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Project in Religion 9

(1st Qtr.)

Submitted to: Mr. Fredrck Tan

Submitted by: Jose Roilo M. Bacani

9- St. Luke
Lesson 1: From Christ to the Church

As seen in the picture, there is the Earth and people inside it. The people inside

the Earth pertain to not only Filipinos but also to other races around the world. It was said

in this lesson that “Salvation is for all”. Salvation is not just for the inside of the Church

but also outside of the Church, no matter what color, race, or nationality, Christian or no-

Christian. This means that the Catholic Church is universal.

Also seen in the picture is a cross on the bottom of the Earth. This symbolizes the

reign of the Lord. The Lord is the King of the world in which no one can beat. He is the

all powerful creator who created the Earth we live in. There, on top of the earth is a shape

of a man hugging the world. This symbolizes Jesus Christ who loves each one of us no

matter what our religion may be.

There is also the Holy Spirit on the right side. This symbolizes that the Holy Spirit

is blessing the Earth and the people in it. In short, all of these symbols give off one

message that Salvation is not just for Christians but is for the whole world and each and

everyone of us.
Lesson 2: Pentecost: The Birth of the Church

This picture is all about Pentecost. A particular event or happening in this

situation is the Gift of Tongues. The apostles are preaching to the people in a different

language but the people understand and have their own idea of Jesus Christ. The apostles

were able to have this gift because of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came down from

heaven as tongues of fire.

The people here symbolize people from different races. These races came from all

over the world to be able to listen to the Word of God through the apostles of Jesus

Christ. Even though the apostles speak in their own language, people still understood

them for they were blessed with the Gift of Tongues.

As a conclusion, this lesson is also connected to lesson 1 because of the presence

of the message “Salvation is for all”. People understand what the apostles what the

apostles are trying to about salvation. They speak in one language and are united by one

belief that God is the only living God loves us and would want everyone to experience

His glory and salvation.

Lesson 3: The First Christian Community and the Spread of the


The primary essence of the drawing is the idea of conversion. The drawing shows

the two faces of St. Paul, also known as Saul of Tarsus. At first he was considered a

persecutor of Christians. St. Paul continued killing Christians not until his conversion on

the road to Damascus. This was where he saw Jesus who said: “I am Jesus, the one you

are persecuting…” He was converted and changed his name from Saul to Paul.

In the first part of the picture, it is seen there the first face of St. Paul when he was

still a killer of Christians. The second part now is the new face of St. Paul after his

conversion to Christianity. It is also seen there that he had missionary journeys to

different places such as Cyprus and Jerusalem.

As a summary, conversion is a change of direction, a way of thinking and heart.

Any person can be converted no matter how brutal or violent we may be. As shown by

St. Paul, people can always turn to God and repay Him by serving Him through our own

little way. We do not need to be a martyr just to be able to do what is good for His glory.
Lesson 4: The Persecuted Community

As illustrated in the picture, Christians in these times were persecuted by Romans.

It is also said that in these times, just being a Christian is punishable by death. This was

the law of the Roman Emperors. Romans were not afraid to kill Christians in different

ways, one of which is by torturing.

The main idea in this lesson is persecution in the times of the Roman Empire. A

reason for persecution is the idea of cannibalism in the Christian community. The Body

and Blood of Jesus were mistaken for true flesh and blood of people. As a result of this

misconception, Christians were killed. Christians were either burned alive, used as slaves,

beheaded or be pierced by swords.

The message of this lesson is that although Christians are killed because of their

belief, they never let go of their faith and would even die for their faith in the Lord.

Christians were called martyrs or witnesses of God. We do not need to die just to become

a martyr. All of us Christians are considered martyrs for we are witnesses to the wonders

of God’s Kingdom.
Lesson 5: Unity and Division of the Church

The drawing shows people who say “Rock on!!!” and “Yeah!!!” together. This

shows how the Church is united. We are united for we have the same beliefs and

practices. We believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are happy of what

we do and live like as a person who is part of the one Church of God.

This lesson is also about the division of the Church. Just like in Lebanon in these

times, there is an on going war. Division is seen in this happening because of the

disagreement of the two countries, Lebanon and Israel. This happened may be because of

misunderstanding and want for power. War between the countries destroys the unity

which is supposed to be seen and experienced by the people of these places.

In general, there should be an inter - religious dialogue between people in

different religions. People shouldn’t care what religion one person may be in. The person

could be Muslim or may be a Buddhist but we shouldn’t mind it. There should be respect

for one’s faith because it only boils down to one idea that no matter who the person is, as

long as there is faith, there is salvation.

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