Biology Assignment: Chapter 9 (Animalia)

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Chapter 9 (Animalia )



1. Animal kingdom (Animalia) has similar characteristics to the mushrooms kingdom (fungi), the
following are the similiarities, except?
:F. Cell wall constructed by chitin.

2. An animal has the characteristics of Triploblastik aselomata in embryonal development.

Statements that are not in accordance with these characteristics are

3. The following are the characteristics of invertebrate;

1. Bilaterally symmetrical body

2. Diploblastik
3. has order
4. Intracellular digestion
5. Diffuse nerveous system
6. Asexual reproduction by budding.

The characteristics of sponges phylum are?


4. Food digestion in sponges occurs in what part?


5. Spoons spongia used as bath loofa belo ng in what class?

:D. Calcarea

6. One example of a skeleton sponges composed of silica is?

:E. Euplectela

7. The function of Amoebosit in Sponge is?

: C. Circulate nutritions

8. Sponge was classificated into 3 classes, Hexactinellida, demosphalgia,and calcarea, the

classification is based on?
:E. Buildingblocks of the skeletons
9. Coelenterata has the following characteristics except?
:E. Live autotrophicly

10. Coleonterata paralized their prey or enemies by their stinging cell that are located at ?
:B. Tentacles.

11. Ceolenterata that can produce outer skeleton by forming corals belong to what class?
:C. Anthozoa

12. What is the benefits of coleonterata for the ecosystem ?

:A. Protects coastal zone from erotion.

13. Polyp and medusa differs in the following characteristics except?


14. One of the flatworm that parasites in humans is a tapeworm. The most effective way to avoid
worm infections are?
:E. Cook the food thoroughly

15. There are many children who suffer helminth infection. How does this helminth transmitted to
the childrens?
:B. The worm eggs that have been eaten by the buyer.

16. A small child often scratched their anus because it’s itchy and the doctors identify the cause, it’s
because a worm infection. worms that infect the child is likely to be?
:C. Oxyuris vermicularis

17. Part ... is the head of the tapeworm.

:C. Scolex
18. If we find arthopoda with the following characteristics:

- foot path of 5 pairs

-body consists of sefalotoraks and abdominal
-two pairs of antennas
-exoskeleton made of chitin
-breathe with gills

The animal is likely to be in what group?

:B. Crustacea

19. Picture below is a hermaphrodite animals, it means?

:A. Male and female genitals are directli inside one body.

20. This is the characteristic of molluscs:

- soft body
-twisted conical shell
using a leg-moving belly
-have two pairs of antennas
The animals with the above characteristics are likely to be in what class?
:D. Gastropodes

21. Mussels are often classified into the group given a different name because it uses a different
basic characteristics. The following is the correct relationship between the names and
characteristics is?
:C. Lamellabranchiata with its layered gills.

22. Yarn to make spider webs come from?

:D. Sineret

23. type of house fly mouth is?

:A. Sucking

24. Insecta experiencing metamorphosis, among others who experience holometabola is?
:D. Apis Indika
25. The number of legs is an important feature in classifying the phylum of arthropods into several
classes. See picture below.

based on the number of legs, the animal above belongs to what class?
:B. Aracnoidea,,,,,,,,,,, C. Crustacea

26. Echinoderms whose bodies do not have the arm are?

:C. Echinoidea and Holothuroidea

27. Annelids and molluscs, are in a group of animals, What groups?

:C. Bilateral Symetri

28. Below are the characteristics of worms:

- a suction device
- parasites in the vertebrate body
- the intermediary host is the snail water
- the intermediary host is cattle
- ciliated larvae called mirasidium

characteristics possessed by the worm Fasciola hepatica are?


29. Look at the following Artrhopoda table.

from the following table, which table is the characteristics of insecta?
:A. I

30. following phyla which all members are triploblastic and has the actual body cavity?
:B. Annelida

31. a living thing has the characteristics:

- have a backbone
- are ovipar
- breathe with lungs
- order form endoskeleton
- scaly body
Animals who have the above characteristics are included in what classification?
:C. Reptilia

32. Sharks are different from freshwater fish. Differences so that both are included in the different
phyla are?
:D. Body Skeleton Type.

33. Amphibians are vertebrates that live in two worlds, in the water and on land. What is the
meaning of the statement before?
:A. Able to live in water or land.
34. The mammal class has some characteristics in common. mammal characteristics that indicate
the name of mammals is?
35. See the picture below.

The closest animal relatives relationship is?

:E. Both had baby milk/

1. Animal kingdom is a group of animal that all of the members have the following characteristics:
From the nucleus, it has a membrane surounding it, the cell has no cell wall and chloropyll, they
are all heterotrofic, and all of them are multicellular.

2. Viewed from the cell complexity, the cell are classified into two, Multicellular which means the
animal have more than one cell that construct its body, Eucariotic which means it has a
membrane surounding its nucleus, and if it was viewed from it’s symetricals, it was devided into
Bilateral Symetrical which means it’s body can be devided into two with the same size and
Radial Symetrical which means it’s able to be devided into 360 o rotation.

3. Viewed from the development of it’s embryonic state, Animals are classified into Dipobalstic
animal which means it has two embryonal layers that consist of Ectoderm and endoderm, and
tripoblastic which means it has three embryonal layers that consist of ectoderm, mesoderm, and
endoderm. The next classification of animal were from it’s body cavity, Aselomata which means
it has no body cavity, Pseudoselomata which means it has a body cavity because the mesoderm
creates a kind of layering that separate the body cavity creating cast body cavity, Selomata,
animals which has true body cavity.

4. Based on the cellural complexity, embrionic layers, body cavity, and body symetrical, animals
are classified into a few phylums, Porifers, Coleonterata, Arthrophoda, Mammalia,
Echinodermata, Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Insecta, Nemathelminthes, and some few

5. Based on the development of the spines, animals are devided into two, Vertebrate, and

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