Haviland Bell Green Cards

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Green Cards for Rhetorical Analysis Conclusion Paragraph

Card One Thesis restatement: rewrite the thesis using different words and
structure. (1-2 sentences) Make notes below.

The author truly persuades their audience by marvelously using these four elements
all throughout their essay. Through the emotional energy the author pushes their
audience to fear the facts the author puts down which she could only gain through
her research. Her drive to inform the people lead her to do the research and write the
paper whereas the drive to change is shown at the end of the paper where the author
urges her audience to get involved in the communities open to the people to help
solve the microplastic problem, or even the plastic problem in general.

Card Two Summarize the analysis of your primary source (3-5 sentences).
Make notes below.

The author wrote over microplastics which, has been scientifically proven to have
invaded our air. She simply states that they have now become small enough for us to
breath in and will cause raspatory issues in the future. She gets this across to the
readers along with telling the readers what causes these microplastics and convincing
people to become more aware of the products and plastics they use.
Conclude with an overall evaluation that makes a strong statement about
Card your primary source (2-4 sentences).
Make notes below.

The author states that although this problem hasn’t been answered yet we need to get ready to
change or even take little changes using more sustainable products and items. If people don’t start
changing what they use and how they use it then this problem could really progress. The author just
wants their audience to become aware of what plastics could and can do to humanity which should
lead the readers to start being concerned about the environment as well.

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