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Business Analysis of Morgan Motors

[Name of the Student]
Business Analysis 2

Table of Contents

Different Types of Organisation......................................................................................................3
Scope of Different Organisations....................................................................................................5
Different Organisational Factors.....................................................................................................8
Functions Related to Mission & Objectives..................................................................................10
Positive and Negative Influence....................................................................................................12
Environmental Analysis.............................................................................................................14
Analysis of Legal Perspectives..................................................................................................14
Strength of Morgan Motors...........................................................................................................15
Strength and Weaknesses..............................................................................................................15
Business Analysis 3

Business Analysis of Morgan Motors


The organisation consists of gathering people for a specific reason, e.g. for business or

public reasons. There are different types of tasks that mentors perform in an organisation, such

as: Consulting, coordination, organisation selection, classification, implementation, leadership,

coordination and management (Al-Mahdy et al., 2018). Morgan Motors is the world's leading

automotive association established in Japan in the year 1937 (Hallinger et al., 2018). In the

nineteenth century, the organisation expanded its activities to several nations, including Great

Britain (Willis et al., 2017).

The organisation closely monitored the adaptation of the global employment situation.

Interest in cars lowered vehicle costs and fuel costs increased slightly. Only that car parts and

transport prices are higher than a year ago. However, monetary incentives and ingenious social

practices help them gain a position in major global markets (Diamond et al., 2016). In this way,

continuous technology promoting the organisation encourages them to take a credible place at

the global motor show. Despite the seriousness of the situation, the student wanted to present this

report that would help Britain understand the different skills of different organisations and the

official structure of other organisations (Hammad and Hallinger, 2017).

Different Types of Organisation

The company refers to the variable performance and substantive process indicated by the

customer's telephone or provides support based on the customer's telephone. Conditions include

various factors such as clients, assets, candidates, suppliers, wholesalers, types of industry,

complementary guidelines, guidelines, government movements, economy, population and

Business Analysis 4

demography, as well as mechanical progress and progress (Willis et al., 2017). For example, it

was examined that human resources, physical energy and money are the most essential part of an

organisation. Global organisations like Morgan Motors can try to increase their advantage

through cost, quality and highest quality systems (Hallinger, 2019). It was analysed that the

association's business plan was influenced by several factors, such as: Changes in innovation and

government intervention. It is perceived by customers as a criticism of acceptable endurance and

progress. It has been investigated that the rivals of this type of vehicle are usually two types, for

example direct and assisted (Al-Mahdy et al., 2018).

There are usually five types, for example private organisations, government, board, cola,

good work and NGOs. As described by the researchers, the private section refers to the

organisation's ownership and management by private entities or assemblies. The significance of

the association is this: Sainsbury's is considered one of the best private companies in the world.

There are various types of private companies, such as seafarers, associations, companies and

cooperatives (Hammad and Shah, 2018). Government or government agencies directly

obstructed public finances. Therefore, companies form various organisations for the benefit of

their population and overall well-being. The National Health Service is one of the most well-

known public organisations in England. Volunteers operate in various organisations such as

Noble Action, volunteer organisations and corporate networks. These organisations are not really

non-profit and non-governmental organisations. In the UK, cancer research has proved to be an

essential free association.

The concept of business organisations such as Morgan Motors in the UK includes

different types such as people, goals, maps and resources (Hammad and Hallinger, 2017).

Concept of business of Morgan is based on many factors, such as benefits, parts of the entire
Business Analysis 5

industry, specialised size and corporate social responsibility. Morgan Motors was regularly

considered the only sales representative (Karami-Akkary and Hammad, 2019). As a result, they

can undoubtedly build a business without legal contracts. The owner or central director controls

his activities. Morgan Motors headquarters supervise Morgan general operations. The council

chooses working hours and examples of activities for its organisations (Hallinger et al., 2018).

The personnel office, ready to establish close relations with employees and the exhibition, builds

comfortable relationships with clients. Unlike employees, the entire Morgan Motors company

relies on multimedia and management skills. However, the association's unlimited involvement

creates opportunities (Hammad and Shah, 2018). On the global market, Morgan Motors is facing

strong competition from various households such as Volkswagen. Raising additional capital for

exchange organisations is not necessarily difficult. To develop new business methods, higher

authorities need to spend longer. There is no consensus on organisation.

Scope of Different Organisations

There are usually five types of organisations, such as private, public, government,

cooperative, good service and NGOs. It was analysed that limited organisations are usually

business organisations. They have legal personality. As a result, the company's assets and various

resources belong to the company, not to its natural persons (Diamond et al., 2016). On the other

hand, the benefits of individuals are not useful for an organisation. Then the person's obligation

is limited. Restricted organisations were created by two or irrelevant people. It turned out that a

colleague had to upload some files, e.g. related messages and sharing reports (Hammad and

Shah, 2018).
Business Analysis 6

Private companies must have at least one investor, but the organisation can make a wide

range of choices for the general public. In any case, the organisation can offer attractive offers to

people who need to sign a business contract with that organisation (Diamond et al., 2016).

Corporations were seen as corporations. It was examined that Morgan Motors was established in

1937 as a company. There are three major Morgan Motor’s investors. In any case, the

organisation has a manager in every part of the organisation. The organisation currently has “$

1.5 million” in equity capital in the UK. It turned out that Morgan Motors UK offers its offer to

all residents for sale.

It has been established that the organisation adheres to various guidelines and regulations

to maintain its company profile as a limited company (Bellibaş and Gümüş, 2019). The

association placed them on the Stock Exchange of London to make an offer to all residents. The

“London Stock Exchange” carefully assesses the market of stock process. The organisation holds

an annual meeting with its investors. Morgan Motors demonstrated with company directors

(Hallinger et al., 2018). Investors in the organisation choose the one that decides on essential

issues, e.g. Promotion and promotion of improvements. There are three different types of limited

government agencies, e.g. Small, Medium and Large. Unlike large organisations, private

companies find it difficult to continue. An independent company was found operating on a small

market. On the other hand, the organisation has little opportunity to transform into a management

process. In general, some competitors can seriously affect their business (Al-Mahdy et al., 2018).

Despite this, the organisation has less resources to defend against new market segments. As a

result, large companies can better protect themselves against new competitors by incurring

significant costs of entering the market.

Business Analysis 7

The researchers highlight, medium organisations preferred this situation to small

organisations. You serve a larger market and you can change the system more than once a year.

Even they can grow their business in a new market thanks to existing products. You have more

resources to protect yourself from new market entry (Diamond et al., 2016). Nevertheless,

medium-sized organisations with an overwhelming relationship met the opportunities of the

opposition. A huge company has more assets, the dangers may be too great to even think of

persuasion (Diamond et al., 2016). Organisations have been organised, for example, to set up the

necessary organisations and associated university associations. The organisation needed mainly

produced raw materials from ordinary raw materials and sent them to an aid organisation. Aid

organisations transform the raw material into objects and transfer them to university

organisations. University associations are mainly sellers who sell products or provide customer

service (Al-Mahdy et al., 2018).

The size of the company depends on the type of topic. The addition to the Coca-Cola

Association is the production and supply of non-alcoholic beverages, such as carbonated drinks,

concentrates, natural products for espresso, tea, caffeine sports drinks and filtered water. The

industry has been found to be associated with the overall goal of raising more assets to defend

against new market shares. Still, the dangers of large-scale relationships with many resources

may be too great to even think about beliefs (Gümüş et al., 2020). It showed that the organisation

chose the vision, basic goals and tasks to improve its operations. The vision refers to the position

that the company should take. Extremely essential for companies and companies. The purpose of

this selection is to determine the size of the organisation so that the organisation can achieve its

goals. Focus your keyword on a specific and shorter social goal (Diamond et al., 2016).
Business Analysis 8

The association's activities depend on investors and partners. Partners are people or a

group of people interested in work. In any case, these people were mainly affected by business

practices (Willis et al., 2017). It turned out that the business position of an international company

such as Morgan Motors has some glitches, for example, powerful, contradictory and wild. That's

why Morgan condition is constantly changing, depending on the customer's model and

community, but also eccentrically. The company is constantly growing thanks to stable

companies (Diamond et al., 2016). The company is wild, considering that overall business

depends on overall health, performance and factors.

Different Organisational Factors

Organisational skills depend on a variety of skills, such as: Staff, offers and advertising,

innovative work, creativity and activities, customer service, money and management, planning

and data technologies. The exhibition is considered a marketing communication platform for

meeting clients (Gümüş et al., 2020). The advertising process is useful for two clients and

suppliers. The presentation helps organisations such as Morgan Motors provide data about

customers to develop new products that will improve the quality of their lives. Morgan was

recognised as a serious business due to its reputable rating system (Willis et al., 2017).

The organisation has created an object distribution structure that provides customers with

useful access to the item and files. Thanks to Morgan Car Appeal, the company can develop and

expand its mission and use British advertising (Diamond et al., 2016). This was seen rather than

corporate messaging to improve social behaviour in a positive way. It has been confirmed that in

some cases the organisation gives warnings, for example against smoke detectors, as well as
Business Analysis 9

dangerous driving in blind conditions can extend the association's mission to society (Willis et

al., 2017).

The researcher claimed, the account is closely linked to the use or authorisation of

various activities. Money-related features provide essential reports on the implementation of

money and the location of relevant guidelines (Hammad and Hallinger, 2017). The organisation

has allocated assets to various parts of the organisation in accordance with the spending plan and

assessment of the use of monetary assets related to the implementation plan. To manage revenue,

companies must ensure that enough resources are available to meet business needs (Willis et al.,


The introduction of each department related to money was carried out by internal

inspectors. The giant's bill went into speculation about the surplus of assets. It was found that

many organisations took the risk of solving the association's problems (Al-Mahdy et al., 2018).

Thanks to this, the organisation achieves the best return and reduces the company's risk. Real

estate investments are usually seen as risk in most offices, including domestic companies with

additional production lines, cost-cutting companies, and new innovations that support quality and

expertise (Al-Mahdy et al., 2018). It was found that Morgan currency report ensures that the

organisation meets key UK requirements.

Accounting in organisations such as Morgan Motors oversees the daily exchange of

orders, contracts and the use of company resources inside and outside the association. Morgan

earnings ensure that the organisation pays relevant assets for service obligations when the

organisation has to pay. It was established that the monetary group was responsible for raising

additional funds for business development (Hammad and Hallinger, 2017). Morgan Motors has

added a human resources structure to the management department to oversee organisation

Business Analysis 10

representatives. The corner of human property is a structure of managers who work with

employees to achieve 100% productivity and God's execution (Gümüş et al., 2020).

In addition, HR managers are concerned about acceptance and approach. Personnel

project in which managers take part in various exercises, e.g. Registration, organisation, work

organisation, measurement of company law, relations with employees, payroll, preparation and

improvement of representation skills (Al-Mahdy et al., 2018). A future statement states: "Morgan

Motors will show the way to fate and promote life around the world through the safest and most

comprehensive means of moving people. We want to go beyond our wishes and receive

subsidies thanks to our promise of quality, continuous progress and respect for the planet

(Diamond et al., 2016). We will achieve our difficult goals, arousing the skills and interest of

people who recognise that this is a constantly better path".

Functions Related to Mission & Objectives

It can be analysed that the achievement of Morgan Motors is mainly because of the

strategic development and the implemented action plan. The action plan takes up specific

actions that are essential to get fulfilled. Each system is created by major regulators who achieve

their goals (Willis et al., 2017). Each activity that now uses this goal and its importance creates

its own active strategic action plan with tasks and decision points that are created with the

participation of unit managers as part of the activity. It turned out that the organisation uses

bureaucratic corporate technology to conduct its activities (Al-Mahdy et al., 2018).

As can be seen from the bureaucratic nature of the administration, the choice of mentors

established above or the structure of the procedure. Then employees and pioneers must achieve

the goal or system in the given period. According to Morgan’s key idea, the bottleneck limits the
Business Analysis 11

creation of the period (Gümüş et al., 2020). The following organisation has update technologies,

such as bottleneck factor, concept of process duration, process lead time and clear creation

method, thinking time and resource use (Hallinger, 2019).


The above section evaluates the findings of different types of organisation focusing on

the public and private sectors. The legal and political analysis provides in detail evaluation of the

issues that are faced by the organisation. Furthermore the leadership and management factors are

analysed of Morgan Motors.

Business Analysis 12


The analysis of Extensive patterns of domestic production, burnout, monetary policy,

financial regulation and pressure have been largely taken into account is considered to be macro

environment analysis and holds major importance in the field (Al-Mahdy et al., 2018).

Comprehensive management of key external and wild factors affecting highly efficient company

processes has been widely considered (Hammad and Hallinger, 2017).

Positive and Negative Influence


Morgan Motors has encountered a number of political obstacles to expansion and

business progress (Hammad and Hallinger, 2017). From Motor's point of view, external political

effects affect the affairs of the association. The organisation had problems and opportunities

because of several explanations.

 Political stability in essential markets

 Agreements of trade are free of cost

 Assistance of the governing bodies is required for the manufacturing of eco friendly services

Political security of the key market is seen as Morgan Motor's open door to further

development with little political pressure. On the other hand, simpler trade agreements in Japan

and some countries guarantee that Morgan Motors is openly operating to improve market access

(Hallinger et al., 2018). In addition, environmental legislation provides organisations with open

organisations to improve their problems. It was also found that the environmentally friendly

apartment meets the customers' requirements (Gümüş et al., 2020).

Business Analysis 13


Morgan Motors created has created a business strategy to bring the traffic from cross

border. At that time, the company weighed money. Nevertheless, the organisation has the

opportunity to promote its activities in American advertising (Hammad and Shah, 2018). The

organisation has the second largest market in the world. In addition, Morgan Motor's rapid

growth offers open the strategies to enhance the overall sale and the profit (Hallinger, 2019).


Increasing the opening of assets of Morgan Motors is able to provide more products to

meet the growing interest of customers due to crossovers and electric vehicles. Nevertheless, the

company should investigate a critical gap in improving well-being (Karami-Akkary and

Hammad, 2019). This is seen as a threat because the category of employees is decreasing.

Nevertheless, the employee category is an essential asset for Morgan Motors (Hallinger et al.,



Morgan Motors has the chance to improve its business opportunities on the Internet.

However, it has been established that the association has concluded agreements with external

internet companies that specialise in the specialisation of companies to solve various problems,

such as saving objects from the automotive industry (Willis et al., 2017). It has been found that

Morgan Motors has developed technology to offer its customers the possibility of using mobile

applications. The concept is to enhance the customer’s engagement and involvement For
Business Analysis 14

example, companies are considering cybercrime risks such as digital secrecy (Diamond et al.,


Environmental Analysis

In the provided scenario following are the major environmental evaluation that are analysed and


 Variations of the climate

 Reduction of oil reserves globally

 Focusing on business strategies for more stability and prosperity.

It has been confirmed that the club can do more things in the area, such as electric cars and

high mileage vehicles (Hammad and Hallinger, 2017). The organisation applied insurance

regulations and attracted customers.

Analysis of Legal Perspectives

There are several legal factors that have a common impact on the state of Morgan Motors,


 Renewal of the Act on licensed innovations

 Extending complex natural law

 Extending specific customer regulations

The organisation had the opportunity to grow with less concern for violating its own right to

innovation. The association said lawmakers have also improved innovation insurance through

licenses (Hammad and Hallinger, 2017). The organisation sent great things to clients to meet the
Business Analysis 15

general requirements. Determine the internal strengths and weaknesses of specific businesses and

explain their interrelationship with external macro factors (Hallinger et al., 2018)

Strength of Morgan Motors

Morgan Motors’ characteristics show that this combination provides sufficient capacity to

maintain a position that plays a significant role among other car manufacturers around the world

(Karami-Akkary and Hammad, 2019). The SWOT model provides detailed data on the necessary

components that are met as a Morgan Motors model. Their basic properties are as follows:

 A trusted brand

 Quick development opportunities

 Total production

 Morgan Motors error

 The main disadvantages are listed below:

 Standing structure

 The club's lifestyle secret

 From later trial results

Strength and Weaknesses

In fact, the strength of Morgan Motors depends both on money and its mechanical shape.

In addition, this part of the “SWOT” study includes all the essential factors that a company can

use to promote its business (Bellibaş and Gümüş, 2019). The essential open door is given below:

 Market development in the countries they created

 Interest in environmentally friendly cars is growing

Business Analysis 16

Risk is usually seriously dependent. The main threats to Morgan Motors are:

 The proximity of market development with minimal effort

 Rapid development among current competitors


The student is currently reviewing the “PESTLE” exam to assess the outer environment

of the organisation so that the external perspective is evaluated. In addition, the firm has

identified the internal quality and defects of the organisation, as well as external quality and

Business Analysis 17


Al-Mahdy, Y.F.H., Emam, M.M. and Hallinger, P., 2018. Assessing the contribution of principal

instructional leadership and collective teacher efficacy to teacher commitment in Oman.

Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies,

69(1), pp.191-201.

Bellibaş, M.Ş. and Gümüş, S., 2019. A systematic review of educational leadership and

management research in Turkey. Journal of Educational Administration.

Diamond, J.B. and Spillane, J.P., 2016. School leadership and management from a distributed

perspective: A 2016 retrospective and prospective. Management in Education, 30(4),


Gümüş, S., Bellibaş, M.Ş., Gümüş, E. and Hallinger, P., 2020. Science mapping research on

educational leadership and management in Turkey: a bibliometric review of international

publications. School Leadership & Management, 40(1), pp.23-44.

Hallinger, P. and Walker, A., 2017. Leading learning in Asia–emerging empirical insights from

five societies. Journal of Educational Administration.

Hallinger, P., 2019. A systematic review of research on educational leadership and management

in South Africa: mapping knowledge production in a developing society. International

Journal of Leadership in Education, 22(3), pp.315-333.

Hallinger, P., Adams, D., Harris, A. and Jones, M.S., 2018. Review of conceptual models and

methodologies in research on principal instructional leadership in Malaysia. Journal of

educational administration.
Business Analysis 18

Hammad, W. and Hallinger, P., 2017. A systematic review of conceptual models and methods

used in research on educational leadership and management in Arab societies. School

Leadership & Management, 37(5), pp.434-456.

Hammad, W. and Shah, S., 2018. Dissonance Between the “International” and the Conservative

“National”: Challenges Facing School Leaders in International Schools in Saudi Arabia.

Educational Administration Quarterly, 54(5), pp.747-780.

Karami-Akkary, R. and Hammad, W., 2019. The Knowledge Base on Educational Leadership

and Management in Arab Countries: Its Current State and Its Implications for Leadership

Development. In Teaching Educational Leadership in Muslim Countries (pp. 77-92).

Springer, Singapore.

Willis, S., Clarke, S. and O'Connor, E., 2017. Contextualizing leadership: Transformational

leadership and Management‐By‐Exception‐Active in safety‐critical contexts. Journal of

Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 90(3), pp.281-305.

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