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Stesen Janamanjung Sdn Bhd

Sri Manjung

Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant

(3 x 700 MW)

Technical Handbook

First Edition Oct 2006


It was a coincidence that I came aboard TNBJ just as Marsh Insurance Brokers Sdn Bhd were about to
bid farewell on the looming expiry of their insurance brokerage and services agreement with TNBJ.
Nevertheless, I know from my fellow engineers at the power station that Marsh Insurance, including their
risk consultancy arm, have been fundamental in providing needy and timely advice in the management of
TNBJ’s insurance related risks.

TNBJ was fortunate to have taken Marsh Insurance as their partners in insurance and related risk
management services. This Technical Handbook project was mooted with the idea to follow the example
of other already established power stations in providing some sort of initial helping hand to the new
employees towards meeting their initial needs in getting to know their power plant. With the inclusion of
information on power plant work safety, the Technical Handbook project aspired to reduce the risks
associated with newcomers to the plant. At the same time the Technical Handbook was to serve as local
and immediate ready reference for old hands at power plant engineering work. With the recognized risk
reduction efforts within the Technical Handbook, the project was accepted as contributing towards the
risk reduction programme and therefore becoming eligible for the portion of the insurance premium
allowed for the purpose. Thanks to the effort of the people at Marsh Insurance.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the contributors to the Technical Handbook project
especially the author, Mr Tee Chee Heng of Marsh Risk Consulting who, being an ex-employee of
Tenaga Nasional Bhd, is well known to many TNBJ employees. Mr Tee has contributed relentlessly in
preparing the Handbook and coordinating efforts towards its publication.

Thanks are also due to the power station engineers and staff who actively supported the endeavour esp.
Mr Salleh Ismail, Mr Loo Fang Lan, Mr Mat Isa Othman, Mr Syed Zainal Abidin, Mr Abdul Rahman
Mohamed, Mr Gharib Sadli, Mr Radin Mohd Badruz Zaman, Mr Azizul Othman, Mr Abdol Razak
Harun, and every one else who put in their lot to help out in the Handbook’s preparation.

It is my earnest hope that the Technical Handbook will prove to be useful reference for all engineers,
technicians, chemists and other fellow professionals at the power station towards achieving greater
safety, productivity and efficiency in their work.

Alwi bin Abdul Rahman
Manjung Power Station
4 Oct 2006

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1. 1. General Safety ......................................................................................................... 4

2. 2. General Introduction ............................................................................................. 12

3. 3. Boiler ..................................................................................................................... 17
 3.1 Boiler Description ......................................................................................... 17
 3.2 Fuel & Firing Systems .................................................................................. 20
 3.3 Air & Flue Gas Systems................................................................................ 27
 3.4 Feed Water System ....................................................................................... 37
 3.5 Boiler Pressured Parts System ...................................................................... 43
 3.6 Coal & Ash Handling Systems ..................................................................... 49
 3.7 Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) System .................................................... 55
 3.8 Soot Blower System ...................................................................................... 61

4. 4. Turbine .................................................................................................................. 64
 4.1 Steam Turbine ............................................................................................... 64
 4.2 Bypass System .............................................................................................. 70
 4.3 Condensate System ....................................................................................... 74
 4.4 Turbine Drain System ................................................................................... 81
 4.5 Vacuum System ............................................................................................ 84
 4.6 Turbine Lube Oil & Jacking Oil System ...................................................... 88
 4.7 Turbine Control Oil System .......................................................................... 92
 4.8 Gland Steam Sealing System ........................................................................ 95
 4.9 Auxiliary System ........................................................................................... 98
 4.10 Seal Oil System (Triple Circuit Seal Oil System)..................................... 100
 4.11 Generator Gas Cooling System (Hydrogen & Carbon Dioxide) .............. 105

5. 5. Electrical ............................................................................................................ 108

 5.1 Generator ..................................................................................................... 108
 5.2 Generator Excitation System ...................................................................... 112
 5.3 11kv Electrical System ................................................................................ 118
 5.4 3.3kV System .............................................................................................. 124
 4.5 Low Voltage Electrical Distributing System .............................................. 127

6. 6. Auxiliary ............................................................................................................. 134

 6.1 Main Cooling Water (MCW) System ......................................................... 134

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 6.2 Closed Circuit Cooling Water System ........................................................ 140
 6.3 Auxiliary Cooling Water (Acw) System ..................................................... 144
 6.4 Condenser Tube Cleaning (CTC) System ................................................... 148
 6.5 Electrochlorination Plant & System ............................................................ 149
 6.6 Compressed Air System .............................................................................. 153
 6.7 Water Treatment Plant (WTP) .................................................................... 156
 6.8 Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) ..................................................... 162
 6.9 Water/Steam Cycle Sampling System ........................................................ 169
 6.10 Fire Fighting System ................................................................................. 172
 6.11 Generator Closed Cooling Water System ................................................. 176

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1. General Safety

Panduan Am Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Tnb Janamanjung

1.0 Apa Itu Risiko Dan Bahaya (What Is Risk And Hazard ?)

Keselamatan mengikut definasi am ialah mengelakkan diri anda dan orang lain dari mendapat
kemalangan yang boleh menyebabkan kecederaan dan juga kerosakan

terhadap harta benda. Kemalangan perlu

dielakkan kerana ianya merupakan satu
'pembaziran' terhadap nyawa, modal, masa
dan sebagainya. Dalam banyak keadaan
pembaziran ini bukan hanya kepada mangsa
tetapi juga melibatkan orang lain dimana
'indirect loss' jika dihitung adalah jauh lebih

Banyak orang berpendapat bahawa kemalangan adalah nasib yang tidak dapat dielakkan. Ini tidak
benar kerana banyak fakta menunjukkan setiap kemalangan yang berlaku adalah 'bersebab'
.(Accidents don't just happened, they are caused)

Salah satu cara untuk mengelakkan kemalangan berlaku ialah dengan mengenal pasti apakah
sebab-sebabnya supaya langkah dapat diambil untuk menghindarkannya atau meminimakan risiko
yang ada. Kaedah ini yang kita namakan „penilaian risiko‟ (risk assessment) dan „mengenal pasti
bahaya „(hazard identification). Risiko (Risk) ialah „kemungkinan sesuatu bahaya itu boleh
menyebabkan kecederaan atau penyakit‟(the likelihood of a hazard resulting in an injury or disease)
manakala „bahaya; (Hazard) pula ialah „sesuatu yang berkeupayaan menyebabkan kecederaan
atau penyakit‟(anything with the potential to cause injury or disease)

Contoh 1: Memanjat tangga mempunyai risiko boleh membawa kepada bahaya terjatuh yang boleh
menyebabkan anda luka, patahtulang atau juga kematian.(Climbing a ladder is a risk which could
lead to fall hazard. Fall hazard may result in broken bones, cuts or even death")

Sementara kita tidak dapat mengelak dari terpaksa menggunakan tangga dalam melaksanakan
kerja , kita boleh mengurangkan risiko yang ada dengan mengamalkan cara kerja yang selamat,
seperti menggunakan tangga yang elok dan sesuai untuk kerja, tangga diikat atau disandarkan
dengan betul dan pekerja memakai tali pinggang semasa bekerja ditempat yang tinggi.

Contoh 2: Sampah yang tidak dibuang dan diuruskan secara teratur boleh menyebabkan kebakaran
besar yang mungkin disebabkan oleh sepuntung rokok yang kecil. Kes seperti ini banyak berlaku
disebabkan banyak faktor sampingan yang memerlukan semua pihak bertanggungjawab. Sampah
yang tidak dibuang dengan sempurna boleh menyebabkan punca kebakaran dan api boleh merebak
yang boleh memusnahkan harta benda
(Uncleared rubbish is a risk which could lead to fire hazard. Fire hazard could lead to explosion
which may result in spread of fire and damage to properties)

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Memahami keadaan ini, maka perlu kita yang memang terdedah kepada berbagai risiko dan
berbagai aktiviti mengambil tanggungjawab bersama untuk menilai dan mengambil langkah-
langkah yang sewajarnya bagi mengelakkan kejadian yang tidak diingini dari berlaku

2.0 Papan Notis Sems (Sems Grading Board)

Diantara notis yang pertama sekali anda akan

lihat ketika memasuki stesen ini ialah 'SEMS
Grading Board'. Papan notis ini mempamirkan
pencapaian Tahunan Keselamatan dan
Kesihatan Stesen. Pencapaian ini akan
dikemaskinikan selepas keputusan audit
keselamatan diumumkan pada setiap akhir
tahun. Papan notis ini juga mempamirkan jumlah
hari kerja tanpa kemalangan yang sentiasa
dikemaskinikan setiap minggu. Papan notis ini
berkesan sebagai publisiti kepada semua pekerja
dan orang awam bahawa kita peka dan sentiasa
mengutamakan keselamatan dan kesihatan.

3.0 Sems (Safety Excellence Management System)

SEMS ialah pengurusan keselamatan yang diamalkan oleh Tenaga Nasional Berhad dibawah
penyelarasan Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Ibu Pejabat. SEMS ialah pengurusan
keselamatan melalui objektif (Management by Objective) dimana elemen-elemen yang perlu dalam
keselamatan dikategorikan mengikut gred atau markah tertentu. Lima pendekatan yang digunakan
dalam SEMS ialah

1. Mengenal pasti risiko (Identification of work)

2. Menetapkan piawaian (Standard established)
3. Audit (Measurement)
4. Menilai (Evaluating)
5. Memperbetulkan (Correcting/Commending)

Audit dibuat pada setiap akhir tahun bagi menentukan pencapaiannya dalam tahun itu dan markah
keseluruhan dalam bentuk peratus menentukan jumlah 'bintang' yang dicapai. Pengkelasan adalah
mengikut jadual di bawah

Peratus Bintang Tahap

> 91%-100% 5 bintang Industri Leader

81% - 90% 4 bintang Excellence
71% - 80% 3 bintang Good
61% - 70% 2 bintang Average
51% - 60% 1 bintang Fair
< 51% 0 bintang Poor

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Terdapat 5 kategori utama dalam SEMS dan markah pemberatan adalah seperti berikut

Kategori Markah Bilangan Bilangan Peratus

Penuh Elemen Subelemen
1. Premises & Housekeeping 425 10 47 12.94%
2. Mechanical & Personal 850 23 93 25.87%

3. Fire Protection & Prevention 740 8 43 22.53%

4. Accident Prevention 175 5 20 5.33%
& Recording
5. Safety Organisation 1095 21 71 33.33%

Pengkelasan ini dibuat supaya kelemahan dapat dikenalpasti secara terperinci dan peningkatan
dapat dibuat secara berterusan.

Markah dan elemen dalam pengurusan ini mungkin berubah berdasarkan kepada keperluan-
keperluan semasa. Kebiasaannya perubahan terhadap markah dan elemen tersebut dibuat melalui
perbincangan dalam mesyuarat tahunan Juruauditdan Jurutera-Jurutera Keselamatan dan
Kesihatan yang diadakan setiap tahun.

4.0 Jawatankuasa Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Stesen

(Station Safety And Health Committee)

Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan ini adalah perlu dibentuk mengikut peruntukan Akta
Keselamatan & Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994 dan Safety and Health Committee Regulation 1996.
Tujuan utama Jawatankuasa ini ialah sebagai badan induk dalam merangka, melaksana , menilai,
membantu dan membuat keputusan berkaitan dengan isu semasa keselamatan dan Kesihatan
stesen ini.

Ahli Jawatankuasa Keselamatan stesen ini dipengerusikan oleh Ketua Pegawai Operasi/Pengurus
Besar Stesen manakala setiausahanya ialah Pengurus (Keselamatan dan Kesihatan). Ahli -ahli
jawatankuasa lain adalah Jurutera-Jurutera Bahagian, ketua bahagian serta wakil dari kesatuan

Jawatankuasa Keselamatan perlu bermesyuarat sekurang-kurangnya setiap 3 bulan sekali dan

minit mesyuarat perlu dikeluarkan.

5.0 Wakil Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan (Safety And Health Representative)

Wakil Keselamatan dan Kesihatan ialah pekerja yang dilantik sebagai 'pengawas' untuk kawasan
tertentu dalam stesen. Wakil Keselamatan dan Kesihatan bertanggung jawab untuk membuat
pemeriksaan berkala dalam kawasannya. Selain dari itu segala rekod-rekod 'inspection dan
checklist' perlu disimpan dan dikemas kini setiap masa. Wakil Keselamatan dan Kesihatan juga
bertindak sebagai penasihat terdekat mengenai keselamatan terhadap pekerja-pekerja dibahagian
dan dibawah kawalannya.

Stesen ini mempunyai 20 orang wakil Keselamatan dan Kesihatan mewakili bahagian-bahagian
dalam stesen. Mereka boleh dikenali melalui tanda ' Safety Representative' pada topi keselamatan
masing-masing. Senarai nama-nama mereka dan bahagian masing-masing juga dipamerkan untuk
makluman .

6.0 Akta Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (Occupational Safety And Health Act
(Osha)) 1994

Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan ini dikuatkuasakan pada tahun 1994. Undang-undang
baru meliputi skop yang lebih menyeluruh dan melengkapi peruntukan yang sedia ada dalam Akta
Kilang dan Jentera 1967.

Akta ini mendefinasikan kewajipan am majikan dan pekerja dalam memastikan keperluan
keselamatan dan Kesihatan dibuat dan dipatuhi. Walaupun kewajipan-kewajipan tersebut berbentuk
am, ia memerlukan perhatian yang serius dan membawa pelbagai tanggungjawab yang luas.
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Diantara kewajipan am majikan yang disebut ialah

' Majikan hendaklah melindungi setakat yang praktik, kesihatan, keselamatan dan kebajikan orang-
orang yang bekerja untuk mereka. Majikan perlu memastikan juga bahawa orang-orang selain dari
pekerjanya seperti orang awam tidak terdedah kepada risiko-risiko kesihatan dan keselamatan. '

Diantara kewajipan am pekerja pula ialah

' Pekerja mempunyai kewajipan untuk memberikan perhatian yang munasabah bagi mengelakkan
kecederaan kepada diri mereka atau orang lain semasa menjalankan aktiviti kerja mereka dan untuk
bekerjasama dengan majikan dan orang lain yang berkenaan dalam memenuhi kehendak undang-

Sebagaimana undang-undang lazim, mereka yang didapati tidak melaksanakan peruntukan yang
dinyatakan boleh didakwa dimahkamah dan boleh didenda atau dipenjara atau kedua-duanya

7.0 Polisi Keselamatan (Safety Policy)

Syarikat mesti mangadakan pernyataan bertulis mereka mengenai keselamatan. Pernyataan

bertulis ini dinamakan polisi. Polisi Keselamatan yang dipakai oleh stesen ini adalah sama seperti
yang dinyatakan oleh TNB Korporat. Pihak pengurusan dan anggota kerja adalah
bertanggungjawab untuk mematuhi polisi yang ditetapkan dari masa ke semasa. Polisi yang pakai
sekarang telah diulangkaji pada bulan Mei 2006.

8.0 Peralatan Pelindung Diri (Personal Protective Equipment- Ppe)

Setiap pekerja berhak untuk mendapat perlindungan secukupnya semasa melaksanakan tugas
masing-masing. Bagi mengelakkan atau meminimumkan risiko kecederaan, peralatan pelindung diri
dibekalkan kepada mereka yang memerlukan. Diantara peralatan asas yang dibekalkan ialah
pakaian seragam, topi keselamatan (helmet), kasut dan pelindung telinga. Keperluan ini boleh
didapati melalui Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kesihatan stesen. Peralatan-peralatan lain seperti
sarung tangan, goggles, tali pinggang (body harness) dan lain-lain boleh dibekalkan dan
dipinjamkan mengikut keperluan dan pendedahan terhadap risiko-risiko lain yang ada.

Anda adalah berhak untuk mendapatkan perlindungan dengan dibekalkan peralatan yang sesuai.
Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab anda untuk menjaga peralatan ini supaya tidak hilang dan sentiasa
dalam keadaan baik. Anda diwajibkan memakai peralatan ini semasa kerja dan ketika memasuki
kawasan-kawasan yang ditetapkan. Perlanggaran terhadap peraturan ini adalah satu kesalahan.

9.0 Simbol Keselamatan (Safety Signages)

Pelbagai tanda dan simbol keselamatan dipasang didalam kawasan stesen ini bagi memberitahu
anda risiko dan tindakan yang anda perlu ambil sebelum memasuki kawasan-kawasan tertentu
dalam kawasan loji.

Anda perlu mematuhi tanda-tanda keselamatan yang dipasang disekitar kawasan stesen ini.

10.0 Kod Warna Untuk Loji Dan Paip(Color Coding For Plant And Pipeline)

Penggunaan warna yang berbeza untuk peralatan dan paip bertujuan supaya pekerja dapat
mengenal dengan segera akan fungsi dan kandungan di dalamnya. Adalah penting pekerja
mengentahui kod-kod warna ini sebagai langkah berhati-hati mengenai bahaya kandungannya
ketika berada dikawasan loji. Dengan cara ini risiko kemalangan dapat dikurangkan.

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11.0 Cadangan Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan (Safety And Health Suggestion)

Sebarang cadangan dan lapuran berkaitan dengan keselamatan dan kesihatan adalah dialu-alukan.
Setiap pekerja yang bertanggungjawab dan prihatin seharusnya menggunakan saluran ini untuk
memajukan sebarang cadangan atau lapuran yang boleh meningkatkan lagi tahap keselamatan di
stesen ini.

Anda boleh memajukan cadangan atau lapuran anda dengan menggunakan borang yang
disediakan ditepi peti cadangan yang diletakkan di beberapa tempat di bangunan stesen ini. Setiap
cadangan yang diterima akan diberi maklumbalas dan diberi perhatian yang sewajarnya

12.0 ‘First Aid’/Dispensari/Doktor Panel

Kotak 'First Aid' disediakan dibeberapa tempat dikawasan stesen. Anda boleh menggunakan
kemudahan ini ketika masa kecemasan. Dalam kes-kes yang serius Jurururawat atau pun
Pembantu Perubatan boleh membantu anda. Diluar waktu pejabat mereka boleh dihubungi dirumah
masing-masing mengikut jadual tunggusedia.

Semua pekerja Stesen dan keluarga diberi pilihan untuk memilih panel doktor yang berhampiran.
Anda boleh menghubungi Bahagian Pentadbiran Sumber Manusia untuk urusan pendaftaran
dengan panel doktor anda.

13.0 Melapur Kemalangan Dan Nyaris Kemalangan(Accident And Near Miss Reporting)

Adalah menjadi kewajipan anda untuk melapurkan segala kemalangan yang berlaku samada
kemalangan itu melibatkan kecederaan atau pun tidak (near miss). Bahagian Keselamatan dan
Kesihatan akan merekodkan kemalangan dan kecederaan yang anda lapurkan. Penyiasatan lanjut
atau serta merta perlu dibuat sekiranya kecederaan serius berlaku . Anda beserta pihak lain yang
terlibat dalam sesuatu kejadian dimana kecederaan serius berlaku adalah bertanggungjawab
membuat lapuran serta-merta kepada ketua bahagian masing-masing. Ketua bahagian diminta
memajukan lapuran bertulis kepada Pengurus (Keselamatan dan Kesihatan) secepat mungkin
selepas kejadian. Dalam keadaan tertentu lapuran segera perlu dibuat terus kepada pihak berkuasa
seperti polis, JKKP, Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan Suruhanjaya Tenaga.

14.0 Permit-To-Work (Ptw)

Sebarang bentuk kerja atau senggaraan terhadap peralatan loji tidak dibenarkan sama-sekali tanpa
memperolehi Sijil Permit-To-Work terlebih dahulu. PTW hanya boleh dikeluarkan oleh Pengurus
Giliran iaitu Orang Yang Bertanggungjawab yang bertugas. Setiap PTW hanya untuk kerja oleh satu
bahagian sahaja. Tumpang permit tidak dibenarkan. PTW hanya dikeluarkan kepada pekerja yang
berkompetenan (competent person) sahaja.

PTW bertujuan untuk menentukan peralatan dan keadaan sekitar benar-benar selamat untuk anda
sebelum sebarang kerja dilaksanakan. Pengurus Giliran bersama dengan bahagian yang
bertanggungjawab perlu berbincang untuk menentukan skop kerja yang diperlukan dan sebarang
punca tenaga perlulah diasing dan dikunci melalui sistem 'Keysafe' yang disediakan.

Prosidur kerja yang lebih terperinci adalah perlu bagi kerja yang melibatkan 'hot work' dan kerja
dalam 'confine space'. Kerja-kerja sedemikian memerlukan permit sampingan dan perlu dipatuhi.
Peraturan ini adalah untuk pematuhan Sistem Peraturan Keselamatan TNBJ.

15.0 Pelan Tindakan Kecemasan (Emergency Response Plan (Erp))

Pelan Tindakan Kecemasan stesen menggariskan tindakan dan tanggungjawab yang perlu diambil
apabila bencana atau kecelakaan besar berlaku. Tujuan utamanya ialah bagi mengelakkan
kehilangan nyawa dan mengurangkan kerosakan kepada peralatan atau alam sekitar.

Bilik Pusat Kawalan Tindakan Kecemasan stesen yang juga sebagai pusat komunikasi terletak di
Bilik Kawalan Pusat Bangunan Bilik Kawalan B05. Pengurus Giliran yang bertugas akan
menyelaras dan menghubungi semua pihak terbabit bagi mengawal keadaan.

Dokumen ERP disediakan dibeberapa lokasi strategik.

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16.0 Pasukan Tindak Balas Kecemasan (Emergency Response Team)

Pasukan Tindak Balas Kecemasan Stesen terdiri dari kumpulan setiap syif yang diketuai oleh
Eksekutif Giliran. Pasukan ini dilatih untuk bersedia dan bertindak segera bagi mengawal kebakaran
yang berlaku dalam kawasan stesen. Pasukan ini bertindak sebagai 'first line defence' sebelum
bantuan dari Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat berhampiran tiba.

Selain itu pekerja dari bahagian Perkhidmatan Kimia dan Alam sekitar bertindak sebagai pasukan
untuk sebarang kecemasan tumpahan.

17.0 Kawalan Keselamatan (Security)

Kawasan stesen ini merupakan tempat strategik yang memerlukan kawalan keselamatan yang
ketat. Pekerja diminta untuk mematuhi segala peraturan yang ditetapkan dari masa ke semasa.

Setiap pekerja dikehendaki sentiasa memakai pas keselamatan ketika berada dalam kawasan
stesen. Pas keselamatan ini hendaklah ditunjukkan kepada pengawal keselamatan sekiranya
diminta.Untuk urusan penyediaan pas dan gambar, anda boleh hubungi Bahagian Pentadbiran
Sumber Manusia.

Lapuran segera hendaklah dibuat sekiranya pas keselamatan hilang atau rosak.

Pihak Keselamatan (Sekurity) berhak untuk membuat pemeriksaan terhadap pekerja bagi
mendapatkan bukti atau maklumat sekiranya perlu dan anda adalah diminta untuk memberikan

Pihak Keselamatan juga berhak untuk memeriksa kenderaan anda. Kenderaan pekerja yang
sentiasa digunakan untuk keluar masuk stesen perlu dipasang pelekat kenderaan.

Semua barang-barang syarikat yang ingin dibawa keluar samada oleh pekerja sendiri atau wakil
kontraktor perlu mendapat pelepasan oleh Ketua Bahagian masing-masing. Pihak sekuriti juga
berhak untuk tidak membenarkan barang-barang masuk atau keluar dari stesen ini sekiranya
keadaan meragukan atau pun tanpa dokumen-dokumen yang perlu.

18.0 Keselamatan Dan Tata Tertib

Prosedur tatatertib TNB (Edisi Kelima 2006) menyenaraikan kesalahan-kesalahan tertentu berkaitan
dengan keselamatan yang boleh dikenakan tindakan tatatertib.

Diantara kesalahan-kesalahan ringan yang yang boleh dikaitkan dengan keselamatan dan
Kesihatan ialah dalam Lampiran G. Diantaranya ialah :-

Perkara 3 : Tidak menyimpan alat-alat atau perkakas yang digunakan ditempat yang
sepatutnya selepas menggunakannya.

Perkara 4 : Mengganggu pekerjaan pekerja lain dalam waktu bertugas.

Perkara 5 : Tidak berada di tempat kerja atau tempat bertugas tanpa kebenaran.

Perkara 6 : Gagal mematuhi arahan-arahan atau peraturan-peraturan berhubung

dengan kesihatan dan kebersihan di tempat kerja.

Perkara 9 : Merokok ditempat yang mempunyai tanda/tulisan dilarang merokok

dan/atau tidak dibenarkan merokok di dalam kawasan Syarikat.

Perkara 10 : Membawa orang luar ketempat kerja atau tempat bertugas tanpa

Tindakan yang boleh diambil keatas mereka yang melanggar peraturan ini ialah dengan
mengeluarkan Amaran Bertulis. Kesalahan ringan yang sama jika diulangi sebanyak 2 kaliatau lebih
dalam masa 3 bulan maka pekerja berkenaan boleh diambil tindakan sebagai salahlaku berat.

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Diantara kesalahan berat berkaitan dengan keselamatan ialah seperti senarai berikutdalam
lampiran H ialah:-

Perkara 4 : Tidak memakai pakaian seragam yang dibenarkan oleh Syarikat semasa
bertugas tanpa sebab atau alasan munasabah atau tanpa kebenaran.

Perkara 6 : Tidak berada ditempat kerja atau di tempat bertugas tanpa kebenaran
hingga terjadi kemalangan dan/atau mengakibatkan kerugian kepada syarikat
atau pihak lain.

Perkara 11 : Tidur semasa waktu bekerja.

Perkara 16 : Pekerja Keselamatan atau Bilik Kawalan meninggalkan tempat bertugas

tanpa sebab atau alasan yang munasabah atau tanpa kebenaran.

Perkara 33 : Tidak menjaga dengan baik alat-alat, pekakas dan/atau harta benda
syarikat menyebabkan berlaku kerosakan atau kehilangan atau mengakibatkan
kerugian kepada syarikat.

Perkara 36 : Cuai sehingga berlaku kerosakan dan/atau kehilangan dan/atau kecurian

dan/atau kerugian harta benda syarikat atau harta benda pihak lain atau
berkelakuan dengan sedemikian cara yang boleh menyebabkan beliau
dianggap sebagai cuai didalam menjalankan tugas sebagai seorang pekerja

Perkara 37 : Cuai dalam menjalankan tugas sehingga berlaku kemalangan maut atau
kemalangan tidak maut dan/atau kecederaan dan/atau kerosakan dan/atau
kerugian kepada syarikat atau pekerja atau orang lain.

Perkara 39 : Merokok atau membawa atau menghidupkan pemetik api, mancis atau
lain-lain bahan mudah terbakar di kawasan Syarikat yang mudah terbakar.

Perkara 40 : Tidak memakai atau gagal memakai pakaian/peralatan keselamatan yang

dibekalkan oleh syarikat sewaktu bertugas.

Perkara 41 : Perbuatan atau perlakuan yang mengakibatkan atau boleh mengakibatkan

kerugian harta benda syarikat atau orang lain atau bahaya kepada nyawa atau
keselamatan pekerja lain atau pengguna atau orang luar didalam kawasan

Perkara 57 : Membiar atau membawa orangluar/yang tidak berkenaan kedalam

kawasan larangan syarikat tanpa kebenaran.

Perkara 78 : Gagal atau sengaja tidak melaporkan sesuatu kerosakan atau sesuatu
kejadian yang boleh menyebabkan kerosakan harta benda/kerugian kepada

Perkara 76 : Memberi bekalan atau membuat sambungan elektrik secara haram atau
tanpa kebenaran.

Tindakan tatatertib yang boleh diambil bagi kategori kesalahan berat ialah salah satu dari hukuman

1. Gantung kerja atau

2. Turun gaji atau
3. Turun Pangkat atau
4. Buang kerja

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19.0 Peraturan Asas Keselamatan Untuk Individu (General Safety Rules)

1. Beritahu penyelia anda jika anda dapati sesuatu keadaan yang tidak selamat
2. Sentiasa berwaspada terhadap sesuatu keadaan yang boleh mencederakan anda.
3. Mengetahui alat-alat keselamatan dan tahu cara menggunakannya
4. Patuhi tanda-tanda keselamatan
5. Elakkan bergurau semasa kerja (horseplay)
6. Jangan berdiri di bawah beban yang tergantung
7. Jangan mengambil jalan pintas di dalam kawasan yang dilarang
8. Gunakan 'handrail' ketika memanjat tangga
9. Sentiasa memakai peralatan pelindung diri yang sesuai
10. Jangan cuba mengangkat sesuatu melebihi keupayaan anda.
11. Patuhi amalan yang selamat ketika menggunakan tangga. atau ketika bekerja ditempat yang
tinggi. Banyak kecederaan yang telah berlaku akibat terjatuh dari tempat yang tinggi.
12. Asingkan peralatan dari sebarang punca tenaga sebelum memulakan kerja. Jangan 'bypass'
sebarang 'interlock'
13. Periksa peralatan anda setiap masa, baiki, tukar atau asingkan peralatan yang rosak.
14. Hanya pekerja yang dibenarkan sahaja boleh menggunakan jentera seperti kren dan forklift.
Jentera ini memerlukan pengguna yang berpengalaman atau penggunaannya diawasi oleh
orang yang berpengalaman.
15. Jangan mengangkat beban melebihi keupayaan yang ditetapkan oleh jentera.
16. Elakkan memakai pakaian atau hiasan yang boleh menyebabkan anda diseret ketika jentera
17. Dilarang menggunakan sebarang mesin atau peralatan tanpa kebenaran atau latihan yang
18. Dilarang mengunakan 'compressed air' untuk tujuan selain dari yang dibenarkan.
19. Bersihkan segala tumpahan atau kotoran selepas kerja anda selesai.
20. Jangan memasuki tempat tertutup (confine space)sebelum dikenal pasti selamat untuk anda
berbuat demikian.

21. Senarai di atas tidak menyeluruh dan hanya bertujuan untuk mendedahkan anda terhadap
perkara asas yang kebanyakan risikonya boleh dinilai oleh anda sendiri.

22. Peraturan terperinci mengenai keselamatan mekanikal dan elektrikal boleh dibuat dengan
merujuk kepada Peraturan Keselamatan Mekanikal dan Elektrikal TNBJ

20.0 Keselamatan Adalah Sikap (Safety Is An Attitude)

* Safety is NOT something you can take or leave alone. It is NOT an activity in which one
participates only when one is being watched or supervised.

* Safety is NOT posters, slogans or rules, nor is it movies, meetings investigations or inspections.

* Safety is an ATTITUDE, a frame of mind. It is the AWARENESS of one's environment and

actions, all day, every day.

* Safety is knowing what is going on, knowing how to prevent injury and then acting to prevent it

* To do this does not require a genius, a PhD, or even a title or rank. All it requires is the only
INTELLIGENCE and a reasonable amount of native ability to see, to hear, to smell and to think.

* To ignore safe practices does not indicate bravery, only FOOLISHNESS. To do things safely and
correctly is the mark of WISE man, not a timid one.

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2. General Introduction

General Introduction

TNB Janamanjung Sdn. Bhd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of TNB. It was incorporated
on 17 August 1996 as a single purpose project company to develop a coal fired power plant, now
known as Manjung Power Station, on project financed basis as an Independent Power Producer.

The Manjung Power Station is a 2100MW coal fired plant located 10km south of Lumut Town, in
the district of Manjung, in the state of Perak Darul Ridzuan on the West Coast of West Malaysia. It
is approximately 83km west of Ipoh City, 170km south from Penang Island, and 288km north of
Kuala Lumpour. The plant site is easily accessible by road, air, port and other good infrastructures.

The Plant is built on a 325 ha reclaimed island, of which 34 ha is occupied by Lekir Bulk Terminal
(LBT) while the remaining of 291 ha is occupied by Manjung Power Station covering:
- 102 ha on main plant & coal yard
- 189 ha as the ash pond

The Janamanjung Sdn Bhd management has a mission to build, own and operate (BOO) Manjung
Power Station with the best engineering practice and prudent management. Its vision is to be a
leading IPP in the country by year 2007.

As such the plant is designed and installed in accordance with internationally recognized
standards such as BS, ASME, ISO, DIN, etc., appropriate to the duty, operational requirements,
statutory obligations and environmental conditions. It is designed for steady state operation, two
shifting transient operation, frequency response, load cycling, load rejection and overload
operation in line with other operational requirements.

Plant major equipment is designed for a minimum economic life of 25 years while civil structures,
foundation and structural elements are for 30 years. In addition, the plant are designed with the
following operational capabilities:

A minimum of 200 cold starts

A minimum of 1,000 warm starts
A minimum of 5,000 hot starts
Equivalent of 2,500 cycles of continuous part load in the range 40-100% TMCR
Equivalent of 50,000 cycles of 1 hour duration for short term part load in the range
60-95% TMCR
Equivalent of 300,000 cycles short term part load in the range 95-100% TMCR
Continuous operation at 105% TMCR over 48.5 Hz to 51 Hz frequency range
Perform Hot Start within 8 hours shutdown
Perform Warm Start within 36 hours shutdown
Turbine should be able to reload after a full load rejection
Perform load rate change from 0-10% TMCR/min
Coal firing stable flame sustainable at or above 40% BMCR without oil burner support
Turbine part or full load rejection without tripping
Droop range between 2-10%
Withstand 20% TMCR on sudden partial loss of load demand without tripping
Half condenser operation

The Consortium of ALSTOM and PEREMBA is responsible for the complete design, manufacture,
supply, delivery, erection, testing and commissioning of the Manjung Power Station. The project
was started on 1 July 1999 and the plant was hand-over in stages as follow:
- Unit 1 on 21 April 2003
- Unit 2 on 20 August 2003
- Unit 3 on 25 September 2003

The plant consists of three sub-critical, reheat and coal fired boilers with a norminal rated power
output of 700MW each. Each of the unit is designed with the following main characteristics:

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System Pressure Temperature Steam Flow
Main Steam 175 bar 540 C 2213 t/h
Hot Reheat 38 bar 540 C 1927 t/h
Condenser Vacuum 77 mbar N/A N/A

Each Unit is composed of the following main systems:

Boiler which converts the chemical energy of coal combustion into thermodynamic energy
in generating the steam from the feedwater. The boiler is sub-critical, reheat, single drum,
radiant and convectional two-pass type superheaters, with controlled recirculation.
Turbine which converts the thermodynamic energy of the steam delivered by boiler into
mechanical energy during steam expansion in the turbine. The steam turbine comprises
separate HP and IP cylinders and two double flow LP cylinders exhausting into two
Condensing & Feed Heating where the condensate is delivered to the boiler for the repeat
of the energy conversion, gaining heat energy as it passes through varies heat
exchangers such as LP heaters, Deaerator, HP Heaters and other supporting auxiliaries.
While the heat release during condensing is taken away by the Cooling Water system.
Generator which converts the mechanical energy provided by the turbine into electrical
energy, at norminal generator voltage of 23kV. The generator is cooled by hydrogen
circulating between the rotor and stator in addition to water circulating through the stator
winding. The generator DC excitation system is supplied from static thyristors connected
to an excitation transformer. The generator is excited via brushes and slip rings.
Main Transformer which transforms the 23kV electrical energy delivered by generator into
500 kV High Voltage electrical energy for transmission to the grid via double circuit line to
Ayer Tawar Substation.

Coal for the power plant is imported mainly from Indonesia (Kalimantan) and other countries within
the region having similar coal properties. At BMCR, the coal consumption is approximately 355
tonnes/hour. The coal yard is designed for 2 months supply and the estimated annual coal
consumption is approximately 6 million tones.

Coal ash, the by-product of boiler combustion is sold to local cement manufacturers or for road
construction, while the remaining by-products are disposed in a designated Ash Pond.

In line with promoting green harmonious environment, the Manjung Power Station is designed with
full compliance to local as well as international World Bank environmental requirements, the
emission statistic of which is compared as follow:

Emissions Standard (mg/Nm3)

World Bank Manjung Power Station
DOE Requirement Requirement Emission
Particulate 400 50 50
Sulfur Oxide 3500 750 209
Nitrogen Oxide 1700 650 329

The above environmental requirements are fulfilled by the use of clean coal combustion
technologies which uses:

Pulverised fuel firing

Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD)
Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)
Low Sulphur sub-bituminous grade coal
Low NOx burners
Provision of high chimney (200m) for flue gas exhaust

In ensuring a harmonious surroundings, the management is committed to the following routine

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Environmental Quality Monitoring Programs:

Air Pollution Monitoring in which 1 on site and 2 off site stations are installed to
continuously monitor SOx, NOx, CO, gasses emissions, etc.,
Water Pollution in which all waste are monitored and conditioned to the environmental
requirements before allowing to discharge.
Noise Pollution in which ambient noise level at station is monitored at 4 locations along the
boundary fence.

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Overall Flow Schematic

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3. Boiler

3.1 Boiler Description

System Description

The boiler is essentially composed of a combustion chamber or furnace which forms the main
part. It is in this enclosure that the fuel is burnt and the main heat exchanger is used to
generate steam.

Oxygen required for the fuel combustion is present in the combustion air taken from the
atmosphere. After yielding the heat, the gases resulting from the combustion are exhausted to
the atmosphere through the stack.

Within the enclosure is the heat exchangers which serve to vaporize the water and superheat
the steam and they include:

Economiser which absorbs heat and raises the temperature of the feedwater.
Furnace wall tubes which vaporize the water via convection and radiant heat exchange.
Superheaters which superheats the steam through:
- Low Temperature Superheater of platen, convectional type
- Intermediate Temperature Superheater of pendant, radiant type
- High Temperature Superheater of pendant, radiant type
Reheater which superheats the HP turbine exhaust steam through:
- Low Temperature Reheater of the pendant/vertical loop, convectional type
- High Temperature Reheater of the pendant/vertical loop, convectional type

Each exchanger is generally composed of a bundle of tubes arranged in parallel between an

inlet header and an outlet header. The water and/or steam flows inside the tubes while the hot
combustion gases pass over the outside of the tubes. As a result, the process of heat
exchange takes place which converts the feedwater into superheated steam, which is the
main energy for turning the steam turbine.

The boiler furnace is suspended from the upper beam and the water walls connected between
themselves to allow thermal expansion vertically downwards.

A double layers mineral fiber batt insulation covers all the tube walls of the boiler to minimize
heat loss by radiation to atmosphere.

Feedwater arriving in the boiler first passes through the economizer, where the remaining heat
in the flue gas is used to raise the feewater temperature, thus increases the boiler thermal

The hot water reaches boiler drum located at the upper part of the boiler, external to the boiler

From the boiler drum, water passes through the downcomers which are located outside of the
furnace to the three circulation pumps which force water to the bottom headers from where it
is distributed into the riser tubes forming the four walls of the furnace. Hence the boiler is
termed as controlled or assisted circulation.

Heat from the furnace combustion is transferred to the circulating water, principally by radiant
absorption, and vaporizes it to form a water/steam emulsion. Saturated steam circulates up to
the upper headers and passes up through out going tubes which lead to the upper part of
boiler drum.

The drum is a vessel accommodating a mixture of water in the liquid state and gaseous state.
Water in the drum is therefore at the saturation temperature corresponding to the drum

The drum is occupied by a bath of water whose level is controlled and maintained at a
constant value for a given rate of vaporisation.

Saturated steam coming from the drum flows pass over to low, intermediate and high
temperature superheaters, a process which converts saturated steam into dry superheated

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Steam exhausting from HP turbine or HP bypass is sent back to boiler to be reheated. It then
passes through the Low and High Temperature Reheater where the steam is again
superheated, flow via 2 Hot reheat Lines into the IP turbine cylinder or the LP bypass.

In addition to the main enclosure, the boiler is also supported by other auxiliary systems which
are described separately.

To convert chemical energy of the fuel into heat by combustion

To exchange that heat with the motive fluid of the cycle by vaporizing the water and superheating
the steam

Main Component Function

Economiser To recover part of the heat remaining in the flue gas to raise the
temperature of feedwater and thus increase the thermal efficiency
of boiler
Boiler Drum It is a vessel accommodating a mixture of water in liquid state and
gaseous state. It also serves as a water reserve capable of
accommodating any sudden variation in steam generation. The
drum also serve to eliminate water droplets from the saturated
steam on its way to desuperheaters
Superheater & Reheater Is a heat exchanger which converts saturated steam into
superheated steam.
Boiler Circulation Pump To induced an „assisted circulation‟ for faster start-up by forcing
feedwater from the downcomer to the bottom header
Safety Valve To protect the high pressure parts of boiler drum, superheater and
reheater against over pressure

Technical Specification

Manufacturer FOXBORO
a) Two-pass type boiler and drum with control circulation
Type b) Sub-critical pressure, single reheat.
Main Steam Piping Cold Reheat Steam Piping
Piping material ASTM A335 P91 Piping material ASTM A672 C70 CL22
350mm I.D x 38mm
Piping Size thick Piping Size 640mm I.D x 15mm thick
Design Pressure 194 barg Design Pressure 52 barg
Design Design
Temperature 548°C Temperature 355°C
Superheated Cold Reheat Steam
Steam Temp 540°C Temp 326°C
Pressure 175 bar Pressure 42.62 bar
Hot Reheat Steam Piping
ASTM A335 P91 Design
Piping material N&T Temperature 546°C
670mm I.D x 18mm Hot Reheat Steam
Piping Size thick Temp 540°C
Design Pressure 49 barg Pressure 38.3 bar

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The expected operating parameters of the Boiler at BMCR, when firing the design coal

Superheated steam flow 2390 t/h

Cold reheat steam flow 2065 t/h
Coal flow 341 t/h
Drum Pressure 19.60 MPa
Steam pressure at Superheated outlet 18.22MPa
Superheated steam temperature 543°C
Water temperature at economiser outlet 277°C
Cold Reheat Steam temperature 333°C
Steam temperature at reheater outlet 541°C
Gas temperature at air heater inlet 375°C
Gas temperature at air heater outlet 133°C
Secondary air temperature at air heaters outlet 349°C
Primary air temperature at air heaters outlet 356°C
Secondary airflow to the burners 1,547 knm /h
Primary airflow to the mills 575.9 knm /h
Total combustion air flow 2,123 knm /h
Excess air at economiser outlet 21%
Oxygen content at economiser outlet 3.6%
Flue Gas Flow at Air Heater Outlet 2783 knm /h
Flue gas temperature air heater outlet 130°C
Flue gas flow (approx.) 944 kg/s
Feedwater temperature 272.3°C
Coal flow 89 kg/s

Protection & Permissive

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3.2 Fuel & Firing Systems

System Description

For combustion to take place in the boiler combustion chamber, three primary elements of fuel, air
and heat source must be presented. The fuel & firing system describes the types of fuel and the
systems to deliver the fuels to the furnace.

Coal is the primary fuel during normal boiler operation while light fuel oil is used during boiler start-
up or during low load operation below 40% BMCR.

The boilers are designed to fire coals within the bituminous rank of grade A, B, F, Q, R & S.
The combustion circuit consists of a single furnace, with direct tangential firing and balanced

Light Fuel Oil System

The light fuel oil system is consisted of fuel unloading to storage tanks, the burners and its
atomizing mechanisms.

16 light fuel oil burners are provided : 4 burners on 4 levels of remote controlled fuel oil burners
used to start-up the boiler and to support combustion of the pulverised coal at low firing rates. The
capacity of oil burners is 40 % of the BMCR.

All burners (for coal & light fuel) are arranged in each corner of the furnace as tangential firing

The level 1 is the lowest level.

Level 1 and 2 of light fuel oil burners are identical (steam/air atomizing).
Level 3 and 4 of light fuel oil burners are identical (steam atomizing only).

The light fuel oil burner ignition is made by means of high energy electric ignitor, the air admitted
through the dampers is used for the combustion. The flame intensity is controlled by means of
flame scanners.

Fuel oil is supplied from the common oil tanks (3 tanks) and delivers the filtered oil to the boiler
burners at the required pressure and temperature for combustion. Fuel oil is use during boiler light
up to 30% BMCR or can be fired in combination with pulverized coal at low load.

Fuel oil is supplied to the burners by a series pumping arrangement. Fuel oil tanks supply to the
suction header of two 100% capacity main fuel oil pumps. The main fuel oil pumps deliver fuel oil
at the desired pressure to the burners.

The discharge pressure of the main fuel oil pumps is controlled by a recirculation valve to maintain
a constant pressure before the inlet of the burner fuel oil flow control valve. The recirculation valve
achieves pressure control by bleeding off excess oil flow back to the oil tanks. Normally only one
main fuel oil pump is in operation with a second pump selected for auto-standby duty. Simplex
type strainers located before the suction inlets of the main oil pumps remove suspended solid
particles from the fuel oil.

Fuel oil and atomizing steam are piped to each oil burner gun through shut off valves and flexible
hoses. In addition, elevation one & two burners are also equipped with air atomizing & purging for
initial light-up when auxiliary steam is not available. The fuel oil and steam combine in the burner
tip nozzles to produce superior atomization of the fuel oil resulting in clean burning complete
combustion. The atomizing steam is supplied from the auxiliary steam. This same steam supply is
also used to purge clean the oil burner passages each time the oil burners are shutdown. The oil
burner guns are inserted to the firing position and retracted during out of service periods by air
operated cylinders. The oil burner flames are detected and continuously monitored by air cooled
infrared dynamic type scanners.

Secondary air for combustion of the fuel oil is supplied from the windboxes. The outer air registers
distribute the combustion air evenly around the oil burners so that the air and finely atomized fuel
oil will mix in the burner throats to burn effectively.

Pulverized Coal System :

The coal milling plant consists of 7 vertical bowl mills. The firing equipment consists of seven
elevations with 28 coal burners located just above or below a fuel oil burners. The capacity of coal
burners is 100 % BMCR when firing coal within the design range.
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The pulverizers and burners system provides pulverized coal to the boiler as primary fuel. Coal
enters the plant from the coal handling system where it has been crushed to consistent sizes
where it can be handled by the pulverizers. It is delivered to the coal bunkers which are located
directly above their respective pulverizers, also called mills. When the bunker coal gate valves are
opened, coal is allowed to flow to the gravimetric feeders. The flow of coal from the feeders is
controlled to maintain the desired load. From the gravimetric feeders the coal is fed into the
pulverizers. Within the pulverizers the coal is ground, dried, and classified to the proper size for
burning in the boiler. The primary air flow carries the fine coal to the burners, and the coarse coal
falls back into the grinding zone of the pulverizer.

Hot/cold primary air is used to maintain the pulverized coal temperature. The air enters the
pulverizer through nozzles in the air pot ring, which surrounds the grinding table to dry and
transport. As the coal is pulverized on the grinding table, the air carries it up to the classifying
section of the pulverizer.

Classification of the coal begins in the area above the pulverizer throat. Primary air exist the air
port nozzles, picking up pulverized coal, and exits the grinding zone in swirling motion. This
swirling action, along with gravity, causes the larger, heavier particles of coal to fall out of
suspension and back into the grinding zone. As the pulverized coal/air mixture passes through the
classifier, the finer particles of coal are discharged through a distributor (pulverised coal pipe) and
to the burners.


To deliver light fuel oil or coal as one of the primary elements of fuel in an ideal condition for
combustion to take place in the boiler combustion chamber. As a result heat energy is released to
convert the boiler water into superheated steam for electricity generation.

Main Component Function Remarks

Ignition System Provide the initial heat source during 1 per burner
High energy ignitor light-up
Fuel oil tank Deliver fuel from road tanker to 3 tanks
tank and to the burner
Main Fuel Oil Pump As fuel storage for the boiler 2 x100%

Fuel Oil Burner To deliver light fuel to burner and 16 burners

provide continuous supply for

To evenly deliver fuel oil to boiler

furnace for combustion to take place
Coal Fuel System To provide the coal storage for 7 coal bunkers
continuous combustion
Coal Bunker
To control the coal flow rate to the 7 coal feeders
Coal Feeder combustion chamber

To pulverized coal to fine particles 7 coal mills

Coal Mills/Pulverizer for efficient combustion in the
28 burners
To evenly distribute coal to the
Coal Burner combustion furnace.
Boiler Circulation Pump To induced an „assisted circulation‟ for 3
faster start-up by forcing feedwater
from the downcomer to the bottom
Safety Valve To protect the high pressure parts of
boiler drum, superheater and reheater
against over pressure

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Boiler Light Fuel Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Fuel Oil Pump

Manufacturer / ALLWEILER Fuel type: Diesel oil
Number 2 per boiler Atomizing media Air & steam
Atomizing media
a) Air 5.25 bar
Type Screw pump b) Steam 5.25 bar
Rotation speed 2900 RPM Min. oil pressure 8 bar
Rated Voltage 415 V Max. oil pressure 25 bar
Rated Output: 90 kW Maximum fuel oil flow 4,800 l/h at 19 bars
speed 2975 RPM Minimum fuel oil flow 960 l/h at 2 bars
Atomising steam
Rated Current 147 Amps temperature 215°C
Fuel Oil Tank High Energy Ignitor
Light fuel oil tank
capacity 3600m Stocking Temperature: -10°C / +60°C
Tank level low 3.0 m Operating temperature: -10°C/ +50°C
Supply voltage, single
Tank level low/low 1.5 m phase: 230V 50/60Hz
Tank level high 14.5 m Consumption: 800VA
Tank level Voltage and current in
high/high 15.0 m the control circuit plugs: - 35VDC 30mA
Tightness: IP 55
Moisture: 80% HR
Operating temperature: 100°C
Drip Recovery Pump
Motor Pump
Manufacturer / ABB Manufacturer COLFAX POMPES / ABB
1 per boiler and 1
for common Drip
Recovery Pumping 1 per boiler and 1 for common
Number Station Number Drip Recovery Pumping Station
Designation M2BA 100 L 4 Type Eccentric Screw Pump
SETP 100.2 T17 and M2BA 100
Rated voltage 460V Designation L4
Rated frequency 50Hz
Rated output 3 kW Rotation speed 430 rpm

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Drip Recovery Pump
Motor Pump
Synchronous speed: 1430 Type of bearings: Ball bearing
Rated current: 6.2 A Material
Starting current: 6.9 A Housing Steel
Rated torque: 20 mN Screw Steel
Starting torque Cd/Cn: 2.6 Connections
Max. Torque Cmax/Cn 2.46 Suction diameter Strainer DN150
Efficiency 83.8
Power factor 0.68 Discharge diameter DN40 150Lbs RF
Sealing Stuffing box
Motor inertia 0.0086 kg/m²
Class insulation F
Coal mill/Pulverizer
Number of Mill per boiler 7
Type of Mill Vertical bowl
Mill capacity with coal B typical 68 t/h
Mill capacity with coal B worst 66 t/h

Sealing air fan for Mill

Number of grinding 3 (with splash Fan type : IHHP 76/20-A2
Journal lubrication)
Grinding journal 1730 mm RGTA Direct coupling
Material of rollers ALSTOM-Nihard 4 Flow rate 1,4 m /s
Weight of grinding 12400 kg Static pressure 14.119 Pa
Bowl diameter 2800 mm Total pressure: 14.704 Pa
Bowl speed rotation 35 RPM Fan rotation: 2945 RPM
Material of grinding ALSTOM-Nihard 4 Absorbed power 34.72 kW
segment (regenerable) at 35°C
Weight of bowl- 20800 kg Absorbed power 34.72 kW
assembly at 20°C
Motor shaft speed of 1000 RPM Motor power: 45 kW
Motor rating 750 kW Speed air at outlet 29.1 m/s
Type of classifier static classifier with Density 1.146 Kg/ m
manual adjustment of
classifier guide vanes
Number of outlets 4 Altitude 0m
Type of gearbox FENDER KMP320 Atmospheric 101.325 Pa

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Journal Spring System - Hydraulic Unit Bunker air cannon
Supplier Hydac (Germany) Material Steel
Type 306 13 59 Capacity 100 litres
E-data of pump 4kW / 415V /50 Hz/ Working pressure 12 bars
motor IP55
Solenoid and 110 V - 50 Hz Test pressure 18 bars
Distribution voltage 24 V DC Working -20 °C to +120 °C
for pressure senor temperature
Flow rate of pump: 12.1 l./min Nominal diameter 150mm
Pre-pressure: 120-160 bar Flange of DN150, PN16 standardised
Operation pressure 50-100 bar 3 opening ½” for connection to accessories
Max pressure of 210 bar Gear Box + Lubrication + Coupling
Oil filter - bypass Qmax: 15 l/min Supplier FLENDER (Germany)
system: /0.37 kW
Filling quantity approx 400 litres Type KMP 320 (Planetary)
Oil viscosity ISO VG 446 / Rating 750 kW
Hydraulic oil HLPD /
Mobil DTE25
Input speed 990 rpm
Output speed 35.7 rpm
Actual ratio 27.7
Oil capacity: about 850 L

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Setting

No Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Normal Alarm Trip
Coal Mill Pulverizing System
3 3 3
1 Primary air flow through mill 80/100 kN m /h LA: 70 kN m /h LLA: 64 kN m /h
(Mill trip)
2 PC pipes temperature (outlet mill) 60/80°C LA: 50°C 100°C

3 Primary air temperature (inlet mill) 160/300°C HA: 350°C -

4 Differential pressure between PA air 10/40 mbar HA: 60 mbar -
inlet and bowl mill
5 Mill classifier high temperature HHA: 120 C
(Fire in mill)
6 RC Feeder Flow 30/68 t/h LA: 20t/h
7 RC feeder very high temperature 100 C
(Fire in coal feeder)
8 DP between sealing air and mill 30/100 mbar LA: 10 mbar -
9 Sealing air fan discharge pressure 140 mbar
10 Mill main motor windings HA: 140°C 145 C (Mill trip)
11 Mill main motor bearing temperature HA: 90°C 100 C (Mill trip)
12 Mill vibrations - HA: 5 mm/s 7 mm/s (Mill trip)
13 Reducer bearing metal temperature HA: 60°C 70 C (Mill trip)

No Description Alarm Trip

Mill lubricating system
1 Mill gear lubricating oil flow switch LA: 189 litres/min
2 Mill gear lubricating oil flow switch LLA: 160 litres/min (Mill trip)
3 Mill gear lubricating oil differential pressure HA: >2.0 bar
4 Mill gear lubricating oil high pressure switch HA:>0.8 bar
5 Mill gear lubricating oil low pressure switch LA: <0.5 bar
6 Mill gear lubricating oil high temperature HA: >60°C
7 Mill gear lubricating oil very high HA: >65°C

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8 Mill motor bearing high temperature HA: >60°C
9 Mill motor bearing very high temperature HHA: >65°C (Mill trip)
10 Mill gear box high vibration HA: >5 mm/sec
11 Mill gear box very high vibration HHA: >7.0 mm/sec 10s (Mill Trip)
Mill sealing air
Mill classifier / seal air low differential LA: <1.0 kPa
Raw coal Bunkers
HA: >13 m
Raw coal bunker level HHA: >13.5 m
LA: <6.0 m
Raw coal bunker level LLA: <4.5 m
Coal feeder system
Raw coal feeder high feed rate >80 t/h
Low coal flow input from bunker LA: <20 t/h
Raw coal feeder very high temperature HA: >100°C
High belt speed HA: >19 t/min

LA = Low Alarm HA = High Alarm

LLA = Low Low Alarm HHA = High High Alarm

The expected operating parameters of the Boiler at BMCR, when firing the design coal

Superheated steam flow 2390 t/h

Cold reheat steam flow 2065 t/h
Coal flow 341 t/h
Drum Pressure 19.60 MPa
Steam pressure at Superheated outlet 18.22MPa
Superheated steam temperature 543°C
Water temperature at economiser outlet 277°C
Cold Reheat Steam temperature 333°C
Steam temperature at reheater outlet 541°C
Gas temperature at air heater inlet 375°C
Gas temperature at air heater outlet 133°C
Secondary air temperature at air heaters outlet 349°C
Primary air temperature at air heaters outlet 356°C
Secondary airflow to the burners 1,547 knm /h
Primary airflow to the mills 575.9 knm /h
Total combustion air flow 2,123 knm /h
Excess air at economiser outlet 21%
Oxygen content at economiser outlet 3.6%
Flue Gas Flow at Air Heater Outlet 2783 knm /h
Flue gas temperature air heater outlet 130°C
Flue gas flow (approx.) 944 kg/s
Feedwater temperature 272.3°C
Coal flow 89 kg/s

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3.3 Air & Flue Gas Systems

System Description

Air System - The combustion air necessary for the boiler is taken from the atmosphere through
two 50% Forced Draught (FD) fans (also call the secondary air circuits). A common tie line
connects the outlets of the two FD fans and also serves as the common inlet line for the two
primary fans. The Primary Air is split into Hot Primary Air and Cold Primary Air. The Hot primary
air is heated in the triple-sector regenerative air heaters and distributed to each mill through
individual ducts. The Cold Primary Air bypasses the air heaters and is distributed to each mill
through another individual ducting circuit. The pressure in the primary Air circuit is controlled by
the fan inlet vanes. The primary air insures the drying of the raw coal inside the mills and the
transport of the pulverised fuel (PF) from the coal mills to the burners. It is important that the
correct primary air quantity to each mill is respected. This will provide a proper level of grinding
performance, a good mixture of pulverised coal and air before ignition in the furnace, and a good
speed inside the PF pipes. An inter-connecting system between primary air and secondary air
circuit is installed. The inter-connecting system is used to pressurize the primary circuit in order to
avoid flue gas from the air heater to circulate in the ducts when the PA fans are stopped. Flue gas
circulation in the primary circuits may lead to acid condensation.

The combustion air is then heated by the regenerative air heaters and distributed to each Burner
Corner trough individual compartments. The air ducts downstream the regenerative air heaters,
are interconnected by crossover ducts to allow operation at partial load when only one FD fan is
in service.

On each corner, secondary air dampers are installed on each burner compartment (Coal and
Fuel Oil). Above the highest burner elevation, there is one Over Fire Air (OFA) compartment with
an individual damper. Four other OFA penetrations are installed on the left and right Boiler walls
(2 per side). Each of these penetrations has 4 Individual compartments and dampers, to control
the OFA ratio according to the operating conditions.

The control of the secondary airflow is obtained by adjustment of the FD fan inlet vanes
The correct excess air is maintained automatically for total combustion of oil or coal at any

In addition to the primary and secondary air systems, there are boiler auxiliary fans that provide
cooling air to burner scanner and burner throat. The discharge air from the fan is introduced
through slots around the burners and flows upward through the furnace. The fan suction supply is
from the atmosphere.

Flue Gas System – In the furnace, oxygen contained in the combustive air combines with the fuel,
producing heat and combustion flue gases. Flue gas is removed from the furnace by two 50%
Induced Draught (IF) fans and discharged to the atmosphere through the chimney. Before
reaching the ID fans, the hot flue gas losses its energy as it passes through the following
sequence of processes:

- the high temperature superheater (HTS)

- the low temperature superheater (LTS)
- the high temperature reheater (HTR)
- the intermediate temperature superheater (ITS)
- the low temperature reheater (LTR)
- the economiser
- the regenerative air heaters,
- Electro Static Precipitators (ESP) and
- Flue Gas Desulfurisation (FGD) system.

Hot flue gas enters the top (hot end) of the regenerative air heaters while the combustion air from
the primary and FD fans enters the bottom (cold end) of the air heaters. The heat is exchanged
from the flue gas to the combustion air by means of heat transfer plates that rotate slowly around
the vertical axis of the regenerative air heater.

After heat-exchange in the air heater, flue gas passes through the ESP where fly ash is removed
while at FDG, sulfur dioxide is removed from the flue gas. The flue gas then is discharged to the
atmosphere via chimney as clean emission, as a statutory and environmental requirement.

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The purpose of air and flue gas systems are :

- To provides the necessary air for combustion in boiler combustion chamber.

- To draw coal fuel into furnace and keep them in suspension in the combustion chamber.
- To provide sealing air to boiler
- To draw combustion flue gases from the furnace and exhaust them to the atmosphere via chimney
- To provide a balanced draught in the furnace

Main Component Function

Forced Draft Fan To provide secondary air necessary for boiler combustion.
To provide suction air for Primary Air Fan
Primary Air Fan To convey pulverized coal from mill to burners and to provide primary air for
boiler combustion.
Induced Draft Fan To discharge flue gas from the furnace to the atmosphere and to maintain a
balanced draft in the furnace.
Regenerative Air Heater To preheat the combustion air by recovering the waste heat from the flue gas
and thus improve boiler performance. It is also aim at maintaining air heater
cold end temperature above saturation to prevent corrosion.
Steam Air Heater To preheat the combustion air during initial boiler start up and to prevent air
heater cold end corrosion.
Electro Static To remove fly ash in the flue gas in compliance with environmental
Precipitator requirement
Flue Gas Desulfurization To remove sulfur dioxide in the flue gas in compliance to environmental
System requirement
Chimney/Stack To discharge flue gas at safe level above ground
Scanner Air Fan To provide cooling air to burner scanners & burner throats

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Air and Flue Gas Flow Schematic Diagram

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Flue Gas Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Primary Air Fan Steam Air Heater

Manufacturer: ABB Fluid Steam
Type Centrifugal fans Design 210°C
Capacity 565 kNm /h Design Pressure 2.5 bar - 12 bar
Total Pressure 158 mbar
Motor Speed 1480 rpm
Power 3.5 MW
Supply Voltage 11 kV
Full Load Amps: 209

Forced Draught Fan Induced Draught Fan

Manufacturer ABB Manufacturer: ABB
Type Centrifugal Fans Type Centrifugal Fans
3 3
Capacity: 985kNm /h Capacity: 1,685kNm /h
Forced Draught Fan Induced Draught Fan
Total Pressure 49 mbar Total Pressure 54 mbar
Motor Speed 994 rpm Motor Speed 740 rpm
Power Power
Consumption 2.25 MW Consumption 5.6 MW
Supply Voltage 11 Kv Supply Voltage 11 kV
Full Load Amps 144 Full Load Amps 347
Regenerative Air Heaters Air Heater Main Drive Motor (AC Voltage)
Manufacturer France Manufacturer Siemens
Ljungstrom Air
Type (Trisector) Electricity 415 VAC, 3 ph, 50Hz
Number Supplied 2 per unit Consumption 32 kW
Gas Temp.
Entering 367°C
Gas Temp. leaving 137°C Auxiliary Drive Motor (DC Voltage)
Primary Air Temp
Entering 37°C Manufacturer General Electric
Secondary Air
Temp. Entering
32°C Electricity 220 VDC
Primary Air Temp.
Leaving 354.5°C Power Consumtion 11.2 kW
Secondary Air
Temp. Leaving 347.6°C
Speed Reducer (Main Drive Motor) Speed Reducer (Auxiliary Drive Motor)
Manufacturer Sumitomo Ratio 2.189:1
Size 7VR Approx Oil Capacity 16.3 Gallons
Ratio 97.65:1
Approx. Oil
Capacity 16.3 Gallons
Manufacturer Fallk
Size 2040FC

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Technical Specification

Electro Static Precipitator

ESP Sulphur Storage Silo
Environmental ALSTOM
Manufacturer System Manufacturer: Enviromental System
Type designation 150-A2 Number per boiler 1
2 400 x 2 400 x 4 000
Number of fields 9 units Dimension (LxWxH): mm
Collecting electrodes
Nominal length 5600 mm discharge gap 400 mm
Nominal height 15000 mm Projected area 42336 m
Discharge electrodes: SKID (CONTAINER)
Number of
Nominal length 4800 mm systems/boiler 1 units
Max. SO3-injection
Total length/ESP 76200 m rate 16 ppm
Max. sulphur
consumption 68 kg/h
Flue Gas Desulfurization System (FGD)
Flue Gas Fan
Main Motor Fan
Manufacturer ALSTOM Fan type Centrifugal
Type N 3 RYC 900 L 12C No. of inlet: 2
Power 4500 kW No. of blades 2 rows of 11
Synchron Speed 496 rpm Flow control system Inlet guide vanes
Phases 3 Design pressure 5631 Pa
Current 300.3 A Design temperature: 170 C
Frequency 50 Hz Impeller diameter: 4230 mm
Efficiency 97.1% Shaft diameter 720 mm
Cover-plates rows
Power factor 0.81 Seal system with air barrage
Bearing housing
vibration peak to
Insulation Class F peak: max. 6 mm/s
Direction of rotation Inlet guide vane
(view from DE) anticlockwise assembly: Pneumatic actuator

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Technical Specification

Absorber Pump
Motor Pump
Absorber supply
Power 450 kW Pump application pump
Voltage 3300 V Liquid pump Sea water
Phases 3 Temp. of liquid pump 34.5-40°C
Current 96 A Specific gravity 1.019-1.003
Rated speed 743 rpm Pump type 32 APM
Frequency 50 Hz Design flow 7627 m /h
Efficiency Design total
96.5 % differential head 14.6 m
Power factor 0.85 Pump speed 740 RPM
Insulation Class F Pump critical speed 1150 rpm
Airgap when cold 1.4 mm Pump minimum flow 6500 m /h
Shut off head 31 m
required 1.6 m
Pump efficiency 84 %
Radial bearing
lubrication: Pumped fluid
Aeration Fan
Motor Fan
Motor type F32 RXC 355L / ABB Solyvenc-
2GH/5 Manufacturer Ventec
Power 400 kW Type F 3RXC 355 L2G
Voltage 3300 V Power 400 kW
Phases 3 Speed 2975 rpm
Current 77.6 Amp Type of fan Centrifugal fan
Rated speed 25 years (continuous
2975 rpm Design life time operation)
Frequency 50 Hz Type of transmission Direct drive
Efficiency 95.9 % Type of gas Ambient air
Power factor 0.94 Flow rate 26100 m /h
Ambient air
Insulation Class F temperature 34.5°C
Direction of rotation
(view from DE) clockwise Ambient air pressure 101325 Pa
Max. total static
pressure at fan outlet
Air gap when cold: 2.5 mm flange 28000 Pa

Operating Parameters & Alarm / Trip Settings

Description Operating Parameter / Alarm / Trip

Secondary Air Circuits Normal Alarm Trip
Air pressure drop through air 12 mbar
3 3 3
Hot SA low flow 800/ 2203 knm /h 650 kN m /h 600 kN m /h
FD fan motor winding - HA: 140°C -
temperature HA: 145°C
SA fan motor bearing - HA: 70 °C -
temperature HHA: 100 °C
SA fan bearing vibration HA 4.5 mm/s HHA: 7mm/s
Primary Air Circuit
PA fan motor winding - HA: 140°C -
temperature HA: 145°C
PA fan motor bearing - HA: 70 °C -

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temperature HHA: 100 °C
PA fan bearing temperature - HA: 100°C -
HHA: 105°C
PA fan bearing vibration - HA: 4.5 mm/s HHA: 11 mm/s
Flue Gas Circuit
Furnace low and high pressure -1mb LA: -9,8mb -
HA: +7,37mb
Furnace L side very high -1mb - + 14,7 mbar
pressure (Extreme value)

Furnace R side very low -1mb - - 17,2mb

pressure (Extreme value)

Economizer outlet O2 low - LA: 2.5 % -

RAH outlet flue gas - HA: 170°C HHA:190°C
temperature (Extreme value)

ID fan motor winding - HA: 140°C -

temperature HHA: 145°C
ID fan bearing temperature - HA: 95°C -
HHA: 105 °C
ID fan motor bearing - HA: 85 °C -
temperature HHA: 95 °C

ID fan bearing vibration - HA: 4.5 mm/s -

HHA: 7 mm/s

Operating Parameters & Alarm / Trip Settings

100% BMCR Boiler Load / Burning Coal Type R

FGD Inlet FGD Outlet
3 3
Gas flow 1,697,020 Nm /h 1,590,799 Nm /h
Gas pressure (static) 100 Pa 20 Pa
Gas temperature 148°C(max) 97°C
3 3
Seawater flow 15,253 Nm /h 15,320 Nm /h
Seawater temperature 39°C (max) 40°C

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Permissive & Protection

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3.4 Feed Water System

System Description

The feedwater system in description covers the systems from deaerator to feedwater stop valve.
The system provides feedwater in maintaining a balance boiler drum level due to steam
evaporation. The boiler feed booster pumps take suction from the deaerator/feedwater storage
tank and discharge to their associated boiler feed pump. The boiler feed pump discharge to a
common header that routes the feedwater to the HP feedwater heaters. Feedwater flows
through the tubes of the HP feedwater heaters and then to the boiler economizer.

The deaerator removes oxygen and other dissolved gases from the feedwater. The feedwater is
also heated during this process. Feedwater gravity flows from the deaerator to the
deaerator/feedwater storage tank which stores the feedwater and provides adequate suction
head for the boiler feed booster pumps. During normal operation the level in the
deaerator/feedwater storage tank is controlled automatically by a LCV on the condensate
Each unit is equipped with three 50% electric motor-driven boiler feed pumps arranged in
parallel. A hydraulic coupling and gearing are installed between each constant speed motor and
boiler feed pump to control the speed of the pump to meet the boiler feedwater requirements.
Each boiler feed pump suction is supplied by a boiler feed booster pump which is driven by the
same motor as the associated boiler feed pump.

Each unit is equipped with three HP feedwater heaters which heat the feedwater to
approximately 270 degree C before it enters the boiler economizer. Each HP feedwater heater
can be isolated and bypassed from the system by a set of pressure differential valves. The
extraction steam to the heaters can be isolated by motorized valves, in addition to a NRV.

The Feed Water Pumps are equipped with the independent minimum flow recirculation valves at
the pump discharge. This provides a minimum flow when the feed water demand is less than the
minimum flow requirement of the Feed Water Pump, and thus protects the pump from damage.

The seal water system provides water to the gland seals on the boiler feed pump shafts and the
boiler feed booster pump shafts to minimize feedwater leakage.

The functions of the feedwater system are to :

- Provide feedwater to the boiler
- Remove non-condensible gases from the feedwater
- Preheat the feedwater before it enters the economizer
- Supply spray water to the main steam, reheat steam, HP bypass and auxiliary steam.

Main Component Function Remark

Deaerator & Deaerator/Feedwater storage To remove non- 1
tank condensable gases and
to store the deaerated
water in the
Storage Tank
Boiler Feed Water Pump To pump and deliver 3 x 50%
feed water from the
Storage Tank to the
Boiler Drum
HP Heaters To preheat feedwater by 3
steam extracted from the
HP & IP turbine
Feedwater Control Station before HP To control and regulate
Heaters the feedwater flow to

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Feedwater Flow Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Boiler Feed Water Pump

Pump Motor
Alstom Large
Manufacturer WEIR PUMPS LTD. Manufacturer Machines
Squirrel cage
Type Barrel casing Type induction
(pressure stage) Main Boiler Feed Pump No of motors 3 X 50%
Main pressure stage boiler
Duty feed pumps Mounting Horizontal
11000V, 3ph,
No of pump sets 3 X 50% Electrical supply 50Hz
Fluid pumped Boiler feed water Insulation class F
temperature 183.8 C Rating 12,100 kW
Specific gravity at
temperature 0.8828 Speed 1491 RPM
Flow rate, 1424.68 m /h Full load current 701 AMP
Main booster stage boiler
Duty feed pumps Temperature rise 80 C
Efficiency at full
Differential head 2383.2 m load 97.4%
Efficiency 84.5 % Cooling CACW
Power absorbed at Power factor at full
duty 9665 kW load 0.93
Normal pump
speed 5800 RPM
Bearing Motor Air Cooler
Manufacturer Renk Type Air/water
Type Sleeve Heat dissipated 2X 200 kW
Cooling water flow 70 m3/h
Fluid Coupling Main Oil Pump
Manufacturer Voith Manufacturer Voith
Scoop trimming fluid coupling
Type with speed-increasing gears. Type KP 144
Model R17K500M
Power transmitted,
kW 9665 Aux Oil Pump
121:30 Pump
Speed input, RPM 1491 Manufacturer: Rickmeier
Speed output,
RPM 5800 Type: R69/400FL-Z-W-R
Lubricating Oil System
Working oil cooler Oil inlet/outlet,, C <110/35-75
Cooling water flow,
Manufacturer Voith m3/h 50
Water inlet/outlet
Type Shell & tube temp 40/44, C
Oil flow, m3/h 108

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Operating Parameters/Alarm & Trip

Feedwater & Deaerator Storage Tank

Feedwater Tank Normal Alarm Trip
Level 3300 mm 2300mm (L) 3880mm (HH)
LP Heaters 3&4
extraction steam shut
and condensate
bypassed. Run back
activate to 60%

1570 mm (LL) 1460 mm (LLL) Boiler

feed pump TRIP

3720mm (H) 4060mm (HHH)

Supression of
condensate flow to
Extraction Steam 11.4 bar 12.5 bar 13.0 bar/15.4 bar
Boiler Feed Water Pump
Booster pumps 395.56 L/s 168 L/s 80 L/s
0 0 0
NDE bearing <80 C 80 C 90 C
0 0 0
DE bearing <80 C 80 C 90 C
0 0 0
Outboard thrust <80 C 80 C 90 C
bearing temperature
0 0 0
Inboard thrust <80 C 80 C 90 C
bearing temperature
Main Drive Motor
0 0 0
Bearing temperature <80 C 80 C 90 C
0 0 0
Motor winding <80 C 80 C 90 C
Combined Gearbox / Fluid Coupling
0 0 0
Lub oil cooler outlet <80 C 80 C 90 C
Lub oil pressure <0.4 bar 0.4 bar -
differential pressure
Lub oil supply 1.2 bar-<2.4 bar 1.2 bar/2.4 bar LLA : 0.8 bar
0 0 0
Lub oil cooler inlet <80 C 80 C 90 C
0 0 0
Working oil cooler <80 C 80 C 90 C
outlet temperature
0 0 0
Working oil cooler <80 C 80 C 90 C
inlet temperature
0 0 0
BFP gearbox bearing <80 C 80 C 90 C
Pressure Stage Pumps
Rated flow 395.56 L/s - -
Discharge pressure >55 bar g LA: 55 bar g -
HA: 244 bar (high)
HHA: 254 bar (very
0 0 0
DE bearing <80 C 80 C 90 C
0 0 0
Outboard thrust <80 C 80 C 90 C
bearing temperature
0 0 0
Inboard thrust <80 C 80 C 90 C
bearing temperature
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L = Low H = High
LL = Low Low HH = High High
LLL = Low Low Low HHH = High High High
A = Alarm

Operating Parameters/Alarm & Trip

Pressure Stage Pumps

0 0 0
NDE bearing <80 C 80 C 90 C
Filter differential <300 mb 300 mb -
High Pressure Heating System
HP 6 Heater 205 mm 155 mm 305 mm (H);
Level 405 mm (HH);
505 mm (HHH) Closing
of the bleeding valves;
Check valves Locking;
Bypass of HP 6.
Heater inlet 183.1 C - -
HP 7 Heater - - -
Level 175 mm 125 mm 275 mm (H);
375 mm (HH);
475 mm (HHH) Closing
of the bleeding valves;
Check valves Locking;
Bypass of HP 7.
HP 8 heater 150 mm 100 mm 250 mm (H);
Level 450 mm (HH) Closing of
the bleeding valves;
Bypass of HP 8.

Protection & Permissive

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3.5 Boiler Pressured Parts System

System Description

The scope of the boiler pressure parts system in this description covers from the economizer to
the main steam outlet stop valves and from the reheater inlet header to the reheater outlet
header. The main steam piping, which is not a defined component of the boiler pressure parts,
conveys the high pressure superheated steam from the boiler to the high pressure steam bypass
system and to the turbine throttle stop valves.

The boiler pressured parts is located in the boiler and is essentially composed of heat exchangers
which serve to vaporize the water (generate steam) and superheats the steam. These heat
exchangers include:
- The economizer
- Steam drum
- Furnace wall tubes
- Superheaters
- Reheaters
- Desuperheaters

Each heat exchanger is generally composed of a bundle of tubes arranged in parallel between an
inlet header and an outlet header. The water and /or steam flows inside the tubes from inlet to
outlet while the hot combustion gases passes over the outside of the tubes.

Feedwater arriving in the boiler first passes through an economizer placed in the end of flue gas
path. The process recovers part of the remaining flue gas and raises the temperature of

Hot water reaches the boiler drum located at the upper part of the boiler, external to the boiler

From the boiler drum, water passes down through the downcomers which are located outside of
the furnace to the three circulation pumps which force water to the bottom drum from where it is
distributed into the riser tubes forming the four wall of the furnace.

Heat from the furnace combustion is transferred to the circulating water, principally by radiant
heat absorption, and vaporizes it to form water/steam emulsion. Saturated steam circulates to the
upper part of the boiler drum.

The drum is a vessel accommodating a mixture of water and steam at saturation temperature
corresponding to the drum pressure. The drum level is controlled and maintained at a constant
value for a given rate of vaporization,

In Manjung Power Station, the boiler is of assisted circulation type, where circulation pump is
used to establish greater closed circuit flow between drum, downcomers and the waterwalls.

Saturated steam from the drum flows passes over to the steam wall tubes (front roof, rear pass
walls) and the three superheaters:

- the low temperature superheater (LTS)

- the intermediate temperature superheater (ITS)
- the high temperature superheater (HTS)

The superheated steam passing out from the HTS is control with water spray desuperheaters
located between LTS & ITS and between ITS & HTS to control the main steam temperature at
540 degree C. The main steam is directed to HP turbine or HP bypass by two main pipes.

Steam exhausting from the HP turbine or HP bypass is sent back to the boiler to be reheated. It
passes through the low temperature reheater (LTR) and the high temperature reheater (HTR) in
the boiler to regain superheated steam temperature.
The superheated steam passing out from the HTR is control with water spray desuperheaters to
control the reheat steam temperature at 540 degree C (HTR primary temperature control is by
burner tilt). The reheat steam is directed to IP turbine or the LP bypass by two main pipes.

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The function of the boiler pressure parts system are:

To provide pressure containment and heat transfer surfaces in the form of pressure vessels
and tubes for the transmission of heat from the furnace combustion process to the boiler
water and steam circuits for generation of high pressure superheated steam.
To provide pressure containment and heat transfer surface in the form of the reheater
headers and tubes to resuperheat the steam entering from the cold reheat pipe.
To provide a source of steam to the auxiliary steam from reheat system
To provide sootblowing steam systems from the outlet of the ITS.
To provide a gas tight enclosure for the combustion of fuel and a flow path for the resultant
flue gases.

Main Component Function

Superheater To convert saturated steam into superheated steam
Reheater To recover heat energy in the flue gas path and convert the cold
reheat steam (saturated steam) into superheated steam.
Economiser To recover part of the heat remaining in the flue gas to raise the
temperature of the feedwater. Thus increase the thermal efficiency
of the boiler.
Boiler Drum To act as a vessel for liquid and gaseous in saturation stage and as
storage for any sudden demand in steam generation.

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Boiler Pressure Parts Schematic Diagram

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Superheater & Reheater Schematic Diagram

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Economiser & Drum Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Main Steam Characteristic

Superheated Steam Line: Hot Reheat Steam Line:
0 0
Temperature: 540 C Temperature: 540 C
Pressure: 175 bar Pressure: 38.3 bar
Cold Reheat Steam Line: Boiler Drum:
Temperature: 326 C Pressure: 196 bar
Pressure: 42.62 bar - -
Boiler Circulation Pump
Pump Characteristics Motor Characteristics
Single Suction- Wet Stator Squirrel
Type Double Discharge Type Cage Induction
Size: ( 2 x 14 ) x 18 x 21M Output: 526 kW
3.3 kV – 3 PHASE –
Design Pressure 213 barg Electrical 50Hz
Design Temperature 371 C Winding Insulation XLP
Hot Duty Cold Test
88.8% 90%
Motor Efficiency 264.2 kW 462.7
Suction Pressure 199.1 bar Power Absorbed kW
Suction Temperature 356 C Overall Efficiency 74.6% 75.6%
N.P.S.H. required 19m Full Load Speed 1450 RPM
Differential Head 31m Full Load Current 127 amps
Differential Pressure 1.74 bar - -
Quantity Pumped 4600m /hr - -
Pump Efficiency: 81.5% Hot & Cold - -

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Designation Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Boiler Circulation Pumps Normal Alarm Trip
Pump low differential
pressure 1.5 /3 bar 1.3 bar/ 1.0 Upper 1.1 bar >1 sec (Trip)
Pump very low differential
pressure 1.5 / 3 bar 1.1 bar <1.1 bar >5sec (Trip)
High temperature motor
0 0 0
cavity <50 C HA: 57 C 60 C (Trip)
High body inlet differential
0 0
temperature <50 C HA: 100 C -
3 3
Low cooling water flow 8 m /h 6 m /h >10 sec. (Trip)

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3.6 Coal & Ash Handling Systems

Coal System Description

Coal is unloaded from the jetty and delivered to the station stockyard by closed conveyor systems.
The operation of the coal handling from jetty to the yard is by external contractor. In the coal yard,
the coal is unloaded by 2 stacker-reclaimers. The machines are designed as combined stacker-
reclaimers. Each machine can be used for stacking and/or reclaiming operation.

The facility can stack out coal coming from the ship unloader onto a stock yard at a handling rate of
3,500 t/h and pre-blend it. Upon demand, the coal can be reclaimed and fed to the power plant via
dual belt conveyor systems at a mean handling rate of 2,500 t/h.

From the stockyard, coal is transferred to the bunkers via conveyors and passes through the
following process:

- Metal detectors for removing tramp metal

- Crusher to crushing the coal from a nominal top size of 50mm to less than 30mm.
- Tripple Car where coal is filled to the bunkers
- Coal Feeder where required amount of coal for combustion is controlled and fed
- Mills where coal is pulverized before entering boiler combustion furnace

Under normal conditions, coal is reclaimed from the stockyard at a rate of 2800t/hr using a dual
system of conveyors to the boiler bunkers. This ensures that coaling operations can continue
when one system is undergoing maintenance.

Ash Handling System Description

The combustion ash, which is the by product of the coal after combustion, can be categorized into
either fly or bottom ash.

Fly Ash – The fly ash handling system collects the fly ash from three identical boiler units. The fly
ash is carried along with the flue gas path and is collected in three hopper areas:

- One economizer with 3 hoppers, each with one blow tank, which is operated in single mode
and are connected to a common conveying pipe.
- Two air heaters with each 3 hoppers with one blow tank, and are operated in parallel mode
and are connected to conveying pipe.
- Two electrostatic precipitators (ESP), each with 3 fills and 24 hoppers, with each one blow

Compressed air is used to draw the fly ash via conveying pipe to the three silos, where it is
disposed by trucks as commercial by product to local cement plant.

As a matter of fact, firing at the maximum rate with coal of the highest specified ash content will
produce 37.4 t/hr per Unit of fly ash.

Bottom Ash - The system receives wet bottom ash, at 50 t/hr, from the submerged scraper
conveyors (SSC), and transfers it to either truck loading or by conveyor to bottom ash silo.
Identical set bottom ash handling equipment is provided for each of the boiler unit although the
final part of the route to the ash pond is common to all units.

Bottom ash is loaded onto one of two traveling conveyors AC1A or AC1B (Normally one in
operation and the other on standby).

The bottom ash is fed from the SSC and to either conveyor AC2A or AC2B (one in use the other as
stand-by), and transfer the ash to a concrete Bottom Ash Silo.

Ash from the unit‟s bottom ash silo is directed either into waiting lorries or onto shuttle conveyor
systems that form the start of the conveyor route to the ash pond, where it is spread by a non-
luffing, slewing boom conveyor to form a kidney shaped stockpile. Bulldozers then spread the ash
over the ash pond area.

The bottom ash system is designed to cope with a 6.6 t/hr of ash from each of the three boilers
when firing coal with the highest acceptable ash content at 100% capacity. Thus, it may be
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necessary to dispose of a total of 475.2 tons of bottom ash per day.

The varies conveying systems is designed each with a capacity to handle 225 t/hr of ash and
therefore, may be necessary to run for just over two hours per day to cope with this tonnage.


The functions of the coal handling system are:

- To unload coal from the ships in jetty and transfer it to stockyard
- To stack and reclaim coal in stockyard
- To reclaim and convey coal to the coal bunkers.
- To crush and pulverize coal for combustion

The functions of the ash system are:

- To trap ash from the combustion of coal
- To separate the bottom and fly ash
- To store/transfer the bottom and fly ash for proper disposal in line with the environmental

Main Component Function

Conveyor Systems To convey and transport coal
Coal Yard To store raw coal
Stacker/Reclaimer To stack coal from ship and to reclaim coal to conveyor
Magnetic Separator To remove “tram metal” from coal
Coal Crusher To crush coal from a nominal top size of 50mm to less than 30mm
Tripple Car To fill coal to the bunkers
Coal Bunker To provide the coal storage for continuous combustion
Coal Feeder To control the coal flow rate to the mills
Coal Mills To pulverized coal to fine particles for efficient combustion in the
Furnace Hopper To collect combustion bottom ash
Bottom Ash Silo To receives and transfer bottom ash from submersed scraper conveyor
(SSC) and discharges directly on to open truck or to the tail end of
shuttle conveyor.
Storm Locks To secure the stacker/reclaimer when not in operation
Fly Ash Silo For fly ash temporary storage

Technical Specification

Stacker/Reclaimer IDLERS
Equipment Design Capacity Manufacturer: ROKONMA (M) Sdn.
Stacker Conveyor: 250 t/h Country of Origin; Malaysia
Stacker Conveyor: 925 t/h Roller Diameter: 114 mm / 139 mm
ST9 Idler
Feeder Conveyor: 250 t/h Shell Material: Welded steel Pipe
Feeder 925 t/h Shell Thickness: 3.6 mm / 4.0 mm
Bearing Type: SKF, Type-ZZ, No.
Shaft Diameter: 20 mm / 25 mm
Type of Seal: Multiple Labyrinth

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Technical Specification

Coal Conveyor Location Capacity Belt Belt Width

Conveyor C1A & C1B Between Transfer 2800 t/h 3.4 m/s
1600 mm
Tower TT3 and
Transfer Tower TT4
Conveyor C2A & C2B Between Transfer 2800 t/h 3.4 m/s 1600 mm
Tower TT4 and
Transfer Tower TT5
Conveyor C3A & C3B Between TT5 & Boiler 2800 t/h 3.4 m/s 1600 mm
Feed Bunker Trippers
Coal Crusher CRA/CRB Motor
Motor type: Asynchrorous (N32RXC 630L /12CH/5
Rated voltage: 3300 V
Rated frequency: 50 Hz
Rated output: 1300 kW
Rotation speed: 500 rpm
Cooling type: Air
Rated current: 296.1 A
On-load rotation speed: 493 rpm
Efficiency: 96 %
Power factor: 0.80
Overheating class: B
Rated torque: 25182 m,N
Driven inertia at motor speed 2956 Kgm
Type of driven machine: CRUSHER (MILL)
Driven mode (transmission) Direct
Coal Bunker Capacity 608 t per bunker
Travel System Slewing System
Travel speed 5 – 25 m/min Drive power 2 x 15 kW
Operating speed 10 m/min Slewing speed 0 - 34 m/min
Advancing speed 20 m/min Advancing speed 25 m/min
Installed drive power 14 x 5.5 kW Slewing angle ± 95°
Travel distance ca 974 m Bearing diameter 5789 mm
(tooth system)
Gauge 8000 mm Pinion diameter (tooth 506 mm
Wheel diameter: 630 mm - -
Luffing System Boom Conveyor
Luffing speed 6 m/min Mean handling rate 3800t/h
Drive power 45 kW Installed drive power 160 kW
Luffing distance 2420 mm Belt width 1800 mm
Cylinder speed 17 mm/sec Belt speed 3.5 m/sec
Pum volume flow Q= 82 l/min Conveyor length 40.7 m
center to center
Pressure setting at p max = 210 bar Drive pulley diameter 800 mm
pump pressure
Pressure setting at P =230 bar - -
pressure relief valve
Air cooler cooling rate Pk = 10 KW - -
Electric motor power Pm = 0.55 KW - -
Electric motor speed n = 1500 min - -

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Technical Specification

Bucket Wheel Intermediate Bridge (Travel System)

Max. handling rate 3900 t/h Travel speed 5 - 25 m/min
Installed drive power 160 kW Installed drive power 2 x 5.5 kW
Bucket wheel 8000 mm Travel distance ca. 974 m
Number of buckets 10 Gauge 8000 mm
Cutting speed 2.4 m/s Wheel dia. 630 mm
Number of 56 - -
Intermediate Conveyor Tripper Car
Max. handling rate 380 power Max. Handling rate 3800 t/h
Installed drive 200 kW t/h Belt width 1800 mm
Belt width 1800 mm Belt speed 3.5 m/sec
Belt speed 3.5 m/sec Lift 4.4 m
Conveyor length 41.0 m Gauge 8000 mm
center to center
Drive pulley diameter 800 mm Wheel diameter 630 mm
Bottom Ash System
Location Capacity Belt Speed Belt Width
Travelling Belt Wet bottom ash transfer from 50 t/hr 1.5 m/s 500mm
Conveyors AC1A SSC
& AC1B
Travelling Belt Wet bottom ash transfer to 50 t/hr 1.5 m/s 500mm
Conveyors AC2A silo
& AC2B
Belt Conveyers Wet bottom ash transfer 75 t/hr 1.5 m/s 500mm
Belt Conveyers Wet bottom ash transfer 225 t/hr 1.5 m/s 1000mm
Belt Conveyers Wet bottom ash transfer 225 t/hr 1.5 m/s 1000mm
Slewing Stacker Wet bottom stacker 225 t/hr 1.5 m/s 1000mm
Belt Weigher Belt Weigher 0 - 280t/hr peak 1.5 m/s 1000mm
Fly Ash system
Location Capacity Belt Speed Belt Width
Short Belt Between Fly Ash Silos 1-3 280 t/hr 1.5 m/s 1000mm
Conveyors AC7 &Transfer Tower TT01-93
Long Conveyor Under Transfer Towers 840 t/hr 2.5 m/s 1200mm
AC8 TT91-93 to Slewing Stacker
Slewing Stacker Ash stock ground, at the end 840 t/hr 2.5 m/s 1200mm
Conveyor AC9 of AC8
Belt Weigher Beneath AC8 on AC8 to 0-900 t/hr peak 2.5 m/s 1200mm
measure the wet bottom ash
sent to the stockground
The Silo has a capacity of - - -
79.2 tonnes

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Opening Parameters & Alarm/Trip Setting

Normal Value Alarm Level Trip Level

Conveyor Motor Winding Red Over
Temperature 80°C HA: 130°C 140°C
Conveyor Motor Winding Yellow Over
Temperature 80°C HA:130°C 140°C
Conveyor Motor Winding Yellow Over
Temperature 80°C HA:130°C 140°C
Conveyor Motor Drive End Bearing
Over Temperature 65°C HA:90°C 95°C
Conveyor Motor Non Drive End Bearing
Over Temperature 65°C HA:90°C 95°C
Conveyor Speed >2160 rpm =<2160 rpm
Conveyor Belt Sway (Head / tail) Alarm <50 mm HA:50 mm -
Conveyor Belt Sway (Head / tail) Alarm <50 mm HA:100 mm -
Belt Weights
Coal Flow Rate <2800 tph HA:2800 tph 3300 tph
Belt Speed 3.4 m/s - -
Crusher Bearing temperature DE 65°C HA:71°C 82°C
Crusher Bearing Temperature NDE 65°C HA:71 C 82°C
Crusher Vibration DE Alarm <12.7 mm/s HA:12.7 mm/s 17.8 mm/s
Crusher Vibration NDE Alarm <12.7 mm/s HA:12.7 mm/s 17.8 mm/s
Crusher Speed 500 rpm - -10%
Crusher Motor Red Winding
Temperature 80°C HA:130°C 150°C
Crusher Motor Yellow Winding
Temperature 80°C HA:130°C 150°C
Crusher Motor Blue Winding
Temperature 80°C HA:130°C 150°C
Crusher Motor Bearing Temperature
DE 65°C HA:90°C 95°C
Crusher Motor Bearing Temperature
NDE 65°C HA:90°C 95°C
Metal Detector Sensitivity 0-100% - -
Depends on
Coal Analyser - moisture 0-100% coal type -
Depends on
Coal Analyser – Ash Content 0-100% coal type 150 A
Magnetic Separator – 122 A Cold
Magnet Current 104 A Hot - -
Magnetic Separator –
Magnet Voltage 82 V DC - 150 V DC
Dust Extraction – Differential Pressure 75-110mm - 0-700 mm
at MicroPro Controller Water gauge water gauge
Coal Mills Pulverizing System
Designation Normal Alarm Alarm Trip
80/100 LA: 70
Primary air flow through mill knm3/h knm3/h 65 knm /h
PC pipes temperature (outlet mill) 60/80°C - -
100°C (upper
Primary air temperature (inlet mill) 160/300°C LA: 50°C alarm)
Differential pressure between PA air
inlet and bowl mill 10/40 mb - -
Mill classifier high temperature - - 120°C (Fire in mill)
RC feeder low flow 30/60 t/h LA: 20 t/h -
100°C (Fire in coal
RC feeder very high temperature - - feeder)
DP between sealing air and mill
classifier 30/100 mb LA: 10 mb 25 mb
Sealing air fan discharge pressure 140 mb - -

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Opening Parameters & Alarm/Trip Setting

Coal Mills Pulverizing System

Designation Normal Alarm Alarm Trip
Mill main motor winding temperature - HA:140°C 145°C (mill Trip)
Mill main motor bearing temperature - HA: 90°C 100°C (Mill Trip)
Mill vibrations - HA:5 mm/s 7 mm/s (Mill Trip)
Reducer bearing metal temperature - HA:60°C 70°C (Mill Trip)

L A = Low Alarm HA = High Alarm

Permissive & Interlock

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3.7 Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) System

System Description

The FGD plant is designed to remove sulfur dioxide (SO 2) from the flue gas generated by the
power plant as a result of fuel combustion. The FGD plant can be put on-line or off-line without
affecting the power generation process. The FGD plant consists of one gas handling system and
an associated seawater treatment system. It is designed only to treat 65% of the total flue gas

The SO2 is removed from the flue gas by contacting seawater and flue gas through counter
current flow within the absorber packing. As a result, SO 2 is trapped and transferred to the
seawater. The SO2 absorbed in the seawater is oxidized to harmless sulfate prior to discharge to
sea. This is achieved in the seawater treatment plant (aeration basin) where the oxidation is
carried out by blowing air into the seawater. By this action, the pH is also raised.

To reduce Sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the flue gas from the boiler prior to atmospheric release through

Main Component Function

FGD Flue Gas Fan Located downstream of the ID Fans and to draw 65% of the total flue
gas flow into the FGD system.
Absorber To trap and transfer SO2 from the flue gas to the seawater.
Absorber Pumps To pump sea water from the suction sump in order to feed the
Aeration Fan To supply air to the aeration basin headers through a concrete
Sea Water Treatment To oxidized absorbed sulfur dioxide (SO2) to Sulphate (SO4 ). In the
Plant (Aeration basin) process, the pH is also increased.
Regenerative Gas- To cool the untreated flue gas from the FGD before it enters the
Gas Heater (GGH) absorber and to increase the temperature of the treated gas before it is
discharged through the stack.
Regenerative Gas- To clean the GGH to avoid dust build up, which will increase the
Gas Heater (GGH) differential pressure across the GGH.
Cleaning system

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FGD Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

FDG Flue Gas Fan Regenerative Gas-Gas Heater

Type of fan Centrifugal with Manufacturer ABB Alstom
backward curved foils
Supply Voltage 11 kV Type: Ljungstrom
Rated Load 4500kW Supply voltage: 415 V
Rated current 300.3 Amps Rated load: 9 kW
Speed: 496 RPM Main Drive A: Two speed 720/1460
Gas flow (Coal „R‟ 1.697.020 N/h Main Drive B: Two speed 720/1460
& „F‟ @ BMCR, RPM
max T)
Pressure rise („R‟ & 2400 Pa Sea Water Treatment Plant (SWTP)
„F‟ @ BMCR, max
Impeller material ASTM A514 Aeration basin 6x98x3,5 WxLxH (m)
Housing material ASTM A283 Number of parallel 2
Suction side Double inlet with Aeration basin Concrete with internal
configuration Guidevane Control material tar epoxy lining
Type of guidevane Pneumatic Seawater flow through 47,300 m /h
actuator aeration basin
Absorber Pump Seawater in bypass 56,700 m /h
Manufacturer ABB Alstom Instrumentation a. pH monitoring
(common for 3 units)
Type Vertical shaft mixed b. O2 monitoring
flow (common for 3 units )
Rated load 450 kW
Supply voltage 3.3 kV Aeration Fan
Rotation speed 750 RPM Manufacturer ABB Solyvent Ventec
Rated current 96 Ampsu Type Centrifugal Fan
No. of fans 2 X 50% per unit
Absorber Flow rate 26 100 m /h
Absorber shell Concrete internally Ambient air 20 – 34.5°C
material lined with expoxy temperature
Length x Width 12.1 x 15.8 M x M Ambient air pressure 101325 Pa
Total height: 14.8 M Maximum total static 28 000 Pa
pressure at outlet
Flue gas flow (design) 1,671.565 N m /h Motor voltage 3300V
Seawater flow 15,253 m /h Motor power 400kW
Absorber internals 1.. Packing Minimum total static 20 000 Pa
2. Seawater Maximum total static 28 000 Pa
distribution system pressure
3. Mist eliminator at fan outlet flange -
Minimum total static 20 000 Pa
At fan outlet flange
Rotation speed 2985 RPM
Fan Critical speed 4925 RPM
Fan shaft power, 311 Kw
design condition
Rated current 77.6 Amps

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Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Designation Normal Value Alarm Trip
FGD inlet gas temperature 110-160°C HA 168°C LLA: <130°C
HHA: > 173°C
FGD inlet gas pressure - 200 – 100 Pa LA:-400Pa <-500 Pa
> 500 Pa
FGD inlet damper differential 1500 Pa LA:1000 Pa Note 3
pressure Note 3 Note 3
FGD flue gas fan bearing 50 - 70°C HA: 85°C HHA: >95°C
FGD flue gas fan bearing vibration 0.5 – 2.0 HA:4.5 mm/sec HHA: > 11.0 mm/sec
FGD flue gas fan motor bearing 50 - 70°C HA: 90°C HHA: > 95°C
FGD flue gas fan motor winding 70 - 100°C HA: 130°C HHA: >150°C
FGD flue gas fan outlet pressure 1.000 – 3.500 HA: 3700 Pa HHA: > 4.000 Pa
Gas gas heat exchanger 200 – 900 Pa HA: 1050 Pa HHA: > 1050 kPa
differential pressure
Gas gas heat exchanger main 40 - 70°C HA: 120°C HHA: > 135°C
drives winding temperature
Gas gas heat exchanger Bearing 50 - 80°C - HHA: > 95°C
FGD flue gas flow 1.000.000- HA: 1.900.000 HHA: >1.900.000
3 3 3
1.700.000Nm /h Nm /h Nm /h
Absorber inlet temperature 95 - 130°C HA: 140 C HHA; >150°C
Absorber water level 1.7 – 2.2 m LA: 1.1 m LLA: > 2.5 m
Absorber packing differential 450 – 1250 Pa HA: 1400 Pa HHA: > 1700 Pa
Absorber demister differential 25 – 100 Pa HA: 200 Pa HHA: > 250 Pa
Absorber outlet temperature 35 – 40°C LA: 30°C HHA: > 90°C
HA: 50 & 80 C
Note 4
Gas gas heat exchanger outlet 60 – 75°C LA: 50°C HHA: > 80°C
FGD outlet damper differential 1500kPa LA: 1000 Pa -
Absorber pump station Water level 2.1 – 3.4 m LA: 2.0 m LLA: < 1.5 m
HHA: > 4.5 m
Absorber pumps outlet seawater 0.8 – 1.3 bar g LA: 0.6 bar g LLA: < 0.5 bar g
pressure HHA: < 1.4 bar g
Absorber seawater temperature 35 – 40°C HHA: > 45°C
Absorber seawater flow 15.000 – LA: 14.000 LLA: < 13.000 m /h
3 3 3
17.000 m /h m /h HHA: > 18.000 m /h
Absorber pump bearing 50°C – 80°C HA: 85°C HHA: > 90°C
Absorber pump motor bearing 35°C – 80°C HA: 90°C -
Absorber pump motor winding 50°C – 120°C HA: 130°C HHA: > 140°C
Aeration fan header pressure 23 – 27 Pa LA: 22 Pa LLA: < 21 Pa
HHA: > 30 Pa

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Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Designation Normal Value Alarm Trip
Aeration fan Bearing temperature 60°C – 80°C HA: 85°C LLA: < 50°C
HHA: > 95°C
Aeration fan Bearing vibration 0.5 – 2.0 HA: 4.5 HHA: > 11.0 mm/sec
mm/sec mm/sec
Aeration fan Motor bearing 40°C – 80°C HA: 90°C HHA: > 95°C
Aeration fan Motor winding 50°C – 120°C HA: 130°C HHA:> 140°C
pH in seawater, Discharge 6.3 – 8.0 pH 6.2 pH LLA: < 6.0 pH
channel HHA: > 8.0 pH
O2 in seawater, Discharge 4.5 – 6.5 mg/l 4.0 mg/l LLA:< 3.0 mg/l
channel HHA:> 7.0 mg/l
100% BMCR Boiler Load / Burning Coal Type R
FGD Inlet FGD Outlet
3 3
Gas flow 1,697.020 Nm /h 1,590799 Nm /h
Gas pressure (static) 100 Pa 20 Pa
Gas temperature 148°C(max) 97°C
3 3
Seawater flow 15,253 Nm /h 15,320 Nm /h
Seawater temperature 39°C (max) 40°C
Note 3: Normal values and alarm only during shutdown of the FGD.
Note 4: Lower alarm with set point 30°C and upper with set point 80°C only valid during
conservation of the GGH.
Upper alarm with set point 50°C during normal operation.

LA = Low Alarm HA = High Alarm

LL A = Low Low Alarm HHA = High High Alarm

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Protection & Permissive

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3.8 Soot Blower System

System Description

Soot blower uses steam to blow at different points of boiler flue gas circuit in order to carry out
periodic cleaning of the parts exposed to ash deposits mainly the furnace, superheater,
reheater, economizer and air heaters.

In order to achieve this, the boiler is designed with the following type of soot blowers:

58 short retractable boiler furnace soot blowers arranged on the four walls
40 exchangers retractable soot blowers arranged on both sides of the boiler for LTS, ITS,
HTS and reheaters
8 partly retractable soot blowers for economizer.
2 swing types RAH soot blowers (one on flue gas cold end and one on flue gas hot end) for
each air heater.

Each soot blower is equipped with two limit switches:

One call “forward limit switch”, reverse the soot blower when the inserted position is reached
The other one called “backward limit switch”, stops the soot blower when the rest position is

Each soot blower has its own popet steam admission valve which open automatically during the
forward travel.

The soot blowers are usually controlled and sequenced automatically from the soot blower
control panel in the unit control room. Individual soot blower may also be operated
independently from the unit control room or using local pushbuttons in the plant

The frequency of soot blower operation depends on the operating conditions in the boiler. There
are varies soot blowing operating sequence available. Soot blowing should be performed
periodically to keep the external heating surfaces clean. Ash deposits have the following
adverse effects:

It reduces the heat transfer coefficients, resulting in a decrease in overall efficiency of boiler
It reduces the flue gas passage and increases the pressure drops in the circuit. For a given
flow of gas, the power consumed by the FDF increases, hence the efficiency of the
installation decreases.

Soot blower receives its steam from ITS. During blowing operation, soot blowers blow steam on
the parts to be cleaned. As a result, ash deposits on the surface of exchangers are loosen and
are carried away by the flue gas.

Soot blowers operating in the very hot areas of the boiler are retractable. It enters the boiler only
when in operation and is withdrawn as soon as it has completed the action.

To maintain the rated heat transfer capabilities of the boiler by regular removal of soot, ash, and
slag deposits from the boiler heat transfer surfaces such as waterwall, superheaters, reheaters,
economizer and regenerative air heater elements.

Main Component Function

Retractable & Swing Soot To access and soot blow all the designated heating surface areas.
Forward and Backward To limit the traverse of the soot blowers
Limit Switches
Auxiliary Steam Control To regulate the required steam flow and pressure during soot
Valve blowing.

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Technical Specification

Short Retractable Blower Long Retractable Blower

Type of gear: D31 Type of gear: CUF41
Make of Motor: FHT Make of Motor: FHT
Type of Motor: M184 Type of Motor: A90SH4
Power at 40 C 0.25 kW Power at 40°C 1.1 kW
Number of rotations 1400 RPM Number of rotations 1410 RPM
Frequency: 50 Hz Frequency: 50 Hz
Voltage: 220-240 /380-415 V Voltage: 380-420 / 220-242
Cos phi: 0.7 Cos phi: 0.81
Efficiency at 4/4 load Efficiency at 4/4 load
and 40 C 66% and 40°C 71%
Rated current at 40 Rated current at
C 1.4 / 0.8 A 40°C 2.9 A
Starting current: 3.2 IA/IN Starting current: 5.3 IA/IN
Starting torque: 1.9 MA/MN Starting torque: 2.1 MA/MN
Mass-moment of Mass-moment of
3 3
inertia 0.00044 kg/m inertia 0.0025 kg/m
Torsional moment 1.7 Nm Torsional moment 7.45 Nm
Insulation class: F Insulation class: F
Construction B5 Construction B85
Protection type Protection type
motor: 55 IP motor: 55 IP
Mode of ventilation: Surface cooled Mode of ventilation: Surface cooled
Rotor design: Cage rotor Rotor design: Cage rotor
Type of bearing: Ballbearing Type of bearing: Ballbearing
Helical Soot Blower
Type of gear: CF41 Starting current: 3.3 IA/IN
Make of Motor: FHT Starting torque: 1.7 MA/MN
Mass-moment of
Type of Motor: M2C6 inertia 0.0034 kg/m
Power at 40 C 0.37 kW Torsional moment 3.76 Nm
Number of rotations 940 RPM Insulation class: F
Protection type
Frequency: 50 Hz motor: 55 IP
Voltage: 220-240 /380-415 V Mode of ventilation: Surface cooled
Efficiency at 4/4 load
and 40 C 67% Rotor design: Cage rotor
Rated current at 40
C 2.15 / 1.25 A Type of bearing: Ballbearing
Starting current: 3.3 IA/IN

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Normal Alarm Extreme
Steam pressure to sootblowers 40 bar LA: 35 bar HA: 50 bar
(operation of
sootblower not
allowed) Opening
of drain valves
Steam temperature to 360 – 420°C LA: 240°C (operation of
sootblowers sootblower not allowed)
opening of drain valves
Steam piping minimum - HA: 240°C (operation of
temperature sootblower not allowed)
opening of drain valves

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Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Normal Alarm Extreme
Furnace High Temperature - HA: 550°C Retractable probe
retract order
Air Heater Soot Blower with Auxiliary Steam
Steam pressure to sootblower 12 bar LA: 8 bar (operation of
sootblower not allowed)
opening of drain valves
Steam piping minimum - LA: 120°C (operation of
temperature sootblower not allowed)
opening of drain valves

LA = Low Alarm HA = High Alarm

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4. Turbine

4.1 Steam Turbine

System Description

The steam turbine is a multi-stage impulse model. It has a single shaft line and is directly coupled
with the generator. It is adapted to single reheat cycle and supplies the feedwater heaters via
several extractions. The turbine is arranged for operating under nozzle control (with fixed or sliding
boiler pressure) but can also be operated under throttle control.

In an impulse turbine like Manjung Power Station, the conversion of the heat energy form the
steam into mechanical energy takes place as follow:
- The steam passes between stationary blades forming nozzles where it is expands and gains
velocity. The heat energy is being converted to kinetic energy
- The expanding steam drives the rotating blades which are fixed to the rotor of the turbine. The
kinetic energy of the steam is converted into rotational mechanical energy transmitted by the
rotating blades to the turbine rotor.

The turbine is essentially composed of:

- One single flow HP cylinder
- One single flow IP cylinder
- Two double flow LP cylinders

Each cylinder is composed of a stationery part called „stator‟ and rotating part called „rotor‟.

Bleed steam extraction piping branch off from the HP, IP, and LP casings and supply steam to the
following heat exchangers:
- Condensate LP heaters 1A, 2A, 1B, 2B. 3 and 4
- Feedwater tank deaerator
- Feedwater HP heater No. 6, 7 & 8

Steam expansion in the turbine occurs in three different stages within each cylinder:

- HP cylinder receives superheated steam from the boiler and expands before returning it to the
boiler to be reheated. It is a single flow casing equipped with two steam admission chests
each with a stop valve and 2 governing valves.
- IP cylinder receives reheated steam from the boiler and expands the steam up to the point
where the steam flow is going to LP module. It is equipped with two steam chests, each
including a stop valve and a governor valve.
- The two LP cylinders receive steam from the IP turbine and expand it to the condenser
pressure. Each LP cylinder is of double flow design. Steam is admitted at the centre part from
the upper half by means of two crossovers connected to the IP exhaust and equipped with
expansion bellows. The steam exhausts through the two ends of the LP and flow down to the
condenser which is connected to the lower LP exhaust hood through an expansion joint.

Each of the cylinders has its own casing split horizontally at mid section into the upper and lower
part. The HP casing is a steel casing which includes:
- One outer casing
- One inner casing
- One nozzle carrier (contained in inner casing) in 4 parts for supplying the first stage.
- The shaft end gland sealing system mounted onto the outer casing.

The IP casing is a steel casing which includes:

- One outer casing
- One inner casing
- Two diaphragm carriers
- The shaft end gland sealing system mounted onto the outer casing.

The LP casing is supported on the lower exhaust hood while steam admission nozzles are located
on the upper casing. The inner casings provide steam extraction chambers for LP heaters. The
bursting diaphragms are provided on the upper part to protect the LP module against accidental

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To maintain the turbine shaft eccentricity, it is necessary to continuously rotate the shaft at low
speed after a shutdown or during pre-start-up. This is achieved by the Turning Gear located in the
No.1 pedestal and includes:
- One worm gear reduction
- One automatic synchro-self-shifting (SSS) clutch to engage and disengage automatically the
motor-driven electrical turning gear.
- A hydraulic coupling installed between the motor and the gear allows smooth transmission of
the torque and progressive speed-up of the shaftline.
- A hand barring mechanism for manual operation in the event the shaft turning system is out
of service

In addition, the steam turbine is also supported by other auxiliary systems such as turbine bypass,
LP Exhaust Spray, turbine drains, MSV, MGV, IPSV, IPGV, Bleed steam NRV, gland seal,
Lubricating oil, jacking oil, etc., which is being described separately.
To convert the heat energy of the steam produced by the boiler into mechanical energy by
expanding that steam.
To transmit this mechanical energy to the generator, which in turn transforms it into electric

Main Component Function

HP, IP & LP Cylinders To receive steam and allow steam expansion within the cylinder and
and Casings casing at varies pressure stages, namely high pressure,
intermediate pressure and low pressure steam.
HP, IP, & LP rotor and To allow steam expansion within the cylinder in converting heat
stator energy into kinetic energy and rotational mechanical energy.
MSV and MGV To isolate HP steam from boiler in case of incident or shut down
To control and adjust turbine inlet steam flow to the power
IPSV and IPGV To isolate HP steam from boiler in case of incident or shut down
To control turbine when HP cylinder is not in service (during
light-up or shut down)
Bleed Steam Check To prevent reverse flow of „cold‟ saturated steam into the turbine
Gland Seal To ensure shaft tightness at the points where the shaft-end passes
through the casing to avoid:
- Air ingress into HP,IP and LP during start-up or low load
Steam leakage from HP/IP casing and air ingress into LP during
normal operation
Bypass System As Boiler start-up interlock in ensuring that steam path is
To allow main steam to pass directly to the condenser in enabling
boiler/turbine matching to optimize starting times.
Lubricating Oil System To lubricate and dissipate heat from turbine generator journal and
thrust bearings
Jacking Oil System To raise and support shaftline during start-up and at low speed by
injecting high pressure oil in the bearings jacking oil pockets.
Turning Gear To rotate the shaftline at low speed (47rpm) during shutdown or pre-
start-up in order to maintain shaft eccentricity.

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Steam Turbine Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification
Steam Turbine
Manufacturer ABB Nos. of HP Stages 11 Stages
Type Multi-stage impulse Nos. of IP Stages 10 Stages
Type of Blading Reaction Nos. of LP Stages 2 x 10 stages
Rated Speed 3000 rpm Type of HP Cylinder Double Cylinder
Overspeed Trip 3300rpm Type of IP Cylinder Double Cylinder
Critical Speed 646-714rpm, Type of LP Cylinder Standard double flow
Type of Gland Labyrinth glands Nos. of MSV 2
Nos. of Bearing 8 Nos. of MCV 4
Barring Speed 55 rpm Nos. of ICV 2
Nos. of Cylinders 4 Cylinder/rotor Nos. of RSV 2
Operating Data
Rated Output 762MW LP Steam Temp 239 C
HP Steam Pressure 175.0 bar a HP Steam Flow 614.8 kg/s
IP Steam Pressure 38.36 bar a IP Steam Flow 535.3 kg/s
LP Steam Pressure 4.335 bar a Exhaust Pressure 85 mbar a
0 0
HP Steam Temp 540 C Exhaust Temp 42.7 C
IP Steam Temp 540 C Heat Rate at TMCR 7716 kJ/kWh

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Turbine Protection
Trip Type Description Setting
Mechanical Trip Rotor Vibration (Vertical) Turbine Trip >180µm for <2900 rpm
Rotor Vibration (Horizontal) Turbine Trip >180µm for <2900 rpm
Rotor Vibration (Vertical) Alarm >130µm for <2900 rpm
Rotor Vibration (Horizontal) Alarm >30µm for <2900 rpm
Rotor Vibration During normal Normal <70µm
operation (Vertical & Alarm 100µm
Horizontal) Turbine Trip 130µm
Shaft Displacement Turbine Trip at -0.8 mm to 0.5 mm
Differential Expansion Trip at HP -3.4 mm to 11.3 mm
Trip at IP -5.8 mm to 10.7 mm
Trip at LP -5.3 mm to 19.6 mm
Calculated Trip HP Exhaust Pressure High >25 bar.a (Backwarming)
HP Exhaust Pressure High >1.4 bar.a (HP Evacuated)
HP Exhaust Temperature High >420 C
HP Exhaust Vent Pressure >12 bar.g for 25 secs.
HP Steam Temperature Rate 50 C discrepancy over allowable rate
of Fall of fall
(10 C/min)
HP & IP Steam Valves HPLSV & HPUSV Closed
Lubricating Oil Tank Level <38.9801 L
Direct Trips Lubricating Oil Pressure Low <1.0 bar. G
LP1 Exhaust Pressure High >245 mbar.a
LP2 Exhaust Pressure High >245 mbar.a
External Trip Generator Electrical Protection
Boiler Protection
Main Transformer Protection
Turbine Overspeed >110 %
Manual Push Button Local Push Button
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Manual Push Button CCR Push Button
Governor Fault Internal
Stop Valve Tightness Test Internal
Protection Setting Fault Internal
Summary of DCS Alarm Settings
Measurement Steam Turbine DCS Trip Level
Alarm Setpoint
Rotor / Bearing vertical >140 µm p/p if turbine >180 µm p/p if turbine speed <2900
vibration speed <2900 rpm (DCS rpm
EC1 alarm) (DCS EC1 alarm)

>100 µm p/p if turbine >100 µm p/p if turbine speed >2900

speed >2900 rpm (DCS rpm
EC2 alarm) (DCS EC2 alarm)
HP differential +9.6mm/-2.9mm +11.3mm/-3.4mm
IP differential +9.1mm/-4.9mm +10.7mm/-5.8mm
LP differential +18.6mm/-4.3mm +19.6mm/-5.3mm
Shaft axial +0.2mm/-0.5mm +0.5mm/-0.8mm
Rotor stop alarm <1.0 rpm

Normal Values Alarm Values Trip Remarks

0 0 0 0
Thrust bearing metal 85 C to 90 C HA:115 C 130 C Turbine advise trip
temperature and Hi-Hi alarm
0 0 0 0
Turbine journal 80 C to 100 C HA:115 C 130 C Turbine advise trip
bearing metal and Hi-Hi alarm
0 0 0 0
Generator bearing 75 C to 90 C HA:100 C 120 C Turbine advise trip
metal temperature and Hi-Hi alarm
0 0 0 0
Exciter bearing 55 C to 75 C HA:100 C 120 C Turbine advise trip
and Hi-Hi alarm
Turbine Speed 3000rpm - 3300 rpm Turbine trip

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Protection & Permissive

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4.2 Bypass System

System Description

The turbine is provided with a bypass system to enable main steam to pass directly to condenser,
thus bypassing the HP/IP and LP cylinders. The system is used as boiler start-up interlock in
ensuring that steam path is established. It also serves to steam/metal temperature matching during
hot and warm turbine start-ups to optimize start-up times.

The bypass system consists of two separate circuits namely the HP & LP Bypass:

- The HP bypass comprises two separate lines from the main steam pipes to the cold reheat
pipes each fitted with 50% duty control valve and with a designed capacity to pass 70% of the
turbine steam flow. The enthalpy of the steam passing through the control valve is reduced by
desuperheating spray water taken from the feedwater pump discharge.

- The LP bypass comprises two separate lines from the hot reheat pipes to the four condenser
diffusers each with a 25% duty control valve and with a designed capacity to pass 50% of the
turbine steam flow. The enthalpy of the steam passing through the control valve is reduced by
desuperheating spray water taken from the condensate extraction pump discharge.
There is a reheater vent installed on the HR outlet for initial staring when steam turbine
condenser system is not ready for LP bypass operation.

It is used during initial start-up to enable steam flow in the main steam circuit by dumping steam
directly to condenser or to waste. In doing so, the system is also used for steam/metal temperature
matching during hot and warm turbine start-ups to optimize start-up times.

Main Component Function

LP Diffuser It is a desuperheating station design to diffuse and saturate
steam before entering condenser
HP & LP Main Isolating To isolate steam and the system
HP & LP Control Valves To regulate steam pressure
HP Bypass Lines To connect main steam circuit to the CRH lines
LP Bypass Lines To connect hot reheat line to condenser
HP & LP Desuperheating To control enthalpy of steam
Reheater Vent To release steam to atmosphere for steam path

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HP Bypass Schematic Diagram

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LP Turbine Bypass Schematic Diagram

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Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings
Designation Alarm Extreme /Trip Values
LP Bypass Circuit (Pressure) HA:16.0 bar abs -
LA:7.5 bar abs
0 0
Condenser 90 C 110 C
Spray water from condensate LA:17 bar g -
The LP Bypass system control valves will trip - -
closed in the event of the following conditions
- high condenser pressure >320 mbar abs
- very high condenser temperature 110 C
- very high steam pressure downstream 16 bar abs
- Fault on the common hydraulic station >4 min

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4.3 Condensate System

System Description

The major components in the condensate system include steam condensation, hotwell, condensate
extraction pump, condensate recirculation, gland steam condenser, and LP heaters.

Exhaust steam from the low pressure turbine and the LP Steam Bypass System are condensed in
the main condenser and provide the suction for the condensate extraction pumps.

Each unit is equipped with two 100% capacity, electric motor driven condensate extraction pumps
which pump condensate from the hotwell to the deaerator.

The extraction pump discharge-header also supplies water to the boiler feed pumps gland seals,
the LP turbine bypass system desuperheaters and atomizing steam spray to auxiliary steam. In
addition, condensate from the pump discharge is used to backwash the strainers located on the
suction side of the condensate extraction pumps.

The condensate from the extraction pump discharge header flows through the LP feedwater
heaters and deaerator before being stored in the deaerator/feedwater tank. Portion of the
condensate is tapped to flow through the gland steam condenser for the cooling/condensing of
gland steam and rejoined downstream before deaerator control valve.

The condensate recirculation line ensures minimum flow is established in protecting the pump
while the deaerator level control valve controls deaerator levels.

There are four distinct stages in which the condensate passes through the LP heaters:

The first two stages are two 50% duty parallel path units globally referred to as the “duplex heaters
A & B” (LP heaters 1A/2A for duplex A and LP heaters 1B/2B for duplex B). at TMCR load, these
units raise the condensate water temperature from 43.4 up to 87.6 C.

LP heater 3 (third stage) and LP heater 4 (fourth stage) are located in series downstream of the
duplex heaters. At TMCR load, these heaters raise the condensate water temperature from 87.6
up to 142.4 C.

The duplex heaters as well as the LP heaters 3 & 4 can be individually isolated on the condensate
water side, the condensate water is then wholly or partially diverted.

The steam used for heating the condensate water when flowing through the two duplex heaters
and LP heater 3 is extracted from the two LP cylinders.

The steam used for heating the condensate water when flowing through LP heater 4 is extracted
from the IP cylinder exhaust.

The bleeding lines to LP heaters 3 & 4 are each fitted with a motor-operated isolating valve and a
pneumatically assisted check valve. The isolating valve mounted close to the heater inlet, is
required to prevent water from flowing up to the turbine casings in the event of heater flooding.
The check valve is required as a turbine protection against reverse steam flow.

To condense turbine steam after work done on the LP stage and deliver the condensate from the
main condenser hotwell to the deaerator. Other purpose include :
Supply condensate to the seal water header.
Supply condensate to the turbine exhaust hood sprays, LP turbine bypass system
desuperheaters, the turbine gland steam desuperheater and auxiliary steam spray.
Preheat the condensate before it enters the deaerator.

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Main Component Function
Hotwell To collect and store condensate
To deaerate as saturation steam condenses
Water Boxes To remove condensing/latent heat.
Flash box Fitted on the HP turbine side of the condenser to receive emergency drains
or turbine drains
Condensate Extraction To transfer condensate to deaerator
Condensate recirculation To maintain minimum flow for pump protection.
Gland Steam Condenser To condensate gland sealing steam and discharge the condensate to
condenser flashbox.
Gland Steam Exhaust Fan To create negative pressure for the gland steam to flow into the GS
LP Heater 1,2,3& 4 To heat low-pressure feed-water using steam extracted from the turbine.

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Condensate System Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification
Construction Neck
Exchange surface 35434 m No. of Neck 2/unit
Nos. of Noral tube 40848 No. of Neck section 4/unit
Nos. of air cooler tube 1632 Neck thickness 14 mm
Nos. of impact tubes 3184 Connection Type Expansion joint
Tube outside 19/O.5 mm Turbine Bypass 4
Tube Length 13.06 m Material
Tube assembly Integrally grooved Normal Tubes Titanium B 338 Gr. 2
Water Boxes Impact Tubes Titanium B 338 Gr. 2
Nos. of Water Boxes 4+4 Air Cooler Tubes Titanium B 338 Gr. 2
(inlet& outlet)
Assembly Bolted & divided Front Tube Sheets Titanium B 338 Gr. 2
Internal Coating Neoprene Intermediate Tube ASTM 516 Gr 70
Support Plates
Design Pressure 4 barg Body ASTM 516 Gr 70
Nos of pipes (inlet & 4+4 Neck ASTM 516 Gr 70
Inlet pipe diameter 1800 mm Water Boxes ASTM 516 Gr 70
Outlet pipe diameter 1800 mm Hotwell ASTM 516 Gr 70
Shell Wedge & Shims for Carbon steel
No. of Shell 2/unit Weights &
Shell thickness 14 mm Tube & tube sheets 55,000 kg/module
No. of section 4/unit Water Box 9,500 kg/module
Shell A 265,000 kg include
Type Integral Shell B 253,600 kg include
water channel
No. of hotwell 2/unit Neck 48,000 + 48,000 kg
Thickness 14 mm Duplex heaters 28,000 + 28,000 kg
No.of front tube sheet 4 + 4 (inlet & outlet) Turbine Bypass 4,800 + 4,800 kg
Fron tube sheet Type Single Overall Length 17 m
Front tube sheet 3640x 2990 mm Overall Height 5.665
Front tube sheet 25 mm Overall Width 6.922 m
Condenser Operating Characteristics
Main turbine exhaust 1438.328 t/h Seawater Circulating 28/32/34
steam flow Water temp
Steam Enthalpy 2360.9 kj/kg Circulating Water 4.008 kj/kg
specific heat
Auxiliary turbine 1.803 t/h Circulating Water 1021 kg/cm
exhaust steam flow volume mass
Flow of drains from LP 126.817/1.270 t/h Circulating Water 7.72 C
Heater/Gland Steam temp rise
Drain enthalpy LP 280.8/416.7 kj/k Water velocity through 2.4 I m/s
heater/Gland Steam the tubes
Absolute pressure 85 mbar abs Number of passes 1
0 2 0
Condenser I/L 42.69 C Exchange coefficient 3530 kcal/m h C
2 0
Saturation temp (kJ/m h C)

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Steam Turbine Flash Box/Tank
Attemperation By condensate Level Control Automatic
Flash Box To condenser Flash Tank Steam Outlet To atmosphere
Steam Outlet top
Flash Box Drain To condenser Flash Tank Drain Outlet To atmosphere
Outlet bottom
Deaerator & Storage Tank
Manufacturer AAP Heat Working Pressure: 14 bar g *Vac
Type: Spray. Tray & Design Temp:
Reboiling Deaerator : 385 C
Storage Tank: 198 C
Size: Deaerated water at Tank Outlet:
Deaerator- 2,848 m Flow: 2,213,213 kg/h
Diameter: 32 m Temperature: 182.1 C
9.9 m Pressure: 10.51 bar abs
Overall height: 4,852 m
6.2 m
Overall length: 26.61 m
Storage Tank:

Overall height :

Overall length:
Supply Steam: 10.51 bar abs Storage Tank Capacity: 418 m
Steam Flow 119.876 kg/h Nos. of Safety Valve 4
Condensate 1,728,228 kg/h Discharge Spray Capacity 18 m/sec
Flow Rate:
Temperature: 142.4 C Max O2 at Outlet 5 ppb (100% Load)
Recovered Shell & Heads Material Carbon Steel SA 516 Gr
Drains: 365,109 kg/h 70
HP 6 Htr Drain
Condensate Extraction Pump
Pump Motor
Manufacturer: Weir Pumps Manufacturer: Alstom Alstom Large Machine
Type: Vertical, Type: Squirrel Cage Induction
Serial No. EN-4G54-D Power Rating: 1760 kW
No. of stages: 4 Full Load Current: 108 A
Quantity 2x 100% Electrical Supply: 11 kV
Flow Rate: 2042 m3/h Power factor at full Load: 0.89
Speed: 1480 rpm Power Consumption: 1562 kW
Nature of Fluid Condensate Insulation F
Min. Flow Rate 460 m /h Motor Type Asynchronous
Conveyed Fluid 42.7 C Standard IEC34
Normal suction 0.085 bar abs. Cooling Type Air
Drive Mode Direct – variable speed
Anti Condensation Heater 220V, 1 phase, 50Hz
Condenser Make-Up Pump
Pump LV Motor
Manufacturer KSB Limited Manufacturer Brook Crompton
Nos. of Pump 4 Type AC 3 phase
Installation Horizontal Frequency 50Hz
Type Centrifugal Neutral Isolated/Grounded
Fluid Type Water Rated Voltage 415V
Temperature 20 C Rated Current 37A
Flow 126 m /h Starting Current Id/In 7.8
NPSH available 10.5m No Load Current 11.4A
NPSH required 4.17m Insulation Class F
Efficiency 78.4% Stator Winding Copper
Nos. of stages 1 Frame Cast Iron
Minimum Flow 13m /h Starting Time 1 sec

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Max working 16 barg Motor Inertia 0.15 kg/cm
Speed 2940 rpm
Lubrication Oil
Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings
Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip
Normal Alarm Trip
Condenser Level 666 mm H : 1300mm
L: -120mm
Gland Steam recovery Tank Level 820mm
Condensate Discharge Pressure 27 bar H: 50bar
L:10 bar
Protection & Permissive

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4.4 Turbine Drain System

System Description

Turbine drain lines are piping system installed on the main steam, cold reheat and hot reheat
pipes at the low points.

Warm-up lines are installed on the main steam and Hot Reheat pipes upstream turbine stop

The system allows condensate draining, thus prevents water hammer and thermal shock of the
turbine and piping. This is in addition to creating warm up of the steam line during start-up

The drain and warn-up lines are directed to the HP Drain Tank or to the blow-down manifolds
which is then lead to condenser flashbox. There are three manifolds, each on HP Drain Tanks
and blow-down pipe to collect drains according to the pressure and temperature levels.

The HP Drain tank and the condenser flashbox are each equipped with a desuperheating line
using condensate extraction water.

During warming up of the steam line for start-up, the drains are opened to drain away the
condensed steam. While under normal operation, the accumulated condensate is discharged
through the drain system.

The HP/IP Drain Manifold collects condensate from the HP casing, the IP casing, the HP-IP
Balance pipe, the HP Main Steam Pipe (after HPCV) and the IP Inlet Steam pipe and the Hot
Reheat pipe. Water from the HP/IP Drain Manifold is recovered in the condenser.

For the LP steam lines, the corresponding LP steam drain system performs the similar function as
the HP/IP drain system.

During shutdown, all the turbine and steam line drain valves are opened to discharge
accumulated condensate and to depressurize the system.

All the turbine drains will close when unit load is more than 20 %TMCR and will open when unit
load drops below 20% TMCR.

All turbine drains will open to waste when condenser vacuum is more than 300 mbar.
To create steam flow up to the turbine stop valves during initial start-up in order for heating the
steam lines.
To prevent accumulation of condensate in the steam system during operation of the turbine.

Main Component
HP Drain Pump To discharge condensate to condenser
Drain manifold As a header for varies drain points

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Turbine Drain Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification
HP Drain Tank
Material (HP ASTM A387 Gr. B Overall Length 3500mm
Material (LP ASTM A516 Gr. 60 Design Pressure 8 bar g + Vac
Vessel Diameter 1000mm I.D x 12 mm Design Temperature 440 C (lower
thick body)
330 C (lower

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Setting

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip
Normal Alarm Trip
0 0 0
Condenser Flash Box Temperature <100 C HA: 100 C 120 C
0 0 0
HP Drain Tank Temperature <180 C HA: 180 C 200 C
0 0 0
Atmospheric Blowdown Vent Stack <55 C HA: 55 C 60 C
Drain Pipes
0 0
Temperature after HP Turbine Evacuation <290 C HA: 290 C
0 0
Temperature of Turbine Hot Reheat Steam <300 C HA: 300 C
0 0
Temperature of Turbine Cold Reheat steam <290 C HA: 290 C
0 0
Temperature of Turbine Main Steam <400 C HA: 400 C
Cold Reheat Steam
Level < -675 mm -675 mm -575 mm

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4.5 Vacuum System

System Description

The condenser vacuum equipment is provided to raise initial vacuum in the condensers before
steam admission and to maintain condenser vacuum during normal operation.

During normal operation, the vacuum pump removes the non condensable gases from the system
that would otherwise affect the performance of the condenser and contaminate the condensate
and feed water.

The system comprises of 2 x 100% duty Nash type SC5 liquid ring pumps mounted on a single
base plate, each having a separator tank.

The vacuum pumps draw air from the condenser above hotwell. The gas is then compressed and
discharged with the seal water into the separator tank where it is vented to atmosphere. Sea
water for the vacuum pumps is provided to cool the seal water, which is a closed circuit system.

The working principle of the pump is by rotation of the shaft which results in the formation of a
liquid ring in the pump body. Seal water fills the lower rotor chambers and due to the centrifugal
force is projected towards the body wall. The converging body forces of the eccentric assembly
causes the water to compress the air trapped in the rotor blades before being forced through
discharge chamber. As the rotor advances the seal water recedes from the rotor chamber and is
replaced by air drawn through the inlet port. This cycle occurs every revolution of the rotor.
To evacuate air and gaseous from the condenser hotwell.

Main Component Function

Diaphragm, Butterfly and air To provide isolation
operated valves
Solenoid Valve To provide seal water isolation
Flow Control Valve To control constant seal water flow rate
Flow Indicating switch To monitor seal water flow
Vacuum Switch To monitor system pressure
Pressure Switch To provide visual indication of inlet pressure
Pressure reducing Valve To reduce seal water supply pressure
High Level Switch To provide high level alarm on separator tank
Vacuum Breaker Valve To break condenser vacuum during shutdown.
Separator Tank To acts as reservoir/buffer between condenser and vacuum

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Condenser Vacuum Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification
Vacuum Pump
Pump 415V Motor
Manufacturer Nash Europe Ltd Manufacturer Brook Hansen
Quantity 2 x 100% Designation No. W-DF200LNX
Type Nash SC-5 Type Alternating, 3 phase
Suction Pressure 0.08 bar abs Voltage 415 V
Suction Temp 38.5. C Arrangement Horizontal
Dry Air leakage 61.5 kg/h Rated Output 200 kW
Rated Current 320 A
Capacity 218.1 kg/h Synchronous speed: 1500 rpm
Cylinder ASTM A48 Starting Current Id/In 6.7
Impeller Bronze No Load Current: 60 A
Pump absorbed power: 145 kW Efficiency: 95.6 %
Motor power: 200 kW Insulation Class F
Rotation speed: 443 rpm Stator Winding Copper
Frame CI
Seal Water Pump Cooling Water
Water Type Filtered water Type Sea water
3 0
Flow 1.14 m /h Normal temp 32 C
Motor Power 30 kW Flow 42.1 m /h
Speed 2910 rpm Motor Power 200kW
Impeller Diameter 457 mm Speed 443 rpm
Cylinder Diameter 515 mm
Heat Exchanger Head Tank
2 3
Surface 13.2m Volume 2.47 m
No. of plates 57 Thickness 5 mm
Plate thickness 0.4 mm Material Carbon Steel
Water velocity 1.49 m/s
Material Titanium
Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings
Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip
Normal Alarm Trip
Condenser level 680 mm LA:530 mm 300 mm (Condensate pump auto
trip) No auto start up of standby
Condensate water flow 1010 t/h 460 t/h (Condensate pump auto
trip) No auto start up of standby
Condensate water pump >10 bar g LA: 10 bar g
discharge pressure LLA: 5 bar g
Condensate water pump HA: 100
suction filter differential mbar
Gland steam recovery tank HA: 1200 100 mm
level mm

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Protection & Permissive

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4.6 Turbine Lube Oil & Jacking Oil System

System Description

The turbine lube oil system:

- Provides lubrication to the turbine generator journal and thrust bearings
- Removes heat dissipated in the journal bearings as the lube oil is returning to the heat

The closed loop lube oil circuit includes:

- One storage tank
- One vapour extraction fan
- One positive displacement main lube oil pump installed at the front of the ST and driven
directly by the turbine shaft.
- One auxiliary centrifugal pump AC motor-driven pump to ensure lube oil supply during start-
ups, shutdowns and on turning gear.
- One centrifugal type emergency DC motor-driven pump to supply oil in the event of the failure
of the auxiliary pump
- Two 100% coolers and 3-way thermostatic valve for temperature adjustment
- One static type oil purifier rated at 10% of the oil charge per hour.

All motor-drive pumps are mounted on the oil tank. These pumps are submerged in the tank and
take suction through the strainer.

The turbine jacking oil is supplied by 2 x 100% high-pressure positive displacement motor-
driven pump installed near the lube oil tank.

Two oil coolers, each with 100% capacity are provided to maintain the lube oil and jacking oil
temperature by means of cooling water circulation to remove the heat dissipated from the
bearings. The cooling medium is provided by the auxiliary CCCW System.

The vapour extractor fan helps to maintain slight vacuum at the turbine pedestal, bearing
housings and MOT. This encourages bearing oil returns and prevents the leakage of oil in the
bearing housing. The extractor fan also extracts any moisture or gases present in the tank.

Turbine Lube Oil: To provide lubrication to the turbine generator journal and thrust bearings and
to remove the heat dissipated in the journal bearings.

Turbine Jacking Oil: To prevent shaft and bearing rubbing by using high pressure oil in the
bearings jacking oil pockets to raise the shaftline during start-up and at low speeds when running
on barring gear.

Main Component Function Remark

Main Oil Tank As reservoir and storage for lube oil and jacking oil. 1 unit
To provide the necessary flow of lubricating oil to all 1 x100%
Main Oil Pump
STG bearings during normal operation
To provide the necessary flow of lubricating oil to all 1 x100%
AC Auxiliary Oil Pump
STG bearings when turbine generator GBC opens.
To provide the necessary lubricating oil to all turbine 1 x 100%
DC Emergency Oil Pump
bearings for safety shutdown during AC failure.
Lube Oil Cooler To maintain lube oil temperature 2 x 100%
Oil Purifier To purify oil from impurities in MOT
To maintain slight vacuum at the turbine pedestal, 1 x100%
Vapor Extractor
bearing housings and MOT
To supply high pressure oil to bearing pockets for 2 x 100%
AC Jacking Oil Pump the raising of turbine shaft during start-up or low
speeds operation

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Turbine Lube Oil Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification
Lube Oil System Lube Oil Vent Fan
Type of Lube Oil ISO VG 46 Make/Type OEL Technik
Suspended Impurity in <0.40 % Nos. of Fan 2
Moisture Impurity in Oil <0.05 % Volume Flow 45 Nm3/h
Tank Capacity 50,950 litres Working Temperature: -20 +150 C
Lube Oil Flow Through Working Pressure: -0.5 +2.0 bar
Lube Oil Temp @ Inlet 45 C Motor Rating 0.75 kW
0 0
Lube Oil Temp @ O/L 55 C to 70 C Nominal Speed 3000rpm
Capacity: 50ppm
Emergency Lube Oil Pump AC Lube Oil Pump
Make Parel Type/Make ABB Motor
Rating Voltage: 220V DC Nos. of Pump 1
Rating Current: 85 A Pump Rotation: 2977 rpm
Nominal Speed 1500 rpm Rating Voltage: 415V
Motor Rating 15 kW Rating Current: 131 A
Rated Power: 75 kW
Lube Oil Filter/Strainer Lube Oil Cooler
Type of Filter Double Filter Type of Cooler Plate Heat
Nos. of Filter 2 Nos. of Cooler 2
Max. differential 7 bar Heat Rate 2355,976 kcal/h
Fluid Volume (Oil) 493 Litres
Jacking Oil Pump Fluid Volume (Water) 493 Litres
Manufacturer: BERENDSON Working Pressure: 12 bar
Type Fix Piston Pump Testing Pressure: 15.6 bar
0 0 0
Operating Temperature: -43 C to +120 C Working Temperature 58.9 C to 45.0
(Oil) C
Nominal Pressure: 210 bar Working Temperature 38.0 C to 41.5
(Water) C
0 0
Max. Working Pressure: 450 bar Oil Inlet Temp 55 C to 75 C
Rated Power: 90kW Oil Outer Temp 45 C
Rated Voltage: 415V Lub oil Supply Diff. 0.75 bar
Rotation: 1500 rpm
AC Lube Oil Pump Lub Oil Purifier
Type/Make ABB Motor Manufacturer: C.C JENSON
Nos. of Pump 1 Type: CJC offline Filter Separator
Pump Rotation: 2977 rpm Fluids: Liquid/air
Rating Voltage: 415V Nominal Pressure: PN 16
Rating Current: 131 A Pump: Rotan GP41EFMR-IU2B2
Rated Power: 75 kW Electric Motor: 3X415V, 50Hz
Max. Load: 100.5 A
Connection: G 1/4 A
Working Pressure: 6 bar
Temperature: Max. 130 C
Capacity: Up to 9.8 Nm /h
Quality: Stainless Steel

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Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings
Operating Limit
Normal Lower Alarm Trip Remarks
Lubricating oil tank level 50,950 L LA:45,855 L LLA:38,980 L (Lo-Lo level)
Refer to HA:53.500 Turbine auto trip
note 1
Bearing lubricating oil 1.5 bar g LA:1.1 bar g 1.0 bar g Turbine
supply pressure auto trip, DC pump
auto start
Jacking oil supply >180 bar g LA:160 bar g Standby JO pump
pressure auto start
Jacking oil pump 5.0 bar g HA:7.0 bar g - -
discharge filter
differential filter
Lub oil supply filter <0.5 bar g HA:0.75 bar g - -
differential pressure
0 0
Bearing lubricating 45 C LA:30 C - -
supply temp. HA:55 C
0 0 0
Bearing Oil drain 50 C to 70 C HA:75 C - -
0 0
Thrust bearing metal 85 C to 90 HHA:130 C HHA:Turbine advice
temperature C trip
0 0 0
Turbine jounal bearing 80 C to HA: 115 C HHA:130 C HHA:Turbine advice
metal temperature 100 C Refer to note 2 trip
Refer to note
0 0 0
Generator bearing metal 75 C to 90 HA: 100 C HHA:120 C HHA:Turbine advice
temperature C trip
0 0 0 0
Exciter bearing 55 C to 75 C HA: 100 C HHA:120 C HHA:Turbine advice
At ST speed 2900 rpm Jacking oil in service
and below but above 0

Protection & Permissive

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4.7 Turbine Control Oil System

System Description

The turbine control system is mainly electro-hydraulic. The stop valves and the governing valves
are positioned by hydraulic servomotors. The dynamic fluid is supplied by the control fluid system.

The function of the control fluid is to allow the turbine hydraulic control and safety systems to be
supplied with control fluid by means of:
high pressure control fluid (120 bar) for steam admission valves actuators,
high pressure control fluid (120 bar) for the turbine safety system.
The control fluid used is a phosphate ester with fire resistant characteristics.

The control fluid system includes:

One control fluid tank, one heating system, two 100% capacity variable displacement piston
type motor-driven high-pressure pumps, one in service, one on standby,
One CF cooling pump
One CF Conditioning Pump
One cooler

To ensure constant supply of control fluid to the turbine hydraulic control and safety systems.

Main Component Function

Control Fluid Tank As fluid storage tank
Accumulator To ensure there is always a stable pressure supply available
when the main pumps switch over.
Main Control Fluid Pump To continuously supply constant HP fluid to the electro-
hydraulic control and safety units
Control Fluid Conditioning To treat and condition the fluid to preserve its property
Control Fluid Cooling Pump To circulate the CF through the cooler to remove heat
Control Fluid Cooler As exchanger to remove heat generated in the control fluid
Filter Units To remove impurities

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Turbine Control Oil Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification
Control Fluid HP Pump Control Fluid Cooling Pump
Manufacturer: BROOK HANSEN Manufacturer: BROOK HANSEN
Supply voltage 415 V Supply voltage 415V
Rated current 34 Amp Rated current 5.00 Amp
Rated speed 1470 rpm Rated speed 1420 rpm
Motor power 18.5 kW Motor power 2.2 kW
Frenquency 50 Hz Frenquency 50 Hz
Power factor 0.85 Power factor 0.78
Poles 4 Poles 4
Phase 3 Phase 3
Full load efficiency 90% Full load efficiency 79 %
Hydraulic power unit Accumulator
Manufacturer: CCI AG Switzerlang Nominal capacity 50 litres

Tank capacity: 310 litres Quantity of fluid 21 litres

Quantity of fluid at max. level 190 litres Max. permissible pressure 33 MPa

Quantity of fluid at min. level 125 litres Protected by a pressure relief 26 MPa
Quantity of fluid for first filling 220 litres Witnessed and seal by (TUeV)
Motor: Gas Nitrogen only
Rated output 4 kW bladder Perbunan
Rated voltage 3 X 415 V/50 Hz Filter system
Rated speed 1420 RPM Motor output 0.37 kW
Pump capacity at 1420 RPM 7.2 l/min Voltage/frequency 3X415 V / 50 Hz
Pressure: Rated speed 1380 RPM
System pressure 7-16MPa Pump capacity 15 l/min
Accumulator charge valve, 24 MPa Filter rating 10 µm
switch off pressure
Accumulator charge valve, 24 MPa Fan
switch on pressure
Accumulator charging pressure 12 MPa Rated output 2 kW
Voltage/frequency 3 X 415 V/ 50Hz
Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings
Normal Alarm Trip
Turbine Control Fluid Level 650 L LA: 585 L LLA:20%L HA:775 L
CF Pressure: 115 bar g LA: 100 bar g
HA: 130 bar g
Control dp 0.08 barg HA : 0.2 barg -
0 0
CF Temperature at Main Tank 50 C HA: 60 C -
CF Main Pump Discharge Filter <2.0 barg HA: 5.0 barg -
CF Depollution Filter dp <1.0 barg HA :2.0 barg -
CF Chemical Filter dp <0.5 barg HA :1.5 barg -
CF Trap dp <0.5 barg HA :1.5 barg -
CF HP Supply Pressure 115 barg HA :130 barg -

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4.8 Gland Steam Sealing System

System Description

The gland sealing system provides shaft tightness at the point where the HP/IP/LP shaft-end
passes through the casings. The sealing in the form of steam is provided:

- During initial start-up and at low load operation from auxiliary steam regulated and controlled by
gland steam regulator control valve.
- From the HP steam leakage at normal operation. At certain ST load operation, there will be a
point where HP gland leakage is excessive and begins to dump into the main condenser
through the gland steam spill over control valve.

The gland sealing is basically made up of gland packing formed by a series of sealing segments
carrying a large number of metal strips which slot into grooves at the casing passages. The steel
strips fit with minimum clearance into machining groove cut directly into the turbine rotor and create
a succession of obstacles offering high resistance to the flow of leaking steam or air.

These gland-packings reduce leakage along the shaft at the casing passages. Overall tightness is
completed by introducing gland steam at a pressure slightly higher than atmospheric. The gland
sealing line is automatically controlled at 0.07 barg pressure.

In order to ensuring a continuous flow of sealing steam, a negative pressure is created at the gland
steam condenser which draws and condenses the steam to condensate.

The Gland Steam Condenser is equipped with exhaust fans to discharge the incondensable gases
to the atmosphere.

To prevent:
- Air ingress into the LP casings, where the internal pressure is sub-atmospheric
- Air ingress to the HP/IP casing during start-up or at low load operation and also steam
leakage from these casings during normal operation.

Main Component Function

Aux Steam Header To route aux steam to Gland Steam Header
Gland Steam Header To route aux steam to Steam Turbine labyrinths
Gland Steam
To condense steam from ST labyrinth and HP leak-Off
Exhaust Fan Discharge incondensable gases in GSC to atmosphere

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Turbine Gland Sealing Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification
Gland Steam Condenser
Manufacturer: ALSTOM POWER
Shell: Tubes:
Design Pressure 3.5 bar 32 bar
0 0
Design Temperature 33 C 152 C
Testing Pressure 5.2 bar 48 bar
Capacity 205 litres/h 950 litres/h
Fluid Steam and Air Water
Gland Steam Exhauster fan
Manufacturer: Exico Limited Normal capacity: 2503m3/h
Power Consumption: 22 kW Vapour temperature 55 C
Insulation: Class F Density 0.979 kg/m3
Power supply: 425 V, 3Ph, 50 Hz Operating Vacuum -50mbar g
Rated current: 38.5 A Discharge Press. +18.0 mbar g
Full Load speed 2935 m
Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings
Parameter Normal Value Alarm Value Trip Value Remarks/Operating
Gland sealing line 70 mbar g LA:20 mbarg
steam pressure HA:300 mbar g
0 0
LP Gland sealing 150 C LA: 120 C
line steam HA:180 C
Gland exhaust line -50 mbar g -
Auxiliary steam 12 mbar g
supply pressure
Auxiliary steam HP Cylinder mid RH 188 C minimum
supply temperature flange temp. <275 equivalent to 150 C
C (cold start) after expansion
Auxiliary steam HP Cylinder mid RH 270 C minimum
supply temperature flange temp. equivalent to 250 C
>275 C (warm/hot after expansion
IP inlet conditioning 500 C

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4.9 Auxiliary System

System Description

The auxiliary steam system supplies steam via steam header to the following systems:

The feedwater tank for preheating during initial start-up at 40 t/h for 1-2 hour.
The boiler air heater sootblower and rotary sootblower
The boiler burners for light fuel oil atomizing
The coal mills for inerting and scavenging
The turbine gland sealing system
The other two units

The auxiliary steam is controlled at 10bar g 215 degree C by means of a pressure control valve and
desuperheating station taken from the condensate discharge.

The auxiliary steam system can be supplied from three different sources depending on unit status
and boiler pressure:

CR steam when boiler load is greater than 45%.

HR steam for star-up when no steam is available from the other unit.
From another unit auxiliary steam via interconnecting header when the unit is starting up.

The unit is started initially with no steam (cold start-up), and is fed from HR steam as soon as the HR
steam becomes available. Upon reaching 45% TMCR, the auxiliary steam is switch from CR to HR

To provide a dependable source of steam, independent of unit loads, to various plant systems.

Technical Specification
Cold reheat Piping Hot reheat Piping
Class Pipe class CL62 Class Pipe class AM93
Material Carbon steel ASTM Material Cr Mo alloy steel
Design Pressure 52 bar g Design Pressure 49 bar g
0 0
Design Temperature 355 C Design Temperature 546 C
Hot Reheat Steam Piping
Class Pipe class CL62
Material Carbon steel ASTM
Design Pressure 52 bar g
Design Temperature 355 C

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Designation Normal Value Alarm Value Trip/Extreme Value
0 0 0
HRS steam temperature 300 C LA: 280 C 350 C (Closing of HRS steam
Atomizing steam pressure 10 bar g
0 0 0
Atomizing steam temperature 215 C HA:240 C 270 C (Closing of atomizing
steam supply
0 0
Steam header temperature 300 C LA: 250 C
Steam header pressure >12 bar g LA: 12 bar g

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Auxiliary Steam Schematic Diagram

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4.10 Seal Oil System (Triple Circuit Seal Oil System)

System Description

Seal oil system is provided in turbogenerators that are cooled by pressurized hydrogen. The oil seal
is provided around the shaft at the drive end and the non-drive end where the shaft passes through
the ends of the stator housing.

The seal oil system is a triple circuit developed to minimize gas losses at higher hydrogen

In the air-oil circuit air saturated oil is fed in at the air side inlet of the seal ring. The air oil inlet
pressure is regulated 0.5 bar above of the hydrogen gas pressure by the differential pressure

In hydrogen-oil circuit hydrogen saturated oil is fed to the hydrogen-oil inlet side of the seal ring. The
hydrogen-oil inlet pressure is roughly 0.1 bars above the air oil inlet pressure.

In the vacuum-oil circuit degassed oil is fed to the gap between the air-oil and hydrogen-oil seal ring.
The vacuum-oil inlet pressure is roughly 0.2 bars above the air oil inlet pressure.

Separating the air-oil from the H2-oil circuit by the vacuum circuit means a complete separation of
the air-side from the hydrogen-side. Nevertheless, the system is designed for operation independent
of the vacuum oil, which means, a safe generator operation is possible with only the air-oil circuit in

1. Air Oil Circuit

Oil is drawn from the air-seal-oil tank by the service air seal-oil-pump and pumped to the air-side DE
and NDE sealing rings via the cooler.

In order to ensure a proper generator shaft sealing, the seal oil pressure must be maintained 0.5 bar
above the H2-pressure. This task is performed by the differential pressure controller, which leads
the oil excess back to the seal oil tank by maintaining the pressure difference.

The vacuum-oil pressure is set at an amount of 0.2 bar higher than the air oil pressure, the air-oil
flows into the pressure less air-side drain chambers and from there back to the air-oil tank.

The exhaust blower on this tank expels oil vapor to the atmosphere. At the same time, the exhaust
blower ensures that the necessary partial vacuum is present in the seal ring housings, thereby
preventing an accumulation of hydrogen. The standby blower starts automatically when the partial
vacuum is too low.

2. Vacuum Oil Circuit

The oil, required for degasification, is taken from the air-oil line downstream of the filter and is taken
to the vacuum tank via the level control valve.

All entrained gases are separated out of the oil by the vacuum pump.

The evacuated oil is pumped between the airside and gas side vacuum oil inlet of the seal-rings by
the vacuum-seal-oil-pump. The oil pressure in the vacuum oil circuit is set by the pressure regulation
valves at a value of 0.2 bar higher than the air seal oil.

As the hydrogen-oil pressure is regulated to the same value, the vacuum oil flows across the
pressure drop to the air seal oil and returns at the end to the air seal-oil-tank

3. H2 Oil Circuit

Separate DE and NDE pumps are provided for the hydrogen-seal-oil-circuit.

The hydrogen-seal-oil-pumps supply the hydrogen saturated oil to the DE and NDE gas side inlet of
the seal rings via the hydrogen-oil coolers. The oil level at the suction side of the pumps is
maintained constantly by the two oil column controllers, which ensure that the H2-seal-oil pressure
is always adjusted to the vacuum-seal-oil pressure at the shaft.

Due to the pressure drop to the gas side of the generator the hydrogen-oil flows into the gas side
drain chambers and back to the hydrogen-seal-oil-pumps. With the exception of the control process
this circuit can therefore be regarded as a closed oil circuit.
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- To supply seal oil to the H2 seals to prevent the leakage of hydrogen gas from the
- To maintain a constant differential pressure between the seal oil and the hydrogen

Main Component Function

Gland Seal Ring Prevent the escape of H2 along the rotor shaft.
H2 side drain regulating tank To collect seal oil flowing out from the H2 side compartments
Seal Oil Differential Pressure
Maintains the seal oil pressure above the H2 pressure
Seal Oil Coolers Cool the seal oil by using demineralised water.
Seal Oil Filter Filter the seal oil
Seal Oil Pumps (AC) Supplies seal oil to the gland seal rings
Seal Oil Pump (DC) As back-up for the Seal Oil Pump (AC)
To collect seal oil flowing out from the air side compartments &
Loop Seal Tank prevent H2 gas from escaping into the turbine lube oil tank in
the event of a failure of the gland seal rings

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Generator Seal Oil System Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification
Required gas volumes Air seal oil tank
Volume generator: 95 m Manufacturer: Rotan GmbH
C02 to flush out the air 210 Nm Type TW4E
H2 to flush out the C 285 Nm Volume 4825 L
H2 filling: 570 N m Pressure 13 bar
C02 to flush out the H2 143 N m
Air to flush out the C02 286 Nm
Vacuum seal oil tank Vacuum pump
Manufacturer Rotan GmbH Manufacturer Leybold
Volume 500 Itrs Capacity 8,5 M3 /h
Pressure 10 bar Pressure < 4•10 mbar
Revolutions 1425 rpm
Power 0,37 Kw
Air seal oil pumps Emergency seal oil pump
Manufacturer Allweiler AG Manufacturer Allweiler AG
Type SNGS 210 ER46 Type SNGS 210 ER46 U121-W32
3 3
Capacity 24,36 m /h Capacity 24,36 m /h
Pressure 12 bar Pressure 12 bar
Revolutions 3000 rpm Revolutions 3000 rpm
Power 18,5 kW Power 18,5 kW 18,5 kW
Vacuum seal oil pump H2 seal oil pumps
Manufacturer Allweiler AG Manufacturer Allweiler AG
Type SNGS 120 ER46 Type SNGS 80-ER36 U121-W32
Capacity 4,26 M3 /h Capacity 6,78 m /h
Pressure 10 bar Pressure 4 bar
Revolutions 950 rpm Revolutions 2900 rpm
Power 2,2 kW Power 1,6 kW
Oil dust exhaust fan Air seal oil coolers (Plate Heat Exchanger)
Manufacturer Diez Manufacturer GEA-Ecoflex
Type M2 AA71 132A Type VT40 CDL-25
Capacity 840 m3/h Design cooling surface 17,5 m2
Pressure 177 mbar Powerloss to be 95 kW
Revolutions 2820 rpm Number of plates 40
Power 0,55 kW
H2 seal oil cooler
Manufacturer GEA-Ecoflex
Type VT10 CDS-16
Design cooling 3,45 mz
Powerloss to be 20 kW
Number of plate 32

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Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Setting
Designation Alarm Value Normal Value Remarks
Air seal oil tank Content : 4825 L Max. 10 bar
Seal oil tank fluid level LA:<40% Normal level = 60% = >Low: Release FG
HA:>80% 4000 L on
< MIN:
Protection off
of the emergency
pump, activation of
turbine trip
0 0
Seal oil fluid LA:<25 C 43 C : temperature
temperature HA:>48 C controlled by
Air seal oil tank HA:> -1 mbar 2…..3 mbar > HIGH: start of
pressure stand-by exhaust
Vacuum seal oil tank Content : 500 ltr Max. 10 bar
Vacuum seal oil tank LA:<20% Appr. 50% : controlled by < LOW: protection
fluid level HA:> 80% float valve MKW off MKW36AP001
Vacuum seal oil tank HA:>200 mbar 80 mbar

seal oil filter Duplex filter/one filter in

operation other filter in
Differential pressure HA:>0,8 bar 0.2…..0.5 bar > HIGH: manual
filter change over to
stand-by filter
Seal oil cooler One cooler in operation,
other cooler in stand-by

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4.11 Generator Gas Cooling System (Hydrogen & Carbon Dioxide)

System Description

The H2 and CO2 gas control system supplies, monitors and removes H 2 and CO2 gases from the
generator housing. H2 gas is used as a cooling medium for the stator and rotor windings whereas
CO2 is only used during the filling and removal of H 2 to prevent the air and H2 from mixing
together to form an explosive mixture.

The H2 gas supply is taken from each unit pellet system while the CO 2 gas supply is taken from a
common central gas system.

The H2 gas in the generator housing is continuously routed to an external gas dryer to remove
any moisture that may be present. The gas dryer has to be re-generated periodically to re-
activate the alumina. The H2 gas is cooled by a demineralised water system (Stator water)
through coolers mounted at the top of the generator housing. Two liquid detectors are provided to
indicate the presence of any liquid in the generator which may be due to leakage or condensation
from the H2 gas coolers or failure of the H2 seals. It is desirable to operate with the temperature of
the cold gas >25 C (but not >50 C) in order to prevent condensation of internal moisture.

H2 Gas: To cool the stator & rotor windings during operation of the generator.

CO2 Gas: To be used as an intermediate gas during the purging of H2 gas or purging of the air
out from the generator

Nitrogen Gas Supply: Nitrogen gas used for corrosion protection (stator cooling water tank).

Main Function Remark

To prevent the formation of
explosive gas mixtures, the air in
the generator is expelled with C0 2
prior to filling with H 2. H2 is then
Consists of the components which
pumped in, superseding the C0 2.
are necessary to fill the generator
Gas Unit with hydrogen, maintain it under
When the generator is evacuated,
pressure, check the gas purity and
the order is reversed. The H 2 is
evacuate the generator.
first expelled with CO 2, and then
the C02 is expelled with dry and
oil-free compressed air.

H2 gas supply & Supply the H2 gas from the gas

regulator unit cylinders to the generator.
Gas Drying Unit To keep the H2 gas filling in the
generator dry, a part of the gas flow
Gel dryer fan with heater is
is passed through the gas drier,
provided to regenerate the filling.
where it gives up its moisture
content to the silica gel filling.

Evaporate the liquid CO2 from the Each unit is provided with 30
CO2 gas supply
gas cylinders before being supplied bottles of CO2 at 60 bars. Each
& evaporator unit
to the generator. bottle is 12.5kg fluid.
The gas analyzer system used to
indicate the purity of hydrogen used
Gas Analyzer as a coolant during normal If the purity drops below the
System (GAS) operation. The GAS display shows permissible limit, there will be a
the percentage of hydrogen in air, reduction in the cooling effect and
which should be safely in excess of damage may result.
the explosive limit at the hydrogen
rich end.
Liquid in
Detect liquid (SO or water) in the

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Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Schematic Diagram

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Technical specification
Air Seal Oil Tank Vacuum Seal Oil Tank
Manufacturer: Rotan GmbH Manufacturer: Rotan GmbH
Type: TW4E Type: TW4E
Volume: 5000 ltrs. Volume; 600 ltrs.
Pressure: 13 bar Pressure: 13 bar

Vacuum pump Oil Dust Fxhaust Fan

Manufacturer: Leybold Manufacturer: Franke GmbH
Type: TRIVAC S8B Type: SG 180/1280130(EEX)
3 3
Capacity: 8.5 m /h Capacity: 180 m /h
Pressure: -0.95 bar Pressure: 130 mbar
Revolution: 1500rpm Revolution: 3000rpm
Power: 0.25kW Power: 1.5 kW
Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Setting
Designation Alarm Value Normal value Trip/Remarks
Level leakage pipe from Level switches 2 of 3 – trip after
generator terminal box 2s
Generator cold gas HA:>51°C HHA: >75°C 46°C
Generator cold gas HA:> 51°C 46°C
temperature > 75°C
Generator warm gas HA:> 95°C 2 of 3 trip
temperature HHA:> 105°C
Generator warm gas HA:> 95°C 2 of 3 trip
temperature HHA:> 105°C
H2 feed pressure to gas unit LA:< 6 bar 10 bar safety valve
MKG 01 HA:> 12 bar
C02 flushing purity 100%
H2 gas generator purity LA:< 96% 99%
H2 consumption flowmeter HA:> 12m /day 4.0
H2 cushion press. cooling
Consumption: max. flow up to < 70 1/day
H2 cushion press. cooling LA:< 0,4 bar 0,5 bar
water HA:> 0,6 bar
H2 gas moisture HA:> + 10°C
H2 pressure monitoring LA:< 3,6 bar 4,0 bar
HA:> 4,4 bar
H2 supply during operation 10 bar
C02 purging by air down to 5%
H2 purging by CO Z down to 10%
Gas drier color (Silica gel) Blue(o.k.) Pink (exchange/
Gas drier temperature HA:> 450°C > 450°C must protection switch OFF
heater 1 + 2 Overheat be reset
Gas drier temperature LA:<100°C switch ON after 10
heater 1 + 2 regulation min Alarm
HA:> 110°C switch OFF
Air seal oil tank 5000 ltr. Max. 13 bar
Seal oil tank fluid level 70%=3500 ltr. Min. auto trip of seal
oil pumps,
0 0
Seal oil fluid temperature LA:25 C 45 C
HA:48 C
Seal oil fluid supply LA:0.20 bar 6.0 bar
pressure HA:0.80bar
Vacuum seal tank 600 ltr. Auto by floater-valve

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5. Electrical
5.1 Generator

System Description

The generator principally comprises of the stator, rotor, generator bearings, and mechanical
structure including cooling and lubrication systems. The generator rotor windings are supplied with
excitation DC from the excitation system to produce a magnetic field. As the rotor rotates, this
magnetic fields cut across the conductors in the generator stator to induce electrical current. The
electrical current is the output of the generator and is fed though the generator transformer to the

The generator is directly couple to the steam turbine. The mechanical energy from steam turbine
rotates the generator at 3000 rpm and converts it to electrical energy. The generators are a two
pole three phase synchronous turbo-generator with hydrogen gas cooling of all internal
components, except the stator winding and its connections, which are cooled by water.

There are two main cooling circuits within the generator; direct gas cooling of field winding (rotor)
and iron core and liquid cooling of the armature winding (stator), winding connections and terminal

Generator stator is the stationary part that contains the windings in which the output current is
generated. The frame of the stator forms the outer casing of the generator. It supports the stator
core, bearing assemblies and stator windings terminal.

Stator Winding in the generator stator contains three sets of windings, thus called three-phase
generator. In this design, the windings are arranged 120 degree apart, which results in the induced
alternating current and voltage being 120 degree out of phase. The stator winding is a fractional
pitch composed of various layers consisting of individual bars located in slots of rectangular cross-
section, which are uniformly distributed on the circumference of the stator core. Each generator
stator winding has two terminals, the phase and neutral terminal. The electrical output of each
generator stator winding is fed to a phase terminal through a bushing mounted in the stator winding
terminal box. The neutral end of the windings are connected together by a neutral bus and earthed.

Synchronous rotor is designed at synchronized speeds. The rotor shaft is a single piece solid
forging. At the center of the axial rotor assembly is the rotor core embodying the two magnetic
poles. The rotor windings are supplied with excitation DC to produce a magnetic field. This
excitation current is provided by a static excitation system comprising an excitation transformer and
thyristor brifge rectifiers. As the generator rotor and its magnetic filed rotate, electrical currents are
induced in the windings of the generator stator. These currents are the electrical output of the

To convert the mechanical power delivered from the turbine into electrical power at the main
generator terminals, in the form of voltage and current.

Main Component Function

Stator Winding The stator winding converts mechanical power to electrical power in
the form of three-phase alternating voltage and current.
Generator Rotor The rotor carries a D.C. field winding whose object is purely to setup
a magnetic field in the generator.
Shaft Seals To prevent the pressurized hydrogen leakage around the shaft
at the drive end and the non-drive end.
To maintain hydrogen purity in the generator
Generator Excitation To control the stator voltage of a generator.
Generator H2 Cooling To provide primary cooling to generator rotor and supplementary
System cooling for stator windings.

Generator Stator To cool generator stator winding.

Cooling Water System
Generator Sealing Oil To seal and prevent H2 leakage from the generator rotor shaft

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Generator Schematic Diagram

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The overall construction of the turbo-generator is shown in the general arrangement in Fig. 1. The
main parts of the machine are follows:
• MKD10 DE Bearing Pedestal (DE = drive end)
• MKA10 Generator (Stator and Rotor)
• MKD20 NDE Bearing Pedestal (NDE = non-drive end)
• MKB40/43 Excitation
• MKD50 End Bearing Pedestal
• MKB60 Rotor earth fault protection

Technical Specification

Generator (MKA, MKB)

Serial number GM216 981 / 2 / 3
Generator type 50WT25E-138
Number of poles 2
Number of phases 3
Stator winding connection Star
Insulation class, stator F
Insulation class, rotor F
Design specification IEC34-1 (1996)
Temperature rise according to insulation class B

Generator Design Data

Rated apparent power 943.5 MVA
Rated active power 802 MW
Rated power factor (lagging) 0.85
Rated voltage (line-to-line) 23 Kv
Voltage regulation ±5 %
Rated current (per phase) 23.685 kA
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated speed 3000 l/min
H 2 -gage pressure 4 Bar
Cooling inlet temperature H 2 46 °C
Cooling inlet temperature H 2 0 49 °C
Generator Excitation Data
No-load field voltage (at 20°C) U fp = 169 V
No-load field current I fp = 1954 A
Rated field voltage UfN = 618 V
Rated field current I fN = 5437 A
Generator Reactances
Direct-axis synchronous reactance * xd 204.4 %
Direct-axis transient reactance * X'd 29.1 %
Direct-axis transient reactance ** X'dv 28.2 %
Direct-axis subtransient reactance * X„d 22.4 %
Direct-axis subtransient reactance ** X"dV 20.0 %
Q-axis synchronous reactance* Xq 200.7 %
Q-axis transient reactance* X'q 46.6 %
Q-axis subtransient reactance* X"q 23.3 %
Negative-sequence reactance * X2 22.5 %
Zero-sequence reactance * XO 12.1 %
Leakage reactance (Stator) X6 19.5 %
Short-circuit ratio ** KC 0.51
Time Constants
Transient short-circuit time constant * T'd = 0.797 S
Subtransient short-circuit time constant ** T"dv = 0.016 S
Transient open-circuit time constant * T'do = 5.599 S
Q-axis subtransient short circuit time constant** T"qv = 0.016 S
Turbo-generator Data
Resistances and Capacitance (at 20 °C)
Stator winding resistance (per phase) 0.746 10-3 Ohm
Rotor winding resistance 0.084 - Ohm

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Technical Specification

Stator winding capacitance (between each phase 0.288 - F
and iron)
Unbalanced Load
Max. permissible continuous negative-sequence 0.06 - IN
Voltage Variation (without Voltage Regulator)
at 4/4 load and nominal power factor 47 - %
Generator (assembled, ready-to-run) 420 - t
Rotor, complete 87 - t
Bearings ( Driven end-, non driven end- and 3rd 20 - t
Cooler elements (all elements, filled with water) 8 - t
Brush gear 8 - t
Moment of inertia 15429 - kgm
Inertia constant (generator rotor only) 0.807 - S
Max. short-circuit torque 19475 - kNm
Brush Gear (MKB)
Slip Ring
Nominal diameter 400 - mm
Minimal diameter 400.8 - mm
Width 464 - mm
Max. run-out in the unit 0.1 - mm
Brush carrier
Outside diameter 40 - mm
Bore diameter 25 - mm
Max. transmission current 293 - A
Number in use double type 32 -
triple type 16 mm

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

No. Designation Alarm Value Normal Value Trip/Remark

1 Level distilled water LA:<20% Generator trip after 5
expansion tank HA:40% sec delay (2 of 3)
2 Conductivity main circuit HA:>8 Generator trip after 5
inlet generator sec delay (2 of 3)

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5.2 Generator Excitation System

System Description

The excitation system supplies current to the generator rotor winding to produce the requisite
electromagnetic field and provides a means to vary this current to control the generator 23kV
terminal voltage.

The generator produces electrical energy at a voltage 23kV which is led directly to the LV side of
the generator transformer via an isolated phase bus system. The generator transformer steps up
this voltage and supplies the busbar 500kV via the High Voltage Circuit Breaker.

This excitation system is of static type and is supplied with DC current by transistors connected to
an excitation transformer fed directly from the generator terminals.

The excitation system provides a controlled source of current to the generator rotor field winding.
The current flowing through the rotor field winding turns the rotor into an electromagnet with a
north and south pole. As the rotor rotates, this magnetic field rotates at the same speed. The
excitation system provides means to vary the field winding current to meet the start up, normal
operation, and shutdown operation needs of the turbine generator and to connect and disconnect
the external source from the rotor field winding. The excitation current is provided by an excitation
transformer and rectifier circuit.

The excitation control is based on an automatic digital voltage regulator (AVR), which controls the
ignition of thyristor bridges. The thyristor bridges provide a variable field current to the generator.
The equipment could be configured according to the needs of control. It can include different type
of regulation (2/2, automatic/manual channels….) and the number of power bridges can be
adapted according to the value of the field current.

The thyristors are monitored by dual channel AVR through an associated pulse generator. The
firing angle varies in a way that the exciter field current allows the generator voltage to remain
constant and equal to the set point of the voltage regulator.

The excitation system is connected to a DCS via field bus (MOBUS). This equipment is integrated
in one single, compact and reliable cubicle. This compact design avoids all wiring default and
ensures a good EMC behaviour.

The Automatic Voltage Regulating System:

Regulates the generator terminal voltage, maintain it within its specified limits, and match it to
the grid system voltage.
Stabilize the generator terminal voltage to keep the unit synchronized with the grid system.
Protect the generator from excessive thermal damage due to high current during an internal

The AVR protective functions includes:

Minimum Excitation Limit (MEL) - to keeps Gen stable and avoid under excitation.
Over Excitation Limit (OEL) - to protect field winding from overheating and avoid over-
Voltage per Frequency (VPF) - to limit voltage over frequency ratio to avoid over-excitation
Line Drop Compensator (LDC) – to increase generator voltage to normal (compensate
generator voltage drop due to the reactance of generator transformer)
Power System Stabilizer (PSS) - to suppress power swing

To control the stator voltage of generator and reactive power flow by adjusting the field
voltage and provides the necessary excitation power by means of high power thyristors.

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Main Component Function
Control Power Supply To ensure reliable control supply to excitation system. For this
purpose the system is fed from two different power supplies; 220V
DC battery and rectified power supply fed by the excitation
Excitation Power The excitation current is supplied by two different ways. The current
Supply can be supplied by an excitation transformer connected to the
generator output or by Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG).

In normal operation, the excitation transformer takes out power

directly from the output of the generator. The secondary coils of the
excitation transformer supply the field current. The thyristor bridge
modulates the average value of the field current to control the
generator voltage.

During the starting time, the remaining magnetic field of the

generator is not enough strong to produce an output voltage.
Therefore the excitation transformer cannot supply any current. The
rotor has to be powered by an external DC or AC rectified power
supply. The auxiliary source is often called Flashing circuit.
Field Flashing The function of the flashing is to supply the field current to the rotor
Excitation during the starting time of the generator. This current is provided
from a DC battery of from a rectified AC source. The power of the
source is sized in order to reach typically 15% of the rated generator
unload current. (This value can be adapted according to the type of
generator). The circuit will be opened when the generator voltage
reaches 50% of the rated voltage.
Over Voltage Protection The rotor over-voltage protection is done electronically by means of
plate – A350. This function allows to connect a non-linear resistor to
the rotor coils, in order to decrease quickly the generator excitation
in case of over voltage caused by short-circuit at the terminals ends
of the generator. The over voltage can be positive or negative;
therefore this function is performed by means of two (2) thyristor
connected top against bottom. The control of the thyristor is done by
plate – A350 and they are governed with an electronic special board
without any external power supply. When the over-voltage is
operating, the excitation thyristor bridges are forced in inverter.
Positive over voltage In case of a positive over-voltage, thyristor Th2 is in conduction and
protection mode the over voltage is weaken in the set of the resistors circuit.
Negative voltage In case of reverse power coming from the generator field coil, the
protection mode second thyristor Th1 is in conduction and the energy of the coil can
be unloaded in this circuit.
Field Unloading When the field disconnecting breaker is opening, the current of the
coil will unload through a resistor.
Thyristor Rectifier To rectify the voltage coming from the excitation transformer and to
modulate the average value of the generator field current.
Measurement The regulating system requires information to process the control
Description loops. The main values having to be measured are: Stator
generator voltage (VS1 – VS2 – VS3), Stator generator current
(IS1 – IS2 – IS3) and Rotor current (IR).
Voltage Regulator The Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) governs the output voltage
and increases the stability of the generator and keeps it in its
working limits. The AVR is a digital type and the regulation loops are
processed by CPU board called RDSP1. Several specific boards
are connected to the main CPU board and perform the electrical
Input/Output (Logical or analogous). These boards are included in
one closed single rack, which ensures a mechanical and EMC

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The main types of electronic boards are:
Type of board Purpose of the electronic board
RDSP1 CPU board based on DSP processor type
ARTN1 Display interface card
ESVI1 Input/Output board
- 16 logical inputs
- 12 analogous inputs
- 16 logical outputs
- 4 analogous outputs
E64L 64 logical input board (Option inputs card)
CPRT1 Thyristor control board (provide the ignition pulses)
MDMI1 Monitoring of loss of thyristor pulses
IRVI20 Generator value measurement card
BCSR1 Terminal board – 8 logical outputs (relay
BCEL2 Terminal board – 8 logical inputs
BCEA1 Terminal board – 8 analogue inputs
BCSA1 Terminal board – 8 analogue outputs
FRTN2 Interconnection bus

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Excitation System Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Generator Excitation (MKC)

Equipment Reading Unit
No-load field voltage U FO = 203 V
No-load field current I FO = 1954 A
Rated excitation voltage U FN = 622 V
Rated excitation current I FN = 5437 A
Ceiling voltage U pl = 1244 V
Controlled Rectifier Unit
Type GDK 280F160E24
Total number 4
Connection voltage 1040 V
Frequency 50 Hz
Nominal D.C. 5980 A
Maximum D.C. (10 s) 10870 A
Total number per bridge 6
Cooling forced air
Field Flashing
Voltage build-up rectifier KGDK 038S060M14
Supply voltage 415 V
Field flashing voltage 28 VG
Field flashing current 466 AG
Permissible field flashing 20 S
De-Excitation Equipment
Field breaker type single pole DC breaker
De-excitation resistor type Nonlinear
Number of resistors 4
Rotor Overvoltage Protection Equipment
Thyristor Type t.b.s
Pick-up voltage 2500 V
Voltage Regulator
Electronic voltage regulator PSR2
Number of channels 2
Excitation Transformer (MKC50-T1)
Manufacturer WTW
Type DTR205000
Design cast resin
Class of isolation F
Isolation level LI 125 AC 50
Cooling natural air
Vector group Yd5
Rated power 8760 Kva
Ratet frequency 50 Hz
Short circuit reactance 10 %
Primary rated voltage 23000 V prim.
Secondary rated voltage 1040 V sek.
Secondary rated current 4880 A sek.

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Operating Parameters
The normal start up sequence:
Generator Field Generator Comments
Breaker Breaker
Voltage Speed
0% 0% Opened Opened - Generator auxiliaries are ready.
- The normal regulator is
- All defaults are cleared.
0% <90 % of Opened Opened Start up:
nominal - The driven engine speed up the
speed generator until 90 % if the
nominal speed
0% =90 % of Closed Opened - The field breaker could be
nominal closed by an order from the
speed local Control Panel or from
remote system if all
authorization are present.
- The flashing breaker is
automatically closed.
► 50 % of = > 90 % of Closed Opened - Generator voltage rises unit 50
rated voltage speed % of nominal voltage. At this
voltage the excitation rectifier
are able to excite the generator
and the flashing breaker will be
100 % of 100 % Closed Closed - Adjust the generator to the
rated voltage network voltage with +Ex/-Ex
- Check the switch over of the
operating mode (auto/manual
and normal/standby).
The generator is ready for
100 % of 100 % Closed Closed - Voltage equalization and phase
rated voltage angle matching between the
generator and the network for
coupling, are performed by an
automatic synchronizing device
or by an operator using
synchronizing device.
100 % of 100 % Closed Closed - The active power supply to the
rated voltage network is modified by driven
engine load and the Reactive
power is adjusted by excitation

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5.3 11kv Electrical System

System Description

The power station is designed with auxiliary electrical supply system for supplying house load. The
electrical system is divided into medium and low voltage. The medium voltage is made up of 11kV
and 3.3 kV. The low voltage is made up of 415V and below which include 220V DC, 110V AC & DC
and 24V DC.

The 11kV system comprises the 11kV Unit Switchboards, 11kV Station Switchboards, and their
associated switchgear. It is supplied from the 23kV/11.5kV Unit Transformers via tee-off
connections from the Generator or Generator Transformer.

The 11kV Station Switchboard is supplied from one of the three 11kV Unit Switchboards. The
incomers are interlocked, including hardwire inhibits to ensure only one out of the three circuit
breakers can be closed at a time. Control of these breakers are either local or remote

To ensure no power interruption, transfer of incoming supply to the switchboards is designed with
No-Break Transfer Scheme. This feature momentarily overrides the protection interlock to enable
load transfer without loss of supply to either section of switchboards, thus in ensuring a bumpless

There are several options allow for this parallel transfer. However, the activity is only allows via
DCS operation from the operator workstation at CCR.

When the transfer logic is initiated, the interlock will override to enable temporarily paralleling of 2
out of 3 circuit breakers, before automatically open the circuit breaker to be taken out of service.
The whole transfer process is completed below 1 second.

In an event when the transfer is not successful within the time limit, the exercise will be aborted and
return to the pre-transfer configuration.

The 11kV system consists of six Unit Switchboards (two per each unit) and two Station
- To control and transmit power to the various 11 kV motors and loads via switchgear and
distribution systems within the power station.
- To provide normal electrical supplies to transformers for the lower voltage system.

Main Component Function

Vacuum Circuit VCB is the switching and interrupting device in switchgear
Breakers (VCB)
Current CTs are installed on the fixed portion of the switchgear and on the circuit
Transformers side for protection and metering purposes.
Voltage VTs are provided for the incomer panel and busbar in every switchboard
Transformers for metering as well as protection purposes.
Protection and To sense the fault in the system, compare the signal so obtained with the
metering relays reference signal under normal conditions of operation, and amplify the
error signal such that the trip coil of the circuit breaker is energized and
faulty section of the system is disconnected from the rest of the system.

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11kV Electrical System Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Item Vacuum Circuit Breaker

11kV Switchgear
Manufacturer Siemens
Switchgear Type 8BK20
Vacuum Circuit Breaker Type 3AH
Number of Poles 3
Rated Voltage, (kV rms) 12
Operational Voltage, (kV rms) 11
Rated Frequency (Hz) 50
Rated Current:-
Bus-bar (Amps) 3150
Incomer (Amps) 3150
Inter-connector (Amps) 1250
Transformer Feeder (Amps) 630
Motor Feeder (Amps) 1250,630
Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage (kV 28
Rated Lightning Impulse Voltage (kVp) 75
Rated Short Circuit Breaking Current (kA) 31.5
Rated Short Time Current (kA) 31.5
Rated Duration of Short Circuit (sec) 1
Rated Short Circuit Making Current (kA) 110
Operating Sequence O – 0.3 sec – CO – 3 min - CO

Protection & Permissive / Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

The 11kv Switchboards are provided with the following alarms:

11kV Switchboard Protection Relay Operated
11kV Switchboard Trip Circuit Supervisory (TCS) Fault
11kV Switchboard VT/DC Fuse Fault
11kv Switchboard Under-voltage Relay Operated

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5.4 3.3kV System

System Description

The 3.3kV electrical system is classified as medium voltage. The system is consisted of six Unit
Auxiliary Switchboards (two per Unit) and two Station Services Switchboards with A and B

The switchboard is provided with dual 11/3.45kV transformers, each transformer is rated to supply
100% running load, at either board A or B. This feature allows the flexibility for one of the boards
to be taken out of service for maintenance.

The design philosophy for this system is dual fed, i.e. it is supplied with two incomers and one bus
section. Protection features are electrically interlocked to allow only two out of three circuit
breakers to be closed at any one time to prevent paralleling of transformers.

To ensure no power interruption, transfer of incoming supply to the switchboards is designed

similar to that of 11kV i.e. with No-Break Transfer Scheme. This feature momentarily overrides the
protection interlock to enable load transfer without loss of supply to either section of switchboards,
thus in ensuring a bumpless transfer.

There are several options allow for this parallel transfer. However, the activity is only allows via
DCS operation from the operator workstation at CCR.

In the event of a failure of one 11/3.45kV Unit or Station auxiliary transformer, the Unit or Station
auxiliary switchboard can be supplied by the alternate transformer by closing the bus tie-breaker.

- To provide normal electrical supply at 3.3kV to motors rated between 200kW and
- To provide normal electrical supply to transformers for the lower voltage systems

Main Component Function

Vacuum Circuit VCB is the switching and interrupting device in switchgear
Breakers (VCB)
Current and Voltage CTs are fitted on each switchboard for protection and
Transformers (CT, VT) instrumentation

VTs (provided with primary & secondary fuses) are mainly used for
control and metering.
Protection and metering To sense the fault in the system, compare the signal so obtained
relays with the reference signal under normal conditions of operation, and
amplify the error signal such that the trip coil of the circuit breaker is
energized and faulty section of the system is disconnected from the
rest of the system.
Heating equipment To prevent condensation.

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3.3kV Electrical System Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Item Vacuum Circuit Breaker Vacuum Contactor

3.3 kV Switchgear
Manufacturer Siemens Siemens
Switchgear Type 8BK20 8BK30
Vacuum Circuit Breaker Type 3AH 3TL6
Number of Poles 3 3
Rated Voltage, (kV rms) 7.2 7.2
Operational Voltage, (kV rms) 3.3 3.3
Rated Frequency (Hz) 50 50
Rated Current
Busbar (Amps) 2000 2000
Incomer (Amps) 2000, 1250 -
Bus Section (Amps) 2000,1250 -
Motor Feeder (Amps) - 630
Rated Power Freq. Withstand Voltage (kV rms) 20 20
Rated Lightning Impulse Voltage (kVp) 60 60
Rated Short Circuit Breaking Current (kA) 31.5 -
Max. Cut-off Current of HV HRC Fuses (kA) - 63
Rated Short Time Current (kA/1s) 31.5 8
Rated Duration of Short Circuit (sec) 1 -
Rated Short Circuit Making Current (kA) 110 -
Operating Sequence O – 0.3 sec – CO – 3 min - CO

Protection & Permissive / Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

The 3.3kV Switchboards are provided with the following alarms:

3.3kV Switchboard Protection Relay Operated
3.3kV Switchboard Trip Circuit Supervisory (TCS) Fault
3.3kV Switchboard VT/DC Fuse Fault

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4.5 Low Voltage Electrical Distributing System

System Description

The low voltage distributing system refers to system consumers with voltage 415V and below.

The 415V system is consisted of 24 Unit Switchboards (eight switchboards per unit) and 16
Station Switchboards as following:

Unit 11/0.433kV Switchboards (For each Unit)

415V Turbine Area and Unit Essential Supplies Switchboard A and B
415V Precipitator Area Switchboard A and B
415V Unit Boiler Coal & Ash Area Switchboard A and B
FGD Area Switchboard A and B

Common 11/0.433kV Switchboards

415V Station Services Switchboard A and B
415V Station Essential Switchboard A and B
415V Water Treatment Plant Area Switchboard A and B
415V C.W. Pump-house Area Switchboard A and B
415V Waste Water Treatment Plant Switchboard A and B
415V Station Coal & Ash Area Switchboard A and B
415V Fuel Oil Pump-house Area Switchboard A and B
415V Administration Area Switchboard
415V Workshop Area Switchboard

The 415V Unit Switchboards are supplied from the 11kV Unit Switchboard Feeders via an
11kV/433V auxiliary transformer while the Common Switchboards from the 11kV Station
Switchboard Feeders via an 11kV/433V auxiliary transformer.

The 415V Station Essential Switchboards are connected to the 415V Turbine Area & Unit
Essential Supplies Switchboards to maintain supplies to essential loads during total power station
The design philosophy for 415V distributing systems is either dual fed or single fed. When a
system requires redundancy, dual fed system is designed and connected to separate 11kV
switchboards A and B of the Unit or Station Switchboards as appropriate.

Single fed system is designed where system redundancy is considered not necessary. Under this
system, there will be momentary supply interruption when one single source of incomer fails.

Where system is designed with dual fed, it is supplied with two incomers and one bus section.
Protection features are electrically interlocked to allow only two out of three circuit breakers to be
closed at any one time to prevent paralleling of transformers.

To ensure no power interruption, transfer of incoming supply to the switchboards is designed

similar to that of 11kV and 3.3kV i.e. with No-Break Transfer Scheme. This feature momentarily
overrides the protection interlock to enable load transfer without loss of supply to either section of
switchboards, thus in ensuring a bumpless transfer.

There are several options allow for this parallel transfer. However, the activity is only allows via
DCS operation from the operator workstation at CCR.

In the event of a failure of one 11kV/433V Unit or Station auxiliary transformer, the Unit or Station
Auxiliary Switchboard can be supplied by the alternate transformer by closing the bus tie-breaker.

As an additional back up to provide essential supplies during power station blackout, the 415V
Station Essential Switchboard is also supplied by four Emergency Diesel Generators.

The low voltage system also provides:

110V DC system for switchgear control and protection system supplies
220V DC system for DC motors
110V UPS system for essential control and instrumentation supplies
24V DC for DCS process voltage

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Purpose To provide normal electrical supplies at 415V and below
To provide essential supplies for unit/station emergency shutdown at 415V.

Main Component Function

11kV/433V Step down 11kV supplies to 415V.
Busbars To supply the load circuits via vertical riser bars mounted in the cubicles.
Circuit Breaker A mechanical switching device, capable of making, carrying and breaking current
Units under normal circuit condition and also making, carrying for a specified time and
breaking currents under specified abnormal conditions i.e. short circuit.
Incomer, Bus Section, Inter-connector, Feeder and EDG switchboards are fitted
with ACB.
Motor Starter Units The Motor Starter consists of withdraw able (sized up to 6 space unit - SU) and
fixed (sized above 6 SU) type Motor Control Centre.
Most of the motor starters are AC controlled except for a few essential motors
that are DC controlled
Fuse-switch Used for circuits/loads that require three phase and neutral supply only from
Feeders the switchboard.
MCCB Feeders Circuits/loads rated above 400A that require only power supply are fed via
fixed type moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) with earth fault protection.
Electrically Held Used on circuits other than motor starters where control from the MCC is
Contactor (EHC) required. They are similar to MCCs except that there are no overload relays
Feeders fitted. Fuses protect the contactor feeder load.
Current and CTs are fitted on each switchboard for protection and instrumentation
Transformers VTs (provided with primary & secondary fuses) are mainly used for control and
Protection Systems Protection against Earth faults and LV winding temperature protection on
and Inter-tripping transformer.
(interface to the
11kV Switchgear) Overload and earth faults protection on the interconnection between the Station
Essential Services Switchboards and the Turbine Area & Unit Essential Supplies

All motor starters are fitted with Thermal Overload and Motor Protection relays
Emergency Diesel To provide essential supplies during power station blackout.
Generator 2 units each for 415V Station Essential Switchboard A and B

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415V Electrical System Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification
2.5 MVA 11/0.433kV Transformers
Manufacturer Alstom
Rating (MVA) 2.5
Voltage Ratio (at no load): 11000/433
Rated Current (A): HV: 131.2, LV: 3333.4
Number of Phases: 3
Frequency (Hz): 50
Lighting Impulse Withstand (kV): HV: 75, LV: -
Power Frequency Withstand (kV): HV: 28, LV: 3
Highest System Voltage for Equipment (kV): HV: 12, LV: 1.1
Guaranteed Impedance at 75°C (%) 6.25
Guaranteed No Load Losses (Watts) 3,900
Guaranteed Full Load Losses at 75°C (Watts) 18,000
Vector Group: Dyn1
Tapping Range HV/LV (%) +5.0 to -5.0 in steps of 2.5%
Cooling: AN
Insulation Temperature Class: HV: F, LV: H
Maximum Ambient (°C) 40
Overall Cubicle Dimensions (mm): Width: 2200
Height: 3170
Length: 3000
Total Weight (kg): 6550
IP Rating of Enclosure 00
Symmetrical rms System Fault Level (kA) 55, 65
Asymmetrical Peak System Fault Level (kAp) 165, 190
System Fault Duration 1
Transformer Finish Colour BS 381C, Shade 631 Light Grey

2.0 MVA 11/0.433kV Transformers

Manufacturer: Alstom
Rating (MVA): 2.0
Voltage Ratio (at no load) 11000/433
Rated Current (A): HV: 104.9, LV: 2.666.7
Number of Phases: 3
Frequency (Hz): 50
Lighting Impulse Withstand (kV): HV: 75, LV: -
Power Frequency Withstand (kV): HV: 28, LV: 3
Highest System Voltage for Equipment (kV): HV: 12, LV: 1.1
Guaranteed Impedance at 75°C (%) 6.25
Guaranteed No Load Losses (Watts) 3,000
Guaranteed Full Load Losses at 75 15,000
Vector Group: Dyn1
Tapping Range HV/LV (%): +5.0 to -5.0 in step of 2.5%
Cooling: AN
Insulation Temperature Class: HV: F, LV: H
Maximum Ambient (°C): 40
Overall Cubicle Dimensions (mm): Height : 3170
Length: 3000
Width : 2200
Total Weight (kg) : 5310
IP Rating of Enclosure 00
Symmetrical rms System Fault Level (kA) 45
Asymmetrical Peak System Fault Level (kAp) 125
System Fault Duration (second): 1
Transformer Finish Colour: BS 381C, Shade 631 Light Grey

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1.0MVA 11/0.433kV Transformers
Manufacturer : Alstom
Rating (MVA) : 1.0
Voltage Ratio (at no load) : 11000/433
Rated Current (A): HV: 52.5, LV: 1,333.4
Number of Phases: 3
Frequency (Hz): 50
Lighting Impulse Withstand (kV): HV: 75, LV: -
Power Frequency Withstand (kV): HV: 28, LV: 3
Highest System Voltage for Equipment (kV): HV: 12, LV: 1.1
Guaranteed Impedance at 75°C (%) 5
Guaranteed No Load Losses (Watts): 1,750
Guaranteed Full Load Losses at 75°C (Watts) 8,200
Vector Group: Dyn1
Tapping Range HV/LV (%): +5.0 to – 5.0 in steps of 2.5%
Cooling: AN
Insulation Temperature Class: HV: F, LV: H
Maximum Ambient (°C): 40
Overall Cubicle Dimensions (mm) Width : 2200
Height: 3170
Length: 3000
Total Weight (kg): 2850
IP Rating of Enclosure 00
Symmetrical rms System Fault Level (kA) 28, 30
Asymmetrical Paek system Fault Level (kAp) 75, 80
System Fault Duration (second): 1
Transformer Finish Colour: BS 381C, Shade 631 Light Grey

630kVA 11/0.433kV Transformers

Manufacturer : Alstom
Rating (kVA) 630
Voltage Ration (at no load): 11000/433
Rated Current (A): HV: 33.1, LV: 840
Number of Phases: 3
Frequency (Hz): 50
Lighting Impulse Withstand (kV) HV: 75, LV: -
Power Frequency Withstand (kV): HV: 28, LV: 3
Highest System Voltage for Equipment (kV) HV: 12, LV: 1.1
Guaranteed Impedance at 75°C (%) Tba
Guaranteed No Load Losses (Watts): 1,500
Guaranteed Full Load Losses at 75°C (Watts): 6,500
Vector Group: Dyn1
Tapping Range HV/LV (%) +5.0 to -5.0 in steps of 2.5%
Cooling: AN
Insulation Temperature Class: HV: F, LV: H
Maximum Ambient (°C): 40
Overall Cubicle Dimensions (mm): Width : 2200
Height : 3170
Length: 3000
Total Weight (kg): 2850
IP Rating of Enclosure 00
Symmetrical rms System Fault Lebel (kA) 20
Asymmetrical Peak System fault Level (kAp) 55
System Fault Duration (second): 1
Transformer Finish Colour: BS 381C, Shade 631 Light Grey

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415V Switchboard
Manufacturer Tamco Corporate Holdings Sdn. Bhd
Rated Voltage (V): 415
Rated Busbar Current (A): 3500
Frequency (Hz): 50
Rated Short Time Withstand & Peak Withstand Current (kA):
All Unit 415V Switchboards & 09BFM, 09BFN 80/176kA for 1 second
Station 415V SwitchBoards (except 09BFA, 09BFB, 09BMA, 80/205Ka for 1 second
Station 415V Switchboards (09FA, 09BFB, 09BMA, 09BMB) 50/105kA for 1 second

Control Supplies : 110V DC

Busbar Phase Identification Red, Yellow, Blue (A,B,C)
Anti Condensation Heater : One heater per cubicle
Switchboard finish Colour: BS 381C, Shade 631 Light Grey

Air Circuit Breakers

Manufacturer: Tamco Corporate Holdings Sdn Bhd.
Number of Poles 3
Rated Voltage: 415V
Rated Normal Current and Beaking Capacity 1250A, 85kA
(various ratings) at 40°C 1600A, 65kA, 100kA
2500A, 100kA
4000A, 100kA
500A, 100kA
Temperature Rise at Rated Normal Current : 65°C
Number of Breaks per Phase: 1
Type of Main Contact: Top Contact Block
Arc Breaking Medium: Air
Rating of Heaters 80W
Operating Mechanism Motor Wound Spring
Normal Voltage Spring Release Coil: 110V DC
Normal Voltage of Spring Charging Motor 110V DC
Tripping Coil:
Normal Voltage: 110V DC
Minimum Voltage: 100V DC
Power Required to release spring 15W
Manual Trip for Emergency Operation: Yes

Protection & Permissive / Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

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6. Auxiliary
6.1 Main Cooling Water (MCW) System

System Description

The MCW pumps are located in the CW Pumphouse. The pumps draw seawater from
submerged intake which extended 1400m offshore from the Malacca Straits. The seawater
passes through an intake filtration system consisting of Bar Screens & Raking Machine and
rotating Bandscreens where debris and marine life are filtered out. The CW intake is also
equipped with stop-gates for maintenance purpose. Sodium Hypochlorite is dosed at the
uoffshore CW intake and at the pump fore bay to control micro and microbiological fouling of
the CW system.

The CW discharges into a common manifold with motorized valves connection, into a square
section concrete culvert, bifurcates before condenser inlet, pass through the condensers,
combines after outlet and runs in individual pipes to the FDG aeration basin where a portion
of the seawater is pumped to the FGD absorber tower. The seawater picks up dissolved
sulfur dioxide and other soluble gases contained in the flue gas and returns to the aeration
basin where air is blown in to oxidize the dissolved SO 2 into harmless sulphate ions.

A sea weir is provided at the outlet from the FDG aeration basin, which controls the working
level in the aeration basin. The condenser cooling water returns to the sea via a common
open discharge channel which connects the FDG aeration basin with the onshore discharge

In order to maintain the CW pipe work between the CW Pump and Condenser is constantly
flooded even when the CW Pump is shutdown, a seal loop is provided with a siphon break valve.

The seawater supplies to filtration system and electro chlorination are tapped from the manifold
while supply to Auxiliary Cooling System is tapped from each CW inlet culvert.

The CW system is installed with ball type on-load Condenser Tube Cleaning equipment to
facilitate condenser tubes inner surface cleaning.

During initial start-up of CW system, Condenser Water-box Priming System helps in priming
the CW system while CW Stuffing Box provides filtered service water for sealing of the

As a protection to the piping, impressed current Catholic Protection system is installed on the
inlet/outlet piping and ball strainers and consists of one transformer/rectifier power supply, four
junction boxes, 58 platinized-titanium anodes, 12 zinc reference electrodes and the associated
interconnect cabling. The platinized titanium anodes and zinc reference electrodes are mounted
on the inlet/outlet piping and the ball strainers in the receptacles provided.

To supply filtered seawater:

- As cooling water to steam turbine condensers
- As cooling water to ACW/CCCW Coolers
- As cooling water to Slag Extraction System Coolers
- As cooling water to Liquid Ring Pumps Seal Water Coolers
- As supply water to electro-chlorination plant process
- As wash water for CW screening system

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Main Component Function
The Bar Screens are installed upstream to fine bandscreens to
trap any large debris which may otherwise enter the screening
Bar Screens & Raking
channels and damage the fine bandscreens.
The Raking Machine is to rake and remove debris on the screens.
The stop-gates are installed into the inlet end of each screening
Stop-gates channel upstream from the coarse bar screen to provide isolation
of the straining channel.
Positioned in the screening channels to prevent debris reaching
the main cooling water pumps
CW Stuffing Box System To provide sealing water for CWP.
CW Screen Wash Water
To provide cleaning water to bandscreen
To deliver required quantity of seawater to Condenser, ACW, ECP,
CW Pump (CWP) Slag Extraction System Coolers, Liquid Ring Pumps Seal Water
Coolers and wash water for CW Screening System.
CW Condenser To remove heat release as a result when steam condenses.
Condenser Tube To constantly clean the inner surface of condenser tubes
Cleaning System
Catholic Protection Protection against metal pipe corrosion.
CW Waterbox Priming To raise vacuum in the condenser outlet water-boxes to facilitate
System priming of CW system during start-up.
Interceptor Tank To acts as a safety device between the condenser and vacuum
pump and thereby protecting the vacuum pumps from seawater
Dewatering Pumps These are electrically operated pump units aim to maintain sump

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Main Cooling System Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Main Cooling Water Pump Main Cooling Water Motor

Alstom Elect-Machine
Manufacturer Alstom F & M Manufacturer: Ltd. United Kingdom
Mixed Flow
Concrete Volute N31RYC 1120G
Type Pump Type 200V5
6 units (2 x 50% for 6 units (2 x 50% for
Quantity each unit) Quantity each unit)
Rated Flow: 14.7 m /sec Motor Speed: 296 RPM
Rated Head: 15.0m Output Power: 3000 kW
Pump Speed: 296 RPM Power Factor: 0.81
Pump basement
Level -10m Motor Amps: 210 A
Max Permissible
back Spin Speed 474 rpm Motor Voltage: 11 kV
Max Permissible
back Spin Time 5 min Power Consumption: 510Kw
Position Vertical Applicable Std IEC
Stopgates Bandscreen
Manufacturer Bracket Green Manufacturer Bracket Green
Quantity 6 Quantity 6
Dimension 5m (W) x 5m (H) Type DF2800/2500
Effective Screen
Weight Approx 7 tonnes Width 2.8m
Leakage Rate 0.2 l/sec Back Opening Width 2.5m
Mess Opening Size 5mm
Number of Mesh
Material Carbon Steel Panel 67
Number of Screen
Sections 8
No. of Washwater
Lifting Beam 18 tonnes Jets 20
Normal Flow Through
Opening 14.7 m /sec Washwater Quantity 710 litres/minq
Normal Velocity Washwater Pressure
Through Opening 0.59 m/sec At Jetpipe 1.7 bar
Bandscreen Motor Screen Nominal Speed 5 & 10 m/min
Screen Capacity 14.7 m /sec
Manufacturer Brook Hansen Total Headloss 157mm
2 speed dual wound
Type induction Deck Level 7.0m
Rated Power 8.5/17.0 kW Channel Width 6.0m
Rated Speed 750/1500 rpm Minimum Immersion 8.3m
Double Reduction
Rated Voltage 415V Gear Box Type Worm
Anti Condensation
Heater Supply 240V 1ph 50Hz Gear Reduction 630:1
Bar Screen Raking Machine
Manufacturer Brackett Green Quantity 1
Type Vertical bars Height Above Floor 4.6m
Dimension 7m (H) x 5m (W) Traversing Drives 2 x 0.2/0.8 kW
No. of Screen
Sections 7 Traverse Speed 5/20 m/min
Bar Spacing 50mm gap Hoisting Drive 1 x 2.8/5.6 kW
Design Differential 1.5m Spindle Lifting Gear 1 x 2.2 kW

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Technical Specification

Interceptor Tank
Design Pressure 2.0 barg
Design Temperature 40 C
Service Pressure 0.1 barg
Gross Capacity 0.08 m
Wash water System Strainer
Number Installed 4 Number Installed 4
Manufacturer Ingersoll Dresser Manufacturer Brackett Brieden
Model IOO-65CPX160 Model BRF-S 3307
Capacity 1420 litres/min Capacity 1420 litres/min
Suction Pressure 5m positive Filtration 2mm
Discharge Pressure 40m Pressure Drop 0.2 bar (clean)
0.5 bar (before
Pump Speed 2900 rev/min Motor Power 0.12kW
Motor Power 18.5kW Motor Supply 415V 3ph 50Hz

Power Supply 415V 3 ph 50Hz Anti-Condensation 240V l ph 50Hz

Cathodic Protection System
Type Impressed current No. Anode 58 platinized-titanium
Location CW inlet & outlet pipe No. Electrodes 12 zinc
and ball strainer
Transformer/Rectifi Convert AC to DC - -
CW Pump Stuffing Box Drain Pump CW System Culvert Dewatering Pump
Manufacturer KSB Ltd Manufacturer KSB Ltd
Installation Submersible Installation Submersible
Fluid Type Sea Water Fluid Type Sea Water
3 3
Flow 5 m /h Flow 100 m /h
Pressure 1 bar Pressure 1 bar
Speed 1450 rpm Speed 1450 rpm
CW System Intake Dewatering Pump CW System Culvert Dewatering Pump
Manufacturer KSB Ltd Manufacturer KSB Ltd.
Installation Submersible Type Submersible
Fluid Type Sea Water Motor Voltage 415 V
Large Pump Flow 250 m /h Rated Current 15.8 A
Small Pump Flow 100 m /h Motor Power 7.5 kW
Rate Power (Large) 16 kW Rotation Speed 1450 rpm
Rated Power 7.5 kW Max Allowable 6.0 bar
(Small) working Pressure

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Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip
Description Normal Alarm Trip
HA:0.21 bar
ACW Filter Backflushing <0.1 bar backflushing) -
Auto start when dp > 225mm
Auto stop when dp <175mm
Fast speed when dp >275mm
Low speed when dp <225mm
Max Flow Limit : 17.64 m /sec
Bandscreen Max dp : 1.0m
Bar Screens Differential High - HA:1.5m -
Capable of maintaining 97% TMCR output but the CW
outlet temperature might not fulfilled environmental
One CW Pump in operation requirement.
CW Inlet Temperature 29 C - -
CW Outlet Temperatue 36.1 C - -
CW Suction Chamber Level - LA : -3.4 m LLA: -3.9m (CWP)
0 0 0
CW Thrust bearing 91 C HA:95 C HHA:105 C
0 0
CW Pump Winding Temperature 79.18 C HA:130 C -
CW Pump Bottom Bearing
0 0
Temperature 68.78 C HA:80 C -
Absorber Pump Bearing
0 0
Temperature 50.23 C HA:90 C -
Absorber Sump Level 1.71m HA: 2.40m -
Absorber Pump Outlet Pressure 1.0 bar HA: 4.0 bar CWP
Loss of 11kV - - -
Very High Differential Level Across a
Band/or Bar Screen - - HHA:1.0m/1.5m (CWP)
Band Screen Differential Level High - - HHA:750mm

Protection & Permissive

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6.2 Closed Circuit Cooling Water System

System Description

The Closed Circuit Cooling Water (CCCW) System is a closed circuit and water is circulated
around the system by 2 x100% pumps. The water passes through 3 x 50% coolers where its
heat is taken away by the Auxiliary Cooling Water (ACW) system. It is circulated to the
systems by a network of pipes and returned to the pump suction by another network of

The system has an elevated „Emergency Head tank‟ connected to the suction of the pumps.
It acts as an expansion vessel and a store of water for emergency cooling of the Boiler
Circulation Pumps & BFP in an event of loss of CCCW Pumps. Make up to the tank is
provided from the demineralised water distribution system.

The system is also installed with a ‟Head Tank‟ located at +30m level. This tank serves to
reduce static head in order to meet the pressure requirements of water to the generator
hydrogen coolers.

A „Hydrogen Separator Tank‟ is provided on the outlet side of the generator H2 coolers which
removes any hydrogen that may have ingresses into the system and vents it safely to


To supply cooling water and to remove heat from the following unit equipment and transfer it
to the ACW system:
BFP Coolers
CEP Coolers
Heater Drain Recovery Pump Cooler
Generator Hydrogen Cooler System
Generator Stator Water Cooling System
Generator Brushgear Cooling System
Generator Seal Oil System
Control Fluid Supply Coolers
Turbine Generator Lube Oil Coolers
Sampling Room Coolers & Analysers
Boiler Equipment Coolers; consisting of PAF, FDF, IDF lube oil &hydraulic unit coolers,
Flame TV, BC Pumps, Coal Mill motor bearings, Coal Mill oil coolers, Coal Mill gear box
oil, AH gearbox oil, Boiler Blowdown cooling, and BFP & BCP seals.

Main Component Function Remark

To act as stored water for emergency cooling to 1 tank
Emergency Head Tank
BCP & BFP when CCCW pumps failed.
Head Tank To act as static head to hydrogen coolers 1 tank
CCCW Pumps To supply cooling water to all unit equipment 2 x 100%
ACW Cooler To cool the cooling water 3 x 50%
To separate and remove any leak hydrogen to 1 tank
Vacuum Seal Oil Tank

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CCCW Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Closed Circuit Cooling Water Pump Closed Circuit Cooling Water Motor
Manfacturer Ingersoll Dresser Manufacturer Alstom
Quantity 2 x 100% per unit Type Asynchronous
Type Centrifugal Rated Output 510 kW
Axis Position Horizontal Rated Voltage 3.3 kV
Fluid Demin Water Speed 1500 rpm
Temperature 50 C max Design Std IEC
Manometric Head 50 mFC
Discharge Pressure 10 barg
Capacity 3000 m /h
Emergency Head Tank Head Tank
Position Horizontal Position Horizontal
3 3
Capacity 50 m Capacity 2m
Length 9.0m Length 2.95m
Diameter 2.8m Diameter 2.4m
Design Code ASME V111 Design Code ASME V111
Material Carbon Steel Material Carbon Steel
Hydrogen/Water Separator Tank
Position Vertical Diameter 1.6m
Capacity 1.6 m Design Code ASME V111
Length 2.84m Material Carbon Steel

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Normal Alarm Trip
Emergency Head Tank Level 1875-2320mm LA:1775mm LLA: 1355mm
HH: 2420mm Pump Trip
Head Tank Level 590mm LA : 400mm -
HA : 700mm
0 0
CCCW Water Cooler Outlet 34.6 C HA : 45 C -

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Protection & Permissive

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6.3 Auxiliary Cooling Water (Acw) System

System Description

The Auxiliary Cooling Water (ACW) is an open loop system taking seawater from the CW pump
discharge at the turbine hall. The seawater is pumped by 2 x 100% Booster Pumps, passed
through 2 x 100% automatic filters and delivered to the closed circuit cooling water system,
condenser vacuum pump seal water coolers and slag extraction system. It is then discharged
back to the main CW pipelines downstream of the condenser. The automatic backwash filters
acts to remove debris that may have been passed the main CW screening system. The flushing
cycle is initiated on either time elapsed or pressure differential.


To provide cooling water and remove heat from the following systems :
- Closed Circuit Cooling Water System
- Condenser Vacuum System Pumps
- Slag Extraction System (Submersible Scrapper Conveyor)

Main Component Function Remark

Auxiliary Cooling Water To deliver the required cooling water to the 2 x 100%
Pumps ACW system
Back Flushing Filters To remove debris 2 x 100%
Closed Cooling Water 3 x 50%
To remove heat from the CCCW system.
Vacuum Liquid Ring Pump 2 x 100%
To remove heat from the system.
Seal Water Coolers
Slag Extraction System 2 x 100%
To remove heat from the system.

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ACW Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Auxiliary Cooling Water Pump Auxiliary Cooling Water Motor

Manufacturer Weir Pumps Ltd Manufacturer Brook Crompton
Type Centrifugal Type Alternating 3 Phase
Quantity 2 x100% per Unit Rated Output 160 kW
Position Horizontal Rated Voltage 415 V
Rated Flow: 3427 m /hr Speed 740 rpm
Min Flow 1500 m /hr Rated Current 303 A
Rated Head: 9.0 m Design Std BS4999/BS5000
Max Pressure 2.8 barg Insulation F Class
Degree of Filtration 2 mm
CCW Heat Exchanger Backwash Filter
Manufacturer SWEP Ltd Manufacturer Bernoulli
Quantity 3 x 50% for each Unit Quantity 2 per unit
Type GX-85P Plate & Type BSG500
Frame Heat
Medium Demin Water Nature of Fluid Seawater
3 3
Volume Mass 990.5 kg/m Flow rate 3000 m /h
Flow/Exchanger 1550 m /h Head Loss <21kpa
3 2
Fouling Factor 0.032°C/m /kW Filtering Surface 2.6 m
Inlet Pressure 7 barg Mess Dimension 2mm
Secondary Fluid Seawater Pressure Drop Clean <0.1 bar
Exchange Surface 366.7 m Construction Std PLN PRN/BS5500
Exchange Coefficient 6766 W/m /°C Filtering material 316L

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Normal Alarm Trip
Loss of 415V power supply to ACW - - Trip
Loss of 415V control power supply Pump will continue in operation if running
Loss of 24V DC Control Voltage Pump & Backflush Filters will continue in operation if
running but DCS will be invalidated.
ACW Pump Winding Temperature 83.28°C HA: 90°C -
Backwash Filter Differential Pressure <0.1 bar HA: 0.21 bar -

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Protection & Permissive

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6.4 Condenser Tube Cleaning (CTC) System

System Description

The system consists of 2 Ball Strainers, 1 recirculation Unit, 1 Distributor & 4 Ball Injectors. The
system provides continuous cleaning of condenser internal tube surfaces by constant circulation of
sponge rubber balls having a diameter slightly larger than the tube diameter. These sponge rubber
balls are injected into the cooling water inlet. The water flow carries them into the inlet water
boxes, then through the tubes, and finally into the ball strainers located at the cooling water outlet.
From there, they are extracted and pumped through the ball collectors and back to the cooling
water inlet. The ball collectors allows collection of the sponge rubber balls prior to backwash of the
strainer grids.

The Condenser Tube Cleaning System is capable to operate either in automatic mode, or in hand


To maintain condenser tube cleanliness for better heat transfer.

Main Component Function

Ball Strainer To remove/trap the cleaning balls out from the cooling water flow
downstream of the condenser.
Ball Recirculation Unit To recycle sponge balls for continuous condenser tube cleaning.
Ball Collector To collect sponge balls
Ball Injector & Distributor To inject ball into CW system and to distribute the ball injection.
Differential Pressure Pressure nozzles connected to strainer to estimate fouling variation.

Technical Specification

Ball Collector Distributor

Manufacturer TECHNOS Number 1 per unit
Number 1 per unit Inlet Diameter 100 mm
Diameter 400 mm Outlet Diameter 80 mm
Height 600 mm Material CS + rubber lining
Design Pressure 6.3 bar abs. Strainer
Ball Characteristics Number 4 per unit
Type ST19N1 Type Vortex Chamber
Material Sponge rubber Nos. of Screens 2
Nos. of ball 3600 per unit Drive Electric Actuator
Ball Diameter 19mm /Inclination 25°
Service Life 700 hour
Ball Recirculation Pump Ball recirculation Motor
Type Double Channel Manufacturer ABB
Number 1 per system Type M2AA 132 M4
Flow Rate 120 m /h Rated Power 7.5 kW
Motor Output 7.5kW Rated Voltage 415V
Rotation Speed 1450 rpm Nominal Current 14.5A

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Setting

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Normal Alarm Trip
Diameter of Ball 19 mm Replace ball when diameter is 18 mm
Average No. of Chargers 12 per year - -
Strainer Diff Pressure < 15 mbar HA:>15 mbar -
Routine backwash - HA:> 30 mbar -
Emergency Backwash - HA:> 50 mbar -

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6.5 Electrochlorination Plant & System

System Description

Seawater from CWP discharge header passes through five hydrocyclones primary seawater
filters and into Seawater Booster Pump Break Tank. Three Seawater Booster Pumps (2 duty
1standby) draw seawater from Booster Pump Break Tank, passes through 2 automated
strainers and supplies to the 3 x 50% duty Sodium Hypochlorite units.

Each of the Sodium Hypochlorite Generator Unit consists of 3 pass Hypochlorite Skid with
series of electrodes connected to a low voltage transformer rectifier.

As seawater enters through the cell, electrolysis takes place between these electrodes and
the seawater. As a result, sodium hypochlorite is produced with hydrogen as a by-product.

The product sodium hypochlorite is stored in storage tanks where hydrogen is detrained,
diluted by mechanical ventilation and released to atmosphere.

Four Sodium Hypochlorite Dosing Pumps (3 duty 1 standby) are used to inject sodium
hypochlorite into 3 common Power Station Sea Suctions through volume control valves.

Two Shock Dosing Pumps (1 duty 1 standby) delivers a short duration high dose rate to the
Power Station Sea Suctions with the ability to shock dose the forebay during periods when
circulating pumps are not in service.

The system is also equipped with Acid Cleaning Skid for the cleaning of the Hypochlorite
Generator skid units and caustic neutralization facility for off line cleaning of the generation

Control of the plant is achieved by an Electrolyser Control Panel containing a PLC system
that ensures Sodium Hypochloride is being produced and dosed at the correct concentration.

To generate Sodium Hypochlorite used in treating the circulating water to inhibit algae and other
marine growth.

Main Component Function Remark

Hydrocyclones primary To remove primary particles/rubbish prior to 5 units
seawater filters Hypochlorite Generator Units
Seawater Booster Pump To provide seawater storage for the booster 1 unit
Break Tank pump
Seawater booster pump To act as a finer filter prior to Hypochlorite 2 strainers
automated strainer Generator Units
Seawater booster pump To supply seawater to the Hypochlorite 3 x 50%
Generator Units
Hypochlorite Generator To produce Sodium Hypochlorite from sea 3 units
Units water electrolysis process.
Transformer Rectifier To produce high DC current for electrolysis 3 units
Hypochlorite Storage To store sodium hypochlorite storage ready 2 tanks
Tank for dosing
Hydrogen Dilution Fan To remove hydrogen that is present as a by 2 fans each tank
product and to vent the gas out to
Hydrogen Monitor To detect present of hydrogen and provide
System an alarm if the hydrogen level exceeds
permissible and to shutdown the
Electrochlorination system if the gas level is
beyond permissible.
Hypochlorite Dosing To discharge hypochlorite for dosing 4 x 30%
Shock Dosing Pump To provide short duration high dosing 2 x 100%
Acid Cleaning Skid To clean Hypochlorite Generation Skid units 1 unit
Residual Chlorine To constantly monitor main condenser 3 sets

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Analyser residual chlorine
Electro-chlorination To provide power supply and PLC control of -
Control Panel the whole Electro-chlorination system

Technical Specification

Hydrocyclones Sea Water Booster Pump

Manufacturer Dorr Oliver Manufacturer Ingersoll Dresser
Quantity 5 x 20% Quantity 3 x 50%
Type FR12 Seawater Break Tank
Material CI + rubber insert Manufacturer Severn Trent Service
Feed Pressure Max 4.0 bar Capacity 3.9 m
Overflow Diameter 125mm Pressure Atmospheric
Underflow Diameter 25 mm Material 4mm UPVC Liner
Resin: Polymer
Sea Water Strainer Automatic Backwash Filter
Manufacturer Brackett Green Manufacturer Brackett Brieden
Quantity 2 units Quantity 2
Flow rate 224 m /h Type BRFS 3313
Clean filter head 0.3 bar Filtration 500 um
Foul filter head loss 0.5 bar Pressure loss clean <0.2 bar
Mess Dimension 0.5 mm Pressure loss foul 0.5 bar
Motor Rating 0.12 kW
Sodium Hypochlorite Storage Tank Hydrogen Dilution Blower
Manufacturer SILOTANK Manufacturer Furness Fans Ltd
Quantity 2 units Quantity 4
Capacity 110 m Type 610 CMV Fan
Diameter 3.85 m Flow rate 14,050 m /h
Height 9.45 m Rated Power 5.5 kW
Continuous Dosing Pump Shock Dosing Pump
Manufacturer Ingersoll Dresser Manufacturer Ingersoll Dresser
Quantity 4 Quantity 2
Type Centrifugal Type Centrifugal
3 3
Flow rate 62.5 m /h Flow rate 186 m /h
Rated Power 4 kw Rated Power 30 Kw
NPSH required 1.7m NPSH reuired 2.7m
3 3
Min Flow 17.3 m /h Min Flow 84.6 m /h
Speed 1480 rpm Speed 1485 rpm
Voltage Transformer Acid Wash Pump
Manufacturer SEA Manufacturer Beresford Pumps Ltd
Quantity 3 Model M200PP
Rated Voltage 11kV Quantity 2
Primary Connection Delta Type Centrifugal
Secondary Star Flow rate 4.3 m /h
Temperature rise 100 C Rated Power 1.1 kW
Winding Aluminium Speed 2800 rpm
Dimension 1.75m x 1.02m x Fluid 32% HCl
Chlorine Analyser Sample Pump
Manufacturer Beresford Pumps
Quantity 3
Type Centrifugal
Flow rate 0.27 m /h
Rated Power 0.37 kW
Speed 1390 rpm
Rated Voltage 110V
Material Stainless Steel

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Electrochlorination Schematic Diagram

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6.6 Compressed Air System

System Description

The power plant is provided with a decentralized compressed air system in order to provide a high
level of redundancy and reliability.

Each unit is provided with :

2 x 100% rotary instrument air compressors for turbine and boiler
2 x 100% rotary instrument air compressors for FGD plant
2 x 100% rotary instrument air compressors for coal plant
2 x 100% rotary instrument air compressors for ash handling plant
While the common auxiliary is provided with:
2 x 100% reciprocating instrument air compressors for WWTP plant
3 x 50% rotary instrument air compressors for WTP plant
3 x 50% rotary instrument air compressors for service air

Each pair of instrument air compressors is equipped with 1 wet air receiver, 2 instrument air
receivers and 2 twin tower desiccant air dryer. While the service air is equipped with 2 wet

The compressors are supplied with all the equipment required for safe and efficient operation.
This includes electric drive motor, air intake, inlet loading head, first stage compression elements,
air-to-air intercooler, second stage compression elements, air-to-air after cooler, NRV, and all
associated internal instrumentation enclosed in an acoustic enclosure.

Air is drawn into the compressor through an inlet filter, into the first stage rotor where first stage
compression is achieved. The air passes through intercooler where compression heat is removed
by the cooling air. It then passes over a moisture separator and onto second stage rotor where
final discharge pressure is achieved and store in wet receiver.

When the system set pressure in the receiver is achieve and the air demand decreases, the
compressor is capable of reducing the delivery flow or runs unload. .

The air receivers are located downstream of the compressors and are provided as storage
receiver which also act as transients in the air distribution system. The receiver is protected
against over pressure with safety valve.

For the purpose of instrument air, the dry air is achieved by the air dryer. It operates on the
principle of moisture absorption into the desiccant beds. Each dryer consist of 2 towers filled with
desiccant. One tower is pressurized and the air flow through it is being dried by the absorption of
the moisture into the desiccant. The other tower is de-pressurized and is being regenerated by a
purge airflow of dried air re-absorbing the moisture from the desiccant bed and exhausting to


To ensure the generation and storage of compressed air to meet the specific quality and
quantity requirements of the instrument and service air.
To supply clean and moisture / oil free compressed air for pneumatic equipment.

Main Component Function

Instrument Air
To compress air for instrument air system
Service Air Compressor To compress air for general service air system
Instrument Air Receiver Accumulator for instrument air
Service Air Receiver Accumulator for general service air
Instrument Air Dryer To remove moisture from compressed air

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Technical Specification

Air Compressor
Compressor Flow Pressure Voltage Motor Outlet Temp
3 0
(NM /h) (Bar g) (V) Power (kW) ( C)
Unit 1 1000 9.0 415 160 45
Instrument Air
Unit 1 1000 9.0 415 160 45
Instrument Air
Unit 1000 9.0 415 160 45
2Instrument Air
Unit 2 1000 9.0 415 160 45
Instrument Air
Unit 3 1000 9.0 415 160 45
Instrument Air
Unit 3 1000 9.0 415 160 45
Instrument Air
2 units FGD Each 175 8.6 415 37 45
Instrument Air
2 units Ash 1000 9.0 415 160 45
Instrument Air
2 units Coal 1000 9.0 415 160 45
Instrument Air
3 units Service 500 9.0 415 132 45
Air Receiver
Receiver Wet Air Receiver Volume Dry Air Receiver Volume (m )
(m )
Unit 1 Instrument Air 4 25
Receiver 1
Unit 1 Instrument Air 25
Receiver 2
Unit 2 Instrument Air 4 25
Receiver 1
Unit 2 Instrument Air 25
Receiver 2
Unit 3 Instrument Air 4 25
Receiver 1
Unit 3 Instrument Air 25
Receiver 2
FGD Instrument Air Receiver 4 7.5
FGD Instrument Air Receiver 7.5
Ash Plant Instrument Air 4 38
Receiver 1
Unit 1 Instrument Air 38
Receiver 2
Coal Plant Instrument Air 4 38
Receiver 1
Coal Plant Instrument Air 38
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Receiver 2
WTP Instrument Air 0.50 0.5
Receiver 1
WTP Instrument Air 0.5
Receiver 2
WWTP Instrument Air 0.5 0.5
Receiver 1
WWTP Instrument Air 0.5
Receiver 2
Service Air Receiver 1 20 N/A
Service Air Receiver 2 20 N/A

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Unit Instrument Air System

Unload Compressor 8.5 bar g (8.0 bar g) remote
Load Compressor 8.0 bar g (7.8 bar g) remote
Start Standby Compressor 7.2 bar g
Open one unit interconnecting valve 6.5 bar g
Open service air back-up valve 6.0 bar g
WTP, WWTP, FGD, Coal, Ash Instrument Air System
Unload Compressor 8.1 bar g
Load Compressor 6.8 bar g
Start Standby Compressor 7.2 bar g
Start second standby compressor 6.5 bar g (WTP only)
Failure of electrical supplies Trip
Operations of the emergency stop button Trip
Fan motor trip Trip
Low lube oil pressure Trip
LP outlet discharge air temperature High Trip
HP outlet air temperature High Trip
Oil temperature out of range Trip
MKIII control system error Trip

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6.7 Water Treatment Plant (WTP)

System Description

The WTP draws water from town water for the purpose to produce demineralised water required to generate
steam in the boiler. The demineralised water production plant consists of the followings:
2 x 100% demineralised water feed pumps
2 x 100% activated carbon filters
2 x 100% cation exchangers
2 x 100% anion exchangers
2 x 10% mixed bed polishers
1 x 100% ammonia dosing station

The plant is arranged in 2 parallel lines, normally one in service while another is on standby. Connecting
lines after each stage allow crossover operation in case of failures.

The demineralized feed pump supplies water from the service water tank through the activated carbon filter,
the cation and anion exchangers and the mixed bed to the demineralized water storage tank. The
demineralized water is conditioned using diluted ammonia solution. The chemical is dosed into the
demineralized water line downstream of the mixed bed to prevent the system from corrosion.

The activated carbon filters are vertical cylindrical vessels, downflow with a nozzle plate supporting a media
bed of activated carbon. Backwash is periodically necessary to remove suspended solids.

The cation and anion exchangers are vertical cylindrical vessels with nozzle plate on top and bottom of the
cylindrical section. The vessel between the plates is filled with cation resins (anion resin for the case of anion
exchanger) and inertial granules. The operation is down-flow mode while regeneration is performed up-flow.

The mixed bed polishing exchangers are vertical cylindrical vessels with nozzle plate on the bottom of the
cylindrical section. The cylindrical section is filled 50% with of cation and anion resins. The mixed bed has to
be regenerated from time to time to maintain high water quality.

Diluted ammonia is dosed downstream of mixed bed to maintain pH between 8.8 and 9.2. The ammonia
dosing is controlled by a conductivity measurement downstream of dosing.

The demineralized water is then stored in 2 demineralized storage tanks.


To produce and supply demineralized water for the production plant.

Main Component Function Remark

Raw & Service Water To provide the necessary water storage facility for the 2 x2 Tanks
Storage Tanks plant
Sand Filters To produce service water by filtration
Activated Carbon Filters To filter service water for potable water services 2 Units
Potable Water Tank To acts as water storage for the general potable water 1 Tank
Potable Plant Feed Pumps To transfer filtered water to Portable Tank for storage 2 x 100%
Potable Water Pump To supply and deliver water to the general services 2 x 100%
Demin Water Pump To supply & deliver service water to the water treatment 2 x 100%
plant process and eventually stored in the Demin Tank.

Activated carbon Filters To remove organic matter and excess chlorine from 2 units
service water

Cation Exchangers To remove the cations ( Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++, NH4++, 2 units
Fe+++,etc) from the filtered water by exchanging them
with hydrogen ions
Anion Exchangers To remove the anions (Cl-, SO4-, NO3-, HCO3-, etc) 2 units
and silica from the filtered water by exchanging them
with hydroxide ions.
Mixed Beds To remove traces of ions and silica and thus produce 2 units
electrolyte free pure water necessary for steam
Mixed bed Air Blowers For backwash

Demin Water Tanks To store demin water 2 X 100%

Demin Normal Make-up Pumps to supply demin water to main plant 4 x 50%
Boiler Filling Pump For filling boiler drum 2 x 100%

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Ammonia Dosing To maintain demineralised water at pH 8.8 to 9.2.
Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) To provide HCL for the regeneration of cation One day tank
System exchangers as well as cation part of the mixed bed.
Caustic Soda (NaoH) To provide NaOH for the regeneration of anion One day tank
System exchangers as well as anion part of the mixed bed.
Regeneration Pumps To supply motive and dilution water for the regeneration 2 x 100%
cation and anion exchangers as well as the mixed bed.
Dirty Water Pit As a dirty water collection pit for the sand filter
backwash waste water.
Neutralization Pit To neutralize regenerative waste water to
environmental fulfilled before discharge.
Control Air To provide the necessary instrument air for the
operation of air solenoid valves.

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Water Treatment Plant Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Horizontal Sand Filter Activated Carbon Filter

Manufacturer Degremont Manufacturer Degremont
Material Carbon Steel Material Carbon Steel
Quantity 3 units Quantity 2 units
Medium Raw water Medium Service Water
Design Pressure 4.5 bar (g) Design Pressure 10.0 bar (g)
Design Temperature 50°C Design Temperature 50°C
Diameter 3000 mm Diameter 3,800 mm
Height 10,000 mm Height 3,000 mm
Strong Acid Cation Exchanger Strong Base Anion Exchanger
Manufacturer Degremont Manufacturer Degremont/
Material Carbon Steel Material Carbon Steel
Quantity 2 units Quantity 2 units
Medium Service Water Medium Service Water
Design Pressure 10.0 bar (g) Design Pressure 10.0 bar (g)
Design Temperature 50°C Design Temperature 50°C
Diameter 2,200 mm Diameter 2,800 mm
Height 2,000 mm Height 2,850 mm
Corrosion Protection 3 mm rubber lining Corrosion Protection 3 mm rubber lining
Inside Inside
Mixed bed Exchanger Ammonia Dosing tank
Manufacturer Degremont Manufacturer EDS Europe
Material Carbon Steel Material PE Black
Quantity 2 units Total Volume 6m
Medium Service Water Medium Ammonia 2%
Design Pressure 10.0 bar (g) Operating Pressure Atmospheric
Mixed bed Exchanger Ammonia Dosing tank
Design Temperature 50°C Operating Temp 35°C
Diameter 2,500 mm Height 2,400 mm
Height 2,700 mm Diameter 1,800 mm
Corrosion Protection 3 mm rubber lining
Neutralization Pit Hydrochloric Day Tank
Material Concrete/Coated Manufacturer Degremont
Total Volume 390 m Material PE
3 3
Useful Volume 300 m Total Volume 1.2 m
Length 13 m Medium HCL 32%
Width 10 m Design Temperature 35°C
Height 3m Diameter 1,000 mm
Height 1,600 mm
NaOH Day Tank Bulk Storage Tank
Manufacturer Degremont Manufacturer Degremont
Material PE Material FRP
3 3
Total Volume 1.2 m Total Volume 100 m
Medium NaOH 50% Design Temperature 35°C
Design Temperature 35°C Diameter 1,000 mm
Diameter 1,000 mm Height 1,600 mm
Height 1,600 mm
Manufacturer KSB Manufacturer KSB
3 3
Delivery 215 m /h Delivery 415 m /h
Nominal Rating 75 kW Nominal Rating 45 kW
Power Supply 415V, 50Hz Power Supply 415V, 50Hz
Speed 2900 rpm Speed 1460 rpm
Quantity 2 x 100% Quantity 3 units

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Technical Specification

Demineralization Plant Feed Pump Raw Water Pump

Diaphragm Dosing Pump Injector Pump
Manufacturer Bran & Luebbe Manufacturer GEA Jet Pumps
Type DS50 Type KT8, Form F
Delivery 25 l/h Material Housing PP
Quantity 2 units Fluid 1 Motive water 15 m3
Delivery Pressure 10 bar Fluid 2 Resin 5.0 m3 /h
Nominal rating 0.18 kw Backpressure 1.5 bar (g)
Power Supply 415V, 50 Hz Suction Side 80/10
Material Dosing Head Stainless Steel 316L Pressure Side 80/10
Material Diaphragm PTFE
Regeneration Water Pump Neutralization Pump
Manufacturer KSB Manufacturer KSB
Type CPKC1 80-200 Type TYAC-E 080-315
Delivery 154 m3 /h Delivery 75 m3 /h
Nominal Rating 22 kW Nominal Rating 11 kW
Power Supply 415V, 50Hz Power Supply 415V, 50Hz
Material Housing Stainless Steel Material Housing PE-UHMW
Quantity 2 x 100% Quantity 2 x 100%
Material Impeller Stainless Steel 316L Material Impeller PE-UHMW
Pump Weight 85 kg Pump Weight 157 kg
Motor Weight 285 kg Motor Weight 114 kg

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Normal Alarm Trip
Raw Water Tank Level - LA : 3 m -
HA : 10.2m
Demin Water Tank - LL : 2 m -
LA: 8 m
HA : 12.4m
Service Water Tanks - LA : 4.6m -
HA : 12.8m
Portable Water Tank - LA : 3m -
HA : 7.6m

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6.8 Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP)

System Description

Waste water collected from the plant can be broadly divided into the following systems:

1. Oil Contaminated Waste Water System from:

- Transformer compound
- Turbine hall areas
- Fuel oil storage tank bunds
- Light Fuel Oil Pumphouse areas
- Emergency diesel generator floor drains
- Fire fighting pumphouse floor drains

2. Industrial Effluents Treatment & Collection System

- Station ash conditioning water storage sump
- Air heater wash water pump
- Ash pile contaminated run-off sump
- Primary waste water holding pond
- Hypochloride storage bunds
- Electrochlorination plant effluent sump
- Main laboratory & coal sample preparation effluent sump
3. Turbine Hall Drains & Blowdown System
- Turbine hall drains pit 1
- Turbine hall drains pit 4
- Extraction pump suction area sump
- Boiler blowdown cooling sump

4. Monsoon Drain
- Turbine hall drain
- Blowdown pit
- Industrial effluent
- Drainage system

While some of these drains required a simple process of separation or pH correction before
discharging to the CW outfall, the WWTP describe below covers waste water from the plant varies
processes collected in the Primary Waste Water Holding Pond prior the effluents to be pumped to
the WWTP. The source of wastewater from the plant perimeter into the Primary waste water
Holding Pond are:

- Effluent from Ash Pond

- Effluent from Station Air heater Wash Water Sump & Ash Conditioning Water Storage
- Fly ash silo washdown
- Slag/Slurry Pumphouse
- ESP/Bottom ash silo drains
- FGD gas/gas heater drains
- Effluent from air heater washing
- Flushing effluents from boiler cleaning
- Return from waste water Treatment Plant
- Effluent from WTP

The waste water treatment system comprises a precipitation, clarification & filtration processes
and sludge dewatering facilities. The wastewater from the Primary Waste Water Holding Pond is
pumped via Wastewater Transfer Pump through the Pretreatment Reaction Tank for pH
adjustment and precipitation of metal hydroxide.


To collect, treat, store and discharge or reutilize the various waste waters produced by the power

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Main Component Function
The main components describe below follows the Waste Water Treatment processes sequence
Primary Waste Water To receive all waste water from the plant effluents and acts as a
Holding Pond buffering tank prior the effluents to be pumped to the WWTP.
Pre pH Adjustment Tank To treat wastewater with HCl to pH 3 for chromium reduction process.
Chromium reduction Tank To treat wastewater with ferrous sulphate to reduce chromium
hexavalent to chromium trivalent.
Post pH Adjustment Tank To treat waste water with lime to increase the pH to pH 9-10 for
precipitation of metal
Precipitation Tank To treat waste water with sodium sulphide or TMT15 to further
precipitate heavy metal such as arsenic and silver
Coagulation Tank & To enhance coagulation and flocculation processes by adding PAC
Flocculation Tank and polymer (anionic electrolyte).
Clarifier To acts as a separator for clarified wastewater and precipitate.
The precipitate (sludge) gravitates and is pump to Thickener for
further sludging process while the clarified wastewater flow to Sand
Filtration process.
Sand Filters To remove any carried over solid in the clarified water.
Backwash Wastewater To collect wastewater from sand filter backwash and effluent from
Sump chemical wastewater bunds.
Post Neutralization Tank To treat the filtered water to the require pH of between pH 6.0 – pH
8.5 (as environmental requirement) before discharge.
Backwash Water Tank & To act as the holding pond for the filtered water before discharging to
Treated Water Tank the water outfall.
To divert the filter water to the Primary Waste Holding Pond/Sand
Filter for further treatment if the required water pH or other required
parameters are not fulfilled
Thickener It is part of the Sludge Treatment Plant process for which sludge from
Clarifier is pump periodically to the Thickener for thickening to about
4% solid content.
Thickened Sludge It is part of the Sludge Treatment Plant process for which thickened
Holding Tank sludge is dosed with Polymer (Anionic Polyelectrolyte) and pump to
the Belt Press for dewatering.
Sludge Dewatering To periodically dewater thickened sludge into solid sludge cake and
System disposed as schedule waste by DOE licensed contractor.
Filtrate Sump To collect water from sludge dewatering system and pump back to
the Primary Wastewater Holding Pond

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Waste Treatment System Schematic Diagram

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Technical Specification

Primary Waste Water Holding Pond Pre pH Adjustment Tank

3 3
Capacity 3000 m Capacity 47 m
Dimension 28m x 28m x 3.6m Dimension 3.3m x 3.3m x 4.35m
Level Measurement Ultrasonic
Chromium Reduction Tank Post pH Adjustment Tank
3 3
Capacity 47 m Capacity 47 m
Dimension 3.3m x 3.3m x 4.35m Dimension 3.3m x 3.3m x 4.35m
Precipitation Tank Coagulation Tank
3 3
Capacity 47 m Capacity 47 m
Dimension 3.3m x 3.3m x 4.35m Dimension 3.3m x 3.3m x 4.35m
Flocculation Tank Clarifier
3 3
Capacity 47 m Capacity 38 m
Dimension 3.3m x 3.3m x 4.35m Material RC
Backwash Waste Water Sump Post Neutralization Tank
3 3
Capacity 46 m Capacity 106 m
Dimension 5m x 3.2m x 2.9m Dimension 7m x 5m x 3.5m
Material RC
Treated Water Tank Backwash Waste Water Tank
3 3
Capacity 499 m Capacity 106 m
Dimension 13m x 12.8m x 3m Dimension 5m x 3.2m x 3m
Material RC Material RC
PAC Storage Tank Sodium Sulfide Tank
3 3
Capacity 7.54 m Capacity 2.12 m
Diameter 2.0 m Diameter 1.5 m
Height 2.4 m Height 1.2 m
Standard ASTM D3299 Standard ASTM D3299
Material FRP Material FRP
Ferrous Sulfate Preparation Tank Calcium Hydroxide Preparation Tank
3 3
Capacity 1.767 m Capacity 3.305 m
Diameter 1.5 m Diameter 1.8 m
Height 1.0 m Height 1.3 m
Standard ASTM D3299 Standard ASTM D3299
Material FRP Material FRP
48% Caustic Storage Tank Calcium Hydroxide Storage Tank
3 3
Capacity 35.51 m Capacity 3.305 m
Diameter 2.5 m Diameter 1.8 m
Length 6.4 m Height 1.3 m
Standard ASTM D3299 Standard ASTM D3299
Material FRP Material FRP
25% Sodium Hydroxide Storage Tank 25% Sodium Hydroxide Storage Tank
3 3
Capacity 1.425 m Capacity 1.425 m
Diameter 1.1 m Diameter 1.1 m
Height 1.5 m Length 1.5 m
Standard ASTM D3299 Standard ASTM D3299
Material FRP Material FRP
10% Hydrochloric Mixing Tank 32% Hydrochloric Storage Tank
3 3
Capacity 3.181 m Capacity 64.5 m
Diameter 1.5 m Diameter 3.0 m
Height 1.8 m Length 8.25 m
Standard ASTM D3299 Standard ASTM D3299
Material FRP Material FRP
10% Hydrochloric Storage Tank
Capacity 3.181 m
Diameter 1.5 m
Length 1.8 m
Standard ASTM D3299
Material FRP
Submersible Motor

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Submersible Mixer
Manufacturer EMU Manufacturer EMU
Model T175-4/24 Model TR-2-34-4/24
Quantity 2 Quantity 2
Type Alternating, 3 phase Type Alternating, 3 phase
Voltage 415V, 50Hz Voltage 415V, 50Hz
Motor Type Synchr/asynchr Rated Output 10 kW
Atmosphere Submerged Speed 1450 rpm
Air Blower Backwash Blower
Manufacturer Fu-Tzu, Japan Manufacturer TECO
Quantity 2 Quantity 2
Discharge 0.4 bar Motor Rating 5.5 kW
Discharge Flowrate 180 m /h Speed 1450 rpm
Motor Rating 5.5 kW Rated Current 10.9A
Waste Water Transfer Pump Belt Press
Manufacturer KSB Manufacturer DEWA
Quantity 2 Quantity 1
3 3
Capacity 106 m /h Capacity 22 m /h
Type Centrifugal Max Solid Output 760 kg/h
Model Megaflow 80-250 (0) Motor Rating 1.35 kW
Discharge Pressure 1.2 bar g Voltage 415V, 50 Hz
Min Flow 5 m /h
Motor Rating 7.5 kW
Backwash Waste Pump Filtrate Pump
Manufacturer KSB Manufacturer KSB
Quantity 2 Quantity 2
3 3
Capacity 10 m /h Capacity 33 m /h
Type Centrifugal Type Centrifugal
Model Etaprime LGU 4.11 Model KSB-Etaprime
Discharge Pressure 1.0 bar g Discharge Pressure 1.32 bar g
Motor Rating 1.1 kW Motor Rating 3.0 kW
Speed 2900 rpm Speed 2900 rpm
Hydrochloric Dosing Pump I Hydrochloric Transfer Pump I
Manufacturer Allados (Pump) Manufacturer ARGAL (Pump)
Siemens (Motor) SMEM (Motor)
Quantity 2 x 100% Quantity 2 x 100%
Capacity 27 l/h Capacity 4.5 m /h
Medium 32% HCl Medium 32% HCl
Model 221-27 H01 Model AM350WRC VR NEN3
Motor Rating 90W Motor Rating 0.19 kW
Hydrochloric Dosing Pump II Hydrochloric Transfer Pump II
Manufacturer Allados (Pump) Manufacturer Allados (Pump)
Siemens (Motor) Siemens (Motor)
Quantity 3 x 100% Quantity 2 x 100%
Capacity 27 l/h Capacity 27 l/h
Medium 10% HCl Medium 10% HCl
Model 221-27 H01 Model AM350WRC VR NEN3
Motor Rating 90W Motor Rating 90W
Sodium Sulfide Dosing Pump Sodium Sulfide Transfer Pump
Manufacturer Allados (Pump) Manufacturer Allados (Pump)
Siemens (Motor) Siemens (Motor)
Quantity 2 x 100% Quantity 2 x 100%
Capacity 27 l/h Capacity 27 l/h
Medium 12% Sodium Sulfide Medium 12% Sodium Sulfide
Model 221-27 Model 221-27
Motor Rating 90W Motor Rating 90W

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Technical Specification

PAC Dosing Pump PAC Transfer Pump

Manufacturer Allados (Pump) Manufacturer Allados (Pump)
Siemens (Motor) Siemens (Motor)
Quantity 3 x 100% Quantity 3 x 100%
Capacity 27 l/h Capacity 5 m /h
Medium 18% PAC Medium 18% PAC
Model 221-27 Model AM350WRC VR NEN3
Motor Rating 90W Motor Rating 0.235 kW
Ferrous Sulfate Dosing Pump Hydrochloric Dosing Pump III
Manufacturer Allados (Pump) Manufacturer Allados (Pump)
Siemens (Motor) Siemens (Motor)
Quantity 2 x 100% Quantity 32x 100%
Capacity 50 l/h Capacity 550 l/h
Medium 7% Ferrous Sulfate Medium 10% HCl
Model 221-50 Model 255-550 H01
Motor Rating 90W Motor Rating 0.55 kW
Polyelectrolyte Dosing Pump II Polyelectrolyte Dosing Pump I
Manufacturer Allados (Pump) Manufacturer Allados (Pump)
Siemens (Motor) Siemens (Motor)
Quantity 2 x 100% Quantity 2 x 100%
Capacity 105 l/h Capacity 400 l/h
Medium 0.1% Polyelectrolyte Medium 0.1% Polyelectrolyte
Model 225-105 Model 226-400
Motor Rating 0.18 kW Motor Rating 0.18 kW
Calcium Hydroxide Dosing Pump Sodium Hydroxide Dosing Pump
Manufacturer Allados (Pump) Manufacturer Allados (Pump)
Siemens (Motor) Siemens (Motor)
Quantity 2 x 100% Quantity 3 x 100%
Capacity 400 l/h Capacity 2.9 l/h
Medium 8% Ca(OH)2 Medium 25% NaOH
Model 226-400 Model 208-3, 0 E26/D01
Motor Rating 0.18 kW Motor Rating 90W
Belt Press Feed Pump Thickened Sludge Pump
Manufacturer NETZSCH (Pump) Manufacturer NETZSCH (Pump)
TECO (Motor) TECO (Motor)
Quantity 2 x 100% Quantity 2 x 100%
3 3
Capacity 18.5 m /h Capacity 12.4 m /h
Medium 4% Sludge Medium 4% Sludge
Motor Model D112M-4 Motor Model D110LD-4
Motor Rating 4 kW Motor Rating 4 kW

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Normal Alarm Trip
Primary Waste Water Holding Pond: +2.0m HA:+1.5m
LL1 (Submersible Mixer stop) HHA:+1.6m
LL2 (Pump stop)
LH (Pump starts operation) HA:+ 3.3m
LAHH (alarm)
Pre pH Adjustment Tank LL1 (Agitator +3.0m - -
Chromium Reduction tank LL1 (Agitator + 3.0m - -
Post pH Treatment Tank LL1 (Agitator +3.0m - -
Coagulation Tank LL1 (Agitator stops) +3.0m - -
Flocculation Tank LL1 (Agitator stops) +3.0m - -
Clarifier: - -
LL1 (Stop Sludge Transfer +1.8m

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Pump) +2.0m
LL2 (Start Sludge Transfer
Sand Filter: -
LAHH (Wastewater Transfer Pp HA:+3.4m
LH (Start or S/by Backwash) +3.2m
Backwash Waste Water Sump & Pump: -
LL (Stop Backwash Waste +0.2m
Pump) +2.0m
LH (Start Backwash Waste HA:+2.8m
LAHH (Backwash not allowed)
Post Neutralization Tank LL (Agitator - HA:+2.8m -
Backwash Waste Water Tank LAHH - HA:+3.0m -
Treated water Tank: -
LALL (Backwash WW Pump +0.5m HA:+0.2m
stops) +2.0m
LL1 (Treated Water Pump
stops) HA:+3.0m
LH (Treated Water Pump starts)
Thickened Sludge Holding Tank:
LL (Agitator & Belt Press Feed
Pp stop) +2.9m
LAH (Thickened Sludge Pump
interlock stop) HA:+5.2m

Protection & Permissive

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6.9 Water/Steam Cycle Sampling System

Water/Steam Sampling System

System Description

The water and steam sampling equipment is installed in the chemical monitoring room with on-line
monitoring capability. The system provides for local and remote indication of instrument readings
and enables an alarm to the control room in event of abnormal reading. Sample lines are directly
tapped from the following systems:
Condensate Pump Discharge
LP3, LP4, HP6, HP7, and HP8 Drains
Feedwater Economiser Inlet
Drum water
Drum saturated Steam
Superheated Steam
Cold reheat Steam
Hot Reheat Steam
Closed Cooling Water
Condenser leak Detection
Reserve Storage Tank

Each of these sampling lines passes through an analyzer arranged in parallel in the cabin. The
analyzer is in turn cooled by coolant supplies from the closed cooling water system. The
incoming cooling water is controlled and regulated, and so does each of the sample line, in
order to obtain a correct flow measurement.

The analytical equipment monitors samples for conductivity, pH, sodium, hydrazine, silica,
chloride and dissolved oxygen.

Manual (grab) sampling lines are provided on all the automatic continuous sampling lines. This
facility allows calibration checks on monitoring instrument and any further laboratory analysis
that may required for the presence of other contaminants within the steam and water cycle.

To on-line monitor boiler water, steam and processed water and to enable grasp samples
for analysis in the laboratory.

Main Component Function

Sample Lines Provide sampling and measuring facility from each process.
1. Conductivity To measure samples conductivity and to provide an alarm when
Transmitters the measured variables are above the alarm limits.
2. Conductivity
Transmitters (after
cation resin)
pH Transmitters To measure samples pH and to provide an alarm when the
measured variables are above the alarm limits.
To trigger chemical dosing pump for chemical conditioning
Dissolved Oxygen To measure samples dissolved oxygen and to provide an alarm
Monitor when the measured variables are above the alarm limits.
Silica & Hydrazine To continuously measure samples silica and hydrazine level.
Sodium Monitor To measure samples sodium and to provide an alarm when the
measured variables are below or above the alarm limits.
Chloride Analyser To measure samples chloride in the condensate and to provide an
alarm when the measured variables are above the alarm limits.

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Technical Specification

Equipment Maximum Flow Manufacturer

Conductivity Flowcell 600 ml/min ABB
pH Flowcell 600 ml/min ABB
Silica Monitor 750 ml/min ABB
Dissolved Oxygen 500 ml/min ABB
Sodium Monitor 500 ml/min ABB
Chlorine Monitor 750 ml/min ABB
Hydrazine Monitor 500 ml/min ABB
Cation Column 400 ml/min ABB

Ammonia Pump Hydrazine Pump

Manufacturer Milton Roy Manufacturer Milton Roy
Model XA112S(F)5H30/E Model XA112S(F)5H30/E
Medium Ammonia liquid Medium Hydrazine liquid
Flow rate 30 l/h Flowrate 30 l/h
Suction Pressure Flooded Suction Pressure Flooded
Discharge Pressure 30 barg Discharge Pressure 30 barg
Motor Power 0.37 kW Motor Power 0.37 kW
High Pressure Phosphate Pump Low Pressure Phosphate Pump
Manufacturer Milton Roy Manufacturer Milton Roy
Model MB112S(H)14M212 Model XA112(75)S(F)2H12
Medium Phosphate liquid Medium Phosphate liquid
Flow rate 30 l/h Flow rate 10 l/h
Suction Pressure Flooded Suction Pressure Flooded
Discharge Pressure 210 barg Discharge Pressure 12 barg
Motor Power 1.5 kW Motor Power 0.37 kW

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Normal Action
Superheated Steam Analyser:
Steam Direct Conductivity 3.0 uS/cm HA:20 uS/cm
Cationic Conductivity 0.1 uS/cm HA:0.3 uS/cm
Steam Silica Analyser <7 ppb HA:20 ppb
Direct Sat/SHTD/Cond Dis Sodium 0.5 ppb HA:10 ppb
Feedwater Economiser Inlet Analyser:
Eco Direct Conductivity 9.1 uS/cm HA:14 uS/cm
Eco Catonic Conductivity 0.2 uS/cm HA:0.3 uS/cm
Eco pH Analyser 9.6 pH HA : 9.7 pH
LA : 9.5 pH
Eco Dissolved Oxygen 2.3 ppb HA:7.0 ppb
Condensate Extraction Pump Discharge
Analyser :
Disch. Direct Conductivity 8.6 uS/cm HA:20 uS/cm
Disch Cationic Conductivity 0.2 uS/cm HA:0.3 uS/cm
Disch pH Analyser 9.6 pH HA : 9.7 pH
LA : 9.5 pH
Disch Dissolved Oxygen 8.0 ppb HA:15 ppb
Drum Saturated Water analyser :
Drum Direct Conductivity 9.0 uS/cm HA:20 uS/cm
Drum Cationic Conductivity 5.5 uS/cm HA:20 uS/cm
Drum pH Analyser 9.4 pH HA : 9.5 pH
L A: 9.2 pH
Drum Silica Analyser 40.0 ppb HA:100 ppb
Drum Sodium Analyser 285.7 ppb HA:2000 ppb
Drum Chloride Analyser 45.2 ppb HA:200 ppb

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Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Settings

Description Operating Parameter/Alarm/Trip

Normal Action
Drum Saturated Steam Analyser :
Steam Direct Conductivity 9.0 uS/cm HA:20 uS/cm
Steam Cationic Conductivity 0.1 uS/cm HA:0.3 uS/cm
Steam Silica Analyser <7.0 ppb HA:20 ppb
Common Reserve Feedwater:
RFW Cationic Conductivity 0.5 uS/cm HA:0.65 uS/cm
Deaerator Outlet Dissolved Oxygen 0.5 ppb HA:7.0 ppb
Circulating Water Leak Detection Analysers Between 8.4 uS/cm –
Detect Conductivity measured at Hotwell & 10.7 uS/cm
Condenser (12 points) HA:18uS/cm

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6.10 Fire Fighting System

Fire Fighting System

System Description
The fire protection, detection and alarm systems can be broadly divided into three main areas
depending on their suitability for applications at various locations :

Detection & Alarms

Frangible Bulb Detection
Flame Detection
Smoke Detection
Heat Detection
Gas Detection
Sprinkler Detection
Manual Call Point (MCP)
Audible Sounder Unit (ASU)
Visual Alarm Unit (VAU)
Multiple Jet Detection (MJD)

Fixed Protection
Hose Reels
Internal Hydrants
External Hydrants
Automatic High Velocity & Medium Velocity Deluge Systems
Manual High Velocity & Medium Velocity Deluge Systems
Automatic Sprinklers Systems
Low Pressure CO2
High Pressure CO2
Internal Low Expansion Foam Systems
Medium Expansion Foam Systems

Portable Equipment
Dry Powder Portable Extinguishers
CO2 Portable Extinguishers
Foam Portable Extinguisher
Mobile Foam Trolleys

The fire protection systems installed are in accordance with industrial standards and the design is
based on : -

 The Fire Codes and regulations of Malaysia and referenced British Standards
 Department of Occupational Health and Safety standards Malaysia
 Uniform Building By-Laws 1984 of Malaysia and all amendments
 Director General of Fire Services Malaysia
 Type approval by the Fire & Rescue Department Malaysia
 Loss Prevention Council and Certification Board
 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes
In providing the necessary firewater, two water tanks with a capacity of 1,000m each, is sufficient
to supply the largest water demand of 21,660 liters/min for 90 minutes. The fire fighting pumps
draw water from these tanks and are comprised of two electric Jockey Pumps, one electric Main
Duty Pump and two diesel-engine-driven Main Duty Pumps. The capacity of each main pump is
calculated in accordance with NFPA 20 on the basis of the highest aggregate flow to the systems
that can reasonably be expected to operate simultaneously.

The fire pumps are started by pressure switches in the local control panel, on the following falling
pressures in the sequence:

o Jockey Pump cut-in pressure : 11.0 bar

o Electrical Fire Fighting Pump cut-in pressure : 10.5 bar
o Diesel Fighting Pump cut-in pressure : 9.5 bar

Jockey Pumps are provided to maintain the main ring header pressure at between 11.0 bars and
12.5 bars. Pressurised water is supplied to the hydrant system in the plant and around the
station. (Note: The main fire pumps (electrical & Diesel pumps) starts automatically on system
falling pressure but will require manual action to stop).

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To protect the property in the plant against fire damage due to the fire risks associated with the
presence of flammable materials and hazards such fuel, oil, chemical, flammable gases, electrical
equipment, etc.,
Technical Specification

AC Electric Fir Fighting Pump Emergency Diesel Fire Fighting Pump

Pump Type HGT150/315/200 kW Pump Type HGT150/315/FD325
Pump Manufacturer Godvin Pumps Manufacturer Iveco Aifo
Quantity 1 Unit Quantity 2 Units
Pump Flow 10,000 l/min Ignition Type Compression
Medium Water Fuel Type Diesel
NPSH at rated 5.38m Combustion Type Direct Injection
Motor Manufacturer Teco Electric Ltd Supply Source Battery
Rate Power 200 kW System Voltage DC 24V
Speed 2970 rpm
Rating 415V
Fire Fighting Jockey Pump Portable Fire Extinguisher
Pump Type HURPV2-13-3/1.5 Foam:
No. Extinguisher 50
Filled Medium 3% AFFF Foam
Full Charged Wt. 13.5 kg
Pump Manufacturer Godwin Pumps Ltd Carbon Dioxide:
No. Extinguisher 26
Filled Medium CO2
Full Charged Wt. 9.8 kg
Flow 25 l/min Carbon Dioxide:
No. Extinguisher 183
Filled Medium CO2
Full Charged Wt. 14.2 kg
Quantity 2 Units Fire Hose Reel
Delivery head 10 bar Manufacturer SRI
Motor Manufacturer DP Motor Quantity 37 units
Rated Power 1.5 kW Operating pressure 15 bar
Speed 2850 rpm Hose Length 30m
Connection &
Hosereel & Guide 1” BSPT (stainless
30mmX25mm Rigid 25.4mm (rubber with
Hose synthetic braid)
Jet Nozzle 25.4mm (Brass)
Fire Hydrants
Internal Hydrant External Hydrant
Manufacturer SRI Manufacturer SRI
Quantity 85 Quantity 35
Quantity: Quantity:
Nozzle 170 Nozzle 70
Collapsible Hose 255 Collapsible Hose 140
Hose Couplings 255 Hose Couplings 140

Main Component Function

Fire Water Storage Tank To supply the necessary water to the fire fighting
Fire-fighting Water To constantly maintain the water based fire
Pumping System fighting system pressure and to deliver the require
fire water pressure and flow during a fire event.
High Velocity Deluge To provide water spray as a fire protection against
the following property:
Fuel oil transfer area

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Systems Boiler burner Automatic
Turbine Lube oil tanks & pumps Automatic
Boiler feed pumps Automatic
Seal oil unit
Transformers Automatic
Emergency Diesel Generator Automatic
Steam turbine bearings Automatic
Air preheater
Coal mills
Medium Velocity Deluge To provide water spray as a fire protection against
the following property:
Systems Coal conveyors
Hydrogen store Automatic
Fuel oil tanks Automatic
Automatic Sprinkler To provide water spray as a fire protection against
the following property:
Systems Central Electrical cable basement & risers
Coal crusher house
Coal conveyors (C3A, C3B)
Transfer tower TT5
Fire pumphouse
Turbine hall lube oil pipe & underside of
operating floor
Unit electrical building cable flat & risers
Boiler switchgear building
Hose Reel & Hydrant Evenly located within the plant to provide the fire
Systems water as a manual means to put off fire.

Foam Protection System To produce and inject foam into the flammable
liquid storage tanks above the liquid surface as a
suppression to oxygen.
HP CO2 System To provide gas suppression as fire protection to:
All Units Electrical Room & 13m Level C & I
Boiler Switchgear Room & 9.2m Level C&I
and DCS Room
Common Electrical Room (B05) and 14m
Level Control Room
10m Level DCS & Equipment Room
Substation Control & Relay Protection Room
Substation Control & Metering Room
Precipitator & FGD Building B13
LP CO2 System To provide low pressure carbon dioxide gas
suppression as fire protection to all the coal
Fire Alarm and Detection To detect any fire situation and signal and alarm
to the control room for manual action to put off the
System fire.
To detect and activate fire protection system to
put off the fire.
Fire Extinguishers To provide the fire extinguishing medium as a
( Portable & Trolley Type ) manual means to put off fire.

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Technical Specification

Fire Hydrants
Internal Hydrant External Hydrant
Nozzle 65mm Male Inst. Connection: 65mm Male Inst.
Coupling Nozzle Coupling
Collapsible Hose BS Male Inst. BS Male Inst. Coupling
Coupling Collapsible Hose BS Male & Female
Hose Couplings BS Male & Female Inst. Coupling
Inst. Coupling Hose Couplings
Material: Material:
Nozzle Aluminium Alloy Nozzle Aluminium Alloy
Collapsible Hose Rubber Lining with Collapsible Hose Rubber Lining with
Polyester Fibre Polyester Fibre
Hose Couplings Copper Alloy Hose Couplings Copper Alloy
Operating Pressure; Operating Pressure;
Nozzle 9 bar/5 bar Nozzle 9 bar/5 bar
Collapsible Hose Burst Press- 50 bar Collapsible Hose Burst Press- 50 bar
Work Press- 16 bar Work Press- 16 bar
Hose Couplings Test Press – 20 bar Hose Couplings Test Press – 20 bar
Work Press – 16 bar Work Press – 16 bar
Dimension: Dimension:
Nozzle 65 mm Diameter Nozzle 65 mm Diameter
Collapsible Hose 15m (L) x 65mm (D) Collapsible Hose 15m (L) x 65mm (D)
Hose Couplings 65mm Diameter Hose Couplings 65mm Diameter
Performance: Performance:
Nozzle 500 LPM with 65psi Nozzle 500 LPM with 65psi Jet
Jet Setting Setting
Collapsible Hose Manufactured to UL Collapsible Hose Manufactured to UL –
– 19 Specification & 19 Specification &
Tested to NFPA Tested to NFPA 1961
Hose Couplings 1961 Hose Couplings Compliance to BS 336
Compliance to BS
Vehicle Mounted Fire Fighting Pump
Manufacturer GODIVA
Quantity 1
Model GMA3600
Capacity 3600 l/min

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6.11 Generator Closed Cooling Water System

System Description

The closed cooling water circuit consists of pumps, coolers, filters, ion exchanger and pipes.

A set of two pumps circulates the water through the system. According to a pre-selection, one of
the pumps is used as main pump, the other as the standby. The standby pump starts up
automatically if there is a pressure drop or if the contactor on the main pump is tripped.

The clean water system is divided into the main-circuit and the regeneration-circuit. In the
regeneration-circuit the water is led through ion exchanger and filter. The cooling water in the
main-circuit is pumped into the expansion tank, mounted on generator top. Above the water level
in the expansion tank is a cushion of H2 gas under slight overpressure. The overpressure in the
system is kept for protection against entry of air, this will inhibit corrosion.

If expansion tank topping up is necessary, it is only through the line connection before filter and
ion-exchanger permissible.

All components of the system are located at the generator or the stator cooling water unit, which
is generally located beneath the generator and connected by piping.


Water is circulated in a closed circuit system through hollow conductors in the stator winding bars
to remove heat generated. This stator cooling water transfers the heat losses absorbed here to a
heat exchanger outside the generator.

Main Component Function

Cooling water pump Pump cooling water into the generator stator through two of the
three coolers and filter.

Ion Exchanger Maintain the required water conductivity.

Ultra fine filter located Prevents any escaping mixed-bed material from entering the main
downstream of the ion circuit
Non-return Valve Ensures that the water is always fed through the ion exchanger
and therefore that the required conductivity is maintained.
Temperature Control Control water inlet temperature at the generator stator winding to
Valve the constant set value.

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Generator Closed Cooling Water Schematic Diagram

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Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Setting

Designation Alarm Value Normal Trip/Remarks

Level distilled water LLA:<20% - Generator trip after
expansion tank 5 sec. delay (2 of 3)
HA: 80%
LA: 40%
Conductivity main circuit HA: >0.5 µS/cm - Generator trip delay
inlet generator
HHA: >0.8 µS/cm (2 of 3)
Flow rate regeneration - - ~ 2.6 m /h
Conductivity regeneration HA: > 0.2 µS/cm - -
Pressure difference filter HA: p > 0.9 bar - -
Gas cooling system MKG
3 3
H2 consumption flow HA:>12m /day 4.0 m /d -
H2 cushion press. cooling LA:< - 0.4 bar - -
HA:> + 0.6 bar
H2 gas moisture HA:> + 10°C - -
H2 pressure monitoring LA:< 3.6 bar 4 bar -

HA:> 4.4 bar

H2 supply during - 10 bar -

Operating Parameters & Alarm/Trip Setting

Designation Alarm Value Normal Trip/Remarks

Flow rate main circuit LLA:< 65.8 m / h
3 - Generator trip after 10
sec. delay (2 of 3)
LA:< 105,2 m /h Stand by pump
HHA: > 139 m /h running after 1 sec.
Temperature clean water HA: > 54°C - -
generator inlet
Temperature control HA: > 49°C - -
Temp. clean water outlet HHA:> 84°C - Gen. trip (2 of 3)
Temp. clean water stator HA:> 79°C - -
bar outlet
Temp. clean water bar HHA:> 84°C - -
Temp. clean water HA:> 85°C - -
winding connections
Temp. clean water HHA:> 90°C - -
winding connections
Temp. stator winding HHHA:> 88°C - -
Cushion pressure clean HA: p > 0,6 bar - -
water expansion tank
LA: p<0.3 bar
Flow measuring HZ HA:250 Ltr/day - -
losses stator winding

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