35.1 Sales Page Tips and Template PDF

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6 Tips for Creating Effective Sales Pages

1) How much copy?

The amount of copy you need depends on the complexity and cost of the product. The more
complicated and/or expensive the product, the more you need to explain, show, educate, convince.
Include everything that your site visitors might be interested to know or concerned about. You want to
overcome all resistance before they get to the bottom of your page. At the end, we’ve included a basic
template of content that you should include in your sales page.

2) Buyers are readers

Worried that your copy is too long? Don’t. If somebody is ready to buy after just a brief skim, they can
just skip ahead and click ‘buy’. On the other hand, if someone reads everything on your site and still has
questions and doubts, you lose them. That’s why long-form copy works.

Most people won’t ready it all. But, the ones that do are the most likely to buy.

3) Avoid cheesy and scammy

Exclamation marks! False HYPE! Don’t do it. See below.

Writing a whole paragraph as a headline… don’t do it!

4) It’s all about the content

Long form sales pages are mostly about the content. You can only write excellent copy if you understand
your target audience—which is why we have a lecture about it.

Copywriting Keys to Success:

 Write as if you are speaking directly to your tribe of ideal participants. Use their language and
the word “you.”
 Use a friendly, conversational tone. Write as if you were talking to a good friend.
 Speak directly about their challenges from a place of empathy and understanding. Make them
feel you “get them.” You’ve been in their shoes.
It also needs to be structured and designed well. Below are tips for text structure:

 Large font size (minimum 16px).

 Short lines (40 to 80 characters per line).
 New paragraph every 3-4 lines.
 Use lists, quotes, tables – mix it up.
 Sub-headlines every 2-3 paragraphs.

This wall of text is not going to entice anyone to read:

The majority of users will only read the headlines and sub-headlines, which gives them the gist of the
5) Consider adding video

While video can boost conversions, in most cases video should not replace text. Most people will NOT
watch the video (but the most interested people might), so the text content should be created with this
in mind.

6) Don’t encourage them to leave the page

Sometimes you have additional information you wish to provide, but do not include a link to an outside
page… keep them on the page. There are different ways to include additional information. For example
you can expand/collapse information: For example, with FAQs, when they click on a question, have it
expand to show the answer. This design helps you make the page shorter while providing additional

Check out this site for an example of an epic sales page: http://www.renegadedietbook.com/

Your sales page doesn’t need to be held to THAT high of a standard—they’re one of the best of the
best—but looking at it for inspiration is a great way to get inspiration and aim for excellence!
Sales Page Content Template

Use this template to create the copy for your sales page. Even if you do not create a sales page, this
information can be used in marketing material or discussed during a strategy session.

Results-Oriented Headline

Their Challenges and Obstacles

What’s Possible – Their Desired Outcome and Results

Your Story (vulnerability, struggles, search, solution and your expertise/credibility)

Description of Coaching Group (what they’ll get do and learn, the outcomes they
receive… “so that you can…”
Who the Group is for “this is for you if”

Benefits of Group Coaching

Details and Logistics of the Coaching Group

Price Justification (how much other programs cost, how much it costs compared to your
1-on-1 coaching, how much time, energy and money you’ve invested to gain the mastery
in this area that they’ll be getting access to, how much time, money or headache it will
save them)


Guarantee (Offering a 100% money back guarantee takes the risk away and increases
sign-ups. Important to determine how long it is available, such as by the end of the first
session, 2nd session, first month, etc)
Address Their Objections and Concerns (FAQ) (does this work, will it work for me, what
happens if I need to miss a session, etc)

Urgency/Call-to-Action (give people a reason to sign up right away, such as limited to x

participants, first x people to register get ABC, early bird registration, sign up by X and
save $X)

Recap (summarize what they get, key benefits, bonuses, etc)

Next Step (what do you want them to do? Tell them exactly how to sign up, ie: click the
“add to cart” button)

P.S. (use the p.s. to emphasize a key point, reminder of the deadline, or reinforce

Additional Elements to Include:

 Your Picture
 Testimonials
 Audio or video greeting

For additional training and tools to develop your marketing material, including website copy, checkout
our course Write Epic Marketing and Sales Copy, which is part of our Quantum Leap Your Business

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