United: Systems The Delta Cent)

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A 1V in f n1 rW W somewhat surprising to learin that only

pp ication o ing in
esonant jroun 48 per cent of systems at 22 kv and above
now resonant grounded were previously
Power Systems in the United States delta cent),(33
(15 per per cent)altogether
whereas or new systems
cent were operated with some kind of
ERIC T. B. GROSS EDWARD W. ATHERTON neutral grounding before the change to
FELLOW AIEE ASSOCIATE AIEE resonant grounding was made. It is of
particular interest that a large percentage
of systems (35 per cent) had previously
Synopsis: Previous investigations indicated how the number of ground fault neu- been solidly grounded.
a treind toward increased application of tralizers (or Petersen coils, as these This report covers all systems which
resonant grounding in the United States. reactors are called frequently) increased were or had been in operation with res-
The application of resonant grounding in
power systems operating at voltages froni from one in 1921 to 87 in 1949 and that onant grounding at the end of 1949 and
2.4 kv to 230 kv has been analyzed on the resonant grounding had been applied in the breakdown of answers from 51 sys-
basis of answers to a questionnaire received miost systems for much longer periods than tems is given in the left section of Figure
from all organizations using such grounding. one year. Figure 2 shows further that 3. It can be expected that changes from
Experience with
been very satisfactory. grunimn
resonant grounding has
withreoaT The equipment re-
quires practically no maintenance and
there is a trend toward greater use of
coils that have continuous rating (or ex-
other grounding methods to resonant
grounding also will be made in future
hardly any attention since detuning is per- tended time rating as defined in AIEE years. However, it may be mentioned
missible within reasonable margins. The Standard number 324). Whereas, in that 9 per cent of all systems' reporting
major field of application of resonant 1943 only IS per cent of the ground fault in 1947 were then ungrounded, most of
grounding is at voltages of 69 kv and below.
Operation on sustained faults has been suc-
194,roly 1per cn oegrod u
neutralizers, then in service, were de-
wered the ungounded mso
them at voltages below 115 kv.

cessful in many systems for hours anid even signed to permit operation with sustained There also were changes from resonant
days. More equipment designed for ex- ground faults, 40 per cent of nearly twice grounding to some other method, though
tended time rating than for "10-ininute" as many coils permitted such operation in in not many systems. Figure 4 contains a
rating has been installed in the last few 1949 (an increase in the number of such summary of all ground fault neutralizers
years. Many users of "10-minute" equip-
ment feel that operation on sustained faults coils from 9 to 35). The number of 10- (single-phase or 3-phase)'722 built for use
would 'have additional advantages. m-inute" coils decreased accordingly from in this country. The number of coils
82 per cent in 1943 to 60 per cent in 1949 taken out of service is indicated in Figure
and there is reason to believe that the two 5 which contains a classification by volt-
THE latest general AIEE report on curves "B" and "C" on Figure 2 will in- age and by time rating. Most ground
Grounding Practices' indicates that tersect again before long. fault neutralizers taken out of service by
there is a trend toward greater use of res- 1949 were "10-minute" coils (9 of 61 or
onant grounding2 in this country. Figure Questions and Answers 14.8 per cent). The reason for discon-
1, which is based on this report3 shows tinuation of resonant grounding was
this trend clearly. Amongst the many GROUNDING PRACTICES nearly always that interconnection with a
systems at and above 22 kv that were Considering that other grounding meth- large system grounded in a different
investigated, 6.8 per cent of the total ods' are well established (74 per cent of all
mileage consisted of lines which belong to systems', corresponding to 78 per cent of Paper 51-64, recommended by the AWIE Protective
systems using resonant grounding. the whole 1mileage under investigation, Devices Committee and approved by the Technical
Program Committee for presentation at the AIRE
The fact that resonant grounding is were solidly grounded), it would appear Winter General Meeting, New York, N. Y., January
22-26, 1951. Manuscript submitted October 20,
finding wider application in this country, resonant grounding applications would be 1950; made available for printing December 7,
especially at voltages below 115 kv, seems confined to new systems and to existing 1950.
to be of particular significance and this ungrounded (or delta) systems. An analy- ERIC T. B. GRo°SsIsl jProifesIso°rofPoer SystemsOIg
investigation was undertaken in order to sis of the distribution of grounding Chicago, Ill., and EDWARD W. ATHERTON iS writh
answer many pertinent questions with methods as indicated in Figu.re 1 shows, the l-T-E Cicuithl Breaaker Comtpany, Philaelp'trh'i.
information from organizations with however, that many systems that now are Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology
operating experience in this field. Ques- resonant grounded were previously not when most of this investigation was made.
~ wer~senllto oeratrs
tionaire ~ sen
Wer wh.nruddbtgone
wro to al oprtr .c ut gouncec .lnnsm
tngronc sme onerte The authors want to express their thanks to Harold
H. Brown, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Eugene Herzog.
could provide answers on basis of at least manner. The aitswers to the question Dayton, Ohio, for valuable assistance and informa-
one year's experience and this report "what the grounding practices were be-
covers all systems that had been so oper- fore the installation of resonant groun1d-
nairen and to the adionistrhatidorn of Illinois Institute
heYspecsrtiallly to Eh R. whitehead, for
ated by the end of 1949. Figure 2 shows ing" are summarized in Figure 3. It is possible.

19541, VOLUME 70 Gross, Atherton-Resonnt Grounding in Powter Systems 8(99

Figure 1 (left).
RESONANT power systems in 80 IN STE UVSCE
REACTANCE United States at , /
and above 22 kv ,
W /// B-TEN

zC -EXTENDED TIME 511 (60%)
Figure 2 (right). RATING
Ground fault . ° 42(bi)r 45
0 neutralizers in oC
service,14 1921- 2C -
0. SOLID 9(j18I%) I
1920 1925 930 1935 1940 1945 1950

voltage and by rating. It is noticeable

that in one 140-kv system resonant
grounding is still in use, though it now is
recognized that the economical balance
is at about 115 kv. Most ground fault
1925 1930 (935 1940 (945 neutralizers are in operation at systeiii
voltages of 69 kv and below.
manner would necessitate the purchase of RATING OF GROUND FAULT LINE CONSTRUCTION
a 1-to-i isolating transformer. We now NEUTRALIZER
know that there are many technical and As for the type of line constretion, a
economic reasons to ground 230-kv sys- Answers to the questionnaire were re- number of questions were asked and the
tems solidly and resonant grounding of ceived from 56 systems; this response is breakdown of the answers received is
the 230-kv system for example, was quite good since this report now covers 26 given in Table I
never intended to stay in operation after more systems5 than the general ground- The maximum and average mileage of
further system expansion.'4 ing report' of 1947. In these 56 systems, the systems classified by voltage is giv-en
Figure 6 is a map of the United States 23 had 'extended time rating" coils in- in Figure 8. One 34.5-kv systemn com-
showing how the resonant grounded power stalled permitting continuous operation prising 1,500 miles of lines is not only the
systems are distributed geographically. on sustained faults, and 33 systems were largest svstem in operation with resoinant
Since some of the systems extend into
neighboring states, such systems are in-
operated with "10-minute" coils. How- groundiyg, but it also is the largest of all
ever, these data include a few systems themany34.5-kysystemsinthiscountry.
dicated in a different manner in the state that at present (1951) are not operated A number of underground cable systems
which contains the smaller mileage of with resonant grounding. The number and also some mixed overhead-line and
lines. Systems which are not resonant of systems with resonant grounding in underground-cable systems at and below
grounded any longer are omitted. service is broken down in Figure 7 by 13.8 kv are resonant grounded. The
special symbol used in Figure 8 at 2.4 kv
and 6.6 kv refers to underground cables.
Table I The larger number indicates the maxi-
3 -''__________________ -~ -~- ~- mum mileage. The other symbol in-
Per Cent dicates overhead lines.
Wood poles only ..................... 67 TESTS
Steel towers only ..................... 4
Pole construction (54 systems 100%)......... Wood poles and steel towers, Answers to questions concerning tests
and wood poles only ................
Wood poles and steel towers, 96iidctdheflong Of5sveis
(1 0() per cent reporting), arcing ground

and steel towers only .......... 33

Ground wires (static wires) Wood poles only ........ 19
(54 systems= 100%) ............................ Wood poles and steel towers ........... 41 tests at very nearly resonant tun-
Insulators (53 systems 100%) .
(Suspension-type only .............. 23 ing were made by 67 per cenit. Sucl
. Pin and/or post type only .45
Grounding of hardware on wood poles
(Suspension-type and others ............ 32 tests were not made by 33 per cent. Of 4S
Ungrounded hardware ................ 53
(54 systems= 100%o, wood poles only are in ........ Grounded hardware .14
use on 67% of these systems) ( (only at 35 and 69 kv)
(Totally ungrounded .................. 69 % GROUNDING METHOD
Grounding of hardware (48 systems 100%) ......... Totally grounded .12 4 RESISTANCE 4
New transpositions mnade, either in switching Noartly
chges8 1E SSTAEM m 1
stations or on newFstructures (52 systems =..................
Sometranspositions Sl.........NESYTM15

Table 11. Number of Tap Changes Per Year 3 UNGROUNDED m 3

--- , ALL 22 KV
When Changes in the VOLTAGES ANO ABOVE
0 System Occur 1 to 10 11 to 100 100 to 200 ahovre 200 ((009% 51f SYSTEMS) (100% 46 SYSTEMS)
Figure 3. Grounding practices before using
27% .
. 25% 29% . 15% . 0% . 4%... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~resonant grounding
390 Gross, A therton-Resonant Grounding in Power Systenmls AJIE E TRANSACTIONS
too 7 Figure 4 (left).
BUILT FOR SERVICE A neutralizers built 140 2
80 IN THE U.S. for service the
in 115 5
United States, t 95 TAKEN OUT Of SERVICE
60 -8
X 69
.4\ 40 ____ 39
4 ___

20 /- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.
344 22i 1 2

Figure 5 (right). 132 _ P

1920 O 1925 1930 1935
1945 1950 I- G
Grounr un faault
neutralizers classi- 2A 2
fied by voltage
svstems (100 per cent) reporting oti arcitig
Table Ill. Results of Operation ground tests with large off-tune settinigs
only 31 per cent made such tests; 69 per
Grading of Resonant of -Grading, Per Cent cent did not. In no case were limits for
Rating Grounding as answers Excellent Good Fair Poor the maximum permissible out-of-tuniie
ratio established.
Extended time ......... Protective device ............ 21 . 33 . 53 .. 0 14
Extended time ......... Economic investment ......... 20 . 30 . 60 . 10 . 0 TAPS AND CONNECTION
10-mim. coil .......... Protective device ............ 29 . 28 . 3
69.. 0
10-min. coil . Economic investment . 29 . 17 . 69 . 14 . 0 Some very interesting data concernig
All systems ........... Protective device . ........... ...0.30 .2.8.02. . ......0........0
All systems ... . Economic investment 49.
......... 23. 65. 12 .0 taps and the changing of taps for the pur-
pose of retuning were received. Of 45
systems (100 per cent) responding 40 per
cent reported that more taps than neces-
ME. se_sary were available on the ground fault
/os s} O0 o0 o - 0"I
|^ @ /@ \@ '}@@b4§> , N$
.DAK. t lNg2 neutralizers that are instaled. No one
had insufficient taps available; but 60

LD1104>Wye * q /@e \N
{ k eWt%)
19-DiK }@e p > \per
0 W os, '>}"£$sj te° t0g8. right.
cent said the number of taps were just
However, answers were received
& * co2°1.
from 48 systenis (100 per cent) about the
/HIier^ilI "E8R. 00 s s e jILi * N J. number of tap changes per year and these
* * L o|L. data are broken down in Table II. The
0 \
5\I100o KAN& s
taps | %
asked were: "How often are
@ ochanged?" and "What is the average
PM OKLA N number of changes per year?"
> e 1 l 1 A;g;;>j; yIn most cases power transformers are
available for the connection of single-
phase reactors; hence, of 53 systems (100
0 o FL (z_ i nper cent) reporting, 70 per cent use power
transfonners with single-phase coils and
9 MAJOR PART OF SYSTEM ~ < _/ \ \ only 30 per cent use 3-phase equipment.

STARTE OF SYSTHowever, in a few systems when more
than one coil is used in the system, and
when a power transformer was not avail-

| Figure6(above).(bov).KV o 5o MAXIMUM AND AVERAGE
115 Geographic dis- 24 33 80 MILEAGE OF SYSTEMS
u0 |tribution of reso- 6.6 63 (EQUIVALENT)
!m - EXTENDED TIME RATING nant grounded 13.8 556
> 88 TEN MINUTE RATING systms, 1949 20
22o 0____________________ (LARGEST SYSTEM
69 J b4 |
Figure 7 (left). A IW_465 1500

bJ46 SXzZz-zzzzz grounded systems 46 z""z""x///"d14 1

e 4Le6 2 classified by volt- 57-ztzzzzzzXfzooXXZot,i4

22! Figure 8 (right). e 5
>) 13.8 ~1|Mileage of reso- 9
6. 2 6.6 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~systems
nant grounded 148
classified 14015 -XX,,,,,,,,. 03
2.4 _2 by voltage

1951, VOLUME 70 Gross, Atherton-Resonant Grounding in Power Systems 391

KV Figure 9 (left). KV
13.8 143
PETERSEN MILEAGE Mileage of circuit
pe ground fult
335 s e run al
neutralizer classi- 2.4 D (
34.5252 Red by voltage SEVERAL
1 ,181 6.6 5 HRS. DAYS
46 -2184 13.8 124 HRS.
57 _ 170 P22 4 HRS.
28s34.5 22 HRS.
sow _ 135
Figure 10 (right).
_ Maximum dura- 41 3 HRS.
115 18t!t<s14 2 tion of sustained 46 3 HRS.
140 > 722 ground Faults
72MILES ,classified by volt- S7 2 HRS.
age 69 F 2HRS.

able everywhere, one or more of tlle coils GRADING OF RESULTS Acknowledgment

were single-phase coils and the others Answers to the questions for general
were 3-phase equipment. Figure 9 shows grading based on observed operations are The authors acknowledge the assistance
the maximum and average mileage of cir- summarized in Table III. The average is of the following organizations which sup-
cuit per coil at various voltages; the between good and excellent especially on plied pertinent data for this study:
larger figure refers, of course, to the equipment with extended time rating
maximum mileage. elack Hills Power and Light Company
Rapid City, S. I).
PERMANENT FAuLTs Conclusions Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, Pitts-
burgh, Pa.
It is interesting that the advantages of 1. Experience with resonalit groutnd- Central Maine Power Company, Augusta,
extended time rating coils were utilized at ing has been very satisfactory. Me. Nebraska Public Power amid I r-
all voltages up to 69 kv. Operation with 2. There is a trend toward increased rigation District, I tastings, Nebr.
permanent faults was contitnued for use of resonant grounding.
several days at 2.4 kv and the maxiinuni 3. There is a trend toward the ap-
duration of sustained ground faults be- plication of coils designed for extended
caine shorter at higher voltages, as Figure time rating. (Operation with sustained
10 slhows. Though very satisfactory re- ground faults.)
sults hiave been achieved in all systems 4. A sensitive ground relaviing systemi
using coils with continuous rating (ex- for indication of the fault location would
tended time rating), difficulties are soine- bring further improvemnents. The de-
times experienced in finding the location velopment of such relays is desirable.
of sustained faults. Of 22 systems (100 5. In most cases, power transformiers
per cent) using such coils, 46 per cent have are available and the cheaper single-
difficulties locating the fault; 54 per cent phase coils can be used.
fi9d it easy to detect the permnanent fault. 6. The major field of applwlicatioii of
However, 17 answers (100 per cent) re- resonant grounding is from 69 kv down to
ceived to the question congeriiig the de- 2.4 kv.
sirability of a sensitive relaying system 7. Ground fault neutralizers require
for the determination of the fault'6 loCa- practically no maintenance. The tap
tion, indicate that a very large number, changers are hardly ever operated. The
94 per cent, want such a relaying syste asystems may be operated off-tune without
developed and only 6 per cent do not influence on the protective character-
think that relays are necessary. istics.
Of 28 systems (100 per cent) using "10- 8. Operation on sustained faults has
minute" coils answering the question con- been successful for hours and even for
cerning their preference for the use of days.
larger coils designed for continuous opera- 9. The increase of systelli mnileage
tion, 32 per cent said they would now does not seem to limit the application of
stall the larger coils in order to have the resonant grounding at voltages of 69 kv
additional advantages of operation with and below. The largest 34.5-ky systen
sustained faults; 68 per cent are satis- in the United States (1,500 miles, total
fled with what they have. Figures 11I and mileage) is resonant grounided.
12 show large ground fault neutralizers
designed for extended time rating. The
Petersen coil shown in ]Figure 11 is the
Figure (right). Ground Fault neutralizer for
extended time rating for a 115-kv system, 1SO-
largest coil of such design in operation in amperes maximum current. Lightning arrester
this country, its rating is 15,000 equiv- on cover, high-voltage bushing in rear. Cour- .
alent kilovolt-amperes. tesy General Electric Company ,

392 Gross, Atherton-Resonant, Grounding i-n Power Systems AIEF T1RAXNSACTIONS

City Electric Department, Rochester, Minn. Metropolitan Edisont Company, Reading, cal Engineering (AIEE Traxsactioxs), volume 57,
Consumers Power Company, Jackson, Mich. Pa. June 1938, pages 295-302.
Dayton Power and Light Company, Dayton, Minnesota Power and Light Compaly, 10. PETERSEN COIL INSTALLBD ON 100-KV CoLo-
Ohio Duluth, Minn. LINE, W. D. Hardaway. Electrical World
Dairyland Power Cooperative, LaCrosse, Minnkota Power Cooperative, Inc., Grand ( York,N vOLu 108, 1937 page83
Wis. Wis. Forks,
Forks, N. D. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A. Brown.PROTECT
Hird, H. H.COILS (New
Department of the Army, Corps of Engi- Montana Dakota Utilities Company, Miii- York, N. V.), volume 112, 1939, page 587.
neers,Fort Peck District, Fort Peck, Mont. neapolis, Minn. 12. APPLICATION, CONTROL AND REcORD oF 33
Eastern Kanisas Utilities, Inc., Fort Scott, New England Power Service Company, Kv GROUND FAU.T NEUTRALIZER, A. MacDonald.
Kan. Boston, Mass. Electric Lighl and Power (Chicago, Ill.), volume 17,
Georgia Power Colnpally, Atlainta, Ga. New Jersey Power and Light Company, November, 1939, page 54.
Indianapolis Power and Light Company, Dover, N. J. 13. OPERATING EXPERIENCE WITH PETERSEN
Indianapolis, Ind. New York State Gas and Electric Corpora- COILS ON 66-Kv SYSTEM OF METROPOLITAN EDISON
COMPANY, H. M. Rankin, R. E. Neldig. Electrical
volume 58,
Interstate Power Coiupaiiy, Dubuque, Iowa tion, Binghamton, N. Y. Engineerin,g (A,lEE Transactions),
Iowa Electric Light and Power Company, Northern Pennsylvania Power Companiy, November 19311, pages
Cedar Rapids, lowa Towanda, Pa. 14. ENGINEERING FEATURES OF THE 230-Kv
Iowa Power and Light ComIIpaIIy, Des Northern States Power Company, Minle- BOUIuBER-CHINO TRANSMISSION LINE OF THF
Kroneberg, E. M. Hunter. AIEE Transac-
Northwestern Ptublic Service Coinpany, A. A. volume
Iovwa Public Service Comlpanly,
W ate-rloo
Hur S. DF S.Dlions, 59, 1940, pages 982-87 and 1176-77.
Kanisas Gas and Electric Colllpany, WN'ichita Otter Tail Power Company, Eergus Falls, INNG PROOFING, R. E. Neidig. Electrical WIorld
Kan. Minn. (New York, N. Y.), volume 113, 1940, page 1211.
Lake Stuperior l)istrict Power Colnly,nv Public Electric Light Comnpany, St. Albans, 16S. SENSITIVF GROUND PROTECTION Pot TRANS-
Ashland, Wis.
Public Service Company of Colorado,
ooao . B. Gs Electrical Engineering (AIEE
Colo. TIransactions), volume 60, November 1941, pages
Public Service Colnlpany of Indiana, Inc., 17. BAUdI TRANSFORMER DAMPS CABLE FAULTS,
Indianapolis, Ind. L. M. Nelson, H. N. Muller. Electrical World
Public Service Company of New Hampshire, (New York, N. Y.), volume 122, 1944, page 86.
Manchester, N. 11. 18. 100-Kv AND 13-Kv PETERSBN COILS ON THE
Public Service Coinpaiiy of New Mexico, SYSTEM OF TEE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF
Albuquerque, . M. N. M. ~~~~~~COL.ORADO, L. M. Robertson. General Electric
Reriew (Schenectady, N. Y.), volume 49, September
Rockland Light and Power Company, Bos- 1946, page 14.
Rural Cooperative Power Associationi, COILS, W. Diesendorf. Journal, Institution of
Maple Lake, Miuti. Fngineers (Sydney, Australia), volume 18, 1946,
Sioux City Gas anid Electric Company page 237.

(Iowa Public Service Co.,) Sioux City, Iowa 20. PETERSEN COIL TUNING DETBRMINES PUR-
FORMANCEc, H. W. Hartzell, S. S. Cook, A. A.
Southern California Edison Company, Los Johnson. Electrical World (New York, N. V.),
Angeles, Calif. volume 130, 1948, pages 62-65.
Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Com- 21. RESONANT GROUNDING OF DISTRIBUTION
pany, Evanisville, Ind. SYSTEMS, E. Herzog. Proceedings, Midwest Power
Southwestern Public SrieCmay
Serviceompany, Conference
237-40. (Chicago, Ill.), volume 11, 1949, pages
]U. S. Departmenit of the Interior, Bureau of ON A REGULATED DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, H. R.
Reclamationi, Denver, Colo. Tomlinson, F. B. Hunt. AIEE Transactions,
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, East volume 68, part 11, 1949, pages 1321-28.
Wiascdionsin Michigan Power Coinpany,Appl GROUNDING IN A LARGE 34.5-Ky SYSTEM, H. H.
Brown, Eric T. B. Gross. AIEE Transactions.
ton, Wis. volume 69, plarta s, 1950, pages 1400-05.

POWER SYsTEms, CAt Committee Report. AaIEE Discussion
Traersactions, volume 6,51947, pages 1525-51.
Eric T. B. Gross. Electric Light and Power (Chi-
cago,UI.), volume 25, July and August 1947. Byron Evans (Uslited States Bureatll o
3. Reference C. page 1526. Reclamatioll, aenver, Colo.): The authors
4. NEUTRAL GROUNDING DEvicEs. m EE Stand- have preseinted data that will be of con-
ard Number 32, 1947. siderable interest to system designers ande
Reference 1, Table 25, page 19543.
ra tors.owethe groundit mears that
fon pereminta blas, rappea
resonant and solid groundingandareungrounided
CUITS, H. M. Tmeblood. Bell System Technical applicatiolis are decreasing. In general,
(New York, N. Y.), volume 1, 1922, page resonant grounding has its best application
39eres maimmcuen.Coe n cilOP PgA on systems of about 69 kv and below, and k
EARTH COIL, J. M. Oliver, W. W. Eberhardt.
shuld like to see Figure 1 of this paper
AIEEtransactions, volume 42, 1923. page 435-45 drawn to show the grounding methods used
and volume 45, 1926, page 165-68. for systems ill this voltage range.
8. PETERSEN COIL TESTS ON 140 Ky SIYSTEM. Figure 6 of the paper seems to indicate the
Figure 12. Ground fault neutralizer For ex- J. R. North, J. R. Eaton. Electrical Engineeri ng greateSt application of resonant grounding
tended time rating for a 69-kv system, 40- (AIEE Transactions), volume 53, January 1934, to be in the mountain states and the more
amperes maximum curfent. Core and coil pages 63-74. northern states extending from the Dakotas
asml.CortesyWestingoueElectric 9. TEST AND OPERATION OP PETERSE&N COIL ON eastward to the Atlantic seaboard, with few
Corporation COLORADO, W. D. Hardaway, W. W. Lewis. Electri- if any applications in the southeastern

1951, VOLUME 70 Gross, Atherton-Resonant Grounding in Power Svstemts 393

quarter and the Far West. It would be authors have collected some very valuable protection fromn the existing neutralizer or
interesting to know what factors may have data on power systems, and these data are neutralizers. However, where the oppor-
influenced this distribution of resonant very helpful in system planning and opera- tunity exists to start a new section of a sys-
grounded systems. tion. This represents a very large amount tem which can be grounded separately,
It is expected that location of permnanent of work, and the authors are to be congratu- strong consideration should be given to the
faults, in extensive systems with resonant lated on their paper and the help which use of shield wire protection, which, unless
grounding, would be difficult and would re- they have given the industry. Our experi- the system becomes extensive, may be the
quire considerable time if "cut-and-try" ence with 100-kv and 13.8-kv Petersen coils most economical and at the same time afford
methods must be used. I understand that has led us to concur in the authors' conclu- protection against other types of faults in
very sensitive ground relaying is feasible for sions. addition to the line-to-ground variety.
resonant grounded systems, and I would I feel that continuous review must be
appreciate the authors' comments on such given of power systems and the changing con-
relaying. Is this relaying reliable for trip- ditions, economics, and all the various asso- S. S. Cook (Westinghouse Electric Corpora-
ping circuit breakers or would it be used ciated problems. What may have been the tion, Sharon, Pa.): I have read with much
only for alarm and indication, with the sys- right procedure and solutions of the prob- interest this paper by Mr. Gross and Mr.
tem operator considering information at lems in the past may not be now or in the Atherton. It represents a very valuable
several relay points before decidinig on the future. Sometimes practice with regard to summary of a tremendous amount of data on
faulted section? In general it appears that engineering, design, and so forth, may be a the subject which has been collected by the
automatic tripping would be desirable for matter of habit, therefore it is well to keep authors. They deserve a great deal of
switching at isolated unattended stations on new ideas in mind. credit, and I believe the paper is very
a system with neutralizers having short time The larger system capacity may make it timely.
ratings, while alarm and indication probably very desirable to reduce the value of fault It is inlteresting to note the comments on
would be preferable if neutralizers have ex- currents as much as possible, and maybe the number of taps and current ranges.
tended time ratings. Petersen coils would be helpful. In any The American Standard has been to have a
If a permanent fault is left oni the system event, it is well to keep the various methods current range of 4 to 1 with 25 positions or 2
during a lightning storm, it seems quite pos- in mind. It might be that operating per- to 1 with 15 positions. If these are unneces-
sible that another fault could occur on formance could be improved by adopting sary and the extremes are not used it, of
another phase to cause a double-line-to- different measures than are now being used. course, would result in considerable saving
ground fault to trip out the circuit. This It may be that the very-high-voltage sys- to design for a smaller current range and
seems most likely for the lower voltage sys- tems cannot justify Petersen coils or imped- fewer tap positions. It is interesting to note
tems having triangular configuration of con- ance grounding of the neutral, but this that we recently have received two orders for
ductors, since the top conductor, likely to should not be a firm conclusion. neutralizers for application in a foreign
intercept lightning strokes, may be phase country. One order has a current range of
"A" at one point in the storm area and 1.35 to 1 with a 5-position tap changer, while
phase "B" or "C" at another point in this T. W. Schroeder (Iowa Power and Light the other order has a current range of 2 to 1
same storm area. The possibility of such Company, Des Moines, Iowa): From this with a 6-position tap changer. Perhaps this
multiphase faults would be increased if survey it appears that the use of resonant should be reconsidered by the AIEE Pro-
permanent faults were left on for some time, grounding for power systems is growing, tective Devices Committee.
as would be expected with extended time which is somewhat the opposite of what this Another thing that seems interesting is
rated neutralizers. I would appreciate the writer would have guessed in the absence of the trend toward reactance or resonant
authors' cormnents on actual experience the record. There is no question but that, grounding, as indicated in Figure 1 of the
concerning this matter. in general, the ground fault neutralizer gives paper. I am wondering if it would be feasi-
The paper did not give details on the cur- a good account of itself in protecting the ble in those cases where reactance grounding
rent range or number of taps provided and system to which it is applied, albeit this pro- is changed to resonant grounding to put the
used on the neutralizers now in operation. tection can be against ground faults only. neutralizer in series with the present reac-
Coils with a current range of one to two, or The ground fault is, of course, the pre- tor. It would seem that if the reactor were
even higher, are common, but it is under- dominating type of fault experienced. In surplus it could be used to cut down the size
stood that with such large current ranges it fact, the ground fault neutralizer appears to of the neutralizer. By this means the sys-
is difficult or even impractical to design for give a great deal of help even when ground- tem would not be dead grounded when the
the desired saturation for all tap positions. ing systems in which the lines have conduc- neutralizer is by-passed.
If this is the case, the current range should tors closely spaced, relatively flat spacing, It is interesting to note the trend toward
be less than one to two if at all possible. and the structures employ steel cross-arm continuously rated neutralizers. The origi-
This may, of course, be a difficult decision braces and are apt to have high footing re- nal idea, I believe, was for the neutralizer to
for the system designer when the extent of sistance. This help is evidenced by the clear swinging faults or others which would
future system development is not definitely indication on the neutralizer recording clear mechanically, but without quenching
known, although the initial coil or coils are ammeter chart that numerous disturbances the arc. If a fault occurs that would not
thought to be located to give satisfactory occur without resulting line outage. In clear itself in 10 minutes, the relays are sup-
performance with the probable future sys- fact, in some cases the number of disturb- posed to clear the system, resulting in an
tem. ances as shown by the ammeter chart is outage. For this purpose 10-minute neu-
Considering satisfactory experience on considerably greater in a given period than tralizers probably are satisfactory. Ten
out-of-tune operation, there is some ques- actually obtained in a similar period before minutes, however, is an extremely short
tion about providing numerous taps. When the installation of a neutralizer; therefore, time to locate and clear a fault. It therefore
more than one coil is used, the system as a it is felt that the neutralizer sometimes is would seem that longer rated coils would
whole can be tuned accurately with fewer given more credit than is really due it. This permit operation on most systems under
taps on each coil. It therefore appears that is no serious objection, however, since usual fault conditions without opening the circuit.
taps with steps of at least 10 per cent would facts are that the number of outages is All this could be done with no more expense
be satisfactory in lieu of the commonly pro- definitely decreased after a neutralizer is than the difference in price of a continuous
vided steps of 5 per cent. With regard to placed into service. rated coil over a 10-minute coil. We are
out-of-tune operation) four arcing fault It is believed that the greatest use of the glad that the trend is toward continuous
tests on a 115-ky resonant grounded system ground fault neutralizer type of protection rated coils, since that seems to be a logical
resulted in a fault clearing at 21 and 51 is made on existing lines where the trans- development.
cycles with the system in tune, and 1.5 and mission line structure configuration and
8.5 cycles with some of the 115-kyr line grounding conditions are inherently inimical
switched out to produce an out-of-tune con- to good lighting performance because here, Howard K. Amehinl (American Gas and
dition with about 21.5 per cent excess of even though theoretical considerations will Electric Service Corporation, New York,
lagging current. show that the line cannot expect good neu- N. Y.): The authors and co-operating corn-
tralizer protection, it actually will experi- panies have provided a logical basis for re-
ence considerable help. Of course, new con- examining present-day resonant grounding
Lawrence M. Robertson (Public Service struction connecting to existing neutralizer- practices. Based on the results of the ques-
Company of Colorado, Denver, Colo.): The protected systems logically can depend on tionnaire, it appears advantageous to make

394 Gross, Atherton-Rescmant Grounding in Power Systems AIEE TRANSACTIONS

several chanlges in design and application of spaced within 10 per cent, it always will be of them are 10-miniute and what proportion
the ground fault neutralizer. possible to tune not more than '=' 5 per cent are extended time might be significant.
It would seem extremely difficult to justify off resonance, which is satisfactory. Since the basic cost of the two types of
the need for a 4-to-1 current range, or even It is most unfortunate that no system re- equipment is a stand-off and since the
a 2-to-1 range. Furthermore, the number porting performed tests to determine the assumption is that the majority of the sys-
of taps seems excessive. maximum permissible deviation from exact tems which previously were solidly grounded
It cannot be disputed that current range tuning, since the majority of them did make had ground relays available at the time of
depends upon the particular system. How- arrangements to perform arcing tests at the change-over, the decision determining
ever, how many systems, assuming that the nearly resonant tuning. Knowledge of this the choice of 10-minute or extended time
coil is designed to operate in the middle of permissible deviation will reduce consider- neutralizer equipment, in these cases, must
its tap range, operate regularly with from ably the number of tap changes made each have been based on the operator's opinion
25 to 50 per cent or more of their lines year (see Table II of the paper). That 4 of the relative operating advantages of the
switched off? If this situation does happen per cent of the systems reporting make more two types of equipment. In other words,
regularly, the writer suspects that the sys- than 200 changes each year is astonishing. the advantage of being able to operate for
tern is split into two sections to be operated It is interesting to note the increased use longer than 10 minutes with a ground fault
independently, thereby requiring two ground of extended time rated coils, and that of 28 on the system would be weighed against the
fault neutralizers to provide protection for systems reporting that use "10-minute" advantage of being able to relay out a faulty
each section. An arrangement of this sort coils, 32 per cent now would install coils for section of the system by closing the ground-
wotuld, of course, be independent of switch- continuous operation. It would be helpful ing switch furnished with 10-minute neutral-
ing. As previously stated,' "The higher to learn the effects of continuous operations izer.
than normal range (4 to 1) of coil reactance (Figure 10 of the paper) on adjacent tele- The question of safety could be a factor in
has inever been used, and large decreases in phone toll circuits, since it is believed that some applications. For instance, an opera-
system capacity are unusual. It would have this type of operation leads to excessive tor might consider operation with a broken
been a better design to put existing needs noise in these circuits. conductor lying on the ground a hazard and
near the upper limit and use most of a Of 17 companies reporting, 16 indicate might choose 10-minute neutralizer equip-
smaller range for future expansion." the desirability of a sensitive relay system5 ment on this account.
The paper states that "of 45 systems (100 to indicate the location of ground faults. In the section on "Line Construction," it
per cent) reporting, 40 per cent indicated We have high-sensitivity single-phase direc- is pointed out in the paper that in 15 per
that niore taps than necessary were avail- tional relays; the current transformer re- cent of the installations it was necessary to
able . . .," atnd the paper's Table II shows quirement is satisfied by three identical cur- make additional transpositions. The infer-
that of 48 systems (100 per cent) reporting, rent transformers6 (no special accuracy re- ence is that such transpositions were made
27 per cent never change taps. Further- quired); we may benefit from thousands of to keep the residual unbalance current
more, an earlier paper2 said that "taps 12 similar applications abroad. What else is through the neutralizer below the 30 per
through 15 have never been used." On the required? cent value normally allowed in the neutral-
other hand, it seems that current design izer rating. There has been some agitation
practices produce Petersen coils with from REFERENCES recently to reduce the 30 per cent unbalance
15 to 25 tap positions, or even with a con- 1. See reference 21 of the paper, page 177. current ratiiig to, say, 15 per cent on the
tinuously variable arrangement.3 1 See reference 23 of the paper.
basis that most systems normally have less
The most satisfactory coil operation is 2 Seereference23 of thepaper. than 15 per cent unbalance current anyway.
obtained at about the knee of the saturation 3. TUNING OF GROUND-FAULT NEUTRALIZERS, Studies have indicated that little or no sav-
curve. Nevertheless, examination of satura- N. E. Dillow and J. R. Burkhart. General Electric ing in cost would result from such a reduc-
tion curves of several coils now inoperation Review, vol. 52, December 1949, pages 31-37. tion in rating, iinasmuch as a 30 per cent
shows that these coils have from 25 per ceat 4 See reference 2 of the paper. continuous current capacity is inherent in
most neutralizer designs.'
to 50 per cent of their taps below the knee of 5. See reference 16 of the paper.
the curve. 6. SENSITIvB GROUND PROTECTION, AIEE Com- Most of the neutralizer applications in the
Present practices which produce a coil mittee Report. AIEE Transactions, voliime 69, 2.4 KV and 6.6 KV voltage classes have
with a current range of 2-to-1 (or higher) part 1, 1950, pages 473-76. been on industrial power systems. Many
and 15 or more taps give, as a by-product, a of these systems require frequent retuning
coil which is too expensive and somewhat particularly where motors equipped with
unsatisfactory from the technical viewpoint. J. C. Russ (General Electric Conmpany, large protective capacitors are continually
A ground fault neutralizer with a lower cur- Pittsfield, Mass.):
Messrs. Gross and being switched on and off. For these appli-
rent range, say 1.5 to 1, and fewer taps, sayAtherton have performed a useful service in cations there has been developed a tapless
5-7, should be quite satisfactory. their survey of operators using resonant ground fault neutralizer capable of smooth,
grounding equipment. From the point of
It might he said that the lesser number of stepless reactance variation over the con-
taps as suggested in the preceding sentence view of the manufacturer it is encouraging ventional 2:1 or 4:1 range. These neutral-
would not permit proper tuning, and the to have this additional evidence of the suc- izers also have the advantage of being able
writer is inclined to believe this idea to becessful performance of such devices. to be tuned under load as contrasted to the
onewreasonthati60iper cent oftreporting com- The demonstrated trend toward greater tap type which must be by-passed or de-
energized before taps are changed. All
panies stated that the present number of use of extended time rated ground fault
taps is "just right." However, as shown in neutralizers is interesting. In this connec- applications of this type have been extended
Table I, which follows,4 a relatively large tion, it should be pointed out that there is time ratings.
degree of deviation from exact tuiling will very little difference in the over-all cost of
10-minute and extended time neutralizer
still permit the desired results to be obtained REFERENCE
with the coil. equipments when they are compared com- 1. REPORT ON SURVEY Or UNBALANCED CHARGING
plete with their auxiliaries. Thus, it may AFFECTING
well be that an operator changing from an GROUND-FAULT NEUTRALIZERS, AIEE
Report. AIEE Transactions, volume 68, part II,
Table I isolated neutral system to a resonant 1949, pages 1328-29.
grounded system will install extended time
neutralizers simply on the basis of saving
himself the extra cost of the ground relay
equipment which he would need with a 10-
George Danla (New York State Electric and
Gas Corporation, Binghamton, N. Y.): I
System Voltage Per Cent
_______________________________ minute neutralizer installation. Ground think the authors deserve our thanks for the
20 kv anld below .... ..30relay equipment would inlvolve, in some preparation of a comprehensive question-
30 kv-60 kv . 20 cases, the purchase of grounding trans- naire which shows us for the first time the
Above 60 kv .... 10 formers, which would add considerable ex- extent of the trend toward the use of ground
pense to the application, fault neutralizers and a nation-wide opinion
The survey shows that 35 per cent of the of their value as a tool for improving con-
This table would seem to offer further evi- resonantly grounded systems previously tinuity of power distribution.
dence that 15 or more tap positions are unl- were solidly grounded. An analysis of these For about 15 years the New York State
necessary. For example, if the taps are installations to determine what proportion Electric and Gas Corporation has been oper-

1951, VOLUME 70 Gross, Atherton-Resoncant Grounding in Power Systems 39a

wOo_ I I arranging the outage. It also is
to ipermit 100
UNGROUNDED important to have a good alarm system RE
which permits location of the fault. An
~~alarm system now is being installed which_______w
sstenw BC .~~~ESSTANCE
isbengnsalldhihREACTANCE trouble
will indicate the faulted circuit. Much
has, however, been experienced in v)
0 _

X____ D____ - locating the exact point of the fault. The U0 _C SOLID
o 60 demonstration by the fault is so slight that
z t soL1o operators have walked right by the fault z
without noticing, unless it was very quiet. It
cw 40 _ - To realize fully the advantage of the ground w 70
fault neutralizer, it will therefore be neces-
sary to provide a fault-detection system

1930 1935 1940 1945

that will indicate, not only the circuit, but
the exact point of the fault. Then outages
0___I1925 1930 1935 1940
will be necessary only for the time necessary *UNGROUNDED
GROUNDING OF POWER SYSTEMS 22 TO 70 KV for repairs, and at the convenience of the
BV 70
Figure 1. Grounding of power systems in the Figure 2. Grounding of power systems in the
United States, 22 kv to 70 kv
Eric T. B. Gross (Illinois Institute of Tech- United States above 70 kv
nology, Chicago, Ill.): It is indeed gratify-
atinig a 46-kv system and a 33-kv system ing that this paper has met with the interest solidly grounded neutrals. This question
with 10-minute rated neutralizers. The 33- which is indicated by these many discus- deserves further study.
kv system is a joint system with Northern sions. It seems that solid neutral grouniding is
Pennsylvania Power Company and includes Some of the discussions deal with the more economical at 115 kv only if all possi-
five grounding points, four of which are same questions, and the answers, therefore, ble advantages of this grounding method
nonattended and two of which lack super- are given with reference to the various topics can be utilized. This voltage is sort of a
visory control facilities. under consideration. It appears that there borderline case. Mr. Robertson is quite
As pointed out in the authors' conclusions, is general agreement as to the validity of the correct in pointing out that it is necessary to
ground fault neutralizers require a minimum conclusions drawn in the paper. investigate critically all phases of the prol)-
of maintenance, but we believe the same A further breakdown' of the data collected lem and not to accept any practice as ac mat-
cannot be said of the control and switching for the latest general AIEE Report on ter of habit. In a number of resonant
equipment associated with short time rated Grounding Practices2 leads to Figure 1 of grounded systems which are operated at 115
coils, especially in nonsupervised stations. this discussion concerning systems at volt- kv, Petersen coils have established an excel-
The trend toward extended time rated coils ages from 22 to 70 kv, and to Figure 2 of lent record.
and the desire for fault-locating relays sub- this discussion concerning systems at higher Static wires, as emphasized by Mr.
stantiates our thoughts. voltages. As pointed out by Mr. Evans, Schroeder, have their merits, though such
The number of taps furnished has been most of the Petersen coils are used in sys- ground wires are a means of preventinig
more than ample. Over a period of years, tems operated at 69 kv and below. It is nIot ground faults, whereas resonant grouniding
system growth usually requires additional known completely why resonant grounding eliminates existing ground faults as a source
grounding points for relaying and stabilizing has not yet been applied in the southeastern of further difficulties. Static wires and
the neutral. This fact creates an ideal time and western parts of the United States. Petersen coils act in very different maiiiiers
and place for the installation of more neu- One reason may be that in the more northern and supplement rather than replace eaclh
tralizer capacity and answers the question states there are more isolated systems, which other. A shield wire, if supplemented by
usually raised about "what will happen as lend themselves readily to resonant ground- low tower footing resistances, is helpfuil in
the system outgrows the original coils." ing; other reasons may be that in the the reduction of single and multiphase flash-
Referring to Figure 3 of the paper, I southeastern and western states less lines overs. However, it is obvious and has been
notice with considerable interest that only per unit area have been built or larger sys- shown by experience that resonant ground-
33 per cenit of the systems of 22 kv and tems (such as the Tennessee Valley Author- ing will produce an additional outage reduc-
above have been ungrounded before install- ity and the Bonneville Power Administra- tion, and vice versa. Mr. Schroeder's
ing neutralizers. This shows that the bene- tion) are operated at higher voltages with reference to the discrepancy between ground
fits claimed for resonant grounding are not
due to any great extent to the mere fact that
some kind of grounding was added. 100
I also believe that extended time rated
coils would alleviate many inductive co-
ordination problems with communication
systems and that their value in this respect 3
should be recognized. 80

E. Herzog (United States Army Air Forces,

Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio): The authors
c,0.. 70 ,, 6
are to be commended for their work in col- 6
lecting the information presented. It is 1 60
interesting to note that the method of
resonant grounding had a rapid increase in
the last few years, particularly on low-volt- 50 52 z | l l
age systems. f
The philosophy underlying the applica- -f 5l3 l l l
tion of gound fault neutralizers by the Air 40 -- ___ _____
Force has been that a well-built system will 95|
have faults only rarely. When a fault occurs 30 /__ -
the system should be operable until equip-30 4 5 60 7 8 90 010
ment and personnel is arranged for repairs, 3 0 5 0 7 0 9 0 1
then repairs can be made when convenient A P
and quickly; no unexpected interruptions Figure 3. GroundAMP
can be tolerated. Accordingly, the neutral- fault neutralizer cur-
izer coil must have an extended time rating rents on 15 taps SATURATION CHARACTER IST IC
396 Gross, A therton-Resonant Grounding in Power Systems AIEE TRANSA\CTIONS
fault neutralizer operation shown on the current ratio than about 1 to 1.6. When our frequency of 60 cycles, since numerous
recording ammeter and apparent ground tuning is done at smaller than full ground installations abroad have been in operation
faults checks an observation made in many displacement, a correction for saturation at 50 cycles for many years. These relays
systems. A reason for this discrepancy is must be applied. Such ground fault neu- are in most cases indicating devices which
often found in the fact that switches and tralizers have had a limited application for help locate the fault. Switching off the line
circuit breakers do niot operate simultane- some 10 years.3 However, the number of section is delayed until this can be done
ously on all three phases and the temporary such installations in the United States is without interruption of service.7 However,
electrostatic unbalance to ground of the small, and at least one user concluded4 that additional carrier or microwave channels
three phases leads to a transient current a smaller current ratio "would have been a between stations would provide a solution
through the ground fault neutralizer. Data better design." There was no indication to the tripping problem mentioned by Mr.
check well if operation records are analyzed that these users were among those who Evans. A fault detection system which
in the proper light. changed their taps very often; this is quite seems to fulfill Mr. Herzog's requirement has
A number of discussers seem to recom- understandable, since the 6.6-kv and 2.4-kv been described recently in a paper by B. D.
mend a smaller current range and fewer industrial systems contain many under- Zelikin.8
taps, that is, a technically better design ground cables so that the zero sequence As for simultaneous faults (multiple
which also will result in a cheaper ground capacitance of the whole system is not ground faults), referred to by Mr. Evans,
fault neutralizer. In Figure 3 of this discus- greatly changed by switching on or off mo- the records do not indicate that difficulties
sion is drawn what may be called a satura- tors with protective capacitors. have been experienced. It is important to
tion characteristic of a ground fault neu- The noise-reducing effects of Petersen coil keep the insulators in goodL condition by
tralizer with 15 taps. The ordinate for each application have been pointed out by H. M. making inspections and tests with full sys-
point gives the current referred to rated Trueblood5 in an early investigation. I am terni voltage to ground (lirLe-to-line). In
voltage for the unsaturated reactance; the familiar with cases in which the noise in an order to eliminate damaged insulators or
abscissa gives the saturated current values adjacent communication circuit decreased insulator elements, such tests should be
at rated voltage. The figure shows clearly during a solid single line-to-ground fault on made regularly in the spring before the
that this coil does not saturate sufficiently the high-voltage line of a resonant grounded lightning season.9
on taps 9 through 15; eliminating these system. Operation with sustained grounds In these closing remarks, an attempt has
taps would result in a 63-to-102-ampere seems to have been quite successful, and been made to answer most of the questions
coil, that is, a range of about 1 to 1.6. I am many systems have operated "10-minute" raised in the discussions. The remaining
in complete agreement with Mr. Cook's sug- coils during cold winter periods for 30 questions require further sttidies for which
gestions concerning the design of ground minutes or longer. Of course, permanent not enough time is available now. The
fault neutralizers. Mr. Amchin's conclu- faults can become a hazard, as Mr. Russ authors wish to thank all discussers for their
sions are technically sound, since unusual points out, but so can very large ground valuable and very interesting contributions.
conditions make it necessary to design the fault currents in effectively grounded sys-
magnetic circuit so that saturation sets in tems, and it is difficult to decide which haz- REFERENCES
when the zero sequence voltage approaches ard is greater. Mr. Dana's comments about
the value of the system phase voltage. It difficulties with the control and switching 1. Electrical World (New York, N. Y.). olohime
is possible to use an available short circuit equipment of short-time-rated coils are con- 131, May 21, 1949, page 303.
limiting reactor in series with a Petersen firmed by others with similar experience. 2. See reference 1 of the paper.
coil, as suggested by Mr. Cook, if this The problems of synchronizing various by- 3. THE BROWN BOVERI ARC-SUPPRESSION COIL
arrangement is taken into account in the pass and neutral grounding switches does not WITH PROGRESSIVE CURRENT REGULATION, A. van
design of the ground fault neutralizer. Such seem to have been solved satisfactorily.1 Gastel. Brown Bove'ri Review (Baden, Switzer-
a reactor acts like the zero sequence react- Furthermore, the shock to the system pro- land), volume 30, 1943, pages 103-10.
ance of a power transformer or the ground- duced by the operation of by-pass switches 4. See reference 21 of the paper, page 177
ing transformer used for the connection of produces dips in the line-to-line voltages to 5. See reference 6 of the paper.
the Petersen coil. which many users of power are quite sensi- 6. See reference 23 of the paper.
Ground fault neutralizers with a smooth tive.6
variation of reactance may have limited It is interesting to learn from Mr. Herzog 7. See reference 16 of the paper.
advantages: they can be operated when on that an alarm system to indicate the faulted S. A METHIOD FOR DETECTION OPF SUSTAINED}
the system and are therefore always ready circuit is being installed. It can be expected EARTT-&FAULTS IN RURAL OVERHEAD LINES PRO-
for operation, as pointed out by Mr. Russ. that the operation will be as successful as TECTED BY PETERSEN CtIal BEnikineers (Loundon
However, all the remarks relative to current the application of resonant grounding. As England), volume 95, part II, 1948, pages 617-19.
range and saturation apply to them, and apparently referred to by Mr. Amchin, the ). See reference 23 of the paper, auithors' cloisture-
they also should not be designed for a larger only new feature of such a relaving system is cf the discussion.

1951, VOLUME 70 Gross, Atherton-Resonant Grounding 'in Power Systems 39J7

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