MMY Environment Aspect & Significant Impact (EASI) Register

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MMY Environment Aspect & Significant EASI link

Process Area /
Micron Penang Revision: B
Page : 1
Impact (EASI) Register Work Area: of :1
Prepared by: Micron Dept / Contractor's Company : Date:
Checked by: Micron Dept / Contractor's Company : Date:
Verified by: Micron Dept / Contractor's Company : Date:

Process Activity, Product or Service Evaluation Significant Impact Evaluation Control Level & Risk Index Evaluation
*(To be evaluated together with EHS team)

Frequency Rank
Environmental Impact Severity
Environmental Impact
No. Potential Legal Ranking & Score

Process owner to describe Process, Environmental Activity Aspect Process Owner to describe control Control Risk
Environmental Requirement
Activity or Service in the area Aspect Ranking Ranking to be implemented Rank Index
Impact *(refer to SERI) Pollution Legal Severity Sub-
Severity Severity Score Score

Non- ABNORMA Ensure all vechicle release low

1 Material mobilization mechanicaly Release to Air Air Pollution
Routine L
2 EQA 1974 low low 2 4 Insignificant low 4.0
Non- ABNORMA Ensure all vechicle release low
2 To do excavation & soil levelling Release to Air Air Pollution
Routine L
2 EQA 1974 low low 2 4 Insignificant low 4.0
Consume CO2.
Natural Resource Non- ABNORMA
3 Apply on layer of crusherunt & sand Natural
Depletion Routine L
2 EQA 1974 low low 2 4 Insignificant Avoid wastage of materials low 4.0
Noise Non- ABNORMA
then compact using compactor Emmission
Noise Pollution
Routine L
2 EQA 1974 low low 2 4 Insignificant Comply ear muff & rotation low 4.0

Natural Resource Non- ABNORMA
4 Apply premix then compact Natural
Depletion Routine L
2 EQA 1974 low low 2 4 Insignificant Avoid wastage of materials low 4.0
Chemical Ground Non- ABNORMA
Consumption Contamination Routine L
2 EQA 1974 low low 2 4 Insignificant Ensure proper method follow low 4.0

### #NAME? ### #NAME? ###

### #NAME? ### #NAME? ###
### #NAME? ### #NAME? ###
Note: All dropdown description can be found in Suppport Sheet for EASI (B)
Support Sheet for EASI (B)
No. List of Item
1 Environmental Aspect Assessment
2 Potential Environmental Impact
3 Activity Ranking Assessment
4 Aspect Ranking Assessment
5 Frequency Ranking Formula
6 Legal Requirement *(refer to SERI)
7 Severity Ranking Assessment
8 Significant Impact Evaluation
9 Control Rank
10 Risk Evaluation

Environmental Aspect Assessment Potential Environmental Impac

Catergory Description Catergory

Water consumption (e.g. 10 MegaOhm,

Water 2 MegaOhm, City water supply, Process
Air Pollution
Consumption Chilled Water (PCW)) during process,
activity and service.

Chemical or Waste water (e.g. sewage,

die saw waste water) released into
Release to
waterways (e.g. drain box, storm drain, Global Warming
drainage) during process, activity and

Air (e.g. Compressed Dried Air (CDA),

Centralized Vacuum) and Gases (e.g.
Air & Gases Nitrogen Gas, Purified Argon Gas, Ground
Consumption Purified Carbon Dioxide Gas, Forming Contamination
Gas) use during process, activity or

Heat, Fume or Particle release from

tools / Machinery such as Oven, Natural
Release to Air Plasma, Exhaust Emission release, Resource
Desiccators during process, activity and Depletion
Chemical than being used in the
Chemical process, activity or service (e.g. Diesel,
Noise Pollution
Consumption Triclean, IPA, Lubricating Oil, Epoxy
Glue, Mold Compound)

Chemical leaks and spills during

process, activity and service related to
Chemical leaks chemical consumption (e.g. IPA spill
Water Pollution
& spills during PM, Epoxy Glue spill during
Process) and/or chemical usage (e.g.
Oil leak from machinery)

Electricity consumption during process,

activity and service (e.g. Running tools
powered by Electricity).

Consume Consume natural resources (e.g. Direct

Natural Material, Indirect Material) during
Resources process, activity and service.
Unwanted material and/or chemical
Generate Waste generated during process, activity and

Noise producing unwanted sound during

Emmission process, activity and service.
Potential Environmental Impact Activity Ranking Assessment

Description Activity

1. Release of odors, concentration, volume or extent are obnoxious

or offensive, burning of any waste trades or process to the
atmosphere which leads to atmosphere degradation.
2. Introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, or
biological materials that cause discomfort, disease, or death to
humans, damage other living organisms such as food crops, or
damage the natural environment or built environment.

1. CO2 contribution leads to Global Temperature increase;

2. Ozone Depleted Substances (ODS) such as CFC leads to Ozone Non-Routine

Places contamination in or on to the ground that could lead to soil

degradation which lead to obnoxious or offensive to environment.

Exhaustion of renewable or non-renewable raw materials within a

1. Emission of noise greater in volume, intensity and quality in
contravention of the acceptable condition specified by authority.
2. Displeasing or excessive noise that may disrupt the activity or
balance of human or animal life.

1. Discharge or deposit any environmentally hazardous substance,

pollutants or wastes into any water bodies that will lead to
environmental degradation.
2. Contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers
and groundwater)
Activity Ranking Assessment Aspect Ranking Assessment

Description Score Aspect Description Score

Included planned activities, products and

An environmental aspect
services that form part of the normal
2 Normal which occurs as a normal 2
operating arrangements of the facility or
operating condition
functional area.

Includes planned or unplanned activities,

An environmental aspect
products or services that are periodic in
1 Abnormal which does not occur as a 1
nature or emergency activities that occur
normal operating condition
due to unplanned events.
Legal Requirement
*(refer to SERI)

Frequency Ranking =
Activity Score + Aspect
Score Law Short
Normal = 2 Abnormal =1 Definition

Environmental Quality
Routine = 2 F = 2+2 = 4 F = 2+1 = 3 EQA 1974
Act 1974


Environmental Quality
Non-routine = 1 F = 1+2 = 3 F = 1+1 = 2 (Licencing) Regulation

Environmental Quality
(Clean Air) Regulation

Environmental Quality
EQ (Prohibition on the use
(PouC&O of Chlorofluorocarbons
GPBA)O and Other Gases as
1993 Propellents and Blowing
Agents) Order 1993
Environmental Quality
EQ(RM)R (Referigerent
1999 Management)
Regulations 1999

Environmental Quality
(Halon Managament)
Regulations 1999

Environmental Quality
(Declared Activities)
(Open Burning) Order
Environmental Quality
(Dioxin & Furan)
Regulation 2004
Environmental Quality
(Scheduled Wastes)
Regulation 2005
Environmental Quality
(Industrial Eflluent)
Regulation 2009
Environmental Quality
(Sewerage) Regulation
Severity Ranking Assessment Significant Impact Evaluation

Sub-Score = [Severity Ranking

Severity (Environmental Impact +
Pollution Severity Legal Severity
Ranking Legal )] x [Frequency Ranking (Activity +

Environmental There is little possibility

impacts are indicated that a law would be
Low 10 or more
as non-existent, broken or no regulatory
(Score 1)
transitory, or limited to action would be generally
a relatively small area. expected.

Local environmental
impacts are likely to There is a possibility that
include degradation of an environmental law
Medium environmental media could be broken or the 9 or less
(Score 2) (land, air, water) or company may be served
potential for significant with a Notice of Violation
impact to wildlife or (NOV).
sensitive habitat.

Regional or global The company would be

environmental likely served with one or
damage is indicated, more NOVs, fines and/or
(Score 3)
with severe impact to be subjected to major
wildlife. legal action.
ant Impact Evaluation Control Rank

Level of
Evaluation Description Score

Little or no operational control in place,

or they are poorly maintained, or they
(EHS may change to insignificant low 1
are primarily protective (reactive) in
based on descretion).

Insignificant Operational controls are in place and

(EHS may change to significant Medium maintained but they are primarily 2
based on descretion). administrative in nature.

Operational controls are in place and

HIGH maintained, and are primarily 3
engineering in nature.
RISK Evaluation

Using the Risk Index to separate significance from risk, and

understanding that all aspects cannot be improved at once, the
Risk Index = ( Sub-
MMY can prioritize environmental programs,
score / Control
objective and target to be focused on that aspect that present
Rank )
the most risk to the
environment and to the MMY

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