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The two maps indicate a sports center in a university in the present time and the

future, after some alterations.

Although The 25m pool won't change, the western outdoor court will be replaced
by a leisure pool. The changing room and the seating, on the other hand, won't be
changed. There is a gym in the north of the 25m pool; however, it will get more
extensive in the future. Eastern outdoor court will also be destructed. A sports
hall will be constructed on the east side of the seating.
Moreover, two dance studios will have been established right on the eastern part
of the sports centre. There is no changing room now, but one will be built on the
south-east of the complex. Furthermore, a café is going to be made on the left
side of it. The entrance and the reception, however, remain the same. Also a
sports shop will have been constructed right on the left of the entrance with a
new changing room being built on the east side of it.
In conclusion, according to the plans, some changes will have been taken place in
the future.

Sana bayrami AC

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