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REG.NO: BPH-032-683





CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background to the study............................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem statement......................................................................................................................2
1.3 The purpose of study..................................................................................................................3
1.4 Research objectives....................................................................................................................3
1.6 Research questions.....................................................................................................................4
1.6 The research scope.....................................................................................................................4
1.7 The significance of the research study.......................................................................................4



1.0 Introduction
This introduction of the research report mainly introduces an intention to investigate the effect of
domestic violence on school-going children’s health and their academic performances in all their
education levels. This chapter one intends to embark on research journey by passing through and
looking into the background to the research study, problem statement, the purpose of the study
and clearly showing the research objectives, questions, research content and the significance of
the research as well as design appropriate conceptual framework of the research report.

1.1 Background to the study

Domestic violence has become a global and a widespread phenomenon that has affected millions
of children lives globally (UNICEF, 2015). According to Miller (2010), when children learning
is favorable, they get chances to various educational opportunities and experiences that are of
great benefit to social development and positive relationship with peers and adults. Domestic
Violence according to the Act on Protection against Domestic Violence (PADV) (2015), is any
form of violence against a person, or imminent danger or a threat of violence to that person, by
other person with whom that person has been, or is in a domestic relationship. According to
Abuya and Onsomu (2012), in domestic violence households, children are often involved as
invisible victims who are exposed to the abuse.

According to UNICEF (2015), children in the whole world between 500 million and 1.5 billion
are facing various forms of violence each year. However, 7 to 14 million children witness
domestic violence at home (Edleson, 2009). Many of the extreme dangers of domestic violence
are linked in early year’s period, when violence incidences can have an irretrievable influence on
youngsters’ well-being and development (Richards, 2011). Studies have found that children’s
exposure to domestic violence at home has a great impact of preventing young children from
performing well in school according to Sterne and Poole (2010), hence affecting their
educational outcomes.

Statistics from USA shows that 29.4% of children live in a family whereby domestic violence
occurred in the last one year. In Philippines in the year 2009, it was estimated that around 3.3

million children were at risk of domestic violence in their homes. In Australia, the Australian
Bureau of Statistics’ (2015), found out that all the women who went through spousal violence,
from the time when they were 15 years and had their children to care, in the course of that
relationship, 59 % testified that the incidences of violence took place before their children. As a
result, they were unable to provide the necessary stimulation to their school aged children
(Levendosky & Dubay, 2019). Thus, affecting their school attendance and learning in school.

In East Africa countries, incidences of domestic violence has been reported extensively
especially through the media. Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya had acknowledged cases of domestic
violence in majority of its communities, including child battery and domestic fights which had
adverse effects on children’s well-being (Devaney, 2015). Report by UNICEF (2014), in Kenya,
indicated 47% level of domestic violence and that many children are vulnerable to its negative
consequence. Reported complaints of domestic violence are documented in the County
Commissioners Offices (UN, 2014).

In Uganda, a recent study showed that more than 90% of primary school-aged children had ever
experienced, more than 50% reported emotional abuse, and 4% and 13% of boys and girls
respectively reported sexual abuse from a school staff member (Devries et al, 2014). In addition
perpetrators of violence against children include school staff, family members, caretaker and
peer. Violence against children by their peers can include both bullying where the power
dynamic a perpetrators and victim, are important and peer victimization which can included any
violence between peers.

In Nsambya, there’s growing number of gender inequality and unfair treatment, the Media
reports cases of battered wives and slain husbands, children being denied basic necessities.
Hospitals in the area especially St. Francis Hospital, Nsambya receive many wounded spouses
who do not wish to return to the domestic arena and church pastorates find many cases of mental
disputes that require their intervention. 60% of women in Nsambya are victims of domestic
violence (FIDA Uganda, 2018).

1.2 Problem statement

Although the police force, local authorities, and the public continually report cases of drug

abuses, domestic violence has increased due to poverty, unemployment, low economic growth,

illegal drugs and unregulated alcohol consumption, social inequality, ineffective Justice System

and Gang (s) formation and desire to become rich in a short period of time and lack of trust in the

police activities and crime preventers who are at times alleged to connive with the Criminals

especially those of domestic violence. Therefore, due to domestic violence, there has been an

increase in the loss of lives and property perhaps due to brutal fights and divorce, neglect in the

provision of basic needs to the families especially the children who can end up abandoning

school, engage in criminal acts and also other casual jobs such as farming in people’s gardens

during school time to try to generate some income to sustain themselves, drug addiction and at

times end up becoming street children due to homelessness. Some measures have been put in

place such as community policing to sensitize the masses about laws, policies and dangers of

Domestic Violence, also arresting and prosecuting those who are guilty of domestic violence but

also at times summoning those who are accused to the Child and Family Protection Unit of the

Uganda Police Force to counsel them. Despite all these measures, domestic violence has not

stopped. This study therefore will investigated how Domestic Violence affects Children’s

Academic Performance and suggest some solutions to reducing Domestic Violence.

1.3 The purpose of study

The primary purpose of this research study is to investigate the effect of domestic violence on the
performance of school-going children in Nsambya, Kampala.

1.4 Research objectives

i. To investigate the causes of domestic violence in Nsambya
ii. To find out the factors determining the performances of school-going children in the
community in Nsambya.
iii. To examine the effect of domestic violence on school-going children performance in

1.6 Research questions
i. What are the causes of domestic violence in Nsambya?
ii. What are the factors determining performance of school-going children in Nsambya?
iii. What are the effects of domestic violence on the performance of school-going children in

1.6 The research scope

1.6.1 Content scope

This research study will strictly look at the causes of domestic violence, the factors that
determine the performances of school-going children and the influence of domestic violence on
the performance of school-going children in Nsabya, Makindye Division, Kampala.

1.6.2 Geographical scope

The research study will be carried out Kampala district and particularly in Nsambya. The
researcher chose these areas because they are densely populated and it is believed that such
places are good sources of information to enrich the research study.

1.6.3 Time scope

The data that will be considered for this research study is only information that was written or
presented between 2009 and 2020. This research study will take a period of three months (3)
between June and September 2020.

1.7 The significance of the research study

1.7.1 Policy

Information on domestic violence will be useful to policy makers like Ministry of Gender
and Community Development, Women Organizations concerning with the rights of women
and welfare like HDA Uganda, on how they can empower women and create gender equality.

The research findings will be of great value to the Uganda Government and other institutions
whose goal is to improve violence situations.

1.7.2 Academic

The study is expected to help the researcher in the fulfillment of the requirements for a degree
in public health of Cavendish University.

The finding will provide up-to-date literature and open the field for further research
to academician and researchers who may be interested in area of domestic violence.

1.7.3 Industry

The findings of the study will contribute information about stopping domestic violence
which has been a great danger to the women.

It will provide useful policy guideline for appropriate policy formulation and programmes
for improving women focused projects.

It will better provide a solid knowledge base to enable these institutions to design intervention
programs that will address women's role in development in Uganda.

1.7.4 Local People

The study will be used to sensitize victims about their rights, that is, what to do when
their rights have been infringed on where to report those cases of domestic violence
and many others.

1.7.5 NGOs

The study will be useful to the policy makers, management in that it will provide
useful policy guideline for appropriate policy formulation and programmes for abolishing
domestic violence.

1.8 Conceptual framework

A conceptual framework showing the influence of domestic violence on the performance of

school-going children

 Physical abuse LEARNERS
 Sexual abuse
 Neglect  School attendance
 Economic abuse  School dropouts
 Spiritual abuse  Completion rate
 Emotional abuse  Number of first

Intermediate variables

 School facilities
 Parents involvement
 School management

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