A History of English Language

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A History of English Language – documentary

Part I

1. The German Origins

-the actual origins of the English Language are in FRIESLAND (Nederlands) – the Frisian language sounds
the closest to the ancient English language spoken 1500 years ago

-both modern Frisian and modern Englishcan be traced back to the GERMANIC family of languages

- similarities: FRISIAN ENGLISH

buter butter

brea bread

tsis cheese

miel meal

sliepe sleep

boat boat

snie snow

see sea

stoarm storm

- In the 5th century, a Germanic tribe of the family that contained also the Jutes, Angles & the Saxons
sailed to Britain

- before the Germans, the land had been occupied by the Romans who conquered the Celts and the

- in 491 the Celts were decimated - the Germans used the word “WELSH” to describe them =
“foreigner”, “slave”

- the Celts and their language were pushed to the margins – few Celtic words survived in the modern

crag rock

combe deep valley

brat child

broch badger
tor peak (as in toponyms such as Torpenhow)

car fortified place (as in Carlisle)

- the language that prevailed was that of the victors

- by the end of the 6th century the German tribes occupied approximately ½ of mainland Britain – divided
into different kingdoms: Kent, Sussex, Essex, Wessex, East Anglia ( from the tribe of Angles), Mercia
(Midlands), Northumbria

-iNG termination =” the people of “ eg. Reading

- TON = “enclosure or village” eg. Wigton

- HAM = “farm” eg. Tottenham

- from all Germanic dialects only the Anglo-Saxon dialect emerged = Old English

- words that remained from Old English: now, youth, son, daughter, field, friend, home, ground,
prepositions: in, on, into; by, from, and, the; all numbers, drink, come, go, sing, like, love – but they
sounded differently centuries ago.

2. Latin Influences

- together with the revival of Christianity, Latin became an important influence (this is specific to English:
the layering of words taken from different sources)

Latin English

altera altar

apostolus apostle




-also English took the Latin script (the Germanic tribes used RUNES to write)

- the monk BEAD recorded a history of the English speaking people in Latin = the language of

- 8th /10th century – BEOWULF – epic poem, author unknown – in Old English written in Latin alphabet
+some runes – it marks the beginning of the English literature tradition – it shows that English was a fully
developed poetic language

- oral poems start being recorded in writing

3. The Vikings (The Danish Influence)

- Old English almost became extinct because of the Vikings (pagan pirates) – they burnt monasteries +
their libraries

- 865 A.D. – the Vikings decided to take over the land

- the Danes now controlled the N&E – only Wessex was free

- Old Norse was spreading throughout the land – Old English was now in the same position Celtic was

- king Alfred the Great – the savior of England – defeated the Vikings – peace treaty - border between
Wessex and Danelaw (crossed for trade, business, intermarriage)

- English Toponyms with Danish influence:

- BY ending =farm

- THORPE ending = village

- WAITE ending = portion of land

- Names ending in –SON

- BECK= stream

- GARTH= paddock

- angr (anger), bole (ball), freckmur (freckles), knif (knife), knakki (neck), rot (root), vindanga (window)

- the group SK is characteristic for Danish : skor (score), sky, skule (skull),

-pairs of synonyms in English:

Old English Old Norse

Craft skill

Hide skin

Sick ill

- in general, English adds words from other languages increasing the richness and flexibility of the
- Old Norse restructures Old English (based on word order, endings) by having it add articles,
prepositions, pronouns.

- the decadence of written English – few monks to understand and speak Latin for religious purposes –
King Alfred orders religious books written in English.

4. The Normands (French influences + Indirect Latin influences via French)

1066 Battle of Hastings Wiliiam The Conqueror

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