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 Do we have Baroque and Rococo architecture in the Philippines?

Yes, the first major architectural and artistic style to reach the Philippines was the Baroque
movement followed by the Rococo architectural style. One example of Baroque-styled church is the
famous Saint Augustine Church, commonly known as the Paoay Church which can be found in Paoay,
Ilocos Norte. It is declared as a National Cultural Treasure by the Philippine government in 1973 and a
UNESCO World Heritage Site under the collective group of Baroque Churches of the Philippines in 1993.
On the other hand, San Vicente Church of Ilocos Sur is an example of Rococo architectural style in the

 Identify what makes these buildings Baroque or Rococo.

As mentioned above, the first architectural style to develop in the Philippines was the Baroque
architectural style which was used almost exclusively for ecclesiastic purposes. All Philippine Baroque
churches were made to withstand attacks from native Filipinos and powerful Muslim island nations
nearby, as well as the frequent fire and earthquakes from the area. Moreover, Rococo was first and
foremost an art of interior design, and this is how it first appeared in the Philippines, arriving about 70
years behind Europe. Many Philippine Baroque churches were outfitted with new interiors, featuring
organic and meticulously detailed Rococo designs. Floral motifs were a big part of the Rococo, and this
was something that Filipino artisans could certainly appreciate considering the rich flora of the islands.

 How important are these heritage structures to the present and future generations?

The heritage structures that we have are a symbol of history. It is the fundamental to protect and
conserve them as a symbolic inheritage that represents the city associated with past people and place
living in the communities that they value. Heritage sites are living monuments and record of certain
happenings and this is our real connection to our past. It proves the existence, as well as the
achievements of our ancestors. It is possible to comprehend and even gain from the social values of
such people for the betterment of the society. Furthermore, the cultural identities associated with
certain heritages helps to enhance the sense of belonging to a particular clan or group.


Rococo Architecture in the Philippines. (2017, November 10). Retrieved from

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