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Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 158 (2018) 119–127

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Identification and quantification of ethylene oxide in sterilized

medical devices using multiple headspace GC/MS measurement
Pascal Gimeno a,∗,1 , Marie-Laure Auguste a , Vagn Handlos b,1 , Anne Mette Nielsen c ,
Stephan Schmidt d,1 , Nelly Lassu a , Martin Vogel d , Antonius Fischer d , Charlotte Brenier a ,
Françoise Duperray a
Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM), Direction des Contrôles (CTROL), 143/147 boulevard Anatole France, 93285
Saint-Denis Cedex, France
Capital Region Pharmacy, Marielundvej 25, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark
Danish Medecines Agency, Denmark
Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, R&D PDP Analytical Sciences, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This manuscript, based on the ISO 10993-7 approach, describes a multiple HS-GC measurement of resid-
Received 10 January 2018 ual EO present in sterilized plastic samples. The quantification of EO is done, according to the ISO standard,
Received in revised form 17 May 2018 by addition of EO amounts extracted for each repeated extraction. During the method development, the
Accepted 19 May 2018
specificity of the detection of EO regarding acetaldehyde (structural isomer of EO) which may be formed
Available online 22 May 2018
from EO has been ensured and different tests were performed to check a possible influence of the sam-
ple preparation. Assays to maximize EO extraction were performed for different materials (Cyclo-olefine
Copolymer (COC), Cyclo-olefine Polymer (COP), Silicon, Polyurethane (PUR)) changing extraction tem-
Ethylene oxide
Sterilized medical devices
peratures and times for the headspace and the pre-thermal treatment. Results highlight that depending
ISO 10993-7 on the material, EO can be more or less retained and thus thermal extraction conditions to maximize the
Headspace/gas chromatography–mass amount of extractible EO from plastics may change accordingly. For COC syringes a validation according
spectrometry to ICH guidelines and an inter-laboratories study were performed. The method has been used for a market
Cyclo-olefine copolymer survey of EO sterilized medical devices, results obtained are reported in this manuscript.
Thermal extraction © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction vents. When EO is heated to about 400 ◦ C, or to 150–300 ◦ C in

the presence of a catalyst (Al2 O3 , H3 PO4 , etc.), it isomerizes into
Ethylene oxide (EO) is mainly used as a chemical intermedi- acetaldehyde [2]. In absence of a catalyst, the thermal isomeriza-
ate in the manufacture of ethylene glycol (used to make antifreeze tion of EO yields significant amount of by-products [3]. EO is used
and polyester) or used as sterilant [1]. Because of its molecu- as a sterilizing agent in the healthcare industry because of its non-
lar structure, EO reacts with various compounds with opening of damaging effects for delicate instruments and devices that require
the ring. Its typical reactions are with nucleophiles which pro- sterilization, and for its wide range of material compatibility includ-
ceed via the SN2 mechanism. This property leads to bactericidal, ing silicone [4], poly-methylmethacrylate (PMMA) [5], rubbers [4]
fungicidal, and sporicidal disinfection. It is effective against most and biodegradable polyurethanes [6] unlike other sterilization type
micro-organisms, including viruses. The effect of EO on microor- such as ␥-irradiation. The sterilization process involves exposing
ganisms is obtained by the alkylation of proteins essential for cell products to ethylene oxide gas in presence of carbon dioxide, added
reproduction. It is used as a fumigant for foodstuffs and textiles due to risk of explosion of pure EO and air, under vacuum in a
and as an agent for the gaseous sterilization of heat-labile pharma- sealed chamber pressure vessel. EO penetrates porous packaging
ceutical and surgical materials. EO is isomeric with acetaldehyde and sterilizes all accessible surfaces of the product. EO can pen-
and with vinyl alcohol and readily soluble in many organic sol- etrate multiple layers of porous packaging, making it suitable for
the sterilization of a wide range of materials not compatible with
other methods of sterilization. EO can cause cancer [7], particularly
∗ Corresponding author.
leukemia cancer of the pancreas [8]. The effects of exposure to EO
E-mail address: (P. Gimeno).
become more severe as the exposure level increases. Exposure to
Member of Ph. Eur. group 16 “Plastic Containers for Pharmaceutical Use”. high levels of EO can cause seizures, paralysis, and coma, and dam-
0731-7085/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
120 P. Gimeno et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 158 (2018) 119–127

age the liver and kidneys. Long-term exposure can cause brain and Through the revision/elaboration of its monographs, the Euro-
nervous system problems and cataracts. Skin contact with EO can pean Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) wants to improve the assay of EO
cause dermatitis, blisters, and burns. The International Agency for proposed for sterilized medical devices, especially for EO sterilized
Research on Cancer classifies ethylene oxide into group 1, meaning Cyclo-olefine copolymer (COC) syringes. In this way, a multiple HS-
it is a proven carcinogen [9]. GC measurement of residual EO present in sterilized COC samples
Requirements regarding EO residues are reported in the ISO has been developed by the French National Agency for Medicines
10993-7 standard [10]. This harmonized standard gives useful gen- and Health Products Safety (ANSM), based on a method used for
eral guidelines for the assay of residual amounts of EO, ethylene market survey. During tests performed, results obtained clearly
chlorohydrin (ECH) or ethylene glycol (EG) after the sterilization highlight the need for different EO extraction conditions depend-
process of medical devices, it specifies EO residues limits and ing on the type of plastic tested. As this important aspect is few
highlights the necessity for manufacturer to reduce EO residues evoked in the literature for thermal exhaustive extraction and
in the sterilized products. General informations regarding ana- mentioned on an evasive way that could be misleading in the
lytical methods to asses EO residues are also described in this Annex K of the ISO 10994-7:2008 standard “... heat in an oven at
standard. Two types of extraction are proposed depending on the an appropriate temperature for an appropriate amount of time. The
assay of total amount or leachable EO. This standard proposes time/temperature regimen is relatively arbitrary ...”, results obtained
for limited or prolonged exposure devices to assay EO by sim- in the context of this study have been proposed for publication.
ulation using water as extracting simulant and for permanent The quantification of EO was done, according to the ISO 10993-7
contact medical devices (>30 days) to use an exhaustive extrac- standard, by addition of EO amounts extracted for each repeated
tion process (consecutive sample extraction). Total exhaustion is thermal extraction until exhaustion. Different preliminary tests
for practical reasons defined when the EO amount extracted is were performed during the method development either to check
less than 10% of the first extraction or until there is no signifi- a possible influence of the sample preparation or to improve
cant increase in the cumulative residue levels detected. The EO EO extraction regarding headspace temperatures and pre-thermal
amount in the sample is calculated by summing the EO values treatments. Thus, comparative assays were performed on differ-
obtained for the mean peak area measurements made in each ent EO sterilized materials available in the laboratory (COC, COP,
of the sample extraction. Different publications dealing with the silicone, PUR . . .) using crushed and cut samples (small and large
assay of residual EO in medical devices have been published among pieces particles). For COC syringes, formerly prepared crushed sam-
which some manuscripts focused on the assay of EO in specific ples stored in a freeze were compare to freshly prepared ones
medical device or type of plastic: syringes [11], hemodialysis [12], in order to check a possible leak of EO once crushed. Compar-
Intraocular lenses [13], high-density PVC-PE [14], Polyurethane ative assays to maximize the EO extraction were performed for
[15], Polymer [16], Polypropylene [11] or more generally polymeric different materials (silicone, PUR and COC) changing extraction
materials [17]. Most published methods used an extraction process temperatures and times for the headspace temperature and the
consistent with the ISO standard [10]: multiple HS-GC measure- pre-thermal treatment. For COC syringes, multiple HS-GC measure-
ment [13–15,17–20] or simulation extraction [12–14,16,19–23]. ment were performed using extraction conditions less stringent
Two papers used non-ISO methods: colorimetric [24] or involving a than conditions allowing to maximize the EO extraction (regard-
dissolution with DMF [13]. Regarding simulation methods, extrac- ing pre-thermal treatment or HS temperatures) in order to check
tion simulants used are numerous compared with the ISO standard if performing more repeated extraction could lead to similar EO
(only water): HCl [16], acetone [14], biological serum [19], water amounts. At least, to ensure the relevance of the pre-thermal
[20]. All assays are performed using gas chromatographic methods: extraction step for slow diffusing materials, residual EO was deter-
HS-SPME-GC/FID [18], SPME-GC/FID [19], HS-GC/MS [13–15,20], mined on same COP samples with and without EO pre-thermal
GC/ECD [23], GC/FID [14,16], HS/GC/FID [17] except one using extraction, within the same analytical run. Once conditions maxi-
photoionization PID [12]. EO residues tested on samples are very mizing the extraction of EO from COC syringes has been established,
different, some papers reports focused on traces detection allow- a method validation and an inter-laboratories study were per-
ing an EO detection at ppb levels [18,19]. Depending on material formed and the method tested, without any modification, to COP
tested, a manuscript report using thermal EO extraction, points out samples.
that re-sterilization process clearly increases the quantity of EO
residues in the devices compared to the 1st sterilization and thus
the necessity to increase the aeration period before the release
of products [25] whereas another manuscript reports that mul- 2. Experimental: materials and methods
tiple re-sterilizations showed no real difference on the amount
of residual EO [15]. Some manuscripts also highlight the influ- 2.1. Medical devices
ence of the polymer structure (crystalline/amorphous), the size of
molecular chain or the material porosity in the caption/release of Different materials were used to develop/validate and test the
EO during/after sterilization [15,17]. Regarding simulation meth- method: Cyclic-olefin copolymer (COC) syringes either sterilized in
ods, most papers point out that water could be considered as the March 2015 or in November 2015 or not sterilized were used for the
best simulant for EO extraction [14,19] including though inter- method development and validation; Silicone and Polyurethane
laboratory trials [20]. Whereas, another publication tests different (PUR) tubing’s sterilized in 2014 were used to test the influence of
simulant and highlights that depending on the matrix, water could the plastic nature on the EO extraction; Cyclic-olefin polymer (COP)
or not be the best simulant to be use [21]. A comprehensive vials either formerly sterilized, sterilized mid-September 2016 or
study examines a series of polymers and explore different exhaus- not sterilized were assayed to ensure the relevance of the pre-
tive extraction conditions (water, 3 different organic solvents or thermal extraction step used for slow diffusing materials and to
air using thermal desorption) to determine residual EO. Results check the possibility to extend the method validated for COC to
obtained highlight that EO exhaustively extracted vary signifi- COP samples (similar to COC material). All sterilized samples were
cantly depending on the material and the extraction solvent used frozen at −20 ◦ C when received and kept at this temperature until
and that in some cases exhaustive extraction methods using a analysed. Samples were frozen in March 2016 for COC samples,
solvent could extract more EO than thermal desorption methods 2015 for Silicone and PUR samples and September 2016 for COP
[17]. samples.
P. Gimeno et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 158 (2018) 119–127 121

2.2. Drying oven/crushing machine having crushed (COC, COP) or cut (silicone, PUR) into pieces less
than 0.5 cm2 . The weight of sample has to be adjusted in order to
For a better extraction of EO from slow diffusing materials, such have an EO residue amount within the validated calibration range
as COC or COP, a crushing machine used to crush materials and a and to limit the number of consecutive extraction to the exhaus-
pre-thermal extraction treatment consisting in warming the sam- tion. The vial is closed and for EO slow diffusing materials allowed
ple preparation at 120 ◦ C at least for 12 h in a drying oven before to stand at 120 ◦ C at least 12 h in a drying oven before the first
the first injection into the HS/GC system were used. The crushing injection into the HS/GC system. The vial is then injected into the
machine used was a Retsch SM300 Verder Scientific and the drying HS/GC system, the cap removed from the vial under a hood and
oven apparatus a Firlabo incubator Air Concept AC60. the vial is purged for 30 s with dry nitrogen (Messer France – gas
purity 4.5). The cap is replaced using a new PTFE septum and the
2.3. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry heating and injection repeated to exhaustion. Most often, if max-
imizing extraction conditions are used (see 3.2), the exhaustion is
All analyses were carried out on an Agilent 6890 gas chro- obtained after one or two consecutive injections. As some materials
matograph interfaced with an Agilent 5973 quadrupole mass resorb EO partially or completely as the temperature equilibrates
spectrometer (Santa Clara, California – USA) using a CP-SilicaPLOT to room temperature, during the analysis of these materials, sam-
capillary column 30 m × 0.32 mm (i.d.) × 4.0 ␮m film thickness. To ples may need to be injected on to the column while they are still
prevent dislodged particles from the PLOT column to reach and hot or warm and then purged (as described above) without further
may injure the MS detector (scarring the rotors) a trap column cooling.
was installed after the column, as recommended by the supplier During the method validation (see paragraph, COC
of the column. The GC oven temperature was settled as follows: samples used were sent to SANOFI to be tested with their own
100 ◦ C held for 2.0 min, ramped to 225 ◦ C at 20 ◦ C min−1 and held HS-GC method (inter-laboratory reproducibility). About 200 mg of
for 5.0 min. The injection was performed in split mode one fifti- COC samples are weighed exactly and transferred into a 10 mL
eth using an headspace HP 7694 settled as follows: equilibration headspace vial. The vial is closed with PTFE laminated septum and
temperature (120 ◦ C); equilibration time (60 min); transfer-line 3 ␮L of EO-d4-standard is added with a microliter syringe. Quan-
temperature (130 ◦ C); carrier gas (He); vial pressurisation time tification is calculated from the peak areas of the extracted ion
(0.5 min); loop fill (0.15 min); injection time (3.00 min) and shak- chromatograms of fragment m/z = 29 for the native EO and fragment
ing mod (High agitation). The ion source temperature was settled m/z = 30 for the deuterated internal standard.
at 230 ◦ C, and the helium carrier gas flow rate at 1 mL min−1 . The
mass spectrometer was tuned on electron impact ionization (EI) at
3. Results and discussion
70 eV. The acquisition was performed on full-scan (m/z = 10–350)
and on SIM mode. For EO quantification, m/z = 44 was used as quan-
3.1. Standard calibration curves
tifier ion whereas m/z = 29 and 15 were used as qualifier ions. On
SIM mode three different ions were monitored according to litera-
Due to the high volatility of ethylene oxide, not previously open
ture [26] and after preliminary injections using the full-scan mode.
commercial standards were preferably used for the preparation of
HS/GC–MS analytical parameters (split ratio, injection time. . .)
reference solutions. Attention should be paid to solvent volumes
have been tested/optimized using standard solutions (not reported
used to perform standard solutions, volumes used should not be
in this manuscript).
higher than 50 ␮L to allow a complete evaporation of EO into the
20 mL HS vial. Comparative tests performed twice (N = 2) regarding
2.4. Reference standards
solvent volume seems to highlight no differences on the calibra-
tion curve as long as solvent volumes are less or equal to 50 ␮L.
Reference standard solutions are prepared extemporaneously
For routine tests, volume ranging from 20 to 50 ␮L depending on
introducing 1.0 mL of a not previously opened commercial EO stan-
the calibration level were used for convenient reasons. An alter-
dard (50 000 ␮g/mL) into a 50.0 mL volumetric flask and diluting
native could be to use the same volume for the preparation of all
with ethanol (Reference solution (a) – [C] = 1000 ␮g/mL). From the
standard preparation (i.e. 20 ␮L). Furthermore, the high volatility
reference solution (a) different standard solutions (b)–(d) respec-
of EO (boiling point: 10.4 ◦ C) may rise problems in the process of
tively at 200 ␮g/mL, 50 ␮g/mL and 10 ␮g/mL EO are prepared by
preparing dilutions of the standard. The problem can be solved by
dilution with ethanol GC quality. Using reference solutions (b–d),
carefully minimising the free surface of the dissolved EO in contact
standard calibration vials ranging from 0.5 ␮g to 6.0 ␮g per vial are
with the atmosphere and by handling solutions as quick as possible.
prepared using solvent volumes ranging from 20 to 50 ␮L. Appro-
An alternative could be the use of cold vials or ice [17] (not tested
priate volumes of each standard solution are placed into 20 mL
in this manuscript).
headspace crimp-capped vials using PTFE septum and immediately
closed prior to the headspace analysis. For safety reason, ethylene
oxide (EO) standards of known and certified concentrations were 3.2. Influence of sample preparations
purchased from a commercial source (Supelco – ref: 48838–50
000 ␮g/mL prepared in ethanol). An alternative could be to pre- Comparative results performed on COC samples (N = 6) clearly
pared EO stock solution from the pure gas compound as described highlight for low EO released materials the necessity to crush the
in the Ph. Eur. for “Ethylene oxide stock solution. 1036401” (not sample in order to clearly improve the EO extraction (Table 1).
used in this manuscript). Whereas for soft materials like silicone (N = 2) or PUR (N = 2), no dif-
ference on the EO extraction is observed using either small or large
2.5. Sample preparations cut samples. These experimental results are consistent with results
already published in literature regarding the influence of the poly-
For low released materials (COC and COP), liquid nitrogen mer structure (crystalline/amorphous), the size of molecular chain
(Messer France, referred as “food contact” quality) has been used or the material porosity in the caption/release of EO during/after
to freeze samples before been crushed using a crushing machine. sterilization [15,17]. Indeed, for EO slow diffusing materials, the
Depending on the amount of EO residue present in the sample, size of pieces is very important to maximize the EO released dur-
0.10–3.00 g of plastic are weighted into a 20 mL headspace vial after ing the extraction process. The smaller is the size the better is the
122 P. Gimeno et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 158 (2018) 119–127

Table 1 significant higher EO amounts compared to re-used crushed prepa-

Influence of sample preparations.
rations stored in the freezer, old crushed samples several times
/ Silicone PUR COC tested during the method validation (see give compara-
(sterilized in March 2015) ble results pointing the need for controlled storage conditions of
Crushed Not performed Not performed 5,0 ppm crushed samples in the freezer (–20 ◦ C).
(N = 6, RSD = 2.9%)
Small cuts 0,86 ppm 0,40 ppm 2,0 ppm
3.3. Maximization of extraction conditions (Headspace and pre
(N = 2) (N = 2) (N = 6, RSD = 7.5%)
Large cuts 0,86 ppm 0,43 ppm Not performed thermal extraction)
(N = 2) (N = 2)
Comparative qualitative studies, regarding the variation of the
/ COC amount of the EO extracted (and acetaldehyde present) from COC
(sterilized in November 2015)
(Fig. 1 – N = 1–6), silicone (Fig. 2 – N = 1) and PUR (Fig. 3 – N = 1) when
Freshly prepared crushed sample 31.2 ppm increasing either headspace injection conditions or pre-thermal
(N = 6, RSD = 7.3%) treatment temperatures, have been performed in order to esti-
Stock Frozen crushed sample 23.2 ppm
(N = 6, RSD = 7.2%)
mate analytical conditions needed to maximize the amount of EO
extracted from each material. For these comparative tests, com-
mercial EO standard solutions were re-used once open (economic
reasons). Indeed, even if due to the high volatility of EO atten-
tion should be paid to the re-use of commercial EO standards once
opened, the purpose of these tests was to compare the influence of
different parameters on the EO extraction during consecutive tests
(performed most often within the same analytical run or within the
week) assuming that the loss of EO from the open commercial solu-
tions within the test could be considered as negligible. Thus may
explain slightly higher EO amounts assayed during these studies
compared with the method validation (3.6.2).
Qualitative tests performed clearly highlight the need for differ-
ent extraction conditions depending on the type of plastic tested in
accordance with literature [17]. For COC samples (Fig. 1), a higher
efficiency of the pre-thermal treatment (Fig. 1B) for the extraction
of EO residues was clearly stated compared to HS extraction con-
ditions (Fig. 1A). Indeed, for low released materials as COC, the EO
extracted increases to more than 10 ppm when we increase the

Fig. 1. Variation of the amount of the EO extracted (and acetaldehyde formed) from
COC syringes: When increasing headspace injection temperature and extraction
time (1 h and 2 h) using a fixed EO pre-thermal extraction of one night (∼12 h) in
a drying oven at 70 ◦ C (Fig. 2A); When increasing the temperature of the drying
oven (EO pre-thermal extraction – 1 night) using fixed headspace conditions (80 ◦ C
during 2 h) (Fig. 2B).

extraction – low particle size give high extraction yield for equal
time. By crushing hard plastic materials the EO initially trapped
in the material structure is released and the effect of the thermal
desorption improved.
Results obtained on COC samples sterilized in November 2015
(N = 6) highlight a loss of EO from samples once crushed even if
frozen compared to crushed samples freshly prepared (samples Fig. 2. Variation of the amount of the EO extracted (and acetaldehyde formed) from
silicone tubings: When increasing headspace injection temperature without prelim-
crushed and tested within the same day). According to these tests
inary EO pre-thermal extraction (Fig. 3A); When increasing the temperature of the
(see Table 1), some EO seems to be quickly lost after the crushing drying oven (EO pre-thermal extraction – 1 night) using fixed headspace conditions
process. Nevertheless, even if fresh crushed samples assayed give (100 ◦ C during 1 h) (Fig. 3B).
P. Gimeno et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 158 (2018) 119–127 123

pre-thermal treatment temperature and up to only 5.6 ppm using tion conditions to T◦ C ≤ 120 ◦ C. Results obtained for PUR (Fig. 3)
stringent headspace conditions (120 ◦ C – 2 h) pointing out the need shows that the EO extraction is directly linked to the headspace
of a pre-thermal extraction step. Nevertheless, if the pre-thermal temperature up to 120 ◦ C and that acetaldehyde (AA) is also formed
treatment temperature is too high (T◦ C > 120–140 ◦ C) the amount in parallel to the increase of EO (Fig. 3A). EO extracted and AA
of EO drop down probably due to a degradation of EO in the gas formed follow both the same profile. Fig. 3B points out an increase
phase (Fig. 1B). This degradation of EO leads to a slight formation of acetaldehyde formed if a pre-thermal extraction of EO is per-
of acetaldehyde. It is known that in the absence of a catalyst, the formed using a pre-thermal treatment one night. After 1 night even
thermal isomerization of EO is not selective, acetaldehyde or EO at 100 ◦ C, the amount of acetaldehyde formed is higher than the EO
may react to form significant amount of by-products [3]. Note that extracted. As for silicone, EO seems to be quickly extracted from this
ethanol may contain low residues of ethanal (acetaldehyde) up to material or at least the additional amount extracted within time
10 ppm. For silicone samples (Fig. 2), results highlight that the EO do not compensate the degradation of EO observed using standard
amount extracted from silicone is directly linked to the headspace solutions.
temperature. Up to 160 ◦ C during 1 h the EO amount extracted
increased to 2.1 ppm, whereas, Fig. 2B highlights a degradation of
3.4. Multiple HS-GC measurement for COC samples
the EO extracted for a temperature higher than 100 ◦ C if this tem-
perature is applied for 1 night (>12 h) pointing out the inability to
Additional tests were performed to check if the amount of EO
use a pre-thermal extraction step for this type of material. These
extracted after multiple HS-GC measurement using extraction con-
results may be explained by a quite quick extraction of EO from sil-
ditions less stringent than those needed to maximize the amount
icone materials leading to a degradation of EO if high temperatures
of EO extracted, could lead to similar results. As shown in Fig. 4,
(>100 ◦ C) are applied during a long time (>1 h). The degradation of
it is necessary to proceed up to 4 steps to extract EO amounts
EO was experimentally observed using standard EO solutions under
lower than 10% of the EO amount extracted during the 1st injec-
the same conditions. This degradation justify for low released mate-
tion. These experimental conditions are not suitable for routine
rials the impossibility to use same analytical conditions (regarding
tests. During tests performed simultaneously on the same sample
the pre-thermal treatment) for standards and samples. Unlike sil-
using extraction conditions maximizing the EO extraction from COC
icone or COC, the thermal resistance of PUR material is quite low
samples (i.e. 120 ◦ C one night + HS-GC conditions of 120 ◦ C 1 h) the
(≤120 ◦ C). When the temperature increased above 120 ◦ C, the PUR
EO amount obtained was estimated around 11 ppm after only one
become yellow and melt. This physical criteria limits EO extrac-
extraction step (the EO amount determined during the 2nd extrac-

Fig. 3. Variation of the amount of the EO extracted (and acetaldehyde formed) from PUR tubings: When increasing headspace injection temperature (1 h) without preliminary
EO pre-thermal extraction (Fig. 4A); When increasing the temperature of the drying oven (EO pre-thermal extraction – 1 night) using fixed headspace conditions (120 ◦ C
during 1 h) (Fig. 4B).
124 P. Gimeno et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 158 (2018) 119–127

3 non consecutive days. The not sterilized COC sample was used
to assess the method selectivity. The intra-laboratory repeatabil-
ity was tested preparing independent calibration curves, using not
previously opened commercial EO standard, and performing tests
by 2 different analysts. The method reproducibility and accuracy
was tested through an inter-laboratories study.

3.6.2. Validation results

The method validation was performed according to ICH Q2 (R1)
validation guideline (2005) using extemporaneous preparation of
all standard solutions. Intra-laboratory validation data are gather
in Table 3. Method specificity. The specificity of the EO detection is

Fig. 4. Amount of EO extracted from COC syringes after multiple HS-GC measure-
ment using a pre-thermal extraction of 1 night at 100 ◦ C and a headspace injection ensured by: the use of mass spectrometry as detection mod
at 80 ◦ C during 1 h. (m/z = 44, 29, 15 – using ion ratios determined on standard solu-
tions); the chromatographic separation of EO (RT = 6.92 min) from
tion was <10% of the amount obtained during the 1st extraction). its structural isomer (same m/z ions) acetaldehyde (RT = 7.06 min);
Results obtained (11 ppm vs 9 ppm) point out for COC that the use the systematic assay of non-sterilized samples and the injection
of stringent extraction conditions allows to faster accelerate the of potential EO degradation products according to the ISO 10993-
EO extraction process and to extract slightly higher EO than after 7 (ethylene chlorohydrin which might be formed in presence of
multiple HS-GC measurement using softer less stringent extraction chlorine and ethylene glycol which might be formed in presence of
conditions. According to results obtained, the method for the assay water). None of both EO degradation product interfere with the EO
of EO should therefore be adapted to the plastic tested. Depend- peak.
ing on the type of plastic, multiple HS-GC measurement using less
demanding, e.g. lower temperature, extraction conditions may lead Limits of detection (LoD) and quantification (LoQ). The LoD
to an underestimation of the EO residues. and LoQ were determined on the quantification ion in SIM mode by
injecting a 0.2 ␮g/vial and a 0.5 ␮g/vial standard solutions. LoD and
3.5. Comparative EO residues measurements with and without LoQ were estimated from the signal to noise ratio (s/n) based on
EO pre-thermal extraction step 3.0 g of plastic sample. The LOD was set at ∼0.05 ppm (S/N ∼ 3) and
the LOQ at ∼0.1 ppm (S/N ∼ 10). These values were considered as
To ensure the relevance of the pre-thermal extraction step used consistent with the sensitivity needed for market survey (i.e. health
for low released EO materials, the residual EO was determined using safety issues).
a multiple HS-GC measurement on same COP samples with and
without EO pre-extraction step. To avoid any biases, these com- Linearity/System conformity. Calibration linearity was
parative tests (N = 3) were performed within the same analytical checked on standard solutions. The EO peak area relative standard
run (same calibration curve/same day). Results obtained for each deviation (RSD) obtained (2.1%) for 6 consecutive injections of the
COP samples tested are given in Table 2. If we compare EO amount same standard solution (2.0 ␮g per vial) was <5.0% as required by
extracted with and without EO pre-thermal extraction step, the dif- the Official Medicine Control Laboratories (OMCL) guideline for
ference observed is for both samples approximately 20%. For COP this type of assay [27]. For each calibration curve, determination
and COC, results obtained clearly point out the relevance of the EO coefficients R2 > 0.995 as well as mean relative bias (absolute
pre-extraction step (pre-thermal treatment 120 ◦ C – 12 h) to speed bias/calibration level × 100) in agreement with “in-house” spec-
up the EO extraction (1 extraction vs 4 extractions – see 3.4), to ifications (≤10%) point out an acceptable linear correlation on
improve the sensitivity of the method and increase up to 20% the the calibration range considered (0.5–6.0 ␮g per vial). Assays
final EO amount extracted. Results obtained for COC samples are performed during linearity tests highlight for EO concentration
quite similar to COP with an EO amount extracted of about 11 ppm higher than 8.0–10.0 ␮g per vial a possible detector signal plateau
using a pre-thermal extraction step (see Fig. 1B) and only 9 ppm (non-linearity) possibly due to the formation of 2-methoxyethanol
with a not relevant pre-thermal extraction step (see Fig. 4). a reaction product of EO and ethanol. The 0 value was not forced
through the origin. A statistical process of linearity using analytical
3.6. Method validation for COC samples software (i.e. ANOVA) was performed and led to satisfactory
3.6.1. Validation protocol
6 preparations per day of each sterilized COC syringes (March Repeatability and intra-laboratory reproducibility. RSDs cal-
and November 2015) were prepared according to part 2.5, during culated on different sample preparations (N = 6 on 3 days) after have

Table 2
EO amount extracted with/without pre-extraction step.

EO amount extracted Difference

with EO pre-thermal extraction step without EO pre-thermal extraction step

Not sterilized COP <0.05 ppma <0.05 ppma

COP formerly sterilized 9.7 ppm 7.8 ppm 19.6%
(N = 3, RSD = 3.3%) (N = 3, RSD = 6.3%)
COP freshly sterilized(mid-September 2016) 67.5 ppm 52.7 ppm 21.9%
(N = 3, RSD = 10.2%) (N = 3, RSD = 9.0%)
Detection limit ∼0.05 ppm for 3.0 g sample weight.
P. Gimeno et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 158 (2018) 119–127 125

Table 3
Intra-laboratory validation data.

Validation data

System suitability injection repeatability:

(2.0 ␮g standard solution) Retention time precision 0.1%
Peak area repeatability 2.1%

Ethylene Oxide/Acetaldehyde >2.0

Limit of Detection/(LoD) Estimated from the 0,2 ␮g per vial calibration curve (S/N ∼ 3) 0,05 ppm (for 3.0 g weighted)
Limit of Quantification (LoQ) Estimated from the 0,5 ␮g per vial calibration curve (S/N ∼ 10) 0,1 ppm (for 3.0 g weighted)
Linearity Linearity range 0.5–6.0 ␮g per vial
(Methacrylic acid/ISTD areas) Determination coefficient R2 >0.995
Biases ≤10%

Mean Repeatability (n = 6 on 3 days using ANOVA) Not sterilized COC syringe <0.05 ppm
RSD (intra-run)
COC syringe sterilized in March 2015 3.3%
COC syringe sterilized in November 2015 8.1%a
RSD (inter-runs)
COC syringe sterilized in March 2015 6.2%
COC syringe sterilized in November 2015 7.5%
Value was accepted even if considered as quiet high regarding result obtain for the inter-runs repeatability.

been processed using ANOVA are given in Table 3. Results obtained RSD) determined for COP samples using a pre-thermal extraction
for intra-run and inter-runs repeatability were considered as quiet step are consistent with results obtained during the method vali-
satisfactory regarding the analytical technique used. Indeed, assays dation for similar sterilized COC samples. The method developed
were performed using headspace injection mode, no internal stan- and validated for the assay of residual EO in COC samples may
dard is used and a multiple HS-GC measurement is performed (i.e. directly be applied without any modification to the assay of EO
cumulative extraction). Furthermore, due to high EO residual levels, in COP samples.
for COC syringes sterilized in November 2015 a low sample amount
was used (∼0.1 g).
3.8. Results on 70 medical devices controlled during a market
survey Inter-laboratory reproducibility. A review of the analytical
method proposed for the assay of EO was kindly performed by the
Information provided by several neonatal wards in France
Danish Medicines Agency (DMA). The work was focused on the
highlight the use of EO as sterilizing agent for almost 85% of single-
assay of EO trapped in COC using prefillable EO sterilized syringes.
use sterile devices (especially tubes and catheters for medicinal
In parallel to this review, COC samples used for the method vali-
or nutrition product administration). This sterilization technique
dation and the DMA review were also sent to SANOFI to be tested
requires from manufacturer the need to manage ethylene oxide
with their own HS-GC method (see 2.5). Inter-laboratory results
(EO) residuals in devices after the sterilization process to avoid
are given in Table 4. Results obtained during this inter-laboratories
patient exposure. The ISO 10993-7 standard mentioned require-
study highlight on one hand a difference on the EO amount assayed
ments relating to EO sterilization residuals in medical devices and
if we compared tests performed during the review of the method
specifies the allowable EO residual limits that manufacturers must
performed by the DMA and the ANSM/SANOFI results and on the
ensure. The level of exposure to these substances should be as
other hand really similar results using 2 different methods (ANSM
low as possible. During a market survey performed between 2014
and SANOFI). Higher EO residues determined by the DMA were
and 2015, the ANSM checked the good implementation of the
not clearly explained and were supposed to be due to different
ISO 10993-7 standard regarding EO residues focused on medical
time and temperature of the goods under transport which was not
devices used in service of neonatology and paediatric clinics [28],
been recorded. Regarding tests performed by SANOFI using their
a total of 70 medical devices were controlled. Results obtained
own HS-GC method, results clearly highlight satisfactory values
point out the use of 3 plastics (PUR, Polyvinylchloride (PVC) and
regardless samples assayed. EO amount assayed were considered
silicone) in tubings and 2 additional plastics (Acrylonitrile Butadi-
as similar and repeatable using both HS/GC methods.
ene Styrene (ABS) or Methylmethacrylate Acrylonitrile Butadiene
Styrene (MABS)) for connection parts. Among sample tested, some Accuracy. Intra-laboratory accuracy tests were not per- of them do not clearly mention the nature of the plastic used for
formed. Indeed, Common Testing Samples (CTS) are not available connections. The repartition of plastics used in tubing and con-
and spiked preparations were considered not representative of nections are given in Fig. 5. The chart given in Fig. 6 shows the
the EO trapped in the sterilized sample. Nevertheless, similar samples distribution regarding EO residues. When several parts of
results obtained during the Inter-laboratory reproducibility (see a sample were tested, the sample result reported in the graph cor- using 2 different methods (ANSM and SANOFI) actu- responds to the highest part content. From an analytical point of
ally highlight a quiet good accuracy (based on cross-validation view results clearly highlight a higher EO residue level in connec-
approach) of the method proposed (7.6 ± 0.3 ppm vs 8.0 ± 0.1 ppm tions parts compared to tubbings. Indeed, Whereas EO residues in
and 22.2 ± 0.7 ppm vs 24.6 ± 0.7 ppm). tubbings are not higher than 11.0 ppm (most of them <3.0 ppm), EO
residues in connections parts could reach more than 800 ppm. This
3.7. Application of the method validated for COC to the assay of difference could be explained by the nature of the plastic used. For
COP samples tubing’s, soft plastics are used whereas for connections hard plas-
tics parts are used which release EO slowly compared to more soft
Results obtained for each COP samples tested, using the method materials used for tubing’s [25]. More generally speaking, results
validated for COC, are given in Table 2. Results (EO amounts and obtained during this market survey also showed discrepancies in
126 P. Gimeno et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 158 (2018) 119–127

Table 4
Inter-laboratory reproducibility.

EO amounts


Not sterilized COC syringe Not detected Not detected Not detected
COC syringe sterilized in March 2015 12.0 ppm 7.6 ± 0.3 ppm 8.0 ± 0.1 ppm
(N = 3, RSD = 5.9%)
COC syringe sterilized in November 2015 35.9 ppm 22.2 ± 0.7 ppm 24.6 ± 0.7 ppm
(N = 1)

Fig. 6. EO residual amount in tubbings and connection parts.

the way how to proceed to extract EO residues (extraction by sim-

ulation/exhaustive extraction, extraction conditions. . .) and from
a health safety aspect on the way to established residuals lim-
its. Therefore, different technical and general comments regarding
either analytical methods or human health safety were proposed
by the ANSM to the ISO group to modify the ISO standard during a
revision process. As few remarks were implemented, in September
2015, the ANSM took a human health care decision regarding the
ISO 10993 standard to des-harmonized this standard. Since March
2016 a compliance to the ISO requirements is not considered in
France as sufficient to ensure human health safety. Manufactur-
ers have also to comply with additional requirements given in a
Fig. 5. Plastic repartition in tubbings and connections.
French human health care decision [29]. This survey participated to
a more comprehensive approach which aim is to reduce the patient
exposure to CMR substances, without challenging the use of EO as
the implementation of standard NF EN ISO 10993-7 on EO resid- sterilizing agent.
uals. Most manufacturers did not take into account a neonate low
birth weight or the concomitant use of other EO-sterilized devices 4. Conclusion
in their calculation of the allowable residue limits. The ANSM there-
fore issued a reminder of current legislation to manufacturers and Through the revision/elaboration of its monographs, the Euro-
sterilization companies in July 2014 and provided a framework for pean Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) wants to improve the method
the market authorization of medical devices used in neonates and proposed to assay EO in sterilized medical devices, especially for
infants. Furthermore, during this survey, the ISO 10993-7 stan- Cyclo-olefine copolymer (COC) syringes. In this way, a multiple HS-
dard also appeared unclear from an analytical point of view on GC measurement of residual EO had been developed by the ANSM.
P. Gimeno et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 158 (2018) 119–127 127

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