Chapter 13-ChemicalKinetics

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Chapter 13: Chemical Kinetics

2. Chlorine dioxide reacts in basic water to form chlorite and chlorate according to the following chemical
2ClO2(aq) + 2OH–(aq)  ClO2–(aq) + ClO3–(aq) + H2O(l)
Under a certain set of conditions, the initial rate of disappearance of chlorine dioxide was determined to
be 2.30 x 10–1 M/s. What is the initial rate of appearance of chlorite ion under thos same conditions?
A) 5.75 x 10–2 M/s D) 4.60 x 10–1 M/s
B) 1.15 x 10 M/s E) 9.20 x 10–1 M/s
C) 2.30 x 10–1 M/s
Ans:  B ------
4. For the following reaction, P(C6H14)/t was found to be –6.2  10–3 atm/s.
C6H14(g)  C6H6(g) + 4H2(g)
Determine P(H2)/t for this reaction at the same time.
A) 6.2  10–3 atm/s D) –1.6  10–3 atm/s
B) 1.6  10–3 atm/s E) –2.5  10–2 atm/s
C) 2.5  10 atm/s

Ans:  C ------
6. For the hypothetical reaction A + 3B  2C, the rate of appearance of C given by ([C]/t) may also be
expressed as
A) [C]/t = [A]/t C) [C]/t = –(2/3) [B]/t
B) [C]/t = –(3/2) [B]/t D) [C]/t = –(1/2) [A]/t
Ans:  C ------
8. The reaction A + 2B  products has been found to have the rate law, rate = k[A] [B]2. While holding
the concentration of A constant, the concentration of B is increased from x to 3x. Predict by what factor
the rate of reaction increases.
A) 3 B) 6 C) 9 D) 27 E) 30
Ans:  C ------
10. The reaction A + 2B  products has the rate law, rate = k[A][B]3. If the concentration of B is doubled
while that of A is unchanged, by what factor will the rate of reaction increase?
A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8 E) 9
Ans:  D ------
12. The reaction A + 2B  products was found to follow the rate law: rate = k[A]2[B]. Predict by what
factor the rate of reaction will increase when the concentration of A is doubled, the concentration of B is
tripled, and the temperature remains constant.
A) 5 B) 6 C) 12 D) 18 E) None of these.
Ans:  C
16. It takes 42.0 min for the concentration of a reactant in a first-order reaction to drop from 0.45 M to 0.32
M at 25°C. How long will it take for the reaction to be 90% complete?
A) 13.0 min B) 86.0 min C) 137 min D) 222 min E) 284 min
Ans:  E ------
17. Chlorine dioxide reacts in basic water to form chlorite and chlorate according to the following chemical
2ClO2(aq) + 2OH–(aq)  ClO2–(aq) + ClO3–(aq) + H2O(l)
A kinetic study of this reaction under a certain set of conditions yielded the data below.
Exp [ClO2] (M) [OH–] (M) -[ClO2] /t (M/s)
1 0.0500 0.100 5.75 x 10–2
2 0.100 0.100 2.30 x 10–1
3 0.100 0.0500 1.15 x 10–1
Which one of the following is the rate law for this reaction?
A) rate = k[ClO2][OH-] D) rate = k[ClO2]2[OH-]2
B) rate = k[ClO2]2[OH-] E) rate = k[ClO2]4[OH-]
- 2
C) rate = k[ClO2][OH ]
Ans:  B ------
20. The data below were determined for the reaction shown below.
S2O82– + 3I – (aq)  2SO42– + I3

Expt. # [S2O8 ] [I –] Initial Rate
1 0.038 0.060 1.4  10 – 5 M/s
2 0.076 0.060 2.8  10 – 5 M/s
3 0.076 0.030 1.4  10 – 5 M/s
The rate law for this reaction must be:
A) rate = k[S2O82– ][I –]3 D) rate = k[I –]
B) rate = k[S2O82–] E) rate = k[S2O82–][I –]
2– 2 – 2
C) rate = k[S2O8 ] [I ]
Ans:  E ------
22. A certain first-order reaction A  B is 25% complete in 42 min at 25°C. What is the half-life of the
A) 21 min B) 42 min C) 84 min D) 20 min E) 101 min
Ans:  E ------
26.A certain first-order reaction A  B is 25% complete in 42 min at 25°C. What is its rate constant?
A) 6.8  10–3 min–1 D) –3.3  10–2 min–1
B) 8.3  10–3 min–1 E) 11 min–1
C) 3.3  10–2 min–1
Ans:  A ----
32. At 700 K, the rate constant for the following reaction is 6.2  10–4 min–1.

How many minutes are required for 20% of a sample of cyclopropane to isomerize to propene?
A) 1,120 min B) 360 min C) 3710 min D) 1.4  10–4 min E) 280 min
Ans:  B -----
38. A certain reaction A  products is second order in A. If this reaction is 10.% complete after 20. s, how
long would it take for the reaction to be 90.% complete?
A) 180 s B) 1600 s C) 440 s D) 18,000 s E) 540 s
Ans:  B
50. Which one of the following changes would alter the rate constant (k) for the reaction 2A + B 
A) increasing the concentration of A
B) increasing the concentration of B
C) increasing the temperature
D) measuring k again after the reaction has run for a while
Ans:  C ------
51.The Arrhenius equation is k = Ae–Ea/RT. The slope of a plot of ln k vs. 1/T is equal to
A) –k B) k C) Ea D) –Ea /R E) A
Ans:  D ------
52.What is the slope of an Arrhenius plot for the following reaction?
2NOCl  2NO + Cl2
Temperature (K) k (L/mol·s)
400. 6.6  10–4
500. 2.9  10–1
600. 16.3
A) 8.18  10–2 K
B) 5.06  10–2 K
C) –1.22  104 K
D) –1.96  104 K
E) not enough information to calculate the slope
Ans:  C ------
54. If Ea for a certain biological reaction is 50. kJ/mol, by what factor (how many times) will the rate of this
reaction increase when body temperature increases from 37°C (normal) to 40°C (fever)?
A) 1.15 B) 1.20 C) 2.0  105 D) 1.0002 E) 2.0
Ans:  B ------
64. The activation energy for the reaction O + O3  2O2 is 25 kJ/mol, and the enthalpy change is H = –
388 kJ/mol. What is the activation energy for the decomposition of O2 by the reverse reaction?
A) 413 kJ B) 388 kJ C) 363 kJ D) 50 kJ E) 25 kJ
Ans:  A ------
66. An increase in the temperature of the reactants causes an increase in the rate of reaction. The best
explanation for this behavior is that as the temperature increases,
A) the concentration of reactants increases.
B) the activation energy decreases.
C) the collision frequency increases.
D) the fraction of collisions with total kinetic energy greater than Ea increases.
E) the activation energy increases.
Ans:  D ------
67. For the chemical reaction system described by the diagram below, which statement is true?

If the Ea for the forward reaction is 25 kJ/mol and the enthalpy of reaction is –95 kJ/mol, what is Ea for
the reverse reaction?
A) 120 kJ/mol B) 70 kJ/mol C) 95 kJ/mol D) 25 kJ/mol E) –70 kJ/mol
Ans:  A --- ---
69. When the concentrations of reactant molecules are increased, the rate of reaction increases. The best
explanation for this phenomenon is that as the reactant concentration increases,
A) the average kinetic energy of molecules increases.
B) the frequency of molecular collisions increases.
C) the rate constant increases.
D) the activation energy increases.
E) the order of reaction increases.
Ans:  B ---

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