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BSCE 3-2

Group Name: Starters

Group Members: Baliguas, Hershey Leigh

Barongrong, Wendy

Gonzales, Madelaine

Teaño, Joan

Specialization: Transportation Engineering

Product Name: GOE (Get on Express)

About the Product:

Many commuters experienced leaving their house and wait long to get into a
public utility vehicle. The proponents of Starters thought of creating a mobile
application that collects data from public utility vehicles. The speed and location of
the vehicle will be monitored to be able to calculate the expected arrival time of the
vehicle in your location. Also, number of passengers will be located for the
commuters to know if the coming vehicle is in full capacity or not. As with the current
situation, a cashless transaction for fare will also be included in the app. A QR code
will be available from each vehicle and the commuters will just scan the code for the
payment. The government is suggested to be the one to regulate the app in
partnership with PUV operators or bus companies for the protection of the data
collected which could also be used for other research purposes.

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