Compact Preliminary For School Teacher's Book PDF

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main CAMBRIDGE gly UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS | omc Cambridge English eli syea Preliminary for Schools Arles -let a lolol Sue Elliott Amanda Thomas ear CD) ed Cer nua cu ne ae Pain acu er CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ESOL Examinations Cambridge English Compact Preliminary _ for Schools Sue Elliott and Amanda Thomas CAMBRIDOE UNIVERSITY PRESS ‘Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, ‘Singapore, $40 Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City Cambridge University Press Information on this title: (© Cambridge University Press 2013 ‘This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception ‘and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, zo reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2013 F : Printed in Italy by L.E.G.0.Sp.A. ‘A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication dara ISBN 978-1-107-69409-5 Student's Book without answers with CD-ROM ISBN 978-1-107-61027-9 Teacher's Book ISBN 978-1-107-63539-5 Workbook without answers with Audio CD ISBN 978-1-107-66714-3 Student's Pack ISBN 978-1-107-63262-2 Class Audio CD ISBN 978-1-107-69233-6 Classware DVD-ROM. ‘Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external‘or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites i, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. 1 2 3 4 5 Extreme diets 6 7 8 BEBRVAKO BSsReerR8s SR Contents 3 1 Allabout me! Giving personal Present simple & School subjects information resent continuous Sports facilities Being at school ing forms School rooms School collocations 2 Winning & losing | Sport Past simple Phrasal verbs Hobbies & leisure Past continuous 3 Let's shop! Clothes Order of adjectives Shopping. Comparing 4 Relax! Personal feelings Present perfect Entertainment & media 5 Extreme diets Food & drink Future forms Food & drink . Health Phrasal verbs with go 6 Myhome House & home used to ‘Weather Places & buildings Verbs followed by People infinitive / -ing form Home do, make, go, have Places 7 Wild at heart ‘The natural world Past perfect ‘Animals Environment Natural world ‘Weather 8 We're off! ‘Transport First & second ‘Travel & holidays conditional 4 Map of the units: ~ : My homeis a windmill Linking words The pyramids inE Sete pial ‘in ‘Things to take ona school trip to a castle Part: : Part 3: The world’s most Reported speech ‘Aninterview with a | Describing animals and dangerous animal Hecke Part 2: Describing a photo Aconversation about a horse-riding holiday Part 4: ‘Talking about a holiday Map of the units 5 1 Introduce the idea of e-pals and ask students if they've {got one or if they have ever thought of having one. Which country woald they like an e-pal from? What kind of information could they write about themselves? (e.g. family, home, school, hobbies and interests), Make a list oon the board. Students read about Mark to see if e wrote about any of the topics suggested on the board. 2. Ask them to read the text about Mark again and then, without looking, try to remember information about him. Get them to cover the text and see if they can answer the ‘questions about him in pairs without looking at the text. Answers Age? 14 From? Canad ‘School? High echoo! Favour lesso0? Nt What dos he tke dong in his thee time? drawing, using his ‘computer, wring songs on Fes guitar What sort of person is he? trendy, tidy ‘3 Ask students to describe the two pictures to each other in pairs. Put any keys words on the board, e.g. tidy / untidy. ‘They then decide which room is Mark's. Ask them to give reasons eg. J think Mark's room is B becouse itis tidy and there aren't many books on the shelves. Also there isa guitar and paper and pens for drawing, Idont think it A because ‘Mark is tidy and doesnt like football. Answer ‘Mark's room is B. 4. Students underline the details and then decide which of the three people isthe most similar to Mark. Which one would bbe the best e-pal for him? (Cris) 6 Unt Al-about me! Answers Tom: sending emais, playing computer (rc someone whet vedere ferent enurey, wring mis ‘being a member of a band ‘Sam: someone who is tiendly and loves animals. Exam task 1 Read the Exam tip with the students and remind them thatthe classmates” requirements must match the e-pals’ ‘details completely. As inthe previous practice exercise, they should be able to underline three pieces of matching information in each answer they choose. Remind them that they won't necessarily find the answer by ‘wordspotting’, i.e. matching the same words in the people descriptors and inthe short texts. Answers omzon Farther practice ‘When they have finished the exercise, ask students what they would write about themselves. Get them to discuss it in pairs, and then write a few lines about themselves and their hobbies and interests. Mark describes himself 1s friendly, Which positive adjectives would they use todescribe themselves? Here are some examples ~ can students add any more? creative kind confident casy going cheerful sociable generous honest reliable patient positive polite ‘See the Workbook and CD ROM for further vocabulary Being at school Listening Part 1 Read through the words with the students and check pronunciation. Let them work in pairs to classify the words, ‘When students have finished the exercise, see what they can add tothe lists, e.g. ‘Subjects: physics, chemistry, sport Sports facilities: gym, athletics field Rooms: staff room, IT room, art room (Check that they can spell the words correctly, and that they note down new words in a vocabulary record book. A few spellings can be given atthe beginning of each lesson, as part of a review. Answers ‘Subjects: history, maths, biology, languages. geography, IT ‘Sports facilities: tennis courts, swimming pool, football pitch Rooms: office, canteen, hall, reception, science lab, library: 2 Students work in pairs to describe their school. Monitor and .go over any mistakes at the end of the activity. 3, (OHEBD Read through the words in the chart with the ‘students and check they understand what they have to do. Play the CD. Answers Aroketor 4 @REB Play the CD again. Students check their answers in pairs before you check answers as a class, Answers 2 Incorrect 3 comet Further practice ‘Ask students to work in pairs and talk about the different rooms in their school. They should say which ones they like ‘ordon’t like and why. Monitor as they are working, helping ‘where necessary. 5 Check students understand the words in the exercise. Students work in pairs to complete the exercise. Check answers asa class. Answers ‘ attend ciasses each day perform on stage work hard hand in homework on ine 2 900d grades 00n schoo! trips ‘wear a unitom every day pass exams ple footal txthe eam ea apackad neh 92 lo anaterechool ck ave lator schoo 6 QREBD Ask students Do you wear a uniform 0 school? ‘Do,you have o arrive at schoo! on time? Do you have to ‘play games or do gym? Students listen and find out about Sarah. Answers 7. After the students' discussions in pairs, elicit a few examples from different pairs to write up on the board. Try toelicita sentence with each verb to write on the board. Exam task (2REED Read through the Exam tip with the clas, Encourage them to use the time they are given in the exam to read through the questions. They should underline important words to help them listen for the correct boeelins Answers 1A Jako says that because t wasn’ frighed before the ‘summer holidays, he ck’ know what itd be tke. 2.8 Although Holy thinks the ok hall was quite ot, Jake ‘iked it because of al the people thet studied there, so he was sad when they decided to Dull a new one. ‘3B Hally thought she'd miss it, but they cde't use it very ‘much anyway, soi's been OK. 4. Healy says the heating cost alt to Install but 0 definitly bewort k. 15 B Jake saya he doesn't know If classical music i realy for (A. Jake wil consider it Hoty goes, and she woulcn miss it foranything. ‘Unit 1 Allabout me! 7 aan Look atthe six sentences fortis part ‘You wil hear a conversation between @ boy, Jake, and 8 gir, Holl, about anew hall at their schol. Decide it each sentence is correct or incorrect. itis correct, Put atch in the box under A for YES. isnot correc, puta {Uekin the Box under B for NO. ‘Now wo are ready to start Liston carefily You wil hear the [recording twice. [Holly Hy, Jaket What do you think of he new schoo! hal? Jake Hi, Holy. Well t's much bigger than fd expected. | ‘moan, befor the summer holidays the Inde wasn't finished a all so ‘or whether i'd ever be ead to use, ‘Mm, and | must say, ou old schoo! hall was quite od, ‘wasn't? My mum studied at our school, 00,80 she ‘even remembers the hall fom when she was here! 'Mm, my dad does to, and that’s one reason why | iked t= just remembering ll tose people who'a ‘been in the hal before us Las abit sad-when they. decided to build anew one. to be honest. West ee ia ee ene eee ‘sports fic 'on, buactualy ‘we dicn’t use that area very much, 80 i's been OK. ‘Yeah, Anyway, they've used diferent materials to ‘mak the bulking environmental tendly te even treated by the aun len’ i? though to my mum that system cost ean “Right (rae Areal tous put car oe ‘Schoo! musicians are going to play with him. Have ‘you gt tickets? [My parents have tought some, and they't relly enjoy {tits all classical music, int 2 That's their favourte.. ‘don't know that's real fr me, fhouch ‘Wel, thor’t be lots more events coring along. | ‘mean, You can play rock guitay, can't you? There" be ‘@.concer in the hall soon ~ they're already asking for «students to fin in, Feally?| might consider that, then - it you promise to_ 92, too! You've got a great singing voice! ‘On, ve already put my name down ~ Lwouldn miss. itfor anything! é oF FE FG § gf Speaking Partt 1 Check students’ answers before they ask and answer the ‘questions in pairs. Then as a whole-class activity, give students a question number and get them to choose other class members and ask the questions. rpsiteiee : 3 g 1 Allabout me! 2 Choose students to say the letters. Ask others if they are correct. To help them remember the correct pronunciation, ‘ask students to group the letters by sound: Al CGREP IY W 3, (PRED students work in pairs to spell out the names. ‘Then play the CD so they can check their answers. Ask individuals to spell out the names after they have listened. Help students correct each other. $ Spell out your surname to the class for them to write down. ‘Students work in pairs to write down all the words. Choose a few students to spell out their partner's details to the class. {6 Encourage students to develop their answers to questions in art One of the Speaking Test, rather than just giving short answers. Remind them thatthe examiner can only judge their English on what they actually say in the test, so they ‘must speak as much as they can. Answers Question a 8 Do you like English? Yea ‘The grammar ie cifcut, though. Where do youve? italy In a'small town called Chava. ‘Tellus about your Hername's She's young and tend, English teacher Tina. ‘and she rakes us laugh. What do you Watching My favourte programmes, enioy donnginthe TV. r6 music shows. evening? Tellus about your Therw are My mum's a nurse and, famly. three of us. my dad works in an 7 This exercise works on encouraging students to develop their answers as filly as they can, e.g. I'm from Madrid in ‘Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain and tts a beautiful city. task (6D Read the Exam tip with the las. Pay the Fist question and pause the CD. Ask different students to respond. Encourage them o develop their answers as much as possible, Continue withthe rest of the questions in the same way. Write up any useful phrases or vocabulary on the board. Further practice Write the questions on the board and ask students to work {in pairs to ask and answer them. Grammar Prevent simple & present continuous: 1 Bither ask the students to refer to the Grammar reference on page 78 before they do the exercise or to use it to help them check their answers aftr they have finished. Answers 1 routines ~ things we do every day 2 things that are happening now [3 the present continuous 2. Tell students they should read through the complete text before they start the exercise. Give them three minutes toread it throagh silently. Tell them not to think about choosing the correct words at this stage ~ they should only try to understand the gist ofthe text. Ask them to say what itis about (what Amy is doing atthe moment). Students then read it again and make their choices. They can ‘compare their answers with a partner before you check as 2 class. Choose students to read whole sentences aloud. Answers “These are the correct forme: 1 Fm ting 2 watching 3 | watch 4 | get 5 tm tying 8 Im writing 7 Mums cooking 8 she usually makes 9 she raver has 10 we're working and studying 3 Monitor as students discuss what is happening in Amy's hhouse now. Then suggest some verbs to help students describe what might be happening now or what happens regularly in their house or school. sit watch cook * read talk, £0 eat look listen visit. meet wear Get them to also make some negative sentences, and ask their partner questions, e.g. What are you doing in the classroom atthe moment? I'm not writing a diary. 'm talking to you. Say Amy is talking about a Friday evening. Wht do you usually do then? 4 Students correct the sentences individually. Before they do the exercise, remind them that we use the present ‘continuous to talk about what is happening now or to talk: ‘about a plan for the Future. The present simple is used to talk about routines or habits and is used with those verbs ‘which are stative, i.e, cannot be used in the continuous. Answers 2 plan Siwant 4ihave S\love 6 frishes: ‘See the Workbook and CD ROM for further practice on these tenses. -ing forms 5 Students decide which words mean like and dislike, then ‘dd the prepositions tothe other words. Suggest that they learn the adjective plus preposition combinations. Answers 7 Box One +: ke, Cort mind, gute Bk, lov, 10k forward “cant stand, tke Box Two ataid of Interested i look foward fo ]worted about fond of 6 Point outthe verbs used after these words take the -ing form oF a preposition plus ~ing form. Answers geing ‘geting Hearing eyciog ‘malin faling ‘See the Workbook for further practice Further practice ‘Ask students to make sentences about themselves using the verbs. Hea Unit 1 Allabout me! 9 ‘To give them prompts to talk about, you could write ‘examples like the following on the board or on cards ‘between pairs: playing football eating ice cream gating low marks in case studying history going 10 ‘wating Pome inte rain ‘museums learning todive geting up early arguing with tende cooking: ‘helping with cleaning my room: housework getting home: ‘travelling alone remembering my fate bbybusion atin tends’ Bithdays Reading Part5 1 Get students to look carefully atthe sentences in the exerci as they often find it dificult ina Part Fiveto + fill gaps at the beginning of a sentence. If they find this difficult, look at how the sentence would have to change ifthe alternative word was used in the sentence, eg. in number 1 Although instead of Because (with Although we need an opposite idea in one clause, e.g. Although I enjoy school, I din’ look forward to going every day). This will help to show the differences. Answer aril 2. Students complete the exercise and then compare with a partner. Check answers as a clas. f . ‘TH Exam task Remind students to read through the whole text before ‘beginning to answer the questions. Students work alone to ‘complete the task. Allow them 15 minutes. Check answers ‘as aclass, Answers 1A 2C 3D 4C 58 6D 78 8A 9D 108 3. Students work in pairs to answer the questions. Encourage them to give detailed answers. Monitor as they are speaking. helping where necessary. Ask the class how many of them would like to go to such a school. 4 Discuss as a class. Elicit differences from the class. 10. Unit 1 Al about me! ‘Ask students to do some research into what ‘was like inthe past in their country. It could just be cone or tw generations back, i.e. parents and grandparents. ‘Ask them to see what they can find out from the Internet, ‘and also from interviewing people in their family on different aspects of schoo! life then, e.g. how they travelled to school, their classrooms, the subjects they studied, ‘what their teachers were like, and how severe they were. Families may have some old photos of local schools that could be scanned into the computer. Any photos or pieces: ‘of writing that the students do can then be made into a wall display, which will be useful for practising use ofthe past tense, particularly used fo. Writing Part 2-Notes & emails 1 Ask students to read through the note in pairs frst and ‘summarise what they have read, then answer the questions to test their understanding. Answers 1 The rote to Jonnie. 2 The rote om Samantha. 2. Students now match two of the verbs in the box with the information in the note. Answers apologising, explaining, inviing (The writer is apologising that ‘she couldn't goto the party, explaining why she couldnt go and Inuting Jennie to hee house) 13 Students read the note again and extract the correct phrases. ‘You could then ask students to look at page 86 to find out ‘more about this part of the exam. Answers [Explaining | wasn" very well $0 nad to stay at home, Imiting Would you tke to come... ‘4. Using the verbs in Exercise 2, students match them to the sentences. Answers LAH Further practice ‘Asa follow-up, get each pair of students to write down ‘another example for each of the verbs. They could then read them to another pair, who have to identify which verb itisan example of. 5 Elicit a couple of examples from the class. Then in pairs, they write their own examples. Choose pairs to read their ‘notes aloud. ‘Suggested answers |A fmsorry | count meet you yesterday, but unfortunately fe ‘off my Dke on the way to school n the morning and hurt my eg. Would yout to 9 tothe nema tomorow? Thess good fir on. 18 I went shopping yesterday and! bought a grt skateboard witha poture ofa lon ent t's realy cool Lats goto the ‘skatepark at 5.00 today, shal we? Then can ty it out Linking words 6 Blicit examples with each linking word to make sure students understand them. Students complete the exercise in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers. : 2 Larived home and 0) opened the door 4 Ishouted helo but no ane was at home. was hungry 601 made myself a sandwich. [5 My sandwich wasn't vey nice because I'd put lots of salt in t make toast but Fd used all the bread. Farther practice ‘Ask students to write some pairs of sentences that need linking words in pairs. Choose pupils to write their sentences on the board and forthe class to suggest the Jinking word. 7 Students work individually to complete the sentences before checking as a class. Answers i Beginnings & endings 8 Go through the phrases pointing out that some phrases you would only use with friends, but some are more formal and ‘could be used to e.g. a teacher. The more formal ones are Dear Jan and Best wishes. Explain to students that these ‘notes are shorter than the usual length required for Part 2 ~ they are just practising beginnings and endings of notes here. Get them to think about their answers in pairs before they put anything in writing. Suggested answers 1 Dear Mes Smith, {meory but | cant come to class today because I'm sick. Bost wishes, Ben c 2 HiSam, {tink you borrowed my sunglasses yesterday — coud | please have them back? ‘Thanks, James: Punotuation 9 Read through the Exam tip with the class. Ask them to explain when we use a full stop (atthe end of a sentence). ‘ASk What do we use atthe end of a question? (a question mark). When do we use a capital letter? (at the beginning of ‘sentence and for names) ‘Ask students to read through the leter first and then add the punctuation. They can check with a partner before you ‘check as a class. Finally, point out the use of commas in this note Answer Hi Robyn. ‘fmeory, but crit come tothe cinema tomorrow. have to goto the dott. forgtten al about it unt my mum reminded me. don't think Tbe home in tire fo the fr, My appoirtment’s at two o'clock and the fim start at ree, ‘doesn't 2 Maybe we could go on Saturay instead, What Jo you think?Let me know. $00 yousoon, seenia. Exam task Read through the Exam tip with the students, Then read through the Exam task. Ask students questions (they ean imagine the answers): ‘Where did you buy the poster? What is ita poster of? When can come and see i? ‘This should help them write a complete answer Sample answer Hi Jon, ‘Gunes what? I've bought a new poster for my room! | got itin town yesterday. shows my favour rock band performing at a concert = 's really cool! Gould you come round tomorow and see I? That would be oreat! See youthon, Samantha, Unit 1 All about me! 11 1 In pairs or small groups, ask students to look atthe pictures ‘on page 14 of Olympic sports and name them (swimming, ‘gymnastics, (field) hockey, (synchronised) diving, cycling, running, horse jumping). They should make alist of as, many Olympic sports as they can. ‘Make a lst on the board of students” suggestions. Pay attention to pronunciation ofthe words for sports. Ask students which Olympic sports they enjoy/don’t enjoy watching. Possible answers athletics, basketball voleyta, ce skating (winter, sain, ete. 2. Check students know the meaning of athlete, championship ‘and competition and ask them to complete the table in pars. Drill the words paying attention to correct word stress. [Answers 1 charroion 2 atiotics 3 compettor 4 competitive 3. Ask students to complete the exercise in pairs. Tell them to identify what kind of word is missing. If it is a noun, should itbe singular or plural? Ifitis an adjective, what ending ‘should it have? Remind students what a noun, a verb and an adjective is. Explain that understanding how these word types are used will help them do Part 3 in the exam. Answers ‘athletes 2 champlonthip S.compettive 4 athletic Exam task Look atthe instructions for Reading Part 3 with the class and the first two sentences. Give the clas time to read the 12 Unit2 Winning and losing first paragraph of the text. Then ask them to discuss with a ‘partner if sentences one and two are correctincorrect. ‘Check the answers with the class and read through the Exam tip together. Answers 1A 268 Ask the class to ead the rest ofthe text and do the task individually. Students check their answers with a partner. Ttmay be a good idea to pair weak students with strong ‘students 80 they can provide support. Ask students to identify where in the text the information is given for each sentence. Answers 38 4A SA 6A 78 8B 9A 108 4 In pairs, students discuss the questions. Have a class discussion. Check/teach any new vocabulary. Grammar Past simple 1 Students work in pairs. If you have a weak class, it may be a good idea to clicit some examples of past simple forms before doing the exercise. Give them a time limit of three ‘or four minutes to complete this task. Then check as a class. ” Answers 1 based, started, named, called, helped, stracted, wanted 2 began, built, came out, was, had, won, became, crew '3 werent many natonaities; BNX wasn’t just about racing 4 didnt become 2. In pairs, students choose the answers, Get them to check the Grammar Reference, SB page 79 when they have finished. ‘Check answers as a class. Ask students to explain why the ‘other verbs are wrong. [Answers ka 2ware 3 became 4 won 3 Students do the exercise individually and then compare with a partner. Check the answers with the class. If some students are having difficulty it may be necessary to give them some remedial work on the past simple. ‘See the Workbook and CD ROM for further practice. ‘played 2 ddn'Udid not learn 3won did Lauren buy Answers [5 Was 6 worenYwore not Past continuous 4 Look at the examples with the class. It may be helpful to draw timelines on the board to illustrate these concepts, a Rx Dine 9 Answers a2 bt ¢3 § Elicit the forms ofthe past continuous: was/were + ing, wasn Hweren + ing. Students do the exercise individually ‘and then check their answers with a partner. Answers Were you going: saw 2 were winning: scored 6 Students take tums asking and answering the questions with «partner. Monitor as they are working, taking note of any ‘mistakes. Choose some pairs to ask and answer a question in front of the class. Go over any mistakes with the class, asking them to try to correct them. See the Workbook and CD ROM for farther practice. Listening Part3 1 SMD Explain that in Listening Part3 it’s often ‘necessary to write down numbers and/or spell names. ‘Ask students to say the numbers aloud before they listen. ‘Highlight any pronunciation difficulties or problems with saying dates. Play the recording. Students compare answers with a partner. Then elicit the answers from the class. Recording script and answers 1 the 30th of March t 2 Weostest.15, 31 wae been in 1808, 4 There were 2,00 people there ‘5 My parents moved o this house n 2001. 2 FSMD is exercise gives students practice in listening to numbers in context. Ask them to read the information about Tyler Wright. Read through the Exam tip with the 000 Refer students to the Exam tip. Remind students of the differences between formal and informal language and that itis important that they get the correct tone in their writing. Forexample, in the formal signs the word “depart” is used; if we were writing a note toa friend, we would say ‘leave’. Check answers as a class. Answers 24 31 6c Sa ob Get students to look carefully st the email so that they're ‘clear who it is to and from, and what itis about. Check that they agree about the answers. Answers 1 The emalis to Jane, 2 The emails tom Mara. '3 They could be trends, classmates or cousins. 4 The emails about arangements fr a shopping trp en Saturday, and buying a present. '5 Thero.are contractors: My dad's he, we'F there are Incomplete sentences: OK7,~ any Kees7; there's pasa! vero ack up. 8 ghvng information, asking for a suggestion ‘Ask students to read the email again and choose the correct answer. Go through why the others are wrong. ° Not A because Maria asks Jane for suggestions, she doesn't ive any. Not C because Maria doesn’t ask if Jane is still going shopping: she just says when she'll pick her up. ‘Answer 8 Exam task Read through the Exam tip withthe class and establish what each notice is doing: | telling; 2 telling; 3 telling, suggesting; 4 telling; Stelling, asking Tell them to read cach notice carefully before they read ‘each choice, Students work individually to complete the ‘exercise. Check answers ns a class. Answers 1B. (the shop doesn't give refunds) 2 A Wake and Dan won't be inthe calé aftr 3 p.m) 3A. here's jst been a delivery so studente can buy tens) 4B fa maximum of ewe tems ont is allowed) }$ © (Harry wants to know which shop Dan bought them from) Unit 3 Let's shop! 19 Writing Parts 1 Read through the Exam tip withthe class. Encourage them to keep a list of things they should check when they are reading through their pieces of writing, c.g. do they always ‘write then rather than thar: do they know the rule about doubling letters in comparative adjectives?, ete. ‘Ask students to describe and compare the two photos, using the words in the box, e.g. The girl is fashionable ‘and soylish. She is wearing comfortable clothes. She isn ¥ ‘wearing traditional clothes. The boy is casual but smart. He is wearing fashionable clothes. Ask whether the teenagers in the photos are dressed in a similar way to how they themselves might dress. Refer students to the Writing file, page 88. 2. Ask the students 1o work in pairs to answer the questions. ‘Choose some pars to give the class their views. z ‘3. Students read the description in pairs and decide how it relates to the place where they ive. Elicit from the class what they think is fashionable in their town at the moment. ‘4 Put the following example on the board: / wanted to visit the ‘new store. but then [found out the new stare isn ¥ open yet ‘Ask students what could replace the underlined words, and ‘why this is important. (it We use pronouns so we don’t ‘need to repeat things in sentences). ‘Students answer the questions in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers 1a 2b 3a 5 Ask students to read out the two versions of the frst sentence (before and after adding pronouns), to compare the differences. Do they think the one with pronouns sounds bette? Why? ‘Students complete the exercise in pairs. Check answers as a class. ‘Answers 28he them Athey 5 Gthere This She we 10that tus 6 Read the Exam tip about which, where and who, Why do ‘we use these words? (to link sentences so that we don't need to repeat things). Students find examples of sentences with which, where and who. Refer students to the Grammar reference. SB page 80. Answers |also.g0 shopping in my favourite shop, where | can get things ica jewellery cheaply. Ly older sister doosn't ming if] borrow the clothes, which ie ky w= then my dad feaves me to meet my tends, wh love ‘shopping in town, too... 20 Unit 3 Let's shop! 7. Ask students to read the sentences and underline the words tha «are cut in the second sentences. What are they replaced by? ‘& She ~ who; b: there — where; c: It which ‘Ask students to work individually to write complete sentences. Remind them of the examples Where they looked at words toc Answers 1 | 9010.2 small shop near the market where you can buy great cot 2 | bought a really eretty dress, which was quite lke one of isabel’ 3. showed the dress to leabale, who thought it uted me. 4 My sister thed my dross too, which surprised me/which was a eurproe. [5 Then yesterday | saw one of my classmates who was wearing the same dresst 6 Next week we'e going shopping together, wich wil be fun. 8 In pairs, students discuss the exercise. Remind them that they # crossing out the word that is wrong. Check answers as a class. ‘Answers Words to creas out: who 2which Swho 4which Swhich 6who 7 who Bwho See the Workbook for further practi Exam task Before they begin the tasks, students could be encouraged to ‘make brief notes on both questions to think about what they ‘could write. In the exam, they only have to choose one, but the need to make sure they choose the one that they can write mon about. ‘Ask them to compare their notes for each one and say which on they would choose if they had to select only one. Sample answers 1 HiBeciyt Thanks for your later. was greet to hear fom you. Let me tell you about the clothes | ke wearing. | usually wear quite ‘sman, casual clothes, ke jeans and rice Tshirts. When go out | preter to wear a cress #f it's not too cold. | don't realy ike schoo! uniforms, so 'm happy that we don’t wear them at my school. ike choosing my own colourful clothes, and ‘uniforms are usualy in really dark colours. {hate sweatshirts. too ~ at my brothers school they have to wear them every day. Hope that helps, and good luck with your projactt Best wishes, Sarah was excited about her fantastic costume as she set off to the party. Sarah had made it herself, because she wanted o look ike her favourite pop sta. When Sarah arrived. al her fends were already there, Most of them were dressed a8 monsters or anim, ‘so they wero amazed when they saw Sarahi ‘But when she started to danc her high shoes realy hurt her feet 's0 she had to st down. She wae just thinking she should go home ‘when she heard a voice, ‘And frst prize for tonight’ beet costume ‘9008 to... Sarah" She had won a beautil bracelet to wear! Writing Part3 1 Read through the Exam tip with the class. Encourage them to keep alist of things they should check when they are reading through their pieces of writing, «.g. do they always ‘write then rather than thar?; do they know the rule about doubling letters in comparative adjectives?, et. ‘Ask students to describe and compare the two photos, using the words in the box, e.g. The gir is fashionable and splish. She ts wearing comfortable clothes. She ism + ‘wearing traditional clothes. The boy is casual but smart. He is wearing fashionable clothes. Ask whether the teenagers in the photos are dressed in a similar way to how they themselves might dress. Refer students to the Writing file, page 88. 2. Ask the students to work in pairs to answer the questions. (Choose some pairs to give the class their views. 13 Students read the description in pairs and decide how it relates tothe place where they live, Elicit from the class what they think is fashionable in their town at the moment. 44 Pur the following example on the board: / wanted to visit the ‘new store, but then [found out the new store isn open yet [Ask students what could replace the underlined words, and ‘why this is important. (it—We use pronouns 50 we don't need to repeat things in sentences). ‘Students answer the questions in pairs, Check answers as @ class, Answers ta 2b 3a 5 Ask students to read out the two Versions of the frst sentence (before and after adding pronouns), to compare the differences. Do they think the one with pronouns sounds better? Wh9? Students complete the exercise in pairs. Check answers as a class, Answers. 28he Sthom Athey Sh Bthee This She Swe 10 that tus 6 Read the Exam tip about wiich, where and who. Why do we use these words? (to link sentences so that we don't need to repeat things), Students find examples of sentences with which, where and who, Refer students to the Grammar reference, SB page 80. Answers, | also go shopping in my favourite shop, where | can get things lke jewellery cheaply. My older sister dovan't mind | borrow the clothe, which ie Ney <= hen my dad leaves me to meet my Wend, wh love ‘Shopping In town, too. 20 Unit Lets shop! 7 Ask students to read the sentences and underline the words that ‘are cut in the second sentences. What are they replaced by? ‘a: She — who; b: there — where; ¢: It which ‘Ask students to work individually to write complete sentences. ‘Remind them of the examples where they looked st words to cut. [Answers 1 | 9910 a small shop near the market where you can buy great clothes. 2 | Bought a really pretty dress, which was quits tke one of Isabel's. 3 | showed the dress to isabella, who thought suited me. 4 My sister Ike my dress 100, which surprised ma/which was a surprice, 5 Then yesterday | saw one of my clasamates who was wearing {he same dreast }6 Next week we're going shopping together, which willbe fun, [In pairs, students discuss the exercise, Remind them that they are ‘crossing out the word that is wrong. Check answers as a class. Answers Words to cross out: 11who 2which Swho 4 which Swhich 6 who 7 who 8who ‘See the Workbook for further practice. Exam task ‘Before they begin the tasks, students could be encouraged to ‘make brief notes on both questions to think about what they ‘could write. In the exam, they only have to choose one, but they need to make sure they choose the one that they can write more about. ‘Ask them to compare the notes for each one and say which one they would choose ifthey had to select only one.” ‘Sample answers 1 Hi Becky Thanks for your eter: twas great o hear trom you. Let me tel you about the clothes | tke weerng. | usually wear quite ‘smart, casual clothes, ike jeans and nice T-shirs. When Igo out, preter to wear a cress if t'snt too cold. don't relly tke schoo! untorms, so 'm happy that we don’t wear them at my school. | ike choosing my own colourul clothes, and ‘uniforms are usually in really dar colours. | hate sweatshirts, too at my brother's school they have to wear them every day. Hope that helps, and good luck with your preject! ‘Best wishes, 2 ‘Saran was excted about her fantastic costume as she set off to. the party. Sarah had made it herself, because she wanted to ook ce her favourte pop sta. When Sarah arrived. aller fiends were eady there. Most of them were dressed ag monsters of animals, 0 they were amazed when they saw Sarah! ‘But when she started to dance, her high shoes really hurt her feet, ‘soshe had to st down. She was just thinking she shouid ge homme when she heard ¢ voice, ‘And fest prize fr tonight's best costurne (90e8to .. Sarah She had won a beaut bracelet to wear! 1 Elicit some examples of science fiction films, scary movies and comedies before students complete the table. You could sive some examples of your favourite films. Students then stand up and walk round the class asking, Do/Did you like -xar? as the present perfect hasn't been introduced yet—8o avoid Have you seen xex? ‘Asa class round-up, find out which are some of the class's favourite/least favourite fins. 2 Students work in pairs to discuss the questions. Write some of the students" facts/opinions/feelings on the board and ask the class to say whether each one isa fact, an opinion or 2 feeling. Monitor as they work, noting down any mistakes. Go over these when the students have finished the activity. 3 This exercise will raise students’ awareness that Part 4 focuses on understanding the opinions, atitudes and ‘feelings expressed in the text. 4 Students work in pairs to discuss the questions, Answers, ‘fact 2 testing Sfact 4opinion 5 opinion Exam task Look atthe instructions and the Exam tip. Then tll the class to read the whole text before trying to answer the ‘questions individually. Students compare answers in pairs, Answers 1D 28 90 4D 5A 5 Check students' pronunciation ofthe adjectives. Students find the adjectives in the text. Check answers as a class. Answers jworted ~arxious, nervous fantastic - great, tert {6 Students work in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers Jexctieda tightening-b scared~a [boring -b tightened ~a 7 Ask students to choose the correct adjective individually ‘and complete the sentences. Then compare their answers. ‘Check answers as a class. Elicit answers for each one from anumber of students. [Answers 1 fightened 2 worying 3 exciting 8 When students have done Exercise 6, summarise the use of adjective forms on the board. am/get..ed, I think xis ng. Elicit some more adjectives that work this way, ¢.8. {nteresting/interested, boring/bored. ‘Students then work in pais to think of a film to recommend. Monitor as they are working. Ask pairs to join together to recommend their films. Choose some pairs to {ell the class their recommendation. Grammar Present perfect, 1 Asacclass, elicit the answers to the rules for the use of past ‘simple/present perfect for finished and unfinished time. ‘Check students know how the present perfect is formed. Refer them to the Grammar reference, SB page 81. Answers 1 past simple 2 presnt perect 2 Students work in pairs. If students find this tense difficult, it may be worth comparing uses of past forms in their language with the uses ofthe present perfect in English. Answers }1 very recently 2s notgiven 3 In pairs, students complete the exercise. Point out that never has a negative meaning but is used with a positive form. Give students an example: My mother has never watched a scary ‘movie. = My mother hacn} ever watched a scary movie. Answers '1 Have 2'vhas 3 ‘vehave 4 ‘has ‘Shaen'Uhas not 6 haven'Uhave not Unit 4 Relax! 21 5 Let students work in pairs to complete the exercise. Go over any problem areas as you check answers asa class, Answers have been 2won Sead has Shave been 6 Check the word order once students have finished the first part ofthe exercise. Drill the questions, write prompts for cach question on the board and see if students can ask the questions in pairs from memory. See the Workbook and CD ROM for further practice on the present perfect. Answers 1 How many fims have you watched on DVD this week? 2 How many times have you been tothe cinema tis month? 3 Have you ever seen a fm in another language? '§ Which fim have you seen more than fve times? 5 Have you ever cried in a movie? 8 What's the scares fim you have ever seen? Farther practice ‘Students think of one or two more questions to ask each other/the class about films using the present perfect where possible, eg. What’ the best'worstfunniestfilm you have ever seen? Who's your favourite actor‘actress? Have you seen all their films? Reading Part § 1 Check students know the meaning ofthese adjectives. Practise the pronunciation. Check answers as a class. 2. Students work in pairs to discuss the questions. Monitor ‘as they are working, noting down any errors to go over at the end of the activity, Students can use some more of the adjectives in Exercise I to ask further questions, e.g. Have Jou ever been afraid of anything? Exam task Look at the instructions and the Exam Tip together. Tell the ‘class to read the whole text before trying to fill the gaps. Students work individually and then compare answers in pairs, In class feedback, focus on questions which test target language: the present perfect (1 and 2); adjectives + prepositions (7 and 9). Answers 1A 2D 3B 4A 5D 6A 78 88 98 10C 22 Unit4 Relax! ‘3. Goover the vocabulary for musical instruments. Common instruments to teach include: piano, guitar, drums, flute, ‘trumpet, violin, cello, clarinet, smxophone. Remind them that we use he with instruments, e.g, can play the piano, Encourage students to write thelist of instruments in their ‘vocabulary notebooks. Students discuss the questions in pairs. GREED studenis could choose a famous young classical ‘musician to write « mini biography of, ¢.g. Lang Lang, Brianna Kahane. They could also find out what the benefits of learning ‘musical instrument are, Entertainment & media Listening Part 1 1 Encourage students to get into the habit of identifying things in the pictures in Part I during the preparation time before they listen. It will focus their attention on the information they need to understand. Go over ways of saying the time, eg. seven _Afcen: a quarter pasi seven, and the way we talk about money, ‘¢g mwelve pounds fifty (£12.50). 2. Training students to do this activity is also vital for success in Part | because all the items in the pictures are likely to be mentioned but only one option will actually answer the question. Exam task $@RBED Stucents listen and then check with a partner before second listening. With a weak class it's worth photocopying the recording script (see page 68) and allowing them to read and listen a third time. Answers 1¢ 28 3B 4A 5C 6B 7A 'S0, we won't need to leave here untl seven ‘teen then. teint Tete ea teal owen coc aan trace ory nels ‘Sait hmontta yon 3 ‘Which instrument has the boy recently started tearing? ‘Woman: So Jack, how are you gating on with your music lessons? Jack: Well, in finding the viotin quite hard at the See eee challenging Woman: And you're alo studying the trumpet, right? Jack: That's what! wanted to learn but there wasn't teacher avaiable so took up the fute a few ‘months ago instead. I'm enjoying it and | realy like my teacher. 4 How cid the family travel tothe concert? ‘Woman: Did | tell you wo almost missed the concert? | tod everyone to be ready really early becavee | ‘was worrled about the trafic. So everyone was ‘inthe car and guess what? Ie woulsn’ stat ‘couldn't betleve ft. There wasnt a bus unt! the ‘folowing day and the train only went as far a8 ‘Upton and then you had to go by tax. There ‘wore no hire cars available ether so inthe end Which circus tickets dd the man decide to buy? “There wast much choice of creus tickets “There weren't enough of he £12.50 seats for ‘allof us, which is what| was panning to buy. ‘And although there were lots of eats at £14.95, ‘these were orly on weekday aternoons, which know wasrit an option for us. So 'm ata "ve ‘gone forthe ones at £17.00 | know its more. ‘than wo wanted to pay, but at leest we won't be ‘ight at the back, © What do the speakers decid to watch on TV? Granddad There's an lnteesting documentary about. sas on in hat an hove. Git: | thik Ive already soon t, Granddad. t's ‘ally good. don't mind watching it again. {But don't you want to watch the footbel? Granddad Ws not on unt very late I maybe too tredto Git: The Lenny Adams show is on at 9.00. He's ‘very funny. You tke him too, don’ you? Granddad: Umm, 'é rather watch the documentary it ‘you're sure you don't mind seeing i again. Git; No that's tine, Granccad. Who do the speakers think wil win the singing ‘competition? Who do you think wil win the singing ‘competion? | think the one with short dak air is best. ‘Do you? I think the tall one with the iieba mentees |e gel ‘Bute sang « really boring song and he can't ‘dance. That's tue. ‘weren't very good, ware Especially tne one with blond har. He's relly ‘annoying. He doesn't have a chance. | agree. But he tried really hard. The others, sger ere ~ Speaking Part3 1 RED Ask students to give some sentences describing ‘other students in the lass. They should talk about their clothes, their appearance and what they are doing. Explain that look is followed by an adjective and look lke is followed by a noun eg. He looks funy. She looks beau He looks like a famous actor She looks like a model. ‘Students listen to Marco doing the Exam task. Discuss the ‘answers as a class. Answers 1c ‘when... don’t know the word .. the frst time a film is ‘shown and all the stars come to see it. Some of the people _are shouting and waving .. 2. Blicitthe answer from the students, playing the recording again if necessary. Give the students some words in their ‘own language that they didn’t know the English for. Ask them to explain them as simply as possible, e.g. a kettle ~ this is something that makes water hot. Other words could bea stapler, a golf te, a bandage. Answer ttlooks tke a special day... when... dont know the word the first ime a fim is shown and al the stars come to see (tsa premiere) 3. Ask students to complete the sentences without listening again. Answers 00k 2 ook tke 4. Students complete the sentences withthe correct form of the verb and then check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class, asking students to read the complete sentences aloud. Answers oan see 2's Sis playing 4 was taken wailing Bis wearng 7's Blocks Unit4 Relax! 23 Exam task Look atthe instructions and Exam tip before students do the task in pairs. When they have finished, elicit descriptions from the students to build a model answer. Part 1 Teach the names of the rides in the pictures, e.g. big wheel, rollercoaster, before students discuss the questions. Ask them if they. enjoy going to places like this and if there are any near their home, Students discuss the questions in small groups. Monitor as they are working, helping where necessary. A representative from some groups could tell the class what they discussed. ‘Students listen and write the missing information. This gives extra practice for Listening Part 3. Answers Jeasto 24Aour milion 848.46 pm. Recording script ‘Europa Park In Germany is probably the biggest theme ‘park in EuroBe. i's been open since 1975, 80 it's also one ‘of the oldest. The Mack family, who stl party own Europa Park, built the hotel on the site of a caste which cates ‘back to 1442. Th majoity of vistors are trom Germany. ‘but large number of people also vii trom other countries lin Europe such as France and Switzerland. The park attracts over four milion vistors every year. Europa Park has a huge range of rides to sult al ages from pirate ships to the highest rllercoastar in Europe. There are now 43 ides in total ~ more than enough fora two-day viet. The best time to visit is in summer when the weather Is batter, butt can got busy during the hokay season, Apart from a few special events, Europa Park isnt open during ha winter but you can vst om Apilto Novernber when the park is open from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. For more information you can goto the wabeite at. (fede) justyet/already 3 This exercise and the next one give students practice of adverbs commonly used with the present perfect. These adverbs are often targeted in Writing Part 1, Students work. individually and then compare answers with a partner. 24 Unit 4 Relax! Refer students to the Grammar reference, SB page 81. Answers Vista 2atready-b Syet—c.d ‘Check answers as a class when the students have finished discussing in pairs. Then ask the class to write personalised sentences with fust, yet or ready Answers ‘yet Zakeady Sjust 4 for Shaver Gsince Elicit the noun and verb forms of the adjectives. Pay attention to the pronunciation, especially the word stress. ‘Ask which of these words are people. What do the words end in? Point out that -or often indicates a person and elicit more examples, e.g. teacher, writer, driver, banker, kamyer singer football player. Students work in pairs to complete the exercise. They can check their answers with another pair before you check the answers as a clas. Ask studenis to tell you the parts of speech (answers in brackets). Answers 1 excting (ad) 2 relaxed (ad). 9 entertainment) 4 enjoyment fr) 5 word (ad) _6 challenge fr) 7 eisappointed (ad) 8 organisation (fy This exercise helps prepare students for the Exam task. It shows how different structures/word forms can be used to sivea similar meaning. Answers Sentences witha sitar meaning: 2,9, 4,5 ‘Sentences witha ciferent meaning: 1 - Sentence a ets you ‘here are scary rides at Europa Park but doesn't compare them to anywhere els; b compares the rides to others in Germany. Exam task Read the instructions and the Exam tip together before students do the task individually. Ask Car yow write two ‘words? (Yes) Can you write four words? (No) Explain that a contraction eg. has counts as two words (has not), They can write either hasn ¥or has not in the exam. If'students find this difficult, you can give extra support by telling them bow many words are missing in each sentence. Refer students to the Writing file, SB page 8. Answers 1 fiettime hat) 2 hasn'Yhas not been 3 excited 4 realy) enjoyed 5 haven'thave not decided 1 Ask students to look atthe photos and ask Would you lke 10 do any of these activities? Why?/Why nof? Students ‘then work in small groups to match the photos and diets. Encourage them to explain their choices. Also encourage ‘them to guess the meaning of unknown food items, e.g. ‘fred, raw from the context. See the Workbook for further practice. 2 This exercise clarifies the new B1 vocabulary. Ask students ‘What do you eatthat is froxen/raw/fried/boiled? Help students with any new food vocabulary. Answers te 20 34 4b 3 Check students understand ft (healthy, strong and able to do physical exercise without getting very tired) and healthy (physically strong and not ill). They complete the questions individually. Check answers as class. Students then work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. Monitor as they are talking, noting any mistakes to go over atthe end of the activity. Ask Which words are negative? (unhealthy, unfit). ‘How do you know? (prefix un). Answers ‘heatthiest 2health Siitness 4unheathy Sunft eft 4 Students can do this in pairs and then poo! their knowledge during feedback. Tel the class to keep a record of all new ‘vocabulary and to leam it. Highlight pronunciation of difficult items, ¢ g.saimon (silent I. Answers Fruit: peach, pineapple, sranbery Vegetabie: cabbage, corm, lettuce, spinach Fish: cod, saimon, tuna Meat: beet, turkey ‘5. Students brainstorm extra food words and then compare likes ‘and dislikes with a partner. You could give them the following, ‘examples: A. Llike cherries. B: So do 1/Do you? I don’t. A: [don’t like bananas. B: Neither do 1/Don’t you? Ido. ‘6 Students match the questions and answers witha partner, ‘Encourage students to give extended answers asin the model. Highlight useful phrases, e.g. could live without Answers 4 2b 90 40 Listening Port 3 1 This exercise gives students practice in dealing with distraction inthe text. They complete each sentence with two ‘Possible words. Explain that Danny is the jockey inthe photo ‘on page 38, Answers + 2007, 2008 2 chip, ea rear 3 53,65 4 ted 99, rut 5 should, tee 2 (FREI students listen and circle the correct word in Exercise 1. Remind them that they will hea both answers ‘ech time but that only one is correct. They should check with 8 partner before listening a second time. Answers 1.2007 _2ehips 355 4 ut_5 snoulder ca ae ‘anyway. Or chips, which are my favourite | have to take a \ot of exorciae to stay fit and to keep thin. Today | weigh 55 ‘ios but before a race | try to get down to 59 kilos. | keep "ry wie own y ecg netey,Yve got ued oi, {2 dort mind too mech, So, or examp, | never have aderd waar mato di Joma Ment ese ied oe orien th Recipe ocn Peamieodne patie broke my knee. 3 HEBD Students predict information about Lee Martin (the polar scientist in the photo). Explain that this is a useful thing to do in gap-fill tasks, Write possible answers _on the board before they listen and then see if anyone predicted correctly. Answers ‘Youw!4 2ipe_S.strong wind 4.raw eh 6 cumy 5 | work asa scientist and spend abot ton woeks every year in Antartica. Most o the lime we're inthe science lab, ‘but we often 9000 trips to study the ce. The longest ve _spant camping onthe lee was ten cays, but only cd that ‘once. Usually our trips lest four daye. t's a very beouttt ‘emircnment, but it can be dangerous. 've seen alt of ‘people with frozen toes, which s very painful The worst that ‘happened to me is getting dry Bos ~wnich can ge very sore. ‘We have to at alt when we're cutside because its 80 ‘cold and eating hot food isthe best way to stay warm. But ‘somatimes it's hard to cook becaves the wind ga.strong. We ‘sat.a lot of high energy biscuits and seme of my colleagues ‘ca rami, but | hate the taste 20 Latwmyariuse. We often ‘eat the same thing every day. Alot of soup for example, 80 ‘can be a bt boring. What | relly look forward to is having a. |acury at my favourte Indian restaurant. miss that alot whe ‘Ymaway from home, = Exam task (PRED Give stidents some time to read the task. Ask them to try and guess what kind of information is missing. Students fston and compare with a partner before listening -asecond time. With a weak class it may be usefil to photocopy the recording script (see page 68) so that students can read and listen to check their answers. Answers “Ufrult and vegetables 2¢9g8 Sinsects. 4 hunting Sabot rock 6 bol water Recording seript You wit hear a man called Pete Russel ging a tak about an ‘exteme camping tip. For each question, iln the missing Inferration in the numbered space. ‘OK everyone. Thanks for coming along to fil out about our ‘extreme camping trp. Betore | stat, can I rerind you about ‘he training day? Because it wl probably rain tomorrow, ‘we've decided to do this on Saturday instead of ured. you wart to come on the ip, you must tend. We're stating at 8.30, so make sure youre thre on tne, 26 UnitS Exteme diets ‘Were ‘sue you wort be hungry. We're camping t Sandy River anct Kear oc ono een RR amICeErY, can eat raw. expect some ibe quite Sartror wtvar eas wean eo ot Esto eeoiey .can find. The guide wi oe "Tore are oer places you ‘can look for these apar from trees. For example, sorre birds. [emer pa wee oe cae camping, but me Something that's surprisingly good to sat ia insects. These are. ‘ally good for you and actu vey tasty. And Fm not taking _about Mes and wasps ~ the ones I'm tang about are much ‘igge:| promise you'l lve them! ‘Because you realy have tobe an expert to be successful, one ‘ting you ‘Youdon't ‘want to waste tne and end up with nothing to eat. \Now of course wa're not bringing ary cooking equipment ler now cok yoo on ania we ad a cranes iy te to ets kone fan a ne colar ‘ut works surprisingly wel. ‘Now what about ris? You'll have to Ive without jlces and tot chocolate, tm ataid. You" get al the reed ‘ete rd steers sua eb cet teratoma mre lo Faght, 0 beter | continue, 11 answer any questions you've got about food. By the way there's avery good webste which. 4 Students discuss the question in pairs/small groups. Elicit thoughts from the students to discuss as @ class. Ask sider ink ia ie ok Stat ey ooekige for an extreme camping trip. Grammar Future forms 1 (REED Students listen and write down the missing words and discuss the questions in pairs. [Answers 1 wil (he's not certain, its a prediction) 2 we're staring (os - decision already made: i's an ‘arrangement 3 we're going to eat (yes, he wants It to happen; its his intention) Recording seript 1 thw probably rain tomorrow, 2 Wise starting at 8:30. . {3 Wo're going to eat only what nature can prove. 2. Students do the matching exercise in pairs. Look atthe Exam tip with the lass and perhaps compare future forms in English with students’ own language. Refer students to the Grammar reference, SB page 82. Answers tb 2c 3a 3 Students do the task individually and then compare with ‘partner. Check the sentences are correct before students take turns to ask and answer the questions. Answers ta 2wil 3A 4Wi See GW 7wil Bie 4 Ask students to look at the cartoon and explain what is happening. They do the exercise individually. They can refer to the Grammar reference, SB page 82 for help. Answers ‘1youillove 21'm seeing Syou're having 4 Fi make Stars 6we't learn 5 Look at the examples with the class and give an example ‘on the board of your own prediction, intention and arrangement for this evening. Students complete the table ‘and then compare with a partner. Do an example with student using the models in the speech bubbles. Remind * them that prediction needs will, intention needs going to and arrangement needs present continuous. See the Workbook and CD ROM for further practice. Further practice Extend Exercise $ to a Find someone who .. mingling task where students have to find someone who is going to do the same thing atthe same time. Using the table they prepared in Exercise 5, they walk round the class trying to find someone who is doing the same as they are. Health Reading Part1 1 The sentences in this exercise are typical of the information in Part | notices. They introduce phrases for expressing permission, obligation, advice, prohibition and lack of ‘necessity. Students work individually and then compare answers with a partner. Encourage students to note down, pirases for permission, etc. Answers 1c 2¢ 3b sc Sa 6b 7b Bd 94 102 2 Look at the Exam tip with the class and then ask them to ‘work out where the notices come from. Find out if there are ‘any similar notices in students’ classrooms. Answers 8 26 9C 48 58 GAB 7C BWBD 9B 108 3 Students choose the correct modal foreach notice and then do the rest of the task individually before checking with ‘partner. Refer students to the Grammer reference, SB age 82 ‘See the Workbook and CD ROM for further modal [Answers }1must-a 2may-b Sshoud-b coulda Exam task Read the instructions and look at the example with the ‘class. Tell the class to read the information in the texts and. ‘Options very carefully. Students do the task individually and then compare wit a partner. Answers, ¢ 28 38 4A 5c Reading Part 5 1 Look at the Exam tip and encourage students to keep a record of phrasal verbs and to learn them. They should do the matching task in pairs. Point out that phrasal verbs are less formal than other verbs with a similar meaning and are used a lot in spoken English. Answers 1b 24 90 4a Exam task ‘Read through the instructions withthe class. Tell them to read the whole text before trying to do the task. Students, do the tak individually and then compare answers with a partner, ‘Answers - 16 2A 3D 4B 5A 8A 70 8B 9A 106 2 Ask students Do you eat meat every day? Do you think you at to0 much meat? Could you cut down on the amount you at easly? Find out what students think ofthis text and then get them to discuss the questions in pairs. ‘Students could do some research into statistics ‘on fast food chains. Each group could choose a different fast food chain. They could find out which ones are most popular in their country. They could focus on what these ‘companies are doing to make their products healthier. Each group could do a mini-presentation on ther findings. Speaking Part 1 1 (REDD Students listen twice to note down the information. [Answers 1 pasta_2fsh_ 3.90 tothe beach 4 being doctor Recording script 2. Studenis complete the sentences in pairs and then listen to check their answers. Students practise saying the sentences with the correct stress and intonation. mad 2dying Sstand 4into Sno way 3. When students have put the questions in the correct order. deill them. Answers 1 Whats your favourte restaurant? 2 What are you going to do this weekend? {3 Tellme something about your plans forthe future. 44 What do you enjoy doing after schocr? 5 Do you like cooking? 4" Students read the sentences silently. Then they take turns to, ask the questions in Exercise 3 and read the answers aloud. They could then answer the questions for themselves. Encourage them to give extended answers where possible. Monitor and note down any mistakes you hear to revise with the class atthe end of the activity. ‘AS 85 C2 D1 E4 Exam tesk (ORD Read through the Exam tip with the students Play the recording, pausing to give time for students to “answer each question in pairs. Give feedback, focusing on any common pronunciation errors. ‘Students could swap partners and role play the interview using the same or new questions. 28 UnitS Bxreme diets Part2 1 Students look atthe example Exam task and model answer ‘and underline the phrases. : Answers Otering ri provide Requesting ~ Could you bring something to crnk? Suggesting —Why don't you ..? 2. Students identify the mistakes and then decide what the function of each sentence is. They can do ths individually and then check with a partner. Encourage them to add to the list. Refer students to the Grammar reference, SB page 82. 2.could—euggertng 3 Could -reqvesting 4 Why dont you suggesting Smeet— suggesting |6 Woud you be able to~ requesting 7 M1 - offering 3 This gives students practice in proofteading. This is an ‘important skill students need to develop to help them self-correet their written work. Get them to identify the ‘mistakes and then compare witha partner. They can check their answers by using the Grammar reference. Answers {wil erganisad > organise {canto rake > | can make ‘Wil you can be 3 Wal you'be some snack > some snacks ‘What about come > What about coming we could prepare > we can prepare Exam task : Read through the task and the Exam tip with the class. With ‘weak class elicit some of the phrases they could use for suggesting, recommending and offering. Tell students to check they have included all the necessary information and that they have writen 35-45 words. ‘Sample answer Hi Stotan ‘You should deftly goto Paza Palace. The pizzas ave vory 24d and not to expensive. My favour pez athe safcod iia it deco! |can show you where the restaurants if OU he, fs not ar from my house. ee you soon Aex Reading Part4 1 Ask students to describe the two photographs. Teach any new vocabulary. Ask afew students Where would you refer to live? Encourage them to give a short comment explaining why. Then students work in pairs to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in cach place. Ask them to make a list, which they can then compare with the rest of the class. 2 Encourage students to use an English-English dictionary to ‘check any words that they don’t know, and record any new ‘words in their vocabulary notebook. 3, Students first work individually and then compare thei ists in pairs. Suggested answers weather: airy, reezng, snowy, warm, windy Your vilage or town: cuttural events, huge, Inet, historeat ‘buldngs. raitonal, peace, busy, convenient, crowded, ‘he const quiet inthe countryside, trendy. exciting people: ivy elder, sociable, smart, qt Kind, tency ‘house or apartment: huge, a garden, a view, covy, omar, convenient, confrtabe, que, plenty of space 4 Toreinforee some of the vocabulary on this page, ask students in pairs to choose a word and describe it to their partner, who should say the word. This is also a quick and sy way to revise previous vocabulary and can make a ‘200d start to lessons. Ask students to read through the text and see how much they can understand without the words filled in, When they've finished, ask them to briefly surmmarise what ‘they've read with their partner. This helps them to judge for ‘themselves how much they've understood and retained of ‘the text, which is important when doing a Part 4 Reading task. ‘Students then complete the text with words from Exercise 2 They can check their answers in pairs. ‘Answers 1 freezing 2 comenient 3 coast 4 peacetut 5 space © cooy 7 sociabie 8 Ivey 9 huge 10 sme 11 elderly 12 view 6 RED Play the recording for students to check their 7 Ask students to try and remember what attitudes and ‘opinions Bea expresses, e.g. I's quite convenient to get to Paris by train.; The street she lives in is quiet and peacef, There's plenty of space inside her house.; Her room feels really cosy; Paris isa lively city; She loves shopping in Paris: You get an amazing view of the city from her grandparents’ window. “Then students make some notes individually before they begin talking to their partner, using the prompts inthe exercise, and the language from the unit as far as possible. ‘They can then tum these notes into a short piece of writing for homework. See the Workbook for further vocabulary practice. Unit6 My home 29 Exam task Read through the Exam tip with the class. Remind students to read through the text quickly to get an idea of what is init They should then read the questions and read the text again more carefully to find the answers. Answers. 10 2A 38 48 5D ‘Ask students to think about any old buildings ii illo watermill that did important jobs in their area in the past. As an example, show a cross-section of a ‘windmill to see how it worked, grinding com into flour. ‘Ask them also to think about the use of horses in their area, and to find any old photos of e.g. well-known streets where people are using horses to get around rather than motorised vehicles. Discuss When did horses disappear completely? ‘How much were they used on farms? Are they still used now? Are there any areas in their country where horses have 10 be used as there ttle access for cars? Grammar used to 1 Make sure students fully understand used to by asking some ‘concept-checking questions and getting them to give some ‘examples of things that they did regularly in the past, but don't do any more, for example, When | was five, | used to _go to bed at 7 o'clock. Whot time did you use to go to bed? Elicit answer. Then ask Do you go 10 bed at 7 o'clock now? When did you go to bed at 7 o'clock? Elicit When I was @ baby, I used to go to bedat 7 o'clock. ‘Students can complete the exercise and then check their “answers with a partner. Refer students to the Grammar reference, SB page 83. Answers + 1 Did you use to 2 dich’ use to 3 used to 4 didn't use to 5 Did sho use to 6 veedto 2 Use the prompts to tell the class about you and then ask a few students a question, e.g. When | was younger, I used 0 ‘watch cartoons on TV. didn ¥ use to watch the News. Did you use 10 watch the News when you were younger? In pais, students continue. Monitor as they are talking, noting down any errors they make to go over at the end of the activity. ‘Verbs followed by infinitive / -ing form 3 Students find the sentences. Ask them to look atthe Grammar reference, SB page 83. Explain that they need to start leaming these combinations and that they should ‘star listing them in their vocabulary notebook. Ask them 10 ‘complete the table in pairs. Check the anwers as class. Answers Verbs ftlowed by ing Verbs folowed by infintive Check students understand all the verbs. You could give ‘each verb to pair and ask them to create a sentence (using ‘dictionary if necessary) to read aloud to the cass. 4 Students work in pairs to correct the sentences. Check ‘answers as a class. Point out that if there are verbs + preposition, the verb after the preposition is always —ing. In this exercise, ro in 3 and ofin 4 are prepositions. Answers 1 agree tog 2 tke going 3 look forward to seeing 4 consist of going 5. Ask students to complete the exercise individually and then ‘compare answers with a partner. Check answers a a class. ‘See the Workbook and CD ROM for further practice. Answers iL do, make, go, have 6 Introduce the exercise by putting up some words and ‘expressions on the board and asking them which verb goes with each one. They can then make some of their own ‘examples before moving on to the exercise, For example: ‘have a bath /shower /a good time /problems / fin /tunch _g0 climbing / swimming / shopping /home !out/ away «do the washing up / well / badly / something wrong / damage ‘make a mistake /a phone call /an appoinament a cake, ‘Students discuss the sentences in pairs. Refer students to ‘the Grammar reference, SB page 83 to help them. Check answers as a class. ‘ce the Workbook and CD ROM for further practice. | [ See the Workbook for further practice. 30 Unt 6 My home Answers 190 2do Shave 4make Sdo 6do Thaw Places and buildings Reading Part 5 1 As allead-in tothe topic of the pyramids, get students to talk about some old buildings they might have visited. Are there any in the town where they live? Take some pictures into clas of old places in their town / country ‘and encourage them to talk about these places, even if they haven't been there — what do the students know about them? Exam task ‘Read through the Exam tip with the class. Remind the student to read the text through ignoring the gxps to begin with. They should try to understand the gist ofthe text. ‘Students then complete the exercise individually before checking answers with a partner. Check answers as a class , ‘and discuss the other options with the students and why they are wrong. Answers 11D ontered is me onty one ofthe four foowed drecty by to 2 © whore is refering back to place, Eaybt ‘3B. remind students of previous exercise ~ co your homework 4 A allthe nouns go wth in but only fact has the cont ‘meaning ‘5 B fves i for people or animals; exists can be used for things © D consists is tne onty verb ner followed by of 7 A_ remind students of previous grammar - used to means. «| 8.8 do.damage to sth ~ it students don know tie ‘expression. get them to recerdit ther vocabulary rotebooks 9 © short ony colocates with distance 10 remind moans help you remeber 2 Monitor as students discuss the questions in pairs. Note down.any mistakes they make to go over with the class after they have finished. Choose some students to talk about anywhere interesting they have visited. QARRAIB Gt the students to do some research on the Great Pyramids answering the questions: Who first opened them and went inside? What did they find there? ‘The pyramids are described as one of the Seven Wonders ‘of the World. Ask What were the others? Where were they? Do they still exist? Divide the class into seven groups and ‘get them to do a short presentation on one of the Seven Wonders. Writing Part 3 1 Get students to imagine somewhere they'd like to visit. Pat up prompts: I'd really lke 10 0 to... I've always wanted to g0 10 ..:I'd love to see .. Elicit ideas from the class ‘Then ask them to ook at the photos and match them to the names. If possible, take in a world map and show students ‘here the different countries are. Students then ask and “answer the questions in pairs. Choose some students to tell the class about their partner. - [Answers 11 Buckingham Palace 2 the Tal Mahal 8 the Eifel Tower 4 the Leaning Tower of Pisa 5 the Great Wall of Grina ‘Get students to look in pairs tthe different locations in the first box and think about why they would / wouldn’t like to go there, using the different adjectives in the second ‘box. Get some examples from around the class and write them up on the board, eg. J wouldn ike to go to a desert because itis very hot inthe day and cold at night. Aso 1 think itis boring because there is nothing o see. ‘Ask students to read through the email, ignoring the lunderiined words. Ask them to tell you what it is about. ‘Then look atthe categories below the email. Tak about ‘cach one, giving an example of each from the email. Ask students to continue the exercise in pairs. Ask What is each linker doing in the sentence? Remind students that we we although and despite in very different ways. Although it was raining, went out. Despite the rain, I went out, Go over the answers. Answers Tie inks: fest, Then, in the evening, After that inks to explain reason and resut: Because, £0 Links to add a point: als, and Links to contrast a point: despite, though, but Using the list of linkers in Exercise 3, students complete the email. When they've completed it, they can read out the ‘completed email to each other. Check answers as a class, Answers rapt 10 because To prepare students for this, write up some sentences on the board, all joined by commas. Elicit from them some ‘sentences about their day — they can also use the linkers they've just practised, e.g. get up at 7 o'clock. Ihave breakfast This can change to get up at 7 o'clock Fhave breakfast. Or 1 get up ot 7 0’clock and then Ihave breakfast. Read through the Exam tip with the students. Encourage Urit8 Myhome 31 students to read out the sentences. Is there a fll stop where they stop? Students write the sentences correctly. Answers 2 W'.going to be great, you can bring sandwiches. It's going to be gaat. You can brng sandwiches. ‘3 Thanks for your letter, i's good to ear from you. ~ Thanks for your letter. I's good to hear from you. 4 We wert to swim in the sea, the day was hot and sunny. - We went to swim in the sea. The day was hot and sunny. / We "went to swim inthe sea because the day was het and sunny. 5 A plenic inthe park isa good idea, i's very big. - A plonic in ‘he park isa good idea becouse te very big. Apion in the ark is a good iden. t's very big. 6 My mobile rang, twas Saran, my best trend. - My mabe rang. It was Sarah my best fiend. / My mobile rang and it ‘was Sarah, my best fend. 6 Ask students to try reading the story to each other, Where do they stop ~ should there be a full stop there? Students insert the punctuation. They read it again. Does it sound allright or have they put fll stop in the wrong place? I's." 1 good way for students to check that they havea't written incomplete sentences, (See Recording script for answers.) 7 @PHBDB Students listen to the recording to check their answers. After listening, they add the paragraphs. Wo spent tho white day onthe besch and thon came hore a2 the sun wert down and & Bogan to got cold. twas 8 goat Exam task Read through the Exam tip with the class. Ask students 10 ‘make some notes about the task before they begin, to make sure they have enough ideas to write about. Remind them that they have to make a choice between a letter and a story, 0 they should choose the one they can write about the most fully. Refer students to the Writing file, SB page 88. Sample answer Hisam, Thanks for your letter. Going to the mountains sounds great. ‘My family and {ll love acing into the countryside. We last went there on Satursay bacause the weather was quite nice, although it was raining a bitin the moming. Fst we prepared a Peni and then get inte the car, which my dad drove. We went to a ice place by the river, and had our picnic, Then we walked Jong way, unt It got cold in the evening. After that, we drove home again. was a gre cay! 32 Unt’ Myhome Listening Part 1 Exam task (GORD Read through the Exam tip with the clas. Ask the students fo spend some Gime reading the questions and ooking at the pictures. Answers 1B. She kes the fact that meres somewnere fo go ater ‘School and meet riends - in the park. '2 A Her lamp's too big so she wants to see there's anything ‘sho tes better 3A Thor'llbe fais of now. 4 C Tho fan was se noisy that he had to switch it of. 15. The visto works ina lab doing experiments. ‘8 B The or says the tea they had atthe café was lovely. 7 A. There's a great neciiace she's seen and she's going to get that. Recording seript ‘There are seven questions in this part. For each question, there are three pictures ard @ short recording. For each | question, choose the correct answer A, 6 or C. 1. What does the git tke about har room? Git. We've just moved to 8 new town, 90 inthe centre, ae | quite miss those eee ee eee i ' g ‘Aw Mocivommnaeohyauncnowcne=t loose patect onyourfeot ‘Thanks, ee ae g Mum: Wel, we can have a lock when we goto the clty contre tomorrow =I stil need a new duvet for your brother's bed. Git: OK. good idea. 3 What wi the weathar be tke at the weekend? ‘Weather reporter: And now on to the weather for Saturay ‘and Sunday — and is nt looking too ‘900d, fr afraid. The showers that we't '5e0 on Friday wit che away during the ‘over the past few days won't be with us by ‘the weekend. But the message is stil wrap ‘up warm and take an urbe. What cid the bey ditiko about the hotel room ho stayed in? How was your famity hokey, Josh? ‘Wel, we stayed in a great hotel. My brother and 1 ‘had our own room next to cur parents t had big, ‘hick curtains that made the room nice and dark Fy a lee lant ‘the sun, tke at home. My brother else tere on. a st leg! Then saved up wehing Wey. fe* irate ae et aaaioaie How was school, Brigitte? ‘Gat Mun! woman cane nto gv ak rg ‘ur sconce class, and twas realy interesting, ‘Teacher said she's qute famous ~ abe works ina. ‘ ‘how we catch linesses ike colds. | spoke to her ‘afterwards about how | want to be an animal doctor ‘when Im older, and she was realy helpful. Faniastict With dink hd they have during their schoo! trip? |Sey. The school np was good yestercy, wasn’t I? Girt + Yeah —1 wish I'd taken more to dink with me.on ‘the bus, though. twas quite a hot day, wasn’ I ‘Soy. Mmmm, and'd crunk all my orange juice before we ‘even left. Git: Silt was great to go to that café - the tea they ‘served there was lovely. think our teacher was ‘quite surprised when we ordered. ‘Boy. know ~ she probably expected us to have lemonade ike everyone else! ‘Wich birthday present wil the git buy for her sister? Get HiDadt I'm in town =m jest trying to tnd ie ‘something for Maria's birthday. | know she was ‘poping you and mum would buy the T-shirt she ‘Saw last week, but mum says Auntie Val's got that = 50 you've bought her a belt instead. ts that right? ‘Anyway, there's a great necklace in one shop I've. just seen - I'm sure she'd Ike it, so I'll get that. ‘Can you pick me up when I've frished shopping? ‘Thanks, Dadt Speaking Part 2 1 Remind students that in Part 2, they need to speak to each ‘other about a subject supplied by the examiner. Explain that the phrases in the exercise will be useful. Students work in pairs to categorise them. Check answers as a class. Answers Giving opinions: | think .. woud be more useful; 'd prefer to take. rather than ..: Id rather take. ‘Making suggestions: How / What about taking ..2 ‘Asking for opinions: What do you think”; That's a good idea, n't it? 2 CPMEDD Ask students to compare their answers, before they listen and check their answers. Answers 1. a good idea, n't? 2 how about taking '3 would be more useful 4 Fed preter to take 5 rather than onto ace you aay a ‘Yes, ve got everything. I've put a guidebook ‘Thafea pod ide, lt And how ost tng an Tea dec ba Woh wet epg ele ‘anc windy! OK, well prefer to take an umbrella, | think, rather ‘than a coat. I might put one in my bag. Tom: Fine. Hie Exam task (€SEIB As preparation, you could ask stodents to think about what they could use each item for, otha they already have some ideas when they begin ther discussion. Read through the Exam tp with the class before they Histen tothe instructions and begin aking Time them for three four minuie as they talk See if any of them can oop ping Elicit some ideas from the class. Write some usefl Dirases onthe board. Stadenis then change pariners ard do the ote agai, Recording script Imagine that you and your partner are preparing for a school ‘coach tip toa castle. Tak together about the citferent things {YoU couk! take wih you, and then decide which are the most ‘mmportant. Here are some ideas to help you. 1 In pairs, students match the words and pictures. During class feedback, focus on pronunciation. ‘Answers 1 gorilla 2whale 3 spider 4 shark 5 penguin |Beleohant 7 bat Bcamel 9snake 10 parrot 12 Pre-teach any unfamiliar words in this exercise and then let ‘students discuss the questions in pairs. Answers: 1 gorilla, camel 2 penguin, bat, parrot 3 gorilla, elephant, bat, | camel, parrot 4 whale, spider, shark, snake 5 snake 6 shark, snake 3 Ask students to complete the sentences with the words iin the box. Ask them to read the sentences carefully and decide which pgrt of speech is missing (1 adjective, 2 verb, 3 adjective, 4 noun). They then identify the correct words in the box. They can check their answers using a dictionary. ‘Ask them if they agree with the statements and have a class —— Answers }1 cruel 2 protect 3 rae 4widie 4 Students work individually and then check their answers in pairs before class feedback. Answers 1 J2anc,€ DD cB dE 0D ‘5 Students compare their recent experiences at 200s or safari parks in groups. Choose a representative from each group to summarise their thoughts, ‘See the Workbook and CD ROM for further vocabulary practice. 34 Unit? Wid at heart Listening Part2 1 (PREBD Read the first question with the class before ‘playing the first part of the recording. Students discuss the ‘answers in pairs. Play this part of the recording again if necessary. Go over the supplementary questions. [Answers 1A 1 Allthe animais are mentioned. 2 The interviewer says popula 3 Vitors come especially to see them, more than ary other ‘Students read and underline the key words in the Exam task. ‘Exam task (RBBB Look at the Exam tip and remind the class that paraphrases or synonyms are often used in this part of the test, Le. they won't necessarily hear the same words on the recording as in the options, A, Band C. (Although the words jin the questions are often the same.) Play the recording twice. Students should check their answers in pairs. Answers Sometimes | that's the first thing we do Scenes ERO ec av bsiierooron mene: 2 Interviewer; Some people say Z008 are cruel because the ‘enimels are bored . ‘Martin: Well actualy, thete days most zo0s make a huge effort to keep the animals busy. So for ‘example, instead of giving them one big meal oad foster cua ave ood And wean dng tin + diferent paces so they never know where ti be. Imerviewer: ie race wenn gene favourtte animals? erie YO INC ee a Nt Inteligent and they tke Perea pees erect ‘day. They're fantastic. ve leamed so much ‘n the last fve years. Interviewer: Have you leamed anything surprising about Marto: Wel, now that sociable: nba tay coated gh hey 3 Check students understand the meaning ofthe adjectives in the sentences. Then get them to think of different ways of saying the same thing, working in pairs. Answers Grammar Past perfect 1 Go through the examples with the class and highlight the Answers ‘before 2afer 2. Students complete the rule individually. They can refer to the Grammar reference, SB page 84. Ask students for some ‘examples of their own about their school, e.g. The school ‘had built a swimming pool before I started here. I hada realised English was so easy until I started learning it at this school! [Answers had: past participle 3, RBBB Ask the class to read the sentences and then play the recording. Students check their answers in pairs. Play the recording again if necessary. Answers 1f 2F 3T aT 4 HEBD students work in pairs to choose the positive! ‘negative form of the past perfect. Play the recording again for students to check their answers. Answers had 2hadet Sadr 4 hadnt 5 Do the first sentence with the class as an example. Ask What happened first? (the tiger escaped) So which part uses ‘the past perfect? (the tiger had escaped). Students complete the exercise individually and then compare their answers with a partner, Unit 7 Widd at heart 35 Answers 1 discovered; had escaped 2 could net go: had seen ‘was: had appeared 4 camo: had not studied [Shad never seer; vsited 6 went; hed not been 6 Ask students to look atthe pictures and say what is bappening in each one. Look at the example with the class ‘and then elicit the other sentences. You could extend this ‘exercise by asking what other things the class thinks Super Sam had achieved by a very young age. Ask them to write three sentences in pairs. Answers By th age of 10, Samad sated around the wold Jo By the age of 12, Sem hed lef univer. 7 ‘Students discuss the questions in pars. Highlight « few of the students’ correct and incorrect uses ofthe past perfect during feedback ‘See the Workbook and CD ROM for further practice. Students could research some teenagers who ave sailed around the world ata very young age, e.g. Laura Dekker, Zac Sunderland, Jessica Watson. They could discuss the advantages and disadvantages of achieving so much at a young age. Reading Parts 1 Check students know the meaning of the words before they do the task. They can use a dictionary if necessary. Read the Exam tip with the class and remind them to keep a * record of all new vocabulary including collocations. [Answers 1 avoid, escape 2 cause, ve 3 get, provide losing, escaping 2 Explain that three of these phrasal verbs have a similar meaning and then get students to do the task in pairs Answers 1 carted on; went on; kept on (continued) 2 passed on (gave) Exam task ‘ell the class to read the whole text before tying to do the ‘ask. Point out that they have already practised some of the words in Exercises 1 and 2. Students check their answers in pairs. [Answers 10 2A 3B 4A SC 6D TC 8B 9D 100 3 Students do the activity in pairs and then compare answers with another pair or as a whole clas. 36 Unit7 Wid at heart You could extend this activity by getting students to do a project on dangerous wild animals from their own country or fiom around the world. They could focus on the most dangerous insect, fish and animal and ‘make a poster in small groups. * Environment Reading Part2 1. Discuss this question as a whole class. Decide together if liter i a big problem and what can be done about 2. Students do the task individually and then compare with a partner. Ask students which words helped them to decide the answers: | on the streets, rubbish 2 sea levels, floods 3 run out of 4 local river, hardly any fish. Answers Titer 2 climate change 8 ol! 4 polltion 3. Students do the task in pairs. They can add anything else they are worried about. During feedback, find out which statement most students agree with and have a class discussion, Exam task Read the Exam task and the Exam tip with the class. Check students understand the word charity; elicit some examples of charities from the students. Students do the task individually and then check their answers with a partner. Make sure they are underlining the key information. During feedback, get the class to check that their choice matches ‘exactly what cach person requires. Answers 1D 26 30 4A SE 4 Students work in small groups and think of some ideas to help the local environment. Choose a representative from ‘each group to explain thei ideas. The class can vote on the best idea. Speaking Part3 1 Students tick the things they can see in the pictures. Check their answers paying attention to pronunciation. Check students understand all the words. If possible, bring in pictures to help explain the other words. Answers Tver 2ice 2 Explain that some ofthe adjectives ean be used to describe ‘weather, some the sky and so on, They need to learn which adjectives are appropriate, Elicit the answers withthe ‘whole class. Check their understanding ofthese words by asking concept questions, e.g. Ifthe sky is clear, are there any clouds? If it freezing i tlt bit cold or very cold? Answers | freezing, humid, mid 2 clear S.caim,trozen 3 Students complete the sentences individually and then ‘check with a partner. Explain that these phrases will be Useful for Part 3 of the Speaking exam. Answers must 20me 3 probably 4 sure Exam task Read the Exam task and the Exam tip with the class. Then, ‘working in pairs, get students to each describe one of the pictures. Encourage them to use words and phrases from Exercises |-3. Monitor as they are working, noting down any mistakes and also phrases and vocabulary used. Go over these atthe end of the activity. (PRED Ask students to listen for phrases from Exercises 3 in the recording. You could extend this activity by ‘getting students to do the Exam task again with a different rine. They shouldn't describe the same picture again. Recording seript elephants there. aaa . ‘Parson washing « s for emeassicne 31 rae, Se ‘This fsa wally amazing think it was taken in Antarctica because this is where penguins live and cee racenaeeer poecen erp aybef har ret diet nl ‘is very funny. He looks like | +o take his photo but he doesn't seam atraid of them. Writing Part 1 Students do the matching task individually and then check witha partner. Read through the Exgm tip with the class. ‘Check answers withthe class, asking them to explain the changes in the direct statements when they are reported: pronouns change, e.g. 1 She; verbs go back in time, gam was, will > would, had -> had bad, ‘have you had > had she had, some verbs do not change ¢.g. might haw. ‘Ask students When do we use say, tell and ask? Say is used fora statement, ‘ell for an imperative, ask for a question. Refer students to the Grammar reference, SB page 84. [Answers 1d 20 3f 4b 5a 60 2 €@REDD Tell the class they are going to hear an examiner asking some Part 1 questions. Play the recording twice and ask students to write down the questions. Answers Have you always ved in Macrid? Do you like Iiing inthe city? Were do you tink you wil ive in the future? 3 ‘Students do the task individually and then compare with ‘partner. Refer students to the Grammer reference, SB age 84, [Answers 1 he had always ved in 2 said he tked living ‘3 said he might ive in encther country 4 This gives some extra practice for Speaking Part 1 Exam task Read the Exam task and the Exam tip with the class. Students do the task individually and then check their ‘answers with a partner. Answers 1 don'tput 2havefound Swore used 4 had built 5 are more expersive 6 wore interested in 5. Discuss some ideas for recycling plastic bottles with the lass. Unit? Wik atheat 37 11 Get students to think about the different ways they've travelled and what the advantages and disadvantages are of each one. [Now get students to do the same with the means of transport shown in the photos, and then give personal ‘opinions about them. How would they feel about travelling by those means? 2. Get students to check that they know all the words in the ‘box. If they don’t, encourage them to use an English English dictionary to check them, and record new wards in their vocabulary notebooks. Can they add any more words to the lists for cach category? Here are some suggestions: railway line, ferry, public transport, tunnel, van, make a reservation, crew, arrival, cabin, port, route, fare, backpack, travel agent, wi Remind students that we get on / off plane, train or ship; we get ino /out ofa car oF taxi. Answers car: motorway, roundabout, seat belt, speed imi, traffic jam, rate ight plane: airport, boarding card, check in, departure gate fight attendant, hand luggage, land, plc, seat bet, secur, take of, weigh rir: crowded, patlor, station ship: cowed, fel seasick harbour, rough, secur, waves 3 Ask students to explain why they chose their answers. Which words gave them clues? Sarah—car They looked atthe map to help dad find his way. ‘Mark plane The attendant brought him a drink after he'd taken off, and his luggage wasn't too heavy. James — ship He watched big waves outside the window. “4 ‘Students read the information again and choose true or false, Check answers as aclass. 38 Unit We're off! Answers 1 F (They looked at the map to help him fd the way) 2 F (His ggage wasr't too hear.) 3 T (4e'd expected to be unpleasart, but It was fine because hhetooka sickness tabiet) Exam task As preparation, get students to read through the text quickly ‘to check what itis about, and ask students to work in pairs ‘and briefly say in their own words what they can remember ‘of the text. Read through the Exam tip with the class and ‘encourage them to underline the correct sections. ‘Students work individually to do the task and then check their answers in pairs. Check answers a a class. Answers 18 2B 3A 4B 5B GA 7A 8A 98 10A ‘5. Get students to think about what it would be like inside the ‘submarine, based on their reading. Would they enjoy it, or ‘would they be nervous? Why? 6 Try give students an example of your own before they do the exercise. Afier they have discussed in pairs, ask a ‘ew students around the room to share their experiences of journeys with the rest ofthe class. GARD Ge: students to think of as many words as they can connected with water, eg. ways of traveling on/n wate, different watersports, places where we find water, verbs that describe water and what we do init. “Then get students to devise a questionnaire about the different waterspors they've done. Were they positive or negative experiences? Why? Put results ona bar chat, .g. How many people have tried swimming, windsurfing, canoeing, diving. Which s the most ‘popular watersport in the class? Which is the least popular? Grammar First & second conditionals 1 Read through the information with the class. Ask students ‘to say which tenses are used in each clause. Give some ‘examples of your own before students workin pairs to ‘complete the sentences. Possible answers 111.90 with them. 2 11 watch some OVOs: /3 | won't tiey my room 4 1 buy computer game '5 "getup early inthe morning. 6 | want 1o buy something in town on Saturday 2 Read through the information with the class. Ask students to say which tenses are used in each clause. Students work in pairs to complete the sentences. Refer students to the Grammar reference, SB page 85. Possible answers 1 was / were 2 wouldnt {saw /found / discovered / heard 4 wouls 5 had/ won 6 saw 3 Ask students to say when we use will not)\would (not) — not with the clause. Answers 2 lost 3 won't oo 4 woke 16 wouldnt be 6 will drve 7 woul watch 8 inept hep 4 Ask students to complete the exercise individually before ‘comparing their answers. Ask them to look carefully at ‘any answers where they disagree. If they have completed ‘everything correctly, they can either check their answers with another pair, or make some sentences of their own, ‘using both conditionals. These can then be put on the board ‘and checked by the whole class. ‘Answers 1 wil be very haney if you eome to my house. / | would be + very happy if you came to my house. 2 Ithink your family would be ead and werred if you did't go. thik your tarnily wil be sad and wore if you don't go. 9 If were you, | would go to the large schoo! inthe contre of town 4 Mhwould be beter youwent to his house. /t wil be better you goto is house. 15 Hyouthelp me, i wil be better. 6 Htyeu come, Pl bring semathing to dink. you eame, Fl bring something to dank. After working through these points in pais, students can ‘make their own questions in pairs, writing them on a piece of paper. Give students examples of beginnings for their questions, ic. What will you do if. , What would you do ‘if . « Discuss some examples and put them on the board before students begin to write their own. Then they walk. around the room asking different students their question, and swap papers each time so that they don't always ask the same question. ‘To round off, you could do a class survey, asking them ‘hich item around their home (apart from « computer and ‘4 mobile) they would miss if they didn’t have it, and why. ‘Ask them if they think their parents would have the same opinion. Travel & holidays Reading Parts ‘Exam task Ask students to look at the photo and think about what's happening — they may already know something about the topic from the news. Ask them to share any information they have with the rest of the class. Get students to take time to read through the text to see how ‘much they can already understand without the words in the ‘BPs. Answers 1© 2D 3B 4A 5A 8D 7C 8A 9B 10D 1 When they've finished the task, ask them to briefly summarise in pairs what they've read about, in their own words. ‘Then ask them to discuss the points. Ask them the following questions to help them: What might be exciting about the trip? ‘Why might you feel nervous? What might you see from the windows? The ground? Clouds? A view of earth from a long way up? Stars and planets? How would the view be diferent from the view out of an aeroplane window? Encourage students to follow the developments of ingin Galactic's Spaceship Two on the Internet. They could make a timeline to chart its progress. Listening Part4 1 In pairs, get students to answer the questions and talk about ‘what they can see in each picture. Ask them to also think about these two questions: Whar would you be able 10 do in each place? What might be a disadvantage of going there? Further practice ‘When students have finished discussing the photos, ask them to talk about their own holidays and describe them to their Partner. Where do you go? What do you do? Have you been to any of the places in the photos? ‘They should make notes before they begin and use these to follow up with a piece of written work. Discuss asa class, 2. FORBID Get students to listen carefully and tick the appropriate boxes. Point out that the items aren't in the same order as the recording, so they have to listen carefully. Answers ‘See the Workbook and CD ROM for further practice. ake Marta ie je je Je he coast Z iy the mountaira 7 7 [te oy contre Zz ea [an adventure pare lv _|e [a spots camp z 7 Unit'8 We'eof! 39 Recording script 14, Marta! Where cd you go or your last hoy? Tote, Dest, wast TI? ove going there! Get; The woather wasn rita, tough, 80 we coun do ‘much Tobe honest ke gong tothe mountains. That's ‘shrew usualy 00. and therw are loads of things to do, lhe shing and snowboarding. ‘Mme ow what yourean. We wet there lt yea, too, anc overyone had a great ie, apart rom my site, ‘Sh aways jst wants fo go shopping inact centre somewhere. lean’ sand dong rat Mernather, especialy it haverit got ary money o spenat rm - we did oo toa reat adventure park once, That ‘was aly cool= there were loads of cary des! ‘On, aye ut not my thing at al = they make me fo realy it ‘Oh no Wel, ell you what, maybe we coud sin uP forthe ‘choo! sports caro during the summer hoiays - weil get {2 doloads of eu thee, tke saling. ‘An oot Great oa ask my tari can gol 3. When they've completed the task, ask students to give reasons for their answers, pointing out what cach person sad. Exam task (PRED Read through the Exam tip and the instructions ‘with the clas first. Then get students to read quickly through the questions before they listen [fstudents are stil struggling with their listening skills, ask them what they can remember about some of the following before they try answering the exam questions, e.g: ‘+ where Joanna and Mark went» what they wore ‘how long they stayed + Mark's horse “Nhcir meals. + Joanna's first horse * who was there with them ‘+ Mark's photos Answers, ‘They both thought thelr parents would say no. “They had big meals, ther own rooms and a poo. +.fteeragers) who hadn't been riding much before... he ust ‘He dich" realy think be might gst hut. He went far too fast and scared here bt. He's not sure they're brillant she might change his ming ‘about displaying them. a>o Recording seript ‘Look atthe six sentences for this part. ‘You will hear 8 conversation between @ git, Josnna, and her rating Mar recs ae tt ey oe kt on, Decide It each sentence ie correct orincomrect. {itis corect, puta tick in the box under A for YES. fits not Ccomect, put atickin the bor under & for NO. ‘Now wo are ready to start. Listen carefly. You will hear the recording twice. Girt, We had a great holiday, didnt we, Merk? | hed @ Ditiant time ~ a whole week just horse riding through the countyside. 40 Unit Were off! g Fantastic, yeah. Im glad mum and dad finally alowed {Us to go on holiday without them for once. relly. ‘thoughttheyd say no. ‘Mattoo. But | mean, it wesn't as f we weren't well looked after atthe riding school with all the big meals. ‘end our own rooms — and the pool and stuf. | know what you mean. But for me it was just good to ’be with lots of other teenagers our age, realy ~ ones. ‘who hadn't been iding much before, ‘Like ua! You could tell that from the new riding clothes ‘wo were al wearing, cout you ~ and now Ping hats, toot Yeah ~ and it was good we had those. Every time we ‘wont under some trees |eered fo got ht on the hosd By branch auppan noe abt cargo rey stthough Lc sally tink might ot hac, with ny hetnat on neppened 80 regu, though, that ‘tual began fo wonder iy horse was doing on ‘Hm, fm not sure he was that clever! He was a lovely horse, enyway, very gentle. | mean, know we were ‘each supposed to be matched with the best horse for 1s, but'm quite glad | changed mine. ‘had just wanted io 00 far too fast ~ he scared me a bit! | got a great photo of him, though — he was very beautiful Infact, | took loads of shots with my new ‘camera. I'd thought | might gat them printed and then ‘put them up on my wal.'m not sure they're bilan, ‘hough, se probably change my mind when I've had. Wel, just wait and Speaking Part4 1 Get students to talk about what's happening in the two pictures, and why they would / woulda’t enjoy taking part in the two sports. Remind the students to take turns speaking. Monitor and nots down any problems to revise ‘when they have finished the activity. Encourage them to describe as much as they can in the photos, e.g. the weather, background, what people are wearing. 2 ‘Ask students to read through the sentences. Play the recording twice so students can complete them. Check answers as a class Answers 1 preter going abroad to staying at home, 2 | like going somewhere in my country mare than going somewhere far away 3 | dott realy erjoy it as much as my parents do 4 going on holiday la much better than staying at home 3 (REED Play the recording again. Students compare their answers in pairs, Then check answers as a class. Answer Tira prefers going abroad because kis hot. Greg doesn’t ike gong far way becouse string. Tira prefers ively places because she ikes shopping and watching Ive music. Grag misses his fiends on holiday but he does watersports. Tiea and Greg agree staying at home is boxing, ‘Exam task Go through the information provided. Ask a few students if they have ever been to any of the locations. Ask others to ‘say what activities they do on holiday, apart from the ones mentioned. Encourage students to use the ways of expressing preferences tha they've just heard in the dialogue above. ‘You could tell pairs of students that you are going to give them a set amount of time (3 minutes) and that they have to try tokeep talking during that time. You could put the students into groups of four, so that while one pair is talking. the other group i listening for examples of good language. ‘This will help them prepare for being observed in the exam. Writing Part2 1 Askstudents What kind of photos do you take on holiday ~ friends end family? views? wildlife? Do you use o camera or ‘our mobile? What do you do with your photos when you get ‘home? Encourage students to say as much as they possibly ‘can about the photo, using the prompts. 2 Remind students that this isthe kind of check they should do ‘on their own writing in the exam. I's particularly important to ensure that errors aren't making the intended meaning unclear. Answer Higa, ‘Your never guess what happened during my holley | was ‘walking along a road in Groaia where there was @ Its of water: Sudden | saw a boy waterskiry along the road. It wes, ‘amazing! Corve to my house tommorrow so that | can te tll, ‘you about my trio - and show you my nhoto! ‘Seeyou sogn, 3. Can students work out what the three points were from the text? Itdoesn't matter if their answers are not exactly the same asin the book, as long as they are possible. Answer 1 tall Sarah what you were doing when you took the photo / where 4 Asan introduction to this exercise, put some examples on the board, eg. ask students to say what they were doing. ‘when you walked into the classroom (I was talking fo my Sriend. Iwas siting quietly. I was eating a sandwich! Iwas looking at my English book) Answers 1 the road when I sa a man. ‘My phone rang while te football practice. ‘1 pesteontinuows 2; '5 Students complete the sentences individually. Check “answers as a class. Answers {saw 2 was walking Sate 4 was sittng 5 arrived were al talking: walked 7 were you doing 8 was buying ‘See the Workbook for more practice. 6 Put suggested endings 10 the sentences on the board. Ask them to follow the pattern ie. heard/saw someone doing something. Which ones do student like the best? 7. You could ask students to prepare in advance for this ‘activity and bring in some unusual photos or pictures of places that they've visited. You could also use photos from ‘magazines and ask them to role play talking about taking ‘the photos on holiday. Exam task Read through the instructions and the Exam tip with the class. You could ask the students to write the email in class [Sample answer Hi Marcus, 1m sending you a photo of me and my family on holiday in Spain. realy ike it as my whole family looks happy. Can you ‘send me some of your holiday photos? I'd love 1 soe them! Best wishes, Unit 8 Wetre of! 41 Unit 1 1 Lissiting 2 es up 3 We come; we're living, is working says; cooks 5 really wants 6s studying; she's working 71'm not enjoying Do you like 2 Labout 2in 310 4of Sat Gof 3 lor 250 Sbecause 4Although § and because Tbut $50 4 recipe 2 drama 3.watersports 4 volleyball Scanteen uniform 7 gym 8 facilities Unit 2 1 Adidn'tarriveldid not arrive 2 were 3.won 4did Sury ind ‘Sbecame 6paid 7felt 8 didn’t have’did not have 2 Awere you talking 2wasalwayshaving 3 did youhave ‘4didn’tstart_ 5 Was your dad going 6 was running 7 did Emily say 8 saw 3 Agives 2hand Sbelieve Ajoin Sstay 6give Tget 8 say, 41A 2B 3C 4A SB 6B 7A 8A Unit 3 1 Amore interesting 2asbig 3thebest 4 more dificult S worse than 6 more expensive 7 the cheapest 8 the most comfortable 2 Awhere 2who 3which 4 where Swhich where 8 who 3. Adepartment store 2 fashionable 3 changing room size Sdesigns 6refund Tash desk 8 reduced 4 Aeather 2Tryjners 3piain dgloves 5 suit Gbracelet 7sandals 8 silver; gold which Unit 4° 1 Lye neverbeen 2 Did Victor go 3 have you known 4did you meet 5 We've had 6 they've ever eaten 7 My broher'salways wanted 8 did your teacher find 21B 2B 3B 4C SA 6C 7A 8B 3 Lexciting 2 disappointment enjoyable 4 relaxed Scorganised 6wory entertaining 8 challenges 4 ae 2of about 4about Swith @by/at 7 about . 42 Revision key Unit 5 ;: 1 1Could 2can't 3:musta't 4 should Smight 6.could Twill 8 might 21A 2C 3B 4B 3 Acod 2eabhage 3Peaches Aletmce Sturkey 6Sirawhery 7Beef 8Tona 4 I frozen 2raw 3fiied 4 boiled 5 Iback 20n 3for 4up 1 Idido'tuse to 2 Did youuse to 3didn’t use 10 4uused 19 SDidyou use to Gused to 2 -1Kari/him to take 2 forgetting 3t0help 4living Stoke him /Harry 6travelling 7 going 8 to buy him / Richard 3 tmade 2made Shave 4go Sdo hed 4 I freezing 2windy 3rainy 4warm Ssnowy 5S Llively 2sociable 3 peaceful 4ekierly $ convenient Ghuge Zon thecoast San apartment Unit 7 1 Ahadnever escaped Zhad been 3were 4 had travelled Shado't done 6weren't 7dida'tfind 8 had already made 2 Lhave/'ve never seen : 2 willl /are going to do/'re going o do 3 Have you got 4 amv'm going (to go) Sid you bey 6 don'tuse 3 Awhale 2snake 3penguin 4camel S spider 6parot That 8 elephant 4 Lpass.on 2 provides 3.camyon escaped Sprotect 6solve Unit 8 1 1won't 2 Unless 3sees 4might $ won't Gif Tis Swon't 2 1 dida"t want 2were 3 wouldn't 4 would Swon G wouldn't Tasked 8 didn't sty 3 Lwasn't/weren't 2didn’t keep 3.unless 4 wouldn't ‘Swould meet 6 don't go 4-1 raffic lights 2 joumey 3 platform 4 pilot S crowded Gmotorway check in Sluggage 9waves 10map Part1 4C 2B 3A 4A SC Reading Part 2 6C 7H 8D 9F 0B Reading Part 3 MB I2A BA MB ISB 6A 17B 18A 198 204 Reading Part 4 2A 2B 23B 246A 250 Reading Part 5 ‘ 2B 27B 2®C 29D 3A BIC 32D 3B MA 35C 6 HiSam, ‘ve just won an essay competition! I saw itin my favourite ‘magazine. My essay was all about the environment, and I got a ‘camera asa prize, It’s really cool! ‘See yousoon, Best wishes, * Writing Part 3 7 Hi Denise, ‘Thanks for your letter. t sounds a good project. Why don’t you go out and take some photos of the new buildings in your ‘ity? You should find the realy tall ones. Then you could go ‘and find seme old buildings. You could draw them. You could {include pictures of your favourite shops and cafés too. And don’t forget the people — if were you, Ié get pictures of them ‘00. Ifyou put them all in a book, it will be really interesting, hope that helpst Good luck with your project! ‘Best wishes 8 I got home from school a 4 o'clock yesterday as usual. When |Lopened the front door, Iheard voices. Who was at home? ‘were there — talking to Uncle Fim! He'd just come home from ‘Australia after seven years. He brought me lots of presents ~a ‘book about Australia, DVD and a toy kangaroo! They were ‘cool. Then we had some cake and some drinks: Uncle Jim is going beck to Australia soon, and I'm going to visit him. 1 ‘can't wait! Part 1 1€ 2B 3B 4C 5A 6C 7A Part 2 $C 9C 1B MA 2B 13B Listening Part 3 IM pool 1Sthe USA/America 16 cousin 17 ship 8 dolphins 19 eleven / 11 Listening Part 4 20B 21B 2A 23A 24B 25A Recording script Pot DD Practice test key & recording script 43 What time cd the git's new swimming lesson ‘nist? ‘You're late Michaola. | was gatting worried. | thought you'd be home half an heur ago. Michaole: | told you Dad. 'm na new swimming class now which goes on until quarter to six. The other one finished at quarter past five s0 | could get the earter ‘bus, Now | have fo rush out of the pool to make ‘sure | leave the sports centre in time to get the one, ‘at quarter past six. Which animal was the fim about? {really enjoyed it. t was much better than the one ‘about sharks. | leamed lot too. | din’t know there ‘weren't any polar bears in that part ofthe world. And I didnt alse it was the male penguins that sat on the {0998 for months in icy winds while the females went ‘off to find food. They/'e really funny to watch as well = they're 30 slow on land and 20 fast inthe water. But Ws hard to imagine any creature being able to vein ‘such an environment, What is the boy going to buy at the market? ‘Can | got some strawberrios at the market, Mum? ‘Wel, there are sil some in the fridge 30 we'll gat ‘some more next time, need a coconut because I'm ‘going to make @ curry with that and some mango this tedden Pesta aens eemeemerenercn ‘carry, 80 don't worry 10 get ‘some grapes from the supermarket tomorrow. OK. What will the weather be fke on Saturtay? ‘So moving on to Saturday’ forcast... By Saturday the wind wit drop and the weather should be calmer It should remain cy and bright thraushout most of the day with the chance of a few showers. ‘the rain won't ast long, It could be heavy a imes, $0 efit? worth 10 take an urbroiawith you. The temperature willbe average forthe time of yearn. ‘What happened tothe boy at the basketball match? ‘Toll me about the basketball match, Jon. ‘Well, our teem played well~ we scored loads of points. Then I fel and hurt my leg, but caried on playing. The other team was really better than us, though. So.did you lose? ‘No, because inthe final seconds, | managed to {get the ball, jump up to the basket and score! Thet ‘Meant we'd wont | thought my team might carry me ‘out of the gym like @ hero, though, so! was a bit disappointed. Well, maybe next time .. 44. Practice test key and recording serpt a (What does the git stit went to buy forthe party? Hi, Mum! 'm just shopping in town with Hannah, to ‘get some stuff to wear for the party on Saturday. I've {ourd a pair of trousers, but no top to go with them, ‘60 we're in Masons department store now. 'm sure, ‘well get somnething here. | couldn't find any shoes, ‘ether, 901 think just wear my old ones. We'l be {finished soon ~ do you want to come and meet usin ‘town? Call me back ~ bye! ‘That isthe end of Part 1. Pot 2 OD [Now turn te Par 2, questions 8 0 13. ‘You will heer an interview with an Australien git called Verity, who has recently been on a student exchange programme. For |each question, choose the correct answer A, 8 or C. ‘You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part 2. ‘Now we are ready to start. Listen carefuly. You will hear the recording twice. Interviewer: th me in the studio is Very Meehan, who's recently returned from a six-month exchange Programme witha family in the Netherlands. ‘That's @ long way from home, Verity, Why did you choose to do your exchange programme there? Wel, none of my friends had been there or ‘anything tke that but my grandfather spent some time there wen he was young and he said ‘shoud visit one day and I’ planned to do that as ‘800m as | Could. So when | had the opportunity to (90 to Europe, it seemed like the obvious place to 90. Interviewer: But you wore oniy 15. Was there anything you found dificult about Eving in.a foreign country? ‘Well, the family | stayed with in the Netherlands were really kind. And! wasn't lonely because | shared a room with one oftheir daughters. She helped me get used to my new routine, made sure | gotup in tine and thinge lke that. The only thing that was hard was the one-kilometre bike ride to school every day! | enjoyed it in the summer but i Winter was terrible. Interviewer: So, when you anived, what did you notice straight ‘away about the Netherlands? Well, | remember tho first fow hours really cloaty. | knew the weather wouldn't be warm because it was winter, but wasnt as bad 2s I'd thought ‘would be. The famty met me at te airport and we drove to their vilage. | was @ bt disappointed by the countryside ~Itlooks much nicer in summer = but | was so excited when | saw all the old bbullings there. They looked exactly how I thought they would. Interviewer: And what was the schoo! lke? twas OK because there were a lotof classes, in English. And they gave me projects to do when there were subjacts in Dutch | couldn't understand. The school was very modern and ‘much bigger than most echools in Australia. The Uibrary was fantastic and they also had @ lot more ‘science labs than my schoo! at home. |tervewer, What about the students? ‘erty: Oh, they were realy tendly. Trey gave me tots ‘of advice about places | should visit. They'd al traveled alot more than me, although no one hed eon Avante a te ene aly son Tents tes roo montana ne. Sone of tem crue vcr how ond do Iotervower: Sos tis an experience you'd recommend? Verity: Oh, detintoy. | think sic months was the right ‘amount of te. needed that amount of ime to lear the language. But after sx months realy ‘needed to see my parents | was So happy to'900 ‘them again. ‘That is the end of Part 2. Now tum to Part 3, questions 14 t0 19. Parts ORD ‘You wil hear boy called Jake talking to Fis Clessmates about @ ving trip he recently di with his fori. For esch question, fil inthe missing information in the ‘numbered space. ‘You now have 20 seconds 1o look at Part 3. ‘Now we are ready to start, Liston carefully You wil hear the recording twice. ‘My name's Jake, and trecenty went ona fantastic ving tip ‘with my family ~ swimming uncer the water! twas very exciting. 'é never gone diving in open water betore, tke a river ora lake. jst done my diving training ina pool. ‘But was relly looking forward to my frst real sea dive, 80 ‘ff we wont. We couldn't decide where to go at frst. We ‘considered going somewhere in Europe, but then friends in the [USA offered to et us stay with them, 50 we went o the coast ‘here, where there were perfect diving conditions. ‘On the fist day we went out in a boat with our instructor and ‘other people learning to dive. My father stayed in the boat, and ‘my cousin jumped into the bea atthe samme ne as mo. | was ‘excited, though abit scared too, as the water was deep. As we swam down, we saw los of strange sights ~ a huge plant ‘growing inderwater, some shels, and my favourte thing ofa, fig thd ben fee many years and was eceatng | was a bit worried os we were swimming around bacause we'd ‘heard there might be sharks inthe arsa ~ only smal ones, but didn't matter So | was very scared when some big creatures ‘came swimming towards us ~ but they turned out to be ‘dolphins! They played wih us in the water. We even managed ‘0 get some photos. We hoped we'd see some fying fish ~ but ‘no such luck! Each day's dives wore completely diferent. We did three dives ‘on the first day, and four on the second, plus afew more — leven dives altogether, including a night dive!! even got & ‘dlving qualification atthe end of all was the best rip ever, ‘That is the ond of Part 3. ‘Now tum to Part 4, questions 20 to 25. the si sentences fortis part. ‘You wil hear @ conversation between @ boy, Hany, anda gir, Laura, about wide photography. Decide if each sentence is correct cr incorrect. fit correc, put a ck (/) in the box under A for YES. Mitt not comect, puta tck (/)1 the box under for NO. ‘Younow have 20 seconds to look at the questions for Part 4. ‘Now we are ready to start Listen carefuly. You will hear the recording twice. Hy Laura. Have you seen these wilfe photos in ‘Animals magazine? They're the winners of the recent ‘competion. Lot's 900, Hary. Mm, there are come good ones — that fish i great. You can see t quite clearly under the water. (Mm, the sun's shiring brightly on the water, though it'd be better without that. The one of the tigers biiliant, think. ‘But prefer photos ofthe things you might fin ving ‘n:your garden. Tigers always look wonderful 20 ‘anyone can take a brillant shot of trem ~ just goto ‘the local zc0 .. ‘Well, you've got.a point. That's why | Bke your photos all your pictures of frogs and stuff - they're common ‘animals, but you make them look special. “Tanks, Harry! think its more about being tucky, though — and net moving! And itisn’t easy when ‘you're watching wid creatures and nat making any ‘movement but they'l un away ifyou do. | know what you mean. I've missed some great [photos by moving atthe lsst minute. Anyway, the ‘other thing's my carrera. ‘What about it? : ‘Wel, t's not tke yours. Maybe! need a more advanced one to get the photo | want. It fine ~ you just need to learn more about how to ‘seit. bet i got buttons you haven't even tried yett Hmm, maybe I'm often disappointed with my ‘pictures, though. m thinking of going out before five In the morning and going down to the park. ‘Wel, there wor't be many people around then. You ‘could get the same pictures later in the day, though, just by being a bit more creative in how you look at ‘things. Anyway, what about the photography course ‘at the college in town ~ have you dacided yet? We'd eam a lot. Wiel, 1do need fo know more about techniques — but | can always just ask my brother if 've got a question. ‘But! am thinking about it... Wel t's up to you .. [Oa ie 4 sits PGi Pad Practice test key & recording sorpt 45 Grammar 1 Lis 2come Sareliving 4is working $ are staying Gfind Tlove is 9doesn'train 10feel Mare 12 don't get 2 Ato Pabout,b Sofa dof.f Sto,c Gatd 3. 1 Samcan’t stand washing up/ doing the washing-up / washing, the dishes. 2 Debbie quite kes cooking / making food / preparing food. 13 Jon doesn’t mind walking te dog / taking the dog fora walk 4 Sara hates traveling by bus / geting the bus / going on the + bus. $5 Karl enjoys playing computer games / using his computer. Vocabulary 1 generous. 2 funny 3sociable 4 lazy Shonest G patient Teasy going § 2 Aperforms 2 get 3wear 4canteen Spitch 6lab ‘Thand in 8 going on 3 suggested 2. Sdescribes 4 invited Sexplaining Gadvised 7 persunde 8 thank 9 wams Exam tasks Writing Part 2 1 10 2or Shecause 4Although Sbut 6and then 2 Sample answer Hi Jan, {ve just taken'up tennis! But [ haven't got a racket or any tennis shoes, so I need to go and buy some, Would you like to come into town with me? You could help me choose. Hope to se you soon. (44 words) Reading Part 2 1F 28 3D 4H SE Listening Part 4 RED 1B 2A 3A 4A SB 6A ‘Recording seript How's the decorating going In your room, Mark? is it finished It's going OK. Come in and have @ look at the changes. 46 Workbook key & recording script Reading Part 5 : 1B 2€ 3B 4D SA 6B 7C 8C 9B 10C Grammar 1 1became 2began 3brought Abought S G chose 7drnk Biel Viet 1Ogrew 1 left 12lost [3rang Iran 1Sspoke 16t00k 17 threw 18 woke 19 wore 20 wrote 2 2 Maya ran 10 km every day. 3 Maya felt nervous. 4 Maya went to bed early. ‘5 Maya dida't work bard. 6 Maya didn’t get up carly. 7 Maya ae lots of chocolate, 3 2wastravelling 3 wasn't feeling 4 was getting ‘Swere feeling _ 6 were clapping and shouting ‘T were celebrating Vocabulary stay 2burst 3defeated 4 talent 5 disappointment Gattiude 7 lost Sachieve Icheck 224 3Myerson blue Sten 6 30th September ‘Recording script ‘OK everyone. As it's the start ofthe season | want to rerrind ‘you all about our team rules. So, frst of al, no tiends or family ‘members ao alowod in the changing room. Aleo & new rule ‘each week a cifferent pair of students wil have to check that ‘no one has left anything behind after every game or ‘Session, That way hope you won'tlose as much of your stu ‘asiast season. Next, come rules about matches. Obviously ia big problem {or the teem if someone la missing 30 please contact me as ‘s00n a8 possible if there's a problem. Half an hour before the ‘match isn't good Even two or three hours doesn’. ‘wally give me enough time -| need atleast 24 hours’ notice. ‘Of course, know sometimes there wil be last-minute ‘emergencies. ifm not availabe. then please call our new com, Jin Myersn. Tate MVE-A-S-ON on Now, {nope you ike the naw re ea shir | ink they @ ‘Cool, And | don't want anyone to spoil the effect by ‘wearing black or white shorts and socks - remember only Bue is acceptable. 1's also essentia| that you don’t forget the dates and times eae Ae en eae Good. Any questions? Reading Part 5 1A 2B 3B 4C SD 6A 7D 8C 9C 10 Writing Part 3 21b 2a 3d de Se Grammar 1 Amuch more 2s 3 the most the prettiost 5 the best 6 worse 2. I more expensive than 2 cheaper than good as 4 the furthest Sasheavy as 6 the most crowded 7 the worst. 8 biggerthan 3-1 where we had some delicious chocolate cake 2 which was very disappointing, ‘where we saw some ancient jewellery 4 who explained the maths homework for me again ‘S who agreed to lend me her favourite dress for the party 6 which he was really excited about 4 Lpretty pale pink 2 valuable old silver 3 big black leather 4 dark red coton S blue, black and green 6 two old gold Vocabulary 1 I put,on 2wears 31ty,0n took, off 5 get dressed G dressed 7 change 2. Suggested answers 1 The gir is wearing a T-shirt, a skirt a bracelet, sandals, a ring, a belt anda jacket. 2 The boy is wearing a sweatshirt, jeans, trainers, socks, 8 watch, a scarf and gloves. Exam tasks Listening Part 2 (HED 1B 2A 3C 4B SC 6A Recording script Interviewer: Hi Today Vm with 1 Nicky, ommiy atest ‘very popular! Welcome, Nicky. ‘want sat your gt fo onto nmn teem ve reef eral ee. ae ne ae. ‘People there love fashion, ' en ‘you can buy the latest clothes. We're lucky ‘Some ways because at least our schoo! lets. us woar what we like. But | felt wo all needed ‘somewhere to find out more about fashion, so that gave me the idea. So wry oyu tik your blog been 0 ‘Well, | always put information on it about ‘designers and wi bars oe fashion shows, and that's can moans Took at the blog hey me - they can’t afford top designers’ er they know ty te tinge the al ent cet a huge amount. Welt, luckily my older brother's « ‘into ‘computers, 80 he gave me good advice. But vores mah ose Remo Ren ot worried that no one was interested! That nee eee ant cree ‘They give people ideas about what to wear, ee exatne ‘student fashion show, didn't papers HES bout firm stars and what they wea. fo the ‘een aon So ws Cals roe fomething tht a star might wear for a big ‘ccm hy ants et op esse fom different designers. But | just created one made from my mum's old curtains! And everyone loved it! Nicky: Workbook key & recording script 47 ‘now what they really thik about the clothest ‘And what do your parents think about your biog? el, | was worried they'd say | shouldn't spend ‘50 much time on it, in ease they thought | should concentrate on schoolwork instead. But they soon realised just how much | loved it, 30 now they're ‘nappy for me. Thanks Nicky! Reading Part 5 1B 2D 3C 4D SB 6A 7C 8C 9B 10A Writing Part 3 ‘i : ‘Sample answer Hide, ‘Thanks forthe lovey photo of yourself in your fivourte clothes! I like wearing quite casual clothes, too, like jeans and T-shirts, but alo ike putting on something smart i'm going toa party ot somewhere special. I have to wear schoo! uniform all week, 0 1 like a change! often go to town with my fiends to buy clothes, but I like looking at things online too. My mum sometimes orders things for ‘me, which is great because I can try them on at home to sce if | like them, Do you ever buy things online?” Hope to bear from you soon, Best wishes, Reading Part 1 1B 2A 3C 4B SC Grammar 1 Lhavescen 2 have you been 3 haven't decided 4havehad Shasn'ichosen 6 has won 21B 1C 3B 4A SA 6B 7A 3 Lhaveknown 2-chosen 3two years ago 4 has Steceived haven't answered, i've been 7 forgotten Vocabulary 1 Zeenjoyable Shorpmnised 4 g-scary $bnervous Geworried Tdanxious Saterrifc 9 ferciting 2 1of 2by 3about 4by/about Sof/about 6of Tabout 8 with 3 L suprise 2 determined 3 interesting 4bored § afraid keen Tamazing 8 entertainment 48 Workbook key & recording script Exam tasks Reading Part 5 1B 2C 3A 4D 5B 6D 7C BA 9A 10C Listening Part 1 2 1A 2B 3C 4C 5B 6B 7A eet What does the git stit need to do? {tm going to the cinema with Sophie later, OK, cone everything before: |Grandma yet? ‘Yes, but make sure you go. Have you | ‘Yos, but she was out ‘Wel ring her again before you leave, Saeeessr eas a ciavecse _On which day does the man decide to get his son ‘tlckets for the concert? [My son's just tried to book some tickets for the ‘Black Keye concert on Merch 21st but there's 0 coma rm about that. There are only the most tcperve Sets tor at date aad miewecumnineyeeccrioe Sony, those are all sold out ~ but there are some on Fee em eeea rae tie sey ‘Yea, thove would be best. The 19th is no good because he's got schoo! the next day. OK. How many .. Which instrument is it possible to start baring? ‘OK everyone, 've got an announcement to make ‘about music lassons. I'm afraid it won't be possible {for anyone new to join any of the guitar groups 3 they/re a full. But f anyone is interested in taking Lp the violin there are now some places available inthe beginners’ cass. So let me know as soon ‘as possible i you're Interested. Unfortunately we ‘won't be able to offer drum lessons for the moment ‘because we haver't been able to find a new drums teacher Cider PAE Wat do the boys decide fo do on Saturday? Whet shall we do on Saturday, Harry? ‘We could go to the cinema. Dexter is on, ve alroady soon it. ‘Waller's do something. m bored of staying in and ‘playng computer games al the time. [Me too. Well what about going to S00 Jude's ‘brother's bend? They're playing at the sports club. Dalian ney stianieor Kier ves ‘Sounds lke t's wort trying. And better than doing nothing. { think 90 too. Far FE Writing Part 1 hasbeen 2asbigas 3 (very) excited 4 haven’t/ have not sold 5 enjoyable Grammar 1 Lam playing /’m playing 2 will win 3s going to tke 4will come Sis opening 2 Lare, must 2 is, mustn't 3 aren't, can't ‘isn’t, don’t haveto Sis,can’t 3 Amast Zmustn't 3may 4 should Sdon'thave to ‘might Vocabulary 1 Zhealthiest. 3,fimess 4 Cooking 5 unhealthy 6 unfit Toiled 8 fied 2 Laway 2back Sup 4for Son 6down 31A 1C 3B 4C SA 6C Exam tasks Listening Part 3 ED 11,000 3 ie 3 eaes Ashower Srubbish 6 icezone Perieecteeciertanetaats on the station that can't be Reading Part 5 1B 2C 3C 4B SD 6C 7D 8B 9A 19D Writing Part 2 1 ‘Wn you ks cone wi it 1 weak be retin could come too. 2. I've heard it's really good. / It's one of my favourite films, 3. Why don't we meet at 6:30? / WhaHow about meeting st 6307 ‘Sample answer Hidon. I'm going to the cinema with my ftiends tonight. Would you like to come? We are going to see The Incredibles because I love adventure films, The movie starts at7 so how about meeting at 6.30. We are going to wait for you in the food area. ‘Andy Grammar 1 1Did you use to 2didn't useto 3didn’tuscto 4.usedto Susedto Odid you use to Tdidn'tuseto 8 used 1 2 infinitive ing form choose avoid ‘manage look forward 0 intend suggest remind apologise for, offer imagine persuade miss 3 living 2tohelp Igoing Atohave Stotske 6secing 4 Amake /have 2went 3 didn't do couldn't /didn'tmake Smake 6 g0 Vocabulary 1 Ltower 2palsce 3 library 4muscum § gallery Gcity Tillage 8 forest 2 Lively 2cosy elderly 4 convenient Shistorical traditional Teultunl § Reading Part 5 1D 2€ 3A 4C SA 6B 7C $B 9A 10D Reading Part 4 1C 2A 3B 4B SC Listening Part 1 2D 1B 2B 3C 4B SA 6C 7 Workdsook key & recording script 49 ee Whereis the gis father working now? ee ‘Your fathers a chemist na big ‘rcfon? Tat tbe rest But does he Nv to spend much time in an office? Giri, Oh he wass doing that last year, but he didn't enjoy Ryery much, So they offered him a place back i ‘one of their laboratones, which he tkes much Detter. Ho's very interested in doing experiments. ‘And does he stil want to do some teaching? {He'll do some later in the year, but he's too busy at ‘the moment. ‘Wich pert ofthe caste cid the git tke? How was your visit to the castle, Jackie? Well, had no idea parts of it wore so high! We ‘clmbed right up to the top of « tower and looked down. But it was really scary — and freezing, 100, 90| hhad to come down again, And that’s when | saw the ‘huge windows, all made éf coloured giass. I'd never a gs £2ir ‘When we wert, we spent ages walking around ‘outside in the gerders. ‘Oh, we missed that ~ it was ust so-cold! Where does Jrmes ive? 1, Jamest | haven’ seen you for agest | went past ‘your house last week = was going to knock on your door and say hello! ‘Wolt it's lucky you didn't - my parents bought a new {fat in town, 30 we're there now! Really? In one of those big new apartment blocks in ‘the centro? ‘Oh, they/re relly expensive, so my perents chose a ‘smaller place, just above a café. t's lovely inside. So ‘come and see ust Thank. | wl Where wil Doniso wat for har fiend? ” Hi Magda. I's Denise. | hope you still want to mest in town, rm at the tennis courts ~ my class was over ‘abit early, so I'm walking towards the big old clock inthe centre of town — you know the one? Let's ‘meet there, and then we can decide whet to do. "ve ‘til got my birthday money to spend, sol'd realy {tke to have @ ook in the new cepartment store. |Whet do you think? ing me when you get this. See ‘you soon! Which of his photos is the boy most satisfied with? | got a new camera for my birthday las ‘and I've taken loads of pictures with it ‘on holiday to Egypt jus afterwards, 80 | got lots ‘of photos ofthe pyramids, but wasnt used to hhandlieg my camera then, so the ight wasn't quite right —nct kein the ones ofthe wind. That's jst down the road from where we lve. Anyway, I'm off ‘on a schoo! tp to visit the old palace inthe capital ‘soon. That should produce some great pictures! eres et 2 RY re 50 Workbook key & recording script What lant working in Sarah room? | don't know how you can sit and do your homework inher, Sarah ~ i So cole! Why haven't you ‘switched your heater on? ‘Oh, dad fixed tt yesterday 80 it should be OK Frlacen warp he veoa. Ayah SS noe = Iwas too busy werking on my laptop. |Well I've come to Bore your lamp | ait haven't 90k ne andl my rooms realy dark. ‘Well, that one won't help you | knocked it over, 0 itneeds a new ight bulb. Oh, great! What wes the weather lke in thal area yesterday? Did you go out with your far yesterday, Marcia? ‘We'd planned to go to the beach, but then the trate forecast sat was gong tora, 20 ve ‘didn't organise anything. But that was, ‘actually wrong, wasn’t if? Yeah. I went to the beach fora while. Iwas great pee plsensngnedindnd ‘around, though. ‘No - well, they'd probably all heard the pesor a Grammar 1 1 saw, hadn't realised 2 decided, had never escaped ‘3.was, had lived 4 didn’t become, had found ‘Shadn't been, arived 6 got, had been 2 Lhaven'tseen 2 don’tleave 3 youever been 4 promise we'llwill go § relare getting 6 you like to ‘Twant you to 8 Doyou want Vocabulary 1 L conservation 2cages 3 environment 4rare Sforbidden 6 wildlife 21d 2c 3e 42 Sf 6b eye ae 8 es g 31B 2B 3A 4B 5B 6C Exam tasks Listening Part 2 =D 1C 2A 3B 4B SB 6C eoneease With me here in the studio | Hig Or Jenny bagi gic erdigete pepaetagh aes raed ‘Jenny: We did't ive near the coast 501 only seen dolphins in the zoo and it wasn't until | saw a film about them on TV that | fallin love with them. ‘Adam: — So you never went to @ dolphin perk? Jenny: No. Never! Adam: So! suppose you don't like the plan to open anew dolphin park? if | i ‘Yes but the problem wi the groups is these area't the same as in the wid. The main type of is bottienose dotphins. ‘dolphin ‘they'e givon one email meala day son ae Reon ma rears cpa Fe ome ye dot tt ene tn ‘with dolphins. Jenny: ‘becorge tke pets. And ths is doing a lotof damage to dolphin relationships. ‘Adem: That's very interesting, Jonny. After the break wa" + take some questions from listeners. Reading Part 5 1D 2C 3B 4A 5A 6B 7C 8D 9B 10A Writing Part 1 1 Lhavebeen 2use 3had never seen 4 Nobody has ever asked $ betier 2 Ldon'tbe 2were more 3 were given 4 first time any Swe have ever Grammar 1 1 mains, ll putup 2 "sis, puton 3 'sis, “ll wear 4 snows, "Ilgo § "sis, "Il stay 2 Adoesn’t 2 unless 3might 4 will Sdoesn’t 6 won't 8 might 31a pel cold 2 wok, war. 9 wot ‘would, wasiwere, wouldn't Shad, would perry 4 Ynlew 140%, 3weaid/cou ge AT wo Shelped 6 "dwould watch Vocabulary 1 traffic jam 2harbour 3 waves, rough 4 speed limit Smotorway 6roundabouts Exam tasks Reading Part 3 1A 2A 3B 4A 5B 6A 7B 8A 9B 10A Reading Part 5 1C 2D 3B 4A SC 6D 7B 8B 9C 10B Listening Part 4 XID 1B 2B 3A 4B SA 6B Girt: Boy: ‘space! It's ait like the y Gt Sreacer showed osteo fut yong re Senne Taee arene eres ayo Git ion the model spaceship is done, but | mee = rtsaizowe gem rena abe ea eee with oder rean oer fo 10.35,000 metres. ‘Welt, the boy in the video achieved that, and he had _simar equipment to you, 80 I don’t see why yours: Won't be just as good. eae ay Soeaearts ‘Somewhere to fy k. My back garden's 100 smal. ‘Wel there's the big park outside town ~ that isn't ‘usualy vory busy. Hmm ~ could ask my dad to drive me there. That's ‘not bad idea, Emma, So after allthis, you should ‘come and watch the spaceship on its frst fight. ‘Me, I'd ike to — when wit it be? ‘AS soon as it's ready. Ile early morning, though ~ ‘say6.00a.m2 [ight -wot, in thet cate you might have 0 90 ‘without me. im not relly an early-morning ‘Oh, Emmal ge eee eee Workbook key & recording script 51 1 1 flying a kite 2 building a remote control car saree 4 drawing cartoons playing volleytall 6 writing stories 7 acting on stage seated 2ie 2e 3f 4g Sh 6b 7d Ba 3 Yeats Zattend 3went 4 pesses § made 6 working / 7 played. 8 arrived 1 Thdiving board 2 d hockey stick 9 g tenis racket Ablockerroom Se golf course 6 football pitch 7 frunning track 8 a squash coutt 2 high jump 2 boring 3 skiing 4 eyeing $ skateboarding 6 gymnastics 3 1gaveup 2believein 3handin joined in Ssiaysin 6 getin 1 Loollar 2 pocket 3sleeve 4 button 2 OG Deas iste) eee ect tole Te ol WII (sy) lellol[V \ $2 Vocabulary extra key 31E 2B 3F 4A SD 6C 1 Liste cea eng 3 dan 4woehog machine sir conditioning 6dishwasher 7 oven 8 microwave i 2tap basin 4rug S pillow 6cushion ‘duvet Sdustbin P¥oilet TObslcony 11 ladder I2chest of drawers 13 wardrobe 14 cooker 1Sanchair 16curins 17 miror 18 roof 19 stars 20sink 21 upstairs 22 downstairs 3 L reception laboratory cottage 4 fire station Ssudio 6 stadium 1 Lkangaroo 2 frog 3donkey tiger Sgimfle 6 goat 2 (insect ‘animal | Bird bee kite parrot mosquito lamb penguin fly puppy duck, 3 Across Idbreece 4apeak 6bsand 7estrcam Down 2frck Igleaves Secave 1d 2h 3i 4c 5g 6b 7j 8a %e 100 2 Loutof 2by 30a 4off Son 6on Tinto Son 3 Iweigh 2crowded 3 security 4 departure 5 delayed Ghoard Ttake off Sflight landed 10 luggage Vocabulary extra key 53 1 ‘Match answers a-f with 1-6. ‘What's your favourite lesson? ‘What do you like doing in your free time? Do you speak more them two languages? What's your favourite shop? Where do you live? Tell me about your brother. Oaeene Yes, Ido. Hearn English and French at school, and I speak Spanish. b Playing my guitar and meeting my friends. © InSarcelles, near Paris in France. Hot very friendly but he's really untidy! @ Ireally like English but love Maths. if 3. Choose the best answer(a, b orc) to complete each sentence. 1 How do you get to school? Yes, Ido. By bus. cl goto school. ‘Why didn’t you phone me yesterday? alm sorry. BNo,Ididn't Phoned you. ‘our school is small, ifs very good. alt A department store in my town. I's got great b Despite clothes Although 2. Complete the telephone conversation with the 4 I tidy my room, my mother is very correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the happy! present simple or the present continuous. a liilews Luca: Hi, {sthat Bruno? I's Luca here. Although Bruno: Hi, Luca. What (I) (ould)? colt sLuca: —1(2)_____ (watch the TV but its not 7 at ‘veep abba: losing. Mank is still smiling. Bruno: @) (you/want to come round to oe my house? My brothers and I (4) Beas, (Play) volleyball in the garden. RRR Luca: Oh, thanks but cam. 1 (6) (look) after my litle sister, My mother 6 cin a mmieetiban tocar ee always (6). (vist) her sister is on Saturday afternoon and my father rene often (7) ___. (work). My sister a (do) her homework atthe ie eg a ‘moment. [ usually (8) (make) her Rigs something to eat after tht ree eo Bruno: What (10) (youhusuallyicook) 2 bast ebut Luca: A cheese sandwich! 8 Mysister always ____. good grades in English. performs basses cots 54 Progress test 1 Units 1-2 CorextPrannay Sco by Sw Et art Ameren Tomes © Caonage Une ess 013, Ptecopln 4 Choose the best word to complete the sentences. 1 She beat / won the gold medal. 2. The teacher wants tis to hand in /from our homework tomorrow morning. 9 Tecan‘ find my key 20 can't stay /getin my house. 4. He wins because he gives / believes in himsell. 5) He's a good goalkeeper. He defends / defeats very well. 6 Can your team succeed / achieve in winning the ‘World Cup? ‘My toam lost! failed in the final. He's such a bad loser. He has a really postive / negative attitude, Complete the text with the correct form of the ‘verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or the past continuous. Last Saturday morning! (1). feel) very happy. My team (2) ___ (play) {in the final of « volleyball tournament and I (9) (be) the captain. 1(4). (have) « large breakfast and then my parents + ©)________Gdrive) me to the sports centre. Lots of people (6) ____ (wait) for the tournament to start. (7)___ (meet) my team and our coach. We (8). (Put) on our trainers and shorts when our coach (8): ____(give) us some very good advice. Then it was time to start (10) ______. (we/win)? Of course we did! 6 Complete the sentences with the words in the ‘box. fond afraid enjoy interested worried looking forward can'tsiand good 1 1 playing volleyball but I dont want ‘0 watch people playing it, 2 Tm__of climbing trees. I don't like heights. 8 1. watching cricket. I's s0 boring. 4 Tm about playing my tennis match tomorrow. I don't want to lose. 5 Tm very of cooking. [make cakes for my family every weekend. 6 Im_________in studying science. I'd like tobe scientist. 7 Tm —____at swimming but ! don't like sports like badminton. 8 Tm_——____towatching my favourite football team play tonight. ‘Compact Praernay fr Seroos by Swe Eso and Ararca Treas © Carercge Unersty Pres 2013 ‘Pretocapatie Progress test Units 1-2 55 1 Complete these sentences with the words in the box. silver trainers gloves plain jacket suit 1 My hands are cold. Whore are my —__. ? 2. My mother bought me a leather at the weekend. It looks good with my jeans. 9 Do you like my ___. bracelet? 4. My mother usually wears a. to work - @ jacket ond skirt, not trousers. ‘5 Idon't like jumpers with stripes or spots. I;prefer a _one. _ 6 Tike running and these are my favourite 2 Those sentences are comparing things. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. 1 Golds. silver. expensive) 2 My trainersare ‘my school shoes. (comfortable) 3. My brother's shoes are. my shoes. a) 4. Tloarn ton different subjects ct school. Geography is... (interesting) 5. My favoyrite caié has—_______ice cream in town. (good) 6 That shop has milkshakes in the ‘world! (bad) 3. Choose the best word to complete the sentences. 1. My sister won a prize at school who / which was surprise! 2 Totten go tothe library which / where Ioan use the computers. 3. There are clot of students at my school who / where like sport. 4. My best friend lives in « house which / where is near the river. 5 [lke TV programmes which / who are funny. 6 The teacher wanted to find a student who / which ‘was interested in fashion. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of ‘the verb in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple, 1 My sister (see) three scary movies so far this week. 2 Anew cinema - (open) in my town last week. 3. My mother: (make) me a fantastic costume for the fancy dress party last month. 4 1_______ (read) all the Harry Potter books but Iwan to read them again. 5 My friends __ (come) to my house three hours ago. 6 My English teacher________(be) at our school since 2010. 7 My lather_____ (buy) a new computer yesterday. I's fantastic! 8 My mother. (go) to visit our gremdmother for a few days. 9. (youlever/have) a bananaand chocolate milkshake? 10 At the weekend Visit to London. (write) about my 5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. excited disappointed corlous worried jealous airaid annoyed. surprised 1 tm ‘of my bestfriend. She always has fantastic new clothes. 2 We watched the latest Batman film last night but we were very _____.. init. 3. My tister has always been _____of spiders. Tm —- about my pet cat. I's really ill. ‘with my brother, He's borrowed my iPod. 6 Areyou this evening? 7 We wore all _____. by the ending of the movie. It wasn't what we expected. 8 Isyour brother ____ about being an actor? thought he wanted to be a pilot. about going to the concert 56 Progress test 2. Units G4 compact Puimrurytr Scrod by Sun Bor and Wench Tomes © Cancroge Uy ress 2019 Potpenpiatie 6 Choose the best answer(a, b or ¢)to complete each sentence. 1 We have. this morning. already byet since had English and Maths 2 We've was scary! anever bjust since been on the rollercoaster. It 3. My grandmother has —______ movie. Can you believe that? ayet ” bsince never seen a scary 4. We've lived in this town since bago for six years. 5 My mothor wont to Harrods a month cago * bsince cyt 6 My football team haven't won ¢ match March. for baince c just 7. Have you been to London? ayet ago cnever 8 Up—_____ last month, Ididn't like going on theme park rides. asince buntil efor Use a form of the words in capitals to complete ‘each sentence. 1 Ididn'tdo much at the weekend. It was very RELAX 2 Atmy friend's party, there wasan He was great! ENTERTAIN 3 My most ‘ENJOY holiday was in Australia, 4 I wanted Nadal to win the tennis match but he didnt It was such a. DISAPPOINT 5. What was the most ride at the theme (Cone emis crc Si Bt er Ara hones ©Gunt ersyPee 2013 Phamwopatie Progress test 2 Units G4 87 1 Choose the best answer (a, b orc) to complete 8 We had a fantastic holiday in Scotland each sentence. en the Tain! 1 Lom very ______.. Icantt run 20 metres! although aft bbut bfiinose despite cunt 9 love fruit, especially —___ r 2 Whohas the ______ diet in your class? a pineapple health bspinach b healthiest C lettuce unhealthy 10 My farvourite fish is 3 Tove ______ carrots in my salad. I don' like acorn cocked carrots. beod atried chet braw > & 2 Choose the best form of the future verbs to i complete the dialogues. 4. Twill go leaning English after 1 1A: My plane leavee/ ie geing to leave at 9.00 leave school. tomorrow. ee B: OK. I'm going to take /1'l take you to the | Bior cirport ae 2. A: Ipromise I'm giving / ll give you back your biology book on Friday. eS B: Good because I write /I'm writing my essay 123 a child. Zs aididn't use to Sewer a 3A: Whatare you going to do /do you do when cont you get up tomorrow moming? B: [play /'m playing tennis. 6 wont fo India __I wanted tosee tho TajMahal. 4. A: Next week. we'll star! /we are starting geet practising for the marathon. becouse B: OK, I'm buying /I'll buy somo new tretinors. cbut 5 A: Ah, you've been tothe shops. What are we 7 We artived at the cinema early —____ we having / will we have for dinner tonight? ‘went to a café. B: Pasta and chicken. aso bbecause 6 A: What do you think you are studying / will edoopito study when you go to university? B: I think I'll do/ Ido English. 58 Progress test 3. Units 6-6 corps Pura tr Sty Su Bt ar arc ar © Carers Urey Pes 2013,Pracnapcte 8 Match sentence halves a-f with 1-6. Tmmad Tmalways dying Tcant Tmreally There's no Thope we do ‘stand cooking. Its so boring! ‘way Sam will get into the football team. ‘about sport. well in the volleyball tournament. {nto history. ove visiting castles, for a snack when I get home from school. momen senor” ‘Complete the sentences with the words in the box. cosy freezing lively comfortable friendly view Last year we went skiing in France. The weather ‘was snowy and really (1). We were staying in a large (2) ____ house. Ithhad six bedrooms and a lovely lounge to relex in. My + bedroom wasnt very big butit was warm and @ The (4) from my bedroom window ‘was fantastic. I could see the Alps! We stayed in an interesting town. There was lots to do in the ‘evening so it was very (6) - Everyone was very (6) and we met people from lots of different countries. Choose the best word to complete the sentences. 1 A marathon runner should / can't eat pasta. 2 Students don't have to / mustn't unin school. 3. We could/ must go swimming tomorrow if i's @ nice day. Would you like to? 4. You shoulin't/ can play on the computer for a long time. I's bad for your eyes. 5 Do you want to play tennis in the park? You mustn't | don't have to pay. Its free. 6 We must /can't give cur homework to the teacher tomorrow or she'll getangry. 7 You can't/ should goto the shop now. Is closed. 8 Must/ Can you take your iPod to school with you? (Our teacher told us not to. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the infinitive or the-ing form. 1 Horgot_______ (bring) my trainers to school today. 2 Tmlooking forward to (sit) my friend ‘who lives in « windmill. 3. Can you imagine (live) on a boat? 4 Tpromise (tidy) my bedroom after school. 5. My father offered (ake) my friend and Tiothe cinema. 6 Doyou intend (ge) to university? 7 Which theme park ride do you suggest —————— (try fire? & Tapologised to my teacher for (be) late. 9 Ttry (avoid) cycling in town. Its s0 busy. ‘ 10 My mother taught me how. (ook) pasta, 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. ‘Some words will be used more than once. go do make have 1 When are you going to. your homework? 2 sometimes on argument with my sister. 3. When we goon a picnic, my mother and father clways delicious food. 4 Wecould. swimming in the seaif you want. 5 Atthe rectcrurant, my parents had fish and Thad chicken. Ididn't the right choice. It wasn't very nice. 6 Doyou want to camping this summer? compact Preinay tr Sc7008 oy Sue Bot and Aranda Treas © Caron Lnvenn) Past 2013 Photeceple —Progress test 3. Units 5-6 59 1 Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each sentence, 1 This animal has fur and wings. aabat ba parrot capenguin Ifyou are a vegetarian, you dont eat 3 his ‘because there are not many of them. a wildlife beruel crare* - It you have done a job for a long time, you are wo Thave a problem and I don't know how to ee escape, solve find ‘You dont usually see a lot of water in lake bbeach ce desert to see animals ike white tigers 2 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. Use the past simple or past perfect. An unexpected trip An ll-year-old boy, Liam, (1) Manchester airport and be (5). (Gecide) to go and see the planes. His mother ‘soon (6) (tell) the police that he (7). disappear}. The British police (®@______ (search) everywhere but by 5.00 they stil (9) (not find) him. ‘Then the police in Manchester (10) (get) a phone call from an airline pilot. Liam (1) (board) a plane and was flying to lealy! When airport staff in London (12)________ (see) him, they (13) think) he was with a family 0 they (Id) ______ (not ask) him for his Passport. 3. Write those sentences in reported speech. 1 “Tm having a great holiday.” She said 2 “Imight come and see you." He said. 9 “Will you help me?" ‘She asked | “Thaven't been to Canada.” She said. 5. "Put your clothes away.” My mother told. “Iflew to Spain with my mother.” ‘The boy said 60 Progress test 4 Units 7-8 compe renner ty Sect ty Si fc serra Troma © Cane Unarsy Pes 2013. Paoapute 4. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You don't need two of the words. 3. Ididn' enjoy that boat trip, The really big. 4. How much does your suitcase ____?1 hope i's less than 23 kilos. 5 Ishowed my boarding card to the —._.._08. Igoton the plane. 6 Every Friday evening there is ¢_____. It takes my father a long time to drive home. 7 The ship sailed into the ___and weal got off. 8 The 110 kph. 5+ Match sentence halves a-f with 1-6. If we don'thurry, we hurry, ItThad the choice, I{Thave enough money, Ifleaw my friend on holiday, Ididn'thave a computer, .on the motorway in the UK is auRone Td go to New Zealand on holiday. Iwouldnt be able to do my homework. ‘we'll miss the plane, Td be very happy. ‘we wont miss the train. Til go to New Zealand on holiday: -enova & Choose the best word(s) to complete the sentences. Twas walking to school when I saw / was seeing my best friend. ‘The students were working hard when the head teacher was coming / came in. took these photographs while I was flying / flew over the Alps. ‘Were you eating | Did you eat your dinner when | honed you last night? walked / was walking in the mountains when it started raining. ‘While I was sunbathing on the beach, a ball hit/ was hitting me. We slept / were sleeping in our tent when we heard a loud bang. | found some interesting flowers while Lwalked / ‘was walking through the forest. Cone Pte Shc by Gv ft and Arr Trove © Gang ety ewe 010 Pheepibe Progress test4 Units 7-8 61 Progress test 1 1fie 2b 3a 4f Se 64 are you doing 2"m/am watching 3 Do you want dare playing S'm/amlooking 6.visits 7 works Bisdoing 9 make 10:do you usually cook 3] ib 22 3c 4c Sa 6a 7b Bc 4 |1won 2in 3 get Abelieves 5 defends succeed Tlost Snegative ‘|S 2wasplaying 3was 4hed Sdrove 6 were waiting 7met 8 were putting gave 10 Did we win? 6 |tenjoy 2afraid 3can'tstand 4 worried Sfond Ginterested 7 good 8 looking forward Progress test 2 ee 2jacket 3silver 4 suit 5 plain Gtrainers 2 | 1 more expensive than 2 more comfonable than |3 bigger than 4 the most interesting 5 the best 6 the worst 3 [awnich 2 where 3who which Swhich 6 who 4] Thasseen 2opened 3made 4 have read Scame Ghasbeen 7bought Shas gone '9 Have you ever had 10 wrote 5 | jealous 2isppointed 3 affaid 4 woried Sannoyed Gexcited 7 surprised 8 serious 6|ia 2b 3c 4c Sa 6b 7a Bb 7 [relaxing 2 entertainer 3 enjoyable Adisappointment S exciting 6 organisers 62 Progress tests key Progress test 3 1fic 2b 3b4e 5a 6b 7 Be 9a 10b J leaves; I'll take 2 I'll give; I'm writing 3 are you going to do; I'm playing 4 we'll start; Ill buy ‘S are we having 6 will study; I"ll do 3]ic 2 3a de Sb 6d | freezing 2 comfortable 3 cosy 4 view Silively 6 friendly I should 2 mustn't 3 could 4 shouldn't Sdoa'thave to 6must Tean't Can 110 bring 2visiting 3 living 40tidy 5 to take 61020 Ttying Sbeing Ptoavoid 10 tocook 7 [ido 2have 3 make 4go Smake 6g0 Progress test 4 1fta 2c 3c 4a Sb 6a BD Be 2[thad 2hadgone Sbecame 4was Sdecided 101d 7 had: searched 9 hadn’t found 10 got 1 had boarded 12 had seen 13 thought 14 didn't ask 1 She said she was having a great holiday. 2 ‘He said he might come and see me. 3. She asked if | would belp her. 4 She said she hadn't been to Canada. |S My mother told me to put my clothes away. 16 The boy said he had flown to Spain with his mother. 1 platform 2 crowded 3waves 4 weigh ‘Slight attendant 6trafficjam 7 harbour 8 speed limit S|ic 20 30 4f Sd 6b 1 saw 2came 3.was lying 4 Were you cating ‘Swas walking Ghit 7were sleeping 8 was walking HHP Candicate Name Contre No, Candidate Signature Candidate No. Examination Tite Examination Details Centre 5 : ‘Supenaor: ABSENT cna WIT HORAWN omit Instructions Use a PENCIL (8 or HB), Rub out any anewor you want te change with an eraser. For Reading: . Mark ONE letter for each question For example, if you thirk A's the right ancwar tothe question, mark your anewer sheet ike this: ABCDEFON| ABCOEFGH Continue on the other side of this sheet —1 FEROOLOD Wt PEPSICO 5 ‘Sempie answer sheet 63 For Writing (Parts 1 and 2): White your answers claarly in the spaces provided. Put your answer to Writing Part 3 on Answer Sheet 2 —> 64 Sample answer sheet FOTOKEO WT THERON ROO 0S ‘Answer only one of the two questions for Part 3. Tiek the box to show which question you have answered. Write your answer below. Do not write on the barcodes. ‘You must write within the grey lines. | ; Parts ‘Question 7 Question 8 | j } j ees FEFROOUCED WIM THEPEEMSSONOF MERE SA. CUO 27:9 ‘Sample answer sheet 65 TIME Candidate Signature ‘Candidate No. Examination THe Examination = Details - Contre q 5 ‘Supervisor: 1 seat ABSENT o/h WITHORAWN st toe PET Paper 2 Liste PR ee ‘You must transfer all your answers from the Listening Question Paper to this answer sheet, Instructions Use a PENCIL (8 or HB), Rub out any answer you want to change win an eraser. For Parts 1, 2 and 4: Mark ONE letter for each question For example, if you think Ashe ight anawertothe — [@ e ‘queston, mark your answer sheet lke this tocar 3 Weyeutanmerceatynteseecenet [eT exam we to the numbers (14 10 19) tke ts: e}fe}te/te} te] 1 2 3 4 5 6 {t] 66 Sample answer sheet FEFOOUGD WINE ERASSONOFOMERICE SOL CUCES 213 FEPROOLCED WIM THE PERMSSIN OF CAVEROGEESO.OUNLES 2019 A UNIVERSITYo/ CAMBRIDGE TEETH U “Canaan None Contre Ne. Examination Tile Examination Contre ABSENT sei WITHORAWN nes we ae oe ee Date of test: Month 4 02 #3 04 05 08 07 98 08 40 11.12 91 02 03 94 05 06 07 08.09 x0 11 12.13 44 15.16 17 18 10 2024 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3091 Day Marks awarded: 12345678910 Test format 0 Examiners : Condidates [2] 1 nin fal it 2/2) fe a [clad 51 [fe 3] [fe 7 ih 2 tule li 3. An re ‘You will hear a man called Don Wood taking about a special ‘sports schoo! on the radio. For each question, fin the missing information in tho numbered space. Tanks wry mac oe porn ol your eters aba the Academy oF ISA in Florida, USA. My name's Don Wood ar vase oan at GA ge of aeons ‘schoais in the word. We have £00 talented young athletes aged 12 {0 18 studying with us from dozens of counties. You can fed out it {you've got what it takes to join ISA by coming to an interview on Apel 22 when we're going to select possible new students for next ‘which begins on September 15th If you'd tk to bethore you |” Exxphone my ansatanttao ewne bate HAWHCTN cr 0980 ‘and varied. You can choose one ‘eamhow to petom welln compotion ~ Pal means ering {0 contra the mind, as wel as making sure they are strong and Mt ‘enaugh to compete. ‘So file at ISA is realy busy You need to enjoy a challange and, be very orpanised. eae eeeee ert tevapreond comneso hove hon mange ar saxt any prams they may have. youre tered, confident an believe in youre, give us cal, What time does te fin start? What time does the film start this evening, Mum? Not ura c Notun gar oo Seu eed ase {Seat crema by hal ps coven tacase eres always a quove to colect the tckels and gat dks. ‘So, wo won' need 10 eave here urd seven fen then. 'No. Tat shoul give us plenty of me. ‘What cid Jenny buy atthe fm festirar? ‘Da you got tut ait a he fim festival Jonny? ‘ve had this one for ages actualy. There were loads of relly cool Tshirts thew but al much to expansive. The ‘only thing | could afford was a poster but haven't putt [upon my wal yot (Dad you get any famous actors to sign it? 1 No, unloruray | want to but they wer nly soring ‘Wren instrament has the boy recent stated learning? ‘So Jack how are you geting on with your music Sutera ‘emus now oasrgeg. And you're also studying the trumpet, right? That's what | wanted to learn but there wasn't @ tescher maine [Fm enjoying it ana 1 How did the family travel to the concert? ‘Did | te you we almost missed the concert? | told Seeees what? It | couldn't believe it. There our very Kn | rtonehe cea ga tio \Winich circus tickets ad te man decide 1 buy? ‘enough of the £12.50 seats fr al of s, which ie what Iretparngiber So uch vee ‘seats at £14.95, these were ory on weekdly aftrroons, ‘which know wasn’t an option for us. Som afraid ve _gone fer the ones at £17.00, 1 know it's move than we ‘wanted to pay, bu at least we won't be right at the back. 68. Photocopiable resources © Conpact Prayer Sac by Sie Bet nc marca Thome © Gantt Unhersty Poss 2013, Photccnlabie |8 What doth speatars docile to watchon V2 ‘Gi: {think Ive srvady seen it, Grandad. te realy ood. ‘Rateoore vary sroms one ae \somrmngwatnnat som. utcet you went >| | spat abot? Ya hv be wt hes nd at” ‘Grandad: ts not on unt very ate. may ve too trea to watch, | | acolo Hm aa (Get ThaLany Acs showin 9.0. Hl ‘eaten ton at yu =e _Wno do the speakers thnk wil win the singing ‘competion? Who do you think wit win the singing competition? {think the one with short dark hairs best. ‘Do you? I think the tall one withthe ong curty hair has & ‘much better voice. ‘But he sang a realy boring song - and he cant dance, “That's tre. | expect youreright. The cthers werent very (900d, were they? Espacally the one with blond hai: He's realy annoying. We doosn't have achance. agree. But he red really herd. gE ek age ~ Unit 5, Listening, Exam task Recording seript “You wil hear a men cated Pete Russell giving a talk about an e ierea enone er edakee atone numbered space. ‘0K everyone. Thanks for coming slong to find out about our extreme camping trip. Before | start, can I remind you about the ‘traieng day? Because it wal probably rain tomerrow, ‘todo this on Saturday instead of Thursday. you want to come ‘on the trip, you myst attend. We're staring at 8.30, so make sure there'on time. are different ways to experience extreme camping, but on Our: ‘trip t means bringing no food or water with you. We're going to eat ‘only what nature can provide. But don't worry. I'm sure you won't ‘be hungry. We're camping at Sond River and ts ean to find ita of delicious fruit and vegetables neartvy, which you can eat raw. | ‘expect some of these wil be quite untamilar to you, but your guile ‘will make Sure you only eat what's safe. There are also other types of food you can find. The guide will snow "you where to look for eggs. There are other places you can look for these apart from trees. For example, some birds leave them in ‘losin tha ground arin the ass lke sakes do. ‘Something tha seprisngy Qood to at i nacis. These are ‘wally goad for you and actualy very tty Andi rot taking ‘tout fies end wasp the ones Ir taking about ere much Bgpe | promise you've ther ‘Because you realy have to be an expert to be successful, one ‘thing you won't have to do on this trip is hunting, You don’t want to waste time and end up with nothing to eat, ‘compact Pree fr Scr ty Sue Ek ae Areca Tere © Cartrtge Univ) Prose 2013. Phakooplabte —- Photocopiable resources 69 Compact Preliminary for Schools Bleed Sens esse uur RL Choose an official Cambridge English c Mace ata ase surse which thoroughly prepares B three papers of Cambridge English: oe Pee Neer BOO Ca Pater; presenting and teaching all the materia eee cn ence he eens See ara Re Cee eR Le) een including model ar eee ee ee hoes ett nae Bee ira See cpm Emst Kiet Sprachen GmbH Mt 12-640102-0 erin

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