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Python basic programs

1) Write a python program to take marks as input and print the grade
(>90-'A',80-90 ('B'), 70-80 ('C'). 60-70 ('D'), 50-60 ('E'),<60 ('F')

2) Write a python program to find the list of even numbers from 1 to n

3) Write a python program to find the sum of digits of number

4) Write a python program to check whether number is palindrome or not

5) Write a python program to check whether number is armstrong number or not

6) Write a python program to check whether number is prime number or not

7) Write a python program to find list of prime numbers and its sum upto n

8) Write a python program to display the factors of number

9) Write a python program to display factorial of given number

10) Write a python program to display fibonacci sequence upto n

11) Write a python program to check whether year is leap year or not

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