Exp 1 (Food Chem)

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To: DR. KHAIRUL FAIZAL BIN PA’EE Code Subject: CFB 20703
From: Student ID. No.:

No. of Group: L01-P1 (GROUP 6) Date of Experiment: 28 February 2020

Title of Experiment: EXPERIMENT 1 (EMULSION)

Received by: Date of Submission: 6 MARCH 2020

Note: Late submission will not be accepted.

*To be filled by the marker*

2 3 5
1 4
ONLY) (TOTAL: 10%)
1. State the summary to the experiment
2. State the objectives of the experiment (point

2.0 PROCEDURES (TOTAL: 5%) 1 2 3 4 5

1.Methodology is presented in suitable and
understandable flowchart.
3.0 RESULTS (TOTAL: 10%) 2 4 6 8 10
1.Data are presented as deemed suitable with
complete label and units in tables and/or graphs.
1. Explanations of the referred tables and/or
graphs are presented after it.
2. Discuss on the findings and relations to the
theory and objective of experiment.
5.0 CONCLUSIONS (TOTAL: 5%) 1 2 3 4 5
1. Summary of the results to relate the findings or
results with the theory applicable to the
6.0 REFERENCES (TOTAL: 5%) 1 2 3 4 5
1. Minimum of 4 references.

Lab Technical Report
Course code/name

Abstract & Objective(s):

An emulsion is a two phase liquid preparation consisting of at least two or more immiscible
liquids in which small globules of one liquid are dispersed uniformly throughout the other liquid.
Since emulsion is a two phase liquid preparation, it can be in two types which are oil-in-water
(o/w) emulsion and water-in-oil (w/o) emulsion. There were two types of emulsifier which is
detergent and egg yolk. Emulsifying agents are adsorbed onto the oil-water interface to serve as a
protective barrier around the dispersed globules of liquid which reduces the interfacial tension of
the system. In this experiment, the HLB (hydrophilic-lipophilic balance) method is used to
determine the quantity and type of surfactant that is needed to produce a stable emulsion. The
emulsion had been identifier whether it is oil/water emulsion or water/oil emulsion by observation
under microscope. Egg yolk consists of a large amount of different components, from the low
molecular weight phospholipids to proteins and large lipoprotein complexes, and many of these
are surface active with the high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Furthermore, detergents are primarily
surfactants, which could be produced easily from petrochemicals. Surfactants lower the surface
tension of water, essentially making it 'wetter' so that it is less likely to stick to itself and more
likely to interact with oil. Although, it can be concluded that the higher the viscosity, the higher
the number of the droplet that produced.


 To translate theoretical concept of Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance (HLB) value into

 To calculate viscosity of an emulsion by using viscometer.

Using a suitable flowchart, state the steps involve in this lab work.

Experiment 1: Hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) values

5ml of oil and 20 ml

0.25g of egg yolk
water was added into
was added and shake
test tube. Added fat-
it until the mixture
soluble Sudan Red
dye into mixture.

Observed emulsion
Repeat step 1 until 3 under a microscope
by using 0.25ml of to determine whether
detergent. oil/water or water/oil

Experiment 2: Viscosity of Emulsion

0.25g of egg yolk

5ml of oil and 20 ml
was added and shake
water was added into
it until the mixture
test tube.

Observed emulsion
Repeat step 1 until 3 under a viscometer
by using 0.25ml of and observe the
detergent. viscosity of the
Result/ Discussion:

Experiment 1: HLB Value

Type of Microscopic Observation under
emulsions description microscope
Water in Oil (No Various sized of
emulsifier) globules unevenly

Water in oil Water droplets are

(Egg yolk as an being dispersed in
emulsifier) oil. A few large
droplets were being
seen. This is water
in oil emulsion.
Water in oil Globules sizes are
(detergent as an relatively uniform.
emulsifier) The water droplets
dispersed uniformly
in the oil. Thus, it is
water in oil

Oil in water (no Various sized of

emulsifier) globules unevenly

Oil in water A few small of oil

(Egg yolk as droplets are seen.
emulsifier) Different sizes of
droplet are formed.
Thus, it is oil in
water emulsion.

Oil in water Water droplets are

(Detergent as an being dispersed in
emulsifier) oil. A few large
droplets were being
seen. This is water
in oil emulsion
Result Experiment 2: Viscosity of Emulsion

Table 1: Viscosity of water/oil emulsion

Factor x
Water/Oil Speed Spindle Factor Reading
Control 20 5 200 200x17=3400

Egg Yolk 4 5 1000 1000x8.5=8500

Detergent 10 5 800 0

Table 2: Viscosity of Oil/Water emulsion

Factor x
Oil/Water Speed Spindle Factor Reading
Control 5 20 200 200x11=2200
Egg Yolk 5 10 400 400x3.5=1400

Detergent 1 12 5 5x23=115

This experiment had two different part which are to determine the concept of Hydrophilic-
Lipophilic Balance (HLB) value and to determine the viscosity of an emulsion. For the first
experiment, based on the observation under the microscope with the ratio of 1:4 of oil and water,
it created the Oil/Water emulsions and the Water/Oil emulsion with the ratio of water and oil were
4:1. Oil and water can be mixed by adding some emulsifier to prevent oil and water from separate
and create a barrier that protects the droplets from coalescing. Emulsifier contains both hydrophilic
and lipophilic that attracted both polar and non-polar compound. Different emulsifier had different
HLB values. From the table experiment 1, the emulsifier by using detergent with the scale of the
HLB value range between13-15 and for egg yolk was 8. Both emulsifiers have higher surfactant
HLB value so it is more hydrophilic.

Based on the theory, the HLB scales range was from 0 to 20. For HLB value less than 10
lipophilic than it suitable for W/O emulsion, for the range more than 10 it more hydrophilic that
suited to stabilize O/W emulsion. The HLB value from (2-3) work as an antifoaming agent, range
from (3-6) work as W/O emulsifying agent and HLB value range from (8-16) work as O/W
emulsifying agent. For W/O emulsion the non-polar tails are extending towards oil and will point
towards the water droplets for polar head groups. The interfacial tension between the oil and water
phases will become lower. O/W emulsion will repel each other electrostatically when the
emulsifier coat droplets in an O/W emulsion. The higher of the HLB value it will become more
hydrophilic and the lower surfactant of the HLB value it will become for lipophilic. O/W emulsion
will repel each other electrostatically when the emulsifier coat droplets in an O/W emulsion. The
polar head group will clash with another head group on other water droplets to avoid the droplets
from coming together.

Next, for the second experiment which to determine the viscosity of W/O emulsion and O/W
emulsion. From the table 1 and table 2, the results of the calculated viscosity of the emulsion,
shows that the viscosity of the emulsions depends on the viscosity of the continuous phase. Thus
it will produce the higher the number of the droplets produced and the more evenly the dispersion
of the droplets onto the continuous phase. Detergent and egg yolk is the emulsifier that has higher
surfactant HLB values. It is shown that the higher of the HLB value it will become more
hydrophilic and the lower surfactant of the HLB value it will become lipophilic
However, there some error while conduct this experiment. One of the errors is that during
the sampling of the sample from the test tube that had been mixed with the Sudan red dye,
homogenization did not be carried out properly. As a result, the colour of the sample that is
observed under the microscope is colourless instead of the red colour. This would make the
identification of the image obtained become a difficult task.


In conclusion, the objectives of this experiment were to translate the theoretical concept of
Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance (HLB) value into practice and to calculate the viscosity of an
emulsion. Based on the result for the first experiment, oil and water are not mixing together as it
needs to add some emulsifier from preventing oil and water separated and create the barrier from
coalescing. Detergent and egg yolk is the emulsifier that has higher surfactant HLB values. It is
shown that the higher of the HLB value it will become more hydrophilic and the lower surfactant
of the HLB value it will become lipophilic. Next, the second experiment result shows that the w/o
emulsion viscosity for egg yolk as an emulsifier is 8500 and detergent 32400 while o/w emulsion
viscosity for egg yolk 1400 and detergent 115. So, the emulsion viscosity depends on the viscosity
of the continuous phase. Thus it will produce the higher the number of the droplets and the more
evenly the dispersion of the droplets onto the continuous phase.
References :


 Le Denmat, M., M. Anton, and V. Beaumal, Characterisation of emulsion properties and

of interface composition in O/W emulsions prepared with hen egg yolk, plasma and
granules. Food Hydrocolloids, 2000. 14(6): p. 539-549.
 Mine, Y., Emulsifying characterization of hens egg yolk proteins in oil-in-water emulsions.
Food Hydrocolloids, 1998. 12(4): p. 409-415.
 Tesch, S., & Schubert, H. (2002). Influence of increasing viscosity of the aqueous phase
on the short-term stability of protein stabilized emulsions. Journal of food engineering,
52(3), 305-312.


 Tadros, T. F. (2013). Emulsion Formation, Stability, and Rheology. Emulsion Formation

and Stability, 1–75. doi: 10.1002/9783527647941.ch1

1. Compare how the type of emulsifier affects emulsion formation and stability for
W/O and O/W emulsions.

The Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance (HLB) allows to compare the different types of

surfactants and provided a systematic method to select a mixture of the emulsifying agent to
stabilize the emulsion. The HLB value from (2-3) work as an antifoaming agent, range from
(3-6) work as W/O emulsifying agent and HLB value range from (8-16) work as O/W
emulsifying agent. For W/O emulsion the non-polar tails are extending towards oil and will
point towards the water droplets for polar head groups. The interfacial tension between the oil
and water phases will become lower. O/W emulsion will repel each other electrostatically
when the emulsifier coat droplets in an O/W emulsion. The polar head group will clash with
another head group on other water droplets to avoid the droplets from coming together.

2. What chemical properties should a good emulsifier have?

Emulsions contain both a continuous and the dispersed with the boundary coming between
the phases that are called “interface”. Emulsions have a cloudy appearance due to many phase
interfaces scattering light passing through the emulsions. Emulsions appear in white colour
when the light is dispersed in equal proportions. If the emulsion is dilute, then higher-frequency
and the low-wavelength type of light will be scattered in more fractions, and this kind of
emulsion will appear in blue in colour. This is also referred to as the Tyndall effect.

3. How can emulsifiers be classified by their hydrophilic–lipophilic balance (HLB)


The HLB value range is between 1-20. The lower the HLB value the more lipophilic or oil
soluble the surfactant is while the higher the HLB value the more water soluble or hydrophilic the
surfactant is. The value can be predict the surfactant properties of molecules, for example value 7-
11 are indicates for w/o.
4. What kind of emulsion is cream? Butter? Margarine? Salad dressing?

- Cream has two type emulsion which is w/o and o/w emulsion

- Butter is water in oil (w/o) emulsion

- Margarine is water in oil (w/o) emulsion

- Salad dressing is oil in water (o/w) emulsion

5. Which type of emulsifier (high or low HLB value) would you select to manufacture
margarine? Salad dressing?

HLB is hydrophobic-lipophilic balance and measure the degree of which emulsifier is

hydrophilic or lipophilic. The higher the HLB value, the more water soluble the surfactant.
I would select low HLB to manufacture salad dressing because margarine need an
emulsifier with high HLB because it is composed of vegetable fats and water while salad
dressing consist of water and oil mixtures. Mostly salad dressing are normally found are
not perfectly mixed inside bottle and probably were manufactured with a low HLB value

6. Why are detergents good cleaning agents?

Detergent also in class of surfactant and interact physically with both oil and water. So
the stabilizing the interface between oil and water droplets in suspension. Detergent
purpose is to remove grease for cleaning.

7. What is the relationship between the concentration of oil and the viscosity of the
different emulsions?

The viscosity change of the resulting system is solely controlled by dispersed particle
droplet size and their concentration. The smaller the size at concentration the higher
viscosity as the smaller molecule of the continuous phase have been immobilized.

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