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Notes 2 Moral Differences


• Human acts may either be considered rational or irrational based on man’s conformity or
nonconformity to the dictates of reason.

Dictates of reason

man’s common ideas about the decency or indecency of a certain act or manner of behavior.

it determine what

- acts are acceptable in a given circumstance

-which offers the best options.

3 classes of actions based on the conformity or nonconformity of the standard norm of morality
(Agapay): Moral actions, Immoral actions, Amoral actions

1. Moral Acts

– acts that conform to the norms of morality

-good actions that are permissible & acceptable.

Ex.(at work)

*Working with or without supervision

*observing punctuality

*cooperating & helping colleague, *honesty & integrity in the performance of one’s job

• respecting coworkers

2. Immoral Acts

• Immorality is evil, sinful behavior and things that are wrong that are neither permissible nor


- committing graft and corruption,

-stealing ,

-lying and murdering

3. Ammoral Acts

- acts which stand neutral in relation to the norms of morality. These acts may be right or immoral,
which depends on the drive of the person doing the act.

 Ex.

- Dating a loved one during office hours

- giving answers to a classmate who has not studied for an exam

- giving your sister’s share of food to the street children

By willfully taking to outline our lives & act in accordance with certainty, by creating right moral
choices, these selections made as free individuals  Human Acts

Human acts - are doings which man does as human

- are actions appropriate to every human as man.

The courses of an individual’s actions and their consequences are based on his motivation. Thus,
man must be constantly aware of his - intentions - values


Moral Dilemma

 a choice between two equally bad alternatives

 occurs when an action can be seen as right from one standpoint but at the same time wrong
from another

 a conflict in which you have to choose between two or more actions and have moral reasons for
choosing each action.

Ex. The case of the family who had vacation in Bali

1. You are presented with two or more actions, all of which you have the ability to perform.

2. There are moral reasons for you to choose each of the actions.

3. You cannot perform all of the actions & have to choose which action, or actions when there are three
or more choices, to perform.

*In making moral decisions, FREEDOM is necessary ……WHY?

- the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

Since there are moral reasons for you to choose each action, & you cannot choose them all in a
dilemma, it follows that

NO MATTER WHAT CHOICE YOU MAKE , you will be failing to follow your morals.

In other words, SOMEONE OR SOMETHING WILL SUFFER -no matter what choice you make.

A human being without good morals cannot truly be described as a living being

Advantages of Moral Standards

1. It gives purpose & direction to our lives.

Losing them is equivalent to losing ourselves. Though a person can go on living without a moral
code, such a life will be an empty one.

2. Keeps out from constant fear of unjust actions being discovered

3. Vital for every man who desires a truly enjoyable life.


*Business, with corporate ethics, consumers learn to trust ethical brands and remain loyal to them,
even during difficult periods.

Johnson & Johnson(1982) spent over $100 million dollars recalling Tylenol, its best-selling product,
after someone tampered with bottles of the painkiller. The company followed its principle, a set of
ethical organizational values, and the result was a boost in consumer confidence, despite the
contamination scare. Society benefits from business ethics because ethical companies recognize their
social responsibilities.

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