Career Progression, Training Area, Assessment Etc

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(iv) If the TO is satisfied, that the Trainee Student has committed any act(s) as mentioned in (i)

above, it may terminate, the training contract of the Trainee Student under intimation to the

(v) All correspondence made in this regard by the TO or the Trainee Student shall be through
recorded mode of delivery with proof of delivery.
(vi) In the event of professional misconduct by a Trainee Student, falling under schedule III of the
Ordinance, the TO shall report the matter to the Institute.
(vii) A Trainee Student aggrieved by the termination of his training may prefer an appeal to the
Council as prescribed under bye-law 107.


(1) Career Progression Plan
(i) The progression of a Trainee Student shall be through the following roles or through any suitable
alternate designations with prior intimation to the institute:
(a) Assistant trainee
(b) Associate trainee
(c) Senior associate trainee

(ii) There shall be a Career Progression Plan (CPP) for Trainee Students which may contain the
(a) Qualification or achievement in examinations of the Institute required by TO for each role,
subject to the minimum conditions applicable under the bye-laws and under these
(b) Minimum period of training required for each role;
(c) Minimum achievement required for each role in the periodic assessment of professional
skills and professional values ethics and attitude

(iii) Policy on CPP shall be submitted to the Institute within three months from the date of
authorization as TO.

(iv) TO may amend the policy on CPP any time it deems necessary under intimation to the Institute.

(2) Training areas Technical Competencies

TOs should have a formal mechanism to support the development of technical competencies through
on-the-job training. It is expected that the TO shall provide the Trainee Students practical exposure in
the technical areas given in this regulation. The allocation of training period to various training areas
shall be as follows:

Training area Period allocation

(i) Audit, assurance and related services

Not less than 1/3rd
(ii) Accounting and Financial Reporting

Training Regulations and Guidelines 2015 - TRAINING IN PRACTICE 7

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