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What sort of music do you listen to?

I love listening to music, but I am not like other people who often listen to the music
that is popular at a time. The part of music that attracts me is the attitude of the
composers and the tone, because the songs represent the writers’ mood and feeling.
Through the songs people can feel what the composers try to express, so I often listen
to Jazz, Rock, and R&B. These three types of music contain different languages but
they are all my favorite music styles.
When I really want to relax my body, or to do the exercises at home I will listen to
Jazz music. I do not have the exact time to do exercises, I just play it to release my
body. Jazz music is much faster and more relaxing than pop music. It makes me want
to dance, to do any kind of motion to let go of my body while the music is on.
Sometimes I prefer to do it on my bed. It is healthy for my body.
My second favorite music style is Rock, which I listen to when I am in a bad mood
or lonely. Rock is very different from Jazz because Rock is quite noisy and contains
a lot of screaming. But the tone of the songs is like magic that can flush all my
unhappiness, even though those things are still right there, but at the moment I can
feel I have strength to solve problems, and I am not scared of anything anymore.
When I have something to face or have to make a choice, I always listen to Rock
music, let the music go through my mind so that I can think deeper and deeper.

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