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Ang What’s Inside?

Dila’s Sangguniang Kabataan

launches ‘Project Karunungan’

“updates in the new normal”

“ We will act as call center agents catering
to the needs of our constituents.
VOL.1 NO.1

Modular Distance Learning


Face to face orientation

about MDL with the parents,
pupils, teachers and technical
working group was held, July 8.

All health and safety

measures were observed like
social distancing, thermal scan-
ning, wearing mask, and disin-
fecting to avoid possible infec-

BE SAFE: BCES observes health and safety measures

During the orientation the
during the orientation on modular distance learning following processes were ex-
(Efren L. Fernandez)

plained: roles of the parents
while the child is on modular
learning, scheduling, monitoring

BCES conducts simulation on online and mode and time of distribution

and retrieval of modules.
Emily Z. Llameg modular distance learning

Parents also raised some
ince the lockdown To test the validity and effec- The school personnel con- concerns like grading system,
began, the Depart- tiveness of these learning modal- vened July 3 through google examination or tests, sectioning
ment of Education ities, they should be piloted in meet to plan and discuss the of classes, possible shifting from
(DepEd) has been selected schools through dry run. conduct of the dry run. Select a modality to another modality .
exhausting all alternative learn- Eight districts were selected in master teachers and teachers in
Parents also signed the
ing modalities to allay the fears the province of Laguna and Bay each grade level from Kindergar-
commitment and consent forms
and concerns of parents who Central Elementary School (BCES) ten through Grade six were
to ensure that they agree to help
might not have access to tech- was chosen to represent Bay tasked to prepare exemplar good
in the implementation of the
nology due to lack of devices and District. for one week for their demon-
learning scheme.
gadgets. stration.
Since face to face is not possi-
Janice M. Hofileña will facili-
To adhere to Briones’ battle ble, BCES chose two modalities Jane A. Ilagan, BCES school
tate the MDL final dry run on July
cry, Region IV A- CALABARZON to test, the Online Distance principal assigned different mo-
20- 24.
crafted and modified its own ver- Learning (ODL) and Modular Dis- dalities for each grade level like
sion of the Most Essential Learn- tance Learning ( MDL) as pro- blended learning, modular, and Online Distance Learning Mo-
ing Competencies (MELC) and grammed in the school’s Learn- online distance learning. But in a dality
Budget of Work( BOW) based on ing Continuity Plan (LCP). The virtual meeting with Ruth A. The core group for the ODL dry
the Central Office version. choice was also based on the Camacho, EPS /TA In charge and run had a separate virtual orien-
Alternative learning modali- highest percentage of parents or Prima Cecilia Ilagan, district su- tation with parents July 10.
ties were also formulated based learners preferred modalities in pervisor, the former suggested
Camacho and Ilagan joined in
on nationwide surveys conduct- the school survey conducted last that all subjects in one grade
to give technical support the da-
ed. May. level be demonstrated.
ta privacy law, creation of G-
Curriculum writers began to In preparation, the district The principal assigned MDL Suite account for the pupils, the
develop lesson exemplars and conducted a webinar on how to for grade one and ODL for grade role of parents on online learn-
modules while teachers engaged write exemplars and the use of six with blended synchronous ing, how to join and use google
themselves in webinars to equip google classroom, one of the and asynchronous mode of de- classroom and schedule.
themselves for teaching in the possible platforms to use in
online teaching.

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