Engr 110 Partner Meeting 4 Notes

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Meeting Time/Date:​ October 30, 2020 ​(10:15 - 11:15am)

Purpose: ​Show Derek prototypes, finalize layout, get feedback on recipe book covers
Place: ​Zoom
Members attended:​ Derek, Dan, Renae, Jonathan, Chrissy

● Show Derek the prototype of templates for feedback
○ Finalize template structure
● Feedback on recipe book cover text/theme/layout
● Discuss survey results


Recipe book prototype:

● Derek wants more pictures on the recipe pages
● Garden bed: “Garden Bed G8”
● “Why you like this recipe” is very important
● Do garden members want to put pictures of themselves?
● Maybe we could approach the survey with the cookbook components in mind
● Will 2 pictures fit/be necessary?
● Serving size & minutes aren’t on the survey form
● 3 different templates
○ 1 with image
○ No image
○ With/without image super long instructions

Cookbook cover & subtitle:

● Santa Clara Community Garden Cookbook
● And short stories from gardeners in the valley of heart's delight

● Ask a pandemic question
● Upload photos of their garden
● Derek will forward us our first story
● At the top: option to submit their own story or we have guiding questions below
● Combine stories with recipes

Action items:
● Edit spreadsheet - roles on Sunday
● Finalized layout/template
● Presentation
● V2 of cover
● Meet 10:30am Sunday
● Dan will try to fix capitalization in responses & look into add-ons
● Jonathan will look into merging pages (free or premium?)
Meeting Time/Date:​ November 1, 2020 ​(10:30 - 1:30pm)
Purpose: ​Check-in with current tasks
Place: ​Zoom
Members attended:​ Dan, Renae, Jonathan, Chrissy

● Edit survey results spreadsheet
○ Fix grammar and ingredients/directions format
● Finalize layout/template
● Start drafting presentation
○ Final presentation runthrough


● Draft and test the final recipe book layout: 3 different templates
○ 1 with image
○ No image
○ With/without image super long instructions
● After drafting V2 of the templates to reflect the 3 finalized template structures, we ran a test to
see if everything was aligned and organized clearly
○ We had to go back and make adjustments to the size and format of certain texts to make
sure everything was legible and imported correctly from the spreadsheet into the
● Create V2 of recipe book cover with new title and subtitle
○ “Santa Clara Community Garden Cookbook and Short Stories From Gardeners in the
Valley of Heart's Delight”
○ Swap out photos on the current cover with photos from garden members (in progress)
● Draft personal stories survey questions
○ Add a pandemic question (in progress)
○ This survey and the copy to share publicly will be shared with Derek this week (week 7)
● Presentation
○ Chrissy: Cookbook cover, book components, what’s next?
○ Dan: V1 of cookbook templates, final templates, challenges
○ Renae: Intro, background, reaching the community, gantt chart
○ Jonathan: Purpose, critical customer & profile, motivation

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