09 - Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coating On Iron and Steel Produ PDF

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AASHTO DESIGNATION: M LIIM/M 111+ Standard Specification fo Zine (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steet Products (ASTM DESIGNATION: A 123/A 123M-97a) 1. scorn: 1.1 Ihis specification covers the re quirements for zine eeating (galvanizin by the hor-dip process on iron and stee! products made trom rolled, pressed and Foryed shapes, castings, plates, bars. and sips. 1.2 This specification covers both unlubricared products and. fabricated products. for example, assembled steel Products. structural steel fabrications, large tubes already bent or welded before galvanizing, and wire work fabricated from uncoated steel wire, This specifica tion also euvers seeel Forgings wid iron ceastings incorporated into pieces fabni- cated before galvanizing ur which are too large tu be eentritiged (ar otherwise hhundied 10 remove excess galvanizing bath metab. ) NOTE 1—This speci feation covers tho pranuets previously aditessed im MHS snl ASTM A, 386-7 1.3. This speetication does not apply co wine, pipes tube. ur tet shes wih is galvanized on sperialized or continous lines, oto sts! less than 0.76 rum [22 age (0.0299 in) thick. 14 The galvanizing of hardware items that are to be eentringed othe wise handled to remove exeesszine tsuch 48 bolts and sinilur threaded fasteners, seatings and rolled, pressed ant forged items) shall be in accordance with M 232MM 232. 15 This specification is applicable to onler in either ST uaits (ax M ULM) or inch pound umiss as (as M111). St oils and inch-pound uaits ure nt neces sarily exact equivalents, Within te text of this specification and where appropri 2e, inch pound units are shown i brack els, Each system shall be use indepen dently of the other without combining values io any way, fo the case of orders in SL unis, all testing and inspection shall be done using the metcic equivatent ‘ofthe test or inspection method as appro. priate, In the case of orders in $1 units, such shall be stated 10 the galvanizer when the onder is placed 2, REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2A AASHTO Stuadards M 120 Zine M 232M/M 242. Zine Coaiing (Hot-Dip| on Teon axl Stel Handwere TESMIT 6S | Mass (Weight| of Coating on tron end Steel Articles with Zine or Zine Alloy Coat ASTM Standard, AAT Specification for F Fitie Malleable Tron Cesstings, A143. Protice tor Safeguard ing Against Frbritle ment of Hot-Dip Gale vanized Siractucal Steel Products and Pio- cure for Detecting, Embrittlement ACA Practice for Safeguard ing Against Warpage and Distortion Ducing Het-Dip Galvanizing ff Steel Assemblies A385. Practice for Providing High Quality Zine Coatings HotDip) A O53/A 653/M Steel Sheet, ‘ine- Coated (Galvan= ized) or Iron Zine Alloy-Coated (Galvas realed) by the Hor-bip Process Praciive for Repair of Damaged and Une coated Areas of Hee Dip Galvanized Coat ings Terminology Relating to Metallic Coated Steel Products Neasurement of Metal and Oxide Coating Thickness by Micro scopieal Examination ‘of a Cross Secrion Attribute Sampling of Mette an! Inorganic Coatings: Practice for Messuring Coating Thickness by Maguetie-Field or Fatdy Current (Electeo- miawneticy Test Methuds A780 A902 B48 B62 B37 . TERMINOLOGY SL Definitions 3.1 The following texms and defi nitions are specific to Uhis specification. ASTM A 902 contains other tems and definitions relating 10 metallic-coated steel produers 3.2. Definitions of Terms Specific ra Thus. Standard B21 Average eouting thickness, nthe average of three specimen coat. ing thicknesses, 3.2.2 Hack, adj —denstes the condi tion of nol galvanized, For purposes of lis specification, the word “black” does not 1efer 19 the color vs eendition of surface, or to a surface deposit or con- mination 323° Coaung thickness grade, the marnericul valve from Table | at MUM ‘All Sp SPECIFICATIONS HOR MATERIALS, ade by Material Category Tested Sivel Thickness Range (Measured, mu i.) ‘TADLE 1 Minimam Average Costing ‘hickinast LG 16t 32 Mural Caegrey fil ‘Seta shapes 6 65 Sup 43 6s wi 45 45 the intersection of @ material extegory and a thickness range 3d Material eavegory. —w—the speneral class or type of material nr pro- fess of muufvctare, or both, that nomi nally desenbes a nnit of product, or from which a unie af product is made. Ror example, bar grating belongs to the cate- handrail belongs to cate- ete. Mil 5 anil product whose surface area is tee than 100000 mm? [160 112). For thi testing purposes. articles whose surface areas greater tham 100000 may! [160 in2] ace subdivided ino three centinaous local sections, nominally equal in surface area, each of which cansivuten a specimen. (See Figure 1.) 326 Sample, n—s collection of i dvideal vnits of product ftom a single let selected in avcordance with Seution 7, aud intended t9 represent that Lot for swcepsance Uf sample is taken as repre- sentny the Lo for acceptance, the sumple stall be taken a} random frum the lot withcut regard Wie perceived quality for appearance of any individual rit in the Jot being sampled. The sample con- sists of one of more lest articles. 427 Single-specimen article, «—a anit of prodact whose surface aren is ‘equal to of less than 109000 rom? (169) in‘) or that is centrifuged or otherwise: sienaly handled in che galvanizing pro- fois to remove exoess galvanizing hath rratal (fe vine), For thickness testing purposes, the entine surface area of each nit of product constitutes «specimen, (See Figne 1.) 3.8 Specimen, n—thesurface of an individual test anticle of @ portion of a ‘est article upon watch thickioss: mes sucements are te he performed, which ix 1 mamber of a lot, or a member of a sample representing thal lol, For mag netic thickness meusurements, specim« txclndes any area of the surface whieh ccimon article, n—a Theta HL 32wse 1A <4 ie had BY 83 6 6 eS is subject to processes (such as, flame ccurting, muchining, threading, ete.) that ‘ean be expected t0 result in surface con- ditions not representative of the. general surtace condition of the test article, ut is disqualified by the measurement method. ‘The minimum average coating thickness fprade for any specimen shall be one coating gride below that tequired for me, appropriate material category and thick= ness in Table 1. Vor a unil of product svhose surface arca is equal o¢ less than 100000 mm [160 in.’ the entice suri aarca of euch text amicle constitutes. 9 specimen, (See Figue 1) 329° Specimen coaing thickwess, nthe average. thickness from no less theo five test measuicments on a speci men, when each measurement location as selected to provide the widest disper sion (in all applicable dizections) of loc tions for the steel category of the tes aniicle within the confines af the speci men yolume. 3.2.10 Test article, non individual tunie-uf product that is a mauber of the sample and that i examined for cone formance to a part of this specification, 4, ORDERING INFORMATION 4 Orders for coatings provided under this specification shall include the following: 4.1 Quantity (umber of pieces 10 bbe galvanized) and total mace; 4.1.2. Description (type and size of products) and mass, 41.3 AASHTO spectficatton desig ration aad year of ise} 4.1.4 Mutcrial identification (see Section 5.1) and surfice condition or contamination; 44.5 Sampling plas, if different from Seetiva 73: al 44.6 Special test requirements (see Section 8.1); 44,7 Special requirements (special stacking, heavier coating thickness, ete): 41.8 Taxging or prece identification method. 5. MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURE A Steet or fron—The speciticae tion, prude, oF designation and type und Ucgree of suriace Contanninaion of the iron of steal in asticles to be galvanized shall be suoplied by the purchaser to the hot-dip galvanizer prior galvanizing, NOTH 2—The presence ip steels and weld mal, is certain pereentiges, of some ele feats sich as sbiebH, eaubon. sl phosphorus fends to sevelerate the zeonth of tbe sine iron alloy ayer so that the eoating. may have a rnatte finish with Lille or na euler zine ayer The galvanivar is oly lint coal dover this condition, The mass, shape, ad Ampunt of ole working of the product being falvunized may slen ffeet his condivon, ASTM A 385 provides. guidance on steel selsetion aad discusses the clleets of various Elements iv steel compositions Hor example Silloon) thot influence ppourance sang thickness aud 52 Fabrication The design and Tubrieation of the product to be galvan- ized are che responsibilities of me e+ signer und the Fabricator. ASTM A143. "ASTM A384, and ASTM A 385 provide guidance for skeel fabrication for opti- rum hot dip: gelvanizing. and shall be ‘complied with in borh design and fabe- cation. Consultation between the de sismer, fabricator, and galvanizer is desir able at appropriate stages in the design ‘and fabrication process: 3 Custings ‘The conipositiva and hieat ireaiment of iron und steel castings shall confor lo specifications desig. nated by the purchaser. Some types of castings have bern known fo show poten= tial problems with predisposition 10 being embrittled during the nonpa) ther mal cycle of hol-dip galvanizing It is the responsibility ofthe purchaser to heat treat of otherwise allow for the possibil- ity of such embritlling phenoriena. ‘The requirements for malleable iron castings wy be galvanized shall be as stated in ASTM A 47. 32 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS MAL Anticies whose Surface Arca Is greater then 109000 sq mm [160 sn, Test Ane | Sesarnan Lot 3 Test Arictes Sample each composed of 3 Specimens Each Specimen (5 or more measuremante widely dispersed) must Thieleness of (Table 1)-1 grade fe Minimum Averege Coating Each Test Article in the Sample (8 Speclirens each) must have Minimum Average Coating Thickness of (Table 1) Singla-epscimon Arti ‘Articles whose Surface Area is equal to or ass than 100000 sq mm (10 2q,In1 fy Lot Test Articles 3 Specimens, Each Spocimen (5 or more measurements widely dispersed) must have Minimum Average Coating Thickness of Table 1) -1 grade AllTast Articles (Specimor ‘Average Coating Thickress of (Table 1) S.A Zinc —The sine used in the gal vanizing bath shell conform to M120, If'a zinc alley is used as the prinuy feed to the galvanizing bath, then the base _material used t make thal alloy shall conform to M 120, 5.8 Beth Composition —The molten tela in the working volume af dhe gal- vaniziog Vath shull contain not less than aan average value of 98,0-percemt zine by NOTE 3—The palvaizer may ctoose 10 lade trace amounts of certain elements (for examples aluminum. nike, and tn) 19 the ine bal o help in the processig of exnatin SURE 1, Multi Specimen Articles reactive steels or to enhance the cosineti Appearance of the Gnished product. The se of thats trace elements is permed provided at the balk chewisty of the galvanizing, bath is at Teast 980-perveat zine by mass ‘The ekments ean be auded Wo the galvanizing bath as par of 2 prealloyed zine teod, or they ‘can be adel to the bath by the galvanizer using 2 master feed allay 6. COATING PROPERTIES 61 Coating Thiekness—The aver. age thickness of coating for all specimens Together must have Minimum tested shal conform to the requisera of Table 1 fur the categories and thick nesses of the muterial being galvanizec Minimum average thickness of coatin for any individual specimen is ene coa ing prade less that chat requited in Tab 1. Where producis consisting of variow maternal thicknesses or calepories ar xalvanized, the coating thickness grade for each thickness range nd materi ccategery of material shall be ax show: in Table I. In the case of orders in 8 tunis, the values in Table 1, shall b apalicable as metric units ia microme ters, In the case of orders in inch.pouni MUM SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS TABLE Coating Thickness Grads Coaing Grade pn 35 36 45 4s 35 38 © s 5 5 © 85 a 100 va ile oui 2s 1a 08 30 10 390 13 400 1s 510 a 0 20 705 23 TrOmrenioas n Tile 3 ae bvel On He mee ce value eyoue Rowse Fen ells wen ‘i setiotion, este, owvevon Store cose wits Tae X21 $ ASTM A 654/63 munded th ‘Bue Sp [0000 nw cmvasion face Wed se le = ys % OODIST: oak? = an x OADS1E oa pe % 2.062 unis, the measured value shall be con- verted toa coating, grade units by dae use of Table 2. The spevfication of coatine thicknesses heavier than those required by Table 1 shall be subject co mmutual agresment letwoon the galvanizer and purdnser, (Figure 2 is a graphic repre- sentation ofthe sampling and specimen delineation steps, and Figure 3 is talc tepresentation the coating thick- ness inspection steps.) GAL Focaricles whose surface area is greater than 100000) mm* [160 im} Aiiiespecimen articles), each test artic cle nthe sample must meet the appropri- se minimum average coating thickness rade requirements of Table L, an each specime coating thickness grade com- prising that overall average for cach test anfcle shall average nol less tan ove coating grade below that required io Table 1 61.2 Fer anieles witowe surface area is equal to or less than 100000 mm? [160 in2] (single-specimen articles), the verge of all est articles in the sample rust meet the appropriate spinor ay ‘erage coating thickness grade require ments of Fable I, and foreach test arick, its spevimen coating thickness shall be not less than one coating grave helow thae cequited in Table 1. 6.13 Noindividasl messurement, or cluster of measurements the same gen eral location, on a test specimen shall the cause for rejection under the coating thickness requirements of this specifica tion provided that when those measure~ iments ane averaged with the cther dis persed measuremens © dotermine the specimen costing thicknoss grade for that specimen, Uke requirements of Sectiors G11 or 6.12, 2s appropriate, ane met NOTE 4—The couting thickness grades ia Tele 1 reproient the sisinwnn value ob tainable with « high level of confidence for ‘ae ranges typieally found in euc mnateral category, While 100s coating tichaesses J] te in excess of those vuless, some muetials in each cateyory may be less reactive or example, because of emit or surfuee vas [Note-Each specimen comprises nominally onethits or te total surace {theartele. A minimum of iva measurements svoUld be mado within the yolune ‘Leach epecimen, ae widely dissered within that volume as fs practical, seas to, ‘presentae mush ae posetlthe general coating thelaose with tha specimen FIGURE2, Articles Made of Many Components 33 Lilion) than oOher materials of the toot eate= ‘gary spectum, Therefore, some articles may hate a costing grafe a! ar closs tothe mini- hnvny eequicemane shown ia Table I. Es sul ‘ates, the precision and accuracy of the coat ing thickness measuring tezhnigue should te tab into consideration waen sejosting such aricles for cowting thickness below dhat ro- aquited by this specification. Purchasers desir- fing a guarantee of heavier coatings dan he rmininurn thicknesses shown herein should use the special requirements (ection 4.1.7) to specify coating Unckness grades higher tUnm those shown ia Table 1. Tr adiition, the purehser should anticipate the need for test, balebes or exua prepwalioa seps, or bot, such us biasing before golvasizing or other rmaods, 10 atept to reach the higher ce 4quenent with consistency, Some higher thn saudaed thicknesies way be impevstial fv unattainable, 62 Finish—The coating shall be continuous (except as provided below), and. a§ reasonably smooth and uniform jn thickness as the cia, size, shope of the item, and necessary handling of the jem during the dipping and deaining operations at dhe galvanizing ket will peumit, Except for local excess coating thickness which would interfere withthe uve of the produet, or make it dangerous tw handle (edge tears or spikes), rejection for nonuniform coating. shall be made only for phinly visible excess coating not ‘elated to design factors such as holes, joints, or special drainage prab- tems. “Gee Nowe 5.) Since smoothness is a relative tem, minor sougiess that éoes not interfere with toe intended use of the product, or roughness that is selaied to the as-received (un galvanized) surface condition, steel hemisty, or stee! reactivity to zine shall rol be grounds for rejection, (See Note G) Surfuce conditions related wo deticien- cies celated to design, detailing, of fabri= cation 2 addressed by ASTM A 385 shall not be grounds for rejection, The aine coating on threaded components of icles galvanized under this specifiea- tion shall conform 10 that required in 1M 232M/M. 252. Surfaces that. remain uncoated after galvanizing muy be re00- vated in accordance with the methods in ASTM A 780 provided the coniitions in Scotions 6.21 and 6.2.2 ave met. surface NOTE 5—The requirements for the finish of a galvanined product addcoes thomtclves to a visual type of inspection. ‘They do not SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS Select Test Aries Surge senna Arcos Presented ben es |e) ertnapacion (Tha Sania) Coren) Tost Arseion Fit ‘Siogle Matarial Categoy Inspecteach Mataral Categery Sepsrataty ‘One Specimen or Tost Aicla ‘Subdivide Each Test Aaticio nto Trvea Specimen, ‘Tost Each Spaciman for Compliance with ‘Section 6.1 ‘avg. oF A Specimen Complies with Yea Secon 51 Lot Fails for Thickness (at Passes for nn Br) FIGURES. _ddeeas the mater of mcasuied coating thick= ress variations that can be enviuntered be ceawe of differen steels ar different thick: nesses of a given sted being used in at assembly, NOTE 6—ltems which are prepawed for galraniting by abrasive cleening will gener- ally develop a ticker coating sith ¢ moder ately cougher surface. 6.2.1 ach area subject (orenovation shall be 25 mm [1 in] oF less in its narowest dimension, 6.2.2. “the total area subject to reno- ation on cach article shall be no more thon % of 1 percunt of the surface area Coating Thi kness Tnspection Steps to be coated on that article or 26 mm per ky [38 in? per ton] of piece nus, ‘whichever is Tess, 62.3 The thickness of rexovetion shall be that required by the thickness rede for the appropriate material cate Bory and thickness range in Table 1 in accordance with the requirements of Seo- tion 6.1 except that for renovation using sinc pains, the thickness of renovation shall be 30 percent bighes tus ht se uited by Table 1, bat not greater than 100 gam [4.0 mis) 63 Threaded Components in ssem- blies—The zine cating on. external MIM reads shall not be subjected to x eur ting, rolling, oF finishing toot operation, unless specifically authorized by the pur chaser. Internal threads may be tapped or retapped after galvanizing. Costings shall conform t the sequiremenin of 1M 232MM 232, 6.4 Appearanee—Galvanized art cles shall be free fiom uncouted areas, blisters, flux deposits, and dross inclu sions. Lumps, projections, globules, or heavy deposits of zinc which will intor- feve will the intended use of the material will not be permitted. All holes shall be clean and reasonably fiee from excess Zinc. Masks in the zine coating caused by tongs or cther items used in handling ie ariicle during dhe galvanizing opers- tion shall not be canse for rejection i= Jess such marks have exposed the base imotal or have scraped the zinc from the sutfoce, The pieces shall be handled that after galvanizing they will not freeze together on cooling, 65 Adherence—The ine coating shall withstand handling consistent with the neture and thicknod of the coating and the normal use of the article, without peeling oc flaking. NOTE 7Although some matsrial my be formed after galvanizing, in general the zite coating on the aneles covered by this speciation is too lnavy permit sever bending withont damaging the cowing. 7. SAMPLING. 7A Sampling of each lor shall be performed for confosmance with the re= quicements of this specification, 7.2 Alois a unit of production or shipmenc from which a sample may be taken for testing, Unless otherwise agreed upon between the galvanizer and the purchaser, or established within this, specification, the lot chall be as follows for testing al a galvanizer’s facility, a lot is one o mote aticles of the same {ype and size comprising a single order or a single delivery load, whichever is the smaller, or any number of articles identified as a fot by the galvanizer, when these have been galvanized withio a sit- tele production shift ud in the name bath, or test by parchaser after delivery, the lot consists of the single erder o: the gle delivers load. whichever is the MaM sumaller, unless che Lot ideatity, estab- ished In accordance with the ahowe, is rmairiined and clewly indicated in the shipment by the galvanizer. 73 The method of selection and suber of text speciaueus shall be agreed upon between the galvanizerand the pur chaser, Diherwise, the test specimens shall be selected at random from each lot In this case, dhe minimum number of egecimen: from cach Lot shall be 25 follows Nunbeof Pieces Nuuber of in Low —Speriewes 3 or less wl 410 500 3 S01 © 109 5 $201 to 2200 a 3201 1» 10000 B C001 ane ose 2 NOTE 8— Where @ numer of identi stems ae to be galvanize, a statistical sam- plig plat amy be denied. Such a plan is ‘onked in ASTM B 62. which addresses sampling prccedures for the inspection of deviodepostied metalic coatings and rela finites, If ASTM 1. 602 is ased, the level of simpling shall he agreed © becween the gavonizer ard the purchaser at ere me se eating order ie placed TA A est specimen which tatls 10 confor to requirement of this specifi- cation shall not he used tw determine the confonnance to other tequirements, 8, TEST METHODS BA Test Reyuirements The fol loning ests shall be conducted to ensure thatthe zire enating is being Fumistd in ovordanve with his spevification, The specifying of tests for adhesion ard em- britlement shall be. subject to. mutust agement between Uke galvanize and shaver, Visual inpection ofthe coat- ing shall be made for compliance with the requirements 42 Phickness of Coating Test—the thickness of coating in determined by one ‘ormore of tie three mehods deseribed as follows BLA Magnetic Thickness Measure- meus —The thickness of the coating Shall be determined by magnetic thick- ness gape messurements in accordance wilh ASTM E 376, For each specimen SPLCUACATIONS FOR MATERIALS. (Gs described in Section 32.8) five or more measutcments shall be made. at nts widely dispersed theonghoor the vvohume occupied by the specimen 50 0 to represent, as much as practical, the ceatite surface arsa of the test specimen “The average of five oF more measure nents thus made for each specimen is the specimen coating thickness. BALA For aiicles whose surface cea is greater than 10008) mum? [160) in] (rulti-speciinen aticles as _de- scribed in 3,25), the average of the three specimen coating thi yo nex grades com rising each test article is the average coating thickness for that test article 82.1.2 For anfcles whose. surface area is equal 1 o€ less than 100000 un? {160 in2} Gingle-specimen aricles ss described in 3.2/7), the average of all specimen costing thickness grades i the average coating thickness forthe sample R213 In the ewse of Ueaded come ponents, the thickness of coating shall be made on a portion of the article that does not include any Uireadls, 8214 The use of magnetic mex suremect_ methods is appropriate for Ineger articles, and may be appropriate for smaller ecticles when such is prectical asing ASTM B75, 82.2. Seripning Method—The aver ‘age muss of coating may be determined by stripping a test anicle, a specimen semoved from a tet anile, oF eeoup of ‘est articles in case of very small items such as nails, etc., in accordance with T6SM/1 65, The mass of coating per unit rea (hus uetamined is conveited to equivalens coating thickness valesin ae cordance with ‘Table 2 (rounding up or down as appropriate). The thickness of voating thus obtained is te wst article coating thickness, ceinthe case af aspesi« men removed from a test article, is Uke specimen average coating thickness 8221 The stripping method i a ée= structive test and anay be sppropriate foc single specimen articles, but may be.im- practical fer maltispesimen articles. 823. Determining the Mass Before and After Galvanizing The scerege mass of coating uy be obtained by de~ termining the mass of the articles before and after galvanizing, mtecting te ist mass from the second und dividing the result by the surface avea, The first mass shall be deternincd after picking end ying aud the second aller cooing t 35 ambient temperature, The mass of woal- ing poe unit area thus determined is con verted 19 equivalent coating thickness values according to Table 2 (rounding up ocdown as appropriate). The thickness of coating thas oblsined ix the text article coating thickness. 8.23.1 The determining themass be- fore and after method mey be appropriate for siagle-speciincn articles, bt may be impractical for multisspecimen articles NOTE 9—Both the stripping wethod ane the diterining the anaes efore and ator rrethed do nas take into account the mass oF in macted fiom the article that is incorpo- rated into the coating. Tha the metbeda mty innderestinate coating mass (and therefore the csleulted thickness) by upto 10 percent. The aceoncy of both methods will be influenced ‘by the accuracy to which the surface stea of Ue attics tested can be detertined, 814 Microscopy —The thickness of coating may he determined by ero tional snd opticel measurement in accur- lance with ASTM B 487. The cickness thus determined isa poine vali thun five such measuresents shull be tnade at locations onthe testarticle which areas widely dispersed as practical, sas to be roproventative of the whole wurfuce of the test article, The average of no less than five such measurements isthe spe ren coating thickness. 8.241 The microscopy method is a éestnictive est and may be impractical for mult-spacimen anicles. 825. Referee Method—In the event of a dispute over thickness of eoating meaturements, the dispute shall be re- solved a fellows: 825 For multispecimea articles, 4 pew sample shall be taken randoraly frors the lot of material, whicl has twice tue numberof test articles as the sample which failed ro conform ra this specifica tioo, If be lor size is suoh ial he sennple size camot be doubled, then the sample size shall be as previous, hut the number of widely dispersed sifex at which mea- surements were made shall be doubled and these sites will constiture the new sample. This new sumple shal be ansa- sured using magoetic thickress gages which Bave been calinvated for accuracy aguint reference material thickness slau dads, Ifthe let is found 0 be noncon- forming by the new sample, the galvan- ter has te right to sux the Tot for eon No less 36 focming articles by individual test, to regalyanize nonconforming areles, oto renovate the nonconforming articles in accordance with Section 6. 82.82 For single specimen asicies, 4 new sample shall be taken randomly from the lot of material, which has bwiee the mumber of test articles as the saimple which failed toconfort to dhis specifica tion, The lest method for the new sample shall beselected by mutual agreement e- ‘ween the purchaser and galvanizer. Ifthe Jot is found to be nonconforming by the new sample, the gelvanizer hes the right {o sort the lot for conforming articles by ual test, to regalvanize noncon forming articles, or to renovate the non conforming anieles in accorcance with Section 6.2 £3 Aditesion—Deternine achesion of the zine costing to the surface of the base metal by cutting or prying with the point of a stout hue, applied with con- siderable pressure in u manner tending to remove a portion of the coating, ‘The ad hesion shall be considered inadequate if the coating flakes olf in the form of a sax lo expose the af the Jie point Do not use testing earried ont at edges or comers (points of lowest coating adhe- sion) to deterinine adhesion of the ecat- ing, Likewise, do not use removal of smhall particles of the coating by paring or whitling to dotermine failure 84 Embrittement—Test for embiite SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS ement may he made in accordance with, ASTM A 143, 9. INSPRCTION, REJECTION AND RETEST 9A Inspection by the Galvanizer—It in te responsinility of the gelvanizer to ensire compliance with this specifica. tion. This ean be achieved by an in-plant inspection program designed 10 mainiain the coating thickness, Finish, znd appear tance within therequitements ofthis sa dard. 9.2 Inspection by the Parchaser— The purchaser may ackeplor reject mate~ rial by inspection. ‘The inspector repre- senting the purchaser shall ave access aval times to those areas ofthe galvaaiz t's facility which concem the applica: tion of the zine coating. to the material ordered while: work on the contact of the purchaser is being formed. ‘the gal vanizer shall afford the inzpector all rea- sonable facilites to satisfy him that the zine coating is being furnished in accor- slaoce with this specification 93. Location —he material chall be inspected at the gelvanizer’s plant prior to shipment. However, by agreement the purchaser may atake te (ests whieb gov em the acceplance or rejection of the materials in his own Inbotatery or else where. 94. Reinspection—When inspection of materials to determine conformity ‘with visual requirements of Section 6.2 M 1M ‘warrant rejection of a lot, the galvanizer may sort the lot and subnit itonce again for aoveptance after he has removed any nonconfomning articles and replaced them with conforming asticts. 9.5 The sampling plan that was used ‘when the lot was firs! inspected shall be used for resampling of a sonted lot. By mutual agreemien, the galvanizer ay submit the lot remaining alter soring and removing nonconforming. asticles ‘without replacement with conforming ar ticles. In suck case the sow-senalle lot snl be treated a a new lot for purposes of inspection and acceptance. 9.6 Materials that have been rejected forreavons other than embrilement may be stripped and repalvanizes and again submitted for inspection and test st which tine they shall conform to the sequire- iments Of this spesitication, 10, CERTIFICATION 10.1 When specified in the purchase ‘order or contract, the porchaser shall be fomished cerufication that samples rep: resenting each lot have been eilier tested of inspected as dined by this specifica- sion and the requireanents have heen met ‘When specified io the puschisse order ar contract, a report ofthe tat results sell be furnished Standard Specification jor Zine AASHTO DESIGNATION: M 120-99 AASHTO M 120-99 is identical to ASTM B 6.97 except for the following. provisions: 1. All references to ASTM Standard i 29 contained in ASTM B 6-97 shall be replaced with AASHTO Standard RL a

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