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The circulatory system

1 Fill in the missing words in the sentences using words from the box. You can use each word
more than once.
The circulatory ______________________________ carries ______________________________ around
your body in tubes called ______________________________ vessels. Your blood takes oxygen and
______________________________ to all the cells in your body. There are three types of blood
vessels. Arteries are large and carry blood away from the ____________________________
______________________________ are also large and carry blood towards the heart.

This organ is called the

________________________ .
Its job is to
These tiny blood
vessels are called
_______________________ .

This organ is called the

________________________ .
Its job is to allow
 vein
to get into the blood.  artery
blood capillaries glucose heart lung oxygen pump system veins

2 Now choose two colours. Colour all the veins in one colour and all the arteries in the other.
Colour in the key to show what each colour shows.

I CAN...

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