Script 2

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We see a black screen:

Pouring with RAIN;

1 Go! Go! Keep running!



The FATHER grabs a WEAPON from the ground and hits the savage
chasing them.

The savage drops to the ground - emotionless.

The father then drops the WEAPON with a thud, staring at the
life-less body - lost in thought.

(In the background - blurred)
2 Dad?! Dad!

The father comes back to his senses as he turns to AKEMI.

3 They're coming, come on! We have to

Clearly limbing with blood dripping down his leg, the father
stands gives a sincere smile and mutters.

4 Go, survive for your child, survive
for me.

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(Yelling and screaming of the

other savages is heard in the

Akemi grunts to her father.

5 No! Dad, please, we can both make it,
come with me!

Still smiling, the father grabs a NECKLACE from his POCKET,

he hands it to Akemi and rests his head against hers.

6 This was for your birthday, remember?
It's tomorrow.

7 Dad please, we can't do this without
you. I want my child to meet his

8 Now now, you're stronger than this.
You, your mother, your sister and your
husband will make it. God is with you.

Sobbing with grief and sorrow, Akemi hesitantly turns around

and walks in the other direction. She continues to look back.

The father still smilies as he stands in the pouring rain,

prepared for his death.

The yelling of the savages become louder as they close in on

the father.

Akemi hides behind bushes and trees, waiting for the


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Multiple savages appear from the corner of the bushes from

the opposite direction, holding weapons in their hands. The
father stands motionless, content with his sacrifice.

The savages gather behind him, one savage yells as he swings

his weapon towards the father's head.


(Before the hit)

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Akemi's MUM wakes everyone.

9 Wake up, we need to leave right now.

Everyone gets up as the mother packs their necessities.

10 What's happening?

11 They're here.

12 Who's here?

13 Those savages, the ones that took your

Shocked and afraid, ROSE, Akemi's sister, early 20s, also

begins to pack her bag.

Akemi's husband - JOSEPH, early 20s, leaves the room and

looks out the door. He sees people fleeing from the savages
as they sneak out the house.

The rest of the family exit out of the room with their bags
packed, Akemi's mum hands Joseph his bag.

Looking outside, Joseph gulps as they begin to exit the

house. As the family begins to sneak around house, villagers
are seen running in the background.


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The family sneak from the side of the house to back of the
house and towards the forest.

As the family enter the forest, Rose urges everyone to sit

down while they discuss where to go.

(During the conversation, Joseph

wonders into the bushes)

15 We should go to a military camp,
they'll help us.

16 I'm not so sure, remember what they
did to us years ago.

17 I know, but what else can we do?

18 We can't trust the military. We'll
look for another village.

Just as Akemi finishes her sentence, a savage appears from

the village, sprinting towards them; yelling with his weapon

But before the savage reaches the family, Joseph sprints out
from the bushes - tackling the savage from the side, throwing
him to the ground.

Still on top of the savage, Joseph tries to punch the savage.

However, the savage is quick to react and blocks Joseph's

The savage then hits Joseph, rolling back and picking up his
weapon. Joseph also picks up a weapon from the ground.

Joseph swings his weapon and hits the savage's jaw - knocking
him out.

Joseph immediately drops the branch, takes Akemi and Rose as

they run back into the woods.



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Dripping with rain;

Joseph, Akemi and Rose are napping against a tree.

The family hear rustling of bushes as they all become

startled and look in the direction of the sound.

A soldier walks out from the bushes, holding a pocket knife

in his hand.

19 What are you people doing here?

20 Please. Help us, our village was
attacked and we ran awa-

21 Rose! Shhhh!

22 What? He's a-

23 Yes, I'm a soldier, and since I'm in
the military, I can do whatever I

The soldier gives a eerie and unsettling smile. Everyone

begins to realise that he isn't there to help them, but
rather, to hunt them.

The soldier approaches Rose - pocket knife in his hand.

Joseph reacts fast - tackling the savage to the ground.

The soldier lifts Joseph off of him, rising to his knees and
stabbing Joseph on the leg.

Akemi hits the savage with a branch, knocking him to the

ground and she aids Joseph.

24 Come on, get up, get up, we need to

Joseph rises to his feet, the three (Joseph, Akemi & Rose)
begin to run.

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The soldier grunts, rising to his feet and yelling in

frustration as he begins to sprint after them.

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The three continue running but barely make it far before the
soldier is able to catch up, jumping out from the bushes and
standing in front of them.

25 Go. Rose, take her, you'll find
another village.

26 NO! We're not leaving you, I can't
lose someone I love again.

27 Go Rose! Take her, get out of here,

Rose hesitantly grabs Akemi by the arm as they head further

into the forest.

Joseph smiles before turning back to the soldier.

28 Heh. You really think you can take me
on, with what? You're nothing, nothing
but a pest begging to survive, you
people disgust me.

29 I don't care what you say or think,
but I'll never let you hurt my family.
Even if it's the last thing I do.

30 Whattteveerr, enough talk, let's get
this over and done with. Then I'll rip
that baby right out of her womb.
(The savage laughs sinisterly)

Joseph is seen clearly struggling to cope with the stab wound

in his leg, barely able to stand.

The soldier laughs hysterically as he tackles Joseph to the

ground, punching and beating him.

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The soldier then stands over Joseph. Looking at the sky and
smiling sinisterly.

The soldier then kneels down, raises his knife and violently
'stabs' Joseph.

(Scene cuts before the stab)


Akemi and Rose continue to run, struggling to keep a steady


31 Keep going, there's a village nearby,
I recognise this river.

The three continue to run, but before they can get far, the
soldier appears in front of them. Standing and laughing.

32 Well how sad is that, he sacrificed
himself but it didn't do much did it.

The soldier slowly approaches Akemi and Rose.

Rose and Akemi slowly back off. We see Rose take out a SMALL
BLADE from her back pocket. When the soldier comes close,
Rose stabs the soldier on the leg, punches him down and tells
Akemi to run.

33 Go! The village is nearby, they'll

Akemi runs but looks back to see that Rose isn't following

34 Hey. Wha- What are you doing? We need
to go, co- come on .

Rose stands there with a smile.

35 That baby will survive for us all. He
will grow up strong, he will end the

36 No- no, no. Please Rose, don't do
this. We can make it together. Please!

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Rose doesn't move as she mouths "I love you."

Akemi begins to have traumatic flashbacks of the time she

lost her father. Her mind becomes overwhelmed with guilt and
sorrow. She hesitantly turns around and begins to run as she
cries helplessly.


Rose turns around, bravely prepared to fight back. The

soldier rises to his knees, throwing his knife in anger and
tries to stand up.

However, before he can stand, Rose immediately pushes the

soldier to the ground and begins to vicariously hit him. The
soldier raises his arms and blocks her hits. He then grabs
Rose by the arm and pulls her to the ground.

The soldier sits on top of Rose and begins to choke her, Rose
tries to break the chokehold, but to no avail.

Seconds past as Rose continues to lose consciousness, but

before the soldier is able to finish her off, Joseph appears
from the forest, tackling the soldier to the ground.

Rose gasps for air as she looks in confusion - thinking that

Joseph had died.

Joseph punches the soldier as the soldier deflects them with

his arms. The soldier then grabs a rock on the ground and
hits Joseph on the side of the head.

Joseph grunts in pain, too weak to get up.

The soldier stands up, but before he can walk towards Joseph,
Rose grabs and bites his leg.

The soldier yells in pain, picking up the rock once again,

raising it high above his head and hitting Rose on the head,
killing her immediately.

Joseph yells in frustration and sorrow, having flashbacks of

his mother's death (Who was killed in the exact same way).

Joseph comes back to his senses. Mustering just enough

strength to rise to his feet.

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Akemi stops running, she thinks about Rose, refusing to just

run away and turns back.


Joseph and the soldier stare each other down for seconds.
Joseph acts first as he bolts towards the soldier, however,
due to his injured leg, the soldier manages to dive under
Joseph, lifting him up and slamming to the ground.

The soldier then wipes the blood off his knife with his
hands, chuckling at the sight of Joseph.

Coughing blood and struggling to breath, Joseph lies on the

ground hopelessly.

The soldier then sits on top of Joseph, plunging the knife

into his upper back. Joseph screams in pain, losing
consciousness. The soldier then raises his knife once again,
prepared to finally kill Joseph. However, just as the soldier
raises his knife, the sound of gunfire is heard in the
background. Savages are then seen running through the forest
in the background. This distracts the soldier as he sees the
savages running towards the gunfire, joining the war between
the soldiers and savages.

37 Hah. Those fools really believe they
could win against us. With what? They
have nothing but clubs and measly
weapons, all they can hope to do is
die, nothing more, nothing less.

Just as the last savage disappears into the thick leaves of

the forest, the soldier smiles as he turns back towards
Joseph. But before he can even think of raising his knife,
the soldier is hit on the back by Akemi, who bravely
continues to hit the soldier on the head.

The soldier drops his knife as he plummets to the ground,

lying on his back. Akemi immediately drops the branch,
dropping to Joseph's aid.

38 Oh my God! Hunny!! oh my god oh my god
oh my god-

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Akemi frantically tries to help Joseph, overwhelmed by his

wounds and barely able to think straight herself.

39 Come on hunny, get up, get up, we have
to run.

Joseph slowly regains his conscious, seeing nothing but a

blur, hearing the faint voice of his wife.

The soldier turns over, kneeling on the ground and rubbing

the wound on his head.

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(Vision fading in and out of

action and a black screen)

Phasing in and out of vision, barely able to sustain


The soldier hits Akemi to the ground, he raises his arms with
a rock in his hand. Everything becomes black, Joseph loses
conscious for several seconds. When he slightly regains his
conscious and open his eyes, he sees a savage, a top of the
soldier and mercilessly beating him to death. Joseph loses
his conscious once again, continuing to fade in and out of
vision. Joseph opens his eyes a few times, noticing multiple
savages standing on each side of him, as if they're carrying
him on a bed of some sort.

When Joseph opens his eyes for the final time, he sees Akemi
sitting beside him, holding his hand and weeping. Joseph
musters the strength to clench her hand. When Akemi looks up
and realises Joseph is awake, she dives into hug him, sobbing
with tears of joy.

Joseph wraps his arms around Akemi. For several seconds the
two clutched each other in their arms before a large bearded
man entered the room. Joseph felt great warmth towards the
man, he felt like he had met him before, but couldn't
distinguish who he is. The man spoke in a soft, and yet
strong tone.

40 Well done son, you survived the war
zone. It's been a long time, I'm sorry
I left you and the family, I had no
choice but to lead this tribe into
war, we are the land's last hope of
survival. We've survived for hundreds
of years. But now, with the birth of
my grandson, your son, there will be
no more wars. He will end the battle,
the pain and agony of our people,
destroy those that have invaded our
homeland, and those that have betrayed
their own people. He will be the
successor of the all mighty Troy.

Through Joseph's pupil, we see the reflection of his son, the

one who is destined to win become the successor of Troy, the
greatest warrior of all time.

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The camera zooms into Joseph's pupil, transitioning to a view

of Joseph's son, standing upon a hill, with hundreds of
tribesmen in his command. As Joseph's son raises his arm, and
lowers it once again to point straight, the men behind him
charge in the direction of the camera, the camera fades to
black as the Final War intiates.

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