An Act of Injustice Against Women

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An Act of Injustice Against Women

By Adeeb Chowdhury

Throughout history, there have been countless examples and situations that display

heartless acts of gender inequality and discrimination, the majority of which concern women’s

rights. Reyhaneh Jabbari, an Iranian woman of 26 years of age, is a firm example of this.

Seven years ago, while working as an interior decorator, Reyhaneh was invited by a man

named Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi to his office under the guise of a business deal. Upon arrival,

Sarbandi attempted to assault Reyhaneh. In an act of self-defense, Reyhaneh grappled for a

weapon, finding her pocket knife (which she had purchased some days ago) and stabbed him,

fatally wounding him.

At court, she was convicted of alleged murder. Most people, outraged at this accusation,

defender her. They pointed out that she was brutally assaulted at the office by Sarbandi. In her

shoes, nearly everyone would react the same way—protecting oneself from harm. She merely

attempted to prevent her attacker. Despite such protests and rallies, she was executed on October

28th, 2014.

What really struck me as intriguing was the message she had sent her mother

posthumously. If we had been charged with a major crime, and if we had received a death

sentence that we didn’t deserve, it is easy to imagine what we would have done. We all would

have probably broken down weeping at all the injustice. But that was not Reyhaneh’s reaction.

Instead of losing all hope, she remained strong. Her recorded message to her mother displayed

this clearly. Reyhaneh did not demand revenge or retribution. All she did was request that her

bodily organs to be donated to the ones who needed it after her execution. She also asked her

mother not to grieve for her. It is astounding that a woman charged unjustly with murder and

sentenced to death would still have the heart to care for those in suffering.

Despite all the evidence that can lead to her being held accountable for the crime, I do not

believe that she should have been hanged. She was defending herself. That is a natural,

spontaneous instinct in all of us. While being assaulted, only one option was available—seizing

the knife and protecting herself. What else could she do?

Women of all ages have been facing gender discrimination for centuries. They have their

rights snatched from them. They cannot be educated, go outside, socialize, et cetera. In some
regions, all they are allowed to do is remain at home doing menial jobs. This needs to be

prevented. Everyone deserves the same level of rights. People should not be differentiated based

on their gender.

Another aspect that people should not approve of is the Iranian law that led to

Reyhaneh’s death. This law, passed in medieval times, states that a person who takes another’s

life shall suffer harsh consequences, no matter the circumstances. What if the person was simply

acting in self-defense? Does he/she still deserve to die? How is that lawful? This cruel law

should be banned worldwide. As we make progress, socially and technologically, we are obliged

to upgrade our standards. That is what we should do. If solid, firm proof is found that someone

had killed someone else in self-defense, he or she should be let free.

I strongly salute Reyhaneh’s courage and ability to remain so strong despite being

charged unlawfully with a crime, as well as her decision to donate her organs to those who need

them. Everyone should be inspired by her and use her as an example of fine bravery.

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