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Counseling Skills
Session 2.1: Biblical Framework for Counseling

Human Resources Training for

Shared Services Heads

• Good day everyone and It is my pleasure to journey with all of you in
understanding counseling in the context of employee grievances.
• How’s everyone? How are you coping with our present situation?
What new reflections are learning about God?
• The second session is on the Work of Counseling and there are two
• Task 1: Definition of Counseling
• Task 2: Process of Counseling
• Before we proceed:
• How was short video on empathy?
• Where you able to read the parable on the Prodigal Son and
have performed the task assigned?

Let us begin

(next slide)
Definition of

Our session will begin with the assessment of our individual understanding of
counseling. Based on our personal learnings and experiences we have
developed our own perspectives of what counseling. The intention in this task
are the ff:
• Have a common understating of counseling.
• Look into Biblical basis of counseling.
• Develop a perspective of the place of God and His Word through the
guidance of the Spirit in area of counseling.

Reflect of the following questions:

(next slide)
Definition of Counseling

❏ What is counseling?

❏ What is Biblical counseling?

❏ What is Christian counseling

These are questions that we have to reflect on as we move forward in

understanding of what counseling is.
• What is counseling? Is possible that what we simply performing
advice giving?
• What is Biblical counseling? What is the place of the principles of the
Scripture in counseling?
• What is Christian counseling? As a believer that provides counseling,
is different or unique when we perform counseling?

Quote from MacArthur, John, F., Jr, Wayne A.

(next slide)
Definition of Counseling

“Biblical counseling is committed to

letting God speak for Himself through
His Word, and to handling the Word of
Truth rightly.”

(MacArthur, John, F., Jr, Wayne A.


This definition of counseling centers on:

• God who cares, loves, and desires to reveal Himself to His people.
• His Word which is the basis faith of conduct.
• The integrity in handling His Word which is the responsibility of every
child of God.

• What do you think of their definition? Reflect.
• Do you agree, or disagree? Why?

In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 it says

(next slide)
Definition of Counseling

“Every part of Scripture is God-

breathed and useful one way or
another — showing us truth, exposing
our rebellion, correcting our mistakes,
training us to live God's way. Through
the Word we are put together and
shaped up for the tasks God has for

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (The Message)

In the the Message Translation it highlights the ff:

• God is the main author of the Scriptures.
• The Scriptures in relevant then, and relevant now.
• The scriptures engages our hearts, minds, behaviors, and actions.
• The goal of life is to glorify God at all costs and live our lives
according to His design and purpose.

Model in counseling

(next slide)
Definition of Counseling

There has to be a clear understating on how we go about counseling.

• The understanding and the study of man is of great value.
• The knowledge and implementation of counseling theories and
techniques is beneficial.
• But at the end of the day, the understanding of man and the use of
counseling theories and interventions must always submit to God and
His Word without exception.

Short Quiz: Counseling or Advice Giving

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Let’s Practice

Short quiz Counselling or Advice Giving?:

Note: Submit your answer in this link (link)

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End of Presentation

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