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IP Parameters

At a Glance

About this This chapter describes the assignment of IP parameters to the BMX NOE 0100 and
Chapter BMX P34 2020/2030 CPUs. Each network address must be valid and unique on the
Elsewhere in this guide you can find information about:
z address management for Ethernet modules (p. 241)
z IP address classes (p. 262)

What's in this This chapter contains the following topics:

Topic Page
Methods for IP Addressing 50
Modicon M340 Rotary Switches 51
Deriving IP Parameters from the MAC Address 53
The IP Address Assignment Process 55
Ethernet Port Status 58

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IP Parameters

Methods for IP Addressing

Addressing The Modicon M340 modules and CPUs with Ethernet functionality can have their
Methods addresses set through the rotary switches (p. 51), the Unity Pro IP Configuration tab
(p. 117), and combinations of the two:
Address Method Description
default When the ONES switch is set to CLEAR IP, the module uses its MAC-based default IP address
(p. 53).
device name For a numeric DHCP address, set a numeric address between 000 and 159 using both switches.
The address is the sum of the values represented by the two switches. For example an address
of 126 is set by:
z TENS: The setting 12 represents the value 120 (12 x 10)
z ONES: The setting 6 represents the value 6 (6 x 1)

The default device names for the Modicon M340 modules with Ethernet communications are listed
below (where xx is the value of the TENS rotary switch and y is the value of the ONES rotary
z BMX P34 2020 CPU: BMX_2020_xxy
z BMX P34 2030 CPU: BMX_2030_xxy
z BMX NOE 0100 module: BMX_0100_xxy

configured If your module does not have a device name, you can manually configure IP parameters on the
IP Configuration tab (p. 117). Set the lower rotary switch to one of the STORED positions, power
up the module.
server-assigned A server-assigned IP address can then be obtained from either a BOOTP or DHCP server (p. 69).
z Set the lower rotary switch (p. 51) to one of its STORED positions.
z Select From a server on the IP Configuration tab (p. 117).
z Leave the Device Name field empty.

z Set the lower rotary switch to one of its STORED positions.
z Select From a server on the IP Configuration tab (p. 117).
z Put a valid and unique IP address in the Device Name field.

disabled Communications are disabled.

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IP Parameters

Modicon M340 Rotary Switches

Introduction The BMX NOE 0100 or BMX P34 2020/2030 operates as a single node on an
Ethernet LAN and possibly other networks. The module must have a unique IP
address. The two rotary switches on the back of the module provide a simple way to
select an IP address:

Note: Set the arrow firmly into the desired position. If you do not feel the switch
click into place, the value of the switch may be incorrect or undetermined.

Summary of Each rotary switch position that you can use to set a valid IP address is marked on
Valid IP Address the module. The following information summarizes the valid address settings:
Settings z device name: For a switch-set device name, select a numeric value from 00 to
159. You can use both switches:
z On the upper switch (Tens digit), the available settings are 0 to 15.
z On the lower switch (Ones digit), the available settings are 0 to 9.
The device name is calculated from the sum of the two switch values. For
example, a BMX P34 2020 CPU with the switch setting in the above figure is
assigned the DHCP device name BMX_2020_123.
The selection on the lower switch of any non-numeric (BOOTP, STORED,
CLEAR IP, DISABLED) makes the setting on the upper switch inconsequential.
z BOOTP: To get an IP address from a BOOTP server, select either of the two
BOOTP positions on the bottom switch.
z STORED: The device uses the application’s configured (stored) parameters.
z CLEAR IP: The device uses the default IP parameters.
z DISABLED: The device does not respond to communications.

The functionality of the rotary switch when used in conjunction with the Unity Pro
IP Configuration tab (p. 117) is discussed throughout the IP Address chapter (p. 49).

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IP Parameters

Switch Labels To assist you in setting the rotary switches to their proper positions, a label is affixed
to the right side of the module. The switch settings are described in this table:
Upper Switch
upper switch 0 to 9: Tens value for the device name
(0, 10, 20 . . . 90)
10(A) to 15(F): Tens value for the
device name (100, 110, 120 . . . 150)
Lower Switch
0 to 9: Ones value for the device name
(0, 1, 2 . . . 9)
Bootp: Set the switch to A or B to
receive an IP address from a BOOTP
Stored: Set the switch to C or D to use
the application’s configured (stored)
Clear IP: Set the switch to E to use the
default IP parameters.
Disabled: Set the switch to F to disable
lower switch

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IP Parameters

Deriving IP Parameters from the MAC Address

Introduction If no IP parameters are received from the application when the rotary switch (p. 51)
is set to either of its STORED positions, the module is configured at power-up with
its default IP address. The default IP address for the module is derived from its
hardware MAC address in accordance with a default IP address format.

Default IP The default IP address format is 84.x.x.x:

Address Format z 84: a fixed value
z x: The last three fields in the default IP address are composed of the decimal
equivalents of the last three hexadecimal bytes in the MAC address.

Example For an example MAC address of 0000531201C4, you are concerned only with the
last three bytes, 12-01-C4. Convert these bytes from hexadecimal to decimal. (See
the procedure below if you don’t know how to do this.)The hexadecimal values 12,
01, and C4 have corresponding decimal values of 18, 1, and 196, respectively.
These values are combined with the default IP address format (84.x.x.x) to yield a
default IP address of

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IP Parameters

Hexadecimal-to- Hexadecmial values in the MAC address must be converted to decimal notation to
Decimal derive default IP addresses. The easiest ways to convert values in a MAC address
Conversion from hexadecimal to decimal is with a calculator in scientific mode or through one of
the many conversion charts easily accessed on the Internet.
You can also convert hexadecimal values in MAC address to decimal values for
default IP address by following these steps:
Step Action Comment
1 Ignore the first 3 bytes of the 6-byte MAC address. For a MAC address of 0000531201C4, concern
yourself only with the last three bytes, 12-01-C4.
2 In the first relevant byte (12), multiply the value in the Subtotal = 16 (1 x 16 = 16)
first place (1) by 16.
3 Add the value in the second place (2) to the subtotal Hexadecimal value = 18 (16 + 2)
4 Convert the second relevant byte (01) in the same Hexadecimal value = 01 ((0 x 16 = 0) + 1 = 1)
5 In the third relevant byte (C4), multiply the first digit Subtotal = 192 (The sequence of base-16
(C) by 16. hexadecimal values is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C,
D, E, F. Therefore, the hexadecimal value C has a
decimal value of 12.)
6 Add the second digit (4) to the subtotal (192). Hexadecimal value = 196 (192 + 4)
7 Add the three decimal values to the fixed address Default IP address =
value of 84.

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IP Parameters

The IP Address Assignment Process

Determining the The IP addressing methods for the Modicon M340 module are shown in the figure:
IP Address

switch yes
START position STOP: invalid position
DISABLED no connection allowed


position yes


yes switch
BOOTP request position


no receive switch yes option set in no
position Unity Pro
IP parameters
STORED configuration

yes no yes
read switch-set
device name
no configured in
Unity Pro
DHCP request
using switch-set yes
device name
are DHCP request
IP parameters using device name in
Unity Pro configuration
yes and validate no
yes IP parameters
and validate
IP parameters no
1 2 3 4

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IP Parameters

IP address assignment (continued):

1 2 3 4

IP parameters


assign configured default IP address

assign IP parameters
IP parameters constructed from MAC


EXIT (no configuration

available from A
Unity Pro


rotary switch: yes
set in configuration
BOOTP from Unity Pro yes

no no

no configuration
rotary switch: no
-configuration conflict
-set Ethernet status
yes LED to 7 blinks
-start default services

name from yes
Unity Pro same as
one from rotary


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