"Sylvia, I heard that you and the Zheng family were a little misunderstood. This is because
Fengdu personally offered wine to thank him, even if it doesn't matter."
Sylvia glanced around and saw that all of them are elders, actually After she knew
yesterday that Fiona had invited grandpa to dinner, she also thought about today.
Nelson Lin opening: "Sylvia ah, your grandfather also say, it's all a misunderstanding, do
not care about."
Sylvia smiled, "Since elders are opening up, since when the Sylvia listened."
"Sylvia, I I apologize for Xiao Chu and respect you. "Fiona walked aside, picked up a glass of
red wine, and handed it to Sylvia .
Nelson Lin's face changed and said, "Sylvia, this is unbearable. What Cong Feng said is also
your elders."
"Yes, Cong Feng, young people's affairs, young people's solutions, when your family comes
out today, Xiao Chu , Let him compensate Sylvia well. "An old man said.
Fiona shook his head with a smile, "Uncles, this child is not well educated, and has a direct
relationship with me as a mother. This glass of wine, I must be respected."
"Congfeng You are real y a good mother. "
" Yes, Sylvia, in this case, you take the wine and drink it first. "
Seeing so many elders talking, Sylvia had nothing to say and took the wine glass. Dao:
"Aunt Wang, the two of us are friends of the world. I will dry this glass of wine first, and al
misunderstandings will be lifted."
Sylvia put the glass on his mouth.
Looking at Sylvia 's movements, Fiona unnaturally sneered, as long as Sylvia drank this
glass of wine, let alone his son is okay, this Lin's, will have to become his own, look at this
surname Lin is asking for money Stil dead!
Just when Sylvia 's red lips were about to touch the cup.
"Slow down!" Henry suddenly uttered a voice, making Sylvia 's movement subconscious.
Henry lightly stopped Sylvia to make the wine glass slightly away from Sylvia 's mouth.
Fiona's face changed faintly, and then a smile appeared, "Does Mr. Zhang still think that my
Fiona is not sincere enough?"
"This is Sylvia's husband, is a talent."
"However, the junior, what does Feng Cong say? Your elders, put down your body and
apologize to you. You do this, but it is a bit inappropriate. "An old man gave Henry a
dissatisfied look.
"Lao Lin, your grandson-in-law, usual y teaches a lot. We, China, value the most respectful
etiquette. The decisions made by this elder can be changed by a younger generation."
"Yes, my grandson-in-law, absolutely not Dare to intervene when I make a decision! "
These people listened to Fiona before they came. The Lin family was looking for a sonin-
law who treats the son-in-law, so these people are naturally less polite.
"Her husband and grandpa have spoken, and I drank this glass of wine." Sylvia said, to raise
the glass again, she glared at Henrylian, meaning Henry not to make grandpa angry.
What Sylvia did n’t know was that, even if he was angry, Mr. Lin could not be angry with
Henry. People would compare at every stage. Than work, with children, than children.
At the age of Mr. Lin, everyone usual y chats, not how they are doing, but how their juniors
are. The better their juniors are, the brighter their faces will be.
Grandpa Lin has praised their grandson-in-law more than once. What are the returnees,
doctors, and talents in culture? Grandpa Lin is not envious of these, because he knows that
no matter how good these people are, they ca n’t compare to their grandson-in-law.
But those who claim to be living kings!
In the past, Song Lin, an old friend of Mr. Lin, told him about the status of this live king in
the upper class. Someone invested 1 billion yuan to ask the live king to take action.
The live king did n’t even look at the man and said no Save, don't save!
Henry shook his head with a smile, and took the wine glass from Sylvia 's hand. "That, Aunt
Wang, everyone also said, you are an elder, how can you respect our sake, like this ..."
Henry While talking, hand the wine glass in front of Fiona, "This glass is our respect, my
wife, you can fil me another glass."
Fiona looked at the wine glass handed by Henry in front of him, his face kept changing, but
in this cup, there were guts!
"No, I still respect you. I'll pour another glass myself." Fiona pushed away the glass from
"Why?" Henry smiled, "Aunt Wang, if you don't drink this glass, you can't succeed.
What's wrong with this wine?"
Henry's words made Fiona's heart subconscious and she forced him With a smiley face,
"How come, what can be in this wine?"
"Wel , I thought there would be bugs or something in it." Henry said deliberately, "Since
there isn't, Aunt Wang don't quit Now, my wife, has my wine been poured? This
misunderstanding is too much this time, and I also have to pay respect to Aunt Wang. "
Henry took the wine glass delivered by Sylvia , and then forcibly stuffed the previous glass.
In Fiona's hands.
Fiona was holding this glass of wine with a hid, and her face was embarrassed. She leaned
over and stared at an old man repeatedly.
"Junior! You did this a bit too much, the wine was poured from Feng to you, and you will
return it again, but it is not appropriate, so, Sylvia girl, you take the glass of wine in your
aunt's hand, and Your husband, give your aunt Wang one together, "said the old man.
Henry turned his head violently, looking at the person who said, "Old stuff, shut your
Henry's sudden attitude made the people in the box stunned. No one expected that Henry
would suddenly Say something like this.
"Husband!" Sylvia pul ed Henry's shirt.
"Henry, you are a little too much." Nelson Lin said in a blame. The old man Henry scolded,
even if he saw him, was politely called Uncle.
The rest of the generations with Mr. Lin also blamed.
"Lao Lin, your granddaughter-in-law, don't understand etiquette."
"You have to educate and educate a little son-in-law, don't give him too much face."
The old man who was scolded by Henry got angry, "Junior , Do you know who you are
talking to! "
" Oh. "Henry smiled contemptuously," I don't know who you are, and I'm not interested in
knowing, I just want to know how much benefit Fiona has given you to let you Help her so
much! "
Fiona's face changed suddenly again," surnamed Zhang, I don't know what you're talking
about? "
" I don't know? "Henry raised his eyebrows and shot with lightning, directly stuck Fiona's
throat. If you know it, give me this glass of wine in your hand! ”
Fiona was stuck in Henry ’s neck and could n’t break away. She squinted at the glass in her
hand, her heart was ruthless, and she threw the glass down on the ground. , Even if this Gu
can't help, never drink it by yourself.
As soon as Fiona's idea came out, he raised his hand and found that his hand was empty,
and the wine glass originally held in her hand returned to Henry's hand.
Henry loosened Fiona, took the wine glass with the worms, and walked to the old man who
had just spoken for Fiona. "If she doesn't drink, or you drink?" The old man glanced at the
glass in Henry's hand. There was a trace of fear in his eyes, but he knew what was in the
"I ... I don't drink." The old man waved his hand.
Henry sneered: "Old things, things you don't dare to drink, let my wife drink?"
Nelson Lin frowned, "Henry, what the hel is going on, is there something wrong with this
glass of wine?"
"Of course there is." Henry nodded and raised his glass. , Tilt the mouth of the cup, the wine
in the cup slowly flows out of the cup and spills on the ground.
As the red wine in the glass slowly poured out, a red maggot appeared in the glass. The
maggot's peristaltic appearance made everyone see a burst of nausea.
Fiona's face became extremely ugly. She couldn't understand how Henry knew about it!
Including the old man, his face was also unsightly ugly.
Henry pulled the maggot out of the cup and shouted, "You think that this surnamed Wang
really feels wrong? What happens when this maggot eats his stomach, I don't think anyone
wants to try it. "
After the initial stunned spirit, Nelson Lin slammed it on the table, stood up, and scolded:"
The surname Wang, what do you want him to do! "Mr.
Lin's face also completely darkened, he Unexpectedly, Fiona actually played such a trick
with himself and wanted to poison his granddaughter. With her hands, she could make the
Lin family prosperous!
The rest of the elders invited by Fiona also looked at me, and I looked at you, speechless.
Fiona's face was pale. "Last name is Zhang. I don't understand what you are doing. I have
never seen this bug?"
"Is it?" Henry grinned. He walked to Fiona's seat and took it Fiona's shoulder bag, unzip it,
pour all the contents out.
A slap-sized tambourine was poured out of Fiona's bag. Henry took the tambourine and
patted it lightly. The red maggots secreted a pile of black liquid in front of everyone.
"Fiona, you tambourine, don't you know what's going on?" Henry looked at Fiona playfully.
Now anyone can see that this maggot is definitely related to Fiona.
"I ... I ..." Fiona shook his head, looked at the direction of the door of the box, took a deep
breath, turned his head and ran towards the door of the box.
Henry knew her movements for the first time. She didn't keep her hands. She kicked Fiona
to the ground and broke Fiona's thoughts of running away.
Henry pinched the maggot and walked to the old man who cooperated with Fiona, "Say,
what benefits did Fiona give you! Otherwise, I will verify the effect of this maggot on the
The old man was scared. His face was white, and he shuddered: "I said, I said, Fiona told me
that as long as I put this in the mouth of others, she can control others. She said
... she said that the Lin family came to Sylvia's generation. , A single pass, as long as she is
controlled, the Lin family is also at your fingertips, and then you can divide one-third of my
Lin family's shares. "
" One-third? "Henry raised an eyebrow and looked at Fiona," Wang Wang's You are very
generous, but you reminded me to use this control person, since this is the case ...
Henry strode to Fiona, squeezed Fiona's mouth, and put the maggot in Fiona's mouth, As
soon as the maggots entered, they darted into Fiona's stomach, and Fiona's eyes appeared
as dead ashes.

Henry Zhang shook his hand, walked aside, picked up the tambourine, and patted it lightly.
Just two seconds after Henry patted the tambourine, Fiona yelled in pain, his face twisted,
his hands covered his abdomen, and he rol ed in pain.
"Huh? Quite interesting?" Henry's face showed great interest, and he patted the tambourine
"Ah!" Fiona gave another painful roar, his voice became hoarse, and it could be seen that
her forehead was covered with dense sweat beads, and the blue muscles on her arm burst
out, which was extremely painful.
The people in the box saw some fear on Fiona's face.
Lin Nelson Lin Father and fearful at the same time, the more it is anger, it is something that
can make people extremely painful, if Sylvia is down to him, that the Lin family, really by
Wang Cong Feng said forget it!
"Please ... Please ... please stop knocking ... "Fiona's hair was wet with sweat, and the
strands were scattered on the forehead. Her face was pale and her breath was weak, and
her eyes were fil ed with prayers.
The severe pain from the internal organs made her wish to cut her stomach open and cut
off her stomach.
Henry smiled and asked, "Fiona, I heard that you plan to give me all the shares of Zheng in
your hand, are you?"
"I ..." Fiona opened his mouth, and there was a little hesitation in her eyes. , But there are
20% of Zheng's shares, that is more than one bil ion! Say goodbye to give away, who can do
Henry shot the tambourine three times in a row, and Fiona yelled again in pain.
After waiting for a minute, Fiona, who was rol ing all over the floor, stopped. She gasped,
there was no blood on her face, and the whole person looked extremely haggard.
"Don't ... don't knock, I ... I agree." Fiona waved his hands weakly.
"Tomorrow afternoon, I want to see your contract for the free transfer of shares, and I will
col ect the drum first." Henryyang raised the snare drum in his hand.
Fiona nodded again and again, the kind of pain, as if someone screwed al his internal
organs together, could not be described at al .
The people in the box, you look at me, I look at you, and then look at Fiona's eyes, al with a
kind of sorrow, want to harm others, but in the end, they hurt themselves.
The old man who joined forces with Fiona and wanted to harm Sylvia couldn't say a word
at this time.
Fiona got up from the ground, stood aside in awe, shy from speaking.
"Why are you standing there, waiting for me to ask you to leave?" Henry glanced at Fiona
Hearing this, Fiona didn't even say hello and ran out of the box.
This compensatory feast was also unhappy, and those who were invited by Fiona all said
apologetically, and in the blink of an eye, only Sylvia 's family was left in the box.
"Henry, thanks to you this time, I didn't expect that the daughter-in-law of the Zheng family
was so malicious. If it weren't for you, Sylvia would be in danger this time." Mr.
Lin sighed.
Nelson Lin also said: "Henry, Dad apologizes for what you said just now."
"Dad, all of you are a family, but you are a little too out of this. Sylvia is my wife, I will
definitely not let others hurt Hers. "Henry pulled Sylvia 's little hand, his eyes full of love.
Sylvia was blushed by Henry, and his small hand wanted to break free from Henry's hand,
but was caught by Henry.
Lin laughed loudly, "Haha, you young people, we don't understand these old things.
Now, I just want to hug my grandson, the old guys all over the world, It ’s not enviable for
me, Sylvia, you have to take the initiative. Grandpa, I ca n’t wait for many years. ”
Sylvia ’s pretty face, reddish even more, she subconsciously looked at Henry and found
Henryzheng Blinking constantly.
"Rogue!" Sylvia snorted and rolled his eyes at Henry, not to look at him.
Outside the Xinkai Hotel, Fiona called the old man that night as soon as he left the hotel.
"Mr. Han, if you eat the grub, how can you take it out?"
"You can't take it out. This kind of grub will latent in the human body for two to three
months. After the time expires, it will be corroded by gastric juice. It's impossible to take it
out, so rest assured. "Mr. Han said confidently on the phone.
When Fiona heard this, his heart sank suddenly. After hanging up Mr. Han ’s phone, he
contacted the hospital again and asked him to have the operation as soon as possible.
He really wanted to give Henry more than one billion. Suffering that kind of pain al the
time, she couldn't bear it either.
On the other side, the old man who collaborated with Fiona to harm Sylvia was picked up
by an unlicensed Buick commercial vehicle as soon as he left the hotel. The old man looked
at the man in the car with a grimace mask in horror.
"You ... who are you!"
"The dead don't need to know too much." The
Buick business car drove all the way to the suburbs.
Xinkai Hotel, Henry and Sylvia appeared at the hotel gate.
"By the way, have you done anything in these two days?" Sylvia looked at Henry and asked.
"Nothing, what's wrong?" Henry asked curiously.
Sylvia nodded, "That's al right. In the past two days, Ningxing Human Resources will engage
in a large-scale job fair to deliver a lot of talents to civilian enterprises in Ningxia. Did n’t
you evaluate it very high in the talent center last time? Help me to recruit some people.
Many of the people recruited by the personnel department have only academic
qualifications and no skil s. You can help me check. "
" No problem. "Henry compared OK gestures.
When Henry participated in the job fair, Sylvia was relieved. Based on the evaluation
results of Henry ’s various assessments with a minimum of tens of millions, there was no
problem in checking the personnel department.
The job fair was held yesterday. After Henry agreed, he did n’t waste much time. After
asking the location of the job fair, he hurried there.
Sylvia made a phone call to Li Na to let Li Na notify the personnel of the personnel
department that everyone tried to cooperate with Henry's work.
Yinzhou Convention and Exhibition Center, usually some large-scale exhibitions in Yinzhou,
such as auto shows, house exhibitions, painting exhibitions, etc., will be held here. This
time, large recruitment fairs throughout Ning province will also be here.
Yinzhou has vigorously developed in the past two years, and it has also lost a lot of energy
on this job fair.
The entire exhibition center is divided into several halls. There are more than 200
enterprises alone, covering various fields. Among them, the most concerned, there are two
enterprises in total, one is the leading enterprise in Yinzhou, Lin.
The other is a large company that has recently emerged in Yinzhou, Zhao.
As soon as the Zhao Group appeared, it shouted the name of tens of billions of market
value, surpassed Zhou's and became Lin's biggest competitor.
In the past half a month, there have been many open battles between the Zhao Group and
the Lin Group, which have sprung up.
The emergence of the Zhao Group was unexpected by many people. The registered capital
of this group has reached 8 billion, backed by a mysterious consortium. From the first day
of its establishment, hundreds of elites were transferred from other places To keep the
company running, it has won many orders.
The original Lin ’s market share in Yinzhou reached about 48%. The emergence of the Zhao
Group has caused the Lin ’s share to drop by 13%, but only by Thirty-five is still in his
The Zhao Group ’s current market share in Yinzhou has reached 25%, which is only 10%
lower than that of Lin.
You know, this is the result of Zhao Group only half a month.
In normal business negotiations, Lin and Zhao will fight.
In the bidding competition, Zhao is also Lin's strongest opponent.
In this job fair, Lin and Zhao are also competing for talents.
Lin's and Zhao's are divided into one exhibition hal . Each exhibition hall has more than ten
booths. Some small businesses will gather in small groups in groups of three or five.
For 800,000, a company must not be able to afford it. All the many companies will unite and
pay together. If you can find useful talents, the money will be worth the cost.
Lin and Zhao have a booth. The name of their company is hung there by gold stamping.
The booth is ful of corporate culture and the need for talents.
At the booth, Lin's personnel department was in a hurry at the moment.
"How is it? The ones with the most potential this time have al been signed?"
"Not yet, the treatment proposed by Zhao's is at least one level higher than us. This is
intentionally directed against us."
"They just want to live with us!" During
a heated discussion among a group of people in the business department, Manager Chen of
the personnel department came over.
"Okay, you have to talk slowly, just received the news, and when President Lin's husband is
coming, Mr. Zhang is responsible for this recruitment, all of us will help him."
Manager Chen said to everyone. .
Manager Chen's words surprised everyone.
"What? I'm always the husband to come?"
"What's he do? He knows recruit you?"
"Please Mr. Chen, that we have enough of a mess, and people do not bother to add to the
trouble okay."
Burst There are many complaints. Who does n’t know, how many of these people who
entered the company by nepotism have real skills? Before that Richard, sitting in such an
important position in the company, in addition to eating, drinking and having fun every
day, was to cause confusion to others.
Although Henry hadn't been in contact with them before, they just thought about it and
thought about it.
Chen Chen, the personnel department, did n’t know what everyone thought. This Henry,
who he had contacted before, asked himself for a security position on the first day of work.
As you can see, this is definitely an arrogant and unscrupulous person. He came here. If it
didn't matter if everything was okay, everyone would listen to him.
This matter was arranged by President Lin. Manager Chen would n’t dare to say anything
anymore. Now he only hopes that Henry is a reasonable person.
"But this mystery, the last time the building caught fire, he saved Mr. Lin from death,
shouldn't it be an excessive person?"
"Oh, if my wife is a company boss with a market value of 10 billion, I Don't save your life,
come here today, he must be able to help, count me! "
" Yeah, if I want me to play life, you look at us every day, aren't we al playing to make
money? Ten billion, everyone plays! "
The staff of the personnel department al showed an angry expression.
"Okay, just say a few words, and wait for someone to come, maybe you won't be able to stay
for a while and then go away." Manager Chen comforted.
"When he is gone, it is too late, and now the rest of the people had a few, and that time does
not move the Master, not buckle his salary, we still have to feed the whole family too!"
"Is ! " "
you stupid ah, now scattered al , and so he came to say that everyone is busy, he always cal
ed you can not put it back! go go, go have shed. "Chen waved .
The employees did not hesitate to hear it.
"Walk around, slip first."
"Let's go."
A group of people left the stage in pairs. Soon, the Lin's recruiting position, except for a few
people in class, disappeared.
At 2:30 in the afternoon, Henry slowly reached the exhibition center.
It can be said that there are crowds of people inside and outside the Convention and
Exhibition Center. At present, per capita employment pressure is high. One of the five
people has no job. Of the remaining four, one with good treatment and the remaining three
are vacillating.
This recruitment, not only people who have no job come to take the opportunity, some
people who have a job also special y took leave to see if they can find a job with a higher
Henry came to the exhibition center, glanced at the thumbnail, and found Lin's booth.
When he came to Lin's booth, the booth was already full of job seekers, and all of them
submitted their resumes. Whoever passed the resumes can participate in the next
For most job applicants, Lin chooses them. Only a small number of elites choose them.
Now Lin's, it is precisely this elite.
Manager Chen had been waiting in front of the booth for a long time. When he saw Henry,
Manager Chen greeted him for the first time.
"Mr. Zhang, you are here." Manager Chen looked at Henry. He and Henry had seen it before.
Looking at Henry, a cheap casual wear, he could not accept it at all. This is Mr.
Lin's husband. The husband of 100 mil ion CEOs.
Henry nodded, looked on the stage, frowned and asked: "This crowded person is a bit too
much, if I remember correctly, this time your personnel department came with twenty-
three people, and the work efficiency is not so bad. Right? "
Manager Chen smiled embarrassedly, he wouldn't crowd so many people, but just knew
that Henry was coming, everyone was dispersed, and the efficiency of doing things
naturally decreased.
"It's Mr. Zhang. This time, we have a few high-quality goals, but we haven't won it yet, so
everyone is out." Manager Chen explained.
"Go out? Let al come back. The things in front of your door are not handled well. What are
you running around!" Henry blamed.
Manager Chen is a little embarrassed, "but those high-quality talents ..."
Henry glanced at Manager Chen and said lightly: "Here I said."
at 2:45 in the afternoon, al the employees who had original y dispersed from the personnel
department returned to the booth, but everyone had an angry look on their faces. They
really didn't want to come back, but Manager Chen told them that the person said, if anyone
is not in place within fifteen minutes, submit a letter of resignation by yourself.
All of Lin ’s employees were forced to return, and everyone was ful of resentment.
Henry was sitting in the lounge at the back of the booth. Through the huge glass window,
he could see everything happening on the booth. He made a cup of tea and drank leisurely.
The staff of the personnel department next to him looked at him like this, and shook his
head in disappointment.
Soon, the people who came to apply for jobs on the Lin's booth slowly dispersed, and
everyone's profiles were included, waiting for the next notice.
Henry's eyes looked at a girl with long legs and thin waists. The girl stood in the crowd and
stood out because of her beautiful appearance and an unmatched temperament.
"Call her." Henry stretched his finger at the girl and told Manager Chen.
This girl, the staff of Lin's Personnel Department also noticed that the appearance is indeed
good, but the education is too low, just graduated from col ege, no work experience, but it
has been self-employed for several years, and finally lost.
When I heard that Henry wanted to call other girls over, everyone showed a look of
contempt. This was also the same thing as Richard. He had nothing to do, but the girl had a
hand to blame. .
Soon, Manager Chen called the beautiful girl specifical y.
Those who apply for jobs with girls also show what they had expected. Now, in a society
where the unspoken rules are all put on the bright side, beautiful women are always
At the same time, the resume of the girl was also placed in front of Henry.
On a simple table, Henry sat at the table, drinking tea, looking at the girl's resume, the girl
was standing in front of Henry, wearing a long red dress.
"Rui Si? This surname is quite rare. Twenty-six years old, graduated from junior college,
and started his own business for eight years. Please introduce yourself." Henry put his
resume on the table and looked at Rui Si.
Rui Si smiled slightly, "Hello, examiner, my name is Rui Si, I am ..."
"Stop." Henry made a forbidden gesture, "Forgot to tell you, I want to introduce myself, not
that kind of general Things, do not want to listen to your good words, you only need to tell
me three points, first, your advantages, second, your disadvantages, and third, your views
on Lin. "
Rui Si stunned slightly, and then pondered For a moment, "I'm sorry, I can't do this kind of
Henry smiled slightly, and seemed to have expected Rui Si to answer this way. He asked:
"I can only say that I am against Lin at the first point. In my opinion, the second point is
about my disadvantages, and my advantages should be put to the end. "Rui Si gave such an
This way of answering, in the eyes of others, has a feeling of dead brains, it is nothing more
than three points, which points are the same as before.
But in Henry's eyes, it was completely different.
"Very good, you were accepted." Henry took out his phone and looked at the time. "At five
thirty, you come here, and I will talk to you about the salary."
Henry's words made Rui Si look at him. Liang, if you look closely, you will find that Rui Si's
eyes actually have an appreciative glance. Yes, a job applicant with her junior col ege
degree examines Lin's examiner with an appreciative glance. Unusual thing.
Rui Sihong reached out to Henry, "You are very special, and hope that we can cooperate
Rui Si expresses a different meaning in the four words of happy cooperation.
"I hope so too." Henry smiled and gently shook Rui Si's catkins.
Looking at the person next to him, Henry told the other party that he was admitted so
easily. Where is this recruiting staff? Obviously it is right to recruit Xiaosan for yourself!
"I knew that this kind of people would only add to the chaos for us. When he finished
playing, he said he would leave, leaving a mess to clean up for us."
"That's right."
"Hey, who makes people have more power."
Employees of the personnel department whispered.
Seeing Rui Si was so easy to apply for. A woman of the same beauty, Mao Sui came to
recommend herself, and threw a brow at Henry.
When Linda spoke, she deliberately opened the neck a little more, which was really
fascinating to explore.
Henry glanced at this Linda, "Look for work and follow the process."
Linda heard this and saw Henry's somewhat indifferent attitude. She rol ed her eyes and
turned away, and at the same time, she made a sound, "What a big Tail wolf! "
Linda's resume was just rejected by Lin.
Linda's words were unanimously approved by the staff of the personnel department.
They also believed that Henry was loading garlic, and a beautiful woman had just been
recruited just now, and now she was acting as a gentleman.
After a while, a young man in a suit and with an inch on his head, carrying a briefcase, came
to Lin's booth.
As soon as this young man appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of many
personnel personnel. They still remember that this person was one of the few high-quality
Several people immediately ran to the booth to welcome the young man to the lounge.
As soon as the young man entered the lounge, he shouted, "I won't go around with you
anymore. The Zhao family next to me gave me an annual salary of 300,000 yuan. My
intentional salary is 350,000 yuan. Now who can give When I reach my ideal number, I will
choose which company. "
As soon as the young man's words fel , Lin's employees would take a look at me. I would
take a look at you. Final y, I looked at Manager Chen and let Manager Chen Determined.
"Three hundred and fifty thousand ..." Chen Jing idealized, and then took out pen and paper,
wrote and painted for a long time, and finally bit his teeth, "Three hundred and fifty
thousand is three hundred and fifty thousand! Yes! If there is no problem, now You can sign
a contract! "
This young man is the key goal of the Lin's personnel department this time, and he very
much wants to sign it.
A trace of pride appeared on the young man's face, "Then sign the contract."
Looking at the pride on the young man's face, these employees of Lin's did not show any
dissatisfaction. This young man is about to join the job, and he may become his boss at
once. Maybe.
Henry sat next to him, frowned, and said, "Mr. Chen, what kind of talents are you asking for
an annual salary of 350,000?"
"Mr. Zhang, this is Pan Guang, twenty-three years old, and he has already got Beijing
Dashuang master's degree, during the school, won four scholarships, at the same time his
major is also in line with our two most important projects. "Manager Chen said, while
giving a resume to Henry.
do not?
Henry's words made the staff of the personnel department widen their eyes.
"Mr. Zhang, this can't be avoided." Manager Chen whispered in Henry's ear, "This is a rare
Henry took a sip of tea and shook his head: "If I say no, just don't, Pan Guang, right?" , You
can go. "
Henry threw Pan Guang's resume on the table, and then no longer looked at Pan Guang.
There was a look of anger on Pan Guang's face, "Wel ! There is no lord here, but there is a
place for him to stay!"
Pan Guangda stepped forward, grabbed his resume, and fell to the door to leave.
The staff of the personnel department, including Manager Chen, stared at Pan Guang
leaving with a daze, still unable to recover.
Really gone? Such a high-quality talent!
They can't tell the bitterness in their hearts right now. This mystery is so simple that it just
makes people troublesome. It's totally a mess.
Manager Chen's face is full of bitterness. If this is an individual leader, he dare to say
something, but this is Mr. Lin's husband!
Manager Chen watched Pan Guang walk to the booth of Zhao's next door and was received
by the people of Zhao's.
Henry was sitting in the lounge behind this booth. Every time Lin applied for a person,
Henry had to look at the resume of that person. Sometimes he asked the other person to
introduce himself. Some of them had to sign a contract. Driving away, and some people who
haven't even had a resume, Henry hired others.
After two hours, Henry hired about ten people, and eliminated the seven people who had to
sign the contract. This way, the staff of the personnel department were reluctant to vomit.
The original recruitment that made everyone confident Yes, because of Henry's existence, it
completely annihilated.
Five twenty-five.
There are far fewer people at the job fair than before.
Rui Si, who was wearing a red dress, came to the Lin booth and discussed with Henry about
In Yinzhou, there are several grades of salary.
3,000 to 5,000, 5,000 to 8,000, 8,000 to 11,000, and then year-end dividends, those with an
annual salary of more than 250,000, placed in Yinzhou are top talents, such as Pan Guang,
Beijing Double A master's degree, with an annual salary of 350,000, then going out is
definitely a successful person in the eyes of Yinzhou people.
Henry talked to Rui Si about salary. Manager Chen didn't know, but when printing the
contract, Manager Chen and others saw Henry's salary and even suspected that he had hit a
One million annual salary!
This is in Yinzhou. No company has paid such high wages to its employees yet!
If Manager Chen hears the asking price of others, he will let the other party go to another
house for the first time, one million! The genius of Beijing University's double master's
degree was only opened for 350,000, and one mil ion for those who graduated from this
"Sure enough, the rich ah, in order to play a woman, quite under the original capital!"
"That woman one million annual salary, after the company was curled tail walk!"
"Anyhow, I bachelor's degree, worked in fast-Lin It ’s been ten years, and now it ’s only
8,000 yuan a month. This professional degree is directly paid an annual salary of one
million? "
Employees of the personnel department al expressed their dissatisfaction in private.
While talking, I saw a group of people walking to Lin's booth.
These people, the employees of Lin's Personnel Department, all know that they are the
people of Zhao's next door.
Zhao's personnel manager took the initiative to bring people to Lin's side, beside him, there
was Pan Guang who had been rejected by Henry before.
After seeing Manager Chen, the manager of Zhao ’s personnel department was grateful and
said loudly: “Oh, Manager Chen, thank you so much. Such a good talent, you do n’t want it. It
’s really cheap for us Zhao, 300,000. The person with the double master's degree won the
annual salary. By the way, some things may have been forgotten by Pan Guang, but we stil
investigated it. During his school, Pan Guang had lectures in major schools because of his
excellent performance. It was also in the entrepreneurship of college students at that time
that they earned 210,000 in one year. "
manager of the Zhao ’s personnel department made the people on the Lin ’s personnel
department look very uncomfortable. The other party signed 300,000 people who were
preparing to sign 350,000, and This Pan Guang was even better than he had imagined.
He started a business during col ege and earned 210,000 a year. How many people can do
this now? Absolutely business-minded!
Manager Chen did not speak and ignored Zhao ’s HR manager, but Zhao ’s HR
manager did not intend to end this way. Everyone has been fighting openly over the past
few days, holding their breath in their hearts. Today is the last day of the job fair , It
’s about to end. Of course, he ’s coming to raise his eyebrows and exhale. He glanced at the
contract with Manager Chen, "Wow, Manager Chen, an annual salary of one million? Where
is this talent? Rui Si ... the name I ’m a bit familiar, oh oh, I think of it, it
’s a col ege graduated vase! ”
Manager Chen ’s face is even darker. If this thing is passed on, it will definitely make Lin
’s personnel department become a laughing stock in the industry. , A person with a strict
and professional talent review department, who signed a junior college graduate with an
annual salary of one mil ion, just because the other party looks beautiful?
"Hehe." Henry's light laughter sounded on the side, "The so-cal ed vase refers to a person
who looks good, there is no inner person, I don't know if this vase refers to you, or me. ? "
Henry looked at the Zhao's personnel manager.
"Who I say, who is natural y a little bit in my heart, it's not that I said, for those who
graduated from junior college, I think the monthly salary is 3,000. I think it is higher!"
The manager of Zhao's personnel department embraced his chest.
Henry glanced at Pan Guang, "Actually, I think that the high-caliber student you signed with
an annual salary of 100,000, I think they are all high."
"Joke!" Pan Guang laughed out loud, "I myself, when starting a business, You can earn more
than 200,000 yuan a year and sign me for 100,000 yuan? Dreaming! "
" Is it? "Henry smiled slightly," You earn 200,000 a year, and then? Prove that you have the
skil s? Col ege students start a business, virtual mode The money is in your hands, and it
proves that you earned it. Excuse me, did you get the money? "
" Nonsense! "Pan Guang glanced at his mouth disdainfully. He natural y didn't receive the
money in the operation of the virtual mode.
Henry looked at Manager Chen and asked, "Do you think this kind of thing, his character,
you sign it back for 350,000, and he can live under my hands for a few days?
Ten million a year is not enough. Did he pay for his medical expenses? "
Manager Chen heard this and smirked. Henry's temper, he had been taught, and Mr.
Lin's aunt said that the electric stunning would be unconscious. It is definitely not good.
Henry looked at Pan Guang again and said, "The ability is made by yourself, not by
performance. In the company, what you have to do is to contribute to the company, not to
reflect your own value. The so-called company dedication , Divided into two types, the first
one is to create benefits for the company, the second is to bring benefits to everyone. "
Henry stretched out two fingers
"I'm not considering the company's interests for the time being, let me talk about personal
interests first, you put a proud face on me. It affects my mood. In my opinion, a good mood
is also a manifestation of interests, so you have affected my personal interests, including in
the company, you will also affect the mood of other colleagues, so I will be the first time Let
you get out. "
" Ridiculous, what do you think you are? Lao Tzu has the ability, which company will rush
to ask me! "Pan Guangao said with air.
Pan Guang ’s arrogance comes from his heart. He believes from the bottom of his heart that
he is a senior student graduated from Beijing University and has a dual master ’s
degree. When he comes to the small city of Yinzhou, no matter which company he goes to,
there will be people fighting to grab I am superior to myself.
Henry shrugged. "Whatever you think, if you want to talk about ability, I will ask you, what
kind of ability do you have, and you have to earn an annual salary of 350,000?
The academic qualifications represent your ability?"
"Of course!" Pan Guang's head Yi Yang.
Henry beckoned, "Rui Si, for your next eight years, what did you do for yourself?"
Rui Si replied: "Internet sales."
"Internet sales?" Zhao's personnel manager heard At this point, the expression was
stunned for a moment, and he laughed a few times, disdainfully, "It's really interesting,
whether it is an individual now, there is an Internet sales in your resume, an independent
entrepreneurial experience, who does not know, what you call Internet sales, but just ! pay
a thousand dollars in agency fees, to do some things on the social platform to sell it, "
Ruisi explain loudly:" I sell IP field, sold for eight years. "
Ruisi say these four areas of IP After the words, whether it was Zhao's personnel manager
or manager Chen, including that Pan Guang, there was a doubt on his face.
Henry said: "The so-called domain IP is a website sold many years ago, but now it has
changed a form. I just conducted a private survey. The most expensive website of China, the
official website of 361 Security Guard, is to use One hundred mil ion purchased, Rui Si, talk
about how much profit you have made in eight years. "
Rui Si nodded and continued:" In the past eight years, I have been speculating and sel ing
foreign IP in the field. The total profit is not counted. At the best time, a year's profit
reaches 47 mil ion magnesium. "
" Pretend! "Pan Guang glanced at his mouth," 47 million magnesium? You really made so If
you have a lot of money, you still need to come to work in this small city? "
Rui Si didn't care about supporting her." The money has been lost. "
" Oh, who lost the sentence, who wouldn't say it. "Pan Guang wrote on his face Do not
believe it.
"What she said is true or false, I don't know." Henry shook his head. "But I can stil believe in
the financial magazine that year."
Henry called up a website from his mobile phone, which was a magnesium four years ago.
The national finance magazine, the cover of the magazine, is really Rui Si standing in front
of them at the moment.
On the cover of the magazine, the introduction to Rui Si is only a short sentence.
Business women across the ages.
Henry said with a smile: "You can clearly see the website, whether it is true, whether you
are P-picture, you can check it yourself, do you think this kind of talent is a vase, or you
signed it, this so-called double master degree, there is no score, The arrogant Gao Caisheng
is a vase? "
Listening to Henry, the manager of Zhao's personnel department looked a little ugly. No
one was on the cover of Magnesium Economic Weekly.
This Rui Si can make a loss to the business, you can only say that she was out of luck, did
not catch up with the time, but absolutely can not deny her ability, if she can give her a
suitable platform The benefits brought are huge!
Henry looked at Pan Guang and shook his head. "Education does not represent your ability.
You will be qualified to show your arrogance when you can really turn your education into
ability, but now, IMHO You are just a newcomer who can't do anything. "
Henry finished, turned and walked into the lounge.
Pan Guang stood there and his face was ugly. He could not have imagined that a person
with only a professional degree could actually be on the cover of Magnesium's Economic
Manager Chen flipped his phone, and on the website Henry had just opened, he really saw
the introduction of Rui Si, and in this magazine, he gave a very high evaluation of Rui Si, and
even some financial predators made special speeches in recognition Rui Si.
Manager Chen put away his mobile phone and looked at Rui Si. His eyes were full of
excitement and excitement. This is definitely a talent and a super talent! Signing such a
person with an annual salary of one million is definitely a big profit for the company! As
long as she can give her a platform, the value she can play is unimaginable! It can even go
beyond President Lin! You know, Mr. Lin ’s excellent woman has never been in any
financial newspaper!
Everyone in the industry understands the gold content of financial newspapers.
This Rui Si, top ten Pan Guang!
Manager Chen had a somewhat hazy mood and was wiped out. The two-day job fair, even if
he recruited more talents, would not be able to stand up to a Rui Si.
Manager Chen thought for a while, if he signed Pan Guang with his 350,000 annual salary
now, and let Zhao ’s one mil ion annual salary be signed with Rui Si, he will definitely feel
depressed after he knows Rui Si ’s ability. It ’s hard to sleep, such a person like Rui Si is the
real top talent!
The manager of the personnel department of Zhao's face is no longer as proud as he was.
He knows that he lost to Lin in this confrontation.
"Manager Chen! God, it's amazing!" An employee of the Lin's personnel department ran out
of the lounge with a look of excitement.
"Why, do you know?" Manager Chen asked curiously, seeing that these people were so
excited, presumably because they knew about Rui Si's ability.
"What do you know?" The excited employee ran out of doubt.
"Then why are you so happy?" Manager Chen asked.
"Manager Chen! Just now! Mr. Zhang recruited a man, a man in his forties, with no academic
qualifications. He turned out to be an appraiser of Longyu Investment!" The employee said
"What!" Manager Chen's face was startled, and he immediately became overjoyed.
Longyu Investment, people in Yinzhou have almost heard that this is a very smal company.
At the beginning, there were only two people. The start-up capital in hand was less than
one million, but in just one year, it made tens of millions. The speed of development of this
company is inseparable from the appraisal of Longyu Investment.
His eyes are very venomous. Even Sylvia, at that time, offered a high price of 5 mil ion yuan.
The other party refused.
Now, this person has been recruited by Henry?
How much is it?" Manager Chen asked excitedly.
"Manager, you don't believe it, the annual salary is 100,000, and you get a 1%
commission on performance." The employee had an incredible face.
"Annual salary of 100,000! Eat commission?" Manager Chen was a little unbelievable.
At that time, the total number of people Lin had planned to sign was 5 million. Now he was
signed by Mr. Zhang at this price?
When the staff of the personnel department looked at Henry sitting in the lounge, there was
no such dissatisfaction.
Henry signed this talent at this price. Mr. Lin must know that the entire personnel
department will be commended. With Mr. Lin ’s character, there will be no less bonuses.
This kind of talent can be compared to the kind who only has a diploma. Talented students
are much better.
At that time, Longyu Investment's legal person donated money, and how many people
wanted to recruit Longyu Investment's investment appraiser had no way out, and the other
party disappeared for several years.
The shock on Manager Chen ’s side was not over yet, and another female employee ran out
of the lounge, “Manager Chen, good thing, good thing, the big sister that Mr.
Zhang recruited just now was sent back by your personal resume. Qinxin Park was the
heart of the project developer, it several years ago, travels catch on, the advertised
everywhere to borrow money, the project was finally brought down others, gained ten
several hundred million. " "
she? "Chen brow slightly Wrinkled, "Isn't her resume a conviction?"
"Yes, it wasn't that her capital chain was broken, the loan was not up, and she was
sentenced to a financial swindle. It was just out of this time because of the conviction. to
work, Mr. Zhang did not expect to be attracted, are passed out at that time, ah, this sister
was put out, or else long been a net worth of several bil ion CEOs of! "
this female employees Carter, and an excited 'S voice came from the lounge.
"Manager Chen! You may not even believe ..."
Zhao ’s HR manager stood aside, listening to the good news that Lin ’s employees were
talking about, and his face was almost gloomy. The top talents in that field were actually
signed by Lin ’s at such a low price. And they are al based on a commission system.
With the ability of these people, as long as one can fully bring out the benefits brought to
the enterprise, it is unimaginable. Look at this Pan Guang, the person in charge of the Zhao
family, there is a desire Taking his impulse, a student who just graduated, he actual y gave
an annual salary of 300,000. In comparison, he is simply a fool!
Manager Chen stood on the booth and looked at Henry, who was slowly tasting tea, sitting
in the lounge. The contempt in his heart had long since disappeared, only deep admiration!
This gentleman, it is not as simple as it seems on the surface. His method of doing things is
really called the word deep.
At six in the afternoon, the convention and exhibition center was closed. Even if this large-
scale job fair is completely over, every company has a lot of gains, but to say that the
biggest gain is Lin.
Just half an hour after the salary contract was drafted, the staff of Lin ’s personnel
department found that almost all of the people signed by Henry were talents, and these
talents were all ignored by themselves and others.
"Mr. Zhang, we are very curious, how did you do it? Those talents, many things on their
resumes are not written." Manager Chen couldn't help asking.
After Manager Chen asked this question, the employees of the personnel department also
looked at Henry with curiosity, which was a question they also wanted to know.
Henry smiled , "It's actual y very simple, Manager Chen, if I now let you apply for a job with
a salary of one mil ion a year, would you go?"
Manager Chen shook his head, "No. "
Why?" Henry asked.
"I know I don't have this ability." Manager Chen answered very honestly.
Henry snapped his fingers, "That's right, think empathical y. A person's resume is ugly, no
education, no certificate, but he dares to apply for some important positions. Such people,
you have to learn to ask, not because the other party refused to resume direct, and ask the
method is very simple, I only used a way to let the other party to talk about your strengths,
say their own shortcomings, and finally to elaborate views on the other side of Lin. " "
this is What's the difference? "Manager Chen asked doubtful y.
"Of course." Henry nodded. "The casting of an enterprise is equivalent to a building.
Your personnel department is equivalent to the material auditor of this building. For
example, if a brick is dropped on a wall, you will choose The most suitable brick to buy
and install, or to buy bricks of various sizes in general, and finally choose a piece of the
closest size to install? "
Chen Jing Ideal replied without thinking:" Of course it is the most suitable one to buy. "
Henry nodded," yes, these three questions I raised, a capable person, he is 90%
possible, he will put his views on Lin first. He is very clear about his position, what he can
do when he comes to the company, and even on the first day of work, he will take the
initiative to do some work without the arrangement of superiors, instead of sitting on the
first day of work, in front of the desk, waiting for his superiors to allocate some of their own
work to yourself and do not understand. "
listening to the words of Henry, Lin employees, there is a feeling came to understand the
hearts of Henry, also full Admiration.
"Mr. Zhang, we really learned this time!" Manager Chen said with his thumbs up, sincerely.
At this moment, these employees of Lin's personnel department are ashamed of their
previous thoughts.
I originally thought that the husband of the president came here to make trouble and add
trouble. In the end, the other party's means did not know how many times they were
higher. At the same time, they could understand why they were only employees, and this
Zhang Sir, being able to be the boss, in terms of the limitation of thinking, I am obviously
imprisoned, and it is difficult to have a better development.
Manager Chen called and reported today's "champions" to Sylvia. Similarly, Henry found
many high-quality talents.
After Sylvia listened, he was not surprised. After all these time, Henry had become the
image of an excellent man in Sylvia's heart.
At the top of the Lin ’s building, Lin invited Han to sit in his office and tilted his head to
think about it. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Henry ’s number. Before the phone
was dialed, the woman said to herself: "Wel ... Just as a reward for you today, please have a
big meal. "The
phone broadcasted, and a busy voice came from the receiver.
Sylvia waited for five minutes before calling Henry, but no one answered.
at the same time when Sylvia called Henry, outside the exhibition center, Henry stopped an
taxi anxiously, "Quick! People's Hospital!"
Five minutes ago, Henry received a call from Amity. The girl was on the phone and was
crying. Her father was drinking pesticides. When
Henry arrived at the hospital, Amity ’s father had entered the rescue room. Amity The man,
sitting on a seat outside the rescue, holding his legs, buried his head in his arms, and some
dim lights il uminated the corridor, and the elders who pul ed the shadow of autumn rain
seemed extremely lonely.
Henry looked at the red light in the rescue room and slowly walked to Amity. He gently put
his hand on Amity's shoulder. "Girl ..."
Amity heard Henry's voice and slowly raised her head, her eyes. Severe redness, sobbing
voice: "Zhang ... Zhang brother."
Henry looked at Amity, and for a time he didn't know how to comfort him. Why did Amity's
father take the pesticide, Henry probably can also think.
The affairs of Amity's family are not so acceptable to anyone.
Amity ’s father was a good bet in his early years. His wife and others ran away. The
remaining relatives, except for their own daughters, are those siblings. The matter will
make anyone feel desperate.
Henry sighed. He opened his mouth for a long time, and he could only say one sentence,
"Uncle will be fine."
At the moment when this sentence was finished, Henry felt a softness in his arms and
Amity had just adjusted it. The emotion, because of the emergence of Henry, burst out
Her crying echoed in the corridor, and her tears wet Henry's chest.
"Cry. It's much better to cry." Henry reached out and patted Amity's back.
Henry's arrival may be the last port of Amity. She shrank into Henry's arms and sobbed
The door of the rescue room was opened, and President Ma wearing a surgical gown came
out of it and saw Henry at a glance.
"Mr. Zhang, are you here?"
"How is the situation?" Henry pointed to the rescue room and asked.
There was a lonely face on President Ma's face, "The patient is not in danger of life, just
"Just what?" President Ma's expression gave Henry some bad hunch.
"It's just that the virus has eroded the cranial nerves, and the patient is in a comatose state.
When we can wake up, we can't guarantee it." President Ma shook his head helplessly, "Mr.
Zhang, is the patient your friend?"
"Wel ." Henry nodded, "An elder."
"Hey." President Ma sighed, "Mr. Zhang, please take the patient's daughter in to see it."
Amity wiped a tear on his face, fol owed Henry, walked in In the operating room.
When the doctor in the operating room saw Henry, they all asked Mr. Zhang well.
Henry saw that Amity's father was lying quietly on the operating table, with two diversion
tubes inserted in his abdomen, which should be the stomach that had just been washed.
As soon as Amity saw his father's appearance, he couldn't stop his eyes. He fel to the
operating table and looked at the man lying there in tears.
Henry walked to the side of the appliance and picked up the instrument to observe. As
President Ma just said, Amity ’s father ’s brain nerves have been completely spread by
toxicity. Such spread is difficult to expel and can only rely on the patient ’s own Immunity
to eliminate these toxicity.
For such a coma, in medicine, collectively referred to as vegetative, life cells beat, brain cel s
"Dad ... why are you so stupid? Why? Those people want to lie to you, they don't treat you
as a loved one anymore, why are you doing such a stupid thing!" Amity's sobbing voice
sounded without tears Stopped sliding from the face.
Henry stood aside, looking at Amity's pitiful appearance, his eyes were ful of distress.
"Girl, let the doctor send the uncle to the ward first." Henry patted Amity's shoulder.
Because of Henry's relationship, Amity's father was sent to a separate ward.
Amity and Henry were sitting next to the bed, Henry tried to comfort them: "Do n’t worry
too much. Uncle is now life-threatening. The human immune system is very powerful.
The virus will disappear sooner or later. Uncle wakes up, but It's just a matter of time. "
" Well. "Amity nodded, looking at his father's eyes, full of worry.
The door of the ward was knocked, and President Ma's voice rang outside the ward,
"Mr. Zhang, I have something to tell you separately."
"Okay." Henry responded in the ward, "Girl, you first Sit down, I'll talk to President Ma. "
Walking out of the ward, Henry saw President Ma standing here with a test report.
"Mr. Zhang, look at this, about the patient." President Ma gave the test report to Henry.
Henry looked at things handed to President Ma, frowned getting closer, "immunity is
almost zero?"
"Yes." Ma president nodded his head, "patients with perennial alcoholism, severe liver
function damage itself, it The conclusion now drawn shows that the virus in the patient's
brain is almost impossible to get rid of. "
Henry took a deep breath and tore off the report in his hand." For this matter, don't tell her
first, I will find a way. "
President Ma nodded," Okay. "
Henry back to the ward, face out of touch of a smile, "girl, is good news."
"Good news!" Hearing this, his face suddenly give birth to hope autumn look, "it is about my
"Ah "Henry Ying said," Let's go, what time is it, let's go out to find a place, and say while
eating. "
Henry left Amity with the hospital.
"I have long wanted to eat a spicy rooster from a family. Come with me." Henry made such a
request deliberately and took Amity away from the hospital.
Amity would not refuse Henry, and nodded.
The two walked on the road.
Lin's Group.
Sylvia came to the company lobby and kept calling Henry on the phone. From the
unanswered call at the beginning, it turned into a shutdown.
"Mr. Lin, the demolition has been approved, and today I can go to see those old houses." Li
Na also appeared in the lobby of Lin's company and handed a document to Sylvia.
Sylvia looked at the document and put away his mobile phone, "OK, contact the person in
charge of the street office over there, let's settle the matter today."
Sylvia now has the land marked on the document in hand, which is where Amity lives, The
dilapidated board building.
Henry and Amity sat here in a restaurant not far from Amity's house.
As soon as he sat down, Amity couldn't help but ask, "Brother Zhang, what good news did
you just say?"
"Oh, President Ma said, he has found a way to wake up your father, but our medical level is
not yet reached, etc. After eating, you go home and pack your things, and you are contacted
by a new hospital over there. Then you can take your uncle to the hospital for treatment.
"Henry said.
This is the best excuse Henry can find now.
As far as Amity's father is now, staying in Yinzhou Hospital for treatment is almost
impossible to improve. To tell the girl honestly, it is estimated that the girl can't bear it.
Henry can only spread a good lie.
As for where to go, Henry also helped Amity think about it.
Far East!
Considering going there, Henry also thought of a few points. The first is Amity ’s father
’s treatment costs. In Fa Guo, Ou Ren ’s impression of Amity is good. Henry can also al ow
Ou Ren to arrange a job suitable for her. Wil not give her money in vain, nor let this girl run
into the wall everywhere.
The second point is the technical issue. At Ou Renna, Henry can rest assured that he will
provide some technical treatment in the future, but in China, it is difficult to achieve this.
What technical treatment will be done in the future will cause the official attention of
China. It is also easy to expose Henry himself.
The third point, Henry also wants Amity to go outside. She is in Yinzhou, maybe one day
she will meet her relatives. At that time, this girl can not control her emotions. Henry ca n’t
guarantee it. .
Amity was overjoyed when he heard that his father could wake up.
"Brother Zhang, thank you so much, I don't know how to repay you."
Henry said with a smile: "Wel , you take care of yourself, even if you repay you, brother
Zhang, wait for me to accompany you to pack things You will get your passport tomorrow,
and take your uncle for treatment as soon as possible. "
" Do you have a passport? Do you want to go abroad? "Amity's eyes were full of doubts.
Henry nodded, "Wel , go to Ou Ren, during uncle treatment, Ou Ren will provide you with a
job and where to live. When your uncle wakes up, you have to stay there for a little longer, I
do n’t think Uncle would like to come back to this city. ”
Henry did n’t realize that after he said this, Amity ’s eyes were full of loneliness.
After dinner, Henry and Amity walked towards the old house together.
Sylvia, accompanied by Li Na, came to this demolition area. The person in charge of the
street office accompanied him with excitement. He had a house here. Once the demolition
was done, his good day would come In front of him, the president of Lin is his god of
Sylvia looked at this old house area, doing some planning in his heart.
Suddenly, a familiar figure printed in Sylvia's eyes was Henry.
Sylvia just wanted to say something, and said hello to Henry, he saw that Henryzheng and
Amity walked side by side, turned around in front of a unit door, and walked in ...
Such a scene made Sylvia feel anxious , She took out her phone and called Henry again,
showing that it was shut down.
Listening to the prompts on the phone, Sylvia's expression on his face became dull.
"Mr. Lin, what's wrong with you?" Li Na asked, worried, when she noticed something
wrong with Sylvia.
"It's okay." Lin asked Hanqiang to squeeze out a smile, "You continue to say." After Lin
Yanhan said this, Mei Zi looked again at the unit where Henry had just entered.
Something went, and it came out in a while, and I asked him to have a meal and watch.
Lin Lin asked this idea, after Li Na and the head of the office explained all of the area, it still
showed in my heart, but the time has passed for half an hour.
"Mr. Lin, look, can this matter be settled?" Li Na asked Sylvia after she finished.
"Let's think about it again." Sylvia looked at the unit door where no one had appeared, and
an indescribable feeling rose from his heart, turning his head around, "Go."
Sylvia's sudden change of mood made Li Na feel a little different. Unconscious, he drove the
car and took Sylvia away from the old house area.
In the car, Sylvia looked out the window, and Henry and Amity walked into the unit side by
side, and kept emerging in her mind, her eyes gradually reddening.
why? Sylvia asked himself, is it because he did not give him, so he went to someone else?
Amity's house.
Henry looked at the packages stacked in the living room, some silent, "Girl, you do not need
to take so many things, right?"
Autumn, embarrassed, "Zhang brother, this is not afraid to go we will have to buy it."
Henry a I patted my head, "I don't want money for consignment? Don't take the bedding or
something, just change some clothes, and leave the rest there."
"Okay." Amity spit out her little tongue, knowing After her father was saved, her mood was
much brighter.
After the final selection, Amity only brought a suitcase and cut off the water and electricity
at home, and was ready to go out.
"Brother Zhang, you said, a lot of people have gone abroad, and they are reluctant to come
back, why?" Amity asked curiously.
Henry touched his nose, "It's used to chanting, people are such creatures, they are used to a
place, unless they are forced by the situation, they don't want to move their nests, and they
live in a place for a long time, and they get married."
Amity pursed his lips. , And pulled down Henry's clothes and yelled, "Brother Zhang ..."
"Huh?" Henry turned around and looked at Amity. He always felt that this girl was a bit
Amity looked up at Henry's face, her cheeky face showed a touch of red, her little toes, her
arms wrapped around Henry's neck, and the small cherry mouth was printed on Henry's
big mouth.
Amity's movements seemed very jerky. As you can see, her eyes were full of rush, and the
whole person was very hard, cuddling Henry.
Henry subconsciously stunned, when he reacted, a fragrant entrance.
Amity's face flushed loosely on Henry's neck and looked at Henry, "Brother Zhang, you
want me, I ... I'm afraid I'm real y used to it, I won't come back, I want to keep my heart here
, I want a person who is the most important to me to stay here, let me be there, or have a
miss. "
Amity's face turned red, but he was very determined.
Henry's mouth still has Amity's lip fragrance. Henrygang is ready to speak. Amity once
again pounces on her initiative. She is more hot and active than just now.
The scent of a girl is all over Henry's body. The attractive and lovely appearance seems to
be a deadly poison that strikes the human brain.
The bright red skin is enough to make people congested.
Amity's eyes were blurred, and the appearance of Ren Jun's picking would make people
crazy, and she took the initiative to ask for it.
"Brother Zhang, ask me ..."
an irrationality filled Henry's heart, and a pair of big hands went forward.
Just when he was about to touch, Henry's movements suddenly stopped, and his red eyes
regained clarity.
"No, no, no." Henry looked at the delicate and attractive person in front of him, and shook
his head vigorously. He quickly got up, rushed into the bathroom, and woke himself up with
a little fresh water left in the water pipe.
Henry looked up and looked at himself in the mirror. What's wrong? Why can't you bear
even a little temptation?
Taking a deep breath and walking out of the bathroom, Henry saw that Amity had re-
dressed and sat on the sofa, his eyes unnatural.
At the moment, both of them were too impulsive.
Seeing Henry coming out, Amity stuttered and said: "Brother Zhang, let's ... let's go."
The two of them just said nothing about the incident that just happened, but the
atmosphere between them was obviously embarrassing, and they went back In the
hospital, there is much less to speak.
Henry sent Amity downstairs to the hospital.
"Brother Zhang, go back, I'l just go up." Amity stood in front of the hospital door and waved
to Henry.
"Good." Henry nodded, did not insist on sending Amity in, watched Amity enter the hospital
door, and turned to leave.
Amity walked into the hospital door. More than ten seconds later, she reappeared at the
door of the hospital. She looked at Henry's back and opened her mouth slightly, but did not
make a sound. But through her mouth shape, she could still understand the word thank
After Henry came home, he saw Sylvia sitting on the sofa as soon as he entered the door.
For some reason, Henry felt that the room was filled with a strange atmosphere.
Hearing the door of the house, Sylvia sat on the sofa and said back, "Why is the phone
turned off?" "There is no electricity." Henry took out his cel phone and smiled bitterly.
He just made money for Amity after dinner.
"No electricity?" Sylvia sneered, apparently did not believe Henry's statement, she asked
again, "Why did you go after you came out from the job fair?"
Henry replied: "Go to the hospital."
Sylvia asked: "Go to the hospital to do Wel ? "
" I didn't do anything, so I went to see a friend. "Henry shook his head. He thought that
Amity's father was drinking pesticides, but he still didn't tell Sylvia that this woman was
cold outside and hot inside. She knew that. She was only worried.
Listening to Henry's answer, Sylvia's heart was full of disappointment.
She turned around and looked at Henry. In this man, Sylvia saw an unprecedented
complexity. What he did before, what he showed, was al fake. He said it was good to me,
and it was deceptive!
Henry was stared at by Sylvia. At this moment, there was a kind of panic that fil ed Henry's
heart. It was that kind of bad hunch. "Wife, what's wrong with you?"
"It's okay." Sylvia shook his head, showing a smile of self-deprecation. "I'm going to rest."
Sylvia put on his slippers and didn't look at Henry anymore. He got up and walked upstairs.
Henry looked at Sylvia's back. At this moment, he always felt that there was something
important that left him, but he couldn't grasp it.
Sylvia returned to her bedroom, she opened the curtains, looked at the dim sky outside the
window, a drop of crystal tears, slipped down her face, she thought she had found someone
to rely on, but found that al of this was nothing but It's a bubble phantom, and now it's all
turned into nothingness.
Sylvia took out his mobile phone and dialed Secretary Li Na ’s phone, “Prepare me a divorce
contract, which will be delivered tomorrow morning, and by the way, I will set a
flight ticket to Dubai.” Hang up the phone, Sylvia Tossing the phone around, the entire
portrait lost al strength and lay in bed.
At the same time, Henry also lay on the bed in his room and turned on his mobile phone.
Numerous short message prompts for missed cal s flooded in, all from Sylvia, and a recent
unread message.
"Her husband, where are you, in order to reward you, how about I invite you to eat a big
meal today?"
Henry looked at the news, and a wave of self-blame rose in his heart. The scene at Amity's
house today showed his heart. What happened between Amity?
Although I was awake at a critical moment, I was sorry Sylvia no matter what aspect it was
in. There were no external factors, and I could not control it.
Tossing his head, abandoning some of those thoughts, cal ed Ou Ren, and said about the
autumn rain, Ou Ren immediately responded.
"This girl has a strong self-esteem, don't give her too much help, let her work hard when
she has to," Henry said to Ou Ren.
Lying on the bed, Henry looked at the suspended ceiling above and couldn't help but sigh.
A few minutes later, Henry's cell phone just hung up, and the caller was President Ma.
Henry picked it up: "? Ma president, how the"
"Patrick, your friend, just secretly with her father, left ......"
"?. You wait for me to leave immediately to"
Henry, heard the news , A carp got out of bed and ran straight to the hospital.
Ten minutes later, Henry stood in the monitoring room of the hospital.
In monitoring, Henry clearly saw that Amity's young body, carrying her unconscious father,
got into a taxi, and today Henry accompanied Amity to pack the suitcase and put it in the
Henry came to the ward. Under the pil ow in the hospital bed, Henry saw a note on the note.
The writing was beautiful, and Amity left it.
"Brother Zhang, my father's situation, I know a little bit. What you said when you chatted
with Chairman Ma, I have heard it. Thank you for your kind lies and thank you for your
care. During this time, I trouble you. Too much, and I have asked too much of you. I am very
happy to meet you. You are the only thing I left in this city. I wish you happiness, Brother
Zhang. "
Henry pinched the note in his hand. There were some dry tears on the top of the note.
Henry could even think of Amity's girl, writing a note while wiping tears.
I stil remember seeing Amity for the first time. She was the captain of the security guard.
She was the front desk. She teased her a little. The girl was so blushed that she didn't dare
to lift her head.
Such a scene is like a world away.
Henry carefully folded the note in his hand and put it in his pocket.
"Chairman Ma, let's go through the discharge procedures, she won't be back."
Amity took off her mobile phone card and re-registered a social account on a taxi leaving
Yinzhou. The father lying on his side in a coma, tears constantly sliding from his face.
The screensaver of Amity's mobile phone was a photo she took with Henry at the time.
early next morning, Henry got up from the bed and looked at the time. It was already half
past six in the morning.
Henry sighed. During this time, he was a bit lazy. In the past, he had finished punching and
stretched out. He came out of the room, but unexpectedly found that Sylvia was sitting in
the living room.
"Wife, did you wake up so early?" Henry asked with some surprise.
Lin invited Han to pick up the steaming tea cup on the table and said, "I have something to
tell you."
"Wel , you said Henry sat down opposite Sylvia.
Lin invited Han to calmly take out a divorce agreement from behind, "You signed this, we
had an agreement at that time, you as our Lin's house-in-law, I can file a divorce at any
time, and you have no right to refuse, I will You make a million compensation. "
" Divorce ... Divorce? "Henry looked at the divorce agreement that Lin invited Han put on
the table, but he was a bit overwhelmed.
"Is there any problem?" Lin invited Han to look at Henry, "This is something within the
agreement, you just do it."
"This ..." Henry picked up the divorce agreement and threw it aside, " Wife, is something
wrong , why do you want to get a divorce? " " Nothing happened, just I think, can't it?
"Sylvia stood up and glanced at Henry," I will go out for a few days, agreement You signed
it, and I will go through the formalities when I come back from the outside. In the next few
days, you are ready to move away from here. "
Sylvia finished, went to the door of the house, and opened the door.
With a roar of motors, Lin invited Han to drive her red GT away.
In the car, Lin invited Han to glance in the direction of the co-pilot from time to time. Not
long ago, a man was sitting on his co-pilot, and in the future, this man had nothing to do
with himself.
An indescribable upset spread in Sylvia's heart, she no longer shed tears, and she cried
enough last night.
Henry was sitting on the sofa in confusion, watching Anna passing by in front of him, and
also walking towards the outside of the house. He quickly stopped Anna.
"Anna, do you know what happened to Sylvia?"
Anna shook her head. "It's not clear, but after President Lin returned from that old room
area yesterday, it hasn't been right."
"Old room area? Which The old house area? "Henry wondered, what happened to Sylvia?
Anna thought for a while and answered, "The piece not far from the Xinkai Hotel."
"That piece!" Henry realized at once that Amity's house was where he lived. "What time did
he go?"
Anna estimated, " It's probably more than seven o'clock in the afternoon. "
" More than seven o'clock ... "Henry murmured this time, it was not when he just happened
to accompany Amity to pack things up.
Henry quickly took out his phone, called Sylvia, and no one answered. He also sent a
message to Sylvia on social software, but ushered in a red exclamation mark, and he had
already deleted his friend.
"Mr. Zhang, I'm going out first." Anna greeted Henry and drove in the direction of the
airport. She knew Sylvia was going to Duhai today.
Henry walked around in the house alone. He was sure that when he went home with Amity
yesterday, he was definitely seen by Sylvia. She must have misunderstood something.
"No, this has to be explained clearly!" Henry quickly put on his clothes and just opened the
door. His anxious face suddenly changed.
For danger, Henry has far more hunches than ordinary people. This is his experience left
between life and death. In such a short time, Henry rolled forward suddenly.
With the two clicks, two gunshots appeared in the place where Henry had just stood.
The word killer instantly appeared in Henry's heart.
He didn't need to distinguish the direction at al . He knew where the bul et came from.
His eyes flicked upward. Outside the villa area, it was a residential building. At the moment,
the eighth floor of a small high-rise building was Henry's goal.
The room was pulling the curtains, and could not see what was inside.
"Go, get the people out!" Henryben had a bad mood and was easily irritated by the kil er.
In the third minute after Henry finished talking about arresting, a figure dressed in black
and a grimace mask, carrying a strong man, appeared in front of Henry.
It can be seen that al limbs of this sturdy man have been abolished, and blood is constantly
spreading in the corners of his mouth.
The man looked at Henry, with a fatal look in his eyes, "Oh, hehe, I have long heard that the
woman is protected by a master, and I
looked down on you at the end." Henry stepped forward and kicked heavily on this man In
the abdomen, the other party's face suddenly became pig liver, and Henry's foot completely
kicked the other party's internal organs.
Kicked down, Henry seemed to be relieved a lot. He glanced at the sturdy man with a blank
expression. "Pick a place to bury it."
Wearing a black dress and wearing a grimace mask, the figure nodded and lifted up with
one hand. The man's waistband left quickly.
Standing at the gate of the courtyard, Henry called Wade White. "I need to know the
specific situation of Yanjing's surname Su now."
"Boss, are you going to do it?
" Henry's tone was firm.
"Boss, I think you'd better not take a plane." Wade White suggested on the phone,
"According to the news, those people have noticed your existence, but it is not clear what
your true identity is, you have to go directly, what can not check out, action hidden dots,
aircraft aspects of Chinese control is very strict, bad tricks, I arrange it. " "
OK, so you messages. "for the recommended white pool, Henry still very adoption, he is not
a law unto People.
The reason why Bright Island is strong is not because of the strength of one person, but the
strength of the team. It is a trivial matter. Operating through the team, the effect achieved is
completely two concepts.
Wade White arranged for Henry to leave Ning province by bus and then take a train from
Now Henry is staring at every move, and Wade White knows that they can't do anything,
but once they pul the other's eye line, they will be surprised.
The time when Henry left was set at night.
After confirming this matter, Henry rushed to the Lin family for the first time and asked
Sylvia to explain what happened yesterday. As a result, he learned that Sylvia had
embarked on a flight to Duhai. When he came back, Li Na was not sure.
Henry, who was informed of the news, stood very weak in front of the company and
seemed very lost.
In the afternoon, Fiona took the initiative to come to Lin Group, found Henry, and came up
with a free equity gift contract.
Xuan sees Fiona. When he sees the pale face on the other side, he understands that this
woman definitely tried surgery to get worms.
It is absolutely impossible for Fiona to hand over shares unless she is forced to go nowhere.
With this share transfer contract, Henry is equivalent to holding the life and death power of
the Zheng family in his hands. As long as he is willing to withdraw the 20% of the shares
originally belonged to Fiona, the Zheng family will naturally collapse.
Fiona used this free gift contract to exchange the snare drum. It can be said that this time,
she deeply understood what she cal ed cocoon.
Immediately after receiving the snare drum, Fiona prepared to send someone to Hengyuan
to threaten Jenny, let Jenny withdraw his complaint, and release Sam.
"Oh, by the way, I have something to tell you." Henry said before Fiona left, "You let me give
Gu to General Hengyuan Qin, and I've also pulled it out."
Henry's words were like the same pot Cold water poured on the head of Fiona, so that
Fiona was there on the spot.
Henry grinned, showing white teeth, and left Lin's company. The car Wade White found for
him was already in place.
At the same time, Duhai.
Sylvia arrived here at noon. This time she came to Duhai. She didn't just want to hide
Henry. More importantly, she was looking for a joint venture.
Although Zhao only appeared for a short period of half a month, the threat to Lin was
clearly seen by the outside world. Sylvia, who is the president of Lin, could not feel it. In just
half a month, Lin's market share has been reduced by more than ten percentage points.
Until now, this situation is still fermenting. If Zhao is al owed to suppress this, Lin will likely
have a crisis.
The appearance of the Zhao family is really weird. No one knows who the Zhao family is
standing behind. The one shot will have 8 billion yuan. Even if the Lin family ca n’t do it,
you know, now Lin's total assets have just exceeded 10 billion.
On the first day of Zhao's establishment, he fought a stock war with Lin. In that stock war,
Zhao and Lin each lost about 300 million yuan. When Lin thought that Zhao was only here
to occupy a hil With huge amounts of money, Zhao's smashed several projects, and did not
even consider whether to make money.
Secondly, some companies cooperating with Lin have been dug by Zhao, and the
distribution of benefits is at least ten percentage points higher than that of Lin.
The price of land in the entire Yinzhou was fired to a peak because of the appearance of the
Zhao family. Original y, the Lin was about to win the land of 31,000. Because of the
appearance of the Zhao family, it rose to 5,000, which made the Lin family again Hundreds
of millions were invested.
In the construction of factories, the introduction of commodities, and the channels of trade,
Lin has been more or less affected and affected.
How rich the Zhao family is, Sylvia does n’t know who is standing behind him, and Sylvia
does n’t know. She only knows that her Lin family does n’t have any hole cards.
When you encounter such a powerful opponent, you either choose to die or Choose to
explode, with Sylvia's character, she will not choose the former, she will explode and fight
to the end.
In order to fight this mysterious consortium, Lin can no longer go the old way, cannot fight
steadily, and must make breakthroughs.
In fact, Sylvia's best choice is in Hangzhou. If he can cooperate with Xiaoshan, it is definitely
a good thing for Sylvia, but Sylvia stil wants to rely on herself. She is such a strong
Sylvia has an old classmate in Duhai, and the development is not bad. This time, I hope that
this old classmate will introduce some entrepreneurs to her to know her so that she can
talk to others about cooperation. opportunity.
The international metropolis is full of people.
Sylvia stood in front of a five-star hotel and broadcast a phone cal , "Nana, I'm here."
"Here? Are you waiting, I'll go downstairs to meet you right away." Sylvia's phone rang with
a surprise voice.
A few minutes later, an avant-garde beauty appeared at the door of the hotel.
QingSylvia waved his arms, "Sylvia!"
"Nana." Sylvia smiled slightly and walked in front of the beauty, "You haven't seen it for so
many years That one. "
Sylvia looked at the other person wearing only a bra, and could n’t help but admire it, he
did n’t have the courage, or, from a young family education, Sylvia was a conservative
woman .
"You are the same, the most beautiful one." Cai Na took Sylvia's hand. "Go, today I have an
appointment. There are many brothers on the court. With your charm, I want to find
someone to invest money for you. It ’s not a matter of minutes. "
" It's not about investing money, it's about cooperation. "Sylvia specifically corrected it.
"Oh, it's almost the same." Cai Na waved her hand. "Anyway, if you have the money to take
Cai Na took Lin Linhan and walked towards a banquet hall.
Before he arrived at the banquet hall, Sylvia could hear the music from there.
Cai Na pushed the door of the banquet hall, and the luxurious decoration caught Sylvia's
eyes. Even the most upscale Xinkai Hotel in Yinzhou is not as good as one-third of it. The
decoration style can be piled up. Two load-bearing columns next to the banquet hal are
carved with wings spreading phoenix, and a whole layer of gold is crossed.
"Yo, Nana, this is your friend, a big beauty!" A young man with a famous brand all over his
body came over and looked at Sylvia curiously, "Hel o beauty, my name is Banlu."
"You Good. "Sylvia shook hands with each other. When Banlu wanted to grasp his palm
hard, Sylvia took a step ahead and pulled out his smal hand.
"Huh, it's a woman of character." Ban Luhe didn't see Sylvia's smal movements, smash it,
"What's the use of personality, in this era, more women with personality have gone."
Aside, Shi Shiran, a red-faced beauty, came over. "Those who come from the country, just
entering the city, always like to show it His own personality, the result? In the end, as long
as the money is in place, I promise that they will be more obedient than anyone else. "
Banlu heard this, but smiled, and did not refute. He has seen too many women with
character in Banlu. In the end, in the face of money, the so-cal ed character no longer exists.
"Ah! Where is this beauty, I haven't seen it before." Another young man came from the side,
and the young man's al -over dresses added up to more than half a mil ion.
Although there are many beautiful women in this banquet hal , Sylvia is definitely the one
that attracts the most attention. The exquisite facial features don't apply powder Daidai, so
she won't lose any one in this banquet hall. The unique temperament makes her stand here
like a chicken.
a woman who can be specially noticed by the men present on the scene will definitely
become the public enemy of the women in the audience. This is an eternal truth.
The arrival of Sylvia gave 80% of the women present a sense of crisis.
This is a banquet full of money. The capital of men lies in the enterprises in their hands, and
the capital of women is themselves.
Sylvia is undoubtedly the woman with the most capital in this banquet hall.
"Who is this? Isn't that the one that Nana just said was asking for food?" A beautiful woman
walked in a catwalk with a loud voice.
"What do you want to eat, people called to find someone to invest!" The former net red-
faced beauty made a yin-yang sound.
"Oh? Invest? I'm right, I came to ask for food, giggling." The two women said one by one,
when they looked at Sylvia, their eyes were full of provocation.
"If I say, come and ask for food, don't have too much character, how much do you want?
One hundred thousand or two hundred thousand? The accompanying class eats less meals
and rewards you casually!"
Sylvia stood there and heard this, The first feeling in her heart was to turn her head away,
but reason told her that she couldn't do it.
"I'm here to find someone to cooperate with, this is my business card." Sylvia took out his
handbag and took out several business cards from his handbag.
People standing around Sylvia watched Sylvia's movement. No one stepped forward to take
her business card, but instead looked back and forth a few times.
The net red-faced beauty smiled with the first "poo", "Business card? I said, are you kidding
me? Who
wants to see your business card here?" "It's interesting, what do you think you are?"
Something, we still need to pick up your business card? "
" Who is qualified to hand over business cards? "
The sound of one after another sounded, with sarcasm in it, for the foreigner Sylvia, the
woman who crushed them all in appearance, and the women present, al hoped that she
would leave as soon as possible.
Cai Na stood a little embarrassed, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, Sylvia is my good
friend. She came this time, she had a good project and wanted to find a partner, this is not
After chatting, everyone knows first. Come, Sylvia, this is Xin Miao. "
Cai Na introduced Lin to Han Weihan.
The net red beauty snorted coldly without looking at Sylvia, which made Cai Na even more
Although this internet celebrity has no power of her own, it is unclear to take her to the
relationship between several major and minors in the circle. No one wants to offend her, or
one day, it will be enough to blow the pil ow.
Cai Na laughed twice and introduced the next person to Sylvia, "Sylvia, this is ..."
" Okay , don't introduce it." The woman who just satirized Sylvia was impatient. Shake your
hand, "what is there to introduce to an outsider, who is stil not clear who you are, if you
come to ask for money, do a good sense of asking for money, I give less to the class, you are
his girlfriend, this money, class
I ’ll give you less, 100,000 or 500,000, whatever. ” Ban Lu smiled and urged Sylvia:“
Beauty, although she made the decision for me, I think it ’s not bad, how about it, consider
considering, fol ow me For a while, if you want money, I can vote for you. "
" Haha, this girl is really lucky, and can be missed by the class, no need to struggle in this
life. "Although a woman haha Laughing, but from her eyes, she can still see some envy.
Banlu in this circle is a famous young man, with nearly 20 billion in assets at home,
absolutely proud.
Sylvia smiled slightly and said coldly: "Sorry, I'm already married."
"Married?" Ban Lu looked at Sylvia. "It doesn't matter, I don't care. Who said you are
married, you can't be my girlfriend?"
"Haha, yeah, I said beautiful women, your marriage is a loss, it seems that your husband is a
waste, even let such a beautiful woman come out to help him gather money." Another
major came up and said Then, with one hand, he unhappily hooked up to Sylvia's chin.
Sylvia glared coldly at the other party and opened the palm of the other party, "Far away
from me."
"Yo! The temper is quite big?" Sylvia opened his palm and looked at her playfully.
"This is without whipping!" Another person deliberately bitten the word whipping heavily,
causing a burst of laughter.
Everyone present knew what this so-cal ed whipping meant.
Sylvia looked at the people present. At this moment, she was suddenly thinking, what
would happen if Henry fol owed him, and he would teach all these people without
Sylvia shook his head and forgot Henry's figure from his mind.
Why am I going to think about that daring person! He is willing to be with others, just let
him go!
"Haha, if I were her husband, she would get me a few hundred thousand back after being
whipped. I'm very happy." Xin Miao, the net red beauty, said.
"Who said no, you said let this person out, and what big tail wolf did you just want to sell
yourself at a high price?"
"Her husband is a waste." The
sarcasm sounded again, Rao Sylvia again. I can't bear it anymore.
"Nana, I'll go first. I'll be in Duhai these days and have an appointment for dinner together."
Sylvia said to Cai Na that she would leave after turning around.
"Go? Where are you going?" The young man who had just been taken away by Sylvia's palm
stopped Sylvia. "You just hit me, and now you want to go now? Why does this make sense?"
"That's it. People want to go? "Xin Miao embraced her chest with both hands and squinted
at Sylvia.
The onlookers also showed a burst of laughter. For them, Sylvia was an outsider, and when
Sylvia was dying, they al found it interesting.
Inside the banquet hall, there is also a smal side hall. Although the side hal is not large, it
can be seen by people who know how to do it. This side hal is definitely not accessible to
ordinary people.
Not to mention the bul etproof glass used in the windows of this other hall, this wall is also
made of a high-priced material. The carpet on the ground of this other hall is just a smal
piece, which is worth the price. One hundred and two hundred thousand magnesium gold,
ordinary people step on it, they will feel a sudden panic.
In the other hall, there is a tea table.
Several middle-aged men sit on the table, but only sit in the guest seat. The seat is a middle-
aged man with a Western face.
"Mr. Ferris, you are real y honoured to be here this time." Mr. Ban of Yixuan Co., Ltd.
has a pleased smile. He is Banlu's father.
In this other room Ferris sat on the main seat and said in fluent Chinese: "Don't worry too
much, I just come here For a lap, what you should do. "
Despite the words, Ferres said, but who are the entrepreneurs present, who dare to take it
lightly, to put it bluntly, their businesses are now funded by this one in front of them. As
long as the other party feels a little uncomfortable and says the word divestment, everyone
will die.
"Okay, just relax. This quarterly report, you just hand it in. You don't need to show it to me
now. I don't have this spare time." Ferris got up and sorted out his clothes.
Banlu's father quickly ran to the door of the other hal and bowed to open the door for
Not to mention that they are successful people in front of others, but in front of Ferris, they
are still quite self-knowledged, and they know very clearly that al their own assets are
nothing more than the Mr. Ferris in front of them.
The door of the other hal opened, and a loud noise came into Ferres' ears.
What waste, cheap goods and the like make Ferrace feel harsh.
"What's the matter?" Ferris frowned, looking at Banlu's father.
Banlu's father quickly smiled, "Mr. Ferris, I will deal with it immediately."
Banlu's father smirked, and hurriedly shouted at the juniors in the banquet hall: "What are
you arguing, Banlu, you give I'm coming! "
Ban Lu, standing at the door of the banquet hall, hurried over as soon as he heard his
father's voice.
At the same time, because of Banlu's father's opening, the noise in the banquet hall has also
been reduced a lot.
"What's the matter, what's the noise? Like what!" Banlu's father reprimanded.
Banlu quickly lowered his head and explained: "Dad, a woman came over and said that it
would be very arrogant to let everyone invest in her, so ..."
Banlu did not dare to tell the truth.
"Investment? What investment?" Ferris asked curiously, "Ban, I remember, your company
is investing in it."
"Yes, yes. " Banlu's father nodded quickly, then blamed Banlu Said , "What's the other
party's cooperation plan, did you ask?" Ban Lu, who lowered his head, glanced at Ferres,
and then quickly returned his eyes, whispering: "Not yet."
"That Go and ask! "Banlu's father scolded, and then smiled at Ferres," Mr. Ferris, please
here. "
Ferris just nodded and heard a sound again.
"Okay, let's go, today is your good luck!"
"A country comes, take away your character!"
"Go back and do your ideological work for your waste husband, let you go a little, give you
one at a time Hundreds of thousands of them are not impossible, ha ha ha! "
A burst of laughter sounded.
Sylvia's face has changed a lot. In fact, before coming, who has been at this banquet, she
probably already inquired about it, and she also has several cooperation goals in her mind.
The Banlujia Yixuan Co., Ltd. is a good partner.
It is a pity that things are not going as Sylvia thought.
The door of the banquet hall opened and Sylvia walked out.
Please Han left in the forest, banquet hal sounded blame the sound, the red-faced beauty
net Miao Xin said:. "Cai Na, you Silver State's friend, not very sensible ah"
. "I am"
"begging'd have to beg for food The attitude is right. "A voice sounded.
Cai Na shook his head and explained:. "You are mistaken, Sylvia is really looking for people
to cooperate, she is the head of the Lam Group of Silver State,"
"What the Lam Group, I have n’t heard it. ”Xin Miao sneered.“ And the Yinzhou city you said,
a smal city in the northwest, right? Is that connected to the Internet? Hahaha! ”
The voices of Xin Miao and Cai Na reached Fei Reth's ears.
When he heard the word Yinzhou, Ferris paid more attention to it, and his boss was also in
that city. The Lin Group in Cai Na's mouth and the name Sylvia made Ferris jump in his
heart. Is this ... sister-in-law?
Ferrace's face changed abruptly, and her sister-in-law was humiliated here! He pushed
away the person in front of him and walked directly to Cai Na. He said, "Girl, the person you
just said is from Yinzhou Lin's Group, is it cal ed Lin Sylvia !" See Mr. Ferres to himself
Talking, Cai Na suddenly felt overwhelmed and nodded quickly, "Yes, it's her, Mr. Ferris, do
you know?"
"It's more than knowing! That's my sister-in-law!" Ferris responded angrily.
Hearing Ferres, all the people in the banquet hall jumped in their hearts and felt that
something was wrong.
Ferris turned his head to look at Banlu's father, "You are real y good, and even my dad dare
to humiliate, this account, I will count with you!"
Ferris finished, did not pay much attention to this banquet hal People immediately ran out
of the banquet hall and chased them out.
Looking at Ferris's anxious appearance, the people in the banquet hall were a bit dull.
what's the situation? Mrs. Ferris's sister-in-law?
Banlu ’s father shivered slightly, and he looked at his son, breathing heavily, "What did you
do! What did you do? Ah!"
"I ... I ..." Banlu was at a loss. , "Dad, I don't know!"
"Don't know? A good one doesn't know! You don't understand, what is the consequence of
offending Mr. Ferris! You people are real y lawless! If this matter can't be solved, you al
can't escape. Stake! "Banlu's father glanced at everyone in the banquet hal , his eyes filled
with anger.
Similarly, those entrepreneurs who are of the same class as Banlu are also angry at this
moment. Among the young people in this banquet hal , there are also their juniors. If Mr.
Ferris real y wants to pursue it, no one will eat good fruit. !
Ferris chased out of the banquet hal and saw Sylvia walking at the end of the corridor at a
"Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law!" Ferris yelled as he ran.
Sylvia, the word of the sister-in-law, heard it and didn't realize that someone was calling
her, but fortunately, the elevator didn't arrive, otherwise Ferris couldn't really catch up
with her.
"Sister-in-law, I didn't expect to see you here!" Ferris rushed to Sylvia.
"Yeah, Ferris." Although Sylvia had only had a meal with Ferris, he recognized it at once.
"Haha, sister-in-law, you stil remember me." Ferris scratched his head. "I was in that
banquet hal , and when someone said you were here, I quickly chased it out."
Sylvia laughed mockingly , "Listen It ’s not a good word. ”
Ferris waved his hand.“ It ’s a group of mindless gadgets. Do n’t care, sister-in-law. I heard
that you are looking for someone to invest in you? Why, what did the company encounter?
Question? "
Sylvia shook his head, "It's nothing, the company needs to develop, find personal
Ferris said after hearing, " Daosao, don't go first, Come back with me, and I ask those people
to apologize to you. "
" Forget it. "Sylvia shook her head. When she came out, she already thought that she might
suffer some white eyes, but she didn't expect that it would be like this. Isn't it trouble
"How can I forget it!" Ferris angered on his face, "Go, sister-in-law."
"I real y don't need it." Sylvia waved his hand, "Also, don't call me my sister-in-law, Henry
and I … I
am about to divorce soon ... ” When talking about divorce, Sylvia's eyes appeared a lonely
look involuntarily.
"Divorce?" Ferrace's staring boss, "Sister-in-law, do you have any misunderstandings with
the boss, the boss he loves you so much, you ... why are you going to get divorced?"
" Does he love me?" Sylvia smiled, and the scene he saw yesterday afternoon appeared in
his mind. If he really loved me, how could he do these things with his back.
"Love! Absolutely love you!" Ferris nodded without hesitation. "Sister-in-law, I have never
seen the boss treat you like you. If you have any misunderstandings, you must be lifted. If
you are really divorced, I promise the boss will be crazy! "
" Misunderstanding? "Sylvia murmured, and she also hoped that this was a
misunderstanding, but it was not that he didn't even tell himself a truth.
The door of the banquet hall opened, and a group of young people ran out of the banquet
hal . Xin Miao, who had just returned to the arrogant face, ran to the front and rushed to
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Miss Lin, I'm not sensible, please forgive me!" As you can see, Xin
Miao's cheeks have been red and swollen, apparently just beaten, now running to Sylvia,
Xin Miao apologized, Waving his slap on the side, beating his face hard.
Sylvia was stunned by the change in front of him.
Just now in the banquet hall, this Xin Miao is arguably the most arrogant person.
"Miss Lin, I'm sorry, I was wrong. Forgive me." The young man who had stopped Sylvia's
way just now also stood in front of Sylvia with his head down.
"Miss Lin, I'm sorry for my behavior just now." Banlu also lowered his head and stood in
front of Sylvia.
Sylvia looked at the people in front of him and didn't know what drama they were singing.
He had just humiliated himself in words.
"You still have your face standing? Who just spoke to Miss Lin just now and kneeled down!"
Banlu's father snorted.
Banlu's legs softened, he knelt down on the spot, and his knees fell to the ground, making a
"pop" sound.
Including the young man, Xin Miao, and Xin Miao, who together with Xin Miao, said that
Sylvia was here to ask for dinner, and all knelt in front of Sylvia.
Banlu's father smiled and smiled at Ferres: "Mr. Ferris, you see, these juniors are not
sensible, just offended the sister-in-law, and now please ask the sister-in-law to punish him
at will." "Late!" Ferris Leng With a snort, "I have already divestment, al of you, wait for the
debt of the bank, how long can you sustain, it is your own creation !" Ferris said, let Banlu's
father, and those who had just sat together The people in the Xiaobie Hal all changed their
faces drastically, and they really wanted to withdraw their funds. The huge loans of the
bank would prevent them from turning over in their lifetime.
"Mr. Ferris, if you have a large number of adults, please spare us for once! The children are
" Yes, Mr. Ferris." " Forgive you?" Fee Lei Si sneered, "This is already forgiving you, you
should be fortunate, my elder brother is not here, otherwise you will never see tomorrow's
sun as you say to your sister-in-law!"
Sylvia looked at what was happening in front of him, some Can't keep up.
Ferris, the last time I was in the hotel, joking with everyone, shouting that his sister-in-law,
who is also a jealous man, is now saying that these tens of bil ions of entrepreneurs are
asking for mercy?
"Hey, that big sister-in-law." Ferris smiled at Sylvia. "Sister-in-law, his boss, he definitely
loves you. Don't be impulsive. Talk to him more, he always likes to hide his emotions. In my
heart, like this, let's have a meal together and solve the investment. You go home and give
the boss a chance. "
Ferris' attitude to Sylvia's speech once again made Banlu's father and others, I realized how
serious this matter was.
A person who can make Mr. Ferres speak in a flattering tone is actually conflicted by his
Sylvia nodded, fol owed Ferris, and walked towards the banquet hall again.
While eating, Ferris made a phone cal in front of Sylvia and asked the person on the phone
to let the news go out, saying that his sister-in-law was looking for someone to discuss
cooperation, and immediately came to the hotel when she was interested.
Ferris cal ed out, and before Sylvia finished his meal, he saw a group of people pouring into
the banquet hal .
These people first came to Fei Lei Si, respectfully asked Mr. Fei Lei Si, and then handed
Sylvia his business card, "Hello Ms. Lin, I am very interested in your cooperation plan, I
hope this honor , Can cooperate with you. "
Sylvia looked at the business card handed over by the other party with some surprise, he
didn't even say what the cooperation plan was from beginning to end!
She glanced at the introduction on the other party's business card, Duhai Huanheng
Technology Co., Ltd., a company with a market value of hundreds of bil ions!
"Hello Ms. Lin, I am Kang Qingrong, the director of Gechao Manufacturing." Gechao
Manufacturing, an enterprise with advertisements al over China, once interviewed and
reported that this year, Gechao Manufacturing only spent 30 advertising fees. Over 100
"Hello Ms. Lin, I am Sun Bo of Boqiang Trading. I hope to cooperate with you."
Sylvia looked at the business cards stacked in front of him. These business cards are the
smallest enterprises with a market value of 80 bil ion yuan. It is a well-known large
For these companies, if Sylvia can talk about the next one and cooperate with Lin, it is a
great thing for Lin.
But now, there are more than a dozen, let yourself choose casual y, and their attitude can be
said to be very respectful and sincere.
Sylvia looked at Ferrace in front of her, and she was shocked by Ferrace's identity.
Cai Na walked to Sylvia and pulled on the sleeves of LaSylvia,
"Sylvia , you really can bear it. I know a big man like Mr. Ferris and let me introduce you to
the collaborators." "Ferris he Is it famous? "Sylvia asked puzzled. She also wanted to know
who Ferris really was, so that the leaders of so many big companies could take the initiative
to show their favor.
"Famous?" Cai Na looked at Sylvia with a damn look, "Sylvia, you asked me this question,
you have to ask others, you have to Died by a joke, the consortium behind Mr.
Ferris, although no one knows, what I only know now is that there are many large
enterprises in Duhai, and there are investments from Mr. Ferris, that is, those in Banlu, al
rely on With Mr. Ferris, as soon as Mr. Ferris withdrew his capital, they all fel down!
Sylvia, what kind of husband are you looking for, even Mr. Ferris has to be called Big
Brother! "
" This ... "Sylvia looked at Ferris. If she didn't see it today, she wouldn't have thought of it.
The person who was playing tricks in the box of Xinkai Hotel that day had such a great
Cai Na guessed, "Isn't it the prince of any country? Mr. Ferris has a close relationship with
the royal family of many countries."
"Prince?" Sylvia shook his head, and Henry appeared in his mind, just like him, The chaos of
a flip flop wearing beach pants, and the prince.
Cai Na guessed again: "That's the heir of a big consortium!"
"No." Sylvia continued to shake his head.
"Who is that?" Cai Na was a little discouraged. In her eyes, those heirs of the consortium, or
the royal prince and Mr. Ferris can be called brothers. As for what little stars or something,
in the eyes of these rich people Is just a play.
"Yes ..." Sylvia bit his red lips. "An ordinary person."
"Ordinary person?" Cai Na obviously didn't believe it. "Fool who you are."
Eight o'clock at night.
A bus travels on the highway from Yinzhou to Anshi.
Henry sat in the bus, closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Wade White told Henry that the person who secretly started to Sylvia was staring at him
more and more tightly at this moment. If he wanted to go to Yanjing silently, he had to pay
attention to the hidden tracks. The bus is undoubtedly a good method.
Henry looked at the time, and he could get to Anshi in about an hour. The bus's terminal
was Anshi's train station. Taking the train to Yanjing, although it took a little longer, it
would not reveal his whereabouts.
The people on the bus are very quiet, this long distance will make people look very tired.
In the car, a beautiful girl with ponytails and big eyes attracted Henry's attention.
Sitting in the front row of Henry's side, this beautiful girl wore a black dress with the skirt
left at her knees, a pair of black tube tiles, and matching black leather shoes.
"Zhu Ling ... How could this girl appear here?"
Henry murmured, with doubts in his eyes, and he sat on the side of his little loli, the
granddaughter of a friend of Henry.
Henry took out his mobile phone and landed on a special website. This is something similar
to a social platform. If something posted on it is seen, it will surprise you.
Rewards for class A fugitives, with a reward of 5 mil ion.
Look for wild ginseng over 150 years old, the price is free to open.
In the underground world, there are a group of people called bounty hunters who can do
anything as long as the money is in place.
This website is specially set up for bounty hunters. If you want to enter this website, it must
be introduced by someone, and it must be reviewed after layers, and its own strength must
reach certain standards.
Henry turned a few pages, and on a bounty task, he saw the news he was looking for, and
he smiled in the corner of his mouth, as expected
I wish my grandfather a reward of 10 mil ion to find the whereabouts of my granddaughter.
Henry looked at Zhu Ling, who was happily tinkering with his mobile phone, and smiled in
his heart. Old Zhu, this guy is estimated to be anxious to die now. This palm pearl can run
here, it must have sneaked out.
Henry embraced the back of his head with his hands, leaned on the seat, staring at Zhu Ling
with a little fun, and found that Girl was playing a shootout game, and kept talking with his
teammates in the game with voice.
"Quickly, give me ninety-eight K, little brother, give me a good one ..."
Henry shook his head, he felt that he was really out of touch, now everyone loves to play
games, but he is nothing interest.
At 9:20 pm, the bus stopped at Anshi Railway Station.
Henry walked to the ticket machine and entered the ID number provided by Wade White.
Henry saw that Zhu Ling was also picking up the ticket and glanced at it. The place where
the other party went to was exactly the same as himself.
The train was at 10:30 in the evening. Henry had to be in the waiting room and waited at
least half an hour before the train could enter the station.
After finding a seat, Henry sat up and thought about what he would do next.
From Anshi to Yanjing, it takes two days and two nights to drive. The news of Yanjing's
family name is Su. Wade White also sent all to Henry. The family name of Su is in Yanjing.
Through various channels, Henry also inquired that the other party had some relationship
with the Su family in the underground world.
The Su family in the underground world has the same status as the sharp blade.
After knowing this, Henry was even more puzzled.
All along, there are very few forces in China that will participate in the battle in the
underground world. Why would they do anything against Sylvia?
Henry planned to go this time without first rushing to the Su family. He had to understand
this matter. As long as it was about Sylvia, Henry had to inquire clearly.
Henry was thinking about what he should do, and there was a noise in his ear.
"Uncle, this must be fake. How can you
buy a can ring for 50,000 yuan? Don't be fooled!" "Go, little girl, what do you know, don't
get rich, don't stop others from getting rich, Do n’t buy it for me, I said elder brother, you
give it to me, I ’ll buy it, five thousand for fifty thousand, a fool would n’t do it. ”
“ Sell me! Sell me! ”
“ I want it! ”
Henry turned his head and saw that On the side, there were many people around, a plain-
dressed older sister carrying a big parcel, standing there, a group of people all around her.
Henry glanced at it and probably understood what was going on.
The eldest sister was drinking cola, and as a result, when she opened the can, the pul ring of
the can showed a prize of 50,000. Everyone did n’t know what happened, so they asked
someone to ask. The man said that the eldest sister won the prize and won 50,000. For local
awards, you can get a local ID card.
The eldest sister said that she didn't have a local ID card, and that person meant that she
bought the can ring from the elder sister for two thousand dol ars.
On the side, an uncle looked at his eyes and said that he was willing to pay 5,000, or cash.
As soon as the elder sister heard this, she agreed to sell the can ring to the uncle.
As a result, Zhu Ling, who had been watching the bustling side, couldn't stand it anymore,
and he reminded the uncle loudly.
Henry smiled dumbly. This is a deception left by the ancients. Now there are stil people
going to the embassy.
"Little girl, don't make trouble, go away!" The person who first asked the eldest sister to
buy a ring of cans glared at Zhu Ling.
The plain-dressed older sister also gave Zhu Ling a vicious look, her eyes ful of threat.
Zhu Ling put his hands on his hips, "What if I don't get away, you scammers, people's hard-
earned money, have been deceived by you, are you afraid of going out and being hit by a
"Little girl, get out."
Behind Zhu Ling, two middle-aged men appeared, and their hands grabbed Zhu Ling.
Generally this kind of fraud is committed by gangs, and there are many people.
Just when the hands of the two middle-aged men were about to catch Zhu Ling's shoulders,
Henry suddenly squeezed over and squeezed them aside.
"Uncle, you can't buy it, don't believe you use your mobile phone to check it online.
Such scams are everywhere." Zhu Ling didn't realize that someone had just started working
on himself, and still stood there, persuading the name to pay. Middle-aged man.
Originally, this middle-aged man had to pay, but Zhu Ling persuaded him to put the money
back, and said to the woman: "Big sister, then I will not buy it, this little brother will also,
You just sell him. "The middle-aged man pointed at the man next to him.
"No, big brother." The woman shook her head. "Just as soon as I said to sell you, I sold you. I
don't have a city ID card and I can't get money."
"Hey, forget it, don't buy it. "The middle-aged man also realized something was wrong,
waved his hand, and walked out of the crowd.
"Brother, don't go, brother." The middle-aged woman stopped for a long time without
Seeing the duck in his hand fly, the middle-aged women and other gangs al stared at Zhu
Ling with anger.
As if Zhu Ling didn't realize what was happening, he bounced aside, took out his phone, and
happily played the game.
Henry smiled helplessly, this is really a girl who just came out of society.
Anyway, the relationship between Henry and Zhu Ling's grandfather is not bad. He can't
watch the loss of his old friend's granddaughter. Henry sits not far from Zhu Ling.
Unexpectedly, Henry, a few minutes later, the middle-aged woman, and the first young man
who wanted to buy the middle-aged woman's roll-on ring, including two middle-aged
women who wanted to start with Zhu Ling, but was stopped by Henry. Chao Zhuling came
"Little girl, just like you do more business, right?" The four stood in front of Zhu Ling and
surrounded Zhu Ling.
Some people who were sitting close to Zhu Ling originally moved their bottoms at the
moment and moved aside, fearing that the matter here would involve themselves.
Zhu Ling looked up and glanced in front of a few people, big eyes exposed look of disdain,
"You liar, you know cheat an honest man, that Uncle would not have been worn, you lied to
him the money!"
"There is with you Relationship? "The young man sneered and squeezed his fist.
"Little girl, take care of yourself, go with Lao Tzu!" A middle-aged man strode up, grabbed
Zhu Ling's arm, and a sly look appeared in his eyes, "You look good, but you can sel Good
price. "
" What are you doing! "Zhu Ling shook off the middle-aged man's hand," I will call the
police again when I'm around here! "
" Alarm? "The
four people didn't realize their faces when they heard Zhu Ling's words A smile appeared.
The middle-aged woman said, "If you want to call the police, let's call the police! Xiao Du, I
remember your brother-in-law being the captain here."
That's necessary, this piece, I'm the one to say!" The young man's head was high, showing a
pair of arrogance, and then he cal ed and went out.
Soon, a man in his thirties, wearing a police uniform came over, took a walkie-talkie, looked
at the majestic, and asked the young man: "Xiao Du, what's going on, who is making trouble
here?" "
" Brother-in-law, it's her. "The young man reached out and pointed at Zhu Ling.
The police captain's eyes were unpleasant, "Little girl, I suspect that you are carrying
prohibited items in your salute. Follow me to investigate!" The police captain said, and took
the smal bag from Zhu Ling's back.
"Why do I have any prohibited items that have just passed the security check? You and
these scammers are a gang!" Zhu Ling stood up and said aloud.
"Less nonsense, fol ow me!" The police captain grabbed Zhu Ling's collar and pushed Zhu
Ling towards the police room.
Everyone around looked at it, and none of them dared to speak out, fearing that they might
be involved.
"This comrade, my sister's bag is so big, you have to check, can't you check now?"
Henry's voice sounded behind several people.
The police captain turned his head and looked at Henry who was standing behind him,
frowning: "Who are you?"
"I am her brother." Henry pointed to Zhu Lingdao, "If you want to check, you should check
now." "
I told you to go to the police room, didn't you hear it?" The captain of the police roared.
Such a roar scared Zhu Ling who was standing next to him.
Henry dig Taoer Duo eye, "what roar roar ah, I want to check it now."
"Oh." Marshals captain sneer, "Boy, what you self assertive, contradicting the police officer
is not it, you wait for me!"
Marshals After the captain finished speaking, he picked up the intercom and said
something was troublesome.
Soon, a team of policemen came over.
"Take them to the police room. I suspect that they have hidden dangerous objects. If they
dare to resist, just hit them! Yes, that woman, she hid things in her clothes, etc.
She has to take off her clothes and check it well! "The captain of the police snorted.
The police officers who arrived came to Zhu Ling's lovely appearance, and they al showed
what we understood.
"Several brothers, you have to check it out. I ordered a bag tonight and drank together after
work." The young man who cheated said.
Several of the policemen apparently have a good relationship with this young man.
"OK, Xiao Du, don't worry."
"How is the business during this time?" The
young man smiled, "Thanks to the care of your big brothers."
Henry looked at al this indifferently.
Anshi, as a super metropolis, a place like a train station, has always been a mixture of
dragons and snakes, and everyone has it. It is not surprising that there is such a
phenomenon. , That is huge.
The police looked at Henry, "Brother, go, go to the police room, don't force us to ask you to
The word "please" is bitten.
Henry smiled indifferently, patting Zhu Ling on the shoulder, "Go."
Zhu Ling shook his head, "I don't want to go, they are obviously a group."
"So what should I do?" Henry asked with a smile There was a cry, "People now say you are
wearing contraband."
"I want to call my uncle!" Zhu Ling took out his mobile phone and dialed a call to go out.
the police captain saw Zhu Ling wanted to call, immediately rushed up, wanted to snatch
Zhu Ling's mobile phone, and was caught by Henry's wrist.
"Why, grab something?" Henry raised an eyebrow.
"Hinder the office! We can detain you and let go!" The police captain screamed.
Henry turned his head to see that Zhu Ling had dialed the phone at this time and said
something on the phone. Henry released the captain's wrist and walked to Zhu Ling and
asked, "What does your uncle say."
Zhu Ling replied : "He said let me stand here, someone will come to deal with this matter."
Just after Zhu Ling's words, he heard a loud shout not far away.
"Let me, let me do it!"
Afterwards, I saw a middle-aged man in casual clothes, and ran anxiously.
The original arrogant police captain and others saw the middle-aged man and quickly
changed to a respectful look.
He stood upright and said: "Good stationmaster." The middle-aged man did not look at the
police captain and looked around. After a round, he asked aloud: "Which is Zhu Lingzhu
"I am." Zhu Ling raised his smal hand.
"Hello girl, hel o, Mr. Zhu asked me to come, have you encountered any difficulties here?"
The middle-aged man asked politely to Zhu Ling.
Looking at the attitude of the middle-aged man, the captain of the police changed his face
suddenly, pale.
"It's these people." Zhu Ling reached out and pointed to the captain of the police. "They
united scammers and cheated other people's money. I took them out and they said I
brought contraband."
"It's lawless!" , Turned his head and glared at the captain of the police, and others,
"Cheating? Slandering? Be bold! I think the clothes you are wearing are al white! All went to
the police room and waited for it!"
The police captain and others were trembling with fear, and the atmosphere did not dare to
catch a breath. How could they think that the little girl in front of him called the
stationmaster on a phone cal , and made the stationmaster so respectful?
The middle-aged man finished his reprimand and looked at Zhu Ling again, showing a
smile, "Zhu girl, how do you deal with these people."
Zhu Ling waved his hand indifferently, "Oh, I don't care anymore, I can't let it go anyway.
They just continue to harm people, and I'm gone. "
Zhu Ling carried his small bag on his back and bounced towards the entrance.
Henry smiled dumbly, wishing the family's energy is still great.
This happened just for Henry or Zhu Ling, but it was just an episode, but for the captain of
the police and other people, it is estimated that they will have this in their lifetime. It's easy
to let these people go.
Henry came to the platform, the car had entered the station, and checked the ticket.
Henry walked towards a soft sleeper compartment. The soft sleeper's space was private, it
was not easy to show up, and it could better hide his whereabouts.
Henrygang entered the soft sleeping box door and saw a playful little loli sitting on another
bed in the box.
"Huh? Brother, do you also have this bus?" Zhu Ling asked Henry when he saw Henry.
"Wel , I'm going to Yanjing." Henry nodded and asked deliberately, "What about you?"
Zhu Ling heard it, showing an excited expression, "Wow, me too, so coincident."
Henry smiled and nodded . Head, "It's a coincidence."
Henry knew Zhu Ling, but Zhu Ling didn't know Henry. If Zhu Ling knew that the person in
front of him had a good relationship with his grandfather, she would definitely slip away
the first time. She ran away this time. I didn't play enough before I came out, so I didn't
want to be taken back by grandpa so quickly.
"Little brother, you just helped me, wait for me to invite you to dinner." Zhu Ling squinted.
Henry nodded and said nothing, lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and rested.
It was dark at ten o'clock in the evening.
Henry was lying on the bed, listening to Zhu Lingyue's voice in his ear, but felt that this trip
was quite good, not as boring as expected.
In a daze, Henry gradual y fell asleep.
The night is getting deeper.
The train uttered the sound of "Kuchi Kuchi". There was silence in the whole car. Zhu Ling
was tired of playing. He lay on the calf and lay on the bed.
Henry, who was fast asleep, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, his figure quickly
jumped out of the bed, and then there was no sound, then went to the door of the soft
sleeping box and listened carefully.
The perennial life-and-death battle makes Henry's nerves extremely sensitive. Even if he is
asleep, as long as he has a little dangerous breath, he will immediately wake up from a deep
Henry heard that two light footsteps sounded outside the box, which was coming along the
box where he was.
Henry took a deep breath, and when the other side took the next step, he yanked open the
box door and pushed forward with one hand.
There were two people standing in the box, apparently unaware that such a sudden change
would occur. One of them couldn't respond, and was directly pinched by Henry.
The other person quickly backed away and distanced.
In the dark, Henry glanced. The two people outside the door, each holding a dagger in his
hand, could bring the dagger to the train. Obviously, he was already prepared.
Look again, these two men have sturdy legs and calluses on their palms, which is no
ordinary thief.
"Who are you!" Henry shouted in a low voice.
The man who was stuck in Henry's throat, flushed, tried hard to break Henry's hand, but
couldn't do it at al .
Another person said: "Boy, our goal is that girl inside, it has nothing to do with you, don't
ask for trouble!" "Sorry, this person, I just like trouble." Henry grinned, suddenly punched,
fought Hold the man's bel y by himself.
Henry punched the opponent, making it difficult for the opponent to even scream.
The other person saw him, stabbed at Henry with a dagger, kicked in the chest by Henry's
bullet, and flew out.
Almost in the blink of an eye, Henry got the two killers.
In the face of these two people, Henry showed no mercy and looked out the window.
Because the train was moving fast, the scenery outside the window was also passing by
quickly. Henry waved two hand knives and cut them on their necks respectively. Tossed
into the bathroom, two daggers were also placed on these two people. When the police saw
them tomorrow morning, they would naturally be taken away.
Henry also thought about it while doing these things. If the red hair is here, I am afraid that
the two will be torn directly and discharged from the car through the toilet water.
The Zhu family is not a consortium on the bright side, but the ancient Wu family with a long
history. Those who can handle the Zhu family are also from the ancient Wu family.
The people of the ancient Wu family will do it. The death and injury will not be alarmed.
Inside the box, Zhu Ling was sleeping, and had no idea of what was happening outside.
The two-day itinerary says that the length is not long, the length is not short, and it is so.
In the past two days, Henry has been calling Sylvia, but Henry found that Sylvia seems to
have blacked his number, and when it is called, it is turned off. On social software, Henry
also sent out Countless times of friend applications have failed.
Henry sighed and turned off his mobile phone. His number could not be used by Yanjing,
and it was easy to be detected.
For those big families, a little wind and wind can enter their eyeliner. Although Henry is
powerful, his opponent is not a fool. If Henry uses the Yinzhou number again, the other
party can easily think of him at this time.
The train arrived at Yanjing Station at seven in the afternoon.
In the two-day itinerary, Zhu Ling pul ed Henry to chat every day and got along well.
"Brother, let's go, please have a nice meal. By the way, I will introduce a beautiful sister to
you. I will tell you that I am quite loyal." Zhu Ling patted his smal breast and made a pair A
bold expression.
"OK." Henry nodded.
After encountering the killer on the train, Henry wanted to contact the people of Zhujia and
let them protect the little princess in this family. What is the identity of the kil er, Henry did
not know, he could never look at this The pearl on the palm of an old friend is in danger.
Zhu Ling jumped up and down in front of Henry, out of the train station, and hit a car.
"Master, go to No. 3 Road."
No. 3 Road?
Upon hearing this address, Henry could think of who that Zhu Ling said to her sister.
Nangong Yu!
The eldest lady of the Nangong family.
Zhu Ling came to Yanjing, and it was her that she could find.
Unlike the third-tier small cities like Yinzhou, places like Yanjing can be called Crouching
Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Both the Su family and the Nangong family have a background from
the ancient Wu family.
The No. 3 Road is in the center of Yanjing. The taxi stops in front of a residential area cal ed
Henry glanced at the door of the community, and the word "atmosphere" came out
unconsciously in the bottom of his heart.
The arch stone gate can accommodate ten people walking side by side. On each side of the
gate, there is a stone lion, lifelike.
Fucheng is a well-known community throughout Yanjing. The average price per square
meter of the house here is around 95,000, which is prohibitive. The people who live here
are either rich or expensive.
Zhu Ling was carrying her small bag, standing in front of the community and waiting.
Soon, a tall beautiful woman appeared in Henry's sight.
A black hair hangs behind her head. With every step of her movement, the hair will jump
gently. She wears a white dress with a Hanfu style and a silver and white hosta on her hair.
This style If someone else spreads it, it will definitely attract a strange look, but in her body,
people do not feel a bit awkward, but feel that such a woman should be dressed like this,
the temperament she carries , The impression is only one word, fairy.
The woman walked in front of Zhu Ling and spoke gently. Her voice was like a valley in the
valley, like water like a song, "Zhu girl, are you running out of your grandpa?" The woman's
clear and bright pupil, like a star , With a slight smile, his eyes narrowed into a crescent
shape, as if the spirits of that month were revealed.
Zhu Ling pursed mouth cute, little face is full of grievances, "the old man would not let me
come out to play, I can only own secretly ran out of Laila, Yu sister, you can not tel my
grandfather ah."
"you ah." Palace Yu extended fingers, gently point I wish the next spiritual forehead,
"are you going to let your grandfather worry about it."
I wish playful spirit of the small spit spit Tongue, "Yes, Sister Yu, this is Brother Henry."
Nangong Yu reached out to Henry, "Hello, I am Nangong Yu."
"Hello." Henry gently held Nang Yu's catkins and looked at The impeccable face of the other
party, counted, has not seen her in nearly three years.
Henry can still remember the last time she saw Nangong Yu. She didn't look like Miss
Nangong at al . She had to open her mask even if she was still alive. She even forced her to
die. In the end, Henry didn't take off the mask and asked her Anyone who has seen
Hellwalker must die, do you want to die?
Henry can even recall Nangong Yu's fearful expression at the time.
"Brother Henry, what are you laughing at?" Zhu Ling tilted his head and looked at Henry
"Am I?" Henry quickly narrowed the smile on his face, and just thinking about the past, he
unconsciously laughed.
"Of course there is. The smile is obvious. Are you fascinated by Sister Yu? Tel you that Sister
Yu has no boyfriend yet." Zhu Ling kept looking at Henry.
Nangong Yu reached out and took a picture of Zhu Ling's forehead. "You girl likes to open
me up. Let's talk about which big meal you want to eat."
Zhu Ling's head shook like a rattle. "I don't eat big meals." , I ’
m going to watch the fight. ” Nangong Yu sighed helplessly when she heard this,“ Girl, you
do n’t want to eat, your friends have to eat, wait for the meal, or let your friends go to rest
early, let ’s try again. How about going to fight? "
Zhu Ling glanced at Henry, just wanted to say okay, but Henry took the lead in saying,"
It's okay, I'm not hungry at all, go to fight first, and eat after reading. "
After Henry said this, he could clearly see that Nangong Yu's face became a little ugly.
The meaning of that sentence just mentioned by Nangong Yu just now is this so-called fight.
I don't want to take Henry.
The things of the Guwu family are not understood by ordinary people, and the people of the
Guwu family will not bring ordinary people to participate in it.
If Henry hadn't met the two killers before, he was too lazy to see what fights these two girls
had. The Gu Wu family disciple, although fighting fiercely, was stil the same as the children
playing in Henry's eyes.
But now that I know Zhu Ling is in danger, Henry cannot naturally leave at will. When will
the family members come and when will he leave?
Zhu Ling looked at Nangong Yu with some embarrassment. "Sister Yu, let's go together."
"Hey." Nangong Yu sighed. "
I really convinced you, then go." The place to see fights is not a hidden place, but a fighting
The members of this fighting club are almost al disciples of the Guwu family.
Like a normal consortium, depending on whether the juniors are successful or not, it
depends on the juniors ’business minds, political minds, etc., but the Guwu family, strength
determines everything, and every disciple of the Guwu family, their biggest goal is to make
themselves change Strong.
Nangong Yu drives a Maserati parked in front of this fight club, watching the Mercedes-
Benz G in front of this club, various supercars, Nangong Yu body For the Miss Nangong
family, driving a Maserati can be regarded as low-key.
Nangong Yu's reputation is also particularly loud in the circle. Her outstanding
temperament and beautiful appearance, including the identity of Miss Nangong, have made
her pursuers countless, but no matter how many suitors, Nangong Yu has no one Can be
As soon as Zhu Ling arrived at the fighting club, he seemed very excited. In the club, some
people practiced punches in front of the sandbags, some held some fitness equipment, and
some were in the ring to fight one-on-one, two-on-two, or less-to-many .
Zhu Ling ran to the ring in excitement, looked at the people on the ring, and kept shouting
at him, beating him, his eyes were full of excitement.
On the other hand, Nangong Yu seemed to have no interest.
Henry did the same, picked a sofa and sat on it.
Zhu Ling looked at it for a while and found that the three people who came together
shouted and shouted in excitement. She suddenly felt a little bored. She ran to Nangong Yu,
"Sister Yu, why are you not interested at al ?"
Nangong Yu glanced at the ring and smiled slightly, "
Too weak." "Weak?" Zhu Ling glanced at Nangong Yu's eyes just now, and Nangong Yu said
that the one who was too weak didn't fall on the ring. .
Zhu Ling smiled bitterly, "Sister Yu, it's not that people are too weak, but your expectations
are too high. You always compare others with that person. If everyone is as strong as him,
there won't be only one bright island in the world. Lord. "
" He ... "Nangong Yu's eyes were faint," You said he remembers me? "
"I don't know." Zhu Ling shook his head. "Sister Yu, that is the owner of the Bright Island,
the strongest man in the world. There must be countless beauties around me.
Listening to my grandpa, he has been missing for several months. So many people are
looking for him. There is no news until now. It ’s too difficult to see him. You ca n’t think
about that kind of person all the time. ”
Nangong Yu looked at Zhu Ling and asked,“ Girl, have you seen that? After the vast sea, will
you still be excited about the ordinary rivers? "
Zhu Ling's eyes appeared puzzled," Sister Yu, what
do you mean? " " You are stil young. "Nangong Yu smiled slightly and rubbed her wishes.
Ling's head, "Go and watch, let's go to dinner after watching."
"Nangong? Are you here? When did you come?" A surprise voice came from the ring that
Nangong Yu had just seen.
I saw the young man who had just hit a dozen or three before the wind fell, and a man
jumped off the ring and walked towards Nangong Yu.
"Take a look with this girl." Nangong Yu pointed at Zhu Ling.
"Yo, isn't this the pearl on the palm of Zhu's grandfather? Why, ran out and played?"
The youth glanced at Zhu Ling.
Zhu Ling glanced at his mouth, "Su Zheng, you give me strict control of your mouth, don't
talk nonsense!"
"Hehe." Su Zheng laughed indifferently, looked at Nangong Yu again, asked, "Nangong How
do you think I just played? "
" Not bad. "Nangong Yu said something on the scene.
In the past, Nangong Yu had seen the world's top-level battles. Compared with such battles,
Su Zheng's fight in this ring was just like playing.
Su Zheng glanced at random, and just saw Henry sitting on the sofa beside Nangong Yu,
"This brother, it seems that I haven't seen it before?"
"No, I am here for the first time, with them." Henry nodded and looked at the Su Zheng, Su
family, which is his goal this time.
When Su Zheng heard that Henry came with Nangong Yu, his eyes were suddenly full of
hostility. "For the first time? Isn't anyone here at this club?"
Su Zheng's words were mainly for Nangong Yu.
Henry also understood the meaning in Su Zheng's words, but still intentionally said:
"What do you mean? I can't come to see this fight entertainment department?"
"Oh, look? Can you understand? Don't understand ? "Su Zheng glanced at Henry
contemptuously, deliberately find fault, just because Henry and Nangong Yu came together.
"I practiced for a while, but I can understand some." Henry smiled. "You hit ... very
Henry gave Su Zheng a provocative glance.
As soon as Henry said this, Nangong Yu sitting next to him couldn't help but look at him
more than once.
An angry look appeared on Su Zheng's face, staring at Henry, "Boy, what are you talking
"I said that you hit it, it's very general, just like a child playing a house, is there any
problem?" Henry raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not ashamed!" Su Zheng shouted violently. "You said that I played normally, which is
better, try?"
"Okay." Henry smiled slightly, "How do you want to fight?"
"Simple." Su Zheng sneered and pinched After squeezing his fist, "fight until a person gets
"Okay." Henryying snorted, and then punched his teeth, and then punched Su Zheng's face
with a punch.
At the moment when Su Zheng talked to Henry, Henry thought about his plan behind him.
Instead of letting him actively contact the Su family, he would passively let the Su family
accept himself.
Playing the Su family is the quickest and fastest way, and playing here will not cause the
other party to be vigilant.
The sudden punch of Henry was so fast that Su Zheng was only able to react and dodge.
This is the result of Henry's hidden strength, otherwise it only takes a moment, and Su
Zheng will have to be beaten down.
Su Zheng dodged Henry's fist, just preparing to return, Henry kicked again, hitting Su
Zheng's chest.
Su Zheng was kicked by Henry without accident.
Such a scene has already attracted the attention of the rest of the club.
Su Zheng had just been on the ring, fighting against one enemy and three, and his strength
was put among these people. It was considered to be one of the best, but now he was
kicked by one foot, which naturally attracted a lot of attention.
In the face of so many people, a stranger kicked him in the chest, leaving Su Zheng's face dul
. He rose from the ground with a carp and attacked Henry.
Watching Su Zheng's movements, Henry even sat on the sofa from beginning to end.
"You are too slow." Henry opened his mouth gently and kicked once again when Su Zheng
rushed in front of him, quasi-quasi-kick on Su Zheng's knee.
Su Zheng, who was rushing forward, was staggering, so he was kneeling right in front of
Such a scene made the eyes of the people in the whole fighting hall wide.
Su Zheng felt a humiliation in his heart. In front of so many people and the woman she
liked, she made such a move!
Su Zheng shouted and was about to get up.
"Weak." Henry smiled disdainful y, and his voice clearly passed into Su Zheng's ears.
Then, Henry got up and took his knees against Su Zheng's jaw.
Xuan , although Henry left a lot of strength, but in the action, but no weakness, every time
he attacked, it was a crucial position.
This knee went up to make Su Zheng who was kneeling there, and the whole person leaned
back, and then fell heavily on the ground.
This knee strike is to be placed on an ordinary person, and it is estimated that he passed
out immediately.
In the end, Su Zheng practiced, lying on the ground, his hands struggling to get up.
After Henry got up, he flicked the dust from his cuff, and then walked in front of Su Zheng,
kicking fiercely on Su Zheng's side rib.
Still struggling to get up, Su Zheng was kicked by Henry and the whole person moved a few
meters laterally, unable to get up completely.
Henry's series of actions looked in the eyes of others, and a few words popped up in his
Decisive, powerful and fierce!
Nangong Yu looked at Henry who was standing there, his eyes exuded a strange look.
At that moment, Nangong Yu brought the person in front of him and the figure in his
memory together.
They are the same decisive. In the process of shooting, they do not leave any chance for
their opponents. They are equally strong. At the very least, Henry now crushes Su Zheng.
Of course, this feeling is only a moment, and of course Nangong Yu would not think that this
person in front of him could be compared with the island owner of Bright Island.
The scene of Henry defeating Su Zheng is undoubtedly shocking. This is a complete crush.
Henry lightly laughed: "It looks like I won."
"Wow!" Zhu Ling shouted with bright eyes, "Little brother, you are so powerful."
Henry shook his head, "He is too weak ." Now. "
Henry's words made the rest of the fighting hall ashamed. They are all disciples of the
Guwu family. In their minds, there is a sense of superiority, but now, the best of them are
being treated by an unknown outsider. People are easily defeated, and more importantly,
this person is not from the ancient martial world. At least, they have never heard of such a
number one character.
"What should I do? Su Zheng looked hurt badly." One looked at the place where Su Zheng
was. Su Zheng was lying on the ground at the moment, and he was motionless.
If it were not for him to make a low, painful sound, everyone might think he was dead. It
may be that, after all, Henry has just made a few moves, and the moves are al crucial.
"Call the people of the Su family. This time Su Zheng was beaten. The people of the Su
family will definitely not be easy." The
two exchanged a bit and took out their mobile phones to inform the people of the Su family.
Nangong Yu got up and asked Zhu Ling, "Girl, do you still want to watch? Let's go without
"No watching, no watching, it's meaningless." Zhu Ling shook his head again and again, and
saw Henry just like the shot Then, looking at those competitions in the ring, I real y feel that
my fists are soft.
Nangong Yu nodded, "Let's go."
Then, Nangong Yu took the lead and walked towards the club gate.
"Wait." One person reached out and stopped Nangong Yu.
"How?" Nangong Yu smiled.
"Nangong girl, you can go, but he can't go." The man who stopped Nangongyu looked at
Henry. "If he beats the Su family, if you leave like this, I believe that you must also be
implicated, Nangong girl on. "
Palace Yu Liu Mei Wei Zhou, with a puzzled face," they do not normally fight it? " "
normal duel. "the man nodded his head, then they said," but Su who can not touch! "
in After this man's voice fell, he walked out a few more people, blocking the door of the
club. The meaning was obvious, and Henry was not allowed to go.
"You are unreasonable!" Zhu Ling bulged his cheek gang, "It is a normal duel, why not let
people go?"
"No way." The person who spoke also showed a helpless expression "Who made him hit the
Su family?"
Zhu Ling shook his shoulders and was stopped by Henry when he was about to speak again.
Henry patted Zhu Ling's shoulder and smiled at the people who were blocking the door:
"Do you think that you can stop me?"
"This ..."
Henry said this to the people who were blocking the door for a moment.
Yeah, can you stop others by relying on yourself and others? Just as someone else just
played, is it not the same as playing?
"If you leave, you have to consider the consequences yourself." The person who spoke first
could only lift the Su family to press Henry, "I don't know who you are, but I know that no
matter what your identity is, you offend the Su family You do n’t want to get confused in
this place in Yanjing. "
" Hey, okay. "Henry sighed and nodded." Then I won't go. "
Seeing Henryfu soft, those who are stuck at the door, There was joy on his face.
Nangong Yu shook his head in disappointment. Although this person is very similar to the
shadow in his heart, many places are very similar, but the person in his heart, he will not be
The idea of Nangong Yu just came out, and Henry's voice sounded again.
"Since you won't let me go, then I'll
beat him again." Henry's voice scared the people in the fighting hal and looked at Henry.
What does he mean? This is to do nothing with the Su family.
Henry squeezed his fist and walked to Su Zheng who was still lying on the ground. He
grabbed Su Zheng's collar and lifted Su Zheng effortlessly like a little chicken.
It can be seen that Su Zheng is now very weak and can't make any effort. If Henry now
loosens his collar, he will lie on the ground again the first time.
Henry grabbed Su Zheng's col ar and said, "Your name is Su Zheng, right. I'll explain it to
you first. This is not to say that I want to hit you, but someone doesn't want me to leave. I
do n’t think your family can come in vain, right? If you do n’t beat you hard, do n’t your
family run in vain. ”
Henry's voice fell, and he saw him grabbing Su Zheng ’s hair Zheng's head slammed up
toward the wall next to it.
A "dong" sound seemed to sound in the hearts of everyone, so that those in the fighting hall
could not help but scream, this is real y going to die with the Su family.
Nangong Yu's beautiful eyes looked at Henry and muttered in his mouth: "Like, it's too
As Su Zheng's head hit the wall violently, a bright red came down from Su Zheng's head.
Su Zheng himself has no ability to resist. Just now, his ribs were kicked by Henry.
Henry threw Su Zheng on the ground, and it looked like throwing garbage, clapped his
hands, and looked at the door again, "Now let me go now?"
"You ... you ..." The person who spoke before, now Looking at Henry, his voice was
stuttering, "You are just playing with fire!"
"Don't let me go yet?" Henry said, picking up Su Zheng again, and walked over to the side
Everyone subconsciously looked at the table in front of Henry, his eyes locked on the sharp
corner of the table
Although Henry has not done anything yet, everyone can probably think of this person
according to Henry's ruthlessness when he started his hands. what.
It only took a few minutes for Henry to create an image for others, and one who did n’t do it
would think that once he did it, it would be a thunderous image.
Looking at the sharp corner of the table, Henry grabbed Su Zheng's hair, pointed his
opponent's head at the sharpest place, and slammed down.
"Don't!" A girl with some guts, couldn't help screaming at the moment.
Some people also closed their eyes and were startled.
Seeing that Su Zheng's head was about to touch the sharp corner of the table, some people
even had a scene of Su Zheng's blood breaking in his mind.
At a critical moment, a loud cry came.
"Junior, stop it!"
Su Zheng's head stopped when there was less than one centimeter away from the corner of
the table, which made many people relieved.
Henry turned his head to see a middle-aged man in a black dress, glaring at him angrily.
Henry looked at each other, and he was puzzled. "What are you?"
Henry's words surprised the people in the fighting hall and dared to talk to Su Wu like this?
Su Wu is not good-tempered, this kid is done.
Some people already have a look of gloating and scourge on their faces, waiting to see Su
Wu shoot.
Su Wu looked at Henry disgruntledly, "Which junior are you?"
"Which one?" Henry looked strange.
A person walked to Su Wu and said something next to Su Wu's ear. Su Wu nodded and
urged Henrydao: "No wonder it's so bold, it turned out to be a hairless kid who doesn't
know the heights and heights. You dare to fight with us Su family?"
Henry snorted, "It's interesting, this man, who shouted two tricks with me, would it be
necessary for me to stand there and let him fight?"
Su Wu nodded, "Of course, it was always my Su family who beat others, no one dared to
move Our Su family! "
" It's really domineering. "Henry grinned," It's just that the people in your family can say
that the kung fu at hand is not very good. "
" Random! "Su Wu shouted, The footsteps moved, rushing towards Henry.
The place where Henry is standing now, is more than ten meters away from the gate of the
Fighting Pavilion. Su Wu almost rushed to Henry in two seconds, and punched Henry's
In the face of Su Wu's fist, Henry threw Su Zheng aside, and he stepped back and forth.
He wanted to see Su Wu's path. This is also Henry's habit. Every time he meets a new
enemy, Henry must find out the other side. The boxing routines on the one hand prepare
for the enemy's future, on the other hand, Henry's experience of slowly becoming stronger.
Su Wu's fists and feet added together, and the speed was very fast, hitting al parts of
Henry's body.
Henry's rapid dodge, in the eyes of outsiders, was Henry's beating force.
"I was just so arrogant. I thought how powerful it would be. It was like this in the end."
"That is, I really thought he was the boss in this world. At first glance, he hadn't seen
anything in the world. He practiced some boxing and kicks. He real y felt that the world was
"Some people educated him!"
A round of sarcasm sounded from the crowd watching the battle.
Su Wu also became more and more courageous, and his speed became faster and faster.
Every move pointed to the weakest part of Henry's body.
"Come on! Brother Henry!" Zhu Ling pinched his fists and cheered Henry.
Nangong Yumei looked at Henry with curiosity. She wondered whether this young man had
the strength to compete with the older generation of the Su family. Although Su Wu was not
the strongest among the Su family, Yes, but it is also representative.
Henry was forced into a corner by Su Wu, and there was no way out.
"Run, it's around the corner, how can he run?"
"Do you know what this is called?"
"Close the door and beat the dog!"
A burst of laughter sounded, just the pressure that Henry brought to them, It was too big. A
person of unknown peers, not even from the ancient martial arts family, put their family
members under pressure, and made them feel particularly stubborn. Now they see Henry
being punished. Clean up, they all have a kind of unpretentious unrestrained heart.
"Junior, this punch, let you understand, what is someone else!" Su Wubao screamed and
punched hard. He concluded that Henry did not have any escape route. This punch used the
whole body's strength and wanted a punch. Abolish Henry's ability to act.
Henry's backward steps were also at this moment. He suddenly saw Su Wu's path and
smiled at Su Wu. "You are too weak."
The smile on Henry's face made Su Wu feel bad. I had a hunch, but I tried my best to make it
"Slap" with
a soft sound.
Everyone saw that Su Wu's punch with al his strength was actually held by Henry's only
one hand, and no matter how hard Wu Su exerted, that fist could not advance one more
Henry shook his head, "The speed is too slow, the power is too light, the fist is not so out,
come, I will teach you." As
soon as the word "you" fell, Henry patted Su Wu's fist, then squeezed his fist by himself, and
his footsteps retreated slightly. With a belt power, a punch was blasted hard. This punch,
Rao is a person watching the battle, can hear a burst of wind breaking.
Henry's fist hit Su Wu's chest and directly flew Su Wu three meters away, letting him fall to
the ground.
Such a scene makes the onlookers stunned and a little unbelievable.
what's the situation? Su Wu was solved by a punch?
"Good!" Zhu Ling yelled happily.
Nangong Yuzhan smiled, and someone who looked like him should win like this.
Henry shook his hand and rushed to Su Wudao: "This is the fist, do you understand?"
Su Wu clutched his chest, ugly looking up from the ground, staring at Henry, "What the hell
are you?"
"What what ?" People? "Henry's face was strange," You guys who are fighting, you have to
get the roots out? "
Su Wu snorted," You don't want to say, it doesn't matter. In Yanjing, there is nothing that
our Su family can't find out.
When Su Wu finished speaking, he stared at the door of the museum and shouted, "Let him
Those people who were stuck at the door , you look at me, I look at you, and you look at
each other for a while, but you don't speak.
Henry's power has exceeded their expectations. Even the people of Su's parents'
generation were not his opponents.
With a happy expression on his face, Zhu Ling walked up and down in front of Su Wu.
"You guys are ashamed. The little ones can't cal the old ones, the old ones can't, but hey."
"Let's go, let's go." Nangong Yu took Zhu Ling's arm and motioned her to say a few words.
Zhu Ling put out his tongue, "Brother Henry, let's go and have a big meal."
Henry and others leave the fighting hal .
Su Wu looked down on the ground, Su Zheng, who had fallen into a coma, rushed to the side
and said: "Send him to the hospital!"
Su Wu finished, and waved his hand away from the fighting hal .
Out of the door, Su Wu got on a Mercedes-Benz S600.
"How?" In the back row of Mercedes-Benz, an old man with gray hair was sitting.
"Dad, I don't know where to get a kid. It's very strong. I haven't fought." Su Wu was a little
"Hehe." The old man licked his beard and smiled twice, "Jiangshan came out on behalf of
talented people, the waves of the Yangtze River pushed forward, you are defeated by a
junior, there is nothing. There are many powerful people in this world, don't forget By the
way, there is also a master next to the girl in Yinzhou. "
Su Wu's eyes were a little gloomy:" So what to do now? I just saw that the girl in Zhu's
family is also inside. "
" She is also? "Old man Frowning, "The people you sent out failed again?"
"Yes." Su Wu nodded.
The old man did n’t speak, thinking for a while, "The kid just now, the future is unknown.
During this time, let ’s not provoke, which one is involved in case, it ’s not easy to deal with.
The girl with the surname Zhu started to inform the old man of Zhu's family by the way,
just push this thing to the boy today. Just drive. "The old man finished, patted the main
driver's seat, the Mercedes-Benz S600 launched .
Henry and his three sat in a restaurant with an elegant environment. They didn't need
much to eat. Three people and four dishes.
"Brother Henry, you are so powerful, I didn't see it." Zhu Ling looked at Henry with a look
of excitement, and his face was excited. He hadn't recovered from the previous competition,
and his mind was still thinking before What about that scene?
Nangong Yu ate some dishes and asked curiously, "Where did you learn kung fu?"
"I used to fight a lot when I was a kid, and I learned a bit about free fighting and Sanda
when I grew up." Henry explained that he actual y said the same. Not bad, but the fight in
his mouth is different from what normal people understand.
"Is it?" Nangong Yu put her chopsticks on her lips and looked at Henry suspiciously.
"Why don't I believe it?"
Henry said nothing , and rolled his eyes. "Why do you believe it?"
Henry said In fact, the one who choked Nangong Yu did not know what to say. She really
saw such a person for the first time, no, it was the second time, there was a person before,
and when she spoke, she would not be able to speak. Words come.
Like, it is so similar.
Nangong Yu looked at Henry, the person in front of him, and the figure in her memory
again, the same style of doing things, the same fearlessness, even speaking like that!
With a sip of the chopsticks, Nangong Yu said again, "You are traveling to Yanjing, are you
"Wel ." Henry nodded. "Come here and play around."
"I know Yanjing well, May I take you around? "Nangong Yu said.
Nangong Yu's words, what Henry said, she took her turn?
Henry was very happy. Original y, he stil thought about what excuse he wanted to stay with
Zhu Ling, and even stay with Nangong Yu, so that the Su family would find themselves as
soon as possible. Now this opportunity is coming.
"Thank you so much. It happened that I was not familiar with Yanjing. It was an honor for
me to be with you, a big beauty." Henry chuckled lightly and nodded.
After dinner, Henry found a hotel close to Fucheng as a rest, Zhu Ling went home with
Nangong Yu, and the three asked to see you tomorrow morning.
late at night.
At Yinzhou Airport, Sylvia got off the plane and drove home.
Along the way, Sylvia felt a little upset, did he sign the divorce agreement?
When the car entered the community, the speed obviously slowed down a lot. When he
arrived at the villa area, Sylvia saw that the supposedly bright house was dark at this time.
Sylvia sighed and said to himself: "He should have left."
Parked the car and opened the door of the room. A cold feeling flooded my heart, looking at
the empty room. A faint loss.
Overnight quietly passed.
Early the next morning, Sylvia went to the company, and Secretary Li Na came to Sylvia's
office to report her work for the past two days.
"Mr. Lin, in the past few days when you left, Zhao has put pressure on us in almost every
aspect. Originally, we had a stable plot of land, because Zhao inserted it, and now the price
has increased by 30%. After taking it, there is almost no profit, and the last time the trading
channel, Zhao gave us more than five percentage points than the other, and the other party
has rejected our cooperation. "
Sylvia listened to Li Na ’s report, which was enough before The problem that gave her a
headache was not a problem now.
"You take these business cards, let the business department see which one is closest to our
project, and contact and cooperate with each other." Sylvia took out a stack of business
cards and put them on the table.
Li Na nodded, took the business card, and glanced casual y, but he was a little dazed,
"Mr. Lin, this ..."
"What's wrong?" Sylvia asked while turning on the computer.
"These companies ... are all cooperating with us?" Li Na looked at the business card in her
hand and was a little unbelievable. Although Lin is the leading enterprise in Yinzhou, it is
only limited to Yinzhou, which is similar to the big enterprises in Duhai. Compared with,
the difference in the middle is not a little bit, but now, these business cards in their own
hands are all the kind of large enterprises with market value of hundreds of billions?
"Wel , let the business department pick it yourself." Sylvia nodded.
Li Na took a deep breath and eased the shock in her heart. "
Understood ." Li Na just walked to the office door and was stopped by Sylvia. "That's right,
Henry he ... Have you seen you recently?"
"Mr. Zhang is in you ." I left the day I went to Duhai. I did n’t know exactly where I went.
"Li Na shook her head and answered.
"Okay, get it, you are busy." Sylvia waved his hand.
After Li Na left, Sylvia took out his mobile phone and looked at Henry's phone number.
nine in the morning.
Nangong Yu drove and took Henry and Zhu Ling to some tourist attractions.
Said to take Henry around, in fact, it is Zhu Ling where to go, the two accompanied her.
"Sister Yu, did you take Henry's elder brother, did you want him to help you in that
matter?" Zhu Ling blinked his eyes wide.
Palace Yu Qiao Lian a red for no reason, then some frustration: "? How to do that, you do
want to look at your sister to marry Yu then a nasty man,"
"Hey, do not hate the man to discuss I do not know, anyway, Henry The younger brother
doesn't hate. "
" He? "Nangong Yu glanced at Henry walking behind him." He also hates it! "
Nangong Yu said that the annoyance did not refer to Henry, but to pass Henry to make him
involuntary. The person that comes to mind.
Yanjing. To say that it can be played, there are not many, in fact, most of them are some
places for viewing and commemorative.
Along the way, Zhu Ling, the girl, kept talking and walking with Nangong Yu, two very
different women, attracted a lot of turning back, a woman cute and cute, a woman floating
like a fairy.
Henry was very quiet, but he was also interested in where he went.
Although Henry has gone to many places over the years, it can be said that he has run al
over the world. The most prosperous place he has stayed, enjoyed, and the most bitter
place, he has also stayed, but he did not enjoy the scenery once. .
As soon as noon, Nangong Yu's mobile phone ringing kept ringing.
Although Henry could not hear what Nangong Yu said, she could see that when she cal ed,
her eyes were filled with impatient looks. After hanging up the phone, Nangong Yu simply
shut down her mobile phone.
After doing al this, Nangong Yu looked at Henry and pursed her red lips.
"Beauty, do you need my help?" Henry asked actively.
Nangong Yu froze slightly, then nodded.
"It's a little busy, can you, when I ..." Nangong Yu hesitated, "boyfriend?"
"Sorry." Henry shook his head, "I'm married."
Nangong Yu waved his hand and explained Dao: "It ’s not that you are real y my boyfriend,
but that my dad has a glance. Our family, advocating martial arts, my dad
must let me marry someone with a strong punch, but I do n’t like him, can you help Me?
Nangong Yu didn't know how to explain to Henry about the ancient Wu family. He could
only summarize it with a sentence of advocating Wu Feng.
Henry stolen in my heart. I have n’t seen him in the past three years. Nangong Yu ’s father is
still like that. I hope her girl can find a young man who can do a lot of hard work. Before
that, her father stil took a picture of Nangong Yu and went to Guangming Island to choose
his son-in-law. Well, in the end, he was arrested by several older generations of the
Nangong family. It is said that the face was thinking for a month. It seems that now, it has
not changed.
Henry deliberately asked: "Introduce you a puncher? Has the other party received any
"Award ..." Nangong Yu felt a little confused with Henry. The disciples of the ancient Wu
family were not allowed to participate. Sanda, free fighting for such projects, "There is no
award, he is all practicing martial arts."
"Oh, okay, no problem." Henry compared the OK gesture, how to say it was also behind his
own butt The slug that has been crying, can it help?
Seeing Henry agree to come down, Nangong Yu was also very pleased. He simply turned the
cel phone that was just turned off and dialed a number. "You are waiting at home, I will
take him back now!" After
Nangong Yu finished the call, The scenic spot is no longer there, drive Zhu Ling and Henry
to the suburbs.
Zhu Ling was very excited to think about such an interesting thing happening soon.
Henry still remembers that the house of the Nangong family is on the outskirts of the city.
There is a manor, some of the larger ancient Wu family with scattered leaves and leaves,
and now there is still a tradition of leaving a manor. The family's juniors live in the city, and
the elders will care for the elderly in the manor. He also grows his own food, and pays
attention to self-sufficiency, which also implies that the ancient Wu will continue to carry
Nangong Yu drove to the door of the manor, which was locked.
Nangong Yu honked his horn several times, and the door didn't open.
"It's estimated that there is another problem with the system. Let's go over." Nangong Yu
said, opened the door and got out of the car.
There is a smal door next to the main entrance of Nangong's house, which allows people to
This manor, Henry had been here before. Now, it is almost the same as before. It is that a
piece of pepper field is now planting tomatoes. The whole manor gives people an antique
Nangong Yu walked in the manor, his eyes somewhat puzzled, "Strange, why is there no
Normally, Nangong Yu Manor, from nanny to cook, plus Nangong Yu's parents, and some
elders, there are more than ten But now it looks like the whole manor is very empty.
Nangong Yu walked to a room and just wanted to open the door.
"Be careful!" Henry suddenly slammed and pulled a handful of Nangong Yu, a splendid
body plunged into Henry's arms, Henry's footsteps retreated slightly.
The next second, at the place where Nangong Yu had just stood, the door was kicked open
from inside, and a bright dagger appeared.
"Boy, the reaction is quite fast!" A hoarse voice sounded, and from the house, a man
dressed in black and wearing a mask came out.
"It just happened that the old lady of the Nangong family came back on their own, and
saved us from looking for it, and we ran out of the net!"
Not far behind Nangong Yu, he walked out a few times, holding sharp blades, choppers, and
sticks in his hands.
"Acknowledge your fate, Miss Nangong." A sharp laugh sounded.
A total of more than ten figures formed a circle, enclosing Henry's three people in the circle,
al covered their faces, and could not see clearly.
Nangong Yu's face turned red from Henry's chest, glancing at the dozen people, and
suddenly he thought of something. The nervous expression on his face changed, and he
shook his head at one of them.
Seeing Nangong Yu's movements, the man deliberately twisted his head and shouted at
Henry: "Boy, we only need this girl in front of you, it doesn't matter to you. Now, get out!"
"Uh ..." Henry glanced. Asked curiously, "Are you guys, robbed?"
"It's here to get his life!" One person took the machete and stepped forward.
"Hey." Henry sighed, "I won't go, you gangsters, you won't let me go."
"Trick thief?" When the man with the knife heard Henry's words, his anger didn't hit him al
of a sudden. Waving the machete in his hand, he cut towards Henry.
When the man came out of the knife, the man standing behind him reminded with a very
low voice: "Be careful, don't hurt people."
Henry saw the man slashing at himself with a knife, and he stepped forward without
stepping back. Then, he kicked a kick, and the man was kicked out by Henry without
swinging the knife.
Until the man with the knife fell to the ground, more than a dozen people in black reacted.
"Aha, it's still a hard stubble. Let's go together!"
More than ten people in black looked at each other, and Qi Qi came to siege Henry.
Zhu Ling looked anxiously, "Sister Yu, what's the matter? Uncle Nangong, they won't have
an accident, how can Brother Henry have beaten so many people."
Nangong Yu rolled his eyes, "Relax Wel , your uncle Nangong and they are fighting with
your little brother Henry. "
" Ah? "Zhu Ling didn't respond, she looked at the men in black," Sister Yu, you said these
people, are they uncle Nangong? "
Nangong Yu sighed, nodded as if destined, and the family playing with such a fun on the
booth, sometimes it was really upsetting.
Nangong family, in the ancient Wu family, can be regarded as a big family.
Nangong Yu's impression is the kind of ladylike and knowledgeable knowledge of
everyone, including the Nangong family, which also gives people a sense of dignity.
But in fact, the solemnity of the Nangong family is created by Nangong Yu, the young lady of
the Nangong family. Those who really understand the Nangong family will find that this
family belongs to the urchin level.
Let ’s say Nangong Yu ’s father, the head of the Nangong family, does n’t say how powerful
Gu Wu is. At the very least, he is also a boss holding tens of bil ions of assets.
Just such a big president, taking a picture of his daughter and going out to hire a son-in-
And Nangong family, even if one loves to play, in the past, all the family loved to play except
Nangong Yu. Nangong Yu often felt that he was out of tune with his family.
Looking at the family dressed in black and posing as robbers in front of him, Nangong Yu
covered her forehead. It was really nothing to say.
"Boy, my fists and feet are good!"
"Eat me a punch!"
Several people attacked Henry, but Henry punched him in the face with another punch.
At first, these more than ten people were stil keeping their hands, afraid of hurting Henry,
but when they hit them, they found that this young man was more powerful than his peers
in the ancient Wu family .
But when they didn't keep their hands, they realized that they stil couldn't beat ...
more than a dozen people, besieging a young man, and they didn't hit anyone with a fist.
Looking at themselves, they fell to the ground three or four times. Great.
Nangong Jingyun was more and more startled, and at the same time, the more joy he felt in
his heart. He hoped that his daughter would find a good boxing skills. He knew his daughter
very well and did n’t like Gu Wu. This does not accept what Gu Wu said in the past,
Nangong Jingyun put the hope for her daughter on her son-in-law.
Now Henry's skill makes Nangong Jingyun quite satisfied. He doesn't care at all that he is
not an opponent of a junior. The more powerful his future son-in-law, the happier he is.
Nangong Jingyun thought about it beautifully, and felt a sudden pain in his face.
"Hey, don't be distracted when you rob." Henry reminded.
"Good boy, it's your turn to educate me, see the fist!" Nangong Jingyun screamed and fought
against Henry again.
More than a dozen people beat one person. Henry's disadvantage is how he sees it, but only
the party concerned knows it.
"Brother, what should I do? It's not an opponent at al . My son's eyes are blue. Are he still
playing?" Nangong Yu's second uncle's voice carried an indescribable sadness.
"Fight! It must be beaten. We will be overturned by a junior. Let's talk later and lose our
lives!" Nangong Jingyun gritted his teeth and braced himself.
"Brother, the three sisters are falling down again. Did you ask Yu'er, what's the way for this
kid, and which junior didn't say that he can fight?"
Nangong Jingyun shook his head violently. Press him underground and ask again! "
Uncle Nangong Yu sighed," Oh, who presses who? "
Nang Gongyu on the side looked at the scene and covered his eyes.
Zhu Ling's expression was a little excited, "Sister Yu, Uncle Nangong, they were all beaten!"
Henry grabbed a person and slammed his fist. When he saw that the fist was about to hit a
person's face, the man quickly uttered, "No more, No more! "
Henry's fist real y stopped.
The man picked up the hood on his face and said that he was a young man with a bruised
face and a swollen face on the left. He shouted behind him, "Uncle, just test your son-in-law.
Fold it! "
The person speaking is Nangong Yu's cousin."I won't fight, I won't fight anymore, and I said
I would go on a date at night. Now it makes me go for a date. My god, no matter how thick
the powder is, I can't cover it!" A woman opened her mouth and put her cap After picking it
off, he was also full of bruises, and was Nangong Yu's cousin.
One person took the lead, and the rest gradually took off their hoods, and no one was safe.
It seems that it was just a dozen of them who beat Henry. In fact, it was clearly Henry who
beat them a dozen or so. Everyone in the Nangong family was painted on their faces. In
contrast, Henry did nothing at al .
"Ahahaha, hahaha!" Nangong Jingyun burst out an awkward laughter, and took off his hood
to reveal the eyes of the two pandas. "Oh, young people now, are really powerful.
The level of Yi is not your young man's opponent. It's not bad, not bad. "
" Poof! "Uncle Nangong Yu didn't hold back, laughing out loud, and quickly covered her
Nangong Yu's depressed expression: "Dad, if you have enough play, let's prepare to eat."
"You girl." Nangong Jingyun blamed his eyes. "How can this be cal ed play? This is cal ed a
test, We are looking at you boyfriend, do you have a sense of responsibility? I am still three-
pointed satisfied with his performance. "
Henry held the smile in his heart. When these people appeared just now, he felt something
was wrong. The knife that attacked Nangong Yu in the room was stil surrounded by these
people. Henry didn't feel the slightest killing intention. Now, at first glance, it really isn't a
real robber.
Looking at all the ancient Wu family in Huaxia, can the Nangong family do this kind of
Nangong Jingyun and others have never seen Henry.
In other words, in the ancient Wu family, their generation is not yet qualified to see Henry,
the title of the owner of the Bright Island. Only the father of Nangong Jingyun's generation,
only a few people have been fortunate enough to see the true face of Henry.
"This ... Yu'er, come and introduce your boyfriend to us al ." Nangong Jingyun waved his
"Hello Uncle, my name is Henry." Henry took the initiative to reach out.
"Henry? Well, yes!" Nangong Jingyun walked to Henry's body and patted Henry's shoulder.
"The guy is good. Your sense of responsibility still makes me very satisfied.
It's just that you are a bit of a fist. Practicing more, or when I get to the 20% level, I'm afraid
you can't even stop a punch. "
" Yes, yes. "Henrylian nodded.
Aside from the Nangong family, they were embarrassed to listen.
"OK, let's have dinner!" Nangong Jingyun waved his hand.
A few minutes later, Henry, three people, and a dozen Nangong family members with
swollen noses and blue faces sat on a round dining table. The food on the table was very
"That Henry, the family is accustomed to eating something that you planted, and you don't
dislike it." Ningong Jingyun took out a bottle of wine.
"How come, this natural green food can't be eaten anywhere else." Henry waved his hand.
"It's just a problem."
Nangong Jingyun opened the wine bottle, "What is the problem, you say."
"Uncle Nangong, are your tests not over yet?" Henry asked curiously There was a cry.
"What test?" Henry asked Nan Gong Jingyun this time, he looked at the others on the table,
and everyone shook his head.
"Isn't it really?" Henry said again, confirming it.
"No, it's absolutely gone." Nangong Jingyun shook his head vigorously. "Henry, you still ask
what this is doing, come, let's drink and drink."
"Since there isn't ..." Henry's mouth grinned, and the next second, he Like an arrow off the
string, it rushed out of the seat and dashed towards a screen in the room.
This screen is carved from marble, with a thickness of 70 centimeters, a height of two
meters, and carved dragons and phoenixes. It has been in the Nangong family for more than
ten years.
Henry rushed to the screen and suddenly punched him, hitting it hard.
The marble screen placed in the Nangong family for more than ten years, under Henry's
fist, cracked from Henry's face.
"This ..." The Nangong family looked at Henry in surprise, not understanding what he was
But the next second, everyone understood.
A figure hurried out of the screen that was about to break, and headed towards the gate.
This screen is seventy centimeters long. When the interior is emptied, one person can be
accommodated in the middle for hiding. No one in the Nangong family expected that when
there was one more person in the screen.
"Stop, don't let him run!" Nangong Jingyun shouted.
"Can't run." Henry said confidently.
The screen shattered, Henry grabbed a piece of gravel, but the size of the thumb, a hard
shot, the gravel blasted away in the direction of the figure, and hit the corner of the other
leg accurately.
The running figure leaned forward and stumbled a few steps.
As the other party stumbled, Henry stepped forward and grabbed his col ar.
Everyone in the Nangong family could see clearly what the other party looked like. This
was a young man they had never seen before.
Henry's palm groped around the opponent's waist, and then dropped a black 54 pistol on
the ground.
Looking at what Henry found, everyone in the Nangong family took a breath.
It is self-evident that a man is hiding in a screen with a gun.
"Uncle Nangong, do you real y not know this person?" Henry grabbed the collar of the other
party and asked again.
Nangong Jingyun shook his head, "Never know."
"If you don't know, it's easy to handle." Henry's mouth sneered, and he reached out and
grabbed the other person's arm, twisting hard.
This movement of Henry caused some young people of the Nangong family to close their
eyes subconsciously. When they opened their eyes, Henry had completely broken the kil
er's arms.
The painful cry of the kil er resounded in the hall of the Nangong family.
Looking at Henry's decisive and fierce appearance, everyone in the Nangong family
shuddered unconsciously. If they had just been fought, they would have to come up like this
for a while, which is not a good thing.
Henry will have been a waste of killer arms handed King Palace cloud hands, "Palace uncle,
Since they do not know, then you have to ask the good."
Palace King face some gloomy cloud, "her second child, put him Take it to the cel ar first! " "
Okay. "Nangong Yu's second uncle nodded, grabbed the kil er's col ar, and pul ed it out of
the gate.
Looking at the killer and the 54 pistol on the ground, everyone in the Nangong family was a
little bit afraid. None of them found the people in this screen. If it was not Henry, no one
would say what would happen today. Henry's perception To admire them.
"Henry, today is real y thanks to you." Nangong Jingyun patted Henry's shoulder, sincerely,
he just didn't have the mood to continue bragging about such a big thing.
Nangong Yu's beautiful eyes are splendid again and again. Every time Henry behaves, she is
beyond her expectation. From yesterday when she saw Henry, only when he was an
ordinary person, and now, every time Henry's performance makes Nangong Yu look at each
Nangong Jingyun, who was planning to drink two cups with Henry, was anxious to go and
examine the killer, and ran to the cellar without eating a few sips.
Henry can also understand Nangong Jingyun, no matter who has such a thing, it is
impossible to say that he does not care.
After eating at Nangong ’s house, Henry asked Nangongyu to ask for an anonymous cal ing
card, and then called Wade White.
Henry called the phone, and there was no sound. Wade White's voice rang on the phone.
"Boss, are you here at Nangong's house?"
"Did you know?"
"Can you know?" Wade White turned over on the phone. Rolling his eyes, "The Su family
disciples were beaten up in the fighting hal , and Su Wu was also defeated by a young man.
It's not who you can stil say, how can you go with the girl from Zhu's family? I heard that
the beard of the old man in Zhu's family was almost pulled out. "
" When I met on the road, it was al together, yes, you tel the old man in Zhu's family,
someone wants to kill his granddaughter, let him check this. Things, also, let people release
the news in Yanjing, saying that Nangong Yu found an unidentified poor boy, and may be
engaged soon. "Henry explained to Wade White.
"Boss, this is to let you take the initiative to come to you Su trouble ah?" White pool was
somewhat puzzled, "this is the case, is not conducive to people you want to check that it's
crucial sister-in-law?"
Henry subconsciously shook his head, "No way , I do n’t have any clue now, such a big Su
family, if you really want to start with Sylvia, there is no need to wince to find a killer, it
must be someone who wants to be against Han, I can only think of First contact the Su
family, and then slowly pull out the man hidden in the dark. "
"OK, I am now looking for someone to put out the word, but the boss, this way, slightly
more than that could be a problem."
Henry smile, asked: "? I like it bother people,"
the end of the conversation with the white pool Later, Henry looked at the phone screen
and subconsciously typed in Sylvia's phone number. After waiting a few seconds, he
deleted the phone and turned off the phone.
It is clearly not the time to contact Sylvia.
In Yanjing, there are two ancient martial families, one is the Nangong family and the other
is the Su family.
These two, located in two opposite directions in Yanjing City, have a manor. Externally, the
two also have a large group. In this group, almost all are people within the family.
This ancient Wu family has many side lines and branches. These side lines will be accepted
to work in the group. The Nangong family and the Su family group can be said to be a
veritable family business, from the company reception desk to the department manager. It
may be a family of three.
Su Family Manor.
Su Wu sat in the courtyard, sipping a cup of tea, and looked at the photos on the phone
Su Wu's mobile phone, it is a photo of Henry.
"How did you find out?" An old man with gray hair, leaning on a cane, slowly walked behind
Su Wu.
"Dad." Su Wu got up and gave way to the old man.
"You sit." The old man put his hand on Su Wu's shoulder and pressed hard. "My old bone, I
don't know how long I can stand, and I can stand, just stand still."
Su Wu turned his phone to the front. After throwing it on the wooden table, he shook his
head. "I didn't find it out. This kid didn't know where it came from. I couldn't even find it
from official channels."
Henry's news was kept secret by the official red letter, except for the top No one except the
few people could find it.
The old man sighed, "You know, the land of China has countless talents. Although our
ancient martial arts family is large, there are still many high-ranking people who are
beyond our reach. This young man may be a high-ranking person. Disciple, if you can let it
go, let it be done first, and wait for the matter of Yinzhou to be dealt with, and it is not too
late to solve him. I let you send someone to Yinzhou. Have you sent someone? "
" Already Su Wu nodded. "It's just that there is a mysterious master around Lin's surname.
This time, the mysterious master, we don't even know what he looks like now.
If we just start, Expose us, when the host is not good to explain? "
" Explain? "The old man sneered," When do I do something, when will I give him an
explanation, when we were sorry that woman, but it does not mean, use The whole Su
family comes to repay! This world is very big, our Su family still has a long way to go, we
cannot stop in the hands of a baby girl, remember, kill one person, be a thief, kill ten
thousand people, you are the king! Our Su family Want to stand on top of this world, These
bones need to pave the way. "
Had some hesitation Su Wu, after the old man heard this, nodded his head," I know, Dad. "
As soon as the conversation between Su Wu and the old man was over, a young man came
running out of breath, "Second lord, second lord, found it, and found the kid!" The old man
looked up at the sky and said lightly: "Tell me "
" Now there is news everywhere that Nangong Yu brought a man home and is about to get
engaged. The
man was the one who beat Su Zheng in the fighting hall yesterday. "The old man heard this
and said nothing. , But you can see that he squeezed the cane's hand and exerted a lot of
"This kid is provoking our Su family!" Su Wu slammed the stone table and yelled angrily:
"Who doesn't know now, my son Su Lie is pursuing the baby girl of the Nangong family,
now he wants to beat us Su? The face of the family. "
The young messenger, standing with his head down, dared not speak.
Su Wu looked at the old man, "Dad, this thing can't be tolerated! If this is tolerated, our Su
family's reputation will be lost, and many people can think of something."
Su Wu has something to say , he Su Wu's Many people are aware of the style of conduct. It is
a master who does not lose money. If he is now so provocative, he will not say anything,
and anyone will find that Su Wu is not right.
The old man looked at the sky, pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "Take someone
to Nangong's house."
Su Jia Su Lie, in the circle of Yanjing, is still quite famous, highly educated, good family, and
handsome. The level of ancient martial arts is high.
Since Su Lie began pursuing Nangong Yu, many people have regarded these two people as a
family in private.
Su Lie's mind is extremely smal , especially in relation to Nangong Yu.
At the beginning, a young master Yanjing, openly pursuing Nangong Yu, was interrupted by
Su Lie's legs, and dared not show up. At the beginning of this incident, many people who
were interested in Nangong Yu all collected their thoughts.
Now, there is a rumor that in just a few hours, it was everywhere in the circle of Yanjing.
A little-known boy who went to Nangong Yu's house is likely to get engaged to Nangong
Such news natural y spread into Nangong Yu's ears.
"The Su family came here for trouble on purpose. Let's go first!" Nangong Yu stood in the
manor and was about to leave.
Nangong Yu just said this, and saw a whole row of Audi A6s, stopping in front of the
Nangongjia Manor.
Seeing these cars, Nangong Yu's face dimmed. "Come so fast?"
The front door of the Audi A6 opened. A 1.8-meter-high man in a black suit and a handsome
young man came from behind. After being drained away, the young man carried an
imposing spirit that he did not dare to look straight at. He seemed to be the arrogant of
heaven, looking at the gate of Nangongjia Manor with a gaze of inspection.
Immediately after that, the entire row of Audi doors opened, and all the men in black came
down and stood on both sides of the gate of Nangong's house.
The gate of Nangongjia slowly opened, and the young man with his hands behind his back
first slowly walked into Nangongjia Manor.
"Sister Yu, why is this person here?" Zhu Ling stood beside Nangong Yu. "Isn't that the one
you hate the most like Su Lie?"
"It's very annoying." Nangong Yu looked at the young man walking slowly Nodded.
Su Lie, in the eyes of others, is excel ent in every aspect, but there is only one point, which is
too arrogant.
In fact, Su Lie's arrogance is normal in the eyes of others, but in Nangong Yu, he has no
arrogant capital. Nangong Yu stil remembers that the owner of Guangming Island did not
have Su in his style of conduct. Lie is so crazy.
Su Lie walked in front of Nangong Yu, glanced at Nangong Yu's body, and then said:
"Yu'er, I heard that you played a childish game and brought a man home?"
"What's your relationship?" Glancing at Su Lie.
"Hehe." Su Lie laughed softly, and looked at Henry, who was standing next to Nangong Yu.
He asked softly, "You are the one that Yu'er brought back? What benefits did you give you?
Can it be
Yuer ? What are you doing? " Although Su Lie's voice was not loud, his tone and expression
were full of threats.
"Su Lie, what kind of boyfriend am I looking for, what does it have to do with you, please
leave now!" Nangong Yu warned out loudly.
"What am I doing?" Henry smiled a little. "No, I'm a fortune tel er."
"Oh? So what?" Su Lie sneered.
"So I want to ask, you stand in front of me, please tell me, what are you?" Henry's face, still
Su Lie's expression changed dramatically, "Boy, are you provoking me?"
"Of course not." Henry shook his head, "I just, I simply look down on you.
Henry's sentence makes the tension between him and Su Lie climb to the extreme.
Su Lie squeezed his fist subconsciously and stared at Henry. After a few seconds, Su Lie
loosened his fist and laughed twice, "Haha, a good one looks down on me, not as good as us,
Henry nodded, "OK, How do you want to compare? I remember that a Master Su's family
said this yesterday, and I don't know if I was discharged today. "
" Haha. "Su Lie laughed lightly," There are too many people who can beat Su Zheng's waste.
Now, I will play with you today. "
" OK, let's talk about the rules. "
" Very simple, old rules, whoever doesn't get up first, who loses. "Su Lieya sighed.
In the cellar of the Nangong family, Ningong Jingyun still tried the kil er. He heard people
say that the Su family and Su Lie were coming, and they had to do it with Henry.
"Do it? Is this Su Lie looking for death?" Nangong Jingyun said subconsciously.
How powerful Henry is, Nangong Jingyun also understands that the Nangong family is an
ancient Wu family, and there are no weak people, but just over ten of his own family have
been crushed by Henry. This Sulie, a junior of the Su family, Have any confidence to start
with Henry.
"Second man, you are the first to examine, I'l go up and see, don't let Henry smash Su Lie."
Nangong Jingyun confessed to Uncle Nangong Yu and left the cellar.
In the Nangongjia Manor, Su Lie brought people and surrounded the city to form a natural
Su Lie and Henry stood in the circle and stood side by side.
Su Lie stretched out his hands and squeezed his fists. "Do you know, boy, how many people,
what are the so-called city Sanda champions, provincial Sanda champions, they think they
are extraordinary, they came to my knees and begged for mercy."
Henry smiled and shook his head. "I don't know."
"Crazy!" Su Lie shouted.
Yesterday, Henry defeated Su Zheng and Su Wu in the fighting hal . Su Lie heard about it.
Even so, he would be so confident, enough to see that his strength has surpassed those of
the older generation of the Su family. Arrogance is great. It can be said that it is already
invincible among its peers.
As soon as Nangong Jingyun came out of the cellar, he saw that the people brought by the
Su family formed a circle. He stepped up and said, Lanxess: "When did Neye Su Liexian
come, don't tel me this uncle? "
Nangong Jingyun pushed away the people brought by the Su family and walked into the
Su Lie saw Nangong Jingyun's two dark circles slightly stunned, and then said: "Uncle
Nangong, in an anxious way, I thought not to trouble you, today is mainly to warn some
Xiao Xiao."
Nangong Jingyun waved hands repeatedly , "Nephew Su Liexian, don't hear any gossip, let
the big water rush into the Dragon King Temple, come here, uncle has some good tea, you
come here, first bring your father back to order."
Nangong Jingyun said He wanted to take Su Lie away. He really did n’t want Su Lie to fight
Henry. If Wan Xuanxuan started a little bit heavier, he would shoot Su Lie three long and
two short. This was not good for Su in his own home. Family accountable.
Nangong Jingyun thought this way, but Su Lie did not know exactly what Nangong Jingyun
thought. Su Lie said: "Uncle, this is a matter between me and him. You do n’t have to worry
about it, you will soon It's over. "
" Don't hit me anymore, Brother Su, it's not fun to beat around. "Another voice sounded,
Nangong Yu's cousin, with a bag of ice on his face, left. When he came over, he didn't want
to watch Su Lie beaten, but he didn't feel bad about Su Lie. It was just that his surnamed Su
was beaten at the Nangong's house. There were more troubles behind him.
"That is, I don't think it's meaningful to fight like this. Let's do some text fights in the
future." Nangong Yu's cousin also came over with an ice pack on her face. He looked at
Henry with a disappointed look, and really couldn't understand how such a young man has
such a good skil .
The people of the Nangong family are persuading Su Lie, and they want Su Lie not to
humiliate herself.
Su Lie looked at the three of them and said, "Everyone, our generation, advocating martial
arts in themselves, and everyone knows that I am so passionate about Yu'er.
Now, it's not just about striving for power. Fighting is so simple, this matter has nothing to
do with Nangong's family, it's just that I and this kid's personal grievances, please don't
interfere. " " Hey. "Nangong Jingyun sighed," Since Su Liexian's nephew said so There is no
way. "
" Brother Su Lie, I really don't want to see you fight. "Nangong Yu's cousin said very
"Relax, this matter will end soon." Su Lie said confidently.
Nangong Yu's cousin nodded, "With Su Lie's strength, it will indeed end soon."
The meaning of Nangong Yu's cousin is that Su Lie is too weak. Compared with Henry, it is
like a mayfly shaking a tree. But listening to Su Lie's ears, it is not so meaning.
Su Lie nodded, "Yes, it will indeed end soon."
Since the dissuasion was not effective, several people in the Nangong family did not plan to
speak anymore. What they should have done was that Su Lie was willing to take his own
humiliation. Nor can they blame them.
Su Lie stared at Henry with a sneer. "Boy, do you choose a way of death yourself, or should I
choose for you?"
Henry shrugged, "just whatever."
"Since that, I will choose for you!" Su Lie shouted. Suddenly, then rushed to Henry.
Su Lie's movements were extremely rapid in the eyes of others, but in Henry's eyes, there
were flaws everywhere.
For the Su family, Henry will not have any hands to stay, because Sylvia's relationship, as
long as it is involved with the Su family, must bear Henry's anger.
When Su Lie rushed in front of Henry, standing on Henry, who had never moved, suddenly
raised his knees. Henry's movements were not something that Su Lie could react to at al .
A severe pain came from Su Lie's abdomen, Su Lie's face showed a painful look, his eyes
were full of shock, he didn't see how Henry shot.
Immediately afterwards, Henry cut a knife on Su Lie's neck, making Su Lie's eyes black, and
almost fainted. Henry grabbed Su Lie's hair and hit Ellie's face with his elbow. With a piece
of blood gradually coming out, several teeth flew out of Sulie's mouth and landed on the
Slaughter! Absolute slaughter!
At this moment, Henry showed a vivid violent aesthetic to the Nangong family, a few simple
actions, full of a sense of shock. If they were not seen with their own eyes, the Nangong
family would even think that this was a movie.
Su Lie, who was so confident in the previous second, and Su Lie, who was so crazy to give
Henry the choice of death, couldn't say what he was beaten.
When several people in the Nangong family thought that Henry would have done so, Henry
grabbed Su Lie's hair and bumped several consecutive knees against Su Lie's face.
Nangong Yu saw with his own eyes that Su Lie's tall nose bridge was completely deformed
by Henry's knee, making people feel a flesh pain just watching.
Henry on this set of actions, like a cloud of water, all at one go, people can't help but admire.
The people brought by Su Lie, as soon as the young master was beaten, it was naturally
impossible to stand there, so they rushed towards Henry.
"What are you doing? What do you think this is! It's not your turn to the Su family to come
to the wild!" Nangong Jingyun shouted.
Qi Qi, who brought the people, stood there and did not dare to move.
"Nangong Master, Master Su ..." a man in a suit, said in awe.
"What's wrong with him? This is what he chose! If he is not as good as a person, he will look
for problems from himself and take your young master!" Nangong Jingyun waved his hand,
which was rushing people.
These people brought by Su Lie, who dare to disrespect Nangong Yun, lifted Su Lie who was
lying unconscious on the ground and quickly left.
After the Su family left, Nangong Yu's cousin extended his thumbs to Henry, "Brother
Zhang, you're so fierce, just beat Su Lie, I'm afraid the Su family is in trouble for you."
"What trouble? Zhang is from our Nangong family. Are they afraid that the Su family is in
trouble? "Nangong Jingyun waved his hand." Henry, you lived with us these days. Let me
see, who dares to trouble you! " "
Nangong Jingyun's way of talking with panda eyes is funny, but the momentum revealed in
the words still makes people feel domineering.
The Su family's team came in a mighty way, but when they left, it made people laugh.
The news of Su Lie's beating was spread by Henry's deliberate actions in just 15
Yanjing People's Hospital, in the intensive care unit.
Su Wu looked at the person lying on the bed and could not suppress the anger in his heart.
Although Su Zheng was beaten yesterday, he was not his son, but today this is his own flesh
and blood. They al shattered, even if cured, there is a high possibility of facial deformity in
the future.
Su Wu squeezed his fists tightly, "I want this kid to die!"
Standing in the ward, Su Wu took out his mobile phone and dialed a number to go out,
"I'l let you do it, have you done it?" The
phone answered. : "It has been communicated to the Zhu family's grandfather. Tonight,
people will be able to arrive."
"Okay." Su Wu nodded. "Then tonight, let the kid bear Zhu Family's anger first, wait for me
After busy working on things, take care of him! "
Although Su Li challenged this afternoon, it did not affect the mood of Zhu Ling, a girl.
At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhu Ling and Nangong Yu walked in the mall, carrying a
bunch of big bags.
In contrast, Henry, with his hands behind his head, leisurely followed behind the two
"Brother Henry, you are too gentlemanly, let us two girls carry so many things?" Zhu
Lingyang raised the various bags in his hand.
"Hey." Henryba smiled, "You don't understand, I am a married person, I can't help other
women to carry bags, otherwise my wife must be angry."
"Can't see, you are still a wife. "Nangong Yu said.
Henry shook his head, "This is not wife control, it's love, you don't understand." The two
women walked into a famous brand store and Henry simply sat outside.
Now Henry followed Nangong Yu, just waiting for the Su family to contact him again. He
seriously injured the people of the Su family twice. This time the Su family came again, it
should be another level of contact with himself.
how to find out who the Su family wants to do with Sylvia? Henry has no clue for the time
being. He has to figure out first, what is the relationship between Su family and Sylvia?
Henry was lying on a massage chair, just swept ten dollars, and was about to rest for a
while. He heard a scream coming from. The place where the scream sounded was the brand
store where Zhu Ling and Nangong Yu entered. .
"It's killing! It's killing!"
Bursts of screaming sounded.
Henry got up and saw several masked big men, running away from the store door quickly.
"Henry! Hurry! Hurry!" Nangong Yu rushed out of the shop with an anxious expression ,
"Zhu Ling was taken away, hurry!" " Come again!" Henry changed his face and ran away to
those people Chased the past.
Henry chased out of the mal and saw the other party get on an unlicensed car and drove
away quickly.
"Human!" Nangong Yu fol owed Henry, running panting, his face full of anxiety.
"Give me your car key, hurry!" Henry shouted.
Nangong Yu subconsciously took out his car key.
Nangong Yu's car was parked in the parking space on the roadside. Without saying
anything, Henry picked up the car key and rushed into the car. Maserati brought a burst of
roar and hurried out.
Nangong Yu looked at the leaving Henry and hurriedly called his father.
Henry's driving skills, even in the streets of Yanjing where the traffic is surging, were like a
sharp arrow, and soon caught up with the unlicensed car.
In the car, Zhu Ling had been stunned, and the remaining three people al wore hoods.
"Pay attention to the Martha in the back. It's the kid who drove!"
"Hum, I'm afraid he won't come. Waiting for him, or he will keep up. How does this plan
Yanjing Airport.
A private jet landed.
The cabin door was opened, and an old man dressed in a Chinese costume and walking in a
dragon costume stepped down from the plane!
"I wish you old, you are here." One person had been waiting at the airport for a long time.
After seeing the old man, he said very respectfully.
"What happened to Ling'er!" The old man looked very excited.
"She has always been ..." The man who waited for the old man had just said half, and he
heard an anxious voice from the intercom in his hand.
"Hey! Hey, please get back to me. Zhu Ling girl has an accident. She did it with the kid next
to her. If Grandpa Zhu comes, do n’t tel Grandpa Zhu this news. We will now send someone
to rescue Zhu Ling girl. ""
The voice in the intercom clearly reached the old man's ear.
The old man's expression changed, and he grabbed the walkie-talkie directly from the other
party. "I am Zhu Yuanjiu, how is my granddaughter now!"
"Wish ... wish my grandfather ..." The voice on the walkie-talkie stuttered, "You ... what are
you? When did you come? "
" I ask you, how is my granddaughter! "
" I wish Grandpa rest assured that some people want to misbehave Zhu Ling girl, our Su
family, have already caught up. "
" Tell me where I am! "Zhu Yuan In nine eyes, anger rose.
Looking at Zhu Yuanjiu's appearance, the person in charge of the pick-up had a glint in his
On the other side, Henry drove his car and followed all the way to the suburbs, which is the
road from the urban area to the airport.
The car tied with Zhu Ling has been parked on the side of the road. At this point in time,
this place gives people a feeling of being deserted.
Henry stopped the car and walked forward slowly.
Henry Zhang looked at the unlicensed car parked on the roadside, and was puzzled.
Suddenly, a loud bang sounded from behind Henry.
"Okay, I will say who you are, it turned out to be a conspiracy to wish the girl!"
"The man-made dog on the surface is actually an insidious and cunning person!"
"Fortunately, our Su family has left a mind, otherwise I was really succeeded by someone
like you. I may wish the girl and thought I met a new friend! "
Henry turned around and saw three Audis. He stopped neatly behind him and all the people
who spoke were all Get off the car.
At the same time, the door of the unlicensed car parked on the side of the road opened, and
three people wearing balaclavas got out of the car and screamed to Henrydao:
"Brother, the person you let us catch is already in the car. Can the money be given to us? "
Henry noticed that while the three masked kidnappers were talking, the people on the Su's
side were holding the mobile phone to record the scene.
Henry looked back and forth at these two waves of people, and the doubts in his heart were
completely solved. He just wondered why these kidnappers started to fight Zhu Ling in a
place with huge traffic in the mall, and they were on the train before. The people obviously
wanted to kil Zhu Ling, but now they want to tie Zhu Ling. At this moment, Henryquan is
The Su family wanted to kill someone with a knife!
Henry and Zhu Yuanjiu knew how much this old thing loved their granddaughter. Henry
couldn't be more clear. Once who knew Zhu Ling was to be known by Zhu Yuanjiu, this old
guy would probably use the power of the entire Zhu family to retaliate .
"The Su family, I really like to play ..." Henry raised a smile on his lips and muttered,
"According to the current situation, Zhu Yuanjiu's old things should be almost coming
Henry said to himself As soon as Yu's voice fel , he felt a ray of light coming from behind.
Henry turned around, his eyes narrowed, and two Audi A6s stopped.
As soon as the car stopped, the door of the Audi A6 in the end was hurriedly opened.
Zhu Yuanjiu rushed out of the car and shouted: "My granddaughter!"
"I wish the old man not to worry, people have caught it." Those The first member of the Su
family, Chong Zhu Yuanjiu, said.
The three masked kidnappers immediately said, "Dude, money hits our account!" The
masked kidnappers finished, dragging out Zhu Ling, who was already unconscious in the
car, and threw it to the side of the road.
Henry watched the escape of the three masked kidnappers and didn't even bother to notice
it. In front, someone was waiting for them!
What Henry wants to do now is to deal with the Su family. The kidnappers are nothing but
the Su family posing.
"I wish Grandpa, this person, mixed with Zhu Ling girl, conspiracy, if it is not that our Su
family discovered that he is not right, maybe this time he can't cut him off!" The first Su
family who came first opened his mouth and took out his mobile phone at the same time To
show Zhu Yuanjiu the video just recorded.
Zhu Yuanjiu looked at the video, and the anger in his eyes grew deeper. He looked at Henry.
At the moment when he saw Henry, the anger in his eyes disappeared and turned into a
surprise, a kind of unbelievable .
Henry chuckled and said to Zhu Yuanjiu: "If I said that this person was not tied to me, it was
all made by the Su family. Do you believe it?"
Zhu Yuanjiu hadn't spoken yet, the Su family they shouted: "in this little campy, we dare to
slander the Soviet Union home!" "we
wish Sue and family home a few good family friend, How are you this treacherous
provocation of the generation of energy"?
"I wish you, Grandpa, this one. When he appeared, it made people feel strange, and now I
final y understand it!" After the
Su family said, they al looked at Henry, showing a sneer, that The meaning is obvious, fight
us, you are still very tender.
Henry shrugged his shoulders without looking back, looking to Zhu Yuanjiu.
Zhu Yuanjiu also showed a smile and said to Henry, "How are you here?"
"Someone wants to kil my wife, I want to find out who did it." Henry asked.
"Are you married?" Zhu Yuanjiu's eyes were a little surprised, "And there are people who
want to do something with your wife, he doesn't want to live?"
Henry nodded, "When I find out, he won't be able to live." The Su family Those people,
seeing the conversation between Grandpa Zhu and Henry like an old friend, did not
respond. What happened, the two knew?
A family member wished quickly: "I wish you, Grandpa, you actually know this kind of
treacherous person, but be careful, this kind of people's minds are impure."
"Yes, Grandpa, don't you be fooled by such people Cheated, he even wanted to misbehave
the girl! "
Zhu Yuanjiu shook his head and showed helplessness on his face," Hey, when will the Su
family also use this kind of small means. "
Su family heard this, Al were shocked, and a bad hunch came out of my heart, "Wish you,
Grandpa, do you not believe what we said?"
"Real y do not believe it." Zhu Yuanjiu glanced around the Su family, "Your The practice,
indeed, is to use the psychology of my old thing. If someone standing in front of me is
now, I am afraid that he will become a dead person even if he has no time to explain, but
you have chosen the wrong target and know that you are standing in front of you Who is it?
Zhu Yuanjiu asked, and the Su family looked back and forth for a few times, and didn't
Zhu Yuanjiu smiled, "This majestic island leader, leader of the hellwalker, known as Lord
Satan's underground world king, really want to deal with my granddaughter, how can you
do so many means?"
Zhu Yuanjiu said, as A thunder burst in the hearts of the Su family and others.
Owner of Bright Island!
Hellwalker leader!
Lord Satan!
As a person from the ancient Wu family, the Su family certainly understands what these
three titles represent! It stands for the one standing at the top of this world, representing
invincibility and a belief.
The young man in front of him turned out to be the legendary owner of Bright Island?
In the eyes of the Su family, there is an unbelievable shock! I have to deal with it, is the
island owner of Bright Island!
Henry smiled, "Well, I wish old man, do you still do it with me?"
Zhu Yuanjiu shook his head, "You do it, you know, this person, Jinpen washed his hands."
"Oh." Henry He glanced at his mouth. "Old rules."
Zhu Yuanjiu nodded without saying a word , got on a car, closed the door, and did not look
outside the car at all.
A minute later, the car window was knocked.
Zhu Yuanjiu rol ed the window down, "Is it finished?"
Henry made a nuisance.
Zhu Yuanjiu saw that the fire was skyrocketing and several Audi A6s were al lit up. As for
the Su family, they were all lying in the car.
"Come on, take your baby granddaughter, let's go back to see the Su family and what
dramas to sing."
Nangong Yu, Nangong Jingyun, and Su Wu's Su Wu all stood in front of Nangong's house.
"Brother Nangong, it was n’t me who said you, what was that called Henry, you did n’t even
find out. This time, if it ’s not our Su family who followed, I ’m afraid it ’s really dangerous.
Fortunately, he was stopped , If you don't, then you can't imagine it! "
Nangong Jingyun's face was somber.
Nangong Yu also frowned and said nothing.
Su Wu arrived just now and showed them a video, which was recorded by the three
kidnappers when they spoke to Henry.
"But don't worry too much, I wish the old man should have solved this matter. In the future,
it still has to be a snack." Su Wu's educational tone.
the other side.
Henry drove Zhu Yuanjiu and his grandchildren to the city. Zhu Ling was still in a coma,
lying in his grandfather's arms.
Henry Zhu Yuanjiu said: "If I guess right, someone from the Su family should have gone to
the Nangong house now, so I won't go back. You can just make an excuse and just cover it
up, don't expose me."
" Hmm. "Zhu Yuanjiu nodded," So what are you going to do? "
" Let's investigate first, I've spil ed the net. By the way, old things, have you been in Yanjing?
Did you come today so fast? "Henry was curious Asked a few words, not long after this Zhu
Ling was bound, Zhu Yuanjiu came.
"I started this morning." Zhu Yuanjiu recalled, "Last night, the Su family told me that
someone started working on my granddaughter. It seems that they thought about today's
things yesterday."
"Last night ..." Henry said A moment, "Old things, I am afraid, what they said last night, and
what happened today, is not the same thing, I have someone to bring you, have you
received it?"
"You have someone to tel me?" Zhu Yuan Jiuyi's doubts.
"It seems that you wish something went wrong inside your family. Before, someone on the
train wanted to kill your granddaughter and was stopped by me. I would have someone
talk to you. It seems that the word didn't reach your ears. Ah. "Henry gave Zhu Yuanjiu a
deep look through the rearview mirror." How did the Su family know that Zhu Ling was
attacked yesterday? "
Zhu Yuanjiu didn't answer and fell into silence.
After arriving in the urban area, Zhu Yuanjiu got off, took Zhu Ling, and took a taxi to
Nangong's house.
And Henry, "temporarily borrowed" this Maserati.
Nangongjia Manor, Nangong Jingyun and Su Wu have been standing at the door of the
manor and waiting. When they saw a taxi stop, they were a little nervous.
The door opened and Zhu Yuanjiu appeared in the sight of the two holding Zhu Ling.
When Su Wu saw that there was no figure of Henry, a delighted expression appeared in his
"I wish you, Grandpa, blame me on this matter, blame me." Nangong Jingyun stepped up
and pleaded with him.
"You boy." I wish Yuanjiu glanced at King Palace cloud, "like a child, something al right love
depersonalize crime, this matter has nothing to do with you."
"I wish Father, but fortunately I wish the girl all right spirit, really It ’s gratifying, ”Su Wu
said quickly.
Zhu Zhu nodded, looked at Su Wu, did not speak.
Seeing only Zhu Yuanjiu and Zhu Ling, Nangong Yu asked, "Where is Grandpa Zhu, Henry
and others?"
"I was injured while chasing the kidnappers, and I have already been treated." Zhu Yuanjiu
made an excuse. Then, listening to the three people's ears, it means something different.
Nangong Yu and Nangong Jingyun have just watched the video. The video shows that Henry
is the principal behind this time.
Now Zhu Yuanjiu said that Henry was seriously injured to cultivate, and that meaning is
also very obvious.
Nangong Yu looked sad, "I wish Grandpa, will there be any misunderstandings?"
"What misunderstandings?" Zhu Yuanjiu looked at Nangong Yu.
"Nangong niece, you are still too simple to understand the sinister heart!" Su Wu said,
"Some people, just look at the surface, you don't know what kind of person he is."
"Yes." Zhu Yuanjiu nodded If there is any suggestion, "Know the person and know the face,
don't know the heart."
Henry drove to the hotel and made a call with the anonymous card provided by Nangong
"Boss, the person has been resolved, sure, and also from the Su family." Wade White's voice
rang on the phone.
"Is it the person who started Zhu Ling on the train last time?" Henry asked.
"Yes." Wade White replied, "The two of us took over last time, and the trial came out.
The Su family, the boss, and one more thing, it was just found out. The mother-in-law of the
sister-in-law is in contact with the Su family. I will send you the specifics. "
" Okay. "Henry nodded and hung up the phone.
As soon as the phone hung up, Wade White's news came.
Henry glanced, his face gradually darkened.
Sylvia ’s mother, also surnamed Su, is the descendant of the Su family, the former head of
the Su family, and the biological daughter of Grandpa Su.
However, due to some reasons at the beginning, the Su family did not recognize the identity
of Sylvia ’s mother and expelled him from the house. After his father went to Hexi, his
suicide note stated that he would take Sylvia ’s mother back to the Su family
and inherit. Su Jiatong, if she doesn't want to, divide half of Su's family property as
Henry looked at the news sent by Wade White, and his heart was probably a little clear.
No wonder the Su family wanted to move Sylvia, but whose interests were involved?
The current owner of the Su family? Or who?
Henry looked at this information, and now at the very least, figure out why the Su family
had to start with Sylvia. To put it plainly, it was a matter of interest.
Henry lay in bed, closed his phone, and thought about these questions in his head. If Sylvia
really arrived at the Su family, who would have the biggest impact on his interests? Among
the Su family, there is definitely a supporter of Grandpa Su.
Otherwise, Grandpa Su ’s will will not be taken care of by anyone. Al these things need to be
given time for him to get in touch slowly.
Henry closed his eyes, only to feel a paste in his head.
While Henry was stil thinking about these things, the lights in the room suddenly went out.
The sudden dimming of the lights in front of you makes people have the illusion of
blindness in the eyes at the same time. At the same time, people's attention will be
dispersed at this time. For a person who specializes in assassination, this is a shot
opportunity .
A breeze came from the window, accompanied by a burst of wind breaking sound, a flash of
silver awn flashed in the darkness.
Immediately afterwards, there were several soft sounds in the darkness.
After a few seconds, the originally extinguished light turned on again.
Henry looked at the person in front of him, and the other party was also looking at Henry,
but the eyes of the two were two very different flavors.
In Henry's eyes, there was a kind of indifference, and in the other party's eyes, there was
Henryfang is a woman, a woman with beautiful skin, she is wearing a beige dress, so
dressed, anyone can look at it Don't think she is a killer.
At this moment, the woman's eyes were ful of fear, her white and tender arms drooped
weakly on both sides of her body.
Henry noticed that there was a tattoo on the woman's back neck.
"People in the dark ..." Henry laughed at the corner of his mouth, it was really dozing off,
some people gave pil ows, I just thought, it was the Su family who wanted to start with
Sylvia, and now the people behind the scene stood up on their own Too.
At that time, people in the dark night were invited to kill Sylvia. Now people in the dark
night are invited to kil themselves.
The Sus have conflicts with themselves. Who else can there be?
Henry looked at each other and said, "The last time Yinzhou failed, you didn't have a long
lesson." When the
woman heard this, her eyes flicked: "That person in Yinzhou is also you! It's my second
brother you killed! "
Hehe." Henry chuckled, "I told him last time, I can not kil his brothers and sisters, tell me,
who let you kill me, I let you go."
"You let me go?" Do you think I need it? "The woman asked back.
"There are two people standing outside the room. The person next door is also yours.
The sniper on the 13th floor opposite. You can let him put the gun away. Believe me, he
won't hit me." Henry looked relaxed. Opening.
And this woman, after every sentence Henry said, her face became ugly, because what
Henry said was all accurate!
"Who the hell are you!" The woman's words are less confident than they were.
Henry pulled out a ring from his trouser pocket and flicked it gently.
The ring fel in front of the woman, and at the moment of seeing the ring, the woman's pupil
suddenly enlarged.
"Holy Ring!"
"Wel , who is the employer, see if it is the same as I guess?" Henry sat down on the bed.
The woman swallowed hard, and it took a long time before she recovered from the shock.
"Unexpectedly, I even saw the Holy Ring one day!"
Henry did not speak, waiting for the woman's answer.
The woman's eyes gathered on the holy ring and she said, "It's Su's family, Su Wu."
"Sure enough." Henry raised a sneer in the corner of his mouth. "In this way, things are
clear." The
woman lowered her head and said nothing.
"Let's go." Henry waved his hand. "Remember, don't mention me to anyone, including your
"Ming ... understand, Master Satan ..." The woman nodded and left in a hurry.
The appearance of the night killer has solved al the doubts that trouble Henry.
Su Wu, who is going to kill Sylvia, is also Su Wu.
Henry stood by the window, looked at the night view of Yanjing outside the window, and
muttered: "Su family, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, there is no need to
Henry sorted out his clothes, left the hotel, and went to Yanjing's office.
Overnight, quietly passed.
This evening, Su Wu was extremely happy. Henry was finally resolved. Last night he looked
for someone and went to the place where he lived to take a look to make sure there were
no accidents.
Henry's existence put Su Wuru in his throat. Now, the person who sent himself to Yinzhou
will quickly bring back the news. If the woman can be resolved, it will be a double
Although Zhu Yuanjiu told Su Wu that al the people sent by the Su family were killed by
Henry yesterday, Su Wu had no psychological pressure at al , and he didn't care about their
Su Wu, who is happy , does not know yet, because of what he has done, a cloud has begun to
spread to the Su family, and may cover the entire Su family at any time.
The next day, tomorrow.
Zhu Ling in the coma opened his eyes confusedly and found himself lying on a large bed.
"My baby, you finally woke up." Zhu Yuanjiu sat by the bed.
Zhu Ling, who was originally stil confused, jumped up as soon as he saw Zhu Yuanjiu,
"Grandpa, how are you here!"
"How!" Zhu Yuanjiu pretended to be slightly angry, "What else do you want to play
outside?" When? When this happened, you honestly told me to go home. "
" No, I won't go back! "Zhu Ling shook his head vigorously," I haven't played enough, and I
can I met a new friend. "
" Zhu Ling's niece, the friend you said, is not reliable. "Su Wu stood behind Zhu Yuanjiu."
This time I found out clearly, it was Henry, who was looking for you, If it were not for our
Su family to stop him at the critical time and drag him to Zhu Zhu, you would be in danger. "
" You mean Henry tied me? Impossible! Absolutely impossible! "Zhu Ling shook his head
hard, no Believe Su Wu's words.
"Zhu Ling's niece, all the people sent by our Su family last night were al killed by that
Henry. This is what Mr. Zhu saw with your own eyes. You should be careful when you make
friends in the future." Su Wu sighed and made a regretful expression. .
"Grandpa, is he true?" Zhu Ling looked at his grandpa.
Zhu Yuanjiu nodded and said honestly: "Indeed, the people sent by the Su family last night
died in Henry's hands."
"This ..." Zhu Ling's lovely and dynamic eyes became a little dull. "This is impossible, Henry
is not such a person!"
"Zhu Ling's niece, this man has a belly in his heart, and he can no longer easily believe
others. Go to our Su's house today, I'l come to pick you up." , Saying so.
Ten o'clock in the morning.
Henry left the hotel, and some diners who had originally sat on the first floor of the hotel
for dinner almost walked outside the hotel at this time.
Last night, a strange thing happened throughout Yanjing. In the middle of the night, the
entire hotel in Yanjing City was suddenly full, and the number of vehicles on the street also
increased a lot.
Henry just walked out of the hotel and the phone rang.
"Boss, you have a big move! I actual y realized that you are too unjust, and this thing didn't
tel me!" On the phone, Wade White's voice was agitated, but also with a grudge.
Henry smiled slightly, "A Su family, there is no need to cal you too."
"Then I want to participate, too. I heard that this time the Light Knife team went to three, al
hell walkers near Yanjing, All arrived in Yanjing last night, boss, you are going to destroy
the Su family! "Wade White's voice is very excited. This is the first time since the last World
War I. Guangming Island has a big move to start .
"I can't destroy them. Look at the performance of the Su family. You can take good care of
me over Yinzhou." Henry's tone was plain, and the Su family was destroyed. In his tone, it
was as easy as stepping on an ant.
"Boss, rest assured, there are a few Su family members who arrived in Yinzhou early this
"Ful control, including Su family's eyeliner in Yinzhou, let's pull it out now."
Yanjing, Su Family Courtyard.
At 11 o'clock in the noon, Su Wu set a table for dinner, in order to wish the old man the
wind, including Nangong Jingyun and others, were also on the table.
Su Wu's father talked with his fel ow Zhu Yuanjiu, but during his speech, he found that Su
Wu's father was very cautious and was afraid to offend Zhu Yuanjiu.
In the status of the ancient Wu family, the Zhu family surpassed the Su family.
And Zhu Yuanjiu, at Zhu's home, even said one thing, said one thing, the status is extremely
high, as for Su Wu's father, in the Su's family, just hang the name of an elder.
Henry drove a Maserati belonging to Nangong Yu, and soft music was in the car, slowly
heading towards Sujia Manor.
Once in the underground world, someone asked such a question, how big is the power of
Bright Island?
At that time, there was a consortium giant crocodile who replied this way. If someone
provokes the people of Guangming Island, you must transfer within 12 hours if you
temporarily have the ability to protect yourself, otherwise, you will The anger of Bright
Island will be ushered in, and such a result, even the official, cannot easily bear it.
Now, the anger of Bright Island has risen quietly.
No matter in the ancient martial world, or in any aspect, including the Su family's
enterprises, they were severely suppressed this morning.
Inside Sujia Manor.
Zhu Ling pouted her mouth and took Nangong Yu's hand.
"Sister Yu, do you think Henry is such a person? He helped me before." Zhu Ling's big eyes
were full of worry.
Nangong Yu shook her head, but she actually didn't believe it. "Who is right about this, you
girl, don't run around in the future, and less worry your grandfather."
"Huh, I don't want to stay with him, Sister Yu, or should we go to Brother Henry? I secretly
asked Grandpa, Grandpa said he didn't catch the little brother, let the little brother run
away seriously, let's go Ask, if I see if he hurt me, I always feel that he was wronged. "Zhu
Ling's big eyes exuded an expression of intention.
"Look for him?" Nangong Yu was a little moved when she heard Zhu Ling's words. "How do
you want to find him?"
"I don't know." Zhu Ling shook his head and looked a little sad. She looked at the gate of
Sujia Manor, " Huh? Sister Yu, isn't that your car? "
Nangong Yu looked at it, and a Maserati drove to the door of Sujia Manor. It was his car, his
car, which was driven away by Henry.
Nangong Yu and Zhu Ling watched this Maserati stop at the door of Sujia Manor, and then
the door opened, Henry walked out of the car and appeared in the sight of the two women.
"Henry!" Nangong Yu's complexion changed, "What is he doing!"
"Henry brother!" Zhu Ling ran towards the door of Sujia Manor.
Henryguan went to the door and looked at Zhu Ling with a smile, "You girl, wake up?"
"Wake up, haha, I heard people say that you were the one who tied me up, didn't you?"
Zhu Ling stared Big eyes, tilting his head, looked at Henry lovely.
Henry rubbed Zhu Ling's head, "You are a sil y girl, I want to tie you up, I tied you up
"Haha!" Zhu Ling laughed twice, "Sister Yu, let me just say, Henry Xiao Brother is definitely
not that kind of person. "
Nangong Yu walked over, Liu Mei frowned slightly," So, the video that Su Wu showed us
yesterday was fake? The person is really not you tied. "
Henry rolled his eyes "Aren't you nonsense, I'm stil tied up and I'm coming back. What
happened yesterday was all directed by the Su family. I came to the Su family today to
settle the accounts. "
" Don't be stupid. "Nangong Yu heard Henry say this, and quickly dissuaded," I admit, you
are awesome, no one can beat you, but the Su family, you can't deal with it with your fists,
you For a few days, too many people from the Su family were in trouble, and it was
inevitable that they would cause trouble. Forbear it first. "
" I can't bear it. "Henry shook his head, ignoring Nan Gongyu's dissuasion, and strode into
the door of the Su family manor.
"Okay, I was bound by the Su family!" Zhu Ling's eyes flashed with indignation. "They also
pretended to be good people and defiled Brother Henry. I also have to settle accounts with
them! Go, Brother Henry, we Let's go together! "
" Zhu Ling! Don't mess around! "Nangong Yu ran up in two steps, stretched out his hands,
and grabbed Henry and Zhu Ling respectively," Henry, Zhu Ling, this girl is nonsense, I can
understand, but you can't follow her Nonsense, what happened yesterday, did you have
evidence that the Su family did it? Can you prove it? And even if you prove it, what can you
do? Maybe you are angry today, Su family ’s anger, you Can it bear it? "
" Su family? Is it powerful? "Henry asked curiously," Can they have any anger that I can't
bear? "
Hearing Henry said, Nangong Yuqi didn't hit one place. "You real y don't listen to people's
persuasion and are too confident! The forces of the Su family are simply not what you can
imagine. The so-called justice does not exist here at the Su family.
"Don't go." Henry shook his head, "I must ask the Su family today A reasonable explanation.
Explain what you want? You want what you Su to explain? Henry, you are not a child, do
not be so cynical okay, Su you can not provoke! "Palace Yu anxious roar Out loud.
"Anla Anla, don't be so excited. I'm just asking for justice. How did I get in touch with Angry
Youth." Henry shrugged.
Henry's indifferent appearance gave Nangong Yu a lot of light. "Okay, you have to be fair,
then you should ask for it. Since you don't listen, don't regret it!"
"Brother Henry, rest assured, With me here, I would definitely let the Su family give you a
fair one. "Zhu Ling patted her smal breast.
Nangong Yu looked at the two people in front of her, quickly took out her mobile phone,
and sent a message to her father.
Zhu Ling followed Henry and pul ed Henry's sleeves, "Brother Henry, my grandfather is
here too, and wait for you to tell him everything, he will definitely make the decision for
you, but you can pay attention One point, my grandfather, he is very fierce and hard to
speak. "
" Is it fierce? "Henry wondered, he never thought Zhu Yuanjiu was fierce.
"It's fierce, it's fierce. Our family, except me, are al particularly afraid of my grandfather.
Now, my grandfather often scolds my dad." Zhu Ling spit out his little tongue.
Henry smiled dumbly.
Nangong Yu stood at the gate of the Su family, watching Henry getting closer and closer to
the Su family hall, stomping hard, and ran up quickly.
Although she only knew each other for two days, Nangong Yu ’s impression of Henry was
not bad. She could n’t bear to watch Henry ruin herself.
How can a single Su family be able to fight alone?
Wish Master, I Su Wujing you a glass." In the Su family hall, Su Wu raised his wine glass and
drank the wine in the glass with a gulp.
"It seems that a few Yaxing are good." A frivolous voice came from the door of Sujia Hall.
At this sound, everyone in the hall looked towards the door.
Henry stood in front of the door and looked at Su Wu and his son.
"It's you!" Su Wu's pupils shrank and looked at Henry, "You're not dead!"
"Disappointed?" Henry's mouth twitched, "Did the people in the dark tel you that I'm dead."
Su Wu looked a little gloomy. The man in the dark night did tell him that Henry was dead.
"Yesterday let you get away by chance. Today, I dare to take the initiative to come to my
Su's house. It just happens, we have both old and new hatreds. Let us count together!"
"What a coincidence." Henry chuckled lightly. "I also have new hatreds and old hatreds.
You defied me to kidnap Zhu Ling and send someone to assassinate my wife. These things
were settled together today."
"Your wife?" Su Wu subconsciously wondered.
Henry vomited lightly in his mouth: "Yinzhou, Sylvia."
"That bitch is your wife! The person who fol ows her is you!" Su Wu's face changed
suddenly, and they looked for the master hidden in Lin Yinghan's side. For such a long time,
I haven't found out that people have found themselves in front of them.
Zhu Lingxiao ran to Zhu Yuanjiu and took Zhu Yuanjiu's arm, "Grandpa, I wasn't tied by
Henry's brother yesterday. Brother Henry told me that they were tied by their Su family!"
"Zhu Ling Niece, do n’t listen to this thief talking nonsense. ”Su Wu said.
Nangong Jingyun waved to Nangong Yu, and Nangong Yu walked to Nangong Jingyun in a
smal step.
"What's the matter?" Nangong Jingyun frowned, and his eyes were foggy. He found him in
Su Wu yesterday and told him that Henry was the real murderer behind Zhu Ling, and he
was ful of doubts.
Nangong Yu will whisper to Nangong Jingyun what Henry said just now.
Nangong Jingyun frowned, "Even if he said that these things were planned by the Su family,
what kind of justice did he use for justice? I like Henry very much. You cal your second
uncle and let him take it now People come over, no matter what happens today, I can't see
him in trouble. "
Nangong Yu nodded and secretly sent a message to his second uncle.
Zhu Yuanjiu touched his granddaughter's head, "Wel , good, grandpa handles this matter."
"Grandpa, you must believe what I said, brother Henry is definitely not a bad person." ,
Speak again.
Su Wu sneered and looked at Henry, "I don't know what method you use to confuse Zhu
Ling's niece. If you think that this is your confidence today, I have to say, I really look at
you, this is my Su family "It's not a place like Xiaoxiaoyeye like you!"
Su Wu finished, picked up the phone and sent a voice message to go out, "Everyone came to
the lobby."
Su Wu's news was sent out, it was about ten seconds, a burst of dense When the footsteps
sounded, a figure was seen, and the black pressure surrounded the front door of the Su
family hall, and there were more than thirty.
The Su family is different from the Nangong family. Because of the premature death of Su,
the Su family is divided into two factions, so there are a large number of people in the
family. For example, Su Lie will take a lot of people when traveling.
Su Wu sneered and said to Henry: "Boy, I know you are very good at playing, and you have
patience, you just try it out?"
Su Wu's voice just fell, so I heard a loud noise and shouting from outside the door.
"What are you doing! What are you doing!"
"Who let you come in?"
"Al get out! You know it is illegal! Do you know this!"
Henry raised an eyebrow at the sound of the sound, "Just your surname is Su ? will
encourage people, I would not be a "
a servant Su rushed into the hall, looking anxious and said:" Mr. Su, bad, out of several
hundred people broke into "! "
hundreds of people! Su Wu's complexion changed suddenly and rushed out of the hall.
Nangong Jingyun looked at Henry with a weird face. His boyfriend, his daughter, wouldn't
he be an underworld brother?
Zhu Yuanjiu was shocked when he heard the figures of hundreds of people from the Su
Hundreds of people? Acting on Bright Island, a hel walker can deter one side, not only
because of the special identity of hellwalker, but also because of the superpower of
hellwalker, who can become a hellwalker.
Hundreds of hel walkers came out together, Zhu Yuanjiu can think of the grand scene, I am
afraid that will make anyone's legs soft.
Outside the hal , a burst of laughter sounded from Su Wu.
"Hahaha! Something, hahaha! Boy, are you here to make fun of me? Ah?"
Originally, Su Wu was a little flustered when he heard that hundreds of people had broken
into the manor, but now he is not flustered , Only funny in my heart.
He glanced at these hundreds of people, one by one, there were men and women, old and
young, the oldest hair was gray, he felt that walking was not smooth, the smal one, the
height was one meter four, look Skinny and skinny, the men, few of them are strong, the
women are even more, some even hospital nurses, wearing nurse uniforms.
Such a group of people, in Su Wu's eyes, can only be summarized in four words.
"What are these? Mass actors? Boy, are you asking these people to come to the Su family
demonstration with me?"
Su Wu laughed continuously.
Nangong Jingyun and Nangong Yu are also going out to see who Henry is calling.
"Sit al , don't go out." Zhu Yuanjiu said, stopping the father and daughter of Nangong
"I wish you, Master, this is ..." Nangong Jingyun was a little puzzled.
"Sit down, listen to me." Grandpa Zhu's voice spoke softly, but there was an undeniable
taste in his words.
The father and daughter of Nangong Jingyun glanced at each other, sitting honestly in their
seats, without leaving the hall, with doubts in their eyes.
Zhu Yuanjiu gave Su Wu a sad look, he understood that no matter what, Su Wu could not
survive today.
"Doctor? Nurse? Student? Boy, are you a brain disabled, or do you think my Su family is a
brain disabled?" Su Wu sneered.
"You should feel honored." Henry said softly.
"Honored? Boy, are you teasing me?" Su Wu's eyes were ful of sarcasm.
Henry slowly out of the hal , sighing loudly: "for a long time, no one makes me so worthy of
serious attention, and in the past, you Su, is not qualified."
Henry Su family standing in front of the hal , reaching a Wave.
Under the simple action of Henry, the hundreds of "Wuhezhong" in Su Wu's eyes, Qi Qi
stretched his hands to his lower back, and then slowly took out a ghost face mask with
fangs and put it on his face.
'Hundreds of people stood there, except for the sound of clothes rubbing, there was no
more than a little noise.
Su Wu, who was originally ridiculed, now looked dull.
What this fangs grimace mask represents is too clear for him.
Su Wu turned his head subconsciously, looking at Henry around him.
In the eyes of Su Wu, Henry also took out a ghost face mask from the back waist, and then
slowly put it on his face. A dark gold ring was put on his finger by Henry. He pul ed out a
black card and dropped it gently. Out.
A breeze blew, and the black card carried a cyclone in the air, slowly fal ing at the foot of Su
At the moment when the card fell to the ground, Su Wu, who was stil arrogant, had his legs
softened and knelt in front of Henry. His eyes were placed on the ring on Henry's finger,
and his body was shaking.
"Satan ..."
including several people in the hall, their eyes became dull. Although they could not see the
hundreds of people Henry called, they could clearly see Henry standing in front of the hal
door. When Henry took it out When the grimace mask was put on that ring, everyone wore
"It's him ... turned out to be him ..." Nangong Yu's red lips tremble slightly, no wonder that
his temper, personality, and even the way of speaking are so similar. It's a person, it's him!
Nangong Jingyun looked at Henry, who was wearing a mask, and stretched his hand to
pinch his thigh, making it difficult to channel: "Girl, when did you take the island owner of
Guangming Island?"
Zhu Ling opened his mouth as if he could stop it An egg.
As for Su Wu's father, he was pale.
Henry turned around and glanced in the hall.
In this regard, everyone in the hal , including Zhu Yuanjiu, has a feeling of cold hair blowing
Henry reached out and closed the door of the hall.
The moment the door closed, the people in the room saw a bright red spray through the
Zhu Yuanjiu counted silently in his heart.
Nineteen seconds later, the door of the room was opened from the outside. Su Wu, who was
standing outside the room, and the more than thirty people called by Su Wu, disappeared,
and there was no trace of blood at the door.
Only Henry stood in front of the door, took off the ring, took off the mask, the others
seemed to have never appeared.
Sweat wets the old face of Su Wu's father. He can already think of how his son is now.
At this moment, Nangong Jingyun's phone rang, and Nangong Jingyun answered the phone
careful y, listening to the voice of Uncle Nangong Yu ringing on the phone.
"Brother, what's the matter, I let the person closest to the Su's family rush over first, but
within five kilometers of the Su's family are al under martial law, saying that Sujia Manor
caught fire and no one survived."
Nun Gongyu's words, by phone , Spread to the ears of everyone in the house.
Nangong Jingyun took a deep breath, looked at Henry, his eyes full of awe, he did so, he was
already ready to destroy the Su family!
What happened to the Su family quickly caught the attention of the Su family.
Su Group has been suppressed by various parties in terms of finance. Su Yu, as the modern
owner of the Su family, was in his fifties. He did not sit in the manor, but was
busy with the company. At the moment, he was worried about the company. There was no
news of a survivor coming to the Su family.
This al owed Su Yu to return to Sujia Manor as soon as possible. When he saw the intact Su
family, he knew in his heart that the Su family had provoked big figures.
Su Yu returned to the manor. The whole manor seemed very deserted, and the air was
filled with a light bloody smell, which made Su Yu's heart feel bad.
A burst of crying came from the hall.
Su Yu quickly rushed to the hal and saw Zhu Yuanjiu, Nangong Jingyun and others sitting on
their seats, their second uncle, kneeling there at the moment, his legs had been interrupted.
Su Yu glanced around and saw a young man on the throne. This young man was a little
impressed. Over the past two days, there have been many battles between the juniors in
the Su family. Su Yu also knows that Su Zheng and Su Lie are Was injured by the man in
front of him.
Now looking at this young man sitting on the throne, even the grandfather of the Zhu family
can only sit aside. It can be seen that this young man is not just an ordinary junior.
"You are the current head of the Su family?" Henry looked at Su Yu and said in a
questioning tone.
Su Yu frowned, "Who is your Excellency."
"Su Yu!" Zhu Yuanjiu, who was sitting by the side, sipped, " I don't want to ruin your Su
family, just answer his question, otherwise, no one can save you. ""
Su Yu was so cold when she heard this. Even the old man of Zhu's family said this. It seems
that the identity of this young man cannot be provoked at al .
Su Yu nodded, "Yes, I am the head of the Su family."
Henry asked again: "Do you know that there is a woman named Sylvia in Yinzhou?"
Su Yu looked slightly dul and nodded. " I know, that's my niece. "
" A good niece. "Henry sneered and suddenly shouted," Is the niece, is it for kil ing! "
Henry 's scream , like thunder, made Su Yu take two steps back without realizing it. , "I
don't understand what you said?"
"I don't understand?" Henry sneered. "I asked you, how much do you know about sending
Linzhou to kil Sylvia?"
"Kill Sylvia?" Su Yu's expression changed greatly. "Who dares to kil Sylvia?"
Henry got up and slowly walked to Su Yu, waved his hand to Su Yu's face.
Henry slapped Su Yu directly and flew out. He fell to the ground, and two of his teeth fell.
Su Yu was horrified. When the other party slapped, he couldn't even get the reaction, and
the force was shocking.
"As the head of the Su family, you don't even know if someone wants to kill your niece?"
Henry sneered at Su Yu, then fixed his eyes on Su Wu's father.
Su Yu suddenly understood what was going on, staring at Su Wu's father, "
Second Uncle, what did you do!" Su Wu's father knelt there, his face covered with blood,
and there was no sound.
"Don't ask him, he can't talk anymore." Henry's voice sounded faintly.
Su Yu glanced at his second uncle, and his eyes moved subconsciously to Zhu Yuanjiu and
Zhu Yuanjiu and Nangong Jingyun both looked at Su Yu with sad faces, and the Tang Su
Tang family also had a place in Yanjing, but just because they provoke people who
shouldn't provoke, they no longer exist.
Henry's voice sounded again in Su Yu's ear.
"You Su family, are ashamed of her mother and daughter, I don't want to see similar things
happen again, otherwise Su family, there is no need to exist, understand what I said?"
Henry took out a black card , Threw before Su Yu.
Su Yu looked at the black card in front of her, and it was difficult to calm down.
"Hellwalker ... Guangming Island ..."
The power of Bright Island covers al parts of the world.
No one is not afraid of the forces of Bright Island.
When Su Yu saw the black card, she completely understood that the other party was indeed
capable of destroying the Su family.
Guangming Island is a place with a hierarchical system. If it is not a person with real power
in Guangming Island, even if he has the identity of a hell walker, he will not make any big
moves. Every hell walker is very clear about his duties.
Su Yu looked at Henry in front of him. He didn't understand how his niece got in touch with
Guangming Island.
"Remember, you have to compensate her, you have to do it yourself." Henry looked at Su Yu
deeply and stepped away from the Su Family Hal .
When Henry walked out of the door, Su Yu took a long sigh of relief and got up from the
Zhu Yuanjiu sighed, "Hey, what he said, don't play as a child, don't let Lao Su's family
business be destroyed by your generation."
Zhu Yuanjiu finished and patted Su Yu on the shoulder And walk out of the lobby.
Nangong Jingyun looked at Su Yu and did not speak. While the Su family was in trouble,
Nangong Jingyun also felt a trace of sorrow.
The Nangong family and the Su family are the two ancient martial families of Yanjing.
The Su family is in front of Guangming Island. They are so vulnerable that their Nangong
family can get better? Perhaps in the eyes of others, this Nangong family is a respectable
monster, but in the eyes of forces like Guangming Island, it is nothing but ants.
A group of people left the Su family.
The martial law on the periphery of the Su family has been abolished, and it was announced
to the outsiders that it was a fire drill to raise people's awareness of fire safety.
But Zhu Yuanjiu and others knew that if Su Yu's attitude was a little wrong just now, this
time, it would not be as simple as proclaiming exercises.
Originally lively, he likes to pull Henry's arm and cal his little brother's Zhu Ling to follow
Henry at the moment, eyes staring at Henry with some fear.
Henry, who was at the forefront, turned back suddenly and looked at Zhu Ling, "Girl."
"Ah?" Zhu Ling was terrified.
Henry looked at Zhu Ling and smiled helplessly, "Why, am I so scary?"
Zhu Ling nodded subconsciously, and then quickly shook his head, "No, no, you are not
scary at all."
Henry patted his head, Looking at Zhu Yuanjiu, "Old man, do you always scare your
granddaughter with my name?"
Zhu Yuanjiu smiled awkwardly.
From the smile of Zhu Yuanjiu, Henry also understood that this old thing is definitely not
scary with his name. Henry has already seen it for a long time. Many underground forces
will treat the naughty young people. Satan's name is used to scare his own children. Over
time, the name of Satan, in the eyes of many people, is like a demon that eats people.
However, people who live on Guangming Island are well aware that Master Satan is not as
rumored by the outside world. On Guangming Island, Henry is very beloved.
Henry look to the Palace Yu, a laugh, "small slugs, a few years gone, have grown into a big
Palace Yu Qiao blushed, Jiao Chen said: "! You're a slug it"
Palace King cloud standing, some doubts, whispered in the ear palace Yu asked: "?
daughters ye what circumstances, smal ...... Satan adults it's not your boyfriend."
"Dad, I know what his identity before ah, yes I Please go back and lie to you. "Nangong Yu
rol ed his eyes.
"Ah?" Nangong Jingyun was a little dumbfounded, murmured with a voice that only he
could hear, "I thought our Nangong family turned over ..."
"Okay, I'l leave first, I wish girl, slug, uncle Nangong, these two days, thank you for your
hospitality, have the opportunity to go to Yinzhou, my wife and I invite you Eat. "Henry
greeted several people and waved goodbye.
"Are you really married?" Nangong Yu still couldn't believe it. The king of the underground
world, Master Satan, if he got married, it would have been earth-shattering, but now it's
"Huh." Henry nodded. "Let's go first." In Nangong Yu's eyes, the loss could not be concealed.
Zhu Yuanjiu came up and whispered to Henry: "Don't leave in a hurry, I have something to
tell you."
Henry looked at Zhu Yuanjiu puzzledly and nodded.
After saying goodbye to each other, Henry gradually walked away in the lost eyes of
Nangong Yu and Nangong Jingyun.
Zhu Ling raised his cheeks and stared at Zhu Yuanjiu with bright eyes. "Grandpa, you lied to
me, Brother Henry is not fierce!"
"Not fierce?" Zhu Yuanjiu's face showed a strange, "You said He was not fierce, but he didn't
see him real y start the fire. "
At eight o'clock in the evening, in a Yanjing tavern.
It was dim.
Henry and Zhu Yuanjiu sat on a small table.
The whole tavern is antique and all tables are made of wood.
Zhu Yuanjiu sighed, "The times have become so fast. In our time, there were such taverns
everywhere. Now, high-rise buildings. I am like your age. I have no il usions about this in
the future. There are many high-rise buildings. "
Henry smiled." It takes imagination to live, and I think that in the near future, there will be
many unexpected things, such as extending life and restoring physical functions. "
Zhu Yuanjiu said with a smile:" You Guangming Island are studying these? "
"It seems that there is something wrong." Henry picked up a smal glass and put it in his
mouth for a sip. "All research on Guangming Island will not let the outside world know.
Now, a lot of news about the island has been Man Tianfei, you are telling me this
intentionally, what do you want to imply to me? "
" Not only do we wish the family had problems, but you also have an accident on Bright
Island ... "Zhu Yuanjiu stared at Henry," You went to the European royal meeting, one After
the war, the trail disappeared. I tried to find you many times. Has anyone told you before? "
Henry pondered and shook his head." No.
" " Did you not participate in the underground world during this time? " Zhu Yuanjiu asked
"No." Henry continued to shake his head.
"The underground world has become chaotic. The European side has become a pot of
porridge. China has the shackles of the major families and the blades. It is stil
harmonious. A new force is rising. This force has penetrated into many places, although I
am very I do n’t want to admit it, but the fact is that some people in our family have
changed their minds, and even our family has problems, and some other ancient martial
families also have problems. ”
Zhu Yuanjiu sighed:“ The original you, only It took a few years to rise and stand at the top of
the world. For us, you are the younger generation, but for the latter generation, you are
now the predecessor. Invincible, some people, want to replace Guangming Island. "
Zhu Yuanjiu leaves Henry silent for a long time.
After more than ten minutes, Henrycai said, "I never thought of making Guangming Island a
force that everyone fears. I hope that Guangming Island is a place that can bring light to
people, what underground The king of the world is nothing more than someone else's ban.
If someone wants to replace me, let him go. The world is big, and there are too many things
worth pursuing. "
Zhu Yuanjiu smiled," You know the difference between an ordinary and ancient weapons
martial arts do? "
Henry shook his wine glass," I know that the so-cal ed ancient weapons, not have fallen yet?
not all of the decline, there is time, I wish to go home to find me something to look. "I wish
Yuanjiu knocked on the table, then got up," you now all mobile payment, my old man, older
machines that do not function, the Dayton wine, just as you please, ah. "
with a burst of big With laughter, Zhu Yuanjiu left the tavern.
Henry, sitting in a tavern, was thinking about what Zhu Yuanjiu had just said. At the
beginning of the European royal meeting, Henry gradual y came to mind.
"Satan, you and we are fighting, but it is just a game in the eyes of some people, whether it
is my royal society or your bright island, only someone wants us to exist, we can exist, if
they don't want to see us, We will not be able to live in this world. "
" You may not believe what I said, you are young, you are strong, you stand on the top, look
down on the world, but you forget to look farther away. "
" Human The limit of the body is not as simple as you and I thought, you are a Chinese, from
the closest to the sacred area, today, you come here, I do n’t want to fight with you, I just
want to prove you one thing, one Things that you have to believe ... "
At the beginning, Henry shook his wrists and took a long breath." Whether there is that
pure land, people can think about nothing and think about it. The life you want. "
Henry drank the wine in the glass, shook his head, and paid to leave the tavern.
After the World War I, Henry visited many places, places of interest in China and Kunlun
Mountain, which is ful of mythology.
In ancient times, Chinese soldiers marched for hundreds of miles, and now the armor is
excavated, and the heavy helmet has a weight of 42 kg. This is not counted as weapons and
helmets. If all are added, each soldier ’s weight on the equipment It reaches 60
kilograms. With such a weight increase, it can still march hundreds of miles in a hurry. It
can be seen how good the soldier is. This is not a small number of people.
In modern times, how many people can do this?
Henry thought of Zhu Yuanjiu's sentence just now. In their era, they had not thought about
the chaos, the high-rise buildings, and the development of technology. Now people have
gradually forgotten their own strength.
It's like telling ordinary people that Henry can easily break the thick steel bar of the thumb.
I'm afraid not many people believe it, but this kind of thing can be easily done here in
Some things don't happen, they just don't know.
The former Henry, who heard the ancient martial arts talked about by the older generation,
would have an admired attitude, but it would not be too serious. Such thinking changed
completely when he came out of the Wang Hui.
Henry returned to the hotel and lay his head in bed. After dawn, he went to the airport and
returned to Yinzhou.
At this time, a passenger plane that took off from Yanjing landed at Yinzhou Airport, and a
man, a woman and two young men came down from the plane.
"Brother, why did you ask us to get that surnamed Lin back." The young woman wore a
long dress with arrogance on her face and looked around. "Look at the airport in this smal
city. The
young man shook his head, "I don't know, the matter of the heirliness, we don't have to ask
more about our sidelines."
"Oh." The woman smiled disdainfully, "If we count the sidelines, what is Lin's name? It ’s
just a foreigner. The old man left his will to divide his family property into half of that
foreigner. Why? ”
“ That is to say. ”The young man sighed.“ We also need to be kind to Sylvia, hey. ”
“ Be polite to her? "The woman showed an exaggerated expression," This surnamed Lin
doesn't look at what he is, so we are polite to her? She's waiting to go, find a place to rest
tonight, go tomorrow What is the Lin Group, look at what this surnamed Lin is. "
Early the next morning.
Sylvia got up as usual, and looking at the empty home, Sylvia was a little lost.
In the past, Henry would prepare breakfast and say good morning to himself, but now, he
has not seen him for several days.
Sylvia stomped his feet, dead Henry, stinky Henry, if there is a misunderstanding, you can
not explain it to me, you like to leave without saying a word, let you go! Best not to come
With a small mouth, Sylvia walked into the bathroom. After washing, he went to the
Time passed slowly.
At noon, Li Na knocked on the door of Sylvia's office, "Mr. Lin, it's time to eat."
"You go first." Sylvia said, rubbing his brow, and got up to go to the cafeteria.
"Sister, bring me a bottle of Coke." In the cafeteria, an employee took a bottle of Coke, took
a sip of it, and burped.
Seeing this scene of Sylvia, Henry appeared again in his mind.
Sylvia took out his mobile phone, looked at the number on the phone, hesitated again and
again, bit his silver teeth, and dialed out.
The surname is Zhang. It ’s not that I miss you anymore. I just want to ask you whether you
ca n’t divorce.
The moment Sylvia dialed the number, he thought about what to say in the first sentence.
"I'm sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off ..." The prompt tone from the mobile
phone made Lin please ignorant, so you are Henry, obviously you did something sorry for
me, you are stil playing a small role The temper is coming, right?
Sylvia threw the mobile phone on the table bitterly and ate a bite.
In the cafeteria, a few people sat together, watching Sylvia look like a new continent,
whispering and quickly communicating.
"Hey, hey, you see, President Lin seems to be jealous."
"It seems like, God, I didn't expect President Lin to have such a small woman's side."
"Fuck, you guys don't understand style, no matter how strong. Women, I also hope that a
man takes care of himself, why can't Lin have a little woman's side. "
" But this is the first time there is wood. "
Sylvia sat there, slamming the food on the plate, Dead Henry, stinky Henry, bite you, bite
Sylvia bit the food in his mouth as if it were Henry.
"Sylvia, I know you can hear, Sylvia, I want to tel the world, I love you, Sylvia!"
A loud noise passed through a loudspeaker , Sounded in the Lin's canteen.
The Lin employees who were having lunch were instantly attracted by this voice.
The sound came from the window.
Sylvialiu frowned slightly and walked to the window to see the front door of the Lin Group.
At this time, he was covered with rose petals. The roses were paved into a heart. A young
man was standing in the middle of the petals, holding one Loudspeaker, the voice came
from his mouth.
"Mr. Lin, how to deal with it?" Li Na came at this time, "I let the security guards shove, the
other party did not go at all, it is said ..."
"I'l go." Sylvia waved helplessly and walked outside the cafeteria Going, she knew this
young man and knew that with Lin's security guards, she real y couldn't help her.
Sylvia left the cafeteria at the forefoot, and those Lin employees who were stil dining were
all squeezed into the window with gossip.
At the same time, some people who were stil sitting in the office also put their heads out
the window.
Sylvia took the elevator to the first floor.
"Mr. Lin." The security of the Lin's building came quickly. "The other party said he must see
you. He is outside our security range. We can't drive him out."
"You busy yourself." Go to the company door.
In front of the door of the Lin Group, many people were surrounded at this time, al
watching the lively.
The young man standing in the rose petals with the microphone in his hand saw Sylvia,
with a surprise on his face, "Sylvia, you are final y willing to see me."
"Ke Bin, I have already told you very clearly, I've finished Married, please do n’t trouble
harassing me again, otherwise I will call the police. ”Sylvia said unkindly.
Ke Bin smiled at Sylvia with a smile on his face: "Sylvia, don't be so ruthless, I know your
feelings for you, you also know, I also know that Lin's recently encountered a crisis, if you
are willing to marry me I will let my dad inject capital for you. "
Sylvia frowned." Did you understand what I said? I'm married. "
" You are married, but you applied for a divorce from the Civil Affairs Bureau a few days
ago. Agreement, your ex-husband Henry, I have investigated, and I know exactly what kind
of person he is, saying that he is worthless, it is considered to be exalted him, how can such
a person deserve you, stay with me, our two United is the best choice. "Ke Bin held a
megaphone when he spoke, and his voice was clearly heard by everyone around him,
including Lin's employees.
Those Lin staffs have wide eyes.
Before, Henry climbed the eighteenth floor with his bare hands to save Sylvia, and it still
makes people talk about it. Many women say that if they can find a man as powerful as
Henry, this life is worth it.
Before Henry, he talked about the major projects of several hospitals, and the performance
in the talent market has been spread al over the company. This man with talent and
courage, Mr. Lin even wants to divorce?
Sylvia was not surprised that Ke Bin found out about his application for divorce. As the
other party, he could easily do this.
Sylvia said displeasurely: "I can't divorce, it's my own business, it has nothing to do with
you, please leave now, or don't blame me for not being affectionate."
"Sylvia, I don't understand why you can and A wasteful marriage, can't accept me?
Which point does he match with you? "Ke Bin's tone was deeply puzzled.
"You?" Sylvia smiled disdainful y, and Henry appeared again in his mind. "You are far worse
than him."
"I don't agree!" Talking loudly, "I don't believe, I can't compare to a waste person, Sylvia,
you should belong to me, I love you, for you, I will do anything!"
Ke Bin finished, rushing behind Waved his hand.
One person immediately ran up and handed Ke Bin a large bouquet of roses.
Ke Bin, holding roses in one hand and a loudspeaker in the other, strode toward Sylvia,
"Sylvia, I love you, as long as you marry me, I can give you anything."
Sylvia frowned and looked at The person in front of her, she is sure, if Henry is here, she
will definitely throw Ke Bin to other places for the first time, but where is he?
"Marry him!"
"Marry him!" For
a time, marry him three words, ringing from the crowd, these are al arranged by Ke Bin in
advance to set off the atmosphere.
With the shouting of these trays, the crowds of unknown reason also shouted.
Marry him three words, at this time, let the people working on the 17th floor of the Lin
family can hear clearly.
"Quiet!" Suddenly, there was a loud scream, which was screamed out by the person's
throat, and actual y forced him to marry him.
"Quiet!" There was another scream.
Those who original y shouted to marry him, subconsciously closed their mouths and looked
behind them. The word quiet was also heard from the crowd.
The onlookers separated from the road.
When Sylvia heard the words quiet, she jumped in her heart. She knew too well whose
voice it was.
Looking down the road that the crowd let go, Henryfeng's servant figure appeared in
Sylvia's sight.
Henry looked at the roses in that place with disgust, "Who is so unethical, throw away the
garbage for others to clean up?"
Henry said, stepped forward, and placed it with his feet towards it. Heart-shaped rose
petals kick.
The beautifully arranged heart-shaped rose petals, under Henry's foot, draw a blank path in
the middle. From the air, it is Henry's foot that divides a heart into two halves.
"You!" Ke Bin looked at Henry, who had investigated in the Civil Affairs Bureau before and
knew that this was Sylvia's husband.
"What you!" Henry Ke Bin, a stare, then turned to the crowd and said, "These roses are too
unsightly, who will help me pack up, go to Lin financial lead ten thousand dol ars!"
Henry finished these words, onlookers The crowd fell into silence for a while, and the roses
who collected this place would receive 10,000 yuan. Who would you deceive?
A four- to five-year-old kid, head-to-head and head-to-head, protruded out of the crowd,
wearing dirty clothes, "Uncle, are you talking about it really? Can you really give me ten
thousand dol ars?"
"He said it is true Yes, he will not, I will. "Sylvia suddenly said.
The impact caused by Sylvia's sentence is very different from the effect that Henry had just
"Yeah, that's great!" The little boy cheered, rushed out of the crowd, and grabbed the roses
The crowd watching was real y impulsive to push the little boy away, but he could not wipe
the face, after all, so many people looked at it.
Chapter 351 She Doesn't Come Back
"Grandpa, come and take away these, we will have money to eat." The little boy picked up
the rose petals everywhere and waved his hand behind him.
A rickety old man, also dressed in tattered and dirty, with a snakeskin sack in his hand,
walked out of the crowd.
The little boy packed the rose petals in the snake skin bag.
In an instant, the rose petals in one place disappeared completely.
"Uncle, can I get the money?" The little boy opened his eyes wide and looked at Henry with
"Go!" Henry rubbed the little boy's head, "Lead one hundred thousand, I said!"
"Yeah!" The little boy cheered again, took his grandfather's hand, and ran to the Lin group
to collect the money.
Ke Bin stood aside and watched his carefully prepared confession, so it was destroyed by
people, and his face was somber as if he could drip water.
"Do you know who I am? Do you know that you have angered me!" Ke Bin stared at Henry.
"Huh? Haven't you left yet?" Henry looked at Ke Bin curiously, "Why do you stand here,
waiting for me to leave you for lunch?"
Henry's words made Ke Bin's face even more ugly. In front of so many people, he even
made himself not come to Taiwan!
Ke Bin reached out to Henry, "Boy, well, you are fine, I drive you crazy! When you cry, let's
Ke Bin waved his hand and turned to leave.
"Wait! Wait a minute!" Henry suddenly yelled and stopped Ke Bin.
Ke Bin paused and turned around, looking at Henry, "Why, you want to understand?"
"No, I just want to show you affection." Henryba smiled, and then hugged Sylvia. Sylvia
hadn't responded to what happened. The cherry mouth was blocked by a big mouth.
Henry's strong kiss made a scream on the Lin's building.
Ke Bin's face was already black with yin.
"Boy, are you waiting for him to die!" Ke Bin shouted, turned around, and walked without
looking back.
Henry didn't pay attention to Ke Bin. Now his thoughts are al on the woman in front of him.
Henry's kiss is not that kind of water, but full of affection.
Sylvia subconsciously wanted to push away, but found that the body of the man in front of
him was as hard as steel, and he couldn't shake it at al . The screams around made the
woman's face blush.
Under Henry's offensive slowly, Sylvia's hands slowly embraced Henry's tiger waist.
The screams kept ringing. When Henry felt that the woman's breathing was a little quick,
he moved his mouth reluctantly, and then looked at the woman's beautiful face, which was
like a ripe apple at this time. Can't help but want to take a bite.
"It seems that I came back in time." Henry woman smiled and blinked her eyes.
"It's better if you die outside!" The woman's powder fist hammer was on Henry's chest.
"Haha!" Henry laughed twice, "I'm going to die outside, who will help you run away these
nasty flies."
Sylvia's pretty blush is so strong that he dare not raise his head.
"Kiss another one, kiss another one!" There was a coaxing sound from the crowd watching.
As soon as Sylvia heard the voice, he pushed away Henry and ran into the company door as
if he had escaped.
There was a burst of laughter in the crowd.
Like a movie star on the red carpet, Henry waved at the crowd and then chased into the
In the scene just now, Lin's employees were all in the eyes. When Sylvia ran in, everyone
looked away intentionally or unintentional y, when they did not see the same thing.
"Wife, you wait for me, wait for me." Henry shouted while chasing. It would be fine if he
didn't shout. With this call, Sylvia walked faster.
Fortunately, the elevator did not stop on the first floor. Henry caught up with Sylvia in front
of the elevator.
"Wife, don't you miss me these days?" Henryba looked, with a hippie smile.
Sylvia still looked at Henry with a blushing face, "I didn't think about it."
With the sound of "ding", the elevator door opened, Sylvia entered the elevator for the first
time, Henry also licked his face and followed.
Those who had planned to take this elevator upstairs al waited outside with consciousness.
"Why don't you go?" Sylvia asked the staff standing at the elevator door strangely.
The employee made an excuse, "Mr. Lin, please go first. I'll wait for customers in this
The elevator was unobstructed all the way to the top floor.
Sylvia took a stride towards the office, Henry followed Sylvia.
Outside the president ’s office is the secretary ’s office.
When Henry passed by Li Na's office, he said loudly: "Secretary Li, help me throw this
divorce agreement into the shredder and stir it for three hours."
Sylvia, who was striding in large steps, subconsciously slowed down when he heard the
four words of the divorce agreement, and then quickly walked into the office.
Sylvia's small actions natural y did not escape Henry's sight. He smiled, followed up with
the office, and locked the office door.
"Why do you lock the door?" Back to this space where no one else was, Sylvia looked much
more normal, and the blush on Qiao's face disappeared.
"I don't want our two world to be disturbed."
"Who has a two-person world with you!" Sylvia snorted, "Please go out, I want to work!"
"Remove the misunderstanding before you work." Henrymin went to the desk. "Wife, is
there anything unclear between us?"
"No." Sylvia's expression changed and shook his head.
Sylvia had to admit that Henry's sudden appearance made her very happy today, but what
happened that day still made her feel angry.
"Real y?" Henry didn't believe it.
"No, you go." Sylvia shook his head decisively.
"Hey, okay." Henry sighed. "Then I'll go shopping and make something you like."
After Henry finished speaking, he walked to the door of the office.
When Henry's hand was about to touch the door handle, Sylvia's voice sounded, "Wait, I
suddenly thought of something, you may know."
Henry turned around, "wife, you say."
"The autumn rain in the business department, hasn't it been a good relationship with you?
She suddenly disappeared during this time, no one can contact, the company found
someone to go to her house, no one at home, do you know where she went ""
Sylvia deliberately revealed a casual look.
Henry sighed, it was really angry because of this.
He waved his hand and said to Sylvia: "Amity's girl is gone and will not come back."
"Leave? Where?"
Henry looked sad, "I went to take her dad to see a doctor, didn't I say go to the hospital that
day, just to see Uncle Qiu, last time about Amity's family, you also know that Uncle Qiu
drank pesticide ..."
Chapter 352
Henry ’s words made Lin invite Han into a moment of silence. She apparently did not
expect that Amity ’s departure was due to this reason. She even wondered whether it was
Henry ’s reason to keep Amity from staying in the company.
Now hearing Henry's explanation, Lin Linhan feels that he is a bad person.
"Henry, I ..." Lin invited Han opened his mouth and unconsciously apologized on Qiao's face.
"Wife, I know why you are angry. You saw me and Amity coming home that day, right?"
Henry walked to Sylvia's desk. "That day, I wanted to contact a friend of Fa Guo and let
Amity take When Uncle Qiu went there for treatment, he accompanied Amity to go home
and pack up his luggage. Who knows that you have seen it, and you will not give me the
opportunity to explain it. "
Sylvia pouted and grumbled: "Then I asked you that day, you didn't tell me the truth, only
that you went to the hospital, you told me that I can't understand you?"
"Are n’t you afraid that you do n’t understand? It ’s you who is cold outside and hot inside.
If I told you, would n’t it bother you too? I read Uncle Qiu ’s situation and want to wake up, I
can only rely on him. "Henry's face was worried," you said, this person is too fragile. What
happened last time was to defeat Uncle Qiu's hope for life. "
Sylvia looked out the window, "I don't know what happened to Amity's girl. She is still in
the internship stage. She didn't even get a college graduation certificate. Now she went to
the field again, and her father's medical expenses are al alone It's bitter. "
"Yeah." Henry sighed, "She is a person with strong self-esteem, do not want to trouble us,
hope that life can treat her kindly."
Thinking of Amity's plight, the two sighed.
Henry once wandered by himself, and he knew very well how difficult it was to be alone, let
alone a girl, and a father who was seriously il . Fortunately, Amity had some deposits, which
made Henry feel relieved.
"My wife, our misunderstanding has been lifted. Let's not divorce you. You said I have no
relatives and no reason in Yinzhou. You want to push me out of the house. Where do I live!"
Henry deliberately showed a bitter face.
Sylvia listened to this and sneered, "I'm sorry to be here, I don't know who you Henry is,
what identity you are, but don't lie to me as a fool, your brother, the one who calls your
brother Ferris, in one sentence, he can let those big bosses who are all worth hundreds of
bil ions of people have successors. In your capacity, after divorcing me, there are too many
women to choose from! "
"My wife." Henry rubbed his hands. "You hear me explain. I didn't tell you before. There is a
Now, Henry has solved the potential threat of the Su family, and it is not necessary to hide
his identity or anything.
Sylvia waved his hand directly and interrupted Henry ’s words, “You do n’t need to explain
to me what your identity is Henry. It has nothing to do with me Sylvia, let alone I Sylvia
climbed up your big tree.”
Henry smiled bitterly, this is really a strong woman.
"Okay, wife, since you do n’t want to listen, I wo n’t say it anyway. We are together. It ’s a
strong al iance. You have your ability. I have made a little fortune. Where you need to
invest, you Despite speaking, we have made a profit of fifty-five cents and will never let you
take advantage of me! "
Henry waved his hand and said with pride.
Sylvia raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean? Share it so clearly with me?"
"No, no, no." Henrylian waved his hand. "Aren't you kidding me? You are my wife, and mine
is yours."
"Humph, this is almost the same." Sylvia nodded with satisfaction.
Henry shook his head helplessly, this woman's heart, the seabed needle, was elusive.
Henry chatted in Lin's office for a while, then left first, went to the market to buy
vegetables, and prepared to prepare a big meal for Lin.
Although Lin Xuanhan didn't say anything about Henry's cooking skil s, she couldn't think
about it anymore. She was originally a petty cat. If it wasn't for the company, there are stil
many things, she would like to go shopping with Henry now, thinking of herself I bought all
of them.
Henry relieved his misunderstanding with Sylvia and hummed a little song in a happy
mood and left Lin's Building.
Henry had just left Lin's front foot, a man, a woman and two young men, stepping into the
door of the Lin Group.
The woman looked at the Lin's group hall with a disgusted face, "I can't figure out what is
going on here. The woman with the surname Lin let her survive here. Why did the head of
the family find her? come back?"
"Let's see someone first, and bring the meaning of the owner." The young man said.
The woman glanced at her mouth, her eyes were ful of envy that could not be concealed.
They were all juniors of the Su family. As a sideline, they could enter the Su family group
and become a senior executive, they could take off happily, and this The
woman surnamed Lin was just the old man who exiled an illegitimate girl, a wild seed left
by the illegitimate girl. To put it bluntly, if it were not the suicide note of Grandpa Su, the Su
family would not recognize such a person Not to mention taking over Su's business.
"Two, who are you looking for?" Lin's front desk beauty came over and asked politely.
"You have a name called Sylvia, right?" The young woman said proudly.
"Madam, may I ask what you have to do with Mr. Lin? If you want to see Mr. Lin, you need
to make an appointment in advance." The company reception desk asked.
"Make an appointment? Just see her and make an appointment?" The young woman
glanced at her mouth. "Tell her that the Su family are here!"
The words Su's family passed through the company's front desk to Li Na's ears, and
through Li Na to Sylvia.
Sylvia, who was busy at work, was trembling when he heard the word Su.
"Su family ..." Sylvia kept mumbling these two words.
"Mr. Lin, how are you going to see these two people?" Li Na asked.
"See, let them get on ... No, I'l go down." Sylvia quickly got up, sorted out the broken hair in
the forehead, and quickly walked towards the elevator.
Li Na was surprised when she saw Sylvia's attitude. She didn't understand why the word
Su's family made Lin always have such a big reaction.
Sylvia took the elevator downstairs. Her mood was extremely complicated. What her
mother told her when she was a child, she stil remembers it very well till now.
Long ago, Sylvia knew that her mother belonged to a big family in Yanjing. Because of some
things in that family, her mother was kicked out of the family. By the day her mother died,
she would not be reconciled, her biggest wish. That is, he can write his name in the
genealogy, and that family is the Su family.

353 Su Family Comes

After Sylvia took over Lin, she put a lot of effort and worked hard, even in the eyes of
others, she was already a workman's image, all in al , just because, Sylvia wanted to make
herself, to be able The existence of the family is shoulder to shoulder, wanting to make
herself, fulfil ing her mother's unfulfilled wish to death, she thought, taking her mother
Sylvia has always had a very vague idea about the existence of the Su family.
Today, the people of the Su family took the initiative to come to the door, which made
Sylvia never think of it.
With the sound of "ding", the elevator fel to the first floor and the door opened.
Before Sylvia got out of the elevator, he noticed the man and the woman standing in the
hall. Similarly, the man and the woman saw Sylvia.
At the first sight of Sylvia, the young man had an amazing feeling, even in the place where
the beauty of Yanjing was vertical and horizontal, it was difficult to find the existence
comparable to the woman in front of him. Stand together so you do n’t lose your color.
Young women also have some jealousy in their eyes. When they meet each other, they will
make a comparison as soon as possible.
While these two men looked at Sylvia, Sylvia was also looking at them. The first two people
gave Sylvia the feeling of arrogance, not that kind of deliberate expression, but a kind of
pride in his bones.
Sylvia walked slowly in front of the two of them, and took a welcoming gesture, "Both will
rest here first."
"No need." The young woman smiled a little. "Introduce you first. My name is Su Cai.
This is my brother Su Yiran. If I remember correctly, you should call me a sister."
Sylvia nodded, "Sister Su is good."
Sylvia finished calling, and looked at Su Yiran again, "Su Ge is good."
Su Cai nodded with satisfaction, glanced at the company lobby, and asked, "Do you know,
where is the Su family?"
Sylvia shook his head slightly.
"Grand." Su Cai held out two fingers. "The Su family has hundreds of years of history, and it
is not comparable to some upstarts. Do you think that you, a foreigner, are eligible to return
to the Su family?"
Sylvia's face changed, but she didn't expect that the first sentence of the Su family's arrival
was actually this.
Five p.m.
Henry prepared a good table, waiting for Sylvia to come home from work, and opened a
bottle of red wine, lit two candles, and wanted a romantic candlelight dinner.
Henry took the apron and stood in the kitchen, exquisitely displaying some dishes.
The door made a noise.
"Husband, are you at home?" Sylvia's voice came from the door.
"Returned so early?" Henrypo asked in a surprise, while accelerating the swinging motion
of his hand.
"Two friends came and came back earlier." Sylvia explained.
"Friend?" Henry was a little disappointed in his heart. He was thinking about a romantic
two-person world with Sylvia tonight.
Henry said in the kitchen: "Then let your friend sit first, dinner and so on."
As soon as Henry's voice fell, he heard a disgusting voice in the living room, "I said Sylvia,
would you give us these things?"
Su Cai looked displeasedly at the table prepared by Henry, not a big meal, but some home-
cooked food.
Su Yiran also seemed very upset. He had thought that the two of them came as the Su
family. How could this surnamed Lin be respectful and use the best hospitality?
"This ..." Sylvia didn't know how to explain it. Henry's cooking skills are better than the top
chefs in Yinzhou. I don't know how many times. No one can eat it.
Henry frowned on a plate of pastries in the kitchen and walked out of the kitchen to see Su
Cai and Su Yiran. Henry didn't know the sidelines of the two Su families.
As for Henry, Su Cai and Su Yiran, I don't know.
As a sideline, some things that happened to the Su family could not be touched at al .
For example, the Su Wu sent people to assassinate Sylvia. For example, yesterday the Su
family suffered a crisis. Sideline.
Henry looked at the Su family and was displeased. As a guest, it was very impolite to
dismiss this as soon as he arrived at the host's house.
"Wife, who are these two?" Henry endured the anger in his heart, which was Sylvia's friend.
If he changed to someone else, Henry would let him know why Huaer was so red.
"You don't deserve to know." Su Cai proudly glanced at Henry, then said to Sylvia, "Do you
think that we came here on behalf of the Su family, is your attitude appropriate?"
Su family?
Henry's face changed, and the people of the Su family dare to be so arrogant?
Sylvia looked at Henry apologetically, "Husband, otherwise we will go out to eat tonight,
you made these, I ..."
"Go out? Why go out to eat?" Henry interrupted Sylvia.
"Otherwise, you let us eat these rubbish?" Su Cai's mouth teased, "Sylvia, do you think our
Su family is bullying, or what's going on?"
"What is your Su's family?" Henrymu exposed Han Hanman, glancing at Su Cai and Su Yiran.
Su Cai and Su Yiran changed their faces, "What are you talking about!"
"I said." Henry took off the apron in front of him, fell into a bal , and walked towards Su Cai.
"Your Su family, what is it?"
"Dare you say our Su's family!" Su Cai screamed. This was her greatest confidence when she
came to Yinzhou, but now she is dismissed.
Henry walked in front of the two and directly reached out to grab Su Cai's hair. Su Cai
shouted in pain and wanted to remove Henry's hand, but he couldn't do it at all.
Su Yiran's expression changed, "Boy, you are so bold, give me a hand!"
Su Yiran said, punching Henry in the face.
"Huh!" Henry sneered, holding back the fist Su Yiran hit, squeezing hard.
Su Yiran only felt a huge force that made him unable to contend from his arm, with a sharp
pain that made him yell unconsciously.
Henry's palm became a claw, and he grabbed it, and also grabbed Su Yiran's hair.
In this way, Henry grabbed one person, dragged the two lives to the door of the room, and
threw it out directly.
The two who were thrown out by Henry felt that their scalp was almost caught.
Standing in front of the door, Henry stared at Su Cai and Su Yiran with a cold eye, "This is
Lao Tzu's home, not your place for wilderness, get out!"
After Henry finished speaking, he closed the door.
Outside the door, Su Cai and Su Yiran both got up from the ground, and they looked at the
locked door with a hateful look in their eyes.
"A wild man in a remote place, dare to provoke our Su family, I will let you know, what is
regret!" Su Cai clenched his teeth and clenched his fists.

354 Gift
Inside the villa, Sylvia watched Henry throw the people from the Su family out of the door.
At this moment, Sylvia raised a strange feeling in her heart. With Henry's closing
movement, she seemed to feel that the whole person was relaxed. The same, but at the
same time, there are also concerns.
Seeing the worried look on Sylvia's face, Henry said, "Wife, what is the Su family they said,
is that Yanjing?"
"Hmm." Sylvia nodded his head, a little puzzled in his beautiful eyes, "You know?"
"Know a little bit, wife, what is your connection with them?" Henry asked deliberately.
Henry is very clear that the woman in front of him is a person with a very strong self-
esteem. If Sylvia is willing to tell himself, Henry will help her openly. If the woman does not
want to say, Henry will also respect her ideas.
Sylvia sighed, "My mother is the Su family ..."
"Speak while eating, you are hungry too." Henry led Sylvia to the dining table and poured a
glass of red wine to Sylvia.
Just after the wine was poured into the glass, Sylvia drank it.
The arrival of the Su family today is also a contradiction for Sylvia. With a glass of wine,
Sylvia opened the conversation box.
Henry was quietly in front of a listener. What Sylvia said was exactly the same as what
Henry investigated.
Sylvia's mother, Su Siyue, was the illegitimate daughter of Grandpa Su. In his early years,
because of family reasons, Grandpa Su did not admit that this il egitimate daughter, Su
Siyue's mother, was just a servant of the Su family.
From the day of his birth, Su Siyue was also put on the name of a wild breed, and then was
driven out of the Su's family with his mother.
Sylvia said that her mother ’s biggest wish before she died was to return to Su ’s house.
This was also the wish of Su Siyue ’s mother, al of which was entrusted to Sylvia. Now
Sylvia does not know that Grandpa Su has left, nor I know that Grandpa Su left his will and
asked Lin to invite Han to take over the Su family.
Sylvia said these things only after a few glasses of wine. These things have been buried in
Sylvia's heart since his mother left. Even his dad, Sylvia did not tel .
"Husband, do you think that I'm a troublesome elder, and I'm adding trouble to you ..."
Sylvia pretty blushed.
"What are you talking about?" Henry forcibly scraped Sylvia's tal nose bridge, "You are my
wife, how come I think you are in trouble, just wife, do you want to go back to Su's house?"
"I don't know." Sylvia shook his head. "For the Su family, I never had a concept.
Husband, do you know the husband, the two came today and told me that the Su family is a
giant, a giant!"
Sylvia repeated the two words that Su Cai said today. These two words caused a great
impact on her.
Henry smiled dumbly, even the Su family is considered a giant?
"Wife, don't forget, you are also a rich man." Henry put a chopstick dish in Sylvia's bowl.
"Me?" Sylvia smiled self-deprecatingly. "We Lin, compared with the rich like the Su family,
at most it is a nouveau riche."
Henry looked at the woman's appearance, and his heart was sour.
Everyone else thinks that Lin ’s Lin, the proud daughter of heaven, knows nothing about the
bitterness in Sylvia ’s heart. In front of the Sus, Sylvia felt only inferiority.
Henry touched his pocket and took out a gift box less than the size of a slap and put it on
the table. "Wife, we have been married for such a long time. I have never given you any
gifts. Now, this is for you."
Henry pushed the gift box in front of Sylvia.
Sylvia, who was originally a bitter face, was a little more surprised, "Send me?"
"Wel ." Henry nodded.
Sylvia at this moment, only felt a sweet surge in his heart, there is no woman, do not like
such a surprise, especial y in the face of the man in his heart.
Open the gift box happily. The gift box is a silver-white ring. The surface of the ring is
covered with a layer of dark light. This ring does not have too exaggerated shape. At first
glance, it looks like an ordinary ring. .
The surface of the ring is engraved with four words to accompany you to old age.
These four words are as simple as the ring itself.
"This is the first time I have seen such an ugly ring." Sylvia said disgusted, but his hand was
not slow at all. Put this ring on his ring finger of his right hand and look left and right. .
Henry looked at Sylvia's movements, and he was stunned. When he prepared the ring, he
did not use it as a wedding ring. Sylvia himself, actively put it on his ring finger.
"Husband, thank you." Sylvia said with a pair of big eyes narrowed into a crescent, and said
with a happy face.
After a supper, the two were extremely happy to eat. Just after the Su family had made it
unpleasant, Sylvia did the same as he forgot, never mentioned it again.
After dinner, Henrygang prepared to clean up the tableware, and the phone rang.
Henry looked at it, and the caller was President Ma. At the same time, Henry suddenly
sounded something. He seemed to have promised to President Ma for training before he
went to Yanjing.
After answering the phone, Henry felt embarrassed, "Chairman Ma ..."
"Little God Doctor, you finally turned on!" President Ma's voice on the phone, with an
unspeakable excitement.
"Aha, President Ma, I'm sorry. I was in a hurry for the first two days, so I forgot to train."
Henry scratched his head.
"It's okay, it's okay, little doctor, you see when you have time, everyone is still in Yinzhou,
waiting for your training." President Ma repeatedly said.
"Then tomorrow morning."
"Yes, then I will let everyone know." President Ma rejoiced.
Henry hung up President Ma's phone, and within a few minutes, the phone rang again.
It was Daisy's girl.
"Brother-in-law, I heard that you are going to do training tomorrow? Can you let us follow
"Come on, you Girl is still very out of sight." Henry was speechless.
"It's not that I saw you, you are too famous now, and you want to listen to your training.
Then you have to go through a lot of rigorous selection. You don't know, the sky is priced
out now. Your one class is worth 50,000! Now students of our school ’s medical department
want to listen to your training this time. "
"You go directly to the Chinese Medicine Museum tomorrow, let's meet at the door of the
Chinese Medicine Museum." Henry confessed to Daisy, hung up the phone, and
then frowned, a class of fifty thousand? Henry believes that it is necessary for him to talk to
President Ma tomorrow.
One night passed quietly.

355 Are You Qualified?

Solving the Su family's affairs, Henry was a lot easier for the whole person. He didn't have
to worry about Sylvia's danger al the time, and he didn't have to hide his identity
Early in the morning, Henry told Sylvia that he was going to train, and went directly to the
Chinese Medicine Museum.
At the moment, in front of the Chinese Medicine Museum, there are countless luxury cars
parked, the crowd is dense and noisy.
Daisy and Lam Sun stood in front of the Chinese Medicine Hall, waiting for Henry.
"Xiao Wan, brother-in-law, his reputation is a little too big. Look, there are so many doctors.
Some of them are usually seen on TV, and now they come to study." Lam Sun looked at the
crowd around him, feeling To some shock.
"Or how can I get 50,000 yuan per class." Daisy is also a little unrealistic. I remember when
I first heard about my brother-in-law, the family didn't bother to say anything, they said
nothing, they ate soft meals. If it's a category, but it doesn't matter if it's good, then who can
get it?
Daisy and Lam Sun stood in the place agreed with Henry and waited. If Henry did not take
them in, they would not even be qualified to stand by the door.
"Yo, aren't this Daisy and Lam Sun? Why, you two poor ghosts can also buy places?" A
fashionable girl walked over and looked at Daisy lightly.
"Shang Qiaoshan, you have al the time. What does it matter for us to come here? If you have
money, go to other places and don't show it here!" Lam Sun looked at the person in disgust.
This Shang Qiaoshan, a classmate of the two, has only one hobby, that is to show off her
wealth, and she loves to show off in front of Daisy, which makes Lam Sun look down. Daisy
is very low-key in school If it wasn't the last thing, even Lam Sun didn't know that Daisy
was from the Lin family.
"Why, poor still won't let me say it?" Shang Qiaoshan squinted at Daisy. "Look at you, look
around, who is as shabby as you, you are really a part of our school!"
"I'm here to attend the class, and it's not a beauty contest. Is there anything to do with your
dress?" Daisy's good temper was also impatient by Shang Qiaoshan.
"Listen to the class? It's you?" Shang Qiaoshan sneered, "Can you get it for fifty thousand
"Who said I need to buy a place?" Daisy asked back.
Lam Sun also said on the side, "That is, we don't need to buy places at all, and the brother-
in-law takes us in."
"Joke, who do you think your brother-in-law is?" Shang Qiaoshan apparently didn't believe
Lam Sun's words. The quota she came to attend the class this time was due to the trust
relationship. She got this quota. Shang Qiaoshan was not trying to learn any technology. It's
I do n’t know where the news came from. I said that in the school, as long as anyone
attended the class today, and who would be assigned for graduation later, you should never
worry about it. If you are lucky, you can go directly to Lin ’s hospital.
Lin ’s reputation in Yinzhou is that everyone who is a Yinzhou is like a slap in the face, and
corporate treatment is the best choice for most people.
"Xiao Wan, Huh, Lam Sun is also here?" Henry came over from the side, he had just arrived.
"Brother-in-law!" Daisy.
"Good brother-in-law." Lam Sun also screamed sweetly, and at the same time
subconsciously looked at Henry. Today Henry is wearing a casual outfit.
Lam Sun couldn't help but think that although the Lin family is the first person in Yinzhou,
the Lin family is really a low-key one. Daisy, as Sylvia's younger sister, never said his family
in school, and his brother-in-law was more Mr. Lin, the husband of the Lin Group, wears
ordinary clothes, which are like those people who have a little money, I hope the whole
world knows the same.
Shang Qiaoshan is also looking at Henry. When he sees Henry's casual clothes that are not
famous brands, the contempt in his eyes is even stronger. "Daisy, this is your brother-in-
law. "
Before Henry gave a lecture at the Silver University, not everyone went.
Daisy glanced at Shang Qiaoshan, too lazy to explain to her.
"This your friends?" Henry asked Daisy curiously.
Before Daisy spoke, Shang Qiaoshan proudly said: "Friend? I make friends, but not
"Oh." Henry nodded. Looking at Shang Qiaoshan, Henry could also think of who this person
was. He didn't tel Shang Qiaoshan more, "Xiao Wan, Lam Sun, let's go first."
"Good." Daisy and Lam Sun nodded at the same time, followed Henrychao in front of the
Chinese Medicine Hall.
"Things that are not astonishing!" Shang Qiaoshan hugged his chest with both hands and
looked at the front with cold eyes.
A sound of doubt sounded from behind Shang Qiaoshan.
"Eh, Qiaoshan, haven't you entered yet? The doctor is coming soon." A middle-aged man
came from behind Shang Qiaoshan.
When Shang Qiaoshan saw this middle-aged man, the arrogance on his face suddenly
turned into grievance, "Goddaddy, why are you here, everyone is going to be bul ied to
"Bullying?" The middle-aged man was startled, and then showed a look of concern,
"Who dares to bully you, tell the godfather, the godfather cleans them up!"
"It's them!" Shang Qiaoshan stomped his foot and pointed his finger to the front.
There are too many people coming to the Chinese Medicine Museum today, and Henry and
three people are still in a long queue.
The middle-aged man glanced at Henry and found that they were three strange faces, not a
famous doctor or something, and he was quite relieved. He was proud of Shang
Qiaoshan and said, "Good baby, what are they doing? Godfather gave you Make the cal . "
"Goddaddy ..." Shang Qiaoshan's tone was awkward. "Don't you say that this time the class,
at least 50,000 yuan per person?"
Shang Qiaoshan's whispered tone almost shouted the bones of middle-aged men.
"Yeah, indeed it is fifty thousand places."
"Then why the three of them can enter, two of them are my classmates, they don't seem to
be able to take out 50,000 yuan, godfather, who can enter the door this time, it is not you
who is in charge, you all I do n’t know how arrogant they have just been, so they said that
their brother-in-law could bring them in without putting me in the eye! ”Shang Qiaoshan
was squeamish, and his heart was full of dissatisfaction.
This time, although Shang Qiaoshan always puts 50,000 places in her mouth, in fact, she did
not spend a penny this time, but she paid a certain price. It was so easy to listen to the class
that she could not accept it in her heart.
As soon as the middle-aged man heard Shang Qiaoshan's words, he understood what was
going on. He patted Shang Qiaoshan's shoulder, and then walked to the long line, pointing
at Daisy and three people and said, "The three! What are you doing? Who asked you to line
up? Are you qualified to go in? "
The middle-aged man drank loudly, and at once he let the people around him turn his gaze
to focus on Henry and the three of them.
Shang Qiaoshan stood aside and looked at this scene with satisfaction.

356 Buying places

There are many people waiting in line in front of the Chinese medicine hal , and now they
all look at the lively look and look at Henry and others.
Henry frowned, looking at the middle-aged man, "What are you doing? Are we qualified to
go in, is it related to you?"
"What am I doing?" The middle-aged man sneered. "Here, who can enter, who can't enter,
what I say, what do you say I do? What is the identity of the three of you? Who made you
queue here?" ? "
The middle-aged man had a loud voice. With so many people present, he deliberately
prevented Henry from coming to Taiwan.
It can be seen that the onlookers have reached out and pointed at the three people, saying
something, and some people still sneered.
Daisy pulled Henry's sleeves, "Brother-in-law, it is this man who sel s places in school."
"Just him?" Henry looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. He wanted to ask
President Ma what is going on today. Whoever wants to be the Lord will come to his eyes.
"Are you from the Medical Association?" Henry asked.
The middle-aged man was proud and looked up, "Of course."
Henry asked again, "Who can listen to the class this time, and who can't listen to it, what
are you talking about?"
The middle-aged man smiled and nodded, not speaking.
Henry looked puzzled, "How can I believe you?"
"Oh." The middle-aged man chuckled and took out an ID and put it in front of Henry.
Henry saw that the other party's certificate read the title of Vice Chairman of the Ning
Provincial Medical Association, but for this middle-aged man, Henry had never seen it.
Similarly, Henry has never seen each other, nor has the other party seen Henry.
"How about, do you need me to explain what the vice president means?" The middle-aged
man sneered.
Henry smiled and took the initiative to hug the other person's shoulders, whispered:
"Oh, vice president, don't be angry, don't be angry, just now I don't know Taishan anymore,
listen to my little aunt said, you have a place to sell? "
The middle-aged man looked at Henry's pleasing face, and the arrogance on his face was
even heavier. "Why?"
"Look ..." Henry rubbed his hands. "I bought three this time. Can you give me a cheaper
Hearing Henry said he wanted to buy three places, the middle-aged man's face showed a
moving look.
But soon, the middle-aged man converged his emotions and put on a high posture,
"cheap? Do you think I can't sel this quota? Look around, how many people want to go to
the class and have no way! You If you want to listen, just listen. If you do n’t, I ’m not short
of you two. ”
Henry looked embarrassed, "but these fifty thousand people are a bit too expensive, and
are you sure you can hear it, what if you can't?"
"Fifty thousand yuan is expensive? You need to learn one or two hands from the Divine
Doctor, enough for you to eat for a lifetime, don't worry about being unable to hear, really
can't hear, I will pay you ten times!" The middle-aged man waved his hand, Say confidently.
Henry gritted his teeth, "Come on, then I'll buy three places, can I transfer you 150,000
lines directly?"
"OK." The middle-aged man rejoiced in his heart, but his face was light-hearted and took
out the QR code of the payment, let Henry scan the code.
Soon, 150,000 was transferred to the other party's mobile phone by Henry.
"How about brother, can I go in here?" Henry asked excitedly.
"Let's go in." The middle-aged man waved his hand and gave Henry three plastic signs.
"When you enter the stadium, just take this out and show it to people."
"Okay." Henrylian nodded and accepted the plastic sign.
The middle-aged man walked away proudly. After the other party left, Henry's face
suddenly darkened, looking at the brand in his hand. If that's the case, this time, more than
one person is sel ing the quota, the horse club Don't know anything about being serious?
Henry returned to the long line.
Daisy asked curiously what happened to Henry. Henry waved his hand carelessly, "It's
On the other side, Shang Qiaoshan watched Daisy's three people still standing in the line,
waiting for the line to enter, unhappy, and said to the middle-aged man, "God, why are they
still standing there."
"My good baby." The middle-aged man happily touched Shang Qiaoshan's face. "Today you
can bring a lot of benefits to the godfather. Don't you like a 50,000 bag, wait for it to dry
Dad will buy it for you, these people, but sent us money, let's see, what is this. "
The middle-aged man showed Shang Qiaoshan a receipt of 150,000.
Shang Qiaoshan looked at the long list of zeros and opened his mouth wide, "Daddy, did
they give them all?"
"Wel ." The middle-aged man nodded. "That kid has a swollen face and becomes fat, and
takes out al his savings."
The middle-aged man was funny when he thought of Henry's painful appearance.
"Haha!" Shang Qiaoshan looked very happy. "Let that Daisy stil pretend to me, saying that
her brother-in-law can bring her in. In the end, he stil has to pay for it. When the school is
over, I have to preach this thing well. , Look at where that surnamed Xu's face goes! "
Henry, Daisy and Lam Sun came to the Chinese Medicine Museum.
Outside the Chinese Medicine Museum, Daisy and Lam Sun thought that there would be a
lot of people. After they came in, they found that their thoughts were stil not
enough. The whole Chinese Medicine Museum was ful of people and it was not convenient
to walk.
"Brother-in-law, your influence is too great!" Daisy looked at Henry with admiration.
Their biggest goal in studying medicine was to be a magician. Now, the magician is standing
beside him.
Henry touched his nose, he didn't expect that he just exposed a few hands of acupuncture,
so many people came.
He bought a quota of fifty thousand and could only stand here, even without a seat.
Henry and Daisy found a place with relatively few people, stood there, and waited.
In the past of one minute and one second, more and more people are in the Chinese
medicine hall.
Henry and Chairman Ma agreed that the time is ten o'clock in the morning, and now it's ten
In the middle position of the Chinese Medicine Museum, Yan Li looked at his watch, and
President Chong said: "Chairman Ma, hasn't the little doctor yet arrived?"
President Ma shook his head, "Not yet, wait."
Yan Li glanced back and frowned, "Chairman Ma, this person is too much."
President Ma sighed, "Little doctor's reputation is too great, and Lao Xiao told me that
many people are not far away to study, and he can't refuse, just let everyone listen to it.
Positive, we can't splash cold water either. "
Yan Li nodded his head, and Chairman Ma's words were reasonable. This is also a trend of
the rise of Chinese medicine. For his older generation of Chinese medicine, it is also a scene
he is happy to see.
357 Fifty-one?
At 11 o'clock noon, some noisy sounds gradually appeared in the Chinese Medicine
"Chairman Ma, why not give Xiao Shenyi a cal ?" Yan Li was anxious as he listened to the
various sounds ringing around him.
This time, many doctors were special y invited from al over the country. The disappearance
of Henry that day made many people dissatisfied.
This time, Yan Li wanted to use Henry's momentum to make Chinese medicine rise
President Ma looked at the faces of many people, already showing an impatient look,
nodded, and called Henry.
After a few cal s, Henry picked it up.
Chairman Ma heard that the phone appeared very noisy.
"That little doctor, where are you?" President Ma asked over the phone.
"Oh, President Ma, I'm already in the Chinese Medicine Hall. This is almost an hour."
Henry's doubtful voice rang on the phone.
Henry said to Chairman Ma that it was an hour?
"Little God Doctor, why don't you give me a notice when you come, everyone is stil waiting
for you to give a lecture." Chairman Ma lost a smile on the phone.
"Lecturing? I'm giving a lecture? I paid 150,000 to attend the lecture. Will you let me
lecture?" Henry asked very puzzled.
Chairman Ma was shocked, 150,000 came in? What do you mean?
Take another look, the phone has been hung up by Henry.
After seeing Chairman Ma finished the call, Yan Li asked, "How is it, Xiao Shen doctor has
President Ma's face was bitter, "Master Yan, it seems, something went wrong."
"What's the problem?" Yan Li asked with a frown, wouldn't Xiao Shen doctor not come
again today?
President Ma shook his head, not knowing how to explain to Yan Li, he got up.
In the Chinese Medicine Museum, a podium has been set up for Henry and other training.
President Ma walked to the podium, picked up the microphone, "Hey, everyone, be quiet,
be quiet."
As soon as President Ma made a noise, the original noisy Chinese medicine hal immediately
became quiet, and everyone looked towards President Ma.
At the same time, President Ma stood on the rostrum, glanced under the stage, and saw
Henry in the crowd.
President Ma came down from the podium and walked towards where Henry was.
The eyes of the people in the hal moved with President Ma's figure.
President Ma came to Henry and asked cautiously: "What happened to the little doctor?"
"No." Henry shook his head. "What can I do, I'm waiting for the class."
"Little doctor, don't talk madly." President Ma smiled with a pleased face. "What do you
mean by saying that 150,000 people entered the battlefield?"
"What do you mean?" Henry looked strange. "Isn't your medical association clearly priced?
The entrance fee is fifty thousand one."
"What!" President Ma was shocked. "The charges clearly priced? Who dares to do this."
"Oh?" Henry's mouth hung a hint of interest, and looked at President Ma. "Everyone knows
this well, President Ma, don't you know that?"
President Ma's face suddenly panicked, and he waved his hands again and again,
"Little Doctor, my surnamed Ma swears in honor. I have absolutely no idea about this
matter! My Medical Association will never do such a thing."
Henry patted Daisy's shoulder, "Xiao Wan, tel President Ma what's going on."
Daisy nodded and said, "Chairman Ma is the vice chairman of your medical association,
responsible for collecting money. This matter has already spread in our school. My brother-
in-law's class is fifty thousand one class. Bit. "
"What's the point!" President Ma screamed in anger, which shocked everyone in the hall.
Everyone didn't understand why President Ma was so angry.
President Ma glanced through the entire Chinese medicine hall, and finally saw the figure of
Vice President Xiao at the door of the Chinese medicine hall.
At the moment, Vice President Xiao was talking with Shang Qiaoshan in a whisper, and
from time to time a sly smile appeared on his face. Shang Qiaoshan also looked sul enly,
completely unaware of President Ma who was already angry over there.
Henry strode over to Vice President Xiao, "That Vice President, I want to ask, do you still
want to talk about this lesson?"
"What's the hurry?" Vice President Xiao glanced at Henry, "If you are too slow, go first!"
"But I paid al the money. I'm going to lose a little bit now, can't you give me the money
"Refund?" Vice President Xiao smiled. "You are leaving, why should I refund you?"
"You said, if you can't listen to class, you will refund my money." Henry shrugged.
"The joke is that you don't listen, it's not that the little doctor does not say it. If the little
doctor doesn't tel me, I will retreat you ten times!" Vice President Xiao waved his hands
impatiently. "Either just wait or go. Just go, do n’t bother me. "
Shang Qiaoshan hugged his chest with both hands and sneered. "Some people, without that
ability, don't come to swollen faces and become fat, why, now regret it?"
"Come on." Henry raised his hand and walked aside.
Watching Henry leave, Shang Qiaoshan glanced at his mouth, thinking what was this?
"Xiao Hua, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation." President Ma came over with
a black face.
"Lao Ma, what's wrong with you? A serious look?" Vice President Xiao asked puzzled.
"What's wrong with me? Xiao Hua, what have you done, don't you know?" President Ma's
face was particularly ugly.
Vice President Xiao jumped in his heart and said, "What's the matter? Lao Ma, just say
something, don't make it mysterious."
"Okay, let me say yes, then I ask you ..."
As soon as President Ma was about to speak, he was interrupted by a voice.
"Hey, hello." Henry's voice came from the sound.
Vice President Xiao looked at Henry standing on the stage, his face changed, and shouted at
the people beside him: "What is that for? Whoever asked him to come on stage, grab him!"
Vice President Xiao Sheng was afraid that Henry would come to power and say what he
should not say.
"He doesn't come to power, who comes to power?" President Ma stopped the people
around Vice President Xiao.
"Lao Ma, this time the little doctor of medicine lectures, how to get an unrelated person to
come on stage, quickly, let him come down!" Vice President Xiao was full of anxiety.
President Ma looked at Vice President Xiao and said one word after another, saying:
"He is the little doctor you said."
"What? He is a little magician!" Vice President Xiao's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of
incredible. This person turned out to be a little magician?
"Why, surprised?" Chairman Ma snorted.
Vice President Xiao, with a dazed expression, stared blankly at the stage, and his heart was
already chaotic at this time.
This time the money col ection was secretly made by Xiao Hua in collaboration with some
people. It was only aimed at some school students. He even compiled a matter that he can
enter the Lin family as long as he can attend the class. Xiao Hua col ects money It is also
very cautious, and it is necessary to know the roots before daring to accept.
But now, Xiao Hua found that he was in trouble, and he was in trouble!

358 The plan has changed

Many of you are here, and you have attended Henry's lecture last time and met Henry.
"Master Yan, is this the little magician?" A man sitting beside Yan Li asked curiously.
"Exactly." Yan Li nodded with a smile. He was afraid today that Henry would not come.
This time, they are all invited by Taishan Beidou of the Chinese medicine community.
Although they are not as good as Henry in medicine, they are al in reputation Stomping the
feet, the Chinese people in the Chinese medicine community will be shocked.
The arrival of Henry now makes Yan Li feel relieved.
He looked at the stage, waiting for Henry's next speech.
Henry stood on the stage, holding a microphone in his hand, glanced around, and said:
"Everyone here is a senior of the Chinese medicine community. , Plans can change. "
When Henry said the plan had changed, there was a loud noise from the audience.
Master Yan frowned and turned his head to look at President Ma standing at the gate of the
clubhouse. It is inevitable that this matter is related to what President Ma just said?
Listening to the noise from the audience, Henry continued to say, "Chinese medicine in the
world is original y a family, but today, I encountered something that made me angry."
Henry said that at this time, the noise from the audience was gradually reduced.
Everyone was waiting for Henry's fol owing, and they could all hear it. Henry's plan has
changed, which is related to the following thing.
"An hour ago, I came to the door of the Chinese Medicine Hall, but was told that I would not
be al owed to enter without permission. If I wanted to come in, I would have to pay 50,000
yuan for the tuition fee. I am really puzzled. Speaking, I have n’t heard that I have to charge
a fee, which is 50,000 yuan per person! In fact, I was still a little ecstatic at the time, but I
did n’t expect my name to be so valuable. ”Henry intentional y smiled.
People under the stage, look at me, I look at you, there is a little disbelief in my eyes.
"Maybe you are invited, I don't know what the charges say, but now I want to count, how
many people in the entire Chinese medicine museum are paid for?"
Henry glanced around in the Chinese medicine hall. He clearly observed that some young
people who had no seats and stood on the periphery appeared a struggle, but they seemed
to be afraid of something.
Henry smiled slightly and continued to say: "It doesn't matter if you dare to say it. I just
want to ask. More or fewer people will not affect my decision. I don't know how the people
who sell your places give you. Promised, he said to me that if you ca n’t listen to class, you
will pay me ten times. "
Henry paused and glanced at Vice President Xiao standing at the gate of the museum.
At this time, Vice President Xiao had a pale face and no blood, and he looked at the stage
Henry snapped his fingers, "I paid three people's money, a total of 150,000 came in to
attend the class. Now, I want to invite Vice President Xiao to invite the lecturer up. If you
can't come up, please pay for it. Lose your money. "
After Henry finished speaking, he walked off the stage.
At this moment, everyone in the hal focused their attention on Vice President Xiao.
Among them, there were anger, confusion, and gloating.
"What's the matter! What's the matter!" Yan Li snarled hard at the table in front of him,
"Chairman Ma, today, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation for this matter, I think,
you Ning Province Medical Association There is no need to exist! "
An old man beside Yan Li shook his head regretfully, and was very disappointed. I didn't
know if he hadn't listened to the class, or was dissatisfied with the Ningxia Medical
"Xiao Hua, this time, it really made us the second place of the Ning Provincial Medical
Association!" President Ma pointed to Vice President Xiao, his fingers kept shaking,
obviously the anger in his heart had climbed to the extreme Too.
After Henry stepped down from the rostrum, he went directly to the door. "That Vice
President Xiao, when will you pay me ten times the compensation?"
"This little doctor ..." Vice President Xiao's face pleased.
"I just saw that Vice President Xiao's car key is the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, right. Vice
President Xiao drove a mil ion cars, and the compensation of 1.5 mil ion should still be
available." Henry Laughed.
Vice Chairman Xiao didn't know what to say.
The compensation of 1.5 mil ion is really for him to take, and it can be brought out, but the
key issue now is not this one and a half mil ion, but something else.
This time the incident revealed that if an unidentified person proposed it, Vice President
Xiao would simply ignore it. He was confident that the matter would be smoothed out, but
it could be biased. The person who raised this matter was still the little doctor, and
Speaking in front of so many senior medical professionals.
Vice President Xiao has already thought about his own consequences. The compensation is
small. Whether he can spend freely in the rest of his life is a problem.
Shang Qiaoshan, who was standing next to Vice President Xiao, had long since disappeared.
"Xiao Wan, Lam Sun, let's go." Henry and Daisy's two women waved, and the two women
immediately trot over.
When passing by Shang Qiaoshan, Daisy sighed, shook his head, and said nothing.
Lam Sun stood in front of Shang Qiaoshan, "There are some things, but Xiaowan is not
willing to care about you. Her brother-in-law is not only a doctor, but also the husband of
the president of the Lin Group, and Daisy is the president of the Lin Group. Cousin, I really
can't figure it out. What capital do you have to show off your wealth in front of Xiao Wan? "
Shang Qiaoshan listened to Lam Sun's words, and the boss who stared at him couldn't
believe it.
The cousin of President Lin? Daisy's mother is the biological daughter of Robert Lin, the
former president of Lin!
At this moment, Shang Qiaoshan feels that he is a leapfrog clown, has been leaping in front
of others, and stil feels very superior. Think about what she did before, think about what
she said before Daisy, Shang Qiaoshan Can't wait to find a hole in the ground.
Henry did not stay in the Chinese Medicine Museum. Today, he said no, not just, not only
because of anger, but more importantly, Henry also gave President Ma a lesson.
Although President Ma didn't know about the incident this time, in the final analysis, it was
only because he had a problem with his management methods that his own people did not
know about this kind of thing under his eyelids. Who was the one who suffered in the end?
Not the students who were blinded.
Fifty thousand yuan is very important for an ordinary family. Just being scammed by a
Henry didn't even bother to deal with the latter matter. If President Ma did not handle it
well, he wouldn't mind switching to a medical association for cooperation. As for the
150,000 paid to Vice President Xiao today, Henry believed that this person would He spit it
out intact. As for the ten-fold compensation, Henry didn't care much. He didn't lack more
than one mil ion. At the same time, he was also thinking that this Vice President Xiao has no
chance to compensate. I am afraid this time Once out, most of his assets will be blocked and
Chapter 359
After leaving the Chinese Medicine Museum, Daisy followed Henry with regret, and sighed.
"Xiao Wan, what's your sigh at your young age." Henry feels a little funny. Those who don't
know, think that this girl has just experienced some hardships in life.
"Of course it's lost." Daisy shook his head. "Brother, you don't know how much people in
our school adore you after you gave the lecture last time at school. Everyone wants to listen
to you again. Looking at your awesome needle technique, I thought I had a chance today,
and I was completely stricken. "
Henryyi covered his forehead, "You said this, you really want to learn, I won't teach you
"Teach me alone? Really?" Daisy's eyes widened and she couldn't believe it.
"There is nothing really fake here." Henry looked at Daisy's exaggerated appearance, and
was a little depressed. "We are al a family. If Lam Sun wants to learn, let's chant together."
"Can I ... can I?" Lam Sun pointed at himself with a surprised expression.
In Lam Sun's eyes, Henry's awe-inspiring acupuncture technique is absolutely a priceless
treasure. It has been an honour to see him a few times and learn to observe it.
Now he can learn it?
Not to mention Lam Sun's thoughts, even Daisy never thought of learning this acupuncture
technique from Henry.
Traditional Chinese medicine has been handed down since ancient times, and some
methods have been passed down from men to women, even from their families.
"Find a place, I will teach you two, it is better to be ful y equipped." Henry waved his hand
"Brother-in-law, you are too good!" Daisy exclaimed, "My sister can find you, it is her
greatest happiness."
Daisy's words made Henry particularly satisfied. "If you can say this in front of your sister, I
will be happy."
"Must, no matter who I am in front of me, I have this sentence." Daisy patted her chest.
"Brother-in-law, let's go to our school. There are silver needles and models in the
After the decision was made, the three went directly to Yinda. Daisy and Lam Sun did not
say anything and took Henry to the classroom.
Together with traditional Chinese medicine, they are profound and profound. In the
morning, only some of the theories proposed by Henry benefited Daisy and Lam Sun.
These things, they did not have much contact in school. When Henry said it, let them There
is a sense of initiation, and some problems that I didn't want to understand before, after
Henry's point, can already make a difference.
"It is stil that sentence, although traditional Chinese medicine has been handed down since
ancient times, but in our generation, we must learn to be flexible and not to die.
Only in this way can we cure al diseases and cure al diseases. If you ca n’t understand it, let
’s understand the basic skills first. "
"Brother-in-law, I really admire you more and more, you are just my idol!" Daisy looked at
Henry's eyes, almost staring.
Lam Sun is also a face-worship. She thinks about it. Those so-cal ed school bul ies and
geniuses in the school are not much different from Henry's age. However, compared with
Henry, the amount of knowledge is a scum.
Although they haven't touched the acupuncture this time, the two are already very
satisfied. Even if Henry wants to teach her the acupuncture today, the two of them won't
learn it. They both understand it.
Seeing noon, the three did not stay in the classroom. Daisy shouted to invite Henry to eat in
the cafeteria.
"Brother-in-law, you have to see which girl in our school tells me, I promise not to tell my
sister!" Daisy was still excited, and kept offering to Henry.
"Come on you." Henry glanced at his mouth. "Don't try me, I am single-minded for your
"Xiaowan, you can save yourself. The brother-in-law is such an excellent man, so your sister
can deserve it." Lam Sun laughed.
"Cut, men are al flowery." Daisy rol ed her eyes. "Don't be afraid, brother-in-law.
Starting today, we are a group. You can rest assured that I will be on your side."
Henry slapped his head and quickly changed the topic, "That's right, what about Amy
Zhang's girl? I didn't see her today. Isn't she most active?"
Daisy rolled her eyes. "The dead Girl took a long vacation and said that something was
wrong with her family. As a result, in the past few days, her friends circled every day to
send photos of the waves, and they were having fun."
"Come on, let's go and have a meal, I'm hungry." Henryjian began to discuss the topic, and
quickly engaged in eating.
In the canteen of the university, in the eyes of Henry, it feels no different from the cafeterias
in the mal . It has everything to eat, and it is also cheap. You can eat three dishes and soup
for less than ten dollars.
When Henry was having dinner, he heard many students complaining about the bad eating
in the cafeteria.
Henryzhen wanted to tell them that when he was out of school and stepped into the
society, when the eggs and noodles were al 18 yuan and a bowl, you knew how good the
university cafeteria was.
Sitting in the cafeteria of the school gave Henry a very different feeling, as if full of youthful
vitality everywhere.
Several students sat at the table next to Henry, with a gossip saying something, and the
voice spread into the ears of three Henry.
"Have you heard? After Wade Zhang was beaten and had a swollen nose in the morning, he
just went to challenge the president of Guwushe again, but he was stil beaten up."
"Hey, you said Wade Zhang was okay to challenge Guwushe?"
"Actually, you can't blame Wade Zhang for this matter. It is said that the president of the
ancient martial society provoked it first."
The gossip of the next table was still talking, Henry heard a bad voice coming from behind
"Yo, isn't this Daisy? Why, the eldest lady of the Lin family, also came to the cafeteria."
Listening to the voice, Henry turned his head and saw a young man in a white martial arts
uniform, standing behind him, beside the young man, and fol owing a lot of people,
including two of them. Henry noticed it at once. A man and a woman are Su Cai and Su
Yiran who were thrown out of the house by Henry yesterday.
Similarly, Su Cai and Su Yiran also saw Henry, and suddenly hatred in their eyes.
Yesterday was thrown out of the house by Henry. Su Cai and Su Yiran prepared their
revenge plan. Their plan was very simple. First, they investigated the situation of Sylvia
’s family and planned to humiliate the entire Lin family, otherwise they I couldn't swallow
the breath last night.
It happened that Su Yiran had a friend, and his family was a very smal family of ancient
martial arts. He was in Yinzhou. His friend was stil going to school at Yinda University and
was the president of Yinwu Ancient Martial Society.
Su Yiran found out that Sylvia's cousin was also studying at Yinda University, and he found
his friend, Liao Sheng, the president of Yinda Guwushe.
The people of the Su family come to the door to help, and Liao Sheng will natural y give Su
Yiran the face, so, starting this morning, Liao Sheng will be ready to start against Daisy.
Chapter 360 Liao Sheng
In the university, one person wants to target another person. Unlike the society where
there are so many flowery intestines, Liao Sheng's approach is very straightforward, just
two words, smeared.
To discredit Daisy, Liao Sheng will say it anyway, if not.
Others are afraid of the Lin family, and Liao Sheng is not afraid. In Liao Sheng's view, the
Lin family is just a group of ordinary people who practice ancient martial arts by
themselves, and they are not on a level at al , and there is also the Su family behind him.
So, Liao Sheng compiled a bunch of things to spread out, all of which were not good for
girls' reputation.
Originally, Liao Sheng was aimed at Daisy. As a result, after hearing this, Wade Zhang went
to Liao Sheng to settle his account. He was beaten and had a swollen nose and a swollen
face. the reason.
Just now, when Liao Sheng heard that he saw Daisy in the cafeteria, he found it as soon as
"Liao's surname, if you are a man, don't use so many tricks, have the ability to come to Lao
Tzu!" Wade Zhang's shouting sounded at the entrance of the cafeteria.
To say that Wade Zhang is also a celebrity at Yinda University, who is usually bullied in the
society by silver college students, Wade Zhang will help out, and it is also a good
relationship at school.
The students who were eating in the cafeteria looked in the direction of the voice, and they
saw Wade Zhangzheng's swollen nose and big steps coming towards this side.
"Oh." Liao Sheng chuckled. "Who did I think it was? I didn't expect it to be your defeat.
Why, do you want to fight again?"
"I'm going to you. If you have the ability, don't leave the school, or I will let you know what
cruelty is!" Wade Zhang squeezed his fist and yelled, but he didn't mention the fight again.
Obviously he also understood that Not at al Liao Sheng's opponent.
Liao Sheng punched Wade Zhang with a middle finger, "Social trash."
"Aren't you ..." Wade Zhang was going to scold again.
"Okay, let go of breath." Henry walked from the side and patted Wade Zhang's shoulder.
"Brother-in-law!" Upon seeing Henry, Wade Zhang's face was full of surprise, and at the
same time he felt emboldened in his heart. How can you Liao Shengguwu's president
compare with her brother-in-law?
For Henry, Wade Zhang can be said to be 100% trust, whether it was at the time of the
Zhou family's casino to singly score dozens of thugs, or defeat the black thunder master in
the underground boxing field, they are invincible. The scene of kicking off several steel bars
is stil vivid in Wade Zhangdu.
Henry glanced over Liao Sheng and locked on the Su family. "Do you, Su family, like playing
this kind of childish game?"
After Su Cai and Su Yiran were thrown out of Henry's house last night, they specifical y
checked Henry's surname.
Su Cai sneered, "Are you surnamed Zhang, weren't you very arrogant yesterday? Why, let's
take another look today?"
Su Yiran spoke to Liao Sheng: "Brother Liao, this time I have to trouble you to educate this
ignorant boy."
Although Su Yiran comes from the Su family, he is a sideline, and he has little contact with
the Su family's traditional ancient martial arts. Although the Liao family is small, Liao Sheng
is the eldest son of the Liao family. go with.
"Brother Su, rest assured, just hand it over to me." Liao Sheng smiled confidently.
"You're so arrogant, you are far worse than your brother-in-law!" Wade Zhang raised a
middle finger back to Liao Sheng.
In the face of Liao Sheng, although Wade Zhang could n’t beat it, he was still able to make
two punches. However, Henry and Wade Zhang had fantasies. If the brother-in-law is his
own opponent, he will not even have the courage to stand in front of him.
Liao Sheng looked at Henry with a playful face, "buddy, why not play with us?"
Henry could not be soft-hearted to the people the Su family found. He smiled and looked at
Liao Sheng, "OK, how do you want to play?"
"It's very simple. If you lose, whoever loses, kneels down and calls your father." Liao
Sheng's tone came with a chill.
"What's it called?" Henry looked puzzled.
Liao Sheng sternly replied, "Dad."
Almost at the same time, Henry and Wade Zhang responded.
The students eating in the cafeteria couldn't help laughing.
Liao Sheng instantly realized that he was being tricked. "Boy, don't he play a word game
with me, if you dare to play, come to Guwushe!"
Liao Sheng waved his hand and left the cafeteria with people.
Before leaving, Su Cai showed a provocative look to Henry and said, "The surnamed Zhang,
offended us, and the surnamed Lin, don't even want to return to the Su family!"
After Liao Sheng and others left, Wade Zhang stood in front of Henry and quickly asked,
"Brother, do you want to beat him?"
"Of course." Henry squeezed his fist.
The fact that Liao Sheng and the people were fighting at the Guwushe soon spread to the
ears of almost every student through the school forum.
Liao Sheng relies on himself to be a member of the school, and Henry is the difference
between the staff outside the school and has many supporters.
Including Liao Sheng himself, at Yinda, there are also many supporters. He has a good
family background, looks handsome, and has excellent skil s, and is a dream lover of many
When Wade Zhang brought Henry, Daisy and Lam Sun to the ancient Wushe, there were
already many people in the ancient Wushe.

Henry glanced at the ancient martial arts society. The entire ancient martial arts society
was covered with light yellow wooden floors and the surrounding walls were covered with
various honor certificates of Yinda Ancient Martial Art Society.
When Henry and others stepped into the ancient martial arts society, they immediately
attracted a mocking look.
"Fight with our President Liao, who gives him courage?"
"In other words, where is his confidence?"
A girl holding the nameplate of Liao Sheng looked at Henry, squinted, and dismissed:
"Looking at his cock-like pattern, he can't compare with our president Liao in terms of
temperament, he dares to fight, isn't it embarrassing? "
A series of taunts spread into Henry's ears, and Henry didn't care.
At this moment, Liao Sheng has stood there, ready to wait for Henry's arrival.
After seeing Henry, Liao Sheng stretched out his hands and pressed down in the void, the
original noise in the ancient Wushe, because Liao Sheng's movement was completely quiet.
Liao Sheng said to Henrylang: "I admire your courage, did you expect you to dare to come?"
"What's not to dare?" Henry looked strange, "You are not honored with the certificate of
honor hanging on the wall, not even a champion."
"Hehe." Liao Sheng sneered, with contempt in his eyes, "when the champion is not the
champion, when do I keep in mind, there are some things, tel you like you, you can not
understand, after al , many things, not you Such people can understand, I can only tell you
that the so-called champions in my eyes are not even garbage! "
When Liao Sheng spoke, he exuded a strong sense of pride.
"Cut." Henry glanced at his mouth. "If you can't win the championship, you won't. There are
many excuses."
"Oh, ignorance!" Liao Sheng mocked.

361 Crush
In most ancient martial arts families, there is a transcendental psychology, thinking that
they should be superior and know what others do not know.
In Liao Sheng ’s mind, he also had this idea. Because of the rules, Liao Fan could not
participate in various Sanda competitions. In his heart, he also looked down on the socal ed
Sanda champions, thinking that this was just the reason he did not participate.
Growing up.
When he heard Henry mentioned the title of the champion, Liao Sheng was disdainful.
Henry pulled out his ear and deliberately said: "Who wouldn't speak big words, I won't be
able to win the championship, and I am sour."
"Too lazy to talk nonsense with you, believe me, you will definitely kneel here today!"
Liao Sheng extended his finger and pointed to the opposite side.
Aside, Su Cai and Su Yiran both sneered, waiting to see Henry ugly.
Liao Sheng wears a white martial arts uniform and stands there with outstanding
"Liao's surname, don't fart there, wait for me to be afraid that you will not fulfil your
gamble!" Wade Zhang shouted.
"Oh, noisy!" Liao Sheng pretended to be cold, then stepped forward and rushed to where
Henry was.
Liao Sheng's movements were very chic. After he rushed to Henry, he got up and jumped,
kicking Henry on one leg, the movement was as chic as in the martial arts movie, which
attracted a whole scream.
"So handsome!"
"So handsome!"
These screams spread into Liao Sheng's ears, making him particularly proud. He even
thought of Henry being kicked in the head with his own foot and fell to the ground.
Liao Shengshu, who was proud, didn't know that his action was like a two-man in Henry's
People who practice martial arts, when confronting the enemy, the most taboo is the
instability of the center of gravity. Now Liao Sheng ’s volley kick, it can be said that he has
no retreat. Unless the strength can absolutely crush the opponent, such a shot, follow Dead
is no different.
Facing Liao Sheng's foot, Henry's movements were not as gorgeous as he was, but he was
more practical. He raised his fist, aimed at the emptyness in Liao Sheng's chest, and
punched hard.
Liao Sheng jumped in the air without any focus, facing Henry's fist, he couldn't avoid it, and
was hit by Henry's fist in the chest.
This scene is a long story, but it only happens in a flash.
The girls who screamed for Liao Sheng had just shouted to be handsome, and I saw that
Liao Sheng, who was kicking his legs in the air, seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and
was knocked to the ground from the air, with a bang. .
This scene is very visual y striking, and for those watching the game, a few words can't help
but appear in the mind.
Ten drops in one force!
"What is Liao Sheng's stuff? The bells and whistles!" A boy sneered.
"He also kicked his legs in the air and showed a hammer, which was knocked over by a
Originally, many people thought that this might be a unilateral slaughter belonging to Liao
Sheng, or even a little evenly matched, even Wade Zhang thought that Henry
would have done a few tricks with Liao Sheng, but did not expect to end like this.
The scene of Henry punching the enemy with one punch is too shocking.
Henry looked at Liao Sheng, who was lying on the ground with a pained face, and glanced at
his mouth. "I just said a lot of words for a long time, what do I think I have the ability to
Liao Sheng was lying on the ground, how much he wanted to get up now, to find the place
back, but the pain in his chest made him unable to do it at al .
Henry's fist just broke Liao Sheng's sternum directly.
"Yo, what did someone just say? What does the champion say in his eyes are nothing,
saying that others are ignorant? Now what is this? The battle was proposed by you, touch
the porcelain?" Zhang? Cheng's sarcasm sounded.
The touch of porcelain caused a burst of laughter.
Liao Sheng, as the president of Guwu Society, relies on his superb strength, usually in the
school, that has never shown his proud side, has long made many people uncomfortable,
but only because of his skill, many people They all dare to be angry and dare not speak, and
now this opportunity for falling into the rock, everyone will naturally not let go.
Those laughter sounds so harsh in Liao Sheng's ears.
He has always had the feeling of playing invincible all the time in school. This is the first
time he has been defeated, and in the face of so many people in such a direct way.
Henry raised his head and glanced at the people from the ancient Wushe community.
"Is there a referee for this competition? Should I win?"
"This is also a win? Our president did not concede defeat!" A member of the ancient martial
arts society stood up. He was actually the referee of this competition. If Henry fell to the
ground, he would rush out and announce the first time As a result, but now, the facts are
not as he thought, so he never spoke.
"Don't admit defeat?" Henry raised his eyebrows, then reached out to grab Liao Sheng's
waist, so he raised Liao Sheng with one hand. In the shocked eyes of many people, he raised
Liao Sheng with one hand above his head.
Then, accompanied by a scream of girls, Henry dropped Liao Sheng heavily on the ground.
The "bang" made people subconsciously close their eyes.
Liao Sheng, who had a broken sternum, was spitting blood from this fal ing mouth.
Henry looked at the member of the ancient martial society, "How about it, haven't you
announced yet?"
The member of the ancient martial arts society clenched his teeth. Everyone could see that
Liao Sheng had lost his fighting power, but he just didn't want to admit that the president
had lost.
Henry smiled and mentioned Liao Sheng again.
"Enough, are you stil an individual? Our president clearly has no combat ability, you are
foul!" The member of the ancient martial arts shouted.
"Then you admit defeat?" Henry narrowed his eyes.
"Of course not, we didn't lose. This time you got the foul first!" The members of the ancient
Wushe club had a stubborn neck. "If you lose, you will score again next time."
This shameless approach immediately attracted a sneer.
"Your ancient martial arts society is really fair!"
"I saw it, I learned it."
Henry nodded, "Okay, since you don't fight this time, you can play again next time. If the
test is over, the next is my personal grievances with him!"
After Henry finished speaking, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes. He threw Liao Sheng
on the ground, raised his feet, and stepped hard on Liao Sheng's palm.
"Ah!" A heartbreaking roar came from Liao Sheng's mouth.
Listening to Liao Sheng's roar alone made people feel a pain.
Liao Sheng deliberately spreads those words that are not conducive to Daisy ’s reputation
at school. Henry also heard some things on the way. For those who hurt his family, if Henry
can easily let go of him, Satan ’s name, then It was cal ed in vain.
Henry squeezed Liao Sheng's palm hard, and when he clearly felt that Liao Sheng's fingers
had been stepped on by himself, Henry raised his foot and stepped on Liao Sheng's other
"Boy, stop it!" A loud shout rang from the door of Guwushe.

362 Revenge
In front of the ancient Wushe, a middle-aged man was standing. At this moment, the
middle-aged man was striding toward Henry.
Henry looked at the middle-aged man and raised an eyebrow. He originally stopped in the
air because of the other person's foot, and stepped on it again.
Liao Sheng's screaming sounded again.
The middle-aged man's face changed because of Henry's action.
"Boy, you wanton!"
Liao Shenghong gave a painful cry for help to a middle-aged man: "Uncle, save me ..."
"Small, did the old one give the head?" Henry's corner of his mouth showed disdain and he
exerted more force on his feet.
"Ah!" Liao Sheng opened his mouth wide and hissed.
The middle-aged man rushed towards Henry, and when he rushed to Henry, he suddenly
punched Henry in the face.
Henry coldly looked at the other party, watching the other party's fist enlarge in his pupils.
When Henrygang was about to take the shot and scrap the other party's arm, the other
party's fist stopped.
The fist face is ten centimeters away from Henry's face.
Except for Henry, no matter who seemed to him, Henry didn't even react. If the other side
kept their hands, this punch would have to hit Henry's face.
In fact, as long as Henry is willing, at this short distance of ten centimeters, he can make a
stop, and before the opponent's fist hits himself, first discard the opponent's arms.
The middle-aged man gasped and glared at Henry with a strong struggle in his eyes.
Henry smiled slightly, he knew that the other party was bound by the ancient martial
world, and he dared not directly attack himself.
The middle-aged man looked at the smile on Henry's face and hated his teeth, but he was
indeed daring not to do it. Once the fist was punched out, the consequences would not be
tolerable for him, and would affect the entire Liao family.
The middle-aged man stared at Henry and lowered his voice and said, "Boy, I don't know
what you are coming from, but I advise you not to be wrong!"
"Oh." Henry chuckled and asked, "I'm wrong with myself? Isn't it your Liao family who
picked it up first?"
"Your approach is out of bounds!"
"If it was me who lay here now, would you stand up and say that kind of thing?"
Henrychi laughed.
Henry raised his foot on Liao Sheng's hand, and Liao Sheng's palms were completely
deformed at this moment. Ten fingers were all stolen by Henry. Liao Sheng himself was also
very weak and could pass out at any time.
"You are arrogant, I hope you have arrogant capital, don't let me down!" The middle-aged
man let out a ruthless voice, bent over to embrace Liao Sheng, and the members of Chonggu
Wushe shouted to call an ambulance.
Faced with the threat of middle-aged men, Henry's face didn't matter. He threatened him.
He saw too much, but no one could do it.
Su Cai and Su Yiran stood aside, and their faces were very unsightly. They did not expect
that Liao Sheng would be defeated in this way. Who is this husband of Sylvia!
When Su Cai and Su Yiran looked at Henry, Henry's eyes happened to usher.
In Henry's eyes, Su Cai and Su Yiran saw a kind of sarcasm, a kind of contempt. Such eyes
made the two very uncomfortable.
Since coming to Yinzhou, the two have a superior mind. The identity of the Su family has
made them look down on any one. Now they are treated like this by Henry, making them
extremely angry. This kind of psychology is like being alone. Just as the ant provoked, they
can't wait to trample this ant to death.
A fight, ended in this way, made many people sigh.
Liao Sheng has been arrogant for a long time in Yin Da. This time he was defeated by
thunder, which also made many people feel comfortable.
Henry chatted with Daisy for a few days. The three of them had classes in the afternoon,
and Henry left first.
As soon as he left the university, five Audi A6s stopped in front of Henry.
Henry glanced at one of the cars and saw the middle-aged man who was just now, that is,
Liao Sheng's uncle.
The doors of the Audi A6 opened, and two black men in black came down from each car,
blocking them in front of Henry. One of them sneered at Henry: "Boy, come with us."
Henry shrugged and said indifferently, "Go!"
Henry had thought that the other party would retaliate, but he didn't expect it to come so
fast. It just happened that this matter would have to be resolved sooner or later.
The two strong men put Henry on an Audi A6, and then flew away.
Henry was put on a headgear as soon as he got into the car. For such tricks, Henry had been
used to it for a long time. Even if he put on the headgear, he could clearly know how long
the car drove and at which intersection he turned. In his mind , There has been a whole
map of Yinzhou.
When Henry counted silently for 1,736 seconds, the vehicle stopped, and at the same time,
the headgear on his head was also removed.
Henry glanced at it, and the car was already in a manor.
According to the route, Henry concluded that this is a Zaozhuang not far from the city.
"Go on!" A strong man shoved Henry and pushed Henry out of the car.
After getting out of the car, Henry saw that more than a dozen strong men were standing
sideways with their straight bodies, and that uncle Liao Sheng was also standing not far
Inside the manor, there is a stone chess table, two gray-haired old men, who are sitting at
the chess table and playing against each other. The two caught Henry, neither of them
looked at them.
"Hey, I put this black spot here, but you don't move." An old man sighed.
Another old man smiled, "Although your sunspots are tempting, they are not what I want to
eat. If you put this sunspot here, I can continue to develop. If you eat these sunspots, you
will face your counterattack. , I may not be able to bear it. "
Liao Sheng ’s uncle walked in front of the two old men and said to the old man who held the
sunspot: "Homeowner, the man brought."
"Wel ." The old man holding Heizi nodded, glanced at Henry, and then said to the old man
holding Baizi in front of him, "You al know the importance of this piece of black man to me,
my last hope in this game, pitiful My eldest son left early, and my Liao family has inherited
it for so long, and now it is a single pass. However, my poor grandson was interrupted by
the sternum and his hands were discarded. You said, this matter, I do not care? "
Old man Bai Zi chuckled, "It is necessary to manage, but pay attention to ways and means,
you know, as the manager of this piece, don't make me difficult to do."
The old man nodded, got up, patted the dust on his leg, looked at Henry, and asked,
"Boy, where are you from? Don't pretend to be silly with me. Although I am old, my eyes
are not mixed. "
Old man Bai Zi also got up and took out a wooden token. "Young man, old Liao asked your
question, you answered truthfully, otherwise I won't be able to guarantee you."

363 Law Enforcer

Henry looked at the token that Old Man Bai took out, frowning, "Law enforcer?"
"Good." Old Man Baizi nodded. "Since the token is recognized, it means that you don't know
Henry still knows a little about law enforcement.
In this world, there are many aspects that ordinary people do not understand, such as Gu
Wu, which is one of them.
Ancient martial arts have great power, and those who learn ancient martial arts are subject
to certain controls.
The Guwu family has many rules, such as not being able to be revealed in front of ordinary
people, and not being able to participate in various fighting competitions. These rules are
all managed by law enforcement.
In every region, there will be a law enforcer. The law enforcers are directly dispatched by
the official and responsible for management.
In Ning province, there are two ancient Wu families, a quadrupole gate, and the other is the
Liao family.
Henry said to law enforcement, "I know a little, but as a law enforcer, you should
understand that they have arrested me and violated the rules."
"Joke!" The head of the Liao family shouted. "You have discarded my grandson's hands. I
won't catch you, can I let you go unpunished?"
Henry ignored the head of the Liao family and continued to urge the law enforcers: "You
can go and find out that today's matter is purely the provocation of the other party, I just
The law enforcer had not spoken yet, and the head of the Liao family immediately asked:
"Provocation? If it were not for you to offend the Su family, would my grandson provoke
Henry asked for help, "Your grandson provoked me, and my hands were abolished. He
blamed himself. Gu Wu should have this rule. The two sides fight. Even if the provocative
side loses their lives, they will ask for it."
"Fart!" The head of the Liao family slammed the stone table in front of him. The stone table
cracked from the place taken by the head of the Liao family.
As if Henry did not see the anger of the head of the Liao family, he continued to say: "As a
law enforcer, you should know all these things that I said. No matter what aspect I look at, I
am not wrong at al . Instead, they caught me At this point, the rules are broken.
The law enforcement officer chuckled, "Young people, the rules are dead, people are alive,
today Liao Sheng is wrong, but you start, it is too ruthless, the Liao family has a single pass,
you scrap Liao Sheng , Just broke the hope of the Liao family. "
"So, as a law enforcer, are you partial to them?" Henry asked.
The law enforcer shook his head slightly, "It's not a matter of favoritism. It's just a young
man. You are too arrogant. This is not good for anyone. When appropriate, you should also
be soft. If you scrap Liao Sheng today, you will be honest I apologize to the Liao family and
have a more correct attitude. I can keep you safe. "
"Oh." Henry sneered. "A good one will keep me safe. Is that what your law enforcers do?"
The law enforcement officer's grinning face suddenly changed, staring at Henry, "Young
man, how do I do things, it is not your turn to teach me!"
Henry shook his head, "I'm not teaching you, but I heard that every law enforcer upholds
the principle of fairness and justice. It seems that what I have heard is not accurate. On
your body, I have no Seeing the words fairness and justice, do you mean that today the Liao
family made a mistake, but I will bear the consequences? "
The law enforcement face turned black. "In the ancient martial arts, power is the most
important. Since you have not contended with the capital of the Liao family, in the face of
the provocation of Liao Sheng, you should suffer well and resist. It is not something that a
person like you should do. ! "
The head of the Liao family waved his hand, "I will give you a chance to cal your elders to
come to my grandson, kneel and knock a few heads, and then waste my hands. I will spare
you a life."
Henry looked at the two old men. When they were talking, their faces were arrogant and
they didn't put everything in their eyes. Looking at them, Henry suddenly laughed.
"Young man, what are you laughing at?" The law enforcer frowned. "Couldn't you think that
we are joking with you?"
Henry shook his head and nodded again, "You two are indeed joking with me, looking for
my family elders? I have no family, no elders."
"You are from the Lin family. Your wife Sylvia is in charge of the Lin family. If you are
willing to let your wife give half of the shares to my grandchildren, and then let your wife
inherit the generations of my Liao family, I would like to spare you. When the head of the
family was talking, a strong covetous look appeared on his face.
No one in Yinzhou knows the Lin family.
Although the Liao family is the ancient Wu family, they think they are superb, but their
economic situation is not as carefree as that of the Su family.
Sylvia ’s famous name is even more popular in Yinzhou. Everyone knows this beautiful
iceberg female president.
If relying on normal channels, Liao's Baganzi can't get along with the Lin's family. This time
the owner of the Liao's family said so much. The most important point is that he fell in love
with the Lin's family. The Lin family.
The words of the head of the Liao family made Henry's faint smile floating on his face
suddenly disappear.
"Liao Family Master, right? It seems that you made me catch this time. You have already
figured out what you want, but unfortunately, you made a mistake." Henry's voice suddenly
became very flat.
"Oh?" The head of the Liao family looked at Henry with interest, "I made a mistake?
Come and listen?"
The law enforcer laughed loudly, "Young man, put away your arrogant look."
Henry looked around, "You can catch me, I can take revenge, but you shouldn't, you
shouldn't, you should hit my wife's idea."
Henry said at this time, he raised his right hand and waved in the void.
As Henry waved his hand, the dozen or so black men in the original standing straight aside,
all at this time, al planted together on the ground.
This sudden change made the head of the Liao family, as well as the law enforcers,
suddenly startled, not understanding what happened.
Henry continued to say, "The ancient Wu family, the emphasis is on inheritance. The official
ban on you to reveal to ordinary people is not to fear you, but to protect you. It's just that
for so long, you people seem to have misunderstood something. This arrogant psychology
will only make you greet the destruction. "
When Henry's voice fell, screams rang out from al corners of the manor, and a strong
bloody smel floated over the manor.
Henry turned around, facing the law enforcer, and slowly walked towards the law enforcer.
"As a law enforcer, you don't remember your mission at al and help you to abuse. There is
no need for you like this."
Henry's footsteps are very slow. Every time he takes a step, a strange figure will appear
beside the head of the Liao family and the law enforcers. This figure is full of kil ings, with a
chill, even in summer, it will make people Sweat blew up, these people, holding sharp
blades in their hands, slowly dripping blood above, the blood hit the ground and splashed

Chapter 364 Uncle?

Henry slowly walked in the direction of law enforcement.
Law enforcers and people around the Liao family head are also growing.
Liao Sheng ’s uncle stood next to him, his eyes wide, with deep fear in his eyes. The masks
with ghost faces seemed to come from the abyss beneath the Nine Serenities. It brought
"Hell ... Hellwalker ..."
The law enforcer trembles his lips and looks at the person who appears beside him.
The name of Hel Walker is echoed throughout the world. Everyone knows that where hell
walker appears, there is only death.
"Al kill." Henry spit out these two words lightly. His voice, from Jiu You, rang in the ears of
the law enforcer and the head of the Liao family.
In the eyes of the two, in addition to the deep fear, there is nothing to believe that the
young man in front of him is actually related to the hellwalker.
Bai Mang flashed past, bringing up blood.
Henry turned around while spraying blood and walked outside the manor.
Behind Henry, the sound of the blade chopping on the flesh continued to sound.
When Henry took the first step out of the manor, a fire ignited behind him. The entire
Zaozhuang will become a ruin in just ten minutes. When the fire comes, there will be only
charred corpses.
Yinzhou People's Hospital.
Liao Sheng lay weakly on the hospital bed, waiting to enter the operating room at any time,
with a comminuted fracture of his ten fingers. These hands are destined to be useless.
Su Cai and Su Yiran accompanied the bed and comforted: "Brother Liao, you can rest
assured that the surnamed Zhang will definitely not end well. When you come out of the
operating room, we will find him to settle the account."
"I want him to die!" Liao Sheng's eyes gave a hatred look, "I want my grandfather to kill
him, I want to press his wife under me, I want to peel his skin, and take his muscles ! "
Several nurses came and pushed Liao Sheng into the operating room. One of the nurses
concealed a needle in his hand. During the process of pushing Liao Sheng, he inserted the
needle into Liao Sheng's chest.
Before waiting for Liao Sheng to enter the operating room, the nurse sighed. "The patient
died of a rapid heartbeat because of the large amount of powdery objects."
Su Cai and Su Yiran did not know about the death of Liao Sheng. The two strode out of the
hospital and went to the Lin Group.
After Henry left Zaozhuang, he also went to the Lin Group.
Standing downstairs in the Lin Group, Henry glanced at the phone impatiently.
"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang." An anxious voice came from the side.
Listening to this voice, Henry frowned, "You are too slow."
"I'm sorry, something unexpected happened on the way." The person apologized
repeatedly, for fear of Henry's dissatisfaction.
"Okay, my wife is upstairs, what should I say, you tell her face to face." Henry glanced at
each other, and the person came, it was Su's current head, Su Yu.
After seeing Su Cai and Su Yiran's attitude yesterday, Henry asked people to call Su Yu. Of
course, Su Yu didn't dare to hesitate a bit. Today, he took a plane to Yinzhou.
Su Yu followed Henry to the Lin Mansion.
Looking at the active efforts of these Lin employees, Su Yu was a little curious as to what
kind of person he had never met.
In the office on the top floor of the Lin Group, Sylvia was sitting there, holding an old photo
album, and the photos on it al looked blurred.
The woman gently touched the cover of the album with her hand, "Mom, my daughter is not
filial, maybe you can't take you back to Su's home in a short time."
The door of the office was knocked.
"Go in." Sylvia put away the album, and at the same time, he calmed down his emotions.
The office door opened, and Li Na stood in front of the company with an itinerary.
"Mr. Lin, could I meet with Mr. Zhao this afternoon and put it at ten o'clock tomorrow
"Huh?" Sylvia wondered, "Why should I cancel suddenly? Is Mr. Zhao over there?"
"Uh ..." Li Na was a little embarrassed, "Mr. Lin, this is what Mr. Zhang asked me to cancel,
don't you know?"
"He asked you to cancel? Why did he cancel my trip?" Sylvia frowned.
"Mr. Zhang said that you have something important in the afternoon, so let me cancel the
itinerary." Li Na replied, "Now that Mr. Zhang has been waiting in the reception room, he
said to let you prepare for the past, and brought a person.
"Okay, I know." Sylvia was suspicious, and he slightly adjusted his clothes and walked
towards the reception room.
Important matter? Sylvia was thinking about what would be important.
Standing in front of the reception room, Sylvia pushed open the door and saw Henryzheng
sitting there, chatting with a strange man.
At the moment when he saw this strange man, Sylvia felt a throbbing heart, which was a
connection from the blood.
At the same time, Su Yu, who was sitting in the reception room, also saw Sylvia.
Although he had already seen a photo of Sylvia, but this was the first time he saw a real
person, Su Yu was surprised by this niece, whether it was because of Sylvia Appearance is
stil her unique temperament, the aura that has been developed, if placed elsewhere, Su Yu
will also look at this girl more.
Looking at Su Yu, Sylvia had a strong intuition in her heart, and a bold guess came to her
"Her husband, this is ..."
"My wife, this is Su Yu." Henry got up, walked to Sylvia's side, grabbed Sylvia's little hand,
"He should be, your ... uncle ..."
Sylvia's body flickered slightly like an electric shock. She looked at Su Yu with her eyes
softly: "Uncle ... Uncle."
Since childhood, Sylvia did not have the concept of uncle in her heart. The relatives of her
mother were so out of reach for her.
Su Yu got up and smiled at Sylvia, "Sylvia, I final y saw you, and I have been suffering for
you for so many years."
Henry saw that the woman's eyes were covered with a layer of mist and tears, and Henry
could feel it. The woman's tears were filled with excitement, grievance, and unspeakable
This is the first time Sylvia has seen her mother's family in more than two decades.
Henry reached out his hand and wiped the tears from Sylvia's eyes. "Wel , my wife, your
uncle came to see you, isn't it a happy thing, come, sit down first."
"Hmm." Sylvia nodded vigorously, his mouth wide open.
Looking at Sylvia's smile, Su Yu's face also showed a relief.
The door of the reception room was closed.
Downstairs Lin, Su Cai and Su Yiran broke into the company door.
"Sylvia? Let that surnamed Lin come out, I must give me an explanation today!" Su Cai
yelled as soon as he entered the company.
Many unknown Lin employees looked at Su Cai, guessing what happened.
"Two, please don't make trouble here." The company's security guard immediately came

365 Su Yu arrives
"Provoking?" Su Cai looked at the security guard. "This is something about you watchdogs.
Let Lin please come down! Today, she will tell me this clearly, even if it's a family, I'm
welcome to her. ! "
When the security guard heard Su Cai's words, he closed his mouth quickly. These two are
Mr. Lin's family?
"What about Lin?" Su Yiran shouted and asked.
"Mr. Lin is upstairs," the security guard answered truthfully.
Su Cai pulls her sleeves, and Su Yiran walks towards the elevator.
"Sylvia! Sylvia! You get out of here!" Su Cai scolded al the way, attracting Lin's employees to
stare frequently.
"Two, what's the matter?" Li Na heard someone report the matter here and quickly came
"Sylvia?" Su Cai asked.
"Mr. Lin is in the reception room." Li Na remembers these two people. Mr. Lin went
downstairs yesterday to receive the two of them and took them home. "If the two have
something, you can wait a moment. Mr. Lin is now See guests. "
"Guest? What guests are more important than us!" Su Cai pushed Li Na away and strode
toward the reception room.
The door of the reception room is closed.
Before Su Cai entered the room, he shouted loudly in the reception room: "Lin's surname,
your husband treats us like that, and hit our friends again today. If you don't give me a
reasonable explanation, this Su family, you will Don't go back! "
Su Caigang was about to push the door of the meeting room, and the door in front of him
was first opened a little from inside.
Henry came out of the gap and frowned, looking at Su Cai and Su Yiran in front of him,
"You two are quiet, my wife is chatting with someone."
"Whisper? Why whisper?" Su Cai put her hands on her hips, "I'l explain to you today, if you
don't take your attitude and apologize to me, your wife, Su family, don't need to return!"
Henry looked strange, "My wife's return to Su's house has nothing to do with you. Are you
"Oh!" Su Cai chuckled, "You just tell me a joke, I don't mean it, who said it?"
A strange appearance appeared on Henry's face, and he shook his head, "I don't believe it."
"Don't believe me? Let me see if you don't believe me!" Su Cai said, took out the phone,
dialed a number in front of Henry, and waited for the other party to connect, Su Cai said
aloud, "Dad, you can give the owner Just to say, the Lin surname did n’t even take our Su
family into consideration, we came over and talked to her, she let us get out of the way, let
alone the Su family was in her eyes, it ’s nothing, you have to give it The homeowner talked
about it, a wild seed, dare to be so presumptuous! "
After Su Cai finished speaking, he hung up the phone and glanced at Henry proudly.
Henry narrowed his eyes, "What do you say does not match the facts?"
"I'm talking about facts!" Su Cai embraced his chest with both hands. "The surname Zhang,
what do you think you are, in front of our Su family, you are nothing!"
"Come on." Henry nodded, turned around, and shouted in the living room, "Su Family
Master, you have heard it, and every time your Su family members provoked me."
Henry waved his hand and opened the door of the guest room.
Su Yu stood at the door of the reception room, his face filled with anger that could not be
concealed. Last time, because of the mischief of the juniors of the Su family, he almost
destroyed the Su family. Exceeded my expectations.
Su Cai and Su Yiran saw Su Yu through the open door of the reception room. Su Yu's
appearance made them unresponsive.
"Home ... Homeowner?" Su Cai's expression was demented, and he was stuttering when he
"I wanton, I just wanton!" Su Yuqi's face flushed red. "I let you come to Yinzhou and invite
Sylvia back. What are you doing! Is this the attitude you should have to go back!
To act arrogantly and to reverse right and wrong. If it were not for me to stand here, I really
can't think of it. Our Su family's children are so rampant outside, they just lose Su's face! "
Su Cai and Su Yi didn't even think that Su Yu would visit Yinzhou in person, let alone Su
Yu's arrival, just because Henry had someone to tell him, he came at the fastest speed.
"Mr. Zhang, Sylvia, I apologize for the behavior of these unscrupulous descendants." Su Yu
very solemnly told Henrydao, he knew that as long as this person wanted, he could destroy
the Su family at any time, through the chat just now He also learned that this big man was
his niece's husband. In this way, Sylvia returned to the Su family, not because of the
benefits of the Su family, but instead, the Su family climbed the big tree of Sylvia!
Among the family, the biggest wish of every head of the family is to carry forward the
Originally, Su Yu wanted Lin to ask Han to choose for her. If she was willing to be the head
of the house, she would hand over the Su's house to her.
Su Yu is very clear that his father, the person he loves most, is not his mother, but the
grandmother of Sylvia. If the Su family encountered a crisis at that time, Sylvia ’s mother
would not be expelled from Su. Home.
Now that he knows the relationship between Sylvia and Henry, what Su Yu hopes most is
that Sylvia takes over the Su family, so that the Su family can directly establish a
relationship with Guangming Island.
Su Yu's apology, Henry did not speak, Sylvia immediately said, "Uncle, you don't have to do
this, we are not angry."
Su Yu heard Sylvia's words and subconsciously glanced at Henry.
Henry glanced at his mouth. "What my wife said is what it is, but you juniors should be in
"That is certain." Su Yu nodded and walked outside the door of the reception room,
watching Su Cai and Su Yiran, "You two, go home and mark your name. Starting today, you
are not al owed to use it again. Surname Su! "
In the family, the biggest punishment is to draw a person out of the genealogy, especial y a
family like the Su family, who draws out the genealogy will be treated as a laughing stock.
Moreover, the Su family has been serving the Su family all their lives, like Su Cai and Su
Yiran. After they graduated, they worked in the Su family group, including the house they
lived in and the cars they drove. Being drawn out of the genealogy is equivalent to
depriving them of everything.
Su Cai and Su Yiran's faces instantly became very ugly, and they wanted to explain in panic.
Su Yu didn't even give them a chance to explain, turned to enter the reception room, and
closed the door.
With a bang, Su Cai and Su Yiran stared blankly at the closed reception room door in front
of them.
"No, I can't be drawn out of the family. I want my dad to plead with the housekeeper. Su
Yiran, you can also cal your dad to talk!" Su Cai took out his phone anxiously.
Chapter 366
Before Su Cai dialed the phone, the phone rang first. Su Cai's father called.
"Hello, Dad, I just wanted to cal you, I ..."
Before Su Cai's words were finished, there was a burst of swearing on the end of the phone,
"What did you do? Ah! I just received news from my family that our family has al been
marked out of the Su family, what have you done!"
Su Cai listened to the voice on the phone, and the last hope in her heart shattered.
Su Yu in the conference room didn't even care what happened to the two unscrupulous
descendants after they left Su's home. Such people stayed in the Su's home, and they just
lost their face.
In the afternoon, Sylvia took Su Yu to his mother's stele. This was the first time that the Su
family came over after so many years after his mother left.
"Siyue, after so many years, you have been wronged by your family. At that time, the Su
family encountered a crisis. Our father and he drove you out of the Su family. From now on,
you can rest assured that Sylvia will return to Su's family completely. According to her
father's will, she will take charge of Su's family, which can be regarded as our dad's
compensation to you for that year. "
Su Yu bowed deeply to Su Siyue's stele.
Just because of Su Yu's bowing action, the tears in Sylvia's eyes could no longer stop and
flowed out like crazy.
Henry hugged Sylvia's fragrant shoulders, "wife, what are you crying for, your uncle came
to see you, it should be a happy thing, look at you, just like a slug."
Henry reached out and helped the woman dry her tears.
Sylvia took the initiative to take Henry's big hand and put his little hand in Henry's palm,
"Her husband, thank you."
Sylvia looked at the man in front of him, and his mother was remembering things before
leaving, but now it is finally realized. Everything is because of the man in front of him. If it is
not him, he may stil be angry with Su Cai and Su Yiran .
After going out of the cemetery, the three casually found a place to eat. Sylvia asked Su Yu
curiously how he knew Henry.
Henry had explained to Su Yu before. Sylvia had feelings for the Su family. On the mother's
side, Sylvia needed a kind of affection, not just wanting compensation.
Su Yu told Sylvia that he and Henry had previously cooperated in business, and the
relationship was not bad. Yesterday Henry cal ed him and he ran specifically.
As for someone in the Su's family who wanted to kill Sylvia, Henry and Su Yu were ready to
rot in their stomachs.
For Su Yu, this matter is disgraceful, it is a scandal in the family, and Sylvia will be the Su
family's head in the future. If she knows about this matter, there must be a must.
For Henry, he can carry and bear Sylvia for everything. He can keep all the suffering in front
of him, just to see Sylvia's happy smile, it is enough.
After eating, Su Yu quit and left, even though Sylvia stayed again and again, he also
hurriedly returned to Su's house, staying here, for Su Yu, it was a psychologically
severe test, for fear of his own sentence Words, or which action made the big man
Sylvia insisted on sending Su Yu to the airport. After watching Su Yu boarding, her entire
talent seemed a lot easier.
"Her husband, I'm real y nervous." Sylvia exhaled.
"What are you nervous about?"
Sylvia put out his tongue playfully, "Afraid, I'm afraid I'm not doing well."
Henry smiled dumbly, watching Sylvia look like this little woman, he rubbed Sylvia's head,
"Don't be afraid, don't forget, your uncle said, you will go to the Su family to take over as
the head of the family. Small things are up to you. "
Sylvia shook his head. "I feel like dreaming now. Yesterday, I was stil worried about the Su
family. Today, I was asked to be the Su family owner. Isn't this al a dream?"
"You pinch yourself to see if it hurts."
"Okay." Sylvia's eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, reaching towards Henry's waist and
twisting hard.
Henry grinned for a while, "wife, why are you pinching me?"
"You treat me stupid." Sylvia rol ed his eyes. "I'l hurt myself by pinching myself, giggling."
The woman strode away with a silver bell-like laughter.
Henry stood at the back, looking at the woman's back, showing a conscientious smile.
By the time the two returned home, it was already more than five o'clock in the afternoon.
"Husband, change clothes quickly and go to a party with me at night."
As soon as he arrived home, Sylvia urged.
"Ah? Have another party?" Henry lay on the sofa with carelessness.
"It's a party, it's actually about a bidding, but this time the situation is a bit special.
Change your clothes, or you'll be too late." Sylvia walked over, squeezed Henry's nose, and
then brought a fragrant wind towards the building Go up.
Henry touched his nose, he found that Sylvia really changed, from the former iceberg
beauty, became playful.
Henry spent two minutes changing clothes and twenty minutes waiting for Sylvia.
Today's Sylvia deliberately wore a black evening dress with a long hair behind his head,
like a proud black swan.
The platinum necklace in front of the jade neck exudes a brilliance all the time. Today
Sylvia painted light makeup. She was already dazzling, and now she is more beautiful.
The perfect S-shaped figure couldn't pick out any flaws. She stood there, exuding a strong
Rao is Henry who has seen too many beauties.
"Look what, let's go." Sylvia smiled and grabbed Henry's arm.
"Wife, you are so beautiful." Henry sincerely admired.
Sylvia smiled blushingly, covering her mouth and snickering, "You're just talking."
"What I said is true." Henry nodded hard.
Henry drove and took Sylvia to the party of the party, Xinkai Hotel.
As the best hotel in Yinzhou, almost all large parties will be selected here, and this time is
no exception.
Many luxury cars have been parked outside the door of Xinkai Hotel, as well as many
people in dresses, all gathered in twos and threes in front of the hotel, talking about
When the car stopped and the door opened, the moment the woman in the black evening
dress stepped out of the door attracted too much attention. She appeared as if she became
the protagonist.
Henry parked the car unhappy, and walked out of the car.
"Husband, why are you unhappy." Sylvia asked Henry's arm with concern, "Is it
"Yes!" Henry nodded hard, "I feel uncomfortable, so many people are staring at my wife, I
am not happy."

367 Pilot Project

Sylvia, who was originally uncomfortable and worried about Henry, smiled and said,
"Puff", "If your wife is an ugly, no one wants to see it, are you happy?"
"That's not happy." Henry hugged Sylvia's thin waist, "I think my wife will show me alone."
The movement of Henry's arm around made Lin invite Han to evade subconsciously, but
soon she recovered her calmness, let Henry's big hand around her waist, and gave Henry a
glance, "Rogue!"
Henry didn't hear Sylvia's words. The hand on the waist of the woman silently enjoyed the
"Mr. Lin, you are here."
Henry saw that Secretary Li Na was also standing in front of Xinkai Hotel.
After Li Na came, she asked Henry well.
Sylvia looked at the hotel door and asked, "What is the situation now?"
"The situation is not optimistic. Originally, in our opinion, the powerful competitors are
nothing more than Zhou and Zhao, but ..." Li Na said at this time, she subconsciously looked
at Henry and continued to speak, "but Qize Group Here comes the person brought by Ke
Bin. "
Ke Bin, the day Henry returned from the Su family, saw the person who confessed to Sylvia
downstairs from the Lin family. At that time, the heart-shaped rose prepared by Ke Bin was
kicked in half by Henry.
"Why is he here too?" Sylvia frowned.
Qi Ze Group, in terms of financial strength, is by no means comparable to Lin, but the other
party's network is more than Lin. If Qi Ze also wants to insert a foot in it, it will make Lin
very uncomfortable.
"Mr. Lin, according to the rumored news, Qi Ze came here specifical y to make trouble, as if
it was because of the last thing." Li Na said this and glanced at Henry again.
Henry showed an indifferent appearance from beginning to end. In his eyes, no matter who
it was, he was just a clown.
Sylvia frowned, "Go ahead and say more."
Li Na nodded and led the way for Sylvia.
The three came to the banquet hall on the top floor of Xinkai. You can see that there are
already many people in the banquet hall. Many people are standing together in groups and
For this project, many people knew that they didn't have a chance. They came to
participate, but they just made more friends and really competed. There are just a few.
Zhou's Shaodong family Danny stood in the banquet hall, surrounded by many people, men
and women.
The emergence of Zhao's changed Zhou's from the second-ranked company in Yinzhou to
third, but this did not affect Zhou's influence in Yinzhou. After al , in the eyes of many
people, there is no difference between second and third. , You need to look up to yourself.
The person in charge of the Zhao family, named Zhao Xiu, is also a young man.
Although the Zhao family has just emerged in Yinzhou, there are too many people who
want to make friends with the Zhao family. Some people even say in private In another year
or two, the leading enterprise in Yinzhou will not necessarily be Lin.
Originally, the form in the banquet hall, due to the existence of Danny and Zhao Xiu, was a
two-strong battle for hegemony. The arrival of Sylvia made this kind of scene directly
become a tripod. Many people came up and greeted Sylvia.
Sylvia has seen too much of this kind of scene, and has coped with it for a long time, smiling
and responding to everyone.
Henry walked to the side of the banquet hal , sat on a sofa, and picked up some self-service
While Henry was eating, he looked at the people in the banquet hall and listened to the
soothing music in the banquet hall. After about forty minutes, Henry saw Sylvia walking
towards him with a tired face.
Henry had experienced this kind of scene before, knowing that he was tired.
"Wife, finished talking?" Henry got up from the sofa, asked Lin to ask Han to sit down, and
then pinched his shoulder for Sylvia.
Sylvia nodded.
"Wife, what is your project this time? I see how many posters about technology have been
posted here?" Henrychao's poster in front of him twitched his mouth. It was a spaceship.
"Isn't it a government-supported project, Yinzhou has been vigorously developing recently?
As the capital city of Ning province, Yinzhou is lagging behind in technology.
This time, it is mainly to develop a large science and technology museum on the outskirts of
the city. Museum, to be a ful y automatic residential area of science and technology,
whether it is the construction of a science and technology museum or a pilot residential
area, is a piece of fat and a profitable business. "Sylvia explained to Henry.
Henryruo nodded thoughtfully and asked again: "What are you looking at this time?"
"It's not easy to say." Sylvia smiled bitterly, "Who can bid this time, even the official is not
sure, it depends on the choice of experts, this time it is said that the experts from Beijing, if
we can provide the other with the biggest Support, the other party will cooperate with
which one of us, this is the time to test each financial resources, of course, also depends on
the mood of the expert. "
Henry nodded, "Got it."
If it is another bidding, Henry can also give Lin Huihan an idea, but if it depends on the
mood of a single person, Henry is also the same, unless he makes a phone call to let the
future greet the official, with future influence, She wants to say that she is willing to help
the official to carry out construction, and it is estimated that the official can cry with
Henry glanced around, "Wife, what about experts?"
"I don't know." Sylvia shook his head. "We haven't even met the expert. We only heard that
the expert likes to play. This evening party was special y prepared for that expert."
"I like to play?" Henry guessed, this is estimated to be a person of outstanding ability,
otherwise who will be control ed by this expert's temperament.
Henry patted his chest, "wife, when we wait for the bid, we will spend money, I will sponsor
"Your money is your money. I have the ability to make money. Why should I use your
money?" Sylvia refused.
"Uh ..." Henry touched his nose. Sure enough, his wife still had to be strong.
Henry simply didn't mention this topic, took a piece of pastry to Sylvia, and the two sat
down to chat.
"Yoyo, isn't that Sylvia? Are you also bidding?" Ke Bin led a group of people and walked
over from the side. Next to Ke Bin, he also followed a beautifully dressed beauty, watching
Ke Bin's appearance and tone , It is undoubtedly to find fault.
Lin invited Han to smile, "You Ke Bin can come, should I not be worse?"
Ke Bin nodded, "Lin's is not bad, just ..."
Ke Bin gave a deliberate meal and looked at Henry, "It's just some people who make me
very angry. This time, I'm afraid Lin will be a lot worse."
After Ke Bin finished speaking, he looked at the beautiful woman beside him, and the
beautiful woman understood, took a step forward, looked at Sylvia, and said: "You are
Sylvia, not too good!"

368 This Is Your Wedding Ring?

The woman next to Ke Bin came up and aimed directly at Sylvia. It seemed that Ke Bin
wanted to find the last place.
Sylvia glanced at the beauty, Liu Mei frowned slightly, wondering: "Who are you? Do I know
When the woman heard Sylvia's words, her face suddenly changed.
"Oh, let me introduce you, this is Cheng Jiaxin." Ke Bin smiled, with a deep pride on his face.
Cheng Jiaxin hugged his arms to his chest. The Cheng family is in the entire Ning province.
That is definitely a super high status. The three disciples of Master Cheng are the top
leaders in Ning province. Although Ning Province has fallen, this does not hinder the Cheng
family. Influence.
Sylvia shook his head, "I haven't seen it, I don't know."
Ke Bin spoke again, "Cheng Jiaxin just returned from studying in magnesium country, it's
normal that you haven't seen it before."
Cheng Jiaxin squinted at Sylvia and said, "I have always heard people say how great and
excellent Lin Linhan is from the Lin family. Now it seems that it is just that. Yinzhou is too
small and there is no one with skill. There is no way to compare with the place in our
magnesium country. Look at you, you are wearing a dog-like appearance, but there is an
upstart-like breath everywhere. "
Facing Cheng Jiaxin's sarcasm, Sylvia didn't hear it.
"That Cheng Jiaxin, right." Henry squeezed his fist with his right hand, and Jia Xin waved
with his left stroke. "Come over and show you a baby."
Sylvia pulled Henry's sleeves, "Her husband, forget it, don't cause trouble."
Sylvia knew Henry's character. Like Henry, he knew that Henry wanted to start and quickly
Henry nodded, looking at Cheng Jiaxin with warning, and let go of his fist.
Cheng Jiaxin looked at Henry again and said, "Are you the son-in-law of the Lin family?
Entering the Lin family? No wonder he is so anxious to show his loyalty in front of his
surname Lin, isn't he the next person!"
Henry looked at Cheng Jiaxin and shook his head. This was absolutely a fool, and it was just
used by others, and he looked proud.
Cheng Jiaxin saw that Henry and Sylvia didn't care about themselves. Of course, she
wouldn't just do that. She kept looking at Lin Yinhan, looking for some thorny places.
Today, Sylvia is dressed in a decent black dress, with infinite charm, uplifted hair, and
dazzling glory, and his body is perfect. If there is a lack of beauty, that is the ring on Sylvia's
right ring finger.
The silver-white ring, shaped like an aluminum alloy circle, destroys the overal beauty.
This ring was given to Sylvia by Henry.
Cheng Jiaxin's eyes, natural y, locked on the ring in Sylvia's hands.
"Yo, is this your wedding ring? It's so chic, which factory picked the scrap." Cheng Jiaxin
smiled, and in the process of covering her mouth, she deliberately exposed the ten-carat
diamond ring on her right index finger. come out.
This ten-carat diamond ring is extremely dazzling under the lights, exuding a colorful
"Oh, I'm so sorry." Cheng Jiaxin deliberately leaked the ring from his hand for a while, and
then quickly took it back. "This ring was sent to me by Ke Bin. If it hits you, it is my fault. I
will give it. You apologize. "
Ke Bin stood aside, sneered, and shouted: "The surname is Zhang, this is the wedding ring
you gave to Sylvia? It really fits your identity as your son-in-law. Right? "
As soon as Ke Bin's voice fell, those brought by him gave a burst of laughter.
"Tangtang Lin's president, the wedding ring turned out to be an aluminum alloy ring, stil
silver-plated, hahaha, it might be laughed to death when I say it."
"It's so funny, look, this is the end of finding a son-in-law."
"If I give someone a house-in-law, I am embarrassed to send this thing. You talk about how
stingy this person is. The house-in-law of the Lin's recruits, the monthly salary is not low?
Can't afford the 10-carat kind? Wouldn't it be possible to buy a real gold ring? "
The bursts of laughter attracted many people to watch.
Zhao Xiu, the person in charge of the Zhao Group, came over and said, "Aluminum al oy
rings are wedding rings? I have to take a look at such interesting things. Gee, Lin, as a
leading enterprise in Yinzhou, is really extraordinary, Mr. Lin, If the husband ca n’t afford it,
why do n’t I give you one for him? One mil ion or ten million, you say. "
As soon as Zhao Xiu's voice fell, the people he brought also made a laugh.
"We give Mr. Zhao a ring, do you have to say anything, have a supper with Mr. Zhao?"
Soon, the noise here attracted a lot of people's attention, so that everyone in the banquet
hal came together.
Sylvia's wedding ring on his right hand suddenly became a topic of discussion.
After al , Lin ’s total assets have now exceeded 10 billion. As Sylvia, as president, even an
ordinary piece of jewelry should not be such a cheap thing, let alone a wedding ring.
Many people are sorry for Sylvia, and at the same time they are also counting Henry.
Even if Lin ’s house-in-law, Lin ’s family is not thin for him. Sylvia takes him everywhere,
instead of being himself, let alone marry Lin's president is a woman with no identity, like
Sylvia, and he has to take care of himself.
Compared with Henry, Ke Bin is simply too good, but in pursuit of Cheng Jiaxin, he sent a
ring of more than 3 million. As far as Cheng Jiaxin is concerned, he put it on his index finger.
I really do n’t understand. That Henry, an aluminum al oy ring, what face did he take out.
Sylvia and Henry were sitting in the crowd and were pointed. This feeling made Lin invited
Han particularly uncomfortable. She never cared about whether Henry gave her this ring is
expensive or cheap, as long as it was given to her by Henry. , She likes it.
Sylvia also had a wedding ring. At that time, Nelson Lin prepared it. Although it was not as
exaggerated as ten carats, but three carats was not too smal , but Sylvia never brought it,
because in her heart, the wedding ring always had to be meaningful. If it is not the so-cal ed
meaning, the diamond is not worth gold.
"Her husband, let's go." Sylvia took Henry's hand generously, even if today's bid has not
been competed, she doesn't matter anymore. She was said to be fine with two sentences.
The key is that she didn't want to see Henry. This became the target.
The number of people around him fel silent, and Henry didn't go to his heart at al , let Sylvia
take his hand and walked out of the crowd.
Just as the two were about to leave, a voice sounded in the crowd.
"Give up! Give up, come on!"
I saw that a woman in her thirties, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, turned away
from the crowd and walked in front of Sylvia. He couldn't help but say that he grabbed
Sylvia's right hand and looked closely at it. The woman's expression was particularly
wonderful , From doubt, into unbelievable, and finally into shock.
Chapter 369
Sylvia was so grabbed by a woman in her hand that she felt awkward and wanted to pull
her hand back, only to find that the other party was extremely deadly.
"It turned out to be true! Unbelievable, really incredible, how could such a thing be made
into a ring?" The woman stared at Sylvia's hand, to be precise, staring at the ring worn by
Sylvia's hand. Sigh.
The woman suddenly raised her head and looked at Sylvia, "Where did you come from this
"My husband sent it." Sylvia looked at Henry.
At the same time, the woman also looked at Henry and nodded non-stop, "Great! Really
great! This kind of thing can be made into a ring to give away? How much did you spend on
this mantechnetium? Ten bil ion magnesium gold ? 20 billion magnesium?
The woman's words heard people around me confused.
"The surnamed Zhang, what tricks did you do, where did you bring in such an actor?
Acting is too exaggerated?" Ke Bin sneered. "On this aluminum alloy ring, 10 billion US
dollars? You laughed and I got it!"
The woman wearing black frame glasses turned around and glared at Ke Bin. "You don't
understand me, I don't blame you. Please don't mislead everyone here. Compare Manktech
gold to aluminum alloy. ! "
Ke Bin glanced at his mouth. "What to pretend, but also gold, I have never heard of it."
"Of course you haven't heard of it." The woman took it for granted. "Not everyone can hear
this kind of thing!"
Ke Bin was so frustrated for a few words, his face was very unsightly, just to yell, just heard
a sound.
"Professor Liu! Professor Liu!"
The voice came from outside the crowd and seemed anxious.
"Here, stop screaming." The woman wearing black frame glasses waved.
The crowd was pushed away, and a middle-aged man stood in front of the woman with
anxiety, "Professor Liu, you suddenly disappeared, and it scared me!"
When I saw a middle-aged man, many people onlookers shouted that Mr. Wang is good.
This Mr. Wang brought experts from Beijing to choose partners. Everyone was kind to him.
Mr. Wang waved his hands to the people around him, and then said to the woman:
"Professor Liu, all of them are entrepreneurs in Yinzhou. You can chat with them and
choose your intended partner."
Mr. Wang's words changed Ke Bin's face. This woman turned out to be an expert from
Beijing this time? That super genius who claims to be only thirty years old and has four
Professor Liu ignored Mr. Wang, and looked back at the ring in Sylvia's hand. "Can you
show me this thing?"
Sylvia did not expect that this woman was actually an expert in Beijing. Whether she could
win the bid this time was entirely up to others. After Professor Liu made this request, Sylvia
took off the ring and gave it to the other party.
Professor Liu, like a treasure, held this ring in his hands and kept sighing, "It real y is
Manktech gold! Manktech Gold makes a ring, how big is this handwriting! Wait! What is
there on this? The character was also engraved by your husband? "
Professor Liu's eyes widened, looking at Sylvia in shock.
Sylvia nodded, "Yes, he is a man who can understand these styles without understanding
the style."
Professor Liu shook his head, "If you don't understand the style, there will be no romantic
men in the world! Man Tak gold lettering! In this world, your husband is the first person to
do such a thing."
The people watching around, listening to Professor Liu, only felt confused.
"Professor Liu, what is this mantechnetium you mean?"
"Rare metal." Professor Liu said these four words heavily. "Note that the rare metal I am
talking about does not refer to the bad street like gold. The world's known
mantechnetium adds up to less than one cubic meter. Rice, its preciousness, is not
imaginable. "
As soon as Professor Liu's words fel , there was an uproar around him, and there was only
one cubic meter in the world. How precious is this? No wonder Professor Liu just asked
Henry how much the ring was bought. If it is really as scarce as Professor Liu said, such a
smal piece should be worth the price of 10 billion magnesium.
Ke Bin's face was extremely ugly. He just said aloud that this was the actor Henry had
found. Unexpectedly, he was an expert in Beijing. He also said that this was an aluminum al
oy ring. In the end, it became al the world. One cubic meter of mantechnetium gold.
Professor Liu took the ring. "Mantechnetium is the hardest metal known in the world.
Almost every country wants to have a piece of research, but the whole world has so much
output. Many countries want to have it. There is no way. Huaxia once used a piece of
mantechnetium that is about the size of this ring for rent. The cost for one year is one
billion magnesium. "
Professor Liu ’s words once again made everyone express a shocked expression. In such a
smal piece, the country rents out, and the rent is one bil ion magnesium dollars a year? The
rent alone covers the entire net worth of most people present!
Including Sylvia, all because of this price.
Cheng Jiaxin's face was particularly ugly. She was just showing off her ten-carat diamond
ring, worth more than three million yuan, but now she found that this diamond ring is not
as good as rubbish compared with the ring on Sylvia's hand.
Professor Liu once again said: "I am just talking about the rental price. If you want to buy
such a piece of mantechnetium, you can't buy it unless you have a special channel.
This metal, even with a laser, cannot be cut completely. It is simply unimaginable to use
laser to grind and grind such a ring. The most important thing is that someone is still
lettering on it! "
When Professor Liu talked about the lettering, she couldn't believe it. If someone had told
Professor Liu that Man Keji would be able to do the lettering, Professor Liu must think that
the other party was crazy.
Rao is now, Professor Liu feels whether she is crazy, she looks at Henry, "Can you tel me,
how do you engrave the words on this?"
"It's very simple, just grind slowly." Henry shrugged.
Professor Liu listened to Henry's words and stared at him with a pair of eyes. It took a long
time to spit out two words, "... Night!"
Professor Liu's remarks completely refreshed the awareness of the people present.
Those who had just mocked Henry just now were ashamed to even raise their heads.
They used their own ignorance to taunt others.
In particular, Ke Bin and Cheng Jiaxin, including Zhao Xiu, who was stil talking about to
send a diamond ring, only felt a bluish complexion at the moment, and it was hard to see
the extreme.
Sylvia was pretty blushing, she did n’t even think that Henry ’s own gift was so expensive.
At first, she thought it was just an ordinary aluminum al oy ring. At this moment, she felt
that she was the best in the world. Happy woman.

370 Suppression
Professor Liu repeatedly gave Sylvia the ring made of this mantechnetium.
Sylvia took the ring in his hand, but he didn't wear it.
"Wife, why don't you wear it?"
"It's a little too expensive." Sylvia looked at the ring in his hand, worth 10 bil ion
magnesium gold, which is more expensive than the entire Lin's!
Henry took the ring initiatively, then grabbed Sylvia ’s catkins, and put the ring on Sylvia
’s ring finger, "My wife, this is a gift from me. You do n’t need to be expensive. An ordinary
ring will do. "
Sylvia looked at his ring finger, "That's what I said, but how can I use it as an ordinary ring."
"Haha, this is your business." Henry tapped Sylvia's forehead lightly.
Sylvia reached out his hand and stroked the words "accompany you till old" on the surface
of the ring. His heart was ful of sweetness.
Ke Bin took his people and walked aside quietly, staying here, it was just a shame.
Soon, it was the theme of this dinner, and it was still bidding, and many companies had
their own cards.
Every project with an official background and a pilot word has been profitable since
ancient times, and it was a lot of money. For this project, everyone has worked hard.
It's just that the support that smal businesses can give is far worse than that of large
companies like Lin.
Sylvia promised that she could spend one billion yuan as a separate research fund. All the
laboratories and research materials were provided by Lin.
Lin ’s one-billion-dollar figure said that 99% of the people present retreated.
One bil ion! Lin's handwriting this time is big and scary.
Professor Liu nodded and listened to the conditions given by Lin. She was quite satisfied.
This scientific research needs a lot of money to support it. Of course, the more the better.
Many people who came to bid for the project meditated in their minds. It is estimated that
Lin ’s bid is not running. How much money can this project make in the end? One billion?
1.2 bil ion? It may not even reach one bil ion. Lin ’s approach is a huge risk. If he invests one
bil ion, he wo n’t earn much if he makes a profit. If he loses money, it ’s really nowhere to
"This woman is really courageous."
"To let me take charge of Lin, I dare not say the number one billion today."
Some people discuss it in private.
Sylvia looked at Professor Liu and said the number of one billion. She also thought about it
for a long time. According to Lin ’s professional team evaluation, this project is full of
money, including the surrounding land price increase, official subsidies, etc., but it is only
800 million. The profit, billions, is a gamble.
Sylvia this time, not only to make money, but more importantly, to consolidate Lin's name.
The appearance of Zhao's brought great pressure to Lin. In this way, Lin's prestige will
slowly disappear.
Sylvia was right. As soon as her figure of one billion came out, many people saw that Lin ’s
gaze had changed. Zhao ’s sudden rise and suppression of Lin ’s made most of the people
present had a Lin ’s at any time. The image that will collapse, but now, Sylvia's approach
tells everyone that Lin's will not col apse, there is still a gap between Zhao's and Lin's!
Some people have even thought of the congratulatory message now, and are ready to
congratulate Lin please Han, congratulations to her for winning this project.
"My Zhao Group is willing to take 2 billion." Zhao Xiu's voice suddenly sounded.
Two billion!
The eyes of everyone present at this moment are locked in Zhao Xiu, this is deliberately
unable to get along with Lin!
Two billion yuan to invest in this project, it will definitely lose money!
Zhao Xiu looked at Sylvia and cast a provocative look.
Those in charge of small enterprises felt the atmosphere between Zhao Xiu and Sylvia, and
they were so eloquent. This is the battle between the bigwigs, with bil ions of billions in one
shot, just for breath.
Sylvia's face is not good-looking, she did not expect that Zhao's even took out 2 bil ion yuan,
even if the project was completed, it would have to lose 1 billion yuan, these 1
billion yuan, just to suppress themselves?
Zhao Xiu's approach once again made everyone feel that Zhao's strong capital.
"The funds have come, about the research ..." Mr. Wang glanced at Zhao Xiu. This project
not only requires funds, but also requires the cooperation of professional talents.
"We are responsible for the research on Qize Group." Ke Bin suddenly stood up. "We, Qize
Group, will be tied up with the Zhao Group and jointly responsible for this project."
After Ke Bin finished, he looked at Sylvia proudly.
Such a thing made the people present uproar.
At first, everyone thought that in this bidding, Qize Group and Zhao's, including Zhou's and
Lin's, will fight for life and death, but now it is found that Zhao's and Qize have reached an
agreement long ago. Squeeze Lin's together!
If these two big groups are really determined to suppress Lin, then Lin's building is in
Even Sylvia didn't expect that Zhao's and Qize would unite together. This is totally reckless
play, and only wants Lin to survive.
For Sylvia, the two bil ion yuan of funds will definitely not be available.
"Mr. Lin, what shall we do?" Li Na stood beside Sylvia and asked anxiously.
Sylvia shook his head, "Let's go, it doesn't make sense to fight."
"This ..." Li Na's face was unwilling.
Zhao Xiu looked at the expression on Sylvia's face and smiled: "Don't surname Lin, don't
give up. How much is the ring in your hand? How about asking your husband to invest
more money? How?"
The practice of Zhao Xiu seems to be nothing for ordinary people, but it is actual y pushing
Sylvia to a desperate situation, whether it is Sylvia opening 1 billion or Zhao ’s 2 billion
suppressing, these two groups have not made money by this project, but Liwei.
Now, the effect of Zhao ’s Liwei has been achieved. If Lin continues to make additional
investments, the investment amount exceeds 2 bil ion. In the eyes of outsiders, it is difficult
to play the role of Liwei. After all, Zhao ’s suppression is Directly doubled, Lin would like to
continue to stand up, but also need to add 1 bil ion on the basis of two billion, otherwise it
will not have the effect of standing up.
But Lin really wants to win this project at 3 billion, and everyone will only think that Lin is
holding on, and in order to stand up for the prestige, pay a full 2 billion. This is a fool's job.
Zhao Xiu ’s 2 billion number can be said to have been chosen just right, no more.
Zhao Xiuchong raised Sylvia's eyebrows, "How is it, Mr. Lin, I doubled the price you offered,
did you dare to double it? I put Zhao Xiu's words here, you dare to turn, I Dare to follow! "
Chapter 371
Zhao Xiu's remarks were to push Sylvia to the desperate situation. Now al his words are
released. If Sylvia dares to double, he dares to follow. Such words have already revealed
Zhao's ful confidence.
Sylvia wanted to real y follow him, and Zhao Xiu laughed casually, saying that he admits to
counseling, and no one thought that Zhao was really counseling. After all, Sylvia doubled,
and he would pay 3 billion.
But now, Sylvia does not follow, that is, he is afraid of Zhao, which has had an influence on
Lin's status in Yinzhou.
Zhao Xiu's simple approach directly put Sylvia in a passive position with a dilemma.
Going on, Lin's pays three billion yuan, buys a prestige, and others will say Sylvia is a fool.
Withdrawal, Lin's will be completely overwhelmed by Zhao's from today.
"Mr. Lin, how about it, follow or not?" Zhao Xiu looked at Sylvia with a smile.
"Fol ow!" A decisive voice sounded.
The master of this voice surprised all present, not Sylvia, Secretary Li Na, or Henry, but
Zhou's young owner!
"My Zhou's, willing to invest 2 billion to invest in Lin's!"
The emergence of Danny, his words, made everyone present open his mouth, everyone
looked at Sylvia, admired in his heart, did not expect that this woman, even kept such a
hand, when did they join Zhou?
The smile on Zhao Xiu's face disappeared suddenly.
In such a situation, even Sylvia himself was confused, and Danny's attitude changed a lot
from earlier. At that time, Danny threatened himself with a piece of land. As a result, he
gave away al the land the next day Several of my own real estate projects, many of the
projects behind, Zhou did not compete with myself, but today suddenly proposed to invest
2 billion?
For Zhou, 2 billion is equivalent to a quarter of Zhou!
"Surnamed Zhou, is there something wrong with your brain? You Zhou hasn't been crushed
by Lin for so many years?" Ke Bin couldn't help but scolded directly.
Danny sneered, "It's up to you to fight Lin, it's far from it!"
After talking, Danny walked in front of Henry and smiled, "Mr. Zhang, are you satisfied with
my approach?"
"Yes." Henry nodded with satisfaction.
Recognized by Henry, Danny's expression of joy, such an attitude, once again shocked
everyone's eyeballs, Zhou's Shaodong family, to the Lin family's son-in-law, show it?
Sylvia was so smart, looking at Danny ’s attitude towards Henry, many things came to light
at once. No wonder Danny and his father suddenly went to the Lin ’s door to admit their
mistakes and sent so many plots and real estate to themselves. , All because of Henry!
When Sylvia thought of his attitude towards Henry at that time, he was full of apologies.
It turned out that he had paid for himself silently from the beginning.
Sylvia settled his mind and looked back to Zhao Xiu, "Zhao Zhao, our Lin, now the
investment has increased to 3 billion. Look, do you follow?"
Zhao Xiu's face changed. Now, his situation is the same as that of Sylvia just now. He will
lose 3 billion yuan. If he doesn't follow, Li Wei, who he just did, will become a laughing
stock. He lifted a stone and hit his own foot.
Zhou's sudden appearance disrupted all of Zhao Xiu's plans.
After more than ten seconds of meditation, Zhao Xiu laughed loudly, "Mr. Lin, this is really a
good way. We Zhao soon established a foothold in Yinzhou. It was when we made friends.
This project will give you Lin. Wel , how about where everyone gets along in the future. "
Zhao Xiu made everyone understand that Zhao's defeat in this game.
Lin joined the original Silver State Second Group Zhou, and its current position will be
unshakable unless Zhao can make a further fund beyond Zhou.
Ke Bin stood aside, his face gloomy and he was about to drip water. He made two
preparations for revenge Henry and Sylvia today. The first hand was humiliated, but
because of his ignorance, he became a laughing stock. Lin's together to suppress, in the end,
or Lin's back pressure.
Ke Bin stared at Henry and Sylvia, and suddenly said, "Some people know that relying on
the elder Fuze, they have no skills at al . This kind of person is arrogant now, but how long
can it be rampant in the future. In order to fight for a few billions of dollars, I really love
face. "
Ke Bin made excuses for himself.
However, although everyone can hear him as an excuse, but the reason is really not rough.
It is conceivable that after this storm passed, Ke Bin fanned the flames again, and the events
of today would be spread outside the storm, even in various versions.
Henry hugged Sylvia's shoulder, "The more unskilled the person, the more fierce the cal ."
"Joke!" Ke Bin sneered. "Don't you dare to compare with me?"
"You don't deserve it." Henry gave Ke Bin a contemptuous look, hugged Sylvia, and walked
outside the banquet hall.
Ke Bin only felt that he had a powerful punch on cotton, which made him feel very
Sylvia and Henry did not spend much time at the Xinkai Hotel. When they left the hotel,
they drove directly to their homes. As for the problems of the project, Li Na was
responsible, and Sylvia was absolutely assured.
Overnight quietly passed.
Early the next morning, Henry just got up and walked into the courtyard, punching the old
Anna dragged a suitcase and came out of the house, standing behind Henry, "Mr.
Henry glanced back and wondered: "Are you going to go far?"
Anna smiled slightly, "I'm here to resign. During this time, President Lin has no danger
anymore, and I have received news that the people who wanted to harm President Lin have
no tasks to release until now, which also means My mission is over. "
After Anna finished speaking, he looked at the tree in front of Henry and continued:
"And, you have Mr. Zhang to protect Mr. Lin, and I will be the same without me."
Henry nodded. He was still very fond of Anna. The woman was willing to work hard and
was very responsible. "Have you taken the next task?"
"It has been accepted. The employer is waiting for me to take office. Mr. Lin, please ask Mr.
Zhang to talk about it."
"Okay, do you need me to send you?" Henry pointed to the car next to it.
"No." Annayang raised the car key in his hand. "I still like to drive by myself. You know, we
have no freedom in our business, no vacations, and we usual y go on a journey when we are
"Then wish you ..." Henry Anna smiled slightly, "Happy journey."
"Thank you." Anna opened the door and sat up.

372 I saw it with my own eyes

After Sylvia got up, he learned that Anna had gone, and he was sighing. When he got along
with him in the past two months, some personal feelings would emerge. Anna has been
protecting Lin Linhan. This sudden departure left Lin to ask Lin to invite him. Han felt
something was missing.
Henry has long been accustomed to this kind of separation, and he is very open-minded.
Henry prepared breakfast for Sylvia. After Sylvia finished eating, Henry packed up his
chopsticks and said, "Wife, I have something to do today. Go to the company yourself."
"Wel , good." Sylvia nodded.
Now to Henry, Sylvia already has a somewhat attitude towards the head of the family.
Many things, she subconsciously will listen to Henry.
Watching Sylvia leave, Henry stood at the door of his courtyard and said coldly: "I haven't
been tired after spending more than two hours?"
"Oh, I still think it's well hidden." A figure slowly walked to the courtyard door.
This is a middle-aged man with a bearded beard, no edging, and he wears casually, with
only a pair of slippers on his feet.
"Introduce yourself, my name is Yuan Jin, and I belong to the Sharp Blade unit." The middle-
aged man took the initiative to reach Henry.
Henry didn't look at the hand from the other side. "Why are you looking for me, the sharp
edged man?"
"Oh." Yuan Jin chuckled, "Mr. Zhang really likes to ask, I want to talk to Mr. Zhang about the
fire in Liao's Manor."
"Then stop talking here." Henry went to the courtyard door.
Yuan Jin looked startled, and then smiled: "I thought Mr. Zhang would invite me to have a
cup of tea."
"I will only invite my friends to drink tea, so just talk about it."
Yuan Jin nodded, "Then I will not sell Guanzi anymore. I believe, Mr. Zhang, you are also
from the ancient martial arts world. That day you were taken away by the people of the
Liao family. When you left, the Liao family started a fire. Do you have anything to explain
about this? "
"No." Henry shook his head. "What happened to him when his house caught fire?"
"Mr. Zhang, you were taken to the Liao family. What happened that day, why did the Liao
family suddenly catch fire?" Yuan Jin's eyes were fixed on Henry. "I hope Mr.
Zhang tel s me the truth."
"Oh." Henry nodded. "The Liao family was destroyed by the door, and the fire was also
released by the other party. I saw it with my own eyes. If you don't want to catch the
murderer, why come to me?"
Yuan Jin apparently did not expect Henryhui to bluntly say that the Liao family was
destroyed. The Liao family is an antiquities family. The family died of a fire, which naturally
attracted the attention of the blade. The blade specially sent someone to perform a post-
mortem. The entire family of the Liao family was killed, and almost everyone left no
With the sharp edge method, it was easy to learn that Henry was taken to the Liao family
that day, and final y he was safe. Yuan Jin put his goal to Henry and used him as a
Yuan Jin's idea was to find some evidence in the line between Henry's words, and then
imprison it for interrogation, but he never expected that he would get such an answer,
which made him feel incapable of starting.
Yuan Jin looked at Henry and remained silent for a long time, and said, "Are you watching
someone kil all the Liao family?"
"Yeah." Henry nodded. "Not even the whole body, especial y cruel, but I didn't pay attention
to the photos and videos."
Yuan Jin asked again: "Since the Liao family was killed, why are you al right?"
"You are real y funny." Henry looked at Yuan Jin as a fool. "Those people who killed Liao's
family have any connection with kil ing me? I want to kil a fish today. All the fish in a pond
was killed? "
Facing Henry, Yuan Jin felt that he couldn't get started for a while. The opponent's words
seemed to be flawed everywhere, but he didn't have a place where he could use it.
Yuan Jin thought for a long time and could only say one sentence, "I suspect you are related
to the murder of Liao's family. Please fol ow me."
"Wait a minute, I will pour the flowers at home." Henry lightly responded, turned and
entered the house, sipped a cup of tea, and lay there for more than half an hour before
going out.
Yuan Jin drove an Accord with a yellow card and took Henry towards the city center.
"Sir, where are you going to escort me?" Henry leaned leisurely on the back seat of the car.
"I have to go to work today."
Yuan Jin parked the car at the door of a coffee shop. The co-pilot opened the door. A
beautiful woman in a long dress and a beautiful appearance sat on the car. She glanced at
Henry and asked Yuan Jin, "This is that?"
"Wel ." Yuan Jin nodded.
The beauty turned around, holding a cup of coffee in her hand, "Let's talk, why do you want
to kil Liao's family?"
Henry looked at this beautiful woman strangely, "Why don't you wear underwear?"
The beauty looked angry, "You fart!"
"You are farting." Henry shrugged. "You saw me kil ing the Liao family?"
The beautiful woman listened to Henry ’s words, and her chest was upset. “I ’m not in the
mood to play this word game with you. Our sharp blade task is very heavy. You are
delaying our time. The responsibility is that you can take on? Why did you die! "
Henry asked. "Don't I tell you al your colleagues, the slain, the family was al dismembered,
why, is there a problem?"
The beauty stunned in front of her and turned to look at Yuan Jin.
Yuan Jin smiled bitterly, "He told me that."
The beauty's complexion changed, and she turned to stare at Henry again. "You saw the
family of Liao killed?"
"Yes." Henry nodded.
"What about law enforcers!"
"It was also killed." Henryli said of course, "I watched them die, the blood-splattered old
man was high, and the thieves were irritated."
The beauties stretched out their hands and snapped them on the center console. "It's
lawless! We're law enforcement and we're not in a mood to joke with you. If you don't tell
the truth, don't blame us for taking coercive measures!"
"I'm telling the truth." Henry wondered. Now in this world, nobody tel s the truth.
The beautiful woman turned her head, looked at Yuan Jin, and shouted: "Turn around and
go catch all the Lin family, I will see if he can tell the truth!"
A bit of tangle appeared on Yuan Jin's face, "I'm afraid it's not in compliance."
"What is not in compliance!" The beauty looks ugly. "My family of Liao is dead. You still tell
me the rules now!"
The beautiful woman said, grabbing her hand to the steering wheel.
Yuan Jin quickly pushed away the other party, "Hongdan, calm down, don't be impulsive."
"What makes me calm down, if your family is dead, can you calm down!" The beauty
shouted again, glaring at Henry again, the hatred that could not be concealed in her eyes, "I
tell you, my Liao Hongdan will definitely let you eye for eye!"
When Liao Hongdan finished, he directly dragged a black box on the roof of the car.
This action made Yuan Jin's face change drastically.
"Hongdan, what are you doing!"
"The car overturned and the law enforcement instrument broke!" Liao Hongdan sneered.

373 Special Approval

Henry looked at Liao Hongdan, but he did not expect that there was a person from the Liao
family among the sharp blades.
Yuan Jin made a sudden brake and parked the car in the middle of the road. "Hong Dan, are
you sure you want to do this?"
"Otherwise?" Liao Hongdan asked back, "My people in Liao's family cannot die in vain."
"Okay." Yuan Jin nodded and squeezed his fist. "What do you say, I listen to you."
After Yuan Jin finished speaking, he stared at Henry with a bad face.
Henry snorted, "What kind of people are your Liao family, you know very well in your own
heart, Liao Sheng bul ied men and women in school, your family's joint law enforcers,
blatantly tied me to the Liao family, this behavior has already Is it breaking the rules? "
"How can our Liao family do things? It's not your turn to talk about things! You are just an
ordinary warrior. Even if our Liao family bul ies you, you should suffer!" I ask you, does the
death of our Liao family have anything to do with you! "
Henry glanced at the law enforcement instrument detained by Liao Hongdan and grinned,
"You!" Liao Hongdan's face changed, and she knew that she was overcast.
Just when Liao Hongdan wanted to say something, a violent impact struck.
A pickup slammed into the back of the Accord.
The airbag exploded as soon as possible.
Immediately afterwards, several cars hit the Accord serially, and the violent impact dare to
make Yuan Jin and Liao Hongdan confused.
"You like to roll over, just show it to you." Henry sat steadily in the back seat. "As a sharp-
edged official, the official uses privately, and publicizes private enmity. You, a person like
you, staying at the sharp knife is also a scourge to others. Just die. "
Henry's voice rang coldly in their ears.
When the shaking of the vehicle stopped, the two of them turned to look at the back seat as
soon as possible. In their eyes, Henry slowly put a ghost mask on his face.
At the same time, the main driver and co-pilot doors of the Accord were opened.
Several figures wearing grimace masks also appeared in the sight of Yuan Jin and Liao
Henry opened the rear seat door and went out. "Make a false appearance of rol over.
How much do you give the Blade a little face? Also, solve all the things that can be solved. I
don't want the Blade to bother me again."
Liao Hongdan looked at the masked figures in front of him, and his heart was filled with
deep fear. No wonder his home was destroyed by someone. What caused him was that
hellwalker ...
Yuan Jin's face was full of regret, "Liao Hongdan, this time, you can hurt me!"
After Henry got out of the car, he took off his mask and threw it into a pickup truck next to
him. He put his hands in his pockets and walked up the streets of the city center.
As Henry left, an explosion sounded.
An hour later, Henry sat in a coffee shop and looked at his mobile phone. The headline of
Yinzhou News had been taken by an official car with a yellow card on the road and was
braked arbitrarily. The driver of the official car and a female sitting on the car both died,
and two passers-by were slightly injured.
Henrygang was about to put away his phone, and the phone rang, Jenny, who was cal ed by
the caller.
Henrygang answered the phone, and Jenny's voice rushed, "Henry, do you know how to
gamble stones?"
Henry thought for a while and said, "Understand a little."
"That is to understand, our company has expanded a new trade, which is gambling. I am not
very knowledgeable about these things. Please help me to see it." Jenny said on the phone.
"Engage in gambling?" Henry was full of doubts, but stil walked towards Hengyuan Trade.
At the moment, there are many documents on Jenny's desk, al about stone gambling.
"General Qin, sign it."
"Yes, Mr. Qin, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The profit of the gambling stone is
huge. Everyone wants to do it. It is one thing for the official to approve or not to approve,
and there is no way to do it!"
"For Hengyuan, this is an opportunity to be able to keep pace with Lin!"
In Jenny's office, many project managers are persuading Jenny.
"Wait." Jenny looked at the document on the table and waited for Henry to come over.
"What are you waiting for, Mr. Qin? Everyone said, just give us half an hour to think about
it!" A project manager was worried.
Jenny looked out the window and then the phone again. Just preparing to call Henry again,
he saw that the office door was pushed open, and Henry Fengchen appeared in the office.
Looking at Henry's clothes with a messy appearance, Jenny was very happy. It seems that
this man still has his own.
"How did you touch the gambling stone, how deep is the water inside, you should have
heard of it?" Henry asked when he entered the door.
The project managers of Hengyuan looked at Henry with a puzzled face, not knowing who
this was.
Jenny stood up from her boss chair and smiled sweetly at Henry, "So I just asked you to
take a look. I don't understand. Is there a man who understands it?"
Hearing Jenny, these project managers of Hengyuan all looked at Henry with an ambiguous
Jenny took the document on the table to Henry, "This is the project this time, look at it."
"Don't look at it." Henry shook his head. "Since gambling on stones, someone should have
shipped you a batch of raw materials? Where are the materials?"
As a trading company, Hengyuan can be said to be the most important place for the entire
company. It covers a huge area, and each warehouse is clearly separated.
Three containers measuring 21 meters in length and 7 meters in height are placed outside
the warehouse.
Jenny came here with Henry and a group of Hengyuan project managers.
Jenny pointed to the three containers and urged Henrydao: "The materials are al inside."
Henry nodded and asked, "What is the other party's request."
Jenny waved his hand, and a project manager came up and said to Henry: "The other party
asked us to take at least 300 tons of goods every month and sell them to us at a price of 200
yuan per kilogram. If we think the goods are good, we must sign a contract for at least one
year. "
Henry frowned, "Two hundred dollars per kilogram? This price is higher than the market
price. Three hundred tons in January. In the market of Yinzhou, do you think you can eat?"
"Now the market situation is stil uncertain, this is a gambling." Jenny came up, "This time,
because of the reason why our Hengyuan bombed the mountain, we received an official
special approval. If we can get it, it is Hengyuan. An opportunity. "
Henry walked to the container and pulled the door of the container open. The eyes were
full of stones, dense and dense, ranging in size from smal to large, but the size of the slap
was as large as the height of a person.
Henry opened all three containers in a row and glanced, then shook his head at Jenny,

374 This Is Not Local?

"What's wrong?" Jenny asked, looking at Henry.
Henry pointed at the stones in the three warehouses, and said to Jenny: "It is important to
engage in stone gambling. Word of mouth is very important. At the very least, it is
necessary to be able to open shipments in the stones. If you ca n’t even sell a single item on
the first day, this gambling stone ca n’t be carried on. ”
Hearing Henry's words, Jenny nodded thoughtful y.
A project manager from Hengyuan said, "Mr Qin, IMHO, this friend said that this batch of
stones is not good, and it is purely speculation. Gambling on stones depends on luck, and
who can only look at the appearance of stones? , Dare to say that this stone is out of stock? "
After the project manager finished speaking, he stared at Henry with a rather hostile look.
"Who said there is something wrong with our stone?"
When Henry looked back, he saw a middle-aged man, with three strong men al over his
face, walking towards this side.
The three strong men had fierce faces, and while walking, they crackled their fists.
The middle-aged man was dressed in a suit, but it didn't look so fierce. It was just that this
man had a bad feeling.
"Boy, you said we have a problem with the stone?" The middle-aged man walked in front of
Henry. At the same time, the three strong men beside him also stood in front of Henry and
looked at Henry.
Henry frowned. "This batch of stone belongs to you?"
"Do you have an opinion?" The middle-aged man looked at Henry, his eyes full of threat.
Henry nodded, "We don't want your batch of stones."
"Okay, we are doing business. You don't want it, and we won't force it." The middle-aged
man laughed. "Since the business can't be done, then we'll go."
The middle-aged man finished speaking and turned around, winking at the Hengyuan
project manager who had just spoken.
The Hengyuan project manager gritted his teeth and said: "Mr Qin, this time is an
opportunity, not to be missed in vain. You must not listen to other people's accusations and
miss such a good opportunity!"
Henry sneered and looked at the project manager, "You are a person from Hengyuan, how
much benefit did they give you, so that you can pit your boss Qin so much, these three
boxes of waste rock, Jenny bought 200 yuan per kilogram , How much can you make? 670
mil ion, how can you get 100 million? "
The project manager's face changed, and he scolded: "You fart! What do you call me to
receive benefits? You don't want to spit on people."
Henry glanced at these stones and said, "According to the normal market price, each
kilogram of stone should be between 60 and 80, now it is sold to 200?"
"Aren't you the freight cost?" The middle-aged man opened his eyes and said, "How much is
the logistics cost of a few hundred tons of goods?"
"Logistics cost?" Henry looked puzzled. "Do you have the logistics cost of these stones?
Isn't it because of Hengyuan's bombing you some time ago?"
"You!" The middle-aged man's face changed dramatically.
Jennyliu frowned, "Henry, do you mean ..."
Henry walked to the container and picked up a rock, "Our rock group is Neo-Archaic, with
complex rock types, mainly biotite diorite and diorite diorite. It is a mica granite and a mica
feldspar granite. The alteration is relatively strong. The rock is gray and light gray-green.
Some of them have a spot-like structure. The clear edges, worms and sutures are obvious. It
’s from the mountains around us. Look at these three boxes of stones, and they al match the
characteristics I just said. This is not a stone for gambling at all, just ordinary stones! "
As soon as Henry's words fell, Jenny immediately looked at the project manager, "Don't you
tell me that this is the stone shipped from Yunsheng!"
"I ... this ..." The project manager opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say for a
The middle-aged man changed his face several times, then shouted, "It's hilarious! The
stones I shipped from Yunshen Province, you even said that these are the waste stones
Henry shook his head, "I didn't say that it was al waste rocks around, there are still normal
Hearing Henry say that, the project manager was relieved.
The middle-aged man has a lot of looks, and he has some ecstasy in his heart. He just
thought that this kid is likely to defraud himself, so he drank himself and bluffed this kid.
Henry stepped forward. Among the three containers, a total of nine stones with the size of a
fist were picked out. Of the nine pieces, none of them can cut green. "
Henry shook his head and threw the nine stones at will.
The so-cal ed cutting out green means cutting out the original stone from the stone among
the gambling stones.
Between the project manager and Henry, Jenny obviously believed Henry completely.
She looked at the project manager, "I need a reasonable explanation."
The project manager looked at the middle-aged man for help.
The middle-aged man's eyes flickered. After a few seconds, he waved his hand, "You don't
do this business, some people do it. Now you want to buy it, I don't sell it, let's go!"
After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he would take someone away with a big hand
"Go?" Henry chuckled lightly. "If the fraud is not successful, you want to go? These
hundreds of mil ions are enough for you to sit through, Jenny, call the police."
"Fart! Laozi scam? Is there any evidence?" The middle-aged man had a stalk in his neck.
The three brawny men beside him didn't have that arrogant expression on their faces
anymore, and all stood in fear. Aside, I was afraid that I might be implicated in myself.
Obviously, the brutal appearance just now was pretended.
"What about the contract?" Henry Jenny reached out.
"Contract ..." Jenny looked at the project manager.
The project manager was agitated, and with a stern look in his eyes, he ran away.
The project manager ran fast, but how could he pass Henry quickly, Henry stepped
forward, kicked the project manager with one foot, and grabbed the contract from the
other party.
After glancing at it, the contract stated that all the stones were shipped from Yunsheng.
This alone was enough to judge these people.
Middle-aged men also want to run when they see something exposed.
"Come on, go!" The middle-aged man yelled at the three strong men beside him.
The three strong men shook their bodies and covered the middle-aged man towards the
"No one can run!" Henry stood in front of the warehouse door one step ahead.
"Boy, I advise you not to ask yourself for bitterness!" A strong man threatened with his fists
"Oh." Henry nodded blankly, three consecutive punches, and knocked down the three
strong men.
Chapter 375: The Cheng Family Again
The three strong men were overthrown in one face, and the middle-aged man's final cards
were gone. He wanted to break out hard, but Henry punched a strong man in a scene, which
made him unable to courage.
The project manager's face was pale. His original salary of 8,000 in January and his days
were moist, but he could not stand the temptation. If he wanted to pay a big vote, he would
leave. As a result, things would be exposed.
Soon, the Yinzhou police arrived, and Henry simply accompanied Jenny to the police station
to make notes.
Henryzao was a celebrity in the police station. Whether it was the ambiguity between him
and Helen, or the last time the prince insulted the hero, he made him a celebrity in the
Yinzhou police station.
There was Henryzai, the confession was recorded quickly, Jenny filed an appeal, and the
police quickly implemented the process, and the court could be heard in a few days.
"What about Sam? Has it been sentenced?" Henry asked curiously. Since Sam was arrested,
he has never cared about this matter.
"It hasn't been convicted yet, and is still in detention. Sam's conviction is that the rape was
attempted. How to condemn it depends on how ..." A police officer answered, pointing to
the top of his head.
Henry understood the meaning of the other party, smiled, and said nothing.
The Zheng family wanted to find someone, so let them go and see what waves they could
Out of the police station.
"Henry, you helped me again today. I real y can't think of any other way to repay you except
to express my body." Jenny looked at Henry sideways.
Henrylian waved his hand, "No need to repay me, I like to do good deeds."
Jenny rolled his eyes. "I'm so disgusted with you? Don't even post it? Then please have a
meal. It's almost noon."
"Dine." Henry nodded.
Jenny drove and took Henry all the way out of the city.
Henry wondered, "Where are you going to eat?"
A hint of cunning flashed in Jennymei's eyes, "There is a good farmhouse. Take you to try it.
This game is very difficult to eat now."
Jenny said, in a direction, the car got on the high speed around the city.
Henry nodded.
Until Jenny turned directly from the roundabout to Yinzhou to Luohe, Henry realized that
something was wrong.
"Are you going to the farmhouse?"
"Yeah." Jenny smiled. "It's just a smal party."
Henry looked at the woman's flower-like smile and didn't know what to say. He could only
let Jenny go helplessly.
After forty minutes, the vehicle left the highway.
Henry saw that Jenny did indeed bring him to a farmhouse, but this place, where Henry had
come before, was Cheng Family Manor.
In front of the Cheng Family Manor, countless luxury cars are parked. Jenny's BMW, placed
in these luxury cars, looks very cheap.
Jennyyan smiled, "An elder came back today and everyone would like to congratulate me. I
don't know a few people. It seems too lonely to come by myself."
Jenny parked the car and led Henry towards the Cheng Family Manor.
More than ten tables of banquets have been set up in the Cheng Family Hall. The hall is full
of people, all of them are older generations with heads and faces.
Qin Rongzhang Henry was in the lobby of his home, and heard someone greet him.
"Jenny, you are here!"
Henry saw that a handsome young man was approaching Jenny with a surprised look.
"Xiao Bo, hello." Jenny nodded slightly at this handsome young man, then put Henry's arm
on his face and said sweetly, "Introduce you, this is my boyfriend, Henry."
"Boy ... boyfriend?" Xiao Bo, who was original y ecstatic, heard a loss from Jenny's words,
and his expression was dull.
"Dude, don't listen to her nonsense, I'm not her boyfriend." Henry hurriedly said, "I'm
already married."
Upon hearing this, Xiao Bo swept away the loss in his heart and smiled at Jenny:
"Jenny, you can real y open ..."
Xiao Bo's final joke hadn't come out yet, but was interrupted by Jenny's voice.
Jenny stretched out his pink fist and hammered on Henry ’s chest, "You hate you, when you
were with other people last night, that was not the case. You said you were going to
divorce, and now you have a wife, You are so annoying! "
Jenny, whoever looks at it, feels that she is being cute with Henry.
Xiao Bo looked embarrassed for a while and greeted himself for a long time. As a result, the
woman she loved was lying in the arms of others? And still a married man?
Xiao Bo's original enthusiasm calmed down at once, "Jenny, this time, it was mainly an
elder who came back from convalescence. Everyone sat together and chatted. You come
with an outsider, I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate?"
"Why is it inappropriate?" Jenny only embraced Henry's arm, letting this arm stand before
him, "My boyfriend is not an outsider."
Xiao Bo looked at Qin Ruan and Henry's intimate appearance, and his heart was extremely
uncomfortable, but it was not easy to express directly.
Jenny took Henry's arm and sat at a round table. This table, al young people, greeted Jenny,
al in Jenny's circle.
Henry glanced, but no one knew it.
Although the province of Ning is not big, it is still divided into many circles. Henry and
Sylvia are generally together, and they are in contact with the top circles.
Although Hengyuan Trade has great prospects, it is still unable to compare with Lin's.
The circle of contact is naturally worse, and it is normal for Henry not to know.
Just like last time I came to Luohe Chengzhuang, the Lin family had a separate table, and its
status was detached, but now, Henry sits at a table where only a few juniors are mixed,
obviously not the same grade as last time.
"Look, that is the commercial giant in Ning province, Du Hua."
"That, that is the official leader of Ning Province, Xiao Sheng."
The young man sitting at the table with Henry, pointing at the table on the throne, was full
of envy.
"Hey, I can sit on that table anytime."
"Not to mention sitting at that table and waiting for the banquet, it would be nice to let me
go and toast."
"It's not easy to toast?" Xiao Bo glanced at his mouth. "Wait for me to say hello to my uncle."
When Xiao Bo spoke, his face was mostly proud.
When everyone heard Xiao Bo's words, their eyes lit up, "Yes, Xiao Bo, you and Xiao Sheng
are related by blood."
"Yes, yes, if you can say hello to your uncle in the past and let us toast a toast too, that's too
long a face. My dad went back, and it was estimated that he could hand me the company
"Xiao Bo, wait for you."
Listening to the compliments of everyone, Xiao Bo was ful of pride and looked at Jenny
deliberately, only to find that Jenny didn't pay attention to himself at al , and his eyes were
all on Henry.

376 Who are you?

Xiao Bo looked at Jenny's sweet appearance, and hated it in his heart, so he had to find
some face, and it was better to let that surnamed Zhang be ashamed!
Someone from the Cheng family came out and said a few words of thanks, and the meal
Henry learned from this table of chats that this time, Mr. Cheng came back from
convalescence. The situation is very good. Everyone congratulates.
"Mr. Xiao, Mr. Du, by this opportunity, I respect two glasses!" A middle-aged man laughed,
carrying a wine glass, and walked towards the Lord.
Many people, looking at the toasted people with envious eyes, can go to the throne to toast
a glass of wine, which is also a representative of identity.
Henry didn't care about these things. He was more concerned about the food on the table.
As Jenny said when he came, many game can't be seen now.
Henry's large piece of duoshuo attracted many glances at their table.
Many people do n’t understand why Jenny would like such a man. Although Hengyuan did
n’t enter this circle for a long time, everyone knows Hengyuan ’s potential and will certainly
have a place in Ning Province in the future. Jenny is young and beautiful. , In charge of
Hengyuan, the man she was looking for, it should be a dragon and a phoenix.
A young man who had a good relationship with Xiao Bo couldn't help but say, "Jenny, can't
you let your boyfriend converge a little bit, there are so many people present here, he's a
good friend, and our table is not good-looking."
As soon as the man spoke, there was a lot of echoes.
"Yeah, you are so humiliating for this table."
"Did you see what other people looked at us with?"
A sarcasm sounded.
Jennygang was about to speak, and Henrybian was the first to speak out. He had a chicken
leg in his hand, and he looked puzzled, "Strange, isn't the food for eating? Can you watch
"You haven't eaten like a starving dead ghost? Look at other tables, who ate like you?"
Xiao Bo glanced at his mouth.
"It's hilarious." Henry smiled. "Children will hoe on the day of the hoe, and sweat will fall on
the soil. When will waste become glorious?"
"You!" Xiao Bo still wanted to speak and was stopped by a young man.
"Forget Xiao Bo, he didn't know clearly about this kind of person. What he didn't
understand was not an identity. He didn't understand some things." The young man pulled
La Xiaobo's sleeve and then glared at Henry. , "The shameful thing!"
Jenny looked at Xiao Bo with a disgruntled face. In the welfare home, Jenny had seen too
many children eating too much. Sometimes a roast duck can make those children extremely
happy. These people are now But it is unreasonable to think of eating as a shame.
Jenny sandwiched a chicken leg with Henry, "You eat more, just ignore them."
Henry rushed to Jenny without a polite smile and tucked the chicken legs into his mouth.
Everyone on the table looked at this scene and really couldn't understand how Jenny fell in
love with such a person.
In the Cheng Family hall, people frequently walked to the main table to toast the people on
the main table. You can see that everyone who came back from the toast had a trace of
pride on their faces. The wine on the main table was not Anyone who wants to be respected
will be able to pay tribute, just change a person in the past, others will not care about you.
"Xiao Bo, why are you stil here, go, go and give me your uncle to toast them." A middle-aged
man walked over to Xiao Bo and said.
Xiao Bo's face was overjoyed, and he picked up his glass, "Okay, Dad."
Xiao Bo finished, and walked to the main table with his dad.
Henry The rest of them at this table looked at Xiao Bo with an envious eye.
They saw Xiao Bo walk to the main table and toast the big figures on the main table.
"See? This is the strength, which represents the network and the future life." The young
man who had a good relationship with Xiao Bo spoke again, deliberately told Jenny to
"So envious."
"Real y, I just want to be able to go. Unfortunately, my family doesn't have that strength
People at their table sighed.
Soon, Xiao Bo walked back with a smug look. Although he only toasted in the past, he did n’t
even have the qualification to chat, but he was stronger than too many people.
He enjoyed the envious eyes of everyone at this table, Xiao Bo felt like he had face.
"Xiao Bo, you are too good, look at our younger generation, you are the first to go toast."
"That's what I just saw, and the side table looked at us enviously."
"Of course, which of our generation can go up and toast."
A greeted voice sounded, and Xiao Bo's expression on his face grew stronger and stronger.
He waved his hand. "It's nothing. My uncle, they have important things to discuss now.
Wait, wait until they're done. I take everyone to have a toast. "
As soon as Xiao Bo's words came out, there was a burst of cheers from the people on the
table. They real y wanted to be able to toast a glass of wine. Later in this circle, they would
have to hold their heads up!
Xiao Bote looked at Jenny and said, "Jenny, wait for you to go with me. Let me introduce
you to Uncle Du. He is the leading enterprise in Ning province. If you can cooperate with
him, I believe you Hengyuan will soon catch up with the Lin. "
Jenny shook his head with a smile, "I'm not going."
"What's the matter? Your career is now on the rise. Since finding a useless boyfriend can't
help you ..." Xiao Bo said of this, revealing an unhappy look, "I ..."
"Grass, did you walk without eyes? Do you know me when you meet me?" A shout suddenly
sounded beside Henry's table, interrupting Xiao Bo's words.
When everyone looked at it subconsciously, they saw the young man who had been helping
Xiao Bo to speak and had a good relationship with him. At this time, his head was lowered
and he stood in apologetic manner in front of another person. Shouted from the other
person's mouth.
If you dare to scold people directly in the Cheng family hal , that identity is certainly not
Henry narrowed his eyes at the man and whispered the other person's name in his mouth,
"Paul Cheng."
Paul Cheng, the third-generation second-generation Cheng family, was Paul Cheng if Henry
took out a pack of golden gourd tea.
At this time, Paul Chengzheng stared at Xiao Bo's friend with an angry look.
Xiao Bo's friend didn't dare to put one fart at this time, and he didn't even dare to raise his
head. This was the second son of Cheng's family.
The people sitting at their tables at Xiao Bo were silent at the moment, and even the sound
of breathing was much lowered, for fear that Paul Cheng would be dissatisfied.
After a few seconds of silence, everyone looked at Xiao Bo tacitly, and the friend of Xiao Bo
also turned to Xiao Bo for help.
Xiao Bo swallowed hard. Although he did n’t want to face it, he just put on such a big force,
and now he ca n’t be counseled. He stands up and strokes widely: "Brother Cheng, this is
my friend, give me Face. "
"Who the hell are you!" Paul Cheng turned his head and scolded.

377 Don't talk nonsense

Paul Cheng, who are you, who made Xiao Bo look so ugly, so many people have looked at it,
the woman she loves is stil sitting here.
Xiao Bo would like to curse back now, but he did not dare. With his five guts, he did not
dare to disrespect Paul Cheng a little.
Xiao Bo lost a smiley face and looked at Paul Cheng, "Brother Cheng, I am Xiao Bo and Xiao
Sheng is my uncle."
"Who is he and you are brothers, what kind of thing are you?" Paul Cheng looked at Xiao Bo
with a disgruntled look, he was a full-fledged dude, "Xiao Sheng is your uncle?
His son came, did he have to Looking at Lao Tzu's face, do you think you are amazing?
"This ..." Xiao Bo looked ugly, glanced at his table subconsciously, and found that everyone
looked at himself with a strange eye, which made him burned in one face.
"Why, I'm teaching people here, do you want to be the first bird? Don't look at what you
are, give you face, what face do you have?" Paul Cheng looked at Xiao Bo with a sneering
Xiao Bo was scolded by Paul Cheng and he dared not say a word.
Two people at the table heard Paul Cheng's scolding, turned his head to look at Paul Cheng,
and immediately looked away.
Many people have heard of Paul Cheng's second ancestor. He has offended Paul Cheng, and
some have suffered.
Xiao Bo, who was scolded by Paul Cheng, didn't even dare to reply. His confidence just now
"His, just like you, with a face coming to our Cheng family for dinner, yuck!" Paul Cheng
said, spitting saliva on the table, "Let you eat!"
After that, Paul Chengbu left.
Henry also nibbled at the chicken leg in his hand. When he was just about to take a dish, he
saw a thick sputum fal ing in the plate in front of him. This scene made Henry's face cold.
Seeing Paul Cheng leave, Xiao Bo, and Xiao Bo's friends, as well as the people at their table,
al were relieved. Everyone was just worried about being stared at by Paul Cheng.
Wel , the son of the Cheng family didn't care about himself.
Looking at the back of Paul Cheng's departure, everyone felt a little lucky.
"Stop, who let you go?" A low voice rang from their table.
At the same time as this low-pitched sound sounded, everyone's heart jumped abruptly,
who, his, wasn't it death?
The crowd looked at the speaker.
"Henry, don't bother us if you want to die!" One stared at Henry fiercely.
"That's what you are doing!"
A person sitting next to Henry moved the stool hard, a little further from Henry.
Paul Cheng walked away, then slowly turned around.
Watching Paul Cheng turn around, Xiao Bo and others almost mentioned his throat in one
Everyone looked at Henry with a neuropathic look and provoked Paul Cheng. Isn't this a
"Lao Tzu wants to go, who dare he ..." Paul Cheng turned around, scolding, before he had
finished speaking, he swallowed into his stomach, and he saw Henry sitting on the table.
Just now, Paul Cheng did n’t even look at this table. He did n’t see Henry natural y. Now he
sees it, and his angry expression disappears all at once. He puts on a pair of flattering ones
and walks towards Henry, “Oh, Henry. Brother, it ’s you, why do n’t you say hel o to me
when you say you ’re here. "
Before, Mr. Cheng had a long life, and after the Cheng family had chosen the heir, Mr.
Cheng cal ed Paul Cheng specifically and told him that he must not provoke the son-in-law
of the Lin family.
Paul Cheng was arrogant again. That was in front of others. In front of Master Cheng, he
was just like a good baby.
Moreover, the Cheng family is now the master of Peter Cheng. At that time, Richard gave
the shares of Paul Chenglin's family. Paul Chengdu was honest, and he returned it intact.
Ning Province, the leader of the Ning Provincial Military Command, suddenly fell off a while
ago. Many people did not know the inside story, but Paul Cheng, as the second son of the
Cheng family, naturally knew that Ning provoked the son-in-law of the Lin family for a
week and was directly investigated by the highest person in China After learning of these,
Paul Cheng was frightened with cold sweat. Fortunately, he did n’t offend the Lin family too
much, otherwise his grandfather could not keep himself.
For Henry, Paul Cheng did not dare to offend him.
Xiao Bo and others, seeing Paul Cheng's attitude toward Henry turned them into wide-eyed
eyes. Some people couldn't believe it, and they could make Paul Cheng take the initiative to
call him a brother. What kind of identity should this be?
Henry stood up from his seat, and the stroke smiled widely.
Paul Cheng also quickly lost a smile.
Henry, who was smiling, suddenly lost his smile on his face, and slapped Paul Cheng's face
with a slap.
Half of Paul Cheng was slapped on the table by Henry, his face covered with food.
Xiao Bo and others, who thought Henry and Paul Cheng had a good relationship, were al
taken aback by Henry's action. What happened? Paul Cheng?
Just when Xiao Bo and others thought Paul Cheng would be angry, he found that Paul Cheng
still lost a smiley face, "Brother Zhang, where did I offend you? You say yes, I apologize to
Paul Cheng ’s attitude once again made Xiao Bo and others stare. Just now they thought that
Henry ’s identity was the same as Paul Cheng, but now they found that they still
underestimated Henry. !
Henry grabbed Paul Cheng's hair and pressed Paul Cheng's head on the table, expressing
blankly: "You spit on the table, then you can eat this table, you don't have any leftovers,
quick . "
Although Henry's expression was calm and without waves, his words, like the cold wind of
the twelfth lunar month, caused Paul Chenghan to blow up.
Paul Cheng looked at the table in front of him with eighteen dishes, and his face was bitter,
"Brother Zhang, I ..."
What Paul Chenggang wanted to say, Henry directly picked up a porcelain plate, shattered
it on the table, picked up a piece of debris, and slammed it against Paul Cheng's back.
The debris sharply cut Paul Cheng's skin, penetrated Paul Cheng's back of his hand, and
stuck on the desktop.
"Ah! Ah!"
Paul Cheng made a painful cry.
Xiao Bo and others looked at Henry's movements and couldn't help but shudder. This is the
second son of Cheng's family. He said he would hit it, and he didn't keep his hands at all!
The person sitting at the same table with Henry looked at Henry's movements and thought
of his own sarcasm, and felt afraid for a while.
"I let you eat, you eat." Henry spoke again, his voice with a strong sense of oppression.
Lord of the underground world, Lord Satan, his gentleness, will only give the people he
loves. Besides, no one can provoke him at will, otherwise, he will not stand on the top of the
underground world, making people Awe.
Paul Cheng trembles with pain, and tears can't stop flowing. Henry's voice makes him
tremble with one heart. He is afraid, he is really afraid, not facing Henry directly, and can't
feel what Henry brings Stock pressure.

378 You Wil Not Teach, I Will Teach!

The pain from the palm of his hand spread to Paul Cheng's whole body. He reached out the
other hand with difficulty, grabbed the food on the table obediently, and stuffed it into his
Looking at this scene, Xiao Bo and others were ful of shock. Is this the Cheng family dude
they knew?
The restlessness on Henry's side attracted the attention of the whole hall at once. The
people who were eating, whether it was the guest table or the main table, looked towards
this side. When they saw Paul Cheng being pressed on the table by someone , And when
piercing the palm with fragments of porcelain plates, the first time I wondered if I was
This is the Cheng family! Ning province deserved the first giant! The second son was
treated like this.
Jenny looked at this scene. Although surprised, he could understand that although the
Cheng family is strong, it is almost comparable to Henry. The title of Henry's former Wal
Street god is enough for him to crush the Cheng family.
The servant of the Cheng family rushed over for the first time, and some guests wanted to
show their favor to the Cheng family and gave a cry.
"What are you doing! Let's release Harry quickly!"
In the face of the eyes locked on himself and those who drink, Henry turned a blind eye.
He pressed Paul Cheng's head hard, and Paul Cheng's face had been deformed on the
"Hurry up." Henry stil said blankly.
Paul Chengli accelerated his hand movements, and before he swallowed anything in his
mouth, he grabbed another dish and stuffed it into his mouth.
"Let me let it all go!"
"Peter Cheng is here."
"The eldest son of the Cheng family, the future heir."
"This matter depends on how Peter Cheng handles it. I dare to insult the Cheng family so
much. I have lived for more than fifty years, and this is the first time I have seen it."
An entrepreneur stared here and said.
Xiao Bo and others also saw Peter Cheng coming over and offered to make way for Peter
Cheng. This is the helm of the Cheng family in the future. It can even be said that from now
on until they are old, as long as they want to be in the three acres in Ning If you want to mix
the land, you have to pay Peter Cheng.
Xiao Bo and others suspected that this Henry dare to play Paul Cheng, but he didn't dare to
deal with Peter Cheng. After all, in terms of identity, Peter Cheng wanted to be higher than
Paul Cheng and didn't know how many grades.
Peter Cheng was originally accompanied by Grandpa Cheng in the other room. When he
heard that Paul Cheng was beaten, Peter Cheng rushed out the first time, although he did
n’t have any affection for his younger brother. When he was beaten by someone in his own
home, that was the face of Cheng Jia.
Peter Cheng pushed away the crowd angrily, but when he saw Henry pressing Peter Cheng,
the anger on his face disappeared in an instant. Peter Cheng was the first person to have
seen Henry's energy.
Henry casual y took out a gift and made him Peter Cheng's successor.
"Brother Henry ..." Peter Cheng cal ed out to Henry, and then stood there at this table
without any words or movements.
Henry glanced at Peter Cheng without a word, and turned his gaze back to Paul Cheng,
"Quickly eat."
Peter Cheng's attitude towards Henry, and Henry's attitude towards Peter Cheng, let the
people present see clearly.
The future heir of the Cheng family was polite to this young man. Instead, the young man
did not answer the heir of the Cheng family. Moreover, the heir of the Cheng family now
dared not do anything, and could only watch his brother be humiliated.
What is the identity of this young man!
Such doubts filled everyone's minds.
Xiao Bo and others swallowed saliva fiercely.
The entire Cheng Family hall became strangely silent at this moment, and no one spoke.
Everyone looked at Henry. Among the hal s, only Paul Cheng kept swallowing food.
"My Sun Paul Cheng, who offended the big one?" An old voice broke the silence of the hall.
The people around them also made a rustling discussion because of this voice.
"Grandpa, it's Grandpa."
"Give way to Master Cheng."
"Look at Master Cheng how to deal with it, it is estimated which young master, Peter Cheng
does not dare to provoke casually, but the face of the old man, he has to sell everything."
"Yes, no matter who it is, in Ning province, you have to give the old man a face."
Hearing Master Cheng's voice, Xiao Bo and others felt a rapture in their hearts. They were
still mocking Henry before, saying all kinds of arrogant and unpleasant words.
But it turned out that Henry ’s overbearing, Henry ’s status that made Paul Cheng and Peter
Cheng dared not offend, so that what they just did became a joke. This feeling made them
particularly uncomfortable. I really want to see Henry deflated, especial y Xiao Bo. He has
lost such a big face in front of the woman he likes. If the surnamed Zhang can also lose
people, this is nothing.
Xiao Bo, they don't think that Henry really can even give Master Cheng's face.
The crowd dispersed again, and Master Cheng walked over on crutches.
Henry looked up at the same time and looked towards Master Cheng.
Henry was expressionless. His eyes were cold. Just taking a look at it gave Master Cheng a
feeling of fal ing into an ice cel ar.
"It's you?" Master Cheng never thought that the person who offended Paul Cheng was
The last time Ning Province fel down, eight people came from the top of China. This matter,
Master Cheng was very clear.
When Henry took out the golden melon tribute tea, Mr. Cheng was guessing, which son of
Lin's family is likely to be a red child. Ning Province fell into the matter, and Mr.
Cheng knew very well that in the future, this province will not be no longer It's the Cheng
family's choice, but the Lin family is in charge!
Henry's background is that Mr. Cheng didn't dare to offend.
Henry looked at Master Cheng and said coldly, "Do you know how to educate your juniors?"
Henry spoke with a tone of questioning.
"Brother Zhang, if Paul Cheng offended you, I will apologize to you on his behalf." Mr.
Cheng said sincerely, such a manner of behavior made the whole hall feel unbelievable.
Grandpa Cheng, even took the initiative to befriend this young man, and apologized to him?
"What I asked is, do you know how to educate the juniors?" Henry said again.
Grandpa Cheng is the most powerful person in Ning province in the eyes of others, but in
Henry ’s eyes, he has seen too many powerful people, and Grandpa Cheng is in front of
those people, fart is not counted And those who are powerful and powerful, respect Henry
respectfully, and wish to be his servant.
Mr. Cheng was questioned by Henry in the face of so many people, and his face couldn't be
hung, but he didn't dare to say much, so he had to answer honestly, "I have no way to
"If you don't know how to teach, I'll help you teach." Henry grabbed Paul Cheng's hair and
picked him up. "The dishes on this table, you Cheng's family come over and eat it, there is
no leftover, Whoever vomits this thick sputum on my plate, who licks me clean! "
Chapter 379
Henry's words let the people present ful y appreciate his domineering.
Facing the Cheng family, facing the old man Cheng, still doing his own thing!
Master Cheng looked at the food that had been scattered around the table, and was silent
for more than ten seconds, then sighed, "eat it."
The word "eat it" made everyone's eyes wide open. This is equivalent to a compromise,
which is to throw the majesty of the Cheng family for decades without being shaken, and
completely throw it underground and let anyone trample.
After saying the word "eat it," Mr. Cheng seemed to have lost al his strength, and the whole
person seemed depressed.
Peter Cheng, who was closest to the table, glanced at Old Man Cheng, then at Guang Guang,
and took the initiative to grab the food on the table and stuffed it into his mouth.
Peter Chengdu took the lead to eat, and the Cheng family who came behind came to the
table and ate.
"You two have to eat too." Master Cheng glanced at his two disciples and waved his hand.
Du Hua, the leader of the business community in Ning province, and Xiao Sheng, the leader
of the political circles, came over and grabbed the food on the table.
Such an eating action represents too many things.
Mr. Cheng sighed, and also went to the table, grabbed a handful of food, and stuffed it into
his mouth.
Since then, there is no Luohe Chengzhuang in Yinzhou.
The Cheng family will also slowly withdraw from the stage, and everything will be slowly
replaced by Lin.
Xiao Bo and others do not know how to describe their moods at this moment. If they now
tell others that they have just ridiculed Henry, others will definitely not believe it. It is
really too bold to think about their previous behavior.
Henry looked at this scene. The existence of the Cheng family, for the Lin family, will be
stepped on sooner or later. Henry also took this opportunity to directly help Sylvia solve
the trouble.
After al , there are still sentiments between the Lin family and the Cheng family, but Henry
did not have so many scruples. Instead of letting Lin invite Han to tear his face with Cheng,
he did it first.
The best way to make someone surrender is to fear him.
Henry is now afraid of the Cheng family, Du Hua and Xiao Sheng.
Henry reached out his hand and beat on the table three times, "Remember, don't spit in the
future when others eat, Jenny, let's go."
"Oh ... good." Jenny responded dumbly.
Not only Jenny, but the whole hall looked at the scene of Cheng Jia eating around the table.
Everyone understands people and knows what the Cheng family is doing. What they
represent is that they just do n’t know the specific identity of Henry and who will replace
the Cheng family.
Henry and Jenny left the Cheng Family hal .
A family member of the Cheng family took a long breath and spit out the stuff that had just
been stuffed in her mouth before she was ready to speak, and then greeted the screams of
Mr. Cheng.
"Eat! Eat al these things!"
After Master Cheng finished, he grabbed a handful of vegetables and stuffed it into his
The female Cheng family shrank her neck, embarrassedly stuffed the freshly spit food into
her mouth, and swallowed hard.
Master Cheng's approach once again let everyone in the hall appreciate Henry's horror.
They tried to remember Henry's appearance. Seeing them later, they could only make good
payments and never provoke them!
Leaving the hall, Jennyxiang regained a glance at the individual, and looked at Henry up and
"Your eyes are a little weird." Henry vomited.
"You really love your wife, for her, today is such a small thing, you are so big?" Jenny's face
appeared vinegar.
"You all see it?" Henry looked at Jenny unexpectedly.
Jenny rolled his eyes, "You think I'm a fool, you just want to see Cheng's attitude today, let
Cheng's admit it, so that your wife will be smooth sailing in the future, otherwise such a
small thing As for having such a big temper, I still see blood. "
Henry nodded and shook his head again, "It's for my wife, but this is not a trivial matter.
For me, the act of wasting food is a waste of life."
Hearing Henry's words, Jenny suddenly thought of what the Cui Dean of the Welfare
Institute had told him at the time. Henry had been dependent on his mother before, picking
up garbage, eating garbage, and food for him.
At that time, the child who was helpless and helpless grew up to such a state, and the
sadness in it was not easily imaginable.
Jenny looked at Henry's eyes unknowingly, and showed some more compassion. Even if he
is now a man who can overwhelm the Cheng family with his momentum, but it does not
mean that he is invincible. Often this kind of person, the heart is The weakest.
"Jenny, I found your eyes more and more strange!" Henry looked at Jenny with a terrified
"I'm thinking of the domineering look you just had." Jenny squinted and strongly embraced
Henry's shoulder. "That look real y made me love you!"
"Don't love me." Henry quickly pulled his arm out of Jenny's soft arms. "You know, I have a
"Then what is it, we in ancient China, there are men who are capable, they are al three
wives and four concubines!" Jenny has long been immune to Henry's wife's excuse,
"Anyway, I stare at you, one day you were injured by Sylvia After that, I will wait for you
with open arms and give Sylvia a chance to enter. Let her cry when the time comes! "
Henryqian laughed and did not answer.
Jenny drove Henry back to Yinzhou at two o'clock in the afternoon.
"Henry, you said gambling on stones. I can't do it. This is an official official approval.
Although there are risks, it is indeed an opportunity." Jenny is stil a little bit emotional
about the gambling stone project. Putting it in Yinzhou is an absolute monopoly industry.
Henry thought for a while and replied: "In fact, it is not impossible to do it, but the premise
is that you have to find a good source of supply, and there are risks. These transportation
channels are al costs. Like now, you have to build a transportation channel, not one or two
years. No one signed with you at all. If you do n’t get a fire in us, your money will have to go
in full. I have n’t studied the market research in this area, so it ’s not good for you to
conclude. ”
"I did some market research." Jenny stopped the car at a traffic light and turned to take a
document from the back seat. "In our case, there should still be a market for gambling
Henry glanced at the document that Jenny took out and nodded. "This report is also
detailed and okay. Since you want to do it, then I will introduce you to a dealer. You go to
the field to inspect it. Can buy goods, what price, he will give you the lowest price in the
market. "
"Haha, I know you are the best." Jenny laughed, stretched his hands around Henry's neck,
and kissed hard on Henry's face.
Before Henry responded, Jenny had grasped the steering wheel again and started the car.
Henry touched his face, there was a sense of humiliation to be molested.
Chapter 380
Henry asked Jenny to get off at any place. He was afraid that the female gangster would
have any wrongdoing attempts on him.
Jenny looked at Henry, who was just domineering in the Cheng family, and now looks like a
young wife, and laughed.
After being separated from Jenny, Henry cal ed Wade White.
"Boss, I'm about to call you, your phone will come." Wade White's voice rang.
"What's wrong?" Henry asked.
"Boss, let's talk about your business first. I'm going to say something more complicated."
"You look for Yunshan Shiwang's phone number, and I have something to do with him."
Henry said Yunyun Shiwang is the one who is the biggest player in the gambling industry in
Yunnan Province. Wang's phone, which was stored in the mobile phone, was not at all safe,
and had to be kept in mind. At that time, Shiwang Yunyun gave Henry his phone, and Henry
didn't look at it.
"Boss, what do you want him to call? If you go to gamble again, the old guy probably ought
to cry!" Wade White said. He still remembers the scene when Henry went to Yunnan to
gamble stone that year, sweeping the big quarries, and the stone king opened After a billion
handicap, Henry won it cleanly, and swears that as long as Henry goes to bet on stones, he
will definitely be absent.
Henry listened to Wade White's words and thought of himself before. At that time, he was
ful of enthusiasm. In a few days, al the biggest gambling yards in Yun province were closed.
He smiled and said, "Introduce a business partner to him Just call it. "
"Oh, okay, I'l send it to you here, boss, you're going to be fine, I have something to tell you."
As soon as Wade White's voice fel , Henry heard a prompt sound from his mobile phone. It
was a message from Wade White, above which was Shi Wang's phone.
"You say it."
"Boss, I wish the old man told you when Yanjing met you before?" Wade White asked first.
"Say a little." Henry heard Wade White mention this, his face dignified a little, "What's
"Recently I got news that someone wanted to destroy Zhu's family. It is said that Zhu's
family knew some great secrets. Some people wanted to destroy their mouths. Old man Zhu
sent us a rescue request. Do you want to ..." Wade White said at this time, No more.
"Book a ticket, I'm going to Zhujia." Henry didn't think about it, so he said.
What Zhu Yuanjiu said to him that day had always been on his mind. He had planned to go
to Zhu's house after the misunderstanding with Sylvia was resolved.
"it is good."
"Right, whereabouts are kept secret." Henry reminded.
Hanging up the phone, Henry sent the call of Shi Wang to Jenny. Jenny returned with a
kissed expression, making Henry cry and laugh.
Within a few minutes, Wade White sent a message to Henry again, a ticket for Henryding, a
flight at seven in the evening.
Henry hit a car, came to the Lin's Building, went directly to the top floor, and went to
Sylvia's office.
The name Henry hangs in the business department has long since disappeared.
In the office of Sylvia, a young and beautiful woman is sitting on the sofa opposite Sylvia
’s desk, "Miss Lin, you are the future head of the house. I may tell you these things, you may
not understand them for now, but you have to take charge. The Su family, these things are
always faced. Our Su family, in the ancient Wu family, also occupies a certain position. "
Sylvia did not work. She listened quietly to the other party. The other party had just told
her something about the Su family. What ancient martial arts and all major families were
beyond Sylvia's cognition.
"Miss Lin, I told you this, and I hope you keep it secret. You are already married, but this
kind of thing, even the one you love the most, you ca n’t tel him easily that Gu Wu was
hidden by the official, Except for a few people, the rest are not in contact at all. If you do not
tell your lover, you are not hiding something from him, but you are protecting him.
Do you understand? "The young woman emphasized again and again.
Sylvia nodded and tried to digest what the other party said.
"Your husband is a business friend with the family owner. Their business dealings will not
involve Gu Wu. I tell you this. It is a vaccination in advance. If you really want to understand
the Su family, you still have to Take a trip to Yanjing with me, go to Su's house, the owner
told me, I am here not only to take you back, but also to take Aunt Su Siyue together, take
Auntie, and go home! "
"Go home ..." Sylvia murmured the words, and his heart was beating wildly. The mother's
greatest wish before she died was to return to the Su's house.
The word home, how far away was Sylvia before, how much she hoped to wait until this
day, and now, when these two words are in front of her, Sylvia is a little scared.
"Yes, go home. Only you and Aunt Su will go back. This time, I will give you contact with Gu
Wu. Your husband is not suitable to be together. I hope you can understand this."
At that time, Henry did not want Sylvia to know the relationship between him and the Su
family, as well as the previous contradictions, so he lied to Sylvia that he had business
dealings with Su Yu before.
This time Su Yu sent someone to Yinzhou to pick Lin and ask Han to go home, and he didn't
say much. He only said that he and Henry were friends in business. Now the Su family,
except Su Yu himself, no one knows Henry's true identity. Those who knew Henry's identity
were long gone.
Lin invited Han to take a deep breath and nodded. "When will I go back with you?"
As soon as the young woman had finished speaking, Henry pushed the door and came in.
Seeing Henry, the young woman immediately closed her mouth, fearing that Henry would
hear something that should not be heard.
Henry glanced at the young woman sitting in the office and asked Chong Sylvia: "Wife,
there are friends, then I will tell you later."
"No." Sylvia waved his hand. "This is Su Mi."
"The Su family?" Henry set his eyes on the woman.
Su Mi got up, walked in front of Henry, reached out to Henry, "Hello, Mr. Zhang."
"Hello." Henry shook his hand politely.
Sylvia said to Henry: "Her husband, Su Mi came this time to pick me and my mother home
and set off today."
Henry nodded, "How long back."
"I don't know." Sylvia shook his head. Su Mi said that about the ancient martial arts, she
was ful of doubts now. When she went back this time, she didn't know how long to stay,
maybe a few days, maybe For half a month.
"Pay attention to safety on the road." Henry didn't say much and didn't ask much. Since
Sylvia didn't take the initiative to let himself keep up, that was her idea, which Henry
could understand. After all, Sylvia returned to Su's house and there were many Things to do
at home.
Chapter 381
Sylvia listened to Henry's words and smiled, Henry was the one who knew her so well.
"At what time do you want me to help you pack your luggage?" Henry asked.
"No." Sylvia shook his head. "You accompany me to pick up Mom."
"it is good."
When Sylvia and Henry came out of the cemetery, it was almost four o'clock.
Sylvia holding his mother's ashes, looked at the mausoleum behind him, and murmured:
"Mom, I can finally take you home."
"Wife, it's a good thing to go home, be happy." Henry patted Sylvia on the shoulder.
Sylvia smiled a little, "Her husband, then I will go first."
At the entrance of the cemetery, listening to an Audi A8, responsible for Sylvia's pick-up.
"Take care of yourself." Henry took Sylvia in his arms.
In the embrace of Henry, Sylvia didn't resist anything, with a sweet face, and whispered in
Henry's ear, "Remember to miss me."
"Thinking all the time."
"Poor you." Sylvia pretty blushed, "Then I'm gone, you too, take care of yourself."
The driver helped Sylvia open the car door, Sylvia sat in the back row and waved at Henry.
Audi A8 left with a roar, Henry sighed, drove on Sylvia's Mercedes-Benz GT, and went to
the city.
Coming to an ordinary residential area, Henry took the key out of his pocket and opened a
The room was very tidy and there was no dust. The only thing missing was anger.
The two pots of forget-me-not on the balcony have sprouted, and buds have grown, and
when they fall into autumn, they can fully bloom.
In Henry's mind, the figure of the female tyrannosaurus emerged, and with her character,
she would definitely work hard for training.
Henry picked up the shower and sprayed water droplets on the forget-me-not flower
bones. He sat quietly in this house and waited until the time to go to the airport and board
the plane.
The underground king has been silent for too long, and even some people doubt whether
he is still alive.
The moment Henry embarked on the plane and went to Zhu's house, his name was
destined to be heard again in the ears of others.
Zhujia, in Duhai, although they do n’t have much reputation, they ca n’t even compare with
some large enterprise groups, but their power is not smal at al .
The top giants in Duhai are all aware of the existence of such a family as the Zhu family.
Even behind many giants, there is the support of the Zhu family. The Zhu family did not go
to the front desk like the Su family, they were always behind the scenes.
When Henry arrived in Duhai, it was too late and he found a place where he was ready to
go to the door the next morning.
One night passed away quietly. The next morning, Henry walked out of the hotel. Unlike
Yinzhou, where the sun was shrouded in the morning, the early morning of Duhai was so
gray that people felt depressed.
Like the Su family, the Zhu family did not live in the urban area. The entire Zhu family lived
in a large manor on the outskirts of the city. This manor occupies an extremely large area
and has its own Yanwu field, farmland, and even animal husbandry areas. If you want to
have such a large estate on the outskirts of Duhai, it is not only necessary to have money,
but an official special approval is required.
Although the Zhu family is not well-known in Duhai, its status is quite impressive.
Almost every day, in front of Zhu's house, there were a lot of people visiting.
Ordinary people do not know the name of Zhu Jiazhu's grandfather, but those high-ranking
officials, business crocodiles, are very stern about Zhu Yuanjiu's name.
Everyone knows that the owner of Zhujiazhuang can speak at the most central leadership
in Huaxia. With such an identity, it can be said that if you stomp your foot, Duhai will be
After al , speaking at the central level of Huaxia, and being able to contact the central level,
are two completely different concepts, that is, it has real power!
Ordinary people do n’t know what to expect from the family. It ’s okay to hear the name of
the family, but those who are children of the sea red, the three generations of the rich and
the second generation of the government, ca n’t help but look tight when they hear the
name of the family. Home, if it is, they must be treated with care.
There are many people standing in front of the gate of Zhujiazhuang. These people, if
ordinary citizens stand here, they will be surprised. These are people who usual y appear
on TV news. They are usually rare to see at this moment. Looking around, there are so
Although there were many people in front of the Zhu family, there were not many vehicles
parked. Everyone parked the vehicle elsewhere and walked over. This shows how high the
prestige of the Zhu family is.
Henry came to Zhu's house once, and based on the route he remembered, hit a car and
showed the driver the way.
The taxi driver stared at both sides of the road when he was one kilometer away from
Zhujia Manor.
"My mother, what are you doing, al are luxury cars, more luxurious than the auto show, and
they are all licensed, look at that, it is the official license, and there are five, eight."
The driver looked at the cars on both sides of the road, and the hands holding the steering
wheel were shaking. If you accidentally touched one, it would be unclear in this life.
These luxury cars lined up in a row, more than 30 meters in length, and then forward, the
road was empty on both sides, there was no car.
When the taxi drove here, it was stopped.
This is a middle-aged man in a police uniform. After stopping the taxi, he knocked on the
car glass.
"Hello, police officer." The taxi driver rolled the glass down and smiled.
The middle-aged policeman looked impatiently at the taxi driver, "Who told you to drive
here? Back!"
The taxi driver's face was bitter and he kept saying, "Police officer, there is no prohibition
sign. I'll drive over. Then I will go back. This will go back."
The taxi driver said nothing, so he put on the reverse gear.
"Master, I'll get off the handlebar first, and scan the QR code for you." Henry opened the
door, walked down, and glanced.
Zhujia Manor has an active and wide area, and the courtyard wall alone is tens of meters
The vermilion door itself represents a kind of status.
Henry raised his leg and walked to the door of Zhu's house. After only two steps, he was
stopped. It was the middle-aged policeman who had just stopped the taxi.
"Stop, what are you doing?"
The middle-aged police looked at Henry with a vigilant look.
"Come on the door, what's wrong." Henry pouted in the direction of Zhujia's gate.
"Crossing the door?" The middle-aged policeman looked at Henry's empty hands, and felt a
little funny. Who would wish to wish the family, that is not carrying a valuable gift, fearing
that others would not accept it, this kid was good, came here empty-handed, thinking that
Zhujia what is the place?
"Go to register first." The middle-aged policeman reached out and pointed aside.
Henry glanced at it, there was a registration desk, and many people with hand gifts were
standing there to register.
"Are you a family member of Zhu?" Henry asked curiously. He didn't remember coming to
Zhujia to have this link.
"Mr. Ping arranged, let you register you go!" The middle-aged policeman said a little
Chapter 382
Mr. Ping?
Henry frowned as he listened to the middle-aged policeman. He had never heard of this
"I'm sorry, I come to Zhujia, never register." Henry bypassed the middle-aged policeman
and walked towards the door of Zhujia.
"Stop!" The middle-aged policeman stepped in front of Henry. "You said you wouldn't
register if you didn't register? Who do you think you are?"
"I'm here, why should I register?" Henry wondered.
"I'l really put gold on my face!" The middle-aged policeman looked at Henry with disdain,
"Also come to the door? I also heard for the first time, I have come to wish my family to
come home!"
The middle-aged policeman said this to be true. I wish the family's detached position in
Duhai, even if Duhai came first, they all said that they would not visit the door and dare not
use the word "crossing the door".
People who come to the door and talk about their peers are the leaders of the sea, and
those who have the same real power do not dare to talk to Zhu's peers.
Henry was a little impatient, "What do I say, it's my own business, what does it have to do
with you."
After Henry finished speaking, he bypassed the middle-aged police again and walked to
Zhujia Manor.
"Stop!" The middle-aged policeman grabbed Henry's arm.
Henry threw it away, and Henry was polite to those who enforced the law impartially, but
he definitely had no good face for such unreasonable and public-private people.
"I let you stand!" The middle-aged policeman screamed. This scream was like a huge stone
thrown into the calm lake, and a huge wave was set off.
Those who waited in line quietly in front of the door of Zhujia Manor all looked towards
this side.
"What's going on, what's the noise?" Said a middle-aged man with gold glasses, looking
The middle-aged policeman hurriedly bowed his head, "Mr. Ping, this man came to wish the
family to come home and not cooperate with the registration."
"Come on the door?" Mr. Ping heard these words, a smile on his lips, "Interesting, come to
the house to come to the door, dare to ask this little brother, are you a family member?"
"No, what's wrong?" Henry was already slightly angry.
Mr. Ping nodded and asked again: "So are you related to Zhujia?"
"No, does this have anything to do with you?" Henry suppressed the anger in his heart, and
his temper now has already calmed down a lot. He has to put it on his face in the
underground world.
Seeing Henry deny both of these questions, Mr. Ping sneered, and suddenly shouted:
"Since it is not a wish for the family, it does not matter if it is the wish, please register!"
Mr. Ping's words were powerful and the tone of speech was as if he was commanding.
"Are you from Zhujia? Or is it related to Zhujia?" Henry asked back.
"No, but if I let you register, you have to register!" Mr. Ping pul ed out a business card from
his pocket and took it proudly to Henry.
Henry glanced at the identity of the other party's business card.
Henry said with a smile: "Who is going to wish the family to come together, it should not be
under the official jurisdiction?"
"If you let you register, you register. Where there is so much nonsense, leave without
registering!" Mr. Ping waved impatiently.
This registration was made by Mr. Ping himself.
Duhai is an international metropolis, called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. A piece of
registration information allows Mr. Ping to collect a lot of useful things. With the help of his
post, he did just that.
Mr. Ping's registration is not a day or two. I wish my family knows this and has always
maintained an acquiescence. After al , someone willing to be a doorman is not a bad thing
for Zhu's family. .
Over time, an attitude appeared in Mr. Ping's heart. Anyone who came to wish a family
must register. If you do not register, you will not be eligible to enter the family.
Even to some extent, Mr. Ping regards himself as the door to the family. Butler.
Mr. Ping didn't feel embarrassed when he was the doorkeeper of Zhujia's house, but he was
stil proud. The doorkeeper of Zhujia's door was not for anyone who wanted to be.
Looking at the proud look of Mr. Ping, Henry shook his head and said, "It's not a
coincidence that this person of mine has never had the habit of registering."
After Henry finished speaking, he strode towards the door of Zhu's house.
"Stop him!" Mr. Ping changed his face and shouted at the middle-aged policeman.
The middle-aged policeman stepped forward and grabbed Henry's shoulders. As a result,
Henry pushed him and fell to the ground. Henry's push contained many things, even if it
was a Sanda master, he had to fal . .
The conversation of Mr. Henryheping, including what Henry did, was seen in the eyes of
those waiting in front of the Zhujiazhuang gate. Almost everyone was wondering, where
did this come from? Mr. Heping was right, and the old saying was good, even if the
Jianglong dragon couldn't overwhelm the snake, let alone the Mr. Ping, a local dragon, who
dares to mess with it?
In particular, Henry had just entered the two words, and everyone heard them in his ears.
They didn't know how to count the four words, and they naturally settled on Henry's head.
Come to wish the family come together? Understand what rules are! Visiting and coming
together are two concepts!
The middle-aged policeman was pushed to the ground by Henry, his face was very
unsightly, he got up and shouted, "Dare you attack the police!"
"Oh!" Henry took a step and turned his head. "The duty of the police is to safeguard national
security, protect the personal safety of citizens, personal freedom, and legal rights. What
you just did is not the duty of a policeman. How can I do this? What about cal ing the police?
"Boy, your mouth is stiff!" Mr. Ping drank. Of course he knew that his behavior was an
abuse of power, but who dare to say himself, who dare to fight against himself.
Those who waited in front of Zhujiazhuang shook their heads. The young man said that it
was nice, that the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, and that it was unpleasant, that it
was a fool. Without the tempering and whipping of the society, he dared to say this. Come.
Henry glanced at Mr. Ping and ignored it. He had reached the gate of Zhu's house, reached
out his hand, and smashed it against the vermilion gate. He did it for Li Wei.
The vermilion door made a muffled noise.
Henry's act of smashing the door scared everyone, and even Mr. Ping was startled.
Smashing the door of Zhu's house? How dare he smash the door of the house? Even Duhai
came over with his hands and dared to buckle the door lightly. How dare this kid use his
fists to smash it?
Those who stood in front of Zhu's door receded subconsciously for more than ten meters,
fearing that they would wait for their family to come out and connect themselves with this
The vermilion door creaked, and the door opened, and a young man unwillingly probed his
head out and asked, "Who smashed the door!"
Those outside the door al focused on Henry.
The young man in the door looked up and down at Henry and asked with a bad face: "Is the
door you smashed?"

383 Come and pick me up at the door

Someone once said that it would be better to work in the official unit as a bottom-level
employee with a salary of 3,000 a month, which is more comfortable than earning 8,000
yuan a month. in this way.
The siblings of Zhu's family just stayed at the door of Zhu's family, and they made countless
big figures smile to please. These characters, if they were put in other places, he might not
be in contact.
This is the case with this door-opening Zhu ’s family. He has been guarding the Zhu ’s door
for more than a year. Over the past year, people have come to visit almost every day.
Everyone comes here with constant gifts and a humble attitude. Even some people even
added his contact information to give him some benefits, only for him to let those people
enter the door of the house, for more than a year, he has long been used to being so
crowded and pleased.
Today, Henry's action of smashing the door was something he had never experienced in
more than a year.
"It was me who smashed it." Henry nodded. He glanced at the thick door of Zhu's family.
I used to come to Zhujia and Zhu Yuanjiu to greet them one kilometer away.
Zhu Family Youth has looked at Henry again. Over the past year, he has developed a pair of
"fire-eyed gold eyes". At a glance, he can see whether people are rich or not.
Obviously, the clothes that Henry wore were not wealthy, and Henry's empty hands made
the young wishing family uncomfortable.
Zhu Jiaqing glanced at his mouth, "You are something, and dare to knock on our Zhujia
door, get out!"
After the young man finished speaking, he slammed the door shut.
When the door closed, it also brought a piece of dust and raised Henry's face.
A young man standing outside couldn't hold back and laughed out loud, "Boy, that's what
you said to come home to the door? In the end, you can't even enter the door!"
Mr. Ping sneered, "Dare to smash the door of Zhu's house, and thought that you are a
character, in the end, hum."
Although Mr. Ping's words didn't make it clear, the meaning was already obvious.
Henry frowned, and wished his family's attitude, which really dissatisfied him. When did
Zhu's junior become so proud?
Henry took out his mobile phone and dialed a number to go out, "Hey, I was stopped at
your door, and someone came to pick me up."
Henry finished the phone call and stood waiting at the door of Zhu's house, but beside him,
there was a burst of laughter, "What's wrong? Feeling embarrassing, make a phone cal to
cover up embarrassment?"
"Let the family members come to pick you up, what do you think you are?"
"Hahaha, who did you call?"
A burst of sarcasm sounded. These people were standing in front of the Zhu's door, unable
to enter the gate. At this moment, Henry's appearance became the object of their transfer,
and second, they became the target of their sense of existence. I ca n’t go to the door of the
house, but it ’s not as shameful as this one.
Henry ignored the laughter of these people and stood quietly in front of Zhu's house.
A minute later, the door of Zhu's house opened.
The figure of Zhu Yuanjiu appeared in front of the gate.
"Wish the old man!"
"It turned out to be a wish to the old man!"
"Look, Grandpa, are you going out?"
When everyone saw Grandpa Zhu, there was a little excitement on his face, and he didn't
associate it with Henry at al .
Mr. Ping shouted at Henry, "That boy, get away, don't stop the way to wish the old man!"
After Mr. Ping fell down, he immediately gave Zhu Zhu a good smile.
"I wish old man, you family members, it's time to manage!" Henry stood in front of the door
of Zhu family, said with a disgruntled look.
Zhu Yuanjiu heard Henry's words, and his complexion changed immediately. He thought
that it was his own junior who provoke Henry. He twisted his head and shouted to the
young man in the door, "Come out and apologize!"
"It's not necessary to apologize. It's useless to wish you to keep this kind of person at home.
Just let it go." Henry said lightly.
"Homeowner, I ..." The young man in the door was about to open his mouth and was slap in
the face by Zhu Yuanjiu.
Zhu Yuanjiu looked displeased and said: "Go!"
I wish the family is big, powerful, and have connections. For the reason, I wish the old man
better understand Henry's terrible, the island owner of the bright island, which can make
people kneel to the status of being out, and be provoked by a junior in his family.
Although Zhu Yuanjiu doesn't know how this younger generation caused Henry, but as long
as Henry let it go, let's go.
Zhu Yuanjiu has lived for decades. He seems to be old, but he seems to be old, but he is
sober than anyone else. Although his family is large, he is not on the same level as
Guangming Island. He sent a rescue request to Guangming Island. Today, Henryneng came
to give him a big face, and it was for the sake of that person. Otherwise, he did not have
such a great ability. Please move this Satan Master!
Zhu Yuanjiu's attitude towards Henry made everyone standing outside the door widen
their eyes.
This young man, and I wish the old man know? More importantly, the young man let the
wishing family get away, wishing the old man just listened? Who is he?
Mr. Ping, who was stil proud, immediately shrank into the crowd. He just yelled at such a
person just now?
I wish the young man of the family never imagined that the person he had just scorned
knew the owner and asked the owner to welcome him personally!
As a family member, he knows how big the identity of the head of the family is. Even if the
leader of the city comes as a junior, he will be greeted by the head of the family.
This is the first time he has been in the door for more than a year.
Henry looked at Zhu Yuanjiu's approach and nodded. For this young man, Henry didn't care
too much. After al , the identity gap was too big.
Zhu Yuanjiu saw that his junior was still standing here, and once again slapped to the other
party's face, "Let you go, didn't you hear?"
The young man shivered and knelt to the ground when his legs were soft. "Homeowner, I
was wrong. Forgive me this time."
Facing this young man's begging for mercy, Zhu Yuanjiu didn't even look at it, turned to
look inside the manor, LANXESS smiled and said: "Go to people, take out my best wine!"
The words of Zhu Yuanjiu, no matter whether it is the young man of Zhu's family, Mr.
Ping and others outside the door, are shocked again.
Everyone knows that Zhujia is a very traditional family. The best wine is the highest
etiquette. Only the most important guests will do this!
The young man of the Zhu family slowly stood up from the ground, looked out of the gate,
and found that the people outside were looking at themselves with a sarcasm.
These people outside the door have actual y been fed up with the young man, Zhu Family,
but they haven't dared to vent. Today, when they see this person deflated, they are also
very happy in their hearts.
Chapter 384
Henry fol owed Zhu Yuanjiu and entered the Zhu family.
"Old man Zhu, you have been leaving this rockery for many years, and it should be
repaired, otherwise I don't know which day it will col apse." Henry glanced at Zhujia Manor
and made his comments.
The Zhu family and the Su family are both ancient Wu families, but the size of the Zhu
family is much larger than that of the Su family.
In the manor, there is a small rockery lake, the lake is covered with lotus flowers, and there
is a pavilion in the heart of the lake.
Throughout the manor, many houses were built, including bungalows and buildings.
Said to be a manor is actually similar to a small residential area, but this residential area
belongs to the family name.
Inside the manor, there are shops, there are vegetable baskets, everything that should be
The so-cal ed defensiveness is not stubborn. There are conditions for using electric lamps.
Who wants to use kerosene lamps again?
The whole manor is roughly divided into three areas.
The largest piece is the residential area. Henry saw that the tallest building has a total of
eight floors, with people living in it, each house and every house, clearly divided, and some
smal second floor, smal villas Ah, it is for those who have a higher status as Zhu Family.
Only those who make a significant contribution to Zhu Family can live here.
In addition to the residential area, there is also a livestock area where some people are
planted and some are bred.
The third area is the Yanwu District. A huge square Yanwu platform is about half the size of
a football field. It is filled with wooden pegs. Around the Yanwutai, swords and other
weapons are placed.
In the Zhujia Manor, there are a lot of people, men and women, old and young, not counted
in the house. There are more than 100 people who are active in the manor.
Seniors, under the guidance of an older generation wishing the family, practiced boxing.
Henry nodded and said with a smile: "I wish old man, you are counted as children and
grandchildren, live a nourishing life."
Zhu Yuanjiu gave birth to a lonely face, "The children and grandchildren are good, but none
of them have a good life. If one of my children and grandchildren can catch up to one-tenth
of your achievements, even if I die, I can laugh at Jiuquan Now. "
Henry smiled and did not speak. He was not humble, because his achievements were
indeed beyond the reach of others.
Henry fol owed Zhu Yuanjiu two steps, and asked, "Old man Zhu, do you know who wants
to start your family with you?"
When Zhu Xuanjiu heard Henry mention this topic, he looked a little serious and shook his
head. "I just heard the news, I'm afraid it's related to that matter."
Henry guessed: "Is that the thing you told me last time?"
"Exactly." Zhu Yuanjiu nodded. "I'll show you something else first."
Zhu Yuanjiu took Henry to a study room. The study room was totally independent.
There were no other houses before and after. The layout of the whole study room was the
same as that of the library's collection area. Several shelves were fil ed with books.
Henry glanced at the books on the bookshelf, not the famous books, but some explanations
and the history of the Su family.
Zhu Yuanjiu walked to a bookshelf located at the corner of the study.
Zhu Yuanjiu picked up a yellowed paper book, and the entire book was stitched with
needles and threads.
Zhu Yuanjiu dusted the dust from the book and handed it to Henry, "Look at it, this is
something my grandfather had recorded."
Henry took the book with a strange expression, Zhu Yuanjiu's grandfather? This must be
traced back to the middle of the Qing Dynasty.
Henry opened a page casually. The Qing Dynasty's own text was Manchu, but it was not
used extensively. The text at that time was mostly Chinese, but some writing methods were
different, and the format was from top to bottom, right to left, and stored So far, some
handwriting has been vague, but Henry can still read it.
"Today, Chen Cheng punched me in my heart, breathing into my heart, unable to expel it for
a long time, wandering in my heart, within seven days, not to use force."
Henry turned the page again.
"The Central Plains swordsman is good enough to challenge the masters of all major
factions, without any defeat. It is really the first master of martial arts, and the qi has been
trained to the peak. Big idea. "
Henry turned a few more pages, al of which were recorded in the form of a first-person
diary. In these records, Henry caught a keyword, angry!
Zhu Yuanjiu ’s uncle, on almost every page, mentions qi, and the strength of qi represents
the strength of a person.
Zhu Yuanjiu looked at Henry's complexion and said, "Do you know about Qi?"
Henry returned the book to Zhu Yuanjiu and pondered for a few seconds. "I should have
seen it. Someone mentioned it to me at the time, but he was not talking about qi, but
another way of speaking."
Zhu Yuanjiu laughed self-deprecatingly, "I said, it's just our col ective name for Huaxia, and
other places have their own names. I wish my family to be self-proclaimed as an ancient
martial family. In the end, we are just sitting on the well and watching the sky.
My grandpa ’s record completely refreshed my understanding. At that time, qi was
something that anyone with martial arts would have. "
"When did you see this record?" Henry wondered.
"Ashamed." Zhu Yuanjiu shook his head. "This record has always been stored in this study. I
only saw it some time ago, and what I want to show you is also recorded in this record. of."
"Take me to see what you said." Henry frowned.
At the beginning of going to the European King's Association, Henry and President Wang
said it was a battle. In fact, more talked about something. Between President Wang and
Henry, there was only one trick, that is, that one. Henry suffered a wrist injury and has not
recovered so far.
For a long time, Henry has felt that there is something that exists in his wrist, and he
doesn't know what it is.
Now, Henry already has a guess in his mind, that is, Qi!
According to Grandpa Zhu Yuanjiu's record in the book, Qi entered the body and could not
be expelled for a long time, unable to use force.
Although Henry hasn't said it to anyone, his wrist is indeed a little weaker than before.
In fact, Henry, there is no way to completely eliminate this strange feeling in the hand bowl.
Although it takes a longer time, he can still do it with his medical skills, but Henry has never
done it because he is very Want to find out, what is this! What comes from!
The more powerful the person, the better he can realize the greatness of this world.
Henry and Zhu Yuanjiu walked out of the study and got on a special car. What Zhu Yuanjiu
wanted to show Henry was not at Zhu's house.
The car drove out of Zhujia Manor and went further away from the city.

385 Don't Forget Your Identity

The vehicle drove to the suburbs, a cemetery.
In addition to the driver, there are only Zhu Yuanjiu and Henry.
Zhu Yuanjiu asked the driver to wait outside the cemetery, and he and Henry entered the
"I wish you old man, is this the ancestral tomb of your family?" Henry swept around. The
names on the tombstone were al surnamed Zhu.
Zhu Yuanjiu nodded, "I will live here again in a few years."
Zhu Yuanjiu took Henry to the deepest part of the cemetery.
There stood a tombstone with the words "Zhu Jian" written on it.
There was no nonsense in Zhu Yuanjiu. When he walked to the tombstone, he pushed the
tombstone with his hands and listened to the "creep". The tombstone gradual y moved
away. In front of Zhuyuanjiu, a secret passage to the underground also appeared.
Zhu Yuanjiu looked back at Henry and walked into the secret road first.
Henry did not hesitate, but also followed.
The secret passage is very narrow, and the width can only be passed by one person.
Moss is on the stone steps, walking on it, slipping on the soles of the feet.
Zhu Yuanjiu turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone and said while walking: "This
place is also known from the records of my grandfather."
The secret was not deep, Henry felt that he had probably descended about 13 meters.
At the end of the secret road is a stone cave.
The stone cave is not big. Looking through the light, the length and width are only more
than ten meters.
Zhu Yuanjiu stood in the stone cave and said, "The things I want to show you are on the
stone wall. See for yourself."
Doubts appeared on Henry's face, on the stone wall? He took out his mobile phone, turned
on the flashlight light, and shot it toward the stone wall beside him.
Henry saw a sharp sword piercing himself at the moment when the lamp was shining on
the stone wall. This scene changed Henry's face. He retreated back and forth to avoid the
sword mandrel, but suddenly discovered that this was not a real enemy. It's a mural.
"What's the matter!" Henry frowned and looked at the wall again.
On the wall, the posture of a person holding a sword stabbed is vividly depicted. The
picture is not very vivid, and does not give a three-dimensional feeling, but where did the
sharp edge just come from.
Zhu Yuanjiu seemed to see the doubt in Henry's heart and said, "When I first saw this
mural, I was also taken aback."
Henry wondered, "What is this?"
Zhu Yuanjiu replied: "An ancient sword technique, the entire stone wall, records this
ancient sword technique. The kind of sharp edge you just felt should be the gas contained
in this sword technique."
"What!" Henry was shocked by Zhu Yuanjiu's words.
A kind of swordsmanship carved on the wall, the qi formed even makes you feel a sense of
Zhu Yuanjiu shook his head with regret, "We always think that we have surpassed our
predecessors and can explore space and explore the ocean of thousands of miles. As
everyone knows, the strength of the predecessors is not what we can imagine. I ca n’t
believe that something carved on the wall alone can give me a sense of crisis, and I ca n’t
believe that this thing, Qi, actually exists. "
Henry was silent for a long time before he said, "In terms of technology, we are beyond our
predecessors, but in terms of the development of the human body's own potential, we are
inferior to our predecessors. The fastest running speed of the cheetah can reach 5.8
seconds in 100 meters The speed can reach 120 kilometers per hour, which proves that the
creatures on the earth are not beyond the limit, beyond the limit, but that humans have not
mastered the methods and methods, or that they have not yet developed their potential to
the extreme. "
There have been news reports that a mother's child was crushed under the car. At that
time, the mother alone overturned a car. At that moment, the potential of the human body
exploded, and the energy exerted was unimaginable.
There has always been a speculation in the scientific community that people's potential is
now less than one percent of the human body.
This speculation, Henry has never doubted, because he is one of the few people who has
tapped his own potential, and he also understands how much potential in his body has not
been tapped.
Henry illuminated the lamp on the wall, and revisited the ancient sword art depicting the
Henry noticed that the way in which this ancient sword technique was used was different
from what he knew.
Ordinary people practice swords, focusing on how they can bring out the power of the
sword, and the pictures on the walls pay more attention to how to let the sword cooperate
with themselves. This is a conceptual problem.
People today think that the lethality of swords is greater than themselves, while people in
ancient times think that their lethality is far greater than swords.
"You show me this, but you just want to tel me the truth of the existence of qi." Henry
turned off the flashlight of his mobile phone. "The people who want to destroy your Su
family only appeared after you discovered this ancient sword. Is it? "
"Yes." Zhu Yuanjiu nodded. "According to normal circumstances, my grandfather and me,
although there are a few generations apart, but I can't always know about such an
important inheritance. Like I wish my descendants, even After two lifetimes, you should
also know Gu Wu, so I guess ... "
When Zhu Yuanjiu said this, he deliberately glanced at Henry.
Henry took Zhu Yuanjiu's words, "The gas was deliberately hidden by people."
"Yes." Zhu Yuanjiu said, "Now I have discovered the existence of Qi, so some people will
destroy our Zhu Family, they do not want to let this matter spread."
Henry suddenly smiled, "I wish old man, you said you wanted to show me this thing, I am
afraid it is more than just want me to know that it is so simple."
"Yes." Zhu Yuanjiu said bluntly, "I want to ask you to open Mr. Lu's grave."
"Pay attention to your words!" Henry disappeared at the moment Zhu Yuanjiu's words fell,
staring at Zhu Yuanjiu, "Do you know what you are talking about!"
"I know." Zhu Yuanjiu sighed, "I know what I said, it's a big deal, but now things have
exceeded our cognition, who is hiding the gas, what the ancestor left behind can make
himself Powerful things are completely hidden, why? "
While talking, Zhu Yuanjiu walked in front of Henry, "If you fol ow the rules of the
underground world, I should call you Master Satan, but according to Huaxia's
generation, Mr. Lu and my generation, you are his apprentice, I It ’s not an exaggeration to
call you Henry. Nowadays, the underground world is in chaos. Someone behind him is
specifically messing up the stable situation. As the only disciple of Mr. Lu, you have reason
to stand up! You are his disciple and want to inherit his mantle. As early as the day Mr. Lu
left, you ... was the patron saint of Chinese ancient Wu Wu! "
"Don't wear this high hat for me!" Henry shouted, "No one can open the tomb of Old Man
Chapter 386
Zhu Yuanjiu looked excited and reached out to grab Henry's shoulders. "Did you want to
see the destruction of the ancient Chinese martial arts? Everyone's qi is now a legend. Is it a
hundred years later that ancient martial arts should also become a legend? ! "
Henry shook his shoulders and opened Zhu Yuanjiu's hand, striding toward the entrance of
the stone cave. "There will not be such a day."
Zhu Yuanjiu chased towards Henry in a big step, just before opening, Henry stared again.
Henry's eyes, like a sharp blade, pierced Zhu Yuanjiu's heart, making him swallow back the
words he was about to export.
In the dim tunnel, Henry looked directly at Zhu Yuanjiu, "Do you know, if it was not for me
to understand your relationship with Old Man Lu, as you just said, I have reason to kil you!"
Zhu Yuanjiu's stunned, as if he had thought of something, his head was lowered, "It's my
"Come on, let's go." Henry waved his hand. "First figure out who the people behind are and
what their purpose is."
After Henry finished speaking, he followed the tunnel and returned to the ground.
After leaving the cemetery, Zhu Yuanjiu said nothing, and the two returned to Zhu's house
first, and arrived at the meal. Zhu Yuanjiu ordered people to prepare wine and vegetables,
with a large variety of vegetables and a smal amount, a bottle of good wine
, Two people eat, it will not appear simple, nor waste.
Zhu Yuanjiu did not call his juniors to accompany him. Zhu Yuanjiu knew very well that he
had dinner with Henry. He wished that his juniors did not have that qualification.
Henry's arrival did not disturb too many people who wished the family. Except for a few
people who knew that the family had come to the distinguished guests of the famous
masters, most of the others did not know about this matter.
Before the meal was over, a sibling from Zhu's family walked to Zhu Yuanjiu and asked
careful y: "The master, everyone is here, is it beginning?"
Zhu Yuanjiu nodded, "Go ahead."
The child of the Zhu family bowed back, and immediately, Henry heard a loud cry from
The first two words fell, and there was a sound of gongs and drums.
Henry saw that many children of the Zhu family came out of the residential area and came
to Yanwutai. There were more than fifty young faces.
Zhu Yuanjiu said: "The Zhu family is facing a catastrophe this time, and the children who
are still outside are also called back. Take this opportunity to test their skil s."
Henry nodded his head. This is plainly a family comparison. If this kind of whole-family
comparison can achieve excellent results, it will inevitably attract the attention of the
family. These young people who wish to family are al Rub one's hands.
The world will always belong to the younger generation. This time I wish Dabby and my
family will be young people.
Zhu Yuanjiu wiped his mouth, and when Henry was almost eating, he invited, "Do you want
to go with me to see? Your position is too high, so many years, you have also separated
from the younger generation. Right? "
Henry nodded with a smile, "Alright, then take a look."
Henry and Zhu Yuanjiu came to the Yanwuchang together. The children of the Zhu family
saw a lot of subconscious correction when they saw the arrival of Zhu Yuanjiu, and they
were also curious. Who.
Before the performance of Wutai, there was a seat for watching.
Henry and Zhu Yuanjiu were sitting in the middle of the viewing seat. This place was
seated, and many people guessed that this might be a child of a big family who came on
behalf of their fathers and had a connection with the center of the capital. Otherwise, it is
absolutely impossible to sit together with the owner.
Zhu Family's performance of martial arts will begin soon, and there will be dedicated
people to preside over it.
"Son, come on, you need to win three rounds today. I will pay you the house you said!"
"Girl, earn a little gas, if you can win a round, you can choose a car under 500,000!"
Around Yanwutai, there was a lot of cheering.
The ancient Wu family, advocating martial arts, the most important thing in the family is to
practice martial arts. In Zhujia, a genius with a double doctorate, there is absolutely no one
with a greater sense of glory than the champion. This has been the concept that has been in
everyone ’s mind since ancient times. Too.
Soon, the competition on the stage began. Those younger generations were punching with
one punch and hitting the sky with heat. Some women, even with a towel, did not al ow
their eyebrows, and some males beat back.
Zhu Yuanjiu looked at the appearance of these younger generations on the stage, and
smiled unconsciously on his face.
"How do you feel?" Zhu Yuanjiu looked at Henry.
Henry nodded, "Strong, the strength is much stronger than when we were fighting, but the
family is bigger, there is less fierceness, and there will be many more hardships in the
Zhu Yuanjiu thought so deeply, "Yeah, they are always in the family. They have never been
out, nor have they really been in contact with the underground world. That's where people
eat people. I really don't know how they should spend it."
Henry patted Zhu Yuanjiu's shoulder, "Old man, don't worry about this kind of thing.
Your grandchildren have their own grandchildren. When you first came into contact with
the underground world, didn't you understand anything? Take it slowly by yourself. "
"That's what I said, but ..." Zhu Yuanjiu thought for a long time, and finally just sighed
heavily, "Hey!"
The competition is very fast. This is not the kind of ring boxing. It requires scoring and
several rounds. The real competition will end in almost two minutes.
Fighting is a physically exhausting thing. An ordinary person will be tired and tired after
punching a punch in a sandbag for a minute, not to mention actual combat, even if the
children of the Zhu family are al practicing children, it will be physical for a few minutes.
The wear and tear is so severe that it doesn't take much time.
A young man drew the attention of Zhu Yuanjiu. His strength completely surpassed all the
children of the Zhu family, winning al the way with a crushing posture.
"I heard that Zhu Zhongge was devoted to practice, and it turned out to be true, he was too
"No one is Zhu's opponent at all."
"It seems that only the older generation can fight with Brother Zhong."
"It's hard to say, even the older generation is not necessarily the opponent of the loyal
The younger generation beside Yanwutai looked at the man standing on the stage and
couldn't help but sigh.
I wish Dajia, there are not so many rules, winning people, wanting to rest, and wanting to
continue to play, are arbitrary.
Generally speaking, after playing one game, if the physical exertion is severe, they will
choose to take a short break and then play the next game. This Zhu Zhong has played seven
games in a row, and each opponent has been defeated by one move.
"The shot is decisive and the timing is accurate. It's a good seedling." Henry looked at Zhu
Zhong on the stage and nodded. "This person, you can cultivate it. He is very talented in
fighting the enemy."
Zhu Yuanjiu nodded with a smile, wishing such a talented family, he was also very happy.
Chapter 387
Zhu Yuanjiu waved his hand and temporarily stopped the competition on Yanwutai.
Everyone, at this moment, Zhu Yuanjiu bowed his fists and saluted.
Zhu Yuanjiu looked at the stage with a smile, "Zhu Zhong, your performance is really
beyond my expectations."
Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhong said with a happy face and clenched his fists: "Thank you,
Master, for your praise."
Zhu Yuanjiu said with a smile: "How do you practice, I watch your fist skills, and slightly
changed from the Zhu Family Tradition."
When Zhu Zhong listened to Zhu Yuanjiu's mention of his boxing skills, he was a little more
arrogantly subconscious. In the past year, I have challenged 564 times and won 563 times.
The only defeat was before I returned home this time! "
If Zhu Zhong's words, the people around Yanwutai will be in an uproar.
"Chal enge for two years, 654 times!"
"Almost every day against people!"
"And I lost a set, and finally won back!"
"It's hard to say that, Zhu Zhongge has become the strongest person in our young
generation?" One asked.
"That's for sure! Chal enge more than 500 people. Which young man can challenge more
than 500 people without losing?"
The voices around Yanwutai made Zhu Zhong quite proud. In fact, this is indeed an
impressive record.
Zhu Yuanjiu frowned slightly, Zhu Zhong's skill, he was indeed very satisfied, but Zhu
Zhong is too proud, this arrogance is a good thing, but also a bad thing.
Zhu Yuanjiu has lived for so many years, and has seen many geniuses. A large number of
people have finally lost their own arrogance. Zhu family has such a talent. Zhu Yuanjiu
cannot see Zhu Zhong himself destroyed in this arrogance. Above the word.
"Zhu Zhong, what level do you think your current strength is?" Zhu Yuanjiu asked.
"The words of the Lord who returned home." Zhu Zhong replied, "I challenged this time not
the unnamed and the unnamed, but all the leaders of the major families. Sometimes I can
have more than one enemy. I think that excessive humility is pride. , My strength, placed in
the younger generation of China, is invincible! "
When speaking the word invincible, Zhu Zhong exuded a strong confidence.
Zhu Yuanjiu shouted, "arrogant! Do you think that you challenge the younger generations
of al families, and you are real y invincible in China? China has a long history of inheritance,
and there are too many terrible existences that you do n’t know.
Self-destruction! "
Faced with Zhu Yuanjiu's scolding, Zhu Zhong replied: "Homeowner, I think that those of us
who practice martial arts should have absolute confidence in ourselves and have the
courage to move forward, fearing shrinking, not martial arts, this At the end of the second
Dabi, I will continue to challenge the masters of China, from the younger generation to the
older generation. "
Zhu Zhong's bold words made many people infected, and even had an impulse to fight the
sword immediately.
Zhu Yuanjiu shook his head, "Your strength is indeed good, but it is too far to chal enge the
masters of China! If you think you are qualified to chal enge the masters, you can give me a
try. If you can I have gone through three tricks under my hands, I will say nothing, let you
go out to challenge. "
Zhu Yuanjiu wanted to rub down Zhu Zhong's vigour.
"Homeowner, although I am younger and invincible than the younger generation, there is
still a big gap compared with you. I know that three strokes can't be reached." Zhu Zhong
held his fist and didn't suffer any influence from Zhu Yuanjiu's words.
Zhu Yuanjiu looked at Zhu Zhong, he knew that if he wanted Zhu Zhong to conquer his
arrogance, he had to let his peers beat him, and he could only use thunder. However, no one
in the family, younger generation, can compete with Zhu Zhong.
Zhu Yuanjio remained silent for a few seconds, and looked at Henry with a pleasurable look
on his face.
Henry shook his head and whispered to Zhu Yuanjiu: "Old man, you are a little too used to
your junior. His character, frustration is only a matter of time."
Zhu Yuanjiu sighed, "We wish home, now that such a talent has final y emerged, how can I
have the patience to watch him go out like this? Frustrated at home, nothing more than a
shame, closed doors and thought about it, but really went outside Frustrated and lost, it
may be life. "
Zhu Yuanjiu knows the cruelty of the underground world.
Henry shook his head, "Come on, help you once."
"Thank you." Zhu Yuanjiu punched Henry and fought in rivers and lakes.
Henry nodded, got up, walked down to the stand, slowly walked to the stand, looked at Zhu
Zhong, and asked, "Do you think that you are invincible in your young generation?"
"Of course." Zhu Zhong put his hands behind his back. When facing Zhu Yuanjiu, Zhu Zhong
looked respectfully, but treated his peers, Zhu Zhong's face was proud.
Henry smiled, "You have chal enged 564 times in two years and lost once.
Coincidental y, I also did countless challenges that year. In two years, I fought a total of
1,219 times. , No defeat. "
Henry said this, not to mention Zhu Zhong, but the younger generation of those who wished
a family under the stage, and none of them believed.
How many days are there in two years? Even if you chal enge one person every day, it
won't reach more than 1,200 times! This is obviously an uncountable data.
Zhu Zhong smiled, "Who won't talk!"
In the past two years, Zhu Zhong has challenged 564 times. The bitterness of it is very clear
to him. It can be said that he has not had a good rest in the past two years. He has been
fighting with people almost every day. The injury is not good, and the next competition has
already begun. In this way, only two hundred and sixty-four years have been completed,
1,200 times? This is not a joke!
Henry shrugged. "You can't believe me, but I just want to say that you are not invincible."
"Oh?" Zhu Zhong raised an eyebrow and looked at Henry. "You mean, are you stronger than
"Good." Henry nodded and said truthfully.
"Joke!" Zhu Zhong showed a sneer. Anyone who has been in two years, more than 500
battles, almost won, will be fil ed with strong self-confidence. Zhu Zhong's heart has long
been my invincible realm. When a person of the same generation said that he was better
than himself, Zhu Zhong's first reaction was unbelief.
The younger generation of Zhu family members on the stage, when they heard Henry's
words, they al whispered. Whether it was Zhu Zhong's strength, or the status of the same
family, they made them more inclined to Zhu Zhong.
"This man is really talkative."
"I don't know which family children, so confident."
"The people who usually fight are al based on his identity. Lose it intentionally!"
As soon as these words came out, a burst of laughter sounded. Just now everyone guessed
that Henryeng and Zhu Yuanjiu were sitting together because of Henry's unknown identity.

388 One Punch

Zhu Zhong looked at Henry, who was standing opposite him, and said: "You came to the
stage, you want to show me the results of these casual talk?
Henry smiled and shook his head. "Just want to tel you that people who practice martial
arts should always maintain a humble heart and the word invincible. From ancient times to
the present, only the losers dare to say."
"Oh!" Zhu Zhong sneered. "So, do you want to do two tricks with me?"
Henry stretched out a finger and shook left and right, "Not two strokes, but tell you that
your skill is placed in the same generation, still far away, and so on, I will reach out your
right fist to hit your door, You have to guard against it. "
"Crazy!" Zhu Zhong snorted.
What Henry did before the duel was a complete contempt. Anyone who is confident will
feel angry when he is despised by the other party.
The audience whispered, "This person is real y too much to be let in. Usually, tell the
opponent what he wants to do before he makes a move, can this still win?"
"So, those who usual y fight with him are intentionally lost."
"Look at how Zhu Zhongge taught him."
Various voices were heard from the audience.
Henry squeezed his fist and looked at Zhu Zhong, "How is it, are you ready? I'l count three
times and I'm going to move."
"Boy, you will pay for your arrogance!" Zhu Zhong was angry.
"One." Henry stepped back slightly and made a forceful posture.
Zhu Zhong put his hands on his chest, one after another, one by one, to make a posture to
prepare for fighting.
"Two!" Henry smiled slightly, bowed forward, and tiptoed.
Zhu Zhong stared closely at Henry.
"Three!" Henry shouted loudly. At this time, his whole person burst out like an arrow from
the string, and quickly became a phantom.
Zhu Zhong only felt a flower in front of him, and then a strong wind hit his face. At this
moment, he felt like he was suppressed by something, even his limbs were stiff, and he did
not listen to his call.
After the strong wind passed, Zhu Zhong saw that Henry's fist was stopping in front of his
eyes, less than a centimeter away, and he was still in the posture he had just prepared for
the fight.
"I said, I punched right and hit you."
Henry's voice sounded in Zhu Zhong's ear.
A sweat dripped down Zhu Zhong's ears, Zhu Zhong swallowed saliva fiercely, and couldn't
believe it in his eyes.
The people under the stage didn't even see what was happening. They only saw the
phantom flashing, and then, the other party's fist stopped in front of Zhu Zhong's face.
"So strong!"
The two elders of the Zhu family marveled, not to mention Zhu Zhong, even Henry's
actions. Put them up and there would be no second result.
Henry closed his fists, put his hands behind his back, and looked at Zhu Zhong,
"Remember, those who practice martial arts, always keep a humble heart, the world is big,
there are many things you do n’t know, things to learn ,More!"
After Henry finished speaking, he turned and walked toward the stage. His words were not
only for Zhu Zhong, but also for himself.
At the moment when Henry turned around, Zhu Zhong collapsed to the ground as if he had
lost all his strength. The invincible name of his peers was like a joke.
Henry returned to the grandstand and asked Zhu Yuanjiu, "I'm a little bit repressed.
Your juniors may not be able to come back."
"If he is not cruel, he will not understand the greatness of this world. This time, I owe you a
favor." Zhu Yuanjiu once again fisted to Henry.
Henry did not speak, sat down on his seat, and continued to look at Zhu's Dabi.
Originally, I wished the younger generation to compete for men. Although some people
were not as good as Zhu Zhong, they also wanted to show their talents. However, Henry's
just shot made them all frustrated and couldn't help it.
This is a good thing and a bad thing, but on the whole, the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages. Henry's suppression has made Zhu's family calm down a little bit and has
more respect for Gu Wu in his heart.
After the Dabi ended, Henryxian came to nothing, a person was idle in Zhujia Manor, those
who wished to see his family, the expressions of Henry were all very different from the
previous ones. Everyone's eyes were a little bit afraid. .
Henry didn't have a fixed number of people who wanted to start the Zhu family. He said
hello to Zhu Yuanjiu. Henry left Zhujia Manor, he now has another thing to understand.
Qi, what is it!
Compared with the normal family of ancient martial arts, Guangming Island has strengths
and weaknesses, and strength is in strength. In this respect, Guangming Island can be said
to be the world's first, and weakness is in the bottom.
The ancient Wu family, such as the Zhu family, had notes and ruins left by their ancestors,
and Henry had nothing. All he could rely on was himself, Henry himself, and also assumed
the identity of the pioneer of Guangming Island.
Therefore, if Henry wants to understand something, he has to rely on himself, to explore
and explore.
There are many monuments and museums in Duhai, which are all Henry's next goals.
This exploration is undoubtedly huge in scope, and it is very likely that there is no useful
thing, but as far as Henry is concerned, he has no other good way for the time being. .
Henry didn't take the car. He walked towards the urban area of Duhai. He kept thinking
about the scene that he saw in the cave today, the gas contained in the ancient
Qi, what is it?
Unlike the simple momentum, Qi is a real existence. Henry can clearly feel it through his
How is qi formed? When the speed is fast to a certain level, or the power is strong to a
certain level, can qi be formed?
Henry's mind is filled with doubts, he is thinking about these issues.
How strong are those with anger?
Henry recalled the mural on the wall. If it was a real person, how to face it with a sword
stab at him, just a mural, let yourself feel like a real sharp edge!
Henry walked on the road and suddenly stopped. In his mind, a picture appeared, standing
on the spot, the person on the mural, as if alive, stabbed at himself.
The different ways of exerting force, the self-centered effort, that kind of sharp edge,
approaching himself, Henry thought of several methods in succession, and could not avoid
that sword.
"The ancient swordsmanship of the ancients is so terrible, I can't even escape a sword?"
Henry sighed secretly.
Suddenly, a light flashed over Henry's heart.
"The ancients are stronger by themselves. If I am stronger than him, why should I be afraid
of his qi? He can use his qi to penetrate a wall. I can use my fist, too!"
Henry twisted subconsciously, punching forward with a punch.
There was a muffled noise, and if someone stood by to see this scene, they would definitely
open their mouths.
Henry's fist clearly hit the air, but made such a sonic boom!
Chapter 389
Henry punched out as if he had penetrated a layer of mist.
Looking at the punch he made, Henry muttered to himself.
"I fell into a misunderstanding. After seeing the mural, I always thought that the existence
of qi is related to the way of exerting force. In fact, it has nothing to do with it.
The reason why the ancient sword technique is that way of exerting force is because It can
better match the sword to yourself, instead of cutting it with a sword, but when you throw
a punch and kick a leg, the sword can help you swing or cut! "
Jing Xuan gleamed in Henry's eyes.
"Although I don't know how to practice Qi, the people who practice Qi are not necessarily
At this moment, Henry seems to have come out of some kind of bondage. This bondage
lasted from the day he went to the European King's Association.
The unknown breath, like a big rock, pressed against Henry's heart, making him feel
But today, seeing that ancient sword technique al owed Henry to find an opportunity to
break away from this layer of shackles.
There are thousands of avenues, and they all go the same way.
Whether the ancients rely on themselves or the moderns rely on external forces, with the
help of technology, there is only one source for everything, and that is stronger.
To understand this, Henry felt that the whole person was a lot easier. Although he stil had
to figure out where the qi came from, now he does not have that kind of pressure on him.
Sometimes, people's epiphany is only for a moment .
Henry recalled how he had just punched that punch.
A punch out of thin air caused a strong sonic boom.
When Henryhuang came to the urban area of Duhai, it was already five o'clock in the
afternoon. At this peak period of work, he could thoroughly understand the gap between
big cities and smal cities.
During the peak hours of work in Yinzhou, many people shouted about traffic jams, but the
road of 14 or 5 kilometers would take half an hour to drive, and it would take up to 40
minutes to reach it. In a city like Duhai, it takes about two hours .
Henry noticed that the drivers sitting in the car had no irritability on their faces at all, and
were obviously used to such things.
"It's you?" Henryzheng was walking, and there was a suspicious voice behind him.
Henry turned around and saw a man and a woman standing behind him.
This man and a woman, Henry had the impression that they were Jin Xin and Tian Rui of
the Razor Blade Squad, who had seen them in Yinzhou before.
"Why, you two are surprised to see me?" Henry tilted his head.
"It's not." Jin Xin smiled bitterly. "I just think that this may be arranged by God. Last time
we encountered a crisis, you helped us. This time I encountered difficulties and met you
Henry chuckled lightly and said strangely: "Why do you think that you are in trouble, I will
help you?"
Tian Rui replied: "It's not that we encountered difficulties, but Helen, her team,
encountered difficulties."
"Gentleness ..." Henry's head, the beautiful face full of heroism appeared.
Jin Xin stretched his finger over the top of his head, beside him, was a KTV.
"What's wrong with gentleness?" Henry glanced at the KTV.
Tian Rui sighed, "Hey, you are a gentle boyfriend, you should know that tenderness is hot,
and their task is to protect He Jiayang, son of He Dong, should you know He Dong?"
Henry nodded. "The rich man in Hong Kong City claims that for every five freighters sailing
in the Pacific Ocean, one of them is his."
"Yes." Tian Rui said, "The He family is very powerful throughout China. This time, he
originally wanted He Jiayang as a representative to discuss an event on the high seas, but
the person of He Jiayang is a full-fledged dude, I do n’t know. What did you say to Gentle, it
was beaten by Gentle, and now people are on this KTV. "
Jin Xin came up and said, "Henry, although I don't know what your identity is, but with your
skills, the power behind you is definitely not small. We sharply understand that although
the He family is big, but some ancient Wu Wu Compared with the family, it is still a lot
worse. Tian Rui and I thought about contacting the superior to see if we could only give a
punishment to the gentle, and then exposed it. Now that I have met you, if you have the
ability, help the gentle Solve it, after all, the penalty on the back has a great impact on
gentleness. "
Without any hesitation, Henry nodded directly, "Tell me the box number."
After Jin Xin and Tian Rui said the box number, Henry turned and walked towards the KTV.
Jin Xin looked at Henry's back and shook his head with a wry smile. "I hope gentle
boyfriend can solve the problem. Although gentleness is not the best seedling in this batch,
she is the hardest one, I am very optimistic about her, real y not I hope this incident will
affect her. "
Tian Rui shook his head, "This time, it's not strange to be gentle, just because He Jiayang's
mouth is changed to me, I can't help but want to smoke him."
"Thinking is one thing, really done, it's another thing. You know, in our business, patience is
also a required course. Cal the leaders. This time, hope can't be all on Henry." Jin Xin Take
out the phone.
Henry walked into the KTV that Jin Xin said. The eye-catching luxury decoration, imported
audio, and genuine wine al symbolize the expensive consumption here.
Henry fol owed the box number that Jin Xin just said and looked for it. Before reaching the
door of the box, Henry heard the sound of drinking and scolding from the box.
"His, what do you think you are? Dare to beat Lao Tzu? Do you know how much tax the Lao
Tzu will spend on a year? Enough to feed you for the rest of your life! Are you serving the
Lao Tzu? Why, what do you think you are? Grass! "
In the box, He Jiayang took a microphone and obviously drank a lot.
In the box, Helen, in a black casual outfit, stood there and squeezed her fists tightly. If it was
not stopped by someone around her, she would definitely rush to tear this He Jiayang's
He Jiayang stretched his finger to Helen, "Laozi let you accompany you to sleep, is he
worthy of you, or you think you are something, but just a dog! Remember, this time you
have something to ask Laozi, not Laozi begging you , Making Lao Tzu angry, Lao Tzu
depends on how you end! "
"He Shao, you first get rid of your breath." A man in his thirties, who took a glass of wine,
walked to He Jiayang. "Tender, she is young, ful of gas, and irrational. I will blame her on
your behalf. I'l dry the glass of wine first. "
The man said that he would drink the wine.
"Who will let you drink it!" He Jiayang snatched the glass from the opponent's hand.
The man lost a smiley face, "Yes, what He Shao said is that I did something wrong."
"Isn't it wrong, is it you and him, without this qualification, you know?" He Jiayang raised
the glass and slanted his wrist.
The wine flowed down the top of the glass and poured over the man's head.
Chapter 390 Internal Strife
The wine ran down the middle-aged man's head.
The middle-aged man squeezed his fist hidden behind him, but his face still lost a smile.
He Jiayang emptied the glass, then tossed it, and then patted the middle-aged man's face
insultingly. "Look at you, you are so cheap, it's even cheaper to laugh than my dog!"
"He Jiayang, you have something to do with me, don't worry about the Sun team!"
Helen flicked away the person beside him, his eyes full of anger, a beautiful face flushed.
"Helen Rou, you're enough!" A young woman, also dressed in black, screamed, "Do you
think you have harmed us enough? This is our last mission, as long as we can complete it
successfully, everyone You can get into the blade, because of your will, it hurts us all!
"What do you say!" Helen turned back and stared at the young woman, her eyes full of
"I'm not clear enough yet?" The woman stood in front of Helen and pointed her finger at
Helen's head. "What do you think you are and what you pretend to be tal ? Dare to say you
haven't slept with the man? Now it's just to accompany He Shao just slept, is it difficult? I
think you are pretending to be a gesture! "
"You bullshit!" Helen furiously punched the young woman with fists.
The young woman easily avoided Helen's fist, disdainful: "Look at you like this, you can't do
anything, you can't have a good personality, why do you think you should get into the
"Enough!" The middle-aged man known as the Sun team shouted and glared at the young
woman. "We are a col ective, and I don't want to hear that again!"
Sun team finished, looked at He Jiayang, "He Shao, today we are indeed hands-on. If you
want to complain to us, you have the contact information of the superior. The superior will
have to punish us. We accept, He Shao you. We apologize and pay compensation, and we
accept it, but our team members are definitely not insulted if you want to insult! "
Sun team finished, waved his hand, "Let's go!"
In the box, there are also several candidate players with sharp blades. At this time, you look
at me, I look at you, and fol ow the Sun team, ready to walk out of the box.
"I don't accept it!" The young woman screamed with an unconvinced expression on her
face, "Sun team, you should know that this is our last assessment task. If we are
complained, we all have no chance Towards the edge, I have paid too much for this
opportunity and must not be destroyed by a bitch! "
After the woman finished speaking, she quickly looked to He Jiayang, "He Shao, I beg you,
do n’t complain about us, OK, if you want compensation, everything is this bitch woman, as
long as you complain to her alone, she will definitely She will be expel ed and she will
return to her original post when the time comes. She will be a little criminal police officer.
In your capacity, you can play as much as you want. Do n’t embarrass us, okay. "
The woman's face is full of prayers.
"Enough!" Sun team shouted, "We are here to complete the task, not begging, this matter
will natural y come to a conclusion! Gentle, go!"
Sun team finished, gave Helen an eye, let Helen leave first.
"Go first."
"Stay here will only intensify things."
The two beside Helen persuaded in a low voice.
Helen squeezed his fists tightly, and his pretty face was constantly changing. If this time did
not involve others, it was only her Helen who swears that she will definitely make this He
Jiayang a pig's head.
"Go? Do you want to go like this?" He Jiayang picked up a wine glass and smashed it hard on
the ground. The wine glass shattered and the debris was everywhere. "Who shouldn't he
"Yes, He Shao refused to leave, and no one was allowed to leave!" The young woman
quickly helped He Jiayang to speak, and the words fell behind, and He Jiayang showed a
good smile.
He Jiayang was very satisfied with the young woman's approach. He nodded, "Very well,
being a dog, you should be as good as you. Come, now listen to me, you go, slap with the
surname Han, this time I wo n’t complain to you. If you slap her, I will give you 500,000. For
every slap, I will give you 500,000 more! ”
When the young woman heard He Jiayang's words, she couldn't believe it. "He ... He Shao,
what you said is true? Give me a slap in half a mil ion?"
"Grass!" He Jiayang scolded in his mouth, "Do you think Lao Tzu is short of this money?"
The young woman took a deep breath, and there was a strong move in her eyes. She looked
at Han Genou and sneered: "Don't blame me for the surname Han. Whoever makes you
unfamiliar and provokes He Shao, I will act on behalf of He Shao Learn from you! "
He Jiayang lay on the sofa, picked up a slice of watermelon and put it in his mouth,
laughing: "It's interesting, dogs bite dogs, I like to watch."
The Sun team stood between the young woman and Helen, looking at the young woman,
"What do you want to do?"
"Team Sun, I ’m doing it for the sake of our team. He Shaodu said, as long as we let him be
satisfied today, and teach this surnamed Han well, this time there will be no business for us.
I do all this for the sake of Everyone, since you are unwilling, let me be the wicked one!
"The woman squeezed her fist.
"You fart!" Shouted a female candidate standing next to Helen. "You are just for money!"
"Money? Yes, I just slap for half a million for money!" The young woman sneered. "You
cheap, and that surnamed Han, is the same raccoon dog. If it weren't you, how could a slut
named Han endure You ca n’t stop working, is n’t it just that He Shao pressed it a few times,
you ’re just like the dead family, you ’re actually very happy, right? ”
The female candidate was angry, "You talk nonsense."
"Am I talking nonsense, you know it yourself." The young woman glanced at her mouth
disdainfully, "When I finish cleaning up the surname Han, I will clean up your cheap goods!"
The young woman said, walking gently towards Korea.
The Sun team, who was between the two, took a deep breath, reached out and stopped in
front of the young woman, and said coldly: "Listen, as the captain of the team, I have the
right to decide everyone to stay, now, you have Fired. "
"Go to you!" The young woman yelled, "I surnamed Sun, I gave you a face, I cal ed you Sun
team, otherwise you think you are a thing, the strength is not as good as me, the
head is dul , the old lady is now playing With a slap of the surname Han, there are half a
million people. The identity of a rare blade player? Get away!
As soon as the middle-aged woman's voice fell, she punched the Sun team.
Sun team flashed quickly, just evaded a punch, the young woman kicked again, Sun team
was too late to dodge, was kicked in the chest.
Chapter 391
The Sun team was kicked in the chest by a middle-aged woman and stepped back several
He Jiayang lay aside, his face laid back, as if watching a play.
In the team where Helen is, this young woman has the highest strength, and the rest are far
worse than her.
A small team is a gathering of various talents, not al of them are combat talents.
After kicking the Sun team, the young woman had few opponents. Two men came up to
stop her, but she was easily overturned.
"Just like you trash, it's also worthy of being my teammate. Do you know that I've been
sickening to vomit during this time!" The young woman spit saliva disdainful y and final y
put her eyes on Helen. Ready to enjoy, bitch! "
Helen Rou was originally a hot temper, and he would not bear it at this moment, so he
punched at the young woman.
"A soft punch!" Helen's fist was easily held by the young woman. "Did it take too long to rol
the bed with the man last night?"
Helen's soft and beautiful eyes were angry and kicked towards the other side, but was
easily blocked by the other side. "Eh, there is no power."
The middle-aged woman deliberately humiliated Helenrui just to give He Jiayang a good
"Not bad." He Jiayang was lying on the sofa, clapping his hands happily, "I'm more and more
like your dog."
The young woman received He Jiayang's "commendation", her face was filled with joy, but
her eyes looked coldly at Helen. "The surnamed Han is cal ed a fist!"
The moment the young woman's voice fell, she punched Helen with a punch.
Helen felt the speed and power of the opponent's punch. His pretty face changed, and he
quickly reached out to resist. Although he blocked the opponent's fist, he was unstable and
stepped back a few steps in a row.
The young woman bullied herself and punched Helen again with a punch.
He Jiayang looked at this scene and showed a happy smile.
Helen has retreated from the side, and when facing the young woman's fist, it is too late to
stop. He can only watch the opponent's fist gradually enlarge in his pupils.
Seeing that the fist was getting closer and closer to her, Helen closed her eyes and waited
for the opponent's fist.
One second passed ...
Two seconds passed ...
Three seconds passed ...
In the master match, many things can happen in just one second.
But for three seconds, Helen's imaginary pain did not come.
She slowly opened her eyes and saw that the young woman was standing in front of her.
Her fist had been punched, but she stopped at less than twenty centimeters in front of her
head and could no longer move forward. Only a big hand, tightly holding the opponent's
"Remember, you can't give up even when you are at the last moment of fighting with
people. Just now, you have no less than five ways to stop her from punching. At your speed,
if you fully play it, you can hide. "
A voice came from behind Helen's body into her ears.
At the moment when he heard this voice, Helen was charming, with a kind of disbelief on
his face. This voice has appeared in her dreams countless times since the day she left
Yinzhou. She dreamed of herself one day The master who can see this voice, but
understands in his heart, this is just his wishful thinking. In the end, he already has a family.
Helen left Yinzhou with deep reluctance, but more of it was a kind of resignation. She knew
that Henry had already established a family, and his own existence was just a mistake
between him and sooner or later. It's broken.
But today, when he heard his voice again, Helen wondered whether it was true.
Team Sun and others looked at the strange young man who suddenly appeared behind
Helen, wondering his identity.
Henry squeezed the fist of the young woman in one hand, and gently hugged Helen's
fragrant shoulder in one hand, and said again, "Okay, I have learned from you, and leave the
rest to me."
Sun team and others were surprised to find that Helen, who was originally hot, was like a
good girl in front of this strange young man. After the youth finished speaking, Helen actual
y nodded obediently, even the anger on his face. , A lot less.
Helen stood behind Henry. At this moment, Helen felt as if there was a big mountain,
helping himself resist everything. Standing behind him, he was unprecedentedly at ease.
"Boy, I advise you not to be the first bird!" The young woman stared at Henry ferociously.
When the woman talked, there was obviously a bit of stubborn taste. Just after she threw
that fist and was easily blocked by the young man in front of her, she could see the
difference in strength between herself and the other party.
"The first bird?" Henry's face was filled with doubts. Suddenly, there was a sneer on the
corner of his mouth, and he slapped it hard on the young woman's face.
Henry's slap was so fast that no one responded in the box, and didn't even see clearly.
He heard a snapping sound of "snapping", and the young woman's face gave birth to red
Henry's decisive shot made everyone feel a little bit unconscious. Anyway, when men beat
women, there is still some psychological pressure. However, this psychological pressure
does not exist for Henry. In his eyes, there is no distinction between men and women, only
friends and enemies.
The young woman stretched her hand to cover her cheek. She didn't respond at all.
When she wanted to come, this man would at least say something cruel to himself, or even
move his hands, just say a few words, but no I thought, this man said to fight.
"You ..." The young woman was about to speak, Henry slapped again.
A "slap" sounded again in the box. When the young woman just reached her mouth, she was
swallowed back by Henryda.
"Dare to move my woman, think about the consequences?" Henry stepped forward and
looked down at the young woman.
Being stared at by Henry, the young woman felt as if she was being stared at by an ancient
fierce beast, her hair could not help but explode, and her heartbeat began to accelerate,
Henry grabbed the young woman's hair, and then kicked it out. He was kicking on the
young woman's abdomen. The young woman was kicked out by Henry's foot and hit the
glass table in the box.
With a clatter, the glass table shattered.
Henry's hands-on, the Sun team and others who were watching were dumbfounded.
They asked themselves that they could not do this to a woman. But this strange young man
has no burden at al !
The young woman fel to the ground, holding the abdomen with her hands, her face twisted,
and she groaned painfully, and some parts of her body had been scratched by broken glass.

392 Mr. Ping arrives

Henry didn't look at the young woman again, and walked towards He Jiayang who was still
sitting on the sofa.
When Henry beat the young woman, He Jiayang saw clearly that when he saw the mob
coming towards him, He Jiayang shrank subconsciously into the corner. "You ... what do you
want to do?"
"You are He Jiayang?" Henry's lips sneered.
He Jiayang swallowed his saliva fiercely, forcibly calming down: "Since you know my
identity, you should understand that if you move me, what will happen!"
"Is it?" Henry raised an eyebrow. "I was just outside, and I heard your mouth. It's amazing."
He Jiayang said with a sigh of relief and said: "How come, the mouth grows on me, what I
say, what matters to you."
"Of course it's my business!" Henry stepped on He Jiayang's chest with one foot and
pressed He Jiayang there with his foot, unable to move. With the other hand, he grabbed the
fruit knife on the table with his backhand.
Ming Xuanhao's blade was taken by Henry less than a centimeter from the corner of He
Jiayang's mouth. He Jiayang trembled all over, feeling that the blade could scratch his face
at any time.
"You said." Henry shook the fruit knife in his hand, making non-stop gestures at the corner
of He Jiayang's mouth. "Should I cut your mouth first, or cut your tongue first?
Your voice is real y unpleasant. . "
"I ... I ..." He Jiayang was flabbergasted by the chill that came out of Henry. "I'm ... but He
Dong's son, you want to move me, and you don't end well."
"Oh." Henry chuckled, suddenly squeezed the knife handle, aimed at He Jiayang's shoulder
socket, and stabbed it fiercely.
The sound of "poo" is the sound of the blade piercing into the body.
He Jiayang uttered a cry of sorrow.
The Sun team and others standing at the door of the box couldn't help swallowing saliva at
this moment. This buddy is too fierce. It's absolutely no taboo.
The candidate female player who was also scolded by the young woman before pulled the
soft sleeves of Lahan, "Gentle, he just said you are his woman, this is your boyfriend."
Helen thought about it and replied: "It's true."
Henry stabbed into He Jiayang's shoulder socket with a knife, but did not take it out.
He Jiayang's voice is like killing a pig, and he keeps cal ing.
"If you call again, I will cut off your tongue." Henry said coldly.
As soon as Henry said this, He Jiayang's original screams came to an abrupt end. He looked
at Henry with fear in his eyes, "Big ... Brother, yes, sorry."
He Jiayang was really scared. He just thought that this person would not dare to do
anything to himself because of his identity, but now he found that he was wrong and
wrong, the other side's knife was clearly told. For himself, he doesn't care about his identity
at al .
Outside the box.
The KTV boss is waiting anxiously at the gate.
A middle-aged man wearing gold-colored glasses strode into KTV, and as soon as he
entered the door, he loudly chal enged the KTV boss and asked, "What happened, Mr.
The KTV boss saw a middle-aged man coming, and he was relieved. "Mr. Ping, He Gongzi is
in the box of 888, he ... he ..."
The KTV boss stopped talking.
"Say!" Mr. Ping glared at the KTV boss.
"He, son, he was beaten ..."
"What!" Mr. Ping's face changed drastically.
Who is He Jiayang, and He Dong ’s only son was beaten in his own realm. If this is known by
the secretary, he will certainly blame himself. After all, the secretary and He Jiayang ’s
father He Dong are friends for many years!
"What about the beating people!" Mr. Ping asked immediately.
The KTV boss pointed to the direction of the lower box, "stil in the box."
"Let's go and see, who is so brave!" Mr. Ping walked angrily towards the box.
In the box, He Jiayang trembled, and Henry's eyes were ful of fear.
The Sun team and others want to step forward to stop Henry, but they do n’t know what to
say. He Jiayang teases others ’girlfriends. They hands on to teach He Jiayang. As a man, if his
girlfriend is molested, it is estimated that he will also be beaten furiously. .
The box door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.
At the door of the box, there was a loud shout: "Courageous and courageous, it is
courageously courageous! I dare to beat people here, and there is no other way!"
Mr. Ping shouted and shouted before he even entered the door.
The team of Sun and others suddenly changed their face when they saw them. As a blade
player, they naturally knew the secretary of the leader of Duhai.
"Mr. Ping, why are you here?" Sun team quickly gave Helen an eye and asked her to stop
Henry. She stood in front of Mr. Ping with a smile on her face.
Mr. Ping sneered, "I'm not coming, I'm not coming. You haven't turned this upside down!
Even Master He dares to fight, who is it!"
"It's me!" Helen, who was about to dissuade Henry, heard this, and immediately came over
to fight the matter, "I hit it."
"You?" Mr. Ping looked at Han Genrou up and down. "What a boldness! You are here to
protect Mr. He Jiayang He. How dare you do something with Mr. He, there is no way in this
"Mr. Ping, this is not what you think, listen to me explain to you." Sun team walked up
Mr. Ping pushed away the Sun team with a wave of his hand, "Explain what? Is there
anything to explain, I tell you, this time, you alone can't get rid of the relationship, I will tell
the secretary truthfully, you wait for the prison meal. ! "
As soon as Mr. Ping's words fel , a surprise sound came from the corner of the box.
"Uncle Ping, save me, save me, kill!"
He Jiayang, who was originally full of fear, showed a happy expression on his face after Mr.
Ping arrived, and at the same time filled with a bit of pride, looked at Henry, "Boy, do you
want me to die?
Mr. Ping looked around the corner of the box and saw that He Jiayang was being stomped
on the chest by one person, pressed on the sofa, and came out of He Jiayang's shoulder
socket. He also inserted a fruit knife!
Mr. Ping's complexion changed greatly. He looked at the man who stepped on He Jiayang,
his back was familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was.
"Put your feet down and hear no!"
Mr. Ping shouted at Henry as he strode forward.
"Boy, please let go, haven't you heard him!" He Jiayang looked at Henry with a fierce face,
"Do you want to die, continue to step on Laozi!"
"Oh." Henry chuckled, raised his hand, and slapped on He Jiayang's face.
This slap pumping force not only caused a crisp sound, but also killed two of He Jiayang's
teeth, allowing blood to flow from the corner of He Jiayang's mouth.
This movement of Henry made Mr. Ping's face change again. He did not expect that this
man was so rampant that he dared to hit people in his own face.

393 I Know
The Sun team and others looked at Henry's movements, and secretly impulsively, who is
Mr. Ping, and the secretary who is the leader of the entire sea! In front of him, dare to do it,
this is not to trouble yourself!
If you hit someone before, even if Mr. Ping knows, everyone has reason to say that in the
past, death was a punishment, but now, the nature has completely changed. This Mr. Ping
real y wants to pursue it.
Team Sun and others looked at Henry nervously.
He Jiayang was slapped in the face by Henry. He couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that
this person, even after Mr. Ping came, would dare to do it himself.
"Is there any Wang Fa in your eyes? Give me a hand." Mr. Ping shouted, stepped forward
and grabbed Henry's shoulder, pulling hard.
Henry's figure, which Mr. Ping can pull, Mr. Ping only feels that he is pulling a boulder
without moving.
However, under the pull of Mr. Ping, Henry turned around slowly to look at Mr. Ping.
Mr. Ping, who was originally angry, disappeared when he saw Henry's appearance.
For Henry, although he only saw one side, he was too impressed!
Mr. Ping had been registering for so long in front of Zhujiazhuang, and it was the first time
he saw someone dare to smash the door of Zhujia, let Grandpa Zhu greet him personal y,
and yell at someone who prepared good wine.
Mr. Ping did n’t even dare to think about Henry ’s identity. He only knew that this was
someone he could n’t afford, and someone he could n’t afford!
It was this big man who hit the people.
Mr. Ping looked at He Jiayang a bit dumbfounded, and said in his heart, the surname is He,
what are you guilty of, and even this big man dares to mess with it!
He Jiayang, who was proud of himself, hadn't seen anything wrong with Mr. Ping. He kept
roaring: "Uncle Ping, hurry, call me, I want to kil him! Hurry!"
"Shut up!" Mr. Ping suddenly slammed and gave He Jiayang a disgusted look.
Mr. Ping shouted so that everyone present was unable to recover. What happened? Did n’t
Mr. Ping come to help He Jiayang? Why is this happening now?
He Jiayang's complacent look stunned, a bad hunch flashed in his heart.
Mr. Ping lowered his head to Henry and whispered, "Sir, I'm sorry, I don't know you are
Mr. Ping's action made the people present and opened his eyes wide. What happened, Mr.
Ping was confessing?
Not to mention the Sun team and others, even Helen's eyes widened. Somewhat
unbelievable. At this moment, Helen suddenly thought of the things Henry told himself
before, what underground forces are divided into many levels, and himself When asked
what level he belongs to, he said the highest one.
At that time, Helen only smiled at Henry's words and didn't believe it. But now, she believes
a little, and the identity of Du Hai's first secretary can be treated politely.
He Jiayang looked at Mr. Ping dumbly, shocked and speechless.
Henry gave Mr. Ping a cold look, "Why are you all here?"
When asked by Henry, Mr. Ping immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, sir, I'm sorry!"
"Go away." Henry said gently.
Mr. Ping didn't dare to hesitate, he turned and left the box without saying a word.
Mr. Ping is very clear about the interests of this. He Jiayang is nothing more than relying on
his father, He Dong. He Dong talks with the secretary and his peers, and the relationship is
not bad.
As for Zhu Jiazhu, Grandpa, even the secretary has to be treated with care. The person who
lives as a junior, the young man inside, is regarded as a distinguished guest by Grandpa
Zhu, and he went out to receive himself. , I ’m absolutely right today.
The people in the box watched dumbly as Mr. Ping rushed in, because Henry rolled away
and left sullenly.
He Jiayang opened his mouth wide and looked at Mr. Ping's back, speechless.
"You just said, to kill me?" Henry looked at He Jiayang with a playful look.
He Jiayang showed bitterness on his face and shook his head vigorously, even daring to
Henry turned his head, looked at Helen, and said: "From today, I have something to explain
to you. Be my woman, no one can bully you casual y, you have the strength, do what you
do , People like this! "
Henry extended his hand to He Jiayang, "If it should be discarded, it will be discarded. I
have something for you!"
After Henry finished speaking, he grabbed He Jiayang's two arms and twisted hard.
He Xiayang's two arms were twisted into a twist by Henry without any hindrance. His
screams rang through the box.
Hearing the screams of He Jiayang and what Henry just said, the Sun team and others can
only feel two words, overbearing!
What's wrong with that sentence, I'l give it to you. For a woman, it is the harbor that gives
her the most peace of mind!
Helen's pretty blushing, a heart-beating jump.
Henry turned a deaf ear to He Jiayang's screams, walked to Helen and hugged Helen's
shoulders, "The matter has been resolved, let's go."
Helen nodded and let Henry hug him and walked out of the box.
Team Sun and others looked at each other, looked back and forth for a few moments, and
then walked out of the box.
"Why are you here?" Helen blushed and asked Henry.
"I miss you." Henry said a rare word to Helen.
"Go away." Helen rolled his eyes.
Henryyi covered her forehead. This female Tyrannosaurus was the same as the female
Henry asked: "I just heard your captain say that you are going to the high seas to negotiate
this time. He Jiayang can talk, what is it?"
Helen pondered for a while and asked, "Have you heard of Poseidon in the underground
"Wel ." Henry nodded. "I know."
Helen continued: "If you want to know Poseidon, you should know what position he has on
the high seas. On the edge of the China Sea, where he meets the high seas, he has
discovered a shipwreck. According to speculation, this shipwreck, It has a history of at least
four hundred years and can be explored very high. However, because half of it is located on
the high seas, it is difficult to salvage. The He family pays a lot of taxes to Poseidon every
year and has some dealings with Poseidon. Talk about salvage. "
"This matter, no need to congratulate the family." Henry waved casual y, "I also know them,
when you negotiate, just take me over."
"Do you know?" Helen was surprised when she heard Henry's words. She was still worried
about her Jiajia Yang this time. She didn't worry about what punishment she would receive,
but what she should do about this task. Henry's words dispelled all her concerns.
"Yeah, when you set off, just tell me, I have been in Duhai these days." Henry patted his
"That's great. I'll be in Duhai these days and tell you when I set off."
Chapter 394 He Dong Arrives
Sun team and others left KTV and contacted Jin Xin and Tian Rui for the first time.
When Jin Xin and Tian Rui heard that Henry abolished He Jiayang and Mr. Ping paid respect
to Henrybi, they finally felt relieved.
Henry has an identity that allows Mr. Ping to be respectful, so this punishment will not fall
on Helen.
As for the tasks, Tian Rui and Jin Xin applied to their superiors and the superiors replied
that they would wait in Duhai and would dispatch a person to negotiate with Neptune.
In the KTV box, the young woman climbed up from the ground with a painful and difficult
face. She covered her abdomen and Henry's foot, so that she had not been relieved until
She just looked at Henry's attitude just now. She didn't think of it. She never thought that
Han Genou's boyfriend had such a great energy that he could make Du Hai's top secretary
treat like this.
Look at He Jiayang who has passed out because of pain. The young woman gritted her teeth
and carried He Jiayang out of the box. Now she has no choice. The blade ca n’t go back,
except to hug the big tree. , No choice.
As for whether the big tree can be carried, the young woman herself is not sure.
Henry and Helen met, and the two had a dinner together. Jin Xin special y approved to give
Helen a two-day holiday and did not have to return to the team at night. What does this
mean? Every adult knows it well.
After dinner, Henry and Helen walked side by side on the streets of the bustling city.
"Where do you want to go?" Henry looked at Helen with a smile, seeking her opinion.
"Go practice!" Helen took Henry's col ar and walked to the next hotel.
In the early morning of the next day, Henry opened his eyes and saw that the woman
beside him was still asleep. This was Henry's first time. When he opened his eyes, he saw
Helen lying beside him. Henry knew that the woman was too tired during this time.
There was also a lot of pressure in my heart. Last night's crazy release let her relax
completely, and the whole person was immersed in a deep sleep.
Henry got up cautiously, just didn't want to disturb the woman, just left the bed, Henry
found that his wrist was clenched by a catkin, turned his head and looked, the woman
forcibly opened her sleepy eyes, looking at herself.
"Where to go." Helen's voice with a touch of nostalgia.
Henry smiled slightly, "Go and buy you some breakfast."
When Helen heard Henry say this, his eyes were relieved, and he nodded, loosening
Henry's wrist reluctantly, and fel asleep again.
Looking at Helen's appearance, Henry felt a soft touch in his heart, bent down, kissed gently
on the woman's clean forehead, and then walked out of the door.
For the whole day, Henry and Helen spent together. Helen didn't choose. Wherever Henry
went, she followed her. Henry went to some places of interest. While taking Han Genrou to
play, he was also Looking for some clues about qi, but this clueless search, what clues to
find, it is real y difficult.
Henry told Zhu Yuanjiu that if there were any problems with Zhu ’s family, he would
contact him at any time. At the same time, Henry also made Wade White aware of any news
outside. In the end, who is going to destroy the Zhu family and the people who want to
destroy the Zhu family?
Duhai, Metropolis International Hotel.
A middle-aged man, almost sixty years old, ful of an upper-class breath, is sitting in the
largest presidential suite in the hotel. In this suite alone, the amount of one night's stay is
only 30,000 yuan.
In front of the middle-aged man, stood several bodyguards in black, each with a breath that
no one should enter.
The middle-aged man's face is very unsightly, his son He Jiayang, in Duhai, his hands were
discarded! His huge family business is waiting for this son to inherit.
He Dong galloped the business world for so many years and never thought that one day, his
son would be abandoned.
There were several knocks on the door of the presidential suite.
He Dong winked, and a bodyguard stepped forward to open the door.
Standing in front of the suite is also a middle-aged man, dressed in ordinary casual clothes.
"Mr. Yin." The bodyguard in black asked the man standing outside the door.
The person standing outside the door waved his hand and asked, "How about Lao He."
"Mr. He is inside." The black bodyguard moved slightly to make way for the outsiders.
The person called Mr. Yin, named Yin Guo'an, is the leader of this city and has real power.
Yin Guoan hurriedly walked into the room door and shouted: "Lao He, I have been meeting
in Beijing this time, and my phone has little time to turn on the phone. Knowing this, I
hurried back. How is Xiao He now? ? "
"His hands were completely discarded and could not be saved." He Dong's face looked very
Hearing this, Yin Guoan stunned and immediately apologized. "Lao He, it is my
responsibility to have this incident in my place this time. Xiao He ..."
"He said." He Dong stood up. "When he was beaten, your secretary surnamed Ping was
present, but he didn't control him, but let the other party do evil."
"What!" Yin Guoan's face changed drastical y, "Lao He, don't worry, I will definitely give you
an account of this matter."
After Yin Guoan finished speaking, a call was made to Mr. Ping.
Mr. Ping was sitting at Zhujia with excitement at the moment. He took the opportunity of
yesterday and reported to Zhu ’s family, saying that the distinguished guests of Grandpa
Zhu had beaten people to see if they could talk to Zhujia. words.
Mr. Ping had originally thought that it would be nice if he could enter Zhu Zhu's home this
time and make friends, but he didn't expect that he would be personal y received by Zhu
Zhu! This made Mr. Ping excited and difficult to quell. When he told Grandpa Zhu what
happened yesterday, Grandpa Zhu praised himself, and said that he did well, and more
importantly, Grandpa Zhu, even Actively gave his phone to himself!
Zhu Yuanjiu's attitude made Mr. Ping understand that he made the most important choice
in life yesterday. If the secretary knows this, he will definitely be ecstatic!
You must know that the secretary wants to be promoted again. The first level is to wish the
old man. Only if the old man agrees and says the last sentence, the secretary is likely to be
promoted. It is estimated that the secretary can't keep this position.
Now, just because he showed his attitude, he was personally given personal contact
information and told himself that if anything happens, he can be called at any time.
What is this? This is power! This is the biggest network in my life!

395 The Secretary is Back

Mr. Ping was sitting in front of Zhu Yuanjiu, and his whole body shivered involuntarily.
Suddenly, the phone rang.
Mr. Ping saw that the call was from the secretary.
"Zhu Lao, is the secretary's phone."
"He?" Zhu Yuanjiu frowned. "Shouldn't he be meeting in Beijing now? Take it."
With Zhu Yuanjiu's permission, Mr. Ping dared to answer the phone.
"Hello, secretary."
"Tel me, what's the matter with He Jiayang!" Mr. Ping just picked up the phone, and there
was an angry voice of Yin Guoan on the phone. "I will give you half an hour to let that sharp
squad Everyone, come to the hotel immediately! I will send you the address, and I want a
reasonable explanation. "
"Secretary, this thing ..." Mr. Ping's face appeared embarrassed, and the phone was hung up
just before he spoke.
"What's the matter?" Zhu Yuanjiu sat on the seat, drank some tea, and asked.
Mr. Ping asked Mr. Zhu to take the initiative to ask, but he did not dare to say anything.
He replied cautiously: "The secretary is back, just yesterday, and he wants me to pass by
"I'm back?" Zhu Yuanjiu's face showed a trace of dissatisfaction, "I'm meeting in Beijing,
and I'l come back when I come back? What he wants to do!"
Seeing that Mr. Ping was angry, Mr. Ping quickly bowed his head and dared not say
Zhu Yuanjiu snorted coldly, got up, and reached over to sweep the shirt, "Come on, let's go
Mr. Ping nodded nervously.
Helen is accompanying Henry to stay in the Duhai Museum. Henry's goals are mostly placed
on some ancient armor and weapons.
Henry wants to find some clues through these ancient things.
Looking at the records of these armored weapons, the average weight is up to 30
pounds, carrying such a heavy thing and marching for a hundred miles, Henry envisioned it,
and he did it himself, although it is said to be easy, but it can be placed in ancient times It is
something all soldiers can do.
For these armor weapons, Helen, a violent man, also showed a lot of interest. Staying here
with Henry did not seem boring. For some things, he was more enthusiastic than Henry.
The two were seeing a rise, Helen's phone rang, and after picking up the hangup, Helen had
some uncomfortable face to Henrydao: "Gangsun team called and said Du Hai's seal
secretary, let us go over."
When Henry and Helen left the museum and came to the Metropolis International Hotel,
they saw Sun team and others standing at the door of the hotel.
Yesterday, the candidate female player saw Helen, and immediately came up, with a
nervous face and said softly to Han: "Gentle, this time things are not easy to deal with, I
heard that He Jiayang and his father also came, special y for the seal secretary Pressure, if
you can't, let your boyfriend go first. "
"Yes." Sun team also stepped forward and said, "Gentleness, anyway, we are al candidates
for the Blade. The seal secretary will not treat us like that. At best, I will be reprimanded. It
is not necessarily punishable. Your boyfriend he ... "
Speaking of which, Sun team looked at Henry.
Henry stood there indifferently.
Listening to the words of the two, Helen shook his head, "It's okay, Henry can handle this
matter. Let's go up and talk."
When she came, Helen was also worried about this matter. She also suggested that Henry
should not fol ow, but Henry didn't care about this matter. If the secretary of Haiyin really
angered himself, then don't do it. Dry.
Helen didn't say much when she saw Henry's confidence.
Team Sun and the female player sighed when they heard Helen say this.
"Gentleness, they have reported to the gold team on this matter, they will deal with it, and
wait for it to go up. You must not be impulsive. If you hit the seal secretary, it is not a trivial
matter." Sun team reminded.
"I know." Helen nodded softly.
Several people negotiated downstairs, then cal ed Henry, who didn't care, and walked
Standing in front of the presidential suite, the Sun team took a deep breath and knocked on
the door.
"Go in." There was a strong dissatisfaction in the room.
The door was not closed, it was a cover-up. Sun team gently pushed the door, and as soon
as the door opened, he saw several black bodyguards staring at himself and others with a
bad look.
Sun team followed these bodyguards and finally saw He Dong and Yin Guoan sitting in the
"Seal Secretary, Mr. He." Sun team nodded and said hello.
"Oh!" Yin Guoan sneered. "So you still know my secretary, I thought, this is the sea, it is
your world!"
Yin Guoan looked at Sun team and others with a bad look.
Team Sun smiled bitterly and did not speak.
Yin Guoan took a sip of tea and leaned on the seat. "Speak, who moves?"
The Sun team stood there with their heads bowed, without saying anything.
"Why? Don't say, you want to shield each other?" Yin Guoan raised an eyebrow. "Since you
don't say it, it's only me who will recognize me!"
After Yin Guoan finished speaking, he looked at He Dong and said, "Lao He, you let someone
come out."
He Dong nodded and waved his hand.
From this small room in the same suite, a young woman emerged from the man who had
just been expelled from the blade yesterday.
As soon as the young woman came out, say hel o to He Dong and Yin Guoan.
He Dong said, "Yesterday, these scoundrels beat my son without leaving a word, and left
happily. If it was not for her to send my son to the hospital, I am afraid that at this time, my
son will be away in one breath."
What happened yesterday, the young woman deliberately said the situation was very
critical. Even after Henry and their departure, they deliberately pulled out the fruit knife
inserted in the shoulder nest of He Jiayang. She waited until he lost too much blood before
she took him to the hospital .
Yin Guoan listened to He Dong's words, and his face was extremely ugly. If He Jiayang really
lost his life in Duhai, he would be useless to remedy himself. He Dong's commercial status
will be of great benefit to his future promotion.
Yin Guoan looked at the young woman and said, "Come on, what happened yesterday."
The young woman nodded and replied: "Secretary of the Seal, I was original y a candidate
for the Blade. This time, my task is to protect Mr. He Jiayang from going to the high seas and
discuss something. Because of the verbal conflict with Mr. He, Helen took the initiative to
beat Mr. He. During Mr. He ’s reasoning, Helen ’s boyfriend showed up, beaten Mr. He and
me again, and bought the secretary. ”
The young woman's words have long been thought of. In the words, he portrayed himself
as a justice role, and Helen et al., He was innocent.
What kind of person He Jiayang is, Yin Guoan knew very well that he understood what the
young woman said about the conflict of words, but he did n’t go into details. What he wants
now is a reason to blame Helen and others.
Chapter 396
After listening to the young woman's words, Yin Guoan looked at Helen and others,
"What else do you have to say? The candidate of the Blade, the country trains you, is it to let
you beat the taxpayer?"
Sun team quickly explained, "Secretary, there is a reason for this."
"Fart!" Yin Guoan slapped on the table with a loud bang, he looked majestic and looked at
the Sun team, "You are just the captain of a candidate team, what about your leader?
He is so managed, I See you guys, no one is selected, all eliminated! "
As soon as Yin Guoan said this, Sun team and others looked pale.
The young woman stood behind and looked at Sun team and others with complacent eyes.
Suddenly, a sneer sounded, and Henry walked over, "Secretary of the Seal, so great official
authority, you are the secretary of Duhai City, can't you control the sharp blade?"
When Henry came out, the Sun team and others repeatedly gave Helen an eye, let Helen
block Henry, don't say more.
Yin Guoan looked at this young man who dared to hit himself, frowned, "Who are you?"
"Yin Shuji, he is Helen's boyfriend. Yesterday, Mr. He Jiayang was scrapped by him."
The young woman said quickly.
"It's you!" Yin Guoan's pupils shrunk abruptly. "You beat people, you are free from law, and
you dare to take the initiative to appear, is it like the law is like nothing!"
"I see the law as a person with nothing, it's you!" Henry stared at Yin Guoan, "Yesterday He
Jiayang, molested a woman, I took action to punish, you don't even give me a good citizen
award, but also hold me accountable, Are you deliberately sheltering? "
"You fart!" He Dong, who was sitting next to him, yelled, "You said my son is molesting
women, what about the evidence?"
"Good." Yin Guoan nodded, "What about the evidence?"
Henry pointed to the Sun team and others, "Everyone present is watching, is this
"Joke!" Yin Guoan dismissed, "You snakes and rats nest, of course, whatever you want to
say, only certification, no physical evidence, why do I believe you."
"That's great." Henry smiled, "You said I beat He Jiayang, what about the evidence?"
"The evidence is what I saw!" The young woman said aloud.
"You snakes and rats have only one witness, no physical evidence, and cannot be counted!"
Henry will return what was said by Guoan just now.
Yin Guoan's brow furrowed and his eyes became colder. "Boy, your words are very sharp,
but you have to figure out that this is all sea. It's up to me, I'm saying it's not what you
Henry looked puzzled, "You are just a city official, and you regard Duhai as your place?
Do you stil have this country in your eyes?"
"This is not something you should worry about." Yin Guoan sneered. "In Duhai, what I said,
that's what. You deliberately beat He Jiayang, conspired with He family property, attempted
kidnapping, all must be heavy!"
Several big hats that were not required by Yin Guoan were buckled on the spot, and it was
too easy for him to do such a thing.
The Sun team and others suddenly became very ugly. They really did not expect that Yin
Guoan had actual y done such a thing, and fabricated all the processes and directly
convicted himself! In the face of this leader of the sea, what is your own way, the other
party can crush themselves with just one finger!
Henry squeezed his fist. In the face of this kind of person, he had nothing to say, just
slaughter it.
Just as Henry was about to start, a loud shout rang out from the door of the suite.
"Seal the secretary, it's such a great official authority, to sland others at will, and regard
Duhai as your own territory. Do you want to betray the country!"
Along with this loud shout, the door of the suite was pushed open from the outside.
An old man over seventy years old, with his spirit shining and shimmering, walked in from
the door, and Mr. Ping followed him with a pleased face.
At the moment of seeing the old man, Yin Guoan, who was still arrogant and arrogant,
suddenly changed his face, and quickly changed into a ridicule, "Wish you old, how come
you come."
"Why am I here?" Zhu Yuanjiu smiled and asked, "I want to ask you, you Guo'an, this time,
you should meet in Beijing, why are you here!"
In the face of Zhu Yuanjiu's question, Yin Guoan opened his mouth and did not answer.
This time, he sneaked back by himself.
Zhu Yuanjiu only questioned and did not intend to listen to Yin Guoan ’s answer at al .
He looked at Henry with an apology on his face, “I ’m sorry, this time, because of my own
management problem, let me handle it.”
I'm sorry for Zhu Yuanjiu's sentence. I heard that Yin Guoan was tumbling in his heart.
I wish you, old man, sorry for this young man? How is this going!
Yin Guoan looked at Mr. Ping who was standing behind Zhu Yuanjiu. Yin Guoan never
thought of the arrival of Grandpa Zhu.
"Secretary." Mr. Ping walked to Yin Guoan and whispered, "Secretary, this matter is not
easy to deal with, this ..."
Mr. Ping said at this time, he pointed his finger at Henry, and then continued: "This
honorable guest who wished the old man, when he went to the home, I wish the old man
greeted him personally."
"What!" Yin Guoan's eyes widened, wishing the old man a personal welcome? What identity
is worthy of wishing the old man personal y greet!
"Secretary, yesterday that He Jiayang offended this big man, I certainly do n’t dare to
control it. Today I went to wish my family early this morning. Because of this big man ’s
relationship, I wish the old man specially praised me for doing well yesterday and gave me
back. Way, this is definitely not the one to provoke! "
"This ..." Listening to Mr. Ping's words, the expression on Yin Guoan's face was dull, and a
sense of fear that could not be described by words appeared on Mr. Ping's face.
"Why didn't you say it early!" Yin Guoan blamed, if he knew that He Jiayang had been a
distinguished guest wishing the old man, this time, he would not care what he said.
"Secretary, you have been in Beijing this time, the phone has been shut down, I can't
contact you. I wanted to explain to you today, and you didn't listen to me." Mr. Ping shook
his head helplessly, he I probably knew in my heart that the seal secretary was probably
here. It was just his words and this career could not be carried on. I even wished the old
man a anger and made him go to prison.
"I wish you old man, let's see it for yourself. If you want me to deal with it, I guess you're
embarrassed." Henry looked at Guoan indifferently.
Zhu Yuanjiu nodded thoughtfully, and really wanted the master Satan to handle the matter
personally. That would be troublesome. With the means of the master Satan, the handling
of this matter must be ful of blood.

397 Own Power

Zhu Yuanjiu glanced around the suite, and finally focused on He Dong.
"who are you?"
Of course, He Dong knew who the old man was in front of him, his business was so big, and
he knew some secrets that ordinary people did not know, such as some real-power
families. Seeing the old man Zhu Zhu asked himself, He Dong quickly said, "Hello old man, I
It ’s cal ed He Dong, He Family in Gangcheng. "
"He Family?" I wish the old man puzzled, "What is He Qihong's relationship with you?"
"It's my father." He Dong answered honestly.
"Oh, I gave him a way, but he started the business."
He Dong nodded again and again, "Yes, my father often said that you are the benefactor of
our He family."
"Fine." Zhu Yuanjiu waved his hand. "It's nothing to do with you here, leave."
Zhu Yuanjiu said, He Dong didn't dare to hesitate a moment, and immediately took the
people away. As for the young woman, he didn't even look at it again.
Yin Guoan lowered his head and stood aside, the atmosphere did not dare to come out.
"Okay, I wish old man, you can do this, I will go first." Henry hugged Helen's shoulder,
"Call me if you have something."
After Henry finished speaking, he took Han Genrou and left the suite.
The Sun team and others, with wide eyes, listened to Henry and Zhu Yuanjiu's chat, and
they al felt unreal.
As candidates for the Blade, their first lesson before training was to familiarize themselves
with the ancient Chinese martial arts families.
What kind of status the Zhu family has in the ancient Chinese martial arts, they can't know
more clearly. That is definitely the top five ancient martial arts families in China.
Except for the few in the capital, all Chinese people in the country wish the family the most
I wish the prestige of the old man, even when the instructor of the blade mentioned the
four words of the old man, they al looked respectful.
But now, Helen's boyfriend cal s Old Man Zhu the old man?
And, most importantly, I wish the old man's attitude towards him also very polite!
Helen, what is her boyfriend's identity!
After leaving the hotel, Helen couldn't believe what had just happened. She looked at
Henry, her face was ful of surprise, "Unexpectedly, you even knew Zhu Zhu, and Zhu Zhu,
but the Taishan Beidou of ancient Chinese martial arts circle! "
Henry hugged Helen, "Gu Wu also belongs to the underground forces, I have said, I am the
top type of underground forces, what is strange to know him?"
"You'll be proud of you." Helenrui covered her mouth and chuckled, her man had such a skil
, she was also very happy.
Zhu Yuanjiu came forward, this time, it was completely settled.
Henry and Helen had dinner together, watched a movie, and enjoyed the warmth of the
Early the next morning, as soon as I woke up, the news of the city ’s current affairs on my
mobile phone released the issue of the stamped secretary.
Helen didn't expect that the efficiency of Grandpa Zhu was so amazing. Yesterday, he gave
the seal to the horse. He has a deeper understanding of Henry's identity and importance.
The two lingered in bed for a while.
"Yesterday you accompany me, today I accompany you, where do you want to go?"
Henry hugged Han Genrou's shoulder.
Helen thought about it for a while, and said with strong emotion in his eyes, "Why don't we
go to Zhujia, I've long wanted to see what the ancient Wu family is like."
"Yes." Henry nodded.
When she heard Henry agree, Helen seemed excited. She was very interested in Gu Wu.
After coming to the Blade, she heard the news about Gu Wu family, and she was already
curious, but she understood, I have no chance at all, and I have no identity to go to the
ancient Wu family, even the most common ancient Wu family.
Now, she can even go home, this is something she did not dare to think before.
Henry took Helen to Zhujiazhuang. On the day of Zhujia's comparison, Henry was already
famous in Zhujiazhuang, and he entered Zhujiazhuang without any hindrance.
Helen looked at the residential area of the manor, Yanwutai, and as soon as he entered the
gate, he felt the difference from the outside world. Although he used high technology, there
was always an antiquity.
Seeing those young generations on the Yanwutai who are struggling with their fists, some
people specialize in teaching, and everyone is based on improving their own strength.
On that day, Henryyi defeated Zhu Zhong in boxing. It can be said that many people were
hit, making the younger generation of Zhu family work harder.
Under the performance of Wutai, several sweaty young generations of Zhujia are gathered
around and drinking iced beverages.
"Brother Zhu Zhong, I heard that you have a force outside, is it true?" A young woman from
the Zhu family looked at Zhu Zhong with admiration.
Zhu Zhong nodded, "It's a force, but it's just getting started, it's no big deal."
"God, I wish Brother Zhong!" Another younger generation exclaimed with a look of
amazement, "How old are you, and you are only twenty-three years old today. At this age,
you will create your own power. Which younger generation can do it." "
"That is to say."
"Compared with you, we are almost like a waste person."
The sound of admiration sounded.
Zhu Zhong waved his hand. "It's not as good as what you said. I'm relatively young.
There is no prestige. Even if you create a force, it is not easy to manage."
When Zhu Zhong said, there was a sad look on his face, obviously this problem was really
hard for him.
"Actually, the management power is not as difficult as you think." Henry walked over with
Helen from the side. For Zhu Yuanjiu's sake, Henry also took the initiative to teach Zhu
Zhong the experience, "You have to learn more about yourself People, what they need, and
satisfying everyone ’s desires, they can be well managed. Of course, they ca n’t be too kind.
A qualified leader must make your people afraid of you and respect you.
At first glance, these younger generations of Zhujia glanced at Henry and glanced at their
A young man said: "Dude, I know you have great skil s, but management power is not the
same as personal skil s. You should not look at any management experience. Just educate
Zhu Zhongge here."
"That is, you think that the forces that manage your own are over the house. They are al
ancient martial artists. They are al arrogant and proud. Who wants to listen to other
people's words, not the elders who face their own families."
"Yes, you don't want to talk big things here. When you have the ability to build your own
power, you know how difficult it is."
A young person from the Zhujia family said, these people, born in Zhujia, are more or less
arrogant. Last time, the entire young generation was crushed by others, which made them
uncomfortable enough. May Henry be pressed everywhere.
Zhu Zhongchong said to Henry, "Everyone knows the truth about what you said, but it can
be done. There is nothing so simple. You don't have experience in this area, and you don't
understand the sadness inside."

398 Ancient Wujie Gossip

"It's not sadness, it's responsibility." Henry looked at Zhu Zhong and said in an educational
tone, "Since you have formed your own power, you have to be responsible for it. You are a
leader and you should do what the leader has to do It ’s your job to know everyone and
discover everyone. "
Henry's words drew a laugh.
"Dude, don't you justify it here, will you? You are our life guru?"
"That's it! Who wouldn't talk about this kind of truth, wait until you can do it."
"Some people don't do it, they think they can do everything. They can educate others, and
when they do it themselves, it's not the case."
There were sounds.
Henry shook his head. If these people couldn't listen, he couldn't help it.
There are tal buildings in Zhujiazhuang. Standing on the top of the building, you can
overlook everything around you and have a panoramic view of the entire Zhujiazhuang.
Zhu Yuanjiu was dressed in a Tang suit, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass on the
top floor, looking down on the entire Zhujiazhuang, his face full of sadness.
"Dad." A 50-year-old middle-aged man stood beside Zhu Yuanjiu. "You are interested today,
it seems that it is not high."
Zhu Yuanjiu looked out the window, "Since last night, I have been restless and always feel
that something is going to happen."
"What can happen." The middle-aged man said indifferently.
"You don't understand." Zhu Yuanjiu shook his head. This time someone wanted to destroy
Zhu's family. Only he knew it. He didn't tell anyone. He didn't want to cause panic. "You
didn't find that today's fog is exceptional. Is it thick? "
Over the entire Zhujiazhuang, there was a thick fog.
"Aren't we just like that, when the sun comes out, the fog will disperse."
Zhu Yuanjiu shook his head, "Fog, will not go away today."
Zhu Yuanjiu looked at the thick fog and panicked in his heart. He always felt that something
might happen today.
On the other side, Henry, with Helen, stood here with Zhu Zhong. For these younger
generations, Henry smiled and said nothing more. He kindly wanted to show Zhu Zhong a
clear way. But since they didn't believe it, they naturally wouldn't take the initiative to say
anything. The reason why he still stayed here with Helen was Henry wanted Helen to learn
more about the underground world.
Henry's position is too high, and al the things he touches are not touched by Han Genou,
even the sharp blade, can't be reached.
Some things Helen will face in the future are also out of reach of Henry. After all, there are
too many differences in level. On the contrary, it is the gossip that the younger generations
of the family talk about. it works.
"You know, last time there was an ancient Wu family called Fengshalou. It turned out that a
young man challenged several masters of the family, only to lose in 13 games."
"I heard about this. It is said that the history of this sandstorm building has been more than
three hundred years, but everyone has never known it."
"Hey, there are still many powerful people in this world. Do you know the Liao family in
Yinzhou? The whole family was kil ed. The fire was completely clean. It is said that even the
law enforcers died together!"
"Real y? Was it wiped out? Even the law enforcer had an accident?"
"So, don't be too arrogant in the future."
A group of people chatted, and finally looked at Zhu Zhong, and said: "Zhu Zhong brother,
you have been rushing outside in recent years. You must have more knowledge than us, or
will you tell us about it?"
"That is, Zhu Zhongge, you also let us know, so as not to go out and be ashamed."
Zhu Zhong chuckled, "What do you want to hear?"
"Zhu Zhongge, why don't you talk about who is more powerful, those who are a little older
than us." One said excitedly.
"It's better?" Zhu Zhong made a reflection and spoke a few seconds later. "If it's strength, Ji
Shouyi, the current owner of the Ji family in Beijing, is probably the first master of the
ancient Wu family."
Henry squeezed Han Genrou's little hand and whispered in Han Genrou's ear: "You
remember what he said, you will have to touch these things sooner or later."
"Wel ." Helennou nodded and listened carefully.
"Zhu Zhongge, you said that the Ji family is currently the head of the family, isn't it young?"
One asked.
Zhu Zhong nodded and responded, “At the age of about thirty, I just took over the throne of
the Ji family for three years. It can be said that they are the top genius of their generation.
Everywhere, people can hear people talking about Ji Shouyi's prestige. "
"This is too great, then, he was the owner of the Ji family at the age of 27?"
"The Ji family is the largest ancient martial family in Beijing."
"What about the second?" Someone asked again.
"Second." Zhu Zhong extended two fingers, "Jingcheng Jiang Family, Jiang Qing."
When Zhu Zhong said the name, many people were puzzled.
"Jiang Qing? Brother Zhu Zhong, why have you never heard of this person."
"Yeah, I haven't heard the Jiang family mention it."
Zhu Zhong shook his head and said, "You haven't heard it, it's normal. This person Jiang
Qing is a martial arts lover. He is indifferent to everything except the things related to Gu
Wu. Is the biggest opponent. "
"Brother Zhu Zhong, do you tell us about the chanting abroad?"
"Foreign?" Zhu Zhong pondered for a while, and said, "I don't know the major foreign
forces, but there is a power. I have heard that the leader of this power is recognized as the
strongest man in the world."
Zhu Zhong said that at this time, there was a look of worship on his face, and he asked Wu
Wu wholeheartedly, that the title of the world's strongest man was beyond his reach in his
"The strongest in the world!"
These five words make Zhu Jia's younger generation wide-eyed.
Someone can't wait to ask: "Zhu Zhongge, what is the force you are talking about?"
Zhu Zhong looked around, "Have you heard of, Bright Island?"
"Guangming Island?" Hearing these three words, almost everyone showed a doubt.
"Yes, Bright Island!" Zhu Zhong nodded, "That island is not under the jurisdiction of any
country, and is beyond the world. The island's owner is known as Satan, the leader of hell!
The name of Satan is almost To say that any organization resounds means an invincibility! "
When Zhu Zhong said these things, he was also a face of worship.
Although these younger generations of Zhu's family do not know how strong the hell
leaders Zhu Zhong said, but the islands are not subject to the jurisdiction of any country,
they have made them feel domineering.
Invincible and the strongest title in the world, not everyone can cal it.
"Zhu Zhongge, how old are you Satan? How is he compared to Ji Shouyi?" Someone asked.
Zhu Zhong shook his head, "I don't know the age, but he is definitely stronger than Ji
Shouyi. You know, the world's strongest title, the gold content is very sufficient. Ji Shouyi is
not Satan's opponent."
Chapter 399
Regarding the name of Satan, Zhu Zhong talked about it, and he talked a lot, and said a lot of
deeds, some things, even Henry had not heard of himself, and was placed on his head.
"Hell leader, this person's name is said to be able to scare children abroad. Some people say
that he is a demon that kil s people without blinking. He walks in the world.
As long as he goes, there will be death. "
"And I heard that this person is lustful. Almost every month, he will find dozens of girls on
the island to serve him. These women on the island not only do not feel wronged, but are
also very happy."
Henry touched his nose, he really wanted to go up and give Zhu Zhong a set of punches.
Henry could understand the crying child. When Zhu Yuanjiu was a child, he used his name
to scare the girl. Henry also recognized it if he did n’t blink, but what did the dozens of girls
mean every month? Are you King Shan?
While these younger generations wishing to discuss various gossips enthusiastically, a
breeze blew the mist everywhere.
Zhu Yuanjiu stood on the highest floor of Zhu's house. He saw a yellow leaf floating in the
air, swirling, and slowly fel towards the ground.
Zhu Yuanjiu stared at the leaf. After a few seconds, his face changed drastically, and the
people behind shouted, "Come on! Let everyone gather on Yanwutai, come on!"
"Dad, this ..." The person behind Zhu Yuanjiu was taken aback by Zhu Yuanjiu's sudden
appearance, a little confused.
"Quick! Let everyone gather!" Zhu Yuanjiu roared, strode forward, and ran out of the room.
Seeing that Zhu Yuanjiu was so nervous, the man no longer hesitated, and immediately
notified him.
The Zhu family is a well-regulated family, and it is absolutely a ban on orders. Zhu Yuanjiu
orders this. The family, no matter what they are doing, come to Yanwutai as soon as
The air was filled with fog, and everyone stood on the Yanwutai, feeling that everything in
front of them was hazy.
The crowd gathered together and looked back and forth, all puzzled in their eyes, and did
not understand why the head of the family suddenly let everyone gather.
Henry also took Helen to Yanwutai. On Henry's face, he rarely showed a serious look.
The strong sixth sense allows Henry to feel that there is a restless factor in the air. This
feeling is just like when he was about to usher in a war.
"Fol ow me closely." Henry grabbed Helen's little hand and looked around.
"Is everyone here? Let everyone come, everyone!" Zhu Yuanjiu took a big step in Wutai.
"Dad, it's all here." The middle-aged former came up and replied to Zhu Yuanjiu.
Zhu Yuanjiu nodded. When he saw Henry in the crowd, he was relieved. Henry's existence
seemed like a needle of Dinghaishen.
In the sky, the mist is not dispersed, but the drifting dry leaves are increasing.
I wish everyone in the family looked over the top of their heads, it was strange, this is the
summer, where the dead leaves come from.
Zhu Yuanjiu shouted, "Women and children stand on the inside, men stand on the outside!"
When Zhu Yuanjiu's voice came out, I wish everyone in the family was shocked. This
command made everyone feel a different place. Some people who were still laughing at the
moment have converged their smiles at this moment. His face looked around seriously.
There are more and more dead leaves floating under the sky, falling to the top of
everyone's head and to the ground. When the feet step on the dead leaves, a "click" will
The entire Yanwu stage fel into silence, and almost everyone looked closely at him.
With a "creep", the vermilion door of Zhujiazhuang was pushed open.
A group of people in Tsing Yi costumes appeared in front of everyone in the Zhu family.
Watching these people appear slowly in the thick fog, Zhu Yuanjiu's expression was solemn
and he murmured, "Come."
Henry, who was standing in the crowd, also set his sights on these people. On these people,
Henry smelled a dangerous breath.
This group of Tsing Yi people, no more, no less than twenty people.
They walked slowly in front of the Zhujia Yanwutai, forming a row without making any
unnecessary noise.
"I wish the ancestors Zhu Lie and Zhu Chuang's ancestors in 1437 AD and have inherited
them for nearly 600 years." A female voice sounded in the thick fog.
A whole row of Tsing Yi people spread out on both sides when this female voice sounded.
Seeing that, a fiery figure appeared, in this thick white fog, giving a sense of hazy and
This flaming figure slowly walked to the Zhujia Yanwutai and locked his eyes on Zhu
"Wish the contemporary owner of the house, you know that you have already committed
Henry didn't see the other person's appearance until the woman arrived at Yanwutai.
The other person was wearing a red han suit, with a cloud like a bun, and a hollow orchid
bead was inserted diagonal y above his head. Fiery mark.
"Who is your Excellency?" Zhu Yuanjiu approached the woman and asked solemnly.
"You are a dead person, you don't need to know too much." The other side glanced
indifferently, "kil it."
Twenty Tsing Yi people standing behind the woman, at this moment, came to the Zhujia
Yanwu platform, they did not have any weapons in their hands, but with a strong sense of
"Kill us and wish my family? It's a big breath!" A senior man who wished his family sneered,
and took the lead to grab the black man who walked in front.
Faced with the catch of the Zhu family, Tsing Yi people's face remained unchanged, and the
backhand punched out. With this punch, the Zhu family's person was shot down and flew
Everyone in the Zhu family looked at such a scene, and there was some disbelief in their
eyes. The person who had just shot and put it in the Zhu family was also a master, but it
was so easily blasted.
Zhu Yuanjiu looked at Henry in the crowd after seeing the Tsing Yi man shot.
Henry also looked at Zhu Yuanjiu and nodded at Zhu Yuanjiu.
The two of them saw clearly that when the Tsing Yi man just shot, he was breathing!
Although very weak, but it really exists!
The defeat of the enemy by the Tsing Yi people made everyone in the Zhu family feel the
Apparently there are only 20 people in the other party, but they feel like they are facing
thousands of troops.
"Wish the family belongs to the enemy!" Zhu Yuanjiu shouted.
All Zhu family members, with the wish of Zhu Yuanjiu, all set the offensive.
The woman in red stood in front of Yanwutai and chuckled. "A group of ignorance who do
not know what to do is also worthy of competing with us. It's ridiculous!"
Zhu Yuanjiu looked at the woman in red, "Sure enough, you know the existence of qi, qi is
hidden by you deliberately!"
The woman in red looked at Zhu Yuanjiu without a word.
Chapter 400
As these people in Tsing Yi gradual y approached, finally the people of Zhu family couldn't
help it again, and took the initiative to shoot at people in Tsing Yi.
These family members rushed in front of the Tsing Yi people, almost no accident, al
defeated by one move.
These people in Tsing Yi's complexion have no waves, as if what they are doing now is as
simple as eating and drinking.
I wish everyone in the family horrified, the other party's strength, so that they have an
irresistible feeling, too strong, this is something they have never felt, even if it is the largest
ancient martial arts family Ji family in China, there will not be so many The strong, these
twenty Tsing Yi people, have the power to sweep the entire family.
Zhu Yuanjiu watched his family's younger generations retreat, and his face turned green,
shouted, and rushed towards one of the Tsing Yi people.
In the face of Zhu Yuanjiu, this Tsing Yi man is not as destructive as before, and fights with
Zhu Yuanjiu.
Zhu Yuanjiu only made a few moves. He found that the other party's strength was not
strong and the speed was not fast, but each time he made a move, he felt a sense of
"Is this madness!" Zhu Yuanjiu faced this opponent for the first time.
Henry narrowed his eyes and watched Zhu Yuanjiu's duel with Tsing Yi people. After a few
strokes, Henry stepped forward and rushed between Zhu Yuan Jiu and Tsing Yi people.
Tsing Yi people.
In the face of Henry's fist, Zhu Yuanjiu did not dare to take it hard and quickly backed away.
Tsing Yi Gu Guwu's face finally changed, and he took two steps back to escape Henry's fist.
"What are you doing!" Zhu family screamed when they saw Henry's own owner shot.
Henry ignored the people who wished the family, but looked at the woman in the red
hanfu, "Do you wish the family love to kill each other?"
As soon as Henry said this, Hong Yi's eyes lightly picked.
Zhu Yuanjiu was also shocked, and looked at Henry with a big mouth: "You mean ..."
"I wish old man, take a closer look, the boxing skil s of these people are similar to those
used by you, or in other words, the boxing skills you use have many moves, derived from
their use. "" Henry glanced at the group of Tsing Yi people.
"What!" Zhu Yuanjiu's eyes widened.
"Don't talk nonsense!" One Zhu family yelled, "We wish the family inherited hundreds of
years, family ancient martial arts from ancient times to today, how could it be derived from
other people's fist."
"Don't discredit our family!"
There was a sound of cheering among the crowd at home. Apparently Henry's words
angered them.
"Shut up!" Zhu Yuanjiu shouted. Zhu Yuanjiu scolded his juniors and looked back to Henry.
Henry smiled slightly, "I have a question, and I have been wondering why the old man Zhu
found the existence of qi, and there will be news that someone wants to destroy Zhu's
family. As far as I know, there is no force that can stare. I wish the ancient martial family
like the family, pay attention to their every move, and have not been noticed by them. If you
can real y do this, it is impossible to be nameless. "
After Henry finished speaking, he turned his attention to the woman in red again. "Your
dressing style continued the style of the Ming Dynasty Wanli years, that is, the era when
Zhu Family's ancestors created Zhu Family. Most people were used to it at that time.
Will hang his own name tag on his waist, am I right, Zhu Junlian? "
After Henry finished speaking, looking at the woman's waist, there was indeed a wooden
sign hanging there.
"You!" The woman in red has always been a dull complexion, and now finally changed.
"It seems that I said it right. You stared at Zhujia. When Zhu Yuanjiu discovered the stone
cave, you uttered a voice in the entire underground world to destroy Zhujia and create a
kind of everything you know and nowhere. The purpose of the illusion of absence is to
make you fear you. "Henry took two steps forward." A powerful organization, if you really
want to be afraid, there is no need to create such an il usion.
The method, but refused to let the gas leak a minute, you are hiding these things, it is
uncomfortable to say, you are afraid, you are afraid, and you are doing it! "
The woman in red took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, "You think you saw everything?"
Henry shook his head, "Dare not say anything to see through, I can only see that you and
Zhu's family are inextricably linked. Zhu's family is a surname in the Ming Dynasty and has
the habit of cultivating the dead. Wel , these twenty people are al the dead men you
cultivated. You gave them the surnames, dead men are nameless, divided by number, then
he! "
Henry suddenly turned his head, looked at the man in Tsing Yi who was closest to him, and
grabbed him at the other side.
Seeing Henrychao arrested himself, the Tsing Yi man did not retreat, but went to Henry.
Henry's action was not to hurt the opponent, but to reach out and grab a wooden sign less
than the size of the palm from the opponent's waist.
Henry glanced at the wooden sign, sneered, and threw the wooden sign back to Zhu
Zhu Yuanjiu took over the wooden sign. At the moment he saw the wooden sign, his pupils
contracted. On the wooden sign, there was awe-inspiring words like Zhu Sanjiu,
as Henry had expected, these people, With Zhu as the last name, the first name is the
Zhu Yuanjiu pinched the wooden sign and looked at the woman in red. "You wish my family
The woman in red chuckled, "Put up the word, I wish my family, and you are not."
"Fart!" A shout rang out from the crowd.
At Zhujia, there is a strong sense of family honour. Some people insult themselves and wish
the family to bear it, but they can't bear to insult the family.
"We wish the family to inherit 600 years from ancient times, you said we don't wish the
"It's ridiculous that only a group of foreigners dare to call themselves Zhu Family." The
woman in red stared at Zhu Family, "Zhu Family Orthodoxy, there is only one vein, based
on your messy blood, the surname Zhu is all for surname Zhu An insult! "
The woman in red shouted, her figure flashed, her long skirt fluttered up, and she grabbed
"Kill you first!" The woman in red stared at Henry, with a strong murderous intention
flashing in her eyes.
At the moment when the woman in red shot, Henry felt a familiar feeling, which was exactly
the same as it was in the European royal meeting.
Henry murmured in his heart. Sure enough, he used to be angry.
The anger is indescribable. The woman in red punched with a punch, as if a thin wall of air
was placed on the fist.
Henry found that this woman's use of qi is far more than that of the president, but the
power is much worse.
At the beginning, the president of the Wang Hui made Henry only able to resist. At that
moment, the sense of oppression made Henry feel a kind of breathlessness, but now this
woman can't do that.
Faced with the woman's moves in red, Henry does not fight back, but only resists and
dodges. He wants to take this opportunity to take a good look at what this qi is.
The young woman beckoned to Henry, when she found that Henry was unable to return,
she smiled and said: "Just so sharp and sharp, I thought you were what The role, in the end,
is nothing more than that! "
I wish the younger generation of the family, although very unhappy with Henry, but now
see Henry at a disadvantage, they are also anxious.
"The opponent is too strong."
"Have she really wished her family?"
"Never heard of it!"
Han, who stood in the crowd at the same time wishing the family to mourn because Henry
was defeated by the other party Gentle is wondering, although she does n’t know
what Henry ’s true strength is, but she has seen Henry shoot many times anyway.
Although the woman in red is strong, she still shows what Henry showed before. There is a
lot of difference, and Henry should not be forced to this situation.
"I thought, what do you have, just like that in the end, you want to be the first bird for them,
you must be prepared to pay the price!" The young woman patted Henry again.
Henry stretched out his hand to resist. While blocking this palm, Henry felt a whirlwind
along the other's palm, coming towards himself.
"This is what the grandfather Zhu Yuanjiu said in the record."
Henry felt the power brought by the red woman's palm. Henry found that the power on the
other hand's palm was not much, the biggest The lethality comes from that qi.
In the early years, Henry had visited several qigong masters. One of them sucked a bowl
with his abdomen. Henry used four forces to remove the bowl from the other party's
You know, Henry's quarter force is enough to lift an adult man easily.
The qigong master told Henry that the true existence of qigong can be divided into two
types: the foreign family and the internal family. What he has in his body is the internal
family, and the external family can do it.
At the time, Henry's statement to the foreigners did not catch a cold. After all, it was
But now, through the trick with the woman in red, Henry probably understood that the so-
called qi is just another way of exerting force, just like he can hit a sonic boom with one
punch, this is qi.
It's just that they do it al with absolute power. The other party relies on some skills, and has
the skil s to use air, which will make them overcome their strength and speed in terms of
Henry once again resisted the punch from the woman in red, shook his arm, and chuckled:
"I always thought that anger is something, and at the end, it was just a way of pretending to
be fooling."
"Joke, you are such a fool "" The woman in red was about to speak, Henry took the initiative
to punch.
This is the first time Henry and the woman in red have taken the initiative.
Punched out with a burst of wind breaking sound.
The woman also threw a punch, with a burst of gas, but she found out that the gas she had
blown out was completely dispersed.
"You also practice Qi!" The woman in red stared at Henry with wide eyes, "Which one are
you from!"
"Practice Qi?" Henry laughed, "You think it's Qi, that's it. ""
Henry's fist hit the woman's arm heavily and beat him back three meters.
Henry said with a smile: "You have intentionally created an invincible momentum since you
appeared. In fact, all the qi you said can be broken with strength. You are not afraid of
wishing your family. The number of ways, al of their boxing skills, you al analyze, you can
easily win. " "You think, do you know everything?" The woman in red shook her
arm, Henry's punch just made her arm numb, and she couldn't help it. "This branch , I will
be destroyed today! "The
woman in red finished and took out a bamboo tube from behind her waist and twisted it
I saw a sharp arrow with red smoke blasting out of the bamboo tube and went straight to
the sky. In the thick fog, it brought thick red smoke and burst into the sky.
The woman in red stared at Henry, "Although I don't know who you are, you have to pay
the price for today's affairs!" The
woman in red just started to hear the sound of tidy footsteps in front of the door of the
house, these The footsteps fell strongly.
I wish the family had seen Henry gain a little advantage in the showdown with the woman
in red, and just showed joy, but now his face changed a lot.
The other party real y came to these people.
The fog was thick, and I wish my family could not tel how many people were coming from
each other. Just by listening to these neat footsteps, the number of people was at least
"Kill al of them!" The woman in red stood there, without looking at her, and then ordered.
The woman in red dropped her voice, but found that there was no movement behind her.
"What a shock, kill them!"
Behind her, there was stil silence.
The woman in red found that Henryzheng looked at herself with a smile.
"What are you laughing at!"
"It's a pity." Henry shook his head. "Your person, can't come."
"What!" The woman in red changed her face suddenly, and she looked back.
I saw that behind him, in the dense white mist, a black figure stood still here. These black
figures, each holding a bright blade in his hand, was wearing a scorpion on his face.
Grimace mask for teeth.
The woman in red noticed a shock when she saw these figures.
"Hell ... walker ..."
"Huh, it seems that our reputation on Guangming Island is not small." Henry said with a
"Guangming Island!" Zhu Zhong and others who stood in the crowd of Zhu Jia's eyes
widened when they heard Henry's words.
Not long ago, they also talked about Guangming Island, saying that it is the most powerful
organization in the world. Unexpectedly, he came from Guangming Island?
The waves in Helen's soft and beautiful eyes final y knew where Henry came from,
Guangming Island, Guangming Island!
During the training of the Blade, Helen heard the organization more than once. Even the
instructor, when talking about the three words of Guangming Island, could not help but
bring a touch of awe in the eyes. Awe-inspiring organization!
Henry looked at the woman in red and spoke lightly: "I will give you three opportunities to
tell me where you are from and what is the purpose of hiding your qi. Otherwise, believe
me, you can't leave here."
"Xiu Xiang!" Red The woman in clothing gritted her teeth, "Guangming Island is just a holy
place for a group of barbarians. In our eyes, you are nothing but a group of ignorance! I
can't live without this, you don't have this skill!"
"Is it?" Henry said With a slight chuckle, "Then, kill it."
Henryhua's moment fel , a touch of coldness, and scratched at the woman's neck in red.
At the moment when Han Hanman was drawn towards the woman in red, a loud shout
suddenly sounded.
"Stop it!"
The drink came from the dense fog, with a strong momentum, and it was subconscious to
Na Momang didn't stop because of this drink, like a poisonous snake spitting a letter, and
continued to strike the woman's neck in red.
Seeing that Mo Han Mang had approached the woman in red, a large hand stretched out in
the thick fog, almost instantly grabbing the sharp blade, Hellwalker, and the action failed!
The hel walker who had been slashed had to start.
"Stop hand, you are not his opponent." Henry stretched out his arm and made a stop
The hel walker lowered his head to the side.
Henry narrowed his eyes to see the appearance of the coming person, male, in his forties,
wearing ordinary casual clothes.
The coming man also looked at Henry and said directly, "You can't kil her!"
Henry's mouth twitched a playful smile, "Are you threatening me?"
"Dare not." The middle-aged man shook his head, "Hell Walker 100,000, All over the world,
who dares to threaten you in this world,
Lord of Bright Island, Lord Satan who is called the hell king by the world. " The words of the
middle-aged man let all the family members present open their mouths at this moment ,
Eyes full of incredible looking at Henry.
Hell King, Satan!
He turned out to be the hell king, the owner of the island of Bright Island, known as the
strongest man in the world!
Zhu Zhong stood on the periphery of Yanwutai and only felt a tumult in his heart. His idol
was Satan. All along, he had been wondering what kind of image Satan was in his heart, but
it was unexpected. A young man of his own age, as old as he is, is invincible in the world
and rules the most powerful organization in the world!
Before Zhu Zhong thought again, he said that he was invincible to his peers, but now he
found out how ridiculous his words were. This Master Satan was truly invincible. His eyes
were too short, and he also said that when he created an organization, People come over to
teach themselves how to lead, and they stil laugh at others, now? I really feel like a stump.
Helen's beautiful eyes are splendid, his own man turned out to be the legendary Satan, the
island owner of Bright Island!
Henry narrowed his eyes at the middle-aged man, "It seems that your preparations are
doing well, so what's next, do you think you know my identity, and I dare not kill you?"
middle-aged man continued to shake his head, " This is not my hole card. I know that there
is no one in this world that Lord Satan would dare to kil , but this time, you have to sel a
face. "The
middle-aged man finished and took a coin from his pocket. Throw it to Henry.
The moment Henry caught the coin, his pupil shrank and pondered for three seconds, "I
sold his face, you go."
"Thank you." The middle-aged man gave Henry a fist and pulled the sleeve of the woman in
red, "Go!" The
voice fel , and the two disappeared into the dense fog at a rapid rate.
The twenty Tsing Yi dying men gradual y hid in the thick fog.
Henry waved around.
The looming hellwalker standing in the dense fog gradually disappeared without making
any noise.
I wish my family looked at Henry who was standing at the front of Yanwutai, and they al
felt emotions, but no one dared to come forward and say a word to Henry. This is Lord
Satan! Zhu Yuanjiu walked up slowly, looked into the thick fog, opened his mouth, and said
"Look at this." Henry threw the coin thrown by the middle-aged man to Zhu Yuanjiu.
Zhu Yuanjiu took the coin, and the word "Lu" was inscribed on the coin.
"Mr. Lu!" Zhu Yuanjiu's eyes widened.
"Old Man Lu gave seven such coins, and he confessed to me before he died. Anyone who
wants to hold this coin is not an excessive request. He must agree." Henry sighed,
"These people have Come prepared. "
Zhu Yuanjiu carefully returned the coin to Henry.
Henry put the coin in his pocket and said: "Okay, after this time, they will not come, let
everyone go."
Zhu Yuanjiu nodded and began to arrange, admonishing everyone, not al owed Pass on
today's events, whether it's the woman in red or Henry.
I wish the family members to keep their mouths closed tightly, and not dare to discuss.
The name of Satan, the king of hell, is too big.
After the crowd dispersed, Henry took Helen to the room of Zhu Yuanjiu.
Henry discovered that when he was walking in Zhujiazhuang, the people of Zhujia didn't
dare to glance at himself even when they looked at it.
"Am I so scary?" Henry touched his nose and asked curiously Han Hanrou beside him.
"Scary." Helen nodded without hesitation. "Even when I just heard your name, there was
fear in my heart."
Henry laughed twice, "This is also good." In the
room, Zhu Yuanjiu was already soaked tea.
The woman in red and the middle-aged man sit in an ordinary Volkswagen car.
"How is it?" The middle-aged man looked at the woman in red.
"It's okay." The woman in red appeared with a happy look on her face. "I have successful y
misled him. He should already have his own understanding of anger." The middle-aged man
nodded . Mr. pro-disciple, this is the only threat to our people, now is the key moment,
absolutely can not let him find out what Ni end. " "
Luk it real y so terrible? "a woman's face to give birth to a touch of red doubt.
In the middle-aged man's face, a sense of fear appeared unconsciously, "Mr. Lu's name
among us is the same as his disciples' names in ordinary ancient Wu family, just the name
is a deterrent."
Zhujia Manor.
Zhu Yuanjiu made tea and asked Henry, "What do you think of Qi?"
"I don't know." Henry shook his head.
"I don't know?" Zhu Yuanjiu was puzzled, "The girl just used it, it wasn't exactly ..."
"It's not qi." Henry denied, "Or, she hides the real qi, she wants to mislead I, people think
that anger is just a boastful thing. "
" This ... "Zhu Yuanjiu frowned.
Henry smiled, "This is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that they are not as
powerful as we think. They are also afraid and afraid. At the very least, they are afraid of
the hole card in my hand. Things have to be explored slowly. "
Henry stretched out his arm, and during the duel just now, countless anger poured into his
arm. If you look closely, you will find that Henry's skin is emitting a slight Trembling.
Zhu Yuanjiu listened to Henry's words, and fell into silence. The identity of those people
who came today, left countless doubts in his mind, and now I feel only a group in front of
me I can't uncover the mist.
"Okay, I wish old man, how is life still going? They are doing these things now, in plain
words, just two words, and they are afraid." Henry put down the teacup and stood up from
the seat, "If they are really fearless So you do n’t have to do so many things, whether it ’s a
conspiracy or a conspiracy. If you ’re strong, do n’t be afraid of anything.
If you ’re bigger, they hide their anger and hide with the conspiracy, but let ’s be
straightforward , These are just a group of rats hiding in the sewers, they ca n’t even dare to
show their faces, and they can turn over the storm! "
Zhu Yuanjiu looked at Henry, and Henry ’s body was full of The confidence that cannot help
but sigh, the person with this confidence is fearless when facing anything.
"I wish you old man, I will go first. If you have any discovery, please contact me at any time
and just cal my private phone." Henry knocked on the table and took Helen away from
Zhu's house.
"I send you." Zhu Yuanjiu got up.
By the time Henry and Helen came to the city, the dense fog had almost disappeared.
The two declined Zhu Yuanjiu's request to arrange someone to take them to play, and
turned around in Duhai.
Just a few minutes after the transfer, Helen received a call from the Sun team. The Sun team
told Helen that the above arrangement was settled. This time, the He family did not pursue
it and the punishment would not fal on them.
Helenren and the Sun team and others are very clear that this can be handled in the same
way, and it is inseparable from Zhu Zhu, and Zhu Zhu can come forward, all because of
The Sun team also told Helen that her vacation will end tomorrow, let Helen enjoy this
leisurely day of the last day, early tomorrow morning, their team will go to the port, the
superior arranged people, took them to and Neptune's fleet negotiations.
Helen had little confidence in negotiating with Poseidon herself, but now, she is ful of
confidence. The reason why Poseidon is so feared is that, first, it is related to Poseidon
’s own strength, and second This is because Poseidon is one of the ten kings of Bright
And the man next to him is the leader of Bright Island. With him in, this matter is stil very
Henry and Helen spent a whole day in Duhai. They didn't go to any museums or other
places. There was a lot of pictures left.
Returning to the hotel at night, Helen was even more crazy than the previous two days, and
he always had to take the initiative, making Henry somewhat passive.
Early the next morning, Henry and Helen went to the airport and took a special plane to the
Originally, Henry planned to call Poseidon to inform him about this. As a result, Poseidon's
phone couldn't be reached. Henry simply went with it. Is it a day's business anyway.
When he arrived at the airport, the Sun team and others were already waiting here,
including Jin Xin and Tian Rui, all here.
Several people saw that when Helen walked, he no longer had the bravery of the previous
heroes. Instead, he had some twists and turns, and those who had experienced personnel
affairs naturally understood what this was because of.
Helen felt some strange, blushing faces in the eyes of everyone.
Jin Xuan and Tian Rui welcomed Henry's need to act together. Henry's identity has always
been a mystery in the hearts of the two people. What they know is that Henry is powerful
and has a high background. Otherwise, this time He Jiayang's Things, how can I make Mr.
Zhu personally come forward? Take a special plane to the port and come to a small cruise
Henry saw that a man was already sitting on the deck of the cruise ship.
"How come, grinning." On the deck of the cruise ship was a young man with short hair.
He was looking at Jin Xin impatiently at the moment, and finally locked his eyes on Helen.
Newcomer? "
Jin Xin introduced to the Sun team and others that the young man on the deck, named Gu
Fang, was specifically responsible for the mission of the blade at sea, and had good
friendship with all parties at sea.
"Good team Gu." Everyone walked up to the deck and said hello to Gu Fang.
Among the sharp blades, there is an unwritten rule. Al players older than their
qualifications should be cal ed captains.
Gu Fang nodded symbolical y, and finally focused his attention on Helen, "Is this new player
interested in coming to my team?"
"Gu Fang, people have a famous flower, so don't worry about it. "Jin Xin walked to Gu Fang
and yelled at Henrynu." Look, the boyfriend is next to him. "
" Boyfriend? "Gu Fang smiled." I remember, we don't al ow men and women in our team. It
’s about that boy, you ’re fired, let ’s go. ”
Gu Fangchong waved Henry and motioned for Henry to disembark.
"Hehe." Henry smiled, "I'm not in your team, I came to help negotiate with the Poseidon
"Negotiation? Need you?" Gu Fang showed a trace of dissatisfaction, "Jin Xin, what do you
mean, Do you think I can speak without this kid? "
Tian Rui walked with a smile," Wel Gu Fang, people kindly and kindly come to help, we
can't refuse, right, let's go sailing. "
" Open Ship, "Jin Xin also said.
Seeing that Tian Rui and Jin Xin both spoke, Gu Fang snorted and started the cruise ship.
The cruise ship starts at full speed, and it takes about three hours to get to the high seas.
During this time, there is nothing to do. Some people stay in the cabin and some lie on the
Three hours later, it reached the high seas.
Helenren and Henry lay on the edge of the guardrail, Helen pointed to his finger, "This is
the shipwreck, only half of it is in the territory of China's territorial waters."
Helen finished and pointed to the West.
"Look at that, it's all Poseidon's fleet."
In the direction of Han Genrou's fingers, three warships stayed.
Han gentle look of curiosity and asked to Henry, "the sunny island you how many warships
ah, is said to be outside the territorial waters of each country, there are three warships
sunny island."
Henry shook his head and said: "I do not know, this Everything is control ed by Poseidon. It
depends on how much money Ferris puts in. "
Helen rol ed his eyes." You still educate the people who wish to have a family today.
Doesn't your leader behave like that? ""
Henryqian laughed twice without replying.
At the moment, on the three warships not far from Henry and them, a bald, white man was
standing on the deck, staring down.
"Hua Xia Shipwreck? The boss is a Hua Xia man. He must be interested in this ship.
You did well this time, Leon." The white strong man turned his head and gave a thumbs up
to a Western man behind him.
Leon was full of joy. He was the captain of this fleet. After discovering the shipwreck this
time, he reported to him as soon as possible, but he didn't expect Lord Poseidon to come in
Poseidon stood on the deck and saw a cruise ship gradually sailing out of China's territorial
sea, entering the high seas, and approaching its own side.
"What is that for? Go and see." Poseidon frowned slightly and said.
Leon nodded quickly and dropped a speedboat from the fleet. He took two people and sat
on the speedboat, heading towards the cruise ship.
Gu Fang, who was standing on the deck of the cruise ship, saw a speedboat approaching
himself. As the distance drew closer, he also saw the people on the speedboat.
"Gu Team, do you know the people across from you?" A candidate candidate with a sharp
edge asked beside Gu Fang.
"Of course." Gu Fang showed a smug look on his face, "That's Leon, the captain of this fleet,
an old friend."
Gu Fang said, so that people would speed up the ship and head towards the speedboat.
Standing on the deck, Henry saw that the three warships in the distance felt a bit wrong.
"The people on the entire battleship are in the state of combat readiness. What's the
situation?" Henry frowned
and looked at Fang Road. "Otherwise I'l go." Do you think you're going? Does anyone give
you a face? Don't take yourself too seriously! "
While Gu Fang was speaking, the speedboat that Leon was driving had arrived in front of
the cruise ship.
"Hi, Leon, my old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time." Gu Fang stood on the deck and
greeted Leon.
Lyon sat on the yacht, frowned, and said in less Chinese language: "Gu, why are you, what's
the matter?"
"Old friend, we Huaxia found a sunken ship just below this. Gu Fang said, pointing his hand
toward the seawater under his body, "We are ready to salvage, you don't have to control it."
Gu Fang made this request, Leon would definitely give him a face, just Today, the shipwreck
Poseidon personally ordered to salvage.
Lyon shook his head at Gu Fang, "Gu, half of this shipwreck is on our site, don't cross the
border, go back."
Gu Fang's confident appearance, because of Leon's words, his face was stunned, feeling
Shame for a while.
I just said something foolproof on the ship, and now I was beaten.
Gu Fang's face instantly pulled back, "Leon, so, are you not going to give me this face?"
"Face?" Lyon also had a look on his face, and now Lord Poseidon is behind him, how could
he lose momentum, "Gu, do you think you are qualified to face me on this high sea?"
Lyon finished, picked up a walkie-talkie, and said to the walkie-talkie.
The next second, the largest gun barrels on the three warships in the distance, al aimed at
the cruise ship where Gu Fang was.
This action made the people on the whole ship pale, they would not doubt that these three
warships were just scaring themselves, the prestige of Poseidon, everyone who is at sea, is
very clear.
"Gu, apologize to me, otherwise don't doubt that my shell will land on your head." Leon said
in a deep voice.
"Say ... apologizing?" Gu Fang looked at Leon's appearance, and only felt a kind of
humiliation from the bottom of his heart. If he was usually alone, he would admit to
counseling, but now there are so many new people on board, There is even a beautiful
woman who wants to admit her. Where should he put his face in the future?
Gu Fang shook his head, "Leon, I belong to the Blade, you Poseidon, are you going to fight
with our Blade?" Leone chuckle loudly, "razor? Take a sharp knife and threaten our
Poseidon? Then you go back and ask you to determine, and we want to Neptune, and the
sunny island to go to war?"
The sunny island words one, like A heavy hammer, hammered on Leon's chest, made him
feel breathless.
"Gu, I will finally give you a chance to apologize to me!" Leon said again.
Gu Fang opened his mouth, looked back, and found that the people on the ship were
looking at themselves.
"Apologize!" Lyon yelled. While Lyon screamed, the three warships in the distance were
approaching them at a very fast speed.
Gu Fang swallowed his saliva fiercely, and sweat ran down the sides of his ears.
Lyon picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled into the walkie-talkie: "The artillery is ready!
Listen to my password." On the
battleship, the barrel of the black hole aimed at the cruise ship with a sense of killing.
Gu Fang only felt his legs were soft.
Jin Xin and Tian Rui did not expect such a result.
"Quickly, go backwards, as long as they go back to the territorial waters, they can't attack!"
Jin Xin ordered quickly.
The helmsman sailing the boat immediately put in reverse gear.
"No need to retreat." Henry shook his head and walked to the deck. The three warships
were now traveling around the cruise ship. With Henry's eyesight, he saw the person
standing on the battleship in the front.
A strong bald white man appeared in Henry's eyes.
Henry shouted at the battleship, "Big bald!"
Big bald?
Hearing the shouts of Henry, Jin Xin and others, and Gu Fang, subconsciously looked
towards the battleship. When they saw the bald figure on the battleship, their legs softened
and they almost sat on the deck.
Who is this? This is Poseidon! One of the ten kings of Bright Island, known as the role of the
overlord at sea! You cal him big bald? Isn't it death?
Jin Xin and others saw that the warship that had already been flying towards this side had
accelerated its speed once again, and it was almost ten seconds later.
The Poseidon standing on the deck jumped from the deck, and the whole person flew out
like a shell, and then landed heavily on the deck of the cruise ship.
With the landing of Bald Poseidon, the entire cruise ship was shaken.
Jin Xin and others only felt a strong momentum, which emanated from Poseidon. This
momentum alone made them feel breathless.
"It's over, it's over!" Gu Fang murmured, he looked at Henry, al eyes were blame, this is the
god of the sea, he even shouted that the god of sea shouted big head!
Henry walked towards Poseidon.
Poseidon also strode toward Henry.
The distance between the two is getting shorter and shorter.
Jin Xin was nervous, looked at Tian Rui, and whispered, "Wil Henry want to do something
with Poseidon?"
"I don't know." Tian Rui also looked nervous.
As Henry and Poseidon got closer and closer, just when Jin Xin and Tian Rui thought they
were going to start, they saw that they gave each other a big hug at the same time.
This scene was stupefied by Jin Xin and others. What situation did Henry and Poseidon
know? This is the famous sea overlord!
"Big bald head, I cal ed you and you didn't answer?" Henry asked curiously.
"I threw the main ship on the phone, haha." Poseidon laughed, "Boss, I didn't expect to see
you here."
old ... Boss ...
The cal of the sea god to Henry, let everyone on the cruise ship fall into a slack.
How many people can be called the boss by Poseidon?
Among the known cognitions of Jin Xin and others, there is only one.
Jin Xin walked to Helen with some embarrassment, "Gentleness, which family is your
"Which family?" Helen shook his head with doubt, "It's not from which family, It's me that
these two days, I heard others cal him and cal Satan. "
" Satan! "
Jin Xin subconsciously exclaimed.
Henry is the strongest man in the world, Satan! Oh my God!
At the moment, Jin Xin didn't know how to describe his current mood. The man who is
known as the strongest man in the world had long seen him.
Jin Xin suddenly remembered that when he was flying in the morning, he made a lot of
jokes with Henry. This is a joke with Satan! Jin Xin now thinks about it and feels afraid after
a while, which is too unreal.
Jin Xin shook his head vigorously. If Henry was Satan, this time the task had already been
Poseidon pointed out to Henry, "Boss, there is a shipwreck at this low level. It should have
been left by the ancient Chinese country hundreds of years ago. Did n’t you let me inquire
about something about ancient times before? Interested. "
" No need. "Henry waved his hand." I came this time also for this shipwreck. By the way,
introduce myself to you. "
Henry took Poseidon to Helen and said, "This is Han ..."
Before Henry finished speaking, Poseidon reached out his hand immediately. "This is Ersao.
It real y is a beautiful Chinese girl. It's really beautiful. Hel o, Ersao."
The appearance of Poseidon hurriedly greeted Han Hanrou with a stunned look.
Looking at the bald man with a smile on his face in front of him, Helen had an unreal
Before this mission, Sharpblade specifical y told them to give this candidate squad the
popular science of Poseidon and let them act carefully so as not to displease each other.
Among the deeds of Sharp Edge Science, Helen's team has only one impression of Poseidon,
that is bloody and brutal!
But now the smiling white man with the same flowers as the flowers can't be wiped away
from the brutality and blood.
The second sister-in-law of Poseidon was so embarrassed to Helen. She still had the
appearance of a female Tyrannosaurus in front of Henry, but in front of Henry's friends, she
tried to be as gentle as possible.
"Hello, my name is Helen." Helen greeted Poseidon and took Poseidon's big hand.
Poseidon just released it with a light grip, expressing his gentle respect for Han.
Henry opening: "gentle, this time to the task of cutting edge team, mainly negotiate with
you about the wreck things, wreck, you do not control it, so that a sharp knife to salvage."
"OK, boss You have spoken, I definitely have no opinion, this boat is also yours.
"Poseidon took a picture of the breast," Boss, you can rest assured, this time I will put out
the pictures of the second sister-in-law, as long as the sister-in-law executes Where the
mission is, our Poseidon's fleet all retreat from Sanshe, and the sister-in-law will go
wherever she wants. Our Poseidon escorts behind. "
Jin Xin stood aside and heard the Poseidon's words and sighed in his heart. Ah, recruiting
Satan's woman to the team, after that, the position of the sharp blade will also become
heavier in the underground world.
Henry casually chatted with Poseidon and Poseidon left.
When the fleet of Poseidon went far, the people on the cruise ship stil didn't take it easy.
Except for Jin Xin, the rest of them didn't know that Henry was Satan's identity. It was just
the attitude of Poseidon that made them guess who Henry was Big shot.
Jin Xin did not talk nonsense. After all, the fewer people who knew this, the better.
Gu Fang, who was arrogant all the time when he came, didn't say a word at this time and
hided in the cabin.
This mission was successfully completed.
Originally, the Blade also prepared some costs. This time, even these costs were saved. Jin
Xin assured Henry that this time, Helen will definitely enter the Blade smoothly, and the
organization will give her a big credit.
Henry nodded with satisfaction, he can come here, is not just for Han gentleness.
It was already afternoon when the cruise ship drove back to the port.
Helen's mission of this team is over, and it should also return to the Blade's headquarters.
After saying goodbye to Henry, he leaves in a special helicopter.
Originally Jin Xin intended to send Henry a trip, but Henry refused.
Henry bought the ticket himself and returned to Yinzhou.
At nine o'clock in the evening, Henry appeared at Yinzhou Airport. Although the outside
city was large and luxurious, Henry did not stay comfortably in Yinzhou. This place has left
him with a feeling of home.
Henry called Sylvia and asked Lin how he was doing this time. The phone turned off.
In the past few days, Henry called Sylvia several times, and it was like this. If it was not
Henry who was in Su Yu to make sure that Sylvia was fine, he would have killed Yanjing.
Su Yu told Henry that Sylvia was in the ancient Sujia area at this time. There was no signal
on the mobile phone in that place, and every Sujia owner would go there before granting
the position.
Henry hung up the phone, and just about to take a car home, he heard a rapid horn sound
behind him.
Henry looked back and saw that a BMW was standing behind him. Through the front
windshield, Henry saw a beautiful face.
"Yo, is this busy Zhang Dagang just getting off the plane?" Jenny drove and stopped beside
Henry looked at a large suitcase placed in the back seat of the BMW and wondered:
"You just got off the plane?"
"Yeah, just back from Yunxing, I met you, get in the car, don't take a taxi Jenny shook his
Of course Henry wouldn't be polite to her, opened the co-pilot door, and sat up.
Henry sat in the car and asked, "How are you talking in Yunxing?"
"Very good." Jenny's face was full of happy expression. Obviously this trip was quite fruitful.
"But Henry, you and that stone king, Is there any hatred? When I passed, he repeatedly
asked me whether you were there or not. Did you steal the house? "
Henry thought for a while. It's clean, and al the green hasn't been spared, so that Shi Wang
lost several bil ions of dollars, which is almost the same as stealing his house.
Henry laughed twice, "Have you decided
to buy from him?" Jenny nodded. "The contracts are all signed. He gave me the price of
eight cents per kilogram. See my mood, is your face quite big? "
" Old friend. "Henry shook his head.
Henry and Jenny returned to the city, declined Jenny's request for a supper together.
Now, he wants to return home as soon as possible He didn't go home these days, he was a
little worried about the flowers and plants growing on the balcony.
Jenny told Henry that her stone shop would officially open for business in two days, and
hoped that Henry could participate in the ribbon cutting in the past.
"Let's watch it." Henry waved his hand and walked into the community.
Back home, Henry felt relaxed al over his body. He burned a pot of water and made himself
a cup of tea. Henry lay on the sofa and sighed.
"Huh, it's stil comfortable at home."
Waking up early the next morning, Henry ran to the market to buy a bunch of gifts and
rushed to the welfare institution. Recently, he has not been to the welfare institution for a
long time. Child.
As soon as the children saw Henry, they gathered around excitedly.
The white-headed Dean Cui came to the door of the Welfare Institute with a smile, and was
somewhat blamed to Henrydao: "You child, buy so many things." Henry smiled slightly and
touched the head of the child in front of him "The children like it, and I have the ability to
give it away."
"You are like Xiaorou, a good boy and enthusiastic." Chief Cui looked at Henry.
Henry spent the whole morning in the orphanage and returned to the Lin family at noon.
Although Sylvia was absent these days, Lin's still in good order. Secretary Li Na kept
everything in order and every department was operating as usual.
When Henry came to Lin, he saw several girls in the business department walking towards
the door of Lin.
"Stop." Henry slammed and stopped the girls.
"Mr. Zhang." When the girls saw Henry, they quickly said hello.
Henry is now in Lin's family, and Sylvia is at the same level.
Henry frowned and looked at the girls, "Why are you going?"
" Go to dinner with the customer." The leader said.
These girls in the business department are all very well-dressed, and now they are dressed
up a little bit, and each is put on social software, which is goddess level.
Henry glanced at the girls and asked again: "Which customer will accompany you to dress
like this?"
Although these girls are all wearing professional uniforms at the moment, their shirt col ars
are al opened to the third button, revealing their whiteness One piece, attracting reverie,
everyone wears lipstick and sprays perfume.
See Henry do you ask, the name of the group that long answer some tweaking, "is ......
is always the last forest in the sea are looking for a partner to accompany dinner with
representatives of the other, suggesting that we wear each other like this."
This name When the team leader spoke, his eyes were a little dull.
Henry saw that the other girls in the business department also had some grievances in
their eyes. After al , they went to dinner with everyone, and everyone knew the name. It
was unavoidable that they were wiped with oil.
Henry's face was not good. "Al buttons are fastened. I'll go with you."
"Real y?" The team leader's face was overjoyed. If Henry could accompany him, then they
would be the most solid backing what.
"I remember that Sylvia stipulated clearly that our company wouldn't engage in those
miscellaneous things, preferring not to do business or grievances, who asked you to wear
them like this?" Henry asked.
"It is our own." That the name of a group long head low, "Mr. Zhang, the total forest before
this trip specifical y confessed, the customer is very important, let us carefully, so
......" the
team's long talk was interrupted by Henry.
"She asked you to take it seriously, it is to let you come up with professional standards, not
to make you feel wronged, you do it, Sylvia will not only praise you, but also blame you, you
know! Go, I will go with you "
Henry's remarks warmed the hearts of the girls in these business departments. Now, which
company does not want to squeeze out employees to make money. Companies like Lin's
who are thinking about employees are really too few.
The appointed dinner place was Xinkai Hotel. When Henry and his party arrived at the door
of the hotel, the other party was already waiting in the hotel box.
"Huh, boss!" A surprise voice sounded from behind Henry.
When Henry looked back, he saw Ferris standing in front of the hotel with several people.
"Why are you here?" Henry asked curiously.
Ferris stepped up and gave Henry a hug, then said: "Come to find the sister-in-law.
Didn't the sister-in-law go to Duhai last time to find someone to cooperate with? After the
state inspection,
Henry glanced at the people behind Ferris. "Which is the partner of my wife's choice."
"Yangjiang, you come here." Ferris waved behind him.
A middle-aged man strode over.
"This is my eldest brother, surnamed Zhang." Ferris introduced Yangjiang and only said
Henry's surname.
Yang Jiang quickly smiled at Henry, "Mr. Zhang, hello, this is Yang Jiang. I am fortunate to
work with your lady."
Henry nodded and asked the team leader of the business department, "You said What is the
name of the representative. "
" Li Zhuang. "The business team leader replied.
Henry asked Yang Jiang, "This Li Zhuang, is your company?"
"Yes." Yang Jiang nodded quickly. "This is the representative I sent to negotiate with
Yinzhou and your wife."
"Come on, our salesperson just asked your representative to have dinner together. You
should come together." Henry Said a word.
Yangjiang nodded quickly. "This is my honor."
Henry and his team, as well as Ferris and Yangjiang, walked towards the hotel together.
The girls from the Lin business department were at the forefront. Henry and Ferris chatted
and walked in the middle. As for Yang Jiang and his party, they dared to walk at the end.
When they arrived at the box, the girls from the sales department walked in first.
Just when Henry was about to push the door to enter, he heard a loud shout from the box.
"What do you Lin's mean? Don't you take me in the eye? You have to figure out, how much
did you Lin pay for the opportunity of this cooperation, and now you stil play with me?
How? Is your body very precious? "The
drink in the box made Henry stop and looked back at Yangjiang.
Yang Jiang's complexion changed abruptly at the end, and he could hear clearly. The master
inside was the representative he sent this time, Li Zhuang.
Feilei Si look of displeasure glanced Yang Jiang, asked: "how is it, this is the attitude of your
"No, no," Yang Jiang quickly waved, "Before, I asked thousands exhorted mil ion. Tell Li
Zhuang to let him pay attention to his attitude. "
box , the voice of the team leader of the business department sounded. With the words of
Henry in the company just now, the team leader seemed quite confident. "Li Zhuang Sir, if
you are talking about cooperation, we are very welcome. Our Lin is a formal enterprise, not
what you think. "
The group leader's voice just fell, and there was a chuckle in the box," What do you
pretend? Do you think What kind of good things are you Lin? You can cooperate with us
based on the size of your company. I am afraid that you have made a lot of effort among
them? Now you come to pretend to be pure for me? I will tell you clearly If this makes me
unhappy, this cooperation will be free! "
Li Zhuang's words fel , and Yangjiang, who was standing outside the box, softened his legs
and knelt down.
"Mr. Ferris, it really doesn't matter to me."
Henry looked very uncomfortable, pushed the door and walked in, and at a glance saw the
man sitting in the box, a man in his thirties, Wearing a pair of glasses, it looks very gentle.
At this moment, in front of this man, a table of good wine and dishes was set. Henry glanced
at the table. The wine on the table was 3,000 yuan a bottle. When a table of dishes came
down, there were more than 20,000 yuan.
Henry asked the team leader of the business department, "You ordered these dishes?"
team leader shook his head.
Henry chuckled lightly and looked at Li Zhuang. "It's not a smal appetite. Do you want to eat
so much?"
"Laozi is willing." Li Zhuang tilted his Erlang leg and sat on the seat and lit himself a
cigarette. He took a deep breath and then looked at Henry, "Who are you?"
"This is our husband, Mr. Lin." The team leader introduced.
"Oh." After hearing Henry's identity, Li Zhuang still had no expression on his face. "Why,
you Lin's want benefits, and don't want to pay a price. I saw the contract this time. I have
given you all the Lins. Where did this contract come from? We all know it well. You do n’t
have to install a big tail wolf here. Let your company ’s chicks obediently obey. I will sign
this contract. Otherwise, who do you regret when you see it? "
Li Zhuang looks like Henry. He is no longer a teenager in a shopping mall. The contract
about this cooperation is so stupid that he can see it at a glance.
The expression on Henry's face was undisturbed. He pointed to the dishes on the table.
"Who will pay the bill for this meal?"
"The joke, of course it is your Lin's knot. Can't you ask me to check out?" Li Zhuang took a
breath. Then, he grabbed a bowl of bird's nest in front of him, drank it into his mouth,
rinsed his mouth, and spit it out again.
"Come on." Henry nodded. "Since we are knotting, then you can eat al you want."
Li Zhuang snapped the table and stood up, pointing to Henry's nose, "Are you him?" ""
Before Li Zhuang finished his speech, Henry grabbed his wrist and twisted it hard.
Li Zhuang yelled on the spot.
The sudden movement of Henry surprised the girls in the business department.
"Mr. Zhang, this can't beat people." The business team leader immediately persuaded.
"You or him, dare to hit me, believe it or not, I made your contract yellow this time!" Li
Zhuang scolded.
"Li Zhuang, you are really good. It turns out that our company is yours!" Outside the door of
the box, there was a loud bang, and Yang Jiang came in with an angry face.
Originally saw the arrogance of Li Zhuang Yang Jiang, his face suddenly changed,
"Yang Yang ...... ...... overal , how do you come." "I'm coming, you're not turning the
sky!" Yang Jiang scolded, and then quickly hurried to Henrydao, "Mr. Zhang, this Li Zhuang,
has now been fired, does not represent us The company, everything he does is really not
what I mean, you know, lend me a thousand guts, and I dare not! "
Yang Jiang almost cried when he spoke.
Yang Fei is very clear who Ferris is. The one in front of him is Mr. Ferris ’s elder brother.
This kind of character, spitting, can drown himself.
When Li Zhuang saw his boss's attitude, he suddenly felt such a stupefaction. A Lin group in
a remote area can let his boss resign?
Henry gave Yang Jiang a cold look and said nothing.
"Go away." Ferris stepped forward and kicked Yangjiang.
After Yang Jiang was kicked to the ground, he climbed up as soon as possible and
kowtowed to the ground.
Henry loosened Li Zhuang's arm, casual y pulled a chair, and sat aside, rushed to Li Zhuang,
and said, "The dishes and wine on this table are al what he wants. Let him eat al of it. No
more. "
Ferris nodded and waved behind him.
The few people who had been behind Ferris walked up quickly. The two held Li Zhuang,
and the other person kept grabbing the food on the table and stuffed it into Li Zhuang ’s
mouth. How could Li Zhuang eat it? Keep going, after being stuffed into your mouth, you
won't swallow your stomach.
One person squeezed Li Zhuang's nose, opened a bottle of wine, opened the bottle to the
maximum, and directed it into Li Zhuang's mouth.
It can be seen that Li Zhuang's face has been suffocated in purple and cyan. After he
swallowed the contents of his mouth with wine, the other party loosened his nose so that
he could breathe.
Li Zhuang choked for a few times in a row, and his tears came out. He quickly confessed to
Henry, "I'm sorry, sir, sorry, I was wrong."
Henry didn't even look at Li Zhuang, Shen Shen said: "Continue . "
The few people who held Li Zhuang heard it, and immediately ordered Henry to put things
on the table into Li Zhuang's mouth, and a dish was kept in Li Zhuang's mouth.
"The fish is al he wants, don't let the fish bones fal down, let him eat them together."
Henry looked at the plate of multi-treasure fish on the table and said.
Upon hearing this, Li Zhuang was so scared that his face was pale. He real y wanted to eat
with the fish bones, and he would definitely go to the hospital immediately.
The girls in the Lin's business department stood behind Henry and were a little afraid to
watch this scene. When did they see such a scene, it was the same kind of underworld in
the movie.
"Take a good look." Henry looked back and said to the girls in the business department,
"In the future, the person who dares to bully our Lin is the end, you remember, outside, as
long as it is not your fault, everything Unreasonable requests, you can all refuse to resist,
there are any consequences, I will carry it for you, you know! "
Henry said, the waist plates of the girls like Lin could not help but be straightened a lot,
there are so A boss is really lucky.
"Mr. Zhang, we know." The team leader answered Henry loudly.
"Fine." Henry nodded. "You go out, the scenes behind are not suitable for you to continue
The girls in these business departments immediately walked out of the box.
after the girls from the business department left the box, they al looked a little excited.
"It's too domineering, Mr. Zhang is too domineering!"
"No wonder I can find such an excel ent woman as Mr. Lin. I want to have such a boyfriend.
I love him too."
"Yeah, I listen to my girlfriends Say, their boss, I wish they could go out to drink with their
customers every day, such a good boss as Mr. Lin and Mr. Zhang, where to find.
girls said while leaving the hotel.
Henry sat in the box and quietly looked at the scene in front of him.
Li Zhuang can't eat any longer, and there is still a big table at the moment, which is almost
the same as not moving.
"I'm sorry, brother, I real y can't eat anymore. I beg you, I know I'm wrong, let me go." Li
Zhuang swallowed something hard in his mouth and begged Henry for mercy.
Henry smiled slightly, and said to several people who held Li Zhuang: "If he can't eat
anymore, he will remove his skin and use his leather until he finishes loading the table."
Li Zhuang heard this If the legs are soft, the pants will be wet on the spot. He is real y
scared. He also knows that these rich and powerful people, if they really want their own
lives, there are countless ways to make them disappear suddenly. .
"Brother, I eat, I eat." Li Zhuang didn't dare to say more, slammed the food on the table into
his mouth.
A whole table of food, eating Li Zhuang's eyes kept turning up, breathing heavily, he had
vomited and did not know how many times, the whole person col apsed there.
Henry got up, brushed off the dust off, Feilei Si patted on the shoulder, "I'll go first, do you
have any plans for it?"
"Wanted to find a sister-in-law talk about the business, but now it seems , No chance.
"Ferris shook his head." Then I will go back to China first, and I will arrange someone to
negotiate with my sister-in-law. "
. "This person, you choose a place to bury it". "Line" Henry nodded his head, hand and
pointed his finger Li Zhuang,
Feilei Si replied:. "Well,"
I say it's time, just like It's the same as talking about a very ordinary thing.
Henry left the hotel and glanced at the time. At noon, he did not go to the Lin Family. He
simply visited some Taoist temples and temples in Yinzhou to see if he could find
something useful. Don't be at ease.
At eight in the evening, Henry returned home.
"Hey, it's really free to live alone." Henry stretched out and went to his room to take a few
silver needles and put them in his arms.
When fighting with the woman in red two days ago, the other party's gas remained on his
body, and Henry expelled it through the silver needle.
When the needle was inserted, Henry could clearly feel that these qi, like a virus, chased
around his body and occasional y caused a tingling pain.
Henry shook his head. He had thought of countless possibilities recently, and he was ruled
out by himself.
Early the next morning, Henry was woken up by a ring of cell phone ringtones.
"Hello." Henry puzzled to answer the phone.
"Wow, you are really leisurely, do you still sleep at this point?" Jenny's crisp voice rang on
the phone.
Henry shook his head and opened his eyes confusedly, and found that the time was almost
approaching twelve noon. How long has it been since he slept? It seemed that after
exhausting the air remaining in the arm last night, the whole person was particularly tired.
Henrychang breathed a sigh of relief, "What's wrong?"
"Opening, didn't you promise me to participate in my ribbon-cutting ceremony the day
before yesterday?" Jenny said excitedly on the phone.
"It's so fast?" Henry was surprised. "You need time to decorate everything in this shop."
"I decided when I was in Yunxing . I have already arranged for the decoration and al the
documents have been processed. Well, today is the weekend again, the weather is good, it
will be opened today, I will send you the address, you come now. "
" Okay. "Henry agreed, turned over and got up.
After finishing quickly, Henry found a place according to Jennyfa's address. This place,
which can be found by everyone in Yinzhou, is the most prosperous pedestrian street in
When Henry arrived, he found that many people had gathered here, and now Hengyuan's
influence is growing.
Henry saw that Jenny was standing in front of a newly opened store, talking to people non-
"Congratulations to President Qin, congratulations, and good business."
"Congratulations to President Qin, congratulations."
"Congratulations to President Qin."
Congratulations sounded, and Jenny's face was full of smiles.
Someone sent a flower basket and other things.
Henry stepped forward and looked at Jenny, "Well, beautiful."
Jenny had already seen Henry. He heard Henry's words at the moment, rolled his eyes, and
snorted: "You congratulations are real y new. "
Haha." Henry laughed, "I can't always be the same as others."
Henry finished, looked at the plaque of Jenny's shop, "Broken jade pavilion? Good name,
you are a god who is hard to break jade The name of this shop has a good meaning. "
" Thank you, our busy Zhang, for your praise. "Jenny smiled.
Henry shifted his eyes and looked to the side, "Huh? Did you open two stores? This peerless
jadeite was also opened by you?"
Henry's face was puzzled, just next to the broken jade pavilion in Jenny, or A stone betting
shop, but the door is not open.
Jenny shook his head, "I didn't drive it."
"That's weird." Henryhu suspiciously said, "It stands to reason, no one can take this project
except you?"
"Yeah." Jenny nodded, "But this store hasn't opened its doors, and it's estimated that it's
also closed."
Jenny 's words just fell, and he saw the door of this store as a peerless jadeite, which was
opened from the inside. Then, there was a big laugh , Coming from the side.
"Hahaha, guys, today I am betting on the stone shop, and I will have your support in the
Hearing this voice, Henry and Jenny frowned almost at the same time, looking towards the
place where the voice sounded.
I saw that Ke Bin, who had several conflicts with Henry, was striding towards this side,
followed by a group of people behind Ke Bin, all of whom came to support Ke Bin.
Those who had originally participated in Jenny's opening ceremony were puzzled.
"What's the situation? Does anyone else open a gambling stone shop? Isn't this quota only
available to Qin?"
"I know this person, Ke Bin, the younger master of the Ke family."
"If it is the younger master of the Ke family, you can understand it. Why can I open a
gambling stone shop? In his capacity, it is still very easy to win the gambling stone project. "
" In this way, Qin always has the biggest competitor, this shop is special y opened to Qin
Next door, those two must have a fight. "
originally opened today, it was a happy day, but Ke Bin suddenly kil ed, just like a fly shit,
Henry and Jenny both Disgusting.
"Yeah, isn't this Mr. Qin, can you real y open this shop?" Ke Bin walked to Jenny, showing an
exaggerated expression.
"You Master Ke can drive, why can't I open Jenny?" Jenny didn't show weakness.
"I can drive, it's good that I come from Shiyuan, but you Qin always can drive, aren't you
cheating!" Ke Bin said aloud, "You are so loud, I want someone to come to you The stupidity
of paying? "
Ke Bin's voice made many people's hearts jump. What does that mean? What is Qin's
deception? What does it mean for everyone to pay for President Qin's stupidity?
"I don't understand what you mean." Jenny's face turned black. On the first day of the
opening, Ke Bin smeared her in front of everyone.
"Hehe." Ke Bin laughed, "Qin, you don't think that the last time that the matter was handled
quickly, everyone will not know."
A person special y asked by Ke Bin asked loudly, "Ke. Little, what are you talking about? "
Ke Bin looked around for a week, and after seeing those who had previously congratulated
Qin Judo on his face, he cleared his throat and opened his mouth:"
Sometimes ago, Hengyuan Business was attacked. I was deceived, I signed hundreds of mil
ions of orders, and bought a batch of rough stones at a high price. As a result, all the stones
were all left by them before the bombing of Hengyuan. They are just some scraps. If you do
n’t believe them, you can check them online. The last news should still be available. "
Jenny changed his face when he heard Ke Bin say this.
Last time, the news about the batch of stones was indeed on the news, but it was not what
Ke Bin said. Hengyuan did not purchase the batch of stones. Now those stones have also
been destroyed. What Ke Bin did is basically Is to deliberately defame!
Henry, who was standing beside Jenny, laughed, "You said that General Qin is waste, just
"Yo, isn't this Henry? Why, what kind of relationship do you have with Qin? When is it your
turn to speak?" Ke Bin raised his eyebrows at Henry. He had already seen Henry, but it had
been Pretending not to see, deliberately put on a look of contempt.
Henrysi was not surprised about Ke Bin's attitude. Through several previous contacts,
Henry knew very well what kind of person this Ke Bin is. This kind of person, placed in the
underground world, is like a bird who has just learned to thump , Think he is comparable to
the eagle.
People around took out their mobile phones and really saw news about Lin's last deception
with waste rock.
Ke Bin shouted: "Everyone, if some jade stones can be used to make jade, then this jade is
too worthless."
Ke Bin finished, and waved his hand, "We are peerless jade, one from Yunyun The best
batch of stones, only the purchase price, reached eight yuan per kilogram. Today's opening
bargain, everyone, the first stone, regardless of size or color, is al two hundred!
Two hundred!
The onlookers exclaimed that although there is no stone gambling in Ning province, it does
not mean that these people do not understand stone gambling. On the contrary, many
people also went to Yun province specifically for stone gambling. There, some good stones
can sel for high prices. !
There are king stones and emperor stones in the stone gambling world. As long as this kind
of stone is not cut, you can see green. The biggest difference is that you do n’t know how
much green is in the stone. General y, this kind of stone can sell for a high price. Hundreds
of thousands, mil ions, and even tens of millions are possible! now Ke Bin, the first stone,
only two hundred! What does this have to do with sending money?
This is an opportunity to give people a rich getaway.
Of course, some people have a doubtful attitude. They wonder whether Ke Bin can make
green out of these stones.
In front of the peerless jadeite door, a colorful lace was pulled up, and with the sound of
firecrackers, Ke Bin took a pair of gold scissors and cut the lace short.
"Peerless Jadeite, officially opened, welcome everyone!"
Ke Bin shouted loudly, and there was a cry al around.
Jenny looked at Ke Bin, her beautiful face was full of sadness. Today, Ke Bin is definitely
The gambling industry is a piece of fat. Before that, the official had never opened this
mouth, so no one thought about this aspect. Now, the official gave Hengyuan this policy,
and was naturally targeted.
Hengyuan has opened a new trade channel and raised the city's GDP because of the
explosion of the mountain. It can be said to make a huge contribution, so there is such a
special approval, but Ke Bin is nothing more than a family relationship.
Now, the two stone gambling shops in Quanning province are all open together, and they
are both next door, because everyone knows that there are so many customer resources in
the whole Ning province. There is one stone gambling shop, and there are
two bets. In Shidian, the profit is not so impressive. If you want to survive on your own, you
must defeat the other party. This is the same for Ke Bin and Jenny.
Seeing that Ke Bin had finished cutting the ribbon, Jenny hurriedly opened it, but her
ribbon cutting seemed a bit rushed.
With the sound of firecrackers, two stone betting shops officially opened.
Ke Bin stood at the door of his shop, staring at the broken jade pavilion next to him like a
serpent, and rushed to the side to say: "When will the stone gambler you said come?"
"I'l be here soon." Ke A young man beside Bin replied that as soon as the voice fell, he heard
a burst of laughter.
"Master Ke, congratulations, congratulations." An old man in his sixties, strode to the
peerless jade door, and after congratulations, the old man set his eyes on the pieces placed
in front of the peerless jade door On the stone, there was an exaggerated exclaimation,
"Gosh, Wang Shi! This stone, I want it, how much!" The old man's exclaimation attracted
many people's attention.
Many people know Wang Shi and Emperor Shi, but they do n’t know how to distinguish
them. Even if they do n’t recognize them in front of their eyes, now they listen to the old
man ’s voice and al look at them. They want to know what Wang Shi is. .
Ke Bin laughed loudly. This old man is the stone gambler he specially found, which means
to support. Ke Bin replied: "On the first day of opening today, the first stone purchased by
each person is two hundred. one. " "
Two hundred? "the old man face a staggering," Ke less, what are you doing good ah, that
piece of stone, I'l take it! "
the old man came up and patted one has a The stone is 30 meters high and 30 meters wide.
He said directly, "Just this one." If you
can open a stone shop, you can find a professional person to cut the stone. Wipe or cut? "
" Wipe. "The old man said without hesitation.
The young man nodded, and as soon as he wiped off the corner of this king stone, he saw a
burst of green.
"It's green!"
The first stone on the first day of the gambling shop is green, which is definitely a good
Ke Bin, this peerless jadeite, immediately attracted a lot of attention. Those pedestrians
passing by on the pedestrian street also looked to this side.
As the staff in Ke Bin's shop continued to rub, more and more green came out of this stone,
and some people who knew jadeite looked jealous.
"God, this is a good condition, say two million less!"
"Two mil ion? Two million? How much do you have for me?"
"I'm talking about a good condition, not this whole piece of jadeite. The specific value
depends on the size. ""
One meter tall stone gradual y wiped off the corners. Final y, a piece of irregular emerald
with a length of 25 centimeters appeared in everyone's eyes. The whole body was green
and beautiful!
"God, how much is this one!"
"Thirty million, at least thirty mil ion!"
"Two hundred selected stones, thirty mil ion out of it?" A burst of exclamation sounded, you
can see, The old man couldn't help laughing.
"Ke Shao, I real y took advantage of you this time." The old man laughed a few times.
"According to the past, this piece of king stone, if you buy it, you have to get hundreds of
thousands of dollars. "
A piece of jade with a value of 30 mil ion yuan was just taken away by two hundred pieces.
Many people guessed that Ke Bin must have regretted that the intestines were green, but
when they looked at Ke Bin, they found that Ke Bin did not There was a regretful look as
they imagined, but instead a happy face.
"This stone is set here. Sooner or later, I will be driven away. Now I open the first day of the
opening, and I win a jackpot. For me Ke Bin, it is also a good sign, ha ha." Ke Bin laughed.
The old man turned his gaze to the door of the store, and final y locked it on a stone.
"Ke Shao, how much is this stone?"
"80,000." Ke Bin grinned, "Each person counts two hundred for the first stone every day,
and the rest are sold at the original price."
"I want it." The old man waved his hand.
The old man's voice had just dropped, and a young man popped up immediately, and took
out two hundred-dollar bills and placed it on the stone that the old man saw.
"This is the money, I bought it!"
The old man frowned, looking unto the young, "Young man, you do it, it is probably not
appropriate, I look at this stone is clearly on."
Youth neck stem , "Why, you didn't pay for it, I already paid for it." The young man finished
and looked at Ke Bin, "Boss, you are sel ing things, it depends on who gives the money
Ke Bin ordered Nodded, "Yes, that's true."
"That's right." The young
man showed a triumphant look, "I want that stone, let me open it!" The staff member just
came over, Ask the young man, "Sir, whether to wipe or cut directly."
"Wipe!" The young man learns the tone of the old man's words and has a model.
The staff nodded and took out professional tools to slowly grind away the corners of this
stone. As the corners were removed, a green awn appeared in everyone's eyes.
"Green! Green again!"
"No? Two green pieces in a row? What a good character!"
"The old man is a master, and the stones he sees are green."
"My God, it ’s cheaper to pick up, and the green will be cut out for two hundred dollars.
the stone was completely opened, a slap-size jade appeared in everyone's eyes.
"The condition is not as good as the previous one, and the volume is much smaller. It can
only be regarded as defective. Forty thousand is dead." "That's a lot
of money too." "Two hundred to forty thousand, a two-hundredfold increase!" The young
man's face was rubbing his hands with excitement.
The old man just chuckled, "It looks like, I still lost 40,000 less."
Ke Bin produced two green pieces in a row, so that all his eyes were focused on him.
Jenny frowned, looking at the next door, "Is this green too good?"
"Both are acting." Henry shook his head. "The two stones just now, look carefully. The
surface layer uses a kind of The mineral is covered. This kind of mineral only needs to be
soaked in chemicals for three hours to form. These two people are only invited by Ke Bin. "
Jennymei's eyes are disgusted," This Ke Bin does Business is a bit too unscrupulous. "
Originally, today two stone gambling shops opened the door together, but the scene can be
regarded as fifty-five, but the peerless jadeite side has two consecutive pieces of jadeite. a
lot of.
Seeing that jadeite came out so frequently, some people could not bear it anymore and
spent money to buy jadeite from Ke Bin.
Henry looked at Ke Bin and said, "Only a smal part of his stone is from Yunnan Province.
Most of it is the surrounding stones. Two hundred pieces are sold, which is extremely
Ke There are more and more people on Bin's side. In contrast, there are not many people
on Jenny's side.
"General Qin, what should I do now?" Jenny's employees stood behind Jenny and asked
"Not in a hurry." Jenny didn't speak yet, Henry then took the lead, and he shook his head.
"Wait, just how much more support he can get there, let him be proud for a while."
Ke Bin In the stone gambling shop, not only are there people who come to support, but also
some people who do not know to watch the lively, they can't help it at the moment, they
spent money to buy some stones.
Occasionally one person pops out and cuts out the green, which can drive a large number of
Ke Bin walked to the door of the store and looked at Jenny with a smug look. "Mr Qin, it
looks like your business is not good."
A middle-aged woman walked to Peerless Jade and wanted to buy a stone, but There were
too many people in the row, and it didn't work, so I simply came to Duan Yu Pavilion.
"Boss, how do you sel this stone?" The middle-aged woman asked for a fist-sized stone.
"Six thousand."
"Six thousand?" Female-year woman staring, "such a smal piece of stone, you sell six
thousand? Next big piece, and sold two hundred ah."
Henry came from the side, "he two hundred One piece can't open anything, and this one can
open the shipment, six thousand, absolutely earning. "The middle-aged woman glanced at
her mouth," absolutely earning, who are you, the fool only bought this stone for six
thousand The
middle-aged woman finished speaking and shouted loudly next to her: "Everyone, pay
attention. This shop called Duan Yuge is deceptive. A stone sel s me six thousand. It also tel
s me that it is absolutely profitable. Everyone Don't buy it here. "The middle-aged woman's
words immediately attracted the attention of many people who ate melons. Some people
saw the stone held by the middle-aged woman and made a noise.
"It's that little piece of stone, you sell six thousand Mongolian Who!" , "Is, like money like
crazy it!"
"Six thousand! Stone sold six thousand! People only sell two hundred!"
A Road The voice sounded, making Jenny's face particularly ugly.
Henry Zhang patted Jenny's shoulder, motioned Jenny to be restless, and then stepped
forward to look at the middle-aged woman. A stone, six thousand you bought, guaranteed
not to lose, sure not to. "
" Nonsense, what do you think I am stupid? "The middle-aged woman disdained her face.
"Wel , since you do not." Henry from the hands of middle-aged woman to take over the
stone, red judo Qin, "Qin total, that this rock, six thousand, I'l take it."
Middle-aged woman looked at Henry Looks, sneers, "
Pretend to be like ." The people on the sidelines are all like looking at the joke. You guys
buy your own things, don't talk about six thousand, 60 million also dare to say.
Henry took the stone in his hand and said to the middle-aged woman, "Sister, I will give you
the opportunity to make money, but you haven't cherished yourself. Come, take this stone
from the first fifth Cut it. "
A staff member in the Jenny shop came with professional tools and cut the stone according
to what Henry said.
Nothing at all.
"Pretend, I'l let you continue to pretend, you guys who spit money, will not have a good
end!" The middle-aged woman's face was scornful.
The staff at Jennydian looked at Henry.
"Cut another centimeter." Henry said.
Another knife went down, stil cutting a pile of waste stone.
"Hahaha, on this stuff, and promise to make money, cheat the ghost!" A burst of laughter
The middle-aged woman is what I have seen through you.
Henry said again: "Cut another centimeter." The
staff went down with another knife. The first two knives were cut quickly, with almost no
obstruction, but the third knife was cut in half, and the staff's hand stopped. .
"Mr. Zhang, there is something." There was a look of excitement on the staff's face.
"Wipe." Henry ordered.
Staff, immediately took out professional tools and slowly rubbed it up, just a few times, and
a touch of green appeared in everyone's eyes.
"It's green! It's green!"
"No!" The
staff was ful of joy in their eyes, speeding up the movements of their hands, and with the
gradual wiping, a piece of emerald jade, about the size of a baby's fist, was fully displayed
This jade is round, shiny, and extremely transparent.
"Need it! Need it!" A cry rang out from the crowd.
"This is the best emerald. My God, just such a small piece is worth more than a mil ion!"
"What's the matter today, both stores are treasured!"
The middle-aged woman looked at him dumbfounded. This green jade stone, the voice of
the person next to her, she heard clearly.
million! million!
Henry smiled slightly, "Sister, it seems that this opportunity to make money, you are not
"Impossible, impossible." The middle-aged woman shook her head dull y, unwilling to
believe, millions of things Already in his own hands, he was rejected by himself.
"Sister, it's a pity." Henry and their middle-aged women just satirized Henry and their
Henry put this emerald just cut out into his pocket. What happened here attracted many
people who were originally in the jadeite.
Just now, many people bought stones in Peerless Jade, but unfortunately there are very few
people who can produce things, and all the people who produce things are al invited by Ke
Bin. Those who really do n’t know, like Henry said Like that, I bought some ordinary waste
stones, and it is impossible to open anything inside. Jenny has a pair of beautiful eyes,
Henry is not the trust she invited, and she is also very clear that this batch of stone, Henry
has never seen it, but can be determined at a glance, that piece Green will definitely be cut
out of the stone. How did he do it?
Henryjian has seen a lot of people looking at himself, and once again picked up a stone from
the door of Jennydian, but slaps the size, "Everyone, to prove that we do n’t have any so-
called support, this one Stone, one thousand five hundred
pieces , is anyone either? " Henry finished, looking at Ke Bin intentionally.
"One thousand five? Can you make money buying this stone?" Someone in the crowd asked.
Henry smiled, "Betting on stones, it's a word of gambling. I tell you whether you make
money or not. Is it necessary to gamble?"
The crowd, you look at me, I look at you, no one said anything.
"Everyone, one thousand five, some people want it, take it now, no one wants it, but forget
it, the last three seconds." Henry shouted again.
For the living standards of Yinzhou residents, the average salary of each person is about
4,500 yuan, 1,500 yuan. For them, it is not too much, but it is not too small. It really makes
them a little bit ruthless.
"Three ..."
"Two ..."
"One ..."
Henry counted down three seconds, and no one spoke.
Henry gave the stone in his hand to the staff behind him and said, "Cut from the middle, try
to be smal , and wipe it when you see the green." The
staff nodded, took the stone, and cut it from the middle as Henry instructed After the first
knife, there was a moment of hindrance, and the staff was so happy that they immediately
changed their tools and rubbed them.
The onlookers al watched the staff's movements intently, and soon a green awn appeared
again in their eyes.
"See the green! See the green again!"
"Oh my god, what kind of jadeite is this again?"
"Just look at it now, it's an ordinary product, the price is not high, but it's not too low."
As the whole piece of jadeite appeared, some people Shouted the price.
"This piece of jadeite is of medium to high quality, about 11 centimeters long and four
centimeters high, and it is probably worth between 120,000 and 150,000."
"My mother! This is my salary for two years. "
A car came out!"
"Grass! Why don't I buy one thousand five, I'm really a shame!" Some people in the crowd
couldn't help but wanted to slap their faces.
Henry smiled, LANXESS said: "Everyone, just the opportunity has been given to everyone,
we al give up, we broke the jade pavilion, there is absolutely no support, al the stone is
shipped from Yun province, as for There is a lot of people who just bought stone in the next
house, but they also produced a few pieces of jade, but I would like to ask, is this wealthy
person, someone you are familiar with? "
Henry's remark made a sigh in the hearts of the onlookers.
They thought about it carefully, yes, those who just made jade, all of them are strange faces,
have never seen them, will not be asked, after all, those stones are selected by themselves.
Standing in front of his shop, Ke Bin was pierced by Henry, and his face was slightly
gloomy. He looked at the old man who drove out the stone first. "Can you tel , what method
did he use?"
The old man shook his head. , "This kid is weird."
Jenny sees Henry so quickly attracted everyone's attention back, I can't help but admire it,
many people now say that they are new business geniuses, But Jenny knew for himself that
the name of this genius was placed in front of Henry, just like stupid.
As for Henry selling two stones in front of everyone, even if they were bought, Jenny
wouldn't feel a loss. After all, the stone was put in his shop and sold at this price sooner or
In the crowd, a person special y arranged by Ke Bin shouted: "What do you just mean, it
means that there is a peerless jadeite in your family, and your family does not chant? As for
the things you just did, who knows whether you are Arranged deliberately? "After this
person shouted this sentence, Henry's mouth couldn't help but elicit a smile, which was
really stupid.
Sure enough, while Henry smiled, those onlookers were not happy.
"Are you the one? Who said it?"
"Grass, blind your eyes, and see where Lao Tzu looks like a trust?"
" Did you see that big sister just now, you almost got angry with heart disease, you Pay
attention to what he said. "The
person arranged by Ke Bin aroused public anger. The person quickly and quietly dared not
speak again.
"It is said that the Broken Jade Pavilion is a trust. Do people dare to sell the stone directly,
and dare Peerless Jadeite?"
Ke Bin sees this topic and leads to himself. His face is very unsightly. Now all the Peerless
Jadeite is open. The jade that came out was prepared by Ke Bin himself. If he wanted to get
him to be bought by someone, he would lose a lot of money. After all, the jade was bought
by him.
Henry looked at Ke Bin and shouted: "Master Ke, do you dare?"
Ke Bin glanced and found that the onlookers were all looking at himself. At this time, if he
said he would not dare, it would be admitted in disguise. Just those who asked for it.
Ke Bin took a deep breath and said loudly: "Dare, what's not to dare, you dare to sel this
jade pavilion, our dare jadeite dare, but we are no longer two hundred pieces, but the
original price!"
After Ke Bin finished speaking, he waved out a stone.
"This stone, five thousand, some people are either!"
Ke Bin secretly gestured to himself while talking, meaning that there was something in this
As soon as Ke Bin's voice fell, someone immediately said, "I want it!"
The man responded quickly, fearing that the stone would be bought by others, and he
would lose money.
"I'm out of six thousand!" Henry shouted, and then rushed to the crowd: "Everyone, this
stone, as long as it is bought within 30,000, the package will not be lost, if you lose money,
everyone will come to make up, I said. "When
Henry said this, almost everyone's face showed a look of excitement, and some people
compensated for it. This is something that won't be lost, and the fool doesn't do it."
One person shouted on the spot, "I have seven thousand!"
"Thirty thousand!" One person directly shouted to the top price.
Ke Bin's face was very ugly. The jadeite in this stone was worth much. He knew that it was
won by Thirty-three at that time. He real y wanted to be bought by Thirty-thousand.
I didn't lose much money, but I felt uncomfortable.
"Sorry everyone." Ke Bin said, "I only sel it to the first bidder."
"Joke!" Henry shouted, "Master Ke, won't this be the trust you're looking for? Someone paid
30,000 You do n’t sell it, sell it to five thousand people? " Henry's remarks immediately
attracted a lot of echoes, and the onlookers were reluctant to give up this opportunity to
make money and spoke out one after another.
"That's right, Stone Hammer."
"Mah, I said just how did this peerless jade piece come out with so many good things, al by
" Yes , rely on."
Listening to the crowd sound, Ke Bin face while green and red, at the moment everyone is
referring to, he can only recognize this bad luck, "that ...... then I sold thirty thousand out of
the man."
shouted thirty thousand man, excitement After paying the money, I opened the stone for
the first time, and really opened a piece of jadeite. The on-site valuation was thirty-three
thousand and the net profit was three thousand.
"Why, Ke Shao, his face is ugly? This is a gambling game, the customer is out of the baby,
shouldn't he be happy?" Henry shouted at Ke Bin across the air.
Ke Bin had a stalk on his neck, "I'm just uncomfortable."
"Oh, I thought Ke Shao knew that he was losing money." Henry laughed, turned around
again, and took out five stones directly , Rushed to the crowd and said: "Everyone, each of
these five stones sells for a thousand dollars. Only one of them can produce something.
According to my estimation, the quality should be average, less than three thousand dol ars.
Does anyone want to gamble? "
Henry finished speaking, he found that many people face is to give birth to conative look.
As far as Henry just showed, he said that the shipment will be 100%. Everyone
subconsciously believed Henry ’s words, but there are only five stones, only one can
produce things in it, and the value is not enough If you want to play with stone money, you
can buy two of them.
One person took a deep breath and said, "
Bring me two!" A person stood up and immediately led a lot of people, and suddenly two
people made a noise.
"I'l take two!"
"I'l take one!"
A total of three people walked out of the crowd and looked at the five stones taken by
Henry. After the three of them allocated themselves, they began to cut the stone. As
expected, as Henry said, only one of the five stones came out, and the rest The four pieces
are al waste.
The man who made money bought two stones, the cost was two thousand, the jade value
was two thousand seven, and the net profit was seven hundred. It seemed quite happy. The
remaining two people were sorry, but this stone was chosen by themselves.
No one can blame others. One-fifth of the chance is that I did n’t meet him.
This practice of Henry, so that the onlookers could not find a reason to ask Yuge.
Everyone looked at Ke Bin again.
Ke Bin, you will understand the meaning of these people, he gritted his teeth, but also
people out five stones, loudly:. "A one thousand"
. "The third block to buy" Ke Bin voice faded, they open Henry, Henry As soon as the words
fell, many people rushed out to buy the third stone. As for the other four pieces that Ke Bin
asked people to take out, they didn't take a look.
In the end, a passerby bought the stone and opened a piece of jade, worth 32,000. This
piece of jade was also Ke Bin's own thing. This time, he lost another two thousand.
"Ke Shao, how are you stil playing?" Henry looked at Ke Bin with a smile.
Ke Bin looked gloomy at the old man beside him.
The old man nodded his head and stood up and said: "Young people, it's not fun to play like
this, we want to play, how about picking each other's stones?"
"Pick the opponent's stone?" Henry murmured and raised his eyebrows. The last time he
played with him like this, known as the Yunwang Stone King, now even he Dare not see
The old man looked at Henry, wanted Henry to fight, everything Henry just showed, there
is a feeling of unpredictable prophet, just look at the stone, you know whether there is
green in it, this is obviously an incredible thing, so the old man thinks that Henry is also He
used the same method as Ke Bin, but he was more skillful in forging stones, and he couldn't
see it.
When the old man made this request, he did not know that this had brought him and Ke Bin
into the abyss.
The old man saw that Henry did not respond, thinking that Henry was afraid, and he was
more sure of his conjecture. This person just grabbed the psychology of everyone,
deliberately took out some prepared stones, guessing that everyone was afraid to buy, and
gradually took the initiative right.
"How is it, young man, dare you?" The old man asked again.
"Come on." Henrymian agreed to his difficulty.
Seeing Henry agree so reluctantly, the old man was more convinced of his thoughts.
Henry asked, "How do you set the rules?"
"It's very simple." The old man waved his hand. "You and I choose stone from each other."
"OK." Henry nodded.
When watching the people, I saw that the old man represented the peerless jadeite, and I
knew it in my heart. The 30 million jadeite was just fake.
The old man couldn't conceal anything anymore at this moment, he said loudly:
"Everyone, gambling on stones, focus on one word of gambling. In the world, there is no
one, no instrument, just by looking at it, you can know what is hidden in the stone. Just now
Duan Yuge, who can be accurate almost every time, do n’t you think it ’s weird? ”
“ That is to say, I have felt something wrong for a long time. ”A person from Ke Bin said,“ He
said something can come out of the stone You can get out, how is this possible? If you real y
have this ability, they stil need to build such a stone gambling shop? They have already
made a fortune. "
"Yeah, what's the difference with picking up money? There is absolutely something stupid
in it. I 'm not sure, those jades are hidden by myself." Some passers-by wondered, "No, if he
had hidden jade by himself, just say that The emerald was chosen by the elder sister
herself, but you are the one who just started a 30 million drama, and the performance was
real y good. "
" The elder sister just happened to be the one who picked it. There is no coincidence in this
world. What a clever word. "
" That's right. "Ke Bin's people spoke again.
The old man stretched out his hand, "Well, everybody, the jade I opened today in Peerless
Jadeite is not a trust in everyone's mouth, but just wants to give Ke Shaotu a good sign. I
hope everyone can open it in Peerless Jadeite in the future. Baby, but now some people like
to play with this kind of petty, I have bet on stones for more than thirty years, today I will
pull out such shameless people! "The old man said aloud, can be regarded as a wicked first
complaint .
Henry said with a smile: "The Qing people self-clear. Since some people say that there is
something stupid in it, let's see who has the stupidity in the end."
Henry and the old man walked towards the opposite store almost simultaneously.
Henry came to the peerless jadeite door, and almost didn't think about it, he chose a stone.
Seeing the stone selected by Henry, Ke Bin felt a pain, and the piece that Henry took, which
contained emeralds, was worth nearly a million. Now I only hope that people on my side
can get things done, as long as they can break the jade pavilion In the early
stage, Ke Bin could accept a loss of mil ions or tens of millions. After al , as long as you do
one and the other, that is to completely monopolize the stone gambling market in Ning
province. The money is not easy to earn back.
After Henry selected the stone, he specifical y asked, "
Who owns the things that are in the stone?" "Of course , who owns the things ." The old
man responded loudly and walked to the shop of Duan Yuge.
Looking at the dazzling stones in the shop, the old man frowned, as he said, he has been
gambling on stones for more than 30 years, and he is also very experienced. He also has
some knowledge about the surface of the stone. I think that in this broken jade pavilion,
like the peerless jadeite, a chemical substance was used to form some stones on the surface
of the jadeite, which could be distinguished. But when he came in, he discovered that these
stones were all the same.
Could the kid really see at a glance whether there is green in the stone? The old man
thought so, but the next second he overthrew the guess.
Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could there be such a person.
The old man shook his head and carefully selected among the stones in the broken jade
pavilion. With the passage of time, his face gradually shed sweat, because he was really not
sure, in the end, the stone could cut out green.
Waiting outside to see the lively people, seeing the old man picking it for five or six minutes
and not picking it out, gradually became impatient.
"It's okay! It's been so long. Look at the people and pick them in ten seconds."
"Is it possible to pick them up? I was shouting that there was a greasy stone in the stone,
but I couldn't see anything. it. " "
I Am. "
the old man listening to the urging of the crowd came, Xinyi Heng, stir up a stone that looks
like the best.
Generally speaking, the selection of gambling stones is based on the temperature and color
of the stone. The old man has been gambling for more than 30 years and has his own set of
methods. The stones he chooses are not necessarily 100%. Goods, but also relatively
speaking, the highest probability of shipment.
After the old man picked the stone, he and Henry, under the attention of everyone, were
ready to open the stone.
Henrychou is an oval food with a length of 40 cm and a height of 15 cm.
The old man picked a stone that was nearly one meter high. The price of this stone was
16,000 yuan, which was very expensive.
The old man waved his hand, and the staff of Peerless Jade commanded: "Blade and break."
Peerless Emperor's staff nodded and walked up.
"Mr. Zhang, how is this trouble?" The staff of Duan Yuge walked to Henry and asked.
Henry shook his head, smiled, and said to everyone: "As far as we are concerned, there
should be a layer of solid material on the surface of the stone, but the stone I took now
looks solid, but it is very very. Crisp. "
Henry finished, picked up a smal piece of rubble, and knocked on the surface of the stone
he selected.
I saw that the originally seemingly solid surface of the stone cracked with Henry's two
beats. Then, Henry broke the stone skin of the surface down with only one hand, revealing
a large piece of jadeite.
"My mother, so big!"
"It's easy to break off the epidermis. This stone real y has a problem!"
"Peerless jade is real y shameless, self-directed and self-directed, tempting us to go to his
gambling stone!"
The attitude of the crowd, under the guidance of Henry, from the beginning toward the
peerless jadeite, and now began to abandon the peerless jadeite.
Ke Bin's face was ugly. He knew that if this matter was not handled well today, his stone
betting shop would be considered a plant. Now, he can only hope on the old man.
The old man wiped the sweat from his face and stared closely at the stone he had chosen.
There was nothing in one cut, and nothing in two cuts. When the third cut was empty, the
old man's face was already ugly, and dense sweat beads appeared on his forehead.
The fourth cut continued. When the cut left one-third, the staff's movements stopped.
The old man also showed a relieved expression on his face because of the staff's movement.
He knew exactly what this represented.
It's just that now he cuts out the green, he won't be happy at all, he just hopes that he
doesn't mess up this matter.
The stone chosen by the old man was also cut out in green. Although it was only a smal
piece, not as big as the fist of an adult, it did come out.
The old man shouted at the crowd: "Everyone, have you seen the stone in the Broken Jade
Pavilion? It's easy to distinguish. Like this kind of stone, they have processed it by
themselves, and there is something in it."
Now, no matter Whether it is Henry or the old man, can open something in the stone of the
house. The people watching you look at me, I look at you, some are confused, which one is
in this pit, it is impossible, both Is that true?
Ke Bin smiled on his face. As a result, his reputation was preserved.
Henry smiled and said aloud: "It's just a matter of luck to get one out. It's not as good as we
change the gameplay. Pick ten at a time, dare?"
This time, Ke Bin did not fight immediately, he asked: "Why? "
Just because I just saw a lot of specially processed jade in your shop!" Henry replied.
"You fart!" Ke Bin shouted.
"Hehe." Henry smiled, "Master Ke, if you dare not, I have nothing to say, otherwise, it's
Ke Bin stood aside with a sullen face, didn't answer, he would now I thought to hurry this
matter away.
"Come on, let it be, let it be." There was
such a voice in the crowd.
I saw that a group of more than 20 people came out of the crowd, looked at Ke Bin, and
asked, "Boss, I heard that you opened today, and each person bought the first stone for only
" Ke Bin nodded.
"Okay, let's give us a piece." The man among the leaders said, and then everyone took out
two hundred dollars from his pocket.
"Stones are chosen at random." Ke Bin took the money and glanced at Henry proudly.
Although the money was not much, it focused on one meaning. At the end, everyone came
to my peerless jadeite.
Ke Bin's complacent thought had just emerged not long after, because the movements of
these twenty people completely disappeared.
After the 20-odd people paid the money, they all looked at Henry together, and the leading
man said, "Boss, you just sent me a text message saying that you have a chance to get rich.
Which one do you choose?"
Ke Bin suddenly gave birth to one Share a bad hunch.
Henry stretched his hand in Ke Bin's shop, "That piece, there is that piece, that piece, this
These more than twenty people took all the stones pointed by Henry into their hands and
could see them at this moment. Ke Bin's complexion turned pale. All the 20 stones
mentioned by Henry had been specially treated by him. Inside, all of them were emeralds
prepared by Ke Bin himself! The
leader of the twenty-plus people is Wade White.
After selecting the stones, Wade White took everyone and opened the more than 20
stones in front of the crowd. Without exception, all of them were green.
Ke Bin's face was as ugly as it was when he ate a fly. These emeralds were bought by him
for a large price this time. Today, they were all $ 200.
At this moment, Ke Bin felt that his breathing was not smooth. How much did the jadeite
cost? At least nearly ten million! If you do n’t say anything, you still give it to your
The onlookers see this 100% chance of lithography, even if the reaction is dull, they can
understand how much of this peacock jade is greasy, otherwise there is no possibility of
such lithography.
"That old man!" One of the onlookers shouted at the old man invited by Ke Bin. "You just
said, unless there is a greasy stone, wouldn't it be possible to make something 100%? What
do you say now, If you choose one of the stones in your home, you can open one. Can you
do it? "
" Yeah, your peerless jadeite is too much, so deceiving! "
" If no one took you apart, I don't know. How many people are deceived, go around, report
them! "By
watching the crowd, Ke Bin's face was even more ugly. He looked at the old man. If today's
affairs are not handled well, he will definitely lose his wife and break the soldiers. The most
important thing is that he was overwhelmed by this mystery.
The old man just cut out a piece of green, which is also good luck. Now let him pick the
stone and cut out the thing from inside. He does n’t have this grasp at all, let alone select
more than twenty pieces in a row like Henry, al cut and shipped coming.
The old man at the moment, but also a kind of feeling forced to desperation, he took a deep
breath, went back off the jade style pavilion, the election of more than 20 pieces of stone
out and shouted, "fully open!"
Staff take peerless emerald Coming up with professional tools, he is preparing to start.
"Wait!" Henry shouted, letting the other party stop his movements.
"Why?" The old man was very happy. This man wouldn't let himself open the stone, it
would be impossible. Among these stones, it was real y greasy. These are the stones that he
just found out according to his own experience.
"Are you surnamed Zhang, aren't you arrogant? Just al ow you to open our stones, not let us
open yours?" Ke Bin now, the focus is no longer to clarify himself, but to fight back.
Henry shook his head, "It's not forbidden to open, al the stones just bought for money.
Now you want to open our stones, you have to pay the money?"
Henry finished, looking at Ke with a smile. Bin.
Ke Bin stunned, and then hated: "Pay the money and pay the money. Does Laozi lack your
"That's al right." Henry nodded and pointed to the twenty stones selected by the old man. ,
"These stones are placed in the store, and al are clearly priced. There are two king stones,
one 110,000, and one 130,000. The rest are al in good condition, starting at 3,000 to
15,000. Wait, look at your packaged copy of Ke Shao, these, in total, even if you Ke Ke
300,000 is good. "
Ke Bin heard Henry's words, his eyes narrowed, and he said with a deep voice: "The
surname Zhang, you are playing me? You just took my twenty stones A total of more than
4,000 yuan, now let me pay 300,000? "
" Ke Shao, our businessmen, you clearly marked the price, we are also clearly marked price,
if you do not want, you can not buy it. " Very happy.
Ke Bin took a deep breath. He was not far from the 300,000 yuan. In his eyes, 300,000
yuan was no different from a few thousand yuan, but he just didn't want to, so he followed
Henry's meaning.
Ke Bin said, "What kind of shit king stone is just a way for you to swindle the jade pavilion. I
don't want either of these two pieces. The 60,000 pairs are right, go, swipe."
Ke Bin waved his hand . The person behind him immediately came up and paid the money.
"Why, can you open the stone now?" Ke Bin specifically asked after paying the money.
Henry made a gesture of invitation, "Ke Shao, you are free."
"Open!" Ke Bin shouted, and his people proceeded to open the stone.
One piece was cut, there was nothing, two pieces, still nothing came out, three pieces, four
pieces ... The
onlookers watched quietly. When I cut to the seventeenth piece, I saw a little green, but not
Expensive, it is worth more than 10,000 yuan, compared with the cost of this time, far
As the stones were cut one by one, Ke Bin's face became more and more ugly, and the old
man was already sweating.
In the end, all the stones were cut, and only a piece of jade just came out.
In fact, as far as stone gambling is concerned, one in 100 people can make a fortune, even if
the chance is high, the old man chose these 60,000 yuan stones and sold more than 10,000
goods, which is considered good luck. Yes, but now, this is not enough.
"Hey, the stone hammer is gone, the stone hammer is gone, all the stones in this peerless
jadeite are full of greasiness, and others have nothing to do with Jade Pavilion."
"That is, the old man just said it nicely. What kind of stone is special y treated and made the
same as the real one. You can ship it."
"It's your family. To be
sure, who has the problem in the end, everyone knows everything ! " What has happened
now has made everyone understand who the two stone gambling shops are having a
Ke Bin's face was glistening and he was about to drip water. This time, he could be said to
have been completely crushed by Henry.
With a smile on his face, Henry shouted at Ke Bin: "Ke Shao, thank you. Your kind gifts
today really made me feel a little embarrassed."
Henry's words fell, and all the people brought by Wade White gave out a burst. Loud
Wade White raised the jadeite he had just opened and shouted to Henry: "Boss, there is
such a good thing in the future, and also notify me, this money is made, it is too easy, I
really hope that such a fool will send money every day. Ah. "
Wade White's words made the crowd watching all laugh.
Peerless Jade opened its own shop, specially prepared a little jade, and wanted to pit
people. The result was seen by the competitors. They called for 200 pieces to buy al the
jade. This person did not pit, and the money was not earned. Instead, he lost nearly ten
million to go out in vain. It is estimated that this matter will soon be spread everywhere.
For a long time, Peerless Jadeite and Ke Bin will all become the laughing stock of everyone.
"Yes." Henry snapped his fingers, "Ke Shao, the two king stones you just rejected, they are
in good condition. Since you are so generous today, I can't be stingy. , Opened these two
pieces of Wang Shi. "
Henry finished, waving his hand.
The staff of Duan Yuge immediately stepped forward.
The reason why Wang Shi can be called Wang Shi is that this stone gives people an
extraordinary feeling when they look at it. The two pieces of Wang Shi are both about 25
centimeters long and six centimeters tall. At a glance, These two stones are rounded and
shiny. This kind of king stone has a high chance of opening and shipping. It is likely to be
rubbed a little. You will find that this whole stone is a beautiful jade. Of course, there is also
a rounded surface. Being wiped away reveals the essence of rough stones.
In general, buying Wang Shi is a gamble.
If you can't open things, you can open things with more than 100,000 yuan. You can also
open things, depending on the quality of jade. Jade worth more than 100,000 yuan is too
With the friction of the staff of the Broken Jade Pavilion, two pieces of king stone, one of the
greens on the surface was gradual y wiped away. Under the greens, the rough stone surface
was exposed, just an ordinary stone.
Seeing this scene, Ke Bin felt a lot of happiness in his heart. Fortunately, he just rejected
this piece of Wang Shi, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing.
A piece of Wang Shi was completely opened, and nothing came out, which was equivalent
to hundreds of thousands of hits, and Henry seemed to have expected it.
As for another piece of king stone, as the staff polished, the green above became more and
more obvious.
"Shipped! Shipped!"
"Wang Shi shipped!"
Anyone who knows a little bit about the situation can see what this is.
"Look at this condition, it's not an ordinary product."
"The entire jade wall is translucent and the lines are clear. Is this worth a lot of money?"
"If such a whole piece can really be made, it is worth at least 10 mil ion!" Someone who
knows how to speak the price.
Ke Bin looked at this jasper that was slowly wiped out from Wang Shi, and only felt that his
chest was so tight that he could hardly breathe. This piece of treasure, just selected, was
ruled out by himself? Money is a trivial matter.
"Hahaha! The owner of Peerless Jade is too funny, don't buy these two pieces of Wang Shi,
and laugh at me!"
"You know what, people are doing charity, don't you see how much money you just sent? "
" The word "charity" is used well, and I give full marks! "When watching the crowd, Ke
Bin's heart burst into flames, but there was no place to vent.
Today, he lost to Henry from beginning to end!
Henry looked at the greens in Wang Shi and had a picture in his heart. Jenny's batch of
stones came from Yunwang Shi Wang. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the best stone in
China. Where to go!
"This peerless emerald kept shouting people off jade stone tricky Court, in the end, put
treasure in their own eyes can not be seen, this is also the nerve to say anything!"
"Multi-learn it off Jade House to others."
Ke Bin face For a while, he squeezed his fists tightly, then flicked his hand, and left here in a
big step. He couldn't stay here for a second. The onlookers looked at him like a monkey.
Watching Ke Bin's departure, there was a coaxing sound in the crowd. This kind of sound
made Ke Bin have the urge to find a ground seam.
Today, Duan Yuge opened, and Ke Bin himself was going to disgust Jenny. The result came
to an end. Because of the emergence of Henry, Ke Bin not only did not feel sick On the
contrary, he also lost tens of millions of his own money. On the contrary, Peerless Jadeite
also made a free advertisement for Broken Jade Pavilion. Al the people present saw how
many treasures were cut out of Broken Pavilion stone. The reputation of Duan Yu Pavilion,
on the first day of its opening, has already achieved an invisible publicity.
Some of the jadeite from Henrykai, he didn't need it, was placed in the Broken Jade Pavilion
as a sample.
Jenny was planning to invite Henry to have a meal. As a result, Peugeot Pavilion was on fire
because of the peerless jadeite. The number of people was full, and the store was too busy.
Not only did those Jenny come before 'S friends take care of the business, including those
who are passers-by, and are very itchy, betting on a few.
Jenny's stone is from the gambler of Yunnan province. It is of high quality. A wage earner
with a salary of 3,000 a month bought a stone and produced more than 200,000
worth of jadeite. Aroused the enthusiasm of many people.
Seeing such a scene, Henry felt relieved to say hello to Jenny and left.
Compared with the hotness of the Broken Jade Pavilion, Peerless Jadeite is stil open but the
door is a bit scary.
After Henry left the pedestrian street, he still planned to find clues about Qi. When walking
through a pharmacy, Henry suddenly stopped.
In the pharmacy, an old man in a tattered dress, carrying a medicine basket, was talking
In the pharmacy, a middle-aged woman in a white coat waved her hands impatiently and
drove the old man out of the pharmacy.
Henry stayed here not because of the old man or because of the middle-aged woman in the
pharmacy, but because of something in the old man's medicine basket.
"We don't need your herbs, go out, go out!" The voice of the middle-aged woman passed
into Henry's ears.
Henry saw that the old man came out with regret.
"Master, are you selling medicine?" Henry asked the old man to stop after the old man came
"Yes." The old man nodded. "Sel some medicinal materials. This medicine is taken by me."
When the
old man spoke, he took the medicine basket behind him and kept pointing to Henry, trying
to prove something.
"How much is it? I want it all." Henry's eyes focused on the medicine basket.
"Three ... thousand ..." said the old man with a lack of confidence. "Young man, don't look
expensive, but my medicinal herbs are fresh, and the year is long, they are all good things."
" Yes , three thousand is three thousand. Okay, mobile phone transfer bank. "Henry didn't
bargain at all.
When the old man heard it, there was rejoicing on his face, and he nodded again and again,
"Go everywhere." After
Henry paid the money, the old man handed the medicine basket into his hands with joy,
and was about to leave. pace.
"Stop!" The middle-aged woman in the pharmacy shouted, rushed out of the pharmacy, and
said to Henry, "You guys, don't be fooled. This old man is also famous in our Yinzhou. There
are many pharmacies. What kind of medicinal herbs are he? It ’s just some wild grasses,
deceiving you people who do n’t know how to do it. ”
“ You do n’t spit on people ! ”The old man shouted with confusion.
"Old things, do you still want to make a face?" The middle-aged woman didn't leave her
feelings at all. "You see how old this child is. You directly cheated people of three thousand
dol ars. Money is a trivial matter. Do you eat indiscriminately? "The middle-aged woman
finished, quickly rushed to Henrydao: "Young man, please cal the police, don't let this old
man run away, he can't eat these things."
"Sister, thank you for your kindness, but "Henry smiled for a while, and took out something
like a dead wood rod from the medicine basket, with several knots on it,"
This thing alone is worth 3,000 yuan. "
" What is this? " Young woman with doubts.
"Dendrobium candidum!" The middle-aged woman's voice just fel . Behind her, there was
an exclaimation. A middle-aged man who looked like a doctor came out of the pharmacy.
"This is Dendrobium candidum. How can we have this in us? Things, normally speaking, the
price of this medicinal material has reached 500 yuan a gram, just one plant, more than
3,000 yuan. "
Henry nodded and smiled," Dendrobium candidum, but the price is more than that It ’s
cheap. At first, this medicinal material was only used as a tonifying and skin-beautifying
agent, but now, it can treat cancer, so it is widely planted artificially, 501 grams, which is
the price of artificial breeding, and this wild Dendrobium candidum, I I have n’t seen it for a
long time. "
" Wild? "Listening to Henry, the middle-aged doctor showed a shock on his face," If it is
really wild, it is grown in our area, and its nutritional value is more than Cordyceps
sinensis, even even thirty-two ginseng Tianshan snow lotus can not be compared with its! "
Yes. "Henry nodded," that light a Dendrobium, the price per gram, just about twelve
thousand, so a Down, hundreds of thousands. "
Henry in his hand, but like a dead wood size, yet little finger duffel.
The old man next to him heard Henryhe's words, and his eyes were red. He immediately
flew towards Henry and shouted, "I won't sell this medicine!"
This smal plant is worth hundreds of thousands, the old man remembers Clearly, there are
at least three or four such medicinal materials in my medicine basket. Doesn't that mean
that there are nearly one million?
What kind of person is this old man? Henry saw it clearly at first glance. With his medical
skil s, how could he not see that the old man's medicine basket contained fake drugs.
Seeing that the old man was rushing towards him, Henry showed no mercy, kicked the old
man on one foot, took out several wild Dendrobium candidum in the medicine basket, and
walked away.
The so-cal ed respect for the elderly and love for the young does not make people blindly
do something. Henryke has no slight respect for this kind of old and disrespectful person.
The old man's regretful intestines were al green. He grabbed his medicine basket and ran
away. He also remembered where those "withered trees" were picked from. There were
still a few in the impression. Row.
The old man drove a car and drove away from the city for two hours. In a remote mountain
village, the old man walked hurriedly to a fence garden. In the fence garden, there was a
medicine field and Dendrobium candidum. of.
The old man's eyebrows looked around, and when he found no one, he crept into the fence
garden, and his eyes were almost flashing. Just as the old man took off the dendrobium
candidum, and was about to leave, he shouted loudly from the fence garden Outside
The drink made the old man's legs frightened.
In front of the fence courtyard, there are several figures, this figure, Henry has also seen,
one of the leaders, holding a leading cane, just Mr. Zhao Xuan met in the hospital.
At that time, Mr. Zhao wanted Henry to help his younger brother treat the disease, but
Henry refused.
Mr. Zhao side, along with several bodyguards, after several bodyguards saw Dendrobium in
the drug field were all wise people, and his face suddenly changed, and exclaimed loudly:
"Old man, what did you do!"
The old man ran ready to run , But how could he run past several bodyguards and be
knocked down in two steps.
The bodyguard found several Dendrobium candidum from the old man.
Mr. Zhao walked slowly with his cane. When he saw only a few Dendrobium candidum, he
frowned, "How come these few plants, the rest?" The old man was trembling with fear,
"No ... ... I don't know ... "
" Old stuff, don't play tricks on me, otherwise you will be kil ed! "A bodyguard threatened.
As soon as the old man heard this, his body suddenly softened, "was bought by ..."
"Who bought it!" Mr. Zhao's eyes narrowed.
This Dendrobium candidum was unintentional y found in this village. At that time, it was
not the best time for picking. For these few Dendrobium candidum, Mr. Zhao special y
surrounded a fenced yard and bought this land. Looking for someone to spread the
medicine field in order to let these Dendrobium candidum grow to the best time. Today
is the best time for picking, but the result is that the Dendrobium candidum is the first to be
listed. important.
The old man trembles his lips, "I ... I ... I don't know, it's ... it's in Yinzhou, let a young man
buy it."
"Take him to find!" Mr. Zhao ordered, with a tone in his tone An unquestionable taste.
Several bodyguards heard the order, escorted the old man into the car, and drove to
Henry is still in a good mood today. First of all, at the opening ceremony, Ke Bin was
deflated and earned nearly 10 million Ke Bin. He just bought a few medicinal materials.
It grows in a geographical environment, it is absolutely inexplicable, and getting these few
medicinal herbs, although temporarily useless, also makes Henry happy. These medicinal
herbs are kept and can be taken out anytime.
After a long stroll back to Lin's, he went directly to the top floor and pushed open the door
of Sylvia's office.
Although Sylvia was absent during this time, his office was still cleaned by Secretary Li Na.
Henry saw that Sylvia's desk was filled with many documents, al waiting for Sylvia to come
back for approval.
Shaking his head, Henry sat on Sylvia's office chair, took these documents, and read them
one by one.
Lin Xuan ’s ten bil ion assets are still easy to manage for Henry. Some business decisions
are effortless to handle. The documents originally piled on the desk took Henry an hour.
The treatment was clean, and then Li Na was notified.
Li Na has no doubts about Henry making these decisions. She also knew Henry's ability.
"Mr. Zhang, there are some emails in the company's mailbox that need to be dealt with
immediately. If you have time, please help Mr. Lin." Li Na reminded.
"OK." Henry nodded, turned on the computer, entered the company mailbox, and handled
some mail.
Downstairs, there was a black Mercedes-Benz car parked. On the back seat of the car were
two men, one old and one young. , the young ones look around 30 years old, and the older
ones are 60 years old.
"Dad, do you say Lin will fol ow?" The younger man, holding a document in his hand,
"Let's force Lin so much. If Lin chooses to divest because he is cruel, we will have no way
out." "The
older man sneered." Relax, Lin has been negotiating with us for half a year for this project,
not to mention the amount of money invested, and the hard work alone will not make them
give up easily. Yes, they will never choose to divest! "The two sat in the car and looked at
the Lin's Building in front of them, as if waiting for something.
In the Lin's Building, a man in his thirties was heading towards the top floor in a panic.
"Mr. Lin!" The man asked Li Na directly at the top floor.
"Yu Wei? How did you come back?" Li Na was quite surprised when she saw the man.
"Aren't you visiting the field?"
"There are important things to report to Mr. Lin, but Mr. Lin's phone has never been able to
get through." Yu Wei looked anxious. "Is President Lin in the office?"
"Not there." Li Na shook her head. "Lin is on a business trip. She has confessed. During this
time, her phone will indeed be unavailable. There is nothing waiting for her Just come back
and make a decision. "
" Return? "Yu Wei shook his head quickly when he heard this," No, who can't wait so long,
who will make the decision now? "
" Mr. Lin. "Li Na pointed to Sylvia Office.
"Mr. Lin is married?" Yu Wei was stunned. He had been discussing a cooperation with
customers in other cities. He had not returned for a long time. His usual work was to call
Sylvia to report and was under the direct jurisdiction of Sylvia. No one informed him that
he did n’t even know that Sylvia was married. After learning that Sylvia was married, he
had an inexplicable loss in his heart. Sylvia, that is definitely the goddess of all the male
compatriots in the company. Knowing that he and this goddess will not have any
possibility, but after learning that Sylvia is married, there is still something wrong in his
"You don't have to worry about Mr. Lin's affairs. You have something to tell Mr. Zhang.
Mr. Zhang can make a decision." Li Na Chong nodded.
Yu Wei walked to the office, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.
"Go in." Henry's voice sounded from the office.
When Yu Weigang opened the door, he heard the sound of a gun battle game in the office.
Hearing this sound, Yu Wei knew what Henry was playing.
As soon as he entered the door, Yu Wei looked at Henry and wanted to see how a man
could marry Mr. Lin for a long time. Yu Wei summed up only two words, ordinary.
Sitting in the office and playing games? Yu Wei snorted in his heart, very disdainful, he can
remember clearly, in the past, President Lin, he was busy working, which is so leisurely like
this one.
Henry played this game for five minutes. After the end, he found that Yu Wei was still
standing in the office without saying a word. Facing this strange face, Henry asked:
"What's the matter?"
"There is a The plan requires you to take a look. "Yu Wei didn't know what to cal Henry, so
he simply didn't speak. Moreover, in his heart, he didn't recognize the husband of Lin very
much. He put a plan directly in front of Henry.
Henry took this plan and glanced at it, frowning. This plan, he just saw it on Sylvia's
computer, this is An investment project that Lin decided on half a year ago. Over the past
six months, he has invested more than one billion yuan in succession, but the results are
not satisfactory.
Henry saw that in the plan submitted by Wei Wei, the other party requested a
redistribution of profits, otherwise it would not proceed.
In this plan, although Lin's investment is one billion yuan, al dominance lies with the other
Yu Wei came this time just to let Lin invite Han to make a decision and see how the profits
should be re-divided this time.
Henry glanced a few times, and threw the plan at random. The other party's means
belonged to a threat component. Such tricks, Henry had seen too many, and this project
seemed to Henry, It can be seen clearly at a glance. The other party is now demanding a
redistribution of profits. It is nothing more than holding the Lin's psychology. If Lin does
not agree, it is really troublesome. The other party is much worse than Lin.
Yu Xuan couldn't see what Henry could see. He was very worried now, for fear that the
other party would terminate the cooperation. In this way, Lin's billions of dol ars would not
be worth mentioning. The effort over the past six months was also in vain.
Yu Wei looked at Henry's indifferent look and asked, "How to deal with it?"
"It's enough to divest." Henry said while opening another game.
Listening to the sound of the game coming from the computer, a burst of anger suddenly
rose in Yu Wei's heart, "Withdraw funds? Why should you withdraw funds?"
"Otherwise?" Henry stared at the computer screen, "Spread the profits to 10%. What do we
earn in the end? It's okay to divest. "
" No! "Yu Wei waved his hand," Absolutely can't divest! We have already invested one
billion. If we divest, the one bil ion will be lost. Let President Lin make the decision. "
"No, I'll make a decision." Henry showed a careless appearance when he spoke, but his tone
gave people a feeling that they couldn't refuse, "Go tel them and divest."
Yu Wei just squeezed his fist. , Shouted, "Do you understand?"
Henry glanced at Yu Wei, and then turned his attention to the computer screen, and said: "I
understand it is one thing, can I make a decision is another Now, it's up to me to make the
decision, divest, and go, you go out. "After
Henry's voice fell, he waved at Yu Wei.
Yu Wei glared and gasped, and after more than ten seconds, he suddenly turned around,
walked out of the office door, and slammed the office door.
"Nonsense, it's just mischief!" Yu Wei couldn't help shouting as soon as he left the office.
"What's the matter?" Li Na frowned and walked to Yu Wei. "What's the call?"
"Secretary Li, can this person make a decision! President Lin, when will President Lin come
back!" Yu Weiqi Hands are shaking, divestment? This does not understand the goods, as he
did, the mind is not in the business at all, can this be withdrawn?
Li Na said: "It is not clear when Mr. Lin will come back. Mr. Zhang can make a decision.
You just listen to Mr. Zhang."
"He makes a decision? Can he make a decision like this?" Yu Wei said. Disdain.
Li Na frowned more and warned: "Yu Wei, figure out your identity. You are just an
executive, a decision maker, Mr. Lin and Mr. Zhang. If you have anything, just follow what
Mr. Zhang said. Questioning here is not what you should do. ” Yu Wei also understands the
truth of Li Na, but his heart is uncomfortable. If today, Sylvia made the decision to divest, he
would not have a little extra words, but Henry, Knowing that this was Mr. Lin ’s husband,
Yu Wei felt very unhappy, and had a feeling that his beloved
treasure was taken away. So from the moment he saw Henry, he wore colored glasses to
treat Henry.
Yu Wei took a deep breath, nodded his head, "Wel , since it is your decision, then I'll talk to
the caller said divestment of thing, I hope that time do not regret it!"
Yu Wei finished, a walk away, and stalked off company Go downstairs.
In front of the Lin's building, in a Mercedes-Benz.
Two people, one old and one young, were sitting in the back seat. When they saw Yu Wei
coming out of the building, the expressions on their faces seemed a little nervous.
"Dad, do you say Lin will agree? What will we do if they want to divest?"
"Absolutely not." The older man said with certainty, "I stil have some confidence in this.
Lin doesn't dare They do n’t know what our bottom line is. When they propose to divest,
they should consider their own risk first. ”
“ OK. ”The young man took a deep breath and opened the car door, greeting Yu Wei, who
was approaching, "Hi, Mr. Yu, how is our opinion, what is the decision?"
Yu Wei opened his mouth and didn't know how to speak. The word divestment was spoken,
but it couldn't be received. After leaving, Lin's money was completely floated.
"Mr. Yu?" The young man waved at Yu Wei.
Yu Wei real y has the urge to go upstairs and negotiate with Henry once again, tel ing him
that the business is not doing this.
"Mr. Yu, how is it?" The young man asked again.
Yu Wei slowly exhaled, apologizing: "I'm sorry, our final decision is to divest ..."
When speaking of the word divestment, Yu Wei felt like he was drained of energy.
The young man's face changed as soon as he heard these words, "Withdraw money?
Mr. Yu, are you serious?"
"Yes, serious." Yu Wei nodded. "This is the decision made by the leader, two of you, sorry."
After Yu Wei finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards Lin. He originally
came with the two of them. When he returned, he went back together, but now he had to
decide to withdraw his capital, so he didn't have to go back.
The young man looked at the back of Yu Wei's departure, and his heart was extremely
panicked. Lin actually really withdrew his capital!
Although Lin invested 1 billion in this project, the decision to divest would make the 1
billion float, but they also invested a lot. There are a total of 500 mil ion. They are not like
Lin. The behemoth, five hundred million, is equivalent to the entire net worth. This Lin
really wants to divest. For Lin, it is a serious loss, but for himself, it is bankruptcy!
The older man sitting in the car also heard Yu Wei's words. When Yu Wei walked away, he
hurriedly spoke to his son, "What are you waiting for, catch up quickly, and you can't let the
divestment go!" The
young man was reminded. Then he came back and chased Yu Wei quickly.
"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, please stay!" The young man strode towards Yu Wei.
Yu Wei heard the sound, stopped, and looked back with doubt.
The young man smiled, "Mr. Yu, you look at you, go so anxiously, we are cooperating, we
can talk about anything, there is no need to divest."
Yu Wei originally thought that the other party might be angry He said something, but did
not expect that the other party should have such an attitude. Judging from its appearance,
Yu Wei immediately reacted, and the other party did not want Lin to divest.
"Mr. Wang, your management cannot accept the distribution of benefits, we can only
choose to divest." Yu Wei spoke to the young man.
The young man called Mr. Wang smiled and said, "Mr. Yu, look, how should this benefit be
distributed, was it negotiated, since your company can't accept it, then we won't talk about
this matter, as we said before to go, how? "
in Richard heard such a remark, suddenly the hearts of joy together, but also very surface
dull performance," Since this is the case, then I talk to say that our leadership. "
OK, trouble Mr. Yu. "
Yu Wei turned around and walked into the Lin's building, glanced at the elevator, his eyes
could not help but look up, thinking in his heart, he really made this blind cat run into a
dead mouse. , The result happened to pinch each other's lifeline, which is too good luck.
Yu Wei was waiting for the elevator, which went from the top floor to the first floor.
With a "ding", the elevator door opened.
Secretary Li Na came out of the elevator and appeared in front of Richard.
"Come, looking for you." Li Na looked at Yu Wei and said.
"Look for me?" Yu Wei looked puzzled. "Did he decide not to withdraw his capital? No, Mr.
Wang ..."
Yu Weigang was about to speak and was interrupted by Li Na.
"Mr. Zhang asked me to tell you that if the other party asked us not to withdraw the capital,
then the originally set profit of 37 was turned into 28. They are two and we are eight."
"What!" I was shocked in my heart.
What shocked Yu Wei was not that Henry proposed a profit of two to eight cents, but that
Henry was able to count President Wang's response.
At this moment, a kind of deep admiration emerged from Yu Wei's heart. It turned out that
the word divestment was not just a casual talk. He despised Henry in his heart, because Li
Na's arrival completely disappeared. My husband looks farther than myself.
Yu Wei nodded and walked out of the company. When he turned around, Yu Wei turned
back suddenly.
Right , Secretary Li." "Huh?" Li Na wondered.
"Help me to apologize to Mr. Zhang, my attitude just now is a bit excessive." Yu Wei
Li Na waved her hand, "Relax, Mr. Zhang knows that you are also good for the company, he
will not blame you."
Yu Wei nodded and left the company.
Today, many of Lin ’s decisions are made by Henry. Some people who understand Henry
will natural y not raise any objections. After al , they have seen Henry ’s ability, and those
who do not understand Henry make decisions about Henry. , More or less have some
There is a real estate that needs to be re-rectified because of the geographical division.
Henry felt that it was troublesome to find a designer again, so he made a design drawing on
the spot and sent it to the construction team. The construction team was originally right.
The design drawings made by Henry had great opinions, but when they were executed,
they found that the subtleties of the design drawings are far beyond their own imagination,
not only to solve the problem completely, but also better than before. At 5 pm , Henry got
off work on time. After being a boss for a long time, Henry finally understood why Sylvia
was so busy every day.
Many things, Henry handled it by himself, very fast, but to Lin Lin, he couldn't do it so
Although Sylvia is hailed as the business queen of Yinzhou, he has always been in business
for too short. In the final analysis, many people as big as Sylvia, and some of them do not
even have a stable job even now. But it is stil in a stage of learning progress.
Henry is different. Although Henry has not managed the enterprise for a long time, the
scale of the enterprise he is in contact with is not much larger than that of Lin. It is like a
person who often multiplies thousands and thousands, and suddenly comes into contact
with one place. Number multiplication, there is no difficulty at all.
After leaving the company, Henry walked slowly towards his home, feeling his own arms,
and the air inside had been completely discharged by him.
On the streets of Yinzhou, there are dozens of black Audi A6s that are shuttled back and
forth in Yinzhou. It has been going on for an afternoon.
In the Zhao Group Building, an old man in tattered clothes kept staring at dozens of screens
in front of him. He had been sitting this afternoon, and his eyes were almost looking at the
The top of the Zhao Group.
Mr. Zhao, leaning on the leading cane, stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass
windows and looked at the traffic at his feet. He had a tendency to overlook all living
A young man dressed in black walked behind Mr. Zhao and bowed his head in reverence:
"Second man, the person has not been found yet. That old thing says that the other party
knows the value of Dendrobium candidum, will the person already run?
" Then go check, airports, trains, buses, high-speed probes, check all the paths that can
leave Yinzhou, let the old things be recognized one by one, this kind of wild Dendrobium
candidum, I found it for four years, and come Say that there is a great use, you must not
make a difference! Tel the old man, if the medicine cannot be found, he will not survive!
"Mr. Zhao squeezed the crutches in his hand.
"Yes." Young quickly looked down, then raised his head and slowly, tentatively asked,
"What if the person found, then refused to give each other ......"
Young, then just say half, Mr. Zhao Suddenly turned around, slaps heavily on the face of the
youth, scolded: "You have followed me for seven years, this kind of thing, do you want me
to teach you? Anyone who fights against me, die!"
"Understood!" Youth Quickly nodded and retreated.
After the youth left, only Mr. Zhao was left in the huge room. He looked out the window and
muttered: "After so many years, there is finally an opportunity to turn over. No one can
stop me!"
Zhao's surveillance room, All surveillance videos are taken by a car in real time.
The old man narrowed his eyes. He felt almost blind for an afternoon.
Suddenly, the old man's eyes were locked on a monitoring screen, pointing to a figure in
that screen, "He, yes, it's him, bought by him!" When the old man spoke, the screen was
instantly cut off , Impressively is the figure of Henry.
Henry's photo was extracted by Zhao, enlarged and sent to Mr. Zhao.
"It's him?" Mr. Zhao's mouth smiled with a playful smile. This world is real y too small.
Last time, I didn't have trouble with him. This time, it has something to do with him?
"Second Lord, I will take someone to find him now." The youth in black said behind Mr.
Mr. Zhao thought for a while, then nodded, "Go."
Henry walked home from work, and he had noticed these Audi A6s on the street al the time.
He saw the probes in each car clearly. .
Just when Henry walked to the door of the community, he suddenly stopped and changed
direction, hit a car, and headed out of the city.
Seeing that Henry was on the rental, the Audi A6 that had been fol owing Henry
immediately caught up.
Henry sat in the taxi and looked at the exterior rearview mirror. The Audi A6 who followed
him natural y couldn't escape his eyes.
The taxi gradually left the urban area and approached the national highway.
"Master, stop here." Henry can see the front position, that is, concealed, without a probe, it
is a good place to bury bones.
"This? Boy, get off here, you can hardly get a taxi." The taxi driver reminded.
"It's okay, a friend comes to pick me up."
Henry paid and walked off the car. On the national road, there were carts shuttled back and
forth. On both sides of the road, there were wild woods. Henry drilled into the woods.
The Audi A6 also stopped. The five of them got off the car, chased them together, looking
for Henry's steps.
Two minutes later, Henry came out of the woods, drove the Audi A6, and returned to the
As for the five people who had just chased into the woods, it was the same as never
At eight o'clock in the evening, Henry returned home and lay leisurely on the sofa, making a
call to Sylvia and prompting him to shut down.
At the same time, Zhao Group went downstairs.
Mr. Zhao stared at the fire in front of him, which was burned from an Audi A6.
"Who drove the car?" Mr. Zhao stared at the burnt black body in front of him.
"I don't know." The young man in black shook his head. "The other party avoided all the
probes. Our people can't get in touch."
As the fire on the body was extinguished, Mr. Zhao's angry face suddenly smiled,
"Interesting, It ’s been a long time, no one has played with me like this. ”
Looking at the smile on Mr. Zhao ’s face, the young man in black standing behind him
shuddered unconsciously. He remembered the last person who made Mr. Zhao smile like
this. The whole family is dead.
Overnight quietly.
Early the next morning, Henry went to the Lin Family and continued to be his "CEO".
Henry's decision-making direction and decision-making speed of many problems are much
higher than that of Sylvia, and some problems that Lin Linhan will feel headaches, Henry
easily resolved.
An airplane from Yanjing to Yinzhou took off from Yanjing Airport.
Sylvia, wearing a black dress, sat on the plane with his hair set behind his head, giving a
sense of dignity.
"Miss Lin, you can actual y use the special plane to send you home." Su Mi sat beside Sylvia
and said.
Before Su Mi, Sylvia was invited back to Su's home from Yinzhou. This time, Su Yu
specifically asked Su Mi to fol ow Sylvia.
"No." Sylvia shook his head, "I haven't taken over the Su family head, just come normally."
Sylvia finished, waved his hand to call the stewardess, and asked for a charger line.
During this time, Sylvia has been in Sujia ancient land, there is no place to charge the
mobile phone, it has been shut down for a long time.
As the plane took off, Sylvia was lying on the seat, closing his eyes and resting.
At noon, when the plane landed from Yinzhou Airport and returned to Yinzhou, Sylvia had
a long-lost intimacy. It was exactly the same as when Henry came back. Although the
outside was large and prosperous, it was not as good as Yinzhou. What's more, there is a
person whom Sylvia misses.
Immediately after getting off the plane, Sylvia turned on his phone, and suddenly a lot of
information poured in. Sylvia filtered the information one by one and selected the most
critical ones.
Having been away from the company for such a long time, many problems required Sylvia
to deal with, and Sylvia responded one by one.
"Miss Lin, where are we going now?" Su Mi asked.
"Go back to the company first." Sylvia put away his mobile phone. Although he saw the size
of the Su family, Sylvia was most attentive to Lin. This Lin group has a feeling of roots for
Sylvia took Su Mi back to the Lin Group. When Sylvia came back, Lin's employees were a
little surprised.
"Mr. Lin is good."
"Mr. Lin."
"Mr. Lin is back."
Sylvia nodded, just going upstairs, and heard the sound of discussion from the side.
"I think this change can completely change the gap of 30% to increase the distance between
buildings and increase the lighting area."
"This is indeed a good idea."
Sylvia looked at the place where the discussion came, it was a design team that was making
changes to a building that was going to be developed. The reason why Sylvia
was so anxious to go back to the company was that he had just seen the design team send it
to himself three days ago. News, because of the policy change, some problems occurred in
the original y divided land, which needs to be redesigned and positioned.
But Sylvia now listens, they are actual y discussing how to increase the distance between
"What are you talking about?" Sylvia walked over and asked.
The team was just discussing the issue and did not notice the arrival of Sylvia. After hearing
Sylvia's voice, Qi Qi asked Sheng Lin.
"Mr. Lin, we are talking about the new design plan yesterday, which is simply perfect."
"Yeah, you see the design of this corner, not only is there no waste of land, but because of
this small change, it makes the apartment type. It can be more diversified and give the
owner more choices. "
Sylvia looked at the design drawing produced by this design team, and his eyes lit up,
because the design was really perfect, even if Sylvia himself stared specifically The designer
has changed the design drawing countless times, and there is no way to compare it with the
current drawing.
"Where did this design come from?" Sylvia asked.
"Mr. Zhang gave it." One pointed to the top of his head.
"Henry?" Sylvia unconsciously showed a smile on his face, and the figure of the man
appeared in his mind.
Sylvia came to the top floor.
"Mr. Lin, you are back." Li Na saw Sylvia at first glance, with surprise in her eyes.
"Wel ." Sylvia nodded. "What about Henry?"
"Mr. Zhang is inside." Li Na pointed her finger.
Sylvia walked to the office, carefully opened the door a slit, through the door slit, Sylvia saw
that the man inside the door was sitting on the office chair, staring In front of the
document, write and draw from time to time.
Sylvia stood outside the door and looked at Henry quietly. This was her first time to look at
her man so careful y. That profile was as firm as a knife, and her eyes were deep, like a
starry sea.
Looking at Henry's serious appearance, Sylvia Qiao's face unconsciously showed a touch of
red. Now, she is like a little girl who is beginning to love, peeking at her crush.
Henry twisted his neck and turned his eyes to the front door of the office, and happened to
see a pair of smart eyes.
Sylvia suddenly panicked, feeling that he was found to have done something wrong.
Henry put down his file and got up.
Sylvia also pushed open the office door, relieved his emotions, and walked in generously
from the door.
"Wife, are you back, tired?" Henry walked towards Sylvia.
Sylvia thought that Henry would give herself a hug, she was ready to hug the man well, but
she didn't feel it at ordinary times, but the difference in this time made Lin invite Han to
discover that she had already had Henry in her heart. A nostalgia.
It's a pity that Henry didn't hug her as Sylvia thought, which made Sylvia feel a little lost.
"I heard that in the past few days, you have made many decisions of the company?"
Sylvia looked at the documents on the desk and then looked at Henry.
"Wel , it's not a problem to pile up there, just deal with it. Don't blame me for the bad
treatment." Henry scratched his head.
Sylvia smiled and said, "That will not work, the company will lose money, I have to ask
Sylvia walked to the desk and looked at the documents on the table. She saw that Henry
had already solved some of the processing solutions she had just got off the plane, and the
solution was better than her own opinion. Thinking of the fact that he didn't let Henry
contact the company at first, Sylvia was a little ashamed until now.
Su Mi has been following Sylvia, looking at Henry, and shook his head regretfully. If it is in
the past, this man is indeed quite suitable for Miss Lin. After al , he can become a business
partner with the owner, and his ability and talent are also remarkable. Yes, but now, Miss
Lin is going to be the head of the Su family. This man, since he is not worthy of Miss Lin.
"Wife, have you eaten?" Henry looked at the time and it was already noon.
"Not yet." Sylvia shook his head slightly. "Want to eat a firewood."
"OK, no problem, I will." Henry patted his chest.
Sylvia took Su Mi, Henry simply cal ed Li Na, and the four walked towards a restaurant not
far from Lin's.
Henry four front foot was out of the company, is located in a coffee shop across from Lin, a
young man picked up the phone, "people came out, and do it, remember, be sure to let this
kid to pay something out."
Henry four Came to the restaurant, asked for a box, and ordered some dishes.
"Wife, how are you feeling when you return to Su's house these few days?" Henry sat next
to Sylvia and asked.
"It feels good." Sylvia nodded. "My mother has fulfil ed her wish and returned to the Su
"You have been staying in the ancient Su family, what is that place?" Henry asked curiously.
"How do you know the ancient land?" Sylvia asked, she didn't remember what she said to
"I asked your uncle, I can't reach you, so I called him." Henry explained.
Sylvia replied: "The environment is very beautiful, green hills and green water, there is no
signal, I ..." When
Sylvia wanted to say anything, he found that someone was pulling his sleeve and turned his
head to see Su Mi was constantly giving Focus on yourself.
When he returned, Su Mi reminded Sylvia more than once that things about the ancient
land of the Su family should not be exposed, not even the ancient martial arts, including
Sylvia still remembers what Su Mi said to herself.
"Miss Lin, Guwu, let your husband know that he is protecting him. After all, he is an
ordinary person. Once caught in the disputes of the ancient Wu family, it is not a good thing
for him."
Thinking of these, Sylvia Stopping what he said, he rushed to Henrydao: "I can't tel you
clearly about the ancient land. I have the opportunity to show you later."
"OK." Henry nodded.
In fact, he has been to the ancient land of the ancient ancient Wu family. Every place is
beautiful. For example, Zhujia, the ancient land of Zhujia is on a mountain, and the entire
mountain belongs to Zhujia. This kind of house is just like the martial arts in costume
movies and TV series, except that there are too few people in each family who are qualified
to go to the ancient land.
The Su family has also taken the initiative to invite Henry to the ancient land of the Su
family. After al , as the identity of Henry, it was an honor for the Su family. It was just the
status of the Su family that Henry did not care about.
Even for the family, Henry went to see the identity of old man Lu at that time.
Now, his wife is about to become the head of the Su family. Henry is curious about the
ancient land of the Su family. After all, it has something to do with his wife.
Soon, everyone asked for the dishes.
As he was about to move his chopsticks, Su Mi, who was sitting on the side, changed his face
and got up and walked out of the box.
Henry looked at Su Mi's reaction and nodded with satisfaction. It seems that the Su family
did well this time. This Su Mi is sensitive to danger.
Su Mi came out of the box, closed the box door, looked at the hallway in front of him, and
sipped, "Come out, steal the chickens and dogs, not a hero."
Three seconds after Su Mi's words fell, a figure in black Appearing in front of Su Mi, the
young man in black looked at Su Mi and smiled: "Hehe, I didn't expect that there is a master
to protect Lin's family."
This young man in black is the man who followed behind Mr. Zhao.
Su Mi looked up and down at the young man in black. On the other side, she felt a
dangerous breath. Su Mi frowned, and finally fixed her eyes on the cuff of the young man in
black, embroidered on the other's cuff. Tags.
"The Zhao family?" Su Mi frowned.
"Who are you!" The young man in black was surprised. He didn't expect that the other
party could recognize his identity. Su Mi's eyes, he noticed that he was distinguished by the
mark on his cuff. The people who came out of this mark were all from the ancient martial
arts world.
Su Mi took a token from her arms and took it in her hand.
"Su Family?"
The young man in black looked at the token Su Mi took, took a deep breath, with some
hesitation in his eyes, the Zhao family and the Su family were both ancient martial artists
The aristocratic family has always been the one who does well against the river.
Su Mi looked at the young man in black, and final y fixed his eyes on the short blade of the
black man's waist, and said: "We will eat in the future. The Zhao family do this, I am afraid it
is not appropriate?"
"Inside Is it your future head of household? "The youth in black was shocked. If this time
the medicine was taken by the future head of the Su family, it would be real y difficult to
"Do I have to make a joke with you, a Zhao family member?" Su Mi showed a slight disdain
on her face. The mark of the black man's cuff represents the identity and status of the black
The young man in black was irritated by Su Mi ’s words, but he did n’t show much on his
face. He said: “Your future homeowner, took a very important thing from our second lord
and needs him to return it.”
“That Let your second lord go to our Su family to get it! "Su Mi waved her hand and stared
at the young man in black," Remember, don't let me see you sneaking here again,
otherwise, you know the consequences! "
When Su Mi finished, she pushed open the box door and walked in.
The young man in black looked at where Su Mi left, and it took a minute before he left.
Entering the box, Su Mi watched Henryzheng happily eating with Sylvia and shook his head.
If such a person continued to stay with the owner, it would not be a good thing for the
entire Su family. If necessary, remind him.
After lunch, Sylvia did not return to the company. The company needed Sylvia to solve the
matter, which had been solved by Henry in the morning. During this time, Sylvia was also
exhausted, and simply went home to rest.
Su Mi, too, returned home with Sylvia. From today, she has served as Sylvia's personal
As soon as he entered the house, Henry noticed that Sylvia's face was ful of exhaustion.
When he arrived home, Sylvia went back to sleep.
"Mr. Zhang, I have something to say to you." Su Mi saw Sylvia rested and walked to Henry.
"Wel , you said." Henry nodded.
"Mr. Zhang, I know that you are young, and you can become a business partner with our
family owner, which more or less proves your strength, but the Su family is not what you
imagined. The key point is that I It ’s not good to tel you more. What I want to say is that
Miss Lin will become the head of the Su family in the future. You and her identity are too far
apart, so it ’s not good for you or her. ”
Su Mi said After that, she didn't go on. She thought she had made it very clear. Henry should
be able to understand.
Henry smiled, "I understand what you mean, you can rest assured, I will not make Sylvia
Su Mi was slightly surprised, she had thought, Henry would say something that he would
work hard, but did not Thinking that he had given up like this, Su Mi just wanted to say
something and heard Henry's voice ring again.
"Sylvia is my wife, I don't care about her identity, and I don't think she deserves it. I don't
need to worry about it." Henry waved his hand.
In Henry's view, it is estimated that Su Yu and Su Mi confessed their own attitude. After al ,
aside from everything, in terms of personal identity, the future owner of the Su family is
indeed worse in this identity. A lot. Su Mi was taken aback, under what circumstances, he
said he would not care about Miss Lin's identity? Where did he have the courage to say
When Su Mi wanted to say anything, Henry had already gone.
Zhao Group, the top floor of the building.
Mr. Zhao stood in front of the window, listening to the news brought back by the youth in
"Second lord, that kid turned out to be from the Su family, or the future owner of the Su
"Su family?" Mr. Zhao's face showed an unexpected expression. "Isn't he surnamed Zhang?
An surname? "
" This ... "The young man in black pondered," I don't know, the other party took it out, it is
indeed the token of the Su family. "
Mr. Zhao thought for a moment and said," So, you find Man, hide your identity, and explore
the bottom of the kid. "
" Understood. "The youth in black nodded and left.
At three o'clock in the afternoon, Henry took a shower and stood leisurely in the courtyard,
pouring flowers and flowers. He was probably guessing who was the outsider in the box at
noon today. After all, Zhao's group only dealt with him yesterday.
For the Zhao Group, Henry did not take it seriously.
Sylvia opened the door, walked out of the house, and looked at Henry, who was relaxing in
the garden, and she felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart.
No worries about eating and dressing, and the loved ones are by your side. This feeling is
what everyone is after.
Sylvia looked up at the top of his eyes. The branch of a large tree outside the courtyard had
extended into the courtyard, and the leaves were slightly yellowed.
"Wake up? Not much sleep?" Henry turned to see Sylvia in front of the door and asked with
a smile.
"Do not sleep." Sylvia shook his head, "Her husband, grandpa shouted to go to his dinner
tomorrow at noon, are you okay tomorrow?"
"No." Henry shook his head.
"That's al right. At noon tomorrow, Li Na just cal ed. The company stil has something to do.
I'll take care of it." Sylvia waved to Henry, picked up the car key placed on the shoe cabinet
at the door, got into the car and took Su Mi went to the Lins together.
Just after Sylvia left, an Aston Martin parked outside the villa courtyard.
"Boss!" The door opened, and Wade White, who was wearing a long-sleeved jacket, came
down from the car. Henry hadn't said anything. He said in advance, "You didn't answer the
call, so I came here to find you.
" Why, is it urgent? "Henry did not take his mobile phone when he came out to water the
flowers. Under normal circumstances, Wade White will contact him later, and now he finds
it directly, there must be a reason.
"Boss, look." Wade White walked to the front door of the compound and rol ed up the
sleeve on his left arm.
Henry saw that there was a deep scar on Wade White's left arm. The scar was nearly ten
centimeters long and could be distinguished at a glance. It was caused by the sharp blade.
Henry's brow furrowed, and Wade White usually looked like, although he didn't have a
shape, but as one of the ten kings of Guangming Island, Wade White's skil was absolutely
not to be underestimated. Even among the ten kings, Wade White was ranked The first few.
"What's going on?" Henry asked.
"One sword!" Wade White stretched out a finger. "Boss, didn't you ask me to check
something related to ancient books recently? I went to the surrounding tombs. When I saw
a master, he only produced a sword. This wound was left on my arm. "
Wade White said with exclamation in his eyes.
Sword! Hearing what Wade White said, Henry felt a little weird. Wade White knew his skil .
Even Henry himself could not say that Wade White was hurt by a sword.
Henry put down the shower in his hand.
"Take me to see!"
Wade White nodded and drove Henry towards the mausoleum.
The cemetery to be visited by Wade White is a historic site with a history of nearly 800
years. There are some herdsmen living around the cemetery.
A reporter interviewed herdsmen before and asked them why they settled around the
cemetery to graze. The herdsman's answer made the reporters at that time a little
The herdsmen said that since the existence of this cemetery, it has been a barren beach. Al
areas belonging to the cemetery have no grass and no flying birds. After stepping out of the
cemetery, the land is fertile and green.
As soon as the report came out, many people took an unbelief attitude and came to
investigate from a distance, and the final answer came out exactly as the herdsmen said I
can't see the grass.
At that time, someone special y grabbed two little birds and put them on this land. Who
knows that the birds haven't landed, then they rushed wildly, as if there was something
terrible on the ground. This thing has always made a lot of things. Many people are curious,
but until now, no one can tell why.
This cemetery is not very far from Yinzhou city, only 50 kilometers of roads, half an hour
This cemetery has long formed a scenic area. Every year, countless people want to explore
the magic of the cemetery.
There are indeed many herdsmen around the cemetery, and the houses are surrounded by
"Where did you conflict with people?" Henry glanced around.
"That." Wade White reached out his hand.
Henry looked in the direction of Wade White, not a fenced courtyard like the surroundings,
but a very ordinary thatched hut. In front of the hut, an old man was sitting, with gray hair
and thin skinny bones, enjoying sunlight.
"Boss, it's him. When I came, he was practicing swords. I was curious too. I glanced in the
past, but the other side only got a sword." Wade White said that when he said these, there
was no anger on his face and no shame. Instead, it was all kinds of praise.
Obviously, the strength of this old man completely convinced Wade White.
Henry walked over and saw that beside the thatched house, an iron sword stood, and the
sword body was covered with rust.
Nowadays, most people practice swords, but they only like it and pursue a kind of beauty. It
really means that people use swords to chop, rather than fists.
The old man, who closed his eyes and nourished himself, heard the sound of footsteps, and
slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Wade White, the old man slowly got up from the
stool. He was slender and slow in action. He could hurt Wade White with a sword.
The old man apologized and said to Wade White: "Boy, I'm really sorry just now. I didn't
pay attention."
"It's okay, it's okay." Wade White waved again and again, "Old man, this is my elder brother,
he heard of your sword surgery , Want to come and see. "The old man waved his hand and
smiled at himself," What kind of swordsmanship do I have, but I just play around with
myself. "" Old
gentleman, playing around can easily hurt my friend. "Henry It was noticed that the sword
that the old man stood next to the hut was a blunt sword, and there was no attack at all, but
the wound on Wade White's arm was obviously injured by a sharp blade, which made
Henry Lima think of it ... gas! Wade White said, "Old gentleman, my elder brother loves
studying martial arts, and he also likes to study things in this area. It is better to have two
tricks with my elder brother." The
old man chuckled, "Unexpected, this year There are also young people who love martial
arts, not to mention, I usually feel lonely when I am idle, and it is rare that young people
will take the initiative to find this sword. I do n’t use it well, I ca n’t control it, and it hurts
you, so use this "The
old man said, pul ing a straw from the hut beside him ."
The old man's movements were very slow, Henry could see that the other party was old,
lack of blood, and his body was difficult to exert force. He was really curious how the other
party hurt Wade White with a sword.
"Old gentleman, my elder brother's strength is much better than me, you should stil use a
sword, you can't hurt him." Wade White reminded.
. "Not" The old man chuckled, "We are not fighting force, no need to use weapons, focusing
on the exchange."
The old man finished, look to Henry, continue opening: "? Young man, ready for it."
"Mr. Please enlighten me. "Henry very traditionally punched the old man and clenched his
fists, eyes fixed on the old man's wrist.
At the moment, the distance between the two is only two meters.
"That's good." The old man nodded. "Attention, I'm coming!"
When the word fel , the old man raised his hand, holding a straw, and came towards Henry.
At the moment when the old man shot, Henry's pupils were condensed. At this moment, he
had a sense of being unable to dodge. The straw in the old man's hands seemed to be
transformed into a magical soldier. When an obvious airflow separates from the straw, the
straw that was originally soft can easily break the resistance between the air.
Just before the straw was about to pierce Henry, Henry moved his feet hard and took a half
step back. Only these half steps made Henry seem to have exhausted all his energy and
could not dodge.
In the end, the straw's head was less than half a fist away from Henry's chest.
The old man stopped his movements, Henrychang breathed a sigh of relief, Henry from the
debut, until now, has experienced countless large and small fights, faced many life and
death moments, but never felt the weakness just like.
Do not! Once! It was when I faced Old Man Lu that I felt the same as I did now!
When the old man saw his sting, he didn't even touch Henry, and felt incredible.
"Young man, you are the first person that I can't pierce." The old man slowly lowered his
arm. "I am nine years old and practice swords. Now I am only practicing this movement for
67 years. Who can crack me? sword, it means completely defeated me. "
Henry took a deep breath and stared at the old man, opening:"? the old man, I question,
that you just stab, but contains a gas, " "
gas? "the old man heard Henry said, there was a hint of nostalgia in his turbid eyes, "I
haven't heard this title for a long time, qi, young man, which family are you from? I can't
think of it. A genius. "
Henry shook his head." I'm not from any family. "
" Oh? "The old man was a little curious." Since it's not from a family, how do you know how
to be angry. "
" I learned by accident. " Excited, the other party, really understand the existence of Qi!
Old man looked at Henry, Henry like guess the idea in mind, "Young man, if you are coming
for gas, please return it."
"Why Henry was puzzled and asked directly, "What is qi, why would someone hide it?"
old man shook his head. "Something can't be said, nor can it be said that qi is like the
sword, every side. , Can hurt people. "The
old man with his hands behind his back, Ricket walked towards the thatched hut.
"Young people, I know, even if I do n’t say today, with your talents, you will be exposed to qi
sooner or later, but this thing, I know, for you, it ’s not a good thing, this world is too big, so
big , You and I can't imagine it. "The
old man's voice came from inside the thatched hut. The old hut's door closed as the old
man's voice fell.
Listening to the old man's words, Henry pondered the meaning.
The world is too big, yeah, as the owner of Guangming Island, he is known as the strongest
man in the world, but Henry himself understands that this so-called world is the strongest,
but it is just a name, at least, before himself, When he was against old man Lu, he had no
ability to resist.
"Go." Henry said to Wade White.
"Boss, don't ask anymore?"
"Don't ask anymore." Henry shook his head, "Don't ask anymore, it's time to come, sooner
or later."
Henry remembered what the old man said, sooner or later Everyone will contact, and with
Henry's level of thinking, he will naturally be able to hear it. This is a hint that the other
party gives to himself, al uding to something.
On the way home, Wade White drove, Henry sat in the co-pilot, shaking his wrist
"Boss, what are you doing?" Wade White asked curiously.
"Practice the sword." Henry said, fighting again.
Henry has a habit. Every time he encounters a powerful opponent, he will carefully study
the opponent's moves. This is also the fundamental reason for Henry's strength.
The thorn in the old man just made Henry feel some unusual things. The way of force
makes him very eager to explore and make the most effective means of attack in the most
convenient way.
Henry didn't think he had won the matchup just now. If the opponent didn't take the straw,
but the iron sword, I'm afraid he would be injured like Wade White.
Henry kept thinking about the old man's prickly movement in his head, always feeling that
there was something mysterious and mysterious, but he couldn't grasp it.
When Henry returned home, it was almost six o'clock in the afternoon.
"Right boss." When Henrylin got out of the car, Wade White said to Henry, "When the
sister-in-law invited us to dinner, didn't you like the kind of Hanfu you wear in the future?
It will be delivered tomorrow, and I will give it to you directly? "
" Tomorrow? "Henry thought about it. Wasn't he going to have dinner with Grandpa Sylvia
at noon tomorrow? He simply told Wade White Robert Lin's address and asked Wade
White to deliver it directly.
When Henryjin looked at the house, Sylvia hadn't returned yet. Henryxun thought to
prepare some dinner, but in the end he didn't have any food at home.
"Hey, buy some a la carte." Henry stretched out, opened the door, and walked to the
At the same time, three figures appeared in front of the villa courtyard.
The three men, all male, had strange faces, all staring at Henry.
"Do it!"
The three people who arrived had no unnecessary nonsense, and Qi Qi pul ed out a short
dagger from the pocket of his clothes and approached Henry. Every time, he attacked
Henry's vital point.
face the three men, Henry hurry, this kung fu cat with three legs, not to be looked down on
Henry looked at the first person who rushed in front of him, raised his fist, thought for a
while, then stretched out two fingers, his wrist flicked, and then pointed towards the other
person's neck with two fingers.
Henry is imitating, imitating the old man's way of exerting force. The three people who
arrived, Henry did not rush to solve it, they simply regarded them as the object of training.
Henry pointed at each other's neck, although the speed is very fast, but not much strength.
"No." Henry shook his head and moved again.
"It's not right."
Henry made consecutive moves, experimenting every time.
The three men with daggers did not see that Henry was practicing his own tricks. They
played back and forth with Henry, and occasionally had some advantages.
In order to practice the trick, Henry didn't even use half of his strength, but gave the three
people the chance to win.
"It's still not right." Henry frowned.
In just two minutes, Henry has made more than ten strokes, but he ca n’t find the feeling
that the old man brought today. A straw can bring a sharp edge, and he has two fingers as a
sword, which already accounts for it. Given the advantages, the power is quite different.
A red Mercedes-Benz GT drove to the road in front of the villa. From afar, Henry was
fighting with people in the courtyard.
Sylvia's face was anxious, adding full horsepower, the motor made a roar, and rushed to the
door of the courtyard.
"Miss Lin, don't worry, just hand it over to me." Su Mi made a noise as soon as the car
stopped, and then opened the door as soon as possible and rushed towards the courtyard.
Su Mi only had a glance at the strength of these three dagger-holders, and she knew what
she knew. Although she had some martial arts skills, her skill was very general. In this way,
Henry was forced to look like this. The place is cut to pieces, how can such a person be the
man of the future owner?
Su Mi made a sip, slammed his legs, and kicked at the person closest to him.
There were three people who came back and forth with Henry Da, because Su Mi's
appearance was not an opponent at all. Su Mi was like a tiger in a wolf pack, and he
defeated three people with a destructive trend. Stay a moment, turn your head and run.
"Hey, why did you let it go!" Henry saw the three people running away, showing regret on
his face. He finally found the sparring partner, and he was run away before he had a good
"Her husband, are you okay." Sylvia trot with a concerned face, took Henry's hand, and kept
The so-cal ed concern is chaotic. When I saw Sylvia in that scene, I completely forgot that
Henry was a person with an annual salary of hundreds of mil ions in the bodyguard
"It's okay, what can I do, just a few little hair thieves, if you don't come, I will deal with
them in a moment." Henry waved his hand and said indifferently.
Su Mi stood aside, heard Henry's words, glanced at her mouth with disdain, and said in her
heart that her mouth was hard. She just saw the situation clearly. This Henry was not an
opponent of those three!
Sylvia saw Henryzhen was not injured, so he was relieved.
Henry original y planned to go out to buy vegetables, but Sylvia was al back. It was too late
for him to buy food and cook. The three of them went outside and ate some.
One day passed. Early the next morning, Henry got up early, and it was not yet dawn.
"Hey, it's almost autumn."
Henry felt the weather in the early morning, and there was some chil in the air.
Walking to the old tree in the courtyard, Henry used to punch a whole set of punches on
this tree in the past, but today, he changed a method. When he slept last night, he was
thinking about the way the old man exerted his strength. With a lot of insights.
When the Soviet honey to get up, one saw the yard practice of Henry, Henry when you see it
with your fingers point to point toward the trees go, disdain smile, "pretending!"
Because that Father noon to go to the forest to eat The reason, Sylvia did not go to the
company in the morning, got up and cleaned up at home, and set off.
By the time he arrived at Lin's Manor, it was more than 11 noon. Because it was the Lin's
party, Su Mi did not come to attend.
When Sylvia arrived, he saw that Chaning and his mother, as well as Daisy's mother and
daughter, had arrived, including Nelson Lin, and had already arrived. As for the Richard
family, they hadn't seen him since the last incident.
Everyone also knows that the time is not short, and there is nothing to be polite about
meeting. Dad Chaning is a leopard head. As early as a long time ago, he had softened his
clothes to Henry. The chat is very open.
"Haha." A hearty laugh came from the Lin's main hall. Robert Lin, dressed in a wine-red
Tang suit, stepped out, looking very spiritual.
"Grandpa, you look good." Henry greeted Robert Lin.
Robert Lin smiled, "All thanks to your blessings!"
Everyone in the Lin family knew that Robert Lin could stand up, thanks to Henry. Now
Henry's status in the Lin family is exactly the same as Sylvia, even in some ways. , Higher
than Sylvia, no one regards Henry as his son-in-law, but the orthodox aunt.
Robert Lin watched the family get along so harmoniously and nodded with satisfaction.
The grandson-in-law of Henry was at the Lin family. Even after a hundred years, he can
walk with peace of mind. , My granddaughter, real y picked up the treasure.
The family chatted happily, and a black Mercedes-Benz G drove into the Linjia Manor.
"An old friend is here." Robert Lin walked out of the hall with a smile on his face and went
out to greet him.
The younger generations of the Lin family fol owed suit.
The Mercedes-Benz G stopped in the manor, and four people, three men and one woman,
walked down the car.
One of the oldest men is about the same age as Robert Lin, and the other is the same age as
Nelson Lin. The last man and woman are about the same age as Henry.
"Haha, old Liu, it's been a long time." Robert Lin stepped forward and gave the oldest man a
Standing next to Henry, Sylvia introduced to Henry: "This is Grandpa Liu Heng Liu, and I
started a business together with my grandpa. It is also the leader of Yinzhou business
community. That's right, that woman's name is Liu Zhi, and I don't know the man. "
" Lao Lin, I heard people saying that you could stand up. It really scared me, I thought
people lied to me. I didn't expect it to be true. "Liu Heng also embraced Robert Lin's
shoulder and pinched his fist hammer on Robert Lin's shoulder.
Liu Xia also came up and greeted Sylvia's father and aunt.
"Yo, Sylvia, this is the husband you're looking for." The young woman Liu Zhi came over
and spoke to Sylvia. After that, she looked at Henry with disdain.Liu Zhi is very beautiful,
with a height of one meter and seventy-three, which is considered tal among women, her
body is also very well maintained, and her skin is fair and soft.
Sylvia's tone and gaze towards Liu Zhi didn't seem surprised at all. At a very young age, Liu
Zhi liked to compare with Sylvia. Anything was scored high or low. At the smallest, it was
better than new clothes and better than pencil cases. It ’s a little bigger, it ’s better than
academic performance, and it looks better when you get to university, but no matter how
Liu Zhi compares, she is slightly inferior to Sylvia.
Sylvia has long been accustomed to Liu Zhi's comparison.
Sylvia embraced Henry's arm and smiled sweetly, "This is my husband, Henry, you haven't
introduced yet ..."
Sylvia said, placing his eyes on the young man beside Liu Zhi.
"This is me ... well, my suitor." Liu Zhi pointed at the young man next to him with
satisfaction. "His name is Wang Junpeng."
"Hello." Sylvia nodded to Wang Junpeng.
"Hello." Wang Junpeng also nodded his head, but his eyes kept lingering on Sylvia.
Liu Zhi stomped forward two steps, "Sylvia, is your husband real y average? What is it for?"
"Haha." Henry touched his face. "I'm working in my wife's company, usual y helping Help
me. "
" Part-time job? "Liu Zhi laughed loudly," I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back. "
" What are you laughing at? "Daisy from the side came over, and now Henry was in Daisy's
heart, that's an idol Liu Zhi ’s attitude towards Henry has long dissatisfied her.
She said to Liu Zhi, "My brother-in-law is polite with you. He not only works in my sister
’s company, he is also a psychiatrist, which is Ningxing Medicine The chairman of the
meeting has to look at my brother-in-law's face. "
"Yo? Doctor? By coincidence, Wang Junpeng also happened to be a doctor. He graduated
from Johns Hopkins University in Magnesium and studied in the Department of Medicine. I
don't know which school Mr. Henry graduated from?" Liu Zhi said when he spoke With a
proud face, after all, Johns Hopkins University of Magnesium is ranked in the top five
schools in the world and is one of the top medical schools in the world.
The people who graduated from that are equal to the success of the rest of his life.
Henry shook his head. "I haven't studied in college. Medicine is self-study."
"Self-study?" Liu Zhi heard this, "So, you have no medical qualifications?"
Henry nodded. "No "
" Giggle. "Liu Zhi smiled and looked at Daisy." Little sister, this is the doctor you said?
The doctor who doesn't even have a medical certificate? Do you want to laugh at the dead
sister? "
" What's so funny ? " "Daisy put her hands on her hips," Can you understand my brother-in-
law's medical skil s! "
Daisy remembers when Henry gave a lecture, let alone a graduate of Hopkins University,
the old seniors, Professors, just like a student, are waiting for the class.
"Yes, yes." Liu Zhi nodded again and again, "Of course, I don't understand this kind of
influential medicine."
Robert Lin and Liu Heng looked at this scene and didn't speak. After so many years, they
have seen such a scene too. More, the things of the younger generation, they are too lazy to
manage, arguing, it is not necessarily a bad thing.
"Okay, it's almost time to eat, I haven't seen it for a long time, let's talk while eating."
Nelson Lin stood aside and greeted.
Liu Zhi's father Liu Xia patted Nelson Lin on the shoulder. "Lao Lin, I haven't seen this for a
long time. Let's drink two more glasses."
"Sure, sure, don't get drunk today and return."
When everyone sat at the dinner table, Henry discovered that the relationship between the
two was indeed very good. As for Liu Xia and Sylvia ’s two aunts, and Nelson Lin, there
seemed to be inexhaustible topics among them. The wall began to talk.
Liu Zhi regarded Lin Family Manor as his own home, and he was not polite at all.
"Brother-in-law, this woman has been arguing with my sister since she was a child, but ah, I
can't compete with my sister everywhere." Daisy moved to Henry and whispered to Henry,
"Wait for this woman to fight again, don't let her What a pride. "
" You Girl, what did you tell your brother-in-law? "Sylvia was sitting next to Henry, and
Daisy's words were naturally heard in his ears.
"It's alright, sister." Daisy quickly waved her hand and spit out her little tongue.
Halfway through the dining table, Liu Zhi put down his chopsticks and said to Sylvia:
"Sylvia, it's not that I said you. We have known each other for so many years. Why haven't
we seen you for so long? Are you still as rustic as before? "
Sylvia subconsciously looked at her clothes. Every time she came to Robert Lin's house, she
would dress up careful y. The dress she wore was also Gucci's latest.
Seeing Sylvia's disapproving look, Liu Zhi said again, "Although it is not a smal brand, but it
is a street product, a little bit of money, you can buy one and go out. "When Liu Zhi finished,
he deliberately raised his wrist," Jun Peng is a doctor abroad and usually deals with many
designers. Is my clothes specially designed by Mr. Albin? This world is also Not many sets. "
"Who lie to you." Daisy glanced at her mouth, Master Albin, which is well-known in the
world. Every set of clothing designed by Master Albin is limited edition.
"Fool? I need?" Liu Zhi looked proud.
Henry, who was sitting on the side, said, "It was indeed designed by Albin, and the logo on
the cuff is a stripe concept that Albin is accustomed to."
"Yo, do you stil know how to do it, but I really admire it, you are so soiled. Yes, you know a
lot? "Liu Zhi looked at Henry's ordinary clothes disdainfully.
Henry took a sip of tea and continued: "However, this style should be last year?"
"How about last year?" Liu Zhi embraced her chest with both hands. "Even a decade ago, it
was a limited edition, unlike a Some people, popular goods. "
Sylvia smiled slightly and did not argue.
Seeing Sylvia a little bit convinced to lose, Liu Zhi said again: "This person's taste is really
affected, people, you can't just look at your eyes, in Yinzhou, wearing Gucci, even if it's
great, but Put it in a big city, nothing counts. ”
Aunt Sylvia glanced at Wang Junpeng quite unexpectedly.“ I did n’t expect Xiao Wang to
meet Master Albin. I remember I had participated in Master Albin ’s costume a few years
ago The exhibition is really hard to find, and the popularity is almost as fast as the
Victoria's Secret. " Wang Junpeng waved his hand, "I have seen Master Albin's il ness
before, and I left my contact information. When Master Albin published this costume, I cal
ed me and I left Down. "
Henry, who was sitting on the sidelines, heard Wang Junpeng's words and looked at Wang
Junpeng for a few more times without saying anything.
Liu Zhi said proudly: "Sylvia, it's not that I said you, don't think that your family is a little
capable, just find a man casually. This life has just begun, and the future is still long, but,
you have always been
Staying in a small place like Yinzhou is normal without any vision. " Robert Lin and Liu
Heng looked at this scene, smiled at each other, and shook their heads helplessly. For such
a scene, they had been surprised for a long time. Weird, "Come on, old Liu, drink."
"Haha, come and drink."
"Liu Zhi, my brother-in-law's network, you may not be clear, but don't just assert."
Chaning was on the side, instead Henry spoke.
"Network? Didn't see it." Liu Zhi shook his head, complacent.
She and Sylvia have been comparing for so many years, and this is the first time they have
the upper hand. This Henry and Wang Junpeng are nothing.
Daisy sat aside, pursed her small mouth, and looked unhappy, which Liu Zhi was so
Taking advantage of this comparison, Liu Zhi was very happy and didn't say much else,
even having a much better appetite when eating.
The dining table is going on, so I heard a voice from outside the hal .
"Senior man, someone was looking outside and said that he was Mr. Henry's friend."
The old butler of the Lin family came in.
"Henry's friend? Please come in soon." Mr. Lin hurriedly heard it.
People in the room, to say the most clear identity of Henry, that is Mr. Lin, who can be a
friend of living king, the identity can not be underestimated, Robert Lin knows clearly, if
there is no such relationship in Henry, this kind of character, I am afraid not bother Lin
family, not to mention waiting in front of the door.
Less than a minute after Robert Lin ordered to go down, everyone who was eating heard a
loud noise outside the house, accompanied by the sound of the Lin housekeeper's drinking.
"Come, come a little further, stop here, yes, yes, the car is slightly behind."
Sylvia looked at Henry suspiciously, "Husband, how is your friend coming?"
Just listen to the steward Sound, everyone has an intuitive feeling, to know that the Lin
family has a parking lot, parking a dozen cars is not a problem.
"Uh." Henry touched his nose. "I don't know."
Henry gave Wade White an address yesterday and asked Wade White to send his clothes.
Grandpa Lin laughed, "This little Zhang came to our Lin's house, the first time a friend
came, can not be neglected, everyone go out to meet it."
Grandpa Lin finished, and got up first.
The juniors of the Lin family saw that the old man had got up, and naturally it was
impossible to sit again.
Seeing Robert Lin ’s attitude, Liu Heng gave Henry a rather unexpected look. You know,
there are too few people who can make Robert Lin meet him personally. It's not as simple
as it looks.
Liu Heng has lived for decades, and his mind is much clearer than that of Liu Zhi, a fledgling
everyone fol owed Robert Lin, walked out of the hal , and at the first glance looking out the
door, everyone had a feeling of being shocked. No wonder the Lin family steward wanted
The parking lot, the parking lot with more than ten parking spaces, is simply not enough.
At this moment, in front of everyone, there are more than fifty Rolls Royce, al showing a
solemn black, neatly parked in the manor, license plates from al over the country.
Chaning looked at the luxurious team in front of him and swallowed hard. "Brother-in-law,
are you bringing Rolls-Royce across the country?"
Now although the average living standard per capita has improved, Rol s-Royce also has It
’s not as hard to see as it used to be, but these fifty cars are luxurious! Even the Lin family
was shocked by the scene in front of him.
After al , you can buy Rolls-Royce not only if you have money, but it also proves a certain
identity and represents the network.
When Wade White saw Henry appearing in front of the Lin Family Hall, he trot all the way,
"Boss, sister-in-law, this is uncle, hello Grandpa Lin."
Wade White ran over and greeted everyone very politely.
Henry frowned, "how is it? How there are so many cars?" "Boss, which you can not blame
me ah!" White pool quickly waved, "are Feilei Si, all these people he brings."
Wade White As soon as the voice fel , I heard a voice in front of a Rol s-Royce: "Boss, you
can't blame me!"
Ferris strode toward Henry, he didn't even have to listen, he could guess Wade White What
the goods are talking about.
Ferris ran over, first greeted Chong Sylvia and others, and then said: "Did my sister-in-law
say she likes Hanfu last time? I wanted to find a few designers to design it. As a result, the
red-haired guy had to blend in. He is in Europe. As you know, the red hair opened her
mouth, and Poseidon couldn't sit still. In the future, the girl looked at Poseidon and she
couldn't help but cal ed a team to participate. Luna also arranged people and lived Those
people on the island, when they heard that they were designing clothes for their sister-in-
law, one was more positive than the other, and that was the case. "
Ferrace's bitter face," That's all, let 90% of people stay Down, I only brought the finished
product. "
" This ... husband, am I doing something wrong. "Sylvia listened to Ferreth's words, and
originally said that he liked the style of the clothes on the future and Luna, no She was
embarrassed to think of such a big movement.
"Sister-in-law, you have to worry too much about designing clothes for you. They are too
late to be happy." Ferris began, then waved at the more than fifty cars and shouted,
"Come on, all The clothes are delivered. "
Ferris screamed, and the door of the Rolls-Royce parked at the front opened, and four
people walked off the car. After opening the trunk, everyone held a stack of neat and tidy
Costume, came over.
Daisy ’s mother looked at the four figures walking down the car, with some doubts in her
eyes, “How do I feel these four people are familiar?” When
Daisy ’s mother spoke, Liu Zhi also nodded subconsciously, she also felt These four people
are familiar.
When the four people approached slowly, holding their clothes, Daisy's mother exclaimed,
"Oh my god, isn't this Master Albert? The one next to him is Rol es? There are also Emile
and Marcus. Masters, al are the world's top fashion design masters! "
Daisy ’s mother, who loves fashion only, has a lot of research on fashion. She does n’t know
much about movie stars or singers, but almost every fashion designer can be cal ed. first
Liu Zhi was a little dazed when he was watching. Although the four costume designers did
not know her, she often saw them on TV.
Four top designers came to Sylvia and bowed slightly to Sylvia, "Beautiful lady, I'm honored
to serve you."
"Okay, less nonsense, clothes are sent in, don't even queue up without looking!" Wade
White waved Then waved and urged.
When the four heard it, they dared not have too many words and hurriedly carried their
clothes into the house.
"Come on, continue." Ferris waved again. Another Rolls-Royce door opened, and four
people got off the car.
The moment the four came down, Daisy ’s mother called the names of the four, "Master Mo
Yuxiao, one of China ’s top fashion designers, only designs women ’s clothing, Mr.
Zhuo Qing, old and new, modern Hanfu design Almost 80% are derived from the old
gentleman's ideas. The two are Master Hodgson and Master Cornelius. "The four men
carried the clothes and entered the house.
"Continue." Ferris waved again and came out of the four top designers in the apparel field.
Everyone in the Lin family, including Liu Zhi's family, looked at the scene in front of them,
all stunned.
Daisy ’s mother never thought that one day she would face so many top designers in the
apparel field. Of the more than fifty Rolls-Royce cars, four would walk down from each of
them, all of which are top design in the world Teacher! Rao is a person like Robert Lin who
doesn't pay much attention to clothing, and can recognize one or two of them, showing how
wide the influence of these people is.
Sylvia watched that the clothes in the house were almost piled up into a hil , and each piece
was made by the world's top designer.
"This dress is a bit too much. How can I finish it?" Sylvia Qiao's face was anxious.
"Sister-in-law, these clothes were customized from September 4 this year and continued
until September 3 next year. Every day, there is an exclusive model, based on the custom of
Huaxia every month or even every day. Formulated, al the design styles are different, they
are numbered inside, and put them according to the classification. "Ferris explained.
"A kind of customized one day?" Sylvia couldn't get back a little. Although Lin has money,
he stil doesn't have the money to this level. There are three hundred and sixty-five days a
year. From the world's top designers.
"Yes." Ferris nodded. "If you wear it after the day, there will be no commemorative
meaning, and considering the changing weather, each style is divided into three
thicknesses, long sleeves and short sleeves. Yes, so don't worry, sister-in-law, the styles
after September 3 next year have already been ordered to be designed, and will be
delivered next year. "
Ferris said, everyone heard that it was hard to come back.
One day, one is divided into several types, this ...
Liu Zhi looked at the clothes in the house, her face dumbfounded, just now, she was still
wearing style, the brand fashion ridicule Sylvia, but this did not happen for a while , Reality
gave her a slap.
"Boss, the clothes are finished, let's go first, don't disturb you for the party." Wade White
saw that all the clothes had been delivered and waved with Henry.
"OK, let's go first." Henry waved his hand.
Wade White and Ferris took the people, got into the car, and drove away from the Lin
Family Manor in an orderly manner.
Until Wade White and al the others left, the Lin and Liu families did not come back.
If you look at the hill-like clothes stacked in the house, if you don't see it with your own
eyes, who would have thought that these are al from the world's top designers?
"Brother-in-law, how rich are you?" Chaning couldn't help but sigh. The work of a world's
top designer, hundreds of thousands of millions is very common, even 10
million. Now there are so many clothes, one for each day, change By next year, there will be
spares. How much will it cost in terms of money?
"It was all sent by a friend, not much money." Henry waved his hand. "I didn't expect to
send so much."
"Sister, brother-in-law, he is too rich, you have to look closely, otherwise The sky ran away
with someone, but you were crying. "Daisy moved to Sylvia and whispered.
"He's going to run, I can't stop it." Sylvia smiled, sweet in his heart, no woman would refuse
the gift of his lover.
Regarding Henry's financial resources, Sylvia had already recognized some things before,
and he was not surprised. After all, even Ferrace, who is a terrified business tycoon, should
call Henry's brother.
Robert Lin also thoroughly understood the influence of the living king, and indeed, as his
old friend who had gone west said, no one in the world would give the living king a face,
and feel honored to work for the living king.
"Gorgeous and wasteful." Liu Zhi glanced at her mouth and sat back on the table again.
"So why did I just listen to someone show off their clothes? Last year's style was also worn
out. My sister has new styles every day, and there are three kinds, one in the morning, one
at noon, and one at night. Kind of. "Daisy sat there with a smile on his face.
Liu Zhi cut out and stopped talking, but in his eyes, with an envious envy, he looked at the
pile of clothes from time to time. For women, this was the temptation of heaven.
"Okay, let's continue to eat." Robert Lin said, sweeping away the awkward atmosphere.
During the evening meal, Robert Lin asked Wang Junpeng, "Wang ah, you are now is where
do another job."
Wang Junpeng quickly replied:. "Grandpa Lin, Ying in my country, there is a private
"Which is a private clinic Ah, that is a private hospital. "Liu Zhi reiterated deliberately,"
This is a business, four points of strength, six points of luck, you can earn money if you look
at the investment point, but the profession of doctors depends on yourself.
Technology, people who are rich, get sick and have to ask a doctor, so it is said that
personal talent is the most important thing, otherwise, like an upstart, the soil is dead. "
Liu Zhi just lost face and now thinks Hurry up and find it. In the field of medicine, Liu Zhi
still has great confidence in Wang Junpeng. Although Liu Zhi has not seen Wang Junpeng
heal the sick and save people, he has heard a lot. The most important thing is that this
mystery, one How can a self-study person compare to Wang Junpeng, who graduated from
Johns Hopkins University in Magnesium. This is a top medical school.
The self-study person has no qualification to enter the school. "Haha, it's really a young boy
to open his own hospital at such a young age." Robert Lin politely said that if Wang Junpeng
had some achievements in other industries, Robert Lin might also say heartily These words
are rare for young people, but they are al about medical skil s.
Wang Junpeng ’s age looks as big as Henry. At this age, he has a hospital of his own. It is
indeed proud, but compared with Henry, it is much worse. Although Henry does not have
his own hospital, he lives a king. This title, placed in the global medical community, is the
pinnacle and a milestone!
Liu Zhi didn't hear the polite meaning in Robert Lin's words and said: "Grandpa Lin,
originally brought Wang Junpeng back this time, he wanted to see you sick. When I came, I
knew from your grandpa that you were well and I was real y happy for you.
Liu Zhi said this, Henry could see that she had nothing to falsify. It seems that although Liu
Zhi fought fiercely with Sylvia, his feelings were good.
"You care about Lao Xiaozhi, I'm very tough now." Robert Lin patted his chest.
"Grandpa Lin, I heard Liu Zhi say at the time, you can't even stand up, which hospital did
the surgery for you?" Wang Junpeng asked curiously, "I'm good to learn."
"Little Wang, did you study Western medicine? "Robert Lin asked.
"Exactly." Wang Junpeng nodded.
Robert Lin smiled and said, "It is Chinese medicine that cures me."
"Chinese medicine?" Wang Junpeng frowned, "Grandpa Lin, IMHO, there is no scientific
basis for Chinese medicine to treat people, and there will be future problems. Let me show
you again. "
" Nonsense! "Daisy couldn't help but say that she is a medical department herself, and she
studied Chinese medicine.
There has always been a debate between Chinese medicine and Western medicine.
Whether Chinese medicine is good or Western medicine is good. Both sides hold their own
Now Daisy listens to Wang Junpeng saying that Chinese medicine is not good, and naturally
he is not happy, "Chinese medicine is the cure, don't understand and do not talk nonsense."
Wang Junpeng said with a smile: "Sister Daisy, do you have some idea whether Chinese
medicine is good or Western medicine? We have done many experiments abroad.
Experiments have shown that Chinese medicine can only treat some simple minor diseases.
If it is a serious disease, a tumor. These still have to rely on Western medicine. "
" Who is your sister! "Daisy looked at Wang Junpeng in disgust." The traditional Chinese
medicine has been passed down for thousands of years. How long has this Western
medicine been? Was the ancient book only known? "
Wang Junpeng shook his head." I can't explain some things. If it's possible, you can call the
doctor Lin Lin to face me. You naturally know the difference between Chinese medicine and
Western medicine. " a. "
Robert Lin drink a glass of wine," Wang ah, very clever, cure my man, far away, in sight ah. "
Wang Junpeng hear Robert Lin then the body startled, subconsciously look to Henry,
opening Dao: "Grandpa Lin, you said it was him?"
"Indeed, it was Henry who healed me. A few silver needles solved my long-standing il ness."
Robert Lin nodded.
"Isn't it possible?" Liu Zhi didn't believe it. At that time, Mr. Lin's il ness, how many doctors
were hired, he was helpless. This person was not self-taught. How could he cure Mr. Lin
with a few silver needles?
"What is impossible!" Daisy raised his chest, "I have said, my brother-in-law is a magic
Wang Junpeng unexpectedly said: "Mr. Zhang, I don't know what method you used, Master
Lin, who has been cured. " " Silver Needle Stabbing Point. "Henry answered.
"It turns out this way." Wang Junpeng nodded. "If the silver needle is used to stimulate
acupuncture points, it is real y only temporary to make Mr. Lin stand up, and looks like
normal people. But after a while, there will be problems. This kind of state, in our medical
world, is called back to the light. "
Back to the light!
Wang Junpeng's words surprised everyone present. These four words are not good words.
"Husband, is that true!" Sylvia looked at Henry nervously.
Including Nelson Lin and others, they also seemed very nervous.
"Of course not, he just talked nonsense, don't believe it." Henry shook his head and ate a
Hearing Henry say this, Sylvia and others took a sigh of relief. They must have believed in
Henry more than Wang Junpeng.
Father Lin, from the beginning to the end, is very plain. If the living king ca n’t heal himself,
it ’s useless for anyone in this world to come.
Daisychong and Wang Junpeng warned: "Don't talk nonsense !" Wang Junpeng shook his
head. "I am not talking nonsense. This Henry brother knows best. Let me use Western
medicine to show Grandpa Lin." "
No, I have faith in my husband." Sylvia, who had not spoken much, couldn't help speaking at
this time.
"Sylvia, don't be self-confident. Your husband is just a self-taught one. After al , he can't
compete with Wang Junpeng, a talented student like this. Let Wang Junpeng show it to
grandpa. It's no big deal. If it's okay, it's best. Handle it in time. "Liu Zhi said.
"Yes, let me see. After all, there is no scientific basis for Chinese medicine," Wang Junpeng
said again.
Henry put down his chopsticks and glanced at Wang Junpeng, "Do you real y think that
Western medicine is better than Chinese medicine?" There has always been a debate about
whether Western medicine is better than Chinese medicine , but Henry believes that each
has its own advantages. Western medicine Surgery that can be done, TCM can do it,
patients with good TCM medicine can be as good as Western medicine. In the final analysis,
there is a difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine. That is because the
doctor ’s medical skills are not good enough. Save people, and save people with medicine.
In this world, there are so few known medicinal materials, which are also used in
traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. The method of medicine has created a
gap between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine.
In Henry's view, there is no difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine,
but now some people continue to defame Chinese medicine. One sentence or two, Henry
can bear, but has always said that Henry is also a little angry, after al , Henry used to learn
from others Have passed the Chinese medicine and promised that person to pass on the
Chinese medicine.
Wang Junpeng raised his head, "It's not that I think Western medicine is better than
traditional Chinese medicine, but it's scientific basis. For our clinical trials, 80% of the
diseases are beyond the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine."
"Oh?" eyebrow, "a clinical condition? I do not know what kind of clinical condition?"
"that's not your worry about the." Wang Junpeng shrugged, "if you disagree, you and I wish
than look."
"Yes ah, If you don't agree, you can compare. "Liu Zhi said aside. Henry nodded ,
"Wel , how do you want to compare?"
Sylvia accidentally glanced at Henry. In her understanding of Henry, Henry would not
compare with others so easily.
"It's very simple." Wang Junpeng snapped his fingers. "We are talking about Grandpa Lin's
body. It is better to take a look at Grandpa Lin's body."
"Seeing a doctor? It's boring." Henry showed a lot of interest. It looks like, "Besides, in our
China, we didn't use elder bodies to do comparisons. It's better to have a change than the
Wang Junpeng flashed a bit of dissatisfaction in his eyes, then asked: "OK, then you say, you
want How can it be compared? "
" Simple, medical skills, in the end, to save people, let's take a look, who is good at saving
people? "Henry suggested.
"How does this compare?" Liu Zhi wondered, "I don't have a patient now."
"A patient can have it at any time." Henry reached out his right hand and tapped on the
table with his fingers, "Since they are al studying medicine, Then I want to come to the
Wang Junpeng brothers and have a deep insight into the use of medicine. "
" Of course! "Wang Junpeng had not spoken yet, and Liu Zhi immediately proudly said,"
Wang Junpeng graduated from Johns Hopkins University. The medicine is for him. It's not a
piece of cake. "
Wang Junpeng nodded his head, agreeing with Liu Zhi.
Henry said: "That's right, since both will use medicine, it's better for me and Wang Junpeng
brothers to poison each other, and then solve it ourselves. Who can solve the poison, even if
you win, if you can't solve it ..."
Henryhua Not finished, but everyone in the room heard what Henry said.
Poison each other? This is a contest, this is a fate!
Hearing this, even though it was Liu Zhi ’s appearance of being a gangster , it also changed,
"This ... this is a bit bad." "Henry, don't be fooling." Nelson Lin reprimanded, "This is
poisoning each other, why?" System! "
Chaning sat aside and gave Henry a thumbs up. This brother-in-law, indeed, is awesome. He
usually looked at low-key, but when he got crazy, he was crazy than anyone else!
Sylvia pulled Henry's sleeves, "Well, everyone will talk about playing, don't take it
Henry shook his head, "I didn't talk about playing, how about, brother Wang Junpeng, do
you want to compare?"
Wang Junpeng frowned. Wrinkled, "Brother Henry, let's just communicate with each other
than medicine. It may be a bit excessive to poison each other, right?"
"Do you think the poison is excessive?" Henry asked.
"That must be too much. Since you don't want to communicate with Brother Henry, just say
it clearly. There is no need to do this." Wang Junpeng waved his hand.
Henry chuckled, "Wang Junpeng brothers, if you think too much poison, then I ask you to
poison soup in front of the Father, what does it mean?"
On the table owner, Henry's voice down In an instant, Qi Qi's face changed.
"Don't talk nonsense!" Wang Junpeng flashed a panic in his eyes and shouted.
"Sylvia, your husband is too much!" Liu Zhi also shouted, "Since you don't want to compare,
you can't compare, you don't need to slander Wang Junpeng like this!" The Lin family
looked at Henry and said: "Henry, what is this? What's going on? "
Henry raised a smile on his lips and stared at Wang Junpeng," Who sent you? "
"I don't understand what you mean." Wang Junpeng shook his head with doubt.
"Comrade Henry, I'm afraid you're overdone." Liu Zhi's father Liu Xia frowned. "You can't
talk nonsense."
"Husband, what the hell is going on." Sylvia sat beside Henry, There is something wrong on
Qiao's face. She knows Henry well and knows that Henry is not the kind of untargeted
"Sylvia, I want your husband to apologize to Wang Junpeng!" Liu Zhi said loudly.
Henry listened to Wang Junpeng, and his fingers were still tapping on the desktop. "I will
give you three times. If you don't say it, I'll twist your head off. Three ..."
"Brother Henry, I don't know what I'm doing to provoke you ... Wang Junpeng opened his
mouth to explain.
"Two." Henry's timing sounded again.
"The surname is Zhang, you are endless, so slandering us!" Liu Zhi shouted.
"Three." After Henry's voice fell, his palm suddenly snapped to the table.
The tabletop shocked, shaking a chopstick placed on the table in front of Henry. Henry
waved his palm and patted it on the chopsticks. The chopstick was like a sharp arrow at the
moment, blasting towards Wang Junpeng.
Henry's hands, watching the Liu family and Sylvia's two aunts were shocked. This is like a
scene in a martial arts movie. How did he do it?
Wang Junpeng's face changed, and he saw that the chopsticks were getting closer and
closer to him. He fluttered to the side and hid vigorously.
Henry said with a smile: "Can't you
pretend ?" Wang Junpeng's agile skill showed Liu family's face, and the most surprised one
was Liu Zhi. She never knew that Wang Junpeng had such a skill.
Wang Junpeng dusted the dust off his body, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of
his mouth. "It's interesting. I didn't think of this task as harder than I thought.
The Lin family has a master like you."
"What the hel is going on!" Liu Zhi looked aside, watching Wang Junpeng's changes, and his
thinking was down.
Wang Junpeng shrugged. "I'm curious, how do you do that? I poisoned the way, I am very
"I did not see ah." Henry shook his head, "guess."
"Guess "Wang Junpeng's face changed," Boy, are you kidding me? "
" All the fingerprints on your fingers are polished, the skin between your fingers is rough,
and the pores on the back of your hand are large. I changed my career and said that you are
engaged in scientific research. Maybe I will observe it for another two minutes.
"Henry sat on the seat, looked at Wang Junpeng, and talked about the money. clothes
should not be Albin to your right, after al , has long been the country of residence is not in
Albin Ying, and his doctor, it will not find you. "
Wang Junpeng eyes narrowed," who are you? " "
interesting. "Henry slow Get up slowly, "It seems that the person who assigned you the task
is planning to use you as a cannon fodder."
"Cannon fodder? You are a little too overestimating yourself!" Wang Junpeng sneered.
Wang Junpeng's voice had just fallen, and Henry's voice, like ghosts, sounded behind Wang
"Real y?"
Henry's voice passed into Wang Junpeng's ears without emotion.
Wang Junpeng's original sneer suddenly changed, so quickly! He didn't see clearly how
Henry got behind him.
As soon as Wang Junpeng turned his head, he felt a great force coming from his neck.
His neck was grasped with one hand, and that hand was like a giant pliers. Wang Junpeng
reached out and grabbed Henry's wrist, but was twisted by Henry's backhand, screwing his
wrist behind him.
Henry's set of actions was completed in one go, almost in an instant, and he was more
handsome than those martial arts tricks.
Henry twisted Wang Junpeng's arm and subdued him completely.
Wang Junpeng gritted his teeth, "Who the hell are you!"
"A lot of people asked me this, but there is nothing to know." Henry grabbed Wang
Junpeng's hand and tried to scrap Wang Junpeng, but with such a move, let Henry's face
changed dramatically.
A burst of tearing sound, accompanied by a burst of mechanical sound, Wang Junpeng's
right hand shoulder sparked from the junction of his forearm.
The arm that Henry removed was a mechanical arm!
Such a scene makes all the people in the house change their faces, which is really amazing!
Henry's eyes became much calmer. In this world, how many organizations can do this?
Wang Junpeng grinned. "It looks like something was discovered."
Wang Junpeng pulled out a white bal from his pocket with his other hand, and hit the
ground hard, following the ball and the ground. On contact, a burst of thick white smoke
suddenly burst out.
"Be careful!" Henry shouted.
The people in the room only felt that there was nothing in front of them, and they could not
see anything. They fanned in front of their eyes with their hands, and after more than a
minute, the smoke was gone.
Everyone found that Wang Junpeng had lost his trace some time, including Henry, and was
The Liu family looked at each other.
"Lao Lin, this ..." Liu Heng looked at Robert Lin and opened his mouth.
"Old Liu, our sentiment, I know, this matter has nothing to do with you." Robert Lin said.
The Lin Family Manor is already on the outskirts of the city. When it leaves the manor,
there is a large area of dense forest.
At the moment, Wang Junpeng is constantly moving through the jungle while dialing a
"Hey! What the hell is the task this time, the other party has master protection, why don't
you tell me!" Wang Junpeng's face was grim.
"A cannon fodder, why do you know so much?" There was a light voice on the phone.
The two words "cannon fodder ..." slowed Wang Junpeng's escape, but Henry, who just
described himself as the cannon fodder, was regarded as cannon fodder. Strong sense of
Henry's voice sounded from behind Wang Junpeng, "I said you are cannon fodder, and you
stil don't believe it."
"How is it possible!" Wang Junpeng's body shocked and turned back suddenly, and saw
Henryzheng standing less than three meters behind him. How do you ... how could you ... "
" Why, I think I can't keep up with your modified mechanical leg? "Henry's eyes showed a
disdain." The power of machinery is always limited. Give up the potentialless self, choose
machinery, yes What a stupid choice. "
Wang Junpeng took a deep breath." Don't think that I can't really take you away. "
" Sorry, that's how I think. "Henry stepped forward and appeared in front of Wang Junpeng
next second. One hand grabbed Wang Junpeng's head.
Wang Junpeng dodged quickly, but couldn't escape Henry's hand, and Henry grabbed his
At this moment, there is no other person around Henry, and Henry does not need to keep
his hand. He pinches Wang Junpeng's head and twists hard.
Wang Junpeng's limbs are made of machinery, but his head is not.
Wang Junpeng's eyes stared straight ahead, losing color. Even so, his body was stil standing
there straight, especially strange.
At Wang Junpeng's feet, a mobile phone was also dropped, and the screen of the mobile
phone was on, showing the call in progress.
Henry knew that this was because the other party intentionally did not hang up.
Picking up the phone, Henry puts it in his ear, "Hey."
After two seconds, the phone only responded. It was a fluent Chinese language. "I thought,
this transformed person, how could he be in Master Satan?" Your men hold on for five to
ten seconds, and now it seems that they can't hold on for even one second.
Sure enough, they are known as the strongest men in the world
. Replied.
"Oh, Master Satan, this action is not aimed at you. As the king of the underground world,
before the structure of the underground world is completely changed, our leaders believe
that it is necessary to report to you through some form, such as this."
Henry Hearing a playful smile at the corner of the mouth, "So, are you demonstrating with
"Dare not." The other party quickly replied on the phone, "At least, at this stage, Master
Satan, you , Is still the king of this underground world. "
Although the other party's tone was polite, the ambition in that sentence was undoubtedly
revealed. At this stage, they admit that Henry is the king of the underground world, but in
the future, they did not say .
Henry nodded, "Since this is the case, I will wait for the day when you surface, don't run
away from the left and the right like the mice in the sewer."
"This day, it will come soon." After the
other party said this, Henry hung up the phone, looked at the phone in his hand, and after
thinking about it, Henry threw it aside and walked towards the Lin family.
When Henry returned to the Lin family, everyone did not leave, and al sat in the lobby,
waiting for his return.
"Henry, what the hel is going on?" Nelson Lin asked Henry when he saw it.
Among the Lins, Sylvia returned to the Sus this time, and even Gu Wu knew more or less.
He was not too shocked at this kind of thing. Chaning ’s father was a leopard head. He usual
y saw more things and accepted ability. Very strong, Daisy also went to
the underground boxing ground with Henry. Robert Lin knew something about the living
king and other things that others did not know. Only Nelson Lin and Sylvia, two aunts, had
not been in contact with these things.
Henry waved his hand, "It's okay, Dad, it's just some little thieves, it's up to Lin's money."
"Comrade Henry, I'm sorry for my behavior just now." Liu Zhi's father said apologetically,
Just now, he also helped Wang Junpeng to speak and scolded Henry.
Liu Zhi also stood apologetically, without seeing the arrogance on his face, Wang Junpeng
followed them. If Henry was not here today, Mr. Lin would probably suffer unexpectedly.
"Don't blame you." Henry shook his head. This time, someone else came to himself. If he
wasn't here, this person wouldn't come over.
Originally, the two were planning to get together. Today's banquet has a meaning of not
getting drunk, but when this happens, everyone is not interested. Nelson Lin arranged a
room for Liu Zhi's family to rest, Sylvia and other juniors They al said goodbye. leaving
Lin's house, Sylvia seemed worried al the way.
Henry comforted: "Wife, what happened just now, don't think about it, what should life be
like, what do you know?"
After returning home, Sylvia cleaned up, changed clothes, and went to the company. Su Mi
naturally accompanied Sylvia.
Henry was at home alone, practiced fingering against the trunk for a while, and received an
unfamiliar call at around four in the afternoon.
"Hey, Master, it's me, Yan Li." Yan Li laughed from the phone.
"Hello." Henry politely replied, "What's the matter?"
"It's such a small master, haven't we agreed on a training before? I'm very sorry for what
happened before, but I should We have already dealt with the people who dealt with it.
Look, when can you choose a house medicine association to cooperate? "Yan Li was
cautious when he spoke, afraid that he might say something wrong, and made Henry
"This is it, President Ma, why didn't he cal me?" Henry asked.
"Lao Ma feels ashamed, and he has no face to contact you, Master. Last time ..."
Henry interrupted Yan Li. "Then let President Ma arrange another time, this time don't
have so many moths. "
Li Yan heard it, and suddenly exclaimed a happy voice," Okay, Master, I'll go and notify the
old horse. "
Henry hung up the phone and smiled. Anyway, President Ma also helped I have been busy a
few times, and these things should be offset.
Zhao's Building, top floor.
"Second Lord, the other party is indeed from the Su family, and the fist and foot are al from
the Su family. That's right." The youth in black stood behind Mr. Zhao and replied.
Yesterday, they specially sent someone to try Henry and Su Mi.
"The Su family, when did the Su family reach out to Yinzhou, and let a surname Zhang be
the owner of the family in the future." Mr. Zhao's face was puzzled.
"Second Lord, shall we first ..."
"Don't act rashly first." Mr. Zhao looked out the window, and some of the leaves had turned
yellow. "I'm going to the underground world conference right now. I'm going back. This
thing, wait I'll come back and say it. If you really want to start with the Su family, you must
pull someone from the house. "
" Understood. "The youth in black nodded and retreated.
In the past few days, Henry finally freed himself. He ran Lin Group every day to see if Sylvia
had any help. Since the last time Henry made many correct decisions for Lin, Sylvia of
course Wil not let go of this free labor, Henry also took the time to give the training
promised to the Medical Association.
The entire Yinzhou city, after several recent events, has completely fallen into peace.
Hengyuan Trade has ushered in a new round of development, and has moved towards the
top-ranking enterprises in Yinzhou. Lin is also getting stronger and stronger. The last time
Zhou ’s position made him a little uneasy about Lin. Enterprises, completely rest assured.
What is strange is that the Zhao family, who had always been comparable to Lin's fighting,
had a little bit of the taste of this time, which was unpredictable.
into September, the weather in the morning is already a bit cool, and people who go to
work in the morning do not wear short sleeves as before and have to wear a coat .
At 7:30 in the morning, the gate of the second detention center in Yinzhou was opened, and
a young man with a face full of vicissitudes walked out of the door. Looking at the yellow
autumn leaves outside, the young man took a deep breath. Tone.
A black Mercedes-Benz car parked in front of the gate of the detention center. The rear
door of the car opened and the young man sat up.
"Zheng Shao, during this time, you have worked hard, come, you two, you Zheng Shao rub
your shoulders well." A voice sounded on the co-driver of the Mercedes-Benz.
It was Sam who was coming out of the detention center.
All along, the Zheng family was looking for a relationship, so that Sam was not sentenced
for the previous incident, but the evidence was solid at the time. Although there was no
sentence, it was impossible to say that it was released. Now, Sam can swing away from the
detention center. Come out, it must have been a contribution.
In the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz, two sexy young models were sitting.
"Zheng Shao, someone will help you change your clothes."
"Others will rub your shoulders for you."
Two tender models Jiao Didi said.
Sam looked at the front row and said: "Ke Shao, you took so much effort to get me out, just
say what you want."
It was Ke Bin sitting in front of the Mercedes-Benz.
Ke Bin snapped his fingers, "It ’s good to deal with smart people, Zheng Shao, then I wo n’t
go around with you any more. This time I can get you out, and it ’s all because of my father
’s relationship. Ning province, it is absolutely impossible to say that others can still catch
you. I think, Zheng Shao, you should still remember how you came in. "
" Of course! "When it comes to this matter, Sam looked angry." If it was n’t for Henry ’s bad
things to me, how could I possibly end up now? ”
"Right." Ke Bin said, "You and I have a common enemy, that is Henry, Zheng Shao, it is
better to cooperate with you and me."
"Cooperation? How do you want to cooperate?" Mode massage, wondering.
"It's very simple, how do you get in, we let the surnamed Zhang get in. I watched all the
videos that day. There are many evidences, we can make some changes, including the one
Henry took out, you can also let People modify it, we sue him for slandering and
defamation. "When Ke Bin mentioned Henry, his eyes spewed out his anger unconsciously.
These few contacts made him real y suffocated, courtship rejected.
Being humiliated at the exchange meeting, his stone gambling shop was completely
disturbed by the surname Zhang, and he lost nearly ten mil ion to go out!
There was a touch of emotion on Sam's face. He was originally a dude. During this time, he
was going crazy in the detention center. Now that he has the opportunity to go out and can
get the person he hated, he can't be unimpressed.
"Ke Shao, how confident are you?" Sam asked.
"Ten percent!" Ke Bin's self-confidence, "This time, not only did I participate, but also the
people of the Cheng family participated in it. It was not just casual to win a surname Zhang
!" Sam's body was shocked. The Cheng family was in the whole of Ning province, but it was
a well-deserved overlord. This surnamed Zhang, even the people of the Cheng family dare
to provoke, really looking for death!
"How about, Zheng Shao, don't worry now." Ke Bin smiled.
"Natural y, Ke Shao, you do what you say, I'l do what I do." Sam smiled on his face. If the
shadow of Cheng's family was really in it, no matter how powerful the surnamed Zhang
was, there was no way to turn the sky. "It's very simple. Today, Zheng Shao, let's relax. Wait
for tomorrow, find the person who took the drug last time, ask him to change his
confession, and leave the rest to me." Ke Bin said At that time, there was a hint of coldness
in his eyes.
During this time, Henry had a lot of leisure time. Sylvia didn't leave al the company's affairs
to Henry to deal with. It was just something that was difficult for him to decide. He would
cal Henry to discuss together.
Henry went to Jenny's Gambling Shop for a while. The business of Gambling Shop is very
good. As previously thought, Gambling in Ning Province is a monopoly industry.
Outside the Broken Jade Pavilion, there was no choice. The peerless jadeite next door
continued to open the door, but unfortunately no one went at all. On the day of its opening,
the reputation of Peerless Jadeite was completely stinky, which was in stark contrast with
Broken Jadeite.
Jenny has been sitting in the broken jade pavilion these days.
"Boss Qin, business is booming." Henry walked in from the door of Duan Yuge. He saw that
all the jadeite he opened that day was put in a frame by Jenny and placed in Duan Yuge.
"Mr. Zhang, you are here." The staff of Duan Yuge saw Henry and said hel o.
"Zhang busy man, what brings you here?" Qin soft smile came over from the bar, "some
"No." Henry waved, "These days busy, and everywhere around "
" I'm free? "Jenny raised Liu Mei's eyebrows," That's just right, I happen to have an auction,
and you have to come together to get popular. "
" What auction? "Henry curiously said.
"You will know right away." Jenny deliberately made a mysterious expression, and then
asked the staff beside him, "How is it, are you ready?" The staff nodded and answered,
"General Qin, it's almost ready."
"Okay." Jenny responded and rushed to Henrydao, "Come on, come with me."
Henry fol owed Jenny and walked out of Duan Yu Pavilion. Henry saw that the two facade
rooms next to Duan Yu Pavilion were also bought by Jenny and opened. The two facade
rooms are all more than 300 square meters. Divided into two layers.
On the first floor, a huge booth was decorated, plus some tables and chairs, and on the
second floor, there were various private rooms. The private rooms were full of semi-
transparent glass, and the booth could be seen from the inside.
The entire hall was renovated by Jenny into an antique style, giving people a retro aesthetic
Henry looked around the hall and said, "You move pretty fast."
It was only a few days before the opening of the Broken Jade Pavilion. Jenny had finished
the decoration, and I have to say that this is also a resolute work. Woman.
Henry saw that many people had been sitting in the hall at the moment, including the box
upstairs, and the door was locked, and there were people sitting inside.
"Are you going to engage in stone auction?" Henry asked curiously.
"Huh." Jenny nodded. "This auction, 30% of the profits, I plan to donate all to the Ivy League
Welfare Home. It's time to change the season. The children also need to add more clothes.
Wang Na came in a batch of Wang Shi and Emperor Shi, all of which were top-quality. "
This kind of stone gambling auction, which Henry had participated in before, is not strange.
happens to be at this time, Jenny mobile phone rang.
Henry's eyes subconsciously glanced at Jenny's mobile phone. When the screen of Jenny's
mobile phone was on, Henry saw a search page about children's autumn clothing.
For Jenny, Henry has many good feelings, especially for the welfare home. In this society,
there are many people who donate love and do good deeds, but there are too few people
who real y do n’t make good use of their names.
Henry is such a person, Jenny is also such a person.
Now, it is the rising period of Hengyuan's business. If at this juncture, Jenny has offered to
sponsor the welfare home for free, it will definitely make Hengyuan's popularity increase
for another round. There is no harm, but Jenny never talked about it. For Jenny, subsidizing
the orphanage is just something she simply wants to do.
Jenny picked up the phone, said a few words on the phone, and hung up the phone in a
hurry. He looked at Henry with some embarrassment.
"You are busy first, I can just turn around myself." Henry took the initiative to speak.
"It's a caring man." Jenny gave Henry a glance, then strode away.
Henry was idle in the hal alone. Henry found that half of the people were accented by
foreigners. It seems that this time Jenny did a good job in publicity work. A stone gambling
auction can make this stone gambling shop the most famous. In many ways, Jenny's
commercial sense of smell is still very sensitive.
Henryzheng turned around, and a female voice came from behind.
"Huh, brother-in-law?"
Henry looked back and saw the figure of Miao Man with short hair standing behind him.
"Amy Zhang?" Henry gave the other party an unexpected look.
Last time I went to Yinda, Henry also asked Daisy, but I didn't see Amy Zhang's nephew.
Daisy said that Amy Zhang's family took leave and returned home. As a result, the circle of
friends was playing everywhere.
"Aren't you going to travel?" Henry asked curiously.
A little unnatural smile appeared on Amy Zhang's face, then nodded and said, "I went to
play for a while. I just came back in two days. I heard that there is an auction, so let's take a
look. , This is my dad. "
Behind Amy Zhang, there were two men standing, one older and the other, who looked only
in their twenties.
"Good uncle." Henry nodded and asked.
"This is Ban Xinkai, mine ..." Amy Zhang pointed to another young man. "My fiance."
Henry noticed that when Amy Zhang said the words fiance, she struggled with a pretty face.
This Ban Xinkai has a height of 1.8 meters. Although he is not obese, he looks bloated, and
his appearance is also very ordinary. From the appearance, Amy Zhang has no way to
match it.
And Henry also found that when Ban Xinkai stood beside Amy Zhang's father, his face was
not the kind of respect for the elders, but a kind of arrogance, as if the three of them were
themselves the protagonists.
"Amy Zhang, who is this?" Ban Xinkai asked Amy Zhang to speak with Henry non-stop,
looking dissatisfied.
"My classmate's brother-in-law, we called together." Amy Zhang explained.
"Oh." Ban Xinkai nodded. "Okay, don't talk, the auction will start immediately. Let's go sit
down first. This time, it's difficult to
decide ." Ban Xinkai finished. First walk towards a seat in the hal .
Each seat is kept with a number plate, which is used for the bid price at the auction.
Henry looked at Amy Zhang's back and a bitter smile when Amy Zhang just turned around.
After thinking about it, he walked over.
Originally Jenny left Henry with a box on the second floor. Henry and Amy Zhang's
neighbor changed it. When the other party heard a box, they were willing to change it.
Henry sat in the seat next to Amy Zhang.
"Brother-in-law, did you come to the auction?" Amy Zhang was surprised when she saw
Henry sitting.
"Come and see." Henry replied.
"Amy Zhang, you stil have a lot of time, are you addicted to talking?" At the auction? "
" No, my brother-in-law ... "Amy Zhanggang just started to tell Ban Xinkai Henry's true
identity, which was stopped by his father's eyes.
"Say less." Amy Zhang's father said.
"Oh." Amy Zhang nodded grievously, and said no more.
As time went on, more and more people were doing in the whole hall, and the boxes
upstairs were also ful .
When Amy Zhang looked at the box upstairs, there was a touch of envy in his eyes. If he
could have the strength to sit in that box, I'm afraid there wouldn't be so much trouble.
Henry glanced at the time, and at three o'clock in the afternoon, a gentle music rang out
throughout the hall.
Just when the music sounded, a figure of Miao Man walked onto the booth.
Jenny was wearing a plain white dress, her hair was curled up, her face was painted with
light makeup, her eyes were bright, her teeth fluttered, and she appeared as if the lights on
the booth had been greatly discolored.
Seeing Jenny now, Henry suddenly recalled that when she saw Jenny on the first day, she
also wore a white dress, like an elf, pure and flawless.
"It's so beautiful." Amy Zhang looked at the stage and murmured, "beautiful looking and
When Ban Xinkai looked at the figure of Miaoman on the stage, he unconsciously licked his
lips, with a desire in his eyes, but it was very obscure, because he knew that although his
family was good, but compared with this woman, There is a lot of difference. Now in
Yinzhou, who does n’t know about Hengyuan Trade and monopolizes the stone gambling
industry in Ning province. The prospects are unlimited in the future.
"Thank you for coming to this auction of Duan Yuge. I think everyone knows more or less
about gambling. I wo n’t be talking to you guys here. It ’s time-consuming. Today, we
special y invited Beijing ’s The expert appraisal experts, al the stones produced will be
evaluated on the spot. I will break the jade pavilion for acquisition. Jenny guarantees that
every piece of rough stone is top grade, but I still have to remind you that there is risk in
gambling and everyone needs to be cautious. "
Jenny's voice came out through the microphone on the booth. There was not too much
gorgeous language, but it gave a very comfortable feeling. Nowadays, people are no longer
easily confused by beautiful words. If you like, honesty is what you prefer.
Jenny's sentence is risky, everyone needs to be cautious, and it will win the favor of many
people at once.
After Jenny finished speaking, with a burst of fragrant wind, he walked down the booth.
When Jenny stepped down, a tal model was carrying a tray covered with golden satin, and a
piece of silk was placed on the satin. An irregular rough stone 15 cm long and 4
cm high.
After the model took the original city to the booth, an old man who was over 60 years old
also walked on the booth and said aloud: "You, this king stone, surface It is already black,
and there is a saying in the gambling world. Black follows green, and green depends on
black, and green is not necessarily black on the surface, but black on the surface is almost
certain. What you cut out depends on everyone ’s creation. This original stone has a
starting price of 3,000, and each price increase is not less than 500.
soon as the old man's voice fel , the audience immediately rang out a bid.
"Five thousand!"
"Eight thousand!"
"Nine thousand!" The
bargains were endless, and the already-seen black stone, the normal selling price was
20,000 yuan up, thousands of dollars, it was too cheap, This kind of guarantee to produce
green rough stones will make many people jealous. After al , the gambling stone is in the
same word. This guarantee of the yield rate has eliminated the great risks. The rest
depends on the personal creation and whether it is valuable.
This rough stone rose to thirty-two thousand al the way to stop bidding.
Henry nodded, and Jenny won the price of this rough stone, probably between 18 and
21,000. This price is already very good. If it is normal y placed in the store, it can be sold for
less than 30,000. The price of the second, sure enough, the auction is the place that most
stimulates people's desire to buy.
The original stone taken can be selected by the staff to open it on the spot, or it can be
taken on the spot.
Things are getting better and better in the auction process. After the first rough stone, the
price of each rough stone in the subsequent auction is more than 32,000.
Amy Zhang's fiancé, Ban Xinkai, would not help asking the price several times when the
blood was taken.
"Brother-in-law, do you know how to gamble stones?" Amy Zhang looked at his father
careful y and then asked Henry cautiously. After finishing the question, he immediately
turned to look at his father's reaction.
"Slightly understand, why do you want to buy?" Henry curiously said.
Amy Zhang eyes flashed struggle, nodded his head, "I want to gamble, but I can only buy
one, I in this regard, simply do not understand, can you help me find it?"
Henry read Looking at Amy Zhang, and then looking at Ban Xinkai, "Have you encountered
any difficulties with this girl?"
"No." Amy Zhang squeezed out a smile, "I just want to play a gambling stone, how could it
be What's wrong? "
Henry saw Amy Zhang unwilling to say, and didn't continue to ask, he nodded," OK, I'll help
you see. "
" Thank you brother-in-law. "
Henry looked at Amy Zhang nervously The body was a little trembling and sighed.
Whether it was because of Daisy's relationship or Amy Zhang's brother-in-law, Henry
couldn't bear to help her.
The auction is gradually going on.
"Everyone, this stone." The old man on the booth picked up a 25 cm long stone in the tray.
"As you can see, there has been a whole piece of green under this stone, that is to say, the
worst It is also possible to cut out such a piece of jadeite, but before cutting it out, the color
of this piece of jadeite cannot be determined. The auction price of this stone is from 50,000
yuan, and each time the price is increased, it must not be less than 1,000. "
" Fifteen thousand! "As soon as the old man's words fell, Ban Xinkai spoke first. He had long
been fond of the stone. All auctions will give guests an auction manual before the start of
the auction, which contains a basic introduction to the goods.
"Five thousand and two!" "five thousand and fifty!"
The price of this original stone skyrocketed, and the piece of green exposed by the old man
was ten centimeters long and three centimeters wide. If the color is slightly better, Can be
sold up to 100,000.
Even if it is not valuable, you can sel 20,000 yuan, so 60,000 yuan to buy this piece of
jadeite is equivalent to 40,000 yuan to gamble. Many people have seen this, and the price is
not guilty at all.
"Sixty-five thousand!" Ban Xinkai gritted his teeth and shouted a price.
Looking at the rough stone on the stage, Amy Zhang couldn't help but ask: "Brother-in-law,
what do you think?"
Henry shook his head, "If you don't buy, the risk is too great."
"The risk is great?" Ban Xinkai heard. At this point, there was a chuckle on the spot,
"You said that this
rough stone has a high risk? Do you understand? Didn't see the green at the bottom? I don't
know how to understand!" Henry looked at Ban Xinkai's arrogant appearance, He shook his
head and said nothing.
Amy Zhang asked Henry not to buy, so he didn't ask too much. Amy Zhang still trusted
The price of the original stone on the stage soared, and finally, the price rose to 130,000,
and it was taken by someone, and it was Ban Xinkai who photographed the original stone.
Henry looked at the stone bought by Ban Xinkai, most of them lost, this stone has a big
crack, this big crack will make the price of jadeite greatly reduced, but the big crack is not
the most deadly, the most The fatal thing is that there is a crack in the middle of this big
The cracks are very harmful to the jade, which directly affects the appearance and price.
Even the original stones with cracks cannot be carved. It may be a piece of jade with a large
palm. Because of the existence of cracks, only one-third of the material can be removed Not
In the stone gambling world, there is a saying, rather than gambling on gambling, it is
obvious how important this crack is.
After Ban Xinkai bought the rough stone, he didn't cut it. He wanted to keep this
expectation to the end.
Another few original stones were shot, and the entire auction has fallen into a very hot
"Everyone, today's Wang Shi has all been auctioned. The next auction will be a few pieces of
emperor stone. You should keep your eyes open. The things that emperor stone has come
out are good, but the cost is higher." The old man was at the booth I said aloud.
When he heard the word Emperor Shi, all the people on stage looked at the booth fieryly.
The old man took out a stone the size of a person's fist. This stone showed a grayish-brown
color with a matt surface.
"Is this Emperor Stone?" The first time the old man took out the stone, some people could
not help asking questions.
"As far as I know, the emperor is not rock like this, right? I bet stone, while smal number,
but still met a few times of Emperor stone."
"Yes, even in this stone, no matter how good things out, but How much is it worth? "
The sound of doubts from the audience kept ringing.
The old man on the stage smiled and said, "Please listen to me, everyone knows that the
best stone in China is from the southern province, and this stone was sandwiched by
several emperor stones in the center and was caught by local feng shui. masters described
as Zhongxinggongyue trend, as to what's inside, no one has dared to cut, this piece of stone,
as a stone before the emperor was the first auction, the starting price is ...... "
old man Speaking of time, out One finger, "a dollar."
Henry looked at the stone on the booth, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
This stone came here and was specially shown to him.
Henry had been in the gambling stone world of South Province. It was very clear how
people in that place pay attention to Feng Shui. There are only a few provinces, each of
which is sky-high. Even if it ca n’t be sold, it will be offered in the shop. It is a sign. Now that
this stone can reach Jenny, it must be the intention of the stone king.
This stone doesn't even dare to open!
They are very superstitious in their line of work, such as the Stone King, even if they know
that some stones have jade, they will not open it. In their particularity, people have limited
luck, this thing cannot be opened more, treasure, this life Only one is enough.
Looking at the stone on the stage, Henrygang asked for a price, and heard a voice from the
box on the second floor.
The outcry from the box on the second floor made everyone in an uproar.
How much does it cost to buy such a stone? Go crazy!
The shock of 50,000 yuan for the box on the second floor has not passed yet, and there was
another sound in the hal on the first floor.
"One hundred thousand."
As soon as the voice sounded, everyone in the hall looked at the speaker.
Amy Zhang Henry looked astonished, "Brother, you have to spend one hundred thousand to
buy a piece of stone?"
"Ah." Henry nodded, "But I guess, not hundred thousand to buy down."
Henry Nam Province Hunguo In the stone gambling industry, I know that some people, in
order to win a lottery, have to spend a lot of money on the stars, and the man on the second
floor just made a direct bid of 50,000. It should be such a person.
Ban Xin Kai mouth a blanket, without taboo, said: "? Brain damage, one hundred thousand
to buy such a waste, but also teach others to bet on this stone yet,"
Zhang Xin Kai Xuan ignored its class, this re-education and so on like goods Now his
attention is al on the stone on the stage.
After Henry's 100,000 price shouted, the person on the second floor remained silent for a
few seconds, "200,000."
"200,000!" The next person opened his mouth wide, is this crazy, is 200,000 buying such a
"500,000." Henry said lightly.
A stone with a starting price of one yuan has risen to 500,000 in just four bids! Everyone
feels that their brains are a bit insufficient. Some people with a mil ion family members
have always felt that they have stepped into the ranks of the rich, but now they know that
they are a poor force.
"Half a mil ion? Do you have so much money? This bargaining price is legal y responsible!"
Ban Xinkai glanced at his mouth disdainfully. He looked at Henry's clothes. Million people.
Amy Zhang's father looked at Henry more after Henry shouted a price of 500,000 yuan.
"One million!" The people on the second floor spoke again, and at the same time said,
"Brother, it's just a piece of stone. Everyone wants to make a big picture. There's no need to
fight for your own life?"
The box on the second floor has half-glazed glass. Everyone can't see the people inside, but
listening to the other person's tone, although the price has doubled, it is not
as easy as before. After al , one million people buy such a small stone, and even rich people I
don't feel anything at all.
"Two mil ion." Henry leaned on the seat and shouted the number.
Everyone listened to Henry's asking price and didn't know what to say. They just shot a
stone, tens of thousands, more than one hundred thousand, and a sense of pride, but now
compared with others, they are just casual. Play for fun. there was a voice on the second
floor, "Friend, do you real y want to fight with me to the end?"
Listening to this voice, Henry did not look at the second floor, stil leaning on the seat.
"This gentleman bid two million, is there any higher?" The old man on the stage asked with
a smile on his face.
"Two mil ion times." The old man shouted, glanced around, waiting for a few seconds, and
saw no one said, "Two million times twice."
" Two hundred and twenty thousand!" On the second floor, there was another sound .
He is now asking for a price, and he no longer has the confidence he just had.
"Three mil ion!" Henry didn't hesitate at al , and directly shouted a price.
In the box on the second floor, there were two young people, one male and one female.
"Brother, he's a bit too much, is this sincere to live with us! I want to go down and teach
him!" The young woman started, she looked like a twenty-four or four-year-old, tal , with
long black hair Under the covers, the facial features are exquisite and pleasant.
As the woman spoke, she raised her small fist, inadvertently revealing the quiver hidden in
the cuff.
The young man frowned, "Change your temper, this is not home, and, hide the things in
your wrist, these things are illegal!"
"Cut, this is the elders who gave me self-defense, who I can say. "
young walked through the front half of a glass, watching the hall below," Wait and see, this
thing, even if he got, not take too, when we buy come on the line. "
three million The price made the youth unable to continue to fol ow. This stone was shot to
The staff handed this piece of stone to Henry on the spot, and at the same time brought
professional tools, everyone looked at Henry, wanting to see what he could cut out.
Henry did not disappoint everyone, and the scene began to cut.
Go down with a knife and cut off a third directly. The onlookers all have a feeling of physical
pain. This knife goes down, but it is one mil ion. Seeing what he cut, it doesn't hurt, it is al
bad. What about the baby inside?
Henry's knife was cut from beginning to end without any obstruction, proving that nothing
was cut out.
"It's just brain damage. Three million people buy such a thing, they won't even cut it,"
Ban Xinkai said.
Henry frowned.
Everyone else saw Henry's expression, and it was all clear. It seems that this time, his
money was drunk.
Henry went down with another knife, peeling off a layer of skin, still seeing nothing, and his
brow furrowed tighter.
Henry's frown is not because he didn't cut anything as many people thought. On the
contrary, Henry felt something unusual in this stone. That kind of thing gave him the feeling
that it was like ... fire crystal!
Henry cut the third knife. This time, he didn't go as smoothly as before. He cut only a half
and encountered obstacles.
"Shipped?" There was such a voice in the crowd.
"Cutter stopped, it seems to be out of things, out there, it should be a baby." "This out, may
turned a profit ah!"
"Not necessarily, do not forget, the stone costs It ’s three mil ion, and now half of it has been
cut. How much can it be worth even if it ’s the best? ”The crowd discussed and looked at
Henry ’s movements.
Henry skillful y peels off the surface layer around the stone material and cuts off a pile of
stone chips.
As the surface layer was cut off, the things in the stone material slowly appeared. This is a
milky white cube with a size of about three centimeters and no glory.
"Is this ... crystal?" Someone frowned as he saw the white cube.
"Isn't it? It's not a big deal to get such a thing out!"
"That is to say, but the crystal was cut out of this stone, I really saw it for the first time."
"Luck is too bad! "
Looking at what was cut out of the stone, everyone spoke one after another.
Henry took this cube in his hand and observed it closely, but could not see any Ni Duan.
Henry was sure that this is not any known mineral. This crystal gave him a very similar
feeling to the fire crystal.
On the second floor, the man and the woman stood by the window, their eyes fixed on the
small white crystals in Henry's hands, their eyes fiery.
"It really is this!" The youth clenched his fists tightly.
"Brother, do you want to do it?" The long-haired woman asked, her eyes full of strong
The young man shook his head slightly, "don't worry, there are too many people, stare at
him, and wait for the place where there are few people, let's do it again!" In the lobby on
the first floor.
Henry stared at the white crystal in his hand for a long time, and didn't want to understand
what this would be. He simply put it away and waited for the future to be returned to the
future to let the future study.
"Hahaha! It's so interesting, three million just bought such a tatter, and just gambling on
stones? Are you here to give money on purpose?" Ban Xinkai laughed.
The people around me shook their heads regretfully, three mil ion, just gone, how much is
this crystal? Fifty dollars? One hundred dollars?
Amy Zhang is also distressed.
After the old man on the booth saw everyone's attention, the auction continued.
The next few pieces of emperor stone from the old man, the starting price of each one is up
to 100,000, and the final transaction price is close to 200,000. It can be said that every time
it is a big gamble, 200,000 in Yinzhou, enough Down payment for a house.
Many times among them, Amy Zhang wanted to take action, but Henry persuaded him.
"Everyone, this is the penultimate stone from today's auction, and you must watch careful
y." The old man took out a stone. The surface of the entire stone showed a green color, and
the stone was about the size of a human face.
This kind of colored stone, placed in the emperor stone, is also very rare.
"Gentlemen, this emperor stone blocks, the starting price of twelve million and each
increase, not less than two thousand."
"One hundred twenty-five thousand!"
"One hundred twenty-seven thousand!"
"Thirteen million!"
The old man voice down The price of the bid is endless. For this kind of green stone, there
is a high chance of shipment. It may be wiped lightly. The whole stone will be the green jade
of the whole body. If there is such a big piece, it is definitely worth it.
Liancheng, let everyone can't help it.
"200,000!" The
price soared al the way, almost within tens of seconds, from the starting price of 120,000 to
200,000. Running up.
"You can get this one, ask for a bargain." Henry sat there, staring at the stone on the stage
for a while, and said to Amy Zhang.
Amy Zhang had been waiting for Henry's sentence long ago.
When the price rose to 250,000, there were fewer and fewer people bidding on the floor.
"Everyone, 250,000, for the first time." The old man on the booth looked around for a week
and said.
The audience was in a murky discussion, but no one bid out.
"Twenty-five thousand, the second time." The old man said loudly again.
The audience, look at me, I look at you, no one still talks, it seems that this stone is going to
be sold for 250,000.
"Twenty-five thousand, third ..."
"Twenty-six thousand!" A clear female voice rang from the audience.
"Amy Zhang, you're crazy!" Ban Xinkai stared at the woman sitting next to him with wide
Amy Zhang's father also turned his head puzzled, looking at his daughter.
It was Amy Zhang who shouted 260,000 people.
Amy Zhang just shouted the price. The person who had bought this stone before 250,000
said again: "270,000."
Amy Zhanggang was stopped by his father when he wanted to continue to increase the
price. "Don't shout! Where did you go to get so much money? "
" Amy Zhang, I bought this stone for more than 200,000 yuan. I won't pay you! "Ban Xinkai
said specifical y.
"No," Amy Zhang looked at Ban Xinkai indifferently. "I have money myself."
"Rich? Where do you go to get money?" Amy Zhang's father snapped.
"Dad, you gave me the money business, I always keep before, there are five hundred
thousand." Amy Zhang replied apologetical y, "I did not tel you that just want to give our
home burn any bridges."
"Post Road? "Ban Xinkai frowned," Amy Zhang, what do you mean? Do you think that my
Ban Xinkai is not worthy of you? "
" Amy Zhang, don't be fooled ! "Amy Zhang's father scolded, and then addressed the class
Xin Kai said, "This girl is not sensible, I educate her, don't go to your heart."
Amy Zhang shook his head, looked at the stage, and continued to speak, "280,000!"
"Three hundred thousand!" The person who had just bargained continued.
Seeing this stone that was originally sold for 250,000, and immediately added another
50,000, everyone was amazed, but with the scene of Henry who just shot 3 mil ion stones,
he has not had much impact on everyone. .
Amy Zhang looked at Henry's eyes.
"Plus." Henry said only one word.
Amy Zhang took a deep breath after hearing Henry's words, "Thirty-five thousand!"
"Don't be fooling! You have endless!" Amy Zhang's father reprimanded.
"I said Amy Zhang, did you listen to this stupid thing and shoot this stone? What did he just
lose? Didn't you see it?" Ban Xinkai said, "Thirty-five thousand yuan, in my experience,
Nothing can be opened in this stone, don't you think I will wipe this ass for you! "
" This lady bids 350,000 yuan, is there a higher one? "The old man stood on the stage, Lang
Sheng Dao, looking at the man who has been bidding.
The audience was silent for a few seconds, "400,000!"
"Okay, this gentleman, has bid for 400,000! For the first time, 400,000!" The old man
shouted directly without waiting, this is a very common auction method.
"Call it half a million directly." Henry said Amy Zhang.
Half a million!
For this number, Amy Zhang's body was trembling slightly. In fact, when the other party
shouted 400,000, she already wanted to give up. If she can gamble once every two or three
hundred thousand, even if you lose, you can still stay Click the money to turn over, but the
500,000 will be gone, but you will have no chance at all.
"Boy, don't mislead my daughter here!" Amy Zhang's father looked at Henry very
dissatisfied. In his view, this is a person without a brain I just lost three mil ion myself, and
now my daughter is also losing money, half a million, enough to solve a large debt by
"Forty thousand second time!" On the stage, the old man spoke again.
There was a trace of struggling in Amy Zhang's eyes. She took a deep breath and made a
decision, "500,000!"
"Amy Zhang, you are crazy!" Amy Zhang's father widened his eyes.
"Dad, you just let me blog this time. Bo is right. Anything is good. If I am wrong, I will admit
my fate." Amy Zhang's eyes were red.
Ban Xinkai sneered, "You are doomed to be wrong when you listen to this stupid words!"
Amy Zhang's father looked at his daughter's appearance, opened his mouth, wanted to
speak, but couldn't speak, why didn't he know? My daughter does n’t want to marry Ban
Xinkai at all, but for this family, she can only be wronged.
On the platform, the old man glanced around the audience, "500,000, is there a higher
"500,000 first time!" The
old man's words were clearly transmitted to everyone's ears through the microphone. in.
Amy Zhang said in one heart, if someone raises the price again, she really has no solution at
"500,000, the second time!" The old man raised the auction hammer in his hand, giving a
sense of urgency.
No one was speaking out of the audience.
"500,000, the third time!" The old man knocked hard with a hammer, making a muffled
Hearing the sound of the hammer hitting the table, Amy Zhang suspended a heart, and
finally put it down. This stone was finally photographed by himself.
However, Amy Zhang just put down one heart and raised it again. Next, it was time to
decide her own destiny. This stone, she did not keep it, but let the person open the scene.
If you can open something valuable, you stil have room to resist. If you ca n’t open anything,
you will admit your fate.
The last piece of Emperor Stone was left for auction, and Amy Zhang did not pay any
attention. All her thoughts were placed on the stone she had opened.
A dedicated staff member came to Amy Zhang with professional tools and opened the scene
for Amy Zhang.
"Ma'am, wipe or cut?" The staff asked.
"Wipe it." Amy Zhang stared nervously at the stone.
The staff nodded, picked up professional tools, and rubbed against the surface of the stone.
Amy Zhang's father and the people sitting around watched the movements of the staff at
this moment. Every time the stone was opened, it was very intriguing and curious.
With the movement of the staff, the green on the surface of the stone becomes more and
more obvious.
"My mother, this is the right bet? Look at that condition, the whole piece of jade may be
"How much does it cost for such a large piece of jade? At least ten million?"
"Not easy to say? Stil want to Look at the quality, but even the worst one will have 4-5
million! "
The voice of the onlookers sounded.
Amy Zhang's face also gradually showed joy, if there are real y four or five mil ion, no!
three million! It only takes three mil ion to turn over completely. Although the life is not as
good as before, he never needs to marry Ban Xinkai.
Amy Zhang's father, his face ful of tension, can be seen that dense sweat has appeared on
his forehead. The
staff wiped the stone thoroughly, then picked up the flashlight, and hit the light on the
stone non-stop A piece of jadeite, but when the light was on, there was no response at al .
Such a scene made Amy Zhang mention a heart in his throat, and it fel off at once.
"Madam, this needs to be cut." The staff put away the flashlight and said.
"Cut?" Amy Zhang listened to the staff, and the expectations that had just ignited in his
heart seemed to be poured out of a basin of cold water and completely extinguished.
"Then ... cut it." After the
staff was authorized by Amy Zhang Pick up the tool and cut it with a knife. When the blade
cut off the green on the surface, what I saw was black lacquered stone. This shows that the
stone was only wrapped in a layer of green on the surface.
"This ... is too reversed? I thought it was a whole piece of green, how did it look like this."
"Ah, what a pity." The
onlookers shook their heads when they saw that the green inside of the green was just
ordinary stone. It seems that this is a piece of scrap.
Ban Xinkai sneered, "Amy Zhang, I told you a long time ago, listening to this stupid words,
you have a loss! Five hundred thousand, hum!" When Ban Xinkai spoke, there was a trace of
gloating in his eyes, he was absolutely If you don't want to see Amy Zhang making money, if
you really want Amy Zhang to make money, how can you turn her into a woman of her
In Amy Zhang's father's eyes, there was a deep loss. He shook his head silently and sighed
Looking at the scene in front of him, Amy Zhang only felt a kind of fainting in his heart.
When his eyes were black, he almost planted it. This was his only hope.
Henry sat aside and looked at the staff's movements. He was not surprised at all. He had
long seen it. This stone was just green on the surface. The real baby was inside the stone.
The staff slowly cut the whole stone. After all the green on the surface was cut by him, it
was just a normal stone with a length and width of about 10 centimeters in front of him.
If you can sell two or three thousand, that's al earned.
The onlookers shook their heads, and it seemed that the girl's half a million yuan was
Amy Zhang stared at this stone, and she did n’t report any hope at all. She did n’t blame
Henry. After all, no one could say that he could make money on gambling on stone. The
brother-in-law just gave himself an idea and made a real decision Still yourself.
"Madam, do you want to continue cutting?" The staff asked again.
"Cut it." Amy Zhang said, she had no hope at al , and her voice seemed weak.
The staff nodded and cut it across the board, but the cut was just less than half a
centimeter, and the movement in his hand was a meal. Such a subtle movement made Amy
Zhang's dead heart completely lifted up again.
What does this action represent? It means that there is something in this stone!
"Can't you cut something out of it?"
"Isn't it possible? Green in green?"
"If it's green in green, I'm afraid it's worth more than a whole piece of jadeite. In general,
the color of green in green is all that The best! "
The action of the staff once again attracted the attention of the people around.
Staff put the cutter down, picked up professional tools, slowly polished, with the movement
of the staff, a smal layer of stone was worn away.
The staff sighed softly. When the surface stone chips were blown off, a touch of green
appeared in everyone's eyes.
This turquoise green color gives people a strong sense of color. If you look at this color, you
can almost have an 80% chance of determining that it is genuine.
The staff continued to rub this stone, and when all the surrounding stone chips were worn
away, the whole piece of jade, which was nearly ten centimeters in length and width,
appeared in everyone's eyes.
Among the jadeite, the crystal grains are extremely small, and the transparency is very
high. The effect of this kind of jadeite is very good.
The green color is rich, which is the best.
To see whether a piece of jadeite is valuable, the first thing to look at is to plant pits and
colors. Seed pits are crystal particles. In terms of color, jadeite is divided into green, red,
and purple. Yang, Zheng, and.
The piece of jadeite now in front of us can be said to have no faults in terms of planting pits
and colors.
The third point is to see the transparency of the whole piece of jade, which is the head of
water in professional discourse.
The final price of a piece of jadeite has a direct relationship with the head. The better the
transparency, the more valuable the jadeite.
The staff, took out the flashlight and slowly hit this piece of jade.
At this moment, Amy Zhang's tense breathing was fast, and a kind of ecstasy surged into
her heart. She had just heard people around her say that this kind of jadeite could not be
sold for more than 5 million. The matter, that is to say, this time, I real y bet on it, do not
need to marry Ban Xinkai!
Amy Zhang's father, also full of excitement, sat there, shaking his arms.
As for Ban Xinkai, it was a terrible black face. He didn't expect that Amy Zhang real y let the
baby out, and the sound of the people around him, he also heard clearly, at least five million
Everyone will see now, what kind of effect can appear when the light hits the jade, now this
jade is excel ent in color and planting pit, as long as the water head is good, the price
doubled will not be a problem .
The staff held a flashlight, the light turned on, and slowly moved to the jade. When the light
hit the jade, they watched the people and took a breath of air.
As for the current color of the jadeite, if the light is on and can be seen from the other side,
it can be cal ed the best. But now, the whole piece of jadeite is filled with light, just like a
self-luminous body.
What does this mean? Explain that this piece of jade is the best among the best!
"Glass species, it's glass species!"
"My God! There is such a big piece of glass!"
Looking at this piece of jade, the exclamation around me kept ringing.
The type of glass, also known as imperial jade, is the best among the jadeite, and even a
small piece is valuable.
"How much is such a piece of glass?"
"At least ten mil ion?"
"More than ten mil ion!"
There was a wonder in the voice of the crowd.
"This girl's eyes are too poisonous, and the price is hundreds of times photographed with
half a mil ion!"
The appearance of a piece of glass immediately made Amy Zhang the focal point of the
whole hall.
At the same time, the auction of the last piece of emperor stone was over, and the staff of
Duan Yuge opened the stone in front of everyone. Ban Xinkai ’s self-photographed stone
has n’t moved. Original y, he wanted to have some sense of anticipation, but now, he feels
that there is no anticipation in his heart. This tens of millions of things?
"Shit luck!" Ban Xinkai glared fiercely at Henry, and then stared greedily at the piece of
glass, tens of mil ions of things, which is more than his entire net worth, how could he be
unimpressed? .
This piece of emperor jade, Duan Yuge will take the expert appraisal from Jingcheng in the
past, and when it comes to a relatively similar price, Amy Zhang will decide whether to sell
"Brother-in-law, thank you, thank you so much, I don't know how to repay you." Amy
Zhang looked at Henry with gratitude after seeing Emperor Yu away, and you can see that
there were tears in Amy Zhang's eyes Come out, this piece of jadeite can be said to have
completely changed her life. If this baby didn't come out today, Amy Zhang can think of how
dim and dul in his future days.
Henry smiled, "Thank you for what I did. You decided to bet on your own. I just give you a
"If you don't have your suggestion, I won't buy it. Brother, really, thank you. "Amy Zhang
stood up and bowed deeply to Henry."
"Okay." Henry reached out and rubbed Amy Zhang's head. "You girl, call me brother-in-law,
don't be so polite to me, saying that because of your relationship with Daisy, you really
need money, It ’s not enough to say a word? My friend, it ’s not polite. ”
Ban Xinkai stared at Henry with a hazy look and got up and walked aside.
Amy Zhang's father also stood up at this time, and became more polite when talking to
Henry. "Little brother, your vision is venomous. I don't know where it is high?"
"What is high." "Amy Zhang photographed his father's shoulder." Dad, don't you always say
that Lin's Sylvia is powerful, his brother-in-law is Sylvia's husband. "
" What! "Amy Zhang's father was shocked and he looked at Henry I never thought that this
man turned out to be the husband of the business queen of Yinzhou!
"Little brother, you just had the crime of gaining, you don't mind." Amy Zhang's father said
quickly. His attitude towards Henry just made him feel embarrassed.
Henry shook his head without saying a word.
Amy Zhang's father smiled awkwardly and didn't talk much anymore. What he just showed,
as long as he has a temper, he will be dissatisfied with himself.
"Okay, girl, go and get your baby in the background, it should have been identified."
Henry looked at Amy Zhang's excited face and said.
"Okay, brother-in-law, I invite you to eat with Xiaowan at night. Don't refuse it."
"Relax, slaughter you at night!" Henry said loudly.
When Amy Zhang and his father walked backstage, they saw Ban Xinkai was here, and that
piece of glass was being held by Ban Xinkai at this time.
"Ten mil ion? Don't sell, don't sell!" Ban Xinkai was communicating with a person at this
time, "You are stupid, this glass is worth at least 15 million, 10 million want to buy, you
Dreaming? "
Amy Zhang walked over," Ban Xinkai, why are my things in your hands. "
" Your things? "Ban Xinkai looked at Amy Zhang with a puzzled expression," What are your
things? "
Ban Xinkai's expression and tone made Amy Zhang's father and daughter stunned.
"Ban Xinkai, I drove out the things in your hand." Amy Zhang reminded.
"You opened it?" Ban Xinkai looked at the glass in his hand. "Amy Zhang, are you too funny?
This was obviously taken by me."
Amy Zhang smiled, "Ban Xinkai, you Do you think it's interesting? You can't make this
jadeite Lai such a big shop like
Duan Yuge ? " " Lai? "Ban Xinkai smiled a little." I said Amy Zhang, you are too funny, you
ask. " Ask the staff of Duan Yuge, who belongs to this piece of jade? "
Ban Xinkai's voice just fel , and a middle-aged woman wearing a professional suit came
over and said," This piece of emperor jade is fifty-eight. " Photographed by the guest.
middle-aged woman took a handbook.
Amy Zhang nodded, "Yes, I did it."
"You did it?" Ban Xinkai's mouth twitched a sardonic smile. "I didn't hear the manager say,
was it taken on the 58th!"
" I am the fifty-eight! "Amy Zhang took out the number plate in his hand and used it for the
bidding price just at the auction.
The manager shook his head. "According to the guest registration, on the 58th, it was Mr.
Ban Xinkai. This piece of jade should be owned by Mr. Ban Xinkai. Mr. Ban Xinkai will
decide the right to buy and sell this piece of jade."
After the manager finished speaking, he gave Amy Zhang a glance. On the manual, the
positions where Amy Zhang and the three people were sitting were all written with Ban
Xinkai's name!
The things in the manual made Amy Zhangjiao tremble, and she said why Ban Xinkai had
walked so fast just now. It turned out that he had to run the background to change these
Amy Zhang's father quickly said: "Manager, you don't know. Although the name is Ban
Xinkai, the stone just shot was indeed taken by my daughter. Many people can prove it,
including outside monitoring. , You can see it. "
"Sorry, I only see guests registering. As for who took the picture, it has nothing to do with
me." The manager shook his head expressionlessly.
"Amy Zhang, thank you for this gift." Ban Xinkai sneered. He was just half a mil ion, not for
Amy Zhang took a deep breath, loudly: "! You is not entirely unreasonable,"
"unreasonable" manager reveal a discontented look, "Lady, you have any comments, I can
always go to our Qin made"?.
Find Jennytie?
If Amy Zhang could recognize such a character as Jenny, how could a Ban Xinkai be forced
to retreat.
"Okay, Amy Zhang, your performance today makes me very dissatisfied. Think about what
you can do to make me satisfied, otherwise you will take care of your family affairs." Ban
Xinkai said, pretending Emerald, strode sideways.
"Return my things to me!" Amy Zhang chased at Ban Xinkai at a stride pace, and her
anxious tears came out. This was her last hope, and was just snatched away.
"Security, push her out!" The manager frowned and immediately screamed that she had
just received half a million, and the money could not be taken for nothing.
When the two security guards heard the manager's words, they immediately came up to
frame Amy Zhang.
"Release my daughter!" Amy Zhang's father rushed up immediately.
"Take him out too!" The manager said again.
Two security guards walked towards Amy Zhang's father.
Amy Zhang's father waved his hand violently and shouted: "Don't touch me!" The
original calm background suddenly fel into a burst of noise.
Henry walked to the background, and just heard the loud noise. At first glance, he saw Amy
Zhang and his father were being guarded by the security guard. "Let go!" Henry walked
over and blocked the security road, frowning, "What is this for? What did you do to treat
"Who are you?" The manager came from the side and looked at Henry uncomfortably.
"How is our Broken Jade Pavilion? What does it have to do with you?"
Henry glanced at him and hung a work card on his left chest to prove that the other party
had broken Yu Pavilion The position of the manager.
Henry asked, "What about you Qin?"
"What's your business?" The manager's head is high. Now that Hengyuan's trade is getting
bigger and bigger, Duan Yuge can also be said to be the only stone store in Ning province. It
also seemed very arrogant.
"Brother-in-law, she united Ban Xinkai and snatched our jadeite." Amy Zhang shouted
anxiously beside him.
"Grab the Emerald?" Henry was shocked.
In Yun province, many years ago, there was such a gang, relying on being a local, and
outsiders came to open good things, and they would grab it. For this kind of person, once
caught, there is a kind of speechlessness. Tacit understanding, even the police will not
report, directly chop hands.
However, this kind of thing has been many years ago, and now the stone gambling industry
is rectifying, everyone is fol owing the rules. No one dares to do this kind of stone robbing
"What is robbing?" The manager's face was black. "I just acted according to the rules. If you
have any opinions, go to our General
Manager Qin!" The manager said that, he was sure in his heart that these people were
absolutely impossible to contact Jenny get in touch.
"Brother-in-law, she has always asked me to go to General Manager Qin, but how can we
know General Manager Qin, do you ... do you know?" Amy Zhang asked with a touch of
"Can he know our General Manager Qin?" The manager glanced at his mouth with disdain,
and looked at Henry's dress, which can be said to be shabby.
Henry nodded, took out the phone, and just about to call Jenny, he heard a sweet and crisp
voice behind him, "Henry, where are you? I have been looking for you for a long time."
Seeing the person speaking, the manager's face was stunned. Why did Mr. Qin come?
Jenny took a lot of steps and walked slowly towards him. He looked at Amy Zhang and his
father who were caught by the security guard. Liu Mei wrinkled slightly: "What's going on."
"General Qin, they are making trouble in the background, I want to grab the jade that the
customer has opened, I'm just being bullied. "The manager said quickly.
"Grab jade?" Jenny's face dimmed. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, General Qin, these three people!" The manager pointed at Henry and then said to the
security guard: "Quick, push these three out. If they stil have trouble, they will call the
police directly! "
Jenny shook his head and said directly," Don't stop people, Manager Shao, you have been
fired. "
Jenny looked at the situation in front of him and didn't need to ask. Everyone knows that
this manager is turning right and wrong. Can Henry grab the jade from the client?
"General Qin, I don't understand?" The manager looked pale.
"Don't understand? The police will make you understand." Jenny said displeasedly.
Henry said: "This person will take care of it slowly. Let the security guard chase back Ban
Xinkai first. Don't let the jade stone run away. That's the case. It's a small matter for you to
break the jade pavilion and lose money. a. "
Qin Sophie nodded, quickly ordered it.
The manager looked at Henry talking to Jenny, but he never expected that this person
really knew Mr. Qin and saw the shabby look he wore. Why? It doesn't seem like someone
who knows General Qin.
Henry didn't think much about this manager. Today's matter is enough for her to sit
A group of security guards hurried out in a hurry, and after about five minutes, they took
Ban Xinkai back to Duan Yuge.
"You guys, who gives you the right? You treat customers this way? I want to sue you!"
Ban Xinkai kept swearing.
"Wait until you have a chance to tel me." Jenny stared at Ban Xinkai coldly. She had already
heard Amy Zhang say, "You are suspected of fraud, robbery, etc. When you come out of the
police station, you think Tell us
Duanyuge , I'm welcome at any time. " Jenny was relieved to see Ban Xinkai captured, if Ban
Xinkai was really allowed to run away today, the sign of Duanyuge would be smashed. By
the way, for the first time in the auction, the photos taken by the client were taken away, or
the staff inside Duanyu Pavilion were joined together. Who would dare to come to Duanyu
Pavilion to play stone in the future?
"What is fraud, robbery, the tickets are all bought by me, and the seat number is registered
by me, this emerald is clearly me ..." Ban Xinkai shouted unwillingly, but he was interrupted
by Henry before he roared. .
"Ban Xinkai, born in 1989, is the owner of Xuxuan Trading Service Co. Wan, after Amy
Zhang ’s bankruptcy, you threatened with debt and forced Amy Zhang to complete your
engagement. Am I right? ”
Henry stared at Ban Xinkai as he spoke.
Ban Xinkai's face was pale, these were all things he did in private, few people knew, how
did he know these?
"It seems that I said it well." Henry smiled, "Now, you have to add a charge of commercial
fraud to you, and enjoy it."
Henry patted Ban Xinkai on the shoulder.
Henry's voice fell, and there was a whistle in front of the door of Duan Yuge. When Jenny
ordered people to chase Ban Xinkai, he had already called the police.
"Brother, you really saved our family ah." Amy Zhang standing in front of Henry, looking
back to the emerald their own hands, "I really do not know how to repay you."
"Wel , say this Do n’t call my brother-in-law anymore, do n’t you say invite me to dinner at
night? ”Henry smiled,“ I'll wait for you to cal you at night. ”
“ Wel , sure. ”Amy Zhang nodded hard.
Henry asked Jenny to help Amy Zhang dispose of the piece of jade, but he hurriedly left the
broken jade pavilion. He now wanted to quickly figure out what the crystal that had just
been opened was.
Fire Crystal has always been the energy body that Guangming Island wanted to figure out.
Now, something similar to Fire Crystal has appeared, and Henry has to pay attention.
Henrygang walked out of the broken jade pavilion, and the two young men, a woman and a
woman, followed.
Henry glanced around the pedestrian street, and finally walked into a shopping mall, and
turned inside.
"Quick, keep up."
A man and a woman and two young men quickly followed into the mall.
Henry spent more than half an hour in the mal and finally walked into the underground
parking lot.
"He wants to drive, don't let him run." The beautiful long-haired woman said quickly, and
the two rushed into the underground parking lot. The
parking lot is very large, there are not many people at this time and it seems very empty.
When the two rushed to the parking lot, they did not see Henry's figure for the first time.
In the huge underground garage, the two men carefully observed and looked for Henry.
The pretty woman hid behind a wall and slowly looked forward.
"Beauty, find me?" Henry's voice suddenly sounded behind the beautiful woman.
This abrupt voice scared the beautiful woman. She subconsciously shrank her neck and
turned her head, and saw Henryzheng standing behind her with a smile on her face.
"Sister, be careful!" The young man who was not far from the beautiful woman also heard
Henry's voice. When she saw Henryzheng standing behind her companion, she rushed over
for the first time.
With a smile on his face, Henry looked at the two of them. "The two of you, as soon as you
came out of Duan Yu Pavilion, fol owed me. Was it for this?"
Henry took out a smal white crystal while speaking.
At the moment when Henry took out the small white crystals, the eyes of a man and a
woman locked on Henry's hand.
"It seems my guess is good." Henry turned his wrists away and put away the things.
"You already know that the stone is hidden in this thing?"
"Nonsense, among the few emperor stones, except the spirit "" The beautiful woman said
halfway, and Wu responded. She quickly reached out her jade hand and covered her smal
mouth. She stared at Henry with a touch of anger in her big eyes. "You set my words!"
Henry was silent because of the beautiful woman's words. After a few seconds, Henry said,
"What the hel is this?"
"Brother, you know what this is, and it is not good for you." The youth said, "This thing, you
have no use holding it, if you want You can give me two days, I will use three million to
receive it, you are not losing money, how ??
Henry shook his head, "No, I don't need those three million, I just want to know, what is
this? . "
"Did not listen to my brother, this thing, you know that it is not good for you, and even if
you tell you, you can't use it. We ran for this thing, and why did you have to fight against
us?" "The beautiful women's anxious faces are all red. It can be seen that this thing is really
very important to them.
Henry smiled, "not to mention against, after al , this is a fair and just shoot me down, you
can continue to add money, added not afford me so far."
Pretty effeminate stamped her foot and could not speak.
The young
man took two steps forward, "Brother, you believe in me. If you leave this thing in your
hands, it will only cause you trouble. It might as well be handed over to me." "Oh? What
trouble?" I still really look forward to the trouble to come to the door, so that I have a way
to figure out what this is. Henry has an intuition in his heart. This crystal is probably
related to Qi.
"Brother, you really don't want to give us this thing?" The young man frowned and asked
Henry still shook his head.
"Brother, don't need to talk to this kind of person, just grab it!" The beautiful woman waved
her hand. At the moment she waved, a sharp arrow flew out of her cuff, and suddenly went
towards Henry.
"Sister sister!" The young man yelled, but it was too late, and the Xiu Jian had already been
sent out and could not be recovered.
At a critical moment, Henry suddenly turned around, avoiding that sleeve arrow.
See Henry so easily escaped Xiujian, the young man was relieved, but also a little shocked,
this person actual y has such a good skill!
Henry turned around, looked at the beautiful woman, and glanced at her mouth. "It looks
pretty, just like this, and it's a bit poisonous."
Henry's words fell, and he grabbed the beautiful woman.
The pretty woman's eyes glared, "Brother, he's weird, don't keep your hands!"
Henry's hand stretched out in front of the woman's jade neck and grabbed the woman's
neck after the woman's empty talk.
The woman stepped back quickly, even avoiding Henry's claws.
The step of the woman's retreat surprised Henry's heart. Although his own claws did not
use ten percent of their strength, there were sixty percent. In this world, even the elders of
the older generation can escape their own grasp. There are very few, let alone this young
Looking at each other's footsteps, Henry actually gave himself a sense of mystery and
mystery, which he had never seen before. It was a bit like the strange speed of the martial
arts novels.
The woman stepped back three to the left, escaped Henry's catch, and let her catch a few
"Brother, offended!" The young man shouted and punched Henry.
Henry flashed the fist of the youth and fought with each other.
Henry did not show all of his strength. He focused on testing the skills of these two people.
Henry found that the other party used a trick he had never seen before, which made Henry
feel incredible. He I am confident that I am familiar with 80% of all Chinese martial arts
routines, and the remaining 20% are more or less familiar, but this kind of unseen has
never been seen before.
While Henry was surprised, he did not know that the young men and women were also
surprised. Shortly after the two were born, their strength was at home. He is the same age
as himself, but he can be one enemy and two without fal ing.
"Sister, let's go first!" The young man saw that he couldn't take Henry. When he was
fighting in the underground garage, the movement was great and he was anxious.
The pretty woman showed a bit of unwillingness in her beautiful eyes, but she also knew
that it would be very unfavorable for the two of them to fight like this. After sending a
sleeve arrow to Henry again, her figure quickly retreated.
Henry watched the two retreat and did not chase, but stood on the spot, recalling the
boxing techniques used by the two and the pace on their feet. It was something they had
never seen before.
It seems that some unknown things are getting closer and closer to myself.
Henry shook his head, left the garage, contacted Wade White for the first time, and asked
Wade White to come over and pick up something.
Outside the mall, a man and a woman quickly left here.
"Brother, who do you say he is? Which one is it?"
"I don't know." The young man shook his head. "As far as I know, there is no one with such
a skil . This matter must be Report to the elders. "
Five in the afternoon.
Henry handed over things to Wade White and greeted Sylvia, then he went to Daisy.
Already promised Amy Zhang to have dinner together at night, Henry would not be able to
say anything.
The people Amy Zhang cal ed were still the same. Henry was familiar with it, Daisy Lam
Sun, and Wade Zhang.
At the sight of Amy Zhang, several people all smiled.
"Wel , you are a girl, playing the name of the accident at home, go to play everywhere."
"That is, the happy circle of friends, you can envy us." Amy Zhang listened to the laughter of
Daisy and Lam Sun without explaining so much, "Play and play well, please have a meal and
you will go back to school tomorrow The days of playing outside. "
Henry looked at Amy Zhang and nodded. This girl has a good heart, good humor, and does
not like to add a burden to friends.
Henry did not treat Amy Zhang politely. Henry also knew that the more expensive the meal,
the more comfortable Amy Zhang was, otherwise the girl would always feel that she owed
herself something.
By the end of supper, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.
Henry walked home slowly.
Before reaching the villa courtyard, far away, Henry sounded the alarm when he heard it,
and roughly distinguished it. The alarm sound came from his door.
Henry Li ran towards the place where he lived. Sure enough, several police cars were
parked in front of the courtyard of the villa, and the police lights were on.
Several uniformed policemen are standing in front of the courtyard asking what they are
doing. Sylvia and Su Mi are constantly talking with the police.
Henry narrowed his eyes, and these police cars were not the license plates of Yinzhou, but
Luohe police came to Yinzhou?
Henry smelled an unusual breath for the first time.
"Ms. Lin, you have to tell me the truth. Where is your husband Henry?" A policeman holding
a recorder asked Sylvia.
"I have said it many times. He had dinner with my sister tonight and should be back soon.
What happened?" Sylvia frowned Liu Mei.
"Ms. Lin, we now official y inform you that your husband is suspected of a murder.
Before your husband returns, you must not contact him by any means. We will monitor you
closely for 24 hours "A male policeman in his thirties said while looking at Sylvia and Su Mi
"Monitor me?" Sylvia immediately heard this, and shouted, "Who gives you the right, and,
what evidence do you have, that my husband is involved in a murder case!"
The policeman threw out a document, " Ms. Lin, please take a good look. This is the arrest
order issued from the top. "
Sylvia glanced at this. The arrest order, which started with a red letter, was issued by the
Luohe Police Station. , Arrested the suspect Henry.
"How is it possible!" Sylvia was shocked, "This is impossible!"
"Ms. Lin, whether you believe it or not, your husband, has been suspected of a murder, now
please let me know, we will carry out 24 on you Hours of close surveillance, even when we
go to the toilet, we al have to stare! "Said the male policeman, and he was about to squeeze
into the courtyard.
"Come on!" Su Mi shouted. "What identity do you have, who allows you to monitor us?"
" Did the arrest warrant not understand?" The middle-aged policeman sneered.
"You are an arrest warrant. You have no right to monitor us. This place is our private
territory. Please go out!" Su Mi shouted.
"Private territory? I think you want to cover fugitives!" The middle-aged policeman
shouted, and then waved his hand, "Go in search! Check al places, remember, I mean al
The middle-aged policeman deliberately glanced at Su Mi when he spoke a few words in al
Su Miqi's face turned red, and there were many places where women could not be shown
Then a middle-aged police, shouted again: "! At the same time, I suspect her two who carry
some communications equipment, will privately contact with the suspect, the man grabbed
you, I want to frisk"
middle-aged police speak, the eyes There was a touch of wickedness, no good intentions,
eyes kept looking at Sylvia, such a superb beauty, and the president of Lin, he touched a
few, and then boasted in the winery, he was also very face-saving Thing.
Sylvia's face changed.
Su Mi was standing in front of Sylvia, staring at the police in front of him, "I think who
"What's the matter?" Henry's voice sounded from behind the police.
He had just run quickly and did not listen careful y to the conversation between these
policemen and Sylvia, nor did he know that these people were coming for himself.
As soon as they saw Henry, the group of policemen were overjoyed, and immediately the
first two men grabbed him.
There was a trace of loss in the eyes of the middle-aged police. It seems that this time, he
could not take advantage of his hand. He looked at Henry, took out his arrest warrant, and
shouted: "Henry, you are suspected of a murder, Now let's go with us! "
" Take a trip with you? Murder? "Henry frowned," Which unit are you from? "
" Luohe Police Station! "The middle-aged policeman took out his work permit in front of
Henry's eyes Light up.
Henry chuckled, "Luohe Police Station? Even if I real y have something, it's your turn to
take care of it? Is there no one at Yinzhou Police Station?"
"This is our internal dispatch, it has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with me.
Take a trip! Grab him. "The middle-aged policeman ordered.
The two of them rushed to Henry's body, their hands were already caught on Henry.
Henry snorted and shook his shoulders, "I'm going to cal the Yinzhou police station, how do
you dispatch, and, which murder case is related to me!"
"You don't have any right to cal now "Take him!" The middle-aged policeman shouted,
"Henry, if you resist now, you are arrested!" The two policemen grabbed Henry's shoulder
again, Henry squeezed his fist tightly, and then released his fist He is fully capable of
overthrowing these policemen and retreating from the whole body, but he ca n’t do this.
Now, he is no longer the lone traveler in the past. He has a home. He has to take into
account Sylvia ’s feelings. There is nothing wrong, but it will have a great impact on Sylvia.
At the very least, Lin will be hit by a big wave.
Henry does not have to think about what is suspected of murder, because someone
deliberately wants to engage in himself.
Henry leaving two police officers beat their hands to live, he gave Sylvia made a reassuring
look, "my wife, nothing, I assure you, tomorrow morning I will be intact in front of you."
In The policeman snorted coldly, "It's intact and a big tone, you have to treat the law like
nothing! I tell you, this time, you can put your prison through and take it away!"
"Slow! Sylvia reached out and stopped several policemen.
The middle-aged policeman raised his eyebrows, "Why, Ms. Lin, do you still want to stop us
from catching people? Obstructing the law enforcement office, I have the right to detain
you!" Sylvia glanced at the middle-aged policeman with a glare, "I don't stop you,
I just want to say that my husband and I have always abide by the law and if we really make
mistakes and accept the law Sanctions, but some people will deliberately swindle us and
blame us, and I, Lin, are not bullying! "The
middle-aged policeman sneered when he heard this. What about you, Lin, how powerful
you are, can deal with Cheng Compared to home? This time, not only the people of the
Cheng family, but also Master Ke Bin Ke, including the Master of the Zheng family, God is
here, and he cannot save you.
Of course, the middle-aged policeman just thought about it in his heart, and he wouldn't say
"Ms. Lin, you can rest assured that no one will deliberately swindle and blame you." The
middle-aged policeman finished, waving his hand, "Let's go!"
Many policemen got into the police car and took a whistle to leave.
Sylvia looked at the direction of the police car leaving, took out his mobile phone for the
first time, and called out.
"Peter Cheng, where are you? My husband is in trouble!"
At this moment, Peter Cheng was sitting in the Cheng Family manor and arranged for some
follow-up development of the Cheng family. When he heard about Sylvia's husband, Peter
Cheng immediately said: "Sylvia, don't worry, what's wrong? "
" A team of police came from Luohe and said Henry was involved in a murder case. He just
took the person away. "Sylvia's voice rang on the phone.
Peter Cheng, who was originally sitting on the seat, almost fell to the ground when he heard
Luohe's body. He almost fell to the ground. Last time, Henry came to Cheng Familyzhuang. .
Now, Luohe police actually started to Henry?
Sitting in the position of Cheng's future heir, Peter Cheng never imagined that Henry was
really committing a crime. When Sylvia called to explain, he had already thought that
someone was engaged in Henry, but he did not expect that People turned out to be Luohe.
Luohe accident, it must be counted on the Cheng family.
Peter Cheng hurriedly cal ed the phone: "Sylvia, don't worry, I'l go to the police station now
to take a look."
"Wel , I'm going to Luohe now." Sylvia finished, immediately hung up the phone, casually
wear With a coat, he drove Su Mi towards Luohe.
There is a police branch on Yinzhou ’s national road leading to Luohe. This branch is
located in a remote area, with no village in front and no shop behind.
Several sirens police cars stopped at the door of this branch.
"Go down!" The door opened, and a police officer shoved Henry out.
Henry was taken to the branch by several policemen and detained in the interrogation
The environment of the interrogation room was very rudimentary, and some blood stains
could be seen on the cold seats. The lights in the room used the old light bulbs, which
turned on and gave off a dim yellow light.
Henry leaned his hands on the interrogation chair.
About ten minutes later, the door of the interrogation room opened, and a young policeman
who watched came in.
Henry noticed that the police rank of the other party was not a formal police officer, but an
assistant police officer.
The young policeman held a pen and a logbook, sitting opposite Henry, lit a cigarette, and
asked impatiently: "Name, age."
"Henry, 25 years old." Henry answered truthfully.
"Wel , you are suspected of murdering together, and wait for the fingerprint to be pressed."
The policeman recorded it casually, took out an ink pad, and printed it on Henry's finger
cuffed behind the chair.
The outside of the interrogati , a middle-aged man in his fifties who looks dressed in casual
clothes pushes open the door of the interrogation room and walks in.
The middle-aged man glanced at Henry, who was shackled to his seat, and asked the
policeman, "How is it." The
policeman looked at the middle-aged man and quickly got up before
speaking : "So ..." Before he finished, he was glared back by a middle-aged man's eyes.
The assistant policeman quickly lowered his head, "Mr. Wang, he wouldn't recruit."
"No?" The middle-aged man smiled. "Then take out the evidence and let the person come to
the trial. The evidence is solid, and he must not refuse."
"Yes." The policeman nodded quickly and ran out.
In the dim light, the middle-aged man looked at Henry, "Your murder is convicted, so move
it, and you will be less guilty of early move."
Henry sat there without saying a word.
"I've seen more stubborn temper. I'll see if you can be stubborn!" The middle-aged man
saw Henry not speaking, sneered, shook his sleeve, and walked out of the interrogation
Just outside the branch on this national highway, a black Mercedes-Benz was parked, and
three people sat on the Mercedes-Benz.
After leaving the interrogation room in middle age, plainclothes walked out the door of the
branch and came to the Mercedes car respectful y, "Ke Shao, Miss Cheng, Zheng Shao."
It was Ke Bin, Sam, and Cheng Jiaxin sitting in the car Three people.
That day Ke Bin told Sam that the Cheng family who wanted to start with Henry was Cheng
Jiaxin, who came back shortly after studying abroad.
"What about people?" Ke Bin, sitting on the main driver, asked.
"Inside." The middle-aged man replied respectfully.
"Okay!" Ke Bin nodded with satisfaction. "I should give you what I should explain. I have
greeted you at the detention center. I will let him confess the crime tonight. The way I don't
care about you, before dawn, send it to the detention center to lock it up, understand? "
" Understand, understand! "The middle-aged man nodded again and again.
"Yes, things are handled beautifully, and the benefits are indispensable to you." Ke Bin took
out a brown paper bag and gave it to the middle-aged man.
The middle-aged man had a happy look in his eyes, and quickly took over the kraft paper
bag. He didn't need to look at all, just touched it, and knew that there were at least 100,000
pieces inside.
"This is just a down payment. After that, I will give you ten times, don't let me down." Ke
Bin said lightly.
"Sure, sure!" The middle-aged man nodded again and again, "Just Ke Shao, there is one
more thing, that person ..." When the
middle-aged man said this, he stopped talking.
Ke Bin turned his head and looked at Sam sitting in the back row.
Sam stared at the
middle-aged man and scolded: "Do you understand the rules?" "Understood, I'm sorry,
Zheng Shao, it's my care." The middle-aged man quickly took out his phone from his pocket
and turned it off.
After Sam saw that the middle-aged man's mobile phone was completely turned off, he
said, "The corpse is in the woods next to it. You can just ask someone to find it. For the
video, I have arranged for someone to contact you. In minutes, he will come. "
" Okay. "The middle-aged man responded.
"The matter over there is up to you. Tomorrow morning, I will hear good news." Ke Bin said
and rol ed up the window.
At the same time, Luohe.
Peter Cheng accompanied Sylvia to the Luohe Police Station.
"Cheng Shao, is there any urgent matter when you come so late?" Director Zhao of the
Luohe Police Station received the phone call from Peter Cheng and hurriedly hurriedly,
"I ask you, did you send someone to Yinzhou to get someone today?" Peter Cheng asked
Director Zhao and asked. Director Zhao's face is puzzled, "No."
"No?" Peter Cheng's eyebrows were crossed, "
Be honest!" Director Zhao looked at Peter Cheng like this, his face was bitter, "Cheng Shao ,
I dare not talk to you nonsense, I really have no one to go to Yinzhou to get people, real y go
to Yinzhou, then it is not allowed to report level by level. "
Sylvia took out his mobile phone and brought up a photo, this photo It was when the
policemen went to the door to catch people, she took a secret photo with her mobile phone.
"Director Zhao, look, are these people from your bureau?"
Director Zhao looked at Sylvia's mobile phone and nodded, "It is indeed our bureau, ma'am,
where did you take this picture from? ? "
" Forty minutes ago, at my door, Yinzhou! "Sylvia said coldly," Your people, said that my
husband is related to a murder case, and took the person away. "
" What! "Director Zhao's face was one. Shocked, he quickly explained, "Cheng Shao, I really
don't know about this!"
Director Zhao can sit in this position, so it is natural to see it clearly because of the human
nature. The husband of the woman in front of him was arrested. Cheng The future heir of
the family personally found it, and this matter certainly cannot be easily solved.
Peter Cheng snorted
coldly, " I don't even know if I'm going to catch people in Yinzhou, I think you are the
director, and I'm sitting down!" Director Zhao's face appeared a little panic, "Cheng Shao,
don't worry, I'll go immediately Check! "
" Give you ten minutes, if you can't find out, consider the consequences yourself! "Peter
Cheng said in a strong threat.
Director Zhao nodded again and again, immediately took out his mobile phone and cal ed.
Director Zhao took Sylvia out of the person in the photo. Director Zhao made a phone cal
one by one, but no one answered.
National Highway Branch.
The policemen who had just captured Henry were sitting on a table, eating barbecue and
drinking beer.
"Yu team, Zhao Bureau called." A younger policeman said to the middle-aged policeman in
his thirties.
"Don't answer." The middle-aged policeman, who was called the Yu team, thought about it
and shook his head. "From now on, don't answer any of your phone calls. The phone will
either be turned off or mute. If you ask tomorrow, find it yourself. Excuse! "
Yu team finished talking, picked up beer and poured a gulp into his mouth, as long as the
things tonight were done beautifully, he did n’t even care about what Zhao Bureau, Ke Shao
promised, and adjusted to himself Go to the branch and be the director directly. The
emperor who is far away from the sky is not much happier than working under someone
Luohe Police Station.
Ten minutes later, Zhao Bureau still didn't get a call.
Peter Cheng frowned and walked over, "How is it? Have you asked clearly?"
"This ..." Zhao Ju opened his mouth and was speechless.
"Is there any news about my husband!" Sylvia asked anxiously.
"This lady, don't worry, I ..." Zhao Ju was about to speak, but was interrupted by Sylvia.
"Not in a hurry? Can I be in a hurry? My husband was taken away by you in such a plain and
innocent way, and the arrester also took the arrest order from your Luohe police station!
Grab, don't you worry me? "Sylvia's pretty face is cold, apparently angry.
While Sylvia was very anxious, her cel phone suddenly rang.
Sylvia took out his mobile phone, the call is a strange number.
"Hello." Sylvia answered the phone. She had an intuition. This phone call may be related to
this time.
"Sylvia, is Henry at home!" On the phone, there was a female voice with a kind of
embarrassment in the voice, "I called him, he
turned off the phone." Sylvia listened to the voice on the phone and immediately identified
the other party who is it.
"It's me! What about Henry?" Jenny asked anxiously.
"He ..." Sylvia stopped talking.
"Did he have an accident!" Jenny listened to Sylvia's tone and made a guess at once.
Sylvia pondered, and asked, "Jenny, do you know what?"
"Remember that last time? Sam came out!" Jenny said directly on the phone, "I took me to
the room that day. The person in the police station went back to the police station to turn
over the confession and told the police that he was actually coerced by Henry. The main
messenger behind the scene was Henry. Just now the police informed me to go to the police
station to make a new record.
"It turned out to be Sam!" Sylvia's eyes narrowed.
"It's not just that simple. Just relying on Sam alone, let alone Henry, it's difficult to come out
this time, there is definitely someone behind him!" Jenny asked anxiously, "Now Henry?
How is he doing?"
"No ... I don't know ..." Sylvia's tone was weak, a little afraid to answer Jenny's question.
"I don't know? What does it mean?" Jenny's questioning tone sounded, "Sylvia, you tel me
Sylvia listened to Jenny's words and felt Jenny's tone when he spoke, even if he didn't see
Jenny, She could think of the other person ’s angry look. She took a deep breath and said,
“Henry was taken by Luohe ’s police. I ’m in Luohe now. Luohe ’s Zhao Bureau did n’t even
know about it.”
"Surely I don't know! Can this kind of thing see the light? Now someone has turned over the
confession, and the person who turned over the confession disappeared inexplicably. The
other party must want to cut through the mess quickly. Bureau! I will now go to the
Yinzhou police and let them investigate and monitor. You can also ask the Luohe police to
think about where people can take! "Jenny finished and hung up the phone quickly.
Sylvia listened to the busy tone on the phone and hadn't recovered for a long time. At this
moment, she suddenly felt that her wife did something that seemed too incompetent. Her
husband had an accident, and she was just like a headless fly. Jenny must be educated.
"Sylvia, what's wrong?" Peter Cheng asked quickly.
Sylvia shook his head, sorted out his thoughts, and said: "It's the Zheng family, Peter Cheng,
you help me check, who made Sam out of the second detention center
." Qing Lima nodded, some dignity in his eyes.
National Highway Branch.
Henry is still handcuffed to the seat. Now, as long as he is willing to go, the iron handcuffs
and iron door can't stop him at al , but he stil wants to solve this problem through normal
channels, can it affect Sylvia, Try not to affect Sylvia.
With a "creak", the iron door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and Henry saw
that the associate police had just come in.
"I ask you, where did you go between six and ten tonight?" The policeman asked.
"Have dinner with friends at Xinkai Hotel in Yinzhou." Henry answered truthfully.
"Eating? Which box?" The policeman took the notebook and pen to record.
"Three things and eight." The
policeman suddenly shot the table. "Nonsense! Henry, I advise you to tell you the truth.
This is the hotel monitoring we just called. You didn't even appear in the Xinkai Hotel!"
policeman took out his mobile phone. The above is a surveil ance video.
Henry rolled his eyelids and didn't even look at the other party's mobile phone. They only
said that they were at the Xinkai Hotel.
Henry is just thinking now, who is engaging in himself? Luohe police, Harry?
"Henry, you were afraid that the last time Yu Hengyuan's chairman Jenny was exposed, and
then you will kill everyone!" The policeman sneered.
"Jenny?" Henry frowned.
"Do you know this person?" The policeman took out a picture and threw it in front of
The person in the photo is the one who was in the private club last time and was ordered
by Sam to take Jenny out of captivity.
Henry shook his head, "I've seen it, I don't know."
"I don't know?" The policeman asked again, "Last time, you entrusted him to take away
Hengyuan Chairman Jenny, attempted rape, and bought him to do fake for you Confession,
do you say you don't know? "
Hearing this, Henry suddenly understood that this time, who caused the ghost, it seems that
Sam wanted to turn over.
Henry shook his head without speaking.
The police continued: "This afternoon, this person went to the police station to make a
confession. In the other party's confession, you were the leader of the last incident. At six
o'clock tonight, you lied about eating with your friends. At some point in time, the witness
disappeared inexplicably, and we found the body of the witness in the woods not far from
here! "The
policeman said, and took out another photo, it was the scene where the other person was
lying in the woods, and his throat was completely destroyed Cut rotten.
The policeman threw the photo on the table, "Henry, what else do you want to say?"
"How do you prove that I killed the man ?" Henry asked strangely, would it be Luohe police,
so he wanted to convict Anymore?
"You're still talking!" The policeman opened a video from the phone again. "Look at it, the
people got stolen and got it, what else do you have to say!"
Henry looked, it was on the policeman's mobile phone, it was a paragraph Surveillance
video. In the video, a person with the same body and the same hairstyle and even the same
dress is carrying a sack, sneaking into the woods, and then pouring a body out of the sack,
Then quickly disappeared into the night.
Henry smiled at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that Sam had prepared quite well, but
the method was stil too tender. If he did it for himself, the replacement would show his
"Henry, on behalf of the Luohe Police, I accuse you of participating in a murder case. To
conceal the facts and murder the witnesses, I will now imprison you in accordance with the
law!" As the assistant policeman said, he took out the ink and took the initiative to cover
Henry's fingers.
As long as the ink was covered in Henry's hands, Henry recognized this crime.
Henry looked at the coordinator who was getting closer and closer. Since the other party
wanted to engage in this, he could only deal with it by extreme means.
When Henry was about to break away his handcuffs, he heard a "bang" sound, and the door
of the interrogation room was kicked.
The scene in the interrogation room kicked the police officer back. He suddenly turned
around and saw a group of policemen charged with guns rushing in. Everyone is wearing
anti-terrorist uniforms and is ful y equipped.
At this moment, countless black-painted muzzles were aimed at the police, and the kil ing
spirit spread. The policemen's legs softened and fell directly onto the stool.
"How about, are people inside?" Jenny's anxious voice came from outside the interrogation
"Mr. Zhang, are you okay." A police officer leading the team immediately came up and
unzipped Henry.
Henry glanced at the police. They all came to Yinzhou police.
"It's okay." Henry shook his head.
"It's okay, Mr. Zhang, you don't know, this time, General Qin can be anxious." The police
officer looked at the direction of the interrogation room door when he spoke.
A beautiful figure appeared in front of the interrogation room. When he saw Henry sitting
on the interrogation chair, this figure brought a scent of fragrance, like a swift swallow, into
the chest of Henry.
"Great, finally found you, you ... are you okay, did they do anything to you?" Jenny looked at
Henry with a pair of beautiful eyes, his face ful of worry.
Henry open arms, watching the flutter in his arms the woman, a time I do not know what to
say, we can only patted Qin soft back, "Do not worry, I'm fine."
That Police Association Staring at the coming Yinzhou police, his lips were trembling.
"You ... you ... what are you!"
The policeman who took the lead in Yinzhou suddenly snorted when he heard the words of
the policeman: "Ask us Who is it? I stil want to ask, who are you! "
" I belong to the Luohe police. It is illegal for you to rush in and release the suspect without
permission! " , Said loudly.
"Illegal?" The Yinzhou police officer smiled. "You catch people across the region, which is
not reasonable in itself, there is no notification, the violation is the first! Your leadership!"
policeman's voice just fell, and there was another voice outside the interrogation room. .
"Who, who! Such a big posture, with a gun to break into the police station?"
As the voice sounded, the middle-aged man in plain clothes just came in.
The middle-aged in plain clothes glanced at the policemen from Yinzhou, and finally looked
at the police officer, frowning: "Xiao Liu, what's going on? What are these people doing?"
"Wu So." By the middle age of plainclothes, my heart had fallen a lot, and I pointed to Henry
and said: "This is the person sent by the city bureau to the team today. It is related to a
murder case. The evidence is conclusive. These people rushed after I tried it for a while.
Came in and said that it was from the Yinzhou Police Station. "
" Oh? "Wu showed a little doubt. He pretended not to have seen Henry and looked at the
police from Yinzhou." You, my national road branch, should silver state does not return you
take care of it, you direct Jiangchuang of silver state police Road branch, the release of
suspects secretly, I am afraid that some inappropriate, this should be reported to go up, not
a good thing for you ah. "
silver state led police The officer glanced at his mouth disdainfully, "Then you will report it
up. Today, this man, I mean take everything away. Even if he is guilty, we should be tried by
the Silver State Police. Do n’t bother you. ! "
before starting the silver state police, state trooper silver The Secretary for under a death
order, no matter what the cost, we must take Henry intact to take home! "People died in
our Luohe, this case, natural y we are responsible for Luohe!" Wu said.
The police officer in Yinzhou glanced at him, "Who's going to catch people in Yinzhou?"
"I caught it! What's wrong?" Yu team and others who came to catch people today came in,
"meaning now our police catch a person Can't the prisoners be arrested? "
" What about your procedures? "Yinzhou led the police officers to look at the team." It's
against the rules to catch people across regions. "
" Oh. "Yu team sneered," we caught, is extremely dangerous murderer, do the authors
report also slowly re-arrested? " "
you're talking nonsense! "Qin Sophie shouted," Henry how likely is a murderer! "
in the eyes of the team looked dirty Jenny's perfect figure at a glance, he sighed that this kid
is really blessed, there is such a superb wife, now this, at first glance is his lover, waiting for
him to go in, he has to think of a way, good in these two girls Play around.
Yu team reluctantly looked away from Jenny, and pouted at the police officer, "What are
you waiting for, to show the evidence to our provincial police officers!" The police officer
heard it immediately The photos I just showed to Henry, and the video recorded in Xiao
The first time the policeman took out the photo of the deceased, these Yinzhou police
officers immediately recognized the deceased. This person, this afternoon, ran to the
Yinzhou police station specifical y, saying that he would change his confession. The
chairman of Hengyuan Jenny has attempted to rape, and he has something new to say.
At that time, the Yinzhou police asked him what he had. He only said that Sam was
wronged. The real black hand was the one cal ed Henry. He would not say more about the
follow-up. I hope that the Yinzhou police can provide him with protection. Willing to
continue, it turned out that after a few hours, he died in the woods beside the national
Everyone looked at the surveillance video again. From the background and clothing, the
corpse-rejecting person looked exactly like Henry.
After Captain Yu waited for the Yinzhou police to read the video and photos, he added,
"Come, tel the police officers in the provincial capital what the situation was just being
interrogated." The police officer
saw two leaders sitting here , A heart put down a lot, and said: "According to the confession
just recorded, the suspect Henrykou said that he had dinner with friends at the Xinkai Hotel
between 6 and 9 pm, but we cal ed Xin Kai The hotel ’s surveillance video found that the
suspect Henry did not appear in the Xinkai Hotel at that time, while the surveillance video
next to him said that the time of the corpse was 7.40, and the time of the false report with
the suspect Henry. Completely agree. "
After the assistant policeman finished speaking, Yu team looked at the policeman from
Yinzhou and said loudly:" All the police officers, have you heard? The evidence is before
you, we are only working according to law. "
Yinzhou police You look at me, I look at you, there is a trace of embarrassment on your face,
as far as what the Luohe police take out, no matter from which direction, it is very
unfavorable to Henry. If you take people away now, this thing It may be made very large!
"Why? You guys, impatiently killed our branch and have nothing to say?" Yu team looked at
the police from Yinzhou. "I will definitely report this matter to the top to investigate!"
Yu team said Finished, look at Jenny, licked his lips, "This woman, take the lead in trouble,
grab it!"
As soon as the policeman listened to the team, without hesitation, he immediately grabbed
When Jenny came in, his eyes kept glancing at Jenny. Such superb beauties are real y rare to
see. In the process of catching people, a little physical contact is inevitable.
"Catch people? I think who dares to catch them!" Yinzhou lead the police officer to Jenny in
front of him.
"Why, is Yinzhou police more powerful than our Luohe police? Everyone has gone to our
police station to make trouble, and hasn't let us catch it yet?" Yu team sneered.
Henry, who had been sitting there for so little time, patted the dust on his body and stood
up, "Yu team, right?"
"Why, you are a criminal, what else do you want to say?" Yu team looked at Henry, today's
The evidence, al forged, will be sent tonight!
Henry shook his head. "I am a criminal. I will be able to make a conclusion later, but I have
two suggestions for you."
"Oh? What suggestions?" Yu team, like a winner, put on a deaf ear.
Henry put out a finger, "First, never believe the words of some young masters, they
promise you, 90% of them can't do it."
After Henry said this, Yu team looked very serious. Obviously changed.
"Second!" Henry stretched out a finger again. "When doing perjury in the future, pay more
attention to some details."
Henry said this, and al the people in the room were startled.
Yu team frowned, "What do you mean!"
"I mean obviously, in the video you forged, although the figure, shape, and clothing of the
corpse-bearer were exactly the same as mine, when you were in the police school before,
the teacher did not teach you, pay more attention to the details. The person you are looking
for has a black tattoo on the neckline of the back neck. "Henry said that he pointed his
stamina with his finger." Wil you wait and say, I'm trying to escape the suspicion. After the
body dumping at 7:40, I was looking for someone to wash off my stamina? "
Everyone in the room subconsciously looked at the policeman's cell phone.
The policemen quickly put away their phones.
"Please show me the video! We need to confirm again!" Yinzhou spearhead police officer
"You just look at it?" Yu team walked in front of the police officer and blocked the police
officer behind. "How can I know if you deliberately destroyed the evidence!" Yinzhou's
leading police officer saw the team's crazy appearance and shouted. : "You do not comply
with the rules at al . I need to report this to your superior leaders now!"
"Report it." Yu team embraced his hands, "I want to see, what our superior leaders can say
about me. "
Yu team's voice just fell. In front of the interrogation room, several figures walked in again.
These people were wearing police uniforms. They were the police officers who followed
the team to catch people."
When the team saw them coming in, they frowned, "Who let you in, go out and look at it."
"Yu team, this ..." The man walking in the front was embarrassed and looked outside the
door of the interrogation room.
"The phone was deliberately not answered, and people were arrested privately. In the end,
have you taken me as the director?" An angry voice came from outside the door.
Zhao Ju strode in.
"Zhao Bureau, why are you here?" Yu team looked at Director Zhao who appeared
Zhao Ju's face was angry, "I will not come again, I will poke you through this day!" "Her
husband, how are you!" Behind Zhao Ju, Sylvia's anxious trot appeared. When Sylvia saw
Jenny standing beside Henry, the light in his eyes dimmed slightly. .
At the same time, Jenny also appeared to Sylvia.
Sylvia's eye contact with Jenny was a subconscious dodge.
"I'm fine." Henry shook his head, "I worried you."
Su Mi followed Sylvia and looked at the scene in front of her. There was a trace of disdain in
his eyes. The man of the Su family's future head of family would be forced by several police
officers. It's ridiculous to be so embarrassed.
Director Zhao looked at the team and asked, "Who told you to go to Yinzhou to catch
people? Did you get my permission? Why didn't you report it to me? Is there stil a director
in your eyes?"
Zhao Ju The question, like the renju shel s, asked the team dumbly.
When the team faced the Yinzhou police, they were arrogant and arrogant. That was
because everyone was not in a system, and no one could control anyone, but now, facing
the immediate boss, Yu was arrogant.
"Hurry up and let go, you must write a report to me about this matter!" Zhao Ju waved his
"Zhao Bureau, people can not let go." Yu team quickly shook his head.
Director Wu from the side also said, "Yeah, Zhao Ju, people can't let go."
"Why can't they let go?" Zhao Ju frowned tightly. "Why, my director is not working?"
"No!" The team waved their hands and turned to Wusuo for help.
Wu Suo quickly said: "Zhao Bureau, he is now related to a murder case, we haven't finished
the trial yet."
"Murder case? Even if it is related to the murder case, it's not your turn to try. The Yinzhou
Police Department Comrades will not be tried? Come on, let go! "Zhao Ju said again.
Wu stuck in the front of the interrogation room, he kept shaking his head, "can not put
really can not put, Bureau Zhao, who has been arrested over the respect of us to review."
Appears Bureau Zhao, Wu and in the The team never imagined that Lin had energy in
Yinzhou, but he couldn't find Luohe at al . After all, Luohe is the realm of the Cheng family!
When Zhao Ju heard of Wu ’s arrest, he was so angry that he said, “Arrest? You still have a
face to mention me? I asked you, who gave you the right to let you go to Yinzhou Catch
people! "
" I gave it! "An arrogant voice came from outside the interrogation room door.
The narrow interrogation room was already crowded with people.
Zhao Ju heard the sound from outside and looked towards the door. I saw that three young
figures appeared in sight.
"Ke ... Master Ke, Miss Cheng, why are you here?" Zhao Ju immediately saw Ke Bin and
Cheng Jiaxin and immediately lost a smile.
Cheng Jiaxin, that ’s the eldest lady of the Cheng family. Zhao Bureau, as the chief of the
Luohe police station, ca n’t help but know it, but Ke Bin, his godfather, but the leader of
Ning province, Xiao Sheng!
Neither of these two people can afford him.
"Director Zhao, I shouldn't have come to listen to you?" Ke Bin looked at Zhao Ju with a
Zhao Ju quickly waved his hand, "Ke Shao, I don't mean that."
"Then what do you mean?" Ke Bin asked, "I let the catcher, you Zhao Ju now yelled to let go?
You just don't Take me Ke Bin! "
Zhao Ju now looks at the three Ke Bin in front of him, and is extremely embarrassed.
On one side, it was Ke Shaorang who caught him, and Miss Cheng Jiaxin was also with them.
On the other side, there was a man Peter Chengcheng who let him go. Both sides offended
any one, and he could not please him.
The Yinzhou police saw Sam and wondered, "Isn't this man escorted to the second
detention center? How could it appear here?"
"I 'm not guilty, why did I come out?" Sam looked dismissively. Looking at the Yinzhou
police officer, "Don't you know that Lao Tzu was framed? The real attempt to rape was this
surnamed Zhang."
"Even so, we are the handling unit, even if you are truly acquitted, It must also be approved
by our unit! "The policeman in Yinzhou shouted," This person escaped from prison without
permission and caught him! "
" My godfather is Xiao Sheng, who dares to move him! "Ke Bin Going forward to Sam,
The word Xiao Sheng, in the entire political circles of Ning province, is the deterrent. No
one will ignore the name of the top leader in Ning province. However, this deterrent is no
longer useful to the Yinzhou police today.
The police officers dispatched by Yinzhou today are al elites of the Yinzhou Police
Department. Before they came out, the director had explained that Henry must be taken
back, even if it was a big character, as long as Henry did not make a mistake, they did not
have to fear any power. !
When the director of the Yinzhou Police Department said this sentence, he was ful of
confidence. He probably is the one who knows how much energy Henry has in Yinzhou
now. Last time, the people in the center of the capital personal y rushed In the future, the
Yinzhou Police Chief is confident that as long as Henry is properly maintained, even if he
offends the most serious officer, he will definitely have nothing to do, and may even be
"Who is your godfather, you can't keep a fugitive." Yinzhou's leading police officer shouted,
"Take Sam!"
"Don't you dare to move the people our Cheng family wants to protect!" Cheng Jiaxin also
stood in front of Sam at this moment, "You dare to move Sam, just move my Cheng family!
Now the murderer Henry you don't arrest, come to arrest My friend? Who gave you the
courage! "
" It's such a big tone. "Jenny embraced his chest with both hands," You Cheng's family is so
arrogant ? " Jenny looked at Cheng Jiaxin, somewhat confused, last time In the Luohe Cheng
family, the people of the Cheng family treated Henry with respect and respect, no, they
cannot be said to be respectful, they are afraid! When Mr. Cheng faced Henry, he didn't dare
to amplify his voice. Why is he suddenly acting against Henry now?
"Take stolen blame?" Cheng Jiaxin raised his eyelids. "You are right, what can our Cheng
family swindle you? What if you dare to fight against our Cheng family?"
"Your Cheng family?" Henry Frowning his eyebrows, "Are you representing yourself, or the
whole Cheng family?"
"The surname Zhang, are you funny with me?" Cheng Jiaxin looked at Henry like an idiot,
"or do you think I gave Cheng family
Ca n’t be the
master ? ” Henry nodded.“ I said, how could Sam come out, it was al Cheng family secretly
working hard. ” Cheng Jiaxin took a step forward, staring at Henry, gritted his teeth and
said,“ Your last name is Zhang, you I dared to fight against Cheng Jiaxin before, and it was
destined to end! "
Ke Bin looked at the leading police officer in Yinzhou," how are you stil dare to catch people
now? "
A Xiao Sheng, a Cheng family, come to anyone Standing here, the police chief has to tremble.
, the policeman from Yinzhou gritted his teeth and said, "Catch! Now you want to protect
Sam, then deal with it as an accomplice, and al will be arrested."
"I am a member of the Cheng family, whoever dares to catch Me! "Cheng Jiaxin put his
hands on his hips," Who wants to move me a finger today, this layer of skin on your body,
just wait to be
chopped ! " Cheng Jiaxin's words just fell outside the interrogation, there was a majestic
"The Cheng family's people break the law, they should stil be arrested!"
Hearing the voice outside the door, Cheng Jiaxin's complexion changed, and suddenly
turned around, he saw Peter Cheng carrying Master Cheng, and Ning province's political
leader Xiao Sheng, came in .
"Grandpa? Why are you here? They want to catch me, why are you still talking to them?"
Cheng Jiaxin looked wronged.
"Godfather!" Ke Bin quickly shouted when he saw Xiao Sheng.
"Grandpa Cheng is good, Uncle Xiao is good." Sam also nodded quickly.
When Director Wu and Yu team saw Grandpa Cheng, there was joy on their faces.
Today, the Cheng family let it go. This Grandpa Cheng came to see how arrogant these
people in Yinzhou were, they all had to get out of the way with their tails!
Harry strode to Cheng Jiaxin in a big stride.
"Grandpa, you have to call me." Cheng Jiaxin pouted, tears in his eyes.
Old Man Cheng looked at Cheng Jiaxin, raised his right hand, and then waved hard.
With a snap, Master Cheng slaps heavily on Cheng Jiaxin's face.
Cheng Jiaxin wiped the white and tender face with red fingerprints.
Cheng Jiaxin looked at his grandfather inexplicably, slowly extended his hand, and touched
his cheek, a little unbelievable.
"Ke Bin, you kneel down for me!" Xiao Sheng came forward and shouted.
Hearing Xiao Sheng's drinking, Ke Bin hardly hesitated. He subconsciously bent his knees
and knelt on the ground. Until he knelt, Ke Bin dared to ask, "Goddy, I don't understand."
"Don't understand?" Xiao Sheng snorted coldly and pointed his finger at Sam. "This person
is detained in the second detention center. Who asked you to release him in my name? Now
he is a fugitive! A fugitive was mixed together! "
Sam, who was standing beside him, suddenly paled when he heard this.
Ke Bin was shocked and didn't understand why his godfather had such a big temper,
"Godfather, I'm just ..."
"What are you just? Do you know how much disaster you have done today!" Xiao Shengli
Drinking, his whole body was shaking.
How powerful Henry is. He has seen and heard of it. Ning Province offended this man
because he had a son Ning for a week. After the father knew this, he didn't even dare to ask!
What a great power!
After Master Cheng and Xiao Sheng learned their juniors, they set their sights on Henry for
the first time.
"Brother Zhang, this time, I have no way to discipline." Father Cheng smiled with a smile on
his face.
Just now, Peter Cheng heard from the second detention center that Sam was contacted by
his grandfather immediately after being released by Xiao Sheng. Grandpa Cheng heard the
cause and effect of the matter and called Xiao Sheng without thinking. .
When Ke Bin and Cheng Jiaxin heard Master Cheng's title to Henry, they both opened their
eyes wide, with unbelievable eyes in their eyes. Is this, peer discussion?
Henry stood there, shook his wrist, and said: "Did you not tel me last time, do you know
how to discipline the juniors?"
Before in Zhanghe, Luohe, Henry was in front of so many guests. He asked Lou Cheng if he
knew how to discipline his juniors. , Serve softly.
But not long before this time, another junior Cheng family, offended Henry.
Cheng Jiaxin had just returned from abroad and didn't know much about the Cheng family.
She didn't even know what happened on the Cheng Family Manor last time.
Now, Henry asked Master Cheng if he knew how to discipline his juniors.
Master Cheng looked at the anger on Henry's face and opened his mouth, not knowing what
to say.
Henry looked at Xiao Sheng and said lightly: "Some people, if they don't sit well in their
position, then go sit elsewhere."
Xiao Sheng's face suddenly turned pale when he heard this, he hated it Staring at Ke Bin, he
was really miserable! After tonight, in this position, it is likely that I really can't sit still.
Henry took two steps forward and patted Mr. Cheng's shoulder, "This time, I will help you
educate your junior one last time. If there is another time, it may not be that your junior has
a problem, but You are a problem. "
Master Cheng looked at Henry with a trace of horror in his eyes.
Henry reached out his hand and snapped his fingers in front of Master Cheng.
At the same time that the finger fell, a huge explosion sounded from outside the police
As the explosion sounded, everyone felt their feet shaking.
A burst of white smoke emerged from the door of the interrogation room, and in almost
two seconds, it spread all over the interrogation room, leaving everyone in front of them.
The white smoke came fast and went fast. After five seconds, the white smoke dispersed, so
that everyone could see the scene in front of them.
When Bai Yan dissipated, the old man Cheng found out that Cheng Jiaxin and Ke Bin were
gone! Including Sam, also disappeared in the interrogation room.
Henry and his face suddenly changed, and the lead punch Silver State police officers
shouted: "!! Fast, that fugitive Zhengchu run, including two accomplices, also ran back to
Silver State a few police officers, Immediately chased towards the interrogation room.
Henry seemed to change his face. After he said that, he smiled again, and looked at Yu Yu
and Wu Su. "The two, if there is no evidence to accuse me of murder, should I be able to
Yu The team and Wusuo swallowed saliva fiercely. This time, they were originally
instructed by Ke Bin and Cheng Jiaxin. Now that both of them have run away, they cannot
naturally force themselves to come forward.
"Yes, yes." Wu Suo nodded again and again.
"Thank you." Henry smiled and walked out of the interrogation room.
Sylvia and Jenny also followed Henry and went out.
As soon as they left the interrogation room, everyone saw that the Yinzhou police officers
who had just chased them out were all in front of this national highway branch.
"Why? Don't chase people, why are you standing here?" Henry asked.
"Mr. Zhang, the fugitive ... fell ... fell to death ..." The lead policeman in Yinzhou turned
around, stuttering.
"Fal ed? That's a pity. Although it's a fugitive, it's three lives." Henry shook his head
regretful y and didn't look at the door, as if he knew it already.
Mr. Cheng walked out of the interrogation room and heard the words of the several
Yinzhou police officers. He also saw Henry's attitude. With his experience, how could he not
think of anything.
All the policemen in Yinzhou turned around, and after seeing Father Cheng, they slowly
moved away so that Father Cheng could see the scene in front of him. , the three Cheng
Jiaxin, who just disappeared in the interrogation room because of a white smoke, were all
lying in front of the branch office at the moment, the blood was all over the floor, and al of
them were standing on the forehead of the three. The sharp stone, three people knocked on
this stone.
Grandpa Cheng slowly closed his eyes, a line of clouded tears came out of his eyes, and his
voice tremblingly opened: "People come here, collect the corpse ..."
Regarding the fact that the three people escaped and fell dead, Grandpa Cheng never went
to Thinking about this, he didn't even say the word ambulance. Someone wanted his
granddaughter to die, and no one could save him.
After saying the three words "col ect corpse," Mr. Cheng as a whole, as if he had been a
teenager for a while, originally had the feeling of walking and walking, but now, it is
trembling and he can't stand. stable.
Xiao Sheng looked at Ke Bin's body lying there, and his heart was bitter. Anyway, this was
his own dry son.
"Okay, since there is nothing wrong, I will leave." Henry walked to the door and rushed to
several police officers from Yinzhou. "This time I really trouble you to run. This time, I will
tell you The director said, I wrote down. "
" Mr. Zhang, this is what we should do, as long as you are fine. "Several police officers said,
greeted Sylvia and Jenny, and drove away .
Henry turned around and looked at the two women standing behind him, one Jenny and
one Sylvia.
"Wife, how did you know I was here?" Henry asked Sylvia.
Seeing Henryxian talking to Sylvia, Jenny's face revealed a deep loss.
Sylvia's pretty face felt a little surprise, but the little surprise was fleeting, "Qin Qin told me
that you are here, this time, thanks to Jenny."
Henry turned his attention to Jenny, and Jenny waved his hand carelessly, squeezing out a
smile, "Everyone is a friend, and he said so much, what happened in the end, because Henry
saved me last time?" , OK, Henry, since you are okay, go back with your wife, and your wife
rushed to Luohe as soon as possible. You are also worried about being broken. " Jenny said,
waving at Henry and walking out of the branch At the gate, sit on your BMW and drive
away from here.
"Let's go too, my wife." Henry saw that Sylvia was in a bad mood and stepped forward,
holding Sylvia's smal hand.
Sylvia pursed his lips and said, "Let's go home."
When Henry and others left for half an hour, several ambulances drove to the branch door
and carried the three people lying on the ground into the car.
Grandpa Cheng watched the three ambulances drive away, closed his eyes, and rushed to
Peter Chengdao beside him: "Notice, from today, everyone in the Cheng family must not
cause trouble or publicity!"
"Understood." Peter Cheng nodded. "That grandpa, we now ..."
"Go back." Grandpa Cheng sighed and got into the car.
When Grandpa Cheng and others just left the branch for more than ten meters, a violent air
wave swept from behind the car they were sitting in. The fire was skyrocketing. After the
fire, several people heard a loud noise.
Looking back, Yu's car and Wu's car exploded at the same time. The two were still sitting in
the car.
Back to Yinzhou, Su Mi played the role of driver, Henry and Sylvia sat in the back seat.
Henry discovered that Sylvia seemed to be very worried along the way.
"Wife, what's wrong with you?" Henry asked worriedly.
"Ah?" Sylvia seemed to be frightened, and then quickly shook his head, "It's okay, it's okay."
Henry looked at Sylvia strangely, how could this be okay, but Sylvia did not want to say, he
didn't ask much.
When I got home, it was already late at night. Several people rinsed and rested early.
Henry lay in bed, thinking about Sylvia's appearance, feeling that Sylvia had a very heavy
Throwing the phone aside, Henry closed his eyes, and drowsiness gradually struck.
Just when Henry was about to fall asleep, the phone suddenly made a soft sound.
Henryshun took the phone in his hand and saw a message from Wade White.
"Boss, something has come out of the research, there is breakthrough progress, you may
have to come to the mountain city in person."
Henry pondered for a few seconds and returned a message to Wade White.
"Give me a flight ticket to Shancheng tomorrow."
Early the next morning, Henry got up early and was ready for breakfast, waiting for Sylvia.
"Wife, have breakfast." Henry greeted him after seeing Sylvia coming out of the bedroom.
"Wel ." Sylvia nodded, and the whole person appeared unnaturally sitting on the dining
table, and then looked at the breakfast with a dull look.
"Wife, are you really okay?" Henry reached out and waved his hand in front of Sylvia.
Sylvia still sat there as if he didn't see it.
"Wife?" Henry waved again.
"Ah? What's the matter?" Sylvia suddenly shocked.
Henry frowned. After a few seconds of silence, he shook his head. "It's okay, I'l tell you.
I have something to do today. I'm going to the mountain city. It may take a few days to
come back."
Sylvia nodded. "Oh, Ok, let ’s go, what time is the plane? "
" At ten thirty, I'm going to the airport after dinner. "
" Well, pay attention to safety. "
After breakfast, Henry packed his chopsticks and left the house.
Sylvia looked at the direction of the courtyard gate, dumbfounded.
"Miss Lin, do you still think about that matter last night?" Su Mi stood behind Sylvia.
"Actually, you don't have to think too much about self-blame. This matter is a bad thing for
Mr. Zhang. It's also a good thing. "
" Good thing? "Sylvia turned with doubt.
Su Mi nodded, "Yes, it is a good thing, Miss Lin, you will inherit the position of the Lin family
head in the future. This is the last wish left by the old man before leaving, and it is also your
inherent mission. You know why Gu Wu The family has not been known to outsiders? "
Sylvia shook his head.
Su Mi said: "Almost 100% of the ancient Wu family will choose to marry. The first is to
maintain the concealment of the ancient Wu family. The second is also because of the
strength of the other half. Miss Lin, you know, Gu Wu The family, unlike ordinary people,
you will be exposed to the underground world in the future. If your other half is too weak,
it will become your deadliest point. I admit that Mr. Zhang is very skilled in business, but
the business is done well. No matter how big it is, putting it in the underground world is
nothing. As long as the two of you are still together, as long as you are from the Su family,
Mr. Zhang will encounter a lot of things like this in the future, and the enemy will be more
powerful! He yesterday experience, but it is ahead of time to adapt. "
Lin Su Han listen honey, then took a deep breath," before you say has been the
underground world, in the end is what kind of place? " Su Mi ’s eyes appear dignified,
“A place where a person eats people, where strength is respected, money is there, nothing
counts, and rich people offend the powerful in the underground world You will
also be anxious and worry about your life al the time, and you will immediately go to the
underground world conference. Miss Lin, when you are the heir of the Su family, you are
going to attend. "
Sylvia also asked:" The Su family is underground. What kind of status does the world have?
Su Mi smiled bitterly and shook his head." Su family is still quite valuable in the family of
ancient martial arts in China. But in the whole underground world, Su family can only be
regarded as middle and lower class. Even the Ji family, the first ancient Wu family in China,
can only be ranked in the upper middle. "
Sylvia was surprised ." The Ji family, the strongest family in the ancient Wu family in China,
can only be ranked in the middle? Which country is the top force? of? " "
not any one country. "Sue honey replied," no country can be said to occupy the top position
of underground forces, and that the most powerful forces, part of a free organization called
the sunny island. " "
bright island……" Sylvia murmured the name, "Is that a place?"
"Yes." Su Mi nodded. "An island floating on the high seas, its military power is far more than
any country in the world. According to legend, the island's People, extremely evil, are al
demon killing without blinking. Every year, the people who die in the hands of Guangming
Island are definitely above five digits. The leader of Guangming Island, also known as the
hell king, in Chinese language, is ... … Satan! ”
Sylvia was shocked. As far as the society she is in contact with today, if there is a murder on
weekdays, it is heavy news, but this is placed in the underground world, as if it is very
common, just listen to Su Misuo Say, that bright island brought Sylvia a great sense of fear,
hell king, Satan?
Every year, the number of people kil ed by light is more than five figures. What will the
island look like?
In Sylvia's mind, there was a scene where the ground was dark and blood was on everyone.
Su Mi came forward and grabbed Sylvia's arm, "Miss Lin, so I said, what happened last night
was good for Mr. Zhang. He just adapted to such things in advance. Once he came into
contact with the underground world, The enemy's methods will be much crueler than those
of the policemen yesterday, as was the case yesterday. If Mr. Zhang was taken away by
people in the underground world, he would definitely not be able to support us to save him.
Sylvia's heart was sour However, she did not expect that her existence would bring so
many hidden dangers to Henry. Yes, Henry is powerful, and his skill is not bad. He reached
the evaluation result of hundreds of mil ions of annual salary in the Hangzhou Evaluation
Center, but this should be put In the underground world of Su Mikou, what is it worth?
"You said ..." Sylvia looked at the house outside and muttered, "I am with him, does it equal
to harming him."
"Yes!" Su Lin replied decisively as soon as Sylvia said, Mr. Zhang does not belong to the
underground world. It is a place he cannot touch. He has no backstage and no power. He is
placed in the underground world and is as weak as ants. Once Miss Lin takes over, he wants
to deal with the Su family. People will regard Mr. Zhang as a breakthrough! "
At ten o'clock Sylvia was sitting in her office. With a lot of documents in front of her, she
didn't care to read it. She just sat here quietly for an hour.
Su Mi's words kept ringing in Sylvia's mind.
The underground world, powerful enemies, cruel means, and ... dangers that Henry might
Sylvia admits that the man who was not on the edge had already occupied his heart, even if
the two are now only the name of the husband and wife, and there is no truth of the
husband and wife, but in her heart, she has already regarded Henry as a partner in her later
But now, in Su Mi's words, his identity as the future owner of the Su family is like a
hammer, knocking Sylvia awake.
The future is not what he expected. If Henry continues to be with himself, he will face
countless dangers in the future, which should not belong to him.
Sylvia looked down on Henry at first. Now she admits that Henry is very good, to the point
that he feels that he is worthy of him. He is talented, he has a future, and he should not be
destroyed in his own hands.
Although Sylvia still does not know what the underground world is like, it does not prevent
her from associating. Sylvia can even think of it. One day, Henry was persecuted by the
underground world because of himself, watching this man fall In the scene in front of me,
what will happen to me, probably, will I be crazy ...
Sylvia took out his mobile phone, and there was a photo of her and Henry in the mobile
phone, watching the man standing like a shield in front of him, Sylvia's eyes gradual y
became wet.
"Maybe, you don't belong to me after al . The encounter between us is just an accident.
There are others who love you. She cares more about your feelings than me. She can take
care of you more. You have a broader sky. I don't You should be tied to me ... "
Sylvia pressed the phone screen, took a deep breath, slowly got up, walked to the office
door, and opened the door.
"Mr. Lin, are you going out?" Secretary Li Na asked.
"Mr. Qin, who helped me make an appointment with Hengyuan, said I had something to ask
her to talk about." Sylvia finished, silent for two seconds, "Personal thing."
"Good." Li Na nodded.
At 12:30, a passenger plane taking off from Yinzhou landed in Shancheng.
Mountain City, known as a city that can drive navigation crazy, looks like you are standing
on a flat ground with a wide road ahead. In fact, you are standing on the top floor of a nine-
story building.
Henry has visited Mountain City more than once. He used to run full of Huaxia before, and
he can remember the road firmly wherever he has been.
Henry glanced at the address Wade White sent to himself on the phone, cal ed a car, and
looked for it.
This is a private scientific research center, covering a smal area of more than 300
square meters. Compared with a normal scientific research center, it can be said to be
narrow. However, professional scientific researchers must see The equipment will
definitely surprise your eyes. Every device is the world's top, and even some of the world's
only one set is here.
A young girl who looks less than 20 years old is wearing a white coat and is constantly
shuttled back and forth between these devices, and some older researchers, like a student
at the moment, use a kind of knowledge Look at the girl's movements. "What a froze! Just
give me back as an assistant? Don't you know what to do now?" The girl scolded from time
to time, the older researchers immediately got up, compared to the girl These sloppy
movements have made these researchers much more careful.
Next to a pile of research equipment, a handsome young man was lying leisurely on a
wooden deck chair, enjoying a glass of iced watermelon juice.
"Idiot, when is the boss coming, I can't wait any longer!" The girl walked to the youth and
kicked the young man's calf vigorously.
This girl is the future.
Still lying in that pool of white bared bared teeth, "You girl, I Zhashui also a few years older
than you, you met my brother home that had a bent back, so you just call me?"
"Wel , Either you want me to call you what you call? Call you white ~ brother ~ brother ~
okay? "In the future, when you say the three words of brother Bai, you will intentionally
make a very nasty voice.
Wade White couldn't help but shuddered, and there was a chill in his face: "Forget it, forget
it, as you like, how you want to cal it." He
smiled in the future, "When will the boss come?"
Wade White looked at his wrist. The customized Patek Philippe on the phone, "It should be
here, get off the plane at this point."
Wade White's voice just fel and he heard a voice from outside the laboratory.
"Girl, you are so anxious to find me, are you ready to take me to experiment again?"
Henry put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked towards the laboratory.
"Wow, boss, I want to die you!" Next saw Henry, on the eyes to take the light towards Henry
sprang, in front of Henry, grabbed Henry arm, "Boss, Come on, there are new discoveries."
Henry face A bitter smile came up, letting the future pull him.
Wade White shook his head and sighed, "Boss, based on past experience, do you have to
endure hardship today?"
"You idiot, do you understand!" In the future, Wade White rol ed his eyes. "What does this
mean hardship? The boss is dedicated to science!"
Wade White glanced at his mouth without speaking.
In the past, many experiments in the future could not be carried by normal people.
Henry should be used as a test sample. In the experiments again and again, Henry
sometimes really felt that he could survive, and he must thank the future for not killing him.
At the very center of the laboratory, there is a device with a mechanical arm extending out
of it, holding a smal square crystal in the arm.
Beside the crystal, dense and complex data is projected.
The original bouncing future, when coming to this device, seemed quite steady.
"Boss, where did your crystal come from?" The future asked with a straight face.
"It was cut out of a stone." Henry replied, "I felt like Fire Crystal at that time, did you find
"Wel ." Nodded hard in the future, "Boss, this crystal is indeed like Fire Crystal The energy
body is only that the energy contained in the fire crystal is more violent, and this crystal is
much softer, and the energy contained in this crystal is greater than the fire crystal! "
" Than the fire crystal Still big? "Wade White heard aside and exclaimed.
You know, the energy contained in a fire crystal can be comparable to a nuclear power
plant. Such a smal crystal is actually larger than the energy contained in the fire crystal?
When Wade White looked at this white crystal again
, he was a little bit stunned. When he recalled that he shipped the crystal yesterday, he put
it directly in his pocket. This thing is real y going to be broken by accident. If something
explodes, the power is stronger than the nuclear bomb.
Think about it then exploded from his trouser pocket, the location closest to the trouser
pocket bears the brunt ...
Thinking of this, Wade White subconsciously closed his hips and shivered.
Henry ’s focus is different from that of Wade White. He asked the future, "What do you
mean by softer energy?"
"Boss, look at this." Future raised his finger next to a transparent 50 cm tall and
transparent Test box.
In that test chamber, there was a steel plate with a thickness of five mil imeters, and two
little mice for experiment.
The future opens, "Boss, I now use a special method to pour out the energy in this crystal
and guide it into it in the form of gas." The
future is talking while he is skil fully operating.
Henry saw that on the surface of the test chamber, there was a row of LED display numbers
lit up.
The future explained: "This is the energy source proposed by that crystal. It is now about
10% of the entire test chamber. You should pay attention to the changes of the two
experimental bodies."
Henry locked his eyes on those two On the little white mouse, after the number on the
surface of the test box reached ten or five seconds, the two white rats suddenly became a
little bit violent, and they circulated in the test box constantly, and the speed was
exceptionally fast.
One of the rats, after a few revolutions, suddenly slammed into the steel plate in front of
The force generated by this collision caused the test chamber to move a few millimeters.
Henry looked again, and the steel plate hit by the white rat actual y dipped into a small
piece, and the white rat suffered no injuries after such a violent impact, but just looked very
weak, lying there motionless.
Another white rat also hit the steel plate at this time, and the same situation happened just
"How is it possible?" Henry frowned. This kind of white rat with little strength could actual
y dent the steel plate. The most important thing is that these two mice have nothing.
Moreover, the power exerted by the two white mice, not only the damage to this steel plate,
but also the impact formed by themselves, caused the test chamber to be displaced.
"Boss, doesn't it feel weird? When I saw this scene, I thought I was wrong." The future looks
excited. Any new research results are worth the excitement of these researchers.
"It's incredible." Henry nodded.
"Boss, look at this." Henry's arm was pul ed again in the future, and Henry was pul ed away.
In the future, Henry will be brought to a screen where the scene in the test chamber is just
"Boss, this is to slow down the scene just 20 times. At the same time, all the data will be
monitored at that time. You can see it." In the future, I pressed the start button.
On the screen, the two white mice moved slowly. Henry noticed that there was a speed
measurement data on the screen. Just after the energy in the crystal was introduced into
the test chamber in the form of gas, the running speed of the two white mice reached Ten
meters per second!
Normally, the limit running speed of the white mouse is between seven and eight meters
per second, and the sustained speed is extremely short, only four or five seconds.And just
now, both white mice broke through the limit speed, which is very incredible.
What is the limit? Unsurpassed since ancient times is the limit.
Breaking through the four characters of the limit, it sounds simple, it may be done, that is a
Subsequently, Henry noticed the scene where the white mouse hit the steel plate.
"Boss, this is it, you look careful y." The future reminded aside.
The white mouse rammed the steel plate at a rate of 20 times slower, al owing Henry to see
al the changes clearly.
When the white rat's head was less than one centimeter away from the steel plate, Henry
clearly saw that the steel plate had begun to sag. At this time, the white rat's head had not
yet touched the steel plate.
At this moment, a vocabulary popped up in Henry's mind, Qi!
The depression of the steel plate was not caused by the white rat, but was caused by an
invisible force.
Then, when the white rat completely hit the steel plate, an invisible force erupted from the
white rat and the steel plate, just like the center of the nuclear explosion, bringing up a
wave of air. It was this wave of air that guided the experiment The box moved slightly.
Looking at such a scene, Henry didn't come back until the video was finished.
"Boss, isn't it incredible!"
Henry nodded subconsciously, "It's amazing to change the whole environment with one's
own strength!"
For the white rat, the whole test chamber may be the most vast world. A white mouse can
do this. What happens if you put this power on a person? With a punch, the surrounding
ground will crack?
Turn off the screen in the future and look at Henry, "Boss, I am going to ..."
"No!" Before the future words were finished, he was interrupted by Wade White on the
side. "In the future, it's okay for you to make troubles, but this matter can't be a joke.
The energy contained in this crystal is too great. You ca n’t take the boss directly for the
experiment! ”“ It
’s okay, let me come. ”Henry gestured Wade White with his eyes, and then asked the
future,“ What should I do? ”
“ Boss, no way! ”Wade White said quickly. "What is this energy, we don't know, there is no
need to do this useless experiment."
Henry shook his head. "It is necessary, some people know what this spar is."
Henry thought of the underground garage that day A man and a woman, "And, they also
know how to use this spar." The
future said, "Boss, I want to tell you this time, such a huge energy, even if I don't have much
confidence Although rats in experimental terms, is the closest of mankind, but in the end
there is a difference, in the course of the experiment, you may experience great pain and
need a good mental preparation. " " Do
not worry, nothing . "Henry waved as his body experiment, take the initiative to speak out
future comfort and Wade White," Let's just like before, there is something wrong, the
experiment was stopped on the line yet. "
Future nodded," Good. "
For the Henry had experience in the experiment, and he knew he should go there without
leading the way in the future.
There is a twenty-square-square independent room specially prepared for Henry. The
walls of the room are made of a high-strength material. Even if the missile fal s, it is not
necessarily dare to say that it can blow up the walls.
In a cafe downstairs of Hengyuan Trading Company.
Jenny was wearing a white blazer, lined with a black shirt, and wearing a pair of white
cropped trousers on his lower body.
Sylvia surprisingly painted light makeup, sitting opposite Jenny, wearing a beige trench
The two women, sitting together, form a beautiful landscape, both of them give a very
different feeling, but also make people feel beautiful and impeccable.
Jenny picked up an exquisite cup and drank a latte from the glass. "I didn't expect that Mr.
Lin would take the initiative to ask me out."
Sylvia smiled slightly. "I didn't expect it, but life, it's a lot of people Wandering between
thoughts, are you right, General Qin. "
Jenny put down the cup in his hand," Lin, President Lin, you are here to talk about life with
me. "
" No. "Sylvia shook his head slightly and looked at Jenny After a few seconds, he nodded
again, "It's
not too bad ." "Mr. Lin, your look is not very good." Jenny looked at Sylvia, "Your eyes have
been erratic, this should not be the state that the Silver State Business Queen should have.
What's the matter, Mr. Lin, just say it. "
" Okay. "Sylvia sorted out the col ar." Since Mr. Qin is quick and quick, I won't hide it from
Sylvia. Mr. Qin, you like Henry very much. What? "
Facing Sylvia's question, Jenny nodded without
thinking ." Like. " Sylvia said:" General Qin, I want to make a selfish request. Although it is
very unfair to you, I really ... ... "
Qin Lin Sophie directly interrupted The words, "Lin always, say something, you say."
"I want you to help me shine Gu Zhangxuan." Sylvia direct channel.
"What?" Jenny wondered if he had heard it wrong, "Take care of Henry? What happened to
Henry? Did it say it was last night ..."
"No." Sylvia shook his head, "Henry didn't have anything. I can't continue." Having been
with him, I would like to ask you to take care of him for me. "
Jenny smiled." Mr. Lin, Henry is such a big man, I'm afraid I don't need someone to take
care of it. "
" You don't understand what I mean. " "Sylvia took the coffee." You and I know that Henry
is excellent, better than any man you and I know. He is talented, bold, and very attractive,
but ... I can't continue to be with him. Be around. "
" Lin ... "Jenny just spoke.
Sylvia interrupted Jenny directly.
"Mr Qin, you know, a man like Henry is very attractive to women, but I really like him and
care about him. All I can see is you."
Sylvia said at this time, a pair of beautiful Eyes fixed on Jenny.
"Mr. Lin, as far as I know, your character is not a person who will easily give up. Have you
encountered any difficulties?" Jenny asked. She admitted that she likes Henry as long as
Henry opens to himself In her arms, she would rush to Henry's arms without turning back,
but she didn't want to be like this. Sylvia took the initiative to find herself and gave Henry
to herself.
Sylvia shook his head, "This is my own problem, my choice."
When Su Mi told Sylvia about those things this morning, Sylvia wondered whether he
would continue to be the head of the Su family, If you give up, al problems will not be a
problem, but whenever Sylvia thinks of giving up two words, her mother ’s expression on
her deathbed will appear in her mind, the urgency to return to the Su family, The
unwillingness of the eyebrows, the determination to get approval from the Su family, even
after death, the mother did not close her eyes. Returning to the Su family is Sylvia's
mother's greatest wish in her life.
Taking her mother home is also the direction that Sylvia has been struggling with. Now she
chooses to give up, give up her homeowner, and give up her father ’s last wish.
Sylvia ca n’t do it.
Now Sylvia, in his heart, is full of guilt for Henry.
Sylvia took a deep breath, "Qin, you should have heard, what was my relationship with
Henry before?"
Jenny nodded, "heard a little."
Sylvia smiled slightly, with a sweet smile in his smile, "Henry, when I came to my house as a
son-in-law, I didn't know how my dad fel in love with him. At the first sight of Henry, to be
honest, I didn't like this man very much. I felt he was sloppy, lazy, no Being motivated, I at
that time wanted to push him out of my home. "
Sylvia said, he couldn't help but recall the bit by bit with Henry, the happy smile
unconsciously appeared on his face.
"As time went on, Henry showed a different aspect. At that time, someone wanted to take
Lin from me and go to the place where I live to humiliate me. Of course, the
humiliated objects also included Henry, Did you know that Henry said nothing no matter
how he was humiliated, but when those people said something rude to me, he broke out, he
said, bul ying him is OK, but someone wants to bully me, just No. "
Jenny looked at the happy smile on Sylvia's face and the sweetness that appeared in his
eyes when he talked. It was clear that the woman in front of him had no less love for Henry
than herself, but she might not express her emotions. , All hidden in the heart.
Sylvia continued to recall: "That day, I felt like I had some kind of backing to support, so
that when I was helpless, I had a foothold. From that time, he gradually walked into my
heart, and later He took me to drink coke, played with sand, and ate street stal s. I felt that
day was the happiest time for me in more than two decades. I was carefree. I was no longer
that iceberg. The female president is no longer the helm of the Lin family, just a ... an
ordinary girl. "
Jenny noticed that Sylvia jumped in his eyes when he mentioned drinking cola, playing with
sand, and eating street stalls. , Is a kind of joy, a kind of free and easy, which makes Jenny
sigh, feel a sorrow for Sylvia, this woman, looks good, enviable, in fact, she is also deprived
of a lot of happiness, ordinary people are within reach Things, to her, can only be seen from
Sylvia, who was falling into memory, was refreshed when he heard Jenny's sigh, "I'm sorry,
General Qin, I'm a little lost."
"It's okay." Jenny shook his head, "I'm very happy, You can treat me like a friend and tell me
these things. "
Sylvia settled his mind." General Qin, I might be a bit selfish in my next words. I'm leaving,
but I won't divorce Henry. I want to ask you, at During my time away, I want you to take my
place and be with him. If I can have enough strength, I will come back. If you
are stil with Henry at that time, I am willing to work with you , Accompany him together.
, after speaking these words, looked at Jenny with a praying look.
Jenny shook his head slightly, "I don't accept it."
Sylvia heard this answer, and there was a gloom in her eyes. She herself had no hope.
After al , this request was too difficult for Jenny to accept.
"Qin ..."
"Sylvia." Jenny looked at the woman opposite coldly. "I don't know what happened to you.
These have nothing to do with me. I only know that what I want should be done.
Fighting, I like Henry, and I look forward to the day when you can leave him, but I do n’t
want you to treat him as a good to become the capital of negotiation. "
" I did n’t take him as a good Negotiation. "Sylvia hastily explained.
"You don't need to tell me this." Jenny waved his hand and got up directly. "I have always
regarded you as an opponent, whether in business or men. I imagined the day when I
defeated you, I also imagined The day I lost to you completely, I never thought that you
Sylvia would take the initiative to admit defeat. "
Jenny took the coffee cup on the table, drank it, and turned away.
Sylvia looked at Jenny's back and sat there, speechless for a long time.
Jenny walked out of the cafe and glanced back. She saw that Sylvia was still sitting there, his
eyes a little dull, with a kind of hesitation on his face.
"Hey, Henry, how magical you are, can make Sylvia, love you like this!"
Jenny sighed, shook his head, and strode away.
As a woman, Jenny knows very well that if something happens to him that prevents him
from continuing with the person he loves, then he is absolutely unwilling to give his lover a
hand to another woman and tells him to come back later, You can say this together.
To love someone, to be humble, Sylvia now seems to have become like this, she is reluctant
to leave Henry, and does not want Henry to fall into a certain dangerous situation, so she
chooses to let go temporarily, even if in the future, she will only become his life A small part
of it is willing.
Sylvia sat alone in the coffee shop for two hours before getting up and leaving.
When walking out of the coffee shop, Sylvia took out his mobile phone and dialed a number
to go out, "Su Mi, when did you say that the underground world conference started? What
do I need to prepare?"
Shancheng, a private research center.
"Boss, now I release the gas. If you feel something is wrong, tel me immediately." In the
future, standing in front of a large screen, she placed countless sophisticated instruments in
front of her, so complicated that it makes you feel at a glance. big head.
Wade White stood beside the future, looking nervously at Henry in the laboratory.
The room where Henry is located cannot see the outside, only the white walls, and outside,
he can clearly see what is happening inside.
Henry was naked, wearing a pair of loose trousers, standing there barefoot, you can see
that Henry's body was covered with scary scars.
"Come on." Henry responded in the laboratory.
In the future, grab a lever in front and slowly push it. With the movement of her hand in the
future, a 1% symbol appears on the screen in front of her, representing the proportion of
the gas raised in the small crystal in the laboratory the amount.
"Boss, how is it?" Only pushed to one percent, and in the future would dare not make other
movements, asked nervously. The
energy contained in this crystal is too huge. A little carelessness may put Henry in danger,
and she has to pay attention.
"It feels the same, continue." Henry took a deep breath and said.
In the future, he nodded his head and pushed the lever again, and the number on the screen
increased again by 1%.
"Boss, now?" The future asked again.
"Continue." Henry shook his head.
The number on the screen has been increased to 5%.
Henry, who was standing in the laboratory, took a deep breath. He had a dry mouth feeling,
and at the same time felt a chest tightness, as if he had been in that kind of unventilated
environment for a long time, and his head was a little dizzy.
"Add a little more." Henry took the initiative to ask this time without waiting for the future.
"When I let you stop, you stop again. Every time you increase the measurement, you wait
ten seconds in the middle." The
future nodded, for so many years She has already formed a kind of tacit agreement with
Henry. Every time at the end of the experiment, the dominant power will be in Henry's
As the measurement increased, Henry felt that his head was getting deeper, his chest
tightness was uncomfortable, and even his breathing was not smooth.
"Come on, stop first."
Henry said, he slowly moved his body, there was an il usion of being in the water, as if there
was some kind of oppression around the body.
Henry raised his arms and threw a punch.
"No! It's not an illusion!"
Henry's pupil suddenly froze at the moment of this punch, he could obviously feel that he
suffered some resistance when he punched.
Henry stood there and slowly took a deep breath. The two white mice had just mutated
because of the inhalation of this gas. Now Henry has to adapt to this feeling slowly.
With constant breathing, Henry felt that the invisible resistance around his body was much
smal er, but his chest was getting dull.
Outside the laboratory, Wade White looked at the 16% number on the screen and frowned,
"Boss will have no problem."
Shaking his head slowly in the future, "It should be okay, Boss' physical fitness far exceeds
ordinary people, his Muscle strength and bone stiffness are not comparable to others, so his
ability to bear is stronger. "
Henry stood in the laboratory, his skin was reddish, his breathing became more and more
difficult, just when he felt he was about to pant Feeling angry, when she wanted to leave the
laboratory, a sense of release suddenly struck.
This feeling of release is like a cold with a nose that is not breathing, but at that moment
suddenly can breathe normally.
Henry can clearly feel that there is a stream of air that flows slowly in his body. He then
takes a sip of hot water and can feel the hot water flowing into the stomach. This kind of air
stream gives Henry an impulse. The urge to force crazy.
At this moment, Henry understood why the two white mice would chase back and forth,
because ... power! The whole body is filled with an inexhaustible power! This power is
backlogged in the body and a place to vent is needed.
Henry took a deep breath again, put his fist on his waist, pierced the horse step, and then
stepped back, with the belt power, aimed at the wall in front of him, and punched heavily.
Henry had an indescribable sense of joy when he punched this punch, and at the same time,
all the energy on his body was evacuated with this punch. At this moment, Henry
was sure that this was his own twenty In the past year, he has made the most powerful
Henry blasted this punch, his heart was filled with a strong confidence, as if at the moment
even if there was an armored vehicle in front of him, he could give it Wear a pair.
The future staring out of the laboratory stared at the data on the screen. While Henry
punched this fist, the air in the entire laboratory gathered at the face of Henry. It can be
said, If there is stil a person standing next to Henry, at the moment of Henry's fist, that
person will not be able to breathe because all the air is drained.
"Boom!" A
strong voice sounded.
Henry stared at him, and the wall in front of him was sunk into a large piece. This is a high-
strength material that can withstand the bombing of the missile. Was it deformed by a
Moreover, what surprised Xuan Zhang even more was that at the same time as the punch,
he did not feel any pain in his fist at all. To be precise, the wall sank in advance before his
fist col ided.
Wade White's eyes widened, and he stared at the spot where Henry's fist hit him. His eyes
were unbelievable.
In the future, he is constantly analyzing various data and talking in his mouth.
"The speed is 108, the hit value is 121, and the strength is 160!"
"How is it possible!" Wade White made a sound on the spot, "In the future, are you sure you
are not wrong?"
"No, absolutely not!" "In the eyes of the future, there is an unprecedented excitement,"
Incredible, it is simply incredible! "The
door of the laboratory made a heavy muffled sound, and Henry walked out of the door
slowly. As you can see, Henry looked very tired It is especial y difficult to walk, and the
eyelids are drooping.
"Boss, how are you feeling now?" Run to Henry for the first time in the future.
"Sleepy." Henry only spit out a word, and his body planted forward.
The punch just made him exhaust all his strength, as if he had fought a hard battle with
people and stayed up for days and nights.
When Henry woke up, there was a white ceiling in front of him. He was lying on a soft big
bed, and Weihai and Wade White were sitting on each side.
"Boss, are you awake?" There was a hint of joy in the eyes of the future.
"Hmm." Henry nodded and moved his lower limbs, feeling still weak and rubbing his eyes.
"How long have I slept?"
"Three hours." He answered without looking at his watch in the future. She calculated the
time almost every minute.
"How are the test results?" Henry asked the question he was most concerned about.
"The speed is 108, the hit value is 121, and the strength is 160." In the future, Henry will be
informed of the previous data.
Henry, who was lying on the bed, stunned after hearing the data.
In the laboratory, al these three data Henry has had are al around 60, which is also the
ultimate power that the human body can exert in the future, but just now, these data have
all been broken. The speed value and hit value are nearly doubled, while the strength
strength is nearly three times the original!
"Boss, do you feel very incredible?" The future performance is very excited. During the
three hours Henry was asleep, she has been in a state of excitement.
Henry nodded and said nothing.
"Boss, this proved that these gases, is completely absorbed by the human body, did you feel
physical discomfort What?" Henry shook his head, "
I'm just tired." In the future, I pul ed an instrument from the side. "Boss, I will now give you
a full-body examination. If there is no problem, I will start the second phase of the
experiment. "In the
future, when studying an unknown thing, it is very persistent and fanatical.
Henry also urgently wants to know what this crystal is, why the man and the woman were
so obsessed with it last time. Recently, Henry had too many things to wonder about. I can
find all the answers in this crystal.
After Henry sent Sylvia a message that he would not return to Yinzhou for a while, he
stayed in the research center and tested the energy in the crystal every day.
Initially, in the future, these energy will be integrated into the air in the form of gas.
Henry will inhale these gases into the body through breathing. After several experiments,
this energy will be purified in the form of liquid in the future and mixed into ordinary
glucose. Take it orally to see what effect this energy has on the body.
In such an experiment, five days passed by.
Henry only wore a pair of boxer trousers and lay on a wide testing platform. Several
researchers in white coats kept working on the testing platform.
Sitting in front of a bunch of screens in the future, observing every piece of data.
A few minutes later, in the future, he walked up to Henry with a report and said, "Boss, your
bone strength and internal organs strength have been improved a little bit. It is still unclear
what the energy in the crystal is, but through these five days of experiments, we can be
sure that this energy is absolutely beneficial to the human body, and the purified liquid
energy is mixed into glucose. If taken orally, it can be used as the best nutrients, and the gas
energy generated can exert powerful power in a very short time. "
Looking at this report in the future, she has a Unreal feeling, this is beyond the scope of her
"Boss, how do you feel differently these days?"
Henry twisted his neck. "Sweating every day is very strong, and I always feel dirty on my
body ." "That is the impurities of your body are discharged Now, it is necessary to continue
to study the specific energy in this crystal. "Explain in the future," Boss, the experiment can
be slowed down to this stage, I must now study the energy in this crystal What is it, and
how does this crystal store such a vast energy source. "
Henry nodded, sat up from the experimental bench, casually put on a dress, and walked to
the bathroom.
"Boss, Boss!" Henryzheng was walking, he heard the sound of Wade White behind him.
"What's wrong?" Henry stopped and glanced back.
"Boss, why are you walking so fast?" Wade White trot al the way and fol owed.
"Am I going fast?" Henry touched his nose, his face puzzled.
"Yeah, I thought you had something to do." Wade White pointed to his back. "You get here
from the experimental platform in four or five seconds."
Henry glanced at the experimental platform, away from where he was. More than thirty
the distance of more than 30 meters in four or five seconds is almost catching up with the
ordinary man's sprint speed of 100 meters, and Henry feels that he is just as usual Just
"Boss, just heard from the future that the experiment is over, are you going back to
Yinzhou?" Wade White asked.
"Wel ." Henry nodded. "It's been a few days since I left, and it's time to go back."
"Let's have a meal together that night. You come to the mountain town. If you don't eat a
hot pot, go back. Thanks." Wade White Yang Yang's mobile phone, "I'll book a box, we'll set
off after you take a shower."
"Yes, let's go to the old one we used to go. I haven't been there for a few years. You really
think about this. Henry recalled.
"Relax, boss, that's the one." After
Henry finished washing, he had already put on a casual dress and waited in the future.
The three of them walked out of the laboratory together.
In the future, he buckled his finger, "Boss, about crystal research, I will definitely be unable
to get any results in a while, I plan to take things to the island."
"OK, yes, there are two people, you two help me check Take a look. "Henry took out his
mobile phone and sent a photo to Wade White and the future respectively. The people in
the photo were exactly the same man and woman who had fought with Henry in the
underground garage that day.
"Twenty-four hours, I will give you an answer." Wade White sent this photo out and said
Henry and the future have no doubt about Wade White, because Wade White has this
A hot pot restaurant for three people, the store is not very large, two floors up and down,
the combined area is less than two hundred square.
"Hoo." Henry looked at the door of the hot pot restaurant and took a long breath. "The store
hasn't changed. It's still the same as before." Henry still remembers that when he came to
Shancheng to perform his mission, he always came here to eat If you don't eat it once, you
will feel the same shortcomings.
Just as the three were about to step into the hot pot restaurant, a harsh brake sound rang
from behind.
"Grass, are you kil ing him?" A burst of shouts came from the car driver who had just
The three of Henry turned their heads subconsciously. When Henry saw the figure standing
on the road, his face suddenly changed.
That's a girl. You can see that the girl looks good, with short shoulder-length hair and
delicate facial features, but her dress is very dismal.
The girl's face was full of panic, disregarding the car driver's scolding, turning her head to
glance and continue running forward.
As a municipality directly under the Central Government of China, Shancheng has a huge
traffic flow and is extremely dangerous when crossing the road. The girl just ran two steps
forward, and a sprinting off-road vehicle came quickly from the side of the girl.
The driver was too late even if he wanted to slow down.
Henry, who was standing at the door of the hot pot restaurant, hurried toward the middle
of the road. He hugged the girl's thin waist and suddenly jumped his feet.
The driver of the off-road vehicle suddenly applied a brake and was frightened when he
thought about it.
"Thank you ... Thank you." The girl gasped and was frightened by the situation just now.
She looked up timidly and looked at Henry, her eyes suddenly
frozen , panic appeared, "Zhang ... Zhang Ge ..." Henryhuai The girl in it is Amity who quietly
Henry frowned and looked at the person in his arms, "How did you make this picture look
like embarrassment?"
Amity's hair was sticky, and his clothes were a bit ragged."I ..." Amity pursed his chapped
lips, hesitant to speak again.
Just then, behind Henry, there was a scolding voice.
"Little cheap, I'll let you run, see I don't interrupt your legs, where are you going?"
Henry turned his head and saw the three strong men walking with a sullen face.
"Are you here?" Henry Amity asked.
"Huh." Amity nodded timidly.
"Are you wrong?" Henry asked again.
Amity shook his head slightly, with a terrified look in his eyes.
Seeing Amity deny it, Henry smiled slightly and said to Wade White: "Remove the legs of
those three people."
Wade White nodded and walked towards the three people without speaking.
"Boy, are you doing it ..." When the three strong men heard what Henry said, they just
started to drink and scold, and Wade White walked to the three men, and the flickering
three-handed knife went up. Plant forward.
The three strong men, each looking at their figure alone, less than 180 pounds, Wade White
grabbed the collars of the three people and dragged the three towards the back al ey of the
hot pot restaurant.
A minute later, Wade White clapped his hands and came out.
"Boss, gone, eat hot pot, just smell this, I am greedy dead." The future stood in front of the
hot pot shop greeted.
"Okay." Henry nodded and said to Amity, "Go, eat first, and say while eating."
"Wel ," Amity nodded.
Several people entered the hot pot restaurant, and Wade White had already booked a box.
Everyone ordered some dishes, and soon the dishes were served.
Amity looked at himself, dirty, sitting there, dared not to get chopsticks.
"I've sent people to bring clothes, they should be here soon, sister, don't be restrained, you
are the friend of the boss, that is our friend, eat it quickly." In the future, a piece of mutton
was put in the bowl in front of Amity.
"That's why it's important to eat first." Wade White also smiled, reached out and put a
handful of ash on the ground, smeared it on his face, and then grabbed a piece of meat and
ate it.
Henry rubbed Amity's head, "Girl, the most important thing to eat, come, eat it quickly."
Henry finished, stuffing chopsticks into Amity's hands, "You don't want to eat, we don't eat,
and you are hungry a. "
autumn looked up, looked at the future has been put down the chopsticks and white pool,
eyes on the red brush look, shed tears from the eyes, stood up, rushed Henry three deep
bow," Zhang brother Thank you. "
" Okay, let's sit down and eat, wait for the meal to change and change into the little beauty.
"Henry smiled slightly and took Amity's arm to let her sit on the seat. .
Amity picked up the chopsticks and put the mutton in the bowl into his mouth.
Henry discovered that Amity was really hungry and gulp down while eating, which made
Henry very puzzled. What had happened to this girl, she had n’t been away from Yinzhou
for a long time, and she stil had a bonus of one mil ion in her body. Even if it takes a lot of
money for his father to see a doctor, should n’t it be the case.
Amity also realized that she was eating, and looked up at Henry embarrassedly,
"Brother Zhang, am I eating too fast."
"Unpleasant, where are you from here, eat tight, otherwise you One bite can't fall!
"Henry said, grabbing a large bowl of meat for himself, and stuffing it al into his mouth.
"That is, my sister, you eat quickly, I will tell you, boss and this idiot have no gentlemanly
style, eating never takes care of us Girls. "In the future, she will learn what Henry looks like,
pick up a bowl of pork, and gobble up.
Hearing this, Wade White glanced at his mouth. "Which girl are you?" The future gave
Wade White a fierce look.
Wade White narrowed his neck quickly, afraid to speak.
Henry chuckled, "Wade White, just because of your courage, was known by your ancestors,
and collapsed with anger."
"Boss, I said, she is not a girl!" Wade White said with certainty.
Amity looked at the appearance of a few people fighting, and covered her mouth and
Soon, the clothes that people sent in the future were delivered, and Amity quickly went to
the bathroom to change the clothes.
The clothes were bought according to Amity's figure in the future, and they fit very well.
"Wel , it's pretty, isn't that the little cat just now." Henry took a sip. "Come on, girl, tell me
what happened. You walked decisively at that time. I deleted my friend and called me."
Changed. "
" I'm sorry, Brother Zhang, I ... I just don't want to cause you trouble. "Amity said
Henry waved his hand, "Okay, I forgive you for deleting my friend. Tell me, what difficulties
have you encountered?"
Amity sat there, lowered his head, and said, "I found my mother. "
Henry still remembered that Amity had said before, because Amity's father was a good bet,
Amity's mother left a few years ago.
"My mother has been away for so many years. After hearing about my father's accident, my
mother was also very worried and asked me to bring my father to Shancheng and helped
my father find a doctor. Well, the doctor I found was a liar, and the money was
deceived. My mother could n’t help it. My dad ’s daily medical expenses are huge sums for
me and my mom. Gigs. ”
Although Henry did n’t know what Amity was after being cheated at that time, he could
probably think that this was equivalent to ruining all one ’s hopes. Amity could support a
girl, it was not easy.
"What about today? What's going on today?" Henry asked.
"I found a housekeeping company to do a part-time job. I went to clean the house today.
I said that I would pay 800 yuan for cleaning it in the morning. I went there. As a result, I
didn't expect that it was not to clean the house. "
Amity said half of it. Without finishing it, Henry could probably think of what happened.
"Did you feel wronged?" Henry looked at Amity, afraid that the girl would be wronged, and
couldn't think of it.
"No." Amity shook his head vigorously. "It's just that the housekeeping company called me
and asked me to go back quickly, otherwise the deposit of 1,000 yuan I bet won't be
refunded to me."
"Come on, eat first, wait After dinner, we went to that housekeeping company together.
"Henry patted Amity's back.
Amity shook his head vigorously, "Brother Zhang, don't go anymore, that company seems
to have a gangster background, we can't afford it."
Wade White listened and grinned, "beauty, you can rest assured, there is no gangster than
us Boss is black. "
" Humph! "The future put his hands in front of him," I think Boss can be gentle and a good
man. "
" Okay , let's eat soon, let's go and see after we finish eating. " a few people ate a hot pot.
Henry originally planned to return to Yinzhou today. However, since he encountered
autumn rain, he had to solve the problem on the side of autumn rain.
Henry glanced at the phone. He sent Sylvia a few days ago, but Sylvia did not reply at al .
After a hotpot meal, several people left the hotpot restaurant and went to the housekeeping
company Amity said.
When eating, Amity's cel phone kept ringing. It was a call from the housekeeping company
and he urged Amity to go back.
"Wade White, did everyone who was looking for it look for it?" Henry asked.
"I have contacted the boss, al the gangs in the whole mountain city, big and small, I have
been notified, and I will be there in a moment." Wade White nodded.
"OK." Henry's mouth hung with a smile. "Housekeeping company, such a place where
sheep's head sells dog meat, can survive in Shancheng?"
Amity told Henry that housekeeping company is not far from where she lives.
When Henry came to see it, Amity lived just like the place she lived in Yinzhou. It belonged
to a kind of poverty-stricken area. In this era of high-rise buildings, Amity lived in places
where Henry had a kind of window leakage. il usion.
The old houses of the 1970s, because there is real y no development around, there is no
demolition until now. The rent here is cheap, there is no property fee, and the people who
live here are all people who live in hardship.
"Brother Zhang, that's it."
Amity gave Henry a finger.
Henry saw that an independent small second floor was located right in front of this old
house area, with the six characters of Young Housekeeping Company written on it.
"Boss, don't tell me, this housekeeping company still pretends to be like that." On the
housekeeping company, it was written something like cleaning the floor, cleaning the range
hood, etc. The person who can enter or leave the housekeeping company is a middle-aged
Henry shook his head. Such a place was specially deceived by girls who had no social
experience. Moreover, when the housekeeping company opened here, it was also
concluded that the people who lived here had no background, so they could do whatever
they wanted.
In front of the housekeeping company, two strong men were standing. When they saw
Amity, the two strong men rushed towards this side.
"Little bitch, you finally come back, come and follow me!" A strong man reached out and
grabbed Amity.
Henry a stride, stand in front of autumn body, brawny stretch to shoot open hand,
"there's anything to me."
Brawny squinted at Henry, "Boy, you Who are you?"
"This is my Sister. "Henry patted Amity's shoulder.
"Oh, your sister?" The strong man glanced at Henry, "So, let your sister go to work today,
she hurt her employer, you say, how is this account calculated?"
"No "Amity shook his head quickly." He wanted to force me. He fell down the stairs by
himself when I ran. "
" Oh! "The strong man sneered," I fell down the stairs by ourselves? We delegate you to
work, It ’s not that you are uncomfortable with the employer! "The voice of the strong man
just fell, and he heard the shouting from the door of that political company.
"Where is that little bitch? Where is it? Bring her to me!"
Henry looked at the place where the voice came, and saw a middle-aged man in his forties,
holding a big belly , Came to this side with the help of several strong men.
Henry looked at this middle-aged man and asked Amity back, "Is he?"
"Wel ." Amity nodded weakly, "Zhang Brother, he real y ran down the stairs and fell.
"It doesn't matter. Henry shrugged. "Even if he doesn't fall, he won't be able to wait." "
Amity didn't understand Henry's meaning when he heard this, but Wade White and his
future beside Henry knew exactly what Henry was referring to. It
can be seen that middle-aged men are inconvenient to walk and their thighs were injured
before. With the help of two strong men, the middle-aged man came, "Little bitch, hurt Lao
Tzu, put Lao Tzu pigeons, did he still have time to change his clothes?" "
You pay attention!" "Future frowned.
" Yo! The middle-aged man saw the future, and his eyes lit up. "There is also a beautiful
sister. Good, very good." The
middle-aged man looked at the man in the center and shouted, "Cal your manager!" "
Boss Wang, boss Wang!" It doesn't take you to cal me, I will take the initiative. When the
middle-aged man's voice fel , he saw a woman in her thirties and came running with a smile
on her face.
Boss Wang snorted. "
Boss Wang, I'm really embarrassed. It's our fault. Our fault will be dealt with immediately."
"The manager of the housekeeping company smiled favorably at the boss, and then stared
at Amity with a pair of eyes." What's the matter with you, do you want the 1,000-dol ar
deposit? "
The manager of the housekeeping company was sure that the people who lived in this
neighborhood had no money, so when he threatened Amity with that thousand dollars, he
seemed confident.
" Not a manager. "Amity shook his head again and again," He didn't want me to clean, he
wanted me ... "
"You shut up!" The manager impatient stare autumn look, "eight hundred clean a morning
hygiene? You tell me where to find such a good thing, in that you gave me to play dumb it?"
Standing Wade White smiled aside, "The others gave you three thousand dol ars, and you
only took eight hundred out of it, which is too high?" The manager looked at Henry and
Wade White in a careless gesture. What are you doing here? Help your friends come
forward? "
" You refund my sister's deposit of a thousand dollars, and we will leave. This matter has
nothing to do with you. "Henry glanced at the manager.
"Retreat?" The manager chuckled, "She hurt our boss Wang, we see her pitiful, it is good not
to ask her to ask for medical expenses, and also refund the deposit to her, you treat us as
"Laozi also No deposit, as long as these two girls play with Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu alone will give
five thousand! "Boss Wang said boldly.
"I depend on it, in the future, are you so valuable?" Wade White opened his mouth wide and
looked at the future with a surprised look.
"You're going to die!" The future stepped hard on Wade White's instep.
Wade White's toothache grinned.
Glanced manager Henry, "Boy, his aging mother mix for so many years, you are such a
person, his aging mother to see more, and wanted nothing more than to take an edge of it,
na, these give you enough yet?"
The manager directly thrown five hundred Bucks.
Boss Wang's eyes kept glancing at the future and Amity's body, and some uncomfortable
pictures had been imagined in his mind.
Henry didn't look at the five hundred dollars at a glance, "I just want you to refund my
sister's deposit. As for the medical expenses, he fell down. Wil the medical expenses be paid
by us?" "It's hilarious!" The manager put his hands on his hips, "Can this boss be run, can
our boss Wang chase her?"
"You are shameless!"
"Shameless? Little sister, I will let you see more shameless in a moment, hehe." Boss Wang
looked at the future and gave a wretched laugh.
Henry took a deep breath. "I will give you a chance at the end. Wil you repay the money?"
"Yo, threaten me?" The manager smiled disdainfully. She took out the intercom and
shouted at it. come.
The manager had just put down the intercom, and he saw the intermediary company, and
at the same time, more than ten strong men came out, each holding a stick or something in
his hand, and walking towards this place, Henry grouped around live.
The manager looked at Henry and said, "If you don't give me the money, how can you treat
Henry shook his head and didn't talk to the manager anymore. Well, al the people involved
are dealt with. "
Henry's words fell, and the manager immediately issued a sharp laugh." It's a big tone.
In this mountain city, no one has said that we dare not let our store open! " "
I looked at Boss Wang with disgust in the future:" Idiot, give him him away, I look
disgusting! "
" Abolish me? "Boss Wang seemed to hear the biggest joke in his life," Just like you guys
Vagrant, what do you want to do to me, you know? Laozi is with Turtledove! "
Boss Wang's voice just fel , and a voice rang aside.
"Why, Turtledove is crazy? When did the people who followed him became so arrogant!"
The voice came out.
Boss Wang and the manager of the housekeeping company looked at the speaker.
At the moment of seeing the speaker, boss Wang and the manager were shocked at the
same time, and immediately showed a good expression.
"Brother Zhiming, what brings you here." Boss Wang quickly pushed away the two strong
men who helped him, and walked quickly.
He knows very well that this Zhiming brother is the boss of Turtledove.
Known as Brother Zhiming, he was a man in his thirties. He glanced at the boss of Wang. He
ignored it, but said loudly: "Who is Mr. Feng Ranfeng?"
Henry looked at Wade White with doubts. He thought that what Zhiming Brother was cal
ed by Wade White.
Wade White shook his head, and he didn't know what Feng Ran was called.
Zhiming Brother's voice just fel , and a voice came up next to him, "Excuse me, is Mr.
Feng Ranfeng?"
Boss Wang and the manager looked at the new man again.
"This is ... the boss of the Black Tiger Club?" Boss Wang and the manager couldn't help but
shuddered. The manager hurriedly signaled his people to put their things away. This big
brother of the Black Tiger Club is the same as Zhiming Brother Level.
After seeing the big brother of the Black Tiger Club, Zhiming Brother nodded to the other
Five Audi cars came sprinting, stopped here, the doors opened, and in each car, five black-
clad big men came down. These big men al held machetes in their hands, and one of them
led a loud voice: "Mr. Feng Ranfeng is in What, our boss asked me to bring someone over,
who offended Mr. Feng Ran Feng? "
Boss Wang and the manager quickly shrunk their necks when they saw these five people,"
This is Mr. Xie's boss! "
group of people who arrived are all talking about Mr. Feng Ran, making boss Wang and the
manager wonder what this man named Feng Ran is. The big guys can make so many
gangsters come forward for him.
Even Xie Boss is here. This Xie Boss is a well-deserved snake.
Before the boss and the manager were shocked, there were five black Mercedes-Benz cars
coming in, each with a price of over one million yuan.
Audi just take the people who came, peered few Mercedes, "What, what happened here, the
relationship Laosong there anything? Do the authors, is that they want to deal with Mr.
Feng Ran?"
A few Mercedes Stopped, the car door opened and walked out of a group of strong men.
"Who dares to move Mr. Feng Ran?"
Feng Ran again?
Boss Wang and the manager looked at each other, and it was strange, who is Feng Ran, they
are in this film, they have not heard of this name, especially, so many big people this time,
are still concentrated in this housekeeping company before.
Several Mercedes-Benz cars just listened, and another whistle.
"People in front, did he give in, let's do this?"
More than a dozen Land Rovers drove over.
"Why do you just talk, whisper to Lao Tzu!" The Mercedes man scolded.
"Whisper? In this mountain city, no one can let me whisper together!" Land Rover's voice
came like this.
"Qi Ying? Boss Qi? The largest club in the north of the city!" The Mercedes-Benz people
quickly surprised, said: "Boss Qi, I'm sorry, I am the boss of Song, come here to do
something, this will give you away. "
Several Mercedes-Benz cars quickly gave way, these people thought that the Land Rover
team just passed by. As a result, the Land Rover team also stopped here, the door was
opened, and a group of people got off the car.
"Which one is Mr. Feng Ran, our boss asked me to help Mr. Feng Ran to solve the problem."
Qi boss said politely after getting off the bus.
Or Feng Ran?
Hearing Qi Ying ’s words, all the people present were ignorant. They were originally only
the little heads of the two clubs. The people who came later became more and more
powerful, and even the head snake came. Bring someone over, and listen to Qi Boss, this
Mr. Feng Ran, know the boss of Qi Boss!
What is the role of Brother Qi? That's the eldest brother who stomps his feet and makes
Shancheng shake.
After the Land Rover team came, a large number of teams came, al of them stopped here.
"Is Mr. Feng Ran here?"
"Mr. Feng Ran, I'm the old lame man in the south of the city."
"Mr. Feng Ran."
"Hello Mr. Feng Ran ..."
The boss and manager Wang who have just been arrogant and abnormal, look at the
moment The gangsters who came here, did not dare to say anything, stood tremblingly
aside, after a while, there were hundreds of people gathered here, and the number is still
increasing. Looking for Mr. Feng Ran.
And be aware that these hundreds of people are not ordinary brothers of the community.
Everyone who goes out is at the level of a smal leader of the community.
Put them in this housekeeping company. If you come to any one, you must let the manager
take it seriously. Let boss Wang keep a smiley face.
Forget it, the elder brothers of these societies are almost all over the mountain city. This
Mr. Feng Ran has found all the bosses in the mountain city!
In front of the housekeeping company, the black pressure crushed hundreds of people, so
that ordinary people did not dare to go here casual y, and did not even take a look at it.
"Come on, let it on, let it on." A voice sounded from the black crowd.
To see a 26-year-old youth, she pushed the crowd, came over, he was searching around in
the crowd, and final y to look into Wade White who shouted, "White boss, white boss."
Young quickly towards White pool came here.
Wade White frowned, scolding, "whisper." The
youth nodded quickly, daring not to speak.
Wade White pointed to Henry and said to the youth: "This is my boss. You can cal him
Brother Zhang."
"Boss, this kid is the only son of the richest man in Shancheng. What's his name ... what
..." Wade White showed a thoughtful look, and couldn't remember it.
"Just cal me Xiaowu." The young man smiled, not angry at all because Wade White didn't
remember his name.
If someone familiar with Xiao Wu sees this look of Xiao Wu, he will be surprised.
As the only son of the richest man in Shancheng, Xiao Wu went to a place where he did n’t
greet him. Whatever director saw him, he had to shout Wu Shaohao. In Shancheng, no one
dared offend him, but now, It's like a dogleg.
Henry nodded, "Wel , hel o."
For the role of Xiao Wu, Henry didn't pay much attention to it. The richest man in the
mountain city was just like that in Henry's eyes.
Wade White looked at Xiao Wu with dissatisfaction, "What about the person I called you?"
"These are the ones I called." Xiao Wu stretched his fingers in a circle.
Boss Wang and the manager of the housekeeping center were very close to Henry.
When he heard Xiao Wu's words, he laughed directly.
Boss Wang said, "Boy, do you live in a dream, these big brothers, are you cal ing?"
Xiao Wu frowned and looked at Boss Wang, "What are you? Dare to talk to Lao Tzu like
Xiao Wu was respectful in front of Wade White, and it was particularly arrogant in front of
others. These bosses, in Boss Wang's eyes, are not high The existence of Pan, but for Xiao
Wu, is just a group of people who give money to do things.
When the first one arrived, Xiaoming quickly asked Xiaowu, "Are you Mr. Feng Ran?"
"Feng Ran? Who is Feng Ran?" Xiao Wu looked puzzled.
Upon hearing Xiao Wu's denial, Zhiming Brother shook his head regretfully.
Boss Wang laughed aloud, "Boy, I tel you, these big brothers were al found by Mr.
Feng Ran. You said it was from you. You do n’t even know who Mr. Feng Ran is. "
Wade White glanced at Xiao Wu dissatisfiedly," What's the matter? "
Wade White and Henry have a good relationship. Everyone is a brother who was born and
died together, but Henry's mission to Wade White, Wade White has always been beautiful. ,
Not like this today.
Xiao Wu was a little angry when he saw Wade White. He quickly said, "Boss, don't be angry.
I don't usual y contact these people. I gave it to the secretary. I will call and ask now."
Xiao Wu just took out his mobile phone , I heard a dull car whistle sound.
A Rol s-Royce with five eight license plates drove into the crowd.
These big brothers who came to the community, when they saw Rolls-Royce with five and
eight license plates, put away their arrogance, knowing that people with such license plates
were not able to afford them.
Xiao Wu, who was going to call, also put away his mobile phone. This car is his. He let his
secretary drive.
the Rolls-Royce slowly entered the crowd
and stopped in front of Xiao Wu.
The door opened and a middle-aged man in a black suit came down from the car.
The middle-aged man stood there with a sense of dignity.
The elder brother of the surrounding society looked at the middle-aged man.
Xiao Wu stepped forward and slapped his hand on the back of the middle-aged man,
scolding: "Wil he let you find someone? How did you do it?" The middle-aged man cried
with a sad face and grieved: "Master, these are al I found."
"You found them? Am I going to you!" Xiao Wu kicked his feet on a middle-aged man,
"What people said was found by Feng Ran, you and he It ’s called Feng Ran! "
Xiao Wu is angry now, he is the white boss, but he has spent a lot of relationships to climb,
and now he can let himself do things, and he has to do it like this, so that the white boss The
boss is not happy!
"Feng Ran?" The middle-aged man looked puzzled. He frowned into the car and asked,
"What's the matter!"
The main driver's door of Rolls-Royce opened and a man in his thirties walked off the car.
Chong Xiaowu nodded and bowed his waist: "Master, hello, master."
"Hey, first of al , say hello to my elder brothers!" Xiao Wu kicked him on the driver's body.
"You have nothing to pay for!" The
driver quickly rushed to Henry Hello from a few people.
The middle-aged man looked at the driver with dissatisfaction, "What about the person I
asked you to cal ? People said it was found by Feng Ran!" The driver smiled embarrassedly
at the middle-aged man. The name of the flower is Feng Ran. "When
the nearest Zhiming brother heard this, he was shocked. He came forward and asked
careful y:" You are Mr. Feng Ran? Do you know our eldest brother? "
"Brother Qiang? When did Qiangzi dare to call him a brother?" The driver glanced proudly
at Zhiming Brother.
Zhiming's body was shocked. On the Tao, few people dared to call their eldest brother
Hadron. He dared to cal his elder brother that way. That's al a character with a head and a
"Mr. Feng Ran, you are finally here." Brother Qiying from the north of the city came quickly
and hurried to the driver. "Mr. Feng, do you remember me? I'm the eighth person. I saw you
last time. You once. "
Brother Cheng Ying from Chengbei showed great respect in front of the driver.
The driver nodded. "Wel , I was a little impressed."
"Mr. Feng Ran, I'm the old lame man, and the old lame man cal ed me to come."
"Mr. Feng Ran, I'm the sword of
Chengdong ." Chengdong Brother Dao is the president of the largest society in the east of
"Mr. Feng Ran, I'm ..." As
soon as the driver said his name, all the big brothers of the society showed up.
"Mr. Feng Ran, did you encounter something?" Qi Ying, the brother of Chengbei, asked
The driver heard this, her face changed, "I did not have something, our young master
something! I see you these societies, but also the whole, the people are what men, even our
young master al others in the world!"
These associations Brother I was shocked, and even the people whom Mr. Feng Ran cal ed
the young master dare to provoke, who is so open-minded? This has to become the public
enemy of the whole mountain city community!
These big brothers looked al over Xiao Wu.
Xiao Wu glanced at his mouth, "Don't you look at me, he is the one who irritated me!"
The elder brothers of these societies stumbled and almost sat on the ground, which was not
the master of Mr. Feng Ran , But Mr. Feng Ran ’s eldest brother! Isn't it his? the manager of
the political company and Boss Wang became pale, and they stared at Henry, but they did
not expect that they had this identity! Let yourself be able to look up enough, you can
squeeze your club brother with one finger, not even the younger brother of the other
younger brother!
Amity stared at Henry next to her with wide eyes. She knew that Henry was very capable,
but did not expect that it would be so powerful in the mountain city far from Yinzhou!
Henry gave Wade White a wink.
Wade White nodded, LANXESS said: "I ask you, who is in charge of this housekeeping
company?" Brother Zhiming heard this and stood up tremblingly, "Yes, it was the place
where my younger brother watched. "
Wade White laughed," "This is real y awesome, even my elder sister's sister looks bullied!"
"What!" Zhiming brother's body was shocked, his face was extremely ugly, he turned his
eyes to boss Wang and housekeeping The company manager, when he first came, saw the
two of them around here with sticks.
The elder brothers of the other clubs al looked at Zhiming brother with pity.
"It seems
that the eldest
son can't be mixed up anymore." "The people under him are not well managed, offended
such a big man, and will be replaced sooner or later!" Boss Wang and the manager of the
owner's company were trembling with fear. How could they think that one Will the poor
girl who lives in this old room area have such a powerful brother?
Looking at the unscrupulous eyes cast by the surrounding club bosses, Boss Wang and the
manager of the housekeeping company softened their legs and knelt down. They were very
clear that they were stared at by these big brothers. It's not even sure whether the sun will
be seen tomorrow morning!
Boss Wang and the manager of the housekeeping company, at this moment, simply couldn't
take care of the problems like face, and headed towards the ground.
"Brother, I'm sorry, but I don't know Taishan. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
"Brother, you will spare us this time, we will never dare again, you want money, I will give
you, I will give you all the money, OK!"
Facing the begging of boss Wang and the manager of the housekeeping company, Wade
White Without looking at it, he waved his hand, "solve it!"
Upon hearing Wade White's words, Boss Wang and the manager of the housekeeping
company faced a few ugly faces. The word "solve" has many meanings.
The elder brothers of these clubs are like wild wolves staring at the flock. The two people in
front of them are their best performance opportunities. They can perform in front of the
elder brother of Mr. Feng Ran. This is great for himself. Good thing.
Henry walked to the manager of the housekeeping company and shook his head. "I just
want to get back my sister's thousand deposits. Why do you have to make things like this,
"Brother, I'm sorry, I really knew I was wrong. , I'm sorry. "The manager of the
housekeeping company kept kowtowing.
"Return the deposit." Henry said lightly.
The manager of the housekeeping company dare to have extra money, and quickly took out
the money.
Henry specifically counted it, and after confirming that it was a thousand yuan, he gave
Amity the money, patted Amity's back, and left here.
As soon as Henry left his feet, the manager of the housekeeping company and boss Wang
were surrounded by a group of club bosses, and soon, a screaming sounded.
heard the screams behind him, and looked back with some worry.
Amity's head just turned halfway, and Henry took his arm. "Girl, tell me, how did you get
cheated on your money?"
Henry asked this matter, and Amity's attention was suddenly attracted.
"The doctor was introduced by a relative of my mother. My mother trusted the other party.
I was anxious to treat my dad at that time. I didn't think about it so much. As a result ..."
Amity said with a look of anger on his face.
The feeling of being too cheated by others and being cheated can be particularly
"Did you cal the police?" Henry asked strangely.
"Call the police." Amity nodded. "But there is no evidence, and the police can't control it."
Henry shook his head. The difference between this is uncontrollable, unwilling to control,
and too lazy to control. The difference between these can be changed at will, he asked
again. Amity, "Where is that aunt's relative, now?"
"She lives in the city, and the next day the fake doctor cheated us on the money, she
changed a good car." Amity clenched her silver teeth, The fool can see where the money for
the car purchase from her mother's relatives came from, but that is Amity's father's life-
saving money!
Henry pondered for two seconds, "Can you get in touch, take me to find her."
"My mother can." Amity nodded. "But Brother Zhang, we don't have any evidence. It's hard
to get the money back."
" No problem, I have a way. "Henry comforted.
Wade White and future as one, then open:. "Boss, I and the future is the first back to the
island, the time to study that thing got to work, and now the days are coming, the ready to
prepare things the General Assembly of the"
Wade White a reminder Henrycai remembered that this was almost the day of the
Underground World Congress. During this time, he almost forgot this matter. The venue of
this underground world conference was on Guangming Island.
Henry nodded, "That line, you go back first."
"Boss, will you attend this conference?" Wade White asked. Before the underground world
conference, Henry did not come forward.
"Let's watch then." Henry also replied uncertainly.
After saying goodbye to Amity in the future, Wade White left quickly.
Henry and Amity went directly to the hospital.
In fact, it is a hospital. It is better to say it is a clinic. Amity's father lives in this small clinic.
The hospital's expensive hospitalization and treatment costs are simply not affordable by
Amity's mother and daughter.
In this state of Amity's father, the doctors in the clinic are helpless, and they are even
reluctant to let Amity's father stay. Once the doctor has any shortcomings, the clinic doctors
cannot afford this responsibility.
It was not until Amity's mother ful y declared that there was an accident that the clinic did
not need to bear any responsibility, and the bed fees and nutrition fees were paid every
day, the clinic doctor barely let Amity's father live here.
Henry saw that the doctor in the clinic was a man of nearly fifty years old, wearing glasses,
and one eighteen meters tall, and looked very thin.
The environment in the clinic is very simple. There are only five simple beds. At this
moment, there is only one person lying on it, and the rest of the beds are empty.
The bed where the man was lying was where Amity's father lived. Amity's mother was
sitting by the bed. She was a very plainly dressed woman with calluses on her hands, and
she did not suffer much.
"Amity, you are here." As soon as Amity entered the clinic, a young man of ordinary looks,
about twenty-four or four years old, came over with a happy face.Amity nodded and urged
Henrydao: "Brother Zhang, this is Ning Tian, son of
Dr. Ning ." Dr. Ning is the doctor who opened this clinic.
"Hello." Henry nodded.
Ning Tian looked at Henry with a bad face, and asked, "Autumn rain, who is this?"
Ning Tian's family is ordinary, looks average, and his education is very ordinary. Like most
ordinary people, he will find an ordinary one. Work, or inherit this clinic, find a girlfriend
with similar conditions in al aspects, and live a lifetime.
Ning Tian always thought this way, but until the appearance of Amity, when Ning Tian
knew the status of Amity's family, he began to pursue Amity. Under normal circumstances,
with the appearance and figure of Amity, Ning Tian could never Found such a beauty to be
his wife, but now, Ning Tian is very hopeful.
Today, when I saw a strange man suddenly appear beside Amity, Ning Tian felt a sense of
"I'm Qiu
Yu's former colleague in Yinzhou." Henry didn't wait for Amity to answer, and then he
smiled and replied, "Come to Shancheng for a business trip and see how Uncle Qiu is
doing." "Oh." Ning Tian heard Henry say , Before letting go of my heart, but a pair of eyes
kept looking at Henry.
Dr. Ning, who was sitting in the clinic, came up and said, "Autumn rain, you told me this
morning to raise money. Did you raise the money? Your father used too much nutrient
solution every day.
" Dad, why do you always mention money? "Ning Tian glanced at his father blameful y.
Amity's mother also stood up from the bed and walked over. "Girl, did you get the money?"
Amity nodded and took out the 1,000 yuan that had just been returned by the manager of
the housekeeping company.
Dr. Ning looked at the thousand dol ars in Amity's hand and frowned. "Miss Amity, this
amount of money is not enough. The bed fee you owed four days before was almost a
thousand. There are more than 800 yuan for nutrition. "
"Dad, can you not think of it like this? Uncle Qiu is like this. We know the situation of
Amity's house. Why do you have to be so clear!" Ning Tian pulled his father's sleeve,
shouting .
Dr. Ning sighed, "It's not that Dad is looking at money. You're not too young. It's time to find
a girlfriend and get married. Isn't that good for you too? Dad asks for a girlfriend to ask for
money and a house to buy. We opened this clinic, not charity. "
Ning Tian was worried." It's real y not charity. But Amity and Auntie have known us for so
long, just like their family members. Do you have to ask your family members to ask?
Money? "
Dr. Ning shook his head." If it's real y a family, I certainly don't account for these small
amounts of money, but the problem is that we are not a family, or if you ask, will Amity
want to marry you? " If she wants, I will definitely cover the medical expenses of this family
member! "
Dr. Ning finished his eyes, staring at Amity.
Ning Tian is also looking forward to looking forward, "Amity, I ..."
"Brother Zhang, can you lend me some money first?" Amity looked at Henry.
When Ning Tian heard Amity's voice, he let out a sigh of relief and looked at Henry's eyes,
even more upset.
Amity nodded and urged Henrydao: "Brother Zhang, this is Ning Tian, son of Dr. Ning ." Dr.
Ning is the doctor who opened this clinic.
"Hello." Henry nodded.
Ning Tian looked at Henry with a bad face, and asked, "Autumn rain, who is this?"
Ning Tian's family is ordinary, looks average, and his education is very ordinary. Like most
ordinary people, he will find an ordinary one. Work, or inherit this clinic, find a girlfriend
with similar conditions in al aspects, and live a lifetime.
Ning Tian always thought this way, but until the appearance of Amity, when Ning Tian
knew the status of Amity's family, he began to pursue Amity. Under normal circumstances,
with the appearance and figure of Amity, Ning Tian could never Found such a beauty to be
his wife, but now, Ning Tian is very hopeful.
Today, when I saw a strange man suddenly appear beside Amity, Ning Tian felt a sense of
"I'm Qiu
Yu's former colleague in Yinzhou." Henry didn't wait for Amity to answer, and then he
smiled and replied, "Come to Shancheng for a business trip and see how Uncle Qiu is
doing." "Oh." Ning Tian heard Henry say , Before letting go of my heart, but a pair of eyes
kept looking at Henry.
Dr. Ning, who was sitting in the clinic, came up and said, "Autumn rain, you told me this
morning to raise money. Did you raise the money? Your father used too much nutrient
solution every day.
" Dad, why do you always mention money? "Ning Tian glanced at his father blameful y.
Amity's mother also stood up from the bed and walked over. "Girl, did you get the money?"
Amity nodded and took out the 1,000 yuan that had just been returned by the manager of
the housekeeping company.
Dr. Ning looked at the thousand dol ars in Amity's hand and frowned. "Miss Amity, this
amount of money is not enough. The bed fee you owed four days before was almost a
thousand. There are more than 800 yuan for nutrition. "
"Dad, can you not think of it like this? Uncle Qiu is like this. We know the situation of
Amity's house. Why do you have to be so clear!" Ning Tian pulled his father's sleeve,
shouting .
Dr. Ning sighed, "It's not that Dad is looking at money. You're not too young. It's time to find
a girlfriend and get married. Isn't that good for you too? Dad asks for a girlfriend to ask for
money and a house to buy. We opened this clinic, not charity. "
Ning Tian was worried." It's real y not charity. But Amity and Auntie have known us for so
long, just like their family members. Do you have to ask your family members to ask?
Money? "
Dr. Ning shook his head." If it's real y a family, I certainly don't account for these small
amounts of money, but the problem is that we are not a family, or if you ask, will Amity
want to marry you? " If she wants, I will definitely cover the medical expenses of this family
member! "
Dr. Ning finished his eyes, staring at Amity.
Ning Tian is also looking forward to looking forward, "Amity, I ..."
"Brother Zhang, can you lend me some money first?" Amity looked at Henry.
When Ning Tian heard Amity's voice, he let out a sigh of relief and looked at Henry's eyes,
even more upset.
When she left, Amity's mother couldn't stand Amity's father's gambling. After so many
years, neither of them divorced, nor did Amity's mother find anyone else. This shows that
she still has Amity's father in mind.
Amity did n’t see her mother ’s meaning, but she could n’t accept it. During this time, Dr.
Ning Tian and Ning suggested to Amity more than once. Only if everyone became a family,
the medical expenses would no longer be a problem. .
But, when Amity thinks of her scene with Ning Tian, she feels something is wrong, not only
Ning Tian, she will be uncomfortable as long as she thinks of being with any man, but only
that person can make herself whole body The heart accepts, and that person is now
standing beside him, although he is married and the marriage partner is so good that he
can only look up.
"Okay, there is a document for you to sign." Dr. Ning flicked his sleeve, walked to his
consultation table, and picked up a document on the table, which read the letter of
"Dr. Ning, what is this?" Amity's mother asked puzzled.
"An agreement, if your husband has something wrong with us, we don't have to take any
responsibility, which is what we said before." Dr. Ning explained.
"Oh." Amity's mother nodded and said to Amity, "Girl, you mother and I are il iterate, you
go to sign it."
Amity picked up the pen and was ready to sign the division of responsibility.
When Amity was about to write her name, her jade wrist was suddenly caught by a big
"This agreement cannot be signed." Henry Amity shook his head.
"Boy, who the hell are you? I tell you, don't sign this agreement, don't live here with me, I
don't want to provoke a commotion when the time comes!" Dr. Ning waved angrily,
"Ning Tian, take the bed off Then, send them out to me. "
" Don't Dr. Ning. "Amity's mother hurriedly opened her mouth and said to Henrydao,"
Boy, this is what I said to Dr. Ning before. We must sign this agreement. "
"It's better to sign!" Dr. Ning embraced his chest with both hands. "Otherwise I thought you
came to ridicule me."
Henry looked at Dr. Ning Yan with Yu Guang and said, "I ca n't lie to you, this agreement
Anyway, I can't sign it. "
Amity had 100% trust in Henry. He put down the pen directly." Brother Zhang, is there a
problem with this agreement? "
Henry nodded." Wel , call the police first. "
Dr. Ning and Ning Tian Yi heard Henry said to call the police, his face suddenly changed.
Dr. Ning shouted, "Why, let you sign an agreement and call the police, OK, don't sign it, and
hurry up, I won't take you here!"
Dr. Ning said, reaching for the agreement in Amity's hand go with.
Henry had expected that Dr. Ning would do this, and grabbed this agreement in his hand,
and Yang Yang said, "Why, Dr. Ning, so anxious to destroy the evidence?"
"What destroys the evidence? I don't understand what you mean, since If you do n’t sign,
just give me the agreement. There is a chapter of our clinic. You do n’t have the right to hold
it! ”Dr. Ning gave his son a wink.
Ning Tian rushed towards Henry directly and wanted to grab the agreement.
Henry pushed Ning Tian away, and Henry's effort let Ning Tian fall to the ground.
"Oh, you guys!" Dr. Ning shouted, pointing at Amity and his mother, "You two, those who
have revenge, we kindly take you in, Wil ing to accept this half-dead man, do you still beat
my son? "
" No, Dr. Ning, don't get me wrong! "Amity's mother hurriedly opened her mouth, and
wanted to explain, heard a cold hum.
"Eun will Qiu Bao?" Henry sneered and ripped his hands on the surface of the agreement.
"You are also counted, are you kind to them?"
After Henry tore the surface of the agreement, the bottom of the surface was re-exposed A
piece of content, this content is completely different from the previous agreement, but the
place that needs to be signed is exactly the same.
Amity looked at the brand-new content that appeared below the surface. The insurance
benefit transfer book was printed in her beautiful pupils.
In this beneficiary transfer letter, the insured is Amity's father, and the beneficiary is
replaced by Ning's father and son. If Amity just signed the letter, once her father has any
accidents, then Ning's father and son , Will receive a huge compensation.
As for the accident, Amity's father lived in the clinic, and Dr. Ning wanted to let the accident
happen and the accident to come.
Although Amity ’s mother was il iterate, she saw something hidden under the agreement,
and realized that something was wrong, she asked, "Daughter, what is this."
Amity took a deep breath and endured the anger in her heart. The insurance beneficiary
transfer book was explained to his mother.
An autumn mother, his face suddenly changed, and doctors rushed Ning shouted: "?!
Wel you hacked in pieces, so you should treat our mother and son, or what you or what
doctors would rather see things brought to light, also Without continuing to pretend, Chong
Amity's mother and son waved again and again, "Get out, do you have any evidence that
this is what we did, roll!"
Henry looked at Amity, "Girl, how do you want to solve it?"
Amity has just seen Henry ’s energy, and she has no doubt that Henry can make these two
people pay the price, but she stil shook her head with her weak heart, “Forget it, Brother
Zhang, if this clinic had accepted my father, now I do n’t even know what to do.

Henry shook his head helplessly. The clinic accepted Amity ’s father. It was nothing more
than interest. They had nothing to do with their kindness, but since Amity was not willing
to pursue, Henry was too lazy to mess with this. Trouble, I turned back and asked Wade
White to tell his little brother that he would finish the clinic.
Amity's mother stood in tears and kept tears. The last time, because of herself, her nearly
one million daughters were deceived. This time, she almost did the wrong thing.
"Okay, Auntie, it's all right. You'll pack things up. I'll find a good place for my uncle."
Henry walked over and patted Amity's mother's shoulder.
"Hey." Amity's mother nodded and wiped the clouded tears on her face. "Boy, hel o, what's
your name?"
"Call me Henry." Henry replied and walked over, Amity's father, who couldn't wake up in
his bed, picked up and walked out of the clinic.
Standing outside the clinic, Amity and her mother's faces were full of helplessness, and they
didn't know where to go.
Henry first drove a car, and several people went to the nearest hospital to do the
hospitalization procedures for Amity's father. "Henry, we can't use your money, this can't
help, it can't be used." Amity's mother quickly came over and stopped when Henry wanted
to pay, "I let that girl Cong Ning That money is coming. "
Henry looked at Amity's mother and finally understood why Amity was so polite, all
rendered by her mother.
"Auntie, I have a good relationship with Amity. It was as if I lent her first, and then she
would earn it and then return it to me. I would also accept the interest." Henry waved his
hand and said indifferently.
"This will not work, really not." Amity's mother stopped again, and at the same time, Amity
said that she had just completed the hospitalization procedures. "Daughter, please come
and tel Henry, we can't do this."
Henry had no choice but to find For a reason, said: "Auntie, let me tell you the truth. I am
Amity's boyfriend. It is good for my uncle to get sick earlier. It is good for me. My money is
Amity's money.
"Ah?" Amity's mother heard it with a stunned expression, just in the clinic, not saying so.
Amity's mother looked at her daughter and asked, "Girl, are you and Henry the target?"
Amity's face turned red with a snap, just to deny, Henry said first, "Auntie, are you looking
down? Me, if you can't look down on me, I'll go first. "
" Can't you can't! "Amity's mother waved hands again and again, Henry had helped them so
much, and she was very satisfied with Henry. This young man is a good match for his
The most important thing is that Amity's mother has suffered hardships. She can see that
Henry is also a person who has suffered hardships. Such a person is much more pragmatic
than those who have a rich second generation.
"Auntie, I will pay the money first, don't be polite to me." Henry swiped the card directly to
the hospital.
Amity's mother nodded, but stil a little embarrassed: "Henry, don't pad too much, let her
dad stay down, and we will give you the money."
"Fine." Henry responded and said to the hospital cash register, "Then two thousand dollars
should be swept in first."
Henry finished, and swept the money in.
The cash register took out the POS machine ticket and gave it to Henry for Henry to sign.
Henry wrote a few brushes and handed the small ticket to the cash register.
When the cashier saw the small ticket, there was a shock in his eyes.
On the small ticket, a few words were written.
"Swipe another half a million, don't let the aunt and girl next to know." The cashier looked
at Henry, who smiled at her.
The cashier secretly sighed that this kind of person who secretly helps people and does not
ask for rewards actually exists. Looking at the appearance of the girl next to me, I am afraid
that many people will be distracted. None, like the average person who wants to show off,
brushing five or six thousand people can't wait for people all over the world to know.
The number of half a million was also thought by Henry. He did n’t brush too much. He was
afraid that Amity would n’t accept it and did n’t brush too much. After all, he could n’t stay
in the mountain for a few days. It's awkward.
Henry recalled the surveillance he saw at the Yinzhou Hospital at that time. Amity used her
tiny body to carry his father to the taxi. The determination on his face made people feel
after Amity's father is settled, and then look at the time, it is almost four o'clock in the
When Henry came this time, he just happened to encounter the clinic. The most important
purpose was to ask about the doctor who was a liar.
Sitting in the ward, Henry asked Amity's mother about the one mil ion deceptions.
Amity's mother shook her head and sighed regretfully. "Hey, I blame me for being too
stupid and believe in others too."
Henry heard this, and he was undecided. In the present society, kindness has been treated
as stupid. What is controversial is that Amity and her mother are both kind people.
Amity ’s mother told Henry that she had been working in a factory with her elder sister,
Amity ’s aunt, after she came to Shancheng, to make installation screws. There were more
than 3,000 pieces in January. , It's been so many years.
Some time ago, Amity brought his father to find him. After Amity's mother heard what
happened in Yinzhou, she immediately took a long vacation with the factory. She first
settled Amity's father and went to see a doctor.
Although Amity ’s mother stayed in Shancheng for several years, she was always in the
factory. No one knew her, and she could n’t find a good doctor. She asked Aunt Amity for
help and said that Amity had nearly one million. Thing.
Aunt Amity told her that she happened to know a decent doctor and recommended Amity's
mother to try it.
At that time, the doctor came and saw the situation of Amity's father, and took a picture of
the breast, saying that 100% can be treated, but Amity needs to pay the medical expenses
in advance, because he needs to import the medicine from abroad. One hundred thousand.
Amity and her mother were very happy when they heard that they could be cured, but they
still hesitated when paying, but Aunt Amity said that it would be fine to let them take the
money out of peace.
Amity's mother was so cruel, she took out the money and paid off.
A few days after the payment was made, Amity's father was always in the hospital, and
Amity's mother asked Aunt Amity every day when the medicine could come in.
Aunt Amity has always shrugged off, saying that soon, the doctor has already gone to
magnesium country.
As a result, one day, Aunt Amity told Amity's mother that she couldn't reach the doctor.
The doctor should have run away. Let Amity's mother think of another way.
It was on the same day that Aunt Amity quit her job at the factory completely, and bought a
good car of more than 300,000 the next day, and also rented a big house. It is said that the
annual rent is more than 30,000.
"Can you find her?" Henry thought and asked.
To deal with this kind of person, Henry didn't plan to find any evidence at all, he just made
a trick. Although the money might not come back, this kind of person would definitely not
spend all the money, and would leave a large part of his life for him. As for the car, It was
only a few days after I bought it and it was brand new.
Amity ’s mother shook her head and said, “She did n’t answer my phone during this time,
but tonight, Uncle Amity invited to dinner, that person should also go, but we are not going
to go, otherwise we will definitely be laughed at by them. . " "
Auntie, tonight to go, must go, I'm with you. "Henry hand on autumn mother's shoulder.
"Henry, what are we going to do there? The food in the big restaurant is delicious, but in
the past I always felt uncomfortable."
"Go to get the money back." Henry said firmly.
At five thirty in the afternoon, Henry and Amity's mother and daughter came out of the
hospital and went to the hotel.
Amity told Henry that her uncle was very good in mountain towns. She was the boss of a
small real estate company. Every time Amity saw her uncle, she would be reprimanded and
said that she had nothing to do. Amity had an uncle The daughter, who is an only child, is
also ful of superiority, and will show up in front of Amity, often sneering, so Amity and her
mother are reluctant to see her uncle, not to mention Amity's aunt.Henry found that
Amity's tone was ful of inferiority when he talked. I thought it was affected by Amity's
uncle's family. Even a genius, if he was stupid every day, he would doubt himself. Is it really
Now Amity is like that. She feels that she is really useless and will only cause trouble to
Henry reached out his hand and rubbed Amity's head, "Girl, don't listen to what others say,
don't forget, you earned a million luxury car and a commission of more than 200,000 a
day. . "
autumn shook his head," that's my good luck, and Zhang brother you help me, if you did
not, how could I make so much money. "
" wrong. "Henry walked in front of autumn body and grabbed Amity ’s shoulders and eyes
looked directly at Amity, "Girl, everyone has good luck, but it depends on whether you can
hold it, you are lucky, but if you did n’t study hard, you did n’t study hard. State etiquette,
there is no effort to study the project, so you can not talk down a list, believe me, you have
better than a lot of people I've seen. "
autumn is such a peering look at Henry, a Qiaolian It turned red with a snap.
"Brother Zhang, you ... you ..." Amity lowered his head. "Don't praise me like that."
"I'm not talking about you. I'm just saying some facts. You must first cheer yourself up, the
one you were in Yinzhou , Placed in the mountain city, can also break out of his own sky.
"Henry said very surely.
"Real y ... really?"
"Wel ."
Amity's mother was watching them talking, her lips smiled comfortably. Although she
hadn't been in contact with Henry for a long time, she could see the child's heart. It's not
bad, be practical, and give your daughter to him, you can be assured.
The three-person hotel is about seven kilometers away from the hospital. Henry wanted to
take a taxi, but Amity's mother was unwilling to live or die.
"Henry, let's get a taxi and get 17 yuan. A traffic jam will cost 18 yuan. There are direct
buses. Three of our talents spend 3 yuan. The remaining 10 yuan are al Enough to buy two
days of food, no taxi, no taxi. "Amity's mother waved her hand.
Henry saw that Amity's mother insisted so much, so she didn't say much.
The three of them waited for about five minutes at the bus stop, and the bus came.
When Henry looked at the number of people on the bus, he felt that it was a big city.
The bus in Yinzhou is crowded during the peak hours of work, but it is not very crowded.
The seats in the car are usually enough, but this bus in the mountain city is really crowded!
When the bus stopped and the door opened, Amity's mother squeezed up and greeted
"Quickly, Henry, get on the bus, the next trip will take more than 20 minutes."
Amity followed her mother, Henry walked behind Amity, Henry was just about to get on the
bus, and it felt like a huge force came Looking back, three or four people were squeezing up
from the door at the same time.
At the same time, a softness came from Henry.
Henry is standing at the door of the bus, and behind him, three or two people are squeezing
And the bus is full of stations and can't walk in at al .
As soon as the person in the back pushed, the person in the front couldn't move, so Amity
could put it on Henry's body at once.
Amity, who stood in front of Henry, blushed and clung to Henry's chest, unable to move at
all, and had no place to move.
It was good to be standing like this, but the person behind Henry pushed him.
A young man shoved Henry's waist, "Dude, hurry, walk in."
Henry's waist was pushed like this, and Amity was in front of her again. breath.
Henry smiled a little embarrassedly, then turned back and said, "Dude, don't push it first,
you can't get inside."
"Then squeeze in!" Said the young man behind.
This is squeezed into three words. It sounds very wrong in this situation. At this time, the
person behind Henry is pushing his waist constantly.
After some shoving, the door finally closed.
Henry finally grabbed an armrest, Amity had no place to stand, and could only stand in
Henry's arms.
The bus stopped and stopped all the way, and from time to time it braked urgently.
Amity couldn't stand stil , and he frequently fell into Henry's arms.
For Henry, this trip was both torment and enjoyment.
The girl's breath, with a pure, shy sweetness, impacted Henry from time to time.
He subconsciously glanced down, and from his perspective, it just happened to be able to
see something along Amity's neckline.
More than forty minutes passed, and the bus finally arrived.
After getting off the car, Amity's face flushed red, just now, she obviously felt something
strange behind her.
Henry got out of the car and sat at the bus station for a long time, feeling that he had
recovered a lot, and then got up.
"Henry, you can't do this. You only got motion sick after sitting for a while." Amity's mother
Henry smiled bitterly and looked at Amity.
Amity lowered his head embarrassedly, turned around, and left a back to Henry.
But as soon as Amity's back was seen, Henry thought of the scene just in the car. He quickly
shook his head and took a deep breath. He didn't think about it again, or he would have to
wait for it again.
Mountain City World Hotel is a super hotel that integrates accommodation, leisure,
entertainment and food. This hotel is located in the whole mountain city, which is also one
of the best.
The top floor without glance, luxurious decoration, grand parking lot, and gilded hotel door
all show people the luxury of this hotel.
Before Amity's mother came to the World Hotel, her walking speed slowed down a lot.
When she saw this big hotel, Amity's mother felt a sense of fear and felt that she was
incompatible with al of this.
The three had just walked to the door of the hotel and were about to go in. A BMW three
series braked in front of the door.
The door opened, and a woman in her fifties walked out of the car proudly, throwing the
car key to the security guard waiting at the door of the hotel.
The women wore a big red skirt, a gold watch worth nearly ten thousand dol ars on their
hands, and a large string of pearl necklaces around their necks.
There was a pair of sunglasses on the woman's face. She slowly stood under the sunglasses,
twisted her head, and saw the mother and daughter of Amity.
The woman made a surprised expression, "Oh, you are all here? When did you take the bus
so fast? It takes me a lot of time to drive a BMW, but that is more than 300,000
cars, enough for you to sit for a lifetime Bus! ""Brother Zhang, this is my mother's relative."
Amity whispered to Henry, Amity didn't cal her aunt or the like at all. My father became as
he is now, and he was also hurt by this kind of relative.
Henry nodded, even if Amity didn't say it, he could see it.
Amity's mother stared at Aunt Amity. Although she wanted to ask her where the car came
from, she stil refrained from speaking. She just said, "If our money is not cheated, we can
afford this car!"
"Real y Interesting. "Aunt Amity laughed," You are stupid, the money has been cheated by
others, who else can blame? "
" If it were not you, how could our money be deceived! "Amity couldn't help but say.
"Yoyo, look at what you said, just like I cheated your money." Aunt Amity glanced at her
mouth. "I said that you two are so thick-faced. Brother just invited casual y for dinner
today. Are you two real y here? Can you both enter this kind of hotel? You have trampled on
the ground! "
Amity frowned, just about to speak.
Henry patted Amity on the shoulder, indicating Amity was restless. He stepped forward
and said, "Hua Xia has a saying that the emperor is not in a hurry, it's better to call the hotel
manager and ask him if we Can't go in? "
" Who are you? "Aunt Amity looked at Henry with disdain.
"This is my daughter's boyfriend." Amity's mother said proudly. On the way she just came,
she also asked about the basic situation of Henry. Henry didn't say much, so she said that
she also opened a small company, with monthly income not bad.
In the eyes of Amity's mother, it is quite successful to have her own company at such a
young age. It must be better than her elder brother in the future. Her daughter found a man
with such skill, which is real y good.
"Oh? A deflated three?" Aunt Amity glanced at her mouth. "You have sharp teeth, and hope
to wait for this."
After Aunt Amity finished her speech, she walked towards the hotel, but she knew very well
that once her niece saw Amity's family, she would definitely sneer and sneer, and they
would be ashamed!
Amity's mother stood there, her face ful of anger. She and Aunt Qiu worked in the factory
for several years. She usually shared any good things with Aunt Amity. When the result
came, she got such a result.
"Auntie, don't be angry, I will find a way to let her return the money." Henry walked to
Amity's mother and said.
Amity's mother nodded.
The three went to the elevator and took the elevator upstairs.
Amity's private room is a big bag on the second floor of the hotel.
People who can book big bags in this world hotel are all characters with a face in the whole
mountain city. Although Uncle Amity started a company, he has not yet been qualified to
book big bags. The reason why he can book This box was only ordered because his
daughter was a smal foreman here, and he said a lot of good things to the manager.
When the three people Henry came outside, they heard a burst of noise in the box.
"Come on, drink!"
"Mr. Guo, I respect you!"
Henry frowned as he heard the laughter inside.
Amity's uncle
, called the Amity's family to dinner, but listening to the voice inside, it seems that there are
many people and have already eaten.
"Is this box?" Henry asked with some uncertainty.
"Yes, this is it." Amity nodded, and she heard the voice inside.
Henry pushed the door of the box open, and when he saw it, he saw Aunt Amity who had
just seen at the door of the hotel. He was sitting at the table at the moment, eating, and
instructing the waiter in the box to pour the wine for her.
Henry glanced at the box. There were about ten people sitting at the moment, and most of
the dishes on the table had been eaten.
The box door was pushed open, and the people in the box looked at it almost
Sitting on the throne is a middle-aged man in his fifties, with a big head and a big gold
chain. It is Amity's uncle, Guo Xue.
Uncle Amity frowned when he saw the mother and daughter of Amity. He just politely sent
an invitation and said that he had ordered a big bag at the World Hotel, and more of it was
just showing off. He did not expect that his two poor relatives were really Here, in the past,
they invited themselves, a slightly better hotel, they all have no face, how come this time?
Isn't it embarrassing to yourself?
Amity's mother smiled at Amity's uncle and shouted, "Brother."
"Wel ." Amity uncle responded angrily, nodded, and rushed to the side, "Nowhere to sit."
Amity Glancing with Amity's mother, the positions on the table were almost full, and there
was no place to sit at al . Those who sat at the table were also motionless, unwilling to make
room, and they stood there. I was awkward for a while and didn't know what to do.
Aunt Amity looked at them like a joke.
"Waitress, give us three more chairs." Henry said at this moment, and then took Amity and
Amity's mother to the table, and randomly walked to the two people who were not far
away from the table. Point location. "
The two looked at Henry with dissatisfaction and slowly moved away.
"Who is this?" Uncle Amity looked at Henry and asked dissatisfiedly.
When the uncle Amity asked, Aunt Amity said: "Brother, this is your son-in-law of your two
younger sisters, but your teeth are sharp."
"Oh." Uncle Amity nodded and shouted at Xuanxun. Young people must have the
consciousness of young people, speaking and scoring occasions and primary and
secondary, you know? "
" Brother, don't be angry, Henry is still young, not sensible, not sensible. "Amity's mother
repeatedly said.
At this time, the waiter moved three chairs, just about to put down.
Aunt Amity spoke first and yelled at the waiter: "Who made you move the chair? Can you
see if this can be put down? Go and replace it with a stool!" The waiter stood there
awkwardly and final y looked at Uncle Amity.
Uncle Amity waved his hand, "Go for a stool, the chair can't be put down anymore."
Dongjia said so, the waiter must listen to Dongjia's words, and soon changed three stools.
Henry smiled at the corner of his mouth, did not speak, and sat there.
Amity's mother and daughter were sitting beside Henry, looking very cautious.
"Oh, waiter, those dishes are al finished. Let's withdraw them!" Uncle Amity waved his
hands. He said that the dishes that were withdrawn were the ones before Henry.
The waiter quickly came up and removed all the dishes.
In fact, all the dishes on
this table are almost the same.
The waiter asked if Uncle Amity would add food.
"How do you want to eat? Do you want to stop ordering lobster or something?" Uncle Amity
looked at the person next to him and asked.
"No, Mr. Guo, it ’s okay to eat.
Let ’s just sit down and chat and drink." "Yes, Mr. Guo, today is so rich, I am stil the first to
sit in the world hotel bag, Or Mr. Guo has a face. "
" Yes, how can ordinary people order this box. "
" Don't need the dishes. Let's drink and chat. "
Uncle Amity asked a table person, but passed by The three of Henry didn't ask. After
hearing a table that they were ful , Amity uncle waved at the waiter, "Okay, the dishes will
not be added, you go out." The
waiter nodded and left the box.
At this time, there were some leftovers on the table, so Henry was empty in front of them,
and the tableware in front of them was very clean and tidy.
A table of people, as if they did not see Henry, chatted with oneself, no one ignored them at
Aunt Amity can chat with these people.
Uncle Amity opened a small company with a net worth of several million, and the rest of
them are similar. Aunt Amity put her BMW car key on the table. Although there is still a gap
with these people, but in the end Can speak in a circle.
"Come, is this Mr. Guo's niece? Have a drink together?" A middle-aged 50-year-old man put
his gaze on Amity, his eyes were full of aggression. Grab it with a small hand.
Amity escaped the opponent's salted pig hands and shook his head. "Sorry, I won't drink."
"Why don't you come here without drinking?" The middle-aged man saw Amity not giving
himself a face, said dissatisfiedly, and then never looked at Amity again.
Amity's mother sat there without saying a word.
Amity's tight fist clenched, no matter how kind people are, can't stand being bullied like
The box door was opened again, and a young woman in professional uniform came in.
"Oh, this is Guo's niece. Now it's really a talented person." As soon as the young woman
entered the door, someone opened the box.
"Mr. Guo, your daughter, but the appearance is getting more and more beautiful."
"Not only beautiful, but also ability, and education."
"Mr. Guo, our clinic envy you."
Compliments rang out in the box Sheng, the young woman who came in was the only child
of Guo Xue, working as a foreman at the World Hotel.
"Brother Zhang, this is Guo Wenqi." Amity whispered to Henry.
Henry looked at it, this Guo Wenqi, can only be said to be very general.
Guo Wenqi smiled, "Thank you uncles for his compliments."
Guo Wenqi glanced in the box, and final y fixed his eyes on Amity, revealing a pair of
doubtful eyes, intentionally said: "Huh? Amity, why are you here? Should n’t you clean
someone else ’s housekeeping company at this time? Why, one hundred dollars a day ca n’t
be done? ”
Guo Wenqi said with a trace of contempt in his eyes. Amity
nodded. "It's gone, and the deposit has been refunded."
"Oh my god, don't you do such a good job?" Guo Wenqi looked surprised.
Xuan Zhang heard the tone of Guo Wenqi , she knew she didn't hold back any good words,
and it was true.
Guo Wenqi continued to speak in that surprised tone, "One hundred a day, three thousand
a month, so you can't do so easily if you don't do it? Look at me, even though you are one
year older than you. Your life is good, I am too tired to work. I have to work eight hours a
day, and only pay more than 8,000 yuan in January. There are not many five insurance and
one gold payments. The whole person is here, hey. "
Guo Wenqi said That is a very obvious flaunt. At her age, few people say that they can open
8,000 in January, and there are five insurances and one gold.
Amity's expression dimmed a lot when he heard this.
Guo Wenqi continued to sigh, "Hey, you let me say how you are, real y, I don't know how to
be in the blessing." After
Guo Wenqi said, Henry saw that those autumn rains sitting on the table were big Uncle
friends, al had a sneering expression on their faces, and some people even looked
disgusted, as if sitting at a table with a temporary worker doing housekeeping, they al lost
"Huh? Who is this?" Guo Wenqi looked at Henry again.
"This is Xiaoyu's boyfriend in our family." Amity's mother replied.
"Boyfriend? Isn't that how it is." Guo Wenqi embraced his chest with both hands. "What are
you doing? How much money do you earn in January, and dare to find a girlfriend."
Henry smiled and shook his head. "
Guo Wenqi sneered," barely enough to feed and have a face to find a girlfriend, but ... "
Guo Wenqi deliberately deliberately, and then continued to speak," But the girlfriend you
are looking for is also not a poor girl, you give it in January She can pass away 500
yuan of pocket money. If it were me, if I found a boyfriend, he would n’t make 20,000 or
30,000 a month, and it would be difficult for me to feed. "
"No." Autumn mother waved their hands, "we do not have rain Zhang family to feed, we
ourselves can feed themselves, Zhang he was engaged in the company, is still in start-up
stage, and doubtless will be good."
"Engaged in the company? Guo Wenqi accidentally glanced at Henry, "Where is the
company? What company?"
Uncle Amity and those friends of Uncle Amity also turned their eyes.
When Guo Wenqi heard that Henry was working in a company, there was a lot of sourness
in the tone of his speech. In her opinion, why should Amity find a company?
"In Yinzhou." Henry replied.
"Yinzhou? A small third-tier city?" Guo Wenqi was relieved when he heard Henry's answer.
"What company does that small city engage in? What can it do? How many assets are
"I know that city." The middle-aged man said, "The city is not big, and the smal one is not
enough to earn 3,000 yuan a month. I estimate that there are tens of millions of assets."
"Dozens of mil ions "Guo Wenqi raised her eyebrows and shook her head." I don't believe it.
Guo Wenqi was just observing Henry's clothes. When she saw Henry's ordinary clothes, she
felt relieved and dressed like this. What can the company do? And it's still in a smal place
like Yinzhou, like a third-tier city. I'm afraid to build a store, so dare to say that you are a
commerce company.
As soon as the man's voice fel , there was a burst of laughter.
Henry shook his head, "It's not a few tens of millions."
"How much is that, tel me a long insight?" Guo Wenqi put his hands on his chest, a funny
look, wanted to make Henry embarrassed.
From an early age, Guo Wenqi's life experience is better than Amity in every aspect, but
only in terms of appearance and figure, he was greatly pul ed by Amity. This has always
been a difficult point in Guo Wenqi's heart. Over the years, Every time she saw Amity, she
wanted to embarrass Amity.
Henry reached out his right hand and slowly stretched out his fingers.
"One hundred thousand?" Guo Wenqi laughed, "One hundred thousand yuan, the company
started a business, hahaha."
"Young man, one hundred thousand yuan, that is not called entrepreneurship, nor a
company." A middle-aged man said, "That It's called pocket money! "
" Yes, I really can't figure it out. Hundreds of thousands are also called entrepreneurships? "
" Is the place in Yinzhou really too interesting? If al the hundreds of thousands of dollars
are counted as companies, the mountain town is ful of bosses "
" It's not that Yinzhou is interesting. I think this young man is interesting. Now, this young
man is all high-handed and low-handed. What he has done is just starting, even if he hasn't
even started, he boasted as a mil ion boss "
Uncle Amity took a sip, looked at Henry, and educated:" I started a business at that time,
took half a mil ion out, and walked step by step to today, your 100,000 yuan, also cal ed the
company? ! "
Henry shook his head, wonder and said:"? when did I say a hundred thousand. " "
that can not be how much can a mil ion?? "look Guo Wenqi an unbelieving.
Henry still shook his head, "Probably about ten billion."
Ten billion?
Henry's words, let everyone present, including Amity's mother, be in a daze for a while?
Ten billion? What is that concept? They believe that they have not made so much money in
their lifetime, that is, the assets of al the people present are multiplied by ten, and not so
The 10 billion yuan that Henry said is Lin. This is the smallest company he can think of.
The companies under his name have all been given to others. The smal est ones are
hundreds of bil ions of assets. Some even monopolized the energy industry of a certain
country, saying that the rich and the enemy are underestimating Henry.
After the
stunned god, Aunt Amity reacted for the first time and said directly, "Ten billion, who are
you cheating !" As soon as Aunt Amity spoke, Guo Wenqi also responded and said,
"That is, who doesn't say anything, I also said that my family ’s assets are 100 billion yuan!
Why, is it useful? ”
Aunt Amity pouted,“ I really admire this kind of person, even I lie to myself, look at the
clothes I wear, look at my appearance, Where do you think you are worth 10 billion? "
Uncle Amity also reacted and shook his head." Young man, you normal y chat with us, we
can still accept it. If you think we are so easy to cheat, you like to talk big, Then you can get
out now. "
" Ten billion, he or she, I 've almost believed it, now this young man, dare to say anything.
"Said a middle-aged man.
"Do you want him to have 10 billion, Laozi will have 20 billion, grass! Something, bragging
and running in front of us!" A
scream filled with unbelief sounded, no one wanted to believe, Henryhui There is ten
Amity's mother pul ed Amity's sleeves and whispered: "Girl, don't tel Henry to talk
nonsense, how can you say this tens of billions."
What kind of concept is 10 billion for Amity's mother? That is definitely a super
astronomical figure, even if I don't even think about it, I dare not think about it! Amity
shook his head at his mother, "Mom, he didn't talk nonsense, his company is really worth
10 billion."
"Don't talk nonsense!" Guo Wenqi shouted with anger on his face, "Amity, do you think Is
this bragging fun? "
Guo Wenqi didn't know what was going on. Although he didn't believe that Amity had so
many total assets in her boyfriend's company, she would still be angry when she heard this.
As long as Amity was comfortable, she would be upset!
"Okay, we don't welcome people like you, go out!" Uncle Amity waved his hand, and was
about to push people away.
"That's it, get out of here. What kind of clothes are you here? You are so rich. Don't come
here to eat leftovers. You need a good table!" Said Aunt Amity.
Henry smiled, staring at Aunt Amity, and said: "We are here, not for dinner, or just want to
ask, what are you going to do with the 900,000 you deceived?"
"Cheat? 900,000? What do you mean? "Guo Wenqi froze for a while," Who has 900,000? "
" Of course it is our 900,000! "Amity's mother couldn't hold back at al , and stood up and
said loudly," Sister, I believe you so much, you are so fooled! " We, those 900,000
yuan are Laoqiu 's life-saving money! " Aunt Amity's face changed, and when she just drank,
these friends Guo Xue asked her what she was doing, and she replied to do a smal business.
Cheated 900,000, making her feel very faceless.
When Aunt Amity was about to speak, she heard Guo Wenqi's voice ringing from the side,
"Aunt lied to you 900,000? You are too funny, don't piss your urine and look in the mirror,
see where you look like 900,000!" Guo Wenqi As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of
laughter in the box.
Aunt Amity didn't share the sentiment, she directly tore her face and scolded loudly:
"You shameless thing, saying that my mother lied to you 900,000? Looking for someone
who lied to you, where are you talking with your mother?"
Amity His eyes turned red. "It's you. The fake doctor you found deceived our money!"
"Oh." Aunt Amity chuckled, "What about the evidence?"
Henry shook his head, "I don't have any Evidence, I only know that it was you who
scammed you. I will give you a chance. Do you still pay the money? "
" Hahaha! "Aunt Amity laughed and stared at Henry," You threaten me? You believe I do n’t
believe it. I ’
m letting you go out of this hotel today! ” Said Aunt Amity, and she took out her mobile
phone. Last time she and her cheated Amity's money together.
It was also said that the box door was pushed open by someone and was a waiter.
Guo Xue looked displeased at the person who opened the door and scolded: "Is there any
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The waiter quickly said, "I have something to tell Guo foreman."
"You said. "Guo Wenqi glanced at the waiter.
The waiter rushed to Guo Wenqi and said, "Guo leader, Wu Shao is here."
Guo Wenqi's face changed, and he could not ridicule Henry. They quickly walked outside
the box. When he came out of the box, Guo Wenqi rushed Her father said,
"Dad, Auntie, they will come here, don't let the Auntie go, sit for a while, and order some
more dishes."
After that, Guo Wenqi quickly left. Uncle Amity looked at his daughter strangely, and didn't
understand how her daughter suddenly turned, and ordered Amity's family to order food?
Feeding dogs is better than feeding them!
In front of the World Hotel, a red Lamborghini stopped, the door opened, and a young man
walked off the car.
In the co-pilot of Lamborghini, a beautiful y dressed woman was returned.
"Wu Shao, you are here!"
The security arrangements in front of the World Hotel are arranged in two columns, and al
the foreman managers go out to greet them.
This young man, known as Wu Shao, is exactly the little Wu who Henry saw at noon.
Xiao Wu threw the car key aside and pointed at the beautiful woman who got off the car
with her: "Find a place for her to let her not bother me first."
"Okay." The manager of the World Hotel nodded And said to the beauty, "Madam, please
come here." The
manager ordered someone to lead the beauty.
Beauty Chong Wu Shao threw an eyebrow, "Master, I'll wash it first." After the beauty
finished, she took a catwalk and walked aside.
Xiao Wu strode into the hotel, and all the staff followed carefully, but they were very aware
of the temper of the Shaodong family. If they were to make the Shaodong family unhappy,
they would lose their jobs.
The whole world hotel is the property of Xiaowu family.
Xiao Wu waved his hand and said impatiently: "That waiter, what's Guo's name, what's her
name, and what about her?" The
hotel lobby manager smiled and said: "Wu Shao, what you said is that Guo Wenqi, she is the
supervisor of the service department on the second floor. "
" I care what she is! "Xiao Wu glared at the manager." She, let her come. "The manager
waved quickly and asked people to cal Guo Wenqi After ten seconds, I saw Guo Wenqi
running fast.
"Wu Shao, you are looking for me." Guo Wenqi looked at Wu Shao with a flattering face.
Although her family had a smal company, she understood that her company's company was
not as fart as Wu Shao's.
Xiao Wu looked at Guo Wenqi with a dissatisfied expression on his face, "Yes, you, didn't
you tell me last time, you had a cousin who was nice, did you show me a picture, I said I
asked you to bring me "
Who are you? You play with me?" Guo Wenqi was angry when he saw Xiao Wu, and said
quickly: "Sorry Wu Shao, my cousin is here now, but she alone ... she brought her boyfriend,
too. I ’
m afraid I wo n’t be able to move her. ”The lobby manager stepped forward and slammed
Guo Wenqi ’s face, scolding,“ What ’s the matter? You said that if you ca n’t move, it ’s
impossible for Wu Shao to cal in person. "
" I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "Guo Wenqi lowered his head and apologized again and again.
"Then what do you want? Just tel me and let me see the photos?" Xiao Wu stared at Guo
Wenqi and asked.
Guo Wenqi shook his head, "No, Wu Shao, I just asked someone to add food to her, and wait
for something to be served in the dish. I promise, after a while, she will crawl to your bed."
Xiao Wuyi Hearing the word "medicine", he shuddered unconsciously. He remembered the
last time he knew Bai Boss, that is, on a winery, a young master who was as good as himself
in front of Bai Boss, gave a The girl dispensed the medicine, but the limbs were abolished
by Bai Boss that night, and she never heard the name of the boss again.
Xiao Wu still remembers the boss Bai said that he hated the most in his life is the man who
gave the woman a medicine.
Although Wade White is not here, Xiao Wu still dare not have any thoughts in this regard.
Xiao Wu stepped forward and kicked Guo Wenqi with a kick, scolding: "Is it he, who
administers medicine, is Laozi the one who administers medicine, go, where is your cousin
eating, take Laozi to watch
Look . " " It's upstairs. "Guo Wenqi pointed his finger.
Without saying anything, Xiao Wu strode upstairs.
Guo Wenqi fol owed half a meter behind Xiao Wu and gave Xiao Wu directions.
"Wu Shao, my cousin, her boyfriend seems to be quite capable, saying that there is a
company with a market value of 10 billion." Guo Wenqi looked at the box, and said
"Ten billion? How much?" Xiao Wu smiled disdainful y.
"It's nothing compared to Wu Shao, but ..." Guo Wenqi was embarrassed.
"But what, say!" Xiao Wu frowned.
"But her boyfriend is very proud, I'm afraid he won't give Wu Shao your face." Guo Wenqi
said so.
When Xiao Wu heard it, he was disdainful, "Ao? In this mountain city, no one dared to fol
ow me with the surname of Wu!" Eat bitterly.
"Okay." Xiao Wu waved his hand. "Your cousin, really have the look you showed me.
Tomorrow you go to the personnel department to let you promote you to the manager."
"Thank you Wu Shao, thank Wu Shao! "Guo Wenqi heard it and thanked him again and
again, why didn't he just do it? As for what would happen to Amity after being played by
Wu Shao, he couldn't control it anymore. Besides, her poor girl was played by Wu Shao
once, that's her Honour.
Soon, Guo Wenqi took Xiao Wu to the door of the box, and Xiao Wu also brought a group of
people behind him.
At the door of the box, Xiao Wu didn't have any polite appearance and directly pushed open
the box door.
Guo Xue and others in the box looked at Xiao Wu who pushed the door and frowned.
Guo Wenqi wrong thing for fear of his father, Wu grew up quickly behind him stand out,
and exclaimed:. "Dad, I introduce to you, this is less Kivu, World Hotel's a smal club,"
the word went out, people inside the box Guo Wenqi, Al took a breath.
The owner of the world hotel! Is that the only child of the richest man in Shancheng?
Guo Xue, who was still sitting there, quickly got up.
"Hello, Wu Shao, this is Guo Xue, and this girl Wen Qi is my daughter. This is causing you
trouble." Guo Xue walked to Xiao Wu and stretched out his hands to Xiao Wu.
Xiaowu Guo learn it all too lazy to look at, "what's your daughter Zeyang relationship with
me, keep my dog more to go, do I have to worry about every one?"
Xiaowu, then very rude, but also with A mockery.
Guo can learn to hear these words, not only did not a little anger, but said:. "Thanks to
those five little you can reward her something to eat,"
Guo learn to know, if it's for business, if less Ng Wai Well, whatever It was enough to buckle
a bit out of the nail gap, enough for Guo to eat all his life.
The rest of the people also took this opportunity to introduce themselves one after another,
regardless of whether Xiao Wu could listen.
"Al right!" Xiao Wu said impatiently, "I care who you are! What is that Guo Wen, where are
you talking about?"
"Just that." Guo Wenqi reached out and pointed towards the innermost part of the box.
a bit.
Xiao Wu looked in the direction of Guo Wenqi, and at a glance saw Henry standing there.
Xiao Wu looked at Henry when he saw Henry's expression. Wasn't this Mr. Bai's elder
brother? Oh my god, Mr. Bai's elder brother came to his hotel for dinner? I am too honored!
Guo Wuqi looked at Xiao Wu Lengshen in her eyes, and she was delighted in her heart.
It seemed that Wu Shao was fancy.
Guo Wenqi rushed to Xiao Wu: "Wu Shao, that is my cousin, and the one next to it is her
boyfriend. She is arrogant and arrogant about what she has tens of bil ions of assets!"
Xiao Wu ignored Guo Wenqi and strode to Henry Zhang Before bending down, stretch out
his hands, "Brother Zhang, why are you here, why don't you tel the younger brother this
time, younger brother so that you can entertain you!"
Xiao Wu in front of Henry, dare not take out a little Gesture.
The means of Wade White, which Xiao Wu has seen before, can be described as the eldest
brother by Wade White, how terrible it is to crush yourself, not to crush an ant.
Henry looked at Xiao Wu and said strangely, "Notify you?"
"This was opened by my family, brother." Xiao Wu finished talking to Henry and looked at
Amity again, "beauty, do you remember me, at home today? At the door of the company. "
" I remember, you are the one named Xiao Wu, right. "Amity recalled.
"Yes, yes." Xiao Wu nodded again and again, "I didn't expect you to remember me, it was a
great honor."
Xiao Wu greeted Amity and looked at Amity's mother again, "This, hel o, you Yes ... "
" This is my mother. "Amity said.
"Auntie, hello, hello! Just call me Xiaowu." Xiaowu held Amity's mother's hand and said
hello, he didn't respect him when he saw his father.
Amity's mother looked in front of her eyes, feeling a kind of cloud and fog.
What Xiao Wu said to Henry just now, she heard clearly, this world hotel was opened by the
young man in front of him, and this young man was so polite to himself?
This made Amity's mother feel particularly untrue.
Uncle Amity, those people, stood aside, their eyes widened, and their eyes were full of
disbelief. What happened? Do they know Wu Shao?
Do not! Not just knowing! Looking at Wu Shao's appearance, how respectful are they?
Guo Wenqi stretched his hand and pinched his thigh, a pain came, and told her that it was
not a dream, it was true!
How can this be? impossible!
Guo Wenqi shook his head vigorously, unwilling to believe what he saw. How could this
autumn rain know Wu Shao, why did she rely on it? She should be in poverty al her life!
Henry looked at Xiao Wu suspiciously and asked, "How do you know that I am here."
"I ..." Xiao Wu opened her mouth and dared not say anything later.
"Say." Henry frowned, screaming, he felt something was wrong with Xiao Wu.
Xiao Wu lowered his head, "Brother Zhang, don't dare to lie to you. This is called Guo Wen.
She said that she has a cousin who can introduce it to me. I saw the photos before, so I
brought him, Brother Zhang, I really do n’t know that her cousin is your woman, otherwise
you would lend me a hundred guts, and I dare not have any unreasonable thoughts! "
" Oh? "Henry raised an eyebrow," You promise What good is she. "
" Let ... let her be the manager ... "Xiao Wu's face was pale, for fear of Henry blaming himself.
Henry smiled, "Guo Wenqi, you sold your sister for a manager position?"
Guo Wenqi's face is extremely ugly, standing there, not knowing what to say, how could she
think that these people actual y knew Wu Shao.
Amity stared at Guo Wenqi with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said loudly: "Guo Wenqi, you
are simply not a person!" Amity
can think of what would happen if he did not meet Henry and if he did not know Xiao Wu
today. Wil be sold by this Guo Wenqi, use yourself to change her position as a manager!
Guo Wenqi stood there, daring not to breathe too loudly.
Now Xiao Wu has apparently turned his anger on Guo Wenqi. He is glad that he met
Brother Zhang at noon today. If he doesn't know, he has to do something now, and he
wouldn't dare to think about the consequences. Xiao Wu is a while After fear.
Xiao Wu rushed to the lobby manager at the door of the box and shouted, "Give me this Guo
stuff, I don't want to see her again, let her hurry up, and don't let her appear in my company
in the future!"
Xiao Wu As soon as these words came out, Guo Wenqi's legs softened and he almost sat on
the ground.
You ... just get fired?
Work is easy, 8,000 yuan per month, five insurances and one gold, just like that? This was a
job I had found after a lot of effort.
At the same time, small eyes look to Guo Wu again learn who Lengheng heard, "Is that your
daughter is not it, you just say what your company name again? Wait, also looked away!"
Guo face suddenly learn When it went dark, compared with his richest man, his smal
company was a flat boat in the sea.
Those who had made good friends with Guo Xue, when they heard Xiao Wu's words,
subconsciously stepped back to the place where Guo Xue was located, and distanced him.
Where did Guo Wenqi think that she original y wanted to show her good looks, but it
turned into this look? She lost her job and the company at home was also targeted. As an
employee of the World Hotel, she had heard about Wu Shao ’s deeds. , Wu Shaozhen really
wants to talk about who he is, he can't run away!
Guo Wenqi's eyes are full of confusion, his good day, from today, is the end?
After finishing his scolding, Xiao Wu turned to Henry and apologized repeatedly:
"Brother Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm real y sorry."
"It's okay with you, stand next to it." Henry waved his hand.
"Okay." Xiao Wu, like a horse, stood aside obediently, silently.
For the first time, the lobby manager and others at the entrance of the box saw his young
master show this look. While shocked, he remembered Henry's face firmly.
Henry autumn aunt to look into the body, opening, "you just said, let me get out of this
Autumn aunt looked at Henry, and glanced to stand on the side of the smal Wu Henry, his
legs are not Stopped trembling, "No ... no ... no ..."
Henry stepped forward, "I ask you, those nine hundred thousand, you stil do not pay back."
"I ... I ..." Aunt Amity With a sad face, "I really ... really don't know anything."
"Don't say it." Henry smiled slightly and rushed back to Xiao Wu, "Go and bring me pliers."
Xiao Wu When I heard it, I quickly told the lobby manager, "Hurry, go get the pliers, hurry!"
lobby manager didn't hesitate. He quickly ran over and the people standing in the box could
hear the eager voice from the lobby manager outside.
"Come here! Get me the pliers!"
Just thirty seconds later , the lobby manager ran breathlessly to the door of the box, holding
a handful of pliers in his hand, large and small. The lobby manager came to Henry with
these pliers and lost a smal face, "Sir, the pliers you want."
Henry smiled slightly and picked up a forty centimeter long Tiger pliers, squeezed in his
hand, looked at Aunt Amity, "I am asking you now, you honestly answer, if you do n’t say, I
will pull out one of your teeth, if I do n’t talk about the teeth, I will pull out Your ears, your
nose, do you know? "
Henry smiled when he spoke, but it gave Aunt Amity the feeling of a bitter cold wind in
winter. A pressure emanated from Henry's body that made her unable to fight There was a
Henry said, "I'm asking you now, is that the money, did you defraud him?"
Aunt Amity shook his head tremblingly, and just about to speak, Henry squeezed his jaw.
Aunt Amity's mouth opened unconsciously.
Henry took the tiger pliers and knocked directly on Aunt Amity's mouth without any mercy.
At this scene, Xiao Wu didn't consciously close his eyes and tremble in his heart. These
people are really ruthless, and they are not merciless at al .
Knocked down the pliers of Henry, knocked down all of Aunt Amity's front teeth, and
knocked them all together with her upper lip. Aunt Amity's eyes rolled and twitched.
"Answering my question, is the money deceived by you and others?" Henry asked again.
Aunt Amity shook her head again, supporting her in her mouth.
Henryyi's pliers hit Aunt Amity's cheek and smashed it. This time, he directly hit Aunt
Amity on the ground and kept bleeding in his mouth.
The eyelid of the lobby manager and Xiao Wu and others looked sharply. The expression on
his face did not change when he started, and even his eyes were so plain
from beginning to end, and there was no hesitation in his hand He does this just like eating
and drinking water, what role is this!
Guo Wenqi looked at his aunt's appearance and shivered, fearing that he would be taken by
Henry held the pliers. He didn't ask at all this time and directly hit Aunt Amity's head.
"I said! I said!"
Seeing that the pliers were about to fall on Aunt Amity's head, Aunt Amity couldn't help it
anymore, and kept making noises.
With a smile of satisfaction, Henry threw the pliers aside and said, "Say."
Aunt Amity was twitching all over her body, and the pain in her face was fil ed with a
tearing feeling all the time, inside her mouth It was al smashed by Henry.
Looking at the young man in front of him, Aunt Amity felt only a moment of fear. Even if he
said this, he would go to jail and he would not want to face this person again.
"Hurry up." Henry frowned impatiently.
"Yes ... yes ... the doctor ... I was looking for someone to pretend." When Aunt Amity spoke,
she dared not go to see Amity's mother and son.
"Okay, it's really you! I trust you so much, you are so ugly! You are still not a person!"
Amity's mother shouted, although she had long thought that this was her own elder sister's
stubbornness. After the other party admitted it personally, it was still somewhat difficult to
Guo Wenqi stood aside and his eyes widened.
"What about money?" Henry asked again.
"I ... I took 700,000, the fake doctor took 200,000, I have spent 400,000 now, and 300,000,
all ... are in Cary."
Aunt Amity shiveringly took out a bank card from her pocket.
"Money ... The money is all inside, the password is 6885142."
Henry took the bank card and handed it to Amity.
"Get the fake doctor too." Henry said indifferently.
At this moment, Aunt Amity didn't dare to say anything at al . She quickly got up, took out
her mobile phone from her bag, and dialed a number.
When Aunt Amity was talking, Henry listened beside him, and nodded after confirming that
there was nothing stupid.
Henry walked in front of Amity's mother and daughter and said, "Auntie, she took the
money to buy the car and turned her over to you. Don't sell this car. The house you bought
is used. Not much money, Amity will also drive, just leave it open, does not mean she still
rented a house, the rent can not be refunded, you and Amity will move in, 300,000 in this
card, and The fake doctor will take over 200,000, and it is enough for his uncle to see a
doctor for a while. "
" Well. "Amity's mother nodded and looked at Amity's card. She was already very satisfied.
If Henry didn't have the money, she too Or come back.
"Brother Zhang, I can give her money to my sister-in-law and aunt first, and let her work
for me." Xiao Wu walked up from the side and said OK.
Henry looked at Xiao Wu, where did not understand the meaning of Xiao Wu.
Henry patted Xiao Wu's shoulder, "Yes, what's the matter, call Wade White, can help you
"Thank you, thank you Brother Zhang!" Xiao Wu nodded again and again, Henry said, to
him In other words, maybe in the future life, there will be an extra layer of protection!
Although Xiao Wu didn't know Henry's identity, he knew that the former rich second
generation, who was no less than his own identity, was abolished. The rich second
generation's family didn't dare to put one fart, showing how powerful these people are.
Henrygang was about to settle Amity for something else, and the phone rang.
Looking at the caller displayed on the phone, Henry was a little strange. Why did Secretary
Li suddenly call himself.
"Hello, Secretary Li?"
"Mr. Zhang, where are you, Lin has an accident, can you come back?" On the phone, Li Na's
tone revealed a deep anxiety.
"Okay, I'm going back now, and I will be able to arrive tonight." Henry said, hung up the
phone, and booked the fastest ticket on the spot.
What happened to Lin? What about Sylvia?
Henry called Sylvia and couldn't get through.
Amity walked to Henry and whispered: "Brother Zhang, if you have anything, go back
quickly. I can handle the matter here."
"OK." Henry nodded.
Henry Xiaowu waved his hand and called Xiaowu aside.
"Brother Zhang." Xiao Wu smiled with a smile.
Henry Wu Chong smal whispered: "Here's what you helped to do it, they are mother and
daughter in the mountain city, you help me looking after the point, do not be too obvious,
do not let bullied on the line." "Do
not worry Brother Zhang, this piece of mountain city, I promise that my sister-in-law will
have no problem! "Xiao Wu patted her chest.
"That's al right, trouble you." Henrydao thanked.
"No trouble, no trouble." Henry thanked, let Xiao Wu flattered and waved his hand, "This is
my honor."
Henry patted Xiao Wu's shoulder, "You are very good."
Xiao Wu looked happy, " Thank you Brother Zhang for compliments. "
Henry walked to Amity's mother again." Auntie, I have something to do in Yinzhou. I will go
back first and come to visit you someday. " "Okay, okay!" Amity's mother nodded,
"Young people, career is important, go back first if you have anything, this time, I really
want to thank you, Henry."
"Aunt, let's not Thank you. Thank you. Amity and you live a good life here. I just told Xiao
Wu that their hotel is recruiting waiters and dishwashing workers recently.
Although the salary is average, the working hours are less and you are not delayed.
Uncle, you and Amity, come to Xiaowu's hotel to work. "Henry said, he did not arrange too
good work for Amity's mother and daughter, because he knew that even if he arranged it,
this mother and daughter would definitely not accept.
When Amity's mother heard the dishwashing, her eyes lit up. "Can I ... Can I?"
Amity's mother asked before, the dishwashing of this big hotel is very good, and she stil
takes care of the meals every day.
"Auntie, of course there is no problem." Xiao Wu, as a rich second generation, has been in
various circles all year round and is also an elite. He said, "While our dishwashing workers
are not able to pay, they are relatively free. Just two days ago Aunty resigned, if you don't
want to give up, come on top, and you can go to work tomorrow. "
" Not abandoning, no abandoning. "Amity's mother waved again and again with a happy
face," That guy, thank you very much. "
Guo Wenqi's father and daughter stood aside, looking at Xiao Wu's treatment of Amity's
mother, the bitterness of their faces, how could they not see this dishwashing worker, but
just a rhetoric, Amity's mother and daughter, flying Huang Tengda!
Henry settled the matter here, and later on the question of asking for money, Xiao Wu
helped, Henry was also relieved. After all, the only son of the richest man in a city, the
network is still very complete.
As for the Guo Wenqi and Guo Xuehui, Henry didn't care about it, but think about it, this
father and daughter should have no good days, and Amity's aunt should also be retaliated.
Henry was much lazy to think about it. In his eyes, it was just a bunch of clowns.
After explaining what happened here, Henry hurriedly left the hotel and went to the
airport. He was very anxious now. Li Na said that Lin had an accident and Sylvia couldn't
get through the phone, so there was no accident!
Xiao Wu special y dispatched a car and waited for Henry at the door of the hotel and sent
Henry to the airport.
At ten o'clock in the evening, a passenger plane taking off from Shancheng landed at
Yinzhou Airport.
As soon as he got off the plane, Henry immediately called Sylvia, but he still couldn't get
Henry called Secretary Li again before the phone rang, and it was connected. This proves
that the other party has always held the phone in his hand and is waiting at any time.
"Mr. Zhang, are you back?"
"Wel ? Where are you?" Henry asked quickly.
"Stil in the company, Mr. Zhang, you just come directly to the company."
At ten to forty in the evening, Henry took a taxi to the CBD of Yinzhou.
At this time, the CBD square was already dark, except for the tal est building, Lin's top floor
was still lit.
The door of the Lin ’s building was not closed. Henry found that there were a lot of security
guards in front of the Lin ’s door. He was usually on night shifts, which was just a dozen
people in a team. Lin's recruited these two days.
Xuan (1/2) Henry was stopped by the security guard when he was about to enter the Lin's
gate. This is a strange face, and he looked in his early twenties.
"Stop, what are you doing!" The security guard shouted.
"Shout what shout, this is the boss!" The security captain knew Henry and quickly scolded,
and came up, "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, the newcomer didn't recognize you."
The new security guard was shocked. Hurry up and apologize.
Henry waved his hand, "It's okay, this is his duty. Is this guy good?
Was it correct?" "No." The security captain shook his head. "Mr. Zhang, at the time, Mr.
Lin stipulated that it usual y takes three months to try Correct. "
" Then correct him, I said. "Henry said, this management staff, occasionally need to give
some smal favors, these smal favors are not necessarily distributed to everyone, as long as
people see the possibility of promotion , It is very effective.
Sure enough, Henry's words came out. Those new security guards who are still in the trial
period, or old employees who have long been regularized, can't help but stand up straight.
They understand that their performance can be seen by the boss sooner or later.
Henry looked at the light that was stil on the top floor, and asked the security captain:
"What's the matter? There were so many people on duty suddenly at night." The
security captain shook his head. "Mr. Zhang, we don't even think about this I know, just in
the past few days, there are often people coming to the company to make trouble, and
several employees have been injured. "
Henry heard, frowning, someone making trouble, stil beating people?
"Did you cal the police?" Henry asked again.
"Reported." The security guard replied and sighed again, "It's useless, no one is in charge at
al ."
"No matter?" Henry wondered, Lin's is the leading enterprise in the entire Silver State, the
GDP produced every year Taxes, that is the best in the whole city, Lin's police, the police
don't care?
Henryna still can't feel the strangeness among them. This matter, you have to ask Li Na.
Henry patted the security captain's shoulders, "Say to the brothers, it's hard, and when this
happens, I invite you to drink and skewer."
Henry finished and walked upstairs.
Take the elevator to the top floor.
With a "ding", the elevator door opened.
Li Na's office, right next to Sylvia's office, is a small room with glass walls and transparent.
As soon as Henry got out of the elevator, he saw Li Na sitting at her desk, wearing a pair of
black-framed glasses, and kept looking at things on the table.
Henry stepped forward and knocked on the door.
Li Na looked up, and when she saw Henry, there was joy on her face. At the same time, she
felt a sense of relief and quickly got up.
Henry pulled the door open and walked in.
"Secretary Li."
"Mr. Zhang, what are you going to drink?" Li Na is about to pour water.
"No need." Henry waved his hand, he saw the tiredness on Li Na's face, "Secretary Li, you
are stil in the company so late, what happened? I heard the security guard say that
someone is making trouble, our company's employees still Injured? What about Sylvia her?
Li Na sighed," Lin Zong went out a few days ago. As for where Lin Zong went, she didn't tell
me, only that she had something important during this time. " , The phone may not work. "
Henry nodded. He was worried about whether Sylvia encountered any danger along the
way, and whether anyone would want to harm her. Now I hear Li Na's explanation and let
go a lot. Sylvia is now the future head of the Su family, surrounded by Su Mi protection, and
Henryneng can feel that the Su family also sent someone to protect Sylvia in secret. There
should be no problem with safety. "Tell me about the company."
Henry took a chair and sat down, beckoning Li Na to sit too.
Li Na nodded, drank, and said: "Some time ago, the company has been earning a piece of
land with Zhao. For some reason, Zhao suddenly gave up, and we took that piece of land
down and prepared to start an indoor water park. the results at the time of
commencement of the work was dedicated to the forest to find the total, said they lived in
the next village, we bought a piece of land below, buried in the shrine of their ancestors,
and I hope we do not move. " "
ancestors buried underground The ancestral hal ? "Henry looked suspicious." This is
something that the ancient clans only have? "
Li Na responded:" Yes, we negotiated with the other party at that time, and the other party
was willing to pay the corresponding price to buy the land. President Lin agreed.
However, on the second day that President Lin agreed, the contractor on the construction
site said he received an order from President Lin to dig that piece of land.
Underground, it did indeed dig out an old temple ruin, and then the village ’s People come
to trouble. In the past few days, they will come to Lin ’s every day to make troubles,
sometimes they will be smashed. There is no way. Lin ’s security has increased even these
days. ”
Henry frowned. Is it real y my wife who moved? "
Li Na shook her head." No, President Lin didn't even explain this matter. When those
people found him, President Lin asked me to draw up a land sale contract. It was made by
the contractor himself. "
" What about the contractor? "Henry asked.
"I don't know." Li Na sighed. "When we asked people to look for it, the foreman had run
away, and there were only workers who didn't know anything."
Henry listened to Li Na and frowned more and more. It's tight, it's an ancestral hall, and it's
a private worker. Lin's calculations have been made.
That piece of land was fought for by Lin and Zhao before, and Zhao suddenly withdrew,
there must be a reason.
Henry glanced at the reports that Li Na had just read, which were just some of the work-
related injuries identified, and I thought they were those of Lin's injured employees.
Henry stretched his hands on the table a few times, thought over it, and said: "Well, during
this time, I would like to inform everyone not to come to work first. After a few days of rest
at home, the injured employees are all counted as work injuries. The medical expenses,
nutritional expenses, and mental loss expenses are all paid by the company. You do n’t have
to deal with this matter during this time, and they are all handed over to me. "
" Mr. Ke Zhang ... "
" Listen to me, Secretary Li, this time You're too tired, take a break first. "Henry patted Li
Na's shoulder, and then got up," Go, get off work first, do you want me to send you? "
Li Na sighed," No trouble, I I drove
" Okay, you have worked hard for a few days, and run more hospitals. " " Wel , I see. "Li Na
Henry did not allow Li Na to take care of this matter. He had his intentions. Now even the
police do not do much trouble and hit people, and the other party can bluntly buy a piece of
land. The people behind this are naturally not li Na ’s offense. It is not trivial for her to
remember her hatred.
Henry left the company
, just out of the company's door, I saw a BMW five series stopped beside him.
The window shook open, and the woman on the main driver made a crisp and sweet voice,
"Come back?
Get in the car." "Every time I just came from the outside, I happened to bump into you like
this." Henryla drove the door and sat down to the co-pilot on.
Jenny shook his head, "Last time, it happened, but this time, I found someone to pay special
attention to your name. As you know, I have opened trade channels now, and there are
many partners over aviation."
Henryluo She shrugged and said nothing.
Jenny started the car. "I came to the company when I got off the plane. Are you hungry?
Let's have a supper together?"
"Okay." Henry nodded.
While driving, Jenny said: "What do you think about your wife's company?"
Henry raised his eyebrows. "You also know?"
"Nonsense." Jenny rol ed his eyes. "So many people come to Lin every day. It ’s difficult for
me to make trouble, I just do n’t know the reason. I went to the police station and asked
them, they seemed very embarrassed and did n’t dare to say anything extra. ”
Henry shook his head.“ I do n’t know the specific situation, tomorrow. Go and ask. "
Jenny nodded and said nothing.
There was gentle music in the car, and Henry kept thinking about Lin.
Jenny looked at Henry on the co-pilot with Yu Guang and took a breath. He said, "Are you
and your wife arguing?"
"No." Henry shook his head and looked at Jenny strangely, "Why?" Suddenly said that.
Jenny thought about the day when Xia Sylvia was alone, sitting in a cafe wandering
helplessly, shook his head," Nothing, just curious, you went to the field, your wife went to
the field, even No one came back. "
Henry didn't think much about it. Sylvia was busy with the Su family recently, and
occasionally things are normal.
The two went to a barbecue stall. Although it is near autumn, barbecue stalls that are more
than ten o'clock during the night are still very popular.
Jenny parked the car at a stal at random, and Henryla drove the door and walked down.
Jenny took out a document from the car, and when he found a place to sit, Jenny threw the
document to Henry.
Henry glanced at random, "Lijia Village?"
"It was the village that came to Lin's trouble." Jenny explained to Henry, "Seriously, if it was
not a special investigation, I real y did not expect that the whole village, Everyone, including
the land where they live, is officially authorized to them. "
In this document, the address of Lijia Vil age was also marked.
Henry recalled that in Lijia Village, he passed by, and the entire coverage area is very large,
which is completely opposite to the development direction of Yinzhou. The development in
the village is backward, almost all bungalows, and the houses are built by each household.
The village is full of trees, many people pass by while driving, and they vomit that they will
get lost inside, and some places do not even cover 4G signals.
Such a place belongs to a large family. How rich is that family? Even if it ’s not as good as
Lin ’s, it ’s not far behind.
Jenny asked Henry: "Are you surprised?"
"It's a bit. I didn't expect it before. I just thought it was an ordinary village." Henry nodded
and continued to look at the file in his hand.
Regarding the specific situation of Lijia Village, the document clearly states that there are
more than 100 households in the village with a population of nearly 500. Almost al of them
grow their own land and are self-sufficient. "Handsome, beautiful woman, what's the
order?" The waiter of the grill came over.
"Twenty skewers of meat, but skewers, a leg of lamb, two bottles of beer." Henry didn't look
at the menu, said a few, and then looked at Jenny, "What do you want?"
Jenny waved his hand. , "That's al , it's not enough for us to order." The waiter recorded
what Henry ordered, and looked back and forth between Henry and Jenny.
"Is there anything else?" Henry looked at the waiter and did not leave.
"Handsome guy, the waist of our shop is very authentic, Dabu, do you want to come?"
The waiter asked, and kept eyeing Henry.
Jenny, who was sitting next to him, blushed when he heard this, especial y when the waiter
said the words Dabu.
Henry's face was also awkward, and he shook his head. "Forget it, I don't need it." The
waiter nodded and left.
Jenny blushed and pulled the topic away from the shameful side just now, "I asked people
to investigate, people in Lijia Vil age rarely go out of the village, and the children in the
village go to school outside, they are all official y supported It's very special. "
Henry heard this, and could not help but think a lot, al owing the official to do so many
things. What's so messy in this village?
Henry thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow I will go to the police station and ask if
there are any results. No, I will go to the village and take a look."
"You must not go!" Jenny heard Henry To enter the village, quickly stop, "You have not been
here these days, and you have not seen how crazy those villagers are. Some of them have
red eyes. The thought is stil very feudal in this respect. If you go, it is estimated to be
dangerous. "
" Then this matter must be resolved. "Henry shook his head helplessly." It can't always go
on like this. , Someone is stifling it. "
"Then you better let the police go out with you, otherwise it will be dangerous." Jenny
Henry looked at the concern in Jenny's eyes and nodded. "Okay, I know, don't you worry
about it, let's eat it. Let's eat." The
waiter also sent the two people what they ordered. table.
Jenny didn't talk about this topic any more. He lifted up his sleeves and struck up Henry.
When Jenny and Henry were together, they felt very relaxed. They didn't care about the
image as much as they used to. If they wanted to eat meat, they would eat meat.
After a midnight meal, it was almost twelve. Henry declined Jenny to send him home,
instead he sat on Jenny's car and asked Jenny to drive the car to the community. go back.
"Do not sit upstairs and drink a glass of water?" Jenny pointed to the top of his head.
"No." Henry waved his hand, "You have a rest early."
"Hey." Jenny embraced his chest with both hands, "Are you afraid that I ate you?"
"Where is it." Henry smiled bitterly, "You are so charming , I just drank some wine again, in
case I couldn't hold it back, what did you say? "
" Huh. "Jenny gave Henry a glance," It's almost the same, you pay attention to safety on the
road, and tel me at home. "
" Okay. "Henry nodded and turned to leave.
Looking at Henry's back, Jennymei's eyes shed a trace of loss.
Henry walk al the way back home, to the hospital, it was found that some plants are dry
soil, which proves Sylvia did not have time to come back, and to do this in accordance with
the soil Humidity, and then feel the humidity in the air, Henry can probably analyze that
Sylvia should have left on the same day as he walked.
Taking out the key, Henry prepared to open the door of the house, but found that it was
impossible to unlock the door.
Looking at the lights on the phone screen, Henrycai found out that the door lock was
"This ..."
Henry looked at the replaced door lock, stood at the door for five minutes, and looked up.
The door of the villa could not stop him, and he could flip in the window at will, but he had
no choice. Do so.
Taking a deep breath, Henry left slowly, wondering if he was causing Sylvia to be unhappy.
After touching the key in his pocket, Henry turned around and left the yard. What's wrong?
Wait for Sylvia to come back.
Staying in Helen's house for the night, getting up in the morning, Henry carefully poured
flowers and walked out the door.
Henry intends to go to the police station for a turn, and ask the police about the specific
situation, just after going out, a strange number is cal ed.
"Hello?" Henry answered the phone.
"Brother-in-law, I heard Li Na say you are back, I have something to tel you!" On the phone,
a male voice rang.
"Chaning?" Henry wondered. He and Chaning had almost no intersection.
"Brother-in-law, you say a place, I'll go find you."
Henry happened to have no breakfast, chose a breakfast shop, told Chaning, and went there
Ten minutes later, I saw Chaning storming into the breakfast shop without washing his
head, and the clothes were a little dirty, and he looked very tired.
Looking at this image of Chaning, Henry felt a little dumbfounded, "This should not be the
dress that Master Lin should usually wear."
"Hey, don't mention it." Chaning sighed, "I have been busy with Aoba for the past few days,
and my family hasn't returned."
"What's wrong with Aoba?" Henry asked, after all, he is still a green man. As for Ye Da's
master, after Helen left, he told Qing Ye's people that Henry had to make al major decisions
for Qing Ye.
"Brother-in-law, it's our family's business, don't you know what happened to the company
during this time?" Chaning sat down at the table, asked for a bowl of seaweed soup, and
drank it.
"I heard a little, what does this have to do with Aoba?" Henry wondered.
"How can it matter!" Chaning took a breath and said, "Brother-in-law, this Lin's belongs to
our family, and Aoba is also ours. Someone went to the Lin's to make trouble. Aoba, as the
Yinzhou leading society, is definitely impossible. Just looking at it, we organized people to
go to Lin's that day, and in the end we were stopped by a note. "
Henry understood what the note in Chaningkou meant, that is, the slang in the community,
referring to the police.
"They stopped you?" Henry frowned.
"Yeah." Chaning nodded, his face angry, "The note asked us where to go, we said to go to
Lin's, we will be deducted on the spot, these days we kept checking our place, once we The
more people gathered, the notes came, and my dad's identity was known. This time, we
deliberately stopped us from letting us manage Lin! "
Henry was full of doubts. Organize Aoba, not to allow Aoba, this time, what role do you
want to engage in Lin? "Brother-in-law, you do n’t know, in those few days, the people in
Lijia Village are too arrogant. We ca n’t go to Lin Family, so we go to Lijia Village to see who
they are. just getting into the car, it was turned over to the villagers, several brothers hurt,
we are just getting ready to quarrel with them, the note came, arrested without any
explanation to us al , we go to prohibit the lijiacun! "
Lin When Chuan was talking, he clenched his fists tightly and looked very angry.
"You just overturned the car and it was overturned, no trouble?" Henry asked.
"No." Chaning shook his head. "Absolutely no. It was the team I led. We just wanted to see
where this Lijia Vil age was. They just started!"
Henry listened to Chaning's words and struck with his finger. Desktop, if this is the case, Li
Jiacun's way of doing things is too domineering, and even the police are guarding them,
which is a bit strange.
"I will go to the police station and wait for a while. You go back and tell the brothers so that
everyone shouldn't act rashly. The injured brothers take care of their injuries. The medical
expenses are al counted on me. Buy more supplements and send them away."
Henry got up. Organized the clothes, "Listen to me, don't act rashly."
"Wel ." Chaning nodded, "I understand that the brothers are taking good care of me,
brother-in-law, this Lijia Village is too arrogant, brothers I'm not angry, when did you feel
wronged? " Henry patted Chaning's shoulder." I know the brothers are wronged, but they
can't do anything, wait for my news. "
Henry finished, striding away from breakfast Shop, walk towards the police station.
At nine o'clock in the morning, the police station had just gone to work, and Henry found it.
As soon as Henry entered the police station, he was recognized.
"Mr. Zhang, you are here. The director is waiting for you in the office. I will take you." A
police officer saw Henry at the reception in front of the police station.
"He's waiting for me?" Henry was a little puzzled, and looked at the police officer in front of
him, just the other's rank, and at least reached the rank of captain.
The police officer nodded. He has been waiting here for three days. Today is the fourth day,
just to wait for Henry. This was specially explained by the director.
Yinzhou Police Department, in the office of the Commissioner.
Director Wei brewed a cup of hot tea for himself and sat on an office chair, frowning. His
latest incident has already hurt his head.
On one side, it is the Lin Group, and on the other side, the Lijia Village, which is strongly
supported by the government.
The Lin Group, not only the leading company in Yinzhou, but also the husband of the
president, has an amazing identity.
In the case of Lijia Village, Director Wei received an order from above, and he came directly
across the province. He said that this time things must be handled well, and the people in
Lijia Village must not be dissatisfied.
On both sides, Director Wei can't afford to offend him.
The office door was knocked.
"Go in." Director Wei, who was sitting on the office chair, said.
The office door opened and Henry's figure appeared in the eyes of Director Wei.
"Director, Mr. Zhang is here." The policeman who led the way said.
Upon seeing Henry, Director Wei immediately stood up from the seat and said very
politely: "Mr. Zhang is here, please sit down, please sit down."
Director Wei was very polite.
The police officer who led the way was a little surprised. He knew Henry, but he didn't
expect the director to be so polite to Mr. Zhang.
"Okay, you go out first." Director Wei waved to the lead police officer.
The lead policeman nodded, walked out of the door and took the door.
"Mr. Zhang, sit, please sit down." Director Wei quickly made a gesture of urging on the
leather sofa beside him, and then poured tea for Henry.
Henry looked at Director Wei's attitude and didn't say much. During this time, he also made
a lot of movements in Yinzhou. Ning Province dismounted. The leader Xiao Sheng is
estimated that there is no good result now. Director Wei should have heard it.
What's the wind.
Leaning on the sofa, Henry looked at Director Wei and asked, "Director Wei, you have been
waiting for me. You should know why I came here?"
"I know, I know." Director Wei nodded again and again and poured the good tea. Put it on
the coffee table in front of Henry, "Mr. Zhang, this is what I always wanted to tell you, but
without your contact information, so ..."
"OK." Henry waved his hand and motioned for Director Wei Do n’t talk nonsense, “I ask you,
people in Lijia Village went to Lin ’s to make trouble and hurt Lin ’s employees.
Why do n’t you care? Also, you should know the relationship between Aoba and Lin ’s.
Let Aoba Social Management? ”
Director Wei showed a bitter smile, and stood in front of Henry, didn't dare to sit down, and
said:“ Mr. Zhang, this matter is not for me to ignore, it is impossible to control, the order
from above, You must let Li Jiacun
lose his breath, you said me ... " Director Wei said at this point, he didn't go on, and the
meaning shown was already obvious.
"On top?" Henry frowned, "Which level."
Director Wei's eyes were ful of awe, and he whispered: "That's the highest level, so Mr.
Zhang, this time, I'm also caught in the middle, very embarrassed."
Henry heard this Then, in my heart, I was shocked. The top level of China made a personal
order not to let Secretary Wei manage it?
"What's the origin of that Lijia Village?" Henry asked with a frown.
Director Wei shook his head. "I don't know the specifics. There are only four words
mentioned above."
"Longxi Li's!"
"Longxi Li's?" Henry thought about it now. The Wu family has never heard of such a
number, but in the historical al usions of China, the Li family of Longxi is very famous.
Henry shook his head and got up. Since this matter was the order from above, he asked
Director Wei, but he couldn't ask for anything. For the specific matter, he still had to go to
Lijia Village.
After leaving the police station, Henry went to the Lin family first. He asked Li Na to inform
al employees yesterday that he recently took a holiday.
When he came to Lin, Henry discovered that Lin was surrounded by people, some people in
ordinary clothes, holding a shovel pick in his hand, and so on.
Lin ’s security guards locked the door and did n’t dare to show up.
Henry glanced at these villagers and did not do anything extraordinary, he did not come
forward. He knew that once he showed his identity, he would definitely make these people
more excited. The best way now is to find the village head of Lijia Village , Ask what is going
It's just how to get into that Lijia village and how to find the village chief. Henry needs to
think about this matter. He can't break in directly, it will only make things worse.
While Henry was frowning on this matter, Jenny's phone came over.
"Where? I'll pick you up?" Jenny's crisp and sweet voice sounded. "Pick me?" Henry
"Aren't you going to Lijia Village? I've helped you get the village head." Jenny's voice came.
Henry heard Jenny's words and felt warm. This woman always knew what she was thinking
and what she needed.
"I'l wait for you at the CBD commercial street."
"I'm here, you just come."
Henry hung up the phone, a bitter smile on his face, there is such a woman who is good to
herself, I really don't know it is a good thing It ’s stil a bad thing. If you do n’t have so
much burden, you do n’t get married, and you do n’t have a loved one, you will definitely be
tempted by a woman like her.
When Henry came to the street, he saw Jenny's BMW five series parked here.
Opening the door and getting in the car, Henry and Jenny did n’t ask him to say anything
polite. He asked directly, "How did you get in touch with the people in Lijia Vil age? They
are in their current state, and no one wants to See you? "
" Don't forget, I am Jenny, an entrepreneur who opened the Yinzhou trade channel. Last
time I exploded the mountain, which solved many difficulties in Lijia Vil age, so this time I
made an appointment and the other party gave me face. "Jenny Yan smiled, a pair of big
eyes narrowed into a crescent shape.
Henry looked at this angel-like woman. The better Jenny treated him, the more he owed his
heart, because he knew that he couldn't give Jenny anything. A gentle Han, already made
Henry a little wonder how to deal with it.
Jenny looked at the expression on Henry ’s face and the debts hidden in her eyes, which
made Jenny feel sad for a while. She knew what Henry wanted and knew that there could
be no result between herself and Henry. He was If you have a wife, his wife is very good and
loves him.
But Jenny couldn't help but treat Henry well, which had nothing to do with Henry helping
When he was with Henry, Jenny felt that he was one percent of the soul who was not alone.
Jenny drove to Lijia Village.
Lijiacun lives on the very edge of Yinzhou and has already left the urban area. Outside the
three districts and two counties of Yinzhou, if they go a little further, they will not belong to
The village Henry passed by before. I have the impression that in the current era, it seems
to be very backward in al aspects. In the era when the convenience store at the entrance of
the community has the size of a supermarket, the store in the village is the same as the
shop in the past few years. .
The village is very large. The land area of the whole village is 127 square kilometers, and
the cultivated area is 110,000 mu. The total population of the village is only more than 400
people. On average, four people occupy 1 square kilometer of land. It is said that the policy
is very favorable, after al , this is an era of money.
The entire village's land was official y authorized to Lijia Village. The road in the village was
not much repaired. The car was driving on it, and the roughness of the road could be clearly
Jenny's car was stopped shortly after entering the village.
This is a young man in his twenties. After stopping the car, the young man looked at Jenny
and then turned his eyes to one side. He didn't miss Jenny at all.
"What did you do?" The youth asked in a harsh tone.
"I am Jenny from Hengyuan Business, and I met with Mr. Li to meet today." Jenny said.
"You wait." The young man said, trotting into the bungalow beside the road. Two minutes
later, the young man ran out again, "Go."
"Thank you." Qin Jue said thanks and drove into the village.
Jenny looked at Henry with Yu Guang
and found that Henry's face was a little wrong, and asked, "What's wrong, is your body
"No." Henry shook his head, "This village is not right."
"Not right?" Jenny wondered, "I don't feel anything wrong?"
"You can't see it." Henry didn't explain much.
As far as a normal man is concerned, whether or not the man is mischievous, when he sees
such beautiful women as Jenny, he will look twice, including Henry himself, but just that
young man, after seeing Jenny, Without a special expression, when he looked at Jenny, it
was like ... It seemed ...
Henry didn't know how to describe the meaning in the youth's eyes.
The car drove al the way into Lijia Village. The head of Lijia Village lived in the innermost
position of the village. Along the way, Henry and Jenny met many people and stopped the
car for interrogation. That was real y comparable. The costume drama in TV enters the
palace as rigorously.
Jenny drove hard for nearly 20 minutes on the road that was originally a few kilometers,
and the two people came to the village where Li Jiacun lived.
The house where the village head lives is not thick after a thick wall, about 1.8 meters.
Henry can see the scene inside the wall with a little tiptoe, there is a simple house in the
wall, the roof tiles symbolize This house has a long history.
"Two, stop here, the patriarch is worshipping the ancestors, you wait." Outside the wall, a
young woman stopped the car.
Henry gave this young woman a subconscious look, the other party was very ordinary, and
the appearance could only be average, but it gave Henry a bright feeling.
Henry glanced at Jenny and found that Jenny was staring at this young woman constantly,
just because of the temperament in the other person's body, which seemed to be ethereal,
giving a sense of dust.
The young woman saw that both of them were staring at her, and there was a look of
arrogance on her face, and she said sharply: "Look again, just dig your eyes down!"
Henry frowned, and he heard about this Lijia villager in the morning But he did not expect
to have reached such a degree.
When Henrygang was about to speak, he heard an old voice inside the wall.
"Let them come in." The
original domineering young woman immediately stood upright with her head lowered.
"Yes, the patriarch." After the
young woman finished speaking, she looked at Henry and Jenny again, unhappy. Go in!
Pay attention, do n’t mess around! "
Jenny pulled down Henry's sleeve and walked towards the gate of the fence.
It was a very old wooden door. Many parts of the door were cracked and the board was
nailed up again.
When Henry pushed the wooden door open, he made a "creaking" sound, and the door
panel also had a shaky tendency.
The courtyard is not large, there is an old locust tree in the courtyard, there is a wooden
table under the locust tree, a few wooden chairs, are very old.
A gigantic, gray-haired old man was sitting on a wooden chair, and tea was poured on the
When Henry entered the hospital, he smelled a faint fragrance in the air.
The clothes on the old man's body are very clean, and it can be said that they are spotless.
He also gives people a feeling of dust.
"Chairman Li, hello, this is Jenny from Hengyuan. I called you yesterday." Jenny walked to
the old man and held out his hand.
The old man smiled, wrinkled pushed together, "Qin total, yes, this many years of
perseverance northwest mountains, were you to the bombing, through the Dragon Feng
Shui, you have done something good for the people of the Northwest ah." The old man
looked at Jenny and nodded in satisfaction.
"Mr. Li, I am here to introduce a friend to you." Jenny waved to Henry.
Henry approached and said, "Hello, Mr. Li, this is Henry, from the Lin Group."
Upon hearing these two words, Mr. Li, who was original y smiling, suddenly looked ugly,
and sneered. "Lin's people, what are you doing here! Mr. Qin, you didn't tell me yesterday
that there will be Lin today. The people of the family come! "
Henry smiled," Chairman Li, I know that the matter of the last land made you very unhappy.
I came this time and just wanted to find a solution. "
" How? "Mr. Li sneered," the method is very simple, ruining you Lin, our anger will
disappear! "
Henry shook his head," Mr. Li, I think there should be some misunderstanding between us,
I'm afraid that you Lijia Village have been exploited by some people who are interested. "
" Usage? "Village Chief Li smiled, his hands behind his back," I can only see that it is your
Lin family who broke our ancestors. Zong's ancestral hal , this matter should be counted on
your Lin's head! "
Henry frowned," Mr. Li, I am here, I am not arguing with you, I just want to say, what we are
doing now , To solve this matter, moreover, this piece of land was bought by our Lin from
the official, your shrine Piece buried in the ground, we do not move, a mutual affection,
move, is reasonable, you're looking for, go to the official, Lin come to us, I am afraid it
inappropriate? "
Li mayor waved his hand," Do not worry, None of the people involved in this matter can run
away. It's not too late to destroy your Lin family first, and then it's not too late to find
someone else! "
" Mr. Li, do you real y not want to solve this matter well? "Henry confirmed again .
Henry came here today to solve this matter. Although Lin did not make any mistakes in this
matter, let ’s not say whether it was Lin who ordered the contractor to dig the ground. Lin's
order was also reasonable. The land he bought, what he wanted to do, could not be said by
The people in Lijia Village went to the Lin family to make troubles from the beginning, but
it was arrogant and unreasonable. Henry also endured anger and wanted to solve this
matter well. Unfortunately, what he sees now is that people in Lijia Vil age do not want to
solve this at all thing.
Chief Villager looked at Henry, "Young man, are you threatening me?"
Henry shook his head. "It's not a threat. I just asked, do you want to resolve it?"
"No need to ask!" Chief Li waved again. , Shouted, "Lin's will be destroyed, you go! See you
See off the words one by one.
Just now the young woman pushed the courtyard door open and rushed to Henry and Qin
Judao: "The patriarch has let you go, haven't you left yet?"
Henry turned around and walked towards the gate of the courtyard. When he left the
courtyard, Henry said again: " Chief Li, I still say that. I can understand the anger that your
ancestral hal was disturbed, but this matter is obviously someone who is fooling from it. I
hope everyone can be sensible and do n’t be used by villains, which is not good for anyone.
Hum!" Li village head slapped on the wooden table under the tree. "Young man, how do I do
things, it's your turn to teach you!"
Henry heard the words
, shook his head, said nothing more, and turned out of the courtyard.
Jenny looked at Henry and then Mr. Li. His face was anxious. "Mr. Li
, why don't you ..." "Shut up!" The young woman shouted. "Did you hear our patriarch's
words? Go away! "
" Girl, I've decided, let's go. "Chief Li said.
Jenny opened his mouth and eventual y did not speak, followed Henry and left the
After Qin Rongzhang and Henry left, the young woman looked at the head of Vil age Li and
said, "Patriarch, shall I take them ..." When the young woman spoke, she made a gesture of
raising and lowering her sword.
"No need." Chief Li Village shook his head.
The young woman sneered and stared at Henry's direction of leaving. "In this way, kil ing
directly is the most convenient!"
Jenny drove and took Henry away from Lijia Vil age.
"What are you going to do next?" Jenny asked.
"There are many ways, it depends on which one is used." Henry looked out the window.
If it wasn't a last resort, he really didn't want to make things big. After all, things are big,
and it's not good for Lin. But since Lijiacun has this attitude, He also had to take some tough
Once Henry decided to take tough measures, now these problems will no longer be a
Jenny shook his head, "This has been a lot of trouble recently, you have to deal with it."
"I understand, right." Henry suddenly thought of something.
"What's wrong?" Jenny wondered slightly.
"Sylvia, did she tel you anything?" Henry asked.
Yesterday, Jenny asked if he had an argument with Sylvia. At that time, he answered no, but
when he returned home, he found that even the door lock had been changed.
Upon hearing this, Jenny's face appeared unnatural, "No ... No ..."
"No?" Henry looked at Jenny, the other face's unnatural look did not escape his eyes.
"No, what can your wife tel me." Jenny rolled his eyes. "I still have something to do with my
company. Where can I put you?"
"Just the intersection in front." Henry stretched his finger.
Jenny nodded and stopped at the intersection.
After Henry and Jenny were separated, they went to the hospital for a while and looked at
the Lin ’s injured employee. Most people were okay, but only one had a broken arm.
After questioning, they learned that it was the club of Lijiacun who took the stick call taxi.
Henryan soothed the injured employee and bought some nutritional products. Then Henry
returned to Lin. The villagers of Lijia Vil age, who had originally gathered at the entrance of
Lin's family, saw that Lin's did not go to work, and they all dispersed.
However, Henry stil observed that there were a few people who were always looking at
Lin's side, trying to do some kind of surveillance.
Henry didn't bother to manage it either. After entering Lin, he first went to the security
office to watch the surveil ance in recent days.
On the day of the beating, Henry saw that there were hundreds of people in Lijia Vil age in
front of the Lin ’s gate. Some people even picked up things like bricks and smashed them
into the Lin ’s, a Lin ’s security guard. When he came out, he was punched on the spot, and
then a stick was hit on the arm, that is, the employee who had just seen Henry's fracture in
the hospital.
In the surveil ance video, although Henry could not hear any sound, he could see the
mouth-shape of the villagers in Lijia Village, and there was hardly any good words in his
Henryguan took a surveillance video and took a deep breath. Since the people in Lijiacun
did n’t want to resolve this matter, he did n’t have to endure anger anymore.
Some people do n’t fight them, they always think that the world is what they say Forget it.
Henry left Lin, he first contacted Wade White and asked Wade White to check about
Sylvia's whereabouts. He had to figure out where Sylvia went. Henry always felt that this
time Sylvia left, everywhere They were ful of mistakes, and they told Wade White to let the
people near Yinzhou gather together.
Li Jiacun's incident is so big this time, kil ing it directly is definitely not going to work, not to
mention what will happen to the public influence. The troubles in this village have all
alarmed the top level of Huaxia. You can still do it by tapping. The police will not let Aoba
manage this matter, so let the hel walker do it!
Henry's approach is to demonstrate to the top Chinese people and ring the alarm.
Wade White expressed his understanding.
Before the cal between Henry and Wade White was hung up, he heard the phone ringing
and someone called.
Henry looked at the number and turned out to be Chaning.
"Okay, I won't tel you first, I have to answer the phone again." Henry hung up the cal with
Wade White and connected Chaning's phone.
As soon as the phone was connected, Henry heard Chaning crying from the phone:
"Brother-in-law, come on at night, these people, these people are so shameless!"
On the phone, Henry also returned He heard a banging of jingling bells.
"Wait for me, arrive immediately."
Henry left Lin for the first time and drove to the night bar.
The current time, but just after 12 noon, there was no one in the whole bar street.
Far away, Henry saw the door of the night bar open wide, and there was a mess inside.
Henry walked to the door and saw that there were more than thirty people, standing in the
bar, all young people, holding the night bar stuff in his hand, and kept hitting the ground,
the tables and chairs in the bar were quilted. After smashing it al over, the wine cabinet,
sound, including the chandelier, were all smashed.
Chaning and a group of Aoba members were all standing on the side. There were more than
fifty people, and everyone could see obvious bruises on their faces.
"What's going on!" Henry walked into the door and shouted.
Henry screamed like thunder and thunder, so that the person who was still smashed in the
bar could not help stopping the movement of his hand, and looked towards him.
Chaning and others staying around the corner, when they saw Henry, they were as relieved
as they saw the savior.
"Brother-in-law, you are finally here." Chaning ran with a snot and tears.
Henry glanced at him and asked, "You guys, have you been beaten like this?"
More than 50 people played more than 30. It can be said that the number of people
occupies twice the advantage. As a result, Chaning is al over now In contrast, the more than
30 people who were smashed did nothing.
Chaning and a member of the Aoba Society nodded embarrassedly and felt ashamed.
Henry put his eyes on those more than thirty people, all of which were closed with brows,
and the wrinkles were even more severe. Of the more than thirty people, several Henry met
in Lijia Village today, all of them are villagers of Lijia Vil age.
Henry said to more than thirty people: "You are so inappropriate to smash our things,
"Come on, you will bul y us as honest people, this bar blacks our money, not smashing who
you smash! "One of the villagers said.
"What is blacking your money!" Chaning couldn't help but said, "You come to drink yourself
and say that we pit your money?"
Lijia villagers glance a glance mouth, "a bottle of beer you have to fifteen, our village is only
three dollars a bottle, you're not black money are we doing!"
"our bar what price tag you drinks in front of the menu point, in the end say We black
money? "Chaning gas, but he was the first time to see such a person.
The villagers of Lijia Vil age shrugged, "I haven't been to school and are il iterate, you didn't
tel me, this is black money, black money, I will beat you."
Even if a fool can be seen at the scene, These people in Lijia Vil age are obviously in trouble.
Henry frowned, "If you think the bar is black money, you can ask the relevant department
to complain. You are breaking the law now. It is il egal."
"What law? There is no law in our village, we have to return to the village." , With more
than thirty people left.
"No one is al owed to go!" Henry stepped in front of the door, blocking the way of everyone
in Lijia Village.
Henry took out his mobile phone and made a cal to the police station.
"The villagers of Lijia Village were smashed on the wine street. Is anyone in charge?"
Henry said directly on the phone.
"Hello, we will now send someone to verify." After a voice on the phone, hang up directly.
The police station is only 20 minutes away from this wine street, but only 5 minutes by car,
and Henry has just seen that there is a patrol car not far away.
After Henry reported the police, he turned his head and glanced. The patrol car that was
originally coming to Jiujie Street suddenly turned around.
Henry called the police again, but no one answered. The Director Wei had informed
everyone that Li Jiacun's affairs would not be controlled.
"I said, there is no way in our village, let go!" The villagers of Lijia Village took the lead and
grabbed at Henry's shoulder.
Henry shook his shoulder and shook his opponent's hand away.
Henry's action made the lead villager's eyes narrowed, "Lian Jiazi?"
Henry grinned, "Since your village has no law, then I will tell you what is called, outside the
law, rules!"
Henry said When he finished,
he raised his hands and shouted, "It's al gone!" Henry's words fel , and five figures appeared
immediately behind him, rushing into the night bar at an extremely fast speed.
The leader of Lijiacun hadn't even seen what the person looked like, he was punched in the
face and hammered on the spot.
More than 30 villagers in Lijia Village were shocked suddenly, but did not panic. They
picked up things casually and started fighting with people.
Every hel walker is an elite. Everyone has undergone devil-like training. A hel walker, even
a few special y trained special soldiers, cannot get close.
But now, the five hellwalkers appearing in the bar are even comparable to the people in
Lijiacun. Although hellwalkers stil have some advantages, they can't get all the people in
Lijiacun under control.
Henry stood aside and did n’t do anything. He watched the movements of these people in
Lijiacun. The opponent used some boxing techniques that he had n’t seen before, and
everyone was absolutely trained by the system. The way is very skilled.
But no matter how skilled, it is not an opponent of Hellwalker.
"Ah! My hand! My hand!" A screaming sounded, as hellwalker cut off the other's wrist.
"Save me! Cousin, save me!"
With the first scream, the subsequent screams
sounded one after another.
After playing for more than two minutes, more than 30 villagers in Lijia Village lost, and
hell walkers would not be merciless. Since Henry said that it was scrapped, they would
scrap al their hands and feet.
More than 30 villagers in Lijia Village were lying on the ground, covered in blood, with a
kind of resentment in their eyes and a kind of unwillingness. Each of them was full of
hatred and stared at Henry.
Henry had seen too much in this way. He waved his hands and all five hellwalkers
Henry Chaning said: "Go to the police and say that your stuff has been smashed. If the
police don't care, they will post on the Internet and find more sailors to forward. As for
these people, let them die by themselves."
Henry said After that, he turned his head out of the bar.
Originally, Henry wanted to wait two days to see what happened in Lijiacun, but now, the
people in Lijiacun have been bullied, if he can bear it, he will not be the hell that makes the
whole underground world tremble. king.
Henry left the bar and no one was around. He said to himself as follows: "Notify everyone
who can be reached, all around Lin, don't be merciful, don't kill, but don't let any one go
back! After
Henry finished speaking, he directly took out his mobile phone and called Li Na. "Let the
company's drivers drive all the cars back to the company and create the illusion that
everyone is going to work. Tell them that if anything happens, don't show up." , Hide in the
company, that's it! "
Henry hung up the phone without giving Li Na a chance to question.
If someone familiar with Henry sees what Henry is like, he will understand that he is angry.
Whenever he is angry, he will let people see such a fierce side, and his enemies should pay
the pain cost.
Yinzhou CBD business district.
This is a sunny afternoon, the sun is not too strong, the air is very mild, but sensitive people
will find that there is always something wrong with al this.
Lin's original y locked door suddenly opened, and one after another the cars belonging to
Lin slowly drove to the door of the company, and the people on the car got off and entered
the company building.
Lin just around the Mansion, a melon seeds that had people sitting in seeing Lin door open,
quickly took out the phone, "Brother, give Zanba said that company to work."
Such The scene happened in many corners around Lin's.
Within ten minutes of the opening of the Lin ’s gate, there were nearly a hundred people,
holding shovels and sticks, appearing in front of the Lin ’s gate, uttering insulting sounds.
"Grass, the dog Lin's, don't die!"
"Lin's beast!"
"Get out and die!"
"Smelly ladies!"
Henry was sitting in a simple restaurant across from Lin, in front of him, laid out A
beautiful rice bowl.
Holding a spoon, Henry took a sip of rice leisurely and slowly put it in his mouth.
At the moment of Henry's rice entrance, dozens of people dressed in black and grimace
masks appeared in front of Lin's gate, behind the villagers of Lijia Village near No. 100.
At the same time, more than a dozen aerial drones flew over Lin. These drones were tied
with a small bag. When flying over the villagers of Lijia Village, all the bags burst at the
same time, spraying white. powder.
There was a deep voice in the air.
sky , countless powders are sprinkled, and the villagers of Lijia Vil age gathered in front of
the Lin ’s gate have not understood what is happening, and they feel that the eyes are blank.
, Can't see anything.
A flicker of coldness flashed, and in this white powder, there was another scream.
After more than a dozen drones, a continuous stream of drones flew from afar, carrying a
bag ful of powder and exploding over Lin.
The white powder, like a heavy rain, only covered this small area and poured down.
In Lin's company, the employees who had just drove by did not dare to reveal their screams
in front of the company.
Secretary Li Na was also in the company, recal ing the order Henry had just given to herself,
and hearing the voice from outside, her heart trembled. She felt that this was the first time
she knew Mr. Zhang.
Countless scattered powders and the screams in front of Lin's door attracted the attention
of many people around. But when they looked at them, they couldn't see anything. The
white powder completely blocked their sight.
The powder lasted for three minutes, and after three minutes, al the dust settled.
Nearly a hundred villagers of Lijia Vil age were al lying on the ground, screaming in their
mouths, sobbing, and some people were already in a coma.
The red blood and powder are mixed together to form a bright red sticky substance, which
is everywhere on the ground, and some timid people will goose bumps at a glance.
In just a few minutes, the police arrived.
"Quick! Call the emergency number to save people!"
"What happened, who saw it." A policeman gathered evidence from the onlookers.
The onlookers shook their heads. They just saw nothing.
At the moment, Henry had finished eating the food in front of him, walked slowly out of the
Jane's restaurant, and walked towards the Lin's gate.
"To extract surveillance video, we need your cooperation!" A police officer came to the Lin's
gate and said to the Lin's security guard.
"Sorry, officer, our surveillance was smashed by these people a few days ago, and it has
never been repaired, no surveil ance." Henry, who came at the time, said.
The police officer looked at the wounded nearly a hundred on the ground, some did not
know what to do, and quickly called Director Wei.
When Director Wei heard this, he directly issued an order, "Send al the injured to the
hospital, and no one is allowed to take care of the rest!"
Director Wei sat in this position for such a long time that he was very interested in certain
things. Open, I feel like a mirror in my heart, knowing that these things can not be handled
by myself, I must report it.
On the night of the incident, in front of Yinzhou Hospital.
The village chief of Lijiacun stood here with a mahogany walking stick.
The young woman who had previously blamed Henry and Jenny stood beside the village
head of Lijia Vil age.
"Patriarch, this thing must have been done by the two of us today. Dahu said that when
they were in the bar, it was the man who found him who interrupted their legs and feet.
We can't bear this! When did Longxi Li's face such grievances! "The young woman's face
was full of resentment and she squeezed her fist hard.
The head of Lijia Village shook his head. "This will be released in advance. After a while, al
the sub-categories will be returned to the clan. I will report it to this. Natural y someone
will handle it. During this time, we have too many appearances. "
" But! "What the young woman wanted to say was stopped by the village chief of Lijia Vil
age. , "Well, this would stop here, we are bound Lin can not easily let go, dare we Lee's
people, there will not be any good end!"
Took place at the recent lijiacun After the incident of the Hundred People's Injury, Lin
finally returned to calm in front of the door. Henry paid special attention. Those who
secretly paid attention to Lin did not appear again.
Regarding the smashing of the night bar, Chaning reported the police and found someone
to send the video to the Internet, but those online videos disappeared inexplicably in less
than ten minutes, and the account that posted the video was also Permanent ban.
No one in the media dared to report about the injury to the villagers of Lijia Village, which
was nearly 100 in front of the Lin ’s gate, and al were suppressed.
Henry asked Chaning to send someone to find the whereabouts of the contractor of the
private worker, and then sit in the Lin family for a few days. When he found that the people
in Lijia Village had completely disappeared, he rested.
During the period, Henry also went to the land bought by the Lin family and looked at the
so-cal ed Lijiacun Ancestral Hall. As a result, he didn't see anything useful. There is an old
shrine underground in the underground. , There is nothing to explore value.
In this way, after three days passed, the people of Lijia Village did not appear in front of the
Lin's gate again, and the entire Lin's returned to normal work order.
Henry lives in Helen's house every day and handles some company affairs during the day.
When eating at noon, Henry received a cal from Wade White.
"Boss, you asked me to investigate the whereabouts of the sister-in-law. I found out this,
and there are some things that I need to show you." Wade White had a cautious feeling
when he spoke.
"Send me on the phone."
Henry's phone just hung up, and he received a few photos from Wade White on the phone.
The person on the photo was Sylvia.
Henry glanced over. In al the photos, Sylvia and a strange man came together, and I didn't
know what to say. The angles of the photos were all taken secretly.
At the same time, Wade White sent another voice message.
"Boss, you asked me to check the whereabouts of the sister-in-law last time. She has been
in Beijing recently. I will send you the address and other information to you."
Henry looked at the message from Wade White and said nothing. It may be thought that
Sylvia didn't contact himself because of this man in the photo, and changed the door lock of
the house. There must be something he didn't know about.
Anyway, now Lin ’s crisis is over. Henry directly asked Wade White to book a ticket for
himself to Beijing. Tonight, he rushed to Beijing and asked Sylvia in person, what happened
in the meantime.
From Yinzhou to Beijing, it takes two hours by plane.
At 6:10 p.m., Henry appeared at Beijing Capital Airport. Henry has been used to flying back
and forth in China. His past life allows Henry to adapt to the geographic climate of any place
in the world in a very short time.
The capital, the center of the entire China, is a gathering place for powerful people.
Some people say that in Beijing, you can stil mess with the Lamborghini, but do n’t mess
with the BMW Audi, because you do n’t know which high-ranking official is sitting in it. The
provincial leader.
Here, company managers with a market value of tens of billions do not dare to speak
Henry arrives in the capital at
, immediately contact Wade White, let Wade White check Sylvia's current location.
"Boss, the sister-in-law is at Ruixian Restaurant."
"Ruixian Restaurant?" Henry was very impressed by this restaurant. "Isn't that the Ji's
"Boss, don't you know?" Wade White's voice revealed a kind eccentric.
"What do you know?" Henry asked strangely.
"About this underground world conference, it was just three days later ..." Wade White said
this, and some couldn't go on. This underground world conference was hosted by
Gwangmyeong Island. Things are unclear.
"Uh ... is it?" Henry touched his nose awkwardly. He real y didn't think about it.
Wade White sighed, "Boss, you are ready to prepare. This time, al the ancient martial arts
families will gather at Ji's hotel, go to Fuguo together, and then col ectively land on the
island. "
" OK, I know. "
Henry hung up the phone, somewhat embarrassed, and he himself, a king of the
underground world, was a bit incompetent.
Henry took a car from the airport and went directly to Ruixian Restaurant.
The Ji family, as the No. 1 family in ancient Chinese martial arts circles, is exceptional in
both economic and official fields. The Ruixian Hotel is located in the center of the capital.
The decoration of the hotel is just like the ancient palace. Every night, it will radiate
Chinese lights and become a landmark, and many people will take pictures in front of
Ruixian Hotel.
This hotel is not open to the public. There is no way to live in if there are no people
specially invited.
In the past two days, every room in Ruixian Hotel was very full. The people who lived in the
rooms were all from various ancient martial families. Regardless of their size, including the
Sijimen in Ning province, some representatives lived there.
The hotel integrates al kinds of leisure, banquet, swimming, entertainment and spa.
Henry took a taxi to the door of the hotel and glanced at the hotel. When he came last time,
the decoration was not so good. Remember to give a lot of suggestions to the old man of Ji
Henry glanced at the door. Two stone lions were originally placed at the door of the hotel.
He felt too awkward at the time and raised his mouth. Then he was removed, and the
original door post with carved dragon and phoenix was also a little dirt and was removed
Instead, it was replaced with some simple patterns. Although it was not as pretentious as
before, it gave a more calm and restrained momentum.
Henry came to the door and stepped in.
"Sir, please show your invitation letter." The security guard standing in front of the hotel, a
disciple of the Ji family, stopped Henry when he saw that Henry was a strange face.
"Invitation letter?" Henrymu was puzzled and realized that this Ruixian hotel was not
accessible if he wanted to enter. He explained: "My wife is inside. I went in to find my wife."
security guard in front shook his head. , "Sir, you are not al owed to enter without an
invitation letter. You can ask your wife to come and pick you up."
Henry shook his head. "My wife can't reach the phone. I'l go find her first and then show
you the invitation letter line?" "
This is not allowed, sir." The security guard kept reaching out in front of Henry.
Henry was helpless, this person's rules were like this, he had no choice, just prepared to
take out his mobile phone, let Wade White say hello to the old man of Ji family, after al , he
only knew the old man in Ji family. "Wow, Divine Doctor! It turned out to be you Divine
Doctor!" Behind Henry, a surprised female voice sounded.
Henry glanced back, and saw a 17- or 18-year-old little beauty, wearing a very ancient
white dress, standing with excitement behind her.
Henry looked at the little beauty and felt familiar, but he was not in the impression.
"Holy doctor, don't you know me? Last time in Yinzhou, you saved my dad!" The little
beauty quickly said.
The little girl said this, Henry reacted. This little girl was the one who took her father to the
doctor last time in Yinzhou.
Henry turned his gaze behind the little beautiful girl, who stood at the middle-aged man in
his forties.
"Little brother, you have forgotten us, we can't forget you. If it wasn't you last time, my old
life, I would confess to the corpse poison." The middle-aged man was grateful.
He was poisoned before, and although he was weak, his consciousness was not blurred.
Henry laughed loudly, "Sorry, sorry, I was amazed by this little beauty, I didn't recognize it
at al , I'm real y sorry." The
little beauty glanced at her mouth, "Just knowing to lie, I want to keep your phone before I
did n’t give it, I left a business card for you, and you did n’t contact me. ”
Henry smiled a little embarrassedly and didn't know how to answer.
"Little brother, are you going in?" The middle-aged man asked.
Henry nodded, "Wel , my wife is in the hotel, but unfortunately I didn't have an invitation
letter, I can't go in."
"Little brother, your wife is also from the ancient Wu family?" The middle-aged man
curiously asked .
"Yes, from the Su family." Henry nodded and answered.
"The Su family, haha, the future owner of the Su family, is a beautiful young girl named
Sylvia, could it be your brother, your wife?" The middle-aged man guessed it at once.
"Yes." Henry replied.
"Little brother, let's go in with us." The middle-aged man took out an invitation letter from
his pocket and handed it to the security guard at the door. The security guard immediately
looked at the invitation letter and immediately reached out.
Henry fol owed the father and daughter into the hotel.
During the chat, Henry learned that the father and daughter, from Hangzhou, belonged to
the Yue family in Hangzhou. This middle-aged man is the contemporary head of the Yue
family, Yue Rong, and the little beauty is named Yue Lushi, very elegant.
The three of them chatted and walked towards the interior of the hotel.
At 7:30 in the afternoon, Sylvia, who wore a black dress, sat in the dining area, with a slight
light makeup on his face, which attracted many people to look away. Many people wanted
to say hello, but they did not have the courage, because in these days , They already know
that this woman is the identity of the future head of the Su family.
Although the Su family is not the top big family like the Ji family, it is not comparable to
some smal ancient Wu family.
A handsome young man with a height of 1.58 meters came slowly and sat across from
This young man was the man Wade White sent to Henry in the picture.
"Miss Lin, I found you around, I didn't expect you to be here." The young man smiled at
Sylvia and sat opposite Sylvia.
"Mr. Jiang, what's the matter?" Sylvia asked with a smile.
The young man sitting opposite Sylvia is the young head of the Jiang family in Wancheng,
the future heir to the Jiang family, Jiang Zuo.
The status of the Jiang family in the ancient Wu family is slightly stronger than that of the
Su family.
Although the Su family is located in Yanjing, there are many ancient martial families in
Yanjing. In addition to the Su family and the Nangong family, there are many ancient
martial families of all sizes, but The Jiang family is independent of Wancheng.
"In the past two days, I had a very good conversation with Miss Lin, so I wanted to make a
friend. Everyone will leave for Tomorrow to land on the island. Some friends meet tonight. I
wonder if Miss Lin can enjoy her face?" With a strong confidence in Meiyu.
Sylvia smiled slightly, "Mr. Jiang, I have been unwell for the past two days, let ’s just forget
it, and I think that our contact during this time was mainly about talking about the two
cooperations. Not good. "
Sylvia politely refused Jiang Zuo's invitation, and at the same time held out his left hand
without leaking, deliberately let Jiang Zuo see the wedding ring worn on his left ring finger.
For the identity of Sylvia, Jiang Zuo also secretly made some investigations in the past two
days. After al , an outsider will take over as the future head of the Su family. Anyone will be
curious. Jiang Zuo himself is also interested in Sylvia.
In the investigation, Jiang Zuo learned some things. For example, Sylvia was only an
abandoned child abandoned by the Su family before returning to the Su family during this
time. He could become the future Su family owner, also because of the suicide of the Su
family's grandfather Her guilt, before that, she was just a company manager in a smal city.
As for the marriage partner, she was also a son-in-law.
Therefore, Jiang Zuo didn't even care about Sylvia's marriage.
"Miss Lin, this time, there are many future heirs of the family. Our family has never been
external. If we want to develop better, we must establish our own circle. I think this is an
opportunity, Miss Lin, what do you think? Jiang Zuo spoke again.
"I think it is very impolite to invite a married woman to a so-called private party at night."
A voice sounded from the side.
At the moment when he heard the sound, Sylvia was shocked. She couldn't be more familiar
with the sound. Looking at the sound, she saw Henryzheng walking slowly towards this
Su Mi, who was with Sylvia, also saw Henry, frowned, how did this person come, this time
the ancient martial arts family gathering, what did he come to do with an ordinary person,
did it just add chaos to Miss Lin!
After seeing Henry, Jiang Zuo still sat there, dissatisfied and said, "Who are you again?"
At this gathering, everyone didn't say that he knew, but he could recognize it, especially
those who were more important than Jiang. Jiagao's family remembered it clearly, but the
impression is that there is no such person in front of him.
Henry shrugged, "The Miss Lin you are inviting now is my wife. Who do you say I am?"
"Oh? The one who eats soft rice." Jiang Zuo smiled disdainfully, he At that time, I thought
about what kind of role would I like to be a son-in-law, but now I finally saw it.
Sylvia heard Jiang Zuo's words of soft rice in his mouth, and his pretty face changed.
How did Jiang Zuo know that he investigated himself?
Henry didn't pay attention to what Jiang Zuo said. He walked to Sylvia and said, "Wife, why
didn't you come to Beijing without a sound, and the phone can't be reached? Isn't I making
you unhappy?"
Sylvia looked at the man in front of him, and the other party did not make him unhappy at
all. How much did he want to be with him every day? During this time without contacting
him, he would think every day, what he is doing and how he is doing However, Sylvia knew
that the closer he was to him in his current identity, the more dangerous it was for him.Su
Mi's words to Sylvia have always been remembered by Sylvia. Although the ancient Wu
family is powerful and beyond the world, it is not invincible. There are many people who
want to deal with the Su family. Her future Inheriting the position of the Su family head, the
enemies he faces will be more powerful. If he does not have the strength to protect Henry,
he will be constantly in danger with him.
"Wife?" Henry saw Sylvia silently and asked again.
Sylvia shook his head, "You didn't make me unhappy, I just ... I don't like you anymore."
don't like you anymore!
These five words, like Chun Lei, exploded in Henry's ear.
Even when facing Henry who would never change his face, he shook his mind at the
moment and grasped Sylvia's shoulders with both hands. "Wife, what the hel are you
doing? Did you encounter any difficulties? Tell me."
"Release "Su Mi, who was standing on the side, stepped up and snapped Henry 's hand." Did
you understand what Miss Lin said, she didn't like you! " Henry didn't go to see Su Mi, his
eyes were dead Staring at Sylvia, "wife, you tel me, what's the matter?"
"Some people, really have no self-knowledge." Jiang Zuo sat beside him said slowly,
"Everyone said, I don't like you, but also At that cheeky face, what happened? "
Henry frowned, suddenly staring at Jiang Zuo," I'm talking to my wife, what does it have to
do with you! "When
Jiang Zuo stared at Henry, there was a confusion in his heart. , Even the heartbeat began to
Jiang Zuo shook his head and settled in his mind, and secretly said how could he be so
scared by a soft meal!
He said unpleasantly: "I'm just curious. You didn't have an invitation letter. How did you get
into this hotel, eh?"
"I brought it in, is there a problem?" Yue Rong, who just came, said.
"Senior Yue?" Jiang Zuo's expression changed, and he didn't understand how this mystery
was connected with the Yue family in Hangzhou.
Jiang Zuochong Yuerong said: "Senior Yue, you may not be clear. The person in front of you
is simply not qualified to come here. Miss Lin has just stated that she does not like it ..."
"This little brother Zhang saved My life is not qualified? Huh? "Yue Rong stared at Jiang Zuo
and snorted.
Jiang Zuo was shocked, did this kid save the life of Senior Yue Rong?
The Yue Family in Hangzhou City, in the ancient Wu family, has a superior status, second
only to the Zhu Family in Duhai. If it is placed in the entire China, it is the fifth existence, not
that Jiang Zuo can afford it, this kid walks What a terrible shit luck, there is a kindness to
Senior Yue.
Sylvia took a deep breath and said to Henry: "Henry, what I said is not clear enough, I didn't
like you anymore. You were with me at the time, but it was just a contract, and I could tear
it unilaterally at any time, so, Please don't cal yourself my husband again! "
Sylvia said suddenly after turning around, and at the moment she turned around, a line of
tears flowed out of her eyes, only she knew what she just said. What a disobedience to
those words!
Su Mi looked at Henry with a disgusted face, although she didn't know how Henry went to
shit luck to know the people of Yue Family in Hangzhou, but what use was it, He is still an
ordinary person at the end, what can he bring to the Su family? Could it be that the Yue
family would make good relations with the Su family because he was alone?
Su Mi said to Henry: "Don't you mess up our Miss Lin, is this the place you should come
Su Mi finished and rushed to the left of the river: "Mr. Jiang, I accept on behalf of our young
lady Your invitation,
please cal tonight. " " Really! "Jiang Zuo's face was delighted, and he looked at Henry with a
proud look.
Henry grinned, and said coldly to Jiang Zuo: "She can't agree, I can't control it, but if you
dare to invite her, I'll tear your mouth!"
Jiang Zuo's disdain was so soft. For dinner, if it wasn't for Yue Rong to support him, he
wouldn't be able to find him if he beat him early.
Jiang Zuo said: "I'll invite her, I want to see, how do you tear my mouth?"
Jiang Zuo didn't believe it, Yue Rong was able to give this kid his head because of this
matter, after all, what he said was also the Jiang family The future heir, in addition to this
matter, is still reasonable, if this kid really dare to disrespect himself, Yue Rong can not
protect him!
Henry shrugged. "You can try it, but I have changed my mind now. As long as you dare to
talk to my wife, I will tear your mouth."
"Oh." Jiang Zuo laughed lightly, turning his head to look at the side Sylvia said , "Lin ..." Jiang
Zuo just said a word, and he felt a strong wind coming from his side.
Standing on the side, Yue Rong stared at Henry in front of him with wide eyes. Henry's shot,
even he didn't react, quickly, it was too fast!
When Jiang Zuo reacted, Henry's fist had hit Jiang Zuo's face. Jiang Zuo, who was stil
standing there for a second, flew out directly, fell to the ground, and glid a distance until he
hit a The corner of the table just stopped.
No one thought that there was a sudden change here, that some people would dare to start
in the Ji family's place?
Su Mi looked at Henry in a daze, but she didn't expect that this man had such a good skil . If
the punch was just hitting himself, he would be like Jiang Zuo, and there was no room for
However, no matter how good his skil is, he is always a person, when facing an entire
family, it is still like a ants.
Sylvia's face suddenly changed after being slightly stunned. He shouted at Henry,
"Henry, what did you do!"
Sylvia's face flushed red, and she was very angry, not because Henry hit Jiang Zuo, She was
afraid that Henry was in trouble.
In the past two days, Sylvia heard about the stories of many ancient martial aristocrats and
some things that she didn't dare to think before.
For example, before Sylvia saw a news, a well-made company suddenly went bankrupt, or a
high-ranking official suddenly fell out of power, and she learned that these two days were
all done by the ancient Wu family.
The privileges possessed by these ancient martial aristocrats are simply unimaginable by
many people. Now Henry hits the future heirs of the Jiang family, which will cause much
trouble. For him, this is the disaster of extinction.
"Henry, quickly apologize to Mr. Jiang, hurry!" Sylvia scolded loudly. Jiang Zuo wiped the
corner of his mouth and got up from the ground, staring at Henry fiercely, "Are you he, dare
to hit me?"
"I said, you dare to say a word to my wife, I will tear your mouth. "Henry walked slowly
towards the left of the river.
Jiang Zuo looked at Henry who was approaching slowly, and squeezed his fists. He thought
that he had just failed to pay attention before he was succeeded by this kid. He must make
this kid look good!
"Boy, do you want me to kil you!" Jiang Zuo shouted and punched Henrymian's door.
Faced with Jiang Zuo's fist, Henry just protruded a hand at will, easily grasped Jiang Zuo's
fist, and then punched Jiang Zuo's face with his backhand.
Jiang Zuo was shocked, he did not expect that his punch was stopped by this man so easily!
Henry knocked Jiang Zuo to the ground again, and blood ran down the corner of Jiang Zuo's
mouth. Everyone could clearly see that Jiang Zuo's lips had been smashed and cracked.
After Henry's fist, he did not stop, grabbed Jiang Zuo's collar, grabbed Jiang Zuo from the
ground, and punched Jiang Zuo's mouth again with a punch.
When this punch hit Jiang Zuozui, it brought a burst of shock and made the onlookers
shrink their necks subconsciously.
After Jiang Zuo was hit in the mouth with this punch, his head hit the ground fiercely,
making a "dump" sound. He opened his mouth and two bloody teeth fell to the ground.
Henry loosened his clenched fists. "You just seemed to be questioning my words." The
onlookers swallowed saliva subconsciously . Where is this ruthless character, the heir of
the Jiang family, said he would fight, and Leave no room.
Those who original y had some thoughts on Sylvia, are fortunate at the moment,
fortunately they have self-knowledge, otherwise they will encounter such a ruthless role,
and now they are lying there, they are themselves.
The Jiang family came this time, not just Jiang Zuo. After the riots occurred, two people who
accompanied Jiang Zuo came immediately and ran over. Both of them were Jiang Zuo ’s
elders, one was Jiang Zuo's uncle, Jiang Zuo's father.
Esa lying on the floor watching the two elders, Esa mouthful of blood, the pale gas, they sit
staring Henry, "Boy, people dared to touch our river house!"
Henry showing a touch of scorn, "Jiang family? Very powerful? "
Listening to Henry's words, Su Mi looked at him like an idiot. Even the Jiang family didn't
know it, so he dared to fight. Got you?
Jiang Zuo's father suddenly angered and shouted: "Boy, you are arrogant!"
"Jiang Family Master, the junior thing, you don't care if you are the elders." Yue Rong stood
up at this time, he had been rescued by Henry Wel , how can you stand aside and watch at
this time.
Jiang Zuo's father saw that Yue Rong came out to speak, frowning. This Yue family was not
something his Jiang family could afford.
Jiang Zuo's father said: "Brother Yue, are you going to maintain this kid? He beat my son
and beat me the future heir of the Jiang family!"
Yue Rong smiled, "Who did Zhang Xiao beat, my Yue? Rong couldn't control it, I only knew
that Brother Zhang Xiao had rescued me. If it weren't for him, my Yue Rong would have
been a dead body. So, I just don't care, who wants to move Brother Zhang, I can't get along
with me! "
Jiang Zuo's father saw Yue Rong's attitude and looked very uncomfortable.
The Yue family is much higher than the Jiang family in the ancient martial arts world. If Yue
Rong is determined to protect this person, at the very least, he can never do anything at this
moment, otherwise he will not be able to get along with the Yue family!
Jiang Zuo's father took a deep breath, "Brother Yue, since you want to protect this person, I
will also give you this face, let's go!"
Jiang Zuo's father waved his hand, and Jiang Zuo's uncle raised Jiang Zuo, who was
seriously injured, with hate in his eyes. Henry glared and walked outside the banquet hall.
Yue Rong sighed and came over to Henrydao: "Brother Zhang, I can only help you to get
here. Your personal strength is strong, but you can face the entire Jiang family. You cannot
rely on personal strength alone. In terms of the status of the ancient Wu family, there is still
a certain distance between your wife's Su family and the Jiang family.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, you should make more friends. "
Henry nodded and said to Chong Yuerong: Thank you very much. "
This time, even if Yue Rong didn't say anything, Henry didn't have anything, but since
others kindly helped, Henry stil had to show his attitude, really want to let himself deal
with this matter, it will also cause unnecessary trouble .
Seeing Henry's appearance, Yue Rong knew that he hadn't listened to his own words, and
shook his head. Yue Rong didn't say much. He admitted that Henry was very capable and
had excellent medical skil s. People should have their own arrogance. If they don't suffer a
little, this kind of people can't restrain their arrogance.
"Henry, you come with me!" Sylvia glanced at Henry, spoke coldly, then turned his head and
walked out of the dining area.
Henry quickly fol owed Sylvia's footsteps.
In the hallway outside the dining area, Sylvia was standing there alone. The tal figure and
black dress made her like a fascinating black rose, which people only dare to admire but
dare not touch.
"Wife, you have to say something privately." Henry walked in front of the woman with a
smiling face.
Sylvia looked at the smiling face of the man in front of her. She was really worried that she
couldn't help it and fell directly into the man's arms, but Sylvia kept tel ing herself at al
times that she must hold back and not let him fall into danger because of herself among.
Sylvia glanced at Henry and said coldly: "You
are stingy ? Others just say something to me, and you just hit someone?" "Yes, I am stingy."
Henry nodded in denial, "I just can't accept Other men talk to my wife, you are mine! "
Sylvia listened to Henry's overbearing and jealous words. His heart was sweet, but he
couldn't show anything.
"Henry, let me tel you again, I don't like you anymore. Starting today, you are not my
husband. Who am I to make friends with? You have nothing to do with you. Do you
understand?" Sylvia tried to make his tone. It seemed cold.
Henry shook his head, "I don't understand, you are my wife, we have already obtained the
Sylvia's tone increased, "That's just a paper contract, I can tear it unilateral y at any time!"
Henry indifferently supported his hands, "That I'll pay you the penalty for breach of
contract. How much do you say, I don't agree to the divorce anyway! "
" You! "Sylvia looked at Henry's rogue look, bulging his cheeks and was speechless.
Henry smiled, "Wife, did you have any misunderstanding with me, tell me chant."
Henry said that he opened his arms and wanted to embrace Sylvia.
"Far away from me!" Sylvia pushed away Henry. Although her tone was not good, she did
not show any disgust for Henry in her eyes, "I tell you, whether you agree or disagree, this
marriage , I'm away from you, and, don't follow me anymore, do you understand! "
Henry opened his hands, set in front of Sylvia," wife, you tell me well, did you encounter
something, Who threatened you? Tell me. "
" No! "Sylvia embraced his chest with both hands and said coldly.
Henry looked at Sylvia's unwillingness to talk more with himself, then pondered for a
while, and then said, "Well, wife, if you want to tell me, then forget it, but there is one thing
you need to know, I am your husband As your man, my shoulder is your harbour. I am your
strongest backing. When do you want to say it? Anyway, anyway, divorce is impossible! "
Henry finished and turned around , Stride away.
Sylvia looked at Henry ’s back, her beautiful eyes could not help but red, she did n’t want
Henry to be her backing, now she just wanted to protect Henry best, she did n’t want to let
this man she loved because of herself, And what danger is encountered.
"Miss Lin." Su Mi came from the side.
"Huh?" Sylvia quickly reached out and wiped the tears in the corners of his eyes.
"What's wrong?"
Su Mi shook her head. "It's okay, I just want to say that some people, not in a circle, will
become rusty sooner or later, your identity There is too much difference with Mr. Zhang,
long pain is worse than short pain. Since I have spoken this time, try to make Mr. Zhang
give up, even if I use some special means, I will not hesitate. His name, you say, Miss Lin. "
" Special means ... "Sylvia murmured what Su Mi said in his mouth.
"I can see, Mr. Zhang reluctant to give you, if you let him take the initiative to let go, is not
possible, we can change a way, for example, let him have your guilt, so take the initiative to
leave ......"
leave ......
in When hearing these two words, Sylvia felt that all of his heart was colic.
At night, the moonlight is like water, covering the windowsill.
Sylvia stood in front of the window sill of the room, opened the curtains, and quietly looked
Obviously when the lantern was first introduced, Sylvia felt extremely deserted.
"People have joys and sorrows, and moons are full of yin and qing."
Sylvia looked up at the moon and muttered in his mouth.
Sylvia lowered her head. The room where she lived just saw the inner courtyard of this
hotel. The courtyard had a garden, a rockery, a small lake, and a gazebo.
At this point, everything seemed silent.
In the gazebo in the center of the garden, Sylvia saw a figure. Although it was dark and
vague, she could see it at a glance. It was Henry, who was sitting alone, sitting there alone,
making people feel like A touch of distress.
Henry sitting in the gazebo seemed to sense Sylvia's gaze, and he suddenly looked up, just
opposite Sylvia's four eyes.
Henry grinned and waved at Sylvia.
Sylvia stepped back two steps and pulled the curtains together. This figure of Miao Man
disappeared into Henry's sight.
Henry shook his head and smiled bitterly, still sitting in the pavilion.
next morning.
At around seven o'clock in the morning, many people got up and packed their bags, because
everyone knew that today they would go to Paris, where they would gather.
Underground forces all over the world would go to Guangming Island, the holy place in the
underground world.
Sylvia didn't have much to clean up. At around 8 o'clock, she came to the dining area and
enjoyed breakfast.
Before, Sylvia had no habit of eating breakfast. Even lunch, he seldom eats staple food.
They al make up the past casual y. Now the habit of forming breakfast and lunch is al
because of Henry.
Sylvia chose a glass of milk and a piece of buttered bread, just found a place to sit down,
and saw a dinner plate falling in front of himself.
Looking up, Henry took a steamed bun and sat opposite him.
Sylvia Liu frowned, "I'm not telling you not to follow me?"
"I didn't fol ow you." Henry took a bun into his mouth, took a bite, and reached out with a
finger, "No place to sit. "
Sylvia turned his head and looked at it, it was al empty next to it!"
She took her own bread and milk, got up and changed positions, just sat down, and found
Henry sitting across from herself again.
This time, waiting for Sylvia to ask, Henry said in advance, "There is a water leak next to it,
oops, you talk about how such a big hotel, the facilities are so imperfect."
Sylvia discovered that no matter where he went, Henry She would find excuses to follow
her, and she would not change positions at al , sitting here with peace of mind, eating
"Wife, did I tel you before, the way you eat quietly, it's really beautiful."
"Wife, don't be too anxious when drinking milk, it's bad for your stomach."
"Wife, your makeup today is really good Beautiful."
As soon as Sylvia looked up, he saw Henryfan not eating anymore. He held his chin with one
hand, kept looking at himself, and said these words.
Sylvia's face was black, "Are you still eating?"
" Eat , but eating while watching you is even more delicious." Henry took a bun and
swallowed it.
Sylvia looked at Henry. She really had no way to deal with this man. After having a rash
breakfast, Sylvia quickly got up and left.
This time, all the representatives of the ancient Wu family went to the country of Fa
together, and it was delivered by the Ji family's transfer. There is no need to worry about
the passport.
Jijia sent a special car to send everyone to the airport, and then counted and registered.
Although the Ji family is large and has a lot of staff, it is still noon after doing these
cumbersome things.
"Everyone, this time the Chinese ancient Wu family, as usual, was led by my Ji family.
After going to the country, if you have any questions, you can just go directly to our Ji
The person in charge of the Ji family, standing At the airport, he said aloud.
Beside the head of the Ji family, there are two heads of the family, also the ancient Wu
family in Beijing, and the Ji family is also called the Huaxia three, and it is also the top three
ancient Wu family in China. Jiang family, and Bai family ranked third.
These two families are powerful, but in terms of prestige, they are much worse than the Ji
family, because all the foreign affairs, including the voice of the Chinese ancient martial arts
in the underground world, have been handled by the Ji family for a long time. The Ji family
became the leading brother of the ancient Chinese martial arts.
Ji's special passenger plane is very luxurious. This time, there are three passenger planes in
total. Sylvia completed all the registration, then registered, she sat in a window position.
It takes about ten hours from Beijing to Fuguo, and when it leaves at noon, when it arrives,
it is almost the supper point of Fuguo, so this time is when everyone adjusts the time
Sylvia sorted out the broken hair on his forehead, closed his eyes, and just preparing for
sleep, he heard Su Mi's angry voice next to him, "Who let you sit here, get up!"
Sylvia opened his eyes, turned his head, and saw Henry wondering When have you sat
beside yourself?
Su Mi's angry voice was made by Henry.
Henry shook his head. "I just asked people, isn't this a seat on the plane? I want to sit
"You!" Su Mi stared at Henry, not knowing what to say.
"Forget it, let's sit somewhere else." Sylvia shook his head and got up.
Seeing Sylvia get up, Henry, like an old monk, sat there without moving.
Sylvia saw Henry's immovable appearance, a little strange, this man turned?
Just after Sylvia's idea came out, he heard Henry's voice loudly, "Who dares to sit with my
wife, I will break his leg! Both men and women, fight!"
Henry's cruelty last night, many people have seen, Even those who did n’t see that scene,
they al heard that a ruthless person, because of jealousy, beat the Jiang ’s future heirs, but
the people of the Yue family were behind him.
Among those who dare to contend with the Yue family, there are only four of the entire
Chinese ancient Wu family.
The three members of the capital, as well as Duhai Zhujia, and the rest did not have the
courage to say what to do with the Yue family.
Now when I heard Henry's words, those people who had not yet sat down quickly found a
place to sit down.
Sylvia saw that there was still a place next to a strange man. When he was about to go
there, he listened to the strange man. "Beauty, I'm sorry, wait for my wife to sit here.
Change your place."
Sylvia looked again . Put it on a 16-year-old little girl, there is also a place next to the little
girl. When the little girl saw Sylvia put her eyes on herself, she quickly said,
"Beautiful sister, my husband will sit here."
"You only How old is her husband? "Sylvia was speechless. This excuse was too hasty.
The little girl smiled and said nothing, but the meaning was clear.
Sylvia looked at the entire cabin again, except for Henry's side and the left and right
positions were still empty. There was nowhere to sit.
Henry had expected this scene, sitting there arrogantly, motionless.
At this time, a tall stewardess came over and said to Sylvia: "Hello lady, the plane takes off
immediately, please return to your seat."
Sylvia shook his head and gave Henry a helpless look. He had to walk beside Henry and sit
Su Mi followed Sylvia and stared at Henry. "What do you mean, sit alone?"
Henry rolled his eyes. "I want to sit wherever I want to sit."
To be put as usual, Su Mi dare to talk to Henry like this, Henry had slapped it for a long
time, but now it is different. This Su Mi is obviously a role like Sylvia and his class.
"Okay, sit down first." Sylvia said.
Sylvia does not hate Henry, she just wants to gradual y distance herself from Henry.
take off.
Sylvia sat in the position closest to the window. After flying for a period of time, Sylvia
always felt a little weird. When he turned his head, he saw Henry staring at himself with a
pair of eyes.
"Look what I'm doing!" Sylvia deliberately showed an unhappy look.
"Ah?" Henry looked puzzled. "I see the clouds outside."
No kid would believe this kind of cheating.
Sylvia simply picked up the blindfold and put it on, leaning on the seat to sleep.
The plane glide in the sky, the sky blue and white clouds flashed by.
Sylvia was wearing headphones, and a gentle sound of music played in the headphones,
letting people relax.
Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief. Over the past few days, she has been busy with various
social activities every day. Her mind feels very tired, and it has not been so easy for a long
Sylvia deliberately contacted Milan before taking off. Milan was in Paris at the moment.
The two girls said that they would enjoy an French dinner together at night.
When Sylvia was planning to relax and take a short rest, he felt a head planted on his
shoulder. Sylvia didn't even need to look at it, he knew who this head belonged to.
At the moment, Henry was making a faint cry, leaning on Sylvia, already asleep.
Sylvia took off her blindfold and reached out to wake Henry, but when she saw Henry's
unconscious smile at the corner of her mouth, she prepared to pat the hand on Henry's
body and stopped in midair.
Sylvia suddenly realized a problem. Where did he live last night? The hotel rooms are full.
He came here as his husband. Is it true that he was sitting in the small gazebo al night
Thinking of this, Sylvia felt tingling in his heart.
With the raised hand slowly lowered, Sylvia carefully adjusted his sitting posture to make
Henry more comfortable and sleep more comfortable.
Sylvia put on the blindfold again, but took off the headphones. The sound of the man beside
him breathed symmetrical y. For her, it was the most pleasant voice in the world.
Maybe, after returning from this trip to the country I can't hear it. This kind of voice makes
her feel at ease.
Gradually, Sylvia also fell asleep.
The ten hours, for some people, passed away at a glance, but some people could not sleep
alive, feeling that these ten hours, especially boring and suffering.
When Sylvia opened his eyes, the scenery outside the window was still blue sky and white
clouds, and there was no change.
Sylvia glanced at the watch on Hao's wrist, and was shocked in his heart that it had been
more than six hours! Counting the time just after take-off, another three hours, the plane
will land in Paris.
Sylvia felt a little numb shoulders, turned around, Henry still asleep on her shoulders.
Suddenly, Henry's head slipped forward from Sylvia's shoulder, and fel to Sylvia in front of
Sylvia could clearly feel the strangeness, her face turned red suddenly, and her eyes swept
subconsciously, and found that no one noticed that she was stil asleep or doing her own
thing, even Su Mi also wore a blindfold and was still asleep.
Sylvia wanted to help Henry up, but he couldn't bear it. He was afraid to disturb Henry's
sleep. After all, he still sleeps like this, and he must be too tired. Sylvia measured her body
slightly, making Henry lie more comfortably on her body. She has a pretty face flushed,
feeling a little shy and sweet.
Sylvia looked at Henry in such a quiet manner. After ten seconds, Sylvia's pretty face
suddenly changed, reached out, and pushed Henry's head hard, "You give me up!"
Just now, Sylvia clearly saw that Henry although The eyes are closed, but the eyebrows are
blinking non-stop, apparently awake!
"Um ... what ... what?" Henry violently pretended to look like he had just woken up. "Are you
here? Are you here?"
Sylvia looked at Henry, his body shivering, he must have been Wake up, the behavior he
just did is intentional!
Sylvia Meimou with a touch of anger, opening:. "Not to, but you lie good"
?. "Good lie" Henry exposed puzzled look, "I just lie quite good ah"
"That's because You lie ... "Sylvia's voice blurted out, but stopped abruptly. She really didn't
know how to speak the next words.
Henry tilted his head and rubbed his temples, "Where did I just lie down, so comfortable."
Henry arched his head deliberately as he spoke.
When Sylvia thought of the scene just now, a pretty face turned red as if he could drip
water, glaring at Henry without speaking.
Henry smiled and leaned on the seat without saying a word.
Sylvia rolled her eyes. She real y couldn't get angry with Henry. It was cheap. Let him take
up some points. Anyway, is he still his wife now?
Three hours passed by, and the plane drove over to Paris Airport in France and gradual y
The current time is at 11 o'clock in the afternoon of China Time. In Far East, it is about 5
o'clock in the afternoon.
Some people fel asleep all the way from the capital and felt nothing, but some people did n’t
fal asleep all the way. They were already lonely and dying. Now that the plane stops, they ca
n’t wait to rush off the plane.
Many family disciples have a high status in the country and a wealthy family background,
but they have never traveled far away. They will return to the family once
they graduate. For example, Zhu Family, those disciples even live in the manor. If there are
no special circumstances, the manor rarely goes out.
After al , in the ancient Wu family, strength is king, and this different value has led to
different lifestyles.
Now, some people can't wait to rush out of the plane and appreciate the romantic French
Sylvia also came to Paris for the first time, and was curious about everything here. He
wanted to see what this city in Milan has been living for several years.
"Ah, Paris." Henry stretched out and walked off the plane, looking at the sky outside. He
hadn't been to the city for a while.
After the plane landed, the people of the Ji family had already arranged their cars. In the
country of Fa, the Ji family also had their own industries. After the people of major families
came here, they still stayed in the hotel of the Ji family.
Tonight, it is just a simple overnight stay. Tomorrow morning, all major underground
forces in the world will gather, and then everyone will go to the island together and go to
the sacred place of the underground world, Bright Island!
Ji family can become China's first ancient Wu family, not by everyone.
Even in Paris, the hotel owned by the Ji family is well known in Paris.
The hotel is located by the Seine River, and staying in the hotel is the most beautiful
enjoyment, whether in the hotel facilities or the scenery outside the hotel.
At six o'clock in the afternoon, the Ji family car sent many representatives of the ancient Wu
family to the hotel to stay, out of the hotel, you can directly take a boat on the Seine River,
along the Seine River, you can pass the world's most amazing iron tower, Many people took
the boat to the canal as soon as they stayed.
Tonight in Paris, everyone is free and enjoys the romantic style of Paris. Every morning,
everyone will gather.
Sylvia also wanted to take a boat ride on the Seine River. This romantic place is the dream
of many women, but he had dinner with Milan in the evening.
Sylvia walked out of the hotel and saw Henry standing in front of the hotel at a glance.
Sylvia did not say a word to Henry, took Milan, called a car, and walked towards the
Champs Elysees.
The Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Fa, located at the easternmost end of the Champs
Elysées, covers an area of more than 10,000 square meters, is located in the busiest city
center, and is backed by a quiet and large garden of more than 20,000 square meters. The
European classical stone building with a high floor is elegant and solemn.
The two wings are symmetrical with two two-storey stone buildings. In the middle is a
spacious rectangular courtyard.
There are 369 rooms of various sizes in the whole palace. At the back of the palace is a
large, quiet and beautiful garden.
The place where Milan works is here. When people arrive in this area, they will find that
the guards here suddenly become very strict. In some places, only the rich can enter.
After Sylvia came here, there was a dark feeling in front of her, she could only send a
message to Milan.
Milan told Sylvia that he had already managed to get it ready. Just let Sylvia enter the palace
directly, and he would be busy with the last two dishes.
Sylvia knew that Milan was cooking for the royal family of Fuguo, and his work could not be
But here, Sylvia found that he couldn't find the entrance to the royal residence. He wanted
to ask people, but he couldn't even say a word.
Looking at Su Mi, Su Mi shook her head, indicating that she did not understand French,
which made Sylvia particularly embarrassed.
Just when Sylvia thought about finding a place to wait, he saw Henry suddenly came over,
walked to a person, and talked to each other in fluent French.
The other party also responded enthusiastical y to Henry, and pointed Henry in a direction
with his finger.
After a few chats, Henryhong nodded and expressed his thanks.
Lin Xuanhan had long known about Henryhui's French, and now looking at Henry's so skil
ful communication with others, Sylvia felt in a hurry.
Seeing that Henry was about to step forward, Sylvia quickly stepped forward and screamed
at Henry: "You stop!"
Henry turned his head and smiled bitterly at Sylvia, "Wife, I didn't fol ow you."
"Don't call me wife!" Sylvia blushed and asked, "What did you just say to others?"
"Ask for directions." Henry shrugged. "I've made an appointment with Milan to play with
her, don't you ask where is the entrance?"
"You!" Sylvia said with a tone, this man absolutely knew that he came to Milan, he said
these words intentional y.
"What's wrong?" Henry's expression was puzzled. "It's okay." Sylvia put his hands to his
chest and turned his head to the side.
Henry looked at Sylvia's little woman's appearance and felt funny. He didn't say much and
walked forward.
Sylvia saw Henry left, and quickly followed Su Mi with him.
After walking for about ten minutes, Sylvia saw the entrance of the imperial palace, which
made her face flashed with joy, and quickly accelerated her pace, surpassing Henry,
walking in front of Henry, striding toward the entrance of the imperial palace.
At the entrance of the royal residence, four soldiers in red guards stood straight.
Henry looked at Sylvia and walked towards the door of the imperial palace in such a big
step. As soon as he covered his forehead, his wife was too cute. Can she enter the imperial
palace like this?
Sure enough, as soon as Sylvia walked to the door, he was stopped by four soldiers, and
four steel guns crossed in front of Sylvia.
"Cough!" Henry walked to the door, coughed deliberately, then took out a badge from his
pocket, shook it in his hand and put it away.
When the four guards saw the badge brought by Henry, they immediately put away their
steel guns and paid tribute to the military salute.
Sylvia didn't see the little movements of Henry behind him. He thought that the four
soldiers had received the notice from Milan. He said thank you in the French language he
just learned and strode into the royal residence.
The four guards of Henry nodded and walked in.
The royal residence is definitely one of the most luxurious places in Paris, and the various
buildings are full of the customs of the country, making people want to take pictures.
"Sylvia!" A clear and cheerful female voice sounded not far away.
Sylvia followed the voice and saw that Milan was running with joy on her face, and she was
stil wearing the chef uniform.
"It's the first time I see Chef Mi's work clothes. It's beautiful." Sylvia looked at Milan with
his eyes up and down.
Milan see Henry, their eyes slightly unnatural make dodge, Sylvia pul ed her tender hands,
"Sylvia, how do you suddenly come French country, and do not notify me in advance."
"Interim decision, Let's do something. "Sylvia didn't know how to explain to Milan, so he
could only say so.
Milan laughed, "No matter what you do, anyway, tonight, you belong to me, come on, I will
take you to a big meal first, and then turn around, there are many interesting places in
Paris, yes, this Is this your friend? "
Milan final y focused on Su Mi.
Sylvia nodded, "This is Su Mi, we came together."
"Miss Mi, hello." Su Mi nodded to Milan.
Milan beckoned, "Okay,
let 's go together." With the host of Milan leading the way, Sylvia didn't have to find it like a
headless fly.
Milan led Sylvia directly to the place where she lived.
Here, Milan has its own separate bedroom.
It is a bedroom. In fact, it is fully equipped like a smal domestic apartment. All the furniture
is available and there is one cloakroom.
"Milan, why didn't you see your friend." Sylvia asked strangely.
"Oh, you said Li Ke, she went home on leave." Milan said casually, and walked into the
cloakroom to change his clothes.
In this royal residence, there is a special parlor, Milan led Sylvia to the banquet hall.
This banquet hall
, Henry had been here before, but the place where he received him was the highest
etiquette of the royal family of Fa Guo. Now he is in the place, just A very simple ordinary
banquet hal .
However, it is simple and ordinary, and it does not mean that everyone can sit here, but
only a few people are qualified to sit here.
This is a long dining table with exquisite tableware. This is a country that attaches great
importance to gourmet etiquette.
Milan had already prepared the dinner, waiting for Sylvia. When several people were
seated, a meal was presented and presented.
In the royal residence, Milan is also quite important.
Milan was the apprentice of the chef of the royal family of Fuguo. After returning from the
last visit of Prince Charles to China, he greatly appreciated Milan and made Milan a higher
During the dinner, Milan and Sylvia said something interesting around them.
Milan found that Sylvia said so many things, but did not mention Henry.
"Sylvia, are you and Henry angry?" Milan gazed back and forth between Lin Sylvia and
"No." Sylvia replied awkwardly.
"Henry, did you provoke Sylvia?" Milan asked Lin Sylvia if he could not ask anything, so he
looked at Henry.
Henry nodded and shook his head again. He didn't know where he offended Sylvia.
Milan looked at the two strangely, without speaking.
"Milan, this banquet hal should not be open to the public."
While the four were enjoying the dinner, a dissonant voice sounded.
A 1.8-meter-tall, handsome French guy with a model figure walked into the banquet hall
and spoke non-fluent Chinese.
When Milan saw this handsome boy, she suddenly turned black, and she said: "Ian, I am
entertaining my friend, shouldn't it be your turn to say anything?"
"Oh, my God, my dear Mi, do n’t you forget that this banquet room can only be used by the
royal family? ”Ian said.
Milan frowned.
This banquet room is indeed only available to members of the royal family, but in the royal
residence, there has been a very tacit act, including when Ian's friends came, they were also
entertained here.
The royal housekeeper also told Milan that they have friends who can use it as long as the
banquet hal is free.
Now, Ian has come to say these words, which is obviously making trouble.
As for why Ian is in trouble, Milan knows very well that her teacher, after a while, will
leave. At that time, she will choose one from Milan and others to serve as the candidate
In this position, it can be said that no one is jealous of the back kitchen of the entire royal
family of the Far East, and everyone wants to fight for this position.
Before, Ian had the best chance to become a candidate, but when Milan returned to Huaxia,
her culinary skil s advanced by leaps and bounds, including some insights on dishes. Feel a
very big threat.
Therefore, Ian has been trying to pick Milan's problems recently. Today's things are an
opportunity for Ian. As long as he handles the matter well, once he borrows the questions,
he will definitely smear Milan.
Milan looked at Ian and said, "Ian, I know what you mean."
"What can I mean?" Ian smiled. "I just heard that someone used the banqueting room
without permission. That ’s why I ’ Ian put her hands in her pockets, glancing at Sylvia,
Henry, and Su Mi, respectively.
As Ian's eyes swept over Su Mi, he shouted, "Come on, catch them, no one is allowed to
Outside the banquet hal , two guards rushed in immediately.
Milan stood up and stood in front of the three of Sylvia, staring at Ian, "Ian, what do you
want to do?"
"What are you doing?" Ian sneered. "These people are eating in the royal ballroom
privately. Of course they have to catch it. Let the lords of the royal family interrogate!
Milan heard this, he looked at Ian with a sul en face." Ian, are you deliberately trying to
make this happen? "
Milan guessed right. Make things bigger.
"My dear Mi, how can you say this, what makes me make things bigger, I just, official
business." Ian smiled and waved.
The two guards walked towards Sylvia.
Milan looked back in embarrassment, and Chong Sylvia opened their mouths. Although
there was no voice, all three could see clearly what she said.
Milan is saying, go.
This time, Milan is also at a loss. Although the manager has explained that when the
banquet hal is free, they can bring people over, but it is not a trivial matter to real y poke
the Royal.
Sylvia shook her head slightly, she could not have left like this, leaving Milan alone.
Su Mi looked at the two guards who stepped forward. His face was anxious. Compared with
the royal family of the Far East, the Su family was not at the same level.
Henry sat there, leisurely finished the last bite of steak, wiped his mouth, and said to Ian: "It
is okay to catch us, but I guess you will cry and beg me to spare you."
Ian listened At this point, laughed on the spot, "Huaxia pig, you feel very good about
yourself, grab it!"
Two guards came.
Henry stretched out his hands with a smile on his face, and let the two guards buckle him.
The two guards escorted Henry and walked outside the banquet hall.
Ian looked at Sylvia and Su Mi and sneered. "Two beautiful ladies, I don't want to be rude to
Sylvia looked at Su Mi and fol owed behind the two guards.
Su Mi looked at Henry, who was detained by the two guards, walking in front of him in
disgust. It was obvious that he could go first. This person had to instal some garlic and ask
others for mercy. He thought he was something!
In the royal residence, there is a special detention room.
When he saw this prison, even if he was a prisoner, Sylvia had to sigh, this is real y a
romantic country.
The detention room in the royal residence is not the cold four walls of the country, but a
very ordinary house with a bed, a bathroom, and even new clothes that can be changed.
This may also be because it is in the royal residence, which is different from the outside.
After Henry was sent to the detention room, the two guards closed the door from the
outside. As you can see through the window, the two guards stood outside the window, and
there was no place in the entire house where people could escape.
Sylvia and Su Mi sat on the chair in the room with a sad face, and on the other hand, Henry
hurriedly went to bed, not comfortable.
Ian put her hands in her pockets, glancing at Sylvia, Henry, and Su Mi, respectively.
As Ian's eyes swept over Su Mi, he shouted, "Come on, catch them, no one is allowed to
Outside the banquet hal , two guards rushed in immediately.
Milan stood up and stood in front of the three of Sylvia, staring at Ian, "Ian, what do you
want to do?"
"What are you doing?" Ian sneered. "These people are eating in the royal ballroom
privately. Of course they have to catch it. Let the lords of the royal family interrogate!
Milan heard this, he looked at Ian with a sul en face." Ian, are you deliberately trying to
make this happen? "
Milan guessed right. Make things bigger.
"My dear Mi, how can you say this, what makes me make things bigger, I just, official
business." Ian smiled and waved.
The two guards walked towards Sylvia.
Milan looked back in embarrassment, and Chong Sylvia opened their mouths. Although
there was no voice, all three could see clearly what she said.
Milan is saying, go.
This time, Milan is also at a loss. Although the manager has explained that when the
banquet hal is free, they can bring people over, but it is not a trivial matter to real y poke
the Royal.
Sylvia shook her head slightly, she could not have left like this, leaving Milan alone.
Su Mi looked at the two guards who stepped forward. His face was anxious. Compared with
the royal family of the Far East, the Su family was not at the same level.
Henry sat there, leisurely finished the last bite of steak, wiped his mouth, and said to Ian: "It
is okay to catch us, but I guess you will cry and beg me to spare you."
Ian listened At this point, laughed on the spot, "Huaxia pig, you feel very good about
yourself, grab it!"
Two guards came.
Henry stretched out his hands with a smile on his face, and let the two guards buckle him.
The two guards escorted Henry and walked outside the banquet hall.
Ian looked at Sylvia and Su Mi and sneered. "Two beautiful ladies, I don't want to be rude to
Sylvia looked at Su Mi and fol owed behind the two guards.
Su Mi looked at Henry, who was detained by the two guards, walking in front of him in
disgust. It was obvious that he could go first. This person had to instal some garlic and ask
others for mercy. He thought he was something!
In the royal residence, there is a special detention room.
When he saw this prison, even if he was a prisoner, Sylvia had to sigh, this is real y a
romantic country.
The detention room in the royal residence is not the cold four walls of the country, but a
very ordinary house with a bed, a bathroom, and even new clothes that can be changed.
This may also be because it is in the royal residence, which is different from the outside.
After Henry was sent to the detention room, the two guards closed the door from the
outside. As you can see through the window, the two guards stood outside the window, and
there was no place in the entire house where people could escape.
Sylvia and Su Mi sat on the chair in the room with a sad face, and on the other hand, Henry
hurriedly went to bed, not comfortable. With this roar, the main palace door was suddenly
pushed open.
Milan saw several members of the royal family running past him in a panic.
Immediately afterwards, a blonde, with a tall body, appeared in front of the main palace.
Milan knew this man, and it was Princess Zola, the longest princess of the royal family of
At a glance, Princess Zola saw Milan standing on the stone steps and gave a crisp cry:
"You, come here!"
Princess Zola finished, turning her head into the main palace.
Milan looked at the princess Zola, with a bad hunch in her heart, and quickly ran into the
main palace. Even though there are countless luxurious facilities in the main palace, Milan's
eyes were attracted by the dining table.
At this moment, I saw Prince Charlie sitting paralyzed at the table with a soft face, a
handsome face was pale, and his mouth was spitting out foam.
Milan who saw this scene was directly there.
"I ask you, who made this dish today!" Princess Zola snorted, and she came from the royal
family with a kind of dignity.
"It's me ..." Milan looked at the dishes on the table. Every dish was selected by her. It was
sterilized and cooked. There was absolutely no problem.
Princess Zola nodded, "That's right, come here, grab her for me!"
Princess Zola ordered that several guards rushed up and grabbed Milan.
As soon as several guards rushed to Milan, they heard a steady voice in front of the main
palace gate, "Princess Zola, what happened!"
A middle-aged man in his fifties appeared in front of the main palace gate. This middle-aged
man wears a purple medal on his chest, representing his identity. He is the master chef of
the royal family of French, Jeffs, and a teacher of Milan and Ian.
Seeing Jeffs, Zola took a deep breath. Jeffs had been in the royal family since he was a
teenager, and now more than thirty years, it is considered highly qualified.
Treating Jeffs, Zola did not have the same momentum as Milan, she said: "Mr. Jeffs, my
brother just had a food poisoning while having dinner. I think this matter needs your
Take a look. " " Food poisoning? "Jeffs frowned. He knew that the dinner was prepared by
the Milanese chef. He knew Milan well, and there would be no mistakes in the food.
Most of the food poisoning is not mature enough, or a combination of multiple foods, and
this problem will not occur in the royal kitchen.
Nemour XIII sat on the throne of the dining table without saying a word.
Jeffs strode to the dining table. He has been cooking for decades. With just a pair of eyes, he
can see how well these foods are cooked. All of them are perfect. There is no one dish that
is cooked, let alone will be. Unable to cook.
Looking at the dishes on the table, they are all cooked according to customized recipes, and
there will be no problem.
Jeff shook his head, looked at Nemours XIII, "Sir, this thing is probably not a simple food
poisoning, but it was in the food, poison!"
What Jeffs said changed Nemour's face.
Princess Zola's complexion suddenly became ashen, "Poison! Who has the opportunity to
When Princess Zola said this, the royal members sitting on the table looked at Milan in
Milan was suddenly stared at by so many royal members, her feet could not help but
retreat two steps, her face pale, she looked at her teacher and shook her head:
"Teacher, it's not me."
Jeffs looked at Milan and didn't speak. He knew his disciple very well, and he was sure in
his heart. This thing was definitely not done by Milan. But the evidence. Things can only be
counted in Milan.
Jeffs was silent, he was thinking about countermeasures.
Two white-bearded old men with hand-held medicine chests ran into the palace gate
quickly. This was the doctor who had just arrived.
The two doctors rushed to the front of Prince Charles. Without unnecessary nonsense, they
directly took out the instrument to check for Prince Charles.
Milan stood there, holding his breath.
All the people present were silent at the moment, and they al watched the movements of
the two doctors and dared not disturb them.
Nemour XIII looked serious.
Two minutes later, the two doctors looked up at the same time, and after looking at each
other, one of them bowed to Charles XIII and said, "Your Excellency, you can be sure that
Prince Charles was poisoned. Although the toxicity is not very strong, it must be as soon as
possible. Seek medical attention! Otherwise, it will be difficult to handle. "
" Someone real y poisoned! "Princess Zola's eyes locked on Milan.
"No, it's not me, it's not me." Milan felt like he was sinking to the bottom with a single heart.
There was an unprecedented panic.
"It's not you, who else?" A shout sounded from outside the palace, and then Ian strode into
the palace and said, "Today's dinner is your sole responsibility. If it's not you, you can stil
Whoever, I ’l say why there are some sneaky people in the royal residence, it turns out that
you have been premeditated! "
Milan looked white, turned her head to look at Ian, and put her eyes on Princess Zola,
Shook his head.
Princess Zola looked at Ian, "What do you mean sneaky people, what do you mean?"
"Back to the princess's words." Ian bowed his head slightly, "I just found that the Chinese in
Milan with a few strange faces come and go as they please. The place of the royal family.
"The place where
Ian refers to the royal family is the banquet hall, but when he changed a statement, the
meaning contained in it was completely different.
Upon hearing this, Princess Zola changed her face and stared at Milan, "Hello brave, who
allowed you to bring people to our royal family! Who are they?"
"Only ... just mine Friend. "Milan wanted to explain, just interrupted by Ian.
"Princess Zola, I do n’t think that those people are just simple friends in Milan. Just when I
arrested the three people, one of the Chinese people clearly stated that they threatened me.
I think their identity is not It's just that simple as a friend! "Ian finished, looking at Milan
with a successful smile.
Ian was already convinced that even if Milan had such a great ability, she could not turn
over. The position of this candidate chef is none other than herself!
"Send Charlie for treatment first." Nemour XIII spoke for the first time. As soon as he spoke,
the whole palace was quiet.
The two gray-haired doctors nodded and quickly greeted the two guards to help Charlie
When Prince Charlie was helped out, Nemour XIII looked at Milan, "You said that those
people are just your friends, it is better to go and see now, why do you so-called friends
appear in the royal residence, Jie Husband, please come together. ""Yes, Your Excellency."
Jeffs nodded.
"Ian, lead the way." Princess Zola said.
"Yes." Ian nodded quickly and turned towards the door. At the moment of turning around,
Ian's mouth sneered.
Henry stretched out hard and ran to the bathroom to solve his problems.
Sylvia and Su Mi sat outside with some anxiety. It was more than half an hour since they
were locked in, but there was no movement at al in Milan, which made Sylvia feel a little
bad. She called If you contact Ou Ren, you will find that there is no way to get the phone
Outside the door, a dense footsteps sounded into the ears of Sylvia and Su Mi.
Through the window, the two of them could only see many figures walking towards this
While Sylvia was stil wondering what was going on, the door of the detention room was
slammed open from the outside.
Immediately afterwards, Sylvia saw that Milan was being pushed in with a dismal face, and
a blonde beauty first entered the detention room, glancing at herself with a dignified gaze
fil ed with the superior.
Sylvia's eyes looked backwards along the figure of the blonde, and when she saw the
person standing behind the blonde, Sylvia couldn't help but startle.
Although the middle-aged man behind the blond woman, Sylvia saw it for the first time in
reality, he could not be more familiar with it. Anyone who pays attention to the news can
not fail to know this, the helm of the country, Nemour XIII world.
Nemour XIII's gaze also happened to Sylvia.
Immediately after Sylvia's eye contact with Nemour XIII, he felt as if there was a big
mountain pressing against himself. The strong pressure made him unable to breathe.
The leader of a country, not only the momentum he has developed in ordinary days, but
Sylvia cannot look directly at it.
Princess Zola's eyes glanced around the detention room only to see the two girls Sylvia and
Su Mi. She looked at Ian and asked, "Isn't there three people?"
Ian immediately slammed Su Mi: " There is another person! "
Su Mi subconsciously reached out and pointed in the direction of the bathroom.
Zola looked towards the bathroom door and shouted: "The people inside, come out for me!"
"Shit, wait!" Henry's impatient voice came from the bathroom.
Henry, who was squatting on the toilet, was a little depressed when he heard the sound of
Zola outside the door. Why is this woman? This is just a piece of dog skin plaster. It was
hard to get rid of it, and I met it again today!
Princess Zola heard the sound from the bathroom and couldn't help but stunned. She
wasn't familiar with the sound, but because, if the other party's words made her angry, she
was sent to prison and asked herself to wait?
Sylvia looked at Milan. When she saw the bloodless pretty face inside, she quickly asked
with concern: "Milan, what's wrong with them, they bul ied you?"
Milan shook his head hard, and tears slipped down the corner of her eyes, "Qing ...
Sylvia, I'm sorry."
Milan's sobbing voice sounded because she could think of what kind of ending Sylvia might
face today. The royal prince was poisoned. If this matter real y counts on himself, Sylvia
Three people will also be implicated!
Sylvia listened to Milan's sobbing voice, this pear-like appearance with rain, pulling Milan's
catkins, "Milan, what's the matter?"
Ian Leng Humming, "Let's pretend here, you poison the prince. I real y don't think anyone
knows this?"
"Poison!" Sylvia was taken aback by Ian's words and poisoned the prince. What's going on?
Princess Zola looked coldly at Sylvia and Su Mi, and then turned her eyes to the direction of
the bathroom and said: "Call your friends out, don't show me any tricks, this is not a place
where you can do tricks."
Su Honey stood aside, so scared that there was no blood on his face, and poisoned the
prince of the royal family of Fa Guo. This crime was too big!
Su Mi took a deep breath and said: "We are from the Chinese Su family. It is absolutely
impossible to do such a thing. There must be some misunderstanding!"
"Misunderstanding?" Princess Zola smiled disdainful y, "You Hua Xia Su Home, is it
remarkable? Is it possible that the royal family of our country will have any preferential
treatment for you? "After
hearing this, Su Mi was speechless and wondered what to do.
Princess Zola waved at Ian and said, "Go, shout out to me!"
"Yes, Your Highness." Ian bowed and nodded, then walked in the direction of the bathroom,
patting hard Door to the bathroom.
"Boom!" The
bathroom door banged.
"I said wait, no fuss!" Henry's slightly angry voice sounded in the bathroom.
When Princess Zola heard this, her face suddenly became angry.
Ian sneered, secretly Henry was looking for death, he stepped back a few steps, then a
sprint, kicked hard on the bathroom door.
The locked bathroom door was kicked open on the spot.
At this point, Henry had just finished flushing the toilet and lifted his pants. The bathroom
door was suddenly kicked open, making Henry look very uncomfortable.
"Huaxia pig, you ..."
Ian just said four words with her mouth open.
Henry walked in front of Ian and suddenly reached out to grab Ian's head and slammed it
against the wall.
Just listen to the sound of "Dong Dang" from the bathroom, but what happened inside was
not visible to anyone outside.
When the sound of "dong" fell, Ian was thrown out of the bathroom door after being
crawled, and you can see that Ian's handsome face was covered with purple.
No one outside the door thought such a thing would happen.
Su Mi stared in the direction of the bathroom with angry eyes. This man dared to hit
people, did he think things were not enough trouble!
Sylvia also secretly expressed Henry's impulse, but this was in the royal residence of the
Fuguo Kingdom.
When Princess Zola saw Ian look like this, her face flashed with anger and shouted at the
two guards beside her, "Catch me the scoundrel inside!" The two guards suddenly turned
toward the bathroom door. As he walked, one of the guards just opened his mouth, and
before he made a sound, he was stunned by the bathroom door.
The other guard, too, froze in front of the bathroom.
As a personal guard of the royal family, they will almost never change their posts in this life.
They are the elites of the elite, responsible for the security of the royal family, and they also
understand a lot about the internal system of the royal family.
They still remember that a few years ago, there was such a young Chinese man who could
enter and leave the royal residence at will, and treat the royal residence as his back garden.
Even if the royal family saw the young man, they would be polite, Zola The princess loved
that person even more. In order to pursue that person, he did not hesitate to make a
confession across the country, and that person would not look at Princess Zola more, even
if it was His Excellency Nemour XIII. Management. Even though the past few years have
passed, the image of the man was deeply remembered by the two guards.
At this time, the two guards saw the young Chinese man standing in front of his eyes.
"What are the two of you stupid, get me out of the scoundrel!" Princess Zola yelled at the
two guards at the door.
One of the guards turned slowly, his face looked embarrassed princess Zola, opening:
"The public ...... Her Royal Highness, the man ...... ...... this man,"
the guard stammered mouth, speaks, on Pushed away by the person behind.
Henry walked out of the bathroom, looked at Zola, and said in fluent French: "Little Zola,
haven't you seen me in such a long time, even the toilet makes me restless?"
Princess Zola, who was originally ful of anger, was seeing At this moment of Henry, the
whole person was completely stunned.
Including Nemour XIII, and Jeffs, a teacher in Milan, he was shocked and looked at Henry.
"Yes ... you ..." Princess Zola looked at Henry, her big green eyes fil ed with disbelief.
Jeffs quickly took a few shots of the sleeves and knelt on the spot.
As the master chef of the royal family of French, Jeffs knew Henry, and knew Henry's true
identity. Even his cooking skills, in some places, fol owed Henryxue.
Nemour XIII opened his mouth, but he did not know what to say. This island owner of
Bright Island was locked up by his own people? If these things are known to those on the
island, Nemour can think of what his royal residence will look like. It is estimated that in
the shortest time, he will be turned upside down?
Henry stopped Jeffs' kneeling movement with his eyes.
Jeffs' legs were bent, and when he saw Henry's eyes, he stopped immediately.
The reaction of Princess Zola and others made Sylvia and the three of them fail to react.
How did Henry reveal this expression?
Milan only remembered one thing when he heard Henry talking to Zola. Before that, the
whole country had posted a wanted order about Henry everywhere, and this wanted order
was issued by Princess Zola. Just know!
Henry waved Jeffs, "Old Jeffs, you look much older, similar to Nemour XIII."
Henry said this in Chinese language.
Jeffs smiled without a word.
Sylvia and Su Mi, this time understand what Henry is talking about, they both listen to
Henry in an old friend's tone to talk to the people in front of them, and they both feel a little
Who are these people in front of you, and are members of the royal family of the Far East,
especially Nemour XIII, that position is even more noble!
Nemour XIII shook his head, "This time, it was a misunderstanding."
After that, Nemour XIII turned around and walked outside the gate of the prison.
"Teacher, do you know Henry?" Milan couldn't help wondering and asked.
Jeffs saw that Henry did not want to reveal his identity, so he found a half-true reason and
replied: "My cook is taught by this gentleman."
Jeffs on
, Sylvia was taken aback.
Are al the chefs of the royal chefs of the Fa Kingdom taught by their own husbands? No
wonder, no wonder he has such a high level of cooking. No wonder Prince Charlie gave
such a high rating last time. It turns out that he has eaten at the top international level for
such a long time!
After hearing this, Su Mi suddenly put down a heart. It turned out that this man was only a
cook, and he really thought he had a special status!
In Jeffs ’words, Sylvia and Su Mi did n’t associate too much. If Jeffs ’s cooking was Henryjiao,
then Henry knew the royal family, which was reasonable.
But what Milan thinks is not so simple.
Milan also spent a few years in the royal family of Fuguo. When she first came here, she had
not been exposed to too deep-level things. At that time, she just heard it and said that there
is a very high-ranking man in this royal residence. People, even chef Mr.
Jeffs would ask him for cooking skil s.
At that time, Milan was still curious to ask, just because of its high cooking skills, how could
it have an extremely high status in the royal residence. Someone explained to Milan that
that may be the king of the underground world.
Far East is different from Hua Xia. The control of various aspects of the gang is not as strict
as that of Hua Xia. Therefore, people know more than Hua Xia. Although ordinary people
stil have no access to it, the people in the royal residence stil face the underground world.
There are so many hearsays.
At this moment, Milan instantly combined Henry with the king of the underground world
he heard at the moment. No wonder, no wonder Manchu was the wanted order of Henry,
and Henry was stil safe. Those are not really wanted orders at al . , But a way for Princess
Zola to show love!
Let Princess Zola show love in such a way that the whole country is announced. Who can do
it except the king of the underground world?
Thinking of these, Milan couldn't help but look at Henry again, a child who had no one to
rely on at the time, what supported him to get to this step, so far, to the extent that Nemour
XIII had to look up to!
Henry heart Nothing too many ideas, see Zola princess, who, just to see an old
acquaintance, he shrugged, "You just said poison, what does this mean?"
"Yes ......" Zola Looking at Henry, her mouth open, but speechless, she likes Henry, pursues
Henry, boldly shows her love, but she has no guts to say that Henry is poisoning, she knows
what Henry is like identity of.
"His Royal Highness Princess Zola, let me deal with the matter here first." Jeffs stepped
forward and said, breaking the rigid atmosphere.
Princess Zola nodded, glanced at Henry, and then slowly exited the prison.
Jeffs waved his hand, beckoning these guards to retreat first, and then opened to Henry,
"Sir, there might be some misunderstandings here, it is better to leave here first."
Henry nodded.
"Two beautiful ladies, please." Jeff ChongSylvia and Su Mi made an elegant French etiquette.
Sylvia looked at the changes in the scene and felt that his head was a little out of use.
The original crisis situation, even Nemour XIII, easily appeared, but because of a Henry, al
the problems were solved. In the detention room, he was treated with such grand
manners. Sylvia looked at Henry's back. On Henry's body, she would always see countless
After leaving the switch room, Jeffs arranged for someone to lead Sylvia and Su Mi to the
best room and said to get rid of the dust.
Although the detention room has a good environment, Sylvia always felt that after coming
out from there, he felt something was wrong, and he had to wash it up. The Chinese people
themselves are also particular about this.
On the other side, Jeffs bowed and walked beside Henry, and said, "Master, they are already
waiting for you there."
"Wel ." Henry nodded and stepped forward.
In the main palace of the royal residence, Nemour XIII, and Princess Zola, put on a formal
dress and sat here.
Ian, who had previously ordered Henry and the three men to the prison, was standing here
tremblingly at this moment, daring not to say a word.
The main palace gate opened, and Jeffs stood at the gate of the main palace, respectful y
making a please gesture.
Henry stepped into the main palace gate, and one second after Henry stepped into the gate,
the main palace gate closed.
Outside the door, Milan has been following Jeffs.
At the entrance of Henryjin, Jeffs asked, "Mi, you and this one, know?"
Milan nodded. "Well, he is my father's son, teacher, what is Henry's identity? That's that ... "
Milan reached out and pointed in the distance. The direction she was pointing to was the
direction of Bright Island.
Jeffs nodded.
The moment she saw Jeffs nod, Milan opened her mouth. Although she already had
speculation, but now when she heard Jeffs determined, there was still an unspeakable
Milan looked at the room where Sylvia was staying, and sighed in his heart, Sylvia and
Sylvia, what kind of wizard did you recruit in the end, this is the king of the entire
underground world!
Inside the main palace.
Henry walked in. The vast main palace, except Henry, only had three people from Nemour
Nemour XIII did not sit in his proper position, but chose an ordinary seat.
Just now, Nemour XIII did not speak, but it does not mean that he thinks this matter will be
over. This time, he will put this Satan into the imprisonment room of the royal residence. If
no reasonable explanation is given, Moore XIII himself will be uneasy.
When Henry arrived, he sat directly on the seat next to Nemour XIII, picked up an apple,
and bite hard, making a crisp sound.
"Your Excellency Satan, this time, I think there is any misunderstanding between them."
Nemour XIII opened his mouth. Although he is the leader of a country, he is the same as
Henry in position, but he understands that if he throws Not to mention the influence of
social development, just talking about strength. The young Chinese in front of him is more
powerful than himself in every aspect.
Henry shrugged. "What misunderstanding? I sat in the banquet hall to have a meal with my
wife, and your people buckled me up."
Ian, who was standing on the side, kept hitting his legs Shivering, just in the detention
room, he felt that the identity of the Chinese was unusual. Now that he saw this person
talking to His Excellency Nemour XIII, it was immediately obvious that he was, and it was
aroused Who should provoke.
When Princess Zola heard Henry mention his wife, he jumped in his heart, was he married?
No one heard of this news!
Moore XIII did not pay too much attention to the news that Henry had been married.
What he paid more attention to was that Henry was eating out in the banquet hall but was
kicked out? This is a character who has come here in the past and wants to be received as a
Nemour XIII glanced at Ian lightly and said, "Apologize."
Ian was too scared. When he heard this, his legs softened and he knelt to the ground.
"Sorry ... sorry ... … "
Henry smiled and looked at Ian who was kneeling in front of him, his face full of fear, and
said:" I said a long time ago, don't ask me for mercy, but you just seemed to call me, Huaxia
pig? "
Ian looked dumbfounded. He did call it that way before, but he real y didn't know who he
was in front of him, he had such a high status, and he could talk to the peers of His
Excellency Nemour XIII. What kind of role was he in the end? ?
Ian couldn't help thinking, young, promising, Chinese people, lofty status, the moment
when all kinds of clues are connected, Ian's pupils contracted violently, because he thought
of a possibility to make his heart tremble!
Henry raised his eyebrows and suddenly pulled out a whip leg. Ian didn't even react, and
was kicked by Henry's face directly.
Henry's whip leg gave Ian a few meters away, and then I didn't take a look at Ian.
"Fine." Henry got up and patted his clothes. "My wife and I still have to go around in Paris,
so I won't tel you any more."
Nemour XIII nodded, as the helm of a country It is already a great concession that he can
proactively say the word misunderstanding and al ow Henry to punish his people in front
of him. Anyway, he represents a country.
And Henry, who has a good grasp of this degree, he can stir this royal palace upside down
in anger, but this time it is only a very smal thing, there is no need, furthermore, once he
has the royal palace If you do it, then it is very likely that it will be used by interested
people, and become a bright island to declare war on the world.
Princess Zola looked at Henry and wanted to speak, but was stopped by her father.
Henry opened the palace gate and saw that in front of the main palace gate, besides Jeffs
and Milan, two gray-haired old men were standing. It was the two doctors who had just
taken Prince Charles away.
"How is my brother?" Princess Zola in the main palace asked the two when they saw them.
One of the doctors said: "Your Highness Princess is relieved that Prince Charles is no longer
dangerous, just a little weak."
Upon hearing the doctor's answer, Princess Zola felt relieved at once.
"Oh, that's right." Henry suddenly looked back. "I just heard Jeffs talk about Charlie's
poisoning. He showed me the recipe tonight. The recipe contains an eel. What was the
name of Ian just now, There are a few pieces of Ganmei in his pocket. The Ganmei mixed
with eel will cause a poisoning reaction. For this matter, you can find a problem with him. "
Henry finished, waving his hand and striding away.
Ian, who was stil lying on the ground, suddenly panicked when he heard Henry ’s words.
Tonight, Prince Charles ’poisoning was indeed what he did. He used Ganmei and eel to
combine. He did it, but he wanted to It is possible to discredit Milan and make himself a
candidate chef.
Princess Zola turned her head to look at Ian, she did n’t even go to check what was in her
pocket, because she knew that the underground king could say such a thing, that is, she had
a certainty in her heart, and she would not be untargeted. Go check. "Lock him up and go to
court!" Princess Zola waved her hand and shouted.
Today, it is because of this person that he has offended the underground king and offended
his favorite man, no matter from what point of view, it is extremely dissatisfied with
Princess Zola.
Ian, who was lying there, had an extremely ugly face. He never thought that things would
have developed to this point. Today, it is obviously his own opportunity, and it is obviously
a better turning point in his life, but it has become like this. , Everything, only because of the
appearance of a person.
Milan and Henry left the main palace together and walked towards the house where Sylvia
is now. All the way, Milan was carefully looking at Henry. She was curious, what is the king
of this underground world, she listens to people However, it was a terrible person,
stomping his feet would make the dignitaries that ordinary people look up to tremble, but
when she was with Henry, she did not feel as terrible as others said.
"Is there something on my face?" Henry gave Milan a weird look. He could feel Milan's eyes
always on himself.
"No." Milan shook his head and smiled.
Henry and Milan found Sylvia. At this time, Sylvia had finished washing and put on a new
dress just prepared for her by the royal family. A long skirt full of French style was passed
on to Sylvia. Exotic style.
"Let's go, take you to enjoy the romance of Paris." Milan with Sylvia's arms.
The Royal Family of Fuguo specially prepared a special car. A special extended Mercedes-
Benz was parked in front of several people. The body of the car was made of bulletproof
materials. Even the wheels, in the event of being exploded, you can keep the vehicle
running smoothly.
The interior of the car is luxuriously decorated, and the precious drinks are prepared.
Sitting in this car is a pleasure.
With such treatment, Henry will natural y not refuse, no matter where the car is driven,
there will be people driving the road, and there will be no blockage.
A wooden boat slowly rippling on the banks of the Seine, the river sparkling, approaching
dusk, the fire clouds reflected on the river, giving a dreamlike feeling.
The boatman was standing at the stern, singing loudly the French, LeTempsDesCerises, and
the melodious song passed on the lake surface, giving people a feeling of extraordinarily
cozyness, as if at this moment, all the troubles were thrown away, and there was only the
beauty in front of them Among them, the bright future is reflected.
The boat passed the arch bridge and drifted in the direction of the river flow. After passing
the most amazing iron tower in the world, Sylvia sat on the bow, watching the beautiful
scenery and feeling the romantic atmosphere.
Henry sat behind Sylvia.
"Henry." Milan reached out his right index finger and poked on Henry.
"Huh?" Henry looked at Milan strangely.
"What's wrong with you and Sylvia, without saying a word?" Milan asked curiously.
Henry smiled bitterly and shook his head.
When the boat stopped, the sky was completely dark.
Sylvia looked at the prosperous night of Paris, and Becky
bit his lip lightly, proposing: "We ... let's go to the bar ..." Milan put his gaze on Henry at
once, and said: "You definitely have problems, absolutely. "
Fuguo is a romantic country, and the taverns here are also ful of romantic atmosphere.
Under the leadership of Milan, the four chose a very elegant pub.
Milan told Sylvia that the security of the country is not as good as that of Huaxia. At night,
things that often affect people's moods often happen, but this tavern is different.
The owner of the tavern has a royal background. No one dares to cause trouble here, just
The price is a little more expensive.
Of course, this price is not a problem for Sylvia and others.
The tavern is quiet, with soft music, soft orange lights flooding the entire tavern, and the
bartender at the bar carefully wipes the glass.
Wooden facilities give a nostalgic feeling.
Sylvia chose a four-person table on the corner to sit down. Sylvia had just sat down, and Su
Mi sat next to Sylvia in advance, fearing that Henry would take the lead.
Henry really wanted to sit next to Sylvia. Su Mi's movement made him glance at his mouth
and sit down opposite Sylvia.
Milan stood at the table, watching Henry and Sylvia sitting on each side, shook his head,
and sat down next to Henry.
Ordered two bottles of brandy and some snacks.
Under gentle music, Milan was the first toast, "Come, welcome you to the country." The
crisp clinking sound sounded, and all four of them drank the wine in one go.
The wine in the glass was just finished, Sylvia immediately filled himself with a full glass.
This action made Milan slightly dumb. Milan and Sylvia have known each other for so many
years, but they know Sylvia very well. If it is not something that happened, Sylvia
absolutely does I will let myself go to drink like this.
"Come, Milan, let's have another drink!" Sylvia directly raised his glass.
Milan looked Sylvia, Henry and look, picked up the bottle for himself and Henry pour wine,
"I three for a drink."
"Afraid he can not drink!" Sylvia in a deliberately provocative Looking at Henry.
"And I dare not drink it?" Henry directly picked up the wine glass, and after a clear clink,
the three of them drunk.
Sylvia drank the wine in the glass. Through the transparent glass in his hand, Sylvia saw
some swaying shadows of Henry. For so long, this person gradual y entered his life and
gradually left. I can no longer find the man who took himself to drink Coke.
"Come on, Henry, let's drink one more." Sylvia took the initiative to pour wine for herself.
Today, she is extraordinarily bold and diametrical y opposed to her usual personality.
The wine is very relaxed when it comes to mouth, and it is more in line with the taste of
young people. However, when the stamina comes up, it is much stronger than the ordinary
After a few glasses of wine, Sylvia has shown some intoxication.
"Wife, don't drink it." Henry saw Sylvia poured himself a glass of wine again, and quickly
"It's a rare get together today, how can I not drink it." Sylvia not only filled the glass for
himself, but also fil ed the glass for Milan and Henry.
Sylvia looked at Henry and Milan, who were sitting opposite him, with a look of trance.
The two of them had known each other for a long time. Now their withdrawal is a relief for
"I go to the toilet first." Henry got up with a smile.
"Milan, you should accompany me to the bathroom." Sylvia took Milan's hand."Okay."
Milan nodded.
The three people left their seats and walked toward the bathroom, leaving Su Mi sitting
When Sylvia got up, he looked at Su Mi deliberately, nodded at Su Mi, and gave her some
When the three people left, Su Mi quickly took out a small bag of white powder from his
pocket and poured them into two wine glasses opposite him. When the white powder was
mixed with the wine, it completely disappeared.
After Su Mi finished al this, he sat there like no one else. After about three minutes, the
three of them came back one after another. Sylvia took the wine glass and greeted Henry
and Milan to clink again.
Henry and Milan unpreparedly picked up the wine glass that had just been dropped by Su
Mi and put it to his mouth.
The gentle music sounded in my ears, and I drank a glass of wine, making Sylvia feel
blurred in front of his eyes. Henry's figure changed from clear to trance, as if faded from his
The orange light hit Sylvia. She leaned lazily on the sofa and looked at the two people
sitting opposite her. There was a relief smile in the corner of her mouth.
Starting from tonight, he will have to say goodbye to him formally, maybe this is the best
choice for him, Milan and him, had a fate, and ended because of his appearance, now, he
The two sat back together again, and they can also quit without concern.
Paris is a romantic place. At the beginning of the romance, there will also be a kind of
painstaking end.
The tavern's classic songs and trains that were far away echoed in the tavern.
What I want is to snuggle tightly in your arms and guard your past memories with your
Later that night, Sylvia helped Henry and Milan into a hotel.
The two, who had been drunk completely, collapsed into the warm bed without any
consciousness. The red light brought a burst of light, and the rose petals covered the bed.
Sylvia walked to the door of the room, and finally glanced at the man lying at the door of
the room, closing the door hard. The last gap in the door could clearly see the tears falling
from the corner of Sylvia's eyes.
Just when the door closed, Henry, who was supposed to be unconscious, suddenly opened
his eyes, including Milan, and opened his eyes.
"Henry, you two ..."
"I don't know." Henry shook his head. He got up, walked to the window, opened the
curtains, and saw Sylvia walking out of the hotel through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows
of the hotel. "I don't know what happened. "
Milan also walked to this floor-to-ceiling window and looked at Sylvia who had left, and
sighed," Does she know your identity? "
Henry turned his head and looked at Milan, grinning, his voice slightly hoarse," You Did you
know it? "
" I just knew it today. "
Henry didn't say anything. What happened in the Royal Mansion today. With Milan's status
in the Royal Mansion, it is not difficult to hear these things.
"Sylvia, Sylvia." Milan looked at Sylvia's back, murmured in his mouth, "What are you doing
for me and Henry? Just to leave?"
With Henry's sensitivity to danger, and He was far more than the sensitivity of ordinary
people. When he came back to the toilet, he realized that something was wrong. He did n’t
drink the glass of medicine. He also secretly told Milan that the two glasses of wine had
already been spilled. On the ground of the tavern.
next morning, the sun rises early.
In front of the Jijia Hotel in Paris, vehicles are ready. Everyone will gather in Le Havre port.
In Le Havre port, not only the ancient Wu family of China, but also underground forces
from all over the world.
The person in charge of the Ji family stood at the door of the hotel, talking about various
matters for everyone's attention. Many people left the family for the first time to participate
in such events.
"There are only three rules I want to say!" The
person in charge of the Ji family extended his finger.
"First, no matter what happens in the country, when we are here, all of us are a whole.
The first thing we need to do is to unite, the underground world, and always respect the
strong. At the port of Harvard, when provoked by a strange organization, I hope al of us can
unite. "
" Second, the rules. At Le Havre, it doesn't matter what you do, but when you get to the
island, I hope Everyone can take away your arrogance, because on that island, you do n’t
count for anything! Tens, ten mil ion, do n’t cause trouble on the island! The consequences
are not something that any of you can afford! "
When the person in charge of the Ji family finished the second point, they glanced at
"Third, you can ignore the first point I said, but the second point, you must listen! If there
are no objections, then go!" The head of the
Ji family finished and turned to walk into a car.
The rest of the family also got on the train one after another.
Sylvia and Su Mi shared a car together.
"Miss Lin, let's go." Su Mi took the suitcase and stood beside Sylvia.
"Wel ." Sylvia nodded, her beautiful eyes looked into the distance, and after saying goodbye
in her mouth, she opened the door and entered the car.
Not far from the hotel, Henry and Milan stood quietly here, watching the convoy drive
"How about you? Are you not going to ask Sylvia?" According to my understanding of her,
she must have given up on you. There must be something hidden. "Milan stood beside
Henry and sighed.
"Of course I have to ask clearly, and I won't be separated from her." Henry's eyes showed a
"Okay, you two things, you can do it yourself, I have to go back first." Milan waved to Henry,
turned around and left without a trace of stay.
Only in the back of Milan's departure, I felt a little bleak.
Henry shook his head, Milan's feelings for him, he could feel, but, in his heart, already could
not accommodate others.
Henry took out his mobile phone and made a cal , "Hey, come and pick me up, in Paris."
At noon in Paris time, a helicopter took off from Paris Square.
On the helicopter, Wade White was wearing a casual suit, wearing large sunglasses, holding
a Cohiba Cuban cigar in his mouth and carrying the helicopter lever.
"Boss, why did you suddenly appear in Paris."
"Come with your sister-in-law." Henry opened the side door of the helicopter and looked
"What about sister-in-law? Don't you go to the island with you?" Wade White asked
"She went to the island with the ancient Wu family of Huaxia. By the way, you turn around
and let me know that my wife will be ready to eat what she eats." Henry confessed.
"Relax, boss." Shiraike made an OK gesture. "Mrs. King has to be on the island and must be
received with the highest etiquette! This is the first time Sister-in-law is going home?"
"Well." Henry nodded gently.
When the helicopter passed Le Havre Port, Henry saw the densely packed vehicles in the
port and the people walking down the vehicle, among them Sylvia.
Le Havre Port is the most important port in the north of the country.
Sylvia got off the car, everyone, will wait for the cruise ship here, and then take the cruise
ship, tonight, will reach that holy place, Bright Island!
"Ha ha ha! Lao Maozi, I heard you last time, was nearly cut off the nose."
"Do not you, too, ribs was interrupted three, I heard that you are most proud of the
disciples died?"
"Do not mention Pride destroyed him, and died under the knife of a few rookies! "
Sylvia just got out of the car and heard a few laughs not far away. Two white strong men
were communicating in Ying language With.
Lin Yinghan still understands Ying language.
Su Mi followed Sylvia and gave an introduction to Sylvia.
"Miss Lin, these two are members of the Yingguo Knight Organization."
Su Mi's words just fel and he heard a burst of laughter in front of him .
"Bai surnamed, fight me again this year?" The man speaking was a black man with a naked
upper body and muscles bursting, giving a super explosive feeling.
In the Chinese family, a middle-aged man in a green shirt came out and shouted: "You want
to fight, I will accompany you at any time!" The
man in the green shirt suddenly pulled out a thin sword from his waist, and Jian Feng
issued There was a soft whisper.
Hearing this sound, many people present changed their faces.
Someone exclaimed.
The strong black man who had just spoken looked at the man in the blue shirt with
dreadful eyes, "Bai Xuan, it seems that you are confident in your re-ranking this time?"
Sylvia heard the words of the strong black man and showed his face. Looking suspiciously
at Su Mi, "What does it mean to be re-ranked?"
Su Mi explained: "Miss Lin, every time the underground world conference, the top 100
masters in the underground world will be discharged. Senior Bai Xuan ranked 97th, and the
black strong man ranked 94th. "
Sylvia nodded.
The senior Bai Xuan of the Bai family, who had a high reputation in the ancient Wu family
of Huaxia, did not expect to be ranked 97th.
Sylvia saw that more and more people gathered at the port, some people were dressed like
ordinary people, and some people were very special. Sylvia saw so many people, each
wearing a cloak , Hiding his face inside the cloak, where these people pass by, the rest of
them can't help but take a few steps back to make way for them.
"Miss Lin, these people are people from the frontier. They believe in a very evil method.
They believe that the sacrifice of living people can make them stronger. The average person
will not easily offend them. Although these people are not strong, they have very strange
means. Master a very weird poison, and anyone who has a holiday with them will not sleep
well. "
Su Mi introduced to Sylvia beside Sylvia.
Sylvia listened quietly. Since contacting Gu Wu, the door of a new world gradual y opened
in front of her, letting her understand the unusual place of this world.
"Su Mi, is this your Miss Su family, the future owner?" A female voice sounded from behind
Sylvia looked along the direction of the sound, to see a young woman dressed in a red
dress, standing behind him, the young woman painting with flames Like red lips, with a
touch of charming.
Behind the woman in the red dress, there is a young man standing 1.75 meters tall, with a
sword and eyebrows, looking handsome and handsome.
"Xiaohong, don't be rude." The young man spoke softly, with a voice in his voice.
The woman in the red dress lowered her head very obediently and stood behind the young
The young man stepped forward and reached out to Sylvia, "Hello, Lin girl, under the
Xiaoxing River."
Sumimi pulled La LinSylvia's sleeve and introduced Sylvia: "Miss Lin, this is the owner of
Xiaojiazhuang. . " "
hello. "Lin Chong Han laugh Galaxy smiled, but did not reach out.
Lin Xiaohan has heard of this Xiaojiazhuang. It is said that 80% of the ancient Wu family in
China will use the weapons built by Xiaojiazhuang. Xiaojiazhuang is the largest arsenal in
the ancient Wuwu circle of Huaxia.
Seeing that Sylvia didn't even stretch out his hand, Xiaohong shouted on the spot,
"You're surnamed Lin, you're a bit too presumptuous!"
"Xiaohong!" Xiao Xinghe turned around, staring at Xiaohong with blame in his eyes.
Xiaohong quickly bowed her head, and some unwillingly explained: "The young owner,
even the people of the Ji family, will not ignore your existence. This is just a future Su family
owner. What pride does she have!
" the line! "laughed Galaxy discontent scold loudly," I'm here to make friends with the girl
and forest, between friends, not so much etiquette. "
laugh Galaxy finished, look to the Han Lin," Lin girl, this time we, Al the way? "
" Okay. "Before Sylvia spoke, Su Mi quickly agreed to come down, and then whispered to
Sylvia:" Miss Lin, this Xiaoxinghe Master is still single, and Xiaojiazhuang's status in the
ancient Wu Realm It ’s good for the Su family to get to know him! "
Sylvia pondered for a few seconds, then nodded, "Yes."
"Thank you, Miss Lin." Xiao Xinghe punched Sylvia and clenched his fists, then made a
gesture of invitation.
At this time, the cruise ship had arrived at the port, and the major Chinese families, under
the leadership of the Ji family, gradually boarded the cruise ship.
Su Michong said to Sylvia: "Miss Lin, Master Xiaoxinghe has been to Guangming Island
before. With his leadership, the journey will be smoother."
Sylvia nodded and said nothing.
The cruise ship going to sea this time is of the luxury type, which can carry thousands of
people. The people of the ancient Chinese martial arts family sit on the boat, giving the
entire cruise ship a feeling of emptyness. There are chess and card rooms and lounges on
the cruise ship Meals are all the freshest and highest-grade ingredients.
At two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was just right, the sea breeze was slight, and Sylvia
was standing on the deck. She knew that in four hours, the cruise ship would be in front of
the legendary island.
Looking at the blue sky, Sylvia asked Su Mi curiously, "What kind of place is Guangming
Su Mi just started to speak, and the voice of Xiaoxinghe came from not far away, "That is
heaven, too Hell. "
Xiao Xinghe walked slowly to Sylvia, looked at the sea in front of his eyes, and said:"
That island is claimed to have the highest military standard in the world, and the island has
beautiful scenery. According to me, I have never seen it. It ’s more beautiful than that,
except that in beautiful scenes, there are countless corpses and murders! ”
Sylvia looked at Xiao Xinghe with a suspicious look and did n’t speak.Xiao Xinghe guessed
what Sylvia thought, and continued to say, "It is well known that Guangming Island is built
on the basis of strong force. This island can be established by countless corpse mountains
and blood seas. Stacked up, each of the people there is an unforgivable, it can be said that if
you see them outside and hear their deeds, you will only associate two words ... scum! "
" Rules on the island Strict, many places are not touched. If you touch the forbidden area a
little bit, waiting for you, only death, there is no one in the world, dare to ignore the rules of
the Bright Island, even if leaders of all countries get there, they must be careful ""
Sylvia listened to Xiao Xinghe and said, there is a feeling of disbelief in his heart. Even
leaders of all countries must abide by the rules of Guangming Island? What kind of person
will the owner there be?
"Have you ever seen the island owner of Guangming Island?" Sylvia asked.
"No." Xiao Xinghe shook his head. "Several people in the world have really seen the island
owner of Guangming Island, but this time, there is hope. It is hopeful that this time the
underground world conference, the island owner of Guangming Island The legendary hell
king, Satan, who is known as the strongest man in the world, will show up! "
" Miss, I think it's better not to see that person. "Su Mi said aside," Legend that Satan, let
every year let There were countless girls who gave him to him, and after those girls came to
the island, none of them could safely return home, that is a demon ... "
Time slowly passed, when the time reached 5:50, you can feel that the sea The wind is
already slightly cool.
In the distance, an island slowly appeared in the sight of people.
Sylvia walked out of the cabin and walked onto the deck. At this moment, many people did
the same thing as Sylvia, walked out of the cabin and looked at the island in the distance.
That island is the holy place in the eyes of all underground forces.
This time, there is a saying called participation in the underground world conference, and
there is also a saying called ... pilgrimage!
An island floating on the sea gives a sense of majestic majesty.
Very far apart, everyone can see the island's wall. The wide wall is made of granite mixed
with steel. Even if it is a cruiser shell, it will not want to blast this wall in a short time.
The wall is two meters thick and reaches 25 meters high, enclosing the 360-degree circle of
the entire island.
Around the island, there are countless warships parked. At a glance, people have a feeling
of panic. When these warships are pointed in one direction, any known port in the world
can be flattened to the ground in the shortest time. .
The people standing on the cruise ship now have a particularly small feeling.
If you look down the wall, you can see that there are four radars in the four corners of the
wall, which are slowly rotating.
"Guangming Island does not al ow anyone to land on the island from high altitudes.
These four radars, using the highest technology known in the world, can accurately sense
the air-to-air missiles on the island within the range of 100,000 meters in the airspace of
Guangming Island. Make a blow in the first time! "The voice of the person in charge of the Ji
family sounded on the deck.
Everyone on the deck was horrified. Some people thought that their family was alienated at
home, but now they only realize how small they are.
As the cruise ship approaches, everyone gradually approaches the island. Looking near, you
will feel an invisible majesty pressed against yourself. So that everyone could not help but
slow down the speed of walking, even the voice of speech is subconsciously much smaller.
The battleship parked in front of the island slowly gave way to the cruise ship at this
The cruise ship that Sylvia took was slowly traveling from battleship to battleship on both
sides, and the muzzle of the battleship was uniformly aligned with the cruise ship, and as
the cruise ship slowly moved, the muzzle on those warships also shifted.
Everyone standing on the cruise ship was filled with pressure.
Sylvia couldn't help but have a nervous look on his pretty face.
Xiao Xinghe saw the tension on Sylvia's face and laughed: "Don't worry, I have a few friends
on this island, who can talk." When
Xiao Xinghe spoke, his face was full of smugness, after all, he knew The people of Bright
Island are a glory for many people.
As the cruise ship gradually approached the port, Sylvia saw that the 25-meter-high city
wall slowly moved, a gap, and slowly opened, this is a huge stone gate.
The moment when the door opened, it gave people a feeling of dawn in the darkness.
The tall stone wall makes people feel a kind of depression, but the flower garden inside the
wall is like a colorful feast, which makes people shine.
Sylvia saw that a 13- to 14-year-old girl with blonde shawl, wearing a snow-white long
dress, wearing a flower crown, shuttled in the flower garden, just like an elf.
Before going to the island, Sylvia had a lot of fantasies. She guessed what kind of place
Guangming Island was. She thought that this might be a steel castle filled with tanks and
armored vehicles.
Sylvia also thought that there were fierce people walking around here, and his eyes were
enough to be scary.
But she didn't find out until here that it was as beautiful as a painting here.
There are no tal buildings or buildings here. Behind the steel walls, there is a hideaway, a
log cabin, a clear water and a clear view. The people here are almost all dressed in
sackcloth, which gives a very simple feel.
More than Sylvia, 90% of the people present thought this way.
The person in charge of the Ji family had long expected what everyone would think and
said: "If Guangmingdao is open to the outside world, this is definitely the most beautiful
tourist destination in the world. There is no one, but remember, on Guangmingdao, it is If
you are allowed to take photos, the flowers and vegetation planted by the islanders should
not be trampled on, because that is probably their food for the second half of the year. If
you trample on their food, it is tantamount to killing them. People, what kind of reaction
will these islanders have, I do n’t think I need to say more. ”
After landing on the island, the underground forces of each country will be separated from
the rest of the country, which is equivalent to dividing several areas.
Tonight, everyone will stay on Bright Island, and tomorrow morning, the Underworld
Conference will be held.
On Guangming Island, there are several restricted areas. In the middle of the island, there is
an ancient castle full of European style. There is absolutely no footsteps. Within five meters
of the island wall, all are restricted areas. Within five meters of the city wall.
The person in charge of the Ji family sent a map to everyone. On the map, the forbidden
areas were marked, and they were absolutely not al owed to step on. The place where
Sylvia lives is a courtyard made entirely of wood, fully in line with the Chinese style. In each
courtyard, there are several forces living outside the courtyard,
on the island Residents, the residents will prepare food, fruits for the people on the island.
These exquisite delicacies, rare fruits, will not charge any penny from the islanders, and
there is no currency circulation in Guangming Island.
When the time reached 7 pm, many people came out of the room one after another,
preparing to enjoy a fine dinner, and go to explore this island full of mystery.
"Miss Lin, let me be your guide." Xiao Xinghe came to Sylvia and Mao himself
"Then I would like to thank Master Xiaoxiao." Su Mi said directly, "Our lady has never been
to the island."
"Relax, this island, I am still very familiar!" Xiao Xinghe took the initiative to sit in Sylvia
After enjoying dinner, several people walked out of the courtyard and walked towards the
On this island, there are flowers al over the place, and there is a fragrance of people in the
air. If you take a breath, it will make people feel relaxed and happy.
Sylvia, Su Mi, Xiaoxinghe, and Xiaohong walked on the island on foot, feeling the humanistic
atmosphere of the island. The biggest feeling for Sylvia was ease, she did n’t know why.
After coming here, she would Give yourself a feeling of relaxation.
Sylvia turned his head to look at the most central part of the island. There was a European-
style castle, and everyone looked at it with awe.
At this moment, in this old castle, a rectangular dining table is fil ed with exquisite cuisine.
"Boss, you must drink more!" Wade White held a glass of wine.
"Hahaha, I also think that yes, I don't want to give up if I don't have much boss today."
Redhead wore his robe and shook the red wine in the glass.
In front of the future, there was a chicken leg, "Boss, drink it first, and wait for me to be full
before looking for you."
"That's not good!" The bald head Han Haishen shook his head vigorously. What do you
mean? "
" Then let the Sister Moon God accompany you. "The future small mouth ful of stuff, looked
at the Moon God sitting opposite him.
Luna was wearing that purple mopping skirt and smiled. "In the future, will you have the
heart to let your sister drink with these rough
men ?" "Come on!" A strong black man glanced at his mouth, holding in his hand He wore a
dazzling scimitar, with a black gem inlaid on the handle. The blade was sharp, the hair was
broken, and the iron was like mud. At this moment, the black man was cutting a leg of lamb
with this scimitar.
"Alex, I said you cut meat with this knife, don't you feel fishy?" Ferris looked at the black
man with a disgusted face. "There are not ten thousand or nine thousand people who die
under your knife Is that right? "
" What do you know. "The black strong man cut off a piece of meat and put it into his
mouth." The more people I kill, the more I enjoy it. "
This black strong man , Is one of the hell leaders, Alex.
A slightly skinny, white-skinned man shook his head. "If I agree with Ferris, Alex, I already
feel the strong smel ."
"Izar, you dare to follow this again I speak, and I will screw your head down and stuff it into
your ass! "Alex raised the machete in his hand.
At this time, the person sitting at the dining table is the most powerful person on this bright
Wade White, Red Hair, Future, Luna, Ferris, Poseidon, Alex, Izar.
These eight are the owners of the King Ring of Guangming Island.
The door of the banquet hall was pushed open, and an old man with gray hair and a
handsome figure came in and rushed to Henrydao: "Adult, my wife has arrived, will you
send someone to pick up your wife?"
"No need." Shaking his head, he stil does n’t know why Sylvia is angry, but it ’s better to
figure it out. He said: "Old Pease, you can arrange for someone to follow her. Turn around. "
" Understood. "The old man nodded, ready to go out.
" Right ." Henry suddenly said, "Old Pease, long time no see
, let's eat together." Pease's body shook, "Adult, I ..."
"Uncle Pease, what are you doing, Boss, come back Trip, every time you can accompany him
to drink to the end. "In the next three or two bites, swallow the contents of your mouth into
your belly." Just drink a few drinks with the boss. "
Pease shook his head slowly, his face ful of apology. "I am a sinner on this island, I am not
qualified to sit ..."
"OK!" Henry suddenly waved his hand and patted the table in front of him.
The action of Henry scared everyone on the table to tremble. Everyone stopped the
movements in their hands. Even Wade White and the future, who liked to play with Henry
the most, were sitting in danger and all looked at Henry.
Henry stared at Pease and said: "I have already said that Chesya's departure has nothing to
do with you!"
Pease opened his mouth and his voice was hoarse: "But I am always her adoptive father,
she has already Betrayed Guangming Island, betrayed our faith. "
Henry grinned, "You are her adoptive father, but don't forget, your other identity is one of
the ten kings of Guangming Island! Tomorrow's underground world conference, you will
represent Guangming Island to attend and sit on the first throne At this moment, you would
not even have a meal with me. Old Pease, do you want to betray me? "
" Dare not! "Pease bent his legs and knelt there on the spot.
"Since I dare not, how about having a meal with me?" Henry played with a glass in his hand.
"Uncle Pease, come on, sit on the table." In the future, he walked over and lifted Pease from
the ground. "The boss has regarded you as his elder for a long time. We are all here at this
moment, so you are not there." Boss is uncomfortable in his heart. "
Pease looked at Henry and nodded slowly." Then I will go out to arrange my wife's affairs
first. "
" Okay, this glass of wine will wait for you to come back and drink. "Henry put himself in
front of him Ful of wine glasses.
Old Pease nodded, walked out of the banquet hall, and confessed to let the people on the
island take good care of Sylvia, but they must not disturb Sylvia's life. As for the socal ed
forbidden places on the island, for Sylvia, natural y there does not exist. On this island,
there is no place where Mrs. King cannot go.
Outside the old castle, on the path of the island.
Sylvia walked here and looked into the distance. There was a flowerbed, which was
extraordinarily beautiful. The flowerbed was blooming with colorful flowers and joined
together. After the flowerbed, there was a small lake. This smal lake was in the center of the
island and passed through this smal lake. Can run through the entire bright island.
Sylvia walked 30 meters in front of the flower garden and saw a sign with the word Stop
Stop written on it.
"Miss, this is also a forbidden place on the island, so you can't go any further." Su Mi said.
"Okay." After hearing Su Mi's words, Sylvia's face flashed a bit of loss. She wanted to take a
look at the flower garden very much. The woman was particularly interested in
this kind of flowers. Especial y, Sylvia grew up When I was big, I didn't go out to play, and I
rarely came to such a beautiful place.
In front of this flower garden, there are many varieties, blooming gorgeous, even if it is 30
meters away, you can smell the fragrance from the flower garden.
Seeing the loss in Sylvia's eyes, Xiaoxinghe gritted his teeth and said, "Miss Lin, I greet my
friend and can take you closer, so you can take a closer look."
Xiaoxinghe didn't dare to say anything. Too full, even if the connection is closer, he also said
that he knew people on Guangming Island, but that was a friend of his father.
Fortunately, he went to the island and did some groceries on the island.
"No, it's too much trouble." Sylvia waved his hand and was about to leave.
"Miss, it's not troublesome." Su Mi grabbed Sylvia's arm. "The network of Xiaoxiao
Zhuangzhu is very wide. Do you mean it? Xiaoxiao Zhuangzhu?"
Su Mi kept talking. Giving Xiao Xinghe blinked.
"Yes, yes, yes." Xiao Xinghe nodded again and again, "Miss Lin, let's go in now, I would like
to say hello to my friend."
For Sylvia, Xiao Xinghe's impression is very good, don't say anything else, Just because of
Sylvia's outstanding appearance and distinctive temperament, Xiao Xinghe was a little
enchanted. This time, Su Mi was pulling a line to introduce Sylvia and Xiao Xinghe.
Now there is a chance to be able to express, how come Xiaoxinghe can let go, even with a
Seeing that Xiao Xinghe spoke, Su Mi couldn't help but say, pul ing Sylvia towards the
flower garden, and crossed the sign with the word stop at one foot.
Xiao Xinghe quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to let his uncle help him.
Soon, Uncle Xiaoxinghe's message came back and told Xiaoxinghe that this flower garden,
they could be a little closer, but the time should not be too long, five minutes at most, and
they should never walk too close!
Sylvia walked in front of this flowerbed, looked up close, and once again appreciated the
unknown beauty of this flowerbed, al kinds of flowers, like elaborately dressed big girls,
showing them in front of their loved ones The most beautiful side.
Xiao Xinghe also hurriedly walked to the flower garden. He didn't want to see any flowers.
He just wanted to show his connections in front of Sylvia while watching the time.
Just one minute before Sylvia stood in front of the flowerbed, he heard a loud shout coming
from the side.
"What the hel !"
This scream shocked the four people in front of the flower garden. They turned around and
looked at the place where the voice sounded, and they saw a man in linen wearing walk
towards this side.
When he saw the man in linen, Xiao Xinghe suddenly looked pale.
Xiao Xinghe is well aware that the people who live on the island are all dressed up like this.
They are so lucky that they have just arrived, and they were hit by someone and ran into
the forbidden land, but a felony!
Guangming Island. It's not that there haven't been people who have entered the forbidden
area, but so far, no one has been able to tell personally what it is like to enter the forbidden
area People, there is no chance to speak anymore.
At the moment of seeing the linen man, Xiao Xinghe's legs were trembling, he glanced at
Sylvia beside him, forcibly raised his breath, trying to lift his uncle on Guangming Island ,
Hope to play a role.
The linen man originally blamed Sylvia for several people, but when he saw Sylvia turning
around, his face suddenly changed.
Just now, the island received news from the housekeeper Pease, Mrs. King, on the island
now! And sent the photo of Mrs. King to everyone.
Mrs. King, what is the concept for people on Bright Island? That is the sky of this island, the
god of this island, has the supremacy on this island!
Moreover, Guangming Island has been created for so many years. This is the first time the
residents of the island have heard the words of Mrs. King, and everyone is extremely
Just now, the big housekeeper Pease stil confessed that no one can make Mrs. King have
any unhappiness, so every resident on the island made the best preparations.
Now this man, when Sylvia turned his head, he recognized it, this is Mrs. King!
This time, the Maiko man was taken aback. At a critical moment, he was eager to be wise
and moved his eyes away from Sylvia to another place where no one was there.
He continued to shout in his mouth, "What about you, what are you doing? "Real y!" As he
said, the man in linen passed by Sylvia, as if he had not seen it.
The behavior of the Maiko people made Xiao Xinghe feel a little unrestrained. What is the
Su Mi's face was overjoyed, and he quickly said, "Smile Master Zhuang, your network is too
broad. The people on this island don't care about us at all."
Xiao Xinghe stunned for a while, and then he laughed, "We just know about it, don't say it,
don't say it."
Xiao Xinghe finished speaking, and wiped the sweat on his forehead without even looking,
even he was there. Strange, does his uncle really have such a large network?
"Smile Master Zhuang, your friends on the island are so effective in speaking. Can you take
us to other forbidden places?" Su Mi asked tentatively.
"Ah? This ......" laughed Galaxy face a trace of embarrassment, but when he saw that Han Lin
beautiful face, a heart impulse, "Of course!"
"Junior Pu laugh, you were so much! "Su Mi did not skimp on her praises and said.
"Forget it, let's not go." Sylvia shook his hand, so breaking into others' forbidden land
always made her feel weird.
"Miss, going to the forbidden land, the promotion of the Su family is also very huge." Su Mi
whispered in Sylvia's ear, "If this can be spread, it will definitely make many people think of
the Su family and Guangming Island. In this way, the Su family will be able to develop at the
fastest speed, and miss you, you can also achieve your goals faster. "
Su Mi's persuasion grasped the weakest point in Sylvia's heart, Treat the point of Henry.
In this way, the four went to another forbidden place. On the way, Su Mi looked generous,
because in her thoughts, Xiaoxinghe had such a network. As for Xiaoxinghe, he was always
frightened because he arrived I'm not sure whether it was just because of my uncle. Until,
Xiao Xinghe once again saw that when an inhabitant of the island turned a blind eye to the
way in which four of them broke into the forbidden area, he completely reassured himself
that his uncle, speaking real y useful! At the same time, there was a burst of arrogance in
Xiaoxinghe's heart. Since his uncle had such a lofty status on the island, wouldn't it mean
that he would be able to walk sideways in China's family in the future?
The four of them turned around on the island for a long time. When it was completely dark,
they returned to their place of residence.
When Sylvia returned to his house, he found that his original house was actually locked!
Through the window, Sylvia also saw that there were two figures in the house!
"Who is the person inside, come out!" Su Mi also saw the figure in the house, slammed the
door of the house, and shouted.
"Who, noisy." Inside, a very impatient female voice sounded.
"Ask who we are? Who are you!" Su Mi yelled, these people, occupying their own room, so
When the door opened, two ordinary-looking women stood in front of the door and looked
at Sylvia with disdain.
"Oh, who am I to say, it turned out to be the surname of the Su family." The woman
disdained, "Why, so late, knock on my door, what do you want to do?"
"What do you want to do?" Su Honey's face turned red and his hands were on his hips,
"This is our house, you said it's yours?"
"Your house?" The young woman pouted, "Is this your Su's name, or is it? Has this
surnamed Lin's name been written? "
" Noisy, noisy, it's dark, and noisy! "In the courtyard house, another door opened, and a
sturdy man stood at the door with his upper body naked. , Impatiently said, "If you are sick,
noisy, whoever yells again, don't blame Lao Tzu for mercy!" When this man spoke, he
directly pul ed a steel knife from the door. On Guangming Island, there was no There are no
laws, there are only rules, the winner is king.
"Brother, these two people have nothing to say about me occupying their rooms. You
judge." The young woman said to the man with a coquettish tone.
"Huh?" The man looked at Sylvia angrily, "You two said, my sister took your room? Your
name was written in this room?" The man deliberately shook his steel knife The moonlight
shone on the steel knife and reflected on Sylvia's face.
Su Mi's face changed, this man was obviously threatening.
This time, only Su Mi and Sylvia came to the Su family. Even Su Mi didn't know why the
owner arranged this.
Of course Su Mi wouldn't think that Su Yu knew Henry's identity. When Sylvia came to
Guangming Island, did he need to bring so many people? The entire Guangming Island is
Sylvia's people, natural y there will not be too many people to come.
Now, Su Mi and Sylvia are being targeted like this, but there is no way at all. Here, whoever
has a big fist is the one who says it!
"What's wrong with this?" Xiaoxinghe heard the noise from here, and walked Xiaohong
towards this side.
"What's wrong? Xiao Shao Zhuangzhu, is this your concubine?" The man looked at Xiao
Xinghe very politely.
Xiao Xinghe frowned when he saw this man. The other party was from the bear family.
Although the bear family was not big, everyone was reckless and offended them. It was not
a good thing.
As for why the other party robbed the house, Xiao Xinghe also knew clearly.
There are many families coming this time. Some families come with many people. I want
family juniors to see the world more. But there are so many places on the island, so there
are so many places to prepare for the major families. Some people come to many families. ,
I will find a way to grab the place where others live. This has not happened. I remember
that last year, there was an inconspicuous person who ranked 100th on the global master
list. He was very arrogant and robbed the Bai family.
Position, the result was sealed by Bai Xuan Yijian.
Therefore, there are people who find trouble, but they have to be strong in their own
strength, otherwise it is undoubtedly a death act.
Although the Xiong family is not as good as the Su family in the status of the ancient Wu
family, it is said that the people who came this time, the Su family's lineup, can be said to be
the weakest of all the ancient Wu family.
Moreover, everyone in the Xiong family is a reckless husband. If they really encounter
something, they will never consider any consequences.
"Mr. Xiong, this room itself was arranged for Miss Lin. You might be doing something
unreasonable?" Xiao Xinghe said.
If he puts it on others, he will definitely not care about it, but he has done so much today. At
this time, if he admits to counseling, he will have a hard time in the face.
The most important thing is that after going to several forbidden places in a row at night,
Xiaoxinghe's heart is particularly swelled at this moment. On this island, he has such a large
network of people, and he is afraid of a bear family?
The man holding the knife smiled disdainfully, "Why, laugh at the owner, this is really your
concubine. This is just right. It is good to take your concubine to your room, hahaha!"
Comedy River itself wanted to compete with the man holding the knife in this room, but
when the man holding the knife came out, Comedy River was so excited that he went to his
Xiao Xinghe looked at Sylvia's Miaoman's figure and swallowed his saliva unconsciously. If
tonight, he can real y kiss Fangze, it's not bad.
Su Mi's eyes also flashed a touch of light, pulling on the sleeves of Larin Sylvia and
whispered: "Miss, we should not have conflicts with them now. You might as well go to Xiao
Shao Zhuangzhu to rest, one room can live two Man, I can deal with Xiaohong
casually. "After that, Su Mi looked at Xiaoxinghe and asked," Smile Master Zhuang, do you
think it's okay? "
" This ... "Xiaoxinghe is very excited now, But he stil appeared embarrassed on the surface,
and looked at Sylvia,
"Miss Lin, what do you think? If you don't dislike, you can go to my rest for one night."
"Miss, I think so, it will be tomorrow morning anyway. Attending the meeting, it is rare to
laugh at the owner who has this heart. "Su Mi persuaded.
"No." Sylvia didn't even think about it, so he shook his head. Before meeting Henry, Sylvia
had never thought of being in a room with other men. The men outside were in the same
room, even now that they were separated, Sylvia still could not accept anyone except
Xiao Xinghe saw Sylvia's so decisive refusal, and there was a trace of loss in his eyes, but
this further aroused his desire to conquer. The
man with the knife laughed loudly, "Laughing young Master, it seems that your concubine is
not very clever, haha!"
Xiao Hong's face was a bit ugly, looking at Sylvia, he sneered, "Fake Qing Gao Something!
man with the knife walked out of the room and said to Chong Sylvia:" How beautiful, you
can't stop smiling at the owner, where do you want to live? Why not come to me, my bed,
but it's very big! "The
man holding the knife said, and made a naughty laugh.
Sylvia gave each other a cold look, turned around and walked out of the courtyard.
The two young women occupying Sylvia's room looked at Sylvia with a sneering
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh night ago, the temperature of Guangming Island
was said to be unfriendly, hahaha!" The
young woman passed into Sylvia's ears with a mocking voice, Sylvia squeezed his fist
subconsciously. Deal with, what to protect Henry?
This is the first time, Sylvia ca n’t wait to get stronger, she wants to become stronger, she
urgently wants to accept Gu Wu!
"Laughing Master Zhuang, your head has run away, and you are not going to chase?"
The man with the knife shook his weapon and turned his head into the house.
The two young women also threw the door, making the door bang loudly.
Xiao Xinghe glanced at Sylvia, who had walked out of the courtyard, and hurried out.
"Miss Lin!"
Xiao Xinghe just ran out of the gate of the courtyard and saw two black carriages in front of
the gate. A middle-aged man in a black dress stood in front of the carriage.
"Hello beautiful lady, we have prepared a new place to stay for you."
Xiao Xinghe looked at the scene in front of her, Wu Leng was here, what happened?
Isn't this carriage only in the old castle? Why are you here?
Sylvia also feels a bit dazed. What is the situation? Prepare a new place for yourself?
This middle-aged man in a black dress was arranged by Pease, the housekeeper of
Guangming Island. Original y Sylvia had been strol ing around the island. Pease did not let
anyone disturb Sylvia. When he learned that Sylvia was back Pease immediately arranged
for someone to come, but it happened that Sylvia was crowded out.
"Arrange me a place to stay?" Sylvia listened to each other's words and felt unreal.
"Lady, please." The middle-aged man walked to the carriage and lifted the curtain made of
expensive satin.
Both carriages were driven.
On the other carriage, the person driving the carriage spoke to Xiao Xinghe. "Sir, please get
in the car."
Pease is not clear about the relationship between Sylvia and Xiao Xinghe, but seeing these
four people are traveling together, naturally Xiao Xinghe became Sylvia's friend, and
naturally would not neglect Mrs. King's friend.
Xiao Xinghe looked at the carriage in front of him and listened to each other's words.
There was a feeling of fog in the clouds. He thought about it for a long time, and he could
only attribute this to his uncle. His uncle, already on Guangming Island This status? This is
too incredible!
Unconsciously, Xiao Xinghe's face overflowed with excitement. He said to Sylvia: "Miss Lin,
let's go." Su Mi looked excited and rushed to Sylvia: "Miss, I didn't expect Xiao Shaozhuang
to prepare Wel , it ’s so intimate! "
Su Mi finished
, and Sylvia, who had not yet responded, was pushed into the carriage.
Two wagons, Su Mi and Sylvia shared a car, Xiaoxinghe and Xiaohong shared a car.
The middle-aged man in a formal dress put down the car curtain, and the two carriages
drove towards the center of the island.
As soon as he got into the carriage, Xiaoxinghe couldn't wait to send a message to his uncle,
wanting to prove whether the matter was related to his uncle.
Xiao Xinghe's words are not as straightforward as they said, and very vaguely express
today that he would like to thank his uncle for his care.
And the uncle of Xiaoxinghe replied, no need to thank.
Upon seeing this reply, Xiao Xinghe was sure in his heart, this time, it must be his uncle's
care for himself, which made Xiao Xinghe's heart ecstatic, his uncle had this status on
Guangming Island, wouldn't it mean that he could be in Guangming Is the island gone
The carriage gradual y drove towards the castle.
In the car, Su Mi was stil excited. "Miss, the owner Xiao Shao is too powerful, and it is really
low-key. Based on his identity on Guangming Island, he really wants to expose it.
That is in Huaxia Guwu. Among the family, there is definitely one of the best, but he did not
tell anyone! "
Sylvia sat in the car and did not speak. Before, she only regarded Xiaojiazhuang as an
ordinary ancient Wu family, and Sujia and Xiaojiazhuang made good friends. , Is a good
choice, but now, if Xiaojiazhuang has such a status, then he has a good relationship with
Xiaoxinghe, but it has changed the taste.
On the island's old castle, at the edge of the old castle, a grimace protruded outwards.
The grimace had fangs, exactly the same as the mask worn by Hellwalker.
At this moment, Henry was standing in the mouth with the grimace wide open, and the two
fangs beside him were sharp and shimmering.
"Boss, Pease has arranged for someone to take the sister-in-law to the castle." In the future,
wearing a white hanfu, her hair curled up behind her head and walked behind Henry.
"Wel ." Henry nodded and looked towards him.
On Guangming Island, you can see a full moon, as if it is just overhead, within reach.
The full moon sprinkled with a faint light on the island that had fal en into a dark, with a
"Boss, the spar had new results last time, would you like to see it?"
"Okay." Henry nodded.
On Guangming Island, she has the world's top and most defensive laboratories. Here, she
can unscrupulously carry out her research in the future.
The laboratory is not on the island, but is located 15 meters below the island. Above the
laboratory, it is covered with granite. If one day Guangming Island was destroyed by
someone, then this laboratory will definitely be destroyed in the end. Yes, here, the most
important thing on the island is preserved, and it is also the thing that the world's forces
are jealous of, Fire Crystal!
Henry joined the future to the entrance of the laboratory.
"Boss, you just have to wait for me. Some experiments have to be done under normal
circumstances." In the future, he took out a tablet computer and reached for a few strokes
on the computer. Seeing that the ground in front of the future gradual y separated toward
the two sides, one A square entrance of two meters in length and width appeared at the
foot of the future.
The future went down this entrance, and after a few minutes, the future reappeared,
holding three test tubes in his hand.
"Boss, this is the liquid extracted from the spar. The energy density in the spar is very high,
and the extraction is very troublesome. This is already the fastest result." In the future,
three test tubes will be handed to Henry.
Henry glanced at the liquid in the test tube, which showed a light blue color. Henry glanced
at it and said, "Is there any ingredient in the fortifying fluid?"
"Wel ." Nodded in the future, "I took a drop on the white mouse and tested it. The result
was similar to that of direct breathing gas, except that the power bonus was more violent,
and it had certain effects on the body Damage, so I added some strengthening liquid to it. "
" What test do you want me to make? "Henry was a little curious. If it is to strengthen his
strength, it should be safer to complete in the laboratory.
Looking at Henry in the future, silent for a few seconds, then slowly spoke, "Boss, I want
you to try, the impact on the environment ..."
At first, a white mouse just breathed the gas raised in the crystal and slammed it. Next, it
can affect the test chamber that is tens of times larger than its size. Now, what I want to do
in the future is to let Henry influence the surrounding environment. Once successful, it will
be an absolute breakthrough!
Henry could n’t help but open his mouth. He did n’t think about what he would say in the
future, but the stronger a person is, the more he will find how small he is compared to this
world, and use his own power to affect the surroundings. The big environment is not just
"Boss, this time, it's not my simple vision!" The future is a little excited, "After calculation,
this is entirely possible, just ..."
"Just this liquid, is it likely to cause damage to me?" Henry took the words from the future.
"Wel ." The future did not deny it, nodded directly, "There is a risk in it."
"It's okay." Henry shook his head, "So many years, what kind of experiments have not been
done, the risky is not bad. How do I do this? "
During this time, many questions lingered in Henry's heart, which brought a lot of pressure
to Henry. Although Henry didn't show it on the surface, he was eager to be stronger in his
heart. In terms of your current strength, if you were in Yinzhou, next to the tomb of the
king, the old man was not holding thatch, but the rust sword, and he would definitely be
seriously injured by a sword!
"Go to the beach." The future reached out and pointed to the city wall.
Henry and the future, walking outside the city wall in the dark, stood on the edge of the
Henry took out a potion and slowly unscrewed the bottle.
The future said: "Boss, don't take too much, ten milliliters is the most!"
She gave Henry the medicine, one with fifty mil iliters in it.
Henry nodded, took a deep breath, and took the medicament. The entrance of the
medicament was a bit like soda. There was no smel . When I swallowed this medicament,
Henry did not feel anything special.
"How long do you need to wait?" Henry moved his limbs.
"About three minutes." In the future, holding a tablet, "Boss, what are your physical
reactions, all tell me."
A minute later , Henry did not feel any strange.
Two minutes passed, there was stil no other feeling.
In the third minute, Henry's chest tightness when he first tested the crystal gas suddenly
"Chest tightness." Henry said.
The future quickly recorded, "What else?"
Henry closed his eyes and could see that at this time, Henry's body was shaking slightly.
"skin irritation, meridian pulse unconsciously, headache ..." Henry's voice slowly sounded
in the future ear.
In the future, fingers will quickly record what is on the tablet.
Henry took a deep breath, "Also, my skin is reddish, it feels like fire, and there is an
indescribable sense of power that is gathering into my body, such as ..." For example, Henry
suddenly stretched out a word Fist, hit the ground heavily.
At this moment, the figure standing there in the future couldn't help but panic. She widened
her eyes and stared at her feet, a crack, which was spreading towards the foot of Henry's
fist and spreading towards her feet!
The cracks are not spreading fast, but be aware that the whole island is filled with a very
hard substance, and the ground is not as hard as steel!
"I feel that there is a force in my body and I want to break out, and all I can do is to vent,
and then vent!"
Henry uttered a low roar, squatting, and punching on the ground with his fists. With the
thump of Henry's fist, there were more and more cracks on the ground, extending along the
edge of the island.
In the future, she felt that the ground under her feet was trembling. She looked carefully at
the location of Henry. At the moment Henry punched, she clearly saw that there was a wave
of air from Henry's fist, On the ground, before Henry's fist touched it, it was already
With a soft click, a gravel on the edge of the island fell from the island and fell into the calm
The sea was quiet. Three seconds later, with a bang, the sea water seemed to be thrown
into a bomb and suddenly burst four meters high.
The sea water soared into the sky, and then scattered, splashing water on the ground.
At this time, Henry exhaled slowly.
In the future, he stared at such a scene, a person, with his own strength, made the ground
tremble and split, and the extended power could bring such great power in the water!
It is no exaggeration to say that such a person, wherever he goes, is comparable to a time
bomb. The power he exerts is too horrible!
The tablet computer in the future shows a red inverted triangle mark. In the future, his eyes
will be locked on this computer screen, which is an urgent reminder of the data.
Every corner of the island has been set up with real-time monitoring facilities in the future.
These monitoring facilities not only see the picture, but also contain the elements
contained in the air, so that the future will be able to learn about anything wrong on the
island in the first time. The place.
At this moment, the data reminder on the computer shows that the place where Henry is
located is the place where his fist hits, there is no air, because Henry's hit, let there form a
vacuum state completely!
This is a powerful force to squeeze all the air out! Even this invisible air can't stand such a
powerful impact. What if Henry's opponent stands there?
Get punched? Smashed into puree?
Do not!
Shaking her head in the future, her achievements in the science field told him that if a
person faces an attack like Henry, unless they can rival Henry in strength, otherwise, there
is only one waiting for that person's end, that is ... …break down!
Completely decompose and erase from this world, leaving no traces!
what is this? This is the ability that the creator has! Henrychang exhaled slowly, got up
slowly, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and stretched out his hands to take a look.
After just such a powerful blow, his hands were not damaged at al .
"Boss, how do you feel? Has it been like last time?" Future asked.
"Sleepy." When Henry spoke, there was a tired expression on his face. Last time, he only
inhaled gas and punched, and fell into a lethargy as soon as he left the laboratory.
In terms of density and density, they are much higher than the last time, and they even
scored dozens of punches.
Nodded in the future, "The energy contained in this crystal is too large, and it feels that
sleepiness is a self-protection mechanism of the body, but it is certain that as long as it is
within the range of the human body, this thing does not have much side effects."
Henry carefully packed the remaining two four-fifths of the potion. This thing is a killer tool
that can improve physical strength in a very short time.
The most important thing is that Henry has an intuition. After taking this potion, every
punch he punched contains immortality!
That's Qi, and Qi is lethal. It fits the records in Grandpa Zhu Yuanjiu's book. Qi enters the
body and cannot be discharged for a long time!
It is completely different from the anger that the red woman saw at the Zhu family last
A sea breeze blew, with a cool breath, Henry shook his head, trying to make himself more
energetic, and walked towards the ancient castle in the center of the island in the future.
At this time, the island is already very quiet.
Henry, who was walking on the road, stopped suddenly and sipped in his mouth, "Come
"Boss, right behind." The future turned directly.
After Henry said "come out", the computer in the future told her exactly where he was.
"Oh, Lord Satan, still alert as always." A hoarse voice sounded from the darkness.
I saw that a figure hidden under the black robe appeared from the darkness.
"King O'Leigh?" His eyes calmed down when he saw this figure in the future.
"Oh, it's rare that the future Wang still remembers me as a little person." King O'Leigh gave
a hoarse laugh, which was extremely harsh.
In the future, he shook his head. "I don't think that there are small people in the top ten
global master list."
King Ole, the global underground world master list, ranked seventh!
"King Ole, you didn't sleep so late, appeared behind me, shouldn't you want to find me for
supper?" Henryqiang endured the drowsiness in his heart. At this moment, tiredness swept
to him like a tide, let him light It's hard to open my eyes.
"It would be an honor for me to have supper with Lord Satan." King Ole took a step
forward. "I just want to chal enge, the strongest in the world."
"Chal enge me Boss? "There was a chuckle on the face of the future," King Ole, are you a
little too worthy of yourself? "
" If you put it in the past, of course you dare not. "King Ole said," But now ... I just listen He
said that Lord Satan was seriously injured and survived the battle with President Wang. It
was a fluke, but it made me feel itchy and unbearable. Lord Satan, in order to show respect
to you, I will be brazen and move first! "
At the moment when King Ole's voice fell, he turned into a phantom and swept towards
"Come on!" The future sipped, and saw her finger swipe on the computer screen, and the
next second, she turned a silver gleam under her feet The small turret, the turret aimed at
King Ore at the first time.
The future at this time gives people a sense of vision of Iron Man in the Marvel drama,
which is surrounded by high technology al the time.
Henry stretched out his hand, beckoning the future not to act rashly, he watched King
O'Leigh get closer and closer to him, stretched his foot and kicked hard on the ground, the
whole figure quickly retreated.
This one action made Henry feel a strange feeling in his heart. If only one word is used to
describe it, that is, Gone with the Wind!
Henry has done this kind of movement countless times, but he has never felt like this day.
His whole body is light and flirty, light and extremely fast. This makes Henry wonder, what
is the situation?
King Ole did not have so many thoughts about Henry. He rushed and missed a shot, and
once again protruded his hand. When he pushed his hand out of the cloak, he could see that
King Ole ’s arm was like dead wood. Infiltration.
Henry took a deep breath and punched a punch. At the moment of punching this punch,
another strange feeling struck. Henry found that there seemed to be an invisible breath
gathered on his fist face. This feeling It's exactly the same as when you punched after taking
the potion, except that the power was countless times smaller.
This discovery made Henry's heart rejoicing and couldn't help it. He just mastered it by
Originally, Henry wanted to defeat King Ole, and went back to rest earlier, but with this
discovery, Henry did not want to defeat King Ole too quickly. With the strength of King Ole,
it just happened to be his training target. , Neither strong nor weak.
King Ole, feeling the punch from Henry, stopped it without pain or pain. Such a result made
him sneer in his heart. Sure enough, this so-called hell monarch is about to run out of lights!
King Oleman made a crazy move to Henry, his dead wood-like hands with a powerful force.
Faced with the attack of King Ore, Henry began to dodge, he found that he was not an il
usion, it was true that the whole person seemed to have a lot of movements, the actions
that could only be done in the past can now be easily done, but it can only be done. Time
doesn't exercise much. What is going on?
Henry also punched with one punch. He found that the kind of qi covered on the fist surface
was not accidental when he punched the first punch. Sexual lethality, but in a way, it is a
substantial breakthrough!
After dozens of strokes, Henry closed his fists, turned the fist into two fingers, and learned
how to move the old man beside Wang Ling.
The old man practiced only one sword for decades, and only one trick for each sword.
This trick is equivalent to his full strength. It is his strongest and weakest. When that sword
stabbed, Henry felt palpitations. What he has to do is to learn the strength of the other
party. In this movement, Henry will imitate as soon as he is idle, and now he has mastered
one or two points.
After hundreds of tricks in a row, King Ole was more excited in his heart, because he found
that Satan was indeed much weaker than before, and indeed, the rumor was true!
in case! If you can cut Satan's head tonight, that's definitely a big deal! Thinking that the
organization might give him a reward, King O'Leigh couldn't help but Yang Tianchang Xiao.
"Satan, die!" King O'Leigh shouted, his claws came out, and grabbed Henry's shoulders.
In the face of King Ole's move, Henry was not in a hurry, and his body retreated. With this
move, Henry could easily escape before Henry's lightness remained unchanged, not to
mention the present.
Just when Henry wanted to dodge, the heavy tiredness, like a wave of the sea, swept to
Henry. At this moment, Henry only felt his head dizzy, and even his body movements were
a bit slow.
Masters are overstretched, and superiority is nothing short of instant. Although King Olein
and Henry have a huge gap in power, in any case, they are also the top ten experts in the
world. Henry's slow action is enough for King Olein to do a lot of things.
"Sure enough, just now, are they all bracing!" King O'Leigh sneered, originally grabbing the
hand of Henry's shoulders, directly changing the direction, grabbing Henry's chest, this is
real y going to be pulled into the heart nest by King Ore, Henry will definitely be seriously
injured. Although he is strong, he is only a mortal, not a god.
At a critical moment, a string of fire tongues flew, and the silver turret in front of the future
spit out fire, driving King Ore back.
King Ole snorted coldly, and he knew that he was in a hurry. Here, not only Satan alone, but
also one of the ten kings of Bright Island, it was obviously impossible for him to take Satan
’s life, but in the meeting tomorrow In the face of everyone, I can challenge Satan in the face
of words, and live and die on the ring.
King O'Leigh shook his cloak, several figures jumped, and disappeared into the darkness.
Henry's footsteps were vain, one was staggered, and the other was planted forward.
In the future, his eyes were fast, and he quickly approached Henry before he let Henryzhe
fall to the ground. Looking again, Henry's eyes closed tightly, and apparently passed out.
In the future, he supported Henry and stroked his hand on the tablet, "Idiot, come here, the
boss col apsed!"
A few minutes after the future news was sent out, I saw Wade White Fenghuo rushing.
"What's the matter with the boss?" Wade White was anxious when he saw Henry lying
unconscious in the arms of the future.
"Go to the laboratory first."
Henry on the back of Wade White, and the future came to the laboratory.
In the laboratory, various sophisticated instruments are enough to dazzle people.
Henry only wore a pair of underpants and lay on a wide experimental table. He stood in
front of a screen in the future and analyzed various data in Henry's body.
"How is it?" Wade White stood next to the future with a worried look.
"Hoo ~" The future took a long breath and shook his head. "It's okay, the boss is too tired,
so he fainted. That crystal definitely has the effect of enhancing the muscle
strength of the human body. The last time the boss inhaled the gas proposed in the crystal
Some minor changes have taken place, this time taking the liquid, you see. "
In the future, a data table will be brought up. The data on this data table is very clear, and
Wade White can understand it at a glance.
"Strength, speed, and bone strength have al increased by 50%?" Wade White looked at the
data on the screen and opened his eyes wide, unable to believe it.
At this time, the data in front of Wade White is not Henry's explosive power in an instant,
but the result obtained after the whole person calms down! For ordinary people, a 50%
increase will not shock Wade White.
However, Henry is not an ordinary person!
Henry's physical quality, from muscle strength, bone strength, strength and speed, has
reached a human limit, and can break through a bit at the limit It's a terrible thing. Now, it's
even more than 50%.
Lying on the bench, pointing to the future of Henry, "You see, impurities in the boss body
has discharged a lot of circumstances, have to wait for the boss woke up, let the boss to
conduct a new test."
White nodded pool, "Just don't know, when will the boss wake up." The future shrugged.
"As far as the present situation is concerned, it is best to wake up at noon tomorrow. The
matter of the conference, let Uncle Pease change the process.
Wel , let those people rank first. "
" Okay, let me tell Old Pease. "Wade White nodded and left the laboratory.
Overnight, quietly passed.
The next morning, when the sun rose, the sun shone on the old castle in the center of the
Sylvia lay on the wide bed and rubbed her sleepy eyes. There was a fragrance in the room,
which had a calming effect, which made her sleep extremely comfortable last night.
The entire room is at least 80 square meters. In addition to a large bed, there is a
cloakroom, where new clothes are placed, al from famous designers from various
An exquisite dressing table is placed in front of Sylvia's bed.
The wide garden balcony is filled with blooming flowers, making people feel like they are in
a dream.
Sylvia came to the balcony subconsciously. When the sun bathed her body, she was like a
flower fairy. She rotated around in situ. Last night, she changed her nightdress to open up
to the surroundings. If anyone sees such a scene, it will definitely To her astonishment,
even the most gorgeous flowers, they are not as beautiful as she is.
Sylvia realized that she was a little sick, she looked around and found that no one noticed
herself. She spit out her tongue playfully, walked to the bed, and picked up the phone.
Sylvia was taken aback, it was already nine o'clock in the morning!
Yesterday, the person in charge of the Ji family specifically informed everyone that they
would gather at 8 o'clock this morning. They were obviously already late.
Sylvia did not care about makeup, did a simple wash, and quickly opened the door.
The door just opened, Sylvia saw Su Mi was sitting in the garden corridor outside the door,
holding a delicate snack, and was slowly eating.
"Miss, you are awake." Su Mi Chong Sylvia smiled.
"Let's be late." Sylvia's face was a bit ugly. He was late for the first time to attend the
underground world conference, which will definitely have a great impact on the Su family.
"Miss, you don't have to worry too much, all the little smile owners have arranged." Su Mi
waved her hand carelessly.
Aside, two young girls aged 18 or nine came slowly and bowed respectfully to Sylvia.
"Ma'am, you're awake, let's serve you."
"Serve ... serve me?" Sylvia listened to both The words of a famous young girl didn't come
back. Although she was born in a wealthy family from an early age, she was still unable to
enjoy such things as being served as a wash.
"Miss, we are not in a hurry, you can take a shower, have breakfast, and go to the meeting
before it's too late." Su Mi waved her hand.
Sylvia nodded in amazement, which was completely different from what the person in
charge of the Ji family said.
"Madam, please!" The two girls walked to the door."Which ... I'll do it myself." Sylvia
rejected the request of the two girls to serve, and returned to the house by himself.
"Then I will adjust the water temperature for you." A girl walked into the room and careful
y adjusted the water temperature in the bathtub for Sylvia.
The other girl chose clothing for Sylvia, and told Sylvia of all the information such as today's
temperature, to provide Sylvia with advice on no less than six types of outfits.
Sylvia only felt her head buzz. This kind of imperial enjoyment, she had never encountered.
Until Sylvia finished bathing, put on new clothes and put on light makeup, there was a
feeling of cloudiness and fog.
"Ma'am, you are so beautiful." Two young girls could not help but admire Sylvia after seeing
the bathing and dressing changes. Her eyes showed envy. This is indeed a king's woman.
Sylvia's long skirt resembles snow, and the delicate and beautiful facial features are
rippling with a warm smile that seems to be able to disperse all the darkness. meaning.
Her eyes are as bright as stars, and the light is standing here, giving people a sense of
nobility and holiness.
Outside the door, Su Mi, Xiao Xing He, and Xiao Hong are all waiting here.
"Does it take so long to dress up? I thought it was a beauty contest." Xiaohong pouted and
said uncomfortably. Although a few people are not in a hurry now, Xiaohong just doesn't
like to wait for Sylvia here.
The door lock made a soft sound and the door opened.
When Sylvia walked out of the door of the room, Su Mi outside the door had some straight
eyes. Even looking at Sylvia's unhappy little red, he couldn't pick out anything wrong with
Xiao Xinghe opened his eyes wide, his eyes unwilling to leave Sylvia.
"Miss, you are too beautiful, who married you, is real y a blessing!" Su Mi folded her hands
on her chest.
Sylvia smiled. Ten thousand words of praise from others couldn't be more than Henry.
She said flatly: "Let's go, it's not too early."
"It's okay lady." Su Mi said indifferently. "The owner Xiaoxiao has already arranged it.
We have another place."
As soon as Su Mi's words fell, Xiao Xinghe took out four badges from his hands.
The four badges were originally handed to Sylvia by Pease, but just after Sylvia was
washing, the man handed the badge to Xiaoxinghe and said, "Sir, the lord has arranged the
best seat. With this The badge can enter. "
Xiao Xinghe is natural, so he took this matter as a special arrangement for his uncle.
"Miss Lin, I arranged it without permission. I hope you won't hate it." Xiao Xinghe showed a
self-assured smile and walked forward.
Sylvia shook his head, did not speak, and walked behind Xiaoxinghe.
Su Mi was walking next to Sylvia, holding Sylvia's skirt constantly, and anxiously said:
"Miss, this little smile owner is simply too powerful. Fortunately, he is low-key, others do
not know him The relationship with Guangming Island, otherwise I do n’t know how many
young ladies from the big family have posted it up. You have to hold it tight. I can see that
XiaoxiaoZhuangzhu is interesting to you. "
Sylvia shook his head, "Forget it, I will tel him clearly later."
Looking at Sylvia's indifferent appearance, Su Mi stomped anxiously.
The underground world conference is held in the castle on this island.
When Sylvia came here, the whole meeting place was already ful .
This venue is like an indoor football field, surrounded by a layer of stands. In the center,
there is such a platform. At this moment, there is no one on it, it is dark, so that people can
not see what is specific.
Sylvia saw that around the indoor venue, there were several carved statues of the devil,
with long horns on the head of the demon, exposed fangs, and wings on the back. One of the
demons even had a six-winged one. The angel is pressed under his claws, and people can
feel a brutality just by looking at it.
"Yo, the surname Lin is here, but it seems that there is no place to sit." Sylvia just entered
the meeting room, and then heard a playful voice passing into his ears. The person who
made this sound happened to have robbed Sylvia's room last night. people.
Sylvia glanced at the other party without speaking.
This is Su Mi's head held up, walking in front of the other party, where the other party is
sitting, but it is in the middle of the seat of the venue, not in front of it. This position belongs
to the Su family. , To occupy the position of the Su family.
Su Mi looked at each other and sneered. "You just continue to sit here, Grandma has
another place to sit!"
Just now Xiao Xinghe told Su Mi that the four badges he had in his hands were sitting in the
front row, the most Close to the position of the central platform.
"Is there a place to sit? Take the corridor?" The woman smiled disdainful y.
"You!" Su Mi just started to speak and was interrupted by Sylvia.
Sylvia shook his head, "Forget it, let's sit down first."
Su Mi saw that Sylvia had made a noise, and he didn't say much. He stared at the woman
fiercely. Then, under the woman's unbelievable gaze, Go to the front seat and sit down.
"How is it possible! Why are they eligible to sit there?" The women of the Xiong family
couldn't help but say that they could sit in the front row. Those are the figures with faces in
the underground world.
As far as ancient Chinese martial arts circles are concerned, only the four major families of
Ji, Jiang, Bai and Zhujia are eligible to sit there. Zhujia, and only contemporary house
owners, have this possibility.
When Sylvia sat down in the first row, they immediately attracted a lot of attention.
Some people who had known Xiaoxinghe and Sylvia before were al wondering how they
would sit here.
Zhu JiazhuYuanjiu sat in the first row. When he saw Sylvia, he smiled at Sylvia. Zhu Yuanjiu
knew the matter of the Su family heir, and Zhu Yuanjiu also knew that this one was Henry.
However, the people of the three capitals in Beijing are not very clear about Sylvia's
identity. After seeing Sylvia sitting here, he was very surprised.
At the moment, Henry was still lying on the experimental table in the laboratory of
Guangming Island, stil asleep.
Both Wade White and the future stand beside the experimental platform.
"Girl, when will the boss wake up? This time, the boss must show up. Now there are a lot of
rumors outside. During this time when the boss disappeared, many people guessed that the
boss was dead. Today, the boss must come forward to break the rumor." Wade White said
anxiously. .
In the future, he shook his head. "It's not clear yet. According to the test results, the boss
has recovered from deep sleep and may open his eyes at any time."
"Shall we ... wake up the boss?" Wade White asked tentatively.
"Absolutely not!" The future immediately stopped the idea of Wade White, "The boss's
sleep this time is different from the ordinary sleep. This night, his physical functions are
changing. If he wakes up the boss hurriedly, it is likely to treat him What damage caused,
you first let Uncle Pease organize for the competition, the boss wakes up, I will take the
boss in the first time. "There is
a trace of embarrassment on Wade White's face , "That can only be the case, I hope the boss
can wake up today. If the boss does not attend this time, it is estimated that the rumors
outside will convince more people. "
In the hall held by the Underground World Congress, a white light suddenly dropped from
the ceiling, forming a beam of light, shining on the dark platform.
When this white light appeared, the originally noisy meeting place was quiet at this
moment, and everyone couldn't help looking at the gathering place of the light beam.
A figure with gray hair, standing in the beam of light, this is an old man who looks old.
His figure is mao, and he can't stand upright, but there are no big people present, dare to
underestimate this man on stage, only something. Newcomers who do not understand,
looked at the old man on stage with a puzzled look.
"The big housekeeper, Mr. Pease." He and Sylvia whispered across the Xiaoxinghe sitting
next to Su Mi, "It is said that this big housekeeper of Guangming Island was one of the
original founders of Guangming Island, even the Satan, the hell king, He is regarded as an
elder, do n’t look at the old Mr. Pease. As far as the people present, so many masters can
deal with him without losing, there are no more than five people. This person is also the
bright island except the hell king , The most powerful person! "
Although Su Mi came to participate in an underground world conference, that time, she had
no chance to enter the hal , let alone see the big housekeeper of Guangming Island.
Looking at Pease, Su Mi said, "This old gentleman looked very kind. He didn't expect to be
one of the ten kings of Bright Island, and one of the demon leaders."
"City?" Xiao Xinghe smiled, "Millions Do n’t be fooled by Mr. Pease ’s appearance.
Twenty years ago, in the age when the underground world was still ruled by the King ’s
Association, because of the conflict with the King, this Mr. Pease killed the King ’s
Association al night. One thousand seven hundred and forty-six people made a street full of
corpses at the time, but this one could not be touched with kindness. "
" One thousand and seventy-six people! "Su Mi's eyes widened," He turned out to be Kil ed
so many people? "
"That's just one of many records in his life." Xiao Xinghe shook his head. "Does the Ten
Kings of Guangming Island have any good roles?"
Sylvia also heard Xiao Xinghe's words, which made her Sighing, when I first saw the old
man on the stage, the first impression she gave was also kind, but I didn't expect it to have
such a terrible record.
Sylvia is different from Su Mi. She hasn't been in contact with Gu Wu for a long time. In her
past cognition, kil ing a person is a death sentence, not to mention, this is a life counted in
Pease stood on the stage, looked around, and then spoke. He did not carry any microphone
headset or other devices, but the sound could be clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone
"Everyone here, I already have a lot of old friends. I will not introduce myself. It is an
honour. Everyone can come here to enjoy the face. I do n’t need to talk too much about the
nonsense. I do n’t want to say much, then ... welcome everyone, come CHAPTER 504
Whenthe word "Illumination Island" is spoken, everyone present feels that their eardrums
are aching. It feels like someone has a big ear in their ears call.
The three characters of Guangming Island linger in their ears again and again.
Through a simple voice, Pease made people aware of his strength. Those young people who
had taken him lightly at the moment did not dare to show the atmosphere.
Pease not only proved his strength to everyone present, but also proved the strength of
Bright Island.
This is just one of the ten kings of Bright Island.
Pease fel , and remained silent for a minute. At this minute, there were thousands of people
in the entire venue without any noise. Everyone held their breaths and couldn't even dare
to talk quietly.
A minute later, Pease spoke again, "You guys, this time, I will organize this year's rankings.
All those who want to initiate a challenge can start now."
"Now?" Some people can't bear the words of Pease Live a suspicious voice.
Normally, this ranking battle requires the presence of the Ten Kings of Guangming Island.
Although some people have been stronger than the Ten Kings of Guangming Island, the
existence of the Ten Kings is not a personal deterrent but a status symbol.
Just like Pease, he is the great housekeeper of Bright Island, one of the ten kings of Bright
Island, but at the same time, he is also a cardinal of the Holy See.
The Holy See has a very high status in Western countries. The Holy See is not only among
the ordinary people, but also plays an important role in the underground world.
Some people have said that the Pope of the Holy See can use magic. Of course, This
argument is only in the rumors, and no one believes it, but it is enough to see how powerful
the Holy See is.
Pease, another name, he was cal ed, Lucifer in the Holy See!
Lucifer in Western mythology was originally the most powerful archangel in the kingdom
of heaven, and eventually fell to hel .
The rest of the king ring owners of Guangming Island also have super high status, and the
ranking without these witnesses is incomplete.
Most importantly, in this year, everyone believes that the hell king will appear in this
underground world conference.
In recent months, there have been countless rumors in the underground world. At that
time, the owner of the island of Guangming Island and the Wang Hui would have a battle.
What was the result of that battle? No one knows. , But the price is extremely high, the
whole person is already crippled, otherwise it will not be silent for so long.
Some people also said that when they saw the figure of Wang Hui in an isolated island
somewhere, in that battle, it should be that Wang Hui won and the owner of Guangming
Island fel .
At first, no one believed this rumor, but with the disappearance of the hel king, more and
more people believe this statement.
If today, the hell king does not show up, this rumor will be fully confirmed.
Pease didn't pay attention to the uproar that came around him, because he knew that hell
king did nothing! He looked around and said, "
Everyone, if you want to challenge, go on stage!" The people sitting in the stands, you look
at me, I look at you, no one speaks. This so-called ranking is only for There are very few
people who are at the top of the world.
Only those who are in the top 100 of the rankings will show up to chal enge, and those who
can walk to the top 100 in the world will know each other very well and know whether
they can beat each other. Ranking challenges are all passing. "Since there is no col eague on
stage, then I will come!"
Among the Chinese ancient Wu family, a middle-aged man in a green shirt stood up with a
sword. It was Bai Xuan who appeared in the port yesterday Ranked 97th in the world's top
100 list.
Behind Bai Xuan, carrying an iron sword, slowly walked down to the stand and came to the
stage, then, hidden in the darkness on the stage.
"Bai Mingjian, who are you going to challenge?" Pease said, what he cal ed was Bai Xuan's
codename in this underground world.
"Tiger Boxing, Benson!" Bai Xuan's voice sounded.
Hearing Bai Xuan's voice, there was a burst of exclamation in the stands.
Xiao Xinghe looked at the stage and said: "Tiger Boxing Benson, ranked 80th in the world's
top 100. Bai Xuan is going to challenge more than a dozen people. It seems that this time,
Bai Xuan has ful confidence. "
Pease nodded, turned around, and rushed to the stands to open," Tiger Fist Benson,
challenge! "
A roar sounded, a corner of the stands, a flexible yellow man jumped a few, and came to the
platform on.
Tiger Fist Benson is only one meter six or eight in height, and is considered short among
men, but his strength is not to be underestimated. A pair of fists, claimed to be able to easily
penetrate the steel plate, can rank 80th in the world's top 100 list. It is by no means a
prestigious person.
Standing between Baixuan and Benson, Pease said: "Once the challenge begins, unless one
side admits defeat, or dies, can the challenge be concluded, do you understand?"
Baixuan nodded.
Benson shook his head and waved his fist into the void.
Here, there is no law, some are only underground laws, and underground laws are
established on top of blood.
There are no rules, that is, the rules on this ring, no matter what means, whether you are
poisoned or threatened, as long as you can defeat your opponents, all means are al owed!
Pease stretched out one hand and then fell heavily.
When Pease's arm fel , the two standing on the platform moved together.
On the ceiling of the hall, two light beams were dropped and hit them.
The two acted very quickly. Bai Xuan pulled out the iron sword behind him and made a
sound of a sword, rippling in the air like a wave of water.
But Benson is bare-handed. He didn't take any weapons, because his fist is the best
The people in the stands carefully watched the movements of the two people on the stage.
Even the world's top 100 masters who ranked higher than the two people were all
attentive. One person can become a master, not by luck. Their efforts are inseparable, and
they will find ways to strengthen themselves at al times.
In just a few breathing rooms, the two on the stage were fighting together.
This is Sylvia's true sense. For the first time, she watched the battle between the two
ancient warriors very carefully.
The battle between the two on the field is more exciting and thrilling than the martial arts
scenes in those TV series and movies.
Bai Xuan stabs straight at Benson's throat.
Benson turned around, escaped the sword, and punched him.
Bai Xuan resisted with a sword, and apparently col ided with Benson's fist, but made a
sound of steel symphony.
The two acted very quickly, and ordinary people like Sylvia could not see clearly. She could
not help but make a comparison in her mind. What would happen to these two people
compared with Henry?
The two people on the , the more they fight, the more fierce.
Benson can be ranked 80th in the world's top 100 list. His strength cannot be
underestimated. Facing Bai Xuan's sword, he dodges casual y, his fists rush like rain, and hit
Bai Xuan, making Bai Xuan only tired. withstand.
"It seems that Bai Xuan is dangerous this time." Some of the Ji family said so.
The person who sat in the first place of the Bai family didn't care. "Bai Xuan can take the
stage, he natural y has his confidence." The
Ji family listened to the Bai family's words, a little dumb, and it seemed that Bai Xuan still
had no cards.
Outside the venue, in an underground laboratory.
"Girl, go, we have to go to the town, otherwise those people have to jump up." Wade White
knocked on the glass door of the laboratory and said.
"Wel , good." The future nodded and walked away reluctantly from the experimental bench.
She was more interested in research than the so-called underground world conference.
The hands of the future are continuously swiping on the screen in front of him. When the
last interface is swiped, the future is stunned.
"Girl, what's wrong, what?" Wade White pushed open the glass door and walked in.
"No, it's nothing." In the future, he quickly crossed out the last interface and replied in a
panic tone.
Wade White gave a strange look at the future. "Let's go."
"Okay." The future nodded and walked out of the laboratory with Wade White. At the
moment when the laboratory door was closed, the future couldn't help but turn around and
looked at lying Henry on the experimental table.
Just now, in the last interface on the screen, the future will clearly see that there is a qi in
Henry ’s abdomen, forming a vortex, and staying there, and the energy component in the qi
and the white crystal The energy composition is exactly the same!
When Weihe and Wade White came out of the venue, there were already five figures
waiting here.
"Let's go, we should go in." Luna is wearing the purple mopping long skirt, and wearing a
lavender laurel wreath on her jade forehead, it gives a sense of nobility.
"Haha, you have all seen your sister-in-law, I'll go and give her a good sister first." Alex
hahawith a scimitar smiled, strode into the meeting place.
Bald Poseidon looked at this scene and shook his head helplessly. He knew the character of
Alex. This person is the most fierce one of the ten kings of Guangming Island in appearance,
but he likes to play with people. .
"Let's go first, don't worry about him." Redhead pouted his robe.
In the meeting place, Bai Xuan and Benson had reached the most critical time, and the two
were making moves so fast that most of the people on the scene could no longer see clearly.
Sylvia looked dumbfounded at this time. No wonder Su Mi would say that the terrible
underground world is not what he can imagine. On the strength of these two people on
stage, if they take it out, they are both invincible characters, but here , Can only be ranked
behind the top 100.
Sylvia did not dare to imagine what it would be like if Henryzhen wanted to clash with
these two people.
This made Sylvia take a sigh of relief. It seems that he chose to leave Henry. He is right.
If he is implicated in him and is stared by these people, Sylvia will live in self-blame in his
"Ben Sen, you are very strong, if you can take my last sword, I will admit defeat!" Bai Xuan
single-handed sword, Jian Feng pointed directly at the ground, you can see, Bai Xuan's arm,
a slight Trembling.Benson did not speak, his eyes stared at Bai Xuan like an eagle.
Bai Xuan took a deep breath, no more nonsense, and suddenly a sword stabbed.
When this sword came out, everyone in the room heard a sound of sword singing, as if it
was about to scratch the eardrum.
Benson, who was standing not far in front of Bai Xuan, suddenly shrank his pupils, and then
spread out completely.
As Benson's pupils dilated, a burst of blood sprayed from his throat.
Benson was just like that, standing straight, lying on the ground, blood flowing down the
platform slowly.
Bai Xuan panted heavily, as if the sword had exhausted al his strength.
Sylvia, who was watching this scene, closed her eyes subconsciously. When did she see
such a scene, and the murder happened before her eyes! Although Su Mi has long heard
about the cruelty of the underground world, when she actual y saw this scene, she stil felt
shocked. Some things, which are not understandable by listening alone, must be
experienced by yourself!
Bai Xuan's victory made the place where the Bai family sat, there was a burst of cheers.
The loser, Benson, didn't even get a second glance.
Pease returned to the stage and announced Bai Xuan's victory.
"Is there another challenger?" Pease looked around and made a sound.
Sylvia at the moment only feels his heart beating.
"Beautiful lady, please drink tea." A strong black man walked to Sylvia, holding an exquisite
tea cup in his hand, and the mouth was stil steaming.
Just when he entered the field, Alex thought a lot, and even checked it on the Internet, and
finally decided to show his sister-in-law the way of respecting tea.
Sylvia's heart that was bouncing around was startled by the sudden appearance of Alex.
What happened? Someone came to give him tea?
Zhu Yuanjiu was sitting not far from Sylvia. When he saw this scene, he nodded secretly. It
seemed that Henry had already identified this woman. Otherwise, how would Alex, one of
the ten kings of Guangming Island, come to tea What.
People from the Bai, Jiang, and Ji families also saw this scene with these horrors on their
faces. They had just guessed what the identity of the four Sylvia was, how could
they sit here, and now they saw it with their own eyes, Ya Alex came over to tea? How many
people in this world can let one of the ten kings of Guangming Island personally worship
tea? When did Huaxia come out with such a few big names!
Sitting beside laugh galaxy, to see someone Han Lin offer tea, but did not give himself, sour
expression, snapped: "? Not know the rules of the things that we sit four people, you end a
cup of tea to"
laugh Xinghe obviously regarded Alex as the layman on the island.
Alex looked at Xiao Xinghe with a weird look and said, "Why should I give you tea?"
"Joke!" Xiao Xinghe sneered. This is how he could show his status in front of Sylvia.
After this opportunity, "Your master hasn't taught you, how should you treat the
dignitaries? Go away and pour three more cups of tea. I want the best hairy tip, do you
understand ?" "I don't understand." Alec Sri Lanka shook his head to make him respect the
tea. Except for his sister-in-law, it was absolutely impossible to have anyone else.
"Have you said to me that you don't understand?" Xiao Xinghe's face was angry, staring at
Alex, "believe it or not, I let Wang An chop you!"
Wang An in the comedian river mouthis his uncle on the island. Now, comedian river has
determined that his uncle has super high on the island Status.
"Chop me?" Alex grinned.
"Why, are you questioning what I said?" Xiao Xinghe was very displeased. He thought that
this person made him embarrassed in front of Sylvia.
"I was just thinking, how are you going to chop me." Alex showed his white teeth and put
his palms subconsciously on his scimitar.
At this moment, there was a sound on the stage.
"Since no one has issued any more chal enges, then, this meeting has officially started!"
Pease shouted on the stage.
When the four-character formally started, the gate of the entire hall was closed at this time.
At the same time, countless warriors wearing black steel armor appeared around the
venue. These armor warriors were worn on each face. Wearing a grimace mask, holding a
sharp blade.
At the moment these soldiers appeared, it seemed that the temperature in the air had
dropped a lot.
Also at this time, a spotlight was laid down from the ceiling of the hall and directly locked
on Alex.
Suddenly lit the spotlight in front of his eyes, let Xiao Xinghe subconsciously reach out.
Pease's words rang clearly in everyone's ears.
"The demon that climbed out of the bloody sea of the corpse mountain, he came to the
blood wave, the corpse bone paved the way for him, his scimitar is the sharpest kil er in the
world, he is the owner of the killing ring!
As soon as Pease's voice fell, those Hellwalkers who had just appeared around the venue
wearing black armor and grimace masks all roared out!
"Kill, Alex!"
At this moment, Alex suddenly withdrew his scimitar, and the cold mang flashed in the
dark, the scimitar flew in the air, spinning in the air, exuding cold mang, and final y, landed
on a huge platform, which had a large The seat, which is as luxurious as the throne, is made
of orange gems, which is the color of the Alex ring!
The original arrogant Xiaoxinghe, at this moment, was as if being chopped by thunder,
froze here.
In front of him, this is Guangming Island ... one of the ten kings?
A strong fear spread in the heart of Xiaoxinghe.
Alex smiled at the galaxy and whispered softly, "Boy, I'm waiting for you to chop me."
After that, Alex strode on the stage, fol owed by the spotlight, and went there Sitting next to
the orange throne.
Xiao Xinghe sat there, his legs trembling non-stop, just now, he was clamoring with the king
of Bright Island?
Sylvia was shocked by Alex's identity, and was even more puzzled. How could this king of
Bright Island give himself tea?
After Alex sat on the throne, those hellwalkers wearing armor and grimace masks all stood
behind Alex, exhaling a sullen air.
Pease ’s voice sounded again, “It ’s madness and devilishness. He is standing behind the
bloody sea of corpses, looking out at the world. With his wisdom, he kills invisible, he has a
colorless king ring, It may appear in any corner of the world. Anyone you meet may or may
not be him, the owner of the Ring of
Tricks ! " " Trick, Izar. "In the surrounding stands, a figure Suddenly stood up with a deep
voice in his mouth.
At this time, another spotlight shone in the past.
The person standing in the spotlight suddenly reached out and tore a tear off his face. A
human skin mask was removed, revealing a thin white Caucasian face. It was Izar. , the
person who was sitting next to Izar suddenly surprised, "You ... you ..."
"Sorry." Izar smiled slightly at the person, "When your friend spoke yesterday , Offended
me, I put his skin in his bedroom, you can find it when you go back. "
Izar finished, throwing the human skin mask in his hand, walking down the stands and
walking towards the platform. Go, next to Alex's seat, there is a seat that changes color with
the surrounding environment.
Izar's appearance does not have the violentness of Alex, but it gives people a particularly
cold feeling. Such a person, you don't even know when he will appear in front of you, giving
you a fatal blow!
Izar walked slowly to the throne and sat down.
After Izar was seated, Pease spoke again.
"Desire ..."
"Okay, no need to say anything!" A sudden scream sounded, interrupting Pease's words.
I saw a man who was hidden in his cloak, got up from the stand, and strode toward the
"King Ole! King Ole in seventh place in the Top 100!"
"What does he want to do!" The
attendees were unclear why King Ole suddenly broke out and interrupted Pease.
"King Ole, are you going to challenge on stage? The chal enge is over." Pease looked at King
Ole with a disgruntled look.
"Oh." King O'Leigh laughed hoarsely, "I'm going to chal enge, but I'm not challenged by any
one of the top 100, but ..."
King Ole said this and suddenly took off his cloak. Exposing the body like a dead bone,
looking around, shouting, "My challenge is that you King of Bright Island, Satan!"
King Ole's words, like a bombshel , were thrown into the crowd Among them, caused a
burst of exclamation.
Challenge the hell king? Where is his courage!
Although King Olle is seventh in the Top 100, and already in the ranks of the world's top
experts, compared with this hel king, the difference is stil too far.
A person in charge of the Bai family shook his head, "There is a rumor that I heard that King
Ole and the underground king met last night, and they also fought, and finally ended in the
failure of the underground king."
"How is it possible!" Some people did not believe, " Austrian kings of strength I know, but
how can not grow to the point, can threaten the king of hel . " "
not him grow, king of hell itself out of the question. " "
this ...... "
heard the news of People do n’t know what to say.
Hell King, a generation of underground world legend, used the shortest time to stand at the
pinnacle of the underground world. No one can surpass his record, and it is impossible.
This legend has fallen like this?
"I, Constantine Dean, challenge the King of Hel !" Following King Ole, a Western man stood
up from the stands.
"Constantine, the demon hunter in the Western world, who has volunteered his entire life,
is a hand-held hell lord, and now ranks second in the world's top 100 list, with strong
strength." Someone said Constantine's identity.
Constantine wore a leather jacket, carrying a giant sword behind him, and walked onto the
"My Bil er, chal enge the hell king!"
"XiaoshanXinming, chal enge the lord king." A short island man stepped down from the
several people walked off the stand in succession, and they al chal enged the underground
It can be seen that Old Pease's face is very ugly, Bright Island, has never been so
The Bai family sighed: "I am afraid that these people received the news last night, knowing
the situation of the underground king, and now they al jump out."
"That's no way." A Ji family sitting next to the Bai family said, "Guangming Island is too
strong. They have risen in just a few years and crushed al underground forces. Leaders of
all countries have to buy the account of Guangming Island. There are too many people who
want to see the devil bowing."
"This time For them, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If the hell lord really wants to be
as rumored, today, it may be real y dangerous. "
" In fact, the most important thing is the fire crystals. Something crazy! "
During the chat of these families in China, one person after another stepped off the stand
and came to the platform, threatening to challenge the hell king.
Pease looked at Alex.
Alex shook his head slightly at Pease, meaning the boss had not yet woken up.
Listening to the clamor from the stage, Pease's face is very ugly. This challenge cannot be
refused. If he should not fight, it means defeat.
How can hel king, island owner of Bright Island, admit defeat?
But now it is impossible for Henry to fight against him, and Henry is stil in a coma.
The people on stage kept making noises.
"Why don't you dare to fight against the hel king?"
"Since that's the case, don't worry about the position of the hell king!"
In the stands, some people secretly scolded these people for being shameless. Many people
heard about the current situation of the hell monarch. These people, they made it clear that
they were looking at this gap.
"Miss, the hel king is challenged by others. It is impossible. Can we really see the hel king
today?" Su Mi said excitedly.
Hell King, in the underground world, famous, many people are proud to have seen Hell
Sylvia shook her head. She was not interested in Hel King. In her heart, she just hoped that
she could protect Henry.
"I ask again, the infernal hell king, dare he not dare to fight!" King Olle shouted again, his
voice filled with strong self-confidence. He and Henry confronted him last night, and there
was no worry in his heart.
Pease looked at Alex again, and gave Alex a wink.
Alex nodded and bent down to reach out, lifting the machete that was inserted in front of
the throne.
"Chal enge the boss, you will pass me first!"
"You?" King O'Leigh disdainfully smiled, "You are not qualified enough, I am going to
challenge, hell king." King
Ole's words fell, so listen, this There was a disdain at the top of the venue.
"Just because of you smashing, and want to challenge my boss?"
With the sound of this sound, at the top of the venue, there was a sound of wings waving,
one after another bat, flying suddenly from the darkness of high altitude Then came to King
At the same time, a blood-red figure gradually landed from the air.
At the same time as the blood-red figure appeared, a person sitting behind Sylvia
murmured: "Inheritance for 3,000 years without extinction. God has eternal life. He will be
on par with God. With one hand, the whole of Europe, It's trembling! He is the owner of the
Ring of Cataclysm in Guangming Island ... "
, the voice of the person fel , and a sound rang out across the grandstand.
"Cataclysm, red hair! The
blood red figure fell from the air and fell to the ground. At the moment of its fal , everyone
felt a shock.
Red played a blood red robe, and the flying bat, at this moment, al towards He gathered and
hid under his robe.
Sylvia, who was sitting in the front row, looked dul at the moment he saw the red hair.
Was n’t he the brother of Henry! He turned out to be the Ten Kings of Guangming Island
"Let me say that these smashed, just kill them! "A white strong man gradually came out
from a dark place. When the white strong man appeared, the people sitting in the venue felt
that the surrounding air was much damper.
" The sea is the most mysterious place, ful of With countless possibilities, someone is in the
most mysterious place, sitting in the position of the overlord, looking at the entire sea, and
reaching the place where he meets with the sky, it is his world! Guangming Island, the
owner of the King of the Sea, Poseidon ... " The words in front of
" Tell ... "
are from the mouth of the person sitting behind Sylvia, and the word " Tel " is spit out by
Sylvia Out.
"Miss, do you know Poseidon? Su Mi gave Sylvia an unexpected look.
Sylvia nodded. She didn't know how to describe the mood at this moment. She knew that
this was also Henry's brother.
Poseidon held a dark blue sailor knife. Rumors, this knife He was salvaged from the deep
sea at eight kilometers, soaked in the sea for hundreds of years, without any deformation. It
is one of the sharpest materials in the world!
"Direct kill, some are too cheap. Let me do it. After studying the specimen, I have long been
interested in that skeleton monster. "A light voice sounded.
Everyone in the hal heard a roar, and then looked at the future above the platform, dressed
in white, floating in the air, and the shoes she stepped on were constantly blazing flames, so
that she could The sky does not fal .
"People's exploration of technology has never stopped. There is such a person. She came to
the top of al mankind. She can see through the future in fifty years, just like her title, she,
from the future, there is nothing Eternity, technology can stay in people's hearts forever,
the owner of the eternal king ring of the Bright Island, the future, Jiang'er!
future floats in the air, a pair of beautiful eyes glance at those who stand on the platform
and threaten to challenge Henry, Behind the future, two barrels extend from her back, and
the dark barrel makes people feel terrified.
"Not only are they dying, the people behind them are also dying!"
The platform at the center of the hal slowly raised a lift. A middle-aged man, wearing a suit,
stood on the lift.
"The depravity of man is full of desire. The most exciting thing in the world is money. As the
heir to the world's largest consortium, his consortium spans the oceans and covers the
world, even the richest economic power. You have to rely on him to survive, he does n’t
need too much force, because he only needs one sentence to subvert the financial lifeline of
a country, and can let countless people rise up. Thinking! "
when the spotlight hit, the figure of Ferris appears in everyone's eyes.
"You try to challenge this god walking in the world, he lives on the island, dormant in the
darkness, if you arouse his anger, I can only feel sad for you."
A voice of silence sounded, as if from a distant Moon sky, over the nine days, sprinkled
It was a purple figure. She didn't appear on the platform in the center of the venue, but
walked from the outermost of the grandstand, wearing a laurel wreath and a purple dress
dragging the floor. She was like a goddess in that month.
"Some people say that there are gods in this world, God will preach the will, God will bring
light, God will bring blessings, God cannot communicate with mortals, but in this world,
there is a person who can walk between gods and mortals, she God is the spokesman for
this world, she has many fol owers, she mastered the secret of life, not the old sacred tree
planting, she is the sunny island, Wang quit owner of quiet month, Luna, Lilith! "
Luna's Noble, people can't look directly at her on the front, she is the god, awesome.
Luna slowly walked down the stands and came to the central platform.
Sylvia has grown his mouth at the moment. These are al kings of Guangming Island, and all
are Henry's brothers and sisters. He even sat with them on a table, had dinner together,
joked together, and talked about those cosmetics together.
Su Mi sat next to Sylvia, and did not understand why Sylvia showed such an expression.
"So I have always said that some people should not be too kind to them, they dare to jump,
and let them play clothes, if not satisfied, will continue to fight, hit no one dared to jump
A black sword, from Coming in the dark, with a strong strong wind, suddenly attacked King
King Ole stood on the stage, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he turned over one by one,
avoiding the flying sword.
The black sword, with a majestic momentum, was inserted directly on the platform. The
hard stone platform cracked from the position where the sword was inserted.
A man wearing a pure white gown, like a phantom, appeared next to the sword, and he put
his hand on the handle.
The sharp contrast between the pure black sword and the white gown, but it also gives a
feeling of incomparable fit.
"As the country with the longest history in the world, China has a history of thousands of
years. For thousands of years, there have been countless people born in ancient and
modern times, but there are few people who can be known. The Eight Wastelands, like the
kil ing gods of that generation, made people frightened by the wind, rushed into the sky,
time passed, how many days of arrogance, and fell under the time, but there was a family.
Their existence proves that glorious years, the ancient killing gods are ancient An emperor
fought for battle, and finally stood in front of the tomb with a proud posture.
His descendants are known as the Shouling clan! "
" Since ancient times, the Shouling clan has only been accompanied by the current king.
Under the horse, fighting ahead, sprinkling his face with blood, this person is the Shouling
family, the contemporary patriarch. Many years ago, accompanied by the current king, after
the saddle, he slaughtered the king ring owner, human slaughter, and white pool for
Guangming Island! "
Wade White stood next to the black sword, with a smile, he was like those red-breaded
butchers, but if someone compares him to those butter-bearers, then it's a big mistake.
The Shouling clan, if they take the title, , Must cut three thousand heads, he is the world,
well deserved ... God of killing! SylviaAt this moment, even without blinking his eyes, Wade
White, the person who fol owed behind Henry and often shouted at his elder brother, Sylvia
can still remember the scene when Wade White was playing treasure in front of himself.
Thinking that he still has such a layer of identity.
Sylvia felt that his heart beating began to slow down. If the brothers Henry were the kings
of Guangming Island, what identity did they call Henry, the boss?
Sylvia said a heart in her throat. She couldn't believe what she saw now. Was it real?
At this moment, on the platform, nine of the ten kings of Guangming Island are al standing
on the platform. Each of them has an arrogant posture. Their eyes are full of the power of
the world and the power they bring, No one can look directly!
XiaoshanXinming, Biller, and others who were original y on the stage to challenge were al
pale at the moment. Under the might of the nine kings of Guangming Island, they felt that
they had difficulty breathing.
King Ore looked ugly from the ground, and just now, Wade White flew a knife and almost
kil ed him.
The Shouling family, the people slaughter the white pool, and the light-resistant island
follows the hel king, the first strong!
Wade White held the knife handle and raised it hard, holding the black sword on his
shoulder. He fixed his eyes on King Ore and the others, and said, "You guys, you have to
challenge my boss? First pass me. Okay? "
King Ol ie swallowed hard. Although he ranked first in the world's top 100 list, but he had
to challenge him, he did not have a little confidence. He dared to challenge the hel king. The
lamp runs out of oil.
"We want to chal enge the hell is your king, not the sunny island of the King!" Ranks second
in the list of the world's hundred Constantine opening, "Please sir hel king appeared to
accept the chal enge!"
"My boss ......"
Wade White just Opening, he was interrupted by a sudden sound.
"You have to challenge me, know the consequences?"
This sound sounded suddenly, as if it were ringing by the ear, and as if it was far away from
the sky. At the moment when the sound sounded, the person present, no matter who it was,
had a respectful look on his face.
With a happy face in the future, he muttered in his mouth: "Great, Boss is awake!"
Sylvia, who was sitting in the front row, suddenly reddened his eyes when he heard this
moment, and a touch of crystal tears came out of his mouth. In one word, Sylvia was 100%
sure in his heart that this person was him!
Su Mi had a doubt on her face. She felt that the voice was familiar, but she couldn't
remember who it was.
Each black card drifted slowly from the sky. This card was like a shower. Almost everyone
fell in front of such a card. Al the people who saw the card were ful of awe, because they
knew, What does this card mean?
This is the king of hel . As the moon god said, he is a god walking in this world. He can't be
violated. The person who angers him will make people feel sad, because that kind of person
has no future.
When the black card fell in the sky, a fuzzy figure appeared quietly, and no one noticed
when he came.
"Hetan King Satan, no one knows its origin. He is like a meteor, born out of the sky, shining
in the world, but more eternal than the meteor. Some people have counted, According to
the Hell King's debut, he has experienced 2,329 battles, large and smal .
Among these battles, he almost killed Satan's life, but he never let Satan lose his life. It
’s not too much to crawl out of the body. ”
“ According to the record, when Satan was fifteen, a man held a dagger and kil ed 37
people of Sir Julian ’s family, because Sir Julian rushed a beggar on the road. I spit in the rice
bowl. "
" Satan was arrested in March and escaped from the so-cal ed darkest island prison at that
time. The prison was sitting on an isolated island and guarded strictly. No one was al owed
to visit the prison. No one was there. Know how he did it. "
" When Satan was seventeen years old, he appeared in the underground world as a grimace
mask. He said that to kil all the weak people in the world, that was the first hell in the
world. Walker, Prison, but also because of his presence, will be called hel . " "
The Satan eighteen years old, he put on a face mask just a year's time, people will cut off the
head, at that time, countless killers to high price Rewarding his head, but the end, only
those killer organizations are destroyed. "
" Satan is nineteen years old, he set off a war enough to subvert the world's underground,
the people of the underground world, call that war-revolution! "
"The battle of revolution started, and it took seven years to fight. In the seven years, the
underground world did not know how many people died and how many forces were
destroyed. But Satan, who stood on the cusp of the storm, became more and more
powerful. He proved to the world that he Has the strength comparable to gods! "
" Until Guangming Island was established, and was worshipped by Wanzong, Satan grew
from an unknown soldier to the point where the entire underground world trembles. In
this world, there is only the royal society that has ruled the underground world for
thousands of years. To compete with it. "
"Several months ago, Satan went to the European King ’s Association and had a battle with
the President. No one was informed of the outcome of that battle. There were many rumors
in the outside world. Some people thought that Satan was seriously injured and the lamp
was dry. It's dead, the legend has fallen. "
" But! Satan appeared today and the king returned. He told everyone that he was stil a
legend. He didn't fall. This underground world is stil the world of Satan! "
Various voices passed from Sylvia Come, from the beginning of the low, became passionate.
Sylvia listened quietly. This was her first time, the most authentic understanding of Henry.
This was her first time. She could hear Henry ’s deeds so clearly. This was her first time. She
learned that her own man, How great it is.
It was a man in black and white robes, the col ar stood up, he slowly raised his head, his
gaze, like a burning meteor, made people dare not look squarely, he stood there without
any movement, it made people feel one Under the pressure of mountains, he is the
underground king, and he is the master of this underground world! He is known as the
strongest man in the world!
Under the stars, the first strong man, the devil, Satan!
The armor warriors standing behind Alex at this time, kneeling on one knee uniformly,
making a loud voice, thick voice.
"I've seen my king!"
At the same time, Wade White, the future and the nine kings of Guangming Island, also face
Henry at the same time, kneeling on one knee.
"Have seen my king!" , someone stood up first, then kneeled on one knee, facing the
platform in the center.
The king of the underground world does not rely solely on strength. The revolution at that
time rescued too many people from fire and water. They treated the hel king from the
heart, respect!
"I've seen my king!"
"I've seen my king!"
A wave of sounds emanated from the stands, the underground king, he had been like a god,
and he was like a god with a mortal body!
Su Mi, who was sitting in the first row, saw the man on the stage, and the whole person was
shocked there, her eyes filled with disbelief, and she kept mumbling: "Impossible!
This is impossible How is it possible! No! This is not true, not true! "
" Su Mi, what are you doing? "Xiao Hong looked at Su Mi with dissatisfaction. She thought
that Su Mi's expression was too exaggerated, although This hell lord is very famous, but she
should n’t have made her so miserable, is n’t it embarrassing?
"You don't understand." Su Mi murmured, shaking his head to Xiaohong, Su Mi's murmur
grew louder, and even screamed out at the back, "You don't understand, you don't
understand! The man on the stage ... the man on the stage, he is ... "
" I've seen it, Mrs. King! "Zhu Yuanjiu's voice sounded from the side, and he slowly got up
from the seat, walked to Sylvia, and said, "Miss Lin, this bright island, welcomes its hostess
for the first time, please come on stage."
Zhu Yuanjiu's words, let the big Chinese families sitting around al looked around.
Mrs. King! This baby girl is Mrs. King!
No wonder, she can sit here, no wonder, the kil ing of one of the ten kings Alex will come to
personally tea!
Xiaoxinghe and Xiaohong's pupils contracted strongly at this moment.
Mrs. King? Sylvia is Mrs. King! She turned out to be Mrs. King! What exactly is going on?
What's wrong with him?
At this moment, Xiao Xinghe suddenly understood that he could even go to the forbidden
land, and that he could live in the castle last night, not because of how powerful his uncle
was, but because of Sylvia, it was all because of her!
Xiao Hong's original contempt for Sylvia disappeared at this moment. In her eyes, there was
only horror, only unbelievable! This man turned out to be the woman of the magnificent hel
Sitting in the back row of each family, the bear family's one man and two women were
trembling at this time. How could they not see this scene? The person who bul ied
themselves last night turned out to be the island's hostess?
Compared with the hell king, what is the bear family? Not even a fart!
The bear family man who was still fierce was trembling in his legs and his pants were wet
at this moment. They were really going to be investigated, and he absolutely had no life to
leave this island!
Sylvia only felt his mood, which was extremely complicated.
The reason why she left Henry was not because she was afraid that she would be involved
in Henry, let her own troubles, find Henry, but now she learned that these are just her own
ideas, she has always underestimated him, I never realized his strength!
Sylvia looked at Henry, and Henry looked at Sylvia at the same time. He smiled at Sylvia,
and in turn, Henry turned his eyes on King Ao Lei and others and spoke.
"For my friends, I welcome them to visit Guangming Island, but for my enemies, what I
want to say is."
Henry's voice is now, the whole venue, the lights are al turned off, the scene is dark, and
fingers are out of reach.
Henry's voice poured out from the darkness.
"Welcome, come to hell!"
Henry's voice seems to come from under the Nine Nether, so people can't help but shudder.
This darkness lasted ten seconds.
Ten seconds later, the lights turned on again.
Henry still stood in the original place, as if he had n’t moved, and those who had just come
on stage to chal enge, all lay down on the stage at this moment, and the blood flowed from
their necks to the side of the table, slowly dripping and hitting the ground , Making a ticking
The heads of King O'Leigh were neatly arranged at the moment, each of them, with their
eyes wide open, watching the expression, learned something incredible before he died.
Among these people, one person is ranked second in the world's top 100 list, and one
person is ranked seventh, but in just ten seconds, all the heads are different. There are no
more people in this world.
This simple thing made everyone present understand that the hell lord did not run out of
light and he was stil a legend! He is still that, known as the strongest man in the world.
Henry raised his hands and said, "Let's get up."
When Henry finished this sentence, those who knelt on the stands in the stands only slowly
Wade White and others also slowly stood up and walked to their respective thrones.
The soldiers behind Alex raised their heads again.
In the center of this flat head, there is a throne. The appearance of the throne is the giant
claw of a monster, an angel, pressed by the giant claw on the ground, and pulled out its
At the very top of the throne, a dark golden gemstone is set. Even in this dark environment,
the gemstone still radiates a kind of light, like a magical, and splendid.
This seat, its owner, is the owner of Sacred Ring of Bright Island, Satan.
Henry did not walk to the throne. He glanced under the stage, gazing at the woman in the
white dress under the stage, and walked slowly over.
Sylvia stood on the spot, so quietly watching Henry getting closer and closer to her, her
eyes were getting red and red, and the crystal tears were spinning in her eyes.
No one made a sound at the scene. Everyone watched this scene quietly. They knew that
this was Guangming Island, and they welcomed their hostess for the first time.
Henry came to Sylvia, looked at the woman's beautiful facial features, and smiled slightly,
"Wife, welcome home."
At this moment, Sylvia could not bear the tears in his eyes, and the tears came out of the
eyes. Because of her worries, she let go of all the burdens and took the initiative to open her
arms and plunge into Henryhuai.
He rejected this man countless times, gave him cold faces countless times, and kept him
from coming to Taiwan countless times, but he always treated himself as he always did, and
returned home, the most romantic words that men said to women!
"Have seen Mrs. King!"
The soldier behind Alex once again knelt on one knee and made a loud voice.
"I've seen Mrs. King!"
Those in the stands kneeled on one knee again.
Sylvia listened to the sound of the King's wife, her face flushed slightly.
"Henry, I ... I can't accept it ..."
Sylvia, although known as the business queen of Yinzhou, is just a name for this kind of
emperor-like treatment, when did she encounter it.
Henry sighed in Sylvia's ear and sighed softly, whispering: "Secretly tel ing you, in fact, I
can't accept it, but if you don't accept it, they think you have any opinion on them, so, bear
with me Wel , I actual y prefer cleaning at home. "
Henry's hot air kept itching Sylvia's earlobe, feeling the strangeness coming from his ear,
Sylvia's pretty blushing was even worse, he quickly pushed away Henry, "Wel , you want I
like cleaning, and I will leave it to you every day. "
" No problem! "Henry made an OK gesture, and then took Sylvia's small hand, walked onto
the stage, and walked toward the throne.
"Okay, everyone, according to the usual practice, if you have anything to say, just put it out."
Pease looked at Henry with a regretful face. He has always regarded Cecilia and Henry as a
natural one. Yes, it's just the end, but it's just an infatuation with my adopted daughter.
As soon as Pease's voice fell, he stood up and stood alone.
Henry has no mood to listen to what they are saying. Every time the underground world
conference is done, it is the same as the arbitration conference. Some forces say that their
people are given by others, and the other party is not willing to pay compensation.
Henry handed over everything.
To put it bluntly, the underground world conference is to gather al the underground
worlds. Let's say, who will be the master of this underground world next year?
"Wife, you are really beautiful in this dress." Henry sat on his throne. Next to his throne,
there was a vice seat, which belonged to Sylvia.
Sylvia rolled his eyes, "So many people, what are you talking about?"
Henry smiled, "Hey , there are so many people , I can't love my wife yet? No one said me."
"That's nobody Dare to say you! "Sylvia pouted," You are a hel king, who dare to say you? "
" I'm a hell king, and you're stil a hell king's wife, have you never heard a word, man
Conquer the world, women conquer men. "Henryba said.
Sylvia blushed and smashed as soon as he thought of something, his face changed,
"You honestly said to me, you are a king in the ground, why go to our Lin's house to be the
son-in-law? Also, you have been for so long Is it fun to hide from me? I was shocked when I
wanted to let you know your identity? "
Sylvia's question was like a renju shell.
Henry smiled bitterly, "Wife, what did you think, I didn't tel you at first, there is a reason,
but when I want to tell you later, don't you not listen."
Sylvia snorted, indeed Once, when Henry wanted to say his identity, he did n’t let him say
that Sylvia really got angry with Henry. She just felt that what she had done during this
time was a bit too idiot. If Henry knew Yes, I will laugh at myself.
"Speaking of my wife, why are you angry with me during this time?" Henry asked the
question in my heart for a long time. "I shouldn't have made you angry recently, right?"
Sylvia heard Henry asking this, and there was a look in his eyes. Unnatural, just thinking
about not letting him know, he asked now!
"Wife?" Henry saw Sylvia not speaking, reaching out and waving in front of her.
Sylvia turned his head straight and ignored Henry.
"Wife, what's wrong." Henry stretched out his hands, ready to hug Sylvia's shoulders, but at
this time, the change suddenly protruded.
A violent explosion came from the top of the venue.
The loud noise, carrying a strong air current, came from above the head, and countless
rubble fell with smoke.
"It's an explosion!" Someone shouted and looked up.
A huge mouth was blown open at the top of the meeting place built by giant rocks. The
original dark meeting place suddenly shed a ray of sunlight.
"Who is it!" The future screamed and rose into the sky, two barrels extended from behind.
At this moment, the word attack almost appeared in all people's hearts.
Who has such courage to attack Guangming Island! The presence of these people, even if it
is the strongest force in a certain country, don't even say it, I dare not even think about it.
Another explosion sounded, and huge stones fell from above, straight to Sylvia sitting next
to the Holy See.
At a critical moment, Henry put Sylvia in his arms and jumped.
Sylvia only felt that she was surrounded by a burst of warmth. She lay in Henry's arms and
looked up, just to see the man's angular features. Henry looked at the front with eyes like
the vast sea of stars.
This is the first time Sylvia is so close. He careful y observes Henry. In his arms, Sylvia has
an indescribable sense of security. If all the problems in the past are no longer a problem,
then can you feel at ease Accompanying him, he is no longer so strong, he no longer keeps a
face on purpose, he can do what he wants like most women, he can spoil the beloved, he
can tell him that he wants to hug, in his body Beside, be a little woman.
"Guangming Island belongs, fight!" The sound of future Jiao sounded from above, flames
spurting from her feet, and two barrels behind her burst into flames, blasting away from
the hole blown out at the top of the venue.
The people in the field all have a sense of unreality. This is really an attack on Guangming
Island. What kind of force is it? Dare to do such a thing, not to mention the power brought
by the ten kings of Guangming Island and the hel king. Those warships around Guangming
Island, the radar that can explore the airspace of half the sea, and the thick city wall, can not
simply break through.
After shouting the word "war" in the future, the locked door of the venue suddenly opened.
Those hellwalkers wearing armor and masks on their faces, all rushed out of the venue and
Sylvia looked up and saw countless flames striking into the future, which made her
clenched her fists nervously.
"Do not worry." Henry voice in Sylvia ears, "as long as the island is still, no one can threaten
the future, even if I'm not OK!"
As if to prove Henry, so that when those flames fly hit to the next body Some time ago, the
future flexibly made several moves in the air, and then issued a powerful counterattack.
The explosion happened behind the future, bringing up a wave of waves, but the future did
not look at it.
Sylvia's eyes widened, but in the future, at the age of eighteen or nine years, he was more
calm and calm than a veteran.
"Redhead, give me a ride!" Alex screamed with a scimitar in hand.
"Go!" Redhead held Alex's collar with one hand, and countless bats poured out of the
redhead's robe. These bats formed two huge wings, gradually taking off with redhead.
"Future!" Alex shouted closer and closer to the hole above the clubhouse.
Without looking at Alex without looking, he said directly: "Six o'clock!" Ten Kings of Bright
Island have experienced countless battles together. There is no need to say anything at all.
Everyone has a tacit understanding.
After shouting in the direction of six o'clock in the future, Alex threw out the scimitar in his
hand fiercely. This scimitar was like a boomerang, spinning out with a strong wind, as if it
could cut everything.
With a loud bang, the scimitar returned to Alex, and at this time, Alex jumped out of the
venue and stood on the ceiling of the venue.
Sylvia clearly saw that just after the loud noise, the wreckage of an aircraft was planted
from the large hole in the canopy, bringing a burst of fire.
Luna's purple long dress fluttered from the air. She held a silver flute and waved it
vigorously. This silver flute turned into a long whip, and the long whip was thrown to the
top. The whole moon god floated up.
Each of the Ten Kings of Bright Island is a top character in the world, and people cannot be
underestimated. Even the most beautiful women of the future and Luna are also cal ed
demon leaders.
The gate of the venue opened, and everyone rushed out of the venue.
"Miss!" Su Mi ran to Sylvia, and he dared not look at Henry. If he was known to this hell
king, he had looked down upon him countless times and introduced his wife to other men. !
Henry glanced at Su Mi and said, "Protect your lady, understand?"
"Ming ... understand!" Su Mi nodded in awe.
While speaking, a tongue of fire struck the ground, hitting the ground with a burst of smoke
and dust, and the stone above the old castle fel , not far from Henry's body, so that the
ground shook.
Looking up, it was a fighter hovering overhead.
"Wade White!" Henry glanced at him, then shouted, and then his feet kicked hard on the
ground. Under this pedal, Henry ascended into the sky like a shel , just where he had just
stood. crack.
Henry's punch is a distance of seven or eight meters upward, which is far beyond the
normal people's cognition of jumping power.
Just when Henry's upward momentum was slow and he was about to fall.
"Here!" Wade White rushed from a distance and threw the black sword in his hand. The
sword flew straight into the midair where Henry was. Henry, who was about to fall, looked
at the timing. His feet suddenly stepped on the knife. Pul ing high again, rushing towards
the fighter just now.
The fighter pilot's eyes widened, and apparently did not expect that someone could come to
the nearly twenty meters of air by his own power, and it was too late to get high at this
Henryyue went to the fighter, stood at the top, looked invincible to the powerful airflow,
stood firmly here, through the glass, grinned at the fighter pilot, and then punched on the
The sturdy cockpit glass crashed apart under Henry's fist.
Henry threw a punch, punched again, completely smashed the cockpit glass, grabbed the
panic fighter pilot, and threw it directly out of the cabin.
The flying fighter circled in the air, and then planted towards the ground.
Henry saw the timing, jumped from the fuselage, returned to the ground, and fell at a height
of 20 meters, which did not affect him at al .
The fighter plane fell behind Henry, bringing up the skylight.
many people see such a scene, can not help swallowing saliva, hell king, worthy of hel king,
with his own strength, easily destroy a fighter, this is Many people dare not even think
about it.
Sylvia looked at the man standing in front of the firelight, his eyes glowed, this is his own
The fighter plane just destroyed by Henry seemed to open a gate, and several fighter planes
crashed on the island.
Looking up, the remaining fighters in the sky are only a dozen.
"In the future, stop playing, destroy it." Henry said indifferently.
The future hovering in the sky nodded, just about to speak, and I saw that the tall city walls
around the island were slowly descending at the moment.
"In the future, what's going on!" Ferris shouted.
The future shook his head anxiously, "Not me."
"Not you?" Ferris frowned tightly.
The fighter planes that had been circling the sky al flew outside the city walls on the island
Everyone on the island is now looking out of the wall.
When the city walls around Guangming Island slowly descended, the island was fil ed with
dense warplanes, and the numerous warships that had stopped beside the island
Such a scene made everyone on the island wide-eyed. There were hundreds of warplanes
circling around the island. If they fired all of them, it would be enough to sink the whole
"Poseidon, your fleet!" Wade White asked.
"I don't know." Poseidon shook his head solemnly. "I haven't given any orders."
Henry walked forward and said lightly: "No need to ask, you can break through the
Guangming Island defense line, lower the city wall, and transfer away from the fleet Yes,
who else? "
When Henry's voice fell, the gate of the old castle was opened from the outside, and a tall
figure appeared in the sight of everyone. She stood in front of the gate of the old castle, and
her long silver hair was draped down at will. The facial features are like works of art
bestowed by God. They are so delicate that there are no flaws. She wears
a layer of veil, like a witch from hell, with a temptation to the heart, and as holy as an angel.
A sense of nobility.
Henry looked at the woman who appeared in front of the gate of the ancient castle and said,
It is the only person in the world who can break through the island's defense line, control
the descending of the city wall, and transfer away from the sea god army.
Chessia smiled, "Brother Henry, do you miss me?"
Henry took a deep breath.
Wade White stepped forward and said, "Cecilia, do you know what you are doing?"
Cecilia tilted her head and grinned, "Of course I know, I'm going to destroy this island "
" This island, can you destroy it if you say it can be destroyed! "Alex stepped out and
shouted behind him," Old Pease, take
care of your playful daughter! " Wade White, still Alex, spoke with a strong tone, but in the
discourse, there was still a feeling for Cecilia.
Although Wade White scolded, he was educating Chessia in the tone of a big brother.
Alex used the word playfulness to explain that he didn't care about what he just did.
As the ten kings of Bright Island, they always regarded Cecilia as a relative.
"Cecilia ..." Pease's turbid eyes showed compassion, "Listen to your brothers, don't play."
"Father, we al know what reality is like, and we don't have to deceive ourselves."
Cecilia. If you don't pay attention to a few people, speak coldly.
Zhu Yuanjiu walked to Sylvia and sighed, "This woman is also one of the ten kings of
Guangming Island and once the owner of the colorful king ring."
"She is also the Ten Kings?" Sylvia was startled when she heard of Chessia's identity.
"Then how could she ..."
Zhu Yuanjiu shook his head and looked at Sylvia , There is no opening.
Chessia's eyes were on Henry, and her cold tone once again became gentle. "Brother Henry,
do you miss me?"
"Chessia, you're enough!" Luna stepped out, " Come back with me! "
Said Luna, and walked towards Cecilia. When she walked to Cecilia, she took Cecilia's hand.
When Chessia was very young, Luna treated her as her own child. In the Palace of Luna,
there were many photos of her and Chessia.
"Go away!" Chessia flicked away Luna's hand and stared at Luna with cold eyes.
At the moment when Cecilia looked at Luna, Luna had a feeling of falling into the ice cave.
This was the person she regarded as her own child. This was once surrounded by her and
was wrapped around her wanting to buy sugar. The child, at this moment, said to her!
"Cecilia, you are too much!" Pease snorted.
"Too much?" Chessia smiled. "I've done too much, and it's not as good as one ten-
thousandth of my brother Henry. Brother Henry, for so long this time, I miss you so much,
this Once, I specially prepared a gift for you, I don't know if you like it or not. "
Chessie was smiling. Her smile was very beautiful, but people all felt a chill.
Chessia stood in front of the gate of the ancient castle and covered her mouth with her
hands: "Giggle, brother Henry, you have to be careful, they ... come on."
At the moment Chessia's laughter fell, Henry felt a crisis Coming to himself, but in front of
him, but nothing.
The tablet placed behind the future made a noise.
"Boss, be careful, underground!" The future shouted.
At the same time, the ground in front of Henry suddenly stretched out a steel knife and
stabbed straight towards Henry.
Someone appeared from the ground, which Henry Wanwan did not expect.
Although it is said that the island country also has a similar earth-to-ninjutsu, but that is al
in soft and loose places on the land, but under the ground of Guangming Island, it is filled
with granite and the like.
Henry didn't have much time to think about it. He stepped violently and then retreated,
avoiding the steel knife that protruded from the ground. One second later, behind Henry,
another steel knife broke out of the ground and cut towards Henry.
Henry stepped back.
When the two steel knives appeared, the two figures jumped out of the ground at a very
fast speed.
Henry's eyes were placed on these two figures. The two were female, with thin bodies, both
wearing white masks, wearing island kimonos, with their hair tied up behind their heads,
and the swords in their hands shimmering.
Without looking at anything else, Henry can be sure based on the speed at which the two
men just made the knife. The two must be masters.
"Brother Henry, these two, but my careful y thought out minions, give you, you have to
enjoy it." Chessie smiled Yan Ran.
The two women in kimonos were three meters away from Henry. They didn't move, but
they waved the sword in their hands, one up and one down.
In the eyes of outsiders, these two people acted as if they were standing on the spot, but
Henry, who is their opponent, changed his face and leaped hard towards the rear, when the
outsiders didn't even know what happened. At the place where Henry had just stood, two
cracks appeared.
this scenemakes many people stare. What is going on? Just cut the ground with a knife to
split the ground?
Not only Sylvia, who is new to Gu Wu, is puzzled, but even those masters of the family do
n’t know what happened.
Only Zhu Yuanjiu stared at the two cracks on the ground and muttered in his mouth:
"Qi ..."
Henry frowned and looked at the two kimono women in front of him.
The two women waved the sword in their hands again. This time, Henry did not dodge and
shouted: "The knife is coming!"
Wade White and Alex standing beside them, throwing out the weapons in their hands,
Henry caught Alex backhand The scimitar of Cox was thrown out along the two women.
If the scimitar thrown by Alex was like an omnipotent blade, full of dexterity, making the
enemy unpredictable, then Henry threw it out The scimitar, like a bomb, does not have the
agile feeling of Alex, but is more domineering and direct, with an unprecedented
momentum, went straight to the two kimono women.
When Henry threw out his machete, it happened to catch the black sword thrown by Wade
White. Henry turned his blade backhand and heard two sounds of symphony of gold and
iron. Two sparks came out of the black knife.
Henry stepped back a few steps in a row, looking closely, two scratches appeared on the
When I saw this scene, Henry also had a heart in his heart. The lethality of this qi was also
different from person to person. If he was in that state last night, it is very likely that he
would break the knife with a few punches.
But now, let these two women wave dozens of knives in a row, don't think of any
substantial damage to the body of the knife.
The machete thrown by Henry went straight to the two kimono women. In the face of the
knife thrown by Henry, the two women did not dare to resist, and could only quickly
retreat to escape the blow.
The scimitar touched the ground, making a thunderous sound, bringing up a cloud of
When the dust dispersed, everyone saw that a deep pit with a circumference of three
meters appeared in the place where the scimitar fell. This deep pit is less than fifty
centimeters deep, and it was filled with cracked granite.
Such a scene, many people watching swallowing saliva, throwing a knife at hand, has such
power. The power of the hel king is indeed unimaginable.
Just when the two kimono women waved their blades, they could cause cracks on the
ground. Although it was a bit weird, it was still a far cry from the hel king in power.
Henry laughed aloud, he was sure that the two kimono women used out, absolutely qi, but
that power is completely different from what he imagined.
For a long time, qi in Henry's thoughts is a mysterious and unpredictable image.
Under the burial mound at Zhu's house, a thorn sword picture alone made Henry feel an
irresistible sharp edge, including Henry's outburst of force with the help of external force
twice, which was extremely powerful.
And now, when these two kimono women were angry, they broke the image of "qi"
originally in Henry's heart.
The so-cal ed qi is not a specific thing or a specific energy. As long as it can release its
power, it is qi, qi, strong or weak!
Although Henry didn't know that these two femininities were stronger and weaker than
the rest of the qi at the moment, he was certain that the qi emitted by these two women
was far less powerful than herself!
When I figured this out, Henry felt a sudden and cheerful feeling in his heart. The
mysterious veil of qi was gradual y revealed by him, and he was no longer confused by this
so-cal ed qi.
"Cecilia, I real y like this gift! Hahaha!" Henry laughed, grabbed the handle in his backhand,
and then jumped forward, volleying a knife towards a kimono woman.
The kimono woman saw Henry holding the knife and quickly raised the knife to resist.
When the tai knife in the kimono woman's hand touched the sharp edge of the knife in
Henry's hand, it was like a crispy skin eaten by a child, all broken.
The kimono woman also flew out under this knife and fell heavily on the ground.
Henry raised a smile in his mouth. During this time, he was real y too sensitive and had a
very noble view of Qi, but in fact, Qi is just a special way of exerting force, although it is
more mysterious, It's unimaginable, but it doesn't mean that the person who possesses qi
must be stronger than the person who does not possess qi. As long as he is strong enough,
whether he is qi or something, he will break it with one punch!
After trying to understand this point, Henry no longer had any pressure in his heart, he
screamed in the sky, waved his knife again, and rushed to another kimono woman.
Standing in front of the gate of the castle, Cecilia saw a scene in front of her, and her lips
twitched with a smile like a smile.
The two kimono women, except for the strange ways of appearing and the strange ways of
making moves, are not Henry's opponents at al . Henry wielded his sword, and within three
strokes, he took the heads of the two without any trace of tenderness.
The two skul s still wearing masks fell to the ground.
Pappa ." Chessia clapped her hands gently . "It's Brother Henry. These two minions are not
enough for Brother Henry to play. Wel , I'm not in the mood to play with you anymore."
Che Shea finished, and put a hand over her head, and then suddenly fell.
With this movement of Cecilia, those densely packed around the island, with hundreds of
fighters, all moved at this moment, and began to hover from above the island.
The gun barrels of the black hole were aimed at the top of the island. As long as these guns
were fired in unison, even if it was the bright island, it would be completely sunk in a very
short time, and no one on the island would be spared.
"Cecilia, what the hel do you want to do!" Redhead said loudly.
"What are you doing?" Chessie smiled slightly. "Of course it ruined the island, otherwise
you think, what do I want to do."
Chessia's words came out, and the people on the island came from all countries with the
same face change.
"Master Chessia, the enmity between you has nothing to do with us, can you let us leave the
island?" A leader of the island power quickly said.
"Yes, Master Chessie, please let us leave the island."
"We have no intention of participating in several battles ."
After the leaders of the island nation's forces spoke, there were many forces speaking.
on the island.
"Cecilia, you real y think about it, are you going to fight against Guangming Island
completely?" In the future, stepping on the firelight and floating in the air, "Do you think
about it, the consequences of your doing this?"
Cecilia smiled slightly, " In the future, when did I make a joke with you? As for the
consequences you said, sorry, I do things and never consider the consequences. "
regardless of the consequences!
Cecilia's words made many people's hearts beat.
If she really insisted on destroying the island, who would be spared? In this sea, even under
the gunfire of these hundreds of fighters, even the owner of the island of Guangming Island
must drink hatred!
A magnificent white man from the Magnesium Country screamed at Cia: “I do n’t care about
any contradictions inside the Bright Island, the owner of the colorful king ring. We are here
to participate in the underground world conference. Shoot, and you have to be clear, if we
can't go back, what are the consequences you face! "
" Huh? "ChessieLiumei raised her eyebrows.
At the moment when Cecilia raised her eyebrows, a fighter plane opened fire suddenly, and
the fire light locked the white strong man. The white strong man who spoke in the first
second was torn into pieces by the light and the flesh burst open. Scattered the ground,
some people who were close to each other were more or less stained with red and white
No one thought that the owner of the bright island multicolored king ring said that he
would do it when he started.
Cecilia's voice came quietly: "Threat me? I hate the most, others are threatening me!"
The fighter jet that just opened fire in the sky at the moment, with white smoke from the
gun barrel, proved to al the people at the scene that Cecilia Ya's words, she really is, to do it!
"Cecilia, our own business, we talk about ourselves. Now that there are so many people on
the island, you must let them leave first." Poseidon stood up. "The underground world has
the rules of the underground world. You can be clear. If you Really leave everyone here,
what will this underground world become? "
Underworld conference, that is the underground forces from al over the world, come here,
either the future heirs of these forces, or leaders, If you really leave everyone behind, then
the entire underground world will become a mess.
There was a smile on Chessia's lips, "It's really interesting, what does this underground
world look like, and what does it have to do with me? Huh?"
Chessia's appearance that Chaimie didn't enter made everyone on the island chil in the dim
sum. Everyone couldn't help but look at Henry and sent hope to the hell king.
Henry took a deep breath and looked at Cecilia, "Are you sure you want to keep everyone
Cecilia nodded without hesitation, "Of course, brother Henry, this is what I prepared for
you Fireworks, you want it, enjoy it. "
While the voice of Cecilia fell, five fighters hovering in the sky suddenly fired. The fighter's
tongue can easily penetrate the steel plate, which is not something human can resist. The
power, even the most powerful ancient warrior, will only appear small under the blaze of
the fighter plane.
The firelight blasted towards the back of the castle, where hundreds of people gathered.
When the firelight swept down, they had no way to escape. The violent fire tongue could
tear everything apart. The fire tongue sprayed for a total of five seconds. In these five
seconds, hundreds of people were penetrated by the tongue of fire. In front of this war
machine, all masters looked pale and weak.
In just five seconds, the lives of hundreds of people have been harvested. Those who stand
on the island are pale at the moment. If those flaming tongues just hit their own direction,
what will happen now? No one would think that he could survive the gunfire of this fighter.
Wade White and others, their faces are also very unsightly at this moment. When
Guangming Island encountered such a thing, some people were in Guangming Island, and
they slaughtered casual y in front of them!
What is the majesty of Bright Island? Is Guangming Island a place where people can
slaughter at will?
The people of the major forces on the island are really scared at this moment. The blood of
the hundreds of dead people spread, so that the air of the whole Guangming
Island is fil ed with a bloody smell. It is just five fighters firing at the same time Is it a
hundred? Who can survive!
"Brother Henry, do you like my fireworks? This is just the beginning. Waiting for the
fireworks will become more and more gorgeous." Chessia gently covered her mouth and
gave a silver bell-like laughter.
Cecilia's laughter sounded sweet, but to the people on the island, it seemed to come from
"The owner of the colorful king ring, do you really want to do things so well?" Said a Ji
family member.
Chessie tilted her head and made a reflection, then shook her head. "It's not really, it's
just ..."
"Just what?" Another person quickly asked, Chessia's attitude, let him see A touch of hope.
Shiraike, who stood there, saw a little hunch in her heart when she saw Chesia.
Chessie smiled and looked back at Henry again. "It's just that it depends on whether my
brother Henry is willing or not. If he wants to let you go, I will let you go. "
Chen Xia said this, Henry suddenly ushered in a lot of eyes.
"Cecilia!" The future floated in the air and shouted. She knew Cecilia very well. When
Cecilia said this, it represented the word conspiracy.
Chessie covered her mouth and smiled, "Brother Henry, if, I mean, if you are willing to help
me unscrew the head of that surnamed Lin, I can let everyone on this island pass, what do
you think? "When
Chessia said this, the body of Wade White and others were shocked. No one expected that
Chessia's goal was Sylvia!"
The scene of the five fighter jets just now exerted a pressure on everyone, and this
pressure, at this time, would let them put everything on Henry.
In the end, is it Mrs. Bao King, or all the people in the underground world on this island!
If it is Paul Sylvia, Henry will undoubtedly become the target of the public. Today, even if
Cecilia can let al people go, in this bright island, don't think about having the same status as
Su Mi, who was standing beside Sylvia, suddenly picked her head and turned to look at the
woman beside her.
Sylvia obviously did not expect that the ultimate goal of this beautiful woman turned out to
be herself! Use your own life to trade the life of the whole island!
Sylvia looked at Henry.
Henry still stood there, staring at Chessia without speaking.
"Brother Henry, how about my proposal, would you like to accept it?" Chessie's face smiled.
In the sky, the densely packed fighter plane, with a strong oppression.
The eyes of those major underground forces are al on Henry, waiting for his answer.
Although Sylvia didn't have much contact with the underground world, she was stronger
than many people in terms of human relations, and she understood that once Henry agreed
with the woman's conditions, his prestige in the underground world would definitely
increase again.
"Master Hell, we have always been loyal to Guangming Island, participated in countless
battles, my relatives and children have dedicated to Guangming Island Everything about
them. "
" Master Hell King, we tribute billions for Guangming Island every year, spreading the
power of Guangming Island abroad. Now, if such an unclear death on the island, death is
not looking! "
" When the whole island sinks No one can survive into the bottom of the sea. Lord Hell, I stil
want you to consider. "
There are many people who can't help but open their mouths and change the life of the
islanders with one life. This is not a multiple choice question at al . It ’s a person who knows
how to choose. When the island is destroyed, no one can live.
If this matter is placed on others, these people of the underground forces will not be
nonsense, and they will take the initiative to do it themselves, but they are the women of
the hel king. To persuade.
No one wants to die.
The words of these people clearly spread into Sylvia's ears.
Sylvia's face did not change at all. She looked at Chessia. At the same time, Chessia also
looked at Sylvia. Between the two women's eye contact, they both saw the pride in each
other's eyes.
Chessia has her own pride, Sylvia also has her own pride.
"Miss." Su Mi stretched out Sylvia's skirt?
Sylvia shook her head. She knew the situation now. If she changed herself to Henry's
position, she would not hesitate to make a choice at al . Now that Henry can think for so
long, Sylvia has been satisfied.
Sylvia does n’t blame Henry ’s choice. If he were n’t himself, he would n’t be forced to this
point. You know, he ’s a magnificent hell king!
Sylvia looked at Su Mi and hung a long sword around Su Mi's waist.
Sylvia suddenly reached out and grabbed the hilt of Su Mi's waist, pul ing hard.
"Miss!" Su Mi exclaimed, grabbed Sylvia's jade wrist, and shook his head slightly at Sylvia.
Someone next to him saw Sylvia's action, and there was a look of joy on his face.
They found that after Chessia had said that, the hell lord had never seen the lady of the king
again, so he defaulted to give up the lady of the king.
"Su Mi, let go." Sylvia glanced at Henry. She real y real y understood Henry's ideas.
There are some things that he can't do as a king. Then as a woman, he does it on his own
initiative. .
"Boo" sounded softly.
The sword at Su Mi's waist was pul ed out by Sylvia.
Sylvia grabbed the hilt with his backhand, pointed at the tip of the sword with himself, and
thrust it hard.
Many people now have a smile on their faces, as long as the woman dies, she is completely
At this moment, a white robe figure, with a strong wind, appeared in front of Sylvia,
grabbed Sylvia's arm, so that the sword front, which had been less than three centimeters
away from Sylvia's abdomen, could no longer get in.
Sylvia looked at the man who appeared in front of him and grabbed his arm.
The robe on Wade White's body fluttered gently. He looked up at Sylvia and said,
"Sister-in-law, you know, boss, he led us so many people, won the revolution, and achieved
liberation. Why is he stil called a demon?"
Sylvia opened his mouth and did not speak, Wade White's voice rang again.
"Angels and demons are the most powerful beings in the Western world, but the biggest
difference between angels and demons is that angels can give up their favorite people for
the world, and demons Can choose to destroy the whole world for the person he loves the
most! "When the
voice of Wade White fell, a loud laughter sounded.
Henry took a step and slowly walked towards the gate of the old castle. Laughter came
from his mouth.
"Cecilia, I always thought that you knew me well, but I really didn't expect that you would
let me make such a choice, I would not give up my lover, my family, just like I have not
given up before Like you, if you forget how we survived, would he just go over your damn
diary! The people of the whole island died, what do you do with me, Henry, you kill them,
they have me again What influence? Hmm? "
Henry's footsteps moved forward slowly. Although his voice was not loud, it clearly spread
to everyone's ears. These words made the major forces' faces pale. Only Sylvia had tears in
his eyes.
Wade White and others have a long-expected expression on their faces, and they have no
surprise that Henry will make such a choice.
Henry raised his eyes and looked at the sky. "Cecilia, you made two mistakes today.
First, threaten me with my favorite person. Second, you are too confident. You think, I am
Henry. What would be called a hel king, do you think that with this hundred fighter planes,
can I really destroy my bright island, eh? "
Henry exclaimed a strong confidence when he spoke. This is The self-confidence that
appears when facing hundreds of fighters in the sky, as if those fighters, in his eyes,
Without coming from the air, the road slowly landed behind Henry, red hair came,
countless bats rose from his cloak, Alex went to the ground to bend down to pick up his
scimitar, and wiped the lower blade with his hand Poseidon took a deep breath of the dust,
and the blue scimitar in his hand shone beautiful y in the sunlight.
Pease shook his head slightly, his hands behind his back, looking at the fighter in the sky,
his eyes showing a relief.
Izhar, who was short, did not know when it had disappeared. When he mixed with the
crowd, he was a lurking viper, and he would make a fatal blow at the most critical time.
Wade White stood in front of Sylvia without any movement.
The moon god standing in front of Chessia shook her head slowly, "The last thing you
should do is to make your brother angry. In this world, no one can bear his anger, even if
you are the girl. It should n’t have been so
irritating to him. ” Moon God said, turned around, turned her back to Chessia, and walked
towards the place where Henry was standing. During the step, Moon God took out her
silver flute and threw it hard. , A long whip made of flute dragged on the ground.
In front of hundreds of fighters, the kings of Guangming Island were as smal as ants, but the
momentum they exuded was no weaker than the hundreds of fighters in the sky.
Countless warriors wearing grimace masks and armor came to Henry behind them in a
uniform pace.
Outside the old castle, there were people wearing sackcloth, some of them were plowing
the field, some were weaving, and some were watering the flowers, but at this time, they
stopped al movements in their hands and looked up at the sky.
The power of Bright Island is beyond the imagination of many people. Perhaps, a flower
grower you saw on the island was once a gold killer of a kil er organization.
Perhaps, a farming aunt, her former identity, let most people in this world look up.
Hundreds of fighter planes circled Guangming Island. Although the momentum was huge,
don't forget that Guangming Island can exist. It never relied on the wall, not on the four
radars, or on the army of Poseidon.
On the contrary, these things exist only because of this island!
The smile on Cecia's face gradually disappeared. She looked at the people gathered in front
of her. Once she was one of the ten kings of Guangming Island. She knew how powerful
these brothers and sisters were.
Cecilia slowly raised her hand, and the fighters that were hovering all slowed down,
floating there, always ready to fire.
Also at this moment, Henry and Chessia both spoke at the same time.
"Do it!"
With Henry's cry, Alex let out a roar and threw the machete in his hand into the air. Luna
waved the long whip in his hand, and the long whip grew in the wind, catching the
machete's knife The handle, under the swing of Luna, the blade swept across the wing, and
the sturdy fighter, under this scimitar, was as fragile as tofu and was easily cut open.
Explosion sounded from the air, this is the first symphony of war.
Countless fighters hovering in the air, firing tongues of fire.
Faced with these tongues of fire, in the future, he reached out and swiped on the tablet.
With the action of the future, the ground on which everyone stepped on shook. One after
another, the turrets fell out of the ground and opened fire in the air.
There are too many fighters in the sky, there is no need to aim at al , and the sound of
explosions starts to sound.
Cecilia pushed open the gate of the castle, and countless figures with white masks poured
in from outside the castle. She came this time and made sufficient preparations, not only
the fighters that circled countless.
The hel walkers in armor roared, clapped their armor together, and killed the figures
wearing white masks.
The war is about to happen!
Red hair has no weapons. His hands are the most powerful weapons. One person rushed in
front of the red hair. Before he started, the red hair squeezed his head and squeezed it
Red and white splashed red hair, red hair licked his lips bloodthirsty, and took the initiative
to grab the next person.
The blade in Poseidon's hand is invincible, and any weapon will break at the moment it
touches his blade.
No one can underestimate Gwangmyeong ’s top fighting power.
Outside the old castle, a gardener put down the shower in his hand, sighed, and walked to
his wooden house, picked up a heavy sword, this sword is engraved with three characters
on it, without a sword!
In recent years, no one has heard of the three characters of Wufeng Sword, but the words
"Feng Feng Sword" will be released 30 years ago. Who would have thought that when he
was old, he would be an ordinary gardener on Bright Island.
The gardener took out his epee and walked out of the wooden house. When he went out, he
saw that his old neighbor also came out, and the old neighbor took an iron bar in his hand.
There is a word "flower".
Both of them noticed each other, smiled at each other, and then rushed to those who wore
white masks on the island.
In the old castle, the people of all major forces stared at their eyes. The background and the
cards that Guangming Island broke out at this moment shocked them. This is just an island
that has not been established for many years. There are so many mysteries, there are
thousands of fort on the ground, no one can tel , how many forts are there underground.
future, it is worthy of being a genius who has led all mankind for 50 years in the level of
science and technology. The master of the eternal king is the biggest barrier of this island!
The artil ery fire swept to the ground, and Wade White stood in front of Sylvia without
moving his footsteps. His attention was always around, and as long as he was there, no one
could cause harm to Sylvia.
The huge explosion brought a violent wind, the sky was already flooded with fire, and a
strong wind swept through, and Henry's black and white robe hunting rang.
Fighters in the sky began to counterattack, the artil ery fire swept to the ground, and those
forts exploded.
The gravel was tumbling on the ground, and a shel fell next to Poseidon. The powerful
shock wave drove Poseidon several meters away, and hit several rolls on the ground to
stop the impact.
Ferris pul ed out a pocket pistol from his suit pocket. This pistol was the size of a child's
slap, but it was powerful. One shot, the plane 40 meters above the sky, suddenly became a
flame, also in Ferres. At the same time as the gun fired, a blaze of fire swept toward him. At
a critical moment, Alex threw Ferris away from the deadly tongue.
"Hey, this time our two bets were cleared." Alex got up from the ground and reached for
"Dark nigga, don't you want to get rid of Lao Tzu's money." Ferris propped up on the
ground and climbed up.
A bat planted down from the sky, covered with bloody red hair, appeared on his robe
numerous gaps, "Boss, the fire was too fierce, barely a little, ah!"
Red hair, who, looking embarrassed, but in reality has been It's horrifying.
With one's own strength against countless fighters, although it was embarrassing at the
moment, no one was injured. This is already a very proud record.
"Hell King, hand over the crystal!" A shout came from the side.
Henry turned his head to look around. One person was wearing a long shirt and a white
mask. There was nothing on the mask. The other party was holding a thin sword, and the
action was extremely fast, and Henry was near.
The person stabbed with a sword. At the moment when the sword stabbed, Henry had a
sense of familiarity. When facing this person, a sword was like the picture of the sword
seen in the Zhujia tomb.
"Is another one using gas?" Henry snorted. If before, Henry might be in a hurry to face such
a sword, but since the last time he met the old man next to the Wang Ling, such a thorn The
sword simply cannot threaten Henry.
Although the sword is strong and powerful, Henry flashed away, and then punched, facing
the opposite door.
The sneer sneered and made a disdainful voice: "Various people, with your flesh and mortal
birth, also want to fight me?"
This person faced Henry's fist, did not flicker at all, let Henry punch in On him.
Henry punched the opponent's shoulder and felt like he was hitting the iron plate.
"It's the same as tickling." The other party made a fluttering voice, "It's not painful and
itchy, the so-called hel king, but this is the case, hahaha."
Henry scowled such a situation, not that he did not come across, have had the last house in
the forest, but Henry encounter, that is To transform a person, the limbs are all made of
machinery. The person in front of him is not a person who transforms.
"Hell King, you are like a child who has not eaten enough food, his fists are weak, hahaha."
The other party laughed arrogantly, and at the same time he came to Henry with a sword
Henry twisted his body, flashed the opponent's sword, and then punched out several times
in a row. His fist hit the opponent's body with a few muffled noises. Henry could clearly feel
the mutuality of that force, but he couldn't help it. Doing a little damage to the opponent,
this is like a copper-headed iron man.
"Hell King, are you the one with this skill? I was still thinking about playing with you, but it
seems that you are not qualified!" The other party laughed loudly. "Since this is the case, I
will immediately cut off your head! "As
soon as the other party's voice fell, he even waved three swords. He waved his sword
across the air, sent out three angers, and attacked Henry.
Henry couldn't dodge, the collar was cut open, and some smal scars appeared on his neck,
and blood beads appeared.
"Boss!" A flash of horror flashed in the eyes of red hair. In a short stroke, Henry was
injured? Who is this person!
Hell King, known as the most powerful man in the world, the first strong man under the
stars, is known as the Devil Satan, which represents his power. In this world, several people
can hurt the Hell King.
Henry shook his head, opened his mouth, and moved his hands and feet. "Interesting, come
Henry screamed and rushed towards the other party.
If the speed of Henry was just like a phantom in the eyes of ordinary people, then now he
can leave a residual image in place.
"It's fast!" The other party exclaimed subconsciously, and when he responded, Henry had
already stood behind him.
"Do you know." Henry's voice sounded from behind the other party, "In my eyes, you are no
different from the standing wooden pile!"
"You!" The other party just said, Henry would Punched on the other party's mask. This
punch caused the other party's mask to crack directly, and also flew the person directly out
of the hammer.
The man was struck by a punch, but his footsteps had not yet stabilized, but Henry
appeared on his side again, kicked heavily, and kicked directly on the side of the person,
making a muffled noise just like that.
Henry's offensive, like a storm, did not give this person any chance to breathe. Under
Henry's offensive, this man was like a flat boat in the sea, swaying non-stop, without any
ability to resist.
With a loud bang, this man was hammered on the chest by Henry's fist, and he fell heavily
on the ground. The ground below him showed cracks, showing how heavy this fall is!
Henryli was breathing slowly next to this person. Such a series of strokes was also a huge
physical exertion for him. It can be seen that Henry's fist face has been covered with blood.
On the ground, the man's mask has been cracked. With the action of the other party, the
white mask fel like a broken tile, and hidden under the mask was a burned face, which
could not be seen at all. What kind of, it's extraordinarily grim.
The other party slowly got up from the ground, breathing heavily. "Ha! Aha! Hell King, even
if I stand still, how can you treat me? In the face of absolute strength, your speed is nothing
but futile, you think, Can you beat me with your light fist? "The other person twisted his
neck slightly.
Henry looked at the other party, his pupils could not help but contracted, how fierce the
attack he had just made, Henry himself was very clear, even if it was an elephant, it is
estimated that he could not continue to stand up at this moment.
In every attack just now, Henry seemed to hit the iron plate.
The other party tore off his ragged gown. His upper body, like his face, was burned.
"Hell King, do you real y think that your speed is fast? Hmm?" The other side grinned and
sold forward.
"What!" Henry's pupil suddenly enlarged. At this moment, he couldn't clearly see the
movement of this person.
A scarred fist was enlarged in Henry's pupils. Before this fist reached Henry's face, Henry
was able to react. He wanted to dodge, it was too late, and he could only stand his arms in
front of him The opponent's punch.
A punch hit Henry's arm.
Henry only felt that there was a huge force from his arm, making him retreat
Hell lord, be beaten by one person!
At this moment, the battle on the island, although the scene was tragic, but Henry's side still
made many people pay attention. When they saw the scene of the hell king flying, they all
How can an invincible existence be blown away, this is equivalent to breaking the myth of
the invincible king of hell!
Henry fel to the ground, only feeling his arms stiff and numb.
"Hell King, you real y are garbage." With a smile on the corner of the other party's mouth,
he slowly walked towards Henry.
A machete, with a cold mane, volleyed towards the man, and the other side turned
sideways, just avoiding the machete, and another long whip swept from the side, like a
snake, entangled the man's arm.
Luna was wearing a purple mopping skirt and shouted, "Izal!" Izal, who was hidden in the
crowd at the beginning of the war, suddenly turned his head, holding a dagger, and stabs
the other side fiercely. Go, this thorn directly submerged the dagger.
"Ah!" The other party uttered a painful scream, eyes bloody. He waved his fist hard, but he
was entangled by Luna with a long whip.
Countless bats rushed to this side, and red hair was hidden in the bat swarm, suddenly with
a hand out, grabbed the other person's head.
"Pease!" The red hair shouted quickly, he could feel that the other party was accumulating
at this time, and could send out at any time, he could not control the other party for long.
The old old Pease, like a quick cheetah at this moment, flew towards the side quickly, his
hands were cut into knives, and he cut heavily towards the man's neck.
Several great kings of Guangming Island shot at the same time, only to barely control this
person, enough to see the strength of the other party.
Just as Pease's hand knife was about to be cut on the opponent's neck, an invisible force
swept through, whether it was the Luna who was holding the long whip, Izar holding the
dagger, or the red hair holding the opponent's head. , And Pease, who had just rushed, flew
out under this invisible force. Under this invisible force, they did not have any resistance.
a person dressed in black and a white mask walked slowly away from the fighting crowd,
even if the battle was fierce here, Can't affect him.
The man in black was bare-handed. He didn't take a big step at every step, but the speed
was extremely fast. It felt like only a few steps, and he came to the front of everyone.
After seeing the man in black, the man with a burned face immediately showed a look of
fear and quickly bowed down to say hello, "Adult."
"Go behind." The man in black spoke softly, giving a voice to his voice. A cold feeling.
The man swept the arrogant appearance just now, nodded quickly, said nothing, and stood
behind the man in black.
The man in black glanced at the redheads and others, and finally locked his eyes on Henry
and said, "Hell King? What an interesting name, you little children, always like to elevate
themselves and take up these self-deceived titles, but they don't know, In front of the so-
called king, you do n’t even count as farts. "
Black men stretched their hands and waved, redheads and others felt a powerful force
pushing them away, and they couldn't resist, which made them look back and forth
subconsciously. At a glance, they al saw horror in the other party's eyes, and did not
understand how the other party did it.
The man in black pushed away the redheads and others, and walked slowly to Henry's
body. He was the same height as Henry, so he stared straight at Henry.
"Children, the so-called king is not what you look like. Remember, my next move only used
less than one percent of my strength. Whether you believe it or not, what I want to tell you
is this world, this is not what you see, you for this world, but a group of ants, or that even
the ants are not really, there are things you can not have, obediently surrender Come on. "
Men in black As soon as the human voice fell, he slowly reached forward and used his
finger at Henry's forehead to gently flick.
This seemed to be a finger without any strength, but it made Henry the whole person, as if
hit by a shell, flew out fiercely, and flew straight out more than ten meters, before stopping,
bringing up a piece of dirt.
Henry only felt that someone was hitting his head with a heavy hammer, and the kind of
pain seemed to make his head split.
"Boss!" Redheads and others screamed together and rushed towards the place where
Henry fel . They were horrified. The other party, who is he, and his strength, has exceeded
his own cognition.
The redhead helped Henry and looked towards the man in black.
The man in black didn't even look at Henry anymore, turned around and left a sentence,
"Don't play, end al this, take what we should take."
After the words fell, Black Yiren gradually disappeared into the crowd.
The man in the blue shirt with a thin sword just turned back and screamed at Xia Xia:
"Have you heard the words of the
lord, let's finish it." Xie Xia nodded and waved her palms. The ground turret exploded under
the blast of the fighter plane.
"Boss, how are you." Red hair looked at Henry, Henry at the moment, his face pale.
Wade White looked anxiously at Henry's side, but couldn't walk away. Now the explosion
was getting more and more intense. Wade White turned to Sylvia and said:
"Sister, I will send you away first."
Sylvia bit his red lips tightly , Nodded, although she would like to stay here with Henry, but
she is very clear that her existence will only add a burden to Henry, will not play any role!
"Boss, we need to evacuate first, the island's defense system is all banned by Chessia, and
now it can't be activated at all!" The future falls from the air, standing in front of Henry,
with a face on his face anxious.
Henry looked up and looked at the sky. The fighter plane was stil circling. The fire tongue
that was shot down was depriving al of his life. Even so, those hell walkers are still moving
Henry took a deep breath, looked into the future, and asked, "How many milliliters is my
body's highest endurance?"
Henry asked this question. After listening to the redheads and others for a moment, they
didn't understand what Henry was saying.
Only in the future, she replied: "Twenty milliliters, this is the most, your body is not ..."
Before the future words were finished, Henry took out a potion from his clothes, which was
light blue. Give people a beautiful feeling.
"Twenty mil iliters ... not enough." Henry's face smiled bitterly, and then his head tilted up,
drinking al four-fifths of the remaining medicine.
"Boss!" When she saw Henry's actions in the future, she felt something was wrong, but
when she stopped her voice, it was too late.
"In the future, what did the boss drink?" Red Hair asked hurriedly.
"Yes ..." The future stared at the empty potion in Henry's hands, and slowly spit out the
word, "Destroy ..." The
word destruction is the name for the potion in the future. This name is the same as the
potion. When you take it, you will have destructive power!
After taking the medicine, Henry lowered his head and stood there motionless.
"Boss." Looking at Henry with concern in the future, "How are you feeling?"
"Very good." Henry's voice sounded a little hoarse, "But I suggest that you should stay away
from me."
"Far away, why?" "Redhead puzzled.
His face changed in the future, and he quickly said: "Hurry, listen to the boss!"
The power of this potion is the best understood among the people in the future. The terror
of this potion is not only because it enhances the strength of the user, it is more powerful
What is more, the stronger the user, the greater the effect it brings.
Henry was able to exert such terrifying power when he took ten milliliters of medicine.
Just with his fist, he emptied al the surrounding air. What about forty milliliters? This is
definitely not as simple as addition and subtraction, but several times the improvement!
If you say that Henry before taking the potion has a combat strength of one, then Henry
after taking ten mil iliters has a combat strength of five or twenty mil iliters, which is 25,
thirty mil iliters, one hundred twenty-five and forty milliliters. Six hundred and twenty-
In the future, he noticed that blood beads appeared on the surface of Henry's skin.
Although the medicine could make Henry stronger in an instant, it would also bring him a
huge burden.
A person, on the basis of the original, it is more than six hundred times more powerful.
This is terrible data. If the white rat used in the experiment will probably explode into a
blood mist in a moment, only Henry's hardened body It is barely able to bear, but how long
it can bear, the future is unclear.
Henry slowly raised his head, and his pupils were fil ed with blood.
Henry scarlet pupils startled everyone, no one expected, Henry will suddenly change like
this A contempt, a contempt for life!
Henry's breath was getting heavier and he looked at the fighter planes circled above his
head, his eyes showing a fierce rush.
Redheads and others saw Henry with a fearful look on their faces. They had forgotten how
long they had not seen Henry. Since the establishment of Guangming Island, Henry's
temper has changed. A lot more indifferent, no longer as bloody as ever.
But now, red hair and others have discovered that the bloody Henry seems to be back.
Only the hel monarch is daunting. Hell was also established at that time.
Around Henry, there was a faint air current, which was visible to the naked eye.
Henry's robe, no wind automatically.
Within three meters of Henry, there were small pieces of broken rocks, which were shaking
slightly and floating slowly in the air.
She said before that in the future, she wanted Henry to take the potion to gain the ability to
change the surrounding environment. When the strength of a person accumulates to a
certain level, qualitative changes will occur.
At this moment, the qualitative change happened to Henry!
It can be seen that the gravel floating next to Henry's body slowly cracked at the moment,
and the air flow beside Henry's body became stronger and stronger, and even brought
In such a scene, she didn't even think about the future. She took out her tablet and quickly
analyzed the data of Henry's body. The result, which made her wide-eyed, couldn't believe
Henry's body is shaking, which means that he is under great pressure. Although the
pressure is great, the rewards are also huge.
At the moment, Henry only feels that he has all the power in his body, as if he can pierce it
Yang Tian made a long roar, which went straight up to nine days. Even when this artil ery
fire symphoned, Henry's voice also carried a strong penetration.
Henry's legs were bent, and then he pushed hard on the ground. At the moment when
Henry's legs were exerting force, all the ground within three meters of the place where he
stood was sinking, and at the same time, the whole cracked, Henry, who was in Under the
force of this pedal, it was like a cannonball, going straight to the sky, and the gravel floating
around him was turned into powder at this moment!
Such a scene, many people look at it.
Sylvia and Su Mi, who were original y following Wade White, were standing at the same
time. Su Mi stared at the scene. Henry jumped straight up to a height of tens of meters and
ran to the fighter in the air.
In Su Mi's cognition, one person can jump four or five meters, which is already amazing.
The Su family is the strongest one, but it can jump six meters in height. These tens of
meters in height are Su Mi's even thoughts. I dare not think, can this still be done?
"Miss, Mr. Zhang ..." Su Mi looked at Henry rising from the sky and murmured.
Sylvia also looked at such a scene with shock in his face. This trip to Bright Island
completely subverted her understanding of the world.
However, although Sylvia was shocked, she was completely different from Su Mi in terms of
She saw Henry jumped up so much, she was more concerned, it was obviously beyond the
limits of human beings, want to have such a power beyond the limit, then how much
pressure is Henry now under? many people have seen such a scene.
Chessia looked at Henry rising from the sky, her eyes full of complex looks.
The man in the blue shirt with burned body and face, his pupils contracted sharply,
"Impossible! How could he do this!"
The people of all major forces sighed when they saw Henry rising from the sky, Hel King,
stil the Hell King, he has gone too far beyond himself and so many others!
Henry went straight to a fighter plane. When there was still five meters away from the
fighter plane, Henry punched suddenly, and there was stil a distance of five meters
between the fighter plane and Ming Xuan. .
This time, Henry clearly saw that a powerful airflow emerged from his fist, and it was this
airflow that destroyed the fighter.
As this airflow was blown out, the violent power in Henry's body also decreased by one
Of course, it's only one point. Compared with the amount of violent violence remaining in
Henry's body, it's only a fraction of the total.
In Henry's heart, at this moment, there is only one feeling, that is, holding the world!
With this powerful force, even if it is an army, Henry is also confident that he will face it
straight with one person.
Henry, who is in the air, kicks in the void, and kicks out a qi under his feet. With this qi,
Henry is like stepping on an invisible step, and he can change his body. In this case, even
Henry I didn't expect that if a person has such a powerful force all the time, then in theory,
this person can ... fly!
The future stood on the ground, looking at Henry in the sky, her face showing an excited
"I did it, the boss did it!"
With the energy in his body, Henry changed direction in the air. He was extremely fast, and
every punch was powerful. The volley could destroy the fighters. He continued to punch,
and those fighters happened. Explosion.
He is like a demon in the world, giving people a deterrent like a god.
Those people of al major forces can't help swallowing saliva at this moment, looking at the
figure in the sky, is this still a person? Is this something that people can do? This is God! The
first strong man under the stars, Bright Island, Hel King, Satan!
The pilots of those fighters obviously did not expect that someone could do this. They
looked at the figure that was roaming in the sky, and they were chil ing. That is a god of
death. When he looks at whom, who will follow The world, say goodbye.
Originally, hundreds of fighters have already let Ceciya lock the battle on this side, but now,
with the help of Henry himself, the battle is completely reversed. He alone is worth
an army, he kil s alone. Hundreds of fighters of the country have no power to fight back, and
the flaming tongue fired by the fighters can't hit Henry at all!
What Henry does is something God can do!
The man in black who was about to leave looked at the sky and gave a sigh, "It looks like it
has failed."
"The master told you long ago, don't irritate this person, you don't listen." A white one The
figure appeared beside the man in black.
Theman in black turns sideways and looks at the man in white who appeared in front of
him, without speaking.
The voice of the man in white sounded faintly, "The master said, that man is the only one in
this world who is afraid of us. We have completed the task well. What a simple thing, you
are good, but you want to anger the disciple of that person, you I think, in this situation, can
we still get the Fire Crystal? "The
white man looked up at the sky, and every time Henry punched, a fighter plane would
The man in black sneered. "I have my own way of doing things. You don't need to teach you.
If you have an opinion, you can go to the master!"
The man in black finished, throwing his long sleeves and striding away.
The man in white looked at the back of the man in black and gave out a gruesome laugh, "Ji
Jie, one day, I will squeeze your head!" The
voice of the man in white gradually disappeared, as if never appeared general.
In the sky, fighter planes exploded one after another. Henry used his own strength to
completely reverse the situation. The amount of violent violence in his body also exuded
with every action of him. Every time he played a force, Henry felt himself. A weak point, but
at the same time, the pressure on his body has also been reduced a lot. Although he has not
been hit, he is covered with blood all over his body, all of which are exuded from his pores.
Without the suppression of the fighters in the sky, the advantages of Bright Island suddenly
showed up. Whether it is the hel walker in armor or the islanders in sackcloth, they are
more powerful than Cecilia in terms of personal strength. People are much stronger.
Some underground forces, after seeing that Bright Island gradual y gained an advantage,
also began to join the battle to fight against Cecilia.
"Cecilia, withdraw!" The man in the blue shirt who was all burned gave a low growl to
Cecilia's eyes flashed a complex look, and then she waved her hand. She was still circling
the open fire in the sky. Because of a simple gesture, Cecilia stopped al the fire and flew out
of the island at the fastest speed.
A fighter hovered from a low altitude and threw a rope in front of Chessia. Chessia
stretched her hand to hold the rope and allowed the fighter to lead herself into the air.
She looked at Henry, who was like a demon in the world, and murmured: "How come I
don't know what kind of person you are? What I love is your selfish look. Unfortunately,
your love will never give me." The
fighter took Chessia and left quickly.
Another rope fell and fel in front of the man in blue shirt.
The man in the blue shirt grabbed the rope and just about to lift off, he heard a drink.
"Want to run?"
Henry rushed from the sky, raised his fist, and struck the man in the blue shirt across the
Faced with the attack on Henry at this moment, the man in the blue shirt could no longer be
as indifferent as before. He hung on the rope and could only try to avoid Henry's fist
through the rope.
Henry punched a punch. This time, there was a clear difference before the comparison.
Henryneng felt that there was an invisible air wall in front of the man in the shirt. When the
cyclone brought by his fist face touched the air wall in front of the opponent, he directly hit
the air wall in front of the opponent. The smashing, this is the man in the blue shirt, in the
true sense, was hit by Henry.
Henry also fully understood at this moment why the man in the blue shirt could ignore his
attack before, and beside him, he always had a layer of gas to protect him. Although he
attacked fiercely before, he even had that layer of gas. Unbreakable.
Henry also knows that although this qi is powerful, it is not invincible. First of all, the qi in
this shirtless man's body is absolutely limited, including the speed of his sudden outburst
at that time, also caused by qi, but he He can't continue to use Qi al the time. If that's the
case, he can use Qi all the time around him, and Izar won't succeed.
Knowing this, Henry relaxed a lot. The owner of Qi is not invincible. As long as he can find
the right opportunity, even a master with Qi will be seriously injured.
Hard to resist the cyclone hit by Henry, the man in the T-shirt has a sweet throat and a spit
of blood spouts, his face pale instantly.
When Henry succeeded in hitting and wanted to take advantage of the pursuit, he only felt
that his feet were empty. The gas he had in his body had been used up by him. The
wreckage of countless fighters left on the island proved Henry's amazing record.
All the fighter planes retreated, and the cry of killing on the island gradually calmed down.
The entire castle was completely red with blood, and countless corpses piled together,
including the bright island and the enemy.
Redheads and others al had scars on their bodies, and the flames spurting from the feet of
the future would be light and dark, and the earth would be bumpy.
This battle is tragic.
When the battle ended completely, the roar of artil ery fire rang in everyone's ears.
Henry fel from the sky. When the air in the body was exhausted, the feeling of fatigue
struck again, and the sequelae of this time were more violent than before.
Henry's strength has increased several hundred times, and this sequelae is also true.
This feeling of exhaustion made Henry unable to resist at al . Once his legs were soft, he
planted forward.
It was expected that this would be the case in the future. Before Henry fell down
completely, she rushed to Henry's body to hold it.
The victory of this battle ushered in the eyes of those from all major underground forces,
but there was no cheers of victory on the island, but the people who survived silently
packed up the endgame.
Everyone knows that this is a battle that should not have happened. Cecilia, one of the ten
kings of Bright Island, the owner of the colorful king ring, led this war.
Sylvia rushed to Henry for the first time. When she saw Henry covered in blood and fell into
a coma, her eyes were full of concern.
"What's wrong with him!" Sylvia stretched out his arm, shaking slowly on Henry's face.
"Sister-in-law, don't worry, the boss is just collapsed, just a little rest." The future
comforted, and then made a wink at Wade White.
Wade White nodded, hugged Henry, and strode toward the future laboratory.
"Ferez, the boss will probably not wake up at one and a half. Things on the island, you and
Uncle Pes are responsible for arranging it." The future confessed.
"Wel ." Ferris nodded. "You take care of the boss, these things, leave it to me." This battle of
Bright Island is destined to set off a storm in the underground world, and the king of hel
will destroy a hundred fighters alone , Will definitely be praised, let the world understand
the horror of hell king again.
However, after this war, the prestige of Guangming Island might be worse than before.
After al , there are already people who dare to provoke Guangming Island.
Pease is responsible for handling the departure of the island personnel.
This war has made some people more convinced of the strength of Bright Island, and it has
also caused some people to question, with mixed results.
The city walls around the island rose slowly, and those who left saw that the Poseidon's
fleet returned to Guangming Island and stretched into the wider sea.
Henry never appeared again from the end of the war until everyone left.
Some people say that this time the hell king used the power to break through the limit, it is
likely to pay a painful price.
It is also said that the hell monarch has reached the forefront of this world, and while
everyone is fighting against each other for a little bit of profit, the hell monarch is always
getting stronger.
Anyway, Henry's performance in this battle is undoubtedly shocking.
In the underground laboratory of Guangming Island, Luna, Red Hair, Poseidon, Alex and
others all stood here and looked at Henry lying on the experimental table.
Sylvia also stood in the crowd.
On the bench, Henry closed his eyes tightly, wearing only a pair of underpants. His
muscular muscles were exposed in the air, and his pores were stil bleeding.
"What's going on in the future?" Wade White asked worriedly.
In the future, his eyebrows were clenched, and the screen in front of him was constantly
being swept. After a few minutes, the future eyebrows were suddenly stretched out.
At the same time, everyone saw a sigh of relief in the future when they raised their
In the future, he exhaled slowly, "It ’s okay, the blood vessels in the boss burst, but his self-
recovery ability is too strong, and then he may have a deep sleep. The specific time of this
sleep, I also say no Yes, but I estimate that it will take at least a week. "
" One week ... "Sylvia's eyes were flushed. How severe a mental shock did a person have to
sleep for so long.
"Okay." The future waved his hand. "I'm going to put the boss in the dorm cabin. This is
very necessary in terms of his current physical condition. You all go out first."
Hearing the words of the future, red Hua et al. Nodded. This aspect is the most professional
in the future.
Sylvia reluctantly glanced at Henry lying on the experimental table, followed by red hair
and others, and left the laboratory.
When everyone left, there was only one person left in the laboratory. She frowned again
and stared at the computer screen in front of her. Before that, she discovered the changes
in Henry ’s body. In Henry ’s abdomen, there was a stream of air, which was happening.
Now, the airflow in Henry's abdomen becomes more and more obvious. The airflow
contains the same energy as the white spar. Every time the airflow rotates, this energy will
be divided a little and transferred to Henry's limbs. Baimiao, for such a situation, the
future can not tell whether it is good or bad, which is completely beyond her cognitive
The future shook his head and walked out of the laboratory.
Time passes day by day.
On the day when the Great Island War ended, the major forces had already left.
Originally Sylvia wanted to stay on the island with Su Mi, but Su Yu made a phone call and
said that the Su family had an urgent matter that Sylvia needed to go back to deal with. On
the day after everyone left, Sylvia also left.
Wade White told Sylvia that if Henry was awake, he would report to her as soon as
When everyone left, life on Guangming Island gradual y got on the right track. One war
caused serious damage to Guangming Island. Many fortifications had to be rebuilt. In the
future, I also saw the loopholes in my fortifications. It is being perfected.
Henry ) is stil asleep.
Every day in the future, I will watch Henry's body changes at least twice. Every time I will
find that the cyclone in Henry's body is getting bigger and bigger, which makes the future
very puzzled. The skeleton passed, and the cyclone should be getting smaller and smaller,
but now, obviously, this is not the case.
What did n’t pay attention to the future is that the white crystal placed not far from Henry
’s body is shrinking to a very fine degree. If you can present a gas flow diagram in the
future, you will see, There is a subtle connection between Henry and the white crystal.
The blooming flowers on Bright Island gradually began to yellow.
It has been half a month since Henry slept to this day.
The grounds of Gwangmyeong Castle have been completely renovated, and the destroyed
places have been renovated overnight by the best craftsmen in the world.
"How is the boss in the future?" Wade White asked when he saw the future in the castle.
In the future, he shook his head, "The situation is stable, and the injuries in the body have
completely recovered. It is only when I can wake up. I am not sure. These are completely
dependent on the boss himself. After all, there are too many medicines under the boss's
suit. You and I are estimated to have exploded and died, so the boss can bear it. "
Wade White sighed and didn't speak. The power exploded by Henry that day was really
amazing. If it wasn't what he saw with his own eyes, neither Wade White I would believe
that someone could do such a scene.
The more you get, the more you pay. This is the truth that Wade Whiteshang understands
very well. Henryneng can support it, and everything is fine.
A sound of footsteps sounded from behind Wade White. Wade White didn't even need to
look at it. He knew who was coming. He asked: "Ferez, what do you say outside now."
"This is the information Izhar just got back . Look at it. "Ferez dropped a kraft paper bag
into Wade White's hand.
Trick Izar, who has the most complete intel igence system in the world, is also the eye of
Bright Island.
Wade White opened the kraft paper bag, and the contents inside were almost al about
Henry. The last battle on Bright Island made Henrywei more famous. With his own efforts,
the deeds against 100 fighters have been thoroughly spread, especial y Henryna. The scene
of standing in the air can't hide even if you want to hide it.
There are good and bad in this matter.
On the good side, Henry's status is consolidated again, but on the bad side, Henry's power
has been terrified, or that Henry's existence has broken the balance that this world should
There are too many people in this world who do not want this kind of unbalanced existence
to appear. Although they will not do anything on the surface, they will secretly do nothing,
and no one knows.
"That's right." Wade White threw the kraft paper bag back to Ferres. "How did you tell the
Ferris smiled bitterly at the question, "What can I say, I can only tell the truth. Almost every
half an hour, I would cal to ask. "
Wade White shook his head, preparing to speak, and he heard an exclamation in the future.
"Quick, boss is awake!"
When Wade White and others heard that Henry woke up, he immediately ran towards the
In the laboratory, Henry slowly opened his eyes, he raised his lower arm, feeling the
stiffness of his limbs.
Henry slowly moved his body, came down from the experimental platform, just took a step,
a strong sense of weightlessness came, Henry looked startled, suddenly stopped his
footsteps, he found that this step, he actually crossed a few meters away The distance, the
laboratory bench, is seven or eight meters away from where you are standing now!
How is this going?
A strong doubt came from Henry's heart. Henry looked at him behind him in disbelief, step
seven or eight meters, when he had such a speed.
Henry took a lot of care with a single move. His legs were bent and he jumped lightly.
This jump gave Henry a sense of lightness like a wild goose. This used to only allow him to
jump up to tens of centimeters. It jumped two meters high easily!
"This ..."
Henry shook his head. He looked at the wall in front of him and punched hard.
At the moment Henry punched his fist, he obviously felt that there was a stream of air
flowing from his abdomen and coming straight to his fist, and then sprayed out from his fist
thinly and hit the wall in front of him.
At the moment when the air touched the wall, a sag occurred in the wall.
This means that Henry has a slap in his hand, and he is all mad!
"What the hel is going on?" Henry's face was deeply puzzled. "It's impossible that the
medicament changed my body?"
Henry turned his head to look at the white crystal placed in the laboratory. At this moment,
this crystal is ful of temptations for Henry. Henry has an urgent desire in his heart and
wants to touch this crystal.
Do not! To be precise, it was the cyclone in Henry's abdomen. I wanted this crystal.
Henry Huang shook his head, which was beyond his cognitive scope. He could only wait for
the future to come and ask her what was going on.
Henrycai had just thought of the future, and there was a sound from the laboratory door.
Wade White, the future, and Ferris, the three took a big step into the laboratory.
"Boss, you are awake!" Wade White's face showed a delighted look, even if he knew Henry's
body was okay, but Henry did not wake up one day, they were uneasy.
"Huh." Henry nodded with a smile, he said, "How long have I slept? At least three days?"
"Three days?" Wade White's face was filled with a weird look, "Boss, you slept, at least For
half a month! "
" Half a month? "Henry was taken aback by Wade White's words. He never thought that he
had slept for so long.
"Boss, what do you think, the flowers on the island are yellowing." The future came over
and placed two chips on Henry's neck. "Is there any discomfort in your body?"
"No, just ..." Henry Put your hand on your belly.
Looking at Henry's movement in the future, he shook his head slightly at Henry.
Henry saw no response from the future, he asked: "Yes, what is the situation on the island
"The people of the major forces have left, boss, this time, but these people were shocked
again. "The eyeballs." Ferris said, "Don't talk about them, even me. Even now, I have a
feeling of dreaming. You can walk in the air, which is simply breaking my cognition!"
Henry smiled bitterly, "I don't know if this is the case, is Sylvia, is she on the island?"
"Not there." Wade White shook his head, "Sister-in-law's family, go back first , I have been
notified to my sister-in-law. "
Wade White's voice just dropped, and his phone rang.
"Hey, um, well, I know, I will inform the boss."
Wade White hung up the phone a few words, and then rushed to Henrydao: "Boss, the
sister-in-law is ready to take over the Su family head, has been waiting for you to wake up
Well, I just sent the news that you woke up to the Su family, and I cal ed over there.
The ceremony for the sister-in-law to take over the Su family is scheduled for the day after
tomorrow. "
" So anxious? "Henry was somewhat stunned. Wait a few days to figure out the situation of
the cyclone in your body.
"Boss, you don't know, Su Yu's guy wanted his sister-in-law to take over the house half a
month ago, and even a lot of invitations were sent out. It was because the sister-in-law
insisted on waiting for you to wake up to do this, it has been so long a. " "
okay. "Henry sighed," I am ready to return to the aircraft. "
white went to Henry pool ready to return things, Ferris also leave the lab, the Su-Sylvia
took the Lord every family, this In fact, how can Guangming Island not prepare a big gift.
As soon as Wade White and Ferris left, he asked in the future: "Boss, do you feel it too?"
"Wel ." Henry nodded and put his hand on his abdomen again, "What's going on?" The
future shook Shaking his head, "I don't know. I have been waiting for you to wake up.
There is a cyclone in your abdomen. The energy composition of the white crystal is the
same. I will show it to you."
Henry came to the big screen in the future Before, I saw a finger of the future gently
swiping on the screen a few times, and an image of the human body appeared in front of
Henry's eyes.
"Boss, look."
In the image in front of him, Henry saw the cyclone in the abdomen of the humanoid image
at a glance, just like a smal vortex.
"This ..." Henry opened his mouth and didn't speak. He and Ben didn't know how to express
their thoughts now. There was a vortex in his bel y. And for this vortex, I still do n’t feel
anything! In the
future, I took a few chips from one side and attached them to Henry ’s body. Then, a
humanoid image appeared again on the screen in front of the future. When a certain
movement occurs, this image will also make some movements. On the abdomen of the
image, you can clearly see the vortex flow.
Henry tried to take a deep breath. The video showed that while Henry took a deep breath,
the vortex of his abdomen would rotate very quickly. When Henry breathed smoothly, the
vortex was relatively stable.
Seeing the future of this scene, her eyes suddenly lit up. She seemed to have some kind of
speculation. She immediately directed Henry to do some actions, such as running, talking,
holding her breath, etc.
Henry is doing these actions. He will stare at the screen in front of him in the future. The
bigger and bigger his eyes are, he can see that the future breathing is a little quick.
Obviously she found something incredible.
"Huh ~" Henrychang breathed out and looked to the future. "How, what have you found."
"Boss." Looking at Henry in the future, "You seem to have two lives ..."
in the future will give Henry a data report that has just been obtained. At the same time, he
also showed Henry a portrait picture. In the portrait picture, Henry clearly sees The
air flow hidden in his abdomen changes with every movement and every breath of himself.
It rotates fast and sometimes slowly.
The change of this cyclone is exactly the same as Henry's heart. When Henry's heart
contracts, the cyclone will accelerate and when the heart expands, the speed of the cyclone
will slow down.
In the data report, accurate data shows that every change of this cyclone is exactly the same
as the heart!
"Boss, this kind of thing may sound very incredible, but in fact, this cyclone seems to be
actively replacing the heart." Looking at Henry in the future, she swallowed saliva.
Eighty percent of myself cannot believe it, and the observable result tells her that this is
Listening to the words of the future, Henry's face was a little dazed, and suddenly a cyclone
appeared in his body to take the initiative to replace the heart. This kind of thing is too
Future asked Henry: "Boss, you do not feel pain like?"
Henry shook his head, "No, but I think this weather fronts, let me at the time for action,
there is a clear sense."
"Smooth feeling "Future eyes looked at Henry strangely. She walked aside and opened the
door of a laboratory." Boss, go in, run with al your strength, punch, jump, I want to test your
current body. " Extreme data. "
Henry nodded and walked into the laboratory.
In the future, close the door of the laboratory, and then say: "Boss, it's started." The
night passed silently.
The white pool prepared helicopter has been parked on the island and can take off at any
Early the next morning, Henry came out of the laboratory and put on a clean and refreshing
After a night, Henry thoroughly understood his current physical condition and came to the
conclusion that Henry was a little shocked.
Compared with the previous Henry, Henry now has a geometric multiple growth in al
aspects of the body's functions, the power has doubled, the jumping power and explosive
power have tripled, and the reaction speed has also been 5% faster Ten, even the visceral
strength and bone strength have increased by 50% to 80%. In such a situation, if Henry
should exercise himself, it would take at least a few years of super-intensity exercise.
This is just Henry's improvement in his own functions, not counting the cyclone in his body.
The test results of one night told Henry that this cyclone would not affect him at all, on the
contrary, it would make him more powerful. The air brought out by this cyclone could form
a great lethal force and would make Henry ’s The speed increased again by one grade, but
the specific use of this qi is not clear. Henry is still not clear. It is like someone else wields it
with a knife or protects himself with qi. Henry is still unclear. He can only say that he is
under attack , With gas, but he will not use it.
However, even this is enough for Henry to rejoice. Anyway, he has also taken a step in this
regard. How to use it, just explore it slowly.
One night of training also allowed Henry to regain control of his body. It wouldn't happen
that a few meters would rush out of a few meters. The sudden increase in strength will
indeed make people feel temporarily out of control.
Henry boarded the plane, the plane took off from Guangming Island, Wade White played
the role of pilot, Ferres and others did not join Henry, there are still many things waiting
for them to deal with in Guangming Island, Wade White It was only by the way that he
walked with Henry.
"Boss, I have the gift ready, and I should be able to deliver it to my sister-in-law by
tomorrow afternoon." Before arriving on the plane, Ferres said to Henry.
Henry nodded.
Tomorrow is the day when Sylvia inherited the Su family's head. This is definitely a big
event for Sylvia.
The plane soared into the sky, with a white air current, and drove away from the island of
This time, Henry didn't have to change flights, he just had to fly directly to China Yanjing.
Wade White wears a pair of sunglasses and holds a cigar in his mouth. He sits leisurely in
the pilot's seat and plays with dynamic music.
"Boss, do you know how to talk about you outside now?"
"I don't care how they talk." Henry pouted, "I don't believe what they can say about me."
"Haha." Wade White laughed, " The fact that you would rather sacrifice the whole island for
your wife has been spread everywhere, but no one really dared to say anything about you.
After all, the strength you showed that day was too amazing. "
" Amazing? " Self-deprecating laugh, that day, the mysterious man in black, with just one
finger, made him unable to resist the scene, Henry is stil vividly remembered, Henry woke
up yesterday and wondered who the person is, it is impossible, they are Those who
President Wang once mentioned?
Now Henry doesn't think he is strong at all, even the title of the world's strongest man,
Henry thinks it is a kind of ridicule. This world is really too big, there are people outside,
too many strangers, they are themselves Unreachable.
Henry lowered his head, looking through the window, looking at the endless deep blue sea,
mystery is everywhere.
Human exploration of this world is nothing more than a dime. The dark sea, the vast sky,
and the places known as the dead are full of unknowns. No one knows what is there.
A huge wave suddenly lifted from under the plane of Henry. In this huge wave, Henry
clearly saw that there was such a wooden boat, which was driving smoothly in the huge
wave. .
On the wooden boat, there was a person standing, standing with positive and negative
hands, looking at the sky.
When Henry saw the man on the wooden boat, the first feeling in his heart was that this
man was looking at himself.
"Landing." Henry suddenly said.
"Ah?" Wade White didn't respond at first, and didn't understand why Henry made such a
"Landing." Henry said again.
Wade White didn't ask much. He let the helicopter descend on the spot. When the
helicopter had a distance of 20 meters from the sea, Henry opened the door and jumped
straight down, landing on the wooden boat.
When Henry fell, he had a breath under his feet, allowing him to well control the impact of
the descent, which did not affect the wooden boat.
The wooden boat drifted steadily in the giant waves, and there was a strange stability that
made people feel strange.
Henry and the man on the ship stand on either side of the wooden boat and look at each
Henry saw that the other party was wearing sackcloth and a hat on his head.
"Hell King, you are here." The other party's voice was very plain, without a touch of
Dou Li covered this person's cheek. Henrylian couldn't tell whether the other party was old
or young, and the voice didn't have any recognition, because this person didn't speak at al ,
but used belly language.
"Are you waiting for me?" Henry smiled at the corner of his mouth.
It seems that since I started to get in touch with qi, I have often encountered these weird
"Yes." The other party said, "I'm waiting for you."
"Wait for me to do?" Henry wondered.
"Standard." The other party's voice came, and at this moment, the original tumbling waves
suddenly became gentle.
"Rules?" Henry frowned.
"Half a month ago, you broke the rules, you should not use the power beyond the ordinary
in front of ordinary people, but you can make an exception once you just entered the
imperial Qi."
Henry's words surprised him.
Royal gas? What does it mean? Henry was ful of doubts. Could it be said that this socal ed
imperial Qi is related to Qi?
Royal Qi and Qi, is it impossible to mean the Qi inside the body?
"Okay, hel lord, since you are imperial, there are some things that you should know, catch
this." Maizi took out a dark red token from his arms and threw it to Henry.
Henry Zhang took the hand and the token was a flat prism with the word "hidden"
written on it.
"From today on, you are a member of the Shenyin Society." The Mai people continued to
say, "The Shenyin Society has no rules. The only thing is that you can't show anything about
Qi in front of ordinary people, even if it doesn't work Otherwise, next time, I wo n’t just give
you a simple verbal warning. ”The
Mai people finished, there was not so much nonsense, a wave of the hand, the sea suddenly
lifted the waves, and the giant wave called the wooden boat, but only As for the location of
Henry, as for the Mai people, there is not even a drop of water.
Henry's eyes narrowed with his opponent's hands. After the war that day, Henry knew how
strong qi can make a person strong. Using qi to drive seawater is definitely not impossible,
but it requires a high degree of proficiency. Henry said, absolutely can not do this.
Henry took a deep breath, squeezed the prismatic token in his hand, bent his legs violently,
and then jumped hard into the helicopter directly. The altitude of more than 20
meters was now just Henry's full strength.
When Henry leaped up, all the waves rushing to the wooden boat dispersed.
The Maiko man looked up and looked at the sky, muttering in his mouth: "As soon as he
entered the imperial air, there was such a powerful force. I am afraid that he hopes to break
through the shackles." On the
plane, Henry looked at the prismatic token in his hand.
Yuqi, Shenyinhui, this linen man brought him two very important news.
Henry had been thinking before, if the ancients would use qi, then how should they
distinguish each other's strength and weakness, after all, qi can not be distinguished by the
appearance of a person, some strong people, not necessarily strong qi.
Today, he heard a statement.
In addition, this God Hidden Society, it is no wonder that I have never heard people
mention this thing before, it was originally hidden by such an organization, the three words
of God Hidden Society, Henry was the first time to hear, if, If the members of this
organization are al masters who use gas, then how terrifying this organization must be?
Henry col ected the token in his hand. He planned to investigate the Shenyinhui well when
he had a chance. This investigation could only be done by him himself. The strength of the
Shenyin Society is completely able to find some clues. Henry himself is not afraid of the so-
cal ed Shenyin Society, but Wade White they should not be the opponent of this Shenyin
Wade White saw Henry holding a token and went back to the plane without saying a word.
He didn't ask. He was driving the plane intently. Although the helicopter was specially
modified in the future, it would take a lot of time to fly to China. of.
After al , the speed of the helicopter is far inferior to those of the passenger aircraft, and it
needs to be refueled halfway, but fortunately, the time on Guangming Island is later than
that of Huaxia. At 1 am in Yanjing, Henry final y stepped on Yanjing's land.
It was so late, Henry didn't go to Su's house anymore, he just found a place to rest, and
planned to go to Su's house tomorrow morning.
After Wade White sent Henry, he left for the night, and he was also busy.
In the early morning of the fol owing day, Yan Jing Su family.
The news that the Su family wanted to change the house owner was spread very early.
The time is set today. Many people who have a good relationship with the Su family have
now arrived in Yanjing.
When it was only slightly bright that day, many people who came to congratulate had
gathered in front of the Su family.
Su Yu specially arranges the reception and will not neglect every guest.
Sylvia sat in front of the dressing table before dawn, and five top makeup artists designed
her hairstyle, selected clothes, and so on.
"Is this necessary?" Sylvia asked through the mirror, looking at Su Mi who was standing
behind him, embarrassed.
"Of course there is Miss, this is the house changer. It is the biggest thing of the Su family.
Today, you, the protagonist, must suppress everyone in the aura!" Su Mi nodded without
hesitation and continued Said, "Miss, don't forget, you are a hell king's woman, don't you
want to lose yourself to another woman? I heard that Nangong Yu of the Nangong family,
when he was a child, liked Mr. Zhang, She will come today too. You can't be compared by
her. "
Sylvia heard the words Nangong Yu and thought of a gentle figure. She had seen Nangong
Yu before when she was in Yanjing. Shang Su Mi took her to a party of an antiquity family.
Sylvia has the impression that this Nangong Yu is a very quiet woman, very lovable type.
I do n’t know why, when Sylvia heard that other women would appear, she could not help
but feel a sense of crisis. What if Henry suddenly fell in love with such a quiet woman?
Sylvia now, not because she knew Henry ’s identity, she did not have the confidence she
used to treat Henry, but she cares more and more about Henry, a woman who will always
suffer from gains and losses in front of the people she cares about feel.
In front of Sujia Manor, one luxury car after another came.
A Mercedes-Benz S600 was parked in front of the Sujia Manor, and the Jiang and his father
walked off the car.
Last time , in the capital, Henry directly defeated Jiang Zuo, causing the Jiang family not to
attend the underground world conference.
After such a long period of time, Jiang Zuo's injury is almost the same. He thinks about the
scene where he was injured every day, which makes him feel particularly embarrassed.
He himself, the future heir of the Tang family, was beaten by a husband of the Su family
surname? Jiang Zuo's friends knew about it, and he almost didn't laugh.
Moreover, this matter is spread all over the Jiang family. Some people say that this way of
being is not worthy of being the future owner of the Jiang family. Squeezing his fist, he
desperately wanted to find an opportunity, in front of everyone, a shame!
Jiang Zuo chose this opportunity on the day when the Su family changed heirs.
Even if this woman Sylvia took over the Su family head today, how could the Su family fight
against himself, he just wanted everyone to know that he Jiang Zuo, not everyone can
Jiang Zuo just got off the bus and was about to walk into the Sujia gate, and saw a taxi stop
in front of the Sujiamen.
Jiang Zuorao looked at this taxi with interest, wondering who had a face and took a taxi?
Which family has not fal en to this point?
When the taxi door opened and Henry got out of the taxi, Jiang Zuo couldn't help but
laughed out loud, and then said loudly: "Gee, I'm still thinking, who has such a big heart to
fight a car?" The car comes. "
" Huh? "Henry saw Jiang Zuo, curious," You hurt like this soon? "
Last time, although Henry didn't put too heavy a hand, but that injury, Jiang Zuo was
enough It's been a whole month, but now only twenty days have passed.
Jiang Zuo's face changed as soon as he heard this. His injury has not been completely cured.
If it is normal, Jiang Zuo must stil have more than ten days of cultivation, but the last time,
there was no The law told Jiang Zuojing to rest and recuperate. As long as he was
rehabilitating, he would listen to someone talk about himself.
Jiang Zuo ’s father looked at Henry coldly and snorted: “Junior, you do n’t want to be too
crazy, today, no one can protect you!”
Last time the Yue family insisted on protecting Henry, Jiang Zuo ’s father did n’t do it, but
this time Jiang's father was ready. As long as this person dared to talk to himself arrogantly,
he would definitely take the lesson directly, even if the Yue family came, he could not say
Listening to Jiang Zuo's father, Henry lipped his lips, and had no need to bother with it.
If it was provoked by Jiang Zuo's father more than half a month ago, Henry would definitely
go up in the face.
But this time on the Battle of Bright Island, the presence of the God Hidden Society, and the
appearance of the mysterious man in black, made Henry's vision far higher. What he is
concerned about now is not these trivial things.
Moreover, today is the day when Sylvia succeeded to the head of the family, Henry did not
want to cause trouble, he did not say anything to the Jiang family father and son, and went
directly into the door of the Su family.
Seeing Henry like this, the father and son of the Jiang family naturally thought that Henry
had confessed, and looked at Henry with disdain, and then strode into the Su family.
At this moment, there are already many people in the Su family, but there are no big
families, all are smal families.
The guests gathered in groups of three to five, discussing what.
" Have you heard of that ?"
"Of course I heard."
"You have heard what I haven't said?"
"Nonsense, it must be about Guangming Island, It is said that one of the sunny island ten
kings betrayal, with hundreds of fighters want to sink the sunny island, the result is one
hell king, hundreds of fighters completely destroyed, it's horrible! "
some exaggerated rumors, mostly in some It is magnified in the rumor.
Although Henry used his power to reverse the overall situation during the First World War
on Guangming Island, he did not say that it would be so terrifying to destroy hundreds of
fighters by one person. Of course, there are still more than 100.
"You said, one of the ten kings of Guangming Island, so noble, why would they betray
Guangming suddenly?" Someone asked curiously.
"Because of what, dog blood love!" A man embraced his chest with both hands, making a
look that he knew everything.
As soon as he said this, he immediately attracted countless curious eyes, including Henry,
who also looked towards this side.
The man who spoke said that he attracted the attention of so many people in one sentence.
He became the protagonist at once. He coughed deliberately and then whispered, "Tell you,
this cousin's third sister-in-law in this Bright Island War The owner of the eldest brother's
second brother's house, it was seen with your own eyes. You must know that the owner of
the king ring who betrayed Guangming Island is Cecilia who has the colorful king ring and
is known as the enchanted witch! That is absolutely The beautiful woman said that it would
n’t be an exaggeration. She betrayed Guangming Island just because the hell lord found his
wife! ”
“ No? ”Some people did n’t believe that in the battle of Guangming Island, hundreds of
fighters were dispatched. , Just because a woman is jealous?
"Why not." The man who spoke said a bit, and he was slightly angry when he saw someone
questioning himself. "I tel you, before the war, Cecilia once shouted the hell king. If the hell
king is willing to give up his wife, cut Shea will let the fighters evacuate, otherwise, kill all
the people on the island of light! "
" I rely on! This is too exaggerated! "
"It's too scary for a woman to be jealous!"
"Kill al the people on the island? Underworld conference, go to the island, they are al
leaders of the major forces, really die, the entire underground world It was messy, and the
charm of the witch was big enough! "
" What about the hel king? What did the hell king say? "Someone asked eagerly.
"The hell king is worthy of the hell king. He said that the life and death of al the people on
the island, and what to do with him, he will never give up the people he loves!"
"I rely on, domineering!" One person could not help but speak out on the spot.
Others hold a different view, "What is this domineering, obviously selfish, for a woman,
regardless of the lives of thousands of people across the island, this kind of person is not
worthy of being a king!"
Among those who gathered together to chat, everyone With different opinions, some
people think that the behavior of the hell king should be done by a real man, dare to love
and hate, and do whatever you want.
Some people think that the behavior of the hell monarch is too selfish. Since he is called the
hel monarch, he should have a choice that a monarch should have, and he cannot risk the
life of the whole island.
"Let me say, whether he is a real man or selfish, from a woman's point of view, he is a man
worth committing to for life." A faint voice sounded, and Nangong Yu came to the crowd
sometime. .
As the young lady of the Nangong family, Nangong Yu's every move in Yanjing is very much
concerned. Similarly, Nangong Yu is also a talented woman, in personal In terms of charm,
she also received a lot of attention. As soon as she made a sound, she immediately attracted
a lot of attention.
The talking people looked at Nangong Yu, and Nangong Yu's eyes were on Henry, who was
mixed in the crowd.
"Little girl, don't make your words too full." Henry rolled his eyes and shook his sleeves to
walk aside.
Nangong Yu looked at Henry's picture and stomped his feet with hatred. At the same time,
he was thinking about which woman would make him say that he might be the enemy of
the whole world.
Those who talked looked at Nangong Yu, and then Henry who walked away.
"Who is this, does not give Miss Nangong's face a face."
"Who knows."
Henry came to the front door of Su's main hal and saw that it was already covered with red
color, the faces of those Su's, It also showed a festive look.
Henry bypassed the main hal and came to the back of the main hall. There was a room here.
Sylvia was in the room.
When Henry first entered the Su family gate, he had already inquired where Sylvia was.
At this time, there was no extra consideration at all, and he directly pushed the door and
walked in.
Inside the door, Sylvia was stil sitting in front of the dressing table. Her hair was draped,
soft and shiny, and a hollow gold hairpin was slanted in the hair, wearing a lotus-blue fairy
skirt and a golden beast hanging around her waist The smoke furnace, with every smal
movement of Sylvia, the small golden beads in the furnace will collide with the furnace wall
and make a jingle sound. She is like a fairy mortal who has fallen into the world and is
The woman's face was painted with light makeup, and Liu Mei's eyebrows were bent, with
a strange style.
The door of the dressing room was suddenly pushed open.
Henry walked in from the door of the room.
"Wow, wife, are you too beautiful?" Henry said loudly as he entered the door. He looked at
the woman's face reflected in the mirror, his eyes slightly dull.
When Sylvia heard Henry's voice, his eyes burst into joy, even the body trembles slightly
under the skirt. For so long, she real y missed Henry too much, but her character made her
not too obvious. Performance.
"You're back, the wounds are raised?" Sylvia tried to make his voice quiet.
"Wel ." Henry nodded hard, and rushed to Sylvia in two or two steps. "Wife, let me see, I
really want to die you!"
Su Mi, who was standing behind Sylvia, saw Henry immediately. Bow, "Mr. Zhang is good."
In fact, Su Mi is stil a little unbelievable. The man in front of him is actual y the famous hell
king! Everyone in the underground world is not curious about this hell king. Su Mi also
fantasized about the image of many hell kings, such as tall and mighty, no strangers, even
some people said that hel king has four hands, Su Mi There will not be too much doubt,
after all, the prestige of the hell king is too great.
But Su Mi really did not think about it, this hell king is such an ordinary image.
Sylvia looked at Henry's bouncing and rolled his eyes. "Just like you are still a hell lord,
there is no edge."
"Cut." Henry whispered, "I am not a king, wife in front of my wife. You are my king, hehe. "
Henry smirked at Sylvia. Sylvia looked at Henry's smirking look, and his heart was ful of
This is his own man. The man who can make people kneel and shout to my king when he is
domineering. The man who can stand in the air and destroy 100 fighters with one person.
The man in the underground world has left countless legends. Even though he is powerful,
he still behaves like ordinary people in front of himself and in front of his family.
"Okay, don't be poor." Sylvia stood up from the dressing table and took Henry's hand.
"Today I took over as the head of the Su family. You don't have enough gifts for Guangming
Island. . " "
wife, I assure you. "Henry boldly," etiquette that must be in place. "
Sylvia Yanzui gently smile, which is real y what you want her gift, it's just a woman rushed
own man spoiled it.
At 11 o'clock in the morning, Sylvia walked out of the dressing room.
At this moment, the Su family has already come to many guests.
The father and son of the Jiang family looked at these people who came to the Su family and
felt very disdainful. At the same time, they were very high-profile. Those little gangsters,
they didn't care at all. After they lifted the Jiang family's name, many people immediately
showed up.
The father and son of the Jiang family were sitting in the main hal of the Su family.
Although they were not in the main seat, the attitude of the two of them at this moment
was as if they were the masters here, and they looked like Jiangshan.
Su Yu stood in front of the main hall of the Su family and received guests.
"Master Su, congratulations."
" Master Su, congratulations ."
"Hahaha, I real y envy Master Su. There is a descendant who can inherit the mantle.
Unlike the uncomfortable stuff in our family, no one can do it now. Take it. "
One person after another, walked into the gate of Sujia Manor, and then came to the main
hall, rushing to Suyu and saying hi.
At this moment, Su Yu couldn't help but smile, and now he will take over as the head of the
Su family. That is the wife of the King of the Bright Island. The Su family has become a top
family in the entire underground world from a smal Chinese family. Su Yu can wake up
laughing when he sleeps.
Previously, Su Yu was worried that his niece could attract the attention of the hell prince.
He was afraid that the hel prince was just playing with his niece, but when Su Mi brought
back the news of the Battle of Bright Island, Su was completely eliminated The concern in
Yu's heart, this underground king, is absolutely true love for his niece. If so, who would
dare to offend the Su family in the future?
With the passage of time, more and more guests came to the Su's family. Only 20
minutes left before Sylvia took over the ceremony.
This time, not only the people of the ancient Wu family, including the official, but also the
same people. After al , the status of the Su family in Yanjing is there. The parking lot in the
Su family manor has been fil ed with luxury cars. The rest of the cars can only be parked
outside the Su's door.
When the time came to 11:15 at noon, the Su Family Hal was already full.
Su Yu came to the hall and sat on the throne.
The people who were stil talking left and right gradually stopped communicating and
looked at the people in the main seat.
Next to the main seat, the eight Su family members stood on both sides, holding a tray in
their hands, covered with red satin.
A big drum was placed in front of the Su's main hall. At this time, the big drum struck.
a muffled sound of "dong"

came from the entrance of the hall.

Su Yu, who was sitting on the throne, glanced across the hal with this sound, and then
opened his mouth, "You guys, today I am Su Yu, I removed the head of the Su family, my
niece Sylvia, thank you friends This made Sumou feel prosperous. In the past days, our Su
family has been adhering to the principle of making friends with the world. After today, our
Su family is the same. My niece is young. Su is grateful for your support! "
Su Yu finished speaking and clenched fists around.
Everyone sitting in the hal also had a kind of punching punch to Chong Suyu.
was another muffled noise from the cowhide drum at the door of the "Boom" . With this
muffled sound, an excited guzheng sounded in everyone's ears.
Behind the Su family's throne, Sylvia, who was wearing a lotus blue and looked down at the
fairy skirt, walked out slowly.
The black hair was draped, and the woman's delicate facial features made people unable to
pick out a little flaw. Her appearance seemed to let the air freeze, almost everyone locked
her eyes on her body and couldn't take it away.
Before coming, many people had heard that this heir of the Su family was a peerless beauty.
At that time, some people were stil wondering what this woman would look like.
Seeing today, they admit that the word peerless is no exaggeration.
When Jiang Zuo saw Sylvia, his eyes were fil ed with a strong desire to conquer, and the
fists on his legs were tightly pinched. Thinking of the scene that happened in Beijing that
day, Jiang Zuo couldn't wait to hold the woman in her body. Next, humiliating a lot.
Jiang Zuo's father saw his son's appearance, patted Jiang Zuo's shoulder, and gave Jiang Zuo
a look. That meant tel ing Jiang Zuo that they would do whatever they wanted. They didn't
need to care about a Su family.
Jiang Zuo took a deep breath. Today, he must make the Su family pay the price. He must
make this surnamed Lin look good with her husband!
Sylvia walked along the lotus step. The golden beast smoker in her waist kept making a
silver bell, which perfectly matched the sound of the guzheng ringing outside.
When Sylvia came, Su Yu took the initiative to walk away from the throne and left the
throne to Sylvia.
Su Yu looked at Sylvia, the more satisfied she was.
When the old man left his will before leaving, he said that he would give the Su family to a
foreigner. At that time, many people disagreed and did not understand the old man's way,
but no one thought that the old man wanted to compensate, but he was Taking the Su
family to another level, if it was said that the old man didn't make people look for the
whereabouts of Sylvia's mother and daughter, then the Su family would not have a
relationship with Guangming Island for decades.
Sylvia came to the main seat of the Su family, beautiful eyes scanned the main hal of the Su
family, slowly opening, her voice was very clear, unlike the gentle whispers of most
southern women, she grew up in the northwest, she had a voice in her voice A kind of
"Thank you uncles for coming here today. From today, my Sylvia will take over as the head
of the Su family. The Su family has always been based on the principle of making friends
with the world. My Sylvia is no exception. I hope to have a relationship with you.
It's getting closer and closer. If I have anything that Sylvia can't do well, please ask my
uncles to be more forgiving. "
Sylvia didn't have too many scenes. When her voice fel , everyone just wanted to
congratulate and a dissonant voice sounded .
Sitting on the left of Jiang, the closest to the main seat, stood up from the seat, staring
aggressively at Sylvia standing in front of the main seat, and said: "Miss Lin, I have
something to do It ’s unclear, what do you mean by getting closer and closer, what do you
mean, can you climb into my bed and get in close contact with me? Huh? ”
Jiang Zuo's voice fell, and there were a few people beside him. Laughter.
These people were al together with Jiang Zuo and representatives of several small families.
They were instructed by Jiang Zuo to humiliate the Su family.
The people sitting in the main hal of the Su family, whether it ’s Su Yu or those who came to
congratulate, after hearing Jiang Zuo ’s words, their faces changed, and no one could
understand that this time the Jiang family came, That's where the trouble comes.
Sylvia Liumei wrinkled slightly, when she saw the Jiang family father and son, they guessed
that these two people did not have any good intentions, last time Henry directly
interrupted several bones of Jiang Zuo, how could Jiang Zuo still come to congratulate See,
that's true.
Su Yu frowned tightly. He stood beside the main seat, looked at Jiang Zuo's father, and said,
"Brother Jiang, what do you mean?"
Jiang Zuo's father laughed aloud, "Brother Su Yu, between the juniors It ’s just a joke, do n’t
take it seriously. We came here and prepared a gift. Zuoer, do n’t let people take the gift? ”
Jiang Zuo ’s father finished and gave Jiang Zuo a blame.
Jiang Zuo nodded quickly, "Yes, Uncle Su, I just made a joke with Sylvia. This gift was given
to Sylvia, I hope Sylvia likes it."
Jiang Zuo finished, waving at the door of the Su family hal .
Afterwards, he saw a man, holding a box that was one meter high, and trotting in. The box
was covered with black satin, so that people could not see what was inside the box.
After Su Yu saw this, her frowns stretched slightly.
"Come on!" Jiang Zuochong yelled at the person who had just entered the door. "Come to
give gifts, and cover up, come, let Sylvia look at our heart!"
Jiang Zuo said, then he strode forward, extended his hand, and lifted the satin above the
At the moment when the satin was lifted, al the pupils in the hal shrank, looking at the
contents of the box.
The one in the box was a bronze bell!
The so-cal ed congratulatory gift of the Jiang family, the bel !
What does this mean, all Chinese people understand very well!
Su Yu's face changed on the spot, and she shouted, "Your surname Jiang, you are too much!"
Nangong Yu, the Nangong family, was sitting here with some doubts. Sylvia had seen her,
and she had a little reflection on this woman. Being a person who will not take the initiative
to cause trouble, how can the Jiang family be targeted?
"Too much?" Jiang Zuo's father asked back, and then sneered. "What about us too much?
The husband of your baby girl interrupted my son's ribs. My Jiang family, today I want to
settle accounts with your Su family! "
Esa father stood up, looked disdain Su Yu.
Su Yu suddenly had a strange look on her face, Sylvia's husband? Isn't that Henry? The
monstrous hell king beat Jiang Zuo, is this the Jiang family to settle the accounts?
Looking for hel king to settle accounts?
At the scene, a lot of people heard Sylvia got married, and suddenly a disappointed look
appeared in their eyes. Just when Sylvia appeared, they were stil thinking about the
possibility of a marriage.
Everyone here on
also understands that the Jiang family came this time and was about to smash the scene.
In terms of energy in the ancient Wu family, the Jiang family far surpassed the Su family.
The Jiang family itself is higher than the Su family. The Su family's grandfather left early,
leaving the Su family in a situation where the green family is not connected. Now the Su
family has just replaced a new owner, and it has not yet stood firm. Jiang The family came
today to want to completely ruin the Su family!
Many people looked at Su Yu with some concern.
On the other hand, Su Yu did not have much worry on his face, because he was very clear,
let alone a Jiang family, that is, the top three ancient Wu family in China added up, and from
now on, don't want to pose a threat to the Su family!
Jiang Su Yu looked at his son and son look and asked: "You Jiang family, and we really want
to go to war Su?"
"No," Esa shook his head, looking to his side of several small family! Homeowner.
The heads of the smal families immediately stood up. They were the people who just
laughed after Jiang Zuo had finished speaking.
The owners of these small families looked at Su Yu and said, "Not only the Jiang family, we
also have to fight against the Su family!"
"Oh." Su Yu chuckled, and just before he spoke, Sylvia waved his hand to stop it.
Su Yu looked at Sylvia's hand gesture and immediately closed his mouth.
Such a smal detail is seen in the eyes of many people, and some dexterous people can see
different things on the spot. An outsider who takes over the Su family head does not say, as
a junior, a gesture, just Letting the elders shut up willingly, this Sylvia is definitely not as
simple as it looks!
Sylvia glanced at Jiang Zuo and the few people standing beside Jiang Zuo. She opened her
mouth gently, "Are you sure, come to my Su's house for trouble?"
"Oh, I can't talk about trouble." Jiang Zuo slowly shook his head. "Because your Su family is
not worthy of my Jiang family. There is trouble. The surname is Lin. If you want to be smart,
let your husband come out and obey I knocked a few bel s, maybe I can let you go! "
Jiang Zuo's words fel .
Outside the Sujia hal , there was a burst of shouting, which was made by the Sujia
"Who are you! Who let you break in!"
"Don't let them in!"
The sound of the sound from the door rang out, and soon fell. When the sound fell, nearly a
hundred strangers Faces, rushed in front of the Su family gate, these are all Jiang family.
The Jiang family came here this time!
Jiang Zuozui looked at Sylvia with a smile on his stage. "Did you think about it? I'm not
Jiang Zuo was full of confidence at this time.
Sylvia looked at the hundreds of figures outside the door. If it were before, she would still
have a headache for this matter, but now, absolutely not.
Sylvia twisted slightly and shouted behind him, "
My husband, come out soon, someone will make you kowtow to admit it wrong." "Wife, you
said that this time, I interrupted his limbs to make him a waste person for life, or direct
How about killing him? "Henry put his hands in his pockets and slowly walked out of the
other hall behind the main seat. His movements were very light.
Nangong Yu, who was sitting in the main hal of the Su family, shrank her pupils at the
moment she saw Henry. She final y understood why Henry appeared in the Su family.
Normally, a succession ceremony for the Su family was absolutely impossible. Henry, now
Nangong Yu understands, Sylvia, Henry's wife, she is the one who makes Henryning willing
to take the risk of being enemies with the world and will not give up!
Jiang Xuan looked at Henry with hate in his eyes. He squeezed his fists tightly, but did not
act rashly, because he knew that his own strength was not his opponent, but let him be as
strong as he is. What is the use? Can you stil beat a hundred today?
"Abolish me?" Jiang Zuo stared at Henry, "I want to see, who is abolishing who today!
Kil me!"
Jiang Zuo waved his hand, and now his face has been torn, not at all Unnecessarily, he
couldn't wait to see this man kneeling in front of himself to beg for mercy.
Jiang Zuo's father didn't move, he was staring at Su Yu. In his opinion, the biggest variable
in this trip was Su Yu. After all, as the former head of the Su family, Su Yu's strength is
definitely not to be underestimated.
But what surprised Jiang Zuo's father was that Su Yu didn't have any intention to do
anything at all, and it seemed that he didn't want to care about this at all. This abnormal
scene made Jiang Zuo's father a little uneasy.
Outside the door of the Su family hal , hundreds of people brought by Jiang Zuo were about
to rush into the hall, and they heard a shout of noise outside the door.
"Hangshi Yue Family, come to the gift!" A figure, with a strong momentum, pushed away
the person crowded at the door and walked in from the main entrance. This person was
Yue Rong.
Seeing the appearance of Yue Rong, Jiang Zuo's father's face was slightly unsightly.
This was unexpected for him. How could a Su family change house owner let China's fifth-
ranked Yue family owner come to the ceremony in person?
Jiang Zuo's father quickly rushed outside the door to make a wink, to stop those Jiang's
people from going forward. Today, he came to trouble himself, even if Yue Rong was
present, he didn't have the right to take care of this business. In the process of accidental y
ramming Yue Rong, but gave Yue Rong the opportunity to manage this matter!
Yue Rong strode into the hall, standing in front of the main seat Chong Sylvia Baoquan,
"Lin congratulate the girl, his wife's family sent a Hangzhou city land, willing to work with
Su, allied."
Yue Rong words, let the hal , Suddenly there was an uproar.
The Yue family came to Heli to say nothing, but also sent a piece of land and offered to form
an alliance with the Su family? What type of situation is this? The Yue family's position in
this ancient Wu family is much stronger than the Su family!
Yue Rong's voice had just dropped, and it was too late for everyone to sigh too much.
Another voice sounded from the outside.
"Duhai Zhu's family came to congratulate, congratulate Lin on taking over the Su family's
head, and give it to the Duhai building, wishing to form an al iance with the Su family!"
This is an old voice, dressed in Tang suit Yuan Jiu took a tiger step and stepped in from the
Zhu Yuanjiu's appearance, his words, let the people present, mouth wide open.
In the past there was Yue Family in Hangzhou City, and now there is Duhai Zhu Family.
Apart from the three major families in Beijing, it is the highest-ranking family in the ancient
Wu family. And the arrival is still the contemporary owner of the family, the grandfather
and the grandfather. The prestige of the old man is very high in the entire family of ancient
martial arts, even if the people in the three big families of the capital are only the older
generation, they can sit on equal footing with the old man, and the younger generation
should be respectful. Respectful y shouted to wish the old man!
"Jingcheng Jiang
Family, come to congratulate!" "Jingcheng Baijia, come to congratulate!"
"Jingcheng Jijia, come to congratulate!"
Three more voices sounded outside the Sujiamen.
The successive sounds have completely shocked the people in Sujia Hal .
The father and son of the Jiang family were stil there, at a loss.
The three big families in Beijing, take the initiative to show their favor to the Su family?
what is happening?
Now, anyone with a bit of eyesight can see that something absolutely happened in the Su
In front of the Su Family Hal , three people entered at the same time.
Ji Shouyi, the Ji family, is known as the first master of the ancient Chinese martial arts
circle, and is also the most famous person of the Ji family. He came in person.
Jiang Family Jiang Shen! Every generation of Jiang family heads are named after gods.
According to legend, in ancient times, this Chinese god was sealed by the Jiang family.
Baijia Baiyuntian, the contemporary owner of Baijia, is very prestigious in all major areas of
All who came to the Su family to congratulate this time are the most important characters
of the three great families!
The guests at the scene looked at the three people who had arrived, and had no idea what
to say.
Su Yu stood aside and looked excited. When did he ever think that the succession ceremony
of his family's head would come with so many big people, all this because of the existence
of the hel king! Bright Island is indeed a holy place in this underground world! Moreover,
since the last World War I, the hel monarch has become more famous, and has been
recognized by people.
After the arrival of the three big families, they did not show any arrogance. Instead, they
punched Sylvia in the front of the hal .
Sylvia also saluted one by one.
"Xiaojiazhuang, congratulations to Ms. Lin for taking over the Su family. From today,
Xiaojiazhuang is willing to use Su Jiama as the leader and become a subsidiary of Su
Another voice sounded outside the door!
Xiaojiazhuang, now 80% of the weapons of the ancient Wushu family in China, are all from
the hands of Xiaojiazhuang. Xiaojiazhuang is the largest arsenal in the ancient Wushu
industry in Huaxia and has a very important position.
Now, Xiaojiazhuang is willing to become a subsidiary of the Su family? what's going on?
Even the three major families in Beijing have no such treatment!
The young owner of Xiaojiazhuang, Xiaoxinghe strode in from outside the door. He looked
at Sylvia and Henry with a good look.
Last time on Guangming Island, Xiao Xinghe was so scared that his legs were soft. He was
afraid that he would stay there completely. This time, he came to admit that he was wrong.
At first, he had moved his mind about the lady of the king. It was really death!
Xiao Xinghe punched Sylvia and clenched his fist, "Xiaojiazhuang gave 100 pieces of
superior weapons to the Su family, and would like to recognize the Su family as the
"Thank you Master Xiaoshao." Sylvia replied softly.
Hearing Sylvia's words, Xiao Xinghe looked very happy. It seems that the king's wife did not
intend to settle accounts with herself. This time she real y wants to become a subsidiary of
the Su family. That is the subsidiary of Guangming Island. In this world, there are several
This force can become a subsidiary of Bright Island?
The Ferrace family of the world ’s first consortium counts as one, the Sealord, Poseidon, the
top European royal family, the Shouling family, which has been inherited for thousands of
years, the world ’s first intel igence organization, and the Great Snow Mountain of India.
Which of these is not a force that can make the whole world tremble with stomping. Now,
Xiaojiazhuang, who owns this honor, can be regarded as one.
Becoming a subsidiary of Bright Island is a glory for Xiaoxinghe.
"Xiong Family, congratulate Ms. Lin on taking over the Su family. Xiong's family wishes to
follow Ms. Lin from generation to generation!" Another voice sounded.
More than a dozen figures walked into the Su Family Hall, it was the Xiong family who had
conflicts with Sylvia on the island.
After the arrival of the Xiong family, instead of holding a fist and saluting, they just kneeled
down on one knee and performed the veneration.
Sylvia nodded, "Get up."
"Thank you, Miss Lin." The leader of the Xiong family quickly thanked, and then made a few
glances at the people behind him.
Those who had conflicts with Sylvia before, quickly hurled Sylvia's look of apology. They
wanted to apologize before, but something happened on Guangming Island, so that they did
not have the opportunity. Too.
What happened in front of us can be said to be completely beyond the cognition of the Jiang
family and his son. A Su family who did not put them in their eyes actually let so many big
figures come together and made Xiaojiazhuang and Xiongjia willing to fol ow.
What exactly is going on?
Before the father and son of the Jiang family thought about it, the voice outside the door
came again.
"European Knights Club, congratulations to Lin for taking over the Su family!"
A tall, blond man wearing silver armor came in. The European Knights Club was the
number one organization in Europe.
"Island Hidden Kill, congratulations to Lin!"
A petite woman with short hair appeared in the Sujia Hall. Her appearance made many
people unaware that Hidden Kill is the first killer organization in the island country,
ranking first in the world ten.
"The kingdom of God magnesium Kai, Lin congratulated the girl."
"Ying State of the Holy Spirit, to congratulate forest girl."
"The Italian ringleader, congratulated forest girl."
"Sunshine State French, congratulate forest girl ......"
one has a voice, from Outside the Sujia Hall, one figure after another walked into the Sujia
Hal . These coming people, each, in the underground world, are well-known. The
organizations they represent are the strongest organizations in their country. !
The heads of the Jiang family father and son are completely out of use, and the complete
downtime is there. So many powerful forces have congratulated the Su family.
Why? When did the Sus have such prestige?
When the father and son of the Jiang family couldn't react, they shouted again.
"Bright Island, brought the industry hundreds of billions of thirteen islands, one hundred
eighty warships, warplanes four hundred, three thousand mercenary group, a military
factory, came to congratulate!"
If we say, to the front of the big names, It will be surprising and somewhat unacceptable, so
now the sound of this sound makes people unbelievable.
Bright Island!
In the underground world, who doesn't know the island of light? It was a sacred place in
the entire underground world. Even the kings of some countries would invite Guangming
Island, but they had never seen who Guangming had given face to.
But this time, Guangming Island not only came, but also presented a gift!
Just listening to the congratulations on Bright Island makes people feel shocked.
A group of ten people came in front of the main hal of the Su family. At the moment these
ten people appeared, everyone's eyes were placed on them. Each of these ten people held a
ghost face mask in their hands, proving that Their identity.
The people in the main hal of the Su family were full of respect when looking at these ten
After ten people came to the hal , they stood in front of the main seat. Then, they knelt
down on one knee, put their left hands on their right shoulders, and screamed,
"Congratulations to Mrs. King, who will take over as the head of the Su family!"
Mrs. King !
These four words sounded like the thunder exploded, next to the ears of the Jiang family!
The people of Guangming Island said that Sylvia is the wife of the king?
can be called King of Guangming Island, who in this world? Only one person!
If Sylvia was the wife of the king, would n’t her husband be ... the Jiang family and his son
looked at Henry with an unbelievable look and took a breath.
At the same time, the ten people who came to Guangming Island looked at Henry again and
said, "I have seen my king!"
When the words of my king were heard, the legs of the Jiang family father and son softened
and their faces suddenly pale. One piece, no blood.
This man is hell king? How can it be! How can this be!
The Jiang family did not land on the island last time and did not know the relationship
between Sylvia and the hel king.
Including those who were in good relations with the Jiang family and who had just put
pressure on the Su family, they are now in a panic. They even doubt whether this matter is
After the ten people of Guangming Island spoke in unison, those forces that arrived,
including the heads of the three Chinese families, also bowed down together and said hello
to Henry: "Have you seen Lord Hel ."
After saying hello to Henry, They all looked at Sylvia together, "I have seen the wife of the
The actions of many big men present at the scene gave the Jiang family's father and son a
last glimmer of hope, completely destroyed!
This man is really a hel king!
Henry didn't care about the crowd and waved their hands, beckoning them to be rude.
Everyone stood aside and looked at Henry with respectful eyes.
Half a month ago, at the Battle of Bright Island, Henry completely sealed the gods and
destroyed 100 fighters with one person's strength. This record was shocking when people
Henry stood next to Sylvia, with a smile in his mouth, looking at Jiang left, and asked,
"You just said, let me kneel?"
Jiang Zuo looked at the smile on Henry's face. He only felt that a cold, cold atmosphere
wrapped around him. Jiang Zuo's legs were soft, and he had no courage to continue to
stand. He knelt down directly! He never imagined that this man is the legendary hell king,
and Sylvia is the wife of the king!
The deeds of the Battle of Bright Island have been spread everywhere. For the sake of his
lover, the king of hell would rather take the risk of being an enemy to the world, so that the
people of the island ignored their lives. What is the end?
Jiang Zuo knelt there, trembling nonstop, his lips pale, and he was sweating al over.
Jiang Zuo's father insisted on not letting himself kneel, but his face was also pale and he
couldn't say a word.
"I asked you, did you let me kneel and kowtow?" Henry looked at Jiang Zuo.
Jiang Zuo didn't dare to say anything, and slowly shook his head.
"Talk!" Henry suddenly snorted.
This violent drink completely frightened Jiang Zuo's courage. It can be seen that Jiang Zuo's
pants were already wet, and a bad smel spread.
Jiang Zuo's father was also in this voice, and he no longer held back and knelt down
The power of the hell monarch is really too strong. The name alone will make people
respectful when they mention it.
Henry jumped lightly, and the man came to the bronze bell one meter high.
"Who is this clock for?" Henry looked to Jiang Zuo.
"I ... I ... send it to myself." Jiang Zuo shuddered.
"Since it's for yourself, then you ..." Henry spoke while placing his hand on the top of the
brass bell, with a little force on his arm, and he grabbed the brass bel , "Enjoy it."
when enjoying the words, Henry grabbed the bronze bell and buckled up to the left side of
Jiang Jiang.
Jiang Zuo knelt there, the mouth of the bronze bell was not big, and he could not completely
buckle Jiang Zuo. However, under the power of Henry, the bronze bell was completely
buckled without any obstacle.
A screaming sounded, wandering among the bronze bells, Jiang Zuo's knee and half of his
feet exposed outside the bronze bel were cut directly by the bronze bel .
Jiang Zuo's screams lingered among the bronze bells, making people feel cold on the scalp.
The blood spread out along the bottom of the bronze bell.
Jiang Zuo's father was pale, and he wandered beside his son's screams, but he dared not
move at all.
Henry said softly, "Kill."
The ten people from Guangming Island, after hearing Henry's voice, Qi Qi put on the
grimace mask in their hands, exuded a kil ing air, and walked out of the Sujia hall.
The door of the hal was closed from the outside, and a scream was heard from outside the
Sujia hal .
The people who were stil in the hal could not see what was happening outside. They did
not dare to see it. Everyone sitting there was pale.
The hel king is worthy of being the hel king, and those who angered him will definitely have
no good ending! The screams outside the hall told everyone that the Jiang family was over!
Those smal families who have just stood with the Jiang family will also have no good
A few minutes later, the screams outside the door stopped, the door reopened, and a strong
bloody smel filled the air, but outside the door, there was no corpse, not even blood stains.
There were nearly a hundred people in the Jiang family, just like the world.
Evaporated in general.
Such a scene shocked the hearts of everyone. Bright Island can make people so silent and
evaporate from the world!
Henry lifted the bronze bell in front of him. Jiang Zuo, who had screamed in the bell, had no
sound at the moment. His eyes were wide open, but he was not angry, and Qiqiao was
When Jiang Zuo's father saw this scene, he couldn't tell where he was. What happened to
his son now, and a group of tears immediately ran down the corner of his eyes.
"I am very satisfied with this gift from the Jiang family. Since this is the clock you gave
yourself, take it back!" Henry waved his hand and no longer glanced at Jiang Zuo's father.
"Thank you, Lord King." Jiang Zuo's father bowed his head, and he slowly stood up, holding
his son from the ground with one hand, and slowly walked outside.
The people in the house, looking at the back of Jiang Zuo's father, everyone was trembling
in their hearts, this is the end of the provoking hel king! In the future, the Chinese ancient
Wu family will be the world of the Su family!
Jiang Zuo's father walked out of the Su's compound, and just out of the Su's gate, a heavy
truck whistled from the side, and directly rolled over Jiang Zuo's father. The bronze bel
made the last sound.
In the Su family hall, Henry sat on a chair casual y and rushed to Su Yu: "Continue."
Su Yu nodded and said aloud, "The ceremony continues!"
With Jiang Zuo's father and son in their early days, This time the succession ceremony,
there is no other difference, everyone, very respectful congratulations to Sylvia, Su family,
also from today, leap into the world's top family.
A succession ceremony , which lasted for several hours, there are many steps in the middle,
such as revealing ancestors and the like.
Henry participated in this ceremony for the first time and wanted to put it on others, even
the leader of the largest country, he patted his ass and walked away, but today, he
just sat for a few hours, just looking at the woman, Henry ’s heart You can't help but feel
When the succession ceremony ended, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. Su Yu
was responsible for arranging the accommodation of the major forces. These did not need
to worry about Sylvia. After taking over the Su family head, the Su family was almost
responsible for the Su family. However, Sylvia just put a name on it. This is what Sylvia
actively requested. Although the Su family is a big family, he still has such a strong husband,
but Sylvia stil ca n’t let Lin down, then it ’s her. The enterprises that have been run by one
hand are ful of emotion.
Sylvia still wants to run the Lin family well. In general, taking over the Su family head will
not have much impact on her life. It can only be said that in the future business, there will
be more Hold your breath.
On the day after the succession ceremony, Sylvia and Henry took the Su family's private
plane and returned to Yinzhou.
It is now autumn and the day time is shortened. When Henry and Sylvia arrived in Yinzhou,
it was already dark.
Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar airport in front of her, Sylvia sighed with emotion.
From the last time she left, she has not returned for a month.
"Wife, is your body uncomfortable? Why do you look sad?" Henry took Sylvia's hand and
walked outside the airport.
Sylvia shook her head, she suddenly stopped and looked at Henry.
"Wife, what's wrong with you?" Henry turned around and asked strangely.
"I ..." Sylvia opened his mouth and took a deep breath. "My husband, I heard a lot of rumors
outside. They said that for a woman, you have to be an enemy to the people of the world.
They are not worthy of being a king."
"Cut!" Henry pouted and waved his hand indifferently. "They told them to let them go, I can
stil lose a piece of meat."
"No." Sylvia shook his head. "Her husband, do you think it's worth it?" "
What's the value?" Henry was puzzled.
"For me." Sylvia stared at Henry's eyes, "If one day, you really enemies the whole world for
me, do you think it's worth it?"
Is it worth it?
Henry looked at Sylvia. He pulled up Sylvia's two catkins, smiled, and shook his head
slightly. "Wife, I won't be enemies for the whole world for you."
"Aust." Sylvia heard this answer, and a look appeared in his eyes. Lost, but understandable,
she was about to make a sound and heard Henry's voice ring again.
"You are my world."
Henry's words made Sylvia's pretty face suddenly red, she immediately turned around and
shook Henry's hand away, "Your local taste is really disgusting."
Sylvia said so , But the sweetness in my heart is not much at al .
Henry laughed loudly and took Sylvia's hand again. "Wife, let's go."
Sylvia rolled his eyes and let Henry pul himself out of the airport.
The two returned home, and no one came back to live in the house for more than a month.
Henry stood at the door of the room and looked at Sylvia.
"Look at me, open the door." Sylvia stood behind Henry and said.
Henry showed a bitter smile , "Wife, you changed the door lock."
"Ah!" Sylvia covered her mouth, and a little embarrassment appeared on her pretty face.
However, she had forgotten about this matter for the past month. At that time, she wanted
to completely cut off contact with Henry. Now it has been proposed to make Sylvia feel
particularly embarrassed.
Sylvia pouted and snorted, "Then you deliberately walked in front of me! Let go."
Sylvia grabbed Henry's sleeve and pulled Henry behind him.
Henry was ashamed. Sylvia's little woman-like appearance made him really unable to parry
Sylvia opened the door. No one came back to live in the house for more than a month.
Dust was clearly visible in the corner of the room. There was also a musty gray smell on the
sofa cushions. If you want to live, you must clean it first.
As soon as Henry entered the room, he skil fully hit two buckets of water, twisted the rag,
and wiped the table.
Sylvia looked at Henry, who was skilled in cleaning, and had an unreal feeling. The man in
front of him was real y the world's first master who made people kneel, shouted kings, and
destroyed hundreds of fighters with one person?
Sylvia blushed at the thought of alienating Henry deliberately. At that time, in order to let
him completely die, he also ...
Sylvia's gaze suddenly condensed, she thought of something, that night, after drinking in
Paris What happened afterwards?
Sylvia stared at Henry who was wiping the table. He could n’t help it. He already had
Milan .......
Thinking of this, Sylvia felt bitter in his heart. If this is the case, how should he face this
matter? In the final analysis, this matter is all his own As a result, Henry and Milan wanted
to be together at the time, but now they still stay with Henry, so how much is unfair to
Sylvia was filled with bitterness, and she suddenly felt a sense that she was like a woman
who was particularly shameless.
"Old ..." Sylvia just wanted to talk to Henry when he heard the door knocked.
"Mr. Zhang! Are you back, Mr. Zhang?" Outside, there was an anxious voice.
"Who?" Henry didn't notice the strange appearance on Sylvia's face. He went to the door
and opened the door. He saw Director Wei of the Municipal Bureau standing outside the
"Director Wei?" Henry looked at each other unexpectedly.
"Mr. Zhang, you are finally back. I let the security guard here pay attention to you from half
a month ago." Director Wei quickly explained.
Half a month ago?" Henry frowned. "What happened?" "It's Ms. Jenny. She was taken away
by the people of Lijia Village. It's been half a month now!" Director Wei was worried.
"Jenny was taken away? What's going on!" Henry asked quickly.
"Mr. Zhang, it's a long story. It's better to go to the police station with me first. Some
information will be shown to you." Director Wei looked at Henry and Sylvia in the room.
"OK, let's go now." Henry nodded.
Regarding Lijiacun, last time Jenny was purely help. Henry originally thought that the
matter was over. Unexpectedly, the people of Lijiacun dare to catch people!
"Husband, what's the matter?" Sylvia trot over, why Li Jiacun, why would he catch Jenny,
she was all confused.
"Mr. Lin, please come together. This matter also has a lot to do with Lin." Secretary Wei
Henry and Sylvia, went to Yinzhou City Bureau with Director Wei.
Director Wei directly took the two to the office, took out a document and placed it in front
of them, and poured tea for them.
Henry and Sylvia both frowned at the documents that Director Wei had brought out.
"How did this land get developed?" Sylvia held the document in the hand above the
ancestral hal of Lijia Village. She personally promised that the people of Lijia Village would
not develop it, but what is indicated in the document now, It proves that this land has been
completely excavated, and the underground shrine is also exposed.
In addition, the document also recorded the reactions of the Lijia villagers after the
development of the land, which was not what Sylvia thought.
Regarding the ground being dug, Henry knew very well that what he is seeing now is about
the Lin Group ’s financial shock. There is a huge financial chain that is constantly attacking
Lin. In this short half In a month's time, Lin's assets have shrunk by 10%, and losses have
reached nearly 1.5 billion.
Director Wei sat across from the two and said, "Mr. Zhang, the day after you left, the people
in Lijia Village rushed into Hengyuan and took General Qin away."
Director Wei looked bitter.
This Lijia village was specifically confessed to him from the beginning, so that he should not
administer many things. Naturally, he did not dare to offend, and Henry's identity also
made him dare not offend.
"What are they doing Jenny?" Henry asked aloud.
The last time, Jenny was just an operator, took him to Lijia Village, but what happened later
had nothing to do with Jenny.
Director Wei shook his head, "I don't know very well, even now we can't easily enter Lijia
"Oh?" Henry was surprised. Li Jiacun refused to let others in. It was easy to understand, but
not to al ow the official people to enter. This is tantamount to privatizing the land.
The Chinese officials could allow such things to exist?
"Excessive!" A word of coquettishness came from the side. Sylvia had completely read the
document at this time. She had just learned about the incidents that occurred some time
ago, including Li Jiacun's smashing to Lin's staff and Lin's employees' injuries. This Li
Jiacun's approach is arrogant and arrogant. Even if they promised to sell the land to them,
they never signed a contract and they did not have any deposit. Even if Lin moved the land,
it was very reasonable!
Sylvia asked: "Director Wei, you really don't care about this matter? They took Mr. Qin
away, that is illegal imprisonment!"
In the document just now, Sylvia also saw Jenny help Lin during this time She was very
busy, and she did not expect that Jenny could exert so much power. Although she knew that
Jenny was willing to help, it was also because of Henry, but she was still grateful.
Now Jenny was arrested because of Lin ’s affairs. How can she not worry.
Director Wei shook his head and said nothing.
Henry said, "Well, I will go to Lijia Village to see, Director Wei, no matter what happens, you
just have to report it to your superiors truthful y. If you have anything, let them come to
me, that's it!"
Henry finished, directly When he got up, this incident completely angered him. This Lijia Vil
age must have a good lesson.
Director Wei nodded, what he was waiting for was the sentence of Henry. What is
happening now is simply not something that he like this can blend in.
"Her husband, I ..." Sylvia also got up and took Henry's arm, hesitant to speak.
Henry Sylvia shook his head, "Wife, let me get to know the situation first. There is
something wrong with that village. You might be a little unsafe to go." After hearing this
from Henry, Sylvia said nothing more. She knew that she followed her, It was just a burden
to Henry. That Li Jiacun dared to go to the Lin family to make trouble and hit people, and
now he is illegal y arresting people. It is definitely not a group of reasonable people.
"Then be careful." Sylvia walked to Henry's body and sorted the col ar for Henry.
"Relax, don't forget who your husband is." Henry Sylvia smiled slightly and walked out of
the secretary's office.
After leaving the police station, Henry hurried to Lijia Village without hesitation.
At this moment the sky was dark, Henry didn't go the road, Li Jiacun occupied a wide area,
Henry touched in from the side, with his body, there are few people who can find him in the
At this point in time, before the normal break, the pedestrian street in Yinzhou was ful of
cars and horses, but Lijia Village was quiet, which made Henry feel strange.
In the village, only the sound of birds and insects rang in the ears, and the breeze swept
through, causing a soft sound of leaves.
The faint light spilled from the sky, and through the gaps in the leaves, a dappled shadow
Henry walked in the forest, almost every step, he could step on some dead wood and
broken leaves and make a sound.
Such a scene made Henry feel no anger at al . The whole Zhangjia Village felt a sense of
Henry slowly touched the center of Zhang Jiacun. Along the way, no one could see Henry,
which made Henry feel more and more wrong.
More than ten minutes later, Henry walked out of the woods and came close to the village
head's residence. Henry remembered that there was a small altar behind the village head's
residence. Jenny told him last time that the altar was for ancestor worship.
Henry glanced at the altar deliberately. It didn't matter if it didn't look. Looking at the past,
the scene above made Henry's pupils shrink suddenly.
Although the sky was dark, Henry could still see clearly. There were two lit torches
standing on the altar. Between the two torches, an iron cage was placed. Around the iron
cage, there were countless figures sitting around. Vil agers in Lijia Vil age.
The people of Lijia Vil age sat there silently, just like a sculpture.
And among those iron cages, it was Jenny!
Jenny was intact and was locked in a cage. She could see that her face was covered with
haggard, and her bright eyes were tightly closed at this time.
Such a scene made Henry clenched his fists.
He took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the altar.
Henry did not deliberately hide his body this time, only to walk a few steps and was
A loud cry rang from under the altar.
This loud shout completely awakened the people sitting on the altar. Nearly a hundred
villagers sitting on the altar opened their eyes together. At this moment, Henry clearly saw
that among the pupils A flash of red light flashed.
"It's you?" A squeak of cries sounded from above the altar. The young woman who was next
to the head of the village of Lijia Village jumped slightly from the altar.
The altar on page has a height of three meters. At this height, a normal person jumps, and
there must be a bent leg to cushion, but this young woman is stable. Standing there
steadily, like a gymnast with a perfect score.
Henry narrowed his eyes at the woman. Just when the woman jumped, he noticed the
woman's way of exerting force, as if she felt a little angry inside.
The villagers sitting on the altar also stood up one after another and jumped from the altar.
Their way of exerting force was exactly the same as that of the woman just now!
Before, Henry did not master Qi, so he was not very sensitive to Qi, but when the group of
cyclones appeared in his body, Henry saw at a glance that when these people exerted force,
they were more or less carrying some Qi, just This gas is very weak.
But no matter how weak, there is always!
This made Henry take a deep breath, and the feeling of this village was even more strange.
Are al the people in a village mastered?
The village chief of Lijia Village is still sitting on the altar, and Jenny in the iron cage is still
in a coma.
"We have been looking for you for half a month, and I didn't expect you to come to the door
today personally, which saves us a thing." The young woman stared at Henry with a smile
on her lips.
Henry shook his head slightly, without saying a word, just when he saw Jenny being held in
a cage, he had already sentenced those people to death.
"Take him!" The young woman shouted, and a group of villagers rushed towards Henry.
Each of them took the same pace and had the same fist skills.
Henry looked at the villagers who were rushing towards him, and he squeezed his fist
lightly, and then punched suddenly!
With a punch, the cyclone in the abdomen brought a burst of airflow to the fist of Henry,
which spun thinly from Henry's fist.
In the past, even with great power, Henry's fist could only be locked on one person, causing
damage to one person. With the bonus of qi, this fist changed from a point injury to a face
injury and was punched out. Henry and three people flew out in front of them.
This is Henry's first battle in the true sense after he took control of Qi. I have to say that
Henry enjoys this feeling very much. The powerful Qi and the blessing of Qi make him
realize the importance of Qi more and more!
It was very dark, and the scene of Henry punching three people with one punch was not
noticed. Many people just thought that he moved too fast, so this is the case.
Nearly a hundred villagers rushed to Henry, Henry combined with Qi in his body, coupled
with his own fist and kung fu, his movements became faster and faster. During the fight,
Henry discovered a very important thing, that is, Qi assists the move!
Just like when Henry studied the man ’s sword in the mural in the Zhujia Mausoleum cave
at that time, the sword played a supporting role, just to make his offensive more powerful.
Now, the existence of qi only makes Henry's moves be full of charm.
Ba Ji Quan, Tie Shan Kuo, this trick wins in toughness. In the past, when Henry used this
trick, he was strong and strong, but Henry always felt that something was missing, but now,
with the help of Qi Henry final y understood that what he thought was missing was Qi!
When Qi and Tieshan depended on each other, Henry played Tieshan on this move, he had
a feeling that the gas emitted from his knees and shoulders had a strong momentum that
never moved forward! The stamina is long, this is unprecedented!
Henry pulled out a whip leg, and he clearly saw that he sent out a wave of air in front of his
leg, which was like a whip, and suddenly pulled out with the direction of his leg kick !
"No wonder!" Henry was shocked and sighed in his heart. "No wonder many exercises have
gradually declined. Al the moves in the ancient Chinese martial arts were created only
because of gaseous assistance. Everyone said that the ancient Chinese martial arts is the
style and no substance, there is only virtual table, but they did not grasp this gas only, with
the aid of gas, these moves, can bring out the power, definitely not as simple as one plus
one! "
Henry finally understand that he's ever seen Some ancient books, the powerful moves
recorded in the ancient books, why they didn't have any effect after they practiced. In the
end, it was just because they had no energy!
Having figured this out, Henry's face emerged with joy, and he was proficient in 80% of the
ancient Chinese martial arts moves. These moves were all powerful with the addition of qi.
Henry made a set of tiger-heel double-shaped punches. This kind of boxing has evolved into
a performing art long ago, because there is no power, but at this moment, Henry clearly
sees that he is holding a Only the crane shadow, which was completely assembled by the qi,
when he stroked the crane hand, the crane shadow spread its wings. Henry's right hand
caught a tiger. When the tiger punched, the tiger rushed out. .
"This is the true shape of a tiger and a crane!" Henry could not help but yell.
What Henry didn't know was that if he showed a scene now, he would be shocked and
surprised when he was seen by the man who was on the ship that day. It is definitely not
possible to do it by entering Qi Yu at the beginning, even if it is in the Shenyin Society, there
are few people who can do it. The few who can do it ca n’t be like Henry.
In this way, with the change of moves, change the shape of Qi at will!
Henry squeezed the shape of a tiger and a crane. Under the siege of everyone in Lijia Vil
age, not only did he not show a disadvantage, but he was like a tiger entering the flock and
was particularly powerful. Although these villagers were envious, they were not Henry ’s
opponents, even ordinary hell. Pedestrians can easily pack them up one-on-one.
The strength of qi depends on whose hands it is.
Put it in Henry's hands, that's the kil er! Put in the hands of these villagers, in Henry's view,
it is just some health-preserving exercises!
The young woman, to see Henry is so powerful, in the eyes with a kind of disbelief, she
shouted: "! Dare we lijiacun run wild, but also backwards you,"
the young woman rushed toward Henry, her strength, apparently A bit higher than those of
the villagers, but was still blown away by Henry.
"Release!" Henry shouted and took a step forward.
"Release? You disturb my Li ancestor An Ning, to pay the price!" The young woman
"Cost? I'm going to see, what price can you make me pay!" Henry took another step and
slammed a punch, this time he was not keeping his hand, hitting one person with one
punch, directly hitting that person Spit blood and flew out.
The young woman's complexion changed dramatically, and her figure backed up one after
another, rushing over the altar in one step, then several steps rushed to the iron cage,
grabbed the burning torch by the iron cage, and shouted: "Dare you move again, I Burn her
to death! "
Burning torches carry kerosene on . During the tilt of the torch, kerosene drops and the
flame burns on the ground. If the kerosene falls on people, absolutely No doubt, that person
will be burned on the spot.
Henry rushed forward, because the young woman stopped this movement.
Jenny's face, in the light of the fire, seemed extremely haggard. She had nothing to do with
this matter, but was only implicated.
The young woman saw Henry stop her footsteps, her face showing a victorious smile.
The head of Lijia Village, who had been sitting on the altar slowly, stood up slowly. He
leaned on a cane and turned to stand on the altar. He looked at Henry in a condescending
voice and made an old voice, "Young man, you are in trouble. "
Changing trouble?" Henry smiled, "I never knew what it means to break into trouble!"
" Really ?" The young woman sneered and moved the torch closer to Jenny.
The clothes on Jenny's body were dirty, crumpled, and his skin was very white. Outside the
iron cage, there was a bite of iron bowl. There were some leftover rice in the bowl.
Jenny has been kept in an iron cage during this time!
Such a scene made Henry instantly red eyes. He still remembered that when he first saw
Jenny, Jenny was in a white dress, sitting among the children, with a smile on her face. She
was a very kind person at this moment, But people are treated like this!
Why is hell king cal ed Satan the Devil?
He dare to do what others dare not do!
People who dare not kil others, come and kill them!
A force that others dare not touch, he dares!
In a word, people who dare to move, Henry dare to move, and others who dare not move,
Henry also dare to move. In this world, no one can threaten Henry!
No one can bear it, Henry's anger! Even this is the mysterious origin of Li Jiacun, who even
dare not provoke the official, can't bear Henry's anger!
Henry stared at the young woman on the stage, and his voice was very calm: "I will give you
three times to put down what you have in hand."
"Oh." The woman smiled disdainfully, "Are you threatening me?"
"One!" Henry If there is no answer to the woman, just speak directly.
The woman deliberately raised her hand and moved the torch closer to Jenny.
Kerosene dripped beside Jenny, only a centimeter away, and fell on Jenny.
"Two!" Henry took a step forward.
The woman brought the torch closer to Jenny. Now as long as the kerosene can drip, it must
fal on Jenny and light Jenny's clothes.
Henry did not count three. He opened his mouth in the dark, "Kill!"
At the moment Henry opened his mouth, there appeared Daomang in the darkness, directly
from the back of the altar, and struck the young woman's stamina.
The young woman didn't even notice the appearance of this cold mountain, still looking at
Henry with a victorious attitude.
Han Mang easily cut off the hair on the back of the young descendant. At this moment, the
young woman was yanked by the man and left the place, leaving the Han Mang empty.
The young woman looked at the person in front of him, "Patriarch."
"Pay attention behind you." Li Jiacun, the mayor of crutches, said in a low voice.
The young woman looked at the place where she had just stood, and saw a black figure
standing there at this time. The black figure was wearing a grimace mask, holding a long
blade in her hand. The
young woman now feels a hint of coolness in the back of her neck. She reaches out and
touches the back of her neck. Her neckline has been cut open and she has a strand of
broken hair. I'm afraid I can't stand here anymore.
The young woman felt a bit chil y.
When Henry said the kil ing words, these cold awns not only appeared behind the young
woman, but also appeared behind some villagers in Zhangjia Vil age. When the cold awn
appeared, there were eight people with different heads!
No one in Zhangjiacun thought of this scene.
The head of the village looked at Henry beneath the altar.
One figure after another appeared behind Henry. Everyone was dressed in black and
wearing a black mask. They held long blades and exuded cold awns. Those cold awns
spread all over him, like the stars in the night, Suddenly flickering.
Just looking at these cold mountains, there are at least three hundred!
The young woman ’s arrogant face became a little scared because of the appearance of
these figures. She just walked in front of the ghost gate. She knew the strength of these men
in black, and she did n’t even know when they appeared. !
"Young man, you kil ed the people of Lijia Vil age, but you know the consequences?"
The village head stared at Henry.
Henry's mouth twitched slightly, "I said, I am a person who has never considered any
consequences! Hands on!"
The figure behind Henry spread out all around him as Henry spit out the words.
At this moment, a bright searchlight suddenly turned on, like sunlight, il uminating the dark
night sky.
The roar of the motor sounded, and the two armored vehicles drove quickly under the
lights of the searchlights.
"Hell King, you're too much!" A shout, sounded from the night sky.
Immediately afterwards, he saw a figure that fell on the altar and stood in front of the
village chief of Zhangjia Village.
Henry narrowed his eyes at the man appearing on the altar. The man was two meters away,
wearing a black suit, and his bulging muscles bulged his coat, leaving him with an inch of
head and a strong face.
"Tai Shilong?" Henry slowly spit out a name.
Tai Shilong, his name, is not well-known, nor on the world top 100 list, but his strength can
definitely crush any one of the world top 100 list.
In China, there is an organization called Taishang.
In the Taishang organization, there are a total of twenty-three people. Each of these
twenty-three people is a master. They perform the most difficult task of China.
The word "taishang" has a singular name in the world.
Tai Shilong is the leader of the Taishang organization!
For the organization of Taishang, Henry still has some respect in his heart, not because of
the strength of these people, but because of their behavior.
Among the twenty-three people in Taishang, any one of them placed in any underground
force can enjoy superb treatment, but they have been devoting themselves silently. This is
what Henry particularly admires.
The appearance of Tai Shilong was something that Henry didn't expect.
"Rare hel lord, can remember me this little person." Tai Shilong stood on the stage, staring
at Henry.
"Why, are you going to be in front of this Lijia Village?" Henry laughed at the corner of his
mouth and waved his hand at the same time, stopping the movement of the hel walkers.
The two armored vehicles stopped at the same time. Each vehicle had 13 heavily armed
soldiers. Their movements and postures were of elite level.
With the stop of two armored vehicles, two light tanks came slowly.
The heavy track gives an extremely depressed feeling, and the gun barrel of the black hole
carries a kill, which makes it difficult to breathe.
After Tai Shilong, there were more than ten consecutive figures, appearing at the Lijiacun
altar at a very fast speed, all staring at Henry, and everyone's face was like a big enemy.
These dozens of figures, all of them are supernatural beings. When facing the legendary hell
king, even if there is only one hell king, they have to be cautious.
"Hell King, let your people go, this matter, I will give you a reasonable explanation." A voice
sounded from behind Henry.
Henry turned around and looked at the person coming.
This is a man in his sixties, his ears hair is frost-white, and his body radiates a dignity,
which makes people unable to look directly.
Henry raised his mouth and chuckled, "Oh, I didn't expect a smal village, but also let Huaxia
No. 4 come in person."
The person who came in front of him was the chief of Huaxia No. 4, often appearing in the
news Big man!
The head of Tanghua Huaxia No. 4 unexpectedly came in person because of a Lijia village,
which made Henry once again doubt the identity of the village.
The head of the No. 4 looked over the altar and said, "Mr. Li, let me go."
"Let me!" Mr. Li said nothing this time, waved his hand, and ordered.
The young woman's face was unhappy, "Patriarch, we ..."
"Quick release." Village Chief Li shouted, even if he was crazy, he did not dare to be mad in
front of the No. 4 Chief. Nature is observed.
The young woman walked extremely reluctantly to the iron cage and opened the lock.
With a crunch, the iron cage door opened gently.
The young woman shook her head and walked aside.
"Go, give the person to the hell king." Tai Shilong said to a woman beside him.
The woman nodded, turned around, picked up Jenny who had been in a coma from the iron
cage, jumped off the altar, and gave it to Henry.
Henry embraced Jenny in his arms, looking at Jenny's haggard look, eyes could not help
showing a distressed look, Jenny was covered with dust, and there were many places on his
arms that had worn the skin and two jade wrists The last piece was red, obviously bound
by an iron chain.
Henry's face became more and more ugly. He could think of the helpless scene when Jenny
was locked in an iron cage. Now, he can't wait to tear up all the people in Lijia Vil age!
Henry specially looked at Jenny's clothes, and there was no trace of being torn by others,
which made him angry and relieved a lot.
"Relax, you have disturbed the Li's ancestral hall, they just want to take this woman to
worship the ancestor, the ancestor's request, the woman must be innocent, you can rest
assured." Jenny just gave Henry's female opening.
As a woman, she was also angry at Jenny's experience.
Henry nodded, he looked at the No. 4 chief, "How do you want to solve this matter?"
No. 4 chief said: "I know that in the near future, your wife's company has suffered a very
serious financial shock and lost ten. More than 100 mil ion yuan, Li can compensate you,
and this girl company, we will also give the corresponding privileges to compensate her for
the hardships she has suffered since this time
. With a laugh, "Do you think I will care about those billions of dol ars, and the privileges
you said?" the
No. 4 chief shook his head, "You don't care, but this baby girl cares, and you have to think
about it, Li's people are not the only one in this village. The power is so big that you can't
imagine. Once it provokes Li's people, there will be a lot of troubles in China in the future. "
" Are you threatening me? "Henry suddenly glared at the No. 4 head.
"I'm just telling the truth." The No. 4 chief turned his attention to Jenny, "You hell king,
powerful, walking the world, no scruples, no one can take you how, but you have to
consider this Baby girl, without your strength, she still needs to survive in China. Even if it
is not in China, or even abroad, Li's people want to find her easily, unless you can leave her
on Guangming Island forever, Do you think this is fair to her? "
Henry's eyes suddenly froze." Then I will wipe out Li's in your mouth. "
At the moment Henry's words fel , those hell walkers al showed up together. Weapon blade
in the hand.
Tai Shilong and other people on the altar changed their faces, and all made a posture to
prepare for the enemy. The prestige of the hell monarch is real y too great. Do n’t look at
the scene where there are two armored vehicles sitting with the tank. You know, hel
monarch, but The man who destroyed hundreds of fighters with one person is really going
to fight. The two tanks are just dry.
"Hell King, don't be impulsive!" Head No. 4 shouted.
"How about impulse?" Henry's eyes were cold, as if from under the Nine Nether, as soon as
he saw Jenny's current appearance, his anger in his heart, he could not restrain the rise, he
made a deep voice, "Hands!"
Those Hellwalkers will only obey Henry's orders, even if Henry let them succumb to
themselves at the moment, they will not have a little hesitation.
When the word "hands down", these hell walkers raised their blades and killed the
villagers of Lijia Village.
"Hell King! Stop your hand." Another voice sounded.
The voice could not distinguish between men and women, but came from the bel y.
When Henry heard this voice, he knew who the voice owner was.
Standing alone on the treetop, wearing sackcloth and wearing hats.
"Hell King, you come with me and hand over your little girlfriend to them, and I keep her
okay." The man finished, his body jumped lightly, and he stepped on another branch and
drifted away.
Henry waved a female hellwalker, handed Jenny over, and said, "Take her to treatment,
everyone leaves."
The hel walker nodded, holding Jenny, and jumped up.
The other hellwalkers are gradually hiding in the night.
Henry looked at the top of his eyes and jumped hard, and disappeared here in the same
way as the linen man.
When Henry left, Tai Shilong and others all breathed a sigh of relief. When facing Henry,
they felt a very powerful oppression. This kind of oppression has a feeling that made it
difficult for them to breathe.
Henry leaped on the treetops for five minutes with the Mai people leaving. The speed was
extremely fast. Seeing that he was about to leave the boundary of Lijia Vil age, Henry saw
the Mai people near him and stopped.
"Do you know, Longxi Li's?" Came the voice of the Maiden.
Henry looks at the Mai people standing on the treetops not far away.
Longxi Li's, Director Wei had mentioned a word to Henry before, and now the Mai people
have raised it again.
Henry knew something about this surname, but not too much.
Henry replied, "I've heard of it." The
Maid looked up slightly and looked at the sky. "This world is too big for you to imagine.
Hell King, ridiculous. Bright Island is just a holy place enshrined by a group of fools In front
of the clan, your bright island is nothing! "The voice of the Maiden came, and he turned
around and looked at Henry.
This is the first time Henry saw the face of the Maiden, a very old face, and his eyes were
The Maiko spoke, this was the first time he used his mouth to make a sound, and his voice
was a little hoarse, making people very uncomfortable to listen to, "You are now in the
imperial air, and you are also a member of the Shenyin Society. Some things, you should
know, China ’s 5,000-year history has given birth to countless days of pride.
Although the times have changed, some forces still exist. Longxi Li is one of them. As the
surname of China ’s largest prosperity, Longxi Li has inherited from what you have seen
today. Li Jiacun is just a very, very small branch of the Li family . " Henry frowned, Li Yuan
wiped out Sui, and established Datang. This Longxi Li family is the descendant of Li Yuan!
The Mai people continue to speak: "Since ancient times, the clan has always existed.
They will not easily appear in the world. Among the clan, there are many masters of
imperial domination. This Longxi Li Clan is not what you can provoke now. Remember,
don't kill yourself.
After the linen man finished, he jumped lightly, fel down the treetops, and disappeared into
the darkness.
The words of Maiko are very short, but the amount of information brought is very huge.
If the Li family in Longxi has been passed down to this day, how many clans are there in
China? How many people are in control? Was the group of people who had come to Zhu
Family also clan?
Question after question came one after another, making Henry's head especial y big.
Henry never thought that he had stood on top of the world, and now he dismissed the
clouds, but saw so many things that ordinary people did not know.
"Clan ..."
Henry murmured these two words, shook his head, and flew out of Lijia Village.
As the night became darker, the citizens of Yinzhou still lived as usual, and no one knew. In
the Lijia Vil age not far away, the head of Huaxia No. 4 was close, and the two tanks could
fire at any time.
The First People's Hospital of Yinzhou, in the intensive care unit.
Jenny is lying on the hospital bed. She has changed into a clean and tidy medical uniform,
and the dust on her body has been carefully wiped off by the nurse.
Sylvia sat by the hospital bed, looking at the unconscious Jenny, his eyes full of complexity.
No matter what Jenny himself got into this matter, it was still because of Lin. This made
Sylvia full of apologies and was regarded as a rival woman by his own because of his
company's suffering.
"You are such a stupid woman." Sylviayu put her hand on Jenny's forehead and stroked her
hair. "That population has flowers and no form, is it really worth your suffering for him?" "
Sylvia, then fal silent for a while, then smiled.
"Maybe, we like him like this. We are really similar in some places. If possible, I really want
to sit down with you and have a good talk."
Sylvia whispered in the ward.
In the observation room of the hospital, Henry and President Ma both stood in front of an
instrument and looked at the feedback from the instrument. "Little Doctor, don't worry
about it, President Qin is just too exhausted, just let her rest as much as possible. No
physical injuries." President Ma handed two X-rays to Henry .
Henry glanced at it, and he was quite relieved. "That's fine, President Ma. During this time,
I'l trouble you more."
"Little Doctor, what are you saying, this is what I should do." President Ma said, "Oh, little
doctor, after a while, I don't know if you are free?"
"What's wrong?" Henry asked.
"Last time you lectured, many seniors in the traditional Chinese medicine community felt
that they benefited a lot. They published several articles and appeared in international
magazines, but the response was not very good." President Ma said this. He deliberately
glanced at Henry before continuing, "Many foreign medical institutions have questioned
what you said last time, believing that it is just a mystery, and pretending to be a ghost.
Recently, they have been very noisy, and they have also invited a Chinese and Western
Medical Exchange, you know Yes, it was an exchange meeting. In fact, the two parties were
competing for each other, so ... "
Henry heard this, understood the meaning of President Ma, and nodded." Okay, if there is
time, I will go and see. "
Henry once promised that person to carry forward Chinese medicine, and this time
participating in an international exchange meeting was considered to be a promise.
Upon hearing Henry's agreement, Chairman Ma gave a happy face, "Little Doctor, I really
thank you so much, I will immediately notify the seniors."
"Wel ."
Henry went to the ward after chatting with Chairman Ma. Jenny, who was lying on the bed
with a pale complexion, had a feeling like a catfish in his throat. Henry had been there for a
long time. He didn't feel that way anymore. In the past, no matter what opponent he met, he
would tear the opponent up, no matter how strong he was. The price, but this time, gave
Henry a feeling of powerlessness. He wished to wipe out the entire Lijia Village, but he was
If it is real y like the Mai people say, there are many masters of the clan in the clan.
Once they start to fight against Lijiacun, then Jenny, including Sylvia, Su's family, and even
Guangming Island, will be retaliated from Longxi Li's.
Henry squeezed his fists tightly. The reason for al this was because he was not strong
enough! If you stand at the point where these clans are looking up, the present troubles will
no longer be a problem!
This is the first time since Henry established Guangming Island, he can't wait to make
himself stronger!
Sylvia twisting, Henry saw standing behind him, fists clinched appearance, concern and
asked: "? Husband, how do you"
. "Nothing,"
The empty corridor let Henrychang breathe a sigh of relief. The rage in his heart just came
up, and he almost did not suppress it.
Taking out his mobile phone, Henry dialed a cal and went out, "Wade White, did those two
people find it last time?"
"Boss, they haven't left, just staying in Yinzhou, I will send you the address now." The voice
The two people mentioned by Henry were the man and the woman who were fighting for
the spar with Henry after the last stone auction. Henry was sure that the energy in his body
only appeared because of the energy extracted from the spar. , He has to figure out what
this spar really is.
Xuan (1/2) Henry received the address of the man and the woman and greeted Sylvia,
saying something was wrong, and wanted to leave.
Sylvia still sat by the hospital bed and said: "Her husband, you are busy, this is just for me."
Henry saw Sylvia like this, could not help feeling, when this iceberg queen became such a
sensible Little girl.
The man and the woman lived in an ordinary smal hotel in Yinzhou.
This made Henry somewhat puzzled. At that time, this man and a woman, in order to
compete with themselves for the stone, paid a price of two or two hundred thousand. It is
not like a person who lacks money. In contrast, they live in this hotel, which is sixty dollars.
One night, the bathroom is still the kind of public, it is not like a person with millions of
cash flows.
The hotel is actually a guest house facility. There is no waiter, no reception desk, only the
guest house owner. The facilities are very rudimentary. There is no air conditioning in the
room, and the old-fashioned electric fan is used. Once you enter the guest house door, you
can smell a mildew. the taste of.
There was almost no one in the guest house. At this point, the boss of the guest house was
sleeping. After Henry came in, the boss didn't even notice it and still shouted.
Henry is also speechless, and the boss's heart is too big.
Regarding which two rooms the man and the woman lived in, Wade White had already sent
it to Henry.
There are two floors in the hotel, and the wooden stairs stepped up to make a "creak"
sound. When Henry walked upstairs, he heard a sound of clattering water.
Coming to the second floor, the lights in the public toilets were stil on. Due to the need to
save electricity, there was no light in the corridor. Tightly the lights in the public toilets
gave a dim feeling.
Henry saw a chair in the corridor and sat up, waiting for the sound of the water in the
bathroom to stop.
After more than ten minutes, the sound of the water in the bathroom gradual y stopped, the
bathroom door opened, and a figure of Miao Man's long hair appeared in the dim light of
the bathroom.
The young woman was wearing a white bathrobe, striding briskly, swaying her wet hair,
spinning under dim light.
"Do you like dancing?" Henry's voice suddenly sounded.
This sudden sound in the hal way scared the young woman, and the dancing steps that
were still spinning suddenly stopped, and suddenly looked in the direction of the sound,
"Your alertness is worse than your brother. It's too much. "Henry stood up from his seat
and slowly walked towards the dim light.
"It's you!" The young woman recognized Henry at the moment she saw him, and at the
same time, made a cautious look.
"Relax." Henry spread his hand. "I'm here without malicious intent, I just want to make a
deal with you."
"Deal?" The young woman Liu Mei frowned.
"Good." Henry nodded. "About the last transaction of the spar."
Hearing Henry's words, the young woman stared at Henry for a few seconds before
speaking : "Okay, wait for me." The young woman said When I was done, I walked to a
room and knocked on the door. "Brother, that person has found it." As soon as the young
woman's voice fell, the room door was opened . The young man stood in front of the room
door at a glance. When he saw Henry, there was a surprise in his eyes, "Brother, did you
figure it out?"
"Let's talk first, waiting for you outside at the barbecue restaurant." Henry reached out and
pointed to the outside of the corridor, then turned and left.
Henry walked out of the guest house and came to the barbecue restaurant for about ten
minutes. The man and the woman hurried over. You can see that the young woman's hair
hasn't dried yet. She should have changed clothes. the two sat across from Henry and
looked at each other. The young man said: "Brother, listen to my sister and sister, what do
you mean by coming to do a deal with us?"
Henry leaned on the barbecue restaurant's sofa Going up, three fingers were struck on the
table, "Do you real y want that spar?"
"Brother, do you think you want to sell it to us?" The youth's face could not hide his
"Not." Henry shook his head, "You tel me what that piece of spar, I consider."
The young woman Pieliaopiezui, "after all, or to inquire about the news."
Youth is not to see Zhang Jing Xuan Shi sold it to him, regretting: "Brother, it's not that I
don't tell you, just knowing this, it's real y not good for you."
Henry raised his hand on the table and kept waving it in front of the glass next to it Henry's
hand clearly didn't touch the glass, but let the glass run down the table and slammed
toward the young man.
The pupils of the young man and the young woman shrank almost at the same time,
Henry smiled slightly and did not speak.
Before the first battle in Lijiacun, Henry merged Qi's moves and blended them together,
making him deeper in his control of Qi. Before that, Henry had to punch hard to get his
breath out. Now he can release Qi as long as he wants Although it can't be like the Mai
people, it is much stronger than before.
The young man took a deep breath, "Brother, you have reached the imperial Qi Realm, and
you don't even know what that crystal stone is for?"
Henry shrugged.
The young man and his sister looked at each other and said, "Well, since you have achieved
imperial qi, this matter, you will know sooner or later, that the crystal you took is the spirit
"Spirit stone?" Henry Facing doubts.
"Good." The youth nodded. "Brother, dare to ask which clan you are?"
Henry replied without thinking, "Zhang."
"Zhang's?" Young man's eyebrows showed a reflection. In his impression, there was not
such a clan. Of course, he would not think that this was just Henry casually said.
"Ding is thin, and I'm the only one left. It's normal that you haven't heard of it," Henry said.
The youth nodded, "Brother, if this is the case, the two of us can share the spirit stone!
Of course, you will never be disadvantaged, and we will pay you the corresponding fee."
"Share? How to share? Henry was curious.
The young woman looked at Henry with an idiot's gaze, "As you are still a clan, don't you
know that a piece of spirit stone can be used by thousands of people for ten years!"
The words of the young woman surprised Henry. , But he did not show anything on the
surface, he shook his head: "I'm afraid not, there is not so much energy in it."
Henry now, I don't even know what the young woman said about the use of spirit stones, he
is just fooling That's it.
The young man smiled: "Brother, I'm afraid you haven't completely mastered the method
of using the spirit stone. The energy of that spirit stone is extremely abundant, which is
"Family records are incomplete, I just have a little grasp on how to use it. In this respect,
there are only very few records left. "Henry's words are half-truth, and he really only
knows how to extract energy in the future.
The youth saw that Henry had reached the imperial Qi, and did not doubt Henry, he said:
"Brother, you have a spirit stone, and we have a method of using it, It's totally possible to
cooperate. "
" Oh? What a cooperation method? "Henry was really interested this time.
"It's very simple." The young man looked at Henry, "We tell you how to use the spirit stone,
you share the
spirit stone!" "Poof." Henry laughed directly.
"What are you laughing at!" The young woman glared at Henry.
Henry waved his hand, "Are you calling this a deal? To put it bluntly, I took this piece of
spirit stone, and anyone who can find a cooperation anywhere can tell me how to use it,
Henry finished. Looking at the youth, he had thought that the youth would do some
excuses, but he did not expect that the youth actual y nodded directly.
"It's true, but brother, it's much better for you to find us than to find the rest of the clan."
"Oh?" Henryyi grinned, "Why?"
"Because we are also weak." The young man laughed at himself, "Our family is also down,
Brother Zhang, I do n’t hide from you. No one in our family, except the head of the family,
can achieve the imperial qi. The rest of the clans are different. Like the big clan like Longxi
Li, there are at least one hundred imperial masters in the clan. You hold the spirit Shi found
them. I'm sure you won't get what you want. "
Longxi Li's! Longshi Li's again!
Henry had just wondered how a small Lijiacun could make the head of Huaxia No. 4
come forward. How powerful is this Longxi Li's?
And now, the young man in front of him just lifted the Longxi Li clan, and it can be seen that
this clan, in their hearts, is already strong enough to be entrenched!
"Brother, you can ful y consider my proposal." The youth looked at Henry fieryly.
From the hot eyes of the other party, Henry can see how much the other party desires the
spirit stone in his hand.
"I want to think about it, leave me your phone number." Henry patted his shirt and got up.
The young man quickly took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Henry.
Henry glanced, "The director of Shancheng Paisheng Group?" The young man smiled
embarrassedly. He also knew that what was written on this business card was too
inconsistent with what he showed now. The director of any group has lived in the guest
house for 60 yuan a night.
"Al right, I will contact you if I think about it." Henry put away his business card and strode
After Henry left, the eyes of the young man and the young woman withdrew from Henry.
"Brother, do you say he will agree?" The young woman asked with some worry.
"I don't know." The young man shook his head. "Now I can only hope that he will agree.
Otherwise, this time the clan rankings, I'm afraid we won't be able to make it."
Henry left the barbecue restaurant, Shancheng, he must go Trip, after al , except for this
line, he could not contact any other clan at all. Henry was the first time he heard the term
Henry has a feeling that once he understands this thing, he can also figure out the origin of
Compared with the pure energy in the spar, the energy in the fire crystal is more irritable.
When Henry returned to the hospital, it was already late at night, and Sylvia was already
asleep beside his bed.
Henry knew that Sylvia couldn't get tired in these two days. From taking over the Su family
head to returning, he hadn't had a good rest. "Strength is still important.
Sometimes you do n’t want to find trouble, but trouble will come up on your own
initiative." Henry took a towel and covered Sylvia. He did not disturb Sylvia to rest.
After Henry came to the hospital to take a look, he didn't stay in the hospital. There were
many things waiting for him to do.
Last time I met at the Lin family, Wang Junpeng, who had been with the Liu family, and
Henry had not yet figured out the origin of this person. The other party was able to do that
at that time. It was definitely not as simple as their own demonstration. .
There is also the man in black on the island who wants fire crystals. Henry is also unclear
about the origin of these people. Perhaps the energy behind Chessia is willing to serve him.
The energy behind it cannot be underestimated.
Henry should be investigated by Henry. Many things were in front of Henry. Henry had
never been in contact with him. The clan, the Divine Hidden Society, and each one made
Henry feel strong pressure. Henry's fighting spirit started.
At that time, he grew from an unknown soldier who could not guarantee food and clothing
to the point where he is now, which proves that he is definitely not a person who will easily
admit defeat!
Of course, these things are not what Henry will do immediately. What he has to do now is to
find out the contractor who started the work privately. This person ran away the next day
after the construction started. The person instructed, the person who instructed the
foreman, absolutely knew the existence of the clan. Henry wanted to find out why the
person behind him was hurting the Lin.
Henry already had some speculations about this matter. At that time, the land was
contested by Zhao and Lin. At the most critical time, Zhao suddenly gave up, which was by
no means good for Zhao.
Looking at the bright moon hanging high in the night sky, Henry made a phone cal and
disappeared into the street in a stride.
As Henry cal ed, a huge intelligence network was slowly starting to function. Just a few
minutes later, an address was sent to Henry's mobile phone.
Henry glanced at the address on the phone, it was a bar in Luohe.
What this address indicates is where the contractor is now.
The information network of Bright Island is enough to cover the whole world, and it is easy
to find an ordinary person.
To Henry tonight, it is destined to be a sleepless night.
I hit a car and went straight to Luohe.
Luohe is a small city. In the past two years, due to the vigorous development of Yinzhou,
Luohe has fewer and fewer people.
Smal cities have the disadvantages of smal cities, but there are also benefits. Luohe is a very
comfortable city. When people in international metropolises like Duhai are still traveling by
subway at ten o'clock at night, most people who live in Luohe have already laid down.
Sitting on a comfortable bed or sitting on a barbecue stall wisely, this leads to a very
strange industrial chain in Luohe. It is obviously a small city with few permanent residents,
but the bar industry has developed very prosperously. The most popular entertainment
item for people who live is drinking.
When Henry arrived in Luohe, it was already a little late at night. Obviously it was not a
weekend. The bar street in Luohe also gave people a feeling of overcrowding.
The sound of clinking glasses, the sound of yelling, endlessly.
Henry looked at such a scene. A long time ago, their brothers would also sit on such a
barbecue stall, drinking beer, blowing cattle, discussing The girl at which table looks
beautiful, such days have not passed for a long time.
The contractor who Henry asked for was on this bar street, and it was stil among the
largest bars.
Henry glanced at the door of the bar, and the two slam characters were prominent in the
night sky. This is the largest bar in the whole street. The consumption in it is absolutely
high for Luohe's per capita income The price of a small bottle of beer is twenty-five
upwards, a fruit plate, the most basic is more than three hundred, come to drink a meal, do
not prepare a three thousand, it is definitely not good to drink.
In front of the bar, a row of doors greeted the girls from the left and right, all beautiful, al
dressed in red cheongsams, bifurcated to the thighs, attracting imagination.
When Henry came to the door of the bar, the girls bowed to meet the girls.
"Good boss." The
door of the bar was pushed open, and a beautiful figure rushed out of it, slamming into
Henry's arms.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" This beautiful figure couldn't even raise her head. After apologizing,
she quickly ran out of the door.
Henry pulled the other party in one hand.
"You let me loose!" The beautiful figure shook her arm violently, but couldn't shake Henry's
hand at all. She looked up and stared at Henry at once, "Brother-in-law?"
"What's wrong, so embarrassed?" Henry Looking at the woman in front of him, this man
who hastily rushed out of the slam bar is Daisy's friend, Lam Sun, a long-legged beauty.
"Brother-in-law, I ..." Daisy nudged the loose hair on his forehead, his eyes dodged.
A loud scold came from the bar.
"You dare to dare to run? You forgot who your dead dad found someone?" This is the voice
of a middle-aged woman.
Henry turned his head and saw a woman in a rather luxurious dress, striding forward with
her arms crossed.
Upon seeing the woman, Lam Sun immediately lowered her head.
The woman opened the bar door and looked at Henry with a pair of eyes. When she saw
Henry's ordinary clothes, her eyes suddenly showed disdain. She rushed to Lam Sun and
said: "Come on, go in with me and toast Mrs. Shen!" "
Auntie, I really can't drink anymore." Lam Sunchong waved her hands repeatedly.
"Can't drink? You are a model, tell me can't drink? Then what can you do? Follow me!"
Said the woman, and she grabbed Lam Sun's arm with one hand.
Henry clearly saw that Lam Sun was very resistant, but she dared not dodge, letting the
woman grab her arm.
The woman pul ed Lam Sun hard and tried to pul Lam Sun into the bar door, but she found
that she couldn't pul anything. Looking at it again, she found that the young man in front of
him was holding Lam Sun.
"Who are you, let go of your hands!" The woman shouted at Henry.
"Who are you?" Henry frowned.
"Who am I?" The woman sneered, "I'm her mother, what's wrong, I taught my daughter,
and it's hindering you?"
Henry looked at Lam Sun doubtfully. Lan shouted at this woman, calling her aunt.
"Brother-in-law, this is my stepmother." Lam Sun explained quietly.
Lam Sun's voice was very low, but the woman heard it clearly, and said unpleasantly on the
spot: "Why, the stepmother is not a mother? It's not me, your old father died long ago! Also,
is your brother-in-law? Why don't you remember you have a sister? " "What does she call
me has nothing to do with you." Henry glared at Lam Sun's mother-in-law,
"Are you going to force her to accompany the drink?"
"What does it have to do with you? What are you doing?" It ’s your turn to take care of our
family ’s affairs? ”Lam Sun ’s mother-in-law spit at Henry ’s feet, then said to Lam Sun,“ I tell
you, your dead dad can stay outside now, it ’s all up to me, I do n’t want it Happy, shook his
affairs, who can save him? You think for me! "
" I ... "Lam Sun opened his mouth, struggling flashed in his eyes, glanced at Henry,"
Brother-in-law, then My mom and I went in for a while. "
Lam Sun said, shaking Henry's hand away and walking towards the bar.
Lam Sun's mother stared at Henry and walked into the bar.
Looking at Lam Sun's back, Henry didn't know what to say. Everyone has everyone's life
track. He can't control anyone. If he didn't appear here today, what would happen to Lam
Sun, not every one? Things are so coincident, if Lam Sun just asked Henry to help her,
Henry would not refuse, after all, everyone knew each other, but Lam Sun did not speak,
which is also what Lam Sun chose.
There are a few people in this world who are smart, and everyone is giving.
Lam Sun ’s mother-in-law took Lam Sun and walked towards the elevator, and at the same
time said, “I tel you, boss Shen ’s identity can be great. How many major projects in our
province have passed the hand of boss Shen. Some time ago, the forest of Yinzhou Both Shi
and Zhao have looked for Boss Shen. If you do not accompany Boss Shen this time, I will ask
you! "
" Got it, aunt. "Lam Sun nodded, his eyes sad.
"You cheer me up and wait for a happier smile. Don't forget who gave you the money to
learn model ing at that time, not just for one day, if you can make a good impression with
Boss Shen, We have a chance to get in touch with a big company like Lin, do you know what
it represents? I wo n’t have to wear these A goods in the future! I do n’t need to rent an
Audi, I ’m afraid of bumps, your dad does n’t have to be scared every day. , I
’m afraid I ’m going to get some money! ”
"But hey, if you real y want to contact Lin, your brother-in-law ..."
Lam Sun was interrupted by her stepmother just halfway through the words.
"Okay, that kind of poor ghost, don't presume to me. My time is limited. I don't want to take
care of this kind of thing!"
"Ding!" The elevator reached the first floor and the door opened.
Lam Sun's stepmother took Lam Sun into the elevator and pressed the number on the fifth
On the fifth floor of the slam bar, there are only three private rooms in total. The minimum
consumption of this private room is 50,000 yuan. Those who can open a package on it are
in Luohe.
When the elevator door was about to close, Henry squeezed in.
Lam Sun's stepmother looked at Henry with a disgusted face and stepped back twice, as if
she was closer to Henry, which made her very embarrassing.
Lam Sun saw Henry entered the elevator, and quickly lowered his head, a little afraid to see
Henry looked at Lam Sun and said nothing.
The elevator went up, and soon reached the fifth floor. As soon as the door opened, Lam
Sun's stepmother pulled Lam Sun out of the elevator. In the elevator, it would be a crime to
stay with Henry for a minute.
Lam Sun's stepmother took Lam Sun, quickly left the elevator and walked towards a box.
On the fifth floor of the slam bar, there was only one person in the box.
Henry remembered that boss Shen, who was just mentioned by Lam Sun ’s mother-in-law,
was the contractor foreman he was looking for. The surname was Shen, could he still be
Lam Sun's stepmother took Lam Sun back to the box.
There are at least fifty square meters in this box. The box is filled with loud music.
Various lights flash in the box. The table is full of wine and fruit plates. More than a dozen
flowery girls are sitting in the box.
A middle-aged man with a rich figure is sitting in the center of the sofa in the box,
embracing left and right.
"Boss Shen,
let 's have another drink." "People respect you."
Two young girls snuggled in the arms of a middle-aged man, holding a wine glass in hand,
and discharged to the middle-aged man with both eyes.
"Go, toast Mr. Shen!" Lam Sun's stepmother shoved her behind Lam Sun.
Lam Sun stumbled for two steps and came to Boss Shen. He shoved his hair and picked up
his glass. "Boss Shen, I respect you."
"Oh? I thought you didn't want to drink with me and ran away." Boss Shen snorted and
looked at Lam Sun, ful of possessiveness.
Don't look at so many beautiful women in the box, but in terms of figure, Lam Sun is
absolutely outstanding. With her model qualifications, her long legs are definitely a deadly
weapon for attracting men, especially for middle-aged men like Boss Shen. That said, it is
impossible to extricate themselves.
"Boss Shen, what are you talking about?" Lam Sun's stepmother immediately came to speak
and greeted Boss Shen. "This girl was just a little uncomfortable. She went out and blew her
hair. Wil you come back to accompany you immediately?" "
After stepmom Lam Sun finished, she shoved Lam Sun again, bringing Lam Sun closer to
Boss Shen.
"Haha." Boss Shen laughed loudly. "So, this beautiful woman Sun wants to drink with me?
Then don't stand so far, drink, you want to sit closer!"
Boss Shen finished. He grabbed Lam Sun's arm and pulled Lam Sun towards himself.
Lam Sun will rebel subconsciously, but where is the power of boss Shen, he is directly
drawn into the arms of boss Shen.
Boss Shen looked at the woman in front of her, her eyes narrowed, and she grabbed Lam
Sun unconsciously.
Lam Sun shivered and looked at Boss Shen's hand getting closer and closer to her. She
wanted to resist, but she didn't dare.
"Bang!" The box door was kicked out from the outside.
The figure of Henry appeared at the door of the box.
Henry scanned all the people in the box, and finally fixed his eyes on Boss Shen. Henry
recognized it at a glance. This was the person he was looking for, Shen Haoqiang.
When Henry received Shen Haoqiang's location, he also received a photo of him.
The sudden appearance of Henry made Shen Haoqiang stunned. While he was stunned,
Lam Sun took advantage of this opportunity to stand up a few steps away from Shen
Lam Sun's mother frowned, staring at Henry, "What are you doing here, is this where you
came from? Lam Sun, send him out to me!"
Lam Sun's mother-in-law thought Henry came to Lam Sun on the spot.
Lam Sun looked at Henry and said, "Brother-in-law."
Henry didn't even look at Lam Sun's stepmother, nodded at Lam Sun, and then strode to
Shen Haoqiang, looking down on Shen sitting on the sofa. Haoqiang.
"Boy, who the hell are you!" Shen Haoqiang stared at Henry with an unhappy face, "Do you
know who Lao Tzu is?" Henry nodded, "Know."
"Do you know him or not ..." Shen Haoqiang just started to scold, and Henry grabbed his
hair and slammed it on the coffee table in front go with.
As Shen Haoqiang's head was smashed on the coffee table by Henry, a sound of glass
shattering sounded and the coffee table broke apart completely.
The women in the box did not expect such a scene to happen, and they all screamed.
Henry grabbed Shen Haoqiang's hair. Shen Haoqiang's face was covered with glass ballast
and looked at the special terror.
"Say, who made you privately that piece of land?" Henry stared at Shen Haoqiang.
As soon as Shen Haoqiang heard this, there was a sudden fear in his eyes, "You ... you are
the Lin's!"
Henry didn't talk to Shen Haoqiang nonsense, he picked up a wine glass and slammed it on
Shen Haoqiang's head At the same time that the wine glass broke, blood also ran down
Shen Haoqiang's forehead.
The blood on his head, and the glass ballast of Shen Haoqiang, was particularly scary.
Lam Sun's stepmother, who had just blamed Henry, was frightened by Henry's action.
She slowly walked to Lam Sun's side and pulled Lam Sun's sleeve. "How do you know such
a person?" the leader of the? this is what your sister's husband? you recognize a sister out?
No. "Lam Sun shook his head," he's my roommate's brother, we fol ow the cal together? " "
you Who is that roommate's sister? "Lam Sun's stepmother couldn't help asking.
"It is Sylvia, President of Lin." Lam Sun replied.
"What!" Lam Sun's mother shook, "You mean, this kid's wife, is the president of Lin?"
"Yes." Lam Sun nodded, "I just wanted to say, you want to know The Lin's brother-in-law is
here. "
Lam Sun ’s mother-in-law swallowed her saliva hard, and her heart was full of fear. She had
just blamed Lin ’s husband so much.
Shen Haoqiang was caught in Henry's hands and his legs were trembling. He had been
hiding all this time. He also learned about the things that Lin was hit by at that time. It was
almost a month before he dared to show his head, but he didn't expect that he had just
come out and was going to be dashing. He was picked up by Lin's people. This Lin's is too
Seeing that Shen Haoqiang did n’t speak, Henry picked up a glass again and said:
"Give you a choice, either say, or eat this glass, my patience is limited, choose it!"
Shen Haoqiang glanced subconsciously. The glass in Henry's hand, according to Henry's
movement from entering the door to the present, he has no doubt that this young man is a
kind-hearted person. Thinking of the scene where this glass was stuffed into his mouth,
Shen Haoqiang couldn't help but shudder. , This glass really eats, can it still live? If you say
this, you will definitely be found, but if you don't say it, you have to die now. Shen Haoqiang
made a choice on the spot.
Shen Haoqiang grimaced, "Yes ... the people of the Zhao Group asked me to do it.
They said that as long as I dug that piece of land, I would be given five million yuan.
Brother, I'm just a small person, ordered Act. "
" Zhao's! "Henry snorted, and he had speculation at that time. Now it seems that this is the
case, he asked Shen Haoqiang," Do you say that Zhao is the Zhao? The evidence?
" I have, I have. "Shen Haoqiang shivered and took out his phone.
On the mobile phone Shen Haoqiang took out, there was a video. The video played was the
scene when Zhao came to him.
Seeing this video, Henry was relieved. He did not want this evidence to find the trouble of
the Zhao family, but to make sure that no one else was behind to intervene.
"Brother, I really don't blame me for this. If I don't do it, someone else will do it. I'm just a
smal person. I can't refuse the things that the Zhao confessed."
Henry coldly snorted and kicked Shen Haoqiang's calf with two consecutive feet.
It can be heard that an obvious "click" sound came from Shen Haoqiang's calf, and standing
there was Shen Haoqiang, making a horrible scream like a pig, kneeling down on the spot,
he had both calves Henry Zhangg was kicked off.
For this kind of person, Henry will natural y not be forgiving. After he leaves, someone will
naturally choose a place and bury Shen Haoqiang.
Henry shook his hand, did not look at Shen Haoqiang again, and turned to walk outside the
When the door of the box, Henry paused footsteps, to see the Lam Sun, "Yes, you return to
the Silver State what to do with?" "Back and forth, her back." Lam Sun before they ask, Lam
Sun stepmother would Lianlian said, with a pleasing look, he never looked down on others
again, and at the same time kept eyeing Lam Sun.
This is the husband of Lin's president. Lin's is someone else's family. Even one thigh hair is
enough for a lifetime. Lam Sun's mother-in-law just wants Lam Sun to hug the big tree
Lam Sun looked at Henry embarrassedly when she saw her stepmother in a hurry.
Henry didn't even look at Lam Sun's stepmother and
said, "Let's go together if you return." Henry finished and left the box.
After seeing Lam Sun still in place, Lam Sun ’s stepmother quickly pushed, "What are you
stil stunned, keep up with it, I will tel you, this is a rare opportunity, no one can ask for it,
you You have to cherish it, have you heard it! If you can hold this man in your hands, you
will be developed in the rest of your life! "
" Aunt, brother-in-law is not the kind of person you think. "Lam Sun said.
"Cut." Lam Sun's mother-in-law dismissed her contemptuously. "What is not that kind of
man, the men in the world are all the same, there is no carelessness, I know that President
Lin is a big beauty, but what about it, men are new and old. , Beautiful women will get
bored after seeing too much, and want to change the tone, as long as you take the initiative,
there is absolutely no problem, do n’t forget, how much money your dad still owes, and
now there are so many people to find him everywhere, and you do n’t want you Dad go in
again! Go! "
Lam Sun's stepmother finished, and didn't want to hear what Lam Sun said, and quickly
pushed Lam Sun out of the box.
Outside the box, there is no figure of Henry anymore. The number displayed in the elevator
room has a downward arrow, and the number also becomes one, proving that Henrygang
took the elevator downstairs.
When Lam Sun left the bar, Henry already had a car on the side of the road, waiting for her.
"Come on, it's so late, you won't be able to sleep for a long time, and there will be classes
tomorrow." Henry sat in the car and waved at Lam Sun.
Lam Sun nodded and sat in the car.
As soon as he got into the car, Lam Sun remembered the words her stepmother had just
said, blushing.
Lam Sun had to admit that she was a little emotional, and she knew the situation of her
family very well. She had made a choice when she was willing to drink with Shen
Haoqiang. Now she changed this object to Henry, which gave her a willing heart.
Feelings, after al , no matter in terms of appearance, in terms of ability, or feelings, Henry
must overcome Shen Haoqiang too much, even if I don't know, Henry's identity is also a
very popular object for women.
"Do you know what a friend is?" Henry's voice came from the side.
"Ah?" Lam Sun was startled, wondering why Henry suddenly said this.
"Friends can pull you when you have nowhere to go. I don't know what happened to you.
You have a few friends who have the ability to help you solve your difficulties. You haven't
When I asked, I made my choice. This is not to give them trouble, but not to treat them as
friends. I suggest you encounter such things and talk more with your friends. "Henry leaned
on his seat Go up and say gently, "I also have friends, I helped them, they also helped me,
we don't think this is a problem for the other party."
Henry finished, closing his eyes, leaning on the seat and sleeping up, he didn't Knowing her
own words, whether Lam Sun can understand, people always need to grow to understand
something. If they cannot understand it, it means that she still needs to grow. This is a
process of transformation that must be experienced.
When Henry returned to Yinzhou, it was already more than three in the night.
Lam Sun could not enter the dormitory so late. Henry helped Lam Sun open a hotel, and
after sending Lam Sun to him, he left.
Henry still has to think about the issue of the Zhao Group. After al , he is different from the
past. He is no longer alone, and he has to take into account some consequences.
Since the Zhao Group can know the existence of Longxi Li, it is by no means superficial It's
that simple.
Henry did not go home, nor did he go to the hospital. Today's battle at Lijiacun made him
discover new ways to use Qi, and at this time, he would be familiar with it again.
There was no one in the night, Henry came to see the park for the first time before Robert
Lin, took a deep breath, and started to fight from the most basic straight punch.
Henry's punches and kicks al started from the most basic. He carefully felt the changes in
the qi contained in each of his movements. At this moment, he seemed to have become the
rookie of the first practice.
With one punch and one kick, Henry's movements are getting faster and faster. If someone
sees Henry now, he will definitely open his mouth. Just around Henry's body, a stream of
air has formed, and Henry's movements began to stroke The fallen leaves on the ground
are also affected by the fallen leaves, which seems to be the appearance of a martial arts
master in a TV series.
Gradually, Henry also sank into it, feeling quietly that every new discovery made him
By the time Henry reacted to his indulgence in anger, the sky was already bright, and there
were some morning exercises in the park. Fortunately, there were not many people. No one
found Henry. Otherwise, this news headline, Henry might have gone .
Looking at the time, Henry felt at six o'clock in the morning that it was only ten minutes
before I started practicing boxing. I didn't expect it to be nearly three hours.
I found a breakfast shop, bought a breakfast, and just ready to take a taxi to the hospital,
Sylvia called.
"Her husband, President Qin is awake."
Jenny's wake up is undoubtedly delightful.
Even if Henry already knew that Jenny was not traumatized, he could always fall into a
lethargy, which was worrying. This kind of lethargy, Henry was able to wake up, but he
would not do that. After all, this is a human instinct protection mechanism.
Henry bought a good breakfast and quickly rushed to the hospital to the ward.
As soon as he entered the ward door, Henry saw that Jenny was sitting on the hospital bed.
Although his face was stil pale, it was much rosier than before.
"Henry ..." Jenny called his name when he saw Henry entering the door.
"How does it feel?" Henry walked to the bed, grabbed Jenny's wrist, and took a pulse for
After finding that Jenny's pulse was completely stable, Henrycai was relieved.
"These days, you are suffering."
Henry said this, he felt that someone was pulling himself behind him, and when he looked
back, he saw Sylvia kept giving his eyes.
Henry looked puzzled.
Sylvia opened his mouth and made no export, only exporting.
Henry clearly saw what Sylvia said: Don't say it.
As soon as Henry turned his head, he saw Jenny shrunk in horror and shivered.
Such a scene made Henry feel awkward. What he was most afraid of now was the
psychological shadow that this incident left Jenny. Any normal person is kept in a cage like
that, and his hands and feet are locked by iron chains. All meals are in cages, and they are
treated like beasts, which will cause psychological problems.
Sylvia patted Henry's shoulder, motioned to Henry to walk away, she sat on the bed, gently
embraced Jenny's shoulder, and said softly: "Okay, it's okay, okay, Henry has come, come ,
Let's have breakfast first. "
Sylvia gave Henry a look, Henry quickly handed over a bowl of mil et porridge.
The remaining Yu Wen on the millet porridge was held in the palm of his hand, exuding a
sense of security. Under the soft voice of Sylvia, Jenny's tremor slowly subsided, but his
breath was still short of breath.
Henry looked at Jenny, who was shrinking in the corner of the hospital bed. What a cheerful
woman he used to be, now it looks like this.
Henry couldn't help but squeeze his fist, he would never easily deal with Li's like this. As
long as he figured out how to use the spirit stone, he could greatly improve the strength of
Guangming Island. At that time, he and Li's reckoned!
"Wife, you ate breakfast first. I'l go to see President Ma." Henry took a deep breath and
walked out of the ward.
As soon as he left the door of the ward, Henry saw President Ma coming forward.
"Little God Doctor? You're back, it just happened, you have to take a look at this."
President Ma took a report in his hand and gave it to Henry.
Henry looked at what was written in the report and frowned. "Neurasthenia? Nervous
"Yes." President Ma nodded. "During this time, Ms. Qin suffered too much pressure from
her heart and suffered psychological damage . Seriously, when Ms. Qin woke up today, we
arranged the best neurologist to make a diagnosis. This kind of neurasthenia cannot be
treated by any external force and can only rely on Ms. Qin herself. "
" I know Henry returned the report to Chairman Ma. "Is there any problem in other cases?"
"Make sure there are no problems. I have checked it with the most sophisticated
instruments. Now, it will be up to Ms. Qin to see when she can Come out in the shadows of
this, this thing, hey, it's hard to say. "President Ma shook his head helplessly, with regret in
his eyes.
"You have worked hard, President Ma." Henry patted President Ma's shoulder. "Come on,
please find someone to go through the discharge procedures. The color of the hospital is
too monotonous. Jenny's il ness is not Wel , I plan to let her be discharged first. "
" Okay, I will leave it to someone else. "President Ma responded and turned away.
Standing at the door of the ward, Henry looked at Jenny who was sitting by the hospital bed
and slowly drinking millet porridge. He always felt a terrible heart.
With the help of President Ma, the discharge procedure was done quickly. Henry was in
charge of driving and Lin Qinhan took Jenny to his home.
Jenny lives in an ordinary residential area. The house is small and the decoration is very
warm. He has not returned for a long time. A lot of ash has fallen in the house.
With the permission of Sylvia, Henry once again acts as a house wife and helps Jenny Pack
your home.
"Mr. Lin, please trouble Henry." Jenny made tea for Henry and Sylvia.
"No trouble, how can this be said to be trouble." Sylvia waved his hands again and again.
Henry saw that Jenny had gradual y adapted a lot, and was relieved. The two didn't stay
here any longer. Knowing that Jenny still needed rest, he said hello and left.
After waiting for Jenny's house and coming to the car, Sylvia asked: "Her husband, Qin,
what's wrong with her, and she always feels that she's not right."
"Nervous breakdown." Henry sighed. The excitement was great. The next thing I could do
was to look at herself. No one could help her with her mental problems. "
Sylvia looked up at the window of Jenny's house and shook his head slightly. She also heard
about the treatment suffered by Rou, a woman who was treated like that, Sylvia thought
about it, if this matter is placed on herself, I am afraid that she has already col apsed, Jenny
’s spirit, compared with many people Say, already very powerful.
At the moment when someone is locked in the cage, there is no hope. I do n’t know when
someone will come to rescue myself, and I do n’t know what I will suffer next.
These unknown things will make people crazy.
"Her husband, do you know any better psychiatrist, come and help Mr. Qin take a look."
Sylvia was always worried.
"I have already contacted, someone will come, wife, you did not rest well last night, go back
and rest first." Henry started the car and the two left.
The top floor of Zhao's Building.
"Second lord, I received the news that the boy from Su's family went to Lijia Village
yesterday and brought out the woman from Hengyuan. It seemed to be quite quiet." A
young man stood in front of Mr. Zhao.
Mr. Zhao sat on a large sofa, holding a newspaper, and watched him carefully. After more
than ten minutes, Mr. Zhao put down the newspaper and said, "An heir to the Su family, oh
no, Yesterday, the Su family held the succession ceremony of the head of the family. This
kid should be the owner of the Su family. A Su family owner can bring people out of Li's
hands, even if it is only a very small branch of Li's. It seems that this kid is behind , There
are people. "The
young man stood with his head down," Second man, Su family yesterday, went to a lot of
great forces. I heard that even Guangming Island sent gifts. "
"Guangming Island?" Mr. Zhao got up and walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window.
"That holy place in the eyes of the underground forces, even they have come out to give
" Second lord, will it be ... "The young man stood behind Mr. Zhao and hesitated.
"No." Mr. Zhao directly denied the youth's conjecture. "The major clans are now busy with
the latest rankings and will not appear at random. The arrival of Guangming Island cannot
be related to the clan behind the Su family."
"Two Lord, can we ... "The young man made a gesture of raising and lowering his hands.
"No." Mr. Zhao shook his head. "Although in front of the clan, Guangming Island is nothing,
maybe it is on the bright side. Guangming Island is still the overlord of this underground
world. This matter is not simple. Those few iron skins Dendrobium, very important to me,
can decide whether I can return to my family, so that you take people to the Bright Island. "
Mr. Zhao said, taking out a delicate wooden box from his arms, The wooden box exudes a
fragrance, and a sword is carved on the box. The box alone is expensive.
The wooden box was opened. In the wooden box, there was a dead leaf lying on its back.
Now the leaf has cracked and a little breeze will blow away the dead leaf.
After looking at the dead leaves, Mr. Zhao carefully covered the wooden box and handed it
to the young man.
"In the early years, my father met Mr. Pease, the housekeeper of Guangming Island, and
helped Mr. Pease a little. This leaf is the token that Mr. Pease gave to my father.
Holding this leaf, you should be able to see Mr. Pease, inquire about the relationship
between Guangming Island and Su's family. "
" Understood. "The young man took the wooden box that Mr. Zhao handed over as a
treasure, and then slowly exited the room.
Mr. Zhao stood alone in the room, pacing back and forth, "I don't know what kind of shit
luck you have, I can climb the big tree of Guangming Island, but I don't think that
Guangming Island can do such a small role for you. , Against my Zhao family, but behind me,
the Zhao clan! "
After Henry returned home with Sylvia, both of them had a good night's sleep. When they
opened their eyes, it was already more than four o'clock in the afternoon. After sleeping for
more than six hours, it was obvious that both were tired.
Sylvia had to put on makeup on the day he took over as the head of the house. He got up
very early, and there were a lot of trivia at the succession ceremony. He was very attentive
and spent last night in the hospital again.
Henry didn't sleep all night, ran back and forth, and practiced boxing for several hours.
Although he has far more energy than ordinary people, he still needs basic rest.
When the two got up and were still discussing what to eat at night, Nelson Lin called and
told them to go to Robert Lin for dinner.
When Henry and Sylvia arrived at Lin's Manor, both Daisy's mother and daughter and
Chaning's mother and daughter were here.
Everyone was acquaintances, and they greeted each other familiarly and then sat down.
"Right, grandpa?" Sylvia glanced, but did not see Robert Lin.
"In the vegetable field." Nelson Lin stretched his finger. "Your grandfather planted some
dishes a while ago. This time he told us to taste the green food he planted."
Nelson Lin smiled when he spoke, and could not help but look at Henry Glance.
More than three months ago, Robert Lin was still sitting in a wheelchair, and his will was
given. But now, Robert Lin not only can go to the ground, but also grow leisurely
vegetables. What children want to see most is not the health of the elderly, all this, All
because of my son-in-law. The
more Robert Lin looked at Henry, the more satisfied he felt, and he felt that his choice to be
his son-in-law was too clear.
"Then I will help Grandpa pick some spots." Sylvia walked towards the vegetable garden
beside him.
Henry looked at Sylvia's bouncing figure, his mouth unconsciously evoked a smile, if he
could, he really hoped to live like this every day, the family stayed together, laughed and
laughed, his favorite person was in his Be around, but things won't do what you want, a lot
of trouble, if you don't go to him, he will find it.
After Henrygang finished feeling, he felt that someone was pul ing himself behind him.
When he looked back, he saw Daisy standing behind him and looked at himself with a
weird face. "Brother, come with me, I have something to tell you."
After Daisy finished speaking, she walked to a place where no one was aside.
Henry looked at Daisy suspiciously. He always felt that Daisy's eyes contained a lot of
Henry came to Daisy and didn't speak, so he heard Daisy's voice, "Brother, are you
" What the hell !" Henry's feet stumbled.
"Brother-in-law, you tell me, I don't tell my sister." Daisy looked at Henry with complicated
eyes. "What is the relationship between you and Lam Sun?"
Henry rolled his eyes and was extremely speechless. Relationship? "
" Sister-in-law, you admit it! "Daisy stomped anxiously." Today the school spreads. Last
night, Lam Sun entered the hotel with a strange man, as well as the video. The school
network is out. Although it was deleted in time, I still downloaded one. "
Daisy took out his phone and released a video to Henry.
In the video, it was the scene where Henry sent Lam Sun to the hotel last night. It was him
who walked into the hotel with Lam Sun.
"Brother-in-law, look, is this you!"
"It's me." Henry nodded and admitted, "But that means I'm derailed?"
"My God! Brother-in-law, both of you are going to open the house, this is not what is
cheating!" Daisy said excitedly, and after she finished, she realized that her voice was a
little loud, and her big eyes wandered around and found out No one noticed this, before
letting go.
Henry slapped Daisy's forehead. "You girl, what do you think of a day? I met Lam Sun in
Luohe yesterday and came back with her. The dormitory did not let her in. I opened it for
her. A hotel. "
" Ah? "Daisy looked stunned." You two didn't go to open a room. "
" Nonsense! "Henry whispered," I said, you guys, don't want to go to school one day, what
gossip? "
" That ’s not my gossip. ”Daisy looked innocent.“ Lam Sun is the goddess of many boys in
our school. If this happens, it ’s definitely spread everywhere. Now the school says that Lam
Sun was There are a few people, and there are a few people who have formed a team and
said that if you want human flesh to break your leg, you have to be careful. "
" Cut. "Henry didn't care.
"Right, brother-in-law, if you are not cheating, you still have to go to our school." Daisy said,
"As soon as this video came out today, Lam Sun was called by the director to talk.
The impact will be great. "
Henry is a little speechless. He has not been to university, and he really did not expect these
col ege students to be so powerful.
At the same time, Henry also blamed himself. What he blamed was not that he caused
trouble for Lam Sun. He only did what a man should do last night and sent the lady to a safe
place. He blamed himself. It was the video just now, apparently made by humans, but I did
n’t find it myself. When it comes to performing tasks in the past, are you always exposed to
someone ’s sniper rifle?
This incident also reminded Henry that he has been too lax recently.
"Daisy, what are you talking about with your brother-in-law, sneaky." Sylvia took a basket
of leeks and came over from the side and asked curiously.
"Ah?" Daisy looked at Sylvia like a frightened bunny and shook his head again and again,
"No ... nothing, sister, what are you doing with so many leeks? Prepared for your brother-
Daisy As soon as these words came out, Sylvia suddenly made a big red face. This chive has
a name in the folk cal ed aphrodisiac.
"Daisy, your sister and your brother-in-law, don't worry about you little girl." Robert Lin
walked from the side with a smile on his side, "but then, Sylvia, you and Henry, when do
you want to be Child, my old man, is still waiting for the fourth generation to live in the
same room. "
Want a child?
Sylvia blushed and looked at Henry. She and Henry had been certified for such a long time.
The two of them had not slept on a bed except for two nights together in Xiaoshan.
They were usual y limited to holding a hand or something. .
"Grandpa, both of us ... we two ..." Sylvia lowered his head, blushing as if he could drip out of
water, where there is a little bit of the appearance of the president of the iceberg.
"Henry, men should focus on career, but family is also very important." Nelson Lin walked
from the side, "I know the girl Qing Qing, all work is ful of brains, you as a man should take
the initiative, I Those friends, holding their grandsons every day, show me the envy. "
Henry didn't expect that he and Sylvia were urged to ask for a child, and then look at the
look of Nelson Lin and Robert Lin. These words were obviously already prepared.
Sylvia scratched his palm.
Sylvia felt an itchy palm, looked up and saw Henry was squinting at himself.
"Henry, what I said, you have to be careful. Sylvia is sometimes too capricious, and don't be
too used to him." Nelson Lin's voice sounded again.
Sylvia clearly saw Henry showing a chuckle.
"Dad, I know. Rest assured. When I come back from a business trip, I will have a baby with
Sylvia." Henry replied.
"Wel ." Seeing Henry said this, Nelson Lin nodded in satisfaction.
Sylvia looked surprised and looked at Henry, "Are you going on a business trip?"
"Yeah, the company has to deal with some things and plans to leave tomorrow." Henry
Now, Sylvia already knows Henry's identity. She knows that Henry has something to do,
and she doesn't say much.
Soon, supper began, and during the dinner, the family was obviously advised by Robert Lin,
and they persuaded Sylvia and Henry to hurry up to have a child.
"Hey, Sylvia, your girl is too thin-skinned, they are all a family. What are you ashamed of,
and besides, how long have you been married to Henry." Daisy said. , no one in the family
would think that nothing has happened to Sylvia and Henry since their marriage.
At the end of the dinner, Henry drove Sylvia away from Linjia Manor and sat in the car.
Sylvia had not recovered from his family's successive bombings. His mind was all about to
be a child.
Sylvia couldn't help thinking, did he really want to improve his relationship with Henry?
As soon as this idea came out, Sylvia shook his head immediately. No, no. He was a man,
and he had to take the initiative to do so.
"Wife, what do you want?" When Henry drove, he saw Sylvia stunned for a while and shook
his head vigorously for a while, feeling strange.
"Ah? No ... nothing." Sylvia quickly turned his head out of the window.
After returning home, Henry found the business card left by the young man yesterday, and
Henry cal ed the phone.
The phone rang for a second, and the other party was already connected.
"Hey." On the phone, the voice of the youth rang.
"I have considered it, when can I leave?" Henry asked.
After Henry finished speaking, the other party apparently froze for a few seconds, then
came a surprise voice, "Tomorrow! There will be a plane going to Shancheng tomorrow
morning! At eight in the morning."
"Okay, see you tomorrow." Henry didn't say much. Hang up the phone directly.
After contacting the youth, Henry contacted the future again and asked the future to send
the spar to Shancheng. He would pick it up tomorrow. He also planned to prepare for the
future in Shancheng and respond to emergencies at any time.
This time Henry is going to an unknown clan. What is in the clan? Henry doesn't know at
all. He has been going around for so many years.
Sylvia returned home and sat in the living room. She kept thinking about the problem.
She and Henry have been married for so long. It is still the same relationship. Is it too unfair
to him, or else, try to live today Together? Just live, nothing else.
Sylvia felt that his face was burning badly. Looking at the outside, the sky was almost gone.
Sylvia thought for a while and took a deep breath, courageously, and knocked on Henry's
As usual, as soon as Sylvia knocked, Henry would open the door as soon as possible, but
today Sylvia knocked for a long time, and Henry did not respond.
"Husband, are you asleep?" Sylvia's voice sounded.
Henry still did not respond.
Sylvia stomped his feet and died Henry. He had done so much ideological work. He did well,
and went back to sleep!
Sylvia twisted, and when she was about to leave, Henry's door made a "creep" and slowly
opened. There was no figure of Henry in the room.
"Husband?" Sylvia walked into the room with a strange face. She had just sat in the living
room and did not see Henry go out.
Henry's room was very clean and tidy, and everything was categorized and placed by him.
This neat appearance made Sylvia a little ashamed.
When Sylvia walked to the window in the room, he saw Henry's figure.
Henry didn't know when he had arrived in the backyard. He stayed in the yard, lying on the
ground, using only the index finger of his right hand to support the ground and sitting on a
Sylvia sees this scene, and he is in a trance.
What happened on Guangming Island more than 20 days ago is still vividly remembered.
Henry is known as the King of Hel . This is not born or by luck, but by his own efforts.
Sylvia still remembers that Henry was hit by a single finger that day. Such a thing must be
indelible in this man's heart. The pressure he is under is much greater than himself, but he
will never be in himself. Showed in front of him, he silently endured, he standing in front of
himself will always be that hippie smile, no formal appearance, he does not want to let the
pressure on him affect his emotions.
Sylvia was standing by the window, looking at Henry in the courtyard, a faint faintness
gradual y appeared in his eyes, and unconsciously, Sylvia was gradual y sinking deep and
Overnight quietly.
When Sylvia opened her eyes, she found herself lying in Henry's room, covered with a quilt.
Recalling what happened last night, Sylvia didn't know how to fall asleep in the bay
window, and now he was lying in bed, Henry did it.
"Husband." Sylvia shouted confusedly, no one responded, she rubbed her sleepy eyes,
walked off the bed, came to the living room, and saw the wall clock on the wall, it was
already ten thirty in the morning.
A beautiful breakfast was placed on the dining table, which was covered with a heat
insulation cover. When the heat insulation cover was lifted, the scent came, and Sylvia filled
her heart with sweetness. article.
"My wife, I have something to go to Shancheng, you take care of yourself."
Sylvia couldn't help but hang a smile on her face, she careful y put away the paper.
At this point in time, Henry and the brother and sister of the man and the woman had
already flown to Shancheng by plane.
On the way, the youth introduced Henry to their clan.
The Tang family of Shancheng inherited mainly in organs and poisons. Hidden weapons
were also specializations. The young man was named Tang Xin and his sister was Tang Zi.
"Tang's? Tang Men?" Henry thought of this sect often appearing in novels.
Tang Xin nodded, "It is the shadow of some Tang Men, but not al . The archetypes of Tang
Men recorded in many ancient books are from our clan. Once upon a time, how beautiful
our Tang is, who mentioned the Tang, the face It will bring a touch of respect, but now,
hey ... "
Tang Xin said that he kept shaking his head. Tang Zi beside Tang Xin also lost his face.
Henry can understand the feelings of these two people. If they really said that the Tang
doors in the ancient books are all based on the Tang dynasty, then the Tang dynasty was
not as brilliant as the Longxi Li dynasty. It ’s a surname, but it ’s not too much. But now
there is only one master in the entire Tang family, which is real y lonely.
Tang Xin first brought Henry to his company. Henry also saw the Pai Sheng Group on Tang
Xin's business card. To put it bluntly, it was a 300-square-meter facade room. The
decoration is very simple. figure it out.
Tang Xin told Henry that if he wants to communicate with the clan, the ordinary handheld
phone cannot reach the clan. It must pass through the old desktop computer inside. Those
members of the clan outside who want to return to the clan, all You must report to the
elders within the clan.
The general clan, even the antiquity family, has its own industry, but the lonely Tang ca n’t
afford the normal operation of the entire clan. Many people are working outside. In this
way, the clan will gradually be assimilated by this world. Once that happened, after a
hundred years of waiting for the older generation of the clan, the entire Tang clan would be
completely destroyed. No one would remember that there was another Tang clan after
another generation or two.Tang Xin made a phone call and told Henry that the clan would
send someone to pick them up. As usual, it would take about half a day to wait.
"Brother Zhang, why don't I take you around in the mountain city first." Tang Xin suggested
that on the way he came, he also knew Henry's name.
"No need." Henry waved refused, "I just have a friend in the mountain city, have a look, if
you clan who came directly to me like a call."
Tang Xin see Henry say, they did not insist.
The friend Henry said in the mountain city is naturally autumn rain.
It has been nearly a month since I was separated from Amity last time. Henry just came to
see how Amity is going. Henry still has a good impression for this girl with a good heart.
After driving a car, Henry went straight to Mountain World Hotel.
As one of the most high-end hotels in Mountain City, World Hotel welcomes all kinds of big
names every day. There are never shortage of luxury cars in the hotel's parking lot.
There are almost no taxis like Henry.
Henry walked into the World Hotel. He asked Xiao Wu to arrange a position for Amity at
the time, but he didn't know what to do. Now it's too early to contact Amity.
The World Hotel is very big, not only has dining places, entertainment, bathing, leisure, al
mixed together.
"Yeah, Henry, are you here?" Just as Henry was going to find him slowly, a voice of surprise
sounded behind Henry.
Henry turned his head and saw Amity's mother, who was standing behind him, looking at
herself with surprise.
"Auntie." Henry Amity's mother smiled a little. He saw Amity's mother's dress was not as
simple as before, and there was a lot less oldness on her face and a lot of redness.
Amity's mother walked quickly, "Henry, are you here for our little rain?"
"Wel ." Henry nodded. "It's just a matter of coming here, so come over and see, yeah, how's
the uncle?"
Amity's mother heard Henry say this, and his face immediately showed a guilty look,
"Henry, You also said this, you told your aunt, how much money did you charge your uncle
last time? This month, the hospital gave us the best medicine, and said that the money was
enough, I asked the hospital, the hospital is also not Talk. "
" Haha, not much. "Henry waved his hand." I just knew the dean of this hospital, and the
medicine or something would give me a price. "
Henry casual y made an excuse.
"Hey." Amity's mother sighed, "Henry, aunt knows you are nice, but you do, so that aunt
doesn't know how to repay you, and now the aunt is also your help to find, Xiaoyu is also a
girl Your blessing, if not you, aunt really does not know what life is like now. "
Henry looked at Amity's mother and shook her head helplessly. Amity and her mother's
character was real y exactly the same, both of them It's the kind that doesn't like to trouble
"Auntie, you don't want to think about these, how about you, how are you doing?" Henry
quickly broke the topic.
"Thanks to you, I'm here now and I can work easily. I stil have two meals a day. The days
have finally stabilized. The girl Amity is doing well. Recently she has been promoted to a
manager. The entertainment piece has gone, let me go. Go to her, this girl must know that
you are here, she must be happy to die. "Amity's mother looked at Henry with a smile, the
more she looked, the more satisfied she was.
Henry nodded.
Amity's mother took Henry towards the hotel elevator.
The entertainment area of the hotel is on the fourth floor and up. At this time, there are few
people in the entertainment area.
When Henry and Amity's mother came here, many people were still busy cleaning, cleaning
cups and the like.
"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, you promise me, I have bought al the tickets for the show."
Henry just arrived at this floor and heard a male voice.
Amity's mother's face changed, and she whispered: "Why is he here again?"
"Who?" Henry asked subconsciously.
"Henry, don't be angry. It's a shareholder in this hotel. We are pursuing Xiaoyu in our
family, but Xiaoyu didn't promise him. That person is far worse than you," Amity said. .
Henry looked in the direction of his voice. He saw that Amity was wearing a black suit and
was walking in the aisle.
"The cups in that place have been changed again. Also, I just saw that the fire extinguishers
in the two places have expired, and I have to change them. That ’s right, let the one who
took the leave yesterday come over now to explain what the customer complained about
yesterday. Things. "
Amity said to the waiters while walking.
Henry nodded his head, but I have n’t seen it for almost a month. The girl Amity has indeed
grown a lot. She has some abilities and loves to learn. What she lacks is just an opportunity.
As far as hotel fire extinguishers are concerned, the whole entertainment There are no less
than one hundred fire extinguishers in the area, and almost no manager will pay attention
to the problems of this fire extinguisher, but Amity noticed it, which shows her carefulness.
This kind of careful leadership may make many people feel harsh, but in Henry's view,
Amity's approach is completely correct. In such a large hotel, fire prevention is the top
priority. For this aspect of relaxation, it is right Not responsible for life.
Behind Amity, fol owed by a young man, who looked like a normal man, but dressed up to
make people look at a glance, he knew that he was a rich kid, a Vacheron Constantin on his
wrist, worth 400,000, a Ferrari car key in the waist, and feet The pair of limited-edition AJs
on the show the young man's financial strength.
"Xiaoyu, you don't have to waste time on this. I am sincere to you. As long as you promise
me, I will give you whatever you want. There is a movie tonight. Let's go together." Youth
keeps going. Said.
Amity paused suddenly, looked at the youth, and said: "Angkor, I already said, I have a
boyfriend, and I love him very much."
"Xiaoyu, don't lie to me, you say you have a boyfriend , But it ’s been a month, and I have n’t
seen your boyfriend. ”The youth obviously did n’t believe Amity ’s words.
"Oh, Boss Wu, Boss Wu, our family Xiao Yu, indeed has a boyfriend." Amity's mother
hurried up.
This young man knew Amity's mother.
Amity ’s mother pointed to the place where Henry stood, "Look, this is our boyfriend of
Xiao Yu in our family." The
young man in the direction of Amity's mother's finger saw Henry at a glance. When he saw
Henry's ordinary dress, his eyes suddenly showed contempt.
At each age stage, the way of seeing people is different. The older generation will guess the
identity of the other party based on the other party ’s words and deeds, and people like
Henry of their age will be based on the other party ’s dress and opening. What car, to
At the same time, Amity saw Henry, and his eyes suddenly showed rejoicing, trotting
towards Henry, "Brother Zhang, when did you come!"
"When I arrived, something came to the mountain city, I came to see you." Henry Looking at
Amity, he subconsciously reached out and rubbed on Amity's head.
The young man looked at this somewhat ambiguous movement between Henry and Qiu Yu,
his eyes burst into anger, and said to Henry: "Boy, who are you?" "Boss Wu, this is our
boyfriend of Xiao Yu, Henry, he ... He ... "Amity's mother said quickly. She wanted to
introduce what Henry did, but didn't know what to say. Thinking of Xiao Wu's attitude
towards Henry the next day, she said," He is also the owner of this hotel. "
"He?" The young man's eyes were full of disdain, "He is the owner of this hotel, why don't I
know?" The
young man is the shareholder of this hotel, who is the owner, he knows clearly, and even if
he doesn't know who the boss has Just looking at Henry's clothes, he doesn't think that
such a person would be the owner of this hotel.
The young man walked long in front of Henry, looked at Henry, and said, "Boy, I advise you
to be acquainted, stay away from Xiao Yu, you know?"
This young man fell in love with Amity at first sight. He has money, usually there is no
shortage of women, all kinds of women, he has seen it, and he is bored, now want to find a
kind of cute, lovable, Amity is very in line with his spouse selection criteria, this
young man There is also a habit. Any woman who fancy him must get a hand. He will not
use such a medicinal method. He enjoys the pleasure of catching a woman into his own
Now, Henry suddenly kil ed halfway, which made the youth very unhappy.
Henry looked at the young man with a strange expression on his face, "Why, who am I
going to get closer to, and you need to take care of it? What do you think you are?"
"Are you arrogant!" The young man shouted, "Boy, Do you know who you are talking to?
Believe it or not, I will let you die here? "
" Oh. "Henry chuckled lightly, reaching for the young man's hair directly and smashing it
hard against the wall next to him go with.
Henry's skill, where the youth can react, was smashed on the spot with a swollen nose and
blue face.
Autumn mother saw Henry apart from anything else on the hands, shocked, quickly came
to stop, "Sally, Sally, come on, come on, do not be angry."
Autumn Henry mother was afraid to get into any trouble, which beat It's not a trivial
matter, and the person he beats is stil very powerful at home.
"OK." Henry loosened the youth, kicking the youth again.
The young man was lying on the ground, only feeling a rise in his face, and the place where
his smal abdomen was kicked by Henry was also spasms. He stared at Henry fiercely,
"Grass, are you dead?"
There are so many cats and dogs like this young man, Henryjian, that he didn't care about
it at all.
It was Amity ’s mother, who was worried. Even if Henry and Xiao Wu knew each other, this
matter was not easy to deal with. After al , this young father was not so irritating.
Even Xiao Wu did not dare to be arrogant in front of the other party.
The youth's father, Wu Heyang, is known as the emperor of the city in the mountain city,
which shows how huge this power is.
The young man grimacedly took out the phone and directly dialed a number to go out,
shouting at the phone: "I was hit by someone in a world hotel!"
After hanging up the phone, the younger pointed at Henry, including Amity and Amity's
mother. And he said, "You can't wait for any one of you!"
There is a very luxurious meeting room on the top floor of the World Hotel. The rent for
this meeting room is 30,000 a day.
At this time, four people were sitting in this conference room.
To be precise, three people were sitting, one was standing, and the person standing was
Xiaowu, the son of the richest man in Shancheng.
The three people sitting on the side are the richest man in Shancheng, Wu Li, and a
shareholder of the World Hotel, Wu Heyang. These two people are not sitting in the main
seat at the moment, but sitting at the end of this conference room. The place is looking at
the person sitting on the main seat respectful y.
"Mr. Ferris, we have remembered what you said." Wu Heyang spoke carefully.
Sitting in the main seat of this conference room is Ferris.
The industry of the Ferris family can be said to be spread al over the world. You can see
their family industry everywhere, such as the two largest figures in the financial industry of
this mountain city. The biggest investor behind them is also Ferrace ’s.
In many huge industrial chains, there is a saying that there are no banks in this world, and
only the Ferris family. It can be seen what kind of position the Ferris family has in the
hearts of these people.
"Mr. Ferris, when will we be fortunate to see that adult?" Wu Li, the richest man in the
mountain, asked cautiously.
After Wu Li asked this question, Wu Heyang also looked at Ferres with expectation.
"What do you think?" Ferris looked at idiots and looked at Wu Li and Wu Heyang.
"When you have done the things I have explained this time, think about these things.
You have to think clearly. Some People, you can see if you want to see, do you understand?
" Understand, understand. "Wu Li and Wu Heyang nodded again and again.
"Okay, let's do this. Remember, if any company has recently made any major movements,
you must report it in time. Do you know?" Ferris confessed again. This time he came,
mainly because of the last investigation. The attack on Guangming Island.
More than twenty days have passed now, and the forces that can attack Guangming Island
stil have no clue. Ferris can only start from the most basic industrial chain. The hundreds of
fighters are used, and the funds required are huge. Yes, these funds must
be drawn from various industrial chains. It is difficult for ordinary people to see anything in
this industrial chain. However, the Ferrace family is too large, and some small data can be
combined to make Ferris saw a lot of things.
"Mr. Ferris, you can rest assured." Wu Li answered.
"That's it." Ferris stood up. "I stil have something, so I'l go first, you ..."
Just halfway through Ferris's words, a piercing bell sounded in the conference room. At the
moment when the bell rang, Wu Li and Wu Heyang looked at Xiao Wu who was standing on
the side at the same time. This ringtone came from Xiao Wu.
"Do it, do not rule things, get out!" Wu Li quickly snapped loudly, while Feilei Si cast to
show good smile, "Mr. Feilei Si, interactive advertisement naive, naive."
Wu and Yang, it is a Looking at Xiao Wu with a gloating face.
Wu Heyang is known as Emperor Shi Shang. On the surface, he has a good relationship with
Wu Li and is a partner. In fact, both of them are unhappy with each other and look forward
to the day when the other party will fall.
This Mr. Ferris was talking, but was interrupted by Xiao Wu's ringtone, which definitely
annoyed Mr. Ferris.
"It's okay." Ferris waved his hand. "You answer your phone."
"Thank you, Mr. Ferris." Xiao Wu nodded and shook his voice when he answered Ferris's
words, because he was clear As long as this Mr. Ferris is a little unhappy, these industries in
his own home will suddenly disappear.
Xiao Wu picked up the phone, listened twice, and hung up the phone quickly. He looked at
Wu Li, opened his mouth, and said nothing.
"Then you will talk about your own affairs first, and I will go first." Ferris didn't bother to
see Xiaowu's family if he had something to say. In fact, Ferris stil spoke very well. It's just
that his status is too high, so when many people treat him, they are very careful, for fear of
a little offense.
The words of Ferris caused Wu Li's misunderstanding. Wu Li thought that Ferris felt that
he regarded him as an outsider. Some words were not spoken in front of him.
"Tang Tibet." "No, Dad." Xiao Wu glanced at Wu Heyang and said, "That, Wu Zihua was
beaten in the entertainment area."
"What!" Wu Heyang, who had just been gloating, stood up at once. Wu Zihua, but his son, is
his only son.
Ferris shook his head, these things, put in his eyes, nothing counted, these years, followed
Henrynan to the North War, life and death are common, this kind of thing who is beaten,
when he heard, It's as boring as a child's slapstick.
Seeing the anxious look on Wu Heyang's face,
Ferris said, "Yes , your son was beaten, don't sit here, go and deal with it." "Mr. Xie Fei Lei,
Mr. Xie Fei Lei Si. Wu Heyang nodded again and again.
"Come on, go downstairs together." Ferris walked to the door of the meeting room.
Xiao Wu quickly opened the meeting room door for Ferris.
In the entertainment area of the World Hotel.
The security guards of many world hotels have rushed over and surrounded Henry's group.
Wu Zihua wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at Henry with
resentment, "Boy, do I want you to die today!"
Henry looked at the security guard around him and said, "Cal your boss."
Henry wanted Xiaowu to come over. These security guards were not in his eyes. Wu Zihua,
he was also not in his eyes, mainly because he was worried about the future life of Amity
and Amity's mother, so Xiao Wu had to solve this matter.
"His, I'm the owner of this hotel!" Wu Zihua spit on the ground.
Also at this time, the elevator door opened.
Wu Heyang came out of the elevator with an angry face and shouted: "Who moved my son,
don't you want to live!"
Wu Zihua saw Wu Heyang as if he saw a savior, "Dad, can you not let this person go!
Look at my face."
Wu Heyang looked When his son's bruised face was swollen, he went out of the crowd and
strode away to Henry, who was surrounded by security guards. "Boy, do you dare to beat
my son?"
Henry shrugged. "Obviously, I Already hit. "
" Do you want to die! "Wu Heyang stared angrily at Henry. In this mountain city, no one
dared to be so arrogant in front of him.
Wu Li, who came down from the elevator with Wu Heyang, saw Wu Zihua being beaten at
his hotel and hurried forward. No matter how he fought against Wu and Yangming in
secret, the scene work still had to be done well, so he had to talk about it himself. The last
two sentences.
Wu Li just took a step forward and found that he was being held back. When he looked
back, he saw that his son was pulling his arm and shook his head.
"Dad, this man, we can't afford it." Xiao Wu said to Wu Li very quietly.
"Can't get upset?" Wu Li looked puzzled. He even wondered if he had misheard. What
character his son was. Wu Li couldn't understand more clearly. He didn't even listen to his
own words, but now he took the initiative. I can't afford these three words.
"Dad, you let him go, Wu Zihua offended this person, he ruined!" Xiao Wu said with great
Although Wu Zihua's family has great strength, but it is absolutely incomparable with the
white boss, this big brother of the white boss.
Xiao Wu was not surprised that Henry would appear here. In his mind, Amity is Henry's
woman, and it is normal to come and see.
Wu Li listened to his son's words, stopped, and did not step forward, but he was still
puzzled. This young man, dressed in ordinary clothes, could not make Wu Heyang bother
Seeing his father coming, Wu Zihua was even more confident, "Boy, aren't you just
arrogant? I'll look at the arrogant one!"
Amity ’s mother stood behind Henry and pul ed Henry ’s sleeves, and whispered:
“Henry, this is Wu Heyang, the most powerful person in the mountain city is him, we ca n’t
afford it.”
“Nothing.” Henry Amity's mother made a reassuring smile.
"Nothing? I got him, you are a captive!" Wu Zihua screaming, rushed around the Po On
Road, "it's you he do it? I do not give this man arrested!"
Those security one, It is necessary to start with Henry.
"Stop, I see who dares to move!" Xiao Wu's voice sounded from outside the crowd.
Seeing Xiao Wu squeeze the crowd away, he came towards this side.
Wu Zihua frowned, "What's your name Wu? What do you mean?"
Wu Zihua is also a young man in the mountain, and he is not afraid of Xiao Wu.
Smal Wu Chong Wu Zihua chuckled, opening:. "Wu Zihua, I advise you not to ask for it,
today this matter, if I am wrong, you should be the first to stir up trouble"
Xiaowu After saying Henry red dot Nodded and called Brother Zhang.
Wu Zihua was surprised that Xiao Wu was willing to help Henry, but this did not mean that
he was going to forget about this matter. If he could count, how would he stay in the
mountain town after Wu Young, if his father Wu Heyang And how could it be cal ed the
Emperor Shi Shang.
In this mountain city, even the leader did not dare to offend Wu Heyang easily!
"Wu Li, take care of your son!" Wu Li outside the crowd of Wu Heyang said dissatisfied.
"Shut up, please!" Wu Heyang's voice just fell, and Xiao Wu came back loudly, "You are
yelling here, don't take our Wu family's eyes I think who can move my brother Zhang
today! "
Xiao Wu's words made Wu Heyang stunned. He had no idea that Wu Li's son even said this
directly to himself. When he saw himself, which one was not polite? Mad.
Wu Heyang's face sank with a sigh of face, "surnamed Wu, do you really plan to make a
mistake with us?"
Wu Li was also a little surprised by his son's approach. If he was allowed to choose, he
would never stand out and only watch It has changed, but now things have developed like
this, he certainly can't stay out of the matter, and can only follow his son's words,
"Old Wu, give me a face, this matter is all right, right?"
"Oh! Wu Heyang chuckled, "Give you a face, give you a face, who will give me a face?
Surnamed Wu, I will ask you if you really want to fight against me!"
Wu Li looked at his son subconsciously Glance.
Xiao Wu's eyes nodded firmly to Wu Li.
Wu Li Xinyi Heng, Chong Wu and Yang said: "! Surnamed Wu, let alone me against you, are
you now, in my place to engage in things that you Wu and Yang dare trouble, My name is
Wu's dare then"
! "Good
Wu Heyang said and picked up the phone.
"Huh? Boss, why are you here?" At this moment, a voice of doubt sounded from outside the
At the moment when the voice sounded, Wu Li and Wu Heyang both had shocks in their
bodies. Although the voice was unfamiliar, both of them remembered deeply.
Ferris squeezed into the crowd and looked at Henry.
"Why are you here?" Henry was also curious when he saw Ferreth. "Did I ask you to check
those things?"
"I'm busy with the task you gave me, boss." Ferris replied.
Wu Heyang looked at the scene in front of him, his pupils shrank suddenly, the whole
person kept a posture of holding a phone, he was there, did he hear it correctly, Mr.
Ferris, called this kid, called the boss? And this kid gave Mr. Ferris the task?
Wu Li was also shocked, and looked at Henry with surprise in his eyes. No wonder his son
said that this young man, Wu family can't afford to make him a man who can be cal ed the
boss, what is the role! Wu Li realized that today, he may have made the most important
choice in his life. If he had n’t just stopped his own son, then he would definitely offend this
big man just like Wu Heyang. In that case, what would be the consequences? ? Wu Li dare
not imagine!
Compared with the emotions in Wu Li's heart, Wu Heyang is in a frost at the moment.
He has just blamed Mr. Ferris' boss just now? So many unpleasant words! This Mr.
Ferris is real y to blame, what can he do? What is Emperor Shi, in Mr. Ferris's eyes, not even
Wu Heyang stared at his son with hate, this incident was completely due to him!
"Boss, what's going on?" Ferris looked at Wu Heyang curiously.
okay. Someone wants to kill me. I'l take a look at him." Henry said indifferently. "You're
busy, we'll contact you later." "OK." Ferris ordered Nodded his head and said nothing more.
He didn't think that such a smal scene would affect Henry.
Ferris waved at Henry and then looked at Wu Heyang. "I see you, I really don't know how to
write dead words. Be prepared. My funds will be withdrawn in ten minutes."
Ferret After thinking about it, he looked at Wu Li again and nodded. "Your performance is
good today. The project you mentioned last time, I voted, and I went back and sent the file
directly to my private mailbox. That's it."
Ferris After finishing talking, he didn't wait for Wu Heyang to talk to Wu Li, and left the
crowd directly.
Ferrace's words are two extremes for Wu Li and Wu Heyang.
In Wu Li, it was undoubtedly a surprise of heaven, and Wu Heyang was completely
penetrated into the abyss. Ferris withdrew his capital, which is equivalent to pulling out
the bone marrow of his enterprise!
"Dad, who is this man, what cattle are he?" Wu Zihua didn't know Ferris, and he was not
happy on the spot.
Slap !" Wu Heyang responded to Wu Heyang's slap. "Beast, do you know what you did!"
Wu Heyang shouted loudly.
Wu Zihua touched his face, and looked at Wu Heyang in disbelief. "Dad, I ..."
"Beast!" Wu Heyang kicked his heart and kicked heavily on Wu Zihua's stomach. Can't get
After finishing this, Wu Heyang quickly looked at Henry, with a look of mercy on his face,
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have no way to discipline, I ..."
"What are you, Wu Heyang, take your son away, you are not welcome here!" Xiao Wu
interrupted Wu Heyang directly, waved his hand, and told the security guards, "Throw
them out to me!"
Wu Li Looking at his son's behavior with satisfaction, compared with Wu Zihua's stupidity,
his son is a bit younger, but in terms of major events, he can be too much too much, this
decisive approach real y won his heart.
The security guards no longer hesitated upon hearing Xiao Wu's order, grabbing Wu
Zihua's father and son and taking them aside.
Xiao Wu came to Henry with a smile on his face, "Brother Zhang, I'm real y sorry to trouble
you, those two people, I will never let go."
Henry smiled and patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder, " You are very nice. "
Henry ’s simple four words make Xiao Wu ecstatic, Wu Li beside him is also very happy. In
front of him, but Mr. Ferris ’s elder brother, he said a compliment. What great benefits will
work, it will be spread to Mr. Ferris ’ears, and his family will be developed!
Xiao Wu looked at Amity very appreciatively and said, "Well, Amity, you have performed
well this time and haven't taken a good rest recently. Let's take a day off today and Aunt
Qiu, I heard that you two The waist is a little bit bad. Let ’s take a rest today. ”
Xiao Wu finished, waiting for Amity and Amity ’s mother to say goodbye to Henry and
walked downstairs with his father.
Before leaving, Wu Li made a good smile to Henry.
Henry watching autumn, shrugged his shoulders, "It appears that you do not have to die
today, rest, eat lunch together?" "Well." Amity nodded.
Amity ’s mother, stil a little dazed, could n’t get back to God, Wu Heyang, but the man
known as Emperor Shi Shang, but in front of Henry, he suddenly counseled!
Amity's mother, Henry can no longer be regarded as an ordinary person at this moment.
Thinking of Henry is a character that can make the emperor Shi Shang bow his head,
Amity's mother feels a little uncomfortable.
Amity's mother is a character who doesn't like to trouble others or owe humanity. Now she
always feels that she owes Henry everywhere.
Amity planned to invite Henry for lunch at the World Hotel, but Henry refused.
Amity also knew that Henry didn't want to let herself spend money, and she didn't insist
anymore, and walked outside the hotel.
Just out of the hotel, preparing to go to the parking lot to pick up the car, I saw someone
standing in front of Amity's BMW three series.
This BMW three series is what Henry wanted from Aunt Amity at the time.
This is a middle-aged woman who is almost forty years old. She looks very ordinary and
wears very ordinary clothes. When she saw Amity's mother, she said, "Second sister, I have
been unable to cal you."
Amity stood Next to Henry, whispered to Henry that her mother's hometown is Shancheng.
This middle-aged woman is a distant relative of Amity's mother. The relationship is not
"What's wrong, is there something?" Amity's mother asked strangely.
The middle-aged woman covered her forehead, "Second sister, don't you forget, today is
the 80th birthday of Aunt Cousin."
"Ah!" Amity's mother heard it and was startled. responsibility, "Oh, I forgot how this thing!"
"nothing sister." middle-aged woman soothingly, "it's stil early, too late, I'm afraid you busy
"trekking trip, Then let's go quickly now. "Amity's mother quickly pul ed the door open,"
Xiao Yu, send me and your aunt quickly, Henry just go with him. "
"Mom, this is not good, Brother Zhang ..." Amity was hesitant. There are more rules for
participating in Dashou or something. Henry came here for a while. It was too troublesome
to run over again.
"It's okay." Henry waved his hand carelessly, "
let's go together." Anyway for Henry today, it's also waiting, it's good to go around.
Amity drove the car, Henry sat in the co-pilot, Amity's mother and middle-aged woman sat
in the back row.
"Second Sister, is this?" The middle-aged woman looked at Henry and asked curiously.
"This is Xiaoyu's boyfriend in our family, Henry." Amity's mother introduced.
Henry turned his head and shouted at the middle-aged woman, auntie.
"You're Zhang ah." Middle-aged woman looked surprised to see Henry, "I listen to old sister
you mention it, sister and drizzle is your job to find it, real y have the ability to do."
Middle-aged woman After that, he looked at Amity's mother with an envious look. This
worked in a world hotel. What he treated was quite good. Amity became a manager at a
young age. His future is bright.
"Second Sister, you let your little Zhang also help, let my girl also go to work at the World
Hotel." The middle-aged woman said.
"This ..." Amity's mother was embarrassed, and she was embarrassed about her mother and
daughter. How could she still open this mouth again.
"OK, Auntie, I will go back and ask." Henry uttered a voice and took the matter down to
relieve the embarrassment of Amity's mother.
Amity's mother gave Henry a grateful look.
The road of Shancheng is well-known throughout China. If you are not familiar with it, you
will be dizzy in minutes.
Amity has been in the mountain city for quite a few days, and the road is almost the same.
At twelve noon, Amity drove to the place, not in the mountain city, but in the countryside.
In many places now, the environment in the countryside is much better than in the city.
The air is fresh, not to mention the big houses. If you spend two or three hundred thousand
homes, you will build a smal second floor. No worse than in the city.
As soon as Amity's car arrived at the entrance of the village, he heard the sound of
firecrackers roaring in the village. The red flowers made of red satin hung hundreds of
meters from the entrance of the village, which was especially festive.
Almost everyone in the hometown can be related to each other. This time it is especial y
festive to have a 80th birthday.
Henry didn't really feel much about this atmosphere. He sat in the car, looked back and
forth curiously, and listened to the sound of gongs and drums, and his mood improved.
Amity stopped the car, and when her mother got out of the car, a lot of people came to say
hel o.
Amity's BMW three series is envied by many people in his hometown, including Amity is
now a manager at the World Hotel, which makes some young people in his hometown
"Yeah, Sister Amity, who is this handsome guy?"
"That is, I have never seen it."
Some young people saw Henry and immediately asked Amity with ambiguous eyes.
Amity turned blushing, "This is Brother Zhang, I ..."
Amity just wanted to say the words of my friend, and the middle-aged woman who came
with Amity and the three of them started to speak first, "This is Henry, Amity ’s boyfriend,
and the second sister. Their jobs are al small. Zhang gave it to him, Henry, but he has the
ability. "
Henry just promised a middle-aged woman to help her talk about work, which can make
the middle-aged woman very happy. .
When the young people heard this, they al turned their eyes to Henry.
"Wow, Sister Amity, your boyfriend is so handsome, can you let us go to work in the World
"That is, I heard that the treatment is good, and I eat every day."
"I want to go too."
A group of young people all surrounded Henry and Amity.
Amity looked at Henry embarrassedly, not knowing what to do.
Henry smiled and said, "Okay, the World Hotel has recently recruited a lot of people.
They will come here to recruit people in advance. Anyone who meets the requirements can
go in, but what they develop into is It depends on your efforts. "
Henry's remarks made these young people ecstatic. What kind of handsome Brother Zhang
is, it is endless.
Henry looked at these young people. They were also simple. It was just a very common job
in a world hotel that made them happy.
"Yoyo, who is this so sensational?" A yin and yang sound rang from the side, and saw a
long-legged woman with a height of 1.57 meters, wearing a mink coat and walking from the
Although the weather is a bit cool, it is stil not wearing mink wool, but I have to say that
this woman's figure is really good, just the two long legs can make people hit 80. She With a
standard net red face, it is definitely a beauty level. only, Henry is not interested in this kind
of net red-faced beauty. He has been to Bangziguo before, and almost all the women there
look like this.
"Amity, is this your boyfriend? Isn't that so!" The woman looked at Henry with her eyes.
What she saw was also the clothes on Henry's body. Henry's cheap clothes made young
women very disdainful.
"Meichen, this is your distant cousin." Behind the woman, a middle-aged man walked out.
The middle-aged man stood on a big belly, wearing a gold necklace around his
neck, and the gold watch on his wrist sparkled, waist There was a Mercedes-Benz car key,
filled with the atmosphere of a local tyrant.
Middle-aged man stretches his arms around the woman's thin waist.
The woman looked at the middle-aged man with a sneer, and said softly, "I hate that so
many people."
"Haha, what happened to the crowd." The middle-aged man laughed unscrupulously,
"The husband hugs his wife, yet Caring for others to see. "
Henry clearly saw that when a woman looked at a middle-aged man, there was a trace of
disgust in her eyes, but she stil allowed the man to hug herself and compensate with a
"Guo Meichen, you get me out, who made you come back!" A rough man's voice sounded.
A man who appeared to be about thirty years old, carrying a wooden stick, ran over and
strode over. His eyes were red when he looked at the woman.
Upon seeing this man, Guo Meichen suddenly panicked and quickly hid behind a middle-
aged man.
The man with the wooden stick was also stopped. "Brother Guo
, dispel the gas, dispel the gas ." Amity stood beside Henry and explained to Henry in a low
voice, "Brother Zhang, Guo Meichen found this middle-aged man as her husband, angry Her
dad is bedridden and is stil lying in the hospital. The man is her brother Guo Meichen. "
Henry nodded.
Henry can fully understand such things as a young woman near a wealthy businessman. In
today's society, this kind of thing is not uncommon. Similarly, Henry can also understand
Guo Meichen's approach to her brother. The matter of Guo Meichen's big money will surely
cause a lot of gossip. The older generation still values this aspect very much.
The middle-aged man glared at Guo Meichen's brother and yelled loudly: "A group of
diaomin, but you can't do it anymore? I think who dares to do it today tel s you that Lao Tzu
makes hundreds of thousands of yuan per minute, you dare to try it, You ca n’t afford to
take down your village! ”
There was a middle-aged man who supported him, and Guo Mei was quite angry.
"Get out, we don't welcome you!" Guo Meichen her brother squeezed the wooden stick
tightly and said bitterly.
"Yes, get out!"
"You are not welcome!" A
burst of applause sounded.
"Oh, surnamed Guo, this time I came to give you benefits!" The middle-aged man looked at
everyone around with a disdainful face. "My boss took a fancy to you, this document, As
long as you signed this document, each according to the current house cents a square meter
points to you two thousand or three hundred thousand cover that you have an old house,
now just another sixty-seven one hundred thousand! "
a middle-aged man said as While taking out a document from his pocket.
When the villagers heard this, the shout suddenly subsided and looked back and forth for a
few times. If this was true, it would seem to be giving away money for themselves.
Chapter 551 Demolition Compensation
The middle-aged man glanced proudly at these villagers and read a sentence in his heart,
just a few hundred thousand, to see their unbelievable appearance .
Guo Meichen Shuangshoubaoxiong, Lengheng soon, "tell you, this is my look on everyone's
part, or a relative, just let my husband come before you this, otherwise this advantage can
not fall upon you!"
The middle-aged The man grinned, and grabbed a hand on Guo Meichen, causing Guo
Meichen to whisper, thumping his fist at the middle-aged man, "I hate you." The middle-
aged man smiled, narrowed his eyes, and looked towards the place where Amity stood
"Little girl, I think you are in good looks. Should you consider coming to work in our
company?" The middle-aged man could not help but lick his lips.
Amity's well-behaved look and bright eyes, which seemed to speak, all moved people's
"Cut, our sister Amity doesn't go, she is a manager at the World Hotel!" A young girl said.
The middle-aged man stunned when he heard this, and then laughed out loud, "Ha ha ha,
World Hotel, is it a manager? Is it funny? A manager, how much is it in January?
Eight thousand or ten thousand? Come to me , I promise you to earn more than 100,000
yuan in January! "If you are a
middle-aged man, let the people around you take a breath and earn 100,000 in January.
What kind of work is too profitable.
"How are you beautiful, are you interested in coming to me?" The middle-aged man kept
watching Amity.
"Sorry, our family is not interested in Xiaoyu." Amity's mother came from the side, blocking
Amity and middle-aged man.
The middle-aged man glared fiercely at
Amity's mother and said unkindly : "No wonder you are poor for a lifetime!" Guo Meichen
walked over and hugged the middle-aged man's arm, Jiao Didi said: "Her husband, you
don't need to talk to this kind of person What more to say, they are destitute in their lives! "
As the middle-aged man turned his head, he no longer looked at Amity. Although he wanted
to get the woman's hand, now, it is obviously a matter of business. It is really necessary for
these people to sign the letter. This time, it will be issued!
The middle-aged man raised the file in his hand and shouted: "I repeat, our boss took a
fancy to your land and paid you two thousand per square meter. How big your house is, you
should be very clear in your heart, Calculate how much money you can make!
"When the
middle-aged man said this, many people started talking to each other again, with
unbelievable eyes.
"Is this true."
"That is, don't bul y us and we don't understand anything."
"Whoever gives money so freely."
Some voices questioned.
"Oh." The middle-aged man chuckled softly. "Speaking of your ignorance, it really lifted you
up. This document is displayed here. It is written in black and white. Everyone who
recognizes the word knows what is written on it. our company's official seal, look at what,
grid light Industrial Co., Ltd! you say that World hotel, the grid is the name of light Industry,
do you think such a big company, will lie to you? "
the crowd toward the hands of middle-aged men Looking at that document, I real y saw the
four words of Geguang Industry.
Geguang Industry, everyone has heard of it, but that is the largest enterprise in Shancheng,
with a market value of hundreds of billions.
Some people who originally had an unbelieving attitude also believed at the moment.
Counting how much money they could make if they signed this document, the starting
point was 200,000.
"Daughter, I also have an old house, more than one hundred square meters, I will not live
anymore, let's sign it." Amity's mother was also very excited at the moment, which is equal
to white Do n’t give away the money.
Standing on the side, Henry shook his head and said, "Auntie, don't sign this one anymore."
Henry said, many people who stood closer to him looked towards him.
"Don't sign it?"
"Brother Henry, why not sign such a good thing."
"That is to say."
Several young people couldn't help asking.
When Amity heard Henry say not to sign, she was sure that this time, there was absolutely
a ghost. Amity had absolute trust in Henry. She knew very well that Henry ’s social
experience, even if he touched himself again Ten years, it is not necessarily comparable.
When the middle-aged man heard Henry say this, his face changed, and he said to Henry:
"Boy, what's the matter with you? Does your family have a room here?"
Henry smiled and said to the middle-aged man: "Did you say that the compensation for
demolition is based on every square meter of land, or every square meter of the house?" As
soon as Henry's question came out, the middle-aged man's face suddenly became ugly.
The villagers were shocked. Yes, this man just said that he would pay two thousand per
square meter, but he did n’t say what it was. If it were n’t calculated, it would have to be
demolished, which was not enough to build a house. It!
"Yes, are you talking about land or a house?"
"If the land is paid, we don't sign it."
"That is, where we live after signing, you pay so little."
Vil agers were reminded by Henry And asked questions one after another.
It can be seen that the middle-aged man's head is already covered with cold sweat. He
wiped the sweat from his forehead, put the documents in his hand into his pocket, cleared
his throat, and loudly said: "Of course it is according to yours The house has been
compensated. How could it be compensated according to the ground? Look, is this
document clearly written? ”The
middle-aged man took out a document from his pocket again. This document was
somewhere else. It is exactly the same as the one he just took. The only difference is that
the previous document wrote compensation based on land area, and this one was replaced
with compensation based on housing area.
The middle-aged man specifically pointed out the words “compensation according to the
area of the house” and showed it to everyone. After seeing this, everyone felt relieved.
Guo Meichen stared at Henry bitterly. How could she not know what the previous
document looked like, just because the person talked a lot, in a word, how much did she
make less? A family pays hundreds of thousands more, and there are at least a hundred in
this village.
Guo Mei is angry, but things have developed like this, and she can't help it. After all, there
are nearly 100 mil ion in profits. You have to do a good job.
Guo Meichen hugged his chest with both hands and sneered. "Some people, with the heart
of a villain, feel the gentleman's bel y, do we think we are here to pit everyone?
Take out this document, I don't know how many people want to sign it! "
That's it! Meichen still misses our own family." Guo Meichen's voice just fell, and there was
a voice in the crowd.
A man about thirty years old strode out of the crowd.
"Brother Zhang, this is the son of the village head, Guo Hong." Amity whispered to Henry.
Chapter 552
Guo Hong came out from the crowd, and everyone looked at him as soon as he spoke.
As the village head's son, Guo Hong was stil very prestigious in the village .
Guo Hong glanced around and said, "Everyone, Meichen came this time, and told me in
advance, about the demolition, this is a good thing for all of us. Now the times are
developing. The children at home have also grown up. After a while, the second middle
school will be relocated and live here again. It will be a problem for the children to go to
school in the future, and as far as I know, outside, the compensation is one square meter.
Thousand and eight, now every square meter, Meichen and her husband have helped us,
which is equivalent to the white welfare for our village, a certain millions of benefits! "
Guo Hongyi finished, Guo Meichen immediately showed a proud look Human look.
Even Guo Meichen was shocked by her brother.
"Sister Meichen, is this true?" A young man said.
"Of course it is true, I stil lied to you?" Guo Meichen rolled his eyes. "I said to you people, I
would rather believe a foreigner than me. Guo Meichen, how long did she return after
Amity? And her male Friend, what is it? It ’s great to be able to find a job at the World
Hotel? It ’s not a matter of my husband if I want to be a manager! ”
“ Good. ”Guo Hong said,“ What Meichen says From your family, you do n’t have to believe
what an outsider said, maybe you are not certain about someone, what abacus!
Guo Hong said while looking at Henry with a bad face.
Henry shook his head helplessly, did not continue to speak, some should say, to remind, his
home already done, others believe it or not, it does not matter to himself, he does not care.
"No, it's not." Henry didn't care, but Amity couldn't watch Henry just got misunderstood,
and quickly uttered, "Brother Zhang is real y good for us."
"Oh." Guo Hong chuckled. Xiaoyu, you are too young, and you can understand when you are
uncomfortable. It is best to wake up in time. I guess some people are fancy in our village. "
Guo Hong finished speaking, and stopped at that stop.
These villagers now look at Henry's eyes with a hint of precautions. Compared to Henry,
they definitely believe in Guo Hong more. After al , this is their own family.
"Okay, how are you, I don't care!" The middle-aged man said loudly, "Anyway, now that's
the kind of thing that is willing to sel , come over and sign a contract. Those who don't want
to sel , I don't force it! "
That is, give them the opportunity to make money, whether they earn or not, look at
themselves. I don't want Guo Meichen to do good things, but also let people show their
faces." Guo Meichen said uncomfortably.
Everyone saw Guo Meichen's appearance, and they were a little ashamed. They felt that
they had done what they did before, making Guo Meichen angry. They kindly helped
themselves to fight for their opportunities. Temper.
"I sign first!" Guo Hong shouted, and the first one stepped forward and signed his name on
the document.
Seeing Guo Hong signed, some people who had been interested in moving for a long time
also hurried up and signed their names.
"Meichen, thank you so much."
"Meichen, as I said earlier, you are a good girl, and you have developed and have not
forgotten our villagers."
The villagers who signed the name also spoke with a smile on their faces.
"Xiaoyu, otherwise, let's sign it too?" Amity's mother tentatively opened her eyes and
deliberately glanced at Henry, which made her feel very embarrassed. Henry helped him so
much, but Henry returned If you do n’t want to sign, you want to sign now. Is this
embarrassing Henry?
Not to sign, these hundreds of thousands are definitely not a smal number for Amity's
mother, even if they are rich, they will be in the spirit of not wanting.
Henry knew what Amity's mother thought, and he understood the other party's approach.
However, others didn't believe that he was deceived and Henry couldn't manage it.
"Auntie, this word can't be signed yet." Henry shook his head.
"Ah? Why?" Amity's mother puzzled.
Henry glanced at the directions of Guo Meichen and the middle-aged man and explained:
"As far as I know, the original official auctioned a piece of land, and the official limited many
large enterprises. The area is similar to that of the village. The
auction price is 650 mil ion. It was won by Geguang Industry. The land is not far from here.
If Geguang Industry wants to take this land, the funds prepared are almost the same. , Plus
the compensation, it can only be higher than 655 million, absolutely impossible, and now
how much is the amount they say? Every house is compensated according to the house, and
the total is less than 100 million. This kind of compensation method, plus the land, will take
it up to 300 mil ion yuan. This method will definitely be grasped by others. "
Amity ’s mother listened to these words and felt a cloud of mist, she asked. Dao:
"Henry, what do you mean, Geguang Industrial deliberately gave less money?"
"No." Henry shook his head. "Geguang Industrial can do such a big business, certainly not in
such a thing Give someone a handle, otherwise everyone will know It ’s the same thing, let
’s make trouble together, let alone say, the impact on Geguang Industrial ’s stock is more
than a few hundred million. This matter, there are others who make money from the
middle! ”
Amity ’s mother could n’t understand it. She did n’t know what stocks hit them. What she
could understand was that the compensation for the demolition was less money.
"Henry, then you say, how much can this give? Can one square meter give one thousand
more?" Amity's mother asked.
Henry shook his head, "Auntie, many of the houses here are newly built. According to the
regulations, the price per square meter of compensation is calculated according to the
average price of the current house price in the city. You calculate, how much is this.
Ah!" Henry's words surprised Amity's mother, the average price of houses in the city!
Although Shancheng is not as good as the land of gold in Duhai, the average price is 10,000.
Amity's mother looked at Guo Meichen. At the moment, Guo Meichen and the middle-aged
man's faces were covered with smiles. According to Henry, what did they do to make
money for everyone? Obviously, it was pitting everyone's money what! They are too
ruthless, because everyone knows later, maybe they are angry.
"Everyone, don't sign it, don't sign it!" Amity's mother couldn't help but shouted, "They are
big guys!"
Amity's words surprised everyone, and everyone looked at them.
Chapter 553: Get Out
Amity's mother is a kind person, can't hide things in her heart, otherwise she will not be
easily deceived by Aunt Amity nearly 1 million.
Now Amity's mother heard that Guo Meichen and the two were pitting everyone, and she
couldn't help but shouted out loud.
Those who are going to sign, and those who have signed, all look towards this side.
"Second sister, what are you talking about, what is pitting everyone." The middle-aged
woman who came with Amity's family before made a noise and she was about to sign it.
Amity's mother shook her head vigorously and said, "The big guy listened to me. The
compensation they gave was simply not right. At least a few thousand less, let's not sign it
"Thousands?" Guo Hongxiao A cry, "You are so funny, this time Meichen has won tens of
thousands of benefits for each of us, how can you be thousands less?"
"Yeah, and our hundreds of thousands, don't care about that Thousands of dollars, just give
Meichen hard work. "One said.
"Meichen was able to win, but also put a lot of effort."
"Second sister, what do I think, thousands of dol ars, nothing." The middle-aged woman
waved her hand carelessly.
"No, it's not." Amity's mother's face was anxious. "It's not that the total price is a few
thousand less, but it is a few thousand square meters less!"
Amity's mother's words suddenly attracted a while Exclamation, how many thousands less
per square meter?
Guo Meichen and the middle-aged man's complexion changed, looking at Guo Hong.
Guo Hong's face also became sullen at the moment and shouted: "Don't you talk there and
lose a few thousand per square meter? You pay the money?"
"Dirty girls , don't talk nonsense to Lao Tzu!" Guo Meichen was beside The middle-aged
man came directly to Amity's mother, with a bad look on his face, "I think I don't teach you
anything, I really give you a face!"
The middle-aged man walked to Amity's mother, raised his hand, and slapped it on Amity's
mother's face with a slap.
A "pop" sounded crisply, but it was not the sound of a middle-aged man hitting Amity's
It was Henry's slap, which fell on the middle-aged man's face.
The middle-aged man was a little dazed by Henry's slap.
"What are you doing, you dare to hit someone!" Guo Meichen screamed and ran over.
Amity's mother had just been taken aback by the slap raised by the middle-aged man.
She closed her eyes subconsciously. She didn't react until Henry slaps her face and opened
her eyes.
Henry shook his palm and smiled: "From the legal point of view, what I just did can be
regarded as a kind of self-defense. In his direction to me, he made aggressive actions and
the attack is ongoing. When I was at
Zhongshi , I beat him completely within the scope al owed by law. Excuse me, why do n’t I
dare to beat him? ” Henry ’s words made Guo Meichen stunned. She never thought that
Henry would say so. Then, it made her speechless and unsure how to answer.
"Law, do I go to your law!" The middle-aged man growled, "Do you dare to beat Lao Tzu, do
you know who Lao Tzu is? Guo Hong, is he your place!"
Guo Hong beside him didn't Henry think will actual y hit, he was beaten just thought it
should be autumn mother, middle-aged man in the throat, run over, snapped: "! autumn,
you do it, why did you beat '
"He is the one who has to do it first!" Amityliu frowned, although she was kind, but she
would not let others bully him.
"Do it? Who did it?" Guo Hong shouted loudly, "I only saw that the people you brought
started, and I apologize!"
Guo Hong finished, and quickly cast a smile to Guo Meichen, saying, "Beautiful Chen, let
your husband dissipate, I will solve this matter. "
" Guo Hong, I tell you, if it is not resolved, I will not finish with you! "Guo Meichen glared at
Guo Hong, and then quickly reached out to touch the middle-aged man's side Face, Jiao said,
"Her husband, are you okay."
"Hurry, apologize!" Guo Hong rushed to Amity.
"Apology, we won't apologize!" Amity said with a firm expression on his cheeks.
"No apology? If you don't apologize, you mother and daughter will get out of the village for
me. We don't welcome you!" Guo Hong reached out and pointed towards the entrance of
the village. Chen's compensation! "
" Why, what right do you have to do this? "Amity was furious.
"Just because Lao Tzu is the son of the village chief, and you are nothing, just a foreigner,
get out of here!" Guo Hong directly tore his face.
Amity's mother and daughter shivered with anger.
Guo Hong looked at the shaking of Amity's mother and daughter, and was very proud of
him. What he hoped most now was that these two people directly shook their sleeves and
left, so that they could sell their old house in a fair and fair way. The normal compensation
price for one square meter is 9,800. The old house has nearly one hundred square meters.
This is worth hundreds of thousands!
"Guo Hong, don't think I don't know what you think, you die that heart, the house is written
with my mother's name, even if we go, the money will not be your turn!" Amity
bit. Yinya, after experiencing so many things, Amity is not as simple as he used to be, and he
can see Guo Hong ’s abacus at a glance.
Guo Hong sneered, "What's the point of me? You hit Meichen and her husband, don't you
need medical expenses? That house is just enough for medical expenses! I tell you Amity,
don't play me rogue here, because you A family offended the Meichen couple and let this
matter go wrong. See how you told the big guy. So much money, do you come to give it! "
Guo Hong deliberately said everyone in the room, that is I want to use your name to
suppress Amity.
Sure enough, after Guo Hong said this, many people cast a hostile look at Amity's mother
and daughter.
"Autumn rain, if you are okay, let's go first. You don't want to sign, and don't delay us
signing." A woman in her fifties said dissatisfiedly.
After the woman spoke, a lot of people spoke out.
"Yes, we want to sign, you can leave without signing."
"Don't break our good deeds!"
"Come on, you two, this doesn't welcome you!" Dao's voice sounded, and so many people
said at once Let Amity's mother and daughter leave, which made Amity's mother a little
unbelievable for a while.
Henry sighed. Most of these people are distant relatives. Under the temptation of these
hundreds of thousands, they tear their skins. That is normal. Let alone distant relatives,
Amity's aunt and Amity's mother are relatives and sisters. The money broke out.
Chapter 554: Feng Ran Is Coming
a group of people continue to condemn Amity mother and daughter, and let Amity mother
and daughter leave quickly.
"Come on, do we stil have to shake the drums and drums to see you off?" Guo Hong sneered
with both hands on his chest.
Amity's mother looked at these people who had escorted herself away with Guo Hong.
She had just said those words anxiously, but she didn't want to let the big guy be deceived.
In the end, she turned into a sinner.
Henry sighed and patted Amity's mother's shoulder, "Auntie, sometimes you have to learn
not to be so kind, some people, some things, just tel them once, whether they can wake up
or not is their own business. No matter what I say, it means nothing. "
" Hey. "Amity's mother nodded. The last thing, plus this one, made her learn a lot.
"Mom, let's go!" Amity took his mother's hand.
"Don't worry, go to the house and get the real estate certificate first. Although you don't
have much money, don't let the villain pick up the bargain." Henry reminded.
"Yes!" Amity nodded vigorously, took his mother, and walked towards the old house.
What they said, Guo Hong listened clearly to his ears. He didn't care about the practice of
Amity's mother and daughter. This is the village of Guo's family. His father is the
village head and treats two women who are helpless and helpless. Only, what's not up to
Henry accompanied Amity's mother and daughter towards the old house.
Guo Meichen and middle-aged men stared at Henry's back, eyes full of anger, middle-aged
men squeezed their fists.
"Husband, don't be angry, wait for us to make al the money here, and then get him!"
Guo Meichen whispered.
"Relax, I know." The middle-aged man exhaled for a long time. Compared with revenge,
making money now is the most important thing. As long as today's incident is 10%,
hundreds of mil ions will be in his pocket. , Carefree.
The middle-aged man eased his emotions and said, "Okay, if you want to sign, just come to
Guo Hong also shouted for help: "The signing is tight. After this village, there is no such
shop. You know how big your house is and how much you can lose! "
The fiery signing process, with Guo Hong's encouragement, everyone rushed to sign.
A Rol s-Royce slowly drove into the village entrance. As soon as this luxury car appeared, it
immediately attracted a lot of attention.
"Wow, what kind of car do you see!"
"Rolls-Royce, this car is mil ions of dol ars."
"Millions? My God, who is this? I don't remember people in our village. How good is it?
crowd looked at the looming Rolls Royce and made a marvel.
Guo Meichen's husband, when he saw this Rolls-Royce, immediately put down his hand and
hurried towards the Rol s-Royce.
Rolls-Royce stopped in front of everyone, the door opened, and a middle-aged man walked
down from the car.
"Feng, you are here." Guo Meichen's husband nodded and walked to the middle-aged man
who came down from the car, saying hello.
This middle-aged man was Feng Ran who assembled the major clubs in the mountain.
When Feng Ran got off the bus, he charged Guo Meichen's husband and asked, "How is the
matter going?"
"Feng, you can rest assured that there is no problem." Guo Meichen's husband answered
again and again.
"Okay, I'l take a look. Since it's nothing, then let's do something more beautiful." Feng Ran
looked at the crowd deliberately when he spoke. He came here, of course, not casually. , But
received the advice of Xiao Wu.
itself This time, Geguang Industrial had several plots to choose from, but Guojiacun was
chosen, because Xiao Wu inquired that Amity ’s mother ’s home was here to give Henry
Leaving a good impression, Xiao Wu deliberately thought of such a way to send money to
Amity's family. Xiao Wu specifically explained Feng Ran, and Amity must be satisfied.
When Feng Ran came this time, he just wanted to see what Amity's reaction was about the
compensation for the land acquisition. It turned out that people were simply not there.
Feng Ran glanced at it and got on the train to leave.
As soon as Feng Ran got into the car, he heard a cry.
"Come on, don't be obscured here."
The cry made Feng Ran take a subconscious look outside the car.
Guo Meichen's husband quickly explained, "Don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand, it
means a few people who don't know any good or bad."
Feng Ran nodded, glanced at it, and saw autumn rain, not only autumn rain, but One day,
even Wu Shao shouted at his elder brother, and stood there.
It was Henry who was criticized.
This time, Feng Ran could be taken aback. What happened?
"Come on, you are not welcome here!"
"Go away!" Guo Hong shouted.
Amity was too lazy to look at these so-cal ed distant relatives, took his mother, and strode
toward the parking place.
Amity ’s mother listened to the voices around her, and her heart was bitter and
unspeakable. Her original intention was just to be good for everyone.
Henry's heart is without waves. He has been on the scene for so many years. He has seen all
kinds of scenes, even his brothers can cut off the other's head for a piece of meat.
When Henry and three people passed by in front of Guo Meichen's couple, Guo Meichen's
husband said fiercely: "Boy, you slap, I wrote down, you wait for Laozi!"
Henry didn't listen to this kind of human threat as if he hadn't heard it.
"Zhang ... Brother Zhang ..." Feng Ran quickly got out of the car and said hello to Henry.
"You are ..." Henry looked at Feng Ran with some doubt. He felt that this person was
familiar, but he couldn't remember it.
When Feng Ran gathered many clubs that day, Henry's attention was not on him at all.
It is normal to think of it for so long now.
"Brother Zhang, he is Feng Ran, the person Xiaowu called that day." Amity remembered
Feng Ran, and reminded Henry.
"Yes, yes, Brother Zhang, you nobles are so forgetful. Last time you were with Wu Wu, I saw
you. You may not have any impression of me." Feng Ran spoke repeatedly, his body half
bow .
Feng Ran's attitude towards Henry made Guo Meichen and his wife standing sideways wide
their eyes, and they couldn't believe it. This was Mr. Feng! One sentence can determine the
existence of his own life and death, and now he is so respectful to this kid, what the hell is
this kid!
Thinking of this, Guo Meichen and his wife took a breath and felt some legs are soft.
This time, they will not really accidental y kick the iron plate!
In addition, Mr. Feng said in the mouth of Mr. Feng, was n’t that the son of Wuli, the richest
man in the mountain city? And shouting so freely?
Such a scene made Guo Meichen and his wife chil .
Chapter 555
Henry looked at Feng Ran, thought for a moment, and asked, "Here is your company doing
the demolition?"
"Yes." Feng Ran nodded again and again.
"How much is your compensation for demolition?" Henry specifically asked. Although he
didn't care what these Guojiacun people said about himself, he still wanted to clarify things
because Amity's mother and daughter were misunderstood .
Guo Meichen and his wife heard Henry ask this question, and his face changed suddenly.
Even Guo Hong's face was ugly.
Feng Ran compensated with a smiley face and said, "Brother Zhang, our demolition
compensation has always been based on the area of the house, and the compensation is
based on the current average price of the houses in the mountain city. "
Nine thousand and eight!
Feng Ran's words surprised everyone in Guojia Village.
Henry raised his mouth, and it was exactly the same as he guessed. This couple of Guo
Meichen were ruthless enough to push the price down to 2,000 per square meter!
"One square meter is nine thousand and eight? Guo Meichen, why are you tel ing us two
thousand!" The middle-aged woman who just scolded Amity's mother first now asked the
first voice.
Guo Meichen underreported nearly 8,000 yuan per square meter. The people present built
their own houses. Most of them were 200 square meters. If this is calculated, each family
will lose 1.6 mil ion!
One family is 1.6 million, there are hundreds of them!
Guo Meichen's back was suddenly covered with sweat.
All the villagers in Guojia Village looked to Guo Meichen and his wife.
"Guo Meichen, you two are so guilty! That's how you pit everyone!"
"A family of more than one mil ion, you can also get rid of it?"
"You are just shameless!"
The voice of condemnation sounded.
Hearing this condemning voice, Amity smiled unconsciously on his face.
"Second Sister, I really blamed you." The middle-aged woman who came with Henry before
them quickly said, "If it wasn't for you just reminded me, I signed the word, I didn't expect
this Guo Meichen, so disgusting, earning his family The money! "
" That's right, second sister, thanks to you asking, otherwise we would have been pitted by
this little beast! "
The people who had previously condemned Amity's mother and daughter were now
making noises one after another.
Amity's mother and daughter didn't speak, just now, they had thoroughly seen everyone's
face, there was nothing more to say.
After listening to the villagers, Feng Ran glared at Guo Meichen's husband and yelled,
"What are you doing to me? Who made you lower the price!"
Feng Ran was screaming, and his heart was full of fear, which was fortunately touched
today. When he came to Zhang, Zhang raised another mouth, otherwise he really didn't
know, and the compensation price was reduced to 21,000 square meters. I really wanted
this price to be settled. These villagers would have to know it later. Amity's sister-in-law is
dissatisfied, he must not be abandoned by Wu Ye!
Thinking of Wu Ye's methods, Feng then kept sweating out of his back, and he was almost
pitted by himself!
Thinking of this, Feng Ran was even more angry. He stared at Guo Meichen's husband.
"You dare to move our light money. Think about the consequences yourself!" The couple
Guo Meichen's face was extremely extreme at this time, not only now. It was these villagers
who scolded fiercely, even Feng always pursued it. Once Geguang Industry pursued this
matter, how could they still have the second half of their lives, by the means of Geguang
Industry, could they see tomorrow's sun Two said.
"Mr. Feng! I'm sorry, Mr. Feng, I was covered with lard, so please forgive me this time,
forgive me this time!" Her husband Guo Meichen knelt down on the ground with a puff , At
the same time pulled down Guo Meichen.
Guo Meichen did not dare to hesitate, he quickly knelt in front of Feng Ran.
Feng Ran snorted, "I'll spare you? You have to see if you can spare you!"
Guo Meichen turned his attention to the villagers, who were all angry.
"You kind of wolf-hearted stuff! I yuck!"
"Hurry up!" The
villagers scolded.
Guo Meichen heard such a voice, his face pale!
Guo Meichen's brother held a stick and stared at Guo Meichen bitterly, and turned away.
"Brother! Brother! Please help me, please, help me!" Guo Meichen quickly got up and ran
two steps, kneeling down in front of her brother, Guo Meichen knew very well that if this
happened, President Feng was really angry, You're done!
"Help you?" Guo Meichen's brother sneered, "What help you, help you pit everyone
"No, no." Guo Meichen shook his head vigorously, with a crying tone in his voice,
"Brother, I don't want to pit Everyone, Guo Hong, he took the initiative to find me and said
that he would share the money with me. I had never thought of pitting everyone before! "
Guo Meichen's words surprised everyone again and saw Guo Hong's eyes.
"Guo Meichen, don't talk indiscriminately!" Guo Hong's face changed drastically.
"I didn't talk indiscriminately!" Guo Meichen took out his phone from his bag in panic and
played a video. In the video, it was Guo Hong who came to Guo Meichen and said that he
would share the demolition compensation.
When I saw this video, al the villagers reacted. No wonder Guo Hong took the lead in
signing. No wonder Guo Hong kept shouting to let everyone rush to sign the name. No
wonder when Amity's mother and daughter prevented everyone from signing, Guo Hong
would react Big, in the end, this thing was done by him.
Everyone now understands that it is a complete misunderstanding of Amity's mother and
They looked at the place where Amity's mother and daughter had just stood and found that
Amity's mother and daughter were no longer there. A BMW three-series slowly drove out
of the village entrance.
"Guo Hong, are you a beast!"
A villager excitedly picked up the stick and rushed towards Guo Hong.
In the village, there was suddenly a mess.
In the car, Henry saw Amity ’s mother stil feeling a little heavy and comforted: "Auntie,
everyone in this world lives for themselves, no one is exception. Sometimes, unnecessary
relationships should be cleared, This is not a bad thing. "
Amity sat in the back row and took her mother's hands." Mom, Brother Zhang is right.
We were too bullied before us. "
Henry saw Amity's mother through the rearview mirror Stil not speaking, he sighed.
Many people in the older generation are still very affectionate, especial y in places like their
hometown, things suddenly become like this, and they will not be able to come out for a
while, which is normal.
Originally said that he wanted to celebrate the birthday, because this thing happened, they
did not continue. The three of them ate something casually. Henry asked Amity to take her
mother to rest first, and he himself went to the future first. He took the spirit stone and
found Tang Xin and Tang Zi's brother and sister.
When Henry arrived, a Buick business just stopped in front of Tang Xin's facade house.

556 Tangjiabao
The clan is more mysterious than the ancient Wu family. The ancient Wu family is hidden in
the city. After understanding, you will find that many places will have ancient Wu family.
The shadow, whether it is official or business, is like the Su family. They have many
enterprises in Yanjing, and the place where they live, although not in the urban area, is not
far away, and like Su Yu, in the official There is also some energy.
But the clan is different. The clan can be said to completely fade out of the life circle of
normal people, and it is not seen at all.
Brothers and sisters Henry and Tang Xin, sitting in the Buick business car, headed for the
layman in the city.
Around the mountain city, there are many mountains, even this city is built on the
The destination of this Buick business car is a big mountain.
Henry saw that the mountain road that Buick Business walked could not see other cars at
all. The mountain road was steep and there were many trees on both sides. In some places,
there was no clear road at all. It can be said that this Buick Business was always in the
mountains. Walk through.
Tang Xin told Henry that many clans had an agreement with the official. If the clan was not
born, the official would also try to ensure that the clan ’s tranquility was not disturbed, so
that the clan could survive better. As for why both parties reached such an agreement ,
Tang Xin himself is not clear.
The path they are taking is completely undeveloped, and it is also a place where no one is al
owed to travel.
The mountain road stretched upwards. Ten minutes later, Henry looked out of the window
again. He was obviously already on the mountainside. The mountain road here was difficult
to walk, and the vehicle had obvious bumps.
Tang Xin spoke to Henry, "Brother Zhang, you are also a clan. You should know how long
the clan has existed. The records in many ancient books are not fictitious. Our Tang clan has
been called Tangmen for a while. There have been many goalkeepers since ancient times,
and there is no shortage of treacherous and mean people. In the most glorious period of
Tang Men, there was a saying that it would be better to meet King Yan Luo than to Tang
Menlang. "
When Tang Xin said the last sentence, his eyes showed a deep longing, but unfortunately,
the scenery of the Tang Gate did not exist anymore.
When Tang Xin spoke, Henry didn't intervene and listened quietly. He now needs to make
up for things in this respect. His understanding of the clan is too little.
Tang Xin continued: "Unlike the huge clan like the Longxi Li clan, the Longxi Li clan likes to
open branches and leaves. Even now, the Li clan people are al over China, from the north to
the south, our Tang clan, even in the most beautiful time They are al out of the simple, and
now it is even more so. Only when the next generation is cultivated, will the young people
in the family go out for a few years. "
Henry listened strangely," Many people in the ancient Wu family are married. You Do n’t
you marry? Do you want to go out with your family? ”
Tang Xin smiled bitterly and said,“ Brother Zhang, you do n’t know. Although the former
Tang Men were well-known, they only lived because of the indifferent concept of martial
arts and evil. In his own world, he is neither willing to associate with a decent deputy, nor
disdain a demon with evil spirits. He always feels right and evil to the world, so there are
not many friends. Up to now, there are very few, everyone Possible ways to continue the
family, who will do such a marriage, now the marriage, it is self-defeating. "
Henry listened and nodded. Indeed, if the real person is declining, marriage is indeed a kind
of self-defeating.
Looking at the car walking up the mountain, Henry asked curiously, "Your Tang family, live
in the mountain?"
"Good." Tang Xin nodded, "We Tang family , mostly dominated by hidden weapons, we So it
can survive until now, because of the natural danger of the mountains and the protection of
countless organs. The number of various organs in the Tangs is not even known to us. Only
the elders can fully grasp it, otherwise Our Tang family has long since fal en. "
Tang Xin said with a sigh.
Henry saw that the vehicle he was riding in drove into a cave, which was extremely
concealed. There was a whole series of vines on the mountain wall, blocking the
entrance of the cave. You have to drive in if you drive, but if you do n’t know that there are
no holes in it, you will drive in unless someone wants to die.
The car was driving fast in the dark cave for a ful five minutes. Henry calculated the time
and the speed of the car, and concluded that the vehicle had definitely reached the
abdomen of the mountain.
The dimness lasted too long, and suddenly a white light lit from the front, making Henry
very uncomfortable.
The driver of the car was already prepared, and drove the car out in front of the light.
Tang Xin, who was sitting next to Henry, took a deep breath. "Brother Zhang, welcome to
Tangjiabao!" The
vehicle stopped steadily, facing the light. Henry saw a village completely opened inside the
mountain, at the top of the mountain, Not blocked, the sun shining down some gorges.
In the village in front, the houses are made of wood and stone. The clothes worn by the
people inside are out of tune with the outside world. They are all costumes full of ancient
styles. The houses are al built on the mountain walls. Antiques, if they are some Hanfu
lovers will definitely be ecstatic when they come here.
Henry got out of the car, and the brothers and sisters of Tang Xin also got off one after
At the moment of seeing Tang Xin, a person on the opposite mountain wall blew a whistle
violently. The whistle circulated in the valley. The people in the valley looked at Tang Xin at
the same time, and final y focused on Henry Body.
Three ropes were thrown at the foot of Henry. The rope was hung on the mountain wall.
Now the platform of Henry Station has to rely on the rope to slide down to enter the valley
completely. This is also a threshold among the clans. It is impossible for someone with
some strength to enter the gate of the clan.
Henry glanced at the platform he is now on. It is more than 20 meters high from the
ground. Ordinary people can feel their legs soft when they look at their feet.
"Brother Zhang, let's go." Tang Xin smiled slightly, pulled up the rope on the ground,
jumped up and slid down.
Tang Zi also pulled up a rope, as light as a wild goose, and fell down.
Henry glanced around. In the valley, he felt a crisis. This was from the sixth sense that
Henry walked on the edge of life and death al the year round. Henry was certain that the
seemingly normal mountain walls around him must be hidden. A lot of institutions.
At a height of 20 meters, Henry did not take the rope at all, walked to the platform, and
jumped directly.
Chapter 557 Down
Henry can see from that Tang ’s throwing these three ropes is nothing more than trying to
give himself a dismountable power, and Henry also wants to give Tang a dismountable
power, now Henry was not sure what would happen when he was in the clan. Tang Xin,
who might have smiled at himself the next second, would wield a butcher knife to cut
himself at the next second. After al , such a thing, in Henry ’s experience, Have seen too
Therefore, the necessary force deterrence is stil necessary. Henry is here, not to find
trouble, but sincerely want to find someone to cooperate. Now that I have learned the
mysterious clan, the strength of Guangming Island is imminent.
Henry landed vertical y at a height of 20 meters. When stepping on the ground, he didn't
even bend his knees and stood there straight.
The pupils of the Tang family who were originally watching and preparing to see Henry
leaving the embarrassed pupils shrank.
"Hahaha, Zhang Xiaoyou, I have been admiring you for a long time. When I saw you today, I
was really a hero." A laugh sounded from Henry not far away.
Henry looked up and saw an elderly figure, wearing a blue robe, walking towards himself.
Next to the elderly figure, he followed the brother and sister Tang Xin.
"Brother Zhang, let me introduce you, this is our elder Tang's elder." Tang Xin said, when
talking about the three elders, Tang Xin unconsciously showed a respect on his face, which
shows that The prestige of the elder clan among the clan.
Henry looked at the old man and nodded slightly, "Great elder is good."
"Haha, Zhang Xiaoyou, I heard Tang Xin's child say before, you got the skil , just that jump,
not everyone can make it. "" When the elder spoke, he looked over the stone platform.
Henry smiled slightly, "The elder elder has a good reputation."
"Oh." The elder elder chuckled twice and made a gesture of invitation, "Zhang Xiaoyou, the
first time we come to our Tang family, there is a place where we are not well received, and I
hope to forgive Ah, please! "
Henry glanced in front of him. The place where the elders compared their gestures was a
stretch of valley. The valley could not be seen at a glance. On both sides of the
mountain wall, there were houses everywhere, and there were huge crossbow arrows. It is
four meters big and the crossbow arrows are one meter long. Even an elephant can be
penetrated by one arrow. In addition to the crossbow arrows, there are many highly
damaging institutions. Beside these institutions, there are several Tang clan people
standing. , All looked at Henry.
Henry smiled slightly, "Big Elder, there is work."
After that, Henry took a step and walked forward.
The elder elder looked at Henry's movements and showed a thumbs-up in his eyes.
There is a young man of any clan who can be as fearless as the young man in front of him.
The elder asked himself if he had reached a clan, he would never dare to take such a big
step forward.
What the elders do n’t know is that Henry has faced a much more dangerous situation than
he is now. Sometimes, even if he is locked in the head by countless sniper rifles, Henry is
also fearless. These crossbow arrows look powerful. Compared with the sniper rifle, it is
much worse.
As Henry progressed, he also looked at the entire Tangjiabao.
Speaking of Tangjiabao, Henry believes that the name Tangjiagu should be renamed.
This Tang family lives in the belly of a large mountain. The walls on both sides stretch
upward. At the end of the mountain, it should be a canyon, standing on the canyon.
People are absolutely unpredictable, there is no cave in this canyon.
the people of the Tang family lived and planted here, and a naturally formed river stretched
along the mountainside.
Of course, there are some proper technologies, such as electric lights.
Henry observed that people of the Tang family, men, women, children, young people, and
eyebrows, are all mixed with fierceness. This is caused by the practice of martial arts.
Henry made a rough calculation. In the Tangjiabao, there are 1,671 houses in which people
live. Among them, looking at the wooden structure of the house and the degree of wear and
tear, it can be speculated that most of the rooms are occupied by one person. There are
very few rooms for many people. The houses for men are all on the east side of the
mountain, and the houses for women are all on the west.
Among the Downs, the proportion of males is about 1.2 times that of females, which is
considered to be balanced.
Through a valley that is 1,500 meters long, Henry came to a wide area, where it was round,
except for where he came from, surrounded by mountain walls, which was to the end of
Tangjiabao, where Henry entered, had a huge circular area, and then led to another circular
area with a valley.
The circular area where Henry is now is twice as large as the entrance he just came in.
Here, there is a splendid hal . On the door plaque of the hal , there are three large gold
characters, Tangjiabao!
Henry observed that here, it is divided into several areas. A huge performance stage
occupies nearly a quarter of the position. On the performance stage, hundreds of young
men and women are waving their fists and issuing "huha" Voices.
The arrival of Henry made the young men and women on the acting stage look
subconsciously towards him. Henry's casual clothes and the entire Tangjiabao looked out
of place.
Henry saw that there were many middle-aged men, male and female, standing in front of
the Tangjiabao gate. They al looked towards themselves. They al exude a strong
If it was Henry before, when he hadn't mastered his qi, he would definitely have some
influence on his movements because of the power exuded by these middle-aged people, but
now, these people can't affect Henry at all.
After grasping Qi, Henry's strength has a qualitative leap compared to before. In the past,
Henry also knew his own limits, but now, even Henry himself does not know that when he
explodes, he can have How strong.
At the same time, Henry also lamented the power of the clan. Even if it was an already
declining Tang family, the few people who walked out could be comparable to the strength
of Poseidon and Wade White. If they real y fight, the Tang people now have Can compete
with some of the top powers of Bright Island, not to mention the Longxi Lis who have to
look down on the Tangs.
This makes Henry more eager to make Guangming Island stronger.
"Zhang Xiaoyou, I heard that you are from the Zhang family, and you are the only one left. I
don't know who your ancestors are. It's not good to say, I stil have friendship with the Tang
family." The elder Tang family said.
Henry shook his head, "we are just a smal clan can be said that a single transmission pulse,
and generally not in contact with the outside world, to where my family's, and a far cry
from Shu and should be no contact."
Big elders Hearing this, there was a touch of loss on his face, "That little friend, your clan,
may you have a name in the clan ranking battle?"
Chapter 558 Name of Emperor Wu
clan ranking battle Hearing these five words, Henry was full of doubts, but on the surface,
he showed nothing, but just shook his head: "Our family has never participated in any
activities of the clan. I heard it for the first time. "After hearing this, Elder Tang's nodded
The clan ranking battle is generally invited by the Longxi Li clan. Each time, only 15 clan
will participate. These 15 clan are all big clan. The Tang clan is in the bottom, and the other
smal clan, He will not be invited at all. If Henry now says that he has participated in the clan
ranking battle, the elders of the Tang family will suspect that what he said was true or false.
The elder Tang said: "This clan ranking battle, once every five years, determines the
strength of the clan. For a long time, the Lee of Longxi has always been a well-deserved
overlord, and our Tang is just the bottom."
"Longxi, seriously So strong? "Henry said quietly.
Henry observed that at the same time he said this, the elders of Tang's eyes could not help
but reveal a little fear. This little detail made Henry feel a little stunned.
The elders of the Tang family said, "Longxi Li has always been a well-deserved overlord,
with rich resources in the family, geniuses, many masters, and the legendary Wu Emperor
sitting in the clan, how can he not be strong?"
Wu Emperor?
This name surprised Henry's heart. Who would be called Emperor Wu?
The title of emperor, in the Chinese classical, has a very important weight. The clan has
been handed down since ancient times. What role will it be known as the emperor of the
Henry was horrified, but did not ask.
Longxi Li's, there are no less than 100 masters of imperial qi. These masters of imperial qi
alone are not what Henryneng can deal with now.
No matter the head of the No. 4 or the man in the suit of Dou Li, he told Henry that
compared with Longxi Li's, Guangming Island is as weak as ants.
Down the great elders see Henry did not continue to ask questions, then open: "?
Zhangxiao, I listen to Don letter said the child, clan among you, and did not leave the proper
use of Lingshi"
Down the great elders around a large circle , Say the most important thing at the moment.
Henry discovered that after the elders said this sentence, the faces of middle-aged men and
women standing in front of the Tangjiapu gate al showed a look of emotion.
Henry nodded, "I am not afraid of elder elder jokes. There is indeed no proper way to use
spirit stones in my house. Everything has to be explored by myself." When Henry finished
this sentence, the middle-aged men and women looked at them, they could not help but
reveal Laughing, groping for yourself? Is it enough to use this spirit stone by yourself? Who
can use it without relying on inheritance!
The elder looked at Henry, took a deep breath, and said: "I don't know, Zhang Xiaoyou can
bring a spirit stone, will you please let me take a look."
"Of course." Henry reached out his hand and touched it from his trouser pocket, then a
crystal , Was taken out of his pocket by Henry.
The crystal is only three centimeters long and wide, showing a transparent brilliance,
giving a simple and unpretentious feeling, but at the moment of taking it out, the elders of
the Tang family, including those middle-aged men and women, all have their pupils shrink.
"Spirit Stone, it really is the Spirit Stone!" The elder stared at the crystal on Henry's hand,
muttering in his mouth.
Henry smiled slightly, threw the spirit stone, and threw it towards the elder.
The elder subconsciously took the spirit stone, but the whole person was stunned. He
looked at Henry in disbelief, and some were unacceptable. The other party took the spirit
stone to himself so easily?
Elder Henry smiled slightly. The sincerity that he should show has already been taken out.
How to deal with the next matter depends on the elder himself.
The elder looked at the smile on Henry's face and couldn't help but secretly raised a
thumbs up. The young man in front of him, no matter from the courage or the courage to do
things, is far from what the descendants of the Tang family can match! Even the elders
themselves can't easily hand over the spirit stone to others. Know that this piece of spirit
stone can determine the survival of a clan!
At the same time, the action of Henry also made the elders see a signal that the other party
was not afraid of snatching this spirit stone. The other party dared to give the spirit stone
to themselves, which means that the other party has its own confidence.
In fact, this is indeed the case. Henry sees the first elder, he knows that this person is a
master of imperial dominance, but the feeling that the elder elder gives him is not as
unpredictable as the linen people. Henry is confident that if the other party wants to snatch
Spirit Stone, he can take this Spirit Stone back to his hands in the first time.
Henry said with a smile: "The elder, the spirit stone is in your hands, whether it is true or
false, you will know it at first glance."
The elder nodded and nodded his head, locking his eyes on the spirit stone in his hand.
His body shivered slightly, which was caused by excitement.
The entire Tang's, until now, has only one imperial atmosphere. The most fundamental
reason for al this loneliness is that there is no spirit stone!
This smal piece of spirit stone can completely change the status quo of the entire Tang's!
"Spirit Stone, really it is." The elder muttered in his mouth. Seeing this piece of spirit stone,
he seemed to see the scene of the Tang Dynasty's future prosperity. He pinched this piece
of stone in his hands as if he was most cherished. Children are generally pampered.
Tang Xin, who had always been with the elder elder, pulled the elder elder's sleeve and said
softly, "Elder elder."
Pul ed by Tang Xin, the elder immediately reacted, realizing his gaffe, and quickly shook his
head. He reluctantly returned the spirit stone to Henry, "Zhang Xiaoyou, you laughed, it was
really me, some It's difficult to control emotions. "
" Understandable. "Henry reloaded this spirit stone into his trouser pocket.
The Grand Ayatollah eyes away from his trouser dismay at Henry, and turned, rushed Tang
Jiabao those standing in front of the middle-aged men and women who open: "!
Open the door, prepared feast"
printed with three golden characters of Tang Jiabao vermilion The gate gradually opened,
and a blue stone wall stood behind the gate, and many people's paintings were carved on
the wall.
"Zhang Xiaoyou, please!" Elder Tang's voice came out again.
There are several pavilions inside the gate of Tangjiabao. Like a chic courtyard, the end of
the valley in the valley is a pool of water and fish swimming in the courtyard.
As soon as Henry entered Tangjiabao, a tantalizing smell of rice spread into Henry's nose.
The elder Tang elders said with a smile: "Zhang Xiaoyou is something that he planted
himself, and I don't think it is too simple."
"What is the elder elder, now, these green foods are more sought after than delicious
delicacy, you can taste It is my honor. "Henry also said a few words in a polite way.
Chapter 559
anywhere in Huaxia, before discussing major events, eat first. This has been handed down
since ancient times, and it is no exception among the clan.
A table is delicious, seemingly bland, but in fact contains mystery.
Henry understands traditional Chinese medicine and knows a lot of rare vegetation. The
food on this table has many precious and rare medicinal herbs added to it. These medicinal
herbs are only available in the mountains. I haven't seen much of this rare medicinal
material along the way. It can be seen that Tang's hospitality is also very solemn.
Sitting at this table were the elders of the Tang family, brother and sister Tang Xin, and
several middle-aged men and women whom Henry had just met in front of the Tangjiabao
These middle-aged men have a very high status in Tangjiabao. Apart from the three elders,
Tangjiabao is the highest among these middle-aged men.
Tang Hua, the head of the Tang family, is one of them.
In the Tangs, everyone has a clear division of labor, like the three elders. Among them, the
elders have a little bit of confusion. The Tangs have everything to decide.
The second elder is in charge of the configuration and refining of Tangmen's poison.
Poison is definitely the top priority for Tangmen.
Three elders, in charge of the design and manufacture of concealed weapons.
The rest of the middle-aged men and women sitting on the table, except Tang Hua, were in
charge of Tang's guard protection, training of children, assignment of tasks, and patrols.
The operation of such a large clan is not enough to be self-sufficient. Sometimes, there will
be tasks.
Before he came, Tang Xin told Henry that the official missions of some important people
would cooperate with the clan, and be equipped with some clan children near those
important tasks.
Now on this table, it can be said that the most important characters of the Tang family are
gathered. It stands to reason that the brothers and sisters of Tang Xin are not qualified to
sit here, but because they brought Henry, they will be able to take the table if they make an
exception. With the successful cooperation, the status of the brothers and sisters in the
Tang family will also increase.
"Zhang Xiaoyou, please use chopsticks." The elder Tang's elder chuckled.
"Please." Henry politely picked up the chopsticks, picked up the most recent dish in front of
him, put it in the mouth, and tasted it slowly. An unspeakable fragrance spread out in
Henry's mouth. Henry couldn't help admiring, "This The dish is delicious, and it ’s really
good cooking. "
" Hehehe. "A hoarse voice sounded from the side, and I saw an old woman with a slender
figure. When she walked from the side, her hair was mixed in black and white, and the
voice was human. A very uncomfortable feeling, "This dish is from the hands of the old
man. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoyou was so praised, which really made the old man feel
When the old lady came, Tang Xin spoke out to Henry. "Brother Zhang, this is our second
elder. He tried poison in his early years and poisoned his throat."
Henry got up and punched the old woman slightly.
"Zhang Xiaoyou does not have to be polite. You came here to save our Tang family from fire
and water, and our benefactor." The old lady sat on the table. "
Zhang Xiaoyou, let's eat." Henry looked at the table, Tang The letter just told him on the
way that he came, the second elder of Tang's was in charge of the debugging and
production of poison in Tangmen. So many delicacies came from a master who used poison.
Eat more, but Henry is obviously not in this list.
After learning that these dishes were made by the elders of the Tang family, Henry still
swallowed and tasted carefully, without any fear, which made the elders' evaluation of
Henry one point higher.
Henry said curiously, "I don't know where the elder is, where is he?"
"Oh." The elder elder chuckled, "My third brother is focused on the development of the
organization, and he is still watching now his design, unable to come to this, but also look
Zhangxiao You forgive me ah. " "
great elders where is the word. "Henry hold the Baoquan," today there are so many
predecessors in the next Jie Feng, we are already following the honored. "
dinner seats continues Going on, a middle-aged man in a red gown looked at Henry and
said: "Henry, am I curious, how did you Zhang's fall?"
The man in the red gown came out, the elder His face could not help but change.
Among the clan, ask why the other party's family has fallen, this is a big taboo!
The elder shouted at the Sequoia man, and used his eyes to tel the Sequoia man not to
speak more words. The Sequoia man seemed to have not seen it, and kept staring at Henry,
waiting for Henry to answer.
Henry smiled slightly, "Human Ding is declining, and after a single pass, it's gone."
"Oh?" The Sequoia man was curious. "I watch Henry on your style, and I thought you were
killed by the enemy. In terms of seniority, what you have done is a little arrogant. If your
fathers are the same, this clan has fal en and it is normal. "
Henry shook his head." Everyone has their own awe in their hearts. In fact, the reason why
a person is arrogant is to suppress this awe, a person who has no awe, you will naturally
feel that he is arrogant when you look at him. "
Just now the Sequoia man clearly sneered and provoked. Henry, and Henry's remarks
returned quietly.
The Tang people, looking at Henry, are young juniors.
But be aware that Henry is in the underground world, but he has made countless older
generations of masters bow their heads. He is known as an underground king, and he has
seen too many scenes. Henry has come here. Although he is a junior, he is only a traditional
Chinese etiquette In terms of age, Henry is indeed the junior of the Tang elders, but in
terms of personal strength and status, Henry does not feel that these people here are
qualified to educate themselves.
This world is based on strength, especially among clans! Although the Tangs are clans and
powerful, he is not a weak hel , nor is the Holy Land, Bright Island, just talking!
The Sequoia man heard Henry say this, his face suddenly changed, full of discomfort,
"Junior, you talk, some are too arrogant."
Henry shrugged, picked up a chopstick dish and put it in the mouth, slowly said: Confidence
and arrogance are two concepts. If you say I am confident, I can accept it.
You say arrogance. I do n’t think that these words I say in front of you are arrogance! "
" Junior, you! "Sequoia The man slapped his hand on the table and just said something.
"Enough!" The Grand Ayatollah intolerant of loud, staring at Sequoia man a "table above,
there are no rules!"
The Grand Ayatollah this out loud, Sequoia men did not dare to ignore, the sound should be
quickly He stared at Henry bitterly and didn't speak anymore.
Henry's face remained the same. Before he came, he thought that this trip will not be
smooth and stumbling, and it is normal. What do these Tangs have?

560 Tang Family's Private Words

is what the so-cal ed Yi Gao people are bold, Henry dag came here alone, he has enough
confidence, this is also his confidence as hel king!
There was a big elder sitting in the town, and the redwood man just put a face on Henry.
The rest didn't say anything. After a meal, the food was still harmonious.
Halfway through the seat, Henry suddenly got up and said to Tang Xin: "Brother Tang,
where is the bathroom."
"I will take you." Tang Xin got up and took Henry towards the dining room.
Henrycai had just left, and the Sequoia man couldn't help but say, "Great Elder, really want
to share the spirit stone with this kid? We can ..."
The Sequoia man made a gesture of raising the sword.
A middle-aged woman also said: "Great elders, each clan, use the spirit stone differently. If
the method of sharing the spirit stone is shared with this kid, it is equivalent to exposing
the core of our Tang family. This matter You have to think about it. "
" Yes, elder elder, now he dares to come here alone, we can take the spirit stone for
ourselves! "Said another.
The elders looked at the three people who had spoken and did not answer. Finally, they
focused on Tang Hua, the owner. "How about you, what do you think?"
Tang Huanian has forty, which is placed on this table. Younger.
Tang Hua said: "Great elder, since our Tangs, since ancient times, although it is not a decent
person, but also disdain to be with a treacherous villain."
Although Tang Hua did not say clearly, he also clearly expressed his attitude.
The elder nodded, "Yes, this time, I have already made a decision, you don't need to say
more, besides!"
The elder elder said at this time, his eyes glanced specifically, "You think, Henry he dares Is
it true that one person comes here? Tang Zi, tell me what you think of him. "
Tang Zi stood up, bowed to the person on the table first, and then said: "As far as my
brother and I know him, this person's strength is definitely the top rank among the younger
generation. Lingshi, I worked with him, and brothers fight, both of us jointly, we are unable
to easily win him some time ago to see him, he should have reached the Royal air territory.
Royal air? impossible! " Sequoia man first to speak out do not believe, "I'm on him, did not
feel any shadow of gas, he simply can not have gas!"
"Yes." just talking middle-aged woman looked puzzled Don posture, "How do you know
that he has achieved imperial domination?"
"He showed it." Tang Zi described the scene where Henry pushed the cup out of thin air
that day.
The Sequoia man sneered when he heard, "Huh, pretend to be a ghost! I pretend to be
mysterious, one has to be angry and can be seen, he simply does not have it!"
When it comes to this, the elders also have doubts He looked at Tang Xin ’s report and said
that Henry had mastered the qi, but in the observation just now, he did not feel the flow of
Henry ’s anger at all, which also made him wonder whether Henry really mastered it gas.
Regarding this point, Henry himself is not clear. When a person reaches the imperial
atmosphere, every movement of him will have a certain impact on the air around him.
This effect is very weak, even ordinary people will not observe it carefully. It was noticed,
but among the clan, there are too many people who understand Qi, even if they do not
reach the Qiqi Realm, they can also see whether a person has an impact on the surrounding
air. The Sequoia man has not seen Ni Duan on Henry.
"Okay, no matter whether Zhang Xiaoyou has reached the imperial Qi Realm, this time,
don't do anything more, understand?" The elder gave a special glance to the Sequoia man.
The Sequoia man did not speak, lowered his head, and did not know what to think.
The elder asked Tang Hua, "What do you think of this Zhang Xiaoyou?"
"Have courage." Tang Hua said without thinking, "Walking alone into the clan and carrying
the spirit stone, I can't ask myself."
"You What do you think? "The elder elder looked at the elder elder again.
The second elder gave a husky laugh, "I don't know what the person looks like, but I know
that his understanding of medicinal herbs is not worse than mine. For this dish, I used a
subtle The sorting method, the order in which the herbs are taken, can determine the role
of this table of medical diet. His order of taking is the best, which is no coincidence. "
The elder nodded," Yes, his Mindfulness, completely beyond my expectations, from the
moment he entered the valley, I observed that the distance he walked every step was
exactly the same, and the road he walked was the deepest footprint on the ground, He
seemed relaxed, but in fact he kept himself on high alert every moment. His experience is
by no means comparable to any of our disciples. This person is not simple. "
The elders had just finished speaking, Henry was in Tang. Accompanied by the letter, they
walked in through the doorway. Everyone on the table looked at each other and al closed
their mouths.
Before Henry sat down, he specially looked at everyone's expression. Henry had just used
the toilet, but it was to give Tang people a chance to speak.
Henry saw the crowd look, you know that say they have finished, they open and said:.
"Great elders, I think now, we are not able to talk something about the cooperation of the"
. "Of
The elder elder said, and left the dinner table first.
Henry nodded, striding to keep up with the elders, everyone knows that the ultimate goal
of this meal is the spirit stone, and each side takes what they need.
This time, Henry was accompanied by no one but the elder elder.
Under the leadership of the elders, Henry came to a study room. A kind of sandalwood was
burned in the study room.
"Tangmen has hundreds of years of history, and only those that are left today." The elder
pointed to some ancient books on the bookshelf in the study and laughed.
Henry glanced at the ancient books, but there were only a few dozens of them, and some of
the covers were rotten, and the contents were not much left.
When the elder came to the study, he patted it three times.
As the elders clapped their hands, the book shelf in front of Henry suddenly separated to
the two sides. Behind the book shelf, there was a passage leading to the underground.
The elder elder did not speak. When he first walked into the underground passage, Henry
fol owed.
When Henry walked into the underground passage, he discovered that the space inside was
very wide, and the artificial stone steps spread downward. Every few steps, a floor lamp
was lit in front of him.
The stone steps are wide enough for four people to walk side by side. The stone walls on
both sides are carved with murals.
Chapter 561
Henry carefully looked at the mural on the stone wall. There are some tricks on the mural,
and I found the thorn sword picture that I saw under the tomb of Zhujia, There are different
songs with the same work.
At first, Henry didn't grasp the gas. That sword sword made Henry feel a sharp edge.
Now Henry is much stronger than himself at that time, and will never be affected by this
There are not many stone steps underneath. When Henry walked down the thirty-sixth
stone step, he reached the bottom.
At the bottom of this underground passage, there is a small stone chamber. The stone
chamber is not large, that is, about twenty square meters.
The elder came to a wall and tapped the wall gently with his hand.
After the elders tapped the wall regularly a few times, a dark grid was exposed on the wall,
and the elder took out a cowhide book from the dark grid.
The elder elder turned around and handed the cowhide book to Henry, "Zhang Xiaoyou,
this is our Tang dynasty."
"Kung Fu?" In the books, some meridian diagrams of the human body are drawn, with some
annotations on them. Such annotations are very obscure.
Henry said silently.
Use the whole body with air to reach the limbs.
This sentence of light alone makes it difficult for Henry to understand, Qihai, what is Qihai?
"Zhangxiao it, although I Down decline, but in the above exercises, the ranks of the top
seven can Huaxia Shi home row, as long as you can Lingshi sharing, which exercises, al ows
you to freely refer to three days."
Henry Listen It's hard to find a dumbfounded face. Is this book a method of using spirit
Henry original y thought that the use of this spirit stone, as he would do in the future,
extracts energy, but did not expect it to be a practice? Can exercises absorb the energy in
this spirit stone? This is somewhat beyond Henry's cognition.
Despite the shock, Henry was stil able to accept this statement. After all, he has even breath
in his body at this moment, what else can't he accept?
At the same time, Henry took out the spirit stone in his pocket and gave it to the elder.
A seemingly simple exchange is what determines fate.
After receiving the spirit stone, the elder said, "Zhang Xiaoyou, you can read my Tang's
exercises for free in these three days. I will try to separate this spirit stone
." .
"Zhang Xiaoyou, since that's the case, let's go outside and talk." The elder elder went out of
the secret room first.
After coming out of the study, the elder elder arranged the place for Henry. The spirit stone
was taken away by the elder first. As for Henry, he studied the exercises books in his
Henry went through the exercises, and he couldn't understand many things. He found that
the Qihai was inseparable from Qihai, but what is this Qihai?
Henry was puzzled. After thinking for a long time, Henry couldn't figure it out. He simply
didn't want to. He turned the exercises to the first page and sat down cross-legged
according to the postures drawn on the exercises.
According to the exercises, the Qi should be stored in the abdomen and then transported
throughout the body. Henry didn't know how to actively control the movement of Qi in the
body. He could only blow it out.
Henry's question, I am afraid that the elder Tang's listened to it, and I don't know how to
answer it.
To reach the imperial Qi realm, one must pass through the spirit stone. Each clan has a
method of absorbing the energy bodies in the spirit stone. These energy bodies are cal ed
often around the spirit stone, you can inhale this gas, slowly strengthen yourself, and you
can use it over time.
But Henry ’s method of entering the Qiqi Realm is obviously different from everyone. He
directly drank the energy liquid extracted from the spirit stone and let the Qi stay in the
body in a tough way. This method cannot be said to be a future. Person, but absolutely
First of al , the energy in the spirit stone is too violent, and Henry ’s three-centimeter
square spirit stone is enough for thousands of people to use it for ten years. It can be
seen how abundant the energy is in this spirit stone. And, more importantly, there was no
such high level of science and technology in the past, and the energy in the spirit stone can
be extracted. Even now, only the future can achieve this.
It so happened that Henry encountered a spirit stone, and at the same time, he had to help
him extract energy in the future, which made him accidental y hit and generated qi in his
body. This process is extremely dangerous, and Henry's physical quality is far beyond
ordinary people He had been tempered in a thousand years of hard work since he was a
child, and for a few individuals, he had already exploded and died.
Therefore, Henry doesn't know how to use Qi at this time, nor does he know the difference
between himself and other imperial Qi Realms, only thinking that everyone is like this.
Henry crossed his knees and thought in his heart to let his qi fill his whole body. Does that
mean that the whole body should work together at that moment to achieve it?
Henry thought about a lot of ways, and felt that it was the most reliable way to work
together with the whole body. The book said that letting qi spread all over the body should
be the meaning.
Anyone who likes to exercise knows that people can control every muscle in his body.
Henry exercises al the year round, and his control over his muscles is also very powerful,
but he can only move one or two muscles as he wants. It is stil difficult to say that the
muscles of the whole body work together.
It ’s like a person drawing a square with one hand and a circle with one hand. It ’s easy to
do it separately. If you want to put it together, 99% of the people ca n’t do it.
It is more difficult to work with muscles than to draw a circle with a left hand and a right
Henry took a deep breath and controlled the muscles on his arm to stretch. At the moment
when the muscles stretched, a faint breath appeared on Henry's body.
Henry shook his head. What he just wanted to do was to make the muscles of the entire
upper body work together. But in the end, only the arms and back muscles worked. It was
too difficult to work the muscles of the whole body together.
However, Henry, who has a strong spirit, decided to do something good. If he couldn't do it
today, he would never give up.
In the Tangjia Valley, the sunlight falling from the gorge is getting darker and darker, the
color gradually becomes red, and the sun is about to set.
A house built in the junction of the ground and the mountain wall.
"Dad, what do the elders say!" A young man with long hair walked into the house.
It was the Sequoia man who was eating with Henry on the table today.
The Sequoia man shook his head. "Great elders don't agree."
"Humph!" The long-haired young man snorted coldly, "This old thing is simply stubborn,
good practice, and it must be shared with others, we Tang Shi, when have you been so
angry! "
The Sequoia man glanced at the young man and said softly:" Tang Fu, just tell me what you
said. Don't tell anyone. "
Chapter 562
The young man called Tang Fu sneered, "Dad, how can I hear this from others, who can't do
it to me? What did Tang Hua say? "
" He? "Mentioning Tang Hua, the Sequoia man was disdainful." What can he say, of course,
what the elder said, what is he? "
" This coward! " Slap on the wooden table in the house, the wooden table suddenly fell
Tang Fu Mulu was cold, "Dad, this Tang Hua is like a puppet, asking me to say that a dog
with a dog as the patriarch of the Tang family is also better than him!"
"Tang Fu, you talk like that, but nothing. Manners, "the Sequoia man blamed, but the look
between his eyebrows did not mean any blame.
"Isn't it? Daddy!" Tang Fu's face was ful of dissatisfaction, "I want to say, this Tang's like
this, we stay here, it's also meaningless, simply made that surnamed Zhang, together with
the entire Tang's , Let's hold the spirit stone, do what we want to do! "
The Sequoia man smiled on his face and didn't speak.
"Dad, I do n’t care anymore. Tomorrow, when I get that thing, I ’ll get the Tangjia Val ey
back then. The spirit stone will be in your hands. Why should we both be affected by these
birds, outside? The world is so big, I can go where I want. "Tang Fu's eyes were full of
The Sequoia man smiled and said, "You grow up, have your own thoughts, what you want
to do, I won't stop you." After
that day went dark, Tangjia Valley became quiet, there are no lights in the city, everyone is
waiting In his own house.
As time passed, the sky became darker and darker, until the entire Tangjia Valley was
shrouded in darkness. The cries of birds sounded from time to time, with a sense of
The moonlight spattered like water, and fel mottled in the valley.
The door of a wooden house on the left side of the valley opened. Tang Zi flicked his long
hair and danced in the moonlight.
In the guest room, Henry is still sitting there, six hours have passed since he just sat here.
During these six hours, Henry tries to exert his muscles all the time.
For six hours of continuous exertion, Henry's muscles were sore and sore. It felt like
countless ants crawling on his body. It was extremely uncomfortable. The sweat had wet
Henry's back.
Although the process was painful, Henry was delighted with the results he obtained.
Now he can almost control 99% of the muscles in his body to work together. With more
effort, he can achieve the scene written in the book. Too.
Henry sighed, the master of Qi, real y powerful, just this simple opening, he stumbled for six
hours. What he did not know is that if his current practice is seen by people in the Qiqi, he
will definitely Wide-eyed eyes, because what Henry is doing now is not something to get
started with, but to forge body with qi!
This method of forging body with gas, even if it is the kind of experienced master gas
master, dare not try it casual y.
Qi is a very mysterious thing. In the Qiqi Realm, you can simply control Qi, it is already very
important. If you want to make Qi and your muscles perfectly integrated, this
carelessness will cause problems, and now the Henry, but he has already done it. Just this
point, he has surpassed 99% of the masters of imperial dominance!
It's just that these things, for Henry, don't understand it at al . He only likes to be like
Henry took a deep breath, his abdomen put away, at this moment, he agitated al his
strength, so that the muscles of the whole body were exerting force at the same time.
After six hours of continuous practice, Henry completely mastered the method of muscle
strength. This time, he successfully made the muscles of the whole body work together.
At this moment, Henry clearly felt that the airflow in his abdomen was flying fast He spread
to his limbs, and he could clearly feel that the surface of his skin was filled with gas
This made Henry delighted. He quickly looked at the next page of the book. The following is
how to get in touch with the spirit stone.
"Into the spirit stone with qi, run for a week, and then withdraw it?" Henry looked at the
words in the book, a question mark at the end.
Control gas? How to control?
Henry looked through the books and found no records. Because of the control of Qi, no one
needs to be taught at all. As long as he enters the Royal Qi, it will naturally be control ed.
Henry exerted his strength again, and the air on his body was thick again, followed closely.
Henry saw with his eyes that a lotus flower formed completely by air gradually formed in
front of him.
This lotus flower is invisible, just like people seeing a tornado. There is no color, it is
transparent, but you can see its shape.
The emergence of the lotus surprised Henry. There is no such record in the book.
When the lotus appeared, Henry felt that the cyclone in his abdomen was exhaling quickly,
spreading towards the lotus in front of him, and the lotus, which was not under Henry's
control, gradually floated above Henry's head and stopped. Don't move, just like growing
on Henry's head.
This air-shaped lotus can't be seen by others, only Henry himself can feel it.
"This is ..." Henry's misty head.
Suddenly, a voice echoed in Henry's mind.
"The martial arts are as deep as the sea, and there is no end to it. When the lotus flower
gathers above your head, remember that the flowers cannot fal !"
Suddenly, Henry's body suddenly recalled the words that Old Man Lu had told him when he
first came into contact with martial arts. These words, Henry had never understood before.
Even the left ear went in and the right ear went out. Yuding.
But today, when Lotus appeared, Henry suddenly recalled this passage.
Lotus gathering! This is what the old man Lu said at the time, Lotus gathers at the top!
Henry's eyes widened about what was recorded in the book, how to use the spirit stone, al
these things were left behind by his head, and his current attention was all on the lotus
above his head.
This is something beyond Henry's cognition, just like something in a martial arts novel.
Henry gently shook his head. With this shaking, he could clearly feel that the lotus flower
above his head also shook with it, as if it would fall at any time.
"Remember, the flowers must not fall!"
The words of Old Man Lu once again appeared in Henry's mind. For Old Man Lu, Henry's
heart was unconditional trust. If it was not Old Man Lu, Henryzao was a corpse, how could
there be today? Achievement, since Old Man Lu mentioned this, Henry will not ignore it. He
stood up carefully from the ground, fearing that his movements would affect the lotus and
reached out to support his head.

563 I Want to Challenge Him

If someone sees what Henry looks like at this time, he will be unable to help laughing out
Now Henry, his hands are careful y placed on his head, just like a transparent vase.
When walking, the posture is also very slow. One foot slowly lifts up and slowly falls. It is
no exaggeration to say that one step can be used He was acting like a play in three or four
This can't real y blame Henry for being careful, he can clearly feel that the lotus flower
above his head is really too fragile, and if there is a little wind and grass, it will fall.
Henry sat next to the bed and didn't even dare to lie down, for fear that he would lie down,
and the lotus would fall.
At first, Old Man Lu said that he could not fal , so naturally there was his reason, but Henry
now, no amount of doubts in his heart could be asked. Old Man Lu buried him personal y.
Henry was sitting by the bed like this. When he was still, the lotus above him stayed quietly.
The emergence of this lotus made Henry's plan to study the practice of the night completely
ruined. He had to sit down honestly. Now Henry is not clear. Compared with this lotus on
his head, Tang's The exercises are not counted as farts. Even if the exercises are completed,
it is not as important as a petal on the lotus.
In the Tangjia Valley, birds crowed and people dancing in the moonlight returned to the
When the first rays of sunlight rose, all the people in the Tangjia Valley came out of the
house. They were livestock husbandry, farming, and younger generations of martial arts.
Everyone had their own things to do.
"Today, a majority Valley, who meet the requirements of al Yanwu field collection!"
A big Sheng, resounded through the valley.
In a wooden house, Tang Fu walked proudly out of the house. He looked in the direction of
Tangjiabao, and his eyes were ful of aggression.
Tang Xin also came out from where he lived and squeezed his fist, "This time, we must
achieve good results!"
Tang Zi also nourished his spirit and prepared for today's Dabi.
The younger generation of the Tang family, both men and women, are invigorating and
rejuvenating. Dabi is a very important thing within the clan. The ranking of the dabi will
determine everyone's status in the clan, including the training given Resources, we
must know that the ultimate growth of a person is inextricably linked to the previous
The clan dabi is a high-profile!
Henry in the house, completely ignorant of all this, is now leaning against the bed with his
eyes closed and a hand stil on top of his head.
A burst of shouting sounded, and the sound was surging, wandering in the canyon.
The drink spread al over the canyon, sitting in the sleeping Henry, a jerking jerked
suddenly, his body shook, his eyes opened.
In the first time when he opened his eyes, Henry subconsciously touched his head with his
head. When he touched the lotus, Henry was relieved. Fortunately, the lotus was stil there!
Last night, Henry didn't know how to fall asleep. Anyway, he was leaning on the bed and
didn't dare to move.
Henry got up slowly and shook his head gently. He found that the lotus seemed to be much
more solid than last night. Last night, he just moved it casually. The lotus has a tendency to
fall. Now ordinary walking and shaking, Will not affect the lotus anymore.
This discovery made Henry relax a lot. God knows what the lotus is al about. If he has been
growing on his head and made Henry so careful every day, it is really tiring to live.
Now this is not bad. If Lotus If it becomes strong over time, it will not affect the normal life
in the future.
Henry walked to the door and pushed open the door. At the moment the door opened, a
breath of fresh air greeted him. Henry took a deep breath. The air in the mountain was
completely empty. Take a sip of the contaminated one and feel that your mind is much
Another shout, spreading along the valley, Henry looked in the direction of the shout, just
to see the huge Yanwutai in front of the Tangjiabao gate, around the Yanwutai at the
moment, it was ful of people, On the Yanwu platform, two young men are constantly
fighting, and the sound of the drink came from above the Yanwu platform.
Henry looked over there curiously and walked towards him. He supported his head with
one hand. Although the normal walking has not affected the lotus on the head now, Henry's
psychological role is stil nonchalant.
Henry walked over and found that the elders and elders of the Tang family were here.
Sitting on the throne, Tang Hua's patriarch Tang Hua, as well as the middle-aged men and
women at the dinner table yesterday, also sat here.
"Brother Zhang, you are here." Tang Xin came from the side.
"You are ..." Henry looked at Tang Xin, with a purple face on his face, and the whole person
looked embarrassed.
Tang Xin smiled bitterly, "Dabby, I lost, I thought I could at least make it into the top ten,
but I didn't expect that some would overestimate myself."
Henry looked to the stage, and now the battle on the Wutai stage was approaching. .
Tang Fu punched his opponent in the abdomen and directly knocked his opponent off the
"Good strong!"
"Too strong!"
"Don is indeed apply the younger generation first master, I am afraid that only older
people, in order to cure him!"
The young audience being spectators, are looking at the stage, makes a sound.
Tang Fu put his hands behind his back and looked at the audience proudly.
The Sequoia man sat on the throne and looked at his son on the stage. His face did not
change. This time, he could have thought that no one would be his son's opponent.
Henry also nodded secretly. He had just watched Tang Fu's movements and strength.
Compared with Poseidon and others, it was not much different. Taking it outside, it was
definitely a role that could be the only one.
Tang Hua, head of the Tang clan, stood up and said loudly: "Is there anyone else to
Tang Hua finished his question, glanced around for a week, and when no one spoke, he
continued: "If not, this time, Dabi, first place That's Tang Fu, second ... "
Tang Hua was interrupted by a voice before he finished speaking.
Tang Fu, standing on the ring, said: "The patriarch, if it is usual, this first, I deservedly
recognized, but today, this first, I dare not take it."
"Oh? Why?" doubt.
Tang Fu turned around and fixed his eyes directly on Henry under the ring. "Today, there is
another person. I haven't chal enged. Yesterday my father told me that there are people
outside the world, there are days outside. Compared with people, what kind of level is Tang
Fu, so I want to challenge this, Brother Henry! "
Tang Fu's words came out, and the younger generations in the audience al exclaimed.
"This ..." Tang Hua looked at Henry embarrassedly, and then shook his head, "Tang Fu,
Henry Xiaoyou, are our distinguished guests of the Tang family."
"So, is he afraid to say that?" Tang Fuyi He looked at Henry provocatively.
Chapter 564
Tang Fu is so provocative, so that Tang's people al set their eyes on Henry.
To be placed elsewhere, Henry natural y ignored Tang Fu ’s provocation, but now it ’s
different. He stays alone in the Tang family. If he is indifferent to the provocation of a
younger Tang family, then there will be more Trouble find him.
But it is not the right time to take Tang Fu's challenge. The lotus above Henry's head can't
stand the normal fight. Tang Fu is not a weak person. At least it is close to the strength of
the ten kings of Guangming Island. As far as Henry is concerned, although it is also a trick,
this trick is not as simple as a fist, and at least it needs to exert 50% of the force.
Fifty percent of the power, Henry could not guarantee that if he gave out fifty percent of the
power, the lotus on his head would still be able to be kept.
Henry is now in a dilemma.
"The surname is Zhang, I ask you, this chal enge, do you take it or not!" Tang Fu on stage
saw that Henry did not say anything and asked again.
Last night, when Tang Fu learned from his father that Tang was not going to deal with this
outsider, he was unhappy.
As the first person of Tang's younger generation, Tang Fu's heart is undoubtedly proud.
Now there is an outsider like Henry, who is still the same generation as Tang Fu, but makes
the entire Tang family dare not act rashly, which makes Tang Fu He was very dissatisfied.
He thought about it last night. Today, he must teach this Henry well to let the Tang family
understand that this outsider is not worth mentioning in front of himself.
The younger generation of the Tang family naturally stood on the side of Tang Fu.
When they saw the challenge put forward by Zhang Fu, Henry did not dare to take it, and
they al spoke one after another.
"Come on, do you dare to take it?"
"When I came here yesterday, I was arrogant and jumped off from such a high platform.
How is it now?"
As the first person of the Tang family's younger generation, Tang Fu Among the juniors,
they are still very prestigious, and some people have long stood in the faction of Tang Fu,
and everything follows Tang Fu.
"Okay, don't be rude!" The elder Tang cried out loudly.
The sound of the elder elder suddenly disappeared in Henry's ear, but the sound
disappeared. The disdainful gaze and atmosphere can be felt by individuals.
"I picked it up."
Henry opened his mouth and sighed in his heart. It seems that this time, if I don't pick it up,
it won't work. If I don't pick it up now, I'm not sure if there is any trouble waiting for me. I
can't let myself wait for this one. With the disappearance of the lotus, I now hope that this
lotus will be stronger, so that I can punch myself.
Seeing Henry said, Tang Fu's face showed a hint of joy.
When the elder saw Henry say this, he didn't say anything, and he wanted to see how
strong Henry was.
Yanwutai is two meters high and there is no ladder at all. Here, anyone who is qualified to
board the Yanwutai can jump on the stage with a light jump. Even some children who are
first to learn martial arts are only a little effort.
Henry walked to Yanwutai, just preparing to jump, just made a bow and knee movement,
and felt the lotus flower above his head flicked. This made him quickly reach out and held
his hand, and he dared not to make fol ow-up movements, watching the two-meter-high
performance. On the stage, Henry stretched out his arms, grabbed the edge of the stage, and
then slowly climbed up.
Henry's awkward stage action made many Tang's younger generations show contempt, and
Tang Fu's eyes were even more disdainful.
The elders and others are wondering, as far as the elders observed yesterday, Henry wants
to board this performance Wutai, that is definitely easy.
Henry climbed the Yanwutai with hands and feet, stained with dust, he slowly climbed up,
patted the dust on his body, felt that the lotus on his head had not been greatly affected,
and he was relieved. .
Tang Fu looked at Henry, not far away in front of him, and a slight smile appeared on the
corner of his mouth.
Tang Hua, the head of the Tang clan, stood up and said, "In this competition, you must not
use hidden weapons. When either party confessed defeat, fell out of the ring, or lost their
fighting ability, it was a failure. What? "
" No. "Tang Fu replied.
"No problem." Henry also shook his head and answered.
"Okay." Tang Hua nodded. "Since there is no problem, then, compare, start!"
When Tang Hua's mouth began to drop, Tang Fu, who was still standing there, moved
towards Henrysuo at a very fast speed. Washed away from the station.
"It's fast!"
"It's too fast, it's worthy of Tang Fu! At this speed, I'm struggling to see it!"
Tang Fu's movement made a cry of excitement from the audience.
Henry looked at Tang Fu, who was rushing towards him. This speed was too fast to be seen
in the eyes of others. For him, it was as slow as a turtle, and during the process of Tang Fu,
Henry saw no less than ten flaws The appearance of these flaws, not to mention Henry now,
that is, Henry, who had not mastered the gas before, can surely defeat Tang Fu with one
The Tangs, although they are clan, have a long tradition, but in the end, the children of the
Tangs now only learn some of the ring skil s.
Henry is different. He started from contacting ancient martial arts and learned the killing
skil s!
Even if the two have the same strength, Henry can perfectly crush Tang Fu, not to mention
the present. If it is not the lotus constraint, the battle is over now, but the lotus above Henry
’s head ca n’t help him. He can only wait for Tang Fu to approach, and then move out.
Tang Fu rushed in front of Henry at a very fast speed, and then kicked high, pul ing it
towards Henry's head.
Henry saw the time and suddenly punched a punch. As long as this punch was punched,
Tang Fu could be easily defeated. Unfortunately, Henry failed to punch this punch.
Tang Fu's high kick brought a strong blast of wind and a stream of air, which seriously
affected the lotus above Henry's head. As soon as he punched half of his fist, he felt that the
lotus above him tilted sideways If he punches himself out, the lotus will inevitably fal ,
which makes Henry quickly withdraw his hand and hug it on his head.
Tang Fu's foot didn't kick on Henry's head, but stopped five centimeters away from Henry's
head. Tang Fu's face was full of jokes.
Such a scene, in the eyes of others, is that Tang Fu kicked out, Henry original y wanted to
fight back, but found that he was not as fast as Tang Fu, and quickly reached out to protect
his head.
Tang Fu slowly lowered his raised feet and sneered at Henry disdainfully, "Too weak!"
Under the stage, Tang Xin and Tang Zi brothers and sisters looked at the stage puzzledly, as
they knew Henry, although Henry It may not be Tang Fu's opponent, but it should definitely
not be so embarrassing.

Chapter 565: Beat Me!

Henryfu stabilized the lotus above his head and sighed. This lotus is not as strong as he
thought. The moves al make this lotus shake.
Tang Fu sneered and shouted: "You're nothing more than that!" As soon as the words fell,
Tang Fu kicked again and kicked Henry's head. Tang Fu's speed was very fast, and the
strength of his foot was very fierce. In the eyes of some less powerful people, it looks like a
Tang Fu could kick Henry's face with every foot, but he didn't kick Henry. Whenever there
were a few centimeters left, he would pull back and kick again.
Tang Fu's attack brought Tao Dao Fengfeng, each of which was affecting the lotus on
Henry's head, so that Henry couldn't make it.
What Tang Fu had to do was to humiliate Henry, and humiliate Henry fiercely, to let the
elders of the Tang family know that the people they feared were nothing but waste.
"Gosh, it's too fast. Brother Tang Fu's leg skil s are too strong. That Henry can't even react."
"That Henry can only hold his head to protect himself, it is too weak."
"Just At this level, dare to accept the chal enge of Brother Tang Fu, where is his confidence?
Dao Dao's sarcasm sounded.
At the main seat of the spectator seat, the middle-aged woman who spoke at the dinner
table yesterday spoke to the elder elder: "Elder elder, I think your worries are over-
considered. The method given to him is simply an insult to our Downs. If I were to say, kil
him directly, everything is easy to handle! "
" Good. " If you kil it, the spirit stone is not big. Why do you have to give him some more? "
" We Tang's people are not words and unbelievers. "Tang Hua shook his head," I promise
Zhang Xiaoyou to do it.
" Humph, pedantic! "The middle-aged woman sneered coldly.
"Okay, don't mention this matter again." The elder elder said impatiently. "We Tang's, are
we the elders?" When
the elder elder spoke, no one spoke again. In Tang's, the prestige of the elder elder still very
The elder looked at the ring and saw that Henry could only hold his head under Tang Fu's
offensive. He shook his head. It seemed that before himself, he really overestimated this
young man.
On the stage, Tang Fu stretched out his legs one after another, snorting in his mouth,
"Weak people, also deserve to have a spirit stone? It's ridiculous!"
Tang Fu kicked his head on Henry's head no longer.
Henry's face changed, and Tang Fu kicked it. It wasn't kicking himself. It was completely
kicked against the lotus. God knows what will happen if this invisible lotus is kicked.
Henry dodges quickly.
Among the audience watching, some people said: "It seems that this mystery has a little
strength, and it can also escape Brother Tang Fu's foot."
"If he keeps hiding, there may be a chance."
"Wrong. "One person shook his head." Don't forget, Brother Tang Fu, the most powerful
thing is not the kung fu on the legs, but the boxing skil s. Now, Brother Tang Fu is just
enjoying a fun. This Henry, he is not at all It may be Brother Tang Fu ’s opponent. ”
“ Indeed, once Brother Tang Fu took it seriously, Henry lost, it was only a matter of
moments! ”
Among the people present, no one thought that Henry had a chance to compete with Tang
Fu, In their eyes, Henrylian had no chance of returning, and he would only flee.
Henry's heart is bitter. This challenge does not come early, does not come late, but at this
time, if you can let Lotus stay for another day and be stronger, he does not have to be so
Under Tang Fu's offensive, Henry could only protect Lotus from harm as much as possible.
Because of the vulnerability of Lotus, he didn't dare to let it go too fast. Henry now can only
barely dodge.
"Can you only run?" Tang Fu shouted, suddenly stopped the offensive, he stood on the ring,
with a sneering smile.
Tang Fu's voice was loud, and everyone could hear him clearly.
He only ran out of three characters and made the audience immediately burst into laughter.
Tang Fu wandered in front of Henry, looked at Henry with his head tilted, and said lightly:
"Beating me."
"Ah?" Henry looked stunned. He suspected he was not wrong. This Tang Fu let himself ,
Beat him?
"I said, hit me." Tang Fu sneered, pointing his finger at his temple, "Towards hitting hard,
let me see your ability."
"This ..." Henry's face was a bit strange, he was still I thought, how should I end this
challenge? As a result, Tang Fu came to make such a request, which made Henry himself a
little embarrassed.
"Fight, why don't you dare?" Tang Fu felt even more proud when he saw Henry's hesitant
"Come on, hit me!" Tang Fu shouted. What he is doing now is to humiliate Henry as much as
possible. When Henry exerts force on himself, he will strike him with a thunder and
directly knock him down.
Henry raised his fist and really wanted to hit him on his own. I am afraid that 30% of his
strength would make him unable to beat him. After observing Tang Fu ’s strength, Henry
thought that the 50% strength he had thought was too overestimating him.
Although Tang Fu has the strength to match the ten kings of Guangming Island, but in
combat experience, there is too much difference. Even the one who comes from Poseidon
and others can crush Tang Fu.
The Tang people under the stage saw Henry raise his fist, and they looked like they didn't
dare to fight, and they burst into laughter.
Henry now thinks how he can defeat Tang Fu with a single blow, without hurting him, and
making him lose his ability to act.
"Why don't you let me hit me, I hear you!" Tang Fu yelled again, his eyes widened.
"Then ... okay." Henry punched.
Henry's punch, in the eyes of others, was not at al powerful and weak, including Tang Fu
thought so. He sneered in the corner of his mouth. At the same time, he punched a punch
and went straight to Henry Fist away.
What he has to do is to crush Henry thoroughly. You punch, and I also punch. Look at the
fists of the two of us, who is stronger!
At the moment when the two fists are about to hand over, Tang Fu seems to have seen
Henry's arm discounted by himself.
When the fist face was handed over, Tang Fu sneered at the corner of his mouth, but before
he laughed out loud, an irresistible force came from the fist face, running along the arm, all
the way up, Tang Fu only felt, this moment , An invisible force suddenly pushed himself
towards the rear.
In the eyes of outsiders, Tang Fu and Henry fought each other very often, but the whole
person flew out at the moment of the fist. This scene made everyone's eyes wide open.
What happened? It should be Henrycai who flew out, why is Brother Tang Fu?
Chapter 566
"Qi!" The pupils of the elder Tang's pupils sitting on the main seat of the auditorium
contracted for a while. He just clearly saw that two punches in Henry and Tang Fu During
the col ision, Henry's fist never touched Tang Fu, and Tang Fu was blown out by an invisible
force. This is definitely a sign of qi.
Such a scene also made the elders understand that Henry had been letting Tang Fu before.
The two were not at the same level. The difference between Yuqijing and ordinary ancient
warriors was like heaven and earth.
The middle-aged men and women sitting with the elders al heard what the elders said.
"Great elder, has he real y mastered the gas?" The middle-aged woman asked unbelievably.
"Good." The elder nodded. "Zhang Xiaoyou deliberately gave in, Tang Fu's approach was a
little too aggressive."
The elder elders said with some regrets on their faces. Compared with Henry, their Tang's
juniors had a poor heart. Too much, Henry intended to give in, but Tang Fu had to be
Tang Fu was hit by Henry with a punch and fell over the ring. He just felt numb al over his
body. He could n’t help. He glanced at Henry, who was still standing there, and then
subconsciously looked under the stage. When he noticed the stage When the eyes of the
younger generations of Tang's came down, Tang Fu felt a hot face.
What Lenovo has just done on stage, what is happening now, is the standard face-slapping.
What Tang Fu wants to do now is to quickly get up from the ground to make the surnamed
Zhang look good, but he is numb all over, and he can't get up at all.
"Wel , I announce." Tang Hua stood up and said loudly, the situation is now very obvious,
Henry has reached the imperial Qi Realm, Tang Fu can't be Henry's opponent at all, and it is
just to discuss it again. After bitter eating, and Tang Fu's appearance, he couldn't get up,
Tang Hua announced the result, "I announced, this time to compare ..."
"Brother Zhang, be careful!" Tang Xin from the audience suddenly shouted.
I saw countless Hanmang, radiating from the place where Tang Fu was, rushing to Henry
standing there, Tang Fu's mouth had a vicious smile, these countless silver needles, needles
above Contains highly toxic, this surnamed Zhang, finished!
Numerous silver needles hit the sky. At a glance, there were at least thirty. This silver
needle is extremely fast. Even Henry, it is too late to dodge. After al , Tang's master is a
master of hidden weapons. Since ancient times, Tang's The hidden weapon recognizes the
second, no one dares to recognize the first, even though many hidden weapon methods
have been lost, but it can't be underestimated.
Henry looked at the silver needles coming from the lasing. At the moment these silver
needles were about to come in contact with him, the muscles of his body suddenly exerted
force. In an instant, powerful gas spread to Henry's limbs and bones, and he jumped out of
the body.
An invisible gas mask was formed on the surface of Henry's body and spread all over
Henry's body. Most of these silver needles coming from the blast hit the air as if they hit a
hard wall, and all fell to the ground. And that small part, affected by the recoil of Qi, flew
back towards the place where the lasing came and went straight to Tang Fu lying on the
Tang Fu couldn't move at the moment, and could only watch those silver needles flying
upside down, growing bigger and bigger in his pupils.
"Poo poo poo." A
few sounds, all those silver needles, all pierced Tang Fu.
"Fuer!" The Sequoia man sitting in the audience exclaimed, and quickly jumped, running
towards Tang Fu.
No one thought that such a scene would happen. The silver needle tangled by Tang Fu shot
at Tang Fu himself.
For this situation, Henry was also a bit confused. This method of letting qi cover the whole
body was also practiced last night. Just the first test, I did not expect there is a rebound
effect, but I do n’t know the strength of this air shield. How high is it, if one day can ignore
the bullet, how terrifying it would be?
The elders on the stage and other people's faces changed drastical y, and at this moment
they could not declare who won or lost. As Tang people, they knew how powerful their
hidden weapons were and rushed towards Tang.
When he came to Tang Fu, Tang Fu was comatose and his face was as ugly as gold paper.
"The toxin has spread in the body. Let's stop the poison first." The second elder only
glanced at the seriousness of the problem and quickly took out a few silver needles and
pierced him towards Tang Fu.
After a few consecutive stitches, when Tang Fu's face was a little more beautiful, the second
elder was relieved.
"It's okay, although this poison is strong, but fortunately it's just in time, it will be okay to
cultivate for a few days." The second elder said.
Hearing the second elder's words, the Sequoia man felt relieved. He turned around and
looked at Henry, who was still standing on the ring, and shouted, "Junior, how cruel you
" Okay , this is not strange Zhang Xiaoyou! "Big Elder waved his arm, shook his robe, and
sneered." If it wasn't for Tang Fu's il egal use of hidden weapons, how could this happen?
This time, even if Tang Fu is done, he must think about it at the cliff face ! " "
great elders, how can! "Sequoia man a reduced pupil," now obviously this outsider hurt my
son! "
the Grand Ayatollah brow of a cross," if it is Don deposited without permission illegal, how
this would happen The thing? "
The Sequoia man shouted:" We Tang's family is a family of hidden weapons. My son Tang
Fu chose to use hidden weapons in order to win. There is nothing wrong with this outsider.
He must take care of this matter. Pay the price! "
"Yes, elder, Tang Fu can't be injured like this." The middle-aged woman helped the Sequoia
man speak together.
"Wel , this matter right or wrong, I is its own!" Great elders again Huixiu, "with Don apply
to recuperate it, everything, so he was fine to say!"
Sequoia man want to say anything, but Pulled by the middle-aged woman, the middle-aged
woman shook her head slightly at the Sequoia man. The Sequoia man glared fiercely at
Henry, hugged Tang Fu, and walked down the ring.
"Zhang Xiaoyou, haven't you been injured?" Big Elder asked Henry in front of him.
"No." Henry shook his head.
"Hehe." The elder elder chuckled, "I can't think of Zhang Xiaoyou at such an age, and he has
achieved imperial imperial power. It's real y unlimited potential. Today's events make you
." Henry said with a smile, this matter should be put in another place. Henry must ponder
with Tang Fu. He has never been a generous person, but he is still in the Tang family. A
Tang Fu, if you want to mess things up and turn your face with Tang Shi, you will lose more
than you get.
"Oh, thank Zhangxiao You, being the case, Zhang Xiaoyou, we'll talk about the matter began
with these days?"
Chapter 567 Scattered Spirit Formation
The big elder leads Henry to walk in the Tangjia Valley.
"Zhang Xiaoyou, I think you have achieved imperial qi. I don't know how you absorbed the
aura in the spirit stone?" The elder could not help asking a question that bothered him.
Now that the exercises in Henry's family have been lost, how did he achieve imperial
"I don't know." Henry shook his head. This question, he didn't know how to explain it to the
elders. He simply made a lie. "I usually carry the spirit stone on my body. After a while, I
found myself able to control the airflow around me. "When Henry compiled this excuse, he
was guilty.
"Sure enough!" Who knows, the elders have a straight face, "Zhang Xiaoyou, it seems that
there is a scattered spirit array in your home."
"San Ling array? What is that?" Henry asked curiously.
The elder elder smiled and shook his head. "Zhang Xiaoyou, this scattered spirit array,
every clan will survive, and it is also called the root of a clan." When the elder elder said
this, he took the spirit stone from his pocket. , Continue to say: "As long as this spirit stone
is put into the scattered spirit array, the spirit within the spirit stone will be radiated from
the spirit stone, and surround the scattered spirit array, as long as it can stay next to the
scattered spirit array for a long time, natural y , He will have a sense of qi and reach the
imperial qi state. "
Henry was surprised by the words of the elder elder. He really did not expect that this
spirit stone should be used in such a way, and what a scattered spirit array gave him.
God's feeling.
"Great elder, as long as you stay next to the San Ling Formation, can everyone enter the Qi
Qi Realm?" Henry's heart beats fiercely. If this is the case, doesn't it mean that as long as
there are enough spirit stones, the master Qi Qi Can mass production?
"Natural y not." The elder elder shook his head. "You have heard of Zhang Xiaoyou, the
people who learn martial arts pay attention to talent?"
"Have heard." Henry said disapprovingly, "But I think that the talent is just a kind of saying,
diligence can make up for it, if you want to be strong, you have to rely on yourself. Whether
you have talent or not, it's al the same."
"Wrong, wrong. "The elders sighed." In modern martial arts, many people do not pay
attention to talent. They only think that talent is just a kind of rhetoric. In fact, at the
beginning of martial arts, talent will determine a person's ultimate achievement. "
" Is there really talent? " Say it? "Henry wondered.
"Yes." The elder nodded. "This induction of qi is related to talents. The talents with
outstanding talents only need to stay beside the scattered spirit array, do nothing else,
breathe and eat every day, they can enter the royal spirit, The stupid man can't feel the
sensation for the rest of his life. "
" There's another thing to say! "Henry's eyes widened. He thought that he was really
worthwhile. Many things he didn't understand were slow. Slowly puzzled.
"Zhang Xiaoyou, you didn't practice the exercises, you just stayed in your own scattered
spirit array, and you achieved the imperial power, which is really a gifted person." The
elder looked at Henry with a satisfied look in his eyes. He was especial y relieved to be able
to produce such a young man.
Henry digested what the elder said, and asked again: "Elder elder, what is the scattered
spirit array you are talking about? Is it true that there is a formation in the world?"
Henry had seen some formations before. Books, but it ’s too exaggerated to see what is
written above. There was an article that said that the formation of the formation method
can make the people in the formation unable to distinguish the direction. This kind of
statement, Henry himself is very unbelievable. The elder mentioned the formation, and a
formation can release the energy in the spirit stone. Does the formation really exist?
The first face Henry this problem, a large elder shook his head, and nodded his head, "I do
not know, every clan, owned by the matrix method, only scattered spiritual matrix, the
matrix method is how this form There are no other formations, and I ca n’t answer them. ”
Henry heard the elder elders say this, with some regrets, if the formations are said to be
true, then this world is really wonderful!
"Great elder, can I see the scattered spirit array?" Henry asked.
"Of course, Zhang Xiaoyou, please here." The
big elder led Henry.
Henry himself thought that this scattered spirit array would also be hidden in a hidden
place like Tang's skill, but it was unexpected that this array was in the valley, and he had
gone back and forth several times!
The place where the elders brought Henrylai is the valley that runs through both sides of
the Tangjia Val ey.
The elder elder stood in front of a mountain wall and looked up, "Zhang Xiaoyou, look, the
twelve meters above this is the scattered spirit array."
Henry fol owed the elder's gaze and looked up, there was one above A small stone plate,
which is just the size of a washbasin, with patterns carved on it.
"This is the Sanling Array?" Henry original y thought, why the Sanling Array is also that
kind of super-large, carved on the ground, which can allow many people to stand together,
but did not expect such a smal stone plate.
"Yes, this is the scattered spirit array." The big elder took a deep breath, took out the spirit
stone, and the whole person leaped upward.
If we say that Henryyue jumped up, it was like a cannonball fired violently.
Then when the elder elder jumped, it was like a flying bird, giving a feeling of light and
fluttering. When the robe flicked, the elder elder had already reached the twelve-meter
high sky, and aimed the spirit stone in his hand at the upper Shipan, gently pressed.
At the moment of contact between the Lingshi and the stone plate, Henry felt that a breeze
blew beside him. This breeze did not come from outside the valley, but formed in front of
him. The direction of the breeze was just above the mountain wall. That stone plate!
The elder elder fel from above. Although he looked nothing on the surface, his body
shivered with excitement. "
Zhang Xiaoyou, this will make the whole valley full of aura." Henry felt the breeze around
him, and it was a bit different In the same way, in this wind, there is a sense of indecision.
Normally, if a person is facing the wind, his breath will be affected, no matter how big or
smal , but now, when faced with this breeze, Henry not only did not suffer a little from his
breath, but also became more comfortable, taking a deep breath, as if al his pores were
open opened.
"This is ... Reiki!"
Henrygang sighed with emotion, his face suddenly changed, he quickly reached out and
helped his head up, because he felt that the lotus on his head was changing at the moment.
The breeze blowing beside Henry is gathering along the top of Henry's head, as if the lotus
on his head is greedily sucking the aura in the air, and as the aura gathers, Henry can
clearly find out This lotus is becoming strong.
"What the hel is going on?" Henry was horrified in his heart. The appearance of Lotus and
what is happening now are beyond his cognition.

568 Killing Intent

great elders glanced beside Henry subconscious and found great elders did not even notice
the change produced by his side, eyes tightly Staring at the top of his head, tears flashed in
his eyes.
Henry probably understands the state of mind of the elders at the moment. A clan with a
long history, ushering in a turning point when it is about to fal , this feeling is just like the
glory of poverty.
The wind in the valley is a breeze, but in the hearts of people, a huge wave is set off.
Over time, the breeze gradually spread throughout the valley, and the people in the valley,
more or less, began to gather towards this side. Every one of them already had speculation
in their hearts, and you can see that everyone who comes here , Footsteps could not help
but slow down, his face fil ed with excitement.
Someone even sat cross-legged on the ground and began to breathe greedily.
The people in the valley are gathering more and more. This is definitely the most important
thing in Tangjia Val ey!
No one has extra words, everyone has a silent tacit understanding, come and sit down.
Henry also sat down here. His own feelings about this aura have no change except for
breathing, mainly the lotus flower above his head.
Now this lotus flower, for Henry, is a huge problem. If he does not solve it one day, he will
not sleep well all day.
Henry was sitting here quietly. He was the closest to the Sanling Array, and the benefits he
received were relatively the most.
Henry can clearly feel that the lotus flower above his head is becoming more and more
solid. He specially shakes his head and shakes his head. Such a movement has no great
impact on Lotus.
Time passes in such a minute and a second, and the aura emitted from the spirit stone has a
meditation effect.
Henry's eyes closed gradually, and his breathing became gentle.
A breeze blew a trace of coolness, Henry shuddered, his eyes opened, but found that it was
already dark, and unconsciously, it was already evening!
The sky is full of bright moons. Through the valley, only one tail can be seen. Most of the
people who original y sat in the valley have left. Only three or two are still sitting here,
working hard to practice.
The boring cross sitting is more uncomfortable for many people than training under the hot
Henry felt the lotus on his head, which was much stronger than before.
Henry got up and sat cross-legged for a long time, making his legs a little numb, shaking his
legs, just preparing to leave, he heard a burst of wind coming from the side.
Henry didn't even think about it. A conditioned reflex of his body muscles. When he turned
out, he looked at the place where he had just stood. Three crossbow arrows were inserted,
his shoulders were sharp, and he pierced the ground.
Henry frowned, looking towards the place where the arrow flew, and saw the Sequoia man,
standing not far from himself, beside the Sequoia man, and followed by a middle-aged
woman, and A middle-aged man, the two next to the Sequoia man, Henry met at the dinner
table yesterday, al of them are Tang's seniors.
At the moment, each of the three men holds a crossbow, and the three crossbow arrows are
from the hands of the three men.
"Good luck, and wake up one second later, your head will be nailed to the ground." The
redwood man stared at Henry with a sneer.
Henry getting up from the ground, frowning looking at three, Chen Sheng said: "? It's three
of you mean, mean or Down"
"Is there a difference?" The Sequoia man smiled indifferently, "I mean, it means the Tang's."
Henry felt relieved when he heard the Sequoia man, as long as it was not Tang What he
meant was that it was easy to handle. He was not afraid of a conflict with the Tangs.
What he was afraid of was to let the cooperation col apse. After all, he still has a bright
island behind him to grow.
Henry redwood man chuckled, "As far as I know, aren't you patriarchs?"
"Relax, it will be soon!" The redwood man sneered and shot an arrow at Henry again.
Faced with this sharp arrow, Henry didn't have any unnecessary movements at all, just
escaped slightly.
"The three of you waste, think you are my opponent?" Henry squeezed his fist, he
deliberately procrastinated time, just want to take this opportunity to understand the
tolerance of the lotus above his head.
"Don't be too arrogant to be a young junior!" The middle-aged woman shouted and pulled
out two scimitars from her lower back, rushing towards Henry suddenly.
The machete brought up a cold awn in the dark.
Seeing the other party rushing, Henry's double fists mentioned the opportunity just now,
and he has determined that the lotus above his head can at least bear his 50% strength
now. Since this is the case, the rest of the matter is easy to say.
Not to mention 50% strength, only 40% is enough to clean up the three people in front of
Don't look at the age, these three people have a lot of Henry, but in terms of combat
experience, Henry was kil ed from the blood of the corpse mountain. These three people
add up, and they can't catch Henry!
Henry punched in the face knife to cut out the middle-aged woman, middle-aged woman
Annealing pace, only to feel his hands numb, she rushed to the side shouted: "Do not read,
he won together!"
"Of course," another. A middle-aged man drew a thin sword from his waist and rushed from
the other direction.
The Sequoia men were armed with large swords, and the three of them were in a triangle
attack, killing Henry at the same time.
Faced with the offensive of the three, Henry was not afraid at all and responded with
double fists.
Among the four people, more than ten tricks passed in a blink of an eye, and Henry
prevailed with one enemy against three.
This made the three people feel a little chil y. They knew that Henry was already imperial,
but they still underestimated him.
The Sequoia man waved his hand violently and spilled a handful of powder directly.
Henry responded extremely quickly, and he retreated when the Sequoia men spil ed the
"Do you think you can hide it!" The Sequoia man sneered and didn't even care about
Henry's movements.
Henry withdrew from the range of redwood men's spil ed powder, and felt something
wrong in his heart, because he found that there was no slight toxicity in the powder
sprinkled by the redwood men.
At this time, the three men of Sequoia came to Henry again, and Henry responded.
After a few more tricks, Henry's face changed, and he finally understood what the powder
spilled from the Sequoia man was doing. It was not a poison at all, but something that could
limit gas!
When he punched himself, the air in the body sprayed outward, and it seemed to encounter
some kind of obstacle.
Qi was restricted, which made Henry extremely uncomfortable. The power of the attack
was less than half. This is not the most important. The most important thing is that because
of the restriction of Qi, the lotus flower above him began to become unstable.
Chapter 569 Night Attack
The lotus above Henry's head is definitely the biggest hindrance to him at this moment, and
suddenly becomes unstable, making Henry helpless in the battle.
The three people in front of them are not weak.
"This medicine can last for three minutes. Boy, do you think you can stay under our hands
for three minutes?" The Sequoia man sneered at Henry, and the three men waved their
weapons again and cut towards Henry.
The qi was blocked, making the lotus on Henry's head more and more unstable. In the face
of the attack of the three, Henry sighed, "I think we can talk."
Henry specifically observed when he said this sentence A look at the Sequoia man's face,
when he noticed that the Sequoia man's eyes moved a little, his heart was full.
"Talk? Boy, do you think, why do you talk to us?" Sequoia man made a disdain on his face,
but his movements were much slower. The original killing trick was also accepted by him.
stand up.
"I don't know." Henry shrugged. "Look at what you want."
"Boy, if you know someone, hand over the exercises. I can let you live your way!" The
middle-aged woman shouted.
Henry smiled in his heart, these people real y did not simply find themselves looking for
revenge. Now that they can find themselves, they must have searched where they lived.
Henry has always had a habit. Wherever he goes, he will hide important things in a place.
The exercise that the elders lent him to refer to is no exception.
Henry shook his head, "I'm sorry, that practice, I forgot to put it for the time being."
"Boy, are you kidding me!" The man of Redwood kicked Henry.
In order to protect Lotus, Henry can only resist this foot.
The other party kicked Henry's abdomen, making Henrylian back a few steps.
"I slaughtered you!" Another middle-aged man pul ed out his thin sword and stabbed at
Henry looked at the thin sword in the opponent's hand getting closer and closer, but he
didn't mean to dodge at al .
In the end, Jianjian stayed less than three centimeters before Henrymei's heart.
The man with the sword glared at Henry, and he could see that his face was very angry, his
arms were trembling, but the sword in his hand didn't mean to stab forward.
Henry had 100% certainty when the opponent made the sword. The opponent would not
do anything to himself now.
"Boy, you are fine, I hope, you can stil talk so hard tomorrow!" The Sequoia man took a long
breath and saw Henry unwilling to say, no longer entangled with Henry, took out a twine
from his clothes, directly Stepped up and tied Henry.
Henry took into consideration the lotus, did not do any resistance at all, and allowed the
other party to bind himself to a cliff.
There is a cave in the cliff, and there is not much space inside. The stone walls of the cave
are tied with four thick chains of arms. After Henry was brought here, his limbs were tied
to the chains by the Sequoia man.
"Boy, I will play with you again tomorrow!" The Sequoia man left a ruthless word, walked
out of the cave, and then pushed a boulder to seal the cave.
Henry was tied up with an iron chain. He tried it. This iron chain is particularly strong.
With his current self, he wants to break free, which is tantamount to a fool saying a dream.
Everything can only be said after Lotus is completely solidified.
After three minutes have passed, the lotus has started to absorb the aura between heaven
and earth again and gradually become solidified. This is a short and long process. Henry
has no way but to hurry.
Outside the stone cave , the middle-aged woman and the middle-aged man with a thin
sword looked at the Sequoia man.
"Second brother, what's next?" Xijian man said.
"Wait." The Sequoia man looked up at the sky.
"Wait? What are you waiting for?" The middle-aged woman asked puzzled.
"You will know it right away." The Sequoia man stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at
the sky like this.
It was quiet at night, birds and insects chirped, and a dark cloud floated, covering the
moonlight, making the Tangjia Valley dark.
Suddenly, a ray of light shone down from above the valley, and the sudden light caused
middle-aged women and thin sword men to narrow their eyes.
"Come on!" The Sequoia man's pupils coagulated.
A strong sound of air flow reached the ears of the three people. At the end of this bright
light was a helicopter.
Do not! It is an overwhelming helicopter!
The helicopter landed slowly from above the gorge, and you can see that each helicopter
carries a barrel, exuding the intention of killing.
The middle-aged woman and the thin sword man looked at the scene with wide eyes.
As these helicopters landed, one silhouette after another, slipped over the helicopter
through the ropes and fel into the valley.
A man with a burnt face wearing a green shirt walked in the forefront. Those who fell from
the helicopter all wore white masks on their faces. The masks had no facial features, giving
a particularly strange feeling.
The Sequoia man jumped from the cliff and fell to the ground, and came to the man in the
blue shirt . "You are final y here." "What about Lingshi?" Asked aloud.
"It's there." The Sequoia man reached for a finger along the valley in the valley. "But you
have to get the rest of the things you want. Don't forget what you promised me."
Pathetic man mouth a blanket, "Of course, this is our deal, is not it, began to share, you get
when you Down patriarch, I want this hidden weapon and poison Cheats."
Darkness deep, most of the Tang family also In the deep sleep, no one knows that in the
night sky of Tangjiagu, there is a deal that will subvert the entire Tang's and is in progress.
In Tangjiabao, the elders awakened from his sleep. He always had a feeling of restlessness.
When he stepped down from the bed and pushed open the door, he saw the night sky not
far away, with countless lights on.
When the elder's complexion changed, just as soon as he moved, he felt a wave of engulfing,
a shell exploded in front of the Tangjiabao gate.
"Boom!" A
loud noise burst into the sky, breaking the tranquility of the Tangjiagu night sky.
The Tang family, who was still in his sleep, stood up and the first thought in his mind was to
wonder what happened.
The man in the blue shirt standing in the valley glanced around indifferently, "Kill!"
With the command of the man in the blue shirt, those wearing white masks all killed
towards the houses on the surrounding mountain walls. .
"Who are you, what are you doing ... ah!" Before uttering a word, a scream was made.
"Enemies! Enemies ..."
"Come here!"
Tangjia Val ey was ful of various shouts for a time.
In the cries of Tang's children, those who wore white masks said nothing, waved the
butcher's knife in their hands, and took away life after life.
"Who is it!" Tang Xin wore a robe. The falling shel just destroyed the wall of Tangjiabao,
and the smoke was filled.

Chapter 570 Tang's Destruction?

"Counterattack!" On the wall of Tangjiagu Mountain, a huge crossbow arrow began to work,
and the helicopter hovering in the sky was shot through by an arrow, hitting the ground
and exploding Out loud.
Countless dense arrows shot from the mountain wall.
In Tangjiagu, there are institutions everywhere.
Helicopters in the sky began to burst into flames.
The T-shirt man slowly walked towards Tangjiabao. Some Tang's children saw him and
yelled towards him, but before he reached him, it was as if he had been caught in the throat
by the void and was thrown away.
The shirtless man's mouth had a cold smile, "Boring, Tang's is the most boring place.
It's too weak, and it's not half as fun as Bright Island."
The elder Tang's climbed up from the dust, he was very fast and jumped out Tangjiabao,
just wanted to start the helicopter in the sky, was stopped.
"Your opponent is here, old man, don't be distracted." The man in the blue shirt appeared
in front of the elder.
When the elder saw the man in the blue shirt, his pupils condensed, "Yu Qijing!"
In a cave on a cliff in Tangjia Valley, Henry could hear the sound outside the cave, but there
was a boulder blocking the entrance of the cave, so he could not even see To what
The violent explosion sound kept ringing, and as time passed, the lotus flower above
Henry's head became more and more solid.
This is destined to be a sleepless night.
It was slightly bright that day, and the roar within the valley stopped completely. The
rooster that would have been crowing in the early morning had no sound today.
The entire Tangjia Valley is ful of potholes. The valley is ful of corpses, with children from
the Tang family and some of these intruders.
The houses built on the mountain walls were all turned into ruins at this moment, and the
entire Tangjiabao was completely destroyed. The wreckage of countless planes fell on the
ruins of Tangjiabao, proving the cruelty of last night.
Boulders hit the mountain walls, and the fierce battle almost caused the mountain walls on
both sides to collapse.
On the Yanwu platform in front of the former Tangjiabao gate, nearly 300 Tang family
members were gathered at the moment. This is the only person left in the Tang family.
Everyone is disgraced.
Tang Xin, who led Henry to here, was in a coma, his face was pale, and his back was stained
with blood.
Tang Zi also had dust on his face and many small wounds on his neck.
Tang Hua, the head of the Tang clan, even broke his arm, and his face was pale and
bloodless, and he can still be here, all supported by one breath.
The elder sat cross-legged on the ground, ful of blood scabs in front of him, and was
working hard to recover.
The elders of the two elders had blackened their hands, and after finishing a large dose of
poison, they had exceeded her tolerance limit.
There is also an old man, whose arms are hanging down at the moment. This is the three
elders of the Tang family, who specializes in researching the hidden weapons of the organs.
At this moment, his arms have been abolished.
Everyone in the Tang family, with sad faces on their faces, looked at the people in front of
"Second Uncle, why!" A young man growled in confusion.
The person known as the second uncle is the Sequoia man of the Tang family.
There was a sneer on the corner of the Sequoia man's mouth, "Successful king defeated,
Tang's in the hands of these wastes, sooner or later, let me carry forward!"
"Sin barrier!" The two elders made a hoarse voice, "You It's ruining the Tang's! "
" The ruin is ruining, so what? "Sequoia's man looked disdainful." Yesterday my child was
seriously injured. You dreadful people, willing to watch me suffer, don't give There is a
lesson from the outsider, this kind of Tang's, ruin it! "
" Zhang Xiaoyou, how is he now! "The second elder was shocked, she had forgotten Henry
for such a big matter last night.
"He? Already waiting to die!" The Sequoia man smiled disdainfully.
The elder who sat there slowly opened his eyes slowly, "I have a long history of Tang's, and
I don't ask about right and evil, but I didn't expect that what happened today can't
guarantee Zhang Xiaoyou's safety. My Tang's century-old reputation is destroyed once.
" Old man, less nonsense, I ask you, where are the things! "The Sequoia man stepped
forward, staring at the elder.
The elder elder shook his head slowly, "Since the Tang family is destroyed, let that thing be
destroyed along with the Tang family."
"Slap!" The Sequoia man slapped it on the elder's face, "Old things, don't play with me
Fancy pattern! "
The slap of the Sequoia man gave everyone in the Tang family a shock.
"I killed you!" Tang Hua's eyes were scarlet, yelling and rushing towards the Sequoia man.
Before he rushed to the front, he was kicked by the Sequoia man.
"What are you, I said earlier, leashing a dog is better than making you a patriarch!" The
man of Sequoia spit on the ground.
"Okay." The T-shirt man standing next to him said a little impatiently, "Your family's affairs,
you say it yourself, give me something!"
"Immediately." The Sequoia man responded, and then addressed the elders He said, "I will
give you a chance at last, or give me something. Otherwise, I'l let people go to plan the
ancestral tomb of the Tang family now!"
"You!" The elder, who looked pale even if he was slapped by the Sequoia man, At this
moment the look changed dramatical y.
No matter what generation they are, they are particularly respectful of their ancestors,
especial y the clan of the Tang family, which has been inherited since ancient times, and
this is valued even more.
"Don't doubt what I said, I will give you the last chance to keep that thing or to be the
ancestral grave!" The Sequoia man said again.
"Beast! Beast!" Said the three elders of the Tang family, shaking their heads unceasingly.
"We, the Tang family, have raised a beast."
The Sequoia man sneered, "There are always many excuses for the weak to become kings
and defeat the invaders! Where are the things!" The big elder's face was ful of sorrow.
This is also true of the Tang family on this performance Wutai. Some people, at this
moment, ca n’t believe this is true. Yesterday evening, everything was ok, everyone was still
fil ed with the joy of spirituality in the valley, Imagine the day when Tang's rise.
But in just one night, their hopes were completely shattered, and everything was gone.
"Something ..." The elder's face seemed to grow old in an instant. He looked at the ruins of
the Tangjiabao not far away, just about to speak, and a loud noise came from the side of the
A huge rock burst directly from the mountain wall.
Seeing the burst of the mountain wall, the Sequoia man's face changed, and the Chinese
woman who followed him last night, and the man with the thin sword, also looked at the
mountain wall.
"How could this be!"
Both eyes were unbelievable. Last night they tied Henry's iron chain, which was made of
Xuan iron, so hard that he couldn't break free. What did he do? Arrived!
The sudden burst of sound caused everyone in the valley, whether it was the Tang family or
the men brought by the T-shirt men, to look over there.
Henry shook his neck and walked slowly to the hole. The lotus that made him handcuffed
for two days finally disappeared!

Chapter 571 Do I Need to Run?

overnight, let the lotus flower above Henry's head spontaneously disperse. This is not a real
disappearance. Henry tried it, as long as he now sends his muscles together Force, then the
lotus will reappear above the head, unlike the previous planted on the head, but floating at
30 cm above the head, a curtain of air will sprinkle from the lotus, protecting Henry's whole
Henry stood at the edge of the cliff at this moment, looking at the bottom. He finally knew
what happened to the violent blasts last night. No wonder the Sequoia man would act so
boldly on himself. He had a premeditated plan to subvert the Downs.
"Xiao Xiaoyou!" Big elders and others saw Henry appeared and exclaimed.
Henryzi jumped gently on the cliff and landed on the ground. The disappearance of the
lotus made him relaxed.
Henry's jump, like a bird, landed directly in front of Yanwutai.
"Zhang Xiaoyou, leave here soon!" The elder elder shouted, this is the Tang's business, he
really does not want to involve Henry, Tang's century-old reputation, can not be destroyed
"Want to run?" The Sequoia man sneered. "Have you run away?"
"Who said I was going to run?" Henry tilted his head and looked at the Sequoia man
The Sequoia man opened his arms and sneered, "Oh, it's impossible, do you think that with
your little imperial atmosphere, you can still fight against so many of us?"
Behind the Sequoia man, there were dozens of helicopters flying. There are hundreds of
people with white masks on their faces, and the weapons on everyone's hands are covered
with blood.
Sequoia man's face is absolutely confident!
The children of the Tang family on Yanwutai shook their heads. Even if Henry was a god, he
could not turn the situation with one person.
"Boy, make your own choice. Do you want to hand it over, or let me abandon you, and then
ask slowly?" The Sequoia man's eyes flashed coldly. "Otherwise, what do you think you can
"He's not alone." The T-shirt man standing not far from the Sequoia man suddenly burst
The Sequoia man shook his head and looked at the T-shirt man puzzled.
The man in the blue shirt stepped forward, and his burned face directly faced Henry,
"Your Lord of Hel , I think, your people should be not far away."
"The king of hell? What do you mean?" The appel ation made the Sequoia man puzzled.
The elder on Yanwutai suddenly shrunk his pupils when the man in the blue shirt opened,
"Hell king, it is impossible that he is ..." As soon as the elder thought in his mind, Henry
heard a long roar.
Howling went straight to the sky, full of strong penetrating power, which made people feel
a pain in the eardrums. Some of the poor Tang's children unconsciously reached out to
cover their ears.
Along with the howling, a white figure appeared from above the canyon. It was a long gown
floating like a nine-day mysterious girl, with a touch of white damask, fal ing from the sky.
Henry looked at this figure in the air, not the future, but who was it.
Behind the future, countless black spots gather, and like the future, flying from the sky, the
gliders on their bodies can allow them to freely shuttle through the canyon. These black
spots are no less than a thousand.
When these black spots hadn't landed, they spit out their tongues and went straight to
those in the valley who wore white masks. The two sides engaged in battle, and there was
no need for too much nonsense.
Behind the future, four gun barrels extended out and fired at the same time. The fire rushed
to four different directions and directly bombarded four hovering helicopters.
The war is about to happen.
The fire soared into the sky, making people feel a heat spread in the valley.
"Hell King, I don't know, do you still have that kind of potion today!" The man in the blue
shirt grinned and rushed to Henry.
Last time, Henry took the potion and became strong, making the T-shirt men invincible.
He did not think that Henry would also have such a potion, something that would make a
person so powerful in a moment, and the side effects must be great That terrible potion is
not meant to be produced at will.
"Slave you, you don't need it." Henry's eyes were cold, and when the T-shirt man rushed to
himself, he suddenly shot, just a simple action, he easily grasped the T-shirt man's throat.
"Impossible!" Qingshan man's pupil shrank.
Just a face-to-face, he was pinched in the throat by the hell king, which gave him a sense of
unreality. It was less than a month since the last two men fought, and that time, he could
easily crush the hell king, but this How can this happen!
"Say, slaughter you, you don't need to." Henry raised a smile on his lips. The last time he
was, when the T-shirt man was angry, he couldn't even see his movements, but now, he is
slow in his eyes. Like a snail.
Seeing such a scene, the elder took a breath. He had played with a man in a blue shirt last
night. He knew the strength of the other party very well, and he was not even an opponent.
But now, just a face-to-face, defeated in the hands of Zhang Xiaoyou.
From the beginning to the end, Zhang Xiaoyou is hiding his strength!
Those Tang's children didn't consciously swallow their saliva. They saw the shot of a man
in a blue shirt last night. That was definitely the strongest person on the scene, but it wasn't
Henry's opponent, Henry. How strong? He is just a person of his own generation!
Henry squeezed the man's throat knot in his shirt and squeezed hard. With this movement,
the pupil of the man in the shirt shrank suddenly, and then gradual y loosened. His entire
body became paralyzed.
A master of qi, who made Henry unmatched a month ago, is now a simple trick, and died
under Henry's hands, and was absolutely crushed by Henry.
"How could it be! Impossible!" The Sequoia men and three other Tang executives shook
their heads in disbelief. They played against Henry last night. They were definitely not so
arrogant. Why?
The helicopters in the sky are constantly exploding. In the terrain of this canyon, the
mobility and freedom of helicopters is far from the reality of flying suits. In the future, you
will step on the flames and change your body freely. The helicopter was completely
Countless hellwalkers landed on the ground. They had no unnecessary nonsense. They
pulled out the blades behind their waists and killed them with white masks on their faces.
Henry tossed the T-shirt man whose throat was cut off and looked at the Sequoia man with
a smile. "Do you think I need to run?"
The Sequoia man looked at Henry in front of him, feeling terrified. He yelled, "I killed you!"
The Sequoia man knew that he had no way out, except desperately, there was no other way,
but under the huge gap of strength, he could not reverse the facts even desperately.
Chapter 572
a battle, from the beginning to the end, but lasts for ten minutes.
When al the helicopters hovering in the sky crashed, when those who wore white masks
were all beheaded, and when the Sequoia men were lying in the pool of blood, the Tang
people responded.
They looked at Henry who was standing not far in front. Tang Hua, the head of Tang clan
Tang Hua, was fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he had not listened to the false
accusations and was greedy for al spirit stones. Otherwise, he would shoot this young man.
Tang Zi in the crowd looked at Henry. She stil remembered that when she first knew Henry,
she stil thought about how to teach him and how to snatch the spirit stone from
him. But now she found out how much she had thought. Naive, also of the younger
generation, his achievements can not be kept up by himself, even no young people of any
clan can compare with him.
Last night, the middle-aged woman who worked with Henry, as well as the thin sword man,
knelt on the ground at the moment, his face was ful of mercy.
"Great elder, we are ghosts, let us go." The Xijian man kept kowtowing at the elder, the
middle-aged woman, and she was ful of regret. Completely destroyed!
Who would have thought that such a young man, he would be cal ed the hell king, has such
a terrible strength.
The elder shook his head, just about to speak, and saw a blood mist burst in front of him.
"Sorry, I'm not going to spare you." Henry shook his head. After his voice fell, two headless
bodies slowly fel in front of him.
At this moment, the battle is completely over.
The deaths of thousands of people filled the whole Tangjia Valley with a strong bloody smel
. Some people were originally highly concentrated, and now when they relax, they are
immediately affected by this rich bloody smel and vomit.
The elders of Tang's family looked at those young generations who kept retching, and then
looked at Henry, who was sighing with emotion.
The elder elder walked slowly in front of Henry, "Zhang Xiaoyou, if it were not for you, the
consequences could not be imagined, please accept me!"
The elder elder said, holding his hands to his chest and kneeling on one knee.
"Great elder, don't use it." Henry quickly supported the elder.
"Zhang Xiaoyou, you saved our Tang!" Big Elder insisted on kneeling.
Henry made a slight anger on his face, "Great Elder, you are like this, but you look down on
me, Tang and I, as early as our previous transaction, they have formed an ally, and al ies,
help each other, why? Thank you for saying that this is nothing but a matter of division. "
" Alli ... Al ies ... "Henry's words made the elders stunned.
"Why, the elder despise me, my ally?" Henry deliberately expressed an angry expression.
"Zhang Xiaoyou, you are this, I'm sorry!" Big Elder sighed heavily.
His own Tang, although inherited for a long time, can't be compared to Henry in terms of
current strength.
Moreover, the name of Henry in the blue shirt just reminded the elders of another thing.
I remember that when I went to join the clan dabi, many people mentioned a name, that is,
the king of hell.
When these four words were mentioned at that time, most people showed disdain on their
faces, thinking that it was just a civil organization, but also known as a king?
But the elders knew that this statement was just the self-consolation of those clan people.
Since they can be mentioned in their mouths, it must be very important to the
hell king, and they can form an al iance with the hel king. Say, it is definitely a good thing.
"Boss, what should I do now?" The future came from behind Henry.
Elder Henry said: "Elder, this Tangjiagu, you are destined to be unable to stay. So many
people have died, and the next group of people will soon be found. I think you should
change places."
"Change places "The elder Great looks sad," Zhang Xiaoyou, this matter is simple, the clan
does not contact the outside world, want to find a place, how easy is it to talk about? "
" I have a proposal. "Henry brightened," I don't know, big The elders have never heard of it,
Guangming Island? "
" Guangming Island? "The elder looked very strange to this title.
At noon, the sun was shining brightly, and there was still a strong bloody smell in the
Dozens of manned helicopters took off from the canyon, facing the sun.
Inside the plane, there were only Tang people. After this battle, there were less than 400
people left in the Tang family. The rest of them were all here. Everyone's face was filled
with sadness.
As these helicopters soared into the sky, a violent explosion occurred above the canyon,
and numerous boulders split from the canyon and smashed into the canyon.
The mountain city not far away can hear the movements happening here, and the earth is
briefly shaken because of this.
After the shaking, the original canyon was completely buried, and al traces of Tang's
remains disappeared under the boulders. Unless the crust changed, the world would never
see the Tangjia Valley here.
In the plane.
Some Tang's young people are wondering where they are going.
"Listen to the elders, is it to go to a place called Guangming Island?"
"Guangming Island? Haven't you heard of it?"
"Is it suitable for us."
"I don't know, I'm afraid it's a new place, everything has to start again ." Right. "
The Tang's younger generation is in doubt, and the Tang's senior management is also in
doubt, including the elders, who have never heard of Guangming Island, let alone seen it.
In the helicopter where the elders were, a senior Tang officer frowned, "Elder elder, do you
say that Bright Island is suitable for us?"
The elder sighed, "Whether it is suitable or not, we must wait to see you." Anyway. "
" The elder, our clan, has never been in contact with the outside world. If the Bright Island
is too WTO-entry, it is not a good thing for us. "
" Yes. "Another senior spoke," And there is This lesson, the place we are looking for next,
must be super concealed, and also have good defensive measures, elder elders, these issues
must be considered. "
Elder elder nodded and shook again He shook his head, "These questions are important,
but now, first of al , find a place to stay." Al of Guangming Island's aircraft have been
modified by the future, and the cruising range is extremely high.
The overnight battle made everyone tired, and unconsciously fel asleep.
Flying in the front plane, sitting next to Henry in the future, "Boss, do you real y plan to
arrange al these people on the island?"
"Yes." Henry nodded, "Is there any problem?"
"Boss, I think you have been premeditated?" The future squinted at Henry. "You haven't
closed your mouth along the way."
"Haha." Henry laughed and patted the future shoulder. Girl, you will be busy for a while.
Chapter 573 Benefits to Bright Island
in the future, Henry said that the next step is to be busy, and I don't understand.
Henry smiled mysteriously. He brought Tang's people to Guangming Island, not just out of
good intentions. The strength of Guangming Island is in urgent need of improvement now. .
All of this includes the strength of each person, cognition of qi, and Guangming Island's own
The elder Tang, if placed on Gwangmyeong Island, can provide the help that Gwangmyeong
Island is far from being as simple as a master of qi.
Listening to people's words, it is better to read ten years of books, and the elders'
understanding of qi can make people take a lot of detours.
You know, the elder elder is the only person in Tang who has anger. He has lived for
decades, and he knows too much.
After the Tangs have all moved to Guangming Island, they can let the people of Guangming
Island enjoy the aura through the scattered spirit array. leap.
The last point is also what Henry valued most.
Tang's inheritance of poisons and hidden weapons is definitely the most of the clan.
Tangmen hidden weapons are mentioned in countless TV dramas and novels. It can
definitely be mentioned in this way. It is definitely not groundless. If Tang's hidden
weapons and poisons can be used When it comes to the fortifications of Gwangmyeong
Island, it will definitely make Gwangmyeong Island a golden soup.
Henry can even think of the effect that future high-tech, coupled with Tang's most
sophisticated hidden weapons, can produce.
Time passes by one minute and one second.
When dozens of helicopters came over Guangming Island, the time difference between the
two places made Guangming Island just rise to the rising sun.
On the helicopter where the elders were, the pilot made a sound through the onboard
"Everyone, the plane is ready to land, pay attention."
The driver's voice rang in the ears of the elders and others. They woke up from their sleep
and opened their eyes in a daze, looking out of the window. Below, there was the endless
sea, the sea was dark blue, and the sky was connected, and there was no hope around To
the end.
Looking forward, there is an island. Around the island, there is a dark high wall, and the
deep black color gives a feeling of depression.
The elders and others looked through the glass and looked at the dark high walls around
the island. They could not help but open their mouths. The amount of work needed to build
the high walls was enough to shock them.
Above the high wall, the four radars are slowly rotating. Numerous gun barrels are slowly
protruding from the high wall, aiming at each helicopter. The black barrel of the barrel
makes people feel cold and a sense of powerlessness.
When I just got on the plane, I was still talking about the unsuitable top executives of
Guangming Island. I was shocked at the moment, and some murmured unbelievably:
"Here ... this will not be Guangming Island."
This is the fortification of Guangming Island. Compared with the canyons before them, they
are much stronger, and the surrounding seas al ow Guangming Island to avoid most risks.
Although the Tang people live in the middle of the valley, it does not mean that they do not
understand anything. What is the use of radar, they are very clear in their hearts.
If this kind of fortification is replaced with the situation as yesterday, I am afraid that those
helicopters have not fallen close to the 300-meter range.
The wide wall slowly opened a rift, and these helicopters passed the rift and came to the
area of Guangming Island.
As soon as you cross the large city wall, you can see the colorful colors. The flowers on the
island are in ful bloom. On the island, it gives a feeling of original ecology. The green
vegetation is all over the island, and the flower garden forms one pattern after another.
Someone said that if Guangming Island is open to the outside world, it is definitely the most
beautiful tourist destination in the world, and there is no one.
The clear water and green hil s are full of purples and reds, and the flowers of birds speak
The birds rested a little on the treetops. When the helicopter's air waves rolled in, countless
birds soared into the sky, forming a beautiful landscape.
Before coming, Tang's people had imagined many bright islands. They guessed that it might
be an unmanned trail. Everything was simple, and they would be a place of residence with a
large number of people. A fairyland!
On the ground, the child wearing a flower crown was running, with a happy smile on his
The island is covered with layers of ridges and lush greenery.
"Is this, Guangming Island?" Tang Zi was lying in front of the window, looking at the island,
a girl standing on the beach, dancing against the sea breeze.
Dozens of helicopters slowly dropped.
The cabin door opened, and all Tang people walked out of the door. Almost everyone who
came down looked at the island.
The huge fortifications, the beautiful scenery, and the superior geographical location made
every point greatly exceed their expectations.
An elderly old man had been waiting here long ago. After the Tangs got off the plane, he
strode forward and said in Chinese language: "Elder, welcome to Guangming Island,
starting today, here is Your home is here. Introduce yourself. I am the housekeeper of this
island. You can cal me Pease. "
" Hello, Mr. Pease. "The elder reached out to Pease.
Two men shaking hands, Pease opening: "The great elders, al the way hard, had the room
ready, do first break, with some simple meals, I come to give you a good introduction
island, please!"
"There is a labor. "The elder made a fist at Pease.
Before he came, Henry had already explained that everything was prepared on the island,
and he should never treat the Tang people badly.
If no accident occurs, from today, Tang's will be completely tied to Guangming Island.
This is a big step for Guangming Island, a big step towards the clan. When the Tangs are
fully integrated into Guangming Island, Guangming Island will not only be a holy place in
the underground world.
The children of the Tang family, following Pease, looked at the island with curiosity and
longing in their eyes. They lived in the valley all year round, and there were very few
opportunities to get out of the clan. These things are full of them. Freshness.
"Great Elder, if you have any need, you can tell Pease, I hope you are here and live
comfortably." Henry walked to Elder Elder and smiled at Elder Elder. You can adapt to you
slowly. "
" Xiao Xiaoyou, where are you? For us Tang, this is already the best result. Without you, I
really don't know. Now Tang's has changed. What is it like? "Said the elder with a sincere
"Great elder, we are allies, let's not talk about two things, take a rest first."
Guangming Island prepared three different places for Tang's people for Tang's own choice.
After Henry waited for Tang to live, he was relieved. This means that Tang could accept
"Boss, it's not good. In the future, I will quarrel with the three elders of the Tang family."
Henrycai had just found a place to rest, and he saw the black strong man Alex running

574 Collective Qi
"Noisy? What's the situation?" Henry looked shocked, just now, how angry he was.
"I don't know. Boss, please go and see." Alex shook his head like a rattle and pointed Henry
in a direction.
Henry walked along where Alex was pointing. Before he saw the future and the three elders
of the Tang family, he heard a quarrel.
"It was stupid, stupid ah!" Down three elders voice sounded, "such a good material, such a
good position, you should arrange things so simple, is simply a waste!"
"Old man, you give me a good talk, Why is this a waste? Just look at your precision and
trouble with it, and wait for the enemy to kill, and then you run over to launch the
crossbow arrow? "The future is also not too much, the words are not polite.
"You look at you this, what is this? Obviously a little improvement, you can let the power of
multi-play at least three times, the results of it! Simply a throwaway!"
"Oh, old man, you do not wait til I give you this things were not much better, something
completely kilometer away on control, you have to hand into trouble, the normal time can
emit five times, now can play a hit, I count you win! " "
Come on Little girl, look at you again ... "
Henry listened to this quarrel and suddenly stopped, he thought that Alex was talking
about something, and it turned out to be this in the end. About this, Henry I thought about it
for a long time.
Regardless of the future, or the three elders of the Tang family, they are people who are
particularly sharp-pointed, and only people of this character can achieve certain
achievements in the field of scientific research.
In the future, we will focus on science and technology. The three elders of the Tang family
will focus on the precision of the instruments. The two of them met one piece, and it was
definitely the tip of the needle that was against the mang. You can see the other party ’s
research deficiencies and make up for it.
Henry did not look at the two of them again, but went back to where he lived. Everything
was arranged by Pease. As for the future and the three elders, let them quarrel, the more
fierce the better.
Most of the kings of Bright Island are outside. Only Pease and Alex often stay in Bright
Island. In the future, wherever there is scientific research, there will be her.
When the Tang people came to the island, they had to adapt to the life on the island, and the
people on the island should gradually adapt to the existence of the Tang people. These are
al a slow process, even if Henry, the hell king, There is no way to dominate all this.
Henry has always believed that people get along with each other, they cannot rely on each
other, as the owner of the bright island, he never asked the people on the island to maintain
harmony or what, he only set rules, the island There can be no battle, which two people
want to fight a dead fight, just go out of the island, no one will control.
But for such a long time, there were smal frictions among the residents of Guangming
Island, but there was never a big dispute, because everyone knows that what they want on
this island is not what they want. Fight hard, this is not a place to fight hard, because the
owner of this island is the strongest in the world!
After Henry threw al things to Old Pease, he returned to his room and planted it on the bed
to sleep. In the past few days of the Tangs, Henry did not have a good rest. On the first day,
the one above his head A lotus flower, sitting and sleeping al night, did not play a role in
recuperating, but made him more tired. The next day, he was tied to the chain, listening to
the roar of the night, now everything is resolved, He can finally relax and take a good rest.
Henry slept for more than ten hours, and no one could see. When Henry fel into deep sleep,
an invisible lotus flower floated above his head. A layer of air curtain enveloped Henry as a
If someone now attacks Henry with a long-range weapon, this layer of air curtain that
covers Henry's body can protect Henry in the first time. If this air curtain reaches a certain
intensity, even if he is asleep, Henry is not afraid of bul ets.
When Henry woke up, he found that there was no one after getting up. The guards who
would have stayed in this old castle were also missing, which made Henry puzzled.
"Boss, you are awake." Pease appeared on the corner of a corridor.
"What's going on?" Henry glanced at the corridor and asked.
"Everyone, I let it go." Pease knew what Henry was referring to, and replied aloud.
"Withdraw? What did you do?" Henry wondered.
Pease's answer was only two words, "Practice Qi."
"Practice Qi!" Henry's eyes widened suddenly.
After walking out of the old castle, Henry saw many figures on an open space in front of the
old castle. There were people from Guangming Island and people from the Tang dynasty,
sitting densely in front of the old castle.
"The elders of the Tangs said that he put the Sanling Array here, which can cover 60%
of the whole island. Taking this as the center and spreading around, everyone is here to
practice Qi, simple practice. Qi method, Tang also provided. "Pease explained to Henry.
Henry nodded, he thought, after taking a rest, he took the initiative to mention this matter
to the elder elders, but he did not expect that the other party had already taken the
initiative, it seems that the elder elders have recognized Guangming Island.
"Attention, you should concentrate on the flow of qi, one of qi says, mysterious and
mysterious, everyone ’s induction of qi is completely different, pay attention to the
breathing method I said, not fast or slow. The spiritual power is emitted from the scattered
spiritual array. The air is full of spiritual power. You let this spiritual power remain in the
body for more points, and it also benefits you more. Even if you ca n’t control the gas, you
can strengthen your body! "
The voice of the elder elder sounded very clearly so that everyone sitting here could hear it
Henry saw that Alex was sitting cross-legged here, like a student.
"Great elder, you have worked hard." Henry walked to the elder elder and said.
"Zhang Xiaoyou, you are awake." The big elder smiled slightly at Henry.
Henry nodded, "Great Elder, it seems that you are quite satisfied with our ally."
"Xiao Xiaoyou, if it were not for you, our Tang's, disappeared as early as a day ago."
Great Elder said, Elders said that he is no longer satisfied with the current situation. The
people of the Tang family are also 100% satisfied.
Bright Island has a beautiful environment and is surrounded by the sea. It is the only choice
for the absolute clan.
The elder elder was also a man of dexterity. He didn't even need to say Henry, he took the
initiative to practice Qi and gave it to Guangming Island.
Chapter 575: Fire Crystal Stream
the elder elder and Henry chatted a few words, and immediately vocal y guided everyone in
the room to feel the gas.
Henryjian everyone is immersed in the induction of qi, so he does not bother much.
Now, he is in a state of imperial qi, he knows how great the improvement that qi brings to
people. Once it can be used well, the effect can be achieved. Not as simple as one plus one.
Henry glanced among the crowd, did not see the future figure, and asked Pease.
When Peixi heard Henry mention the future, he smiled bitterly, "That girl is still arguing
with people, just in her laboratory."
Henry walked toward the laboratory of Guangming Island. After at least ten identity
verifications, if there are more than three mistakes, countless laser rays will appear, cutting
people into pieces.
When I came to the laboratory, through the glass wall, Henry saw at a glance the future that
was buried in front of a pile of instruments. In the laboratory, there were the three elders of
the Tang family.
The glass door opened and looked up in the future, "Boss, you are here."
After that, the future continued to sink in her research.
As for the three elders of the Tang family, they did not look at Henry, and kept their heads
down, playing with the things in his hands.
For the three elders of the Tang family, although Henry had not been in contact with him,
he probably knew what kind of character this person is. Put it in academics, that is, a
stubborn old scholar, who only has his own bunch of things in his eyes, scientists are
paranoid, The three elders of the Tang family are also a type of scientist.
"Old man, I've got it for you. What a simple thing to see. It's rare for you." In the future, he
picked up a mold and threw it in front of the three elders of the Tang family.
Henry obviously noticed that when the three elders of the Tang family saw the mold
thrown away in the future, there was a look of amazement in their eyes, but they stil
refused to accept it. "Little girl, I thought you were very able, and the result is this ability ,
Take a look at me. "The
three elders also threw a mold to the future while speaking.
In the future, when I saw the mold thrown by the three elders, I fell silent for the first time,
and my eyes flashed in the eyes. After a while, the future spoke, "Old things, are you like
Henry looked at these two men, covering his head. Both of them clearly recognized each
other's level, but they both refused to accept.
"In the future, if you are busy, I have something to ask you." Henry said in the future and
walked out of the laboratory.
About ten minutes later, coming out of the laboratory in the future, Henrygang was ready
to speak, and in the future he said in advance: "Boss, I know what you have to ask, it has
been checked out." In the
future, a document will be handed to Henry.
Henry glanced at the top of the document, writing three characters Sanshen array.
Looking at the dense data on the file, Henry only felt his head was big, "What does that
"Similar to a magnetic field." The future stretched out a lazy and said, "The stone of the
scattered spirit array has a very common composition, that is The most common kind of
mountain rock, but inside it forms a peculiar magnetic field, this magnetic field has a strong
decomposition force, but it can not cause harm to the human body, only for that kind of
energy body, another way of saying, if you stand In this scattered spirit array, the impact
force of ordinary bombs cannot affect you. The so-called scattered spirit array also uses
this decomposition force to let the energy body in the spirit stone radiate into the air
molecules and let people Absorb. "
"How to do it?" Henry is puzzled. Why does an ordinary stone have such a decomposing
In the future, she shook her head, and her face was puzzled. “I do n’t know, unless I can
break the scattered array and let me study, otherwise I ca n’t see why this stone can
produce such a change. . "
Henry thought, then asked:"? this field you can simulate it "
? future nodded," simply simulated and the boss, you want to try, fire crystal "
." to "Henry hit A snap finger, I don't need to say anything at all, and I guess my thoughts in
the future.
It can be seen that in the future, the eyes will be bright, "Boss, I will know! When will you
"How long will it take you to simulate this magnetic field?" Henry asked.
"Ten minutes!" The future said a number very surely.
"It will be ten minutes later."
Henry put on a pair of loose shorts, his upper body was naked, and he was filled with
various instruments to facilitate the future observation of changes in Henry's body.
It was the same laboratory as before. In the laboratory, there was a ceramic disc the size of
a grinding disc. This disc is the magnetic field that simulates the scattered spirit array in the
future. Ceramics are more controllable than stone.
A piece of red crystal with the size of an adult's fist was placed above the disc. Henry was
sitting quietly three meters from the disc.
This red crystal is the fire crystal!
Before, there have been rumors that Huojing's last design drawing was on the owner of the
island of Guangming Island, King Satan. As everyone knows, the so-called Huojing design is
nothing more than Henry's own design, he made so many Design drawings, use al kinds of
methods, and send them to al countries in the world, just don't want a certain country to
reignite the idea.
There is no blueprint for the fire crystal. This crystal, Henry salvaged from the deep sea, is
full of mystery.
At this moment, when the fire crystal was placed on this simple scatter array, only ten
seconds later, Henry clearly saw that even the air was carrying some red.
"Boss, your body temperature is rising and has reached 38.5 degrees Celsius. Do you feel
any discomfort?" The voice of the future passed through the microphone into the
Henry shook his head slightly, "No."
Normally, 38.5 degrees Celsius. In normal people, it is already a clear symptom of fever,
which will make people feel dizzy and weak, but for Henry, there is no effect.
Henry breathed slowly, and every time he took a breath, he felt as if there was a little more
heat on his body.
"Boss, your body temperature is close to forty degrees, if you feel uncomfortable,
immediately tell me!" The voice of the future sounded again, a little more worried.
Henry nodded, did not speak, and continued to breathe.
After several consecutive cycles of breathing, a huge airflow suddenly emanated from the
cyclone in Henry's abdomen.
Through the in vivo observation of the air in the future, we can see that the cyclone in
Henry's abdomen is spinning at a rapid speed at the moment, a stream of air is running
towards Henry's body, and then a shield is formed on the surface of Henry's body.
The outside world, the airflow of the fire crystal, presents a red, red airflow and white
airflow, colliding outside Henry, and then ... fusion!
Chapter 576 Evil God Fragment
Will stare at the computer screen in the future.
The white air flow and the red air flow gradual y merged, and then was drawn into the
body by Henry, and returned to the cyclone in the abdomen. At the same time, another air
flow was separated from the cyclone, which merged with the red air flow outside Henry
and absorbed again.
I don't know how many back and forth it lasts. It can be seen that every time the interaction
is absorbed by Henry, the white cyclone in Henry's abdomen will have a touch of red. This
process is slow, but in fact it is between breathing and breathing. The airflow blends and
recycles. It seems that with some magic, the flow of the airflow is like the most beautiful
curve, letting the future unconsciously immerse in it.
Suddenly awkwardly, the future immersed in the graph suddenly woke up.
In the future, I suddenly recovered, and quickly looked at another data chart. The data
chart showed that Henry's body temperature was close to 45 degrees Celsius! This is
definitely a human body temperature that can make people fal into danger, but Henry is not
affected at al , stil sitting there, breathing smoothly.
The crisp sound just came from the ceramic disc in front of Henry. This was a simple
scattered spirit array simulated in the future. After a few minutes, it completed its mission
and broke apart.
At this moment, half of the cyclone in Henry's abdomen has turned red, and the other half is
When Henry took another few breaths, his body temperature dropped rapidly and soon
returned to normal. The fire crystal no longer emits energy outward, and the red color in
the air disappears completely.
"Boss, you can come out." The future said to the microphone, and then looked at the display
that showed Henry's air flow in his eyes with complicated eyes.
Henry slowly exhaled a turbid breath and walked out of the laboratory. When he just
absorbed the gas in the fire crystal, he didn't have any extra feeling except the body was
"Is there any change?" Henry asked as soon as he came out.
"No." After thinking about it in the future, he still did not tel him the changes in Henry's
body. The red gas emitted inside the fire crystal always gave a bad feeling to the future.
This kind of gas is blending, but if it is serious, it is more like an aggression of the red gas.
The white gas itself is to resist the red gas, and as a result, the red gas is forcibly fused.
"Boss, this fire crystal should have nothing to do with the spirit stone, please don't worry
about it for now." She said so in the future, she put away the fire crystal, and she didn't plan
to let the fire crystal in the future before thoroughly studying what the fire crystal is.
Henry contacted again.
"OK." Henry nodded, not thinking too much.
When absorbing the fire crystal, he did not have any feeling of making him stronger, only if
it was an ordinary energy body.
At this moment, there is a fishing boat floating 3,700 nautical miles away from Guangming
The fishing boat dropped a rope into the sea. The rope extended to a depth of nine
kilometers under the sea. This depth is an area that most instruments in the world
cannot reach. But now, there is only one person wearing simple protective clothing.
Move down the sea.
The man was holding an instrument and exploring the bottom of the sea non-stop.
Around him, it was empty, without any creatures, even those deep-sea fish would not swim
across him. The turbulent seawater did not affect him a little. There is an invisible gas wall
to help him separate those rapids.
the person lifted a stone, cleared the mud on the stone, and then squeezed hard, the surface
of the stone fell off, revealing a red crystal, which was the fire crystal! This fire crystal is
only about three cubic centimeters.
After getting the Fire Crystal, the man pulled the rope on his body, and then the rope was
pulled up at a very fast speed.
Ten minutes later, the man came to the surface.
"How did you get it!" A man asked nervously on the fishing boat.
"Take it." The person who emerged from the water surface threw the Huojing.
The man on the fishing boat nervously caught the fire crystal and held it in his hand. He
could see that he was shaking al over, looking at the crystal in his hand excitedly, muttering
in his mouth: "Unexpected, unexpected, the ancient evil spirit recorded in ancient books
Fragment really exists! There is really such a thing in this world! "
" OK, let's go, this thing is a hot potato, if it is known by the group of Chinese surnamed Li,
we will definitely find it immediately, we Now, they are not their opponents! "The man who
dived under the sea quickly climbed onto the fishing boat. He can withstand the water
pressure of nine kilometers under the sea on his own. This is absolutely appalling.
The water pressure of nine kilometers under the sea is equivalent to nine hundred
atmospheric pressure, even a tank will be squashed instantly! It is such a person, he is
afraid of anything.
The fishing boat quickly left the sea.
Guangming Island, which is more than a thousand nautical miles away, is obviously unable
to monitor what is happening here.
Huojing will be careful y preserved in the future, and she will continue her research with
the three elders of the Tang family.
Henry returned to the castle and sat cross-legged with everyone, feeling the air between
heaven and earth.
In the past two days, Henry sat in front of the castle every day for two days, but he did not
harvest much. In the past few days, some talented people have obviously felt The existence
of Qi, but Henry found that he had clearly arrived in the Imperial Qi Realm, but could not
control what Qi did to do.
"It's impossible, my talent is of that kind of inferiority?" Henry asked himself, although he
has always disagreed with the idea of talent, but this guess at this time stil makes him
Henry stood up from the ground. After a few days of induction, he had no effect at al , so he
did not intend to continue to focus on here. Since the traditional method was useless, Henry
planned to use that stupid method to improve the energy in his body. For example, drink
those energy potions directly.
Of course, this method will not be used immediately by Henry. He knows very well that the
body is too fast, which is not a good thing. Everyone ’s muscles and nerves have a
limit. Once this limit is exceeded, unpredictable consequences will occur. To consolidate
more, and then continue to strengthen itself, this consolidation process requires time to
In the past few days, Guangming Island and Tang's getting along well, also let Henry
completely rested his mind, intending to leave.
A cruise ship slowly drove to Guangming Island, and a young man walked off the cruise
ship, with a respectful face on the island.
The young man held a wooden box with a broken leaf in it.
"This is Mr. Pease's token. I want to see Mr. Pease!" The youth said to the people on the
island of Guangming.
Chapter 577
Bright Island, in the old castle in the center of the island.
Pease was sitting in a large leather chair, and in front of him stood a respectably young man
in black.
Pease had a wooden box in his hand, and there was a dead leaf in the wooden box.
Pease looked at the dead leaf quietly. After a few minutes, Pease looked up and looked at
the young man in black. "Who is this master of the dead leaf?"
"Back to Mr. Pease, it is my home An adult. "The youth in black said respectfully.
"Is your family surnamed Zhao?" Pease asked.
The youth in black nodded. "It's exactly."
"That's right." Pease took a deep breath. This dead leaf was given to someone many years
ago. He thought he would never see him again in this life. Who ever thought, I was almost at
the age of entering the soil, and I saw this dead leaf again. When I recalled my life many
years ago, Pease smiled bitterly.
Pease will wear wooden box, good income, then said: "Well, let you come to your house
adults, what to do?"
"I want a family adult life, befriend each other with the sunny island, then deliberately let
me Please help Mr. Pease. "Said the youth in black.
"Oh? Want a life?" Pease raised an eyebrow. "Who's life?"
"Yan Jing Su's head!" The young man in black cautiously said these words.
Pease's complexion changed, but he knew exactly who the head of the Yanjing Su family
"Do you want the life of the Yanjing Su family master?" Pease confirmed again, and at the
same time clenched his fist, the leaf, although it was his token, but between the token and
his loyalty to Guangming Island, Pease would be a bit He did not hesitate to choose the
latter, even if such a choice would be spurned by others, he did not care.
"Yes!" The young man in black nodded vigorously, and then took out a picture and handed
it to Pease.
Pease laughed suddenly when he saw this photo, and laughed loudly.
"Hahaha! Hahahaha!"
"Mr. Pease?" The young man looked at Pease with a puzzled face, not understanding why
Pease suddenly made such a reaction.
Pease's eyes suddenly froze, looking at the young man in black, "I ask you, this is real y the
owner of this leaf, let you come? There is no other person in the middle?"
The young man in black subconsciously retreated in the eyes of Pease After two steps, he
felt chil s all over his body, and he could not help but tremble: "Go back ... Mr. Pease, no
other people have passed."
The young man in black said that he was obviously lack of confidence, because this leaf was
Mr. Zhao. Mr. Zhao's father gave it to Mr. Zhao, and Mr. Zhao gave it to him again.
In the middle, he handled a Mr. Zhao.
After listening to it, Nodding nodded, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Do you
know, logically, you lied to me, I can kill you, but for the sake of the owner of the leaf, I can
spare you Fuck, let's go! "
When Pease said the word, a strong momentum pressed against the youth in black.
The young man in black was startled, "Mr. Pease, I don't understand."
" I do n't understand?" Pease stood up from the seat, picked up the photo that the black
man had just handed in, and asked, "You know, in the photo Who is this person? "
Pease took a step forward, and the youth in black took two steps back.
"This man in the picture is not the Yanjing Su family ..." Before the youth in black finished,
he was interrupted by Pease.
"Yanjing Su Family Head?" Pease sneered. "This man in the photo is named Henry.
Have you heard of it?"
"I have never heard of it." The youth in black shook his head.
Pease asked again: "Then he heard, hell king? Lord of the light island?"
Hell king!
Lord of Bright Island!
These two appel ations shocked the youth in black. No one in the underground world has
heard these two appellations.
It is impossible for Mr. Pease to mention these two titles without any reason.
The young man in black suddenly thought of a terrible reason, which made him
unacceptable. He looked at the picture in Pease ’s hand and muttered: "Could it be that he is
"You came to my Bright Island and threatened to kill the owner of the island. If you were
not looking at this leaf, I would slash you now, get out!" Pease screamed, strong Hold back
the kil ing intent.
The young man in black panicked and his legs were a little soft. He never thought that this
was the young man Mr. Zhao wanted to deal with. He would be the owner of Guangming
The young man who seemed ordinary was actually the legendary hell king!
The young man in black looked at the anger on Pease's face and ran out of the hal with a
As soon as he left the hall door, the young man in black saw Henry approaching, which
caused him to shrink his neck and run away. This matter must be told to Mr. Zhao quickly.
Henry saw the young man in black, but he didn't care much. He didn't know that the young
man came and asked Pease to ask for his life.
Last time at the restaurant, Henry also sensed that someone was approaching the box, and
it was Su Mi who dealt with the young man in black.
Henry found Pease in the castle and told him that he was leaving, letting him arrange things
on the island.
Pease said he understood that as for the youth in black, he didn't mention it. In his eyes,
this is just a group of smal characters, which is not worth noting.
Henry finished talking with Pease, found the elder elder again, said to the elder elder, and
then flew directly to Yinzhou on a special plane.
For Henry, the contact with the Tang family this time is still good. At least he has achieved
qi all over his body, and Guangming Island has also obtained a method of practicing qi,
which is much stronger than the step-by-step method that Henry thought before. .
Henry turned to look at the phone. In the past few days, Sylvia did not take the initiative to
contact him. Henry asked some questions about what Sylvia was doing. The reply there was
very slow. Henry also knew that Sylvia was busy every day, plus she had a I haven't
returned to Lin's for many months. There must be a lot of things waiting for her to handle,
so I don't bother.
While Henry left by plane, a cruise ship was gradually leaving Guangming Island. The youth
in black sat on the cruise ship and kept dialing Mr. Zhao's phone, but they couldn't get
through. Outside certain signals, the signals from outsiders cannot be transmitted.
When the cruise ship gradual y sailed out of the nautical mile of Guangming Island, the
young man in black just dialed the phone and heard a strong airflow sound from above.
He looked up and saw a fighter plane hovering above the cruise ship.
"Bang!" With
a soft bang , the phone in the hands of the young man shattered.
On the fighter, a voluptuous, silver-haired woman jumped from the fighter. Her delicate
and impeccable facial features made the young man in black look a little crazy.
"Are you on the island with Pease's token?" The silver-haired beauty made a silver bell
The young man in black nodded headily.
Chapter 578
The silver-haired beauty who appeared in front of the young man in black is one of the
former ten kings of Bright Island, the owner of the colorful king ring, and charms Chessia.
Chessia shook her long hair, and Shi Shiran walked in front of the young man in black . She
turned around playfully, "You know, who am I?" The young man in black with a fascination
slowly shook his head.
"This is Lord Chessia!" There was a cry from the fighter plane.
"Cecilia!" The young man in black was shocked. One of the ten kings of Bright Island, how
could he never hear of it.
"Pease agreed to your request to deal with Satan, but ..." Cecilia smiled slightly at the young
man in black. "You have to change the way, don't tell your master his identity, start with the
people around him, understand? ? "
Cecilia reached out and lifted the chin of the youth in black.
"Ming ... understand ..." The black youth nodded obsessively.
The enchanted witch Chessia, Henry once said that she is the best psychiatrist in the world
and can unconsciously make people fall into a hypnotized state.
"Now if you understand, go ahead, giggling." Chessia laughed like a silver bell.
A rope dropped from the fighter plane in front of Chessia. Chessia gently grabbed the rope
and flew away with the fighter.
Five minutes before the fighter left, the obsession on the face of the young man in black
dissipated. He cal ed Mr. Zhao ’s phone, “
Second Lord , Mr. Pease agreed, but we have to change the method.” On the fighter, Chessie
Ya wiped her fingers in disgust. This was the place where she had just touched the chin of
the young man in black. At the foot of Chessia, she had thrown countless white
handkerchiefs and sprayed disinfectant, but she stil wiped her fingers hard. .
"How are the four groups?" Chessia asked while wiping her fingers.
"Al destroyed." The fighter pilot replied, "The Tangjia Valley was completely destroyed, and
no one came out. I'm afraid that now everyone has reached Guangming Island."
"Oh, I guessed it long ago." Chessie chuckled. Looking out of the window, facing the island
beyond the countless seas, muttered, "Brother Henry, you are more and more beyond my
expectations!" The
fighter plane flew directly into the sky and disappeared above the blue sky.
Henry was also on a plane, hovering in the blue sky, he leaned on his seat. In the past, when
he was on the road, Henry would wait quietly and calmly, but he did n’t know what
happened to him this time, and his heart was full of impatience. There is an urge to lose his
Henry understands that this impatient mood is not a good thing, but he just can't control
himself, he can only close his eyes and fal asleep as soon as possible.
After flying for more than ten hours, the aircraft landed at Yinzhou Airport after one fuel
As soon as the plane landed and hadn't stopped yet, Henry took the initiative to open the
cabin door and jumped down. He didn't know why, and his heart was ful of irritability,
feeling that he would be crazy if he wanted to stay on the plane again.
When he stepped on the ground, he finally felt a lot more comfortable.
Looked at the time, at three o'clock in the afternoon, it was already autumn, and there was
some chill in the breeze, and al the people on the road put away the shorts and skirts.
Henry walked out of the airport, thought for a moment, and then took a taxi to Lin.
When Lin arrived, as soon as he entered the gate, Henry heard the hello from his ear.
"Mr. Zhang."
"Mr. Zhang, you are back."
"Mr. Zhang is good."
Henry heard these hellos and frowned. He saw that the two front desks were not standing
straight, and there was an impulse in his heart. But he still bears it. This is something that
has never happened before. Henry, who is very Buddhist when dealing with many things, is
absolutely impossible to be dissatisfied with the company's front desk.
At the same time he saw a stain on the ground and couldn't help but want to make a noise.
Henry shook his head vigorously, wondering what was happening to him, why suddenly
became anxious, could it be that there were too many things pouring into his mind recently,
which caused him too much pressure?
Entering the elevator, the elevator went straight to the top floor.
Henry looked at the elevator and looked at him in a daze. He only walked for a few days.
The layout of Lin's top floor changed completely.
Originally Lin's top floor, there was only one office of Sylvia, and Secretary Li Na's office,
but now it is divided into three offices.
Henry looked around and saw the four characters of Hengyuan Business on the door of one
of the offices.
"What's the situation?" Henry wondered.
Just after this doubt came out, the office door in front of him was opened from inside.
Jenny, wearing a beige windbreaker, appeared in front of Henry's eyes, and Jenny's hair
was draped down. The tall figure made this windbreaker wear a special temperament.
When Jenny saw Henry, he was stunned for a moment, then surprised: "Henry, you are
"Wel ." Henry nodded and looked up at the house number, "Jenny, you are ..."
" There was something wrong with Mr. Qin's company. The rent just expired. Just when
Lin's vacated one floor, he rented it to Mr. Qin. "Inside the house, there was another
woman's voice.
Sylvia wore a slightly neutral gray coat with hair tied up behind his head. This combination
gave a particularly refined feeling. While losing the beauty of the woman, it also gave a
handsome style.
The two women stand together, it is difficult to explain who is more beautiful, two different
"When did you come back?" Sylvia stood beside Jenny and smiled slightly at Henry.
got off the plane." Henry Sylvia opened his arms, "Wife, I haven't seen you for a long time,
hug one?" "Come on you." Sylvia rolled Henry's eyes, and a blush on his face.
Some of Jennymei's eyes are not tasteful, "Wel , you two talk first, I still have something to
Sylvia stepped out of Jenny's office, ticked his finger at Henry, "Come on, something to tell
" All right. "Henry smiled and fol owed Sylvia and walked towards Sylvia's office.
Jenny looked at the two people's backs, pursed his lips, and closed the office door.
Upon entering Sylvia's office, Henry lay leisurely on the large leather sofa.
Sylvia helped Henry to pour a cup of tea and sat next to Henry and said: "There is
something wrong with General Qin's company. Look at these."
Sylvia threw several contracts to Henry at the same time.
Henry opened the contract and glanced, frowning, "Is these al signed by Jenny?"
"Yes, President Qin signed it himself." Sylvia nodded and smiled bitterly.
"Isn't this money?" Henry puzzled. These contracts were all signed by Hengyuan and
others. The distribution of the above benefits is very unreasonable. Hengyuan is simply
working in vain.
Chapter 579 Irritability
"There is also this rental contract, you also have a look." Sylvia handed another document
to Henry.
"Rent rent has risen by 50%? There is no good commercial project in that land? Even if
Hengyuan is now well developed, the rent should not be so high. Are they Jenny being a
fool?" Henry frowned. The wrinkle is getting tighter.
"President Qin recently, something is wrong." Sylvia shook his head. "I saw some contracts
recently signed by Mr. Qin. It was total y rejected by the visitor. During these two days, Mr.
Qin was in Lin's office. During the negotiation, there was no A little emboldened, I suspect
that this has something to do with her dementia. "
Sylvia said at this moment , his face was worried.
"According to my observations over the past few days, President Qin has no problems in
normal life, but every time when she encounters something that requires her to make a
decision, she has no opinion at all. She is the attitude that others should say.
Fortunately, these contracts were stopped by me. Some of the recent cooperation
negotiations were also handled by me. Otherwise, Hengyuan might suffer heavy losses.
Henry took a sip of tea and reached out and beat on the table." So you Let Jenny move
Hengyuan to Lin's? "
" Yes. "Sylvia nodded." Mr. Qin is here, I can take care of it more or less. In any case, Qin is
now like this, and I have to escape. The relationship is not open, you can only do something
insignificant to compensate her. "
Sylvia sighed, helpless between the eyebrows.
"Okay wife, don't blame yourself for this matter, neither of us want this." Henry stood up,
walked behind Sylvia, reached out and gently pinched the woman's incense shoulder,
"Add Hengyuan directly When you come to Lin ’s, you have also suffered a lot of
pressure. Lin ’s own standing on the cusp of the storm is the target of everyone.
Hengyuan ’s development has been seen by everyone. Gossip. "
Sylvia sighed and said nothing.
At this moment, the door of the office room was knocked on, and the voice of Secretary Li
Na came from outside the door. "Mr. Lin, those reporters are here again. I'm afraid you
won't be able to show up this time."
Sylvia heard this and rolled his eyes Henry "You are really a crow's mouth, what you say
Sylvia finished, rushed out the door and said: "Drag, I will go down immediately." A few
minutes later, Sylvia and Henry appeared in the company's first floor lobby.
Henry saw that in front of the company, there were already a lot of reporters, various
cameras, microphones, held in the hands. If the security of Lin was not strong, these
reporters would have rushed in.
"Mr. Lin, please explain why you suddenly rented a whole floor at a low price to Hengyuan
Business. Is there anything unspeakable about it?"
"According to our investigation, the annual rent for Lin's one floor is one Baisan thousands,
Lin why suddenly do that. " "
someone broke the news that Hengyuan recent contracts are always signed on behalf of Lin
Lin, I ask why? " "
Heng Yuan Qin always has I have n’t returned to my home in four days. Does Lin restrict the
freedom of President Qin in some way? "
" Can President Qin be shown? "
The questions raised by these reporters are very tricky and unpleasant. Good answer.
Once the answer is wrong, there are more fol ow-up questions, and these questions are
offensive. If Sylvia keeps silent, what will be the headline tomorrow?
Jenny, chairman of Hengyuan, disappeared for four days in Lin's, did Lin not respond?
Since the appearance of these reporters, it was all pre-planned.
When I saw the appearance of Sylvia, these reporters squeezed at the door were al
crammed towards the inside.
"Mr. Lin, please answer!"
"Mr. Lin, why don't you say, is there any conspiracy?"
"Is Mr. Qin Hengyuan still alive now!"
Question after question, you can ask anything The more hot things come out, the more eye-
catching the things are. Sylvia's bad handling of these things will cause Lin to suffer a lot of
negative effects.
Sylvia took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and just about to answer, he heard a drink
from his ears.
"Ask what? Who did he make you yell here, do you want to die? Get out of here for Lao Tzu,
and hear no!"
This was a scold, let alone those reporters, even Sylvia, who was shocked. Sylvia looked at
Henry beside him, his eyes ful of incomprehension, and the person who screamed was
In Sylvia's impression, Henry is not such an impulsive person at all, his knowledge of the
overall situation is much clearer than himself.
After a short period of consternation, the reporters recovered, just like the ants who
exploded their nests, throwing various questions.
"Who are you? Can I think that what you just said is a threat to our personal body?"
"You are like this, you want to
cover up the facts deliberately?" "Unable to do, Lin thinks he can only cover the sky with his
hand Are the people and the officials in the eyes? "
These reporters were able to catch a person's tone of difference and asked many questions,
not to mention Henry just so loudly blamed, and let these reporters find countless
questions Questions, including the scene where Henry just shouted, were also recorded,
and will definitely be on the news tomorrow.
"Secretary Li, Henry is too tired to go on a business trip. Take him to rest first." Sylvia even
gave Li Na a look.
Li Naza couldn't understand what was going on. He quickly pulled Henry and walked to a
room beside the hal . Those reporters were about to move forward and were stopped by
the security guard.
"Okay, guys, I think, your question, I can answer." Sylvia stretched out his hands, LANXESS
said, "You asked Mr. Qin why we are in Lin, I can tel you clearly that
Hengyuan has already communicated with us Lin has reached a partnership, including
President Lin himself, who lives in my house. "
" Lin, we need to know, who was that person just now, is your husband? Is your husband a
mafia member? "A reporter asked urgently.
Sylvia stared, "You can eat messy food, you can't talk nonsense, if you insist on discrediting
my husband, I can sue you for slandering!" After hearing this reporter, instead of being
afraid, he was very crazy. , I ’m just talking about it, your husband just threatened the safety
of al of us ... "
In the room next to Lin ’s Hall, Henry had been taking a deep breath. Just now, he did n’t
even know what was going on. Asking specific questions in a hurry, I couldn't bear it for a
second, and shouted those words, which was completely inconsistent with his character.
Chapter 580
Henry tried to calm down his heart. Until now, he has an urge to rush out and pinch those
reporters to death.
"What's the matter, what the hell is wrong with me!"
Henry refrained from the impulse in his heart, and kept asking himself, since the moment
he left Guangming Island, his heart had not calmed down, and he was always in a state of
agitation. among.
Li Na made a cup of tea for Henry.
After a long time, Sylvia walked in from the door and looked at Henry without talking.
Henry looked at Sylvia's tired look, and knew what he had just done, which caused a lot of
trouble to Sylvia. Just wanted to say something to apologize, he heard Sylvia said:
"What do you want to eat at night, you just Come back and give you the wind. "
On Sylvia's face, there was no point in blaming Henry.
This warmed Henry ’s heart and reduced his irritability. “It ’s better to go eat some food
“It ’s al right. I ’ll give you the wind today . You ’re fine. I ’l pick up the car. You call Qin.
General. "Sylvia raised the car key in Yang's hand and twisted out of the room.
Henry looked at Sylvia's back of Miaoman. Although this woman never said anything, she
never cared about others.
Henry came to the Lin's top floor, and just out of the elevator, he saw Jenny walking away.
"Where is this going?" Henry glanced at the time, but it was only 5:30 in the afternoon.
Jenny smiled slightly to Henry, "You're back, I'm not good to live in President Lin, I'm going
to clean up."
Henrygang has heard Sylvia said that Jenny lived with her, and said to Jenny: "There are so
many rooms, just wait for it. Anyway, it's convenient for you two to work together at
ordinary times. Let's go to eat food stalls."
Henry finished, couldn't help but said, pul ing Jenny's arm and walking towards the
Henry was also very worried about Jenny's il ness, and after hearing Sylvia said those
things afterwards, he couldn't rest assured that Jenny lived alone and lived by himself.
Everyone could take care of each other.
When Henry and Jenny came to the underground garage, Sylvia had parked his car here.
Sylvia shook his head at Jenny, "Let's go, General Qin, today Henry treats, how much
slaughter him."
Jenny smiled slightly, pul ed the door open, and got into the co-pilot.
Henry rolled his eyes. "It seems that you two are getting along well this time."
Sylvia and Jenny chatted a lot along the way. They were all topics between women,
cosmetics, what to pack.
Henry was sitting in the back seat, looking at the two women in front, and he was quite
The three went to an ordinary food stall at home and ate something casually.
After returning home, Henry went to his house for the first time. As soon as he opened the
door, Henry heard that someone behind him stopped him.
"Huh?" Henry turned around and saw Jenny standing behind him. "What's wrong?"
"You ..." Jenny pointed to Henry's half-open door, and you could see the room hanging.
'S clothes, "You and Mr. Lin, didn't live together?"
"This ..." Henry was stunned by Jenny. He didn't real y realize the problem, and he doesn't
know how to explain it now.
"I am, that's ..." Henry had been there for a long time, and he didn't find any suitable reason.
The room was full of his clothes, and it wasn't just an excuse to block it.
Jenny covered his mouth and smiled, "I thought you were so charming, what kind of thing
could you like Mr. Lin, and in the end, I overestimated you."
Jenny finished, turning around Going, leaving Henry with a wonderful man's back.
Henry reluctantly laughed, went back to the room, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.
Early the next morning, it was just dawning, and a sound of "jingling bel s" was heard
through the window and into Henry's ears from outside the window. Sheng Xuan woke
Henry up. Henry picked up the pil ow and covered his head, but the voice was stil there
Listen clearly.
Henry turned over from the bed and opened the window. At a glance, he saw a villa on the
opposite side was renovating the guardrail. The sound of ding ding was from the opposite
An irritability came out of Henry's heart. He endured the urge to break the curse and
looked at the time. After eight o'clock, the other party fully met the community decoration
time standard.
Henry walked out of the room with a bored look.
"Husband, have you seen my watch? I haven't found it in recent days." Henrygang went out,
and Sylvia's inquiry sounded from the side.
For a long time, Sylvia always asked Henry if he could not find anything. Henry could tell
her clearly every time.
But this time is different.
Han Lin hear the instant problem, an irrepressible sense of restlessness would in my heart
Henry, Henry impatient replied: "! I do not know, do not know their stuff put it,"
Henry word went out from under the stairs Sylvia, who walked up and down, was suddenly
shocked, and his face was frozen. This is the first time Henry and her have been married for
the first time. In this tone, they talked to her.
Not only was Sylvia stunned, but even Henry himself was suddenly at the door of the room.
This is ... what's wrong? Why is this happening? How do you yell at Sylvia?
That kind of rich apology grew in my heart, Henry quickly reached out his hand, "Old ..."
Henry just said a word in his mouth, and he saw that Sylvia had strode down the stairs.
Henry annoyed his own head with annoyance. These two days, the emotions were
uncontrollable. It seemed that I had to see a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist invited to Jenny
should be here in these two days. By the way, give yourself a look.
Henry ran to the bathroom, washed his face with cold water, and calmed himself down
completely. Although the noise from the window made him uncomfortable, he couldn't
control himself like he just did.
Coming downstairs, Henry saw Sylvia was staying in the kitchen, not knowing what to do.
Soon, Sylvia walked out of the kitchen with a plate and saw Henry, who was not angry at all.
He smiled slightly at Henry, "After washing up? Breakfast is ready, come and eat, although
you can't do it with your craftsmanship. It ’s better, but it ’s also possible. ”
Henry glanced at the plate. Two ordinary omelettes were on the plate. In the other hand of
Sylvia, he also held a cup of freshly ground soy milk.
Henry knew before that Sylvia did n’t cook at all, not even in the kitchen. Seeing Sylvia
’s changes now made Henry feel deeper in debt, thinking of the scene where he just roared
at Sylvia, Henry wanted to give himself a slap.
"My wife, I just ..."
" My husband, I'm sorry."
Henry's words didn't come out, so I heard Sylvia's apology.
Chapter 581: Ambition in the Heart
Sylvia put the dinner plate on the table and slowly walked in front of Henry, "I am too
ignorant, I have been used to everything for a long time You have to let you take care of it. If
you don't think about it, you will ask you first. "
" Wife, I ... "Henrygang opened his mouth, and Sylvia took the initiative to hug him from his
"Husband, I know that you have something that belongs to you. That is something that I ca
n’t reach and ca n’t help you. I can see it. When you come back this time, your spirit has
always been very depressed. I ’m sorry. It ’s bothering you. I wo n’t be like this again in the
future. Do n’t be mad at me, okay? ”
Henry listened to Sylvia ’s words and bowed his head slightly, and saw Sylvia looking up at
himself, in the eyes of the woman, With a pitiful look.
When seeing Sylvia's eyes, Henry hugged Sylvia backhand, "Wife, thank you."
Sometimes, some things need not be understood at all, and the two people's hearts are just
clear. The life of the husband and wife can't be counted. Too clear, too clear, it is not life.
After breakfast, Sylvia and Jenny went to Lin's group, but Henry didn't go to the company.
What he did yesterday was already caught by reporters. If he appears again today, he will
be besieged by those reporters.
Moreover, Henry himself did not really want to go to the company. He had no confidence.
When he met those reporters, he was able to suppress the irritability in his heart. The
irritability was so strange that he was a little afraid, so, Henry chose to go to a place where
no one was there, so he was familiar with it.
The yard at home is a good choice, but the sound of ding lin across the face really makes
Henryjing uneasy.
The place chosen by Henry is a suburban park. This park is very green. There are many
people in the morning exercise and after dinner. There are many people at work. The
number of people is relatively small, only some elderly people who have retired. , Like to
hang out in the park.
The park is full of trees, and now this season, the leaves have turned yellow. From time to
time, two leaves will fall and fall to the ground.
Henry looked around for no one, took a deep breath, and then exerted his muscles to exert
a unified force. At this moment, an invisible gas mask spread all over Henry's body. This
method of exerting the whole body together, Henry started from the beginning Can't do it,
it has been used freely now.
What he has to do now is to allow his body to better exert qi, and it is also a kind of
harmony of qi. Only the best integration can make the body adapt to the qi in the body.
When the fit reaches a high level Henry can try to absorb more gas into the body.
Henry felt that the Qi in his body was limited, but the specific limit was not clear to Henry,
but what he understood was that the more Qi, the better it was. It was taken by himself at
first The four medicaments can be supported, which proves that the limit of the body is
there. I do n’t know how many times the Qi in the body is now. The strength and the dose of
Qi can fully support myself to walk in the sky. So much gas can be stored in the body during
normal times. Isn't it a living land fairy?
Henry experienced the original power, and he had his own ambition in his heart.
When Qi covered Henry's whole body, Henry began to practice from one punch and one
foot as before. This time, he could not only clearly feel the energy of each punch and one
foot The changes that have taken place are even more subtle.
For example, when a whip kick is kicked, the Qi whip is drawn out. Henry can slightly
change the trajectory of this long whip, so as to hit the leg to kick the person three points,
and the effect of pumping two points. Use it flexibly when fighting against the enemy, that
is equivalent to doubling the individual's combat power.
Henry just thought about the effects he could achieve in his mind, and he felt inexplicably
excited. At the same time, he also had some emotions in his heart. The
previous self seemed to be extremely powerful, but it was too much worse than the master
of Qi , I do n’t know when I can reach the level of the man in black on the island that day.
At the beginning, the scene of being flicked and flicked by people has made Henry
remember deeply, like a big stone pressed against his chest, it is difficult to breathe.
Henry began to practice boxing, and indulged in it unconsciously. During his practice of
boxing, the violentness in his heart slowly disappeared.
If at this moment, Henry observes Henry with her instrument in the future, you can see that
as Henry uses Qi more easily, the white air flow in his body gradually suppresses the red air
Henry's punches and punches, and the air he carried, affected the fallen leaves of Henry's
body. He was like a martial arts master in a TV series.
Just when Henry was completely immersed in it, a phone ringtone interrupted Henry.
Henry took out the phone, glanced at the caller, and answered, "Daisy, what's wrong?"
"Brother-in-law, I heard you are back?" Daisy's voice on the phone was anxious.
"Yeah, I just came back yesterday."
"Then you come to our school and something happened." Daisy finished, fearing that Henry
didn't understand, and added another sentence, "About Lam Sun."
After Henry hung up the phone, he didn't hesitate. He rushed to Yinzhou University as soon
as possible. He still remembered the last time Daisy told him that the scene where
he sent Lam Sun back to the hotel that night was photographed and passed on at school. It's
a rush.
While Henry rushed to Yinzhou University, the young man in black stood behind Mr.
Zhao in the top floor office of Zhao Group. "Second Lord, you are looking for me."
" I arrived at midnight last night?" Asked without replying.
"Yes." The youth in black nodded.
Mr. Zhao turned around, staring at the young man in black, and said, "I ask you, how did Mr.
Pease tell you, and tel me in detail."
"Second man, Mr. Pease means, this kid There is indeed a cooperative relationship with
Guangming Island. If we directly move him, it would be too ugly for Guangming Island to
come forward. Mr. Pease ordered us to start with the people around this kid, such as his
wife, Lin "" When the young man in black said the word Lin, his eyes flashed.
"Is this real y what Mr. Pease said to you?" Mr. Zhao's eyes were suspicious. According to
his rumors, he understood Guangming Island. Guangming Island did everything based on
his preferences and no rules. How could he say that he would directly move this? Boy, no
matter how ugly Bright Island is.
"It's true!" The youth in black nodded, not half-false in his eyes.
Seeing the expression of the youth in black, Mr. Zhao felt relieved.
Chapter 582
Mr. Zhao certainly wouldn't think that the person he sent was already hypnotized by
Chessia's method of hypnosis is extremely high. It is to convince a person to persevere
every word that Chessia said.
If one wants to deceive others, he must first deceive himself. In the heart of the young man
in black, it has long been believed that what Cesia said is what Pice said.
When Mr. Zhao decided to deal with Lin's words from Pease, a smile appeared on his face,
"Well, since this is the case, the impact on Lin should be deepened!"
Mr. Zhao went to At the desk, press a button on the table and say, "Go let those reporters
and go to the Lins for a wave to make things bigger. By the way, pay attention to things at
Yinzhou University. I want to Let that surnamed Zhang be defeated!
Intimidate reporters and support female college students. These things are enough for him
to drink a pot! "
When Henry rushed to Yinzhou University, Daisy was waiting for Henry at the door of
Yinzhou University, and Together with Daisy, there are Wade Zhang and Amy Zhang.
When they saw Henry, the three of them hurried up.
"What's the situation now?" Henry asked without any nonsense.
"Brother-in-law, we al listened to Daisy." Amy Zhang replied, "Now this matter has been
pierced to the political and religious office. You also know that this kind of thing has a very
bad impact on the school and the director has already been down. In response to the
criticism from the whole school, Lam Sun was expel ed. "
" So serious? "Henry frowned.
"Hey." Wade Zhang sighed. "In fact, it shouldn't be so serious. After al , it's a matter of being
held up. It's not out of the question. Lam Sun also explained to the director that
you just sent her to the hotel. This incident was erroneously reported on the school
intranet, but I do n’t know why. A bunch of reporters ran over yesterday afternoon and
asked about it. It was a big blow. The director was forced to make such a choice. "
What about Lam Sun?" Henry asked again.
"In the political and religious office, her mother is here, and she is talking to the director
now." Daisy stretched his finger, "Brother-in-law, let's go now too, this matter must get you
out, wait for the reporter to report, my sister You can know it for sure, but you do n’t have
to worry, I ’ll explain it to her. ”
“ Okay. ”Henry nodded and followed Daisy and the others to the political and religious
Walking all the way to the school, Henry noticed that many students were pointing at
themselves. Henry didn't need to think about it, but also knew what they said. Since the
video of that day had been spread on the school intranet, a photo of his hero It must have
been everywhere.
Henry didn't even care about these things.
Henry came all the way to the door of the Political and Religious Office. He was about to
push the door to enter and heard a female voice in the Political and Religious Office.
"Teacher, I made it clear to you, that is my fiance of Lam Sun. My Lam Sun has reached the
legal age for marriage. Is it wrong to get along with my fiance alone?"
The sound of the voice made Henry push the door A meal.
Henry saw through the window of the Political Office that the person speaking was the
stepmother of Lam Sun.
"Fiance? As far as I know, should that man be the husband of President Lin?" The director
of the Political and Educational Office is a balding man almost sixty years old.
"So what?" Lam Sun's stepmother put her hands on her hips, "Who stipulates that people
can't get divorced when they get married?"
"Aunt!" Lam Sun stood aside, pulling the sleeve of her stepmother embarrassedly. Said that
she didn't even think of it.
"Okay, this lady, I do n’t want to be entangled with you on this issue. The other party is a
married woman, and now things are going on so much that it has attracted the attention of
the city. The school cannot let it go. "The teaching director waved his hands impatiently."
This matter must be given an explanation. "As soon as the teaching director's voice fell, he
saw the door opened.
"Explain? What kind of explanation?" Henry strode in from the door.
When Lam Sun's mother saw Henry, there was a surprise on her face. Lam Sun could even
let this person come forward. That proves that Lam Sun still has a very important position
in this person's heart.
Lam Sun looked at Henry embarrassedly, "Brother, you are in trouble."
"No trouble, no trouble." Henry waved carelessly and stared at the instructor, "I sent Lam
Sun to the hotel, Violated the rules of your school? Which law stipulates that I can't send
her to the hotel? "
" Send to the hotel? " The director looked at Henry with a disdainful smile." Send to the
hotel and spend the night in the hotel are two different things.
" Ha. "Henry chuckled lightly, then pulled a chair, sat down, and tilted Erlang's legs."
Speak, how much did you charge? "The
director's face changed." What's charged, don't talk nonsense. " "
Why, you can talk nonsense, I can't?" Henry leaned back in his chair and took out his ears.
"I think, since someone benefits you, you should also know my identity and the
consequences of offending me. You should be able to Thinking of this matter, you really
intend to tear your face and play with me? Think clearly? "
Henry's words made the teaching director's body tremble unconsciously.
Henry didn't even need to pay attention to the expression of the director, he could also
think that this was definitely someone who gave him money, otherwise he could only think
of suppressing this matter, and wouldn't take the initiative to fix what Lam Sun did in
violation of the regulations. .
The director instructed looked at Henry sitting there. Of course he knew Henry ’s identity
and the consequences of his confrontation with Henry. But when he thought of the 500,000
placed under his bed, he had to harden his scalp. Explain a fact. "
" Fact? "Henry sneered at these two words," The fact should be, you have received the
benefits of others, and borrowed this matter to black me, let's say, who gave you the
money, Zhao Which company is Shi's? "
Henry first thought of Zhao. In Yinzhou, apart from Zhao, no group would be so active
against Lin, and there were things that happened before Li. Zhao It is also the most
reasonable reason for Henry to doubt it.
The director's pupil shrank, and he could not help sighing the horrors of these big men.
His sharpness of thought was far beyond common recognition, because it was the Zhao
Group that gave him money.
"I don't understand what you are saying. When questioning me, you should think about
your own style. When you start with a student at school, your behavior is comparable to
that of a beast!" The instructor said righteously.
"Okay, since it doesn't make sense to you, then forget it." Henry got up from his seat, waved
his hand indifferently, and then said a few words to Daisy, "Come on, it doesn't make sense
to stay here, some people take advantage of others, What we said is useless. "
Henry finished and walked out of the office of the Political Department.
Daisy looked at each other back and forth, and they all went out.
Chapter 583
Henry, as soon as he walked out of the political and religious office, he saw a large number
of reporters coming in.
Henry sneered when he saw this scene. He was really ready. This is where he was waiting
for him.
"Mr. Henry, what do you want to explain about the adoption of female col ege students?"
"I heard that you are at odds with Miss Sylvia, President of Lin's family, is this true?"
"As the person in charge of Yinzhou's largest enterprise, What do you have to say about
your support for female college students and the impact on the social ethos? "
Facing the reporters' problems, Henryli ignored them. He knew that these reporters were
all found by others with money. No matter what you say, it is of no use at all.
Instead, these reporters will seize some ambiguities in the discourse to magnify it.
Without saying that, it is the best way.
Moreover, Henry will not let things go on like this, and now Henry, with 80% certainty in
his mind, is sure that this was done by the Zhao Group.
Henry intends to wait and see the original attitude towards the Zhao Group, after all, the
other party is implicated with the clan.
But now, Henry is not going to wait any longer. Last time the Zhao family deliberately
framed the Lin family. This time, he made so many moths. Henry has not seen the clan.
The current clan seems to have only the Longxi Li family, and there are deterrent The force
exists, and the rest of the clan, like the Tang family, has no threat to Henry at this moment,
just like ordinary underground organizations.
Wade Zhang ’s BMW X5 stopped a short distance away. Henry got rid of the reporter and
went directly to Wade Zhang ’s co-pilot. Daisy and others also followed the car and left the
As soon as the car left the school, Henry's cel phone rang.
Henry didn't even need to look at his cel phone to know who the cal er was, and directly
threw the phone to Daisy in the back seat.
"Hey, sister, my brother-in-law and I are together, um, this is it."
Daisy responded twice on the phone and handed the phone back to Henry again.
"How do you want to solve this matter? Now that the official person has been found, there
may be more than one person behind the scenes." Sylvia's voice rang on the phone. This is a
sensitive woman. Some things do not need to be said at all. What is going on.
"Let's drag it first, the other party is very careful in doing things," Henry replied.
How does the Zhao family have the background of the clan? If you want to get started with
the Zhao family, you can't be as unrestrained as before. You must find a suitable reason.
After Henry hung up the phone, there was a look of annoyance in his eyes. This kind of
hand-to-hand feeling made him extremely uncomfortable, and the unknown fire in his
heart burned again.
In Lin's Building, in the president's office, a young man stands in front of Sylvia.
"Sylvia, it's not me who said you, this is the husband you are looking for? Including female
college students, threatening the personal safety of others? I'm afraid these will have a
great negative impact on your company?"
"Wei Qinghao, what does my husband do? Things are clear to myself. "Sylvia glanced
impatiently at the young man.
The young man is 1.8 meters tal and looks average, but he is well dressed. At first glance, he
is the son of a rich man.
"Sylvia, I'm doing it for you too. Now all the major media are staring at you. Lin's news is
flying everywhere. If there is no accident, in two or three days, Lin's The stock is about
to decline. According to the current trend, it is not an exaggeration to lose tens of millions a
day. These are all things that your good husband does. "Wei Qinghao sat on the sofa in
Sylvia's office, tilting one Erlang legs.
Sylvia did not look at Wei Qinghao again, and said directly: "If you come to tel me this,
please go out now."
"Hehe." Wei Qinghao laughed, I did n’t care about Sylvia ’s impatient look, and said,
“Sylvia, we are also old friends. I came here from Anshi specially for this matter. I want to
make a deal with you, you also know that our family still has some energy in the media. If
we cooperate well, this time things can be big or smal . "
Sylvia looked at Wei Qinghao, She understood that when Wei Qinghao came, she came to
the forefront.
Sylvia thought about it and said, "Speak, how do you want to trade."
Although Sylvia knew clearly, this dangerous Qinghao opening, it must be a lion's mouth,
but in the current situation, Lin's is indeed too passive. As Wei Qinghao said, Lin is now in a
rising period, and the stock is showing a continuous upward trend. If these negative news
continue now, it will take another three days, no, it will not take three days. It is likely that
the day after tomorrow, tomorrow, Lin ’s stock will be impacted. By that time, the daily
losses will be almost 100 million!
You should know that the shopping mal is like a battlefield. Lin's situation is now, but many
people are staring at it. Once something happens, there are definitely not many people who
have fal en into the trap!
Wei Qinghao chuckled, "Sylvia, very simple."
Wei Qinghao extended three fingers, "This number, I can help you to spread the spread of
these news to a very small range, absolutely Is it acceptable to you, how? "
" Three hundred mil ion? "Sylvia sneered." Wei Qinghao, I know you will speak big lions,
but your mouth is too big, right? "
"Great? I don't think so." Wei Qinghao shook his head slightly, "Sylvia, you know, I can not
only guarantee Lin's reputation, but also maintain your own reputation. Imagine, now Lin
is going out of Ning province and facing the entire northwest. If your husband ’s negative
news is flying, it will have a great impact on your future road. ”
Sylvia ’s face is a bit ugly because she is clear and dangerous. What Qing Hao said was all
right. Lin did indeed start to open the entire northwest market. All the negative news was
bad for Lin.
"How about, Sylvia, these 300 million yuan, the absolute value of your spending, what my
family does, I don't want to say more, you know, I have this strength!" Wei Qinghao smiled,
a winning ticket In the grip.
In Wei Qinghao's remarks, there is also a meaning of a threat. He once again mentioned
what his family does and shows the strength of his family, which means that if you Lin is
willing to spend this money, I can Do it for you, if you are not willing to spend it, I can
reduce the influence of this matter and at the same time expand it exponentially!
Sylvia took a deep breath, "Okay, 300 million, okay, then ..."
"Don't worry." Wei Qinghao's smile was even worse, "This is the first request, there is
another one."
Chapter 584 Wei Qinghao's Purpose
-risk Qing Hao got up from the couch, he walked slowly leisurely Han Lin front desk, staring
at a pair of eyes with aggressive Sylvia goes stunning face, "The second
requirement, Sylvia, don't you think that if our two are combined, there is a natural
Sylvia's face suddenly froze, "Wei Qinghao, if you come to talk about business, we will talk
about it, If not, you can roll now. "
Sylvia directly used the roll word without leaving a little affection.
Hearing such words, Wei Qinghao not only did not feel angry, but instead had a more smile
on his face, "Sylvia, I believe that you will carefully consider my proposal."
Wei Qinghao finished speaking, showing a winner's posture , Slowly leaving Sylvia's office.
One second after Wei Qinghao left, Secretary Li Na strode in.
"Mr. Lin, the latest report came out, and the situation is not optimistic. I found someone to
buy through several media. Behind this incident, the Zhao Group was helping." Li Na put a
report in front of Sylvia.
"Apart from Zhao, who else wants our Lin's downfall so urgently?" Sylvia smiled slightly.
She didn't read the report brought by Li Na. She could think of anything written on it.
"Mr. Lin, the members of the board of directors, jointly asked to open the board of
directors, this thing ..."
"Tel them that I am in poor health, I want to open, and wait until my body is better."
Sylvia waved directly, interrupting Li Na's words.
Li Na nodded, "Understand, Mr. Zhang's side, do I want to arrange a public relations team,
now there are negative news about Mr. Zhang, the university thing has been completely
"No need." Sylvia shook his head, "He has his own arrangements."
"However, if this matter continues to ferment ..." Li Na stopped talking.
Sylvia affirmed: "I have confidence in him."
Yinzhou is a small city. Once there are any disturbances, it will inevitably sweep the city.
The matter that the husband of President Lin ’s husband threatens the safety of others and
supports college students has been hung on the major news. problem.
"You tell me, Sylvia is such a beautiful woman. Does her husband stil look for college
" Are n't home flowers as fragrant as wildflowers."
"Ah, really his mother's envy."
When the storm all revolved around Henry Henry himself, still in the park on the outskirts
of the city, was slowly punching. He found that it seemed that when punching, he could
reduce his irritability a lot, and al kinds of negative news came, making him want to go to
the Zhao Group The urge to kill the last pass.
What Henry can do now is to wait for the opportunity of a Zhao Group to reveal a flaw.
Once this flaw is caught, Henry will completely destroy the entire Zhao Group!
Henry stayed in the suburban park for a long time, and he didn't go home until it was dark.
When they arrived home, both Sylvia and Jenny had returned. The two women were sitting
on the sofa, watching the variety show on TV, and watching the indifferent face of Sylvia, as
if they didn't have to worry about things now.
Henry made a special mention of the dish. As soon as he entered the door, he got into the
kitchen. Soon, the fragrance came out.
"Two queens, let's have dinner." Henry cal ed out in the living room.
Hearing Henry's voice, the two women all stood up from the sofa and came to the dining
table. The appetite at that table greatly increased their appetite.
Jenny is the first time to taste Henry's craftsmanship . After taking only one bite, he felt like
he couldn't stop.
"Henry, I understand why when you are not at home, Mr. Lin can't even eat any food, haha."
Sylvia's face appeared a hint of shame.
Henry looked subconsciously at Sylvia, and the woman gave him a white eye.
After the rice bowl, Henry was picking up tableware in the kitchen, and he saw Sylvia
walking in.
"Wife, isn't the TV series you're chasing started, how did you come in?" Henry asked
"Her husband, I ... I want to ..." Sylvia pretty blushed, pursing her lips, her beautiful eyes
were afraid to go to Henry.
"What's wrong?" Henry was strange.
Sylvia took a deep breath, plucked up his courage, and said, "Husband, why don't we live
together at night, or Qin is here, if she finds that we live separately ..."
"Oh, this thing." Henry. With a slight smile, "Jenny discovered it yesterday."
"Ah!" Sylvia was like a frightened little white rabbit, reaching out to cover his small mouth,
could not help turning his head to look at Jenny in the living room, "This ...
This ... "
" It's okay wife. "Henry turned around and patted Sylvia's shoulder." I personally respect
your opinion. It's
okay to live separately for a while. " " Okay. "Sylvia's face showed a touch Lost and turned
out of the kitchen.
Immediately after leaving the kitchen, Sylvia stomped his feet and whispered, "Dead Henry,
what does it mean to respect my opinion? Can you be a big man and take the initiative? I
have just mentioned it. You are still like this, really I'm furious!"
Henry, who was doing the dishes in the kitchen, listened to Sylvia's muttering words in his
ears, he smiled bitterly, his current situation, even if he didn't figure it out, his emotions
were not control ed at all, he didn't want to be anything Suddenly uncontrollable, Sylvia
was injured, so for Henry, it was absolutely impossible to forgive himself.
One night passed away quietly, life is in this daily chore, slowly turning the present into the
Early the next morning, Henry was awakened by the opposite decoration again. The
irritability in his heart did not decrease at all, but it was even worse than yesterday.
Henry learned the lessons of yesterday and stayed in the room for a few minutes before
opening. Door.
Today, Henry intends to go to the Lin family with Sylvia. If he hasn't shown himself, Zhao
will continue to use this kind of soft knife to grind down. Every day, it will cause great loss
to Lin. Solved, it is impossible for Henry not to show up.
Many reporters gathered around the Lin ’s door early in the morning. The first-hand news
was their job. The moment Henry appeared, he was surrounded by countless reporters.
"Mr. Zhang, how are you going to kill our mouths? Did you invite the members of the club?
Or the kil er in the movie!" A reporter said, as soon as he said that, there was a burst of
laughter and everyone could listen. Come out, this reporter is making fun of Henry.
"Mr. Zhang, you appeared at Yinzhou University yesterday. Did you threaten anyone's
personal safety?"
"Does the Yinzhou police know that you are so arrogant?" The reporters' questions were
sharper than before. Faced with these problems, Henry ignored it at all.

Chapter 585 Henry's Daughter?

Wei Qinghao, who was in Sylvia's office yesterday, has long stood in the Lin's building.
At the moment when he saw Henry, Wei Qinghao's face appeared unexpectedly. Now the
negative news about Henry is flying everywhere. He naturally knows that this is Sylvia's
husband, but he really did not expect that this person dare to show up?
Sylvia and Jenny, two girls, fol owed Henry and walked towards the elevator.
"Sylvia, think about my proposal for one night, what do you think of my proposal?" Wei
Qinghao smiled.
After leaving Lins yesterday, he used the energy in his hands to make this matter more
fermented. As long as Sylvia is a normal person, she knows how to choose.
When Wei Qinghao asked this sentence, he completely ignored Henry beside Sylvia. In his
view, this was just a silly X without a brain.
Sylvia looked at Wei Qinghao and vomited lightly in his mouth. He only said one word,
Wei Qinghao's face was stunned for a while. He was a little skeptical that he had heard it
wrong. , Let yourself go? Why is she?
Sylvia did not look at Wei Qinghao again, fol owed Henry and walked up the elevator.
From the beginning to the end, Henry did not even ask Wei Qinghao.
Wei Qinghao looked at the elevator door that was closing slowly, clenching his fists,
"Okay, Lin's, you are fine, I will show you, offend me, what is your end!"
Wei Qinghao took out his mobile phone and dialed Go out a number, "Notify all the media,
all come to Lin's, in the past few days, focus all attention on Lin's!"
At the same time, Zhao Group.
"Second lord, that surnamed Zhang appeared in Lin." The young man in black stood behind
Mr. Zhao.
"He dare to show up?" Mr. Zhao's mouth sneered. "Since he gave us such a big gift, if we
don't go on, it's too rude to let us know. Let's increase the intensity. Right, silver.
State University, what should he teach him? "
" No problem. "The young man in black nodded." The old thing charged us another half a
million. Now what he said is entirely what we said. "
" Okay Is n’t the surname Zhang like to threaten people? Then let the Yinzhou University
visit Lin, and tel the surname Zhang clearly that we want to engage him! If we get him, we
ca n’t help but start working on us "" Mr. Zhao squeezed his leading cane.
After Lin Xuan came to Sylvia ’s office in Lin ’s Building, he first checked the recently signed
contracts of Lin ’s, including those companies that had signed unequal contracts with
Hengyuan before. Shadow.
Henry discovered that Zhao's method of doing things was really extra cautious, and there
were few clues left. Henry had almost thought of this before.
"Her husband, I have prepared several acquisition plans. Would you like to see it?"
Sylvia sat on his desk and urged Henrydao.
"Acquisition plan?" Henry looked puzzled. "Are you trying to acquire the media?"
"Wel ." Sylvia nodded. "Since Zhao's bought them, I simply took these media away, these
two days I have observed that there are a total of seven media that dominate this matter.
These seven acquisitions require about one billion yuan. "One billion yuan is not a small
number for Lin, after al , Lin Shi ’s total assets have just broken through 10 billion yuan, but
for the Su family, 1 billion yuan is stil no problem.
Henry said , "Wife, don't say, your style of doing things is real y similar to mine."
Henry recalled what competitors he encountered when he went to the mal , too If you are
too annoyed, you will directly buy the other party. Whether it is a stock tug of war or a
capital war, Henry has never lost.
Sylvia's current thinking is exactly the same as Henry's previous approach, just two words,
Sylvia rolled his eyes at Henry, "Come on, I am a little woman, but dare not say that he has
the same style of doing things as the hel king."
"Haha." Henry laughed, walked behind Sylvia, bent down to hug the woman, Do n’t forget,
you are my queen, and you are the wife of the King of Guangming Island. ”“ I
’m going to die, what kind of queen is not the queen. ”Sylvia turned around, powder fist
hammered on Henry,“ I do n’t want to be anything Mrs. King, there are people serving
everywhere, don't be awkward. "
" I also feel awkward. "Henry shrugged." It's the easiest to work for you. "
" Oh, you mean that our Lin's contact is too Low, can you let this hell king play out?
"Sylvia pretended to be slightly angry.
Henry was quite surprised that Sylvia would also make such a little woman's temper, hey
he smiled, "I am with you, I feel comfortable."
Sylvia pretty blushed, just about to speak, just heard the office door knock Lou, Li Na's
voice rang outside the door.
"Mr. Lin."
Sylvia hurriedly pushed away Henry who was embracing himself, then rushed to the door
and said: "Come in." The
office door was pushed open, Li Na came in, said hel o to Sylvia and Henry first, and then
said: "Lin Something went wrong. A lot of media came, and many of them were not from
Ning province. Now they are in a mess. "
"Just mess up." Sylvia waved indifferently. The media outside Ning province would come.
She had already thought of it. Wei Qinghao, the man, had made it so clear that he had
nothing to do, but instead Make Sylvia strange.
"No, President Lin." Li Na shook her head anxiously. "It's downstairs, downstairs ..."
Li Na said, looking at Henry.
"What's wrong, just talk directly." Sylvia said.
"A little girl came downstairs and said she was looking for her father. She said that her
father was ..." Li Na said at this time, she looked at Henry, "It's Mr. Zhang."
"What!" Sylvia's face changed obviously, Henry still has a daughter?
The news of Lenovo Henry's identity, although shocking, is not impossible!
Sylvia looked at Henry, and when she saw that Henry also had a look of consternation on
her face, she felt relieved.
"Look for me?" Henry's misty water, he did not know that he still has a daughter, he asked
Li Na, "How
old is that little girl." "About three years old." Li Na replied.
Henry shook his head, "I have to go and see."
"I'l go too." Sylvia took a deep breath and walked out of the office with Henry.
In the Lin's hall, a little girl with ordinary clothes and some greasy face, tied with a claw
braid, and big eyes covered with tears.
Chapter 586
The little girl was sitting on the sofa in Lin's hal . Such a little girl who suddenly came to dad
suddenly let those reporters smel new topics, al of them The camera is aimed at the little
When I heard the little girl saying that her father's name was Henry, a title about the il
egitimate daughter of Lin's president's husband was already in the minds of these
With a "ding", the elevator door opened.
Henry, Sylvia, and secretary Li Na all appeared in the elevator.
When I saw Henry, countless reporters rushed up.
"Mr. Zhang, is this your il egitimate daughter?"
"Borrowing female col ege students, there is a three-year-old illegitimate girl, may I ask
what else you are hiding from Mr. Lin?"
"Mr. Zhang, please Answer ... "The
reporters' voices rang in Henry's ears.
Sylvia went to the elevator and saw the little girl sitting on the sofa. The little girl had big
black eyes and bright eyes, especially shiny, and her eyebrows were curved, like a crescent
moon hanging on the stars. Yes, the clothes are a little dirty. Sitting there, the clever look
makes people want to hold in their arms at a glance.
At the same time, Henry also saw the little girl sitting there, "every day?"
Henry subconsciously called out the little girl's name.
The little girl sitting on the sofa, when she heard Henry's voice, immediately looked over
here. When she saw Henry, on the round and cute little face, she immediately showed
strong joy, jumped off the sofa, and strode forward Henry ran over and made a childish
voice, "Dad Henry."
Henry saw Tian Tian's moment, and he understood what was going on.
Every day is a child of the Ivy Welfare Institute. When Henry went to the orphanage to see
the children, other children always called Brother Henry, but he chased behind Henry's
butt every day and called her to call her father.
Henry asked Tiantian at the time why he called himself so.
Tian Tian replied that only his father would treat him so well.
Sylvia heard Henry calling out the name of the little girl, and looked at Henry with a puzzled
face, "Do you know this little girl?"
"Wel ." Henry nodded, just to explain Sylvia's identity every day, he heard a drink.
Ringing from the front of the Lin's door.
"It's him! He went to my office and threatened me yesterday! Let me fol ow his wishes !"
This scream immediately attracted most of the attention. The master of this scream was
Henry in silver yesterday. The director of teaching at the State University.
The teaching director strode into the Lin's office building and said aloud: "Dear friends of
the media, I am the teaching director of Yinzhou University. I am here today to tell
everyone how shameful this surnamed Zhang is! "As
soon as the instructor made this remark, he was immediately aligned by countless cameras.
"This surnamed Zhang, who concealed the fact of his marriage, deceived our students, and
caused the students to become pregnant. This happened long ago, and he has been
concealed by him. things check out, as well, Zhang went to my office yesterday, threatening
me, he clearly told me that if I continue to pursue this matter, let me silver state this
number of people did not exist! '
teachings The director's remarks made a loud noise, and there was nothing wrong with it.
The major media present will naturally not miss such breaking news.
"May I ask Mr. Zhang, why did you do such a shameless thing?"
"Mr. Zhang, do you have any good explanations?"
"Mr. Zhang, what do you want to say about fostering female col ege students?"
"Why should you deliberately conceal the fact of your marriage?"
Questions in the media were asked like renju shells.
"Why? He is such a dirty character, why is there anything else?" A reporter in the crowd
sneered, this is a person special y arranged by the Zhao family, "This surnamed Zhang,
Zhang Yang is domineering, lawless, not just support A female college student and an il
egitimate girl, it is conceivable that Lin is controlled by such a person, and how good this
enterprise is
! This place, Lin's, is not what everyone thinks about. "
" Resist Lin! "I don't know who yelled, and there were countless such voices in the crowd.
Wei Qinghao stood in the Lin's hall, looking at this scene with a sneer, Sylvia, you bitch, this
is the end that offended me!
On the scene, those who had just arrived from other provinces' media were al arranged by
Wei Qinghao.
At this moment, an elevator from Lin's top to bottom fell to the first floor, the elevator door
opened, Jenny came out from inside, just now Jenny also heard about Henry's il egitimate
daughter, she So he ran down quickly. After al , there was Henry in Jenny's heart.
When Jenny saw Tian Tian fluttering in Henryhuai's arms, he made an unexpected sound,
"Tian Tian? Why are you here?"
"Mom!" Tian Tian's big eyes lovely narrowed into a thin slit, shouting at Jenny.
This mother completely stunned Sylvia, including Li Na, as well as the media present, but
some did not respond.
President Lin ’s husband ’s illegitimate daughter, Mr. Qin called Hengyuan, cal ed his
mother? Could it be said that there is a shameful relationship between these two people?
The faces of these reporters on the scene al showed an excited look, which is big news,
absolutely headline!
Sylvia put his eyes on Henry, now she urgently needs an explanation, why Jenny Henry, will
have a daughter!
"Let's see it, this is Zhang's name. He has an affair with Hengyuan's Jenny!"
"This Jenny is not a good thing. I have seen her go in and out with President Lin, and it
turns out to be a seduce The vixen of someone else's husband! "
" It's also a bitch! "The
crowd continued to sound like this, these were arranged by Zhao.
Although the appearance of this little girl today is purely an accident, none of them thought
of it, but this is precisely for their benefit!
Wei Qinghao's sneer was even worse, "Interesting, interesting."
Wei Qinghao snapped his fingers, and the person standing next to him hurried up. "Xiao
Shao, what instructions are there."
"Tel those in the media Let them start the live broadcast. I want Sylvia, a bitch, to
completely turn away! "Wei Qinghao's eyes showed a bit of hatred. Just in front of so many
people, Sylvia rolled a word, making him feel particularly ashamed Over the years, no one
has dared to talk to him in such a tone and attitude!
The people around Wei Qinghao nodded again and again and immediately ordered the
media to open the live broadcast. Everything that happened now will appear on the TV
screen, even if Lin wants to remedy afterwards, he can't do it!

587 The Philanthropist

scolded, voices of doubt, the reporter who asked the sound, as well as silver large variety of
Church and State Director at the crowd as set forth in the "facts", regarded Henry Put it in a
very unfavorable place.
Even Sylvia looked at Henry suspiciously in his eyes. The daughter who suddenly came out
of Henry cal ed Jenny and his mother. This made Sylvia totally unacceptable. Is this really
the illegitimate daughter of Henry and Jenny, They were related before Henry knew him?
For a woman in love, her IQ will drop to a negative number, and now things involve the
emotions of the two, which makes Sylvia's mind a mess.
When Wei Qinghao asked those reporters to open the live broadcast, what happened to Lin
now appears on various platforms.
The il egitimate girl threatens the personal safety of others, including female college
students and allowing them to have abortions. Such words have become the title of the
Shock! President Lin introduced the wolf into the room, and lived with his co-friend, actual
y his husband's ex-wife!
Such a title immediately attracted countless people to click in. When they learned the cause
and effect of the incident, those who were sitting in front of the computer screen or holding
a mobile phone and watching the news live were also swearing.
Henry's design turned into a scum and a rubbish in an instant.
Here, Hengyuan Business was also implicated, and Jenny was crowned with the title of
Vixen, a third party and the like.
"Lin's helms are all such people. May I ask what is good about Lin?"
"Yes, as a leading enterprise in Yinzhou, Lin's every move, more or less, represents the style
of Yinzhou."
"Resist Lin's!"
"Zhao's good, I hope Zhao's can replace Lin's." Such a message stood out in a scolding
"Yes, support Zhao's, resist Lin's!"
"Support Zhao's!"
This piece of information immediately attracted numerous followers of the navy, and a
large number of followers of the navy can directly affect the people's own thoughts.
Once everyone is in the heart of Lin's heart, Lin's doing nothing good is useless !
Sylvia's phone was constantly ringing at that time, it was cal ed by each member of the
board of directors. Lin was affected by so many negative news, the stock decline is
inevitable, these will directly affect the interests of board members.
For these calls, Sylvia simply did not answer.
At the same time, Secretary Li Na, including the company's front desk, also received a cal
from the board of directors!
"Do you have anything to explain to Zhang's name!" A reporter arranged by the Zhao family
questioned loudly. This is to completely knock down Henry into the abyss. If Henry does
not make any reasonable explanation at this moment, Then everything has been confirmed.
At this moment, Henry's mobile phone rang a ringtone, which was a message. Henry took
out his phone and glanced at it. A smile appeared on his face. He had to say, this
information came in time.
Henry took a deep breath, facing the camera, just preparing to speak.
"Let me give you a trouble, let me give you a hand." A slightly old and weak voice sounded
in the crowd.
There was some riot in the crowd, but because of this voice, it made a way.
An old woman with gray hair and a slender figure came out of the crowd. Her wrinkles on
her face were very old, and her eyes were full of kind eyes. When you look at it, you will feel
very comfortable in your heart.
A group of twitter children, aged between three and five, all follow the old woman, there
are more than a dozen people.
"Tiantian." As soon as the old woman appeared, she shouted to the girl in Henryhuai.
"Grandma!" Tian Tian's smal face sweetly cal ed the old lady.
The old lady came forward, looked at so many reporters, and smiled apologetically at
Henry, "Henry, trouble you and Xiaorou. You also know that every day this child is the most
clever. Today, take the children out to play After passing here, she ran in. "
" Chief, what trouble is this, every day this child comes to me, I am too happy to be too late.
"Henry put his arms on the ground every day.
"Her husband, this is ..." Sylvia watched the old woman show up with a bunch of children.
The doubts in her heart deepened. Every day she called this old woman grandma, and
Henry called the dean?
"Wife, let me introduce you, this is Dean Cui." Henry introduced Sylvia, "Ivy Welfare
"Welfare House!" Sylvia was surprised, "Her husband, you mean, this little girl ... "
Sylvia look into the body every day, every day, standing beside Cui Yuanzhang, holding Cui
Yuanzhang legs, mouth god, seems can be happy.
"Wel ." Henry nodded. "They are all poor children."
Sylvia heard this, and suddenly felt infinite apology in her heart, but there was a doubt in
her heart, "How could you cal you that day? Dad, call General Qin her ... "
" Oh, you are Miss Lin, Xiaoxuan's wife. "Dean Cui laughed.
"Yes." Sylvia nodded. "Hello, dean."
"It's a good girl. She looks so beautiful. No wonder Henry likes it so much." Dean Cui looked
at Sylvia and nodded in satisfaction. It can be said that Henry It was she who grew up
watching from childhood until Henry secretly left the welfare home. Dean Cui, Henry's
most respected elder, also saw Henry as her own child.
Dean Cui Chong Sylvia said: "The child Xiaoxuan has been subsidizing the welfare home,
and the girl Xiaorou too. They often come to see these children. You also know that the
children have been alone since childhood. Xiaoxuan and Xiaorou Having gone a lot,
naturally, these children were regarded as their parents. " " It turns out ... that's the case.
"Sylvia's face was a bit dul . Just now, she really doubted the relationship between Henry
and Jenny in her heart. However, now that she heard these words, she realized how narrow
her thoughts were.
Henry subsidizes welfare homes and often visits children. Why has he never heard him
Sylvia looked at Henry. When he saw Henry looking at those children, his eyes were ful of
pampering. She found that she had not really understood the man.
Not only Sylvia was a bit stunned because of Director Cui's words, but also those in the
media, and the people in front of the live video, were also stunned because of this reversal.
The person who originally shouted that Henry was born out of wedlock was originally a
child of an orphanage.
The child called Henry's father and Jenny's mother, not because the two really had this
relationship, but because they often went to the orphanage to see their children.
Funding welfare homes? I have never heard of Lin and Hengyuan subsidizing welfare
homes. Is it possible that these are carried out secretly?
If this is the case, President Qin of Hengyuan is not a fox spirit or a third party at al . She is a
philanthropist, a philanthropist who does not seek return or attention!

588 Reversal
Now in this world, too many people are doing things under the guise of charity to do
something cheap.
Over time, the words "charity" began to be disgusted by people, but now, what Henry and
Jenny have done has completely refreshed many people's understanding of the word
charity at this time.
The secretly sponsored welfare home has never been reported by the media!
If you want to change to another company, you can't wait to know about it.
This time, it changed many people's views on Henry.
The statement about Henry ’s illegitimate daughter is also self-defeating.
Moreover, the person sitting in front of the live broadcast screen, because of this reversal,
began to wonder if the title of the live broadcast is true. A person who secretly
does charity and does not seek return will support col ege students and make them
pregnant ?
The original one-sided scolding suddenly split into two factions.
Henry looked at many reporters and said: "Everyone, I have a video, I want to show it to
Henry raised his mobile phone and played a video.
At the same time, the cameras of the reporters were al aimed at the screen of Henry's
mobile phone.
In the video, the previous paragraph is the scene where Henry sent Lam Sun to the hotel to
be secretly filmed that night. This is only the first half of the video. In the second half of the
video, it is the hotel ’s monitoring, which was originally deleted by the intentional person. It
came out after he sent Lam Sun into the hotel and monitored it when he left. The video can
tell everyone that Henry did not stay in the hotel that night.
"Who lied! This video was obviously synthesized. That female college student was
pregnant, you said you sent her back to the hotel and left?"
"Yes, obviously it was fake!" The people arranged by Zhao began to be in the crowd
Medium force.
Listening to such a voice, Henry chuckled softly, "Oh, everyone, don't worry, there is the
next one."
Henry clicked again on the phone screen, another video popped out.
In the video, there are a total of two people, one of them is a strange face, and the other one,
the people present, has seen it, it is the teaching director of Yinzhou University.
"You took half a mil ion before. This is another half a mil ion. You will go to the Lin Mansion
tomorrow morning. What should I say, I don't need to teach you?" In the video, the strange
face will have a few pounds. Put money in front of the instructor.
"Of course it is." The instructor accepted the money with a smile on his face, "Is it surnamed
Zhang that the girls in our school are pregnant? Rest assured, I have done al the perjury in
the hospital! You Zhao's waiting for tomorrow Watch the show. "The video is not long,
there is only a short exchange of two people, but when this video is released, whether it is
some people on the scene or people watching live on the computer screen, it is not calm.
The director of the Political and Religious Department of Yinzhou University did such a
false testimony? What he just said is not only irresponsible for his school, not only
discrediting the Lin Group, but also more likely to ruin the life of a girl. Everyone knows
nothing, and there must be negative news about an abortion. You know, public opinion in
society can kill people!
"He did this by murdering!"
"This kind of person can sentence him to death!"
The abuse of the Internet led to the director of the Political and Educational Office of
Yinzhou University.
Although the director of the Political Education Department couldn't see the comments
online, the moment he saw Henry took out the video, his face became very ugly. This deal
was done with someone before he came. How could it be Was photographed!
The presentation of these two videos, as well as the appearance of Director Choi of Ivy
League Welfare Home, can be said to let the situation on the scene change completely.
In the video, the sentence of Zhao, the director of the Political and Educational Office, has
also attracted everyone's attention.
"Money given by Zhao? Is it all possible that Zhao is making trouble?"
"It is very likely that Zhao, as the second largest enterprise in Yinzhou, will be the biggest
gainer once Lin falls "
" Zhao's intention is to use everyone to
create momentum for them and help them to overthrow Lin? " " This Zhao's too disgusting!
Such words appear not only on the scene but also on the screen of the network.
Among the crowd present, the people arranged by Zhao did not expect things to suddenly
look like this. The transaction would be photographed by others, but they received money
and couldn't just sit back and watch things develop.
"I seriously doubt that this video is synthetic, Lin Zhao how will unprovoked attack, this
will not be a self Lin, right? Deliberately frame framed Zhao."
Such a voice of doubt Out, everyone looked at Henry again, waiting for Henry's explanation.
Henry didn't speak, and took out a video again. This video was shown to him by Luo Xuan
when he went to Luohe to find the contractor for the day.
In the video, it was Zhao ’s public relations manager who was looking for the foreman.
His appearance can be recognized at a glance by many media. The public relations manager
let the foreman personally work on the Lin ’s site, all of which were recorded.
Come down, clearly.
As soon as this video came out, even if Zhao wanted to wash it, they could n’t clean it.
After al , their public relations manager stood there. Moreover, Lin had been recruited by a
village to retaliate because of a private worker some time ago, although the media did not
Reported, but many people have seen it in their eyes, it is impossible to do that thing, it is
also Lin's self-directed, right?
Sylvia looked at the videos that Henry took out one after another and smiled slightly at the
corner of his mouth. Sure enough, he never did worry about his work.
Without extra words, without extra explanations, these videos are the most favorable
evidence that can explain everything!
The media present, as well as the people watching the live broadcast, also understood at
this time that everything was a ghost of the Zhao family, which made everyone feel like
they were being played! They vented their anger on Zhao's body one after another.
And Lin, because of this incident, gives people an image of disdain and quarrel, and makes
everyone more praised.
Wei Qinghao looked at the online praise that turned from abusive to Lin, and his face was
extremely ugly. Originally thinking about breaking Lin this time, he did not expect to
benefit Lin. All things were broadcast live. Even if the public relations later, it has no effect!
Those people arranged by Zhao, seeing that the matter has developed into this way,
irreversible, and left in a vain manner, leaving some media with a neutral attitude to start
Lin ’s public relations department will naturally not let this opportunity go, and stand up to
answer various questions in the media. A crisis that would have caused Lin to lose
countless, just because Henry took a few actions, completely reversed it!
Chapter 589
Of course, this kind of reversal cannot be done at will. If it had not been for Henry's long-
term financial support to the orphanage, if it had not been for Henry, he had already found
that package Foreman, if it wasn't for Henry since he left Yinzhou University to look for
someone to investigate the director of politics and education, all the videos just now will
not exist.
When someone wins the ticket, Henry has secretly started to deal with many problems.
The riot in front of him completely dissipated, the public relations team of Lin started to
work, and all the anger of the masses was transferred to Zhao. Some sensitive reporters
also went to Zhao.
"Henry, you're in trouble." Dean Cui smiled at Henry slightly and took Tiantian's little hand.
"Go, go back."
"No, I don't want to go back." Tian Tian pouted and threw away Cui. The dean's hand trot to
Henry's side and hugged Henry's calf. "Every day I want to stay with my father, every day I
want my father and mother."
Chief Cui's face made a little anger, "Every day, don't mess around! Go back with grandma "
Tiantian's big black eyes turned red at once, and tears flowed out of her eyes," No, every
day ... every day I don't want to go back, every day I want my parents. "
" Is it disobedient? "Dean Cui left Came forward, patting Tiantian ’s back gently, “Go back
with grandma.”
Tiantian pursed her small mouth, her eyes were crystallized, “Wow ,” she cried out, “No, do
n’t go back every day, every day To my mom and dad, every day ... every day ... "
every day weeping constantly. With her sobbing, her small body just one meter tall
suddenly shook back and forth, her steps became vain, and her small face was white. , With
the arm outstretched A loose, the whole person towards the ground planted to go.
Henry's eyes were fast, and he quickly bent over and hugged Tiantian, before he let
Tiantian fall to the ground. Looking again, Tiantian's eyes were closed, his face pale, and he
was comatose.
"This ... what's going on, every day, every day!" Dean Cui's expression was anxious and
Henry stretched his hand on Tiantian's pulse, his brow furrowed, "Chief Cui, does Tiantian
have a heart problem?"
"I ... I ... I don't know." Dean Cui's turbid eyes with tears in his eyes Every child in the
orphanage is her heart, and a three-year-old girl suddenly passed out in a coma, which
made her very confused.
"Secretary Li, let someone prepare the car and go to the hospital!" Li Qing, beside Sylvia,
"It's too late! Wife, give me your car key." Henry shouted anxiously.
Sylvia didn't hesitate at al , took out the car key and handed it to Henry.
Henry took the car key, without delay for a second, he ran away every day while holding it,
and yelled, "Wife, you can take Chief Cui directly to the hospital!"
Sylvia's car stopped at the company door Before, Henry got in the car and started, all at
once, the engine made a roar and drove quickly on the road.
In the shortest time, Henry rushed to the hospital. In the process, Sylvia had informed
President Ma.
Henry's car was not yet stable, and President Ma rushed to the door of the hospital.
Henry breathed a sigh of relief when he handed the pale face to the doctor every day.
The chairman of the horse immediately arranged for a rescue inspection.
A few minutes after entering the hospital, President Ma checked out the results and
reassured Henry.
Every day is just a lack of oxygen in the brain, causing coma. The reason for the lack of
oxygen is because there is congenital heart disease every day. Excited emotions are likely
to cause cardiac arrest and decline in human function.
Ten minutes later, Sylvia and others arrived.
At this time, she was lying on the bed every day, she had no problem, but she was stil in a
coma, looking at the little girl ’s round face, white face, tight eyebrows, and tears on her
face , People feel a distress from the bottom of my heart.
"Her husband." Sylvia outside the ward, gently called Henry, her voice was very low, for
fear of noisy every day.
Henry Zhang pointed his finger outside the door, then covered the quilt every day, and
went out with Sylvia.
Outside the ward, Dean Cui and Jenny also stood.
"Henry, how is she doing every day." Jenny asked anxiously when she saw Henry coming
out. She called her every day and called her mother, and she was the same as her daughter
every day.
"This is the inspection report, and see you." Henry, president of the horse just to his report,
handed Qin soft, then patted the shoulder Cui Yuanzhang, comfort, "Dean, all right."
Cui hospital The long face was covered with thick self-blame.
Jenny Sylvia looked at the six words on the report of congenital heart disease and couldn't
help but open his mouth wide.
The heart is the most complicated part of the human body. Even if the technology is so
advanced now, it cannot ful y simulate the human heart. That is the foundation of a person.
After seeing the report, the two women looked at each other at the same time and shook
their heads at each other. Then they silently put away the report without telling Dean Cui.
They were afraid that Dean Cui could not bear it.
A little girl, she has just known the world, and she has such a serious il ness. This is the
most unfortunate news for a child.
Several people sat on the benches outside the hospital.
Henry looked at Dean Cui and asked, "Dean, what happened every day."
"Hey." Dean Cui sighed and shook his head. "Xiaoxuan, you know, there are often people in
the orphanage to adopt children. Yesterday, Tuantuan was taken away, and every day he
kept shouting to find her father and mother, I came out today just to take this child away,
and whoever wants this child will go to you. This child is smart and always remembers
what you and Xiaorou said. "
Henrymo nodded silently. He Tiantian has been playing very well all the time. It is normal
to feel sad every day after watching Tuantuan have parents.
Sylvia pursed his lips lightly and saw through the glass windows of the ward that Lin
Tianhan had no mother to take care of since he was a child. He understood the sufferings
very well. Fortunately, he also had a father. But what about these children?
No support!
Looking at the pale face of Tian Tian's face, and thinking of just being in the company,
holding Henry's calf every day and shouting at his father, Sylvia's heart was the softest
place in her mother's heart, and was deeply touched.
She took a deep breath and looked at Henry, "Husband
, why not adopt us every day?" "Ah?" Sylvia's words surprised Henry.
Adopting a child is not just talking about it. Once adopted, it means being responsible for
the child's life, not only economically, but also emotionally.
Sylvia is a healthy woman, as is Henry. They can have their own children. So adopting one,
ninety-nine percent of them can't accept it, which requires a lot of effort.

Chapter 590 Do you want to fight me Zhao?

"Wife, don't be impulsive." Henry said, although he likes children very much, but this
adoption is not his own business.
"There is no impulse." Sylvia shook his head and stared at Henry, "You know, I am not an
impulsive person. Every day she is so attached to you, and she likes President Qin.
Now that we are just living together, we will adopt Tiantian and chant, Are you stil afraid
that we two women ca n’t take care of a child? ”
Henry was silent and did not say anything. If he is still alone, he may choose to adopt
Tiantian without hesitation, but now, he has a family and other considerations The most
important thing is that he does n’t want Sylvia to feel wronged. This is a very difficult
"Husband." Sylvia took Henry's hand and pointed at Jenny's pocket.
There, there is a daily body report.
Henry took a deep breath and grabbed Sylvia's catkins with his backhand. "Wife, thank
"Thank you, I also like children." Sylvia smiled with a smile. We are. "
Dean Cui heard the words of the two and looked at Henry and Sylvia.
"Henry, you and your wife are good children."
Henry smiled slightly and didn't speak, but just grabbed Sylvia's hand and worked harder.
Twenty minutes later, Henry phone suddenly received a message that he took out his
mobile looked at, Lin Chong Han said:. "Wife, you and Qin Sophie looked here first, I have
something to go out a trip"
"ah "Sylvia nodded and looked at Henry," Watch out for safety. "
Henry left the hospital, looked around, and walked towards the suburbs.
Henry has been keeping people watching the movements of Zhao's people closely. Just now,
he received the news that Zhao's movements are gathering people.
Henry has almost thought about the possible reaction of the Zhao family. The Zhao family
ca n’t help but do it themselves, but it is not too direct. Today, the multimedia report on the
Zhao family, if the Zhao family does not retaliate, then fol ow The difference between their
previous practices is too great. What Henry has to do is to give the Zhao Group the
opportunity to let them do it for themselves.
Henry noticed the moment he was out of the hospital, there were at least five groups of
people watching his whereabouts. Those people thought they were hiding very well, but
they could n’t escape Henry ’s eyes. In Henry ’s eyes, they The concealment technique is too
Henry walked on the road in such a leisurely manner, not slow or slow, several groups of
people followed him respectively.
The place that Henry chose was an old factory in the industrial park. He used to fight the
people in quicksand and the people in Tingmei. This is the place. Henry is very familiar
with the terrain.
The waste factory is neither demolished nor developed by the government, and almost no
one will come. When Henry arrived here, the time had come to noon.
The sun hangs in the sky.
Henry's footsteps stopped suddenly. He was surrounded by dilapidated factories. The
roads were very narrow. The ground was potholes, and even the manhole cover was not
complete. Everything that could be moved here was removed.
In the dead ends of these trails, there are already a lot of people hidden, and the number is
no less than one hundred.
Holding a cane, Mr. Zhao stood in the corner closest to Henry and looked at Henry in the
middle of the road, with a smile on his face.
" Second Lord, how do you wait?" The young man in black stood beside Mr. Zhao and
Mr. Zhao sneered, "Steal my elixir, bad my business, what do you say?"
Mr. Zhao squeezed the crutches in his hand, "what Su family head, but so, this kind of thing,
if it is not Heguangmingdao Relevant, I cut him at will! "
" Is it? "A voice with doubt sounded behind Mr. Zhao.
Mr. Zhao turned around suddenly and saw Henry, standing behind him. The occurrence of
this scene made Mr. Zhao start to sweat.
"It's impossible, you're not ..."
Mr. Zhao looked at the center of the road. The "Henry" in his eyes suddenly turned around,
wearing and walking postures exactly the same as Henry himself, but his face was
completely different. The "Henry" standing on the road was wearing a black grimace mask
on his face.
Mr. Zhao looked incredible Henry, "how could! When did you change it!"
"Would have changed." Henry mouth of a child's cry, "You Zhao clan, much better than
this." "You
may know how clan! "Mr. Zhao's pupils shrank suddenly," You're only a Su family head,
how could you understand ... "
" Who told you that I am the Su family head, this person, has he been to Guangming Island?
"Henry's eyes, Put it on the young man in black beside Mr. Zhao.
When he was in Guangming Island, Henry saw this young man in black. At that time, he
didn't know what the young man in black was doing, but now, it is clear.
The young man in black boarded Guangming Island. What Mr. Zhao original y meant was to
look at the attitude of Guangming Island.
However, when Cecilia appeared, everything changed. The young man in black after
contacting Cecilia brought back another important meaning.
And here in Henry, since the youth in black boarded Guangming Island, they already knew
their identity, and now the Zhao clan stil hands on themselves. Does that mean that the
Zhao clan must fight with Guangming Island?
Suddenly, the body of the young man in black next to Mr. Zhao posed, and he looked at
Henry. At this moment, his eyes seemed to be much clearer. When looking at his
surroundings, the young man in black froze for a few seconds, and then he It was ful of fear,
and his teeth were trembling. "Two ... two ... second lord, he is ... he is ..."
The young man in black reached out to Henry, and even the words were unclear, the young
man in black swallowed hard Wear saliva to eliminate fear in your heart.
"He is, Satan!" The
word Satan was screamed by the young man in black.
"What!" Mr. Zhao's body was shocked, Satan, King of Hell, Satan, the island owner of Bright
A touch of strong fear climbed into Mr. Zhao's heart. The clan is not afraid of Guangming
Island, but he has not yet reached the level of returning to the clan. He is not an opponent of
Guangming Island at all! These people brought by themselves are definitely not opponents
of the hell king!
Mr. Zhao endured a fearful heart. He finally understood how this person knew the clan.
With the strength of Guangming Island, he almost reached the threshold of the clan.
Mr. Zhao took a deep breath and said: "Since I know that I am a member of the Zhao clan,
what do you want, do you want to fight with our Zhao clan?"
Mr. Zhao can only lift the clan out now, hoping to start To the effect, let the hell king have
some fear.
Chapter 591
Mr. Zhao's words threaten nothing to Henry.
Mr. Zhao never imagined that Henry had already witnessed the destruction of a clan. At
first, the clan was very strong in Henry's heart. With the influence of Longxi Li, Henry did
not expect that a small The branch villages can al show No. 4 in person.
But when he learned about the clan, Henrycai discovered that the Longxi Li clan was
already standing on top of the clan, and other clans believed that the existence of God was
the same as that of the Tang clan, compared with Guangming Island, but The details are
deeper, and in terms of strength, there is really no brighter island.
Henry looked at Mr. Zhao and smiled slightly, "How about the Zhao clan? Sooner or later, I
will bury the Longxi Li clan, you Zhao clan, bury it in advance, start!"
Henry moved his word here, here There were screams in every corner of the film area.
When Mr. Zhao led others to surround Henry, he did not find that Henry's people had also
surrounded them.
The screams that fol owed one another rang in Mr. Zhao's ear. He no longer had the
calmness and calmness he had before, and he didn't control everything in his hands.
When he knew that the enemy he was facing was not a simple Lin family or a Su family, the
arrogance in his heart was al shattered.
That's Bright Island! When this clan cannot be born, when this aura is exhausted, the
overlord of the entire underground world!
What is overlord?
Looking around, all the world is a courtier!
This is the status of Bright Island! This is the status of Hell King!
Mr. Zhao looked at the young man in black beside him.
The young man in black was also caught in deep fear. He shivered al over, and when he
returned from Guangming Island, what had happened until now, kept turning in his mind.
"Why?" Mr. Zhao spoke to the young man in black. He did not understand why this person
who had followed him for so many years suddenly brought false news to himself.
"Not me, not me ..." The young man in black shook his head. "Second man, it's that woman,
is ..."
The young man in black didn't finish his words , and a gleaming knife flashed across his
The black man's face was unwilling, and he didn't explain it to Mr. Zhao until he died.
"Hell King, you will pay for this!" Mr. Zhao squeezed his cane tightly, and then suddenly
pulled, a short dagger was pulled out of the cane by him, and he stabbed Henry.
Henry didn't even look at the dagger in Mr. Zhao's hand. A layer of invisible gas cover
covered Henry's body surface. The dagger in Mr. Zhao's hand had already begun to bend
before touching Henry's body.
Another cold flash flashed, and Mr. Zhao's head rol ed to the side.
The blood was sprayed, and the blood did not fall on Henry. At a distance of less than one
centimeter from the surface of Henry's body, it al fell to the ground.
Henry turned around, without looking at Mr. Zhao again, and said to himself: "Go check,
where is the Clan of Zhao! Notify everyone, be prepared, Guangming Island, has never been
the dross of others' eyes. Not even! "
A desire to kil gradually spread in Henry's heart. He no longer knew how long he had never
had the urge to fight.
Also at this moment, on the bright island, in the future laboratory, a red crystal is slowly
deepening its color, and suddenly no one sees such a change.
On a coast far from Guangming Island, a silver-haired beauty lying leisurely on the beach,
enjoying the sunbathing brought by nature, her body is perfect, without any flaws, even
The best model in the world stands in front of her and will feel ashamed.
The long legs seem to be God's best gifts.
The woman ’s slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, her eyes as bright as the stars, looking
at the endless sea in front of her, "Hey, relieved, it ’s been a few days, Brother Henry, your
character is real y converging too Oh, you ca n’t scare everyone like this before. ”
On this vast planet, people have explored, but one percent, the mysterious ocean, the
untouchable earth ’s center , And so many mysterious death zones, are al inaccessible
In the remote Antarctica, among the ice and snow, a mysterious research station has
evaded the sight of any organization in the world. It is established here. It is hidden under
the glacier and isolated from the world.
The purpose of an entire research station is only for one thing, the same size as a red
crystal of only three cubic centimeters. The people here cal this red crystal a demon shard.
Legend has it that the fragment of Evil God can open an unknown gate. The fragment of Evil
God records the legends of the ancients, and the fragment of Evil God is the only way for al
mankind to follow the trail of the ancients!
The small Evil God Fragment contains huge power. In this experimental base, every
scientific researcher is very careful because they heard that these three cubic centimeters
of Evil God Fragment exploded. Once exploded, they could destroy half Antarctica! Power is
even more terrifying than nuclear weapons!
No one can see the whole world, people at every stage, when doing each stage, ordinary
people, working life, buying a car and a house, the rich, thinking about how to change the
city, Shenhao, thinking about changing The pattern of people's livelihood has a long history.
And there are people who want to change the world!
In Yinzhou, Henry resolved Mr. Zhao and others and cal ed Sylvia to contact him. Sylvia told
Henry that he had been awake every day, and now he had brought Tiantian back home.
Dean Cui took the children back to the orphanage.
Hearing the news that Tiantian was awake every day, Henry was completely relieved.
Although he knew that Tiantian was not a big deal, such a child fell into a coma, which
always caused people to worry. This has nothing to do with whether Henry understands
doctor or not. Human nature.
When Henry returned home, he saw Tian Tianzheng and Sylvia sitting on the sofa, between
them, a pair of backgammon.
"Haha, auntie, you lost again!" Tiantian laughter spread into Henry's ears.
"What's your aunt, my mother." Sylvia bulged his mouth and looked at Tiantian every day.
"No." Tiantian's little head shook like a rattle. "You are not my mother, no."
"I am!" Sylvia said with a very positive voice.
"You're not!" Tiantian also bulged her small mouth, staring at Sylvia with big eyes.
"I am, starting today, I am your mother."
"You are not!"
"I am!"
Henry stood at the door, listening to the conversation between the two women, one big and
one small, and covering his head, he was still small every day It's normal to love to play, but
my wife, who is also the helm of Lin, how can such a little girl have such a heart.

592 A Family Matter

Henry smiled helplessly, closed the door, and deliberately coughed.
Upon hearing Henry's coughing sound, Sylvia and Tiantian almost turned their eyes
together at the same time. At the moment of seeing Henry, Tiantian immediately jumped off
the sofa and jumped towards Henry.
"Dad, you're back."
Every day, Dad, Henry, didn't know how many times he called, and he was already very skil
Henry hugged Tiantian one by one, seeing Tiantian regaining this lively and cute look, he
was happy in his heart, "Tiantian, are you bullying your Sylvia mother?"
"She is not Tiantian's mother." Tiantian hugged Henry's neck, "I want Qin's mother."
Sylvia on the side heard this and rol ed her eyes at Henry. She returned from the hospital
and educated every day. She was her mother in the future, but no one would buy it every
Henry rubbed Tian Tian's little head, "Every day, Sylvia's mother, and your mother."
"No!" Said Tian Tian's cheeks, whispering milky.
Although she is young, she is very clever and only recognizes Henry and Jenny.
Seeing Tiantian like this, Henry had no choice but to give Sylvia a helpless expression,
which had to make Sylvia slowly cultivate feelings with Tiantian in the future.
For such a little cute, how could Sylvia be really angry with her, came over and grabbed
Tiantian's little hand, "Okay, every day, then you go out with Aunt Sylvia, will the aunt buy
you new clothes?"
"New clothes "" Every day when he heard these three words, his big black eyes were almost
The children living in the orphanage are particularly eager for new clothes. This is not
because they love beauty, but it makes them feel that like other children, they also have
some pain, some love, children Although they will not express this, it is an instinct that
everyone has, regardless of age.
"Yes, new clothes, every day, do you want to go with Aunt Sylvia?" Sylvia pointedly pointed
to his clothes.
"Go!" Tian Tian milk voice milky, but replied very steadfastly.
With a smile on his face, Sylvia reported every day from Henry's arms, "Come on, every day,
my aunt takes you to buy clothes."
"Wife, you wait for me, I change clothes and join you." Henry Lima It was said that this
dress on his body had just accompanied him through a killing. Although Henry was not a
superstitious person, he felt that it was better to put on another dress with his children.
Sylvia shook his head, "Don't go anymore. The girl Daisy called me two minutes ago and
said you were in a hurry to ask you to go to their school. Your phone was turned off.
I guess it was with Daisy. Friends, please. "
Henry took out his phone and saw that he was dead.
Yes , my wife, then you have to work hard." "What's the hard work?" Sylvia gave Henry a
glance, "I'll take my daughter to play, you wait, every day will only get closer and closer to
me, as for you, Sooner or later I will be forgotten. "
Sylvia said this, put on his shoes, and went out every day.
Sylvia didn't drive. Every day of age, she couldn't take the co-pilot. She didn't prepare a
safety seat in advance, so she simply took a car every day.
After Henry and Sylvia left, they returned to the bedroom and found the charger. As soon as
the phone was switched on, Daisy's phone came in.
picked up the phone, Henry did not say anything, and Daisy's voice sounded anxious from
the phone, "Brother, you finally go home, my sister said to you what!"
"Ah, What's wrong? "Henry asked.
"Lam Sun has an accident, hey, I can't tel you for a while, you come to our dormitory, the
aunt is here."
Henry listened to Daisy's voice on the phone, and knew she was inconvenient to speak.
Hang up the phone, pick up a charging treasure and go to Yinzhou University.
In the current relationship between Henry and Sylvia, those luxury cars in the yard were
randomly moved by Henry. Henry picked up a car key from the shoe cabinet, walked out
and pressed a Ferrari, and drove out the door.
When Henry drove the supercar, he used the shortest time to come to the gate of Yinzhou
University. Even if the world's top driver came, he could not surpass him.
Xu Xuan's dormitory, Henry knew, was the salute he helped Daisy moved.
An exaggerated Ferrari drove into the door of the university, and immediately attracted
countless attention. Henry didn't pay attention to it at all. After parking the car downstairs
in Daisy's dormitory, he rushed upward.
Before reaching the door of Daisy's dormitory, Henry heard howling sounds in the corridor.
"It's all me, it's all me bad!"
Henry heard it at once, and the cry came from the stepmother of Lam Sun.
Henry came to Daisy's dormitory, and the door was half-covered. When he pushed the door
open, he saw his mother-in-law, who was wiping tears. Lam Sun sat beside her mother-in-
Daisy, Amy Zhang, and Wade Zhang are all sitting in the dormitory.
When Henry pushed open the door of the dormitory, everyone stood up.
"Brother-in-law, you are here." Daisy nodded to Henry.
"What's going on?" Henry glanced around and asked.
"This ... Lam Sun she ..." Daisy just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by the voice of Lam
Sun's stepmother.
"It's all me who's bad, I'm not good." Lam Sun's mother-in-law cried, "Before, Lam Sun's
dad cooperated with others to do the project, and asked people to borrow more than two
million, and was cheated. Running away with the project money, Lam Sun ’s dad was
chased for debts and detained. The man ’s background was very hard. Lam Sun ’s dad owed
1.5 million to the man. They could n’t get the money. They Just do n’t let people go. ”
When Stepmom Lam Sun said this, she subconsciously looked at Lam Sun next to her eyes,
and then continued:“ At that time, I was forced to do nothing. Lam Sun ’s father was beaten
every day, and so did I. not bear ah, I'll Lam Sun said the marriage, the other is one of our
village, quite like Lam Sun, home demolition, have the money, I'm going to the bride price
of 1.5 million ...... "
Lam Sun after mom After these, there is no sound.
Henry's brow furrowed
slightly, "Does Lam Sun know what you said about this family matter?" Lam Sun's
stepmother looked up at Henry, then shook her head slightly, "I don't know."
Henry looked at Lam Sun sitting there and sighed helplessly. What kind of person is Lam
Sun's stepmother? He also saw it last time at Luohe Bar.
"Meaning, the other party is shouting to get married?" Henry asked.
Lam Sun's mother opened her mouth and made no noise.
"Things are more complicated than this." Daisy took the next words. "Brother-in-law, Lam
Sun's fiance, is dead. The other party is now determined to make Lam Sun married."
Chapter 593 Beloved Baby Syndrome
Henry's heart twitched, the man is dead, and the other party still wants to get married.
Isn't this a nuptial marriage? This kind of thing is explicitly forbidden. How can it stil exist?
"Why not call the police? Should the police take care of this?" Henry asked.
Lam Sun ’s stepmother shook her head. “It ’s useless. Their family is very powerful.
There is no one in the area at all. Moreover, they know Lam Sun ’s dad ’s affairs. If we cal
the police, Lam Sun ’s dad will be finished and run away. For so long, once known to those
who loaned money, Lam Sun's dad had no way to live! "
" Brother-in-law, the most important thing is that Lam Sun's dad is now being arrested by
that family. They insist on showing up. I heard the news from there. "Daisy added.
"Oh." Henry chuckled. "Everyone is engaged in meditation, feudalism, gods and nagging,
want me to come forward?"
Henry didn't have to think about it, he knew what the other party wanted to show up for
himself. Lam Sun's support of such buzzwords is definitely unacceptable. He just wants to
settle accounts with himself!
Henry turned his head to look at stepmother Lam Sun and asked, "Is the day set?"
Stepmother Lam Sun nodded. "It's been booked. It's been four days since people died.
They have to do things on the first seven days. They want We must go back before the first
seven? "
" Where? "
Lam Sun's stepmother looked at Henry and slowly said:" Mongolia, Zhaojia County! "
While the voice of Lam Sun's stepmother fell, Henry's mobile phone rang, it was a Calls
from unknown numbers.
Henry picked up the phone, and Alex ’s voice came out on the phone, "Boss, the elder Tang,
told us that the Zhao clan was in Mongolia, and Izal also found it, Yinzhou. Zhao
’s surnamed Zhao, went to Mongolia some time ago! ”
Henry hung up the phone, and the Zhao clan is also in Mongolia! He asked Lam Sun's
stepmother, "Is that the county town you mentioned, whose surname is Zhao's?"
"Huh." Lam Sun's stepmother nodded without hesitation.
After receiving an affirmative answer from Lam Sun ’s stepmother, Henry immediately
linked the Zhao clan to this matter. The feudal nether marriage was already ordered to
be abolished. The other party also put forward so blatantly that if there is a shadow of the
clan behind it , Then everything makes sense!
What a Zhao clan, they are going to find them, but they took the initiative to find them!
"Book tickets." Henry spit out these three words gently.
As soon as these three words came out, Lam Sun's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.
She was very clear that this matter had nothing to do with Henry. If Henry was unwilling to
control, there was no need to drown this muddle. water!
"Brother-in-law, I ..." Lam Sun said, this was her first voice after Henry entered the house.
"Lam Sun, do you remember what I said to you in the car that night?" Henry turned around
and interrupted Lam Sun.
There was a trace of confusion in Lam Sun's eyes.
"Where friends can help you, don't be polite. I think we are already friends, what do you
say?" Henry and Lam Sun smiled.
Lam Sun froze for a few seconds, then his face was relieved, "Thank you, brother-in-law."
After making an appointment with Lam Sun's mother and daughter, Henry left Yinzhou
University after leaving tomorrow.
Since this time we have to face the clan of the Zhao clan head-on, there should be no lack of
preparation. Henry has never been a rival of love. The lion fights the rabbit and exerts all
his strength, let alone deal with a clan!
Henry does not know how many clans there are in China, but what he knows is that the
clans that can be spread to this day are definitely not simple.
Henry asked Pease to ask the elders about Zhao's affairs, and at the same time, they
assembled their staff and went to Mongolia.
As the third largest province of China, Mongolia occupies one-ninth of the total land area of
China. It can be said that it spans more than half of China. The place where Henry wants to
go is still far from Yinzhou.
After arranging the affairs of Guangming Island first, Henry contacted Wade White and
others to let them put down everything and left for Mongolia. Just this time the matter was
over, and then let them return to Guangming Island as Guangming Island ’s For top-notch
combat power, they also have to enter the Imperial Realm as soon as possible.
With the gradual contact with the clan, Henry has realized that this world is no longer the
one he had contacted before. It has a broader and more mysterious side. It has gradual y
been revealed. The strength that was originally proud of it is now. It seems that it is
completely insufficient.
Fortunately, Henry possessed a strong heart and awe at the same time. He never thought
he was invincible in the world. When the king would fight, he had been exploring the traces
of qi.
What he is in touch with right now is what he has been exploring al the time.
When Henry returned home, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon. A bunch of colorful
new clothes were stacked in the house. Every day I sat in this pile of clothes, and there was
a smirk on my cute little face, and I had been living in an orphanage.
She, when she has seen so many new clothes, she ca n’t believe it, these are hers!
Every time Henry went to the orphanage, he always gave money mainly to buy clothes,
which was done by Dean Cui.
Sylvia crouched in this pile of clothes, picked up one from time to time, put it on Tiantian,
and then took pictures of Tiantian. Henry looked at Sylvia ’s unconscious smile on his face,
and his heart was filled with warmth. This may be, It feels like a home.
"Wife, are the clothes you bought for Tiantian a little too much? You can't get used to her
too much." Henryguan went to the door and came to change his slippers.
"How much? Not much at al ?" Sylvia shook his head. "Husband, you said, now these
children's clothes are so beautiful, I didn't hold back, I bought them all, and they are al
beautiful. ! "
Henry cover their forehead, Sylvia now, this is a typical pet baby syndrome, want to see
what to buy your child.
"Then you can't buy these, she is still young, she grows up every day and she can't wear
them." Henry glanced at the pile of clothes. Sylvia not only bought autumn, but also winter
and spring, I even bought the summer clothes that have just finished.
"When we grow up, we will wear more beautiful clothes for her." Sylvia put on another
dress every day.
"Wife, children can't be petted. At her age, she has to learn some basic truths." Henry came
over, he still wanted to say something, but when Sylvia's face was a little lost, she didn't
speak again.
"Her husband, I know, but I can't help it." Sylvia pouted, "I don't want to buy so much
tomorrow ." Tomorrow?
Henryyi covered his head. Has his wife heard what he said?
Chapter 594 Psychological Counseling
Henry Zhang looked around the house, and found no figure of Jenny.
"Right." Sylvia said, "The psychiatrist you are looking for is giving psychological counseling
to President Qin."
Sylvia pointed upstairs.
"I'l take a look." Henry nodded and walked upstairs. Just as he walked up to the stairs, he
heard the sound of the door from the room, and Jenny came out of a room.
Henry looked at Jenny and asked, "How does it feel?"
"It's okay ." Jenny shook his head. "Actual y, you don't have to worry so much about me."
Henry shook his head. Jenny's character now changes He could clearly feel that the former
Jenny was still a little tough, but now she has no toughness in her personality at al .
Henry went up the stairs, "what do you want to eat at night, today I took back every day,
invite you to dinner."
Jenny covered his mouth and smiled, looked at Tian Tian who was sitting on the pile of
clothes downstairs. I ask every day. "
Jenny said, walking downstairs.
Henry glanced at Jenny's back and then pushed open the door in front of him.
A woman in her thirties was sitting in the room, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses.
When she saw Henry, the woman immediately knelt on one knee, "I have seen Master
Henry carelessly posed He waved his hand and said, "Luli, how is Jenny?"
Lu Li is the 30-year-old woman in front of her, the world's top psychologist.
Lu Li got up slowly, nodded, and shook her head again, "The situation can be said to be
good or bad. Ms. Qin's mental stimulation is too great. It is almost impossible to recover on
her own. Fortunately, this mental depression will not have any impact on her life. "
"Is it possible to recover?" Henry asked.
"Yes, and really want to recover, this process is not difficult." Lu Li nodded. "Adult, I also
heard about the last thing. Ms. Qin now has a demon and wants to let her There is only one
way to recover completely. "
" What way? "
" In the face of Ms. Qin, all those who had tortured her were slaughtered. When those
people died, Ms. Qin's demon natural y disappeared. "When Lu Li said this, she didn't have
any mood swings. For her, it was simply tel ing her patients a treatment.
Henry grinned. Those people, he never thought of letting go and slaughtering them. It was
just a matter of time.
"Right, Lu Li, you can show me. My recent situation is a bit wrong and always easy to get
angry." Henry shook his head and pressed down the irritability that had just risen in his
Lu Li smiled bitterly, "Adult, you have received severe psychological training, your
psychological defense line, I can't break through at al , I am afraid it is difficult to have an
effect, but you can stil try it, Master, you sit down first."
Henry according to Lu Li said, sitting by the bed.
Lu Li sat at a table with a drinking glass on the table. Lu Li picked up an iron spoon, gently
and regularly tapping on the drinking glass.
"Ding Ding Ding Ding" sounded in Henry's ear.
With the other hand, Lu Li took out another book and slowly turned it over, "Adult, the
temperature has turned a bit cold recently, and you should add some clothes. What do you
think of the weather today?"
"Alright." Henry said indifferently.
"There are no clouds, it's sunny, it's a rare good weather, sir. At this time, you get up from
the bed, change your clothes, and want to pick up your wife from work, and Prepared for a
romantic date. As a result, I just walked halfway. The sky was suddenly covered with dark
clouds, and there was a heavy rain. The dry clothes you just put on were wet. "
Lu Li said quietly, like Is tel ing a story.
Henry's brow furrowed slightly, and there was no sound.
Lu Li continued to knock on the water glass with one hand, flipping through the books with
one hand, and continued: "You found a place to shelter from the rain, but you just happened
to pass by a car and splashed a lot of muddy water. Mud spots on your body, you were
trampled on your new shoes again, you ... "
" Needless to say. "Henry suddenly said," I can't fall into the kind of artistic conception you
said. "
Henry's frowning slowly Slowly stretching, shook his head helplessly, it seems that the
psychological defense is strong, and sometimes it is not a good thing.
Lu Li's knocking on the drinking glass came to an abrupt end. She looked at Henry and said,
"Adult, it's not useless. Have you encountered any strange things recently?"
"How?" Henry looked at Lu Li.
"When I knocked on the water cup, the rhythm was the same as your normal breathing
rate. Then I opened this book." Lu Li picked up the book that she has been turning pages.
"There are many bloody and violent pictures. , When I talk to you, your eyes will be
subconsciously focused on these pictures, even from your perspective, you ca n’t see what
is on the pictures at all, indicating that you are very interested in these pictures in the
subconscious mind. Does n’t fit your character, as far as I know, lord, what you have longed
for in your heart is a peaceful life? ”
Henry opened his mouth, just preparing to make a noise, and listened to Lu Li again:
"Afterwards, I tried to slow down the frequency of tapping the cup wall, and also changed
some landscape pictures. At this time, you frowned. After I increased the frequency of
beating, the picture was replaced with a bloody one, and your brows unfolded
unconsciously. Your subtlety tells me that you are longing for a kind of kil ing, you hate
everything calm, and your heart is restless. "
Luli Speaking of time, slowly stood up, walked in front of Henry, Henry staring eyes,"
like, it suddenly began to rain, will not cause a little impact on you, because it would give
you The changeable weather makes you happy, and the car that is getting muddy will not
make you angry, because you are demanding this uncertainty, demanding the provocation
of others, demanding a chance to vent, when a person suddenly When you step on your
foot, your heart is happy, because it gives you a reason to do it, and gives you one ... "
Lu Li said these words, one by one, very clearly, the more her voice Come bigger.
"Give you one, let you see yourself and release your chance, you are eager for bloody and
When the word " killing " came down, Lu Li suddenly stepped out and stomped heavily on
the side of Henry's feet. It seems like deliberately stepping on Henry's feet.
Henry, who had been sitting there al of a sudden, at this moment, suddenly, he suddenly
reached out and grabbed Lu Li's neck, then squeezed Lu Li's neck fiercely, and pushed Lu Li
to the corner of the wall.

Chapter 595: Far from the horizon, close at hand

Henry squeezed her throat so suddenly that Luli's complexion instantly became bluish.
She shook her arm hard and let the phone play a harsh ringtone.
When the bel rang, Henry loosed his hand.
Huh ! Huh !" Lu Li reached out and patted her chest, breathing heavily.
"I ..." Henry saw the red mark on Lu Li's neck and looked at his hands again. At that
moment, he didn't know what was going on, so he started to Lu Li.
Such a scene, as if I had just returned to Lin's day and binged those reporters, was
completely out of control. As soon as my mind became hot, I naturally made it.
"Sorry." Henry Luli whispered.
Lu Li shook his head indifferently, "Adult, I just tried to provoke it deliberately. You are
more angered than I thought. I'm afraid you will find my teacher to show you."
Henry smiled bitterly, "That old Guys, I ’
m afraid I do n’t want to show it to me. ” Lu Li ’s teacher was also Chesiya ’s teacher. At the
time, Lu Li ’s teacher had said something to Henry. At that time, Henry was also considered
young and arrogant The ingredients are inside, I don't believe what Teacher Lu Li said, and
I quarreled with each other.
But think about it now, Henry found that what Teacher Lu Li said is not necessarily false,
but his own cognition was too short.
At the time, Teacher Lu Li once told Henry a case of schizophrenia, and told Henry clearly
that schizophrenic patients are equivalent to coexistence. One spirit is weak and the other
spirit will be strong. Everyone has a good side. On the dark side, if the technology is strong
enough to clone perfectly, the two can even be completely separated.
At that time, Henry dismissed such similar things as Lu Li said.
Lu Li heard Henry say this, but also expressed helplessness, "The teacher's temper has
always been strange, unpredictable, maybe he can't remember what happened before?"
"Hey, if you have the opportunity, ask him to ask Ask. "Henry sighed." Supper has been
ordered. Let's have a meal together? "
" No. "Lu Li waved her hand." Master, you know, the teacher likes to arrange some tasks. If
he can't complete it in time, he I can't bear the anger of the old man. "
" This time , I'm in trouble. "The
two left customer service, and Lu Li and Sylvia and Jenny left after leaving.
Henry took two big, one small and three women and went out to find a restaurant.
In the dining room, Henry told Sylvia about his going to Mongolia tomorrow.
"Let's go again?"
Sylvia and Jenny looked at Henry almost at the same time.
Then Jenny realized that he seemed a little excited, lowered his head and stopped talking.
"Hmm." Henry nodded. "There are some things to deal with."
Sylvia never asked about Henry's things. She knew Henry's identity and understood some
things, which she could not touch like a little woman like him. His power has his
responsibilities, and there are many people who want to watch him come forward.
Sylvia never thought of tying Henry to herself. Although she admits that in the days when
Henry left, she had a lot of thoughts in her heart, but it was unrealistic to let Henry stay
with her forever. , A man will have his own career, there are things he has to do, not to
mention the identity of Henry.
"How long will it be this time to come back? Recently, the weather is good. I want to take
out every day to play. How do you say you are also a father? Can't you go?" Sylvia asked.
Henry squeezed her throat so suddenly that Luli's complexion instantly became bluish.
She shook her arm hard and let the phone play a harsh ringtone.
When the bel rang, Henry loosed his hand.
Huh ! Huh !" Lu Li reached out and patted her chest, breathing heavily.
"I ..." Henry saw the red mark on Lu Li's neck and looked at his hands again. At that
moment, he didn't know what was going on, so he started to Lu Li.
Such a scene, as if I had just returned to Lin's day and binged those reporters, was
completely out of control. As soon as my mind became hot, I naturally made it.
"Sorry." Henry Luli whispered.
Lu Li shook his head indifferently, "Adult, I just tried to provoke it deliberately. You are
more angered than I thought. I'm afraid you will find my teacher to show you."
Henry smiled bitterly, "That old Guys, I ’
m afraid I do n’t want to show it to me. ” Lu Li ’s teacher was also Chesiya ’s teacher. At the
time, Lu Li ’s teacher had said something to Henry. At that time, Henry was also considered
young and arrogant The ingredients are inside, I don't believe what Teacher Lu Li said, and
I quarreled with each other.
But think about it now, Henry found that what Teacher Lu Li said is not necessarily false,
but his own cognition was too short.
At the time, Teacher Lu Li once told Henry a case of schizophrenia, and told Henry clearly
that schizophrenic patients are equivalent to coexistence. One spirit is weak and the other
spirit will be strong. Everyone has a good side. On the dark side, if the technology is strong
enough to clone perfectly, the two can even be completely separated.
At that time, Henry dismissed such similar things as Lu Li said.
Lu Li heard Henry say this, but also expressed helplessness, "The teacher's temper has
always been strange, unpredictable, maybe he can't remember what happened before?"
"Hey, if you have the opportunity, ask him to ask Ask. "Henry sighed." Supper has been
ordered. Let's have a meal together? "
" No. "Lu Li waved her hand." Master, you know, the teacher likes to arrange some tasks. If
he can't complete it in time, he I can't bear the anger of the old man. "
" This time , I'm in trouble. "The
two left customer service, and Lu Li and Sylvia and Jenny left after leaving.
Henry took two big, one small and three women and went out to find a restaurant.
In the dining room, Henry told Sylvia about his going to Mongolia tomorrow.
"Let's go again?"
Sylvia and Jenny looked at Henry almost at the same time.
Then Jenny realized that he seemed a little excited, lowered his head and stopped talking.
"Hmm." Henry nodded. "There are some things to deal with."
Sylvia never asked about Henry's things. She knew Henry's identity and understood some
things, which she could not touch like a little woman like him. His power has his
responsibilities, and there are many people who want to watch him come forward.
Sylvia never thought of tying Henry to herself. Although she admits that in the days when
Henry left, she had a lot of thoughts in her heart, but it was unrealistic to let Henry stay
with her forever. , A man will have his own career, there are things he has to do, not to
mention the identity of Henry.
"How long will it be this time to come back? Recently, the weather is good. I want to take
out every day to play. How do you say you are also a father? Can't you go?" Sylvia asked.
Chapter 596 Nine Palaces Bagua City
The thirty-nine sentence of Wade White makes Henry speechless. He thought that Wade
White could say a high ranking. He expressed disdain for Tang's fifteenth. Is it thirty-ninth?
Wade White understood Henry's expression and waved his hand indifferently, "Boss, I
don't care about the clan, and the old man in my family doesn't care about it. I don't tel me
anything, Even this clan was the last time Guangming Island happened, and I asked him
why he was angry before he said anything. ”
Henry thought of Wade White ’s father ’s character and identity and shook his head and
said,“ Come on, How much do you know about the clans? "
Wade White thought for a while and replied:" Not much, I know some basic news. There
are now fifteen clans that can be ranked in total, with the Tangs at the bottom and the
Longxi Lis the strongest However, my father didn't say how strong it was. "
" What about the Zhao clan in Meng province? "Henry asked again.
"Zhao's? It seems to be the thirteenth, it's a little stronger than the Tang's, but I don't know
the specifics. You know, we guard the Ling family, the number is too small, and the points of
concern are also Not in this respect, otherwise with my Lao Tzu's strength, it would be
impossible to rank 39th. "Wade White manipulated the helicopter to close the hatch and
began to lift off.
Henrysuan understood that Wade White didn't understand anything, so he listened to his
father's words and wanted to make it clear, he had to rely on himself.
The area of Mongolia is huge, and the closest place to Yinzhou can be reached in more than
an hour by car. The farthest distance, the helicopter takes several hours.
Regarding the location of Zhaojia County, Henry had asked him from Lam Sun ’s
stepmother and went straight to there.
The temperature in Mongolia is slightly higher than that in Yinzhou. At five in the morning,
Henry and Wade White arrived at their destination. They did not go directly to Zhaojia
County, but landed about 100 kilometers away from the county. .
There is a huge apron here, and one person is already waiting here. It is a man in his
thirties, wearing a suit and a pair of gold-tinted glasses. It looks very gentle.
When Henry and Wade White got off the plane, the middle-aged man knelt on one knee and
folded his hands in front of his chest. "Ping Tianhao, I have seen my king, and I have seen
Master Tu Tu."
Henry and Wade White put together in the plane. When he laughed at the time, Zhang
Xuanchong 's middle-aged man named Ping Tianhao nodded. "How is it?" Ping Tianhao
knelt there on one knee, and bowed his head to answer: "Wang Wu Wang, has arrived The
number of people is 1,764, all of which are ready to go at any time. "
Henry moved forward without stopping, and asked," What about Zhaojia County? "
Wade White followed Henry from Cong Ping. Tian Hao passed by.
When Henry and Wade White walked out three meters, Ping Tianhao stood up and bowed
his head behind Henry. "According to the intelligence gathered in these hours, Zhaojia
County has a permanent population of 73,862 people. Among them, the surnamed Zhao
accounts for 10%. The well-known enterprises in the county are all managed by a family.
One of them includes an educational institution starting from kindergarten to high school.
The Zhao ’s investment is ful . The students in the county are only surnamed Zhao.
However, the person at the helm of the Zhao family hardly shows up. " " The community,
without contact with the outside world, it seems that the clan is undoubted. "Henry was
affirmed in his heart.
The clan is mysterious, but it is not absolutely untouchable. The world is so big, and China
is so big. Al the places where people can live have been developed. If you want to be
completely isolated from the world, it ’s easy to talk about, where Tang originally lived.
Natural insurance, how many people are there in China, and how many people can really do
like the Tangs, without contact with the outside world, and the sadness and loneliness in it,
not everyone can bear it.
"Arrange a car, follow me to see." Henry ordered.
"Understood." Ping Tianhao replied respectfully.
At 6:30 in the morning, the sky here was brighter than Yinzhou. An ordinary domestic car
slowly drove into Zhaojia County.
This county town, on the surface, is no different from Luohe. People commute to work
every day, and street vendors shout at the roadside. Ordinary people would not think that
there is a terrible clan behind this county town.
Henry and Wade White were sitting in the back seat of the vehicle, looking at the county,
looking for something different. The driver who drove was Ping Tianhao who greeted
Henry at the apron, he was the person in charge of Guangming Island in this place ,
Stationed in the office.
The person in charge of each office has tremendous strength. They are good at various
fields, assassination, fighting, fighting, blasting. Everyone is the elite of the elite. After
retirement, they can go to Guangming Island as they wish. , Living in that holy place, their
juniors will also be blessed by their blessings and Guangming Island.
"Boss, there is something wrong with these buildings." Wade White frowned slightly.
Through this observation, he always felt strange.
"Ping Tianhao, the construction company in this county, is led by the surname Zhao?"
Henry did not answer Wade White's words, but asked the driver.
"Yes." Ping Tianhao nodded. "Al the high-level people in the county, from the official to the
private enterprises, are surnamed Zhao."
"Then it makes sense." Henry nodded with a smile.
"Talk to me, boss?" Wade White looked puzzled.
"Planning." Henry reached out and pointed to a building outside the car window. "Stop the
car, let's go up and see."
The building that Henry refers to now is an iconic building in the city. Top three.
Ping Tianhao parked the car, and the three of them walked into the building together.
When they came to the top of the building, they could overlook the entire Zhaojia County.
Henry looked around for a week and said: "I have been forced to watch some gossips in the
Nine Palaces before. When I first entered the city, I felt a little strange. The outermost
buildings of the entire county showed the same pattern, making the periphery of the
county a The corners and streets are not as well as in most cities, but they are surrounded
by rings, and there are several connected places in each ring. "
Wade White stood on the side of Henry, overlooking the entire county, this Zhaojia County,
From a height, it is a gossip picture! Nine equal parts of Qiangong, Kangong, Gengong,
Zhengong, Zhonggong, Xungong, Ligong, Kungong and Duigong in Gossip, al set into one
It ’s so weird and strange to build an entire county into a gossip. Wade White took a deep
breath. "Boss, what do you say, the surname Zhao wants to do?"
"I don't know, these forces passed down from ancient times. Al of them are nagging, isn't
your old man the same, let's take a look first. "Henry secretly wrote down the layout of the
Chapter 597 A Gift
Zhaojia County, a compound in the compound located on the edge of the county seat And
made a cup of hot tea.
The teacup slowly rises into aerosol.
The middle-aged man picked up the tea cup and slowly spoke, "Come out, Your Excellency
is approaching here silently, and you are not weak."
"Giggle, Zhao's elders real y deserved their reputation." A sweet laugh sounded in the
middle-aged man's ear But the master of Jiao Xiao laughed, did not show up.
Middle-aged man gently blowing in front of the cup, then drink one, and said:. "You should
not come to our guest of Zhao,"
"Zhao patriarch, I'm here, is to Zhao and make friends."
"So Sneaking is not the way to make friends. "The middle-aged man put down the teacup.
"Patriarch Zhao, I brought a gift. You talked like that, but it made me very sad!" A
cold light suddenly shot from the courtyard wall toward the middle-aged man. The middle-
aged man chuckled slightly and his body shook slightly , He escaped this cold mountain, is a
short dagger.
"Patriarch Zhao, I'l leave the gift, please enjoy it, warm reminder, someone has arrived."
The voice outside the courtyard gradual y drifted away.
The middle-aged man ’s eyes were focused on his feet. At this moment, there was a package
under his feet. How did this package appear? He did n’t even see it, just when he just
dodged the dagger. , Was put here.
The middle-aged man took a breath. If the other party just came to deliver the package but
wanted his own life, what would be the result?
The middle-aged man picked up the package and slowly opened it. When the package
opened, his pupil shrank suddenly. The package contained a head, a completely bloodless
head, and even the face muscles had collapsed, but The middle-aged man recognized the
owner of the skull at a glance.
This is a foreign member of the Zhao family. When I returned to the clan some time ago, I
have seen it myself. The other party said that he prepared the elixir of Dendrobium
officinale, hoping to return to the clan.
"Who is it!" The middle-aged man squeezed his fists tightly, no matter whether he was a
foreigner or not, how could he be the Zhao's, who would dare to kill, Zhao's!
Although the clan does not show up, the arrogance in their hearts is stronger than
everyone. Now that someone is killed in the clan, how can it not be angry!
The middle-aged man also noticed that there was also a DV inside the package. He picked
up the DV, and at the moment the DV was opened, a video on the screen was played.
"Since I know that I am a member of the Zhao clan, how do you want to fight against our
Zhao clan?"
"How about the Zhao clan? Sooner or later, I will bury the Longxi Li clan, you Zhao clan
Bury it ahead of time, let's do it! "
The scene in the video was the scene that happened in Yinzhou Industrial Park that day.
The middle-aged man stared at the young figure in the video, shattered the DV in his hand,
and shouted, "Destroy me Zhao's? Big talk!" The middle-aged man thought of the female
voice just now, and the other party said, Someone has arrived, could this be the person in
the video?
"Come here!" The middle-aged man sat in the courtyard and yelled, "The thief has entered
the house, go catch the thief!"
At the same time, Henry and three people walked out of the building.
"Boss, what's next?" Wade White asked Henry.
Wade White is very assertive when performing tasks alone, but when he is with Henry, he
will be led by Henry. This is also a common problem of the other kings of Guangming
Island, and they all go to it habitually. Follow Henry's instructions.
"Find a place to fill up my stomach, and then find a way to contact a few people from the
Zhao clan. I have to see what the clan Zhao is like." Henry said, and he remembered Li
before Those in the family village can be said to be overbearingly extreme.
The three found a breakfast shop that looked pretty good. Ping Tianhao walked in the
forefront and opened the door of the breakfast shop.
When Henrygang was about to enter the door, two people came out head-on, one man and
one woman.
The man walked out of the door opened by Ping Tianhao. At this time, Henry was already
standing at the door. The young man shoved Henry impatiently, "Go away, good dogs don't
stand in the way "The
youth's push, naturally, could not push Henry, but instead took two steps back.
"You're him!" The young man's face was embarrassed, and he opened his mouth and
scolded. Then he raised his hand and hit Henry's face.
Ping Tianhao on the side stepped forward, grabbed the young man's wrist, and stared at
the young man with cold eyes.
The young man worked hard and earned a few times without opening Ping Tianhao ’s hand
and scolded in his mouth: "Four eyes, are you what he is, let go of Laozi! Open your dog's
eyes, Laozi is Zhao's family People! "
" Zhao Family? "Ping Tianhao's eyes were disdainful. In his eyes, there was only one king in
the world.
With a look in Henry's eyes, Chong Ping Tianhao shook his head, "Release."
Ping Tianhao's hand relaxed, and the young man pul ed his arm out.
"Sorry, I didn't notice that it was the young master of the Zhao family, you first." Henry
smiled and gave way to the youth.
When the young man saw Henry admits counsel, his face showed a satisfied smile, and
reached out with an insulting pat on Ping Tianhao ’s face. Annoying! "The young man
finished and walked out of the door with his head held up. The woman beside her also
followed the young man proudly and walked out of the breakfast shop.
After the man and the woman left, Henry Pingtianhao said: "Look for someone to
investigate his identity."
"Understood." Pingtianhao nodded.
One breakfast was not over yet, and the identity of the young man just now was
"The son of the owner of Saxu Entertainment City? The video game city we just passed by?"
Henry recalled that when he was looking at this county town, he also saw the Sao Xu
Entertainment City. The area is not large, just an ordinary one. gaming room.
"Yes." Ping Tianhao nodded. "That young man's name is Zhao Sui, but a very ordinary
member of the Zhao family. He has a younger brother, but he died a few days ago."
Ping Tianhao's words brought Henry a lot of information, one Ordinary members of the
Zhao family, in this county, arrogantly look like this, and bluntly say that they are the Zhao
family, it seems that the Zhao family's power in this county is very scary.
Even from a first-class official to a private enterprise, in this city, the Zhao family said it
would not be too much to cover the sky.
Looking at the performance of the young man just now, it is clear that arrogance is not a
day or two.
"Sir, why didn't you just ..." Ping Tianhao made a gesture of raising and lowering his hand.
Chapter 598
This time, Guangming Island is ready to go to war, and the combat power is ready,
including where the Zhao family lives, what members are there, and al are investigated.
It is clear that as long as Henry ordered it, all the members can be put into combat
"Not in a hurry." Henry shook his head slightly. "This time, I stil have something to
Henry left thinking about the matter of the nuptial marriage, and felt that Lam Sun's
engagement was not idle. It must be engaged in feudalism. Things, after all, society has
progressed to this point, Henry wanted to make it clear why the other party did this.
Yesterday, Henry queried many things about the nuptial marriage, and the opinions were
different. Among them, the most important thing about Henry was that the nuptial
marriage was regarded as a means of sacrifice a long time ago. He would treat the deceased
person alive The people who were nailed into the coffin together and buried were
extremely cruel. It became much better in modern times. Living people don't have to die
with them, but the process is also terrible. They have to be married with the deceased and
spend the night together.
The sacred saying that Henry saw brought more mythological colors, and the credibility
was not very high, but the recent events have caused Henry to overthrow his previous
atheism silently. There are really too many people in this world who do n’t understand
Something, just the scene where you set foot on the air, isn't it the legendary fairy means?
While dealing with the Zhao family, Henry also has to figure out some clan things. After al ,
there is an enemy to be contacted by the Longxi Li clan sooner or later. It is good to know
everything in advance.
Henry has contacted Lam Sun's mother and daughter, and they will come directly to
There is no airport in Zhaojia County. The nearest airport is 120 kilometers away from
Zhaojia County.
At noon, a plane that took off from Yinzhou landed at the airport.
A middle-aged man was waiting in the terminal with his eyebrows closed. When Lam Sun's
mother and daughter showed up from the exit, the middle-aged man walked up
This middle-aged man has traces of wind and frost on his face. At first glance, he is a person
who has suffered hardship.
"Dad!" Lam Sun saw the middle-aged man and immediately ran over, giving the other a hug.
This person is Lam Sun's father, Sun Wang.
Sun Wang touched Lam Sun ’s hair, tears in his eyes, because he knew very well what his
daughter came back this time, what to do, marry a dead man, and worship in the church!
The wedding day is also the first day of her widowhood.
"Old Sun, what are you doing with a sad face!" Lam Sun's stepmother came up.
Sun Wang shook his head and didn't speak. He did not blame Lam Sun's stepmother. If she
didn't owe so much money, Lam Sun's stepmother wouldn't accept the other party's gift.
Everything was because of herself.
"I'm not good, it's all me bad!" Sun Wang's man in his fifties burst into tears.
"Dad, it's okay, it's okay." Lam Sun comforted his father's back.
"Elder Sun, it's okay, this time, we have nobles to help!" Lam Sun's stepmother said
confidently, "Yinzhou Lin's boss, help our family Lam Sun this time, you should be at ease.
Well, that's a billion-dollar boss with a strong network! "
Sun Wang heard this, a look of hope appeared in his eyes, and then shook his head sadly,"
Whatever the power in Yinzhou, no matter what Forget, it ’s Zhaojia County, everything is
not the surname of Zhao! ”
Sun Wang finished, and looked unconsciously to the side.
Two strong men in black suits came from one side and stood on both sides of Sun Wang,
both looking cold and impatient, saying: "If someone receives it, let's go!"
Sun Wang was already taken by Zhao's family The people under control, this time came to
pick up the plane, all Zhao family fol owed.
Lam Sun stepmother saw two strong men, the hearts of a panic, whispered to Lan Sun,
"Henry, what he where were we?"
Henry is not, Lam Sun stepmother mind is not the end.
"I sent a message to my brother-in-law that he had arrived at the airport." Lam Sun glanced
around and did not see Henry.
"What a shock, let's go!" Another strong man in a suit yelled impatiently.
An unconscious trembling in Sun Wang's body stepped forward.
Lam Sun's mother and daughter followed Sun Wang.
"You said Henry wouldn't stop coming?" Lam Sun's mother looked around, worried.
"No." Lam Sun shook his head confidently. "If the brother-in-law doesn't come, he will tell
me clearly."
"But this ..." Lam Sun's stepmom was a little shaken. After all, everyone knows that it will
cause trouble Trouble, those rich people do not want to trouble yourself, the forces of the
Zhao family are still very big in this piece.
Just as Lam Sun's mother-in-law was still thinking about it, a voice almost made her tears
"Lam Sun, here!" Henry stood not far away and waved at Lam Sun's mother and daughter.
The moment I saw Henry, Lam Sun's mother's heart was completely dropped.
Henry, there is only one person here. He has asked Wade White and Ping Tianhao to do
other things first.
Henry strode over where Lam Sun's mother and daughter were, striding over.
"Stop." A strong man in a suit, directly in front of Henry, looked at him with a bad look,
"What are you doing?"
"This is a friend of our family Xiaolan, and also the person your master is looking for, why,
there is You can stop here! "Lam Sun's mother was upset with Henry's appearance,
scolding the strong man in the suit.
The strong man in the suit looked at Henry, and then made a wink at another person.
The man walked aside and made a phone call. After dozens of seconds, he walked back
again and nodded at the strong man in front of Henry.
The strong man glanced at Henry, and then let go, "Then let's go!"
Lam Sun introduced Sun Xuan to Sun Wang. Sun Wang looked at Henry and saw that he
was just a young man in his twenties. Shaking his head, people of this age are not involved
in the world. I am afraid it is difficult to make a difference this time. However, Sun Wang is
stil grateful to Henry in his heart. After all, the other party is here to help his family.
In a house in Zhaojia County, in this county, the surnamed Zhao lives in this kind of house.
People in Zhaojia County also know that those who live in the house are people who can't
afford it.
Only in the morning and Zhang Zhao Xuan from the conflict then, a look of annoyance at the
moment sitting in the house, "Dad, why call me back so early, ah, play to the middle of the
night yesterday, now awake yet."
"Play play , Just know to play! "Zhao Sui's father looked at his son with hatred on his face."
Today the woman is coming, people in the family will come over, they see you like this, you
want to figure out the consequences yourself! "

599 To Zhao Family

of the people in the listening tribe, Zhao Sui's irritability disappeared without a trace, and
he changed to a respectful face.
Although he was very arrogant on the surface, he was stil very clear in his heart.
Compared with the big men in the family, he was nothing. To make those big men
uncomfortable, just one sentence, you can get yourself out of this Zhaojia County.
Those big figures are waiting for you, and then they will be more comfortable 100 times
than they are now!
"Okay, go and clean up for me, don't be sloppy here!" Zhao Sui's father waved his son
dissatisfiedly, then looked at the young woman brought back by Zhao Sui, frowning.
"How many times have I told you, don't bring anyone to your house to see what this is, get
Zhao Sui's father made the young woman embarrassed and looked at Zhao Sui.
"Hurry up, why do you stay here?" Zhao Sui gave the young woman an impatient look, then
walked towards the house.
The young woman did not dare to say a word of dissatisfaction and left her house with her
head down.
The back of the house was covered with white cloth strips, and a wooden coffin was lying
quietly in the backyard. The happy word cut from white paper was attached to the wooden
coffin. When a breeze came out, the white cloth of the entire back house Articles, al
sounded hunting.
An extended version of the Land Rover was driving from the airport towards Zhaojia
Henry and Lam Sun's family of three were sitting in this extended road tiger car, and Lam
Sun's stepmother told Henry about the basic situation of the family surnamed Zhao.
"The other party has a video game city in Zhaojia County called Saxu Entertainment City.
The one who died is the younger son of Sao Xu Entertainment City boss. The other party
also has an elder son named Zhao Sui, a full second ancestor. "" When Henry heard the five
words of Saxu Entertainment City, the corner of his mouth did not consciously evoke a
smile. In this world, sometimes it is real y such a coincidence! I only saw the young master
of Saxu Entertainment City in the morning. I didn't expect that it was their family.
Thinking of Zhao Sui's arrogant appearance, Henry can probably guess what kind of
character his parents are. No wonder that such a strong force restricts the freedom of Lam
Sun's father. When his son dies, Lam Sun's family must be married. This is used to
In Zhaojia County, Zhao Sui and his father stood in front of their house, and a luxury car
stopped here. Every time a person came out of the car, Zhao Sui and his father would bow
down respectfully and say hello. What kind of second prince, uncle's, there are many
generations, Zhao Sui is a bit unclear.
Zhao's veins are all concentrated here. They have been spreading leaves and leaves for
many years. In order to continue the development of the clan, they have to thin their blood
lines. Until now, the blood relationship of many people has been very weak, and it has to be
traced back to two generations ago.
An old man in his 70s with gray hair, wearing a black tunic, walked in front of Zhao Sui's
father and asked, "Is that woman here?"
"Already on the road." Zhao Sui's father respectful y replied Road.
"Wel ." The old man nodded. "Remember, this time things are done better. If the old folks
are not satisfied, I can't help you!"
" Understood , dad." The
old man stepped up. Just about to walk into the house, he suddenly stopped and spoke
again, "Yes, did the person who had the gossip brought it back together?"
"He also brought it back, this person, what are you going to do with it?" Zhao Sui's father
Asked, this time it was clear to let Henry also come, the clan confessed, Zhao Sui's father did
not know what the reason was.
"Don't disturb him first, someone in the family will deal with it." The old man confessed and
strode into the house.
At two o'clock in the afternoon, an extended Land Rover slowly drove to the door of the
house and was parked among a pile of luxury cars.
When the Land Rover drove, someone immediately came over, a strong man in a suit
walked out of the car, opened the door, and rushed inside the car
, saying "Get down!" Wang ripped off the car.
"Don't pul , what do you do, believe it or not, let me sue you!" Lam Sun's mother's voice
rang from the car, and with Henry giving her back, her current energy was not ordinary.
Sun Wang turned his head and repeatedly gave his eyes to Lam Sun ’s mother-in-law,
hoping she would calm down a little bit. The people of Yinzhou who came to Zhaojia County
stil had to look at Zhao ’s face.
Lam Sun ’s mother-in-law, just like not seeing it, took a big step out of the car, just like the
leader came to visit.
Before Henry stopped, he noticed that this house was also built in a gossip array. He had
been paying attention to these things.
When he got out of the car, he thought that the people of the Zhao family would say
something ruthless. After al , the other party clearly stated that he wanted to come together
with him, but when he got off the car, Henry found that some people from the Zhao family
To yourself, it's kind of polite.
"Mr. Zhang, hel o, hello, this time you are invited, mainly to ask some things, but also to ask
Mr. Zhang Haihan." A middle-aged man came to Henry and took the initiative to reach
Seeing such a scene, Lam Sun ’s mother-in-law's face was even more proud, and what about
the Zhao family, the Lin family was not weaker than anyone, but it was tens of billions of
In the eyes of Aunt Lam Sun, apart from the few people in Quan Huaxia, how many people
can have assets of more than 10 bil ion?
After seeing this scene, Sun Wang actually ignited a glimmer of hope in his heart.
Maybe, this young man real y has that kind of energy.
Zhao Sui, who was standing at the door of the house, had already entered the house to
entertain at the moment, and did not see Henry.
Zhao Sui ’s father came out and came to Henry with a smile, and said to his stepmother Lam
Sun: "My mother-in-law, mother-in-law, do n’t be angry. You know, I ’m a businessman.
Those who do business, usual y in the business field, are intrigued with others, and they are
used to it. When negotiating with you, the tone of the accident is a bit heavier, and you do
n’t care. After all, I am a white-haired person giving black hair, and the mood is also Not
very good, I hope you can understand. "
Zhao Sui's father's attitude at the moment, and the attitude of talking to Lam Sun's mother
on the phone before, have changed dramatical y.
Lam Sun ’s mother glanced at Henry next to her and natural y attributed this to Henry. It
seems that Henry ’s deterrent is stil there.
Lam Sun's mother waved her hand, "It's okay, it's okay."
"Haha." Zhao Sui's father laughed, "Dear mother, you don't care, just look, our two, and we
are all in a family, although right Xiao Lan is unfair, but we promise that Xiao Lan can
remarry at will in a year, and our family will not block it. During this year, we will not
interfere in Xiao Lan ’s private life, and this time, only our family knows, If you do n’t know
it, you can rest assured. ”
Chapter 600 Clan Plan
Zhao family's polite way of speaking is completely beyond the expectation of Lam Sun's
stepmother. She looked at Henry. It was released with the Zhao family, but now she can't
say anything.
I originally collected 1.5 million from the Zhao family, but now the Zhao family only makes
Lam Sun married, and does not force her to do anything, just to go through a procedure, it
seems that it is not too much. Ten thousand, how many people can't ask
for it, the staff who play ghosts in the haunted house of the playground, does not mean that.
"My dear mother, come here, please come in." Zhao Sui's father gestured to invite and led
the way for Henry and Lam Sun's family.
I thought that when I came to the Zhao family, I would be arrogant. No one expected this to
Henry was puzzled, but did not say it. He saw Zhao Sui in the morning. From Zhao Sui, he
could see how arrogant Zhao's family was.
Zhao Sui's father had already prepared the room and arranged for Henry to stay.
After the arrangement of Henry's four people, Zhao Sui's father came to the back of the
mansion. At this moment, many people in the Zhao family had already come to the
In the house, a table of eight immortals was placed, and everyone gathered around the
When Zhao Sui's father came, he was stopped.
"Come with me and tel you something." The old man who stopped Zhao Sui's father was the
old man who was just at the door of the house, that is, Zhao Sui's grandfather.
Zhao Sui's father was called into a study room. Grandpa Zhao Sui closed the door and
whispered to Zhao Sui's father: "How's that, what's wrong?"
"No." Zhao Sui's father shook his head. "It's all up to you "It means very kind to them."
"Good." Grandpa Zhao Sui nodded in satisfaction. "I just got the news that there is a force
that has quietly entered the city. Don't offend the surname Zhang before finding out that
force. This Things, we have to do beautiful! "
Zhao Sui ’s father nodded his understanding, and then said, “Dad, I stil do n’t understand.
Since the family wanted to move that surnamed Zhang, why should he be so polite to him
now, asking me to say that everyone else is here, directly Just kill it. " " Short-sighted!
"Grandpa Zhao Sui scolded," You think, why did the family move that surname Zhang, just
because of the rumours outside? Don't say that Lam Sun is not our daughter-in-law, even if
it is Wel , those rumors and rumors were heard, and the family would never ask. This time,
the surname Zhang was used as a springboard! "
" A springboard? "Zhao's father's eyes showed ful of doubts, and he didn't understand it
very much.
Grandpa Zhao Sui glanced subconsciously out of the door, lowering his voice a bit lower,
and said, "Wel , you can enter the clan even if this time is over. There are some things that
you have to know sooner or later, now It ’s okay to tel you, but keep your mouth open. If it
spreads, I wo n’t be able to save your life! ”
Zhao Sui ’s father immediately put a look on his face,“ Dad, you said "
" You know, why among the Chinese clan, Longxi Li has always occupied the throne?
"Grandpa Zhao Sui asked.
Zhao Sui ’s father replied without any hesitation: “There is Emperor Wu sitting in the town,
and naturally sits on the throne for a long time.”
“Haha.” Grandpa Zhao Sui chuckled, “Wu Emperor is a little bit, but you have to know that
only Li can be born. Emperor Wu, if there is a Wu Emperor from our Zhao family, I am
afraid it is difficult to keep it? "
"Why?" Zhao Sui's father was puzzled.
"Resources!" Grandpa Zhao Sui spit out these two words, "A Wu Emperor, the spiritual
stone that needs to be consumed every year is probably one cubic meter. Do you know
what this concept is?"
"One cubic!" Zhao Sui's father Zhang Da Mouth, he only knows that there is a spirit stone in
the Zhao family, about five cubic centimeters, which has been used for six years. Now the
spirit stone is the treasure of the Zhao family, and Emperor Wu will use a cubic spirit every
year. Stone, this is placed in the Zhao family, enough for the entire Zhao family for decades!
"Do n’t be surprised, this is just the spirit stone that Wu Di alone needs to spend. There are
many masters of the Li family. The spirit stone needed every year is a huge number.
Resources are the top priority of a clan. Which clan ’s spirit Shi Duo, which clan will be
strong! "Zhao Sui's father finished, looked at his son, and continued," The clan has agreed
with the official, the official will give the clan convenience, so that the clan can continue, but
the clan can not be casual Entering the WTO, because the officials know very well that the
clan has far more power than ordinary people, once it enters the WTO, it will cause riots
and even change the pattern. "
Zhao ’s father's eyes suddenly opened and there was a guess in his heart," Dad, you don't
mean Yes, we, Zhao, want ... "
" Yes, we have to prepare and join the WTO! "Grandpa Zhao Sui showed a firm look in his
eyes," This surnamed Zhang is a springboard for us to join the WTO, but we can't do it.
Through him, let the public know about our existence, and then slowly integrate into
the ordinary people to obtain greater resources. You have to know that the spirit stone is
money, a cubic Mi Lingshi is worth hundreds of mil ions of dol ars! "
Hearing this, Zhao Sui's father was a little worried." Dad, if this is the case, will the official
be dissatisfied. "
" Dissatisfaction is not satisfied, they can't stop it. " Grandpa said indifferently, "This time,
not only are we going to join the WTO, al the clans will find their own springboard and
slowly integrate into it. After such a long time, the resources of each clan are beginning to
be scarce, even The same is true of Longxi Li's. Although they have a large number of
people and huge branches, their consumption is as huge! "
Zhao Sui's father nodded at ease. "If this is the case, Longxi Li's take the lead. There is really
nothing to worry about, but what are we going to do?"
"It's simple." Grandpa Zhao Sui said, " First stabilize that surnamed Zhang, and wait for this
matter to be completed, and then solve this intruder, we directly use the pretext of Yinzhou
Lin to deceive people, insult me Zhao women, and kill it, even if the official, I wo n’t say
anything. When Lin is exterminated, do you think that those who like to watch lively and
like to pay attention to various things will let go of this mysterious force that suddenly
extinguished Lin? We can borrow Therefore, it appeared in front of the public, and the
officials wanted to stop it, too late. "
Grandpa Zhao Sui sneered." This time, it is a big event for our Zhao family, and it is the most
important thing for our own family. We will handle both of these things. If we can do it well,
you are old and there is no room for development, but my grandson will certainly be able to
enter the main hall. In the future, your glory and wealth will depend on my grandson! "
" dad, listen to the whole Of! "Zhao then his father's face lit up.
After the Lam Sun family came to the Zhao's house, no one continued to stare at them.
Instead, they went to do whatever they wanted, and no one turned the street. However,
only the inner courtyard of the house is forbidden to enter.
The Lam Sun family saw that the Zhao family did not restrict their freedom at al , and
gradual y lifted their heart.
Henry knew clearly that the Zhao family no longer looked at the Lam Sun family, that was
confident. Henry affirmed that as long as the Lam Sun family walked out of the house, they
would be stared at by countless pairs of eyes, and every move would be seen in their eyes.
There is no fear that they will run.
Henry received a message from Wade White on his mobile phone.
"Boss, many people from the Zhao family have entered the house you went to today.
You haven't come out until now. You have to be careful."
Henry put away his phone and forgot the time. Today is the fifth day. The Zhao family will
be in Before the first seven, things were done well, Henry wondered, Zhao, what the hell
are they doing?
Henry walked in the Zhao's house, he seemed to be idle, but he paid attention to every
layout in the house. Henry found that some Zhao family members who seemed to be
chatting and sitting idle were actually guarding the task, and strictly guarding against
irrelevant things. People see the inner courtyard.
Henry carefully recorded the time for these guards to change their defense. Today is the
fifth day of the death of the Zhao family. Only one and a half days are left. The Zhao family
will engage in the nuptial marriage. He must rush before the head of the person.
To figure out what the Zhaos want to do, if they are not sure, Henry can only shoot. He ca
n’t real y look at Lam Sun and marry a dead person, and Henry does n’t think that this
nuptial marriage is like It was as simple as Zhao Sui's father said.
"Mr. Zhang, you are here." Zhao Sui's father's voice rang from behind Henry.
Henry slowly turned around, then punch Zhao father smiled, "Mr. Zhao, you find me."
"Oh." Zhao father then smiled, "Mr. Zhang wanted to explain some things."
"This is about me Coming? "Henry deliberately made a look that he knew nothing about.
"Yes." Zhao Sui's father nodded. "Mr. Zhang, you must have seen it too. Our Zhao family is a
very big family with many elders. You also know that this older generation has more
traditional ideas, There was such a big scandal in Yinzhou, and it was related to our
daughter-in-law of the Zhao family. Those elders wanted to ask a clear question in person,
so Mr. Zhang was in trouble. "
" Should I, respect the meaning of the older generation. "Henry said like this.
"Mr. Zhang can understand it. My son is going west. The elders at home have been
immersed in grief for a few days, so I can only ask Mr. Zhang to stay for a few more days,
and I hope you can forgive him." This is Zhao Sui My father had long thought of an excuse,
he was afraid of what happened to Henry suddenly. This is how to say that he is a
billionaire boss. Although he wo n’t let him run away, he will get a little bit of attention and
bring official attention. Zhao's troubled.
"Whatever Mr. Zhao said, I should also come out and relax. It's good." Henry's words
deliberately flowed out of dissatisfaction in his eyes, and let his father see.
When Zhao Sui ’s father saw the dissatisfaction in Henry ’s eyes, he completely let down his
heart, because he knew that a person was suddenly threatened in this way, and it was right
to be dissatisfied, not to mention a fledgling young man. It didn't matter how he behaved,
he felt there was a problem.
Zhao Sui's father laughed, "Haha, then don't disturb your Mr. Zhang, your Yaxing, I have
something to do with this family."
"Mr. Zhao please."
When Zhao Sui's father left, Henry also returned to his residence. He is now waiting for the
sun to set. When the night is quiet, he dives into the inner courtyard to see the Zhao family
What the hell are you doing?
As time passed, the sky here was brighter than Yinzhou and darker than Yinzhou.
At 8 pm in Yinzhou, the sky was still bright, but here, at 7:30, the sky was already dark.
At 9 o'clock, it was like late at night.
The piece where the Zhao family lives is a house, there are no high-rise buildings, and the
lights next door will not affect here.
When Henry returned to the house, he sat by the wall and listened to the footsteps outside
the door to distinguish whether someone would patrol at night. This kind of thing is
completely pediatric for Henry.
When Henry was ready, he opened the door quietly and walked out.
At this time, it was ten o'clock in the evening, and there was no sound except for the weak
footsteps of some guards in the entire house.
Henry had already mastered the guard's patrol route and shift interval. Taking advantage
of the opportunity to change shifts, Henry flexibly crossed the high wall of the inner
courtyard. There were several cameras in the corner of the wall.
When Henry came to the inner courtyard, he felt a cool breeze blowing, his body shuddered
unconsciously, the white strips of the garden gently swayed in the wind, and the weak
moonlight of the sky spil ed Through these white cloth strips, Henry felt that something
strange was standing around him.
A wooden coffin was lying quietly in the inner courtyard. With the joyous words on the
wooden coffin growing out of white paper, when I looked at it, I felt extraordinarily
Behind the eyes, there is an ancestral temple, which houses several spiritual positions.
A weak fire candle burns in front of the spiritual positions, and shakes as the wind blows.
Two wind chimes hung on the door plaque of the ancestral hal , at this time the sound of
jingle bells sounded.
Henry bent down to hide himself in the shadow under the wall, avoiding the scope of the
camera, and slowly moved. He observed the surroundings, and the things he saw in front of
him were not worth hiding from Zhao. .
A figure suddenly merged into the shadow of Henry.
Henry was shocked. He didn't hear any footsteps at all. If he didn't see the shadow on the
ground, he didn't know that someone was approaching. When he looked back suddenly, he
saw a white figure hanging behind him, his hair spread out, and fel Behind the
dissemination, there is a bloodless face, a pair of eyes staring at himself dimly.
The power of Henry's body was subconscious, and his qi instantly covered the whole body.
He saw with his own eyes that this figure was actually floating in the air. The empty eyes
clearly showed no vitality!
"Hey, what happened, it fell again." Just when Henry wanted to start, a sigh sounded.
The white figure floating in front of Henry suddenly pul ed up. Henry saw that there were a
few silk threads hanging behind the figure. This is just a doll!
Henry secretly relieved himself. If this is true, it will be too unacceptable.
In the ancestral hall behind the wooden coffin, there was only one person out of helpless
tone. "This delicate puppet is not too good. It is also claimed to be pure human skin.
You must not wear makeup often."
The person who came out of the temple
control ed the puppet through silk thread, and then hung the white figure in front of the
temple, he took something like a pen. The puppet's face was painted.
Henry hid in the shadow of the corner, no movement, he observed the movement of the
man in the temple through an angle.
A gust of wind blew the white cloth strips bound in the inner yard in one direction, making
a hunting sound. At the same time, the gust of wind blew away the doll's side, and when the
doll's entire face was seen, Henry was completely shocked Down.
The face of this doll looks exactly the same as the person who is applying makeup to the dol
! The only difference is that the doll's face is more pale.
"What's the situation!" Henry sighed inwardly, staring at each other closely.
This is a young man. He looks 21 or 12 years old. Henry looks at each other and always
feels familiar.
Henry thought in his mind whether he had seen this person before suddenly thinking of it!
This man, like Zhao Sui, looks like a seventh!
Could it be said ...
Henry put his eyes on the wooden coffin. Below the wooden coffin, there was a black-and-
white photo. It was the young man in front of the ancestral hall, Zhao Qian, Zhao Sui ’s
younger brother, and Lam Sun ’s engagement object. , Who should have died for five days!
Such a discovery made Henry feel that he was covered with a thick layer of mist.
Zhao Qian is a fake death. The so-cal ed nuptial marriage is also just a farce. Zhao, what do
you want to do!
A burst of wind broke, and Henry was hidden in the shadows without moving.
In front of the ancestral hall, Zhao Qian's face changed, only to see his arm swing, the tightly
closed coffin cover opened from scratch, he grabbed the puppet, and the whole person
jumped gently, like a flying bird, jumping into the coffin Then lie down and cover the coffin.
Just three seconds after the coffin was re-covered, a figure in red appeared in front of the
ancestral hall, glanced around, and then floated up.
When the red clothing figure left, Henry stil hid in the shadows without any movement, and
the entire inner courtyard was silent.
After about ten minutes, the red figure appeared again, and when he saw that there was no
abnormality in the inner courtyard, he left again.
This time, the figure in the red clothing had just left, and the coffin lid was opened from
inside by Zhao Qian. Zhao Qian looked at the sky and sighed, "Hey, the people of this hidden
society are really lingering, awakening the blood of an ancestor Only, why do you have to
stare at me? "
" The ancestor bloodline! "
These four words were clearly captured by Henry, awakening the ancestor bloodline, what
does that mean? Is Zhao's making this nuptial marriage just for the blood of this ancestor?
Because someone with a hidden society is staring, why did this happen?
How to awaken the blood of the ancestors? What does it have to do with nuptial marriage?
The fog in front of me was slightly peeled off, the blood of the ancestors? This thing, you
have to ask the elder.
Henry stayed in the shadows until Zhao Qian returned to the ancestral hall before he left.
Forget about the time, at this point, Huaxia is late at night, but Bright Island is daytime,
which happens to be in contact with the elders.
Pease has specially prepared a set of communication tools for the Tang people on the
island. Henry can get in touch with the elders directly.
Henry phone just hit in the past, did not ring a few times, it was turned on, the Grand
Ayatollah's voice on the phone, "Zhangxiao You, and your time, should it be late at night,
there is not an urgent matter?"
"Great Elder, I would like to ask about the blood of the ancestors."
"The blood of the ancestors!" Great Elder heard these four words, obviously surprised,
"Zhang Xiaoyou, how do you know The blood of this ancestor? "
Henry thought for a while, and then replied:" Zhao, awaken the blood of the ancestor. "
" How dare they want to awaken the blood of the ancestor! " The news was also shocking to
Henry asked in a puzzled way: "Great elder, what does this ancestor bloodline mean
"Zhang Xiaoyou, you know, the god hidden?" Great elder answered non-questionably.
"I know." Henry nodded and added a sentence, "I heard that."
"Shenyin will be different from the clan. It is an organization established by the folk
imperial master. The establishment time has to be traced too long. All the time, The mission
of the Shenyinhui is to stabilize the stability between the clan and the ordinary people, and
the Shenyinhui is to absolutely prevent the clan from awakening the bloodline! "The elder
elder explained," The power of the bloodline is too strong. The clan has been inherited
since ancient times. It is able to preserve the bloodline. "
" The power of bloodline, is there such a saying? "Henry is strange.
The elder elder smiled and said: "Zhang Xiaoyou, the blood power has always existed,
including modern science has admitted that it is just a different statement. Two tall couples,
white-skinned couples, and the children born are mostly tal . White skin, which is itself a
kind of continuation of blood, but the blood power of ordinary people is too weak, and it is
not obvious, but the power of clan blood is much larger than ordinary people, such as
Longxi Li, you know Longxi Lee's blood, what is it called? "
Henry subconscious shook his head," also requested the Grand Ayatollah doubts. " "
Lee Longxi heritage blood, also known as real dragon blood, rumors, most in Lee At the
time of its greatness, every lineage has a real dragon's breath on it, so that al beasts will
surrender. "
When was Longxi Li's strongest? Isn't that the biggest flourishing age in the history of
China? True Dragon Bloodline ...
Henry was digesting the words of the elder in his heart.
The elders continued: "An ancient book records that the blood of the clan is too strong, so
that ordinary people cannot survive at al . In order to stabilize the relationship between the
two parties, Shenyinhui had a war with the clan. The process of the war is unknown, but
the final result It was the clan blood that disappeared completely and could not be
awakened through ordinary channels. Now that Zhao clan wants to awaken the blood vein,
have they found a way to awaken the blood vein? "
Henry smiled bitterly," I don't know this. "
The elder was silent for a long time. Suddenly, "Zhang Xiaoyou, if Zhao really has such a
plan, then the battle between them and the Shenyin Society is inevitable. You'd better
stay away from the land of right and wrong as soon as possible. Although I don't know what
the strength of Zhao's bloodline is, But every clan that can continue, its blood power, should
not be underestimated. It is very dangerous to be caught in the Zhao Family and the
Shenyin Society. "
" Thank you Great Elder for the puzzle. "Henry said after thanking, he hung up the phone .
He sat on the bed, thinking about what the elder said, blood power, real y so powerful, so
that the gods would be put to an end. It would not be easy to wake up. It is not a simple
matter to be awakened. How can he ignore Lam Sun? Henry started his own plan.
Zhao family house, one by one plan, sent from Henry's mobile phone.
Henry admitted that he was very curious about the blood power of the Zhao family, but he
did not want to see that Zhao wanted to fight against Guangming Island and wanted to deal
with himself.
Many forces, under the arrangement of Henry, quietly gathered towards Zhaojia County.
In the middle of the night, a beautiful woman with silver hair stood in front of the huge
floor-to-ceiling window in the top-floor hotel of Zhaojia County. Her waist-length hair
covered her smooth jade back, and her slim jade hand held a wine glass. Shaking the red
wine in the glass.
"Cough, brother Henry, I'm going to go to war with the Zhao family soon. I look forward to
seeing you grow up to this point. With your ability, you shouldn't die here." The silver-
haired beauty looked up and drank Red wine in the glass.
One night passed quietly, and the next day, the genius was just dawning, and stepmother
Lam Sun walked out of the room. After one day yesterday, she was completely free of the
fears she had before she came, but she seemed very comfortable doing whatever she did.
The same as the hostess.
Henry left his room at ten in the morning.
At this moment, Zhao Suizheng was sitting in the main hall with his father. When Henry left
his room, Zhao Sui happened to see Henry, frowning and said, "Is he?"
"Do you know him?" Zhao Sui's father wondered.
"Wel ." Zhao Sui nodded. "I saw this man in the breakfast shop yesterday morning. The
people under him were not honest, and I had a lesson."
"Yesterday morning?" Zhao Sui's father captured this important As far as he knows, this
mystery should have arrived at noon yesterday. If he said that his son saw this person
yesterday morning, would n’t he say that he had arrived in advance and deliberately
avoided his eyes?
If this is the case, then this man, everything he showed yesterday was just pretended.
He had been premeditated, and he also brought people. It seems that this time things will
not be so smooth. The biggest thing in the house will be carried out tomorrow. This
surnamed Zhang is an unstable factor. It is better to control it first.
"Dad, what's wrong?" Zhao Sui asked when he saw something wrong on his father's face.
"This person, you think of a way to let him stay in advance for two days. From tomorrow
morning, I don't want to see him again." Zhao Sui's father explained to Zhao Sui.
Of course, Zhao Sui knew what his father meant to stay in for two days. He nodded and
smiled, "Dad, don't worry, let me know this."
At this moment, Zhao Sui's heart, a plan, has already form.
One day passed slowly, and there was a kind of tacit understanding among the people.
The Zhao family is preparing their own things and has their own ideas. Henry also has his
own preparations. Both parties are doing preparations. There is not much negotiation,
which makes the contradiction on this day seem long and short.
In the inner courtyard of the house, many clan elders of the Zhao family are concentrated
"How is the preparation?"
"Everything is ready. Take the baby girl tomorrow and go straight into the ancient land.
Everything you should do is done."
"Where is the Shenyin Club?"
"Huh, these days I do n’t know how many times it came, but it does n’t matter, after we
cremated the puppet Qianer, they would n’t think of anything else. ”
“ Has the bloodline of that girl been checked? Can it reach the standard? "
Almost, she and Qian'er's birthday are exactly 18 days apart."
Okay, everything, just wait for tomorrow, once Qian'er can awaken the bloodline, he will be
able to enter there, and wait until the day when Qian'er exits, that is, when our Zhao
awakens, even if that Longxi Li's is not to be afraid of! "
" Get things done, don't go out of business. This time you can only succeed, don't fail!
Once Qian Er goes out, we will follow the previous plan and use the light island in the world
as The first destination! Destroy them first! "The sky gradually dimmed.
Zhao Sui turned around in the house. When he moved to the house where Lam Sun lived, he
glanced around and then pushed open the door.
Lam Sun ’s mother-in-law was standing behind Lam Sun at this time, "Lan Er, if you regret
it now, we stil have a chance to leave."
"No." Lam Sun shook his head, "Aunt, wait for the ceremony tomorrow. Well, if it is really
like what the Zhao family said, I can accept it. "
" Hey, you're suffering from your child. "Lam Sun's aunt sighed. Anyway, marrying a dead
person stil makes people feel il of.
While the two were talking, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open from the
Zhao Sui looked at the two women in the room, and final y fixed her eyes on Lam Sun and
licked her lips.
"Who are you, what are you doing!" Lam Sun's stepmother shouted loudly. It was already
dark, and the other party suddenly broke in, how could you not let them both panic.
"Who am I? I am the young master of the Zhao family!" Zhao Sui sneered, closed the door
with his backhand, and slowly walked towards Lam Sun, eyes constantly watching Lam
Lan Sun a stepmother, made an effort, Chong Zhao tunnel: "Who told you to do what you
came in, we went out but Mr. Zhang's friends?!!"
"Mr. Zhang said that you told me yesterday morning that mercy?? What is Henry, right?
"Zhao Sui dismissed a smile. Henry's name was heard by his father today.
Lam Sun's mother heard Zhao Sui's words, and her heart was cold. "What do you mean?"
"Oh." Zhao then laugh loudly, "Do you real y think we Zhao, Zhang care about what is?
If not now something, do not want to move him, he thought he could so comfortable?"
Zhao's remarks then, let Lam Sun's mother's heart has completely cooled down, Zhao
family, don't even care about Henry?
Zhao Sui stared at Lam Sun, "You said, since you are outside, you are playing with others so
much, it is better to follow me one night, anyway, you will marry my dead brother
tomorrow, fol ow him to bury, fall Why not enjoy this last night, how about it? "
Zhao Sui licked her lips and walked towards Lam Sun.
"What do you mean burial together, what do you mean!" Aunt Lam Sun's face changed
"What do you mean? You thought that our Zhao Jiaxian was bored and had to find a
spiritual partner for my younger brother? Tomorrow, just wait for my younger brother to
go to the Yanwang to report!" Zhao Sui said, while Already came to Lam Sun, reached out
and touched him.
Lam Sun stepped back and screamed subconsciously.
Lam Sun ’s stepmother went up and shoved a handful of Zhao Sui, but Zhao Sui said that he
was also a clan. Although he did n’t enter the inner hal , he stil had the foundation of ancient
martial arts. Then he shoved.
Henry, who lives next door, is staring at his mobile phone at the moment. He has already
thought about it. Tonight, he will start with the Zhao family. Since he already knows what
the other party is doing, he has no need to delay it. Go on.
At this time, Lam Sun's scream sounded, Henry subconsciously opened the door and rushed
towards the next door.
Pushing the door open, I saw that Lam Sun had been forced to the corner by Zhao Sui, and
Lam Sun's stepmother fell to the side.
The emergence of Henry made the three people in the room look at their eyes at the same
Lam Sun and his stepmother spoke out almost simultaneously, looking at Henry's eyes as if
they saw a savior.
At the same time, the scream of Lam Sun just now made Sun Wang, who lived next door,
rush over and appeared at the door of the room.
Zhao Sui looked at the two people who appeared at the door of the room, and gradually
turned around, instead of taking charge of Lam Sun first, but looked at Henry, "Yo, is n’t
that a waste of money, why? I want to give this woman a head and forget the young master
How did I educate you yesterday morning? "
Just now, Zhao Sui told Lam Sun's mother and daughter that Henry begged him for mercy
yesterday morning. Lam Sun's stepmother stil didn't believe it, but now I heard Zhao Sui in
front of Henry. Speaking of this, I immediately understood that what Zhao Sui said was
true, the Zhao family didn't care about Henry at all, but just didn't want to move him for the
time being.
Lam Sun ’s mother-in-law completely figured out that Zhao ’s family will be buried with
Lam Sun tomorrow. The politeness shown before was just an il usion, and he wanted to
stabilize his family ’s emotions. Go straight and tear your face.
Sun Wang saw a mop at the door and silently picked it up. He did n’t speak. At the
beginning, he was not very optimistic about Henry. He did n’t think that this young man
would make the Zhao family fear anything. After al , the Zhao family ’s power, It was too big,
he was ready, what the Zhao family really wanted to do, it was a big deal, they were fighting
with them.
Zhao Suoyao walked to Henry and stared at Henry, "Boy, you dare to take care of the idle
business, do you not want to live?"
Zhao Sui finished speaking, and stretched out his hand, just like he did to Ping Tianhao
yesterday morning, and took a picture of Henry's face. His arrogance was obviously not in
his eyes.
Just when Zhao Sui's hand was about to be photographed on Henry's face, Henry's wrist
was grasped, just like being caught with an iron tong, and he could not move at all.
Zhao Sui couldn't shake his hand hard, and he scolded: "Boy, are you his!"
"Garbage." Henry smiled, spit out two words in his mouth, and then suddenly kicked out of
the leg and kicked directly on Zhao Sui's chest kicked Zhao Sui several meters away.
Zhao Sui only felt a hot pain in his chest. At this moment, he even had difficulty breathing.
He looked at Henry in disbelief. Unexpectedly, the other party dared to do something with
himself. Dare to move yourself!
After Henry kicked Zhao Sui, he didn't even look at Zhao Sui once more, and said to Lam
Sun's family: "Come on, leave here."
Henry has already ordered people to surround the entire Zhao's house. The slaughter is not
suitable for ordinary people like the Lam Sun family.
Lam Sun ’s stepmother quickly got up from the ground, took Lam Sun ’s hand, and hurriedly
said: "Go away, let's go quickly." "Want to go? No one can walk today!" Zhao, who was
kicked to the ground Then he shouted, grabbed his chest, and got up from the ground. He
stared at Henry with hate in his eyes. "He beat Laozi and wanted to leave. Are you here?"
Zhao Sui picked up a vase. Hit the ground hard.
The crack of the vase sounded, and his roar also spread outside the house.
Less than ten seconds after Zhao Sui's roar came out, dozens of figures walked out of the
room in the mansion. All the people of the Zhao family came to the room of Lam Sun.
"What's going on! What happened!" Zhao Sui's father rushed to the first place and shouted.
The rest of Zhao's family members also gathered and sealed the door of the house.
As soon as the Lam Sun family saw this scene, their face was ugly.
Zhao Sui sneered at the corner of his mouth, pointing at Henry, and said to his father:
"Dad, this is the one who wants to cheat on the daughter-in-law of our Zhao family to be
married tomorrow. I just came to stop him, and he shot me."
"What!" Zhao Sui's father was angry on the spot and looked at Henry, "Zhang surnamed
Zhang, I was treated as a guest for you, so good hospitality, you even did such a bad thing as
a pig, let me take him down!"
With a big wave of his hand, Zhao Sui's father walked out from behind and rushed to Henry.
Zhao Sui's father gave Zhao Sui a gesture of approval.
Sun Wang Zhao saw people grasp Henry, quickly opening to explain, "Mr. Zhao, is not the
case, is not the case, I just come to see your son ......"
"You go do it!" Sun Wang words Before finishing, he was kicked by Zhao Sui's father.
"When is it his turn to speak with you?"
Sun Wang was kicked.
"Dad!" Lam Sun shouted and rushed over quickly to support Sun Wang.
Several family members of Zhao came to Henry and reached out to grab Henry. He was
about to drag Henry out of the house. However, no matter how hard they tried, Henry still
stood there, immobile.
"It turned out to be a family practicer, no wonder dare to be so arrogant, in our Zhao family,
do such a shameless and cheap thing!" Zhao Sui's father's expression was condensed, but
also very grateful, fortunately, Zhao Sui usual y love to play, happened to meet yesterday
This person, otherwise, was really deceived by this person. If something trouble comes out
tomorrow, although it will not affect the progress of the plan, it will definitely dissatisfy the
clan elders.
Henry always had a smile on his face, and said to Zhao Sui ’s father: “You and I all know
how this matter is. Your Zhao family, how to do things, is a bit too domineering.”
“Overbearing?” Zhao Sui ’s father sneered , "I never knew what you said was overbearing,
what our Zhao family did, it has always been like this! This day is the day of our Zhao
family, the rules, that is, our Zhao family to make, what kind of bird hair are you! Deserve to
comment on my Zhao family! Bring me down and shut it up! "
Henry shook his head gently." I'm afraid, you can't take me out of this house. "
" Is it? "Zhao's father looked down on him, "It's a bit of a three-legged cat, you feel like you
are a person? Tel you, what you have, in our Zhao's eyes, is not a shit!"
Sun Wang looked at what was happening in front of him, and his eyes shook sadly.
Shaking his head, sure enough, no matter how powerful the enterprises and people from
other provinces came to Zhaojia County, it was the dragon and the tiger lying down. Here is
the territory of the Zhao family!
Lam Sun listened to Zhao Sui ’s father, and his heart was full of debts. If it were not for
himself, Henry would not have to come here, and he would not have to get involved in this
muddy water.
Lam Sun's mother's face was pale. If Henry was not taken by Zhao's family, who could help
him this time?
Zhao Sui's father waved again, "Bring me down, this family, look good!"
The people who grabbed Henry worked hard again, this time, Henry did not resist, and he
let several people walk towards the outside.
The stepmother Lam Sun who saw this scene was completely desperate. If even Henry no
longer resisted, then his family of three would still have a way of life.
The Zhao family dragged Henry and came to the door. When they were about to step out of
the door, a few wind breaking sounds suddenly sounded from the air, and they heard
"poof" sounds. The Zhao family holding Henry al had one eye Close and plant forward.
Henry stood less than ten centimeters away from the door and smiled at Zhao Sui ’s father.
“I said, you ’re afraid you ca n’t take me out of this house.”
Zhao Sui ’s father ’s face changed suddenly, and he felt there was a stock behind him The
strong wind hit, and he dodged subconsciously. He clearly saw that at the place where he
had just stood, a short dagger dangled the ground, the handle of the dagger, because of the
powerful force, it was still nonstop. shake.
A shout of killing sounded instantly from the Zhao's house.
In the air, a stream of light flashed by, and that was coming from the future. She not only
had powerful firearms, melee means, but also extremely amazing. A Zhao family guard saw
her, and she was easily wiped by the future before she heard anything. Neck up.
Countless black figures with masks on their faces overturned from the high wall of the
house, holding a sharp blade, and killed the Zhao family who was closest to them.
Carrying a big black knife, Wade White opened the door of Zhao's house and kil ed him
from the door.
Everything happened in an instant.
Zhao Sui ’s father ’s arrogant face finally darkened. He stared at Henry, “Boy, who the hell
are you!”
“The person who killed you!” Henry stepped forward and reached out to Zhao Sui ’s father .
Zhao Sui's father wanted to dodge, but where could Henry be caught, Henry grabbed his
The smile on Henry's face remains the same, "I can't control what your Zhao family does.
Unfortunately, you should do something that is in line with your own strength. For me,
your Zhao clan is nothing!"
"You "Zhao Sui's father's eyes suddenly widened. When Henry said the word clan, he
completely understood that this surnamed Zhang is not only as simple as the helm of a
group in Yinzhou. At that time, why did you choose the target on this surname Zhang!
Unfortunately, it is too late to regret it.
Henry squeezed Zhao Sui's father's hand slightly, and listened to a "click" softly, Zhao Sui's
father's pupil shrank suddenly, and then slowly spread out.
Henry let go of his hand, and Zhao Sui's father's body collapsed softly to the ground.
Zhao Sui in the house, and the family of Lam Sun's three, all stunned together, with fear in
their eyes.
Zhao Sui was afraid. The person in front of him was not the kind of weakness he saw
yesterday. In a few words, he kil ed his father. This is true. It really happened in front of
As for the three of Lam Sun's family, when have you seen such a scene, this is a murder, a
murder that happened in front of you!
A middle-aged man wearing gold-tinted glasses came to the door of this house in a few
jumps and bowed to Henry, "My King."
The person who arrived was Ping Tianhao.
Henry hand, pointed his finger at a Lam Sun behind, "you arrange to transport them to a
safe place, as for the rest, you own choice."
Henry finished, strode out of the room, and participated in the battle outside.
Ping Tianhao looked into the room. A steel knife in his hand was still dripping blood.
Obviously, a life was just harvested. The blood fell on the ground and made a dripping
sound. The light in the house hit Ping Tianhao. On his body, the gold spectacles on the
bridge of his nose reflected a chill.
Zhao Sui looked at the sharp blade in Ping Tianhao's hand, the blood that was dripping
continuously, his steps slowly receded, and an instability fel to the ground, he was shaking
al over, and his hands and feet moved behind him, but In this room, there was a total of
such a little space, and soon he reached the corner, and there was no way back.
Ping Tianhao held a steel knife and approached Zhao Sui with a slow pace. He stretched his
hand and helped to hold the spectacle frame on the bridge of his nose.
"You said yesterday, let me polish my eyes. I did it specifically before I came here. Wait,
I will slice one by one, cut your flesh, take a good look, take a closer look, to see who you
are, I can't mess with it. "
Ping Tianhao's voice was very low, listen In Zhao Sui's ears, it was like the most terrifying
temperament in the world, making him tremble.
A bad smel came from under Zhao Sui. The ground where he was sitting was already wet.
Zhao Sui shuddered his lips, with a strong fear in his eyes, "Yes ... Yes ... I'm sorry."
"If I'm sorry." Ping Tianhao's mouth twitched an arc, "Then the knife in my hand, isn't it?
White grinding? "
Ping Tianhao reached out and grabbed Zhao Sui's hair. The tip of the knife slowly enlarged
in Zhao Sui's pupil.
There was a scream.
The Lam Sun family standing inside the house made retching sounds almost at the same
time, and turned their heads together, daring not to look at them again, and each of them
was frightened.
Outside, there was a scream.
The clan elders of the Zhao family all stayed in the inner courtyard to prepare for
tomorrow's events. When the shouting sound sounded, the clan elders were al startled.
They were most afraid of what happened, but the accident happened.
A stream of air spread out from the bodies of the clan elders. As the thirteenth clan, the
Zhao clan has a spirit stone. There are several masters of imperial dominance in the clan,
not as scarce as the Tang clan.
At the same time, in Zhaojia County, the Zhao family scattered everywhere, rushed to the
house at this moment.
In a courtyard five kilometers away from the mansion, a middle-aged man heard the report
from the mobile phone, and he used a hard hand to smash the phone. He looked in the
direction of the mansion and whispered: "The thief appeared!" In the inner courtyard of the
"He Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to brag about our Zhao's!" A clan elder shouted. At the same time
the clan elder made a shout, he made a glance at the ancestral hall.
One person in the ancestral hall quickly met, took out a barrel of gasoline, rushed to a coffin
in the courtyard, and poured al the gasoline into it. In the coffin, lay the same figure as Zhao
After Henry left the house where Lam Sun's family was, he came to the inner courtyard as
soon as possible. Those ordinary Zhao's children could be dealt with by the Hell Walker. As
for these Zhao's strongest forces, they could only come by themselves.
"Wade White, cal them in the future, come with me!" Wade White, not far from Henry
shouted, then jumped forward and came to the inner courtyard.
this time, except for Pease's stay on the island, the top six of Guangming Island, Ferris and
Izal were checking things out, the other six people came.
When Henryyue entered the inner courtyard, he ran face to face with the old Zhao clan.
Wade White, Miku, Red Hair, Poseidon, Luna, and Alex al jumped into the inner courtyard.
The four Zhao clan elders stood at the forefront, staring at Henry's seven.
Seven people of Henry also stared at the four clan elders. Henry distinguished them by the
air flowing around them. The four clan elders who looked like they were in their sixties,
were all masters of imperial domination.
Between the two sides, there is no redundant words.
"Slain them!" The four old clan Zhao screamed and rushed to Henry and others.
Looking at the four clan elders who rushed in, Henry didn't have any nonsense, "Find your
opponent, kil !"
Wade White pul ed out his big sword, roared, and rushed up immediately.
Poseidon and others also used their own means of warfare. They are all top-notch masters
in the world, and each one is a one-sided existence, but now, apart from Henry alone
fighting a clan elder, there are six remaining , Two to one, also felt very difficult.
The gap between ordinary masters and masters of qi is really too big.
Now Henry can say very confidently that he can easily, within three strokes, can defeat
himself before mastering Qi.
Poseidon and others can persevere under the masters of imperial dominance in a two-on-
one situation. This al relies on their combat experience. Every one of them, even the
future and the moon god, are together with Henry, from Corpse Mountain Climbing out of
the blood, they have been doing things all the time, they are desperately, they are al kil ing
And the clan elders of the Zhao family, although practicing martial arts for decades, have
rich experience, but the clan does not enter the WTO, and they can give them the
opportunity to be skilled in combat experience. The combat experience is completely
incomparable to the sea gods. , Only to allow Poseidon and others, in a two-to-one
situation, to persevere.
Henry clearly saw that Poseidon and others fell in the wind, but he did not help. The
enemies facing Guangming Island in the future are all like this. They are familiar with it
earlier, even if they suffer losses and injuries, it is a good thing for them.
Bleeding now is better than paying the price of life later.
At the same time, Henry also wants to see, what kind of means does the Zhao's old imperial
family have?
After Henry mastered his energy, the real enemy, the man in the blue shirt whose body was
all burned down. After Henry became skilled, the other party was not an opponent at all.
Now, it is Henry ’s second opponent.
"Come to our Zhao Family, you have come to the wrong place!" The old clan roared in front
of Henry, patting Henry with a palm.
In the palm of the other party, Henry can clearly see a stream of air striking himself.
Henry took the initiative to avoid the airflow shot by the other party. The airflow hit the
wooden pillar of the house behind Henry. The wooden pillar with a thick waist of an adult
under the airflow collapsed on the spot and exploded around.
Henry can analyze the strength of the wood pil ar when it is scattered and the degree of
dispersion of the wood chips. It can be analyzed that the power of the other party's palm is
almost equal to his own strength of 30%.
The old clan saw that his attack had been evaded by Henry, and took another shot.
This time, Henry didn't dodge anymore, his muscles shuddered, his breath covered his
body instantly, and the palm of the old Chong tribe shot a punch.
"I don't know the life and death!" The clan elder snorted, and a fierce expression appeared
in his eyes. He slapped a palm on Henry's fist. In his opinion, he could completely hold this
unknowingly thick. The kid flipped to the ground. In such a scene, he has seen too much in
his life.
But when the palm of the clan and the fist of Henry were in contact, the clan elder was
surprised to find that the air he shot did not cause any harm to the young man in front of
him, and that air current was rushing to the young man. The distance of less than one
centimeter in front of the fist natural y spread to both sides.
The old clan had no time to think about what was going on. A great force came from his
palm and spread all over his body instantly. Because of this great force, the whole person
flew out uncontrollably. After falling to the ground, when the great force completely
dispersed, he found that his entire arm was completely numb and unable to move.
"How could this be!" The old pupil of the clan shrank, and his heart was shocked. A young
man broke his whole palm with one punch, how could it be! Even the younger generation of
Li will never have such a strong strength!
The old Zhao clan is shocked, and Henry is also puzzled. Why is the old Zhao clan so weak? I
just made that punch, but it was out of 50% of the power. Among them, the tentativeness
accounted for a larger part, but I did not expect to blow it directly!
Moreover, looking at the old attack method of the Zhao clan, it is very simple, and it can
only simply blow out the qi, and that is all. This is what I can do when I first came into
contact with the qi. After the foundation, you can use your own different moves to change
the shape of Qi, which is a difference.
Henry is thinking, the first point of Tang's exercises is to let Qi spread al over the body to
produce such an effect, but Zhao's exercises are not like this?
If there is really a difference in exercises, the gap between the different exercises is too
Henry's cognition of qi still stays in a very short face, or that he only knows what he
understands. Up to now, he does not know how many people he has walked in. front.
Some people can't do Qi like a lifetime, so that they can use their muscles to exert strength
together, so that not only the strong control of Qi, but also the strength of their own
muscles must be reached.
Although Henry did not deliberately practice Qi, he could not even control Qi, but his own
muscle and Qi fit had reached a very high level. At the beginning on Guangming Island, he
took a large dose of medicine to let the body From the inside to the outside, it is completely
scoured by high-intensity gas.
Qi was particularly smooth in the process of Henry's body wandering.
If the relationship between veins and qi in someone's body is like a car driving in a narrow
non-motorized lane with slow speed and low impact force, then Henry, the
relationship between qi and veins in his body is like a big truck Driving in an unmanned
eight lane, the speed is extremely fast and the impact is extremely fierce. Although it is not
as flexible as a car, it is more lethal.
Henry has always maintained a mentality of a beginner in the field of qi. Today, he suddenly
realized that his beginner does not seem to be as weak as he thought.
Anyway, the old Zhao clan in front is far from Own opponent.
Xuan (1/2) Henry is no longer entangled in this aspect. In the end, his strength is stronger
or weaker in Yuqi Realm. As more enemies come into contact in the future, there will
naturally be Definitions, no matter how much I think now, there is no use.
Anyway, it is good to be able to defeat the enemy.
He jumped forward, like Dapeng spreading his wings, and took a palm shot towards the top
of the old Zhao family.
The old clan had just got up from the ground, and his arms were numb, which made him
afraid. In the face of Henry's palm, he dare not resist it and could only retreat quickly.
He knew clearly that he was not an opponent of this young man. I just made a full blow and
was completely defeated, so I can only find help.
The Zhao clan has been strong for too long. This long-lasting power has made the people of
the Zhao clan, especial y those senior clan elders, have an il usion that they will not lose,
and the Zhao will not lose. Il usion.
When this clan elder found out that he was not Henry's opponent, there was not much
confusion in his heart, because in his heart, he had already determined that this young man,
in front of the Zhao family, could not afford any trouble.
Unfortunately, this time, he was very wrong. When Henry's hand was already on his head,
he didn't have the consciousness of failure in his heart.
This time, in Henry's heart, the kil ing intention was decided, and there would be no hand
to keep, even if this was a master of Qi, even if this was the clan's old clan, in Henry's eyes,
he was already a dead person, he With a hard hand, a "bang" sounded, and the blood
gradually spread to Henry.
Looking at the headless body slowly fal ing in front of him, the irritability that had been
suppressed for a long time was finally unbearable at this moment, and was completely
released by Henry. He screamed in the sky and stared at a family of Zhao, killing each other.
go with.
The death of a clan elder, the burst of the head, frightened the courage of Zhao's family.
When Henry killed him, they couldn't even give up their resistance, and they wanted to
"Run?" Henry smiled softly. "Today, no one can run!"
Henry's body leaped hard, rising up like a cannonball, and then fell heavily in front of a
Zhao family, slamming his fist, striking a person directly, without any bells and whistles, it
was so direct, horrible!
The huge power, with a crazy tear, smashed the enemy in front of Henry.
"Wow, boss, is he so fierce?" Wade White held a big knife and fought against the clan elder
in front of him. Then he looked at Henry exaggeratedly. The two clan elders who could
hardly resist him, in front of Henry, one The tricks can't hold up.
"It's better to take care of yourself than lamenting the boss's strength, you idiot!" The
anxious voice of the future rang in Wade White's ears. She had already taken out her
hot weapon to confront the clan elders and temporarily suppressed the other party behind
a stone house However, the speed of the Kezuo is too fast, she can't effectively aim at all,
now it is just delaying time.
"Have you found that the boss is a little different?" Luna's voice sounded aside, with a
worry in his voice.
Different ? What's the difference?" Wade White shook his head. "I feel that Boss is very
good." Luna pulled out a long whip and fought against his opponent. He said: "Long ago, the
boss was not very personal. It's time to kill, unless someone touches the boss's bottom line,
the boss will only be able to sharpen some of the main characters, but today, the boss can
say ... kill if you see someone! "
Outside the house, the endless family of Zhao rushed to the house and came to the inner
courtyard. There are more than 7,000 people in the Zhao family throughout Zhaojia County.
When it madly poured into the house, there was an endless sense of it.
Faced with these endless enemies, Henryfei didn't worry at al . Instead, there was a hint of
excitement on his face. He fisted his fists and harvested life after life.
Shouting, screaming, and yelling, rang continuously in the Zhao's house.
Fortunately, this film is almost surnamed Zhao. If it is in the urban area, I am afraid that it
has caused panic. But even so, some people have heard the blasting sound here.
The strong bloody smel spread above the house.
Henry's body has been stained with blood. The so-called battle of life and death is not a
confrontation between the two armies. It is just a way to show their muscles. , But it is fatal!
Patriarch Zhao He, Zhao He, when he rushed to the house, the door was completely blocked
by corpses, and blood flowed down the door frame to the street.
Zhao He recognized at a glance that the black people in the courtyard wearing masks were
the people who saw the video.
Zhao He's royal spirit, the whole person jumped into the wall, two hellwalkers saw him,
and he was kil ed at the first time. Zhao He pul ed out a scimitar from his waist and drew an
arc towards him. Two punches The hellwalker who came came abruptly and then planted
What happened here was noticed immediately. No one who rushed to the members of the
Zhao family rushed to Henry, but avoided Zhao He as much as possible.
The first thing Gwangmyeong did when training Hellwalkers was to tel everyone not to do
unnecessary things, to meet irresistible opponents, and to protect themselves is the most
important thing. Not brave, but stupid!
Every hel walker has such consciousness in the subconscious. When Zhao He is found to be
an irresistible enemy, no one is going to fight it hard. They know that such a strong man
will naturally be dealt with by others. What he did was to give ful play to his abilities, so
even in the case of death, he would make the greatest contribution.
Zhao He took the initiative to kill those hellwalkers. When he found that these people were
avoiding the war, he frowned tightly, and the enemy was more sensitive to the battle than
the members of his family.
The screams from the inner courtyard attracted Zhao He's attention. Zhao He no longer
focused on the outer courtyard and rushed towards the inner courtyard.
As soon as he was admitted to the hospital, Zhao He glanced at the whole situation. He
recognized several masters among the enemies at a glance. Six of them were dragged by the
three clan elders, and another one was killing.
Zhao He frowned even more, because he knew that this time, a total of four tribes came, but
now there are only three left. Doesn't it mean that the other person has already suffered an
Zhao He fixed his gaze on Henry who was killing the ring, and recognized at a glance that
this is the person in the DV. He must first bury Zhao and then Li.
"The thief, dare!" Zhao He shouted, fists fisting, and ran to Henry.
Henry, who had just kil ed one person, felt a strong wind behind him, and suddenly turned
around, waving his fist behind him.
Henry's fist against Zhao He's double fist, in front of the two's fist, a huge qi gathered, and
the two's fists have not col ided, then the qi hit Together, there is a violent col ision.
A wave of anger spread out between the two.
Henry and Zhao He, almost three steps back at the same time.
There was a shock in Zhao He's eyes. He looked at Henry's age, but in his twenties, he had
such a strong strength. He had just been, but he had a seven-point strength, or he took the
lead and only played a tie with the other party. .
Henry shook his fist and opened his mouth wide, "Interesting, you are much stronger than
the previous one."
"Boy, you are too arrogant!" Zhao He shouted, "Today, I will take your life. "
" Ha ha. "Henry chuckled softly," I heard too much of this. "
" Succumb to death! "Zhao He no longer talks nonsense, the screams of the Zhao family who
kept ringing in the house all gave him a heart Crazy, he picked up his anger and killed
"Come on well!" Henry's eyes showed excitement, and he finally met one, some powerful
opponent, and just 50% of his strength, even had a draw with him.
The two battled together in an instant. If you say that the fighting in other places is just a
col ision of fists and feet, and the casualties are only on both sides of the battle, then the
battle between Henry and Zhao He is like a huge meat grinder. A single move will bring up
waves of qi. Those who are slightly weaker can't touch the qi waves. After a little touch,
they are flicked out and the internal organs are damaged.
In a blink of an eye, the two had already passed dozens of moves. Zhao He was more and
more shocked. The strength of the young man in front of him had greatly exceeded his
expectations. In itself, Zhao He only used 70% of his strength and wanted to Exploring
Henry's bottom and figuring out who he is, gradually, the 70% strength has grown to 80%,
90%, and now 10%, Zhao He feels that he is a little hard!
Compared with Zhao He's panic, Henry was more and more happy in his heart, and the
irritability that held in his heart for several days was pouring out at this time.
"Boy, I admit, you are very strong, but your knowledge of qi is too obvious!" Zhao He took a
deep breath and did not intend to hide his strength anymore. He then stretched out a set of
crane fists.
A gas-like spirit crane was pinched in the hand by Zhao He. The spirit crane spread its
wings and pecked towards Henry.
"Boy, the connection between man and air is as vast as the sea, which is not what you can
understand, I will let you see, what is the shape!" Zhao He's face appeared proud, which he
only recently broke through The realm, even if it is put into all the clan of China, can be
ranked in the middle reaches.
The gap between Metamorphic Realm and Royal Qi Realm cannot be closed!
Henry could clearly see a spirit crane pecking at himself.
"Hua Xian?" Henry captured another important message. "It turns out that Qi Cheng is cal
ed Hua Xing!"
"Boy, it seems that your parents have not taught you." Zhao He's smile on his face More and
more flourishing, but when his smile bloomed to a peak, he suddenly stopped.
Because Zhao He clearly saw that in Henry's left hand, he pinched a fierce tiger. The fierce
tiger was also made of qi, but it was more solid and vivid than the spirit crane in his hand.
The spirit crane transformed by Zhao He is only a ghost image, but the tiger in Henry's
hands has substance.
"No! This can not be!" Zhao He widened his eyes and looked incredible Henry,
"Changeling! How can you reach Changeling! And you of this form, has come to Mahayana!"
"Why, is it difficult to transform?" Henry smiled slightly. The tiger in his hand opened a big
mouth of the blood basin and threw at the spirit crane in Zhao He's hand. The
original fierce spirit crane was in After encountering the tiger, there was no resistance at
al , and it was completely torn.
The Tigers continued to cast off and rushed to Zhao He.
Zhao He's face finally became difficult to see. He resisted in front of him, but he couldn't
stop the tiger's claws at al . He was torn like a thin paper by the tiger, and the tiger's palm
shot him.
The size of the tiger's palm is like the little hand of a two-year-old child, but when he
photographed Zhao He, Zhao He's whole person flew out like a kite with a broken thread,
and his chest was very obvious , Collapsed.
A mouthful of blood spewed out from Zhao He's mouth, and his face became pale, and just
that one time, he was seriously injured.
"Shaped?" Henry looked at the tiger in his hand. "It's a little interesting, this world is getting
more and more interesting!"
Henry flicked his arm and the tiger disappeared. He walked towards Zhao He and made a
knife-like hand. At the same time, one The sharp blade formed by the condensation of air,
along Henry's arm, extends to the tip of the palm, which is much sharper than the sharp
blade sharpened by the blacksmith.
Zhao He looked at the transformation that Henry could do as he pleased, and was
completely desperate in his heart. Not to mention that the black man in countless combat
experience far surpassed the Zhao family, is such a young man, his strength can also easily
destroy the Zhao family.
Zhao He was unwilling, Zhao family was about to rise, but on the eve of the rise, he was
exterminated by such a person, "I do n’t understand, who are you, why do you want to start
with us Zhao, we Zhao, ask yourself not
I've provoke you. " " Declaring war on my Bright Island, isn't that provoke? "Henry Zhao He
"Guangming Island!" Zhao He's pupils shrank, and then he became sad. "No wonder, no
Zhao has already made plans. Once he enters the WTO, he will take the mundane holy land
Guangming Island as the first base after Zhao's entry. But who knows, before the Zhao's
accession to the WTO, Guangming Island has already taken the lead in killing it.
However, Zhao He couldn't figure out how Guangming Island knew how Zhao's wanted to
start with them. Zhao's participation in the plan were all people of extremely high status
within the family, and no one would leak it.
Zhao He was destined to understand this question.
Henry waved his arm, and the air knife was like cutting tofu. He crossed Zhao He's neck,
and Zhao He stared at his round eyes, and he didn't look back until he died.
Zhao He's death completely disturbed the mind of the entire Zhao family. The three clan
elders who were still fighting against the future, all showed their grieved eyes.
"It's not a good habit to be distracted during the battle." Alex raised his white teeth and
waved the scimitar in his hand, pointing directly at the heart of a clan elder. Will miss any
smal mistakes of the enemy.
At the moment opposite the Alex clan clan looking at Zhao He, his scimitar was precisely
inserted into the clan clan's chest.
The old look of the tribe took a hard look, and looked at Alex, just opening his mouth, and
the red hair came from behind, grabbing his head, and vigorously mentioned it.
another Zhao clan old, died.
At the moment, only two clan elders from the Yuqi Realm and a group of ordinary children
who didn't even reach the Qiqi were still trembling in this bloody hell.
"My king, it's not good." A cry of exclamation sounded from behind Henry.
Henry turned his head to see that Ping Tianhao was covered in blood and appeared in the
back. The whole person was very weak, and he walked unsteadily.
"Miss Sun, she was taken away."
Ping Tianhao quickly pointed to the courtyard wall.
Henry looked down where Ping Tianhao pointed out, and saw Zhao Qian, who had been
hiding in the ancestral hal , grabbed Lam Sun, and overcame the high wall outside the
mansion. When Zhao Qian moved, Henry was sure. He has definitely arrived in the Imperial
Realm, this master, the entire Bright Island, except himself and the elders, one on one, no
one is his opponent.
Without hesitation, Henry stepped up and stepped up. While turning out the inner
courtyard wall, Henry's voice rang in the ears of every hellwalker.
"Kill them all!"
The voice seemed to come from under Nine Nether.
When Henry turned out of the house, he saw a supercar, ful of horsepower, and left the
street in front of the house.
Henry looked around for a while, and finally locked on another sports car. He rushed to the
front, forcing his arm and forcibly pulling the car door. This super-run kept emitting a
harsh alarm. Henry seemed not to hear it. , Sit in the car, put the phone on the center
console of the vehicle, and after about eight seconds, the supercar makes a roar.
Henry ’s mobile phone was specially modified in the future. The chip inside can hack into
the world ’s top computer and a car ignition device in 30 seconds, but it can be cracked in
minutes, but it is also good. This is a luxury car worth mil ions, if it is a cheap ordinary car,
it is really impossible to crack the fire through the vehicle computer, then it can only rely
on the key.
Based on the escape route of Zhao Qian that he just observed, Henry drove away with full
Just when Henrygang left, a red figure came to Zhao's house. When he heard the shouting
and killing sound in the mansion and saw the corpse of the mansion, the red figure
frowned, and he floated to the inner courtyard .
"Stop it!" The
red figure began, sounding like Hong Zhong.
Those Zhao family members, whether they were running away or rebelling, did not
consciously stop their movements at the moment, and those who wore ghost masks still
waved their blades and slaughtered.
In the inner courtyard, a person had been hiding next to the wooden coffin. When the red
figure appeared, he lit a gasoline-filled coffin with a fire, and the fire instantly ignited.
"God Hidden Society, you crush my clan, and now my clan has been assaulted by traitors,
and you can't escape the relationship with your God Hidden Association." An old clan, eyes
full of blood, Zhao's this time, completely destroyed.
The head of the patriarch was in a different place, two of the old clan died, and there were
countless casualties of his disciples. Even if he could suffer from panting today, he would
have to fall out of the clan ranks, and it would be hard to turn over.
The red figure glanced around, and he saw at a glance that the future of fighting against the
old clan of Zhao clan is not a royal atmosphere.
Shenyin has rules and is not al owed to strike at ordinary people at will.
Anyone who does not reach the imperial atmosphere is an ordinary person.
The red figure asked, "Where is the main culprit?"
"I just ran out and chased me Zhao's, the only hope!" The old clan clenched his teeth tightly.
Now, al their hopes are placed on Zhao Qian On his body, once Zhao Qian was able to
awaken the bloodline, a few years later, the Zhao family might have a chance to start again.
When I
heard the red figure , I immediately thought of the two supercars that had just rushed out.
He didn't stay here and rushed outside.
The existence of the God Hidden Society, while restricting the clan, must also maintain
balance, otherwise, once the balance is broken, facing the so many clans, the God Hidden
Society cannot continue to maintain this stable situation.
"Tel me, where did the two cars that the Zhao family just went out?" The red figure took out
a communicator.
"In the city!" The
red figure glanced at the direction in the city. There was a tall tower, which was completely
owned by Zhao's private industry. The tal tower was also the center of the entire Zhaojia
County, the center of this huge nine palace gossip!
In the city, in the top-floor room of a hotel, silver long-haired beauties stood quietly in front
of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the burning fire in Zhao's house, with a slight
smile on the corner of his mouth. It ’s half done, but the biggest crisis is still waiting for you.
silver-haired beauty finished, her eyes locked on the tower in the city again, her red lips
flicked, her mouth muttered:“ I do n’t know the power of blood You, can you continue to be
so stable, this world is much more exciting than you think! "
Late at night, two supercars, rushing in Zhaojia County, the traffic lights on the road, for
these two For a super-running driver, it is ignored.
With a fierce face on Zhao Qian's face, Lam Sun was completely comatose and was lying on
the co-pilot. Zhao Qian had stepped the throttle to the bottom and accelerated the most.
The county is not big. It took only five minutes to run under the speed of a super race.
Zhao Qian came to the bottom of the tower. He opened the car door and carried the co-pilot
Lam Sun, licking his lips bloodthirstyly. , Rushed up the tower.
About fifteen seconds after Zhao Qian rushed into the tower, the supercar driven by Henry
also came under the tower. Before the car stopped, Henry rushed out of the car and went
straight to the tower.
This tower, with a height of 63 meters, is the tallest building in the entire county. No one is
a tower. The tower is a private building. When Henry rushed into the tower, he found that
the elevator had reached the top floor, no matter how he pressed it. There is no movement.
Henry did not spend much time, thinking that Zhao Qian stopped the elevator, glanced at
the location of the emergency escape stairs, and ran over.
The sixty-three meter high tower and countless steps give a sense of despair.
Henry took a deep breath and ran up at the fastest speed. The steps he had stepped on
showed cracks, showing how terrifying Henry's leg strength was.
When Henry ran halfway, he found that this tower, in the center of the entire county, all the
nine palaces and gossip layouts were built around this tower.
All the way to the top of the tower, Rao Henry couldn't help but gasp.
The space at the top of the tower is not large. It is a round hall, very dark. At this moment, a
Qianying is lying in the center of the hal , and beside him, there is a figure sitting beside
"You are slower than I thought."
The figure sitting cross-legged gradual y stood up and made a low voice.
"Do you know, we, Zhao, have prepared 21 years for this day!"
round hal , there are some narrow windows, you can see the night sky outside.
Henry looked at the figure not far away in front of him, and did not act rashly. After coming
to the top floor, he always had a bad hunch.
The moonlight sprinkled and shone on the figure. Zhao Qian's original face was still slightly
"From the day I was born, my blood power has traces of returning to our ancestors.
From that day on, our Zhao family is planning this day, planning, so that I can awaken the
blood power one day! This day, Waiting for 21 years! "
Zhao Qian took a step forward slowly.
"Twenty-one years, you know, what do these twenty-one years mean? It means I have been
waiting from birth, waiting for the arrival of this day. For me, this may be the
transformation of life, Maybe it ’s a trial, it ’s like a nightmare, tormenting me constantly,
from the day I remembered, I ’ve never had a good night ’s sleep! Now, I ’m final y waiting! ”
“ You know, in you The day I walked into my Zhao's, I had seen you. When I saw your first
glance, I felt a thorn, stuck in my heart, which made me extremely uncomfortable, and
made me unable to wait for this. The root thorn was pulled out, and my bloodline told me
that you were carrying something that made me very uncomfortable! "
Zhao Qian walked to the moonlight, his entire face was printed under the moonlight, he
was smiling, The corners of his mouth were wide open, never closed.
"You know, how much effort did our Zhao family make in these 21 years? The whole county
is for today. We col ect countless nutrients to provide energy for the awakening of the
bloodline. Do you know, you Almost, it ruined our Zhao's plan, you let those 999
people die in vain! "
Henry stood there, listening to Zhao Qian's words, silently shook his head, this Zhao Qian,
his Psychology has been completely distorted.
At the same time, what Henry did not expect was that the city of Zhao was built in
accordance with the nine palaces and gossips, just for the awakening of the bloodline, and
more so, it killed so many people. This is different from war, but it is cruel slaughter.
"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha!" Zhao Qian smiled suddenly, laughing very loudly, "However, I still
have something to thank you. After so many years, Zhao's marriage with outsiders has
become thinner and bloodier. I was original y Still thinking, how to make the blood of the
Zhao family pure, if I become the patriarch, and then slaughter the entire Zhao family, it
will inevitably be tainted by the disease, you have solved a problem for me in advance. "
Henry said , "Zhao put the hope on you, and I real y chose the wrong person."
"Hope? You said hope!" Zhao Qian's voice suddenly increased, "You said that I am Zhao's
hope? Is this him, it's me , The biggest joke I have heard in these 21 years, do you even say
that Zhao takes me as hope? You too overestimate my status in Zhao! I have always been
just a tool, you have Do you feel that you have to soak in the blood every night? Do you have
the feeling that you have to drink the blood of the same family every day? Hope? I hope that
I am yours! "
Zhao Qian's mood suddenly changed Very excited, the whole person is also irritable, His
body was trembling, and he was waving his arms aimlessly, like a hyperactive patient.
"You can choose to leave." Henry looked at Zhao Qian in front of him, and suddenly felt a
sorrow for him. If he really lived like this, it would be like purgatory.
"Leave? Why should I leave?" Zhao Qian's voice was full of doubts, "Do you know what the
awakening of blood power means? What does it represent?"
Zhao Qian looked out of the window .
"From today, from now on, me! Zhao Qian! Is the god in this world! The only god, even the
so-cal ed Emperor Wu, will bow down under my feet from now on, do you understand, the
power of God, Not a person like you, understandable! "
Outside the window, a" dong "sound passed into Henry's ears.
This is from a clock tower in the county town. Every twelve midnight, the clock tower will
make a sound.
At the moment when he heard this voice, Henry changed his face, and it was not good to
drink. Zhao Qian, who had been delaying for a long time, Lam Sun had already arrived at
the Zhao family, and the Zhao family had been waiting. Now!
Henry exerted force on his legs, and the whole figure was an arrow off the string, rushing
towards Zhao Qian.
Zhao Qian turned around, grabbed Lam Sun lying on the ground, aimed at Lam Sun's white
jade arm, and bit it down, ignoring Henry.
Henry clearly saw that Zhao Qian's teeth were as sharp as a beast, easily breaking Lam
Sun's tender skin and al owing her blood to be sucked.
Henryyang raised his hand and punched Zhao Qian's face with a punch.
Zhao Qian turned sharply and used his back to resist Henry's punch.
Henry clearly heard a crisp sound of "click", his fist broke Zhao Qian's spine.
Zhao Qian's whole body col apsed uncontrol ably, but his teeth were still biting on Lam
Sun's arm, refused to let go, and his eyes were filled with a crazy look.
This madness made Henry have a bad hunch. He kicked a whip leg and formed a whip
shape, pulling on Zhao Qian's side rib. This time, he also broke several ribs, but Zhao Qian
Stil did not loosen Lam Sun.
Henry frowned, he did n’t dare to force Zhao Qian away. Zhao Qian ’s sharp teeth were
stuck in Lam Sun ’s forearm. If he forcibly pulled away, Lam Sun would definitely tear a
large flesh of flesh. What he can do, It is through pain that stimulates Zhao Qian, let him
take the initiative to relax.
Henry pumped his feet on Zhao Qian again. Zhao Qian ’s ears, nostrils, and corners of his
eyes were al bleeding with blood, and the broken bones were already stuck in his internal
organs, but he stil refused to let go, and his throat was not knot The agitation stopped.
Henry stomped heavily on Zhao Qian's back, crushed and pressed hard.
"Ah!" The severe pain finally made Zhao Qian unable to bear it, opened his mouth, and
screamed out loud.
At the moment when Zhao Qian opened his mouth, Henry kicked out and kicked Zhao Qian
away three meters away. He looked at Lam Sun, who had a row of sharp blood holes on his
arm, which was shocking.
Although Zhao Qian was kicked away by Henry, he didn't have any regrets on his face.
Even though Qiqiao was bleeding, he was still laughing.
"Hah ... cough ... cough cough!"
Hemorrhage in the lungs, a large mouth of blood, coughed out of his mouth.
"Do you know, this woman, for me, is the best supplement in the world, our Zhao, searched
the blood of 70,000 people in the entire county, and her blood can be perfectly integrated
with me, as long as I am in Today, completely replace her blood, my blood power will burn
in this large formation. "
"Unfortunately, you did not suck it." Henry Zhao Qian shook his head.
"That's also ... enough!" Zhao Qian's pupils suddenly condensed, and the whole figure burst
out, rushing towards Henry.
"It's fast!" Henry was shocked, he didn't see Zhao Qian's movements very well, and the
other party had already come to him.
When Henry saw Zhao Qian's next second, he felt a strong sense of oppression coming from
his front.
Zhao Qian just struck Henry with a seemingly random punch, and directly broke through
Henry's body protection airflow, making this punch hit Henry's body.
How powerful is the punch that can break the airflow of the body? The whole person of
Henry flew out like a cannonball and fell heavily on a wall. Because of the violent col ision,
the wall cracked.
After Zhao Qian blasted Henry with a fist, he did not continue to pursue it, but stood on the
spot and looked at his fist, "Strength, this is the power I dreamed of, the power that al ows
Emperor Wu to bow at my feet, I Waiting for this day, waiting for 21 years! "
Zhao Qian ’s bones were kicked off by Henry, including his upper body spine. At the
moment, he was standing there, crooked, as if it were one. With a puppet suspended by silk
Zhao Qian's Qiqiao kept spilling blood, but he didn't care, his face was immersed in joy, he
could feel that his blood power was boiling!
This powerful power gave Zhao Qian a feeling of stepping on the whole world under his
feet. He looked at Lam Sun lying on the ground and walked over again, exposing his fangs.
A gaseous tiger flew from Zhao Qian's back, Henry squeezed the tiger and crane in two
directions, and attacked Zhao Qian from two different directions.
The tiger opened his mouth wide and bite on Zhao Qian. The white crane spread its wings
and came towards Zhao Qian with an unprecedented momentum.
"Ah!" Zhao Qian once again yelled in pain, and his flesh and blood on his shoulders were
torn off by Huhe's ghost.
Henry succeeded in one blow, without hesitation, and hit another blow again. He gasified a
long whip in front of his leg and pulled towards Zhao Qian in two directions.
"I want you to die!" Zhao Qian let out a low roar, and suddenly reached out his hand, as fast
as lightning.
When Henry's face changed, he had to retreat, but Zhao Qian's speed was too fast.
Before Henry completed his recruitment, his hand was stuck in Henry's neck.
Zhao Qian kicked hard under his feet, his body dived, grabbed Henry's neck with one hand,
and rushed directly to the wall next to him. Then he smashed hard and smashed Henry
hard on the wall.
Henry only felt a sweet throat and a mouthful of blood. He spurted from his mouth. He was
smashed into the wall by Zhao Qian, and the wall gradual y cracked. If you can see it outside
the tower, the top of the tower , Some gravel is falling.
"You know, you should be honored. You are the first person who can hurt me after I
become a god, and the last one. I will make your bones into specimens and remember them
all the time." Zhao Qian With a hoarse voice, he raised his fist high and then smashed it into
A lotus flower emerged from above Henry's head, and a layer of air cover was sprinkled.
This layer of air cover seemed fragile, but it successful y resisted the punch from Zhao Qian.
"Huh?" Zhao Qian made a suspicious voice.
At the moment when Zhao Qian was puzzled, Henry gathered his strength and kicked him
on Zhao Qian's chest. Zhao Qian flew out in response and smashed the wall opposite
Henry climbed out of the cracked wall, you can see that his coat has been torn open
countless mouths, wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth, Henry squeezed his fist, once
again Zhao Qian rushed away.
"You make me angry! Make me angry!" Zhao Qian roared, his eyes were ful of blood red,
facing Henry's attack, he seemed to commit suicide to die, open his arms, let Henry punch,
Boomed on his chest.
Henry's fist is terrifying, Zhao Qian was original y embedded in the wall, and this time, the
whole wall began to collapse.
A huge stone fel from the top of the tower and hit the supercar on the ground. Millions of
expensive supercars turned into a pile of scrap iron. Half of Zhao Qian was also exposed
outside the tower.
Henry punched out, and it didn't end. He raised his fist again and hit Zhao Qian's face,
punching and punching. Every time, he used the greatest strength.
"Bang!" A
cracked stone sounded, and Zhao Qian's head smashed open the stone wall behind him, and
Henry hammer went outside the tower.
"Hehehehehe." A low voice came out of Zhao Qian's mouth. "Are you only having such a
little strength? Don't you feel pain or itching."
Henry squeezed his fist and blasted Zhao Qian again. Now Zhao Qian is half The body is al
outside the tower. Henry's fist is to blow Zhao Qian completely out of the tower. At a height
of 63 meters, Zhao Qian in this state will definitely be crushed into meat.
Seeing Henry's fist, he must again hit Zhao Qian's face, and when he is less than one
centimeter away from Zhao Qian's face, he can no longer move forward.
Zhao Qian's hand grabbed Henry's wrist.
"Weak! Weak! Weak! You are too weak!" Zhao Qian withdrew his head from the outside of
the tower. It can be clearly seen that his face has been completely deformed by Henry, the
nose bridge collapsed, and the cheekbones are broken The crack, even the eye socket, was
completely smashed.
Zhao Qian stared at Henry, licking his lips bloodthirstyly, suddenly opened his mouth,
exposing his sharp fangs, and bit him towards Henry's arm.
The sharp pain piercing the skin struck, Henry's pupil shrank suddenly. At this moment, he
clearly felt that the blood in his body was being pumped out quickly by Zhao Qian.
Zhao Qian's non-stop creeping throat proved that he was swallowing.
"Loose mouth, loose mouth!" Henry lifted his knee and slammed into Zhao Qian's face.
The violent impact caused Zhao Qian's facial bones to collapse into the spot, and his entire
face was completely destroyed. arm.
"I let you loose your mouth, loose your mouth!" Henry grabbed Zhao Qian's hair with the
other hand, and hit him again with his knee. Every attack was fil ed with huge air.
This time, the place where Henry collided was Zhao Qian's jawbone. Upon the collision,
Zhao Qian's jawbone was completely broken without accident, and the teeth of Henry's arm
were clenched open.
Henry quickly withdrew his arm. At this moment, Zhao Qian suddenly exploded, and he
issued a powerful offensive. Like a shower, he hit crazy on Henry.
In the face of Zhao Qian's offensive, Henry could only resist with difficulty, and he was
beaten back.
Henry looked at the distorted face in front of him, Zhao Qian, whose eyes were scarlet, gave
him the feeling that this was not a person at al , but a beast!
Zhao Qian's offensive is very violent. Although his body seems to have been ruined, but the
power of his fist at this time, it is all in tonnage. Calculated, hitting ordinary people with
one punch can smash them into blood mist.
The gas mask in front of Henry, like Zhao Qian ’s double fists, is like a layer of tissue.
He can stand up to now, relying on his superb physical function and the lotus on his head.
At that time, the lotus will sprinkle a layer of air cover, the strength of this air cover is far
more than Henry himself condensed out, can withstand Zhao Qian's offensive.
However, as Zhao Qian's offensive became more and more fierce, the lotus flower above
Henry's head also became more and more virtual, and the strength of the air cover was also
getting smaller.
Moonlight sprinkled completely on Zhao Qian through the window. Zhao Qian gave a roar,
and the power on his fist was even more violent.
"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be an unexpected joy. The energy in your blood has
exceeded my expectations. I feel that my blood is boiling. You can rest assured that I will
not let your blood go to waste. "Zhao Qian's mouth showed a cruel smile, and he stared at
Henry's eyes like a plate of delicious food."
Above the entire Zhaojia County, an invisible gas condensed into a spiral, and began to
gather toward the tall tower in the center of the county and converge on the spire.
This meticulously built Jiugong Bagua City, which took decades, began to play its role.
A huge amount of gas accumulated in the spire of the tower, and suddenly, as if to find a
breakthrough, drilled into Zhao Qian's body.
When this huge air rushed into the body, a violent wind rolled up beside Zhao Qian, and a
huge airflow exploded from Zhao Qian's body, pushing Henry three meters away.
The strong wind completely covered and covered Zhao Qian. This is a storm formed by
Reiki, which can tear people into pieces.
Zhao Qian, who was in the wind, made a miserable roar.
Seeing the right moment, Henry resisted the severe pain all over his body, stooped and
bent over, and rushed towards where Lam Sun was lying. He wanted to put Lam Sun in a
safe place first.
Henrygang rushed halfway. When passing by the violent wind, a bloody hand stretched out
of the gust of wind and directly grabbed Henry's arm.
Henry turned his head to look, Zhao Qian walked out of the gust of wind, the flesh and
blood of his body was attacked by the gust of wind, all torn, the whole person, the flesh and
blood were vague, and he looked extremely horrified.
Moreover, Henry also noticed that Zhao Qian is now tal er than before, at least ten
centimeters tal er, and his arms are thicker.
Zhao Qian struggled to squeeze out of the violent wind, and his bloody chest kept rising and
fal ing, which meant that he was still suffering huge pain at the moment.
"Want to save her?" Zhao Qian's teeth, the face covered with blood and rotten flesh,
suddenly showed a white, extraordinarily infiltrating person, "I am very annoyed by your
ants, so I decided , I'll eat you first, and then enjoy the woman, 桀桀! "
Zhao Qian's voice fell, and the other hand suddenly came out, stuck Henry's throat, and
opened his mouth at the same time, exposing his sharp fangs, bit To Henry's shoulder.
The fangs penetrated Henry's skin without hindrance. Henry's entire person, controlled by
Zhao Qian, could not resist at al .
Layers of air hoods spilled from the lotus above Henry's head, but before the air hood
condensed, he was torn into pieces by the strong wind behind Zhao Qian.
The rotation speed of Henry's abdomen cyclone began to slow down, and the lotus flower
above his head also had a shaky tendency.
Zhao's preparations for twenty-one years, to gather the power of the whole family, how can
you underestimate the power of the awakened bloodline, they do not even look at Wu
Emperor, this powerful bloodline power, let One cannot imagine.
At this time, although only a little blood power was awakened, for Henry, it was already a
powerful force that could not be confronted. After all, Henry, the time of contact with Qi
was still very short.
The blood in the body was pumped away, and a sense of weakness directly hit Henry's
mind. Henry's face had become pale. He clenched his teeth tightly and tried hard to get rid
of Zhao Qian as much as possible.
Zhao Qian's limbs continue to grow with the blood. This is a phenomenon that cannot be
explained by science. His strength is getting stronger, and Henry's strength is getting smal
Henry's eyes gradually became hol ow, and his tight muscles gradual y relaxed. His eyes
closed gradual y. Zhao Qian let go of Henry's hand, but he bit his fangs on Henry's shoulder
and never let go.
Now Henry is being held by Zhao Qian in his mouth.
The moonlight is getting brighter and brighter, and Zhao Qian's body has gradual y become
larger. Before him, he was only 1.8 meters tal , and now he is approaching 2
Zhao Qian's eyes were full of enjoyment. He greedily sucked the blood in Henry's body and
felt the growth of power.
In Henry's body, the cyclone stopped completely. Similarly, Henry's heart was only beating
Just five seconds after the cyclone stopped, a touch of red light gradually spread from the
inside of the cyclone, re-driven the cyclone and flowed to Henry's body.
"Did you drink enough?" A voice of indifference, without any emotion, suddenly sounded in
Zhao Qian's ear.
Zhao Qian was suddenly taken aback, his eyes flicked and he saw Henry, standing there
without any resistance.
At the moment, Henry's eyes were filled with blood red, and his naked skin was covered
with scarlet blood, so his eyes looked at Zhao Qian who was sucking blood on his body
indifferently. .
Seeing that Henry still had the ability to resist, Zhao Qian grabbed Henry with both hands.
"Go!" Henry took a light drink in his mouth, his body suddenly shocked.
The strength of this shock caused Zhao Qian's fangs that had been bitten into his skin to
shatter, and Zhao Qian's huge body was also directly shocked and hit the wall.
After doing al this, Henry did not look at several blood holes on his shoulder, and walked
slowly towards Zhao Qian.
Zhao Qian made a beast-like roar and rushed towards Henry. He didn't have any rules.
He was completely like a beast and wanted to tear Henry with both hands.
Facing Zhao Qian's sturdy arms, Henry was expressionless, extended two fingers, and
waved casually.
Zhao Qian had already grasped the arms in front of Henry, but at the moment, he broke off
from his shoulders and fell vertically to the ground, less than ten centimeters away from
In this scene, what happened was too amazing and too fast. It was so fast that Zhao Qian
didn't react. When he saw his arm fall to the ground, he felt the pain from his shoulders.
Zhao Qian let out a painful roar and looked at Henry with horrified eyes. He couldn't
believe it. He couldn't understand how this man who just had no power to fight back
suddenly burst into such a big energy!
"are ants, also dare to call God? There is only one god in this world!" Henry turned into a
phantom, appeared less than three centimeters before Zhao Qian Where, he stared at Zhao
Qian so straight.
In the eyes of Henry scarlet, Zhao Qian's footsteps retreated subconsciously.
Henryyi reached out and stuck Zhao Qian's throat and raised Zhao Qian.
Facing the current Henry, Zhao Qian didn't even have the ability to resist. He lost his arms,
and there was an invisible energy pressing around him, so he couldn't even move it.
Henry took a step forward. At the same time as he took this step, the walls around the
entire hall at the top of the tower were hit by an invisible force, al of which were split apart,
and countless gravel fell down from around the top of the tower.
The ceiling above Henry's head, without support, also fell down. A huge stone was aimed at
Lam Sun who was lying there. If it was accurate, Lam Sun's body would definitely be
smashed into meat.
For all this, Henry did not see it. He held Zhao Qian and walked to the edge of the platform
under his feet.
The boulder that was about to fall on Lam Sun suddenly turned into powder, including the
boulder that fell on Henry. When it was about one meter away from Henry, it became
Henry looked at Zhao Qian and tilted his head, "You said, do you deserve to be cal ed a
"You ... you ..." Zhao Qian stared at Henry and said hardly, "You are not him, who ...
who are you? ? " "
Wu Nai ...... "Henry pupil, more and more red," the ancient Cthulhu, candle shade, this
world, the only god! "
Henry arm force, tightly pinch the neck Zhao Qian Zhao Qian whole face However, there is
no way to make any resistance.
"Stop it!" A loud shout came from the entrance at the top of the tower.
A red figure stood at the entrance and looked at Henry.
"Enough, Henry. As a member of the Shenyin Society, you take the initiative to fight against
the clan. If you violate the rules, you will be sanctioned by the Shenyin Society."
"Shenyin Society?" Also worthy of saying sanctions to me? "
" You are bold! As a member of the Shenyin Society, contempt for the Shenyin Society,
follow me back to the meeting! Quickly put Zhao family in your hands! "The red figure
stared closely at Henry.
"Okay." Henry grinned and suddenly let go.
He was standing on the edge of the top of the tower. Zhao Qian was lifted into the air by
him. When Henry loosed his hand, Zhao Qian planted directly from the sky more than 60
meters high. Zhao Qian's whole body was bound by Henry. This falls, there is no other
possibility except death.
"You!" The red figure was shocked.
"I just listened to your words before letting go of people." Henryca made a white tooth.
"This life is counted on you."
Henry finished, jumped and jumped off the tower.
The red figure rushed to the edge of the tower, but couldn't see Henry's figure, only Zhao
Qian, who was unrecognizable, fell to the ground at the moment, and blood was
A night of bloody battles filled the sky above Zhaojia County with a scarlet flush.
The shouting sound continued for a full night. Six people in Wade White beheaded all the
two remaining clan elders of the Zhao family. The entire Zhao family house was already full
of corpses.
None of the Zhao people who came to the house could go out alive.
When the day shimmered, the shouting stopped completely.
The entire area where the Zhao's house was located was completely blocked, and no one
could come in. There were dedicated people to handle this matter.
, the people of Bright Island left quietly and went through various channels to meet on the
The Lam Sun family was arranged on a plane. On the plane, there were special
psychologists and surgeons to adjust the family of three. Last night, what happened to
ordinary people like them was too shocking. Too.
Lam Sun was discovered on the tower in the future. The top of the tower col apsed
completely. Don't think about it. You know Henry was fighting there with people last night.
When looking for the future in the future, I only saw Lam Sun.
After counseling Lam Sun ’s parents, the psychologist said, “Two people, what happened
last night, I hope you ’re rotten in the bel y, and I can tel you clearly that in your next three
years of life, our people will Staring at you all the time, once you expose
everything that happened last night, I think that the consequences are what you do n’t want
to see. This news, I hope you will also bring to Ms. Lam Sun. "
At this time, Lam Sun was stil in a coma, Lam Sun's parents looked at each other and
nodded subconsciously.
"This is the best. For the mental pressure caused to the three last night, we will pay 10
million as compensation. We will later hit Ms. Lam Sun's account. I hope the three will
comply with the agreement." The psychologist smiled slightly. .
Lam Sun ’s parents understand that the so-called compensation is the sealing fee. If they
can get the money, it is definitely on Henry ’s face. Otherwise, it ’s not easy for them to want
their family ’s life by the way these people do. .
The most important thing is that in the eyes of Lam Sun's family, yesterday's conflicts were
all Henry's in order to help them. For last night's things, no one needs to say more, they will
not leak out if they are killed.
"Relax, we will never say more." Lam Sun's mother nodded heavily.
"Happy cooperation."
Zhaojia County Town.
A figure in red and a figure in linen appeared in the Zhao's house.
"Huh, this kid's method is really ruthless." The figure of Mai was wearing a hat, which was
given to Henry Shenyinhui token.
"The person you recruited, poke out such a big basket, what are you going to do with it?"
Red figure was dissatisfied with the figure of Chong Mai.
"Handle? Why do you handle it?" The figure of Maige asked in a suspicious tone. "The man
who died last night has signs of awakening of the bloodline. Zhao's violation of the
regulations and abuse of forbidden surgery, you should be clear. But it ’s because of your
negligence of duty, you do n’t thank him, and you still have to ask me how to deal with it? ”
Red dress figure sleeve robe flicked,“ This kind of big and small things, let me thank him?
What is he doing? And , He blatantly insulted the God Hidden Society last night. "
" Oh, whatever you want. Anyway, this time, Henry, he is doing a great job. You said the
insult, young people, there is no sense of belonging to the meeting. Understand. "Maige
figure chuckled, waved, and left here.
The figure in red stood alone on the spot, squeezing his fists tightly. A scene that happened
last night came to my mind. Henry's arrogant smile and his disdainful look made his heart
irritated with anger.
"A junior who has just entered the imperial family, dare to be so crazy? What a bright
island, I want to see, what are your crazy capitals!" Hong Yi figure secretly said.
Zhaojia County, a house located in the other courtyard, Henry wasn't using cold water to
wash his face, several shocking on his arms and shoulders The blood hole brought Henry a
pain from time to time.
Now Henry, I just feel that my head is about to explode with general pain. The scene that
happened last night flashed through his mind like a slide, not smooth, but I can probably
remember what happened.
"When I final y defeated Zhao Qian, did I explode my potential?" Henry only remembered
some clips, but the details are just like the memories and dreams.
What Henry remembered was that he finally threw Zhao Qian from the tower, and also
clashed with a person from the Shenyin Society.
Henry took a dress casual y in the house, put it on his body, and then pushed open the door.
There was no one in this other courtyard.
Henry also forgot how he got here. Anyway, as soon as he opened his eyes, the person was
already in the house. This fragmented feeling made Henry very uncomfortable.
There was no one in this other courtyard. When Henry walked outside the courtyard, he
saw the plaque on the gate of the other courtyard.
"Zhao Family ..."
Henry left here and went to the place where the war was last night. He found that the entire
area was blocked. Henry did not rush out, but stayed in Zhaojia County for two days to see
the situation.
Henry found a hotel that could directly look at the location of the war yesterday.
For two days, Henry had been staying in the hotel for a long time. He noticed that in these
two days, there were a lot of figures in Zhaojia County, and they would approach the
Zhaojiazhaiyuan. It had been two days since the end of the war. Inside the house, the blood-
red ground can stil be seen, even if the official has removed the floor tiles of the house, the
blood has penetrated into the soil.
Two days of observation also made Henry understand that the news that the Zhao family
was destroyed was stil spread out at the first time. It was known to many forces that they
could pay attention to it, and some of them had some clan background.
Henry called Wade White and asked Wade White to arrange the plane. He didn't plan to
stay here anymore.
"Boss, are you stil there?" When Wade White received the call from Henry, his voice was ful
of surprises. "Izar brought back the news that now there are at least ten powers he can't
figure out right now. In the investigation about the Zhao family, boss, you also know our
position among underground forces. Now many people put their eyes on us. I am afraid
that this time, there is no way to arrange the plane to let you come back Staring at it. "
Henry nodded," OK, then I will find a way myself. How are you doing? "
" According to your arrangement, everyone has all returned to the island. Boss, the future
girl, has been imperial "..."
"So fast!" Henry was shocked. The battle that ended only two days ago, it would take one
day for everyone to return to the island. In the future, it will be imperial, wouldn't it be that
she only spent one day time!
"The elder elder said, this girl's talent is absolutely unprecedented, and she is the boss, that
girl hasn't come back now, when she realizes that I can't beat her, maybe I will bully me. , I
have to feel the gas first. "Wade White hurriedly hung up the phone.
There was a happy look on Henry's face. In this way, Guangming Island added another
master of mastery! Every imperial master is top-notch combat power!
next few people will be able to contend with the Qiqi master with their own powerful
combat experience when they have not achieved the Qiqi. Now they have achieved the Qiqi,
which is much stronger than the normal Qiqi master.
Henry left the hotel and planned to return to Yinzhou by bus. Now many forces know that
the Zhao family is in trouble, and they also look at Guangming Island. These people are
definitely clan power.
Henry suddenly wiped out the Zhao family this time, and there was no exposure. No one
knew it except the man from the Shenyin Society.
Henry moved his shoulders and arms, stil feeling sore and sour.
Qi entered the body and could not be expel ed for many days. When Zhao Qian's fangs
pierced Henry's skin, the violent gas in Zhao Qian's body also penetrated into Henry's body.
In the past two days, Henry had expelled a lot, and he found that he could not Use Qi
casually, unless Zhao Qian's remaining Qi is completely eliminated, otherwise, the
remaining Qi will let the remaining Qi chaos in the body.
Henry felt it, and it took another day to expel his breath.
The battle with Zhao Qian that night traumatized Henry, but he also benefited a lot. At least
he saw how strong a person can be. At the same time, the new word of metamorphosis also
appeared. In the world of Henry, he now understands that it is not that the imperial Qi
realm is too weak, but that he has surpassed the imperial Qi realm and reached another
realm. what.
Henry hit a car, came to the national road, and then stopped a bus halfway. This kind of bus
stop to buy tickets does not need to be registered with an ID card. It can make Henry
quietly and avoid everyone's sight. , Back to Yinzhou.
Now all the major forces are paying attention to the issue of Zhao. Henry does not want to
cause unnecessary trouble to Guangming Island. Now Guangming Island is slowly
accumulating strength.
On the bus, Henry had been backing the car for four days in a row. Now, he is less than 300
kilometers away from Yinzhou. If he backs up again, he can get to the place.
Sitting on the bus, looking at the scenery outside the window, Henry was thinking, whether
he would stay outside for a few days, intentional y showing his face, let people find
themselves, otherwise such a quiet, will always be suspected.
While Henry thought about these things carefully, the bus that was moving steadily
suddenly had a sudden brake. The dozen passengers on the bus were al unstable and
planted forward.
"Why, master!" A dissatisfied voice sounded in the car.
The bus door opened and a group of men and women in black suits stepped into the car.
These people ranged in their twenties to forties, with a total of 16 people.
Henry sat in the last row of the bus and squinted. It turned out that the reason for the
emergency stop just now was five vehicles, which were lying in the middle of the road and
specifically forced the bus to stop.
As soon as these 16 people got on the bus, their eyes glanced at all the passengers in the
car. One of the leading middle-aged men took out a stamped A4 paper and shouted:
"Everyone, we are Hengcheng security, cooperate During the police operation, an illegal
person was hidden in this car. I will ask you a few questions to find out this person. I
believe that you do not want to sit in a car with a dangerous person. I hope everyone will
cooperate. "
people in the car are in an uproar, everyone subconsciously looked at the rest of the
Henry looked at the 16 security guards in the car, Hengcheng Security, this security
company. Henry had heard of it, and stil knew their boss, but should n’t this be a woman
security company?
Sixteen security members approached everyone and asked some questions.
"Where are you from?" A security member walked to Henry and asked.
"Zhaojia County." Henry replied without thinking.
"Zhaojia County?" The security officer looked at Henry suspiciously. Zhaojia County was
nearly a thousand kilometers away from here, and looking at Henry's appearance, listening
to his accent, it was not like a Mongolian.
"This person! This person's suspicion is very big!" A middle-aged woman in her forties
pointed to Henry and said loudly: "He was on the road halfway, and there was no real name
system for buying tickets!" On
this way, Henry chose The way to take a car is halfway.
The security personnel all looked at Henry when they heard this.
Henry looked at these people and shrugged. "Is there a problem with the car halfway?"
"Please come with us!" The leading middle-aged man came to Henry. "We will join the
official action, I hope You can cooperate. "
Henry leaned on the seat and smiled." Don't you think, your cognition is too one-sided?
" One-sidedness is our own business. Please follow us. "One A young man in his twenties
looked up and grabbed Henry's shoulder.
Henry sat there, letting the young man grab his shoulder.
The young man tried to lift Henry with a strong arm, but found that it was difficult to
achieve Henry's movement.
"Why, if I don't want to cooperate, do you still want to get rid of me?" Henry smiled slightly.
The lead middle-aged man's complexion changed, and he saw that Henry was a trainer.
He said: "Sir, I only hope you cooperate. After al , we are the Concord officials acting
together this time. If you don't cooperate, the official Over there, it's not easy to explain.
middle-aged man bit the official word very hard, just to use this to press against Henry.
After al , no matter how powerful a person is, he must be afraid that the official is not.
Henry shook his head, "It's okay to cooperate with you, but I think that your main task
should be to find this time's goal, instead of tangling your attention to whether I deserve it
or not?"
"Oh." Just now The young
man who reached out to grab Henry sneered, "Take you back and natural y complete the
task." In the face of so many people, he couldn't pull anyone, which made this young man
very uncomfortable.
The person sitting in front of Henry made a nuisance. "I think you should pay more
attention to him."
The person Henry said is a middle-aged man in his thirties. honest.
"Boy, don't play tricks on me!" The young man shouted at Henry. "Here, the biggest suspect
is you."
"Real y?" Henry asked, pointing to the middle-aged man in front of his left.
Where did he come from? He answered the Tonghu scenic spot. " " Why, is there a
problem? "The young man said displeasedly, and he just asked the middle-aged man,"
He is Tonghu, but two hours away. " , But you said that you came from Zhaojia County,
which is nearly a thousand kilometers away from here! Do you still drive from halfway? "
Henry shook his head, "How about me, when assisting you in your investigation, you can
naturally make it clear that what we are talking about is another problem. As a professional
security officer, you must have The most basic logic of thinking, knowing at what time,
what to do, obviously you are not qualified. "
" You! "The youth stared.
"Okay." The middle-aged young man who took the lead stopped the young man, and then
said to Henry: "This gentleman, I don't know why you said he had a problem?" The middle-
aged man said he was the 30-something Henryzhi Male passenger.
Henry hugged his hands behind his head. “It ’s very simple. When you just asked him
questions, his eyes unconsciously looked to the right side of his body. The left brain of the
person is responsible for memory, the right brain is responsible for logical thinking.
The look just now proves that he is not recal ing, but is conceiving, a person who has to
conceive wherever yesterday, do you think he has no problem? I believe, if you ask him
how much is the ticket for Tonghu Scenic Area, He certainly can't answer. "The middle-aged
man looked at Henry suspiciously when he heard Henry's words.
The young man was disdainful.
"Forget it, you have to be too lazy to ask, I can help you to ask." Henry looked at the
passenger in front of him on the left, "Brother, the ticket for the Tonghu Scenic Area, how
much is it?"
These security members who boarded the car, although not very much I believe Henry just
said, but at the moment Henry asked this question, they still looked at the male passenger
uniformly, waiting for his answer. This is human nature.
The male passenger scratched his head. "Oh, yesterday my friend took it to play. The ticket
was bought by him. I don't know how much money." As soon as the male passenger said
this, the sixteen security members on the car all had the same face Change, the middle-aged
captain closest to the male passenger, directly reached out and grabbed the male
The male passenger was grabbed by the middle-aged captain. He looked at the middle-aged
captain with a puzzled expression, "Brother, what do you mean?"
Before the middle-aged captain had spoken, Henry's voice sounded first, "Tonghu Scenic
Area, no tickets." It
can be seen that when Henry said this, the male passenger's face changed suddenly.
The captain's hand then jumped hard and slammed into the bus window.
The window shattered, and the middle-aged passenger fell outside the car, a skil ed
tumbling, and then over the barriers on both sides of the road, and ran away.
All the security members in the car rushed out of the car and chased the male passenger
who had fled.
"Why, would you like to take me back to investigate?" Henry looked at the middle-aged
"Mr., an unidentified person, you must assist in the investigation. I hope you cooperate.
If you prove that you are innocent, the official will compensate you accordingly." Middle-
aged captain Chong Henry said that he could not be because of what Henry just did. , To
rule out al suspicions of Henry, maybe this is what mist bomb?
Henry shrugged. "Wel , help you investigate."
Henry did this for no reason. First, he helped these security members because he knew the
boss of this security company. Second, this time he made an official appearance. It can also
avoid some trouble in the future.
Henry fol owed the middle-aged captain off the bus and took a black Volkswagen sedan to
the nearest city of Zuo.
Wherever Mongolia is, it gives people a sense of wide area. Driving on the national
highway, you can clearly see the grasslands on both sides of the road. You can see the
grasslands on the horizon. The cattle and sheep graze.
Coming to Zuoshi is different from the feeling of high-rise buildings and densely spaced in
big cities. The streets here are wide and the distance between buildings is wide.
The middle-aged captain drove with Henry to a building. The building had a total of seven
floors. Above the top floor, there was a shield sign with the four characters of Hengcheng
Security written on it.
"This entire building is yours?" Henry asked.
"Yes, our Hengcheng security is also one of the best security companies in Mongolia."
The middle-aged captain nodded.
Henry said silently in his heart: "I can't see that this Anna is still a local tyrant."
The boss of Hengcheng Security was Anna who was protecting Sylvia at the time. Only then
will they help these security personnel.
The middle-aged team leader took Henry into the company building. At the reception desk
on the first floor, Henry saw a variety of projects, such as security team and personal
personal protection. The business scope was very comprehensive.
Henry looked at this scene with interest. He felt like he had taken the killer task before.
What team assassination, private assassination, followed the middle-aged captain al the
way to the second floor.
On the second floor, there is a huge driving range, a variety of training equipment, and an
octagonal cage that can only be seen on TV. Henry saw two people, put on protective gear,
and fought freely in the octagonal cage. Their fighting methods are not the tricks in most
trainings, but the fist.
There is a reception room next to the training ground on the second floor. At this time,
Henry was arranged by the middle-aged captain. The middle-aged captain poured a cup of
tea to Henry and said: "Sir, wait for an official person to come and fol ow You negotiate. "
"OK." Henry nodded and leaned on the seat.
The middle-aged captain chatted with Henry again and went out first.
On the first floor of Hengcheng Security Company, a young woman with short hair wearing
a camouflage suit strode in.
Seeing this young woman, the people of the security company shouted Mr. Jiang.
This man is Anna.
Unlike other company managers, although Anna is the boss of this security company, her
daily work is exactly the same as that of her employees, and she will also take over tasks.
Anna glanced around in the lobby and asked, "What about the person who just brought it
"On the second floor." An employee Chong Jiangjing said.
Without hesitation, Anna strode upstairs.
Outside the reception room on the second floor, that middle-aged captain kept pacing back
and forth, which in time to see the captain Anna, quickly strode past, "Jiang, you're here."
Asked Anna There was a cry.
Middle-aged captain hand pointed to the reception room, "in which people temporarily
stable, Jiang, the man how to say, a little weird."
"Weird?" Anna doubt heard, "how odd a law?"
A middle-aged captain shake He shook his head, "I can't tell, anyway, I can't understand this
"Is the other one caught?" Anna asked.
"Caught, still in trial." The middle-aged captain nodded, and the other person Anna said was
the male passenger who fled at the time.
Anna nodded, "Yes, let me do the business here. You can look over there."
Anna finished, the middle-aged man should leave, and Anna pushed open the door and
entered the reception room, she had already thought about how to open the door,
interrogation, nothing more than give one Sticks, give two more dates.
As soon as I opened the door, I didn't see what the people in the house looked like.
Anna said: "I don't know what your purpose is, but ... Mr. Zhang?"
Anna said halfway, and suddenly saw clearly sitting The people in the room showed a look
of consternation.
"Hi." Henry said hel o.
Looking at Henry sitting in the house, Anna felt a little dazed. The person he brought back
this time turned out to be Mr. Zhang? If this is the case, it must be wrong! The identity of
Henry, Anna could not be more clear, how could it not be the target of this mission.
Anna smiled bitterly at Henry, apologizing in his eyes, "Mr. Zhang, I real y didn't expect it to
be you."
"Haha." Henry laughed and waved his hand carelessly, "I haven't seen you for a long time.
You are doing well in your company. "
" Mr. Zhang has won the prize, it's just a smal play. "Anna humbly said that her humility is
sincere and sincere. Anna had seen Henry's strength before. In al respects, they are far
superior to their own. This company looks like a big one, but when all the people add up, it
is estimated that none of Henry's worth is high.
As a senior security guard, Anna is very clear about the status of people like Henry if they
are placed in the security world, let alone the tens of billions of Lin Group.
"Everyone has cooperated with the official, or is it smal ?" Henry laughed. "As far as I know,
the security company that can cooperate with the official is not easy."
Anna laughed at Henry's words. Smiled, "Mr. Zhang, why are we cooperating with the
official and willing to give the official a coolie
?" "Oh?" Henry curiously said, "With the size of your company, you shouldn't have to do this
kind of hard work. Is it? "
Henry understands the relationship between security companies and officials quite well.
Because of the special nature of security companies, the government will give many
policies. This policy will also make many people dissatisfied and have opinions about
security companies. Some security companies, In order to establish a good relationship
with the local authorities, they will take the initiative to help the local authorities solve
some troubles. If the troubles are to be solved, it is okay to say that if the problems are not
solved, the officials will be dissatisfied. For security companies that do not go on, few
people take the initiative to find official ones.
Of course, if there is strategic cooperation with the official, it will be said separately.
Anna shook his head and walked to a chair next to Henry. "Mr. Zhang, you don't know.
In two days, it will be a new round of rating by the security company. The priority of the
rating is the official one. If the required rating is not met, the company will have to force
layoffs. We must try to please the government as much as possible. "
" It turns out that way. "Henry thoughtfully nodded." It seems that your competition is not
Smal . "
" Yes. "Anna nodded." Now there are two companies competing with us in the entire Zuo
market. They al have an official background, and there is only one five-star security spot in
the entire Zuo market. We need to choose from the three of us. I really have no choice. "
Henry listens to Anna
. He is a little puzzled, "Is the security rating not based on strength? Is it possible to cheat
on this?"
"Hey." Anna sighed Tone, "Mr. Zhang, if this person really wants to cheat, it's okay, just look
at whether they are too willing to behave."
"How is this rating rated? What is the difference between different levels?" Henry asked
again. He had some interest in this aspect.
Anna explained to Henry: "The security company is divided into five levels, ranging from
one star to five stars. Five stars is the highest. Our current level is five stars."
Henry suddenly thought that he had just seen the roof of Hengcheng Security Building
When the shield was marked, there seemed to be five stars on the shield.
"Five-star represents a kind of strength, and customers often choose five-star security.
In addition to being a symbol, five-star security can recruit more employees. Mr. Zhang, you
also know the particularity of the security company. If not, the official is not allowed to
recruit too many people. "
" How many people can Wuxing Security Company recruit? "Henry is most interested in
Hua Xia is a very special country. Henry can let his people be blatantly stationed in any
country in the world on a large scale, but they can't do this only in Hua Xia. The power that
Hua Xia can use, except Hell Walker, Just like the Zhao family exterminated a few days ago,
people came by air.
Henry wondered if he could also set up a security company and reached the five-star
standard, would he be able to arrange people to stay in Yinzhou directly?
The emergence of the clan made Henry feel the pressure, and what happened to Jenny also
sounded an alarm for Henry. Now, beside Henry, there are more and more people he cares
about, Sylvia's family, and Xiao Tiantian, including Jenny, Dean Cui, and Henry are
absolutely unable to accept anything from these people. Henry had been thinking of ways
to arrange personnel to station in Yinzhou. Now, it seems that the security company is a
good choice.
Anna told Henry, "Normally, the number of one-star security companies that can be
officially filed is 100, and five-star can reach 400. Now our company is close to this limit.
If the rating cannot reach five-star this time, Can only force layoffs. "
Henry thought about 400 people. If he can arrange 400 people to station in Yinzhou,
Sylvia's safety in Yinzhou is absolutely foolproof.
"What does the rating need?" Henry asked.
Anna shook his head, "It's not easy to say, in the past, it only looked at strength, but now,
there are many aspects to look at, and the improvement of per capita living standards has
caused customers to increase security requirements. Security must have a good cooking
skills, it all depends on the official arrangements, but most of them should still fight, rescue
the hostages, and the like. "
Anna's voice just fell, the door of the reception room was taken from the outside Push
Seeing the former middle-aged captain, he rushed in with joy, and behind the middle-aged
captain, he followed the young man who had a conflict with Henry in the car before.
When the young man saw Henry, his face was very unsightly. Obviously he still
remembered what he had eaten before.
"Mr. Jiang, good news, good news!" The middle-aged captain looked happy. "There are two
pieces of news. The man has just been reviewed. This is the mission goal this time!"
After saying this, the middle-aged captain looked at Henry and thanked Henry: "Sorry, I'm
sorry to blame you."
Henry didn't speak. The attitude of this middle-aged man has always been OK.
There is also a happy look on Anna's face. This time he helped the official so much, how
could he also make some good impressions, she asked: "The second one? What good news."
"Mr. Jiang, the official just put the list down By the way, you are the judges for this company
rating! This is really good! "The middle-aged captain's face was filled with joy, and the boss
of his company was the judge, which is a great thing.
Unlike the joy on the face of the middle-aged captain, Anna immediately looked sad after
hearing the news.
The middle-aged captain and the young man looked at Anna's complexion, and were a little
"General Jiang, what's wrong with you?" The youth asked.
"Do you think this is good news?" Anna looked at them and asked back.
"It's good news." The youth nodded. "General Jiang, you're a judge. That's not a random
high score for us."
Anna shook his head after listening to the youth's words, and there was a disappointment
in his eyes.
"I told you just in the car that a clear logic is something that a professional security must
have. At this point, you are far worse than Anna." Henry said.
"Boy, what do you mean? Isn't it deliberate to live with me?" The young man looked at
Henry with a disgruntled face. "Could it be that we, President Jiang, are still bad things?"
"Of course it is bad things." Henry nodded hesitantly. .
"Oh!" The youth smiled disdainful y, "Come on, you tell me that we, President Jiang, are
judges, why is it a bad thing?"
"Very simple." Henry stretched out a finger, "Jing Jing was in your company. Judge, who will
participate in this rating competition? "
Henry said this, whether it was the middle-aged captain or the young man.
Yup! If President Jiang becomes a judge, who will participate in the competition?
Among the whole company, the strongest is Mr. Jiang. If she ca n’t participate, this time the
company ’s strength will drop a lot!
The two final y realized the key point of the problem. The middle-aged captain blushed.
This news is not a happy event for the company, but bad news!
The youth no longer went to see Henry, and there was stil a little disgusting taste on his
Anna frowned. The original rating this time was very difficult. Now that the news comes
out, this is completely complete, that is, someone wants to engage in Hengcheng!
Anna asked the middle-aged captain, "When did the rating start to say?" The middle-aged
captain nodded and replied: "Say, tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" Anna's brows are tighter, the rating will start tomorrow, and he will be
notified today. As a judge, this is an opportunity not to prepare yourself.
Anna sighed, "Go ahead
and prepare." The middle-aged captain and the young man looked at each other and left the
reception room.
Anna's helpless face rushed to Henrydao: "Mr. Zhang, let me arrange for you to be delivered
first. I'm real y sorry to interrupt your schedule this time."
"No hurry." Henry shook his head. "Anna , I think, we can cooperate once. "
" Cooperation? "Anna stunned.
"Yes, cooperation." Henry said affirmatively, "I will help you get this rating. You use your
name to open a security company in Yinzhou."
on the
left side of , in a hotel box.
In the box, there was a table of good food and wine, and four people sat by the table.
"Mr. Hu, this time, the two of us will be able to suppress that kind of perseverance." It was a
woman in her thirties who seemed very capable.
"Oh, a veteran, such a large piece of fat, she thought she could eat it? President Wang, this
matter was 100% successful!" Hu is always a middle-aged man with a big bel y and a poop
on his wrist. The gold watch and the huge gold ring on the finger al show a sense of wealth.
Beside the two men, fol owed by a young man, these two young men, standing there,
standing straight, let people look at it, they will feel a sense of oppression.
"Mr. Hu, the person I invited this time, the Special Operations Brigade retired, the original
instructor of the special training team, of course, is very stable, I do not know the strength
of this person you invited?" Self-channel, in the tone of speech, quite a bit of a display.
President Hu chuckled and also pointed his finger at the person behind him, "Mr. Wang, the
one I invited was no worse than yours. Tomorrow, I won the Hengcheng, and it was not in
hand. The surname Jiang was the judge. , I do n’t believe who her company is, can match the
two elites we invited! ”Mr.
Wang raised his glass and shook it gently.“ In this case, Mr. Hu, wish us a happy
cooperation? ”
“ Happy cooperation ! "
Hengcheng Security Company.
When Anna heard the cooperation proposed by Henry, his face suddenly burst into joy.
If Mr. Zhang is willing to take action, with his strength, won a five-star rating, is it not easy?
"Mr. Zhang, if you are willing to take action, then this time, it really helped me a lot!"
Anna said excitedly.
"Mutual benefit, let me help you, you have to help me too." Henry smiled slightly.
"Absolutely no problem." Anna answered.
If you can maintain the five-star rating, although it will be very troublesome to open the
branch to Yinzhou, it is better than downgrading and layoffs. The trouble is troublesome,
and the improvement is also the popularity of your company.
"Mr. Zhang, I think I can show you our company." Anna got up and gave Henry a gesture of
Anna took Henry and turned around in the company. Henry found that the security
company in Anna was more like a training institution. All the security personnel who came
in here came mainly to study, what is fighting, fighting, investigating For lurking things,
Anna took her in the army, and all of them came to the company, and strictly required her
employees. Most of the people who went out of Hengcheng were elites.
Now that Henry has joined, Anna has just been full of sorrow, and he has become cheerful
all at once, although the other two security companies have some official background and
can be rated on the bright side, that is true power. Everything on the bright side can
achieve the strength of crushing the other two companies, so no matter how big the
background is, it is useless.
If there is no Henry this time, then Anna was indeed put together by those people, but with
the emergence of Henry, everything has changed. The current Anna can be described as full
of confidence.
In a corner of Hengcheng Security, the young man who had conflicted with Henry before
took out his mobile phone and carefully observed the surroundings. After finding out that
no one was there, he dialed a number to go out, and the other party only connected the
phone for a long time.
"Hel o, President Hu, I am Yu Tong from Hengcheng Security, yes, yes, the manager position
you mentioned last time, I think I can do the job."
"Oh, yes Tong. "President Hu, who was stil sitting at the dining table, took a comfortable
breath of smoke." Our company, the position of the manager, is already full.
" Full? "Yu Tong's face was startled," General Hu. Then, the treatment you said to me last
time ... "
" Oh, less than that. "President Hu laughed," I only said that the manager's position is full,
but I don't say that our company is ful , so if you can Bring a department by myself, how can
I give you the position and treatment of your manager? "
Yu Tong heard Mr. Hu's words and remained silent for a while. The meaning of the other
party, he heard it very clearly, just wanted to let him from Hengcheng Security. He pulls
Yu Tong thought about it and then replied: "Okay, President Hu, how many people do you
"A department, you have to talk about thirty people?" President Hu laughed on the phone.
"Thirty people?" Yu Tong frowned.
"Oh, there are no thirty people in your department, can't you organize it? Isn't it? Come on
less, I'm optimistic about you, the manager is just your start, there will be higher positions
waiting for you in the future!" President Hu finished, not equal To talk about anything, just
hang up the phone.
Yu Tong listened to the busy tone on the phone and took a deep breath. Thirty people, then
thirty people.
In the hotel, President Hu put away his mobile phone with a smile.
President Wang asked curiously: "It seems that Hu always encounters something good,
otherwise he will not be so happy to laugh."
"Haha." Hu Zongle's face wrinkled, "Mr. Wang, we are a cooperative relationship. You do n’t
have to say that my old Hu is not interesting enough. The people of Hengcheng are al
cultivated by the surname Jiang. If nothing else, the cost of training talents is not a small
amount. The rating will be finished tomorrow. Hengcheng's layoffs are a stubborn thing,
there are talents everywhere. "
As soon as Mr. Wang heard this, his eyes lit up. "Mr. Hu, I real y didn't think about this,
thanks to your puzzles." After Mr.
Wang finished speaking, he immediately took out his mobile phone and began to arrange it.
Henry and Anna walked in the company. Anna took Henry and visited the company from
top to bottom.
"Mr. Zhang, in your eyes, it should be something that is not influential?" Anna smiled.
"Normal security work is enough, but I think you can add more training items in latent and
investigative aspects, and in terms of personal logical thinking, you also need more training
courses. These details can be Played a great role. "Henry made some suggestions.
"Sure." Anna took out his phone and wrote down what Henry had just said.
Anna looked at the time and was almost at dinner. She took Henry towards the first floor
and arranged for dinner.
When passing a locked office, Henry suddenly stopped.
"Mr. Zhang, what's wrong?" Anna looked at Henry strangely.
Henry stretched out his hand and pointed at the office. "I think you should be very
interested in the things inside."
Anna walked suspiciously in front of the office door, and the sound inside the door was
weakly heard in Anna's ears.
"Yutong, do you real y want to go? Don't forget why you can have it now."
"That is, all the training at that time was funded by General Manager Jiang. It is not
appropriate to go now?"
Listening to the voice from the office, Anna's face became very ugly.
In the office, Yu Tong sat on a chair and said to the people around him: "Everyone, I tell you
this thing, I don't want you to judge me like this person, everyone is out for dinner
tomorrow rating end, even if we want to go, Heng also have forced layoffs, to the time we
do not have to stay down, now, you follow me Yafeng security, definitely much better
treatment than this. " "
to pass, you What explains the day rating, the company will be forced to lay off people. "
" That is to say. "
" Why? "Yu Tong smiled." The news has just come down. Tomorrow's rating, President
Jiang will be a judge. Do you think Who is going to participate in the rating test? Do you
think that this time the official can arrange this, what is the reason? Tomorrow ’s end of the
rating, whether Hengcheng can reach Samsung, is a question, I just come to tell you, you ca
n’t go, you yourself Look at it! "
Yu Tong's words fell, and several people in the office looked back and forth.
"Yu Tong, are you really tel ing me? Is President Jiang really a judge?"
"If that's the case, tomorrow's rating would be dangerous."
"Of course it is true. Is there any advantage in using this to deceive you?" It's better to
follow me to Yafeng now instead of waiting for the layoffs. The treatment is better than
this! "Yu Xintong said with ful heart.
"Yes, I'll go with you!" A person about the same age as Yu Tong said, "Here is training every
day, and he is almost exhausted. I can't pay a few dollars in a month. Go to Yafeng and
divide. A better task. It ’s fun to follow the employer every day and eat spicy and spicy! "
" I'm going too! "
" I'm going! "
One person took the lead and suddenly made several people unsteady.
"Yutong, let me think about it, can I reply to you at night?"
"Okay, give me a reply in the evening, and tomorrow, I can't guarantee that Yafeng can still
give such good treatment." Yu Tong waved his hand.
Anna outside the door, listening to the words in the office, felt a moment of sadness.
Why was she so thankful that she gave people training and paid salaries? At that time, there
will be one more guarantee. This is the experience that Anna personally summed up, but
now, people are vomiting in this regard, thinking that the training is tired, and the salary is
paid back.
"Actually, this is also a drawback of your company, but I don't know how to tell you."
Henry spoke next to Anna, "80% of your company's people are too young, they are very
young The perception is too idealistic, thinking that security is just a spare, I just noticed
that most people are passively accepted during training, which is not a good phenomenon. "
Anna A lonely look appeared on his face, "I often tel them that in the process of performing
tasks, there may be a crisis, but ..."
"The better the education, it is better to let them recognize the reality." Henry said, his
approach It belongs to the latter. The battle of the Zhao family a few days ago was a battle
of life and death. No one could say what would happen in the next second. Henry was stil
asking future people to fight against the masters of Qi, without giving them any help.
Because Henry knew very well that the power of a person cannot be given by others. Only
when a person sees the power of an opponent and realizes the cruelty of the world will
they spontaneously strengthen themselves.
Anna stood in front of this office for a while, didn't push the door and walked in.
Everyone had to leave, and really made up her mind. Whatever she said, she couldn't
change it.
Anna finally shook his head and continued to walk downstairs, Henry did not say much.
Going this way, Anna found that many people in the company looked at their own eyes, and
there were some weird things that could not be said. It seemed that there was something
hidden in their eyes.
"Mr. Jiang, it's not good, something went wrong, something happened!" The middle-aged
captain shouted and ran from behind Anna.
"How?" Anna asked back.
"The door!" The middle-aged captain pointed to the company's door. "There are a lot of
people digging the corner."
"Digging the foot of the wall?" Anna frowned and walked outside the company's door.
As soon as I walked out of the company door, I saw more than a dozen people standing in
front of the company door. Everyone held a sign with the word recruitment in their hands.
Several people even put up umbrel as at the door of the company.
Behind these recruitment plaques, there are a total of two company names, one is Yafeng
Security, which has just been in Tongkou, and the other is called Shengjia Security.
Henry fol owed Anna. With his experience, he didn't need to think about it at all, and he
could guess that these two companies are the two competitors that Anna said.
"It seems that this time the two companies are full of confidence." Henry said with a smile.
Anna shook his head, "They deliberately arranged me as a judge, and prepared for it.
Naturally, they have done enough. Can they not be confident? It's a pity that tomorrow they
are estimated to be disappointed."
"Go, you still have to Tel me about the rules of the rating, otherwise someone will grab a
handle tomorrow and say that I violated the rules, but it would be meaningless. "Henry
shook his head and said that these two companies were openly recruiting people. Don't
This is not to say that Hengcheng is not Henry's company, Henry doesn't care, but Henry
knows that no matter what these two companies do today, once tomorrow's
rating is that Hengcheng wins, they do these things, but like a leapfrog, If the rating is not
passed, it does n’t make sense to say more. This world has always been based on hard
Annakai was stil the silver Volkswagen before her.
When going out from the company, a black Audi A3 drove out of the company parking lot
with its horn quickly.
Anna's car had already drove to the door of the company at this time. The black Audi,
rushing toward the gate without speed reduction.
Anna slammed on the brakes quickly, and the public stopped in front of the gate with an
emergency brake.
The Audi that was approaching quickly also slowed down at the gate.
Audi's window was rolled down, and the driver was sitting in Yutong. Yutong looked at the
white Volkswagen parked at the door and dissatisfied: "Will you drive? I thought you were
the boss. The road to the company is your home "Do n't forget to drive!" Yu Tong finished,
and did not forget to glance at the place responsible for recruiting people at the door of the
company. One of them gave thumbs up to Yu Tong. What Yu Tong did was his Special y
designed to let the rest of the company see that he Yutong has not put Anna in his eyes, this
Hengcheng security is already over!
Yu Tong's remarks, it really made many people look here, see Yu Tong's performance, some
still Hengcheng employees who expressed doubts on the phone cal were al
shaken at this time. Yu Tongneng spoke to President Jiang in this way, which proved that he
would never stay in Hengcheng again.
Those in the doorway digging the wall foot, then sounded.
"Oh, isn't this Mr. Jiang? Why was it said by your own employees? Isn't Hengcheng security
going any longer? If this is the case, can't you let your people come to our company? The
salary is definitely better than your Hengcheng good. " "
Yafeng security recruit people ah, wages favorably. " "
Shengjia an insurance hiring, with the intention, come fill in a form, the price is good to
discuss. "
two security companies undercut the voice sounded the same time, this is Anna
deliberately embarrassed.
"General Jiang, at this moment, at that moment, do you think that this Hengcheng security,
or the previous Hengcheng security?" Yu Tong sneered, shook the window, and left the
company door with a throttle.
Anna took a deep breath, shook his head, and drove away slowly.
The middle-aged captain stood at the door of the company and looked at the scene in front
of him, frowning.
After leaving the company, Anna arranged a place for Henry, and then the two found a
place to talk about tomorrow's ratings while eating, and Henry also probably understood
what ratings would compare.
Generally speaking, the companies with the closest star ratings will be tested uniformly.
The jury will select people from several security companies, and some officials from the
official system will be assigned. The jury ’s score will determine the security company ’s
rating. situation.
"In the past, there were investigations, protection, rescue of hostages, free fights, etc.
Most of these scores could not be faked. After al , the results were there, who did better,
who did better, at a glance It can be seen that the usual frauds are al theoretical
assessments. "Anna said to Henry," but in theory, it can only account for three points. "
Henry analyzed what Anna just said, and then replied: "Yes, you have some points about
what you said. I will not have any difficulty in actual operation, but in theory, I have not
accepted any system. The training, if you answer any questions, only from my own
perspective. "
" Just play on the spot. "Anna said.
For Henry, Anna is stil confident. As long as it is not too ridiculous for tomorrow's rating
project, Henry should have no problem.
Henry and Anna chatted for about two hours, left a contact with each other, and went back
to the hotel to rest.
Over the course of one night, Henry tried again to clear the air remaining in Zhao Qian's
body, and finally returned to normal.
Early the next morning, Anna drove to the hotel where Henry lived and waited. Anna
greeted Henry before coming.
Henry soon appeared at the door of the hotel, and when he got on the bus, he asked:
"How are you, have you notified me?"
Anna nodded. "I received the news. This time, the rating is on us and Yafeng. There is also a
shooting training site in Shengjia. The
shooting training field in Zuoshi covers an area of 5,000 square meters.
In general, this kind of shooting training field is rarely involved by ordinary people. First of
all, it is necessary to pass a strict political review before being able to fire live ammunition,
and then someone recommends it. It is a membership system, and the price of each bullet is
very expensive and normal For example, the cost of a bullet is about ten dollars. Some
people do n’t pay attention. One burst, three or four seconds, one bullet goes out, so if you
want to experience shooting, you must have strong funds.
As a support, most ordinary people do not have this spare money to experience it.
entire shooting training ground is a huge square building, which is divided into several
areas, including 100-meter in-situ shooting, semi-automatic rifle in-situ shooting, tactical
mobile shooting, etc. Anyway, it can satisfy most people. Shooting experience.
Anna told Henry that the rating last year was held at the shooting training ground. The
shooting training ground has different shooting grounds, many of which imitate various
tactical environments. Some security rating actual combat operations will come in these
tactical environments. carry out.
When Anna drove to the shooting training hall, he found that a large number of luxury cars
had been parked in front of the shooting training hal . The middle-aged captain Henry had
seen was carrying more than a dozen people, standing in front of the training hall and
waiting. After seeing Anna's car approaching, they al came around.
Anna told Henry while parking, and now these people in front of the car are the most elite
people in Hengcheng, and they will participate in the rating together with Henry.
Henry nodded and glanced at the car, plus the middle-aged captain outside the car, there
are a total of 13 people, except for the middle-aged captain who is a man, the rest are
female. For this, Henry was not surprised, after al , Anna The security company was
originally a women's security company. He asked Anna curiously yesterday. Before that,
Anna's resume said that the security company she created was a women's security
company. Why did she suddenly have more men.
Anna told Henry that because of the emergence of the two companies Yafeng and Shengjia,
she had to make her urgently recruit people. This middle-aged captain was known by her in
the special operations team before, and she belongs to another special team. It's still good,
but now that I'm older, I can't keep up with my physical functions, and I have started to go
downhill, but in general, the strength is in the security industry, and it is still in the middle.
When the car stopped, Anna and Henry opened the door and got off at the same time.
As soon as they opened the door, the two heard the voice of the middle-aged captain,
"President Jiang, the people of those two companies have already entered. Yesterday
afternoon, Yu Tong ’s white-eyed wolf openly instigated everyone to leave. Qi's people have
gone with him, and some people have also shaken the company, but can't go on like this! "
The middle-aged captain's face was anxious, and he could see that he had deep bags under
his eyes, and apparently did not rest well last night.
Anna patted the shoulder of the middle-aged captain. "It's okay. When the rating is over,
everything will come naturally." The
middle-aged captain sighed, and now he can only wait for the rating to end, but if Anna is to
become a judge, then this Ci Hengcheng, it is really difficult to get a good ranking.
The middle-aged captain is well aware of the strength gap between him and Anna. In the
past, when he was in the special team, Anna's strength was far ahead of him. Now, after so
many years have passed, his strength has obviously declined, and he can't do much. it is
Now that Anna is a judge, it means that Hengcheng's leg has been broken! The strength that
can be exerted is less than half of the peak period.
middle-aged captain is ful of worry, but what he can do now is just to wait to make himself
as good as possible.
Anna took the lead in the shooting hal , and Henry fol owed Anna.
The middle-aged captain and others looked at each other curiously. They did n’t
understand why Henry wanted to fol ow today. Those female players did n’t know Henry
’s identity. The middle-aged captain was very clear. This was brought back yesterday by the
suspect. people.
Inside the shooting hall, a middle-aged man stood at the entrance. When he saw Anna, he
strode over.
"Mr. Jiang, you're here." The middle-aged man's complexion is a little ugly.
Anna whispered to Henrydao: "This is the Mu Bureau of the Zuoshi Public Security System."
Anna finished to Henry and hurriedly rushed to the Mu Bureau: "The Mu Bureau, it's really
your job."
Mu Bureau waved his hand, no Carefully said: "It's al old friends, what's the difference?
You used to be the captain, and I'm stil an old comrade."
Anna looked at Mu Ju's face and said, "Since Mu Mu, all are old friends. Well, just say
anything if you have anything. "
" Hey. "Mu Ju sighed." Then I will say it directly. This time, you are honest and in danger.
There are two companies left behind. Supported by a consortium, many investments have
been made. This time, the judges are almost al of them, which is very unfavorable to you. "
Mu Mu said that when he said these, he also seemed very unhappy. Hengcheng was in the
left market. He said that he can also help the public security system, and the relationship
with the public security system has always been good, and as far as he goes, some things
that Hengcheng does are beneficial to the society, but there are two companies left, Mu Mu
knows clearly Very, they just took a fancy piece of security, to say the real strength, It is
totally inferior to Hengcheng, let alone the degree of social contribution. If they do n’t act as
worms, that ’s good!
Anna patted Mu's shoulder and said, "Mu, the matter has not yet come to an end. Don't be
so pessimistic."
"Not pessimistic, can I not be pessimistic, hey!" Mu Ju sighed heavily, "Let's go, everyone is
here, now we are waiting for you." With
Mu Ju, Anna and others walked to a hall In the lobby, many people have stayed here.
As soon as Henry entered the door, he noticed two figures, two young people, standing in
two different positions in the hall. Henry was just a glance, and they were sure that these
two young people were definitely the strongest two people in this room. The eyes
of the two, standing on the display of the momentum, as well as the standing posture, are al
due to a master.
"Oh, President Jiang, why did you come so late, wouldn't you be afraid?" A middle-aged
man with a big bel y pooped in when Anna entered the door. It was President Hu of Yafeng
Wang Bao Sheng Jiaan has not been idle, "Jiang, you talk, you Hengcheng If you downgrade,
and this how to do it? Hard on the people you spend money in vain hair with a training
This When the two talked, they were obviously falling into the rocks.
Henry saw that the two of them were sitting behind a long table in the hal with the words
Judge's Seat. Apparently they were also judges. At the same time, the nameplate in front of
the two people also told Henry that they were and Anna is the boss of the two companies.
Henry glanced over. There were three other people on the judges ’board. The nameplates in
front of them al had official identities. When the two men just mocked Anna, there was an
unconscious smile on the faces of the three people. Jing is here.
The first (2/2) page
number under the seat, the judges sitting, a total of seven seats, leaving two empty at the
moment, such as Anna Mu Bureau to sit, it is full, so doing this The next seven judges, who
can stand on the side of Hengcheng, are only two people full of full play, which can be said
to be quite unfavorable.
Anna ignored President Hu and President Wang, and walked to the judges ’seat on his own.
This position also represented his position in the judges. Although Anna was the judge, he
was the voice The smallest one.
Mu Bureau, as the leader of the public security system in the left city, was only sitting in the
second position, and was not sitting in the center. The one in the center was a deputy
municipal level with a surname.
The middle-aged captains who followed Anna and others looked at the rest of the house,
and they were curious that this time, Yafeng and Shengjia Security did not bring many
people over. The normal rating comparison, then It's al team fighting.
The eyes of the middle-aged captain mainly looked at the two young men in the house.
He had an intuition. The two young men were masters. The middle-aged captain was a
retired soldier. On the two young men, he also smelled the soldiers. breath.
Seeing everyone coming together, the single deputy mayor sitting at the center of the jury
said: "Everyone is a person in the industry. I will not talk about unnecessary nonsense. This
time the rating will determine the three companies in the future. The star status during the
year, let me announce the rules below. ”The deputy mayor took out a document and read:“
This rating is divided into three stages, which are strength display, theoretical knowledge,
and teamwork. Aspect. "
When Deputy Mayor Shan finished the teamwork, Hengcheng ’s middle-aged captain and
others all showed doubtful eyes, including Anna and Mu Ju on the judges’ bench, because of
the previous ratings. , Is teamwork in itself, but why list teamwork separately this time?
Both General Manager Hu and General Manager Wang's faces showed great success.
The deputy mayor did not care about the doubts of the middle-aged captain and others, and
continued: "The first item in this competition is to test the fixed shooting of the rating
person, and the mobile shooting two items, each with 30 bul ets. In the same environment,
the one with the highest number of rings wins! "When the deputy mayor fel , the middle-
aged captain could no longer bear the doubts in his heart, and said on the spot," What do
you mean! "
Anna and Mu Ju, even more It was Qi Qi who looked at Shan Mayor together, Mu said:
"Shanzhen Mayor, this is probably a bit unreasonable? This security rating has never been
linked to shooting. This is set as a rating item, which is unfair. "
Mu Bureau, that's not what I said." President Hu said, "In today's society, everyone's
awareness of their own safety is getting higher and higher, and there have been things like
kidnapping before, and everyone's requirements for security. It is also getting higher and
higher. In my opinion, the shooting rating is very necessary. We have an old saying in
China, we know ourselves and each other, and we have a hundred battles. Although we do
not have the right to hold a gun ourselves, we are more familiar with shooting and better.
To avoid some risks, President Wang, you said What about it? "
President Hu turned his gaze to the woman in her thirties.
President Wang nodded. "Mr. Hu is right. This item must be evaluated. Isn't Hengcheng
afraid? If you are afraid, you don't need to participate in this rating."
, President Hu and President Wang are looking at Anna together.
Vice Mayor Shan Jianghong Anna said: "General Jiang, if you have no confidence in
Hengcheng, you can abandon the competition for this project."
The words of Vice Mayor Shan have already shown his attitude. This project cannot be
cancelled. Sincerity and love are not compared, if not, it means to admit defeat!
Anna has no way. If this project al ows her to compare, she is very confident that the five-
year-old special team was not treated in vain, but she could not play at all.
Anna put her eyes on Henry. Now, she can only pin her hopes on Henry, but she is not sure.
Henry does not understand guns, and he is powerful, and playing with guns, these are two
Henry and Anna made an OK gesture. After seeing this, Anna felt relieved.
Although Anna had not communicated with Henry several times in the process of
protecting Sylvia before, he could feel that Henry was a very reliable person. What he
promised was completely reassuring.
The middle-aged captain heard the words of the deputy mayor, his face was helpless.
"Okay, let's go to the shooting site first!" Mayor Shan Shan first got up and walked outside
the hall.
General Manager Hu and General Manager Wang followed behind Mayor Shan, and turned
back to Anna to make a gesture of wiping his neck. This was a demonstration.
A group of people marched towards the shooting training ground.
The selected shooting training field is not for beginners, but for veterans who have been
specially trained. It is a tactical shooting training field. This training field arranges the
scene into a construction building with many bunkers and Dead ends, twists and turns,
with a total length of 450 meters.
Standing in front of this shooting training ground, the single deputy mayor said aloud,
"The location of the shooting rating is here, the rules are limited to one minute and thirty
seconds, and 30 fixed shots and 30 mobile shots are required. ten seconds to complete the
thirty hundred meters from the fixed hair shot in a minute across the entire shooting range,
a high number of rings is the winner, each company, sent a person to participate in ratings!
single deputy mayor voice down Mr. Hu and Mr. Wang sent the two young people invited
by them. The two looked at the shooting site, and their eyes showed confidence.
During their previous training, they moved on such a site. Shooting is simply too easy.
In the scene of the construction building, although there are many dead ends and obstacles,
the line of sight is small, and the shooting of moving targets can also be more accurate.
The vice mayor looked at the managers of the three companies and asked, "Which of you
will come first?"
"Let's come first." President Hu said out loud and waved at his people.
The young man Hu recruited had dark skin. He was about 1.57 meters tall and had sharp
eyes and sharp movements. When he stepped out, where he looked, he gave an invisible
Hu broke open, "I am the brother, named Qiu strong, Sirius before serving eight years,
dozens of tasks performed, and now join us Yafeng, fully able to represent our Yafeng
"Sirius "Hengcheng's middle-aged captain, after hearing the troops served by Qiu Qiang,
couldn't help but exclaim.
The female security guards standing behind the middle-aged captain looked at the middle-
aged captain in doubt.
The middle-aged captain whispered: "The Sirius special team, in the top ten of the Chinese
special team, is known as the special team in the special team. If you can enter the Sirius,
you have to go through layers of selection. Everyone Are the elites of the elite, and Sirius
will be assessed in the first quarter of the first quarter. Anyone who fails to meet the
assessment standards, no matter how much credit, will be mercilessly returned to the
original army. This Qiu Qiang can stay in Sirius for eight years. Horrible!
middle-aged captain looked at Qiu Qiang, his eyes full of deep fear.
Anna couldn't help but look at Qiu Qiang a few times. The people of Sirius Special Forces
are very strong, but they are similar to the Special Forces team where they were originally.
Compared with Henry, there is stil a gap.
The young man Wang had found looked at Qiu Qiang with interest.
There was a confident smile on President Hu's face, and he gave Qiu Qiang a wink.
Qiu Qiang nodded and walked to the shooting site. In front of him, there was a wooden
table with a semi-automatic rifle and a magazine full of bullets.
Outside the shooting field, there is a large screen. At the top of the screen, a target is
displayed. There are ten rings in total. It is Qiu Qiang's target for fixed shooting.
Mayor Shan Shan made a wink at someone beside him, and then found a seat to sit down
and looked at the target displayed on the big screen. This big screen allows everyone to
clearly see the results of each shot.
One of the deputy mayors stepped forward and said aloud: "There is a red button on the
desktop in front of you. When you are ready, you can press that button to complete the
shooting in thirty seconds. "
Qiu Qiang listened to this person's words. When the person's voice fell, he suddenly
reached out and pressed the button. Then, at a very fast speed, he held the gun, shot, and
aimed. This set of actions took almost a second. carry out.
Qiu Qiang's aiming action is arguably the most perfect. Like a textbook, as his finger slightly
pul ed the trigger, a crisp sound rang in the hall.
"Bang! Bang!"
Almost every second, there will be a sound, you can see through the big screen in the hall,
Qiu Qiang shot every shot in the position of the tenth ring.
The sound of "bang" sounded rhythmically. When the countdown of the 30-second
countdown was the last seven seconds, Qiu Qiang put down the gun in his hand.
Everyone saw that there were 29 guns in the bul seye on the big screen, all At the position
of the tenth ring, there was only one shot, at the nineth ring.
With such a time, such a result is enough to be proud.
Qiu Qiang did not speak, but the expression on his face showed that he was also quite
satisfied with his achievements.
Heng Cheng ’s middle-aged captain ’s face was very ugly. He asked himself, if he shoots
himself in this way, within 30 seconds, 30 shots, as long as 15 shots can get 10
rings, it is considered normal. I can almost hit 20 rounds and 10 rings. Such a result, I can't
do it at all.
You should know that during the shooting of 100 meters, the aiming deviation is one
millimeter. The result can be magnified by almost fifteen times. The hand shakes a little, or
the breath is a little thicker. The distance between the nine rings is only a few centimeters!
President Hu smiled with satisfaction, "Everyone, ugly, ugly."
"Next, I'll come." The young man invited by Mr. Wang took the initiative to speak out.
President Wang looked at his person and came forward, she said: "My little brother, Chang
Xiaodong, has just retired and served in "Blade Brigade." Mr.
Wang introduced not as much as Mr. Hu introduced, but the shock brought about by her
words was not completely closed by Mr. Hu.
The name of the Blade, some of the special teams, have heard of it more or less.
In the eyes of the special combat team members, the Blade Corps is full of mystery, and the
tasks they perform are all top secret.
Qiu Qiang's eyes locked on Chang Xiaodong.
Anna ’s eyes were also fixed on Chang Xiaodong. Anna also heard of the name of the blade.
When she was in service, the instructor said that the blade will select one person from the
brigade for training, so that everyone will work hard to train. Take out the best state, from
this point, you can see that the strength of the sharp edge, in the end, it is definitely
stronger than the Sirius special team.
Anna couldn't help but worry. If he is a sharp-edged person, is Henry likely to win this
Chang Xiaodong is 1.8 meters tall and his skin looks whiter than Qiu Qiang. He walked to
the shooting site and just glanced at it for a moment before pressing the start button.
His movement of loading a gun with a gun was not as rapid as Qiu Qiang. On the contrary,
there is a feeling of slowness in it. With Chang Xiaodong's aiming posture, the sound of
"bang bang" continuously sounds, and his shooting action is much faster than Qiu Qiang.
With ten seconds left in the 30-second countdown, Chang Xiaodong shot 30 bullets, all of
which were completed. Counting the time it took to reload, he shot six seconds faster than
Qiu Qiang! From this point, we can already see the strength gap between the two sides.
Qiu Qiang had more dignity in his eyes.
Everyone in the hal saw Chang Xiaodong's shooting performance, which was exactly the
same as Qiu Qiang's, with 29 rings and one ring.
Generally speaking, this result is a perfect score. With 30 consecutive shots and the recoil
carried by the firearm, almost no one can make a mistake. This may be minimal.
Chang Xiaodong put down the gun and walked aside with his hands in his hands, his face
relaxed and freehand.
The strength shown by Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong has completely let the middle-aged
captain of Hengcheng die, and now, the remaining two companies have been rated, leaving
only Hengcheng.
"Mr. Jiang, it's your turn, please." Mr. Hu, who has a big belly, said.
Mu Ju on the judges's face was very unsightly. He also had the experience of the army.
He knew how difficult Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong did. In Hengcheng, no one but Anna
could do it. This time, Hengcheng will lose. These people know that there is no way to cheat
too blatantly, so they thought of such a way to crush Hengcheng.
"President Jiang, send your people out." President Wang also said.
Both General Manager Wang and General Manager Hu had confidence in winning.
They came up with this method by investigating Hengcheng. Among Hengcheng, apart from
Anna, there were no talents in this field.
The middle-aged captain took a deep breath and prepared to step forward. As soon as he
took a step, he saw Henry standing in front of him and strode to the shooting platform.
"What's the situation?" Seeing Henry's actions, Hengcheng's people al showed a suspicious
Anna smiled and said: "Everyone, my partner, I just have some opinions on shooting."
"Partners?" President Hu frowned. "Jiang President, we can call a person this time to
participate in the rating competition."
"Who said I was just a person?" Coming? Henry, one of our Hengcheng investors, is there
any problem? "Anna glanced around.
President Wang snorted, "Investors? It's really funny."
"Then don't waste time, just start." Shan Li, vice mayor, said impatiently.
Henry walked to the shooting platform, picked up the gun and put it in his hand. At the
moment when he touched the gun body, Henry had a strange and familiar feeling.
Fourteen hours, every second, my body must be in contact with the gun. After I became
strong, I never touched the gun again.
Today, after so many years, he once again touched the gun. In Henry's hands, the gun was
like a part of his body.
Henry looked at the button on the table and pressed it gently. The moment he left the
button, the countdown began.
Henry didn't move smoothly, press the magazine well, and then put the butt against the
shoulder to aim.
Compared with the previous two, Henry's movements were very awkward and slow.
After he made the aiming movement, he did not fire.
Looking at Henry, President Hu and President Wang in front of the shooting platform, they
all smirked.
The middle-aged captain frowned, and did n’t understand why Anna let such a person go to
the rating competition. Although his fixed shooting performance will not be as good as
those of the previous two, he moved shooting and watched more on the spot.
The ring number is chasing back and letting this person go up, there is no hope at al !
Anna looked at Henry with some doubts, but she also couldn't figure out what Henry was
The passing of time one second by one second, in a blink of an eye, there is only 15
seconds left.
Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong, at first, looked at Henry's unhurried look, and thought
Henry had some confidence, but now, both of them slowly shook their heads, and with
the remaining ten seconds or so, he even aimed It ’s no longer enough to remove the recoil
caused by each shot and then aim and launch.
The countdown time on the wall passed by quickly.
Ten seconds ...
eight seconds ...
six seconds ...
Henry looked through the gun and looked at the target in the distance. He smiled slightly at
the corner of his mouth. The original feeling was recovered.
At the last fifth of the time, Henry pul ed the trigger.
Unlike the sound of Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong shooting one shot at a time, Henry's
finger pulled the trigger, and he did not lift it again. The muzzle fired a tongue of fire and
made a series of sounds. When the countdown left the last second When the sound ended,
Henry put the gun down.
"Hahaha! Am he him, hahaha! I laughed to death!" President Hu on the jury, couldn't hold
back on the spot and laughed out loud.
Including Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong, they also showed a playful and disdainful smile,
just like an adult looking at a pupil.
The middle-aged captain shook his head and sighed, "100m distance, burst, half of the
target can be shot, that's good!"
During the burst, the guns will constantly produce recoil, making it impossible for people at
all Aiming, the accuracy cannot reach half of the burst!
Henry's continuous launch
, so that many people in the hall showed the kind of disdain, the kind of sneer.
Want to hit a high ring in a row? Daydreaming!
"No ... no ... he seems to be al on target." In Hengcheng, a female security pointed to the big
screen in the hal , and her eyes were fixed on the target on the screen.
As soon as the female security spoke, the people in the hall turned their eyes to the big
screen almost at the same time. Just now they were al laughing at Henry's movements.
They didn't pay attention to the results displayed on the big screen. Now let's take a look.
"This ..."
"What's wrong with this target?"
"Why did you instal a bad target?" The deputy mayor said dissatisfiedly.
At this moment, the target on the large screen, which belongs to the red circle center of the
ten rings, completely disappeared, leaving only one ring to the nine rings. The most central
position is a black hole.
"Deputy Mayor Shan, this is not a broken target." Anna made a laugh, she snapped her
fingers, and said loudly, "Trouble slowing down the camera just now."
Anna's words fell. The scene on the screen went back to before Henry shot. Through the
multiples marked on the screen, you can see that this is the effect after slowing down ten
Ten times slower, you can let the naked eye see the direction of the bul et.
After Henry fired, the bullet hit the bul seye at a rate of ten shots per second. The original
intact bullseye was violently impacted by thirty rounds of bullets. Every shot of Henry was
accurately shot on the bullseye. And, by slowing down, you can see that each bullet is hit
along the edge of the bullseye. When the last bul et is hit, the bullseye is directly knocked
After playing the slow-motion video, you can see that the faces of President Hu and
President Wang are extremely ugly. No matter how difficult Henry ’s shooting is, they only
look at the number of rings. Henry scored 30 rounds and 300 rings. , Higher than those sent
by them!
The middle-aged captain of Hengcheng was extremely excited, "Great! Too great! Even with
zero mistakes in launch, he definitely undergoes the strictest training!"
Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong's eyes were full of dignity It is clear how difficult it is to
launch al 30 targets and al ten rings in the launch. Both of them asked themselves what
they could not do.
Anna smiled at the corner of his mouth. Sure enough, Mr. Zhang, he didn't need to worry
too much.
Mu Ju couldn't help but look at Henry a few times and secretly gave a thumbs up.
The judges of the deputy mayor were all uncomfortable after seeing the slow motion on the
screen. They uncomfortably announced the first round of fixed shooting. Hengcheng led
temporarily, and then carried out the second round of mobile shooting.
After seeing Henry's fixed shooting strength, Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong no longer
despised anymore and came up with their best condition. The total length of the 45-meter-
long circuitous venue was both used by both. In about fifty-eight seconds, the crossing was
completed, and the number of upper loops reached twenty rounds.
You know, at 450 meters, an ordinary soldier sprints down with ful force, and it takes
about one minute and ten seconds. That does not consider any shooting factors.
Ordinary people want to finish running these 450 meters in one minute. The two can
achieve 20 rounds on target, which is already a very good result.
If in actual combat, it is equivalent to kil ing twenty enemies.
When the two saw their results, they were very satisfied. They did not think that Henry
could do the same. Fixed-point shooting and mobile shooting are completely two concepts.
Fixed-point shooting. If you have a sufficient understanding of firearms, often Training in
the shooting club, plus a little blessing of luck, it is not impossible to reach a full circle of 30
rounds, but moving the shot will test the physical strength of the shooter.
Under high-intensity running, keep a steady breath, Shooting, shooting is extremely
difficult, it must be rigorously trained, and where is the training, the bit war team must be
cruel and strict?
Even though Henry has just performed amazingly in fixed shooting, he is stil not optimistic
about this mobile shooting rating project. Hengcheng people are worried in their eyes.
Henry came to the mobile shooting site and looked at the shooting site like this
construction building. Many years ago, he also trained in such a scene, but at that time,
he was required to cover his eyes to come according to the subtle sound in the air Identify
where the enemy is. Before each blindfold, his instructor will give him three minutes to
memorize the layout of the venue, so that he can lose sight of his eyes at the fastest speed,
according to the memory in his mind, Through the entire shooting field, at the same time to
achieve effective and accurate shooting.
The vice mayor looked at Henry in front of the design site and looked up at the camera in
the hall to wink.
In the hall, under the eyes of Shan Mayor, the timer ran quickly.
"What's the situation! It hasn't started yet!" The countdown of the timer surprised the
people of Hengcheng.
There was a sneer on Shan Mayor's face.
Both President Hu and President Wang cast their eyes on Shan Mayor.
"Deputy Mayor Shan, he is not ready yet, why did he start!" Mu Ju quickly asked.
"Wait for him to prepare? Have I spent all my time waiting for him this day?" Deputy Mayor
Shan said dissatisfiedly.
"But this started early, it's not fair to him!" Mu Ju frowned.
The mayor Shan Shan waved impatiently. "Don't compare it if you feel unfair. It's really a
problem of the day! Either go to compare, or just get out!"
Mu Ju sat aside and wondered what to say.
Henry watched the countdown started, reached for his gun, and strode into the venue.
At this time, ten seconds had passed.
There was only 50 seconds left for Henry. In these 50 seconds, even after running the 450-
meter field, it was barely reluctant, let alone shot.
When Henrygang entered the venue, a target suddenly rose. Henry didn't even aim. He
didn't even look at it. He pulled the trigger directly with his gun.
The field in front of him was completely twisty. Henry shot every time he raised a target in
the state of full sprint. From the outsider's point of view, it was like a complete mess.
After a sprint, Henry ran out of the field at the end of the countdown of fifty seconds, and
the magazines in the gun were al empty.
"Huh, it's running very fast!" President Hu snorted coldly, his hands hug his chest.
Hengcheng's people, as well as Mu Ju, al looked at the big screen, waiting for the result.
They wanted to know how many rings Henry had in the end.
One minute ...
two minutes ...
five minutes passed. On the big screen, Henry's score was shown. Thirty bul ets were al
see the results at the moment, President Hu et al., All smiles on his face.
Vice Mayor Shan nodded with satisfaction.
The people of Hengcheng looked very ugly after seeing this result, but they also knew that
this could not blame Henry, just let them go in fifty seconds, and even this place could not
finish running, let alone shooting .
Henry put the gun down and shook his head. He knew clearly in his heart that his thirty
guns were al in the middle of the bullseye. Such a result must have been a stalk.
Mu Ju looked a little suspicious. When Henry had just moved and fired, he obviously heard
the sound of the bullet hitting the target, and it was impossible to completely miss the
Mu Ju turned his gaze on Anna's face. He saw Anna smiled bitterly at himself and realized
that Anna also found that something was wrong.
Deputy Mayor Shan stood up and said with a smile: "This shooting rating project, Yafeng
and Shengjia, achieved a tie, each scored one point, Hengcheng, zero points!"
Deputy Mayor Shan finished directly out of the lobby .
"Haha, President Jiang, it seems that this time, you, Hengcheng, there is no chance."
President Hu laughed and turned his eyes to Henry, "Boy, your strength, you're almost
close, go home and practice more. Two years! "
" Giggle. "President Wang also exclaimed with a smirk." Strength is divided into many
levels. I am afraid that it is stil far from practicing for a year or two. "
President Wang's remarks seemed to point.
"Resume for half an hour, and wait to compare." The judge who followed the deputy mayor
One by one left the hall, only Hengcheng's people and Director Mu were left in the whole
As soon as everyone left, Mu Ju ran to the shooting range. He clearly saw that the target that
Henry had just shot had obvious bullet holes.
"Mu Bureau." Anna's voice rang from behind Mu Bureau.
Mu turned around and saw Anna standing here with a wry smile.
Mu Bureau sighed heavily, "Hey, I hope the next rating project, you can have a good
Anna nodded silently.
Half an hour later, a new round of rating items came out, theoretic rating, Henry, and the
people invited by the remaining two companies, to answer some basic professional
questions. When asked, no other people should be present.
Before Henry conducted this theoretical rating, the middle-aged captain found Henry,
"Brother, in our business, whenever we put the safety of the employer as the first item, you
can do it. You only need to remember this, theory It's not wrong. "
" Employer is safe? "After listening to the middle-aged captain, Henry showed a thoughtful
expression, then nodded and went into a room to participate in the theory.
Outside, Hengcheng people are waiting with some worry.
The middle-aged captain walked over to Anna and asked, "Mr. Jiang, you said this brother,
can the theory work?"
"OK ... right ..." Anna replied somewhat uncertainly.
The middle-aged captain had a somewhat worried look. After hearing Anna's answer, he
became more serious.
After more than 20 minutes, Henry, Qiu Qiang, and Chang Xiaodong walked out of the
special examination room.
The people of Hengcheng all looked at Henry with expectation.
"Brother, how's the answer!" The middle-aged captain could not wait to ask Henry.
Henry touched his nose. "It should be okay."
Hearing Henry said this, the middle-aged captain was quite relieved. "As long as the safety
of the employer is the first priority, then there is absolutely no problem."
soon, a judge, walked out of the room with three sheets of A4 paper, everyone's eyes were
focused on the judge.
The judges first glanced at Deputy Mayor Shan, and he waited until the Deputy Mayor
nodded before speaking.
"I announced that in the second round of theoretical ratings, Yafeng scored one point,
Shengjia scored one point, Hengcheng ..." The judges said at this point, they looked at
Jiangjing Jing, and then said, "Zero points!"
"Zero Points! "The judges' words made the people of Hengcheng jump together.
The rating item just now was zero points. If this is stil zero points, then Hengcheng will
definitely not be able to meet the five-star standard this time. The two remaining rating
items in the end, even if Hengcheng can get points, it is nothing more than Tie tie, the way
these people do now, tie it, it is equal to zero.
"Zero points? Why is it zero points?" Mu Ju couldn't sit still and asked aloud.
"Why?" The judges raised the three A4 papers in his hands. "There is Hengcheng's answer
on it. You can see for yourself why it is zero points."
If you just shot the rating project, this judge is stil a little bit guilty. Now, with this rating, he
is not guilty at al .
Mu Ju stepped forward and looked at the three A4 sheets in the judge's hands, his brows
gradually wrinkled.
"How about it, give zero points, is there a problem?" The judge said with a proud look.
Mu Bureau shook his head, looking at Anna with some helplessness, "Mr. Jiang, this time, it
is indeed your problem of Hengcheng."
"What is the problem of Hengcheng this time, Mu Bureau, I don't love your words Listen!
"President Hu said on the spot." Don't you think that the rating of the previous project was
not Hengcheng's problem? "
Mu bureau ignored President Hu, but took the three A4 sheets in front of Anna. , Show
Anna looked at what was written on the three A4 papers, and his face was a bit unnatural.
Each A4 paper was the test question for this theoretical rating. The answers to Henry and
the other two were above.
"Mr. Jiang, your answer, I ..." Mu Ju said a little.
Anna shook his head.
Henry stood aside, hands in his arms, "Is there a problem with this answer?"
"Question?" The former judge sneered, "The question is over! Are you the answer? If the
employer is held hostage, you should ? how do "
the judges refers to a middle-aged captain," what the answer should be, for you! "
a middle-aged captain replied without thinking:" the first time to ensure that employers
security, observe the terrain, the employer ...... "
in The captain of the year has to go on, and was interrupted by the judge directly, "OK,
enough!" After the
judge interrupted the middle-aged captain, he looked at Henry, "I heard that, I will ensure
the safety of the employer as soon as possible What's the answer? "
Henry shrugged," kill the perpetrators ah, what is the problem Mody, a dead assailant,
employers naturally safe. " "
Oh. "the judges issued a sneer again," kill the perpetrators, to say Easy, and this, if the
employer is being tracked, what do you need to do, your answer is to kil the tracker? "
" Yeah, is there a problem? Do I as a bodyguard, when encountering problems, first Time to
choose an alarm? Henry very strange, in his perception of them, this is definitely the most
convenient method.
"It's easy to say!" The judges sneered, "Although we test the theoretical knowledge, but also
based on actual combat, why don't you say that Can I mobilize an army to protect the
employer? "
" Hmm ... "Henry pondered," If the official allows it, it's okay. "
" A nonsense! "The judge slapped on the table in front of him," That's good , I ask you, if it is
an ordinary robber, if you have some strength, you can directly kil the robber, but if the
superb robber, such as these two! "The
judges reached out and pointed to Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong.
Henry glanced at it and replied with ease. "It's the same, just kill it directly."
Henry's words, Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong's faces suddenly became difficult to look at.
"I'm not ashamed!" The judges snorted angrily, "I'm not kidding you here! With such an
attitude, I can let you get out!"
Henry looked strange, "Why, is my attitude wrong?" The judges were just about to speak
out, and the voice of Shan Li, the deputy mayor, sounded.
"Wel , since he is so confident, anyway, the next project, the assessment is free combat, let
the people of Yafeng and Shengjia simulate the kidnapping, and the people of Hengcheng
will rescue, if it is like what he said In that way, this time, it ’s okay for Hengcheng to win,
including free fights, they are al considered to have won. "
Shan Mayor, a deputy mayor, stood aside with a look at the play.
After hearing this, Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong both squeezed their fists and looked at
Henry with a bad look. The words that Henry just looked down upon made them very
uncomfortable now, and they both wanted to teach Henry.
"This is not compliant, Shan Deputy Mayor!" Mu Ju couldn't help but say, "It hasn't been
such a rating evaluation al the time, which is very unfair."
"Why is it unfair? He said it in his mouth, is this a problem?" Shan Li, the deputy mayor,
sneered. "It's so decided. If Hengcheng feels unfair, they can leave at any time. I won't stay!"
The attitude of Deputy Mayor Shan makes all the people in Hengcheng feel completely
desperate. Whether Qiu Qiang or Chang Xiaodong, they are absolute masters. They are
everywhere, they are al elites among the elites. Now Henry Yiyi Enemy II, how can it be
done, this is deliberately embarrassing perseverance! Counting this as the third round of
rating projects, that Hengcheng lost, once lost three rounds, it is completely hopeless.
The middle-aged captain and others looked ugly, and Mu Ju's face was equally ugly.
Only Anna heard a smile on his face after hearing the vice mayor's words. This is to give
Hengcheng a chance.
free sparring! Ah.
Although Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong are strong, Anna still doesn't think that these two
people can be compared with Henry. One enemy and two are not difficult for Henry.
When the judge responsible for the written test heard it, there was a happy look on his face,
"Okay, that's the way, the location was chosen in this hall. The location is empty, we can see
clearly, and we don't have any tricks! "
Just this hall?
Hengcheng ’s middle-aged captain is even more ugly. If the location chosen is just like the
construction building, Henry can also use some dead ends to compete with these two
people. He has seen Henry ’s in the car. Strength, although not necessarily a winner, always
has some opportunities, but it can be placed in this hall. Henry must be enemies on the
back, there is no chance!
After the
judges finished speaking , they arranged for someone to pick up a plucked curator. He
handed the curator to Qiu Qiang and said: "The player who must take part in the rating
assessment must be before any little hurt by this straw man, beat two players Yafeng and
Sheng Jia, Heng-players lost, hurt or straw man, even if Heng failed! "
after the judge finished this rule, Heng-people , I ca n’t see any hope anymore. That Cao
man now puts it in the hands of Yafeng. As long as the other person is willing to gently pull
it with his arm, Cao man will be hurt. Hengcheng fails. The possibility of winning!
The judges looked at Henry, "You just said it very well, let me see if your strength is as good
as what you said! Prepare for it, and start in ten seconds
!" Feng's President Hu rushed to Qiu Qiang, "Don't leave any chance, I don't want to see any
Qiu Qiang nodded and said that he now grasps the grass man with both hands. For a time to
tear this grass man, even if this Henry really has the strength of one enemy and two,
Hengcheng will certainly lose.
Qiu Qiang thinks well, win this game first, and then take the opportunity to teach
Hengcheng, who knows nothing about heaven and earth!
Chang Xiaodong and Qiu Qiang looked at each other, and they saw the same meaning in
each other's eyes, and there was a silent tacit understanding.
Henry looked at the two men standing in the middle of the hall, slowly lowered his body,
and rubbed his hands on the ground.
The middle-aged captain looked at the positions of Chang Xiaodong and Qiu Qiang and
shook their heads. The two of them faced two different directions, and so no matter
whether Henry approached from any place, they could not grab it in the first place. The
grass man in Qiu Qiang's hands, this time, Hengcheng was downgraded!
The judge returned to his seat and said, "The last three seconds
, I am ready!" He was ready to tel Qiu Qiang.
"Three! Two!" The
judges uttered a countdown.
When the word "I" fell, Qiu Qiang began to exert force on both hands, tearing the grassman
in his hand. He only needed to give him a second to tear the grassman completely.
For a second, for others, it is only a moment, and nothing can be done.
But for Henry, it is enough!
Before the judge ’s “one” had come to an end, Henry and the whole person had already
arrived in front of Qiu Qiang. Qiu Qiang did n’t even see clearly, and he felt a pain in his
wrist. He unconsciously released his palm. The moment he let go, he felt his hands empty,
and when he looked again, the grassman in his hands was gone.
Chang Xiaodong stood in front of Qiu Qiang, his eyes wide, staring at Henry in front of him.
He had just not seen any movement of Henry. When he saw Henry clearly, the other party
had already caught the Caoren.
The occurrence of this scene made everyone in the hall wide-eyed, including Anna.
Anna knew that Henry was very strong, but it was unclear to what extent Henry was
strong. This scene made her completely stunned. She was sure that if Henry worked on
himself, he might not even see others. It was dead.
The deputy mayor Shan, the judge, as well as Mu Ju, President Hu, President Wang and
others, al opened their mouths with unbelievable eyes, and what happened in front of them
has exceeded their cognition. People can real y be quick Is it a phantom?
the people of Hengcheng
, after the initial stunned spirit, unitedly uttered cheers. This scene made them a little
unbelievable, but it happened in front of their eyes. When everyone didn't respond, Henry
easily grabbed the grassman in Qiu Qiang's hands.
While cheering, the middle-aged captain was also fortunate. Fortunately, he was on the bus
before and did not conflict with Henry. Otherwise, the people he brought with him
yesterday are simply not enough for others to pack up.
"Won, we won!" The middle-aged captain cheered. He had already given up hope, and now
hope is coming again. This rating project includes the theory and the third round of
fighting. If you win, you win. Two points, if the team project can win again later, the crisis of
Hengcheng will be over.
"Shut up!" The judge before shouted, "Who told you that you won? Did you win? Hmm?"
"Why didn't we win!" The middle-aged captain couldn't help it anymore, and started
talking . A sentence from the judges.
The judges Lengheng soon, "I said a test project, the robbers kill him, rather than rescued
the hostages, and this is just his own theory which says, may I ask, he is now the robbers
kill it?"
The judges this Words, obviously it is deliberately do not want to let Hengcheng's people
"You!" The middle-aged captain was angry, just about to speak, and was stopped by Henry
with a gesture.
Henry stretched his fingers to Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong, and then pointed to the
position of his neck.
Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong subconsciously reached out and touched their necks.
Both of them touched the gray with one hand.
Henryyang raised his palm. His fingers were all covered with dust. It was just before the
start of the test, he crouched on the ground and felt it.
This scene made Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong react together, and the other party could
put ashes on their necks so easily. Doesn't it mean that if he wanted to kil himself, he had
just done it?
This made Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong take a breath.
Henry turned around and looked at the judges. "How can we count now that we have won."
Qiu Qiang and Chang Xiaodong touched the gray scene from their necks. The judges also
saw clearly that he is no different now. The excuse, the arm flicked, and no longer said
The vice mayor's complexion also looked very unsightly, and there was still an official judge
who was beside him.
Mu Bureau looked at it for two times, stood up, and said loudly: "I announced that the
second and third round of the rating test will be won by Hengcheng!"
The words of Mu Bureau made Hengcheng cheer for as long as the next team project won
This time, the rating can be maintained. With a strong man like Henry, the team project is
also stable, and the previous team project is also to arrange a task to let everyone work
together to complete it.
The vice mayor waved his sleeves with dissatisfaction and got up and left. Obviously
Hengcheng's victory exceeded his expectations. He had arranged the worst environment
for Hengcheng as much as possible, but it was unexpected that Hengcheng even invited
one. Such a powerful man.
"Waste, really waste!" President Hu walked in front of Qiu Qiang, and cursed unkindly,
"What other special forces brigade retired, and he couldn't sustain even a second, real y his
President Hu scolded, Also leave here.
An official judge said: "Half an hour of rest, and then the final round of competition!"
After everyone left, Hengcheng's middle-aged captain and others rushed to Henry in the
first place.
"Brother, you are too fierce!" The middle-aged captain admired his face.
Those female security guards are also full of admiration. The security they do, of course,
respects the most powerful people. Henry's just demonstrated strength has exceeded their
Mu Mu walked to Anna, "Mr. Jiang, you can hide me from being so bitter, and make me
worry about you."
Anna laughed, "Mu, I didn't even think of this.
" Okay, with such a master to help you, I am also relieved. The fol owing team project,
probably from three companies, has completed a group assessment together. With this
little brother in you, you will also be very stable this time. "Mu The bureau patted Anna on
the shoulder. "I hope we can continue to cooperate in the coming year. You Hengcheng
have made a lot of contributions to the society. I hope you will get this five-star rating."
Anna nodded. We, Hengcheng, must cooperate with the public security work and do our
best for the benefit of the public. "The
half-hour time soon passed.
The crowd reunited in a hall. President Hu and President Wang appeared this time with a
confident smile on their faces.
Seeing the smiles on the faces of the two men, Mu Ju and Anna both had a bad hunch.
The Deputy Mayor stood at the center, glanced around, and said aloud: "Originally, the last
round of the group project was a group test conducted by three companies.
However, a small accident just happened, so this For the next group project, I decided to
change the way. ”
Shan Li, the deputy mayor, reached out and pounded on the desktop.“ Now the per capita
living standard is improving, and employers ’needs for security are also diversified. People
in security companies need to have A clear mind. Just now, I received a cal . A document in
my office about the development investment of Chengdong in the next three years was
stolen. The three of you, think for yourself, who can copy that copy tomorrow morning The
documents will be retrieved and handed over to me, whoever wins. I will score this item,
and I will give it three points. Whoever gets the job done, the five-star rating, it ’s who it is,
that ’s it! "
After the deputy mayor finished, he did not give the rest the opportunity to doubt, and left
the hall with a big step.
President Hu and President Wang smiled behind the mayor of Shan.
In the hall, the people of Hengcheng looked at each other. This was simply pushing
Hengcheng to a dead end. In the end, this rating project gave three points. , He said what he
Anna walked in front of Henry and sighed, "Mr. Zhang, what do you think of this?"
"Is there real y anything to lose or to invest, Hengcheng has nothing to do with it?"
Henry smiled.
The vice mayor said that he lost the plan for development investment in the next three
years. To put it bluntly, if the plan is better, whether it is the same or not, he is telling
everyone who will send him first. Anyone who is satisfied with the plan will win.
The huge investment plan brought to the deputy mayor, that is one by one.
The people of Hengcheng are all sad, and if they really want to engage them, they really
have no way!
"It's over, this is really over." The middle-aged captain muttered.
deputy mayor has been put down. It is meaningless for everyone to stay in this shooting hal
, and they leave.
Anna and Henrylian walked out of the shooting gal ery.
Just outside the door, Anna smiled apologetical y to Henry, "Mr. Zhang, I am really sorry. It
seems that our cooperation cannot continue."
Henry looked at Anna with a doubt on his face, "According to me Knowing you, are n’t you
someone who is so easy to give up? "
A person who is easy to give up will not enter the special operations team and won so many
Anna smiled bitterly, "When I was doing things, I always felt that I could overcome al the
difficulties with a strong tenacity, but now I know that there are many helpless things in
this world. Although Hengcheng looks big, we have to say There is still no strength in what
to invest in. "
Henry said curiously:" Is it necessary to invest? Can't he really find the investment book he
lost? "
Anna shook his head," Mr. Zhang, don't be funny I ’ve lost the investment book, but it ’s just
that the deputy mayor casual y said that he can let this investment book appear in any
place, but it will never appear in our hands. ”
Henry smiled slightly,“ In fact, people ’s thoughts I should n’t be confined to one place.
My childhood experience tells me that when reality does n’t push you to nowhere, there are
countless ways. I ’l go first. ”
Henry Anna waved his hand , Walk towards the road.
Anna looked at Henry ’s back, her face bitter. She felt that she had been forced to go back.
Now things are like this. Hengcheng has no choice but to downgrade and lay off.
Once downgraded, Hengcheng Will be completely overwhelmed by the two companies
Yafeng and Shengjia.
"Mr. Jiang, what shall we do now?" The middle-aged captain approached Anna and asked.
Anna sighed, "Go back to the company first, try to stabilize everyone's emotions."
When Anna and others returned to the company, it was obvious that something was wrong
in the company.
"Mr. Jiang, you are finally back." A female employee ran over and she was the manager of
the company's personnel department.
"What's wrong?" Anna looked at the worried face of the manager of the personnel
"This morning, I have received no less than 20 resignation letters. Yu Tong has been
spreading rumors in the company and calling everyone to resign with him!" The manager
of the personnel department said, reaching out and pointing aside.
The personnel manager refers to an ordinary lounge.
Anna glanced and strode towards the lounge. Before reaching the entrance of the lounge,
Anna heard Yu Tong ’s voice coming out of the lounge. "I say to you all, the situation of
Hengcheng, You also saw that I do n’t have a bird named Jiang now. When you got off work
yesterday, did you see what a good face I gave her? I said to you, Hengcheng must be
downgraded this time. Think about it, instead of being laid off and looking for a job, it is
better to go with me now! "
" Yutong, how can you be sure that the company will be downgraded this time? "A voice of
doubt sounded.
"Oh, why am I sure? President Hu of Yafeng told me, do you know what the result of the
rating today? Now President Hu of Yafeng is having dinner with Deputy Mayor Shan, I am
afraid that the surname Jiang will return to the company right away. , Do you think
Hengcheng can continue to maintain the five-star? "Yu Xintong said with full heart,"
Anyway, I will tell you this, you are willing to leave, it is your own business. Just remember
the old feelings. Okay, I wo n’t tel you anymore. I ’ll inform others about the news. ”
Yu Tong finished speaking, waved his hand, walked out of the lounge, and out of the lounge
door, Yu Tong just saw Anna standing at the door.
At the moment of seeing Anna, Yu Tong dodged subconsciously, then took a deep breath
and looked directly at Anna, "Your surname Jiang, you are not so angry, stand outside and
eavesdrop on us? There is no quality! "
Yu Tong said this deliberately very loudly, just to let everyone in the company hear it and
know what his attitude towards Anna is.
"Yutong, do you still have any conscience, don't forget, what you know now is that
President Jiang paid for your training!" The middle-aged captain couldn't help but speak.
"Yo Yo Yo, that's nice, but also their own money to train us." Shuangshoubaoxiong to pass, a
slovenly appearance, "she gave me training, it plainly, is not want us to give her money!"
"You Do n’t know what ’s wrong! ”The middle-aged captain shouted,“ The rest of the
security companies, which is not to use the money given by the employer to the employees
for five or five years. Say this kind of thing? "
" Oh, you have a good relationship with her, you can say anything. "Yu Tong sneered,"
Hengcheng is downgraded anyway, layoffs can't cut you, the bad luck is our big guy! "
Middle-aged The captain noticed that when Tong said this sentence, many employees'
faces became very ugly, because everyone was worried about whether they would be laid
The middle-aged captain took a deep breath, "Yutong, do n’t forget, before the training,
everyone had a contract with the company. If after the training, you have committed a
gross negligence for less than three years of work, or voluntarily resigned, al Payment of
liquidated damages! "As the
middle-aged captain made this statement, many people's bodies could not help but be
shocked. Yes, they signed such an agreement at that time. What if the liquidated liquidation
is suddenly gone now?
Yu Tong ’s face was also slightly unsightly. He really forgot about it. Now when the middle-
aged captain mentioned it, he lifted it up with one heart. Yu Tong looked back and glanced
at his colleagues With a complexion on his neck, he said: "You also said that you voluntarily
quit, but when the rating is over, Hengcheng faces layoffs. I'm afraid you don't have to take
the initiative to quit. You must voluntarily sever me. Will you cut you off and leave me? "
Yu Tong then gave those who wanted to leave a shot of tranquilizer.
Some people think that when Hengcheng lays off staff, it will definitely leave those old
employees, and this newcomer will definitely be laid off.
Middle-aged captain of a mouth, is also preparing to speak, Anna was stopped, "Well, no
need to do fearless quarrel, and now the results have not come out, do not think it is too
early to say that some of these?"
"Yes, results Not yet out! "The middle-aged captain focused on his head," Yutong, don't be
too arrogant! "
" Oh. "Yutong chuckled," What is the result, everyone knows, there is no need to die here! "
Yu Tong
, Anna and the middle-aged captain heard bitterness. The fact is exactly as Yu Tong said.
Now the rating is not completely over, but in fact As a result, it has become clear that the
two of them are indeed dead ducks.
Compared with Hengcheng, Yafeng and Shengjia are now very happy.
At noon, in the largest hotel in Zuo City, President Hu and President Wang, as well as the
three deputy mayors sitting in one of the largest private rooms, a table of good wine and
good food, 20 people may not be able to finish.
"Mayor Shan, I would like to honor you with a drink!" President Hu lifted his glass and
smiled with a pleased expression.
The Deputy Mayor Shan waved his hand, "Where is this Mayor from me, just a deputy."
President Hu heard this, he immediately showed an unhappy look, "Mayor Shan, I respect
you, but one said, I do n’t like to hear your words. In my eyes, you are already the mayor of
this left city! "
" Yes! "Mr. Wang, who was sitting next to him, said immediately," Mayor Shan, I also respect
You have a drink. "The
deputy mayor listened to this, and his face blossomed with joy." Simon Cheng can bear it,
then I will do it first. "
" Fuck! "President Hu screamed and gave the cup Drink the wine in the net.
After drinking the wine, the three of them sat on the table. President Hu took the initiative
to sandwich a big lobster in front of Shan Mayor and said, "Mayor Shan,
tomorrow morning, Mr. Wang and I ’s investment plan will be Send it to your office and
give you a look. This time, please take care of it. "
Shan Li, the deputy mayor, laughed aloud." This is what you two do for me and help me find
the lost investment. " Proposal. "
Deputy Mayor Shan, deliberately bitten the word-loss.
Both President Hu and President Wang are elites, and the meaning in the words is naturally
"Yes, yes." President Hu nodded again and again. "Tonight, Mayor Shan personally led the
people of Yafeng Security and Shengjia Security. Under the command of Mayor Shan, we
caught the theft and recovered the plan. . " "
ha ha ha! "Vice Mayor single laugh," and the two talk, real y happy, Heng than that shit, too
much to be comfortable, Come, come, drink, drink! "
box in sounded three Laughter.
After returning to the hotel where he stayed, Henry sent Sylvia an all-safe message.
The news had just passed a few seconds later, and Sylvia responded over there.
"Waiting for you to go home."
These four words, Henry looked warm.
Going home, this family word contains too much.
Henry put away his phone and lay in bed. He planned to give himself a day off today.
First, he closed his eyes and the phone rang. After looking at the caller, Henry picked up the
"Hello, Ferris."
"Boss, are you stil in Mongolia?" Ferris' voice came from the phone.
"Wel , what's wrong?" Henry asked.
"Several news, please report it to you." Ferris paused and said: "In the past two days,
China's financial and business communities have been greatly affected, and several
mysterious consortia suddenly The outcrop has occupied a lot of market share. These
consortiums have never heard of it before, and the background is protected. I ca n’t find it
at al for a while. I suspect that there is a shadow of the clan. "" Henry heard these two
words and couldn't help but pay attention to it. The clan is too mysterious. The Jiugong
Bagua City in Zhaojia County and the awakening of the blood power let Henry see the clan's
unknown and powerful side, which is completely impossible. The field explained by
Henry pondered and asked, "What are the movements of those consortiums now?"
"Not yet." Ferris replied, "But I see their movements, I intend to go on a large scale Has
taken over market share, boss, do I have to make some effort to engage them? "
" No need first. "Henry shook his head." If it is really a clan, there will definitely be
movements. The clan has avoided the world for so many years. You can sit back and watch,
let's take a look. "
" Okay. "Ferris replied.
Hanging up the phone, Henry was full of doubts. If he was really a clan and had indulged for
so many years, why did he suddenly show up? Is it related to Zhao's affairs?
The clan has too many mysterious colors. These forces inherited from ancient times have
too many unknown things. At least now Henry is exposed to new things, whether it is Qi, or
blood power, formation, that Is from the clan.
Henry shook his head and shook these thoughts, everything in his mind, no matter how he
thought it now, he couldn't ful y understand it. He could only take one step at a time.
Now, except for the Longxi Li clan, the rest of the clan, completely There is no intersection,
no need to worry too much, and strong own strength is the most important thing now.
This phone cal from Ferris also made Henry no longer lie down to rest. He simply picked up
his cel phone and checked the history of several Chinese surnames online.
One day passed silently.
In Hengcheng, everyone looks listless. What the company will develop into in the future is
al a matter of concern. Once downgraded, it will face a crisis of layoffs.
Before leaving work, Anna stood in front of the company building and looked at the five
stars on the shield sign on the top of the building. Starting tomorrow, that star will be
As time passed, the sky became darker and darker. When the night fell, the lantern in the
city first appeared.
Henry stood by the window of the hotel, looked at the message sent from the phone, and
One night without words, the next morning, the genius was just bright, Henry got up from
the bed, after washing, opened the hotel room door.
At the moment the door closed, Henry suddenly realized a problem. It seemed that after the
end of World War I, the rashness that often appeared in his heart completely disappeared
and never appeared again.
Henry guessed that it might be the killing of that war, let yourself vent completely, this kind
of stable state of mind is always a good thing.
Henry remembered the place where Hengcheng Security was located. He went out of the
hotel, bought a dough stick, took a cup of soy milk, and while eating, walked towards
Hengcheng Security.
During Hengcheng security, the middle-aged captain came to Anna's office and knocked on
the door.
"Go in." Anna sat in his office and made himself a cup of hot tea.
"President Jiang, it's almost nine o'clock, do we want to ..." The middle-aged captain looked
at Anna and stopped talking.
"It's not necessary anymore." Anna smiled slightly and shook his head. "This round of
ratings has already had results. What difference do we have if we go today or not? Just wait
for someone to come and pick the star. "
one night time, has made Anna thoroughly think about it, accept the facts, then what
investment plan, can not be given out by Hengcheng.
The middle-aged captain sighed heavily, "Mr. Jiang, do we really give up this way?"
"Otherwise?" Anna smiled helplessly. "In this world, everything is not what everyone
wants." The
office door It was knocked again, and the manager of the personnel department pushed the
door and walked in. She looked at the middle-aged captain in the office and then said to
Anna: "President Jiang, Yu Tong has instigated many people, and everyone has already
started to pack things up. Today, few people are working normally, and we are al waiting
for the company to lay off staff. We ... "
Anna stood up and said:" So, let everyone know that if you are willing to stay in the
company, Anna will try to save Everyone stays and wants to go. I do n’t want Anna to stay.
Let ’s have a dinner together tonight. Let ’s be together. ”The manager of the personnel
department listened to this, with a sad look on his face.
Honest people, which are not the talents carefully cultivated by President Jiang, consume a
huge amount of energy in everyone, that is, hope that everyone will have an extra layer of
protection when they perform their tasks in the future. Rear, I don't miss President Jiang's
good at all, and I want to leave.
"Okay, let me tel you, we are not the company's failure, but only the star." Anna waved his
The manager of the personnel department shook his head. Everyone in the workplace for
so many years, everyone has a steel scale in their hearts, more or less, and they all
understand this market. Today, Yafeng and Shengjia two companies can suppress the star
of Hengcheng. , Then it can also prevent Hengcheng from doing this in the security
To put it bluntly, today's star-falling is the future failure!
In the security industry, only the first, no one will remember the second, when employers
hire people, they will only go to the first-ranked companies.
The manager of the personnel department turned around, and when he first came to the
door of the office, a figure squeezed in in advance.
"Mr. Zhang?" Anna saw the figure coming in and made an unexpected sound.
Yesterday, Henry waved and left. She thought Henry had gone.
"Why are you stil here?" Henry asked doubtful y as soon as he entered the door. "I'm
waiting for you for a long time downstairs."
" Waiting for us?" Anna questioned, not understanding what Henry meant.
"Yeah." Henry nodded. "Isn't this the last round of ratings this morning, why?
I'm not going to participate?" "Mr. Zhang, I ..." Annagang spoke, and Henry stepped up.
Henry grabbed Anna's arm with one hand and said, "Quickly, it's time to go, otherwise it's
too late."
Anna was dragged out of the office before he could react.
The manager of the personnel department looked at Henry, who dragged Anna out of the
office, and then looked back at the middle-aged captain.
The middle-aged captain's eyes lit up and said to the HR manager: "Don't notify the big guy
first, this time, maybe there will be a turn!" The middle-aged captain finished and ran out of
the office, rushing to Henryhe Anna's back caught up.
Although the middle-aged captain did not understand what Henry wanted to do, he had an
intuition in his heart that this time, it would not be the case.
Henry and Anna just walked into the elevator, and the middle-aged captain rushed in.
three of them went down to the first floor together and walked out of the company.
In the company hall, Yu Tong had packed his things. When he saw Anna going outside, he
sneered. He was ready to leave, and he waited for Anna to come back from outside.
The middle-aged captain drove and took Anna and Henrychao to the official office building.
When I came to the official office building, I saw that the cars of President Hu and President
Wang were both parked in the parking spaces, and two luxury cars worth millions were
particularly prominent.
"Sir, did you find the plan?" The middle-aged captain stopped the car and couldn't help
saying to Henry.
"No." Henry shook his head. "However, who said that you must find a plan."
Henry finished, without giving the middle-aged captain and Anna more doubts, he went to
the official office building first.
The deputy mayor's office is easy to find, and the three of them just looked at the
distribution map of the office building and easily reached the place.
In front of Shan Mayor's office, three people, Henry, heard the voice coming from the office.
"Mayor Shan, then this time, I wish us cooperation sooner." President Hu's voice came from
the office.
With a burst of laughter from Deputy Mayor Shan, the office door opened, and President Hu
and President Wang were preparing to leave the office.
When the door opened, President Hu and President Wang saw Henry standing at the door,
which surprised them. When they thought that this morning, the people of Hengcheng
would never come, after all This round of rating assessment is for someone with a brain to
know what is going on.
"Yo, isn't this President Jiang, what are you doing here when you come here?"
President Hu said with a yin-yang look.
Henry smiled slightly and hurriedly said before Anna said: "Of course it's here to deliver
"Send something?" Mr. Wang curiously said, "It's not a coincidence that Mr. Hu and I have
found the investment plan that Mayor Shan lost yesterday. It is now on the desk of Mayor
Shan. What? "
The deputy mayor in the office heard the movement at the door and stepped out. When he
saw the three Henry, his brows wrinkled at once, scolding," What are you doing!
Who let you come? "
Of course ! " " Of course I came to participate in the final round of ratings. "Henry put his
hands in his pockets, walked directly to the office of the deputy mayor, and found a sofa to
sit down.
Vice Mayor Shan saw Henry walk in and yelled, "Who let you in, get out!"
"Oh." Henry chuckled, "Mayor Shan, listen to what you said, everyone are to participate in
the rating, They can come in, we Hengcheng people, why not come in, do the authors, a
single deputy mayor did not want us to participate in this rating Heng-what? "
Henry this speech, fierce listen There is nothing to go up, but to taste it carefully, he has a
lot of meaning in it.
The deputy mayor took a deep breath, stared at Henry, and said, "The sharp-mouthed
thing! Okay, you said you Hengcheng came to participate in the rating. I ask you, what is it?
The plan I lost yesterday General Manager Hu and General Manager Wang have helped me
find it. You Hengcheng, what are you going to use to participate in the rating!
Both General Manager Hu and General Manager Wang at the door looked at Henry as a fool.
Would n’t it be real y stupid to find any missing plans!
deputy mayor asked Henry, and then looked at Anna and the middle-aged captain.
Anna and the middle-aged captain glanced at each other. Actually, in their hearts, they also
wanted to know what Henry came to this time.
The deputy mayor saw that Anna and the middle-aged captain did not speak, snorted, and
looked at Henry again, "I asked you, I lost my plan, did you find it?"
Henry Yi lipped, shook his head, "No."
"No?" Shan Li, vice mayor, had a joke on his face. "Without what do you use to participate in
the rating?"
"Maybe it's his shamelessness." President Hu took the word.
"Little brother, I feel like you are a fool." Mr. Wang covered his mouth and smiled.
Outside the door, Anna and the middle-aged captain looked at Henry puzzledly, not
knowing what medicine Henry's gourd sold.
Henry stretched his back and leaned on the sofa, "I didn't bring your lost plan, but I brought
something else."
Henry reached into his pocket, took out a USB flash drive, and then went to himself Throw
the coffee table in front.
The deputy mayor looked subconsciously at the U disk thrown by Henry.
Henry ’s voice sounded, “The plan was not found, but all the bank account information you
applied for over the years, including the deputy mayor, including the assets under your
name, your wife ’s assets, and your son ’s name. All my assets have been found by me. Gee,
if I read correctly, the deputy mayor, your monthly salary is 7,500 yuan.
Your wife works in the hospital. The monthly salary is 6,000. Your son I ’m still in college
and I do n’t have any income. But the deputy mayor of the two villas you are in Duhai is not
what you can own. ”
Henry said, the deputy mayor suddenly became very embarrassed. It's ugly, he stared at
Henry, "Boy, I don't understand what you're talking about. There are two villas in the sea.
Are you confessing the wrong person?"
Henry did not pay attention to what the Deputy Mayor said, and continued to speak for
himself, "The previous year, 18 mil ion, from Zhuyou Business Company, last year, 24
million, from Xiongshan Entertainment, this year ... ... "
Henry said this, instead of going on, he turned his attention to President Hu and President
Wang at the door.
The mayor Shan Shan shuddered, he knew very well that what Henry just said was
completely true, how did he know that!
Henry leaned on the sofa, "Mayor Shan, there are so many things, do you want me to say it
one hundred and fifty, for example, two luxury cars under your lover's name, four houses
under your child's name, and several mil ions of deposit? these, and your wages, serious
discrepancies, right? "
single deputy mayor secretly squeezed fist, staring at the gloomy face of Henry," boy, you
threatening me? " " is
this a threat? "Henry a The face is strange, "I just said some facts, how did it become a
threat? It is impossible, in the eyes of Shan Mayor, these facts are things that can threaten
"What about the evidence?" Shan Fu City The long asked, "You said that all these things are
related to me. With your U disk, you can make up with it? Why do you say that these have
something to do with me."
Henry shrugged, "Why do you not return I was in charge, but I think, anti-corruption
department, they have a natural way to tell. "
Henry took out the phone, glanced at the screen," calculate the time, anti-corruption people
who should be here soon. "
Henry voice faded , There was a sound in the national highway corridor outside the office
Footsteps dense Ma Ma.
At the
door, President Hu and President Wang rushed to see where the footsteps sounded, and his
face suddenly became very ugly.
A group of uniformed people strode over to the Deputy Mayor's office. They led a middle-
aged man. When they walked to the door of the Deputy Mayor's office, they pushed openly
and stood at the door. President Hu and President Wang went into the office. He held a red-
headed document in his hand and said to Deputy Mayor Shan:
"Shan Lizhi, I suspect that you are connected with several corruption cases. This is an
arrest warrant. Please contact we go back and investigate! "
single deputy mayor watched the arrival of man, the eyes reveal panic look," I'm afraid you
mistake it, when I embezzled! " "
Do you really corruption, naturally, we will investigate, please Cooperate! Take away!
"The leading man, without any unnecessary nonsense, waved his hand directly, and the two
immediately came up, grabbing the shoulder of the vice mayor.
President Hu and President Wang saw that something like this happened, and as soon as
their heads were lowered, they were ready to slip away.
"Where are you going?" Before
President Wang and President Hu walked a few steps, they were pulled by someone.
The leading man walked in front of President Hu and President Wang and said: "Now I
suspect that you are connected with a bribery case. Let's go back to assist us in the
"This ..." President Hu just wanted to open himself.
"Take it away!" The lead man did not give them any chance at all, and took them away
The three people Henry, because they were here, were also brought back together, but
soon, the three of them were released. The deputy mayor, President Hu, and President
Wang were still inside and found many things. .
"Anna, it seems that this time your Hengcheng rating has been kept." After the anti-
corruption bureau, Henry sat in the car and thanked Anna.
Anna finally understood that yesterday Henry said that there was another way, what did he
mean? Since the vice mayor Shan Yafeng and Sheng Jia had an agreement, then starting
from this aspect, there are many ways to solve the problem, just yourself 'S
thoughts are confined and no other way can be thought of.
"Mr. Zhang, this time, I really thank you." Anna sincerely thanked Henry.
"Thank you?" Henry waved his hand. "Don't forget, we are partners, haha!" The middle-
aged captain is responsible for driving. Now, his face is ful of excitement. If the deputy
mayor is really this time It was found that President Hu and President Wang were also
suspected of paying bribes. Then Hengcheng's rating this year, there will be no problems.
Five-star guarantee again!
Inside the Hengcheng Security Building.
Yu Tong stood in front of the company and was already impatient. He had contacted nearly
forty people. As long as he left today, he could directly work for Yafeng Security.
On the day he took office, he was directly the position of manager, and his salary was
doubled. !
Yu Tong is now waiting for Anna to come back and then leave with him.
In the expectation of Tongtong, a car slowly drove into the company gate and parked in the
parking lot.
Henry and three people came down from the car.
Yu Tong also said loudly at this time, "The surname is Jiang, the rating is over? The person
picking the star will be here soon, I hope your company, don't break down."
"Down?" The middle-aged captain heard Yu Tong said with a smile, "We are sincere, and it
will not be lost in a while."
"Hehe." Yu Tong sneered. "You say what you want."
Yu Tong went to the parking lot and opened his door.
"Why do you go during work?" The middle-aged captain questioned.
"I want to do what I want, can you control you?" Yu Tong disdain, anyway, from the
moment he pulls in Hengcheng, he tears his face.
"Yu Tong, don't say that I don't show mercy, you come back now to apologize to President
Jiang, what you did before, I will be a young wayward." The middle-aged captain said.
"Oh, shal I?" Yu Tong snorted, "You Hengcheng layoffs, specifically leave me?"
"Hengcheng will not layoffs!" The middle-aged captain exclaimed, not only to Yutong It also
means to everyone in the company, "We have just received a cal from the Mu Bureau on the
way back. The company's rating this year is still five stars!"
Five stars!
The middle-aged captain's words, listened to everyone's ears, the first reaction, is not to
believe, to question.
In the past two days, Yu Tong has said too many things that are not good for Hengcheng in
order to attract more people to walk with him. In his mouth, Hengcheng is a company that
is about to fail, and Yafeng Security , He has created an extremely powerful image, which is
more illusory, such as Yafeng security has an official background and so on.
Under the influence of these words, everyone has almost believed the fact that Hengcheng
is going to fal . Now listen to the middle-aged captain saying that Hengcheng will still
maintain a five-star rating? What about Yafeng security?
Yu Tong chuckled, "Your mouth grows on you, and you love to talk about it, anyway, the
Lord is no longer waiting!
Yu Tong said, sitting in the car, the car ignited.
Just when Tong slowly reversed, Several official vehicles drove in from the company gate
and parked in a row downstairs in Hengcheng.
The front door of the car opened, Mu Mu walked down from the car, holding a pennant in
Mu Mu's hands.
"Haha, President Jiang, congratulations!" Mu Bureau got out of the car and issued a
congratulatory voice. "Congratulations to President Jiang on maintaining the five-star
"Mu Bureau, all thanks to you." Anna smiled slightly at the Mu Bureau.
Mu Bureau shook his head, "Mr. Jiang, I am just a messenger. This time, you have nobles to
help you!"
Mu Bureau specifically looked at Henry when he said this.
The Deputy Mayor Shan had an accident, he already knew that what amazed him was that
the Deputy Mayor ’s things were al hidden very well, leaving few clues, but they were all
caught from a few years ago to today. Come out, every account, remember clearly! Can find
these things in a very short time, the energy behind you can imagine!
Henry saw Mu Mu looking at himself and grinned.
Mu Bureau quickly showed a good smile.
The employees of Hengcheng all saw the coming Mu Bureau. When they saw the pennant in
the hands of Mu Bureau and heard the words of the five-star rating in the mouth of Mu
Bureau, there was a sudden uproar.
Hengcheng, there is really no downgrade! Has been going on for five stars! Does that mean
that the remaining two companies, in this rating, al lost to Hengcheng! This rating is not
simply saying that Hengcheng does not need to lay off staff, but also lays the position of
Hengcheng's security industry leader!
Yu Tongkou shouted that Hengcheng was downgraded and degraded. In the future, the
security industry must be the world of Yafeng. In the end, everyone does not know how
Hengcheng is. However, Hengcheng ’s status has not been shaken at all, and has been rated
as five stars continuously , It also shows that Hengcheng is powerful.
, Yutong, who was reversing, saw this scene with his own eyes. His eyes suddenly became
dull, and the rapid "didi" sound of the reversing radar, he didn't even notice it, Yu Tongbu
He shook his head and muttered in his mouth: "It's impossible, how could it be? This is how
it is!"
With the sound of "Dong", a violent impact made Yu Tong go back from the dul ness.
God comes.
Yu Tong ’s Audi A3 hit the back wall. He has no time to care about how his car is.
Hengcheng continues to maintain a five-star rating and will not lay off staff. What is his
previous practice for? The original agreement made it impossible for me to resign casually.
What should I do in the future?
Mu Bureau released the pennant to Anna, and announced loudly that Hengcheng continued
to maintain the five-star rating.
When the Mu Bureau was official y announced, there was a burst of cheers in the entire
Hengcheng building. Compared with the people who want to leave like this, more people
stil hope that the company will continue to maintain.
Yu Tong sat in the car and looked at the scene in front of him. His face was pale and gray.
The manager of the personnel department strode before Yutong opened, and Yutong inside
the bus said: "Yutong, during your tenure, you deliberately discredited the company's
image and incited everyone to leave collectively, which has seriously
damaged the company's interests. According to the company agreement, To punish you
now, you need to pay a penalty of ten times the original training funds. The total amount is
131,674 yuan. A lawyer will contact you. Prepare in advance. "
Personnel Department After the manager finished speaking, without giving him the
opportunity to speak, he turned around and left.
Listening to the manager of the personnel department, Yu Tong suddenly fell to the bottom
of the heart, and a penalty of 130,000 was not a small amount for him. The Audi A3
underneath was bought with a loan and has not yet been paid. Qing, 130,000, enough to
crush myself so that I can't turn over.
In Hengcheng, some people are worried. These worried people are those who were
previously urged by Yu Tong to want to leave together, but they are not as obvious as Yu
Tong showed.
Anna stood in front of the company and shouted: "I know that in these two days, there have
been a lot of rumours and rumors that are harmful to the company, and also made the
brothers and sisters a little disappointed with the company. They want to leave.
Thoughts, I can understand that from now on, I hope that everyone can continue to trust
the company, no matter what decisions you make before now, I stil welcome everyone to
stay and work together in the future, that's it! "
Anna said. Let those who are stil a little worried, let go of their hearts, a few of them had
packed up their things before going away, and silently put their own things back.
Henry stood aside, took out his phone, and silently looked at the itinerary.
At the end of the rating, Hengcheng still maintained a five-star rating. At noon, Anna
organized people from the whole company to have dinner together and arrange
something for the meal. After two hours of busy work, when waiting for the meal, Anna
looked for Henry and could no longer be found.
At the moment, Henry, already on the long-distance bus to Ning province, sent a message to
Anna, "I am in Yinzhou, waiting for your good news."
Anna looked at the message received on his mobile phone and smiled silently.
riding a long-distance bus is an extremely tedious thing. Henry sits in the car and quietly
looks at the scenery outside the window. He only needs to think of the people at home , You
will unconsciously smile, and you will be home immediately, which is nice.
Hundreds of kilometers away, and most of the time will be there. Henry has calculated the
time. He can get home before dinner, prepare dinner in advance, and surprise Sylvia.
Yinzhou Airport.
A figure walked out of the machine door with a big step. This figure attracted a lot of
attention along the way. He was two meters tal and sturdy, giving people a feeling that no
one should enter. The most important thing is that this person A blindfold on one eye is like
a pirate on TV.
This figure walked out of the airport, looked at everything in front of him, took a deep
breath, and then issued a low and weird laughter: "Ji Jie, Yinzhou! The surname Zhang, you
live in Yinzhou! I heard that you stil have one Beautiful wife, wait, I want to return what
you did to our Yongfeng Industry to your body hundreds of times and thousands of times,
Lin? Wait! "
This figure covered the one in front of you. The blindfold was torn off, revealing an eye
without any expression, "In order to retaliate you Henry, my eye of Yang Haifeng is the
reward, I want to make you hurt!"
This person who walked out of the airport was exactly what Henry saw in Hangzhou Yang
Haifeng, now Yang Haifeng, is taller than before. I do n’t know how much he is, and the
whole person is much stronger. He exudes that kind of cold momentum, which is not
comparable to the previous rich second generation.
Henry helped Xiao Shan to defeat Yongfeng Industry directly from the side, so that
Shangfa's enterprises also broke off contact with Yongfeng. Yongfeng completely reduced
from the top enterprises in Hangzhou to the most inferior kind.
Yang Haifeng did not take a taxi, so he walked out of the airport in such a big step. He was
very fast, and he could stride nearly two meters at every step.
A harsh voice rang from Yang Haifeng.
Yang Haifeng stretched out his left arm and saw his right index finger tap a few times on his
left arm. A smal screen lights up from Yang Haifeng ’s left arm. If you look closely, you will
find that Yang Haifeng ’s entire arm is entirely made of machinery of.
A white mask appeared on the screen on Yang Haifeng's mechanical arm. This mask is an
angel face.
"According to the positioning, have you arrived somewhere?" The owner of the white mask
uttered a pleasant female voice.
"Good!" Yang Haifeng's other eye showed a look of hatred, "This time, I will make the
surname Zhang, regret it!" The
owner of the mask sneered, "I don't care about what you want, but don't forget What are
your main task is this, if messed up, you know the consequences! "
Yang Haifeng immediately reveal a respectful look, could not help but close your feet, stand
straight, and" understand! "
" Well, do not let me down "" The owner of the mask said, and then unilateral y cut off the
After the video was cut for a few seconds, Yang Haifeng took away the respectful look on
his face, and his arm returned to normal again. He glanced at the direction of Yinzhou City
and muttered, "Fire Crystal! That's a good thing I only need a fingernail-sized one to
guarantee the operation of this body for hundreds of years! "
At 4:30 in the afternoon, a long-distance bus departing from Mongolia stopped at Yinzhou
Henry got off the car and walked to the vegetable market without stopping for a moment.
He careful y selected some ingredients and then returned to his home.
this point in time , Jennylin and QingSylvia have not yet gone to work, and it is estimated
that he will stay with Lin every day.
Henry got into the kitchen and prepared.
Soon it was six o'clock in the afternoon, a table of food had been put on the table by Henry,
Henry sat on the sofa, waiting for the three women at home to return.
At half past six, Henry still did not see the shadows of Sylvia and the others.
Taking out his mobile phone, he endured the urge to call Sylvia. After all, Henry wanted to
give a surprise and waited more than ten minutes.
For more than ten minutes, I didn't wait for Sylvia's three daughters, but I waited for
several police cars to sound.
The police car stopped in front of the villa. More than a dozen police officers with live
ammunition came down from the car and rushed directly into the villa.
Lead a person, a few gestures gestures, shouted: "! You go ahead, you go back, search"
Henry looked at the arrival of the police, directly open the door, "how is it, what are you
Take the lead Upon seeing Henry, the police officer hurried up. "Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"
Henry is also a celebrity at the Yinzhou Police Station. Ninety percent of police officers in
Yinzhou know him.
Henry's face was puzzled, "What's wrong with me, what's wrong?" The police officer looked
at Henry and took a deep breath, saying: "Mr. Lin, she's missing!
We received an order from the superior and came to inspect the residence in Yinzhou. "
What!" Henry was shocked. Without any extra words, he took out a car key directly from
the shoe cabinet at the door of his house. The Ferrari parked in the yard rushed out.
The Lin ’s building has been completely blocked by the police at this time, and no one can
leave without permission. The staff of Lin ’s are stil trapped in the building and do not
understand what happened.
Lin's top floor.
Director Wei took someone to stand in Sylvia's office.
"Secretary Li, please tel me what happened at the time from the beginning to the end."
A police officer took the recorder and stood in front of Secretary Li.
On the other side, Jenny hugged Tiantian and looked at the window with a worried face.
There was a huge gap in the floor-to-ceiling windows of Sylvia's office.
Secretary Li looked at the police officer in front of him, and was about to speak, but was
interrupted by a loud shout.
"What's the matter! Sylvia!"
At the moment when he heard this voice, Secretary Qin Rongli and Li looked out of the door
at the same time. When they saw Henry's figure, Secretary Qin Rongli and Li's panicked
heart settled down. A lot.
Henry rushed into the office anxiously.
"Dad!" At the sight of Henry, Jenny's arms made a happy voice every day, and at the same
time reached out a small hand, "Dad hugs."
Jenny hugged Tiantian aside, "Good day, your father, he has something, we wait, etc.
Let Dad hug it well? "
Tian Tian
cutely nodded his head a little bit," Well. " " Mr. Zhang, you are back. "Director Wei met
Henry quickly, and now Director Wei is very worried. It was the legal wife of the big man in
front of him. He was going to blame. If he said anything, he would not be safe.
"What's going on?" Henry frowned.
Secretary Li took a deep breath and said: "Mr. Zhang, I was looking at the documents in my
office at about 4:30. I suddenly heard a sound of glass shattering in the office of General Lin,
and I came over. I found that Mr. Lin is gone. "
at half
past four ?
Henry thought for a while. It was exactly the time when he got out of the car. He looked at
the huge gap in the glass and walked over to analyze the traces of broken glass.
This gap has nearly two meters, and carefully observe the marks of the crack. The first
crack that occurred was the impact from the outside of the glass, which caused the glass to
crack. There were many glass stubble on the ground. The degree of damage can be
analyzed. People who rush in from outside have absolute power!
Henry leaned his head out the window and squinted at the wall on the side of the whole
About thirty seconds later, Henry turned around and rushed to Director Wei: "Director Wei,
please. Now, find someone through the monitoring of the whole city."
Director Wei quickly responded: "Mr. Zhang, you say."
Henry said Dao: "Between two meters and two meters tal , men, four or three shoes, this
person's arms are longer than the normal ratio."
"No problem." Director Wei immediately waved his hand and arranged to check.
"That's right," Henry said again: "After meeting this person, don't take any action, let me
know as
soon as possible ! The company's blockade is lifted, the other party has already ran away."
"Quick, do it immediately, notify everyone All departures, block all major intersections, and
strictly investigate every vehicle! "Director Wei ordered loudly.
After Director Wei finished his order, he quickly took people out to work.
When Director Wei and others left, Li Na and Jenny fell into silence.
"Dad!" Tian Tian broke away from Jenny's arms and trot al the way from the ground to hug
Henry's calf. "Dad, what about Aunt Sylvia?"
Tian Tian opened his eyes wide, and those smart eyes were ful of innocence.
Henry smiled slightly and hugged him every day, "Aunt Sylvia bought you new clothes."
"Wow!" The color of excitement appeared in Tian Tian's eyes, "Taiwan likes Aunt Sylvia
and Dad, you let Aunt Sylvia also have her mother every day, so there are two mothers
every day."
"Good." Henry Rubbed Tian Tian's little head, "But every day, you have to be obedient now,
go home with your mother Jenny, okay, Dad will go to your Sylvia mother, and ask you to
come back to play with you."
"Good! "Tiantian puts a heavy emphasis on her little head, and there is a look of joy in her
Henry put Tiantian back into Jenny's arms again. "You take Tiantian back to rest first.
This time, it should have come to me. There are policemen at home. You don't need to
Jenny hugged Tiantian Looking at Henry worriedly, "Then be careful."
"Relax!" Henry nodded.
When Jenny held Tiantian away, Henry frowned again, his heart was always anxious, but
just when the child was there, he forced himself to behave a little more natural y.
"Secretary Li, do you have anything to say to me?" Henry looked at Secretary Li and asked,
the first moment he entered the office, he saw Secretary Li winked at himself.
Secretary Li nodded, took a note from his pocket, and handed it to Henry, "Mr. Zhang, this is
what I found on Mr. Lin's desk."
Henry took the note, and the note was written with carefree A few big words, "The
surname is Zhang, if you want your wife to live, just hand over Huo Jing honestly!"
Behind the note, there is a signature, Yang Haifeng! After the signature, there is a phone
Henry Lima thought of the rich second generation in Hangzhou City. After he broke
Yongfeng Industry from the side, he did not care about him. Now he has reappeared, and he
can climb in from such a high building. ?
Henry took out the phone directly and broadcasted to the number on the note, only a few
clicks, and then picked it up.
A low, hoarse laughter rang on the phone: "Ji Jie, surnamed Zhang, your speed is a bit slow.
I have been waiting for you for more than two hours. Do you want your wife to die?"
"Yang Haifeng?" "Henry made a puzzled voice.
"Ji Jie, why, don't you know me? It wasn't like this when you humiliated me! Surnamed
Zhang, I will give you two hours to prepare what I want. After two hours, I will Contact you
again, remember that you have only one chance, if you can't make me satisfied, I can't
guarantee it, I will do something to your beautiful wife, believe me, You will regret it! "
Yang Haifeng hung up the phone as soon as he finished speaking.
Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Henry dialed a number and went out, "Check me,
the person who just talked to me, I want his whereabouts, send everyone out, in Yinzhou,
carpet search!"
Henry I also know that I am a little anxious to do it. It is not necessarily whether Yang
Haifeng is at the other end of the phone. I am very likely to be used by others. The current
situation, the best way should be to calmly analyze and then look for each one.
Sex, but it's about Sylvia, Henry cannot help.
"Secretary Li, for the company's business, you just have to find a reason to stay steady,
don't cause panic." Henry secretary Li said, strode out of the office.
Secretary Li nodded.
Henry came to the first floor of the Lin Family, and the warning outside had slowly
dissipated. Henry stood in front of the company and carefully observed all the people.
No one was found to be abnormal.
Henry thinks about things and always analyzes them from several angles, and then verifies
them al . For example, now he is thinking about this matter. Is there a person from the
company who participates? It is very likely that someone will rush in from outside the
building It is just an illusion. This kind of multi-angle analysis and verification may seem to
others to be very troublesome and cumbersome. After all, it takes too much effort, but in
Henry's world, this is already his daily basis.
As far as he observed, there was nothing wrong with Lin. Henry did not feel anything lost.
There were many things that made people look complicated. In fact, it was very simple.
Fake fake is a common trick used by kidnappers.
Henry left Lin, and I plan to participate in the search. This search is completely purposeless.
To put it bluntly, I want to find out where it may become a hiding place.
Henrygang came out of the Lin's gate and came to face seven people. These seven people,
four men and three women, walked on the road, and they walked like dragons.
The seven went straight to Henry and stopped. The leader was a middle-aged man. He took
out a document from his shirt pocket. "Henry, we have something to ask you. My name is
Quan Feng, this is me You can go to the public security department to verify my identity
first. "
Henry looked at the document that the other party took out, and the word sharp edge was
printed in his eyes.
sharp edged person ? Henry had a doubt in his eyes, and then asked Quan Feng,
"What do you want me to do?"
"There is something that requires you to cooperate with the investigation." A young woman
behind Quan Feng said, "According to the investigation, you are the legal officer of Lin's
President Sylvia Husband, right? "
" Yes. "Henry nodded.
"I ask you." The young woman stared at Henry, "Lin's recent, what are you doing
Henry blinked in the eyes, looking directly at the woman, "What are you talking about?"
"History Yun, don't talk nonsense! "Quan Feng screamed at the young women, and then
spoke to Henry," Mr. Zhang, we just know what happened to your group. We don't hide it.
This time, we are hunting a fugitive. There are at least three cases in his hands. He arrived
in Yinzhou today. We suspect that this matter has something to do with the fugitive. I hope
you can cooperate. "
" Cooperate? "Henry sneered." The way I cooperate is that there is no need. " The answer to
you is what is there about our Lin family? "
Shi Yun who just spoke sneered." The surname is Zhang, you need to understand that this is
not to help us, but also to help yourself. The fugitive, who has recently committed a few The
cases were all related to the kidnapping. None of the hostages in his hands could survive. In
the previous three cases, he asked the other party to give him some research materials.
According to our investigation, those Study materials are shady, and
now he will put Lin goal came, it is clear that you Lin, there are a lot of shady stuff, right? " "
Oh. "Henry nodded his head, rushed out of history Yun Thumbs up, "Professional analysis is
thorough and powerful!"
Shi Yun can't see the sarcasm in Henry's eyes, "The surname is Zhang, I have no intention of
joking with you, this time I had already caught the fugitive, if not him Suddenly came to
Yinzhou, and he was arrested at the moment. This time, you, the Lins, came up with it. You
know to add trouble! "
Henry laughed, "If you have the ability, go to the so-called fugitive. If you can catch him
once, you can catch twice. If you can't do it yourself, don't knock the shit pot on our Lin's
"You ! "Shi Yun stared.
"Okay, say a few words!" Quan Feng glared at Shi Yun and urged Henrydao: "Mr.
Zhang, I hope you can tel us what you know, cooperate with us, and catch the fugitive
earlier, It is also a good thing for you. The three previous hostages al died. I do n’t think you
want your beloved wife to die, do you? "
Henry looked at these people with doubts in his face," I am very Strangely, do you have any
questions to ask me about the fugitives? Is it possible for me to say a sentence, and the
fugitives will show up? "
" It helps us! "Shi Yun said.
"Oh?" Henry was curious. "What help? Trouble solve me?"
"You can cooperate, so many things come!" Shi Yun angered.
"Sorry, I don't have time to play with you here. With the efficiency of your affairs, I am
afraid that the fugitive will escape for another three years, and you will not want to catch
it." Henry shook his hand and strode away.
"Surnamed Zhang, you stop me!" Shi Yun stepped in front of Henry. "Surnamed Zhang, I tel
you, if you don't say, you can't go!"
"Meaning you don't catch the fugitive, you are ready to catch me ? "Henry said funny.
"Mr. Zhang, don't hide it. Our task is not only to catch fugitives." Quan Feng came and
rushed to Henrydao, "So I ask you to cooperate, so it is good for you and me."
"OK." Henry nodded, "I also tell you very clearly that we, Lin, haven't done anything
shameful, now I'm going to find my wife, if you stop me again, I suspected that you and the
kidnapper were together, and deliberately delayed my time. "
" Procrastinating your time, what do you think you are? "Shi Yun disdain.
Henry was too lazy to take care of them again, stepped aside, and strode out.
"Stop!" Quan Feng shouted, "Henry, I'll tel you well, if you don't want to cooperate, don't
blame me for any coercive measures!"
Henry turned around and looked at Quan Feng several people with cold eyes, said: I also tel
you well, if you bother me again, I do n’t mind kil ing you all! ”
" The last name is Zhang, don't overdo it! "Shi Yun yelled," Do you know, your current
behavior, I can given what you sin? blatant intimidation of public officials, impede law
enforcement! I can at any time you shut up! "
Henry shrugged," you are free, tried to grab me, to try. "
Henry finished, direct Go to the Ferrari parked at the door of the company, open the door,
and sit in.
The motor car roared and disappeared in front of Quan Feng and others.
Quan Feng and others looked at Kaiyuan's Ferrari, and Shi Yun's eyes were full of hate,
"The whole team, real y let him go like this? He's a bit too arrogant!"
Quan Feng frowned, "Follow He, look at what he is going to do! "One of the whole wind
team took out a tablet, glanced at it, and said:" The whole team, according to the monitoring
probe, he went towards the north of the city. "
" Go, Keep up. "With a wave of Quan Feng, the crowd got on a business car with a yellow
photo taken, fol owed the direction of Henry, and chased over.
While driving, Henry looked at his mobile phone. On his mobile phone, he just received a
message and found the address of the person who had just talked to him. Through the
rearview mirror of the vehicle, Henry noticed a business with a yellow card Right behind
his car.
Henry shook his head, ignored it, and left for the address sent on the phone.
In an underground parking lot, Yang Haifeng instal ed a communicator in the garage, then
walked to a car, laid eyes on the back seat, Sylvia, who had fal en into a coma, licked his lips,
"Bitch, although I ca n’t How about you, but I ’m sure, after this incident, I will find
countless people, live broadcast to let the surname Zhang take a good look, his wife, how to
suffer humiliation! "
Yang Haifeng pulled the door openly and sat into the Lord Drive away from the garage
while driving.
Five minutes after Yang Haifeng left, a Ferrari drove into the garage. Henry slowed down
his car, looked slowly around, and final y stopped in front of a parking space.
On the column next to the parking space, Henry saw a flashing communicator. He had just
seen that a yellow card business made a sudden stop and stopped in front of Henry.
Quan Feng and others rushed down from the car.
"Retreat!" Shi Yun shouted at Henry, and then walked to the post next to the parking space,
reaching for the communicator.
"I suggest you don't touch it!" Henry reminded aloud.
"Huh." Shi Yun sneered, ignoring Henry's reminder, and grabbed the communicator.
When Shi Yun's hand immediately touched the communicator, the communicator suddenly
turned on a red dot and gave a piercing laugh.
"Hahahaha, your waste of sharp blades, hahaha!"
The harsh laughter contained a strong sense of ridicule.
Listening to this piercing laughter, all seven of the sharp blades present were red-eared.
Shi Yun's hand was in the air, neither stretched nor closed.
The full wind stepped forward, grabbed the communicator on the post, and threw it to the
ground to crush it.
"Oh, say don't touch it." Henry's face showed a strong sense of ridicule.
"Surnamed Zhang, did you deliberately engage us?" Shi Yun turned his head and stared at
Henry with an angry look.
Henry shrugged, "What makes me deliberately engage you, I clearly tell you, that thing can't
"Don't talk to me nonsense, I ask you, what are you doing here!" Shi Yun asked.
There was a slight trace of unnaturalness on Henry's face, and then he said: "What's the
matter, can't parking come?"
"Parking?" Shi Yun sneered and pointed his finger to the top of his head. "The garage is
above a shopping mall, your wife was caught When you are gone, do you still have the
leisure to come to the mall? "
" Why, when the law stipulates that my wife is kidnapped, can't I go to the mall? I'm too
lazy to care about you! "Henry turned directly and opened the Ferrari door next to it, so he
would sit up.
"Wait! Stop him!" The whole wind leading the team suddenly screamed.
The two Blades rushed up immediately, grabbing Henry's shoulders one by one, and
prevented Henry from getting in the car.
Henry broke free twice, without breaking away, shouting: "What do you want to do? Do you
stil want to catch me? Believe me or not, let me leave you al !"
"Unbelief." One of the people who caught Henry was Shi Yun. Shi Yun shook his head at
Henry. "I don't think, how can you treat us."
Quan Feng walked to Henry and said: "Henry, can you Let's resign, it's two saying, I'm
asking you now, and you will answer honestly, there must be no falsehood! "
Finally, the two false words, the whole wind almost roared out, terrified Henryyi.
Quan Feng stared at Henry, "I ask you, did you come to park in the underground garage?"
"Yes ... of course it is!" Henry replied with a lack of confidence.
"Is it?" Quan Feng glanced around, and finally locked on an old gray Volkswagen car.
This car was not listed and parked in the garage, as if it was forgotten.
Quan Feng's eyes finally locked on this old-fashioned Volkswagen. He walked around the
car and suddenly looked back at Henry.
When Quan Xuan looked at Henry, Henry's eyes revealed a confusion. Although he quickly
disguised it, he was noticed by Quan Xuan.
Quan Feng leaned down and found a simple key in the exhaust cylinder at the rear of the
Quan Feng took the key out and stood up and shook it in front of Henry: "Henry, you said,
who will put the key of a car in the exhaust pipe?"
"How do I know that this is not my car ?" , You let me go. "Henry twisted his shoulder hard,
trying to shake Shi Yun away and grab his hand.
Where Shi Yun would make Henry succeed, she was unhappy with Henry, now she has such
a good opportunity, since she feels good, she has more power in her hand.
Henry felt the increased strength in Shi Yun's hands, revealing a painful look.
At this moment, Henry's mobile phone in the car suddenly rang, Henry suddenly exerted
force, and wanted to get the mobile phone.
"You can be honest with me!" Shi Yun pressed Henry hard.
Quan Feng stunned another blade player and asked the blade player to get the phone.
"Amplifier." Quan Feng said gently.
The sharp edged player nodded, answered the phone, and directly pressed the amplifier. As
soon as the amplifier was turned on, an anxious voice rang on the phone,
"Zhang, the kidnapper said, you even called the police, what did you cal The sharp edged
person, he decided to cancel the transaction temporarily, and will call you back in an hour
and a half to let you prepare the things, he said ... he also said, let you not play tricks, don't
let the sharp edged person fol ow, Otherwise, he does n’t mind tearing the ticket. He
already does n’t trust you. Let you find someone in the company to deal with him. President
Zhang, have you heard? President Zhang? ”
“ Got it. ”The blade player returned.
The phone suddenly exclaimed: "You're not Mr. Zhang! Who are you? Yes ..."
The person on the phone didn't finish talking, and the sharp edged member hung up the
Quan Feng looked at Henry and said: "He asked you to prepare something? What would it
Henry gritted his teeth and shouted at Quan Feng: "I warn you not to mess up, it's our own
family. It has nothing to do with you! I will rescue my wife myself! "
" You rescue your wife? What about us? What about our mission? "Shi Yun pressed Henry's
head fiercely.
"Mr. Zhang, I think the safety of your lover is important, but it is even more important to
crack down on criminals and smash his conspiracy. What do you think?" Quan Feng smiled
slightly, holding the car key in his hand, and walked to the car that fell into ash At the rear
of the old Volkswagen car, insert the key into the socket of the trunk and twist it lightly.
The honest public made a slight noise, and then the trunk popped open. In the trunk, a
silver suitcase was lying quietly.
Full wind took out the silver suitcase in the trunk. This suitcase is not big, it is about 80
centimeters long, and it looks very light on the hand.
Full wind found the switch of the suitcase, gently tapped it, the lid opened, and a few red
reagents in the test tube were placed in the suitcase.
"What is this?" Quan Feng pointed to the thing in the box and asked Henry.
Henry turned his head straight away, not looking at the whole wind, nor speaking.
"You do not say it does not matter, we will find a way to know." He Hao suitcase full wind,
to the side a person, then waved his hand, "to take away!"
"Go!" History Yun firmly grasp Henry, Push him towards the commercial vehicle parked
next to him.
Henry's face panicked and shouted: "Where are you going to take me to go!"
"Less nonsense, go!" Shi Yun pushed Henry hard and shoved Henry into the commercial
Afterwards, the door was closed, and the seven bladed people al sat in the car, staring at
Henry together.
Henry was stared at by seven people and had no other movements. He shrunk to the corner
Quan Feng saw Henry, who had come down honestly, and urged one person to say:
"Go, park the car to a safe place."
One person walked to the driver's seat and started the vehicle. The car did not drive far, but
went around in the underground garage After a lap, he stopped at the corner.
When the car was parked, the people in the car waited quietly without saying a word.
one minute and one second later, Shi Yun stared at Henry from beginning to end.
Henry is sure that as long as she has a little movement, this woman will definitely take the
opportunity to find something for herself.
It has been an hour and twenty minutes since Henry was taken into the car.
A ring of cell phone ringing suddenly sounded, this is Henry's cel phone, which has been on
the body of a sharp blade player.
When the ringtone of the mobile phone rang, everyone in the car looked at the mobile
phone, and it was found that the breathing of several people became a little rushed.
"Captain, what do you do?" The player with the mobile phone asked Quan Feng.
Quan Feng looked at Henry and said, "Henry, whether it is for our task or the safety of your
lover, now you have no other choice but to cooperate and hope you do not do stupid
Quan Feng Having said that, without giving Henry the opportunity to speak, he said
directly: "Answer!" The
phone was picked up, and there was a hoarse voice from Yang Haifeng, "The last name is
Zhang's, No. 17, Shanhe Road. I'm waiting to take things, don't play tricks. , Jie!
a low laughter, Yang Haifeng hung up the phone directly.
"Let's go," Quan Feng said on the spot.
This commercial vehicle drove towards Shanhe Road at an extremely fast speed.
In the car, the whole wind rushed to Shi Yun said: "Shi Yun, the fugitive hasn't seen you,
wait for you to pretend to be a Lin employee and go to deal with the fugitive, we will
support you behind."
"Understood." Shi Yun nodded, Tie the hair from the back of the head and take out a pair of
black-framed glasses and put it on, it really looks like that.
Shanhe Road is on the edge of Yinzhou, where there are factories and warehouses.
When approaching the place, all the sharp-edged people got out of the car, and no one went
to Henry to touch his destination.
Shi Yun took a silver suitcase and strode toward a warehouse, which was No. 17
Shanhe Road.
When Shi Yun arrived at the warehouse immediately, the sound of the full wind came from
her headset.
"Shi Yun, wait a minute!" After
Quan Feng blocked his voice, he looked at the team member who had tracked Henry's
direction through the monitoring probe. "How is the monitoring turned out?"
"Captain, look." This The team members placed a tablet computer in front of Quanfeng.
On the tablet computer, what was displayed was the underground parking garage they had
just stayed in.
During the monitoring, Quan Feng saw that tall Yang Haifeng had instal ed a communicator
on the post next to the parking space, which was where he and others had gone before.
When Quan Feng saw Yang Haifeng, his pupils shrank and said, "It's him, that's right, Shi
Yun, action!"
Shi Yun nodded, carrying his suitcase, and went to the warehouse door, and then picked the
headset. When it fell, it pushed open the warehouse door and strode in.
In the warehouse, it was dark. When Shi Yun opened the door, a light belonging to the
twilight shone from behind Shi Yun.
Shi Yun looked at the dark warehouse with no sound, feeling a little dazed. She took a deep
breath and strode to the warehouse. Her footsteps echoed into her ears.
A wind breaking sound suddenly sounded in Shi Yun's ear, Shi Yun subconsciously took a
step back, this step just stepped out, she felt the neck tight, a big hand, grabbed her neck.
"Who are you? Last name Zhang!" Yang Haifeng's face gradually appeared in front of Shi
Yun's eyes, making a low voice.
Shi Yun's face turned red, his mouth opened to speak, but he could not speak.
Yang Haifeng threw Shi Yun aside, and the huge force directly let Shi Yun fall to the ground.
Shi Yun gasped for a long time, coughing twice, and his face finally returned to normal.
She said: "We, Mr. Zhang, let me send something. Here is the thing, what about Mr.
Shi Yun spoke while his finger was on the side I was tapping it on my trouser pocket, which
contained a communicator, which was sending a signal to Quanfeng and others outside the
Receiving the signal from Shi Yun, Quan Feng and others quickly approached the
"Give me something first!" Yang Haifeng was dissatisfied in his eyes. Today, he not only
wants to complete the task, but also wants to completely settle with Henry, so that this
person will return all the humiliation he had previously.
Shi Yun gave Yang Haifeng the silver suitcase.
Yang Haifeng opened the suitcase, and when he saw several medicaments contained in the
suitcase, his face suddenly changed, and he dropped the suitcase hard on the ground. The
medicaments in the box were impacted, all fell out, fell to the ground, and the test tube
shattered , The medicine flowed all over the place.
"Dirty girls, you dare to play me!" Yang Haifeng yelled, violently threw a punch, and
smashed into Shi Yun's face.
Yang Haifeng's speed is so fast that Shi Yun can't dodge at all. Seeing the other party getting
closer and closer to him, Shi Yun's face was pale.
When Yang Haifeng's fist was about to hit Shi Yun, Quan Feng suddenly appeared. He pulled
Shi Yun hard and made Shi Yun be able to escape Yang Haifeng's punch.
Yang Haifeng was also at this time, seeing the face of the coming person, his pupils shrunk,
"The sharp edged people! There are you al , and there is real y a ghost, I came here from the
province of Jiangsu! This time is my name and Zhang. Personal grievances, you better not
intervene. "
" Don't pretend! "Quan Feng snorted," What you say in the garage is not what you say now.
" Message? What message? "Yang Haifeng's subconscious doubt Road.
The doubtful appearance of Yang Haifeng surprised Quan Feng, because he could see that
Yang Haifeng's current tone and look were not pretended.
But now is not the time for Quan Feng to consider these things. He stared at Yang Haifeng,
"What the hell are you, and what is your purpose!"
"I'm looking for a piece of surname Zhang. It has nothing to do with your sharp edge. , I
urge you not to do much fuss! Before I only killed the hostages, I have given you enough
face. "Yang Haifeng looked at the Blade with a few fears, a person, he was not afraid, but
there were seven people, Yang Haifeng I haven't completed this task yet, so I naturally
don't want to take advantage of it.
"The whole team, he has smashed those potions!" Shi Yun shouted.
"Smashed?" Quan Feng's face was puzzled, and he looked subconsciously at the silver
suitcase on the side. Sure enough, he saw several cracked potions.
Warehouse door, sounded a laugh, "hit ah, or keep a few pieces of test tubes filled with ice
tea, what use is it?"
When the voice sounded the same time, whether Yang Haifeng, a sharp knife or people are
towards Look at the door of the warehouse.
I saw Henryzheng standing in front of the warehouse door, holding Sylvia in a coma in his
"Henry!" Yang Haifeng gritted his teeth and stared at Henry.
"Last name Zhang, what do you mean!" Shi Yun also stared at Henry.
Henry's face has a funny look, "It's really interesting, I help you find the fugitive, do you still
ask me what it means?"
Quan Feng reacted at once, "Henry, the communicator in the underground garage, you put
"Yeah." Henry shrugged. "Otherwise, you think, Yang Haifeng, a stupid, how do you know
that the person with the blade is coming? It seems to see your ID. I
’m the only one? " " Why! I clearly tuned the monitor, and the communicator is clearly the
fugitive! "The player with the tablet questioned.
Henry glanced at his mouth, "I said, look at you, how about technology, don't you even
know something as simple as video editing?"
Two hours ago, when Henry and Li Jian clashed , A simple and practical plan was formed in
Henry ’s heart. He intentional y said something that angered the seven people who
sharpened the blade, then drove, and specifical y found some places with probes, so that
the probe can clearly see his direction, with a blade. Several people went around in
In the process of going around the circle, Henry had already arranged for people to go to
the underground garage. This garage was indeed what Yang Haifeng had been to before.
However, when Henry ’s people checked the location according to the telephone
communication, Yang Haifeng had already left. The next one is just a positioned
Henry's people came one step ahead of time. According to Henry's arrangement, he
stopped a gray public, took the communicator left by Yang Haifeng, and then replaced it
with a communicator.
When everything was done, Henry brought the sharp-edged man to the underground
garage, and the previous scene happened.
Quan Feng frowned, "I don't understand, what do you mean by deceiving us so much, just
to retaliate against the conflict with us before."
Henry grinned, "This kind of thing is too boring, I'm too lazy to do it, but I just think that
you are just qualified for this job, contact Yang Haifeng from the front, and will not be kil ed
by Yang Haifeng in one face, but between you and Yang Haifeng. While I was in contact, I
had the opportunity to find my wife. It was as simple as that. "
Listening to Henry's words, a feeling of being calculated, and a rush of enthusiasm in the
heart, this feeling made him feel particularly stumped," That What if we don't show up this
time? "
" I can find someone casual y. How do you think Yang Haifeng is so good? "Henry
shrugged." Just because you just showed up, let you do this. " It's just. "
" You treat us as bait! "Shi Yun stared at Henry and squeezed his fists tightly. When he saw
Henry's unwilling appearance in the parking lot, Shi Yun was stil ecstatic, but now he
knows All this was when Henry pretended to be out, she was angry in her heart.
"You want to complete the task, I gave you this opportunity, how can you call the bait?"
Henry looked strange.
"You!" Shi Yun stared angrily at Henry.
"Let's talk about his affairs and so on, first solve the problem in front of me!" Quan Feng
said, although he was also particularly uncomfortable with Henry, compared to Henry,
catching Yang Haifeng right now is the top priority!
Seven sharp blades, Qi Qi looked towards Yang Haifeng.
Yang Haifeng squeezed his fist. "It seems that you have to take care of this noble thing with
your sharp edge?"
"Do it!" Quan Feng no longer talked to Yang Haifeng and rushed directly to Yang Haifeng.
Seven Blades are very different from Yang Haifeng in terms of their personal strength, but
they cooperate all the year round with the seventh to exert great power.
Henry stood in front of the warehouse door and snapped his fingers.
A female figure appeared behind Henry.
"Send my wife home." Henry handed Sylvia to the female figure.
The female figure nodded respectful y, "Yes, Lord King."
When Sylvia was sent away, Henry leaned against the door and looked at the battle in the
warehouse. He was curious, what made the rich second-generation Yang Haifeng look like
this, His physical strength and speed are comparable to those of ordinary people.
Seven blades of the Blades attacked together, and Yang Haifeng beat back and forth.
Yang Haifeng looked at the seven people in front of him, and then looked at Henry, who was
leaning against the door of the warehouse, and there was anger in his eyes
The two closest to Yang Haifeng, one punch and one punch, were respectively bombarded
by Yang Haifeng.
Quan Feng struck from behind Yang Haifeng, severing Yang Haifeng's stamina with one
hand, but felt the pain in the palm of his hand. In the face of Quan Feng's knife, Yang
Haifeng shook his head as if he had not been affected in any way.
"This! How is it possible!" Quan Feng's eyes widened, and he just had that moment, but
used 10% of the force, but did not cause a little impact on the person in front of him.
Same as above.
"The whole team! He is not right!" A bladed player grabbed Yang Haifeng's arm with a paw,
trying to tear off Yang Haifeng's flesh, but only a layer of epidermis was peeled off.
Below the epidermis, there was a metal arm !
Yang Haifeng grinned, "This is what you forced me to do!"
On Yang Haifeng's back, two metal spikes directly pierced his coat. Yang Haifeng tore his
hands with his hand and pulled off his coat. The entire upper body was exposed in the air .
At the moment when Yang Haifeng's upper body was exposed, the seven sharp blades al
stared together, some could not believe it.
Yang Haifeng's entire body, except for the human epidermis above the neck and the two
arms, is made of machinery!
Henry stared closely at Yang Haifeng's mechanical body. He used to go to the Lin family to
demonstrate himself to the man. This is also a mechanical body. Now I see it again. Which
organization are they?
The two metal spikes behind Yang Haifeng turned into two barrels.
As Yang Haifeng shouted with one hand, the barrel fired his tongue.
"Ah! Give me death!"
Yang Haifeng growled loudly.
Under Yang Haifeng's gun barrel, the Seven Blades could only be exhausted.
"Hiding? Where to hide?" Yang Haifeng stomped on his feet and rushed to the ful wind at a
speed far exceeding the limit of the human body.
The pupil of Quanfeng who was in dodge suddenly shrank, and before he could speak, Yang
Haifeng punched him in the chest. This punch, the punch of the full wind sternum that
collapsed directly, let the wind blow a big mouthful of blood and fel to the ground.
The highest strength of Quan Feng was defeated by Yang Haifeng with the firepower fully
on. The remaining six bladed players were not Yang Haifeng's opponents at al .
With the suppression of firepower and the extremely fast speed, Yang Haifeng defeated al
the blade players in less than thirty seconds.
"What he has is not human speed at al !" A bladed player looked pale, clenching his teeth,
staring at Yang Haifeng with fear in his eyes.
At this time, the seven sharp blades are all lying in this empty warehouse, everyone is
seriously injured, Yang Haifeng will not be merciless at the time of the shot, if not These
people are physically strong enough, and I am afraid they will lose consciousness under the
blow of Yang Haifeng.
Henryrao looked at all this with interest. Yang Haifeng's strength and speed were stronger
than that of the previous person. It seems that this organization's research has made some
breakthrough progress.
"Henry, quick, call the police, find someone to support us!" Shi Yun was lying on the ground,
her legs were interrupted, and her face roared with pain.
"Alarm? What is the alarm?" Henry looked strange.
"If you don't call the police, everyone will have to die here!" Another sharp blade player
shouted loudly, they were not Yang Haifeng's opponents at all, and the latter's mechanical
upper body gave them huge pressure and made them unable to breathe.
Henry glanced at his mouth. "I only care about the safety of my wife. What is your life and
death? What does it matter to me?"
Henry didn't have any good feelings for these bladed players. What they did in their own
line was entirely for their own tasks. Regardless of the safety of the hostages, Henry was
very suspicious of why the three hostages died before.
"The surnamed Zhang, do you think we are dead, can you live?" Shi Yun gritted his teeth,
"Now call the police, there is still a chance!"
"Opportunity?" Yang Haifeng sneered, "Today, none of you can go!"
Yang Haifeng shook his hand and no longer cares about the bladed players who are
seriously injured. His eyes are fixed on Henry, ful of murderous intentions, "Henry, I will
give you the last chance to hand over the things. "
" Oh? Really? "Henry stil leaned against the warehouse door." I want to try it. "
"You find yourself dead, no wonder I deliberately did not complete the task!" As soon as he
saw Henry, Yang Haifeng could sound the insult he had received, which made him angry,
and could not wait to tear Henry into pieces, even if it was The task was left behind by him.
"I have suffered so much and endured so much torture in order to have such a day!"
Yang Haifeng gradually walked towards Henry, "You can rest assured that I will not let you
die so easily, I will a little bit , Peel off your skin a little bit, drain your blood slowly, let you
feel the most desperate things in this world, I want to cut off all the people related to you,
put their heads, put In front of you, let you look at al this! "
Henry smiled at the corner of his mouth.
Yang Haifeng's body is shaking, he is excited, excited, for so long, he has been looking
forward to this day, Yang Haifeng squeezed his fists and growled: "Henry, I want you to
make you feel painful!"
Yang Haifeng's legs are in A kick on the ground turned the whole person into a phantom
and rushed towards Henry.
The speed of Yang Haifeng's eruption at the moment surprised Quan Feng and others,
which is much faster than the speed of Yang Haifeng's outbreak when he dealt with them
just now.
Shi Yun, who was lying on the ground, looked at Henry indifferently. In her eyes, Henry was
already a dead person.
In Yang Haifeng's heart, he always remembered to hate Henry. At this moment, he didn't
keep his hand in the slightest and exerted al his strength.
Henry stood in front of the warehouse door, which was as fast as a phantom in the eyes of
Quan Feng and others. In Henry's view, it was ordinary, he said to himself: "The speed is
nearly 1.5 times faster than the last one. , According to the degree of ground stress, the
force is twice as great. "
During the time Henry said to himself, Yang Haifeng had rushed to Henry and shouted.
"Henry, I'm waiting for this day, waiting too ..."
Yang Haifeng roared out, and he stopped suddenly. He stared at the only remaining eye,
and looked at it, unbelievable.
Including those lying on the ground, the sharply wounded and others, also had an
expression of being wicked.
"I ... am I right?" A sharp edged player opened his mouth wide and looked at the scene in
Yang Haifeng's feet are hanging in the air, and his powerful arm is less than five
centimeters away from Henry's face, but he can't reach Henry's people.
Henry reached out with one hand, grabbed Yang Haifeng's throat, and lifted Yang Haifeng
in the air with such ease.
"It seems that you can't do these things you said." Henry's mouth smiled with a playful
smile. "Your strength is not as hard as what you say."
"How ... how is it possible! "Yang Haifeng was puzzled. After the experiment, he felt
unprecedentedly powerful. The feeling that his body was surrounded by power gave him a
feeling of being able to step on the world, but what happened now made Yang Haifeng
There is a sense of unreality.
In the heart of Yang Haifeng, a role like a ants, if you want to unload him eight characters,
even if it is just a hand, it easily frustrates yourself. The strength that you have gained by
innumerable, in front of this person, is like Jokes in general.
Henry pinched Yang Haifeng's throat with one hand and lifted him up. The other hand was
placed on Yang Haifeng's arm. "In your heart, there are too many impossible things!"
As Henry Zhangg fell, Henry's arm Tear it hard.
Just listening to the "tearing", Yang Haifeng's arm and shoulder junction issued a burst of
electric flowers and was completely torn off.
Yang Haifeng let out a painful roar, these things are all connected to his nerves.
Henry threw Yang Haifeng to the ground like throwing garbage. He took the steel arm
ripped off Yang Haifeng's shoulder and looked curiously.
Suddenly, an arrow feather shot from behind Henry.
Henry hid sideways, and the arrow feathers were directly inserted on the ground in front of
Henry turned his head, several figures appeared in front of the warehouse door, all of these
people were wearing white robes, and everyone had a white mask on their faces.
"It's you?" Henry couldn't be more familiar with this figure wearing a white mask.
"The people of our sacred heaven are not your sharp blades, you can kill if you want to kil !"
A figure wearing a white mask growled, and they all took out a scimitar from behind their
backs in the dim sky. Under the flashing cold mans.
"Holy Heaven?" Henry listened to these four words. This was the first time he heard the
name of this organization.
"Kill!" The leader of the white figure sipped aloud, and the rest, without unnecessary
nonsense, all pulled out their swords and killed them in the warehouse.
Henry narrowed his eyes, and rushed towards those white figures. Those who were lying
on the ground, such as the blade, did not see what was happening. They only saw Henry
bypassing these white figures. These white figures rushed in, al lying To the ground.
everything that happened in front of the warehouse door
completely beyond the understanding of the Blades, including Yang Haifeng, who is
watching this al dull y. The strength of these white robe masks As a person within the
organization, Yang Haifeng knew a little bit, and each of them had undergone rigorous
training. Now, these people, in front of Henry, cannot even understand how they fell.
A total of twenty-one white robe people lay down on the ground. Their appearance, in front
of Henry, did not play any role other than self-report.
Henry looked at Yang Haifeng, "What kind of organization is the Divine Kingdom?"
"Do you real y want to know?" Yang Haifeng stretched his tongue and licked his lips.
"Wel ." Henry nodded and nodded.
"I'm not telling you!" Yang Haifeng showed a smug expression on his face.
"It doesn't matter." Henry shrugged. "I don't expect you to tel me."
Henry's body suddenly disappeared in place. When he appeared again, he had reached
Yang Haifeng. Yang Haifeng's pupils shrank suddenly. Henry's speed It was too fast for him.
At that very moment, Henry gave Yang Haifeng the feeling that he disappeared out of thin
Standing less than half a meter in front of Yang Haifeng, Henry reached out and gently
pressed on the steel plate in front of Yang Haifeng's chest.
In the first second when Henry's hand touched Yang Haifeng's chest, nothing happened. In
the second second, a wave of air exploded from the junction of Henry's hand and Yang
Haifeng's body. Yang Haifeng was like a cannonball and was flying When he went out, he
even fell more than ten meters and hit the ground. The ground beneath him cracked.
Henry narrowed his eyes in front of Yang Haifeng, just after he observed that Qi had a very
strong impact on this metal device, but it could not affect the operation of the metal.
That is to say, qi can produce power to metal, but it can not be as penetrating as the human
In general, this metal body is somewhat restrained, but Henry estimates that this can only
restrain those who have just reached the imperial Qi Realm, once they enter the
Metamorphic Realm, they can easily penetrate this A metal body.
Yang Haifeng was lying on the ground, looking down at his chest. A shocking hole appeared
in his eyes. In the hole, a heart was beating fast. Around the heart, various wires, Yang
Haifeng's entire body Inside, except for the heart and head, al are mechanical.
Quan Feng lay not far from Yang Haifeng, looking at Yang Haifeng, who had no power to
fight back in Henry's hands, with a smile on his face.
"What are you laughing at?" Yang Haifeng's voice rang before Quan Feng.
"Of course I laugh at you as a villain." Quan Feng's eyes were fil ed with joy.
Yang Haifeng showed disdain in his eyes, "Laughing at me as a villain, you sharp blades are
really a group of guys with bad brains. Look at your eyes, who is the bad guy? Your sharp
blade governs the underground forces of China, but you do n’t know In my own site, there
is such a number one person, if I am a villain, let you feel threatened, then what about him?
This is surnamed Zhang! "
Yang Haifeng stretched out the remaining arm and pointed to Henry," He What is it! "
" He! "Quan Feng's face was startled, yes, if Yang Haifeng's existence is a threat, what is the
existence of Henry? His threat is much greater than that of Yang Haifeng. In a smal city like
Yinzhou, such a horrible master is hiding. What is his purpose?
Yang Haifeng gave a low laugh, "You know, what do I get from this surname Zhang?"
"What?" Quan Feng asked subconsciously.
"A kind of energy body!" Yang Haifeng gritted his teeth and stared at Henry with hatred and
unwillingness in his eyes. "The kind of energy body that can be compared to a nuclear
power plant with only a smal piece, we call it, Fire Crystal! "
" What! "Quan Feng exclaimed.
"Boom!" A crisp pop sounded.
Henry stepped on it, Yang Haifeng's head burst like a watermelon, and a large piece of red
and white splashed.
"There's a lot of nonsense." Henry kicked away Yang Haifeng's steel body, which was no
longer alive, and wobbled away from the warehouse.
Five or six minutes after Henry left, Quan Feng only got up hard. The seven members of
their team belonged to him, whose sternum col apsed was the least injured.
The whole wind looked at the scene of the warehouse, the splash of red and white things,
and the body of the white robe lying on the ground, making this warehouse look like
purgatory, but now, what he cares most is what Yang Haifeng said before he died. .
Fire Crystal! Lin, have fire crystals!
What is Fire Crystal, Quan Feng has heard of it.
The whole wind took a deep breath, feeling the pain in his chest, it was impossible to make
any large-scale movements. He took out his mobile phone hard and dialed a number to go
out, "We need support, No. 17 Shanhe Road "
Henry left the warehouse, looked behind him, shook his head, and murmured:" This Yang
Haifeng, before he died, was a little smarter, and wanted to use the blade of his hand to deal
with me, it's a pity ... "
Henry's face was The expression that didn't care, for him, the Blade could not give him any
threats. If he wanted to use the Blade's hand to deal with him, there was no hope in this life.
At this time, it was more than nine o'clock in the evening, and the sky was completely dark.
After entering autumn, there was a hint of coolness in the wind.
Henry took out a folding mask from his trousers pocket and put it on his face. Then he
waved his hand into the darkness, and a figure appeared in front of Henry, kneeling on one
"Adult, do you need me to solve the people inside?" Hei Ying's body is a little fat. He raised
his head and was the person in charge of the Yinzhou office. The fat man who felt greasy at
first glance, but now he However, there is no greasy feeling, but instead exudes a killing,
like a sharp blade out of the sheath, just with eyes, it can make people scared.
"No need." Henry shook his head. "Let people check all the news about the divine heaven,
and arrange for 300 people to come to Yinzhou to stand by."
"Understood!" The fat man nodded, and then quickly Speed, disappeared in the darkness.
Henry took off his mask, looked at the warehouse behind him, and murmured: "You should
be glad, the word" Holy Heaven "saved your life!"
What Henry did today, let the sharp-edged people act as bait, It's not as simple as what he
said. Henry does things. Sometimes he can say that he takes a lot of thoughts and thinks a
lot, but sometimes, it's not an exaggeration to criticize Henry hard and hard.
In Henry's original plan, he did not simply let the sharp-edged people serve as bait, but
intended to sacrifice the seven sharp-cutted swords!
sudden appearance of Yang Haifeng , and his outspoken approach to fire crystals, made
Henry understand that there are already people who dare to hit their minds on
Guangming Island. Things, Henry had long predicted that there is no organization that can
always stand on the peak and always make people afraid.
At that time, the Wang Hui was in ful swing, claiming to be the most invincible ruler in the
underground world. He led a group of brothers differently and started a revolution with the
Wang Hui.
In this world, there is never a lack of courageous people. Too many people dare to fight and
dare to fight. The so-cal ed pinnacle is only for future generations.
At first, Wang Hui could be replaced by Henry and a group of brothers. Now, natural y,
some people want to replace Guangming Island.
Henry's original intention was to use the sharp-edged person as a bait and take the
opportunity to find Sylvia himself. Afterwards, he would use two results.
First, the sharp edged man was killed against Yang Haifeng.
Second, after Henry found Sylvia, he personal y slaughtered Yang Haifeng, and then he kil
ed the bladed people.
These two results, no matter which one, will allow the sharp-edged people to take the
initiative to investigate the forces behind Yang Haifeng, and Henry can benefit from it and
inquire into the news. You know, a national machine is really going to work, which is very
Although Guangming Island has huge power, Henry does not believe that he will be able to
know everything. Some things that China can find, they may not be able to find.
China, which can stand the position of the world's top power, is not just talking.
But when those white robe people appeared and reported the name of the Divine Heavenly
Kingdom, Henry was not prepared to do anything to the seven people of the Blade. He was
sure that these seven people would bring the four words of Divine Heavenly Kingdom back
to the Blade Blade Team It will also react in the first place.
After al , one more person will deal with his enemies, which is all good and harmless.
On the way back from Henry's home, he saw police cars whistling toward the warehouse.
At 9:30, the streetlights were not on yet, this was when the street looked darkest.
In front of the warehouse on the 17th of Shanhe Road, police cars were parked here.
Police officers handled the bodies in the warehouse. Several ambulances were parked
aside. Quan Feng and others were lying on stretchers and were transported to the
ambulance In the car, a strange male was directing the scene, and Director Wei just
followed the strange male and fol owed the strange male's command.
When Quan Feng passed by the strange male, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the
strange male's shirt
, "Come on, please contact the team!" "Contact the team?" There was a doubt on the strange
man's face, "You know, there are no important things, Can't contact casual y. "
" Of course I know, but ... "Quan Feng stopped talking and looked at Director Wei beside the
strange male.
Director Wei immediately agreed, shouted to the side, and then strode away.
When Director Wei left, Quan Feng rushed to the strange male: "I got reliable news,
Yinzhou Lin's, has Huo Jing!"
"What!" The strange male expressed a surprise, the word Huo Jing, represents something
Too many, for a long time, the strange male only recovered, he rushed into the wind, "I now
inform the team, you go to the hospital for treatment first, and you need a detailed report
"Okay." Quan Feng nod.
In a building opposite Shanhe Road, two figures stood by the window, each holding a
telescope in their hands, and they could clearly see the scene in front of the warehouse.
Both of them are of stature ..., one of them has long black hair and black lace stockings on
her legs. She is full, she is wearing a white mask and an angel on the mask face, Yang
Haifeng body that has broken through binoculars, zoom in her pupil, "Gee, evidently, the
strength of this material, stil can not resist it hurt gas."
"It's not that the material is not good, it's your strength is too weak." Another figure, with
shoulder-length silver long hair, she is different from the enchanting woman on the mask
that day, but with a This kind of holy ring feeling, "its own strength is always the most
The voices of the two women, showing different tastes, are the same beautiful.
The woman with long black hair uttered a silver bell laughter, "Giggle, Cecilia, you are right,
I will report this to the Lord, including ..." The black woman's voice suddenly increased,
"You Unauthorized dispatch! "
Chessie smiled slightly." I sacrificed 21 lives of my men. I want to save your experiment.
In the end, I did something wrong? "
" Chessie, you and me Everyone knows what the other person is thinking, don't let me
grasp your handle! "The black-haired woman slammed the telescope in the hand fiercely on
the ground and turned to leave.
Chessia's smile was still on her face. She looked out the window and muttered: "Brother
Henry, more and more things are showing up in front of your eyes. What on earth will you
A villa in Sai Shangshui Town , lights brightly lit.
When Henry returned home, he saw the lights in the living room were lit, and through the
half-open windows, he could hear the children's programs sounding on the TV.
Henry speculated that Sylvia may have woken up.
Henry opened the door of the house, and as soon as he entered the living room, he saw that
Qin Ronglin and Qing Sylvia, two girls, were sitting beside Tiantian and watching cartoons
every day.
When Henry entered the house, the three women in the house turned around at the same
time, looking towards Henry.
"Daddy is back!" Tiantian was the first to make a surprise sound. He jumped from the sofa
and jumped out of the sofa. With bare feet, he ran excitedly to Henry, opened his hands, and
asked Henry to hug.
Henry smiled and hugged him every day.
Sylvia and Jenny also stood up from the sofa at the same time. Sylvia smiled slightly at
Henry. The smile was as beautiful as flowers blooming. "Unfortunately, your craft is so cold
that the food on the table is cold."
Sylvia looked at ease, not at all. There was no such panic just after being kidnapped.
Henry looked at the calm appearance of the woman and was full of apology. At the time, on
Guangming Island, Henry let out a man who was Sylvia, who could be an enemy to the
world. Everyone envied Sylvia for having such a man, but no one thought of Sylvia.
The pain in my heart.
Henry made it clear that when Sylvia knew her identity and remained with her as usual,
she was ready to be a lady of the king, and she would have to pay for what she got, such as
Sylvia. She only needs to be a 10 billion net worth manager and has no worries in her life,
but now, she has to face too many dangers. This kind of kidnapping is only in pediatrics. No
one can tel what to face in the future, but Sylvia ’s present Performance, she is obviously
ready to accept the unknown future, as well as dangerous.
Henry holds Tian Tian, walks to Sylvia, grabs Sylvia's hand, "wife, thank you."
" Thank you ." Sylvia turned over Henry A glance, "Eating is the most important, eat fast."
"It's cold, I'l go buy some food and cook again." Henry glanced at the table.
"Forget it." Sylvia shook his head. "You don't come back and don't eat every day. I've been
waiting for you. It's too late to buy food. Let's go out and eat."
"Wel , OK." Henry nodded.
A group of four people walked out of the house, because every day, Sylvia's Mercedes-Benz
GT was also put into the house and replaced a slightly lower-key Maserati.
"Every day, what do you want to eat?" Henry sat in the role of driver and driver. He turned
his head and looked at Sylvia in his arms, sitting in the back seat every day, and asked with
a spoiled look.
As for Henry's present appearance, who could have thought that he was the Shura who
looked like human life half an hour ago?
Squinting her big eyes every day, sweetly said: "Every day you want to eat prawns!"
"Okay, then eat prawns!" Henry's mind appeared several seafood restaurants, and finally
targeted the umami Building, that is Zhou's property, there is a casino on the top floor, and
the business hours are also 24 hours. Although the price is relatively expensive, it is better
than fresh ingredients.
Henry drove to Xianwei Building. It was almost ten o'clock in the evening. The Xianwei
Building was still brightly lit. Two rows of doors were standing neatly in front of the noble
Henry parked the car, and the four of them walked into the Korean flavor building.
"Hello, sir, do you need a box?" Menying girl looked at the three people behind Henry and
asked politely.
"No need." Henry shook his head. Compared with the enclosed space of the private room,
he still liked the lively feeling of eating in the lobby. Sometimes he listened to the people at
the table and told a joke, all for himself. Add some color to life.
"Come with me." Menying girl bent over slightly, making a please gesture and guiding
"Husband, please go to order first, and every day I want Mr. Qin and me to take her to see
the fish." Sylvia's voice sounded from behind Henry.
Henry turned around and saw Tian Sylvia holding Sylvia and Jenny in one hand, standing in
front of a big fish tank curiously, looking at the fish in it.
Practical fish are very common in these lives. In the world of children every day, they rarely
appear. They rarely leave the welfare home and rarely see this live fish. Henry also had
such an experience. What did he see in the first time? , Looked curiously.
Henry still remembered that once he was squatting in front of a fish tank and watching a
fish swimming around for an hour, then his mother was with her and stood for an hour
until she saw enough, she Before taking himself away.
"Then you take a look at it every day. I'm going to order something, what do I have to eat?"
Sylvia smiled. "You see, you are a chef, you listen to you anyway."
"Haha, good." Suddenly, this feeling of home was what he was always looking for.
Follow the door to welcome the girl to the second floor, the hall of Xianwei Building, the
magnificent decoration, in the hal , there is a rockery, marble paved ground, on the load-
bearing column in the hall, carved dragon carved Phoenix, inlaid with gold, Prove the
expensive price here.
Henry chose a small table by the window and sat down. The waiter came and handed the
Henry turned over the menu , he subconsciously ignored the price marked above. This was
a habit he had developed many years ago. Before long, Henry had a kind of money that he
could not spend. Finished feeling.
Henry ordered three vegetarian dishes and asked for a steamed crab. After thinking about
it, he asked for five prawns.
Henry asked the five prawns every day, and the little guy ate enough of these. It was not
enough for her to eat more. She had to educate her to have the habit of having enough.
For the three vegetarian dishes, Henry ordered Sylvia and Jenny, which were in line with
the tastes of the two women.
As for Henry himself, at this point of time, he has no appetite, just eat two steamed crabs
lightly mouth.
Most of the people who choose to eat seafood in Xianweilou have capital in their pockets.
They come here for a la carte. Henry's a la carte way seems a little bit filthy in the eyes of
The professional y trained waiters did not have any additional ideas, recorded the dishes
ordered by Henry, and left respectfully.
The waiter had just left, and a voice rang on a table not far from Henry.
"Yo, isn't this Henry?" Henry
followed the voice and saw a dozen people sitting on a round table not far from him.
"Gao Yanghong?" Henry looked at the man speaking.
"Yo, it's rare that Henry remembers me, haha!" The person cal ed Gao Yanghong laughed
People who sat at the same table with Gao Yanghong also laughed loudly.
This Gao Yanghong was the class leader of Henry when he was studying in the welfare
school run by Lin Family.
The welfare school run by the Lin family at that time was for the purpose of subsidizing
poor families, but Henry remembered that Gao Yanghong was not a poor family. He was
transferred from Henry when he was in the second grade of Henry. He was expelled from
the previous school, and the principal of the welfare school run by the Lin family was Gao
Yanghong ’s father.
Think about it, it has been ten years, and this ten years is like a dream.
Henry Gao Yanghong smiled, "They are all classmates, how could they not remember."
"Haha, classmate, he said that I and he are classmates!" Gao Yanghong laughed at the
people on his desk, and then caught He picked up a wine glass and slammed it against
Henry. "Who is he a classmate with you, ah?" The
wine glass cracked directly at Henry's feet.
As you can see, Gao Yanghong was flushed from his neck to his face, obviously drinking a
lot of wine.
The people sitting at the same table with Gao Yanghong saw that Gao Yanghong did not
stop him, but instead looked at Henry with a smile, waiting to watch the show.
Henry frowned. He was in the school because of his family's situation, and he belonged to
the most bul ied category. Gao Yanghong, because his father was the principal, could be
said to be a prestige and good fortune at the school. Henry, a smal and poor family, was Gao
Yanghong's bul y.
"Henry, what you just looked like, is it shabby? Do you want Lao Tzu to order a few for you,
eh?" Gao Yanghong looked at Henry proudly.
"No need." Henry waved his hand.
"No? Don't you face Laozi? Hmm!" Gao Yanghong clapped his hands on the table.
Henry's brow furrowed tighter. "It's al old classmates. I don't want to cause trouble."
"You don't want to cause trouble, I think!" Gao Yanghong kicked the chair behind him and
strode toward Henry.
Gao Yanghong drank a lot of wine and walked a little, and he walked angrily in front of
Henry, staring at Henry, "Know What? How much trouble did your family cause to my
family? Do you know how much crime your mother caused to my family? "
Gao Yanghong stretched out three fingers," Three million, because of that matter official
fined three mil ion of our family? high school falls, safety problems? Henry, you tel me, you
and your dead mother, who value three mil ion? your house with it? "
At first, Henry mother because Find out the incurable disease, leap from the tall building,
the choice is the school.
Gao Yanghong knocked on the table in front of Henry, "Ten years! I have looked for you for
ten years, I finally saw you today, you have to pay for what you do!"
"Gao Yanghong, I do n’t want to and you vexatious. "Henry, frowning," your house is fine, is
indeed unsafe school buildings, the fourth floor of a fence is broken semester nobody
repair, what is the relationship with my family. " "
Oh "Gao Yanghong sneered." If it weren't for your mother's idle time, she would have to
jump off the building and you'll find the school? These three million are all counted in your
house! "
Gao Yanghong's voice was loud, so People sitting at other tables looked towards this side.
The waiter on the side saw that something was happening here, and hurried over to Yang
Hong, said: "Sir, this is a public place, please control your emotions."
Gao Yanghong's fists were al squeezed, he heard the waiter's words, Slowly letting go.
Although he didn't know who opened the seafood restaurant, the person who could open
such a store was not something that he could afford. In this trouble, he would provoke
himself in the end.
Gao Yanghong stretched out his hand and pointed to Henry, "I tell you, today I see you,
don't think about leaving, wait until you go out and find your account!"
After Gao Yanghong finished speaking, he shook his hand and walked towards his seat.
Halfway through, he suddenly turned around, "Yes, surnamed Zhang, without that ability,
don't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf. This is the place to eat seafood. , Not a place for you to
order vegetarian dishes! "
Gao Yanghong's voice fell, and al the people sitting at his table gave a burst of laughter.
Henry looked at Gao Yanghong who was back in his seat. If he did n’t take Tiantian out for
dinner today, Henry would definitely go up and tell Gao Yanghong how to be a man, but
today the children were there, and Sylvia and Jenny did n’t have dinner, Henry.
Decided to endure him once.
Mature men put their temper behind their families.
After Gao Yanghong returned to his seat, he stopped drinking and stared at Henry.
"Dad." A clear cry came from the side, taking her smal broken steps every day, spread her
arms, and ran happily towards Henry.
When passing by Gao Yanghong every day, Gao Yanghong sneered, deliberately extended a
foot, tripped every day.
Every day when he was trotting, he didn't even notice the outstretched feet in front of his
eyes. The little body was staggered and planted forward.
Henry's eyes were quick, and he quickly took a quick step and hugged Tiantian every day,
before he let him fal .
"Tiantian!" Jenny, who was behind Tiantian, exclaimed, and ran over quickly, seeing Henry
hugged Tiantian, she felt relieved and touched Tiantian's little arm, "Tiantian, you are fine
Come on. "
" Mom, I'm okay. "Sweet smile every day," Daddy hugs every day. "
The name of Jenny and Henry every day makes Gao Yanghong sitting on the side look
suspicious. He looks at Jenny's beautiful face, tal figure, and his eyes show jealousy.
Such a beauty, such a family, There is no way to get involved, an orphan with his surname
Zhang, why?
Gao Yanghong coughed, "You are surnamed Zhang, take care of the children of your own
family, don't let you run around, can you afford it if my 3,000 pairs of shoes are dirty?"
Gao Yanghong deliberately flaunted, that is Want to attract Jenny's attention.
"Why are you like this!" Jenny
said to Gao Yanghong , "It's clear that you watched the child running and deliberately
stretched out your legs." "Beauty, you can't say that." Gao Yanghong smiled, "I sit of this
table is so big, the space natural y big, and I think how my legs are my own thing, you if you
have this condition, you can also find a large table to sit down ah. " "
you! "Qin Sophie was about to dispute the GAO Yang flood.
Henry said, "Forget it, let's sit down."
Jenny saw Henry talking, and he didn't worry about Gao Yanghong any more.
Fortunately, it was fine every day, otherwise she wouldn't be able to do so.
Gao Yanghong chuckled, "Henry, it's not that I said you. Although you were poor from a
young age, you have to have the strength. You look at you, take your wife and children out
for dinner. Who are you going to eat the vegetarian dishes? If you eat vegetarian dishes,
you can find a small restaurant and come here. "
" Yes! "Gao Yanghong said on the table, he was also a former classmate of Henry," I really
can't figure it out. How do people like you find your wife? Look at Gao Yanghong.
He was a good kid when he was a kid. Now he is running a Mercedes-Benz. When this table
is over, it's less than 5,000 yuan. Is this cal ed life? ""
Several women sitting with Gao Yanghong also showed smiles on their faces. When
Jennygang appeared, these women were more or less jealous. Women al loved to compare,
when they found out When he was not as good as Jenny in terms of appearance or figure,
he was a little dissatisfied with Jenny.
But now, these women don't think so. You look good, you look good, but the husband
you're looking for is a waste. We are in this big fish, you can only eat vegetarian dishes.
Jenny sat opposite Henry, didn't care what Gao Yang Hong said, and asked Henry what he
had ordered.
"Three vegetarian dishes, I asked for five shrimps every day. I want a steamed crab. Is that
enough?" Henry said.
"Enough is enough." Jenny nodded. "I think it's a bit too much. Don't remove one."
Jennylin and Sylvia don't eat too much at night. If it's lunch or normal dinner, these The
amount of food is a bit small, but now it is more than ten o'clock in the evening, it seems a
bit more.
When Gao Yanghong heard this, the disdain on his face became stronger, and he felt so
much after ordering such a thing. How poor is this. Such a beauty followed Henry. It was
really blind!
Gao Yanghong thought about it and waved at the waiter, "Waiter, give me five pounds of
shrimp, five pounds of crabs, one pound of Arctic shells, and one pound of geoduck!"
These things are coming down. Gao Yanghong was usual y reluctant to pay a buck, after all,
he spent more than 5,000 today, but now in order to show his financial strength, and to
humiliate Henry, he also hearted down.
Gao Yanghong's arrogant ordering method is in stark contrast to Henry's practice of
ordering only three vegetarian dishes.
Gao Yanghong directly handed out a card to the waiter. "If you don't have a password, you
can just swipe it."
A person beside Gao Yanghong took the opportunity to speak to Jenny, "beauty, what kind
of husband do you marry, If you come out to eat, you can also buckle the ropes.
Let ’s see our high class leader. Why do n’t you come to our table to eat? All kinds of
seafood! ”
“ No need. ”Jenny shook his head.“ I ’m not used to eating with people like you. "
" A person like us? What's wrong with a person like us? "Gao Yanghong raised his head." A
person like us can make you ... Ah! "
" My child is here, you should pay attention to your words! "Henry Gao Yanghong glared.
"Attention?" Gao Yanghong looked puzzled, "Henry, are you threatening me? I don't pay
attention, what can you do?"
"That's it!" Gao Yanghong's man beside him said, "Henry, you think Gao What identity is
Yang Hong, and you threaten him? Do you know that our senior monitor is now working for
Lin, the largest in Yinzhou. Are you trying to fight against Lin, and are you impatient?
There was a playful smile in Henry's mouth.
Jenny couldn't hold back when he heard this, and he burst out laughing.
Henry ’s laughter made Gao Yanghong feel that he was underestimated. He shouted at
Henry: “What are you laughing! Do you think it ’s funny? The last name is Zhang! Do you
believe Lao Tzu is related to Lin?”
“Nothing. , Nothing. "Henry waved his hand.
A burst of footsteps came from the side.
"Trenching, Gao squad leader, look, another beautiful woman!" Gao Yanghong looked at the
direction of the footsteps with a look on his side, and there were several men, all looking a
little demented.
This is a woman with a combination of temperament and appearance. At a glance, it gives a
sense of nobleness.
In Gao Yanghong's eyes, at the moment when he saw the woman, he immediately put on a
respectful look, pushed away the people around him, and trot towards the woman,
"Mr. Lin, Hello Mr. Lin!"
Gao Yanghong's At home, I rely on Lin to eat. He naturally knows the current president of
Sylvia looked at Gao Yanghong suspiciously, "Are you?"
"Hello, Mr. Lin, my name is Gao Yanghong, Gao Chai is my father. It's an honor, I didn't
expect to meet you here." Gao Yanghong was full of face. Pleased.
Sylvia heard it and nodded. "Oh, I know Gao Gao." She glanced in the direction of Gao
Yanghong's running. "Are you a classmate's party?"
"Yes, yes." Gao Yanghong nodded quickly. "Junior high school classmates get together."
"Yes, that doesn't disturb you anymore, you are busy." Sylvia casually made an excuse and
sent Gao Yanghong.
Gao Yanghong nodded again and again, walked to the side table, and was able to catch up
with President Lin, making him very proud.
Gao Yanghong had just sat down and heard a pleasant voice from his ear. The master of this
voice was Sylvia.
"Her husband, did you order the food?"
This sound surprised Gao Yanghong. He turned his head and saw that Sylvia was sitting
opposite Henry.
"Order." Henry nodded, "ordered three vegetarian dishes casually, wife, do you think it's
"Wel ." Sylvia
responded , "It's too late, eat less." Henry called Sylvia , And Sylvia's smooth answer, let Gao
Yanghong and others at the side table wide their eyes, this mystery, cal ing the
Lin's president calling his wife? Isn't his wife another? What's going on? Just kidding?
But I've never heard of it, Lin always jokes with people like that.
In Gao Yanghong's heart, Sylvia has always been the image of the iceberg female president.
"Sylvia mother hugs!" Henryhuai's every day saw Sylvia coming and rushed into Sylvia's
During the period when Henry went to Mongolia, Sylvia played with him every day, and
had already had a good relationship with Tiantian. This time Henry returned, he still
offered to make Sylvia her mother every day.
Sylvia heard Tiantian cal ing himself this, with a smile on his face, and brought Tiantian
from Henryhuai.
The man next to Gao Yanghong rubbed his eyes vigorously, and looked to Tiantian with an
unbelievable look, "Little girl, this lady, is your mother?"
"Yes, it's my Sylvia mother." Nodded.
"What about that?" The man asked Jenny and asked.
"This is also my mother, it is my mother Jenny." Every day a sweet smile, reaching out a
smal hand to grab a jade finger of Jenny.
Questioning this man, he swallowed drunk unconsciously. Henry knew the situation. He
was very poor in school at the beginning. His mother worked as a cleaner in the school and
finally jumped from the school. This mystery is an orphan , How is it related to these two
beautiful women like flowers and jade.
The person who asked the question was always unacceptable. Henry, who was born in such
a way, was unwilling to ask again: "That Henry is your father? Where do you live?"
Nod every day, "Yes, me and two
Every mother lives with Henry ’s father. ” Tian Tian ’s answer made Gao Yanghong a mess
at the spot. These two beautiful women live with Henry and have children? And looking at
the relationship between these two women, it's not bad to get along, this is definitely the
king-like life that men dream of!
More importantly, one of the women is also the president of Lin.
People in Yinzhou, who does n’t know Lin, it ’s a billion-dollar enterprise!
Gao Yanghong's eyes were a little stunned. He thought that he had just mocked Henry's
scene and the cruel words with Henryfang. He couldn't help but shudder. Henry is now the
husband of President Lin, so squeeze yourself, is it not like playing?
Thinking of this, Gao Yanghong was full of remorse in his heart. At this time, he no longer
cared about things like the above, he took the wine glass and walked to the table of Henry,
"Henry, are all old friends. I just offended how much I talked. Do n’t go to my heart. I
respect you. ”
Facing Gao Yanghong, who apologized and toasted, Henry did n’t look at it. Chong Sylvia
said,“ Let the company break with this one. Let's cooperate. "
Sylvia heard who Henry was talking about, without even asking the reason, he nodded and
said:" Okay, I will notify Secretary Li now. "
Then, Sylvia took out his mobile phone and dialed Secretary Li Phone.
As a secretary, Li Na always answers the phone 24 hours a day.
"Mr. Lin." Secretary Li's voice rang from the phone.
"Break all cooperation with the family surnamed Gao, including the company and their
related public households, al frozen!" Sylvia said in this way.
"Understood." Secretary Li answered simply.
Gao Yanghong stood aside, listening to Sylvia, his face suddenly pale, he had not had time to
beg for mercy, a waiter came over, the waiter held Gao Yanghong just gave him the card.
"Hello, sir, you have insufficient balance in this card, can you change the payment method?"
Gao Yanghong looked at the card brought by the waiter. This card was the public account
that tied his father, he Unexpectedly, Lin's actions were so fast, Sylvia just cal ed out and
said to withdraw funds, and the money in the card was gone.
Lin's is not just talking, it's real!
Gao Yanghong took out another card, "Swipe this one."
There was a pos machine in the waiter's hand, swiping the card on the spot, "Sorry, this
card shows freezing."
"Freeze?" Gao Yanghong's heart sank, again Take out a card.
"Sir, it's still frozen."
"This ..." Gao Yanghong was a little dazed. The two cards he took out were al credit cards
based on his father's company. At this time, Lin's capital was withdrawn and the company's
funds were broken. , Credit cards natural y freeze.
Gao Yanghong only has these three cards rich, and there is some money in the mobile
phone's communication software, but not much, and it is not enough to pay for this
Gao Yanghong set his sights on the people who had dinner with his own table and said:
"Who have money, please help me to pad it first, and I will give you back."
"Oh, I didn't bring a card here, nor did I have a mobile phone The wife had just urged to go
home, so she left first. "The man who had helped Gao Yanghong speak the most fiercely was
the first person who got up and left, and people with clear eyes could see that Gao
Yanghong was offended Henry, offended Lin, the funds were al frozen. Now he lent the
money to him. That is meat buns and dogs.
The first person took the lead, and the rest also spoke one after another to find excuses to
leave. No one was willing to lend money to Gao Yanghong. Those who had just flattered Gao
Yanghong now seemed to have nothing to do with Gao Yanghong The relationship is the
"Sir, how do you pay?" The waiter looked at the scene before him, took out the intercom,
and was ready to report to the manager.
Henry sat aside, at this time the dishes he had ordered were already on the table, and he
was slowly tasting the freshly killed seafood.
Gao Yanghong's heart was filled with regret, and the situation in front of him was all made
by himself.
Henry did not look at Gao Yanghong again.
"Oh, this is for you." Sylvia took out a document and put it on the table. "Just now President
Qin took it up every day, I took this."
"This is ..." Henry handed Sylvia When the document was opened, it was a real estate
transfer agreement, and Sylvia had already signed it.
Sylvia said: "Today at noon, Anna sent me a message. She said that you are going to build a
security company. It happens that the company has a building empty, so you can use it."
Henry smiled lightly, which is highly suitable This is the case for two people. Some people
don't need to speak to each other, and the other person takes the initiative to do it, but
Henry didn't accept the contract.
"Wife, I am a security company, I don't plan to do too much, even if there is a smaller
business room?"
"Business room?" Sylvia thought for a while, "but there are a few empty, you What do you
probably want? "
Henry replied without thinking," The closer to the company, the better, preferably between
the company and the home. "What
Henry wants to do this time is that Zhengda brightly puts his people in Yinzhou, to protect
the safety of Sylvia and others, had this idea in itself. This time, the incident of Yang Haifeng
reminded Henry. Fortunately, nothing happened to Sylvia, otherwise Henry could never
forgive himself.
OK, let's go to the company together tomorrow morning, I will let Secretary Li show you."
Spending a supper in a bad environment, Henry discovered the topic between Sylvia and
Jenny More and more, the two also got acquainted a lot, sometimes calling each other, they
would directly call out names like Sylvia, no longer the names such as Mr.
Lin and Mr. Qin.
Of course Henry was happy to see this scene.
Early the next morning, Henry took the role of a driver again and took three women to the
What makes Henry a little strange is that Sylvia will sit in the back row with Jenny every
time, and with every day, the co-pilot beside him has been empty.
Secretary Li had received a call from Sylvia early. When Henry arrived at the company,
Secretary Li had already brought in some of the vacant sales office materials between Lin
Family and Sai Shangshui Township.
Henry scanned it again, and finally settled on a business room with more than 300
square meters. This business room is two floors up and down. It is enough to have a facade.
It is mainly for the official to see. It will not be like Heng. In that way, there must be a place
to take over tasks and train employees.
The people who came from Henrydiao were all trained like a devil, and every one put in the
bodyguard world is definitely a top character.
Secretary Li glanced at the business room of Henryxuan and said: "Mr. Zhang, I remember
that next to this business room is a security company. You may have business conflicts. I
suggest another place.
" It's okay. "Henry waved his hand. He didn't do external business. The surrounding streets
were full of security companies, which had no effect on him.
"Okay, Mr. Zhang, if you have any need, just contact me." Secretary Li told Henry and left
Sylvia's office.
Sylvia stopped the keyboard that was hitting fast, and looked at Henry curiously, "Why did
you suddenly want to set up a security company?"
Henry smiled bitterly, "The situation in the underground world has been turbulent
recently, and many forces are about to move. Be safe. "
Upon hearing this, Sylvia apologized in his eyes, if he was not too weak, if he had the ability
to protect himself, if he could have the same strength as Chessia on the island that day,
Henry would not be so worried about himself, Regardless of his Lin family, or the Su family,
they are far from being compared with Henry's Guangming Island. The forces who dare to
fight against Henry will natural y not take Su family into their eyes.
Henry noticed that there was something wrong with the woman, and walked behind Sylvia,
rubbing the woman's fragrant shoulders, "Wife, what's wrong with you."
"It's okay." Sylvia shook his head, a smile on his face, "I Just thinking, you directly arrange
for people to come in, will the official not care about you? "
" Relax. "Henry smiled confidently," There are some things that everyone knows well.
two are chatting, Sylvia's desk on the desk The phone rang suddenly.
Sylvia looked at, shows the company front machine number, press the answer button for
about a second, the front desk girl crisp voice sounded, "Lin always someone looking for
Mr. Zhang, the other's identity ......"
Front Speaking Half of it stopped talking, obviously, the identity of the other party is
"Let him wait a moment." Sylvia responded, hung up the phone, and then turned to look at
Henry shrugged, "Say what comes, let me see which official big man."
Henry came to the company lobby and saw that in the lobby, there were more than a dozen
black bodyguards with serious faces Standing in front of the rest area of the hall, no one is
allowed to approach them within a ten-meter radius.
"The show is not small." Henry chuckled and walked towards the place where the
bodyguards stood.
"Stop!" Henrygang approached these bodyguards and greeted them with a burst of
The bodyguards standing here glared at Henry almost at the same time. Their eyes looked
like a lion. If the cowardly people were afraid of them, their legs would be softened. The
professionalism of the bodyguard allows them to see at a glance whether Henry is carrying
any threatening weapons.
Facing the fierce eyes of these bodyguards, Henry glared back one by one, then snorted and
stepped forward.
At Henry's step, these bodyguards almost al took a step back, and their eyes were fil ed
with a dignity. At the moment when Henry stepped on, all of them had a feeling of
powerlessness and unconsciousness that fell like a mountain Just want to step back.
"Okay, let it go. If he wants to kil me, you can't stop him." A steady voice sounded in the
These bodyguards glanced at each other for a while, and everyone slowly stared at Henry.
Some people, sweating on their foreheads, had accompanied their leaders to various places
and contacted No one of the top experts in various countries can bring such great pressure
as the young man in front of him.
"I haven't seen you for a long time." It was a man in his sixties who was sitting in the rest
seat, dressed in a black tunic suit, and looked very energetic. When he spoke, he felt a sense
of self-confidence.
Of course, this kind of selflessness will not affect Henry.
Listening to what the other person said, Henry glanced at his mouth and sat next to the
other party. "I'm afraid you don't want to see me often in China."
"That's true." The other party didn't hide it. "To be honest, there should be no country The
official, I hope to see your shadow al the time. "
" Haha. "Henry smiled indifferently." Actual y, I real y like the feeling that you are
uncomfortable with me and can't take me. " " I am afraid you are the A young man who
dared to talk to me like this. "The middle-aged man smiled." Not much nonsense, you
should know what I am here to do with you. "
" What are you doing? "Henry asked deliberately, he could guess the other party coming
The reason for this is inseparable from Zhao.
The middle-aged man said in earnest: "You appeared in Mongolia a few days ago
, why did you go?" " Go talk to people about cooperation, why, you should be able to find
it?" Henry said casual y, "I If you want to build a security company, you ca n’t hang your
own name, and hang my wife ’s name. It is estimated that you are unwilling. The Su family
’s hand will be extended to Yinzhou again. "
" Do you lack money for security companies? "Said the middle-aged man suspiciously.
"It's not missing." Henry asked the palm of his hand. "It's just that I lack security. You didn't
hear about it yesterday." The
middle-aged man looked silent for a few seconds and then said: "How much are you
planning People? "
"Three hundred." Henry extended three fingers.
"Three hundred? No, too much!" The middle-aged man shook his head immediately.
"You should know clearly that China is different from other countries."
"In fact, I don't have to be like this." Henry stretched his back and leaned on the sofa Go,
"It's just, what if something like that happened again yesterday? I can just say that I am a
human being, sometimes he is a kind of animal. My wife is going to have something. I
certainly don't want to live anymore. Before, I could n’t guarantee that I could do anything
extraordinary. ”The
middle-aged man patted the sofa armrest,“ Are you threatening me? ”
“ No. ”Henry shook his head,“ I ’m just elaborating a fact, I arrange people , Is there any
problem to protect my family? "
" It's okay to protect your family, but I advise you not to make trouble, this is China, not
your bright island! "The middle-aged man snorted and warned.
"Relax." Henry reached out and patted the middle-aged man's shoulder.
This movement of Henry let the bodyguards standing around raise their breath together.
Henry's bodyguards made a reassuring look, and then said to the middle-aged man:
"Don't forget, I am also a Huaxia. You have done a lot of work outside, I have worked hard,
if I go to be a soldier The medals that I can get, I am afraid I can hang a wall. "The middle-
aged man pouted his lips and didn't speak, because he knew that Henry was talking about
facts. The task of Hua Xia's mission abroad, Guangming Island real y helped a lot.
"Okay." The middle-aged man waved his hand. "I don't talk to you about it. You arrange
people and don't mess with it. I won't control you. I came here today to ask you another
thing I saw. When you were in Zuo City, Mongolia, when I could n’t see it, where were you?
Does Zhao ’s matter have anything to do with you? ”
“ I said, you too can't afford our bright island. ”Henry smiled bitterly. "I still know the clan.
Do you think that the strength of our Bright Island can be compared with that of the clan?"
The middle-aged man stared at Henry, staring at it for more than twenty seconds, and then
stood up and said: "Clan affairs, you must not interfere in Bright Island."
"Of course, I just want to live my life right now." Henrykou On the sofa.
The middle-aged man sorted out the neckline, "Remember what I said, you Bright Island,
although in the underground world, has the supremacy, but the clan is not what you can
imagine." The
middle-aged man finished and turned directly away.
The bodyguards breathed a sigh of relief, surrounded by the middle-aged man, and walked
out of the Lin's.
Henry glanced at the time, and it was almost ten o'clock. Henry simply asked Secretary Li to
take the key of the business room. He walked around for a while and found someone to
come by and instal the house.
This business building is only a little more than a kilometer away from the Lin's building.
As a commercial street close to the Yinzhou CBD, a business room of more than 300
square meters can only get down to 3 million.
Henry came to this commercial street and glanced at it. The flow of people was in Yinzhou.
It can be said that it was quite huge. The entire street was closed only by the business room
where he held the key, and the rest were all in business, whether it was Ordinary milk tea
shops, restaurants, and flower shops are al crowded. Henry took out the key, opened the
door of the undecorated business room, and walked in to check it.
, the second minute after Henry opened the door of this shop, many people came out of
their stores and looked inside curiously. .
Among the high-traffic business street, only this business room has been idle, which makes
many people wonder, who is this business room? Why keep the door closed?
You have to know that even if you do n’t use it, renting this house will earn you nearly
100,000 yuan a year. You do n’t have to pay for the maintenance of the house, but there is
no sign of rent on the door of this business house. .
Henry made a circle in the business room, and at the same time made a phone cal to go out
and arranged for people to come over and decorate. Anyway, al the things should be done
as quickly as possible. The security company opened up as soon as possible, so that his own
people were bright Appear in Yinzhou to protect the safety of those around you.
Henry walked out of the business room, and when he went out, he saw four or five people,
male and female, pointing at the business room where he was.
"Young man, this house is yours?" A middle-aged woman immediately asked Henry when
she came out.
"Yeah." Henry nodded, strangely, "What's wrong?"
"Young man, your house has been so empty, no need, no rent?" When middle-aged women
said this, they all felt When I feel a little distressed, how much is this?
Henry smiled and was too lazy to explain what the house was like. He just found a rhetoric,
"I have been in the field and I haven't taken care of it."
"Hey, it's good to rent out, I see this house It's been empty for three years. "The middle-
aged woman's face hurts.
Henry smiled and didn't care. When he was poor, he picked up garbage to eat, but when he
was rich, he wasn't in contact with these smal money, so he didn't have any concept in this
A middle-aged man in his thirties with a slightly sturdy figure looked up and down Henry.
"Boy, is this your house? Rent?"
Henry shook his head. "I don't want to rent it anymore. I want to use it myself. I'm going to
open a security company."
"Security?" The middle-aged man's face changed.
"Yeah, I hope everyone will take care of it in the future." Henry smiled, then closed the shop
door and strode away.
"Lao Tang, he opened a security company, didn't he meet you?" A young man about the
same size as Henry said to the middle-aged man with a strong figure.
This middle-aged man, named Tang Zhihu, also opened a security company in this street,
and the business is not bad. Now that this person also opens a security company, isn't it
just to grab business with himself!
Tang Zhihu narrowed his eyes and stared at Henry ’s back. “A little boy with a hairy head,
he is also worthy of me? I ca n’t even pretend that he ca n’t pretend to be a decoration.”
Hua Xia has a saying. It's not false at al . Those who are in the same industry, especial y in
this industry where the customer group is scarce, seeing their colleagues, I really want the
other party to go bankrupt in the next second.
When Henry left this street, he just passed Tang Zhihu's shop and took a look. The
decoration was not bad, giving people a magnificent feeling.
After leaving the store, Henry returned directly to Lin, asked Secretary Li to report the
decoration to the official, and then contacted Anna about the business license. This
arranged for someone to go.
Henry called Fei Lei Si, let Fei Lei Si find a designer, a top designer in the world, bought the
earliest ticket that day, went to Yinzhou, at the same time, a global top construction team,
with the most Top equipment, the best materials are shipped to Yinzhou in Dangtian.
ten design drawings with different styles were sent to Henry's mobile phone in the evening,
and they showed a three-dimensional shape for Henry to choose. Henry chose a Chinese
style decoration style.
In a day, we passed between trivial trivial matters.
Henry handed over to the construction team and the designer to do the decoration work.
He did n’t have to worry about it. The three hundred people he had contacted with the
office ’s fat the day before yesterday were already in place. Those who arrived in Yinzhou
were elites. Among the elites in China, Henry only needs to issue a protection order, and
they will know what to do.
At noon, Henry ran to the top floor of Lin's, took Tiantian, and Sylvia and Jenny were going
to dinner, and before leaving the company, Ferres called.
"Boss, let's go to the business room to see something. Something happened. I told people in
the past not to deal with it casually."
"Something happened?" Henry looked puzzled. "Yes, let me go and see . "
hang up the phone, Henry Chong Sylvia three women exposed apologetic expression, just
ready to speak, Sylvia's voice will advance sounded," you want something to go to busy, the
three of us eat too like. "
Henry apologized and said: "operating room decoration encountered a problem there, I
invited him to dinner at night, when it is the apology."
"good." Sylvia nodded, smiled, "have asked us to three eat a big meal at night."
Henry arrival At that commercial street, I saw at a glance the store I was renovating. On the
parking space in front of the store, two Land Rover vehicles directly occupied the parking
Henry remembered that this parking space was not a public parking space and had already
been bought by Lin.
And a decoration transporting decoration materials was blocked by these two Land Rover
cars at this moment, and it couldn't even enter the front of the store, including the door of
the store. I also listened to a Land Rover, which blocked half of the store door, and the
decoration materials could not be Move forward.
This road is clearly stipulated, and no vehicles can be parked in front of the shop.
When Henry came over, a woman in her twenties walked in front of Henry with a
respectful opening: "Hello Mr. Zhang."
This woman is the designer whom Ferris found. Tel the designer Henry's identity, only to
tell her that she is a distinguished guest, and you must remain respectful.
"What's the matter?" Henry glanced at the three Land Rover cars, wondering.
"Mr. Zhang, these three cars were intentionally parked here. We asked the traffic police to
deal with them. The traffic police can only give a punishment to the post and cannot move
the car." The designer rushed to Henrydao.
"Who parked the car?" Henry frowned slightly. He didn't expect that if he installed a store
himself, he could still encounter such a thing.
"That." The designer pointed to Tang Zhihu's security company. At this moment, Tang
Zhihu, and two equally strong
"He?" Henry glanced at Tang Zhihu. Yesterday, he felt that this person looked a little wrong
in his eyes, but Did not think too much.
"Yes." The designer nodded, "The car was stopped by him."
Henry strode towards Tang Zhihu and said, "Dude, what about my decoration? I'm afraid
it's inappropriate to park your car here?" "The three Tang Zhihu saw Henry coming and
heard Henry's words, still chatting non-stop, completely ignoring Henry.
Henry Zhang looked at the three people chatting in front of him, and said again,
"Brother, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to park the car. Move it."
"No Who is your kid? "A strong man glanced at Henry impatiently." How many of our
brothers are chatting? "
" Your car is blocking the door of my shop. "Henry reached out and pointed his finger. .
"Oh." The strong man nodded, then looked away and continued to chat.
"How many brothers, don't you really move the car?" Henry asked again.
"I said you are annoying?" Tang Zhihu showed an impatient expression. "My car is broken,
how can I move it, or should you fix
it for me?" "Al right." Henry shrugged and walked aside. And take out the phone.
Tang Zhihu's three people looked at Henry who left, and all sneered.
"Ahu, just this kid, also open a security company? Find a few people to teach you a lesson!"
Said the strong man just now.
"It's not necessary." Tang Zhihu shook his head. "I can't make it with a little boy, so he can't
decorate it."
Tang Zhihu and three men drank a pot of tea and sat leisurely at the door of the store and
drank it with interest. At the entrance of Henrydian, decorated vehicles have been parked
on the roadside.
"Oh, Ahu, you said this kid can last a few days? One day or two days?" The strong man
"As long as he wants, I can park my car al my life. Anyway, he finds a decoration team, how
much money do he have to give a day?" Tang Zhihu said indifferently.
Just as Tang Zhihu was proud, he saw a construction truck coming, and several
construction workers, carrying construction materials, walked towards the shop of Henry.
The door of Henry's shop was blocked by Tang Zhihu's Land Rover halfway. The workers
carried the materials as if they didn't see the Land Rover stuck in the door.
They squeezed into the door.
Large-scale decoration materials hit Tang Zhihu's car body, and the paint of Tang Zhihu's
brand-new Land Rover was bumped, and a large piece of paint was rubbed off.
This scene made Tang Zhihu unable to watch anymore. He quickly stood up and rushed to
Henry at the entrance of the store: "Boy, what do you mean, didn't you see my car stopped?
The decoration is not long-eyed?"
"Don't Anxious. "Henry Tang Zhihu smiled," I have cal ed the police, the police will come to
deal with this matter, and then pull your car to the repair shop, how much money I will
compensate you will be finished. "
Tang Zhihu narrowed He raised his eyes and stared at Henry. He real y didn't expect that
this kid had this way. Although it cost a lot of money to repair his car repair shop, it was
always stronger than his construction team has been consuming at the door.
Tang Zhihu extended a thumbs-up to Henry, "Boy, you're quite a cow, let me see how you
are behind you!"
Tang Zhihu finished, flicking his arm and striding away.
"Ahu, what's wrong?" Tang Zhihu's two friends asked him aloud when he came over to see
him ugly.
"It's okay." Tang Zhihu shook his head with hatred in his eyes. "Contact a few people and
wait for the kid to open the day, give him some color to see!"
Soon, the police came over and dealt with the scratches on the vehicle in front of Henrydian
Henryquan was liable for compensation and transported the vehicle to the repair shop for
After the police judged to be completed, Tangzhi Hu stride over, red police said: "This car,
all the parts are original pieces have to give me change, I have to find their own repair
shop!" "May"
to determine the accident. The police officer nodded, which is the normal power of citizens.
Tang Zhihu sneered. He just called his friend who opened his repair shop. When he put the
car in for repair, he overhauled it from beginning to end. All of them are secretly
disassembled first, and al the accessories put on the back are imported, the most expensive
and the best! Better than his original car!
A trailer came here and dragged Tang Zhihu's Land Rover away for repair.
Tang Zhihu lay leisurely on the rocking chair in front of the store, waiting for Henry's
regretful expression.
After more than ten minutes, Tang Zhihu's phone rang suddenly.
"Hello, Achuan."
Achuan is a friend of Tang Zhihu's repair shop.
"Ahu, did you buy insurance for your car?" Achuan's words were a little anxious.
"Insurance? What am I doing with that thing?" Tang Zhihu smiled disdainfully, "I just paid
strong insurance, what's wrong?"
"That's over, you're done, please call the police!"
"Alarm? What alarm?" Tang Zhihu looked puzzled.
"Don't you let me drive the car to disassemble the parts first?" A Chuan said.
"Yeah, you're done with the demolition. By then, it's al the kid's head, right?" Tang Zhihu
"Ahu, just rushed in a group of people and robbed the car!" Achuan's tone was all a cry.
"What!" Tang Zhihu jumped out of the rocking chair, "The car was robbed!"
"Yeah, Ahu, what can I do." Achuan stomped anxiously.
"Yes! Of course it's the police!" Tang Zhihu yelled.
"But ... but let's call the police, do we disassemble the parts?" Achuan is at a loss now.
"Grass!" Tang Zhihu hung up the phone directly and stared at Henry with a vicious look.
If it wasn't for this kid, how could he possibly be involved in this matter? It was all because
of him!
This time, Tang Zhihu really blamed Henry.
While Achuan cal ed Tang Zhihu, Henry's mobile phone received a video message. The
scene in the video was a burning Land Rover.
For people like Tang Zhihu, Henry didn't give him any more faces. If he changed, Henry
would directly find someone to chop for Tang Zhihu. However, he only met with the
leaders of the highest level of Huaxia yesterday morning. When people come in, they still
have to give some face, less trouble.
After solving the problem of the vehicle blocking the door, Henry left and went directly
back to Lin.
Upon entering the door of Sylvia's office, Henry saw that Sylvia and Jenny were sitting
together in front of Sylvia's computer. The two women's Liu Mei were slightly wrinkled.
"What's wrong with this? What made these two fairies hard?" Henry entered the door and
Jenny blushed unnaturally when he heard this.
"You just came back." Sylvia looked up at Henry and waved at Henry.
Henry walked behind the two women and looked at the computer screen. The complex data
on it was clear at a glance, and asked, "Why, you two intend to make some acquisitions?"
"This is Zhao's stuff. "Sylvia said," Recently, Zhao did not know what happened, and the
stock began to fall sharply, including the real estate industry, but also suffered. In just a few
days, assets shrank by 10%. And this situation is still going on. "
Henry looked at the computer screen, and the comparison of the items showed how
miserable the Zhao's situation is now, but this is also what Henry expected. The entire Zhao
family was slaughtered by him. What to survive?
"Wife, what do you think of this?" Henry asked, wanting to hear Sylvia's opinion.
Sylvia frowned Liu Mei and shook his head slightly, "I think this is not right. Zhao was born
out of nowhere, and the financial resources behind him are strong. Now he suddenly fel
down. This is very wrong. But this time, the cake is too big. Qin and Mr.
Qin joined forces. No company in Yinzhou can compete with us. As long as we are willing to
buy, we can definitely win 80% of Zhao's projects. As long as we operate a little, we can
make a profit of at least one billion ! " "
wife, put up with it. "Henry Sylvia patted on the shoulder," this thing is not so simple. "
Sylvia Hearing this, body startled, Henry words inside, bears a lot of other Meaning, Sylvia
also thought of Henry's departure a few days ago. After a few days of his departure, Zhao
began to walk downhill. Is it possible that this matter has something to do with Henry? If
this is the case, this is no ordinary commercial warfare!
Sylvia cast his eyes on Henry.
Henry secretly nodded his head, Sylvia knew. If the underground forces were involved, no
matter how big the cake was, Lin could not touch it, because the consequences could not be
compensated by a little profit.
"Dang Dang" sounded twice, and Sylvia's office door was knocked.
"Go in." Sylvia shouted at the door.
Secretary Li Na pushed open the office door and walked in.
As soon as Secretary Li entered the door, he first greeted the three people, and then said:
"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhou of the Zhou family cal ed. I want to ask you for your opinion about the
Zhao family ..."
Henry heard it and smiled dumbly. The kid Danny is really better than anyone else.
Zhao's cake is so big. Whether you eat it or not, you have to look at what Henry means.
It is obvious that if Lin is going to move , Zhou Zhou did not even look at it.
Secretary Henry said: "Tel Danny that the meat is not his, and the soup cannot be drunk.
This is not something that any company in Yinzhou can touch, including Lin!"
Secretary Li nodded and went out without a word.
When Secretary Li just went out, Sylvia's voice rang, "I really didn't expect that Danny could
be so afraid of you, what the hel is wrong with you, so that he wouldn't dare to cal you
directly, and a president of the Zhou family, he took the initiative Secretary Li contacted. "
" Hey. "Henry scratched his head and smiled." It didn't do anything. "
Sylvia rolled his eyes and echoed the scene that Danny admitted to himself at that time.
I thought Zhou was so nasty. After all, it was Yinzhou's second-largest company after Lin. I
never thought that it was my husband who had negotiated with Danny.
Before I think back, when I first met Henry, I put a cold face on Henry every day, and I did
n’t want to look at him more. One scene flashed through Sylvia ’s mind. I thought Henry
would wash his feet. Hel King, Sylvia covered his mouth and smiled "poof", his eyes full of
Zhou Group.
Danny listened to the news from Secretary Li on the phone. Secretary Li completely
conveyed Henry's words to Danny. "Secretary Li, thank you very much. Please say hello to
Mr. Zhang and President Lin."
Behind Danny, a young man is sitting.
"I said Danny, when did you become so counseled? I remember that before I went abroad,
you Zhao was not too afraid of Lin! Now how do you make an acquisition, you must ask
Lin's opinion? And, you A tangy president of the Zhou family, looking for Lin to talk about
something, would directly call Sylvia and it would be over, and stil contact her secretary?
youth was puzzled.
Danny shook his head, "You don't understand, Lin's power is not what you and I can
"Oh? How big is Lin's power?" The young man was curious.
Danny thought for a moment and said, "So, if Lin wants to destroy our Zhou, it only needs
one sentence." The
young man lipped his lips and didn't even take Danny's words into his heart. Shi's really so
powerful, will he stay in a small silver state?
The landline on Danny's desk rang, and Danny pressed a hands-free answer.
"Mr. Zhou, let's order. The funds are all in place. Thirty operators are all ready. As long as
you give an order, we will immediately start the acquisition. Now Zhao's resources outside
are at least one billion. We are confident that even if Lin's participates, we will be able to
collect 300 mil ion yuan back! "
Three hundred mil ion!
When Danny heard this number, he was really very emotional. He can get 300 mil ion yuan
a day. This money is too good to make. But Henry's words made Danny not dare to move.
Danny took a deep breath and spit after slowly, "give it up."
"Give up?" Phone a bit scared of people, "Zhou, this is several hundred mil ion ah! Ah can
not just give up!"
Side of the phone People seem very anxious, hundreds of millions, just give up?
"Wel , give up!" Danny nodded, and Mr. Zhang said, not to mention meat this time, not to
drink soup, and even Lin can't touch this matter, it naturally makes sense for him.
"Can't give up!" The young man behind Danny shouted, and then said to Danny,
"Danny, don't be stupid! Lin said, it's just that they want to swallow this piece of cake alone,
you are really stupid. Give up? This is a golden opportunity! "
" Forget it. "Danny shook his head.
"Danny, are you stupid!" The youth's impatience, "Three hundred million! This is not thirty
mil ion, three hundred million! And it can be turned into working capital, do you know
what this concept is!"
"I understand." Danny nodded, what three bil ion in liquidity brought about to give Zhou,
how could he not know, "but ......"
"do not, however, ah, snap it! quick!" seize the youth Danny's shoulders swayed vigorously,
"Are you clear-headed, don't be fooled by Lin's illusion, they are so powerful, they will only
have tens of billions of assets?"
"I ..." Danny was said Some of the heartbeat is, after all, 300 million! Ordinary people, if they
have so much money at once, they may be fainted by the excitement.
"Don't worry about Danny, just start the acquisition!" The young man saw Danny hesitating
and immediately shouted on the phone, but now there are countless pairs of eyes staring at
it. One second later is a huge loss.
"Hear it, start receiving!" The young man yelled at the phone, but there was no reply.
youth has been silent on the phone, "Hey! Hey
"What's wrong?" The youth wondered.
"Rebound! No! It's not rebound! Zhao's stock price was shocked by huge amounts of money
from several parties, all of which are rising, skyrocketing! Higher than before! If we just
moved, we will definitely be affected by this shock, The funds are all locked up!
"The voice on the phone was rejoicing.
The original is still hesitant Danny, suddenly relieved, he asked: "? Which party funding
valuation impact of Zhao, Lin What is"
! "Is
Listening to the voice on the phone, Danny was stunned again and seized market share at
ten times the previous price. Doesn't it mean that if they completely seized Zhao's original
total assets of 10 billion, the amount spent would reach 100 bil ion, And the remuneration
is only one Zhao's, with a loss of 90 billion, only for one market share? Is it crazy?
"No! No!" The voice on the other end of the phone rang again, with a shock in the voice,
"They are not just seizing Zhao, they are eating away, al the companies that have previously
acquired Zhao's enterprises are being stunned by these huge The funds eroded, they
completely seized the market share of those companies by losing money, squandered them,
and completely defeated them. I ’m sure that al the companies that bought Zhao ’s stocks
before were al finished! With a ten-for-one game, they are absolutely over, and it is
impossible for them to turn over. With this huge amount of capital, even the Lin family
must drink hatred! "
When talking on the phone, Danny opened his mouth. It turned out that this was the most
critical place. The funds were locked up. It was n’t a problem. These mysterious funds were
meant to completely defeat al the people involved. Is this a joke by Zhao? ?
The young man behind Danny, like Danny at this moment, he no longer has a voice,
listening to what came on the phone, he was there.
Among Lin's.
Sylvia, Jenny, and Henry looked at the computer screen in front of them, and those huge
capital flows, like giant pythons, ran wildly across the Yinzhou commercial sea, and
everything they saw opened their mouths and swallowed them al in. .
"Husband, have you known this for a long time?" Sylvia looked at the swallowing methods
of the capital flow, and it was a bit ignorant. It was like buying one hundred yuan for an
apple with an original price of nine yuan and one pound, and then buying all
the city After running out, despite losing countless money, the other party owns the apples
that are sold al over the city.
Henry nodded, "Ferris told me before."
When Henry was still rating Anna in Mongolia, Ferris called Henry about the acquisition of
enterprises by some mysterious consortiums, those consortia Even Ferrex didn't know the
details, Henry suspected that these consortia had the shadow of the clan, and the
acquisition was just the way they wanted to join the WTO. Now it seems that this is indeed
the case. These mysterious funds belong to the clan.
A huge clan, as long as it is not as miserable as the Tang clan, even the Zhao clan has such a
background to make such an acquisition.
After al , the clan has been passed down for a long time, not to mention how much they
have in their hands. It is not a small amount that they have accumulated for so many years.
This can be seen from the Jiugong Bagua City established by the Zhao clan.
Enterprises can do it.
Henry narrowed his eyes as he looked at the direction of the financial chart. He was sure
that when the clan did this, it must have wanted to join the WTO. The clan was mysterious
and ordinary people did not know about it. This led to a very low sense of the clan's
existence. To seize market share, do you want to appear in front of the world in the most
direct way?
Henry is not sure now whether these mysterious consortiums belong to one clan or
multiple clan. If it is a clan, Henry can still understand that after al , anyone can have the
ambition, so many powerful clan, no one They ca n’t guarantee that they can suppress their
desires and stay away from the world.
But if there are multiple clan, it is not a simple matter.
Henry shook his head, removed his gaze from the computer screen, and stopped worrying
about this matter. Anyway, the most urgent thing for the clan to enter the WTO
is definitely not himself.
Henry came to the first floor of the company and found every day he was playing in the
lobby. He spent the afternoon with him every day. In the evening, Henry also fulfil ed his
promise to have dinner.
Henry brought two stunning beauties and a mouthful of dad and mom every day, wherever
he went, he could become the focus.
When the people around him found out that Sylvia and Jenny were both cal ing their
mothers every day, they all cast envious glances at Henry.
Henry, who has been busy recently, has finally been idle. For three days, except for nothing
to see the decoration of the store, he spent the rest of the day in the office of Sylvia and
Sylvia was also happy about Henry's leisure situation. Every time Henry went out, she
would be worried. When Henry was busy and had no time to rest, she also felt distressed.
Three days later, Henry received a call from Ferris, saying that the storefront was finished
and he was waiting for Henry to inspect the work.
It is now the end of September. The air is a little bit cool. Even people on the street who
love to show themselves have given up their thin clothes and added jackets.
Henry came to his store, the designer was already waiting here.
The designer saw Henry and said respectful y, "Mr. Zhang, you are here."
Henry nodded and glanced at the store. The decoration of the store was exactly the same as
what he had originally selected. The quality of workmanship was also excellent, and there
were no corners. Defects, after al , are the world's top construction team, these things, there
is no problem.
When you walk into the store, there is no smell. The decoration is the kind of living, you
don't have to worry about formaldehyde. After al , the price of the decoration materials is
more expensive than this facade.
"Yes." Henry nodded with satisfaction, "your hard work."
"It's supposed to." Designer slight bend, "Mr. Zhang, if nothing else, I tried to get away."
"Ah. "Henry nodded," hard work. "
, the
designer greeted Henry and left.
Henry stood at the door of the store and thought about it. Today he will hang the door
plaque. By the way, he will find time to hire another front desk to watch. The company
needs to have the appearance of opening a company. Is what life needs is a sense of
"Boy, do you install this shop so quickly?" The middle-aged woman of that day stunned
Henrydao with a surprised look. It was only a few days, and the speed was too fast.
Who will not renovate for two or three months? Last month or two, he just opened it?
"Yes, pretend." Henry smiled a little, this elder sister was very enthusiastic these days, ran
over to chat with Henry a few words, and said to Henry when there are many people and
when there are few people, giving Henry the impression not bad.
"My God, you are too fast." The middle-aged woman walked into the Henry shop and
sniffed her nose, and didn't smel a little formaldehyde. "Boy, you use the best materials for
all of you. Look at you. This decoration is so beautiful, it cost a lot of money? "The middle-
aged woman looked at the decoration in Henry shop with a stunning look, and looked at it
from the first floor to the second floor before walking out reluctantly.
"Boy, you're so pretty. I don't want to go back to my store anymore." The middle-aged
woman pouted her lips, feeling sour.
"Hehe." Henry smiled, "Sister, this decoration is better, not as good as business. I think your
home is ful every day these days, and there are several table guests before dinner."
"Haha." The middle-aged woman heard this, her face showing a happy look, this street,
indeed, her family's business is good.
"Right guy." The middle-aged woman walked to Henry's side and pulled down Henry's
sleeve, whispering, "You have to be careful recently, you opened a security company, and
Tang Zhihu met, I heard He is a mixture of black and white. You have walked with him. You
are stil on the same street, so close ... "The middle-aged woman's words were not
completely uttered, but the meaning was already obvious.
Henry didn't care: "It's okay elder sister, we do different business, and there is no conflict."
Middle-aged women look at Henry's indifferent appearance, and also know that young
people are ful of anger, and they don't accept it. No, she sighed and shook her head,
"Hey, boy, you should be careful anyway."
"I will, thank you, big sister." Henry thanked the middle-aged woman.
The middle-aged woman opened her mouth, did not speak, and went back to her shop.
The middle-aged woman had just left, and a young man trotting over, smiled at Henry:
"Brother, your store is fast, is this going to be open for business?"
Henry, a security company, opened it as an excuse, something that made everyone know
that it was acceptable, and the sooner the business, the better.
"Oh, okay." The young man nodded. "Then wish you a prosperous business brother."
young man finished and ran away. This young man was the one when Henry said that he
wanted to open a security company that day when he spoke to Zhihu people.
The young man ran to Tang Zhihu's shop.
Tang Zhihu stood waiting in front of the shop.
"How is it?" Tang Zhihu asked quickly when he saw the young man coming.
"Ask, old Tang, this kid will open tomorrow! Very anxious, it seems to be very short of
money." The young man smiled with a smile on his face.
"Open tomorrow?" Tang Zhihu looked at Henry with a sneer, "I can't open him in his life!"
last time the car was robbed, Tang Zhihu cal ed the police, and the police officer who
handled it asked him where the car was robbed. When he asked him to give details, Tang
Zhihu said that he was not clear, after all The things I did that day were not glorious at al . I
really said that I might have to get into trouble. In the end, Tang Zhihu could only suffer a
loss. This is not going to happen.
But of course Tang Zhihu wouldn't forget that. He counted this matter from beginning to
end to Henry.
Tang Zhihu had a ruthless look in his eyes, "Also open a security company, I really want to
know, when you security company was smashed by someone, what do you want to drive!"
Tang Zhihu thought for a while, since I want to engage this kid, just click Turn him over!
Tangzhi Hu tangled for a long time, and finally pul ed out a phone, to play out, "Hey, Ge, it's
me, Tangzhi Hu, I want to ask you a favor, you can take tomorrow Aoba people to trip it?"
Hit Tangzhi Hu Phone at the same time.
In a special care unit in Yinzhou Hospital, Quan Feng was lying on a hospital bed and his
chest was cracked, leaving him with some time to recuperate.
The door of the hospital ward opened and a middle-aged man in his forties appeared at the
door of the ward and walked in.
Seeing this middle-aged man, Quan Feng, who was lying on the bed, had to get up in a
hurry, but the pain in the sternum made him unable to get up.
"Okay, the injury is so serious, lie down and talk." The middle-aged man walked up to
Quanfeng, picked up an apple on the bedside table, and slowly peeled it, "Tell me about
Huojing, you Say Linzhou's Linzhou has fire crystals? "
" Yes! "Quan Feng nodded." Last time the person from that organization came and
kidnapped Lin's president Sylvia for the purpose of fire crystals. "
" Are you sure? "The middle-aged man kept staring On the apple.
"Affirmation! Absolutely affirmation!" Quan Feng replied confidently, "At that time, the
person from that organization had just told me about Huo Jing's story, and Henry gave it a
"Who is Henry?"
"The husband of President Lin, he has some strength. Our team is not his opponent."
Quan Feng's eyes were slightly sad.
"Hehe." The middle-aged man chuckled, "Strength? No one dared to mention strength in
front of the Blade! Well, you can rest assured to recuperate, this time, the crystals are
ready, everyone in your team remembers great work!"
When Quan Feng heard this, his eyes were ful of joy, "Thank you Vice Team Cheng!"
Vice Team Cheng in Quan Feng's
mouth, this middle-aged man named Cheng Xiao, was the deputy captain of the entire Blade
Brigade, which was in charge of al the country. Team of the Blade.
Among the sharp blades, the practice of one positive and two minors is implemented.
Cheng Xiao's position in the sharp blade can be said to be under one person and over ten
thousand people.
"Okay, don't tell anyone what I'm here today, understand?" Cheng Xiao glanced at Quan
Feng, with a deep chil in his eyes.
At the moment of seeing Cheng Xiao's gaze, Quan Feng couldn't help but stand up, and
nodded, "Understood! Understood!"
"Okay, you get sick." Cheng Xiao put the cut apple on the head of Quan's bed Then, after two
steps, he suddenly flicked his hand and threw a paring knife without looking back. The
paring knife with a burst of wind broke straight on the apple at the head of the bed.
Quan Feng looked at the apple at the head of the bed and swallowed hard.
Cheng Xiao walked out of the hospital ward, lowered his head and thought for a while,
muttered: "Lin ..."
in the
past few days, Secretary Li has contacted Anna, and the arranger has obtained the business
certificate of Hengcheng Security.
Henry found Sylvia and told her that she planned to arrange some staff in her company.
"It's enough to directly edit the security post." Sylvia asked Henry, "Your company is up?"
Henry smiled, "I just installed it today, and plan to open it tomorrow."
"Do I need someone to take you to support you?" Sylvia laughed.
"No, no." Henrylian waved his hands, "You have someone to support, and I have no extra
people to arrange. I don't think it's enough for these three hundred people to protect you."
Sylvia covered his mouth to steal music.
At 9 o'clock the next morning, Henry held a plaque with the words "Hengcheng Security"
and walked to the door of his business room.
The plaque is made of mahogany wood, which just matches the decoration style of the
Chinese style.
Henry came to the door of the company and opened the door of the room. The people
around them were ordinary people. In order to avoid unnecessary attention, Henry still
found a chair, stepped on the chair, and installed the plaque.
"Haha, this is opening now?" A loud laugh came from the side.
Henrygang hung the plaque before turning off the chair. When he turned around, he saw a
strong middle-aged man standing behind him.
"Leopard head?" Henry looked at the person with a puzzled face. It was Chaning's father,
who was originally the head of Aoba, and the leopard head.
Now Leigong abdicated and handed over the green leaves to Helen. Helen directly acted as
the shopkeeper of the hand and threw it to Henry. Henry also naturally handed over the
green leaves to the leopard's head. It's the leopard head.
"Oh, what I say is also your second uncle, you always cal me the name on the road is not
good?" Leopard said.
Henry pouted, "I'm afraid I called my second uncle, you can't accept it."
Leopard smiled, "You're right, or Leopard head listened a little, Ogawa heard his sister say
you are going to open a company, I still Think about it and see if there is any place where I
can help. As a result, you hung up the doorplates so quickly. Why, open today?
" Well. "Henry nodded, jokingly," open early, after all, men, how many? You have to be a
little bit of your own business, otherwise you will always be treated as soft rice? "
" If you eat soft rice, no man in this world will depend on himself. "Leopard shook his head
and pointed to himself. , "Just looking at you hanging here, I ordered two flower baskets
from the side. I wish you a prosperous business and good business."
"Thank you." Henry glanced behind Leopard's head, where are the two flower baskets,
respectively The two lush evergreen trees, the meaning is very good, Henry did not reject
the goodwill of the leopard head, jumped from the chair, walked over, and potted with one
hand, directly supporting each pot of three hundred pounds of evergreen trees Get up and
walk into the company easily Them.
Leopard looked at Henry's relaxed movement and took a breath. He still admires his
previous courage and dares to fight against such people.
Tang Zhihu, not far from Henry Company, looked at Henry with a sneer, then walked
upstairs to his company, respectfully punished the two of them sitting on the sofa:
"Brother Dragon, Brother Tiger, that person is here."
Tang Zhihu, dubbed Dragon Brother and Tiger Brother, got up from the sofa and patted
their clothes.
The person called Brother Tiger has a 1.6-meter face with a fierce look, and Brother
Dragon, with his bulging tendon, makes people feel stunned at a glance.
These two brothers, Dragon Brother and Tiger Brother, are Aoba ’s thugs. At first, the two
who played black fists with people in the underground wine cel ar. Tiger Brother also had a
conflict with Henryqi. Long Brother, who was the fourth in the club, eventual y became an
ordinary younger brother. Look at the scene.
Brother Tiger glanced at Tang Zhihu and said, "Other people are here, what are you
prepared for?"
"Here, here." Tang Zhihu took out a suitcase with a smile, and when the box was opened,
there was a pile of A stack of hundred dollar bil s.
Tang Zhihu nodded and said: "Brother Dragon, Brother Tiger, there are a total of one
million in it. Please
smile." "Yes, you are a bit jealous." Brother Tiger patted Tang Zhihu's face, and then strode
downstairs , "Today, I will leave it to us. The money will be put to you first, and then you
will get it later."
"Thank you, thank you." Tang Zhihu bent down repeatedly, although this time he invited
the two to spend a million to let him It hurts, but it is definitely worth it. Now Tang Zhihu is
the only security company in this street. If you add another one, the business will definitely
be affected. In a year or two, the loss is definitely not worth one mil ion, let
alone, Tang Zhihu has great opinions on Henry now, and can let the two big brothers of
Aoba take a lesson, and it is worthwhile to spend more than a hundred thousand!
Brother Long and Tiger walked out of Tang Zhihu's store, Tang Zhihu followed, looked at
Henry's store with a smug face, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and
prepared to record the video. This is Aoba's elder brother.
Tang Zhihu can think of Henry's panic and begging for mercy now.
The two companies are not far away, and Brother Long and Tiger are two steps away.
Henry held two pots of evergreen trees and looked at the company's second floor, where he
looked at where he was tangled.
When Leopard saw Henry carrying two pots of trees in his head, it was as easy as holding
two plastic bags. Even when he had no intention of putting it down, he admired his courage
even more.
Leopard head to Henry said: "Then you are busy first, I will go first, there is still a lot to do
in the community."
Leopard headed to the first floor, just preparing to go out, he heard a loud scolding from
"Grass, who did he let you start a company here, did you tel us Aoba?"
This loud curse was clearly passed into the head and ear of the leopard.
Upon hearing the word "green leaf", the head of the leopard hadn't shown up, and
subconsciously asked, "Why, do you still have to report to Aoba for starting a company?"
Brother Hu and Dragon outside the door heard this sound a little familiar. I couldn't think
of it, and didn't care. Brother Hu replied loudly: "This street has always been my green leaf.
We didn't agree with you. Who would dare to open it!"
"Oh!" Leopard's head was cold Humming, "How could I never know that Aoba has such a
great style?" When
Brother Hu heard it, he scolded on the spot: "Are you his ..."
"What's wrong with me?" The figure of the leopard's head , Appeared from the door of
Henry Company.
Brother Long and Tiger standing at the door of the company saw the head of the leopard
and suddenly froze, almost at the same time, the two faces were pale, and they finally
understood why the sound was familiar.
The original arrogant brother Tiger looked at the head of the leopard, trembling and daring
to speak, and subconsciously hid behind him.
"Two ... two headed ..." Brother Long swallowed hard.
"Aron, you are not guilty. I said why my reputation with Aoba has been so bad recently.
You co-authored al of you?"
"Secondly, I ..." Brother Long opened his mouth, he dare to arrogant in front of others, but
in front of the leopard's head, can not show a little arrogance.
To say that in the past, Long Brother was in Aoba, the status was still very high. At first,
Long Brother was cal ed the first master of Aoba, even if the leopard head was
incomparable with him, this also gave Long Brother a reputation. Aoba had no one at al ,
and he himself saw him as the owner of Aoba.
But that underground winery and Hei Lei's iron cage ring made Long Brother understand
that his self-reliant strength is nothing in Aoba. Among Aoba, there are super masters in
Leopard turned his head and glanced over. What happened here did not disturb Henry
upstairs. What is happening now can only be regarded as a personal problem. If Henry is
disturbed, it is not how to solve it.
"Hurry up!" Leopard's head looked displeased at the two.
Brother Long and Tiger didn't dare to stay for a moment, let alone Tang Zhihu only gave
one mil ion, even ten mil ion. They didn't dare to disobey the meaning of the leopard head.
In Yinzhou, Aoba wanted to kill both of them. , It's easy.
Tang Zhihu himself had taken out his mobile phone and was ready to take a picture of the
good show of this scene, but before the imaginary good show started, he saw two brothers,
Dragon Brother and Tiger Brother, and saw him leave like a ghost!
Long Brother and Tiger Brother, who had run away, did not know that the head of the
leopard saved their lives. The two of them now only feel guilty. This took over a job, so luck,
and they met the head of the leopard. , I do n’t know how to deal with the two of you!
Brother Hu took out his mobile phone with a hazy look and directly dialed Tang Zhihu's
At this moment Tang Zhihu was full of doubts and suddenly received a call from Brother
Brother Tiger, you ..." "Tang Zhihu, are you or him, it's a mourning star!" Brother Hu's roar
The roar of Tiger Brother made Tang Zhihu extremely unhappy, but he didn't dare to show
anything in his tone, so he had to say careful y: "Brother Tiger, this ... I don't understand."
" I do n't understand? It's not you, Lao Tzu who can run into the second place? Grass!
What problem is Lao Tzu having to do this time? Take you to ask! "Brother Hu finished and
hung up the phone directly.
Tang Zhihu listened to the busy tone on the phone, his chest undulated, and the doubts in
his heart became clear. No wonder the two of them ran fast. It turned out that Aoba ’s
second head was here, but could he blame him? Yourself?
Tang Zhihu has heard that Aoba is slowly transforming recently, and many things cannot be
Tang Zhihu saw Aobaji leaving the company of Henry from afar. He thought Henry had
good luck. It happened that Aoba Ye was passing by the house. When he encountered this,
his eyes murmured somberly: "Boy, you are lucky, but Do n’t think that ’s the case!

Tang Zhihu said to himself while pulling out his mobile phone.“ Hey, brother, please help
you today. There is a boy who does n’t know how to do this. Please give me a lesson. "
Tang Zhihu finished, hung up the phone, but fortunately, he made more than one
preparation, the green leaf people had n’t taken the money, and they did n’t have any
losses. Anyway, today I definitely ca n’t let this kid casually. Opened.
Henry arranged the two pots of flowers and walked to the window to take a look. The
movements made by Long and Hu brothers outside the door did not escape Henry's ears,
but Henry didn't want to bother with them. Pretending to know nothing, let the leopard
head deal with it.
Henry saw that the outside affairs had been resolved, and made a phone cal to let the 300
people transferred to Yinzhou go to the company to register employees uniformly.
"Hey! Is there anyone! Who is this company!" There was a shout from the first floor of the
Henry went downstairs and saw a middle-aged fat man wearing a gold watch on his wrist.
He was knocking impatiently on the counter. When Henry came down, the fat man showed
a contemptuous expression, "Are you the boss?
" Well, what's wrong? "Henry nodded.
"I ask you, what kind of business does your security company have, give me a list of fifteen
and ten, I can tell you, if you don't speak well, it makes me unhappy, you can't be better
today!" Fatty One The appearance of the deputy uncle, sitting on the sofa on the first floor,
cocked Erlang's legs.
This fat man looks like a fool, and he can see that he is in trouble.
Henry frowned, "I have no business, get out of here." The fat man was thinking about what
to use for trouble, but when he heard Henry's words, he was surprised for a moment. Can
directly say the word get out.
"Boy, what are you talking about?" The fat man wondered if he had heard it wrong.
"I said get out, didn't you understand?" Henry said uncomfortably.
"Grass, kid, do you know who Lao Tzu is? Lao Tzu is Zhongqing Business, you let Lao Tzu
get out?" When the fat man said the words Zhong Zhong Business, he was quite proud.
Henry pouted, "I care where you are, get out!"
"You!" The fat man slammed on the sofa arm and stood up suddenly.
"What's wrong with me?" Henry looked at the fat man with a smile. "Do you stil want to do
something with me?"
"Do it?" The fat man looked at Henry's figure and thought he would definitely not benefit
from it by himself. He was cold. Humming, "It's dirty to beat you!"
The fat man finished and walked out the door with a flick of his hand.
At this time, there were a lot of people standing in front of Henry Company. There were
more than ten people. These people drove the Land Rover uniformly. The cars were parked
on the side of the road. Asked immediately.
"How is it?"
"Is this company OK?"
"Is it reliable?" The
fat man glanced around, hatefully said: "Fuck! Just for his company, I will give money to Lao
Tzu, Lao Tzu will not ask him for it." People! "The people outside the door did not ask what
happened. Seeing the fat man saying so, he started talking.
"Then it seems to be a named security company. If it doesn't have any strength, would it
dare to open a security company?"
"What a named security company is a garbage company!"
"Grass, garbage security, this name is OK!"
let's cal this garbage security in the future!" These people outside the door were very loud,
and attracted the attention of many people at once. Some people passing by also stopped
and watched the excitement.
Henry opened the door of the company, moved a wooden chair to the door, and faced these
people at the door, just as if he hadn't heard them, waiting for his own person to report.
"Boy, you said you are a security guard, is anyone here to invite you?" Asked a strong man
with a bald head and a tattoo on his head. "You will not be a group of weak chickens. ? "
a group of people saw Henry and called it even more fierce.
"Little chicken? Hahaha, I look like it too!"
"Come here, take a few photos, and a few more brothers to advertise to see who comes to
invite him."
"Yes, boy, I want to see Look, what is your hard-working capital! "The fat man wearing a
gold watch just turned to Henrydao," Even Laozi Zhongqing's business is not in the eyes.
Laozi lets you stay in Yinzhou. Do you know, Laozi just need one sentence? In the entire
Yinzhou, there is no company that will invite people from you! "
Jin watch fat man's self-confidence.
"Today, Lao Tzu will let out the words. Whoever dares to come here and ask for security at
Hengcheng is just going to have trouble with our Zhongqing business!"
"We will not cooperate with this kind of people."
"Hang Shao Trade is also! "
The voices outside made many people passing by wonder. What is going on with this
Tang Zhihu sat in front of his company and looked at what happened at Henry's door,
sneering nonstop.
These people were found by him. The purpose was to discredit him on the first day of
Henry ’s opening, so that he could not continue his business. After such a trouble, everyone
would publicize it in the circle, even if his security company If you can go on, don't think
about any business.
A group of people standing at the door of Henry Company, with arrogance on their faces,
shouted who would dare to cooperate with this Hengcheng security, and who would not be
their own friend from now on, a group of Yinzhou's biggest leaders.
On this street, some other businesses also came out, looking at what was happening at the
door of Henry Company while watching the excitement.
"This kid, annoy Lao Tang, don't want to get mixed in this street!" The young man who sent
a message to Tang Zhihu sneered.
"Hey." A slightly older man sighed, "I said, it's also fate to open a store together. You should
pay attention to a gentle and wealthy business. If you do such a big thing, you are not afraid
of kicking the iron plate. "
" Iron plate? "The youth smiled disdainful y." Do you think this kid will be an iron plate?
Look, he can't open this company. If I encounter this kind of thing, I will stay here with no
face! "The
older man shook his head and did not continue to speak.
The middle-aged woman next to Henry Company walked with two flower baskets. When
she saw so many people in front of Henry Company, her steps seemed a little timid.
"That ... lad, I just heard that you are opening today and you are born ... the business is
booming." Middle-aged women saw so many people at the door, and their voices were a
little trembling.
Henry smiled, stood up from the stool, walked to the middle-aged woman, and took the two
flower baskets, "Sister, thank you."
"No ... nothing ..." The middle-aged woman looked at the group of people A glance and
whispered: "Boy, do you want me to help you ..." The middle-aged woman pointed to her
cell phone. On the cel phone of the middle-aged woman, there is an alarm cal that has been
entered. The meaning is obvious. Henry needs, she can help the police.
"No." Henry shook his head. "It's okay elder sister."
At this moment, Henry didn't even think about it. Besides, his company wasn't doing
The gold watch man stepped over and glanced at the middle-aged woman, "I said, he can
stil flourish in this business? Take your basket away!"
gold watch man's eyes startled the middle-aged woman, and the middle-aged woman took
two steps backwards subconsciously and gave Henrydao: "Little brother, then ...
then I will go first, you are busy Ah ... "The
middle-aged woman just left a few steps, and a sound of He Xi sounded.
"Congratulations to Mr. Zhang, congratulations to Mr. Zhang, I wish Mr. Zhang a prosperous
The sound of this congratulatory sound made the gold watch men and a group of people, Qi
Qi looked at the person who made the voice, and he and other talents just said who dare If
you do n’t give them a face when you cooperate with Hengcheng Business, someone will
come to He Xi now. Is it completely impossible for you to wait for yourself!
A middle-aged man in a suit appeared in the sight of everyone. Henry was also puzzled
when he saw the figure of the suit. He was not such a person in his impression.
The middle-aged man in the suit brought a pair of glasses and a plaque in his hand with the
words business prosperity.
"Grass, four eyes, who are you?" The gold watch man asked uncomfortably.
"I am Fengwei Development Co., Ltd." The middle-aged man in suit answered with a plaque
and walked in front of Henry. "Mr. Zhang, at the last medical exchange, our boss admired
your character very much. People in the world are free from illness. Why do n’t you put
medicine and dust on it? It caused great resonance from our boss. He set you as a
benchmark for life. Although this plaque is not valuable, it represents a heart. "
Henry nodded." Thank you for your boss for me. "
This other person came to give gifts, and Henry did not refuse to let people go.
Henry said thanks, making his middle-aged suit full of joy.
"I said, what are you doing as a Development Co., Ltd., don't you want to be confused in
Yinzhou, right?" The gold watch man stepped over, "I tell you, who dare to cooperate with
this kid, is to work with Our Zhongqing Business Company can't get through it! "
" What is Zhongqing Business? "The middle-aged man in a suit showed a doubt." Have you
never heard of it, is it famous? "
In fact, this Zhongqing business company, in Yinzhou, really has a lot of fame. The assets of
nearly 100 mil ion are considered to be middle-class in the industry. The middle-aged
business suit has also heard of it, but this Zhongqing business and Compared with Lin, it's
really unremarkable.
Gold watch men watch a middle-aged suit this look like, suddenly furious, "four, believe it
or not I a telephone, you can make your company go bankrupt?"
Suit middle-aged shook his head, "you can try."
"Line You do n’t give Lao Tzu face, do you wait for Lao Tzu! ”The man with the gold watch
reached out and pointed at the middle-aged man ’s nose in the suit and shouted loudly.
The middle-aged man in the suit shrugged indifferently and strode away.
The middle-aged man in the suit had just left, and behind them the gold watch men rang a
"His, the good dog doesn't stand in the way, why are he standing here! Get away from me!"
Along with this trumpet, a burst of swearing sounded.
The shouts made the group of men surrounded by gold watches at the door of Henry
Company turn back together.
"Are you he ..." The gold watch man just scolded halfway, and his voice stopped suddenly,
because he saw that the horn sound came from a Rolls Royce.
"What's wrong with me?" A young man poked his head from the back seat of Rol s-Royce.
The gold watch man's original arrogant face immediately became respectful when he saw
the youth. "It turned out to be Zhou Shao."
aside, Lin is not mentioned, although the Zhao who turned out is powerful, but the
existence time is extremely short, except for the Zhou who appears to be inferior in front of
the Lin Among those small businesses, there is definitely a big brother and big class of
existence, including Danny himself, and a real second ancestor. Although he has converged
a lot after meeting Henry, before that, it can be said to be domineering. In the eyes of men
like men, it is even more prestigious.
Danny's driver opened the door for Danny, and Danny stepped down from behind the car.
Danny made a beckoning to the gold watch man. The gold watch man nodded and hurried
towards Danny, asking with a smile: "Zhou Shao, what did he tell me?" "What did he tel
me?" Danny narrowed his eyes, then Raise your palm and slap it to the man's face.
The slap in the face was crisp, and the gold watch man covered his profile and looked at
Danny with a puzzled expression.
"Do you know why I hit you?" Danny snorted and asked.
"I don't know, please ask Zhou Shao." The man of the gold watch lowered his head.
Danny lifted his foot and kicked heavily on the bel y of the gold watch man. "Are you there!
It's light to beat you!"
Danny's foot gave the gold watch man a few steps back and fell. sit on the floor.
Looking at Danny's hands, those who clamored with the gold watch men before and had
the most imposing style of Yinzhou, didn't even dare to breathe at the moment, al looked at
Danny carefully, and at the same time thought in his heart, why did Zhou Shao Such a big
After Danny kicked the gold watch man, he calmed down the anger on his face, walked to
his car, took out two boxes covered by red silk from the trunk, lost a smile, and came to
Henry, He said: "Mr. Zhang, I just learned that you are opening today. I'm not well prepared.
Please forgive me."
Danny opened the red silk cloth. In one box, there was a golden dragon carved from pure
gold, while the other box , Is a lifelike phoenix carved from fine jade.
"Mr. Zhang, this golden dragon and jade phoenix, I special y asked top masters to sculpt it
out. This time, I would like to congratulate Mr. Zhang on your opening, and the second is to
thank Mr. Zhang for his previous mention. "
The thing that Danny said was that the major companies snapped up Zhao's stock a few
days ago.
"Oh, you call me Mr. Sheng, and I can't watch you just disappear like Zhou." Henry nodded.
"Thank you Mr. Zhang." Danny's face was a little joyful, and he waved behind him.
"Come, put things in."
Danny's driver hurried forward to take over the pair of Jinlong and Yufeng.
Danny ’s attitude towards Henry made al the gold watch men open their eyes. Who is
Danny, they could not understand more clearly. This is the second ancestor of Yinzhou,
who is absolutely fearless and fearless. A group of thugs are rampant, and even Aoba
has to give a three-pointer. At this time, he is polite with such a kid, and he is yelling at you,
and watching this kid, he does not care about Zhou Shao!
The gold watch man kicked to the ground by Danny scrambled up and looked at what was
happening in front of him with a bad hunch in his heart.
These people with the gold watch men also felt that the air was a bit chilly, and some
people even came up with the idea to go.
While these people were guessing Henry's identity, not far away, another voice sounded.
"The Rolls-Royce in front is Chou's car, don't block it, hurry and give it a go!"
The sound of the sound, the men of the gold watch and others were all surprised Who dare
to talk to Zhou Shi this way.
When they wanted to come, Danny would definitely yell back at home. As a result, Danny
replied politely: "Move now, move now."
Danny's driver just entered with a gift, and Danny did not dare to hesitate , Personally ran
to the driver's seat and drove away.
Behind, there are several Audi A6s. These vehicles slowly drove to the door of Henry
Company, and the doors opened.
On the last Audi A6, a tal woman wearing a big red trench coat walked down. The woman
has long hair and the delicate features are impeccable.
"The business is booming, and I have just heard that Han said you are opening today, so I
will give two bonsais."
Audi's woman is Jenny.
"Who is this?" The man of the gold watch saw Jenny and others whispering, he was
wondering, which company is this person, just dared to talk to Zhou.
"It's Hengyuan's man!" A man beside the gold watch frowned, "I know this woman, it's the
president of Hengyuan Business, Jenny."
"Hengyuan Business!" The gold watch man didn't hold back. Shouted out, the reputation of
Hengyuan Business recently is really too strong. It had already got the only trade channel,
and now it is rumored to cooperate with Lin, it is definitely one of the giants of Yinzhou!
Such a news made the gold watch man's brows tighter. He couldn't understand how the
person who opened a small security company here was connected with Hengyuan Business
and Zhou's two giants.
"Mr. Qin! We've finished the trouble, let's go in!" A crisp voice rang behind Jenny's team.
It was all black Mercedes-Benz. The license plates were al consecutive numbers. The
secretary was Sylvia, Li Na.
Jenny covered his mouth and smiled, then said to Henry, "I'll go first when the lady of the
main palace comes."
Jenny waved to Henry and led his team towards the front.
All black Mercedes Benz stopped in front of Henry Company.
"Lin's car! Lin's also coming!" The gold watch man's eyes widened. Lin's in Yinzhou is really
representative. Even the company's license plate number is remembered clearly.
"How is it possible that Lin is also related to this kid!"
"What the hel is this kid!"
One question after another, formed in the hearts of men such as gold watch men, the bad
hunch in their hearts is getting more and more Big!
The Mercedes-Benz car door opened and Sylvia stepped down from the car. She was
wearing a coat corresponding to Jenny. The two women now live in one, and the dressing
style is also very close.
Unlike Jenny's approachable feeling, when Sylvia got off the car, he brought a kind of aura,
which made people feel unable to look directly.
"Sylvia! This is Sylvia! Lin's helm, she came here in person!"
"Yes, this kid will not be the second generation of officials."
"The second generation of officials? The second generation of officials can't let Sylvia
personal y Come forward. "
" Who the hel is he! "
The man of the gold watch swallowed his saliva, and even Sylvia personally appeared!
Sylvia took two steps forward, came to Henry, gold watch men and others in disbelief eyes,
arms hanging Henry, "My husband, opened their doors, you say, I will give you what is
, as if a blockbuster was thrown into the crowd.
The gold watch men and others all glared at the moment.
Husband? This man is the husband of Sylvia, president of Lin! Isn't he too incredible?
A man with a gold watch can't imagine that Henry has such an identity, but now the facts
are in front of them, so they can't believe it!
Have you just mocked President Lin's husband blatantly?
Although the gold watch man has just put on his greatest strength in Yinzhou, he stil has a
lot of self-knowledge in the face of Lin. The capital that makes him proud, and Zhongqing
Business, which he often hangs on his lips, compares with Lin. Farts are not.
Tang Zhihu, who was sitting in his own company, looked at what was happening in front of
him, his face was pale, Zhou, Hengyuan, Lin, each of them, could be regarded as the
existence of crushing ants!
Henry looked at the battle in front of him and didn't have to think about it. It must have
been Sylvia's passing on the matter of starting a company. Henry saw that behind the Lin's
convoy, there were many small companies behind him.
Henry smiled bitterly, "wife, there is no need to engage in these, you know, my security
company ..."
"Life, there must always be a sense of ceremonial, my old open company, I am a wife, how
can there be nothing What does it mean? "Sylvia smiled at Henrytian sweetly, and then
took out a box of roses. This rose has no branches. There are a total of nine flowers in a
transparent gift box. The box is also marked with a price of 999 yuan.
When Henry saw the box of roses brought out by Sylvia, he smiled dumbly, "Wife, do you
also like what this little girl likes?"
The box of roses brought out by Sylvia is the very hot eternal flower posted on the Internet.
Sylvia rolled his eyes at Henry, "What do you mean, I'm not a little girl?"
"No, it doesn't mean that." Henrylian waved his hand.
"Humph!" Sylvia Jiao hummed, handing this box of immortal flowers to Henry's hands.
"Thank you wife." Henry smiled, and he looked around, wondering: "The girl every day, you
both came out, she didn't come out with her?"
"She went to the Welfare Institute to play with Dean Cui "Sylvia explained.
Henry nodded.
Danny walked from the side and walked to the gold watch man and said, "I just heard.
You said, who cooperates with Mr. Zhang, can't get along with your Zhongqing business,
right? Now I'm going to be with you Zhongqing Business is going away, what are you going
to do? And what is the technology that was just set, and what is the airline trading, you are
so arrogant, do you plan to do something to me Zhou's? "
Danny is very clear, will Several people who had just clamored at the door of Henry
Company al pointed out.
These people listened to Danny's words, and his forehead kept sweating.
"Zhou Shao, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" The men of the gold watch admit
mistakes again and again, and they soon hated Tang Zhihu. If it were not for him, they
might be smashed by themselves!
"Misunderstanding?" Sylvia's face was cold and said to Secretary Li Na: "Secretary Li, write
down al the people present and speak in the name of our Lins. Anyone who has cooperated
with them in the slightest, from now on Lin, no reception at all! "
Secretary Li Na nodded.
"Add Hengyuan to us, too." Jenny added.
"Me Zhou's too." Danny does not forget himself.
Now , there are three largest companies in Yinzhou. When they block one company, that
company will not have any way to live!
The scene in front of him made the men of the gold watch all look as if they had eaten flies.
These people, almost subconsciously turned their heads, all looked at Tang Zhihu, al these
things, he did it!
At this time, Tang Zhihu's face was pale and trembling, so how dare he sit at the door of his
company again, quickly got into the company, and closed the door.
The door that can be closed can't stop the anger of the men of the gold watch. Their
brother's affection is based on wine and flesh. Now that such a thing has happened, who
still cares about affection.
"Tang Zhihu, you hel get out for Lao Tzu!" The gold watch man rushed to the door of Tang
Zhihu company and kicked on the glass door of Tang Zhihu company. Kicked apart.
Under the leadership of the gold watch man, everyone rushed into Tang Zhihu's company,
yelling and scolding, and asked Tang Zhihu to settle the bil .
the other side.
Men that age slightly larger youth road side: "It appears that you this is indeed kicked iron
ah, you pray they do not tel you care about it, or else ......"
Man Speaks , Shook his head, but the meaning was already obvious.
The young man's calves are softening.
What happened here might be a well-planned conspiracy for Tang Zhihu. For the men of
the gold watch, they changed their second half of their lives, but for Henry, it was just a
minor episode.
The heads of many smal companies came to Henry Daohe. The company of Henry is
probably the most licensed business room in Yinzhou. The flower baskets and bonsais sent
to them al planted a small garden at the entrance of Henry Company. .
During an opening ceremony, Sheng Sheng didn't plan to do it until Henry, and it was noon
until Sylvia and other talents left.
Compared to Henry's grand opening lineup, Tang Zhihu's company has long been smashed
by angry gold watch men.
The three hundred people arranged by Henry also reported to the company in turn and
filled out the information. These things did not need to worry about Henry at al . Each of
the people he called was an elite with strict discipline.
After everything was done, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Henry simply
prepared to close the company door. Just before the door was closed, Henry received a cal
from Anna.
"Mr. Zhang, I just heard that you are opening today. The phone blessing is a little late.
Please forgive me." Anna's laughter rang on the phone.
Henry deliberately blamed: "No, I can't forgive you, you are also my boss. This company
opened, you didn't call to bless the first time, there must be something wrong, I will invite
me to dinner next time."
"Haha, Mr. Zhang If you say so, it will hurt me, but it ’s a must to have dinner. By the way, I
forgot to say something to you last time. ”
“ How? ”
Anna said:“ Five-Star Security Company, rated annually. , But at the same time there are
tasks every year, especially branches, so on your side, you must complete 36 rating security
tasks a year before the rating can continue to be retained. "
" Is there still such a saying? "Henry wondered, He has never heard of it.
Anna explained
: "Mr. Zhang, this is not in the official division. You do n’t know it is normal. It belongs to an
unspoken rule in the industry. sixteen rating task, the average monthly it three, it is
easy to complete, after all, the five-star security Mody, each province will then one or two
specific rating, the difficulty of the task, and so I will send you. " "
line Henry nodded.
After finishing the call with Anna, Henry couldn't help but sigh. This is really the world's
conservation principle. What you get, you have to pay. The task is the task, otherwise you
can't complete the downgrade, and the official has an excuse to speak.
Originally, Henry was thinking about hiring a front desk in a few days, but now it seems
that it has to be as soon as possible, and he can't stay in the company al the time.
Henry closed the door of the company. He remembered two days later. It seemed that there
was an autumn job fair. It was quite big.
After looking at the time, Henry planned to first buy something for the children in the
orphanage and then to pick it up every day.
Henry walked towards the mall. When he quickly entered the mal door, Henry suddenly
stopped, and then walked towards the underground garage.
The underground garage looked shady, there were many cars parked, and Henry's feet
stepped on the ground with an echo.
"Okay, just come out."
Henry suddenly stopped when he reached a position without a probe.
"Oh, the alertness is quite strong." A sneer sounded from behind Henry. This is a middle-
aged man in his forties. He is wearing black combat boots and is looking at Henry with a
relaxed face. Deputy Captain, Cheng Xiao.
Henry shrugged. "You can't be alert. There are at least three attempts to kil me on your
way. What can I do? It's impossible to stretch out your neck and let you kil ?"
Cheng Xiao coldly snorted, "The surname is Zhang, you rarely give me a slick tongue here, I
know you have some strength, but I am not afraid to tell you that your so-called strength is
in our sharp eyes, nothing!
" Sharp Blade? "Henry smiled in his heart. When Yang Haifeng told Quanfenghuojing before
he died, Henry knew that Sharp Blade would come over. Henry expected that the person of
Sharp Blade should have arrived three days ago, but did not expect to come today.
Henry deliberately asked, "Why are you looking for me, the sharp-edged one? I haven't
committed anything."
Cheng Xiao sneered, "You're not guilty of guilt, you should understand that you, Lin, are just
one Private enterprises, but what they should not belong to you, what is the specific, I think
you know it without me saying, hand it out! "
" Why? "Henry puzzled," We Lin's things should be justified Give it to you? "
" Yes! "Cheng Xiao nodded." From today, that's what our sharp knife does not belong to you,
Lin. Hand it over! "
Henry looked at Cheng Xiao and fell into silence, he was thinking about it. Thing.
Cheng Xiao threatened: "The surname is Zhang, I urge you to think clearly, you must not try
to fight against our sharp blade, the consequences are not what you, a little Lin, can bear!
Your strength is placed in front of the sharp blade. also nothing! " "
okay! "Henry sigh," I can give you something, but I need time to pick up people, first to you
tomorrow. " "
tomorrow? "Cheng Xiao eyes squint From now on, I looked at Henry while thinking about
the authenticity of Henry's words.
The first (2/2) page
Henry, said: "Since you know the fire crystal, should understand that the degree of precious
things, how I can not with me, tomorrow morning, I give you, how?"
Wade Zhang Henry see Still unbelieving, he said again: "Relax, since I promised you, I will
not regret it."
"Don't forgive you!" Cheng Xiao snorted, "Tomorrow, I will find you, as long as you Dare to
play tricks, the consequences are not what you are willing to see! "
Cheng Xiao finished, striding away.
Henry looked at Cheng Xiao's back and took out his mobile phone. "In the future, bring a
small piece of fire crystal to Yinzhou, yes, and release the message. Guangming Island hands
the fire crystal to the blade to keep it."
Henryken handed over the fire crystal It is naturally not a good intention to give a sharp
blade. Now, the power called the Divine Heaven Kingdom suddenly appears, making Henry
wonder whether the purpose of this Divine Heaven Kingdom is Huojing or Guangming
After al , in the battle on the island, the people they came from were so powerful that they
could completely take Huojing away, but in the end they left. This made Henry puzzled
whether the other party was entrusting the big team or had another purpose.
This time, the sharp blade happened to take the initiative, and it was not bad to use them to
try the sacred heaven.
Henry left the garage, went to the shopping mal to buy something according to the original
plan, went to the welfare home to see the children, and when Sylvia was about to get off
work, he took it back every day, bought some vegetables, and got into the kitchen when he
got home.
As soon as Sylvia and Jenny came home, they saw Tian Tian sitting on the sofa watching
cartoons, and Henry, who was busy in the kitchen.
The scent spreading in the kitchen filled Sylvia's heart with the warmth of home, but she
didn't know how long such a day would last, because she knew that Henry might leave
again at any time to do some dangers he didn't understand. Things, therefore, every time I
spend time with Henry, Sylvia will cherish it.
Early the next morning.
A private plane landed in Yinzhou, and the future of a white hanfu walked out of the
In the future, hold down your headset, "Boss, I'm here, where are you."
"I'l give you an address."
Henry at this time is staying in his company, and he found it along the address in the future.
"Boss, what are you doing, how about giving someone the stage?" In the future, I will see
Henry, who is sitting at the door of the company and is like a door god.
"What front desk, this is clearly my newly opened company, OK." Henry rolled his eyes.
"You turn back to Wade White and tel them what is the slightly more difficult security task.
Tel me about it. I have to take this year. Thirty-six missions. "
" Well. "Nodded in the future, she took out a piece of fire crystal that was the size of her
nails from her pocket.
In the future, when he took out Huojing, he deliberately looked at Henry. In Henry's eyes,
there was a trace of greed. This greed disappeared, and even Henry didn't notice it himself,
but was caught by the future clearly.
"Boss, why did you suddenly want this Huo Jing." Huo Jing didn't hand Huo Jing to Henry in
the future, but asked.
Now in the future, she also entered the imperial Qi, and she is very sensitive to the Qi.
After entering the imperial Qi, the first time in the future is to study the fire crystal again.
In the red gas, she got Very surprising conclusion.
, after getting familiar with Qi in the future and understanding the principle of Qi, she
extracted and combined various elements from the energy in the fire crystal, and final y
found that The energy of the fire crystal is filled with an extremely powerful negative
emotion. This close to theological discovery gives the future an unacceptable feeling, but it
is actually happening.
When Henry called the future yesterday, there was some worry in the future. When she
first saw the greed in Henry's eyes, the worry in her heart was even more serious. She
hasn't thought whether she would tel Henry about it or not. The gas has negative emotions
and will be magnified indefinitely due to some effects. If you tell Henry, the doubts in Henry
’s mind about this red gas may become a nourishment for this negative emotion, which will
have a greater impact on Henry. influences.
After thinking about it in the future, Huojing was put away again.
What made the future relieved was that Henry did not show anything when he put away
the fire crystals. It seems that the negative emotions in the red gas could not affect Henry.
Now he can only use this red gas as soon as possible. Research thoroughly.
Henry Chong future: "This fire crystal not what I want, is a sharp knife to."
"Cutting edge" Future doubts, "razor Shashi Hou dare so bold, ask your boss to stuff"??
Henry smiled, "people came. "
Henry's voice just fell, and the figure of Cheng Xiao appeared in front of Henry's company.
Cheng Xiao glanced at Henry and the future, and then said, "What?"
Henry plucked his mouth in the future, and in the future took out the piece of fire crystal
that was the size of a fingernail.
At the moment when the fire crystal was taken out in the future, Cheng Xiao's pupils
shrank, and his eyes glowed with hot light. Just like this small piece of fire crystal, the
energy contained in it was quite huge!
"Bring it!" Cheng Xiao snorted and reached out his palm.
Henry did not look at it, and then put that smal piece of fire crystal towards Cheng Xiao.
Before waiting for Huo Jing to be put down in the future, Cheng Xiao grabbed Huo Jing from
the future, and then stared at the small Huo Jing in his hand just as he looked at his beloved.
"How about, I said that if you don't lie to you, you won't lie to you. Now the thing is yours."
Henry shrugged.
Cheng Xiao coldly snorted and stared at Henry, "It's your acquaintance!"
Cheng Xiao finished, without much stay, strode away, disappeared in Henry's sight.
Looking at the back of Cheng Xiao's departure, he said in the future: "Boss, you let me
release that news yesterday, and now you really give Huo Jing to the people of the Blade, do
you want to use them to test who?
" Henry nodded, "Is the video recorded?"
"Recorded, and now released?" The future asked.
"Release!" Henry said without hesitation.
On the other side, after taking the Fire Crystal, Cheng Xiao left for the first time. He was
very excited in his heart. He didn't expect it to be so simple, he took the treasure that
everyone wanted in his own hands! As long as the Fire Crystal can hand it in, the position of
Captain Blade is absolutely his own! Since then, I no longer have to carry the word deputy
on my head!
Thinking of this, Cheng Xiao didn't want to stay for a moment, just wanted to go back
quickly and take this credit to himself.
After sending things in the future, they will leave.
Henryshou was in the company. At about noon, he received a cal from Secretary Li Na.
Li Na told Henry that she had just received a notice that there would be a fal job fair
starting tomorrow morning that lasted three days.
The question was asked by Henry yesterday, specifically, so that Li Na could pay attention
to herself.
Henry asked Li Na to arrange a recruitment position for herself. After looking at the door of
the company with few people, Henry shook his head, locked the door, and went to Lin's to
find Sylvia.
When Henry arrived at Lin, it happened to be lunch, and a few people ate lunch together.
"Right husband." During lunch, Sylvia took out a file bag and placed it on the table in front
of Henry. "Your security company just opened, help me protect this person?"
"Yes." Henry didn't even think about it When I wanted to answer, I glanced at the file taken
by Sylvia. On the file taken by Sylvia, there was a picture of a woman. The woman ’s facial
features were exquisite and her figure was tall. LOGO of the festival.
"Wow, is this Shang Yiman? First-line star!" Jenny made a surprised voice when he saw the
document in Henry's hands.
"Shang Yiman? First-line female star? Haven't heard of it?" Henry looked stunned. He
almost didn't watch TV series and variety shows. He didn't know what kind of first-line star
or the like.
Sylvia covered his mouth and smiled, "Just because you are running around every day, the
movie emperor can't recognize you in front of you. This time the company came up
with a new product, specifically looking for Shang Yiman to speak for. Although the other
party has a bodyguard, But the agency stil wants us to provide her with protection. "
" What kind of protection do you provide? Someone wants to kidnap her? "Henry was
speechless for a while. If he was a kidnapper, it would be better to tie a rich man than a
Sylvia rolled his eyes, "Our two companies are cooperating, and people have this
requirement. We just fol ow the instructions. I have sent the other party's voyage
information to your mobile phone. This will trouble you Mr. Zhang!"
Henryyi covered his head, " Obey, President Lin. "
Henry glanced at this Shang Yiman's plane at 2:30 in the afternoon. After lunch, he hurried
towards the airport.
When Henry arrived at the airport, he saw at a glance that there were too many people in
the terminal of the airport, al of whom were young faces. These people pulled up a banner
in the terminal that said Shang Yiman I love words like you.
"Wow! Did you see it? Shang Yiman released a news two hours ago that she was able to get
off the plane at half past two, and she would see her soon, so excited!" A young girl holding
a mobile phone , Excitedly talking to the people next to him.
"I don't know if there is a chance to shake hands with Shang Yiman."
"So nervous!"
The voice of a group of people spread into Henry's ears.
Henry glanced at the position of the machine mouth, and the densely packed people were
all people. If someone wanted to work on this Shang Yiman in this environment, as far as
Henry was concerned, he had 20 people who could not be left alone. The method of
"While shouting for protection, while greatly publicizing his whereabouts, it's real y a
contradiction." Henry found a massage chair and lay down comfortably, waiting quietly for
the time to pass.
Half an hour later, just as Henry felt sleepy on the massage chair, a scream sounded from
the place where the machine exited.
Henry got up from the massage chair and looked towards the exit of the machine.
at the
exit of the machine, a group of people screamed enthusiastical y and waved excitedly with a
banner with the words Shang Yiman in their hands.
When the exit door opened, four bodyguards wearing sunglasses and black suits walked to
the front with the appearance that no one should enter.
Those enthusiastic star chasers stretched out their hands frantical y, and were pushed
away relentlessly by several bodyguards. Rao was like this. They also shouted Shang Yiman,
I love you and the like. The fanaticism in their eyes made Henry see all Feeling a little
A young woman with a height of 1.7 meters and wearing large sunglasses came out of the
machine exit. Even though a pair of sunglasses blocked most of her face, Henry could
recognize it. This is what he wants to protect this time. Actress, Shang Yiman.
Behind Shang Yiman, followed by Shang Yiman's assistant, is a woman in her thirties,
wearing glasses, carrying a bag and a suitcase, and walking, while waiting for the fans in
front of the machine to yell : "Don't shoot, don't al ow it! Don't shoot!"
Assistant Shang Yiman followed four bodyguards.
In this posture with a total of eight bodyguards traveling, Henry felt that he was about to
catch up with the Chinese leader who came to him that day. He stood not far away, listening
to Assistant Shang Yiman shouting not to shoot there. In other words, isn't Shang Yiman
telling everyone on social software what time he will appear at Yinzhou Airport, now he is
wearing big sunglasses, and he is shouting that no one will shoot?
Henry shook his head, and it was real y unclear what these so-called celebrities thought in
his mind. He glanced at the crowd and did not find any dangerous breath, and walked
towards Shang Yiman.
Shang Yiman walked out of the machine and took off his sunglasses under the protection of
eight bodyguards. He looked around impatiently. "Assistant Zhou, what about this Lin's
"I contact now!" Assistant Zhou took out Mobile phone, preparing to make a call.
"Come, let, let trouble, let go." Henry walked to the bodyguards. "That, I was sent by the Lin
family to pick up. This is Shang Yiman, right, please follow me."
Shang Yiman glanced at Henry. When she found out that Henry was the only one, her face
was slightly angry. "Why, Lin's let you come alone?"
"Uh ..." Henry froze for a moment, then He asked, "Does it take a few more people to pick
someone up? Can the car sit down?"
Shang Yiman heard this and glared Henry with disgust, his hands on his chest, no longer
coming out sound.
Assistant Zhou came out and said, "I said, what do you mean by Lin? Do you not want to
cooperate with our Yiman? Tell you that our Yiman's itinerary is full of arrangements.
You guys are now face-to-face, and now arrange ten cars to come over! "
" Ten cars are not there, just one, love to sit or not. "Henry pouted, he checked the
information about this Shang Yiman on the way he came, I have participated in several TV
series, although they are all the protagonists, but to be famous, they are not as big as the
front line. Henry has been in the world for so many years, and the stars have seen many,
some are more famous than Shang Yiman. A star is not as big as her. In Henry's eyes, the so-
called celebrity is just a play that costs more to play, but it's not expensive.
After al , Henry's identity can be said to be among the rich, even the European royal family
has to look at him.
The ordinary star, not to mention in the eyes of the royal family, is in the eyes of the ancient
Wu family like the Zhu family, which is just an ordinary person. This difference in identity
is destined to make Henry unable to understand Shang Yiman's arrogance.
"A car? What do you think I am Shang Yiman? Drive a car to pick me up?" Shang Yiman
glared at Henry with an angry face. He quickly smiled.
"Okay, don't ink anymore. I'll drive, and you wait at the door." Henry finished, no
unnecessary nonsense, and walked to the parking lot on his own.
Shang Yiman looked at Henry's attitude, and the anger didn't hit one place. His hands were
stuck in his waist. Who! "
" Yiman, don't be angry, don't be angry. "Assistant Zhou quickly hurriedly dissuaded,"
This agreement between Lin and the company, you don't have to take it anymore, we can't
explain it to the company, just let that people get arrogant with it, so we put the ad shoot,
too late to find him trouble, a driver only, with no need to set this gas at others. "
still a man chest rise and fall, long while before a long call The tone came out, "Yes, let him
be arrogant first!"
Shang Yiman and his group of ten people walked to the exit of the pick-up building. Just
after going out, an extended Bentley stopped.
It was Henry who drove.
Henry shook the window, and Shang Yiman and his party rushed outside the car and said, "
Get in the car!" Shang Yiman walked to the Bentley door and stood there quietly.
Assistant Zhou stood behind Shang Yiman.
In Henry's eyes, the two were just as stupid as there.
"Wait, get in the car!" Henry said again.
"How to get on the bus?" Shang Yiman looked at Henry's eyes.
"How to get on the bus?" Henry was asked by Shang Yiman.
"The door is closed. Will you let me get in?" Shang Yiman showed a funny expression.
Listening to this, Henry twitched, "Don't you open it when you pull a door?"
Shang Yiman frowned, looking at Henry with a particularly puzzled look, "You let me pull
the door?"
Henry vowed that if he didn't come to help Sylvia pick up this Shang Yiman this time, let
alone a star, a royal princess, she would definitely beat her into a pig head!
Henry got out of the car, came to the back door of Bentley, and pulled the door open.
"Now it's okay?"
"What you don't know! You must know what we are doing when we speak!" Assistant Zhou
"Okay, let's go back and talk to Lin Lin, let him be expelled. There is no need to worry about
this kind of person." Shang Yiman said lightly, without looking at Henry again, bowed his
head into the body Inside.
Assistant Zhou dug Henry, "Wait for packing and get rid of!"
Assistant Zhou finished, and also sat in the car. Eight bodyguards pulled the car door and
got into the car.
Henry pouted and ran to the main driver to start the car.
When Lin arrived, Lin ’s public relations team had already waited at the door of the
company. Henry was relieved when he saw the public relations team. He had to hold
himself responsible for receiving this Shang Yiman. .
As soon as the car stopped, Lin's public relations team stepped forward and took the
initiative to pul the door open.
"Miss Shang, you have worked hard all the way, hard." The public relations manager made
a pleasant voice.
Sylvia walked to the Bentley cab from the side, "Why are you picking up someone alone?"
Henry listened to Sylvia's question, "Wife, I always pick someone up."
Sylvia's jade hand gently covered his forehead, "I specially arranged The person in the
public relations department was with you, and you went alone. This is a famous rack in the
circle. Isn't there any conflict between you two? "
" No conflict, but the rack you said. , I felt that I had met the prime minister of a country
before, and she didn't have this shelf. "
Sylvia covered his mouth, and just preparing to speak, he heard a scream.
"I don't care! It's the driver, you just figure it out, I don't want to see him again!" The
screaming master is Shang Yiman.
Sylvia looked at Henry unnaturally, "This is what you said, there is no conflict?"
"Uh ..." Henry shrugged. "Maybe we have different definitions of conflict."
"Okay, okay, Let me deal with it here first. President Qin and I will not go back to dinner
tonight. We have to accompany Shang Yiman. The relationship between you and her will
not be seen again today. "Sylvia waved to Henry, Stride aside.
"That day?" Henry asked in the car.
"Come with us every day." Sylvia replied without looking back.
"Let's go."
Henry put the car back, and simply went home to enjoy a leisurely afternoon.
As soon as he entered the house, Henry received a message. Looking at the content of the
message, Henry lay on the bed and sighed, "Hey, there may not be much leisure time."
Henry received the message from the future. In the future, Henry told me that many
underground forces already know that Guangming Island has donated a smal piece of fire
crystal to the Blade for free. In just a few hours, there have been many forces that have
found the Blade headquarters, but they ca n’t see it. The shadow of that sacred heaven.
On the other side, Cheng Xiao did the first thing after getting Huojing, that is, returning to
Beijing. He did not hesitate and took the fastest flight.
Including Quan Feng, a member of the team of sharp blades, with the wound that has not
been healed, he returned to Beijing with Cheng Xiao.
At 3:30 in the afternoon, the figures of Cheng Xiao appeared at the Beijing Airport.
Cheng Xiao was ready to report the task. The small piece of fire crystal in his pocket was his
And Quan Feng and others, on the way to come, also thought about how much credit they
would have this time.
"Henry, Henry, you are really a treasure trove!" Shi Yun sneered. Although this time was
put on by Henry, he lost the most important fire crystal. In the end, he took the advantage,
or himself!
A smile appeared on the corner of Cheng Xiao's mouth, and just about to walk out of the
airport, a few figures appeared in front of Cheng Xiao and surrounded Cheng Xiao and
"Cheng Xiao!" A loud shout sounded.
Cheng Xiao and others looked at the master who shouted.
"Team!" Seven of the full wind, Qi Qi body shocked, looking at the speaker.
"Wang An?" Cheng Xiao frowned, "What are you doing? Seeing your posture, is it
specifically to block me?"
Wang Xiao in Cheng Xiao's mouth is the captain of the Sharp Blade Brigade, and Sharp
Blade is the leader.
Next to Wang An, there were also five elite blade players, now in a half-encircled formation,
blocking the way of Cheng Xiao and others.
"Cheng Xiao, come back with me!" Wang An scolded.
"Why?" There was a disdain in Cheng Xiao's eyes. At this moment in Cheng Xiao's heart, the
captain of this sharp-edged brigade was no longer the surname of Wang, but himself.
Naturally, there was no need to listen to Wang An anymore.
"Why?" Wang An stared at Cheng Xiao. "With this command, fol ow me back to the team!"
"I want to say no!" Cheng Xiao fists up.
Wang An's eyes suddenly turned sharp, "Then get out of the sharp blade!"
Cheng Xiao's fist was pressed harder, he stared at Wang An, and he guessed that Wang An
must have got some gossip, knowing what he had done to him. The status is threatening, so
I made a special case to get rid of myself.
Cheng Xiao's chest kept rising and fal ing, staring at Wang An for more than ten seconds,
and then released his fist. "Okay, I will return to the team with you!" The blade's team is not
in the capital, but in the rain forest of Yun province.
A special helicopter took off at Jingcheng Airport. Cheng Xiao and the whole team of
Fengfeng took off again before leaving Beijing Airport.
Inside the helicopter, Wang An was pacing in the cabin, his eyes swept across the whole
wind team, and he said in a low voice: "What did you do besides completing the mission
this time? Full wind, you come to report this time Do n’t miss anything in the itinerary,
nothing will do! ”
Wang An stared at Quanfeng closely.
The whole wind subconsciously looked at Cheng Xiao. When he saw Cheng Xiao's silence
gesture, he took a deep breath and said: "Wang team, we have pursued four cities of
fugitives this time in a row, and finally killed fugitives in Yinzhou. ""
"Choose the key point!" Wang An suddenly snorted, "I mean, besides completing the
mission, what else have you done?"
Quan Feng replied: "Team Wang, after the mission is over, we will be there The Yinzhou
Hospital was rehabilitated. "
" Is it? "Wang An looked at the rest of the team of Quanfeng again." Except for completing
the mission to recuperate, you have done nothing? "
Shi Yun looked back and forth. A few eyes shook his head.
"Good." Wang An clapped his hands. "Cheng Xiao, why are you going to Yinzhou this time?"
Cheng Xiaoqiao sat on the seat with a Erlang leg. "The team members are injured. I'l pick
them up. Is there something wrong?"
Wang An sneered. "The pick-up should also be returned to the team. You give me to the
capital. Go? "
" Wang An, what the hel do you mean! "Cheng Xiao stood up sharply and stared directly at
Wang An," Are you deliberately unable to get along with me? When did my Cheng Xiao's
approach come to you, Wang An? ! If you have any dissatisfaction, just pull it out, and I will
follow Cheng Xiao! "
Wang An looked at Cheng Xiao and shook his head." I'm not dissatisfied with you, it's just ...
" But what? " Cheng Xiao took a step forward, staring closely at Wang An.
Wang An smiled, "Wait you will know." The
Wuzhi and other people riding this Wuzhi speed is very fast, and the location of the Blade's
headquarters in Yun province is extremely hidden. Even the local people in Yun
province don't know that there is one. Although the Blade has an official background, the
Blade is an underground force, and it will naturally not appear in front of ordinary people.
Among the rain forests in Yun province, there is a tiankeng around the tiankeng, which is
mostly natural and dangerous. Many places are also strictly prohibited by the authorities
and no people are al owed to enter.
There are waterfalls flying around the tiankeng, and the silver and white is the
headquarters of the blade.
The sharp blade headquarters is divided into two parts, the ground and the underground.
When the helicopter came over the sky pit, you can see that the entire sky pit has col apsed
by half, and the smoke rises from the sharp blade headquarters.
thick black smoke rushed to the sky, and the ground structures at the base of the blade
were all turned into ruins.
Quan Feng and others on the plane stared at the scene in the base.
"What the hel is going on?"
Even Cheng Xiao was staring at the base under the plane, his eyes straight.
Looking at Wang An's expression again, it seems that he has known this for a long time.
The helicopter landed slowly. It was originally a beautiful scenery around it. At this time,
the tiankeng collapsed, the waterfall was blocked, the original green hil s turned into ruins,
and there was a strong smel of gunpowder in the air.
Everyone got off the plane.
"What the hel is going on?" Quan Feng glanced around. This is the headquarters of the
Blade, how did it become like this!
Wang An walked in the forefront and looked back at eight people, Xiao Cheng, "I will ask
you again, what are you doing in Yinzhou this time!"
"Team Wang, we really don't understand what you are talking about. Meaning. "A member
of the Full Wind team said anxiously.
"Don't understand?" Wang An rubbed his fingers. "Then I will give you a hint, who are you,
take something that shouldn't belong to you?"
Wang An's words came out, and the seven members of the whole wind team were shocked.
Cheng Xiao's face also became a little unnatural. He had guessed that Wang An might have
stopped himself because of Huo Jing. Now, when I hear it, it really is.
Wang An glanced at several people, "I hope you will tell me well."
Cheng Xiao shook his head, "I don't understand what you are talking about."
Wang An saw a disappointment in his eyes, "Since you don't want to say, don't blame me "
Cheng Xiao's body was tense for a moment," Wil the surname Wang, do you want to do
something with me? "
"Do it to you?" Wang An shook his head. "Relax, it was not me, but them!"
The moment they fell in Wang An's mouth, three figures suddenly struck and went straight
to Cheng Xiao.
The speed of these three figures is extremely fast, and the power brought by them makes
Cheng Xiao's face change dramatical y.
Cheng Xiao didn't have time to think too much, his body flicked forward, tumbling on the
ground, avoiding the sudden attack of these three figures.
Cheng Xiao this time that step three figure looked, to say the identity of three teeth figure:
"The island hidden kill, magnesium country revelation, meaning the country ringleader!"
Three figure in the attack just go towards Xiao Cheng There are obvious signs on his body.
After seeing the three of them, Cheng Xiaochong roared Wang An: "Wang An, you just let
the forces of other countries shoot at the sharp edge at will?"
"It's not that he let it go, he couldn't control it!" Another voice sounded, then, several times
afterwards The figure fell in front of Cheng Xiao and surrounded him.
Cheng Xiao ’s eyes swept over these people one by one, and read their identities in their
mouths, "Fa Kingdom Rizhao, Yingguo Holy God, European Knights ..."
Those who appeared beside Cheng Xiao, their identity in their own country , Are al flush
with the Chinese sharp blade, so many people are now gathered together in the sharp
blade, and then look at the collapsed tiankeng of the sharp blade, which has become the
above-ground base of the ruins. Anyone with a little brain can think of it. It doesn't matter.
Dozens of figures surrounded Cheng Xiao. Looking at these figures, Cheng Xiao couldn't
even rebel against his mind.
Cheng Xiao stood up and shouted: "You unilaterally broke the rules and broke into the
headquarters of the Blade World, which has violated the treaty of the underground world!"
"Hehe." Shen Guo, the god of magnesium country, said, "Now that you are blades, I'm afraid
they are no longer here. The Underworld Treaty is within the scope of protection.
"A treaty that is about to be destroyed, what treaties are you talking about?"
"It's so funny!"
One person after another started to hear Cheng Xiaoyun's fog, what do you mean, the blade
was destroyed?
Cheng Xiao glanced at Wang An and found Wang Anzheng looking at himself with a chill.
"Wang An, if you are the Captain of the Blade, just let these people enter and leave the
headquarters of the Blade at will!"
"Cheng Xiao, you break the balance of the underground world without authorization and
lead the enemy for the blade. Do you know that I can kil at Jingcheng Airport You!
"Wang An walked up with a cold face." I will give you a chance to hand it over now! "
" Oh! Hehe! "Cheng Xiao sneered," Wang An, I'm really the captain of your sharp edge team
Feeling ashamed, I just took a piece of fire crystal. You told me that you were leading the
enemy with a sharp blade? "
Cheng Xiao put his hand in his pocket. Then, a fire crystal the size of a fingernail was taken
out by him. At the moment when the fire crystal appeared, the eyes of everyone around
Cheng Xiao showed a hint of greed, but deeper in this greed, it was a deep fear, because
everyone knows that this fire crystal, Does not belong to any forces present.
Cheng Xiao took this fire crystal in his hand, "Why, Wang An, I got this fire crystal, which
made you uneasy? Do you think your captain position can't be maintained ?" Wang An
shook his head silently, listening to Cheng Xiao It seems that you don't know yet, how
wrong you are in your approach! "
" Wrong? "Cheng Xiao smiled," I got Huojing, was it wrong? "
" Yes! "Wang An yelled," Wrong, wrong! "
" Ridiculous! "Cheng Xiao shouted," I
took Huojing, it was a credit, in your eyes, is it wrong? " " You take Huojing? " Yes, but you
should n’t, and you should n’t, take the Huojing from Guangming Island. Is that something
you can touch? ”Wang An asked loudly.
"The sunny island?" To hear these three words, Xiao Cheng could not help but eyes
showing a touch of awe, "What the sunny island?"
"Cheng Xiao, do not re-instal ed." Kai magnesium kingdom of God who took out a cel phone,
play a In the video, it is the scene where Cheng Xiao snatched Huojing from the future.
"The Fire Crystal of Guangming Island is dedicated to the world, not for the Blade family, I
hope you hand it in!" Shen Qi's person said.
"Hand it over!" The man who concealed the murder also spoke.
"This fire crystal, you have taken it for several hours, long enough, it's time for us!"
A group of forces said, although they said so, but no one really wanted this fire crystal,
Because everyone knows that this fire crystal, if it fal s into the hands of any party, will
cause the group to attack it. The only thing in the world that can control the fire crystal is
the Bright Island. This is a silent tacit agreement, but now The behavior of the sharp blade
is to break this tacit agreement!
"Cheng Xiao, you took Huojing from the hands of the Master of the Eternal King Ring of
Guangming Island. You are really beyond my expectations." Wang An stared at Cheng Xiao.
Cheng Xiao panicked in his heart, "I don't understand what you are saying, I obviously took
it from the Lin Group."
Wang An lowered his voice: "Sylvia, the helm of the Lin Group, is the wife of the Bright
Island. , The wife of Hell King! "
Cheng Xiao, as well as seven people from the Quanfeng team, were shocked.
Wang An said that Sylvia is the wife of the hell king, does that not mean that her husband
Henry is the hell king!
This answer appeared in the hearts of Cheng Xiao eight people, but made them unwilling to
Henry, hell king! The man who claims to be the strongest in the world!
The man of the Magnesium Kingdom opened his mouth: "Cheng Xiao, you are the first
person I have ever dared to snatch from the Lord of the Eternal Ring. I admire your
courage, but your strength, and your courage It's too far away. "
" Eternal King Ring! "Cheng Xiao thought of the future figure. In his mind, it was just a little
girl who had just grown up, and it turned out to be ... the owner of King Ring of Bright
Island! That Henry is really Satan the Devil!
Cheng Xiao glanced back, and the seven members of the Quanfeng Squad looked at Cheng
Xiao. The eyes of these eight people were al with fear. Each of them clamored with Henry.
Cheng Xiao and Shi Yun, as well as Quan Feng, the three, even threatened Henry!
Threatening hell king!
The calves of al three were shaking.
"Cheng Xiao, do you know what the consequences of taking this fire crystal into the
capital?" Wang An asked.
"Consequences ..." Cheng Xiao, who was original y arrogant, was trembling at the moment.
He real y wanted to hand over the Huo Jing. Will the official know that the Huo Jing is from
Guangming Island?
The answer is definitely no. If the official handed it over, wouldn't it just admit something,
but don't pay it? This fire crystal is something that all countries in the world are staring at.
Only Chinese officials will have it in the end. Wil al countries in the world
be happy? ? The consequences that happen at that time are simply not something they can
Thinking of this, Cheng Xiao's back was already wet with cold sweat. He looked at the smal
piece of fire crystal in his hand. Where is the treasure? It is clearly a hot potato.
No one can touch it except Guangming Island!
Cheng Xiao was afraid in his heart, and al his arrogance disappeared after he touched
Guangming Island.
"Team, this ... this ..."
Wang An sneered, "
Master Satan lends Huo Jing to play with you, and he will not go back soon!" Cheng Xiao
heard this, and he stil didn't understand Wang An's Meaning, quickly nodded and said: "I
will go back now, go now!"
Cheng Xiao said, rushing to the plane.
Wang An looked at the Quanfeng Squad, who was stil standing here, and shouted,
"You follow along."
Seven of Quanfeng dare not hesitate and hurried towards the helicopter.
After the eight of them left, Wang An looked at the forces around the world and said:
"Everyone, my vice team brought Huojing, just to make a joke. When I came here today, I
was making a joke with my sharp blade. Should we leave after the opening? "
The forces of various countries came to people's eyes, showing a tacit smile, and turned
away without unnecessary nonsense.
Henry, who was in Yinzhou, was lying comfortably on the bed and was falling asleep.
When Henry woke up, he saw the sky was stil bright, and he was a little dazed. After
reading the table, he realized that it was already ten o'clock the next morning, which made
Henry feel a little weird. Sleeping awkwardly, have you slept for sixteen or seven hours this
time? And there is still a feeling of not sleeping enough.
Henry got up from the bed and came to the living room to see that the three women at
home had already gone, leaving two fried eggs in the incubator.
Henry felt a little warmth in his heart, stuffed the fried egg in his mouth, washed it freely,
and went out. This morning, there was a large autumn job fair to be held. Henry just went
out, just I saw that in front of my house, there were eight people standing in a row, and
some people were stil bandaged.
These eight people are exactly Cheng Xiao and others who came from the Sharp Edge
headquarters yesterday.
When seeing Henry go out, Cheng Xiao's eight people stood straight subconsciously and
looked at Henry with awe in their eyes. Previously, they only thought that Henry was a
slightly ancient Wushu businessman who didn't put it in his eyes at al . Now, they dare not
think so, this one, but God of the entire underground world!
Standing at the forefront, Cheng Xiao smiled at Henry and said: "Mr. Zhang, you have a
Last night, Cheng Xiao and eight people came, and after hearing Sylvia said Henry was
resting, eight of them stood. Waited all night in front of Henry's house.
Henry glanced at the eight people and wondered: "Why, do you think I should belong to
Henry said, rushing to the villa courtyard, "No matter which one you take, take the sports
car directly , Bicycles, it all depends on your mood. We Lin dare not fight against the sharp
edge. "
Henry shook his head and walked out of the compound.
"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang." Seeing that Henry was going, Cheng Xiao quickly ran to Henry and
took out the piece of fire crystal. "Mr. Zhang, look at what you said, how dare we take your
things, Is n’t this just a joke with you, this fire crystal gives you back, and you back. "
" Return me? "Henry saw Cheng Xiao's gesture and knew that the other party must already
know his identity. According to news, the Blade team was ruined by the forces of all
countries in the world. He glanced at the seven people of Quanfeng. When his eyes swept
over Quanfeng and Shiyun, both of them were embarrassed. The smile that day, they were
the most cruel to Henry, and the most ruthless.
"Yes, yes." Cheng Xiao nodded again and again, "This fire crystal returns you, just a joke, I
hope you don't mind."
"Huh." Henry chuckled lightly. "It's really interesting. When you wanted Huojing, al kinds of
threats threatened me, and I was so scared that I elder Yuan shouted people and gave
Huojing to you. Now you say it's just a joke "Do you think I am bullying?"
Henry stared at Cheng Xiao.
Under Henry's eyes, Cheng Xiao only felt as if he had fallen into the ice cel ar, and he was
breathing air all over him, "Zhang ... Mr. Zhang, it doesn't mean that, I ..."
"What are you? This fire crystal was you If you want it, I'l give it to you. If you want to
return it to me, it's just hitting my face. "Henry finished and shook his hand.
Originally wanted to come to Henry, this sharp blade can also fight against it. After all,
Huaxia is the site of the sharp blade. As a result, I did not expect that the helm of this sharp
blade did not give himself the opportunity to use them at all. Don't care about things like
face, this face is not for Guangming Island, but for other organizations at the same level as
the blade.
The practice of sharpening the bachelor made Henry still caught off guard, which has not
yet achieved the effect he wanted.
"You hold Fire Crystal, I don't want it." Henry shook his hand and left.
a few people at Zhang Xian looked at Henry and walked away, all of a sudden panicked and
quickly caught up.
"Mr. Zhang, please, please take it back."
"No!" Henrytou did not return .
"Mr. Zhang, we didn't know Taishan before. You have a lot of adults, don't worry about us,
Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang ..." Cheng Xiao said non-stop after Henry.
Henry, who was striding meteorically, stopped his pace suddenly, turned around and
stared at Cheng Xiao.
At this moment, Cheng Xiao felt that he was being stared at by a pre-historic beast that had
just awakened. The pressure like the dumping of the mountain made him talk to the throat,
but he couldn't spit out his life, and his legs could not help but tremble.
Henry looked at Cheng Xiao and said, "I said it, don't! You don't joke about my words!"
Henry finished and turned away.
Henry just turned his head, Cheng Xiao's legs softened, and he fell to the ground, breathing
heavily, and looked at Henry's back with awe in his eyes. Is this the Devil Satan? Just a
glance makes me feel unable to breathe!
"Cheng Team, what should I do now?" Quan Feng came forward with a sad face.
Cheng Xiao shook his head, and now, he nothing can be done, even under Henry it a look, he
even again face Henry courage are inadequate, "the king team to report it."
All wind seven people, you look at me , I look at you, my eyes are full of complexities, if it
wasn't for me to wait for so many things to come out, how could there be trouble now?
Henry did not have any interest in what these people like to do. He hummed a little song
and came to the Yinzhou Convention and Exhibition Center.
The convention and exhibition center is the place where the car house exhibition is usually
held. It covers an area of 160,000 square meters and is divided into five exhibition areas.
Each exhibition area has two floors. This autumn job fair can be held here, showing its large
Secretary Li Na told Henry that this is the biggest job fair this fal .
By the time Henry arrived here, the entire exhibition center was already full of people.
The age stage of candidates ranged from fresh graduates to those in their 40s and 50s.
Everyone took their resumes to find the most suitable position for them.
The recruiting companies are large and small, including Lin, Zhou, Hengyuan, and ordinary
restaurants and restaurants.
The position occupied by large companies such as Lin is the most conspicuous place in the
Convention and Exhibition Center and the place with the most applicants. Lin ’s reputation
in Yinzhou is still treated. Recognize the second. No company dares to recognize the first.
"Mr. Zhang, you are here." When
Henry came here, people from Lin and Hengyuan came to recruit and greeted Henry.
"Huh." Henry nodded his head, and manager Chen of the Chong Lin's personnel department
asked, "Where is my booth?"
Manager Chen pointed to Henry, in a conspicuous position, writing Hengcheng Security
Four Big print.
Henry glanced at his recruitment booth of Hengcheng Security, which was almost one-third
of the entire Lin's, and it was a bit too wasteful. You should know that in this exhibition
center, except for some extremely free booths In addition, every other booth is money. It is
one thing to lack money, and it is another thing to not waste.
"That manager Chen, I will hire someone. I can't use such a large booth. You can arrange
someone to go there. I'll find a place for myself." Henry said to Manager Chen and walked
over to him, giving Secretary Li The prepared display racks and chairs are al placed on the
table and uniformly held to the side.
Manager Chen didn't talk much to Henry, they were all an enterprise. There were not so
many polite things, and they arranged for someone to use Henry's position.
Henry held a table, looked around, and finally saw a free booth and sat down there.
Anyway, recruit a front desk, you can sit anywhere.
However, Henry found that he somewhat underestimated the spirit of the young people
now. He set a salary of 3,500 yuan a month and sat for two hours. None of them came to
Originally, Henry thought that it would be possible to get things done in a while, and no one
was hired until lunch.
Secretary Li Na original y meant that Lin would directly recruit individuals and send them
to Henry, but Henry did not agree. The nature of his Hengcheng security is not the same as
that of ordinary security companies. In terms of things, Henry stil intends to personal y
When lunch arrived, the convention center was not short of people. Henry waited for noon,
but waited for several people. He was also interested in the monthly salary of 3,500, but
Henry refused.
Because the diploma required by Henry must be above graduate student.
"Sick, graduate student to come to Taiwan? Is Lin's bad or Hengyuan bad?"
"That is, I think you are crazy, this is the same as wanting to buy a Mercedes-Benz S600
with 600 yuan. "
" I see you recruit, fools come to you! "
The person who was rejected by Henry spoke loudly in front of Henry's recruitment
Listening to the words of these people, Henry did not refute. He also knows that his salary
of 3,500 is difficult to recruit a graduate student. Henry is not bad at this point. He pressed
his salary to this level for a reason. of.
Henry has attended many job fairs, large and small. Henry has seen too many talents of al
kinds in the world. His purpose is to find the kind of talents who are unique.
In Henry's eyes, this company's front desk is not just a regular front desk job. This Yinzhou
branch of Hengcheng Security, sooner or later in Yinzhou, will become the existence of an
office, and this time the selected front desk, To have the ability to be unique in a short time.
Talents have never been solicited, but have been discovered and accumulated in life.
This is also Henry's work habit.
Sitting until 4 pm, many job seekers at the Convention and Exhibition Center knew that
there was a security company cal ed Hengcheng. With a monthly salary of 3,500, they
recruited a front desk with a graduate diploma. Anyone who knew the news would know
nothing. Scolded mercilessly with a mental disability.
Henry glanced at the time, and it was only an hour away. Today's job fair was over. He
shook his head. It seemed that there was no talent he needed for this job fair.
Just as Henry was about to forget it today, a timid looking boy, holding a crumpled resume
in his hand, came down with his head down.
"Hello ... Hello, are you recruiting here?"
Henry looked at the boy's movements and glanced at the other person's resume, his mouth
slightly widened, and he seemed to have found the person he was looking for.
Henry Zhang looked at this cowardly boy, "What's the name?" The boy replied: "Zu Xian."
Henry took a look at Zu Xian's resume, Said: "The job is the company's front desk. The
monthly salary is 3,500. Is it acceptable?"
"Yes, yes ." Zu Xian nodded again and again, a cowardly expression on his cowardly face.
"Yo! Isn't this Zu Xian!"
"That's why is it here?"
"This is our math genius, how to find a front desk job as soon as we graduate?" A few
mocking voices sounded on the side.
When Henry looked aside, he saw a group of men and women, looking at Zu Xian with a
sneering face. Looking at the appearance of this group of men and women, they were al
fresh graduates.
Zu Xian scratched his head and said, "I can't find a job."
"Then I can't find it. Just like you, a nerd, who wants you? You're fit to stay in school all your
life and become a role model for teachers, ha ha ha ha! Those students made no secret of
their laughter.
"Go for a while, and seeing our math genius find a job with a monthly salary of 3,500, I feel
relieved." A boy waved his hand and walked to the other side, while not forgetting to say,
"Oh, yes, we I just passed Lin ’s written test. If there is no accident, I may go to work in Lin
in the future. Gee, the internship salary is 3,500, and there are five insurances and one gold.
The prospect is even more unlimited, unlike some people. ""
Zu Xian heard their words and lowered his head without saying a word.
Henry took out a questionnaire and a neutral pen and put it in front of Zu Xian, "Come on,
fill this in, if there are no questions, you will be admitted."
Zu Xian looked at the questionnaire Henry took , Hardly thinking, he wrote down.
Henry looked at Zu Xian's movements, and the smile on the corners of his mouth became
larger and larger.
Although Zu Xian's resume is a graduate degree, it is also clearly stated that Zu Xian's
scores, except for the mathematics, are all failing, which is a serious partiality, but Zu Xian
The mathematics talent is so good that the school made an exception for him to study.
The talent Henry needs is Zu Xian. In one aspect, he has a genius far more than ordinary
In Henry's worldview, although a person's academic qualifications cannot determine a
person's achievements, they can determine his vision for seeing things and his logical
thinking ability in dealing with an event.
This is also the reason why Henry needs a graduate degree. Similarly, he also needs to find
a person who is particularly stubborn in one side. Only such a person can meet the
existence relationship of Henry, a Hengcheng security branch.
Henry's questionnaire has no fixed answers or answers that Henry must be satisfied with.
What he looks at is not what kind of answers Zu Xian can give, but what he sees.
Zu Xian is looking at these decision-making questions The attitude when answering is
indecision or determination. Henry wants the latter, which happens to be that Zu Xian's
performance is not indecision.
As for the salary of 35,000, it is a demarcation point specially drawn by Henry, and it is also
a dividing line for screening. Those who can choose Henry ’s monthly salary of 35,000 with
a graduate degree are very clear that they need it most now. What kind of person is like Zu
Xian, he is very clear that he only needs a job now, and what he needs later is a question
that will be considered after he gets the job.
and the rest of the people, before getting a job, they will first consider what this job will
bring them, and what kind of promotion they have.
There is no problem with these two ideas, and seriously, the second method is the most
correct one, but Henry exactly needs the person with the first idea.
When a person understands what he wants now, has the decisive decision-making ability,
and at the same time has the achievements on the one hand, as long as there is a good
platform, this person's future achievements are incalculable.
As it happens, Henry can provide such a platform.
Soon, Zu Xian fil ed out the questionnaire taken by Henry and awaited the result.
Henry didn't look at the questionnaire, and directly said: "You are accepted, follow me."
Hearing this, Zu Xian's eyes showed strong excitement and followed behind Henry.
Henry took Zu Xian and walked directly to the place where Lin was recruiting.
The few people who had just ridiculed Zu Xian all stood on the Lin's side. Everyone took a
form and filled his face excitedly on the table.
When they saw Zu Xian coming here, these people all looked at Zu Xian.
"It appears that the work of our great genius of mathematics is laid down."
"Gee, I thought great genius today to find what work it in the end is a foreground ah, three
thousand five wages enough to do it?"
"Wage It ’s okay to be less, mainly as a front desk? How can I be a front desk all my life!

Various voices sounded, full of ridicule.
Zu Xian followed Henry without saying a word, and ignored these mocking voices.
Henry also automatically blocked the sarcasm of those people. The manager of the
personnel department of Chong Lin beckoned, "Mr. Chen, please come."
Manager Chen of the personnel department immediately ran over, "Mr. Zhang, you said."
"This Zu Xian, you help me arrange the entry procedures, in my shop, the monthly salary is
3,500, yes ..." Henry suddenly turned around Xiang Zuxian, "Where does your family live?"
"Xiangheyuan." Zu Xian said a community name.
Henry thought for a moment, and thought of where the community was, still far away from
the company, and asked: "Wil you drive?"
Zu Xian nodded, "
Yes ." Manager Henry waved, "That Give another car, 800 yuan per month, that's it. "
" Okay. "Manager Chen nodded and walked in front of Zu Xian," Mr. Zu, please come here. "
Those who just mocked Zu Xian , Sitting next to him, with a big mouth open, they just saw
Henry ’s recruitment position. What he thought in his mind at that time was that this
person must be a lunatic and a mentally disabled. They didn't bother to look at Henry more,
but they didn't expect that this person was Lin's! And looking at what he ordered from the
personnel manager, his status should not be low.
A student couldn't help but ask the Lin staff next to him, "Dude, who is he, and manager
Chen listens to him?"
Lin staff replied: "That's Mr. Zhang, our husband's husband, Zhang. Although Mr. did n’t
spend much time in the company, we always have to listen to the decisions he made, so you
will have to keep
your eyes open when you are in the company. "
listening to the Lin employee, the students of Zu Xian, each with their eyes widened, did not
expect that sitting in the corner to recruit people Henry, a person who is scolded by the
brain in his own heart, has such a status. If he already knows, he has already
applied for it. This directly gives Lin's treatment, and he is also equipped with a car. The
most important thing is that it attracts But not an ordinary employee, but the same
existence as Mr. Zhang's secretary, and there is absolutely no future in the future.
A group of people with postgraduate qualifications like Zu Xian, the intestines are regretted
at this moment, just now, why don't you know how to ask up!
What they don't know is that even if they ask, they won't be selected by Henry.
What Henry needs is some stubborn people. Obviously, they are not.
After Zu Xian completed the on-boarding procedures, Henry took Zu Xian out of the
convention center and walked towards his store. On the way, Henry told Zu Xian about the
main work content, such as taking some tasks and maintaining the rating. Take a look at the
set of ratings that Anna sent to himself.
The rating is divided into five stars in total, and Hengcheng, as a five-star security, receives
at least twelve five-star tasks and twenty-four four-star tasks every year. There is no fixed
rating method for this task. It will be unified when it is entered into the system. score.
In general, it is the hurdle set by some security companies in the security company
Henry found that Zu Xian's rating of this kind of task was very thorough, and his talent in
mathematics made his logical thinking ability far beyond ordinary people.
In this way, Henry was also completely relieved. Some Zu Xian looked at the store and
screened the task, so he didn't have to worry too much about himself. Hengcheng Security
was able to operate completely autonomously.
Now, Henry arranges 300 people, does not evade the official sight, protects Sylvia and
others in a fair and upright manner, and he can do other things with peace of mind, for
example, to investigate the Divine Heaven!
At six o'clock in the afternoon, Henryhuang walked steadily home, still on the road, he
received a cal from Sylvia.
"Her husband, you come to Hongqiaohui now, something is wrong." Sylvia's voice, with a
trace of anxiety.
"I'l be here soon."
Hongqiao Hui is considered to be the top private club in Yinzhou. Hongqiao is divided into
three floors, the first and second floors will be open to the public, and only people with
certain status can come on the third floor.
The entire Hongqiaohui, the magnificent decoration, here implements a membership
system, if you want to spend here, just one year's membership fee is 150,000, which is not
counted as some of the remaining consumption.
When Henry came to Hongqiaohui, the parking lot in front of Hongqiaohui was full of
luxury cars.
The vermilion door gives people a sense of wealth and pressure.
Henry came to the door of the clubhouse. Secretary Li Na was already waiting at the door.
Otherwise, Henry could not come in because of the membership mechanism of
"What happened to Sylvia?" Henry asked when he saw Secretary Li.
Secretary Li shook his head. "It's about Shang Yiman. Today I held a press conference here.
She ..."
Secretary Li had not finished speaking, and heard Sylvia's voice coming from the club.
"Henrylai Was it? "As
soon as the voice fell, an anxious Sylvia appeared in Henry's eyes.
Henry Sylvia waved his hand, "wife, what's wrong, that Shang Yiman has become a demon
"Let's talk while walking." Sylvia stepped forward, took Henry's arm, and walked into the
clubhouse, "Shang Yiman played a TV series before, playing the role of a doctor, just When
the reporter interviewed, she said she had medical skil s, and then ... "
Henry raised her eyebrows," Then the reporter asked questions on the spot, she couldn't
answer them? "
" Well. "Sylvia pursed her lips and nodded. , "As you know, reporters, they are very
sensitive to the topic, and now they are al talking about Shang Yiman's medical skil s."
Henry pouted, and this woman real y can do things.
Following Sylvia, I came all the way to the third floor of the clubhouse. At the door of the
third floor, countless reporters were surrounded, holding microphones and cameras.
Henry looked around and did not see the shadow of Shang Yiman.
The reporters rushed to the camera and said: "The popular star Shang Yiman, who has
exposed himself with medical skills, played the role of a surgeon at the same time. He
also appeared in person. Later, Shang Yiman will be displayed in front of you. Please wait
and see."
One reporter after another, some are recording, some are live.
Sylvia took Henry and walked in through the back door of the third floor.
The third floor of the clubhouse is very private and divided into compartments. At this
moment, Henrygang entered the third floor lobby and heard the yell of Shang Yiman from a
temporary make-up room and the voice of Lin ’s public relations manager. .
"Ms. Shang, please don't worry, we will deal with this matter as soon as possible."
"Handle? How do you deal with it!" Shang Yiman pointed at the public relations manager
and scolded loudly, "I can't figure out, how do you do public relations? , What should the
reporter ask, what should n’t you ask, have n’t you arranged? Hmm? Who asked them to
ask those questions? "
" Ms. Ke Shang, you suddenly said that you know doctors, which is not in our plan ... "
"How can I do it for you to talk about it!" Shang Yiman's angry voice sounded, "Now, it's up
to you to think about how you should deal with this matter, instead of asking me why I said
these things! Are you a food bucket?" "
Sounds of scolding spread into Henry's ears, Henry's brow furrowed, this is Shang Yiman's
temper, really not small, he pushed open the door of the dressing room, walked into the
house, saw Shang Yiman lying On a deck chair, two young girls stood behind her and
rubbed her shoulders for her.
Lin's public relations team stood in front of Shang Yiman, all with his head down.
"What's going on?" Henry asked loudly.
"Do you come from?" Is stil a Man saw Henry, immediately sat up from the couch, "Lin boss
you do! I'm not saying this to make the driver to open it? How not open!"
Lin The public relations team looked at each other.
Sylvia, who entered the room behind Henry, also frowned slightly, and said, "What are we
doing in Lin's? It's not up to you to control. Let's talk about the current problem.
What are you going to do with it?" Shang Yiman was angry, "Your Lin's kindly asked me
how to deal with it? I don't care, this time, you Lin's give me a solution, how should you tell
the media, you can do it yourself, I just want the result!"
" Secretary Li! "Henry shouted," Going to those media, Shang Yiman is for eyeballing,
intentionally saying that he understands medicine, in fact, he will not do anything, go! "
" Dare you! "Shang Yiman behind Assistant Zhou stepped up.
Assistant Zhou stood aside, looked at the situation on the field, patted her chest, and saw
that the time was approaching, she was afraid of out-of- festival branches, and immediately
went up, "Everyone , I ’l be here today. If you have any other questions, please ask later. "
Assistant Zhou pushed the reporters’ microphones away. Shang Yiman still had a taste that
was still unexplained. Every time I answered a question, I saw The amazing eyes of the
reporters and the cheers from the fans gave her a sense of accomplishment.
Assistant Zhou is also very happy about such a result. She can think of Shang Yiman's worth
rising again after this incident. The brokerage company is happy, and the benefits it
receives will not be less.
Henry took off the headset.
"Her husband, you are working hard." Sylvia stood behind Henry and looked at Henry with
"What's hard, isn't it just a few words." Henry waved his hand. He just stood up and saw the
door of the dressing room being pushed open.
Shang Yiman raised his head high, and like a proud white swan, strode into the dressing
room without looking at Henry. He rushed to the manager of the public relations
department and said, "Okay, let's arrange the car. Is dinner ready? , I'm exhausted after a
busy day. I don't want to see this happen again in the future, you Lin's pay attention! "
" It's arranged, the car is downstairs. "The public relations manager quickly replied, and
then quickly Arrange the person, take Shang Yiman to leave here.
"Wife, let's go too. That day I promised to take her to the children's playground every day,
just today." Henry took Sylvia's hand and walked outside.
Sylvia blushed with a single face. Although she had long believed that Henry, the
relationship between the two was getting better and better, but the intimate movement of
holding hands was stil rarely done in front of outsiders, not to mention there were So many
own employees.
Can be ashamed, Sylvia still let Henry pull so out of the clubhouse.
Sylvia's car was parked outside the clubhouse. Henry drove and took Sylvia with him.
He first returned to Lin's to meet Jennytian every day.
Just stopped the car in front of the Lin ’s building, Henry saw a number of figures standing
in front of the Lin ’s door, a total of nine people, waiting in front of the Lin ’s door, eight of
them, Henry met in the morning, it was Cheng Xiao He Quan's team, the only one
remaining, is the chief of the blade, Wang An.
Henrygang got out of the car, and Wang An and others came over.
"Mr. Zhang, hel o." Wang An walked at the front and greeted Henry politely.
Sylvia glanced and said very sensiblely: "Her husband, you are busy first, just happened to
deal with something in the company, I will deal with you after I have dealt with it."
After that, Sylvia strode upstairs to the company.
"Mr. Zhang, our team members, young and frivolous, not sensible, offended you, and hope
you have a large number of adults, don't know them in general." Wang An compensated
with a smile, and this afternoon, he can be worried Broken, when he learned that Cheng
Xiao did not return Huo Jing back in the morning, Wang An rushed to Yinzhou as soon as
You know, this fire crystal is now a hot potato. It will be more dangerous if you take it for
another minute. If this fire crystal really wants to go back, Wang An absolutely believes that
there will be no less than 20 top underground forces. Finding the sharp blade, what kind of
consequences will there be at that time, Wang An dare not imagine, I am afraid that the
sharp blade will be destroyed, that is the lightest!
Wang An turned his back and glared at Quan Feng. Several people said, "Hurry, apologize to
Mr. Zhang!"
"Mr. Zhang, how much offended you before. Please forgive me ."
The rest of the team members also bowed their heads and apologized, sincerely.
Their arrogant attitude towards Henry before, and those words they said, now look back,
like a hard slap in the face, hitting in the face.
Wang An reached out and took out the Huojing. "Mr. Zhang, would you please accept it?"
Henry glanced at the Huojing in Wang An's hand and said, "It's okay to accept it. It's just a
joke, let me People came from Guangming Island overnight and gave you the crystal of fire.
Now that you say no, do you have to pay some tolls? Otherwise, no one else will step on our
Guangming Island and shit? "
" Compensation, sure To compensate. "Wang An nodded again and again," Mr. Zhang, as
long as our sharp blade can do it. "
Henry stretched out a finger," Information, I have to know everything about the
investigation of the divine heaven. "
" This ... "Wang An showed a little embarrassment on his face. The sacred heaven has been
classified as the top secret. All the investigation results are of SSS confidential level!
"Why not?" Henry smiled at the corner of his mouth.
Wang An took a deep breath, "Mr. Zhang, we accept!"
"Smart." Henry snapped his fingers, took the fire crystal from Wang An, and strode away.
Looking at Henry's back, Wang An and others were relieved.
"A few of you!" Wang Anzheng Xiao and Quanfeng shouted. "Everyone went back and wrote
me a check. Within six months, they must not perform any tasks and participate in the
reconstruction of the base!"
Cheng Xiao and others looked back and forth , Al saw bitterness in the other person's eyes.
Henry sat in the Lin's hal and waited for a while. The three women at home took an
elevator down the stairs at the same time.
"Dad!" Every day he rejoiced and ran towards Henry.
Henry embraced Tian Tian in his arms, "Go, Dad takes you to the paradise!"
Sylvia and Jenny, standing next to each other, looked at the smile on Henry's face and
smiled at each other.
The happy hour of the night passed by the laughter of a family member. After returning
home at night, Henry didn't even bother to take off his clothes and plunged directly into the
bed. His eyelids could hardly be lifted.
When playing outside, he felt extremely tired, and he lay down on the bed, his drowsiness
struck like water.
As the night grew deeper, Henry made a symmetrical breathing sound, and the fire crystal
in his pocket exuded a faint light, one light and one dark.
The next day, Henry woke up in a glare of sunlight and looked at the time shown in the
clock on the wall. It was almost eleven. He shook his head and washed his face. The three
people in the house had all left. .
Henry took out his mobile phone, and dozens of missed cal s were printed in Henry's eyes,
all from Ferrace.
Henrygang was going to call Ferreth back, and the phone rang again, or Ferris called.
"Boss, something serious is happening in the underground world!" Ferris's solemn voice
rang on the phone. "Last night, there were a total of seven first-level underground forces,
who were concerned about the country, Ying country, and the Indian country.
Send people to investigate, and the results will come back. We guess that it is a kind of hand
that is similar to the existence of the clan. "
similar to the clan organization?
Henry had been thinking about a problem before. If there is a clan in China, it has existed
since ancient times.
Then the rest of the country will certainly have such forces handed down from ancient
times, but they do not know how they will be passed on.
Now, the clan suddenly shows signs of birth, and the inheritance forces of the rest of the
country have also beheaded their heads. This must not be due to coincidence, so that these
mysterious forces have all appeared.
But what is it for?
Henry frowned.
In the process of Henry's thinking, Ferreth's voice rang again on the phone.
"Boss, the boy from Wade White was recently asked to investigate an incident in Yun
province. According to him, this incident may be related to the birth of the clan recently.
You can contact him."
"You continue to bite those mysterious consortia, what's the matter? Move and tel me the
first time. "Henry Ferris said.
After finishing the call with Ferreis, Henry thought about it and stil did not contact Wade
White. If anything was found, Wade White would definitely report it to him as soon as
After getting up and tidying up a bit, Henry received a cal from Sylvia.
"Husband, do you want to go to the film and television city?"
"The film and television city?" Henry was a little dumbfounded by Sylvia.
"Yeah, today we organized filming in the film and television city, do you want to play
Although Henry didn't see Sylvia, according to the tone of Sylvia's words, she can also think
of the expression of emotion on the woman's face Meaning, Sylvia also wanted to play
around in the film and television city.
Think about Sylvia's usual working state, almost no spare time.
"OK, wife, are you going to wait for me first?" Henry agreed.
Sylvia's voice was a little more excited, "then there is work to be arranged, I will go to
arrange it first, you can come over at noon."
Henry first went to the Hengcheng Security Branch he opened and glanced at it. To the
movie city.
The film and television city is regarded as a landmark tourist attraction in Yinzhou. Many
classic film and television dramas are filmed here. On holidays, there will be many people
who play Zixia and Supreme Treasure in the film and television city. It is also a scenery.
Today is not a holiday. There are not many people in the film and television city. The cool
weather makes people feel comfortable.
In the film and television city, a crew is busy, not a film or TV series, but an endorsement
The crew of the crew was busy in the morning, and Sylvia stood in the crew, Liu Mei
wrinkled slightly.
"Substitute! Substitute it? To fix a!"
"Director, substitute the drama has been finished, he sent people to make up a miss is still
positive on the line."
"People? Make a positive call it a day."
"Not to "
" Haven't come yet? Didn't you say it came at eight in the morning? It's noon now! "
The dialogue between the director and the camera can be heard by almost everyone in the
"What about people? What's the matter?" Sylvia asked Secretary Li.
"Already cal ed on the phone, the other party is on the way." Secretary Li grabbed the
phone and answered.
At 12:30 in the noon, Henryhuang came to the film and television city, saw Lin's crew at a
glance, strode over, and found Sylvia in the crew.
"Wife, are you busy? Let's have a meal together and then turn around?" Henry Sylvia said.
Sylvia shook his head, "It's not yet, you sit down for a break first. There's still a shot left.
It's finished when Shang Yiman comes."
"Wel , OK." Henry found a place to sit down.
Sylvia urged Secretary Li to command: "Secretary Li, let's arrange everyone's lunch first,
and let everyone rest." After
al the scenes are finished, there is only Shang Yiman left to make up a few positive face
shots, everyone is waiting in the crew. With.
Two o'clock in the afternoon.
"Secretary Li, did you cal again?" Sylvia glanced at his watch, his brow furrowed even more.
"Ask, the other party said to go out, and it was almost time." Secretary Li replied.
"Going out? Didn't you just say that
you're almost there !" Secretary Li smiled bitterly. She just conveyed what Shang Yiman
told her, and she couldn't ask the extra.
At four o'clock in the afternoon, there was stil no figure of Shang Yiman in the film and
television city. Secretary Li cal ed the phone again, and it was already unanswered.
Henry leaned back in his seat, feeling that time was passing by, and the day was so
"Her husband, I'm afraid I can't go around with you today." Sylvia walked to Henry to sit
down, and Qiao's face was ful of apologies.
Henry grabbed Sylvia's catkins, "It's alright, wife, as long as you can stay with you."
Sylvia blushed pretty.
"That's right." Henry asked, "Wife, do you have to use this Shang Yiman, can't you change
another artist?"
Sylvia shook his head, "Although Lin's development is getting better and better, he can
always In the third-tier cities, we have no contact with most entertainment companies.
The second- and third-tier artists are very pleased, but the first-tier, the schedule is very
full, we need to re-arrange, our new product release is also imminent, we ca n’t wait at al
The most suitable person, her own image is consistent with our company's products, and
her fan group type is also our defined consumer group. "
Henry thought about it for a while, "Wife, I know a few people, otherwise I will find them
for you to try?" Henry looked at this Shang Yimanguang to take a shot, all of them doing so
many things, grinning She also likes to play big names. At the press conference later, she
will also come forward as a spokesperson. I do n’t know how much trouble. If Sylvia wants
to, just change a few artists.
"Do you know any artists? Who?" Sylvia asked curiously.
"In fact, it's not just an artist, a star, a racer ..." Henry glanced at it, just saw a poster, and
pointed his finger. "Just that, I remember singing, he can do it too." "
Lin Xuan Han subconsciously refers to the direction along the Zhang looked at, mouth flew
open and get the boss:" he ...... husband, could you cal ed him, he's the world's top singers,
ah, his album sales worldwide Reached 600 mil ion! "
" Yes, if you think he can, I will arrange to bring him over, and it will be there in a few
hours. There are a few more. "Henry took out his phone and transferred a few photos to
Sylvia .
Sylvia looked at the photos on Henry ’s mobile phone, “Husband, these people, each of them
is standing at the top of the industry. Their fans can be in more than one country.
That ’s global and has huge influence! You can really put They cal ed it? "
Henry smiled," Wife, it's not me who called them, it's me who said a word, they are fighting.
Sylvia heard Henry's words
. Looking at Henry, he didn't say anything for a long time. After a while, he said: "Her
husband, is this the power of the hel king."
"What a hel monarch." Henryyi covered his head. "Wife, you choose one, who will come
"Then ..." Sylvia pondered, if in the past, any of the stars Henry said, just come to one.
Let Sylvia not hesitate to agree, and now let her choose one of so many people, it real y
makes her a little difficult to decide, which can not bear to let go.
Sylvia ran aside and discussed with Lin ’s planning department. It took nearly half an hour
before Sylvia made a choice. She chose a Chinese female artist in her thirties:
"Her husband, or else Right. "
" Uh ... "Henry's face was embarrassed.
"What's wrong with her husband, is it difficult? It's okay to change one. These people come
at random, the effect is many times stronger than that of Shang Yiman."
"No." Henry shook his head, "wife, I think you are a little difficult Election, I just informed
people, let them all come. "
" All ... al here? "Rao ShiSylvia, when he heard this, he was a little stunned. The world's top
stars put together, which is enough for the world's highest red carpet scale. Now, it
’s al called now, to make an endorsement ad for Lin?
Henry got up from the chair and took Sylvia's little hand, "Come on, wife, I'l ask someone to
arrange the helicopter to come here. I'm afraid they will have to spend a few hours. In these
few hours, we will go around Right. "In a private spa club in Yinzhou.
Shang Yiman comfortably lay on the massage table and closed his eyes to enjoy.
Assistant Zhou holds a tablet and sits aside, "Yiman, after the press conference yesterday,
we successfully reached the top of the hot search, just cal ed the brokerage company, I am
afraid that your worth this time, you have to raise it up. A lot. "
"? This is just the beginning of it, is it now". "Oh," Man is still a gentle smile, Zhou assistant
looked under the arm, back and said:. "Four o'clock"
"Oh, and about that a few Lin Click here? "
" At eight o'clock in the morning. "
" Wait, wait till six o'clock, you remember to call me. "Shang Yiman finished, laying his
hands on his abdomen, lying quietly , No longer speak, after a while, sounded a symmetrical
breath, apparently asleep.
Assistant Zhou glanced at the missed cal s on her mobile phone. There were more than a
dozen, al from Secretary Li. She carelessly threw the mobile phone aside and lay
comfortably on a massage bed. , Closed his eyes and rested.
In the film and television city, Sylvia asked Secretary Li to arrange for everyone to take a
rest, and then shoot at about 7 pm. After all the explanations were made, he and Henry
turned away.
The two have n’t enjoyed such a long time together. They walked hand in hand in the film
and television city. Sylvia was like a curious little girl, wanting to see everything, trying to
try everything, unconsciously , The sky gradually darkened.
At seven o'clock in the fal , the evening glow had gone.
A GMC drove into the film and television city and stopped in front of Lin's crew.
Shang Yiman walked down from the babysitter's car and looked at the crew with some
empty eyes, frowning and yelling: "What's the matter? People? Come and make up!"
Originally waited until seven o'clock. There are already some sleepy crew members, and
when they look at Shang Yiman, they all have a happy look on their faces. As long as one or
two shots are added, today ’s affairs will be over, and everyone can get off work. The work
that can be done at 12 noon is now dragged on for seven hours, making everyone tired.
"Miss Shang, the makeup artist is ready, please here." Lin's public relations manager
stepped forward and spoke to Shang Yiman.
"Wait, don't worry first." Shang Yiman embraced his chest with both hands.
Public Relations Manager mind a slightly Deng, a hint of bad feeling, open asked:
"Shang Miss, do you have any plans?"
"Did not make arrangements, but I would like to ask you Lin, but also point face?
"Shang Yiman sneered from the corner of his mouth."
"Miss Shang, I don't understand what you mean." The PR manager shook his head.
"Huh." Shang Yiman sneered, "I don't understand what I mean, or pretend to be stupid?
Since yesterday, my popularity has been ranked first in the hot search list. You Lin still use
the previous price. Please let me speak. This price may be too low. "
" This ... "the PR manager opened his mouth." Miss Shang, we have the contract first, not to
mention your heat, it is our Lin ... "
"Shut up!" Shang Yiman shouted and stopped the PR manager. "How about my heat? It was
all made by Shang Yiman. It has nothing to do with your Lin's ass. Call me now.
President Lin, the endorsement fee should be at least doubled, otherwise this endorsement
will be forgotten! "
The crew of the crew invited by Lin and the staff of Lin all looked at Shang Yiman with al his
eyes Some anger.
Yesterday, what happened to Lin ’s staff was aware of it. If Mr. Zhang did not come forward
to help him out, Shang Yiman ’s reckless way of speaking, although it was also the top
search, but it was absolutely infamous Now, she is okay, holding her heat to threaten Lin,
temporarily asking for a price increase! Such an approach really makes people angry.
The public relations manager took a deep breath and calmed down the angry mood, and
said: "Miss Shang, you might do something wrong. We had an agreement before, you ..."
"What am I!" Shang Yiman interrupted the public relations manager impatiently, and gave
the public relations manager a fierce glance, "Tel you President Lin, if you don't agree to my
request, let her find someone again, I will have it tomorrow morning I received a reply. If I
am not satisfied, I will go back to Beijing! "
Shang Yiman's voice just fell, and a voice rang from the side.
"Don't be tomorrow, just come back now."
The person speaking was Henry.
Sylvia and Henry walked together.
"What are you talking about?" Shang Yiman saw the person who was talking, wondering if
he had heard it wrong, "You said, let me go back now?"
"Why, am I slurred?" Henry smiled gently. "Now get out!"
Zhou Assistant yelled at Henry loudly, "When will it be your turn to get a driver here!"
Assistant Zhou finished speaking, looking at Sylvia, waiting for Sylvia to reply .
Sylvia smiled slightly, "He is not a driver, but my husband, what he said represents Lin's
decision, so now you two can pack up and leave."
Sylvia finished
, turned his head to the side, and no longer looked at Shang Yiman and Assistant Zhou.
Sylvia's words, for Shang Yiman and Assistant Zhou, was like a thunder on the ground.
They did not expect that the driver in this eyes was actual y Sylvia's husband and Lin's
decision maker!
In this way, from the moment they got off the plane, the two of them were in conflict with
Lin's decision-makers.
Assistant Zhou's face is a bit ugly. The two of them did not really want to flip their faces
with Lin, but they just wanted to get the most benefit. If they completely fel out with Lin, it
would be no good for them either. The brokerage company will definitely find themselves.
Assistant Zhou glanced at Shang Yiman.
Shang Yiman raised his head and did not go to see Assistant Zhou. The meaning was
obvious. Let Assistant Zhou handle the matter by herself. She couldn't put down anything
to say.
Assistant Zhou said to Sylvia: "Mr. Lin, are you sure you want to cancel cooperation with
us? You have to know that our family Yiman is now ranked first in the hot search list.
Her influence can help you Lin. Bringing huge benefits, if this time ... "
Assistant Zhou did not finish, he was interrupted by Sylvia.
Sylvia looked at Assistant Zhou frostyly, "I think, what I just said is already very clear.
My husband's words represent Lin's decision. Please leave immediately, now!"
Listen to Sylvia's decisiveness At the tone of voice, Assistant Zhou panicked at once.
She looked at Shang Yiman subconsciously, and there was some confusion in Shang Yiman's
eyes, but her pride made her not express.
What Lin's showing now is that Shang Yiman and Assistant Zhou didn't think of it at all.
They haven't done anything about the price increase on the spot. In the past, those
companies would also compromise in a bargain, but Lin's The attitude is really beyond
their expectation. Lin's contract was signed with the brokerage company, and now it's
really time to go. Even if they break the contract privately and the brokerage company is
guilty, they can't eat well.
"Mr. Lin, I think it ’s better for everyone to be rich with qi. We, Yiman, are also for your
consideration. You think about it. Now we are the first in the hot search list. If her
endorsement fee is passed out, Yiman ’s What will the fans say? You will think that if you do
n’t take Yiman in your eyes, if you are serious, you will collectively condemn Lin
’s products and boycott Lin ’s products, which is not good for Lin ’s. More prices, just add a
little bit. "Assistant Zhou's tone is much softer.
"Get out of here." Henry waved his hands impatiently.
Now Assistant Zhou is afraid to tell Henry to take the initiative to say anything. After al , her
monk ’s previous behavior has already given Henry the offense, and can only put hope on
"Mr. Lin, you really should consider this aspect of what I said." Assistant Zhou continued to
work hard. "If Lin can ignore this negative impact, we can go according to the previous
agreement. I will bring a man Go to make up. "
Assistant Zhou finished, not waiting for Sylvia to say more, and quickly took Shang Yiman
to the temporary make-up room set up next to him.
"Quickly, make up and make up, everyone will get off work soon after finishing shooting."
Assistant Zhou greeted the makeup artist loudly.
The makeup artist stood next to him, deliberately glanced at Sylvia's complexion. When
Sylvia shook his head at himself, the makeup artist put down the foundation he had just
picked up.
Assistant Zhou saw that the makeup artist was unimpressed, and took the initiative to pick
up the makeup. "Today Yiman was uncomfortable. We went to the hospital.
Everyone was really hard. Makeup just make up. "
At the moment, Assistant Zhou completely lost the previous arrogance. Lin's attitude made
them unable to arrogant at al .
Although Shang Yiman is a first-line star, there is still a big gap compared to the behemoth
Lin. She relies on her huge number of fans. But now, there are more fans.
Look. The appearance can't change Lin's decision.
If you don't mention the fans in this regard, Shang Yiman is nothing for Lin!
Assistant Zhou picked up his eyebrows in a panicked manner, and his movements also
seemed very panic, his hands and feet cluttered.
"Secretary Li, go, arrange the car and let them go!" Sylvia ordered Secretary Li Chong.
Secretary Li nodded and stepped forward, grabbing an eyebrow pencil from Assistant
Zhou, "Miss Zhou, you and Miss Shang should leave."
"We ... we ..." Assistant Zhou looked at Secretary Li in front of him , The expression of
begging for mercy clearly appeared in his eyes.
Shang Yiman sat there silently.
"Please, two." Secretary Li made a gesture of invitation.
"Pop!" Is heard Snooze, there is still a sitting Man, the hands of the mobile phone hit the
ground hard, suddenly stood up, "You Lin, but do not go too far up!"
Go too far?
The four words in Shang Yiman's mouth came out. Everyone present had a feeling that the
wicked would first complain. Who the hel is that he has been cheating too much!
The crew of the whole crew, waiting for her for seven hours, the first sentence she came,
not an apology, but to ask for a price increase, scolding Lin's shameless! It is difficult for
anyone to accept such a thing, let alone a big company like Lin.
If this is the case, it is too much for Lin to be deceiving, then what is she still a good man?
Sylvia directly ignored Shang Yiman's words.
Henry stood on the spot and waved his hands. The two security guards came out
immediately. The two men walked at exactly the same pace, and the two people ’s eyes
could easily deal with any unexpected problems if they glance around. .
These two people are not ordinary security guards, but people who Henry special y placed
next to Sylvia. These two people will only follow Henry's orders and will not show any
mercy to outsiders.
The two walked up to Shang Yiman, grabbed their arms from left to right, lifted them
directly, and shoved them out of the dressing room.
Shang Yiman was stepped back, staggering a few steps, she looked up at the first time,
when she found that everyone looked at herself with a sneering look, the shame and anger
in her heart surged at the same time. In her heart, this made her unable to maintain her
sensible emotions and screamed, "You Lin's waiting for me! Wait!"
Assistant Zhou also hurried out and calmed Shang Yiman's emotions first, " Yiman, do n’t
worry, do n’t worry. ”
After the appease, Assistant Zhou said to Sylvia:“ Lin, if you Lin is doing this, is it too much.

“ Excessive? ”Henry snorted. , "To tel you the truth, you do n’t want to roll anymore, there
are more waiting for you, rol !"
last scrol of Henry is sent out with anger.
Assistant Zhou stepped back two steps in a row and fel to the ground.
Henryzhen wants to use his qi, even ordinary masters of imperial qi, can't bear his
momentum, let alone ordinary people.
Shang Yiman was also under the word "Henry", and her legs were so frightened that she
pointed at Henry, "Okay! You Lin is very good, I tell you, I will make you regret now!"
Shang Yiman said After finishing, Assistant Chong Zhou ordered: "Assistant Zhou, now send
me a news feed immediately, telling all my fans that I am in the film and television city and I
was bul ied by Lin's people!"
Assistant Zhou got up from the ground and took out his mobile phone , Quickly posted a
post, which was sent in less than a minute, followed by dozens of comments.
Smal tricks like Shang Yiman are not taken into account by Henry at all.
Assistant Zhou's phone also rang at this time, "Yi Man, it was Zhao Jing's sister, please
answer it."
Assistant Zhou handed the phone to Shang Yiman, and Zhao Jing in her mouth was Shang
Yiman's agent, He is also the owner of Shang Yiman Brokerage.
Shang Yiman grabbed the phone and started crying on the phone, saying al kinds of
nothing, "Sister Zhao Jing, Lin is too bully. They changed their advertisements privately and
forced me to change some clothes. Let me accompany others to drink, I real y can't stand it!
These fictitious things, as Shang Yiman said, were thrown to the ground, as if there were
such things.
Shang Yiman dared to say this because she was confident that the brokerage company
would never investigate this matter in depth, and would only stand on its own side for the
first time, with its own current popularity, even if the brokerage company knew what was
going on. Whatever it is, it will also help you to accomplish this matter. You can't deal with
Lin, but the brokerage company behind you is still not afraid of this little Lin!
The expression of Shang Yiman's crying complaint gradually became proud after hearing
the reply from the agent on the phone, "Well, sister Zhao Jing, I know, I will tel this to all my
fans intact!"
When Shang Yiman spoke, he deliberately bitten the four words intact. While listening to
Zhao Jing, it was more for Sylvia to listen.
Secretary Li walked to Sylvia with his mobile phone. He put his phone in front of Sylvia
with a ugly face. "Lin, look at it."
Sylvia looked down. On the screen of Secretary Li's mobile phone, it was just Shang Yiman
In a short period of time, there have been nearly two hundred comments on social
Shang Yiman just reached the top of the hot search yesterday afternoon, this time is the
hottest time, every move is being followed.
Under Shang Yiman's dynamics, al are condemning Lin.
"Shameless Lin, dirty and dirty!"
"Best Lin, resist!"
"Resist all Lin's products, dare to bul y us Manman!"
"Trash Lin!" All
kinds of verbal abuse, condemnation, and direct screen brushing , And such comments are
increasing every second.
Even more excited fans, directly speaking, said to come to the film and television city now,
to find Lin ’s trouble, you must ask Lin ’s to be fair!
Sylvia looked at al kinds of comments and shook her head. This kind of fan condemnation.
She had seen it once before. That was when Henry directly hit a popular Xiaosheng, which
was also so condemned. When the truth was revealed, these socal ed condemnations The
so-called abuse is nothing more than a joke.
Shang Yiman hung up the phone, he looked at the comments below his dynamic and
sneered again and again.
"Lin's, you just wait!" Shang Yiman dropped this sentence and strode out of the crew.
"Mr. Lin, the current form is very unfavorable to us. If the new product is released, it will be
resisted by a large group of people. The deliberate smearing of Shang Yiman will also
provide opportunities for other companies. If it falls down the hole ..." Li The secretary's
eyes were full of worry.
"It's okay." Sylvia shook his head. There were so many fan groups in Shang Yiman.
How many fans of the world's top stars waiting to come? Under the influence of a huge
cardinality, that is nothing at al , and this black pot, Lin's impossible to keep going.
The strength of the public relations team behind Shang Yiman is strong, and may not care
about a Lin group, but what about the entire Su family? The Su family was already
powerful. Last time when he took over as the head of the family, Guangming Island sent
countless resources. Now the Su family's status in the ancient Wu family is higher than that
of the three major families in Beijing. In front of the ancient Wu family, nothing counts!
Shang Yiman and Assistant Zhou, posing as a winner, left the crew and walked in the film
and television city.
Although it is a little late now, there are not many people in the film and television city.
Some of the closer fans of Shang Yiman have already rushed over at this moment.
When these fans saw Shang Yiman, they shouted the name of Shang Yiman.
At this time, Shang Yiman no longer rejected the fans a few meters away as he got off the
plane, but waved enthusiastically and greeted the fans.
"Don't be afraid, Yiman, we will always support you."
"Trash Lin, dare to bully us, Yiman, and see who will buy your things in the future!"
"Real y rubbish!" All
kinds of verbal abuse sounded.
A middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a doll coat, walked tiredly outside the Studio City,
looking at his outfit, apparently a Studio City staff member, who had just finished his day's
work and was preparing to go home.
Words of verbal abuse sounded from all directions into the ears of middle-aged men.
The body of the middle-aged man was walking forward tiredly. The shouts around him
gave him a feeling of tightness and difficulty breathing. Black, planted towards the front.
"Old grandson, old grandson!" Behind the middle-aged man, a middle-aged woman who
also looked in her forties saw this scene, exclaimed, and hurriedly came running over her
The place where the middle-aged man fainted was not far from Shang Yiman.
The middle-aged woman fumbled over the middle-aged man, took out a bottle, and poured
it, but nothing came out. The middle-aged woman looked around and took out the mobile
phone to call the emergency call, while shouting Dao: "Doctor, is there a doctor, my
husband has acute myocardial infarction, is there a doctor!"
"Yiman! Our family is a surgeon."
"Yes, al give up, let our family Yiman come."
Shang Yiman, who was about to bypass the middle-aged man and left. Hearing this, his
expression condensed and he could save himself?
Shang Yiman looked around and saw the fans around him, looking at himself, and then
looking at the unconscious middle-aged man. Shang Yiman didn't know what to do.
"Doctor, are you a doctor?" The middle-aged woman looked at Shang Yiman with hopeful
"Of course, our family Yiman is the best surgeon in the world, please let go, let our family
Yiman take a look." Shang Yiman's fans replied loudly to middle-aged women.
When the middle-aged woman heard this, she was quite relieved, and Chong Shang Yiman
said: "Thank you for your doctor."
Shang Yiman looked at the middle-aged man in a coma, looked at the fans around him, and
listened The fans shouted, she forced a smile, "No thanks, saving people is the doctor's
duty, let me see it." The
middle-aged woman gave Shang Yiman a place, and Shang Yiman walked over. She
crouched down and showed it to a middle-aged man. She once played the role of a surgeon.
She suddenly looked like a professional.
"Look, we are awesome."
"Yanman, we love you."
Various cheers sounded.
Shang Yiman stood up and said to the middle-aged woman: "It's nothing. He's just too tired.
Let him rest as much as possible. There is a rest car next to him. First call someone to hug
him to the car. Usually more Exercise more. "
Shang Yiman finished, and stepped forward.
At the same time, as soon as Shang Yiman's voice fell, he saw several fans rushing up and
volunteered: "Come, I will help you."
"I will come too."
Several fans ran towards the middle-aged man who fainted on the ground go with.
"Al let go!" A roar rang from the side.
This roar made the rushing Shang Yiman fans subconsciously stunned and looked towards
the place where they roared.
Henry stepped over and pushed away the Shang Yiman fans who were stuck in front of him,
"Don't move!"
"Don't move? Who are you? You are responsible for the patient?"
"I know him. He is Lin's. The one next to him is Lin's president, who bullied us Yiman!"
"It turned out to be garbage. "Lin's!"
Henry ignored the slurs surrounding him, strode to the fainted middle-aged man, squatted
down, first stretched out two fingers on the middle-aged man's artery to check, then gently
Hold up the stamina of the middle-aged man, and put out the other hand to pinch the
middle point of the middle-aged man.
"What are you doing?" A fan stepped up, and Henry was about to be opened.
"Go away." Henry directly pushed the fan away, glaring at Shang Yiman, and asked,
"Who tel s you that myocardial infarction is going to be taken away and rested? Every large
movement may cause the patient's heart
Do you know the sudden stop? " " What do you know? What do we do as soon as we say?
Do you know what you do? "The fan who had just been pushed away by Henry shouted at
As Henry pressed the middle point of the middle-aged man, the pale face of the middle-
aged man became a lot of ruddy, and his chest was slightly undulating. Henry gently
placed the middle-aged man on the ground and reached out to press the other person's
chest After a few consecutive passes, the middle-aged man gradual y breathed and his eyes
slowly opened.
Seeing the middle-aged man open his eyes, the middle-aged woman sighed with relief and
rushed to hug the middle-aged man, "Old grandson, are you okay?"
"Nothing, nothing." The middle-aged man shook his head weakly. Then he looked at Henry
gratefully, "Sir, thank you, if not you ..."
"Speak less, breathe more." Henry interrupted the middle-aged man, "Your condition is not
serious, go to the hospital to observe a few more Oh my god, in these few days, try not to
have any vigorous exercise, and lie down as much as possible. "
"Okay." The middle-aged man nodded.
Henry stood up, pushed away the Shang Yiman fans who were standing in front of him,
walked in front of Shang Yiman, stared at each other, and said: "You do n’t understand
medicine, you do n’t know how to pretend, you like to use various It ’s your own business, I
ca n’t control it, but please do n’t stand in the perspective of a doctor and talk nonsense! ”
Shang Yiman frowned,“ What do you mean? ”
“ What do I mean? You should understand. "Henry turned around and his voice spread into
Shang Yiman's ears," You are willing to be a garbage living in your own world, that is your
own choice, but you should not use your garbage behavior, go Hazard to others, you know?
Henry finished, without giving Shang Yiman the opportunity to reply , striding away.
"Stop for me!" A fan of Shang Yiman stopped Henry, "Who told you to talk to Yiman, and
apologize to Yiman!"
"That is, if we don't understand medicine, you know?"
"You Lin is the real garbage?"
Shang Yiman's fans were very excited.
Henry shook his head, ignoring these fans.
An ambulance drove into the film and television city with a whistle and stopped outside
many fans.
The two doctors rushed out of the car for the first time and shouted, "What about patients?
What about patients?"
"Doctor Hu!" The middle-aged woman shouted at the leader.
Dr. Hu look over here, when you see a middle-aged man has woke up, big relief, "wake up
just fine, woke up like, the way I am worried to death, and come to the stretcher."
Middle-aged men He waved his hand, "Dr. Hu, no need, I can go by myself."
"Go? What are you going to do?" Dr. Hu raised his eyebrows. "Any action in your current
situation may cause your heart to stop, If you do n’t want to enter the rescue room, just lie
down honestly and do n’t move in the near future! "
What Dr. Hu said just now that Henry just said, the meaning is exactly the same, but
compared with what Shang Yiman said, it means exactly two things.
Shang Yiman is to let the patient lift the patient aside, and then exercise more.
"Doctor, shouldn't this situation allow patients to exercise more?" One fan said.
"Who tel s you to exercise more!" Dr. Hu glared at this fan. This kind of misleading patient
could easily cause the patient to have the illusion and carry out the wrong treatment
behavior, which led to the danger of life.
"Of course we are one man, we are one of the best surgeons!" The fan said proudly.
Dr. Hu looked at Shang Yiman who was standing there. Shang Yiman was a popular actress,
but he was also famous among the young people. The older generation did not know these
young stars.
Dr. Hu glanced at Shang Yiman unpleasantly, "Are you a surgeon?"
"I ..." Shang Yiman opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.
At the age of more than 50 years old, Dr. Hu ca n’t see whether Shang Yiman really
understands or falsely understands, saying: "If you really are a doctor, then this world will
be ruined! If you don't understand it in medicine, it's equivalent Yu Caojian died!
ambulance left with a middle-aged man, and Shang Yiman stood ugly.
Among the crowd around
, there are not only fans of Shang Yiman, but also many media.
Shang Yiman knows a doctor well, he is a real star, and he has the heart to hang the pot to
help the world. He instantly rises to the top of the hot search list, naturally attracting too
many people's red eyes.
Many people are staring at Shang Yiman.
Now, many lenses are aimed at Shang Yiman, some in the media, and some private
detectives. It is conceivable that what Shang Yiman did just now, as well as Dr. Hu ’s words,
will be recorded by the camera, and the fol owing videos Reporters have too many ideas
and ideas on how to edit and how to release.
What is certain is that after the incident, Shang Yiman will definitely welcome a wave of
doubts. Her approach, when she was younger, said that she did n’t know how to pretend.
Just like what Dr. Hu just said, it is completely a life of Cao Sugan. How to define it in the
end depends on Shang Yiman's public relations team.
Assistant Zhou's phone rang in less than three minutes.
Assistant Zhou held his phone ugly. "Yiman is the phone of Sister Zhao Jing."
"Don't answer it first!" Shang Yiman's face is also very unsightly. She looked at the direction
of Lin's crew and then strode away. past.
Assistant Zhou quickly trot behind Shang Yiman.
In the Lin crew, Sylvia is arranging new scenes. Henry has just received news that the
people he arranged will arrive in a maximum of ten minutes.
"Everyone, work harder, and wait for the supper to be arranged, and when you are busy,
everyone have a good rest." Sylvia exclaimed to encourage morale.
Just now, when Lin's let Shang Yiman get out of the scene, the people in the cast who
watched were very relieved. At this time, they were also very motivated.
Shang Yiman strode into the Lin's studio and said, "What do you mean by the surname Lin?
Did you deliberately pass me Shang Yiman?"
Shang Yiman's scolding made everyone look at her place.
Sylvia looked at Shang Yiman suspiciously. "What do you mean?"
Shang Yiman snorted, walked to Sylvia, stared at Sylvia and Henry in front of him, and said
coldly: "You really want to And I am Shang Yiman, the fish dead net is broken? "
" Fish dead net is broken? "Henry couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.
It's really not that Henry looked down on Shang Yiman, let alone Shang Yiman, or the
brokerage company behind Shang Yiman, nor did he have the capital to kill them.
Henry's laughter angered Shang Yiman at once.
"Okay, you Lin must play, right, then we will have fun. I still do n’t care if I lose a few
million. I just want to know that you Lin lost a few hundred million. I do n’t care!"
Shang Yiman Said, grabbed the mobile phone in Assistant Zhou's hand, and then touched
the finger on the screen, and edited a new activity on the social software.
"From today, I am still a Man, who in cooperation with the Silver State and Lin Lin,
irreconcilable, that is, and I still make life difficult for a Man, after having his place, I still
have not a Man!"
This is a dynamic, can Too many representatives said that when Assistant Zhou saw the
end of Shang Yiman's editor, he wanted to stop Shang Yiman, but it was too late.
Shang Yiman's finger lightly, this dynamic issued.
As a popular artist, Shang Yiman's development, in the eyes of others, does not represent
herself, but the brokerage company behind her.
Shang Yiman knows that if she does this, she will definitely be punished by the brokerage
company. She also said earlier that the loss of millions does not matter, proving that she is
ready to compensate, she just wants to keep herself behind 'S
brokerage company shot, let Lin's pay for this matter!
As soon as Shang Yiman made this move, he immediately blew the pan. It was originally her
fans who were concerned about this matter. Now, most people in the industry are
concerned about this matter.
Man is stil a sneer again and again, "the name is Lin, I tell you, then I see who would dare
take your endorsement Lin, who would then, is to make life difficult for me is still a Man!"
Is stil a Man that voice faded At the entrance of the crew, there was a sound.
"So then there was such a big risk endorsement ah, evidently in the circle I'll really have to
be careful, otherwise the day is blocked, all confused."
This sound, stil did not see a Man Seeing who it was, she replied aloud, because it made her
feel provoked.
"Which cheap product ..."
Shang Yiman said, her mouth was covered by someone as soon as the word cheap product
came out.
It was n’t anyone else who covered Shang Yiman, it was Assistant Zhou who was beside
Shang Yiman.
Shang Yiman pushed away Assistant Zhou and said angrily: "What are you doing?"
"Yiman, look at that ..." Assistant Zhou pointed his finger.
Shang Yiman looked away and saw that a charming woman in her thirties was approaching
here. When Shang Yiman saw the woman, her arrogance on her face disappeared and her
mouth murmured. Mum: "Gao ... Sister Gao ..."
Shang Yiman cal ed Sister Gao a woman named Gao Yufei.
Although Shang Yiman is now the first-line actress in the fire, but compared with Gao Yufei,
it is still much worse, because Gao Yufei's reputation is not as good as that of China. That
has a large number of fans al over the world. She has a song The song is even rated as the
world's natural sound, and it is rated as the most beautiful sound in the world. It is placed
on the spaceship as a voice for communicating with unknown species in the universe. How
Even if the boss of Shang Yiman's brokerage company saw Gao Yufei, he had to honestly
shout Gao Sister.
"Yo, do you know to call me Sister, don't you call me cheap?" Gently smiled.
"Sister Gao, I don't know it's you, sorry ... I'm sorry." Shang Yiman repeatedly bowed his
head to admit mistakes, because she knew that the woman in front of him could completely
block herself with just one sentence.
Gao Yufei smiled and asked, "Then I am going to take this endorsement. Do you have an
"Dare not." Shang Yiman didn't dare to raise his head, so he lowered his head and spoke.
"Hehe." Gao Yufei chuckled. "We are al in a circle. If you have an opinion, I can listen, but
they can't tell you if they can't listen to your opinion."
Gao Yufei looked up, Did not pay any attention to Shang Yiman.
"They?" Shang Yiman questioned, and subconsciously glanced at the crew's door. This look
made Shang Yiman's mouth wide open, his eyes full of disbelief.
Not only Shang Yiman, but also the staff of the present crew and the Lin staff also opened
their mouths together and looked at the crew's door with a dull look.
the faces that are often seen on TV on
. At this time, from the front of the crew, you can see through one. When you see one on
weekdays, it will make countless fans sharp. Call, each of these coming people is a concert
that will let fanatic fans fly to a continent to watch. At this moment, there are more than
twenty people, each of which has a very high status. , Each, in the entertainment industry, is
a certain milestone existence, known as the existence of the god of song by global
musicians, the world ’s largest film market, the film emperor, has countless fans of stars,
musicians, each, walking Out of it, no matter in terms of fame, number of fans, or career
achievements, it can completely crush Shang Yiman's existence.
Just now, the crew listened to Sylvia and said that there will be some artists to re-shoot
endorsement ads. They original y thought that Lin was temporarily found by the second
and third tier stars, but no one thought that it would be the top global superstar , There are
more than twenty!
Such a lineup makes directors who are usual y accustomed to celebrities a bit trembling.
Shang Yiman even swallowed hard. She just shouted in her mouth, who wants to cooperate
with Lin, and dare to take Lin ’s endorsement, that is, she ca n’t get along with her, but now
there are so many people, even among them A monk Yiman couldn't get through, and that
monk Yiman's star journey stopped here.
"It seems that there are quite a few people who can't get through with you. Would you like
me to inform them one by one?" Henry Shang Yiman smiled gently.
In Henry's smile, what Shang Yiman felt was endless ridicule. Where did she dare to live
with these top world stars?
"Assistant Zhou, quickly, delete the dynamics, delete the dynamics!" Shang Yiman's lips
shuddered and quickly opened his mouth.
"No way." Assistant Zhou slammed his phone hard and was sweating anxiously.
"Account permissions are restricted by the company, only Zhao Jing can handle them."
"How is the situation?" Shang Yiman asked quickly Road.
Assistant Zhou shook his head with a bitter face, "Sister Zhao Jing has sent a letter, please
read for yourself."
Shang Yiman glanced at the phone. When he saw what was displayed on the screen, his
eyes were black, and his steps moved forward. If Assistant Zhou was not helping her, she
would have to be planted on the ground.
"It's over, it's over." Shang Yiman murmured.
After Shang Yiman's brokerage company obtained her social account, she immediately sent
a letter saying that the company will do its utmost to protect the legitimate rights and
interests of its artists and will take measures to let Lin give an account.
The practice of the brokerage company, as Shang Yiman just thought, will definitely
support himself, but the current support is undoubtedly self-defeating. So many top stars
have cooperated with Lin, let ’s not talk about how Lin was invited. These people, just the
brokerage company behind these people, will not ignore their own company's letter. The
brokerage company behind them will usher in a devastating blow. Once the company has
an accident, as a party this time, they must Is the first to bear the brunt.
"It's over, this is really over." Shang Yiman lost his color in his eyes.
Assistant Zhou held Shang Yiman's hand and slowly released it. She knew very clearly that
this time, Shang Yiman was completely planted, and there was no possibility of turning
over again. There wasn't even any company that dare to come This time the hype was
influenced by Shang Yiman, and the brokerage company behind it would definitely follow
the luck. There is no need to fol ow her anymore, only to be implicated.
whole crew , no one pays attention to Shang Yiman at this time. After all, compared with
the presence of these superstars, the presence of Shang Yiman is like an ordinary group
The director stood there for a long time, and didn't know how to say hel o. After all, there
are too many superstars here, and they can't take care of them al , nor dare to neglect
While the director was still thinking about what to do, Henry stepped over.
"Come here, one by one, don't be stunned, go watch the script yourself, make up makeup,
and strive to end within an hour. Everyone is standing tired all day, waiting to go home
from work to hug his wife, quickly , Move! "
Henry shouted loudly while clapping his hands, just like the kindergarten teacher educating
The director stood next to Henry, and his heart was tight. How could he talk to these
superstars like this, just when the director thought that these superstars would get angry,
they saw them one by one, and real y took the script as Henry said, and took the initiative
to make up The makeup is gone, there is real y no one at all, and their faces are even tense
and cramped, just like they had just entered the job interview.
Such scenes give the director a sense of unreality. Are these one by one real y superstars?
Although these superstars were not clear about Henry's identity, they knew why they came
this time. In front of that force, what kind of superstar aura is someone else can pick away
at any time.
The following filming process was so smooth that the director couldn't believe it. The top
stars were unbelievably obedient and honest, and they all had a positive attitude. It took
less than forty minutes to complete the filming.
Many superstars came to shoot Lin's endorsement scene, which was also captured by many
reporters and photographed. It is conceivable that before the Lin's press conference, many
people's eyes will be concentrated on Lin's body because of the appearance of these
superstars. This is equivalent to earning a wave of eyeballs for Lin's invisible.
Gao Yufei specially contacted his brokerage company after shooting.
Gao Yufei's brokerage company, which is the leader of the entertainment industry, when he
heard Gao Yufei said about Shang Yiman, he immediately promised Gao Yufei to do
everything possible to suppress Shang Yiman and the brokerage company behind it.
What happened this time, Shang Yiman's star journey, is destined to be ruined, ruined by
her arrogant arrogance and nobody in the eyes.
Sylvia and Henry didn't care about the consequences of Shang Yiman, even if Gao Yufei
deliberately suppressed it, she would definitely be rescued by other companies based on
the fact that Shang Yiman saved people at the gate of the film and television city today.
Used as an essay, this lie is destined to be dismantled. At that time, Shang Yiman will be
completely collapsed, but now only time has changed.
By eight o'clock in the evening, the shooting of the advertisement was completed, and
everyone stopped working. Henry and Sylvia also took the car home.
On the way, the two were still discussing what to eat at night. When they first said that they
were rising, Wade White's phone came.
"Boss, something is wrong, you should go back to the island now, there is some terrible
discovery over Yunxing." Wade White's tone was very urgent, and his voice was very loud.
Sylvia sitting next to Henry heard clearly. .
Henry turned his head and smiled hard at Sylvia.
Sylvia sighed, she had been preparing for Henry to leave at any time.
"Pay attention to safety."
two people who were going home went directly to the airport.
A special plane took off from Yinzhou Airport with a roar of noise and skyrocketed.
Outside the airport, Sylvia leaned on the front of the car and looked up at the sky. The plane
slowly disappeared into her sight. Sylvia sighed, took out the phone, dialed Su Yu
’s number, "Uncle, let me go back now What? "The
wind moved Sylvia's trench coat.
Henry sat on the plane and looked at the information sent by Wade White, his brow
furrowed tightly.
In Yun province, there is a stone mountain to be mined, which was taken down by the stone
king of Yun province. On the first day of mining, the stone king found something wrong. The
stone inside is carrying a very strong magnetic field. There is no signal on the mobile phone
here. The stone king immediately ordered the workers to stop mining and contacted Wade
Many years of stone gambling habits have convinced Shi Wang to believe in many things.
He understands that this stone mountain is definitely not something he can touch. In the
heart of Shi Wang, only one person can drive!
When Shiwang contacted Wade White, Wade White rushed to Yun province as soon as
possible. Wade White didn't have as many scolds as Shiwang. On the spot, several stones
were opened. This opening made Wade White unable to keep calm. He passed this time, In
total, less than ten stones were opened, and a spirit stone was born!
Wade White told Shi Wang on the spot, let Shi Wang not tell anyone about this, and contact
There is a time difference between Guangming Island and Yinzhou of more than ten hours.
After nearly ten hours of flight, Henry arrived when the sky was dark.
Wade White and others have received the news that Henry wants to arrive, and are waiting
by the apron.
The plane landed, the hatch opened, and Henry strode out.
Waiting next to the apron are Future, Wade White, Pease, and Yunwang Stone King.
Shi Wang is a man who is almost fifty years old. His hair has been dyed black and he is
wearing a white shirt.
As far as the Stone King himself said, he did his trade in exchange for his own destiny.
His hair was dyed black and white was slower, which extended his own destiny. Listen, but
the Stone King himself is convinced.
"Unexpectedly, such a big island belongs to you." Shi Wang saw Henry and said aloud.
Wade White did not tel Shi Wang the true identity of Henry. Shi Wang did not ask much. He
was a very smart person People like him have also seen many things. Some people, some
things, there is no need to know too much. It is like this Shishan. Shiwang is curious and
will not open it himself.
Henry greeted the stone king with a smile, "I didn't expect you to have time to come to me
for patronage."
"Haha." The stone king laughed aloud. "You were washing my stone mountains at that time.
If you eat more and drink more, you have to earn some money to go back. "
Henry knew very clearly that this time the stone king came here, it must have been
requested by Wade White. If the stone mountain can really open a spirit stone, it means too
much. It ’s understandable.
Shi Wang himself, although it is not clear what exactly was going out in the stone mountain,
but seeing the attitudes of these people now, he can understand that one or two, he did not
care about it, so he should just take a vacation.
This is a tacit understanding between adults. Everyone knows it well and will not break it.
Henry chatted with Shi Wang for a while, and then looked at the future, "Is the analysis
result coming out?"
"Wel ." Holding a tablet computer in the future, he nodded to Henry. "In the half an hour
before you arrive, just resolve all the ingredients of that stone mountain." The future will
draw on the screen Produce a data graph and give it to Henry.
Henry glanced at the whole stone mountain, which covers an area of three square
kilometers and is 21 meters high. It is not a big mountain. The future data shows that the
whole mountain is disturbed by a strange energy. Like a piece of clothing that wraps the
entire mountain from beginning to end.
"Boss, this energy is exactly the same as the spirit stone, and its strength is temporarily
unknown. Everything needs to be mined to know." The future whispered in Henry's ear.
Henry thought about it, "Is someone sent?"
"Wel ." Nodded in the future, "I have arranged for people to go, and now the mountain is
completely closed."
"OK." Henry waved three people in the future. "You go to work first, and my old friend and I
recount the old."
Henry walked aside and hugged the stone king's shoulder. "Does anyone know about this
stone mountain?" The
stone king shook his head. "I didn't tell anyone However, one of my partners knew that I
had collected Shishan, and he did n’t know the rest. ”
Wade White, who was not far away, clearly heard Shi Wang ’s words in his ear, and looked
at Henry. At a glance, I saw Henry's back swaying palms behind him.
"No need to do it for now." Wade White whispered.
Bright Island alternates day and night.
On a new day, the sun rises and shines on the island of light.
Henry and the future came out of the laboratory together. The two studied the data of the
stone mountain for one night. Through various analyses in the future, they finally denied
the possibility that al of the stone mountains were spirit stones.
Although the spirit stone is wrapped in stone, it can stil generate a weak magnetic field.
If it is a whole mountain, the magnetic field resonance is undoubtedly huge. It must be
more than just letting the mobile phone go to the new number, all electronic facilities , Will
But listening to the stone king, they used large equipment on the day they mined the stone
However, although not the entire mountain will be a spiritual stone, but the number is
certainly not in the minority.
After learning that not the entire mountain was a spirit stone, Henry did not feel
disappointed, but was relieved.
Now Guangming Island has a total of three spirit stones, one of which was opened by Henry
at the time, one was taken from the Zhao family when the Zhao family was destroyed, and
the other was from Wade White.
These three spirit stones, if let the clans know, will definitely attract the eye, let alone the
whole mountain is the spirit stones. If this is the case, the news leaked out, Henry can think
of what kind of competition will attract the clan, Blood flow into rivers, I am afraid it is just
the beginning, after al , for the clan, the spirit stone is really too important.
On the sea not far from Guangming Island, a speedboat was approaching Guangming Island,
and there were countless full barrels of oil on the speedboat. Next to these barrels, a man in
red stood.
The man in red bears his hands behind his back, gazes at the direction of Guangming Island,
and hums in his mouth: "A district secular force, Henry? I want to see, what qualifications
do you have to run rampant in front of me? Anger? I can squeeze with one hand! "The
speedboat was fast, and the red man's eyes were full of hate.
The residents of Bright Island wake up from their sleep, the first thing everyone does is
gather at the door of the old castle on the island to feel gas.
Wade White and the elders arrived at the center of the square long ago. In front of them,
there were three spirit stones of different sizes.
At this moment, three spirit stones were placed above the scattered spirit formation.
The elders read through an ancient book at a very fast speed.
"Great elder, how is it possible?" Wade White looked at Great Elder with a nervous look on
his face.
The elder elder didn't speak, and he kept looking at the ancient books, one page at a time,
very fast. The text on the ancient books, Wade White knew nothing.
After a few minutes, the pupil of the elder suddenly shrank, staring at a page of the ancient
book, his face full of surprise, "found!"
"Found?" Wade White also changed his face, and rushed over immediately, although not
looking Understand the text on the ancient books, but still staring at it.
The elder general put his finger on a line of characters. Due to the time, the handwriting has
been very vague, and the elders have difficulty reading.
The elder muttered in his mouth and spoke quickly. Wade White didn't hear what the elder
was saying for a long time.
"Great elder, what do you say?"
"Gossip and four corners ..."
"What?" Wade White looked puzzled.
"Gossip and four corners." The elder elder repeated it again, and saw his hands quickly
point on the scattered spirit array.
Along with the movement of the elders, some slate engraved with scattered spirits gradual
y changed, and around the slate suddenly popped up, just like a VCD with cassettes.
The popped place was covered with notches of different sizes.
Seeing this scene, the great elder trembling his hands, picked up the spirit stone taken back
from the Zhao family, slowly put it into the gap of the slate, and then picked up the newly-
opened spirit stone of Wade White Went in.
When two spirit stones were put into the stone slab, a gust of wind appeared in plain and
no reason.
"This is it! This is it!" Feeling the sudden gust of wind, the big elder's face was with a strong
joy, "An ancient book records that placing several spirit stones in the scattered spirit array
at the same time can play a superimposed role. The effect, the two spirit stones I just put,
just above the scattered spirit array, put the spirit stone there, which can increase the
concentration of the aura. The other three directions also have different effects! "
Listen In the words of the elder, Wade White took a deep breath. He hasn't been breathing
in his body until now. He used to sit here and feel very little, but this time, it made him feel
very obvious.
The voice of the Great Elder sounded again, "According to anecdotal records, in ancient
times, the world was full of auras. From the moment of birth, the breath that everyone
breathes is the aura. , We can get enough spirit stones, we can absolutely transform this
island into what it looked like in ancient times, and we have plenty of spirits. Our
descendants, children and grandchildren can al enjoy Fuze. By that time, this place will
become A holy place! "The
gust of wind rolled up at the feet of the elders and became more and more violent. Such a
violent scene seemed to also reflect the desires of the elders.
At the beginning, the Tang family was about to be destroyed, and even a piece of spirit
stone could not be found. The sudden appearance of Henry brought hope to the Tang family
and gave Tang a place like Guangming Island.
Today's Tang's, everyone can be bathed in aura every day, from the absence of a spirit
stone to the possession of three spirit stones of different sizes, which gives the great elders
confidence and feeling that they are real y possible Seeing the scene fil ed with aura ... on
this island! As the
long elders longed for surging, a loud laughter sounded, "Hahaha, this is an unexpected joy,
three spirit stones? A secular force in every district, dare to have three spirit stones This is
the big gift for me! "
This crazy laugh made the elders and Wade White startled together. When they looked at
the place where the laughter came, they saw a figure in red and their hands were standing
in the air. .
Seeing this scene of Wade White, his body suddenly shuddered, his eyes widened,
"This ... floats ..."
"No." The elder elder shook his head, his eyes locked on the figure in red,
"Yuqihuaxing!" He has reached the metamorphic realm, stepping on his own qi, as long as
he has enough qi, he can pedal on the sky. "
" Huaxing ... "Wade Whitekou muttered the words of the elder, which is a realm he could
not reach. .
The elder elder looked at the figure in red and said, "Who is this lord? What's the matter
with me coming to Bright Island?"
"You are bright island?" Red figure smiled and smiled, "The people of the Tang family have
already belonged to a secular force. "
The elder of the elder frowned, and Tang's arrival at Guangming Island was not revealed at
all. How did this person know?
Red figure took out a dark red flat diamond token and threw it in front of the elder.
The elder's gaze locked on the word "hidden" engraved above the token.
"Shen Yinhui!" The elder muttered in his mouth, with deep fear in his eyes.
Clan, the reason why it is hidden in the world, on the one hand, is because it has an
agreement with the official, on the other hand, it is supervised by the Shenyin Society.
The man in red said with a smile: "Hand over the spirit stone, that is not what you should
have. By the way, let that surnamed Zhang come out and worship me!"
"Worship you?" Wade White looked at the man in red with disdain, "You What kind of stuff
is it? "
Although Wade White knows that he is not as good as the other party, he will never look at
someone calling Henry like that, and use the word of worship.
"Foolish!" The man in red shouted at Wade White, but he didn't do it. He turned his gaze to
the elder. "Are you the one who took the initiative to hand me the spirit stone, or let me get
it myself?"
"Your Excellency, you Although it is a person of the God Hidden Society, I am afraid that
your current approach is not in compliance! "The elder took two steps forward, blocking
the slate of the Sanshen Formation behind him.
"Rules?" The man in red chuckled. "Are you talking about the rules of the Shenyin Society,
or the rules of the clan? If it is the rules of the clan, I now suspect that you Tang's holding
three spirit stones, want to wake up the blood, it began with the surplus should pay for my
hand! if God will be hidden rules, this sunny island, but I would vassal hidden God, I want to
take what, who would dare to say? "
before the big Presbyterian body, a surge of cyclone slowly formed, "sir, so you are going to
clear robbed?"
"grab? take their stuff, how we can grab it called? Since you do not, I'l take myself!"
red man voice At the moment of fal ing, he violently rose up and went straight to the elder.
"It's fast!" The elder elder exclaimed. He couldn't see the movement of the man in red at al .
The gap between imperialism and metamorphosis was real y too big!
man in red almost in a blink of an eye, came to the elder in front of him, raised a punch, and
struck the elder directly.
The elder looked at this fist closer and closer to him. He had no ability to resist the imperial
atmosphere, and his hands subconsciously guarded the head, protecting the key as much as
The red man punched confidently, but he was stopped when he was about to meet the
elder elder.
A tiger's roar sounded from the ear of the elder. The shock of the elder's imagination did
not come. He opened his eyes and found Henry, who knew he had stood before him.
A gas giant tiger is opening his mouth of the blood basin and biting towards the man in red.
Under this gas tiger, the man in red is stepping back and forth.
"Hua Xing!" The elder elder exclaimed, "Zhang Xiaoyou, are you in the Hua Xing Realm?"
Henry nodded and smiled slightly, "Great Elder, are you okay?"
"It's okay." With a sigh of relief, he was full of worry about the arrival of the man in red, but
now he sees Henry also transformed, and he feels relieved.
At the same time, the elder elders were also amazed. Henry's potential was really too
amazing. He was at this age, and he was still in the shape of a lack of practice resources.
The man in red stepped back a few steps, avoiding the tigers shot by Henry. He frowned,
"Unexpectedly, you are also in the metamorphic realm!"
"Why, is it difficult?" Henry shrugged.
"Oh." The man in red sneered. "It's just a form of change. Is this your arrogant capital?
Henry, what you do to the Zhao's should be punished by the Shenyin Society!"
Henry raised an eyebrow , "Oh? He Zhao shit on my head, I kill them, is there a problem?"
Red man shouted: "God have hidden rules, Royal Air habitat for the average person may not
sell, you have committed a taboo, I come today, is to represent the hidden God will punish
The red man, although a mere verbal statement Transfiguration, but he knew very well that
the tiger that Henry had just transformed had already possessed some spirituality, which
made him know that Henry ’s realm was higher than his own, so he would only take the god
hidden Come to be a topic, to suppress Henry, otherwise, with his character, he will
definitely shoot directly.
Listening to the rules of the man in red, Henry touched his chin and thought: "This rule is
really interesting, Wade White."
"Boss." Wade White looked at Henry.
"Go, fan him." Henry glanced at the man in red.
The red man's pupil shrank and shouted, "You are surnamed Zhang, how dare you!"
"Yuqijing is not al owed to shoot ordinary people. This rule is real y interesting." Henry
mouth smiled, "I, I like to do some interesting things. "
Wade White walked towards the man in red.
Henry's voice continued to sound, "Remember, can Yuqi Realm take action against ordinary
people, my brother, has not yet reached Yuqi Realm, you have to shoot, but it is breaking
the rules."
Henry's speech, Wade White has reached the man in red and raised his arm.
The man in red stared at Wade White. "Boy, do you want to die?"
Wade White pouted, ignoring what the man in red said, raising his palms and pul ing it hard
against the man's face.
The man in the red stepped hard on his foot, ready to explode, but found that he couldn't
move at all. A huge force on his ankle restrained himself. The man in red looked down and
found that the ankles of his feet were entangled in a circle of air, and he was suddenly
caught. This discovery made the man in red suddenly startle. I didn't find out when this
anger trapped me.
Just when the man in red was shocked, Wade White's slap slammed into the man's face.
The crackling sound of "pop" made the man in red feel that the air had solidified.
He looked at him in disbelief, and was slapped by an ordinary person!
"Continue." Henry's voice sounded again.
Wade White raised his arm again and slapped another fan on the man's face in red.
"Fight again." Henry continued to speak.
The man in red looked at Wade White in front of him, his body trembling unconsciously,
how many years! No one has dared to provoke himself so many years! Who sees himself,
does not pay respect, offer the highest etiquette? Today, he was slapped by an ordinary
Wade White raised his palm.
"Enough!" The man in red shouted loudly, and his body was ful of aura, shattering the ring
of comfort on his ankle.
Wade White ignored it and continued to slap it.
The man in red raised his arms, and the huge air condensed in his hands.
"Mary ants, die for me!" The
man in red shouted and slammed a punch at the Wade White noodle door. This man's
punch in red was not something Wade White could resist. This brought the violent strength
of the metamorphosis, One punch is enough to smash Wade White's head.
Henry, who was not far away, stepped hard, and the whole person rushed towards the man
in red like an arrow from the string. "As a member of the Divine Society, you broke the
rules and should be punished!"
Henry's speed is fast Soon, no one could see clearly, including the man in red.
Wade White only felt a gust of wind passing by him, the dagger hanging around his waist
disappeared at the same time, and the man in red standing in front of him.
The man in red was blasted with a great force, and after hitting more than ten meters, he
hit the ground and cracked the ground. It can be seen that this time, he has multiple
"Henry, how dare you do it to me!" The man in red did not get up, so he gave a loud cry.
Henry made a cold hum, his figure appeared in front of the man in red, and he slammed it
against the chest of the man in red.
Behind Henry, a tiger with a high foot, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, made a
roar, stretched out his claws, and pressed towards the man in red.
The man in red turned out to be a cheetah, but only half the size of a man, and was instantly
torn by a tiger.
"You ..." The man in red was about to make a noise, but he looked stunned and looked at his
chest, making it difficult to channel. "You ... how dare you ... I ... I'm the third area of the
Shenyin Society ... Hu ... "
On the man's left chest in the red suit, a short dagger was inserted in the heart. It was
Henry who had just pulled it from Wade White's waist.
Blood spil ed from the corner of the man's mouth in red, he looked at his chest, "I am ...
I am the God Hidden Society ... The third area ... Guardian, how dare you kil ..."
"Sorry." Henry smiled slightly , Grab the handle of the dagger with your hand, press hard,
and stir in the chest of the man in red, "We do things, that's it."
With the dagger that Henry stirs, the blood in the corner of the red man's mouth is getting
thicker and thicker. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound. By this time, He
couldn't believe it, Henry real y dared to take action against himself, but this time, he came
here on behalf of God's hidden meeting!
The blood ran down the corner of the red man's mouth, and the red man's clenched fists
slowly loosened.
Henry got up slowly and pul ed out the dagger.
"Go and deal with it." Henry said aloud.
Immediately a few people came over and dragged the man in red.
The elder Tang's standing in the rear, watching Henry's decisive shot, directly killed the
man in red, a little chill in his heart, but at the same time also fortunate.
The elder has lived for so many years and has seen too many things. He understands that
for a strong man, kindness is the biggest flaw. Henry is not a kind person. Such a person
will have unlimited possibilities in the future. ! Tang's coming to Guangming Island is
definitely the most correct choice. Given the time, maybe Tang can really return to the top
and stand at the forefront of the clan!
"Boss, what's next?" Wade White asked with some anxiety.
"It's okay, you pay close attention to enhance the strength, all the things I have." Henry
shook his head, watching the great elders, "Great elders, you showed me yesterday to say
things, how the?" "It
worked!" Great elders There was an excited look on his face.
"Successful?" Henry also showed a happy face.
"Zhang Xiaoyou, you see." The elder stretched out his finger to the slate array behind him.
"The formation on this slate can completely change the aura environment. Only if we have
enough aura stones can the whole island be auraed. Covering, everyone on the island can
breathe a strong aura, and at that time, the entire Guangming Island will become as
recorded in the ancient books of the ancestors, and become a real holy place! "
"Good!" Zhangxuan Xing Fen nodded, "Great elders, the more trouble you study the classics,
in this respect, I know nothing about, things began, I'll find a way."
Great elders nodded, clutching the hands of The ancient books, the things recorded above,
will be particularly important in later days.
"Boss, check it out." The voice of the future sounded from the side. She took a tablet and
strode over. "The reason why our defense system cannot sense the arrival of the intruder is
because of anger. Energy can block the body's own heat, and all heat-sensing instruments
can't work. "
Just when the red man invaded, Henry asked the future to check how the other party broke
in quietly, after all, the light The island has a perfect defense system, and no one can come
in silently except for the last time, like Chessia, who hacked into the system and closed the
defense measures.
"Shielding?" Henry asked, "Is there any way to solve it?" In the future, he shook his head
and nodded again. "I have no solution at the moment, but ... I found a new material, boss,
Let's take a look at the laboratory. "
Henry nodded and followed the future toward the laboratory.
Wade White took the people on the island to practice in the square. The richness of Qi will
make everyone feel deeper about Qi, and the cultivation effect will be better.
Henry arrived in the laboratory with the future. In the future laboratory, there is a sealed
cabin with a steel plate.
"Boss, look at this." The future stretched out his hand in the void, and then a panel was
drawn in front of him. The panel was projected from a holographic image, and changed
with the movement of the future arm. will
cal up a video in the future, clearly enlarged in front of Henry's eyes.
In the video, the steel plate is placed in a transparent sealed cabin, and there are many
pipes around it. Each pipe is emitting gas into the sealed cabin.
The future explained: "Boss, the gas in this pipeline is al the energy of different forms of
gas. The experimental results show that the metal in the sealed cabin can completely block
the form of gas, and the gas cannot be left on this metal. Any trace, it can be said that this
metal is the natural enemy of Qi. "In the
future, with a wave of his hand, a mechanical arm protrudes from the wall of the
laboratory, and the mechanical arm holds a steel plate.
"Boss, you hit this steel plate."
Henry nodded, took a step back, took a deep breath, and punched with a punch.
A tiger flew from behind Henry and went straight to the steel plate. The steel plate two
centimeters thick was pierced by the tiger's claws, leaving claw marks.
In the future, he waved his hand again, and another mechanical arm stretched out. He
grasped the steel plate placed in the sealed cabin and put it in front of Henry.
Henry didn't wait for the future to speak, and then punched again. Still, as before, a tiger
rushed, but this time, the tiger failed to directly tear through the steel plate and completely
dissipated after swinging the steel plate in one paw.
This steel plate, besides shaking, has nothing but a mechanical arm that grabs the steel
plate and breaks directly under the inertia of Henry's blow.
Previously, Yang Haifeng's entire body was made of machinery, but that kind of machinery
can only prevent the subtle effects of gas. For example, gas will enter the body and affect
the body, making it difficult for people to move within a few days, but it will not invade the
machine. The circuit, but Yang Haifeng's steel plate body, after all, can't completely defuse
the harmfulness of the gas, and can still be penetrated.
But this metal can be said to completely remove the harmfulness of qi and produce a shift,
and it also has a little rebound effect. If Yang Haifeng ’s body was made of this metal that
day, Henry apart from relying on absolute speed and strength There is no other way than
removing it completely.
Once the speed and power of this kind of robot is stronger than that of Yuqi master, then
the body made of this metal can completely crush Yuqi master.
A robot who wants to increase speed and strength is much easier than a real person. It is
just a matter of data exchange.
Henry also feels a little worried about this piece of metal. He is thinking, if he encounters
such a robot one day, what should he do with it? If the speed and power are not as good as
the other party, is he only the victim of slaughter?
Henry thinks in many ways, and the results he obtains are the same. Merely by himself, he
can never defeat such a robot. After all, machinery is not like the human body, with so
many dead spots and weaknesses.
Henry asked the future, "Where did you find this metal?" The future glanced at Henry and
said, "This was left last time when Sister Chessia brought someone to attack. I found it in a
pile of wreckage The composition of this piece of metal is different from all known metals. I
can't fully analyze its composition until now. "
" Cecilia ... "Henry flashed the silver-haired woman in front of her eyes.
in the
future, a robotic arm will be recruited to take away the metal and put it away, "Boss, as long
as I can analyze the composition of this metal now, If we can integrate it into our defense
system, then the gas will not be able to shield our thermal induction system, which is
considered to solve today's problems in disguise. "
Henry nodded," You should put the matter first in this regard Well, the island ’s defense
system is the top priority. Starting today, your thinking should change. Guangming Island is
no longer the king of the underground world. There are too many things in this world that
we do n’t know about. The enemies we are facing are getting stronger and stronger. "The
future nodded to understand that she looked at Henry, opened her mouth, and had a
lingering taste.
Henry said, "You want to say what you want to say."
"Boss, I was thinking, do I want to open that thing again." When I talked about the four
characters in the future, there was a bit of fear in my eyes, and there were some Excited.
Henry did not immediately answer future questions, but asked the future again, "Have you
checked recently?"
"I did." The future replied.
"How is the result?"
"The result ..." A look of embarrassment appeared on the future face.
Henry smiled slightly, hugged the shoulders of the future, and walked out of the laboratory.
"We have a lot of things now. You have dedicated too much to this island.
Forget that thing, forever, I quiet for so long, like Qieqian Ya said, I should also like some
leaders to do something, and you keep a good island, the rest of the things, to me to like. "
future body Shocked, Henry's tone, although plain, but in Henry's words, the future felt a
determination, a very strong determination.
"Boss, you want ..."
Henry took a step to look at the blue sky outside the laboratory, "Let Wade White pass on,
as the Shouling family, held the ancient martial arts conference, this time, I personal y
presided over!"
"The ancient martial arts family conference!" Future pupil one Shrinking, "Boss, have you
thought about it?"
"There is nothing to think about or not to think about." Henry smiled slightly, "Old Man Lu
put this burden on my shoulder, and sooner or later I will carry it. Do n’t look away, the
ancient martial arts family meeting is imperative. ”In the future, there was an excited look
on his face.“ Then I will go back immediately and inform my grandpa to prepare him. He
waited for this day and waited too long! Wu, who should have stood at the top of the world,
only because there is no one to lead, has become a mess of sand. If the boss is willing to
take that position, I think, my grandfather, they will be happy and crazy. "
" Oh, you girl. "Henry rubbed his head in the future." Before you go home, take me to
Yunsheng first. I'll take a look at the mountain. "
" Okay. "Nodded hard in the future.
An hour later, a plane took off from Guangming Island.
Henry, the future, and the three people from Wade White sat in the plane and headed
towards Huaxia.
Yanjing, Su's family.
Sylvia stood in the main hall of the Su family. Al high-level members of the Su family were
also in the main hall at the moment. Su Yu stood beside Sylvia. The position they stood at
was not the main seat. people.
A middle-aged man in a white gown looked at Sylvia and Su Yu with a kind of scrutiny.
After a while, the man sneered, "My Su clan, in your hands, turned into this look If I were
you, I would be ashamed of myself and face my ancestors without face! " The middle-aged
man has long hair, which reaches his shoulders.
The middle-aged man stood up from the throne, walked to Sylvia, and looked at Sylvia.
"I heard, you are related to that bright island?"
Sylvia nodded.
The middle-aged man sneered, "As a contemporary head of the Su family, it's actual y a
shame to be related to an ordinary secular force! From today onwards, you will have all
your rights as a head of the Su family removed. Home, what I said! Of course, outside, you
are stil the head of the house, no one should expose my existence, understand! "
Su Yu lowered his head and said nothing, not because he did not help Sylvia, but he dared
not .
Not to mention that the person in front of him arrived on the first day, and he swept the
powerful strength of the Su family alone. The identity of the other party is not something he
can refute. If you count from seniority, this person is two generations taller than yourself.
Even if your father is there, you have to ask the other party to cal your uncle.
The middle-aged man said aloud, "From today, this Su family is the Su family of my Su
Literature. You will become a vassal of the Su family. When the Su family gives that day,
they will give you the corresponding benefits. Of course, in Before giving, you must also
contribute your own strength to the Su family. The birth of the Su family requires strong
funds as support. I want you to do everything! Understand! "
" Understood. "Su Yu answered with a bow.
Su Wenwen glanced at the whole main hal , and final y fell back on Sylvia. "Why, you don't
speak, is there an opinion?"
Sylvia looked at Su Wenwen without saying anything.
"Hehe." Su Wenwen sneered. "Girl, don't you think, let your so-cal ed hell king come to help
you out? In front of us Su, what hell king, what bright island, shit not Count! "
Su Wenwen reached out and squeezed out of thin air." The world's supreme military force
is all ants in front of imperial qi. The so-cal ed power is not a fist. "
Under Su Peng's pinch, the solid wood carved main seat in the hal instantly turned into
powder. Such a scene made the Su family's eyes wide, which exceeded their cognition.
"This is power! Understand!"
Su Wenwen glanced around, and no matter how he said, no one dared to stare at him, and
all lowered his head.
"Girl, I heard that you are in the northwestern Yinzhou. There are quite a few forces. It just
happens that there is a piece of land we like, so you can take it in and do it according to our
requirements." Su Wenwen took out a drawing and lost it In front of Sylvia, "You can ignore
my words, but the consequences, I think it is not what you can bear, give you a month,
within a month, if I can't see the results I want, I will destroy this Su first home, and then
destroy the so-cal ed sunny island, I do not doubt the authenticity of these words in, keep in
mind that what the sunny island, in the Soviet Union's in front of me, are not shit! "
at the same time, I wish al the sea home.
Zhujia Manor is far from the urban area. At this moment, in the Zhujia Manor, the thick
black smoke and fire light burned in the Zhujia, and there was a scream in the manor.
"Run! Run! Go to Guangming Island!" A stern roar came from inside Zhu's house.
Du Haizhu family, the sky is ful of fire.
The gate of the manor was completely locked, and the butcher knife stood on the high wall.
"Old guy, tell me, where is the thing!" A man holding a knife, standing in front of Zhu
Yuanjiu, scolded loudly.
Zhu Yuanjiu was covered in blood, but he didn't have the slightest softness in his eyes.
"Want something? Dream!"
"Death!" The man hit Zhu Yuanjiu's spine with his back.
Zhu Yuan spit out blood.
"Say nothing!" The man pressed the knife tip to Zhu Yuanjiu's chest.
"Oh." Zhu Yuanjiu laughed lightly. "The ancient martial arts and the clan had diverged as
early as many years ago. Your clan seems to be strong, but in fact there is no possibility of
entering the WTO. The world is derailed, and only the destruction is waiting for you. "
The man sneered." The surnamed Lu is dead. Who can check our clan? "
" Is that true? "Zhu Yuanjiu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth," If You are really
not afraid, why did you deliberately cover up the existence of Qi in front of Mr. Lu
’s disciples? It ’s not time yet. ”The
other party ’s eyes narrowed.“ Old things, I really look down on you. During this time, you
will send all the strength of Zhu Family, not only to take that thing, but to investigate it.
Right ? " Zhu Yuanjiu grinned," Yes, I know everything about you. A plan for a hundred
years, what would it look like if it were broken? You people lost countenance. " "
It is a pity. "The man holds up a long knife, the next wish Yuanjiu heavy play," you can not
see! "
I wish the house dust everywhere.
"Have you found something?" A shout asked from within Zhujia Manor.
"The question came out and was taken away by a junior, cal ed Zhu Ling!"
Go and catch her!" A cloud landed in Huaxia province.
Henry walked out of the airport. Among the Yun provinces, what Henry remembered the
most was not the trip to stone gambling, but the 100,000 mountains located here.
Among the 100,000 mountains, it is full of mysteries. The landforms here are peculiar, with
many unknowns. Henry once had an idea. If there is a chance, he must go to the 100,000
mountains to understand the secrets.
But this time, Henry's goal was not among the 100,000 mountains, but the Spring City, the
city where the Stone King lives.
The Spring City is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and it is in this mountain that
the Stone King acquired a batch of rocks.
Shiwang's company in Spring City is named Shizhai.
Shizhai sits on the outskirts of the Spring City. In recent years, the stone king has gradual y
faded out of the stone gambling world. This is an era when talents come out.
When the stone king fades out of the stone gambling world, someone will naturally replace
However, although Shi Wang faded out, his fame stil remained. Although Shi Zhai was
average in size, there were many people who came and went, and all were big figures with
heads and faces in Spring City.
Henry's first goal this time was to go to Shizhai first.
The problem of the spirit stone is the top priority, and the confidentiality level of this
message is also the highest.
Shi Wang has arranged for people to pick up at the airport, a sign with the word Henry
standing in front of the airport.
Henry saw the brand at a glance. Among the many pick-up brands, that brand was
particularly obvious, but because it was too random, it was not much worse than the A4
paper used when Henry took Shang Yiman.
When Henry received Shang Yiman, he used a piece of A4 paper. Now Henry placed a paper
shel that was torn off at random. Standing behind the paper shel is a short-haired beauty.
The short-haired beauty is obviously healthy and complete. She also wears clothes for daily
fitness, with a height of one and seven meters, and her exquisite figure is prominent. It
attracts many people's eyes at the pick-up gate, especially the pair of long legs, which
makes people stop their eyes and forget to return. The woman's facial features are
exquisite, and the eyebrows are filled with a fierce breath, and obviously not a good-
tempered master.
Henry walked to the woman and said, "You are Ke Lansheng?"
Ke Lansheng, also known as Shi Wang's biological daughter.
"Henry?" Ke Lansheng looked at Henry from top to bottom.
"It looks like it is." Henry nodded. "The King of Stones should have told you, I'm going to go
through the formalities for that stone mountain." "Then go." Ke Lansheng didn't have any
unnecessary nonsense. Walk outside.
Henry fol owed Ke Lansheng and smiled. No wonder that every time Shi Wang mentioned
his daughter, he was helpless. From Ke Lansheng's school, he can see that he is definitely
not a peaceful person.
A fiery Ferrari was parked outside the terminal, and the scene when Colin Sheng opened
the car door attracted another eye. The sweet car beauty was undoubtedly very attractive.
Henry sat in the co-pilot and didn't fasten his seat belt. He felt a violent push back and
listened to the engine's violent revs. Obviously, Ke Lansheng stepped on the accelerator.
Along the way, Ke Lansheng was overwhelmed when he saw the car.
Henry wondered: "Beauty, shouldn't I provoke you?"
Ke Lansheng glanced at Henry . " Speak, this stone mountain, what method did you use?"
"What method?"
"Huh." Ke Lansheng sneered. "I chose this stone mountain. My dad took it, didn't plan to
open it, but sold it to you at the original price?"
"Why, do you think I threatened your dad?" On the backrest.
"You don't have that strength yet." Ke Lansheng gave Henry a disdainful glance, "I just want
to know, what method do you use to let my dad sell the original price of this stone
mountain to you."
Henry shrugged. "Your dad didn't want to drive this mountain and sold it to me."
"Don't you say it?" Ke Lansheng hit the steering wheel hard. There was a big truck in the
driveway opposite Ke Lansheng. The sound of the whistle rushed.
At this moment, Ke Lansheng reversed to the opposite side of the truck, stepped on the
dead door, and hit the big truck straight.
Ke Lan grabbed the steering wheel with life and death and asked Henry loudly, "Say!
What method did you use? Also, where is my dad now! Why can't I contact him!" The
situation before me , normal people would be scared The soul is scattered, and this Ferrari
is about to col ide with the truck, and it will definitely fall to the end of a crushed bone.
There is nothing in his mouth that can't be hidden, and a brain spit out.
Ke Lansheng just wanted to use Henry's fearful mind, but unfortunately, this time Ke
Lansheng was wrong.
Henry sat on the co-pilot leisurely, "I just protected the King of Stone. It's good for everyone
to do so."
Henry Youzai surprised Colan. The piercing whistling sound of the big truck sounded in
Colan. At the same time, Ke Lansheng reacted, and at the turn of the moment, he drove the
car back to his own road.
big truck whizzed past the Ferrari body, with a separation distance of less than ten
centimeters. It can be said that if Colin was just playing the steering wheel for one second
late, she was already It turned into a puddle of meat.
This feeling of walking in a circle before the gate of the ghost gate left Ke Lan wet with cold
Ke Lan gave a subconscious look at Henry and found that Henry was sitting there with a
light face as if nothing had happened.
Ke Lansheng took a deep breath, calmed his mood, and drove a lot slower.
"Henry, I warn you, my dad is going to have something, and you can't get through it!"
Henry pouted and said nothing.
Ke Lansheng took Henry to the door of a hotel and opened a disgusted face to Henry,
"This weekend, there is no way to go through the formalities. I will pick you up tomorrow.
Get off the bus."
Henry opened the door, walked off, and just closed the door. It was too late to ask Ke
Lansheng how to contact tomorrow, and it was convenient for him to leave with a throttle.
Henry shook his head, advanced hotel, opened the room, and lived in.
Kelan Sheng drove left, and did not leave the hotel too far, but in a corner of the hotel will
be parked the car, I called out, "He went in it?"
"Has been entered, nothing seems to be Question. "
" Take a good look at him, and notify him of all his whereabouts as soon as possible.
"Ke Lansheng finished and hung up the phone.
Henry, who was staying in the hotel, opened the curtains and glanced. His eyes were locked
on the red Ferrari that was coming out of the corner. He took out the phone and said,
"Arrange someone to come." A
few minutes later, Henry left the hotel, and The room he opened was accommodated by
another person. The person arranged by Ke Lansheng would naturally not find the scene
where Henry left, but also regarded Henryzheng living in the hotel.
After Henry left the hotel, he went straight to the hotel's underground parking lot. A local
taxi had been put here long ago, and the keys were in the car.
Henry smoothly pul ed the car door, found the key in the hand-held box, started the vehicle,
and drove out of the parking lot. At the same time, Henry's mobile phone received a
message that it was the driving dynamics of Colin Sheng's Ferrari. In terms of positioning,
the place I went to every second was accurately transmitted to Henry's mobile phone.
Henry saw that the Ferrari finally stopped in a tea house.
The teahouse that Ke Lansheng went to was not big. It was only two floors high and
decorated with antiques. When he entered the door, Ke Lansheng showed a
membership card, and then went in. If there is no member, he is not eligible to enter this.
Tea House.
In the teahouse, a young man in his twenties was sitting, with a handsome appearance, and
the suit was worth a lot.
"Lan Sheng, you are here." When the young man saw Ke Lansheng, he stood up.
A face blackened by Ke Lansheng on the way, when he saw the young man, he smiled,
"I am interested, you find me." The
young man nodded, came forward, took Ke Lansheng's hand, and sat aside "Lan Sheng,
what you told me yesterday, I thought all night, that Shi Shan, absolutely can not give
people casually."
Ke Lansheng shook his head, "It is not that I want to give to people, but my dad asked me to
pass that stone mountain to People, besides, my dad's whereabouts are unknown, and his
life and death are uncertain, he ... "
" I found my uncle. "The young man stared at Ke Lansheng's eyes.
"Where is my dad?" When Ke Lansheng heard this, he immediately stood up nervously.
Although in the car, Ke Lansheng looked disdainful to Henry, but in her heart, she was very
worried about the safety of her father. May take such a big risk to force Henry to speak.
"Lan Sheng, please don't worry." The young man took Ke Lansheng's arm again and asked
her to sit down. "According to my investigation, the uncle is now in the hand of the
surname Cao."
Ke Lansheng frowned. , "Are you saying Cao Changlin? Is it that Henry is Cao Changlin's
"What Henry?" The young man curious.
Ke Lansheng explained to the youth, "My dad called me and asked me to transfer Shi Shan
to the name of a person named Henry, who just went to the Spring City." The youth looked
at him and said , "That should be it, Cao Changlin ." You know, he has worked with his uncle
for so many years. This time he knew that his uncle had opened such a mountain. He
immediately turned his face with his uncle and found a buyer from the outside. I heard the
news that Cao Changlin had already received 100 mil ion buyers. Deposit, after this
transaction is successful, Cao Changlin can earn at least 400
million. "
" He is a white-eyed wolf! "Ke Lansheng has a strong hatred in his eyes," If it was not my
dad, he would have been minced and fed. There is no dog today! "The young man shook his
head." Lan Sheng, now is not the time to say that, that mountain, you can't go to the name of
Henry at will, otherwise Cao Changlin will not let go uncle, we first need to do is to ensure
the safety of his uncle, need to find ways to let Cao Changlin uncle put. " "
release? "Kelan Sheng wry smile," he can not just put my dad, my dad would not prisoners
Up, except my dad told me yesterday by once, I could not reach him. "
Young pensive about it, then open," Lan born, you think about it from another angle, now
Cao Changlin take security threats of our uncle, How can we threaten him? "
" Threat him? "Colin Sheng heard in confusion.
"Yes, threaten him!" The young man focused on his head. "Now that Cao Changlin has
received a deposit of 100 mil ion from others, this stone mountain, he has to sell it to
others anyway. The other party has a big head. If he can't sell it, he will not be too good.
Therefore, we can threaten Cao
Changlin as well! " Ke Lan's eyes lit up." How to threaten. "
"It's very simple, you pass this mountain under my name, and then ask Cao Changlin to be a
person, and declare to the outsider that you have already traded the mountain to me. When
the mountain is not with you, Cao Changlin will natural y not hold onto his uncle. Let go. "
" But ... "Ke Lansheng was worried in his eyes." What if Cao Changlin was angry and hurt
my dad? "
" No. "The young man shook his head confidently." Cao Changlin is the most important right
now, not trying to be right What about my uncle, but to make money with that mountain. At
this point, he would definitely not do something outside the festival . This is the best way
now. " " But ... "Ke Lansheng stil hesitated.
The young man grabbed Ke Lansheng's hands, "Lan Sheng, wouldn't you trust me?"
Ke Lansheng shook his head quickly, "I'm not interested, I don't mean, you just don't get me
wrong, I just thought, this one matter, what will affect you, Cao Changlin ruthless gang, if
you know the tall hil in your name, you will certainly hands. "
young man listened to Ke Lansheng's words and smiled slightly, "Lan Sheng, I am really
happy that you can care about me so much, but now, it is not the time to think about these
Uncle ’s safety is the most important thing. This matter ca n’t be delayed any
longer. Since you said that the person arranged by Cao Changlin has arrived, it must be the
deadline given by Cao Changlin tomorrow. So, tomorrow morning, I will go to you. "
" Okay "" Ko Lansheng nodded.
After discussing some details with young people, Ke Lansheng left.
When Ke Lansheng left, the young man sneered, took out his mobile phone, dialed a
number to go out, "Hey, boss Cao, it's me, Tang Xingzhi, I have solved the problem here,
your boss Cao, If you can say that you can make 500 million yuan, how can you score me
30%? "
Tang Xingzhi, who was on the phone, did not notice at all. He was standing alone outside
the wall he was standing on.
Henry thought about Tang Xingzhi's words. In this way, there are not many people who
know this stone mountain. Which family is behind Cao Changlin?
Of course, Henry would not feel that a consortium would come to collect this stone
mountain. All along, the clan is not real y isolated from the world, they just do n’t show up
in front of the public, just like the Zhao clan, they live in the crowd, this cloud Provincial,
there must be clan staring.
Now, not long after this stone mountain came out, he was stared at. If this is not a clan,
Henry can't figure out what other forces there are.
Henry saw that Tang Xingzhi had ended the call. After lying comfortably and resting there,
he quietly left. Today ’s discovery made Henry decide to observe for another day.
He must make sure that this matter will never be known by others again. This is also the
reason why Henry came over this time, instead of carrying the stone king, but restricting
the freedom of the stone king.
Henry left Shi Wang on the island, forbidding him to contact the outside world. First, he
was worried that Shi Wang would pass on this matter, after all, it had a lot to do.
Secondly, he deliberately created fog to let all the people involved in the incident appear,
and he handled them one by one.
After Henry left the teahouse, he contacted the person in charge of Xiaguangming Island in
Spring City and learned that the mountain was still under good supervision.
Overnight, quietly passed.
Early the next morning.
A red Ferrari was driving on the streets of Chuncheng. Colin Sheng drove in one hand and
held a mobile phone in one hand. "Is the matter clear?"
"Miss, I found. Cao Changlin did receive a deposit of 100 mil ion from a mysterious buyer.
Hill. "
Hearing the message from the person on the phone, Ke Lansheng nodded, hung up the
phone, and went straight to Shizhai.
Shizhai is located on the outskirts of the city, which is a facade room of more than 300
square meters. Do n’t look at Shizhai ’s size. The stone stored in it is from the level of
Wangshi. Gamble.
Ke Lansheng parked the car at the entrance of Shizhai, and threw the key to someone at the
door, striding into Shizhai.
At this time, there are already many people in Shizhai who are all here to play with stones.
Ke Lansheng glanced around in Shizhai, and final y locked on a person, frowning, "How are
you here?"
"Come and turn around." Henry, who was standing not far from Ke Lansheng shrugged,
" And you did n’t give me contact information yesterday, I can only come here to find you. ”
Ke Lansheng's face was a little ugly, just wanted to find an excuse to let Henry leave first,
and heard a voice behind him,“ Lan Sheng, I'm sorry , I'm late, I'm late. "Tang Xing, sweaty
and ran in from the gate of Shizhai.
As soon as Tang Xingzhi entered the door, he saw Henry, who was standing with Ke
Lansheng, with an expression on his face. "Lan Sheng, is this?"
"Oh, I came to sign a contract with her." Henry said to Tang Xingzhi with a smile.
"Sign a contract?" Tang Xingzhi's eyes flashed a little haze, but soon disappeared, he said to
Henry, "Sorry, I'm Lan Sheng's boyfriend, it's a bit urgent to find her."
Tang Xingzhi said, and went La Collan's arm was ready to walk up to the Shizhai Tower.
"Private business and so on, let's talk about business first." Henry strode up.
Ke Lansheng turned back and looked at Henry, "I don't want to talk about business now, do
you understand?"
Henry looked at Ke Lansheng's unhappy look and raised his hand. "Well, then we'll wait
and talk again . "
Ke Lansheng and Tang Xingzhi walked upstairs together.
On the second floor of Shizhai, all are private areas, and the largest office is where Shi Wang
usually stays.
Colin Sheng and Tang Xingzhi walked into the office. Colin Sheng careful y closed the door,
then crouched to a safe in the corner of the office, and kept operating.
Soon, a transparent folder was taken out by Coranson and placed in front of Tang Xingzhi.
The moment he saw the folder, Tang Xingzhi showed a hint of greed in his eyes, but it was
quickly covered up by him.
"Lan Sheng, this is the mining right of that mountain?" Tang Xingzhi asked as quietly as
"Wel ." Ko Lansheng nodded. "As long as you get this agreement, you will have that
Tang Xingzhi endured the urge to snatch the file from Ke Lansheng and said, "Lan Sheng,
then you can put it now. Go out and say that it's mine. "
Ko Lansheng nodded and handed the agreement to Tang Xing.
Tang Xingzhi looked at the agreement that was getting closer and closer to him, his excited
body could not help shaking.
With a loud bang, the office door was kicked open.
Curran subconsciously withdrew his hand and looked towards the door.
Tang Xingzhi also turned around violently. Seeing that things were about to be completed,
who was it?
Henry stood at the door, showing an angry expression, "Okay, we al said that the deal is
good, you dare to give this agreement to others!"
"I ..." Ke Lansheng's eyes appeared panic, after all, she was very Clearly, his father is still in
the hands of the other party.
There was not much confusion in Tang Xingzhi. The death and life of the stone king, he did
not care about it, and said: "Boy, we do business, of course, the highest bidder, you ..."
"You what you!" Henryyi Impatiently interrupting Tang Xingzhi's words, he strode in and
rushed to Kelan to say, "Come on, give me the agreement, or I will kill you, my son !"
Kelansheng knew at this moment that he had nothing to do and could not continue. Can
only reach out and pass the agreement to Henry.
"Lan Sheng, you can't give it!" Tang Xingzhi looked anxiously and stretched his hand to grab
the things in Ke Lansheng's hand.
Seeing the hand of soup interest will encounter protocol, Kelan Sheng quickly withdrawn
his hand, then looked somewhat wary of soup interest, "What do you mean?
My dad's life holds in their hands, let me give you?"
"I ..." Tang Xing opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but did not know what to say, he
somewhat hated himself for being too impulsive.
Don't look at Ke Lansheng as a female generation, but the perennial fitness and exercise
make Ke Lansheng's physical function much stronger than the average person. It really
needs to be strong. Tang Xingzhi is not necessarily Ke Lansheng's opponent, which is why
Tang Xingzhi has been waiting. The reason why Ke Lansheng took the initiative to put
things into his own hands.
"Lan Sheng, I'm afraid you gave the agreement, they won't let anyone go!"
"Do I have any other choice?" Ke Lansheng asked Tang Xingzhi.
"Lan Sheng, we can think of a way to talk to them again. Uncle's safety is the first. Now, give
him the agreement, and they will have no more scruples!" Tang Xingzhi said, urging Ke
Lansheng to agree Stay.
Henry sneered, "I counted three times, the agreement does not give me, I will let people kil
the stone king now! One!"
Henry just exported the word, Ke Lansheng immediately handed over the agreement.
"Can't give it!" Tang Xingzhi flew again and tried to grab the agreement.
Unfortunately, Ke Lansheng once again escaped.
The vigilance in Ke Lansheng's eyes became stronger and stronger. She took two steps back
and stared cautiously at Tang Xingzhi.
Tang Xingzhi failed to snatch again. He looked at Ke Lansheng and said softly: "Lan Sheng,
don't make trouble, hurry, give me this agreement, OK, obedient, I am also good for you."
"Tang Xingzhi, you leave I'm far away! "Ke Lansheng shouted at Tang Xingzhi, and she now
felt more and more that Tang Xingzhi was not right.
"Hahaha!" A burst of laughter came from outside the office.
A middle-aged man with a big beard wearing a black suit appeared in front of the office.
"Cao Changlin!" Ke Lansheng saw these three words in his mouth when he saw the middle-
aged bearded man.
"Oh, Lan Sheng's niece is getting more and more beautiful." Cao Changlin smiled, and then
looked at Tang Xingzhi, "I said Tang's surname, but fortunately I left my hand, otherwise I
will leave it al to you. , Really smashed it for me. It seems that your 30% of the money can't
be divided. "
" What! "Ke Lansheng's face changed, and he looked at Tang Xingzhi in disbelief, clenching
his silver teeth, "The two of you are a gang!"
Tang Xingzhi standing there, seeing that the matter is here, no longer meant to continue
acting, sighed, "Lan Sheng, you said, why do you have to be so careful What? Five hundred
million, three achievements are one hundred and five hundred, who ca n’t be bothered ? "
Ke Lansheng's gaze glanced between Tang Xingzhi and Cao Changlin, and finally turned
suddenly, locked on Henry," If they are a gang Yes , you ... " Henry shrugged," I told you
yesterday . " " Yesterday! "
Ke Lansheng suddenly thought of what Henry said in the car yesterday, he protects his
father, if it is true In this case, his father is not in Cao Chang at al Hands! Tang Xingzhi said
so much, just want to know where he put this agreement!
Cao Changlin ticked Ke Lansheng's finger, "Lan Sheng niece, listen to your uncle, and give
the agreement to your uncle."
"You dream!" Ke Lan pinched the agreement in his hands.
"Hey." Cao Changlin sighed, "Lan Sheng's niece, you are forcing Uncle to do it for you."
Cao Changlin snapped his fingers, and immediately behind Cao Changlin came out two
strong men. Henry said quickly, "Boss Cao, do we have something to discuss? I just heard
that you can make 500 million for this project. It is better to do this. I will give you 600 mil
ion. You let me take this The project was taken? "
" Oh. "Cao Changlin laughed twice." Young people, this is not a question of money, not to
mention 600 mil ion. Today you are giving me 6 billion. You can't take this project! " "
Oh?" Henryrao asked with interest, "Boss Cao, so you are working for someone?"
Cao Changlin grinned and didn't directly answer Henry's question. He waved his hand
directly. He The two strong men behind them strode into the office.
While Cao Changlin grinned, Henry's mouth also grinned.
Just when Henry proposed 600 mil ion yuan, he special y observed the expression of Cao
Changlin, and found that Cao Changlin's eyes didn't even have a little intention, indicating
that he didn't care about these 600 mil ion yuan. Because of the so-called 500
million flip face? This led Henry to immediately come to an answer, that is, Cao Changlin
was serving others from beginning to end.
Knowing this news, Henry was quite relieved. If it was not for money, it proved that Cao
Changlin did not publicize the Shishan incident.
Before Henry came, he was afraid that someone would spread the news everywhere. It
would be too late to block the news. But now it seems that things are moving in the
simplest direction. Only one clan knows the news.
Clan, of course, did not want to let this news out.
In this way, it is easy to deal with.
Henry stretched a lazy waist.
The two strong men slowly approached Ke Lansheng.
Ke Lansheng's footsteps have been receding all the way to the corner.
two muffled sounds sounded.
The two strong men sent by Cao Changlin flew out like shells.
Ke Lansheng, who was shrinking around the corner, stared at Henry in front of him with a
stunned look. How could such a strong body look so powerful, he had just two punches,
each punch could directly hit the flying sandbag Power?
Henry turned his head and smiled bitterly when he saw Ke Lansheng's incredible look.
"I said Ke Mei, since the stone king can let you give me this mountain, how can you believe
my strength? "
Henry finished talking and looked at Cao Changlin again." Boss Cao, can we go now? "
" Go? "Cao Changlin smiled and didn't feel too surprised. From the day the stone king
disappeared, he knew that someone was Secretly protect the stone king.
Cao Changlin, who stood at the door of the office, took the initiative to give way.
At the doorway, two more figures appeared, two young people in their twenties. They
looked a bit similar. When they appeared, they looked at Henry disdainfully, "Where's the
wild boy, even We dare to take care of the affairs of the Huang family! "
" Huang family? "Henry smiled gently.
"What are you laughing at?" A young man yelled at Henry. The smile on Henry's face made
him feel provocative.
"I thought that when you opened your mouth, you should put the Huang clan in your
mouth. It seems that the clan's actions are really controlled everywhere." Henry shook his
head, "I think, if you are not control ed everywhere, also Don't bother to col ect the mining
rights of this mountain. "
, let the two young people shock, they looked at each other with a trace of amazement, then
turned their heads to Henrydao: "Boy You know a lot! Since you know that we are clan, do
you dare to fight against us? "One of the
two young men took out a walkie-talkie and rushed inside, saying," It's a bit unexpected, let
everyone come. "
Youth As soon as the words fel , Shizhai's downstairs heard dense footsteps and screams.
"Al give up!"
"Quick, let 's go if you don't want to die!" A
yell of reproach sounded, and this heard Henry smiled dumbly, how the clan did things, just
like the fight in the community.
Soon, the dense footsteps stopped, because at this moment, these people have al come to
the second floor of Shizhai, and died around the second floor.
Cao Changlin said with a smile: "The Stone King really has the ability. The people he found
dare to fight against the clan. Boy, since you know the existence of the clan, I really can't
figure it out. Where is your courage?"
Henry smiled, "I Also thinking, where is the courage of the clan, obviously a group of
control ed existences, and still consider themselves superior? "
" Boy, what do you say! "A young Huang stared at Henry with an angry face.
Henry did not answer the other party's words, but asked instead: "As far as I know, the
Huang family is among the clan, the 14th right, between the Tang family and the Zhao
"How is it!" Huang's people heard this, his face somewhat ugly, fourteenth, and that is the
inverse of the second ranked clan, "as long as we get this Lingshi mine, sooner or later will
exceed ranked second YANG '!"
"Puchi. "Henry couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud."
"What are you laughing!" Huang's people shouted.
"I laughed that you didn't have a good time." Henry shook his head. "Before I exterminated
Zhao, the people of Zhao's goal was to step on Longxi Li's under their feet. You Huang found
such a spirit stone mine. The goal is only chasing the second place. No wonder Zhao ’s
ranking is before you. ”
Huang ’s youth shook his body.
Destroy Zhao's!
At the beginning, the Zhao Clan was destroyed. Among the clan, it can be said that it caused
an uproar.
The existing Tangjiagu was buried under the ruins, and the Zhao clan was buried before
dawn. These two incidents made the clan people feel surprised and at the same time have a
sense of crisis. They do n’t know who they are. Secretly shot.
"It turned out that you did it!" Huang's youth stared at Henry and clenched his fists tightly.
Although he looked confident, but serious fears showed from time to time, he stil betrayed
Although the ranking of Huang and Zhao is only one difference, the difference in strength is
more than one star. Among them, Huang is full, but there are two masters,
and the entire Zhao has several masters. , The patriarch of the Zhao clan is even more
powerful in the metamorphosis!
Even if the Zhao family is destroyed overnight, how can the Huang family resist it?
Henry stepped forward, struck like lightning, and locked the throats of the two young
Huangs. "You know, your clan, just put on a mysterious coat, and after peeling off this coat,
you are nothing, you ! strength again strong, but also straitjacket imposed, and I, the cynical
Henry hands suddenly force, Nieduan two young Huang neck, while cold channel:"!
exterminate Huang " When Henry's mouth extinguished Huang's four characters, the
hallway outside the office burst into screams.
The scream was like purgatory, blood flowing from the ground and slowly flowing to the
office door.
After seeing the rich blood, several people in the office felt their legs were soft.
When Ke Lansheng thought of threatening such a person yesterday, he felt like a fool.
Can such a person threaten him? The rich blood flowed on the ground, he even laughed out!
The screams did not last long. After a minute, the entire Shizhai fell into silence.
Henry put his eyes on Tang Xingzhi, and in the moment Henry looked at, Henry's footsteps
retreated involuntarily.
Henry sighed, "You talk about you, why are you so interested, if you don't participate in this
Shishan thing, don't you have to die?"
"Don't ... don't ..." Tang Xingzhi retreated to the corner, His lips were trembling, and he said
unfavorably, "I beg you ... don't kill me ..."
Henry smiled, "give me a reason not to kill you."
"I ..." Tang Xing opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say What, he looked at Ke
Lansheng, begging for mercy, "Lan Sheng, please, please, let him not kil me, okay, I admit
that I have a lust, but I still have feelings for you "
Ke Lansheng looked at Tang Xingzhi with a complicated look, and when he was just about
to speak, he heard Henry say:" I think, your car should have a remote start, do you want to
try it? "
" Remote start? " With Henry's words, I don't understand why Henry suddenly said this.
Henry pointed to the office window, "Your car is parked below, you can sense it, go, try it."
current situation, and the strength that Henry showed, made Ke Lan feel consciously do
what Henry said.
It can be seen that when Ke Lansheng took out the car key, Tang Xingzhi's face became very
ugly. When Ke Lansheng pressed the remote start button, the fiery red Ferrari parked
downstairs instantly turned into a blaze of fire and emitted A violent explosion, the
explosive airflow, cracked the reinforced glass of the window beside Ke Lansheng.
Collan stared at the red Ferrari that had been completely blown away.
"It's too old-fashioned to kil people," Henry Tang Xing shook his head. "Or, if the clan does
things, it's hard to deal with them. If you want to kill someone, you can just kill them. You
have to install this detonator. "
Henry's voice made Ke Lansheng recover from the daze. Two lines of tears slipped from the
corners of his eyes. Ke Lansheng slowly turned around and looked at Tang Xingzhi. His eyes
were indifferent and his face was ashamed.
"Lan Sheng, listen to my explanation. This is not my intention, not my intention!" Tang
Xingzhi waved his hands again and again.
Henry silently walked behind Ke Lansheng, stretched out a hand, bypassed Ke Lansheng's
jade neck, covered Ke Lansheng's eyes, and gently said: "Do it."
Two Hanmang flashed, marking Tang Xingzhi and Cao Changlin Head.
Two "Boom" sounds, and a whimper sounded from Ke Lansheng's mouth.
A few seconds later, Henrycai sent away the hand that covered Ke Lansheng's eyes.
There was no blood on the office, and everything was neat as if nothing had happened.
Henry's voice sounded from behind Kelan Sheng, "is you go out, or I can help you go out."
Kelan Sheng took a deep breath, did not speak, silently out At the office, just after leaving
the office, Ke Lansheng smel ed a strong bloody smel , and a sharp blade was inserted on
the floor in front of him.
Ke Lansheng glanced back at Henry, then reached out and grabbed the blade, stayed for a
few seconds before letting go.
Henry smiled slightly when he saw this scene. Shi Wang was a wise man. His daughter was
also a dexterous generation. Ke Lansheng deliberately left her fingerprint on the blade of
the knife, which already showed her attitude.
The entire Shizhai was empty and there was no guest. The blood stains that had spread to
the door of the office had been cleaned in the shortest time, and the bloody smel in the air
had not yet dispersed, proving that there had just been a massacre here.
Henry walked out of Shizhai and walked back to his residence.
At four o'clock in the afternoon, Henry received a text message with only one Arabic
numeral "1" in the message.
Henry stood by the window, looked at the mountains beyond the window, and muttered:
"So, now there are only twelve families left in the clan ranking list."
Tang was buried in the canyon first, and then Zhao The clan was buried before dawn, and
now the clan is ruined by desire.
Henry shook his head, took out his phone, and dialed the number in the future.
"Boss, I can arrive tonight. There are a lot of instruments."
"Okay, then I'll wait for you."
Henry said, hung up, and the phone rang again before it was put in his pocket. , Glanced at
the cal er, it was President Ma.
Henry suddenly remembered that he had promised President Ma last time what medical
exchange meeting he would attend.
"Hey, President Ma."
"Little Doctor, are you busy?" President Ma's voice rang from the phone.
Henry asked directly, "Is it about the exchange meeting?"
"Yes, yes." President Ma quickly answered on the phone, "Little Divine Doctor, our
exchange meeting will be the day after tomorrow, in Germany, you Are you going with us,
or ... "
Chairman Ma left a lot of room for speech.
"I have something to do with these two days, you just go and send me the place."
" Yes , then we have gone to the place to send you a message to the little god doctor.
This time, it will be more trouble for the little god doctor."
"What's the trouble." Henry smiled, "Return to contact."
"Okay, okay." President Ma replied repeatedly.
As the sky gradual y dimmed, Spring City ushered in many strange figures again. Henry got
the mining right of the stone mountain, and everything was ready.
Henry came to a stone mountain, which was acquired by the stone king.
Several drones hovered over the stone mountain, sweeping down the green optical
Standing next to Henry in the future, he smiled bitterly at Henry: "Boss, the result this time
is worse than I thought. I made some modifications, and the magnetic field here cannot
affect the drone, indicating the number of spirit stones. It's really limited. "
" There is one piece, how is the preparation for mining? "
" After this exploration can be opened, the highest estimate is that it will not exceed 30
pieces of spirit stones. "
Henrymo Touching the chin, "Thirty yuan is not a small number anymore. In the future,
your girl's vision is getting higher and higher. If you give the elder thirty spirit stones, I'm
afraid he can't sleep in a few days of excitement. "
"It's not that my vision is high." In the future, Zhang Kugua's face was put on, "Boss, this
time the expectations are too high, I thought it was like a mountain, how much spirit stone."
" Let ’s be content. ”Henry rubbed his head in the future.“ I real y want a mountain to be a
spiritual stone. How could it be waiting for us? I do n’t know how many years ago it was
lighted by people. After two days, I have something to go out In one trip, after the stones
were dug, they were handed over to the elders directly. "
" Okay. "The future nodded.
"That's right." Henry asked, "Is there any news about Wade White coming back about the
"It's back, the idiot said that he was waiting for his old man to get out of it. My grandpa also
asked for ancestors when he knew about it Now, boss, what is the ancestor? "The future
looked at Henry curiously," I asked my grandfather several times, he didn't tell me. "
" It's about the life and death of the ancient Wu family, it seems, you Grandpa really waited
so long for this day, even the ancestors came out. "Henry looked up, looked at the starry
sky, and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear," Did this old guy, have you found
anything? "
Shi Shan The mining work was carried out overnight, and in the future, an aircraft was
arranged to fly all the mined stones back by air at an expensive price. Even the time when
the stone was opened on the site was not retained. Various large machines were operated.
A large mountain, in the dawn At that time, a quarter was hollowed out.
Henry stays here all the time, observing everything, and is always ready to deal with any
unexpected troubles.
Two days passed quickly, and the excavation project was very smooth. When the last stone
was transported to the plane, Henrycai felt relieved and informed Pease and asked Pease to
arrange for the plane to send the stone king back to China. , Take the
"downwind fan" directly to Germany.
As the most representative country in Europe, Germany's economic system has always
been in the forefront of the world. The European-style architectural style gives people a
sense of majesty and is deeply loved by people.
Kashiwa, the capital of Germany, is also very famous in the world. It was isolated by a wall
for nearly thirty years. It is a history that Europeans are reluctant to mention.
Henry has been to this European city more than once, unlike the red-headed past when the
red hair was in the past. This time Henry came alone, without disturbing anyone.
The address given by Chairman Ma to Henry is a Chinese medicine hall opened in Bai City.
Henry still remembers the geographical location of Kashiwa City very well. Coupled with
his fluent German language, he easily came to the place given by President Ma.
Henry looked at the four-storey building in front of him, covering an area of 230,000
square meters of Chinese-style buildings. In the streets between foreigners, there is a
feeling of Baozhilin in the record.
This is a Chinese medicine museum, but it is actual y a large Chinese medicine hospital.
Entering the hospital, Henry saw that most of the doctors and patients here are Chinese
faces. In this country far away from China, it gives an indescribable sense of intimacy.
When Henry came to the hospital, he wanted to contact Chairman Ma as soon as possible.
The mobile phone was just pulled out, and he heard a scolding from the side.
"Those Chinese pig, saying what Chinese medicine stronger than Western medicine, let
them take this out of embarrassment."
"Yes, otherwise these Chinese pigs really do not know their status, also ran for what
exchanges, alone a few Root embroidery needle? Ridiculous! "
Henry looked on the side
, and he saw two European-faced male doctors in white coats striding toward the hospital.
After listening to what the two men said, Henry was already able to make sure that what
they said was President Ma and his party.
Henry simply closed the phone. If President Ma was in the exchange meeting, it would not
be good to disturb him directly, and after listening to the two doctors talking about
something, they were obviously going to the exchange meeting.
In itself, Henry thought that the exchange meeting should be in a meeting room or the like,
and then presented a few medical cases. The two parties exported medical culture to each
other. As a result, Henry discovered at the place that this exchange meeting was held in a
room Intensive care unit.
The two doctors pushed open the door of the ward and walked in. At the moment when the
two pushed the door open, Henry observed the scene in the room.
In the whole house, there are a total of fifteen people, six of them are Huaxia faces, three
men and three women, President Henry and Yan Li, who are familiar with Henry, are in this
crowd, and nine people are al European faces. Two people, a total of eleven Europeans, one
is lying on the bed, the other ten are al wearing white coats, there are men and women,
want to come to be doctors.
"How, how you Chinese medicine treatment of this disease? ' "
Also known as would cure all il s, even the results of this smal symptoms can not solve.
So, Chinese medicine, equivalent to a joke. "
A mocking voice from the road It came out of the ward.
In the ward, Chairman Ma and six other Chinese medical doctors looked at the patient
sitting on the bed with embarrassment. The patient was a middle-aged man in his forties,
leaning on the bed without a word. It can be seen that his face There is almost
no expression on his face, and his muscles are tight, his arms are tightly pressed against the
sides of his body, and he can't move at al .
"Dr. Jon, I don't know. If you treat this muscle spasm, what method will you take?" A
Chinese female doctor asked.
Called Dr. Jon, a man in his fifties, standing at the forefront of these European doctors at
this time is clearly the representative of this group.
Dr. Jon snorted, "We treat it naturally and simply, just inject the latest medicine, and
naturally he can recover from his symptoms. You Chinese medicine, pay attention to
external application, orally, there is no injection at all, how can it be treated? After al , just
some poor skills, can heal minor il nesses, serious il ness useless. "
Jon Doctor Carter, that name just came in from outside the young doctor then said:" but the
kind of ailment, drinking hot days Water, he recovered, why should he cure it again?
soon as he said this, there was a burst of laughter in the whole ward.
After Dr. Jon waved, his assistant immediately took an injection and delivered it to Dr.
Dr. Jon picked up the injection and thrust it into the patient's shoulder, slowly pushing the
drug into the patient.
As soon as the injection was completed, Dr. Jon said: "Okay, you can try the activity."
you can see, there was a struggling look on the patient's face, but his arm still couldn't do
anything. action.
"Sir, you can try the activity." Dr. Jon said again.
The patient shook his head slightly. "Doctor, I don't think I can do it. My arms have no
consciousness. I don't feel it belongs to me anymore."
" I don't feel it ?" Dr. Jon frowned. This patient has already come. I have been to the hospital
several times. According to the past situation, a medicine can be easily solved.
How could it not be conscious? Dr. Jon put his hand on the patient's shoulder and squeezed
hard. "How is it, do you feel it?"
"No." The patient shook his head slightly.
Dr. Jon's brows are more severe, if the patient is not the source of his own search, he even
doubts whether this is an actor invited by Dr. Hua Xia.
Dr. Jon beckoned, "Come on another medicine."
The assistant standing behind Dr. Jon heard the words and took another injection.
When Dr. Jon was just about to pierce the injection into the patient, the door of the ward
was taken. Push away from the outside.
The sudden sound made all the people in the ward look at the door.
When seeing the figure of Henry, both Yan Li and Chairman Ma showed surprise in their
eyes, and they al said in unison: "Little doctor!"
"Master Yan, is he the doctor you said?" The young female doctor asked the first time.
"Yes!" Yan Li nodded again and again and immediately went up to meet Henry.
The middle-aged female doctor looked at Henry suspiciously. Before that, she heard Yan Li
say that this time there was a magic doctor to help out. For the magic doctor in Yan Li ’s
mouth, the middle-aged female doctor is stil very interested. People who are cal ed masters
by Master Yan must have high medical attainments, but they didn't expect it to be such a
young man.
Before Henry ’s lecture, I went to many people to learn, but compared with the entire group
of doctors in Huaxia, there are still too few people to learn, and Henry ’s training does not al
ow video recording, so most people still do n’t know Henry ’s age, and his mind is
subconsciously thought to be a lecture given by an old Chinese medicine. After al , the thing
of medicine is accumulated by time. How much medicine can a young man, even if he is
talented? How much medical history do you read?
The remaining three Huaxia doctors also looked at Henry curiously.
The two doctors who came in last in Europe always felt that Henry had a familiar face, but
they couldn't remember it. They just patronized and said some abusive words, so they
didn't notice the people behind them.
As soon as Henry entered the room, he said, "This injection is not to save people, but to
harm people."
"Harmful people? What do you mean! Where are you, please go out!" Dr. Jon sneered.
"Dr. Jon, this is also the doctor of our China Exchange." President Ma quickly said.
"Doctor, he? Communication meeting?" Dr. Jon glanced at Henry disdainful y. Henry, in his
twenties, is a thorough white in medicine.
Dr. Jon said to Henry: "Since you are a doctor, you should understand what medical ethics
is, and you say I am a victim? With your words, I can ask your embassy to send you back!"
Henry He chuckled and didn't speak, but looked at President Ma and asked, "Chairman Ma,
they tel you, what kind of disease is this patient suffering from?"
President Ma replied a little embarrassedly: "Muscle Spasms ... "
In the medical field, muscle spasms are a very common symptom, but President Ma and
others are helpless. This makes them feel very ashamed. Not only President Ma, but also
the other few Huaxia doctors have shown shame. Look.
This time, the doctors who can communicate on behalf of Chinese medicine are the best in
the industry. Every attending physician is at least a professor level. Now that they were
stumped by a small muscle spasm, they wouldn't doubt it at all, and if this matter was
spread, they would definitely laugh at it.
"Muscle spasms?" Henry smiled and turned to look at Dr. Jon. "I think your medical ethics
shouldn't teach you how to mislead other doctors?"
Dr. Jon's face changed and said, "I don't I understand what you mean. "
Henry said," The medicine you inject is not any medicine known in the market, but an
energy medicine named Power. I remember it translated in Ying language, what you call it
If you do, you should do Kraft, which means power in our Chinese language. This kind of
medicine contains stimulant-like ingredients, which dilutes the violent effects of
stimulants, and chooses to extend the time period to expand the body. The veins, so that it
can have more powerful power than usual in one to six months, right? "
Dr. Jon's face changed, and he didn't open his mouth to respond to Henry's question,
because he knew that the Chinese person in front of him said That's right.
President Ma hear the words of Henry, came up with some speculation that the channel:
"little geniuses, you said that the expansion of the human body meridians, can we say ......"
"Yes," Henry nodded, "the patient's disease, is simply not simple. muscle spasms, but
relatively rare meridians cut off, we all know that the human body through the meridians,
meridians barrier, leading to his arms no strength, and in a fixed position, there will be loss
of consciousness this situation. " "
meridians cut off? that I have only seen it in medical books. "The middle-aged female
doctor said.
"It's rare to say either." Henry shrugged, walked to the patient, and asked, "Aren't you the
first time to see this doctor for treatment? How long have your symptoms lasted?"
The patient nodded slightly. "About three years ago, my arms were suddenly unable to
move. I asked Dr. Jon. Every time I saw Dr. Jon, the symptoms would disappear, but in four
to five months The time will come again. "After
listening to several doctors in China, Qi Qi looked at Dr. Jon.
Dr. Jon's face was a bit embarrassed, and communicating with his old patient's il ness
would destroy fairness itself.
Henry grabbed the patient's wrist for thirty seconds of her pulse, "You are injected with
Power, which causes your meridians to expand seriously in a short time. When the power
effect of Power passes, your meridians are blocked more and more, Because of
the long-term injection, your body has developed a certain resistance to Power, I think,
when you drink alcohol on weekdays, do you also have a certain immunity to alcohol? "
" Yes. "The patient nodded," the last time Drinking makes me feel like I ’m not drunk for a
thousand cups. ”
Henry said:“ Power belongs to a new fusion medicine, your body will natural y develop
resistance, in the past a medicine can temporarily expand your meridians But now, one is
no longer enough, but for two, with your current physical condition, IMHO, your body can
bear it, but your heart can't bear it. "
" What is the heart can't bear? " "Dr. Jon said on the spot."
"His pulse jump has reached 210 times a minute, which is a full time of a normal person.
I think your stethoscope can tel you if I am lying." Henry put the patient's hand down.
The first (2/2) Page
Doctor Jon looked suspiciously out stethoscope on the patient chest, just put up a few
seconds, the doctor Jon and his face is a change, "how could this be!"
"Affect the situation The whole body. ”Henry ’s voice came from the side.“ I dare to
guarantee that you will inject another one, no, you only need one-third of the potion, he will
fall into shock. ”
“ This ... ”Doctor Jon Zhang He opened his mouth and wanted to refute it, but there was no
reason. The patient's heartbeat has already told him that the patient can't bear the
continued injection of Power. "Are there any ways to heal?"
Henry nodded. It ’s a shortcoming of Western medicine. I do n’t think Western medicine is
bad. I just want to be realistic. One thing is to say, the existence of Chinese and Western
medicine itself is to make up for the weaknesses. It can be cured in up to three
courses, but now, his solar meridian is affected, and it is difficult to understand for a long
time, and the blockage is serious. It must be vigorous. Trouble give me a hammer.
" Heavy hammer? "One Al the doctors, including several doctors in Huaxia, were a little
puzzled when they heard Henry's words.
Although it was puzzling, people immediately took a heavy hammer.
Henry put the hammer in his hand and weighed it a few times. "It's not bad, the weight is
just right, and the texture is also good."
Just when everyone thought Henry was going to use the hammer to do something, he saw
Henry let the patient get off the bed and stand up. Put his arms in front of his lower
abdomen, palm his hands into a fist, and then insert the hammer into the patient's hands.
Henry smiled at the patient and said, "You must hold it tight. If the hammer falls, from the
physics point of view, it will hit the middle finger of your right foot. According to the weight
of the hammer, your toe will definitely fracture. How painful is this toe fracture?
Should n’t I have to state it? ”
At this moment, the smile on Henry ’s face was like a devil ’s smile in the eyes of this
patient, which made him agitate all his strength and hold his hand. The heavy hammer in
the middle, but the meridian obstruction of his arm, made him unable to exert much
strength at all, unable to hold the heavy hammer, and let it fall in his hands.
Many doctors looked at the scene in front of them, and they al felt a little worried, thinking
about the scene where the heavy hammer fell and hit their toes, they could not help but
"Little Doctor, what are you doing?" President Ma couldn't help but wonder, and asked.
Many doctors present also listened carefully.
Henry walked to the table aside, picked up a pack of silver needles, took out one, aimed at
the patient's solar meridian, punctured with a needle, and at the same time said:
"Chinese medicine is about a combination of internal and external. More importantly, the
application method depends on the patient's own efforts. There is a saying that you can
never wake up a person who pretends to sleep. Similarly, you can't cure a person who has
given up hope. "
Henry said on the side , While turning the silver needle in your hand.
"The body's meridians are important, but the power of the blood is not to be
underestimated. His current movements have used force to cause the blood to rise and
become a breakthrough."
When the last word in Henrykou fell, he suddenly pulled out the silver needle At the same
time, a small column of blood was ejected from the patient's solar meridian. At the same
time, the crumbling weight in the patient's hand was firmly grasped.
patient grasped the scene of steady weight and was seen by many doctors. Doctor Jon
subconsciously exclaimed, "Incredible!"
This patient's illness, Joe Dr. En has seen it many times. All along, in the eyes of Dr.
Jon, this disease cannot be effectively treated, and can only be sustained by drugs. He never
thought that he could be treated in this way!
The scene of the patient's sun meridian spurting blood, looking at some people, but the
result, he was particularly pleased.
"Doctor ... I ... am I all right?" The patient was very excited.
In the past three years, he has often been worried that maybe one day his arm will get sick,
and suddenly he can't work hard. This makes him cautious in daily life. This caused great
distress to his life. At this moment, he has a completely different feeling.
Unlike the previous appearance of Dr. Jon when he was healed, he has an intuition that his
arm may be completely good!
Henry looked at the patient's expression of hope and shook his head. "Chinese medicine is
only medical surgery, and it is not a fairy spell. How can it be so good."
"Ah?" As soon as the patient heard this, the excited look immediately languished. .
Several Europeans behind Dr. Jon heard this, and there was a trace of pride on his face. If
Chinese medicine were to cure people like this, would n’t they be too backward, but now it
seems that Chinese medicine is not imagined That's great.
Henry took the heavy hammer from the patient's hand and placed it in his other hand, still
holding the silver needle just now, and stab the patient's Tianquan acupuncture point,
"Once healed, of course, it is impossible to cure, you have this disease. The backlog time is
too long. After that, come to acupuncture once a week to talk about your situation. Every
Chinese medicine doctor knows how to try it. Press the three-week course of treatment.
After three courses of treatment, you will be cured. This time period, you Wil not relapse
again. "
After Henry finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out the silver needle, and the patient
sprayed the blood column again at Tianquan Point. With the ejection of the blood column,
his hand was also free to control.
Henry gave President Ma a look, and President Ma quickly noticed and took out gauze to
stop the bleeding of the patient.
Henry continued: "During this time, you should avoid spicy food, alcohol, and eat more
high-protein things, do you understand?"
"Understood! Understood!" The patient nodded again and again, only three courses of
healing, these three It only took more than two months for the treatment to add up, and the
doctor said that his il ness would not recur during this period, and the patients who had
lost hope had rekindled hope again at this time.
Several European doctors who were just a little proud just now, after hearing this, his face
became unsightly again, and Dr. Jon, who stood at the front, looked at Henry with
admiration, in his eyes, This is simply a disease that cannot be cured, but it was cured by
the young man in front of him with two shots.
On the side of Chinese medicine, a middle-aged male doctor took a business card and
handed it to the patient. "I am the doctor here. Before you come to treatment, remember to
call me in advance."
"Okay! Okay!" Giving a business card and giving a thumbs-up, "Chinese medicine is really
powerful, I will give you a good publicity. Huaxia really deserves a reputation, better than
our Western medicine."
Henry shook his head with a smile, "Propaganda can, but this does not It ’s not that Chinese
medicine is more powerful than Western medicine, but it ’s just that Chinese medicine has
an advantage over Western medicine when treating diseases like yours. ”
Henry heard Dr. Jon feel ashamed and lowered his head.
Master Yan Li and Chairman Ma were all smiling, and secretly said that Henrylai was
timely. If it was not Henry ’s timely appearance, they would have to be overwhelmed by
these western doctors in this exchange test. What the doctor did just now can think of what
they would say if they won.
Today's medical "communication", with the advent of Henry, let Chinese medicine end with
a victorious posture.
Several European doctors left with ugly faces, and the patient was even more excited to
share his joyous feelings directly on social software.
Dr. Jon walked in front of President Ma and bowed deeply, "Dr. Ma, I am very sorry for what
I did before. You Huaxia said, listen to Jun Yi's words, it is better to read ten years of books,
today I really understand this truth. Medicine should not be divided up and down,
regardless of borders, everything, but for the sake of patients. "
Henry looked at al this with a smile, it seems that Dr. Jon is not the kind of unreasonable
generation, It's just that the cultural differences of various countries have always affected
them in their thinking. They think that Chinese medicine can't be done.
After seeing the magic of Chinese medicine, this doctor, Jon, can be regarded as leaving
behind that deep-rooted thought.
President Ma waved his hand, "Dr. Jon, you can think of it this way. It is really a blessing.
Medicine is all about treating people, and I hope we can communicate more in the future."
"Sure, sure!"
President Ma, etc. Ren and Doctor Jon gave a few words, and left.
"Little Doctor, I real y thank you this time." As soon as he left the ward, Yan Li grateful y
thanked Henrydao. "If it wasn't for your sudden appearance, we really don't know what to
"Master Yan, You are just thinking into a misunderstanding. "Henry shook his head." If you
don't hear muscle spasms from the beginning, you will have a way to treat it. "
When Yan Li and others heard Henry ’s words, they looked at each other and shook their
heads secretly. They knew that Henry ’s words were to save their face. If it ’s their own
medical skills, even if they know that the patient ’s symptoms are meridians Partition, there
will be no good way in a short time, let alone make a difference.
The middle-aged female doctor no longer disregarded her before and opened her mouth to
Henry, "Little brother, your medical skills really admire me. If it is me, I absolutely can't
think of a way for the blood and blood in the patient to dredge my veins.
Another middle-aged male doctor answered: "Even if I can think of it, I am afraid I can't
think of a little brother like you. Let the patient get a hammer to persecute the patient.
They can only use some old methods. Today, little brother, your The approach really
brightened my eyes. "
Henry chuckled." With Chinese medicine, we must pay attention to the ever-changing sect.
Under the fundamental of achieving our goals, we can take any method we can think of. "
Several doctors felt very Fortunately, there is such a young man in the Chinese medicine
community. This exchange meeting is promising.
Just when several doctors wanted to say something, they saw a young Chinese man stride
"Master Yan, it's not good, something happened there!"
few doctors looked at the young man who came running.
"What's wrong, don't worry." Yan Li said.
The running young doctor reached out and pointed anxiously, "There are too many people
to consult, and Dr. Ding can't see it anymore. Come and see."
Yan Li heard it and immediately raised his foot. "Let's go and see."
"Ask the doctor?" Henry wondered.
President Ma said to Henry: "Little Doctor, I will explain to you while walking." The group
walked all the way to the clinic.
President Ma told Henry on the road that this Sino-foreign medical exchange meeting will
be held in several directions. In addition to President Ma, there are many other doctors
who are doing other projects.
Chairman Ma is talking about communication, but everyone understands that this is a
"Dr. Ding, an outpatient, graduated from the best Chinese medicine research institute in
China. This outpatient is divided into two consultation rooms of Chinese medicine and
Western medicine. One doctor from each side is used for sit-in."
President Ma said that by this time, everyone To the clinic.
The outpatient clinic is a very large hal . At the moment, two tables are placed in the
outpatient hall. On these two tables, there are a man and a woman, and two doctors.
They are both in their twenties, very young.
Among them, the male doctor has a western face, wears a stethoscope, has sharp facial
features, is very handsome, and is a standard Western handsome guy. In front of him, there
are about a dozen teams.
At another table, a female doctor with a Chinese face, beautiful facial features, and long hair
was sitting there, giving a feeling of tranquility. In front of the female doctor, there was a
long queue of nearly thirty people , Are waiting for consultation.
The female doctor puts her hand on the patient's pulse and performs the pulse signal for
one minute, then observes the patient's body surface, and then prescribes the prescription.
Behind these two consulting doctors, several assistants stood in charge of taking medicines
for patients.
"Chairman Ma, it seems that there are more Chinese doctors than Western doctors."
Henry glanced and said.
"That's not the case." President Ma shook his head. "This time the consultation and
consultation is to see the speed and accuracy of the consultation. Now it seems that
Western medicine is much faster than ours."
On the side of Western medicine, The doctor only needs to ask the patient what the
symptoms are, and can directly prescribe the medicine. If it is a little more serious, you
need to use a stethoscope. The speed is very fast. The time of the basic Chinese medicine is
a pulse. Over there, it is much more tedious.
Including, Western medicines are al prescription medicines, which belong to the category
of capsules or granules. It is very convenient to grasp medicines, while Chinese medicines
require one gram to one gram to weigh.
Listening to President Ma's words, Henry asked a little puzzled: "The consultation of
Chinese medicine is slower than Western medicine itself. After all, the two sides are
treating two directions. Western medicine is known for its fast efficacy. How can it be used
as a communication?"
Ma The chairman sighed and shook his head: "Although we understand this truth, but the
public is not clear, Xiao Shen doctor, to say a shame, this exchange meeting contains a lot of
commercial elements, so every aspect, They al need to communicate.
" Okay. "Henry touched his nose. He could understand what Chairman Ma said.
Moreover, although this exchange meeting was held in a Chinese medicine hospital, it was
located in Europe. At home, what others want to communicate, then what they have to
communicate, if not, it is regarded as a defeat, in this case, media reporters have a lot to
write. As
you can see , the handsome male doctor smiled more and more on the seat of the
consultation, while the female doctor in China, the sweat on the forehead was more and
more, looking at the eyes The women doctors who lined up the patients were also anxious.
Under the influence of this anxiety, she failed to increase the speed, and the efficiency of the
consultation was getting slower and slower.
"Master Yan, what can I do?" The young male doctor who called everyone came anxiously.
Yan Li and others shook their heads, "No way, the speed of Chinese medicine consultation
is slower than that of Western medicine. This is a fact. Dr. Ding is already the leader of the
younger generation. Her consultation speed is also quite famous in domestic hospitals. "But
..." The young male doctor opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. His face was
very ugly. Before the exchange, the European doctors said a lot of unpleasant things. This
should really let them win. What else can I say.
Henry looked at Dr. Ding for a few seconds and said, "This doctor's condition is no longer
suitable for further consultation. Her wrist has a slight jitter, and the accuracy of her pulse
will be reduced, which will affect her judgment. Let me go. "
" You go? "The young male doctor looked at Henry suspiciously.
When Yan Li heard it, his face showed a happy look, "Little doctor, then trouble you."
Henry strode over and came behind Dr. Ding.
In front of Dr. Ding, a patient just happened to sit down.
"What's the symptom?" Dr. Ding asked, her voice was very soft, but at the moment there
was a lingering anxiety.
The patient who sat down did not speak, but pointed to his own voice and made a
"ahhhhh" sound.
"Come on, reach out." Dr. Ding left his cuff in his right hand, and he extended two fingers in
his right hand, instructing the patient to reach out and prepare for the pulse.
"No more, when he opened his mouth, he could see sores in the throat, redness, swelling,
ulcers and secretions in the throat. Now it is speechless. It is not caused by internal
diseases. It should have been previously scalded or injured by a foreign body.
To. "A faint voice sounded from behind Dr. Ding.
Dr. Ding has been anxiously waiting for a long line of patients, and he did not find when
there was a person behind him. He turned his head and glanced. When he saw a young
man, he frowned on the spot and still put his finger on the patient's pulse. A minute later,
the patient opened her mouth again, and the diagnosis she got was exactly the same as
what Henry said just now.
Dr. Ding had just seen the abnormality in the patient's mouth, but she was afraid of sore
throat caused by Shao Yin Ke fever, so she still took the lower leg for insurance. After al ,
the two diseases are similar and easy to be misdiagnosed.
Dr. Ding thought about it, raised the pen, and wrote the prescription, only half of it was
written, and saw a pack of medicine already wrapped and placed it in front of him.
Henry ’s voice sounded again from behind Dr. Ding, “The wound has not healed yet.
Drink a small amount of cold water, avoid smoking and drinking, avoid spicy food, keep
your mouth light, take these medicines back, mix with 500 milliliters of water, and simmer
to 200 Milliliters, remove the slag, three times a day, take it after meals, and it will be
effective in two days. "
Xuan Zhang (1/2) , when Dr. Ding hadn't written the prescription, finished the medicine
and handed it to the patient. The speed was much faster than that of Dr. Ding.
Aside, the young male doctor saw Henry behind Dr. Ding and couldn't help but ask Yan Li:
"Master Yan Li, who is this person?"
Yan Li smiled on his face, "You must remember He, if you have been engaged in the Chinese
medicine industry al your life, he will be a milestone in your life. "
Yan Li also said with deep admiration when he said this sentence.
"Milestone ..." The young male doctor muttered these three words.
At the consultation table, Dr. Ding glanced at Henry again.
"Dr. Ding, you are not feeling well today, let me come." Henry patted Dr. Ding's shoulder
"You?" Dr. Ding looked at Henry suspiciously. The patient just now was regarded as a very
common disease. If she was just beginning to consult, she could see at a glance and quickly
gave the prescription. But I have been sitting here for several hours now, and my body and
mind are exhausted.
Henry did not answer Dr. Ding, but said to the long line of patients in front of him:
Next, the patient was a middle-aged man, but he was thin and yellow, his hands were
covering his abdomen, and his voice was a little bit Weak said: "Doctor, I haven't eaten well
for half a month. I had gastrointestinal problems some time ago. I had some constipation. I
took some laxatives. As a result, my stomach started to swell and I couldn't eat any more.
Many digestive medicines have no effect. "
Dr. Ding reached out his hand on the patient's pulse. After a minute, he said to the assistant
behind him:" Take Guizhi Sanliang, Licorice 22, Shaoyao 62, Jujube Twelve pieces, three or
two ginger. "After
Dr. Ding finished talking, he rushed to the patient:" After going back, slice the ginger, take
six liters of clean water, simmer the herbs, boil them to a paste, remove impurities and take
"" The
patient nodded after listening.
"Add another pill." Henrytou grabbed the pil from the medicine box behind him, "Two or
two rhubarbs."
"Rhubarb?" Dr. Ding turned his head, frowning at Henry, and said, "My medicine Paeonia
lactiflora is prescribed in the Chinese medicine. What do you mean by rhubarb ? " " Adding
rhubarb is indeed a serious medicine, but his symptoms must be yellow. Your prescription
should be warm and active in Yangyang. , This effect is better. "
" Nonsense! "Dr. Ding snorted," He was originally a disease of the sun, because he took the
medicine by mistake, he was trapped in the yin, the spleen was stagnation and stagnation,
and the abdominal pain was full. Waiting for the symptoms! "
Henry shook his head," Dr. Ding, so I said, you are too tired today. When this patient was
talking, his hands were rubbing his lower abdomen to ease the pain. This shows that the
patient is not a pain. Does
it continue to hurt ? " " Yes. "The patient nodded again and again," I'm really hurting all the
time. "
" That's right. "Henry nodded," Big rhubarb, although it may appear, dizziness, nausea,
retching And the situation, The fastest was able to ease the pain startled to achieve the
effect of fire with fire, rhubarb is the best choice. "
Dr. Ding a, expression hesitated, she just real y did not notice this detail patient, if that is
the case, do not own prescription Increase the yellow, the effect will not be too obvious,
although it can be cured, but it will make the patient suffer for a few more days. The reason
why practising medicine is nothing more than to al eviate the patient's pain. This suffers
from a few days of suffering and a few days of suffering. In the eyes of doctors, these are
two completely different concepts.
"Dr. Ding, listen to Xiao Shen Yi's words, you have a rest, today is hard work for you."
Yan Li walked up from the side.
"Little geniuses?" Dr. Ding Yan Li a word, her face changed, "Yan master, you say that he is
open lecture at the State Bank before geniuses?"
"Geniuses do not deserve it." Henry smiled, "but I have read more books. "
Dr. Ding, who knew Henry ’s identity, looked at Henry ’s eyes not as before, with some
admiration in her eyes. As the most outstanding graduate of this medical institute, she had
heard About the little doctor of Yinzhou, she wanted to listen to the last lecture, but there
were things in the family that made her really unable to get away from her, and she always
left her with regret. Unexpectedly, now the little doctor is standing on her own Behind him.
Dr. Ding hurriedly got up and gave Henry the location of the consultation.
Aside, the young western doctor saw the substitution of Chinese medicine and sneered.
"How about the substitution. The Chinese medicine is always Chinese medicine. How can it
compare with my Western medicine."
"Yes!" The patient in front of the young doctor is also one. A European face, "Our western
medicine is the best. What is Chinese medicine? If it wasn't for Dr. Lance's consultation
here today, I don't even know that there is any other Chinese medicine."
The patient's mouth is Dr. Lance. In front of this young doctor.
The words of Dr. Lance and this European patient immediately caused a burst of laughter.
Although this is a traditional Chinese hospital, it is always in Europe or in the West. There
are more cultural differences. Naturally, where do people come from? Bian has more
advantages. This kind of thinking is no exception in the world.
Henry ignored the laughter. After sitting down, he opened the front of the patient and said,
When the patient sat before and after Henry, he took the initiative to reach out and let
Henry take the pulse. You need a pulse to see a doctor.
However, Henry did not give the patient a pulse, but opened the mouth: "Together with
traditional Chinese medicine, it is profound and profound, but it does not change from its
sect. In the textbook, it is said that the so-cal ed seeing is mainly divided into overal seeing,
local seeing, and tongue looking. The five major parts of Wangwang ’s discharge and Wang
’s fingerprints, of which the overal inspection mainly focuses on Wangwang, Wangse, Wang
Xingjian, Wang Ge ... ”
Henry was interrupted by a burst of laughter before he even said this.
"Ridiculous! Really funny! Also by inspection? Chinese medicine really is something to fool
people, ah, even the condition of the patient do not ask, just look, you can see what is
coming? You Chinese people, really will boast!"
This The master of laughter came from Dr. Lance not far from Henry.
Some patients with Western faces also have a smile on their faces, which is ful of contempt.
The young Chinese male doctor who had previously found Yan Li and others before looked
a bit ugly at the moment. Of course, Henry said that he had heard that this is the most basic
thing in Chinese medicine textbooks, but after learning for a long time, This inspection is
also not used. Some minor diseases that can be seen by inspection do not need to be
diagnosed at all, and the diagnosis is not a symptom that can be seen by just looking.
the patient sitting in front of Henry
is a little unhappy, "Doctor, I came to see you for treatment, not to hear from you. If you ca
n’t see it, just say, I went to see Dr. Lance. If the people at the door invited me to try Chinese
medicine, I would n’t be too lazy to come! ”
The patient said, so she got up and went to the western medicine Going, this patient just got
up and listened to Henry's voice.
"Your Heart is not good, too hot-tempered character, sleepless nights, and suffering from
severe migraines, but will occasional y feel backache, and sometimes even the waist are not
straight up, right?"
That name just got to go The patient, in the words of Henry, suddenly stunned, because the
symptoms Henry said, and his symptoms are exactly the same!
This made this patient look a little ashamed and sit down again, wanting to hear what
Henry would say later. At the same time, this patient is also full of marvels. This can be used
to see his illness, which is amazing. Right!
The movement of the patient to sit down again also told many people present that the
young Chinese man in front of him was right!
Is it true that Chinese medicine can diagnose the disease just by looking at it?
The young Chinese male doctor, with his mouth wide open at the moment, looked at Henry,
and everything Henry did, let alone those who did not understand Chinese medicine, was
very surprised even in his eyes.
Henry looked at patients look and asked: "You are such symptoms, be self-inflicted, but
fortunately short time, I guess, is that you only recently mood changes, right?"
"Yes," the patient scratched his head. , Some embarrassedly said, "I encountered a problem
at work some time ago, which led to my dismissal, so during this time, it was always easy to
get angry, and my lover also quarreled with me."
Henry shook his head, "I can only give you some medicine for this kind of illness. The most
important thing is that you need to control your emotions yourself. Now it's just a headache
and backache. It's your emotions that cause your sympathetic nerves to be excited, your
heartbeat to increase, and your blood pressure Elevated, myocardial oxygen consumption
increases significantly, which affects other organs. If it is not control ed, it is easy to have
the precursor of heart disease. "
Henry turned his head and grabbed some calming herbs to come over. Just two sips will
make you feel more comfortable. "
" Thank you, thank you doctor. "The patient nodded, took the herbs, and got up to leave.
"Right." Henry suddenly said, stopping the patient.
"Doctor, is there anything else to confess?" The patient's attitude at this moment has
already turned 180 degrees compared to before.
Henry smiled slightly, "Please contact your lover and apologize to her, man, be generous."
The patient also smiled, "Doctor, thank you, if there is a chance, my lover, You must be
invited to dinner. "
After the patient finished, he went to the side and asked about Henry's name before he left.
Another patient sat in front of Henry and didn't speak. Henry uttered in advance,
"Suffering from mild stomach prolapse, you should take Jiawei Buzhong Yiqi Decoction."
Henry finished, without looking back, he extended his hand Going to the medicine chest
behind him, he directly grabbed a medicine.
Dr. Ding did n’t leave, standing behind Henry. He wanted to give Henry a hand to help him
take medicine. As a result, Dr. Ding found that Henry did n’t need to help himself take
medicine at all. He did n’t even look at it. It can accurately grasp the amount of each
medicinal material and put it on the scale, which is exactly the same. The patient who just
sat down , after picking up the medicine, said thank you and got up and left.
Another patient came and didn't sit down, and heard Henry's voice sound, "Cervical
spondylosis, dizziness, chest tightness, sweating, you can take pueraria lobata soup, you
can walk back for about ten minutes after a meal."
Henry finished Then, he put his hand behind him, grabbed another pair of medicinal
materials, and then looked at the next patient.
"Long-term irregular menstruation, severe staying up late, just take Xiaoyaosan."
"Gastrointestinal symptoms, accompanied by symptoms of anorexia."
"Open mouth, greasy tongue coating, foreign body in the throat, mental insufficiency,
insomnia and palpitations due to phlegm fever You should take Wendan soup. "
" You have shortness of breath and irregular heart rhythm ... "
At this moment, in front of Henry's consultation table, a very strange scene appeared.
The patient who came to see the doctor almost came to Henry. Henry Just tell the
symptoms, these patients didn't even sit, they took the medicine Henry prescribed and left.
There are very few patients, Henry needs a simple pulse.
Originally, there were more than 30 patients on the side of the Chinese medicine
consultation. As a result, when Henry was sitting on the clinic, the number of people
became less and less. When the last patient was checked, there were five or six people on
the Western medicine side.
The speed of Henry's consultation is too fast. Every patient only said one sentence.
During the process of speaking, the medicine was grasped. But what he said was all right.
These patients after consultation, Satisfied expressions appeared on his faces.
The patients who were originally on the side of Western medicine had finished reading
Henry, and they saw the magic of the disease at a glance at Chinese medicine. They gave up
the Western medicine that had been in line for a long time and walked towards Chinese
medicine. Come.
Henry again looked at the patient's illness.
"Doctor, you are so terrible. I have some uncomfortable places on my body. Before I saw a
doctor, I didn't know how to describe the doctor. Now when you look at it, you will
understand that Chinese medicine is very powerful. The patient couldn't help vocalizing
and raised his thumb.
Henry smiled, "Don't talk about it first, you pay attention to your condition, try not to make
your emotions too excited."
"Good! Good! Thank you doctor! Thank you doctor!"
Dr. Lance listened to the praises that sounded around her, His face was very ugly. The
patients who had been lining up on their side all went to see Chinese medicine. This is the
biggest insult to themselves!
The young Chinese doctor, at this time, was full of admiration for Henry.
Dr. Ding, who was standing behind Henry, also admired it. No wonder the person in front of
him was called a little magician. He was as old as him, but his medical skills were far above
his own!
Yan Li and Chairman Ma and others, even laughed, could not close their mouths. The two
exchanges that had to be lost, because of Henry ’s arrival, ended in victory. They did n’t care
if Chinese medicine could suppress Western medicine. Those who do not want to know
Chinese medicine will no longer misunderstand Chinese medicine, which is enough.
The speed and methods of Henry's consultation spread quickly, and many people came
here to ask Henry for consultation.
When Henry arrived at the hospital, it was already noon. Now, for an entire afternoon, he is
busy asking for consultations. Although Henry's consultation is fast, he can't hold too many
patients. Some people just feel a little headache. Henry's "visiting the clinic"
method, al lined up to take a look.
Compared with Henry's overcrowding, Dr. Lance's side has few patients.
this afternoon's consultation process, for Dr. Lance, it is a kind of suffering. Seeing that this
is the end of work, Dr. Lance didn't have a minute Stay more, put down the stethoscope,
and leave directly.
The appearance of Dr. Lance's disappointment, the young Chinese male doctor he saw was
very relieved. Before the consultation, this Dr. Lance said a lot of unpleasant words.
"Little doctor, it's really hard for you." Yan Li strode up. This afternoon, Henry didn't even
drink a sip of water, so he was busy asking for a diagnosis.
When Dr. Ding looked at Henry, his eyes were ful of splendor.
A day of exchange was over. Henry and Chairman Ma were out of the hospital together.
There were many doctors in the same industry. This Chinese-Foreign Medical Exchange, a
lot of people came from Huaxia, of which a smal half had participated before. After Henry's
lectures and published academic papers, I was very excited when I met Henry, and all the
old-fashioned doctors, when they met Henry, al showed a student's posture, so that the
former Huaxia was young The male doctor felt incredible.
Henry listened to the conversations of these people. Today, he had a total of more than a
dozen types of medical exchanges with Western medicine. There are wins and losses. After
all, there are great cultural surprises between Chinese and Western
medicine. There are advantages and disadvantages. Physician, they are all old-timers in
traditional Chinese medicine, with superb techniques, broad knowledge, and no worse than
Western medicine.
In this exchange, Western medicine has some advantages. Western medicine emphasizes a
fast curative effect. In today's society, most patients will value the curative effect. Instead,
the curative effect like traditional Chinese medicine is slow but more fundamental, and it is
slowly not valued. Fortunately, today's communication, the emergence of Henry, won two
games for traditional Chinese medicine, making traditional Chinese medicine a little better
today's communication, and stopped a lot of words condemned by western medicine.
At the hotel in the evening, the Medical Association is responsible for the arrangement.
In order to celebrate today's victory, everyone also held a special dinner. During this
period, people kept asking Henry about some Chinese medicine questions. Henry was not
stingy and answered them one by one.
"Dr. Zhang, I have a cup for you. I have some problems with my attitude today. I'm really
sorry." Dr. Ding came to Henry with a glass of wine.
Now Dr. Ding, removed the doctor's gown, put on a casual dress, and lost that quiet
temperament, but it was a little more playful. Looking at her current appearance, no one
would contact the stable female doctor. Come together.
"Haha, Xiaoyu, you need to be close to Xiao Shen doctor, all young people, there are topics
together." An old professor of the Institute of Medicine patted Dr. Ding's shoulder, close to
four Words, bite very hard.
Dr. Ding blushed pretty hard.
Standing there, Henry also seemed a little embarrassed.
"Okay, you old scholars, don't give up the idea of a little magician." President Ma came up
and waved his hand to help Henry solve the problem. "Little magician is already married."
The old professor who just spoke And sighed, "Hey, what a pity."
It's a pity that the blushing to Dr. Ding is even worse.
Henry laughed loudly, "Don't say we are young people, you are not too old, come, I will do it
Henry picked up the wine glass, and touched the wine glass in the hands of Dr. Ding,
making a clear voice. It was a relief for Dr. Ding.
, Dr. Ding gave Henry a grateful look. He put on his red glass and put it on his red lips.
The evening party ended in a happy atmosphere. These two days were watching Shishan
mining. Henry did not have a good rest. Also, he took a good rest with wine and had a good
night. The next day, he and Chairman Ma Waiting for people to go to the hospital together,
the exchange takes two days in total.
Henry came this time, not as a main communication person. His presence was nothing
more than a calming pill for the doctors who came this time. With Henry as a backing, these
doctors can be assured Show your fists.
And Henry was not idle today. One afternoon yesterday, his method of consultation was
thoroughly spread out, and after a night of fermentation, this Xuan just arrived at the
hospital and saw that there were already more than 100 people waiting in line, waiting He
was interviewed for consultation, and most of these people who lined up were Western
faces to experience the magic of Chinese medicine.
Seeing this scene, Dr. Ding, who was standing next to Henry, covered his mouth and smiled
lightly: "Dr. Zhang, it looks like you are going to be busy today."
"There are so many people who are interested in Chinese medicine, and it is worth it.
Henry smiled and looked away at President Ma. "Chairman Ma, you can arrange a few
people. Today I will ask everyone about the method of inspection."
"Good!" Ma As soon as the chairman heard this, he nodded quickly, and Henryken personal
y taught on site. That was the best thing. The last lecture was really ful . Many old
professors wanted to hear even the door.
Dr. Ding and other young doctors are also very happy. Yesterday, Henry looked at the
doctor. They saw something and heard about it. At this time, they were fortunate to study.
More than a dozen young Chinese leaders in the field of Chinese medicine, like a good baby,
stood behind Henry, including Dr. Ding, carefully remembering every sentence Henry said.
When I came to a patient, Henry told everyone from which aspect to see the patient's
symptoms, what details to pay attention to, to be bold in guessing, to exclude, etc., I heard
that everyone has learned a lot.
Henry's consultation is very fast, but it is not too fast for the people who come to see the
doctor. The entire outpatient clinic is already overcrowded, and the reputation of Chinese
medicine is also spreading rapidly during Henry's inspection.
At two o'clock in the afternoon, Henry had just finished his lunch break and continued his
consultation. Just after sitting down, he heard a voice of anxiety. "The one who came to call
Henry was the Chinese young male doctor yesterday.
"Dr. Zhang, there is a problem over there, please go and see!"
Henry saw that the other party was so anxious and didn't ask much. He followed the other
party and ran aside.
The place where the young male doctor took Henry to was the emergency room upstairs in
the clinic.
At the moment, there was a red light at the door of the emergency room. Many people were
around here, his face anxious, and there were cries and cries in the crowd.
Henry glanced at his eyes. Outside the door of the emergency room, there were several
Western doctors standing. Dr. Lance, who was interviewed by Dr. Ding yesterday, also
stood here.
Different from the anxiety on the faces of many people at the door, and the crying made,
there was a smile in Dr. Lance's eyes.
"Little doctor, you are here, go in and see." A middle-aged female doctor waited anxiously
in front of the emergency room door when she saw Henryhou , Relieved for no reason.
Henry performed a rapid body disinfection, then walked into the emergency room and saw
a patient lying on the operating table at a glance. This is an old man in his seventies, with
gray hair and wrinkled face, lying on the operating table at the moment Go up, eyes closed,
President Ma, Yan Li and many other seniors in the Chinese medicine world are now
surrounded by the operating table, busy before and after.
"What's the situation now?" Henry stepped over and asked aloud.
President Ma glanced at Henry and shook his head: "The patient fell into a coma, and the
heart stopped beating for 136 seconds."
"What was wrong before? What caused the coma?" Henry stepped forward and grabbed
the old man's Wrist, put your finger on the pulse of the old man, feel for a few seconds,
Henry loosened the opponent's wrist and frowned.
President Ma quickly replied: "The patient had fluid in the brain before, which compressed
the nerves, causing coma."
"The fluid pressure forced the nerves? How did you do it?" Henry picked up a silver needle,
without thinking Tie directly to the patient's left chest.
"We used silver needles to stimulate the two points of the patient's head Weihexhangli for
ventilation, and then took Baihui to give nerve stimulation."
Hearing President Ma's words, Henry's brows were tighter because of President Ma's
approach Is completely correct.
Henry opened the patient's mouth for a few seconds and then opened the patient's eyelids.
"The pupils are a little broken, take the long needle to me!" Henryyi reached out and Yan Li
immediately handed a long needle.
Henry pinched the needle with both fingers and pricked it with a needle from the patient's
eye window. The patient's loose pupil was stopped by Henry's needle.
With this needle, the doctor present was shocked.
"Thirteen stitches for life! The stitches that claim to kill the king!" Yan Li exclaimed.
Both Yan Li and Chairman Ma knew that Henry would kill 13 stitches. Before Henry gave a
lecture, he also showed it to everyone, but this was the first time they saw Henry apply it in
This acupuncture recorded in the remnants is used so skillfully!
After Henryjian's pupils stopped spreading, he was relieved.
"Thirteen life-threatening needles? Does this mean that your Chinese medicine doctor will
go to the hospital and die for the patient?" A sneer sounded from the side.
Henry noticed that there were two western doctors standing in the corner of the rescue
"The so-called Chinese medicine is just some tricks to deceive people. Any consultation is
just something that confuses people."
"Yes, otherwise, how can a good patient be treated by Chinese medicine?"
Two Western doctors chatted wildly.
"What are these two people doing?" Henry glanced at the two Western doctors with
As doctors, the two stood in the emergency room. Instead of helping, they also gave out
wanton laughter, which can be said to have no medical ethics.
President Ma said to Henry, "Little Doctor, this patient was taken from them. They said that
their medical technique could not expel fluid from the brain of the patient, and they dared
not open the skul . Let us try.
" Does this patient have any medical history before? "Although Henry hated the two, he
asked, after all, it was about the patient's life and death.a Western doctor rol ed his eyes,
"Don't you TCM examine yourself?"
President Ma hurriedly said: "Ordinary cerebral effusions are dredged in the normal way,
and this will never happen. cases of cardiac arrest, if you do not tel us the patient's history,
will increase the difficulty of treatment, increase uncertainty. " "
you are not very powerful Chinese medicine it? there is a kid light to see that what ails the
patient, then you Go and see for yourself, and ask us what medical history we want.
"Then the Western doctor hugged his chest with both hands and looked nothing like
"Then please go out," Henry said coldly.
Western doctors snorted and walked directly to the door of the emergency room, pulled
the door open, and said loudly: "When you are willing to stay inside, don't come to the end.
Your group of Chinese medicine doctors have killed people, and it's on us."
Now that the door of the emergency room was opened, the western doctor's voice was so
loud that his words were clearly heard in the ears of everyone around the door of the
emergency room.
There was a man and a woman, who immediately started crying when they heard what a
Western doctor said.
"Doctor, what do you mean, what does traditional Chinese medicine kill people?" A
patient's family members were calm and asked aloud, but their eyes were also red, holding
back tears.
"What else can it mean?" Then the Western doctor pouted, "The original patient's brain
effusion, compression of nerves, and craniotomy have a 30% success rate. Now it is better.
These traditional Chinese medicines are given a few needles. The patient My heart has
stopped! "
As the doctor said, the faces of several people suddenly changed suddenly, and the two who
were crying were pale.
"Treat the dead? The Chinese medicine has cured the dead!" Dr. Lance standing outside
shouted, and the voice echoed throughout the hall.
This sound can be said to have caused a thousand waves, and many people who were
standing elsewhere came to this side after hearing the news.
Western out of the emergency room doctors opening: "Are you ready to inform lawyers of
it, this time, these Chinese medicine can not escape responsibility, they did not even find
out the condition of the patient, casual y treat!"
This Western doctors saying that, being first aid Henry and others in the room immediately
attracted an angry look.
"Quiet doctors! You quacks! I want to sue you! Your TCM doctors are just a bunch of shit.
My father has nothing to do. You can't run away!" The family members of the patient who
had been calm before, yelling at the emergency room Road.
Henry glanced coldly at the western doctor, ignoring the scolding of the patient's family,
and pulled the door of the emergency room ready to close.
"What are you doing!" The
door of the emergency room to be closed was pulled away by the family members of the
excited patient.
"What are you doing? Of course it's saving people. You are hindering us now. Are you
willing to bear the consequences?" Henry said coldly.
"Save people? Does your Chinese medicine want to continue to harm people, your heart has
stopped beating, what do you do to save? I think you just want to escape responsibility!"
Western doctor shouted.
"That is, I think you want to close the door and do something. When the time comes to
shirk your responsibility, you think this matter has nothing to do with you?" Dr. Lance said.
"Tel you, I have seen the scene of Chinese medicine treating the dead!" Western doctors
said very loudly, "This time, you must give everyone an explanation!"
Western doctors are not talking to Henry and others, but to many people who come to
watch the news. His words are more like to the onlookers. Everyone listened.
Listening to the words of Western doctors, watching these people who do not know the
cause and effect, also showed anger, really when Henry et al. Did what is anger.
"Yes, don't you want to evade responsibility!" The patient's family stepped forward, pulled
Henry's sleeve, and shouted loudly.
Henry took a deep breath, held back the anger in his heart, and said: "I now tel you that the
patients in it still have to be saved, but you have to delay my time so much, you can't save it,
but it is your responsibility!"
Hearing Henry's words, the patient's family was taken aback, and the hand holding Henry
gradually released.
"Don't listen to him!" Dr. Lance said loudly. "He just wants to evade responsibility. The
patient's heartbeat has stopped for more than five minutes now! Their Chinese medicine
has not made any effective rescue measures at all. The patient can already judge the brain.
Cell death, you let him in, is to give him an opportunity to make excuses! "
Henry glared at Dr. Lance, Shen said:" As you say, now people do not need to save any
more? "
Dr. Lance Henry's sharp eyes stared at him, and he set his mind:
"I can't save it, what else can I save?" "I tell you, this is not the end!" The patient's family
just relaxed and grabbed Henry's sleeve again "If it weren't for your Chinese medicine, my
father could not die! You must give me a confession now!" The patient's family's words just
fell, rescue the room, the voice of President Ma sounded,
"Little doctor, the needle jumped out! When
Henry heard this, he no longer talked nonsense with the people at the door. He shook off
the family members of the patient and strode toward the emergency room without even
closing the door.
The thirteen stitches were killing time with the king of the king. Henry had just used a
silver needle to lock the patient's first-line vitality, but the silver needle could not always
block that qi.
Henry walked to the operating table, opened the patient's eyelids, and the patient's pupils
slowly spread again.
"Needle!" Henry put his hand aside and said four numbers. "Four, seven, nine, twelve!"
One second after Henry said these four numbers, President Ma put the four silver needles
Put in Henry's hands, the number Henry said is exactly the length of the silver needle.
At the moment when he got the silver needle, Henry's hands were like phantoms, and they
were stuck at different points on the patient's body.
"Little doctor, you are ..." President Ma looked at Henry's needle and opened his mouth,
unbelievable, because, at this moment, Henry's acupuncture points are al dead points of the
human body!
"I have said many times that the study of medicine should be integrated and then
penetrated, and the patient's body will die ..." Henry said at this time, he extended his hand
again, "Three, eleven, fourteen." President Ma knew how to pass the silver needle To Henry.
After receiving the silver needle, Henry continued while saying the needle: "The body is
dead and can't be dredged. This will only cause the patient to lose his breath faster. What
we have to do is block!" Long doubts.
Henry lowered the needle while reaching for the patient ’s heart. “Everyone ’s nerves are
conditioned reflexes. When we seal off al the nerves in the whole human body, in a moment
of unraveling, the human nerves will proceed. Reflex, this is the time when the
human body has the strongest desire to survive, needle, fourteen, fourteen, fourteen. "
The first (2/2) page
first aid outdoor, Western doctors went to the doctor before Lance body, quietly spoke up:
"? Doses of drugs against it"
. "Rest
" That's all right. "There was a sneer in the corner of the mouth of Western doctors, his
hands clasped his chest." Then, let's see how these Chinese people come out, Chinese
medicine. something to be eliminated, so how out of nowhere! " "
Wel ! "Dr. Lance cloudy eyes glanced at the needle being applied Henry," I dare let
yesterday so embarrassed! today I see how his end! "
First aid Outdoors, the patient's family looked at Henry next to the operating table and
asked the Western doctor, "Doctor, do you say they can save my father?" The Western
doctor shook his head, "I tell you from a professional perspective, no Wherever possible,
they are now just pretending, you can already notify the lawyer! "The patient's family was
ashamed when they heard this.
By the operating table, in a short period of time, Henry had been covered with silver
needles on the patient's body. From the initial blockade of the dead point, to now, forty
percent of the points on the patient's body were covered with silver needles.
Such a scene, seeing Yan Li and others, is very incredible. Such a fast and accurate needle
injection not only requires a very high awareness of the acupuncture points of the human
body, but also is a huge consumption of spirit and physical strength.
Yan Li and others asked themselves that they could never do this.
Henry took a deep breath. He was also the first to try such a treatment. In the past,
although he could achieve such a needle injection, he couldn't perform it in the next step.
What Henry has to do is to block most of the acupuncture points of the human body, and
then release them at the same time, using the human body's own nerve reflex to drive the
patient's heart to continue beating. Before, even if he filled these needles, he couldn't do it
at the same time. take out.
But now, it's different.
Henry took a deep breath, the muscles in his hand agitated, and a whirl of air was split in
the cyclone of the abdomen. Henry aimed at the patient's heart and snapped it.
At the moment when Henry patted the patient's chest, a stream of air exploded around
Henry's palm as the origin.
Wherever the air flow passed, the silver needles stuck on the patient's body were all
pushed out of the patient.
At this moment, the old man who closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes suddenly.
His pupils, which were original y spreading, condensed again at this moment.
A doctor who was standing in front of the electrocardiogram also made a surprise voice at
this time, "Yes! The electrocardiogram has responded!"
The old man lying on the operating table suddenly sat up and took a breath.
"Poof!" A
sip of black blood spewed out of the old man's mouth, sprinkled all over the bed. The black
blood exuded a strong stench and instantly fil ed the entire emergency room.
Western doctors and Dr. Lance outside the emergency room saw this scene, and their
pupils shrank suddenly.
"How is it possible!" The
patient's family members, the sullen face, also immediately surprised.
Yan Li and others in the first-aid room looked at the old man sitting up with shock in his
eyes! This ... is this a fairy way!
Yan Li everyone looked at Henry's eyes, it was not as simple as admiration!
Henry saw the sitting old man, also a big relief, just what he did, it was nothing more than
an attempt, there is no absolute certainty, al possibilities Are based on their own
understanding of the human body, and now it seems that they are right.
While Henry was relieved, the black blood spewing out of the old man's mouth made
Henry's heart a bit chilly. Henry could see at a glance that this black blood contained many
toxins! Someone deliberately poisoned the patient, and then used it to stink Chinese
These two points, whether it is poisoning the patient or deliberately stinking Chinese
medicine, are enough to make Henry angry.
Henry glanced at the crowd around the emergency room. According to the psychology of
normal people, the poisoned person will definitely be here, waiting for the result.
When Henry looked at Dr. Lance, he caught a slight confusion in Dr. Lance's eyes.
Although Dr. Lance thought he had hidden it well, he still couldn't escape Henry's eyes.
The panic in Dr. Lance's eyes allowed Henry to be 80% sure that the poison was absolutely
inseparable from him!
"Chairman Ma, let's check it again." Henry wiped the sweat from his forehead, the needle
that had just been so absorbed, was also a great consumption for him.
President Ma nodded and stepped forward. He first numbered the patient's veins, and then
checked the patient's brain. After Henry's vein was blocked, the effusion of the patient's
brain pressing the nerves had also been washed away.
After a few minutes, President Ma was determined and said aloud, "Heal!"
The word " healed" came out from the door of the emergency room so that everyone
standing outside the emergency room could hear clearly Clearly.
The family of the patient wept again, but not the hysterical kind before, but wept with joy.
"Is TCM really so powerful?"
"Five minutes after the heartbeat stops, you can be cured!"
"If this is the case, how many more people can be saved!" The onlookers, when they saw
that Chinese medicine was not what they had just heard, changed their views one after
another. They could change their views so quickly.
Henry's consultation.
A medicine that can see a patient's il ness at a glance makes many people feel magical.
Now, the patients who have been deemed dead by Western medicine have been rescued by
Chinese medicine, and once again let people see the magic of Chinese medicine.
In fact, Dr. Lance shouted deliberately, in order to cal more people to come, and stink
Chinese medicine in front of more people. Now he is building momentum for Chinese
"Hua Xia Kungfu is powerful, and Hua Xia medicine is even more powerful!" A middle-aged
man with a European face extended his thumbs and spoke in crappy Chinese.
"This time, Hua Xia medical technology real y opened our eyes!"
"I real y want to see if there are such gods everywhere in the Hua Xia hospital!"
Various voices of admiration continued in my ears. , Driving him crazy.
Yesterday, when Dr. Lance asked for a consultation, he heard many words praising Chinese
medicine, and now he heard so much.
"It's enough!" Dr. Lance finally yelled out, "This matter is itself made by the Chinese
medicine practitioners, healed people, healed people, I think they did it on purpose.
Let ’s increase the popularity of their Chinese medicine! ” “ Not bad. ”The western doctor
also followed,“ They did this by deliberately making everyone feel that their traditional
Chinese medicine is so powerful? What significance does it have? obviously what can be
healed disease, have come up with so many things, in addition to allow patients to suffer, so
that their families were more worried than the significance of where? " The words of Lance
and the western doctor made many people stunned.
Could these traditional Chinese medicine think so? If so, then their approach is simply too
When Dr. Lance saw that the people around him weren't blindly praising TCM, he felt more
"Come on, please let go!" A
shout rang from behind the crowd, and then saw a doctor in a white coat, with four tall
policemen, pushing away the crowd and striding away come.
The doctor walked to the forefront of the crowd, glanced at the President Ma in the
emergency room, and finally fixed his eyes on Henry, raised his finger, and said: "It's him,
please arrest him!"
Four tall policemen one Listen, immediately pulled out the baton and walked towards
Henry around Yan Li look for a change, immediately stood in front of Henry body, rushed
just the arrival of white coat Doctor opening: "? The doctor Nell, I do not understand, what
do you mean we do not violate any law"
within Dr. Er sneered in the corner of his mouth and said: "Yan, the group of physicians you
are visiting with you this time need to show your legal medical qualifications. I'm sorry, in
my investigation."
Nell reached out and pointed to Henry "He doesn't have the right to practice medicine.
According to our laws, he needs to be punished."
Regarding Henry's qualifications for practicing medicine, this Nel doctor began an
investigation yesterday. After all, Henry's method of visiting the doctor caused The
influence is really too great.
This investigation really made Dr. Nell find out a lot of things. This Henry, not only did not
register for practicing medicine, but even could not find the entry record, which made Dr.
Nell ecstatic, and chose to report the alarm immediately. The author found it.
"Sir, you are not qualified to practice medicine. It is not allowed by law. We will punish you
for 10,000 euros and imprisonment for less than one year. You can notify your embassy,
but please come back with us now. Said a policeman, reaching for Henry's shoulder
At this moment, Henry can clearly see the sneer on the face of Dr. Nel , Dr. Lance, and
another Western doctor.
"Sorry, Dr. Nel , we just haven't had time to register, but there are qualifications for
practicing medicine." Yan Li repeatedly opened his mouth, then rushed to Henrydao,
"Little Divine Doctor, what is the number of your qualification certificate for practicing
Henry shrugged. "I'm in China, I really don't have a medical qualification certificate."
"Ah?" Yan Li heard it, and he was a little dumbfounded. In his opinion, Henry's good
medical skil s are definitely the first person of Chinese medicine in China. Medical
qualification certificate!
Dr. Nel can understand one or two Chinese words. When he heard Henry admitted that he
did not have a medical qualification, the smile on his face was even worse.
"Four police officers, he himself admitted that he is no longer qualified to practice medicine
and can take him away." Dr. Nell said.
Henry smiled, “I just said that I do n’t have Huaxia ’s medical qualifications, it does n’t
mean, I do n’t have the medical qualifications here.”
of the medical qualification certificate here?
Henry's words made everyone present, including Yan Li and others, confused.
"Medical qualification certificate here?" Dr. Nell smiled disdainful y, "Boy, this is Germany,
what qualifications do you have to get our medical qualification certificate?"
In the first two years, the German medical qualification certificate can be It is no
exaggeration to say that it is the most difficult thing in the world.
This is the most difficult to get, not including nationals, but for foreigners. In the previous
policy, AU members cannot obtain medical qualifications. This policy has only been
changed in the past two years, but it also has many restrictions. Obtaining medical
qualifications is difficult.
If the Huaxia people want to obtain the German medical qualification certificate, the first of
which is to have a national medical qualification certificate, but now, Henry does not have a
national medical qualification certificate.
"Police officer, please don't listen to this person's nonsense. He has seriously affected our
medical practice now. Please take him away!" Dr. Nel said again.
Henry stood there and said again: "My practice number is OZDY010, you can check it."
Dr. Nel , who was disdainful, heard this, and his face changed. This kid dared to say the
number of the practice certificate. Does he real y have a medical certificate?
The warning, who grabbed Henry's shoulder, looked at Dr. Nell and asked, "Sir, do you need
"No!" Dr. Nell shook his head directly, " Take him to the police station to investigate!"
Nell The doctor is thinking very clearly in his mind now, no matter whether this Henry
specifically has a medical qualification or not, he must never be al owed to stay here. As for
the back, even if he has it, the big deal is to apologize, but wait for the specific investigation
When it was clear, the exchange meeting was over. Now, everything is mainly about
winning the exchange meeting.
"Police officer, if we have a medical certificate, you can't catch people casually." Yan Li
stood in front of Henry and said.
"Catch it directly! If you have any objections, go to my office to complain!" A shout rang
from the rear, and I saw a middle-aged European man in a suit striding over.
At the sight of the middle-aged man and four police officers, Qi Qi stood upright, and then
paid a standard ceremony to the middle-aged man: "Mr.
Brewer !" Brewer nodded to the four police officers and reached out. One finger to Henry,
"Take this person away, what's the matter with their embassy to negotiate!"
"You are not legal at al !" Yan Li said loudly.
When Dr. Nel , Dr. Lance, and the Western doctor heard this, they all looked at each other,
and there was a ridiculous look in their eyes. Dare to say this to Earl Brewer, would n’t it be
Earl Brewer sorted out the collar of his jacket, took out a cigar to ignite it on his mouth,
dangled and walked in front of Yan Li, bent down slightly, and looked down at Yan Li from
the top, then spit out a spit in his mouth. The smoke reached Yan Li's face, stretched out a
finger, and lighted Yan Li's chest. "Hua Xia, do you know what you're talking about? Tel me
the way? Do you know who this area belongs to?" What? Law? "
Earl Brewer seemed to hear something funny, and his eyes were ful of jokes," I tell you, if I
want to, today, you group of Chinese people, al have to squat me in the jail Go! "
Brewer finished these words, when he saw the unacceptable expression on Yan Li's face, he
laughed again.
"Come on, take me away now, take me away!" Earl Brewer shouted again.
This time, the four policemen did not hesitate. They pushed Yan Li, who was in front of
Henry, and pulled Henry away.
Yan Li and others were anxious in their hearts, but they had no solution at all. In a foreign
country, they could not exert any strength at all, even if they went to the embassy, that was
the latter thing.
Just as Yan Li took out his mobile phone and was about to contact the embassy
immediately, bursts of glass shattered and suddenly sounded.
The windows on the second floor of the entire outpatient hal shattered at the same time,
including the window in front of the emergency room door.
Along with the sound of glass shattering, a vigorous figure rolled over from the window.
Each of these people was ful y armed, loaded with guns, and suddenly appeared,
frightening everyone on the scene.
The four policemen who grabbed Henry looked at these figures who had turned into the
hospital at the first time. When they saw the badges on these people and belonged to the
highest royal family in Europe, they all showed their respects and were selected for this.
Each of the troops is the elite of the elite.
A policeman immediately went up and said to one of them, "Sir, I am ..."
"Retreat!" A loud shout sounded from the front of the police, and at the same time, the
black hole, with a cold air gun The mouth was also pointed straight at the policeman's face.
Countless dense infrared rays were aimed at the four policemen in front of the emergency
room door at this moment.
This scene softened the legs of the four policemen.
Earl Brewer's face changed, he didn't understand why this guard, which belongs to the
highest royal family in Europe, suddenly appeared here.
Outside the window, the noise of the helicopter's propeller sounded, and when I looked out
of the window, the scene outside was staggering.
Dozens of armed helicopters, all hovering over the hospital.
The door of the hospital was also wide open at this time, one armored vehicle after another,
the tank, slowly drove into the hospital, enclosing the entire outpatient building.
The whole building col apsed.
"Retreat, al retreat!"
Burst into shouts, sounded from the door of the outpatient hall.
Hundreds of elite soldiers loaded with live ammunition rushed from the door with guns,
and then stood in two rows, just like welcoming a big man.
A golden carriage with exaggerated shapes stopped in front of the outpatient building.
At the moment of seeing this golden carriage, Earl Brewer's face was suddenly covered
with respect. As an earl, he was very clear who the owner of this golden carriage was and
was able to ride this golden carriage , Only one person.
It was the royal family that surpassed the entire ally. Even the duke who had a large
territory was just a slave in front of the owner of the golden carriage.
This belongs to an ancient family. The existence of this family is even longer than the
existence of al ies. They are so powerful that people cannot think about it, because no one
can speculate on how strong this family is.
Everyone knows only one thing. In this country, in this ally, on this continent, this family
has the supremacy!
Norman family
No matter who is the ruler of the al ies, no matter what age, they are rampant in this land.
However, the golden carriage in front of him is the exclusive car of the next heir of the
Norman family, the Locke!
Only King Locke can ride this golden carriage.
When the carriage door opened, red hair wearing a black and red cloak came down from
the car.
When he saw the red hair, Brewer felt that his breathing was a bit difficult. This is the
oppression from the spirit, the oppression from the mind. In the mind of Brewer, the young
man in front of him is the natural ruler. And myself, he is born to be a subject, and the
words of the young man in front of him are his own heaven!
Brewer's previous arrogance disappeared completely after the red hair appeared.
Redhead looked up at Henry, who was standing in front of the emergency room on the
second floor, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then strode toward the second
"This kid, I like to engage in this big show at any time." Henry looked at the countless elite
soldiers around him, the sky full of planes, and the tanks and artillery everywhere, a little
The arrival of the red hair was naturally informed by Henry. When Dr. Nel appeared with
the police, Henry felt something was wrong. Later, when Dr. Nell insisted on letting the
police catch someone, Henry sent a message to Red Hair. The message is simple.
"Come to the hospital, otherwise I will be taken away."
Along with this news, there is also a positioning message.
The place where the redhead lives is in Baishi. When Henry received the news, all the
aircraft and tanks opened and came to the hospital at the fastest speed.
The redhead went up to the second floor, and Earl Brewer walked tremblingly forward,
with a respectful opening: "Sir Lord Locke, I am ..."
"Shut up!" The redhead groaned unpleasantly, "Does it qualify you to speak?"
Earl Brewer shut up immediately after being scolded, and there was no expression of anger
or embarrassment on his face, because he knew that he really did not have this
qualification, but it made Earl Brewer wonder why the Emperor Rock suddenly appeared
in Here.
When Count Brewer was in doubt, he saw red hair walking in front of Henry, gave Henry a
hug, and said loudly: "Boss, you are too dumb, don't tell me when you come."
Henry smiled, "Thinking about doing something and leaving, who made you kid do such a
big show every time."
"In fact, I really refused, but the old stubborn family at home had to ask for it like this, You
have n’t been here for many years, but the old things in my family often nag you, and keep
you with good wine. Would you like to have a drink today? "
" Forget it. "Henry waved his hand. I hurried back. "
" All right. "Redhead nodded.
Earl Brewer, who was standing next to him, looked at what was happening in front of him,
his face was blue, and King Locke even called this Chinese man the boss? And
looking at the two, the relationship is still very good, and this young Chinese also knew the
father of the Locke, the Norman family, the contemporary owner!
A strong ominous hunch fil ed Breuer's mind.
Dr. Lance and others also felt that something was wrong. Although their status was not as
good as that of Earl Brewer, they did n’t know what the identity of the red-haired young
man was. people. the
red hair told Henryxu, then he focused on the four police officers and scolded: "Who al ows
you to arrest people? What is the reason for your arrest, tell me!"
Four A policeman, look at me, I look at you, and final y look at Earl Brewer in unison. If Earl
Brewer does not appear and insists on catching people, they will only act in accordance
with the law and check Henry ’s medical qualification certificate number.
"Who do you want to catch?" Redhead turned his eyes to Earl Brewer.
At the moment when the red hair looked over, Earl Brewer's back was wet with sweat and
his face became pale.
"I ask you, are you the one you want to catch?" Redhead's tone was plain, but it put
pressure on Earl Brewer's mountains.
Earl Brewer nodded hard.
"Tel me, reason?" Redhead said softly.
"I ... I ..." Earl Brewer shuddered his lips, making excuses for himself. "I suspect he did not
have a medical certificate."
"Not like this!" Yan Li said on the spot. The number of his medical qualification certificate
was that he insisted on catching someone. "
" Oh. "Redhead grinned lightly, and then slapped it to Earl Brewer's face. Your leader
begged my boss to accept it. You said that my boss did not have a medical certificate? "
Earl Brewer heard this, his legs shuddered more seriously, and he understood that the
leader said, What kind of identity is that is the largest official leader of the Union State!
This young man's medical qualification certificate was actually asked to be accepted.
Who is he? What kind of existence did he cause?
The Earl Brewer stared at Dr. Nell with hate in his eyes. If it were not for this person, how
could he come here to find these troubles? Now he is also involved. Now, Brewer ca n’t
imagine that he wants What kind of consequences are faced, not to mention the true
identity of the Chinese youth, just the identity of Brother Locke is enough to ruin his life.
"Break all limbs." The red hair said softly. "Then, the family members were informed of the
place where the tombstone was standing. This person wanted to counter a coup."
Earl Brewer's legs softened, and he fell to his knees with a "pop". The word coup was
enough to sentence him to death many times!
"Master Lord Locke, please, please, forgive me once, this is him, Nell, Nel asked me to do
this!" Brewer could not care about anything at the moment, No matter how big the
sentiment is, you can have your own destiny.
The redhead frowned, "Who is Nel again?"
Brewer quickly turned his finger aside.
Nell, pointed by Brewer, changed his face, "Take measures to treason." The two soldiers
stepped forward, without any unnecessary nonsense, directly raised the buttstock and
smashed Dr. Nell's hard. On the lap.
Dr. Nel screamed in pain and fell to the ground.
"Right." Henry suddenly said.
"What's wrong, boss?" Redhead turned back.
"People can investigate. Those two people, who took the medicine in the emergency room."
Henry Zhang pointed his finger to Dr. Lance and the western doctor.
Dr. Lance and the western doctor see their own fire, and their faces are ugly.
Especially Dr. Lance, his heart trembles, how can this Chinese person know about the
Red waved his hand and immediately walked out of several soldiers and ran to the
outpatient clinic.
Just two minutes later, two petite Western nurses were escorted by two soldiers. These
two nurses were al in a panic. When they came over, they pointed to Dr. Lance, "It ’s him, he
let us give the patient Take digoxin. "
The three words spit out from the nurse's mouth made the Chinese doctors present scream
out. Digoxin and most Chinese herbal medicines are very repulsive. If mixed, it is easy to
produce toxins. .
"Do you take digoxin or inject digoxin?" Henry asked deliberately.
"Injection is injection." The nurse replied again and again.
Henry said with a smile: "The patient's brain effusion and compression of the nerves cause
coma. When we are treating, we will use two Chinese herbal medicines, such as Amomum
and Muxiang, as adjuncts to suppress the adverse reactions in the stomach when the nerves
are compressed. The combination of local Gaoxin, Amomum and Muxiang will produce
highly toxic drugs. I think this is the reason why the patient has just been comatose, right?
How can an elderly person who is over 60 years old live This highly toxic? "
Dr. Lance's face changed, and then his neck stalked," How can I know that you will use
Amomum and Muxiang? "
" Hehe. "Henry smiled," You seem to be stil One thing was unclear. "
" What's the matter? "Dr. Lance asked subconsciously.
Henry stretched out a finger, "I'm not just reasoning with you now, I just need to know who
the poison is."
"You!" Dr. Lance's face changed drastically. "You can't do this. You don't have any evidence.
If it's poison, it's also my medicine. You are poisoned by Chinese medicine!"
"Dr. Lance, you have a problem with this. "Li Yan said," I want to ask, what symptoms does
this patient need you to use digoxin? And still use the injection method. "
Dr. Lance's expression was startled, he could not answer this question, because this
Digoxin was injected only for the purpose of producing toxins in the patient's body, and
there was no excuse. He would never have thought that this matter could be exposed!
"Okay you! You are just a beast!" The patient's family rushed up and slammed a punch into
Dr. Lance's face. "You said that the Chinese medicine is not. In the end, you poisoned it
intentionally. My father! If it were n’t for these Oriental magicians, my father was already
killed by you, and you are not worthy of being a doctor! "The onlookers were also
extremely excited.
Red waved his hand and didn't speak. He immediately walked out of the two soldiers and
directly arrested Dr. Lance.
Dr. Lance ’s handsome face was pale. He turned his head to the western doctor. “It ’s you! It
’s you! It ’s what you asked me to do. Without you, it would never happen!”
"Yo." Redhead laughed, "Almost missed one, and caught it together, al handled as planned
Several soldiers came up, holding the heads of these people, dragging them directly Going
down, Dr. Lance made a begging for mercy, but no one would care about him at al .
"Doctor, I'm sorry, I blamed you before." The patient's family walked to Henry and thanked
Henry sincerely.
The feelings of President Ma and others were twists and turns. The original thought that
the patient was gone, Henry's arrival, the magical medical technique made them
breathtaking, but the patient's affairs had just ended. He came out and wanted to arrest
Henry. As a result, Henry had a friend in Europe who could make Earl all respectful and
solved the problem in front of him.
Moreover, the operation just now was recorded because the door of the emergency room
was not closed. The acupuncture technique has been spread to the Internet. This time, the
Chinese medicine will not fail.
"Boss, I have something to tell you." Red hair whispered in Henry's ear.
Henry nodded and asked President Ma, "Chairman Ma, will this exchange meeting be over?"
President Ma nodded and said with a wink: "Yes, there are three hours left , If you have
something to do, Xiao Shenyi, go busy first. "
" Yes, you don't have to wait for me when you go back to the country, I will go back myself.
"Henry said to Chairman Ma, then waved to Yan Li and others , And left the outpatient hall
with red hair.
Outside the hal , four beautiful long-legged, big-eyed Western beauties waited beside the
carriage. When Henry and red hair came, the four men quickly opened the car door and
bent down with respect.
Henry looked at the pure gold carriage in front of him and said, "To be honest, I real y don't
want to get into your carriage full of guilt."
"Come on, boss, there is a wine you like to drink." Red Hair Station next to.
Henry shook his head and stepped on the carriage.
Redhead saw Henry get in the car, and then went up.
The four beauties in front of the carriage were shocked in their eyes. Who is this Chinese
man, even Huang Ke, had to wait for him to get in the car before going up.
After getting in the car, Henry and Red Hair sat on both sides of the car.
From the dark compartment behind the carriage, Red Hair took out a bottle of fine wine
worth millions and unscrewed the cap directly to Henry.
Henry took the wine bottle from Red Hair and took a sip on his head. He asked, "What are
you talking about?"
"Boss, don't be excited when you hear this news." Red Hair looked at Henry's face .
"You said." Henry said these doubts in his eyes.
"Zhujia ..." After red hair said these two words, he paid special attention to Henry's
expression, and then slowly said, "Zhujia, was destroyed."
a crackling sounded.
Henry's mil ion-dollar wine took a sip, and he crushed the bottle and spil ed the expensive
carpet on the carriage.
At this moment, the red hair only felt that the surrounding air had dropped by more than a
dozen degrees, giving him a feeling of falling into the ice cellar.
A few seconds later, the momentum that made the red hair feel scared faded.
Henry took a deep breath, "When did it happen?"
"On the day you went to Yunxing, I only got the news today." Redhead saw Henry did not
have the violent imagination.
Among the ancient Chinese martial arts families in China, the few people who have the best
relationship with Henry include Zhu Family Old Man and Zhu Yuanjiu.
"Do you know who did it?" Henry asked, his voice looking hoarse.
"Zhu, the ninth clan."
Henry listened to the news brought by the red hair
, and calmed down for a long time before calming down.
"Do you know the reason?"
"Unclear." Redhead shook his head. "Just the boss, I got a message. Recently, there have
been hidden forces around the world, working on some top underground forces, but
Huaxia This is the first case of Zhu's family. "
Henry frowned, looking out of the carriage window." How many forces in China know this.
" No one knows for the time being. This time, the other party did very covertly. For Zhu At
home, it can be said that the mouth was completely extinguished, and we also got the news.
Henry looked quietly out of the window for a while, and then said," Arrange the plane to
send me home. "
" Where? "
" Go back to Yinzhou first. " Henry took a deep breath, "You let people arrange, everyone,
pay attention, I am talking about everyone, ready to gather."
"Boss, you are ..." Redhead opened his mouth wide.
"I wish that old man and I also had old friendships, then the Zhu's ..." Henry thought of the
mysterious men and women who suddenly appeared when he was at the Zhu's house, "If
the Zhu's family is completely destroyed, there must always be a clan to bury for them Well,
after all, Zhu's family has fol owed Old Man Lu al his life. "
Redhead nodded with a straight face." I understand the boss. "
Henry tapped on a simple folding square table in the carriage." The clan was born this time.
, Dare to destroy the family, indicating that something that made them fear disappeared, or
that something that made them all born at any cost has already appeared, otherwise, with
my understanding of the clan, they will not appear like this , And do n’t suddenly start with
the Zhu family. "
" Boss, you mean, either, the Zhu family is to destroy the Zhu family, to test the attitude of
some people, or, the Zhu family, know some clans Things you do n’t want people to know? "
Henry nodded, "The latter is more likely. The clan will not be hidden for so many years.
Even if you want to try the attitude of some people, you won't make such a thing as
destroying the family. Zhu Yuanjiu, the old man, has never given up. "
At the beginning, it was Zhu Yuanjiu who found Henry and told Henry about the existence
of anger, also under the tomb of Zhu Jiazu, Henry saw the picture of the sword, the first
time. Understand the terrible qi.
At the time, Zhu Yuanjiu told Henry that there was a mysterious force on the move. Zhu
Yuanjiu was also the person who knew the most about these things among the ancient Wu
Henry leaned on the seat of the carriage, closed his eyes, and whispered in his mouth:
"Wish old man, old man, what do you know before you can let the clan do it at any cost?"
After half an hour, a car belonging to the European royal family The private plane flew high
into the sky, soared into the sky, and went straight to Yinzhou, which required a total of
nearly sixteen hours of travel.
China is six hours faster than Europe.
On the way, Henry was thinking about what exactly was going to cause Zhu Clan to
suddenly make such a big move, making a clan ranked ninth so excited!
"At first, I wish the people's why I deliberately misleading, hiding the true power of the air,
and they have a keepsake landing of the old man, the old man and the land what contact
Dense fog in my heart Henry, Chang Hyun I just felt upset.
Nearly sixteen hours of flight, Henry appeared at Yinzhou Airport at noon.
Henry drove a car and went straight to the Lin Group. This time, Henry had determined
that he would have a conflict with the Zhu Family. Before that, Henry first had to solve
Sylvia's safety issues. The
power of the clan is different from the ordinary underground forces. The mystery of the
clan, Henry still does not know one or two. What kind of things will happen in this battle,
Henry has no idea, but he must fight .
First, neither Henry's relationship with Zhu Yuanjiu, or Zhu Yuanjiu's relationship with Old
Man Lu, or the old identity of Old Man Lu, can make Henry, the only descendant of the
guardian of the ancient Chinese Wu Wu, sit and watch Regardless of.
Secondly, Henry himself has to figure out why.
The appearance of the clan has brought great pressure to Henry. The attitude of the clan is
not clear for the time being. Although Henry has eliminated the two clan of Zhao and
Huang, he does not think that al the clan are enemies. Treat those clans as friends.
To put it plainly between friends and enemies is just a change of interests.
The Tangs are willing to share the method used by Ling Xuan with Henry, everyone is a
The Huangs would fight Henry for the stone mountain, and they would be eliminated by
The adult world, friends and enemies, is that simple.
Henry was sitting in the back row of the car, looking out the window, thinking about how to
best protect Sylvia's safety.
A large bulldozer appeared in Henry's sight.
"Driver, stop!" Henry suddenly shouted.
The driver slammed the brakes and parked the car.
Henry directly threw out a hundred bucks. Before the driver asked for money, he opened
the car door and rushed down.
On the way to Lin's at the airport, I just passed the welfare home.
Now Henry, standing in front of the Ivy Welfare Home, the house of the original Welfare
Home has now become a ruin. The large bulldozer is dismantling the ruins of the Welfare
The small wooden pavilion that Henry would go to when he was upset before was already
razed to the ground, and even the wood chips could not be seen.
Such a scene completely left Henry here.
"What the hel ... what happened?" Henry looked at the original wooden pavilion and
The wooden pavilion was built by Henry and his mother. It can also be said that Henry
could feel the place where his mother was still around. At this moment, it was destroyed by
this bul dozer.
Henry glanced aside, and a sign with the four characters "Kaixun Construction" standing
"Kaixun construction, isn't it Lin's subordinate unit?" Henry is ful of doubts, Lin, how can
people let the demolished orphanage? Is someone posing as Lin?
Henry went over and a construction team was standing here.
"Which company are you! Who asked you to demolish it!" Henry shouted loudly before he
reached the construction team.
"Where are you from? Who let you in?" A leader of the construction team met Henry and
"I ask you! Who asked you to take it apart!" Henry aggravated his voice, and the news of
Zhu's family was destroyed, which originally made him in a bad mood. Now he got off the
plane and saw such a scene, which made him feel bad By the way, if it is not a mature
intellectual restraint, Henry will definitely do something extraordinary now.
"When is your turn to ask us? This is the construction site, go out!" The members of the
construction team scolded.
Henry clenched his fists.
"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang." On the side, a cry rang out.
Henry turned his head to see Secretary Li of the company and was striding forward.
"Mr. Zhang." Secretary Li of the company ran breathlessly to Henry.
Upon seeing Secretary Li, Henry raised a bad hunch in his heart, "Who let this demolished
this welfare home!"
"Yes ..." Secretary Li was afraid to go to Henry and whispered, "It's President Lin "
" What did she demolish the welfare home! "Henryqiang endured the anger in his heart.
"Jian ..." Secretary Li lowered his head and dared not speak.
Henry yelled, "What to build!"
Secretary Li looked up at Henry, and then quickly lowered his head. "Building a shopping
mal , Mr. Lin bought this entire piece of land and wanted to transform it into a commercial
district. "
Henry squeezed his fists, turned around directly, ran towards the outside, and stopped a
taxi directly," Go to Lin's, hurry! "
" Mr. Zhang! "Secretary Li cal ed out behind Henry and saw Henry and Ignoring himself, he
drove in the car quickly and chased after him.
The top floor of Lin's Building.
In Sylvia's office, several department managers are standing in front of Sylvia and reporting
on their work.
At the sound of "bang", the door of the office was pushed away from the outside, and the
door lock was broken directly.
An angry Henry stood at the door of the office.
When Sylvia saw Henry, there was a happy look in her eyes, but it soon disappeared.
Several department managers in front of her waved. "You guys are busy first."
These department managers saw that something was wrong with the scene. Quickly leave.
Sylvia got up from the office chair, picked up a box of tea leaves, pinched a few pieces, and
put them in a tea cup. "Just back? Why don't you say it, I'l let someone pick you up."
Henry stared at him closely With Sylvia, "Have you opened the welfare home?"
"You all know?" Sylvia asked deliberately. In fact, when she saw Henry's angry expression,
she had already thought of it.
Henry asked: "Why tear down the welfare home!"
"Why make money, why else?" Sylvia picked up the kettle and poured the boiling water into
the tea cup.
"What about Dean Cui and the children?"
"I arranged for them to live first, and after a while, a new welfare home will be recovered."
Sylvia carried the tea cup to Henry, "Come on, drink some water first it. "
Henry Han Lin looked at a delivery to the cup," you are very short of money it? How much
you, I can give you, bil ions 10 bil ion one hundred billion! "
this is Henry, the first punch Sylvia became angry for the first time, and he was real y angry
with Sylvia.
Sylvia smiled gently, "The money you give me, and the money I earn myself, are two
concepts. You have also invested in it. You should understand that the opportunity is not in
front of you ..."
"You fart!" Shouted, "Demolition of orphanages to make money! How could you think of
such a method?"
"Otherwise?" Sylvia put the teacup around and leaned on his desk halfway, "Then put them
together, I If you do n’t take it, someone will take it sooner or later. I wo n’t earn it.
Someone will earn it sooner or later! As a businessman, I want to see others put this money
in my pocket? ”
Henry stared at Sylvia in Henry ’s eyes , Full of doubts and puzzles, now Sylvia is not the
kindness in her own impression at all. She no longer brings warmth like the angel of the
day, but like a bitter winter.
Henry suddenly smiled, shook his head, turned around, and walked out of the door of
Sylvia's office. Henrycai had just left the office, and an anxious secretary Li ran over.
"Mr. Zhang, you ..." Li Na looked at Henry of Meteor Meteor and Sylvia in the office. She
didn't know what to say.
Henry left Lin's Building for a while and felt a little confused. After looking at the bright sun
hanging in the sky, Henry walked towards an ordinary residential area, touched his trouser
pockets, and opened an ordinary door. The two pots of forget-me-not have already
bloomed, but Henry knows that these two pots of flowers will be able to bloom for another
month, and they will die.
Watering the flowers, Henry sat on the sofa, a deep sense of tiredness flooded his mind.
The irritability in his heart was getting stronger and stronger. He just wanted to sit here
now, not to care about anything, to think about nothing.
At six o'clock in the afternoon, the weather turned cooler. Henry opened the door of the
room and went out. He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. There was an address
sent by Secretary Li. This is where Dean Cui and the children are now.
Henryxun looked for the address, and it was a three-star hotel. This hotel belonged to Lin.
The entire hotel is now vacated for the children of the orphanage.
As soon as Henry entered the hotel lobby, he saw the children playing in the lobby, and the
gray-haired Dean Cui sat aside.
"Brother Henry!"
"Wow, Brother Henry is here."
Henry greeted the children's enthusiastic cries as soon as he appeared.
Henry rubbed the heads of these little guys and walked towards Dean Cui.
"Henry, you are here." Dean Cui saw Henry with a smile on his face.
"Principle, you are suffering." Henry apologized to Dean Cui. Although the hotel
environment is good, it is always not as good as the welfare home. After al , the welfare
home has been for so many years. It has long been regarded by Dean Cui and the children.
Home now.
Dean Cui shook his head. "We have nothing to do. The child of Sylvia arranged
accommodation for us, and we will also build a new welfare home. We just moved to
another place, but you, Xiaoxuan, you want to open A little. "
Dean Cui sighed." People have to learn to look forward too. The wooden pavilion will be
gone if it's gone. The girl Sylvia is definitely not intentional. That's a good boy. You and She
is well together, don't quarrel because of this matter, there are times when there is a
misunderstanding between husband and wife. "
" Muting ... "Henry recalled the scene where he and his mother built a together in the past.
At six o'clock in the Lin's Building, employees also leave work and leave their jobs one by
Sylvia was still sitting in his office, looking at the broken door lock, stunned.
The office door was opened, and Jenny, dressed in casual clothes, came in from the door.
"It's all work, don't you go back?"
"Mom, it's time to go home." Tian Tian ran over and took Sylvia's arm.
Sylvia forcibly squeezed out a smile on his face, "Let's forget, let's go back." Jenny looked at
Sylvia's face with a strong smile on his face, and said,
"Why don't you tel him the truth? Since you left That wooden pavilion, there should n’t be
so many misunderstandings between you two, this matter is easy to make clear. "
Sylvia shook his head." Sometimes, misunderstandings are also a good thing.
Sylvia collected a drawing on the table. This drawing was the one that Su Wen gave to
Sylvia when he returned to Su's home. The drawing The area delineated above is also
where the welfare home is located.
At that time, Sylvia once asked Su Yu how strong this Su literature is, and how powerful the
so-cal ed Su's.
Su Yu clearly told Sylvia that the clan's tyranny is not something any force can contend
with, including Henry's Bright Island.
At the same time, Su Yu also reminded Sylvia again and again, now, do n’t provoke Su Clan,
otherwise, not only the Su family will have a devastating blow, including Henry ’s
Guangming Island, but also to bear Su Clan ’s anger, that kind of anger, It is now Guangming
Island, unbearable.
Sylvia collected the drawings, stood up, and took Tiantian's little hand. She looked at the
coffee table beside her eyes, and there was still the tea she had made for Henry.
"You protect me so many times, you can't always, let you take the risk for me, you are the
owner of the light island, you are the king of hell, you don't live for you alone, you can't real
y go to the world for me I ’
m not worth it for being an enemy. ” Sylvia looked away and strode out of the office.
At the moment Sylvia left the Lin's Building, Henry also left Sylvia's hotel for President Cui.
Henry did not notify anyone, and was going to the airport alone. When Henry hit a car and
was about to get on the bus, a faint voice sounded from the side.
"Brother Henry ..."
Henry, who was about to get on the train, was shocked at the moment he heard the sound.
The name of the younger brother has always been cal ed by only one person.
Looking at where Henrychao's voice came, he saw a girl with a dirty face and hair al stuck
together, standing in a corner of the hotel.
"Zhu Ling!"
Henry strode towards the girl.
"Brother Henry!" The girl yelled and rushed into Henry's arms, making a cry.
Henry did not expect that Zhu Ling could be seen here, and Zhu's family was destroyed.
Looking at Zhu Ling's appearance now, these few days may be the darkest days in the life of
this little princess of Zhu's family.
"Okay, don't cry." Henry reached out and helped Zhu Ling wipe away the tears from his
Zhu Ling kept sobbing. She fled from Duhai to here. On the way, she dared not show up or
dare to reveal a trace of her whereabouts. She dared not use her mobile phone and her
bank card. She did n’t dare to swipe. Dare not go.
Henry noticed that Zhu Ling had chapped lips and a pale face under the dust on his face.
"Henry ... my family ... my family ..." Zhu Ling sobbed, "My family is over."
"I know, this is not the place to speak." Henry glanced around, "Follow me first."
Henry pulled Zhu Ling, leave here quickly.
The Zhu family was destroyed. The Zhu family wiped out the entire Zhu family. It is
absolutely impossible to let Zhu Ling run away like this. There are definitely people who
have been tracking Zhu Ling ’s whereabouts.
Henry opened a hotel with his ID card, first sent Zhu Ling to the room to wash, and at the
same time asked the front desk for some food and clean clothes.
Twenty minutes later, after finishing washing, Zhu Ling, who put on a clean suit, walked out
of the bathroom. You can see that Zhu Ling's eyes were red, and apparently he just cried in
the bathroom.
"I already know about your family, why are you in Yinzhou?" Henry took apart a boxed
lunch and put it on the table, "Come here and talk while eating."
Zhu Ling is also hungry. In the past few days, she has no money to eat at all. She took the
opportunity to go to a place such as a hotel to drink water. She went to the bathroom to
drink some tap water. I'm so hungry I stuff everything.
Now, facing the fragrant box lunch, Zhu Ling slammed into his mouth.
Henry didn't say anything. Don't worry about eating hurriedly. A full man doesn't know
that a hungry man is hungry. A person who hasn't been hungry doesn't know how much
the hungry people want food. Henry is a person who has experienced hunger I feel
empathy for Zhu Ling's current situation.
"I bought two copies, don't be afraid not enough." Henry took out another lunch box and
pushed it to Zhu Ling.
"Enough, enough." Zhu Ling nodded again and again.
Henry looked at Zhu Ling's picture, and felt chil s in his heart. A young lady at Zhu's house
turned into this picture.
In less than five minutes, the two full lunches were eaten clean by Zhu Ling. After drinking a
bottle of water, Zhu Ling patted his stomach, and his hunger swept away.
"Brother Henry, my grandpa originally asked me to go to Guangming Island to find you, but
I really don't know how to go to the island, so I came to Yinzhou to find you."
"How do you know that I was in the hotel just now?" Henry was strange Road.
"I followed you." Zhu Ling whispered, "I have been waiting outside the Lin's Building. I saw
you today and followed you."
"Fol ow me! How did you do it?" Henry said Startled, he was followed by someone, but he
didn't find it?
"This is it." Zhu Ling hurried to the bathroom and took out a paper book from his dirty
clothes and handed it to Henry.
Henry glanced at the book, the cover of the book was dark blue, and touched his hand.
There was a time-honored texture, but there was no feeling of time loss. Instead, it looked
brand new, just as it should have been brushed out.
And, at the moment of getting this book, Henry had a feeling, a feeling of being shrunk
Henry is very familiar with this feeling. When he was performing killer missions before, he
learned how to hide and narrow his breath. With deliberate efforts, Henry can also make
his breath shrink indefinitely.
A person who has been stared at by another person for a long time will have a feeling, but
when he is stared by the person who deliberately hides his breath for a long time, there will
not be too much feeling.
Henry could understand this narrowing breath, but just because he got the book, the breath
was infinitely reduced, which was completely beyond Henry's cognition.
Henry opened the book, the pages are very thin, and there are only a dozen pages, but they
are al blank.
"Brother Henry, my grandfather asked me to give this to you."
"What is this?" Henry repeatedly read this book, even hitting his inner air on the page, it
had no effect. blank.
"I don't know." Zhu Ling shook his head. "My grandpa said it was a key."
"Key?" Henry frowned slightly. "What key?"
"Grandpa didn't tel me much." With the book in Henry's hands, the whole family wished to
destroy the door because of this book. "Grandpa only said that what this key can open will
drive al the clans crazy."
Henry stares at the book in his hand.
What can make the clan crazy, no wonder, Zhu Clan will suddenly shoot out the Zhu family,
presumably, just for this book.
Henry looked to Zhu Ling and said: "Your grandpa is he stil alive?"
Zhu Ling's big eyes were suddenly covered with fog, and he shook his head, his voice was
much weaker, "I don't know, I ran At that time, I heard that they kept asking my grandpa
where things are. "
Henry reached out and knocked on the table, thinking about it:" If you say so, I wish the old
man may not have an accident. Go to Duhai first and say it. Al things related to Zhu's family
are told to me. "
Zhu Ling nodded vigorously.
"Then go, time can't be dragged on for too long." Henry got up and walked outside.
After Zhu Ling followed Henry, the two went out of the hotel, took a car, and went straight
to the airport.
Henry looked at the rearview mirror and said: "Master, please go to the Chengnan
Industrial Park first."
The driver of the car made a big noise on the high-speed roundabout Circle and drive to the
industrial park.
The Chengnan Industrial Park has become obsolete.
Henry is here, the person who killed the thorn rose, the person who destroyed the Zhao
Henry took Zhu Ling off the train.
"? Henry brother, how do we suddenly come here ah"
Henry did not answer Zhu Ling, his eyes looked around, and then opening said:. "Come out,
how is the clan of people, sneaky, may mean nothing."
"Oh, indeed Mr. Lu's successor, this keen, is far more than ordinary people. "A laugh
sounded, and a middle-aged man in ordinary casual clothes was stepping into the void.
"Guangming Island, it's very famous." Another sweet laugh sounded. A middle-aged
woman, wearing a long black dress, also stepped in the air.
The two men, one left and one right, sandwiched Henry in the middle.
"Brother Henry! They are the people of Zhu Family!" Zhu Ling recognized the identity of the
two people at the moment they saw them.
Needless to say Zhu Ling, Henry can also guess the origin of these two people.
In this world, there are not so many masters of qi, let alone two masters of metamorphosis,
not the ninth clan ranked Zhu, who can there be?
The woman in the black dress looked at Zhu Ling and covered her mouth with a chuckle.
"Little girl, you really made us find it. It seems that the baby can really hide the breath and
let an ordinary warrior escape from both of us. People's sight. "
Henry took out the blue book that Zhu Ling gave him from his inner pocket, raised it in his
hands, and asked with a smile:" You two, are you talking about this? "
" Henry, right? The disciple of Mr. Lu is known as the hel king with 100,000 hellwalkers.
"The middle-aged man walks in the void as if he is walking on the stairs, and slowly walks
to the ground. also I hope you do not go against us, after al , you're just Mr. Lu's successor,
not Mr. Lu. " "
Yo. "Henry mouth of a Young," listen to this, Lu old man in your clan, but also quite
prestigious ah. "
in The young man stared at Henry, "Henry, you have to be clear that in the Zhu family, it
was not the person you watched on Mr. Lu's face who let us go of the Zhu family, but our
Zhu family, on Mr. Lu's face , Forgive you once, and at the same time Once home, today,
home is the kiss of death wish, nothing to do with you, you can never from wrong, you sit
tight in the dominant secular forces like, the thing, you can not have! "
"Is it?" Henry put the blue book back in his hand, "Are you giving Old Man Lu face, or are
you afraid of Old Man Lu? Or, are you afraid, what old man Lu left me Backhand?
And this backhand, can you completely destroy your clan? "The middle-aged man smiled," I
will not be afraid of it, I still say that, you are only Mr. Lu's heir, not Mr. Lu himself, you It is
the overlord of the secular forces, but it can be placed in the clan. It is nothing. Any one of
the Qiqi Realm can kill you. Of course, you may not understand what Yuqi real y means. "
Henry lowered his head, silent For a few seconds, there was a sudden burst of low laughter.
Henry's laughter grew louder and louder. As his voice increased, his entire body shivered.
"What are you laughing at!" The middle-aged man yelled.
"It's not Old Man Lu, can't he just start your clan? Ah!" Henry suddenly raised his head and
shouted, in Henry's eyes, ful of killing intentions, "You have destroyed Zhu Family, come
now, fol ow I ’m saying I wish the family to find their own way! Ask for something from my
hand and tell me not to mistake yourself. Are your clans great? Ca n’t the clans kil ? Ah! "
" Henry, I advise you ... " Just about to speak, I saw Henry's whole person burst into an
instant and rushed towards me.
Henry raised his fist, an air-bearing tiger, threw himself directly from behind Henry,
opened a big mouth of the blood basin, and bit off towards the middle-aged man.
The middle-aged man's expression changed suddenly, "How is it possible! How can you
have qi!"
"Yuqi, is it amazing!" Henry punched again, a half-human gas-shaped mantis, waving a
sharp Scythe to the waist of a middle-aged man.
"This is impossible! How could you have been transformed!" The middle-aged man was
horrified in his eyes. He turned a gas wall in front of him, but was torn by the tiger's palm.
The woman in black dress rushed over at a critical moment to resist the tiger that Henry
shot. The middle-aged man also took the opportunity to relax and shot the mantis that
Henry shot with a strong breath.
After doing al this, the two looked at each other, and they saw the dignity in each other's
eyes. The strength shown by Henry was completely beyond their expectations.
They thought that Henry was just an ordinary warrior. But I didn't expect it to be a
metamorphic master, and the strength of the tiger and mantis is much higher than that of
"Your clan, standing high, treats ordinary people as ants. Your clan, you think you are
superior, and you are high-flying, but you don't realize that you are just trying to steal, you
are a clan, so what! If it is still powerful, why not hide in the world ""
Henry punched his fists together and slammed into the door.
A man and a woman reached out at the same time to resist, but Henry's fists flew out in
Henry looked up at the two of them. In his eyes, there was a scarlet color. Henry himself
didn't notice it. From the air emitted from his fist, there was a touch of red.
"Incompetent! How arrogant!"
Henry stepped on the ground, the ground cracked, and he stood up like a bird of Dapeng,
grabbing at the two.
The two faced Henry's attack. They did not dare to resist this time and hid in both
"Go get that baby girl!" The middle-aged man yelled, Henry's combat power, repeatedly
subverted his estimate.
The middle-aged man and the woman in black dress just entered the metamorphic realm.
In Zhu's view, the two men won a Zhu Ling, still relaxed, even if this Zhu Ling
really fled to Guangming Island, there are two Minghua Xingshuo came out, and Bright
Island could not keep Zhu Ling.
But I didn't expect that Henry alone would let them join forces.
Master, can see a lot of things in one blow.
After hearing the words of the middle-aged man, the woman in a black dress stretched out
her hand and grabbed Zhu Ling directly, while the middle-aged man forcibly struck Henry.
"Huh, what's high, the method used is the same!" Henry coldly snorted and patted a palm.
A cyclone mixed with red mans, went straight to the woman in the black dress.
Seeing that the black dress woman's hand was about to catch Zhu Ling, she was forced to
retreat by this cyclone.
On the other side, Henry once again punched a middle-aged man. In the face of Henry's fist,
the middle-aged man dared not make any resistance. The power of Henry's fist, the middle-
aged man had just grasped it.
The middle-aged man, under Henry's fist, had just made a dodge motion and felt a burst of
"How is it possible!" The
middle-aged man couldn't help but exclaimed, the place where the suction came from was
exactly where Henry's fist went.
Henry's anger, too powerful, can already affect the shape of middle-aged men.
The master passed the trick, and his life and death were only a moment away. The middle-
aged man ’s dodge movement was slightly affected by this suction, which made his dodge
speed slower. Although he avoided the vital position, he failed to escape Henry ’s powerful
one. fist.
The middle-aged man was punched in the chest by Henry with a punch, and a spit of blood
spurted out, and the whole person flew backwards.
At the same time, Henry was also hard on both feet, and the whole person rushed towards
the black skirt woman.
The black skirt woman saw that the middle-aged man was defeated in the blink of an eye,
and even dare not compete with Henry, stepping back and forth.
But how fast could she pass Henry, Henry grabbed in one hand, directly grabbed the gas
mask in front of the woman in the black skirt, locked the neck of the other party, and
mentioned hard.
The woman in the black dress left her feet and couldn't even lift her breath, her legs kept
pushing, and she stretched her hand to break Henry's palm, but she couldn't even break the
gas on Henry's arm.
On the other side, the middle-aged man saw his companion was arrested and yelled.
The whole person jumped up and attacked Henry with a battle axe.
Henry vomited lightly in his mouth, his other hand, as fast as lightning three times.
These three times, ordinary people can't even see clearly, but Henry is very confident to
know that these three times are respectively on the three dead points of the middle-aged
man, and he breathes into the body to seal al three dead points. live.
The middle-aged man fell into the ground stiffly like an electric shock.
"Zhang ... Henry, you take it seriously ..." The black dress woman made a difficult voice,
"You take it seriously, you want to be an enemy with us ... Zhu's crap ?" At the same time, he
raised his foot and stepped on it. The middle-aged man's head burst like a watermelon
under Henry's foot.
At the same time, the scarlet color in Henry's eyes slowly faded.
Zhu Ling stood aside, such a bloody scene, not only did not scare her heart, but gave her a
feeling of relief. This time, Henry no longer ordered people to clean up the two bodies, and
tossed the body of the black skirt woman aside.
"Let's go." Henry said to Zhu Ling.
"Oh, good." Zhu Ling froze for a moment, quickly trotting to follow Henry.
Henry and the two gradually walked away. The two corpses lay quietly in the industrial
park. The two corpses were intentional y left here by Henry to show to the officials.
Duhai Zhujia.
Throughout Zhujia Manor, the gate was locked.
No one came in and out of the door for several days.
In the hall, a middle-aged man in a black gown sat on the main seat and looked around.
Under the throne, there were more than a dozen people standing here, which caused
obvious fluctuations in the air. These people are al masters of imperial decency.
As the ninth-ranked clan of the clan, there are so many masters of Qi in the clan, far more
than the clan of Zhao.
"How is it, is there any news?" The man sitting on the throne was the one who came to Zhu
Yuanjiu's heart with a steel knife when the Zhu family was slaughtered that day.
"No news has come back yet. The cheap girl fled with treasure and is not easy to find, but
now it can be determined that the cheap girl is in a smal city in the northwest." Said a
middle-aged woman.
The person in the throne nodded and asked, "Is that old guy willing to open his mouth?
Where did he find this thing, and where
did he get the news?" "He stil didn't say." A thirty The man in his back replied, "The old
guy's mouth is very hard. He should know that he is going to say it, and his life is gone."
"Oh." The man on the throne sneered, "If he feels that death is more than alive When he is
comfortable, he is willing to say. "
" I understand. "
The person on the throne stood up." Okay, today I'm bringing you all together, I don't just
ask these questions, I have something to do. Announce. "
After the people on the throne finished, all the people in the hall put their eyes on him.
He pondered and then said: "This time, since the old guy was forced to be born early,
although there are some in the situation Passive, but not without benefits, disperse people
as soon as possible, looking for spirit stones, although in this age of qi decay, the spirit
energy is exhausted, but there are stil many unearthed spirit stones outside, that day is
coming, we must rush Before most people, in this life, we will reproduce the glory of
Zhushi! "
The people in the whole hall were all fil ed with passionate colors on their faces. They were
very clear what the so-called day meant, wait until When that day comes, all clans will no
longer be constrained. When that day comes, this era will become the era of clan!
Moreover, it is the best era ever!
A passenger plane took off from Yinzhou and went straight to Duhai. Four hours later, it
landed at Duhai Airport.
Henry and Zhu Ling walked out of the airport.
"Zhu girl, what day is today?" Henry asked as he walked.
"September 30th, what's wrong, Brother Henry?" Zhu Ling wondered and didn't
understand how Henry suddenly asked this.
"Remember this day." Henry took a deep breath, "This is even a carnival before the
Henry strode out of the airport.
At the moment when Henry walked out of the airport, there were countless figures sitting
in the airport, men and women, old and young, almost at the same time, and walked outside
the airport.
Underground world once said such a sentence.
Hundreds of thousands of hellwalkers on Guangming Island are everywhere in the world,
listening to the command of one person, everywhere.
At that time, someone asked what it would look like if hell walkers would gather together.
No one has been able to answer this question for a long time, because no one has ever seen
the gathering of hellwalkers. There has never been any underground force that can make
Guangming Island treat it so seriously, even in the Wang Hui.
The scene where the hell walkers gathered did not happen, but it does not mean that it will
not happen in the future.
When Henry and Zhu Ling stepped out of the airport, countless figures, densely packed,
followed Henry.
In these figures, there are men and women, old and young, some are in Chinese clothes, and
some are in ragged clothes. They are engaged in completely different occupations. At this
moment, they all take the same pace.
Henry walked in the forefront, and the crowd behind him was like a giant beast, and what
Henry pointed to was where their blades were pointing.
On the streets of Duhai, in taverns, in shopping malls, there are silhouettes one after
another, at this time, thinking about the same place to gather.
The future of a pure white hanfu, sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel
room, wiped the barrel extending from the back. Suddenly, the future pupil shrank, smiling,
opened the door, and strode out.
When the future stepped out of the hotel door, one figure after another gathered from al
directions behind her.
Meteor strides in the future and walks in one direction.
On the Duhaipu River, a cruise ship docked.
A bald white man jumped off the deck and landed at the pier. Numerous ships docked.
The dense figure appeared from the boat and walked towards Zhujia Manor with the bald
Ferris carried a briefcase and took a pocket-sized silver pistol out of the bag with a smile on
the corner of his mouth.
On the high speed around the city, truck after truck drove by, and the scimitar in Alex's
hands shone coldly.
The moon god in a long dress dragging on the floor attracted countless eyes. She was noble
and holy, but because of the long whip in her hand, she carried a wild nature.
An Aston Martin 47 sprinted on the street, the sound of the motor sounded a roar, Wade
White held a cigar in his mouth, one-handedly holding the steering wheel, a large black
knife, lying quietly on the co-pilot beside him .
The dark golden cloak was blown up by the wind, and the red-haired bizarre shape was
constantly pointed.
These strange scenes suddenly appeared on the streets of Duhai, which naturally attracted
the attention of the officials.
Various telephones have already hit the official landline of Duhai.
At the same time, the phone of Guangming Island also rang.
Butler Pease leisurely answered the phone, "The clan is violent. This is a war in the
underground world. Note that I'm talking about war! The fire has burned to China. You
should also come up with the original agreement and take a good look. "
Pease finished talking and hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to reply.
Duhai, Zhujia Manor.
The gate of the manor is locked, and hundreds of members of the Zhu family are staying in
the manor. After the operation of the Zhu family, the manor is completely self-sufficient
even without leaving home.
"Hey, you do not say, that old bones mouth pretty hard, nails gave him stripped, even
saying no screams."
"That is, it makes me very it was great."
Two of the younger generation's wish , Lying on the lounge chair leisurely.
"You say that this time we will born, I wish the light off a home it? It means nothing ah, the
last patriarch have to let the people are all killed, a girl did not leave, do not have a little
fun." "Next time we will have more time for snacks, I heard that this secular force, there is a
man named Guangming Island, there are many girls on it, there are all kinds
of them, you say One day we will kill Guangming Island and leave all the chicks to enjoy it
every day. That's a big joy in life. "
" Haha, a secular force, as long as the patriarch doesn't restrain you and me, just us, You can
wipe out al of this force. "
" Or, a group of worldly ants, really, I can't wait to see it. These worldly forces were shocked
when they saw our clan. "
" What world ? " First, it ’s just rubbish. ”The
two young people of the Zhu family laughed and chatted about the world with impunity, as
if in their eyes, as long as they were not clan, they were like pigs and dogs.
Just under the laughter of two young people.
There is a spacious avenue outside Zhu's vermilion gate.
In the past, before this avenue, a lot of people would always gather to come to Zhu Zhu's
relationship. Since the last time Henry appeared, Mr. Zhu personally spoke, no one dared to
come here.
"Dah ..." A soft
footstep stepped on the avenue in front of Zhu's door.
With the appearance of this footstep, the dense footsteps followed.
If you look at it from a high altitude, the dense figure is gathering from al directions to this
Henry walked in the forefront and smiled and said, "Come."
"Boss, can't you come? Although the old man is a little old-fashioned, the person is actual y
pretty good. I can't always look at the Zhu family, just be bullied." The future makes a clear
With red hair in his dark golden cloak, he walked behind Henry. "This is not the first clan
anymore." As
Ferres walked, he took off his upper body suit and threw it away. The pocket pistol was He
kept spinning in his hands.
Luna walked with a long whip, throwing away the sense of the holy ring, ful of a wild and
strange beauty.
The bald-headed Han Poseidon took a mouthful of white teeth and carried his sailor knife
that was salvaged three thousand meters under the sea.
Alex was carrying two ful moon scimitars behind him, and at the moment he removed the
two knives, there was a symphony of gold and iron symphony.
"Boss, how to kill." Wade White shoulder strode against the black sword.
"How to kill?" Henry chuckled softly. "Of course, one does not stay!"
A black ghost face mask was taken from behind by Henry and worn on his face.
At the same time, the future and others also put on masks, and the countless figures behind
them also took the masks from behind and put them on.
A sound of gold-iron symphony sounded. Everyone, at the moment of putting on the mask,
took out a sharp blade from behind and held it in his hand, squinting at the ground.
Wade White raised his sword and shouted, "With the blood of the Zhu's family, offering
sacrifices, and wishing the dead souls of the family!"
Wade White rose to the sky.
The Zhu family, who were still in the Zhujia manor, clearly heard the roar, which surprised
Two young generations of Zhu's young people lying on the lounge chair showed doubts in
their eyes, and then shouted, "Who is screaming here!"
"Kill your people!"
"bang" sounded again.
Zhu Family's vermilion gate collapsed directly under an external force.
When the two younger generations of Zhu's family were about to move, they felt that they
couldn't move, not because they couldn't, but they didn't dare.
A strong sense of fear oppressed them, making them unable to lift a little energy.
The figure in front of him brought the pressure like a big mountain. The ghost mask was
lifelike, with fangs exposed, and he wanted to eat human flesh and blood.
"You ..." A young man of the Zhu family was trembling, not because they were too weak, but
the person in front of him, the pressure was too strong.
The clan does not come out. Although it is powerful, it has too little combat experience.
Henry is known as the king of hell. The people who died under his stack can be piled up to
form a hill. Even if they don't talk, the sense of oppression is enough to make ordinary
people afraid.
Henry did not have any unnecessary nonsense, directly hit his fists, bombarded the heads
of the two, and blood spattered.
"Who dares to come, I wish the scream!" A middle-aged man from the scream rushed out,
he has the strength to control the atmosphere.
"Dove occupies the magpie's nest, and dare to shout!" Wade White volleyed a knife, mixed
with a sharp air, and went straight to the middle-aged man of the Zhu family.
After the numerous spirit stones were transported to the island, the elders did not hesitate
to gather al the spirit stones in the scattered spirit array. Under the rich aura, Wade White
made a breakthrough natural y. He was not a weak person. As a descendant of the Shouling
family , His bloodline is very powerful, there is no imperial qi, just missed an opportunity.
Countless figures poured into the Zhujia compound from all directions, and the fight was
almost instantaneous.
Not al the people of the Zhu family are concentrated in the Zhu family. At the moment,
there are only more than 100 people in the Zhu family manor. When countless hellwalkers
are killed, they directly produce an overwhelming killing.
In addition to the top-level masters of the imperial class, Zhu's number is greater than that
of Guangming Island, and ordinary martial arts only have the share of being killed.
There are a total of more than ten master class masters here, and on Guangming Island, due
to the strong aura on the island, Wade White and others all achieved master spirits.
Although the time is short, their combat experience, It is not at all comparable to the
masters of Zhu Qi.
That middle-aged man of Zhu's age was obviously much earlier than Wade White's
imperialism, but at the moment under Wade White's big sword, he could only retreat.
A black cedar middle-aged man, stepping on the void, sounded like Hong Zhong, "Who, dare
to wish me extravagantly! Dead!"
This black cedar middle-aged stared at him, a three-meter long gas knife, and The void
formed, chopping straight to the ground.
When this gas-shaped long knife appeared, even the surrounding air was drained away,
showing its power. If it was cut off, Guangming Island would be boundlessly injured and kil
The two tigers rushed from the ground and went straight to the long knife, tearing at the
back of the knife.
"Oh." The young man in Heisui laughed and looked at the place where the two tigers were
rushing. "Unexpectedly, Guangming Island could even help the Su family. It seems that the
two of me who were in Yinzhou were dead. Right. "
These masks with ghost faces represent the identity of Bright Island.
Henry also stepped forward and stepped into the air.
For such a long time, Henry became more and more proficient in controlling Qi, and could
gather Qi under his feet like other metamorphic masters.
The two stood in the air, what they did, in the eyes of ordinary people, that is the posture of
an immortal, but the metamorphic master himself knows this, but this is just the easiest
means. very long.a dark gold ring was worn by Henry, and the two stood in the sky, facing
each other.
Middle-aged Heishan glanced at the dark gold ring on Henry's hand and said, "It is worthy
of Mr. Lu's heirs. You are in the world and you can achieve transformation. It seems that
Mr. Lu's inheritance is not rare "
Henry sneered, and fol owed the words of middle-aged Heishan," "Old Man Lu left me
something that you can't imagine."
Heishan's middle-aged eyes were a little more solemn, he didn't know what Henry said.
Among them, there are a few true and false, but Mr. Lu ’s identity has to make him awe,
even if the person is dead, it will make him dare not despise, after all, he thought that
Henry, who is just an ordinary warrior, has a metamorphosis The strength of the
environment, and the people it brings, also have several imperial qi.
Middle-aged Heishan shook his head. "We wish the Clan, and we have no intention to be the
enemy of Mr. Lu."
"Oh." Henry chuckled, "You are, I don't know the identity of Old Man Lu? Your clan, openly
against the ancient Wu family The shot, in my opinion, is to provoke the prestige of old man
Lu! "
" You misunderstood. "Heisui middle-aged explained," We Zhu Family and Zhu Family, this
is the same blood, this is just our own business. "
" Is it my family's business to destroy the door of Zhu Zhu's house? "Two more tigers
emerged from behind Henry.
Heisui's middle-aged frowned, "You are, really want to be against our Zhu Family?"
"It is you, Zhu Family, to be against the entire ancient martial arts!" Behind Henry, two
tigers came out together.
Heishan middle-aged waved his hands, and two gas-shaped long knives gathered on his
hands. This long knife was sharp and abnormal, and the tiger was slamming in the open
blood basin, and it dissipated in the air. .
Henry's eyes narrowed, and he could see that the strength of this middle-aged Heishan was
more than any master he had encountered in the past.
Heishan middle-aged shouted, "Since you insist on fighting, then I wish you, I will
accompany you to fight!"
Heishan middle-aged waved his sword, volleying to Henry.
This method of volley fight is a way to reach the metamorphosis master to test the strength
of the opponent. If it is not a person with strong temperament, he will never dare to fight in
the air.
After al , it is not easy to walk into the air, and every step is equivalent to breathing out.
Heishan's middle-aged man will not fal to the ground, he just wanted to see how strong Mr.
Lu's heirs are. In terms of strong internal energy, Heishan's middle-aged man has absolute
self-confidence. people!
In the face of Heishan's middle-aged offensive, Henry is not afraid at all. In his dictionary,
he has never been afraid of the word. In the face of unknown opponents and opponents
stronger than himself, Henry's original concept was ... … Find a way to kil each other!
The cyclone in the abdomen turned rapidly, Henry took a step, and at the same time kil ed
towards the middle-aged black cedar.
Heishan's middle-aged two air knives are extremely sharp and can kill invisible.
Henryshu knows all kinds of boxing techniques, squeezing tigers and cranes into two
forms, sometimes turning into praying mantises, sometimes like snakes and sometimes like
In a short period of time, the two passed dozens of moves.
"Haha! It is worthy of Mr. Lu's successors. At such a young age, he has such strength. It is
placed in my Zhu's family. It's a pity that he is the first person of the younger generation.
Facing the middle-aged black fir knife, Henry rapid retreat, in the eyes of the net is dignified
color, he just played countless zoomorphic, but can not be caused to the other A little bit of
damage, even the opponent's knife net can't break through, these beasts are al dissipated
under the opponent's knife.
Henry was very clear that his time for mastering qi was still too short, and he didn't have a
reasonable cultivation direction. If he wanted to improve, he had to rely on groping slowly.
The previous strength can be seen against the clan that ranked lower, but now facing the
ninth Zhu clan, it is not enough.
You know, the Zhu family is now in the Zhu family, only a few people, more people, are still
among the clan. The middle-aged Heishan in front of him can lead the team out.
Among the Zhu family, there must be quite a few Status, but definitely the strongest, there
are many people who are stronger than him!
Although Heishan middle-aged said that he didn't want to be an enemy of Henry, he started
to move to Henry.
Another two tigers rushed out to help Henry, and Henry was able to escape the two knives
of Heishan's middle-aged sting.
Heishan's middle-aged offensive was particularly fierce, and two invisible air blades made
Henryjie retreat.
Compared with the disadvantages of Henry, Wade White and others have gained an
Although there are more Zhuqi masters, Wade White and others have rich fighting
experience and can draw a tie even when the number of people is poor, while more
hellwalkers have already won an overwhelming victory. Those ordinary soldiers of Zhushi
Al under the sword, after al , the difference in numbers is too great.
These hellwalkers were scattered to various places in the Su family to conduct a rug-like
"Although the strength is not good, I have to say, is it well managed." Middle-aged Heishan
sneered, an air-shaped giant blade, quietly formed behind Henry, the blade aligned with
Henry's heart.
Faced with this middle-aged Heishan, Henry felt a little difficult, but he didn't have that
kind of despair. He was thinking about how to break through the opponent's sword net.
"Come on, let me see again, how strong is Mr. Lu's heritage!" Middle-aged Heishan waved
his air blade again and killed Henry.
In the face of Heishan's middle-aged air knife, Henry subconsciously dodges, but his body
just moves, and he feels something is wrong.
"Not good!" Henry was shocked, his muscles shocked, and a layer of gas mask instantly
covered the whole body.
This gas mask was just formed. A strong penetrating force struck Henry's heart, and the air
blade pierced Henry's body gas mask.
At a critical moment, Henrymeng turned around, and the air blade that had originally
pierced his back, cut through Henry's sleeve, brought a piece of flesh, and blood suddenly
flowed from Henry's arm.
"Oh." Middle-aged Heishan looked at Henry with a smile on his face. "It seems that you
haven't got Mr. Lu's true biography. Is Mr. Lu not teaching you the only heir, or have you
been cheating I, Mr. Lu, haven't left you any inheritance at al ! "
Middle-aged Heishan said at this time, his pupil shrank suddenly.
Henry quickly reached out and touched two points on his shoulder to stop the blood.
Under the current high-intensity battle, qi and blood surged. If he did not stop the flow of
blood, he would definitely be weak due to the loss of blood.
"Boss!" Wade White, who was fighting on the ground, exclaimed when he saw the scene
Henry waved his hand, then looked directly at the middle-aged Heishan, and carefully
looked at the other party's means. Heishan's middle-aged smile grew stronger and he
waved to the void. "As Mr. Lu's heir, it's not enough to run."
With the motion of Heishan's middle-aged wave One after another, the air blades formed
from the void, dense and dense, and there were hundreds of them, but the size of a dagger
was sharp, and the iron was like mud.
Henry can clearly capture the formation of these air blades and completely surround
himself. That sharp edge, even across the air, Henry can clearly feel it.
Middle-aged Heishan stretched his arms and opened his palms, "I really want to know, how
do you hide next?"
Middle-aged Heishan grinned and sipped his white teeth. At the same time, he punched
fists in the palm, countless densely packed Qibla, at the moment when Heishan middle-
aged squeezed his fist, al shot towards Henry, overwhelming.
Henry, who stretched out his air blade and surrounded the circle, had nowhere to dodge.
The sharp edges emanating from the air blade merged together, and before reaching Henry,
Henry felt a strong tear.
"Is that what a top-notch master!" Henry was horrified. The attack from the middle-aged
Heishan was beyond his expectation. He didn't expect that Qi could be done like this.
Attacking can do this. In theory, as long as there is enough qi, as long as the mastery of
qi is accurate enough, then it will be able to take the first level of human beings thousands
of miles away!
Looking at Henry in the circle surrounded by Qibla, Heishan middle-aged seems to have
seen Henry die under the chaos.
An air blade pierced Henry's body shield, and the pierced Henry's collar cut towards
Henry's neck. Just when the air blade was about to touch Henry's neck, it seemed to be
stuck in the mud and could not go further. .
Including the other hundred air blades, this is also the case. Obviously it has reached
Henry's front, but it can't cause a little damage to Henry.
"Oh, it looks real y effective." Henry's laughter sounded from the chaos, and his tone was ful
of a sense of relaxation.
"How is it possible!" The middle-aged black cedar with a wide smile, his eyes widened at
this moment, the smile on his face completely disappeared, ful of horror. He stared at
Henry's head, there was a lotus flower in ful bloom.
The lotus sprinkled with wisps of substantial air, which are the air blows, which resisted
the air blade emitted by the middle-aged black cedar.
"Tianlian, how can you condense Tianlian!" At the moment of middle age, Heisui seemed to
see the most incredible things in life, muttering constantly, "Impossible!
Tianlian should have disappeared long ago, It's impossible to appear again! "
" It turns out that this thing is called Tianlian. "Henry smiled softly." I have to say that your
attacking method has real y puzzled me a lot and provided me a lot of inspiration. "
Henry raised a hand and placed it on the lotus flower above his head, then gently pulled a
petal, and Henry pinched it in his hand.
Henry looked at the petals in his hand, exuding a crystal brilliance. He aimed the petals at
the middle-aged Heishan, and flicked it gently with his hand. Under this bullet, the petals
were like bullets from the gun. The year flew away, and on the way the petals glide, all the
air blades, like meeting natural enemies, dissipated.
A lotus petal, let countless air blades dissipate, with a trend of unprecedented momentum,
go straight to the middle-aged Heishan.
At the moment when the lotus petals blasted, there was nothing in the heart of Heishan
Youth who wanted to resist, the voice in his mind told him.
Heishan middle-aged did not hesitate, and immediately fel to the ground. The lotus petals
can be said to be flying over the hair tips of Heishan middle-aged, and then hit the Zhujia
main hall behind Heishan middle-aged.
After the lotus petals hit the main hal , there was no sound.
One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
In the fourth second, the main hal of Zhu's main hall suddenly collapsed downwards.
You can see that the walls of the main hal of the Zhu's main hall were all cracked at this
moment. .
With just a small lotus petal, a building was completely destroyed in an instant. Such a
powerful destructive power made the middle-aged black cedar unable to swallow saliva.
What would happen if this blow hit him? The power of Tianlian really deserves its name!
Henry waved his hand and brought a piece of brilliance.
Henry seemed to find something interesting, but he never imagined that this lotus flower
can stil be used in this way.
In the battle with the middle-aged Heishan, Henry felt a characteristic of qi through the
attacking mode of the other party, and it was changeable!
Henry tried to take off a lotus petal, but did not expect that it real y became, and could
cause such great power.
"Unexpectedly! At the time, Mr. Lu did not take the initiative to disperse Tianlian, but
passed it to you!" The eyes of Middle-aged Heishan were full of dignity and fear.
Henry narrowed his eyes. He has always been very puzzled about the formation of the lotus
flower above his head. Now it sounds like this is the old man Lu special y reserved for
himself? Only, what exactly did Old Man Lu do to make this lotus form above his head?
Henry shook his head. Now is not the time to think about this matter. The top priority is to
lose the person in front of him!
Tianlian's glorious body protection gave Henry a sense of carelessness. Heishan's middle-
aged most effective attack method could no longer pose a threat to Henry.
The corner of Henry ’s mouth hidden under the mask was raised. Since this middle-aged
Heishan can control the air, then he can do it himself! The reason for being able to pinch
out the tiger is the meaning of the fist. Since this is the case ...
Henry shouted, and the whole person volleyed to the black fir man.
Middle-aged Heishan held two air blades and stared at Henry, not daring to carelessly, as
long as he was hit by the lotus that day, he would be seriously injured.
The situation of the absolute crushing of the middle-aged black cedar originally completely
reversed after the emergence of Tianlian!
Henry squeezed various beasts in his hands. Before he approached the middle of the black
cedar, a tiger and a crane were formed. At the same time, Henry punched again, and a spirit
snake confided in the air, concealed in the air, and could be from anywhere Appeared and
gave a fatal blow to the black middle-aged.
A series of three big beasts appeared, cooperated with Henry himself, and kil ed Heishan
Heishan's middle-aged danced a sword net, but it was easily broken by Henry of Tianlian's
body protection. This is like an absolute crush on the attributes. A small flame can ignite a
piece of straw.
The tiger flew towards the middle-aged Heishan, the spirit crane spread its wings, and the
middle-aged Heishan retreated to avoid damage, but was attacked by a spirit snake from
Middle-aged Heishan once again gathered double-edged blades and tore the spirit snake
with the double-edged blades. As a result, the tiger was caught on the shoulder and a large
piece of flesh was torn off. Middle-aged Heishan knows that this can no longer be beaten.
The other party owns Tianlian and is in an invincible position. With the power of his own
form, he can never break Tianlian ’s protection To kill him, it must be transformed by a
master above.
Heisui middle-aged thought of this place, his heart sprang back, seeing Henry attacked
again, he simply sold a flaw in his chest, condensing qi here.
When Henry punched his chest on the middle-aged Heishan middle-aged man, Heishan
Middle-aged, with the great force from Henryquan, quickly backed away and ran straight
outside Zhujia Manor.
Henry didn't even think about it, and went directly to the middle-aged Heishan.
Regarding Tianlian, although Henry does not know what this thing is, he told Henry that
Heishan's middle-aged reaction and words are absolutely something. Since this is the case,
this matter must not be spread. This person must get dead.
While Henry was pursuing the middle-aged Heishan, Wade White held a black sword and
cut off the opponent's head. A master of the imperial lord Qi was under the hat of Wade
Wade White gasped and yelled into the air: "Boss, I found Old
Man Zhu, he is not dead yet." "Clean this up and take them back to the island!" Henry
confessed and chased him out of Zhujia Manor.
Middle-aged Heishan left Zhu's house and fled al the way. He had some scruples and he
dared not walk on the air directly. He could only tread on the ground.
Henry also did not choose to continue to step into the air. If this shocking scene is seen, it
will certainly cause a lot of trouble.
The two chased one after the other, chasing on the streets of Duhai, very fast!
After fleeing and chasing, middle-aged Heishan sprinkled blood on his shoulders. He looked
at the dense crowd in front of him, and his heart was ruthless, and he fell into the crowd.
Although this will make him run faster, but There are so many ordinary people around, and
the middle-aged Heishan expected Henry would not dare to shoot at will.
The places where Heishan runs in middle age are the places with the most crowds. As an
international metropolis, almost every place in Duhai can be said to be overcrowded.
Heishan middle-aged man ran for ten minutes, looked back, and no longer saw Henry's
figure, which made him relieved. In such a crowded place, it is very difficult to complete the
tracking, it is easy to To chase people away.
Middle-aged Heishan slowed down, tore a strip of cloth from the corner of his clothes,
tolerating the pain, bound his shoulders, looked at the direction, and walked towards a
The building is very conspicuous in Duhai. It is the tallest building nearby. A helicopter is
parked on the top of the building and belongs to the Zhu family.
Heishan's middle-aged target at this time is the helicopter.
Glancing around, Heisui middle-aged lowered his head and walked into the building.
Instead of taking the elevator, he chose the stairway and walked slowly upward.
As he walked to the corner of the third floor, a chill suddenly struck Heishan Middle-aged.
His subconscious steps retreated, and then he saw that there was a bright blade just where
he had just stood.
"It's you!" Middle-aged Heishan stared at the person holding the blade in front of him, it
was Henry who had removed his mask.
"Is there anything you need upstairs?" Henry smiled slightly.
"How do you know I am here!" Middle-aged Heishan took a deep breath.
"To be honest, you have to run to no one's place. I don't necessarily catch up with you, but
are you in the city?" Henry played with the knife in his hand. "I have no less than ten ways
to find you, and ... Kil you! "
Sharp blade light flashed, pointing directly at the neck of the middle-aged black cedar.
Heishan's middle-aged man condensed his hands and shot with one palm, but could not
have any influence on Henry. Henry's body was glorious and completely neutralized
Heishan's middle-aged qi.
Middle-aged Heishan understood that he could not hurt the person in front of him by virtue
of qi, and could only rely on boxing.
In terms of boxing and footwork, how can this middle-aged Heishan be Henry's opponent.
Let's not talk about Henryshu's mastery of a hundred boxing skills, let alone rich fighting
experience, nor can Heishan be middle-aged.
In the narrow space of the corridor, the middle-aged black cedar is dangerously avoiding
Henry's attack, but what he can do is limited to avoiding it, and he cannot do any effective
Henry completely crushed the middle-aged Heishan in the power of melee attacks.
Middle-aged Heishan saw the timing, rushed to the aisle, and flung out of the narrow
corridor. At this moment, his clothes had been cut through several openings, and there was
a sense of pain in his body. Many knife wounds.
Heishan's middle-aged building is a commercial building, under five floors, almost al are
shops, food, entertainment and other businesses, and further up, it is some private
Now he is on the fourth floor. There are businessmen everywhere. After Henry chases out,
he can no longer hold the blade in his hand and dances a knife flower. The blade in his hand
is folded by Henry and hidden in the cuff.
After the Heishan man rushed out, he didn't think about anything, he just started to run in a
direction. He was really scared. Just now, he obviously felt the murderous intention of
As a top expert in metamorphosis, the Heishan men can make great efforts today. For
decades in the hidden world, the clan is born, and the glory and wealth are in front of him.
He is absolutely unwilling to drink his hate here today.
Henry chased closely behind the Heishan man. This chasing battle has experienced too
many times in this decade.
Middle-aged Heishan saw Henry getting closer and closer to him, vigorously shoving the
person in front of him, and screamed, "Go, go!"
Inside a fighting training center on the fourth floor.
A coach is looking at the top ten female students with ecstasy with joy, showing his muscles
in front of these female students.
"If you want to learn combat, you need to put more effort than others." The combat coach
kicked hard on the sandbag in front of him, and the powerful sense of power filled the
hearts of the ten female students. Heart bursting with joy, shouting words like handsome.
The fighting coach listened with joy, "You have some difficulties to do this. You know, this
sandbag is special y made by me. If you have very strong basic skills, you can't kick this
sandbag!" The
fighting coach is another kick. The sandbag was kicked and shaken, and ten female students
stared at each other.
When the fighting coach coughed and was about to speak again, he saw that the door of the
fighting hall was pushed open, and a middle-aged man with ragged clothes hurried in from
the outside.
"What are you doing!" The fighting coach shouted and walked towards the middle-aged
"Get off!" Heisui middle-aged pushed away the fighting coach.
The strong fighting coach was so easily pushed to the ground by middle-aged Heishan,
which made the fighting coach's face very ugly. In front of so many female students, he was
so embarrassed.
Just as the fighting coach was about to get up to find the middle-aged Heishan trouble, the
door of the hal was pushed open again, and Henry rushed in from the outside.
"Yingling is not gone!" Heisui middle-aged roared, picked up the sandbag that the fighting
coach tried his best to kick, and then smashed Henry from the air.
In this scene, the fighting coach was staring at the eyes. This sandbag can have hundreds of
pounds, so it was easily thrown out?
Facing this flying sandbag, Henry quickly kicked it out and kicked the sandbag directly
without stopping for a moment, chasing towards the middle-aged Heishan.
Middle-aged Heishan hit a window and jumped out.
Henry also flicked forward.
When both of them disappeared in the fighting hall, the people in the fighting hall had not
yet reacted. The fighting coach looked dumbfounded at the sandbag kicked by Henry. What
kind of power is this? what!
After seeing the scene of Henry kicking the sandbag, and then looking at the strong fighting
coach, the ten female students who had a good meal were no longer the kind of admiration
in their hearts. The young man was really handsome just now. .
Middle-aged Heishan rushed out of the window and landed on the roof of a commercial
house. He began to run wildly. There was a gap of three or four meters between each
commercial house. In the face of this interval, it was enough for ordinary people to stop.
The black fir man jumped over without hesitation.
Henry fol owed behind Heishan Middle-aged and started chasing on the roof.
"The last name is Zhang, do you real y want to do something!" Heishan middle-aged yelled.
"The day you slaughtered Zhu Jiaman, you thought about what you must do!" Henry's blade
in his sleeve was held in his hand again, and he approached the middle-aged Heishan at a
rapid rate.
Heishan middle-aged said loudly: "You have inherited Tianlian, why do you care about the
life and death of those ants, you have a wider world, the clan is your friend, those ancient
martial families, but a group of damn people!"
" Ha! ”Henry chuckled,“ A group of people who dare not be born, but they have always
boasted of superiors! ”
“ It ’s not that they did n’t dare to be born, it ’s just that it was n’t time! ”
"That's still not dare!" Henry jumped up, caught up with the middle-aged Heishan, and
slashed towards the opponent's heart.
Heishan was unable to dodge in his middle age, and his back was cut open by Henry's knife.
The pain of his torn skin made him scream with pain, and the figure he was running away
was also a stagger.
Henry did not give Heishan the chance to respond to his middle-aged life, and once again
stabbed, pointing directly at the back of Heishan's man, even if he was a metamorphosis
master, and his heart was pierced, he had to drink hatred!
Facing Henry's knife, Heishan did not dare to return to his middle age. His body flew
forward and planted it under the roof.
"The surname is Zhang, I have to say that among your peers, you are excellent, but stil a
little too tender!" Heishan middle-aged burst into laughter.
Henry fixed his eyes, just below the fall of Heishan Middle-aged, a garbage truck was
approaching from a short distance, and at the speed of Heishan Middle-aged, he could fall
on this garbage truck completely and leave. This is him Prepared long ago.
Henryxin was anxious and real y wanted to let this black cedar middle-aged run away. It
would be too difficult to try to catch him again. The fact that he owns Tianlian will also be
When Henry felt anxious in his heart, he saw the smile on the face of Heishan Middle-aged
suddenly, and then his whole body was disconnected from the air, as if cut into two
sections by some kind of sharp blade.
The occurrence of this scene was unexpected by Henry.
Heishan's middle-aged body was severed from the waist, and countless blood poured out,
fal ing onto the approaching garbage truck.
"Guangming Island Henry, wantonly shot against the clan, beheaded the Zhu Clan's side,
should be guilty!"
"Shen Yin Club's new member Henry, undermining the rules of the Shen Yin Club,
sentenced to three years in prison, immediately executed!"
"Shen Yin controls the order Henry broke the order and unilaterally tore the code! He
drove Guangming Island to slaughter clan blatantly, sentenced him to six years in prison
, and dismissed Guangming Island . " " A total of Henry was sentenced to nine years in
prison and ordered to dissolve all the property of Guangming Island. hidden takes over, to
be released from prison Henry, giving return! "
four figures, al wearing red robes, from four different directions, walking toward Henry.
Each of these four people brought Henry's mountain-like pressure.
Henry also understood at that time why he died in his middle age.
"Henry, I am the punishment of God's Hidden Society, you can be guilty!" One person
walked in front of Henry and stared at Henry. Behind this person, a gaseous long sword
floated here.
The man reached out and grabbed the gaseous long sword. When his hand touched the hilt,
the gaseous long sword suddenly turned to light blue.
Henry's pupils shrank, this is, the color of gas! On this pale blue long sword, Henry felt a
strong threat. He had an intuition that even Tianlian's protective body could not stop this
gas sword.
The man held the Qi sword in his hand, and pointed the sword directly at Henry, "Henry,
you can know the sin!"
"If you want to add sin , why don't you have any trouble!" Henry looked around with his
eyes, and now he retreats and is finished by these four people. Completely blocked,
"You know the name of your belly, this Zhu's wish, in the end who died in the hands of."
Sword of the people smiled, "God will be hidden rules, not everyone can be destroyed, since
you have pleaded guilty, would Executed it! From today, all the sunny island, we will be in
Henry heart sneer, what The rules are nothing more than these people, fancy light island.
As for what these people of Shenyinhui have taken a fancy to Guangming Island, Henry
does not have to think about it, it must be that piece of spirit stone!
The last time Henry shot against the Zhao clan, he understood that every place where the
clan is active, there are people from the Shenyin Society. This time the Zhus destroyed the
Zhu family, how could Shenyin not know that they did not control this Things are just
waiting! Wait for your own shot!
After many battles, Henry became more and more aware of the importance of spirit stones.
Not only did people who did not achieve imperial qi need spirit stones to feel qi, the more
powerful masters, the more they needed spirit stones.
"Henry, Fu Fa!" Shen Yinhui patted Henry with this palm.
Under the palm of the other party, Henry felt that all his retreats were blocked in al
directions, and the qi in his body was suppressed in all directions, and he could not emit it
at al .
The feeling of powerlessness on the island at that time flooded Henry's heart again.
In this world, there is no shortage of strong people, but only myself. I haven't had too many
Henry put his hand in his pocket, grabbed his old-fashioned mobile phone, and squeezed
hard, and the old-fashioned mobile phone instantly turned into powder in Henry's hands.
Henry's subtle movement was instantly noticed by the sword-holder. He slapped Henry's
chest with a palm and shouted, "What are you doing!"
Henry flew several meters away from the other palm and fell. On the roof of another
commercial house. Henry only felt a sweet throat and a spit of blood sprayed out, but his
face was smiling.
"It's just a ants, it doesn't matter what he does, take the spirit stone first." Another Shenyin
knew how to speak, he saw him jump lightly, then came to Henry's body, and took a picture
of Henry's head.
Henry's eyes were black, and the whole person no longer had any consciousness, and fell
straight down.
At the moment before the coma, Henry had only one feeling in his heart, humiliation!
These people treat themselves as ants, and they scold and scold!
Shenyinhui will be four people, without looking at Henry who has fainted, the man holding
the sword scattered the Qi sword in his hand.
"Then how do? Directly kill this kid, I'm afraid that will be above opposition, after all, he
also will be a hidden God, the shot, though without the program, they would be there
because of the division."
"Nor is it can not kill Kil ing, it's just that the four of us can't move this hand. "The man with
the sword said.
"You mean, give it to Zhu Shi? This is probably not appropriate. If this thing is lost, you and
I can't escape the relationship."
"Yes, and this kid was recruited by the sackcloth if he did too much Excessively, the man in
linen, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to give up. "
" We have to think of a perfect strategy to kill him, and the four of us will speak out, and it is
also justified. "The
three of them said one by one. Body, waiting for him to speak.
The man holding the sword smiled, "Of course not handing him to the clan, do you forget
the existence of hel ?"
When the man holding the sword said the word hel , the remaining three people were
shocked. There was a cry of exclamation, and there was a bit of panic in the eyes, what
made these three people afraid, I can imagine how terrifying.
The hel said by the man with the sword is a big prison in the Shenyin Society. The big
prison exists for a long time. No one knows when this prison was built. From the beginning
to the end, there are no more people who enter this prison. It has been out, and this hell has
not been opened for nearly a hundred years until today. Only people who are guilty and evil
will be imprisoned by God.
"You said, you want to send this kid to hel ?"
"Of course." The man holding the sword raised a cruel smile, "Isn't he known as the hel
king, then send him into that hell?" Look at him as hell king, how will he live in the real hell!
" Oh, interesting, he privately fought with the Zhu family, unilateral y torn up the treaty,
this is also considered the biggest crime in nearly a hundred years, exile Hell is also
reasonable. "
" Then he will be exiled to hell first, and then you and I will kill the light island, these ants,
do not deserve to have a spirit stone! "
" Good! "The
four of them summed up, and then caught Henry jumped off the roof and disappeared here.
In Zhujia Manor, there was no living thing except the corpses on the ground at this moment.
Even the flying birds were affected by the soaring blood and dared not stay.
More than ten masters of imperial decency, al hated this place, and hundreds of disciples fel
Manor entrance, a man with gloomy face, walked into the manor, watching the scene, teeth
and said: "! Sunny island Luk successor and how, I want you, drowned in the deep sea at
This time, Henry killed the Zhu family, unlike the previous concealment, who came from a
large scale, and a little bit of power, everyone knows this matter is in the end Who did it.
In Africa far away from China, there is such a desert. It is called a no return route by locals.
It is a dead end. It is said that people who have entered there will never come out alive.
In African legend, it is called an evil soul that even wizards cannot surrender.
This desert is cal ed Sossusvlei.
The Sossusvlei Desert has long been turned into an uninhabited area, and even the flying
birds dare not settle in this desert.
An airplane approached the Sossusvlei Desert.
The cabin door opened, and four figures in red robes walked out of the plane and stood in
the air, looking down.
"The entrance to hell, right here?"
"It shouldn't be wrong."
A person grasped in the air, holding a light blue long sword, and slowly spoke: "I am Zhu
Lan, the god punishable by God, now Henry, the sinner, fell into the eighteenth level of hell.
The convict, Henry, was sentenced to nine years in prison! "
Zhu Lan brandished his long sword and chopped straight to the ground. He was several
tens of meters above the ground, but easily cut the ground. A rift.
Around the rift, the sand kept flowing towards the rift, but the rift could not be stopped at
al . Instead, the rift that appeared was constantly eating away the surrounding sand and
expanding at a rate visible to the naked eye.
Ten seconds later, a black pit with a radius of five meters appeared in this endless desert.
This deep hole, as long as you look at it, will feel palpitations, just like another dimension to
the world.
The four Shenyinhui criminal law envoys, when they saw this deep hole, there was also a
fear in their eyes.
Zhu Lan dispersed the long sword in his hand, and waved again. A large blue hand
appeared out of thin air, reaching into the cabin and grabbing Henry, who was in a coma.
Zhu Lan took a sip in his mouth and waved his giant hand, throwing Henry into the deep
Henry planted into the deep pit at a very fast speed.
Suddenly, a violent laughter sounded from the pit.
"Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! 137 years! It was 137 years! Hel ushered in a new member.
Several gods punished the lords, would n’t they come down as guests? We have the last
century. What about wine! "The
four gods in the air punished their faces.
Zhu Lan shouted loudly: "No need, when you can break through this hel cell, and it's not too
late to talk about drinking!"
Zhu Lan finished and immediately rushed to the three beside him: "Go!" The four quickly
went into the cabin Dril .
The sound in the deep pit sounded again, "Hahaha! What about this hell cage, a few gods
made it difficult for an adult to come, just have a drink and go!"
Along with this sound, there were more than twenty meters A long black hand suddenly
formed in the air and grabbed the plane.
"Quick! Let's go!" The four gods in the plane looked at the big hands formed behind them,
and their eyes were horrified.
The plane spouted a violent airstream and suddenly rushed out at the moment when it was
about to be caught by a big hand.
The four god ambassadors breathed a sigh of relief, and just at that moment, their backs
were wet with cold sweat.
"What kind of monster is that! His anger can break through the cage!"
"At the very least, it is also a powerful person attached to the god realm. The prisons in this
hel are al monsters. The youngest are all 150 years old. ! If they have n’t died for so long,
they stil practice besides cultivation! "
"It seems that Henry is dead this time!" Zhu Lan looked at the big black hand that was
gradual y disappearing from the back, and a satisfied smile hung on his face. "Since this is
the case, let's take over the island of light. According to the information I got, there is
already a land full of spirits." The
four gods have all smiles on their faces. .
At this time, a whole day has passed since the battle with the Zhu Family.
On the bright island, if the aura has substance, if you take a breath here, you will feel
transparent. There are dense figures on the island, and the hell walkers scattered around
the world are all recruited by Pease.
The kings of Bright Island, such as Wade White and the Future, al stood solemnly on the
side of the island.
"What's the big deal!" The Great Elder saw so many people suddenly appear on the island,
and Wade White and other people's faces were not right.
Wade White looked away. "It was indeed an accident."
Around Guangming Island, dense battleships stopped here, al of them extended their gun
barrels, ready to fight at any time.
Poseidon, holding his blue sailor knife, stood at the outermost edge of the battleship, his
face very dignified.
"Did you make a surprise attack on Zhu's family this time?" The elder guessed.
"Unclear." Wade White shook his head. "But what is certain now is that the boss has an
"Zhang Xiaoyou!" The elder elder looked surprised. He had long seen that Henry was the
soul of the island. Now, Henry Something went wrong.
In the future, I will hold a tablet and point my finger at it. I will sternly say, "The stability
system is ready, the power system is ready, and the energy is sufficient!"
"Okay." Wade White nodded, picked up a walkie-talkie, and exited Said, "Poseidon, open the
way for us."
After the sound of Wade White fel , countless warships began to rush towards the other
side of the island, that is, to the deeper part of the sea.
Numerous battleships moved together, bringing a large wave of waves.
"Future, let's go!" Wade White said again.
"Wel ." The future nodded and fingered on the tablet.
A violent shaking feeling came from under everyone's feet, and the entire ground of
Guangming Island shook at this moment.
"This is ..." The Great Elder looked at the ground under his feet, and the sea level not far
away was slowly descending.
"When the island was established, the wandering plan was prepared." Wade White looked
calmly open, "Guangming Island represents too many meanings, the position of the station
is too high, the boss never thought that Guangming Island can be invincible, so , There is an
island wandering plan. "
" Island wandering ... "The elders muttered these four words.
A large piece of seawater was stirred up, and the elders clearly felt that the ground under
his feet was slowly moving towards the depths of the sea.
Countless powerful propellers are launching high-intensity reaction forces into the sea.
The large amount of energy stored on the island is enough for the island to wander on the
sea for several years.
Wade White and the future and others looked at the sea that was getting farther away, and
there was more worry in their eyes. They were worried. What happened to Henry at this
Henry's mobile phone was a signal transmitter. When Henry crushed the mobile phone, he
sent a message to Wade White and others to launch an island wandering plan.
The power of Shenyin ’s God ’s punishment is too strong, even if it just appeared, Henry had
to start this plan. He understood that if God ’s punishment was to be made, then the entire
Guangming Island would be destroyed. !
The power of Shenyinhui ’s punishment is too strong. Even if he just appeared, he has to let
Henry start this plan. He understands that if he really wants to let God punished the island,
then the entire Guangming Island was destroyed!
Therefore, when Henry crushed the phone in his pocket, Wade White and others were
already preparing for the island wandering plan.
The speed of Bright Island on the sea is gradual y getting faster, and the fleet of Poseidon
opens in front to minimize the resistance of the entire island. Gradually, the entire island
disappears into this sea as if it has never appeared.
The night is getting darker.
A jet-glider landed on the former site of the original Bright Island.
The cabin door opened, and four red robe figures came out, floating on the sea, with doubts
in their eyes.
"What's the matter? The island?"
"The record shows that this is the right place!"
"Search around!" The
four looked back and forth, rushing into the sky in four different directions, half an hour
later And regroup with here.
"Not found."
"They're hiding!"
"It's a group of cunning mice!"
Zhu Lan snorted coldly, reaching for a fist, "Let them run first and see how long they can
run, the ancient martial family they held The conference will be held in less than a month,
and then wait until that time, and then they will be wiped out! "The four left with anger and
took the plane.
When it was late at night, there was a team of thousands of people approaching Guangming
Island. This team consisted of countless ships with a word of "wish" written on it!
"Patriarch, what do we do?" On the most leading ship, a young man walked to the deck and
asked a middle-aged man.
This middle-aged man is the Patriarch of the Zhu Clan, Zhu Huatai!
Zhu Huatai's face was green, and he looked ahead and said: "Let everyone, now go into the
water, but everyone who sees, kil all without mercy!" There has never been an
underground force that has touched the majesty of the clan, let alone, yes Among the clan,
the ninth Zhu family.
The youth beside Zhu Huatai nodded and passed on the message.
After more than ten minutes, the young man ran anxiously beside Zhu Huatai and said,
"Homeowner, I can't find it."
"What can't be found?"
"That island! That island can't be found!"
"What "Zhu Huatai's face changed, and the whole person rose into the sky, lingering in the
air, looking down at everything under his feet, but didn't see the imaginary island.
Zhu Huatai landed on the boat and said disgruntledly: "What's the matter, is the
information wrong?"
"No." The young man shook his head, " Homeowner , I just got the news, the people of the
God's Secret Society seem to have been here today. "
" Shenyin Club! "Zhu Huatai's complexion changed." Can it be that Shenyin shot this bright
island? "
" It is very likely! "The youth nodded." Shenyin Club has always put itself in a At a very high
position, the self-proclaimed guardian of the order of the world, and the private operation
of the people sent by Guangming Island to us has destroyed the rules of the God ’s Hidden
Society. With the strength of the God ’s Hidden Society, to destroy such
a secular force, or It ’s easy, I even doubt whether the people we sent out died under
Guangming Island. With an ordinary secular force, they do n’t have that strength yet. ”
Zhu Huatai pondered,“ it ’s possible. After all, if you want to talk about a bright island, kil
me more than ten masters of imperial domination. It ’s too unrealistic. If Shenyin will shoot,
it ’s possible. Al along, Shenyin will always be a saint. Light Island fucking out, it is in their
usual pies! " Henry became a member of the Shenyin Society. These clan members did not
know. After hearing the figure of the Shenyin Society, they natural y associated these things
with the Shenyin Society.
"Since the Shenyin Society has already shot, I can only say that it is good luck for this Bright
Island!" Zhu Huatai looked at the dark sea, "Go, it is estimated that in a few days, the people
of the Shenyin Society will come to the door. ""
Zhu's army, turned the bow.
The clan has continued for a hundred years. How deep their heritage is. No one knows.
It is like the ninth-ranked Zhu Clan. It is a kind of heritage that easily transfers so many
ships in the waters outside China.
Due to the strong action of Guangming Island, regarding the destruction of the Zhu family,
in the underground world, it was like a storm that swept through the entire China in an
instant. At the same time, the word clan appeared in the eyes of these underground
What is the status of the Zhu family among the ancient Wu family in China?
In addition to the three members of the capital, it belongs to the Zhu Family's strongest.
Zhu Zhu's grandfather Zhu Yuanjiu is extremely prestigious, and its strength is in the top
ten in the entire ancient Chinese martial arts circle.
But such a strong ancient Wu family, but within a day, was completely destroyed by the
door, if not the Bright Island carried a large banner, a strong declaration of war, everyone
will continue to be buried in the drum.
After the first battle of the Zhu family, the Zhu family no longer covered up, and went
directly to Guangming Island. This battle was paid attention by many people. Everyone
wanted to know that Guangming Island, known as the underground holy place,
encountered this mysterious clan. What kind of battle will happen.
Is it that Bright Island continues to laugh at this underground world, or the mysterious clan
became famous in one battle.
No one followed this battle. After that day, countless ships went to Guangming Island, but
the holy land they remembered disappeared completely.
"The island is sinking!" I
don't know who said it from the mouth. Like a hurricane, the forces of al parties passed on.
In less than half a day, almost all underground forces are discussing ... Island sinking!
The bright island that glanced at the world, the bright island that once overthrew the royal
society and set off a revolution, and the bright island, which is known as the world's
strongest man sitting in town, sank to the sea overnight!
No one can imagine how terrifying this battle is, everyone can only feel the terrible clan.
The word "Zhu" goes deep into everyone's mind.
The bright island of a generation of holy land, completely fell overnight!
Also on this day, the word clan went into the eyes of everyone.
It turned out that there are such mysterious forces in unknown places!
In an old mansion in Beijing, an old man is sitting in front of an ancient well, closing his
On the gate of this ancient house, a plaque was hung with the word "ginger" written on it.
The Jiang family is one of the three major members of the capital.
"Homeowner, you are looking for me." An old man, about sixty, walked behind the old man
with his body.
The old man didn't open his eyes and asked directly: "Housekeeper, Jianger's girl, is there
any news?"
"Not yet." The housekeeper shook his head. He had no surname. Since he was born, he has
been at the Jiang family The Jiang family gave him the surname Jiang, but he did not dare to
ask, "Homeowner, this island is sinking, will it still open?"
"Do you real y think the island is sinking?" The old man slowly opened his eyes, deep in his
eyes Boundless, just like the universe starry sky, he gradually got up, pressed against the
ancient well, then turned around, "That island, it's not that simple."
The old man slowly said: "The establishment of that island devoted too much effort, where
the only holy weapon in the world is stored. Shen? "
" Holy Artifact! "The steward's body shook," Old Master, in this world, does there really
exist the Holy Artifact? "
" Oh. "The old man smiled slightly and did not continue to talk about the Holy Artifact, but
said, "Mr. Lu's means are beyond the means of the world. It's not what you and I can think
of. Is the successor he chose the easy generation? That island, named Guangming Island, is
about to sink. The world will probably fall into darkness forever You see, does this sun still
hang high in the sky? "
" That clan ... "The housekeeper murmured softly.
The old man shook his head, "There is no difference between the clan and the ancient Wu
family, but only two different paths were chosen. Lao Lu just wanted to stimulate the kid.
After al , the banner of the guardian of Chinese ancient Wu If there is no major event, I am
afraid that the kid ’s character will never carry it. "The housekeeper looked startled, and
then said:" Homeowner, I understand. I will continue to prepare for the conference. "The
housekeeper After speaking, he bowed and quit the house.
The old man turned around, looked at the ancient well, and sighed, "Hua Xia Wu Wu,
inherited for thousands of years, this life is probably the most difficult one. Mr. Lu is not
here, the new guardian has not grown up, the clan is staring, too many Difficulties, waiting
for him to overcome it, either stepping on everything, rising strong for a hundred years, or
dying in this chaotic world. "The
old man bent slightly and continued to sit in front of the ancient well, closing his eyes.
Yan Jing Su family.
Sylvia flew the plane and rushed to the Su's house. As soon as he arrived at the gate, he saw
Su Yu standing here waiting for himself.
"Sylvia, you're back." Su Yu stepped forward and patted Sylvia's shoulder. "Some things are
not about you and me, and I hope you want to open up."
Su Yu looked at Sylvia and Guangming Island fell overnight. He didn't know how to comfort
Sylvia. Such a thing could only make Sylvia think about it himself.
"I understand." Sylvia nodded. Now she doesn't know about the fal of Guangming Island.
After all, Sylvia's mind has always been in the business. She stil knows too little about the
underground forces. She only takes it. What Su Yu said was about the Su Wen's
Sylvia asked curiously: "Uncle, what kind of ghost
did this Su literature do?" "I don't know." Su Yu was surprised by Sylvia's attitude, but it
was always a good thing.
Just when the two were talking, a black Mercedes-Benz car was parked in front of the Su's
door. The door opened and Su Wenwen came down from the back seat. Su Wenwen got out
of the car and gave a thumbs-up to Sylvia, "Sylvia, this time You did a good job. When you
break, you break, okay, very good! "
Sylvia listened to Su Wenwen, and there was a doubt on his face. He turned to Su Yu and
whispered," What breaks when broken? "
" Miss. "Su Mi came out of the door of the Su family, pulled the sleeve of Larin Sylvia, and
whispered:" Miss, I haven't known how to tell you that, the other day, Mr. Zhang asked
someone to send the congratulatory gift he had sent before. Al of them were
taken away, and it was announced to al underground forces that they would never have
anything to do with you again in the future. "
Sylvia heard this with a stunned face. She thought that Henry left the office that day and
just let herself down However, I did not expect to make such a decision and announce such
a message to the entire underground forces.
After the initial stunned spirit , Sylvia smiled relaxedly. That ’s fine, he and he were not a
person of a world. He was a king of the underground world. He was just the president of a
small company. In front of him on Guangming Island, nothing counts. Being with himself is
only a nuisance to him. Now there is a person like Su Wenwen. If he stays with himself, it is
not a good thing for him.
Being together is just a misunderstanding, a ridiculous son-in-law, a ridiculous Miss
Before Sylvia dismantled the welfare home and said some words intentionally, he just
wanted to have a misunderstanding with Henry, so that Henry would not intervene in this
matter. Now, just simply go on.
Although Sylvia felt free and comfortable in her heart, comforting herself, but her bloodless
and pretty face confirmed that this incident had caused a great blow to her.
Sylvia squeezed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said to the Su document: "I am
thinking about the drawing now, and I do n’t want the so-cal ed son-in-law to affect me.
Henry has nothing to do with me, and you do n’t have to take him anymore. Take it
let him go. " " Relax, I won't bother him. "Su Wenwen saw Sylvia's pale face, how could he
not know what Sylvia thought," I have my own family Things to do, of course, will not focus
on a small bright island, and now, that Henry actually took the initiative to provoke
Zhu Shi, the whole island was sunk by Zhu Zhu into the sea overnight, that Henry Already a
dead man, why do you care about my Su family? You Sylvia did a good job this time, or
maybe you will come to my Su family with the character of the Zhu family, although we, Su
family I ’m not afraid of that old man, but after all, Zhu ’s ranking is ahead of us. I do n’t like
any troublesome things. ”
Su Wenwen strode into the Su family courtyard,“ Notice, let everyone gather, this time , Zhu
Shi gave us a head Zhen, all the clans are going to show up. This is an opportunity to grab a
plate. We, the Su Clan, can't lag behind people! "In front of the Su family gate, Sylvia stood
stunned, even without eyes. With a blink, I stared straight ahead, losing all the color in my
Su Wen's words, like a bomb, exploded in Sylvia's heart.
That island ... sinked?
Henry ... dead?
A strong sense of unreality filled Sylvia's heart, but he could reasonably tel Sylvia that this
is the truth!
"This ... how is it possible?"
Sylvia trembles his lips, his pretty face is pale, without any blood, and he carries the bag in
his hand and falls to the ground.
Sylvia's body swayed slightly, and her body couldn't make any effort at the moment.
"Miss!" Su Mi hurriedly helped Sylvia. If she helped for a second, Sylvia would have to fall to
the ground.
Henry figure, constantly emerge in the minds of Han Lin, wipe it lying on the floor of the
scene, that scene himself laughing, leaning over that scene in the kitchen, the first meeting
of the scene, the concert scene ......
"Sylvia ... "Su Yu looked at Sylvia, opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.
A scientist once asked such a question, the planet we are in, deep underground, what is this
problem, after so many years, Countless people's inquiry has no accurate answer to this
There is a prison below Sossusvlei in the faraway African desert. The existence of this
prison, even if the people in power here are unaware, it exists for centuries, mil ennia, and
even longer. Only the most serious criminals will be exiled here. In the prison, he will never
walk out again.
For this prison, the person who knows it is called hell, just like the place in the mythological
world where dead people will go. When you arrive in this prison, people are equivalent to
Henry opened his eyes hard, and there was darkness all around, so dark that he could not
reach his fingers.
Henry only felt sore all over his body, and it was very difficult to move. He tried to run the
Qi in his body, but found that he could not lift it at all.
Henry touched the ground and was a bit cold. He tried to sit up and tried again to run the Qi
in his body, but there was stil no response.
"No need to try." A playful voice sounded from the side, "Qi in these eighteen layers of hell
is unusable, even the masters of the gods can't lift Qi, let alone your metamorphosis
... No you this kid a bit strange, to say the environment is changing shape of it, you are not a
form of territory, can not say, your strength will happen to it, does the current system of
cultivation, have become so weird that? "
eyes Although it was dark, Henry could not see the speaker, but he could clearly distinguish
the direction from which the sound came.
"Who are you!" Henryqiang endured the pain in his body and looked at the place where the
voice came.
"Me?" The man smiled at himself, "It's been too long, no one has called my name, and I don't
remember it."
The sound of a huge stone mopping the floor sounded, and Henry could feel that this
person was slowly moving towards himself Approaching.
Henry squeezed his fists with both hands and concentrated on it. Now he doesn't know
where he is. He must always beware of any accidents.
The master of the voice stopped when he was three meters away from Henry. "You don't
have to be so nervous. You are the first new member in this hell for nearly 140
years. I will not treat you like that. "
140 years? Hel ?" Henry wondered what the other person said.
"Yes, boy, what sin did you commit, and you will be thrown into this hel by God Hidden?
Did it set off a world war? Or ruined the treasures handed down by God Hidden Society?
You have been able to enter this hell throughout the ages. The youngest one.
"The man made a curious voice in the dark.
Over time, Henry gradually adapted to the darkness in front of him, and a faint figure
appeared in Henry's line of sight. This figure was only about one and a half meters tall.
His feet were tied with an iron chain. Behind, there is a piece of iron nearly ten times larger
than others, restricting this person's movements.
"You said hell, but a prison?" Henry guessed out loud.
"It seems that your kid really doesn't know anything." The man shook his head, walked
over to the iron block and sat down, "This hell has 18 floors. on the first floor, to find a way
to leave, but, hel established for so long, I had never heard of, who the hell out of this yet. "
Henry smiled , "So, I'm on the eighteenth floor now?"
"Does your kid have a sense of self-knowledge." This person patted the ground and a light
suddenly turned on Up.
At the moment when the lights were on, Henry closed his eyes subconsciously, holding his
breath at the same time, carefully feeling the movements in the surrounding air.
"Boy, the vigilance is good. In my time, I can rank in the younger generation." The joking
voice sounded from behind Henry.
Henry suddenly opened his eyes and found that the figure leaning on the iron block had
disappeared. He suddenly turned around and found this person, standing behind him.
This is a man who looks more than sixty years old, but his voice does not match his
appearance at al . Instead of having the calmness that this age should have, there is a kind
of escape. The face of the Huaxia people, dressed in the clothing style of the French Orleans
dynasty that was only available in the last century, with a big back and a bearded beard, the
iron chain tied to his feet, I do n’t know when he has taken it.
When he saw this person appearing behind him, Henry had a tight heart and simply
relaxed. Judging from the speed that the other party just showed, he really wanted to kill
himself. I am afraid that he has no chance to respond. .
Henry looked around, and he saw that he was in a room, and the furniture in the room was
the style of the last century, which gave Henry the il usion of being in the eighteenth
"Why, I feel a little surprised?" The little man looked at Henry. "Although we are in a cage,
we stil have to enjoy life. How about, look at my furniture and put us in the Qing Dynasty?
People ca n’t even touch it. I now lay as much as I want to lie down. ”
The man said, lying on the big bed in the house, stepping directly on the dusty shoes, his
face filled with pride, this Mind is just like a child.
Henry actually grasped the key point in this man's words, "we?"
Just listening to what this person said, he was the first person to come in this hel in nearly
140 years. Doesn't it mean that his age is more than one hundred years old? In his words,
he also said that when they were in the Qing Dynasty! If this person is not talking to
himself, if these are true, then according to the word "we" in his mouth, it is guessed that
there are many old monsters like this!
Henry didn't feel much surprised that people lived in their 100s. Some ordinary people can
live up to 110 years old, let alone masters who have mastery of energy. The level of vitality
of the body's functions is far from Super ordinary people.
"Boy, let's go and take you to meet some friends. From now on or even to death, you have to
be with us." This man jumped from the bed and walked to the door of the room, directly
Pull the door open.
Outside the door is a courtyard, the sky is very blue.
Henry fixed his eyes and found that the sky was artificially smeared, but this person's
painting skills are quite powerful. If you don't look closely, you real y think this is the real
"Boy, how is it, this day is not bad, live here, I want to make it dark, the sky is dark, want to
make it bright, the sky is bright." Henry in front of the person proudly.
Outside the house is a courtyard with flowers and plants and vegetation.
Henry looked at everything in front of him. What he saw was indeed beyond his
Whenever a person hears the combination of hell and prison, the first reaction in his mind
is darkness, evil, and fighting, but who can think of it as such a leisurely life.
"Boy, how about it, do you think it is unexpected?" The man turned his head and looked at
Henry, "Do you know, I waited for the unexpected expression on your face, but I waited for
140 years, The last accident was me! "
Henry listened to this and covered his head, which is a person in his 100s? A ten-year-old
Henry looked at the flowers and plants planted, as well as the vegetation, "Where is this?
These things you planted, some from Africa, some in Asia, some growing in Europe."
"This?" The man shrugged , "I don't know. At that time, I was in charge of the entrance of
this hell, cal ed the Andalisa tribe. What is your name now? I don't know."
Henry's brow furrowed, isn't the tribe of the eighteenth century in Africa?
"Hey, it has to be watered again. In this 4,600 meters underground, everything is good, but
the water is not good, the old guy, the water is the same." This man pushed open the door
of the courtyard and left. Going out, every sentence he gave brought Henry a shocking
4,600 meters underground! Here, it turned out to be 4,600 meters underground!
Henry fol owed this person and walked out of the courtyard. Outside the courtyard, there
are many such buildings. There are about 20 courtyards like this.
"Come and come, this new man wakes up, come and ask if you have any questions, don't
suffocate you old and immortal!" The man walked out of the courtyard and began to speak
As soon as his voice fell, he saw that the gates of the twenty yards were all opened by
people. Obviously, these people had already been waiting at the gate of the yard.
One person after another, with gray hair or a figure, came out of the yard and came to
Henry. They had faces from various countries. Looking at Henry's eyes, it was like looking
at a prey, mouth Standard Chinese language is spoken here.
"What time is it now?"
"Has Russia defeated the Swiss?"
"Who is in charge of the Qing government now?"
"How is the Habsburg dynasty now? Who wins with the Far East?"
"Now ... "
Various problems, Henry was dumbfounded.
The man who took Henry out of the yard sat aside. "Come and answer, what they said about
Russia, Switzerland, and anything, I can't understand any of them."
Henrywu was spontaneous, the small man listened It ’s normal not to understand these
problems. After all, in the era when he was active, the Qing government closed doors and
built cars, and now there is no globalized network. How could it know about Europe, then
the battle between Russia and Switzerland occurred in the early eighteenth century, The
existence of the Habsburg dynasty was at the end of the seventeenth century!
The people in front of me are concerned about this issue. Could it be that they have
survived since then?
Henry looked at the people in front of him, and the shock in his heart didn't know how to
express it.
"Now in AD 2019, the battle between Russia and Switzerland has long ended, Russia has
won, and the Qing government has also perished ..." Henry answered these people's
questions in turn. When I heard Henry ’s answer, some of these people lost their faces and
some had smiles on their faces, but soon they were relieved. After al , they were in this hell,
many Things have long been thought of.
"Okay, everyone will finish asking, let's take a rest first, this kid woke up, I have to take him
to the top first." The short figure waved his hand, dispelled everyone, and then took Henry,
toward one Go up the stairs.
The staircase looks very strange from the outside. The sky here is specially drawn. The
staircase leads from the ground to the sky, giving a feeling of ascending the sky.
Henry fol owed the little man and went up the stairs. At the end of the staircase, there was
another door. The little man pushed hard and pushed the door open, just like opening a
hole in the sky.
Henry fol owed the little man to another level.
Upon entering this floor, Henry's first impression was that the recycle bin!
Yes, on this floor, Henry saw that old-fashioned mobile phone, old car, water bottle, and
even the wreckage of the aircraft, densely packed, full of piles, like a hill.
The entire space is about 20 square kilometers, and there is hardly any place for people to
"This ..." Henry looked at the dense and dense everything, and his cognition was refreshed
again. There was no sky painted on this layer, and there was a dark rock above his head,
and the distance between this layer and the previous layer It ’s bigger, and it ’s just the
height. Henry eyed it and it looked like about 1,500 meters.
"It was like this when I came here. Listening to the old things, the original hell had a total of
18 floors, but now, there are only three floors left." The little man said, taking Henry to
bypass These huge recycling bins on the second floor.
Rao is the two people's extremely fast pace, and also walked for half an hour before they
reached the edge of the second floor. On the stone wall on the edge, a stone ladder was
carved, which leads directly to the sky at 1,500 meters.
If it is placed outside, this stone ladder can definitely be regarded as the most dangerous
stone ladder in the world. There is no one. It is thousands of meters above the sky and
there is no guardrail. There is a gap of more than half a meter between the rocks. In some
places, even large rocks moved from below are stuck.
The little man stepped on the stone ladder and walked up easily.
For ordinary people, such a stone ladder is estimated to have no courage to reach the
height of five meters, but for this short man and Henry, it is not a problem at all.
A stone ladder over a thousand meters high was easily crossed by two people. At the end of
the stone wall, there was a hole. The little man walked in and Henry followed.
Everything here gives Henry a sense of strangeness everywhere. Countless old demon who
have survived from the last century or even farther, and this environment where they ca n’t
use gas, seems to come to another world. Henry has traveled east and west over the years,
and is well-informed. Now he has mastered the imperial means that ordinary people seem
to be almost fairy-like.
The three-story space is larger, taller, and more spacious than the first and second floors.
This is not the obvious bright light of the first and second floors. Here, the light appears
very weak.
Henry looks up at, the light is from the sky.
"It's a little late now, including the seasons. There's something wrong with the seasons.
It's just spring outside. The sun isn't very abundant. In the summer, it's a rare time to
experience the sun. It's the most anticipated season every day." With a cry.
Henry secretly nodded his head. This Africa belongs to the southern hemisphere, and China
is the northern hemisphere. China is only entering October. The season of Africa is just
beginning to spring. The people who live here have not gone out for hundreds of years.
They ca n’t see the sun and feel Warm sunlight is also a luxury.
Henry suddenly realized a problem. If these people can't go out and are trapped
underground, how does the sunlight penetrate? Where there is a place that can penetrate
the sun, how can it be possible to stop these old demon who have survived from the last
The little man seemed to feel Henry ’s thoughts and smiled at Henry, “Do n’t worry, I know
what you think in your head. When I came in, it was almost the same as what you thought.
Someone will give you an answer. Yes, a warm reminder, what you hear next may subvert
your cognition. "The
little man's voice just fell, and there was a voice that rang behind Henry.
"One hundred and forty-four years, the gates of hell are open again. I thought this cage
would be forgotten forever."
Henrymeng turned around and looked behind him, one in black robe, one tall Mi Ba's
middle-aged man stands behind him at the moment.
Henry is 100% sure that when he first walked into this floor, he saw no one. Now the
middle-aged man is quietly approaching himself in this open area! What kind of strength is
this? And, his face is so young!
"Come with me, I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart, it happens, me too, we can
talk." The middle-aged man waved at Henry, chose a direction and walked.
"Go." The dwarf man shouted at Henrynu, "He is the boss of this hell, everyone listens to
Henry nodded and took a deep breath, keeping up with the middle-aged man.
"I am older than you. Asking your name first should not be considered rude." The middle-
aged man walked leisurely.
Henry is paral el to the middle-aged man, staring at the other side. This middle-aged man
has a very ordinary look. It belongs to a type that can no longer be found in the crowd. One
cannot help but want to stare at him.
"My name is Henry." Henry said.
"I'm Xuan Tian, I'm 390 years old this year." The middle-aged man slowly spoke out.
"Three hundred and nine!" Henry shocked.
At the age of three hundred and ninety years, that is who has survived from the Ming
"You seem to be surprised?" Xuan Tian was slightly strange.
"It was an accident." Henry nodded. "Now our average life expectancy is sixty-nine years
old. Your age is enough for many people to live a few lives."
Xuan Tian chuckled lightly. "Oh, now it's already gone, It seems that there are very few
people who control the spirit realm outside. "
" Controlling the spirit realm? "Henry wondered. For a long time, he had only a very vague
concept of the realm of qi.
Xuan Tian exited: "I think your cultivation behavior should have been transformed. What
level does your cultivation behavior belong to?" Henry shook his head, "I don't know, I have
been groping for cultivation, including the matter of the spirit stone, and I didn't know it
until recently."
Xuan Tian listened to Henry's words, and his footsteps suddenly stopped. He froze for a few
seconds, then sighed, "It turns out that this was true. One hundred and forty years ago,
Zeng Hu ... was Zeng Hu. It's been too long. I don't remember his name. He also forgot his
name. When he came in, he told me that he was the seventh master of the Central Plains. He
was destroyed by Dantian from the Fushen Realm, and entered the Condensation Realm. At
that time, I felt that the martial arts gradual y weakened. It can be cal ed the seventh master
of the Central Plains. Nowadays, you are al here in a single form, sad, sad. "
Henry listened to Xuan Tian and asked:" Senior, we are practicing, there are a few points A
level? "
These are aging stones that have lived for hundreds of years. What they know is more than
what is recorded in ancient books.
Xuantian said: "The five realms of imperial qi, metamorphosis, condensing qi, invigorating
spirits, and controlling spirits are the realms of qi. You distinguish between
imperial qi and metamorphosis. Forming qi into a form, fighting enemies with a form, as for
empowering the god, it is to give the mind to the qi. If you condense a tiger, if you give the
tiger power, if you condense a snake, you must let this snake Yinhen sinister. "
Tien said that, look to Henry," As for the control of the spirit, we make Reiki charge of their
own, they do not face aging, muscle is not corrupt. "
" so, the older you control is Ling Xuan master. "Henry did not expect that there are so
many realms above the metamorphic realm, and listening to Xuan Tian's explanation, one
can imagine how terrifying the so-cal ed spiritual realm can control his own aging, this is a
change The law of the human body!
Xuan Tian smiled and didn't answer Henry's question, but instead asked: "Which clan is the
strongest outside? Is the Tang clan? Or the Shouling clan? Or the Langya Wang clan?"
"No." Henryyao He shook his head, "The clan hasn't escaped the world for nearly a hundred
years. The strongest now is the Li family of Longxi."
"Li family ?" Xuan Tian narrowed his eyes slightly. "It seems that Li Yongcai has succeeded."
Xuan Tian asked again: "Who is that clan not born, and who is the trapper?"
"It is the ancient martial aristocrat family."
"Sure enough!" Xuan Tian's eyes narrowed, "In that war, the man proposed that the clan
was too strong. the capture of the soldiers clan apart, it seems, he has succeeded, and if so,
martial thin, it makes sense, "
Henry quickly asked:" Tien predecessors, then you say a war, what is "?
About The relationship between the clan and the ancient Wu family has always been a mist,
and it is placed in front of Henry's eyes. This mist cannot be dispel ed, giving Henry a
feeling of being like a throat.
"That battle ..." Xuan Tian's face was reminiscent of memories, and then he waved his hand,
"Forget it, it's been so long, don't mention it, after al , we have no chance to go out here,
those trivial things. It has nothing to do with us. You come with me. I have something to ask
you. "
Henry has been walking with Xuan Tian. The space here is too large. If Henry knew that he
was thousands of meters underground, he was in a cage. , I'm afraid I thought I was walking
in the world.
Henry Zhang followed Xuan Tian, walked for more than 20 minutes, saw a stone house, this
stone house is stacked on the black rock, the whole is like The general color of the ground,
at first glance, is really hard to notice.
"This is where I live." Xuan Tian introduced Henry, and did not take Henry into the stone
house, but crossed the stone house and continued to walk forward, "Are you a bit strange,
this 18-story hell The current situation is different from when you first heard it? "
" Really. "Henry nodded.
Xuan Tian smiled and walked to Henry while saying, "When I was first put into this cage,
each floor was not as wide as it is now. Eighteen layers of hell. There are indeed eighteen
layers. Each There are nearly a hundred people on the floor, all of them are fierce and fierce
generations. Everyone competes for resources, seizes the treasures, spirit stones, and fights
of each other. Someone has been killed from the first floor to the
eighteenth floor. The combat power is unparalleled. No matter how many resources, they
have to be trapped here. No matter how strong they are, what's the use? "
Xuan Tian stretched his finger upwards." Are you curious, how did the sunlight pass down?
Henry looked to the sky , Did not speak.
"This is the top, but it is covered with a layer of sand, is blocking matrix method, quicksand
can not be fal ing." Tien sighed, "this FIGHTING blocking the sand, which prevented us."
"Barrier matrix method ...... "" Henry murmured Xuan Tian's words. After arriving here, he
had too many doubts.
"Come on, young man, we have to move faster." Xuan Tian suddenly stepped forward.
This step was ten meters away. "I will show you what is mythical in your eyes."
Henry opened his eyes wide and looked at Xuan Tian, which spanned more than ten meters
in one step. You must know that there is no way to use Qi inside. You can do this scene by
your own strength. Henry can't do it by himself.
At the beginning, when Henry had just passed the Lingshi gas test, he once walked nine
meters away in three unconscious steps. That was when his body was transformed by the
gas in the Lingshi, and his body strength had more than doubled.
The hardest thing in the world is not a thousand miles a day, but a hundred feet of
stubbornness, to go further.
Henry three steps nine meters, Xuan Tian one step more than ten meters, this is not to say
that Xuan Tian's physical fitness is only as simple as three or four times stronger than
Henry, it is measured by dozens of times and hundreds of times!
Henry took a deep breath and quickly fol owed. Rao is Henry has tried his best to achieve
the fastest speed, but he is stil hung by Xuan Tian far, and Henry found that Xuan Tian is
just like a walk, there is no Use al your strength to hurry up.
Henry sighed in his heart. Sure enough, the people in ancient times were much stronger
than the people now. When he first discovered anger, he ran some museums and things like
that, and saw the armor of those ancient soldiers. Nearly a hundred pounds, carrying such
equipment, marching at will, and then entering the battle.
Just like now, Henry already thinks that his physical fitness has reached a limit, but now, he
is stil easily thrown away.
After running for nearly an hour at full speed, when Henry couldn't stand his body
anymore, he saw a stone wall that stretched out al the time, with no end in sight.
The stone wall was also covered with layers of stone steps and climbed al the way to the
"Let's go, take you to feel this formation, there are some things that light tel s you, you can't
understand." Xuan Tian stepped on the stone steps, then jumped hard, the whole person's
body was raised more than 20 meters, As soon as he fell, he stepped on a stone step again,
and within two or three seconds, he soared into the sky for nearly a hundred meters. With
such a light as a swift cornice, it can be said that Xuantian has been able to perfectly control
any part of his body . Henry asked himself that although he can also use this method to
quickly climb the stone steps, he can never be as elegant as Xuantian.
The stone steps on this floor are 2,900 meters high. Even at this level, even Henry is a little
bit heart-throwing. At this moment, Qi can't be used, and if you don't pay attention a little,
then you will end up with a crushed bone.
It took Xuantian less than a minute to reach the top. At the top of the stone wall, there was a
"This platform was built by the predecessors who stayed here before, but for too long, their
bones have been corrupted." Xuan Tian said after Henry boarded the platform, he said,
"This is the place closest to the land."
Henry looked up, and it was less than three meters above his head. It was a hazy, faint
sunlight coming from above. Standing here, you can clearly see the slowly flowing sand
"When we didn't master the planting technology at first, this place was cal ed the bazaar."
Xuan Tian laughed out loud.
"Market?" Henry wondered.
"Yes, here is where everyone buys things." Xuan Tian reached into his clothes, then took
out a piece of gold, and threw it up.
Henry watched with open eyes, this piece of gold rushed into the sand above.
Xuan Tian said: "We will use this gold to attract the local indigenous people, and then take
away some of their things."
Henry opened his mouth, just about to speak, he was interrupted by Xuan Tian.
"I know what you have to ask. The formation here is only for people with qi and only one
direction. That is to say, the people in this cage cannot go out unless we disperse ourselves.
Cultivation behavior, but at this moment of our age, at the moment when the cultivation
behavior is dispersed, I am afraid that it will become a dead person, and outside things,
people or things, can fall in. Of course, the density of the things that fall ... Is it density? This
is the word I learned ten years ago through a talking box. The density must be greater than
the gravel. "
When Xuantian said at this time, he jumped hard and the whole person was raised
upwards. Just when Xuantian just touched the haze above his head, a khaki light instantly
appeared in front of Xuantian, like a spring. Xuan Tian bounced back, making Xuan Tian
unable to jump out of this layer of sand like the gold he had just thrown out.
"This is the formation, a formation that can lock the whole world." Xuan Tian's face showed
a helpless expression.
Henry's eyes looked dul at the top of his head. Just at the moment when the yellow light
appeared, he felt a strong sense of crisis, as if the whole sky was collapsing and pressing
towards himself.
Xuan Tian said: "Before, there were eighteen layers of hel here, everyone was fighting, but
when they understood that no one could break through this formation, everyone's fighting
gradually stopped, and instead, developed in another direction, senior We spent hundreds
of years exploring the way out, and ultimately failed to accept the facts. We took this as a
small world and lived here. "
Xuan Tian pointed to his feet, "Eighteen layers of hell, after hundreds of years, was
completely cleared by countless predecessors, and it becomes what you see now. The way
he lived, the one who lived here died one, and there was one less. The former
enemy, who stayed here for a long time, became friends. Everyone thought about how to
live better and look forward to having One day out, at the same time, in this place, we can
also witness the development of the outside world based on those indigenous things. Those
metal big birds with wings, boxes that can run on their own, are things we have never seen
before, I have a few books there, al of which are written in your era.
You do n’t know each other, so I need you ... "
Xuan Tian said half of it and suddenly stunned, then his eyes were always flat, but at the
moment it was suddenly wide open and dead Staring deadly in front of him, he clearly saw
that Henry also jumped up just like he had just done, except that the imaginary yellow light
did not appear, Henry was so relaxed, unexpected, breakthrough The top layer of sand.
Such a scene, even if it was Xuan Tian, did not respond for a long time.
"Could it be that the formation has failed?"
Xuantian Gujing's eyes showed a burst of ecstasy, and he jumped up again, but
unfortunately, Xuantian was extremely disappointed. The light and brilliance was like a
ruthless big hand. He wiped out all hope in Xuan Tian's heart, and he was bounced back
In the Sossusvlei Desert, Henry stepped on the quicksand coldly, feeling the sliding of the
quicksands under his feet, and his heart was ful of unrealism. That cage that had trapped
countless masters for countless years, so relaxed, came out?
In such a scene, even Henry himself was a little dazed.
After seeing that formation, Henry wanted to experience it for himself, but he didn't expect
it, so he jumped out of the prison like this?
The quicksand at his feet, with Henry kept sinking, Henry leaped hard and left here.
Inside the cage.
The little men waited for more than 20 people, al of them on the first floor. They still had a
lot of questions to ask Henry. In this lonely century, a new member suddenly came in and
heard Henry talk about the changes outside. Looking forward to it.
On the first floor, the sky drawn by people suddenly opened a stone door. All the people on
the first floor looked up there, but they didn't see Henry, but Xuan Tian.
"Boss, what about the young man?"
"How about other people?"
"You will not kill him? Don't do it!"
Everyone saw Xuan Tian appearing, asking questions, and worrying between Zhang Yu and
Henry. What happened.
"That young man ..." Xuan Tian jumped off the stone ladder one step at a time, glancing at
everyone, and slowly spoke, "That young man ... left."
"Leave?" The little man laughed, "Boss, don't you "Just kidding, where can he go?"
Xuan Tian repeated again: "I real y left."
"He left ..." The little man just said these two words, his expression condensed, he suddenly
realized, The person who said this now is Xuan Tian, Xuan Tian, but never speak
The rest of the people also realized this, and after looking at each other, their eyes were full
of disbelief.
"Old ... Boss ... you ... you said he ... leave?" A person murmured Xuan Tian's words, his body
They have been imprisoned here for hundreds of years. During these hundreds of years,
they have witnessed many people stay here forever. How can they not be shocked when
they hear a person leave? one person didn't speak, and went to the third floor directly.
The rest of them rushed out, leaving the cage that had imprisoned them for hundreds of
years. Even if they could only go out for a moment, they were crazy enough.
Xuan Tian looked at the madness of everyone and shook his head. Without breaking his
hope, he let the facts tel everyone.
Xuan Tian came slowly to the third floor. When he arrived here, he saw the rest of the
people sitting all by the stone wall. They thought they had tried it and couldn't break
through the formation barrier.
"Boss, you said that kid, how did you get out? Isn't it true that this method is not aimed at
the condensed gas environment?" The little man looked sad.
"But we can not bring itself down to the realm of shape ah, real y want that, I am afraid not
so out of it, you die first."
"It was actual y able to go out, amazing!"
Twenty people, al in Talking about Henry's departure, they have been imprisoned here for
too long. This is the first time that someone has been able to go out, and now they don't
know how to describe their mood.
Xuan Tian shook his head, "This should have nothing to do with the young man's state.
I have observed that his cultivation method is very peculiar and different from what I have
seen in the past."
"Yes, I also found out." The man said, "He obviously has the power to transform into a
realm, but in him, he can't feel a bit of flamboyant characteristics. Is it the current
cultivation system, and we were already two concepts at that time, if so , Maybe the
formation only regarded him as an ordinary person, and did not block it. "
" It's very possible. "Xuan Tian nodded," Listen to those seniors, when hel , there were often
prison officers coming in and out, and those prison officers. , Are ordinary people who do
not cultivate. "
"Hey!" The little man hated, "If we knew it, we should first ask the boy how to practice.
Although we have already set the shape, it is not impossible to re-cultivate while
distracting the work. Although the speed is slow, there are some hope for five years not on
a hundred years, two hundred years not on a hundred years, there will always go out one
day! " "
Yes ah, this kid out, and so the next person coming in, and how long, I'm afraid I can again
After living for thirty years, the biggest wish now is to go back to my wife ’s grave and see
her for the last time. "An elderly old man sighed.
"Okay, now this incident also reminds us that if we meet new people in the future, we must
ask clearly." Xuan Tian said.
Everyone seemed very disappointed. An opportunity to leave was in front of them, but they
were wasted so much. They were helpless. They sat on this floor for a long time.
Finally, they sighed helplessly and returned to the first floor to their own The residence has
The little man pressed with his hand on a wall, the original blue mural sky turned into a
galaxy, this is the way of life of people here, although monotonous, but also ful of ritual
sense, maybe this is their only here Fun now.
The little man lay in bed al night. They had no alarm clock and had formed a set of
biological clocks. Before the little man ’s biological clock woke him up, a strong fragrance
floated into his nose.
The little man in his sleep on, at the moment of smelling this scent, he jumped up. This
scent, he felt very strange, he was sure, in his own In the past hundred years of memory,
such a fragrance has never been smelled.
The little man sucked his nose hard. The scent came from outside the house. He pushed
open the door, and the color of the sky restored the blue color again.
The little man looked at the place where the fragrance came, and there he saw, holding a
huge iron pan. Henry, who had left yesterday, reappeared in front of his eyes at this
moment, and stood beside the iron pan, holding a Stir the iron spoon constantly in the pan.
Xuan Tian, in a black robe, was sitting next to the iron pan without any images at the
moment, holding a roast chicken in one hand and holding a wine jar in the other. At the
moment, he was eating chicken and drinking wine.
"Wake up? Come on, Henry brought us a gift." Xuan Tian laughed, and his mouth was full.
They are here, they can only eat some vegetable vegetables, which has not been known for
many years, no I have tasted meat.
When the little man looked at the roasted chicken in Xuantian's hands, his eyes were red,
and he couldn't help but ask Henry why he came back and rushed forward.
Next to the iron pan, there are a lot of roast chickens, as well as all kinds of delicious foods
and drinks, even including some tablet computers, simple energy, densely packed, these
things, all brought by Henry.
When Henry discovered yesterday that he could easily leave, he did not choose to leave
directly. Those in this cage were aging stones that survived hundreds of years ago. What
they heard was that they could n’t explore for a lifetime. As they arrived, their strength,
even the weakest one, was an existence that needed to be looked up to by themselves. Each
of these people is a textbook-like existence more than textbooks.
Now Henry's understanding of qi is on a bottleneck. The emergence of these people just
happens to be able to solve his doubts and guide him in the most correct direction of
cultivation in the future.
Henry ran to the nearest city. Although his mobile phone was smashed by himself and there
was no such thing as a bank card, the influence of Guangming Island was all over the world.
It can be said that every city in this world Guangming Island has similar existences as first-
aid stations and safety houses, which store a lot of materials and money. The location of
these places has been clearly remembered in Henry's mind.
Henry spent a night preparing a large amount of supplies, and then returned to here, all
brought down.
At that time, Henry still split the quicksand on the ground with gas. I thought that this
speed would be faster. As a result, just after splitting the quicksand, Xuan Tian discovered
After seeing Henry coming back again, even Xuan Tian was a little ignorant. He first asked
Henry to try whether he could go back up again. Henry tried several times in a row, and he
was not isolated by the formation and could easily enter and leave.
This made Xuan Tian understand that Henry did not go out by accident. It was indeed this
formation that had no effect on him. Subsequently, Xuan Tian's attention was attracted by
the materials brought by Henry.
At the moment, Henry boiled a pot of beef bone soup.
All kinds of food, the dwarf man who looked at was dazzled, learned Xuantian, grabbed a
roast chicken, stuffed it in his mouth, and at the same time picked up a wine jar, sipped a
sip of wine, this sip of wine Irrigate, and choke the little man's face red. "This wine is too
spicy!" The little man patted his chest.
Henry chuckled, "You drank some rice wine and fruit wine, unlike now, with alcohol
purification, it will natural y feel spicy."
"It's cool!" The little man took a bite of roast chicken, "Lao Tzu I do n’t know how many
years I have n’t eaten meat! "The
various fragrances spread here, and the shouting of the little men suddenly let the others
out of the room, when they saw the materials brought by Henry Each one is the same as
before the little man, with red eyes, and rushed straight over, holding the roasted leg of
lamb, braised beef, and then eating it, each face has unprecedented satisfaction .
"I ... I real y thought that I wouldn't be able to eat meat in my life!" One person ate and ate,
and tears were about to shed. You know, they stayed here, not for a year or two, not for one
or two Ten years, based on a hundred years, Henry had long anticipated the reactions of
these people.
"Seniors, don't worry, eat slowly. Since I can enter and leave here at will, I will include
Henryquan's meals, food and clothing for the seniors in the future!" Henry said loudly.
"Young man, you talk about it, you are al gone, how come you are back!" One man ate a big
bite of beef, mouthful.
"I can't you come in and go out at random, thinking that your seniors are too lonely here,
and give them some delicious food." Henry smiled, "I just tried with Senior Xuantian, I just
want to go out, It ’s possible to go out at any time, and you wo n’t be trapped here. ”
“ Hey, young man, when you came in, you did n’t think about it. If you just happened to go
out last time? ”Another person asked, who asked this question. At that time, the people
present, including Xuan Tian, were al stunned.
Yes, did Henry think about this issue before coming in? What if he just happened to be the
last time, and this time he can't get out in order to send something?
Henry smiled. Before he came, he did indeed consider this issue, but Henry stil chose it.
Now, he said that it is awkward, and he has been forced to a dead end. The four gods of the
Shenyinhui have been punished. Staring at Guangming Island, they are so powerful. With
the current Henry, they are absolutely unable to deal with it. With the addition of a Zhu
family, all the pressure is against Henry. If he does not choose to fight, no one will. Can help
This time, Henry also has the element of gambling, and it is a big bet. Fortunately, he won
the bet. Of course, he did not make any preparations. In that resource house,
Henry left a clue if he really stayed Here, the people of Bright Island will also try every
means to save him.
Henry said: "If I can't get out, I can stay here with all my seniors."
"Young man, please pay me a visit." The little man stood up, put away the laughter on his
face, and sternly faced Henry clenched his fists.
The same is true of the rest of the people, including Xuan Tian, who also clenched fists at
"Seniors, don't say more about this, everyone eats meat and drinks together first!"
Henry said.
"Okay, then we, Qi Xuan respect Henry a cup!" Xuan Tian raised the wine jar and shouted.
, Al the old demon who have lived for some years, because of Henry's arrival, they tasted
the meat taste that they have not tasted for hundreds of years. Eating meat is probably the
most satisfying day after they are stuck here.
After the wine was ful , Xuan Tian asked aloud: "Henry, after you leave, we are al thinking,
why that burst is not effective for you, how did you cultivate Qi?"
Henry shook his head, "I don't know. "
I don't know?" One face was puzzled, "Henry, you can rest assured, we will never ..."
"Predecessor." Henry smiled and interrupted this person, "It's not that I hid it, nor that I
didn't want to tel you Seniors, it ’s just that I ’ve been exploring it all together. I do n’t have
any specific cultivation methods. I ’m not afraid of al the seniors ’jokes. I do n’t know how to
practice when I connect to it. It was not clear that I was able to master Qi at the beginning.”
Henry Tien listen to the tone, look to see Henry, do not like to lie, he began:. "Henry, if you
want, I can help you look at your current situation."
"of course, there are the older generation pointing Tien, I wish "" Henrylian nodded.
Xuan Tian waved his hand, "There are no seniors or seniors. We live here, but we are a
group of people trapped in a cage. You want to come and see us. We are friends, what age,
for us, it ’s not long ago. meaning, if you do not mind, call me sound older brother also. "
Henry looking for a happy spot open:"! Big brother " "
you cal ed me brother, my brother is not white when the. "Tien pace slight movement , The
next second will appear directly in front of Henry.
Standing there, Henry clearly stared at Xuan Tian all the time, but he didn't see Xuan Tian's
movement clearly, and even Xuan Tian's movement trajectory could not be captured. This
is not Xuan Tian's intentional purpose, but his strength is too strong More than three
hundred years ago, it was a master in the world. Today, in this trapped for countless years,
it can not be imperial, but can only rely on itself, its own strength is further than it was.
Xuan Tian grabbed Henry's shoulders with one hand, his fingers were connected to Henry's
body, and then walked around Henry Shaoyang's gallbladder meridian, and then
Shunjuyin's pericardial meridian passed, and his brows were frowned.
"Boss, how is it?" The little man asked eagerly.
"It's weird." Xuan Tian loosened Henry, "We practice Qi, first sense the existence of Qi, and
then gradually control Qi, integrate Qi into the body, to achieve the effect of control ing Qi,
and then become a Qi, but Henry, he and us The way of cultivation is completely opposite.
He first melted qi into his body, and then controlled it. What's even more weird is that
there was a whimsical cyclone at the place where he went to Dantian ... "
" First put qi into the body? " "The little man was shocked and quickly asked Henry,"
Boy, how did you do it? Now the exercises are like this, aren't you afraid of exploding! "
" Hmm ... "Henry said with a deep voice," This nothing exercises, which are al their own
way, had been one began, which contains a huge amount of energy, I do not know how to
use, you try to extract out of the inside of the aura, into a liquid, and then take. "
" You ’re crazy! ”The boss of the dwarf man ’s eyes stared,“ Even if the Ningqi Realm dare
not directly absorb the aura in the spirit stone, it must be thinned by air, and then
reconciled with the power method, you are not yet imperial. In time Then absorb! I do not
know how you are turned into a liquid, but this method should be a hundred times more
dangerous than the direct absorption of Reiki, your internal organs, in the end is how bear
to live? "
"Good luck, real y good luck." One person sighed, "Henry, you are not dead like this, it is
Henry scratched his head, he did not feel how dangerous this method was, That's because I
stil don't understand the characteristics of qi, but now think about it, I was really
courageous at that time, and qi was so powerful. At that time, it would be a fluke if I said
that I would have problems with my health. I was able to survive.
Xuantian stared at Henry for a long time, and he didn't say the last sentence. He gave Henry
a thumbs up. This approach, even if he didn't dare to try it at will.
After hearing Henry's cultivation method, everyone seemed very disappointed. After all, if
this is the case, then they would absolutely be unable to do it. First, let Qi integrate into the
body, and slowly guide Qi to cover the whole body. These are two very different methods.
That's why the formation method did not block Henry.
"Hey." Little man sighed, "It appears that we are destined not to go out and wanted to see
the outside world is like, Henry bring these things, I never seen before ah."
Smal men Picking up a cell phone brought by Henry, he kept watching.
The rest of them also seemed very lost.
Henry looked at everyone's lost appearance and exclaimed comfortably: "Dear seniors,
don't be discouraged. I have some strong enemies in the outside world. I haven't dealt with
them. If I deal with the strong enemies cleanly, I'll arrange people immediately. Dig al
around, dig for two years if you ca n’t do it for one year, and dig for ten years if you ca n’t. It
will one day let your seniors see the light again. ”
“ Henry, you have this heart and we are very happy, but This method may not work.
"Xuan Tian shook his head." This hell cell has existed for too long. At first, the cage was laid
out. I don't know how powerful it is. He blocked it. It's not just this side of the world.
There are definitely taboos in the rocks. "
" Yeah, unless we can practice like another, but it is already impossible for us. "
Henry's mouth smiled," Seniors, you seem to have forgotten something. "
"What?" The little man asked subconsciously.
Henry looked around for a week and said: "The god punishment of the Shenyin Society,
when I was sentenced to nine years in prison, they didn't know that I could come in and go
out at will. "
Henry said, everyone present, including Xuan Tian, were all in shock.
Correct! Shenyin will have a way to open the cage!
"Henry, the place where Shenyin will meet, is so powerful ..." Xuan Tian exited, halfway
through, was interrupted by Henry.
"Brother Xuantian, I am also a member of the Shenyin Society. I do n’t know how strong the
Shenyin will be in your impression, but now, the strength of the Shenyin Society is
definitely not as strong as your impression, otherwise Spirited will avengers, not for some
Lingshi, give me a scapegoat people wear hats, if I can become God's hidden will avengers,
open the cage, is not impossible! "
Henry, I heard that everyone present was stunned. After a few seconds, everyone's face
was fil ed with excitement, in their eyes , With a ray of hope.
"Shenyin Club, is it really fading?" A person asked with some uncertainty. In the past
memories, Shenyin Club left him with too many terrible memories that could not be wiped
Xuan Tian said: "Henry said, I'm afraid it's true. The day when Henry was sent to hell, the
moment the god punishment opened the door, I tried to send out a ray of light. The
strength of the four god punishments was only in the middle of condensing gas. In the
past, such strength, even the door of the Shenyin Society, could not be stepped in, let alone
the important post of God ’s punishment. The martial arts outside gradually began to
decline with the passage of time, if I guess That ’s right, Henry is outside, and has some
identity? ”
Henry smiled embarrassedly.“ It
’s a bit of his own power. ” “ That ’s it. ”Xuan Tian nodded.“ The metamorphosis is in the
past, but It ’s just the disciples of the mountain gate. They can now form forces, which is
enough to see. This is completely different from what we know. ”
Henry listened to Xuan Tian ’s words and felt very strange. He said that he is also the owner
of the Bright Island. As a result, here, in the eyes of Xuan Tian and others, it is like a weak
chicken. Although Henry is very clear, Xuan Tian and others are tel ing the truth, but
listening to it is still not a taste.
The little man jumped up at once, "What are you waiting for, everyone, take out al of our
unique skills and teach them all to Henry, let him quickly destroy his enemies, and become
God's punishment messengers, we also see each other one day earlier ! He is our hope! "
" Good! Henry, let me tell you this first ... "
"Don't worry, seniors, let's talk about this tomorrow. Today, let's take a look at the gifts I
brought to you." Henry picked up a tablet and began to popularize. "I have downloaded a
lot of videos on this tablet. There are a lot of news, TV series, ball games, movies, variety
shows. Through this, you can also see the changes in the outside world. There are also
some history books and videos, al of which are in various parts of the world.
You can find everything you want to know. "
Henry brought a lot of things this time, very comprehensive.
When I heard Henry said that he could see the changes outside and knew what had
happened over the past few hundred years, everyone showed great interest. They stayed
here and it was real y boring.
When Henry opened the tablet and played some videos, everyone was amazed.
Xuan Tian said: "It is said that only the ancient great master can record the scene that
occurred at the beginning by means of extraordinary means. I did not expect that today's
people can easily do it. Although the martial arts are lonely, Henry The technology in my
mouth really made me wait for it! ”
Henry said:“ Brother, today I will teach you to recognize modern characters first, and it is
also convenient for you to read the books later. Now you are reading some of them.
The saved images will be established here as soon as I resolve the outside issues. At that
time, although you ca n’t go out, everything that happens outside can be seen on these
tablets or you can talk to me at any time. It ’s just that there ’s a little otaku, there are many
otakus now. ”
"Communications separated by thousands of miles? Is the technology in your mouth
already able to do this?" Xuan Tian and others appeared shocked.
"Brother, this could have been done as early as more than thirty years ago, but now that
technology is developing rapidly, not only can you talk, but you can also see me, and then,
when I use the phone to take you around the world, that ’s not impossible. , Haha.
"Henry laughed loudly.
"The more you say, the more I can't wait." Xuan Tian's eyes showed a strong interest.
"You teach us to recognize words tonight. Six hours later, we began to train you. Your
strength is a bit too great. Too weak, we must allow you to achieve the best training effect
in the shortest time! "
Dwarf men and other people are also furious, ready to take out their true skills that they
have not used for hundreds of years.
These people trapped in the cages of hell, no matter how old they are, but the logic of their
thinking is not worse than those of the geniuses in learning. They each take it outside, and
they are all strong enough to dominate one side, and It was conceivable that he was
imprisoned in the first place. It is conceivable that everyone is not a general generation,
and their learning abilities are top. With al these years, they have not stopped "shopping"
from the "trading platform". , Can be said in one piece.
The Chinese characters themselves have been circulating for a long time. They used to be
pictographs, but they were converted to simplified Chinese more than sixty years ago. It is
not difficult for everyone to recognize them.
It only took two hours for Henry to teach everyone the Chinese characters. Afterwards,
everyone happily played the tablet computer brought by Henry and various mobile power
sources. Henry also brought a lot, including large charging base stations, Henry Four
shipped, enough people here to spend two months.
There are no days and nights here. All the days and nights are just made by everyone for
the sense of ritual of life. They go to bed and sleep when they want to sleep.
After another ten hours, Henry's training began.
"Henry, I have used the knife for thirty-one years. This set of knife methods has
accompanied me since the moment I held the knife. After my numerous improvements, I
have now reached the level of imperfection. Invincible, I cal it, Qianxiao Taisui! "The short
man said the first time, he picked up a beast bone, faced Henry, and gently picked.
Just under the light pick of the dwarf man, Henry had a sense of unavoidable avoidance.
While Henry was still thinking about how to deal with it, the bone of the animal in the hand
of the dwarf man had reached Henry ’s neck. In the battle of life and death, Henry has been
killed by a stroke, and more importantly, here, there is no way to use Qi. The little man uses
only his own strength, which has nothing to do with Qi.
One person shook his head, "Henry, your strength is too weak, and the combat experience
is seriously inadequate. You can't avoid such a simple pick." If this person said it, if it was
placed outside, it was heard and glared. Big eyes, lack of fighting experience for the main
island of Bright Island? They all crawled out of the dead, and they have been fighting for ten
years of life and death.
Henry knew that his combat experience was too scarce compared with the people inside.
Not to mention, when he chatted before, this little man said that he held a knife at the age of
seven and started kil ing at the age of thirteen. To the age of thirty-eight, almost never
A World War I is a man of decades, his combat experience, Henry can compare, and at that
time, there was no musket, no cannon, everyone Al of them are hand-offs. In this aspect of
combat experience, Henry is arguably the most scarce. After al , Henry's battle can be
solved with a gun, and almost never shows up.
"Dwarf, can you say that this knife technique is perfect? Henry, I will tell you a trick, easily
break him!" A woman with a Western face said, this woman looks more than fifty years old,
but the real age Thirty years older than a short man, "We in Europe, although on martial
arts, are not as old as Hua Xia, but they also have merits. The dwarf knife, when you start,
take a little back three feet, then Go to the next foot, the first three steps, top your waist! "
By reading the books brought by Henry and watching the video, the people inside have
already understood which continent and which country they belong to.
"Break me this way? It's easy to say." The short man stepped back a few steps, and then
picked up again as before.
Henry said through the other party, backed three feet, his body slightly bent, and then
quickly moved three steps, and really found the shortcomings of the little man's trick, one
knee toward the little man's waist.
The little man screamed, and suddenly he moved.
At the same time as the short man's move, the woman uttered again, "Move three feet to
the left and pick on the right palm!"
Henry looked for the other's words and broke the short man's move again.
"Come again!" The little man shouted in disbelief and changed again, and the woman also
gave Henry a trick.
In this way, Henry, according to what the other party said, went back and forth with the
dwarf man for more than twenty strokes. At the time of the twenty-seventh stroke, the
beast bone in the hand of the dwarf man touched his chest, which was defeated.
Obviously, the little man wins, but at the moment, the little man ’s face has no joy, but
Henry, the joy of his face, original y he could n’t even support a little man ’s one move, but
at this moment, he has supported twenty-six moves, In the thirteenth move, the short man
was forced to step back three steps. Although he listened to the command of others, in the
middle, what Henry learned was undoubtedly very much.
The little man looked at the woman who gave Henry a stroke, with a face on his face,
"Sister, do you want to bully people like this, how can you say you're almost in control of
the spirit realm, why bully me?" The
woman smiled He smiled, "You have changed a lot. You really have a lot of merits, but it is
almost invincible. Come on, Henry, try me." The
woman came out and extended a hand to Henry.
"You go to meet the enemy, I'll help you break the enemy." A man in his sixties, one meter
seven and five, a straight figure walked behind Henry, "This woman's moves are biased
towards femininity, and they are unpredictable. that, with your skill, stays, but one second.
ha ha. "women laugh," do not worry about what moves can kill is a good moves, Henry,
ready! "
the woman mouth," a "word of a fall, the entire People disappeared in front of Henry.
"Foot back three steps!" A shout rang from behind Henry.
Henry made movements subconsciously, waited for him to move out, and then looked at
the place where he had just stood. I don't know when, three bone spurs had fallen. If the
hidden weapon could take his life in a flash.
"Henry, in the face of this kind of enemy, try not to let her disappear into your line of sight.
The first thing you have to do is to know where she is and go to the next step!"
Henryzhao did from behind her.
Xuan Tian stood aside, looked at Henry, and nodded, "Although he is weak, he has talents,
many things can be understood at one point, and he has his own ideas. God
can make him several times stronger than he is now. As for the promotion of qi, he can only
look at himself. "
" Boss, I have an idea, I don't know if I should say it. "The little man stood beside Xuan Tian.
"You said."
"You don't have a set of exercises, too strong, no one can practice, but I think it's just right
for this kid. Although the exercises are tough, but the guy directly infused the aura with his
mouth. Compared to it, it's still a lot worse. "
" Yeah. "Xuan Tian's eyes lit up." It's too long, don't tel me, I forgot that set of exercises, the
strength of the exercises, and Henry. Compared with it, there is stil a gap. Henry is fully able
to control it. Then give him a few more days of training time. Do n’t hide it, take out all you
. " The man smiled and looked at Xuan Tian, "Actually, you don't have to deliberately cover
up your thoughts, we all think about it. It doesn't matter if Shen Yin is weak or not.
It doesn't matter if Henry can take the position of God's punishment Now, everyone, put
Henry as a sustenance, and that skill will be passed on by him. Did n’t you see, Sister Bo
took all her extraordinary skills out? ”
Xuan Tian nodded.“ Still think about it. Okay, after all, a hopeful life will only taste, you Said
outside the fruit made with water, is tasty. "
Tien said, unscrew the cap Maid hands.
Those who could be imprisoned in that era were some of the strongest in the world, let
alone in this era of weak martial arts. Anyone who gave Henry a little guidance would
give Henry some kind of divine initiation. Feeling, not to mention so many masters of
different eras, with Henry as an introduction, began to move.
After two hours, Rao was Henry's physical strength, and he was tired and sweating.
Every action and every confrontation of his was full of concentration. Henry is very happy.
After two hours of training, Henry is confident. If he meets a short man again, he can walk
through seven or eight strokes with his own understanding of this skill. This is The obvious
progress is much better than the unreasonable exploration.
Xuan Tian came and spoke to Henry: "Okay, you have to rest for half an hour to get a good
understanding. After half an hour, there is something new to teach you. Prompt, you have
to be prepared."
"No problem, brother!" Henry nodded hard. The more Xuan Tian said, the more excited he
was in his heart. This proves that the fol owing training will only become more and more
The burden placed on Henry was too heavy and too heavy. Henry could not be lazy and he
could not be distracted. Every minute and second now, he has to fight for his ability to go
back at the ancient Wu family meeting, Have the strength to match God's punishment, and
don't be afraid of Zhu's strength, go back!
There is no sun and moon in the prison, and no star sunshine can be seen. Henry is in this
cage, receiving training from Xuan Tian and others.
This training mode has never been touched by Henry in the past. Since the burial of Old
Man Lu, no one can give Henry any help in fighting consciousness.
Under the training of Xuan Tian and others, Henry's fighting consciousness can be said to
be advancing by leaps and bounds.
During the period when Henry stretched out his cage to receive training, the situation
outside has also changed dramatical y.
The strength of the Zhu Clan has exposed more clans to the underground forces.
The originally strong ancient Wu family, like the Yue family in Hangzhou, has not been
mentioned anymore. Now when referring to Hangzhou, the major underground forces, the
first association is the Xiao, there is a Xiao clan, It has emerged in Hangzhou.
The Yanjing area has also been crowned Su's name.
The Nangong family in Yanjing is even less popular, and even the children of the Nangong
family who used to show up and show off their wealth did not show up in Yanjing very
The three big clans, Duhai Zhu's, Yanjing's Su's, and Hangzhou's Xiao's, have now become
the hottest topics of underground forces.
Because of the appearance of the three major clans, all major underground forces in China
are in danger.
The Su family in Yanjing was silent, and the birth of the Su family showed that the Su family
was willing to be a minister.
Du Haizhu's family was even destroyed, including the underground holy land of Guangming
Island, which was also sunk to the bottom of the sea overnight. Now, everyone can only put
their eyes and hopes on the three people in the capital. There
was no speech, which made everyone very worried and could not help it. Is the ancient Wu
family real y going to fall?
Northwest Yinzhou.
The Lin ’s president ’s office has been locked for several days. For several days, no one has
seen Sylvia ’s figure. As a workaholic, Sylvia has never experienced such a few days except
when he went to the Sujia ancient land. There is a company situation.
Jenny told the company's people that Sylvia was going to work abroad, but in fact, Jenny
knew that Sylvia had locked himself in the room for a whole number of days.
Sylvia would not show up except to eat something. To ask anything, Sylvia didn't say
anything at all and kept silent.
Jenny knew that Sylvia had become like this since he recently went back to Yanjing.
Jenny couldn't find out what happened in Yanjing.
"Is the relationship between Henry and Henry not relaxed yet?" Jenny speculated.
In the endless Atlantic Ocean, an island is slowly drifting, countless warships are traveling
around the island, and it has not stopped.
From afar, the island is covered with fog. Through the fog, you can see the black tal city wall
completely sealing the island. It is not clear what the island looks like.
In front of the ancient castle on the island, Wade White and others sat here and practiced Qi
practice continuously. Today, ten days have passed since the rafting plan was launched on
Guangming Island. Within these ten days, the future and others will do everything possible
Looking for Henry's news, but now, there is no news at all.
This made the ominous feeling in everyone's heart even more fierce. Everyone devoted al
their energy to cultivation. Although they didn't know what happened to Henry, they could
think that it must be related to the clan.
And during this time of drifting, the people of Guangming Island will also inquire about the
outside news. The news about Zhu's revenge and the overnight destruction of Guangming
Island has natural y not escaped their ears. they speculated that Henry asked himself to
start the island rafting plan, which is related to the Zhu Clan. Although it can be imagined,
the future and others ca n’t do anything now. In terms of strength, they know themselves
and their clan The gap between them is too great, and the most important thing now is to
improve their strength.
The whole underground world, because of the birth of the clan, the fal of Guangming Island,
and set off an uproar, and then fel into silence.
After the birth of the clan, they did not do things like the imagination of many underground
forces, but chose to halt their flags. Many underground forces did not dare to act. In this
way, the entire China underground world ushered in an unprecedented wave of
unprecedented The tranquility, even the smallest friction, did not happen during this time.
Although it is quiet, everyone knows that this tranquility is probably before the storm,
because everyone is waiting. On the day after Guangming Island was sunk, the Jiang family
in the capital announced the holding of the Chinese Ancient Wu Family Meeting.
There is only half a month left before the Ancient Wu Family Meeting. I am afraid that at
that time, something big will happen.
Before the Ancient Wu Family Meeting, everyone was preparing.
Far below the desert of Sossusvlei in Africa.
"Henry, the progress is good." The dwarf man held a beast bone and moved around Henry's
footsteps. He had already connected with Henry for more than seventy moves, and he still
has no difference.
Now Henry does not need others to give him instructions. All means of fighting against the
enemy rely on himself, and he has been able to connect with the little men for more than
seventy moves. This is Henry's training results over the past ten days.
Compared with ten days ago, Henry did not know how many times he was stronger in
fighting consciousness.
As far as Henry himself said, the current self can completely hang himself 10 days ago, and
if he encounters the middle age of Zhu's black cedar, he can definitely take his life in two
strokes, even if he meets the god hidden. God's punishment, who wins and loses, is not
"Henry, my set of Shenxiao is too old. There are a total of 117 changes. If you can all stop it,
it will convince me to take it by mouth. Now it has only passed 74 strokes. , You're careful!
"The little man screamed, raised the beast bone, and rushed towards Henry.
"Come on well!" Henry shouted loudly, also holding a beast bone to face the battle.
Xuan Tian and others sat aside, eating the potato chips Henry brought last time, drinking
cola, and burping from time to time.
"Boss, Henry, has a good talent, and he can make an analogy. His progress is faster than I
"Yes, his thinking about the enemy has become very clear. Continue to train like this.
Great effect, you give him some fierce. "Xuan Tian unscrewed a bottle of Coke again,
"I'm going." The woman who was called Sister Bo by the short man jumped forward and
went straight to Henry, taking a palm from behind Henry.
Just before Sister Bo's palm was about to hit Henry, Henry suddenly turned sideways, just
to reveal the little man in front of him. Sister Bo's palm shot straight towards the little man.
Sister Bo and the little man looked at each other again and again.
"Henry, your kid is bad at learning, deliberately pretended not to find me, and then let us
kil each other?" Sister Bo smiled.
Henry looked at a man and a woman in front of him and said: "The two of you bul ied me,
I'm afraid it's a bit bad."
"Yes, it's not good. "Xuan Tian said on the side," Looking at your kid's progress rate, two of
them won't have much training effect for you. Let's have another one. "
Xuan Tian's words fel , and another one joined the battlefield. The three attacked Henry at
the same time.
Henry grimaced for half a hour, and slowly looked for a chance to fight back after hugging
the mouse for half an hour.
Another day later, Henry faced the attack of four people alone, from the head of the mouse,
slowly to find a chance to fight back, and another day, five people all attacked Henry ......
This hell cage, because of the emergence of Henry, not only Let these people who have been
bored for hundreds of years find fun again, and at the same time rejuvenate their youth.
Usually people who are too lazy to even want to go at this time, chasing Henrylai at that
time, it takes al the energy of the body. When Henry tired came to life, when he was lying
on the ground and gasped loudly, these people were drawing lots. Which of the next few
people should go to abuse Henry, and the person who got the lot, the smile on that face
should not be more happy, vowed to take it out Your strongest move.
In this way, several days passed.
Outside, because of the events of the Ancient Wu Family Meeting, the atmosphere became
extremely mysterious and tense.
In Guangming Island, Wade White and others are stil sitting in front of the castle, and the
island is full of aura.
The elder sighed as he looked at the blood vessels that had been flushed in Wade White.
Too much aura is not al a good thing for Wade White. They now practice nothing in their
brains. Although they can improve their strength in the shortest time, the sequelae brought
are also huge.
Yinzhou, Sai Shangshui Township.
Sylvia finally walked out of her room, her eyes covered with red bloodshot eyes, booked a
flight ticket to Duhai, and made a phone call out at the same time, "Uncle, no matter
what, I want to contact Zhu Shi, just tel They, I have a plan about Su's, they will be very
interested! "
" Sylvia, you are going to ... "
" My husband and I have not divorced yet! "Sylvia hung up the phone and took a deep
breath. , She edited an email, sent it to her father, and then took a car and went to Yinzhou
In the Jiang's house in the capital, an old man stood up from the front of Gujing. "With three
days left, Gu Wu and the clan have a hundred years of grievances.
In the African desert, Henry still received training.
Henry's current limit is to withstand seven people attacking him at the same time. In the
face of these seven people's attacks, Henry does not want to resist, not counterattack, but
under the attack of seven people, he can persist for three minutes.
It's just that Henry's highest record so far, played the best time, but persisted for twenty-
one seconds.
Xuan Tian frowned and looked at Henry, "I overestimate you. I think your talent is not bad.
Now it seems that your achievements are too limited. With your talent, it is difficult to
achieve anything!"
"Henry You have been a little relaxed recently. ”Sister Bo smiled at Henry.“ You ca n’t
compare your speed and concentration with the previous one. You have to give up yourself.
We ca n’t help you! ”
A group of people looked at Henry lying on the ground. One after another.
The sweat of Henry's back, the seven people who attacked him, did not keep their hands.
The strongest means used by them are almost an attack without dead ends. The exquisite
cooperation can hold these people for five seconds. Those are highly experienced masters.
Henry gasped and looked at them, squeezing his fist and hitting the ground, "Come again!"
"I see it again a few times, it's the same." Xuan Tian leaned his lips and shook his head to
the side.
Henry got up again, looked around the seven people around him, held his breath, and was
ready to attack at any time.
The short man followed Xuan Tian and whispered: "Boss, do you want to be so cruel?
Henry was able to hold on for 21 seconds, which was far beyond our expectations. He is
just a metamorphosis. The body has not been tempered by Reiki, and it can be achieved as
it is now. It is already quite amazing. I insisted on the seven seniors for three minutes. I am
afraid that you are the boss. You ca n’t do it by yourself. "
Xuan Tian smiled," You still do n’t see the potential of Henry. From his training to now, a
total of 200 hours have passed. Except for the necessary rest time, his spirit has always
been in a very focused state. After being exhausted, do you think you can do it? "The little
man shook his head." I talked with Sister Bo. Henry's mental state is like a monster.
It feels like he is not too tired! "
Xuan Tian nodded, "His mental state is obviously not right. The more he squeezed, the
more excited he is. In him, I am afraid something happened that we cannot know. But
anyway, that for now he is, is a good thing, but can not be pressed too long, the last three
days of his final training, after three days, let him come to me three. "
Tien After finishing speaking, stepped directly on the stone ladder and left here.
The little man looked at Henry, who failed again under the attack of seven people, shook his
head, and murmured: "Henry, I hope you don't blame the boss for being cruel.
After al , the age in which the boss lives is a time when people really eat people Ah! "
" Come again! "Henry climbed up from the ground again. At this time, Henry had a bruise
on his face, and some parts of his arms and legs were puffy. It was real y hit Henry.
Looking at Henry, who was covered in purple, Sister Bo and other people could not bear to
see it. From the moment they were ready to give Henry all their skills, Henry was already
his successor in their hearts.
"Sister Bo." The little man walked behind Sister Bo and whispered, "The boss said, the last
three days."
"Okay." Sister Bo nodded and gritted her teeth, shouting, "Henry, be careful! "
Sister Bo's words fel , and rushed to Henry again."
Henry looked at the direction that Sister Bo rushed. This time, instead of passive defense,
he took the initiative to attack.
"Good boy!" There was a flash of joy in Sister Bo's eyes. Every time Henry had a new action,
it proved that he had a new idea. This is a kind of progress.
Progress in countless failures, as long as the spirit is not broken, it is definitely the most
Time passes slowly.
Outside, the major underground forces in China have already begun to head towards the
There is only the last day left for the Ancient Wu Family Meeting.
Duhai, a finely decorated tea house is located beside the Duhai River. In this lot of land, the
tea house is not big, but the price is also let Ordinary people stop, a pot of tea, starting at
1,000 yuan.
Sylvia wore a black coat and sat on a wooden chair by the window. She drew light makeup
and her impeccable facial features. She also added three points of charm to make the rest of
the restaurant frequent this. Come side by side.
Opposite Sylvia, there were two young people sitting in ordinary clothes, who could not see
the richness, but the confidence in his face was overwhelming those who had driven
hundreds of Marriott cars.
The two young men looked at Sylvia in front of them, with some aggressiveness in their
eyes. One of them even licked his lips from time to time.
"You said, Su's want to cooperate with us? You Su's only ranked tenth, we are ninth, even if
you want to cooperate, you should not be an ordinary person who has no grasp of gas to
talk about it?" Opening up, this young man was the one who stood beside Zhu Huatai that
night when Zhu's attacked Guangming Island at night.
Sylvia smiled slightly and shook his head. "Attention, it is not the Su family who came to
cooperate with you, it is the Su family, I am the Su family owner, Sylvia."
"Su family?" A young man sneered on his face, "You are an ancient Wu The head of the
family, why do you want to cooperate with us? Just on your face? "
Sylvia took out a drawing and put it on the table.
The two young Zhu's looked at each other, and then opened the drawing, but at first glance,
their pupils shrank.
"This is Ju Ling Zhen?"
Two young Zhu family looked at Sylvia.
Sylvia smiled slightly and didn't make a noise. She didn't know what was drawn on the
drawing. She took the drawing and came to the Zhu family today to just want to gamble.
The two young people of the Zhu family saw that Sylvia did not speak, since Sylvia was the
"Su, why did you build a gathering array!"
"Couldn't be done, what's the magic here!" The
two guessed one by one, and then looked at Sylvia again.
Sylvia smiled and said, "You can take this drawing back. As for what is behind this drawing,
we will continue to deal with it after you have considered it."
Sylvia finished, straight up, carrying his handbag, and wanted to leave.
"Wait!" A young man of the Zhu family called out Sylvia. He frowned and asked, "What do
you want?"
Sylvia said without looking back: "I want the Su family."
"Su family? Do you want If I want the Su family, I am afraid that this drawing is not enough
as a bargaining chip. "Zhu Shi smiled, and of course he understood Sylvia's meaning. Now
he mentions Yanjing. Only the Su family has no Su family. There is only one possibility, no
"It doesn't matter." Sylvia shrugged. "As long as you think about it, we can continue to talk
about the chips."
"Real y?" Zhu Shi youth's mouth smiled playfully, "If I said, I want you?"
" Anyway. "Sylvia responded, and then strode away.
The young man of the Zhu family looked at Sylvia Miaoman's back and licked his lips again.
Another person from Zhu's mouth said: "Brother, if you really want this girl, I will tie her up
now, you ..."
"No need." The young man of Zhu's shook his head, "This girl is good, but Now, the big
things are important. If this picture is true, and the Su Family real y wants to build a Spirit
Array, it proves that they have discovered something incredible, and this thing will fall into
our hands. You and I, Why do n’t you worry about no women in the future? "
The ruins caused by the last war in Duhai Zhujia Manor have been rebuilt.
Patriarch Zhu Huatai sat on the main seat in the main hall of Zhu's family, and kept tapping
his fingers on the table.
A young man bowed to the main hall. "The patriarch, the head of the Su family, sent a
"Su family?" Zhu Huatai heard the first reaction of these two words, thinking he had heard
it wrong. , Deliberately looked at the young man in front of him, when the young man
nodded hard, Zhu Huatai only showed an expression of interest, "Come, let me see." The
young man respectfully handed the drawings to Zhu Huatai .
Zhu Huatai opened the drawing, and a few seconds later, a smile appeared on the corner of
his mouth, "Interesting, interesting, gather together, this gather together, but Su's people,
arranged under the Su family cloth?"
"Exactly." The youth nodded.
"Hehe." Zhu Huatai smiled. "The old dog of Su Wenwen has not stopped in recent years. He
is unwilling to check the status quo. Looking around, it seems that it really made him find
out a lot of things. What about the owner of the Su family? Say? "
" She said, she wanted the Su family. "The youth answered truthful y.
Zhu Huatai snorted, "The tone is not small. With this thing, you want the Su family? Tel her,
bring more things tomorrow, go to the capital to find me!"
"Yes." The youth retreated.
"That's right." Zhu Huatai suddenly said when the youth was about to leave the main hall,
"What do those ancient Wu family say now?"
"The Hui patriarch , in the eyes of those ancient Wu families, we sink Guangming Island, I
am afraid these ignorance , I do n’t know the existence of the God Hidden Society, patriarch.
This God Hidden Society is silent now, and it is also deliberately making everyone think
that that is what we did. They want to put us on the surface and carry thunder. "
Zhu Huatai sneered, "Shen Yinhui, they pretend to be ghosts for so many years, not always
like this, let them hide it, I want to see, when they can hide! I don't believe this time, Wu At
the Family Congress, the group of pretenders can stil sit stil , when they are in a hurry! "
" Understand, patriarch, do you want to set off now? "The youth asked.
"Notify me, prepare to go to Beijing!" Zhu Huatai's eyes, with a ray of coldness.
Countless figures poured into China Capital on this day.
In this huge city, many strange faces suddenly appeared, which had no effect on the people
of this city.
However, the underground forces of China are holding their breath and being careful.
Everyone understands that tomorrow may be the day to decide the fate of the ancient Wu
family. The Ruo clan is truly invincible and unconstrained. They sunk the strength of
Guangming Island overnight, so this underground world no longer has the position of the
ancient Wu family.
This time, it was said that it was the ancient martial arts family meeting, but in fact, large
and small underground forces will participate, including the Chinese sharp blade, and they
will also send people to Beijing.
This is a major reshuffle of the overall underground forces, and what was decided at this
meeting is that the overall direction of the underground forces in the future is related to the
interests of everyone in the underground forces.
African Sossusvlei Desert, Henry gasped and looked at the seven people in front of him.
This time, he broke through the previous record Under the hands of seven people insisted
for 48 seconds!
At this time, even Sister Bo and the short man ca n’t believe it. If you switch to them
yourself, do n’t want to persist for so long under the attack of seven masters of the same
level. Henry's strength has made qualitative changes.
Now Henry, if he meets the short man again, it is not that he can hold a few moves under
the hand of the short man, but that the short man can stand a few moves under the hand of
Of course, this is due to the lack of qi. If the qi can be used, the short man is higher than
Henry's sweat was on his back, and the clothes on his back had already been wet. He
listened to the number of forty-eight seconds.
"Come again!" Henry shouted.
"Don't come." The little man shook his head, threw away the beast bones in his hand, and
pointed to the top of his finger. "Xuan Tian boss has something to find you."
"Henry, your achievement has been very unexpected, and it was too hard. There will be
side effects. "Sister Bo and others also waved their hands.
Henry watched a few people disperse completely, only to relax his tense nerves, picked up
a bottle of mineral water, swallowed it, and walked towards the stone steps.
On the third floor, Xuantian sat cross-legged on the black ground rock with his eyes closed.
His eyes closed, and a light footstep sounded at the entrance of the third floor.
"Here, I can hold forty-eight seconds, which is beyond my expectations. I thought that your
limit was thirty seconds." Xuan Tian opened his eyes and looked towards the entrance.
Henry wiped the sweat on his forehead, and was somewhat ashamed: "It's still too far away
from the three minutes you asked for."
"Three minutes, I don't necessarily hold for three minutes." Xuan Tian stood up, "You have
exceeded me The highest estimate. "
"Uh ..." Henry looked at Xuan Tian in amazement.
"Your training should end today. Blind training is not necessarily a good thing. You need to
improve your own realm." Xuan Tian looked at Henry, now Henry, in terms of body shape
Before, it was slightly thinner, but in terms of explosiveness, durability, and
responsiveness, it was improved many times than before. More importantly, Henry ’s
thinking was also clearer when he was against the enemy, and he could use the most labor-
saving way. To achieve maximum effect.
Xuan Tian said: "You are getting into Qi by yourself, but it is a mistake, although the process
is dangerous, but fortunately, I have a set of Qi practice methods, just for you."
Xuan Tian said, take it from his clothes A black book was handed out to Henry.
Henry extended his hand to take it, and when the book started, Henry was given a rough
feeling. The paper was soft, not the fabric was first-class, but was stored for too long. When
the book was opened, the words in it were all hieroglyphs, which was very difficult to
Xuan Tian ’s voice sounded in Henry ’s ear, “This practice, cal ed the Extinction of the
World, is claimed to be extinct when you reach the extreme. However, no one knows the
specific effect. This practice is too strong. The first step is to inhale qi into the meridians,
which is only slightly inferior to the spirit energy you drink. "
Henry looked at this exercise in his hand, and he looked at him with a heavy pressure. .
"You sit down, I will lead you to merits first." Xuan Tian pointed to the ground. Henry
nodded and sat cross-legged.
There is no sun, moon and stars in the prison, but the world is exchanged between the sun
and the moon.
The capital city of China is overcast today. This is a dark cloud from the beginning of
November, which makes many people feel a bit gloomy.
On the streets of the capital, almost 50 meters occupied two traffic police officers on duty,
making many people speculate about which big man came from abroad today.
In the courtyard of Jiang's house in the capital, an old man in a yellow robe pushed open the
door of the courtyard and strode out.
Outside the Jiang's house, two figures stood, both aged, one wearing a white robe and the
other wearing a purple robe, exuding a strong antiquity.
"Old Jiang, it's up to you today, our two ancestors can't be used."
"It's okay, the three ranked clan only, an ancestor, enough!" Old Jiang shook his head, his
face exposed Confident smile.
"Let's go, then go to Zutai."
The eyes of the three people all looked north.
There is an idyllic jungle al the way to the north of the capital, which is full of idyllic
scenery. In the past, it was used as a good place to come and relax in holidays.
However, a few days ago, this jungle was completely martial No one is allowed to enter.
The dense forest is filled with countless figures and is preparing for it.
Around the huge forest nursery, there are chairs and stools.
Underground forces from all sides came towards this jungle.
Under the Sossusvlei Desert, Henry took a deep breath and listened quietly to Xuan Tian ’s
words. For Henry, that was a treasure. Every cultivation experience, a breakthrough in the
bottleneck It ’s al important.
"Practice together, one person can only practice one kind of exercise for life. If you want to
give up, you must abolish the whole body. If you choose to destroy the world catalog, you
should remember a word of destruction, no fear in your heart, when an enemy comes to me
The trend of extinction, the direction of the heart, the reed is ready! The key point, I have
explained that you go up, practice three articles, come to me. "
Henry nodded, got up and walked to the highest platform, then jumped and jumped out.
Out of the cage.
It has been a month since Henrygang entered the prison, and the weather in Africa has
gradual y become hot. The fiery sun shines on the sand without any resistance, making the
whole Sossusvlei desert hot like a stove.
Henry stood quietly above the desert, constantly remembering what Xuan Tian said, and
took a deep breath.
The word annihilation means that there is something in front of you, so you can clear it
Henry took a deep breath and let Qi run in the body as described on the first page of the
catalog, and then punched out.
A lightning flashed above the capital, and it was only until noon, but because of the sky
clouds, many people turned on the bright lights at home.
The drizzling rain fell from the sky.
"Anshi Tingmei is here!" A loud voice rang at the entrance of the jungle. This jungle also
welcomed the first underground force except the three in Beijing.
White Rose walked over in a tight combat uniform, and Miao Man's figure was
unobtrusively outlined. White Rose took only two people with him. When he came in, he
first greeted everyone and then walked to the forest. Sit down on the outer chair.
Ji Shouyi, the first master of the Ji family, Jiang Shen, the owner of the Jiang family, and Bai
Yuntian, the owner of the Bai family, also sat beside the forest at this time. The disciples of
the three major families al stood around and looked straight.
In the sky, light rain fell, no one was holding an umbrella, and the air was cold.
"Xiaojiazhuang Zhuangzhu, Xiaoxinghe is here!"
Another shout came from the entrance of the jungle.
Xiao Xinghe walked alone from the entrance, looked around, and the people who rushed to
the three bowed slightly, and then sat on the outermost seat.
There were loud shouts one after another from the entrance of the jungle, and one figure
after another walked in, then chose the most suitable position for him and sat down.
Above the Sossusvlei Desert.
Standing under the scorching sun, Henry control ed the Qi in his body and merged into the
With the sound of "boom", Henry finally integrated a ray of qi into the meridian of his right
arm. It took him three hours to integrate the light into this ray of qi.
When the ray of air merged into the meridian, the quicksand under Henry suddenly burst
into flames.
"Change the environment around you with qi!" Henry's face showed a happy look, "This skil
is real y powerful."
Henry can now clearly feel the powerful sense of power on his arm.
"The first success was the slowest. Next, it will be much easier." Henry breathed his breath
again, looking for the feeling of just integrating qi into the meridians, and continued.
The first step in the World Extinction Catalogue is to integrate every vein in the body into
Beijing, dense forest, four o'clock in the afternoon.
The seats placed in the back row next to the forest nursery are close to full, and al major
underground forces have arrived.
The Nangong family in Yanjing is sitting in the second row, and the Yue family in Hangzhou
is also sitting in the second row. The first row is almost empty except for everyone in the
capital. Everyone knows clearly, There will definitely be someone to sit here.
Six pm.
Not only did the light rain over the capital not stop, but there was an intensifying trend.
The rainwater wetted everyone's clothes, but no one made a noise and sat here silently.
This ancient martial arts family meeting should have been a feast, but because of the end of
Guangming Island, the strong rise of the clan has evolved into what it is now.
A sudden burst of laughter broke the strange silence here.
"Hahaha, you Xiao people, haven't grown in so many years, the strength is still so bad!"
The laughter came from the entrance of the jungle.
The two figures approached quickly towards this side, and both of them walked in the air.
This scene alone saw the eyes of many underground forces present.
Walking in the air, in their eyes, this is a fairy means!
Both men are middle-aged, "Are you laughing at me Shaw did not grow, you Su's not the
same, to let me see, how your strength!"
The two men into a battle with bare hands in the air, the presence of large fast enough
Some people couldn't see clearly. One person shot a palm and directly broke a big tree
across the waist. This kind of power al owed people from all underground forces to take a
The people at the helm of the three major families in Beijing squinted at the two people in
the sky. These two people appeared in this form. They just wanted to show their strength.
"Your palm is not good, look at me!" The other person shouted, and also shot a palm, but
this palm was aimed at the crowd of underground forces beside the forest.
Ji Shou snorted, grabbed a wooden stool, and threw it into the air.
The wooden bench flew halfway, and then suddenly split apart, it was affected by the palm
just shot by the man, and the man's anger was offset by the wooden bench thrown by Ji
Shouyi. "If the two of you want to fight, you can go to another place to fight." Ji Shouyi said.
Phase, as they looked at the sky and opt for close hand, a person keep a red Kyi shouted: "!
We want to play where and when you need to ask the meaning of"
another man looked around a week, also shouted: "al of you , Leave here quickly! "
The people of the major underground forces were scolded in this way, and their faces could
not be held a little, but they dare not refute. The two people in front of them showed too
much strength. The magic of the line does not mean that the power of a big tree can be
broken off from the sky, and the speed is so dazzling that all these underground forces can't
afford to resist.
The people sitting next to the forest nursery looked at each other, and final y gathered their
eyes on the three people in the capital.
Ji Shouyi looked at the two of them with a hand, "This is the place where the ancient Wu
family meeting is held!"
"The ancient Wu family meeting? This kind of broken stuff, and also the meeting?
Laughing personally!" Xiao's man, directly Stretching out his hand and striding across, he
suddenly rushed towards Ji Shou. His speed was more rapid than before.
The crowd had not yet reacted to what had happened, and Xiao's had already reached Ji
"When is it possible for the clan to be unruly!" With a shout, a silver spear rang from behind
Ji Shou, and there was a drizzle of rain. From behind Ji Shou, the cold came first, that cold
Mang's flashing gun head went straight to Xiao's man.
The Xiao's face suddenly changed, and his feet retreated two meters in a row, only to
escape the silver gun that suddenly hit.
A middle-aged man in a silver robe appeared slowly from behind Ji Shou. His appearance
was very ordinary, but his body exuded a mammoth trend.
The Xiao people looked at the silver robe, frowning, and said, "Yinpao! When are your
official people reaching out to the ancient Wu family!"
The man cal ed Yinpao, Standing the spear next to him, he said blankly: "You have been too
fierce lately. Let me declare a few rules."
"Rule?" Xiao's people sneered and said nothing again.
At the exit of the jungle, three long teams walked in from the entrance, and the most
advanced ones were Su Wen of the Su Family, Zhu Huatai of the Zhu Family, and Xiao
Mingxian, the current patriarch of the Xiao Family.
The three of them approached, natural y exuding a sense of selflessness.
Zhu Huatai smiled and looked at everything in front of him, "Since the silver robe has
appeared, we can't help but give it a look, so let's listen to this rule."
Su Wenwen nodded and said: "Yes, after al This clan is not the three of us. Now that the
birth of the clan is a necessity, this rule should be established in advance. "
Su Wenwen ’s remarks have a lot of meanings in it. The first is to remind Yinpao, three of
them, Not the three most important families of the clan, there are stronger ones.
Secondly, telling Yinpao Ke, the clan must be born, there is no need to target the three of
Shaw clan is a long Xiaoming Xian looks very kind person, "No rules, no standards, rules
this stuff, good early immediate early, early morning stand Wel , ha ha ha."
After three finish each other as one, Then they walked towards the center of the forest
nursery, and the clan children they brought were scattered around the jungle.
Sossusvlei Desert, the quicksand at the foot of Henry unceasingly bursts, exploding hole
after hole, and then buried by the quicksand again.
It can be seen that Henrylu's skin outside his clothes is red, and his qi and blood are soaring
as he integrates qi into the meridians.
Henry took a deep breath and suddenly screamed, then burst into a blast, and all the dust
on the ground rose.
Henry as a whole, at this moment, seemed to be exhausting all his energy. He col apsed on
the quicksand and gasped for a long time. He smiled with a smile on the corner of his
mouth. After hours of exhaustion, he finally merged his breath. Throughout the meridian,
the degree of danger is insufficient for outsiders.
Several times, Qi broke through Henry's meridians and drilled into his heart. That Qi was so
fierce that it was like a needle. If it really got into the heart, Henry would die.
Fortunately, however, a whirlwind appeared from the abdomen, resisting the gas that
burrowed into Henry's chest, making Henry complete the first step of this World
Extermination Catalog in astonishment.
Henry gasped hard, and then punched the ground with a punch, then returned to the
Xuan Tian has been sitting on the ground on the third floor al the time. When Henry
returned, he looked up and said, "Done?"
"Hmm." Henry nodded.
Xuan Tian's eyes showed an unexpected look, but the tone was still calm and said:
"Since you have finished training, you should also leave. During this time, I realized a lot.
The things you brought are enough for everyone to learn for a while. Recently, Don't come
back, I'll wait for the day when you become God's punishment. "
Henry looked at Xuantian and bowed deeply." Brother, thank you, I will definitely take the
position of God's punishment and take you away. " "
Xuan Tian laughed softly:" Hehe, you can't leave, let's not say for a while, you don't have to
learn our skil s to go out and be ashamed. In the end, I will teach you another trick, you are
optimistic, I cal this ... Destruction, magic sword! "
In the cloudless sky above the cage of the hel , a black gas suddenly condensed. The black
gas condensed into a smal sword, only thirty centimeters long, and condensed in less than
three seconds, and then dissipated into the world.
At the moment when the little black sword was small, a figure emerged from the desert and
disappeared into the desert at a very fast speed.
In the cage of the hell, Xuan Tian looked at Henry ’s back, and his smile grew more and
more, his eyes brought a trace of nostalgia and said: "In the beginning, you stood out from
the crowd, separated the ancient martial family and the clan, and let the spirit and the
eternal life I do n’t want to see it, I ’m worried about the coming of that day, but now, in this
world, there is this kid, even if that day really comes, there is no lack of resistance! "
At the entrance of the third floor, Sister Bo and others showed up, Al looked at the top of
the head.
"Boss, Henry is gone." The little man said aloud.
"Hey." Sister Bo sighed. "It's real y a bit reluctant to this kid."
"Yeah, can't abuse this kid, what fun, I hope he can live well outside, don't die so fast,
hidden Yes, that's not a simple place. "
Xuan Tian got up and looked at the top," How can a force that can stretch his hand
anywhere, but simple, but I have a hunch in my heart. "
" What hunch ? "The little man asked curiously.
"The powerful Qianyin Association for thousands of years is likely to suffer at the hands of
Henry, ha ha ha!" Xuan Tian laughed, then waved his hand, "Go, watch the TV
series! That set of dragons and 18 palms is a bit Meaning, I will study it and wait for the boy
Henry to come and give it to him. " Beijing, dense forest, 8pm.
The sky was completely dark, a few incandescent lamps shone around the forest, and the
light rain was stil fal ing.
Everyone has been sitting here for hours.
"White robe, if you have anything, just say it directly, there is no need to sell this pass!"
The former Xiao's man said aloud.
"Not in a hurry." Bai Paoke shook his head. "People take food as the sky. It is better to have
dinner after dinner time."
Jiang's children brought exquisite fast food and handed it to the present. everyone.
Except that Bai Pao Ke took the fast food and ate it slowly, the rest of the people did not
When Bai Pao Ke finished eating slowly, it was already half past eight.
"After the meal is over, just say anything!" Xiao's man said impatiently.
Bai Pao Ke smiled, and then said, "This time the rules are not aimed at any family, even the
ancient Wu family, or underground forces, or clan, together with the sharp blade, must all
abide by."
Bai Pao Ke stretched out a piece Finger, "First, you can no longer show the power of
crossing the border in front of ordinary people. This power, after our joint discussion, is
probably below the C level. To be precise, the speed you show cannot be faster than the
first level Athletes, the strength they show cannot be greater than the boxers of 75
kg, so you understand? "The
people listened to the white robe and did not speak.
"Second." Bai Paoke extended his second finger, "After dawn in the morning, until this time,
um ... at 8:30 in the evening, whether it is the clan or the ancient Wu family, including the
lowest level of underground forces No one can start any struggle. At this time until dawn,
you love to fight, just wipe the blood yourself, do you understand? "
Bai Pao Ke finished his speech, and looked at everyone deliberately, waiting for their
Everyone still looked back and forth, and no one spoke first.
"If you all understand, then I say the third point." Baipao stood up and looked around.
"Third, within the stipulated time, we will not make any actions that interfere with your
fight. Of course, if anyone violates the regulations, , I think, what is the consequence, your
leader should be very clear. "
Everyone of the ordinary underground forces looked back and forth and secretly nodded.
Now that the clan is strong, such a rule is equivalent to a constraint Lived in the clan.
"Now, give you three minutes to give your opinion. If there is no opinion, I will go first.
Your meeting will be held on your own." Baipao said.
On the scene, only the sound of rain falling to the ground, no one spoke.
Although the clan is strong, it has just been born now. The highest ranking on the scene is
nothing more than the ninth Zhu clan. In front of the Zhu clan, there are eight clan clan. Of
course, the Zhu clan will not make silly comments. Who will come out now?
Sound, who will become the first bird of the clan, Zhu's limelight is too strong now,
suppress the underground forces, but it is not a wise choice to fight against the white robe.
Time passes by one minute and one second.
Three minutes, say fast or not, slow or slow, in the breath of the people, it just disappeared.
"Since you don't have any opinions, then it is so decided. Next, it is your own time. The
people of our nine innings will not disturb." Bai Pao Ke grabbed his silver gun and flashed
his figure, He left here.
At the moment Bai Pao Ke left, many underground forces secretly relieved himself,
although Bai Pao Ke did not deliberately put any pressure on them , But the white robe
standing here gives them a feeling of breathlessness. This feeling will only appear when
facing the strong who is far beyond their own.
The rain is getting bigger and bigger.
"Hahaha!" Su Wenwen laughed, "Old friends of the ancient Wu family, we have the same
roots hundreds of years ago. Now that we haven't seen each other for so long, we know less
and less of each other. I would like to make a sample first. "
Su Wenwen said, and made a wink at a young man behind him," Northern Jiangsu, you go,
and say hello to your seniors. "
The youth cal ed Northern Jiangsu by Su Wenwen, about 20 About two years old, 1.8
meters tall and handsome in appearance, he bowed slightly, "Yes, the master."
Northern Jiangsu stepped forward, glanced at everyone present, then smiled slightly,
"Everyone, Northern Jiangsu Su, come to ask for advice "
" It's rude! "Su Wenwen scolded," Who are you standing here, asking whom to ask, do you
want to fight in front of your predecessors! "
" It is North Jiangsu to be rude. "North Jiangsu slightly bowed, and then gave a palm
Photographed towards the central forest nursery.
Under this beat northern Jiangsu, countless Muzhi begins to fracture, a large open space
cleared out, went to the forest nursery center in northern Jiangsu, the channel again: "Su
North, and come for advice!"
Here are many underground The forces that can appear here today are all at the level of
leaders, but no one dares to accept the challenge of northern Jiangsu, just because northern
Jiangsu has just shown that hand, it is enough to crush them.
They final y understood why the incomparably powerful island of light would sink to the
bottom of the sea overnight. Although the hell lord was powerful, he did not have the
magical means of walking in the sky.
"I'm coming!" A young man from the Ji family's teeth jumped out.
"Oh." Su Beichong chuckled at the other party.
"What are you laughing at!" The young Ji family shouted.
Su Bei's face was ful of disdain, and he whispered in his mouth: "Garbage."
At nine o'clock in the evening, the entire Beijing city was already covered by a dark curtain.
After a day of continuous drizzle, people's moods also followed the haze. , People go home,
turn on the TV, nest on the sofa, and watch some TV shows boringly.
In the rainy night, a group of six people stepped in the rain, and the black umbrella blocked
their faces.
Occasionally, pedestrians who rushed to avoid rain saw these six people, all of them like a
ghost, and ran away in a big step. On the trajectory of these six people, there was a slight air
flow. If you look carefully, the rain is falling on their umbrel a When it was less than a
centimeter, it was drawn to the sides.
In the jungle.
Subei stood proudly in the forest, and beside him, he had already laid down seven children
of the family, and these seven people, without exception, all could not support him under
one stroke.
"I'm going to the bathroom." Sylvia sitting behind Su Wenwen suddenly stood up and said.
Su Wenwen didn't look at Sylvia, he was staring at the field with a smile on his face.
"Hey, boring, go to the toilet!" Zhu Huatai stretched his waist and got up, and said to Su
Wenwen, "Old Su, you Su's girl, look good, not as good as our two families Walk around? "
" Haha. "Su Wenwen laughed," I wish the patriarch to have this meaning, but I am
suspicious of Su Wenwen. "
" Lao Su, we can talk about this matter, my son, and we are about to get married. 'S
age. "Zhu Huatai waved his hand to Su Wenwen, and then strode away. in the bathroom not
far away, Sylvia stood in front of a public hand-washing sink, washing his face, and
expensive cosmetics were not washed away by the rain.
Zhu Huatai came over from the rear and unscrewed the tap. "Girl, do you have any paper? I
am used to being used by people. I didn't even bring paper to the toilet."
Sylvia smiled slightly and pulled a pack of tissues from his backpack. Seniors are concerned
about the world, and naturally they will not remember these little things. " "
Hehe. "Zhu Huatai laughed twice," You are real y beautiful, this little mouth is also sweet. "
Zhu Huatai said, reaching for the pack of tissues .
While wishing Huatai was about to grab the tissue, a big hand stretched out from the side
and grabbed the pack of tissues that Sylvia took out, "Oh, my stomach is also
uncomfortable, old wish, this pack of paper It ’s enough, I ca n’t do it anymore. I ’m going to
go advanced. ”
Su Wenwen grabbed a tissue and covered his stomach, rushing toward the bathroom with a
Zhu Huatai followed behind Su Wenwen on the spot and said, "Old Su, you need paper
towels, so that your baby girl can give you another pack, you have to grab some strength
with me."
"Haha. Su Wenwen laughed, ripped the paper towel, pulled half of it out continuously, and
handed it to Zhu Huatai. "Lao Zhu, I have to go first."
After that, Su Wenwen opened a pit gate and walked in to die. Deadlocked.
The first time he entered the door, Su Wenwen took out al the remaining half packs of
tissues in his hands and looked careful y.
Outside the bathroom door, Sylvia moved Qinglian, and the money came.
When she stepped out of the bathroom in one step, a small piece of plastic paper stained at
her feet fell in front of the bathroom door. Sylvia approached someone, who was the young
man who reported the situation to Zhu Huatai, and stooped to pick up the plastic paper.
Pack it in your pocket.
Sylvia returned to his seat again.
In the forest nursery, there are no family children to challenge North Jiangsu.
"Hahaha, I didn't expect this group of ancient martial artists to be so useless. Let me try
your skills!" A young man named Xiao Yi came out, named Xiao Yi.
Xiao Yi walked into the flower garden and was on the spot with the Northern Jiangsu War.
The two of them were inseparable. They each showed their strongest strength.
The underground forces around them were shocked.
A few minutes later, Su Wenwen and Zhu Huatai walked back.
"Yo, why did we fight Su and Xiao?" Su Wenwen deliberately showed a very surprised
expression and shouted, "Aren't these ancient Wu family's wastes al right?"
"Haha, Gu Wu Family, when did you go? "Zhu Huatai took the word out loud.
Xiao Mingxian, who was sitting aside, smiled and didn't speak.
"Okay, Subei, don't need to fight anymore. Since the seniors of the ancient Wu family dare
not fight, then forget it." Su Wenwen waved his hand.
Subei and Xiao Xiao stopped at the same time, and they al looked proudly at the major
underground forces.
Under the powerful momentum of these clans, all major underground forces have a feeling
of difficulty breathing.
Su Wensheng said loudly: "Since you predecessors don't want to narrate the old, then let
me Su Wenwen say a few words, just now, the official Nineth Bureau announced three
rules, then next, I Su Wenwen, also want to announce a few rules. "
Su Wen took a step forward, this step volley, and another step, as if walking a layer of
invisible steps, gradually walked over the sky M.
Su Wenwen looked condescendingly at the crowd.
Zhu Huatai turned his head, and Chong often said to the youth around him: "Zhu Yuan, I
want to have a relative with old Su Pan. You take my prospective daughter-in-law and go to
exchange feelings with Xiaofeng first."
"Yes." Zhu Yuan nodded, and then looked at a 17- or 18-year-old young man beside him,
"Master Feng, please go with me first."
"I will go, use you to say?" The youth stared at Zhu Yuan impatiently. Then, he took out a
cigarette in his mouth and saw a yellow tooth in his mouth.
"This girl, please follow me." Zhu Yuan looked at Sylvia.
"Lao Su, you promised my family, but you have to count." Zhu Huatai yelled above.
Su Wenwen carelessly waved his hand, "This girl, I wish you fancy you, I will send you as
your wife."
"Hey." Zhu Feng looked at Sylvia with a cigarette in his face, and the pair of frivolous
Sylvia's eyes swept up and down several times, "Little Beauty, tonight, I will let you know
my awesomeness."
Sylvia's eyes flashed ful of disgust, but he didn't say anything, fol owed Zhu Yuan and
turned to the side Go where no one else is.
Zhu Feng leaned to Sylvia and reached out to touch Sylvia. Sylvia deliberately accelerated
his pace and escaped Zhu Feng's salty pig hands.
Zhu Feng stood still for a while, then stared at Sylvia's back and smiled: "Hey, I like this hot
personality." The
three did not walk too far away, and can stil be seen in Su Wen's literature. In sight.
"Your request, the patriarch agreed, but there was a request." Zhu Yuan's voice subtly
passed into Sylvia's ear.
"What requirements?" Sylvia asked in a low voice.
Zhu Yuan did not directly answer Sylvia question, but asked: "? I understand that you and
the sunny island has a relationship it,"
Sylvia eyes reveal disdain. "Early does not matter"
. "Oh,"
Zhu Yuan kept paying attention to Sylvia's expression when he spoke. When there was no
change, he let his heart down.
What Zhu Yuan did n’t know was that after learning of Henry ’s death, Sylvia locked himself
in the house and hypnotized herself every second. During those days, she said to herself
Henry has been dead for countless times. From the beginning, howling and crying, he has
gradually become numb.
Zhu Yuan continued: "Before letting you own the Su family, our patriarch hopes that you
will stay with us as a patriarch's daughter-in-law, and will not cause you to suffer in the
Zhu family, if there is no problem, Even if our deal was reached. "
Sylvia turned his head and looked at Zhu Feng standing behind him, Zhu Feng sipped his
yellow teeth, and smiled at Sylvia, he was not tal , only about one meter six or five, in Men
definitely belong to the short class, and their appearance is very general.
Sylvia nodded, "No problem, but you have to be clear, the last drawing, I put it up, unless
you are sure that Su can give you the remaining drawings, otherwise you want to get the
most critical things, only Can I give you personally. " "Okay." Zhu Yuan said,
"Then wish us a happy cooperation. Next, let the young master come with you."
Zhu Yuan finished and walked aside.
On the side of the wind, rubbing his palms, he came down to Sylvia, "beauty, from today,
you are mine, hey hey."
Sylvia put one hand in his handbag and grabbed the cold Short daggers looked at Zhu Feng,
who was approaching. After a few seconds, she released her hand and smiled,
"Master Zhu, now, does the matter before me matter."
Sylvia's voice just fell, and he listened to the top of the forest Su Wenwen gave a big shout,
"From now on, al the ancient Wu family will have to listen to the dispatch of our clan, and
all rankings will also start from today, and it will not take effect anymore. "
Su Wen's dominance is condescending, glancing down.
Among the ancient Wu family, there was silence.
"I ask you, but there are opinions!" Su Wenwen said again, this time the tone is more severe
than before.
"Lao Su, don't be so aggressive." Zhu Huatai suddenly said, "You suddenly said such a rule,
how can you accept it, everyone just likes freedom, and then they form their own forces.
Let's let everyone listen to our dispatch. It's a bit overbearing. "
Zhu Huatai's voice came out, and many underground forces cast their eyes on Zhu Huatai in
good faith.
Unlike Su's and Xiao's strong appearances since they appeared, Zhu Huatai has always been
a man of words, but he has done nothing to suppress the underground forces.
Both Su and Xiao are showing their muscles.
Wenwen, who stood in the sky, heard this and frowned slightly, "Lao Zhu, what do you
mean?" "It doesn't mean anything." Zhu Huatai smiled, "Our clan has been hiding in the
world for so many years, it's not that To fight for something, just want to pass it on better,
harmony is the most important thing. "
Zhu Huatai looks like a good old man.
Su Wenwen's complexion changed continuously, and he took a deep breath at last.
"Lao Zhu, each clan has something that every clan wants. You wish the clan sink to
Guangming Island and get what you want. I naturally want to get what I want. I want it. "
Su Wenwen finished, no longer looking at Zhu Huatai, but facing the three great families," I
will ask you one last time, I said the rules, you have opinions! "
" Boom "sounded.
A lightning flashed across the sky, and the flashing electric light clearly printed the
expression on everyone's face.
"I ask you!" Su Wenwen raised his fist. "You, have opinions!"
There is a row of wooden huts around the forest garden, which is used for holiday picnics
on weekdays.
An old man in a purple robe stood at the window of the wooden house and said, "This Su
document is even more lethargic than we thought. Old man Jiang needs your shot."
"Wel ." The man in yellow robe The old man nodded and shook his cuffs. Behind him, he
carried a long pil ar-shaped object two meters long and half a meter wide, which was
covered with a layer of old cloth.
"Since you don't say it!" Su Wenwen's eyes flooded Hanmang, "then ..." In the wooden
house, the old man pushed open the door.
At this moment, a large black knife, with a trembling momentum, split from the darkness
and went straight to Su Wen.
"We are talking about the affairs of the ancient Wu family!"
Liu Dao's figure in black appeared in the eyes of everyone under this rainy night.
Under the rainy night, the six people each held up a black umbrella, led by the voice of the
man, and the weapons flying to Su Wen, all the major underground forces present People,
wide eyes.
In front of the wooden house, the old man in the yellow robe freezes there and smiles on
his face. "They are stil here."
Sylvia's body standing not far away suddenly shuddered at the voice of the man.
Although she didn't hear much, she also stopped You can hear who it is from!
The rain was fine and dense.
The black big knife split the air of Su Wen's footsteps, and was directly inserted on the
ground. The grievance on the blade of the blade made people goose bumps unconsciously.
"Who are you?" Su Wenwen looked at the coming six people, his brows frowned, even
though the evil spirit emitted from the black knife did not affect him, but he also made him
feel the part of it. Human momentum.
The person headed by the six people did not go to the Su literature, but said in a low voice:
"Tell me, which is the Zhu
Family !" Everyone present guessed the identity of the coming six people and
subconsciously looked at Zhu Huatai.
The six people al fixed their eyes on Zhu Huatai.
Su Wenxian looked at the six people he saw and Zhu Huatai. Then he smiled slightly and
stood aside. He didn't speak anymore. These people obviously came to trouble Zhu's family.
Say what.
Xiao Mingxian was stil sitting beside the old god, with a smile on his face.
Zhu Huatai face changed, and he real y did not think, even today, there are people to
challenge themselves, take a step forward, staring at the arrival of six people, "where
gangsters, dare I wish's clamor."
"Kill your people! "The headed person, with his arms swayed in the air, the black long knife
inserted in the ground, as if receiving some kind of suction, was directly taken back into the
hands by the headed person.
At this time, the six black umbrellas were released from their hands and slowly fell to the
ground. The face under the black umbrella was clearly revealed in everyone's eyes.
"Ren Tu!" The crowd looked at the person standing, even though they had guessed their
identity before, but they couldn't help but exclaimed.
The Ten Kings of Guangming Island, everyone is a legend of the underground world.
After learning that Guangming Island was sunk, everyone's first reaction was unbelievable.
Now, Ren Tu is back, outspoken to kill Zhu Shi, Guangming Island, stil the strong
Guangming Island!
After the six people from Wade White appeared, the underground forces present seemed to
have the backbone of their hearts. The underground world, the Holy Land of Bright Island,
is not just talking!
"Kill!" Wade White shouted, and the five others behind him al set off, rushing towards Zhu
Huatai at a very fast speed.
In the future, he gently waved his hands, and countless steel needles blasted toward Zhu
Huatai. This is a new weapon developed by her combined with modern technology and
Tangmen hidden weapon. Each steel needle contains a Powerful armored car completely
Wade White stepped into the air one step, brandishing a giant blade, and chopped towards
Zhu Huatai.
The action of Wade White's stepping into the sky made all the underground forces surging.
It turns out that it is not the clan that has such a fairy imperial means. The people of the
underground forces can also do it!
Facing Wade White's knife, Zhu Huatai did not choose to greet him directly, but made a
dodge action.
The clan that has been strong since coming came to dodge under the attack of Bright
Island! This scene is to see the blood boiling of the major forces. "Old Man Jiang, the
children of this bright island, the state is not right, your granddaughter ..." In front of the
wooden house, the old man in purple robe opened his mouth to the old man in yellow robe.
Yellow robe old man's face look with a hint of tension, "they upgrade their air force,
although able to get a huge power upgrade in a short time, can be complications, but also
very serious."
Purple robe old man frowned: "What is Let these children fight like this? "
" There is only one. "The old man in the white robe who had not spoken said," This time,
there is one less person in Guangming Island ... "
Six people in Wade White killed the crowd of Zhu's family, and in an instant, He took away
more than ten lives of Zhu's children, and Zhu Yuan, who was not far away, joined the battle
directly, while Zhu Huatai's son Zhu Feng was in fear and hid behind Sylvia.
Sylvia's eyes were fil ed with excitement, staring at the six people who arrived at
Guangming Island. The excitable look slowly disappeared at any time.
"Impossible! They are al here, Henry ... Henry ..." Sylvia tried to find Henry's shadow, but
Guangming Island only had six people to scan at a glance, and there was no Henry at all.
The hope that had just ignited in the woman's heart was shattered again.
"Why did the king not show up!" Some people noticed this. Henry was called the hel king.
Whenever there was a battle on the Bright Island, he must be led by the king, but today, he
did not see the hell king.
"Can it be that the island of light is really sinking. Only six kings survive on the island, and
the king is no longer there?" Someone said with a lonely expression on his face.
"Impossible!" Someone shook his head vigorously, "How can the king not be there!"
Henry is not only the strength leader of Guangming Island, but also the spiritual leader.
The Guangming Island where he is is the real Guangming Island.
Wade White's eyes were scarlet, even the black sword in his hand, with a light red light,
"Zhu Shi dog thief, today, I want you to pay for my brother's life!"
Wade White shouted, slashing toward Zhu Huatai with a knife, and a violent blade of
mantle radiated from the blade, with a reddish color, and the ground hay was all cut off
under this knife.
In the future and others, they al seem very irritable, but they don't have the pale red light
on Wade White's body.
In the future, Wade White looked at Wade White with a complicated look and sighed,
"Idiot, control emotions."
"Ah!" Wade White yelled back to the sky, his face ful of madness.
"Today, you must kil Zhu's!" Red hair made a low voice, squeezing the head of a Zhu's child,
and blood splattered, "In honor of your brother with your blood."
"Kill!" The knife kept spinning in the hands, like a fast-moving blood drop, and the children
of Zhu's family died after a touch.
Luna didn't speak, but the fierceness of her actions was no worse than others. The long
whip was covered with barbs. When the whip was thrown out, everyone should avoid
making three points.
"Let this wish, blood and blood repay!" Poseidon brandished his blue long sword and
brought the rain of the anime sky. He was the sea hegemon, and he felt strangely intimate
to the water when he felt his breath.
The drizzle in the hands of Poseidon turned into a Daodao blade.
An elderly old man, despite his gigantic stature, is not slow at all. The light island
housekeeper Pease, after many years, walked out of the light island for the first time and
restarted his killing.
The voices of the six populations of Guangming Island, let the people present all jumped
Could it be that the hell king, Lord of the Bright Island, is really dead?
The legend of the underground world, which once set off a revolution and overthrew the
hell king of the royal society, is it real y dead?
The words of the population of Guangming Island have already been answered.
White Rose can see the rain falling from his eyes. At first, the man used only one look to
scare the man whose legs are soft. Wil he really lose? Wil he really die?
Sylvia stood there, her pretty face was already wet, not seeing rain or teardrops.
"Shall I wish the Clan to pay for his life? Arrogance!" Zhu Huatai shouted. Although he
hadn't figured out what these people appeared in front of him now, as a clan, he was born
this time and wanted to crush the ancient martial arts. Family, naturally, it is impossible to
have a good theory with each other, and then talk about it first.
Zhu Huatai can see that these in front are just six metamorphic environments.
Metamorphosis is a little too weak for him.
Zhu Huatai held in the sky, the rain in the sky condensed into a water blade in an abnormal
state, one meter long, held in his hand, such a scene, once again refreshed the
understanding of the major underground forces.
"Junior, you are so crazy, I will educate you for your elders!" Zhu Huatai shouted loudly,
splitting the air on the white pool with the water blade, and then pierced the mouth of
Wade White with the water blade.
Wade White's eyes turned red, and he faced Zhu Huatai's attack without shitting, letting
that sword pierce himself, still wielding a knife to cut Zhu Huatai's head.
Zhu Huatai frowned, he quickly changed his tactics, and no longer pierced Wade White.
Even with that sword, even if he pierced Wade White, he would have to be injured more or
less. This time, Zhu's is to step on all with a winning stance. On the head.
Wade White's lifeless play makes Zhu Huatai feel a little tricky.
"Dog thief, I want you to pay for my brother's life!" Wade White failed, and once again
waved his sword towards Zhu Huatai.
"You are not worthy of being a patriarch's opponent!" Zhu Yuan rushed from the side and
drew a thin sword from his waist and picked it up against Wade White's sword.
"Go away!" A clear drink sounded, and Luna's long whip brought a burst of empty thoughts,
drawing straight to Zhu Yuan.
Zhu Yuan quickly waved his sword to resist, took over with the long whip, and brought up a
large area of Mars.
Wade White's re-cut knife went to Zhu Huatai without any hindrance. The red on the
knife's awn was more vivid.
"Slaughter you, I'm going to kil you!" Wade White shouted, a kind of madness.
The Shouling family, accompanied by the king for life, the king's eyes must be where the
sword is directed.
Henry wished his family a battle in the first place, chased down the middle-aged Mr.
Heishan of Zhu Family, and then smashed his mobile phone to start the island wandering
plan. Since that day, Henry never contacted Guangming Island again. Wade White and
others let Ferret Sihe Hongfa sent out countless people, looking for Henry's news, but
unfortunately could not find anything.
Henry's no news, so Wade White and others have been holding a fire in their hearts, just
wait for today!
The red light began to spread in front of Wade White's blade, and gradual y spread to Wade
White. The red light in his body became more and more intense.
Former huts in the distance, and the purple robe old man shouted yellow robe old man
eyes wide open, "how could! The child's breath, Conghua shaped territory, has been to
climb throughout the condensable gas!"
"Shou Ling family, this talent on different He is full of hostility in his heart, and is affected
by foreign objects. Now his strength is rapidly rising, but the backlash is also very large.
"The old man in white robe looked at Wade White and said in his mouth.
"Old White Man, don't you plan to control? The Shouling family, although it is a clan, is not
the same as other clan, should you have always been in contact?" Asked Mr. Jiang.
"Oh." Old man Bai smiled and scratched his beard. "Heirs of the Shouling family, don't
worry about me yet."
"Wade White, control your emotions!" With a loud shout, the complex look in his eyes grew
stronger and stronger.
After the island wandering plan was started, and everyone on the island was practicing
urgently, Wade White found the future. He wanted to use the power of technology to help
him quickly improve his strength.
In the future, I also understood the state of Wade White and knew that Wade White had
fallen into a magical obstacle because of Henry's affairs. If he didn't help him, he would trap
himself in a thinking dilemma and could not get out.
In the future, I thought about it again and again, and final y handed a small piece of fire
crystal to Wade White, and told Wade White that the energy contained in the fire crystal
was extremely mysterious and aggressive, and told the scene that Henry ’s abdomen
cyclone was occupied by fire crystal. Use white pool carefully.
But looking at the future now, Wade White apparently did not listen to his words, he has
been affected by Huo Jing.
When the red light covered Wade White's whole body, Zhu Huatai couldn't help but be
cautious. He could clearly feel that the young man's anger in front of him approached
himself, and he also felt a heart palpitation on him. eccentric.
Wade White cut it with a knife, and even the ground was cracked by Wade White, and it
stopped only after spreading for a distance of four or five meters. The violent red mansions
swept out more than ten meters, and the trees blocking the front, All of them were cut off
neatly and the incisions were neat, showing the sharpness of the gas.
Zhu Huatai reached out and waved, countless raindrops condensed into a water sword,
under his command.
"Go!" Zhu Huatai reached out his hand, and Shui Jian straightened away the red sword,
which canceled each other out in the air.
I wish Zhu Huatai had more attention in his eyes, "Junior, you are not old, there are still a
lot of these weird means, forcibly enhance your own strength, this secret method, I am
afraid that only cults have it. ! "
white pool at the moment, has been completely ignored in what Zhu Huatai said, his eyes
full of intention to kill, just want to be in front of people, cut the sword.
Wade White waved his sword, and split three qiangs in a row. When the qiang came out,
the faces around him al changed.
Wade White's three swordsmanship are not purely aimed at Zhu Huatai alone, including
dispersing the surrounding Zhu's children, but also Wade White's goal.
I wish Huatai can block Wade White's swordmand, and the rest of them do not have such
strength, especial y those underground forces. This level of battle is hard to hear.
If they participate, they will not even qualify for cannon fodder.
Two young disciples of Zhu Qi's imperial realm were passed by Daomang, and even before
the screams were made, they were cut with a knife and shed blood.
The rain is getting bigger and bigger, pouring down, flushing the blood from the ground.
The major underground forces are al far away from this place. This kind of battle, they are
not qualified to watch even close.
hree swordsmanship, with Wade White as the center, cut in three different directions.
Three cracks appeared on the ground, which were deeper and longer than when Wade
White had just cut a knife.
The red awn on Wade White's body is getting stronger and stronger. His strength is gradual
y increasing with the passage of time. At the same time, his whole person is becoming more
and more violent. You can see from the three swords he now emits Out, he has not only
targeted Zhu Huatai alone, he has also been implicated in the many underground forces on
the side.
"Junior, wanton!"
Two cheers sounded together, coming from both sides, waved the sword gas emitted by
Wade White, these two men, both holding gas-shaped weapons in their hands, were both
masters of gas condensing.
Su Wenwen and Xiao Mingxian looked at each other, and the ranking of these two groups
was lower than that of the Zhus, the 10th of the Sus and the 11th of the Xiaos.
Among the Xiaos, only Xiao Mingxian reached the condensing atmosphere, while the Sus
had three.
At present, there are three people in Zhu's condensed gas environment on the bright side.
There are definitely more than a few condensed gas masters in Zhu's family.
Xiao Mingxian said: "
Brother Su, I think that our two families can move around in the future." "Xiao Xiandi
invited me, and Su Wenwen was so flattered that he would definitely visit." Su Wenwen
laughed loudly.
"Brother Su is willing to come in person, it is my blessing of Xiao Mingxian."
The meaning of the two people is very clear. The strength that Zhu Jia now shows has
exceeded the expectations of the two. Now the clan, a total of three of them are born,
although When this early bird emerges, it is also the best time to compete for resources.
If Zhu Clan is left unattended, the two families will inevitably be suppressed by Zhu Clan in
many places.
Three condensed gas masters surrounded Wade White. Although the situation was three-
to-one, in terms of momentum, it was the rising star of Wade White, which was even better.
Wade White's body glowed with red light, and the things exuded on it made the three Zhu's
gas masters feel al goose bumps.
"Take him!" Su Wenwen shouted, and the three masters of condensed gas were killed in
three different directions towards Wade White.
Facing the three condensed gas masters, Wade White showed no fear and waved his long
The three Zhushi condensate masters were forced to retreat by the sky full of swords just
after halfway through. Not because of Wade White's offensive means, but because of the
changes in Wade White, they can clearly feel that the knife light split by Wade White is
stronger than one, and the last one even exceeds the first knife. Power, and the Qi machine
on Wade White is still magnifying, and it is now about to enter the mid-term strength of
Condensed Gas.
If Wade White is al owed to continue to be strong at such a speed, even if the three masters
of Zhu Qi make joint efforts, I am afraid they will lose.
Wade White's roar sounded.
"White Pool!" The future repulsed the opponent in front of him and shouted.
"Dead! All die!" Now Wade White has obviously lost his mind. He can't listen to anyone's
words. His pupils are full of red mans. It is very strange, and it makes people feel terrified at
a glance.
More than ten swordsmanship forced the three condensed gas masters to retreat.
"Don't keep your hands, cut him." Su Wenwen shouted. He just noticed that the eyes of the
underground forces are gradually no longer in the awe of the previous ones. If the
young man in front of him can't take it for a long time, I want to stand up, I am afraid It's
In the hands of the three people, a pale red gas awn appeared at the same time. This light
red gas blast came out of the hands of the three, and then spread together to form a large
net and head towards the white pool.
The means of attack they are now showing is completely unimaginable by the major
underground forces.
The red Qimang emitted by Zhu Huatai's three people is very close to the color of Wade
White's body, but compared to the Qimang emitted by the three people, the red Qi's body is
more enchanting.
"Kill kil kill kill kil !" Wade White roared in the mouth, waving his blade continuously.
This time, the knife gas did not radiate like that before, but overlapped and condensed in
front of the white pool. When the knife gas was dazzling red, it suddenly rushed out and
easily broke the red big condensed by Zhu Huatai. Net, and cut into the sky without
The white rose standing in the distance suddenly felt a pain in his cheek and reached out to
find out that there was a cut on his face. It was clearly 30 meters away from the battlefield,
and was even affected.
The surrounding trees, some fake leaves carved out of plastic, also split from the middle
and fel to the ground.
Even the vast rainwater has isolated a large area, so that the white pool and the area above
him have formed a vacuum zone. These powers, not to mention those underground forces,
that is, the major clans, are a little surprised.
"Slaught you! Slaught you!" Wade White growled loudly, as if he had fallen into a frenzy
stage, his momentum was stil rising, blood vessels stretched on the surface of his skin, a red
blood, looking at the extra infiltration.
Zhu Huatai showed dignity in their eyes. They dared not fight with Wade White anymore. If
they wanted to kill with ful force, it would not be impossible, but they wanted to kill Wade
White in the state of being as dead now. You also have to be seriously injured. If you do it in
a place where no one is there, you can do it. But not only are there so many underground
forces watching, but also two starving wolves, Su and Xiao, stare. If the strength is
impaired, it may be tomorrow night that the people of Su's and Xiao's will kill Zhu's
"Little friend, I don't know who you are screaming for revenge for. We, Zhushi, ask
ourselves that there is no dispute with you." After thinking about it, Zhu Huatai chose to
serve temporarily.
As soon as Zhu Huatai's attitude came out, the people of the major underground forces al
showed joy on their faces. The Bright Island, or the Bright Island, was so strong that it
allowed the clan to bow its head.
At the same time, the major underground forces are also puzzled. This bright island is the
sinking of the Zhus. Why did the Zhus say such words again, and those outsiders are
rumored? But it is wrong to say that the rumors are right. The great kings of Guangming
Island have made it clear that they should pay homage to the king with the blood of the
Zhu Huatai is subdued, but Wade White in the current state can't even hear what he said. In
Wade White's heart, only the people in front of him are beheaded.
"You Zhushi, kill my elder brother, today, we need your blood debts and blood, our bright
island, never, never let go of any enemy!" Ferris shouted, a red blood claw, from before him
Appeared, and directly arrested a child of the Zhu family.
Zhu Huatai suddenly understood that these were the people of the Bright Island. They were
a little difficult to accept. An ordinary underground force could be so strong.
Guangming Island as an underground force, showing the strength, beyond the expectations
of the three major clans, at the same time, also let the three major clans present, feel It's a
It's not that the power of Wade White makes the three major clans afraid, and the
patriarchs of the three major clans can al see that the status of Wade White, including those
from Guangming Island, are al forcibly promoted. , Can not have a fundamental impact on
the clan, but the current situation is very wonderful, there are only three clan in total, if a
clan is affected by the island of light, then the remaining two clan, absolutely Won't do
At this point, Su Wenwen, Zhu Huatai, and Xiao Mingxian al knew it well.
Wade White is already in a state of madness, and he ca n’t hear the words of Zhu Huatai ’s
clothing softly. The blood-red knife is cleaved by his lifeless madness. The more power he
uses now, the greater the impact on him. The body's load is far beyond his own strength.
Not only is the blood vessel bursting red, but also the skin is as red as boiling water.
In the face of the white-out of Wade White, Zhu Huatai and the three did not choose to face
up to the head, and now the attack intensity of Wade White has reached a level that can
hurt them.
Zhu Huatai evaded Wade White ’s attack while making a decision in his heart. It is no longer
necessary to stand up for power. If the battle continues, it will definitely hurt the roots and
be used by the remaining two groups. , And then help God Yin to carry this matter.
Zhu Huatai escaped a sword and said, "You, listen to me and explain to you, we have a big
misunderstanding between you and your bright island. It is not our wish to sink your island
The people of Shi, but ... "
Zhu Huatai didn't finish his words, so he heard a drink, sounded from above, penetrated the
rainy night, and rang in everyone's ears.
"Remains of the island, illegal violations, abuse of forbidden skills, kil !"
The sound was like a golden bel . When it sounded, everyone looked up.
I saw that four people in red robes covered their faces and stood in the sky in four different
A very strong oppression spread out from the four people, even those masters of qi are
somewhat difficult to breathe.
"God's punishment ..." Su Wenwen looked at the four people who came to the sky and
Xiao Mingxian, who had always maintained a gentle smile, had changed his face at the
The four people who arrived were Zhu Lan who put Henry into the cage of hell.
Under the bird's eye view of the volley of the four people, when looking at the white pool,
they are seriously with a deep greed. They are very clear that these people's strength
increase is not a forbidden technique, but supported by the huge spirit stone Did it.
Ordinary imperial masters, a smal piece of spirit stone, can be used for a lifetime, and under
the huge and abundant energy of spirit stone, they can let this kind of body spirit overflow
the table.
The four Zhu Lan licked their lips greedily. In the information they know, there are at least
dozens of spirit stones in Guangming Island. Such a huge amount is enough for the four of
them to enter the late stage of condensed gas, no, even It's not impossible at the beginning
of the gods!
"Remains of the island, die!" Zhu Lan screamed together, almost at the same time, holding
Qi Qibing in their hands, killing Wade White from the air from four different directions.
Zhu Lan and others did not wish Huatai to be as concerned. Today, as long as people who
can catch Guangming Island can pay a big price, it is worth it.
The four Zhu Lan's reckless shots, the resulting power, is far from being comparable to the
three of Huatai.
The four-meter-long crescent-shaped sword gas was waved out by Zhu Lan and the others,
with a violent wind breaking sound and a cutting force that made people feel palpitations
at a glance, rushed towards Wade White.
In the face of a powerful attack by four people, Wade White can't avoid it. In his eyes, there
is only one way to deal with anyone, and that is to cut it off.
"Be careful!" Seeing Wade White turned a blind eye to such an attack, he shouted anxiously
in the future, burst out two tongues of fire, and drove toward one of his swords, which was
enough to hit both armored vehicles with bullets and hit the sword When he was angry, he
did not produce any trace of effect. Before he exploded, he was cut in half by a sharp sword
Redhead quickly hit a wall of air standing in front of Wade White, trying to help Wade
White resist the attacked sword energy, but before the wall was completely formed, he was
cut off by sword energy.
In the final analysis, whether it is future technological means or red hair, the real strength
of the two of them is only the Qiqi Realm, even if the strength is temporarily upgraded to
the shape through the Lingshi, if you want to condense with Zhu Lan Master confrontation
is still too much.
At the beginning, Henry, it was a solid and solid transformation strength. When facing Zhu
Lan, they were completely crushed.
The fighting methods mastered by Zhu Lan and others are completely different from those
on Guangming Island.
If it is said that killing people by hand, the people of Guangming Island, it is possible to get
rid of several streets such as Zhu Lan, but it can be said that fighting in the form of qi. These
people in Guangming Island, including Henry, are just a beginner. Is far less flexible than
Zhu Lan and others.
Four sword swords hacked in front of Wade White, and the ground on which Wade White
stood stood a crack in the road.
The people of the major underground forces looked at the four swords with a horrified look
and split into the white pool, al worried.
In any case, Guangming Island belongs to the category of underground forces. Those
present are still more inclined to be able to win.
A cloud of dust was lifted in front of Wade White, completely covering it up, and the sword
energy of Zhu Lan's four men was too powerful.
Everyone's eyes are now focused on where Wade White stands. They don't know if such a
powerful four-person attack will be able to carry the attack of Guangming Island, the owner
of the slaughter king.
The rain in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a sense of sight.
The dust and smoke around Wade White was quickly covered by rain.
Wade White's figure also reappeared from the dust and smoke in the eyes of everyone.
"It's great, the King Tu Ren is undefeated!" One exclaimed in surprise.
"Although it is undefeated, but ..." One person's expression was extremely worried.
"Huh! Huh!" Wade White gasped heavily, holding a long black knife in his hand, his blade
inserted into the ground, supporting Wade White to stand here.
Although it was a blow from four people, but for Wade White, it was already the limit. It can
be seen that his black clothes were full of cracks, and his skin was covered with dense and
smal wounds. .
The state of Wade White , there is obviously no way to bear the punishment of the gods to
make another attack. The dense wounds are shocking.
"There are three points of tenacity, the remnants of the bright island, die!"
Zhu Lan drank again, and the four attacked again. This time, it was no longer one person
with one sword, but one person with two swords. Block all directions of Wade White's
body and form an angle to cut towards Wade White.
Faced with these eight sword spirits, Wade White could only stand on the spot, and he
could see that his legs were trembling. This was not fear or excitement, but his muscles
were on the verge of collapse.
The forcible acquisition of power original y put Wade White itself under tremendous
pressure. At the moment, he was attacked by Zhu Lan's four people. He can't stand a blow,
it is already incredible, and he can still stand here now. It's all because of his muscles.
In the future, flames will be sprayed under the feet, and the whole person will fly towards
the place where Wade White is located, and they will be brought to hide.
The four redheads also put on air masks one after another to stop the sword qi that Zhu
Lan split.
"Hurry up!" Alex shouted.
The red-haired four tried their best, but the strength gap was too great. The long whip
drawn by Luna was easily cut off by the sword energy, and the sword strength was not
reduced. He went straight to Wade White.
At this time, the future rushed to Wade White and pul ed Wade White to flash to the side.
"Let's die together." Zhu Lan sneered, palms spread, a blue gas net formed next to the
future, directly buckling the future into this big net.
The future in the blue gas net, let alone dodge with the white pool, she herself, there is no
way to escape the attack range of the eight sword qi.
Four people in Zhu Lan, al with smiles in their eyes, abolish these people, ask where the
light island is, snatch the spirit stone, and wait for the next rating of the Shenyinhui.
The four of them can definitely climb one in their current position. Section.
Faced with these eight sword qi, the red-haired four were powerless even if they were
anxious. They did not have a propel er like the future. They couldn't even keep up with the
speed of the sword qi. They watched the eight sword qi and that Zhang blue gas net col
Then, a strong wave of air spread around Wade White and the ground where the future
stood, and the eight sword qi blasted together. The resulting power made the place where
Wade White stood suddenly col apse, and the ground cracked and cracked.
Around the place, where the Qi waves passed, several children of the Zhu family in Qiqi
were overturned. Redheads and others were also pushed by the Qi waves more than ten
meters away and placed on the table beside the forest nursery. The chair has long been
transformed into debris powder under the power of this gas.
Dust and smoke billowed straight up into the sky, even in the downpour, it was impossible
to suppress the dust and smoke for a while.
The four people Zhu Lan gradually fell from the air. They were confident. This man and a
woman who were struck by Jian Qi would definitely die.
The four masters of condensed gas have no room to shoot, even if Wade White is real y a
condensed gas environment, there is no possibility of survival.
The redhead, who was overturned by the air wave, quickly climbed up and rushed towards
the billowing place.
Zhu Lan glanced at the four people, gently waved his hand, and drank lightly in his mouth.
With the exit of the word "Go" , another sword spirit was cut out by Zhu Lan and went
straight to the four red-haired people, blocking the forward steps of the four red-haired
The remaining three gods punished, and walked leisurely towards the place where the
smoke was. The sky is lit by a flash of lightning, which shocks everyone in the room, fears,
Bright Island, is this real y a defeat, so many strong enemies, one after another, these four
just appeared Everyone has a fabulous ability.
The heavy rain was even fiercer, and the blood stains on the ground were washed away.
Even such heavy rain could not cover the bloody smel spreading in the air. Many disciples
of the Zhu family had already died on the ground.
The people of the major underground forces are staring at the place where smoke is rising,
expecting that there may be some kind of miracle.
The smoke gradual y fell, and a figure appeared vaguely in the smoke.
When I saw the figure in the smoke, there were several leaders of the underground forces
who couldn't help but make cheers.
Red hair and others also showed a look of ecstasy.
The four Zhu Lan looked at each other suspiciously, and walked towards the figure under
the smoke.
A faint voice sounded in the smoke, "Do you four old things, bully a child, and still have a
At the moment of hearing this voice, the four Zhu Lan stopped all together.
The three old men standing in front of the wooden house in the distance were al shocked.
The old man in white robe smiled and said, "Look, I said, the descendants of the Shouling
clan don't need me to worry. Although this clan has a small number of people, but the
degree of protection is short, but no clan can catch up."
Zhu Lansi People, looking at the figure in the dust with a solemn face, "Who are you?"
"Me?" A figure gradual y came out of the dust, he was about one meter seven or five meters
tall, wearing this one in the weather in November A white vest, a pair of cropped trousers,
but a pair of slippers on his feet, an indecent look, he has a bearded beard, a cigarette in his
mouth, and a cigarette butt under the night sky, "You bully my son , I can still be the old
man? Otherwise, you really are Baijiangnan, a dead person? "
At the moment of hearing this name, Zhu Lan and his four people showed a look of panic at
the same time, just because, this name is so loud!
The system of force has existed since ancient times, not only in the underground world,
because force is divided into several levels, and among clans, it is also divided into levels by
The fifteen clan is a powerful presence in the eyes of the lower clans. However, when you
enter the fifteen clan, you will find that the fifteenth clan is different from the first clan in
cloud mud, and even every one of the clans is higher. The levels are al essentially different.
On top of the fifteen clan, there is also a Chinese organization. For this organization, the
clan calls it the guardian.
Between the guardian and the Shenyinhui, the same thing is done. General y speaking, the
balance between the clan and the family is maintained. The difference is that the
Shenyinhui is global, and the guardian is only for China. .
The position of the guardian in the clan is just like that of Guangming Island among the
major underground forces.
The name of Baijiang South is exactly the same as the title of Wade White on Guangming
Zhu Lan looked at Bai Jiangnan, severely swallowed saliva, then spoke up: "Bai Jiangnan,
you are a guardian of one of your offspring, adding ordinary ground forces, a breach ......"
Zhu Lan would not finish , Was interrupted by Bai Jiangnan.
"I'm happy, can you control it?"
Bai Jiangnan is willing to say that Zhu Lan is speechless.
In terms of strength, Bai Jiangnan can have that kind of status among the clan, which is
naturally not comparable to the four Zhu Lan, but from the current state of Bai Jiangnan, it
can be seen that he has just resisted the Zhu Lan four The eight sword spirits are just like a
good person, even without any dust on his body.
Zhu Lan glanced at the other three god punishments, and the three god punishments did
not dare to say a word.
Ordinary people have world groups of ordinary people, and underground forces have
underground forces. Similarly, Yuqi also has a world group of qi. Other people do n’t know
the name of Bai Jiangnan, but in this world group based on the qi state However, Baijiang
South has a well-known name.
Bai Jiangnan looked at Zhu Huatai, Su Wenwen, and Xiao Mingxian and laughed: "The three
of them are really so elegant. They have nothing to do with their leisure time. Do they jump
out and find a sense of existence? Why bother with these ordinary underground forces? "
Zhu Huatai looked at each other without a word.
Bai Jiangnan snorted coldly, and just about to speak, he heard a cry from behind him.
"Uncle, please take a look at
Wade White !" Bai Jiangnan suddenly looked behind him. Now that the smoke has
dispersed, the ground where Wade White is standing in the future will collapse into one,
and the ground beneath his feet will crack. At this moment, Wade White has been released.
With the big black knife in his hand, he was covered with blood, and countless smal mouths
were covered with blood. He fell into the future, his eyes closed, his breath weak.
Bai Jiangnan walked quickly to Wade White's body, grabbed Wade White's wrist, and
placed his finger on Wade White's pulse. Half a minute later, Bai Jiangnan breathed a sigh of
relief and said, "Jiang, are you studying again? A new thing came out, and there was a rush
of gas in this kid again, affecting his nerves. "The future pursed his lips and said nothing.
"Okay, I know you follow my brother. You hide a lot of secrets. You don't want to say
anything. Go back and give the kid two narcotics. He will wake up tomorrow." Bai Jiangnan
waved his hand. "This kid, there are a few We divide the blood of the Shouling family. "In
future, when people heard Bai Jiangnan's words, they al breathed a sigh of relief. Since Bai
Jiangnan said it was okay, then Wade White would have no problem, just some skin trauma.
For them this kind of lick For bloody people, skin trauma is equal to no injury.
Zhu Lan ’s eyes continued to linger on the people of Bai Jiangnan and Guangming Island.
After a long silence, he suddenly opened his mouth as if he had made a decision. "Bai
Jiangnan, you let your descendants join the ordinary underground forces.
Not yet, but today, it is an internal problem of our God Hidden Society. Although you are a
guardian, you are not qualified to intervene in our God Hidden Society. Henry violated the
God Hidden Society ’s regulations without permission. We are taking a sentence against
him. A few days ago, it was announced that his power would come to take over when our
gods came. "
Zhu Lan's words came out, and the expressions of the people present al changed in unison.
All along, in the rumors of the underground forces, the Zhus sank Guangming Island, but
now it seems that the matter of the Guangming Island has nothing to do with the Zhus, but
this organization that claims to be a hidden society of God, and this person He said that he
sentenced the hell king, that is to say, the disappearance of the hell king was also caused by
these people!
The eyes of the future and others immediately locked on Zhu Lan, his eyes full of hatred.
Sylvia's complexion has also changed slightly. She has always thought that the matter of
Guangming Island is related to the Zhu family, so she has always fought among the Zhu
family and the Su family, but now it seems that this matter It doesn't seem to have anything
to do with Zhu's family. In this way, isn't everything you do is doing useless work?
Do not! Not all! Sylvia stood there and squeezed the powder fist. The Zhu family had more
or less grievances with Guangming Island. The Zhu family slaughtered the Zhu family.
Henry had a battle with the Zhu family.
Bai Jiangnan listened to Zhu Lan's words and chuckled, "You guys of the God Hidden
Society are not good birds."
"How do we God Hidden do things, naturally you don't need you Bai Jiangnan to judge."
Zhu Lan said, he has been They all put the Shenyinhui in their mouths, just to let Bai
Jiangnan throw the mouse away, "Now we are doing things inside the Shenyinhui, please
give up Baijiangnan."
Baijiangnan shrugged, "OK, you god What I will do, I ca n’t control it, but I just have to take
my brother ’s staff to do something. I am a person who always likes to bully people.
Although your god will come first, I still want to busy me first Do you have any opinions on
this matter? "
" You! "Zhu Lan's expression was anxious.
"Huh?" Bai Jiangnan snorted coldly, an invisible coercion went straight to Zhu Lan.
Zhu Lan retreated two steps subconsciously.
"Why, do you have an opinion?" Bai Jiangnan asked again.
Zhu Lan had strong dissatisfaction in his eyes, but he dared not directly refute Bai Jiangnan,
"The people you want to take away are related to our God Hidden Society.
We God Hidden will have the right to know what your guardian wants to do. "
What to do?" Bai Jiangnan smiled. "It's just stealing the tomb. Why, you gods will also be
"Tomb stealing?"
Bai Jiangnan's words left the people present with doubts on his face.
Only the three old men standing in front of the wooden house changed their faces suddenly.
"He wouldn't want to ..." The old man in white robe stared at Bai Jiangnan.
"You understand him best, you should know what he wants to do. It seems that the
situation is more serious than we thought." The old man in Huangpao shook his head.
"Crazy!" A white robe old man whispered, "He Bai Jiangnan, always been this way, we want
to do, what to do!"
Stood in Bai Jiangnan look around, then opening, "Gentlemen, I'm going to pry My master's
grave, if you are interested, come together. "
Bai Jiangnan finished, turned directly, rushed to the future and said:" Jiang girl, you al
follow me. "
" Well. "The future nodded.
Poseidon came forward, picked up Wade White, followed Baijiang South, and left here
without any attachment.
At the scene, whether it was a person from the Shenyin Society, a person from the clan, or
an ordinary underground force, they looked at the back of everyone in Baijiang South with
a daze.
Some smal underground forces do not yet know who Bai Jiangnan said his master is, but
the first-level underground forces, including clan and Shenyinhui, can clearly understand
who the people in the southern mouth of Baijiang are.
That man was cal ed the guardian of the ancient Wuxia Kingdom of China, and was known
as the land fairy, Lu Yan!
Zhu Huatai and other patriarchs of the three big clans struggled more or less.
The name of Lu Yan represents an era of ancient martial arts of the clan. No one knows
what is in his tomb. It is said that Lu Yan brought al his things to the tomb.
Ancient martial world has always been a rumor that the tomb of Lu Yan is the world's
largest ancient martial arts treasure, this rumor has existed for a long time However, no
one has been able to prove its authenticity. After al , apart from the hel king, everyone does
n’t even know where Lu Yan ’s tomb is.
At the moment, Bai Jiangnan said that he was going to steal Lu Yan's tomb, which made
everyone uncontrol able.
Bai Jiangnan went to dig a huge treasure, and everyone must be called together.
Everyone can hear that there is something stupid in it. If it really follows, it is likely to be
used by Bai Jiangnan, but if you do n’t go, everyone is really It's a little unwilling. Who
knows what is in the tomb, maybe there are some things that can make you change your
Everyone present was struggling with his heart, whether to go or not to go.
"Now Guangming Island is under the jurisdiction of My God Hidden Society. He took the
people from Bright Island south of Baijiang. According to the rules, our God Hidden Society
will inevitably take a look." Zhu Lan said.
Lu Yan is a person from the ancient Chinese martial arts, and it has nothing to do with their
god hidden society. They make such an excuse, they just want to take a slice of the soup
with them.
Zhu Huatai and other three clan chiefs looked back and forth.
Zhu Huatai said: "Two people, it's not as good as this time, how about we go together?"
"Good." Su Wenxian nodded.
Xiao Mingxian also nodded, smiling without a word.
What abacus is in Bai Jiangnan's mind, what will happen in Lu Yan's tomb, no one knows,
the three tribes are very determined to temporarily unite.
Ji Shouyi, the first master of the Ji family, looked in the direction of the wooden house in the
distance, and after seeing that the old man in purple robe nodded to himself, he said aloud:
"All underground forces in China, follow us!"
Ji Shou finished. Organize manpower and make strides to keep up with Bai Jiangnan and
The clan and Shenyin met with the underground forces and had already set off. They no
longer grinded, and kept up with Baijiang South.
Bai Jiangnan seemed to be waiting for everyone, although he acted in advance, but the
speed was not fast. Seeing that everyone had arrived, he drove a car and took the future
and waited for the departure.
Headed by the vehicle where Bai Jiangnan is located, a mighty convoy drove away from the
dense forest.
In Africa, at five o'clock in the afternoon, the weather was stil hot. A figure walked out of
the Sossusvlei Desert Restricted Area, glanced at the sky, and went straight to the
international airport.
An international flight from Africa to China is about to take off from the airport. Henry sits
at the corner of the tail of the aircraft and closes his eyes to welcome the 14-hour voyage.
When the aircraft cabin door was about to close, a figure wearing a black cloak entered the
cabin. He was dressed very strangely, and the cloak covered his face, making it
impossible for him to see his appearance. After the man got on the plane, he strode Go to
the last row, and then sit down in the seat next to Henry.
The flight attendant's voice rang in the cabin, the hatch closed, and the plane began to lift
Henry closed his eyes to sleep, and the person sitting next to Henry also said nothing, still
covering his face with his cloak.
With the passage of time, the plane gradually headed towards China and the sky became
darker and darker.
The fourteen-hour voyage passed quickly in the deep sleep of the cabin passengers.
By the time it reached China Capital, it was already ten in the morning.
Henry left the airport in a stride, and his face changed as soon as he left the airport gate.
"Who is it!" Henry's eyes suddenly became fierce, and some people who were standing not
far from Henry's eyes subconsciously looked at Henry, and then opened some distance with
him. Rich, no breath for strangers. Henry speeded up his pace, returned to the airport, and
bought a ticket to North Lake Province.
One second after Henry bought the ticket, the man wearing the black cloak also came to the
ticket machine. His ticket was purchased in advance, and he also went to North Lake
Province to fly with Henry.
At noon, a plane that took off from Jingcheng landed in the northern part of Beihu Province.
Henry quickly walked out of the airport, took a car, and went straight to the Shennongjia
Scenic Area.
The scenic area of Shennongjia has always been accompanied by a mysterious color in
China, with a total area of 3,253 square kilometers, only a quarter of the area has been
officially developed and is listed as a tourist activity area. The rest For three quarters, all
maintain the color of a primitive forest.
Some people say that it is the official protection of trees in scenic spots, so a logging ban has
been established.
However, those who have visited the depths of the no-man's land know that this is not for
the protection of trees, but for the officials. They do not understand the most mysterious
area and dare not develop it.
If you take a bird's eye view from the air, the deepest part of Shennongjia is covered by a
thick tree. In autumn and winter, the sky above Shennongjia is covered with a layer of
dense fog. You can't see anything inside from the sky. Inside, there is a strong magnetic
field that will cause all electronic devices to malfunction. It is impossible to use a camera or
the like to record.
Henry bought a ticket to enter the scenic area. After listening to the various precautions for
not entering the unmanned area, he strode into this virgin forest and walked toward the
most central place.
In the most central area, Henry once visited, that was when he buried his master.
As soon as you enter the virgin forest, you will see towering giant trees. If you do n’t have
any experience in wild survival, if you do n’t have street signs, you will be completely lost in
this virgin forest in a few minutes, and you ca n’t walk out.
In front of the same scenes al around, Henry's steps were firm, and he went straight in one
direction. His foot strength was very fast, and it only took an hour to enter the no man's
land completely. The presence.
The trees are very high. Because of the seasons, there is no lush foliage like the summer.
The sky is blue and clear, just like the blue crystal sky in fairy tales.
With the direction of Henry's walking, the place he is in is getting higher and higher.
When he walks out of a forest, he stands next to a sheath cliff in a mountain and looks into
the distance. The thick mist blocks his sight, only Seeing the shadow of the hazy mountain,
it stretched like a giant dragon lying on it.
Henry stopped swiftly and stood at the edge of Shea Cliff. He said, "Fol ow me al the way
from Africa, and be tired."
"It's not too tired to be tired." I walked out of the woods and stopped when I was ten
meters away from Henry. "I was curious about a question along the way, and I really
couldn't figure it out."
"Why? Surprised I can come out from there?" Henry Turn around and look at each other.
"The year and year when hel was established, no, even in centuries, I can't count with my
fingers and toes. You are the first person who can come out from there." The black robe's
voice is magnetic, "It is beyond my expectations."
The black robe slowly took off the cloak above his head, revealing his face. It was a very
pale face, without blood.
"I was a jailer for one hundred and twenty-seven years. I saw you for the first time.
Someone came out of prison. Have you come to prison this month?" The whole person sees
As a jailer, this black robe is very clear what kind of characters are in the prison cage.
With such strength as Henry, let alone get out of the cage, I am afraid that the first time he
enters the cage, he will be locked inside. The demons were shattered, except that Henry
didn't enter the hel cage, the black robe couldn't think of any other reason why Henry could
get out of the hell cage.
It's just that the black robe people are curious. At first, Henry was put into a hell cel by Zhu
Lan's four people. How could such an accident occur.
Henry listened to the words of the black robe and chuckled. "You said you are a jailer?"
"Why, funny?" The black robe looked at Henry.
"It's funny." Henry nodded. "The people in the cage are gone. You jailer is too incompetent."
black robe sneered. "You don't need to tel me such nonsense." words. " "
cut. "Henry glanced at the mouth," Do you want to believe that he go to see to know, put in
that door, you want to go forward, to come up with lies. " "
surnamed Zhang, Do not you think that I do n’t know what kind of abacus is in your heart,
what is the cage, I will throw you in this time, and I will know it! "The black robe was
moved into a claw and grabbed Henry.
The black robe is very fast and the attack angle is very fierce. If it is Henry a month ago,
even if he is in the same state, I am afraid that the black robe can move Henry into
He can be a jailer in a hel cage. He has guarded the cage for 127 years. How rich is this
person's combat experience. It is no exaggeration to say that he has experienced the most
turbulent years in China. The battle he experienced is better than Henry. I have seen many
However, after Henry's training with Xuan Tian and others, his fighting style has also
changed dramatically. In the face of the attack of the black robe, Henry only used the
simplest horizontal step up to crack the other party's offensive , A simple action, no more,
no less, but want to do this, not overnight.
The master moves, only need a face-to-face, you can see the other's reality.
The black robe was taken by Henry one step, and his eyes were slightly despised, and more
dignified, "I am underestimating you, but the combat experience is one thing, the real gap
in strength is another thing! "The
black robe held out his hand in the void, and a black long mace was held in the hand by the
black robe. Although the long mace was formed by the condensation of gas, it looked very
After staying in hel for so long, Henry knew very well that this is a manifestation of the Qi
Condensation Environment, and only the Condensation Qi Master can do this. At this time,
everyone's anger will happen. The change in attribute, the color of Qi, is also related to the
attribute, but how the attribute of Qi is determined, Xuan Tian and others are unclear.
Some people say that it is changed according to the original attributes of absorbing Qi.
If there are more fire elements in the Qi, then the attributes of the Qi will be biased towards
fire. Others say that it is related to personality, and some people say that it is hidden in the
human blood. Power related.
No matter what the Aura attribute will change, what can be determined is that once the
condensed gas environment is reached, not only can the qi be able to bind, the attributes
contained in the qi will also add a very strong attribute to the qi The lethality, the more
powerful element of fire, can real y burn objects.
After the person feels the qi, every realm has a tremendous change.
Condensation gas crushes and deforms.
"Henry, I know you have been fighting for countless years in the past ten years. It is
undeniable that you are a genius in combat. Unfortunately, your imperial time is too short.
In the record, you are just a metamorphosis, even if you are fighting in the same stage
Unparal eled strength, but the gap in the realm, not your fighting consciousness can make
up! "The black robe waved the black long mace in his hand.
Henry took a deep breath, "You are right, the condensation is indeed crushing, but the gap
you said is not irreparable."
"Oh?" The black robe showed a very interesting look, "That Why do n’t you show it and let
me see it? I ’m really curious in my heart, what do you use to make up for it. ”
At this time, the black robe is like a winning ticket, after all, it is a crush on the realm, It's
like an adult hitting a child and holding a weapon in the adult's hand, it is impossible to
think that he will lose.
A hundred years of life as a jailer also made the black robe extremely boring. Now, he is just
looking for a spice for his life.
"What should I make up for?" Henry's mouth widened slowly. "It's very simple. For
example, I should be elevated to the condensed gas environment."
"What!" The black robe's body was shocked. I can obviously feel that Henry's momentum is
climbing at a very fast speed.
Over the Shennongjia, the dense fog filled. At this moment, the thick fog is surging at the
cliff where Henry stands, and beside Henry, a dark golden long sword is slowly condensing.
The black robe felt a little bad, and no longer waited for Henry.
In the sky, a huge shadow fel on Henry. In this unmanned area, the black robe didn't keep
any hands, demonstrating his fairy-like means. The dense fog in the sky was all in the black
robe. A lot of this dissipation disappeared.
Seeing that the mace was about to hit Henry's head, the dark golden long sword beside
Henry was held by Henry in his hand, standing on the top of his head, blocking the black
Although the sword shadow in Henry's hands is still a bit imaginary, but the power has
been unable to underestimate the black robe.
"Oh, it turns out that this is the condensed air environment. It feels real y good!" The smile
on Henry's mouth grew stronger and stronger, and the black and golden air burst from his
body, breaking up the shadow of the sky.
The dignity in the eyes of the black robe is getting deeper and deeper.
"Come on!" Henry shouted, "Let me see, how strong are the people of God's Hidden
Henry split the sword and stirred the wind and clouds, and the two towering giant trees
instantly broke from the waist.
The black robe's face changed drastically, and he held his hand in front of him.
At the same time, just under the cliff where Henry was located, nearly a hundred figures
were walking slowly.
Bai Jiangnan walked in the forefront, standing in front of a mountain cliff stone cave.
The rock cave is very large, and it is so open to show in front of everyone.
When I walked to the cave, the underground forces who came with Bai Jiangnan al felt a
little dazed. They always felt that this was like a fierce beast creeping in the mountains,
opening its big mouth of blood basin, etc. I waited for myself to join the net.
At this time, Wade White has been awakened. The wounds on the body surface have been
recovered by the future drugs. These people have been exercising regularly, their muscle
strength is much higher than normal people, and their metabolism is much faster. The
wound healing speed is several times that of ordinary people.
Although the wound healed, Wade White's spirit was stil very weak, and his face was also
pale. He followed behind Bai Jiangnan, without the previous trip, and felt like a cat when he
saw a mouse.
Bai Jiangnan did not stay in front of the cave for a second, strode in, and waited for others
to keep up.
"Haha, Brother Su, it seems that the girl in your family has a good chat with my son."
Zhu Huatai laughed and pointed his finger behind him.
In the Zhu's team, Sylvia and Zhu Huatai's son Zhu Feng walked together, Zhu Yuan
Zhu's team has shrunk a lot than before, and fighting against others in the future has
caused Zhu's loss.
Su Wenwen smiled happily, but there was some doubt in his eyes.
Sylvia walked in the Zhu's team, she knew very well that Zhu Huatai was under house
arrest in disguise.
The Divine Punishment of the Shenyin Society made Zhu Lan and the four artists daring,
striding not far behind Bai Jiangnan. As condensing gas masters, they had a certain degree
of confidence in themselves, and they even believed that they were present With the
exception of Bai Jiangnan, no one would dare to take action against his four people, and
under the restrictions of rules, Bai Jiangnan did not want to shoot.
When I walked into the cave, my eyes were very dark. The sound of footsteps echoed
clearly in the cave. In front of me, I couldn't see my head at a glance, but there was a huge
arc that made people see nothing inside. It is four and five meters wide and ten meters
wide, and there are no problems for seven or eight people walking side by side.
At the moment of stepping into the cave, everyone can feel that the temperature in the cave
is much lower than that of the outside. If you open your mouth and breathe, you can see
obvious breathlessness.
It's no exaggeration to say that it's a refrigerator in the hot summer.
"Huh." As soon as Bai Jiangnan entered the cave, he breathed a sigh of relief and said:
"My brother, buried Master here, it also has some meaning. Let me think about it, according
to the rules of the
Shimen ..." Bai Jiangnan After entering the cave for more than 30 meters, he stopped and
made a pair of thoughts. A few seconds later, he saw Bai Jiangnan patting his palm three
times, and the sound of his clapping echoed in the cave.
Immediately afterwards, Bai Jiangnan took two steps to the left, one more step forward,
and then three steps back.
When Bai Jiangnan had done al this, a fire light suddenly illuminated Bai Jiangnan's side.
This was a torch stuck on the wall next to Bai Jiangnan suddenly lit up.
At the same time, a burst of "boom-boom-boom" sounds continuously, one after another
torch, the distance between each one and each one, about five meters, distributed on both
sides of the cave, all lit up, Light up the entire cave.
The torch was not a high-tech electric light. It suddenly turned on so full that it surprised
everyone in the cave.
"It seems that my eldest disciple is okay." Bai Jiangnan smiled with satisfaction. Zhu Lan ’s
four priests walked aside, careful y looked at the torch next to his eyes, and then smiled
disdainful y, “Controlling the flint with a smal organ, igniting one torch, and igniting the rest
of the torches through the leads. I thought it was a high-level method. In the end, it
just pretends to be a ghost. " " Oh, is this like a retired magician tearing down the junior?
"Bai Jiangnan laughed.
Listening to Bai Jiangnan's words, the four of Zhu Lan's faces are a little ugly. Bai Jiangnan's
words clearly mean that he really wants to pretend to be a ghost, and Shenyinhui is the one
who can pretend to be a ghost.
"I agree with this, haha." Zhu Huatai laughed.
After il uminating the entire passageway, Bai Jiangnan did not waste time, striding deep
into the cave.
Except for Bai Jiangnan and Guangming Island, everyone else walked cautiously. In the
future and others, it is clear that Bai Jiangnan will not harm them, but the rest of them do
n’t think so, for fear that there is an institution in this cave. Accidentally died here.
After al , this cave is the tomb of Lu Yan.
Lu Yan's name is real y too loud.
Although everyone was careful, their pace was not slow. They were not too far behind by
Lu Yan, and they followed Lu Yan al the time.
After walking for more than ten minutes in this way, the accident that everyone imagined
did not happen. This cave seems to be the most common bomb shelter. There is nothing
special except for a little colder and a little empty.
The cave is very deep, and it took more than ten minutes to walk. After half an hour of
entering the cave, the crowd finally came to an end.
It's not the end, but it's not al , but there are two huge bronze doors that block everyone's
The bronze door has four meters and five heights, tops the top of the cave, and reaches a
width of ten meters. It completely seals the front. Various strange monsters are carved on
the door. The claws are extended and the mouth of the blood basin is opened. The lifelike
eyes stared at the person in front of the door, exuding a chill.
A lot of dust fell on the door, all from the cave. It can be seen how long no one has been
The two bronze doors merged, and there were two huge copper rings at the junction.
Bai Jiangnan stepped forward, shaking the copper ring with his hand, knocking on the
bronze door, and then he heard a muffled noise, and he could tell from the sound how thick
the door was.
"Everyone, before opening this door, I have something to say, but you must listen careful y."
Bai Jiangnan turned around and spoke loudly.
Bai Jiangnan's voice echoed in the cave. No one said anything at this time, and he listened to
him quietly.
For ordinary underground forces, this trip is likely to be an opportunity to change their
lives. For the people of Shenyinhui and clan, they are also very curious. What is in Lu Yan's
tomb? Why is there a legend that his tomb is the largest ancient treasure in the world?
Bai Jiangnan Lang said: "Everyone, I hope you are mentally prepared, what is behind this
door, I can tel you clearly now, there are countless ancient martial arts, there are a large
number of spirit stones, there are various All kinds of Qi practice methods. "
Bai Jiangnan said at this time, he paused deliberately.
A breath of cold air rang in the cave.
Ancient martial arts, a large number of Lin clan, a variety of Qi practice methods, not to
mention ordinary underground forces, even the three clan clans of Zhu, including the four
people of the Shenyinhui Zhu Lan, al showed strong eyes Covetous.
On the way to come, the ordinary underground forces will send an inquiry to the three
people in the capital, how do the people of the clan do the wounding and stepping into the
air And it works.
The reply from the three major members of the capital also made the major underground
forces understand the thing of anger.
But if you want to control Qi, it is real y too difficult for the major underground forces.
The spirit stones and the practice of Qigong that everyone in the capital said are like the
only ones that exist in legend. The best treasure is average, even if you know it, you do n’t
know where to go to get it.
But now, Bai Jiangnan clearly tel s everyone that what they want is behind this door!
Those underground forces, even breathing a little bit heavy.
"Everyone." Bai Jiangnan shouted again, "I tell you this, to make you clear, those of you who
have not yet mastered the qi, once you walk into this door, your world will change
dramatically, you The world is no longer the world that you came into contact with.
There is no longer a clear dividing line between you and the clan. The umbrel a placed
in front of you will also be pulled out, so open the door Before, I will give you three minutes
to let you think about whether you will stay here or turn around and leave! "
Bai Jiangnan finished speaking and stood there without saying a word.
Shenyin will punish the four gods and the people of the three clans with doubts in their
eyes. They do n’t understand why Bai Jiangnan suddenly wanted to do this and let everyone
practice Qi together. What is he doing?
At the beginning, that person, with the assistance of the Shouling family, completely
separated Qi from the soldiers, so that ordinary people could not get in touch with Qi, so
that people with Qi could not enter the WTO casually. Did everything return to the
The people of the major underground forces, listening to the words of Bai Jiangnan, some
people have firm eyes, stand here, do not move, they see the strength of the clan, see their
strength, feel their insignificance, this time coming, is Find an opportunity!
There are people who stay here, and people who leave. The appearance of the clan and
Shenyinhui let these people feel what it means to be tyrannical. Even if they find an
opportunity to cultivate Qi, I am afraid there is no chance. If you really practice Crazy, then
the clan can shoot them casual y. At that time, even if they are stronger than they are now,
they may live a life that may not be as good as they are now.
Everyone has a barometer in his heart to measure the pros and cons, and has his own
In three minutes, say fast or not, slow or slow.
Compared with a few people who left, the vast majority stil stay here.
After al , the people who arrive are the leaders of every underground force. They have a
kind of ambition in their hearts, and they are not willing to tend to the people forever.
Many people think that the emergence of this qi is an opportunity, one to change the status
quo, one The opportunity to surpass those huge forces!
Bai Jiangnan looked at the watch on his left wrist. When the third minute passed, he did not
speak, but faced the bronze gate, grasping one of the copper rings with both hands, and
pulled hard.
While Bai Jiangnan exerted his strength, a big white hand measuring only three meters was
formed behind him, and he also caught the copper ring. This is the form of Baijiang Nanqi.
Under the power of a big white hand, the bronze gate creaked and slowly opened a slit.
At the same time, the mountain above everyone's head was slightly shaken, and some
debris fell from above.
The energy emitted by the big white gas hand of Bai Jiangnan made those who did not
reach the imperial energy, and even the shocked station could not stand steadily. In this
way, it was possible to barely open the bronze gate, which shows the weight of the gate.
The bronze gate was slowly opened, and everyone, including the people of Guangming
Island, held their breaths at this time.
Here is the tomb of Lu Yan! The master of the legendary hell king, the guardian of the
ancient martial arts kingdom of China!
The door gradually opened, and the scene inside appeared in front of everyone.
Over the Shennongjia, wind and clouds rolled.
Black shadows and dark golden sword shadows kept touching in the air.
Henry and the black robe stepped in the air separately. In front of them, the tree broke and
a cliff was flattened.
The man in black big mouth and breathing heavily, "No! You had caught Zhu Lan time, there
can be no such strength!" "Oh,
I said, how the hel this jailer guards staring at the small role I Wel , it seems that those who
participated in this matter are not only the four gods, but you are also inside.
"Henry holding a dark golden sword, his condition looks much better than the black robe.
The black robe was covered with al kinds of wounds at this moment. Although there was
nothing on the surface, he had been suppressed by Henry everywhere.
Shenyin will look after the jailer of hel and be suppressed by a head of underground forces.
If such news spreads, I am afraid that the strongest clan will be surprised.
You must know that those who can become prison guards are careful y selected. They are
said to be prison guards, but they are much higher in strength and status within the
Shenyinhui than the God ’s punishment in walking the world. The identity, within the
Shenyinhui, is quite high.
Now, a jailer is suppressed by the leaders of ordinary underground forces!
This is not to say that the jailer is too weak, but that Henry is too strong now!
The training arranged by Xuan Tian for Henry can be said to fully squeeze out the potential
that Henry has at this stage. In the hel cage, the twenty or so good hands held
in the cage, each one in the world They are al well-known characters. Every one of them
has the courage to be close, but it can make Henry stick with everyone for tens of seconds.
It can be seen how terrible Henry is now.
As long as he can keep up with Reiki, Henry can definitely be said to be invincible.
Even if the dark golden long sword in Henry's hands is still il usory, even if he has just
entered the condensed gas and is only in the early stages, it can also suppress the black
Henry lifted his sword and pointed at the black robe.
The black robe is full of dignity. He has a hunch that if he continues to fight, he will
probably die. This hunch is particularly strong.
Henry stepped forward and turned to appear in front of the black robe. He now uses the
black robe as a standard to measure his strength. Henry regrets that some of the black robe
are too weak to help. Use your ful strength to come out.
At this moment, the black robe had already retreated. In the face of Henry's attack, he no
longer chose to face up, but adopted a way of resisting.
There is no figure in the mountain of Shennongjia
Henry and the black robe had no scruples when they fought, and they used different
The two entered and retreated one by one. After the black robe people were afraid, they
never again confronted Henry in a confrontation. He retreated while looking for
opportunities to leave.
It's just that Henry's intention was to kil the black robe. As long as the black robe has a little
relaxation, as long as the black robe dares to expose his back, the dark gold long sword in
Henry's hand must take the black robe straight. Human life.
In an underground cave.
The huge bronze gate was completely opened by the south of Baijiang. In the hearts of al
major forces and clans, including the Shenyin Society, they thought that behind the bronze
gate, there must be no caves, maybe there will be the appearance of myths and legends.
They were shocked.
Behind the huge bronze door, there is a round stone hall about 400 square meters, ten
meters high. The stone hall has two floors. As soon as you enter the bronze door, on both
sides of the bronze door, there are curved stone stairs that lead straight through Second
On the first floor of the stone hall facing the bronze door, there are two bronze doors two
meters high, which block a stone room. There are also some stone rooms around the stone
room. The stone room is embedded in the mountain wall without a gate.
Bai Jiangnan said aloud: "Here, there are no organs and no hidden weapons. On the first
floor there are ancient martial arts and spirit stones. On the second floor, there are Qi
training methods and magic weapons. How much you can take depends on yourself!"
Bai After Jiangnan finished speaking, he stopped at the gate of the bronze gate and no
longer did anything.
The performance of Bai Jiangnan left everyone present at the scene a little bit unrelenting.
What is the situation? There is such a good thing in the world?
Everyone present had a look of surprise on his face.
The future and others, without hesitation, strode toward those stone rooms without gates.
"Let's go, let's go!" Zhu Huatai looked at Bai Jiangnan suspiciously, and led people toward a
stone room. If there were spirit stones, it was also a great help for them. It's ful of money,
but there are four spirit stones, which add up to the size of an adult's fist. It can be said that
every little bit of spirit stone is very important to the clan, especially their lower ranking.
The Zhu family moved, and the Su family and Xiao family would natural y not do nothing.
They also led people and selected the stone room to walk in.
The people of the Shenyin Society stood here unmoved, and Zhu Lan's eyes were al greedy,
but they were also a little scared.
The people of the major underground forces stood in the hal , and no one acted rashly.
"Spirit Stone, it really is the Spirit Stone!" A sound of surprise came from the stone room
selected by the Su's family, but it quickly turned down.
This surprising sound made these underground forces stil standing in the hall unable to
stand up. The outermost person carefully walked into a stone room. When he stepped into
the stone room, the moment he stepped into it The tide caused those who were stil
standing in the hall to rush into the stone chambers around.
Everyone hesitated in the hall, just could n’t believe that Bai Jiangnan would give the baby
so easily and let everyone take it at will, but when this matter was confirmed, no one would
be polite, and all of them would start fighting like crazy .
Ji Jiaji Shouyi, with a long sword in his waist, walked to the south of Baijiang and said, "I
don't understand why you are doing this."Ji Shouyi did not rush to grab those things,
including the heads of the remaining two families, Jiang Shen and Bai Yuntian, who also
stood in front of Bai Jiangnan and looked at him puzzled.
Bai Jiangnan smiled slightly, "Is there anything you don't understand, do you practice Qi
"At the beginning, it was you who separated Qi from the soldiers. Now, let the world
practice Qi again, you ..." Ji Shouyi said, Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by
Bai Jiangnan.
"Ji Shouyi, I will tel you, you are such a big person, you can be more rigorous in your words.
What do you cal us? At first, I was not born yet. That is what our old ancestors did. What
does it have to do with me? Relationship? "Bai Jiangnan put his hands on his chest and
rolled his eyes.
"You Bai Jiangnan can deny what your ancestors did?" Ji Shou stared at Bai Jiangnan
Bai Jiangnan shrugged. "I said that you are real y interesting. You ancestors of the Ji family
used a dry toilet, so you can't use the toilet? It's real y interesting."
"I don't want to talk to you!" "You brought so many people here today, put the ancient
martial arts
skil s, spirit stones , and Qi practice methods in front of everyone. What will happen next,
you are very clear, that is not something you can control!" Bai Jiangnan didn't care. Tao: "In
this world, since ancient times, the
weak flesh and the strong eater , the winner is king, fight today, and tomorrow, what is the
difference?" At the moment of the fall of the Baijiang Nan dialect, a scream was suddenly
issued from a stone chamber .
"Put down the spirit stone!" At the same time, a loud scream also sounded.
Ji Shouyi looked ugly towards the stone room with sound. In such a situation, Ji Shouyi and
others had already expected that there would be fighting naturally if there were benefits.
A bloody figure, holding a transparent crystal in his hand, ran out of the stone room in a big
step, but just appeared, he was penetrated by a long knife from the back of the heart,
sprayed with blood, lying on the door of the stone room, and another person quickly picked
up He picked up the spirit stone in his hand and strode ready to escape.
Faced with all this, Bai Jiangnan leaned against the bronze gate as if he saw nothing.
"Bai Jiangnan, are you trying to exterminate ordinary underground forces!" Ji Shou shouted
Bai Jiangnan shook his head slightly and smiled, "It is not extinction, but assimilation.
From now on, there will be no so-called underground forces, or there will be no socal ed
clan. Those who have left before, already Being eliminated by this dark world, they will
slowly return to the lives of ordinary people, and from now on, in a world that people
cannot see, it will be even more cruel. "
" What do you want to do! "Ji Shou squeezed fist.
One after another, screams rang out from all the stone chambers, and because of the
interests, the underground forces that had been condensed by the clan for a short time and
then clumped together briefly began the battle again.
"What are you doing?" Bai Jiangnan raised an eyebrow. "Of course it's evolution. The clan
was born. Do you want this world to become the world of the clan, or the world of
These two words in Bai Jiangnan dialect shocked Ji Shou and his body, and evolved the two
words. The meaning in it is too much.
If there is evolution, then naturally, there will be elimination.
Either, be eliminated by this underground world, or, be eliminated by this underground
Ji Shou looked at each other with one or three people, and an idea popped up in their hearts
at the same time. This world is about to change!
in this world, there are two types of evolution.
The first kind, fol owing the world and changing, calls the survival of the fittest.
The second way is to let the world change with you. This is called changing the world.
Each evolutionary history will derive these two different evolutions.
The first evolver to change from ape to a capable person will use tools. He has changed the
world and followed him to an ape.
Subsequently, the capable person evolved again, evolved into Homo erectus, evolved into
Homo sapiens, and so on.
Every evolution will make the world change, and a large part of them will be eliminated,
and those who are not eliminated will welcome the changed new world.
The word evolution contains too many.
Bai Jiangnan leaned against the gate and said softly: "Evolution is a must and an inevitable
process. Do you want to watch the clan change with the world, or do you want this world to
change with the clan, In your family, the capturers can not ignore the current tribe of the
Zhu clan, but be clear, compared with the real big clan, these tribes are just a group of cats
and dogs, the capturers of your tribe Can you resist the people of the big clan? "
Listening to Bai Jiangnan, Ji Shou, one or three people, didn't know how to answer for a
while, they understood that what Bai Jiangnan said was the fact, even when the big clan
was born, even if they It is probably useless to dispatch the soldiers of the three capitals in
However, don't worry about this problem for a while. The more powerful the clan, the
more constraints it will be, and it is not so easy to be born.
Bai Jiangnan continued: "The birth of the three tribes of the Zhu family is a good thing or a
bad thing. Although they suppress the major underground forces, they can also make those
underground forces feel the pressure and crisis. Wang Hui will rule the underground world
for many years and be strong overthrow the sunny island, al the storms, which have flowed
through the deepest underground sea, slightly lighter people have had too comfortable, it is
time to enable them to re-think about it, what is survival of the fittest! "
in white While Jiangnan was speaking, the screams in this hall were one after another,
listening to the extraordinary infiltration.
In some stone chambers, blood already flows from the mouth of the stone chamber. Not
only people of different forces are fighting, but even two people of the same force will also
fight because of a spirit stone.
The temptation to change these four words in life is too great! Big enough to turn the most
intimate people into hatred.
However, no matter how fierce the fighting is here, it is limited to the major underground
forces. No one has dared to provoke the people of Guangming Island and the clan.
After al , everyone knows that no matter how great the interest is, famous enjoyment is.
Four people Zhu Lan stood in the hall, watching one person grab a piece of spirit stone full
of adult fists and ran out of the bronze door. His eyes were red. Such a big stone, even the
four of them, had never seen it. !
The four people Zhu Lan deliberately framed Henry and sent Henry into the cage of hell.
He wanted to take over Guangming Island. What was it for, wasn't it the spirit stone?
But now the Lingshi is in front of us, but Zhu Lan and the four of them ca n’t move because
they are not part of the ancient Chinese martial arts kingdom, and they are not part of the
Chinese underground forces. They belong to the Shenyinhui, an organization with a special
status all over the world! Things here, they can't touch!Zhu Lan's eyeballs flickered and
suddenly stopped in front of the bronze gate. A person from the underground power of
Huaxia had just planned to break out of the bronze gate and was stopped by Zhu Lan.
"Don't go!"
Zhu Lan's methods were seen by everyone in the previous rainy night.
Zhu Lan stretched out his hand, and the man was so frightened that his legs were so weak
that he dared not say anything at al . He stood honestly in front of the bronze door.
Ji Shou shouted, as the three leaders in the capital of China as the leader of the ancient
Chinese martial arts world, you must say at this time: "Your God's Hidden Society's hand is
too long! When will our Chinese ancient martial arts world It's your turn to intervene! "
" No, no, no. "Zhu Lan shook his head." Just now, Bai Jiangnan said, as long as you enter this
door, there will be no distinction between the ancient Chinese martial world and the clan in
the future. Everyone Melted together, since this is the case, our God Hidden Society will
natural y be in charge. Now I am telling you as a God Hidden Society punishment. What you
are doing now, I suspect that I want to take the initiative to cause the world ’s gas refiners
War, so it is necessary for me to report the things here to the high level of the Shenyinhui,
and wait for the decision of the high level. Before the decision of the high level of the
Shenyinhui, the things here must be kept by our Shenyinhui. "
" Hehe , You God Hidden Society, it might be that some of us do n’t take our Huaxia too
seriously. "Zhu Huatai walked out of the stone room, and he also held two pieces of baby
fist-sized spirit stones in his hands and kept playing.
"If the Chief Patriarch has any comments, he can submit them to our special envoys in
China." Zhu Lan said, and he directly lifted out his top person to suppress Zhu Huatai.
Sure enough, Zhu Huatai heard a special envoy from China and sneered, but he stopped
Zhu Lan said to Bai Jiangnan who was not far away: "Bai Jiangnan, your identity, our god
will be very clear, no matter what identity you have with Lu Yan, but you are always a
member of the Shouling family. At this time, if you want to violate the rules, I am afraid that
our special envoy of the Shenyinhui Huaxia region will not sit idly by. "
Bai Jiangnan shrugged his shoulders, "Your gods will be really shameless, and I have no
way. I will say that the strength of your four gods' punishment is so bad. It turned out that I
used my mind to play word games. . " "
Oh. "Zhu Lan smiled do not care," the four of us, though not of the strength of your Bai
Jiangnan, but the whole will of God hidden, Bai Jiangnan stronger person than you, there
are too many. "
Zhu Lan fixed Sensual y took out Shenyinhui to press Bai Jiangnan.
"You Bai Jiangnan, as a member of the Shouling family, real y want to provoke war, then my
god will meet, and accompany it to the end! Today, even if Zhu Lan died here, I will kil these
unstable factors!"
Zhu Lan shouted loudly, a blue long sword formed in his hands, and the murderous spread.
The man standing in front of Zhu Lan shook his legs, he could clearly feel the murderous
intention in Zhu Lan's eyes, and tremblingly gave the spirit stone in his hand to Zhu Lan.
"Don't kill me, please, don't kill me."
Zhu Lan took the spirit stone with satisfaction, then shouted, "Al of you, give me all the
things you got from the spirit stone!"
"I Give, I give, as long as you do n’t kill me! "A clear voice sounded.
Seeing a figure of Miaoman with short hair, he walked toward Zhu Lan tremblingly.
Sylvia has never participated in the battle for these treasures. She is very clear that, by
herself, she should never want to get a little benefit from these people. She has been
Standing in the middle of this hall, when seeing the figure of Miaoman walking towards Zhu
Lan, Sylvia was a little puzzled in her eyes. She always felt that she had seen this person
before and more than once or twice.
The short-haired woman trembles, walks to Zhu Lan, and gives Lam Sun a piece of spirit
stone that is only about 4 cubic centimeters in her hand. Don't ... "As you can see, the
woman's beautiful face is full of panic, and the bleeding scene in front of her scares her.
Zhu Lan looked at the spirit stone handed over by the woman with satisfaction. This was
the first person who served softly after his demonstration.
After taking the Lingshi, Zhu Lan nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Yes, you are a smart
"That ... that ..." The woman looked up at Zhu Lan and asked with an uncertain face, "
Can I go now? "
" Yes, these spirit stones, but our God Hidden will take care of them. After the decision is
made, I will return them to you again. "Zhu Lan said.
His remarks could be understood by individuals, and none of them were fools, who could
not know what Zhu Lan thought.
The short-haired woman nodded fearfully and quickly walked out of the bronze door.
Zhu Lan played with two spirit stones in his hand and glanced at the other underground
forces. He said, "Who is next?"
Zhu Lan is also very smart. He did not put his target on the clan and Guangming Island.
Instead, he only aimed at the major underground forces and used the loopholes of the gas
refiner's world rules to suppress these ordinary people who only entered the gas trainer's
world in the first few minutes.
These ordinary underground forces who only entered the world of Qi training natural y
have no ability to contend with the four people of Zhu Lan. As for the three major clans,
they will not provoke that sorrow, and will fight against Shenyin.
The major underground forces, you look at me, I look at you, all grasping the things they
just got in their hands, this is the treasure that can change their lives, how can they be so
easily handed over to others.
"Mr. Bai, these things were left by Mr. Lu. Are we real y going to give it to the so-cal ed
Shenyinhui!" One of them spoke to Bai Jiangnan, and they had no ability to fight the four
Zhu Lan, they could only put hope on On Bai Jiangnan.
Bai Jiangnan embraced his chest with both hands and leaned back, saying, "You stil don't
understand what I'm saying. Before I entered this gate, I already told you that once you
enter this gate, what you have to face is A whole new world. There are you, clans, and gods
in this world. If you do n’t want to hand over the things in your hands, you will resist. It ’s a
very simple truth. ”
Bai Jiangnan said very clearly and cruelly. .
Ji Shou, one or three people opened their mouths, and finally did not say anything. If they
were really going to embrace evolution, then everything now must be experienced by these
underground forces. They agreed with what Bai Jiangnan said before, destroying one day
early, and destroying one day late What is the difference, instead of letting the world
change with the clan, it is better to let the clan change with the world.
Bai Jiangnan's high-hanging attitude made the major underground forces feel a little
trembling. As a result, the situation in front of him couldn't ask anyone. Either, honestly
hand over the things in the hand, or, you will rebel with God Yin.
But everyone knows that the first person who stands up to rebel will definitely be kil ed by
the gods, so no one dares to stand up and say anything, waiting for others to be impatient.
In the huge stone hall, there was a weird silence. The major underground forces that had
been fighting for it also stopped fighting at this moment. After al , if you do n’t solve the
matter of the God ’s hidden society, even if you have grabbed more things, it is just for
others. Just do the wedding dress.
At this moment, everyone has a sense of antagogirlng the enemy.
When Zhu Lan saw this group of people, none of them spoke first, and then said, "I am the
God Envoy who punishes God, and is in charge of the power of punishment. If you are
obsessed, do not blame me for being merciless! "
Pale blue qi surrounds Zhu Lan's body. Everyone can feel the power contained in that qi.
Zhu Lan set his eyes on the person closest to him and said lightly, "Make your choice."
Zhu Lan stared at the man, his legs suddenly softened, and he almost fell to the ground, he
held The spirit stone's hand is trembling non-stop.
Zhu Lan said again, "Either, obey the rules of my God's hidden society, or, die!" The last
"death" word, Zhu Lan exhaled in annoyance, forcing the other party away.
The other party's not-so-strong psychological defense line was completely defeated under
Zhu Lan's sentence. He honestly took out the spirit stone in his hand and handed it to Zhu
This is Zhu Lan's third spirit stone.
At the moment, the other three members of the Shenyin Society also exhaled their anger
and put pressure on everyone present. The pressure they issued became stronger and
stronger. One after another, the underground forces came and took the initiative. Spirit
stone to them.
"No! You don't have the right to do this! No!" One person finally couldn't bear the pressure,
yelled wildly, holding the spirit stone, and rushed out of the bronze door quickly.
"Oh." Zhu Lan chuckled softly, waving a blue sword in his hand.
It was only for a moment, like a knife cutting tofu, the head of the fled person rolled down
to the ground, bringing a long trail of blood, and slowly rol ed outside the bronze door.
"If you want to leave, you can choose this way." Zhu Lan didn't look at the man whose head
was cut off by him, and continued to speak.
Looking at the person on the ground who separated the corpse, the people of the major
underground forces who have not yet handed over the spirit stone, could not help
swallowing a saliva. The person who originally had the courage to want to rebel, the
courage to finally swell up At this moment, the smoke disappeared, and their strength was
like cloud mud compared with Zhu Lan.
"My time is limited. If you don't make a choice anymore, then I'll help you." Zhu Lan said a
little impatiently, the blue long sword in his hand became more solidified, "From now on At
first, I counted three numbers, and after three numbers, I randomly made a choice for one
person. "
Zhu Lan finished, and looked at a woman," Then you, within three sounds, you do n’t tel me
you Choice, then I assume by default that you are going to violate our God Hidden Society
rules and become enemies with our God Hidden Society! One! "
The word came out, and the woman stared at by Zhu Lan immediately opened her face.
All panic, "I choose, I choose, but I did not get the spirit stone, this is for you."
woman holds an ancient martial arts method and gives it to Zhu Lan.
Zhu Lan was very dissatisfied when he saw that the other party had no spirit stones, but it
was not easy to say much. Just when he reached out to take this exercise, he suddenly
opened his mouth and stared at him in a daze.
A second later, the blue storm around Zhu Lan swept, and Zhu Lan himself shouted angrily:
"Bitch, die!"
Everyone saw that behind Zhu Lan, a short dagger was being inserted at this time. , And the
man with the short dagger was the one who took the initiative to hand over the Lingshi to
Zhu Lan to beg for mercy.
Under the turmoil of the blue storm, the woman holding the dagger, like a broken kite, flew
out, fell to the ground, and spouted blood.
The short dagger inserted into Zhu Lan's heart was also ejected from Zhu Lan's body at this
Sylvia's eyes narrowed, and she finally remembered why she was so familiar with the
short-haired woman. She was the policewoman, the Yinzhou policewoman, and Henry had
many cases, all handled by this policewoman! Call Helen!
At the scene, no one thought that the woman who first asked for mercy would suddenly
start to Zhu Lan. Everyone can feel that this woman's strength is not strong, let alone
compare with Zhu Lan, they are put in ordinary Among the underground forces, they only
belong to the last stream.
At this point, Zhu Lan didn't even think that he was too strong and too proud. He was so
proud that he wouldn't think that the ants of these underground forces would dare to do it
to themselves, otherwise Helen will take advantage of his anger No one could hurt Zhu Lan
in any way.
Helen struggled to get up from the ground. She was just an ordinary warrior, but her
physical fitness was stronger than that of ordinary people. Under the shock of Zhu Lan, she
suffered a lot of internal injuries.
Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, Helen looked at Zhu Lan with murderous
eyes, and let out an unwilling roar, "I want you,
bury my man with me!" Helen yanked his black jacket.
At the moment when Helen dragged his jacket, the people present, including Bai Jiangnan,
al had their faces condensed. They clearly saw that Helen was tied with a circle of high-
explosive detonators. Helen is in the interior of this mountain. As long as these high-
explosive detonators are detonated, this mountain will inevitably collapse, and everyone
will be buried in this mountain.
How tall the mountain is and how large the mountain is, everyone present knows that once
the mountain col apses, even if it is Bai Jiangnan, they dare not say that they can go out
The blue long sword that Zhu Lan had just raised was frozen in the air, and he was afraid.
At his own level of life, Zhu Lan believes that he is much higher than these ants who do not
even grasp the air.
Helen put a hand on the detonator's detonation mouth, a smirk hung on her face, but more,
it was a relief, she murmured: "I'm here to accompany you, I hope you walk slowly, can be
in that Huangquan Road Wait for me. "
" Sister-in-law, don't be impulsive! "At the critical moment, Poseidon roared and rushed
toward Han gently.
sister in law?
The words of Poseidon made Wade White and others al stunned. The people of Wade White
didn't know Han Genou, but Poseidon had seen Han Genrou once. When he was at sea,
Henry appeared and helped the blade say a word.
Poseidon rushed toward Korea gently, Zhu Lan didn't stop him at al . Fortunately, it was not
far away. Before Helen pul ed down the high-explosive detonator, Poseidon grabbed
Helen's arm and shouted, "Sister-in-law, Don't be impulsive! " seeing Helen's detonation of
the detonator stopped, everyone present took a sigh of relief.
"I'm impulsive?" Helen smirked. "I'm here to avenge Henry. Where can I say impulsively,
whether it's the God Hidden Society or the Zhu's, they are the murderers who killed Henry?
Everyone is buried with my man! "
Helen's eyes revealed a firmness with a sense of death.
Sylvia in the hal shook her body slightly, and she never thought that the policewoman had a
very close relationship with Henry.
Wade White et al. Heard Helen's words clearly, and looked down at Sylvia aside. When they
saw Sylvia's indifferent expression, Wade White et al. Didn't know what to say for a while.
Before the battle between Henry and the Zhus, everyone was informed that Guangming
Island and the Su family, including Sylvia, should sever all ties.
From a relationship level, Henry, with the exception of a marriage certificate, has nothing to
do with Sylvia, but in any case, everyone's previous relationship is stil there.
Sylvia lowered her head and made no noise. The world she was in contact with was
becoming larger and more mysterious. The relationship between people was not as simple
as in previous decades. A marriage certificate, for the presence of these What can people
Sylvia pinched the powder fist slightly.
Poseidon took a deep breath, "Sister-in-law, the eldest brother just has no news, not
necessarily dead."
"Good." Zhu Lan repeatedly said, "I did not kill him, he is also a member of the Divine
Society, violated According to the regulations of the Shenyin Society, I sent him into a
prison and sentenced him to nine years. After nine years, he would natural y be released
from prison. By then, he will still be the king of Guangming Island. "
Nine years!
This year number brings a different feeling to the people present.
If it is nine years, for a woman, she is not unable to wait.
But for the major forces present, what will the world look like after nine years and the hell
king born nine years later? These nine years have completely destroyed the splendid life of
the hell king!
"Nine years later, he will be released from prison again. At that time, do you want him to
only see your tomb?" Zhu Lan said, now, he really wants to kill this woman, but the high-
explosive detonator on the other side, He had to let Zhu Lan throw away his mouse, and he
didn't want to die inside himself.
Helen's hand on the lead of the detonator slowly loosened, and Zhu Lan saw this scene with
a sigh of relief. He had already thought about it. When he left the mountain, he kil ed the
woman as soon as possible.
"Nine years ..." Sylvia murmured the number in his mouth. There are nine years in his life.
After nine years, things are right and wrong. If he came out, as an underground king, would
he be an ordinary person?
Do not!
Even if Henry can accept it, Sylvia can't accept it!
Nine years, then nine years!
Sylvia's gaze to the ground was a little more determined. After you came out, I was stil , and
I want you to be your underground king!
Sylvia crossed two steps diagonally and walked to Zhu Huatai. He opened his mouth gently
and his voice was like a mosquito. Only Zhu Huatai could hear it.
After Sylvia spoke for a few seconds, Zhu Huatai's face suddenly changed, looking at Su
Wenshu not far away.
Wade White, several people, clenched their fists tightly, staring at Zhu Lan.
"You put my elder brother in prison for nine years! You ruined him!"
At this time, the white pool was as powerful as a rainy night.
"He violated the rules of the Shenyinhui, and was supposed to be put into a prison cage.
I am the punishment of the Shenyinhui, but it is just to perform my duties." Zhu Lan said.
"Duties?" Bai Jiangnan smiled. He appeared this time with two purposes.
First, let these underground forces enter the world of gas refiners.
The second is to inquire about Henry's whereabouts.
Bai Jiangnan stared at Zhu Lan and said, "God punishes the gods, I ask you, my brother,
which rule violates your gods will!"
Zhu Lan shouted: "He took the initiative to provoke conflicts with the clan War, slaughter
Family members! " " Haha. "Bai Jiangnan chuckled," Since you said that my brother is a
member of the Shenyin Society, Zhu Family slaughtered Zhu Family, what is his crime
against Zhu Family?
" Acting privately is sin! "Zhu Lan said," If you are not satisfied with the result of the
punishment, you can raise it with the senior executives of the Shenyin Society. "
" Privately acting is sin? " It is sin! "
Zhu Lan subconsciously retreated," What do you mean by the surname Bai? "
" Meaning? "Bai Jiangnan took a step forward. This was the first time he had moved after
entering this bronze gate. "Zhu Lan, I will give you a chance to tel me where my younger
brother is!"
"Why, do you want to save him?" Zhu Lan showed a playful look on his face. Just as Zhu Lan
was going to speak, he was fierce. Drinking sounded from the side.
"Zhu Huatai, you are crazy!" Su Wenwen looked at Zhu Huatai in disbelief. He was covering
his chest. At that moment, Zhu Huatai launched a raid on him.
"Crazy? I think it's you who is crazy, Su Wenwen!" Zhu Huatai shouted, "You Su's, set up a
Quartet Gathering Array in Yinzhou, what do you want to do!"
Su Wenwen heard this, ugly Suddenly, he looked at Lin Sylvia , who was standing in the
ranks of the Su family, "cheap! You dare to betray me!"
Zhu Huatai laughed aloud, "Su Wenwen, you all agreed to equip this baby girl to our Zhu
family, Now she is the person of my Zhu Family. Can you tel me something about this future
father-in-law and betray you? "
Xiao Mingxian, who has never said much, also made a sound because of the five characters
Sifangjulingzhen ," Su Literature, do you build a Quartet Gathering Array? "
Su Wenwen squeezed his fists. He couldn't really imagine when Sylvia had a relationship
with Zhushi. What benefit would it do for her? As soon as she introduced an actress, did she
really think she could share a slice of soup with Zhu Shi?
Su Wenwen didn't expect Sylvia to do so, because there was no interest at all!
"Surnamed Su, what is your intention to build this Quartet Gathering Array, knowing that
you, Su's, want to take troops?" Zhu Huatai stepped forward with a squeeze in his hand.
Two other masters of Zhuqi's Ningqi Realm also came out, forming a triangle with Zhu
Huatai and surrounding Su Wenwen.
"Su Family, you are playing with fire!" Xiao Mingxian also spoke. He walked three meters
beside Zhu Huatai and also faced Su Wen. Among the Xiao family, he also stepped out and
joined the triangle.
The original triangle encircled the circle, and because of the joining of the two Xiaos, a
circle was formed, and Su Wenwen stood at the center of the encircled circle.
Looking at the five people around him, Su Wenwen's eyes were gloomy, "It seems that you
have already discussed this."
Xiao Mingxian chuckled and did not speak, but the meaning was already obvious.
Zhu Huatai set his sights on the four people Zhu Lan and deliberately said: "Your Su's
privately formed the Sifang Juling Formation and wanted to take troops, not only in
violation of the clan's regulations, but also in violation of the Shenyinhui regulations, I
thought, the four jealous
envoys would not sit idly by. " Zhu Lan's four people were shocked, and I wish Huatai
suddenly added four of them to the incident. However, when it comes to this part, Zhu Lan
and the four of them can't do anything either. This Zhu and Xiao, want to borrow a knife to
kill someone!
The clan has just been born, when the power is the weakest.
"The four gods punish the lord, how do you think that you want this thief to stay afloat, or
just sit back and let him break the rules of the God Hidden Society?" Zhu Huatai said to Zhu
"Those who violate my God's hidden rules will pay a price!" Zhu Lan shouted, although he
did not want to be involved in this matter.
Su Wenxian looked sullenly around him, calculating the possibility of breaking through.
"Zhu Yuan, please take the wind and Sylvia girl away first." Zhu Huatai rushed to Zhu Yuan
to confess.
Zhu Yuan nodded and led Sylvia towards the bronze door. Zhu Feng followed, looking at
Sylvia's back in a frivolous manner.
When passing by Helen, Sylvia paused, looked at Helen, and then strode away.
Su Wenwen took a deep breath, "Do you real y want to be an enemy of my Su Clan?"
"It is not your Su Clan, but your Su Clan deliberately break the rules, and al the clan!"
Zhu Huatai shouted. With a bang, no more nonsense, direct trouble, Chong Su literature to
Zhu Huatai collided with Su Wenwen, and the air flow came out.
Zhu Huatai glanced and found that the four people Zhu Lan were still standing there,
shouting, "God punishment, do you want to watch the battle next to you?"
Zhu Lan's extraordinarily irritability was original y a wave of opportunity to harvest spirit
stones, but if you want to get involved in this matter, there will be too many variables, but
now, there is no other choice at all.
Zhu Lan stepped forward and shouted: "Su's violation of the regulations, he should be
Zhu Lan's words fell, and he killed Su Wenwen.
A big white hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed Zhu Lan from behind.
"Zhu Lan, answer me, where is my brother!" Bai Jiangnan shouted and shot.
The three god punishment envoys beside Zhu Lan no longer continue to watch the battle,
and similarly shoot out to resist Bai Jiangnan.
When Ji Shou saw four punishment envoys fighting together, he shouted at the major
underground forces on the spot: "Come on, take your things and leave." When the
major underground forces heard this, they no longer hesitated, and immediately set off,
toward Run outside the bronze door.
Zhu Lan watched this group of people walking away holding the spirit stone, but there was
no way. Under the attack of Bai Jiangnan, he did not dare to distract.
At the scene, suddenly caught in a scuffle.
The people of Zhu's and Xiao's, with regard to Su Wen, and Su Wen's side, there are also
two gas masters. Although there are many people in Zhu's and Xiao's, but both have
selfishness, no one wants to fight Su's life and death, Under the desperate counterattack of
Su Wenxian, it was temporarily tied.
Bai Jiangnan, however, was the punishment of the four gods alone, and for a time, he failed
to win the four Zhu Lan.
Bai Jiangnan, in the end is only the late stage of the Qiqi environment, and does not exceed
Zhu Lan and others. His reputation is stil supported by Lu Yan.
The situation on the court suddenly became chaotic. Some people took the opportunity to
run out of the bronze gate, while others got into the stone room, and they also wanted to
find some babies.
Inside the bronze door, there are various attributes of the air machine.
This is a battle between the condensed gas realm, even if it is the imperial gas realm, in this
kind of battle, if it is a little careless, it will become a cannon fodder.
"Maid Jiang, take the boys away!" Bai Jiangnan made a move and said to Jianger.
The future nodded, dragged Wade White, and ran outside.
Wade White is also not stubborn. It is very clear that staying here will not only help you a
little bit, but will only hinder you.
A group of people ran quickly outside the bronze door.
Among the bronze gates, there are only the major gas masters, stil fighting.
In this battle, almost everyone has already prepared for it, knowing that it will come, but I
do n’t know when it will come. Now the battle is on, although most of them are only
temptations on the bright side, everyone knows that this battle , Must die.
Zhu's face has been torn between Su's and Su's, and Xiao's is temporarily caught in the
middle. If this time, both Zhu's and Xiao's are not damaged, then after this, Xiao's
middleman will definitely be attracted by the other two clan, For this battle, Xiao has been
paddling all the time, without real effort.
Zhu Huatai wanted to cut the Su document first. He wanted to be the first bird because after
cutting the Su document, he was profitable. Now, most of Su's drawings are in the hands of
Zhu Huatai. Literature, the things that Su's plots will natural y fall into the hands of Zhu's
family, and the price to be paid by Zhu's family is nothing more than returning the Su's
family to Sylvia. This is just a matter of success for Zhu's family.
Everyone fighting in the field has a scale ful of interests in their hearts.
Above the cave.
A dark golden sword with a length of five meters was split from the sky and pointed at the
black robe.
The black robe was horrified, and he didn't dare to block it. He discovered that Henry had
not used all his strength.
The black robe wanted to avoid the aerial sword, just stepped back, and heard a sound
from behind him.
"The fighting consciousness is like rubbish." The black robe was shocked, his body
shuddered, and some stiff twist turned his head, a dark golden sword tip, inserted from his
back, coming out of his chest.
The long sword dissipated in Henry's hands, squeezing fists in both hands, and slammed
into the back of the black robe.
The black robe is like a meteorite, fal ing straight down the cliff of hundreds of meters.
At the sound of "bang", the black robe fel on the ground and smashed the ground into a
deep pit. If there was no gas shield, he would definitely be crushed into meat.
But Rao was angry, and the black-robed man was also very hurt. The gas sword that
penetrated his body caused him great damage.
At this time, Zhu Yuan, with Sylvia and Zhu Feng, just walked out of the hole and saw the
black robe who fel to the ground.
"Go away!" The black robe screamed and burst into a wave of anger. He directly pushed
away the three people of Zhu Yuan and drilled into the cave. .
Zhu Yuan looked at the figure of the black robe and shouted, "Go first! There are stil people
coming here, we cannot stay here."Zhu Yuan finished, and with Sylvia and Zhu Feng, strode
towards the distance.
Dozens of consecutive figures ran out of the cave. They were all people from the
underground forces. After they ran out, they left without any pause.
Deep in the cave, inside the bronze gate, the fighting became more and more intense.
From the beginning, the mutual temptation has become a series of killing tricks.
The four people Zhu Lan and Bai Jiangnan fought against each other.
"Bai Jiangnan, do you really want to be an enemy with our God Yin?" Zhu Lan shouted.
"Beheaded you, how will the God Hidden Club know." Behind Bai Jiangnan, a white-fronted
tiger looming looming, kept roaring.
Seeing this scene, al four Zhu Lan felt a little trembling.
"Impossible! How could you step into the divine realm!" Zhu Lan's eyes widened, all of
them unbelievable.
"Finally ask you once, where is my younger brother!" Bai Jiangnan waved his hand, and the
white-fronted tiger behind him flicked forward.
"In the hel prison!" Zhu Lan said, "You want to save him, delusional, unless our god will
willingly release it."
"Hell prison!" Bai Jiangnan's face suddenly looked difficult, he certainly knew that hel
prison cage, in the end What is the place, it is definitely the most horrible cage of the
Shenyinhui. There is no one in it. Throughout the history, in the history of the
Shenyinhui, how many days of arrogance were thrown into the cage of the hell, and no one
could come out of it.
"Bai Jiangnan, Henrynai is a member of our Shenyin Society. Nine years later, he will
naturally be released from prison." Zhu Lan uttered a voice, and as he spoke, he gave his
eyes to the remaining three.
The remaining three nodded, with strange and complicated seals in their hands.
"You are not condemning, but murder!" Bai Jiangnan yelled, and the white-fronted tiger in
front of him pounced directly at Zhu Lan.
Seeing this eye-catching white-fronted tiger approaching, Zhu Lan shouted: "It's now, come
A blue disk was taken out by Zhu Lan, and then thrown into the air. At the same time, all
four of them sent out blue air and went straight to the blue disk.
At the moment of the contact between the gas and the disk, the disk spun up quickly,
followed closely by a line of gas from the disk, towards the south of Baijiang and the white-
headed tiger with hanging eyes.
This blue gas line looks like the fishing line is generally thin, but it is full of toughness, and
it is wrapped around the eye-catching white-fronted tiger. , Cover the south of Baijiang.
Bai Jiangnan Yuqi wanted to break free, but there was nothing he could do.
Zhu Lan sneered while transmitting his breath to the disc: "Bai Jiangnan, even if you step
into the god-bearing realm, how can you always break the treasure? See you. The
exhaustion of the air is
exhausted first, or the air of the four of us is exhausted first! " The big blue net enveloped
Bai Jiangnan and trapped Bai Jiangnan there, unable to make any effective means of attack.
He kept instilling gas into the disc while standing there, unable to attack. The two sides
were deadlocked for a short period of time. There were only three major clans still fighting.
"Okay, let's see who will die first!" Bai Jiangnan snorted, Wade White and the others have
left, anyway, he has nothing to take care of, even if it is dragged down, today's first goal has
been achieved, The major underground forces will usher in a qualitative change from
When the situation is stalemate, I saw more than a dozen figures, ran in from the bronze
Looking back at Bai Jiangnan, these dozen or so figures were just Wade White and others
who had just ran out. Helen was also among them, as well as a few strange members of the
underground forces.
Bai Jiangnan said with a look of joy, "Jiang girl, hurry, attack those four!"
The appearance of the future and others just happened to crack this deadlock on the field.
Zhu Lan and four people at this moment are trying their best to restrict Bai Jiangnan. If they
encounter an attack, they cannot resist it. Once they resist it, Bai Jiangnan will naturally be
able to escape.
"Uncle, I'm afraid not ..." Just halfway through the future, he was interrupted by a violent
wave and was directly overturned.
A powerful air wave swept from outside the bronze door, and a figure in black robe
appeared in everyone's eyes. The strong breath brought by this black robe made everyone
feel shocked.
Originally, Zhu Lan, whose face was a little ugly because of the appearance of the future and
others, showed a surprise on his face when he saw this black robe, "Master Jailer!"
Zhu Lan's name for the black-robed man made Bai Jiangnan, including the people of the
three big clans, hear clearly.
Shenyin will have jailers. Everyone who can become a jailer is a powerful man who can
defend one side and is many times stronger than God ’s punishment.
At this moment, the appearance of this jailer was like a big rock, pressing against
everyone's heart.
"Master Jailer, cut the Bai Jiangnan quickly, and the clan must also rebel." Zhu Lan shouted
excitedly, he did not accidentally appear the jailer, when he started to open the tomb of Lu
Yan at that time, he had already told this news And told the jailer.
When the jailer arrives, al the things here will belong to them!
As soon as the three clanes in the battle heard this, they subconsciously stopped the
movements in their hands, stopped the battle, and all looked at the black robe like a big
Who would have thought that the black robe did not stay at all, and quickly passed by Zhu
Lan's body, rushing towards the door of a stone room.
Zhu Lan and others were stunned by the movement of the black robe.
"Master Jailer, cut these people first. Everything here will be ours. The ants who left early
will not be far away." Zhu Lan hurriedly said that he only served as a jailer for the spirit
stone inside. On murder.
At this moment, a dark golden long sword flew from outside the bronze door like lightning,
and went straight to the black robe.
The black robe drew hard, flashing over the dark golden long sword.
The qi sent out on this long sword once again shocked the hearts of the people in the cave.
The master of this long sword is definitely a strong man who is not weaker than the jailer.
The black robe turned around, and everyone noticed that there was a shocking wound on
the black robe's chest.
who is it! Can the jailer be injured?
The man in black robe gasped and looked at the direction of the bronze door. "Henry, do
you really want to kil me, will you be an enemy with God Yin!"
"What!" The
four people Zhu Lan, including Wade White and others, exclaimed in unison. .
"Kill you here, there will be no enemies with Shenyin." A voice sounded lightly outside the
bronze door.
At the moment when he heard this voice, Wade White and others, with a condensed
expression on their faces, immediately showed strong surprises in their eyes. They could
be 100% sure that the voice came from Henry.
The four people in Zhu Lan's eyes were ful of horror. They couldn't figure out why Henry
appeared here, and he was still chasing and killing the jailer.
Bai Jiangnan laughed loudly, "Ha ha ha! You gods will be a bunch of old dogs."
Theblack-robed man swallowed his saliva and took a deep breath, "Henry, this time, it's not
that I hurt you, it has nothing to do with me."
"More nonsense!" Another dark golden sword, from Laser shot from outside the bronze
door and went straight to the black robe. This long sword was extremely fast. The black
robe was forced to a corner, avoiding inescapable, he could only roar, and pulled a god
from the side. Keep in front of you.
The god punishment brought by the black robe did not react at all, and was directly pierced
into the chest by the dark gold sword.
A figure gradual y emerged from the bronze gate and appeared in the eyes of everyone.
"Boss!" The moment he saw this figure, he shouted in the future and flew towards Henry.
There is no one month for Henryyinxin. The outside world is rumored that Henry is dead.
Even in the future, they all have seven points to believe that Henry is completely dead. Now
how can I not be excited when I see Henry again.
Henry chuckled and rubbed his head in the future. "You girl, you are finally willing to
practice seriously. It seems that you are approaching the metamorphosis."
Han Genrou in the crowd looked at Henry with the same emotion .
On the day of knowing that Guangming Island was destroyed, Helen felt as if the sky was
about to collapse. From that day on, she began to develop a plan of revenge. She knew that
her strength was low, so she chose a more extreme method, even if she died.
The murderers who kil ed Henry went to the back.
"Boss, that sister is also your friend. She just blown up the entire cave just for you." The
future pointed to Helen.
Looking at Henry, he saw Helen's detonator al over his body. At such a moment, a strong
sense of deficiencies flooded Henry's heart.
For Helen, Henry ’s feelings for her have always been unclear. The two were together in an
accident. Even Henry did not expect that Helen would do such an extreme thing.
"Gentleness." Henry grinned, but didn't know what to say.
"It's okay without death. Grandma thought you were dead." Helen lowered the excitement
in her eyes, deliberately showing a look that she didn't care about, but her constantly
shaking body had already betrayed how excited she was at this time.
A god punishment killed him, and the sky blue silk thread no longer exists.
The white-fronted tiger in front of Bai Jiangnan made a roar.
"Impossible! Impossible!" Zhu Lan shook his head. "I personally put you in the cage of the
hel . How could you come out? This is impossible!"
"Senior brother, you are really in prison!" Out loud.
"This matter will be discussed later." Henry smiled slightly. "First solve the matter in front
of me, who can tel me who these are."
"Boss, those three families are al clan, Zhu, Xiao. There is also the Su family. The Su family
has replaced the Su family! "Wade White said," Sister-in-law ... No, Sister Lin was also
control ed by them before. "
" Oh, clan. "Henry nodded. , Glanced at each other, and said, "I'll count, there are five people
in the gods and eight people in the clan, a total of thirteen condensed gas environments,
and the rest are not counted."
"Are you Henry?" Su Wenwen Opening, "I, Su, do not have any conflicts with you."
"I Xiao asked myself that there is no intersection with you, Guangming Island." Xiao
Mingxian also spoke out.
A person who can chase a jailer to chase and run away makes them feel a lot of pressure.
Henry did not speak. Behind him, thirteen dark golden long swords slowly condensed into
Thirteen dark gold long swords condensed behind Henry, aimed at the eight clans, and the
five powerful powers of the condensed atmosphere of the God Hidden Society.
One person, lock a whole thirteen condensate atmosphere! What is strong? This is strong!
Thirteen dark gold long swords surround the whole body. Although Henry didn't say a
word, the domineering involved in the action can be felt by everyone.
Wade White and others, just looking at these dark gold swords, felt an inexplicable
"I thought I was already catching up with the boss and found out that I was still too weak."
Wade White shook his head.
Bai Jiangnan looked at Henry's dark gold sword, revealing a look of relief.
The people of the clan and the people of the Shenyin Society al looked at Henry with a
heavy face. From the dark gold swords, they al felt a kind of momentum that made them
"Henry, I didn't provoke you, I don't know what you mean!" Su Wenwen's discourse is soft,
and a person who can chase the jailer and kill him is not difficult.
Henry smiled slightly and said with a voice: "Really, you shouldn't be born. Gu Wu has the
rules of ancient Wu. Your existence is too much."
Henry reached out his hand and snapped his fingers. At this moment, thirteen The dark
gold sword, thirteen masters of condensed gas in front of him, flew away.
The black robe had been used as a shield before, and was punished by a god with a long
sword running through the body. There was almost no resistance. Once again, the dark gold
long sword penetrated the body, and a spit of blood spewed out, and the pupils were
A master of condensed air environment was cut off by Henry.
The remaining twelve men resisted the dark gold sword in front of them respectively.
Henryming was a thirteen attack method, but each of them had to do their best to stop it.
Su Wenwen and Xiao Mingxian al looked down as a punishment envoy of Shenyinhui fell
before him.
"The surname is Zhang, don't deceive people too much!" Su Wenwen shouted.
"How to bul y you, if you don't agree, you will be stronger than me."
Henry squeezed his fist with one hand, and the overwhelming dark gold sword formed
from behind Henry, and then cut off the remaining twelve masters of imperial qi.
In the face of these countless dark gold swords, many masters of condensed gas have a
sense of despair. Each of these overwhelming swords gives them a strong sense of crisis.
The long sword fel , and all the clan children who stood behind the major gas masters died,
even in the metamorphic environment, they could not last for two seconds.
Whether people in this world are friends or enemies are nothing more than different
A mature person knows what he really wants.
A decisive person will act quickly after knowing what he wants.
Obviously, Henry is a mature and decisive person. What he has to do now is very simple, so
that there is no more condensed generation on the bright side of the practice of Qi.
The three major clans, since they dare to be the first bird, they must also be prepared to be
beaten by others.
"The surname is Zhang, we will be secretly held by the gods, and will never let you go!
Absolutely!" Zhu Lan uttered a terrible scream, and was nailed to the stone wall by a long
sword, waiting for him to do anything. More than ten long swords struck him, filling him al
Just listening to the sound of "poo poo", blood flowed down from the stone wall, and not
only Zhu Lan, but also the rest of the gods and the clan, were nailed to the stone wall.
Zhu's Zhu Huatai, Su's Su Wen's, and Xiao's Xiao Mingxian were al nailed to the
Absolute crush.
Henry didn't even move himself, and by virtue of qi alone, he easily beheaded these 13
condensed gas masters.
This made all those present who saw this scene have a strong sense of unreality.
When the clan first appeared, how strong they were, they stood up in the sky, just like a god
mansion, when the god hidden will appear, how domineering it is to cut the light island, but
now, it is so easy to be nailed to death On the stone wall.
Only a few people from the underground forces remained in the cave hall, swallowing
saliva at the moment, looking at Henry's eyes, with a hint of fanaticism.
Hell King, always the Hel King, powerful and unmatched!
Wade White and others opened their mouths wide, and they interacted with the people of
Shenyinhui. They knew how strong these people were. They and others forcibly used spirit
stones to increase their strength. They can only draw a tie with the people of Shenyinhui.
The strong man was actual y beheaded by Henry.
Not to mention Wade White and they, even Bai Jiangnan, were very surprised.
Bai Jiangnan is a strong man who stepped into the divine realm. He can clearly feel that
Henry's strength is only a condensed gas environment, but he can crush the strongmen of
the same level in this way. Such attack strength is white. Jiangnan himself can't do it.
What Bai Jiangnan did not know is that Henry, after training by Xuan Tian and others, can
now be regarded as invincible at the same level. In the face of opponents of the same level,
he can completely achieve a spike, plus what Henry himself cultivated World Extinction
Catalogue, even an opponent who has just entered Divine Realm, Henry also has the power
to fight.
Now Henry can't just define his combat power based on the strength of Aura.
All the powerful men who had been strong were turned into corpses at this time, and
members of the major clans died here except for those who ran out before.
Henry turned around and looked at the members of the underground forces standing
beside Wade White and others.
Each of these members of the underground forces is a human-like character. Seeing Henry
turned his gaze, he quickly knelt on one knee and dared not look up.
"In the future, you deal with it." Henry said in the future.
In the future, he nodded, took a tube of medicine from his clothes, and charged the
underground forces with humanity: "If you drink this medicine, I will let someone deliver
the antidote to you every half a month. It will be completely released after three years.
What should not be said, you should be very clear. "
" Understood! Understood! "Several underground forces, sincerely fearing to take the
potions, they did not dare to have any extra thoughts, and they also understood that they
would come up with these potions in the future , Is to give them a chance to live, otherwise,
if you really want to die, for Guangming Island, it is just a matter of convenience.
A few underground forces, after taking the potion, did not stay for a second, and all ran out
of the cave quickly. They told themselves, in this life, they should not tell what happened in
the cave.
After the major forces left, there were only a few people in Guangming Island, and Bai
Jiangnan and Han gentle.
Henry turned around and rushed to Baijiang South Road: "Brother, I haven't seen you for a
long time. I said who came to open the old man's grave."
"Haha!" Bai Jiangnan laughed and patted Henry's shoulder, "Brother, look I will be relieved
when you come back, saying that you are real y in exile in hell? It is impossible for people
entering there to come out. "
Bai Jiangnan wondered what happened during this time.
Henry did not immediately answer Bai Jiangnan's question, but said: "Let ’s leave this first.
What happened in the most recent month, you have to give I said, I was there, but there
was no outside news. "
Bai Jiangnan nodded. Several people just prepared to lift their feet and walked outside the
bronze door. He heard the sound of" Gurong "from behind.
The people turned back subconsciously and saw that in the center of the stone room, the
two small bronze doors slowly opened, and the blood of the thirteen powerful condensed
airmen had slipped to the ground and slowly flowed into the bronze door. .
Bai Jiangnan looked dul at the bronze door that opened automatically. "What is the
situation, Master has scammed the old man?"
Henry shook his head. "He wasn't buried here."
"What is that inside?" Jiangnan curiously said that he didn't know anything about the smal
bronze door.
"I don't know, just look at it." Henry strode toward the small bronze door.
Bai Jiangnan did not act rashly. He stood in front of Wade White and others in case of any
emergencies. Henry's strength just showed that he didn't need to help him at all.
A dark golden long sword appeared in the void of Henry. Henry held the long sword and
slowly approached the bronze door.
Inside this small bronze door, there is also a stone hall. The stone hal is very empty, and the
walls are all neat stone walls.
Henry picked up a piece of gravel and threw it against the wall. The gravel entered the
stone room without causing any change. It hit the wall and caused a muffled noise, proving
that the wall is solid and does not have the possibility of organs. .
In this way, Henrycai assuredly walked into the stone room.
In the very center of the stone room, there is a stone platform. On the stone platform, a
booklet is placed. This booklet is made of black paper. It is very old and crumpled, as if it
was held in hands and squashed. Opened in general.
The booklet is twenty centimeters long and ten centimeters wide, and the thickness is
about five millimeters.
Henry put his hand on the booklet and wanted to pick it up, but found that the booklet was
so heavy that Henry couldn't pick it up for the first time.
Henry regained his wrist strength, and then he successfully grabbed the booklet into his
hand and felt it a little. The booklet had a weight of at least two hundred kilograms, but the
material was clearly the usual paper, which made Henry's heart ful of doubts.
Open the booklet, it is empty, and there is no record.
Just when Henry wanted to continue studying, a sudden violent shaking occurred under his
feet, and pieces of rubble fell above his head.
Bai Jiangnan's voice came from outside the hall, "Brother, go away, this stone cave is about
to col apse."
"Go." Henry rushed out without hesitation, took Han gentle and ran out of the cave go with.
The rest of the people are strong and do not need Henry to take care of them.
After the last person ran out of the cave, a violent shock came from everyone's feet. The
cave, which was like a beast's mouth, collapsed and was buried by the boulders. Buried in
this mountain.
The powerful clan, just a flash in the pan, disappeared like this.
"Let's go, in this case, there will be people from Shenyin Society coming to see us, we will
leave here first." Henry said.
Everyone is a very fast-working generation. Soon they will leave this unmanned area of
Shennongjia and come to the normal tourist area. So many people play, and no one pays
much attention to the ten people who suddenly appeared.
"Sister-in-law, please take off the detonator first, otherwise go out like this, I am afraid
someone will cal the police immediately." Poseidon smiled bitterly.
Helen realized that there were so many high-explosive detonators tied to him, and he
quickly disassembled and installed them.
A group of ten people walked outside the tourist area.
In a hotel near the Shennongjia tourist area, Henry had ten people surrounded by a dining
table with some original food. The door of the box was closed. A variety of fine wines were
placed on the table, and more than a dozen were empty. The liquor bottle was thrown
Ten people drank more than a dozen bottles of liquor, and gave them to ordinary people.
They were dizzy on the table and could n’t get up, but it did n’t affect the people present.
Henry drank too much last time because he was gentle with Han in the bar.
Here, al kinds of wines are exchanged for drinking, and they are all fake wines, which is
unconscious for him.
On the table, Wade White called Henry to brother, Bai Jiangnan to cal dad, and Bai Jiangnan
called Henry to call his brother, this generation of chaos can not be chaotic, but everyone
on the scene seems to be used to it.
Henry listened to everyone talking about what happened this month. Guangming Island has
started a wandering plan. The major underground forces are not dormant, and the clan is
"Wish old man, how is it now?" Henry took a sip and asked.
The future replied: "Having been unconscious on the island for half a month, and has been
awake, but the breath is very weak. The second elder is adjusting medicine, and it should
be good to cultivate for a while."
Hearing the future, Henry felt relieved. He and Zhu Yuanjiu were considered to be friends,
and the relationship has always been good. The second elder in the future, the second elder
of the Tang family, is good at using poisons, people who can use poison, and also doctors.
"Brother, you called everyone into the old man's tomb this time, just to let everyone
practice Qi together, right?" Henry speculated.
"Good." Bai Jiangnan nodded. "The three clans of the Zhu family are too strong. They have
been suppressed for too long. As soon as they come out, they feel like they want to
dominate the world. These are only three small clans. The big clan came out and wondered
what was going on. It was better to let everyone practice qi together than when we were
alone. "
Henry Wenyan asked again," Brother, will the remaining clan also be born in the near
future? "
"It should not be." Bai Jiangnan shook his head. "The more powerful the clan, the more
restraint it is. The Zhu clan should be the strongest clan that can be born now, and you have
cut off the three major clan this time. The patriarch, the rest of the clan, should not appear
easily, but there is not much time left for us, and there will be another half a year, and there
will be clan heads. "
Henry slightly frowned." Do you know what they want to do? " ? " "
unclear. "Bai Jiangnan opening," I did not even think clan suddenly born, I am afraid only of
God hidden will only know these people want to do. " "
okay. "Henry muses.
"Boss." Wade White poured the wine for Henry, "The clan is too arrogant, and the major
underground forces are out of breath. You shot this time, but you hit them in the face.
The news is coming, we Guangming Island, the prestige must be higher. "
" Can't spread this news. "Henry said.
Listening to Henry, everyone is stunned.
"It really can't be spread, you can't even tell me whereabouts of my younger brother."
Bai Jiangnan said, "This time, the younger brother was exiled to the cage of the hell, that
place, since its establishment, no one can come out, if now Let the people of the
Shenyin Society know that the younger brother has come out, and the trouble will be
greater. "
" Yes. "Henry nodded," not only the people of the Shenyin Society, including the clan, even
those underground forces, can not tell about The news that I came back, and, Guangming
Island took advantage of this opportunity to stop showing up, dormant, I will provide you
with a new place, you go to settle in there. "
Henry looked at the wine glass in front of him," This time The major underground forces
have found an opportunity to practice Qi. Most of the clan's imperial atmosphere has died
in the cave. This is an opportunity to reshuffle the cards, and it is also a chance for the
major underground forces to burst their potential. Opportunities, do n’t worry about the
affairs of the underground world, let them fight, according to the elder brother, at most six
months, there will be clan heads, look at the major underground forces in this six months
What kind of competition can there be? There is a royal atmosphere, which is considered a
royal atmosphere. "
All the people present here are smart people. When they heard this, they immediately
understood what Henry meant.
"Boss, you want to ..."
"How strong the clan is, we don't know at all. With us alone, there is no way to contend
with the clan. Now I don't know what they are going to do, and there is no good way to
control it, only in advance Prevention, this underground force has one more imperial
atmosphere, and we will have one more fighting power when we get there. "Henry sighed."
You have to remember that when half a year later, when there are clan appearances,
imperialism Below, all are ants. "
Under the imperial qi, all are ants.
Henry's words echoed in the hearts of everyone. This world is about to change. It is no
longer the world before. The appearance of qi has made the whole pattern change.
In the future, it will not be an era of crowded people, or an era of guns and artil ery. It will
be masters above Yuqijing!
Everyone was pondering Henry's words. Suddenly, a mobile phone ringing sounded.
Helen picked up the phone, "Hey, yes, I'm here. I just went out and went right away."
Helen said a few words to the phone and then got up immediately.
"Sister-in-law, are you going?" Poseidon looked at Helen and asked.
Helen nodded. "Yes, the Blade is looking for me. I have to go quickly."
"I have something to tell you." Henry also got up and asked Wade White to drink them
first. , Came to a room opened before Henry.
Helen looked at this room with only her and Henry, and she was ashamed when she looked
Henry entered the room, turned off al the lights in the room, and the whole room became
Helen sipped his lips and sat down by the bed, just about to speak, and he saw that the
lights that had been extinguished turned on again. Helen reacted. Henry had just done what
he was doing, but he was looking at the room Is there only a camera.
"This is for you." Henry took out a piece of spirit stone that was only one cubic centimeter
in size and gave it to Helen. "Do you know how to use it?"
Helen took this spirit stone. She had seen it in the cave. Knowing what this is, he shook his
head at Henry, "I didn't get anything about Qi practice at the time."
Henry pondered, and took out a book of exercises in the room. He said in a real way:
"The text inside, you should not know most of it, belongs to the smal seal body, you look
back Check it, it will be a little more difficult to understand, but it is stronger than most of
the Qi practice methods now. Do n’t tell anyone. ”
This book of Gong practice was given to him by Henry when he came out. Henry can help
them pass on the exercises.
Helen looked at Henry's solemn look and careful y collected the exercises and spirit stones.
Henry stared at Helen ’s bright eyes and said, "Gentleness, remember, the next six months
are particularly important. Today, Brother told me that most underground forces will
conduct the world of gas refiners. No matter it is the original underground forces or the
world of gas refiners, a new round of reshuffle will be ushered in. The situation will become
very chaotic in this half year. Everyone must find their own in this half year Orientation,
whether to be an earth emperor in ordinary underground forces, or to fight in the world of
gas refiners. "
" I understand. "Helen nodded softly." There is an emergency meeting to be held this time
by Sharp Blade, which should be the case "
Henry put his hand on Helen's shoulder." There will definitely be many changes in the past
six months. You must be careful. After the situation is chaotic, the blade is not safe.
After I settled Guangming Island. I'll tell you the new location, there are difficulties, do not
propped dead, okay? " " do
not worry, I have not before that brain-dead to me. "Han smiled gently, take the initiative
with open arms and gave Hyun a hug.
After holding it up, Helen subconsciously tightened his arms, revealing a greedy look in his
eyes, but within a few seconds, Helen concealed the greed in his eyes, and reluctantly
released Henry, "I will go first, Otherwise, the sharp-edged person may come over. "
" Pay attention to safety. "
" Relax. "Helen strode to the door of the room and opened the door." It's you, and pay more
attention to safety. "
After finishing talking, Helen walked out of the room, enduring the urge to rush back into
Henry's arms, closing the door of the room and leaving here.
Looking at the back of Helen leaving, Henry felt a little unpleasant in his heart, but he knew
that now it wasn't for him to talk about his sons and daughters, the whole underground
world had to change, waiting for him to do many things.
Late at night, Wade White and others, all drunk and drunk, lay back in the hotel room,
Henry came back safely, letting each of them feel happy in the bottom of their hearts, this
news also spread to Guangming Island, I heard that the island People also revel in wine,
and half of them are drunk.
At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Henry sat by the window of the hotel and took out
the booklet he took in the cave today.
At the time, when he buried Old Man Lu, Henry was stil young. He only knew that according
to the last words of Old Man Lu, he made a fake bronze tomb. I don't know.
At that time, Henry was not an underground king, and he did not even know the existence
of qi. In this respect, it can be said to be ignorant.
Xuan (1/2) Henry sat by the window and studied for a long time. I don't know why this
book is used. I can only put it away and wait until I return to the island. Study slowly in the
Henry looked up at the night sky, and Sylvia's figure unconsciously appeared by the
window. The woman's voice and smile hovered in her ears.
Henry shook his head and shook his thoughts away. He was going to the Zhu Family and the
Zhu Family War. What would be the outcome of that battle. Henry himself could not
guarantee that he could only prepare in advance and borrow Lin Qing to demolish The
construction of the welfare institution had a quarrel with Sylvia, let those eyes hidden in
the dark see, and let Guangming Island announce that he would n’t interact with the Su
family again, that is, if he lost after World War I, Sylvia was al involved.
At that time, Zhu's ability to destroy Zhu's family meant that this was not a group of good
men and women.
Facts have proved that Henry's decision was very correct. If it was not Henry who had
taken the initiative to draw a line with Sylvia and took the opportunity to quarrel, I am
afraid that on the day Henry died, Su Wenxian would take Sylvia's Life.
Henry admitted that he missed Sylvia very much and the home in Yinzhou, but it was not
time to go back.
There are too many enemies hidden in the dark now. Henry himself was put into a cage of
hell. He can never show up easily before he finds a good solution. What is the
situation inside the Shenyin Society? He will never naively think that the God Hidden
Society is an organization that maintains justice.
What other clan in the secret, now, the clan of the Zhu, Xiao, and Su clan are all dead, there
must be countless eyes staring secretly, want to know the cause of death of these people, if
Henry suddenly appeared, very It's easy for people to associate this matter with him. If you
really want the clans to find Henry coming out of the prison cage, you can almost determine
that the cause of Zhu Huatai's death is related to Henry. Any clan with no conflict of interest
will subconsciously regard Henry as an enemy.
After al , the heirs of the guardians of the ancient Chinese martial arts are not talking about
anything casually, not talking about interests. Everyone is born on the stand and ca n’t
stand aside.
When Henry was born this time, he had already prepared his own plan. The first thing to do
was to find a way to solve the matter of the Shenyin Society. In the best case, he could be
mixed up with the position of God ’s punishment. In the view of Henry, the threat of the
clan can be opened even if hell cage is opened.
Home, for the current Henry, it is impossible to return, this time, not only will bring
countless enemies, including Sylvia, but also in danger.
Now, although the Su family is under the control of the Su family, it is general y safe.
Once it is to be blended with Henry, the danger index can change from a star to a star.
Henry shook his head, lay on the bed, closed his eyes and rested.
Overnight, quietly passed.
After Henry got up, Bai Jiangnan had left.
"Wade White, where did my brother go? Going so anxious?" Henry saw Wade White in the
hotel's restaurant. Wade White was holding a meat bun in one hand and was eating.
"Who knows." Wade White rolled his eyes. "My man, I'm nagging all day long. I used to tell
me what to do before. Now I'm cal ing every day to find the source of the world. I ’m almost
taken by him as a monk. ” "Oh." Henry smiled softly, "Your father can't bear you to be a
monk, he can't let you give him a dozen grandchildren to pass on to the lineage."
"Forget it." Wade White glanced at his mouth , "My ancestors, the sins are too deep, and it is
a blessing to be able to pass on a single pass. If you want to spread the leaves, let's
accumulate the virtue of a few lives first."
"Boss, how do you plan next?" The hair came over and it can be seen that she had just
finished bathing.
"Go back to the island first, I have something to arrange for you." Henry confessed, and took
two buns and filled his stomach.
At 12 noon, a private jet rushed high into the Atlantic and headed for the Atlantic.
The entire Atlantic Ocean, which accounts for 20% of the planet ’s total area, is endless and
larger than the nine Chinese territories. An island floats on the sea as smal as a float.
Fourteen hours after Henry et al.'S departure, a plane soared over the Atlantic Ocean.
"Boss, what do you see, so fascinated?" Wade White walked to Henry with a cigarette in his
At this time Henry was standing by the window, looking at the endless sea under him.
"You said, what exactly is there under this sea?" Henry suddenly said.
Wade White was stunned by Henry. He didn't expect that Henry would suddenly mention
such an il usory thing. He replied: "Who knows, there is an air pressure under the deep sea
that can press tanks into discus. This planet is so big, we do n’t know much about it. "
" Yeah. "Henry sighed," Indeed, there are too many things we don't know, Wade White,
have you ever thought about it, maybe It is because of our ignorance that let us recognize
the things that originally existed as myths? "
" Boss, how come you suddenly become nagging like my old man? "Wade White looked
strangely. Henry.
Henry shook his head. He was n’t nagging, but the more he knew, the stronger his awe of
the world. In the past, Henry thought that it ’s impossible for people to escape from the sky
and that there is an end to human life of.
But now, flying away, Henry can do it. He has also seen Xuan Tian's old monster that has
lived for hundreds of years. Various things that used to be incredible in the past are
displayed in front of Henry's eyes, but this is incredible. The things that affect the whole
world are not as imaginative as they are. After al , no matter whether they are flying people
or long-lived people, they are too small compared to the whole world.
"Boss and I want to go together." The future came from the side. "I think there are some so-
called myths, not necessarily myths."
"In the future, you Girl, who is engaged in scientific research, when did you believe these?"
Wade White rolled his eyes.
The future glanced at his mouth. "The end of science is theology. There are many things
that science cannot explain."
"Oh, from a scientific point of view, do you really have dragons in this world?" Wade White
pointed to his big knife, and on his back, a five-claw golden dragon was carved.
"Of course." The future said very surely.
"Yes?" Wade White's eyes widened. "There are dragons in this world?"
"Nonsense! You are an idiot!" In the future, Wade White will not save face.
Wade White has long been accustomed to the title of being an idiot. He has doubted more
than once. When he first named himself, he was thinking of something thick. Bad taste.
Now Wade White is completely attracted by the dragon in the future.
"In the future, please tel me what the hell is going on?" The future reached out and knocked
on Wade White's head. "You're an idiot. You're an idiot.
Haven't you seen it in Jurassic Park?
" Damn! "Wade White raised a middle finger." You said it was a dinosaur, I said a real
dragon, this! "
Wade White said, waving his big sword again.
"In the age of dinosaurs, there were all kinds of land, sea, and air overlords. There are giant
dinosaurs up to tens of meters in height. Who can say that there is no dragon in this
shape?" The future shrugged. Many of the prehistoric biological remains unearthed have
not been completely pieced together. They are all big guys. Who can tell whether there is
our Chinese Dragon in this. "
" Hey. "Wade White sighed, and seemed to be in disappointment. , "I thought you were
really sure that there was a creature like dragon."
"If not, how could it be passed on, and how could it be so long?" The future asked back,
"Like Atlantis, if Just constructing the truth and making it up, how could it be believed by so
many people, you do n’t agree with this kind of existence, but you do n’t agree with it,
it does n’t mean that others do n’t agree with it, if you understand it in the scientific field,
this world is divided into One hundred mil ion species. "
" Hundreds of millions of species? How to say? "Wade White was curious again by the
"A very simple way of understanding, let's just talk about people and birds." In the future,
take out a tablet and bring up two pictures on it. "People can see trees because people have
their eyes widened, people can feel trees, It ’s because people have long hands, they can
smell gas, they have noses, they can hear sounds, they have ears. "
"In the future, isn't that what you said is nonsense." Wade White rolled his eyes.
"Children know everything about science."
"It's a simple truth. Every time people feel a different thing, It ’s because there is an extra
organ. Just like before you eat, you will see the food first, then smell it, and finally taste it
with your tongue. Some creatures do n’t have a nose and will eat directly if you encounter
something. If there is one more organ, that will allow you to have a new understanding of
the world. For example, flying birds, people rely on their legs to hurry and move, and you
know what the flying birds ’legs are used for? ? "Asked the future.
Wade White was stunned. This simple question really asked him. People's legs are used to
make human body move. But the movement of birds, mostly rely on the wings, the
presence of the feet, almost no, Even some birds have no feet.
In the future, the tablet will be shut down and said: "Look, flying birds and our world are
two concepts, just because birds have a pair of wings than us, not to mention some animals
that have no eyes and can not speak. In their In the world, a tree will not be a tree, it may be
a kind of food, or it may be another kind of existence. In their world view, people are just
another form of things. Those animals will think and create more, but because of the
existence of eyes, our world may not necessarily have their wonderful
world. Animals will evolve because of the surrounding environment, but people can only
invent something to prevent because of the surrounding environment. Something, this is
the so-cal ed talent, the talent of most animals is stronger than humans. " Wade White
swallowed his saliva. He hasn't really thought about these things in the future, but when he
thinks about it, he feels terrified.
The only thing people can feel is because people have these organs. When these organs are
missing, the world will change dramatically. For example, blind people can't see mountains
and rivers, and people without taste buds can't experience the ups and downs.
There are many things in this world, not just what people see. It is very likely that when
people evolve again and have another organ, or when they invent something that can
simulate animal organs, people will look at this world. There are many things that I have
never seen before!
Thinking about it, Wade White couldn't help but goose bumps on his body and his hair was
all standing up. He felt that there might be something behind him, looking at himself, but he
was restricted and unable to realize the existence of the other party. Like people looking at
ants, ants know nothing.
Wade White didn't even notice that after hearing the words of the future, he also entered a
state of nagging, thinking unconsciously what the so-called world origin is in the south
mouth of Baijiang.
After another ten minutes, an island appeared in the sight of everyone.
There are black and tal city walls around the island. On top of the city walls are dense
barrels. On the four corners, there is a radar, which is constantly rotating.
When the plane approached, the black walls around the island began to land slowly,
exposing the beautiful flowers blooming behind the walls.
Countless warships docked around the island to open the way for the island.
The plane is getting closer and closer to the island. You can see that a large number of
people have gathered on the island, looking at the approaching plane with excitement.
Henry has long been the soul pillar of Guangming Island. When he learned that Henry was
returning safely, al the people on the island were in a state of excitement.
After a while, the plane landed smoothly on the island. As soon as the plane door opened,
Henry saw the crowd of people standing outside the plane.
When I saw Henry, everyone, all made a sound of excitement.
"Boss, I knew you were okay, ha ha ha!" Ferris laughed out of the crowd.
Yizhar also followed Ferris, "Boss, where have you been this month, our intel igence
department can't even find out your trail."
Henry shook his head, "I'm slow behind this Speak to you slowly. "
" Yes, drinking is the important thing. Boss, you must have a drink with you today. You will
be missing for another month. I'm afraid your grave will have to be erected. "Ferris
laughed. Road.
"Yes." Henry waved his hand, "Drink him tonight without drunk!"
Even though people on the island knew Henry was okay more than twenty hours ago, he
stil hides when he sees Henry himself. Can't help but feel excited.
It took Henry a ful hour to walk into the old castle in the center of the island. The number of
people was a little less. Outside the old castle, al kinds of cheers kept on, and everyone had
already opened wine to celebrate.
Xuan (1/2) Henry came to the castle, the first time, is to go to the place where Zhu Yuanjiu
After waking up, Zhu Yuanjiu has been recuperating in the old castle.
On Henry's body, two strange books were installed, one was taken from the bronze gate the
day before yesterday, and the other was given to Henry by Zhu Ling.
For these two volumes, Henry has no clue.
There are many rooms in the castle.
Outside of a house, Zhu Lingzheng stood there alive, and she learned of Henry ’s return, but
she did not go out to greet her, but waited here.
"Girl, what is it?" Henry walked behind Zhu Ling and patted Zhu Ling's shoulder.
The little girl was startled and turned around, only to find that Henry was already standing
behind her. She didn't pay attention to when Henry came.
When Zhu Ling saw Henry, he was stunned for a few seconds. Then he shouted and rushed
directly into Henry's arms. The tears couldn't stop flowing out.
In front of Henry's chest, Zhu Ling's sobbing voice came.
"Zhang ... Brother Henry, great, you ... you're fine."
During the time when Henry disappeared, Zhu Ling blamed himself every day. If it wasn't
for his own business, Henry would not conflict with Zhu's family, if What happened to
Henryzhen, Zhu Ling would never forgive himself forever.
"Okay, what can I do, don't forget, I am a hel king." Henry rubbed Zhu Ling's little head.
Behind Henry, made a "creak" sound.
A door was pushed open, Zhu Yuanjiu walked out with a cane, and his face was a little pale.
After all, Zhu Yuanjiu was already old and had no practice, even if he suffered such torture,
even Undead, I am afraid that half of his life has been lost.
"Knowing that you are okay, my old bones are relieved." Zhu Yuanjiu looked at Henry and
said out loud.
Henry looked back, smiled and said:. "You old guys did not die, how could I die first,
evidently, your situation is not very good, ah, have to spend a crutch,"
"loss of essence, is afraid of the future "I can't stand my waist." Zhu Yuanjiu snorted,
"Come on, I know you have a lot to ask, Ling'er, don't disturb you Henry first."
"Wel ." Zhu Ling put it from Henry's arms He lifted his head and wiped a tear. "Brother
Henry, you're fine. Let's drink together at night."
"OK." Henry nodded. "As long as your old man doesn't worry."
"Cut, on this island ." , He would n’t worry about it. ”Zhu Ling smiled at the corner of his
mouth,“ That Henry, you go to do business with my grandfather first, I ’m gone. ”
Zhu Ling finished, flicking her ponytails, jumping Go far.
"This girl." Zhu Yuanjiu gave Zhu Ling a helpless look, shook his head, turned and walked
into the house, Henry also fol owed in, and closed the door.
There was a smell of Chinese medicine in the room. On the side of the stove, there was a
casserole where the medicine was boiling.
Henry sniffed his nose, but a smell, to say the casserole herbs, "ginseng, astragalus,
Atractylodes, smal amounts of licorice, evidently you are not particularly good recovery."
the old man." I wish Yuan Jiu laughed bitterly, "This man can't accept old age. Forty years
ago, these injuries, I will sleep well." The
two sat at a table of eight immortals, and the tea was already made on the table.
Henrygang sat down and didn't speak. Zhu Yuanjiu said first, "I know what you want to ask,
about that book, right.""Wel ." Henry took the book with the dark blue cover on the table.
"What the hel is this? How would it affect my personal vitality? You told Zhu Ling, this is a
The key that can drive the clan crazy? "
" Yes. "Zhu Yuanjiu nodded, took the tea cup, and took a sip." But the word "key" is not what
I defined. "
" Who is that? "Henry was curious.
Zhu Yuanjiu stared at Henry's eyes and said, "Lu! First! Health!"
"Old Man Lu!" Henry was shocked.
"Not bad." Zhu Yuanjiu nodded. "At the time, Mr. Lu had returned his ancestral ancestors to
everyone in Jingcheng before hiding in the world, and our Zhu family was
located in Duhai. A drawing, he told me that when we saw something beyond our
expectations, we could find it, which would keep us safe for a while. "
Henry stared at the blue book on the table Unexpectedly, this thing was left by old man Lu.
All along, Lu Yan has given Henry a particularly mysterious feeling. Even as the only
descendant of Lu Yan, Henry did not know the details of Lu Yan. Henry had also inquired
about Lu Yan's identity with Bai Jiangnan before, but for Lu Yan, Bai Jiangnan didn't
understand it. At best, he was regarded as a named disciple of Lu Yan, or because of the
relationship between Bai Jiangnan's father, Lu Yan made an exception to collect Bai
Jiangnan as a named disciple.
Henry learned this skill from Lu Yan for a period of time, and never heard Lu Yan talk about
qi. At that time, what Lu Yan told Henry was unattainable. Henry also understood it some
time ago, and even so many spirits were put in the bronze door. Shi Xuan practiced Qi,
Henry also learned two days ago.
Zhu Yuanjiu said loudly: "This book is a key, but the key to unlocking it specifical y is not
clearly stated by Mr. Lu. You have to dig it yourself."
Henry nodded and changed the book again Closed and asked again: "Why does the clan
want this thing?"
"The door opened by the key, the contents inside, can destroy the clan ..."
It was getting dark.
On the bright island, several campfires rose, and people on the island surrounded the
bonfire, singing and dancing, and a roasted whole sheep with golden oil flowed on the
bonfire, and the oil dripped onto the flame, making a noisy noise.
Almost everyone holds a bottle of wine in their hands, including children who are only
seven or eight years old, and adults make an exception for them to have a drink.
In the month when Henry disappeared, to the people on the island, it seemed that the sky
was black every day. When Henry came back, the day immediately lit up.
There was laughter and joy on the island. The people who lived on Guangming Island had
long regarded it as their last home. When Henry disappeared, everyone, without any
exception, chose to accompany Guangming Island.
This wandering is not just about drifting with Guangming Island at sea, but when
Guangming Island encounters a crisis, everyone can work together to resist this crisis.
Many people think that Guangming Island is where the Devil Satan lives. It is a place where
people eat no bones. It is a place without legal sanctions. Only people on the island know
that this is a real paradise. There is no law here, just Because, among family members,
these things are not needed.
has been several days away from the clan assembly.
Over the past few days, there has been nothing special about the underground forces
abroad, but for the underground forces in China, it was an absolute turbulence, comparable
to the turbulence like a volcanic eruption.
First of al , the clan was born, so that many underground forces saw the power of qi.
The entire underground world was shuffled. The qi practitioners and the non-qi
practitioners were divided into two pieces. It can be said that there will be no problems in
the future.
Secondly, the official people showed up specially, issued three rules, and imposed new
restrictions on the underground forces. It can be said that when the sun shines, the
underground forces in China cannot stand in front of ordinary people. Strength.
Third, the people of the Shenyin Society personally admitted that the hel king of Bright
Island was imprisoned for nine years.
What does nine years mean?
A person was imprisoned for nine years. After he was born again, this world has already
ushered in a new round of change. His time has long passed, and in this world, there will be
no Satan!
Fourth, and most importantly, the underground forces who were present on the day all
knew about the melee in Shennongjia. Bai Jiangnan and Shenyin would fight together, and
the major clans would fight together. In that battle, no one would get the final result.
It is known that only a few people saw that at the end of the war, two Xeons rushed into the
cave. No one saw the faces of those two, nor did they know their identity.
The cave inside Shennongjia completely collapsed on that day, and no one who fought in
the cave was able to come out. The clan led the powerful imperial masters who were al
buried in the cave, even the chiefs of the three major clans did not go. come out.
All forces have focused their attention on the Shennongjia. When the collapsed mountain
was dug up, countless corpses appeared. The whole Huaxia underground forces circulated
such a news.
The patriarchs of the three major clans were all dead. There were a few people hidden by
the gods, all of them were dead. All the kings of Guangming Island were also buried under
the mountain.
For the underground world of China, this is undoubtedly a big storm. Those who stood on
the top of the mountain died under World War I.
The clan is strong, but for the vast majority of the reasons, it is because there are too many
clan masters, and the realm is far more than others. But now, the clan masters are mostly
dead and injured, and those who are stil in the clan are not too strong. This al ows major
underground forces to see the turning point.
If everyone is on the starting line with the clan, even if the clan is more ahead, this will al
ow them to see hope, not as dark as before.
Duhai Zhujia has now become the place of Zhu Family.
The whole Zhu family was covered with white stripes. Zhu Huatai's death made the whole
Zhu family immersed in a grief.
In the main hal of Zhu Family, Zhu Yuan and Sylvia sat side by side. There was a wooden
table between them. Two drawings were placed on the wooden table. It was Sylvia who
took out the drawing as a chip.
"Miss Lin, regarding the last picture, I think you have given it to us." Zhu Yuan said, "So
many things have happened, Su's strength has also been cut a lot."
"Not yet Time. "Sylvia shook his head." As I am a weak woman, even when I return to Su's
house, I have to listen to Su's words. I want you to help me wipe out Su's completely. "
Zhu Yuan frowned," Miss Lin You can see the current situation clearly. The three major
clans have such a big accident. I want to help you kil the Su clan directly, not just casually.
Xiaoli, leave an opportunity for others, you should be clear, there is stil a Xiao, who is
staring at the tiger. " "This is your business, how to arrange it, you wish to see it,
I do n’t care what the price is, I want the Su family, and besides, is the thing I ’ve come up
with Li, you Zhu's very clear. "Sylvia finished, got up directly, walked outside the main hall.
As soon as the main halls were pul ed away, I saw Zhu Feng in a white mourning suit,
staring at Sylvia in a frivolous manner, looking at Sylvia from head to toe, opening his big
yellow teeth, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips , I want to reach out to LaSylvia,
"Wife, where are you going? When my father's head passes, we will get married quickly."
Sylvia gave Zhu Feng a disgusted look and escaped Zhu Feng's hand , Headed back to Zhu
Yuandao: "The situation is chaotic now, it's your best time, think about it, call me."
Sylvia finished, turned around and left.
Zhu Feng looked at Sylvia's back, and his eyes were getting hot. He yelled at Zhu Yuan:
"Zhu Yuan, what are you waiting for, leave my fiance soon!"
Zhu Yuan stared at Sylvia's back, his eyes constantly on. Sylvia left and wandered between
the drawings on the table.
"Zhu Yuan, I'm talking to you, haven't you heard it!" Zhu Feng stepped forward and slapped
Zhu Yuan's face with a slap, making a snapping sound, "I let you cal my fiancee back "
Zhu Yuan was slapped without showing any strange color on her face, but looked at Zhu
Feng and asked," Master, do you real y like Sylvia? "
" Of course, I want to throw her in my dreams Come to my bed! "Zhu Feng said without
hesitation, as if he had thought of something, he smirked with yellow teeth.
Zhu Yuan thought for a while and said, "Master, the marriage with Su Clan was negotiated
verbally with the Su clan chief on that day. Now that the old man and the Su clan chief are
no longer there, it is impossible to count.
" No! "Zhu Feng immediately regained his smirk when he heard this, and slapped it on the
table in front of him." I must marry her. I must bind her no matter what method you use. ! "
Zhu Yuan smiled, "Master, don't worry, Ms. Lin is from the Su family. It is definitely not
possible to tie people up. In this way, when the head of the patriarch has passed, I will help
you take over the position of patriarch. I wish the clan's patriarch 's identity would go to
the Su clan to raise relatives, but the Su clan would not agree. " Zhu Feng heard this, and his
eyes lit up sharply." Yeah, I want to be the patriarch. I want to marry whoever I want. Zhu
Yuan, you have to help me become the patriarch. "
" No problem, but Master, you have to cooperate with me. "Zhu Yuan said.
I wish the wind nodded his head, face, hand patted wish yuan, "Zhu Yuan, you real y are my
father raised a good dog, yes, and so I became patriarch, and ultimately benefits you."
I wish the wind finished, a His face ran out of the main hall with excitement. On his face, he
couldn't see the pain of his dead father.
Zhu Yuan stared at Zhu Feng ’s back, and a haze flashed in his eyes. He put all the drawings
on the table and put them in his clothes. Then he walked to the position of the patriarch in
the main hall and sat down.
of the
vast Atlantic Ocean.
An island, led by dozens of destroyers, drifted slowly east of the Atlantic.
The people on the island have already ended their carnival, and everyone is busy with their
own affairs.
Both Henry and the future stayed in the laboratory. About the mysterious metal that Qixia
left behind, she could not study all the ingredients in the future.
Henry handed over the booklet he got in the Shennongjia cave to the future. Let the future
study it and see if there is anything strange in this booklet.
Ferris strode into the laboratory, "Boss, you have let me buy the land I have already
Henry nodded, "OK, just take it, you contact another construction team, I want to develop
Over there. " " No problem. "Ferris sent out a message on the spot and then wondered,"
Boss, I don't understand. Why did you buy the entire Sossusvlei Desert? That's it A place
where no flying birds dare to land? The sand there is rusty, all of which are rich in iron ore,
and people will die if they step on it. "
Henry smiled mysteriously," You will know by then, anyway, there will be We have a base
for a long time in the future. "
Ferris shrugged. Although he did not know what Henry's purpose was, he would obey
unconditional y whatever Henry said.
After a while, Izar came in again, "Boss, the news of this time has been collected, the entire
China underground world is all messed up, the patriarchs and masters of the three major
clans, and the bodies are al dug from the mountain rocks When it came out, the outside
world was rumored, and we were all dead. "
" Let them pass on. "Henry said," Taking advantage of this time, we still have other things to
do. In the current situation, who is the first bird, the god is hidden You will find who you
will be, and you will be stared at by the clan hidden in the dark. You tell everyone to be
careful when you are outside. "
"Understood." Izar nodded.
Looking at the future, Henry asked, "Are the energy resources ready?"
"Okay." The future nodded. "A total of six fire crystals can be pumped at any time. The total
energy is higher than ten nuclear power plants, completely Enough. "
" Using the fire crystal energy? "Ferres froze for a moment," Boss, what are you doing?
Henry smiled slightly," Of course, he moved. "
" Moving? "Ferris and Eza Wel , they all heard confused.
Just then, outside the laboratory, a horn sounded.
Henry hurriedly walked out of the laboratory, and Felix fol owed three behind him.
I saw that the people on the island had all gathered in the square, and everyone was tied
with a tough cloth rope, and the two ends of the cloth rope were tied with long nails.
Nailed in the ground.
Poseidon ran over, "Boss, already close to Africa."
"OK, let everyone prepare." Henry waved his hand.
Poseidon nodded immediately, picked up the horn and blew, shouting: "Everyone, be
Izar and Ferris, both with a look of brutality, did not know what happened.
"You two have been running outside these two days, don't you know the boss's plan yet?"
Luna walked, covering his mouth and chuckling.
"What plan?" Izar and Ferris asked at the same time.
"Hmm ..." Luna God pondered, "The boss called it moving, but I gave it a name, called the
island soaring plan." "flying?" Ferres muttered the words in his mouth. Before he even
thought about it, he felt a violent vibration beneath his feet. The island was surrounded by
tal walls, and it could not be seen. What, but Ferris can feel that he is getting closer and
closer to the sky at the moment.
The violent shaking passed through the entire island, and some unstable houses have col
apsed. Fortunately, everyone has taken out the contents of the house.
Ferris only felt left and right shaking, making it difficult to stand firm.
The loud noise of "Poo Poo" came from below.
At this moment, Ferris clearly felt that he was absolutely right and was taking off.
The "popping" sound that was constantly coming from underneath was the sound of the
boulders under the island constantly falling into the sea. The island surface was slightly
tilted. The people who fixed themselves on the ground by the rope before were hardly
affected. .
Ferreth's body balance was not well controlled, and he planted to the side.
Henry stretched out his hand and grabbed Ferreth.
Ferris's eyes glared round, "Boss, you said moving house, wouldn't it just move the whole
island away, the desert you asked me to take was just to move the island over?"
"Smart." Henry Da Snapped a finger.
From the outside, an island slowly rises from the sea. At the bottom of the island, countless
propellers are installed. Every one second of operation is consuming huge energy.
However, these energy and the six fire crystals contain Compared to energy, it is not worth
The island was slightly inclined at first, and after more than ten minutes of adjustment, it
became gentle and began to lift off.
At the same time, a large amount of mist was sprayed on the surrounding walls of the
island. The dense mist gathered in the sky, completely covering the entire bright island in
the dense fog. As the bright island rose higher and higher, these mists, see In the eyes of
ordinary people, it is like a cloud floating in the sky. No one will know that there is an island
in this cloud, which is slowly moving in the sky.
Promoting this "air fortress" is not a particularly difficult technology. Most countries have
mastered it, but no one will do it like Guangming Island. After al , the value of energy is
too high, only A large energy-rich household like Guangming Island can do this kind of
The anti-radar system that comes with Gwangmyeong Island makes it impossible for
ordinary reconnaissance radars to scan for the existence of Gwangmyeong Island.
In this way, after the bright island was lifted off the Atlantic coast, it was hidden in the
clouds. Without knowing it, it came to Africa and headed towards the Sossusvlei desert.
The speed of Guangming Island in the air is not very fast, it is about ten times slower than
that of an airplane. After all, an island is such a large volume, which part of the power
problem occurs, it is a trouble, it is not dare to fly too fast The power of the various
thrusters must be kept the same. Otherwise, the island will real y fall from high altitude, let
alone how many people can survive on the island, and the casualties on the ground cannot
be calculated.
In the future, almost every day before and after running on the island, dealing with the
problem of the propel er, the size of the problem is uninterrupted, and the people on the
island have entered the state of practicing Qi after adapting to the gentle flight of the island.
In a flash, ten days passed.
In mid-November of China, people had already put on sweaters.
China Yinzhou, after 11 holidays, the work schedule has been changed, at 8 am, the traffic is
A purple Maserati president stopped at the traffic lights.
"Have you not contacted Henry yet? When did you two contradict the plan?" Jenny held
Tiantian, sitting in the back of the vehicle, and asked.
"The company's business is too busy, and I haven't thought about it for a while. I may have
to travel on business later." Sylvia, who was driving, said without looking back.
Jenny sighed, "There is too much misunderstanding between the two of you. There was no
need to do such a thing. Sit down and talk about it."
"Have a chance." Sylvia murmured, looking sideways, looking out the window , The eyes
unconsciously turned red, when is this opportunity? After nine years? Things are changing,
things are wrong.
Jenny saw that Sylvia no longer spoke, only when she was still angry with Henry.
Regarding Henry ’s news, Sylvia was afraid that Jenny would not be able to accept it for a
while. If you are stimulated again, it is likely to cause problems.
In the past few days, Sylvia often walks outside. Although Lin ’s work, she has already
explained it, but she is stil not in the company, and many decisions cannot be made directly.
As a result, the company has not developed very well during this time. It can only be said
that it is standing stil . After all, the Shanghai is also like sailing against the current, and
retreating if not advancing.
Sylvia was sitting in his office, examining and approving the documents backlogged during
this period of time. Within a month, the new welfare home had taken shape, and the
children could live in a few months. After all, Lin ’s Under the control of a large enterprise,
it is not too time-consuming to build a new welfare home.
The door of the office was knocked, and Secretary Li Na pushed the door in and walked in.
Secretary Li held a brown paper bag envelope in his hand. "Mr. Lin, this was specially
mailed to you."
Sylvia took the envelope and opened it. As I saw, there was a red greeting card in the
envelope. The cover of the greeting card was printed with two gold stamps.
Hire posts!
Sylvia opened this post, which was sent by Zhu Clan. The content is very simple. Zhu Clan
Chief wanted to marry Sylvia.
Immediately after reading this post, Sylvia received a cal from Su Yu.
"Su's new patriarch asked you to come back. He said ... I told you about your family and
asked your opinion." Su Yu's voice on the phone seemed unnatural.
Sylvia has been in touch with a lot of things about underground forces recently, and I heard
at once that there must be someone next to Su Yu.
Sylvia said, "Is this my opinion? I'm afraid I won't be able to come back if I go back."
Sylvia just heard the voice, and heard a strange voice from the phone.
"Lin's surname, you don't want to toast, don't eat and drink fines, you don't come back now,
I have hundreds of ways to let you come back honestly, how to consider your choice, don't
challenge my patience."
" Ha. "Sylvia smiled," Don't be so nervous, tel Zhu Shi, I should answer this, when is the
time? "
" In mid-January, I will give you three days to come back. " Hang up the phone.
"Mid-January ..." Sylvia's expression didn't change much. She knew that it was just a
transaction, it was a transaction between Su and Zhu, and it was also a transaction between
Sylvia and Zhu. Sylvia will accept the post, Chong Secretary Li Na said: "I will travel for a
period of time, this time, al the company's projects, just as usual, there is no need to
develop new projects, everything, etc. I will come back and say. "
" Understood. "Li Na nodded.
Sylvia put down the documents in her hand, took the post, and got up directly. She greeted
Qin Rongrou every day and left the company first.
Sitting in Jenny's office every day, looking at Sylvia's back, his eyes wide open and asked
curiously: "Mother Qin, what happened to Sylvia's mother? I feel she is very unhappy, and
my father hasn't been back for a long time. . " "
They very busy. "Qin Sophie did not know how to explain this every day," Yes, you do not
want the children to say what, in the afternoon take you to find children to play, OK?
ah. "every day the hard points nod.
Jenny looked at the smirk every day sitting there and sighed. The child at this age is just a
blank piece of paper. Without the complicated idea of an adult, happiness will show on the
face, and unhappiness will also show on the face .
In a villa in Sai Shangshui Township, Yinzhou, a wooden pavilion was placed in the center
of the yard. This pavilion was moved in its entirety. It can be seen that the wooden pavilion
is already full of sense of the times. It's been ten years since I was puzzled. Why do people
who live here move to such a pavilion?
The Sossusvlei Desert in Africa, far away from China, is itself called a "dead alley" in the
desert. It is a huge uninhabited area. When Ferris bought it, the local authorities even
banned it. Anyone No access.
After al , some people buy such a desert in the forbidden area at a large price. The African
black gangs are too happy to be too late. I am afraid that the gold master will regret it and
confess. In the eyes of African buddies, the money to buy this desert is al for nothing.
Here, the warlords seize their powers. What everyone values is more mines. As for the land,
there are mines and land, and money is king.
A huge island, slowly landed from the sky and landed on the desert.
With the sound of "Boom", everyone on the island trembles, the island and the desert
ground meet, and the quicksand that does not stop for a moment, because this suddenly
appearing behemoth has become a state of stillness.
"In the future, you should immediately study the gravel here and find a way to extract the
various substances contained in it, at least to ensure that people can wear shoes on it."
"Ferith, you can arrange people immediately, no matter how much it costs. The price, I
want to turn this place into a place where people can live, I will give you a drawing later,
you arrange people to see how deep the sand is here. "
" Izar, you inform everyone, from now on Later, here will serve as our base. "
Henry arranged one by one order.
Although Ferrace and others did not know what Henry was going to do, they still obeyed
unconditional y.
"Boss, you need to arrange the base here?" Wade White asked very puzzled, looking up at
the dazzling Yaoyang in the sky. "What's there for us to settle down in."
The city walls around Guangming Island slowly fell, letting all Everyone can see this endless
Henry looked not far away and said: "There is a natural barrier to keep us peaceful."
Guangming Island as the world's underground power leader, its influence, not only in the
underground world, including the society of various countries, also has a very high status.
Ferris cal ed and immediately arranged a construction "group" to fly to the Sossusvlei
Desert to rebuild the entire desert. In the future, he also took some gravel and began to
study how to deal with the gravel. .
A few hours later, the construction "group" arranged by Ferris came to the edge of the
Sossusvlei desert. There are thousands of people in total. This construction team does not
know who the people on the island are, they only know It is the big consortium behind
Ferris, the rich consortium of the enemy.
For the reconstruction of the entire desert, start from the very edge.
The future will soon hand over the method of handling gravel to Ferris. This kind of thing,
for the future, can be thoroughly studied in a few hours.
Everyone thinks that Guangming Island has been completely destroyed, but everyone
knows that in the depths of this desert, Guangming Island is building a new foundation.
Thousands of construction teams are working together to rebuild an area. How fast is that?
In Ferrace ’s eyes, even the previous numbers are not counted, we still have to count the
numbers, but the money, Ferris is simply too lazy to count, it simply ca n’t be spent, just to
be straight, even if Ferret Thinking of buying a global limited edition supercar in a second,
he can spend money faster than his family can make money.
All kinds of large-scale machinery and equipment are directly hanged by the aircraft to the
edge of the desert.
Henry took a glass of juice and lay leisurely on the edge of the island, watching the desert
that changed in the distance under various large-scale mechanical equipment.
Almost every hour passed, the things in front of him would change greatly.
"Boss, what are you going to do next?" Wade White asked beside Henry.
"Wait." Henry returned a word.
"Wait?" Wade White puzzled.
Henry sucked in the iced watermelon juice in his hand. "Waiting for an opportunity to enter
the Shenyin Society, the jailer arranged by Shenyin Society here is dead. For half a month,
people will be arranged to come and see. What would be the reaction of coming out of a
cage that could not escape? "
Wade White replied without thinking," Bring you back to question. "
" Good. "Henry nodded.
Wade White said with some concern: "Boss, I heard from my dad that this god will not be a
good boy or a girl, they real y want to take you back to interrogation ..."
Henry smiled slightly, "said it was interrogation, but it has always been a matter of severe
punishment The torture, or sugar-coated shel s, the initiative, is not in the hands of the
person being interrogated? I want to say it, I do n’t want to say it, I do n’t want to say
anything, they have to listen to it. "
Wade White stunned slightly, and immediately responded Come here and understand what
Henry means.
If Shenyin would take Henry back for questioning, the question to be asked must be how
Henry came out of the cage that could not escape. Is n’t Henry what he wants to say about a
cage that cannot escape. Even if there is a Chinese five-claw golden dragon in the prison
cage, does anyone dare to prove it? Does anyone dare to take the risk that eternal life
cannot come out and go to prison?
"Boss, you want to treat Shenyin as a monkey ..." Wade White said halfway, suddenly
stunned, his eyes widened. "Boss, you said the jailer is here, it's impossible. The cage that
holds you is here. This? "
" That's it. "Henry stretched out his hand and pointed a short distance away. There was a
desert area that Henry demarcated into a restricted area. No one was allowed to enter. As
long as someone stepped on the restricted area, it would immediately sink and reach The
people in Yuqi Realm are going to go down, they may not get up in this life. "That's a cage?"
Wade White's face was full of doubts. Obviously, he didn't even think that there would be
no other sky under the yellow sand.
Henry put the iced watermelon juice aside, stretched his waist, a carp stood up, then
jumped suddenly, and jumped to more than 20 meters in height.
Henry held both hands in the void, and two dark golden energy bal s appeared in Henry's
hands. Henry threw the energy balls toward the quicksand there.
The two energy balls collided together, and a large amount of sand dust was raised. At the
sight, the quicksand began to gather frantically towards the center, and gradually formed a
quicksand vortex. The radius of the quicksand vortex is ten meters. If a person is involved,
unless it reaches the shape You can control the air with qi, otherwise you won't get out.
With the journey of the quicksand vortex, the quicksands around the vortex quickly
gathered towards the center. Then, a huge black pit appeared in front of Wade White,
including the future, Luna and others, and they al saw clearly.
While everyone was still amazed at what was in the deep pit, they heard a sound from the
deep pit. The sound was like a bell ringing, and just listening to the ear made people feel
"Which god punishes the visitor to come down and drink a glass of wine?" In the sky, a dark
cloud gathered, and a big black hand with a length of 20 meters extended from the dark
cloud and went straight to Henry.
Just seeing this giant hand, Wade White et al. Stretched out a feeling of powerlessness.
"Boss, be careful!" Wade White shouted anxiously, took the big knife, waved a knife awn
straight to the big black hand, but before the knife bang approached the big hand, he
dissipated in the air.
The pressure of the big hands from above the heads of the people caused the pressure of
the people who were already domineering to feel difficult to breathe, and everyone's face
showed a color like a enemy.
At this moment, Henry laughed aloud, "Brother Xuan Tian, I'm here to call you back."
When Henry's voice sounded, the dark clouds of the sky suddenly dissipated, and the big
hand that made everyone unable to breathe also disappeared out of thin air. Xuan Tian's
voice sounded from below the desert, "Ha ha, you kid, are we addicted to our old things?
Come on, let us know your achievements. "
Henryying burst into the quicksand and disappeared in front of everyone.
When Henry was completely submerged in the quicksand, the huge quicksand vortex
returned to calm, and the sky was stil shining brightly, but only a lot of people were
sweating from the back. The pressure from the big hand was too strong.
Wade White stared at the place where the quicksand vortex appeared and swallowed his
saliva. He turned around and looked around at some of the islanders closest to him.
He saw that these islanders had a deep fear on their faces, but his eyes , But clearly showed
a look of surprise.
Wade White immediately understood why Henry was doing this. First, to remind everyone
that the restricted area was really dangerous, and second, to show muscles.
Recently, there have been bad news from al over the world about Guangming Island.
Henry has been missing for another month. Although he has returned safely, the people on
the island have lost the confidence that he had towards Guangming Island. At this moment,
Henry follows this one The strongest man talked directly, al owing the people on the island
to regain the mentality of the past, the kind of mentality of Guangming Island is stil
night is getting deeper, the construction team found by Ferris is still working al night, they
divide the batch, they can do 24 hours without interruption Construction to ensure that the
desert is built as quickly as possible, including the guidance of water resources, is also
A figure appeared in the quicksand on the ground beside the island, and Henry strode out
from the quicksand.
In the desert at night, there is no hotness during the day, there is no cloud all night, the
ground radiation is strong, the heat dissipation is fast, Henry felt it, the temperature of this
air is about 12 degrees Celsius, this temperature makes people feel a little chilly .
When I first arrived in an unfamiliar place, the people on the island did not fall asleep
completely. Some people patrol ed the edge of the island. When they saw Henry, they said
Henry nodded and drove an all-terrain off-road vehicle towards the edge of the desert.
If you want to transform a desert area, the biggest difficulty is not only the endless yellow
sand, but also the nutrients of the soil and the rainfall in the air. In short, even if there is a
lot of money to support, I want to put here Transforming into a habitable zone cannot be
achieved overnight.
Fortunately, the island of Guangming came to the desert as a whole. The soil on the island
has high nutrient content, which can support the islanders to plant some vegetation. When
the island's soil nutrients are consumed, it should be renovated here.
The al -terrain off-road vehicle under Henry was refitted in the future, and the performance
is very excel ent. The speed increase is not much more than that of a
sports car. Henry stepped on the accelerator and came to the place where the construction
team was.
As soon as he arrived here, Henry discovered an awkward phenomenon. The construction
team was more than ten kilometers away from the island.
There is a clairvoyant in the myth, but people who have thought about it carefully will find
that the clairvoyance is not a myth, but the ability that everyone has, and compared with
normal eyesight, clairvoyance is nothing. There is no limit to the maximum distance you
can see. When you look up at night, you can see a planet thousands of light years away from
you, but when people look directly and in this desert weather, their sight will be severely
affected. Obstacles, but when Henry was on the island, he could clearly see the work
progress of the construction team.
There is only one reason why Henrysi comes and goes, that is, while Qi changes his physical
strength, he also strengthens his eyesight, so that he can see more clearly.
The improvement that qi brings to people is not only the little things seen on the bright
side, but also more magical effects that have not yet been discovered.
Henry looked at the progress of the project. As long as the construction was completed
here, Henry could make this a fortress. As long as the seal of the upper layer of the
quicksand was broken, Xuan Tian could make a short shot.
How strong Xuantian ’s strength is, Henry did n’t even think about it. What he felt the most
was that even if Xuantian was locked in a hell cage, he could only use a short breath by
opening the seal. Henry can't resist the formed power now.
There is Xuan Tianshou here, Henry goes out to do things, there will be no worries
anymore, the most important thing now is to solve the matter of the God Hidden Society,
once this matter is resolved, they can al take Sylvia and they will come over,
even when the time comes The clan is born collectively, even if there is real chaos in the
world, here, it will also become the strongest fortress. Henry was thinking about the future
during this time.
While Henry was stil thinking about these issues, a violent explosion sounded not far away.
The ground was shaking as the explosion rang.
"Self-propelled rocket artillery!" Henry's face changed. Although the warlords in Africa
were separatist, the whole situation has been stabilized by him many years ago.
When the revolution unfolded in that year, more than a dozen mercenary regiments that
belonged to Guangming Island started a desperate battle with the mercenary regiments of
the Wang Hui, and ended in the victory of Guangming Island.
But now, how can there be such heavy weapons?
Where the explosion sounded, there was a blaze of fire, and intermittent cries of killing
came from afar.
People who are working on various types of machinery and equipment have already had
this experience. They have been in Africa more than once. Everyone has stopped their work
at the same time and found a safest place to hide.
Henry looked into the distance and narrowed his eyes. The newly equipped mobile phone
suddenly rang. The phone was from Wade White.
"Boss, something happened on the construction site." As soon as the phone was picked up,
Wade White's voice rang anxiously.
Henry glanced towards the island, and clearly saw that many figures were coming here in
the night.
Henry said immediately: "I'm on the construction site, go out and take a look, you arrange
" Understood ." Wade White should say .
Henry hung up the phone and quickly dashed in the direction of the rocket launch.
This piece of Africa, because of the special reasons of geographical location and climate, has
caused strange terrain.
Obviously this piece is stil a desert, but a few kilometers ahead, but unconsciously entered
a jungle.
Previously, the Sossusvlei Desert was used as an expedition site. This jungle was also
developed and will not be lost.
However, when Henry arrived, the trees in the whole jungle were already crooked, and the
broken wood was blown into a blackened area. Some trees were already blazing due to the
dry climate.
Not far away, the crappy Yingwen passed into Henry's ears.
"Bloat them, damn Huaxia!" With
this accent alone, Henry could tell at a glance that it definitely came from those black
"Hurry, dodge, don't touch hard, the information is wrong, they have heavy firearms!" A
burst of urgent cries sounded, which is the standard Chinese language, and this sound is
about 20 meters beside Henry.
Henry frowned, how could there be Chinese people come here, the scope of peacekeeping
should not be here.
Just as Henry thought about it, a shel accurately landed on Henry's feet.
At the moment when the shel fell, Henry suddenly flashed out while condensing a thick gas
wall beside him to resist the impact of the shell.
The shel s shattered the gas wall, and Henry also fell awkwardly on the ground, and his
clothes were stained with mud.
Although the gas is powerful, it is stil not enough to see in front of this heavy weapon.
According to the intensity caused by the explosion of the shell just now, Henry understands
that he wants to completely offset the explosion impact of this shel , at least double it.
Henry got up, and as soon as he looked up, he saw a figure of Miao Man running past him.
"Gentle!" Henry exclaimed in a low voice.
The figure that is evading, heard this cry, suddenly stunned, looked back to Henry, "how are
you here!"
This wonderful figure that appeared in front of Henry is Helen.
At this time, Helen was covered with mud. Obviously, the other party's artil ery fire had
affected her a lot, and there were many small openings in her clothes that were scratched
by grenade fragments.
"I brought Guangming Island here." Henry answered Helen's question casually. He didn't
have anything to hide from Helen.
"Move the island?" Helen's eyes widened in an unbelievable way. Although she had not
been to Guangming Island in person, she had heard countless times. The island drifting on
the Atlantic Ocean was punished. Moved over like this?
A shel came again from a distance and exploded 20 meters away next to Henry.
Henry hurriedly pul ed Helen away and hid aside, condensing a wall of air to counteract the
impact of the shells.
Henry glanced and saw that the battle could not be reached for the time being. He
wondered and asked: "Why are your sharp blades here and fighting with people?"
Helen took a deep breath and explained: "External rumors, Bright Island He was sunk to
the bottom of the sea by the gods, and hell kings were imprisoned for nine years. The seven
bright island kings, including the human king, were al buried in Shennongjia, and the
Chinese officials established rules that underground forces should not show power beyond
the level of C in front of ordinary people. The warlords under your hands couldn't sit stil as
soon as they heard the news. " Henry understood immediately.
At the time, the Bright Island was arrogant and led more than a dozen mercenary legions.
The number of the legion was at least tens of thousands. Every legion, in this land of Africa,
is like a predator.
These warlord predators are al people with ambitions. Before Guangming Island was too
strong, they had to be subdued. Now, when Guangming Island has an accident, they all
show their true colors.
"Not far from here, there is a golden city, is it your bright island?" Helen asked.
"Yes." Henry nodded.
This golden city was a gathering place built by Henry specifically for those poor people.
It was placed within the territory of the major warlords and has been safe and sound.
The name of the Golden City is because there is a gold mine in the city. The gold mine was
bought by the Ferris family. Most people living in the city earn their living by mining in
exchange for this. This city can be said to be Henry. Looking at the built one with his own
eyes, the city lord inside and everything are al old friends of Henry.
Helen said: "Your bright island fel , al the warlords were rioted, and they all wanted to take
the gold mine in the city as their own. Now they can't deal with it. There are many Chinese
people in the city. This time we have The task is to evacuate the Chinese people in the city
safely. "
Henry heard this, his eyes suddenly fixed, his eyes deep, like the falcon, looking in the
direction of the golden city," I still underestimated these people's ambitions, It took more
than a month for the news of Guangming Island to fall out, and they could n’t wait! ”
During the time Henry and Helen spoke, the sound of artil ery in the jungle was getting
smal er and smal er, and soon stopped.
The burnt smel and gunpowder smell of various trees are mixed together, and it is
Many trees have ignited a fire, and the fire has reached a level that is difficult to extinguish.
No one has to control the fire in the jungle and let it burn.
In the war of warlords, human life is just a number, and who will control whether Mu Lin is
Henry picked up the phone, called Wade White, and asked Wade White to arrange someone
to put out the fire.
What to say here, it will also be converted into the place of Guangming Island in the future,
the green on the edge, but it can not be so.
"Korean team, where are you?" A voice that deliberately lowered sounded not far away.
Helen drew a tactical flashlight from his waist and flashed four times in a row. Soon, he saw
six people running forward, four men and two women, including a middle-aged man in his
forties The two women, both young people, are no more than 25 years old.
The six of them came down and saw Helen standing beside him, all of them froze for a
moment, then stared at Henry with a hostile face.
"Who are you, let the Korean team!"
Obviously, these six people regarded Henry as an enemy.
"This is my friend." Helen explained quickly.
Hearing Helen ’s explanation, all the talents were relieved. The middle-aged man stepped
forward and saw that Henry was a Chinese face. He rushed behind Henry,
“Hello, I ’m Qi Bing, the captain of this operation, gentle It ’s the deputy team, and it belongs
to the third team of the Sharp Blade Brigade. ”
Henry also extended his hand.“ I am Zhang Yiqing, sober and clear, as a mercenary. ”
Henry has compiled a name casually. There are many people who go out and know the
name of the hel king, but few have seen the hell king himself.
When Helen heard Henry's casual name, his body could not help but feel shocked. The Qing
in the words of recalling Qing may not be sober, but Sylvia.
"Brother Zhang, your name is a bit feminine," Qi Bing said.
"Qi team, why are you a few, old people?" Helen glanced behind Qi Bing and found no one
but Qi Bing.
Qi Bing six people back and forth, as one, then bitter and said:. "Just the other side of the
fire was too fierce, we al ran slow, old Wu was captured, they want to force us to use the old
Wu hooked"
"son of a bitch gang "Helen hammered the trees next to him, his face full of anger.
Henry said: "Qi team, you come to save people this time, do you know there is a Chinese
woman named Ren Xiang?"
"You said the owner of the Golden City?" Qi team said.
"Yes, it's her." Henry asked hurriedly, "How is she doing?"
Helen was a little surprised to find that Henry's face was a little more nervous when he
mentioned this woman. Such a look is still Helen. Once I saw it on Henry's face, it wasn't
Henry pretending to come out, but it came out naturally, and he could care about the
"Are you familiar with her?" Qi Bing did not directly answer Henry's question, but asked
Henry shook his head, "Not very familiar, but she saved my life while performing the task."
Qi Bing looked at Henry with a sceptical face for a while, and then said: "She is the owner of
the Golden City, and also People of Guangming Island, these warlords were afraid of
something leaking. They control ed her as
soon as possible . Now life and death are unknown. " " These miscellaneous pieces!
"Henry squeezed his fists fiercely, his eyes ful of murderous intent, a few seconds later He
looked up and said, "Qi team, I have been to the Golden City twice and can take you to save
your teammates."
Qi Bing six people, al looked at Henry puzzled.
Henry Zhang took a deep breath and said: "I will take you into the city, you help me rescue
Ren Xiang, she saved my life, I can't watch her fall into the hands of those warlords, it's a
group of people who eat people and don't throw bones "
Qi Bing looked at each other back and forth, and then Qi Bing nodded to Henry," No
problem. "
Henry secretly sent a message to Wade White, saying that he would leave for a few days,
and then fol owed this team of blades towards gold The city walked.
Along the way, Henry was silent, listening to Qi Bing and others making plans, and Henry
found that this team of people, except for Qi Bing, who had some experience, the rest of the
young men and women were all rookies and were extremely inexperienced.
"Let me say that the Golden City is a city. In fact, it is an ordinary gathering place. It is
surrounded by barbed wire. We don't have to enter from the main entrance. We can enter
the city by just finding a mouth." The light youth spoke.
"Yes, I think so too. These mercenaries are of average quality. As long as we hide a good
point, they can't find us." The girl named Cheng Qin said, "We just accidentally leaked wind
and were caught off guard. This time, we must definitely find the previous scene back! "
Several young men and women, all vowed to look like they did not put mercenaries in their
Henry heard and shook his head secretly. He had heard too much of this rookie remark.
Every one had full confidence before taking action, and only thought of what he could think
of and could do, and could not guess the enemy at al . Psychologically, Huaxia has always
said this kind of rookie remarks, cal ed, talking on paper.
"Brother Zhang Yiqing, what do you think?" Qi Bing looked at Henry.
Henry smiled, "I'm afraid it won't work."
"No?" Chen Guang was dissatisfied when he heard this. He was one of the most elite
members of the team at that time. After layers of selection, he became a sharp edge. It can
be said that he is one of the most talented in the world. This kind of talent naturally has It
belongs to his arrogance. In the past, al actions, Chen Guang was there as the commander in
chief. After coming to the blade, he obeyed the command of the old
blade player. Chen Guang was convinced, but now a mercenary about his age questioned
him , This makes Chen Guang very uncomfortable.
Including Cheng Qin, he also showed dissatisfaction.
"You tell me, why not?" Chen Guang opened Henry.
Henry shrugged and did n’t care about spreading his hands. “Look, we are a cooperative
relationship anyway. You have to have your own plan, when I did n’t say it.”
Henry has been walking in society for so many years, the most unwilling thing to do is
Arguing with someone who does n’t understand anything and is very proud, and arguing
with this kind of person, even if it is a blushing neck and even a big fight, there is no
conclusion. The best and most direct way is to let reality give With a slap, he knew he was
Henry admitted that people like Chen Guang are very good in al aspects, but what they lack
is experience.
Coincidental y, in this world, people with skills do not necessarily live better than those
with experience, especially in a place where warlords in Africa are divided, a person can
live by two points, and eight points by experience. No one with the ability can resist the
machine gun firing on the forehead.
Chen Guang saw Henry's tone soft, and then he snorted with satisfaction, and continued to
formulate his plan.Chen Guang's plan, in his view and several other young people such as
Cheng Qin, is perfect, but in the eyes of experienced people, it is ful of loopholes, this kind of
loopholes plan, Qi Bing, who is the captain of this time, certainly won't see it, but he didn't
say a word, obviously he also wants these young people to gain experience.
Several people sat in the jungle, and it took about fifteen minutes to make a plan. Then,
under the darkness, they touched slowly toward the Golden City.
The Golden City is not very far away from here. When you leave this jungle, you can see a
long barbed wire fence in front of you.
Inside the barbed wire fence is the Golden City, just like the county seat of an ordinary city,
except that the roads are bumpy and there are no high-rise buildings. The four-story
building in this Golden City is considered top.
The area of the Golden City is not large, about 600 square kilometers.
Eight people of Henry hid in the jungle and could see that there were many skinny
residents sitting on the road in the Golden City, and everyone was dirty.
One after another military jeep passed by on the road. The jeep was carrying a machine gun
in its rear bucket. The 20 mm caliber bul ets hung on the machine gun could easily
penetrate the three-centimeter armor. With a shot, half of the body would explode.
The mercenary sitting on the jeep, holding a cigarette and blowing a whistle, kept saying
vulgar words to the women on the roadside.
Faced with the vulgar words of these mercenaries, instead of being a little angry, the
women on the side of the road waved at these mercenaries with a wink, and pointed at the
house behind them, which could not be more obvious.
"Yiqing little brother, did you find anything?" Qi Bing looked at it for a while and asked
Henry narrowed his eyes and said: "In this city, there are only large warlord forces, and
there are no less than three shares. There are more small mercenary teams. The whole city
is divided into three areas."
Qi Bing nodded in agreement, then said to Chen Guang several young people: "Listen
careful y, learn to observe, this is very important to you, recall that the little brother is a
mercenary here, and his experience is worth your time. Learned. "
" Understood. "Chen Guangying said, although he said so on the surface, he secretly
sneered. In his eyes, mercenaries are a group of non-influential people, how can they
compare with them.
After observing for a while, Chen Guang waved his hand and took off his coat. Cheng Qin
and other two men and two women took off his coat just like Chen Guang, and then
reversed it. The reversed coat was a night jacket. You can hide your figure well in the
middle of the night.
Qi Bing and Helen Rou are stil lying there, ready to support Chen Guangwu.
After changing the night clothes, Chen Guang and the others slowly approached the barbed
wire. One of them took out a special pliers. This type of pliers would not conduct electricity
and could easily cut the barbed wire.
The five had already selected a place where no one was there, and touched it.
"Qi team, you are so assured of the five of them?" Henry hid behind a tree trunk and said
out loud.
"Their strength is not too weak, even if they can't beat it, it's okay to run. After all, we are al
in the jungle behind us, occupying the innate advantage. Moreover, the war is about to die,
these kids are too proud, always let them Take a long lesson, "Qi Bing said.
Helen looked at Henry and Qi Bing indifferently. Hearing what they meant, none of them
thought that Chen Guang would succeed, even Chen had already been expected.
Just look at their retreat.
"Qi team, you mean, Chen Guang they will fail?" Helen said.
"Not what I meant, but the meaning of me and Yiqing brothers. Both of us thought that
Chen Guang would fail." Qi Bing specially pointed his finger at Henry.
"Why?" Helen was puzzled. Although she was the vice team, she performed several tasks
more than Chen Guang. However, her experience in this area was not much more than that
of Chen Guang.
Qi Bing said to Henrynu, "You ask Yiqing brother, his age is not much different from yours,
but in experience, it is much older than you, just walked all the way, Chen Guang five of
them, including you , Did not deliberately suppress the footsteps, only the Yiqing brothers
took the initiative to suppress the footsteps, in this regard, it has already pul ed you too
much. "
Henry smiled and said softly to Han:" The jungle world has always Al belong to
mercenaries. Do n’t look at the personal qualities of these mercenaries are far inferior to
you, but in the survival experience of the jungle, they are far beyond you. In short, the
problems you have considered, these mercenaries I just thought about the problems that
you did n’t think about, and they also thought about them. On the way, there are some
places where the leaves are obviously thicker. When you step on them, there will be a loud
noise. This is to remind the other party. "
for the preaching Henry, Han is not the kind of gentle attitude of disdain, but is very serious
listening, because she understood, Henry experience, not to mention their own, that is the
cutting edge of captain That can not catch up.
There was only one place where Helen was confused. She asked: "The mercenaries are al in
the city. Can they really hear us stepping on the leaves?"
"It's not what they heard." Henry shook his head and explained, "There is a kind of bird, cal
ed the starling, which only lives in Africa. This kind of bird likes to stay in the open
woodland, and general y jumps or moves on the ground. Eating plant foods such as fruits
and berries, even if someone passes by in the distance, it will not affect them, unless the
coming person is particularly large, when stepping on the thick leaves, this bird will be
alarmed, beautiful starlings in general The activities of a small group of about 30 people,
once flying, want to be noisy. For the mercenaries living here, it is a natural radar. "
Listening to Henry, Qi Bing nodded in agreement," In the jungle There are too many things
that you do n’t know. These experiences are al made by desperation. Chen Guang and
several of them were discovered by others early on. ”
Helen said dumbly and looked at Chen Guang ’s five of them. Back, a little worried.
Henry leaned against the tree and said gently in his mouth: "Last three seconds, two
seconds, one second, lie down!"
When Henry yelled out the words lie down, Helen and Qi Bing were almost subconscious
Such an action.
The two had just fal en to the ground, and a roar came from a short distance away, and the
earth was trembling slightly, the fire raging into the sky, and the air waves swept through.
This is the sound of shells falling to the ground.
"Exposed, let's go!" The three heard Chen Guang's anxious voice at the same time.
"Hey." Henry sighed, "Isn't this to intentionally remind the other party to shoot?" seems to
confirm Henry ’s words. In the dark night, countless flaming tongues erupted from the
Golden City and went straight to Chen Guang. The people in the Golden City did n’t need to
do anything to aim at. The sound from the forest can be scanned.
Fortunately, the dense forest is very deep, and there are towering trees as bunkers,
otherwise Chen Guang and his five will never run away.
Rao is like this. When the five of them completely escaped each other's shooting range, they
were all covered in embarrassment.
The five of them gasped and ran back. On each person ’s face, there was a pair of happiness
for the rest of his life. Helen stepped forward to see if the five were injured.
Henry and Qi Bing were leisurely. Sitting aside, holding a branch and writing on the ground.
"Grass, how could they find us!" Chen Guang threw a fist at the tree trunk next to him, and
then saw Henry sitting there leisurely, and said, "Someone among us is definitely reporting
to the other party. Or they would n’t be able to attack accurately when we approached, and
I observed that they deliberately let us move forward one hundred meters more, just to
lead us into the trap. "
" Oh? "Qi Bing glanced Chen Guang, "Then do you think, who among us will give the other
person a message?"
"Who else can?" Chen Guang locked onto Henry at a glance, "but there is only one outsider."
Helen heard this Words, unpleasantly said: "The outsider you said, but my friend."
"The Korean team, it is not that we question you." The female player named Cheng Qin said,
"but you friend, the time to come out is too special, You think, we met him as soon as we
were attacked, and he had to go to the Golden City with us. He just heard the plan we just
made. "
" Yeah, the Korean team, this place is known to everyone but not to heart . Except us No one
can believe you, how can you be sure that your friend is the same as you knew before? "
" Yes, Korean team, you have to be careful, otherwise you said, how could we be discovered
in advance , There are definitely people who report the news. "
Several young players al spoke softly to Han.
Chen Guang stared at Henry and said, "I think we should get rid of ..."
"Yes, shut up!" Qi Bing, who hadn't said anything, shouted, stood up, and stared at Chen
Guang, He asked, "Do you think that someone must betray you?"
Chen Guangwu looked up in embarrassment under Qi Bing's eyes, but stil spoke of the
appraisal, "It must be, otherwise how could they find us in advance, I think I ’m hiding well.

“ Hehe. ”Qi Bing sneered.“ You think you ’re hiding well? If you do n’t look at the place you
chose, in the direction you just chose, if I ’m a mercenary, now Sitting in the room with
arms around the beauty, you can see you clearly! "
" Impossible! There is obviously the place with the least people, how could it be discovered
in advance? "Cheng Qin did not believe.
"Impossible?" Qi Bing looked at Cheng Qin coldly. "Then you tell me that there are heavy
guards everywhere, why is there no one watching where you go?"
Cheng Qin opened his mouth, thinking To speak, but speechless.
before, Cheng Qin and they also noticed this, but in the view of the five of them, this is the
group of incompetent mercenaries who are lazy, but Now it is impossible to say what kind
of mercenaries are not influential. Cheng Qin and others can't tell. After al , they have just
been beaten by the group of mercenaries.
Seeing that Cheng Qin didn't say anything, Qi Bing continued: "The place you went to
passed a total of three giant trees with a height of more than 11 meters. There were bird
nests on the trees. When you walked through the three trees When there was a tree, there
was a noise in the bird's nest, and people have already found you. Although the wire fence
is less defensive than the stone wall, but the horizon is more open, as long as you pay
attention, you can find you casually. At that time, it was mainly due to the weak defense of
others. Have you noticed what your environment is like? "After Qi Bing said this, he pointed
out several questions one after another. The five Chen Guang said were ashamed, if not Qi
Bing Specifically, they may not have realized it yet.
"Just now, if it wasn't that the Yiqing brothers deliberately misled each other with
flashlights, I am afraid that all of you five would be beaten into horse honeycombs, and now
there is still a face saying that the Yiqing brothers betrayed you? Go and apologize!" Qi Bing
Several people in Chen Guang looked at Henry with a pretty face. You look at me, I look at
you, and no one will take the initiative to apologize.
These are young people, young people. While they are proud and proud, they are most
concerned about face. Now let them lower their faces and apologize to someone who has
just been questioned by themselves. This will make them feel embarrassed.
"Why, unwilling?" Qi Bing looked at Chen Guangwu's unmoved appearance.
"Okay, brother Qi, when everyone makes mistakes, we also slowly accumulate from
inexperience." Henry said, he was not interested in letting these young people admonish.
Seeing that Henry had spoken, Qi Bing did not insist anymore, and took the opportunity to
educate Chen Guang and others, "Put up your pride in your heart, you have to remember
that everything you face next is a learning process , Modesty is the most important thing. "
Qi Bing finished speaking and walked aside.
Helen told some of the experiences Henry had just told her, and all told Chen Guang and
others, for example, the starling could use mercenaries as radar.
"Korean team, you know too much. I have never heard of such a bird." Cheng Qin said.
"It's not that I know much, this is just Zhang ... Zhang Yiqing told me." Helen said aloud.
"He?" Cheng Qin could not help but glanced at Henry.
At this moment, Henryzheng sat down with Qi Bing and discussed something.
In front of Henry, it was something he had just drawn with branches.
"Yiqing Brother, what do you think?" Qi Bing's attitude towards Henry is very different
from that of Chen Guang and others. When facing Chen Guang, Qi Bing is a senior's identity,
while facing Henry, he is a peer. Even a lot of things, but also listen to Henry's opinion.
Henry said: "The area covered by the artillery fire was not large, and I observed that the
range of 17 machine guns covered the range where Chen Guang and others had just been,
but did not shoot, indicating that the owner of the 17 machine guns and the Those who
opened fire are not a camp. In this case, it is easy to distinguish the distribution of the three
major forces in this city. We can enter the city at noon tomorrow and go into the city to find
out more news. "
After finishing, Henry had al the things he just painted. wipe. "Why should I enter the city
again at noon tomorrow?" Chen Guang came up and said, he had just lost his heart, and
now he would like to find his face back by some means, by the way, Qi Bing Show it in front
of you, "Now is the night, when the defense is the weakest."
"You just fired with others, and now enter the city, are you afraid to cause doubt?"
Henry said.
"There must be doubts," Chen Guang said. "But you have to know that the more dangerous
the place is, the safer it is. I have studied psychology for three years. When I entered the
city at this time, it made people unsure of us. Even if there is doubt about their true
intentions, they can't find evidence. "
Chen Guang finished, and glanced at Henry proudly. In Chen Guang's view, this kind of
psychology, he Zhang Yiqing was a mercenary, understand Farts.
Qi Bing glanced at Chen Guang unpleasantly, "You don't talk, no one treats you as dumb,
just stand by and listen!"
Qi Bing finished scolding Chen Guang and smiled at Henry with embarrassment.
Brother Qing, you continue to say. "
Henry glanced at Chen Guang, and then Qi Qibing said :" Brother Qi, you are sharp, you are
also well-known in the underground world, how is it also a China A-level underground
force, but you new The players do not have the qualities that A-level underground forces
should have. Even C-level underground forces are stronger than them. "
Henry doesn't care what Chen Guang said, but he is now playing as a mercenary. It's the
licking of blood on the tip of the knife, and naturally it should show its due anger.
Qi Bing smiled at Henry embarrassedly.
Even though Qi Bing had told Chen Guang to stop him from speaking, Chen Guang couldn't
help but say: "What's your name Zhang? Do you understand psychology? We go in now,
they can only guess, they never think of Those people are us. "
Henry smiled slightly and said:" I don't understand any psychology, but I know very well
that you are in the city now, no matter whether they associate our identity with the thing
just now, Will do it for us. "
"Why?" Chen Guang asked, "Without any evidence, they will deal with us?"
"Hehe." Henry stood up. "Evidence? When you go to hell, ask the king, what is the
evidence?" Wel , the people here want to kill you, as long as you have some doubts, but also
evidence? If you want to give evidence, do n’t come here to perform the task, return to
China as soon as possible. "
Henry finished, did not look at Chen Guang and others At a glance, I found a tree trunk,
climbed up, picked a fairly sturdy branch, and lay down.
"The people here will never say that there is no evidence. If you can't bring benefits to
them, it is no different from pigs and dogs." Qi Bing also said, learning Henry's appearance,
and found a thick branch Lie down.
Chen Guang and others, you look at me, I look at you, more or less embarrassed.
Henry lay on a tree branch and looked up at the night sky hidden in the forest. At that time,
scenes in Africa filled his heart.
Henry remembers that the brother who ran for three years with himself, lying in his arms
covered with blood, the broken shrapnel had penetrated into his heart. His only regret was
that he could not take care of him in the future 'S lover, that woman named Ren Xiang.
After his death, Ren Xiang also stayed in Africa, and his mausoleum was in the Golden City.
about what happened in the Golden City, Henry has many points that he ca n’t understand.
This is why he wants to cooperate with the blade. The first is to help Han gentle For one, if
Helen and a few of them entered the city, with Henry's knowledge of those warlords, they
would absolutely not be able to save their comrades-in-arms, and al had to be planted.
Secondly, Henry was too clear about what the warlords were. Although it was not
profitable and early, but Guangming Island did not fall for more than a month, they
suddenly started to work on the Golden City, which was too anxious. Moreover, the city The
gold mine in it belongs to the family of Ferris. Where do these warlords have the guts to
grab the stuff of the Ferris family?
Even if Guangming Island sinks to the bottom of the sea, even if Ferris himself dies, the gold
mine is not powered by these warlords.
Henry speculates that behind these warlords, there must be someone guiding them to do
this, but who is the person behind, and for what purpose? All these have to be investigated
by Henry himself. The current situation is too chaotic. In addition to the Divine Hidden
Society and the clan, there is also a sacred heaven, which is secretly staring at the enemy,
there are too many.
Overnight quietly.
The sun gradual y floated high.
The overnight mosquito bites made Chen Guang and others all sleep restlessly.
Everyone seemed very tired after getting up in the morning.
It was Henry, who slept well.
When he first came into contact with the underground world, Henry mixed with this kind
of African jungle. It can be said that when he first made his debut, sleeping on the branches
gave him peace of mind than sleeping on the bed.
Several people walked around the jungle deliberately, and then walked towards the
entrance of the main gate of the Golden City.
"There are so many people, I thought there were few people?" Helen saw many figures on
the way to the Golden City, mercenaries with live ammunition, and refugees dressed in
ragged tows, "The child Just three years old, I ran out with my parents. "
A three-year-old boy, who couldn't speak clearly, was all black, holding a piece of dry cake
in his hand, and was very happy to laugh.
"Huaxia children always complain about how much their parents are in charge, but they do
not know how good their living environment is while they are being disciplined by them."
Henry sighed, "Here, being full is the greatest happiness. Can you imagine that some
children will be on the battlefield when they are seven years old? "
" Seven years old? "Helen took a breath. The seven-year-old child, who had just reached the
age of elementary school, was on the battlefield?
Henry suddenly stopped, Helen et al. Subconsciously stopped and looked at Henry.
"Why didn't you leave suddenly? Go to the city and find a place to have a good rest first."
Cheng Qin couldn't wait, the mental tension was high, coupled with the fact that she hadn't
rested last night, she kept showing up Want to faint.
"There is something that needs to be explained to you in advance." Henry glanced at
several people. "We are going to enter the city as mercenaries. You will speak Yingwen, try
to speak Yingwen as much as possible, no matter what you encounter. Do n’t be surprised.
People here will not be affected by other people ’s experiences. If you do n’t want to die,
just do what I said. Also, make all your faces. Dirty. "
Henry finished and took the initiative to grab the ash on the ground and wipe it on his face.
Qi Bing, like Henry, smeared the dust on his face and rolled on the ground. Cheng Qin and
several other women did not hesitate. They had little experience in the jungle, but that was
also selected through layers, and the dirty and smelly environment had not experienced
"Have your guns thrown away, here, holding standard weapons, but it is easy to be
suspected." Henry Qi Bing puckered his waist.
Hearing Henry's words, Qi Bing's face showed some hesitation, this gun cannot be thrown
at will.
"We have regulations, this ..." Chen Guang said.
Henry directly interrupted Chen Guang's words, "I don't care what rules you have. If you
want to live in the city, you have to throw it, or you will die when you die."
Qi Bing took a deep breath and looked for it. A tree trunk, squatted down, dug a pit, threw
the gun around his waist into the pit, and said to Chen Guang several people:
"Come on, put the gun in."
Chen Guang several people look at me , I looked at you and threw the gun out.
Henry asked again: "Which of you have cash on you, all give it to me."
Several people scrambled together and took out more than 2,000 pieces of Chinese
currency in cash and gave it to Henry.
"What are you doing?" Chen Guang asked when he handed the money to Henry.
"Nonsense, your guns are buried. Of course, I entered the city to buy weapons, otherwise?"
Henrybai gave Chen Guang a glance, rubbed the money handed over by several people into
one ball, and then separated, and put it on the ground A few feet.
After doing this, Henry noticed the doubtful eyes of Helen and others and took the initiative
to explain: "In the Golden City, the main currencies in circulation are Huaxia coins,
magnesium gold, Ying pound, and gold, but the people here are not new. Money.
Henry finished speaking, he put the money in his pocket and walked forward.
Qi soldiers rushed several players said: "I do not care how you think your heart, and so on
into the city after all listen Yiqing little brother, of course, not blind obedience, you know
what I mean, right?"
Chen, etc. Everyone nodded.
Helen knows that Qi Bing ’s inability to fol ow blindly means that he has not completely
trusted Henry. Helen can understand that if she does not know Henry ’s identity, even if
Henry is just an ordinary old friend of hers, she will not be completely To trust.
The gate of the Golden City opened a huge opening in the surrounding wire fence. A thick
bunker stood in front of the gate. Several machine guns stood in front of the gate.
The muzzle scanned the people entering the city back and forth, and The mercenaries kept
asking for their identity.
Here, not only people with dark skin, but also Caucasian yellow people are everywhere.
Henry's eight Chinese people in this line did not attract much attention. After all, many
mercenary teams have the same skin color.
"Hey, Chinese hot girl, are you here to play?" A tall black mercenary saw the eyes of Helen
and his daughters, and her eyes lighted up. Although Helen and her three women had
darkened their faces, they had a bumpy figure Placed among these refugees and
mercenaries, there is still a feeling of standing tall.
The black mercenary, carrying a squad machine gun, walked to Cheng Qin and reached out
to touch him.
In the face of the salted pig hand from the black man, Cheng Qin wanted to hide, but he
didn't dare. Now that they had no weapons on them, they came to the gate of the city again.
If there was a conflict, they would have to be beaten in minutes. sieve.
on the
black man's face with a sly smile . Just when his hand was about to touch Cheng Qin, he
suddenly flew out and fell heavily. At the bunker, I heard a mumble, and the people around
me all looked towards this side. At the same time, all the machine guns behind the bunker
were pointed at them.
The barrel of the black hole carries a burst of killing, and only one bul et can directly
interrupt the human arm.
He was faced with several heavy machine guns. In this hot weather in Africa, Helen and
others only felt cold sweat behind him.
Henry's scolding sounded from the side, "Do you dare to touch anyone who doesn't have
long eyes?" In the
face of several machine guns, Henry did not show a little fear, but felt a sense of
Helen and others thought that the black mercenary would scold when he got up. Who knew
that the seemingly fierce black mercenary immediately nodded to Henry and apologized.
"Don't let Lao Tzu meet you outside, remember!" Henry glared sharply at the black
mercenary, and then strode toward the city.
The mercenaries who original y wanted to come up and question their origins, now also
shrunk their necks and stood aside.
Helen several people immediately fol owed Henry.
"Hold your head up a little bit, you have to remember that you are mercenaries licking
blood at the tip of the knife. You come out to be fatal, not to be bullied. People here, the
weaker you are, the more you are bullied." Hua Xia told a few people.
When several people heard this, they could not help but stand up.
"Dude, what's the way?" A white-skinned man walked to Henry's body. He was almost
thirty years old, and his eyes kept scanning between Henry's people to see his clean clothes
It has a certain position in this city.
Seeing each other, Henry immediately grinned, "What business?"
Qi Bing et al. Followed Henry without saying a word. Here, every sentence said by others
has a different meaning. If you ca n’t answer it, you will be defined as a rookie.
The end is simple, either kill someone, become an old bird, or be kil ed by someone else.
When the white man heard Henry's words, he immediately said: "Dude, what kind of
business do you want?"
"Let me find a place to rest first, he, lost three souls along the way and didn't sleep well for
two days." Henry reached into his pocket and took out a crumpled hundred-dollar bill and
handed it to the other party.
After the other party handed down the banknotes, he smiled and led the way to Henry.
The road to Golden City is very simple. A dirt road about six meters wide is lined with
buildings on both sides of the dirt road. Jeep vehicles pass by from time to time.
At the edge of the road, many ragged people crawled on the side of the road, begging for
some food.
There are also beautiful women with good looks, wearing sexy tights, waving from time to
time, and shouting three bullets to come once.
"Brother, give me some food." A little girl about six years old, with big watery eyes, hugged
Chen Guang's calf, looked at Chen Guang pitifully, "I'm so hungry "
Chen Guang subconsciously stepped in his footsteps and looked at the little girl with some
worry in his eyes. He subconsciously reached into his pocket and wanted to take out some
compressed cookies to give this little girl."
"Go away and ask for food elsewhere." Henry stepped up and kicked the little girl.
The action of Henry made Chen Guang and several others, including Qi Bing and Helen Rou,
subconsciously stunned. They wondered how Henry could kill a little girl, she was so big!
Helen at this moment, even felt that Henry was a little strange.
The Caucasian middle-aged man who led the way for a few people seemed quite ordinary.
He had been used to it for a long time. It was Chen Guang's reaction, which made him look
at it more.
After Henry kicked the little girl, he glared at Chen Guang and scolded: "If you want to play,
wait for you to find a few for you to have fun, don't even want a beggar to play!"
Henry finished scolding , not to Chen Guang Opportunity to pay off, walked directly to the
Chen Guang subconsciously looked around his eyes and found that many people cast
contempt on him. He opened his mouth and explained aloud: "No, not like that, I am not ..."
"OK , let 's go!" Qi Bing pulled Chen A handful of light.
"I won't go!" Chen Guang shook off Qi Bing's arm. "I want to make it clear, I'm not ..."
Qi Bing slapped Chen Guang's face with a slap and scolded: "Grass, You cub, do n’t you
shame your face, and do n’t leave Lao Tzu to slaughter you first! ”
Qi Bing said, pulling Chen Guang hard and dragging Chen Guangsheng away.
The 30-year-old man who led Henry to the road cal ed himself Buddy.
Buddy took Henry and others to a fairly good hotel.
At the very least, there is a gate that looks rather luxurious, three floors high, and the
surface looks very clean. The hotel has a lobby dedicated to check-in, but it looks decent.
"Three rooms." Henry stepped forward, stretched out his left hand, took off a watch from
his wrist, and threw it to the hotel reception.
The front desk took the watch thrown by Henry, glanced at it, and waved his hand: "We
want money."
"No, the money will be used to buy a guy." Henry smiled, and he would take the watch back
when he reached out.
As soon as the front desk saw Henry's movements, he quickly collected his watch and
handed him three room cards.
At the same time, Buddy also handed Henry a business card, "Want to buy a guy, contact
me, I am all high-end goods." After
Henry accepted Buddy's business card, he didn't say a word to Badduo and took Qi Bing.
Waiting for someone, walk upstairs to the hotel.
Several people came to the third floor, and the rooms were scattered. Henry was not
surprised. In places like Golden City, people rarely stay in hotels.
Henry opened a room door and walked in. When Qi Bing and others stood in front of the
door, he was a little stunned. He
shouted, "Are you all stunned, come in and clear the goods for me." Qi Bing understood
Henry's meaning at a glance. , And took a few people into the room.
This room is about the same size as an ordinary express hotel. A room has about 18
square meters, a bathroom, and a bed.
As soon as he entered the door, Chen Guang opened his mouth, "You ..."
"Shut up!" Henry yelled loudly, "Are you getting your turn to speak?"
Chen Guang's face turned red, even when he came to the Blade. Has been reprimanded.
Henry ignored the face of Chen Guang, took out his phone, put a piece of music, turned the
sound to the maximum, and threw it on the table. The sound of the music echoed
throughout the room.
Henry is done, only a low voice:. "Each house where there are listening devices, you speak,
must pay attention to, what to say, what not to say, clearly wants to re-mouth"
had wanted Chen Guang, who wanted to speak out with Henry, would cover his mouth
are also worried, they are too inexperienced, obviously they did not expect there to be a
bug in this room, if not Henry reminded that if they were al owed to return to their own
rooms, they might not be exposed in a few minutes.
Henry whispered: "Now pay close attention you have any questions to ask, and so on back
to the room, everyone a good rest, I'm afraid tonight, someone will find us on."
"Why come to us," a man named Yuan? The rated youths are puzzled that Yuan rate has
been hardly talked about and has no sense of presence, but it can be seen that his character
is much more stable than Chen Guang.
"We went into the city today, first we fought the guards, and Chen Guang was just
suspected again. Someone must definitely come to check our identity. Fortunately, they
can't figure out our bottom right now, so they don't dare to do anything. If we know that
there are only eight of us, It is estimated that he was taken away just now, "Henry replied,
then stared at Chen Guang again, and said," Before entering the city, I told you very clearly.
Don't behave too abnormally when you encounter anything. You almost kil ed us today. "
" Zhang ... Yiqing. "Helen almost shouted the word Henry," Chen Guang is also a
subconscious act. Moreover, how can you take such a small child? "
Since Henry kicked the little girl's foot, Helen has always felt in the heart.
"Subconscious behaviors also need to be restrained! All horse feet are revealed
subconsciously, and you must remember that there are no children here, only fighters,
divided into older fighters, and younger fighters, that little Girl, her right index finger and
tiger mouth al wore deep cal uses, you should know how this is formed? "
" Gun! "Helen subconsciously exclaimed, and then quickly covered her mouth.
"Good." Henry nodded. "Only people who use guns all the year round will wear such thick
cal uses on the first knuckle of the index finger and the tiger's mouth. I dare to guarantee
that when you take out the food and give it to her, she They will also take out their guns
and explode your heads, and the people around you will not have any mercy on you, only
think you are a fool. "
Hearing Henry's words, Helen several people, their expressions were a bit dul .
"Why is this so, she is just a child ..."
"I said, there are no adults and children here, only old soldiers and young soldiers.
When you come here, you must abide by this law. The so-called Mercy, there is no place
here. This is a place where people eat people. If you ca n’t get used to it, leave now. ”
Chen Guang looked back and forth from several people, and they all saw the complex look
in the other person ’s eyes. They live in Huaxia, although I have long heard that there are a
lot of dark sides in this world, it is only now that I real y see it, even if I have been
psychologically prepared, it is not easy to accept.
"Yiqing brothers, I will do ideological work for them." Qi Bing said, "If there is no problem,
we will go to rest first."
Cheng Qin was embarrassed: "This opened three rooms, How should we rest? "
" I opened three rooms, the purpose is to let them guess our relationship, how to rest, you
look at it, you will not stay overnight anyway, if there is no accident, we will tonight Act,
people staying in a room, do not rest together, you must leave a person to guard,
remember, here, it is more dangerous than you sleeping in the woods, "Henry reminded. Qi
Bing nodded and made a distribution, "In this way, the gentle and memorable little brother
knows that you two will stay in a room. The little brother Qing is experienced and will not
go wrong. Cheng Qin is also in this room. On the way, all the young brothers of Yiqing
showed the appearance of leaders. The two women left in his room also said the past. Chen
Guang, you and Yuan rate slept with A Qi, you The two opened the whistle to let A Qi take a
good rest. We and Wei Qiang had a good rest. I took a good rest last night. Wei Qiang, you
have a good rest. "
Qi Qi said that A Qi is the last woman in their team.
A few people did not say much, and all listened to the arrangement.
Henry will explain everything clearly, and he will not say anything more. These people are
al careful y selected by the blade, no experience can accumulate slowly, but if the brain is
stupid, it can only be said that the blade is too Obsolete.
After Qi Bing and others left, Henry closed the curtains and turned down the music.
Helenqing and Cheng Qin's two girls are not hypocritical, knowing that there may be
actions at night, it is most important to cultivate their spirits, lying in bed, trying to put
themselves to sleep.
Henry himself, sitting by the window, pul ed a thin slit in the curtain and observed careful
Helen lay in bed, and her sleep was swept up like a tide. She did n’t know how long she
slept. When she was conscious, she only felt the darkness in front of her eyes and could not
see anything. Dispelling the drowsiness in his mind, he sat up quickly and opened his
mouth to speak.
"Don't talk!" A big hand slammed Helen's mouth. Helen subconsciously rebelled, but the
reaction came immediately. The sound from his ear came from Henry, and he slowly put
down his extended hand.
Beside Helen, Cheng Qin's symmetrical breathing sound came.
"Someone is outside, continue to pretend to sleep." Henry's slight voice sounded in Helen's
Helen nodded and lay in bed.
The door of the room was slowly opened from the outside, and Henry's grunt was ripped
loudly. The person who opened the door waited a few seconds, and then closed the door
After a few minutes, a heavy knock on the door rang.
"Who!" Henry suddenly opened the door and saw Buddy standing in front of the door.
"Huh." Henry deliberately gave a sigh of relief, "Brother Buddy, why, what's the matter?"
"Brother, I can hear your grunt in the hotel lobby, and sleep well." Ba Di smiled.
In the room, Helen sat up from the bed, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and asked bewilderedly:
Buddy took the opportunity to glance into the door, when he saw Cheng Qin was stil asleep
in bed, and When a pil ow slobbered, a light flash in my eyes.
"Brother Buddy, you go to bed first, let's talk." Henry walked out of the house and closed
the door.
At the moment Henryguan was on the door, Helen immediately awakened Cheng Qin, then
cal ed Chen Guang, Qi Bing and others. Their communication equipment was specially
processed and there was no signal.
What surprised Helen was that after she cal ed the phone, even Qi Bing's voice seemed a
little confused. Obviously Qi Bing was also asleep, which is impossible for Qi Bing, an
experienced person. Mistakes made.
Outside the door
, Buddy lit a cigarette for himself, and then threw one to Henry.
Henry waved his hand and refused: "Brother Buddy, is there any good business, the
brothers have been on fire recently."
"Hey." Buddy squinted, "Brother, there is business, but I don't know Can you eat it? "
Henry heard Buddy's words, and it was clear that this was to inquire about his own details.
Henry asked directly:" How many souls do you want? "The
so-called few souls are just a few. The meaning of life is that Henry did not answer Buddy's
question positively, and made such a rhetorical question, so that Buddy could not
understand Henry's confidence.
"Don't be soulful." Buddy shook his head. "Something else."
"Yeah, it seems that Buddy is here as a lobbyist?" Henry took a shabby chair and sat up.
"Buddy Buddy works for you. You don't know the truth. Brother and I don't dare to take it.
Our boss, although not well-known in this film, there are many enemies. Don't end up with
me. "
Buddy amused, carefully looked Henry about it, then said:" Like sand. " "
Oh, the generals North ah. "Henry suddenly realized reveal a look," I'm afraid the general
praise of live sand, It ’s not a simple thing, you do n’t lack a guy, do n’t be soulful, you want
to ... ”
Henry did n’t finish his words, his eyes kept looking at the direction of the center of the city,
the meaning was obvious.
The place in the city is where the gold mine is, which is the foundation of the entire golden
Buddy also pul ed a stool and sat across from Henry, "Brother, what is the situation now,
and you and I understand that the whole area has changed, everyone is looking for the next
house, you are not bad in strength , You should find a way out for yourself. "
Henry shook his head, "I said, Buddy, you can't look at me too much. I'm a errand in the
front. I can't say how to decide on the top."
"Brother, no matter how you decide on it, this It ’s not up to you to decide. Think about it?
Tonight General Shazan ’s aunt is feasting, but she has heard of you from the City Guard.
”Buddy took one out of his arms. Henry's invitation was handed over to Henry,
"I'm waiting for you downstairs."
Henry took the invitation in his hand and shook his head. "Okay, I'l talk to you, but Buddy, I
should do whatever I want." This thing, it must be scolded. "
Henry rubbed his fingers.
"Relax, if things are settled, the benefits will always be yours, and the price will definitely
satisfy you." Buddy patted his chest.
"OK." Henry nodded, then got up and walked towards his room.
Buddy also got up and walked downstairs. After going downstairs, Buddy took out his
mobile phone and dialed a number to go out. "Noble Ms. Linda, the message has been sent.
Look at them. No problem, the number of people. It is estimated that when two hundred
people are going up, they are just a group of fools, and the sleeping one is more fragrant.
Obviously, the people behind them also want to intervene. "After Henry returned to the
room, he summoned everyone first Over here, this time he didn't cover his voice with
music, but directly removed al the bugs in the room.
"How was it dismantled?" Chen Guang asked in a puzzled way. If it were to be dismantled,
the bug could be dismantled long ago, and there was no need to keep it until now.
"Al of their dismounted horses have been released, we always have to show something, or
else they are not eaten by people?" Henry threw the dismantled bugs out of the window
and fel to the door of the hotel In front of Buddy. Buddy looked up and
happened to face Henry. When Henry removed these bugs, Buddy's expression did not
change, and he stil smiled at Henry.
Henry closed the window and drew the curtains.
Everyone was beside the bed, Qi Bing rubbed his temples, "Strange, I don't know when I fel
"Me too, originally stood by the window, fell asleep somehow, and didn't respond at al .
"" Chen Guang also said.
Cheng Qin threw out his tongue, "I don't know anything about sleeping. If it's not for me to
wake me up gently, I'm still asleep. She told me that when we fel asleep, someone came in.
If the other party wanted Our destiny, we can't even see what the other party looks like. "
Henry looked at everyone's faces with self-blame, and said:" You don't have to be too self-
blameful. Every room has long been blamed. Sprinkled with drugs, it is normal for you to
fall asleep. "
" Do you know this? "Chen Guang asked aloud.
"Nonsense." Henry rolled his eyes. "When we entered the city, we beat the guards, and you
showed a rookie look. People must definitely explore our bottom. It's a good thing if you fall
asleep, otherwise people will find you. All the spirits were ful , and the momentum I had
created was gone. "
Chen Guang's face changed," Why don't you tell us! What do you mean! "
Henry shrugged," Tell you, will you stil sleep? I'm afraid Even if you are tired, you will be
forced to open your eyes? I am afraid that I will unite the other party and kill you al ?
With your eyes open, how can the other party relax, and how can you believe that we are
just a vanguard? "
Chen Guang heard, some Yu Sai, if they knew that people were sprinkled with drugs in the
house, they would not sleep even if they were sleepy, and they might even leave the hotel.
Qi Bing waved his hand, "We did n’t find drug addiction, it ’s our own problem.
Moreover, Brother Yiqing is also for action, so do n’t worry about it. Brother Yiqing, what is
the first unit you ’re talking about? meaning?"
Henry explained: "From the moment I entered the city, I arrogantly hit the guards, that was
to deliberately create a fearless look, so that they could not understand our bottom, I do not
know how many people are behind us, but Chen Guang Today's performance made people
see a little bit of Ni Duan, and I simply made you a rookie and fell asleep, but made them
think that we still have a large army behind them. Gold Mine, that Buddy is Shazan. "
" Shazan! "Chen Guang exclaimed a few people. They were too familiar with the name.
In this area, Shazan was arguably one of the largest warlords. One.
"Not bad." Henry nodded and took out the invitation that Buddy gave him. "Tonight,
Shazan's eight-aunt feast, we are going to visit."
"I'm very surprised. Shazan has tens of thousands of mercenaries, why Want us to join us?
"Qi Bing puzzled.
"He is short of staff, and there are many soldiers in Shazan's hands, but he has so many
mines and arsenals. It is impossible to bring everyone to the Golden City. I noticed this
afternoon that one afternoon, at least thousands of them were pul ed from the city. The
corpses went out, the clothes were very messy, and they belonged to
different mercenary groups. This shows that the three major warlords in the city are very
short of people. Tonight Mrs. Shazan feasted, not only us. "
Qi Bing et al. And Henry summed up a little bit
, then they formulated a plan of action for the night.
If you can participate in the banquet hosted by Aunt Shazan, there is also a chance to
inquire about the news of the team member who was caught in yesterday. At this
opportunity, Qi Bing and others cannot let it go. After al , they came to save people.
"Yiqing brother, today, thanks to you, let us know what happened at night. Let's sharpen
our blades, and we can't always pick up the ready behind you." Qi Bing said.
Henry nodded and said nothing. He could hear it. Qi Bing still didn't trust him, so he had to
get the right to act at night.
Henry deliberately walked out of the room first, leaving room for Qi Bing's seven people.
After waiting for more than 20 minutes, Qi Bing and others walked out of the room, merged
with Henry, and then walked towards the hotel entrance together.
Badi held a cigarette and waited in front of the hotel. After seeing Henry coming out, he
laughed and said: "Brother, it seems that your boss agreed, shall we go now?"
Chen Guang stepped forward, just When ready to answer Buddy's words, he heard Henry
preemptively say: "Not in a hurry."
Qi Bing and Buddy looked at Henry with a puzzled expression.
Henry shrugged and said with a smile: "We can't go with bare
hands . Let's pick two guys who are at hand." Qi Bing heard them one by one, and they were
relieved. They didn't have a gun in their bodies now. , There is no chance of resistance.
"Haha." Buddy laughed aloud. "Brother, I patted my chest and promised that you don't have
to worry too much, but the guy who buys the right hand should also go with me."
Buddy took the crowd and didn't go far, just There is a smal house in the back lane of the
hotel where they live.
Buddy asked Henry to wait for a while, he first walked to the house, knocked on the door,
and then whispered something.
Henry said while Buddy walked away: "When you pick a guy, try to pick the smallest one,
and you can't bring it in. The price of weapons is very different from your imagination.
Show a surprised look. " Henrygang finished, Buddy came back again.
"Hey, brother, you are in luck. You just got a good batch of goods, and there are some guys
in the system. You may be interested." Buddy finished, glancing at Qi Bing.
Several people in Qi Bing had Henry's reminder, and his face was extremely plain, with no
strange expression.
Buddy took the crowd into the little house. The room was not big, just like sixty square
meters. The room was very dark. Now it was dark outside at night and there was no light at
al .
When the crowd entered the house completely, Buddy closed the door, Qi Bing and others
looked subconsciously around.
A faint yellow light was on.
Everyone looked at the yellow light that was suddenly lit with surprise on their face.
What made them wide-eyed was that the yellow light was floating in mid-air.
Suddenly, a white light il uminated behind the yellow light.
Qi Bing and others were suddenly taken aback, and when they looked closely, they
discovered that the white color turned out to be white teeth, and the yellow light was not
floating in the air, but was held in the hand by a black man. The dark environment was so
unexpected that no one noticed it.
Black store apparently long been accustomed to such a situation, the channel: "Take
nothing like it try it, followed by a shooting range, a large amount of words can send you a
few rounds to play."black man hangs a yellow light on the wall. There is a mirror in the
house. The light reflects through the mirror and refracts al over the house, al owing people
to see the environment inside.
The whole house is covered with guys al over the wall.
"I rely on this kind of old antiques?" Qi Bing picked up a 56 semi-automatic. The bayonet of
this gun was directly folded under the muzzle. Now the army has no such gun.
"Thirty Chinese coins, you take it away for fun." The black man said.
When Qi Bing heard the price, he couldn't help but say something, even if it was a gun that
had been eliminated for several years, it was also a gun. Can you buy it for thirty
Chinese dollars? There are no children ’s toy guns that are valuable. If Henry just reminded
them about the price of guns, Qi Bing will definitely subconsciously show a surprised
Qi Bing shook his head, re-hang the gun back to the wall, "Well, it did not maintain at least
three years before, shot to play out, eighty percent to bombing bore, seeking death will
Cutting edge The people, they are the elites selected from various places, and they have a
high degree of knowledge about guns. Everyone is an experienced look at these guns. They
know more gun models than Henry. Compared with their knowledge in this respect, Henry
looks like a rookie.
But this is also normal. After all, the art industry has specialization. There are more than
one billion people in China. This talent is not just a matter of words.
"Okay, old ghost, don't use this kind of thing to fool us, you know, we can't bring these
things in." Henryhong spoke to the black people. In this zone, the old ghost is the unified
title of these arms dealers.
Buddy waved at the black man.
The black man turned around and walked into a small door. After half a minute, he took out
seven pistols and put them on the table. "These guys only arrived today. They are from
Huaxia. The quality is absolutely not. Fired late. "
At the moment of seeing these seven guns, Qi Bing and others subconsciously stunned.
These seven pistols were buried under a tree pit before they entered the city. They did not
expect to be found out.
"Oops!" Henry whispered secretly, and the other party took out the seven guns, apparently
trying to wait for himself and others. Obviously, Qi Bing exposed the seven people.
Qi Bing's stunned expression naturally didn't escape Buddy's eyes. At the moment when Qi
Bing's seven were stunned, Buddy ran quickly towards the door of the house.
"Catch him!" Henry shouted.
The seven men of Qi Bing immediately responded, and at the same time they reached out
and grabbed Buddy. Both Chen Guang and Yuan Su rushed towards the black man.
Qi Bing's skill is absolutely not bad, but he didn't expect that this Buddy's body is
extraordinarily strong, just a flash, he escaped Qi Bing's catch and ran to the door. Once he
got out of this door, he wanted to catch him again It is absolutely impossible, as long as
Buddy shouts a sentence, there will be countless guns aiming at Henry and others, sifting
them into a sieve.
Seeing Buddy was about to run out of the house, Qi Bing and others were anxious in their
hearts. At this moment, Qi Bing even thought about how to retreat. If their identity was
revealed, they would never be able to snatch people out of this golden city.
Just when Buddy's hand was about to touch the door, a big foot kicked from the side.
When Buddy's hand was less than five centimeters from the door, he kicked Buddy up.
At the same time, Chen Guang and Yuan rate also won the black man.
Qi Bing did not see the door is open, big sigh of relief.
Henry blocked the door and clapped his hands. "Tie them up."
Cheng Qin and Helen immediately stepped forward and pulled out a string from their
waists to tie Buddy and the black people together.
"When was it discovered?" Henry walked to Buddy and asked aloud.
The strapped up Buddy looks very bachelor. He is here. Obviously, he knows clearly what
will happen if he is caught by this group of people. It is useless to be angry, and his master
will not be because of his own. The toughness will give him much benefit, so in the face of
Henry ’s question, Buddy replied with little hesitation: “Yesterday, the people of Huaxia
Blade and General Shazan had a firefight, and final y General Shazan caught one person
alive, he expected The sharp-edged people will come to save people. Let us pay more
attention. Your group is all Chinese people. I just tried it. I did n’t expect it to be you. ”
“ Oh? ”Henry puzzled.“ As far as I know, Sha Zanhe There should be no conflicts between
sharp blades, why should you stare at sharp blades? "
This question, Henry was puzzled yesterday, he was thinking, why should those
mercenaries catch the sharp blade alive, lead the sharp blade into the hook, offend the
sharp blade, against the sand For Zan, it ’s not a good thing.
Buddy shook his head, "I am also ordered to act."
Henry did not ask deeply, he guessed Buddy level, it is impossible to know too much.
"What does that banquet mean tonight?" Henry asked again.
"It's a normal banquet. During this time, there are too many dead people. Not only General
Shazan is going to recruit people, the other two are also recruiting people.
Everyone is bound to get this mine in the city. There will be tonight. A lot of people
attended the banquet. "Buddy said truthfully," If you perform better than others, the aunt
will definitely recommend General Shazan to you, and you will be better able to explore the
situation of your team members. "
" Old Wu Where are people now? "Helen Rou pul ed out a dagger and put it on Buddy's
"Don't be excited, beauty." Buddy's forehead had a cold sweat on his forehead. He had no
doubt that the people who were here were afraid to kill. "I'm just an errand. I don't know
many things, but you want to save your friends. If you can get the appreciation of Aunt Tai, I
think you can live in the General ’s Palace at night
. "" Yes, don't force him. "Henry stepped forward and pushed away Helen's hand holding a
dagger, "This kind of person has no bones, he should naturally say that it is useful to keep
him alive."
Henry pulled Chen Guang, walked aside, and whispered in Chen Guang's ear What
Afterwards, Chen Guang shook his head unnatural y. Henry opened Chen Guang again.
After a while, Chen Guang took a black pill-like thing and handed it to Buddy's mouth.
He said: "Eat Go on. "
Buddy didn't hesitate . He didn't even ask what it was. He opened his mouth and swallowed
into his stomach because he knew that he would either eat or die.
"Okay, after we rescue our friends, we will give you the antidote. What should you do in the
middle, should you be clear?" Henry said.
"Understand, understand." Buddy nodded again and again.
"What about him?" Henry glanced at the black man again.
"Relax, his family is in my hands, absolutely no problem, someone here must watch,
otherwise there will be problems." Buddy nodded with certainty. "OK!" Henry snapped his
fingers and greeted Han gently. "Let them go, wait for Brother Buddy, and give us some
good words in front of my aunt." After all, it ’s not easy to work now, and it ’s not easy to
enter General Shazan ’s door. ”
“ Sure, sure. ”Buddy grinned.
Helen snorted coldly, untied the ropes that bound them.
Cheng Qin held Chen Guang curiously and whispered, "What did you give him, I don't
remember what poison you have?"
"That's not a poison at all." Chen Guang rol ed his eyes and was in Cheng. Qin ear whispered
"Ah?" Cheng Qin couldn't hold back and exclaimed directly. Then he quickly looked at
Buddy. When Buddy didn't pay attention, he quickly covered his mouth with a smile in his
eyes, "You are too bad, give He eats the mud on you? "
" It wasn't what I thought, it was al from the surname Zhang. "Chen Guang's tone was very
unnatural," I tel you, don't tell others, I think of a man After eating the mud on me, I was a
little sick. "
" I think that if Buddy knows the truth, he will be even more sick. "Cheng Qin looked cold.
After untiring Buddy, the two stood honestly.
Henry waved his hand, "Okay, you put your things away, and then come with me."
Qi Bing seven people put all the standard pistols on the table and followed Henry into the
room in the weapon shop.
As soon as he entered the room, Qi Bing heard Henry's scolding: "Qi Bing, you team
members have little experience, I can understand that as the captain of this operation, how
can it be so easy to show your feet? Do you know just now? how dangerous? I am, if not
earlier kept that in mind, stand away from the door a little nearer, and now we have all
been labeled hornet's nest! your training are trained dogs go to that? " "
Zhang Yiqing, you do too much, Say we can, what qualifications do you have to say Qi ...
"The player named Wei Qiang couldn't help but speak, but he was interrupted by Qi Bing
before he had finished speaking.
"This time, I do have a problem. The method we just did not only harmed ourselves, but
also the Yiqing brothers. We will pay attention to it next." Qi Bingdao said.
"Not paying attention!" Henry solemnly said, "It is necessary to control your emotions. If
you can't do it, there is still a chance to go out of the city. I will find a way to save my friend
myself. I thought that working with you would treat me. It helps, now it seems that you are
just a group of tow oil bottles! "
" We are not what you said to be tow oil bottles! "Chen Guang immediately said," Yes, I
admit that in experience, we are not as good as you, you can take I ’m going to the banquet,
and I ’m going to show my color in front of Aunt Shazan. I think we ’ll make you satisfied. ”
“ It ’s best . I ’ve told you enough today. It ’s a long memory, I do n’t want to kill me, this is
the last time, no matter what happens later, no one can guarantee you! "Henry finished,
pushed the door open, and went out.
Qi Bing sighed, "Yiqing Brother said yes, no matter you or me, there is too much arrogance
in my heart, I did not expect the other party's temptation to link one by one, and so on, al
put their eyes on Sharp point, I am the same. "
Chen Guang and others nodded subconsciously. They were original y disdain for
mercenaries, and in this day, they were completely polished.
Qi Bing and others left the hut, they saw Henryzheng standing at the door of the weapon
shop and said something to Buddy.
When Qi Bing came out, Buddy immediately said: "Several people who have just been with
my auntie have contacted me again. Now that the banquet has begun, let's go quickly."
"Go." Qi Bing waved , Patted the standard pistol in the waist, with the weapon in hand, they
felt a lot more at ease.
On the way, Buddy explained the latest situation to the crowd.
"The recent three warlords compete for gold, heavy casualties, although the gun is not
expensive, but the price of a bullet, but ridiculously expensive, a 5.8 mm bullet, the price
reached three Chinese coins."
"Three, What about grabbing money? "Henry glanced at his mouth. The price of bul ets is
ridiculously expensive in China. In general shooting clubs, the price of a shot is upwards of
ten yuan. It is sold for three tons per ton, and now has a price of three yuan, which is almost
ten times more expensive than before.
"No way." Buddy shrugged, "now on this market, so if someone at the party mentioned the
matter, you do not revealed the secret, after al , the price of gold recently the city people are
Qi Bing, et al. Without speaking, Duzi listened carefully to what Buddy said and secretly
remembered it.
Henry was very familiar with the place where Aunt Shazan feasted, and it was the original
mansion of this golden city.
However, after the major warlords entered the Golden City, the main palace also changed.
First, the whole main palace was divided into three areas. Each area, about 10,000 square
meters, covered a four-story building. .
Here, labor is the cheapest. It is no exaggeration to say that a building that can be built for
one month elsewhere can be completely settled in two or three days.
The city's main palace is divided into three areas, which belong to Shazan, Berger, and
These three warlords, in this region of Africa, are all well-known. Each of them has tens of
thousands of mercenaries. It is no exaggeration to say that the three of them can start a war
in this region. .
In the past, these three warlords were all under the jurisdiction of Guangming Island.
Everyone's attitude towards Guangming Island can be said to be respectful.
Now, it is these three warlords who can't sit still first and start to fight against the Golden
The main palace of the city is a striking building throughout the Golden City.
The four-story building can be said to be the tallest building in the Golden City, and from
the outside, there is a sense of splendor, like a palace in the West in ancient times, a huge
clock inlaid at the top of the main palace.
Buddy brought Henry and others to the main palace. The gate was 15 meters wide. The
whole door was covered with a bright and clean marble slab. Stepping on the dirt will wipe
your hind feet clean, even if the sun has set.
Henry and others saw that many mercenary squads were holding red invitation letters and
entered the gate of the city's main palace.
Buddy said: "These are here to attend the banquet of the eight aunts."
There are dozens of large and small mercenary teams.
The location of the Golden City can be said to be a major road running through the north
and the south. Many people will come here to make some necessary supplies and sel goods.
The flow of people is very large.
With Buddy leading the way, Henry and others took the invitation letter and entered the
city's palace easily. Except for large rifles, such as automatic rifles, which were not al owed
to carry, small pistols were allowed. if you do n’t even al ow the pistols, my auntie will
entertain me, I ’m afraid I ca n’t invite anyone.
As soon as we entered the gate of the city's main palace, a long blue stone slab was laid at
the feet of the people. The blue stone slabs were lined with flowers and looked at them at
There are specialized gardeners pruning these flowers and vegetation, which is extremely
"My aunt likes these flowers and plants, and as soon as she lives in the city's main palace,
her aunt ordered people to transplant these vegetations." Buddy introduced to everyone.
The road ful of flowers was filled with fragrance, and everyone walked past the bluestone
slab and saw a hall.
The hal has two floors, and each floor has about 500 square meters. The transparent glass
used on the surrounding walls allows you to see the scene in the hall at a glance.
The entire hall is covered with a whole marble floor, expensive leather sofas are placed on
the ground, and neat carpets are spread. The long buffet car is full of exquisite food, which
is more expensive than the king crab. The emperor crab, the Australian lobster weighing
ten pounds, was placed in a mountain, and the expensive wine was free for people to taste.
A whole piece of beef stalk bone was just nibbled, and was thrown aside. The cow bat
bones were all crushed.
"Zhumen wine smells bad, and there are dead bones in the road." Qi Bing shook his head.
When they entered the city, they saw the people at the gate of the city. They were hungry
and skinny. A three-year-old boy, because of a piece of bread, was happy and happy. Here, a
large piece of bonbon is fed to the dog at will.
"In such a place, no one will express emotion like you." Buddy said.
Everyone followed Buddy into the hall, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw a young
western woman in a red evening dress standing in the middle of the hall.
Compared with a house full of leather mercenaries, this man The western woman in the
evening dress looked out of place, but looking at her location and the appearance of a group
of people fighting to talk to her, it can be seen that this woman is the protagonist of this
"She is Shazan's auntie, Christiana, but she prefers others to call her Anna." Buddy
whispered to everyone.
The Golden City, although it brings together the skin colors of al countries in the world, is
obviously the least of the yellow races. Among the knowledge of many people in this jungle,
Caucasians and blacks have the strongest physical fitness, while the yellows are the
weakest .
A black man once said that he could kill a yellow man with one punch, and more than once
shouted the words of a sick man from East Asia.
The appearance of the eight yellow races by Henry and his party attracted a lot of attention
at once. Many people showed disdain when they saw Henry. Although in this era of hot
weapons, people are not necessarily powerful, but Henryji People are a little weaker than
those strong black men, but people stil look down on them.
Anna also noticed Henry and others. After glancing here, she continued to talk with the
people in front of her. She never paid more attention to it.
"Everyone, please be casual at the banquet. There is no problem with the guarantee of
eating here. You can enjoy it casual y." Buddy said, and then took a piece of dry bread and
took a bite in his mouth to prove the food. no problem.
Qi Bing and others looked at each other
on the
, they didn't go to get food, although they didn't eat anything from last night to now, making
them feel hungry.
Henry took the initiative to take a piece of sheep stick bone, bite hard, and said: "Relax, no
one will make hands and feet in the food, unless this aunt wants to die too."
See Henry said so, Qi Bing and other talents thoroughly Rest assured, before, everyone was
ful of distrust of Henry, but now, if it were not Henry, they would not know how many
times they died, and their trust in Henry gradually increased.
Everyone has been hungry for a long time, and they al grabbed food and ate violently.
The people who came to this dinner today are not celebrities, all mercenaries licking blood
on the tip of the knife, and they do n’t care about their images. It is most important to eat a
ful stomach.
The banquet

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