Session 4

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AVCN2 - Unit 4

Học trực tuyến tại

1. Absorption Drug __________ is the movement of a drug from 19. Phase I __________ is performed to evaluate the safety of
its site of administration into the blood. drugs in healthy people, and to determine the
pharmacological properties of drugs
2. Adverse __________ (ADRs) are unwanted effects caused by
drug normal therapeutic doses. 20. Phase I In __________ the drug reacts in the body, toxicity,
reactions metabolism, absorption, and excretion are
observed and documented.
3. Adverse An __________ is any abnormal medical
event occurrence in a patient or clinical trial subject 21. Phase II In phase _________, testings are done to determine
after a medicinal product has been the safety and efficacy of the drug in treating the
administered. It does not necessarily have a condition and establishes the minimum and
causal relationship with the medicinal product. maximum effective dose.
4. Adverse __________ refers to all abnormal and unintended 22. Phase II __________ is the first phase in which patients with
reaction responses to an investigational medicinal the target disease or disorder take part.
product related to any dose administered.
23. Phase III __________ is the final phase before getting
5. Affect __________ means to impact or change something. marketing approval.
e.g. The active ingredient currently being
24. Phase III In __________, a large group of patients is studied
tested seems to __________ the kidneys.
and closely monitored by physicians for efficacy
6. Biology lab A __________ works with living organisms. and any adverse events after long-term
technician exposure to the drug.
7. Briefly __________ means 'for a short time' . e.g. The trial 25. Phase III __________ is performed after there is preliminary
director spoke __________ to his staff about the evidence that the drug is effective to obtain
current status of the trial. additional information to evaluate the overall
benefit-risk relationship of the drug.
8. Chemistry A __________ assists chemists and chemical
lab engineers using chemicals and related 26. Phase IV __________ is the post-marketing study after getting
technician products approval for general sale.
9. Control A __________ in preclinical studies is a group of 27. Phase IV In phase__________ , further information regarding
group test animals that is not exposed to the drug's safety, efficacy, and the ideal(optimal) use
medication under study. of the drug is collected.
10. Disease A __________ is an abnormal condition that affects 28. Preclinical ____________ refer to the testing of an investigational
the body of an organism, often caused by studies drug, a procedure, or another medical treatment
pathogens. e.g. There is a history of lung in the laboratory to ensure it will be safe to
__________ in the family. administer to humans. (also called preclinical
11. Distribution Drug __________ is the movement of drugs
throughout the body after absorption. 29. Sensible __________ means practical and reasonable. e.g. It
was a __________ decision to cancel the trial.
12. Effect __________ is the result of a change. e.g. I felt the
__________ of the new ointment right away. 30. Sensitive __________ means quick to detect or respond to
slight changes, or influences. e.g. Dogs are more
13. Excretion Drug __________ is the removal of a drug or its
__________ to drugs than mini-pigs.
metabolites from the body.
31. Shortly __________ means 'soon'. e.g. The adverse event
14. Illness __________ is used to describe a person who is in a
occurred shortly after the injection.
poor state of health. e.g. He missed five days
of work because of _________. 32. Type A __________ adverse drug reactions are predictable.
They are caused by the drug's primary
15. in vitro __________ means "in cells in a test tube"
pharmacological effect (80% of ADRs).
16. in vivo __________ means "in living organisms"
33. Type B __________ adverse drug reactions have a genetic or
17. Metabolism Drug __________ describes the chemical reactions immunological basis. They are severe and not
catalysed by enzymes that change drugs into predictable from the drug's main
compounds which are easier to eliminate. pharmacological action. (1:1000-1:10 000 treated
18. Metabolites. The products of drug metabolism are called subjects)
34. Type __________ adverse drug reactions are continuous reactions due to long-term drug use. (e.g. analgesic nephropathy)
35. Type __________ adverse drug reactions are delayed reactions (e.g. alkylating agents leading to carcinogenesis)
36. Type __________ adverse drug reactions are end-of-use reactions (e.g. withdrawal syndromes following discontinuation of treatment
E with benzodiazepines)

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