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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Counterfeits had growing rapidly around the world and became an

intriguing problem to popular brands. Industry worldwide losses amounts

because of people who counterfeit the product or brand of a famous company.

These losses do not only affect those genuine manufacturers but they also

involved social costs. Counterfeited shoes had made popular brands suffered

loss because of consumer's perception to counterfeited shoes as an alternative

in purchasing popular brands. The massive growth of counterfeited

manufacturers had been one key drivers of the twenty-first century Philippine

economy. These products were now well established and operated side by side

public markets even in authorised ones.

Nowadays, the mind of consumers focused more on being practical to life,

looking for ways to saved more money. Often, in this pursuit to saved, they

ended up opting for the counterfeited products. Consumers nowadays possible

believed that low priced products and discount stores can met their status

needed (Eastman and Eastman, 2011).

Although people bought counterfeited products to signal positive traits, it

showed that wearing counterfeited products made individuals felt less authentic

and increased their likelihood of both behaving dishonestly and judging others as

unethical. (Norton and Ariely, 2010)


According to Cesareo and Stottinger (2015) counterfeited goods were very

rampant in today’s global business world. To fight against counterfeited products,

original brand manufactures usually appeared to governments, international

organization, distribution partners, and their employees. However, eradicating

counterfeit cannot be accomplished without eliminating consumer’s demand.

The researchers want to know the extent of purchasing counterfeited

shoes of Accountancy, Business and Managements students and level of

satisfaction in purchasing counterfeited shoes.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempted to find the relationship of Purchasing Counterfeited

Shoes and Level of Satisfaction of ABM Students.

More specifically, it sought to find the answers to the following questions:

1. What is the extent of purchasing counterfeited shoes of ABM students?

2. What is the level of satisfaction of ABM Students in purchasing

counterfeited shoes in terms of;

2.1 Price;
2.2 Durability;

2.3 Appearance; and

2.4 Availability?

3. Is there any significant relationship between the extent of purchasing

counterfeited shoes and level of satisfaction of ABM students?



There is no significant relationship between purchasing counterfeited

shoes and level of satisfaction of ABM Students

Scope and Delimitation

The study seek to find out the significant relationship of extent of

purchasing counterfeited shoes and level of satisfaction of ABM students. This

study focused only to one hundred (100) ABM students of General Santos City

National High School. Each student had been given same set of questionnaires.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to find the significant relationship of extent of purchasing

counterfeited shoes and level of satisfaction of the ABM Students and had made

the findings be beneficial to the following:

Students, for them to knew the significance and relationship

between the extent of purchasing counterfeited shoes and level of

satisfaction. To give them an idea on what to think in purchasing


Parents, most parents were practical in purchasing and this study

had given them knowledge in purchasing counterfeited products.

Researchers, this study gave them an idea on what to consider in

purchasing counterfeited products.


Future researchers, this study had surely contributed knowledge

as basis for those future researchers that will conduct a study

related on this study.

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