Junior Design Project Report EEE299 Gas Leakage Detector Using Arduino Through Alarm System

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Junior Design Project Report


Gas Leakage detector using Arduino through alarm system

Submitted by

1721669043 Sabbir Ahmed

1511972943 Rakibul Hasan Khan Ratul

1711073043 MD Rezauan Ahmmed Rafi

Submitted to

Mohammad Rezaul Islam

Sr. Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Electrical & Computer engineering
North South University
Agreement Form

We take great pleasure in submitting our senior design project report on “Gas leakage detector
Using Arduino With Alarm System”. This report is prepared as a requirement of the Junior
Design Project EEE 299 which is a one semester long design course. This course involves group
of students who build and test custom designed systems, components or engineering processes.
We would like to request you to accept this report as a partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science
degree under Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of North South University.

Declared By:
Name: Sabbir Ahmed
Name: Rakibul Hasan Khan Ratul
ID: 1511972943
Name: MD Rezauan Ahmmed Rafi
ID: 1711073043
Approved By:

Mohammad Rezaul Islam
Sr. Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Dr. Rezaul Bari

Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
“Gas leakage detector using Arduino With Alarm System”


After the 3rd industrial revolution and progress of modern technology usage of gas is increased
day by day. Gas is needed in almost every place either home, Industry and vehicles. But in recent
times security has been collapsed and the rate of gas leakage accident is increasing day by day
especially in third world country like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar. The notable
accident happened In Bangladesh like Narayangonj Mosque; Old Dhaka Chawkbazar is recent
witness for this incident. To alleviate this type of disastrous accident we need to check the gas
leakage continuously. Considering the security of Gas leakage, if we want to stop the accidents
related to gas leakage, need to set up a device which can be inform us before upcoming accident.
The purpose of the project is to detect gas leakage using Arduino (a microcontroller) and MQ-5
(a gas sensor). Moreover, the design of this project is consisted with LCD display and a Buzzer
which will alert us from possibility dangerous accident. The system can detect gas perfectly in
closed room because the concentration of gas is higher in constrict environment on the other
hand gas can easily mingle in open space.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Project Details: .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background and Motivation: .............................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Motivation:.......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Project Goal: ....................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 2: TECHNICAL DESIGN ......................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Existing Solution:................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Proposed Solution: .............................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Solution Assessment: .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Technical Design: Module Level ........................................................................................................ 5
2.6 Required Skills:................................................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER 3: ESSENTIAL PARTS AND DEVICES ............................................................................... 11
3.1 Description of Components .............................................................................................................. 11
Selection of Tools ................................................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER 4: WORKING SHEETS .......................................................................................................... 24
4.1 Work Breakdown Structure: ............................................................................................................. 24
4.2 Financial Requirements: ................................................................................................................... 26
CHAPTER 5: PROJECT SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 27
5.1 Result and Discussion: ...................................................................................................................... 27
5.2Feasibility Study: ............................................................................................................................... 28
5.3 Problem Faced and Solutions:........................................................................................................... 31
5.4 Future Development: ........................................................................................................................ 31
5.5 Conclusion: ....................................................................................................................................... 32
5.6 Project Demonstration Review: ........................................................................................................ 32
A. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 34
B. DATASHEET ................................................................................................................................. 36
C. CODES ........................................................................................................................................... 38
List of Tables:

Name Page

01 Gas sensor Specification 11

02 WBS Table 23

03 Finance Table 24

04 Resistance Table 25

05 Data sheet of Arduino Uno 34

06 MQ-5 datasheet 34

07 LCD display Datasheet 35

List of Figures:

Name Page

O1 Block Diagram 05

02 Circuit Diagram 06

03 Mechanichal Diagram 07

04 Code flow chart 08

05 MQ-05 gas sensor 12

06 Gas sensor (MQ-5) 12

07 Resistor 13

08 Power Adapter 14

09 Connecting wires Breadboard 15

10 Breadboard 16x2 LCD display 16

11 16x2 LCD display Arduino Uno 17

12 Arduino Uno 18

13 Transistors, LED Lights and Buzzers 19


1.1 Project Details:

The name of our project is Gas Leakage detector using Arduino Through Alarm System. In most
houses, LPG gas is used in the kitchen which is highly flammable. These gases are a mixture of
Hydrocarbons. Our project is to create an alarm system of the LPG Gas leakage. We are using a
MQ gas sensor which has a fast response to gas leakage with an Arduino Microcontroller. Our
proposed system use a gas sensor to sense gas when the leakage occurs. We are using buzzers for
triggering the alarm and a LCD for our output signal. When the Arduino Board gets high pulse
from gas sensor, it displays the message on the LCD and activates the buzzer to generate beep

In our project, we are using breadboard for our circuit connection. We are also using various
range of resistors and we calculated the internal resistance of our components. For the execution
of our project, we are using the software Arduino IDE where our designed code sequence is
applied and the Arduino microcontroller will be the output of those codes. All the buzzers and
sensors are connected with our Arduino system.

From our point of view, this project has many significant importance. Accidents due to fire
hazard is a very common issue in our country and also throughout the world. One of the main
causes of these accidents is gas leakage. When gas leakage occurs in a confined place such as
kitchen or industries or in car, the whole confined area becomes vulnerable to fire. Even a little
spark will create an explosion which can potentially cause permanent damage. Imagine having a
alarm system like our project in every industry and home. Whenever an accident is about to
occur, we can prevent it before it occurs. This is the significance of our alarm system. We can
modify this alarm system for larger area such as open field or in industries. We can add a GSM
module to it which will be connected straight with the mobile number of the nearby fire service.
There are endless possibilities of protection. And, that is our goal. Our goal is to create a safe,
fire hazard free environment for our family and others. Our aim is to make a device which will
be economical and reachable to every household which will provide them fire safety.

Also, our project is environmentally friendly. We are not using any product which will harm the
greenhouse process or the environment. This is also a step forward for a greener environment
which is pollution free.

1.2 Background and Motivation:

Currently, there are few existing solutions for the problem we are trying to solve which is Gas
Leakage. Some of those solutions are a good alternative and some or them has many

China is producing high quality LPG gas cylinders which are said to be leak proof and also can
minimize the accidental damage. They invented the Cylinder Valve protection cap for prevention
of any kind of leakage. The advantage of this

solution is, it does not need any external hardware or modules for ensuring safety. It’s also pre
built with the cylinder. The disadvantage is, these kinds of cylinders are more expensive than the
normal cylinders and also they are not always 100% reliable. There can be manufacturing faults
but there will be no alarm like our system for preventing that.

There are many induction cookers and Electric Stoves for prevention people using LPG gas in
home kitchen. These machines use electricity for heating up a coil which converts into heat
energy. The advantage of this system is, there are no usage of Gas. The disadvantage of this
solution is, these machines consume a lot of electricity and it’s expensive.

Another solution can be done with our existing project device. If we add a GSM Module with the
project, we can add our home number and even the fire service contact number in the module.
Whenever the alarm ticks, the fire service department will be notified. The advantage of this
method is, it provides a larger range of safety but the disadvantage is, sometimes the device can
give false alert and it will create an uncomfortable situation

Gas leakage can occur due to defective rubber tubing inside the cylinder. These rubber tubing
can be changed on a schedule basis for prevention of danger. This is a very reliable way but It’s
also a maintenance process.

There are currently many gas leakage detectors similar to our project is out there in the market.
The working mechanism of this detectors are also very similar to ours. But those detectors are
very expensive and I think if our project can be made in a larger quantity, we can bring the cost
way down which will be available for the consumers everywhere.

1.2 Motivation:
There are many motivations behind this project but the bigger ones are connected with our
personal life. Not many days ago, there was a huge explosion in Puran Dhaka due to chemical
storing in a very crowded area. Many of us lost our loved ones due to these kinds of accidents.
Fire damage in kitchen occurs in almost any household. It can be a minor burn issue but if we
look at the bigger picture, that minor burn could turn out to be a major burn. Our mothers, sisters
also spend a huge amount of time in kitchen and that area should be safer for them. Not only
kitchen but also in the industrial areas and industries, fire hazard is a big concern. If this small
contribution from us can help preventing this big issue, it will be an honor for us.

That is why we choose this project, an alarm system for gas leakage. We also want to take this
project to another step up in future for making this more reliable. We are trying to solve a
problem which is fire hazard due to gas leakage with our project. We also want to learn the
basics of Arduino based projects. Creating an alarm system using sensors with Arduino is a
perfect way to learn about Arduino based projects.

I was also motivated for doing this project from a personal experience. I lost on of my closest
school friends who lived beside my house due to gas leakage explosion. There was a leakage in
their cylinder and only he was home who could not understand the situation. Before he could
realize anything, he tried to put fire for turning the stove on and the next thing is a big explosion
and he died there on spot. These kinds of accidents can be avoided with such devices and it’s a
big issue which is needed to be looked from a serious point of view.

1.3 Project Goal:

The purpose of this project is to remark the presence of Gas leakage as a part of a safety and
security system. LPG leakage detection is very important to stop accidents and to save human
lives. Apart from LED display system, a buzzer will trigger the sound alarm and people can
notify about possibility accident early stage. The main objective of this project is to serve a
humanitarian means for safely detecting any error of a pressurized gas system in order to prevent

accumulation of combustible gases so that damage or explosion due to such an accumulation of
gases is prevented. Another object is to provide a novel safety means for detecting the leakage of
gas into the area of an appliance when the appliance is in a inactive condition and not in active.
Typical installation areas being gas yards (Bullets), gas banks with multi cylinders in manifold,
user production departments / utility areas like kitchens.


2.1 Existing Solution:
In industry now a days they are used a complex system which is monitored by Labview named
as Zigbee process. The process is designed with more compact and complexity. Moreover, it has
less movability because the result can be visualized with a fixed monitor and software.
Some industry and household detect gas through smell and sound. Additionally, some gigantic
companies use “Dog” for a higher sensitivity of smell and hearing. Soap bubbling method also
effective and low cost for detecting Gas in few stakeholders.

2.2 Proposed Solution:

This project can be used in various sector like as Nuclear power plants, conventional power plants,
industries like as petrochemical industry, Food and drink Industry, Gas pipeline and household activities.
This project plays a role to prevent unwanted accident by leaking gas. It has capability to detect
gas leakage in household or anywhere. When the gas detects it gives alarm through buzzer or
sound alarm and display that gas is leaking. In this project we have used a microcontroller which
we considered as a brain “Arduino Uno”. We can easily monitor the gas leakage from a safe
distinct place. When gas will be leaked the buzzer will activate from the taking the command of
Arduino and it will give us sound alarm and thus people will inform early as soon as possible.
Besides That, we have used LCD display that will display the message that gas is leaking or not.

2.3 Solution Assessment:

In existing solution there are no components at all. For this reason, Accounts to reliability it has
less score. In our project we used Microcontroller and thus we can control with variable
parameter. According to existing solution There ae no output signal or message system in this
system. As a result, we cannot inform immediately thus rate of accident is in higher phase.
Besides this the functionality of our project is excellent and we can set up or move the project in
any place where gas is present. As a consequence, our project has a good impact factor in
movability. In summarize, our project is easy to use and it can indicate remote stakeholders. It
has fast sensitivity and quick response time for preventing possible explosion. It is highly
secured and we can rely on this project for preventing gas leakage detection. However, we can
get higher result with a better accuracy in our proposed solution.

2.4 Technical Design: Module Level

• Functional Block Diagram:

Figure-01: Block Diagram

We have used a LPG gas sensor module to detect LPG Gas. When LPG gas leakage occurs, it
gives a HIGH pulse on its DO pin and Arduino continuously reads its DO pin. When Arduino
gets a HIGH pulse from LPG Gas module it shows “LPG Gas Leakage Alert” message on 16x2
LCD and activates buzzer which send alarm to the user. When LPG gas detector module gives
LOW pulse to Arduino, then the bell rang.

• Circuit Diagram:

Figure-02 : Circuit Diagram

• Mechanical Drawing:

Figure-03 : Mechanichal Diagram

MQ-5 Gas/Smoke Sensor will detect the smoke/ gas. Then a high pulse signal will send to
Arduino Uno Board. Then it will send signal to display and buzzer will start to beep. In the
display we can see the alert and the level of gas.

• Code Flow Chart:

Figure-04 : Code flow chart

2.6 Required Skills:
We think every individual should develop a certain list of skills for completing a project. These
skills can be pre-acquired or can be developed during the project time. Here, I am listing the
skills needed for this project, and this list is made on the opinions of all my group members.

1. Knowledge about Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno is one of the key components of our project and the knowledge of input, output,
and light signal sensors in Arduino Uno is required for the proper completion of the project.

2. Communication Skill

A group will work together as long as everyone is constantly communicating with each other.
The members should be open to different suggestions and respect other member’s points of view.

3. Breadboard & Connectors

The main base of the project will be the circuit connection on the breadboard. For this project,
every member of my team has to have the basic knowledge about breadboard connection, male
connectors, and female connectors. Then we have to develop that knowledge while we are
working with the project and know how many pins and which connectors will be needed for us.

4. Knowledge about Adapters and Power Calculation

If we do not distribute the power properly, there is a high chance of our project being burned
down. We need to know how many volts will be needed and which power source we have to use.

5. Basic Coding

Apart from the hardware side, we have to give instructions on our project based on codes. Many
of us are from electrical engineering but still having basic code knowledge will help us a lot
when we implement open source codes in our project.

6. Arduino IDE

The bread and butter software for instructing Arduino using codes and good knowledge about
this software is very essential. We will keep developing this skill as we advance.
7. Presentation Skills

As we have to report back about our progress to the honorable faculty, we need to improve our
presentation skills and be more subtle about our speech.

8. Dedication

Every member should be dedicated to work and being punctual about the deadlines.

9. Hardware Knowledge

We have to have the basic skills of the hardware we are going to use.

If we sum up all these, we obtained the following skills during the project

1. Circuit design.
2. Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
3. Develop electrical schematics.
4. Data collection and analysis.
5. Build and operate computer systems.
6. Prepare operational plans.
7. Electronic equipment maintenance.
8. Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
9. Arduino coding
10. Circuit implements
11. Knowledge about pin configuration of the Arduino board.
12. Knowledge about electrical hardware, such as digital multi-meters, power adapter.
13. Knowledge about breadboard connection and how it is connected.

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3.1 Description of Components

The hardware needed for our gas leakage detection project is listed below.

1. MQ 5/ MQ 135 Sensors
2. Resistors of various range
3. 9V Power Adapter
4. Breadboard
5. Connecting wires
6. LCD display boards
7. Arduino Uno Board
8. Transistor, LED lights, Buzzers

MQ 5 Sensor

They are used in gas leakage detectors for detecting LPG, Natural Gas, and Cigarette smoke.
This is one of the most used gas leakage sensors. These sensors are effective, low cost, high
sensitivity, and long-time usage.


Model MQ - 5

Sensor Type Semiconductor

Standard Encapsulation Bakelite, Metal Cap

Target Gas LPG, CH4

11 | P a g e
Detection range 300~10000ppm(CH4,C3H8)

Standard Circuit Conditions Loop Voltage Vc ≤24V DC

Heater Voltage VH 5.0V±0.1V AC or DC
Load Resistance RL Adjustable
Sensor character under standard test Rs(in air)/Rs( in 2000ppm
Sensitivity S
conditions C3H8)≥5
Output 2.5V~4.0V (in 2000ppm
Voltage C3H8)
Concentration ≤0.6(R3000ppm/R1000ppm
Slope C3H8)
Standard test conditions Tem. Humidity 20℃±2℃;55%±5%RH

Standard test Vc:5.0V±0.1V;

circuit VH:5.0V±0.1V
Preheat time Over 48 hours

Table-01 : Gas sensor Specification

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Figure-05 : MQ-05 gas sensor

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Figure-06 :Gas sensor(MQ-5)

2. Resistors

We have resistors from 10 ohms to 1.2k ohm for the project.

Figure-07 : Resistor

3. Power Adapter

We have selected a 9v adapter for our project. The 9 Volt Power Supply Adapter is a throwback
to the early days of electronics when 9V was a common battery output voltage. ... The 9 Volt
Power Adapter, also known as a " Brick" " Desk Wart" and " Floor
& quot; supply, provide a regulated 9 Volts DC output.

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1. Voltage Input: AC 100-240V.

2. Frequency Response: 50/60Hz.
3. Voltage Output: DC 9V.
4. Electric Current: Max. 2A.
5. Power: 18W.
6. Length of the cable: approx. 93 cm (36.6 inches)
7. Internal diameter of the connector: 2.1 – 2.5 mm (0.1 inch)
8. The external diameter of the connector: 5.5 mm (0.21 inch)

Figure-08 : Power Adapter

4. Breadboard

We will use this breadboard for connecting our wires and building the circuit. A breadboard is a
solderless device for a temporary prototype with electronics and test circuit designs. Most

15 | P a g e
electronic components in electronic circuits can be interconnected by inserting their leads or
terminals into the holes and then making connections through wires where appropriate.


• 2 Distribution Strips, 200 tie-points

• 630 tie-points in IC/ circuit areas
• ABS plastic with a color legend
• Dimension: 6.5*4.4*0.3 inch
• Hole/Pitch Style: Square wire holes (2.54mm)
• ABS heat Distortion Temperature: 84° C (183° F)
• Rating: 300/3 to 5Amps
• Insulation Resistance: 500MΩ / DC500V
• Withstanding Voltage: 1,000V AC / 1 minute
• Insertion Wire Size: 21 to 26 AWG wire

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Figure-09: Breadboard

5. Connecting Wires

We have various kinds of jumper wires and connecting wires for our project. A few of these
wires will go from our sensor to the breadboard and the Arduino Uno. We also have male and
female connectors along with the wires.

Figure-10: Connecting wires

6. LCD Display

We choose a 16x2 LCD display for our project. An LCD is an electronic display module that
uses liquid crystal to produce a visible image. The 16×2 LCD display is a very basic module
commonly used in DIYs and circuits. The 16×2 translates o a display 16 characters per line
in 2 such lines. In this LCD each character is displayed in a 5×7-pixel matrix.


1. The operating voltage is 4.7V to 5.3V.

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2. The current consumption is 1mA without backlight.
3. Alphanumeric LCD display module, meaning can display alphabets and numbers.
4. Consists of two rows and each row can print 16 characters.
5. Each character is built by a 5×8-pixel box.
This will show our output as the display.

Figure-11: 16x2 LCD display

7. Arduino Uno board

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 20 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs and 6 can be used as analog inputs), a
16 MHz resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an in-circuit system programming (ICSP)
header, and a reset button.


1. The operating voltage is 5V

18 | P a g e
2. The recommended input voltage will range from 7v to 12V
3. The input voltage ranges from 6v to 20V
4. Digital input/output pins are 14
5. Analog i/p pins are 6
6. DC Current for each input/output pin is 40 mA
7. DC Current for 3.3V Pin is 50 mA
8. Flash Memory is 32 KB
9. SRAM is 2 KB
10. EEPROM is 1 KB
11. CLK Speed is 16 MHz

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Figure12: Arduino Uno

8. Transistors, LED Lights, and Buzzers

We will be using buzzers for the signal alert in our system. Various range of transistors
will be used and there will be different colors of LED lights.

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Figure-13: Transistors, LED Lights and Buzzers

Selection of software
For the selection of software, we are mainly using Two software. These are Microsoft Visual
Studio and Arduino IDE

Microsoft Visual Studio:

Microsoft Visual Studio is an IDE by Microsoft. This software is used for programming and it
will be useful for us to check the errors in the codes we will be putting in Arduino IDE. This
software is a code editor and debugger.

Version: 2019 version 16.7.0 (16.7.30330.147)

Compatibility: Windows 7 and later; Windows server 2012 R2 and later; Mac OS

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License: Freemium

Developer: Microsoft

Arduino IDE

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and

software. Arduino boards can read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter
message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing
something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the
microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino programming language (based
on Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing.

Over the years Arduino has been the brain of thousands of projects, from everyday objects to
complex scientific instruments. A worldwide community of makers - students, hobbyists,
artists, programmers, and professionals - has gathered around this open-source platform, their
contributions have added up to an incredible amount of accessible knowledge that can be of
great help to novices and experts alike.

Arduino was born at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute as an easy tool for fast prototyping,
aimed at students without a background in electronics and programming. As soon as it reached
a wider community, the Arduino board started changing to adapt to new needs and challenges,
differentiating its offer from simple 8-bit boards to products for IoT applications, wearable, 3D
printing, and embedded environments. All Arduino boards are completely open-source,
empowering users to build them independently, and eventually adapt them to their particular
needs. The software, too, is open-source, and it is growing through the contributions of users

Version: Arduino 1.18.13

Compatibility: Windows, Linus, Mac OS

Developer: Arduino Software

It’s free software.

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Selection of Tools

In order to test the Gas Leakage Detection and Alert System the following tools are
1. Internet Connectivity
2. Hardware: Processor (Core i3, Core i5 or higher), RAM (4 GB or Higher)
3.Operating System: Win-XP, Win-7, Win-8 or higher version
4. Arduino IDE: Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board
(often referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) that runs on our computer, used to write and upload computer
code to the physical board.
5. DMM: Used DMM to find out faulty connection and measured voltage.

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4.1 Work Breakdown Structure:
Use table/chart to provide weekly schedule of your project. As we have 12+12 scheduled
meetings, so divide your work into 24 weeks and tabulate it in this section.

WBS is abbreviation of work break down structure, known as also a Gantt chart.
The division of work into convenient schedule for efficiency is named as work
breakdown structure. The title of our project is “Gas leakage detector through
Alarm System using Arduino”. In this project we will check through Alarm
system if gas leakage or not.

Week Task/Activity Members Involved

1. We received widely idea about course and supervisor 1. Rakibul Hasan Khan
guided about how to make individual project proposal
2. Rezauan Rafi
presentation. Supervisor also introduced about course
materials like books, electronic sources, and common 3. Sabbir Ahmed

2. The 2nd week is about Individual project Proposal 1. Rakibul Hasan Khan
presentation. All of the students have to find a project
2. Rezauan Rafi
which is suitable for junior design course and Arduino
based project is more preferable for this project. 3. Sabbir Ahmed

3. After 2nd week, all of the students should to form a 1. Rakibul Hasan Khan
group. The group will be formed with 3-4 members.
2. Rezauan Rafi
Students should to choose members for forming group
keep in mind that the purpose of each member should to 3. Sabbir Ahmed
be same. Moreover, member will be discussed among
themselves about goal, task, and skill of this project

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4. Group has been formed and we have discussed about 1. Rakibul Hasan Khan
title and topic selection. Thus, Registration of group has
2. Rezauan Rafi
done naming Group No-01 with information like Name,
ID, Cell No, Email and all other necessary data. 3. Sabbir Ahmed
Moreover, the title and topic of this project has been
selected with “The Gas Leakage detector through Alarm
System using Arduino”.

5. We have done feasible study about this project. The 1. Rakibul Hasan Khan
main purpose of task is actually about possibility of
2. Rezauan Rafi
adding a flame sensor extra. The functioning of code
also matters in this issue. Besides, The function and 3. Sabbir Ahmed
difference of MQ-2 and MQ-135 along with MQ-5 was
checked for using this project which will detect gas.MQ-
135 and MQ-5 had given better result in this case.

6. We have purchased our equipment through online. The 1. Rakibul Hasan Khan
website of the online site is named as “ROBODOC”,
which is very renowned and trustworthy. Unfortunately,
some tools are out of stock then but promised will be
available and notify us soon.

7. We have reviewed 3 journals for our research 1. Rakibul Hasan Khan

background 01. The main purpose of this journal is
2. Rezauan Rafi
taking idea and overview of publishing research paper.
3. Sabbir Ahmed

8. The project will be run by Arduino IDE, an essential 1. Rakibul Hasan Khan
software. The code and code design will be learning by 2
2. Sabbir Ahmed
members. Besides this we have to design a technical
diagram and simulation for implementing this project.
This task will be maintained by one member.

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09. As code learning progress will continue and other two 1. Rakibul Hasan Khan
member will now join for learning pin diagram and
2. Rezauan Rafi
connection of Arduino and other parts of this project
especially gas sensor pin diagram ,16*2 LCD display, 3. Sabbir Ahmed
how Arduino will be powered etc.

10 Now It’s time for implementing this hardware project. 1. Rezauan Rafi
Connecting all the part together and input the code into
2. Sabbir Ahmed
it. The demo of hardware part will be ready for this

11. The report writing of this project will occurred in this 1. Rakibul Hasan Khan
week. Attachment of all data like technical diagram,
2. Rezauan Rafi
Arduino IDE code and all other tables will input in this
report. 3. Sabbir Ahmed

12. We will be preparing for our final demo presentation. 01.. Sabbir Ahmed
The final report of this project also will be submitted in
this week.

Table-02: WBS Table

4.2 Financial Requirements:

For this pandemic period, we have purchased all equipment’s through online. We have ordered
from Robodoc, an online shop, which is committed to deliver the equipment’s in short time.
Serial No. Component Name Model no Quantity Price

01 Arduino Uno Arduino UNO R3 01 420

02 LCD Display 13*2 LCD 01 195

26 | P a g e

03 Gas Sensor MQ-135 01 185

04 Breadboard 02 80

05 Battery with connecting cables 9V battery 01 50

06 Jumper Wires 20 100

07 Resistor 560-ohm,100 3*2 10


08 Transistor 2N2222 NPN 3 05


09 Buzzer 3-9V Continuous 03 20

Tone Beeper

10 LED 02 10

Total 1175

Table-03: Finance Table


5.1 Result and Discussion:
In this section we have determined the relation between distance of gas sensor and time
response. Here we have seen that as distance increasing, the response time of gas sensor
is decreasing. We have taken the data in our room temperature. Moreover, we have
switched off ceiling Fan, exhausted fan and closed all doors as well as windows too. As
we initialized the value in our code that there will be 3s delay and for 1 cm it is working.

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We have taken the all the value of response time with the help of stop-watch using our
smartphone. Besides, for measuring distance we have used standard plastic ruler.

Length(cm) Response Time(second)

1 cm 3.20s

2 cm 3..92s

3cm 5..55s

4cm 6.25s

5 cm 8.25s

10s 12.25s

11 cm Didn’t response (exceeds


Table-04: Response time table

5.2Feasibility Study:
During feasibility study we have considered the The LPG users as a standard in terms of
Functionality, Usability, Reliability and Maintainability. However, our project is for
welfare of greater humanitarian. So, that’s why project should to be cost efficient and
designed with simplicity and easy. This project is cost to near around 1200 taka and filled
with mobility that’s why we can say that this project is economically sufficient and cost

28 | P a g e
We detect the gas using MQ-5 gas sensor and used Arduino as a brain. For output we
used LED display and buzzer. All of the tools are affordable. Thus, the project is
designed with full resourceful.
Moreover, Gas leakage is becoming common incident now a days. Usage of gas is
increasing now a days. This project can help alleviate the damage the loss of livestock. In
other words, it can contribute an important role in socially.

In additional to using this project we need to follow some rule and guide. For the safety
of user this project is temperature sensitive and it can function in room temperature. Over
exceeding temperature this project can loss its functionality.

Environmental issues
Our main project is about detecting LPG and Natural gas detector using Arduino for
preventing the great loss of livestock. In this project we have used various type of
equipment like as gas sensor, LCD display, buzzer and so on. Our project is mainly
detecting LPG or natural gas through gas sensor. If gas leakages occurred the fire or
flame will be mixed in air or nature. Then the concentration of carbon dioxide will be
increased thus it keeps clean preventing fire or flame by detecting gas leakage. Thus
reducing pollution through fire and smoke it can play significant role in nature and make
our environment clean and free from pollution.

Ethical issues

Ethical principles should influence much of the day-to-day functions and activities of
engineers, as is the case in many professions. Much of the engineer’s work in practice
involves devising and implementing solutions to technical or managerial problems where
ethical considerations may dictate, at least, the maintenance of proper standards of design
and performance generally.

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There are many forms of Engineering ethics. Engineering ethics is oftentimes best
explained through the use of case studies. A case study allows examples of good and bad
decision making in a real-world context. Engineering can be called as a wider version or
context of Professional ethics. When we develop or invent something, we should also
think about the ethical sides. For example, if we make a robot, that robot should also
follow the ethical standards. Our invention should be safe for humanity.

Our Project, the gas leakage sensor maintains the code of engineering ethics. According
to the American Gas Association, over 73 million residential, commercial, and industrial
premises in the United States use natural gas. It is highly flammable, and gas leaks
increase the risk of fire and explosion.

The three main problems for gas leakages:

1. The gas leakages can cause a fire explosion.
2. Gas leakages can cause of Bursting cylinders and lots of harm to the economies.
3. Gas leakages can cause carbon monoxide poisoning in people and animals.

If there is a device that helps in detecting these leakages, we can prevent such incidents.
Even around us, every day, accidents and fire due to gas leakage is happening. Though
our project is just a small portion or prototype of a very big project of gas leakage, the
small contribution we are doing by making such a device is working towards the ethical
engineering way. This concept of having a gas detector can change the whole field of
Not only a home but this type of device can be used in many other places. The improved
version of the idea of this project can be used in Nuclear Power Plants, Conventional
Power Plants, refineries, Gas fields, Gas stations, Food and Drink industries, Gas
pipelines, and offshores. This device will help prevent many accidents and ensure safety
for humans which indeed is an ethical movement. If this kind of project is made more
available for the locals, the accidents due to fire will less drastically. People can do
business with this product which will create more job opportunities and help the
consumer side efficiently.
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By following the code of ethics, we did not use any equipment in our project which can
be dangerous for the environment or human. We are making a device that will move
toward the ethical way of engineering and we haven’t faced any ethical issues yet while
doing our project.

5.3 Problem Faced and Solutions:

For successful compilation of our project we faced some4 problem regarding both in
hardware and software issue.
01.We faced problem in adjusting the contrast and brightness of LED display. we have
seen that we cannot seen any message or command through it.
02.During purchasing the components from online site we have seen that in LED display
there are no connecting pins at all.
03.In a software issue we have faced regarding problem regarding delay function.
01. We have add 10K potentiometer with RS pins and for knobbing the potentiometer we
can adjust the contrast of our LED.
02. We have wielded the pin with LED display in a view that it cannot short circuited
with one another.
03. We put main delay in 3000s and for regarding LED and buzzer we keep 1000s delay
as it can successful detect the gas leakage through the code.

5.4 Future Development:

In future in this project we can use a GSM module for informing us with a SMS alert. In
this method we can easily monitor gas leakage from a distinct place. In addition to
progress of this project we can built a robot as it can be surfed through pipeline for
detecting gas and alert us with a proper safety, we can check the natural gas pipeline
leakage successfully.

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5.5 Conclusion:

Gas leakage become fatal inferno of twenty century in household and industry. Despite of
unexpected gas leakage we can control the damage by taking some precaution with the
help of modern technology. This project is applicable in detecting gas leakage. If we
implement it in greater perspective, we can easily prevent damage of household, industry
and, vehicles successfully. The main advantage of this simple gas leakage detector is its
flexibility, mobility and its simplicity. Moreover, it able to warn its interest group about
the leakage of gas perfectly. The project is consisted with excellent sensitivity and can
response quickly. For its fast response time and less time lapse it can take its accurate
measurements as soon as possible and inform its stakeholders as early as possible.

5.6 Project Demonstration Review:

we have demonstrated the project successfully. It can detect gas like as LPG, Natural gas,
coal gas perfectly. The functionality of gas sensor is excellent. The response of Arduino
along with LCD display, Buzzer also function correctly. Sometime in open space the
response time of gas sensor is decreasing than closed surface but its successfully works.
For LCD display we have to adjust the contrast value for better view.

5.7 Poster:

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35 | P a g e

Arduino uno datasheet:

Name Specification


Operating voltage 5V

Supply voltage 7-12V

Analog I/O Pins 6

Digital I/O Pins 14(6 PWM pins)

DC Current for I/O Pins 40 ma

Table-05: Data sheet of Arduino Uno

MQ-05 datasheet

Name Specification

Total Pin 04

Operating voltage 2.5-5 V

Working Temperature 20-22 degree

Humidity 55-60 % RH

Detectable LPG, Natural gas, Coal gas

36 | P a g e
Table-06: MQ-5 datasheet

16*2 LCD Display datasheet

Name Specification

Model 1602A

Total Pins 16

Operating voltage 4.7-5.3V

Working Bit 4 and 8 bit

Current consumption 1ma

Characte Both Alphabet and Number

Table-07: LCD display Datasheet

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#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

int mq5 = A0;

int led = 13; //by default led
int buz = 10;
int d;
float p;

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F, 16, 2);

void setup()
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buz, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
digitalWrite(buz, LOW);
void loop()
d = analogRead(mq5);

if (d < 60)
p = 0;

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p = (d - 60) / 9.64;
//lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
//lcd.setCursor(5, 1);
if (p >= 30)
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
digitalWrite(buz, HIGH);
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Gas Detected");

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("No Gas Detected");
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buz, LOW);

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