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National University

College of Business and Accountancy


Banco, Jeizyll Shane R.

Bautista, Roy Mitz A. V

Castillo, Myra Jane C.

Corona, Mary Lorrainne

Valmonte, Jeremy Allyza L.

December 12, 2018

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Table of Content
I. INTRODUCTION............................................................1
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.............................................2
STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVE................................................3
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY.............................................4
SCOPE AND LIMITATION....................................................4
II. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY...............................5
IV. EXISTING SYSTEM…………………………………………….9
DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM..........................................10
PROBLEM AREAS...........................................................10
V. THE PROPOSED SYSTEM…………………………...14
SYSTEM OVERVIEW ………………………………………………………………….14

Use-case Diagram..............................................................16
Use-Case Description.........................................................17
Use case Diagram for Librarian........................................11
Use case Diagram for Administrator...............................25
Use case Diagram for Student.........................................25
Data Flow Diagram............................................................26
Data Dictionary...................................................................26
Reports/Form Specification...............................................33

Page 1
National University
College of Business and Accountancy

I. Introduction
Background of the study

Library is regarded as the brain of any institute; many institutes understand the

importance of the library to the growth of the institute and their esteem users

(students). Library is a place in which we get information in any format and from many

sources. The efficiency of the library lies on how the books are arranged and how easily

one can get or access the book of their choice. A library is a place in which literary and

artistic material such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and

tapes are kept for reading, reference or for lending.

A library management system is made to have fast process transaction for

searching book titles, borrowing books, returning books, computing penalties and

generating an accurate report. This involves the utilization for processing, accessing and

retrieving the information that can effectively support the process of student’s learning,

decision-making and scholastic approaches. Because of the organized approach and

systematic management of the information, the accessibility and retrieval in the library

can be easy.

National University Learning Resource Center (LRC) is one of the schools that is

using Library Management system for them to make their students reserve books in the

library easier and faster. In his modern world of technological advancement, from the

traditional searching process for the books in the libraries, the interactive use of

computers can be now addressed as part of the library system.

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National University
College of Business and Accountancy

One of the problems that they encounter is the fully utilization of the system and

it is costly. Since it is a commercial system, if you want to add some new features

you need to have additional payment. Also, one that is lacking in the existing library

system is the part of the acquisition module. It is like online payment or online order

that will be linked on students account. Lastly, even though it is a web page,

students cannot access outside the university because their main concern is the

security of the system.

With the advancement of technology, library need to be ready for change and

bring the technology to the library in order to retain their customer’s interest in

visiting the library. Thus, in this situation, library’s system should be improved as

well to facilitate staff or librarian in doing their work effectively.

Statement of Objective

The objective of this project is to provide National University a Library Management

System that increase the efficiency and manageability of the process in searching,

borrowing, returning and managing books and also to safeguard the number and

inventory of books under the care of the University librarian.

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National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Significance of the Study

This project is concerned with developing a Library Management system for

National University in order to make library management more efficient and easier

to handle. The Library management system enables a fully automated library

service. It can display the details of the books available in various departments, the

transactions of books and about the book holders.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused in the design and development of a Library Management

System for the National University that will help in improving the processes or

transactions in the library. The proposed system must identify the processes

involved in Library System specifically to search specific book titles and authors,

search the availability of books student want to borrow, real time inventory count

and record summary and track missing and unreturned books.

The proposed system will be limited in borrowing and returning of books of the

students. Students are not allowed to do additional features or changes.

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National University
College of Business and Accountancy

II. Methodology of the Study

The descriptive developmental approach is used in the proposed Library

Management System of National University, it aims to describe the characteristic of the

subject being studied. This methodology focuses on finding out the “what” or “what

exists” in the research subject, instead of its “why”. We also did a personal interview

where there is a face to face interaction between the interviewer and interviewee.

III. Data Gathering Procedure and Output

The students of National University made a letter to ask permission to the research

adviser for approval of the topic and a letter to conduct a personal interview to the

Library Director of National University’s Learning Resource Center. Interview has been

conducted to gather information. The students also seek out information with the use of

internet. The students used the gathered data in the interview and the resources

gathered from websites to create the proposed library system.

Interview Questions:

1. What problems do you encounter in your current system?

Interviewee: In terms of problem that we encountered, I think the main problem

is the full utilization from the moment that we acquire the system. Because after we

acquire the new system we only had a training before we fully implemented it and

during the implementation stage, we had a hard time on how to properly use it

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National University
College of Business and Accountancy

because the span of acquiring stage is far from the implementation time. Also during

our training, that was the only time that we had the chance to have a sample of the

policies and how to incorporate it. So, during the implementation we do not know

the detailed component of the system. But overall I think that the main problem is

not the system rather the manpower and the training system.

2. What do you want to improve? Be specific.

Interviewee: Actually, the system that we bought is high-quality because it has

the feature of web pot express. It is like an add on feature for example if you search

it in OPAC you can see the main picture so that it will be more convenient but the

downside of this is it is very costly so for example you have to have a new feature

also needs an additional cost and the maintenance of the system is also costly.

3. What additional features would you like to add?

Interviewee: So far, I think the one that is lacking here in our existing library

system is the part of the acquisition module. It is like online payment or online order

that will be linked on your account

4. What are the recommendations that you can recommend?

Interviewee: Like what I said, the acquisition module because if it will be embed

in the existing system it will be good. Because it takes a lot of time to purchase a

book because it requires a lot of signatories.

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National University
College of Business and Accountancy

5. Is it possible that the system will be viewed by the students outside the


Interviewee: Since it is a web page it is possible to do it and it should be

accessed. However, our main concern is the security of the system and they don’t

want to put it in public IP.

6. Since you have a lot of experience, do you suggest that we add or remove

anything from the system?

Interviewee: Since there is no perfect library system, whatever that will help the

system will be good like the acquisition module and the add ons feature.

7. What are the attributes that would make a great system?

Interviewee: Since every school is different from each other, we have different

needs that we want to extract. So it would be nice if we have a complete system

that will cater all the needs of the students.

8. Do you think that the service that you provide satisfies the student? Why?

Interviewee: I think I can’t answer it directly because I don’t have direct

transaction to students but one observation is that for example if you check the

book in OPAC it is still available but when you check it in the shelf it is not there.

Some of the students hoard the book or put it in the other shelf so that if they come

back they will find it. So if other students need it they cannot find it and when they

ask to check the system the book is still in the system and it has not checked out

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National University
College of Business and Accountancy

yet. Sometimes the system is good but the manpower is not organized as well as

the students

Interview Pictures

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National University
College of Business and Accountancy

IV. Existing System

Company Background

National University (NU) is a non–sectarian coeducational institution

in Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines. The founder of the University, Don Mariano Fortunato

Jhocson This young man, Don Mariano Fortunato Jhocson, guided by this vision,

founded Colegio Filipino, now NATIONAL UNIVERSITY in August 01, 1900 in Quiapo,

City of Manila. It was the first non – sectarian and co – educational institution then.

There were only a handful of students at that time in the fledgling School, and they

were in the elementary and secondary (High School) levels. In 1916, the Board of

Trustees changed the name from Colegio Mercantil to National Academy. On January

17, 1921, the Board of Trustees applied for and secured permission from the

Department of Public Instruction to change the name of the National Academy to


In the last quarter of year 2008, the SM Group of Companies acquired majority

ownership of the National University. The all-out support of the SM Group will help

strengthen our institution as Higher Institution with new infrastructure, improved and

upgraded laboratory, focused in academic excellence.

Page 9
National University
College of Business and Accountancy

National University Library Resource Center (NU LRC) / Library Mission

In pursuit of its vision, the NU-LRC/ Library strives to provide quality, cost

beneficial information services that are innovative and enough flexible to support the

University’s mission of teaching and learning research, outreach, outreach and

partnership in learning environment. The LRC / Library Director is Editha A. Alamodin

and the Senior Director is Jeojilyn G. Nabor

Description of the System

They are currently using the commercial system namely Destiny Library Manager

it is a web base library system under Collette an American Company.

Problem Areas

The problems that the library encounter is about the cost/maintenance of the


National University
College of Business and Accountancy





Borrow Add Books

Search Book Edit Book

Return Delete


National University
College of Business and Accountancy


National University
College of Business and Accountancy

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

V. The Proposed system

System Overview

 Search and Update - allows the user to search or browse material/s and modify

its information and availability. If student requests for a certain book or other

related materials, a search by title/author/publisher/category will be made

 Borrowing and Returning Module - when a student requests to borrow a book,

his/her information and due date will be recorded in the database and the

borrowed book will be marked unavailable. Upon returning, material and

borrower’s status will be updated. There should be a list of most borrowed books

and provide additional copies of it.

 Fines - In case a borrower can’t return the book on time or lost a borrowed

book, there should be a reminder or notification that will be sent to the student

and in case the book is not returned on time, the system will automatically

compute for the corresponding fine.

 Adding of Borrowed Books - if a new book is acquired, the material will be

registered to the students account.

National University
College of Business and Accountancy


Enter Username

Enter Password

Username or

Register Login

Input User Details Book Search

Generate User Account YES NO


Registration Complete Borrow Book Notify


National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Process Specification

Use-case Diagram

Library Management System


Book record

Search Book

Search Member

Issue Book

Update Book
Librarian Student

Update Member
Record `




National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Use-Case Description

Use Case Selection Description

Use Case Name Add Students Record
Level Sub-Function level
Primary Actor Student Faculty Member
Student: wants to register in the library.
Faculty Member: wants to register in the library
Administrator: responsible for the management of online
Stakeholders and Interest
activities and modifications in the database.
Librarian: responsible to keep the specific records for particular
students and faculty member.
Student and Faculty members have submitted their registration
Post-Condition Record for a student/faculty member has been added.
1. Student/Faculty Member visits the website to access
the online library services.
2. Student/Faculty member sign-up to get registered
Main Success Scenario online.
3. He/she provides correct information and a secret
4. She/he got registered.
1. Student/ Faculty member visits the website to access
the online library services.
2. He/she tries to sign-up.
Alternative Flows 3. She/he fails and receives an error.
4. She/he will visit the librarian to report a complaint
5. Librarian will forward this complaint to the
 The maximum response time for online registration is 1
Special Requirements minute.
 The System can support English language
Technology and Data Student or faculty member may not be able to navigate on
Variation site.
Frequency of Occurrence Could be nearly continuous
If student/faculty member is not registered online he will have
Open Issue to wait for one day to process his/her complaint to the

Use Case Name Edit Student Record

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Scope Online Library Management System

Level User Goal
Primary Actor Admin
Stakeholders and Admin: wants to change the record of the specific student.
Interest Student/Faculty member: whose record will be manipulated
Pre-Conditions The password entered is correct.
Triggers Admin selects Edit Student Record option from the Student Record menu.
1. Admin: Selects the menu to Change record of the Specific Student.
2. Admin: Enter the Name of the Categories and the correct data of
Main Success that student.
Scenario 2-2a, 2-2b
3. Library Management System: Save the changes in the record of
the students and updates the previous record.
2-2a: if the Password is incorrect it will remain to the home page of the
Alternative Flows
2-2b: if the Password correct it will open the NULRC home page

Special Requirements The system can support English Language.

Technology Student or faculty member may not be able to navigate on site.
Open Issue Administrator must logout to avoid unauthorized access.

Use Case Selection Description

Use Case Name Add Book Record
Scope Library Management System
Level User-Goal Level
Goal in Context Present a form to the administrator to allow him to add record of the books.
Primary Actor Administrator
Stakeholders Administrator: Wants to add record of the different books
Pre-conditions The Password entered is correct.
The record of the books is added to the Library Management System and it
assigns a number to each book.
1. Administrator enters the name and Author’s name
Main Success
2. The Records of the books, updating of the previous records and assign
a ///number to each book has been done.
Open Issue If the site is down, records will be entered through system instead of web

Use Case Name Search Students Record

Scope Library Management System
Level User Goal

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Goal in Context Present a form to the admin to allow him to search the record of the
Primary Actor Admin
Stakeholders Admin: Wants to search membership record of the Required Students.
Pre-Conditions The password entered is correct.
Triggers Admin selects Search Student Record option from the Student Record menu.
Success Guarantee Library Management Software Present the record of the required student in
tabular form.
Main Success 1. Admin: Selects the menu option to search record of the required
Scenario students.
2. Library Management System: Presents a form
3. Admin: Enters the surname or student number
4. Library Management System: Presents the record of the required
Open Issue Student cannot search his/her own record
Use Case Selection Description
Use Case Name Add Book Record
Scope Library Management System
Level User-Goal Level
Goal in Context Present a form to the administrator to allow him to add record of the books.
Primary Actor Administrator
Stakeholders Administrator: Wants to add record of the different books
Pre-conditions The Password entered is correct.
The record of the books is added to the Library Management System and it
assigns a number to each book.
1. Administrator enters the name and Author’s name
Main Success
2. The Records of the books, updating of the previous records and assign a
number to each book has been done.
Open Issue If the site is down, records will be entered through system instead of web

Use Case Selection Description

Use Case Name Update Issued Books Record
Scope Library Management System
Level User Goal Level
Goal in Context Present a menu from which one can access the various functions of the
issued books records.
Primary Actor The password entered is correct.
Stakeholders Administrator: Enter and maintain the issued books record.
Pre-conditions The Books have been issued
1. Administrator selects the menu option to enter in the issued books
Main Success Scenario

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

2. LMS presents a Menu for maintaining issued books record. (2-2a-2-
That contain only one option from Add issued Books Record.
Alternative Flows 2-2a. To enter in the option Add issued books Record.
2-2b. If the required book is not available in the library. It will show the
availability of the book.
Technology Online web access is supported
Open Issue If the site is down, records will be entered through system instead of

Use Case Name View Student Record

Scope Library Management System
Level User Goal
Goal in Context Present the record
Primary Actor Admin
Admin: Wants to view records of all students that are member of
Post Condition Admin selects view student record option from student record menu.
Library Management System shows the table that contains the record of
Success Guarantee
all students.
Main Success Scenario 1. Administrator selects the menu option to view record of all students.
Frequency of Occurrence Could be nearly continues.
If the site is down, records can be viewed through computer system
Open Issues
instead of web.

Use Case Name Returned Books Record

Scope Library Management System
Level User Goal
Present a menu from which one can access the various functions of the
Goal in Context
returned book record.
Primary Actor Admin
Stakeholders Admin: Wants to enter and maintain the returned book record.
Admin selects returned book record option from the main menu and
Post Condition
Library Management System waits for user input.
1. Administrator selects the menu option to enter in the returned books
2. Library Management System: Presents a Menu for maintaining
Main Success Scenario
returned Books Record. That contain only one option from Add retuned
books record
3. Library Management System waits for user input

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Alternative Flows 2-2a. To enter in the option, only Add returned books record.
If the site is down, records can be viewed through computer system
Open Issues
instead of web.

Use Case Selection Description

Use Case Name Reserve Book
Level User Goal Level
Primary Actor Student, Faculty Member
Student: wants to reserve book online.
Faculty Member: wants to reserve book
Stakeholders and Administrator: responsible for the management of online activities and
Interest modification in the database.
Librarian: responsible to keep the specific book reserved for particular
Pre-condition Student and Faculty members are registered.
Post-Condition Student/Faculty Member has reserved the book
5. Student/Faculty Member visits the website to access the online library
6. Student enters login information and sign in.
7. Student search for specific book.
Main Success Scenario
8. Student found the book.
9. Student clicked the reservation button.
10. Student asks for Student Number
11. Students will logout from the Library Management System.
6. Student visits the website to access the online library services.
7. Student Enter login information and sign in.
Alternative Flows
8. Student searches for specific book.
9. Student could not find the required book.
Book will only be reserved for 24 hours. Student have to go to library
Open Issue
within 24hours to get the book, otherwise reservation will be cancelled.

Use Case Selection Description

Use Case Name Returned Book
Level User Goal Level
Primary Actor Student, Faculty Member
Student: wants to return a book in library
Stakeholders and Faculty Member: wants to return the book
Interest Administrator: responsible for the management of online activities and
modification in the database.

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Librarian: responsible to update status of books.

Pre-condition Book (s) have been issued to the students/faculty member
Post-Condition Student/Faculty Member has reserved the book
1. Student/Faculty Member visits the website to return book (s)
2. Student/Faculty member gives his/her ID.
3. Librarian checks if the book is returned on time. If yes, the book will
Main Success Scenario
be returned successfully.
4. Librarian will update book information
5. Administrator will update online book status.
1. Student/Faculty member visits the library to return book (s)
2. Student/Faculty member gives his/her ID.
3. Librarian checks if the book is not returned on time.
Alternative Flows 4. Librarian generates fine slip.
5. Student/Faculty member present his/her ID
6. She/he submits the fine to get their ID.
Special Requirement  Printed fine slip must be generated.
 Fine slip will be generated from the dot-matrix or ink-jet printer.
Technology and Data
 Fines will be paid according to the laws of the
If the student/faculty member will not pay the fine within 4days, the
Open Issue fine will be double every after 4days. Student has to pay it with
semester/session fee.

Use case Diagram for Librarian

Log in

Add a Book

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Update/ Delete Book

Search for
v a Book

adv in book

Check out
v book

Payment for
v late fees

v Detail
View Book

View Member

Search forva Member

Use case Diagram for Administrator

Log in

View the records of library

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Details of Book, Authors, Employee

Delete Records

Administrator Maintain Database

Use case Diagram for Student

Log in

Search Book

Reserve Books

Student Logout
Data Flow Diagram

Data Dictionary

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

User Interface

Data Dictionary

User Interface

1. Login Student Interface

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Figure 1.1 shows the log-in page for the Figure 1.2 shows “Incorrect Username”
student. The log-in interface is simply label will show when the user focused on
designed with Username and Password username textbox.
textbox and a Sign-In button.

Figure 1.3 shows the log-in page for the Figure 1.4 shows “Incorrect password”
student. The log-in interface is simply label will show when the user inputs a
designed with Username and Password wrong password.
textbox and a Sign-In button.

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Figure 1.5 shows the log-in page for the Figure 1.6 shows the home page for the
student. The log-in interface is simply student. The home page interface contains
designed with Username and Password University Library News update box, Title
textbox and a Sign-In button. and Author textbox and a submit button.

Figure 1.7 shows the suggested title of Figure 1.8 shows another window when
books. the user clicked a chosen title of book.
There is also a “reserve a book” button
and “cancel” button.

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Figure 1.9 shows the information of the Figure 1.10 shows the student’s profile.
borrower and the selected book. It also
shows the Reset, Submit and Borrow Book
button for the user’s option.

2. Login Admin Interface

Figure 1.11 shows an arrow that is located Figure 2.1 shows the log-in page for the
to the log-out button so that the user can admin. The log-in interface is simply
sign-out his account. designed with a Username and Password
textbox and a Sign-in button.

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Figure 2.2 shows the log-in page for the Figure 2.3 shows “Incorrect Username”
admin. The log-in interface is simply label will show when the user focused on
designed with a Username and Password username textbox.
textbox and a Sign-in button.

Figure 2.4 shows the log-in page for the Figure 2.5 shows “Incorrect password”
admin. The log-in interface is simply label will show when the user inputs a
designed with a Username and Password wrong password.
textbox and a Sign-in button.

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Figure 2.6 shows the log-in page for the Figure 2.7 shows the home page for the
admin. The log-in interface is simply admin. It contains the Student’s Record,
designed with a Username and Password Book’s Information and Reports Button.
textbox and a Sign-in button.

Figure 2.8 shows the Student’s Record Figure 2.9 shows the Book’s Information
section. It is designed with a Home, Print, section. It shows the breakdown of
Export to PDF and Download button. It borrowed books.
also shows the breakdown of information
of the borrowers.

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

Figure 2.10 shows the Reports section. It Figured 2.11 shows the arrow that is
shows the breakdown of the students who located to the log-out button so that the
borrowed books on a specific day. user can sign-out his account.

Figure 2.12 shows the home page after the user


Reports/Form Specification

The students of National University can have an access to the system that could

help them borrow a book from the National University’s Learning Resource Center

whenever they were inside or outside the university. The administrator can also have

an access. However, they can only use it inside the university. The link

National University
College of Business and Accountancy are available in Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla

Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.

As soon as they enter the link, the system’s homepage will appear. Students and

administrator may enter their username and password to open their account. Except for

the students or administrator who does not have an account yet, they can create an

account and could use any type of username they want and secure their account by

thinking of a unique password. The user may click “student” or “admin” if the user is a

student or admin. The time the user clicked “student”, it will go to the page where the

user can log-in. When the student clicked my profile, it will go to the student’s account.

Student’s account shows the student’s name, student number and the summary of the

book/s borrowed, date borrowed, date of return and fines and/or penalty. Once the

student logged-in, it will go directly to Library Portal home page where the student can

search a book. The time the student typed the title of the book, related books will

appear. After the student clicked the chosen book; quantity, borrowed and/or reserved

book, and books available will appear. The student can click the button “reserve book”

for it to be reserved or “cancel” if the student clicked the wrong book. After the

reservation, library data will appear. The library data is a type of form for the

information of the borrowers. It contains the borrower’s name, student number, book

name, book author, book borrow from and book borrow to. The borrowers should

complete filling-up the data they submit it. If the borrowers put wrong information, they

may reset it. After they submit it, it will go directly to the Borrow Book page to show

National University
College of Business and Accountancy

the summary of the borrower’s information and the borrowed book. If the student is

done, they can click the button “log-out”.

If the user is an administrator, the user should click the “admin” button and it

will proceed to the Admin Account homepage. The administrator can have an access to

the students who borrowed a book, borrowed book’s information and reports. If

student’s record were clicked, the name of the students who borrowed a book will

appear. Also their student number, course, book borrowed, date borrowed, date

returned and if they have fines and/or penalties. Administrator can also print, export to

PDF and download the record. If book’s information were clicked, the breakdown of

books borrowed, authors, total number of books borrowed and number of remaining

books that were not borrowed will appear. The admin can also print, export to PDF and

download this data. For the reports, breakdown of the information of the students who

borrowed a book for today. The admin can also print, export to PDF and download this

data. After checking the records, the administrator may click home and log-out his or

her account.


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