700ml Milk 200ml + 500ml 1500ml Milk - 900ml Milk - 1200ml Milk - 1300ml Milk

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Name:__________________ Class__IV section__________

2020-2021 Subject : Mathematics Topic: Measurement

Q1 A milkman has measuring cans of capacity 100ml,200ml, 500ml and 1000ml.

Suggest the cans he can use to measure the following:(the first one has been done for you)
 700ml milk = 200ml + 500ml

 1500ml milk = __________________

 900ml milk = ___________________

 1200ml milk = __________________

 1300ml milk =___________________

Q2 Consider the three line segment of the given length and fill in the blanks given below:

a) AB = 5.5 cm b) CD = 6.8 cm c) XY = 8.3cm

i) AB + CD = ____ ii) XY – AB = ____ iii) AB + CD +XY = ____

iv) XY - ____ = 4.7 v) AB + ___ = 8.3 vi) CD - ___ = AB

Q 3 Fill in the blanks:

a) 1m = _____mm b) 12 m = ________mm c) 1m5mm = _____mm

d) 1 kg = ______g e) 56kg = ________g f) 4kg 6 g = ________g

g) 1 L = ________ml h) 87L = ________ml i) 9L12ml = ______ml

Q 4 How many times will you use each can to fill the jug of capacity 1 litre( 1000ml)?

a) 100ml = _____ b) 200ml =_____ c) 500ml = ________

Q 5 Convert the following as directed:

a) 1234ml = _____L _____ml b) 34987g = _____kg____g

c) 56000m = ____km ____m d) 30097mm = _____m_____mm

e) 9812cm = ____m _____cm f) 56873mg = _____g _______mg

Q 6 Sukanya bought 23kg 45g onions .If she gave 12kg 670g of onions to her friend,
How much onions are left with her?

A6 _________________________________________________________________



Things/Items In the standard In the Greatest In the Smallest

unit(m/l/g) unit(km/kg/kl) unit(ml/mg/mm)
Length of study
Weight of your
school bag
Capacity of your
water bottle
Your height

Step 1: Fill the table as per the format and value in any one column out of the three
Given units.
Step 2: Making use of conversion table , fill other two columns also.
Step 3:In case your measurement has two units ,first convert them into one unit before changing
it to the greatest or the smallest unit.Refer the example given below:
For eg. Length of table = 2m 20cm = 2 x 100 +20 = 220 cm
220 cm = 220 x 10 = 2200mm for the smallest and 220/ 10000 = 0.00220 km
Step 4: Doubts or any corrections needed will be discussed in the class.
 Note : This activity to be done neatly on any coloured or plain sheet in a creative
manner and kept in an activity folder.

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