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Running head: VIDEO REVIEW 1

Video Review

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Video Review

Divorce the Iranian style video provides profound information on how cultures and

customs can be sued to impede the growth and development of a given society. From the court

proceedings, one can get an overview of the troubles which the women in society undergo, and

there are no measures which have been set in place to address such issues. For instance, the first

case portrays a man who is always insecure even though he has lived with his wife for thirty

years. The man points out that the wife has a phone relationship and when she is asked, she

provides proof that she has a relationship like the one of an uncle and a niece (Stories, 2016).

Further, the woman goes ahead to support her case regarding the matter and how she has been

loyal and supportive to an unappreciative husband who is always jealous and accuses her of

having affairs (Stories, 2016). Even so, the husband files for divorce claiming that the wife is a

liar. The case is dire once the judge provides his position on the situation. At one point she

advises the woman to be attractive for the husband so that the marriage can be successful. He

says this with the notion that the appealing aspect will drive the woman back to the man.

In the perception of self, the laws established in the state are discriminative and

oppressive to the female gender. From the talking point of the plaintiff and the judge, it is clear

that there is no position where the plight of the woman can be addressed. On the other hand, the

religious confines tend to imprison the woman and make her adhere to specific facets which are

deemed right by society. Furthermore, women are not treated as equals and instead they are

perceived as property. The statement is evidenced by the fact that the judge notes that once the

accuser has paid her compensation, he has the right to divorce her. On the other hand, once the

reconciliation efforts are unachievable, the tow individuals must stay under the same roof for

three months and ten days before the divorce is finalized.


In this case, my position is that the rules on divorce are barbaric and affect the welfare of

women. The law does not provide the woman an opportunity to share her case, and also the

judicial system treats the woman as the one who is at fault for such situations. I do not agree with

the regulations and the steps undertaken to solve divorce cases.

In summary, the video shares some profound judicial obligations which impede the life of

women in society. Ins such a scenario, the woman is perceived as the one at fault, and the judge

even goes ahead to point out that the woman needs to do anything that will make the man want

him back. Therefore, the video showcases the backward nature of the society and some of the

laws and regulations which infringe on the welfare of women in society.



Stories, R. (2016, April 6). Divorce: Iran Style (Culture Documentary) - Real Stories. Retrieved


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