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1. Any person approved by the Bank may open a Savings Bank Account. He/
She has to sign the relative Account Opening form in presence of
authorized official of the Bank upon agreeing to comply with the rules
governing Savings Bank Accounts and providing satisfactory introduction.

2. The Bank will not open an account which is to be operated under a cross
mark or signature by the hand of another person.

3. Two Passport size photographs (three, if the account is to be operated by

thumb impression) are required to be submitted by the depositors at the
time of opening of a Savings Bank Account.

4. Every depositor while opening a Savings Bank Account shall be required to

furnish PAN/GIR No. on the Account Opening Forms if the depositor is an
Income Tax Assessee, or if not, to give declaration on form No. 60/61.

5. Savings Bank Account can also be opened by a natural guardian i.e. father
or mother or by a guardian appointed by the Court on behalf of a minor.
Guardian opening an Account in the name of minor under his/her
guardianship shall have to give a declaration that the funds withdrawn in
the account of the minor, from time to time, will be utilized for the benefit
of the minor.

6. The Bank reserves the right to verify the details given in the Account
Opening form through any third party, if necessary.

7. SB Accounts can not be opened by any trading or Business concern,

regardless of its constitution. However, Clubs, Associations, Charitable
Institutions etc. may open SB accounts subject to verification of their rules
and bye-laws copies of which are to be furnished to Bank before opening
such account.

8. More than one SB account can not be opened by an individual singly

without special consent of the Bank. Joint accounts may be opened by two
or more persons where mode of operation must be specified.

9. Minors, having attained the age of 10 years and able to read and write, are
allowed to open account singly, but no cheque-book will be issued against
such account.

10. In case of minor's account operated by the guardian, the right of the
guardian to operate the account will cease upon the minor attaining
majority. Any balance in the account will be deemed to be the exclusive
property of the minor who has attained majority ; and further withdrawals
from the account will be allowed to the erstwhile minor alone after
completing procedural formalities.
11. Cash and cheque to be deposited in the Bank should be handed over to the
respective counters and no individual outside the respective counters have
any authority to receive them.

12. The total number of withdrawals from the account whether by cheque or
otherwise will not exceed 50 per half-year or such ceiling as may be
decided by the Bank. For additional withdrawals, a service-charge at the
rate decided by the Bank will be recovered from the account.

13. Cheque-book will be issued if the account is properly introduced. The SB

account holder will be given 40 cheque-leaves free of cost in a year as per
the present norms of the Bank and this is subject to change as may be
decided by the Bank. For additional cheque-leaves, service charge as may
be decided by the Bank, will be levied. The customer may at the time of
opening the account opt not to use cheque books.

14. Account holder should carefully note that while issuing a cheque, he/she
should ensure that sufficient balance is maintained in the account Issuing
cheques in anticipation of funds to be credited to the account is not
permitted. Also, cheques issued and dishonoured due to account-holder's
fault such as insufficiency of fund/cheques drawn irregularly etc. will
attract, apart from service-charge levied by the Bank, penal provision under
the law of the land.

15. Mutilated, post dated, stale and irregularly drawn cheque as also cheques
containing extraneous matter will be refused payment. Any alteration on
the cheques/withdrawal slip should be authenticated by the full signature
of the drawer.

16. When depositing cheques for credit to an account depositors are

required to cross them before handling over the same for collection.
Cheques deposited in the account and returned unpaid will attract service-
charge at the rate decided by the Bank plus interest as applicable.

17. Instruments such as Cheques, Demand Drafts and Dividend/Interest

Warrants will be accepted for credit of an account only when the account
has been properly introduced and such instruments must be drawn in
favour of the account-holder and not endorsed to him/her.

18. The customer has to maintain minimum balance in the account as maybe
prescribed by the Bank from time to time. Failure to maintain such
minimum balance in the account will attract penalty as may be levied by
the Bank.

19. For accounts operated by thumb-impression, the depositor must personally

visit the Bank along with the pass-book to withdraw money from the
20. If the pass-book is lost and a duplicate thereof is sought, the depositor will
have to pay the prescribed charges for a duplicate pass-book.

21. The pass-book and the cheque-book are very important documents. At the
time of receiving the cheque-book, the account holder should count the
cheques therein and draw the attention of the Bank if any cheque is
missing therein. The pass-book and the cheque-book must be kept in
secured possession of the account holder. Any loss must be brought to the
notice of the Bank forthwith.

22. Bank will register instruction from the drawer of a cheque to stop payment
of it but it can not undertake any responsibilities in case such instructions
are over looked.

23. If the account is closed within a year from the date of its opening, a
prescribed charge will be levied.

24. Bank reserve the right to close any account with prior intimation if it is not
operated satisfactorily. The Bank's decision in such matter will be final.

25. Nomination is accepted in favour of a single individual only.

26. The Bank reserves the right to alter or add to these rules and such
alteration and additions shall be binding on the account holders.

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