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Chapter X Sloka 31

पवनःपवतामि म रामःश भृ तामहम ् 

झषाणां मकर चाि म ोतसामि म जा नवी।। 10.31।।

Of those, that have the power to purify, I am the air.

Pavataam Pavana: asmi
Pavataam – of those, that can purify
Aham – I; we need to supply - aham - here
Pavana: asmi – I am, the air

Sastrabhritaam – among those, who carry weapons

Sastram – means, cutting with a weapon. For eg. A knife or a sickle
Astram – means, that which gets shot, like the arrow, from the bow -
like today’s bullet, that goes from the gun. It does not return.
Bhagavan says: Among those, who carry weapons, I am Rama, the son
of Dasaratha

झषाणां – among, the fish

There are different types of fish. Among Matsya, the fish, I am Makara.

Srotasaam – among, the profusely flowing rivers, I am Jaanhavi, the

The Gangaa, manifested by the grace, of Jannu Maharishi. The penance
of Bhagirathaa, brought the Gangaa to the matted hairlocks of Sri Shiva,
and thereafter, it descended, and flowed bountifully on the earth. The
Gangaa, passed through - Sri Brahma’s kamandalaa; Sri Vishnu’s holy
feet; and Sri Shiva’s hairlocks; and then descends, and flows in the
Bharatadesaa, thereby purifying it. We consider the Gangaa - to be very
holy, and pure. Bhagavan, is in the form of the Pure Gangaa.
The name Jaanhavi, has a Puranic story behind it. Bhagirathaa, while
leading the Gangaa, went past Jannu Maharishi’s ashram, thereby
causing disturbance in the ashram. Therefore, Jannu Maharishi,
through his yogic powers, drank the Gangaa. Later, she came out,
through his ears. That is why, the river Gangaa is also called - Jaanhavi.
So, here Bhagavan says - that He is Jaanhavi.

So, Bhagavan is to be meditated upon, in the form of air, Rama, Makara

and the holy Gangaa river, which are all instances, of His Vibhutis.

पवनः पवतामि म रामःश भृ तामहम ् 

झषाणां मकर चाि म ोतसामि म जा नवी ।।10.31।।

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